Chapter 08 Methods of Analysis C-C Tsai Source: Circuit Analysis: Theory and Practice Delmar Cengage Learning Outline Source Conversion Mesh Analysis Nodal Analysis Delta-Wye (-Y) Conversion Bridge Networks C-C Tsai 2 1 Source Conversions If internal resistance of a source is considered: Voltage source may be converted to current source Calculate current from E/RS , RS does not change, and place current source and resistor in parallel Current source may be converted to voltage source E = I RS and place voltage source in series with resistor 3 C-C Tsai Current and Voltage Sources Exchange A load connected to a voltage source or its equivalent current Although sources are equivalent Should have same voltage and current for either source Currents and voltages within sources may differ Sources are only equivalent external to terminals C-C Tsai 4 2 Mesh Analysis Step0: Arbitrarily assign a clockwise current to each interior closed loop (Mesh) Step1: Indicate voltage polarities across all resistors Step2: Write KVL equations Step3: Solve resulting simultaneous equations Branch currents determined by: Algebraically combining loop currents common to branch 5 C-C Tsai Example1: Mesh Analysis Assign loop currents and voltage polarities Using KVL: 6 - 2I1 - 2I1 + 2I2 - 4 = 0 4 - 2I2 + 2I1 - 4I2 + 2 = 0 Simplify and solve equations C-C Tsai 6 3 Nodal Analysis Step0: Assign a reference node within circuit and indicate node as ground Convert voltage sources to current sources Arbitrarily assign a current direction to each branch where there is no current source Step1: Assign voltages V1, V2, etc. to remaining nodes Step2: Apply KCL to all nodes except reference node Rewrite each current in terms of voltage Step3: Solve resulting equations for voltages 7 C-C Tsai Example0: Nodal Analysis Assign voltage at node, then using KVL (V1-6)/2 + (V1-4)/2 + (V1-(-2))/4= 0 C-C Tsai 8 4 Delta-Wye (-Y) Conversion Resistors connected to a point of Y Obtained by finding product of resistors connected to same point in Delta Divided by sum of all Delta resistors R1=(RC*RB) / (RA+RB+RC) 9 C-C Tsai Wye-Delta Conversions A Delta resistor is found: C-C Tsai Taking sum of all two-product combinations of Y resistor values Divided by resistance of Y directly opposite resistor being calculated RA=(R1R2+R2R3+R1R3) /R1 10 5 Bridge Networks Three same equivalent bridge networks Balanced bridge: R1R4 = R2R3 and IR5=0 Unbalanced bridge: R1R4 R2R3 and IR50 11 C-C Tsai Example: Bridge Networks C-C Tsai Balanced bridge: 3*24 = 6*12 R1R4 = R2R3 and IR5=0 R5 can be replaced with an open circuit or a short circuit. 12 6 Kernel abilities 1. Can use Mesh Analysis for solving the unknown voltage and current of a circuit. 2. Can use Nodal Analysis for solving the unknown voltage and current of a circuit. 3. Can use Delta-Wye (-Y) Conversion for solving the unknown voltage and current of a circuit. 4. Can recognize a Bridge circuit whether is balance or unbalance and solve the unknown voltage and current. C-C Tsai 13 7