HALLSVILLE PRIMARY SCHOOL Staff Handbook HEALTH AND SAFETY SYSTEMS AND PROCEDURES. SYSTEMS AND PROCEDURES MANUAL HALLSVILLE PRIMARY SCHOOL RADLAND ROAD CANNING TOWN London E16 1LN Tel: 020 7476 2355 Fax: 020 7 0550183 Email: info@hallsville.newham.sch.uk This document forms part of the official Quality policy of Hallsville School. It has been compiled to ensure that the highest standards of quality are achieved and maintained. All staff are expected to follow the guidelines at all times. Date of issue: March 2014 Review date: Aug 2014 PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF MANUAL: To give guidance to all personnel on the systems and procedures which have been agreed and adopted in order to ensure the efficient and effective operation of this organisation. RESPONSIBILITY: It is the responsibility of the Leadership Team to ensure that these procedures are followed. DEFINITIONS: SLT-senior leadership team TA- teaching assistant INSET - In-Service Education and Training. SEND - special educational needs and disability. Attention: 1 _________________________________________________________________________________________ Hallsville Primary SPM.02 CONTENTS P4 INDUCTING NEW STAFF P4 SITE SECURITY P4 WORKING ALONE P5 SEEING PARENTS P5 FIRE SECURITY P5 WORKING FROM HEIGHTS P5 HEALTH AND SAFETY P5 SCHOOL TIMES P6 COLLECTION OF CHILDREN FROM SCHOOL P6 THE FIRST DAY OF THE YEAR. P6 PROCEDURE FOR CHILDREN ENTERING SCHOOL P7 REGISTRATION P7 LATENESS P7 ABSENCES P7 LONG TERM ABSENCE (HOLIDAYS) P8 APPOINTMENTS P8 SICKNESS AND ACCIDENTS P8 TOILETS P8 FIRST AID AT PLAYTIME P8 FIRST AID AT LUNCHTIME P9 MEDICATION P9 HEADLICE P9 PLAY TIME AND LUNCHTIME P9 ASSEMBLY ORGANISATION P10 EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES P11 FINANCE- COLLECTION OF MONEY P11 EDUCATIONAL VISITS/ P12 CHILDREN'S WET LUNCH ARRANGEMENTS P13 CHILDREN'S RECORDS P13 SUGGESTIONS AND COMPLAINTS PROCEDURE P14 ABSENCE OF STAFF P14 REQUEST FOR LEAVE P15 NOTICES P15 STAFF LUNCHES P15 FIRE INSTRUCTIONS P16 BOMB THREATS P16 EVACUATIONPROCEDURES P17 TIDINESS AND DISPLAY P17 PE AND GAMES P18 BEHAVIOUR P18 BULLYING INCIDENTS P18 CHILDREN WHO ARE CAUSING CONCERN/CHILD ABUSE P19 STAFF DEVELOPMENT P19 PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT P19 REPORTS P20 RACIST INCIDENTS P20 CONVERSATION REPORTS P20 PLAYGROUND SUPERVISION/ EQUIPMENT P20 SCHOOL DRESS P21 SAFER RECRUITMENT P21 ASBESTOS P21 CO-ORDINATORS' BUDGET BUDGET MANAGEMENT P22 PETTY CASH P22 SCHOOL DINNER P22 FUND RAISING P22 STAFF HARASSMENT AND BULLYING P22 ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT 2 Attention: _________________________________________________________________________________________ Hallsville Primary SPM.02 USEFUL ADDRESSES AND TELEPHONE NUMBERS EDUCATION OFFICE BUILDING 1000 DOCKSIDE ROAD LONDON E16 2QU FRANCIS HOUSE 760-762 BARKING ROAD E13 9PJ 02082496900 Our School telephone number is 0207 476 2355. Our School fax no : 0207 5114210 HT Mobile: 07522557464 Site Supervisor Mobile: 07760178501 To make an outside call, use the phone in the Office of KS2 staff room. Pick up the receiver, press 9 to get an outside line and then dial the number you require. If you need to contact the fire ambulance or police, dial 999. Newham Emergency Services Control centre 0208 552 9587 or 0208 47296249out of normal working hours 0208 430 2000(ext.26259 at all other times) Attention: 3 _________________________________________________________________________________________ Hallsville Primary SPM.02 INDUCTING NEW STAFF All new staff appointed at Hallsville will be inducted into the school. A member of the senior management team along with the Health and Safety co-ordinator will induct the new staff. The following policies will be discussed and explained 1. Safe Guarding policy 2. Anti –bullying policy 3. Behaviour policy 4. Use of physical intervention 5. All e-safety polices including an AUP (Acceptable user Policy) 6. Teaching and learning 7. Health and safety 8. Whistle Blowing 9. Health and safety Handbook 10. PE Policy Safe practise: Protecting staff and their reputations and safe guarding children Staff are not to speak to children in a closed door room on their own. If a child needs comforting staff are to comfort a child at age appropriate level. Any inappropriate behaviour carried out by staff needs to be reported to the head teacher no matter how insignificant it appears. The Induction Mentor will have overall responsibility for ensuring Newly Qualified Teachers receive the appropriate support they need. Members of the Leadership Team will support other teachers and staff to settle into the school. SITE SECURITY After the main gate has been closed in the morning the only entry for visitors is via Reception where they will be issued with a visitor’s lanyard. You must question any strangers in the building who are without lanyards by asking: “Can I help you?’” Get a member of staff to inform the office staff if you have seen someone on site without the school lanyard. Every member of staff is responsible for the security of the school. If you see a gate open that you know should be closed, then close the gate or ring and inform a member of the office staff. Always inform the head teacher of security issues. Return valuable equipment to their normal storage places after use. If an item has a red dot they must be put away immediately after use. If an item has a blue dot then they may be returned at the end of the day. Take care of your personal belongings whilst working at the school. Do not to bring credit cards or large amounts of cash. If it is necessary for this to happen the valuables can be put in the school safe. The school accepts no liability for the loss of items belonging to staff or children. Children will not be allowed to leave the site alone during the school day. Do not allow children to be collected by anyone you or they do not know. When being collected during the school day for medical/dental appointments etc., parents will report to Reception and the child will be brought to them. Any breaches of security (vandalism, theft, assault) should be reported to the site supervisor and the HT immediately to be logged, in order that the incidents can be actioned. WORKING ALONE 4 Attention: _________________________________________________________________________________________ Hallsville Primary SPM.02 A risk assessment has been carried out for teachers working alone. Please ensure the site supervisor and another member of staff know that you will be working late. Inform a member of staff when you are leaving. SEEING PARENTS The school encourages meetings with parents. Members of staff are not to see parents on their own. The home school liaison officer or a colleague must be present during meetings with parents. It is essential that all meetings with parents, carers, or other adults which might prove controversial are recorded. It is also necessary to record all conversations with children who are involved in or are witness to incidents which are of concern or may lead to the involvement of parents or carers. FIRE SECURITY A head count is taken and recorded on the teacher’s white board every morning and afternoon. Please familiarise yourself with the fire exit instructions in your class room. Key Stage 1 class’s assembly point is the trees in the grass area. Key stage 2 assembly point is in the main playground, markings are on the wall. If you are working with a small group make the quickest exit out of the building and carry out a head count to ensure your group are all present. The head or site supervisor will find you on the perimeter of the school site. At the start of the term discuss fire security procedures with your class and teaching assistants so everyone knows what to do in the case of a fire. WORKING FROM HEIGHTS All staff must use a step-ladder and are not to climb heights of more than 2 meters. Risk assessments need to be completed by staff who are planning to work from a height. HEALTH AND SAFETY All members of staff or adults on the premises have a responsibility for the Health and Safety of both themselves and the children. You must make yourself familiar with the location of: FIRE EXITS FIRE EXTINGUISHERS FIRE BLANKETS Your Health and Safety coordinators are the HEAD TEACHER & SITE MANAGER. You must report any hazards to the site manager or HT. You must warn any visitors of a potential hazard. You must keep fire doors closed and clear. SCHOOL TIMES NURSERY MORNING NURSERY AFTERNOON Attention: 08.45 11.45 12.30 15.30 5 _________________________________________________________________________________________ Hallsville Primary SPM.02 Reception KS1 /2 09:00-12:15 MORNING 01:15-3:15 AFTERNOON 09:00-11:00 LESSONS 11:00-11:15 ASSEMBLY 11:15-11.30 PLAY 12.30-13.30 LUNCH 13:30-3:15 LESSONS (fitness breaks are encouraged) The school gates are opened at 8:45am. Children are expected to line up sensibly and wait for their teachers to collect them at 8:50am COLLECTION OF CHILDREN FROM SCHOOL Children in Nursery and Reception classes, MUST BE PICKED UP BY AN AUTHORISED PERSON. (14 years and over) In years 1 and 2 children must be collected by a responsible person from the classroom door. In year 3 children are walked over to a collection point. In Years 4, 5 and 6 parents must make arrangements to meet their children or give permission for them to walk home unaccompanied. It is important that parents and carers keep school informed about who is collecting children and any changes. The collection point where late children meet is in the main foyer. Teachers of Nursery, Reception, Years 1, 2, and 3 will take those children to this meeting point. Older children must make their own way there. Parents must be prompt collecting children at 3.15pm. School policy is that the adults monitoring late children will make phone calls. Further to this, the Family Support Worker will send letters home to parents. If things do not improve the Family Support Worker will arrange a meeting with the parents. If there are still concerns then the EWO will be informed and social services may be involved. THE FIRST DAY OF THE YEAR At some point during the first day show the children around making sure they know the location of lavatories, position of first-aiders and routes to the office and play ground. Familiarise yourself and the children with the fire drill. Ensure you do the same for any new pupils that join the school throughout the year. PROCEDURE FOR CHILDREN ENTERING SCHOOL 6 Attention: _________________________________________________________________________________________ Hallsville Primary SPM.02 A whistle is blown to inform the children they need to line up. Rewards and praise are given to the best lines and pupils that line up sensibly In Key Stage 1 staff need to train children how to walk the long corridor to class safely and calmly. On mornings when it is unsuitable for the children to remain in the playground due to poor weather they can wait in the halls from 8.45 a.m. Senior Teaching Assistants must supervise the halls from this time. At 8.55 a.m. children are sent to their classes and class teachers need to return to their classes at this time. REGISTRATION Registers are legal documents open to scrutiny by external agencies. They should therefore be kept in good order. They must be marked in pencil. Registers should be done quickly so that it does not eat in to teaching time. The marking of registers will take place at the start of the morning and afternoon session. Registers are printed with P (Present) and A (Absent) for both morning and afternoon sessions. These should be ‘blacked out’ as appropriate (as illustrated at the top of the register form) preferably in pencil. LATENESS If a child is marked Late two or more times in a week then a letter will be sent to the parents informing them of their responsibility in seeing that their child arrives on time. If lateness continues, a second letter will be sent requesting that the parent come into school to discuss the matter with the Family Support Worker. The register is closed at 9.10 a.m. and 1.40 p.m. if a child arrives after that time they will be recorded as absent. Explanations are required for late arrivals. ABSENCES Absences are authorised through contact with the parent or carer. This can be done by first-hand meeting, telephone call, appointment card or note. Authorised absences are as follows with the appropriate mark for the Absence Register: Late after register is closed ( L ) Illness (S) Hospital or dental appointments (M) Injections (M) Interviews (I ) Religious holidays other than those already given.(R) Exceptional e.g. bereavement(C ) Unauthorised absences are coded as (O) LONG TERM ABSENCE (HOLIDAYS) LONG TERM Parents must inform the Family Support Worker of any holidays taken in term time. We are no longer able to authorise holidays during term time. Attention: 7 _________________________________________________________________________________________ Hallsville Primary SPM.02 APPOINTMENTS Children who have medical or dental appointments during the school day will bring their appointment card to the office staff. They must be collected by a parent or carer and must not be allowed to go alone. SICKNESS AND ACCIDENTS LESSON TIME Children who are unwell need to be sent to the main school office so that it can be arranged for them to be sent home. Children who have an accident that requires first aid during lesson time should be sent to: Joanne in the Nursery Roheema in reception Tracy in KS1 Candy in KS2 At lunchtime children can be treated by any of the above First Aiders. Carol will also be available in the main office between 12:30 and 01:30pm. Before and after school Vince is also a trained First Aider. All major accidents where a child requires hospital treatment or to be sent home should be referred to the main office. An accident form should be completed. TOILETS Children should be discouraged from attending the toilets during class time unless there is a genuine need to go (use of professional judgment based on knowledge of the child etc is useful here) Check medical sheet in register. Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 children use the toilets in the Key Stage 1 building. Years 3 and 4 children use the toilets by the year 3 classrooms Years 5 and 6 uses the toilets by the staff room FIRST AID AT PLAYTIME During playtime injured or sick children should be sent to the first aiders that are either on duty in the playground or to a first aider in school. FIRST AID AT LUNCHTIME First Aiders have First Aid equipment appropriate for dealing with sickness and minor accidents. An ‘Accident Book’ records all First Aid administered. Every First Aider records every incident they deal with. 'Borderline' injuries will be notified to parents by letter giving information as to what happened and the treatment given. The head teacher and SLT need to be informed of more serious incidents. The office staff or home school liaison officer will make all calls home. These incidents would include injuries, which clearly involve specialist medical attention e.g. Deep cuts, broken limbs, suspected concussion or where dislocation is suspected. All recordings should include the location. 8 Attention: _________________________________________________________________________________________ Hallsville Primary SPM.02 All head injuries, however slight, must be referred to a qualified first aider who will issue a sticker that says the child has bumped their head today. A letter to parents will be sent and class teachers will be informed so they can monitor the child. In urgent cases an ambulance will be called. MEDICATION Other than in exceptional circumstances children who require the administration of medicines during the school day should arrange for it to be given at home before school or after school. If, however, administration during the school day is unavoidable the parent will be asked to complete the school’s medication form, which is available from the administration office. The health and Safety co-ordinator and school administrator will ensure appropriate forms are signed. HEADLICE If there is a suspicion that child/ children have head lice in your class, then alert the home school liaison officer, who will take appropriate action. Teachers are not required to physically go through children’s hair. PLAYTIME AND LUNCHTIME All teachers are included on a rota for Playground duty. Staff should spread themselves out in the playground so that all areas are supervised. Whilst on duty ensure all areas of the playground, including toilets, are supervised and that children do not stray out of the playground area. During wet play, staff that are on duty will come and supervise the children. Teachers should leave their classes only once children are settled doing wet play activities. Children involved in any playground incident should be spoken to. If time out is required then 5 minutes on the fence of walking around with the duty teacher can be used. Children who are involved in a fight or use abusive language will be sent to the learning mentor or team leader for their phase with a model pupil or member of staff if required. Members of the Leadership team should be informed. Only use physical restraint if the children are at risk of hurting themselves or others. A variety of play ground equipment is available for children to play games with at lunchtime. A play leader ensures all equipment is put out and stored away neatly at the end of the session. Children are not allowed in the school building at lunchtimes without permission. ASSEMBLY ORGANISATION Attention: 9 _________________________________________________________________________________________ Hallsville Primary SPM.02 WHAT HAPPENS ABOUT ASSEMBLIES? An assembly is held each day and takes different forms on different days. We aim to teach the children to value all religions and beliefs and to develop their moral sense. Every Thursday we have whole school assembly in which we celebrate the children’s birthdays and class work. Once a week a certificate assembly takes place to celebrate the children’s achievements. We encourage parents to join us for these assemblies. Parents who feel strongly that their child should not take part in an assembly or RE lesson may arrange for their child to be withdrawn. Please see the Head teacher. Staff rota and class assembly lists are displayed in the staff room. If you know you will be unable to do your assembly you will need to arrange a swap. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES If you are intending to keep children after school hours for any activity, including team matches, a note informing parents should be sent home at least one day in advance. No child will be allowed to stay after school without this consent. A register needs to be taken of who has turned up for the club and sent over to the school office. School teams returning from after school practices or matches should be brought back to school by the responsible member of staff and released from KS1 hall, unless written permission is obtained from the parents stating other arrangements. It is the responsibility of the club teacher for the dismissal of late children. EDUCATIONAL VISITS Educational Visits are a very useful way of stimulating children’s learning. The Teaching and Learning Policy states that a minimum of three trips should be organised each year for each class. Parents should be encouraged to come, so that there are no requirements for additional TAs from other year groups. If you wish to take your class out of school then an ‘Education Visits Risk Assessment’ should be completed. (See teaching file) Teachers are required to make a preliminary visit prior to taking their children to ensure all risks are minimal. This form must be passed to the Head teacher who is the designated Educational Visits Co-ordinator. It is not normal for children to be excused from educational class outings unless they have a valid reason. All children are entitled to attend school trips regardless of their ability to pay. Any child who teachers think may pose a health and safety risk because of their behaviour should not just be left behind, trips must not be used as a punishment strategy. The issue should be discussed with the deputy-it may be possible to allocate a TA or learning mentor, or the parent may be requested to come. Children will be left behind only as a last resort. Funds may be used to subsidise adult helpers and those pupils whose contributions do not cover the cost of the trip. INSURANCE OF YOUNG PEOPLE ON EDUCATIONAL VISITS STATEMENT FOR PARENTS/CARERS This note sets out for parents/carers the position regarding the insurance of young people in relation to activities within the school and on educational visits, whilst under the care of school staff. 10 Attention: _________________________________________________________________________________________ Hallsville Primary SPM.02 The council has public liability insurance. This means that the council is covered for any actions of negligence by its staff, which results in injury to young people or loss of, or damage to, their property. In such circumstances of negligence by the council, the parents/carers of young people may claim compensation for the injury that has been suffered. This insurance covers all activities whilst in the care of school staff. The council has arranged school journey insurance that may compensate for injuries or other loss which may occur in the course of an educational visit in the UK or abroad where there is no negligence by the council’s staff. This insurance also covers medical expenses and cancellation where valid. Parents/carers who wish to have additional insurance must make their own arrangements. Attention: 11 _________________________________________________________________________________________ Hallsville Primary SPM.02 Financial Arrangements: 1. Teaching assistants collect monies as soon as it is brought into school. 2. Record amounts received. 3. Send money and book to the office. After 9.30 a.m. each day where a signature will be given to confirm receipt of money. 4. Do not leave money in your classroom especially overnight. N.B. Do not make any other arrangements for collection or storage of monies. (The same procedure is used for all collections of money. For example non- uniform days.) London Transport offer free travel for children on buses and trains. A booking form needs to be completed for free travel on trains. This form is available in your teaching file. Before the outing ensure that all non-school personnel (e.g. parents, helpers, etc) are aware of their role and their responsibilities by asking them to sign the educational visits form. This can be found on the Managed learning environment (MLE). EDUCATIONAL VISITS Please read the Educational Visits policy. On the day before the outing a risk assessment must signed by the head teacher, handed to the office and given to staff members who are going. In addition to the risk assessment on the day of the visit, please ensure that the office staff have: a. The names of children going on the outing (take a copy of this on the outing with you) b. The names of children remaining at school and the arrangements that have been made for them. c. A list of those absent on the day of the outing. Take First Aid kit if a long coach journey is involved or if you are not going to a specific venue i.e. museum. Take paper towels and sick bags for journeys on coaches. Seat belts must be worn at all times. Travel sickness pills must be administered at home prior to the outing. If they are required for the homeward journey, they must be given to the class teacher clearly marked with the child's name and dosage prior to the start of the trip. Dismiss children from class as usual or if return is outside school hours dismiss children from the Key stage 1 hall to either parents or after school clubs. USE OF PRIVATE CARS If staff offer their services to transport pupils in their own vehicle, the staff member needs to provide evidence that their terms of his/her motor insurance policy allow this. Some Insurance Companies would consider this arrangement to be “business use”, and would therefore not be included under the “social, domestic and pleasure” usage. All passengers MUST wear seatbelts and where the child falls under the height restriction, a booster seat must be used. CHILDREN'S WET LUNCH ARRANGEMENTS ORDERING 12 Attention: _________________________________________________________________________________________ Hallsville Primary SPM.02 Children inform teachers in the morning whether they are school dinners, packed lunch or home dinner. School dinner money is recorded in school dinner book. A responsible child brings the register to the office. Wet Lunches On days when the weather is poor the teachers on duty in the morning will decide if it is wet play. A SLT member will decide at lunchtime. Children remain in the classroom until they are called to dinner by staff on duty. Children will be supervised by mid day assistants, teaching assistants and members of the leadership team on duty that day. Class teachers will ensure that the children have access to 'Wet Play' Activities’. CHILDREN'S RECORDS At the end of the Summer Term you will have the opportunity to meet your new class and discuss the class with the previous class teacher. Acquaint yourself with any child identified as having a Special Educational Need or a medical need. Acquaint yourself fully with previous academic and pastoral records before the start of the Autumn Term. The records are stored in school office. SUGGESTIONS AND COMPLAINTS PROCEDURE Suggestions: The school welcomes suggestions which will help improve the running of the school. Complaints: Should a parent find it necessary to express concern regarding any aspect of the school the following steps should be followed: STEP ONE The parent should speak to the child's class teacher. It is often possible to sort out problems quickly in this way. An appointment may be necessary and can be arranged via Reception. The parent may bring a friend for support or translation purposes, if required. In the unlikely event that it is not possible to resolve matters in this way the parent should be told about Step 2. STEP TWO The parent will be offered an appointment to see the Head Teacher, Assistant Head Teacher or a senior staff member, as appropriate. This will be within 5 working days of the request. After a meeting the school will write to the parent within 5 working days informing what action has been decided or taken. If the decision is not satisfactory to the parents they should be informed of step 3. STEP THREE The parent can write to the Chair of the Governing Body regarding the complaint. This can only happen if steps 1 and 2 have been followed. The school will supply the address and offer to send the letter if required. A meeting with at least 2 Governors usually follows. The Governors will then reply to the parent informing what has been decided. This process will take no more than 15 working days to complete if the parent is still not happy then step 4 should follow. STEP FOUR Attention: 13 _________________________________________________________________________________________ Hallsville Primary SPM.02 The parent should be informed that they may write to Newham's Education Dept. This may only happen if all previous steps have failed to satisfy. The complaint must be made in writing, not by phone or personal visit. On receipt of the letter the Education Dept. will acknowledge direct to the parent within 5 working days and inform parents within 15 working days what action is recommended. Parents should write to: Trevor Matthews, Assistant Director Building 1000 ABSENCE OF STAFF The purpose of this policy and procedure is to manage attendance levels within the context of a concern for genuinely ill staff, balanced by a concern for those staff who are still at work and for pupils and parents who may suffer from reductions in either the level or quality of service through staff absence.’ There are also financial and logistic considerations in providing cover that the school has to take in to account. Attached is a detailed copy of sickness absence procedures. These are Newham procedures that all schools must operate. They should be read in conjunction with the additional guidance below. The school will treat sickness in an appropriately sensitive manner. The school will follow the procedures fairly and consistently and hold trigger level meetings as detailed in the policy. The meetings will be with the head or deputy or School Business Manager. The school records all absence, and levels of sickness absence is regularly monitored and reviewed by the school. Staff will be notified if they have met the trigger level. It is important that all staff fully read the policy and follow the procedures. The policy on page 7 talks about a first stage trigger level interview triggered by ‘six working days absence or three spells of sickness absence in any six month period.’ This means that for instance if there is a day absence from school, followed by say another day a few weeks later and then another day later on again in any six month period, then the trigger level has been met. Notification of absence To be read in conjunction with page 27: If you are unable to come to school because of illness, phone the HT or SENCO by 7.30a.m... Say in general terms what is wrong with you, how long you think you are likely to be away. Outline the position with your class work to help with cover arrangements and any classroom keys issues If at that time you are not able to say whether you will definitely be fit on the following day, you should phone again no later than 3:30 p.m. to confirm further attendance or absence. Keep in regular touch with the school if you are going to be absent for a long time. On your return to work, complete a sickness absence form available in the school office, and provide a doctor’s certificate if your sickness covers more than five working days. If your absence at the start of the day is unavoidably delayed, please telephone the school office as soon as you can and be as precise as possible concerning your arrival time. REQUEST FOR LEAVE Requests for the more frequent leave provisions are as detailed below. Further detail is also available in the Newham folder ‘Staff personnel policies and procedures’. The school will follow the policy in a fair and consistent manner. The taking of leave is subject to the exigencies of the service and the decision to grant leave in any particular case (whether paid or unpaid) rests with the Head Teacher. Head Teachers are responsible 14 Attention: _________________________________________________________________________________________ Hallsville Primary SPM.02 for ensuring that staff do not exceed maximum limits set. An ‘Application for special leave’ form is available from the office. Where an emergency situation arises and it is not possible to request leave in advance, staff should call the school in the morning and speak to the head teacher (or SENCO in the case of teaching assistants). If these managers are busy at that time, then staff can leave a message with the office staff and either call back later or leave a telephone number. Compassionate leave Staff may request compassionate leave, for example for the bereavement of a close relative, or to care for sick dependants (e.g. child), in situations where normal care arrangements break down unexpectedly. In all cases where staff have caring responsibilities, they are expected first of all, to seek alternative arrangements if a breakdown in normal care arrangements occurs where a ‘sick dependency’ situation arises, for example, sharing the responsibility with other family members or partner. If this is not possible, staff may request compassionate leave. The awarding of compassionate leave following discussion with the LEA is 5 days. Staff may request further unpaid leave. Unpaid leave All decisions about leave without pay are at the discretion of the Head Teacher. Staff should desist as far as possible from requesting holiday leave since this is at the expense of the smooth running of the school. However, the Head Teacher will consider unpaid holiday leave in exceptional circumstances. Leave for appointments All staff are expected to arrange their clinic/dentist/doctor appointments (and hospital appointments if possible) during the holidays or after school (preferably not on staff meeting days). Part timers are expected to arrange their appointments in non-working hours as far as practical. Where this is not possible staff may request paid leave for appointments. Staff should attach a copy of the appointment card or letter to the request for leave form. NOTICES Notices and other information are written daily on the Bulletin Board in the Staff room. It is important to check notices before the start of the school day and act upon them as appropriate. Post and other papers are distributed via your 'pigeon hole'. STAFF LUNCHES School meals are free to staff if they are involved in lunchtime supervisory duties. Meals must be ordered before 9.15 a.m. to allow accurate figures to be sent to kitchen. You may have a school meal on payment at any time. The price of meals is available on request from the School Business Manager. FIRE INSTRUCTIONS During the first week of the term, staff will hold a CLASS Fire Drill familiarisation to ensure their children know exactly what is expected of them. Evacuation instructions are on display in each classroom. Attention: 15 _________________________________________________________________________________________ Hallsville Primary SPM.02 CHILDREN SHOULD LEAVE THE ROOM QUICKLY AND QUIETLY - DAMPEN DOWN ANY EXCITEMENT. TEACHERS MUST CARRY OUT A HEAD COUNT OF PUPILS. ADMIN STAFF WILL BRING OUT REGISTERS. IF A HEAD COUNT FINDS A MISSING CHILD THE USE OF A REGISTER WILL BE REQUIRED TO ASCERTAIN WHICH CHILD IS MISSING. DO NOT WASTE TIME BY COLLECTING PERSONAL BELONGINGS. CHILDREN DOING PE SHOULD ONLY COLLECT SHOES IF FIRE IS AWAY FROM THE HALLS. PROFESSIONAL JUDGEMENT SHOULD BE USED. Foundation Stage, Key stage 1 and year 5 classes will line up on the grass by marked out trees. Key stage 2 classes will line up in the playground at marked points. IT IS ESSENTIAL THAT THE FIRE ACCESS GATES IN THE CAR PARK REMAIN CLEAR AND UNOBSTRUCTED AT ALL TIMES. DO NOT PARK ACROSS THESE GATES. The School Business Manager will check the Visitors Book and ensure that visitors are accounted for outside the building. IN THE CASE OF FIRE SOUND THE ALARM THE FIRST PRIORITY IS TO GET THE CHILDREN OUT SAFELY - ONCE THIS IS DONE LIMITATION OF DAMAGE CAN BE CONSIDERED. THE SCHOOL WILL BE CLEARED VIA THE FOLLOWING EXITS (OR NEAREST AVAILABLE EXIT). IT MAY, HOWEVER, ARISE THAT STAFF WILL HAVE TO USE THEIR OWN INITIATIVE TO ENSURE THEIR CLASS IS REMOVED TO SAFETY AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE. Bomb Threat 1. Suspicious Objects or packages. If a suspicious object or package is found, follow the golden rules: a) Do not touch or interfere with the object or package; b) Clear people away from the immediate vicinity and secure the area; c) Inform the head teacher d) Inform the police; e) Inform Newham Emergency Services. All members of staff discovering such an object must report it to the Head Teacher or other member of the Senior Management Team immediately in order that they take the above action. 2. THE TELEPHONED BOMB THREAT Any one who receives a telephone threat or warning must remain calm and try to obtain as much information as possible. Whoever receives a telephone threat should also attempt to gain any information that will help them detect the caller. Evacuation Procedure 16 Attention: _________________________________________________________________________________________ Hallsville Primary SPM.02 Evacuation point is St Luke’s Primary School. Any route, which has a suspected device, is to be shut off immediately. School registers and contact details of pupils taken to the receiving site by the School Business Manager/ admin staff. Ensure medicines and asthma pumps are taken. Evacuation box taken that contains names/ addresses, telephone numbers, first aid materials, phone cards, mobile telephone, loose change, signs to say we have evacuated to St Luke’s. Disabled and SEN follow same procedures as fire exit. Head teacher to advice LEA Alan Merry 07770227094 Seek advice from emergency services or Newham Security before re-entry. TIDINESS AND DISPLAY Overall responsibility for displays is the responsibilities of SLT. The SLT will work closely with teaching assistants, especially the senior teaching assistants to ensure that the school continues to be very well cared for. Year 5 children will be responsible for keeping the grounds clear of rubbish. PE AND GAMES EQUIPMENT: CHILDREN MUST NOT ENTER THE PE SHED UNSUPERVISED. Teachers will ensure that equipment is available prior to the start of their lesson. KIT: Children will wear appropriate clothing and footwear for indoor and outdoor activities. A P.E. Kit should include T-shirt, shorts or Leotards and trainers, plimsols for outdoors is desirable. Vest and knickers are quite acceptable (KS1) if the kit is forgotten. Tracksuits can be worn as the weather dictates. Indoor PE should be done in bare feet. If a child forgets their P.E. kit, teachers should ask the child to do PE in bare feet indoors, and join in if they are wearing trainers outdoors. However, it should be made clear to the child that they will be expected to bring in their kit next time. Teachers should change for PE to set an example. Parents who wish their children's limbs to be covered will be allowed to wear tracksuits or footless tights. It should be noted that this could cause some difficulties when pupils are undertaking gymnastic activities as pupils will have less grip with their arms and legs than would be the case if their limbs were uncovered and they had the benefit of the friction of bare skin. Pupils need to be made aware of the potential problem so they can adjust their movements accordingly. If pupils wish to cover their heads for P.E. lessons, it should be plain, with no tassels, etc. and be tightly tied around the head with all loose ends tucked in. Jewelry should be removed (apart from small studs) and kept safely with other valuables by the teacher. If it is not possible to remove jewelry, pupils will be asked to cover or secure the item of jewelry so as to prevent it being a safety hazard. Attention: 17 _________________________________________________________________________________________ Hallsville Primary SPM.02 BEHAVIOUR AT LUNCH TIME: Children will be expected to be polite and respectful to all members of staff. Staff will use positive praise with pupils. Hallsville is a no shouting school. Mid-day supervisors and teaching assistants will hand out raffle tickets and stickers for children who behave well. 5 minute time out on the playground fence will be used for timeout. For more serious issues the learning mentor and SLT will be sent for. If a mid-day supervisor is having a problem with a child then they are to seek support from a senior teaching assistant. If a senior teaching assistant has problems with a child then they will seek support from a member of the leadership team. Bullying Incidents Take reports of bullying seriously, never dismiss or disregard the child. Read the Anti-bullying Policy. All bullying incidents must be reported to an SLT member. Promote at all times that we are a ‘Telling School’. Investigate all observed or reported incidents. Ask all parties to write down or report what happened, including witnesses Determine as quickly as possible if this is a serious incident involving bullying behaviour or not. Where you consider the incident to be serious you should follow the above steps and then report the incident to: 1. 2. 3. 4. Class Teacher of perpetrator as they may need to know if this is a repeated incident. Member of the Leadership Team Deputy Head Head Reports should be in person or in writing. The Senior Staff are not always available immediately; therefore you must deal with the incident as thoroughly as you can before they are involved. Keep written records of children alleging that they are being bullied and those children reported to you as bullying others. Depending on the frequency or seriousness of incidents parents may be involved at the Assistant Head stage. Perpetrators will have their parents informed and it may be appropriate for them to go on a behaviour book. Children whose behaviour is considered to have not improved after parental involvement and the issuing of a Behaviour Book will be reported to the Head Teacher. At this stage it may be appropriate for further sanctions to be applied, including suspension or temporary exclusion, in line with LA guidelines . CHILDREN WHO ARE CAUSING CONCERN CHILD ABUSE: Any of the following should be regarded as a cause for concern: I) ii) Any injury which may not be accidental. Any sign of neglect (i.e. sleeping in class, inadequate clothing, combined with dirty 18 Attention: _________________________________________________________________________________________ Hallsville Primary SPM.02 iii) iv) v) vi) and/or underfed children, small children left to care for younger ones). A child whose normal behaviour pattern suddenly changes; (i.e. becomes aggressive, withdrawn, depressive, sexually precocious loss of appetite, headaches, sudden fear of being with an adult). A child who fails to thrive. If a child tells you about abuse, or describe something that maybe abuse (physical or sexual). If a teacher is worried about a child for some reason, which cannot be explained. If you recognise one or more of the above symptoms, refer to the home Family Support Worker who is also the designated child protection officer, and complete an incident form. STAFF DEVELOPMENT School priorities for INSET are formulated through the School Improvement Plan (SIP), staff observations and Performance Management. The Head Teacher is responsible for the staffs’ professional Development. The school contributes to a central fund, which entitles staff to attend courses run at Francis house. There are opportunities for staff development other than attendance at course. These may include such things as school-based workshops, INSET days, teamwork or mentoring. PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT Each teacher and teaching assistant will have a performance review as specified in the school’s Performance Management Policy. The school sees this process as a positive, supportive process, which recognises achievements and gives support when required. The process will involve setting 3 targets at the start of the process, based on personal, professional and school based priorities. There will be a formal observation, which is part of the performance management process in the yearly cycle. The review at the end of the cycle will revisit the targets set, assess progress and set further targets. The school-based target is likely to change to reflect the changing needs of the school, as prioritised from the SIP. The post threshold process is based on assessing evidence against the agreed borough criteria. REPORTS Years 1 to 6 take part in tests in English and Mathematics. The results of these tests are reported to parents to indicate the levels achieved and the grade within each level. At the end of the school year reports are sent home to parents outlining their child's level of achievement in all National Curriculum areas. The report form also requires teachers to write a comment about the child's work. When writing reports it is important to remember the audience for whom they are being written and the purpose of the report. Parents may not be acquainted with educational terms or jargon and may not always be fluent in English. The purpose of the report is to communicate honestly, the performance of the child in school. When writing reports the comments should show: LEVELS OF ATTAINMENT: Give an assessed grade for all areas of work along with a comment. It is insufficient to write 'too low to assess'. All children deserve an assessment no matter what their level. They should also be: Attention: 19 _________________________________________________________________________________________ Hallsville Primary SPM.02 POSITIVE: Find a point on which you can praise a child in their work or social contribution. HELPFUL: Give some advice to parents on how a child might further their efforts. INFORMATIVE: Comments should inform parents of what a child can do and of what they have achieved. It is insufficient to comment he likes or dislikes...' Nor is it appropriate to use phrases, which in essence say very little. NEAT: Reports should be word processed. Crossing out and shorthand notes or abbreviations are not acceptable. INCIDENTS OF DISCRIMINATION The school has an Equalities Duty, which can be found in the Policy Folder on the school website. All incidents of discrimination must be recorded. The victim of any incident must be supported and action taken. CONVERSATION / INCIDENT REPORTS It is essential that all meetings with parents, carers, or other adults which might prove controversial are recorded. It is also necessary to record all conversations with children who are involved in or are witness to incidents which are of concern or may lead to the involvement of parents or carers. PLAYGROUND SUPERVISION/ EQUIPMENT Supervision levels See Playtime COVER FOR ABSENCES In cases of absence when known in advance the teacher on duty must swap their duty day. SUPPLY TEACHERS A supply teacher working at the school will be required to cover playground duty. PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT It is the duty of all staff to inform the HT and site supervisor of any playground equipment that looks unsafe or is damaged. This can be done by using the site supervisor board in the office or the MLE. SCHOOL DRESS THE DRESS CODE FOR CHILDREN Children must wear school uniform at all times. If a child comes to school not wearing uniform, teachers should inform the office. The office staff will contact the child’s parents/ carers. 20 Attention: _________________________________________________________________________________________ Hallsville Primary SPM.02 We have a school uniform, which consists of: Winter Navy/ black/ grey trousers or skirt White shirt or blouse Red sweatshirt, jumper or cardigan Red fleece (optional) Summer The same as winter as well as: Summer dress- red and white check or stripes Red/ blue caps with school logo Tailored shorts Hallsville has its own logo and the sweatshirts, polo shirts and fleeces can be obtained from the school or from Ian Howard on Barking Road. SAFER RECRUITMENT We are committed to the safe guarding and promoting the welfare of children. We will ensure: that the advertisement makes clear the organisation’s commitment to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children. the job description makes reference to the responsibility for safe guarding and promoting the welfare of children. that the person specification includes specific reference to suitability to work with children we obtain and scrutinize comprehensive information from applicants, and that we take up and resolve any discrepancies or anomalies. that we obtain independent professional and character references that answer specific questions to help assess an applicant’s suitability to work with children we hold a face to face interview that explores the candidate’s suitability to work with children as well as his/ her suitability for the post; we verify the successful applicant’s identity; we verify the successful applicant has any academic or vocational qualifications claimed; we check his/ her previous employment history and experience; we verify that he/she has the health and physical capacity for the job; we carry out the mandatory check of List 99 and / or the Protection of Children Act (PoCa) List 2, and, where appropriate, a criminal record check via the DBS. (It is important to note that the majority of individuals who are unsuited to working with children will not have any previous convictions and will not appear on List 99 or PoCA List ASBESTOS It is the duty of the school to inform their staff where asbestos is. KS1 building has no asbestos, except under the KS1 hall flooring. KS2 has asbestos in the classroom ceilings and under the floorings. We advise that staff do not use staplers out side display boards. Blue tac can be used instead. An asbestos area has also been fenced off by staff car park. All asbestos at Hallsville is well managed and safe for pupils and staff. CURRICULUM CO-ORDINATORS BUDGET MANAGEMENT You will be advised of your budget by the Headteacher or the Curriculum co-ordinator Use the school’s order form and have the form signed by the Headteacher Keep a copy of the order in your co-ordinator file Attention: 21 _________________________________________________________________________________________ Hallsville Primary SPM.02 Use the Co-ordinator Expenditure form to keep track of your budget Send order off either by post or by fax (not by phone unless specifically authorised by the Head teacher) If your goods do not arrive within a week or so, phone the company to check the situation. When your goods come in check that the order is complete. Tick off item by item. There will be an invoice enclosed. If the order is complete sign and dates the invoice. Give the invoice to the school business manager/admin officer. If appropriate show the new resources to the staff at the next staff meeting. Inform the staff where the resources will be kept. If the goods are faulty or damaged inform the supplier immediately and arrange for their return. PETTY CASH If you want to be reimbursed you must always have the receipt. Fill in the Petty Cash Claim Form held in the office Fill out the relevant sections and get it signed by the budget holder. When the form has been completed and signed return it to the office. Fund raising Teachers or Teaching assistants will collect in monies and keep a record of the amount given Monies with the record are sent over to the office. The school business manager/Admin Officer signs to confirm receipt of the money. STAFF HARASSMENT AND BULLYING To protect the staff and to ensure the safeguard and well being of all that work at Hallsville the school has a Staff Harassment and Anti-Bullying Policy. These can be found on the MLE. ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT Electrical Equipment brought to school by staff or visitors can not be used unless it has been inspected, tested or certified that it is safe and suitable for the purpose intended by a competent person. 22 Attention: _________________________________________________________________________________________ Hallsville Primary SPM.02