Midterm 2 2013 - The McMaster Engineering Society


McMaster University, Department of Civil Engineering

CIV ENG 4N04: Steel Structures

Instructor: Lydell Wiebe

Term Test 2

Monday, November 11, 2013

11:30 – 12:20 pm

12.5% of final course grade

Permitted Aids: any non-programmable calculator

Handbook of Steel Construction, 10th Edition (Blue Book)

Write your name or initials on every page.

All work should be done on the engineering paper that is provided. If you need more space, please ask the invigilator for additional pages. No credit will be given for any answer that is not supported by proper explanations and/or calculations. Ensure that all pages are stapled before submitting.

Part a /6 /2 /2 = /6

Part b

Part c












Honour Pledge:

I understand that academic integrity is essential to the pursuit of learning and scholarship in a University, and to ensure that a degree from McMaster University is a strong signal of each student’s individual academic achievement. I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid during this examination, nor have I concealed any violation of McMaster

University’s Academic Integrity Policy.

Print Name: ____________________ Signature: ____________________

McMaster University

Department of Civil Engineering

1 CIV ENG 4N04, Fall 2013


The truss shown below supports a pedestrian bridge over a highway in Ontario. The critical load case for member CD in compression is shown. a) 6 points (rubric score x 0.60): For a factored load of P f

= 150 kN at points E and G, select the least-mass square hollow structural section (HSS) that satisfies the requirements of CAN/CSA S16-09 for member

CD in compression. Calculate the factored strength of the member that you select. b) 5 points (rubric score x 0.50): As shown in the Detail of Joint C, the HSS is slotted into a gusset plate, which is welded to the bottom chord of the truss (a W150x30). Design a fillet weld connection between member CD and the gusset plate that can resist the factored load you found in part (a). Consider only the strength of the weld: you do not need to check the plate or the HSS. Draw a sketch that clearly describes your design. c) 1.5 points (rubric for judgment x 0.75): After construction, the Ministry of Transportation decides that they would like to hang a traffic sign from the bridge. Although the weight of the sign is small relative to the design loads, the sign will be installed by drilling holes for two ¾” bolts, as shown below. Is their proposal likely to be acceptable from a structural perspective? Why or why not?

Important Notes:

Use G40.20/G40.21 350W Class C steel.

You may conservatively treat all members as pinned with lengths measured along their centrelines.

Because this member is loaded in compression, shear lag does not influence its strength.


8 @ 3000 = 24 000


4000 not to scale all dimensions are in mm



C part (c): proposed

E hole locations

P f



P f gusset plate member CD

(your design from part a)

X gusset plate through slot in HSS



McMaster University

Department of Civil Engineering

Detail of Joint C


Section X-X

CIV ENG 4N04, Fall 2013

