Notification on Obligatory Accuracy Control of Model and Content of "Reference Number" Dear Madam/Sir, The Croatian Banking Association shall join the SEPA payment scheme on 06/06/2016, which action requires particular adjustments on the part of all participants in the payment system, and a part of this adjustment refers to the implementation of obligatory accuracy control of the model and of the content of the "reference number" for domestic payments in the HRK and EUR currencies. The selection of models and content of the "reference number" is set by the payment service user by selecting: 1) the basic model of the "reference number" of which the content or part of the content is controlled by the control number, 2) without the basic model by entering "HR00" of which the content of the "reference number" is not controlled by the control number, or 3) if there is no content of the basic model, the user must enter the number of the basic model "HR99". The obligatory adjustment for national payments in the HRK and EUR currencies prescribes that: accurate forming of models and content of the "reference number“ in the payment order are applied, regardless of the payment order delivery channel (paper payment order/electronical banking), and in compliance with the directive prescribed by the Financial Agency (FINA) in the document "Overview of Basic Models of Reference Numbers" available for download on the FINA web site ( if a payment order for national payments in HRK and EUR does not contain the correct "reference number" or the basic model number „HR99“, the payment order will be rejected. Clients using payment databases (SEPA pain.001) must create correctly the field of the database 2.133 Remittance Information (Payment Details) that prescribes madatory filling of structured data on payment details (2.135) as well as non9structured data on payment description (2.147) depending on the type of payment: Example: 2.1. National payment transaction in kuna or euro: <RmtInf> 9 2.133 <Strd> 9 structured payment details <CdtrRefInf> <Tp> <CdOrPrtry> <Cd>SCOR</Cd> 9 fixed (may and need not be filled) </CdOrPrtry> </Tp> <Ref>HR001234456789</Ref> 9 reference number </CdtrRefInf> <AddtlRmtInf>pozajmica</AddtlRmtInf> </Strd> </RmtInf> 2.2. Cross4border payment transaction in euro and other (non SEPA) credit transfers: <RmtInf> 2.133 <Ustrd>/INV/73779191 28.6.2013</Ustrd> 9 non9structured payment details </RmtInf> Yours sincerely, RBA