Adapter FSP090-RSCA DESCRIPTION The product describes a 90W power supply intended for use in laptop and tablet applications that require ultra-slim type demands.The AC input operates over a wide range that allows worldwide operation.The power supply unit is an external power source for laptop and tablet application systems. APPLICATION Laptop, Tablet, PC Systems FEATURES Meet Energy Star EPS2.0/ErP lot 7 Meet D OE Level V High Reliability EMC Standard: EN55022 CLASS B / EN55024 CLASS B Over Current Protection Over Temperature Protection Over Voltage Protection WATTAGE Wat t ag e: 90 ~ 264 V 47 ~ 63 Hz OUTPUT ELECTRICAL Sin g le O u t p u t : N o Lo ad : Ef f icien cy: D O E Level : 0.5 Watts 87 % V Pro t ect io n : OVP,OCP,OTP ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS 19V 4.74A C8 INPUT ELECTRICAL In p u t Vo lt ag e: In p u t Freq u en cy: NO LOAD AND EFFICIENCY PROTECTION 90W PRODUCT HIGHLIGHT V- O u t p u t : O /P C u rren t : So cket T yp e: SAFETY STANDARD APPAOVAL 19 V/ 4.74 A T EMP. R an g e: H u mid it y: Alt it u d e : MT B F: Storage : -40 to + 60 Operating: 20% RH, Non-condensing Storage: 10% RH, Non-condensing 2000 M 200,000 hours at typical load at 25 ambient base on SR332 MECHANICAL D imen sio n : LED In d icat o r: O n / O f f Swit ch : MECHANICAL SPECIFICATION This c o ntent is s ub jec t to c hang e, p leas e refer to s p ec ific atio n fo r mo re d etail. FSP res erve the rig ht to c hang e the c o ntent witho ut p rio r no tic e 120mm(L) x 60mm(W) x 16.5mm(H) No No Adapter FSP065-RSCN1 DESCRIPTION The product describes a 65W power supply intended for use in laptop and tablet applications that require ultra-slim type demands.The AC input operates over a wide range that allows worldwide operation.The power supply unit is an external power source for laptop and tablet application systems. APPLICATION Laptop, Tablet, PC Systems FEATURES Meet Energy Star EPS2.0/ErP lot 7 Meet D OE Level V High Reliability EMC Standard: EN55022 CLASS B / EN55024 CLASS B Over Current Protection Over Temperature Protection Over Voltage Protection WATTAGE Wat t ag e: 90 ~ 264 V 47 ~ 63 Hz OUTPUT ELECTRICAL Sin g le O u t p u t : N o Lo ad : Ef f icien cy: D O E Level : 0.1 Watts 87 % V Pro t ect io n : OVP,OCP,OTP ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS 19V 3.42A C8 INPUT ELECTRICAL In p u t Vo lt ag e: In p u t Freq u en cy: NO LOAD AND EFFICIENCY PROTECTION 65W PRODUCT HIGHLIGHT V- O u t p u t : O /P C u rren t : So cket T yp e: SAFETY STANDARD APPAOVAL 19 V/ 3.42 A T EMP. R an g e: H u mid it y: Alt it u d e : MT B F: Storage : -40 to + 60 Operating: 20% RH, Non-condensing Storage: 10% RH, Non-condensing 2000 M 200,000 hours at typical load at 25 ambient base on SR332 MECHANICAL D imen sio n : LED In d icat o r: O n / O f f Swit ch : MECHANICAL SPECIFICATION This c o ntent is s ub jec t to c hang e, p leas e refer to s p ec ific atio n fo r mo re d etail. FSP res erve the rig ht to c hang e the c o ntent witho ut p rio r no tic e 105mm(L) x 55mm(W) x 16.5mm(H) No No Adapter FSP040-RSCA DESCRIPTION The product describes a 40W power supply intended for use in laptop and tablet applications that require ultra-slim type demands.The AC input operates over a wide range that allows worldwide operation.The power supply unit is an external power source for laptop and tablet application systems. APPLICATION Laptop, Tablet, PC Systems FEATURES Meet Energy Star EPS2.0/ErP lot 7 Meet D OE Level V High Reliability EMC Standard: EN55022 CLASS B / EN55024 CLASS B Over Current Protection Over Temperature Protection Over Voltage Protection WATTAGE Wat t ag e: 90 ~ 264 V 47 ~ 63 Hz OUTPUT ELECTRICAL Sin g le O u t p u t : N o Lo ad : Ef f icien cy: D O E Level : 0.3 Watts 85 % V Pro t ect io n : OVP,OCP,OTP ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS 19V 2.1A C8 INPUT ELECTRICAL In p u t Vo lt ag e: In p u t Freq u en cy: NO LOAD AND EFFICIENCY PROTECTION 40W PRODUCT HIGHLIGHT V- O u t p u t : O /P C u rren t : So cket T yp e: SAFETY STANDARD APPAOVAL 19 V/ 2.1 A T EMP. R an g e: H u mid it y: Alt it u d e : MT B F: Storage : -40 to + 60 Operating: 20% RH, Non-condensing Storage: 10% RH, Non-condensing 2000 M 100,000 hours at full load at 25 ambient MECHANICAL D imen sio n : LED In d icat o r: O n / O f f Swit ch : MECHANICAL SPECIFICATION This c o ntent is s ub jec t to c hang e, p leas e refer to s p ec ific atio n fo r mo re d etail. FSP res erve the rig ht to c hang e the c o ntent witho ut p rio r no tic e 95mm(L) x 50mm(W) x 16.5mm(H) No No Adapter FSP025-RSCA DESCRIPTION The product describes a 25W power supply intended for use in laptop and tablet applications that require ultra-slim type demands.The AC input operates over a wide range that allows worldwide operation.The power supply unit is an external power source for laptop and tablet application systems. APPLICATION Laptop, Tablet , PC systems FEATURES Meet Energy Star EPS2.0/ErP lot 7 Meet D OE Level V High Reliability EMC Standard: EN55022 CLASS B / EN55024 CLASS B Over Current Protection Over Temperature Protection Over Voltage Protection WATTAGE Wat t ag e: 90 ~ 264 V 47 ~ 63 Hz OUTPUT ELECTRICAL Sin g le O u t p u t : N o Lo ad : Ef f icien cy: D O E Level : 0.1 Watts 85 % V Pro t ect io n : OVP,OCP,OTP ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS 12V 2.08A C8 INPUT ELECTRICAL In p u t Vo lt ag e: In p u t Freq u en cy: NO LOAD AND EFFICIENCY PROTECTION 25W PRODUCT HIGHLIGHT V- O u t p u t : O /P C u rren t : So cket T yp e: SAFETY STANDARD APPAOVAL 12 V/ 2.08 A T EMP. R an g e: H u mid it y: Alt it u d e : MT B F: Storage : -30 to + 60 Operating: 10% RH, Non-condensing Storage: 5% RH, Non-condensing 2000 M 100,000 hours at full load at 25 ambient MECHANICAL D imen sio n : LED In d icat o r: O n / O f f Swit ch : MECHANICAL SPECIFICATION This c o ntent is s ub jec t to c hang e, p leas e refer to s p ec ific atio n fo r mo re d etail. FSP res erve the rig ht to c hang e the c o ntent witho ut p rio r no tic e 95mm(L) x 45mm(W) x 16.5mm(H) No No