December 16, 2015

Technology Committee Meeting
December 16, 2015
2:09 p.m.
Art Leible
Virginia Rapp
Howard Story
Irene Graff
Will Warren
Claudio Vilchis
Dipte Patel
Tom Brown
Greg Toya
Maria Smith
“The Technology Committee serves as the consultation committee for campus-wide technology planning.
The committee evaluates needs, strategizes solutions, and proposes recommendations for College
technology. The committee develops, monitors and evaluates implementation of the College Information
Technology Strategic Plan.”
Old Business
a. The minutes from the November Technology Committee meeting were
reviewed and approved.
b. Update on Faculty Laptops/Tablets – We have 330 full-time teaching
faculty on the El Camino Campus. Nineteen of those received new
laptops this fall. Of the remaining 311, 53 people chose the tablet and
225 either chose the laptop or defaulted to the laptop when a selection
was not made. We are ordering extras (60 tablets and 235 laptops) in
case we have breakage or missed someone in the ordering process.
The order is in the purchasing cycle now. We have the tablet image
for the tablet and is working on the image for the Dell 5450 laptop.
Howard Story is making sure that all the audio in the lecture stations
have been upgraded to the latest standard size HDMI.
c. Current Projects Update – ECC MPOE (Main Point of Entry) is
currently in the Administration Building. We are moving it to the new
data center in ITEC. We have the proposal from AT&T. We will
update when we have available, the timeline for the move.
Microsoft no longer supports their Exchange 2003 Server. We are
working on eliminating that from our environment, including the Fax
Ed Plan Initiative – we are moving forward with the initiative. The
timeline has been evaluated and moved out to the summer. We will
test the Early Alert system in the first 6-weeks of summer. In the
second six weeks of summer we will test the Degree Planner. In
August we will conduct a larger scope pilot for both in the fall.
ECC Campus-wide Wi-Fi Project – We have a budget and scheduling
tool that we are using throughout all the buildings on campus. We’re
working with procurement to get this through. We were able to label
the schedule as Phase I, II and III based on the priorities based on the
master plan that Vantage Group suggested. There were conversations
about whether or not it was necessary to implement to Wi-Fi in the
parking lots. Security was brought up but no final decision was made.
The Stadium and other new buildings was addressed. We will revisit
the final scope of work on a later date.
Colleague SQL Migration – We are working with Ellucian on the actual
implementation agreement. We should have everything ready to carry
out the initial phase of the migration in early January. With this,
Colleague will be moving logically, not physically. There is a data
cleanup requirement for this move. The cleaner the data the better the
move will go. We are looking to migrate in late spring.
d. Tech Plan Diagram – There are two parts to the diagram, the planning
and the personnel and how they tether into the master plan. This will
give a visual of how the Technology Plan relates to everyone, including
the services provided to the students.
New Business
a. Vision – The vision is to make this committee a viable and productive
team that puts together recommendations for projects that are prioritized
based on the needs of the college that will go up to Cabinet for final
approval. The strategies included in the Vision are global in nature for
higher education. We have the vision for the purpose statement that was
approved but what we need to work on is a vision and a mission for the
ITS Department that encompasses where we are going to take planning.
Then we will collect all of the planning documents (PlanNet, Master Plan,
etc.) and drive from them the ITS Strategic Plan which will include an
annual work plan that defines the projects. Once the annual projects are
defined and decided on, we will prioritize what projects involving
technology we’ll move forward. Members will take the time to review the
language in this document and discuss at the January meeting.
b. Update language on New PC Request Form – The suggested new
language is to include more than PC’s. These items include, but are not
limited to: notebooks, tablets, printers, software purchases & upgrades. It
was suggested that a discussion is had regarding an automatic and
regular replacement plan for machines that are at the end of their
warranty. Language on this topic will be presented to the committee and
once agreed on, passed forward to the cabinet and possibly the board if
c. Google, Apple, and Office 365 options in the classrooms – This topic will
be tabled until the next meeting.
d. Technology Survey - We are tabling the Technology Survey until the
spring of 2017.
Meeting Adjourned
a. The meeting was adjourned at 3:12 p.m.
C (COLLABORATION) – “Advance an effective process of collaboration and collegial consultation
conducted with integrity and respect to inform and strengthen decision-making.”