Cedar Manor EMS Manual ver 3

Environmental Management System
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1. The Environment and the Business
2. Significant Aspects & Impacts; Environmental Risks
3. Objectives & Targets
4. Environmental Management Procedures
5. Competence, Training and Awareness
6. Environmental Legislation
7. Environmental Emergencies & Incidents
8. Internal & External Communications
9. Document Control and Records
10. Writing, Updating and Reviewing Policy, Procedures and other
key documents
11. Auditing; Non-Conformances; Corrective & Preventative
12. Management Review
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1. The Environment and Cedar Manor Hotel and Restaurant
1.1 How the Company’s Activities relate to the Environment
Environmental issues are central to the activities of Cedar Manor Hotel, which is an 11 bedroom hotel set in
1/2 acre of grounds situated within Windermere, Cumbria.
1.2 Environmental Management System (EMS)
As an environmentally aware company, managing environmental issues in a systematic way is important to
us. Through the continual development of our EMS we endeavour to make our products and services more
sustainable. Developing an EMS to the CBEN Standard will help us minimise the negative impacts and
maximise our positive impact on the environment.
The scope of our EMS includes all activities undertaken at the hotel by both guests and staff. We have
identified the aspects and impacts we have control over and those we can only influence. As a microbusiness the formal EMS management structure is detailed below.
1.3 Structure, Roles & Responsibilities
- The Directors are responsible for setting and reviewing the Environmental
-Jonathan Kaye, joint owner and Operations Director is in overall charge
- Caroline Kaye, our other Director will manage the day-to-day operation of our procedures.
- All Heads of Department should provide relevant training to all staff
- All staff are to be encouraged to ‘buy in’ to the scheme
1.4 Environmental Policy Statement
Our environment policy is available on our website, in the staff handbook and on the staff notice board, and
in guest bedrooms room information folders and finally, in the guest lounge.
2. Significant Aspects & Impacts; Environmental Risks
We recognise that it is important to identify and assess our environmental aspects and impacts. The
following is a list of identified aspects and impacts:
Aspects & Impact
Cooking, Heating & Hot Water
Gas Use -Depletion of Fossil Fuels, Polluting Emissions. Waste Heat
Guests, Cooking, Cleaning
Water Use - using natural resources
Open Fires
Cooking & Cleaning
Waste Water
Staff & Guests
Sewage requiring treatment
Food Preparation
Food Waste, undue food miles, waste grease & oil
Guests & Housekeepers
Toiletries & Cleaning Products
Laundry, Dishwashing & Cleaning
Guest & Staff Transport
Cars & Taxis
Waste Generation
Pesticides. Land contamination
Waste To Landfill
General Waste, Food, Paper, Cardboard, Glass, Tins, Plastic, Light
Bulbs, Oil & Fat, Paint, Furniture
Stationery Consumables
Waste - Ink & Toner Cartridges
Lead Based Paints- damage to environment and water table
Electricity Use - Depletion of Fossil Fuels, Polluting Emissions
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Having identified these, we have entered those that we consider to be significant on Table 1 with our
Objectives and Targets. In considering the significance of our environmental aspects and impacts we have
taken into consideration legal control, impacts, likelihood of occurrence and probability of external concern.
In setting our targets we have considered whether we have a direct control over the impact or if we only have
influence over it. We will review our aspects and impacts on an annual basis, recording the outcomes as part
of our annual review of the EMS.
Environmental risks have been considered, however, no significant risks are posed by business activities.
3. Objectives & Targets
In order to make continual improvements to our environmental performance, we recognise the need to set
ourselves achievable objectives and targets, implementing them through environmental improvement
programmes. Our definition of objectives and targets are:
Objective - Overall goals for environmental performance arising from environmental policy
Targets - Specific, quantifiable aims to be achieved within a time-frame.
Our objectives and targets set will be consistent with our environmental policy statement. The table below
lists our current Objectives, Targets and the actions designed to achieve them. Objectives, targets & progress
will be review annually as part of the CBEN audit process, where any further amendments will be suggested
and approved.
Our targets and management programmes for meeting the objectives are designed around the widely used
‘SMART’ concept, which is as follows:
Significant: aspects: the targets relate to the significant aspects identified and their associated
Measurable: the change in environmental performance over a specified period of time is measurable
and monitored at appropriate intervals.
Achievable: a target that is not achievable because of technological, economic or resource
constraints are unlikely to add value to the EMS and tend to de-motivate those given the
responsibility of trying to achieve it.
Responsible: there needs to be named staff responsible for the management of programmes to
achieve the set targets and for reporting progress at appropriate stages.
Time based: time scales for delivery of the programmes and achievement of the targets are carefully
considered before being set.
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4. Environmental Management Procedures
As the owners of the Hotel we have not identified any requirement for formal or written procedures.
However, considering our environmental impacts we undertake to do the following:
Existing Practice/Procedure
Use of fossil fuel energy & Heating, fans and appropriate lighting controlled by BEMS or similar
– system giving enhanced control of heating etc.
heating & hot water
Hot water thermostat temp reduced & TRV’s fitted
Efficient condensing boilers installed
Fast recharging water tanks installed to replace existing water supply
Improved loft insulation
Double glazing fitted where possible; secondary glazing in other
windows; majority still single, aim to be replaced as funding and
planning limitations allow
Managers incentivised to reduce energy use
Draft excluder fitted to front door and all other doors leading to external
Use of fossil fuel energy & Energy efficient bulbs replacing filament bulbs as required, refurbishing
- rooms with LED lighting and energy efficient lighting systems.
Lowered light levels in corridors
Car park lighting on photovoltaic and motion sensors & timers
‘Food & product miles’ (use Purchased locally where availability & quality allows
of fuel, emissions)
Generation & disposal of Packaging reused (eg. bubble wrap, envelopes)
Refillable soap dispensers in public toilets
Chef incentivised to reduce waste
Food waste landfilled
Waste oil recycled – Eden Valley Oils
Grass & garden waste composted
Cardboard recycled – Cumbria Waste & Recycling
Glass recycled – Cumbria Waste & Recycling
General waste landfilled – Cumbria Waste & Recycling
Office – inkjets & cartridges recycled
Plastic & tins – Cumbria Waste & Recycling
Storage provided for hazardous waste & WEEE disposal
Use of water resource & Meter read monthly
waste water disposal
Towel racks fitted to identify which towels require laundering (laundry
Fittings – low water use for new fittings i.e spray heads on taps
Minimal grounds watering
All cleaning and laundry products are 100% “green” not containing any
phosphates or other harmful chemicals. (Love your Lakes campaign)
Transport impacts (guests & Maps provided for guest walks (See More Drive Less campaign)
Guests encouraged to use local transport, incl Mountain Goat
Operation of surrounding Member of Nurture Lakeland – visitor payback scheme (currently
wider supporting Red Squirrels and Fix the Fells)
Sustainability policy for woodland on site
No peat used
Lead Free Paint to be used for all painting and decorating
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5. Competence, Training and Awareness
As part of their induction process all staff are made aware of the Hotel’s green policy and the thinking
behind them. Within their specific roles the training they then receive reflects the Hotel’s green aims. It is
our intention to appoint one of our Directors to oversee all aspects of day to day green operations. They will
be incentivised to meet specific green targets.
6. Environmental Legislation
We recognise our duty to comply with statutory requirements that relate to our activities, products and
services. We further recognise that this goes beyond environmental legislation to all that relates to our
significant environmental aspects and impacts.
However, we do not consider there is a need for us to have a register of legislation and other requirements
that applies to our significant aspects. The sources of information we use to ensure we are aware of current
and incoming legislation, regulation and other requirements are as follows:
NetRegs (The website of the Environment Agency)
CBEN (Cumbria Business Environment Network) Gold Award
Subscribe to monthly guide : Tips & Advice : Environment
Member of Green Tourism Business Scheme
Member of Hospitable Climates (Institute of Hospitality)
Member of Nurture Lakeland (Board Member of Nurture Lakeland)
Considerate Hoteliers member
7. Environmental Emergencies & Incidents
We recognise our duty to identify, prevent and manage potential environmental emergencies and incidents.
We have identified the following potential emergencies & these will be controlled as follows:
There are no obvious hazards within the grounds or buildings at Cedar Manor that could give rise to
an emergency or incident.
This will be reviewed at least annually.
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Environmental Policy Statement
We are a hotel providing 3* (88% merit rated) accommodation in Windermere,
The Cedar Manor hotel has made a commitment to ensure that its operations take into
account any resulting impact on the Environment.
We will work towards:
Ensuring that relevant Environmental Legislation and Regulation is understood and complied
Reducing Energy and Water usage wherever possible and practicable by implementing
increased efficiency
Ensuring raw materials are used in a manner that Avoids producing waste if possible, and by
Reducing, Re-using or Recycling Waste whenever possible
Promoting the purchase and use of environmentally friendly materials whenever possible and
Raising the awareness of staff and customers so that everyone may be involved in looking after
our environment and the National Park
Operating the Business in an environmentally aware and sensitive manner
Providing locally sourced and fair trade produce where possible
Continually assessing and improving our environmental strategies and performance
To gain accreditation from CBEN and the Green Tourism Business Scheme as an indicator of
our sustainable practices.
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