#$**: fiE:ft* B,tlcr{:}hi{3l{}fi U #fi# S*f*9p A Fluorescent LectinTestfor Mold in RawTomatofuice S.J.POTTS, D.C.SI-AUGHTER, ANDI.F.THOMPSON ABSTRACT:Fungal (mold) contamination is an important indicator of low quality raw product in the processing tomato industry. A quantitative lectin assaywas developed that was less expensive, faster, and more precise than the industry standard Howard mold count. This assay,based on a fluorescent-labeled lectin isolated from wheat germ, had a selective affinity for the chitin in fungal cell walls. Assayvalues were correlated with mold contamination for 4 fungal species: Alternaria alternata (r'z: 0.91), Cladosporium herbarum (r'z: 0.75), Fusarium orysporum (rz : 0.97), and Stemphylium botryosum (1'z: 0.99). Combining all 4 species, the lectin assayhad a strong coffelation (r2 : 0.76) with a linearized Howard mold count. KeyWords: filamentous fungi, biosensor, tomato, lectin, mold detection lntroduction fluorescentlabels,and their nomenclaturederivesfrom the name of their source.TherearenumerouscommerciallyavailTHE I in raw productat inspectionstationsand in processedprod- able lectinsthat bind polymersof N-acetyl-D-glucosamine. uct in qualitycontrol laboratories. At the inspectionstations,23 Stoddardand Herbertson(1978)utilized fluoresceinlabeled kg of fruit from each24metricton truckloadof processingtoma- lectinsto detecthuman pathogenicfungi.Patel(1992)usedflutoes arevisuallyinspectedfor defects.Tomatoeswith visible oresceinisothiocyanate(FITC)labeledlectinsto observemold signsof mold are weighedto obtain a percentageof decayed in processedfoods.He testedseveralchitin-bindinglectins,and fruit on a massbasis (PTABI996).At the processor'squality found that a lectin from wheatgerm agglutinin(WGA)had the control laboratories,mold is quantifiedby the Howardmold strongestbinding to fungal cell walls and the leastamount of count (HMC)method (AOACl9B4),wherea smalldrop of ho- nonspecificbinding to tomato cells.He observedconsiderable mogenizedjuice is inspectedusinga microscope.In the HMC autofluorescent at simisignal,tomatocelltissuethat fluoresces method, 2 slidesof 25 fields each areviewed,and the percent- lar wavelengthsas the fluorescentprobe. Patel and others ageof fieldscontainingmold are recorded.An accurateHMC (1993)usedbiotinylatedlectinsand streptavidinlabeledmagtakesup to 30 min to conduct.Overthe last severaldecades, netic particlesto separateand concentratemold sporesand many attemptshavebeenmade to replacemanual gradingand yeastsin fruit juices. the Howardmold count with a lesssubjectiveand lesslabor inThe goal of this researchwas to developa rapid method of tensivemeasurement,but no method hasbeen accurate,rapid, quantifyingmold in raw tomatojuice usinglectins.Ideallythe and simpleenoughto use at inspectionstationsor in quality measurementwould havea linearrelationshipto mold content control laboratories(Iarvisand Williamsl9B7;Gouramaand at levelscommonlyfound in raw tomato juice, havea lowervariBullerman1995;Cousin1996).Despitethe difficultiesand limi- ability than the HMC, and givea similar responsefor different tations of the HMC (for example,Williams lg68; Iarvis and oth- fungal species.The test should alsobe simpleto conduct and ers l9B3),it remainsthe universalstandardfor mold assess- useinexpensivereagents,and giveresultsin the samelengthof ment almost 90 yearsafter it was first introduced (Howard time asthe HMC. l9l l). Resultsand Discussion Chitin is an important structural component in fungal cell walls,but absentfrom plant tissue.The detectionof mold based on the chemicalisolationand quantificationof N-acetyl-D- Tomato tissue autofluorescence glucosamine, a breakdownproductofchitin, hasbeenproposed The fluorescenceemissionspectramaximumfrom freshtoas an alternativemold measurement(Rideand DrysdaleI972; mato juice occurredat a longerwavelengththan the maximum Iarvis 1977;Lin and Cousinl9B5).Jarvis(1977)found a coeffi- for FITC labeledlectin when excitedat 490nm (Fig. l). Microcient of variation(CV)of around20%for this method.Although scopicobservationsshowedthat strongesttomato autofluoresthe high performanceliquid chromatographybasedisolation cencewas observedin the fibrovascularbundles,the stem method is too slow and labor intensiveto be utilized as an indus- cells, and the skin cells.The wavelengthdifferencebetween trial replacementfor the HMC, a more rapidmethodthat detects the emissionmaximum and the excitationmaximum is known chitin could havecommercialpromise (Cousin1996). as the Stokes'shift, and representsthe loss of energydue to Lectinsarenaturally occurring proteins or glycoproteinsthat moleculardissipation.The Stokes'shift for tomato tissuewas bind to specificcarbohydrates. They arebecomingincreasingly consistentlyaround B0nm for excitationin the visible range. valuableasmolecularprobes,includingthe labelingof cell-sur- Fortunately,FITC,like most commonlyusedfluorescentlabels, face componentsin tissuetyping (Lis and Sharon1986).Hun- has a considerablysmallerStokes'shift of only 15 to 20 nm. dredsof lectinsfrom microbial,plant, and animal cellshavebeen Longpassfilters are normallyused in fluorometeremission identified,but most commerciallyavailablelectinsare isolated measurements,so the photomultiplier tube would detectthe from plant seeds.They are availablewith various enzymaticand autofluorescentlight. However,we used a bandpassfilter, CALIFORNIA TOMATO INDUSTRY MONITORS MOLD LEVELS 346 :ounNAL oF FooD scr€NCE-Vor. 65.No.2. 2000 @ 2000 lnstituteof Food Technolooists where only a narrow band of light, centeredat 520 nm, would be detectedby the fluorometer,to eliminatethe tomato autofluorescentsignalshownin Fig. I and alsoobservedby Patel(1992). Table | -Fungal species variability in average HMG levels for tomato iuice with an average spoiled tissue mass of O.75yo Howard Mold Count(o/o) Species Howard mold count results The Howard Mold Count scoresfor the juice samplesin this study rangedfrom 0% to 100%for all mold speciesexceptC. herbarumwhich had a maximum HMC of 96%.The average (acrossall dilution levels)amount of mold for each species wasO.75Vo spoiledtissueby mass.The average(acrossall dilution levels)HMC scoreslbr eachspecieshowever,rangedfrom alow of 37.4Tofor C. herbarum to a high of 64.2Vo for A. alternafa (Table1). The HMC resultswere nonlinearwith spoiledtissuedilution level (Fig. 2) due to field saturation where additional fungal myceliain an alreadypositive field did not increasethe readings.Considerablevariability,particularly at the intermediate spoiledtissuelevels,wasobservedbetweenthe HMC scoresobtained by the different quality control laboratories(QCL).The variabilitywaslower at both the zeroand maximum spoiledtissuelevels,sinceno valuecan be under 0% or over 100%respectively.The overallaveragecoefficientof variation (CV)between the averageHMC scoresof all four quality control laboratories was35%.The HMC scoresobtainedby the quality controllaboratorieswerewell correlated(Table2), with the best agreement occurringbetweenlabs3 and 4 (r = 0.97). Lectin assay results In contrastto the HMC assay,the lectin assayresultswerelinearwith spoiledtissuedilution levelresultingin the following coefficientsof determination:A. alternata12: 0.9I, C.herbarum12 = 0.75,F.oxysporumrz : 0.97,S.botryosum12= 0.99,all species combined12= 0.59,Fig.3. This linearity is important, both because,unlike HMC,it allowsthe lectin scoresto directlyindicate actualmold levelsmakingthem easierto compareand because it makescalibrationsimpler.The nonlinearHMC methodwasat saturationat 27ospoiledtissuefor 3 of the 4 species.A KruskalWallisone way analysisof variancetest showedthat the precision of the lectin assaywas significantlybetter (cr= 0.02)than the precisionof the HMC assayperformedby any of the quality controllaboratories(Table3). Althoughthe spoiledvolume dilution will give accuraterel- Alternaria alternata Stemphylium botryosum Fusarium oxysporum Cladosporium herbarum 64.2a 53.1ab 46.2bc 37.4c 18.3 t o ./ 14.9 14.5 (o= 0.05). withthesamegrouping " Meanvalues letterarenotsignilicantly ditferent Table 2-Gorrelations between average Howard mold count values obtained by 4 quality control laboratories 1.00 noa 0.91 0.91 QCLl OCL2 QCL3 OCL4 1.00 0.85 0.85 Table 3-Average coefficient WGA lectin mold as$ay 1.00 0.97 of variation Evaluator (GVf values for HlllO and Ave. CV* QCLl 50.3%a 45.6o/oa 42.OY"a 21.60/ob 7.2o/oC WZ QCL3 QCL4 WGA LectinAssay 'CV valueswithlhe samegroupingletter not (u = 0.02)difierent are significantly ative results (that is, 0.5%level has exactlyone quarter the m o l d a s 2 T o l e v e l )i,t i s u n l i k e l yt h a t t h e r e i s t h e s a m ed r y weight of mold massin the original 2Vomold levelsfor different fungal species.For example,the averageHMC at 0.5% spoiledtissuedilution was 94 for A. alternata and40 for C. herbarum.Sincethe HMC givesan indicationof fungalbiomass, we used these scoresto adjust for varying amounts of fungal biomassin the undiluted contaminatedjuice. Becausethe HMC is by nature nonlinear with high variability,we developed a linearizedHMC scoreto comparewith the lectin assay. The HMC scoresof the 2 quality control laboratories(3 and 4) 100 100 s i -80 E9 -t=r tc o o60 :o.80 E" s.z Standard Deviation 60 EE ao EP ov 320 lr c 5 E o =40 tt (E 420 0 o 0.5 1 1.5 2 Mold Level (% Spoiled Tissue) Fag. | -Tomato tbsue autofluor€scence and FITG labeled WGA lectin emission spectra for a 49O nm excitation. Fig. 2-Howard mold count results for tomato juice infected with Stemphylium botryrosum. Vol. 65, No. 2, 2000-JOURNAL OF FOOD 5C|ENCE 347 Lectin Testfor Motd o g tr D o 500 o o G 400 o (, 300 E o (, o o o = l! 0.5 0 1 1.5 2 Mold Level (% Spoiled Tissue) Fig, 3-Lectin aasay y$ mold dilution leyel. o o (, th o = E o N o o c 1 1.5 2 o 0.s (% Spoiled Tissue) Mold Level Fig. 4-Linearized Howard mold count for tomatoiuace anlected with Stemphylium botryoaum. o 6 I o o = tt o l! 6 o tr 100 200 300 400 500 600 Fluorescence (Relative Units) Fig. S-Lectin 700 assay uersus linearized mold count. 348 rounNAL oF FooD ScrENCE-Vor. 6s,No.2.2ooo which had the bestprecisionamongblind replicatemeasurementsand the highestcorrelationbetweenlaboratorieswere averagedand used as the "true" Howard mold count for mold levelsin the study.Four mold levelsfor C. Herbarum (that is, 0% through l% spoiled tissue)and 3 mold levelsfor the remaining fungalspecies(that is, 0% through 0.5%spoiledtissue)were regressedagainstthe spoiledvolume to developline a r i z e dH M C m o d e l sf o r e a c h s p e c i e sT . h e s em o d e l sw e r e then usedto predict linearizedHMC scoresabovethe linear rangefor eachspecies(Fig.4). The linearizedHMC scoreswere then regressedagainstthe lectin assayreadingsresultingin the following coefficientsof determination:A. alternata12: 0.91,C. herbarum12: 0.76,F.oxysporum12: 0.97,S.botryosum 12: 0.99,all speciescombined12: O.76(Fig.5).Thesere_ sults show that the lectin assaywill give generallycomparable resultsto HMC in the linear rangefor eachfungal organism. Differencesin responseamongspeciesare either intrinsic in the lectin assay(thatis, speciesdiffer in amountsof chitin, or in number of exposedchitin bindingsites,Sharmaand others 1997;Cousin 1995),may reflectthat speciesdiffer in ratio of fungalmassto spoiledtissuemass,or HMC scoresmay differ f o r s i m i l a r q u a n t i t i e so f d i f f e r e n tm o l d s p e c i e s( T a b l el ) . E i s e n b u r g( 1 9 5 2 )o b s e r v e dh i g h l e v e l so f v a r i a b i l i t ya m o n g fungal specieswhen comparing the relationship between H M C a n d s p o i l e dv o l u m e i n i n d i v i d u a lt o m a t o e s .B a t t i l a n i and others (1996)also observedfungal speciesvariabilityin b o t h t h e r e l a t i o n s h i pb e t w e e nH M C a n d s p o i l e dv o l u m e a s well as the relationshipbetweenHMC and ergosterolcontent. The lectin assayrequired 120min for a group of 12 samples, or an averageof I0 min per sample.This is one-thirdthe time required for an accurateHMC analysis.The total cost of reagents usedin the lectin assaywere$0.60.The costof the lectin assayin a commercialapplicationcould be reducedfurther if the reagentswerepurchasedin largequantities. Microscope observations WGAlectin bound stronglyto the myceliaof all 4 species. Strongestbinding occurredat the hyphal tips and in the septa (cross-walls), althoughtherewasgenerallyan adequatecoating of older wall surfaces.However,it did not bind the asexualconidia of any of the species,with the exceptionof E oxysporum,which exhibitedsomelectin binding to macroconidia. Conclusion TESTFORMOLDWASDEvELOPED A RAPIDAND INEXPENSI\ts .{lLwhich has the potential to replacethe Howard mold count for testingof mold in raw tomato juice.The testis linear,with 3 to 7 times better precisionthan the Howard mold count for the four fungal speciestested.Lectinsare inexpensive,and the assay takesaround l0 min per samplewhen analyzedin groupsof 12, one-third the time required for an effectiveofficial Howard mold count.\Mth binding time reductions,it has the potentialto be a much fasterassayand can be automated.Correlationswith mold count resultssuggestthereis an acceptablylow variationacross the 4 fungal speciestested (Alternaria alternata, Cladosporium herbarum,Fusariumorysporum,and,Stemphyliumbotryosum). Futurework will involve a largernumber of fungal speciesand will look more closelyat the quantitativedifferencesbetween species. Work to reducethe bindingtime from 40 min and to automatethe procedurefor usein inspectionstationsand quality control laboratoriesis alsoneeded. Materials and Methods Fungal cultures (varietyHeinzBB92) processing Ripe,defect-free tomatoes ed from 220nm to 800nm (5 nm bandwidth).An emissionspectrum wasalsorecordedfor a FITClabeledWGAlectin solution excited at 490nm, nearits reportedexcitationmaximum. werewashedand surfacedisinfectedfor 10minutesvnth a2%o Howard mold count procedure Fourtomatoprocessors eachreceived60 tomatojuice samsodiumhypochloritesolution.Eachof four setsof 20 fruit was placedonto a sterilewire meshin a sterilecontainer.Cultures ples,consistingof threeblind replicatesof the five spoiledtisof Alternaria alternata,Cladosporiumherbarum,Fusarium ox- sue dilution levelsfor eachof the four fungal species.These ysporum, and Stemphyliumbotryosuim,isolated from tomato processorsperformeda Howardmold count,viewingtwo slides fields,weregrownon potatodextroseagarat22 'C for up to 21 for eachsample,and the percentof positivefieldswasrecorded. days.Eachfruit was prickedjust below the surfacewith a sterile knife and inoculatedwith one of four fungal pathogens. Lectin assay Anothersetof60 (5 dilution levelsx 4 speciesx 3 replicares) The fruit were placedinto an incubator at 26 "C for two to five days (dependingupon fungal growth rare)with 16 h of light juice sampleswasusedin the lectin assay.One of the 60 tubes into a 50 ml cenand B h of darknessper day.The fruit remainedin the incuba- wasrandomlyselected,l0 ml of juice.pipetted tor until the fungi spoiledapproximatelyz%o(by mass)of the trifuge tube, alongwith 40 ml of Tiis buffet pH 8.3 (Brooksand others 1997),centrifugedin a swingingbucket centrifuge (IEC tomatotissue(Fig.6). The spoiledvolume (Battilaniand others1996)was cut ClinicalModel)at 5000RPM(2260I for I min, and 40 ml of the from eachfruit in a setand addedto unspoiledtissuefrom ad- supernatantwereremoved.Highlyreactivenonspecificbinding ditional ripe, defect-freeprocessingtomatoes(varietyHeinz siteswereblockedwith 200p1of 30%bovine serum albumin BB92)and comminuted for 40 s in a blender (Waringmodel (SigmaChemical,St.Louis,Missouri),and 50(lof lmg/ml FITC CB-6,Hartford,CN) to obtain3.6 kg of juice containing2% labeledWGAlectin (EYLabs,SanMateo,California)was added. spoiledtissue(by mass).A separateset of B0defect-freepro- The tube was shakenfor 40 min in the dark on a wrist action cessingtomatoeswerealsocomminutedfor 40 s in the blender shakerto allowadequatebinding to occur.Lectinbuffer (40ml) to obtain 3.6 kg of juice containingno spoiledtissue.The to- was added,and the tubes centrifugedat 5000RPM (2260g) for matojuice with 2%spoiledtissueand thejuice with no spoiled I min. The supernatantwasremoved,leavingonly the cellspeltissuewerefiltered(640micron pore size)and combinedpro- leted at the bottom. The centrifugingand washingstepwas reportionallyto obtainfivejuice sampleswith spoiledtissuedi- peatedonce.The washedcellswere resuspendedin l0 ml of lution levelsof 0.0%,0.25To,0.5Vo, 1.0%,and 2.0%(by mass). buffer beforefl uorometermeasurement. A fluorometer(TurnerModel450,Barnstead/Thermolyne, Eachdilution levelwas subdividedinto 40 ml replicatesubsamples,placedinto sealabletubes,autoclavedat l2l "C for Dubuque,IA) was used to quantify the presenceof FITC labeled lectin,equippedwith a 490nm excitationbandpassfilter 20 min, and then storedat B'C for up to threeweeks. (TurnerNB490,l0 nm bandwidth) and a 520 nm emission bandpassfilter (TurnerNB520,l0 nm bandwidth).The 520nm Tomato tissue autofluorescence Cleanmold-freejuice wasdiluted and placedinto a scanning emissionbandpassfilter wasusedto block out the autofluoresfluorometer(HitachiF-2000,SanJose,CA).The excitationwave- cent signalat wavelengthslongerthan the fluoresceinemission. lengthwassetat 490nm and the emissionspectrumwasrecord- The fluorometerwascalibrateddailywith a standardsolutionof FlTC-labeledWGAlectin. The readingswere checkedwith this solution everythirty minutes during the study,to correctfor small levelsof instrumentdrift. Juicefrom the preparedsample waspouredinto a 5 ml borosilicateglasscircularcuvette(Fisher Scientific,Pittsburgh,PA),and a readingrecordedon the fluorometer.The cuvettewasemptiedand rinsed,and the cuvette relilled with sample.A total of five readingswere averagedto obtain the fluorescentscorefor eachsample. The precisionof the lectinassayand of the HMC assaywere evaluatedby calculatingthe CVacrossblind replicatemeasurements conductedon eachmold dilution level/speciestreatment. The usual analysisof varianceassumptionsof a normal distributionand equalvarianceacrossgroupswerenot valid for the coefficient.of variancevaluesanalyzed.Both the modified Levene(Levene1960;Brown and Forsythe1974)and Bartlett (Bartlettand Kendallf946)testsshowedthat the varianceofcoefficient of variation valueswere significantly(c1: 0.01)different betvveenassays.The Kruskal-Wallis one-way analysisof variancetestwasusedin placeofthe usualanalysisofvariance techniquebecauseit doesnot rely on theseassumptions. Fig. 6-lnfected tomato truit showing growth of Fusarium orysporum. The cone-shaped spoiled tisgue was cut frcm each truit and weighed. Microscopic observation Samplesfrom the assaywere observedunder an epifluorescentmicroscope(Zeiss,standardmodel),equippedwith a fluoresceinfilter set (Excitationmodel BP490,Emissionmodel LP 520)to checkboth lectin binding to mold cellsand nonspecific bindingto tomato tissue. Vol.65,No.2, 2000-JOURNALOF FOOD9CI€NC€ 349 Lectin Test for Motd References AOAC. 1984.Mold and rot fragments. Association of Official Agricultual Chemists, l4th I96. edition.44:194Bartlett MS, Kendall DG. 1946.The statistical malysis of variancesheterogeneityand the logarithmic trmsformation. IRSSSuppl. B:l2B-138. Battilmi B Chiusa G, Cerui C, Trevisan M, chebbioni C. 1996.Fungal gowth md ergosterol content in tomato fruits infected by fungi. Ital. i. Food Sci. 4:283-289. Brooks SA,Leathem AiC, Schumacher U. 1997.Lectin histochemistry : a concise practical hmdbook. Oxford, England: BIOS Scientific. 177 p. 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Engineering Department at UC Davis, for their assistmce in conducting this study, to David Glahn md the Depiltmenr of Cell Biology md HmanAnatomy at UC Davis, for the use of the scanning fluorometer, and to R. Michael Davis in the Planl Pathology Depiltment at UC Davis for the donation of the cultures. We would also like to thanl the California Processing Tomato Advisory Board for ihe funding they provided for this study Authorsare with theBiologicaland Agricultural EngineeringDepartment, UniuersityofCalifornin,Dauis,Dauis,CA95616.Directinquiries to author Slaughter(E-mail: dcslaughter@ucdauis. edu).