rnnnnf make any material change in the quotwttou. 'I1k purchasers w ere maffdy !or c( :jfiplion as there ; S rill'HSDAY, ! i" no elport lei;r;icL Ijince h:m t tkeflissouri produca. J. M(in;y. i ers kave sold and shipped to this --y n " " oL'o.Omi bushels of rye. Hmoi iiillr. Rivht or mont. place over ihey say this is an excellent market. !t is worth about 4." j tr l.udiel. It is quoteil in Cincinnati at I Hi 0 1 r, 3 for No. L an gfta 1 i5 1 UirXo. 2. "s Some little cxcilement been made in New York city over the fi ll in the price ol river whisky, but M change is noticed in Ike price of llourbon liquor-"A f v sales ol whisky it Mie river liave been ellected for 0."cts. t ;. aid Kdunis irrrn J114 countie give I J. W. I'eck sold a small lot of whisthe lollowing result: '' per ky made by P. R Cook, lor Nevnimr 111.477; Grant gallon, Monday last. on Vfaata remains to bi hear lrm Howard, Ilanu's Ct., di1 i! Jcts al ytt t ho following counties; FioyI. lit. Sterling, ertarted their distillery , lleiuleiM ii, Johi.ion. Lctc.'.cr, yesterday. IVmr, HiAvii!, ami We!,,-OltMt VVillniore.dsi!il!er al Ni. wl.ich, in Autguet, volc-t- as follow-- : llle. li ive linislio a new di'siil-lerSteveiHofi .:.'..: Hiker and will commence busines next " The Louisville ( Vmrier Jour week. n il njr that the tin.il meeting of Wi'iileswoilli M l.arns wii the ir:i!il Club in tjiat iiy v. is business nevl week. iheir lu-UM TjLlirsiLiy iiihl, .i;nl th;;t distillery is W, 0 iiorJ. seven miles in III prevailing M-aitvaiieerl .Jiy jlvti v.civ thai ;; lijgfeer oujh of Lexington. tlie J. I). lorineilv distiiler ai pomta sJioold now he ;j. uiik .1 the party in eOocatiog ami elevnl his jin e has ptircl. iscd a Ir.o t ol cntiiiM'iit in kentnrky land near l'x:ng(on wheie he in li conform to the ILuliea! standard: tends to build 1 new whis'ky mill. Lit V region. slavery. Si ate rights and all the MKtS air! braorltO of The Attorney t;.'i;;ial through the ii'.slriimentalit y ot Messrs. lieck and t jnn-- t tlie uj).i.-of IO aiinihilaieil: ilial negro lest iutu-j- i Lair. he conitm! !ee MM li .un mn.-- I e in our local has revised ihe d;cisionol lh;i negro U'li;U'- neisl be Goibtnuoloney Itollianwith rcgir l to it it mm the earliest moineitr. tbe re (lislill.ition el low w ine, bill and 14:h ainendnieni and tinIIm re are still other eeritliW inijicli-nientand the i'et'oiisiiTcijon a - at ( o.i in lite way. and i' may be 1m: enfoiveil. gre' weeks before the dnpper distilleries into opera-lion- , Hrfhl iae. el (he sta'e uroliii.ii WfH bo permitted lo h tnnijiike Jn.ni naHcding toil Men unless by Bpecfal permit. enanna are going iu elcctNMi lo ihe Attorney Cemra! is clearly of At tiie or to lun nta. ist iitn the opinion that all mo le, of makii.g election at Lex'slnirg. two men the polls and voted only whiskv can lie carriei on under the (ii'iipilie lax and on Heir law ot duly LMh, LSt, without sub way home, refused 0 gn by the pike jeeting the distiller to ray a special but lore down jieojie t lencing and lax. lie says: -- L; o:i these considtailed to put lliein up. We are in faam tatisSei tbit to convey for eration ff r of making ui Hppropriatiin . lroai tii- outlet o the woiintl.e product ot his distillation ?o a still or folk on lu li .: . doublet, through w hicli si;di product ha before reaching the not pnasnt by a distiller, is not a violation biisin matters IWmetiveb but hereabouts, present a favorable ap of 'he act of July O. Hers method may that list. b. pa it Jiiee. and money matters seem low wineol the Brsl distillation than heretofore. Tlie lir:eli to the production of proof spirits as fact, tint money brokers in New Yurlw thu-- e wiio have the ability to described 111 (he act VMIil.VNA. KV. : : 1 1 1 li.-i- . ImIhIi tin. r7,.,. 1 lla--llin- y . Iii.-e-- , .- 1 I I - wl -- s l I prriosItion A FO benia discussed is by several gentlemen of this oity as to the propriety of organizing a Mission Sunday Sc hool in Cynthiana. OnO gentleman informs us that a library will be furnished. This School will be controlled by ON my ollicc in i nmiii-rci- al hank tMlflllbia, have lltftenuiavtl to sell above indi.-at7- ts Webster 1 g ic, mar-dial- I) O of and T Icrcliaiulisc, MERCHANTS, KJS QUEKNSWARE, Le.i-onal'- and Putty, hees and Doots, y vt-- ?b.i - i ca-- lcrydeserij.tiou o Hardware. All IriaaV iaf fniatljr grwiaifam. t'eiiiiiry urudnee. V(ii u:iy he lss UMK. .. arin-i- tiivc IMumtiiCr K iuili-stio- ra t'.uuiU t'l'-- i mrv. i nM sal.-- . rK ll.WIXfi Tin- Tor - l!i- !ocK ct m j :ittii.n:t. atlra pweerj II. ( 'arter: iin.st lai iier. .1. '.KAVS HfMaafc disi ic.siii- tVem Mai ami Walnut, when-nmotauCly on lie-- . ircci u itMOef if I'lke will i out iam- to keepl rrtw' ranetjt ot gmx rj AU kbaU of itMUitry prwlaee pur-chaat tbis Immim, or taken bt exbawjee I. jo, ibv. li. X. ( ARTKU. Ilaviiigfttketi lay new location, on t he oril and a l 'r;v toel ntT'ftpeab anajeriea ai ha i l. 1 invito tbe public nxteialljr la aaM and bay. bar I wHI ctoMtn Mtrpassfajrly ciicap. Kxataiee tbe folbta in': S)lem!i'l Sugar, Urown and White: cas, ti good article; Canned Fruits, Pe. allies iV;c; Hardware, and Ulasaware, Coflee, excel'ei.l ariie'e; Sail l. Hie Larrell. &N.C iRTKK. - or MtaaiiwsM v 2:; '(' Scpi rmh, lit OO J nan, 71 to mton ' iinc. l$p J. '" rtinsa. Ciirili Str.- - t, Cm. iunati.O. tmmKK. J M AV LOOTS READY MADE . I . cv. OTW ELL SHAIKH CLOTTilMS. .). Eastern i ly to supply tlie ilcmaiiil ot cctioa ot the country. My stock of thi- - Purnishiilg Goods of CSstlsa Department, Woolen t IK-lor- Hoiserr mei- - and koy's - and etfsjk af bargains. Glove Department. A ISlack am) fancy silk-- . Mark, whin- and taarj al;,ae,-a- , Ux cjc-- . r.oiadiiie-- . Pttpiims printed liiar-uih-l.i..o--- l anidiues. us logaaales, t ine Whit- - Merino Hose tor Lstfiaa and Laa I afl klu-1-- . rriniuiins. i hlblreiuall '.Vo.d. plain ami fancy . A u'n I r; tal tarhliai. Kid (iiove at ai.23 per pair. Heanlna Al- . xalider K'ni I. love; a nice et PrtWIatl lii. en !.aw ( ,lov l.i-l- c . Ilceccl. Linen Department. v; bnnestir Dom LACES & i. uisbii: w . albieaeaaen anal htmj esflssai aliNrbNm . I.a, c snt Engine iMMfaml Mahe-- e Kbj!n-- .. r. ch. t and boo-ii- j Kdie-- , l.'oyal RntMlaa, f'anbe'n tibainfli I a and I'oiut Tape t riiuin;-- . i merit rl basbljC-- ept24 Jeweler, r Plain .ml pi. ' J. . llaiNtben-bieft- i i HlS'TON, . ItaM , i jrm l:iii. KenliirUi . banal a burns Bnrfall I and raatl)' made Woodc;; Also. otiiii- i oi all -. have just ilar. purch.i-e- d upi- - Nrjca li.-.- pnbliij In. nit-.- . rem h I'i pie. .lle.ieienne-- . rcrcaie. I.aee palnln, aprbtaj abaaaV aV KuKi,sn K ilii-- h a. i, I ftutliMaf 'rash Towelling. Napkin-- , fab Towel-lii- c- -. i'otih, . -. Table Hum. btch ai brown. ( on, ui ami Wor tcd Inaasaaba lorn curtail.- - Wholaa hadr-. Narsailk - iui -. w bite and raaea ,1 i A Fine New Hoarse, Ky. bite v. House mm KKEPfl r nnataallj of Mctalic l is. 1; .aii-ook- -. Undertaker, FIRM Street, Cynthiana, eaabmblrretl thread Kd-- i- WlIIli; (i()())S SIMMONS. K. in I satsalMeooa, . I KEPS . Mistautly imi baml a mil nn ut of cerv ion ( Jrwrlry. ,; cold and silver W atches, chains. , c repaired. Mav.'s-- t cntru-tc- d 1 to hi- - e ire. in the eourts Harrison and wUwluii.S eoaatbf, and iu l Contl af Appeals. t tin- - ISanl.rupt The benelit-o- f bavl be-eMciidcd by a ri ccnt act of l ouvre I. Mr. IHBft Mel lintock until .lauuarv blank-- , lo prepared with all mcc--ar- y e tend lo the ease-o- f all w ho niav lieiieit-o- f the bankrupt law . AUffM i EMBROIDERIES I WaSehmaker an Ka.uii-- :: h plv I.. .well ami nrn'' beat-Harlfanliaiaai. Ingram I am prep-.retoattend funerals on the ply ca'r.ief. atl irrad, -- . horte-t notice, and in the beat fv le I a ill Wool I Mitch. Hemp attend to of tmf business mv. stair carpet and "il elasa laafStt. lb,- Paris self. Warcrooins opp,,-it- e llaCeL t air rod- -, ru'-- . mat-- . laab-t- f JOHN T. IIIXTOX. Miaaa ataltbui, abiaa aail sahsmn I'bwr oil ehnk. Tape-tr- y inform tl be baa received i. iwym:. SEMI CAMEL GOAL, For deadlines;, pleasure in U3, liiis Coal is witliotit an eijind amoag Ktumrnoos Coal. Jiutdi, rc.pc-tfull- A New Stock 'of !caM'Vr"-. - Kid saavws 'cN o r.VRPCTK. a ion: i.oi is PAPKK. TTB WINDOW s. !!. M A ai he.ipc-t- to sell . Goods sold a- - cheap a- I'xtra Blaek dahlia, imilli, ri v and brow n Krcic h . iik mixed :.n,l PlgnacaealBaM and American ca-iics. Itlaek Kic.ch )oe.i,in. ail grades. Velvet, -- ilk ami ajar allba vtatttajea, l.incu ,1,1,-- and drill-- . , I otionades. heck linen. n -- liirls. PLlbt. full and Linen ami cotton .leans, drawer-- . Ulec thread nniicr-liir- tami diawer-- , i iauae mnb rablili ami drawers, bftnta paper collars, roil. Shakespeare, fpiiati antl faaitj Caper cut-- . Whit, and l.tney cck-tic- -. iu reat variety. i o ut- -' and bO I'lolit-- DgBUS Tub and Cooperage COMPANY. .No. y Boucher Ml to f'O Kill) Ileiii lot his made lo onler in the late f ami lo ami St- - warranted most The lailorinu' dcpartineiit under ihe siipei-rMsn- Street. (TN't'INN'ATI, Will be old at Marirains. to coo stock. PEI K .v VAXIrOtMf. Oct 2 It Vivas. Gents' Fiimishing Goods. at Cincinnati Price?. gni ti Line White BCD BLANKETS, Hoa-- mmJ - the y Tar!- - -. ,.- For Sale. Fitly tbaw i hich we propose to soli at the low e- -t tunic-- . brandic-- . We also keep the best of wim--- . ot every rtasi ription. and whi-kfull v reqnesteil to The public an- , call and examiiK oilrrnoil ami price-- . Ibreasb exclusively. arc determined to If - boa from Male SOtl Suljihur, it burns t'reelv . does no: run and clo tm- - eritcs; it emits (cat sinoke. hMVea Ic-- s onobe. leaves id tHr o.i naata VIJES, sin ntUkrhraan Kwayafc, fianj naaaaag Oil. I I.I TII. I. row i. i, lived nmmr and nMk. hail Pit TUHE i i: mi: - cl children aan work, Mi bleb ndev, TV aiticlein line of trade, w hich Fancy bate, be Invites purchasers SaeaH am examine.' w Julylti-l- l.c Tlir,. ., l'Iov s. children and i die- naaSa, itni-ikid n ill i ilf aniilan. rruxiisrKff W Al l. Choice Tobacco and Cigars. All Hoiserr. Iwloves X l.li W'tM 1 I that Hardware, Acres, i Produce Groceries d TIIK lare I'ront room ocr I.'ci. k!e & BaobaireweIrv Mure, raeateal bjr J.X. v A. U. a Ward. i:i Wel.siei A loUgU IteW building on Pike atref L N vo-WEBSTKB A. HODGES. hues, pre- - place. I'ike street, tiie 6iniih lloul. tin- of bawls, blank! T. V. CALVERT, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in For IScnt. MILLER Will be found at his post at all paeNl ta aaM sfbaa any KIVIMi Dress (noods baker lti- -l A bmmI mef and all Wool Shaker. r- ATTORNEY AT LAW, RamiaMrfcj . nitktonaa, V17ILL attebil araaaaSl.f to all basin Pike Boots and Shors I. X. I'liiiiaud Open Flamiel.. I I Obaainatma, IFaaamgt l s u s, and slacks K s than any uthSf and w ill Ik- made up iu ititumiiiou- - Coal known. the latesjt and most style- - to uit U. Prof. li. Koaers, tbe WaSa Oaataaial ot tlM e w no may f'i e mc a call: and the priVirginia, in an aoalv coal taken Irom ces shall Ik- - mndc t suit the timi s. tlii- mine, publlsned .eoo-ji-ca- l in tin- - Shite I d ire tbe puMic to call and exasnlcni my ,vr Ifepufto, ivi ol liave taken paina to find a gn at I'll-!)- . in and vol itile inatti r. and but roik. variety of tin be-- r as well a that of the per tout ol conmionest go rlsiu iuula-turefor a house l or Unslas, bar ami Ibr of tin- kind, and allwUld be seen to hf ap- - team anil niaiaiiact uoaasstk urum purposes, it is in.- My of cijualled. Tm v arl fact--- , of Orhich yott will be coinim-eil you will try is. e k cp oiiio Ki er. oiijrhio'.'hcny and ( ( anncl oals. Tas attention o dealers, .complete a- any to be bMUUl lBtlM ll city, and my pi be as low as any. distillers and niaiiut'aetiirers solicited. WACKSK. BKKM a lo. I ha-always been Impressed with the No. : I'ike Hni'i. ( o inut:'ii, ky (ppo--il- c fact that Sabs and Small profit-- " Kill-to- ll Nov."i-'l- u lloll-ihe 1 a an excellent motto, and have adopted it. MAJ. HKi i.ik,!-- . eirn and llomi tie (nil li e- "f tin- - best mak: - oi Mu Hli. yibi'etlags. Tteb aial Print.--. Al.o. a nkv Kaee-i'iK. uii-o"i i btnta I dico. w ill bad it to their'inter-- t OTI t 'call and ' xaiuine iu aeb besWr f NEW c vAriMilds CllEEK Corner Kke & Walnut Streets. CYNTHIANA, KV. (iood-are all new and just bnmbl MV lew Uoori U Xov.VCS UCITCH rsl llailjt our Spring' ft my he A Family Groceries ot all kinds, The dw eHineiintaiiis the rooms and a hall There are other lic'ec-sar- y out buildings on the place I ileema i'ii rt tier lei ri pi ion nil Such a- - uirar. epgfee, tc:u -- pices, ilour. pal. preerves. viie-arncces-ara persons uishiuj- - to purchase li. icon. Ac arc. neb a pi n e will please rail upon me on the wooden w arc willow ware, ipiccn-Ltla--ware, cutlery. d a stall'-- , arc hollow t'ai in. or w rite to me at New tow n, or ad- notion-- . dOWfwI. I., li. OiVlltl. al .eol 'ctow l. Shawhan. J, H. QooB, &c. g .( HOUSE. A.c KY. import. iti. i mi t,,,,-which wt oftci t market pri. e, low, at the WrlVrl com-t- ii t. and am now prewired' t" ll g Is cut that our. iH-k cannot be rll.-hi at Whole- - ,!,- and riT ill. aftbe MlWKST naality. ari iv anal -- tvlr: nab u MAUKCTPRK K. t all and examine mv iHantlt. w arrant! d as ,,w a- - the lewe-- t. pul-lie Tba lock at jroauraarttea i aaTuahiai . awl raa aaaWapMtlallj invited to call ami ..m- ill Hinl many aitlrli -- that w ill both attr kcl inc. and i Irase ;. oui tanct. Lbiaw tfc liood- - ,oii-i- -t in jiart afaC anaha , i brow n and blaail lanaoaaa s.beeti:e.'-- . Dress hroods Dc parttiieul. ( alien- lis ts yard, and epw .ml-- . Apron vlastbaaas, Ticking-- , plaid ctton-- . Tan will nasi ajalfea a var'u-tof make- - in Flanmls. white ami rial Inn aT, c SWS ai- - .. aaOM elethe bU t styh-s.-inl.incu sbsrtbuc gant trittlUUlin toor.i.iuu-n- t tiii-ii- l w iHi. I Hollow-Wor- e, Dye Stuffs, &c. Twenty Acres t licsh hemp land; Twentylive acres af grass; K mw .ui'Miunce to our friend- - nail tbe UT public gt nerallv that are hae Eighteen acres own inrye; arc now opening o..e of lb lock-of in llroceries ever brought te Fuieen ncres sown wheat; the Ty uthiaii I. and can luriiish the public with balance good corn land. .wi. l Consisting KENT! i JOHN T. McCLINTOCK, ii. n. rami two mih- north of New tow n on the road, and contains f.,r anl r:.i,, j..i, Mjric-t- GOOES Street n alpasare la aatltjhan I invc returned roin Itaka S il to aiore to Mioiiri. 1! A VI N( t o: cmii privately the (aim on aiiieblfMia rAbb. lots mrtii is ultuttnl V,ut..fMKU.,VBlr.. I.I. Winter eV . Skinii ir .'inbie tiud 'l'm kcd Stln r.ar;aii- - in l.adii - lanilkeicliiet-- . rTanibnrn an,; band--a rk Killing. ebeaabif Ltneas. Table Uneus, Xapkina, Tow- - lanbr.udercd ratal A paajme caaana, Ac. ANKS. tr. In a bljrb -- ta'.coi' cull V r Madi-o- oVl..T)., t Fall i ... !,.,.. u, r,mln Ar Tihr rt.lie.... Kairii. 1,1. I.W.. m Furni-liiu- i I r.l !.,r Side I;iin street, nm hale. r nu- msr, ol' Ihe S West -- 7 mm sunups e. CClToN VAL'NS, ! oti.it the iMtmuajfe which him. 'J'hc nitabl lk mmsuI has been cures SI. III. nnj ofkiiKl iik. nilli.c.it n,ll. aMm MaoSSaa I o r in all tbe pastures, and the tields can be water, d from tin river. Kri. k baoaa withsroom-- , with hall below and above. naaH ware baawa. and plcntv of st dite room, together w ith otaer neenwan n buildinj.'-- . w Persons to piu ha-- e ran aiMsaes the undcr-i.irnc- d at li.yd'- - S: at ion or upon application on the premi-c- -. enable. T. I., ami B. V. QAfiRACl). U.tl-Jn- i tii t I acre-t- Iri-- h !. A.ci K.s. r;ilnt. for. Mkf) ft f ticoii uouu.y fmi il wmot,maasua i:i l.ood .1 GROCERIES. Jaar, ttlA-- j h .. .. mI meadow, and White llootlii, t at Sr. acre- - SoMr. ii Baewa and lard. U rrMMl 'ice'', dric! I'm 1. I'n h grwuml meal - nil a tkfog M kfaisj W. I .i lit-witti. 'J'ia-iCci!iei;f. Ac. ifc .. Vc. .il loa Pltstdr ii.'d-aaih.-ii-l r tiiiujr ai 111:11 late in t !n ci . I nli.un 11 i,.;t. i- - Keir- - tlt baild it KS v. It Mi to i t ear in.iaey r!in- or mum sjMasf aVamnrans M- - back, ll- -. S. ptM-US-- tf cnlne :iie! w tu n all . mcmtK may en-lii no MMttrr liev, Mjtcnl. woiilil ! W iliikday then. beu lajNtoaw ol i.i arc l IfSM n-- ert j i at , tin1 g tuedk-IiM-to dim n reiftorctive 9F k;;ksh Stgmseh Bitters, and yoo will nml Hi acre-i- n Tbt bahinrr in blue Ctaaa, A 1m jraooji orchard al .Khi bear- bm apple tn . Plenty a a lalaeh w.i- - .s. im-!, Ptf lo in com next year. M:---- - J!.- to es c i C Market ( e in AM) Hodges. Coiiliiiissiion i - Forljr-tnrV;o i: t ymtUmsn, Ky. STREET, store, at larrod.-biirM 1 week by the Bherift James Kvens attempted suicide by cutting Ins ihroat, at I'leasaut Hill, a lew days au'o. Complete in assort nwnl InnH The colore 1 churches of ITarreds kXU MtMLKM bur.' are enjoying an extensive revIV wJueh He oilers at the ival of religion. Twenty-siconverts Eardwaiei Grocerie?, wen bapshnMl one day last week. Connirv KrosMoai, Lowest ;iass ami RATES, The lv.aiisville, Henderson and Nashville railroad will reach SJauidit ersvdie a distance ol twenlv live I'pon the most Terms. (jlhuien Pindingif, Taint. is mm miles from Henderson, this week. c Win. Norms!, sged sboul f nrtnen GbifiMi years, died in Henderson county last H.U O V il A D K week fru'ti the edeets of a stab recei v Shoemakers'' Eiii'lings. ed the week purr ion 1 tiihn hands .f City Tanned and Suaitisb Su!e his brother, agad about sixteen. Kreitdi and ity Calf, At a ineetihgof the stdchhouJeM of Daviess-countKi)). and I'pner the Agricultural Sf s For Latiies, tliihlren imi ciety, lasl week, the following officers Leatlier. Topping (ionts. to which he enlls Sneeial were elected; President. Griffilb; and Linming Skins. Vice IVosident, W. Wollork; Treasattention. ISLAt K Mn lis A1R( urer, W. ML Tyler: Secretary. K T. Walking. Uirecb rs tk W . Ia ci, A. o' a nave jn-- t recei Uilmore, K. C. Lcrry, lfeter Barter, ir'ciiud--a .id well selected V' et and are Kobert Ciaig, W. S Stone. J. Q, A. d i ll in our n icii ls and thu pttMhs Stewart. it tin- lowc! puivlblit h price-- -- f and Son, dry goods was closed last I'IKE F.G. Natiieny - dis-lide- 8t; FOREIGN liitc Vi'W. - .: as I Utt ii- - - An. 3i5 lliiiu voting bearinu' spih- and pear tree-- , grapes, and a never lailinu well ,t water liptMlU. 'I n at ntu v Ss I am l. determined The Marshall of the cily re at once ;eu hjmh the nmst reasonable term-- . nr. s. HAViLAxn, quested - lo say that liquor must AfuyS-- t t'yutbbuia. Kv. not be sold on Sunday. ' . a. wkiistu:. m. pnnni presume upon bank accommodations . ,11 our an.i. sUuatr-i- l b two n lloyd-am- l Ma;gaii Hatioib K. . n t II R. ii. on l.i'kJfTj. it. ;l abimt w ? t Ii -- PRIVATELY. A 17 iu-- is;. S-- E A L ao particular religious persuasion, Ita'lillajrlnt JcalraMj but w ill become a union of all par ON'Konvacant Mill stru t. t rXCflk-ii-t m ties, religiously speaking. An ef le mm. between the ClirUtlaU and Kd , ,0 fori w ill le made to seccmrfe a plnoe ci...d claiivh. s, 5 iy.vl fTOat ryotXD call Tint attkntk.n tbe Trade to bis unusuallv lai to meet on next Sunday, and we Jaefi stock ui attractive hope one may be found, as w e con I'cis'ins Whoovslte tAtaafce protl table can avail t hclnsclvcs of this sides iiis a move in the rigid direc uijMrtuuity. byeaHbgc iiom me at. Itnt t'rw r involve iv itcr-uf- ii ami. If not in its,. If ilan-- 1 . s tliroii-it is ,ui. i of UHSajr l ally mal-a- !i s. bven it it ili.l nt o n.l to gnater il. ihe nu iital ami liv-i--i miscrv it alone a siilli.-i- nt r. a wliy no . , i pain- - -- tu.iil.l hi n. nt it. In 1.. country oi the lace ol' tin- - -- In!).- j i redi--sli- l! il to ymykely ilmm-ti.-- ati our ow n. ea-iuIm iv it - louml in nearly ewry boiMeltold llo-tet- ti r- - Simnai-l- i Hittri - are lutifersallj LMwcALd'toos tbt Mrerfgii nmasly tot tlti- - annoy big li.--i ;isi. tt fhfJT ai t d recti', cuiitroi large suni. h id beeu eorner x mMiis. 1 0:1 it ci I 11 tlicilijrc-itlviI oifrans. ci.ititI and t.im-thstomach. ittdVffiVf) lem-wii- l tag all tlie currency (or the purpose vitalilv in llic.--tcn- i. Acting ileli-rli- t Cully UpoV the ( ynihiana, Nov. of evicting large int rest on loans, 10. I eMtg. m re. and soothing the lirain. lender-Hmas Mental uiedkliir. a- and the minor thai they intend to do The t oiincil had not met since clt a- - iMiwiuMa a genial sininacliic. It' talon as 1 st) ag nn, will lo a certain extent be O. t iber 13. 'leseiil. .Mayor l.ein-mon- : (ircvcniive. they will hi- hmml nai licnlarlv I'rutM tiic W hei rell. I . KogT, Amo. well nitcd to the arfIiiK C. L lelt in this country, and may perhaps ca son l' ant iinm. and their uc ui:hcallh IIo-- . A. .1. Keale and L T. .Marlin. will MVVM Ihe niiilca-aii- t m effect the hog tra le, lor we under A number of accounts were ap otteM cniidaiiied of when tin- Chilistand that city speculators cannot proved and payment ordered. an- stealing lowly upon the patient. -t S dw I'HinjJ oiise antl lot, cor- f .Mill and l.oco-- i irctH. t'jnihi-- j Hyi-o:iaw Ivy.; lioiisct-ontaiiiljiooUO with Irv collar: lot 107 ly Inti "ithdJimist MK-fl- A survey of the streets ami al ;i lung a- - llie6e New York Shy lock s leys was ordered. It was ordered thai ihe Street coatiujtf their speculations-- . Jint it Commissioner flioukl have entire a- HMMT as to their movement. conl rol and hare of laving jiave io!d waselling i:i Morrlay la,'ients and curbing, and il any ol New York city foi Sl.'iG llucluat- the property holders objected, that a meeting of ihe council should b The weather on Tuesday last called and a report made of the a 1110. changed lavoiably for the hog mar It is ordered lhat the eurbiniE bn hel. and lie ivy !oN are paing down Main street froui Fleaaisll to Hob ToCovinxIoii. 1'rices in lhi legion ilzer's alley shall be reset. are ruled by the Cincinnati and CovIl - ordered that ti e vault in the ington inirket. and we now quote old cemetery shall be suld by the clerk, and that the purchas lirfht to heavy averages9flH7 fPt city not take it down for six shall aaaaalaaaj OMa? two lois which afleff the sale. months Lau beeu on the books since Satur Ii is further ordered thai ihe Kay oid at 6 b 7."i; net lor if to inarehnU shall not permit any other ifaulbtarerases. There i not much bodies to be placed in said vault, dispo-itio- u to liny lor future delivery. am! he i hereby directed lo notify ev prices considerably below ihos,' liavi ng bodies in said vault ren.'ove t he same therefrom be the views ol drovers. A sale ot 50i tin- expiration of six months. lore t head was made on Saturday at W. L. Heats and wife are hereby net. lor delivery in January, sellers" ordered to have the qien space option, the hogs to avenge not les that they have caused to be niade tifaii SsOIUp. There are, however, but 111 the side walk, in front of their orojierty on Iff In treet closed and few sellers at this price. kept cbsd. I 'urn conlinuer t arrive lrnm a IT. Trimble i hereby ordered disUii'-on tiic cars, to distillers in lo close a hole in front of his of ihj- - county, in lact. we learn that it is on I'ike si reel. It is hereby directed that an act dVfettritor llieroadto lumisli transby the general assembly, portation. One distillei- neai llo be p.i.s-o- d giving a controlling power over all piace hai perclia&ed asi.iuch aa Ju, the pikes running into Cynthiana oyo bushels, which lias cost him, de- and within it limits, to the city There authorities. 3 75. to livered, Irom It is ordered that Pikes street from seem- - to be plenty of corn in this country, yet the supply will soon be Walnut to Main shall be inacada mined, and that the property hoi exh.iusled, wheie the demand is. as tinrtfba notified lo do the same in r greut m it M here. Some of our en'y daVs from notification and hahave withdrawn irom the marthe guttering be repaired ket, and assert that they have bought within the same time. H. Kowland was granted hotel others con;is much at ihey need license. tinue to be on the alert for produ eit T. V. Dills and J. AY. Kcnekcr In were ordered to loopen an alley. who wiU toll at dwtiUtifN prices. ! Cincinnati there was a further was ordered to The city in new otrn erlj Hi the week, make levie for uncollected taxes. and sales were made as low as 5$c for S. B. Louis, and others, of Louise;ir, but th ; decline attracted the at ville and Jnnersou conuty, aro on i ton Hon ol buers, and prices subse- coup iunt nti4ir tlie inonth of (ireeu and the river. Up to last Wetlutsday the quent iy advanced to h.v. parly a4 killed nine deer. Steady at closed market old corn demand is The lor A bauk has been established at jirice. quite light, and thenttirket has been II Ira V. ileltas. i Hilt sil-ii- . t Mr. . ,v Mp-- -l tire satisfaction toall. 3fauufacturer of Bourbon Barrels, abbas, pockets and traxel'mw Nijs. iiuduella-- . '.ins. para-ol- -. pocket- - kni, and si.iHrs, Portmonies. . tha-. . he eedle-pin-TXriSUESto inform the public Thread. laM- -. T f does all kind of I oloriuic and lvei:.. Whisky Stills, rubs, Oil Tank?, &-UM -. r rench and V.ci ui: .i. I oiiit,- -. of Ladies andl.euts wealing apparel, at all kind-- . bis house on Main street, oppo-it- e tbe cemSilk ami satin cla-i'- i. -- . etery. If In I mi B, el Ladies. Uenta Misses ami children LagBf 'Beer casks. Wire i -. I.aer y Bbls. A hull bbl. Kaeahrluf lteot- - and Shoes. u. a. iii v.ii.i:, pl i aowai I T kers. tubs. Mash, r'ermcutinir. Ye:it. Hot Water. Ommtt? mid Boy ' hat anil :,,, I 'old Water. Soap curb and RSOdenpn WM (ieiiis silk hats, latest lyle. nude epreslv Tubt. Whisky MilN. Wblsk Keeuuera I'm the asana Front; Map rior to am-- . IIK Oil IS at Vinejarli, aerator-- . Oil Taaka. Bail Boad Agents for IL J. Boberts & t o. celebratea Water Tanks. Ileeeli Viue.u HhavnajfS. N'eetlK-- and eutlen . I DENTISTRY- nuvvtMY. DENTISTS 'VNTHi.WA. KENTUI KV I'IKE 8 1 KELT over LANDS JantWly ST0R. , l:'T '!V two blocks. r"", X,"'r" Cuscn,Mcgibben&Kimbrougb. go OfASd-l-j asnffflMf