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bt. I.
In eacll
mun-ty, -towi, and i n the cily of Reykjav&
L ~ ~ i ~ Le
l l _UT
i ~ U u ~ eCV
mtu= c o n s o ~ ~ a # i o n
wi'-l~ty,tm, or ~ L t y
s e v e r t ~ r w hs?l~d l . Svt.
principal conmitre@ members i n each
di.;trict, elects them and appoints a chaimm, elects the same number of
&l ternatcs , and pmvides -themem
wit11 necessary working facilities, ' b e term
of office of princir~lsancl altenla-tes shall bo few years.
munc:il decides ug on The number
m. 2"
election of aAmturemnservation ccirnitteeishal be reported
arter the eelection
)lam C~n.nselw.tionC ' o n c ~ limediateky
fixt. 3.
'file rule of The n a t u r e conservation c m i t t e e s is
fwtker na-ture
ccnservclTion in T h e i r d i s t ~ i c t . Tney s k l l Take the ini~iativein p m t j - n g
~ u b l i c .a p p r e c i z t i - ~ r iaE U-e Value nf m-turn. ccnnze~~aticn
and an w l m i l c d!~enT. S?-hre ccnscnfclticn cccrrs~?T.-c
s stzll kelp close watch to
prevcn t m y act rd111ich r i g h t s p j . 1 the cowby -5 n a t c d e n v i r o m n - t , in
violatbn of tl,e pn3visinns and ins,truc tions contained ir! law, i a.
the follm+,
Osser~ci.v c ! ~ i ~ ~trraf
' l ziic
~ CIPE the mad. and public conduct in uninb-abitsd
areas, and ;ra:re x*lcr.x-enrAa~ions'to the HatConservat.ion (~auncilor otler
pmy?zl a:; th3r.i ties far jnqruvarr~nt s :dhert.. W-&Chas k e n cauced by such
L L ~ L ~ ;dl[;~v
l l ~ i b
i ~ k
y 5iuirif:nL.
I.Il._lntain inspt?ctir.n tro e n s i r e theit
pmvisions in A r t . 13 o f the
hhWr.c Co~servationAct mncernir~c: disposal of s o l i d b~astcand r e f u s e a v
RC:C;. j>:.~!$t\~tionsi ' ? ~
t~ tci 1~2-XLauthWi t i e s
~ l i r , CT~C!
Prevent h m g e to vegetz-tion md the p l l u t i o n of
, cf.
A r ti d e s
10, 11 and 37 of these Regulations.
Oversee that objects, buileLngs, a d other c o n s ~ c t i m sdo not
deterj.o~z2.ef rwn neglect, cf. A F ~ .15 of the Name Conservation ACT,
Pass an opinion on The m i n k of b u i l d i m rraterials , cf. W . 17 of
the sm~eA c t .
m y site w h i c h has k e n distwbed by rorsmckion WO*
oxb Lhe mining of building ~ r a t e ~ i a
bel ~
repaired and l e f t in gmd order.
Oversee the? m ~ v of
d any nad8iae a d v e r t i s m t s or billboards
~ w c t e di n uiolation of the provisions of E ~ 19. of the Nature Conservation
A c t , and r e p o r t to the Nature Ccnservation Council. i n cas2 of doubt.
-that +theprovisions of k t . 20 of the Nature Conservation A$
oorrcexs~ingf r e e pasc%e of peclisWi~f16~
Advise local axthori-ties on the m s t m c t i o n of s m r houses, cf.
A r t . 19-23 of these Regulations.
Enhkce t h e oppwtmities of The public b r outdour recreaticn
Offer advice m d c a m m t s to the Nature Conservation Council on the
pmservation of notable na'twd p h e m m , the e s - t - a b l i s h nt of recmation
areas S. the h p l e n t 2 t i c n of natme cmsematicn measures.
a c ~ ~ m with
c e t3w prgvisions of M . 27 of *he
m* 4.
Tne NaC c n s e ~ a t i c nC c ~ m c i lc m cbuge m.kule. ccnservatim
ccmil-reas wit11 the -task of supc?rvising pmtec-Led
, axj the C o u c l l
is ~ u t k c ~ i z eto
d pznt .they pr:,leF to wake cxenpticns f'mm mgulatiofis.
S u ~ h.tasks c m alss be given to other p a r t i e s in a particu1arly gmd
psitim to 1mbk a f t e r the pmtectcd areas.
fwC*5 .
Nc7tw-e ~onsemationc a m i t t e e s shall s & i t ~umualr e ~ t on
s their
activities to ccmb], IcrYn, g r ci?y ceuncils ; A copy of the ~ ~ o l 'sha.11
he sent- to tile :!at=
Ccnservation Cawcil.
Art. 6.
If a r w t u ~ocnseruadon cc~;Ynit.teeconsiders actions or pmjec,ts
to be in violation of the pmvisS on5 of the k b h Conservaticn
-i?ct, or
. M I E ~ 5 ~ i i ba c ~ i o n sare ir;snirpn.t? the cord'wce s h a l l Gix2diaTely P2plTt:
I d a t w Conservation Council, if
t h i s -to the pmper tid-khol.ities and t o
t;-,c ec.l::Li~--!.- , celievcri -kl:c~-eIs rya&> S O .
Nature conservation c&.?tees
shall co-oprate with oolun-tary
oq&sations interested in r l a t u r e conservation.
Or! I?ul,lic C v n b u c t s d R i & t
of Access tv rhture.
M . 8.
E ~ c r y ~ i : is
e erititled 'to a f
~ p3ssa:e
~ e through and s t a y in w a s
l y i n g outside the property of registered farm, such as outlying pasture
and c c m n s , p u i d e d
nF s
~ p~ssage
~ h
or stay is Iegi-timah.
Fedestrims m y pass through privately mmed areas provide3 such
land has not k e n cultivated cznd is unfenced, and provided also that their
p?xs&ncedcles nut drsturb hvestock, OP cause inmnvememe -to Wc6e
u t i l i z h s t h e land.
the event t h a t the lmcl has b e n cultivated n r fenced, passage
-thra~@5t shall be subject to t h e p r d s s i m of those in m
Imd in question.
e of
The free passnze of pedestrians m ~ l s tnot be h i n d ~ r e dby placing
bu.ild?lrgs, f ~ n c e snr other ~ o n s W ~ c . t i o nons beaches, lake shores, or river
DEF:p ~ ? v i s i @ nshdll
not agplb- to bu: ldings
constzuctjons which
are mcess~zryf o r tY1c ccnduct of ecorm-ic activi-ties, ~ n c l u d f n gthe private
dwellings of Earwrs, nDr to those buildings or r ~ n s ~ c t i o
n ~ me
csvc Cad wi
t:;e p c r ~ ~ l i s s i oonf the appmprliate auzhor*iries in planned areas,
nor s h ~ i l lthey apply t;3 constauaions which tiere erected p r i o r to the
coning b t o fcrce ef the present law.
L;..dclers pay 'c2 ew-ctsd to a l l m passa,Fe over fences which a m
inevitable and a= authorized, cf. M . 11, 20 and 27 of the N a t m
C e n s e ~ ~ ~ At cbt n
m. 10.
C v c q c r ~ eis ailr;z~Gt o pick L ~ r n e s1r1 area? ly-
outslde t h 3
property of wgis~em:dEmrs.
~n W L L L , ~ ~ . ~ Lcn:as
J ~ ~ C
i s a l l ~ ~ i r lto
d pick Pjcmies
The use of tools or imp1men.t~fcr pickirg k r ~ i e sis prohibited
if t h e r e is rrlason t o fear that: t h k r a y cause &rage ::-to
?'he Nature Conservation Cowcil ray forbid the use of such specified tools.
A r t * 11.
Everyone sb11. tr* care in his dealings w i t % The mWr+eOE ,L% o w t q
in ox.drr -to avoid unnecessay h a z e .
Ir: t h e open countryside ft is prohibited to thmw away or leave behind
refuse, which can consti Lute dmger or defilerrent, or deposit such t?as?e
on beaches, into rivers, likes OP stream.
Rest amas shall at a l l t h e 5 be left clean and tidy, a d nothing
rr,usr. be left khbehind tilich-despo~~s
t3z enviso~xmll.
ktr!the sea,
TEwvellem shall. .take care not Co t h m away containers or w r ~ p p h g s
or other such r e f u s ~by t3-1~
side of m d s cr trails.
It i s forbldden to acc~mjulat~
rubbish i n t o heaps in public place:
or by madsides. G<mbageheaps mvst be k;=pt-in suc?
ccndi*tion that-
objec-trc clan nej-trhell b l m ~nor ,float away.
Vegetation ~rmst not be d a q e d o r m b e d unnecessarily, eiTher by
t h e tearing up of rross , heaths, cr. s h & s
I-jhewvrs a
f h
, or i n any
other m e P .
is l i t LI C11e open, this sh-d1 be done Q L t h e r in
a s p c i d l y p w p m d h e a t h , or on soil of ,a type \+here there is no danger
of its wreading. Care shall k taken t h a t t h e fire has been entirely
,dd before lezvkg the site.
Care shall be -taken everywhere -that neither wa-te.r supplies, ?xmnhg
v : d t e r - or Lakes
zlmagtd or p l l u t e d fhrr?ugh c~zclcssh m d l h g of rrubctancor:
o r objects.
All insmipticns cn mtn!ral Yeatwes are forbidden.
M , 12.
A? l ~rnnt-.cerc;ary~ ~ , ? h i c-htlEfic
oursi<ie roads cr ~rurkedh.ails is
Eorbidclen, whex .thc;re is danger that su& F-- ac-tirn wil1 cause d z ~ a g s
Necessary traffj? in such areas shall cause
-to t h e nature1 e n v i r n m n t
def i l ~ : t ? n T
r,o m e c c s s a r y d,vIc?e
lam Consenlaticn Council will i s s u s mgiond rult--Sconcer~'ig
of ~ ' I E w t w .
vehicular mjff ic alcng ~ ~ r k cm-1
d kes in m i t e ( c :
In rest -?S
v?hiclcs sllall a t a l l tL7.5~L= p3-F.:td in amas ~%idlI lave b2:n s b&cd out: or rrA~rked
f o r such ~.;se?, O b s ~ r L c t i ~ n snxkzrs ,
which d ~ m t such
a r e a must nd- be moved for the.,gurpose of by-passing
The owners or operatom of buses and coaches
are required to acquaint
fheir pt3ssengem with r u l e s of conduct s t i p i h ~ e din law3 and z-v&ations
11ci tuit
h w s of buildings, beached ships, mtor vehicles, m & k e r y o r
constructions, such as f e n e s , which have been abandcned or lefr in neglect,
m n q ~ t i r r dto n~rm[rethem.
In T k went ,that a fmis abandoned, i-ts m@
is rsquired to leave
all fam buildings, fences, w a t e r wells and other constructions 5-1
ccnckkion that they do no-t: blemish -the smmchngs o r endsngw m or
hat. These p ~ l b i s i o n sapply equally
other constmctians which have
been h d o n e d and not ~ m v e d ,
me local al\thori~icsshall see tc. that t h e provisions of t h i s Prtj.c3a
are follcwed and if nzmssay carry out the reqUi.wled cleaning and impmvemen~r
at Ll~cLWJLICL-;
A r t . 14.
In opm-c3;ip gaThwhg places, m e a t ion areas , public p k s and
in o-her places where the public m y gather, sanitary facilities shall be
inst.alle?d p ~ i c rto such places being taken into use.
H ~ d t hordinances shall be follcxsed
of sanitary equiprlt.
Heal33 ordirmances and r&
in the & s i p
and cons~c-t5on
p v i s i o ~ i su f A r t . I1 uf t l ~ r s cRegulations
shall. also be f01lch~dconcerning a13 =fuse, as we12
usage and s u ~ i s i ~ -
of such installations.
F u r t h e m r e the provisiom contained irl Articles 13 and l b cf the
Nature Conservation Act s h a l l be adhered to and no larger p u p cf p o p l e
,d.lw:cd to convcna i n one plaw than t k v ~ g e t a t i n nand e n v k m t W
suppcrt without serious w e ,
Earages bmght about by o v e r c ~ W 3 i r ~
rust l
x rep=2wd by those who m r e s p n s i b l e for kt.
It is prohibited :o hold a meting, allow camp-,
or permit p o p l e
to stzy in an area w h i c h has ncl- hem cleaned after a public gatbering.
landamer or his ten~mtam responsible for the e n f o ~ w m n tof the pmvisions
9f this dqter1.
A r t . 15.
It is prohibited -to erect advertising bilZboarrjs by t h e m a d s i d e
or elsewh~reo u T s i d ~densely popdated a s . Lhabtrusive advertising of
h s i n r ~ s so p ~ a t i ~ aservices
o r gmds on s a l e shall Le pmriSt:& on the
s t l m a c t i v i t y or prcduction takes place.
Signposts providing guidmm on mutes, t h e nsnes of f a m , rest areas,
do not: ccrne tlnder the ~rovisirins.of
r m t i t m c d pmks and pmTccted -3s
T h i s Article.
413, 1 6 .
k m property, according to t1:lle pmvisions of these .kgulations,
shall constitute the buildings, tkir adjoining graunds OF sir16lmareas
of work, as w e l l as the fences surmurrdir~-them.
A Cl~;'.'~sely
p o p u k t ~ darea, according to the provisions of these
Regulations, shall !Irm an u!,termpted inhabited area, which has been
b u i l t -t.according t o an approved ox* r a t i f i e d p 3 . m pm j e c t
W. 17,
Shodd the owners of services wish to emct signs for the @zkkncc
of travellers, .they clre permitted ?O erect s t m c k d i z e d sigrG, rd-lj.d~m
ae'~'anr;Fr,sdby i?egu.ku i o 1~s or1 .t.~uf
ric &G113, zirt~l iiI I ~ , Y - - ceppwved
~ ~ ~ ~ Iby
Lke State k a d h & : h i $ l l r ? i t i ~ n the
Chief cf Police and
Coilsema tion Ccur?cil, and are authnrized by t h e rules governbg The rrrrlcillg
of such signs.
The bIa.t-tlre Conservation Council mikes p m p s a l s t o t h e M i n i s t q of
Justice as to what services ray te dveflisccl i n t h i s m e r , and %:hat
r m l e ~s h a l l , at m>!~ i v m
tire, apply t o carh sign.
C n t h e Building,
Swmer- Houses.
k t . 19.
ht Lliebc Rr:Gulntic:.ns, a h d 1
a hour;^
for .the puqGea of heing a dt4212i1%; p l s c e du~-'hgt h e suTar,er, S\?X
kl rclirrter, S L : < ~ > G:;
These provisions apply e q u a l l y to rmwtain rest-houses, fishingor hm ring-lodges , ski-hu ts and sirrilar buildings.
LW. 20.
Tne bdldirag o f n srnre~~
is pwhibited w i t b u t t h e pe~mission
of the local autharity ccncemed.
fin ayalA.caticn for a permit Zr! build a s m r house shall stare 'the
lwation cf the " l c l ~ s ecr ~ G U S C Si n questirn, its design end appemnces
such as whether it i s to be b~il
t of c e n c ~ t eor brood, what i t s colour
trill. be, and o t h e r s ~ i r hde?aj.3!3 w h i c h inflllcmra hnw The h o ~ l s ew i l l fit 6n-t-n
i t s s m ~ ~ m d i.q s
: ~ m i c i p latlW,cri-ti~tsshall always seek t h e winion of The nature
ccmLittee prior to the granking oi a permission t k b U i i d
a S u i X e r house.
M . 21.
If the constr~ctionof a . g m ~ pof swmr hruses is intended, a plan
of -the project, in a d d i t i o n to -thr i-tma listed i n A r t . 20, shall accompany
the zpplic,'tion t n tkc lccal mthmities.
The 1.0221aut'rLfa~i'iiesconcerned s h a l l always seek the op-i,nioh of T b
N ~ ~ U ZConservation
Council concerning applications f o r tl?e c ~ n s mt c
gur;lLipS of StLTeT ~ C L S ~ S .
-kt. 72.
I.ccal a u t h r i t i ~ ss h a l l d < e kt a condition f o r issuing a permit
d SWid:ELW I I C l U S e ,
UlaC L l l c
cipplicdllt w i l l rr-~ILW
t l o z i l - i~~str-uctiu~w
conccrnhg t h e chioice of sit?, t h e desi~mof the hcusc or houses, m 3 a l s o
-that "i??eins-t;ruc.ti.;ns of the healtb authorities concerning t h e consbwctio~~
of water tanks, o i l t&s,
lavato~iesand the disposal of a l l kinds of
wcs te m:! refuse, vhich could cause pollution or serve to blemish -khe
anviwlnmnt .
k t . 23.
I n case soreon;? b u i l d s a S-mzerhome without t h e prmission of Tht?
1cc2l nu-t-hclrity cc~:rlcerr,ed,or dms not adhere to the ccfidirions set by
dcrn-~ndthat .the Chief of ~olicepuT the building
t h e : ! ~ r r - ~ i r l i y d i r \ lit.
~.c\ter1 s.taetl f t ri-ly h:jvi. n:ached, c ~ d
to :;t.;:r:;i-s-ti l!, :.:l>s
alrt;.:r,b; cl-ec-ted be 1;:~:lI.cdd m n and n?~vovd.
ZT,c irwicipali-ty s h a l l irmediately nr;~j.fythose zlesponsiblc for
er bjr registered letter of 2t.s demand
TO m e ChieS 01 Police That Thc Duilding project be stopped. The m c r
s h d 1 be notified in t h e sme mnner if t h e m i c i p l i t y demnds ' t h s t
t h e c u ~ s m c t i u n ,ekther by telegmm
a s u m r house be r a v e d .
On Dech.ret ion nf F r ~ ~ t w t i w l .
??E fvhtu-e Cc>nsawation Council slcill with t h e a i d of the nature
ccnserva-tion cc,mittens ancl o k e r parties concerned ~ ~ l l e jnfmra-tion
;.atcrs3. features d e c r ~ dmmhy of ~ r V t e d t i 0 nas we11 as weas in which it
1;i3y 2eccire desipahle tc eotablish nature reserves, mereation areas, or
national y a k s .
Nature Co~1serv;rtionCouncil campiles a register of such
n a t w a l features and areas, and makes this h a m by'publication as it deems
rleces s a q
A r t . 25.
In I n s register or n a T m . r e a m s TheFe Si'ldll De a R C O ~ or a l l
jnfo,-um-L-icnconceri?L~grxrL-ural featwcs and amas which my he coqsidered
neccssay fop t h e i r pmtec tion or conservation, such as the rights of
cwnership a d usaga, dez;*aSle bundcmies, ccnservation value, imninen-t:
t h r ~ a t sancl desim.bl2 reasurns for their protection.
T.f rho, r\%tweCons~wationC a r n i l f i n d s reason to declare pmtection
or to i.11:pler;enT other conservation rrsasurrs , i-t:s h a l l endeavour t o reach
an aigrcw:.ent with % Z ~ ~ Q C J ~ local.
Q ~ S , authori-Ties and Wher : W ~ ~ C Swhose
in'tewsts m h v a l v c d .
If an agmzillent is reached, t h i s shall b e . ~ c o r r l e dand confimed by
&l c ~ ~ ~ c e r n e d .
Art. 27.
If tY:.:e ?!atme Cnnservaticn Council dzcides to d e c l m a p x t e c t 3 d
iwea !,li:j:oet. !!avins p w v i ~ ~ s o';llahed
U I ~
a p p w v d c.l' uwllers ot o t h w
ri~?l'ti:3ldcrs,or ,the rnmicipal.i"t): c~ncgmi:d, 'cne Corn&
shall d E i ~ Up a
pxmpsal f ~ ! rs ~ r ha d c c l m t - i o n .
,.", .
inl:; pm;fisal
r;ba.ll be sc.nt ,tolandcr..-ners; ccrcpmts a d oTher
ril'!~-tl:cldc:rs, b;I;r_, li13y 3~ &fcct:ccj 5y t h i s z:.ticn, as k;e.ll as to She local
.:'F ccr.calmcc1.
They s h a l l be given the opprQm.i'ty
to p s s an opinion on the
d c c l m t i o n of pro taction, pmscn't ubjsc tionc or subrdeting claim for
from the Ns.ture Ca~servationCouncil within a perid of four
Thq proposal s h a l , furthermom, state tbat
~ ~ m g ~ Z iafter
m claims will be
if objections o r clairs for caipnsztion a m x e c e i v d , the k t m
Cunse:rva l-ion Coralcil can dgain atltm~ptto -reach an agzercnt on suck cl&
and a:lter me eri is c ~ fThe decl~irutionof pmeemicn ac.soruI*
tro the
objec tion , =pmviclcd t h e aliLemtion in no a
impairs -5e rights of others.
h c i s i o n s of t h e i4a
Conservation Council c o n c l e h g protection
or dacla-a-tion uf pm-tactinn
not ccne <n-to f~rceuntil appmwed by
the rl&-hsiry cf Cul-CUE a d Education.
M , 30.
The )ilnis-iry of C u l t w e ad Education .has t h e authoriry To expmpriatz
land, constmc-ticns znd rij$tts in order ?o exec~teccnserva-tion nansures
prcvided t o r in the fI3tm-e Conservation Act.
!:::<ma f i n d d l ? c i s i ~ nhcs k e n ~ a ~ : i c cI.n
: acccrclancx wi<h fkt. 29,
wr,c.,c.:r;]ing dcclznx-t-ir;ns of a ~ d
;:mvisi~ns f o r protec ticn , the lfj-nistry
of Od.tire zrid E d u a l icn will pcblish thcgas i n t h e Irx.w ar.d H i n i s Lerial
i47::y t?ke effect cn L 9 c?y of l x b l i c a t i c n . %t~y s h ~ l L&so
G = ?
be posted cn tile s i t e in so f a r as the f!dt>~~:
Ccns~rvztimComcil finds
-this necessary.
Wt. 32.
'I hc t e x t of 311 r:!>r.omce~;nt d e c h i ~ y ; ti,c protection of 3. s i t e or
ama sk?ll always m1kc ref cmnce to the xu:lcvmr a ~ i c l eof laiir This
s h a l l . alsn ccntc+, a ci3scription of bomda~iesmd re@ilarions fcr t h e m a .
P- plan ck The area, shcwing i t s bcjunclrnies and p r i n ~ i p - : l l-and~-lrkss h a l l
iil\:u>'~?>c3 ~ ~ : bbhcd
l i r r i t h thc ~nnrwncclrcnt.
Cn Lart.h K ~ z v a and
kile ksign
p d l i c land all excavatim of earth naterials listed under Article
tclcw 1s p r o h i k i ~ e dwirhcuT permission frcm -the Ministry of CulTure and
, priol- conslil tation with t h e Nature Conservation Council.
m. 34.
Anyone is permimed to mine p v d , sand, m&, scoria m d pumice on
?113 eotatc, prc;vidcd that Artjclcs 2 2 .to 26 and the &twe Conservation
>.zt 11rc c S s w v e 3 .
Bie local au.1trcrity concerned m y , having sought ' t h e opinion of the *
ccmi t-tee , p m h i b i ~my mining i f it is of the opinion
L5at C?is w i l l di~tur5m u s ~ lmdscapr-.
or noteworthy n a t u r ~ lphenomenz;
l"ne decision 01the l ~ c n i .a u t i ~ o r i t ym11y I* appealed to the Mints*
of-'(Mix.e m d Ccluclation which psses f i n a l judgw,en t on t h e ~lwtter,hatiing
xeczivsd the opinion of -t-hz ;kztur~Conservation Council.
.X: t.~;:~? rcnserzration
I4atericll f o r rosd c ~ n s t ~ c r i osnrLL1
be subject to the Road Act.
M .36.
YF Tlw l d s c a ~ eh a s bcaz dj stzrkx d tbrwugh mnstructicn h r 3 ~ k ~the
excavation of gravel, sand, IF&,
scoria or by other activities of man,
tl.:osz who have caused such disturbmce 3f tbe lanclscape shall be ~ q u i r e d
To ms-tore The site. 1ne isjature Consema'rion C~uncilshall issue b s m c t i u n :
on the condition i n which sites s h a l l be left, and cm i.? .. set a tk&
t ~.!it:hiiiwhich r-cftstoration work shd1 Le cmpleted.
In areas s ~ b j e c to
t planning regu[lations, t h e local authoriw concerned,
t p n the approval of the Stars Planning A u t h c ~ i t ,
y ]nay prohibit the mmv;lL
OP L I I ~ C ~ I m t e r i a 1 ~ ,E&,
or othcr major e a t h m v k OF & b C ,
i f such
z s k i r n is cansidcnd l i k e l y to cause dicr~ptionlead&
to soil omsion,
c? t 3 :uk\stmti~1 f f jw1tj.p~i n the ~ , pmen-taticjn
. ~ current
p l ? m i n g ?P
;r! c'. slgnjng plans ,for the area ~ G Plater i ~ ~ l e n ~ n t a t i c In
n . the s m e wzy
~ ~ t h o r i ct ym , ..<ith tile ilppmvrll uf t h e Stiit? P l m n i n g / r . u t h ~ r i t y ,
::->cift t. for .the tiitMrawal of surh a d c c i s i ~ nthat the a m a ,
$,..ic:.scch ; 2~ m ~ : x ~ v ~ will.
d r l urmn ?he M X ~ J ~ C < ~of
~ Cthe
~ I
. 5: t,:-2stipn1-2 priF~jcrL\<l
in ~ : : : T ~ ~ ! ? , - , : t.ii.t!;
~ ! I P m 7 1 1 i ~ ) , ~ aof
~ ntt. 1~: ~
~ ~ r i t y dL,t:,~1n~1 i:
? , L
~.::yr:;:>l:! ,;~!,.~;:ltLc~f't 1%
tid f ,:l! i;-rcnt o f
'1"r.c l m t l ~ c m c r ,o r h i s lessee, slvll be r e s p n s i b l s for t h e cmmpliancc
wit11 tne pmvisi~nsof tliis a r t i c l e .
!M. 37.
In case t h e e is dmger that a projected ccnst-ruction a c t i v i t y OF
e a f l h ~ v & t~~ i l cl x s e (3a substantial change %I I . r M ~ a p e , C2 1 d m g e
ul r ~ U ~ C ~ V Wr m
L t~8U~ ~
I ~1.tedturm,
( 3 ) p l l u t i u i t of
b OL,
w d L a 7 , UL- (9)
r ! m ~ + t~
c t r e g ~ t ~ i t i then
. ~ ~ ~it
, i s chligatory to s r ~ kthe opinion of the
l\'z,.tm-eConsi~rvatircmCcwcil before stwting riwk on The project h question.
M . 30.
bben sl.ectric: ;c;:er
rmrks, Eactmies , h i g h ~ ~ a ,y sl m ~ b
e ~ i d g ~OF
otiier mjor c o n s ~ c t i o nprojects are being designed, as m11 as
aid ovurk,e;ld ?irms ccmcc-tt:d with suck, devel~pnlents,t h i s shall always
be done in mnsultation v i t h .the N a t u r e Conservation Council. The Cr-mcil
shall h i n f o m d of t h e projected dev~lop~mn-t:
In its initial s t x e and
p r i w to undeflaki~lgcostly preparatory research or t a k i n g othet. action
the final. dscisions.
The executivz s r t - i e s to a c o n s ~ c c L i oproject
shall be ~ s p o m i b l e
for seeking the advice of -the Nature Cmservation Council in accordance
-Ew pmvissfis cf i r r i c l e s 37 and 33.
M .40.
h The event %?at 6meme c m n c e s a cons.tmtctioa project.;, cf.
i'wl'icles 37 and 38, i - ~ i e i &;;aving
o ~ ~ sought m op-,
thm the
Conservazion council, or a mhm consewa-tion t m m i t e , -1
t h e C k d e i of Police step t h e riiozlic in progress, s u l j ~ e c tto a d a i l y fine,
u n t i l a1 >:as t w n passed, prrjvided always t h a t tne N c 3 - t ~Conservation
Q i s ~ c i le q e d i t c tie r?JCter ~mclqrakxidenrtion w i ~ h o u tmiw delay. The
Nature Conservaticn Council spa11 m t i f y t h r e in c h w e of t h e co116Wuction
p?-cjc ~ t
~nccmr-d , by t ~ l e p , r u ; lor registered letter, 'tixlt cessa t h!?
]:cc-n cieirdnded.
Art. 41.
'Jiolatic~nL'L the p m v i s i f l n ~of t k ~ c : : ~R e e a t i o n s shall ,be subject
'to iiccs r e v e ~ t ' i rtw
~ the State T h a s v ~ ycr to i x ~ ~ r i s ~ r n i e n ? .
If a p 2 ~ t y,-~nccmeddoes not, srj.thin a specified time 1irri-L-,
r.r-22 die nru:e:.,
-6' a lmaI a1;khori~y,a nz-turcll ccnsc~~vaticri
~ 3 t%. : ~I . k b . ~ rrb*-3e~vdTion
C c ' m ? i l , ' C ! c Ci;iei
Police my d e c i d ~to
u p n ilk. 3 c iaily fir:.: of up t~ ? .9Ga .- hGnl.r, m t i l r e d r e s s has been
S u d ~1;iu.s
sjlall i - ~ ~ e to
r t Tlthz SCzte r1'~asur-y.
.-i 8 2 ~ -Z2 ~ ~ ~ ! . ~ t l isslid
c n s , in
act-rdanc~ with The Nxture ConsemEtion
f . r t , Flo. 47/1171 s ! , ~ l cntlzr
i n t ~fix-ce forth-dith,
Kinistry d C u l t u ~c ~~ Education,
Xst, 1473.
~ a g n < si'orfi CI~ESson.