rirsqnl Rqrfta,qsFrqH ,,=.:. e{fuhTq tsga ris "*%HffT#oT:#.ggxn#Jffi 6aeT enq. €r rfi. ig ok-ff "=ftnd fiE T/faarlq / 2eo / ft'qrr) qlc iqt -442605 (qel) (1994 qdl "l ro.rfuo nnq fuorlis 7132' 216554' 223104 R n/07 /2015 15 ia qi, qERlE {II€-{ effEaa 6 gT::fl Ti\ry *rfr" u.ra-e sr? s?-r q a-r RrqTq RqFr riqFrdraT qTtrdl +-,fr'dT stri-4i'q]T rcc.-'r'3?Q/o.e/ERI-Y, Eqif, lte'"s' i"?'?. ffi'ZT wf ffi;F,id -",l #'.ii;'#"i;; {+tFi-?c??(3F.rzqr)FqRr-x' fi ffia,rlsffi wi qRdl ffiiqq s lot'u' trt'j {flqq fuffi nisqFl {jtfl *rrqra elTadt 3G a-+s qrqFriqrrfrt ctda 3r{4 sel 3{rqrqtrsarcR qrfi{dl epqrtsT 6. yo of te.,z? lsr (Academic council) ffiarq* faqqR-oq *q# qTi. ii ffi #; C*;.""" 3rr.M qqgr* Frg-flfi qETlq f+alfrd 3TF{F-qc'^?'tc'x €FraT.) rTaq d iqr *oc rv(e) wE+ n", nfidflo idcr{lzrq}-n fd-{;q1fg1lqdq 3lt? fi-fr .*n** qiqdr6 t*".Y.$ rEa 4-60l "R"i* l]Ffi(LlquivalenceCommittec) l1{€?.rdT ffn # *nt Eqrm' ryrr r*f s-qFfiTfr;q FacultY of Arts tlonr thc Acaclemic ot clrl. ur L'rrs C otttrc tl 1[)ist-(ihantlraPttr ttiecnuinnu" rr'! clTttt" g*id i :"::f'::1.::i":.r-aerrrq l3::Tl;:i;#l Dr. Vivek Joshi J.S.P. M. College' Dhanora Dr. P. ArunPrakash j Yn,lo,,ruu l)oshcfti\\af College Tadodi Balapur Dr. Parmanand Bawankule c.llege' Gondpipari' e nominated by the J chintamani of studies to Disr-c.handrapur ,'tit'" ,uu;..t, shalentrra shukra co'|npri'tcd 'n l 'l: S ('ollege' Clhandraptrt' ltrut tlre lracultt (Not c()vefeo tltloer the above e9q''l) Ti"c 9i)fi:9l tl*4:49!19 FacultY-of Science P who shall be F"*,tty """cemed Commtttee the thc Chairman. Ilx-ofllcio of D ;litL br. Chakradhar Nikhade Chintamani Arts & Science College' Grndpipari, Dist-Chandrapu M'subhash Pr. z ] cl;.s",ii.rt'r'ri".''p"r "i tr;''rl"t* "ctl _1;;;!i{"r."+,,'rr:*l:..i,:l';niili"";,,.;tii}inq,i#Ho;Pno".# i,i., i u, .,,,,.ri., u, , ili]':li,li:il;li;-1,l",:ri;: c.r'pris.d lll lll. l:::]ll,',, l]""1191"g9t1"qfiom the bc J n,rrnrr*uecr I An {qadgryi Colqcll l ll Faculty of Law Onc Senior Principal ofthe Concerned l-aculty liom the Academic Council Onc o1'the ('hairrnan Dr. Benny Shantaram Potdukhe College ofLaw C oitn" Ao,ord oi.iri,di.\ Dr. I. J. Rao Shantaram Potdukhc College ofLaw Dr.A.U.Sheikh Shantaram Potdukhe College ofLaw Faculty of Pharmaceutical Science I [)can ol'thc lraculty cc,n.c'.'re,l 1 *ho shitt U. fl.^S-e. X,*,f lllffii:Tile conr'riuce _-]i*r'.*corJege or.Prrarmacv' Facultv of Commerce ' I [)can cr1'tlie Faculir]: concernerl *h.t rh"lt b. thc Clhailman.Ex-o1ll cio of the Clommittee Onc Senior Principal of the Concerned fiorn the Academic Council Onc of the Chairman of the Board of studies comprised in the Facultv to be nominated b-r' the Acudc'mic Courcil .-_ Dr. Jugalkishor Somani Janta Collese Cl Dr. M. Subhash Dr. G.F. Surya Renaissance Instt. Of Management. Chandraour Dr. F. W. Niranjanc .lanta Collcge ('lrandrapur Facultv of Education t I Di'an ol'thc lacLrlt)' conii"n.,t ri,tl.t st.rotL te Ihc ( ltuilrnln,lrr-oj'liei,' crl llre ( ontmiIlce One Senior Principal of the Concerned Faculty liom the Academic Council Onc o1'the Chairrnan of the Board of studies comprised in thc Facultv to be nonrinated br' the Acadcmic Cor"rncil tXc l*pcir ur ut tt.," sut ieiis comprGtl "nt co\iered under in the Facultl'Q{ot the abovc lbur catceorics)liom the Acaclcmic Council Dr. Rajcsh Chandanpat Shri Kishanrao Khobragade Education Gadchiroli Dr. V. B. Khandate Vithobaji Amle Education College, Dr. Ashok Jivtode Janta (lollcge. Chandrapur l)r. D. R. Bhacat Shri. Kisanrao Khobragade Education ( ollegc. Alrnoli Faculty of Home Science I tf-t. fi".,lty *n"ttn"d who shall be "f I thc c'hairman. Fx-officio of th-e Commitlee 'onc Seni,-rr-Princ ipal of the Concemed i 2 3 o*t Iraculty liom the Academic Counctl . Oncr.,i rhe Chalrlnun ol thc Bocld ol'studics conrprised in the F-acult-'- to be nomillated the Academic flouncil tN;Etp* i" ""t "tit .*ubjects comprised in thc Faculty (Not covered under the abor''e fbur categories)from tbg Aca(&rnic !9unc! Dr. Madhuri Nasare S.S. Girls College, Gondia Dr. Vilas Deshmukh la9hlygqlc qlle Ce.l{qrqq Dr. Kalpana Jadhav I'(;TDR. f.M. Nagpur University' Nagpur Dr. Nanda Rathi LAD College, NagPur Faculty of Engineering & Technology il-an or'trtJFa-ctltt)' concerned who shall be ee thc C'hairman,llx-oflicio ol' the Commifl P.in"ipal of the Concemed 1'rom the Academic Council o;tS;;io, Dr. Z.J.Khan Prot'essor & Head ofElectrical Engineering Dr. P.A. Potdukhe Principal, NCET, Gadchiroli Dr. M.D. Uttarwar Prol'essot' & Head of Mining Engineering Dr. Nandaji R. SatPute Mahila College. Ce49hll9! Dr, Shriram K:rwale Govindprabhu College' Tadodi Balapur' Dr. Hansa Tomar Mahila College Gadchiroli Dr. Ilhushan Ambekar K.D.D. College Chamorshi ffi) qq.qc qd{fu-4(sqTir) .'i=erqT tr-drf-d,lrsfut-6 Gi qfrt56 q1t6-ffinT:- q-q|{frq s{q' iisqnT ffia''rsffi ; #-; *# €frfra e-d Ticqm mflm-d'.:rsfui-61 l qreoTs caEqri eiq e-6T-rfi,ffiz'rrgFlffi ? ;;o-qfrqli sr-qii5q' ir54|rT r *.i.*."4.6g.el, Tisqnl r,. qrqRsir Fr4rfi, nf'{dTqT E crkn q A€T 3{iffir"ft ffia'rrsFrM ffia,.tlgffi t="- ffia''rsFrt.d - ?iJ4S*. 3qqoqFrzr niser{ ffia,rsffi tsT fa;rq ]q.EP)