Top physics and the top mass Lecture 3/3 2013 CERN-Fermilab HCP Summer School Prof Dr Freya Blekman Interuniversity Institute for High Energies Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium (and this year also: LHC Physics Centre, Fermilab) Outline • Wednesday: – Lecture 1: Intro to top physics and its jargon. • Thursday: – Lecture 2: SM top physics and the top mass • Friday: – Lecture 3: SM and top physics, the portal to physics searches • Measuring top properties • Searches for physics beyond the standard model using tops 2 Freya Blekman (IIHE-VUB) Top quark and new physics • Precise SM measurements – Heaviest known elementary particle (large Yukawa coupling) • Constraints on Higgs mass • Unique window on bare quarks due to short lifetime () – Probe for QCD at scale >gauge bosons • A window to new physics – New physics - many models couple preferentially to top – New particles may decay to top – Non-standard couplings • In many new physics scenarios (e.g. SUSY) top is dominant BG • Great tool to calibrate detector – Jet energy scale, b-jet efficiency Top pair production rate Top mass Single top production rate B(t→Wb) |Vtb| W helicity Top polarization Anomalous couplings Spin correlations Rare decays Top width … 3 Freya Blekman (IIHE-VUB) Properties of top pair production Differential Cross Section 1/ σtt dσtt/dy tt • Enough data to • Very large LHC samples data NLO (MCFM) make a large 1 ∫ ALPGEN allow differential cross MC@NLO set of differential section measurements cross-section • Most bins limited by measurements. systematic uncertainties 10 Top • Many • differential Vs. kinematics of 1.2 1 kinematics examined - tt̄ system -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 y • Study additional • Active-interaction top quark with jets to test QCD generator and pdf - decay products and MC generators. community • Good agreement • Improvement of models • Extensive list of with generators of great benefit to quantities probed. tested. community for next LHC run •– particularly for → ISR/FSR variations Most bins are searches reduced. ATLAS L dt = 2.05 fb -1 Theory/Data -1 Pair Production in Associat Eur.Phys.J. C (2013) 72:2043 CMS-PAS-TOP-12-041 ATL-P ATLAS tt systematics limited. Eur. Phys. J. C (2013) 73:2261, CMS-PAS-TOP-12-027, CMS-PAS-TOP-12-028 S ARA S TRANDBERG , S TOCKHOLM U NIVERSITY P. 7 4 EPSHEP 2013, S TOCKHOLM , J ULY 22, 2013 Freya Blekman (IIHE-VUB) Top Pair Production in Association with Z, W and γ SM production of ttbar+Z/photon/W Phys. Rev. Lett. 110 (2013) 172002 Dilepton analysis tt̄V (V = W, Z) Trilepton analysis tt̄Z ATLAS-CONF-2012-126 3.0σ a.u. # γ / bin 3.3σ -1 ATLAS Preliminary 40 tt̄γ ATLAS-CONF-2011-153 e+jets data ttγ non-tt bkg bkg ttγ electron fakes hadron fakes ∫ L dt = 1.04 fb 50 7 TeV 30 2 7 TeV background only p-value = 0.71 % 2.7σ 1 20 ∫ L dt = 1.04 fb 10 0 0 -1 ATLAS Preliminary 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 pcone20 T 20 0 0 50 100 [GeV] σtt̄γ (pγT > 8 GeV) = 2.0 ± 0.5 (stat) ± 0.7 (syst) ± 0.08 (lumi) pb 150 200 250 number of observed events SM prediction = 2.1 ± 0.4 pb (LO + LO→NLO k-factor) S ARA S TRANDBERG , S TOCKHOLM U NIVERSITY P. 9 EPSHEP 2013, S TOCKHOLM , J ULY 22, 2013 5 Freya Blekman (IIHE-VUB) TOP IONPRODUCTION different PDF contribution only virtual q in pp PRODUCTION Single top production different PDF contribution Tevatron LHC • Single top in t-channel • Single top in tW-channel single top production Observatio 2. SINGLE TOP PRODUCTION First observation 2. SINGLE TOP PRODUCTION t-channel Production production: tW-channel t-channel 2 ATLAS-CONF-2012-056, ATLAS-CONF-2012-132 t-channel ion V tb on and EWK top σ [pb] polarization and ATLAS EWKPreliminary top t-channel single top ± 13 pb n 8TeV σt mena: top+antitop =s-channel 95 ± 18 pb data t -channel t t ,Wt,s-channel W +heavy flavour W +light jets Z +jets, diboson 0.22 pb LHC pp (7 TeV) 4.63 pb 64.6 pb 15.7 pb LHC pp (8 TeV) 5.55 pb LHC 87.1 pb Tevatron pp (1.96 TeV) pp22.2 (7100 TeV) pb LHC pp (8 TeV) antitop 80 1 4 ATLAS ∫ L dt = 2.05 s = 7 Te 3 60 Dilepton 1 Moriond / EW , 2-9 Mar 2013, La Thuile, Valle 40 d'Aosta (Italy) C. Battilana (CIEMAT) Theory (approx. NNLO) 1.04 fb-1 arXiv:1205.3130 4.7 fb-1 ATLAS-CONF-2012-056 20 5.8 fb-1 ATLAS-CONF-2012-132 9 10 11 12 13 0-1 14 CM energy [TeV] multivariate methods (neural networks, boosted etron: methods (neural networks, boosted decision trees, matrix element method) ees, matrix orelement : cut-based multivariatemethod) method ∫ Signal background discrimination: or multivariate method 0.22 pb 2.08 pb L dt = 5.8 fb-1 s=8 TeV 2.08 pb s-channel Moriond / EW , 2-9 Mar 2013, La Thuile, Valle d'Aosta (Italy) ds (neural networks, boosted trix method) s Welement tb couplings mination: ackground discrimination: 5 6 7 8 variate method TLAS Preliminary jets SR 1.05 pb top 2 10 SM phenomena: C. Battilana (CIEMAT) ation plings : uplings tW-channel Tevatron pp (1.96 TeV) Events / 0.03 top of production: single top 6.0 S.D. significance! • First observation of W t 23.4±5.5 pb • Evidence Cross section: s-channel t-channel tW-channel sCollider production byσtbCMS. σtqb Collider σtW σ = 23.4+5.5 −5.4 pb significance Freya Blekman 6.0σ (IIHE-VUB) Tevatron: multivariate methods (neural networks, boostedCMS-PAS-TOP-12-040 -0.8 -0 σ = 16.8 ± 2 6 3.3σ Phys. Le Single top in s-channel Observation of single top production: Evidence for s-channel Production tW-channe 2 t-channel cross section Vtb study top-polarization and EWK top • Tevatron legacy? •interaction First evidence of s-channel production by D0. s • Cross section: 1.10+0.33-0.31 pb +0.33 • σ(pp̄ → tb 1.06±0.04 + X) = 1.10pb −0.31 pb Test of non-SM phenomena: • (A)NNLO: couplings 4th generation • → Significance: 3.7 S.D.!!! 3.7σ significance. Yield [Events/0.04] FCNC couplings W50, H -1 (b) DØ 9.7 fb anomalous Wtb couplings Data background discrimination: 40 tb tqb W+jets Z+jets/Diboson tt Multijets s-channel tqb cross section [pb] henomena: DØ 9.7 fb-1 (a) C.5Battilana (CIEMAT) 1 SD 2 SD 3 SD 4 3 Tevatron: multivariate methods (neural networks, boosted 30 decision trees, matrix element method) 2 20 Signal background discrimination: LHC: cut-based or multivariate method on: 10 0 Moriond / EW , 2 Measurement SM Four generations Top-flavor Tevatron: multivariate 1methods (neural networks, boosted Top pion decision trees, matrix element FCNC method) 0 0.8 LHC:0.9 1 cut-based or method 0 multivariate 1 2 3 4 5 0.7 Ranked s-channel discriminant 1.05 pb S ARA S TRANDBERG , S TOCKHOLM U NIVERSITY ür Experimentelle Kernphysik, KIT tb cross section [pb] 2.08 pb 0.22 pb arXiv:1307.0731 [hep-ex], submitted to Phys. Lett. B 661.05 pb pb Freya Blekman (IIHE-VUB) P. 13 2.08 pb 7 EPSHEP 2013, SICHEP TOCKHOLM , J ULY 22, 2013 2012, Melbourne 0.22 FL and FR , are The referred as helicity fractions. are predicted in next-to-nextangular distribution of A) thestructure decay products of the top quar W tbto vertex is defined by the They electroweak interaction and has a (V − ading-order where (NNLO) QCD to be = 0.687 ± 0.005, FL angle = 0.311 ± 0.005, V and A calculations are the vector andF0axial-vector contributions tobetween the vertex. the W direction of the charged the the Since momentum = 0.0017 ± bosons 0.0001 are [4]. produced These fractions can be extracted from measurements of the as real particles in top quark decays, their polarization can be momentum longituW boson and the reversed direction of the b-qu ∗ is defined as ar distribution of the decay products of the top quark. The angle θ dinal, left-handed or right-handed. The fractions of events particular polarization, quark,with botha boosted into the W boson rest frame [5]. The a ngle between the momentum direction of the charged lepton from the decay of the F0 , FL and FR , are referred to as helicity fractions. They are predicted in! next-to-next" dσthe top3 3 1 of 2 ∗ ∗ 2 oson and the reversed momentum direction of the b-quark from the0.687 decay = 1 − cos θ F + (1 − cos θ ) FL + to-leading-order (NNLO) QCD calculations to be F0 = ± 0.005, F = 0.311 ± 0.005, 0 L ∗ σ d cos θ 4 8 • Helicity of W bosons very well-defined in standard model k, both boosted the W boson rest The angular is: measurements of the F =into 0.0017 ± 0.0001 [4]. frame These[5]. fractions can bedistribution extracted from W helicity in top quark decay W helicity in top decays R Allquark. previous measurements of theashelicity fractions, perform ∗ is defined " 3 !No 3 of 1 dσ angular distribution of 3the decaycoupling products of the top top The angle θdirectly 2 2 2 ∗ ∗ ∗ • hadronisation: quark to W propagated left-(1and right-handed polarised W’s = •Fractions 1 − cos θ Fof (1 − cos θ ) FL + + coslaborations θ ) FR . [6–8] (1.1) 0 +longitudinally, ∗ at the Tevatron, σ d cos θ the4angle between the momentum 8 direction 8of the charged lepton from the decay of theare in agreement with Sta to and angular of measurement leptons inInformation ttbar events •Template fitdistributions andfractions, asymmetry in angular distribution about the polarization of the W bosons 2 from Theory W boson momentum direction of the the CDF b-quark the decay of the top revious measurements of the reversed helicity performed by and DØ Colcomplementary observables, both boosted the Wdilepton boson frame [5]. The angular distribution is: such as the angular asymmetri ations [6–8]quark, at the•Lepton+jets Tevatron, areinto in agreement withrest Standard Model predictions. and channels, full reconstruction ν ∗ > z) − N (cos θ ∗ < nformation about1 thedσpolarization of the W bosons can also be obtained through ! " N (cos θ 3 3 3 2or ∗ “anomalous”) ∗ 2 couplings - important ∗ 2 ditional contributions: (BSM test of =as the 1 −angular cos θ asymmetries, F0 + (1 − cos θand ) FAL + (1 + cos θ ) FR . A± = (1.1) + lementary observables, such A , defined as: ∗ ∗ W + − σ d cos θ 4 8 8 N (cos θ > z) + N (cos θ∗ < b N (cos θ∗ N (cos θ∗ > of z) the − helicity < z) All previous measurements fractions, performed by the 2/3 CDF and θ*DØ Colθ with z = ±(1 − 2 ) for A , allowing the dependence on FL , (1.2) A± = ± > z) + Nare (cosinθ∗agreement < z) laborations [6–8]Nat(cos theθ∗Tevatron, with Standard Model predictions. l+ The asymmetries can be related to the helicity fractions by a Information about the polarization of the W bosons can also be obtained through measured from angular distributions: z = ±(1 − 22/3 ) for A± , allowing the dependence on FL and FR to10]. cancel, respectively. In the Standard Model, the NNLO values for these asym Figureand 2.5: Definition of the decay angle cos q in the rest frame of the W boson: q is the complementary observables, such as the angular asymmetries, A A , defined as: + − asymmetries can be related to the helicity fractions by a simple system of equations [9, • Sensitive variable: Angle∗ betweenanddown-type A− = −0.841 fermion ± 0.006 [4]. in W rest ∗ frame angle between down-type fermion momentum in W restthe helicity (cos asymmetries θ > z) − N (cos θ +<=z)0.537±0.004 n the Standard Model, the NNLO values forN these are A In the presence of anomalous W tb couplings , (1.2) A = ± frame and W momentum rest cos(θ*) N (cos θ∗ > in z) +top N (cos θ∗ < frame: z) Amomentum − = −0.841 ± 0.006 [4]. in top rest frame tries depart from their Standard Model values [5, 10]. In effe n the presence W)tbfor couplings the helicity fractions and angular asymmeinwhich SM (LO): withofzanomalous = ±(1 − 22/3 A± , allowing the dependence on F respectively. six operators cancancel, be introduced modify the W tb ver L and FR to 10]. In effective field theories, dimensiondepart fromThe their Standard Model values [5, asymmetries can be related to the helicity fractions by a simple system of trolling the strength of equations these operators can be constrained b F[9,0=0.6902 • Measurements determine fractions of longitudinally, perators can be introduced which modify the W tb vertex [11–13]. Coefficients con10]. In the Standard Model, the NNLO values for thesefractions asymmetries areangular A+ = 0.537±0.004 or the asymmetries. ng the strength of these operators can be constrained by measurements of the helicity FL=0.3089 arXiv:1205.2484 and ±right-handed W bosons This paper describes measurements and Aleft, 0.006 [4]. − = −0.841 of the W boson po ons or the angular asymmetries. In the presence of anomalous tb couplings14 the helicity fractions angular asymmeL. Masetti - W 19/07/13 Intrinsic top quarkand properties in ATLAS R=0.0009 and the constraints on the W tbFvertex structure based on This paper tries describes measurements of the W boson polarization in top quark decays depart from their Standard Model values [5, 10]. In effective field theories, dimensionATLAS detector between March and June 2011 and corre the constraints on the W tb vertex structure based on a data set recorded with the rangian: six operators can be introduced which modify the W tb vertex [11–13]. −1 Coefficients con8 polar angle between the momentum vector of the charged lepton (or d, s quark) and the negative momentum direction of the b quark. The normalized angular functions wi (q ) (i = 0, of the different helicity states: , +) reflect the angular dependence 3 sin2 q , 4 3 w (q ) = (1 cos q )2 , 8 3 w+ ( q ) = (1 + cos q )2 . 8 w0 ( q ) = (2.34) (2.35) (2.36) By using the helicity fractions f i introduced previously, Eq. 2.33 can be rewritten in the following form: w (q ) = 3 (1 4 3 cos2 q ) f 0 + (1 8 3 cos q )2 f + (1 + cos q )2 f + . 8 (2.37) The fraction of W bosons with longitudinal polarization, f 0 , is given by [23, 24, 25]: minosity of 1.04 fb helicity fractions were measured Freya Blekman (IIHE-VUB) AS detectortrolling between andof June and corresponding to anby integrated lu- .ofThe theMarch strength these 2011 operators can be constrained measurements the helicity m2t f0 ⇡ = (70.1 ∗ ± 1.6 )%, (2.38)te −1 The first compares the observed distribution with 2 + m2 cos θ sity of 1.04fractions fb . The helicity fractions were measured using two different methods. 2MW t or the angular asymmetries. +F0 , FL and − F fractions. 8 8R , are referred to as helicityWN (cos θ They >bz) are + Npredic (cos dσ 1 W boson and the reversed momentum direction of the b-quark from the0.687 decay of the ∗ to-leading-order (NNLO) QCD calculations to be F = ± 0.005, 0 −heNhelicity (cos θ < z) fractions, performed by the 2/3 CDF and θ*DØ Col∗ θ σ d cos θ quark, both boosted into the W boson rest frame [5]. The angular distribution is: with z = ±(1 − 2 ) for A , allowing the dependence o , FR = 0.0017 ± 0.0001(1.2) ± [4]. These fractions can be extracted from m ∗ +n,Nare (cosinθ agreement < z) with Standard Model predictions. Allquark. previous + ! distribution " asymmetries candecay be related toof 3The 3 the 1 dσ angular of 3the products the helicity top Theme an 2l 2 fractions 2 ∗ ∗ ∗ •Fractions of longitudinally, leftand right-handed = 1 − cos θ F + (1 − cos θ ) F + (1 + cos θ ) F . arization the ∗F W to bosons can also0 be obtained through L R laborations [6–8 dence on FσofLdand cancel, respectively. cos θ the 4 8 8 angle between the momentum direction of the charged lepton fr R 10]. In the Standard Model, the NNLO values for these Figureand 2.5: Definition of the decay angle cos q in the rest frame of the W boson: q h as the angular asymmetries, A A , defined as: + − •Template fit and asymmetry measurement in ang Information 2 from Theory W system boson and the reversed momentum direction of the the CDF b-quark All previous measurements helicity[9,fractions, performed by and DØ ractions by a simple ofofequations Fitting the data polar± angle between the momentum vector of the charged lepton ( and A− = −0.841 0.006 [4]. quark) and the negative momentum direction of the b quark. ∗ > z)[6–8] ∗Tevatron, complementary quark, both boosted into the W boson rest frame [5]. The angular di laborations at the are in agreement with Standard Model predictions. N (cos θ − N (cos θ < z) r these asymmetries are A = 0.537±0.004 •Lepton+jets and dilepton channels, full recons + In the, presence of anomalous W tb couplings the hel (1.2) ∗ ∗ the functions W be obtained thro w3i (q ) (can i = 0, also , +) reflect the angular depen " bosons N (cos θInformation > z) + Nabout (cos 1θthe <dσpolarization z) The normalized 3 ! ofangular 3 2 ∗ ∗ 2 I tries depart their Standard values [5, 1 −angular cos θstates: F0 + (1Model − cos θand ) FAL + (110]. + cos of= thefrom different helicity complementary observables, such as the asymmetries, A , defined as ∗ + − σ dangular cos θ asymme4 8 8 the helicity fractions and 3 owing the dependence six on Foperators cancel, respectively. can be introduced modify the W L and FR to w0 (q ) ∗= which sin2 q , ∗ > N (cos θ z) − N (cos θ < z) All previous measurements of the helicity fractions, performed by the 4 ,to10]. In effective field theories, dimensionwith z = ±(1 − , A = 3 ±simple the helicity fractions by a system of equations [9, 2 ∗ ∗ trolling the strength of these operators can be constrain w ( q ) = ( 1 cos q ) , > z) + Nare (cosinθ agreement <8 z) laborations [6–8]Nat(cos theθ Tevatron, with Standard Mo the W tb vertex [11–13]. Coefficients conThe asymmetrie 3 NNLO values for these asymmetries are A = 0.537±0.004 2 + orabout thethe angular asymmetries. Information the polarization the Wq )to bosons can also b w+ ( q ) = (1 + cos . with z =by ±(1 − 22/3 )fractions for A± , of allowing dependence on FofL 8and F cancel, respecti R 10]. In the Stan onstrained measurements the helicity arXiv:1205.2484 Figure 2.5: complementary observables, such as the angular asymmetries, A and + This paper describes measurements of the W boso The asymmetries can be relatedBytousing thethe helicity fractions by a simple system equation helicity fractions f i introduced previously, Eq. 2.33 rewrit and Aof =be−0.8 −can s- W tb couplings the helicity fractions and angular asymmethequark following form: 19/07/13 14 Intrinsic top properties ATLAS N (cos θ∗tb > z) − N (cos θ∗+<=z)0.537±0 10]. In the Standard Model, the NNLO values forin these asymmetries are A and the constraints on the W vertex structure base In the prese , A±3= WModel bosonvalues polarization in top quark decays 3 ∗ ∗ 3 z) + N 2 In effective field theories, dimension[5, 10]. (cos w ( q ) = (1 N cos q ) f 0θ+ > (1 cos q )2 f (cos + (θ 1+< cos z) q )2 The f + . norma and A− = −0.841 ±ATLAS 0.006 [4]. detector between March and June 2011 4 8 8 tries depart of and thefrom diffe re based on a data set recorded with the d which Inmodify the Wztb vertex [11–13]. Coefficients conthe presence anomalous W tbfor couplings the fractions and angular asym 2/3 The fraction of W−1 bosons withhelicity longitudinal polarization, f 0 , is given by F [23, 24, withof = ±(1 − 2 ) A , allowing the dependence on Foperators and six ca ± . The helicity Lwere R to minosity of 1.04 fb fractions mea 11 and corresponding to an integrated luIn field theories, dimens triescan depart their Standard Model values [5, erators be from constrained by measurements ofto10]. the helicity m2teffective The asymmetries can be related the helicity fractions by a simple sy ∗ trolling the stre f0 ⇡ = (70.1 ± 1.6 )%, The first compares the observed cos θ distribution wi 2 2 ere measured using two different which methods. 2Mtb mt six operators can be introduced modify the W Coefficients W +vertex etries. 10]. In the Standard Model, the NNLO values for[11–13]. thesefractions asymmetries ar or the where the current values [11] for the mass of the top quark, mt of = 174.3 5.1 9 second helicity states obtained from simulation. The tiontrolling withoftemplates for W boson the of different these operators can be constrained byarXiv:1205.2484 measurements the ±hel A = −0.841 ± 0.006 [4]. urements thestrength Wand boson polarization in top quark decays − and for the mass of the W boson, MW = 80.425 ± 0.038 GeV,This have been used paper ∗ By using th fractions or the angular asymmetries. triesangular frommass an spectrum corrected foronlyba ofunfolded the b quark hascos beenθneglected in this calculation as it is done second method extracts asymmeFreya Blekman (IIHE-VUB) values. The error bars correspond to the statistical and total uncertainties. with the top quark may exist at higher energies. New physics can be parameterized in terms an quark effective Lagrangian above the electroweak symmetry breaking scale of in with the oftop may exist at [11] higher energies. New physics can be parameterized •Original ATLAS result and combination with CMS interpreted in terms 55] is: scale of v = 246 GeV. After electroweak breaking, the W tb Lagrangian terms of an effective Lagrangiansymmetry [11] above the electroweak symmetry[12, breaking Interpret in effective lagrangean of anomalous in combination the effective Lagrangian •Original ATLAScouplings result and with CMS interpreted in terms v = 246 GeV. After electroweak symmetry breaking, [12, 55] is: g g iσ µν qν the W tb Lagrangian − µ − ofLW anomalous (gL PL + gR PR ) t Wµ + h.c. , (6.1) (VL PL + VRin PRthe ) t Weffective tb = − √ b̄ γ couplings µ − √ b̄ Lagrangian M R Re(g ) R Re(g ) 2 iσW µν q g 2 µ g ν LW tb = − √ b̄ γ (VL PL + VR PR ) t Wµ− − √ b̄ (gL PL + gR PR ) t Wµ− + h.c. , (6.1) MW operator and where0.8PL (P2R ) is the left-handed (right-handed) 2 chirality 1 1 2 2 LHC combination V (right-handed) =0 v 2 √ 33∗ voperator √ vpreliminary 1=1, V33∗ where0.8P0.6 the left-handed chirality and L (PR ) is(3,3+3) L R VL = Vtbs=7 + TeV, CφqLint=35 pb2 -,2.2 V C , fbR = 0.4 CL Λ2 Λ 268%φφ -1 -1 2 LHC combination v preliminary 0.6 (3,3+3) -1 0.2 -1 VThe V + TeV, CφqLint =35 pb -,2.2 V fbR L =parameter tbs=7 Λ is the new 2 0.4 Λ 0 V L1=1, VR=0 v 2 33∗ 95% CL = C , φφ scale physics 2 68% CL Λ 2SM gL = 2CdW √ Λ2 , gR = v2 33∗ 2C,dWC 33∗2 ,, C 33∗ gL C =(3,3+3) gR and φq φφ Λ dW 33 2CuW √ = and v2 . Λ2 (6.2) 2 33 v 2C C 33uW are2 uW . (6.2) Λ the effective operator coefficients [13, 95% 55].CLThe anomalous couplings VR , gL , gR , generated by 0.2 (3,3+3) 33∗ , C 33∗ and C 33 are the -0.2 The parameter Λ is the are newabsent physics scale and C Cφφ dimension-six operators, in the Standard Model at, tree level,dW while the coupling uW φq SM • Combination of ATLAS 0 (3,3+3) -0.4 Vtb receives a correction the . effective operator 55]. couplings VR , gL , gR , generated by -0.4 -0.3 -0.2coefficients -0.1 0from 0.1 [13, 0.2 operator 0.3 The 0.4 Oanomalous φq Re(g ) ATLAS-CONF-2013-032 and equivalent CMS -0.2 Limits on anomalous couplings (V , g and g were obtained fromwhile the combined R L R )Model dimension-six operators, are absent in the Standard at tree level, the coupling ATLAS-CONF-2013-033 (polarisation vs. anomalous coupling Figure 3: Allowed regions for the Wtb anomalous couplings using the combined helicity(3,3+3) fractions and in single top their events)dependence on these of the W boson helicity fractions by exploiting -0.4 measurement used to Vtbmeasurement a correction from the operator O . assuming Vreceives = 1 and V = 0, at 68% and 95% CL. -0.4 R -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 L φq Re(g ) L. Masetti - 19/07/13 15 Intrinsic top quark properties in ATLAS ATLAS-CONF-2013-032 56] and normalizing VL combined = 1. couplings, as implemented in the TopFit program [10, Limits on ATLAS-CONF-2013-033 anomalous couplings (VR , gL (polarisation and gR ) were obtained fromtothe constrain anomalous vs. anomalous coupling Theregions allowed regions ofcouplings (gL , gusing shown in fractions Figureand assuming VR = 0. The upper Figure 3: Allowed for the Wtb anomalous the combined helicity R ) are in7,single top their events) measurement of the W boson helicity fractions by exploiting dependence on these assuming VL = 1 and VR = 0, at 68% and 95% CL. couplings at tWb vertex disconnected region in the plot shows 15 a large-g solution tointhe quadratic equation R second L. Masetti 19/07/13 Intrinsic top quark properties ATLAS couplings, as implemented in the TopFit program [10, 56] and normalizing to VL = 1. relating the observables to the anomalous couplings. However, this region is disfavored by The allowed regions of (gL , gR ) are shown• inVery Figureconsistent 7, assuming with VR = SM 0. The upper the measured cross-section for single top production at the Tevatron [17, 57, 58]. disconnected region in the plot shows a large-g secondto solution to the quadratic 10 equation In addition to this two-dimensional limit it RisFreyauseful set limits on single anomalous Blekman (IIHE-VUB) relating the observables to the anomalous region is disfavored couplings, taking only one of them non-zerocouplings. at a time. However, These are, this at 95% confidence level, by L L Top Forward-Ba in top sector can alter angular distributions. Top forward-backward • New physics in top secto d-backward andasymmetries: charge asymmetries. − N (∆y < 0) + N (∆y < 0) • Study forward-backward N (∆y > 0) − N (∆y < 0) N (∆y > 0) + N (∆y < 0) with ∆y = yt − yt̄ AtFt̄B = • N (∆|y| > 0) − N (∆|y| < 0) tt̄ A = C and Charge Asymmetries Top Forward-Backward N (∆|y| > 0) + N (∆|y| < 0) with ∆|y| = |yt | − |yt̄ | ATLAS angular Preliminary New physics in production can alter • New physics in top sector can alter angular distributions. AC − N (∆|y| < 0) + N (∆|y| < 0) yt̄ | Unfolded SM Axigluon m=300 GeV Axigluon m=7000 GeV 0.2 s= 7 TeV distributions • Study forward-backward and charge asymmetries. 0.15 ∫ L dt = 4.7 fb -1 0.1 N (∆y > 0) − N (∆y0.05 < 0) 0 0) N (∆y > 0) + N (∆y < with ∆y = yt − yt̄ -0.05 AtFt̄B = N (∆|y| > 0) − N (∆|y| < 0) • AtATevatron: tt̄ = C N (∆|y| > 0) + N (∆|y| < 0) 2 (2013) Phys. Lett. B 717, 129 (2012) ATLAS-CONF-2013-078 2.5with S.D. deviation ∆|y| = |yt | − |yt̄ | from SM Phys. Rev. D 87 092002 (2013)11 in tension with SM at ∼ 2.5σ. B measurements 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 mtt [GeV] AC -0.1 0 Freya Blekman (IIHE-VUB) 0.2 0.15 0.1 Unfolded SM Axigluon m=300 GeV Axigluon m=7000 GeV tt̄ Phys ATLAS Preliminary s= 7 TeV ∫ L dt = 4.7 fb -1 AFB details Top Forward-Backward Asymmetry at the Tevatron Afb of the Top Quark July 2011 V. Ahrens et. al., arXiv:1106.6051v1 (2011) (** submitted to a journal) W. Hollik and D. Pagani, arXiv:1107.2606 (2011) (* preliminary) CDF LJ 0.158 ± 0.074 -1 ( 5.3 fb ) (±0.072 ± 0.017) 0.420 ± 0.158 -1 ( 5.1 fb ) (±0.150 ± 0.050) CDF DIL* CDF combined* 0.201 ± 0.067 (±0.065 ± 0.018) (± stat ± syst) D0 LJ** 0 -0.4 -0.2 0.196 ± 0.060 -1 ( 5.4 fb ) -0 0.2 A fb 0.4 +0.018 -0.026 0.6 0.8 Updated measurement from • • AFB deviations largest at CDF in !+jets. high m(ttbar) • Measured AF B deviate most • No at the from effect SM at large Mtt̄ .LHC!!! CDF Note 10975 S ARA S TRANDBERG , S TOCKHOLM U NIVERSITY P. 35 EPSHEP 2013, S TOCKHOLM , J ULY 22, 2013 12 Freya Blekman (IIHE-VUB) ., Asymmetry at the LHC? t. , syst.: p Tyler Dorland 15 7 / 25 13 Freya Blekman (IIHE-VUB) 17 SM parameters do not constrain creativity • SUSY in all it’s variations – – • • GMSB MSSM, CMSSM etc New strong interactions? – Technicolor; excited quarks; compositeness; new “contact” interactions Exotica: – Weird stuff: leptoquarks? – New “forces”? – New resonances (W-Z-like) – More generations? • • • Fourth generation (b’/t’) – Gravity descending at the TeV scale? – New resonances; missing stuff; black holes; SUSY-like signatures [Universal Extra dimensions] SUSY-inspired exotica: – Long-lived massive (new) particles? Some true inspirations: “hidden valleys”? src: H.Murayama 14 Freya Blekman (IIHE-VUB) Little Hierarchy problem, Naturalness t Z mHiggs 126 GeV W BSM? 15 Freya Blekman (IIHE-VUB) Little Hierarchy problem, Naturalness t Z Motivation W Motivation mHiggs 126 GeV The CMS and ATLAS collaborations have observed a new boson with mass ~125 GeV Fundamental scalar particles such as the Standard Model Higgs receive divergent corrections to their mass from other SM particles: ● The CMS and ATLAS collaborations have observed a new boson with mass ~125 GeV ● Fundamental scalar particles such as the Standard Model Higgs receive divergent corrections to their ● mass from other SM particles: ● BSM? Restricting fine tuning to the 10% level requires new physics which cuts off these divergent contributions [1]: ● David Sperka: Search for t+b resonances with the CMS experiment 3 Restricting fine tuning to the 10% level requires new physics which cuts off these divergent contributions [1]: ● Freya Blekman (IIHE-VUB) 16 Little Hierarchy problem, Naturalness t Z Motivation W Motivation mHiggs 126 GeV The CMS and ATLAS collaborations have observed a new boson with mass ~125 GeV Fundamental scalar particles such as the Standard Model Higgs receive divergent corrections to their mass from other SM particles: Motivation ● The CMS and ATLAS collaborations have observed a new boson with mass ~125 GeV ● Fundamental scalar particles such as the Standard Model Higgs receive divergent corrections to their ● mass from other SM particles: ● BSM? The CMS and ATLAS collaborations have observed a new boson with mass ~125 GeV ● Fundamental scalar particles such as the Standard Model Higgs receive divergent corrections to their mass from other SM particles: ● Restricting fine tuning to the 10% level requires new physics which cuts off these divergent contributions [1]: ● ? ? David Sperka: Search for t+b resonances with the CMS experiment 3 Restricting fine tuning to the 10% level requires new physics which cuts off these divergent contributions [1]: Restricting fine tuning to the 10%●level requires new physics which cuts off these divergent contributions [1]: ● Freya Blekman (IIHE-VUB) David Sperka: Search for t+b resonances with the CMS experiment 3 17 Little Hierarchy problem, Naturalness t Z mHiggs 126 GeV W BSM? If fine tuning <=10%: Restrictions: Λquarks ~< 2 TeV Λgauge ~< 5 TeV 18 Freya Blekman (IIHE-VUB) Little Hierarchy problem, Naturalness t Z Motivation W Motivation mHiggs 126 GeV The CMS and ATLAS collaborations have observed a new boson with mass ~125 GeV Fundamental scalar particles such as the Standard Model Higgs receive divergent corrections to their mass from other SM particles: Motivation ● The CMS and ATLAS collaborations have observed a new boson with mass ~125 GeV ● Fundamental scalar particles such as the Standard Model Higgs receive divergent corrections to their ● mass from other SM particles: ● BSM? The CMS and ATLAS collaborations have observed a new boson with mass ~125 GeV ● Fundamental scalar particles such as the Standard Model Higgs receive divergent corrections to their mass from other SM particles: ● Restricting fine tuning to the 10% level requires new physics which cuts off these divergent contributions [1]: ● Susy Susy David Sperka: Search for t+b resonances with the CMS experiment 3 Restricting fine tuning to the 10% level requires new physics which cuts off these divergent contributions [1]: Restricting fine tuning to the 10%●level requires new physics which cuts off these divergent contributions [1]: ● Freya Blekman (IIHE-VUB) David Sperka: Search for t+b resonances with the CMS experiment 3 19 Supersymmetry - in top sector? What%does%SUSY%do%to%solve%ques@ons%beyond%the%SM?* • Solves hierarchy problem, • *Solves*the*hierarchy*problem* GUT convergence and can • *Convergence*of*the*coupling*constants* add CP violation • *Can*provide*more*CP*violaJon* • *Plausible*Dark*MaXer*candidate*in** • Dark Matter candidates *models*with*Rcparity*conservaJon* available The*“Best”*candidate*for*dark*maXer*is*the*lightest*neutralino:** • Naturalness motivations can be interpreted to favor light stop SUSY*&*ExoJcs* N˜ 1 ( χ˜10 ) € HASCO*2012* & many more 70* – ttbar+MET, ttbar+X+MET signatures 20 Freya Blekman (IIHE-VUB) Example stop search in l+jets+MET • ATLAS-CONF-2013-037 • requires detailed understanding of top quark pair production at high missing ET – Analysis works in many signal regions, looking in boxes constrained by number of b-tags, transverse mass, MET, etc – Sensitivity for stop depends on scenario considered, each region has strengths/ weaknesses – Strong limits on stop mass One signal region • Can exclude direct stop production with masses lower than 600 GeV (with some caveats on neutralino mass, etc) 21 Freya Blekman (IIHE-VUB) Little Hierarchy problem, Naturalness t Z Motivation W Motivation mHiggs 126 GeV The CMS and ATLAS collaborations have observed a new boson with mass ~125 GeV Fundamental scalar particles such as the Standard Model Higgs receive divergent corrections to their mass from other SM particles: Motivation ● The CMS and ATLAS collaborations have observed a new boson with mass ~125 GeV ● Fundamental scalar particles such as the Standard Model Higgs receive divergent corrections to their ● mass from other SM particles: ● BSM? The CMS and ATLAS collaborations have observed a new boson with mass ~125 GeV ● Fundamental scalar particles such as the Standard Model Higgs receive divergent corrections to their mass from other SM particles: ● Restricting fine tuning to the 10% level requires new physics which cuts off these divergent contributions [1]: ● W’ Z’ David Sperka: Search for t+b resonances with the CMS experiment 3 Restricting fine tuning to the 10% level requires new physics which cuts off these divergent contributions [1]: Restricting fine tuning to the 10%●level requires new physics which cuts off these divergent contributions [1]: ● Freya Blekman (IIHE-VUB) David Sperka: Search for t+b resonances with the CMS experiment 3 22 of uction: single top production: t-channel on Vtb2 WK olarization top and EWK top W W’ to tb tW-channel t-channel W’ s-channe Colli σtb Collider tW-channel Tevatron pp (1.96 TeV)Tevatron 1.05 pp pb LHC pp (7 TeV) LHC 4.63pp pb LHC pp (8 TeV) LHC 5.55pp pb M phenomena: • analogue s-channel to single top s- s-channel tion channel production Moriond La Thuile, / EW ,Valle 2-9 Mar d'Aosta 2013, (Italy) La Thuile, Va plings C. Battilana (CIEMAT) C. Battilana (CIEMAT) Moriond / EW , 2-9 Mar 2013, • Leptonic top decay: – Final state of lepton+MET+2 b Wtb couplings jets mination: • (neural Mass reconstruction also ral methods networks, boosted networks, boosted used in SM top physics, using ment es, matrix method) element method) W boson mass to constrain nd ignal discrimination: background discrimination: or method multivariate MET method • Interpret in left and right handed W’ scenarios ultivariate Tevatron: methods multivariate (neural networks, methods (neural boosted networks, boosted – decision With element additional top mass element method) ecision trees, matrix trees,method) matrix constraint ut-based LHC:or multivariate cut-based method or multivariate method b.08 pb 2.08 pb 0.22 pb 0.22 pb Freya Blekman (IIHE-VUB) src: B2G-12-010 PAS 23 Motivation Investigating ttbar invariant mass distribution • Differential cross sections now Many new physics models which explain the light available for 8 TeV sub-set ggs mass introduce new particles which cancel • Searches tails of distributions e divergences of the in top, gauge, and self-coupling ops ongoing for 8 TeV full sample W' Z’ Our search focuses on a heavy new charged uage boson, referred to as a W', which is predicted y many theories, for example: ● Little Higgs [1] Extra Dimensions [2,3] Extended Technicolor [4] Left-Right Symmetry [5] • Z’ scenarios interwoven with natural EXO solutions and AFB● explaining models ● • Mttbar distribution sensitive to We perform a model independent search for a W' many new physics scenarios ● oson which decays toPAS a top+bottom quark pair src:toTOP-12-027 24 Freya Blekman (IIHE-VUB) d Sperka: Search for t+b resonances with the CMS experiment 4 Introduction Top resonaces physics motivation site LHC? ... what kind of e top is a ome er by some new src: T. Tait Weakly coupled The Standard Model (SM) predicts production of top-antitop pairs through bare constituents? • Many new physics models predict extra the exchange of gluons ● exchange of massive particles in top quark production – Would be observed in a peaked or general excess/dip in the top-antitop invariant mass some of its 70% 30% spectrum Higher dimensional o. operators – Substantial number of theoretical models ● (like esonances But certain new models (beyond– SM) also predict theRandall-Sundrum/ADD production of top-antitop Z’, colorons, axigluons, D). They are Pseudo-scalar Higgs to ttbar pairs through a massive resonancegravitons, Z' . Point-like SM particles ouple strongly to ple very very Resonances? • And many more only • Searches presented can beIllustration interpreted in any of these – For general comparison,“Topcolor-assisted technicolor” model: hep-ph/991.1288: Hill, Parke, Harris Eg: “Topcolor-assisted technicolor” model which predicts a leptophobic Z' 25 with strong couplings to the third generation: hep-ph/9911288: Hill, Parke, Harris ● Freya Blekman (IIHE-VUB) April APS 2012 Supriya Jain 2 Event Select analysis strategy • Searches in all available top decay channels proton – Dileptons t t → νν bb – Semileptonic ≡= lepton+jets t t → ν qqbb – Hadronic ≡= alljets t t → qqqqbb − + • And in different regimes ? Z' proton – Close to 2x(top mass) threshold • Sensitive to shape of SM M(ttbar) distribution ● • Conventional top physics techniques may be We used ● choose “dileptons” decay mode (ee, mu Selections: – More boosted ● Leptons: two high-pT, isolated, opposite • Sensitive to more massive M(ttbar) BSM physics - pseudorapidity |η| < 2.5 • Dedicated reconstruction techniques may be ● Missing transverse energy, MET > 30 Ge necessary ● m(ll) > 12 GeV; in ee and mumu channels, ● N(jets) > =2, pT > 30 GeV, |η| < 2.5 ● At least one b-tag (based on secondary 26 Freya Blekman (IIHE-VUB) All hadronic, boosted, 8 TeV • Using boosted objects and jet pruning to identify substructure – Full merged topology • Cambridge-Aachen jets All-Hadronic Analysis • • – ‘top jets’ – ‘W boson jets’ Fully merged, “type 1” : JHU top tagger Partially merged, “type 2” : U of W jet pruning with BDRS mass drop as a “W tagger” CMS-PAS-EXO-11-006 CMS-PAS-JME-11-013 W candidate Top candidates Top candidate b candidate src: CMS-B2G-12-005 • 2 jets, pT > 350 GeV • Both jets are top tagged • • • • Not type 1 + 1 Jet 1 pT > 350 GeV, top tagged Freya Blekman (IIHE-VUB) Jet 2 pT > 200 GeV, W tagged Jet 3 pT > 30 GeV, form top 27 All hadronic, boosted, 8 TeV • Using boosted objects and jet pruning to identify substructure – Full merged topology • Cambridge-Aachen jets All-Hadronic Analysis • • – ‘top jets’ – ‘W boson jets’ Fully merged, “type 1” : JHU top tagger Partially merged, “type 2” : U of W jet pruning with BDRS mass drop as a “W tagger” CMS-PAS-EXO-11-006 CMS-PAS-JME-11-013 W candidate Top candidates Top candidate b candidate src: CMS-B2G-12-005 • 2 jets, pT > 350 GeV • Both jets are top tagged • • • • Not type 1 + 1 Jet 1 pT > 350 GeV, top tagged Freya Blekman (IIHE-VUB) Jet 2 pT > 200 GeV, W tagged Jet 3 pT > 30 GeV, form top 28 All hadronic, boosted, 8 TeV • LLH fit to bumps in mass spectrum used to set limits src: CMS-B2G-12-005 29 Freya Blekman (IIHE-VUB) All hadronic, boosted, 8 TeV • LLH fit to bumps in mass spectrum used to set limits • • • Narrow (1.2%) Z’ limit: M(Z’) > 1.7 TeV Wide (10%) Z’ limit: M(Z’) > 2.35 TeV RS Kaluza-Klein gravitons: M(KKG) > 1.8 TeV • 95% CL upper limits on increased cross section at high mass: σNP+SM < 1.79 σSM for masses above 1 TeV src: CMS-B2G-12-005 30 Freya Blekman (IIHE-VUB) Semileptonic, threshold • Require only one lepton, >= 4 jets and split in b-tag multiplicity • χ2 sorting used to select best jet combination • Using data-driven estimates for falling distribution of top pair mass spectrum above 500 GeV/c2 • Systematic uncertainties take into account rate and shape changes for signal and background model src: CMS PAS B2G-12-006 31 Freya Blekman (IIHE-VUB) Semileptonic, boosted • Resolved topologies – use standard lepton+jets selection (lepton, MET, 4 jets, b-tag) – with χ2 sorting – and constraints from top and W boson mass (including pT balance of tops) • Boosted topologies – uses wide jet (r=1) as top candidate • With selection on substructure to optimise for top quarks – other side ‘normal’ ak5 jet, lepton, missing ET src: ATLAS-CONF-2013-052 32 Freya Blekman (IIHE-VUB) Semileptonic, non-isolated • Multiple scenarios considered – Worlds best limit on production of resonant ttbar: • • • • Z’ (width 1.2%): m > 2.10 TeV Z’ (width 10%): m > 2.68 TeV KK gluons: m > 2.69 TeV Resonances in low-mass region: excluded with xsec > 1-2 pb!! src: CMS PAS B2G-12-006 33 Freya Blekman (IIHE-VUB) Vector like quarks intro • Non- SM fourth generation – Can enhance CP violation – Heavy neutrino as DM candidate • Vector-like fermions (nonchiral fermions): • Models benchmark for new physics decaying top-like: – Extremely rich phenomenology with final states with multiple gauge bosons, b and t quarks: – Typical: exotic 4th generation top/bottom partner • 2HDM models • Little Higgs models • Warped extra dimensions – Not excluded by Higgs mass constraints/branching ratios – Current searches mostly pair production 34 Freya Blekman (IIHE-VUB) Little Hierarchy problem, Naturalness t Z Motivation W Motivation mHiggs 126 GeV The CMS and ATLAS collaborations have observed a new boson with mass ~125 GeV Fundamental scalar particles such as the Standard Model Higgs receive divergent corrections to their mass from other SM particles: Motivation ● The CMS and ATLAS collaborations have observed a new boson with mass ~125 GeV ● Fundamental scalar particles such as the Standard Model Higgs receive divergent corrections to their ● mass from other SM particles: ● BSM? The CMS and ATLAS collaborations have observed a new boson with mass ~125 GeV ● Fundamental scalar particles such as the Standard Model Higgs receive divergent corrections to their mass from other SM particles: ● Restricting fine tuning to the 10% level requires new physics which cuts off these divergent contributions [1]: ● t’/b’ David Sperka: Search for t+b resonances with the CMS experiment 3 Restricting fine tuning to the 10% level requires new physics which cuts off these divergent contributions [1]: Restricting fine tuning to the 10%●level requires new physics which cuts off these divergent contributions [1]: ● Freya Blekman (IIHE-VUB) David Sperka: Search for t+b resonances with the CMS experiment 3 35 Vector-like quark partners • CMS: 1,2,3 lepton channels combined • – 1-lepton top quark partner analysis includes tagging of hadronic W bosons ATLAS: 4 separate channels including Z+b, multileptons and T to bW 1-lepton+jets with high b jet multiplicity (incl W tagging) CMS PAS B2G-12-015 ATLAS-CONF-2013-060/018/051/056 Freya Blekman (IIHE-VUB) 36 Vector-like quark partners • CMS and ATLAS set limits in same space – presentation different but same message • ATLAS also sets limit on bottom partners • For full LHC 8 TeV dataset • typical 95% CL exclusion for masses are 650-800 GeV, depending on the decay channel CMS PAS B2G-12-015 ATLAS-CONF-2013-060/018/051 Freya Blekman (IIHE-VUB) 37 General search multi-leptons • Full ATLAS 8 TeV dataset examined in 3-lepton final states – On- and off-Z boson regions – Maximally one hadronic tau – Several kinematic variables examined – split by number of b tagged jets • No excess above SM predictions Limits on fourth generation, doubly charged Higgs (including Higgs triplets), various exotic neutrino models ATLAS CONF-2013-070 Freya Blekman (IIHE-VUB) 38 Baryon Number Conservation • Baryon number conserved in Standard Model – Small violation possible from non-perturbative effects • Supersymmetry, Grand Unified Theories and black-hole physics naturally allow Baryon Number violation (BNV). – stringent limits from precision measurements in nucleon, tau, HF mesons and Z bosons – Top decay (small BR) of type t to μbc not excluded Freya Blekman (IIHE-VUB) 39 Search for BNV in tops • Idea: should be visible as subtle increase of top events in lepton+jets with very low missing transverse energy • Experimentally extremely challenging regime – Lepton – 5 jets – No MET src: CMS PAS B2G-12-023 Freya Blekman (IIHE-VUB) 40 Search for BNV tops • Construct chi2 requirement on hadronic top system and make tight cut on chi2 (<20) and MET (<20) Constrain low MET, low chi2 region from bulk • Fit to BR and selection efficiency instead of event counts CMS PAS B2G-12-023 Freya Blekman (IIHE-VUB) 41 Search for BNV tops 6 5 ( T | B) Signal search strategy ( T | B) discussed above) in the tight selection, and ett̄ (etW ) is the efficiency for tt (tW) events to pass the tight selection once the basic selection is passed. All the quantities in the square brackets of Eq. 3 are functions of BR and can be expressed in terms of the tt and tW cross sections (stt and stW , respectively), integrated luminosity, and efficiencies for passing the basic and tight selections. If these variables are introduced, Eq. 3 becomes: 2 3 ⇣ ⌘ T ( BR ) etTt̄ ( BR) etW 1 1 6 7 T B B T Nexp = Nobs Nbck 4 ⇥ + ⇥ + Nbck (4) 5 B B B B stW etW ( BR) stt̄ ett̄ ( BR) e ( BR ) e ( BR ) tW 1 + s eB ( BR) tt̄ 1 + s eB ( BR) tt̄ tt̄ tW tW In Eq. 4, ettB (ettT ) indicates the efficiency of the basic (tight) selection for tt events. Similarly, B (e T ) indicates the efficiency of the basic (tight) selection for tW events. Each of these four etW tW CMS PAS B2G-12-023 efficiency values is a function of BR and of three (for tt events) or two (for tW events) efficiency 42 Freya Blekman (IIHE-VUB) values, which correspond to the different decay modes: Search for BNV tops • Modeling of QCD multijet background derived in Z+jets events • Fit to efficiencies and BR • Even in challenging e+jets channel decent data-MC agreement • Limits on in µ (e) channels: • BF< 0.016 (0.017) • First limit ever on BNV in top sector! 43 Freya Blekman (IIHE-VUB) End of lecture three – questions? 44 Freya Blekman (IIHE-VUB) MSSM vs SUSY SUSY N=1 MSSM Dirac gauginos pMSSM NMSSM singlinos CMSSM U(1)’ 16 45 Freya Blekman (IIHE-VUB) Lepton Forward-Backward Asymmetry • AtFt̄B measurement requires full reconstruction of tt̄ system. • Alternative method based on y of lepton from leptonic W decay. A!F B = N (q! y! > 0) − N (q! y! < 0) N (q! y! > 0) + N (q! y! < 0) • A!F B ≈ 0.5·AtFt̄B if no t polarization. CDF Note 10975 • Can also use events with jets out of acceptance (3-jet bin). Forward-Backward Lepton Asymmetry, % CDF: A!F B = 0.094+0.032 −0.029 DØ preliminary, 9.7 f b-1 Production Level 3 jets, 1 b tag D0: A!F B = 0.047 ± 0.023(stat)+0.011 −0.014 (syst) 3 jets, ≥2 b tags • CDF result approximately 2σ above SM prediction. ≥4 jets, 1 b tag ≥4 jets, ≥2 b tags • D0 measurement consistent with SM (and CDF) within errors. inclusive χ2/ N.D.F.: 8.2 / 3 (with syst.) S. Frixione and B.R. Webber, JHEP 06, 029 (2002) -10 0 10 20 D0 note 6394-CONF S ARA S TRANDBERG , S TOCKHOLM U NIVERSITY P. 20 EPSHEP 2013, S TOCKHOLM , J ULY 22, 2013 Freya Blekman (IIHE-VUB) 46 Top Forward-Backward and Charge Asymmetries • New physics in top sector can alter angular distributions. • Study forward-backward and charge asymmetries. N (∆y > 0) − N (∆y < 0) N (∆y > 0) + N (∆y < 0) with ∆y = yt − yt̄ AtFt̄B = N (∆|y| > 0) − N (∆|y| < 0) N (∆|y| > 0) + N (∆|y| < 0) with ∆|y| = |yt | − |yt̄ | AC AtCt̄ = Unfolded SM Axigluon m=300 GeV Axigluon m=7000 GeV 0.2 0.15 ATLAS Preliminary s= 7 TeV ∫ L dt = 4.7 fb -1 0.1 0.05 0 -0.05 -0.1 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 mtt [GeV] Phys. Rev. D 87 092002 (2013) Phys. Lett. B 717, 129 (2012) ATLAS-CONF-2013-078 • Tevatron AtFt̄B measurements in tension with SM at ∼ 2.5σ. • LHC AtCt̄ measurements consistent with SM. S ARA S TRANDBERG , S TOCKHOLM U NIVERSITY P. 19 EPSHEP 2013, S TOCKHOLM , J ULY 22, 2013 Freya Blekman (IIHE-VUB) 47