Annual Report on Port State Control related to ISM Code on Ships with SMC issued by ClassNK 2007 November 2008 NIPPON KAIJI KYOKAI CONTENTS Introduction Chapter 1 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 1 ISM deficiency cases 1.1 Total number and average rate ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 2 1.2 Comparison ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 2 .1 Per factors related to ship ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 2 .2 Per factors related to Company ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 5 .3 Per port state who carried out PSC inspection ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 8 Chapter 2 ISM deficiencies and PSC actions 2.1 Comparison of deficiencies per ISM Code requirement ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 9 2.2 Comparison of deficiencies and detentions per port state ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 10 2.3 Analysis of deficiencies recorded along with PSC actions applied ・・・・・ 11 Appendix Extract from PSC inspection reports ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 15 Introduction This annual report is to offer ship management companies and others concerned with ship safety management systems analysis of cases where deficiencies related to ISM Code requirements were recorded as a result of port state control (PSC) inspection, which may be useful in reviewing a ship safety management system for its improvement. The analysis was made with information available from reports of PSC inspections that were carried out in the world in the year 2007 for ships holding an international safety management certificate issued by ClassNK under the authorization of the flag administration. Statistic data of such cases in the past several years are also presented to show changes by calendar year. It comprises of two chapters. Chapter 1 presents analysis of the cases where deficiencies related to ISM Code requirements were recorded in the PSC reports showing comparison of number of such cases per type, age, gross tonnage and flag of ship, number of ships under the management, etc. of Company and port state. Chapter 2 focuses on the deficiencies recorded and actions required by port states for their rectification. In this report, terms defined below are used. NKSMC ship Ship holding an international safety management certificate issued by ClassNK NKDOC company Company holding a Document of Compliance issued by ClassNK ISM deficiency Deficiency of a safety management system related to a requirement of ISM Code ISM deficiency case Case where any ISM deficiencies were recorded in a PSC inspection report ISM deficiency ship Ship having a safety management system an ISM deficiency of which was recorded in a PSC inspection report ISM deficiency rate* percentage of ISM deficiency ships to the whole NKSMC ships or a group of NKSMC ships in consideration * Defining ISM deficiency rate as percentage of ISM deficiency cases to NKSMC ships that subjected to a PSC inspection is more meaningful. However, as the total number of such NKSMC ships is unknown, the total number of the whole or a group of NKSMC ships was used instead. 1 Chapter 1 ISM deficiency cases 1.1 Total number and average rate The total numbers of ISM deficiency cases and the average ISM deficiency rates in the past 4 years are shown in Table 1.1.1. The rate shows increasing tendency since 2006 and became 3.6% in 2007. Table 1.1.1 Total number and rate of ISM deficiency cases ISM deficiency cases (A) Year NKSMC ships total No. (B) ISM deficiency rate (A/B) 2004 137 3639 3.8 2005 81 3799 2.1 2006 121 3895 3.1 2007 142 3993 3.6 1.2 Comparison 1.2.1 Per factors related to ship (a) Per type of ship ISM deficiency rate per type of ship is shown in Table 1.2.1(a) and Figure 1.2.1(a). z The ISM deficiency rate of bulk carrier was 4.8% and keeping highest apart from chemical tanker the total number of which is so small to compare. z The ISM deficiency rate of oil tanker increased to 2.3% from the rate of 0.6% in 2006. z The ISM deficiency rate of gas carrier was 0.5% (only one case) and keeping lowest with the exception of passenger & modu total number of which is negligible. Table 1.2.1 (a) Type of ship ISM deficiency rate per type of ship No. of ISM No. of deficiency NKSMC ships cases 2007 2007 (A) (B) ISM deficiency rate (%) 2004 2005 2006 2007 (A/B) Bulk carrier 69 1430 4.4 3.4 4.5 4.8 Other cargo ship 51 1559 4.2 2.2 3.2 3.3 Oil tanker* 18 766 2.5 0.7 0.6 2.3 Chemical tanker** 3 43 2.4 0.0 13.6 7.0 Gas carrier 1 190 0.6 0.0 0.0 0.5 Passenger & MODU 0 5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 142 3993 3.8 2.1 3.1 3.6 Total * Including oil/chemical tankers. ** Excluding oil/chemical tanker. 2 1 4 .0 2004 2005 2006 2007 1 2 .0 ISM 1 0 . 0 defic. 8 .0 rate (%) 6 .0 4 .0 2 .0 0 .0 B u lk c a r r ie r O th e r c a rg o s h ip O il t a n k e r C h e m ic a l ta n k e r G a s c a r r ie r P assenger & MODU Figure 1.2.1(a) ISM deficiency rate per type of ship (b) Per age of ship The numbers of ISM deficiency ships per age group of ship in 2004 to 2007 are shown in Table 1.2.1(b) together with the numbers of NKSMC ship and the ISM deficiency rates in Figure 1.2.1(b)-1, and ISM deficiency rate per type and age group of ship in 2007 in Figure 1.2.1(b)-2. z The older a ship is the greater the ISM deficiency rate tends to be. This tendency is remarkable for bulk carriers. This is attributed to the increase in the number of deficiencies due to inadequate maintenance of ship including equipment and fittings with aging of ships. Table 1.2.1(b) No. of ISM deficiency ships per age group of ship No. of ISM deficiency cases (A) Age No. of NKSMC ships (B) 2004 2005 2006 2007 2004 2005 2006 2007 0 - 4 17 6 13 14 898 991 1109 959 5 - 9 21 14 25 23 1087 1039 974 855 10 - 14 22 14 15 38 522 599 678 966 15 - 19 21 10 21 13 392 365 367 420 20 - 24 46 30 34 27 529 543 501 364 25 - 10 7 13 27 212 237 266 429 137 81 121 142 3640 3774 3895 3993 Total 10 2004 2005 8 2006 2007 ISM defic. 6 rate (A/B) (%) 4 2 0 0‐4 5‐9 10‐14 15‐19 20-24 25- Figure 1.2.1(b) -1 ISM deficiency rate per age group of ship 3 14 Bulk carrier ISM 12 defic. 10 rate 8 (A/B) 6 (%) Other cargo ship Oil tanker 4 2 0 0‐4 5‐9 10‐14 15‐19 20-24 25- Figure 1.2.1(b) -2 ISM deficiency rate (%) per ship type and age group of ship (c) Per gross tonnage of ship The numbers of ISM deficiency cases per gross-tonnage group of ship in 2004 to 2007 are shown in Table 1.2.1(c) together with the numbers of NKSMC ship, and the ISM deficiency rates in Figure 1.2.1(c). z The ISM deficiency rate of large ships of more than 80,000 gross tonnage has stayed low around 1 %. No other remarkable tendency is noticed with gross tonnage. Table 1.2.1(c) No. of ISM deficiency ships per GT group of ship No. of ISM deficiency cases (A) GT No. NKSMC ships (B) ( x 1,000) 2004 2005 2006 2007 2004 2005 2006 2007 0 - 10 54 22 34 34 1264 1249 1253 1197 10 - 20 36 22 29 44 731 745 755 749 20 - 30 15 11 18 24 474 490 490 488 30 - 40 11 11 18 18 402 445 486 533 40 - 50 8 6 11 10 251 258 289 340 50 - 60 5 0 3 4 140 153 156 168 60 - 80 6 5 4 4 115 127 136 141 80 - 2 4 4 4 263 307 330 377 137 81 121 142 3640 3774 3895 3993 Total 2004 6 2005 5 2006 ISM 4 defic. rate 3 (A/B) (%) 2 2007 1 0 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-80 80- GT ( x 1,000) Figure 1.2.1(c) ISM deficiency rate per GT group 4 (d) Per flag of ship ISM deficiency rate per flag of ship in 2004 to 2007 is shown in Table 1.2.1(d) together with the numbers of ISM deficiency cases. Table 1.2.1(d) Flag Marshall Islands Bahamas Thailand Malaysia Turkey St. Vincent and the Grenadines Liberia H.K., China Cyprus Panama Japan Singapore Malta Philippines (Others) Total/Average 1.2.2 No. 0 1 2 2 4 ISM deficiency rate per flag of ship 2004 Rate 0.0 3.8 5.8 2.7 4.8 No. 2 1 7 3 2 2005 Rate 5.0 1.5 8.3 4.3 3.5 No. 3 1 5 1 2 2006 Rate 5.3 1.2 5.8 1.7 3.7 No. 5 6 5 3 3 2007 Rate 8.2 6.8 6.7 6.4 6.0 - - - - - - 1 5.3 9 13 6 64 14 8 0 14 137 3.9 6.3 12.8 4.6 4.0 7.4 4.0 5.0 1 10 3 40 7 2 2 1 81 0.5 4.1 3.5 1.9 1.7 1.5 2.2 2.1 11 12 12 57 8 2 3 4 121 5.8 4.7 14.8 2.7 1.9 1.6 3.7 3.1 10 10 3 78 4 10 2 1 1 142 5.2 4.3 4.1 3.4 3.0 2.3 1.7 1.2 3.6 Per factors related to Company Note: The analysis presented in this section covers only NKSMC ships under the management of NKDOC Companies but not those issued with DOC by another organization. (a) Per number of ships under management of Company ISM deficiency rate per group of Companies corresponding to the number of ships under their management in 2007 are shown in Table 1.2.2(a) together with ISM deficiency rate. z The ISM deficiency rate of the group of 41-50 ships is 6.3%, the highest, followed by that of 1-5 ships ,4.3% and next by that of 16-20, 3.9%, which is higher than the average. z In 2006 the ISM deficiency rate was higher for the groups with small number of ships under their management. However, in 2007, the rate increased for the group with larger number of ships under their management such as the group of 16-20 and that of 41-50 too. Table 1.2.2(a) ISM deficiency rate per number of ships under management of Company No. of ships under management No. of Companies 1-5 6 - 10 11 - 15 16 - 20 21 - 30 31 - 40 41 - 50 51 Total 325 100 36 20 21 13 6 7 528 No. of ISM deficiency cases (A) 32 26 14 14 14 12 17 13 142 5 No. of NKSMC ships (B) 742 759 470 356 512 448 270 436 3993 ISM deficiency rate (A/B) 4.3 3.4 3.0 3.9 2.7 2.7 6.3 3.0 3.6 7 6 ISM defic. rate (%) 5 4 3 2 1 0 1-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 51- No. of ships under management of Company Figure 1.2.2(a) ISM deficiency rate per No. of ships under management of Company (b) Per length of Company’s SMS operation The numbers of ISM deficiency cases and ISM deficiency rate per length of Company’s operation of ship safety management system in 2007 are shown in Table 1.2.2(b) and Figure 1.2.2(b). The length of Company’s SMS operation, in terms years, is based on the assumption that the Companies started such operation when it was issued with NKDOC for the first time. z Although the ISM deficiency rate shows lower figures for the groups with 9 years or more of length of SMS operation there was no significant difference of the figures among all the groups depending upon the length of the Company’s SMS operation. Table 1.2.2(b) Length of SMS operation 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Total ISM defic. rate (%) ISM deficiency rate per length of Company’s SMS operation No. of ISM deficiency cases No. of (A) Companies Per Total company 4 2 0.50 24 15 0.63 50 22 0.44 87 26 0.30 65 12 0.18 16 3 0.19 12 4 0.33 30 8 0.27 45 17 0.38 20 3 0.15 16 4 0.25 12 1 0.08 16 2 0.13 19 0 0.00 416 119 0.29 No. of ISM deficiency NKSMC ships rate (B) Per (A/B) Total company 68 17.0 2.9 572 23.8 2.6 715 14.3 3.1 720 8.3 3.6 392 6.0 3.1 175 10.9 1.7 84 7.0 4.8 162 5.4 4.9 278 6.2 6.1 85 4.3 3.5 67 4.2 6.0 57 4.8 1.8 71 4.4 2.8 49 2.6 0.0 3495 8.4 3.4 8 6 4 2 0 14 13 12 Figure 1.2.2 (b) 11 10 9 8 6 5 4 3 2 1 Length of Company’s SMS operation ISM deficiency rate per length of Company’s SMS operation 6 7 (c) Per country/region in which Company is located ISM deficiency rate per country/region in which Companies are located is shown in Table 1.2.2(c) , together with the numbers of ISM deficiency cases, and in Figure 1.2.2(c). z The average ISM deficiency rate of ships under the management of Companies located in Thailand has increased again to 9.0% from 4.5% in 2006. z That of ships under the management of Companies located in Greece has decreased to 5.6% from 7.4% in 2006. z That of ships under the management of those in U.S.A, Malaysia , India, Turkey, Philippine Singapore, Korea, U.K., and China have increased. Table 1.2.2(c) ISM deficiency rate per country/region in which company are located Country/Region No. of ISM deficiency cases (A) 8 2 4 16 1 4 7 25 3 2 2 57 7 2 2 142 No. of Companies 5 4 10 77 5 22 19 52 15 6 25 207 23 12 46 528 Thailand U. S. A. Malaysia Greece India Turkey Philippines Singapore Korea U. K. China Japan H.K.(China) Taiwan (Others) Total No. of NKSMC ships (B) ISM deficiency rate (A/B) 89 33 69 287 23 94 174 624 76 57 62 1877 251 109 168 3993 9.0 6.1 5.8 5.6 4.3 4.3 4.0 4.0 3.9 3.5 3.2 3.0 2.8 1.8 1.2 3.6 10 9 8 7 ISM defic. rate (%) 6 5 4 3 2 Figure 1.2.2(c) Taiwan H.K., China Japan China U.K. Korea Singapore Philippines Turkey India Greece Malaysia U.S.A. 0 Thailand 1 ISM deficiency rate per country/region in which company are located 7 1.2.3 Per port state who carried out PSC inspection The number of ISM deficiency cases per port state who executed PSC is shown in Table 1.2.3. The number shown in the Table contains the ISM deficiency case (only one case) of NK Class ship with SMC issued by the organization other than Class NK ● The number of ISM deficiency cases in U.S.A has greatly increased to 34 cases from 15 cases in 2006. ● The numbers of ISM deficiency cases in Australia, Japan, China, U.K., Korea and H.K.(China) have fairly decreased from those in 2006. Table 1.2.3 ISM deficiency case per port state who executed PSC Authority U.S.A. Australia Japan China U.K. Belgium Russia Canada Italy France Korea Netherlands Chile Spain Poland Portugal H.K..(China) Argentina Brazil Singapore Germany (Others) Total 2004 12 27 30 8 8 1 1 6 6 3 8 9 9 0 3 4 16 151 No. of ISM deficiency cases 2005 2006 2007 5 15 34 29 37 26 14 22 10 3 14 9 9 12 7 4 2 6 0 4 6 1 2 5 7 4 5 3 2 4 1 11 4 4 2 4 3 2 2 2 2 8 1 4 1 1 2 1 0 2 1 2 5 0 11 11 10 96 159 143 8 Chapter 2 ISM deficiencies and PSC actions 2.1 Comparison of ISM deficiencies per ISM Code requirement The total numbers of ISM deficiencies recorded in PSC reports in 2004 to 2007 and those divided according to ISM Code requirements, by its sections, are shown in Table 2.1. Table 2.1 Total No. of ISM deficiencies and distribution per ISM Code requirement Year ISM Code requirements (Section No.) Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 99* 2004 2 18 8 0 8 29 24 37 9 88 16 9 2 - 250 2005 3 2 4 0 4 11 16 21 21 68 2 3 0 3 158 2006 5 4 9 3 10 44 19 38 11 109 15 6 8 2 283 2007 1 4 1 2 9 26 32 27 20 92 17 7 3 0 241 99* : The ISM Code requirement with which the deficiencies were raised was not specified. Section Requirements for 1 Compliance with mandatory rules, etc. (1.2) 2 Safety and environmental protection policy 3 Company responsibilities and authority 4 Designated persons 5 Master’s responsibility and authority 6 Resources and personnel 7 Development of plans for shipboard operations 8 Emergency preparedness 9 Reports and analysis of non-conformities, accidents and hazardous occurrences 10 Maintenance of the ship and equipment 11 Documentation 12 Company verification, review and evaluation 13 Certification and periodical verification z The total number of ISM deficiencies decreased to 241 in 2007 in spite of the increase of ISM deficiency cases from to 142. The number of ISM deficiencies per ISM deficiency case is 1.7. z Percentage of ISM deficiencies related to “maintenance of the ship and equipment” is 38.2%, and continued largest among those sorted by ISM Code requirements. z The percentage of ISM deficiencies related to “resources and personnel” and “emergency preparedness” decreased from 15.5% to 10.8% and from 13.4% to 11.2% respectively. z Contrary the percentage of ISM deficiencies related to “development of plans for shipboard operations” and “reports and analysis of non-conformities, accidents and hazardous occurrences” increased from 6.7% to 13.3% and from 3.9% to 8.3% respectively. 9 2.2 Comparison of deficiencies and detention per port state The numbers of ISM deficiencies and detentions of ship recorded in PSC reports in 2007 per ISM Code requirements and port state who executed PSC are shown in Table 2.2.1. Those in the brackets are the numbers of detention. Table 2.2.1 No. of ISM deficiencies & detention per port state & ISM Code requirements Authority U.S.A. 1 1 2 3 Australia ISM Code requirements (Section No.) 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 10 14 2 12 18 3 (6) (3) (4) 1 2 4 5 1 16 1 1 Japan 2 Netherlands 1 Belgium 1 (1) 1 U.K. 1 China 1 1 2 1 1 (1) 4 2 (1) 2 (2) 3 (2) 2 2 (1) 5 2 Total 1 2 (1) 4 (1) 1 2 1 1 Italy (Others) 3 4 5 3 9 (1) 26 (8) 32 (3) 1 1 11 (2) 27 (7) 2 20 (4) 12 2 1 8 1 4 2 5 (5) 4 (2) 2 1 7 (3) 28 (7) 92 (17) 13 1 2 (1) 2 1 6 (2) 17 (3) 2 2 7 3 Total 63 (13) 31 (0) 17 (0) 16 (3) 14 (7) 13 (6) 12 (0) 10 (3) 65 (12) 241 (44) ( ): Number of detention z The largest number of ISM deficiencies was pointed out at PSC inspections carried out in U.S.A., followed by Australia, Japan, Netherlands, Belgium, U.K., China and Italy. z As to the number of ISM deficiencies that were taken as grounds for detention of the ship, U.S.A. was also the largest followed by Belgium, U.K., Netherlands and Italy. z The detainable ISM deficiencies related to “maintenance of the ship and equipment” numbered 17. It accounted for 40% of all the detainable ones, whereas the percentage of those related to “resources and personnel” 18% and “emergency preparedness” 16%. 10 2.3 Analysis of deficiencies recorded along with PSC actions applied The distribution of ISM deficiencies recorded in PSC reports in 2007 per ISM Code requirements by its sections and PSC actions taken is shown in Table 2.3.1 and the distribution of the same by ISM Code requirement in Figure 2.3.1. Table 2.3.1 Distribution of ISM deficiencies per ISM Code requirement and PSC action 10 15 16 17 18 19 30 40 50 70 99 - Defic. rectified Defic. to be rectified by next port Defic. to be rectified within 14 days Defic. to be rectified before departure NC to be rectified within 3 months MNC to be rectified Before departure Grounds for detention NC to be rectified within 7 days Flag state informed Defic. to be rectified before back to US port Others Blank ISM Code req. 0 No action PSC Action1) Total Sect. No. 1 1 2 4 2 3 1 1 4 2 1 5 9 6 26 7 32 8 27 9 20 10 92 11 17 12 7 13 3 GT 07 2) GT 06 1 1 1 4 5 8 3 13 3 4 10 7 1 4 6 4 3 7 36 7 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 6 3 17 1 1 3 1 2 3 5 2 1 1 3 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 2 3 10 4 1 1 1 1 5 2 1 241 0 3 3 12 30 82 7 44 3 12 17 12 16 283 0 3 2 10 43 138 9 61 0 0 1 5 11 Notes: 1) The Action Codes are those used under Paris MOU and Tokyo MOU, except “40” and “70” which are used by USCG. The Action Code “19” is used only by Paris MOU. 2) Ground total. The data of 2006 were presented for comparison. 140 120 No. 100 80 of ISM 60 defic.40 20 0 2006 2007 0 10 15 16 17 18 19 30 40 50 70 99 Blank Action Code Figure 2.3.1 Distribution of ISM deficiencies per ISM Code requirement 11 Analysis with collected ISM deficiency data, which are summarized in Table 2.3.1, and the descriptions of ISM deficiencies related to the requirements of ISM Code Sections 6 to 10 recorded in PSC inspection reports along with PSC actions are presented below. For more information an extract from reports of PSC inspections carried out in Australia, China, Japan, Korea, India, Brazil, U.S.A., Canada, U.K., French, Italy, Netherlands, Russia and Iran in 2007 is given at the Appendix showing the descriptions of ISM deficiencies together with relevant deficiencies on ship constructions, equipment, etc. General z Among PSC actions, per Action Code, applied to the ISM deficiencies, the number of the deficiencies related to “non-conformity to be rectified within 3 months (Action Code 18)” was 82, the largest one which accounted for 34%, followed by those related to “grounds for detention (Action Code 30)” accounting for 18.3% and those related to “deficiencies to be rectified before departure (Action Code 17)” accounting for 12.4%. z The detainable deficiencies in 2007 decreased to 44 from 61 in 2006. decreased to 18.3% from 22% in 2006. ISM Code Section 6 z The percentage also Resources and personnel The ratio of ISM deficiencies related to “resources and personnel” to the whole has been decreasing. However, requirement for personal understanding of contingency performance, operation of safety equipment and environment protection equipment and operation of GMDSS facilities is increasing as well as requirement for quality of ballast water management system in PSC inspection. These requirements are not only completeness of documents or records but sometimes extended to observation of personal performance. For example, upon requirement of demonstrations and comparison with the records and documents, it is reported that records are not comparable with the actual or unreliable records and documents are exist. ISM Code Section 7 Development of plans for shipboard operations z In ISM related deficiencies, the ratio of relating ISM Code Sec. 7 was 13.3 %, this number was the second largest number after the relating ISM Code Sec. 10. z The observed deficiency examples are as follows. (a) BWM (Ballast Water Management) Plan is missing sampling point locations and no record of tank sediment is being kept. (b) Crew attempted bunkering operation without C/E who went ashore, which did not comply with relevant requirements of the ship’s SMS. (c) Passage /Voyage planning procedures were not updated to include necessary information. (d) Ship didn’t make voyage planning for last port based on operation manual. (e) Shipboard hatch cover maintenance plan did not comply with MSC169(79). (f) Several documents used to essential shipboard procedures are not in accordance with the SMS. ISM Code Section 8 z Emergency preparedness The rate of ISM deficiencies related to this element of safety management systems decreased. However the number of these deficiencies was 27 and 7 out of 27 were treated under action code 30 “grounds for detention”. 12 z The deficiencies can be divided into the following three cases as same as those in 2006. (a) The crew were found unfamiliar with the procedures of abandon ship and/or fire protection and extinguishing, or operation of lifeboats & launching appliances, or a fixed fire extinguishing system. (b) Abandon ship drill and fire drills were not carried out as required, or not recorded properly if carried out, in particular launching and maneuvering of lifeboats at interval of 3 months. (c) Serious damages or malfunctioning were found on life-saving appliances, fire extinguishing systems or communication systems* * e.g. emergency fire pump, fire damper, F.O. tank shut-down system, MF/HF radio z There were not a little deficiencies raised which indicated that the records for drills had not properly been conducted. ISM Code Section 9 z Reports and analysis of non-conformities, accidents and hazardous occurrences Typical cases where deficiencies related to the above requirements were pointed out are as follows. (a) Malfunctioning of a number of equipments* had not been reported to the Company as non-conformities. * e.g. unusable chain controller of windlass, leakage of hydraulic oil pipes, pipe doublers patches and a large hole on air pipe (b) Deficiencies recorded in previous PSC inspection reports had not been reported to the Company in accordance with the SMS procedure. ISM Code Section 10 Maintenance of the ship and equipment z The percentage of PSC actions by the Action Code applied to deficiencies related to the maintenance was the largest and it accounted for 38% of all the deficiencies which is almost same as that in 2006. z Among the PSC actions by the Action Code mentioned above: “NC to be rectified within 3 months” accounted 39% (49% in 2006), “ground for detention” 18% (23% in 2006) and “deficiencies to be rectified before departure” 8% (15% in 2006 ) z Cases where the ISM deficiencies related to maintenance were pointed out can be divided into the following four: (a) A serious damage or malfunctioning of constructions, equipment or systems for safety or environmental protection* was found * e.g. lifeboat including engine and release gear & launching appliance, emergency fire pump and fixed CO2 fire-extinguishing system, hull construction and oily water separator, fire damper and steering gear. (b) Lots of deficiencies were found on construction, equipment, systems or fittings for safety, environmental protection or crew accommodation. (c) Periodical inspection or tests of equipment or systems were not carried out as required by regulations or the SMS procedures. * e.g. test of alarm system, checking of batteries 13 (d) Such deficiencies as mentioned above had not been reported to the Company or the activities of inspection and repairs onboard the ship had not been recorded properly in accordance with the SMS procedure. 14 Appendix Extract from PSC inspection reports An extract from reports of PSC inspections carried out in Australia, China, Japan, Korea, India, Brazil, U.S.A., Canada, U.K., French, Italy, Netherlands, Russia and Iran in 2007 is given at the Appendix showing below the descriptions of ISM deficiencies together with relevant deficiencies on ship constructions, equipment, etc. 1. Australia ISM Code Section - Action Code 30 30 15 99 17 17 17 17 17 17 15 99 12 - 15 18 16 10 18 - 16 16 11 10 15 18 17 30 17 17 17 17 17 15 18 - 30 17 17 17 17 17 - 99 8 18 10 18 - 30 Deficiencies Emergency fire pump no pressure available for immediate use Fire Dampers (louvers) for engine room fans stbd aft & port fwd seized open Load line & draft marks not clearly visible (Stbd) Garbage record book does not comply with MEPC 116(51) (No cargo residue entries) AIS navigational status not correct for port location Voyage plan not in accordance with SOLAS CH. V Reg. 34 Current editions of navigational charts for intended voyage not on board 250, 246 & 818 Emergency generator room not clearly marked ( no IMO symbol) Emergency lighting numerous not working around accommodation block Several closing flops seized around accommodation & CO2 room mushroom vent Sewage treatment unit with low air pressure Lifeboat embarkation arrangements SOLAS - Lifeboat embarkation arrangements SOLAS Ch III R.116 not compliant Pump shutdowns (ESD) - stbd bunkering manifold not operational No Company Internal audit done in lost twelve months Instructions for essential maintenance & testing of emergency fire equipment not available ref (Chapter 2 SOLAS Fire Training Manual) The above deficiencies are objective evidence that the ISM system does not address sections 8 & 10 of the code Entries for oil record book not as per IMO resolution MEPC 117/52 Entries for garbage record book in reference to cargo residue discharge not as per IMO resolution MEPC 116/51 Cargo record book not being maintained BC Code latest edition not onboard, required for certificate of fitness Passage plan not as per SOLAS chap. V Reg.34 and bridge procedure guide. 2/2 engine room fire dampers seized Stairway on aft of accommodation block from bridge deck locked. Key for lock not readily available Crew unfamiliar with lifeboat emergency steering Numerous self closing sounding pipe valves springs removed Forward liferaft ladder not ready for immediate use. Shackles seized EPIRB hydrostatic release unit expiry not marked Water ingress alarm number 3 hold portside sensor only failed Vessels SMS fails to ensure operational readiness of fire dampers MF/HF radio defective, not able to transit satisfactory (receiving coast station manual transmissions). Emergency fire pump priming pump engaging/disengaging mechanism defective. Main engine oil mist detector not operational. Fire detection panel bells and alarms switched off (officers not aware of isolation). Oily water separator safety valve seized (not operating at designed pressure). Engine room double bottom tanks sounding pipes self closing device closing springs missing/remo (5 Pieces). Emergency generator batteries not able to start generator. Battery No.1 & 2 defective from 15 September (Note: Company notified while at anchor 17th September & spare batteries arranged Newcastle). The safety management system on board the vessel does not ensure that emergency equipment such as MF/HF radio, emergency generator, emergency fire pump are ready for use in an emergency. The safety management system on board the vessel does not ensure satisfactory maintenance of MF/HF radio equipment, emerg. Generator batteries, emerg. Fire pump priming pump & M.E. oil mist detector. Engine room supply fan fire damper wasted/broken apart 15 10 17 18 Stb'd lifeboat remote brake operating wire incorrectly adjusted to enable remote operation Safety Management System procedures for testing & determining effective closing of fire dampers not satisfactory 2.China ISM Code Section 6 6 10 3 Action Code 17 17 17 17 17 18 16 16 16 16 18 Deficiencies Fire doors in Accommodation Space clearance found at the bottom frame. No.1642 N/A, No.1619 need renewed C/O not familiar with COLREG 1972 3rd officer not familiar with line throwing appliance No fire extinguisher in workshop Maintenance of the ship and equipment for lifeboat engine not accordance with SMS Chart No.342 - Edition not up dated & small correction not up dated NP 30,31, 32 - Record of amendment not up dated MARPOL 73/78 - not up dated IMDG Code - not up dated The company can not provide latest nautical publication on board for ship 3.Japan ISM Code Section 9 7 Action Code 30 17 17 17 18 18 10 18 3 9 99 17 17 17 99 17 17 18 18 10 8 17 15 15 18 15 17 18 - 16 Deficiencies Port Engine Room Ventilator flap was broken (flap was removed from operation spindle due to corrosion) Shade plate for starboard side light - not mat black Funnel fire dampers (port side) not closed completely Quick closing valve for No.2 D.O. Tank in E/R unable to close due to broken operation wire. Non-conformity notice based on SMS form 9.2 has not been made since 11-04-2006 Ship didn't make voyage planning last port Chiba to Yokohama based on Vessel Operation manual (VDM) as per section 1.1.2 Ship didn't carried out monthly check refer deficiency items based on ship's FFA maintenance plan. ISSC; not report about gross tonnage SMC: copy A-part of insulation in engine room; tore off Self-closing doors in E/R; belt on opening hook Not recorded well about not recorded weekly Explosion proof light in battery room; not turned on Exhaust pipes; not covered Company's corrective actions were not taken timely Not carried out within 3months about PSC inspection at Hachinohe on 20 Dec., 2006 & at Shimizu on 2 May 2007 Crew members; Not familiar with fire extinguishing system in paint store room No.2 G/E F.O. injection line; leaked with spray Emergency fire pump; not enough pressure (delivery pressure: 2.0 Kg/cm2) Not properly implemented as evidenced by deficiencies (No.2 G/E, Emergency fire pump) Fire insulation compound for bulkhead; not enough (Capt. Deck, W/H) Port side lifeboat launching drill (include maneuver); not carried out from May 2007 SMS did not ensure the emergency preparedness as evidence; drill record of 3monthly launching of L/B- detail was not recorded properly National contact point list; not up to date 4.Korea ISM Code Section 11 - Action Code 16 99 99 16 99 99 Deficiencies Previous Load Line marking need to be erased Oil Record Book not updated SOLAS(2004), MARPOL(2005), IBC(1998) not updated IAMSAR Manual III not marked on SE Cert. Address of management company on DOC & CSR Form I not updated Previous CSR Form I & Form III not on board 16 8 8 - 99 99 99 17 99 99 99 99 30 99 17 99 99 16 99 99 99 Garbage record book not updated and recorded properly Garbage management plan ship's name incorrect F/S processing endorsement Cert. for Capt, 2/O, 3/O, C/E expired on 07-03-2007 NAVTEX turned off Chart not corrected Passage plan not signed by Capt. Fire, Abandon, Waterbone boat dril not done this month Limit S/W for lifeboat launching not working properly Self sustained air supply system leaking (S/B) One seat belt stuck inside L/B (S/B) Safety lanturn not approved stored Garbage stored outside receptacle Hyd. Oil leaking on main deck Crew not familiar with fire drill and boat drill Q'ty of LSA not marked Angle indicator of steering gear not clear Garbage bins made of plastic in Galley 5.India ISM Code Section - Action Code 30 30 10 17 3 - 30 - 30 - 17 17 11 17 17 17 17 Deficiencies Fire dampers for supply duct in galley & pantry room found frozen, not operational. Wire mesh on top of galley oven found missing, all clamping/securing bolts for fitting arrangement found broken. Safety guard cover for V-belts and pulley on domestic fridge compressor drive found missing. E/F/P poorly maintained. Crew tired/exhausted while attempting to start(more than 20 min). Failed during & after inspection. Discharge of main bilge P/P & sludge P/P found interconnected with lines of OWS in E/R in violation of MARPOL Regulation. 2 foam extinguishers in E/R could not be discharge satisfactorily. Extinguisher's knob found seized & broke during test operation. Engine Room bilges found containing excess amount of oily mixture, suspect oil and water leaks. Spare foam extinguishers found inadequate & appeared substandard without any maker's name, approval marks etc. Inadequate ventilation observed in Steering Room and Emergency Fire Pump Room. Form E of SE Cert. does not indicate designation of rescue boat, may be clarified from the class surveyor. Immersion suits are not provided for full LSA requirement, only 6 Nos. found on board. There is no type approval cert.ificate for incinerator and for oily bilge seperator and for 15ppm monitoring equipment. 6.Brazil ISM Code Section - Action Code 17 17 17 17 17 - 17 - 30 17 17 30 30 - 30 Deficiencies Draft marks, load lines marks and deck lines are not clear Hull corrosion condition is very poor Lifeboats reflective bands are not clear Air conditioning plant is out of order Main engine turbocharger is uner repair procedures. Master must present concerning the subject. The class society must issue a report Ballast warer reporting form has not been filled according all tanks are representing a density value as 1.020 and salinity as 28unit6. The ship is authorized to discharge the ballast water into the Santos Port on such conditions. The X-band radar is out of order and the transponder could not been tested. Has a rubber hose connecting the fresh water expansion tank into the engine room to the bilge Auxiliary engine #3 is defective and could not been tested. The class society must issue a report Oily water separating system has a pipeline with a valve that allow a connection after to the overboard discharge line. The class society must issue a report. Electrical system - There are many electrical wires without protection inside engine room aft part of main engine offering rist of injury. Main engine exhaust gas test valve are not fixed on safe order. There are several leakages of 17 - 17 - 30 30 17 11 2 17 30 30 17 17 30 17 30 30 30 fuel oil offering risk of fire Engine room Port side stairway lower floor is not fixed on safe order Emergency air compressor can't be tested due fault of a handle bar to be operated Auxiliary air bottle has rubber hoses to the pressure gauge and as a supply pipeline. The class society must issue a report. There are petroleum and chemical products stored inside the steering gear room EEBDs were not located nor fixed according. The number of it is not complying the regulations Emergency fire pump has presented too much leakage through the mechanical seal Steering gear room communication telephone system with the bridge and over is out of order. Liferafts reflective bands are missing 2nd engineer sanitary facilities is in poor conditions Obsolete documents and certificates were maintained on the same file as the new ones. There's a light by Stbd side with the cover holed by a wire There's plastic hoses been used for a bilge system Flushing water pressure is missing to the crew lavatories There is clear evidence the ship does not substantially comply with the requirements of ISM Code. Sufficient evidence of violations posing risks to the people and the marine environment were present, Class society must execute an audit and issue a report about preparedness of the crew to attend ISM Code 7.U.S.A. ISM Code Section 10 Action Code 30 10 30 9 30 10 30 30 2 30 - 30 - 30 9 - 30 17 10 17 10 17 10 17a 50a 7 50 50 10 50 - 50 Deficiencies Soft patches, SW cool line, sewage OVBD, air cooler liine, etc. in E/R; No nonconformity reports have been submitted to company / no corrective action have been taken. Many repairs have been in place for an unknown period of time Although proper checklists exist & were being filled out correctly, based on the condition of the lifesaving & firefighting appliances listed below, the inspections conducted are questionable. S side FPT vent in bos'n stores has a large hole. Could cause water to seep from tank into bos'n stores during ballasting operations. No nonconformity reports have been submitted to company/ DPA. Electrical equipment throughout ship is in disarray. but, inspection reports by crew indicate equipment is in good condition. Holes have been drilled through steel Bhd to run wires Passage/Voyage planning is not being done thoroughly. No tide / current tables are being maintained Stb'd #4 TSBT is holed and has been patched by crew. Additional welded inserts have been installed by the crew without class approval The Captain of the Port of San Francisco questions the adequancy of the implementation of the vessel's SMS under the ISM Garbage is mixed throughout the vessel, including at the final collection point prior to at-sea disposal. All categories of garbage are mixed together. Crew is not following Garbage Management Plan. Containers are not color coded properly, and garbage is not segregated Some winches; excessive hydraulic leaks, greatly increasing the risk that hydraulic oil will reach the sea. Ships air horn / whistle pipe is patched, rendering horn inefficient: No reports have been made to company / DPA Anchor (P&S) winch "kick-back bars" used for stripping the anchor chain from the wild cat are bent, out of alignment, and unusable. No non-conformity reports have been submitted to company / DPA Severe wastage was found in the air conditioning room. Inside venting is completely wasted; fire dampeners would be ineffective during a fire. With the finding of sea piping and with no reports made to managers - No.2 M/E salt water cooling pump has soft patch, -No.1 Generator has soft patch on cooling water out. - No.1 Generator has soft patch on S.W. cooling in. -No.2 Sea water cooling pump in way of manifold pipe has soft patch. - Drain cooler end bell has plastic epoxy repair. - Label high level and overfill tank alarms. Two (2) large holes found drilled in bulkhead leading to radio room/locker. Fire plan indicates B0 boundary. Vessel procedures not followed according to Safety Management System: - No track lines maintained to berth while pilot was on board; no tides and currents were included in passage plan. no fixes taken for duration of Golden Gate Bridge to berth. Hospital inventory is not being maintained properly. Crew cannot find correct medications due to improper labeling and poor organization. Sewage not being maintained as per the manufacturer's requirements (Daily, weekly, monthly) 18 2 50 50 - 50 10 6 30 40 70 30 9 50 7 40 3 70c Semi-annual and annual inspection are not being completed. Sewage manual on board is in Japanese. Provide manual for crew and chlorine test kit as required Three (3) doors - aft: port and starboard; one (1) port amidship are wasted. Provides inadequate fire protection. Based on the deficiencies listed, the Captain of the Port recommends that an external ISM audit be conducted within next 30 days. Should that audit be conducted, fax the report to the Coast Guard at 510-437-3566. Starboard lifeboat was damaged during drill. Crew repaired the damage section of the lifeboat, however, the fiber glass repair are pending. Have the repairs done to the satisfaction of class. There have been no need to repairs noted or logged. Starboard S/W spool piece has a fiber glass patch on it. This was placed there by the shipyard personnel. Repair was not reported. Bilge piping system of oily water separator; by-pass rubber hose was found in E/R. HP fuel oil supply valve in vicinity No.7 Cyl. of M/E leaking sufficiently to wet insulation blanket Remote shut off capability was not provided on the E/G FO Tank greater 500L capacity. Engine department failed to demonstrate proper operation of bilge filtering equipment in accordance with SMS work instruction, 1st assistant Eng. did not demonstrate proper alignment of system valves without prompting from PSCOs. Recommend external audit of SMS procedures for operation of all pollution prevention equipment Nonconformities & their possible causes are not reported; lagging in CO2 room wasted along intersection of deck & bulkhead. Chief Engineer did not notify Company SMS procedures for cargo deck ventilation during cargo work do not ensure personal safety with regards to entry into hazardous atmospheres. While boarding vessel dockside approximately one hour after vessel's arrival dockside, PSCOs noted cargo deck ventilation was not operating. PSCOs personal atmospheric sensors detected CO levels in excess of 45 ppm in cargo hold 7. Several leaks on ME and MGDE's; insufficient spares (gaskets/seals) on board to correct condition. The C/E stated that spare parts have been requested via TELEX message, the company has replied that spare parts will be delivered to the vessel at next port. Reportedly company will supply these spares at next port. The PSCO has clear grounds to believe that there's objective evidence that the company needs to address the supply of f the suitable amount of consumable parts onboard the vessel. 8.Canada ISM Code Section 6 10 - Action Code 30 16 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 16 16 17 17 17 18 17 16 18 17 Deficiencies Closing cleats on hatch access covers missing/seized Identification & open closed signs missing Electrical cables, junction boxes not secured Wooden gratings on bridge rotted & broken many places Lighting fixtures in accommodation missing covers etc. Insufficient fruit & vegetables Insufficient pressure in toilets some not working in cabins Dirty AC return filter Hot & cold water, lighting fixtures, heating cooling controls missing or broken Loose battery in emergency generator room Paint locker not properly maintained Canadian notice to mariners not on board Lifebuoys for man overboard not correct weight Lifebuoys not as per approved plan, light & rope on same buoy Oxygen & acetylene cylinders not properly stowed secured Identification missing on ventilators & remote stop switches Port lifeboat; window securing bolts missing & window wiper missing HRU improperly fitted Weak link not certified Rating washing machine inoperative Crew lack familiarization with safety device Deck cable box corroded, improper repair of failed electrical cables carried out without class approval . Missing clamps on cargo hatch CO2 line Provision crane many defects Maintenance of ship & equipment not as per SMS Self closing door in accommodation opening restricted 19 9.U.K. ISM Code Section - Action Code 17 30 - 17 - 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 30 - 17 16 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 16 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 - 17 17 99 10 10 8 6 17 16 18 30 30 30 Deficiencies Port Lifeboat embarkation ladder spreaders have rotten Port Lifeboat; wasted keel foundation bracket & fall block, rotten wooden athwartship, boat hooks, canopy stanchions, etc. No.3 H/Cover; stb'd aft stay plating holed. Fwd stb'd foundation plating partly wasted. Fwd stb'd hydr. Pipe support plating holed & wasted. Aft Mooring deck starboard winch aft support stays partly wasted. Shore based maintenance incorrectly filled in wrong equipment listed . No signature on document Self closing device for E/R No.3 F.O. tank not working (Spring missing) Cold rooms, galley & handling room, fridges found dirty Meat room to be arranged plastic packets removed & all meats segregated. Emergency Fire Pump Exhaust Lagging on stb'd poop deck wasted. Stb'd Lifeboat embarkation ladder spreader have rotten. Stb'd Lifeboat; wasted keel foundation bracket & fall block, rotten wooden athwartship, boat hooks, fall wire cover, etc. Five Lifejackets found to heavy rotten stitching. Hand rail on stb'd lifeboat platform wasted and holed. No.2 Hatch cover (Port, fwd) corner plating wasted. Main deck accommodation (Stb'd) watertight door bottom holed and wasted. Aft mooring deck port winch foundation plating wasted on port side. Emergency firemen's torch inoperative. List of call signs too old. (ITU publication) VHF Radio installation, display unreadable. MF/HF Radio installation: wrong number program Funnel fire flaps not closing fully. Aux engine No.1 & 2 exhaust gas cylinder's thermometers inoperative/ broken F.O. Purifier inlet quick closing valve found stuck and not working. Fire hose in E/R bottom plating fwd port found leaking at various place. Aux boiler pilot burner oil pump coupling guard missing. Admiralty chart BA 2454 notice to mariners No. 180 not done. Fire drill have not been performed appropriately as per the SMS. No records of rest available for crew & officers First aid box in engine control room has no medicines (eyewash) Crew mess room plug point with tapes & oil &cadets cabin bed lamp naked, glass protection cover to be place, danger of electric shocks. Galley hot plate uptake, slides oily/greasy - fire hazard to be cleaned. Rotten vegetables found to be removed. The certificate issued by flag valid until 23-8-2012 full term 5 years shows 'Iinterim certificate' as heading, to be corrected. Crew and officers common toilet flush not working Stb'd ladder, accommodation outside from captains deck to boat deck rotten/holed handrail Failure to report vessel for mandatory expanded inspection letter Many deficiencies recorded in this report (over 30 deficiencies) leading to SMS break down. Sub standard fire drill Crew must practice drills or be sent on refresher training. Owner to investigate. 10.France ISM Code Section 10 7 8 9 - Action Code 18 18 18 18 30 30 17 17 17 Deficiencies No evidence that monthly critical equipment maintenance have been done from July to September 2007 Voyage plan not done according to SMS check list & Preparation for arrival in port check list is not applied according SMS No evidence that the company has established the annual emergency drill schedule At the time of inspection the previous Non-Conformities are not available on board. Emergency fire pump - inoperative, can not been started. Main Deck Fire Line Holed (aft, Stb'd side No.1 Cargo hold) E/R Ventilation duct found heavily corroded F.O. Leakage in way of Heater 20 - 17 17 15 8 10 - 17 16 16 16 16 16 16 15 10 99 Big quantity of garbage retained on board (batteries) Bitter ends access not possible FPT sounding pipe caps missing Excessive waster leakage on sea water service pump to be fixed Emergency diesel generator - unable to start on batteries (UMS ship) In meat room - paper lags to be removed (not hygenic) F/F lifeboat launch 20-11-2007 - not use of the appropriate reporting form (EW FORM No.D-128) Person in charge of LSA equipment show lack of familiarity with lifeboat testing Pressure gauges - missing or inoperative on fire pump No.1 and 2 Camshaft LO pump No.1 - breaker inoperative Emergency fire pump - not properly maintained, water leakage Engine room telegraph as required by SOLAS/II - 1/R37 (2 means of communication) is inoperative (stuck out "Dead Slow") Maintenance of the ship and equipment - incomplete, above mentioned deficiencies show a lack of maintenance - Additional external audit is required within 3 months 11.Italy ISM Code Section - Action Code 16 16 17 16 17 - 17 30 30 30 17 - 16 16 16 17 17 17 10 16 16 17 16 17 16 12 16 - 16 16 Deficiencies CSR document: no. 3 not signed; no. 1 not in original on board Records of rest and working hrs to be kept for all crewmembers on board (master and C/E missing). Galley: filters in stove hood to be cleaned Stowage of liferafts: aft liferaft does not provide for easy side to side transfer at a single deck level. Classification society to investigate within 14 days. There is not evidence of launching appliances / lifeboat on load release gear annual thorough examination on board Two fire hoses at aft mooring station to be replaced (found holes). Emergency fire pump cannot deliver required pressure to the line. Main fire line found hole in way of cargo hold no. 4 and 5 Funnel fire damper - stb side - at funnel deck does not close Open/close indication on bridge Dk fire dampers are inverted. E/R(P) damper at funnel Dk: air leak from flange on air delivery line. Freeboard marks are not clearly visible Overall maintenance of hatch covers defective (i.e. cleats, hatch coamings, rubber gaskets, etc..) PS winch at fwd mooring station: hydraulic line holed Boiler safety valves to be clearly marked Some nautical charts for next intended voyage to be provided: BA 1941- 917 - 1058 - 1976. Solas convention 2006 amendments / IAMSAR volume III / list of lights vol. E ed. 2007/2008 not available on board. List of operational contact points - annex II - not available Oil record book part I to be properly filled in and format to be renewed. Muster list does not include indication of officer in charge of LSA maintenance/substitutes of key persons. garbage management plan: incinerator instructions are not included Cargo hold n. 3 - water level indicator - sensor failure Above noted deficiencies denote an improper implementation of ISM instructions as to maintenance of ship - equipment. Company is requested to investigate incorrect implementation of ISM procedures and instruction by carrying out an internal audit within allotted timescale. Class society to carry out an additional audit as per flag state requirements. International Ship Security Certificate: intermediate verification not recorded. International Tonnage Certificate: date on which keel was laid is incorrect 12.Netherlands ISM Code Section - Action Code 17 - 17 - 17 Deficiencies No manometer for Oxygen bottles (welding equipment). No warning sign "No Smoking, fire, etc.” near Oxygen and Acetylene store No manometer for oxygen bottles (welding equipment), No warning sign "No Smoking, No open fire, etc." near oxygen and acetylene store. Incorrect; categories don not correspond with categories mentioned in MARPOL 21 7 2 17 17 17 18 18 2 18 - 17 17 17 17 - 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 - 17 6 5 8 17 30 30 30 7 18 7 7 18 18 No evidence of 5 yearly dynamic load test of davits Oil Record Book not properly filled in wrong code used. Not corrected, e.g. table 4 contains incinerator & communicator, grinder, etc. Section 4, part 8, Form SP8D4, "Rescue Centers" data for the Netherlands incorrect. Crew is not equipped with all personal safety equipment; safety shoes, safety helmet etc. Safety policy is not fully implemented Non compliance with mandatory international requirements with regard to 2000/59/EC (waste notification not properly filled in) No evidence of weekly moving lifeboats from stowage position Emergency lighting batteries in poor condition. Batteries for GMDSS not properly stowed. (loose) Embarkation light port side inoperative. Nozzle of fire hose on aft deck missing, fire hose used during testing of emerge. fire pump in poor condition. Light of lifebuoy on embarkation deck stb'd side not connected to the lifebuoy. One EEBD used for demonstration (now to low press). No training EEBD available. Pressure of Breathing Apparatus air bottles on aft deck too low Crew not familiar with BA set, fireman's outfit, face mask. Filling pipe of Aft peak tank kept open. Crew not familiar with collision bulkhead valve. Crew has absolute no knowledge about the CO2 system and manual/remote control. SOLAS training manual and fire safety operational booklet not ship specific. Safety valve for overpressure inoperative. Oil water separator has been used in Mediterranean sea (special area) while not fitted with alarm and sopping device. Enclosed space entry not proper format. No identification of space to be entered, no data mentioned for validity. Oxygen meter not properly calibrated, reading in open air 22% oxygen. No proper familiarization for Captain and Chief Engineer. (no familiarization Form filled in). Captain is not aware and able to identify his overriding authority in the ISM Manual. C/E is not familiar with CO2 system, crew cannot show proper handling of Fireman's outfit, etc.; Emergency preparedness too low Abandon ship drill is not mentioned monthly, but 3 monthly lowering of lifeboats to water level is not mentioned Crew list format; not in compliance with the IMO regulation and not compliant with the crew list in use. Enclosed space entry permit format is incomplete, item 17 & 18 are identical, no validity date, space supposed to be entered not mentioned. 13.Russia ISM Code Section 10 - Action Code 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 15 16 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 Deficiencies Foundation for electric cables to signaling lighting in poor condition Indicator's of position for bunkering system are missing Freeboard marks (LL mark) to be painted Outside emergency lighting some of deep corroded Lighting in engine room to be repaired cover's Hydraulic pipe's for hatch cover's some in poor condition Monitor operation panel in engine room poor condition IMO symbols are partly missing (detectors, etc.) Outside doors to be marked ISSC address of company to be corrected Cargo hold hydraulic cylinder heavy leak of hydr. Oil Vent. Funnel of cargo hold's some of head's deformed Emergency fire pump heavy start Vent. Pipe of D.G. (case) deep corroded Vent. Pipe of H.F.O. tank fire protective screen some of damaged Bilge-Ballast system in engine room handles not available Por side gangway some of parts deep corroded Stb'd side gangway gear foundation deep corroded Engine control room panel ramp's some of no light Mooring ropes to be used in good condition IMO symbols to be indicated according fire plan Fire detectors to be maintained Deviation card duration (ship after dry docking) Exchange ballast plan density are salinity) 22 10 - 17 17 17 Ultrasonic report no on board (thickness measurement record) Lifeboat's retro reflector, Type renewed Navigation bridge window damaged 14.Iran ISM Code Section 10 8 3 - Action Code 17 17 30 17 30 30 30 17 17 30 17 30 17 30 17 30 30 30 17 17 17 17 30 17 17 17 17 17 30 30 17 17 30 17 30 30 30 17 30 17 30 30 17 30 30 30 30 Deficiencies There is not safe access between the ship and terminal F.O. tank line heavily rusted Lifeboat means of recovery defective F.O. save-all holed in several part M/E No.4 unit high pressure FO line is leaking & defective E/R self-closing control cocks is defective & FO ones tied in open position Fire hazard in E/R due to excess accumulation oil in bilge & etc. Some of generator gauge defective No.3 Generator diesel engine is leaking Oil water separator is defective Boiler insulation defective L.O. glass gauge valve is defective E/R muster list is missing Purifier for Aux. engine quick closing valve inoperative Lifeboat fall date of end to end over due Evidence of pollution both on deck & ship's over board Maintenance of ship & equipment do not comply with SMS. Objective evidence mention the deficiencies Ship is not ready for emergency preparedness Load line marks painting faded Insufficient No. of Immersion suits on board MSDS was not on board SOPEP contact point is not up to date Accommodation ventilation damper chocked Numerous fire door in open position with hold back hook All (NP77) was not corrected up to date Radar performance is in poor condition (ARPA) Data was not correctly entered in radio log book (Sart, EPIRB, 2 way Radio, Section B) GMDSS emergency light burnt out INMARSAT C is defective HF SSB & VHF DSC do not work with DC power Navigation light panel lights burnt out Numerous vent without marking E/R Mushroom ventilation seized open Lifeboat shears & block corroded E/R sky light holed Accommodation fire damper seized closed Galley intake sky light holed & heavily corroded Liferaft marking is missing SMS internal audit report is missing (from 2005) Port lifeboat thwart rotten Provision store air vent corroded & holed Steering gear room air vent holed & corroded FW air vent head cover is defective Port lifeboat cracked & broken Chemical ventilation (TK) wasted & holed Absence of oil spill equipment beside manifold during cargo operation Deck foam line heavily rusted & mid-ship valve seized 23 Key Contacts Head Office Information Center Safety Management Systems Department Nippon Kaiji Kyokai 1-8-5, Ohnodai, Midori-ku, Chiba Tel: +81-43-294-5999 Fax:+81-43-294-7206 E-mail: Overseas Offices South Asia and Oceania Singapore Office Nippon Kaiji Kyokai 101, Cecil Street, #21-01 Tong Eng Building, Singapore, 069533 Tel: +65-62223133, Fax: +65-62255942 E-mail: Middle East, East Mediterranean and Black Sea Piraeus Office Nippon Kaiji Kyokai 39-41 Akti Posidonos, Moschato 183 44, Piraeus, Greece Tel: +30-21-09420020, Fax: +30-21-09420079 E-mail: Europe and Africa London Office Nippon Kaiji Kyokai 6th Floor, Finsbury Circus House, 12-15 Finsbury Circus, London, EC2M 7EB, United Kingdom Tel: +44-20-7621-0963, Fax: +44-20-7626-0383 E-mail: The Americas New York office Nippon Kaiji Kyokai One Parker Plaza, 11th Floor 400 Kelby Street, Fort Lee, N.J. 07024, U.S.A. Tel: +1-201-944-8021, Fax: +1-201-944-8183 E-mail: For more information on this publication, please contact the Safety Management Systems Department 1-8-5, Ohnodai, Midori-ku, Chiba 267-0056, Japan TEL:+81-43-294-5999 FAX:+81-43-294-7206 e-mail: