HAZARDOUS AREA LIGHTING AND CONTROL EQUIPMENT 2015 ! " #" $ % #%&'(&&) # ! * + , --. / 0 0112,0 %3445267-789187:7; .3445267-7891<878; &=!)" !)" 1 Contents Introduction Introduction Hazardous Area Guide Hazardous Area Guide page page 1 Page 1 page page 3 Page 3 Zone 1 Lighting Led Lighting page page 7 Page 8 Zone 21 Lighting Zone Llighting page 24 22 Page page 11 Zone 2 Lighting Zone 1 Ex d Enclosures Page 25 page page 33 31 Zone 1 Ex d Enclosures Industrial Lighting Industrial Lighting Page 33 page page 36 34 Page 36 Case Studies Terms & conditions page 48 46 Page page 48 Technical & Spares Technical & Spares Petrel Limited 22 Fortnum Close, Kitts Green, Birmingham B33 0LB United Kingdom T +44 (0)121 783 7161 F +44 (0)121 783 5717 E sales@petrel-ex.co.uk www.petrel-ex.co.uk 2 page page 43 41 Page 43 Petrel Guide to Hazardous Areas -+C The Atex Directive is a mandatory requirement for all hazardous area equipment sold in the European Union and must have applicable Atex ! certificates. Certain other countries accept the IECEx standard, which is derived from similar principles. In addition to the technical requirements demanded by the appropriate standards for each type of protection concept, the Atex Directive imposes additional requirements on the certificate holder in terms of quality system, product documentation, installation information, " possible limitations of use in the relation to its intended environment, labelling information etc. A/B'/ "5 A5B'5 "' #"!"$ A'B'' "6 Where II is the equipment group; %""& 2 is the category for use (see table above for equivalent zone) '"(#! !)* +(*+," &, "" ! !" #"!" " In addition to protection against the risk of explosion or ignition, luminaires for use in hazardous areas will also need to provide adequate "#" ! protection against the ingress of solids or liquids. The degree of classification is denoted by the IP classification system. "" "- !"" "" "" . 1+>;;->2 21(-*2?;18/4'@(8/4'@* -/0 -0 -'0 -60 -70 -40 -80 -0/ -05 -0' -06 -07 -04 -08 -0< -0= 1 2.34/("* 2.35'4(""* 2.3'4("* 2.35//("!* " 3 1 9"! 9"!!54: ;!8// ;! %. -!!. 5( * 35 Where time and pressure are stated Petrel Guide to Hazardous Areas -+C ""!"!! "!! "D " The temperature is based of +40oC class ‘T rating’ normally on an upperambient temperature E "F'/:G7/: !" !" <66=?277 % % $#1 & & 1 <66=?277 74/ H74/ ' 1 <66=?27 6// H6// 6 '// H'// 564 H564 5// H5// 5 1 <66=?2= 1 <66=?28 1 <66=?27> 1 <66=?2; 1 <66=?2< 1 <66=?27; 1 <66=?27; 1 <66=?27; 1 <66=?27; 7 4 8 =4 "A" + A/ A5 A' A'/ A'5 A'' # # '( '( H=4 1 <66=?27; !" !" !"" !"" " " !" !" !"" !"" 1 <78:727 # # <78:727 !" A 1 !" 1 <78:7277 !"" !"" 1 <78:727> # # <78:727 1 ! ! 1 <78:727 1 <78:7277 ! <78:727> 1 " " 1 <78:72: A 1 <78:727 ! 1 # # <78:727 1 <78:7277 A ! # # ! ! " "$ A/'/"5 A/'/"5 A5'5"' A5'5"' A'''"6 A'''"6 "55'5"5' ''' 4 Petrel Guide to Hazardous Areas -+C ++ " """" " "" " + "(* + "6"( ?* """" 5 ' 6 7 4 8 I ? ? ? C" ?(* C I I - ? " C" Equipment certified for Group IIC is also suitable for IIB and IIA, whilst equipment certified forIIB?+ can also be used in IIA. Group IIA certified ++" equipment can only be used on Group IIA applications. ? !? + + + "" " J" ? 1 I " !"! "# !"5/K I 5 Petrel Guide to Hazardous Areas -+C - """" """#" "! +- ) Symbol & EN ref Summary Concept 1D8//<@55 L"#B(" D!'* Ex i EN 60079-11 Intrinsic safety Limits energy of sparks & surface temperatures 1D8//<@55 L"#B(" Ex d EN 60079-1 Flameproof Contains explosion quenches flame D!5* Ex e EN 60079-7 Increased safety No arcs, sparks or hot surfaces 1D8//<@5 J Ex p EN 60079-2 Pressurised Keeps flammable gas out Keeps flammable 1gas # Ex1D8//<@< m EN 60079-18 Encapsulated out 1D8//<@' - K" Ex q EN 60079-5 Powder filled Keeps flammable gas out 1D8//<@5= K" Ex o EN 60079-6 Oil filled Keeps hazard away from ignition source using inert oil 1D8//<@4 -! K" Ex nA EN 60079-15 Non-sparking No arcs, sparks or hot surfaces 2 Ex1D8//<@8 nR EN 60079-15 Restricted breathing K!"" Gasket restricts air movement Ex nC 1D8//<@54 EN 60079-15 Enclosed break Sealed from1 air ingress 1#" # >1D8//<@54 >" +# -1D8//<@54 - 2" L1D8//<@54 "" ! ;D #D 1D8//<@54 ;" D )*+ , ! - Symbol & EN ref )*+ , ! " Concept " Zone use Category # ) Zone use / 5B' 0,1 & 2 1 5B' &2 1&2 1 5B' &2 0,5B' 1&2 1 5B' &2 1 5B' &2 2 5B' 2 5B' 2 ' ' ' ' ' Category / 5B' 1, 2 & 3 'B6 2&3 2&3 'B6 2&3 1,'B6 2 & 3 'B6 2&3 'B6 2&3 'B6 3 'B6 3 36 6 6 6 # ) 6 Protection - '/&'5B'' Ex t '/1D85'755 EN 60079-31 by enclosure 20, 21 22 1, 2 &53'B6 ?'/1D85'755 - '/&'5B'' Ex i EN 60079-11 Intrinsic safety 20, 21 22 1, 2 &53'B6 1D85'7555 '/ '5B'' 5 'B6 Ex m EN 60079-18 Encapsulation 20, 21 & 22 1, 2 & 3 1D85'755= '/ '5B'' 5 'B6 Ex pD EN 61241-4 Pressurised 21 & 22 2&3 '5B'' 'B6 '51D85'755 - ?'51D85'755 - '5B'' 'B6 1D85'7555 '5B'' 'B6 1D85'755= '5B'' Concepts such as Ex i, Ex p, Ex t and Ex m have been split into a, b and c. This allows for 'B6 a new type of protection called ‘EPL’ or 1D85'757 - '5B'' Equipment protection level. For Gas this is Ga, Gb and Gc and for Dust Da, Db and Dc. 'B6 According to EN 60079-0 the EPL- is the level of protection assigned to'' equipment based on ''1D85'755 6 its likelihood of becoming a source of ignition ans distinguishing the differences betwwn explosive gas atmospheres,'' explosive dust atmospheres and the exposive atmospheres in ?''1D85'755 - 6 mines susceptible to firedamp. 1D85'7555 '' 6 Ga and Ma - Very high level of protection Gb and Mb - High level of protection Gc and Mc - Enhanced level of protection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ÊËÌÍÎÏÌÐÌÍ ÑÒÓÔÕÖÕÒ× ØÙÚÛÜ ãäåäæçèéêëäæìäëíîïãðîñï òóôõö÷óøù÷úõûüýþÿ0ûóø 012345679 4276 127739 HAZARDOUS AREA LIGHTING ÝÞßàáâ qrstuvutwxuyz{ 04h494.!0>!|591}! 04h494.!0>!|l1}! ~4.!f! d!f!911!04h494.! 19.>9>1!04h491! k49e!.>!991! 591!7!149e44f! l1!7!149e44f! 949! .711!4.!|~!94.7}! c49!..4.1! 0.!59! kf!m97!|1}! j478! nf49!</4.1!h! n8!~<!478!h44.7!41!9!4h4>!9e!/4.94! h!899>199 ¡¢£!!/1!4.!19.>9>¤ ¥/7.f!14.1!48¦§¨©ª§«©¬np!h1.¤ 9/1!­<cl!141!!hh1!8!h4.7!e.h41i ® ]e1!.!_!h44.7 ® k!4. ®¯¯°±²³°´¥µ¶·µ̧¹º ® -1.!!<cl!9494.1 ® ne!4.!1 ®<478478 ®»478!478! ® 09f!19 ®<4.9e!4.!141 ® j9h ®<!/94..9. ®k9.>9>!!c/7.f!m14.1 sxwu{ ¼½¾¿ÀÁÂÃÄÅÂÆÇÈÉ c!!/e!0!nb n`!5e! c!e!0!np;0!le! c!! 5!!097f!,!5 l! c^!o;;a! 0<!_:dnc:;;`! .!_ ,_!9.>!.!, ,,! d2!6!9.>!0! d2!6!9.>!0! ~f9e.9!e!!.>!91! ~oo! ,!4!!98!09e!14!,`//,!c.4! e991 >4! __;2!,:;! <cl!k>!_p72!<cl!/7.f!:72!np!k>! ,72!np!/7.f!b7! np!-1.!!!,p;;!</! <cl!_p;!!,p`;!</! <cl!:o;!!`o;!</! l4/.14.1i!!!!!!! !!!!<.78!d! np!knl!!c/7.f!9e 989!!!! !!!!!_;ob//! np!knl!!c/7.f!0cd5 !dn!!!!!!!! !!!!!!__,a//! <cl!knl!!c/7.f!!!!!!! !!!!!!!_;ob//! <cl!k8!knl!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!o`//! wuwxuyz{ {wxuz{ ,!!_pj!np!k9.>9>!-1.! nb!!b; `;!0! ,!!_pj!np!c!/7.f!-1. n`!!b; !`;!°C ! <cl!k>!_p; 28.4 W n`!!b;!0!nb!!``°C <cl!c/7. f!_p; 28.4W n`!!b;!0!nb!!``!°C <cl!k>!:o; 56.8 W n`!!b;!0!nb!!``°C n`!!b; 0!nb!!``°C <cl!k>!_p;18!28.4W k4>!48!`/!h!!9e! g8!9e1!9949e!.!1! 0cd52!dn2!989!~7!!1!949.1!9949e! k91!d949ei! np!<9/!48!hf4.7!9>12!np!69912!69f!~912! 0897 4.2!ne!4.!k12!c.>!9! ~2!09f!k92!97.1! c91i! k9.>2!97.!h44.7!4! 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"# $ "# ! $ Ex tb lllC Db T* - See lamp table opposite 4/ 5 34!5 ",, 6$ #--#% 7 89/7 62 /, 89/, 62 6778946:4-77894-: ,' '1: 33/,,9;69: SIR00ATEX1047X, IEC Ex SIR09.0028 )7)1;7<<4- 79=779; ( (6/(6 (66 % ) 1 2 B1 C 8 A *, ,$*12 13 +' +' -) ( + # %. 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( # 41(+45 D1)" - =A2=73!!5 '- *-* //*"/* ,>-*45 +!!+3("!5 !45 -!!@ !/+3- & !5 !45 !3$#!5 !*") *4#5 " !!3(!5 8 15 12 14 :- " 621Lamp Lamptypes types&&‘T’ ‘T’ratings ratings 621 ," *' )65"22 ) $,$ -$ G$$ 65"@ 85 ?5@= "! @ / &G* &-)< $ 65@',$ 85$?5$"!$@/ ; >' '' ! ) Fixing Centres Fixing Strap = 210mm Pivot = 140mm -) ) ;- ; '-)& ( ( ( @=G ;0;; +' 2D!22::5,ED 7881/./2592/-/:;7881/./25932/2 :<&==*:("""=&==* 4;?:78 7 ')*2"" #E:.'/4;! 7?F 8F?F 16 13 Typical applications $%& "#$% • • # " 67*777 - ) * * !" ! # Lamp Options with ‘T’ ratings Lamptypes types&&‘T’ ‘T’ratings ratings Lamp +' +' -) ( + # , (# ,,*1213 ',,45*,,,4"5 . ,,8 *,,,$*1213 ,,9$,, -3*6: Ex tb lllC T85oC/100oC/135oC Db IP66 4/ 5 Glass tube only ",, 6$ ;< 7 89/7 62 /, 89/, Group ll Category 2 GD 62 % )$ ) 6CD:7E %. *)$ 3CD:7E # / +,$ 3CD:7E ,' '1: 33/,,9;69: >377 ?*,377 ? -)$ 012(+ ) %3)3 ./$ 45 ' ' ! "# $ ! ! %&' "# ( # $% 2 '"( )) &' *+ • () *()( ,* )+, (- . • - */0 • "*"- " . • 1 " • !) • • - /" !2 *)" • • • 0"*"*" ,34) • • '*)-*% , - )5 • • ,"" Specification & options Specification & options Specification ( (6/(6 (66 SIRA01ATEX1033X, IEC Ex SIR09.0029X ,=70=@0755*,,7?+778?@ ,,'/,,/,, /0/8 ,,=*,,9*,, .6A8A. (# +' +' , )$ 12B1C8A :CD68E ,, 6CD66E 12B1C??A 6CD66E ,, ,,9 3CD:7E 12B1C2AD4??A5 6CD66E ,,9 6CD:7E ,,9 :CD66E . # -02( 6CD:7E :CD68E ,, ',,45*,,,4"5 "" 012(+45 *)$ 3CD:7E 12B1C2AD4??A5 6CD66E ,, -( * )"* - - +,$ 3CD:7E 6CD66E ,,9 , 45 12B1C2AD4??A5 , IP66 -)$ 3CD:7E 6CD66E ,,9 002(./!45 12B1C2AD4??A5 6#6<,4 "5 :87A,;5< + -* )-+ 52(./&%45 13B1C??A (# . # 6 8 2);*=2 5( +-2: 041(!)645 13B1C3?AD4??A5 **$ (0 :CD68E 6CD:7E ,, ())- */> - 620?@=4!-. Refer P47 Supply Voltage options 668805 72(!)6!45 *)$ (0( :CD68E 12B1C2AD4??A5 6CD:7E ,, 41(+45 1,$ (0 :CD68E 12B1C8A 6CD:7E ,, 42(+45 +,$ (0( 6CD66E 12B1C8A 3CD:7E %" 84 0-*) B ) 9%4*5/9. 6%45 5#;20<*6#;28<* #;2:<*4#;26<* ?#;23<1)2 --$ (0( ,, (# 6CD66E D1)" 3CD:7E ,, - . # # *)$ (0( 3CD66E 6CD:7E ,, +,$ (0( 6CD66E 3CD:7E ,, '- *-* //*"/* & =)- % ,>-*45 ) Various sizes available for T5 tubes. ( !45 & ) Please contact Petrel for more information. $* !45 ! # ' ! !*") *4#5 " :- " % ) ) )));.;;"% (((+ 1++# 8 17 14 6 Sizes & Lamp options 2 2 # 3 4 # !$ # # !$ # # ! $ # # # ! $ * $$$ 4;<FF 4;< 00*04*83 ;< 04;<FF 1 $$$ 04;< 04;< 53*66;< 53;< 5 $ 53;< 53;< >$= >$= - $ 64;< 64;< >$= >$= , 7;< >$= >$= >$= FD D) D ) D ) FF;<D ( - ;<D - )-A 8: < # ! ) (# !## &!## 0 4! 556 ::4 * 0 00!*04!*83! 556 ::4 * F 8 04! 358 68 8 53!*66! 358 68 * F : 53! 08:8 0538 *F 6 64! 06:8 0338 *F 3 7! 0473 0?83 *F F4 9) (for sizes 4 & 5 only) ) =)- /0! /0 /8 , 9# (( I2 J (((+ 1++# (# 88 *G *9*95579H G 655 /*1* .)+ .*,* 7 8 655 /*1* .)+ -.*. 7 90:;;' 7 $ 222;0:;;' >+065?:8? =- .#*!!08"H7 B=>+ 93?643:464 15 18 7 '"( )) *+ &' ( &' ( )*+ •)*+ ,* ,)-. ,)-. •• • "*"- " . -/01 -/01 ( • • " ( •• • - /" 2 2 -)()$)% • • *)" -)()$)% •• • 0"*"*" 3-# 3-# •• • '*)-*% 4 4 •• • ,"" -* -* -) • • -) 2 Typical applications # " $%& "#$% "#$% !" ! ! # Lamp Options with ‘T’ ratings Specification & options Specification Specification && options Specification & options options Lamp ratings Lamp options && ‘T’ ratings Lamp options & ‘T’ ‘T’ ratings +' +' -) ( + # , ',,45*,,,4"5 +% ,- +% ' . /0 +% ,- +% ' . /0 ,,*1213 3 ,,589 -,,, 3 ,,589 -,,, % ) 12B1C8A *,,,$*1213 Ex de llB Gb T3 89 89 %. Ex tb lllC T*oC Db IP665 4/ 1--& 22-$23456 7FGAAE 1--& 22-$23456 7FGAAE # / 12B1C??A Dust T173oC 8/9 8/9 ",, 6$ 33-$31-5 1--& 33-$31-5 7FGA=E 1--& 7FGA=E 7 89/7,,: 62 /, 89/, ,,: " " 62 012(+ 12B1C2AD4??A5 Dust T175oC ) %3)3 ,' '1: 33/,,9;69: <;==>?/<;1:61/,;==>?/,;1:61 <;==>?/<;1:61/,;==>?/,;1:61 (7 22-5 1-8 9 (7 22-5 1-8 9 45 31-& 6FG6=E 31-& 6FG6=E ( (6/(6 (66 ,3=13@1=7A/, ,=?+==7= ,3=13@1=7A/, ,=?+==7= 31-& (7 2345 :-8 9 6FG6=E 31-& (7 2345 :-8 9 6FG6=E ,,'/,,/,, 010:/0:10:: +' +' 010:/0:10:: -02( 31-& (7!) 32-$ 7FGAAE 31-& (7!) 32-$ 7FGAAE , ',,45*,,,4"5 ,,3,,5 ,,3,,5 ' ' .6A8A. 31-5 1-8 31-5 1-8 Dust T147oC ! "" 012(+45 12B1C2AD4??A5 % % (:=EAAE( (7!) 3;-$ % % (:=EAAE( 31-& 7FGAAE 31-& (7!) 3;-$ 7FGAAE * )"* Dust T147oC 31,5 :-8 31,5 :-8 ! ! , 45 12B1C2AD4??A5 , (7!) 32-$31-5 -*)5 -*)5 ,--& 7FG6=E ,--& (7!) 32-$31-5 7FG6=E 002(./!45 12B1C2AD4??A5 Dust T147oC 1-8 1-8 6#6<,4 "5 ,;;,;; -* (7!) 3;-$31,5 52(./&%45 13B1C??A ,--& 7FG6=E ,--& (7!) 3;-$31,5 7FG6=E : :=B,819+ : :=B,819+ 6 Dust T147oC :-8 :-8 2);*=2 13B1C3?AD4??A5 041(!)645 *-+ *-+ 31-& 8!5 32-$ 7FGAAE 31-& 8!5 32-$ 7FGAAE : : :)+-4; 72(!)6!45 :)+-4; Dust T147oC 12B1C2AD4??A5 31-5 1-8 31-5 1-8 "# */> ) ) 31-& 8!5 3;-$ 7FGAAE 31-& 8!5 3;-$ 7FGAAE 41(+45 12B1C8A $ 620?@=4!-. ,)))( ,)))( Dust T147oC 31,5 :-8 31,5 :-8 668805 ) ) 42(+45 12B1C8A ,--& 8!5 32-$31-5 1-8 7FG6=E ,--& 8!5 32-$31-5 1-8 7FG6=E ! %" Refer P47 Supply Voltage options " " Dust T147oC D1)" %&' 0-*) ! "-/ ! "-/ -7FG6=E 7FG6=E ,--& 8!5 3;-$31,5 :-8 ,--& 8!5 3;-$31,5 :-8 -#/# -#/# ( # 9%4*5/9. 6%45 Dust T147oC #$% C* #$% C* 9< " 9< " & ' :?#71# & ' :?#71# ) '- *-* //*"/* ( ( % ,>-*45 ) 3*-) ) 3*-) ( !45 % * % * $* % * % * ! 89 89 !45 -##89 -##89 !*") *4#5 " 5% 5% :- )));.;;"% )))+( ++# )))+( ++# 8 19 1616 8 3%--# 3%--# " Ordering and and fixing fixing options Ordering 8B , 1 : with 'stirrup +! inGF Example: An 8 Series 4;; 400W SON angle mount bracket foruse the UK " 0 " ( " H " 4;;: 84; ?;B2 H , " 4;;: " 84; " ?; " (+ ? C % +! (+ ' ' +! 1 (+ . / . 8 . 8 * 3! '' B2 H ''')&))! +% 88 - F - 3- 355 ;03 G F =,, -232 4.; 42:2 > ? =,, -232 4.; 1424 > @$AA* > & BBBA$AA* :) /?5=48= , ! - / 8 G > A1 :) 3 9=? 94 ? 1 + 179 20 2 '"( )) ()*+,, *+ • *-.,+/ ,* • 0+*, • "*"- " . • *,,12 " • !%*+ • • - /" , *)" • !+*2 • 0"*"*" • • '*)-*% .3+*2 ++ • ,"" • ,451555+ Typical applications !" # ! " # $%& " # $%&' ! Lamp Options with ‘T’ ratings Lamp types, ‘T’ ratings & voltages Lamp types, ‘T’ ratings & voltages Specification & options Specification Specification & options +' +' -) ( + # , +% ',,45*,,,4"5 - , 0 ..78 ...78 % ) 12B1C8A */ .."+46 *,,,$*1213 %. . /,& 4IJ94H 6IJ44H */ +.."+46 4/ 5 # / 12B1C??A 6IJ44H */ ...<C?H$ . 01& 4IJ94H ",, 6$ . 2,& 4IJ94H 6IJ44H 718 7 89/7 62 /, 89/, 62 012(+ 12B1C2AD4??A5 "..9" ) %3)3 ,' '1: 33/,,9;69: +% - % 45 @?55A1.?55A1@?;96;1.?;96; , 0 +..78 ...78 ( (6/(6 (66 . ,,'/,,/,, 0550B35A;1. . 5C-55C . /,& 4IJ94H +' +' -02( 6IJ44H :;:91:99 , . 01& ',,45*,,,4"5 4IJ94H 6IJ44H ' ' .6A8A. ..01..<1.. ! "" 012(+45 12B1C2AD4??A56IJ44H . 2,& 4IJ94H % % 295H44H2 * )"* , 45 12B1C2AD4??A5 ! 0+, , +% - 3 24145 =>+ 12B1C2AD4??A5 , 6#6<,4 "5002(./!45 -* IP65 52(./&%45 13B1C??A . /,& ;;52;95>19952965>1 ;;52;95>19952965> 6 6 !95D.738- 2);*=2 946>19AA> 041(!)645 13B1C3?AD4??A5 *+- . 01& ;;52;95>19952965>1 ;;52;95>19952965> 12B1C2AD4??A5 3,-+E69 72(!)6!45 "# */> 946>19AA> ,**+ 41(+45 $ 620?@=4!-. . 2,& 9952965>12B1C8A 9952965> + 668805 o 42(+45 All versions are certified for dust at12B1C8A T86 C " Refer P47 Supply Voltage options ! %" D1)" ! 9 !C(G%)+*+ %&' 0-*) - #$% >% ( # 9%4*5/9. 6%45 & ' ) ( % ) % % ) ( $* ' ' * ! ,,*1213 9 ;C#A-5%19 3?#;;-9%19 4C#;3% '- *-* //*"/* ",+%7"#8 ,>-*45 45%7458 !45 7!8 !45 7#8 >+ % !*") *4#5 " :- " )));.;;"% ,,,-2 --% 8 21 18 2 Sizes & Lamp options C 5* -. 71=! * # 743( 23DC+ $$< $J$ $ 71= 743 23 23 J- 71=$$743$23$23 ()0 : = % $ " +% + ' %% : % /44%% 79A! ?=3 423 71=! 91=2 9322 72A! 9==2 9122 ) )# * )# .() 89! 89 87 , :# ** DC J ***+ 0++# +% 77 /I /:/:113:; I 677 4/./ 8,0 8/1/ 9 : 677 4/./ 8,0 28/8 9 ;$<<) 9 & ***<$<<) >+921 47 .) -#/!!97";9 <.>+ := 2A=4A2A 22 19 2 2 '"( )) *+ %& • ' ,* (( ')*( + • "*"- " . • " ,"(( -. • - /" • *)" ( • • 0"*"*" */ • '*)-*% '. • ,"" • (01-111. Typical applications !" ! " # # $ $%& " # Lamp Options with ‘T’ ratings Lamp types, ‘T’ ratings & voltages Lamp types, ‘T’-) ( ratings & voltages +' +' + # Specification & options Specification & options options ,,*1213 , &! *,,,$*1213 **2 03 % ) %. ) *+, 4/ Ex tb IIIB T100oC/135oC5 Db ',,45*,,,4"5 '$ ( ! # > **89 ***489 12B1C8A 0GH:06 3GH006 # / ) -., 0GH:0612B1C??A 3GH006 ",, 6$ 8-9 ) /+, 0GH:06 3GH006 7 89/7 62 /, 89/, 62 012(+ 12B1C2AD4??A5 2**:2/7 ) %3)3 ,' '1: 33/,,9;69: 45 ;<11=-* <11=- ;<5:35-* <5:35 &! '$ 0 /1.12 ( (6/(6 (66 *>11> ?/51<89-*>1> ?//5=89 ,,'/,,/,, * *1)11/8-9 ) *+, 551.5:1D-::1.:31D- 551.5:1D-::1.:31D +' +' -02( :03D-:==D , ',,45*,,,4"5 @5@:-@:: ' ' .6A8A. ) -., 551.5:1D-::1.:31D- 551.5:1D-::1.:31D ! "" 012(+45 12B1C2AD4??A5 **>-**4-** :03D-:==D * )"* 12B1C2AD4??A5::1.:31D ! ! .:16006. , 45 ) /+, ::1.:31D , " $ 12B1C2AD4??A5 6#6<,4 "5002(./!45 Dust ratings for all lamp types -* 52(./&%45 o 13B1C??A Ambient -20 C to +55oC - T135oC 2);*=2 *$00 6 041(!)645 Ambient -20oC to +25oC - T100o13B1C3?AD4??A5 C 3A:1B*8/9) 72(!)6!45 12B1C2AD4??A5 "# */> : /() C3 12B1C8A $ 620?@=4!-. ('' 41(+45 668805 42(+45 12B1C8A ! %" Refer P47 Supply Voltage options # D1)" %&' 0-*) - " 3 ( # 9%4*5/9. 6%45 $%! ) 3 % 4 4 5 ( DF" '- *-* //*"/* ,>-*45 8#9 !45 $* !45 ! !*") *4#5 " 4" :- )));.;;"% ((().))" 8 23 24 22 20 " Sizes & Lamp options ? A ? A <2 ! 25 <2 ! 25 %8 6*1D !! )< %8 8-:!&& 6*1D !! )< 8-:!&& 6,2;2B?# 81/%./CA' 6,2;2B?# 81/%./CA' =AA ? B?D =AA A@A= ) A+ A+ A@A= ) A+ A+ ? B?D 6*1 8-: 6*1 8-: ? = = ? 6,2 81/ 6,2 81/ ;2 ./ ;2 ./ D ! D ! <)% " D ) <)% " D ) 8-:?81/./! A6*1A A6*1A=A6,2A;2AD =A6,2A;2AD 8-:?81/./! < " %, < " " " %, 9! " & $ : ( ! % # 9! " & $ : ( ! % # 3 ' , 9 "" ! ' , 9 "" ! "" "" "" "" 65CD 326 536 ;22 65CD 326 536 ;22 6*1D 5*56 536 C22 6*1D 5*56 536 C22 &! , &! > > !! !! , 4 = 4 = 5156 536 5522 !! ! !! !! !! 6;CD ! 6;CD 5156 536 5522 83I! I/8 ;.8 :18 38'/38'. 5*1D 5*56 526 C22 83I! I/8 ;.8 :18 5*1D38'/38'. 5*56 526 C22 8-:! 8-:! 31/8 31/8 3-.8 3-.8 8.I! 8.I! 3;/8 3;/8 3:.8 3:.8 '" '" 5;CD 5156 526 5522 5156 526 5522 3818 3-'/3-'. 3818 5;CD 3-'/3-'. 3.18 3.18 ,!1 3! ,!1 3! "! "! 6#C*#C 6#C*#C *#1,#1 *#1,#1 ;#2;#1 ;#2;#1 *#6,#2 *#6,#2 *#,,#6 *#,,#6 3.'/3.'. 3.'/3.'. /! /! ' ' 8 <%" 8 < < <%" 9 5D >3! 9 5D >3! 9 5 >3 9 5 >3 9 5 9 5 >8 >8 $ H' ( 2 $ H' ( 2 7 !! & & 7 !! & & B? ) CA D B? ) CA D !!!#"##' &&&','' !!!#"##' &&&','' '" &! '" &! 66 (J/ (H (H**2H& J 88+G0+2+2--/2H G 66 (J/ (H (H**2H& J 88+G0+2+2--/2H G 455 6+*+ 7(- 7+.+ 8 9 455 6+*+ 7(- /7+7 677 1*)* 8+- 8*.* 9 : 677 1*)* 8+- /8*8 455 6+*+ 7(- 7+.+ 8 9 455 6+*+ 7(- /7+7 677 1*)* 8+- 8*.* 9 : 677 1*)* 8+- /8*8 8 :&;;3 8 , 222;&;;3 9 ;%<<= 9 , 555<%<<= 8 :&;;3 8 , 222;&;;3 9 ;%<<= 9 , 555<%<<= 7#5;*4,64 9'3.18 7#5;*4,64 9'3.18 8 @8#/H14;C1,C;C 8 7+%'7(DD560& .I:1I.I < ) +!!385H 8 @8#/H14;C1,C;C 8 7+%'7(DD560& 9 B<9'02: .I:1I.I < ) +!!385H9 B<9'02: 24 21 21 23 24 24 EXEN Standard and Emergency Fluorescent Luminaire ATEX CERTIFIED CAT KEϮͬϮϮ Certification and Approval Certification Code Certification number Certification standard Protection //ϯ'džŶŶ//dϰ'ĐdžƚĐ///dϭϯϱΣĐͲϰϬΣƚŽнϱϭΣ /d^ϭϮdyϰϳϱϲϬy EϲϬϬϳϵͲϬ͗ϮϬϭϮ͖EϲϬϬϳϵͲϭϱ͗ϮϬϭϬ͖EϲϬϬϳϵͲϯϭ͗ϮϬϬϵ /Wϲϱ Features Options Unrestricted breathing No vacuum test required Integral battery with 3hr duration on emergency versions Closed cell gasket Push fit gear tray Stainless steel clips Size 1x36w 1x58w 2x18w 2x36w 2x58w L 1312 1612 702 1312 1612 W 102 102 172 172 172 F 800 1100 500 800 1100 All dimensions in mm Gear tray clips Diffuser clips Lamp mounting 25 EXEN Standard and Emergency Fluorescent Luminaire ATEX CERTIFIED dϯ KEϮͬϮϮ Technical Data Supply Voltage ϮϯϬǀϱϬͬϲϬ,njƐƚĂŶĚĂƌĚ͘^ƵŝƚĂďůĞĨŽƌĐĞŶƚƌĂůďĂƚƚĞƌLJŽƉĞƌĂƚŝŽŶ͘ Operating Temperature requirements. ͲϰϬǑƚŽнϱϭǑƐƚĂŶĚĂƌĚƐƵƉƉůLJƐƵďũĞĐƚƚŽĂŵďŝĞŶƚƚĞŵƉĞƌĂƚƵƌĞ Control Gear Electronic instant start ballast and integral charger inverter for emergency versions. EOL cut off. 3hr operation with internal battery subject to ambient temperature. Lamp Options Twin 18w, 36w, 58w T8 (Lamps not provided) Single 36w and 58w T8 (Lamps not provided) Cable Entries 1 x M20 clearance holes at each end (1 plugged as Standard) Terminals 3 wire and earth. Cable size 4mm2 max Through wiring option available Mounting Facility “^nap on” stainless steel brackets Access Quick release stainless steel clips to free diffuser and spring clips release gear tray. Material GRP moulded body, polycarbonate diffuser and coated steel control gear tray. Stainless steel diffuser and tray retaining clips Finish Standard colour – Light grey non coated moulding Weight 2x 18w 2 x 36w 2 x 58w 1 x 36w 1 x 58w Features Standard 2.8gs 3.6gs 5.0Kgs 3.2kgs 3.4Kgs Emergency 3.8Kgs 4.6Kgs 5.6Kgs 4.0Kgs 4.2Kgs Resilient construction Poured seal or closed cell gasket Unrestricted breathing for minimum inspection requirements Easily maintained. Ver1.3 Jul10 26 :;= '#$ * A ' '# 3 '"( )) /0 *+ !"# • ,* $ • "*"- " . % ! • " • &' ()' • - /" *)" • * ' '!'! • 0"*"*" ' ! • '*)-*% • !! !!'! • ,"" Typical applications .! # 0(8A " !" E < ' = & F! =' <! = ! # " ""'( Specification & options options & options '' Lamp types and ‘T’ratings ratings Lamp types ‘T’ Lamp Options with ‘T’and ratings +' +' , + Ex nA T4 * 3$%#% #%4 % ) Ex nA (non sparking) %. ,(- ,,*1213 ( ( ) *' + #& -) ( #* ' #& * ',,45*,,,4"5 +,,& ! T3@Ta= 30oC 12B1C8A *,,,$*1213 - ., 4/ 5 T3@Ta= 30oC &'##./&0 # / 12B1C??A .,,& /0 ! 76:;=167 ",, 6$ ., 123345 7 89/7 62 /, 89/, 62 10ATEXTFZT/02X 012(+ 8 88 T3@Ta= 30oC .,,& !1" ! 12B1C2AD4??A5 ) %3)3 ., ,' '1: 33/,,9;69: 9)99 45 .,,& -!2 ! T4@Ta= 30oC ( (6/(6 (66 ## ., ,,'/,,/,, Gas -20oC to 30oC -02( Dust+' 135oC +' , ',,45*,,,4"5 ! . '!'! .6A8A. ; )' "" 012(+45 12B1C2AD4??A5 * )"* " " #<22 , 45 12B1C2AD4??A5 6=93 , 9 002(./!45 9 ". ;+!! ! 6#6<,4 "5 -* 52(./&%45 # , '- 12B1C2AD4??A5 13B1C??A 2);*=2 # 041(!)645 Refer P47 Supply Voltage options " ! @'( A'! 72(!)6!45 */> !! 6 13B1C3?AD4??A5 12B1C2AD4??A5 620?@=4!-. $% 9 41(+45 668805 42(+45 &' 65">(B96( ! %" 0-*) 12B1C8A 12B1C8A D1)" - 9%4*5/9. 6%45 '- *-* //*"/* . ,>-*45 ! &' (,- !45 !45 !*") *4#5 " 25 27 29 7 :- " Sizes & Lamp options -> 14;8-.(53,%0(.(= ?*@2@7%@?>2@3@3 ;8 -.(53, 0( .( **>*4 ;8@-.(53,@0(@.( &* * * ? % # * ;-5% ;-*%& ;- <*$&* +** =*> ( !"#!$%&!$''($)*"%* 3.. ,454 678 6494 : * 3.. ,454 678 +646 : ;% <<= : & >>><% <<= +%*,-.'/0/1%* & 2+%*34 &2+*!55-6): 78,#$9/.:90:.: 26 30 28 8 + ,- EA#&B* . 3 '"( )) *+ /0 ABBBB • ,* !"# !BBB "#B$ /0 ABBBB $ B! 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