Lecture 5 Single and Three Phase Transformers Single Phase and three phase Transformers In the class the following topics will be covered: 1) A comprehensive overview of transformer, essentials, and how does it operate 2) Explain ideal and real transformers construction, equivalent circuit, phasor diagrams 3) Transformer Design Equations, Performance of transformers, 4) Solving examples on these topics By the end of this class you should be able to 1) Understand electromagnetism, induction and how these apply to transformer operation 2) Understand how to analyze, and find the performance of Transformer 3) Design, calculate performance, and identify different types of Single phase transformers Introduction • For transmission and distribution networks to transfer large amounts of alternating current electricity over long distances with minimum losses and least cost, different voltage levels are required in the various parts of the networks. • For example, the transfer of electricity efficiently over a long transmission line requires the use of high voltages. At the receiving end where the electricity is used, the high voltage has to be reduced to the levels required by the consumer. • Transformers enable these changes in voltage to be carried out easily, cheaply and efficiently. • A transformer used to increase the voltage is called a "step up" transformer, while that used to decrease the voltage is called a "step down" transformer. Introduction • What is a transformer? – A device for increasing or decreasing an AC voltage – Power Transformers, TV sets to provide High Voltage to picture tubes, portable electronic device converters, transformers on the pole, etc. are few examples • A transformer consists of two coils of wires known as primary and secondary windings – The two coils can be interwoven or linked by a laminated soft iron core to reduce eddy current losses Basic Components of Transformers A transformer consists of two coils electrically separate but linked by a common magnetic circuit of low reluctance formed by a laminated soft iron core. If one coil (the primary coil) is connected to an AC supply, an alternating magnetic flux is set up in the iron core. This alternating magnetic flux passes through the secondary coil and induces and alternating voltage in the secondary coil. The magnitude of the secondary voltage is directly proportional to the ratio of the number of turns in the secondary and primary windings and to the primary voltage. Figure 1 How do transformers work? – A changing current through a coil of wire can create a changing magnetic field. – Currents can be induced in other wires by these changing magnetic field. – Therefore, the primary coil current must have AC. – The iron core of the transformer is not required but it does increases the efficiency a great deal. Theory of the Transformer The operation of a transformer is based on two principles: • 1. A voltage is induced in a conductor when the conductor passes through a magnetic field. The same effect is produced if the conductor is stationary but the magnetic field in which it is located varies; and • 2. A current passing through a conductor will develop a magnetic field around the conductor. • Note: In this discussion on transformers, the term magnetic "flux" will usually be used instead of magnetic "field". A magnetic field is the space or region surrounding a magnet or a current carrying conductor, in which magnetic effects can be detected. The strength of the magnetic field is generally expressed in terms of magnetic flux density (magnetic flux per square meter). Magnetic flux refers to the magnetic lines of force. • • Transformer Equation • • • The transformer equation does not work for DC current since there is no change of magnetic flux If NS>NP, the output voltage is greater than the input so it is called a stepup transformer while NS<NP is called step-down transformer Now, it looks like energy conservation is violated since we can get more emf from smaller ones, right? – Wrong! Wrong! Wrong! Energy is always conserved! – A well designed transformer can be more than 99% efficient – The power output is the same as the input: – V p I p = (V s I S ) ( – Transformer equation Vp Is = Vs I = p Np Ns Transformer Equations • When an AC voltage is applied to the primary, the changing B it produces will induce voltage of the same frequency in the secondary wire • So how would we make the voltage different? – By varying the number of loops in each coil – From Faraday’s law, the induced emf in the secondary is Vs = N s dθ B dt – The input primary voltage is dθ B Vp = N p dt – Since dΦB/dt is the same, we obtain Vs N s = Vp N p Transformer Equations • Transformer Ratio, this is the most important relationship by which most of the transformer variables are governed and it is denoted (a) a= Number of Turns in the Primary Coil Number of Turns in the Secondary Coil Np a= Ns Induction and the Transformer 1000amp 2amp 120V AC 60,000V AC Figure 2 Remember that the Relative Number of Turns Dictates the Output Current and Voltage as seen above and by Transformer equations Transformers Types Transformers are manufactured in many types the most widely used in power systems are classified with their core types as seen below. Core type where each of the windings are wound on one leg of the core, while the shell core type, in which both windings are wound on the same leg. Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages. Core type is very reliable and easy to maintain, but take larger space, however, shell type is smaller but not reliable. A) Core type B) Shell type Figure 3 Single phase transformer construction Ideal Transformer: Transformer Equations • Transformer Ratio, this is the most important relationship by which most of the transformer variables are governed and it is denoted (a) Number of Turns in the Primary Coil a= Number of Turns in the Secondary Coil Np a= Ns Ideal Transformer This is the most known relationships that relates the induction between the two coils (primary/Secondary) of an ideal transformer to turns ratio and their currents a = Number of Turns N p N s = E p E s Coil Voltages Is = Ip Coil Currents Ideal Unloaded Transformers • • Winding resistances are zero, no leakage inductance and iron loss Magnetization current generates a flux that induces voltage in both windings Ep = Es = N p Φm ω 2 Ns Φm ω 2 Figure 4 Current, voltages and flux in an unloaded ideal transformer Ideal loaded transformer • Loaded transformer , means current will be also feeding the load and that secondary side voltage, current (load Side) will be calculated using the previous relations Figure 5 Currents and fluxes in a loaded ideal transformer Transformers Remember that the following are mentioned before we bring them here to emphasize their importance – – Turn ratio is: a = T = N N p s = Ep Es The input and output complex powers are equal E p I = S p = Ss = Es I * p – * s Notice the direct relations between number of turns and voltages and reciprocal relations with currents. a =T = Ep Es Is = Ip Ideal Transformers Equivalent Circuit Usually we find that ideal transformer symbol and its variables as depicted in figure 7 Ip = Is /T T Vp Ep Is Es = V s V p = Ep = T Es Figure 7 Equivalent circuit of an ideal transformer Transformers Ideal transformer • Transferring impedances through a transformer VP T VS 2 VS = =T ZP = IP ⎛ IS ⎞ IS ⎜ ⎟ ⎝T ⎠ Z P = T 2 Z load IP Vac T VP IS VS Zload a) Original circuit with ideal Figure 8-a Thévenin equivalents of transformer circuit Transferring impedances through a transformer We have seen how turns ratio (a) or (T) relates to voltages and currents, the presence of such ideal transformer relations facilitates the development of real transformers. This is to say its equivalent circuit and using such relations to transfer from primary to secondary and vice versa. To transfer impedances of either side then the square of the turns ratio is used. IP Vac VP T2Zload b) Equivalent circuit when secondary impedance is transferred to primary side and ideal transformer eliminated (c) Equivalent circuit when primary source is transferred to secondary side and ideal transformer eliminated Figure 8 b-c Thévenin equivalents of transformer circuit Example 1 A 200 kV A, 6600 V/400 V, 50 Hz single-phase transformer has 80 turns on the secondary. Calculate: (i) the appropriate values of the primary and secondary currents; (ii) the approximate number of primary turns Solution V1/V2=N1/N2=a N1=V1N2/V2= (a) N2 6600/400 (80)= 1220 turns Transformer rating=Primary Voltage x Primary current = Secondary Voltage x Secondary Current For Primary 200 KVA = 6600 v (I1) I1 = 200KVA/6600v = 30.3 A For Secondary 200 KVA= 400 I2 I2 = 200 KVA/400v = 500 A Quiz A single-phase transformer has 1000 turns on the primary and 200 turns on the secondary. The no-load current is 3 A at a power factor of 0.2 lagging. Calculate the primary current and power factor when the secondary current is 280 A at a power factor of 0.8 lagging. Assume the voltage drop in the windings to be negligible. Answer: 58.3 A, 0.78 pf lagging • This lecture covers the first essentials that one should know on transformer operation and ideal transformers. Next lecture we will go over the practical transformer operation, equivalent circuit and modeling