KITTREDGI' SQUARE URBAN REI{J,I.,IAL PLAN BOSTOiJ REDI]VtrLOP].iEi.]T AUTIIORITY t|^y, I972 rrP. el ili-I , 110r'r CIIAPTtrR I; DESCRIPTIOIi OF PROJtrCT : Proj ect Boundary l.lap ,Ihe bound;rr ies of the I(ittrcdge Sguare Urban Rener,'aI Pro j ect sha1l be slrot..,n on i'1ap 1. Propcrty IIap, attached hereto. Section 102: ProjecL Bound.ery Description Section 101 Arca The I(ittreclge Squalc Urban Renetval Project is bounded as follovrs: Beginnirrg at the intcrsection of the northcrl)' sideline of l.lorf o1): Strcet and the eastcrly sidcline of Highland Street and runn i ng easterly along the nor:therly sideline of Norfol]< Street to the extended easterly boundarl, of nurnber 11 Norfolk Street; Thence, turning and running southerly along the extended easterly boundary of number 11 No::foll< Strcet to the northerly sidel.ine of Ili 1.Lnon t Str:eet; turning and running easterly along the extenCed northerll, sj.deline of llillmont SLreet to the easterly sidelirre of Lambert Avenuei Thence, turnlr,, and running southerll, al6ng the easterl), sideline of Lambert Avcnue to th.: southerly sideline of Cedar Street; Thcnce, tu::ning and runn-ing northr';estcrl)' along the southerly sideline of Ccdar: Strect to thc easLcrly sideline of Ilighland Strect; Thencc, tr.rrnincJ and ruru:ing sor.rthcrly along the easterly sideline of IIighland Str-eet to the ei:tended souther}y bourrdar:y of nunber l-04 Thence, Ccdar StIee i L'. , turning and run n ]. Irg t:cstcr11'a1ong the extended sor.r therly ary bound of numb.jr 10 4 Cc:dar Strcct to the easterly bounderry of nnml-:cr 112 Ccdar Street; Thcnce turuing and rur.lning southerl), along the casterly boundarl, 9f cr l-1.2 Cedar Str:cet to thc souLhcrli' boundarl' of nuilrJ:cr 112 Ccclar Thence, n umb Strcct i Thence, tuirrri ng anrl 'I',trunnlng 2 rr^.'t-f boutrdarl' 6f nltntbcr' Parll 1y alo11g thc c>rtcnclcd sorrtlrerly Lrect Lo tllc easLc):fy siclcline of Cedar t;e s t<-'r Si ; Tl)clrcc, trrrning ancl ::unning southcrJ.l, along thc castcr:ly ):ounclarl' of Ccdar Parli to thc c>:tcnclcd southcrly boundary of numbcr 4 0 Ccd;u.Pitr)l; 9... ^]. r r],\ J. Di,:JCRII'TIOiI OR .PROJT':CT Section 102: Project Doun<lary l'lalr (Continucd) Thcncc, turninq ar:d num).:cr 40 Ccdar i)arl< running rvestcrly along thc sotrthcrly bou::dary c: to Lhe rvcsLerLy boundary of nunrber 40 Cedar Thencc, and runn.i ng nor th c r'1y along the r+esLcr11, boundary ol nunrber 4 0 Ceciar Park to the sou th e]: 1), bounrlary of r:untl:cr 14 Cedar Park; Thencc, turrrirrg and running vlesterll, along tlre s ou thcr 1y boun.J ar ie s of numl:er 14 Ccriar P.rrii, numbcr 12 Ceiar Park, numl:er 10 Cedar Par)<, numb<:r B Ced.-rr Park, number 6 Cedar Parli to the easterly boundarl' s1 nuil).:cr 2 0 Highlancl Pari< Avcnue; Thence, turning arrd rur-rning northerly along the casterly bour:dary of nuuil>er 20 Ilighlancl Park Avenue to the southerly bou nd ary of nur,r]:er 6 Ronar Terrace; Thencc, and running rvesterly along t-l-re southcrly boundal-ies of nu,trl:cr 6 Rornar Terracc, number: 8 Roinar 'Iel:race', number l-44 Cedar Str: numbcr 146 Ceda:: Street, the extended northerIy boundarl, of nun):er 9 3 lrort Avenue io the r.rcste::Iy sideline of Center Strcet; ?hcllcc, turning and runrring northcasterly along the r^resterfy sideli:te of Ccrn l-er Strect to thc e>rter-rded easterly sicleline of IIighIa:rd Str()et; And t)rcncc, turn-ing and running southcrly alonq of IIigh ).and Strccl to the point of beginning. - ?_ the easter:Iy sidelir-'le CIIAPTIII I.t: Rrillitl^L OIIJIICTI\7[S AI']D AC'IIONS Section 20I: Urban Rcncrval Pfan Objcctives Thc basic objectivcs of urban renc\raI action in the l(ittredgc Sguare U.r:ban Rr:nci.ra1 Ar:ea arc to elinrinatc prcscnt condiLions of bl.ighL, dotcrioraLioir ancl o):solescence, and to provide basic neigirbo::hood f ac j.liLics i r-r order to brirrg about orclerly gro\rth and stabiliti' in tl.tis ar:ea. Specifically, t)re objcctives are to: insu::e tl-re public health and saf eLy; a pl:o:lote and e>:f,cclite pul.,rf ic and private derrclopment i b str:cngthen t-hc physical p.itterrr of 1oca1 neighborhood activitics incluCing t.I-rc dcvelop:lcr-r i: of parks and open space to support existir-rg and proposcd resideutial uses. d) pLonote stal--.,i1-itv of tl)e e.'<istir-rq housing stock through rehabiLitatj-on and nev con strttction; e) pro,,'ic1e a subs;tantial nuraber of low and modcratc cost housing units througl-r rchabilitation and neiv construction; f) pre,jcrvc airci enchance the area's l-ristorical. and architectural valu(:s. Section 202: Types of Rencr.ral Action Proposcd t1,pes of renc:vral. action rvithin the project area sha1l consist of rccl cvc 1oi;:ic t-- activ j.ties, ch.tnges in laDd use, provision of pu):}ic inrprovc:ricr.r t s and f acil j-t-ies, rights of r.ray and utility chert-:gest ;rnd relrerbilitatiorr activities. r-r Redeve a) b) c) d) e) 1oi::iicnt ac t-.iv.:i. tie s r.ri 1 I i-nc lude : acquj-sitiorr of real propc:rtyl marlatcnrcnt of accluirod property i rc1ocation of tl)e occupants of acquired propcrty; install.atior-r, construction and recoltsi:ruction of im;:rovcrncnts; disposition of 1an.l and othcr propcrty in accordance r,rith the code requ.ircn(.rnts, land uscs and other provis j.ons of this U::l.lan Ilenc-rrral. P 1at1 Rehabilitation activ-iti.cs includc: a) the ..jysto!l;rt j.c cnforcciLtcnt of rch-:i.Iitation standards set f <>rth j.n Chi:ptcr IV/ Sect.ion 403; b) rch;;rt. j-on assistancc for rcsidents; c) acqu j sit-ion ancl <lispos;it,i-on of rcal propcrty not in uccol:diLncc witlr tlre rchirll-i.l.itartion s1--irt:dardt st:l- forLh ir-l thc Urban Ilenci.'al Plan; d) acqrris j.t'-.i-olr, And disl:osition or clcarancc oJl rcal proircrt), r.:lr-icl'r is trot- rnldc to conf o.r:m to rchabi.l itation sct fol:Lh i.Il thc Url:irn llcn c\'/a l. P:l-iut, e) opcral:ior: ojl rr 1f5 - 3l-2 rcha):ilitaLion loin and gr:ant'- pr-ogr.rrn. CllAPTIlli. II: IlUl{EI'IAL OBiIiCTIVIIS AND hCTIONS SectioD 2022 Types of Rcnet'.'.i I Action (Continued) Public ir,rprovcmctrts shaLI include : thc adrlj,tion, alLeration, abanclonnent, improvement, extension, recons t:ruct i on , consLrr.rction, and installation of open space, trcc .rnr1 J.andscaDinq, and such utilitics as \vatcr, sewcrs, traffic signals, and strect lighting systerns. Thc 1o: cal-ion of public open space shall be shovn on llap 2: Proposed Land Use Pl-an. Public utility changes shaI1 conform to the existing stl:ect pattcr.n sl'ror.rn on this l,Iap. CIIAPTER IIf: Scctiorr 301: LINI) USI PLAN Propoicd Lan(l Usc PIan The proposed usc of land Proposcd LaDcl Use. in tl-rc Project Arca is shown on Map 2 Section 302: Land Use Pr:ovisions and Building Requ.irements The use ancl develop:ncnt of Disposition Parcels shall comply provisior-rs of Table A and Secti-on 303 of this pIan. rvi th the 1) Disposition Parcels are listccl in Table A and are locaLed as on t{ap 3, "l)isposition Parcels" 2) A permiltcd land use, specified in Tab1e A, in each casc includcs aI1 accessory and ancillary uses custona]:iIy or: reasonabli' inc-i-derrt to the use specif iccl . Any clrange s in permi.tted uses sha11 be revievzed by the Authoritl, and l'lccic1 Cities in the corrLcxi: of the provisions of this plan and shall be subject to approval by the au thori ty ahd l,lodelCities. 3) Disl:osition Parccls may be subdivided if approvcd by the Autlior-iti' and ].Iodel Cities. 4) The ma>:j.muni floor area ratio shall mean the maxirnum pcnnissible ratio of gr-oss f J.ool area of a strucl-ure or group of structurcs total Di.sposj,tion Parcel area. Ir: the conputatioh of floor ' to ilrea rat j-o, "gross f loor area " shalf have the same as in the Bosl-on Zotrlng Code, as said Code is amended from time to timc . 5) IIeighL shal-l nean the vertical distance in feet from the mean grade of thc sider.rafli at tho line of the sl-rcci: or st-rects otl wltich tl-le buiJ.diug abul-s, or a givell gradc elevation acl jo j.ning the ):u il.ding line, to the highest point of the roof (c>:cIuc1ing pen t)rcru s.:c:; and ::oof structur:cs). Ileiqltt vri11 also rcfcr to thc nutnbcr of storic:; of thc ):ui.Iding st;itecl in thc p1an. Thc ma;:imrtirt I.le j.ght slrrLf l- bc su)'l j oct Lo Aut)rority and l.lodcf C j.Lies app:: ovit l, ) Sct):lck sha1l. mcan thc d j..,ll:ence in fcot ):retr.rccn the Dispositio:-r Parcol. Iilc apd r',,., closcsL facadc o1_ thc ):uj.1<ling al_ r"Jr<:ur.rr'l Ieve1. llhc rn-itr j.uur:t scl-l;ac:k of buiJ.dings f ::onr strcct'.s an<1 rva1,s attcl f r:orn adjaccnL 1r:.'opcrtics shtrll l:c sul:jccL i:o Authori,L), alld l'lodcl- C-i. Licr; .r1;pr.'orra1. 7l Ilct dr:ns;i.Ly s).ial1 tncan thc nurll;cr of dr.rc 1f inrl r.rnil-s pcr.' na.rt acrc: i. n c,l-rr:;:ir,,o ol ot-i-sitc atcC(.rjiS roa<ls, scr:v.icc dri.r,,cr;, arrrl ar.r 1c par:)ring, pl;ty and <h.rc I Iing 5(lt:vlccr arcas. 5 1- -6- CIIAPTIIR III: LAI,ID USII PLAi,l Section 302; Land Use Provisions and Bui.lding Requircnents (Continued) B) for each Disposition Parccl set f orth in ']'a):Ie A \rltich f olIovrs. Plannir-rg design rcquircmenLs are A: TAI]LE )i s pos iti )arcel LAND USE AND BUiLDING RIQUIRTI,IENTS l"lax inunt on llumbe Pe r rmi t ted Land I la, 1b, lc, ld, 1e Use Residential , low 'l , A,B,C.E,F Res i AA AA A,B,C,D,E,F,I,J, denti al low and moderate income hous i ng AA AA E,F,J,L NA NA G NA NA G,I I AA A,B,C,E,F,i I AA A,B,C,D,E, i ncome 1 through A l0 Res off idential , s tree Commerc i NA AA t al Not App l i cabl e Subject to the Approval .PI F ) Open Space , Park including off street parking : A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H, AA (Infill Pl ayground revi ations & l ng 2 rb ng i gn Requi rements B,B,C,E, Res i P3 Des AA denti al , iow and moderate income hous i ng, open space, park rR 25 20 per Pl anni 1 hous i lRl th rough o ity acre Residentiai, low t3 Area Rati Den s J,0, Residential , low income hous i ng (Infi lI ) ?2 lle I and moderate i ncome hous ing t l'lax imum Fl oor ay lot, , off-street of the parking Model Neighborhood Board and the Boston I Redevelopment Authority I , I'Li\i:ill::(i )i !: l)--Ir I :ll.) cil ]?t'ol'l 1 )'l::'ilj)iTl: I,cttc).'Ij .lictccl in Tiblc A rcJlcr to tho folloir'i'r:g: sj.te s)1i11 )>c f orA hi1;h Fc:.'cc11t.:rc of n ci, di.rc).);;..unitc otr crach n p:.-i.r,';rtc acccl,:s .itl<l . i).so,'; of :r.crc: t):.rn o:)c irrclivici'.ta1 prorridcd for as ntatry ):i:lcorrics) s!:a11 bc out'dc.:or :;1>::cc (r1::oti::<1 un B i t:; :r s 1>o:;s:' ).r Ic . Dcvcloi>.-,cni sha1l l:c co,)sirj';(:nt anl co::'r1:lt!'t:1c l'rit)r curl.o'.t;rciing e>:isting al:cl i>l'oi>oscci clevcl o:?:cnl:. rc::Pcctilg r,tir';cria.l., !o::m, and a;:'J ,lloCc.:1 Citics a;rpioval. Spccifj.c scale, subjcct to bc 1:aid to thc co;;i::rti):,i1it)' of tltc ttcir <lccoirs.idcration r'ri11^u'clrol:ity vel.op,ncnt t.r-L th tlre historicai .rrrd arcl!i{:ecLuraI ai)Pcal:ance of ..tlre arca. Netr clcvclop:rrcnt shall )rot ut)duLy dinrinish light .rnC air to I Dear):y str:ucLures. Tl:e sL::uctur:e or struc{:ures shaLl bc dcsigr:cd so as to visually the facades of abuttirig structurcs. E. connect Convcr:icnt vehicular access sha11 be pror.ridbd to the )rousing. .ndcguate ::cc:.'cation areas fc:.' si;ra11 childrcn and,/or laridscal:e<1 arcas for a<lults slralI be proviitcd fo:' G. t, of tl)c resicicnts. A1:;::-'o;.>riit<: rccrcaLio:r c:1u.ipncr',t s):a11 bc proviclccl subj cct {-^:.trtl:orit1, and }iodcl Citics ayrl::: <.,v.'r L . Lancl scaF.C pcilcs apPro\ra 'l . usc tri.rn rra),s sh.'111 be proyi<icC srrb j cct' to ,1u thc::i tl' 1 Api)r-oi)!iai:e and/ar pa,ring shii11 be plovidcd to nuthoxitl, and l.1odc1 Citics Ai>proval J relationship of grour:ii f lccr uscs 'co upi:c.r f loc:: uscs, incJ.uding sci>ara',:ic;r of enLlancc$, sh,:1I be sribj cct to lui:l:c::i'c'., approvcrl and i.!oCcI Citics api)r:o','al, Dcs:'.gn Spccii i.c cc:t:,r.-::c-i.rJ. uscs sll;r I.1. )rc sr,rl> j cc'c tc .:,i:tira:i'.:)' a1::r3;6..'21 futurc uc(.rs sha]I bc rcg ulii'.c <i b1, 4 i "r..ritic:r ag::<:c:rcnts. ar:cl L. p::ovisio;)s of C)ra1:!cr 5u)-rjccL to L)rc rehebilitatio:r La::d r,'i.LL nc iq !r i-: l>c o: iro c:l i,) ^,r /... of tlris PLan. lo i::rl i i. cl ir a l ab'.rtt:c::s/a:ir'l or io bl cc):as a (jl:o,.li) ioL cc:::lru;t:lI ci:c:r specc or iri, r'l: i;: q ',,' ...,, I1,, $cc L j. on 30.3: Gc:lc'.r:ir.l. I:c(luir:(rriic,l{-5 pro'., i : i.c,:r: of t): j l<.rtt l)ra11 ag:irly /l::ca <:::cc1.L lts c:.:1.>.::c:;sI5' o L)rc l:i,,i s c 1::ovidc<1 'l')r c 1. I;rri 1cl to tlrc cntil'c Pro jccl: . i rlg CrrtLr.;t::ttcti.on .\1.1 l:rr j.ll.<1i:tgs s)ra) 1 bc const::uctccl in f u1I co:rp 1i a nco r.rith sta{-(-. an(l 1ocaJ. 1atts, o::<l.i na:lccs, co<les ancl r-cgulatio:rs. 2, ,i..: t cr.. i. o): all ': L:'.5hting E:rter-ior 1ighL5.:rg usccl to ligh{: cloo::s, cntranccs, sho'., r'rinclo'.:s, be L)1azn' s, p:rrllirrg arcas, open spilccs and rrate): surf accs shaIl locatcc'l an('l shicl.('icd so as to p::cvont glarc on ad j:rce:rt ' properLj.c.j. FlooC J.iglrting of buildings or strcots r"ilI bc perrnit:tcd subjcct to ap1::ovaI b), thc irutliority. 3, Off-Str:cct Lcading of al.1 builclings st,al,I dc:.ronstratc to the satisfaction of t))e AuLho::it1, t:)ra'j. the of f -st::eet 1oac1i;rg nceCs tlrc ))L'opcr:ty r.riJ.1 bc rr3t acicqu;rt.e1v, or tltat the 1ac): of sucn f ac j litics is cluc to c::isting con.iit.ionr:, ):uL r'r:'.11 l)crt bc Cctr.itacrrtal to a):c:s adjacent tc such ;irol.;crt1,. Loa.jing vel:.ic1cs to Loa<l a:ld u::l.oird t.,ithc..ruL inLerfc::ir:g \..'ith r'rcdect::iati or velricr:Ia: t::trf f ic orr r:igilts-of -r','.r1'; l,lut irr ))o case shaIl ):a1's rJcsigned to p:::r-';:rj t vc):ic ler-; to bacl; cl.i.rcc!i;, peroenclicu.l:-rr {:o .rights-o):-i.'a!, be pcl:;:ri,;tci. '.r'lre fo11cr,'j.i:g c;rrlCclines to the of f -st):eet loaiing bay rcqr.rirc.::rc))'i.s a::c apn). j.c;r):Ic to thc ugcs pc:-;:liLied; hoi;c,.'cr, sircc.if ic requi:-'cnicnts as dc(:mcC ai>prop:iate for- each Di.sposrtio:r Parcel s]:a11 ).>e sul)j cct to .|,utho!-it1, .:,pprova1: Devefol>er:s atrC or.rncrs Grosi Floor Ar ca (i:r 000's sq. f L. ) Unclc r' 15 I (-t: 0 50-1. I0 0-- l 50 150-:l 00 3 0 0 .i ,. ;: J.r,r ReLail CorlileLc i a ll. Gcre):a1 a^-,.. -.... i :,': f t))c):ccf, Ins';i';r:iic:'.i,l. 0 (,.. 0 1 L: 1 2 1 J u o:: cecl: ;rclcliLicrrir 1 15C,000 crlr:a::c f cc'; ('t 1:r,ri,>1:c -11.- t: c I 0 0 0 0 a 4* o': l?--si.'ir::'-:i 0 0 2 ,) 5* o','c :: s I Office, 4* /.1.: j!,! ---.:^- .r:..^--r. i ^-r- \ru -.!e.: c: : SecL j.on 303: Gt:ncral Rccluirc cnts (Continucd) 4) On-SiLc Improvcmcrlts j.1dings, open spacc and other improvericn'{:s shall bc maintaincd i.r: good rcpair and irr c1oan, sanitary ai:d attr';rctivc conditj.on. Suf f icient anC suitable refuse and garl.,agc storagc and clisl,osal faci-1iLies, i-ncluding structural cnclosures \r'i)e:e appropriate, shal1 bc provicled and properly maintaine<1 . A11 5) bu Open Spacc A1I open arcas shal1 be suitably landscaped so as to proviCe a visuall), attractive en\rirorrr[ent. To the fuflcst e:{te]rt possibJ.e, subject to Author:ity approrral, landscaping al:d plant j-;. shall be maximized and paving of open areas nininized. 6) Parking Areas Parking areas include all space allocated for vehicular use, including service drives, maneuvering space and par)<inE spaces, as t.,'e11 as space devoted to meeting landscaping reguirc;ilents contained in this sub-section 7. Three hundred squarc feet shalbe allocated per required space,. e>:c.l-usive of space devoted to meeting landscape rer;uiremenLs, unless specific parlling plans providing for less arca pcr space are approved by the Authority. Unless othenrise pernitl:cd by the Authority, off-street parlling spaces shall- be avai f .il).1-c in a uumber suf f icient to mect tlre needs of persol)s etiplo),ed aL, j-n or otheririse usi::g tne f acilities invol"r,cd, and shalI meet the fo1]or.:ing rcqu-i-re- ments: Use residcntia l r f ami11, re s iclcn ti a I , elde::ly retail c<,r:rncrcizrl co:rwrcrci.a1 7 2 1.0 pcr 400 square fect of gross floor area 1.0 per 250 square fcct of gross floor arca 1.0 per 1,000 squarc fect of gross institutior-r:.rl In dc tc.rrnin i.nq s r+i 11 st ancl a rd (.r) per dtielling unit per dr';c11ing unit floor arca i:hc ar.rproPri atencss of par):ing arcas, thc bc colr:; j-dr:rcd as dcsirable guidclines: fo11o::i:rq,r Ilxccpt on nra jo:: strocts, s j-ngJ c 1ar:gc opcn al:cas arc cor.rsiclcrcd utrilcr;iral->l c. Scvcra.l- stnal lcr parking arcari to Inc:ci- p.u,I:iltc1 rcrlrt i. rc'ilrc )t t s .trc ctlcor-trit1t c1 . l.or rcsi.dcr.rt-ia]. lta::cc.L:; particularJ.y, t'.rhc::e l)LlnlcroLt:i p:Ll:):in'.; spacc:j arc rc<1tri::c:d, sitrglc pa:.-):itrr; arc;r !,;lr.rulcl c):cc('(l 1.5 pcrccnL of tlrc arr:a of Lhc P;rr:cc.l , trnJ.css othc:t-r.'i:;c ;t1:'1:t:o'"c:ri L1' the Authoriti,. - 1 ?_- Scction 303: Gel:er-a1 Reqtrircmcnts (ConLinue1L) All p.rrking rcquired in connection with residential dcvelopmcnt should be within 400 feet of such devclopment. (c) A11 open parking areas should have at lcast onc tree fot' evcry six parliing spaces. (d) An open par):ing arca in e>:cess of 10 parking spaces shotrld be visually scrcened with or approl:riatc along thc peritneter. (e) Access clriver.:ays shatl be a minimum of 20 fect in rvidth if one-i,ray, arrd a minj.mum of 24 f eet if ttvo-vray. (f) Appropriate night lighting should be provided. In the case of Disposition Parcels for housing for families of lorg or moderate- incone, and subject to the approval of thc Authority and the PecleraI llousing Adninistration, the parking reguirement m.ry be met vrholly or in part by spaces prorridccl on public rights-of -r.ray adjacent to such housing units, provided that such parking spaces arc clearly interrded by their location aild design to be.used prir,ra::i11, by residents of such housing units and their visj.tors and further provided that the rights-of -r.,,ay are intended primarily for the rncvement of vel:ic1es to residents of suc}r housing or their visj-tor Departurcs from thesc Auidefincs r,ray bc pernitted upon a de:ronstr:a.ticn by the that thc intention of this sub-section is otherr.rls;e substantial.l), mct. Parllir:g space req,.rirements can be met. by either opcn or corrct:cr-l parll.-ing st)eices r"ho11y or parti-a1ly vrithin the buildirrgs housing the pl'incipal uses to r+hich the site is devoted. (b) 7, Provisions for Ilandicapped Persons A11 ner.r buiJ.dings shaII l>e so designerl- that persons in rvheel- can cutcr and ]eave and travel about thc L:,uilding in reasor-rablc tran)tct: vri-tltout ulrcluc obstruction. L a Sign Control Signs shaJ I bc rcstr.j.ctcd to tlrc non-animatcd and nor:-f 1;rsiring typc, idenl j.f yinq oni.y thc cstal.:Iishmcnt and nal-urc of its products. All signs rnust be suita)rly intcrgra';cd rr'ith t-he architc-:cturaJ. dcsign of Lhe structr.rrc vrhicll thcl, idcntif i,, tlLc hciglrt of si<;ns ..;lrii11 not cxcccd trrcnty-f 6rir' (21r ) inc)rcs. Thc size, dr:s:ign, location and nnmber of s)rall bc sLrirjc:c'' to thc: ap1'-,rovitl. by thc: Truthori,ty, I'lo shnII Plroloc'. aborrc: thc r<.:of of thc structur.c or.r v,'hich it i.s rnoul)t-cd. Any c::ccpL j ons to tl)c a))ovc co:rtro1s, or thc p.[accrnor]t or rt:p1acc;ncrrl- of ar.ry :ign shaIJ, bc subjccL to approv.rJ ):;y tllc Author j- i:), . 9. Stot:;rgc. -'i's _ SecLj.on 303: Gcuclal Rcclu i r:crncu t- s (Colrti.nucd) 9. Storagc air storagc of lnatcrials, equipment or ntcrchartdisc, ot.hcr than autcnobilcs, sl-ra1l noL be pernit.ted rv j.thout ttriLtcn Thc opcn approval Ly the Authority. 10. or ::c1:lacernent of all private and public utilishatl bc undcrgrouttd. Utility easelnents , \.rhen neccssar\;, sha1l bc protidccl by developers. Eascllents shall bc checlicd a)xl accci)tc<l )>y the City of Boston Public lnlorlis Departnent. The placcmc'ni: t 11. Vehicular Acces s Vehicular access to Disposition Parcels shall be determincd at the time dispcsitiorl agreements are signecl by the Authority and the developer of thc Parcel. It is the intent of this plan to provicle vel:icular access from the rear of Parcels or f::onr sidc str:eets, avoiding, r.rhere possible, direct access fron majo:: arterials and cross-tol.rn sl-reets. 12. Coniirols o:r Property to be Conditionally In the ever)t that the Authoritl, acquircs proper-ty for fai lure t.o corirl:J-r, \.riLlr the Urban Rcner'ra1 Plan as irrdicated indicated in C)iapLcr IV, Section 401, the uses and dcvelopmcnl- of sttclt property sha 11 be sul.l j ect to the provisions of Sections 302 at:d 303 of C)ra;:tcr IIf , and to the Rehabilitation control s sct f o):th i.:r Chai;tcr IV, Section 13. Contr-o1s or: Cor:tiguous Parccls In thc er,:er:t that thc Authoritl' clisposes of a Dispositio:-r Perrcel or) an)' subdirrision of a Disposition Parccl to a dcvel"o!-.c:.tvho or'rt-t s a cor:tigr.rous parcel not part of the clcarance or dispositio:r ar.-cir, the Autl-roriLy rcscrves the rigltt to inrpose such cont::ol,s as arc ncccss.Ll:y t.o ir-rsure thaL the use and dcvclo!:'.r'::-.'; of ):otl'r pal:c(rls r.',iI1 be in confornitl, r,.ri11-, the objectives of this pI;rn. Sccl--i.oir 304: Dr.rraticr.r of Cont::o1s 1:rorr i :: i.o r: rj Drr(l r:ec1ui.rc,mctrts estirblisl.rccl ir-r thc plal s)rei.I ).>e t:ta j.:r t,a j ni il and in cffcct for .r pcriocl of for:ty (40) ycirrs f rotn 1-ltcr dat:c of thc oriry j.nal approval of thc Urb..rn Ilcncl:irI Pla:: l->1' t)rc Ilo:iLor Cit1, Cor.r:rci1, c>:cc1>1- f or: Scctions 50I ard 502, Thc t.rlij.clr s)r:rII Lcluain in cffccL for-' a pcriod of onc hundrcd (10C) )rcarl; f rort siricl clatc. -).4- Scction 305: App).icabilit)' of Co:rtrols to Real Propcrt)' noL to acqu i rcd bc All rcal propcrty lvithin thc Kittr:e<lgc Square Urban Rencr.;a1 Arca not schcdulcd for acquisition and clearar)ce and nol- conforning to tho goals and objectives of the [Jrban Rcnewal PIan rsill l:c brought int-.o compliauce t'ith Lhose goaIs and objcctivcs if it is deter:minccl by thc Authority that the e>:isting condi'rion:. is detrintental or potential detrrmental to the Project Ar:ea. -15- CHAPTER IV: PROJECI PROPOSILLS Section 40L: Land Acquisition The Aubhor:ity na}, acquire thosc properties designated acquisition on I'Iap #1 entitf ed "Prope:cty I'Iap. " for Section 402: Cond.itional Acguisition of Propert.ies for . Failure to Rehab i I itate properties design.lted for conditiona.l- acqui.sition on Map r'i1 and Lhose properties found to be vacant .or._ abandoned pursuant to Section 406 provided: The AuLhority may acquire those 1) The propert-y does not conform to the rehabil i tat ion standards set forth in Section 403. 2) Either the property is (i) blighted, decadent or deter-iorated or (ii) constitui:es a non-conforming incompatible or dcLrimental land rrse accorrltng to the provisions of this p1an. 3) Eithcr a p:lopc:aI for the correcl-ion of the violat:ions of thc rehaibiliL;rtion star)dar(ls .i,s not submit'Lt:d in accordance t-he p::oceriurr:s sei'- forth in Section 406 or rehabilitation is not undcrtakcn in accordance vith said pro cecirr::es: Section 40 3: Rehabilii:aLion Standards structurcs viLhin the Proj ect Area vhich arc not des igcat.e<} oD ltap #-l as "Propetty 1;.6 bc Acquircd' shal1 be: main taincd at or madc to conf o r-in to thc follorvin.1 lar,rs, codcs and ordin.rnces a]ld any revisions and amenC:lents thereto: AJ.J. 1) the "Sanitary Ccde of the Cor rlonwealth of l.lassachusetts": 2) the "Building Codc of the City o! Bos'con" 3) the "Fire Prevent.lon Ccde of thc City oi Boshon", s<:i out in ChapLer 3 of thc CiLy Ordinanccs of 1959 and ratif icd by Chapter 3I2 , ,l,lassachusctts hcts of 19 6 2; 4) the "Boston Zoning Ccde": 5) ' Chaptcr 143 of thc thssachusbtts Genet:.rl Laws, the Commonwcalth of l.lassaclrLlsct-ts' PubIic Saf cty Regulations; - 16_ 9 -L'E'- 0 o ,,'p. jrnbDV rq of x:).rrdord,, se Tii det,l uo pcleu6Tsap ?ou xf .rado.:d .(:ona pue r{cpa lcodsul lTeqs I:}IJoqlnV oI{S ,/ , ocTloi.I puc uollcadsul : so'r/ uorlcos Pa.7 P oql Ur onT €A T e:n1 -Jalrqo:e pue cT.rof sTq Jo sa.rn:)3r.Jf s luerT;tu5ts an:asa:d ' (S) jJ oa.ror[] s.rasn prre sluedncco aq1 :cy .dq TlTqe^TT Pue s soua^Tlc e.rl1e ,siouTnJasn,aJuaTuonuoS ,IJ T ualu e g:o .-'o:5ap 1so:]eaJ6 pue oJes '1uo.ap olcafc aq1' 6u'rptao:d sa:n1cn:qs X.r e11 ues : TenpT^-rpuT Jo enTeA cTurouoso aql azTT'!qPf s t') satl:cdo:d t^Lrc oseaJcuT (E) I . ,i uoTf Tpuoc punos 01 sa.rnl3n.r1s pue searP 6ut1e:o1:o1ap oJo:)sa.r .... ! suoT? -!puo3 pjEprtPqsqns puc 1r{6TTq Jo acuo.r:ncar aq? I (z) se lTar\ se pea:ds ortl ?uonaJd (r) 3 O? Se OS IUaUJUO.ITAUa .rTar{1 pue safnlcn:Js TTe urelurEru pue a-rn3as 01 oq TI eqs po.rv lcafo:6 oq1 utq11m tr3ratlce uof?pfTTTqeqa.r .ro sarrJlcSIqo, srseq oqI sanllcaIq6 T e.rouag :tOt 'alqecilddeuT suoTsTno:d qcns oxput ol pouacp aq ?ou TTeqs suo11e1n6a: ro 5poc aoueurpfo ,/'leT qJns true go suolslno:d true u1o:oq ql.roJ ?as o? aJnTrpg 'alqecrldde r.raqA suoTl -e1n6a: pue scpoc ' sJ3ueurp:o , si,,pT r-lJns :opun poprao:d osrr.l:aqf o se pue sAcl TP.rauog str?osnqcessell ,gTzT :a1deq3 pue tr1ZT :oldcqJ Jopun paplno:d se pano-idde pue pa -lue:6 oq treur suotleln6o: pue sopo? ,s.cutulplo , s,n{eI qcns uror; suorler.,ap letlf ,ror[].rnJ ,pTesa.ToJc ortf lo Xuc Fq pJ.rTnbJf :o poscdul sT ucrll uolfoTflsa: :o1eo:6 e sosodru; upTd sTr{f of,Drla f aqf poprno:d I suot1u1n6o.r pue scpoc , 's^ref TcaoI pue of ef.S olqcotlcJcie .rorlf o Tfe uoTloaS I (r) t) : sI.r:)oll pup sosnoq 6uturoo: ,:,-rsnoq 6ur6po1 Jo caucuclureur pue 5ur:;uccTT or1l o1 pctldde sE ,,, su()r:Julnf;;11 c:c11nn1cTA i I I{hencver it has bcen found on inspcc'c i.."1 tirae a rcsiclentiel or non-rcsidential propcrty or strucLu"c 4ocs not rnceL thc objectivcs, standards and rcgulation:; of thjs Chapter, the Authority sha11, within a reasonable 1.',:ricd of time after the inspcction, givc noticc of such nonconformancc to the olvncr of said propert), or structurcs. Such shall bc in writing, addrcssed to the owncr and to other pcrscns required to be notified, at their last knorvn addrcas, and shall be sent by certified or registcred mail . Such notice shalI state why it is being issued, shall spccify fhe respccts in tqhich the property fails to raeet the obicctizes, standarCs and regulations of the Chapter. Such notice may also set a proposed schedule for beginning and each part of the work provided that a reasonable time is allowed for the performance of any act required. If, at the end of such a period, satisfactory conforinance to the standards and objectives of this Chapter have not been achieved, the Authority may acquire the property if it is designated for corrditional acquisition pursuant to Section 402 or if it is found to be vacant or abandoned pursuant to Section 406. If the property is not acquired pursuant to the precedillg sentence and orqner complrance has not been achieved, then appropriate legal ac:ion will be brought against the owner to enforce the rehabilitation st-andards set forth in Sect.403. Section 406: Acquisition of Buildings that are Vacant and,/or Abandoned. If a building is found to be vacant and/or abandoned, it may be acquired on accourrt of the o\{ners' failure to rehabilitate it provided conditions under Section 402 (a) anC (b) are met and providec'l vrit.hirr thirty ( 30) days following the sending of written notice from the Authority, the orvners thereof fail to submit j-n rvriting a statement indicating their intent to rehabilitate the property; or, within sixty (60) days follo.,ving sending such notice, the ovrner or o\,vners fail to submit a rehabilitation proposaL which is consistent with the controls and requirements of plan; or rvitnin six (6) months follor+ing approval of such proposal by the Authority, substantial work tor?arCs the completion of the rehabilitation is not clearly evident. A building may be founC to be vacant and/or abandoned if the Ovrner or o'v,'ners thereo f have f ai led to p.1y property ta>:es thcreon by Deccmber 31 of the year in which such ta:<es are assess and such buildiDgs rcmain unoccupied for fifteen (15) days. - 1B- CIiJ\P 1'TII ?ROJIC? PiLoI O:]rLS (Cont ir-rucd) ]',\ I . Scction 407: Tcchr)ical Assistancc Technical assislancc for rehal:ilitat.ion shal.l be proviied l)1, the Autho::it:, fo:: the ftlrPosc of providinq guicancc in pla'ning, dcsign, constiuction, financing and e>:ecution of inclivic,ualre hal: il ita t ioir acLivities as nccessary to cariy ouL the provis ions of this PIan. SecLion 1103: Propcrty that. I.1ay be Acquir€d for Rehabil-itation Propci:ty acquired by Lhc A,uthoritl, anC disposed of for rehabilitation shal-l bc subject to Lhe requiremcnts of this Chapte L- anci Ciraptcr IIf of this PIan. Section l-.C9: D.velopers' ObI igat ions of tj:is ."ect:i.on shall apply to each Parcel upcn ition by tl:e zluLhcr:ity and sha I l- be irnplerne ntcd by Thc Provis ioris i-ts Cispos appl:opraate covcnants and provis ions in disposition docu:ic::ts t Coni:l . iancc r,;ith tire PIan Dcvc.l.o::;cnt of tl:c Iand in thc Prolcct arca shall be macle sub j cct to thc lcg'ulations anC coni:r:ols se b forth in this Pl;.r.l. Thc purpose of sucir regulations and col'ri:rols is to assure r.l-iat the f,€DC\.,;al ancl dcvclop:ncnt of such land r,;iII conforll to thc planning anci design obj ectives of thc Plan. It'is ti:ereiore thc obJ- iga tion of aI1 dcvclope rs not only to cornply r,;ith these regulatiol)s and conti:o1s buL afso to familiarize thciaselves \,rith thc overall Plan and to prcpare <lcvelopnent propcsals rthich conform the rcr,i ith. 2. Design Rcvicr,; AlI dcvcloplrcnt proposals \.'i.II bc subjcct to dcsign rer,ric:', cornrncn'c ani approval b1, 1;66 Authority prio]: to land disy:csJ-iion and prior tc the coinrncnccrncnt of construchion. - 19- ,, Section 3. 4 09 : Dcvclopcrs' Obligationl; (Con tinrrcd ) Ger:era1 Oblj.gations The AuLhor.ity sha1l ol>ligatc devclopcrs ancl purcl:ascrs of land j.n t.he ProjecL Arca, arrd thcir succcssors artd assigns, by covcnants and corrditions ::unning l.r j- th the land or by othcr appropriate mc;rns for real;onablc actj.on iu thc evenL of clefault or noncompliance by such dcveloi:el:s .rtrd purchasers: (a) (b) to dcvotc, develop or othcnrisc use such land only for the ptll:posc and in the manner stated in the Plan; to comply rrith such terms and condiLj-ons relating to the use and maintenancc of such land and inprovcments thc::eon as in the opiuion of the Authority are neccssal:)/ to car:r1, out thc purpose arrd ob j ect:lves of the Plan and of the relevaut provisions of Chapter 1218, Massachusetts Gcneral (c) Laws i to conuncnce, exccute and complcte construction and improvemcnLs in accordancc rvith reasonable time scheclules as de l-c::nined by, the Aui:hority ancL agreed upon by the develol:er. (d) (e) (f) to give prcfcrence in the contracting of all construction vror:k to contractors locaLed in the ilodc1 Ncigl:borhood emplol,ing rnorc t]ran fifty per:ccnt (501) of its vrork force from t)re I'tcde1 Neighborhood and to recluire all contractors to employ liocle-l- lJcighl:orhool residents for at leasL fifty perccnt (50t) of cacl: trade utilizcd in said construc t ion r'rorll , uhcre app:-:opriatc, to give pref ercnce j-n the selcctiorr of tcnants for dr'.'cIIing units or tenants for comnrercial space l:uilt in thc Projcct Arca to persons displaced on account of action ta}<cn pursuant to this PIan vrho desirr: to renl- sr.rclr coinmcrcial space and lvho rvill- be ab.l.e to p.ry rents or prices cqual to reltts or prices charqccl ollrcr tenants for similar or comparablc space buill as parL of tl:e samc devcloprienti r,;here app::o1:riatc, to rcgui.rc that a minitnurn of f if ty p(-:i:ccnt (50i) of all dr.rel,1in9 units to be built in the Projcci; Arca bc r.riLdc avai lal-,llc at a sa,les price or a rcllLa.). fc:rsi,]>J.c for lor.r or mod or ate- irrcomc familics and indi-viilual-s; (s) 4. i:o :nakc a(lcquate pro.r,rision:; for roor):s of art ancl othcr amcnitics in ;rccordancc rrith thc po1,ic1' as cstabl.ishc(1 . Disl-ro:.;i11.o,l by Dcvclopcr -',t0 - : Dcvolopcrs' ol:Iigations. (Continuccl ) A developcr shall- not disposc of all or part of his intcrcst r.rithin a Parccl acquircd f rorn thc rlulhor j-ty rvithout the rvrittcn corlscnt of t,l're Aulhority until- thc full compleLion by the dcvelopcr of all irnp::ovcrncrr t s recluircd by and in conformity \rith the ternrs altd cc:rditions of Lhis Plan ai:d Lhc Land Disposition Agrecment entcreC bett,:celt in Lhe c1c.:vcJ.oi>cr and tlre Authority. Such consent shall not be grantcd c]:ccpl unCcr corrCiLions that vriIl prevent speculation, protect the intercst of thc Authorj.ty arrd the Citl, s1 Doston, and effect cornpliaucc rvith and achieve the objectives of Chaptcr 12J-B' and r.rherc applicablc, Chapter I21A, of the l'lassachusetts Gcneral Scction 4 09 410: Underground Utility Lines The Plan proposes the relocation or replaccment, as necessary/ of all existing substandard or inadequate public utilities rvith nevr under:ground lines adequate in capacity and f lorv and conformar"rce with local standards. SecLion Scction 411: Historical and arcl-ritectural Facade Easements i s Plan pl:oposes the prererval:l r-.n of the substantial hist--,;" ancl arch-i i. r 'c trlrar.l vaIL:i:s ,. thr, . ttrcciqe Ssuarc aiea bv a . mi>: of inceirtir,res, cor)'Ll:oIs, and rcsidc'n1 cidcaLion. Sp6cif rca-,i" this plan 1:rovides for the purc)rase of facade easements on the plo: per'Lies that neet the criteria statcd in Section R-21-2rI of the K1t:Thesc eligilr"re proper:ties S<1ua.rc Loan ancl Grant application. . redge are sho'rlr in map # 4 entitled "JJ>:isting l,and Use " . Tl-r . -at - Chapter Anti-Di:jcrim j-nat,j.on and LocaI IirnployrncnL Contractor Selcctiou Provis ions V an<l Section 501: Affirmativc Covcnant Every agrccne,)t, learje, conveyancc or other instrur,rcnt by which land in the Projcct Area is disl:oscd of b1' 15s Authoritl' for uses uhicl-r nray iDclude ltousiDq or facilities relatcd to residerrtial uses sha11 include an affirmative covenal-rt binding on the contractor, lessee, grantec or othcr party to such instrulnent and on thc successors in int:erest to such contractor, lessee, grantee or othcr party that thcrc shall be no discrimination upon the ):asis of race, color:, creed or uational. origin i l-r thc sa1e, Iease or rcntal or iu thc use or occuPancy of such land or any improvements erected or to be erected thcrcon ind the Bostoll Redevelopment Authorj.t)' \ri11 take a1l- steps necessary to enforce such covenant and rvil1 not itself so discrirninate. Section 502: Compliance with Ant i-Di scrimination La!/s aI1 transactions affecting or respecting the installation, construction, rcconstruction, maintenance, rehabil.itation usc, developmenl-, sa1e, con\reyance, leasing, management or occupancy of real property rvithin the Projcct Area sha1l be subjcct to the applicable provisions of Chapter 151-8 of the I'4assachusct'l-s Gcnererl Lar:s (Tc::, Ed. ) , as amcnded , and to all other appJ-ical.:Ie federa1, State and locarl laws prohibiting discrimirration or segrecJation by rcason of race, coIor, creed or national A11 pr:oper:ty and or1g1n. Sectiorr 5 03 : Prefererrtial Empfoyment of l.lodel NeighborhooC Residcnts Contracts for all co:rstruction work to be carriecl out by the Authcr.ity or an), othor Public .^gcnc1, in the l.Iode1 Neighbor:hoocl Arca shaI1 requi.rc thaL tlLc gencral contractor and sub-contractor agree as fof lor.:s: I 2 At lcast f.if ty perccnt (502) of rvorl<crs for each tracle sha11 ):c residcrlrLs of +-he l4odc1 Ncighbo::hoocl Area, providcd that a lotier 1:ercerri:.ar1e requircrmcnt may be set irr thc cvcnt tlrat thc l.1ode1 City Adrnirri strator detcrmincs that tlrerc are insr.rf f icj-cnt vrorllcr-s in the trade for thc particular worli; A rcPort shtrl.l bc sellt to the l.Iodc1 City Adrni,nisLlator each rnontlr r<:garrcling thc cotnl:'rosition of thc cont-racl-or's h'orli f orcc ; -?-2- Cl:a1:tcr V Anti-Discr j.rnination anc.l Local Urnploymcnt ConLrac Lora Selcclion Provi s ions and Section 503: PrcfercnLial E,nploymcnt of Model Neighborhood Rcsidents 3 5 ) The contractor rr'i.1.1 give noticc to communi {:y -ba s ed agcncies specificd )>y thc I'iode] City Administrator of job openinqs, and vril.l. follor.r ccrtaiu other procedures to be specified I City Ad:ninisLrator in connection vrith rehirirrg cruiting, and reporting; The contractor wj.11 submit to the }lode1 Citl' Administrator for approval a training program r.rhereby unsl<ilLed tvorkers will bc evaluated and promoted; by tlie A (Continued l'loc1e The agency performing the \./ork may withhold paynents or cancel the contract in the event of the contractorrs failure to comply rgith the above provisions. Section 504: Prefercntial Selection of Model Neighborhood Contractors Contl:acts for all construction vork to be carried out b), the Authorily or any othcr Public AIJeDcy in the l,lode.I Neighborhood shall be arvarded pr.rrsuant to competitive proccdures which maxir,rj-ze opportunities for qualifieC Arca ConLractors: 1 Area Contractors al:c defined to include any conlractor or sub-cor1tl:ac tor r.rho meets any one of the folloruing thr:ee rcrluircnents: (1) mor:e than one-half of iris business is orr'r'rcd by porsons r.rho have lived in such area for at least six montlls at the time b.ids aie received, or (2) morc than one-half of thj-s r.;ork force at aII sl<.i11 leve1s l:as consistcd of per-sons living j,n such area for at leasL si-x months mcasured from the start of such employment \rith thc bidder, or (3) his principal place of busir-rcss has been in such area for.r period of not less that: si>r months prio:: to tha time bicls are oper:cd. 2. An Arca Contractor shall be cleemed to have the capacity to 1>e::f onn thc rqork in question if in the opiniorr of the I,1odo1 Ci1:1, Agcncy l-re is a co,'l-ractor or sub-contt actor t-,,h o is cx1>c.r:i cnccd in pcrformincJ, arrd has satis;f actol:iIy cornpleLed, rvorli. of a sirnilirr ty1>e and costing at least onc-haIf thc cost of Lhc rvoLli as cstimatcd by the ar,rarding autltority. 3 I{hercvcr f casi}>lc r;u):-l> j ds or: scparate l:ids shaf .I be requcstcd for thc scparatc conrpcil)cnt-g of a constructiotr jol; in ol:dcr to rn;L::irrrize t)ic opl)ortunj.ty of Arca Cotrtriici:ol:s to l:id on vorlt r.rh thcy ltavc thc capacity to porf orn. -23- Chapl:cr Anti-Discrilrination and Local llnrployncrlt and ConLractor Sclcctj.on Provisj.ons (Corrtinucd) V Section 504: 4. I're f ercnti.-r1 Selection of }lode 1 NeigirborhooC Con,;::actcr-s (Con{:inuccl ) Dxccpt rrhcn prcvcnted by contrary lega1 requircmellts (e.9. c.149, s,44L, I.t.G.L.), the 1:ub1ic agency shall reguirc bicidirrg procedures trhich givc prcfet:cnce to qualif icrl Area Contractors. Such proccdures shall requir3 that r.rhcr-r at 1cast t\ro completc bids are rcceived fro:';r Area Contractors having the capacity to perform the r..'orl< in guestion than the contract or sub-contract shal1 be awardcd to the Area Contractor vrho submite the loi.;es{- re- sponsible bid. 5 6 At leasL tr"ro rvecks prior to advertising for bids on a construction job, the public a.ger)cy responsible for ar.:a::drnE the contract sha11 give rvrit.ten notification to the l.iodel City Administl:ator and to the Cor-rtractors Association of Boston, Inc., (227 Ro>:bury Street, Roxbury, 02119) thc type of job, the ar.rarding aulhority's estiniate of the value of the proposed rvorll , and the tcntat:\'e date set for reques{-ing bids. The avrarding authority shall encourage ger)era1 contractor.s to use qualified Area Sub-contractors in prcparing the:-r gencra.l l:ids and si-raIl require general contractors to substitute qualified Area Sub-contractors for sub-bid.Jc::s listcd in their Genel:al Bids vhen the arvarding authori'-i, deeras it to be in the public interest to so reguj.::e, Such substitr.rtion sha11 be requirecl r.rhen a revie!.' of the gener:al contra-ctors' and of his sub-contractors' past e;:.p1c;'ment pr.rcLiccs dertonstr-.rtcs in the opinion of the ar.;arc-.i::1 authority the unlikclihood of cornpliance rqith t):e avrardirrg ar.rthority' s equal emplo1,mgn1 rcquirements and tl:e unlillclihood of sul.rstantial cmploymcnt of persons resicli:j withi)'r the }loCcf l{eighborhood. Chapter VI: modif. j.caz/rt alrd Tcrnination Section 601-: I4odification This Plan may be hor,,,cvcr, that - I 2. amcndcd Any amend)ncnt rvhich irr the rcason.rl:le opinion of the Authority subs{:antia.l.}y or matcriaJ-Iy afters or change s the shaIl bc sub j ect to tllc Irccleral , State and 1ocal approvals the:: required by lat.r; No amendmcnL to an1, rpov.ision of Chaptcr VI of the Plan shall- be effective rvith respect to any land rvhich the Authority has thcn disposcd of or contracted to dispose or wiLhout the conscnt of the othcr party to such dispositj.on or cor:tracl, or such othcr party's successcl:s orassigns; 3 at arryLimc by thc Authori.ty, provi<led, and If this Plan is recor:ded rvith the Suffolk Registrlr of Deecls, no such amcnCinent slral1 be effective until the anendtit..:llt is al so so recorded. Scction 602: Termination This Plan sha1l be in full force and effcct for a period of forty (40) 1,6ar'r f ror,r tbe datc of its a1:proval by the Division of Urban Rencr.r:r 1 of the Hirssiicl)us;etts Dep.l:tncnt of Comniunity Af f airs, e):ccpt for Scctions 501 arrd 502 r',)ri-ch sl-ra11 rcmair-r in effect for one hunclred (100) years f::ort said datc. -25" KITTREDGE SQUARX AMENDMENTS DOCLMENT NO, DATE PARCEL 3t64 7123175 50-52 Highland Street 68-70 Highland Street 6194 211,5t0t 7 Alvah Kittredge Park Block 100, Parcel This listing was updated: May 16,2002. 14 Document No. 3164 Adopted at Meeting of 7 l23l 75 RESOLUTI|)N OF THE BOSTON REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY RE: MODiFICATI0tI 0F THE URSAN RENEI'IAL PLAN OF THE KITTREDGE SOUARE URBA\ RENE}IAL AREA PROJECT NO. XASS. R-167 the tJrban Renevral Plan for the Kittredqe Square Urban Renerva l Area, R-167, rvas adoDted by the Boston Redevel opment Authori ty on Project No. Hass. llovember 30, 'l972 and approved by the City Councjl of the Cj ty of Boston on February 5, l973; and h|HEREAS, Section 601 of Chapter 6 of said P'lan, entit'l ed': "1'lodif ication and Termination" provides that the Urban Rener'ral Plan ma.y be modified-at any time by the Boston' Redevelopment Authonity provided that if the general requirements, controls and restrictjons appljcable to any Part of the Proiect Area shalI be modified after the lease or sale 0f such part, modif icati on must be consented to by the redeveloper or redevelopers of such part of their successors and assigns; provided further that uhere the proposed modjfications may substantia l1y or material1y a)ter or change the Plan, the modifications must be approved b-v the Boston City Council and the Division of Urbar,, Rener,ral of the Massachusetts Degartment of Cornmerce and Develoomenti l,lHEREAS, Section 402 and 406 of Chapter 4 of the said Urban Renewal Plan respectively entjtled: "conditional Acquisition of Properties for fai lure to rehabi l itate and Acqtr .si tion of buj ldinqs that are vacant and/or Abandoned", provide for the conditional acqujsjtion of certain properties shown on property Map #i of the said Urban Renetra'l Plan should they be IIHEREAS, abandoned not rehabilitated and the properties at 50-52 lijqhland Street and 68-70 Hiqhland Street, Block 107 Parcels I and 9, are among those so shown and the olner thereof has stated that the.y wilI not be rehabjlitated by him as required, tIHEREAS, NOI{, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOSION REDIVELOPMENT AUTHORiTY: That l4ap #1 , "Kittredge Square Property Map, be amended .l07 changing 50-52 parcel I and 9' Hiqhland Street and 68-70 Highland Street, Blocks from the category "Conditional Acquisition", to "Properties to be Acquired" as shown on the attached maps. ? That the proposed modification is found to be a minor modifjcation wh'ich not substantially or material1y alter ot" change the Plan' J That all other provisions of said Plan not 'i nconsistent herewith be and are continujng in ful l force and effect, 4 That does the proposed develooment tvi l'l it is hereby found and determined that jmpat'rment of the environment and damaoe to or not result in significant measures have been taken practicable and and feasible means further, that al) and are being utilized to avoid or mjnimize damaoe to the envi ronment. That the Djrector be and herby is authoni zed to oroclaim by certificate provjsions these mjnor modjfications of the Plan, all in accordance with the ,l974. B' August .1 Circu]ar dated of the Urban Renerval [{andbook , 7201 ,t I I i I ; I F .'J, I I :r I ir I ", ,': J ll;,Ui; .'-:.1 .: i ,.) ,r .( il .: :'t ] r.i , () di__._.._- -: t- o (1. / (1 ::) 'cc o N o- o is) 'e (9 .F 'd ,l- li L .: r-i, I ,; L,J 2 '4 it- :-: . '-. t)) 't .r -; L^ 9 oo2u J h.J :fi li: @ I !\ & iti o o o p A d q 9) 1. ,j.' )< ,to .l ,. :;, ,l tt I llt :r a I lrl ,11 'j iii l n-" 11 o 't i;u) U) () I=UJ FF CJ <{ F C- qz ul f, -v aFo e o a )t- >v d" ./ (- '-i /,t /' /.., t nct.' o'-ta'2 1.:F ,' !-1 I ) i; I LrJ o .: i ,".1 . O_'.-ti, ,. F o0-) a t! <)., :., t a^ vc c,tb,. ,+ l':. rJ \ rL t, (, .1 9", I I lrl (:i ()r- '-. 1sl'. 1 {-- )/ t r\ )', F. -&, I,J c,. r. ,i o /, : ;i\ 1 i/ i \ ,} i' i\ ( ,c; cj .ii I ,,) -:\- ...-'- .l: t ut !,; 1(, \ ) I ot t.- q9 p {& o1 E z, :li o 5 E.h I I F ctg u)..-(Lz UE:..rFO <o. =u ..1 I oudN I ul o .. )lo I - i" i Eq 9d N9 et oI 3n"? o -H tr;u) F.:1 () F :-u .{ I I i"::; .\\ '\\ (2 t>/ o) I 4,1 c. 2 ( I J ,) ?lt? I t) \ ,:) i E:ut g <F Y :., LJ 'I M. K. REALTY TRUST 120 Hemenway Street BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS 021T5 oArE July 9 Phone (617) 261-3333 5 Concernilng property at 50-52 Highland st. Roxbury 68-7O Highland st. Roxbury SUaJEcr ro Boston Redevelopment Authority AttanEion Mr - Fred Kassman RR Boscon CitY HalIBos t.on Mass . L9'l - Dear Sir, I like Eo inform you that Im the leg'al owner of 58-70 Highland st Roxbury' and the Attornr:], in fact for 50-52 Highl-and st. Roxbury. Herewith I like to communicate to you that I have no intention of rehabiliiat.e the abovementioned proPerties. Please , take the neccesary steps.of acquisition through the B.R.A. offices, and channels ' Thank You . Sincerely Yours . ///-t--Z'A PLEASE REPLY IA SIGNEO NO REPLY NECESSARY t-0A I,m4cRAr.rDUM .3i( v TO BOSTON REDEVtr OPI,{m{T ALETIORITY FROil{ XOBERT SUB]E T }l]NOR, }4ODEICATIO{ OF KITTRED@ SQTAFE URBAN BENEIiAL PLAI{ T. IGiI$gY. DIRECJOR ADDITIO!{AL ACIUISITIOTiS MASS. PBOJEqI NO. R-167 SUM,ARY: Thj.s nsnorandr.m request tlnt the Authority adopt a rinor npdification to the Kittredge Sguare Urban Renewal PIan jn order to permit tie acquisition of certain lErceLs of land. Block 107 Parcels Iand9 Or July 9 | 1975 | Martin l(oplow, legal o,.ner of ttre properties at 68-70 Highland Street and the Attorney-in fact for the properLy at 50-52 Highland Street, sutm-itted a letter to the Authority stating that he had no intention of rehabilitating tJre properties at those addresses as is reqr:ired under the Urban Renei6l PIan. He further reguested tlrat the Authority acqulre said properties, Section 402 and Section 406 of the Kittredge Square Urban Renerral Plan provide for the conditional acguisition by the Autlority of certajn propel:ties I that are shovn on map #I attached thereto, that are abandoned or not rehabilitated jl accordance with t}re plan. It is to the advantage for the Authority to acguire the above captioned properties, sjnce they are c-orner properties on a block wtrere aI1 but one ixterior properLy Lrave been acguired. It is therefore reccrnrended that the Authority adopt the attached resolution modifyirrg the Kittredge Squa-re Ui.ban l{ene\,/al Plan to provide for the acquisition of 50-52 Highla:rd Street jn Kittredge Square (Block 3-07 Parcels I and 9) . An appropriate resolution fol1ows: Attachrnent Def b lq+ 4dPrd RESOLUTION OF THE BOSTON REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY RE: MINORMODIFICATION OF THE URBAN RENEWAL PLAN OF THE KITTREDGE SQUARE URBAN RENEWAL AREA PROJECT NO. MASS. R-167 WHEREAS, the Urban Renewal Plan for the Kittredge Square Urban Renewal Area, Project No. Mass. R-l67, was adopted by the Boston Redevelopment Authority on November 30,1972 atd approved by the City Council ofthe City ofBoston on February 5, 1973; and WHEREAS, Section 601 of Chapter 6 of said Urban Renewal PIan, entitled: "Modifications and Termination" provides that the Urban Renewal Plan may be modified at any time by the Boston Redevelopment Authority provided that if the general requirements, controls and restrictions applicable to any part ofthe Project Area shall be modified after the lease or sale of such part, modification must be consented to by the redeveloper or redevelopers ofsuch part of ' their successors and assigns; provided firrther that where the proposed modifications may substantially or materially alter or change the Plan, the modifications must be approved by the Boston City Council and the Division of Urban Renewal of the Massachusetts Department of Commerce and Development; and WHEREAS, Section 402 and 406 of Chapter 4 of the said Urban Renewal Plan respectively entitled: "conditional Acquisition of Properties for failure to rehabilitate and Acquisition of buildings that are vacant aad/or Abandoned", provide for the conditional acquisition ofcertain properties shown on property Map #1 ofthe said Urban Renewal Plan should they be blighted, decadent or deteriorated, vacant or abandoned, or not rehabilitated in accordance with the Plan; and WHEREAS, the property at 7 Alvah Street, Kittredge Square, Block 100, Parcel 14 is blighted, decadent and deteriorated, has remained vacant for 25 years, contributes to the blight, decadence and deteriora'tion of the adjacent parcels and the area in general, and has not been rehabilitated in accordance with the Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOSTON REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY: i. That Map #1, "Kittredge Square Properry Map", be amended by including property located at 7 Alvah Kittredge Park on 1,486 square feet of land (Block 100, Parcel 14), and be identified as Parcei 8A ofthe "Properties to be Acquired" as shown on the attached map. 2. That the proposed modification is found to be a minor modification, which does not substantially, or materially alter or change the plan. 3. That all other provisions ofsaid Plaa not inconsistent herewith be and are continuing in full force and effect. JC/154RPT 020601/1 4. That it is hereby found and determined that the proposed development will not resuit in significant damage to or impairment of the environment and further, that all practicable and feasible means and measures have been taken and are being utilized to avoid or minimize damage to the environment. 5. That the Director is hereby authorized to proclaim by certificate these minor modifications of the Plan, all in accordance with the provisions of the Urban Renewal Handbook, 7207.1 Circular dated August 8,1974. JC/154RPT 02a6ut2