PennDOT OPERATIONS REGION 5 REGIONAL REGIONAL OPERATIONS PLAN (ROP) Dear Stakeholder: Transportation officials nationwide have begun to include transportation systems operations and management as another approach to maximize transportation efficiency and capacity and also preserve and extend transportation infrastructure life. Transportation Systems Operations and Management An integrated program designed to make the best use of existing systems and services that preserve and improve performance. Recently, the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) adopted the Transportation Systems Operations Plan (TSOP), which defines PennDOT’s operational direction for the next several years. Now, each region is being asked to develop, adopt, and execute its own operations plan with support from Central Office. The Regional Operations Plan (ROP) will prepare the way for operational activity and interaction by the PennDOT District office(s) and planning partners in the region. In constructing the ROP, each region will use TSOP as a starting point, but adapt—or "rightsize"—statewide directions to their own specific, real-world regional needs. The ROP, properly developed, should reflect the conditions, values, and transportation priorities of the region. The ROP will lay out the strategic transportation operations program for the region, including descriptions of regional projects. It will identify, define, and prioritize operationally-focused projects— both short-term (two years) and long-term (four or more years)— consistent with regional and statewide operations objectives. Ultimately, the ROP will feed into the LongLong-Range Plans in each region and the corresponding Transportation Improvement Programs (TIPs). (TIPs). ROPs will also furnish inputs to future TSOP and Regional ITS Architecture updates as well as the Pennsylvania Mobility Plan. PennDOT and its planning partners realize that regional operations is a team effort and would appreciate your input and perspective in identifying regional operations needs and priorities as well as providing insight on possible concepts and projects for potential future programming.. Possible Operational Goals Improve incident management Improve traveler information Improve safety Promote tourism/ economic development Build/ maintain an operations foundation Improve operational performance Improve security Improve interagency communication Promote multi-modal operations For more information, please contact: Dennis Toomey Regional Champion PennDOT Engineering District 5-0 1002 Hamilton Street Allentown PA 18101 (610) 871-4475 - PennDot Operations Region 5 Regional Operations Plan (rop)