t, \-/ , J'l Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks Requestfor a scientificopinion: on the appropriatenessof existingmethodologiesto assessthe potential risks associatedwith engineeredand adventitiousproducts of nanotechnologies I LI Background Generalcharacteristics ofnanotcchnologies The tcrm "nanotcchnologies" refersto tcchnologiesof the very small,with dimcnsionsin thc rangeof nanomctcrs.Nanotcchnologies cxploit the spccificpropcrticsthat arisefrom structuringmattcr at a (meso-)scalccharacterized by thc interplayof classicalphysics and quantum mechanics. Today, thesc propcrtiesarc oftcn unprcdictablca priort. Nanotcchnologicscnable other tcchnologies. Thus, thcy will mostly rcsult in the productionof intcrmediategoods. Bccausenanotcchnologics connectdisciplinesas divcrsc as physics,cl-rcmistry, gcnetics,informationand communicationtcchnologics (ICTs),and cognitivcscicnccsamongstothers,thcy offcr thc foundationof the so-callcd nano-bio-info-cogno (NBIC) "convergencc". 1.2 Expcctcdbcncfitsfrom nanotcchnologics Tcchnologyanalystshighlightnanotechnologics as bcncfitingtoday or likely to bcncfit in thc forcsceablcfuturc: . matcrialsscicnccs(csp.,ccramics;morc gcncrally,lightcrand strongcrmatcrials); . cosmctics (c.g., non-ghosting sunscrccn, nano-liposomc-bascdskin carc products); . housc-clcaning products(c.g.,window-washingsprays); r paints,vanishcs,andothcrcoatings; . chemistry(c.g.,tailor-madccatalysts); . informationand communication tcchnology(c.g.,nano-clcctronics); . biomedical applications(e.g., "lab-on-a-chip",bioscnsors,medical imaging, prosthcses and irnplants,drug deliverydcvices); . cnvironmcntalrcmediationtcchnology; . cncrgYcapturcand storagctcchnology(c.g.,solarcclls,battcrics,fucl cells,fuels and catalysts); . agriculturc(c.g.,sensors, seedimprovcment); . food (ranging from non-permcablc membrancs and, national legislation permitting, antibacterial powdcrs to pathogcn and contaminant sensors, cnvironmcntalmonitors,andremotcscnsingandtrackingdcvices); . military technology. The marketfor nanotechnologics is cstimatedat 5700billion by 2008and morethan I trillion by 2015 S by the US NationalScienceFoundation(NSF). 1.3 Communityinterest have led the Community to manifest The high expectationsraisedby nanotechnologies in its Communicationof l2 May 2004 entitled its inteiest in boosting nanotechnologies ,.Towardsa Europearistrategyfor nanotechnology"[COM(2004) 338 final]' Council need to develop an cndorsed"the main messagJ-ofthis Communication,namely the (Prcsse269), Point integratcdand responsibles'trategy"for nanotechnologies112487104 4,p.251. |.4 Potentialarcasfor conccm produccd via Some nanoparticles, nanosphercs, nanotubcs, and nanofibers raiscconcerns to the-potential includingadvcntitiousby-productshave nanotcchnologics and thc workers) of for humanslpuutic hcalth,consumcrsafcty,and the health and safety constitutc nanotubcs,and nanofibcrsraisc cnvironment.The concernsthat nanoparticles, within the next 3-5 years' Thcy to nanotcchnologics thc most significantoncs rclating thc toxicological' requirc furtncr studies. In this rcspect, more often than not, risk analysisarc complctc a pcrform to ccotoxicological,and cxposurcdata nccded lacking. cannotbc Expcrt-sarc of the unanimousopinion that thc advcrsecffccts ol nanoparticles which sizc' macroscopic prcdictcd(or dcrivcrl)from thc known toxicity of matcrialof Royal thc and obcy thc laws of classicalphysics. This has lcd thc UK Royal Socicty or nanoparliclcs Acudc-y of Enginccringto rccommcnd"that chemicalsin thc form of of Ncw nanotubcsbc trcatcd i, n"* substanccsunder thc cxisting Notification and Authorisation Evaluation, Rcgistration, thc (NONS) rcgulationsand in Substanccs p' 7l)' l8' Point issucs", "Rcgulatory 8 Rcstrictionof chcmical"s(REACH)" (Chaptcr 1.5 EuropcanCouncilrccommcndations to intcgrating Thc EuropcanCouncil highlightcd"thc nced to pay spccial attcntion a'sscssmcnt and proccss into thc R&D socictal,cnvlronmcntalanJ ncattnconsidcrations products" 112487104 of potcntialrisks throughoutthc lif-ccyclc of nanotcchnology-based rn a cngage to intention "thc commission's wclcomed and (Prcssc269),Point o,p.zel a framework of sharcd dialoguc at rntcmationallcvcl, with a vicw to establishing principlcsfbr thc added]' (Prcssc 269),Point8, p. 26;emphasis ur. of nunot".hnoloE.r"112487/04 acccptable socially and rcsponsible In view of thc Coun"cil'scall for a "safe,sustainable, a gencral to undcrlakc it is thcrcforctimcly clcvclopmcntand usc of nanotechnologics", concem as rcflection on thc aclcquacyof existing risk assessmentmcthodologics gaps any and thcir enginecredand adventitiousproductsand to identify nanotcchnologies of thcir safcty' in currentkn&ledgc rvhich m*aybe an impedirnentto thc dcmonstration -''1 2 Terms of reference The scientific committee is requestedto answer the following questions,in each case, separately: consideringthc different kinds of nanotechnologies 1. Are existing methodologiesappropriateto assesspotentialand plausiblerisks and processes associated with associated with differentkinds of nanotechnologies nano-sizedmaterialsas well as the ensineercdand adventitiousoroductsof nanotechnologies? 2. If existing methodologicsare not appropriateto assessthe hypotheticaland potcntial risks associatcdwith certain kinds of nanotechnologies and their enginccrcdand adventitiousproducts,how should existing mcthodologiesbc adaptedand/orcomplctcd? 3. In gcneralterms,what are thc major gaps in knowledgenecessaryto undcrpin risk assessment in thc arcasof concem? In makingits rcport,thc Committccis askcdto includeconsidcrations of both cngineercd productsand potcntialrisksrelatcdto public health,to consumersafety, and adventitious to thc hcalthand safctvof workcrs.and to thc cnvironmcnt. 3 Deadlines Autumn 2005(indicativcdeadlinc) SupportingDocuments: An occupotionulhvgiene Aitkcn, R.J.,K.S. Crccly,and C.L. Tran (2004)Nunopurticles: Mcdicinc (lOM) on bchalfof thc UK's review.[A rcportof thc Institutcof Occupational Hcalthand SafctyExccutivc(HSE)l U RL : ht tp:/r'lvw' r.v.hsc.qov.uki rcscarch/rrhtrru-rr274.ht nr Amall, A U (2003)Future Tec'hnologies, Toduv'"^Choices:Nenotechnologt,Arty'iciul Intelligenc'eund Robotic's:A technic'ul,politicul anclinstitutionulmap of emerging (A rcporl commissioncd to the ImpcrialCollegeLondonby the Greenpeace technologies. EnvironmcntalTrust) URL: http:/irvrvrv.grccnpcacc.org.ulc/MultimcdiaFilcsiLivc/FullRcport/5886.pdf Inherent riskso.fdilferent Diirrenbcrgcr,F., J. Hdck, and K. Hrjhncr (2004) Overvievv.(sec,in particular,summarytablc p. 35, rvhich proposesa nanotechnologicalJields and their inhcrcntrisk) typologyof diffcrcntkinds of nanotcchnologics URL: http://wrvrv.temas. chiWWWT EMAS/TEMA S:H omepage.nsfTvrvAllByKe),iOven'ieu'_T To/,,JCdc E'lCl Group (2003) TheBig Down URL: http:1iwww.ctcgroup. tslJhsBteparyq,pdf for Health and ConsumerProtection(2004) EuropeanCommission,Dircctorate-General Analysis lVtmotechnologies : A Preliminary Risk cu.int/comm/healtVphJislserll-rl5:I!sk-9n-.hI!1 URL : http:i/europa, EuropeanCommission(2004) "Towards a Europeanstrategyfor nanotechnology" 338] [coM (2004) URL : http:/lwww.cordis.lu/nanotechnology/src/qalsmuuq4la!.htrn EuropeanCouncil(2004)Conclusionsof the 2605'nEr.op"un CouncilMeetingon (Presse269)] "Competitiveness(InternalMarkct, Industryand Research)"112487104 ssDataicrVintnr/82067.pdf Data/docs/pre URL' http://ue.cu.int/ucDocs/crns EuropeanParliament,Scicntific TechnoiogyOptionsAssessmcnt(2004) Nanotechnologt web pagc [JRL'http://www.curoparl.cu.int/stoa/talnanotcchnolosy/nanotcchnology.htm - chancesandrisks(Band54) Luthcr,W. (2004)Industrialapplicationof nanomaterials Hrsg.: VDI-Tcchnologiczentrum URL: l0 http:/irvrvw.vdi.dc/vdi/orsanisatior/schncllauswahl/tcchno/arbcitsecbictc/zukunft/sub/ 803/indcx.php SwissRc: Nanotechnologlt URL: httrr://rvww.srvissrc.com/INTERNIIT/rrwslvttsrrr.nsf/finBookMarkFrameSct'lReaclF orm&BM-..ivrvAI lbylDKcyLu/FSTN-5YXLL2'lOpcnDocumcnt und UK Royal Socictyand thc Royal Acadcmy of Enginecring(2004) l\[ano,scienca ; opportunitie:;ttnd trncertuinties nanotechnologies k/fl nalRcport.htm org.r-r URL : http://rvrvw.nanotcc.