EL Wright Middle School and Richland Northeast High School Academic Honesty Policy The root of the Academic Honesty Policy at EL Wright Middle School and Richland Northeast High School can be found in the principles of the International Baccalaureate Organization, the principles of Richland School District Two, and the fundamental core values established at Richland Northeast High School. The Richland District Two Honor Code is: On my honor, I have neither given nor received unauthorized assistance on this assignment. I understand that any violation of the RSD2 Honor Code will result in academic and disciplinary action. EL Wright Middle School and Richland Northeast High School, has aligned goals with the International Baccalaureate Organization, and believes that academic dishonesty “should be treated in a positive way, stressing the benefits of properly conducted academic research and a respect for the integrity of all forms” of student work. As a result, the purpose of the academic policy is to: • • • • Define academic honesty and malpractice in accordance with the statements of the IBO Establish roles and responsibilities for all students as well as teachers Provide resources for prevention of academic dishonesty or malpractice Outline penalties associated with academic dishonesty Academic honesty is defined by the IBO as “an authentic piece of work based on one’s original ideas and work of others fully acknowledged.” Malpractice is defined as behavior which may result in someone gaining an unfair advantage over another such as: A. Plagiarism: using someone else’s idea or work as one’s own without proper documentation B. Collusion: copying work or allowing someone to copy one’s own work C. Duplication: turning in the same work as someone else D. Misconduct: refusing to follow directions (taking test materials from a classroom or prohibited electronic devices) Roles and Responsibilities: 1. The Head of School understands and actively encourages academic honesty, promotes a positive school culture, and provides resources to support academic honesty on the campus. 2. The Media Center Specialist provide resources for all teachers and students in person, through the school’s library website. 3. Teachers provide support for academic honesty through the MYP Approaches to Learning, and recognize all teachers on campus share the responsibility of reinforcing best practices and teaching proper research skills. Teachers should give specific requirements as well as written examples of proper citation of sources in all subject areas. 4. Parents provide support by sharing the school’s academic honesty policy with their students and monitor students’ work in the home to the extent possible and feasible 5. Students make every effort to practice academic honesty by accepting the challenge to be original and creative in order to produce their own works. In honoring the Richland District Two Code of Conduct, the student is promising that work is original. 6. Students also communicate and inquire when they have questions regarding the proper way to cite sources. Prevention of Academic Dishonesty and/or Malpractice: Education is the key to preventing academic dishonesty and malpractice. The school recognizes that not every attempt of academic dishonesty is an intentional attempt to present another person’s idea as one’s own. EL Wright Middle School and Richland Northeast will take proactive measures to inform and teach learners preventative measures as outlined in each unit planner. Specifically, teachers will work with students to provide opportunities to properly cite sources and correct their work if academic dishonesty is detected, particularly when plagiarism is unintended. We recognize a “teachable moment,” and will employ that strategy as much as possible when dealing with issues of malpractice. Penalties: In the event a student does not adhere to preventative measures, EL Wright Middle School and Richland Northeast High School has the following guidelines in place to deal with academic dishonesty. Middle School: 1st offense – Call to parent, zero on the assignment, parent/teacher conference 2nd offense – Call to parent, zero on the assignment, after school detention (ASD) 3rd offense – Call to parent, zero on the assignment, In-School Suspension (ISS) High School: 1st offense – Call to parent, zero on the assignment, three hours of after school detention 2nd offense – Call to parent, zero on the assignment, in-school suspension 3rd offense – Call to parent, zero on the assignment, out of school suspension All cases of academic dishonestly shall be referred to the assistant principal of curriculum. In addition, any student found to be in violation of the honor code will not be admitted into the National Honor Society for a period of one year following the violation.