T N E D STU E GUID D NG ANOLOGY I R E E CHN NGIN UTS:E MATION TE INFOR N 2016 M U T AU 1 NO. feit.uts.edu.au THINK.CHANGE.DO UTS RANKED AUSTRALIA’S #1 YOUNG UNI WELCOME TO UTS:ENGINEERING CONTENTS FIND US AT Welcome from the Dean of Engineering and Information Technology 1 Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology graduate attributes 2 UTS STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES 3 Student services 4 Student support 4 UTS International 4 Jumbunna Indigenous House of Learning 5 Safety & security 5 UTS Global exchange program and study abroad 5 UTS Students Association (SA) 6 Activate UTS (UTS Union) 6 Photocopiers and printers on campus 6 UTSOnline6 UTSFEIT Staff directory 6 Timetable planner 6 UTSFEIT Webmail system 6 Wireless access on campus 6 ACADEMIC SUPPORT SERVICES 7 UTSFEIT Library7 HELPS (Higher Education Language & Presentation Support) 8 Maths study centre 8 U:PASS (UTS Peer Assisted Study Success) 8 FEIT STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES 9 Access to FEIT facilities 9 Compulsory safety induction 9 MyFEIT student intranet FEIT Learning Precinct (FLP) 9 9 FEIT Industry Partnering Unit (IPU) 10 FEIT Teaching and Learning Portfolio (TLP) 10 IT Honours 10 Engineering and IT societies 10 UTS Women in Engineering and IT (WIEIT) 10 TEACHING & LEARNING MATTERS 11 Academic integrity, plagiarism and cheating 11 Academic liaison officers 12 Assessment12 Assignment submission/presentation 12 Awards, prizes and scholarships 12 Concurrent (cross institutional) study 12 Course progression 12 Coursework assessment policy and procedures 12 Grades13 Key dates 14 Late and incomplete assignments 14 Querying marks/grades and final results 14 Supplementary exam 14 Retention of student work 14 Student misconduct 14 Study load 15 Special consideration 15 Special needs service 15 Subject outlines 15 Variations to your enrolment 16 Who to contact? 16 FEIT FACULTY STRUCTURE 17 My notes 19 WELCOME FROM THE DEAN OF UTS:ENGINEERING AND IT We extend a very warm welcome to our new students in 2016. All of the staff at UTS:Engineering and Information Technology are here to help you – from your very first day of enrolment, right through to graduation. Between these two important milestones, you will have many questions and probably need help from a variety of people. This student guide is intended to answer as many of your questions as possible, and point you in the right direction for those that remain unanswered. Please read this guide, keep it handy and refer back to it throughout the year. I wish you every success for your studies, future and career. Professor Ian S. Burnett DEAN UTS:ENGINEERING AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 1 FACULTY OF ENGINEERING AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY GRADUATE ATTRIBUTES At the end of your degree in Engineering or Information Technology you will be able to demonstrate developed technical knowledge (Body of Knowledge) appropriate to your field of practice, and Graduate Attributes in the following outcomes areas: These attributes have been developed by the faculty using the Engineering and IT Learning and Teaching Academic Standards Statement (ALTC 2010) and the UTS Model of Learning (UTS 2011). They incorporate the accreditation requirements of faculty appropriate professional societies and the University, and recognise the professional, academic and personal needs of students, the community, employers and industry. A. NEEDS, CONTEXT AND SYSTEMS Rationale: Engineering and IT take place within the larger context of society and the environment, which encompasses social, economic and sustainability needs. UTS FEIT graduates will be able to: A1. Identify, interpret and analyse stakeholder needs, A2. Establish priorities and goals, A3. Identify constraints, uncertainties and risk of the system (social, cultural, legislative, environmental, business etc.), A4. Apply principles of sustainability to create viable systems, and A5. Apply systems thinking to understand complex system behaviour including interactions between components and with other systems (social, cultural, legislative, environmental, business etc.). B. PROBLEM SOLVING AND DESIGN Rationale: Engineering and IT practice focuses on problem-solving and design where artefacts are conceived, created, used, modified, maintained and retired. UTS FEIT graduates will be able to: B1. Identify and apply relevant problem solving methodologies, B2. Design components, systems and/or processes to meet required specification, B3. Synthesise alternative/innovative solutions, concepts and procedures, B4. Apply decision-making methodologies to evaluate solutions for efficiency, effectiveness and sustainability, B5. Implement and test solution, and B6. Demonstrate research skills C. ABSTRACTION AND MODELLING Rationale: Abstraction, modelling, simulation and visualization inform decision-making, and are underpinned by mathematics, as well as basic and discipline sciences. UTS FEIT graduates will be able to: C1. Apply abstraction, mathematics and/or discipline fundamentals to analysis, design and operation, C2. Develop models using appropriate tools such as computer software, laboratory equipment and other devices, and C3. Evaluate model applicability, accuracy and limitations. D. SELF-MANAGEMENT Rationale: Graduates must have capabilities for self-organisation, self-review, personal development and lifelong learning. UTS FEIT graduates will be able to: D2. Reflect on personal and professional experiences to engage in independent development beyond formal education for Lifelong learning. E. COMMUNICATION AND COORDINATION Rationale: Engineering and IT practice involves the coordination of a range of disciplinary and interdisciplinary activities to arrive at problem and design solutions. UTS FEIT graduates will be able to: E1. Communicate effectively in ways appropriate to the discipline, audience and purpose, E2. Work as an effective member or leader of diverse teams within a multi-level, multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural setting, and E3. Identify and apply relevant project management methodologies F. PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE WITHIN GLOBAL CONTEXT Rationale: Graduates must possess skills, knowledge and behaviours to operate effectively in culturally-diverse workplaces and a changing global environment. UTS FEIT graduates will: F1. Be able to conduct critical self-review and performance evaluation against appropriate criteria as a primary means of tracking personal development needs and achievements, F2. Appreciate ethical implications of professional practice, F3. Understand cross-cultural issues (regions or workplaces), and F4. Be aware of Global perspectives (needs, rules/regulations, and specifications). D1. Manage own time and processes effectively by prioritising competing demands to achieve personal goals (Manage self), and 2 UTS STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES 3 STUDENT SUPPORT UTS INTERNATIONAL Student Services should be your first point of contact for any enquiries related to your course and enrolment while studying at UTS. They can help you with: UTS provides a large range of services to support you through your studies. These services include: >> Subject and course information >> Study plan, enrolment and class allocation enquiries >> Progression and academic caution >> Exam related matters >> Leave of Absence, concurrent study and academic progress applications >> Recognition of prior learning and subject substitution applications >> Graduation matters Academic Support >> Course and subject advice >> Study Skills >> Assignments and Exams >> Special needs Support >> Academic caution workshops UTS International is the main contact point for all international students at UTS. They provide advice, assistance and guidance including the distribution of course information, provision of supporting documentation for student visas and the coordination of AusAID, Study Abroad and Exchange programs. STUDENT SERVICES Engineering and IT students should direct their enquiries to the Student Services desk located in Building 10, Level 2. You can also contact Student Services by phone 1300 ASK UTS (1300 275 887) or by submitting an online enquiry or request related to your enrolment or study plan via an eRequest through ASK UTS www.ask.uts.edu.au The UTS website has an area for current students, which provides essential information and instructions about how to manage your course, such as how to change your subject enrolments or pay fees, and also links to many university support services. It is a great resource when seeking help and information. Health and Wellbeing >> Medical Service >> Counselling and Advocacy >> Multi-faith Chaplaincy >> Chinese Medicine Clinic >> Equity and Diversity Financial Help >> Financial Assistance Service >> Tax Returns >> Equity Grants >> Loans >> Computers and equipment >> UTS student residences rental subsidy Accommodation >> UTS Housing Service >> Campus Accommodation >> Residential Life >> Off-campus accommodation More information can be found at: www.uts.edu.au/current-students/ support You can drop in to speak face-to-face with a UTS International student adviser without making an appointment. Drop-in times during teaching sessions are: Monday, Wednesday and Thursday, 2pm to 4pm Tuesday and Friday, 10am to 12pm Student advisers can be contacted by phone or by email, including outside of the teaching sessions. UTS International Student Centre Building 1, Level 3a PH: 9514 1796 or 9514 9914 Email: internationalstudent@uts.edu.au If the matter is very urgent, call 9514 1531. Information for international students at UTS can be found here: www.uts.edu.au/future-students/ international/essential-information/ being-international-student-australia/ www.uts.edu.au/current-students 4 UTS STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES JUMBUNNA INDIGENOUS HOUSE OF LEARNING UTS GLOBAL EXCHANGE PROGRAM AND STUDY ABROAD The student support section at the Jumbunna Indigenous House of Learning offers a range of services to all indigenous students enrolled at UTS. Enrich your academic and life experience with a session or two of study overseas. Jumbunna Indigenous House of Learning Building 1, Level 6 Phone: 9514 1902 Email: atsissu@uts.edu.au www.uts.edu.au/future-students/ indigenous/jumbunna-indigenous-houselearning/our-services SAFETY & SECURITY You should familiarise yourself with the university procedures on safety, security, first aid and accident/hazard reporting. This information is available on the UTS Safety and Wellbeing website www.ehs.uts.edu.au. UTS’s Global Exchange program allows you to study overseas for one or two sessions at a UTS partner university in Asia, Europe or the Americas. With 248 exchange agreements with partners in 50 countries and territories, UTS has one of the largest international exchange programs in Australia. You continue to pay your tuition fees at UTS and will receive credit towards your UTS degree. The UTS Study Abroad program allows students enrolled at UTS to study at any recognised university or college worldwide. For Study Abroad the institution does not have to be a UTS partner. Study Abroad attracts a tuition fee based on the number of subject credit points you study at the other institution. A guide to your personal safety and security at UTS is available at: Drop in times to discuss opportunities for exchange are available from 10am to 11am and 2pm to 3pm, Monday to Friday at: www.safetyandwellbeing.uts.edu.au/ guide/guide_for_students_and_staff.pdf UTS International Building 1, Level 3A Phone: 9514 7915 Email: studyabroad.exchange@uts.edu.au www.uts.edu.au/current-students/ opportunities/global-exchange/ what-global-exchange 5 UTS STUDENTS ASSOCIATION (SA) PRINTING ON CAMPUS TIMETABLE PLANNER The Students’ Association (SA) is the officially recognised voice of students at UTS. The SA runs campaigns based on student issues, provides free student services, such as a Student Legal Service and Second-hand Bookshop, and supports student collectives and clubs in their initiatives. The SA provides essential representation for all UTS students on an individual, university and government level. You can get involved in a range of ways: through elections, committees, collectives and campaigns. Printing stations are available in most computer laboratories and operate on a user pays cost recovery basis. You pay for printing and photocopying using your student card. Credit can be added onto your student card by using one of the many recharge stations on campus. The same system is used in the UTS library and the FEIT Learning Precinct. The UTS Timetable Planner enables students to view the dates, times and locations of lectures, tutorials and labs for their subjects. Classroom locations become available 2 weeks before each teaching session starts. To use the Timetable Planner you will need to know the subject name or subject code number, and the session in which you are enrolled in that subject. The SA provides free and confidential student advocacy and support for academic issues. If you are accused of academic or non-academic misconduct, you can seek the advice of the Students’ Association. They may also arrange for someone to help represent you at any hearings that you may be asked to attend. Photocopiers are located at various sites on campus, including the UTS Library, FEIT Learning Precinct, and The Resource Centre (Building 10, Level 2, Room 473). For more information please see: www.uts.edu.au/current-students/ managing-your-course/using-utssystems/student-printing UTSONLINE UTSOnline is the web-based online learning and teaching environment used at UTS. As an enrolled student you will automatically be given access to this system if your subjects use it. www.uts.edu.au/current-students/ timetable/uts-timetable-planner WEBMAIL SYSTEM The Faculty and the university will direct all emails to your UTS email account. This is the official means of communication between the university and students, and all students are responsible for checking their UTS email account regularly and maintaining their inbox. Need help: Visit the ITD Support Helpdesk, Building 2, Level 4 or phone 9514 2222 www.sa.uts.edu.au It is important that you are aware that email from the University to a student will only be sent to the student's UTS email address. Email sent from a student to the University must be sent from the student's UTS email address. University staff will not respond to email from any other email accounts for currently enrolled students. STAFF DIRECTORY ACTIVATE UTS (UTS UNION) email.itd.uts.edu.au/email You can search the online Staff Directory here: WIRELESS ACCESS ON CAMPUS Students’ Association Office Monday – Friday: 9:00 am to 4:30 pm Building 1, Level 3 Phone: 9514 1155 Email: students.association@uts.edu.au Activate UTS provides a variety of on-campus and off-campus facilities and activities for students and staff. These include cafes, bars and retail outlets on campus, recreational and sporting facilities such as the fitness centre, table-tennis, and Haberfield rowing club, and they also provide sponsorship for student clubs and societies. www.activateuts.com.au online.uts.edu.au email.itd.uts.edu.au/webapps/directory/ byname UTS-WPA is the secure wireless network that UTS students can connect mobile devices to while on campus. For information about connecting your mobile devices see: www.uts.edu.au/current-students/ managing-your-course/using-utssystems/uts-wireless Need help: use the web serviceconnect.uts.edu.au or telephone 9514 2222 6 ACADEMIC SUPPORT SERVICES LIBRARY The UTS Library is open Monday-Sunday, with a team of librarians to help you with all your questions. Website: lib.uts.edu.au Facebook: utslibrary Twitter: @utslibrary Phone: 9514 3666 Here are some key library services to support you during your studies: Finding Books and Articles: >> How to borrow from UTS Library and other libraries www.lib.uts.edu.au/borrow >> Find books, textbooks, subject readings, old exam papers find.lib.uts.edu.au >> Find articles, standards, patents, industry information www.lib.uts.edu.au/databases/ search_databases.py Using the Library spaces >> Library spaces (eg Games Room, Editing Studio, Group study rooms) www.lib.uts.edu.au/facilities/ library-spaces >> Library Hours www.lib.uts.edu.au/ space/opening-hours/city Referencing >> Harvard UTS Referencing Guide www.lib.uts.edu.au/help/referencing/ harvard-uts-referencing-guide >> Referencing software (EndNote, Refworks, Mendeley) www.lib.uts.edu.au/help/referencing 7 Getting Help: >> How to find academic literature www.lib.uts.edu.au/guides/ engineering-it >> Workshops and Events www.lib.uts.edu.au/events >> English language tools and tutorials www.lib.uts.edu.au/help/englishlanguage >> Ask a Librarian (email, online chat, phone) www.lib.uts.edu.au/help/ask-librarian The UTS Library website provides a wealth of information on essential study skills to support students with accessing information, writing, reading and speaking, assignment writing, referencing, project management, career development and much more. www.lib.uts.edu.au/help/study-skills HELPS U:PASS (HIGHER EDUCATION LANGUAGE & U:PASS is a program run by the Student Services Unit designed to assist students who are studying subjects which are perceived as difficult or historically have a high failure rate. PRESENTATION SUPPORT) HELPS provides assistance with English language proficiency and academic literacy support. Students who need to develop their written and/or spoken English should make use of the free services offered by HELPS, including academic skills workshops, assignment advice, holiday intensive courses, drop-in consultations, individual appointments and English speaking practice. HELPS is located in Building 1, Level 3, Room 8. Phone: 9514 9733 Email: helps@uts.edu.au www.helps.uts.edu.au MATHS STUDY CENTRE The Maths Study Centre provides support to all UTS undergraduate and postgraduate students studying in various introductory mathematical and quantitative areas including statistics. Subjects which are supported include: >> 31271 Database Fundamentals >> 31251 Data Structures and Algorithms >> 33130 Mathematical Modelling 1 >> 33230 Mathematical Modelling 2 >> 48024 Applications Programming >> 48023 Programming Fundamentals >> 48510 Introduction to Electrical Engineering >> 48520 Electronics and Circuits >> 48321 Engineering Mechanics >> 48331 Mechanics of Solids >> 60101 Chemistry & Materials Science >> 65111 Chemistry 1 >> 68037 Physical Modelling For a full list of subjects supported by U:PASS see: www.ssu.uts.edu.au/ peerlearning/register/index.html The Maths Study Centre is located in Building 4, Level 3, Room 331. www.uts.edu.au/current-students/ science/study-resources/ maths-study-centre 8 FEIT STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES ACCESS TO FEIT FACILITIES FEIT LEARNING PRECINCT (FLP) FEIT students have 24 hour access to Building 11 once they have passed the yearly safety induction (see below). While in the building you should carry your student card at all times. The FEIT Learning Precinct is a collaborative learning hub and resource centre where students can further develop their knowledge and skills. There are numerous resources available, such as books, software, electronic kits, digital camera kits (for certain subjects), tools and folders containing copies of subject materials, as well as additional materials that may be useful for your learning. The FLP workshop contains an electronics lab and separate soldering area. The electronics lab provides an opportunity for you to prepare and practice lab work, and soldering tutorials are run throughout the teaching session. You can also do individual or group study in the comfort of the FEIT Learning Precinct. For assistance with access to Faculty labs, please contact your subject coordinator or tutor. COMPULSORY SAFETY INDUCTION As part of the Faculty's commitment to safety, all engineering and IT students are required to complete a safety induction each year in order to be able to access Faculty facilities with their student card. Completion of the safety induction is not required to be able to attend scheduled/ supervised lab sessions. Students enrolled in an engineering or IT course are automatically given access to enrol in the safety induction through UTSOnline. The UTSOnline forum is called 'UTS: Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology - Safety Induction'. online.uts.edu.au The FEIT Learning Precinct is located in Building 11, Level 5, Room 300. For any enquiries, please contact ServiceConnect. Phone: 9514 7676 serviceconnect.uts.edu.au MYFEIT STUDENT INTRANET MyFEIT is a website designed for all currently enrolled Engineering and Information Technology students. It has been created as a one stop option to find the information you need. It is user-friendly, with easy navigation, relevant links, and easy downloads to make finding information quick and easy. my.feit.uts.edu.au 9 Many teaching staff use this space for student consultations, for 1-2 hours per week from Week 2 through to exam time. Check the duty tutor timetable and then come by for a one-on-one discussion with your lecturer or tutor. Email: FEITLPAdmin@uts.edu.au It is open Monday to Friday (Please see link below for hours of operation). my.feit.uts.edu.au/pages/support_and_ services/learning_and_design_centres FEIT INDUSTRY PARTNERING UNIT (IPU) The IPU manages the Engineering and IT industry scholarship and internship programs. It is located in Building 11, Level 12. Information regarding the FEIT scholarship and internship programs is available on the student intranet, MyFEIT: my.feit.uts.edu.au/pages/support_and_ services/ipu For further information, please contact IPU via the following avenues: For Internships: >> Email: feitinternships@uts.edu.au >> IPU Phone: 9514 9044 / 9514 2026 >> Anthony Kadi, Head of Engineering Practice Program: 9514 2459 >> Srinivas Madhisetty, Head of IT Practice Program: 9514 4550 For Scholarships: >> Email: engineeringscholarships@uts.edu.au >> Phone: 9514 2605 / 9514 2619 / 9514 7674 FEIT TEACHING AND LEARNING PORTFOLIO (TLP) Students may be referred to the FEIT Teaching and Learning Portfolio by UTS Student Services to resolve academic or administrative matters. FEIT TLP is located in Building 11, Level 12. IT HONOURS This is an opportunity for outstanding IT graduates to pursue advanced work by completing a separate one year full-time honours program, which can lead into postgraduate research. For the application procedures and projects available please see: ENGINEERING AND IT SOCIETIES These societies offer an opportunity to follow your interests, to enjoy the social side of university life, and to meet people in later stages of their studies and from other areas of the faculty. >> UTS Engineering Society www.engsoc.org.au >> Engineers Without Borders Australia www.facebook.com/groups/ utsewb/?ref=ts http://www.ewb.org.au >> UTS Robotics Society www.facebook.com/robosoc >> Bachelor of Information Technology Group (BIG) www.utsbig.com.au >> ProgSoc (The Programmers’ Society) www.progsoc.uts.edu.au CONNECT WITH @UTSFEIT UTS: Engineering and IT uses Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram to share practical tips, important announcements, interesting articles and profiles of our staff and students. Connect with us on your preferred platform to stay up to date with news that’s relevant to you, our most important audience. You’ll find us at: UTSFEIT UTS WOMEN IN ENGINEERING AND IT (WIEIT) WIEIT provides student support, referrals and information, academic assistance and liaison with staff. Students of both genders are invited to support and participate in year-round interactive programs engaging school students in engineering and IT. Opportunities to network, develop skills and build confidence include industry mentoring, leadership initiatives and scholarships. WIEIT also holds lunchtime events with guest speakers every session. Phone: 9514 2602 Fax: 9514 1266 www.uts.edu.au/about/facultyengineering-and-informationtechnology/what-we-do/outreach-andcommunity/women www.facebook.com/UTSWIEIT www.uts.edu.au/future-students/find-acourse/courses/c09019 Postgraduate Engineering and IT Research Degree course and application information: www.feit.uts.edu.au/research 10 TEACHING & LEARNING MATTERS ACADEMIC INTEGRITY, PLAGIARISM AND CHEATING Good academic practice demands personal integrity and a respect for scholarship. In order to assess your understanding of a subject, some forms of assessment, such as essays, theses and projects, require extended independent research. To do this research, you will have to refer to the work of various scholars who are authorities in the field. This is normal academic practice because all scholarship depends in some way on building on the work of others. You must however, ensure you acknowledge the original authors of the ideas, facts, results etc. to which you refer. In doing so, you both respect the intellectual property rights of those authors and enable your own efforts to be recognised and properly evaluated. Please refer to the following guidelines for good academic practice: www.gsu.uts.edu.au/policies/ academicpractice.html For information on correct referencing practice to acknowledge your sources: www.lib.uts.edu.au/help/referencing If you don't acknowledge your sources you will be committing an act of plagiarism. Plagiarism is defined in the UTS Student Rules as “taking and using someone else's ideas or manner of expressing them and passing them off as his or her own by failing to give appropriate acknowledgement of the source to seek to gain an advantage by unfair means.” Plagiarism includes, but is not limited to: >> copying words, or ideas, from websites, reference books, journals, newspapers or other sources without acknowledging the source; >> paraphrasing material taken from other sources, to change the words but keep the ideas, without acknowledging the source; >> downloading material from the internet and including it as part of your own work without acknowledging the source. Take the online avoiding plagiarism tutorial and quiz to test your knowledge on plagiarism: avoidingplagiarism.uts.edu.au Cheating includes but is not limited to: >> copying work, such as all or part of an assignment, from other students or persons and submitting it as your own work; >> purchasing an assignment from an online site and submitting it as your own work; >> requesting or paying someone else to write original work for you, such as an assignment, essay or computer program, and submitting it as your own work; and >> unauthorised collusion with students or others and submitting it as your own. Plagiarism and cheating are attempts to deceive the marker or examiner. They are acts of academic misconduct for which students will be penalised as described in the Rules relating to student misconduct and appeals (Section 16, Student Rules). www.gsu.uts.edu.au/rules/student/ section-16.html#r16.2 11 ACADEMIC LIAISON OFFICERS Academic Liaison Officers (ALOs) are academic staff in each Faculty who assist three groups of students: >> students with disabilities and ongoing illnesses >> students who have difficulties in their studies because of their family commitments (e.g. being a primary carer for small children or a family member with a disability) >> students who gained entry through inpUTS Educational Access Scheme or Special Admissions ALOs are responsible for determining alternative assessment arrangements for students with disabilities. Students who are requesting adjustments to assessment arrangements because of their disability or illness are requested to see a Disability Services Officer in the Special Needs Service before they see their ALO. The ALOs for students in the Faculty of Engineering and IT are: >> Chris Wong (Undergraduate Engineering and IT) >> Dr. Prasanthi Hagare (Postgraduate Engineering and IT) ASSESSMENT Assessment of your learning in each subject at UTS must be done in accordance with the UTS Assessment of Coursework Subjects Policy and Procedures. In general, assessment at UTS is criterionbased. This means that your assessment in a subject (the final mark and grade in a subject) is determined solely by your performance in meeting the assessment criteria. Your grade is not affected by the performance of other students in your class or cohort. Each session, the subjects that you have enrolled in and the grade that has been awarded will be listed in MyStudentAdmin. You can apply for a printed copy of your academic transcript by completing a form available from the Student Services desk. ASSIGNMENT SUBMISSION/ PRESENTATION Information on the submission requirements of your assignments and presentations will be detailed in the subject outline. Students need to retain a copy of all submitted assignments as well as development work for assignments. AWARDS, PRIZES AND SCHOLARSHIPS For details on scholarships and prizes offered to both current and future UTS students, visit: www.uts.edu.au/current-students/ opportunities/scholarships-prizes-andawards/scholarships-uts www.uts.edu.au/current-students/ opportunities/scholarships-prizes-andawards/prizes-and-awards-uts CONCURRENT (CROSS INSTITUTIONAL) STUDY It may be possible for you to study a subject from another university and have this credited towards your UTS degree. Approval is required before you start and is given where there is no equivalent subject available at UTS and the subject is broadly relevant to your course and/ or major. The principles for approval of concurrent studies are available at: COURSE PROGRESSION Your results are reviewed after each teaching session and if your progress in your course has not been adequate, usually due to failing some subjects, you will either be given an academic caution (if you have just completed your first session) or you may be excluded from your course and have to lodge an appeal to continue your studies. Students who are on probation or have a history of inadequate progress and continue with inadequate progress will be excluded as per university rule 10.4 (www.gsu.uts.edu.au/rules/10-4.html). You may also be prevented from reenrolling in a subject if you fail that subject 2 times or more. If this occurs you must seek academic advice before being permitted to enrol in that subject again, as per university rule 10.6 (www.gsu.uts.edu.au/rules/student/ section-10.html#r10.6). COURSEWORK ASSESSMENT POLICY AND PROCEDURES Students are expected to refer to the following information in conjunction with information about assessment at UTS which is published in the UTS Assessment of Coursework Subjects Policy and Procedures. The policy and procedures are available via the UTS Website at: www.gsu.uts.edu.au/policies/ assessment-coursework-policy.html www.gsu.uts.edu.au/policies/ assessment-coursework-procedures.html www.uts.edu.au/current-students/ managing-your-course/your-enrolment/ enrolment-changes/concurrent-study See: www.gsu.uts.edu.au/policies/ assessment-coursework.html 12 GRADES The grades most typically used are as follows: High Distinction (85–100%) Work of outstanding quality on all objectives of the subject, which may be demonstrated by means of criticism, logical argument, and interpretation of materials or use of methodology. This grade may also be given to recognise particular originality or creativity. Distinction (75–84%) Work of superior quality on all objectives, demonstrating a sound grasp of content, together with efficient organisation and selectivity. Credit (65–74%) Work of good quality showing more than satisfactory achievement on all objectives, or work of superior quality on most of the objectives. Pass (50–64%) Work showing a satisfactory achievement on the overall objectives of the subject. Fail (0–49%) Unsatisfactory performance in one or more objectives of the subject as contained within the assessment items. Fail (X) Unsatisfactory performance in a compulsory component of the subject e.g. failed final exam Refer to Schedule 2 of the Student Rules for a complete chart of grades: www.gsu.uts.edu.au/rules/s2.html 13 TEACHING & LEARNING MATTERS KEY DATES The UTS academic calendar has 3 teaching sessions across the year: >> Autumn Session, 21 March to 10 June 2016 >> Spring Session, 1 August to 21 October 2016 >> Summer Session, 28 November 2016 to 17 February 2017 Most FEIT subjects are offered in the Autumn and Spring sessions. There are key dates throughout the academic year for: >> Finalising your subject enrolment >> Census dates – the last day to withdraw from any subjects >> Tuition payment due dates >> Centrally conducted exam dates and timetables >> Graduation dates Information about the key dates can be found at: www.uts.edu.au/current-students/ managing-your-course/important-dates/ important-dates LATE AND INCOMPLETE ASSIGNMENTS Assignments submitted after the due time/date may incur late penalties. Please refer to the subject outline for specific information. QUERYING MARKS/GRADES AND FINAL RESULTS If you wish to query a mark or a final result awarded by a marker, then the following policies apply: >> where a student wishes to query a mark, the deadline for a query during teaching weeks is 10 working days from the date of the return of the task to the student >> where a student wishes to query an examination result, the deadline is 10 working days from the official release of the final subject result. Such retention is not to affect any copyright or other intellectual property right that may exist in such student work. Copies of student work may be retained for a period of up to five years for course accreditation purposes. Students are advised to contact their subject coordinator if they do not consent to the University retaining a copy of their work. STUDENT MISCONDUCT More information can be found at: Student misconduct is when your actions allegedly breach a UTS Rule. Misconduct can be academic or non-academic. Student misconduct at UTS is defined by Rule 16.2 of the Student Rules. my.feit.uts.edu.au/pages/course/ student_policies_rules Examples of misconduct include but are not limited to: SUPPLEMENTARY EXAM >> cheating, including purchasing an assignment via the internet or sharing work with another person, and submitting as your own work >> plagiarism >> misconduct in exams, including unauthorised material >> research misconduct >> fraud, falsely signing documents, forged signatures, false statements >> impersonating another student, or arranging for anyone to impersonate a student >> interfering with the freedom of others >> damage to property >> bullying, including cyber bullying >> discrimination >> harassment >> inappropriate behaviour >> not complying with a penalty imposed or a directive issued to you >> making an unauthorised disclosure and/or misusing Student Security Identification. A supplementary examination may be awarded by a Result Ratification Committee on the recommendation of the Subject Coordinator normally in the case of students with borderline results (result 45–49% or equivalent marginal fail in a subject where marks are not awarded) or in the case of a (undergraduate or postgraduate) student in their final teaching period under Rule 8.5. A supplementary examination must be awarded in cases where a student fails a subject where the centrally conducted examination is worth more than 65 per cent of the total subject assessment grade. www.gsu.uts.edu.au/policies/ documents/assessment-courseworkprocedures.pdf RETENTION OF STUDENT WORK The University reserves the right to retain the original or one copy of any work executed and/or submitted by a student as part of a course including, but not limited to, drawings, models, designs, plans and specifications, essays, programs, reports and theses, for any of the purposes designated in Rule 3.9.2 www.gsu.uts.edu.au/rules/student/ section-3.html#r3.9 14 Students who behave disgracefully, improperly or inappropriately towards staff, students and others at UTS will not be tolerated and student misconduct penalties will be imposed. For information relating to academic misconduct, visit: www.gsu.uts.edu.au/rules/student/ section-16.html#r16.2 www.uts.edu.au/current-students/ support/when-things-go-wrong/studentmisconduct STUDY LOAD Students have a maximum amount of credit points that they can self-enrol in each session. Should a student wish to exceed this limit, an e-request must be submitted with justification for exceeding the maximum amount of credit points, which will require authorisation from the appropriate RAO. If accepted, you will be required to acknowledge that you are exceeding the limit at your own risk and that grounds for special consideration will not be granted based on an increased workload. See Approval of Requests to Exceed Maximum Credit Points per Annum at: my.feit.uts.edu.au/pages/course/ student_policies_rules SPECIAL CONSIDERATION If you believe your performance in an assessment item or exam has been adversely affected by circumstances beyond your control, such as a serious illness, loss or bereavement, hardship, trauma, or exceptional employment demands, you may be eligible to apply for Special Consideration. Information about eligibility for special consideration and instructions on how to apply can be found at: www.uts.edu.au/current-students/ managing-your-course/classes-andassessment/special-circumstances/ special 15 SPECIAL NEEDS SERVICE UTS is committed to providing equal opportunity for students with disabilities through an inclusive educational environment. If you will be disadvantaged by a disability or ongoing illness in your assessment tasks, the university can make arrangements which will minimize or eliminate the impact of the disability. You will still need to demonstrate that you meet the learning objectives of your subjects. The arrangements will involve modifications to assessment tasks, but maintain academic standards. Students with continuing disabilities, including ongoing illness, are recommended to contact the Special Needs Service and make an appointment to see a Disability Services Officer, preferably at least 2 weeks prior to the due date of the first assessment task, and ideally no later than the teaching period census date. Students with permanent disabilities need only apply once, at the beginning of their course, unless seeking changes to previously approved arrangements. Phone: 9514 1177 Email: special.needs@uts.edu.au www.uts.edu.au/current-students/ information-special-needs-students/ students-disabilities-or-ongoingillnesses SUBJECT OUTLINES You will be provided an official subject outline for each subject you are enrolled in during the first week of Orientation and Preparation, usually through UTSOnline (online.uts.edu.au). It is important that you carefully read the subject outline and note the specific requirements for each subject. TEACHING & LEARNING MATTERS The subject outline specifies what you need to do to pass that subject and includes details of special consideration. The requirements for each subject may vary from subject to subject, and sometimes, from session to session. The requirements for subject outlines are specified in the UTS Assessment of Coursework Subjects Policy and Procedures at: WHO TO CONTACT? Type of Inquiry? Who to contact and how Academic Matter related to a specific subject First, ask your class lecturer or tutor. If they cannot help, ask your course co-ordinator or program co-ordinator: (see Table 3 – my.feit.uts.edu.au/pages/ support_and_services/key_contacts/acad_advice) www.gsu.uts.edu.au/policies/ assessment-coursework.html If you are unsure about any component of your enrolled subjects or have any queries about your subjects, you should seek advice firstly from your lecturer or tutor. If they are unable to assist, then you should ask the subject co-ordinator. VARIATIONS TO YOUR ENROLMENT Variations to your enrolment can be made online using MyStudentAdmin: onestopadmin.uts.edu.au/estudent There are strict deadlines for adding or deleting subjects from your enrolment which must be complied with for academic and/or government regulation requirements. Important deadlines include: >> The last day to add a subject to your enrolment >> The last day to withdraw from a subject without financial and/or academic penalty, this is the census date for the teaching session in which the subject is offered >> The last day to swap one subject with another: this is considered as adding one and withdrawing another, so this must be done by Friday of the 2nd week of session. If they cannot help, ask the subject co-ordinator (contact details are in the subject outline that you are given on UTSOnline (online.uts.edu.au) at the first week of Orientation and Preparation). The appropriate Program Co-ordinator / Advisor for your major Academic matter related to your major or your course can offer you advice about your study plan and any course enquiries (see Table 3 – my.feit.uts.edu.au/pages/ or your course support_and_services/key_contacts/acad_advice) Administrative matter Start at Student Services, they will advise you on where to go if they cannot help you directly. Query / Complaint If you wish to query a mark/grade for an assessment task, read and complete the Query/Complaint template at my.feit.uts.edu. au/pages/course/student_policies_rules and meet with your subject coordinator. Ensure that the subject co-ordinator completes and signs section 2 of this form. If you cannot resolve the issue with the subject coordinator you can then raise a complaint using this form with a Responsible Academic Officer (RAO). See www.gsu.uts.edu.au/academicboard/raos/ responsibleacademicofficers.html#feit If you want to make an informal complaint, this can be done by contacting the Director of UG or PG programs, or the Associate Dean of Teaching and Learning. If you want to make a formal complaint, you should read the UTS Policy and advice on complaints, located at: www.gsu.uts.edu.au/policies/ complaintspolicy.html The census dates for the teaching sessions can be found through www.uts.edu. au/current-students/managing-yourcourse/important-dates/census-date 16 FEIT FACULTY STRUCTURE Faculty Management Dean Prof Ian Burnett Ian.Burnett@uts.edu.au Associate Dean (Research & Development) Prof Jie Lu Jie.Lu@uts.edu.au Associate Dean (Teaching & Learning) Associate Prof Rob jarman Rob.Jarman@uts.edu.au Head of School, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering Prof John Zhou Junliang.Zhou@uts.edu.au Head of School, School of Computing and Communications Prof Eryk Dutkiewicz Eryk.Dutkiewicz@uts.edu.au Head of School, School of Electrical, Mechanical and Mechatronic Systems Prof Jianguo Zhou Jianguo.Zhu@uts.edu.au Head of School, School of Software Prof Michael Blumenstein Michael.Blumenstein@uts.edu.au Head of School, School of Systems, Management and Leadership Prof Iwona Miliszewska Iwona.Miliszewska@uts.edu.au School of Civil and Environmental Engineering Dr Ali Saleh Ali.Saleh@uts.edu.au School of Computing and Communications Dr Wayne Brookes Wayne.Brookes@uts.edu.au School of Electrical, Mechanical and Mechatronic Systems Dr Peter McLean Peter.McLean@uts.edu.au School of Software (Acting) Assoc Prof Paul Kennedy Paul.Kennedy@uts.edu.au School of Systems, Management and Leadership Mr Ravindra Bagia Ravindra.Bagia@uts.edu.au Deputy Heads of School (Teaching and Learning) 17 Deputy Heads of School (Research) School of Civil and Environmental Engineering Prof Jianchun Li Jianchun.Li@uts.edu.au School of Computing and Communications Mr Mehran Abolhasan Mehran.Abolhasan@uts.edu.au School of Electrical, Mechanical and Mechatronic Systems Assoc Prof Quang Ha Quang.Ha@uts.edu.au School of Software (Acting) Dr Yi Yang Yi.Yang@uts.edu.au School of Systems, Management and Leadership TBA Program Co-ordinators School of Civil and Environmental Engineering School of Computing and Communications School of Electrical, Mechanical and Mechatronic Systems School of Software School of Systems, Management and Leadership Civil (UG) Chris Wilkinson Civil & Environmental (UG) Dr Wenshan Guo Civil & Environmental (PG) Dr Prasanthi Hagare Internetworking (UG) Dr Wenjing Jia Internetworking (MSc and MIT) Assoc Prof Qiang Wu ICT Engineering Dr Zenon Chaczko Telecoms (PG) Dr Daniel Franklin Biomedical Dr Ahmed Al-Ani Electrical Assoc Prof Youguang Guo Mechanical Terry Brown Mechatronics Assoc Prof Sarath Kodagoda Games, Multimedia & HCI Dr Tuck Leong/Dr Tim Chen Software Dr Tom McBride Data Analytics Dr Farookh Hussain MEM and Operations Engineering Dr Hasan Akpolat MBT & Strategic Leadership Assoc Prof Ken Dovey Technology Management Ravindra Bagia Enterprise & Business Information Systems Prof Igor Hawryszkiewycz Energy Planning and Policy Prof Deepak Sharma 18 MY NOTES 19 20 WELCOME TO AUSTRALIA'S MOST INNOVATIVE CAMPUS HOW DO I CHANGE MY SUBJECTS? HOW DO I GET MY STUDENT CARD? WHAT IF I HAVE TO TAKE TIME OFF FROM MY COURSE? HOW DO I FIND MY CLASSES? HOW DO I PAY MY FEES? ANSWERS TO THESE QUESTIONS AND MORE ARE AVAILABLE AT THE UTS WEBSITE: UTS WEBSITE CURRENT STUDENTS MANAGING YOUR COURSE www.uts.edu.au/current-students/managing-your-course DISCLAIMER: The information in this brochure is correct as at February 2016. Changes in circumstances after this date might alter the accuracy or currency of the information. UTS reserves the right to alter any content described in this brochure without notice. Readers are responsible for verifying information that pertains to them by contacting the University Photography By: Anna Zhu UTS:MCU / JOB 19947 / February 2016 UTS CRICOS PROVIDER CODE: 00099F UTSFEIT