A Child`s Inheritance: The Modern Miasm

A Child's Inheritance: The Modern Miasm
©2001 Timothy Ray OMD LAc
Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients, February/March 2002, #223/224
Our children are being born into a world more toxic at every level than
could ever have been imagined -- whether they get it in utero from a
mother with metal toxicityi, from a well-meaning doctor, or from
Mother Nature herself; that is their inheritance. We've known about
this problem for decades. And still, to this day, a diagnostic test for
heavy metal and chemical toxicity is not included in the basic
evaluation of every patient and child by most doctors, let alone by
hospitals or health plans. Is the toxic fog creeping through the valley
faster than our ability to get out of the way?
Given that just about every person on this planet has some degree of
heavy metal toxicity (from air pollution, amalgam fillings, dental
offices, inoculations, fish, in utero exposure from their mother’s
fillings, ground and water contamination), the fact that the World
Health Organization (WHO) acknowledges environmental pollution as
the underlying cause of 80% of all chronic degenerative diseases,ii
that proof has been established as to the causative effect of heavy
metals in neurological diseases including Alzheimer’s and MS,iii that
the FDA now warns women of childbearing age (all women above
age 18) to not eat certain (heavy metal containing) fish,iv and that
there are at least 76 published functional and behavioral
abnormalities associated with heavy metal toxicity,v the most serious
and common mistake that can be made is a misdiagnosis (false
negative) either at the beginning or end of therapy.vi
Observation of Constitutional Weakening
During seven years of conducting Darkfield examinations of live blood
I noticed that, in general, the younger the patient the weaker the
immune system. The test method involves repeated observations of
a drop of blood under a cover slip left in the same position under the
microscope and noting how long it takes for decay to begin. The
blood of a person with no disease in 8 generations of their family
living in a pristine environment and eating non-toxic, nutritious food
lasts about 48 hours with no decay. In Los Angeles, the blood of 6080 year old patients pre treatment can last several hours, while that of
much younger patients only lasts as little as 20 minutes. Why? I
believe this is due to the escalating pollution of our bodies and
environment, and the decrease of (bioavailable) nutrients in our food.
The older the person, the less toxic the environment was during their
formative years. A healthy elderly person is more resilient than a
healthy younger one.
Dumping of Pollutants: A Snapshot
Pesticides (industrial, commercial and home use): 1.2 billion pounds
per year in the US in 1997 alone. At a population of 250 million, that
is about 5 lbs per person per year exposure. If we were to only
absorb 1%, that would be 22.7 grams per year. Smog: 34.8 million
tons per year in 1996 alone. With a 1% absorption, that's about 2.8
lbs a year per person. Mercury in ‘Silver Fillings’: An estimated 557
Tons of mercury are stored in the teeth of Americans. The average
person has 8 amalgams, leaking 120 micrograms of mercury per day.
During pregnancy, most of this is absorbed by the fetusvii.
To this accumulating megaton garbage heap, add in the damage
caused by radiation (nuclear & electro magnetic), Iatrogenic abuse
(drugs–people and food chain), mycotoxins in the stored food supply,
water contamination, GM (genetically modified) foods, and top soil
Why Don't The Remedies Always Work?
You can see from this data that the average human being is a
different ‘chemical soup’ than the people who tested and proved
remedies and therapies in earlier times. Much of the research we
have was done prior to this massive influx of poison into our
environment and the people used in the provings could not have
responded to the remedies and therapies in the same way a modern,
toxic person would. The older the proving of the remedy, the less
relevant its literature.
For example, Ultra Violet Blood Irradiation (UBI) was first discovered
at the turn of the century and eventually found mainstream use in the
30’s and 40’s at USC Medical Center, in the cure of polio, meningitis,
pneumonia, sepsis, and other life threatening infectious conditions.
The literature was so compelling I decided to try it. The results were
marginal. I finally discovered that if the person went through heavy
metal detox before the treatment, that a cure became possible and
that the reports in the literature were once again reliable. This has
held true for Isopathic (Sanum) Therapy and many other valuable
The point here is that the major influx of toxins into our bodies and
environment constitutes a fundamental change in the health status of
human beings, and that all therapeutic action must first address this
issue if an improvement in their health is to be made. If you clear the
toxins, those remedies and therapies will work once again.
In summary: 1. Toxins, especially heavy metals, block the cure. 2. If
the proving of a remedy or therapy did not differentiate between metal
toxic and non metal toxic subjects, that data may not be relevant to
modern clinical practice.
Favorable Responses to Metal Detox
I have observed clinical improvements in the following conditions post
metal detox: autism, ADD/ADHD, ataxia, Parkinson’s, MS, failure to
thrive, vaccination damage, seizures, chronic infections: viral,
bacterial, parasitic, and fungal, night terrors, stimming, short term
memory loss, insomnia, impaired immune response,
perceptual/cognitive dysfunction, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia,
dermatitis, acne, wrinkles, hair loss, chronic pain, headaches,
migraine, anxiety, depression, anger, confusion, digestive
disturbances, porphyria, prostatitis, high blood pressure, and angina.
Please see the Townsend Letter (April, 2001) list of 76 behavioral
and functional abnormalities related to heavy metal toxicity.
One of the reasons the list is so long is because the metals interfere
with every enzymatic and thus metabolic process in the bodyviii. They
are also cytotoxic and mutagenicix.
I am not saying that heavy metal detox is a cure or treatment for any
of the above conditions, but that if heavy metal detox is addressed
first these conditions become much more responsive to any required
additional therapy.
Treatment Strategy
Take out the garbage and the system tends to self regulate. First
identify the primary obstacle or toxin in a patients system and remove
it safely. Do this one step at a time, with one remedy at a time where
possible. Wait and observe the impact of the given remedy on their
system, allowing them time to achieve whatever degree of selfregulation they can without further intervention. Re-evaluate and
proceed to the next issue.x
To achieve successful detox without a healing crisis, seven main
issues are addressed:
1. A correct diagnosis.
Avoiding a false negative is of utmost importancexi. On the practical
side, if you have a child who has never done well, whose mother had
amalgams, and who has been vaccinated, do you really need to run a
2. The choice of chelator.
The choice can finally now be made to mobilize the metals via the
urine, feces, sweat or any combination of the above depending on the
patient's status and choice of the appropriate chelator.xii
3. Addressing the obstacles.
An obstacle, or focal problem, is a condition or lifestyle problem that
can prevent detox and improvement, or aggravate the process. Each
one is evaluated as to degree of relevance and the order in which it is
dealt with.xiii
4. Proceeding with detox at the right time.
I have to know what the patient’s sequence of priorities is, and this
can largely be determined with in vivo testing methods. Blocked
regulation, CNS instability and low battery focusxiv conditions must be
addressed first.
5. Proceeding with detox at the right dose.
Nanoamperage measurements, electro dermal screening and muscle
testing can only give me 50% of the remedy and dosage info because
there is a vast difference between the patient’s autonomic response
to the photon frequency emission effect of the tested remedy and the
chemical ingestion response once the patient consumes it. The
patient consumes the minimum tolerated dose (of the tested chelator)
in the office and is then retested 15 minutes post ingestion. If
positive, they are told to ramp up the dose gradually until they reach
the ‘Window of Improvement’xv and then stay at that dose.
6. Appropriate drainage and support remedies and therapies.
The challenge here is to not use any of them unless it is absolutely
necessary, but to have anything that might be needed for support
available if they are.
7. Staying in control of the case.
I do not believe it is prudent to medicate until one knows where the
baseline is so I request that they stop all remedies, supplements and
therapies possible before they come in for the first visit.
If only one step or remedy is given at a time, I always know what is
doing what. After a therapeutic move I wait and watch to see what
degree of self regulation is achieved by that step. This could take ten
minutes or ten days per remedy or therapy, depending on the remedy
or therapy.
Given that the patient should only report feeling better if the diagnosis
and prescription are correct, that a healing crisis is neither necessary
nor beneficial, I can easily adjust the dosage or prescription if they
call with a new symptom. If I give several remedies and therapies at
the same time, I loose control of the case. Adding them in one at a
time, control of the case can be maintained.
After Detox, What? Repair the Damage
Brain: EEGxvi and HEG Neurofeedbackxvii,xviii.
Organs: Live Cell Therapies
Terrain: IIO2xix, Sanum / Pleomorphicxx Products
Infections: UBI
Now the therapies and remedies can shine. The patient has been
restored to somewhat of a pre-toxic state, similar to the time when
many of the remedies and therapies were proven. This was made
very clear to me in the successful treatment of EBV, Lymes and Hep
C with UBI post detox and metabolic regulation, whereas there were
only limited or no results if these steps were not taken first.
Concluding the Case
The problem is that the patient generally feels so much better after
clearing the metals that it can be difficult to convince them to continue
therapy. The Heart Rate Variability monitor is very handy for solving
this problem as it can show them where their overall health stands in
relationship to 'perfect'.
We do not yet have an objective non-invasive measure of the total
body burden of metals or other toxins in the patients system, only a
measure of what the given chelator can mobilize and eliminate,
therefore no way of knowing if all of the toxins have been removed.
Case Histories of Children with Metal Toxicity
All of the following brief case histories are of children with inherited
metal toxicity, the mothers having had amalgam fillings during the
pregnancy. This situation is discussed in depth in the article "Fetal
Metal Syndrome (FMS)"xxi.
Ataxia (failure of muscular coordination)
A 24-month-old child who could not walk unassisted or hold her head
up was diagnosed by her doctor as heavy metal toxic. He put her on
5 drops of NDF-Plusxxii twice a day. Within the week she could hold
her head up; within the next week she could walk and run unassisted.
Children respond dramatically. Then the mother complained the child
had reached a plateau. The doctor noticed that the child was still
breastfeeding and that the mother’s teeth were loaded with old
amalgam fillings so he suggested she stop giving the child daily
doses of mercury through the breast milk. She (mad as a hatter)
threatened to take him up in front of the board for suggesting such a
thing. They reached a stalemate.
MMR (measles, mumps, & rubella) Vaccine Damage. Male, age 8.
Symptom onset following MMR vaccine in 1995: stopped smiling,
talking, playing and looking at parents, developed yellow, foul
smelling diarrhea, disrupted sleep, auto immune disorders, scars
don’t heal, irritable bowel, low attention, lost ability to speak, eyes
deviated, frenetic, bites hands to point of bleeding, bangs head
against the wall, and stimming behavior. He was dropped on his head
at 7 weeks but ‘developed normally afterwards’. Recently given
DMSA which severely aggravated all symptoms. Mother was
hysterical, also mercury toxic, and because of her son had not had a
full nights sleep in years. I could not locate a holistic doctor or a real
time EEG neurofeedback practitioner in her area so I took the case
by phone and fax. We decided to do Ingestion Testing. Beginning
dose was 1 drop of NDFxxiii in a 10 oz glass of distilled water,
consumed slowly over the course of a day, once a day. Within one
week he was sleeping through the night most nights and there had
been a significant reduction in all symptoms for the first time. He
continues to improve, now taking 2 drops a day. The mother is also
taking NDF, same method, and improving.
Acute Flu and Chronic Seizure
My son Max, age 7, went swimming in a chlorinated pool in the hot
sun at a relative’s house. He came down with otitis externa, ‘the flu’,
and difficulty concentrating and speaking. He has a history of seizure
activity caused by mercury toxicity. The heat and chlorine seriously
increased his seizure activity. He has had this happen before, but
chlorinated pools are practically unavoidable in Southern California.
Both of my boys (7 & 10) had previously always responded to
ChildLife’sxxiv ‘First Defense’ for cold & flu or any infection but this
time I didn’t see the expected dramatic improvement, and suspected
an obstacle. The Performance 2001 revealed that all of his points
were below 200 uA, a low battery focus. Now, for the second time,
I’ve seen that the combination of heat and chlorine creates at least a
temporary low battery focus in the metal toxic patient. He was given a
BEFE (Bio Electronic Field Enhancement)xxv footbath in R/O water,
remineralized with potassium citrate, for 35 minutes. Once again, he
showed no improvement immediately following the BEFE footbath.
However, twenty minutes following the treatment he was given
another dose of First Defense. Within 2 hours all symptoms of the flu
were clearing and he was becoming his vibrant, smiling self again.
Soon afterwards I gave him a dose (10 drops) of NDF. Seizure
activity stopped. Because the BEFE raised his ‘amperage’, he was
again able to utilize the First Defense and get the benefit, clear up the
acute condition, and then move on to dealing with the aggravation of
the chronic seizure activity.
Night Terrors. Female, age 9, chronic severe ear and throat
infections, stomach pain and severe vomiting, in family
psychotherapy because she runs through the house screaming in
fear every night and can’t explain why. Never had an amalgam filling,
mother had 18 during the pregnancy. After 20 days of detox all
symptoms disappear. Stage fright also goes away and child gets up
on stage in school auditorium and sings with her class for the first
time; psychotherapy and antibiotics discontinued.
Asberger’s Syndrome. Male, age 6.
History: No amalgam fillings. Mother had amalgams during the
pregnancy. DMSA challenge shows high mercury but aggravates
condition. Full course of vaccinations. Frantic and screaming after
MMR vaccination damage. Verbalization only understandable by
parents, no eye contact, fussy, extreme difficulty changing locations,
brilliant musician. Parents were instructed to stop all supplements
and therapies for two days prior to the first visit so a baseline could
be established.
Diagnosis: The boy only allowed one point to be tested with the
Performance 2001xxvi while the parents held his hand still, which read
in normal range, so I knew he did not have a low battery focusxxvii
(which requires NDF-Plus) and could start with NDF. He had been
on a gluten and casein free diet, and all of the currently recognized
beneficial supplements for some time, with no therapeutic effect. No
other foci or obstacles were identified.
Treatment: Began with one drop of NDF in his lemonade in the
morning, and then gradually ramped up the dose to 5 – 8 drops daily.
That’s all. No other supplementation.
Results: 5 days into detox the mother reports the child is ‘just
happier’. Happiness is normal for a childxxviii. After two weeks they
report more and more days with a ‘normal’ child. After six weeks the
father reports the boy can now form sentences with 15-30 words
each that can be understood by anyone, that there is unmistakable
progress. During his follow up he made eye contact and was very
easy to manage, allowing measurement of all of his points. During
another follow up two weeks later the mother reports her son has just
had the best two weeks of his life so far. The boy voluntarily walked
into the consultation room (changed locations), climbed up into the
chair and asked to have his points tested. The next step is HEG and
or EEG neurofeedback.
Persistent vomiting, gagging, nightmares.
Dear Dr. Ray,
I am a mercury and lead toxic ex-dental assistant of 19 years. In
the beginning we hand mixed the amalgam. I started at age 17 and
at age 29 I became pregnant with my son whom from the day he was
born had gastrointestinal problems, persistent vomiting & gagging,
nightmares, and was shy and very thin. Approx Sept. of 2000 I
learned about NDF and started him on 4-12 drops per day until the
half-ounce was gone. What a difference! No more vomiting,
nightmares, shyness and he gained 10 lbs. by Nov. 1, 2000.
Thank you so much.
Please hurry and get this stuff out to the general public.
Dawn C.
Autism. “12 year old male … _ dropperful NDF every other day for 2
_ months. The blood improved markedly, he is making efforts to talk,
is using previously unused words, is calmer, and can sit longer. For
the first time he was making eye contact with me at the office. I will
continue reporting on this very encouraging situation.” V M-V, MD.
The world that we are turning over to our children presents dangers
that many of us did not have to face during our formative years. We
will therefore not be able to 'walk in their moccasins'. We did not
prepare for the 'Seventh Generation'. The least we can do as doctors
is to generate awareness of the situation, create or offer diagnostic
and therapeutic measures to counter some of that which awaits them,
and support the organizations involved in bringing the amalgamxxix
and vaccination issues into the public eye. The least we can do as
parents is to support those organizations and agencies involved in
environmental remediation and preservation. What we can all do as
human beings is demand that the damage is stopped.
Mercury from amalgam is stored in the fetus and infant (breastfeeding) before the mother. Vimy, M.J.,
Takahashi, Y., Lorscheider, F.L. Maternal-Fetal Distribution of Mercury Released From Dental Amalgam
Fillings. Dept. of Medicine and Medical Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, Univ. of Calgary, Calgary,
Alberta, Canada 1990 published in FASEB.
WHO 1974, Florence, Italy.
See www.altcorp.com/haleyresponds.htm
A 20/20 Investigation
Jan. 12, 2001 — Pregnant women and women who may become
pregnant should not eat shark, swordfish, king mackerel and tile fish because they could contain levels of
mercury that could lead to brain damage in a developing fetus, the Food and Drug Administration said
Townsend Letter for Doctors, #213, April, 2001.
"The Mobilization and Elimination of Systemic Heavy Metals in the Context of Biological Medicine", T.
Ray, Explore, Vol 10, #5.
See "Fetal Metal Syndrome (FMS)" by T. Ray, Explore, Vol 11, #1.
viii viii
Mercury from amalgam binds to –SH (sulfhydryl groups). These exist in almost every enzymatic
process in the body. Mercury from amalgam will thus have the potential of disturbing all metabolic
processes. Goyer Toxic effects of metals. Casaret and Doull’s toxicology – the basic science of poisons.
Ed3 New York. Macmillan Pub. 1986, pp 582-609.
See “Heavy Metal Detox Without a Healing Crisis”, T. Ray, Explore, Vol. 10 #6 for an in depth
discussion of the process.
A detailed discussion of the causes of false negatives and methods for determining metal toxicity are
available at www.DocRay.com.
“Heavy Metal Detox Without a Healing Crisis”, T. Ray, Explore, Vol. 10 #6
“The Low Battery Focus”, T. Ray, Explore Vol. 10, #4.
We know from independent real time digital EEG studies of patients with toxic heavy metal burdens
that the voltage of their Beta waves tends to be depressed, and that after taking a correct dose of NDF, the
voltage of their Beta waves increases into normal range in between 5 minutes to two hours post ingestion.
The moment this happens, the patient reports a simultaneous subjective improvement in clarity and / or
well being. The experience of improvement of function has been clinically verified by real time EEG to last
at least 4 hoursxv and can actually last for days. Please note that the arrival at this sense of improvement is
concurrent with a major simultaneous increase in the elimination of heavy metals, as verified by
independent lab testing, and thus proves that heavy metal detox can proceed without a healing crisis. I
call this the Window of Improvement.
Go to www.eegspectrum.com and/or www.neuropathways.com
If the EEG therapy is completed before detox, the metals remaining in the brain will recreate the
dysfunction. A discussion of EEG neurofeedback and the problems of life long mercury toxicity can be
found in the article “Fetal Metal Syndrome" T. Ray, Explore, Vol. 11, #1.
HEG neurofeedback is the relatively recent (’94) discovery of Hershel Toomim Sc.D. His method
involves the measure of localized cerebral blood oxygenation as the basis of the neurofeedback signal.
There is no website at this point. He emailed copies of pre and post SPECT scans of a successfully treated
manic depressive showing the increased blood flow to previously hypoperfused areas of the brain using his
method. He also has a comparative analysis of HEG and EEG therapeutic results based on pre and post
therapy TOVA tests showing a 2-3 times greater gain with HEG. This scientist and innovator is being
published in Explore, Vol. 11, #1 for the first time. Explore can be reached at 1-800-320-6036. Dr.
Toomim can be reached at 1-800-246-3526.
Inhaled Ionized Oxygen Therapy, see www.oirf.com.
Pleomorphic (Sanum) Products can be reached at 602-439-7977, www.pleoesp.com
You can request a copy at www.DocRay.com or wait for it to be published in Explore, Vol. 11, #1 in
January 2002.
Available from www.bioraynaturaldetox.com (949)305-7454.
This company offers an excellent line of supplements for children; its founder and formulator, Dr.
Murray Clarke, LAc DH, has specialized in pediatrics for many years. ChildLife can be reached at 310305-4680. Or, see their website at www.childlife.net.
There is some research data on this device at www.DocRay.com. A unit can be obtained from Dennis
Higgins at 1-818-707-7397.
Please see “Heavy Metal Detox Without a Healing Crisis”, T. Ray, Explore, Vol. 10 #6, for a
description of the Performance 2001 or go to www.oirf.com.
“The Low Battery Focus”, T. Ray, Explore Vol. 10, #4.
Some people are currently researching the quantitative correlation between ‘lack of happiness’ and
severity of metal toxicity. There is a question on my new patient intake form “Please mark on the line from
1 to 10 how much fun you are having in your life.” If the answer is less than 5, and their mother had
amalgam fillings, it is consistently a very difficult case.
Mercury in Dental Filling Disclosure and Prohibition Act by Congresswoman Diane Watson (DLos Angeles)
BioRay, Inc. 23151 Alcalde Drive, Suite C-3 Laguna Hills, CA 92653
(949) 305-7454