L6 – Energy Conversion Industrial Electrical Engineering and Automation Previous lecture L6: Energy conversion a potential for causing a change Industrial Electrical Engineering and Automation Lund University, Sweden RΩ1 Rδ Rμ Lσ1 w Lσ2 RΩ2 Ex(y), i y d x N2i 2 N1i1 u1 e1 e2 i1 z u2 Ex(y), i Bz d 2 dBz pec t 12 dt i2 2 • electromagnetism – electro- and magnetomotive force • Induction action – transformed or motional voltage • Electromagnetic energy conversion Avo R Design of Electrical Machines 2 1 0.5 Today’s goal 0 Industrial Electrical Engineering and Automation Industrial Electrical Engineering and Automation -0.5 • a potential for causing a change • Formulation of energy conversion and field coupling • Meaning of shear stress in design of electrical machines • Electromechanical and electromagnetic energy conversion Avo R Design of Electrical Machines 3 EIEN20 Design of Electrical Machines, IEA, 2016 -1 Avo R inductance energy torque 0 20 40 60 80 100 Design of Electrical Machines 120 140 160 180 4 1 L6 – Energy Conversion Mathematic formulation Industrial Electrical Engineering and Automation Industrial Electrical Engineering and Automation Energy conversion • Energy is the capacity of a system to do work • Energy cannot be created or destroyed, but only converted from one form into another • Coupling between the different fields obeys to the principle of energy conversion Avo R Design of Electrical Machines 5 E D Gauss’s Law, Electricity B 0 Gauss’s Law, Electricity F tm ds Magnetic stress per unit of area F Wm Change of system energy Avo R Industrial Electrical Engineering and Automation Industrial Electrical Engineering and Automation Ampere’s circuital law • Electromagnetism by Maxwell’s equations • Electro-mechanism by electromagnetic stress tensor or virtual work Design of Electrical Machines 6 Energy conversion principle • Electromechanic energy converter via intermediate magnetic field • Equivalent circuit representation of the different fields Design of Electrical Machines Faraday’s law H J S Electromechanical energy converter Avo R B t 7 EIEN20 Design of Electrical Machines, IEA, 2016 • The energy conservation principle says that the sum of electrical and mechanical energy input to a device at each time instant has to be equal to the sum of accumulated electromagnetic and mechanical energy and losses. N ph Fdx ik uk dt dWmag dWmech dWloss k 1 Avo R Design of Electrical Machines 8 2 L6 – Energy Conversion Electrical energy Industrial Electrical Engineering and Automation Industrial Electrical Engineering and Automation Mechanical energy • In a freely and linearly moving part with a mechanic support we are considering only kinetic energy and neglecting potential energy d 2x dWmech M 2 dx dt • In case the moving body is connected to the elastic spring the stiffness of the spring has to be taken into consideration Avo R Design of Electrical Machines 9 • Considering Kirchhoff’s voltage equations the differential of the electric energy consists of resistive voltage term and electromotive voltage term ik uk dt ik ik Rk dt e dt dWconductor ik d k • According to Faradays law the opposing electromotive voltage can be either a transformed voltage or/and a motional voltage e Avo R • Losses in an electromechanical energy converter can be separated according the loss origin: electrical, magnetic and mechanical m dWloss i 2j R j dt dWcore dW friction dWconductor dWcore dW friction j 1 • Electromagnetic losses shear often the same loss mechanism. • Common for the losses is a phenomenon of friction that opposes (current) flow, magnetisation, motion, etc and causes (irreversible) heat energy loss. Design of Electrical Machines Design of Electrical Machines 10 Energy balance 11 EIEN20 Design of Electrical Machines, IEA, 2016 Industrial Electrical Engineering and Automation Industrial Electrical Engineering and Automation Losses Avo R d d di dx dL L i L i dt dt dt dx dt • By separating resistive voltage term and induced voltage term, and dividing loss term between the electric, magnetic and mechanic origin the energy balance can be rewritten m F Floss dx ik d k M d k 1 Avo R 2 x dx dWmag dWcore dt 2 Design of Electrical Machines 12 3 L6 – Energy Conversion Magnetic energy and losses • The magnet energy is distributed in all passive elements • The differential of flux is expressed through the permeance and the mmf drop in the magnetic element • The permeances are: linear, parametric nonlinear and inherently nonlinear ones • These permeances independent and dependent of motion and displacement x Ne Ne dWmag Fk dk Fk dGk Fk Gk dFk dWstat k 1 Avo R k 1 2 F 2 param Design of Electrical Machines dG dx Industrial Electrical Engineering and Automation Industrial Electrical Engineering and Automation Magnetic energy 13 • The differential of magnetic energy in non-parametric elements are expressed in terms of currents and flux linkages k 1 Wcore Wcore x Avo R • Only the parametric nonlinear permeances gives the force and the force does not depend in the state of core or leakage paths, but on conditions in the air-gap only. 15 EIEN20 Design of Electrical Machines, IEA, 2016 Industrial Electrical Engineering and Automation Industrial Electrical Engineering and Automation dG d 2x F2 dx dt 2 Design of Electrical Machines k 1 dWcore 0 dx Design of Electrical Machines 14 Force components • Electromechanical energy conversion is possible if the motion is present dx≠0 • The applied force is loaded with the reaction force of the system. Avo R N ph • Core losses are dissipated in inherently nonlinear permeances only, hence they are independent on displacement Force equation for translation F Floss m Ne dWstat Fk dk ik d k • Interaction between ferrous material and magnetic fields (permanent magnet(s) or/and coil(s)) resulting in variation of the magnetic energy due to a position dependent reluctance – Reluctance force/torque – Detent or cogging force/torque • Interaction between electromagnet(s) or/and permanent magnet(s) cause magnetic force/torque Avo R Design of Electrical Machines 16 4 L6 – Energy Conversion Electromechanical energy conversion Industrial Electrical Engineering and Automation Industrial Electrical Engineering and Automation Electromagnetic vs Reluctance M M F M M F F M F M F M M • The basic goal in the analysis of every electromechanical energy converter is to compute the amount of energy transformed from one form to another. • The common methods to calculate force (or torque) – Lorentz force – Virtual work – Maxwell’s stress tensor M M Avo R F • The energy conversion between the electric and mechanic energy takes place in presence of the magnetic field Design of Electrical Machines 17 Avo R Design of Electrical Machines Virtual work Industrial Electrical Engineering and Automation Industrial Electrical Engineering and Automation Lorentz force • Force that is applied to a current conducting wire in a magnetic field F i B l F qE v B J BdV JBdV iB Adl Bli A 0 Avo R Design of Electrical Machines 18 19 EIEN20 Design of Electrical Machines, IEA, 2016 • The force computation, according to the virtual work method, considers the rate of the change of the total co-energy against the virtual displacement. F Avo R WC x x d to relate distance a e r a Work ental force m e r inc Design of Electrical Machines 20 5 L6 – Energy Conversion Force calculation I Force calculation II -5 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.2 0 0.01 0.02 x [m] x 10 0.6 1.2 2 200 0.6 250 0.6 0.4 150 150 200 current 250 0.2 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 change of energy 1 1.2 100 100 0.02 x, [m] 0.8 Ec, [J] 0. 06 6 flux 4 0.01 0.03 200 150 100 0.04 x, [m] -30 -2 5 0 -2 6 220.4 66 00.2.0 1.4 250 202. 6 02.8 1 10 1.4 0.4 6 0.04 energy -3 12 8 0.03 x, [m] -15 0.01 -10 0 100 -5 100 Ec /x, [J/m] 100 150 -5 0.01 Depth along z-axis: 0.02 m 0.02 0.03 Industrial Electrical Engineering and Automation 0.4 -10 -15 -5 Ec /x, [J/m] 150 5 Ec, [J] -10 0.6 d/dx coenergy 200 -15 -5 -15 200 -30 250 0.8 5 -3 150 change of coenergy 1 -25 -20 -15 10 200 Fx [N] coenergy 1.6 1.4 .2 1 250 -10 force -4 0 5 -3 0 -3 5 -2 -20 -15 -10 Industrial Electrical Engineering and Automation Shear stress 250 d1 G1 21 ro2 s t p 2d1/π G1 G2 G3 d1 g G6 G7 2d2/π d2 ro2 x W 1 1 G 2 2 x 2 G x 1 W 1 G T 2 2 2 G F Avo R Design of Electrical Machines 22 Maxwell’s Stress Tensor B Industrial Electrical Engineering and Automation Industrial Electrical Engineering and Automation Force integration lines forces for 1 m long mover stator Avo R d2 x Force calculation III Flux density, B 2d2/π G9 x, [m] Design of Electrical Machines g G3 G6 d/dx energy Avo R G2 • Magnetic force on a surface according to magnetic pressure 1 tn Bn2 Bt2 2 0 B B tt n t Bn tn 0 t α α Bt t t mover Design of Electrical Machines 23 EIEN20 Design of Electrical Machines, IEA, 2016 Avo R Design of Electrical Machines 24 6 L6 – Energy Conversion B • The value is generally <70000 N/m2 for normally cooled machines I h torque of RF machine, T emRF emAF 20 0 30 0 40 0 60 50 0 0 10 0 5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 length, l [cm] 35 40 emAF [kW] 1 7 6 5 4 3 2 4 40 30 3 5 4 7 3 4 6 5 7 2 2 25 6 1 1 radius, r [cm] 35 20 2 15 3 4 3 2 1 1 10 5 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 length, l [cm] weight of RF machine, M 35 emRF 40 45 50 0 5 10 [kg] 20 25 30 length, l [cm] weight of AF machine, M 35 emAF 40 45 50 [kg] 50 0 400 100 200 50 0 400 100 200 30 0 50 45 15 40 30 20 0 10 0 30 0 0 Avo R 5 10 15 20 25 30 length, l [cm] 35 40 45 50 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 length, l [cm] 50 0 20 0 10 0 10 0 5 0 40 10 0 15 0 30 50 0 0 20 0 40 20 0 30 100 25 0 20 radius, r [cm] 35 35 40 30 0 45 50 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 length, l [cm] 20 0 – σ=5000 N/m2 70 50 60 0 0 4 0 30 0 0 0 35 40 45 – Coreless machines 50 Design of Electrical Machines 26 Design Target • Based on the previous torque capability map the power capability at 50 rpm is expressed • By estimating the thickness for the machine h=10 cm and average density of 7kg/dm3 the weight is expressed z w B K • Energy conversion Pel F T T η - efficiency 1 u t i t dt T Pmech T 0 • Torque per rotor volume 2F T Fr 2 VRT r 2l Agap • Air-gap shear stress r l F BIz BKwz BK Agap Agap Agap • Product of magnetic and electric loadings σ=kBK 50 Design of Electrical Machines 45 Avo R Industrial Electrical Engineering and Automation power of AF machine, P 7 6 5 3 2 1 Industrial Electrical Engineering and Automation [kW] 1 80 90 0 0 00 0 0 10 0 10 60 70 0 0 00 15 10 0 20 9 10 70 800 0 0 00 0 20 25 60 40 500 0 0 5 0 40 0 30 emRF 00 10 0 90 0 80 30 3 • Selected value of magnetic shear stress 35 10 0 power of RF machine, P 45 [Nm] 40 Low speed & high power 50 torque of AF machine, T 300 200 100 45 [Nm] 60 00 50 400 50 0 20 25 o r 2 Tem AF 2 r 2 dr ro3 1 i ro 3 ri 2 3 3 r 0.5l r 0.5l 3 r l 0 30 Design of Electrical Machines Tem EF 2r 2 l r r 0 Avo R • Radial flux machine vs Axial flux machine l 00 10 0 90 0 80 0 70 • Gives the approximate size of the machine σshear h radius, r [cm] • σs=F/A, the average thrust F per unit area A of gap surface Industrial Electrical Engineering and Automation Torque capability 50 0 400 300 200 100 Industrial Electrical Engineering and Automation Magnetic shear stress 27 EIEN20 Design of Electrical Machines, IEA, 2016 Avo R Design of Electrical Machines 28 7 L6 – Energy Conversion Lorenz force on permanent magnets • Specific force: fs=BK<600kN/m2 • Magnetic induction: B<1.8T • Sheet current density: K<350kA/m • DC machine: fs<20-40kN/m2 • Synchronous machine: fs<30-300kN/m2 • Induction machine: fs<20-40kN/m2 Avo R Design of Electrical Machines Industrial Electrical Engineering and Automation Industrial Electrical Engineering and Automation Lorentz force 29 • Specific force: fs=BHChm/τp<100kN/m2 • Magnetic induction: B<1.2T • Coercitive force: HC<800kA/m • Pole length to magnet thickness: τp/ hm=10 • DC machine: fs<20-40kN/m2 • PMSM, BLDC: fs<30-80kN/m2 Avo R Design of Electrical Machines Summary • Specific force: fs=1/2i2dL/dx≈ B2/μ0δ/ τp <150kN/m2 • Magnetic induction: B<1.5T • Sheet current density: K<0.1kA/m • Pole length to gap length: τp/ δ =10 • SRM, stepping machines: fs<30kN/m2 Avo R Design of Electrical Machines 31 EIEN20 Design of Electrical Machines, IEA, 2016 Industrial Electrical Engineering and Automation Industrial Electrical Engineering and Automation Reluctance force 30 • Maxwell stress.. estimate B • Interaction – Estimation of linking flux – Determination of current I – Deriving torque from I… • Attraction – Estimation of gap permeances G – Estimation of linking flux – Deriving torque from energy Avo R • Energy conversion, coupled circuits, work and force: electromagnet example • Force computation, Maxwell shear stress, types of machines • Learning through simulations – the second home assignment Design of Electrical Machines 32 8