Technologies and Products Chaussée de Haecht 1442 B-1130 Bruxelles Belgium Reference Functional Specifications VIC Standard Version: 1.07/11(Draft) © sa/nv 2010 T&P / AR&D Reference Functional Specifications VIC Standard Version: 1.07/11/07 Status: Draft Confid.: Author: T&P Date edited: 21/09/2008 Date printed: 16-Mar-10 Page: 2 / 75 Copyright Notice The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by Banksys. Banksys assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions that may appear in this document. The contents of this document must not be reproduced in any form whatsoever, by or on behalf of third parties, without the prior written consent of Banksys Disclaimer It is the Customer’s exclusive responsibility to take all appropriate security measures pertaining to the operation of the Banksys product. Banksys disclaims any responsibility in that respect. Procedures defined in these guidelines are designed for information only. The Customer assumes full responsibility for their use and/or selection. Banksys does not warrant the result of the use of these procedures, not that the procedures contained herein will meet the Customer’s requirements or fitness for any purpose. T&P / AR&D 1. Reference Functional Specifications VIC Standard Version: 1.07/11/07 Status: Draft Confid.: Author: T&P Date edited: 21/09/2008 Date printed: 16-Mar-10 Page: 3 / 75 Document Summary Ref Title Version Created by Last modified by : : : : : Status Confidentiality File Path : : : VIC Standard VIC 1.07/11-07 T&P Castadot Céline Draft G:\TP\Products\Applications\Product Functionalities\Integration\ECRVIC\VIC_standard\1-Functional Specifications\vic 1.07\vic 1.071107.doc File Size File version Creation date Last time edited Date Printed Number of pages Number of words : : : : : : : 1331 Kb 2 21-Sep-09 10:42 16-Mar-10 11:17 16-Mar-10 11:17 75 Pages 16419 Version management report Version Name(s) Date Comments V 1.07 C Vanhée 05/08/02 New vic 1.07, modification for EMV and credit card V1.07/2 C Vanhée 05/02/03 Few corrections V1.07/3 C Vanhée 14/03/03 Few corrections, remove vmc_type list V1.07/4 C Vanhée 01/09/03 add a value in ticket_data, add new value for vic_application_id and vic_bitmap_application_id, modification in vic_data field V1.07/5 C Vanhée 10/10/03 add a cvc2 field in vmc_debit_request, modification in vic_data V1.07/6 O Planckaert 12/12/03 Correction of the application PASS V1.07/7 C Vanhée 13/04/04 Global review. V1.07/8 O. Planckaert 23/06/05 Adding vic_bit_map_application_id for brand Aurora (acquirer vic_bit_map_application_id for the Reference Functional Specifications VIC Standard T&P / AR&D Version: 1.07/11/07 Status: Draft Confid.: Author: T&P Date edited: 21/09/2008 Date printed: 16-Mar-10 Page: 4 / 75 Version management report Cetelem) V1.07/9 O. Planckaert 15/03/06 Adding vic_bit_map_application_id for application Cora Xenta V1.07/10 O. Planckaert 20/05/06 Adding vic_bit_map_application_id for application for the EMV Pass card V1.07/11 C. Castadot / O. Planckaert 05/10/06 SEPA Migration + Global review V1.07/11-02 O. Planckaert 25/10/06 Add one bit in the vic_bit_map_application_id for the EZSwitch TPA. V1.07/11-03 O. Planckaert 28/11/07 Format of the pdv_clct_nr is different for petrol transaction managed by EFT Server V1.07/11-04 C. Castadot 28/04/08 Update of the Messages contents summary V1.07/11-05 C. Castadot 22/12/08 Add vic_bitmap_application_id for Pay Fair V1.07/11-06 C. Castadot 06/05/09 Add vic_bitmap_application_id for Sodexho and Accord Service + 2 reserved id for future used V1.07/11-07 C. Castadot 21/09/09 Add new feature for Contactless transaction 1.1. Release Management Document version Version 1.07 Changes - Condition code of application_info Vic_application_id Vic_msg_type values Info request current period for Vic_cmd_code not supported VIC_card_ind values not supported Creation due to EMV transactions treatment New fields: - Additional_amount - Transaction_protocol - Transaction_identifier - Date_and_time - Brand_id - vic_bit_map_application_id - hardware_type - cvm News values for existing fields: - New vic_protocol_id - In function_cc: Card_validity, Sale with Tip, Refund and Cash advanced (for future use), balance with closing - In vic_cmd_code: config and counters - In iep_tx_inc: New incident has been created: floor limit T&P / AR&D Reference Functional Specifications VIC Standard Version: 1.07/11/07 Status: Draft Confid.: Author: T&P Date edited: 21/09/2008 Date printed: 16-Mar-10 Page: 5 / 75 exceeded, Transaction refused by the terminal, transaction refused by the card, transaction status forwarded to External device without interpretation by the terminal add new messages for international used: ed_device_info, cz_device_info remove messages and replace by the vmc_command and pdv_command_reply: vmc_config and pdv_config_reply cz_counter_info_request and ed_counter_info_reply Remove fields: Sam_task_nr, sam_id, stan, dev_type, dev_subtype, sw_version. Vic_data: no limitation to 24a for identifier 50 and 51. New value 52 New value vmc_type: 0010 0110 0 company Itsec Version 1.07/02 Version 1.07/03 Version 1.07/04 Version 1.07/05 Version 1.07/06 Version 1.07/07 Version 1.07/08 Version 1.07/09 Version 1.07/10 Version 1.07/11 Vmc_purse_request If a vmc_debit_request is received in a time slot of 30 seconds after a pdv_purse_result Field of Level2_bitmap of application_info modified New value for Vmc_type Smart Line 001001110 Flower dispenser. Wincor Nixdorf 001010000 Kiosk. AP Trans 001010010 Ticket dispenser for the TEC New behaviour for vic_data in transparent way Remove vmc_type value and refer to another document Modification in vic_data, new value for vic_application_id and vic_bitmap_application_id Add a cvc2 field in vmc_debit_request, modification of vic_data reference for BC/MC. Inversion of Pass CREDIT and Pass DEBIT in the vic_bit_map_application_id Add : a range for added applications incident codes in field iep_tx_inc. a recovery_data field in pdv_debit_result the reference1 from the host, in vic_data. TINA references and fields Ticket_data values new iep_tx_inc for fallback card reading time out Change: format cvc2, pdv_clct_nr In Kiss, the answer timeout is computed following a new formula. pdv_gen_tx_nr, pdv_clct_nr, data_and_time, vic_cmd_code, iep_tx_inc vic_to minimal value Remove: vic_application_id Global review. Adding vic_bit_map_application_id for brand Aurora (acquirer Cetelem) Adding vic_bit_map_application_id for application Cora Xenta Adding vic_bit_map_application_id for application for the EMV Pass card Add: T&P / AR&D Reference Functional Specifications VIC Standard Version 1.07/11-02 Version 1.07/11-03 Version 1.07/11-04 Version 1.07/11-05 Version 1.07/11-06 Version 1.07/11-07 Version: 1.07/11/07 Status: Draft Confid.: Author: T&P Date edited: 21/09/2008 Date printed: 16-Mar-10 Page: 6 / 75 vic_version brand_name in pdv_debit_result a vic_bitmap_application_id for Visa Vpay Tags in Function_cc Hardware type for Xenteo Change: Keep only one form with tag for vic_data + a new tag for authorization code Remove Vic_private_id, vic_private_data and recovery_data. vic_cmd_code from vmc_debit_request. All code error 6*** ed_applic_info_request / cz_applic_info_reply all functionalities related to Full CCM Global review Add one bit in the vic_bit_map_application_id for the EZSwitch TPA. Format of the pdv_clct_nr is different for petrol transaction managed by EFT Server Update of the condition for the vic_bitmap_application_id in the Messages contents summary Add vic_bitmap_application_id for Pay Fair Add vic_bitmap_application_id for Sodexo, Accord and reserved Add the field Amount in the VMC_purse_request. Create the new field POS entry mode. Add the new field POS entry mode in the PDV_purse_result T&P / AR&D Reference Functional Specifications VIC Standard Version: 1.07/11/07 Status: Draft Confid.: Author: T&P Date edited: 21/09/2008 Date printed: 16-Mar-10 Page: 7 / 75 Table of contents 1. DOCUMENT SUMMARY ............................................................................................................................. 3 1.1. RELEASE MANAGEMENT .......................................................................................................................... 4 2. GLOSSARY................................................................................................................................................. 10 3. INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................................................... 11 3.1. 3.2. 4. DOCUMENT PURPOSE ............................................................................................................................ 11 RELATED DOCUMENTS ........................................................................................................................... 11 GLOBAL CONCEPTS................................................................................................................................ 12 4.1. WHAT IS VIC ? ....................................................................................................................................... 12 4.2. USEFULNESS OF VIC ............................................................................................................................. 12 4.3. PROTON CONCEPTS ............................................................................................................................... 12 4.3.1. Difference between a Proton transaction and a Proton transfer ............................................... 12 4.3.2. The Purse Transaction ................................................................................................................ 13 4.3.3. The Transfer................................................................................................................................. 13 4.4. BC/MC CARD AND CREDIT CARD OPERATION ........................................................................................ 15 4.5. ADDED APPLICATIONS............................................................................................................................ 15 4.6. MULTIPLE APPLICATIONS ....................................................................................................................... 16 4.7. FINANCIAL COUNTERS ............................................................................................................................ 16 4.8. TINA SERVICES..................................................................................................................................... 16 4.8.1. Global concept ............................................................................................................................. 16 4.8.2. Activation/deactivation/consultation TINA – VMC_COMMAND / PDV_COMMAND_REPLY 17 4.8.3. Transaction TINA – VMC_debit_request/ PDV_debit_result .................................................... 17 5. VIC APPLICATION PROTOCOL .............................................................................................................. 18 5.1. PROTOCOL CHARACTERISTICS............................................................................................................... 18 5.2. A TYPICAL EXAMPLE OF A TRANSACTION FLOW ....................................................................................... 20 5.3. TIME-OUT CONTROLS ............................................................................................................................. 21 5.4. CONDITION CODES ................................................................................................................................ 22 5.5. MESSAGE DESCRIPTION ........................................................................................................................ 23 5.5.1. vmc_purse_request ..................................................................................................................... 23 5.5.2. pdv_purse_result ......................................................................................................................... 24 5.5.3. vmc_debit_request ...................................................................................................................... 25 5.5.4. pdv_debit_result........................................................................................................................... 26 5.5.5. vmc_cancel .................................................................................................................................. 28 5.5.6. pdv_error ...................................................................................................................................... 29 5.5.7. vmc_command ............................................................................................................................ 30 5.5.8. pdv_command_reply ................................................................................................................... 32 5.5.9. vmc_data ...................................................................................................................................... 33 5.5.10. pdv_data....................................................................................................................................... 34 5.5.11. vmc_state_request ...................................................................................................................... 35 5.5.12. pdv_state_info .............................................................................................................................. 36 5.6. FIELD FORMAT........................................................................................................................................ 37 5.6.1. a field ............................................................................................................................................ 37 5.6.2. b field ............................................................................................................................................ 37 5.6.3. I field ............................................................................................................................................. 37 5.6.4. x field ............................................................................................................................................ 37 5.6.5. llvar field........................................................................................................................................ 37 5.6.6. llllvar field ...................................................................................................................................... 37 5.6.7. Summary ...................................................................................................................................... 37 5.7. DICTIONARY ........................................................................................................................................... 38 5.7.1. additional_amount ....................................................................................................................... 38 5.7.2. application_info ............................................................................................................................ 38 5.7.3. brand_id ....................................................................................................................................... 39 5.7.4. brand_name ................................................................................................................................. 39 T&P / AR&D Reference Functional Specifications VIC Standard Version: 1.07/11/07 Status: Draft Confid.: Author: T&P Date edited: 21/09/2008 Date printed: 16-Mar-10 Page: 8 / 75 5.7.5. card_id_disp ................................................................................................................................. 39 5.7.6. counter_tab_pa ............................................................................................................................ 40 5.7.7. curcy ............................................................................................................................................. 41 5.7.8. cvc2 .............................................................................................................................................. 41 5.7.9. cvm ............................................................................................................................................... 41 5.7.10. date_and_time ............................................................................................................................. 41 5.7.11. ecr_nr ........................................................................................................................................... 42 5.7.12. function_cc ................................................................................................................................... 42 5.7.13. hardware_type ............................................................................................................................. 42 5.7.14. iep_tx_inc ..................................................................................................................................... 43 5.7.15. iso2_track ..................................................................................................................................... 44 5.7.16. lg_cust .......................................................................................................................................... 44 5.7.17. more_info_ind .............................................................................................................................. 44 5.7.18. operator_nr ................................................................................................................................... 45 5.7.19. pdv_clct_info ................................................................................................................................ 45 5.7.20. pdv_clct_nr ................................................................................................................................... 46 5.7.21. pdv_gen_tx_nb ............................................................................................................................ 46 5.7.22. pdv_journ_pct_full ........................................................................................................................ 46 5.7.23. pdv_state ...................................................................................................................................... 47 5.7.24. pdv_state_mask........................................................................................................................... 47 5.7.25. pur_bal.......................................................................................................................................... 47 5.7.26. sam_gen_tot ................................................................................................................................ 47 5.7.27. term_id.......................................................................................................................................... 47 5.7.28. ticket_data .................................................................................................................................... 48 5.7.29. transaction_identifier .................................................................................................................... 48 5.7.30. Transaction_protocol ................................................................................................................... 49 5.7.31. tx_type .......................................................................................................................................... 49 5.7.32. vic_action_ind .............................................................................................................................. 49 5.7.33. vic_application_srv_name ........................................................................................................... 49 5.7.34. vic_bit_map .................................................................................................................................. 50 5.7.35. vic_ bit_map_application_id ........................................................................................................ 51 5.7.36. vic_block_nr ................................................................................................................................. 52 5.7.37. vic_card_ind ................................................................................................................................. 52 5.7.38. vic_cmd_code .............................................................................................................................. 52 5.7.39. vic_config_clct_amt ..................................................................................................................... 54 5.7.40. vic_cust_ind ................................................................................................................................. 54 5.7.41. vic_data ........................................................................................................................................ 55 5.7.42. vic_file_name ............................................................................................................................... 57 5.7.43. vic_more_block_ind ..................................................................................................................... 57 5.7.44. vic_msg_code .............................................................................................................................. 57 5.7.45. vic_msg_type ............................................................................................................................... 58 5.7.46. vic_pos_entry_mode ................................................................................................................... 58 5.7.47. vic_protoc_id ................................................................................................................................ 58 5.7.48. vic_to ............................................................................................................................................ 59 5.7.49. vic_tx_amt .................................................................................................................................... 60 5.7.50. vic_tx_id........................................................................................................................................ 60 5.7.51. vic_version ................................................................................................................................... 60 5.7.52. vmc_type (only relevant for CZAM/SPIN) .................................................................................. 60 5.8. MESSAGES CONTENTS SUMMARY........................................................................................................... 61 6. LINE PROTOCOL : KISS........................................................................................................................... 62 6.1. 6.2. 6.3. 6.4. 6.5. 6.6. 6.7. 6.8. FRAME LAYOUT ...................................................................................................................................... 62 CONTROL CHARACTERS ......................................................................................................................... 63 CRC COMPUTATION............................................................................................................................... 66 TIME OUT CONTROLS.............................................................................................................................. 68 RETRY COUNTER ................................................................................................................................... 68 BYTE STUFFING ...................................................................................................................................... 69 TRANSMISSION CONTROL SEQUENCES .................................................................................................. 69 ERROR RECOVERY ................................................................................................................................. 71 T&P / AR&D Reference Functional Specifications VIC Standard Version: 1.07/11/07 Status: Draft Confid.: Author: T&P Date edited: 21/09/2008 Date printed: 16-Mar-10 Page: 9 / 75 6.9. FLOW CHART.......................................................................................................................................... 72 6.10. LINE CHARACTERISTICS...................................................................................................................... 75 Reference Functional Specifications VIC Standard T&P / AR&D 2. Version: 1.07/11/07 Status: Draft Confid.: Author: T&P Date edited: 21/09/2008 Date printed: 16-Mar-10 Page: 10 / 75 GLOSSARY AA Added application Balance The amount of electronic money present in a purse. BC/MC BanContact/Mister-Cash CC Credit Card CCR Chip Card Reader CSM Chip Security Module Collection Transfer of electronic value from a PDV to the host, including the transfer of other electronic data between the terminal and host and vice versa during collection phase. CRICC Controlled Reader for Integrated Chip Cards C-ZAM/SPIN commercial name for High End Vending terminal ECR Electronic Cash Register EFT Electronic Fund Transfer EMI Electro Magnetic Interface EMV Eurocard Mastercard Visa ESD Electro Static Discharge ICC Integrated Chip Card, a card containing a chip. IEP Intersector Electronic Purse, an electronic purse which can be used in different sectors thus containing the equivalent of electronic money. LDV Load Device, terminal allowing to load a purse. Load Transfer of electronic money from an account to a purse. MCR Magnetic Card Reader MDB Multi-Drop Bus PCB Printed Circuit Board PDV Purchase Device, Banksys terminal allowing to perform a purchase with a purse. POS Point Of Sales terminal PLC Private Label Card PROTON Commercial name of IEP PTI Payment Terminal Indoor (Petroleum sector) PTO Payment Terminal Outdoor (Petroleum sector) Purse ICC containing an IEP application RX Receive SAM Secured Application Module, used at PDV level SIS Social Identity System TINA Temporary Interrupt Application TX Transmit or Transaction (depending on the context) VIC Vending-IEP Communication standard VMC Vending Machine Controller Reference Functional Specifications VIC Standard T&P / AR&D 3. Version: 1.07/11/07 Status: Draft Confid.: Author: T&P Date edited: 21/09/2008 Date printed: 16-Mar-10 Page: 11 / 75 INTRODUCTION 3.1. Document Purpose Most bank cards are provided with an integrated circuit chip. These cards will combine several payment means like Bancontact/Mister Cash debit, Proton purse, or Visa credit. The purpose of this document is to provide the VMC (Vending Machine Controller) suppliers and ECR (Electronic Cash Register) suppliers with a detailed specification of the VIC (Vending-IEP-Communication) standard as used in C-ZAM/SMASH, C-ZAM/SPIN or XENTA. The VIC standard was originally intended for Proton transactions between a PDV (Proton Purchase Device) and a VMC. The standard has gradually grown to support other services and devices and is now capable of handling debit and credit payments and AA. The standard is now intended for PC, VMC and ECR. WARNINGS: In order to improve our service, the information of this document is subject to change. In this document we sometimes use the generic abbreviation IEP (Inter-sector Electronic Purse), the commercial name of the product being PROTON. In this document we use „External Device’ to designate the VMC, the PC or the ECR and terminal to designate the Banksys C-ZAM /SMASH, C-ZAM /SPIN or XENTA terminal. The Banksys terminals support part or all of the VIC standard, depending on their specifications. ADDITIONAL information can be found on the Internet: 3.2. Related documents [VIC_vmc_type] Vmc_type list describes all existing values of this field [VIC_iep_tx_inc] Iep_tx_inc list for added applications; describes the specific range reserved for AA. [BKS DC.220 (v1.4(1)).pdf] BKS DC.220 (v1.4(1)) BKS Acquiring Protocol [addendum pass] ADDENDUM VIC 1.07 COMPLEMENT for PASS application [addendum TINA] ADDENDUM VIC 1.07 [exxon] BKS-Tokheim interface specification6-2; describes vic use in project exxon [BKS D110-TN1] Card Scheme management TINA transaction recovery after terminal crash BKS D.110-TN1, Release 2.0, 14 October 2003 [VIC_sis] SIS on C-ZAM /SMASH Vic Integration.doc Reference Functional Specifications VIC Standard T&P / AR&D 4. Version: 1.07/11/07 Status: Draft Confid.: Author: T&P Date edited: 21/09/2008 Date printed: 16-Mar-10 Page: 12 / 75 GLOBAL CONCEPTS 4.1. What is VIC ? VIC is an application protocol allowing the communication between a terminal and an External Device. When a terminal is integrated with an External Device, the External Device talks to the terminal via messages. These messages and their use are described in section 5. VIC External Device Application TERMINAL network HOST VIC PC or ECR or KISS RS232 described in this document Automate In order to assure reliable and delimited communication between External Device and terminal, messages are exchanged using a telecommunication transportation protocol – KISS – described in section 6. 4.2. Usefulness of VIC VIC is used to perform different kinds of transactions; payment transactions like - purse (eg. Proton) - debit (eg. Bancontact/MisterCash, Maestro) - credit (eg. Visa, Mastercard,...) - … loyalty transactions PLC transactions health sector transactions like SIS (Social Identity System) … 4.3. Proton concepts 4.3.1. Difference between a Proton transaction and a Proton transfer Purse holders can transfer “electronic money” from their purse to a terminal (Purchase Device) in order to pay for services or goods. This operation is called a transaction. This terminal accumulates the “electronic money” and transfers it to the service provider‟s bank account during a process called a transfer. T&P / AR&D Version: 1.07/11/07 Status: Draft Confid.: Author: T&P Reference Functional Specifications VIC Standard Date edited: 21/09/2008 Date printed: 16-Mar-10 Page: 13 / 75 4.3.2. The Purse Transaction In order to perform a transaction, the terminal has an ICC (Integrated Chip Card) reader for reading and writing to the purse and a display for the purse holders user interface (guidance). The transaction process basically is: Determining a transaction price and inserting the purse Performing the transaction, displaying the result Retrieving the purse If the purse is inserted and a transaction request from the vending machine is pending, then the transaction is performed: The purse is checked for fraud The purse validity date is checked The purse balance is checked All these checks are performed off line i.e. without communication with the Banksys host. The purse holder is asked to press the <OK> key. A PIN code is not used. The purse is debited, the transaction is recorded in the journal of the purse. The transaction is recorded in the memory of the terminal (the accumulated “electronic money” is incremented, the transaction journal is updated) and in the CSM. If the transaction is successful, this is displayed together with the transaction amount. If the transaction failed, the reason is displayed to the cardholder. If the purse was withdrawn during the critical phase of the transaction (between the purse debit and the terminal credit), the terminal asks to reinsert the purse in order to continue the transaction. The External Device (vending machine) is informed of the result of the transaction. 4.3.3. The Transfer A transfer is basically a transfer of “electronic money” from the terminal‟s memory to the service provider‟s bank account. The On-line collection occurs by means of a compatible modem via the PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network) to Banksys. A Leased line, isdn or Ethernet can also be used. During a collection, information is transferred from the terminal to the bank host computer. The information transferred during a collection currently is: The accumulated electronic money. Statistical information. The journal containing the details of each transaction. (2) The information is checked by the Banksys host. The “electronic money” is then transferred to the bank for credit of the bank account associated to the terminal. During a transfer, information is also transferred from the Banksys host computer to the terminal : (2) Acknowledgement of collection reception, allowing the terminal to erase the journal. Parameters for the next collection. This is done to allow a thorough monitoring of the system. T&P / AR&D Reference Functional Specifications VIC Standard Version: 1.07/11/07 Status: Draft Confid.: Author: T&P Date edited: 21/09/2008 Date printed: 16-Mar-10 Page: 14 / 75 Security information (the Banksys PROTON system is secured through a dynamically evolving security which requires frequent security updates). A red list containing fraudulent cards and the associated validity date of the red list. The red list is expected to be empty due to the high security level of the purse operations. However an empty red list also has limited validity duration and it should be confirmed that it is still empty. The data that is exchanged during the collection operation is structured in files. The files should be exchanged in a fixed sequence. One file is exchanged from the terminal to the host, three can be exchanged from the host to the terminal. If a file is lost or corrupted, the whole process should be started over again. Here are the properties of the files: *.TH *.HT Name pdv_file pdv_cmd pdv_param Size 500 bytes + 21 bytes per (3) payment 250 bytes 300 bytes Min – max 0 … 2500 Entries Direction terminal to host host to terminal host to terminal 180 bytes + 8 0 … 4096 host to terminal bytes per card Cards (For more details see document „Collection Host Interface‟) red_list Transferred when At least when 2500 entries and every 4 weeks Every time Normally once every month Every time if red list renewal The Banksys host and the terminal authenticate the files in such a way that any (deliberate or accidental) change to the contents of the files would be detected and lead to refusal of the file. Each collection is allotted a collection number. The attributes of a collection are the collection number, the (4) collected amount, the number of transactions and the date at which the period was started. A total of 10 sets of these attributes are kept in the memory of the terminal for consultation and matching with the bank statements, which should contain the same information. The terminal will not accept PROTON transactions anymore if one of the following conditions is met : The transaction journal has reached its maximum capacity The accumulated “electronic money” has reached the maximum allowed by Banksys . The time-sensitive information of the terminal has expired (5) . (6) (7) . A collection is needed in order to make the terminal accept transactions again. In order to prevent a blocked terminal, it will attempt an on-line collection automatically, during the night at a time given by the Banksys host computer, if one of the following conditions is met : (3) The transaction journal has reached a percentage of the maximum capacity. The accumulated “electronic money” has reached a percentage Banksys. The accumulated “electronic money” has reached the limit set by the service provider or the vending machine. The time-sensitive information of the terminal expires the next day. A request of the merchant has been received. (8) (9) of the maximum allowed by A payment which has been started, but which is aborted (e.g. because the card is removed) is also registered The current value and the last 9 collections. (5) Currently 2500 entries, subject to change. (6) Currently 100.000 BEF or 2.500 EUR, subject to change. (7) Currently after 5 weeks, subject to change. (8) Currently 80%, subject to change. (9) Currently 80%, subject to change. (4) Reference Functional Specifications VIC Standard T&P / AR&D 4.4. Version: 1.07/11/07 Status: Draft Confid.: Author: T&P Date edited: 21/09/2008 Date printed: 16-Mar-10 Page: 15 / 75 BC/MC card and Credit Card operation In order to perform an EFT payment, the External Device (i.e. ECR) will send a vmc_debit_request message to the terminal. Then the terminal will verify the card status and the available amount by exchanging data with the authorisation host and will do the necessary cardholder interaction. Normally, a pdv_debit_result message will be sent to the external device; the field iep_tx_inc (incident code) being in fact the result of the transaction. When a pdv_debit_result message with 0000 as iep_tx_inc is generated, a transaction ticket could be printed. In the case of a Credit Card transaction, if transmitted by the acquirer, the receipt is already formatted in the field ticket_data. Except for an EMV transaction, depending on the acquirer, the value date_and_time, transaction_identifier, brand_id, transaction authorized amount, additional_amount and also the field ticket_data may be available on the ticket formatted by the external device. Two tickets should be printed. For other types of transaction, at least the value of the fields term_id, vic_tx_amt, curcy and card_id_disp should be printed on the receipt. Remarks for credit card transactions: PIN based credit card transactions can be handled. For some credit card transactions, depending on the acquirer, the host response will not contain an indication of the successfulness of the transaction. The host response is then sent in a “transparent way” to the external device (accompanied by a specific incident code 5015. In this case, it is up to the external device operator to decide if the transaction was successful or not. 4.5. Added Applications Some Added applications could be constituted with an application on PC running with an application loaded on the terminal itself. In this case, the messages vmc_data and pdv_data are used to allow the exchange of data between the both parts of the Added application. The messages exchanged are encapsulated by VIC protocol without any other treatment. The field vic_bit_map_application_id is used to identify the source and the target AA. Reference Functional Specifications VIC Standard T&P / AR&D 4.6. Version: 1.07/11/07 Status: Draft Confid.: Author: T&P Date edited: 21/09/2008 Date printed: 16-Mar-10 Page: 16 / 75 Multiple Applications Some terminal types can accept different types of cards: Cards of different payment schemes or applications Cards of the same payment scheme but having a different currency It is important to notice that the terminal decides which cards are accepted, depending on its configuration (type, software version, CSM configuration, settings, activated services). The External Device does not interfere in this matter. The terminal keeps financial counters per period for each combination of application identifier + currency. The External Device can query (depending on the service provider) these counters using a vmc_command message described in section 5.5.7 for each combination. The External Device can express its choice to the terminal through a vic_bit_map_application_id field in the vmc_debit_request message. If more than one applications of the terminal are concerned by this vic_bit_map_application_id, the terminal asks the cardholder to select one of them. If the External Device makes no choice, then the terminal will present a choice to the user (merchant or client). 4.7. Financial counters The counters basically consist of the number of transactions and the total amount of these transactions. The currency of a transaction is defined as the currency as fixed by the merchant, except for Proton transactions, where the transaction currency is the one found on the Proton card itself. For BC/MC transactions, the accounting period is a reference number defined by the host. For the PROTON transactions, the period is the interval between 2 consecutive PROTON collections. For on-line transactions, the financial counter information is generated by the host, which stores and increments the counter information. 4.8. TINA services The TINA services allow to perform a TINA transaction when the Banksys terminal cannot obtain an on-line transaction authorisation for BC/MC from the Banksys Host and under some commercial and technical conditions. 4.8.1. Global concept If the Banksys Host is unreachable, no BC/MC on line transaction can be performed, TINA Service allows the Terminal to perform fully offline transactions with BC/MC Chip Cards. In this context, the standard BC/MC transaction is replaced by the TINA transaction (also called “EFT backup transaction”) that is executed without any connection to the Banksys Host. In order to reach an acceptable level of security, the TINA transaction is based on the Chip of the Card, which means that the TINA transaction is exclusively reserved for BC/MC Cards containing a Chip and to Terminals supporting Chips. The TINA Service, if allowed by the Acquirer, allows the Merchant to switch the Terminal from the standard Online Mode into the TINA Mode, which allows transactions to be performed offline but with regular checking of the online connection status. This regular checking of the online connection status is achieved by performing some transactions online and is used to automatically de-activate the TINA Backup Mode. Even if TINA is active (as reported to ECR via last transaction result or consulted by ECR via specific command), some on-line BC/MC (trials) may happen (due to system of automated de-activation). Deactivation on terminal level is not reported automatically to ECR : ECR can only detect if all following transaction are done via on-line BC/MC or via explicit consultation of the mode T&P / AR&D Reference Functional Specifications VIC Standard Version: 1.07/11/07 Status: Draft Confid.: Author: T&P Date edited: 21/09/2008 Date printed: 16-Mar-10 Page: 17 / 75 The TINA transactions are stored in the Terminal memory and an uploading mechanism is then used to transmit these EFT backup transactions to the Banksys Host for clearing. The merchant has the possibility to provide critical transaction data to Banksys via another channel in case of technical problems : those fields are described in the document [BKS D110-TN1] . For this purpose, the ECR may store or print those critical fields for recovery. The interactions of the Merchant and of the Cardholder during an EFT backup transaction are identical to the ones required during the standard BC/MC transaction. 4.8.2. Activation/deactivation/consultation PDV_COMMAND_REPLY TINA – VMC_COMMAND / The Backup Mode shall only be activated on Merchant request and the access to this activation function shall locally be protected (e.g. by a password mechanism on ECR, etc.) to avoid clients or unauthorised employees to switch the Terminal into the Backup Mode. The activation, deactivation or consultation of TINA has to be performed with a VMC_command. The VMC_command can also be used to consult the EFT mode at all time. There are TINA values for vic_cmd_code and vic_bit_map_application_id. 4.8.3. Transaction TINA – VMC_debit_request/ PDV_debit_result In case where the TINA transactions are allowed and the TINA service is activated, a TINA transaction is possible under some technical conditions. If the vic_bitmap_application_id is used in the VMC_debit_request, it must not be TINA but BC/MC like for on-line transaction. Depending in which mode the transaction happens (on line or off line), the terminal sets vic_bitmap_application_id to TINA or BC/MC in the PDV_debit_result. Reference Functional Specifications VIC Standard T&P / AR&D 5. Version: 1.07/11/07 Status: Draft Confid.: Author: T&P Date edited: 21/09/2008 Date printed: 16-Mar-10 Page: 18 / 75 VIC APPLICATION PROTOCOL This chapter describes the VIC application protocol, i.e. the protocol of the highest level, between the External Device and the terminal. 5.1. Protocol Characteristics The dialogue between the External Device and the terminal uses messages. The External Device is considered as the master and the terminal as the slave: most of the exchanges of messages are done at the initiative of the External Device. This section describes those messages in detail. An example of a message is a vmc_debit_request, which is the most important command of the External Device to the terminal: it allows performing a transaction. Like any other message, this message carries a message identifier (to be able to distinguish it from other messages). It also carries the requested amount and other information explained further. The vmc_debit_request message is transmitted from the External Device to the terminal. The communication protocol will indicate to the External Device that the terminal has received the message. When the terminal receives the vmc_debit_request message, it will Identify the message (recognise the message) Check the message syntax (check the length, check the message contents format) Check the context (e.g. a vmc_debit_request is refused if the terminal is collecting) If these checks do not succeed, the message is considered to be bad and the terminal will transmit a pdv_error message to the External Device. If these checks do succeed, the terminal will attempt to perform the debit. The result of this attempt will be communicated to the External Device through the pdv_debit_result message or pdv_error. The 4 messages vmc_debit_request, vmc_cancel, pdv_debit_result, pdv_error Are mandatory messages. They are always necessary to be able to use a terminal with an External Device (Vending Machine or ECR). They form the minimum protocol. Reference Functional Specifications VIC Standard T&P / AR&D Version: 1.07/11/07 Status: Draft Confid.: Author: T&P Date edited: 21/09/2008 Date printed: 16-Mar-10 Page: 19 / 75 Other messages exist, but are only required for certain features: The vmc_purse_request and its answer, the pdv_purse_result are required if the External Device wants information from the card before the transaction is performed and can be used to control the user interface (e.g. selection of products) or to know the vic_bit_map_application_id (available services) of the card. The vmc_command and its answer, the pdv_command_reply, allow the External Device to control the collection, to ask the current counter values concerning the specified application, to ask financial information and to change the default settings of the terminal. The vmc_state_request and its answer, the pdv_state_info allow the External Device to know the state of the terminal, e.g. collecting, purse inserted. … The data elements carried by the messages (like the transaction amount or the vic_tx_id) are called fields. The contents and use of these fields are explained in the chapter field format. Each field has a unique serial number for all messages. Some fields are not always present. See the condition codes section. Remarks: The term “product” used hereafter has to be interpreted in its general sense, i.e. it can designate a product or a service (e.g. soft drink can, use of a car park, telephone call, ….). The protocol contains elements, which allow for its evolution: an identifier of the protocol version vic_protoc_id, an identifier for the number of release version vic_version and a bit map vic_bit_map have been foreseen for this purpose. Reference Functional Specifications VIC Standard T&P / AR&D 5.2. Version: 1.07/11/07 Status: Draft Confid.: Author: T&P Date edited: 21/09/2008 Date printed: 16-Mar-10 Page: 20 / 75 A typical example of a transaction flow BC/MC transaction. (With a vic_bit_map_application_id present) Exte rnal De v ice M e rchant Unit Base Unit (if connected) READ CARD T YPES READ CARD MANUEL card read vmc_debit_request PLEASE WAIT EUR 12.40 CODE : . . . . code PLEASE WAIT BANCONTACT/MCA ACCEPTED EUR 12.40 pdv_debit_result optional READ CARD T YPES MANUEL READ CARD T&P / AR&D 5.3. Version: 1.07/11/07 Status: Draft Confid.: Author: T&P Reference Functional Specifications VIC Standard Date edited: 21/09/2008 Date printed: 16-Mar-10 Page: 21 / 75 Time-out controls Normal messages flow: T1 T1 C-ZAM T2 External Device Values of the timings: Time T1 T2 Time between the CRC(msb) of a message and the ACK or NAK of the receiver Time between an ACK from the terminal and a message from the terminal Min (Seconds) 0.01 Typically (Seconds) 0.1 Max (Seconds) 1 300 TYPICAL APPLICATION TIME-OUT FOR TERMINAL FOR T2: Conditions Time Maximum To insert a card When it is asked 45 s To choose service 45 s a To validate the proton transaction 45 s To type your code By pin trial 45s for each key. Conditions After a client proton validation, to accept or refuse the transaction No PRINTER End of a credit transaction Time max to have a host connection For BC/MC or credit Time max to have a host response For BC/MC or credit Time Maximum 6 s (max) The screen remains 5s Pstn: 135s Ethernet: 75s 45 s TIME out if the proton card is retrieved too early and the terminal asks to insert it again 30s +time insert card+time validate Reference Functional Specifications VIC Standard T&P / AR&D Version: 1.07/11/07 Status: Draft Confid.: Author: T&P Date edited: 21/09/2008 Date printed: 16-Mar-10 Page: 22 / 75 TIME TO GO IN IDLE STATE AT THE END OF A TRANSACTION Conditions Time Conditions Tx BC/MC chip or proton accepted Retrieved card 3s Tx BC/MC or proton (refused or accepted) If the card stays in the chip reader BEEP all the 2 s until the card is retrieved. Tx BC/MC refused and card retrieved credit card PRINTER 45 s ( reversal) 5s 2s Tx proton refused and retrieved If the SMOP is in a menu If the C-ZAM/SMASH sends a STT Each time, you send a message to the CZAM/SMASH which is not in idle 10 s Credit with printer if the TICKET key is not pressed card Time 2s 45 s by Time-out and by level menu. 30 s Conditions Credit with printer if the TICKET key is pressed and not the Ok key TIME out if the proton card is retrieved to early and the terminal asks to insert it again Time 45 s 30s Tx BC/MC or proton accepted and the ticket option is activated and card retrieves. 2s 5.4. without Credit tx with PRINTER after press OK Infinite Condition Codes In the message description in the next paragraphs, several condition codes are used. The table depicted below gives an overview. Conditions m o mandatory optional Reference Functional Specifications VIC Standard T&P / AR&D 5.5. Version: 1.07/11/07 Status: Draft Confid.: Author: T&P Date edited: 21/09/2008 Date printed: 16-Mar-10 Page: 23 / 75 Message Description This section list the transaction related messages, then the other messages in alphabetical order. 5.5.1. vmc_purse_request Purpose The vmc_purse_request message is used by the External Device to get card informations in the following cases: Before asking for purse debit, the External Device wants to know: Whether a valid card has been read And/or the purse balance And/or the cardholder‟s language And/or the purse identifier Services supported by the card (vic_bit_map_application_id) Examples: A discount is given to certain card holders on the basis of their card number The card number is recorded before access to a service for which the payment will be done later. This allows for a service such as car parking without ticket (the management is being done by a VMC). To know if there is a purse present in the reader, the External Device sends a vmc_purse_request. Message layout Field Nr 1 3 16 20 171 179 Condition Name vic_protoc_id vic_msg_code vic_bit_map vic_tx_amt vic_card_ind vic_to vic_bit_map_application_id vic_version m m m o m m o m Remarks : vic_tx_amt should be present for contactless transaction. Not used in other case Vic_to represents the time during which the terminal waits for the introduction of the card. Vic_version indicates which subversion of the protocol is used. Conditions for sending This message is optional for the execution of a transaction. If a vmc_debit_request is received in a time slot of 30 seconds after a pdv_purse_result message, the terminal continues the transaction considering the vmc_purse_request is part of the transaction session; otherwise the two messages are treated as separate transactions. Reference Functional Specifications VIC Standard T&P / AR&D Version: 1.07/11/07 Status: Draft Confid.: Author: T&P Date edited: 21/09/2008 Date printed: 16-Mar-10 Page: 24 / 75 5.5.2. pdv_purse_result Purpose The pdv_purse_result message is used by the terminal to indicate the presence of a card and the purse balance if applicable. Message layout Field Nr 1 4 5 9 10 11 23 141 142 171 179 Condition Name vic_protoc_id vic_msg_code vic_bit_map iep_tx_inc lg_cust pdv_state pur_bal card_id_disp curcy vic_pos_entry_mode iso2_track vic_bit_map_application_id vic_version m m m m m m m m m o o m m Remarks : card_id_disp is zero for EMV cards. Lg_cust can be equal to zero for EMV cards. If a card without a purse is read the purse balance (pur_bal) is equal to 00 00 00. The curcy is the currency of the card if there is one. For magnetic card this is the currency of the terminal. vic_pos_entry_mode is a conditional field. This field will be present if the field vic_tx_amt is present in the request. vic_bit_map_application_id is a bitmap. Several bits can be set to indicate the card is a multiservice card ie : proton purchase(value : 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 08) + BC/MC (value: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01) = 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 09. Vic_version indicates which subversion of the protocol is used. Conditions for sending It is sent by the terminal as reply to a vmc_purse_request message sent by the External Device. Reference Functional Specifications VIC Standard T&P / AR&D Version: 1.07/11/07 Status: Draft Confid.: Author: T&P Date edited: 21/09/2008 Date printed: 16-Mar-10 Page: 25 / 75 5.5.3. vmc_debit_request Purpose The vmc_debit_request message is used by the External Device to ask the terminal for the debit of a card or an account. The External Device can have a certain control on the means of payment used for the transaction, but we do not recommend it: this can be done by adding the optional field vic_bit_map_application_id with one or more bits set according to the means of payment the external device wants to accept. If a card with multiple means of payment is used for the transaction, the terminal will propose a list. Message layout Field Nr 1 3 11 12 16 20 21 23 25 36 142 143 144 146 171 177 179 Condition Name vic_protoc_id vic_msg_code vic_bit_map vic_tx_amt card_id_disp tx_type vic_card_ind vic_to vic_tx_id curcy vic_cust_ind vic_data iso2_track operator_nr function_cc ecr_nr vic_bit_map_application_id cvc2 vic_version m m m m m m m m m m m o o m o o o o m Remarks : If Function_cc is not present for an operation with a credit card the default function is „sale‟. Vic_data is used for credit card hosts, special functions with Banksys host and reference on ticket BC/MC. The vic_cust_ind indicates whether the client has to approve the transaction – by using the <OK> key – before it happens (proton only and only if permitted by the acquirer). Vic_to represents the time during which the terminal waits for introduction of the card. Vic_version indicates which subversion of the protocol is used. Conditions for sending This message is required for the execution of a transaction. In the exceptional case of no response received from the terminal after acknowledgement of the vmc_debit_request, the vmc_debit_request shall not be repeated but the External Device has to send a vmc_cancel message. Typical time-out values are 90 seconds for Leased Line and 180 seconds for dial up. Reference Functional Specifications VIC Standard T&P / AR&D Version: 1.07/11/07 Status: Draft Confid.: Author: T&P Date edited: 21/09/2008 Date printed: 16-Mar-10 Page: 26 / 75 5.5.4. pdv_debit_result Purpose This message gives the result of the debit request or can also be the answer to a vmc_cancel message. Message layout Field Nr 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 11 13 21 22 23 36 125 126 145 169 170 171 172 173 174 176 178 179 Condition Name vic_protoc_id vic_msg_code vic_bit_map term_id vic_tx_amt iep_tx_inc lg_cust pdv_clct_nr pdv_gen_tx_nb pdv_state card_id_disp 1 sam_gen_tot vic_tx_id vic_msg_type curcy vic_data <tx>vic_tx_amt <tx>curcy ticket_data Additional_amount Transaction_protocol vic_bit_map_application_id Transaction_identifier date_and_time brand_id cvm Brand_name vic_version m m m m m m m o o m m o m m m o m m o o o m o o o o o m Remarks : Vic_data is present when the Acquirer or the Banksys host sends a SDD and/or a reference and/or an authorization code. Ticket_data is present for TINA transaction and some credit card transactions depending on the acquirer. Lg_cust is the language of the card. Some applications (Credit Card) do not support yet pdv_clct_nr and pdv_gen_tx_nb. The field pdv_gen_tx_nb is not yet relevant for credit card transaction. For Proton this is the number of transactions proton since the beginning of the terminal life. For BC/MC this is the number of transactions BC/MC in the current period back office. For TINA, the terminal increments it for each transaction or incident. There may be holes in the numbering. 1 This field contains information of the cash register used during the payment. T&P / AR&D Reference Functional Specifications VIC Standard Version: 1.07/11/07 Status: Draft Confid.: Author: T&P Date edited: 21/09/2008 Date printed: 16-Mar-10 Page: 27 / 75 The field pdv_clct_nr is not yet relevant for credit card transaction. For Proton this is the collection number. For BC/MC this is the ”period” depending of the back office For TINA, This field will be treated separately from BC/MC on line transaction, the period number contains the value of the current TINA period (remark that there might be holes in the numbering). The additional_amount is in the currency of curcy field. To have the total of the transaction, look at the field <tx>vic_tx_amt. The card_id_disp is the card_id read on the card on the terminal side or sent by the host. The fields pdv_state and sam_gen_tot are present but only relevant for proton. Fields: transaction_protocol, transaction_identifier, date_and_time, brand_id are used only in EMV mode for credit cards. Those fields are present only if they are transmitted by the acquirer or available. The cvm field is built by emv application. The date_and_time, Ticket_data fields are also used for TINA transaction. The brand_name provides the brand label name to the ECR. Vic_version indicates which subversion of the protocol is used. Conditions for sending The pdv_debit_result is sent to answer a vmc_debit_request or a vmc_cancel message. T&P / AR&D Reference Functional Specifications VIC Standard Version: 1.07/11/07 Status: Draft Confid.: Author: T&P Date edited: 21/09/2008 Date printed: 16-Mar-10 Page: 28 / 75 5.5.5. vmc_cancel Purpose This message cancels certain requests, collects information at the startup of the external device or on the last transaction if there is any doubt on its outcome. Message layout Field Nr 1 31 Condition Name vic_protoc_id vic_msg_code vic_bit_map vmc_type m m m m Conditions for sending The External Device may send a vmc_cancel in the following cases: When the External Device wants to get information about the last debit request command. All External Devices should send a vmc_cancel to the terminal after a power up After a pdv_purse_result to avoid using the card data for the next transaction T&P / AR&D Reference Functional Specifications VIC Standard Version: 1.07/11/07 Status: Draft Confid.: Author: T&P Date edited: 21/09/2008 Date printed: 16-Mar-10 Page: 29 / 75 5.5.6. pdv_error Purpose This message gives an error on an External Device message. Message layout Field Nr 1 4 9 22 Condition Name vic_protoc_id vic_msg_code vic_bit_map iep_tx_inc pdv_state vic_msg_type m m m m m m Conditions for sending This message is sent in reply to any External Device message when this message cannot be accepted by the terminal, e.g. illegal message contents, illegal message length or terminal is not in correct state for this message (e.g. vmc_debit_request while terminal not operational, iep_tx_inc 4009). This message is sent when an error (e.g. card removed or <STOP> pushed) occurs during the card recognition. Depending on terminal setup (VIC or NewVIC), the terminal may also send a pdv_error if it has been rebooted. In this case: The pdv_error will be repeated until it is acknowledged by the external device The field vic_msg_type will indicate that the pdv_error is sent due to a terminal reboot This message can also be sent by the terminal as reply on a vmc_cancel. Reference Functional Specifications VIC Standard T&P / AR&D Version: 1.07/11/07 Status: Draft Confid.: Author: T&P Date edited: 21/09/2008 Date printed: 16-Mar-10 Page: 30 / 75 5.5.7. vmc_command Purpose This message is used by the External Device to request the terminal to execute an action. The required action can be a proton collection, an exchange of functional parameters between the External Device and the terminal, a demand to the terminal to send the current counter values concerning the specified couple application/service. Message layout Field Nr 1 17 18 19 23 144 171 Remarks : Condition Name vic_protoc_id vic_msg_code vic_bit_map vic_cmd_code vic_config_clct_amt pdv_state_mask curcy function_cc vic_bit_map_application_id m m m m o o m o m Only one bit of the vic_bit_map_application_id may be set. The action will be performed for one acquirer or one service (ie: credit counters). To request information about the current period for a credit card type, the message vmc_command with function_cc (summary or balance) and vic_bit_map_application_id set for only one service shall be used. T&P / AR&D Reference Functional Specifications VIC Standard Version: 1.07/11/07 Status: Draft Confid.: Author: T&P Date edited: 21/09/2008 Date printed: 16-Mar-10 Page: 31 / 75 Conditions for sending This message is optional. The External Device sends a vmc_command message when it wants the terminal to execute an action. Three different types of „actions‟ can be requested : - action : configuration when the external device wants to modify a functional parameter of the terminal, e.g. decide the way in which the collection has to be done and/or under which conditions the External Device wants to receive the pdv_state_info messages. If this possibility is not used, the terminal uses default values. If this possibility is used, the external device should send this configuration request message after every terminal reboot (check value of vic_msg_type in pdv_error). - action : counters when the external device wants to request the counters for the different means of payment - action : collect when the external device wants to initiate a Proton collect or retrieve previous Proton counters Depending on the action type requested, the following rules concerning presence of fields in the message apply : 1 17 18 19 23 144 171 Vic_protocol_id Vic_msg_code Vic_bit_map Vic_cmd_code Vic_config_clct_amt Pdv_state_mask Curcy Function_cc Vic_bit_map_application_id Config Counters (credit card) M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M Counters (BCT/MC or proton) M M M M Collect M M M M M M M M Reference Functional Specifications VIC Standard T&P / AR&D Version: 1.07/11/07 Status: Draft Confid.: Author: T&P Date edited: 21/09/2008 Date printed: 16-Mar-10 Page: 32 / 75 5.5.8. pdv_command_reply Purpose This message is the response of the terminal to the vmc_command message sent by the External Device. Message layout Field Nr 1 4 6 7 9 23 45 145 157 171 175 Remarks : Condition Name vic_protoc_id vic_msg_code vic_bit_map iep_tx_inc pdv_clct_info pdv_clct_nr pdv_state curcy pdv_journ_pct_full ticket_data counter_tab_pa vic_bit_map_application_id hardware_type m m m o o o o o o o o m o The value for iep_tx_inc concerns the counters repatriation, the new config completion. For counter request: In one message, only one service could be invoked, this corresponds to one counter for one period. In case counter values are not available for the specified service, the pdv_command_reply message doesn‟t contain the field counter_tab_pa (that is the reason why this field is optional) and the iep_tx_inc is not present. Conditions for sending This message is always sent in reply to a vmc_command message. Depending on the action type requested, the following rules concerning presence of fields in the message apply : Config 1 4 6 7 9 23 45 145 157 171 175 Vic_protocol_id Vic_msg_code Vic_bit_map Iep_tx_inc Pdv_clct_info Pdv_clct_nr Pdv_state Curcy Pdv_journ_pct_full Ticket_data Counter_tab_pa Vic_bit_map_application_id Hardware_type M M M O M M Counters (credit card) M M M O Counters (BC/MC or proton) M M M O O O O O O M M M Collect M M M M M M M M M M Reference Functional Specifications VIC Standard T&P / AR&D Version: 1.07/11/07 Status: Draft Confid.: Author: T&P Date edited: 21/09/2008 Date printed: 16-Mar-10 Page: 33 / 75 5.5.9. vmc_data Purpose This message is exchanged between terminal and the External Device either during a collection or when data must be transferred to a host or to a specific application loaded in the terminal. Should be used for routing to Added applications Message layout Field Nr 1 36 37 38 39 44 171 Remarks : Condition Name vic_protoc_id vic_msg_code vic_bit_map vic_data vic_block_nr vic_more_block_ind vic_action_ind vic_file_name vic_bit_map_application_id m m m m o o o o o vic_block_nr, vic_more_block_ind, vic_action_ind and vic_file_name are mandatory in case of off-line collection and are not present in the other cases. Vic_bit_map_application_id is mandatory in case of full pass through mode for AA and is not present in case of collection. Conditions for sending Reference Functional Specifications VIC Standard T&P / AR&D Version: 1.07/11/07 Status: Draft Confid.: Author: T&P Date edited: 21/09/2008 Date printed: 16-Mar-10 Page: 34 / 75 5.5.10. pdv_data Purpose This message is exchanged between terminal and the External Device either during a collection or when data must be transferred from a host or from a specific application loaded in the terminal to an External Device. Message layout Field Nr 1 36 37 38 39 44 171 Remarks : Condition Name vic_protoc_id vic_msg_code vic_bit_map vic_data vic_block_nr vic_more_block_ind vic_action_ind vic_file_name vic_bit_map_application_id m m m m o o o o o vic_block_nr, vic_more_block_ind, vic_action_ind and vic_file_name are mandatory in case of off-line collection and are not present in the other cases. Vic_bit_map_application_id is mandatory in case of full pass through mode and is not present in case of collection. Conditions for sending Reference Functional Specifications VIC Standard T&P / AR&D Version: 1.07/11/07 Status: Draft Confid.: Author: T&P Date edited: 21/09/2008 Date printed: 16-Mar-10 Page: 35 / 75 5.5.11. vmc_state_request Purpose This message is used when the External Device wants to request the terminal state. Message layout Field Nr 1 171 Remark : Condition Name vic_protoc_id vic_msg_code vic_bit_map vic_bit_map_application_id m m m o The field vic_bit_map_application_id has to be present for AA only. Conditions for sending This message is optional. The External Device can send a vmc_state_request message when it wants to know the terminal state. T&P / AR&D Reference Functional Specifications VIC Standard Version: 1.07/11/07 Status: Draft Confid.: Author: T&P Date edited: 21/09/2008 Date printed: 16-Mar-10 Page: 36 / 75 5.5.12. pdv_state_info Purpose This message gives information about the terminal state. Message layout Field Nr 1 4 9 22 Condition Name vic_protoc_id vic_msg_code vic_bit_map iep_tx_inc pdv_state vic_msg_type m m m m m m Conditions for sending This message is always sent in the following cases : reply to the vmc_state_request message unsolicited message (refer to description of the field pdv_state_mask to know about the conditions of sending this message) Reference Functional Specifications VIC Standard T&P / AR&D 5.6. Version: 1.07/11/07 Status: Draft Confid.: Author: T&P Date edited: 21/09/2008 Date printed: 16-Mar-10 Page: 37 / 75 Field format This section lists the data elements format conventions. 5.6.1. a field ASCII fields need 7 bits per element, they are converted to one byte per character, right justified, and the left most bit is always 0. (0x00->0x7F) 5.6.2. b field Boolean fields need one bit per element, they are converted to one byte per 8 bits, left justified (bit one at most significant bit position), padded with 0. A b+ field indicates an extensible field, depending on the value of the first bit (usually used for bitmaps). 5.6.3. I field Integer fields need 4 bits per element; they are converted to one byte per 2 digits, right justified, padded with 0.(Binary coded decimal BCD) 5.6.4. x field Hexadecimal fields need 4 bits per element, they are converted to one byte per 2 digits, right justified, padded with 0. 5.6.5. llvar field In this format, the first byte of the field contains the field length in bytes (ll is of type 2i). The length indicated in ll does not include the length of ll itself. The total length of a field of format llvar is thus the length of the data in the field + 1 byte. Example : 03 11 22 33 5.6.6. llllvar field In this format, the first two bytes of the field contain the field length in bytes (llll is of type 4i). The length indicated in llll does not include the length of llll itself. The total length of a field of format llllvar is thus the length of the data in the field + 2 bytes. Example : 0009 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 5.6.7. Summary Format a b I x llvar Values 7 bits ASCII false, true 0...9 0...9,A...F 0…9 (ll) Justification right left right right - Padding 0 0 0 - llllvar 0...9 (llll) - - Remark false = 0, true = 1 ll contains length of data llll contains length of data Reference Functional Specifications VIC Standard T&P / AR&D 5.7. Version: 1.07/11/07 Status: Draft Confid.: Author: T&P Date edited: 21/09/2008 Date printed: 16-Mar-10 Page: 38 / 75 Dictionary This section lists the data elements in alphabetical order. Convention used in the current section : When the text appears in grey, it means that the field is not yet used because the message including it is not yet supported or the field is not used even if the message including it is supported. 5.7.1. additional_amount Name : Format : additional amount (Tip) 6x Definition : This field is used, when a sale with tip (function_cc field) was requested and the customer has decided to give a tip, for credit card transaction only and only if it is supported by the acquirer. The additional_amount is in the currency of the field tx_curcy. The additional amount defines the tip amount debited in the current transaction. 5.7.2. application_info Name : Format : application information table llllvar rt Sub-structure definition Field data length Fld_hdr nb_record file_updt_code level2_bitmap Format 4i vic_bit_map_application_id vic_application_srv_name 32x 16a Level2_bitmap bit nr 1 2i 1i 16b+ 2 3 Where : fld_hdr: nb_record: file_update_code: level2_bitmap: field header composed with number of record(s) included in this table indicates the operation that must be performed on the content of the table bitmap indicating the presence of the level2 fields Where each record contains : An application identification with one of the services available through this application. The service name for each service (associated to an application) supported by the terminal, these values are given. An application can provide several service(s) and a service can be provided by several application(s). Obviously, the name of a couple application/service must be unique and must be clear for the user. Definition: The Application Information gives information about the applications and services supported by the terminal. T&P / AR&D Reference Functional Specifications VIC Standard Version: 1.07/11/07 Status: Draft Confid.: Author: T&P Date edited: 21/09/2008 Date printed: 16-Mar-10 Page: 39 / 75 5.7.3. brand_id Name : Format : brand id 4x Definition: This field identifies a service. The different values are defined by EPCI. Here the values known at this time (the number and content of the value can change in function of the evolution of the market at the discretion of EPCI) : 1001 1002 1009 1010 2002 2003 2004 2005 2007 3001 Bancontact/MCA Visa Electron Maestro Proton Visa Mastercard American Express Diners JCB Aurora 5.7.4. brand_name Name : Format : Value : brand name llvar any ASCII characters Definition: The field brand_name contains the brand label name of the card that was used for the transaction 5.7.5. card_id_disp Name : Format : Values : Card Identification 24a This field is left blank if the field iep_tx_inc is different from zero Definition : This field contains an identification of the card inserted in the terminal in a ready to print format. T&P / AR&D Version: 1.07/11/07 Status: Draft Confid.: Author: T&P Reference Functional Specifications VIC Standard Date edited: 21/09/2008 Date printed: 16-Mar-10 Page: 40 / 75 5.7.6. counter_tab_pa Name : Format : financial counter table llllvar rt Sub-structure definition Field data length (in bytes) Format 4i level2_bitmap bit nr fld_hdr nb_record file_updt_code level2_bitmap counter_id counter_curcy counter_name tot_tx tot_amount terminal_period 2i 1i 16b+ 4i 4i 16a 4i 8x 4i 2 3 4 5 6 7 brand_id 4x 9 1 where: Definition : fld_hdr: nb_record: file_update_co de: level2_bitmap: counter_id: counter_curcy: counter_name tot_tx tot_amount: terminal_period brand_id field header composed with number of record(s) included in this table indicates the operation that must be performed on the content of the table bitmap indicating the presence of the level2 fields identifies the current counter indicates the currency used for the current counter indicates the name of the current counter indicates the total number of valid transactions in the current accounting period for the current counter indicates the total amount of transactions in the current accounting period for the current counter indicates the number of the current accounting period identifies the brand associated to the current counter This table gives information about one or more counter(s) related to a couple application/service. T&P / AR&D Reference Functional Specifications VIC Standard Version: 1.07/11/07 Status: Draft Confid.: Author: T&P Date edited: 21/09/2008 Date printed: 16-Mar-10 Page: 41 / 75 5.7.7. curcy2 Name : Format : Values : Currency Code 4i Euro (EURcent) Definition : The values refer to the ISO 4217 standard. <tx>curcy is the currency of the transaction between the terminal and the card. 0978 5.7.8. cvc2 Name : Format : Values : Card validation code 2 4i 0000-9999 Definition : The cvc2 may be required for certain type of EMV credit card transactions depending on the acquirer. 5.7.9. cvm Name : Format : Values : cardholder verification method 4x xx AB A With cardholder signature required Without cardholder signature required default 1 2 0 B With pin Without pin default 1 2 0 The default value for the most significant byte is 0x00. Other values are not yet used. Definition: This field informs the external device about the way the transaction was validated. 5.7.10. date_and_time Name : Format: Values: Date and time 14i The format of this field shall be “YYYYMMDDhhmmss” where “YYYY” are the four digits of the year, “MM” are the two digits of the month, “DD” are the two digits of the day, “hh” are the two digits of the hour, “mm” are the two digits of the minutes, and “ss” are the two digits of the seconds. Definition: The value refers to the time of authorisation by the acquirer. For TINA, Reference to [BKS D110-TN1] : date and time 2 Or <tx>curcy T&P / AR&D Reference Functional Specifications VIC Standard Version: 1.07/11/07 Status: Draft Confid.: Author: T&P Date edited: 21/09/2008 Date printed: 16-Mar-10 Page: 42 / 75 5.7.11. ecr_nr Name : Format : ECR nr 2i Definition : number of the Electronic Cash Register. Some multi-terminal configurations use this value to identify a terminal in a more user friendly way. 5.7.12. function_cc Name : Format : Values : Function code 2a Vmc_debit_request “ “ : sale (20hex, 20hex) “00” : sale cancellation (on the terminal which has delivered the sale) “02” : reservation “03” : Sale after reservation “04” : reservation cancellation “05” : Sale after reservation cancellation “07” : reprint of the last ticket “08” : Summary “09”: Card validity check ”10”: Sale with tips “11”: Refund (Not necessarily on the terminal which has delivered the sale) “12”: Cash advance (for future use) “13” : balance with closing Definition : Vmc_command x x x x x x x x x x x x x The function code identifies the type of transaction that will be sent to the credit host. The values are under the responsibility of the acquirers and are not interpreted by the terminal Associated to the selected function, a reference (like an authorization code) can be requested depending on the acquirers: This reference is sent in the field vic_data. The function_cc “07” and “08” are supported only on SMASH Terminals. 5.7.13. hardware_type Name : Format : Hardware_type 2i Values : CZAM/SPIN with manual reader CZAM/SPIN with motorized reader CZAM/SMASH XENTA XENTEO with manual reader XENTEO with motorized reader Other Definition : Define the type of CZAM hardware 01 02 03 04 05 06 00 T&P / AR&D Reference Functional Specifications VIC Standard Version: 1.07/11/07 Status: Draft Confid.: Author: T&P Date edited: 21/09/2008 Date printed: 16-Mar-10 Page: 43 / 75 5.7.14. iep_tx_inc Name : Format : Values : Transaction Incident 4i Result OK: 0000 Result Unknown : Transaction status forwarded to external device without interpretation by the terminal(credit card) 5015 Request not taken into account terminal busy: Bad protocol state(terminal busy with the previous action) 4009 Result Not Ok Technical Problem Entered amount invalid iep_host_id not valid pur_id_ac_pub error purse in red list purse is locked for credit purse is locked for debit Purse expired ICC state error recovery error purse key identifier error purse balance is too large pur_id_ext_ac_pub error No purse in reader and time out expired No validation by the customer and time out expired Request aborted by the VMC Insufficient purse balance Bad value in a field Invalid message length Application not supported Time-out on fallback card reading Technical problem Rejection by the host Double operation (consecutive transactions with same amount and same card) Technical problem at host level Unrecoverable problem Stop customer Invalid currency Rejection by the terminal Communication problem (wrong phone nr,...) Rejection of balance request (only C-ZAM/SMASH/PTI) Floor limit exceeded (credit card) Transaction refused by the terminal in EMV mode (credit card) Transaction refused by the card (credit card) The „Maximal Transaction Number per (Calendar) Month‟ is reached The maximal number of uncollected journals in terminal reached Service TINA (already) activated Service TINA (already) deactivated Acquirer does not support service activation Maximum transaction records is reached Maximum number of TINA activation reached Amount higher than authorized amount Problem linked to card 1501 1503 1504 1505 1506 1508 1509 1512 1513 1516 1517 1518 1520 4001 4002 4004 4005 4006 4008 4010 4011 5001 5002 5003 5004 5005 5006 5008 5009 5010 5011 5012 5013 5014 5016 5017 5018 5019 5020 5021 5022 5023 5024 T&P / AR&D Reference Functional Specifications VIC Standard Version: 1.07/11/07 Status: Draft Confid.: Author: T&P Incident codes for Added Application Date edited: 21/09/2008 Date printed: 16-Mar-10 Page: 44 / 75 7000 7999 see document [VIC_iep_tx_inc] Definition : The Transaction Incident indicates if the operation succeeded or not. If the operation didn‟t succeed, it indicates the kind of problem encountered. 5.7.15. iso2_track Name : Format : Iso2 track field 38x Definition : Left justified, padded with F hex The first byte should be 0x5D (“]”)and the card number should be terminated by D hex and followed by the date (mmyy). The rest has to be padded with “NULL” This field is only used for a manual sale (mail order) request by an External device. 5.7.16. lg_cust Name : Format : Values : Customer (Card Holder) Language 1i Unknown Dutch French German English Definition : This field indicates the language of the card holder. 0 1 2 3 4 5.7.17. more_info_ind Name : Format : Values : more information indicator 2x 00H transfer of information data terminated 80H another information data block will follow Definition : Indicates if another information data block will follow after the current one. T&P / AR&D Reference Functional Specifications VIC Standard Version: 1.07/11/07 Status: Draft Confid.: Author: T&P Date edited: 21/09/2008 Date printed: 16-Mar-10 Page: 45 / 75 5.7.18. operator_nr Name : Format : Values : Definition : Operator identifier 4i 0001..9999 This number identifies the operator. Some multi-terminal configurations use this field to manage counters per operator 5.7.19. pdv_clct_info Name : Format : PDV Collection Information llllvar 32 or 80 (depending on the value of vic_cmd_code) Sub-structure definition OR Field data length (in bytes) Format 4i tx_nb_0 ddmm_0 tot_0 ... tx_nb_1 ddmm_1 tot_1 ... tx_nb_3 ddmm_3 tot_3 ... tx_nb_9 ddmm_9 tot_9 4x 4i 8x … 4x 4i 8x … 4x 4i 8x … 4x 4i 8x Value 0032 when 4 periods 0080 when 10 periods where: Definition : tx_nb_0 ddmm_0 tot_0 tx_nb_x ddmm_x tot_x indicates the total number of valid transactions in the current accounting period (pdv_clct_nr) indicates the date (day / month) of the beginning of the current collection number indicates the total amount of transactions in the current collection number (expressed in the currency stated in pdv_command) indicates the total number of transactions in the P-x period indicates the date (day / month) of the beginning of the P-x period indicates the total amount of valid transactions in the P-x period (expressed in the currency stated in pdv_command) The PDV Collection Information gives information about the last PDV collections. T&P / AR&D Reference Functional Specifications VIC Standard Version: 1.07/11/07 Status: Draft Confid.: Author: T&P Date edited: 21/09/2008 Date printed: 16-Mar-10 Page: 46 / 75 5.7.20. pdv_clct_nr Name : Format : Values : Definition : PDV Collection Number 3i Excepted 4i for - TINA transactions - Transactions managed via the EFT Server (IFSF) not defined 000 or 0000 otherwise 001..999 or 0001..9999 Serial number of the accounting period, returns to 1 after 999 (or 1 to 9999). Also appears on the merchant bank statement. For Proton it is the collection number. For BC/MC it depends upon the period back office. For TINA, This field will be treated separately from BC/MC on line transaction and this period number contains the value of the current TINA period (remark that there might be holes in the numbering). Reference to [BKS D110-TN1] : batch number Not yet used and not present for Credit cards. For transactions managed by the EFT Server it‟s the period number 5.7.21. pdv_gen_tx_nb Name : Format : Values : General Transaction Number 8x For Proton this is the number of transactions proton since the beginning of the terminal life. For BC/MC this is the number of transactions BC/MC in the current period back office. For TINA, this represents the sequence of the transaction in the current transaction log identified by pdv_clct_nr (= batch number). For Credit cards : not yet used and not yet present. Definition : The Purchase Device General Transaction Number contains the total number of valid transactions. There is a separate pdv_gen_tx_nb for Proton, for BC/MC transactions and for and EMV transactions. In case of a proton transaction the pdv_gen_tx_nb refers to the total number of proton transactions. The pdv_gen_tx_nb field contains only the accepted transactions, except for TINA transaction. For TINA, the terminal increments it for each transaction or incident. there may be holes in the numbering. Reference to [BKS D110-TN1] : sequence number Caution : For Proton, there is NO reset of this number when the pdv_clct_nr changes. 5.7.22. pdv_journ_pct_full Name : Format : Values : terminal Journal Percentage Filled with transactions 2i 00 …99 Definition : The field pdv_journ_pct_full contains the percentage of the journal capacity which is filled with Proton transactions. T&P / AR&D Reference Functional Specifications VIC Standard Version: 1.07/11/07 Status: Draft Confid.: Author: T&P Date edited: 21/09/2008 Date printed: 16-Mar-10 Page: 47 / 75 5.7.23. pdv_state Name : Format : Values : Purchase Device State 32b When the condition is true, the corresponding bit is set to 1 bit 2 Card or object inserted bit 12 Collection started (Proton only) bit 15 & bit 16 collection error (Proton only) other bits not relevant Definition : The Purchase Device State indicates the function state of the specified application in the terminal. 5.7.24. pdv_state_mask Name : Format : Values : Purchase Device State Mask 32b When the condition is true, the corresponding bit is set to 1 bit 2 Card or object inserted bit 12 Collection started (Proton only) Definition : Every bit in the Purchase Device State Mask indicates if an unsolicited pdv_state_info message shall be sent when the corresponding bit has changed since the last time the pdv_state field has been sent to the External Device in any PDV message. 5.7.25. pur_bal Name : Format : Values : Purse Balance 6x Except if service Proton is present on the cardholder, this value is set to zero. Definition : The Purse Balance defines the amount of electronic money in the Purse of the inserted card. The purse balance is expressed in the currency of the field curcy. This field is left zero if the field iep_tx_inc is different from zero 5.7.26. sam_gen_tot Name : Format : Values : SAM General Total 8x Definition : The SAM General Total defines the total amount of Electronic Money collected for all the Purchase Transactions in the transaction currency since the very beginning of the SAM life. 5.7.27. term_id Name : Format : Terminal Identification 8i Definition : A Terminal Identification is assigned to every terminal. It is used to identify the terminal administratively. T&P / AR&D Reference Functional Specifications VIC Standard Version: 1.07/11/07 Status: Draft Confid.: Author: T&P Date edited: 21/09/2008 Date printed: 16-Mar-10 Page: 48 / 75 5.7.28. ticket_data Name : Format : Ticket data llllvar a Definition : This field contains (in a "ready for print" format) information about the transaction. The contents of this field have to be either displayed on the External Device screen, either printed on the External Device printer, depending on the special characters present. The maximum width of printable data will not exceed 38 chars. The maximum length of this field is 999 bytes. The special characters the ticket_data may contain are: (04 hex) : Double height LF (0A hex) : line feed VT n (0B hex) : Vertical tabulation: advance n lines FF (0C) hex) : form feed CR (0D hex) : carriage return SO (0E hex) : expanded characters: all data after SO are printed in double width cancelled by LF, CR, FF, VT, DC3 and DC4. DC1 (11h hex) : printer select DC3 (13 hex) : printer deselect DC4 (14hex) : cancel expanded mode CAN (18h) : buffer clear 10 hex : Blank <ESC> „L‟ : (1Bhex 4Chex) : set left margin to position 0=<n=<38 <ESC> „N‟ : (1Bhex 4Ehex) : set bottom margin to n lines <ESC> „O‟ : (1Bhex 4Fhex) : cancel bottom margin set by ESC „N‟ <ESC> „P‟ : (1Bhex 50hex) : set page length to n lines For TINA, In case the transaction is registered (as accepted at terminal level), the terminal also formats the „ticket data‟ field. Reference to [BKS D110-TN1] : R3D (R3 purse element) + KECS (key entry checksum) 5.7.29. transaction_identifier Name : Format : Values : transaction_identifier 8i 00000000 =< t0= <99999999 Definition : The transaction identifier field contains a unique reference number that is provided by the Acquirer. T&P / AR&D Reference Functional Specifications VIC Standard Version: 1.07/11/07 Status: Draft Confid.: Author: T&P Date edited: 21/09/2008 Date printed: 16-Mar-10 Page: 49 / 75 5.7.30. Transaction_protocol Name: Format: Values: transaction_protocol 4x xx AB A Chip Magnetic Magnetic in fall back mode default 1 2 3 0 B Off line 1 On line 2 Off line after communication failure 3 default 0 The default value for the most significant byte is 0x00. Other values are not yet used. Definition: The field informs external device about the way the transaction was authorised. 5.7.31. tx_type(14) Name : Format : Definition : Purse Transaction Type 2x Normal transaction 04 Force on line transaction (credit transaction) 08 H H This field is used to define transaction type. 5.7.32. vic_action_ind Name : Format : Values : VIC action indicator 2x no action (only used by PDV): file transfer from PDV to external device (file *.TH): file transfer from external device to PDV (file *.HT): send file transfer instruction (only used by VMC): Definition: Instruction code that is used during file transfer: the VMC asks the PDV to send an instruction. The PDV answers with the instruction code of the required action. 00H 01H 02H FFH 5.7.33. vic_application_srv_name Name : Format : Values : application service name 16a Any Definition : The value of this field can be displayed to identify in an unambiguous way a service towards the client and to facilitate his choice between two or more services. (14) The sliced transactions may not be used without explicit approval of Banksys. T&P / AR&D Reference Functional Specifications VIC Standard Version: 1.07/11/07 Status: Draft Confid.: Author: T&P Date edited: 21/09/2008 Date printed: 16-Mar-10 Page: 50 / 75 5.7.34. vic_bit_map Name : Format : VIC Bit Map 64b+ (multiples of 64 bits) Definition : The bit corresponding to the field number is set for every field present in a message. The first bit of each 64 bits group is an exception: it is set if another 64 bits bitmap is following this one (allowing extensions of the vic_bit_map field size). T&P / AR&D Reference Functional Specifications VIC Standard Version: 1.07/11/07 Status: Draft Confid.: Author: T&P Date edited: 21/09/2008 Date printed: 16-Mar-10 Page: 51 / 75 5.7.35. vic_ bit_map_application_id Name : Format : Values : VIC bit map application identification 128 bits hexa 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Definition : Identification value BANCONTACT/MCA MAESTRO PROTON (load) PROTON (purchase) VISA EUROCARD/ MASTERCARD AMERICAN EXPRESS (AMEX) DINERS JCB (JAPANESE CARD BUREAU) National Company International Company FNAC Smart Shopper M-BANXAFE Visa electron Cirrus Visa cash Clip Aurora SIS BPA Application Eloyse Application I and II Pass CREDIT (PLC) Pass CASH (PLC) Pass Pass promo 1 Pass promo 2 TINA EIC (electronic identity card) Exxon (PLC) Cora Xenta Pass promo 3 Pass promo 4 Pass promo 5 Pass promo 6 Pass promo 7 Pass promo 8 Pass promo 9 Pass promo 10 Pass promo 11 Pass promo 12 Pass promo 13 Pass promo 14 Pass promo 15 Pass promo 16 Visa VPAY EZSwitch Pay Fair e-pass (Sodexo brand)" Accor Services Reserved Reserved Reserved This field is a bit map. The position of the bit set, corresponds to an identification value. This value identifies the application(s) present on a card with multiple applications. The providers assign a unique identification to every application or brand. For Example: In a pdv_purse_result, if the card inserted is a hybrid card with BC/MC and proton purchase services and the terminal has these services activated, the vic_bit_map_application_id will be 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 09. T&P / AR&D Reference Functional Specifications VIC Standard vic_bit_map_applic ation_id present in message coming from the External device no yes Version: 1.07/11/07 Status: Draft Confid.: Author: T&P Date edited: 21/09/2008 Date printed: 16-Mar-10 Page: 52 / 75 Action on terminal routed to the default application. In case multiple card services are supported by the card, the choice is proposed to the card holder on the terminal. Check the compatibility between the bit set by the ECR, the services on the card and the application recognition. If it succeeds the terminal proposes services or payments choice. 5.7.36. vic_block_nr Name : Format : Values : VIC block number 2x 00H -> FFH Definition : For the transmitter: the number of the block sent (starts at 01H) For the receiver: the block number received (starts at 00H) 5.7.37. vic_card_ind Name : Format : Values : VIC Card Indicator 1i Card_withdrawal_not_requested Card_withdrawal_requested Card_not_needed Display_brand_choice and card_withdrawal_requested [addendum vic pass] Definition : The VIC Card Indicator indicates whether the customer will be asked to retrieve his card or not after the terminal has performed the action requested by the External Device. Normally, the value is 1 for a vmc_debit_request and 0 for a vmc_purse_request. Card_not_needed can be used e.g. when asking totals for Credit Card to avoid the reading of a card on the terminal side. The vic_card_ind is not taken into account in all messages. 5.7.38. vic_cmd_code Name : Format : Values : 0 1 5 6 VIC Command Code 4x If supported by the terminal (C-ZAM/SMASH/PTI), perform immediately a balancing Info request (4 periods) to get back collection information 0008 Info request (10 periods) to get back collection information A000 Info request (4 periods) & collect immediately on line 4001 Info request (10 periods) & collect immediately on line A001 H 4000 H H H H T&P / AR&D Definition : Reference Functional Specifications VIC Standard Version: 1.07/11/07 Status: Draft Confid.: Author: T&P Date edited: 21/09/2008 Date printed: 16-Mar-10 Page: 53 / 75 Info request (4 periods) & collect next night on line 4002 Info request (10 periods) & collect next night on line A002 Config C000H Counters B000H Service activation request E000H Service deactivation request E001H Service consultation request E002H H H The VIC Command Code indicates the action the External Device requires the terminal to do. T&P / AR&D Version: 1.07/11/07 Status: Draft Confid.: Author: T&P Reference Functional Specifications VIC Standard Date edited: 21/09/2008 Date printed: 16-Mar-10 Page: 54 / 75 5.7.39. vic_config_clct_amt Name : Format : Values : VIC Configuration Collection Amount 8x Collection initiated by the terminal 00000000 H Automatic collection by the terminal next night when this amount is reached > 00000000 and <= 000FFFFF Not supported > 00100000 and <= FFFFFFFE Collection initiated by the External Device H H 3 H H FFFFFFFF H Example : 500 € is equivalent to 0000C350 H Definition : The VIC Configuration Collection Amount indicates whether the collection is initiated by the External Device or by the terminal or automatically when a specified amount is reached. 5.7.40. vic_cust_ind Name : Format : Values : VIC Customer OK Indicator 1i Customer_OK_needed Customer_OK_unneeded Definition : 3 1 0 The Customer OK Indicator indicates whether or not the customer has to approve the transaction–- by using the <OK> key–- before it happens. Acquirer has to approve the setting of this parameter. The default value is 1. Only used in case of Proton transaction. In this case the terminal will not start a collection on its own initiative. A collection can however be started via VIC or via the keyboard (for operator). T&P / AR&D Reference Functional Specifications VIC Standard Version: 1.07/11/07 Status: Draft Confid.: Author: T&P Date edited: 21/09/2008 Date printed: 16-Mar-10 Page: 55 / 75 5.7.41. vic_data Name : Format : VIC data llllvar Max length: 999 Sub-structure definition in case of transfer to or from Banksys host (discretionary data) Field data length (in bytes) set_of_data (SD) Format 4i llvar Value 0001..0199 Subfield data length (in bytes, this byte not include) Type code Format 2i 2i Value 01..99 See description below Data See description below The SD field is composed of: Type code value : 01: presence of a cash back amount. (not yet used) Data value (7x) represents the amount of the cash back transaction currency = value of field curcy 02: presence of product code shop Only used in case of Company cards. Maximum 4 different shop data with the following format are allowed Shop_code Shop_amount 2i 6x currency = curcy 03: presence of petroleum data Only used in case of Company cards. Volume (expressed in centilitres) 6i Unit_price ( EUR/litre or xxxx.xx BEF/litre) Product_code Product_name 6x currency = curcy 2i 16a 04: presence of a set of merchant reference Merchant references are reference that the merchant can use to have a personal mechanism to identify the transaction. length max 98 Reference1 Reference2 Reference3 … Var a 05: presence of discretionary data length max 80 discretionary_data Var a T&P / AR&D Reference Functional Specifications VIC Standard Version: 1.07/11/07 Status: Draft Confid.: Author: T&P Date edited: 21/09/2008 Date printed: 16-Mar-10 Page: 56 / 75 06: presence of an authorization code The authorization code is a reference that the host uses to identify an operation. If the merchant wants make reference of a previous operation (e.g. a sale) during the current operation (e.g. cancel of the sale), it uses the authorization code of the previous operation length max 6 Authorization Code Var a A combination of code in the same instance of vic_data is allowed. The same tag can‟t be used twice. E.g : 3304reference1;reference2;reference3 1105abcde12345 0706auth12 In case of collection (not yet used) contains collect informations Reference document : “PROTON Reference Functional Specifications Chapter 5.9–- VIC extension for off-line collection via the operator network”. T&P / AR&D Reference Functional Specifications VIC Standard Version: 1.07/11/07 Status: Draft Confid.: Author: T&P Date edited: 21/09/2008 Date printed: 16-Mar-10 Page: 57 / 75 5.7.42. vic_file_name Name : Format : Values : VIC file name 12a 1..8a + “.” + 1..3a, right padded with 20x (space character) Definition: The field vic_file_name contains the name of the file that has to be or is being transferred. 5.7.43. vic_more_block_ind Name : Format : Values : VIC more block indicator 1i more data blocks to follow: transfer terminated, last block sent: Definition: Specifies if more data blocks will follow 1 0 5.7.44. vic_msg_code Name : Format : Values : VIC Message Code 2a pdv_command_reply pdv_data pdv_debit_result pdv_error pdv_purse_result pdv_state_info vmc_cancel vmc_command vmc_data vmc_debit_request vmc_purse_request vmc_state_request Definition: PM PO PD PE PP PS VC VM VO VD VP VS The VIC Message Code identifies the message exchanged between the External Device and the terminal. T&P / AR&D Reference Functional Specifications VIC Standard Version: 1.07/11/07 Status: Draft Confid.: Author: T&P Date edited: 21/09/2008 Date printed: 16-Mar-10 Page: 58 / 75 5.7.45. vic_msg_type Name : Format : Values : VIC Message Type 8b Default Duplicate message Unsolicited Startup Definition : The VIC Message Type provides additional info about the reason why the message was sent : Unsollicited is used to indicate that the terminal sent the message without request from the External Device. „Startup‟ is used to indicate the pdv_error is sent because the terminal is starting up. (18) „Duplicate message‟ is used to indicate the pdv_debit_result is a repetition of a previously transmitted identical message (possibly not received by the External Device). 0000 0000 1xxx xxxx x1xx xxxx xx1x xxxx x = not relevant 5.7.46. vic_pos_entry_mode Name : Format : Values : VIC Point-of-service entry mode 2i Code 00 01 02 05 07 91 Definition : Meaning Unspecified (undefined or unknown) Manual entry Magstripe entry Icc (Chip with contact) Contactless Chip Contactless Mag Stripe The VIC Point-of-service entry mode inform about the way that the card information data was entered or obtained. 5.7.47. vic_protoc_id Name : Format : Values : VIC Protocol Identification 4x VIC protocol version 01.07 Definition : The VIC Protocol Identification identifies the protocol version for compatible upgrade management. The External Device software shall take this into account and check on the value of vic_protoc_id sent by the terminal. (18) Excluding repetitions by the communication layer. 0107 H T&P / AR&D Reference Functional Specifications VIC Standard Version: 1.07/11/07 Status: Draft Confid.: Author: T&P Date edited: 21/09/2008 Date printed: 16-Mar-10 Page: 59 / 75 5.7.48. vic_to Name : Format : Values : VIC Time Out 4x immediate response wait delay (in seconds) Definition : 0000H > 0014 and < 002D H H The VIC Time Out indicates the maximum time available to the terminal to execute the reading of the card in seconds. T&P / AR&D Reference Functional Specifications VIC Standard Version: 1.07/11/07 Status: Draft Confid.: Author: T&P Date edited: 21/09/2008 Date printed: 16-Mar-10 Page: 60 / 75 5.7.49. vic_tx_amt4 Name : Format : Values : VIC Transaction Amount 6x left zero if the field iep_tx_inc is different from zero. Definition : The vic_tx_amt defines the amount debited in the current transaction, in the currency used by the External Device. The field <tx>vic_tx_amt contains the amount in the currency used for the transaction. In case the currencies are different, the External Device can take into account the conversion done by the terminal. If a tip is granted by the customer, the field <tx>vic_tx_amt will contain the amount with tip, the field vic_tx_amt will contain the original amount (not yet supported) 5.7.50. vic_tx_id Name : Format : Values : VIC Transaction Identification 8x 00000001 -> FFFFFFFF Definition : The VIC Transaction Identification is assigned to all debit messages depending to the same transaction. It allows the External Device to match a vmc_debit_request message and its response. It should be changed by the External Device for each new transaction. The terminal does not check the value of this field. It only echoes the value received in the vmc_debit_request in the corresponding pdv_debit_result message. H H 5.7.51. vic_version Name : Format : Values : VIC version 2i Any value Description : The field vic_version indicates which release version of the VIC version the ECR and the terminal use. E.g. the value for this version is 11. 5.7.52. vmc_type (only relevant for CZAM/SPIN) Name : Format : Values : Vending machine type 6x Bytes 1 and 2: Vendor/Machine Byte 3: Version number Those values are available in the vmc_type list document. [VIC_vmc_type] 4 Or <tx>vic_tx_amt -1 vic_msg_code Date edited: 21/09/2008 Date printed: 16-Mar-10 Page: 61 / 75 2a pdv_data vmc_data pdv_state_info vmc_state_request pdv_command_reply vmc_command pdv_error vmc_cancel pdv_debit_result vmc_debit_request pdv_purse_result Messages contents summary vmc_purse_request Field 5.8. Format T&P / AR&D Nr Version: 1.07/11/07 Status: Draft Confid.: Author: T&P Reference Functional Specifications VIC Standard VP PP VD PD VC PE VM PM VS PS VO PO (x56 (x50 (x56 (X50 (x56 (x50 (x56 (x50 (x56 (x50 (x56 (x50 x50) x50) x44) x44) x43) x45) x4D) x4D) x53) x53) x4F) x4F) 1 vic_bit_map 64b+ m m m m m m m m m m m m 2 term_id 8i m 3 vic_tx_amt 6x o m m 4 iep_tx_inc 4i m m m o m 5 lg_cust 1i m m 6 pdv_clct_info 82/34 bytes o 7 pdv_clct_nr 4i o o 8 pdv_gen_tx_nb 8x o 9 pdv_state 32b m m m o m 10 pur_bal 6x m 11 card_id_disp 24a m m m 12 tx_type 2x m 13 sam_gen_tot 8x o 16 vic_card_ind 1i m m 17 vic_cmd_code 4x m 18 vic_config_clct_amt 8x o 19 pdv_state_mask 32b o 20 vic_to 4x m m 21 vic_tx_id 8x m m 22 vic_msg_type 8b m m m 23 curcy 4i m m m m o 25 vic_cust_ind 1i m 31 vmc_type 6x m 36 vic_data llllvar o o m m 37 vic_block_nr 2x o o 38 vic_more_block_ind 1i o o 39 vic_action_ind o o 44 vic_file_name 12a o o 45 pdv_journ_pct_full 2i o 125 <tx>vic_tx_amt 6x m 126 <tx>curcy 4i m 131 CCM_field llllvar 141 Vic_pos_entry_mode 2i o 142 iso2_track 38x o o 143 operator_nr 4i m 144 function_cc 2a o o 145 ticket_data llllvar o o 146 ecr_nr 2i o 155 application_info llllvar 156 more_info_ind 2x 157 counter_tab_pa llllvar o 169 additional_amount 6x o 170 transaction_protocol 4x o 171 vic_bit_map_application_id 32x o m o m m m o o o 172 Transaction_identifier 8i o 173 Date_and_time 14i o 174 brand_id 4x o 175 hardware_type 2i o 176 cvm 4x o 177 cvc2 4i o 178 brand_name llvar o 179 vic_version 2i m m m m Reference Functional Specifications VIC Standard T&P / AR&D 6. Version: 1.07/11/07 Status: Draft Confid.: Author: T&P Date edited: 21/09/2008 Date printed: 16-Mar-10 Page: 62 / 75 LINE PROTOCOL : KISS The KISS protocol is a serial byte oriented protocol, totally full duplex, asynchronous, and with no notion of master or slave. It uses ASCII coding, and provides transparency over data field, by stuffing some characters (see Chapter Byte Stuffing). The connection is point-to-point. The messages are wrapped up with a header and a tail to determine the beginning, the numbering, the end and the validity. A message has a maximum length of 2Kbytes. A message required to be sent by the application, can be repeated up to 3 times (thus a total of 4 transmissions) by the protocol when the message is not acknowledged. If messages are lost or cannot be acknowledged, the protocol will re-synchronise itself on the numbering of the first next correctly received message. 6.1. Frame layout There are two possible kinds of frames, which may be exchanged: information frames supervision frames Information frames Information frames consist of user data with a header, a trailer and a CRC (16-bit Cyclic Redundancy Check). They have the following structure: STX Sequence number User data ETX CRC(lsb) CRC(msb) Supervision frames 1. Affirmative acknowledge frame ACK Sequence number The Sequence Number is the number of the last frame, which has been received correctly. 2. Negative acknowledge frame NAK 3. Flow regulation frame (Wait for ACK) WACK All fields are described in detail in the next sections. Reference Functional Specifications VIC Standard T&P / AR&D 6.2. Version: 1.07/11/07 Status: Draft Confid.: Author: T&P Date edited: 21/09/2008 Date printed: 16-Mar-10 Page: 63 / 75 Control characters STX (0x02) Start of Text Definition The transmission control character STX precedes an information frame. Description of use 1. An information frame must be preceded by STX. 2. STX resets the CRC computation to zero, when preceding an information frame. 3. If a User Data contains a character STX, it must be preceded by a DLE character (Bytes stuffing). 4. If STX appears in the sequence number, no stuffing is done. 5. STX is not included in the CRC computation. ETX (0x03) End of Text Definition A transmission control character, which terminates an information frame. Description of use 1. ETX indicates the end of an information frame. 2. ETX calls for a reply ACK, NAK or WACK from the other party. 3. ETX signals that the next following 16 bits are the CRC characters. 4. ETX is included in the CRC computation. 5. If a text contains a character ETX, it must be preceded by a DLE character (byte stuffing). 6. If ETX appears in the sequence number, no stuffing is done. Reference Functional Specifications VIC Standard T&P / AR&D DLE (0x10) Version: 1.07/11/07 Status: Draft Confid.: Author: T&P Date edited: 21/09/2008 Date printed: 16-Mar-10 Page: 64 / 75 Data Link Escape Definition A transmission control character stuffs another control character in the data of an information frame. Description of use 1. DLE informs the receiving station that the next character is to be treated as data and must not be considered as a control character. 2. DLE must precede STX, ETX and DLE when they are used in the data field of a message. 3. DLE is included in the CRC computation. 4. If DLE appears in the sequence number, no stuffing is done. ACK (0x06) Affirmative Acknowledgement Definition Transmission control character sent by a station as an affirmative response to the other station. Description of use 1. ACK is transmitted by one station as an affirmative response to the other station. 2. ACK is used to indicate that the last transmitted information frame has been correctly received. 3. ACK is followed by a sequence number, which is identical to the number of the information frame to which an affirmative acknowledgement is given. NAK (0x15) Negative Acknowledgement Definition A transmission control character sent by a station as a negative response to the other station. Description of use 1. NAK indicates that the last transmitted information frame was not received correctly, and the receiving station is ready to receive the same one. 2. NAK is not followed by a sequence number. Reference Functional Specifications VIC Standard T&P / AR&D WACK (0x13) Version: 1.07/11/07 Status: Draft Confid.: Author: T&P Date edited: 21/09/2008 Date printed: 16-Mar-10 Page: 65 / 75 Wait for ACK (flow regulation) Definition A transmission control character sent by a station as a request to the other station to wait for ACK. It is however possible that data is sent before this ACK. Description of use 1. WACK is transmitted by one station as a request to wait for ACK 2. WACK is not followed by a sequence number. 3. WACK is used to indicate that the last frame has been correctly received but has not yet been given to the application layer, because the buffers are not empty. 4. WACK will be repeated regularly (every time the receiving station tries to give the frame to the application layer). 5. There is no limit on the number of WACKs, which might be transmitted. 6. The time between successive WACKs must be less than the time-out on the ACK reception on the transmission station. 7. A WACK retriggers the ACK time-out at the transmission station. 8. When the frame is passed to the application layer, an ACK is sent. Sequence Number (0x00..0xff) Sequence Number Definition A sequence number sent by both stations as a way to mark the frames. Once the sequence number has reached FF, it restarts to 00. Description of use 1. The Sequence Number is a one byte value, and is sent just after the STX in an information frame. The same value must be repeated in the affirmative acknowledgement. 2. The Sequence number is used to compute the CRC. 3. Each station manages its own transmission sequence numbering. It should be incremented after an Affirmative Acknowledgement or after an answer time-out. 4. The Sequence number is used to avoid that the same frame is given twice (or more) to the application. 5. Value 0xff is the only value for which the receiving station always accepts the frame regardless of its previous sequence number. 6. No stuffing is done over the sequence number. 7. Upon reaching the value 0xFF, the sequence numbering should start at 0x00 again. Reference Functional Specifications VIC Standard T&P / AR&D 6.3. Version: 1.07/11/07 Status: Draft Confid.: Author: T&P Date edited: 21/09/2008 Date printed: 16-Mar-10 Page: 66 / 75 CRC computation The CRC is computed over the sequence number and the ETX of a frame. It uses the polynomial 13 x15 + x + 1, and is sent after the ETX closing the frame. A frame is made of: STX - Sequence number - data field - ETX - CRC(lsb) - CRC(msb) Upon reception of the STX, the lsb and msb of the CRC field are initialised with zeroes. For each data byte between the Sequence Number (included) until and included the closing ETX, the following algorithm is applied: table_index = CRC(lsb) XOR data_byte CRC(lsb) = CRC(msb) XOR lsb(table(table_index)) CRC(msb) = 0 XOR msb(table(table_index)) where : lsb stands for Least Significant Byte msb stands for Most Significant Byte XOR stands for eXclusive OR table is an array of 256 values (Refer to next page) T&P / AR&D Reference Functional Specifications VIC Standard Version: 1.07/11/07 Status: Draft Confid.: Author: T&P Date edited: 21/09/2008 Date printed: 16-Mar-10 Page: 67 / 75 CRC computation table 0x0, 0x280, 0x500, 0xd80, 0xa00, 0x880, 0x1b00, 0xdf81, 0x1400, 0x1680, 0x1100, 0x3180, 0x3600, 0x3480, 0xff01, 0x3b80, 0x2800, 0x2a80, 0x2d00, 0x2580, 0x2200, 0x2080, 0x6300, 0xa781, 0x6c00, 0x6e80, 0x6900, 0xb981, 0xbe01, 0xbc81, 0x7700, 0xb381, 0x5000, 0x5280, 0x5500, 0x5d80, 0x5a00, 0x5880, 0x4b00, 0x8f81, 0x4400, 0x4680, 0x4100, 0xc0c1, 0xc241, 0xc5c1, 0xcd41, 0xcac1, 0xc841, 0xdbc1, 0x1f40, 0xd4c1, 0xd641, 0xd1c1, 0xf141, 0xf6c1, 0xf441, 0x3fc0, 0xfb41, 0xe8c1, 0xea41, 0xedc1, 0xe541, 0xe2c1, 0xe041, 0xa3c1, 0x6740, 0xacc1, 0xae41, 0xa9c1, 0x7940, 0x7ec0, 0x7c40, 0xb7c1, 0x7340, 0x90c1, 0x9241, 0x95c1, 0x9d41, 0x9ac1, 0x9841, 0x8bc1, 0x4f40, 0x84c1, 0x8641, 0x81c1, 0xc181, 0xc601, 0xc481, 0xf00, 0xcb81, 0xd801, 0xda81, 0xdd01, 0xd581, 0xd201, 0xd081, 0x3300, 0xf781, 0x3c00, 0x3e80, 0x3900, 0xe981, 0xee01, 0xec81, 0x2700, 0xe381, 0xa001, 0xa281, 0xa501, 0xad81, 0xaa01, 0xa881, 0xbb01, 0x7f80, 0xb401, 0xb681, 0xb101, 0x9181, 0x9601, 0x9481, 0x5f00, 0x9b81, 0x8801, 0x8a81, 0x8d01, 0x8581, 0x8201, 0x8081, 0x140, 0x6c0, 0x440, 0xcfc1, 0xb40, 0x18c0, 0x1a40, 0x1dc0, 0x1540, 0x12c0, 0x1040, 0xf3c1, 0x3740, 0xfcc1, 0xfe41, 0xf9c1, 0x2940, 0x2ec0, 0x2c40, 0xe7c1, 0x2340, 0x60c0, 0x6240, 0x65c0, 0x6d40, 0x6ac0, 0x6840, 0x7bc0, 0xbf41, 0x74c0, 0x7640, 0x71c0, 0x5140, 0x56c0, 0x5440, 0x9fc1, 0x5b40, 0x48c0, 0x4a40, 0x4dc0, 0x4540, 0x42c0, 0x4040 0xc301 0x780, 0xcc01, 0xce81, 0xc901, 0x1980, 0x1e00, 0x1c80, 0xd701, 0x1380, 0xf001, 0xf281, 0xf501, 0xfd81, 0xfa01, 0xf881, 0xeb01, 0x2f80, 0xe401, 0xe681, 0xe101, 0x6180, 0x6600, 0x6480, 0xaf01, 0x6b80, 0x7800, 0x7a80, 0x7d00, 0x7580, 0x7200, 0x7080, 0x9301, 0x5780, 0x9c01, 0x9e81, 0x9901, 0x4980, 0x4e00, 0x4c80, 0x8701, 0x4380, 0x3c0, 0xc741, 0xcc0, 0xe40, 0x9c0, 0xd941, 0xdec1, 0xdc41, 0x17c0, 0xd341, 0x30c0, 0x3240, 0x35c0, 0x3d40, 0x3ac0, 0x3840, 0x2bc0, 0xef41, 0x24c0, 0x2640, 0x21c0, 0xa141, 0xa6c1, 0xa441, 0x6fc0, 0xab41, 0xb8c1, 0xba41, 0xbdc1, 0xb541, 0xb2c1, 0xb041, 0x53c0, 0x9741, 0x5cc0, 0x5e40, 0x59c0, 0x8941, 0x8ec1, 0x8c41, 0x47c0, 0x8341, Reference Functional Specifications VIC Standard T&P / AR&D 6.4. Version: 1.07/11/07 Status: Draft Confid.: Author: T&P Date edited: 21/09/2008 Date printed: 16-Mar-10 Page: 68 / 75 Time out controls Answer time-out Implemented in every station. The answer time-out is started at the transmitting station when a frame is sent out. The answer time-out is re-triggered at the transmitting station when a WACK is received. The answer time-out is stopped at the transmitting station when an answer (ACK, NAK) is received from the other station. Please remark that the affirmative acknowledge must be followed by the same sequence number as the frame just sent, to be considered as a valid affirmative acknowledgement. The value of the answer time-out is computed as: ((frame length *10) /baudrate) * 2 The frame length includes the STX, sequence number, data field, ETX and CRC. This gives an extra overhead of five bytes with regard to the data field length. Example: For a frame length of 255 bytes, the answer time-out is 531 msec. Inter character time-out Implemented in every station. The inter character time-out prevents a station having received a STX and some more characters, to stay in this state infinitely. The value of the inter character time-out is: 2ms. 6.5. Retry counter Implemented in every station. The retry counter is the maximum number of times a message may be re-transmitted in case of NAK response, or no answer at all. Value = 3 Version: 1.07/11/07 Status: Draft Confid.: Author: T&P Reference Functional Specifications VIC Standard T&P / AR&D 6.6. Date edited: 21/09/2008 Date printed: 16-Mar-10 Page: 69 / 75 Byte stuffing The User data field allows transparent transmission. This means that every byte in this field may have a valid value between 0 and 255. To avoid confusion between some values and control characters, a byte stuffing mechanism is implemented at both stations. The transmitting station scans every byte it received from its application, to find a STX, a ETX or a DLE control character. If it does, it stuffs this control character by adding a DLE just before this character. On the receiving station, once the leading STX, and the Sequence Number are received, every DLE will be discarded, reconstituting by the same way the original User data. The DLEs added by this stuffing mechanism, are used in the CRC computation. 6.7. Transmission Control Sequences Normal message transmission station 1 SS TE<data> XQ ECC TRR XCC station 2 AS CE KQ CRC error and re-transmission accepted station 1 SS TE<data> XQ ECC TRR XCC station 2 SS TE<data> XQ ECC TRR XCC N A K AS CE KQ CRC error and re-transmissions refused station 1 SS TE<data> XQ ECC TRR XCC station 2 SS TE<data> XQ ECC TRR XCC N A K SS ECC TE<data> TRR XQ XCC N A K SS TE<data> XQ ECC TRR XCC => warns its application that the last message is lost N A K N A K Answer time-out and re-transmission accepted station 1 SS TE<data> XQ ECC TRR XCC SS TE<data> XQ ECC TRR XCC => time-out station 2 AS CE KQ Answer time-out and re-transmissions refused station 1 station 2 SS ECC TE<data> TRR XQ XCC SS TE<data> XQ => time out ECC TRR XCC SS TE<data> XQ => time out ECC TRR XCC SS TE<data> XQ => time out ECC TRR XCC => time out => warns its application T&P / AR&D Reference Functional Specifications VIC Standard Version: 1.07/11/07 Status: Draft Confid.: Author: T&P Inter character time-out and re-transmission accepted station 1 station 2 SS TE<data> XQ SS TE<data> XQ ECC TRR XCC N A K AS CE KQ => inter character time out Normal full duplex exchange station 1 station 2 Ss ECC Te<data> TRR Xq XCC AS CE KQ SS TE<data> XQ ECC TRR XCC As Ce Kq Information frame with out of order sequence number station 1 SS ECC TE<data> TRR XQ XCC station 2 SS ECC TE<data> TRR XQ XCC X AS CE KQ AS CE KQ X => warns its application for break in sequence numbering ACK frame with out of order sequence number station 1 SS ECC TE<data> TRR XQ XCC SS ECC TE<data> TRR XQ XCC => invalid ACK. Fall in time out and re-send frame station 2 AS CE KQ X AS CE KQ WACK frame followed by an ACK station 1 station 2 SS ECC TE<data> TRR XQ XCC W A C K W A C K AS CE KQ Date edited: 21/09/2008 Date printed: 16-Mar-10 Page: 70 / 75 Reference Functional Specifications VIC Standard T&P / AR&D 6.8. Version: 1.07/11/07 Status: Draft Confid.: Author: T&P Date edited: 21/09/2008 Date printed: 16-Mar-10 Page: 71 / 75 Error recovery A negative (NAK) reply to an information frame causes re-transmission of the information frame. The maximal number of re-transmissions is equal to the message retry counter (see RETRY COUNTER). This implies that the information frame will be sent a number of times equal to the retry counter plus one ! When the retry counter overflows, the sending station generates an alarm to its application layer, and takes the next information frame. The sequence number must be incremented for this new information frame. station 1 SS ECC TE<data> TRR XQ XCC station 2 SS ECC TE<data> TRR XQ XCC N A K SS ECC TE<data> TRR XQ XCC N A K SS ECC TE<data> TRR XQ XCC SS ECC TE<new> TRR XQ XCC + 1 => warn application retry counter exceeded- N A K N A K AS CE KQ + 1 => warns application a frame has been lost An answer time-out on an information frame on the side of the sending station, causes the re-transmission of the information frame at maximum a number of times equal to the value of the retry counter + 1. In case of unsuccessful re-sending, the sending station generates an alarm to its application layer, and take the next information frame. The sequence number must be incremented for this new information frame. station 1 SS ECC TE<data> TRR XQ XCC SS ECC TE<data> TRR XQ XCC SS ECC TE<data> TRR XQ XCC SS ECC TE<data> TRR XQ XCC SS ECC TE<new> TRR XQ XCC + 1 => warns application station 2 AS CE KQ + 1 => warns application a frame has been lost An information frame having the same Sequence Number as the previous received information frame, must be acknowledged but discarded towards its application layer. station 1 station 2 SS TE<data> XQ ECC TRR XCC SS ECC TE<data> TRR XQ XCC AS CE KQ SS ECC TE<new> TRR XQ XCC + 1 AS CE KQ => give to application 1 => discard ! AS CE KQ + => give to application An inter character time-out may be treated in two different ways. The easiest way is just not to answer and wait for the answer time-out to elapse, causing the re-transmission of the information frame. A more efficient way to handle the inter character time-out is to generate a negative (NAK) reply, causing a faster re-transmission of the information frame. The final choice is left open for the designer. Reference Functional Specifications VIC Standard T&P / AR&D 6.9. Version: 1.07/11/07 Status: Draft Confid.: Author: T&P Date edited: 21/09/2008 Date printed: 16-Mar-10 Page: 72 / 75 Flow chart Definitions ICT: AT: inter character time-out answer time-out ACK: NAK: WACK: DLE: STX: ETX: *: ASCII character 0x06 ASCII character 0x15 ASCII character 0x13 ASCII character 0x10 ASCII character 0x02 ASCII character 0x03 any character except ACK, NAK, WACK, DLE, STX, ETX A_N: M_T_S: Answer_Needed : boolean specifying that the procedure waits for an answer Message_To_Send : boolean specifying that the application wants to send a message Conventions Every state transition is characterised by an event and an action. In the further state transition diagram, they are marked as "event, action" Those actions in parentheses are optional. T&P / AR&D Reference Functional Specifications VIC Standard Version: 1.07/11/07 Status: Draft Confid.: Author: T&P State transition A_N & ACK,0 M_T_S,1 A_N & AT,3 A_N & NAK,4 IDLE STX,2 A_N & WACK,14 ICT,5 WAIT_SEQ_NR *,8 WAIT_AFTER_ACK ICT,5 ICT,5 WAIT_AFTER_DLE *,7 *,9 *,9 DLE,10 ICT,5 WAIT_CHARS STX,2 ETX,11 ICT,5 WAIT_CRC_LSB *,12 ICT,5 -,13 WAIT_CRC_MSB Action list 0. do nothing 1. prepare message send message set A_N start AT reset retry_number 2. start ICT initialise receive buffer 3. (increment time-out statistics) action 3bis 3bis. if retry_number <= 2 send again increment retry_number start AT else signal error to application increment transmission sequence number 4. (increment ACK statistics) action 3 bis 5. (increment time-out statistics) 7. stop ICT if char = transmission sequence number stop AT increment transmission sequence number reset A_N reset M_T_S signal transmission OK to application Date edited: 21/09/2008 Date printed: 16-Mar-10 Page: 73 / 75 T&P / AR&D Reference Functional Specifications VIC Standard Version: 1.07/11/07 Status: Draft Confid.: Author: T&P Date edited: 21/09/2008 Date printed: 16-Mar-10 Page: 74 / 75 8. start ICT set receive sequence number to char compute CRC 9. stock char compute CRC start ICT 10. start ICT compute CRC 11. start ICT compute CRC finalise CRC 12. stock char in CRC(lsb) start ICT 13. stock char in CRC(msb) stop ICT if CRC <> computed CRC send NAK (increment NAK statistics) if A_N then start AT else if receive sequence number = last receive sequence number send ACK + receive sequence number if A_N then start AT else give message to application send ACK + receive sequence number set last receive sequence number = receive sequence number 14. restart AT Reference Functional Specifications VIC Standard T&P / AR&D 6.10. Version: 1.07/11/07 Status: Draft Confid.: Author: T&P Line characteristics Asynchronous Full duplex 1 start bit, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit Parity : Speed : Physical encoding method : Byte serialisation : None 9600 bps Non Return to Zero (NRZ) Least Significant Bit (LSB) first Date edited: 21/09/2008 Date printed: 16-Mar-10 Page: 75 / 75