Evonik Magazine Evonik Magazine 2|2010 S E IZI N G O PP O RT U N I T I E S E A R L I E R 2 | 2010 The Age of Aquaculture How do we feed fish so that they can feed the world? 1_Evonik_03-10_EN 1 08.11.2010 16:25:51 Uhr www.evonik.com Exceptional solutions in plastics are no exception for us. Evonik.indd 1 03.09.2010 16:36:19 Uhr EDITORIAL 3 A New Challenge PHOTOGRAPHY: CHRISTIAN SCHLÜTER/EVONIK INDUSTRIES How are new ideas generated? If people understand a solution, they will accept it—both inside and outside companies. Dr. Klaus Engel, Chairman of the Executive Board of Evonik Industries AG Dear readers, Evonik Magazine offers us the opportunity to present the products and developments of our company in more detail and in the proper context. For example, we provide background stories on their origins and answer questions about how new ideas are generated and how innovations are industrially engineered. When we talk about new products and solutions, we always have to deal with the important aspect of their effects on society and on the individual’s quality of life. Communicating these aspects is becoming increasingly important today in view of the growing complexity of production processes and of interlinked effects. In Germany in particular, we are currently experiencing reservations on the part of the general public, which seem to originate in faulty communication between industry and organized interest groups. Thomas Schmid, Editor in Chief of the newspaper Die Welt, summed up this lash among those who, rightly or wrongly, believe it represents a threat to... their accustomed way of life.” One can regret that this basic attitude exists, but it’s also possible to view it as a challenge to explain the important role of industry in social development, growing global prosperity, and improved living conditions. Take food, for example: How can we feed people’s growing appetite for meat and fish in a way that is environmentally responsible? If people understand a solution, they will accept it—both inside and outside companies. Numerous examples illustrate the fact that many hotly debated topics, when viewed from this standpoint, turn out to be only apparent controversies. Is there a basic contradiction between the “old economy” and the modern knowledge society? Not really. After all, a large proportion of our knowledge and our basic living conditions depend on the achievements of industrial research. Vital service structures grow best in places where there are healthy industrial foundations. In the global economy, which is once again on an upswing, it’s clear that the especially successful companies are those that do not think in terms of apparent contradictions but instead synthesize the talents and experiences at hand and make the best use of them. Sincerely, attitude as follows: “Progress generates a back- Evonik Magazine 2 | 2010 3_Evonik_03-10_EN Abs2:3 08.11.2010 10:10:21 Uhr 4 CONTENTS With on fo a ldout ry to is h e th of light LEDS are the future of light. The changing colors of 40,000 LEDs on the facade of the Ars Electronica Center in Linz (Austria) make it a striking attraction Intelligent fish feed MASTHEAD PAGE 36 Publisher: Evonik Industries AG Christian Kullmann Rellinghauser Str. 1–11 45128 Essen Renewables: When will they replace oil? Office Manager/ Head of Corporate Internal Communications and Group Media: Stefan Haver Editor in Chief: Urs Schnabel (responsible for editorial content) Art Direction: Wolf Dammann Final Editing: Michael Hopp (Head), Birgitt Cordes Managing Editor: Stefan Glowa Picture Desk: Ulrich Thiessen Documentation: Kerstin Weber-Rajab, Tilman Baucken; Hamburg PAGE 42 PAGE 12 Prof. Andreas Gursky knows it pays to Design: Teresa Nunes (Head), Anja Giese, Heike Hentschel/ Redaktion 4 Copy Desk: Wilm Steinhäuser Translation: TransForm, Cologne Publisher and address: HOFFMANN UND CAMPE VERLAG GmbH, a GANSKE VERLAGSGRUPPE company Harvestehuder Weg 42 20149 Hamburg Telephone +49 40 44188-457 Fax +49 40 44188-236 e-mail cp@hoca.de Evonik Magazine 2 | 2010 4_Evonik_03-10_EN 4 08.11.2010 12:51:20 Uhr CONTENTS 5 EDITORIAL Evonik Global 3 A New Challenge A journey around the world to international Evonik locations USA ”If people understand a solution, they will accept it.” Japan China In Portland (Oregon), Evonik is becoming a key producer in the fast growing semiconductor industry and thus consolidating its position in chip manufacturing Evonik is supplying the market directly with medical active ingredients from two new plants in Shanghai and Nanning Next year, Evonik will supply the booming electronics industry from a new integrated production facility for monosilane. It’s another piece in the Asia strategy jigsaw INFORMING Three minutes with: Prof. Richard F. Heck created the foundation of modern chemistry World map: Happiness and millionaires—the satisfaction index Guest column: Ralf Südhoff, spokesman for the UN World Food Programme, on the scandal of the global food crisis Debating: Are we playing off “green” against hunger? Committed to responsibility PAGE 26 SHAPING 12 Seeing the Light Once there were lamps. Now, LEDs enable objects to illuminate themselves. Hundreds of thousands of years after the discovery of fire, this new technology is lighting up our lives with undreamed-of possibilities Saudi Arabia Together with local partners, Evonik is planning a joint venture to produce superabsorbers in the world’s largest industrial park India Singapore To serve the growing automotive market, Evonik and its subsidiary INSILCO are producing silicic acid for the tire industry Evonik finds itself in the best of company on the artificial island of Jurong. Almost 100 chemical companies have set up operations there Evonik Magazine 2 | 2010 53_Evonik_03-10_EN Abs1:53 08.11.2010 13:37:54 Uhr GLOBAL 53 A Journey Around the World to International Locations India: Safer auto tires with silicic acid China: New plants in Shanghai and Nanning INSPIRING 26 Expeditions Beyond the Familiar “Common Purpose” is an international network of people who want to make a difference. Author Martin Kuhna paid them a visit USA: Evonik strengthens its position in the chip industry Japan: New monosilane facility for the electronics industry DISCOVERING 32 Awakening Kids’ Interest in Science The German economy will soon face a dramatic shortage of specialized professionals. The only answer: spark the kids’ interest at school APPLYING An early interest in technology PAGE 32 PHOTOGRAPHY: ANTHONY BRADSHAW/GETTY IMAGES, PICTURE-ALLIANCE/DPA 6 At First Glance Saudi Arabia: New market with superabsorbers Singapore: Jurong Island has it all 36 The Age of Aquaculture India: What’s turning this country into a boom region? How do we feed them so they can feed the world? Fish breeding in fish farms is gaining in importance FINDING RECOGNIZING 59 At a Glance 42 Weaning Chemicals off Oil An index of the products mentioned in this publication Not only our lifestyle depends on petroleum; it’s also a must for chemicals. How can the industry free itself from this dependence? EXPERIENCING 46 Andreas Gursky Prof. Andreas Gursky moved to the Ruhr region as a child and has lived there ever since. A portrait of a photographer who is a global superstar LIVING 52 Light and Shadow keep moving Management: Dr. Kai Laakmann, Dr. Andreas Siefke, Bernd Ziesemer Publication Manager: Dr. Ingo Kohlschein Production: Claude Hellweg (Head), Oliver Lupp PAGE 46 Lithography: PX2, Hamburg Printing: Neef+Stumme premium printing, Wittingen Copyright: © 2010 by Evonik Industries AG, Essen. Reprinting only with the permission of the publisher. The contents do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the publisher. An experiment by physicists at Humboldt University in Berlin shows Goethe was right with his Theory of Colors Contact: Questions and suggestions on the contents of the magazine: Telephone +49 201 177-3340, Fax +49 201 177-3013, e-mail magazin@evonik.com Questions about orders or subscriptions: Telephone +49 40 68879-139 Fax +49 40 68879-199 e-mail magazin-vertrieb@hoca.de AEROSIL®, AEROXIDE®, Biolys®, Dynasylan®, FAVOR®, PLEXIGLAS®, PLEXIGLAS truLED®, PLEXIMID®, Savosil™, SiVARA™, ULTRASIL®, VESTAMID®, and VISCOPLEX® are registered trademarks of Evonik Industries AG or one of its subsidiaries. They are indicated in capital letters throughout the text. You can also find this issue of Evonik Magazine online at www.evonik.com PHOTOGRAPHY: F1ONLINE, CATRIN MORITZ, CORBIS, SIEGFRIED SCHWESIG/RAG, LOESEL/VISUM, KUNZ/ BILDERBERG. COVER PHOTO: STOCKFOOD Evonik Magazine 2 | 2010 5_Evonik_03-10_EN 5 08.11.2010 16:19:31 Uhr 6 INFORMING Three minutes with… Quote of the month Richard F. Heck A Satisfied Man “Follow Your Heart” Pd Styrene Br Bromobenzene H Pd c H c H c H Pd H Br H c H Br H H c H c H H H c c H H Br H Richard F. Heck received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for the cross-coupling of carbon atoms Pd Jianliang Tuo, Department Head at Evonik Degussa (China) Co., Ltd. on his career path from his studies of German literature to the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Trade and on to Evonik in Shanghai. Evonik in figures 600 trainees joined Evonik Industries AG on September 1, 2010. 210 Plexiglas elements adorn Technische Universität München’s weather tower. 2.1 billion kilowatthours of thermal energy are provided each year by Evonik in North Rhine-Westphalia. 430,000 metric tons of the amino acid methionine will be produced per year by Evonik until 2013. Palladium (Pd), bromine (Br), carbon (C), hydrogen (H) Treading Softly Get into your running shoes and out into nature—jogging is among the most popular outdoor sports. A new class of running shoe—the adidas Porsche Design Bounce™: S L—is the latest top model on the market. And the newcomer can take a real pounding. A midsole of the high-performance plastic VESTAMID LX 9012 from Evonik Industries AG provides damping, absorbs hard impacts, stabilizes the runner’s feet, and makes running easier due to its low weight. Together with processors and sporting goods manufacturers, Evonik is developing its VESTAMID molding compounds, which are based on the plastic polyamide 12, for use in high-grade athletic shoe soles. Running shoes must provide optimal support for the complex interplay of muscles, bones and ligaments in the foot. The key is the sole material. During a ten-kilometer run, runners land roughly 4,300 times with two to three times their body weight on each foot. The material should prevent the functional and damping elements from becoming compressed and thus worthless over time. It should also enable them to retain their shape despite large temperature fluctuations. PHOTOGRAPHY: PR PHOTOGRAPHY: PICTURE ALLIANCE / DPA; GRAPHIC: PICFOUR High-performance plastic can take a pounding It was like a call from another world. It was the middle of the night in Manila (Philippines) when Prof. Richard F. Heck received the news that he was receiving the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. The 79-year-old lives there with his family and “enjoys doing nothing and life itself.” He had pretty much said goodbye to chemistry when he retired in 1989. “I haven’t paid very close attention to the latest developments, but I believe that there is still a lot of chemistry left to be discovered and developed,” he says. Heck himself made his groundbreaking discoveries in the field of organic chemistry more than 40 years ago. In 1967, by using palladium as a catalyst, he succeeded in linking carbon atoms to form complex molecules. This method, which every chemistry student today knows as the Heck reaction, was the foundation for the synthesis of countless naturally occurring substances for the production of plastics, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and herbicides. Heck made this breakthrough in organic chemistry while working at the laboratories of Hercules Inc., a munitions plant in Wilmington (Delaware, USA). He left Hercules for the University of Delaware in 1971. He didn’t become famous for his research until the 1990s when attempts were being made to synthesize highly effective toxins—such as those of marine sponges—as part of the fight against infections and cancer. Heck and his co-Laureates, Prof. Ei-ichi Negishi and Prof. Akira Suzuki, whose discoveries expanded on his work, would have become very rich men if the results of their research had been patented. Heck considers the late honor as the ultimate recognition of his life’s work. “It was a great surprise to me, and I am very, very grateful.” He is not about to throw a huge party, though. “I’m quite content to quietly enjoy the feeling of being a Nobel Laureate,” he says. CHRISTIANE OPPERMANN adidas Porsche Design Bounce™. The new running shoe absorbs hard impacts Evonik Magazine 2 | 2010 6_Evonik_03-10_EN Abs1:6 08.11.2010 12:54:54 Uhr INFORMING 7 Evonik checks sustainability Nature in a Tube Natural cosmetics had for years been relegated to a niche existence in organic food stores. The organic products were smelly and expensive. Creams and lotions with natural ingredients now enjoy great popularity and healthy growth rates. Customers wanting to treat themselves now use creams and powders bearing Mother Nature’s stamp of approval. Even discounters such as Audi and Lidl have jumped on the bandwagon. Today consumers look for more than just natural ingredients. Shampoos and creams should also be the result of sustainable production. In fact, ecological beauty care is very trendy and the ecological balance sheet of raw materials and products is more important than ever to firms and consumers. How much water and energy are used? How much CO2 is emitted over the product’s lifecycle? An increasing number of international cosmetics companies are servicing a growing demand for “organic plus lifestyle,” and have either acquired natural cosmetics manufacturers or are expanding their own organic lines. The products bear the corresponding quality seals. One example is the seal from Ecocert, one of the largest organic certification organizations in Europe. Another is the “Certified Natural Cosmetics” seal of approval issued by the Association of German Industries and Trading Firms for Pharmaceuticals, Health Care Products, Food Supplements and Personal Hygiene Products (BDIH). Evonik is working with both organizations to develop test criteria—which isn’t surprising given that the Per- PHOTOGRAPHY: GETTYIMAGES The organic boom has spread to the mass market for cosmetics. The sector’s suppliers of renewable raw materials represent a rapidly growing market To ensure cosmetics made of natural ingredients contribute to sustainability, seals of approval confirm whether the products are also made with resource-conserving methods sonal Care Product Line of Evonik Industries AG’s Consumer Specialities Business Unit includes many natural raw materials for the cosmetics industry. Fifty-five of these products already bear the Ecocert seal. “Market research places worldwide market potential at between US$15 and US$20 billion,” says Peter Becker, Sales Manager and Sustainability Coordinator. The largest markets are Germany, France, and the USA. “Overall, 84 percent of the products from Personal Care are made entirely or in part from renewable raw materials,” says Becker. “Given the increasing worldwide depletion of resources, we hope to further increase this percentage while at the same time using innovative technologies to manage these sources responsibly.” Care Specialties mostly uses natural oils such as palm, canola, sunflower or coconut oil to make emulsifiers and tensides. Substances such as sugar esters can also be used as lipid replenishers and thickeners for shampoos and shower gels. Even active ingredients in antiwrinkle creams are based on renewable raw materials. Sugar instead of oil “To become less reliant on oil, we are striving to find a way to manufacture current products using renewable raw materials like sugar or plant residues,” explains Dr. Thomas Haas, Head of the Science-to-Business-Center Bio, which is cofinanced by the European Union and funded by the State of North-Rhine Westphalia. However, using classic chemicals industry processes, these starting materials can only be turned into products by expending lots of energy and countless chemicals. Biotechnological processes based on microorganisms and enzymes often recycle the renewable raw materials in a more affordable and greener manner. The fact that a raw material is natural doesn’t necessarily mean that its use will conserve resources. The processing of natural materials or their transport from distant countries is sometimes very wasteful in terms of energy and water consumption. This is why Care Specialties relies on biotechnological processes such as enzyme catalysis, microorganisms, or fermentation for the production of ingredients for natural cosmetics. “Ingredients in cosmetic products—for example, wax esters with a high oil content—that contribute to skin care can be biotechnologically produced today, as can active ingredients in anti-aging creams or lotions,” says Dr. Oliver Thum, Head of Biotechnical Research for Consumer Specialties. One example of what he means is ceramides. The lipids protect the skin from drying and from penetration by foreign matter. Another is hyaluronic acid, which acts as a store for water in the eyes. The substance can also serve as an active ingredient in anti-wrinkle creams. It’s a use that more and more consumers will be putting it to in the future due to demographic change. Evonik Magazine 2 | 2010 7_Evonik_03-10_EN Abs1:7 08.11.2010 12:55:14 Uhr 8 INFORMING Happiness and Millionaires The Happy Planet Index (HPI) shows that high consumption of resources does not necessarily result in a greater sense of happiness WEALTH DOES NOT EQUAL HAPPINESS The HPI happiness formula does not refer to material wealth, but rather is calculated from life expectancy data, satisfaction, and the ecological footprint Life expectancy In years 213,000 millionaires in Canada 2008 -24.1 % versus 2007 Satisfaction Determined by surveys 77.9 9.4 7.9 Ecological footprint In gha (global hectares): The ecological footprint measures the area of the earth’s surface that is needed to maintain a person’s lifestyle and standard of living over the long term USA 2,460,000 DEVIATIONS IN THE FIGURES ARE DUE TO ROUNDING millionaires in the USA 2008 -18.5% versus 2007 HPI VALUES The average life expectancy is multiplied by life satisfaction as measured by surveys. The product is then divided by the ecological footprint 78.5 8.5 70–80 30–39.9 60–69.9 20–29.9 50–59.9 10–19.9 40–49.9 0–9.9 2.3 COSTA RICA The happiest people in terms of satisfaction, life expectancy, and ecological footprint live here. 90 percent of the energy is produced using renewables. Costa Rica is expected to be CO2 neutral in 2021 Not reported The top 15 billionaires SOURCE: HAPPY PLANET INDEX REPORT 2009, WORLD WEALTH REPORT 2009, FORBES RICH LIST 2010, HANS-BÖCKLER-STIFTUNG; ILLUSTRATION: PICFOUR The Forbes list of the super rich for 2010 shows that Mexico’s cellular phone tycoon Carlos Slim Helú passed Bill Gates and Warren Buffet for the first time. Following a drop in the year 2009, there are once again more than 1,000 billionaires worldwide Name 1 Carlos Slim Helú and family 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 William Gates III Warren Buffett Mukesh Ambani Lakshmi Mittal Lawrence Ellison Bernard Arnault Eike Batista Amancio Ortega Karl Albrecht Ingvar Kamprad and family Christy Walton and family Stefan Persson Li Ka-shing Jim Walton Unemployment figures were rising in the USA as a result of the recession. The US Congress therefore introduced tax incentives for companies that hire new workers Citizenship Net worth* Mexican 53.5 US American US American Indian Indian US American French Brazilian Spanish German Swedish US American Swedish HongKonger US American 53 47 29 28.7 28 27.5 27 25 23.5 23 22.5 22.4 21 20.7 * IN BILLIONS OF DOLLARS 131,000 millionaires in Brazil 2008 -8.4% versus 2007 75.9 6.8 5.5 URUGUAY The residents of Uruguay are socially responsible, and materialism is not particularly important to them. Industry causes a large amount of water pollution, however. Another major problem is the disposal of hazardous waste GLOBAL WEALTH ELITE 2008 BY REGIONS AND NET WORTH 8.6 million millionaires possess US$32.8 trillion—in Germany alone, 810,000 millionaires possess around US$2.1 trillion—some 23 percent of Germany’s total net worth. Worldwide, just under one percent of the population possesses 38 percent of the world’s net worth Evonik Magazine 2 | 2010 8_Evonik_03-10_EN Abs2:8 09.11.2010 12:12:58 Uhr INFORMING 9 80.5 78.4 79.1 10.2 7.7 7.9 7.2 5.1 4.2 LUXEMBOURG SWEDEN GERMANY With the highest gross domestic product per capita in the world, the residents of Luxembourg are very happy. However, the country’s high consumption leads to enormous CO2 emissions and the world’s largest ecological footprint Sweden’s social welfare system works. The country has one of Europe’s higher gross domestic product per capita ratings. Unemployment is low, and the people are satisfied. Sweden no longer occupies a leading position when it comes to environmental protection, however. It ranks 62nd out of 210 countries in terms of CO2 emissions Alternative energies produced using wind, water, and thermal energy sources are reducing CO2 emissions. More work must still be done to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, however 810,000 millionaires in Germany 2008 -2.7% versus 2007 97,000 362,000 millionaires in Russia 2008 -28.5 % versus 2007 millionaires in the UK 2008 -26.13 % versus 2007 82.3 6.8 4.9 364,000 JAPAN millionaires in China 2008 -11.8 % versus 2007 Japan is a country with a very high life expectancy. Thanks to low unemployment levels, most of the residents are satisfied. Japan has been trying to reduce its CO2 emissions since the ratification of the Kyoto Protocol 84,000 millionaires in India 2008 -31.6 % versus 2007 78.3 9.5 UNITED ARAB EMIRATES 57.7 5.4 IRAQ The Al Basama Al Beeiya Initiative was recently established to draw attention to renewable energies—and to the high consumption of imported products 1.3 The Iraq war has exacerbated the country’s problems. There is a lot of poverty, and health care is catastrophic. Life expectancy and satisfaction are correspondingly low North America Millionaires: 2.7 million Net worth: US$9.1 trillion 7.2 129,000 millionaires in Australia 2008 -23.4 % versus 2007 40.9 2.8 ZIMBABWE 1.1 Poverty and diseases, primarily AIDS and HIV, have a devastating effect on the population Germany Millionaires: 810,000 Net worth: US$2.1 trillion Europe Millionaires: 2.6 million Net worth: US$8.3 trillion Middle East Millionaires: 400,000 Net worth: US$1.4 trillion Asia Pacific Millionaires: 2.4 million Net worth: US$7.4 trillion Latin America Millionaires: 400,000 Net worth: US$5.8 trillion Africa Millionaires: 100,000 Net worth: US$0.8 trillion Evonik Magazine 2 | 2010 9_Evonik_03-10_EN Abs2:9 09.11.2010 12:13:20 Uhr 10 I N F O R M I N G Guest Column The Real Scandal Crop failures from Canada to Germany to the Black Sea, droughts and forest fires in Russia, exploding wheat prices—is the global food crisis of 2008 making a comeback? Definitely not. It never went away PHOTOGRAPHY LEFT: WFP, ABOVE:ALIMDI.NET THE INGREDIENTS of the food crisis that made headlines in 2008 covered a broad spectrum. They included dramatic droughts in Australia, weather-related disasters and crop failures worldwide, food prices that increased three-fold within months, commodities speculators who pounced on the agriculture market, skyrocketing energy costs, a boom in biofuels production, and bans on exports of cereals in many countries. Those were the factors that sparked angry reactions by hungry people in more than 30 countries. The protests led to the fall of the Haitian government and prompted leading thinkers, like the heads of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, to publish a warning. Their message was clear and simple: Stability and Ralf Südhoff, 41, is the UN World Food Programme spokesman for Germany, Austria, and Switzerland’s German-speaking regions democracy were endangered in more than 50 countries, and there had to be a turnaround in the fight against hunger and in agricultural policies, they said. To what degree there has been a turnaround since 2008 is made clear by news coverage in recent months. The price of wheat rose 50 percent in Europe alone in June, and reached its highest level in the last 60 years on the commodities exchange in Chicago (Illinois, USA). Russia and Canada, the world’s most important wheat exporters after the USA, will export much less wheat in 2010 than planned, and Russia alone will export about 25 percent less wheat. Speculators are rediscovering agricultural commodities. Cereal prices also fluctuate due to natural causes, and the price of wheat fell again for a while. However, anyone browsing in a supermarket in Germany might scarcely believe that price increases are a problem. The extraordinary price war between German food retailers is unique worldwide, with extremely low prices. This has little to do with the reality on the world’s markets. In September the UN’s Food Price Index climbed to 188 points, only three points below its high in 2008, and more than twice as high as in 2000. It’s a trend with dramatic consequences in many developing countries. In Tajikistan the price of wheat at the start of the year was up more than 100 percent from the average pre-crisis price level. In Sri Lanka, the poorest of the poor must pay more than twice as much for rice than before. In Benin, the price of millet has increased three-fold. In addition, we shouldn’t forget countries where local factors such as internal conflicts come into play. In Somalia the price of millet today is up 300 percent from its former level, and the price of corn has risen more than 500 percent in Zimbabwe. A silver lining This means that about 925 million people in the world are hungry today. That’s an increase of 77 million people (about equal to the population of Germany) since 2007, the last year before the world food crisis. But there was also a paradoxical stroke of luck: The global economic crisis in 2009 diminished demand for food, and it was also a year of recordbreaking harvests. Some cereal warehouses are thus full again, and new revolts by hungry people, such as the recent ones in Mozambique, which left 12 dead and 400 injured, remain the exception. For now. After all, since 2000 the demand for cereals has almost always exceeded the global harvest. This points to the problem behind the forest fires and “droughts of the century”: The age of food surpluses is over. Population growth, increasing meat consumption, and booming biofuel production have ushered in an entirely new era. By 2030 humans will have to produce 50 percent more food than they do today. And that means hunger is no longer only a question of distribution. Whatever people may think about genetic engineering, it would take some time for it to solve this problem. Seed companies admit that it will take between 20 and 30 years to develop genetically engineered seeds for the special needs of developing countries that are plagued by droughts. And it seems doubtful that the booming agricultural investments by foreign companies in the developing countries will help. Dirk Niebel, Germany’s liberal Minister of Economic Cooperation and Development, recently described this controversial type of “land grab” as a new form of colonialism. Nevertheless, a radical change is needed in the fight against hunger. The agricultural policy in the northern and southern hemispheres alike must be changed. Improvements are necessary when it comes to the implementation of fair trade practices, new investments, land reforms, and more food aid. Otherwise the hungry Evonik Magazine 2 | 2010 10_Evonik_03-10_EN Abs2:10 08.11.2010 12:56:47 Uhr I N F O R M I N G 11 By 2030 humans will have to produce 50 percent more food than they do today if everyone is to have enough to eat Are We Playing “Green” against Hunger? Biofuel, biomass, organic steaks: These are a few of the things that soothe the ecologically correct conscience. And the price is being paid by millions of people in developing countries. The competition between the fuel tank, trough, and dinner plate is making food products scarce and expensive. Is there a way out of this dilemma? Prof. Uwe Lahl, former director in the Federal Ministry for the Environment, professor at the Technische Universität Darmstadt, and lecturer at the University of Indonesia Biomass offers a great opportunity. If we end subsidies for western countries’ agricultural exports and create new markets for biomass, the farmers in the developing countries will have a chance to sell their products for fair prices. It would be possible to vitalize agriculture. There is a lot of unused land in Europe and even more than in Africa. If we could gain some of that land for agriculture, land we have lost through misuse in the last 100 years, that would be enough. Not a contest New rules Prof. Reinhard F. Hüttl, Chair of the BioEconomyCouncil and Chairman of the Research Rating Steering Group of the Scientific Council The constantly growing demand for organic production cannot be met until we all use the technologies that are available to us. Here I am referring especially to green genetic technology, synthetic biology, optimized processes in molecular biology, and new approaches to materials research—above all in nanotechnology. In addition to intensified research there is also a great need for raising society’s awareness regarding the issues involved and gaining widespread acceptance for appropriate measures. Ilse Aigner, Member of the German Parliament and Federal Minister for Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection We are facing a long-term conflict between the need for food and for raw materials. The German government’s strategy for renewable forms of energy assumes that the use of biomass for energy will more than double. This means we need intelligent solutions in order to achieve higher efficiency and higher yields throughout the entire production chain. Essentially, the production of food and feed must take precedence. Dr. Robert B. Zoellick, President of the World Bank While many people are worrying about whether they can fill up their cars with gasoline, many fellow humans have to struggle every day just to find something to put in their empty stomachs. The problem is not just the meals that will be missed today, or the danger of social unrest. In addition, we must be concerned about the intellectual and physical development of children and adults—processes that are arrested by hunger. We must recognize this growing emergency and take action. In short, we desperately need a New Deal for global food policies. FOTO: WORLD BANK More research FOTO: DEUTSCHER BUNDESTAG FOTO: BZL GMBH Vitalization of agriculture FOTO: GFZ POTSDAM will not be able to feed themselves. And though it seems paradoxical, they may have long since emerged as the “winners” of the crisis: About 75 percent of the world’s hungry are small farmers, work on farms, or raise livestock. Higher food prices will give them a better chance as producers—if they finally gain access to credit, land rights, sound advice, or even just a simple dirt road to the next marketplace. But the tragedy of the world food crisis is that this historic opportunity is being squandered. Twenty years ago nearly 20 percent of all development aid was flowing into rural regions; today five percent is going to rural communities. African countries have promised to invest ten percent of their means in agriculture, but the actual figure is four percent. And while the UN’s World Food Programme was assigned the task of supporting about 115 million of the world’s most hungry people in 2010, to date it has not received half of the funding needed to help them. Every day, today too, more people die from hunger-related causes than perish from AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria combined. The global food crisis hasn’t gone away. Since 2008 it has been the humanitarian challenge for the coming decades. Debating Evonik Magazine 2 | 2010 11_Evonik_03-10_EN Abs2:11 08.11.2010 12:56:55 Uhr 12 S H A P I N G PHOTOGRAPHY: PICTURE-ALLIANCE/ZUMA PRESS, F1ONLINE The motto of the Christmas lights in the Caretta Shopping Center in Tokyo (Japan) was “Blue Ocean.” Altogether, 300,000 LEDs created a sea of lights last year Evonik Magazine 2 | 2010 12_Evonik_03-10_EN Abs1:12 08.11.2010 12:59:55 Uhr S H A P I N G 13 The Ars Electronica Center in Linz (Austria) is transformed into a light sculpture at night. Around 1,100 panes are illuminated by a total of 40,000 lightemitting diodes Seeing the Light Once upon a time there were lamps. Nowadays, low-power light-emitting diodes enable objects to illuminate themselves. Hundreds of thousands of years after the discovery of fire, LED technology is lighting up our lives and providing undreamed-of possibilities TEXT TANJA KRÄMER Evonik Magazine 2 | 2010 13_Evonik_03-10_EN Abs1:13 08.11.2010 13:00:03 Uhr 14 S H A P I N G “A new idea is a light that illuminates presences that had no form for us before the light fell on them.” Prof. Susanne K. Langer, philosopher, 1895–1985 WHAT MUST IT HAVE FELT LIKE back in the early Stone Age, hundreds of thousands of years ago, as prehistoric humans gathered around a fire for the first time? The night was black, the stars shone, and this still unpredictable, dangerous element crackled as it fed on the wood. In all directions it gave off a comfortable warmth and projected its flickering, restless light onto the faces of the assembled company. For a few hours, the darkness retreated. Back then, our ancient ancestors didn’t know what they had started. In short, their fire marked the start of the story of artificial light. The longing for light goes back to the beginning. Brightness, or light, is a symbol representing goodness and life itself in all world religions. In the Biblical creation myth, God created light immediately after heaven and earth, and Jesus referred to himself as “the Light of the world” in the New Testament’s Gospel according to John. In a similar fashion, Allah is described in the Koran as “…the Light of the heavens and the earth.” Light is also viewed positively in philosophy, where it is often associated with enlightenment, truth, and reason. And of course we often talk about “seeing the light.” So it’s understandable that people would want to produce light artificially. The story of artificial light is one of continual progress. Like explorers setting out to discover new lands, the inventors of the torch, the wick, and the incandescent bulb set out to banish the darkness and take back at least part of the night. And their efforts have paid off: Today, night has become day in many places. Light pours out of apartments, and streetlights illuminate sidewalks and roads. Neon hoardings advertise products, and even Falling Star, an LED light by Tobias Grau. In addition to being small and compact, its directed light and low power consumption would impress any designer Evonik Magazine 2 | 2010 14_Evonik_03-10_EN Abs1:14 08.11.2010 13:00:12 Uhr PHOTOGRAPHY: TOBIAS GRAU, TOBIAS TOLLHOPF, HAMBURG (2) Ingo Maurer named his first LED light, which he designed in 1997, Bellissima Brutta—the “ugly beauty.” A key contemporary lighting designer, Maurer has been a fan of LED technology from the start and sees the LED as the light of the future buildings themselves have begun to shine. The technology is becoming ever more sophisticated, and with current light-emitting diodes, or so-called LEDs, it has reached a high point in terms of performance and energy efficiency. For a long time, this development was unimaginable. Until around 150 years ago, the open flame was the only known source of artificial light. As far back as 40,000 years ago, it burned in hollowed stones filled with animal fat—the oldest known lamps in existence. Later, the flame burned on the wicks of candles, on oil vessels and, starting at the beginning of the 19th century, in gaslights. The range of these “lamps” was short, and their light dim. In other words, the open flame wasn’t an ideal source of light. In fact, the dangers associated with open flames gave rise to the fire department, whose job it was to prevent the uncontrolled spread of fire. Just under 200 years ago, during a night in May, a conflagration broke out in 44 Deichstrasse, Hamburg. Ultimately , it was to turn more than a fourth of the city to ashes. Fifty-five people died, and 20,000 were made homeless. Night becomes day Artificial light made its first quantum leap in terms of quality with the invention of the incandescent bulb, which was patented by Dr. Thomas Alva Edison in 1880. The new light source burned brightly and evenly, didn’t need looking after and, thanks to its relatively cheap production costs and the rapid spread of electrification, was soon in use almost everywhere. The year 1906 saw the start of the industrialization of light in Germany. That was the year in which Dr. Carl Freiherr Auer von Welsbach registered the Osram brand and constructed a lamp factory in Berlin. Today, with incandescent bulbs, halogen lights, compact fluorescent lights, and modern LEDs, the range of light sources is very wide. “Thanks to today’s technology, it is possible to fulfill lighting requirements in a number of ways,” says Dr. Iordanis Savvopoulos, who is Vice President for Technical Solutions in the Inorganic Materials Business Unit at Evonik Industries AG. There are light sources for diffuse floodlighting or collimated beams. And there are colored phosphors and an extremely wide range of luminaires. The extent to which modern lighting technology lights up the world nowadays can be seen by looking at nighttime satellite photographs from NASA. Here, electricity illuminates the outlines of Europe and the metropolitan areas of the USA, while the continent of Africa is scarcely visible. But not everyone is happy that our planet is so brightly illuminated. At the beginning of the 20th century, many astronomical observatories moved to the country, because the light of the big cities made it impossible to see the stars. Today astronomers head for desert regions or for volcanoes located in lonely spots . “Light has an extremely ambivalent character,” says Dr. Franz Hölker, Head of the Leibniz Association’s research group “Verlust der Nacht” (Losing the Night), which is concerned with the consequences of nocturnal illumination. “On the one hand, it is associated with prosperity and safety—the highly developed countries are much more brightly lit. But above a certain threshold, we also have to expect negative effects.” Today many people complain that too much light is robbing them of their sleep. Their sleep-wake cycles are disrupted by the constant illumination. “Attitudes Evonik Magazine 2 | 2010 15_Evonik_03-10_EN Abs1:15 08.11.2010 13:00:16 Uhr The Craigieburn Bypass in Melbourne (Australia) is a completely new highway design. Drive-by aesthetics. Colored LEDs instead of blazing neon. Quiet, comfortable colors that are easy on the eye and don’t dazzle. The view of the road remains unrestricted toward lighting are changing,” says Hölker, who carries out research on light. “Many people are rethinking the sense and purpose of illumination.” The quest for ever more light is evolving into a desire for targeted lighting and the deliberate creation of islands of darkness. In addition, it is becoming obvious that the requirements associated with artificial light today are much more demanding than used to be the case. It has to glow, for example, without producing damaging side effects for people or the environment. It has to shine, but only in the desired direction. Older light sources can no longer measure up to requirements such as these. However, a successor is already here in the form of the LED. Versatile, long-lived, energy-efficient LEDs Silently and unnoticed by many of us, the new technology has found its way into many products. Most modern cars are equipped with a hundred or more LEDs— in the interior, the taillights, or the instrument panel. LEDs shine from traffic lights and illuminate underpasses and designer lamps. Flat-screen TVs and monitors exploit LEDs, as do cellphones and advertising billboards. The new technology combines a number of advantages—it’s efficient, long-lived, and versatile. It is these properties that put it out in front of previously standard technologies such as incandescent bulbs and compact fluorescents. The incandescent bulb in a particular is hungry for energy. “The bulb turns 95 percent of the energy it consumes into heat,” says Dr. Claudia Wickleder, Professor of Inorganic Chemistry at the University of Siegen and an expert on phosphors. In times of climatic change and scarce resources, that is unac- ceptable. The triumphal march of the LED is hardly surprising. LEDs produce their light using semiconductor crystals, which are excited electrically. Various colors can be produced by selecting appropriate semiconductor materials or introducing phosphors. The luminous efficacy of an LED can reach up to 150 lumens per watt. The equivalent figure for a normal incandescent bulb is at most 15 lumens per watt, while a compact fluorescent produces a maximum of 75 lumens per watt. “The LED is the most efficient of all current light sources,” says Wickleder. And thanks to their economy, LED lights represent a worthwhile investment. After all, one fifth of the electricity consumed worldwide is used for lighting. The lifetime of the LED is also much higher than that of an incandescent bulb. Whereas the light goes out on an incandescent bulb after an average of 1,000 hours, an LED can operate for up to 80,000 hours. Unlike compact fluorescent lights, which contain mercury and have to be disposed of as special waste, LEDs are based on semiconductor technology and are completely non-toxic. “The LED will become the light source of the future,” says Wickleder. According to Savvopoulos, “the LED is an ideal technology from an ecological point of view.” Legislative requirements such as the ban on incandescent bulbs in the European Union (EU) or future regulations requiring daytime running lights on automobiles also favor the spread of LED light. In Germany alone, the new light sources should reduce power consumption by 7.5 billion kilowatt-hours every year. A similar prohibition is already in force in Australia, and many other countries plan to follow. The USA is banning incandescent bulbs starting in 2012. In 2007 Evonik Magazine 2 | 2010 16_Evonik_03-10_EN Abs1:16 08.11.2010 13:00:24 Uhr S H A P I N G 17 “Light is energy and it’s also information—content, form, and structure. It’s the potential for everything.” Prof. Dr. David Bohm, physicist, 1917–1992 China announced it would phase them out within a decade. The high-pressure mercury vapor lamp, which is often used for street lighting, is to be taken off the market throughout the EU in 2015. These developments represent an enormous market opportunity for LED technology even thought its products are still relatively expensive. At present an LED lamp with a screw fitting currently costs between €10 and €20. Special lamps can cost up to €80. Nevertheless, analysts expect the market for LEDs to increase in size by a factor of two or even three over the next few years. The US company iSuppli Corporation is currently forecasting a volume of $14.6 billion for the year 2013. A giant LED ball projects virtual landscapes of Taiwan at the island’s pavilion at Expo 2010 in Shanghai PHOTOGRAPHY: SARAH J. DUNCAN/ARCARDIA, BAI MU/IMAGINECHINA/LAIF (2) Light from voltage “Many interesting technologies in which I see a great deal of potential are currently under development,” says Hölker. The lighting manufacturers are working on improving the color fidelity of lamps and achieving an even higher energy yield. And the successor of the LED is already at the starting line. Organic LEDs (OLEDs), which consist of ultra-thin organic layers reminiscent of plastic films, are regarded as being the light source of the future. When a voltage is connected to them, they start to glow. Although research in this area is still at an early stage, the scientists are hoping to open up totally new possibilities, such as organic displays on screens and mobile phones. OLEDs could also be used to illuminate large areas like a shining wallpaper. But the application of such modern models alone is not enough, in the opinion of experts such as Hölker: “It’s important to know what we really need in terms of light. Anything that goes beyond this is in ef- Evonik Magazine 2 | 2010 17_Evonik_03-10_EN Abs1:17 08.11.2010 13:00:36 Uhr 18 S H A P I N G “Thus, too, the virtue of the candle lies not in the wax that leaves its trace, but in its light.” AquaJelly is an electrically powered jellyfish that controls its own energy supply. The main medium of communication is light. AquaJelly is fitted with 11 infrared LEDs which it uses to transmit pulsed infrared signals. The project is being carried out by Festo AG & Co. KG, a company in the automation technology sector PHOTOGRAPHY: HEINER MÜLLER-ELSNER/AGENTUR FOCUS, PICTURE-ALLIANCE/ANP, PHILIPS Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, pilot and author, 1900–1944 Evonik Magazine 2 | 2010 18_Evonik_03-10_EN 18 08.11.2010 14:40:58 Uhr The Audi R8 was one of the first cars to be equipped with LED headlights. LED lights look good, the light they produce can be more precisely adjusted, there is no wear, and the power consumption is lower fect light pollution.” For example, he demands that street lights be better focused, so that only the ground is illuminated, and not the entire heavens. “This could be accomplished effectively using LEDs and modern lenses such as those produced by Evonik,” Savvopoulos predicts. The light from a compact fluorescent lamp or a fluorescent tube is created in a hollow space in which a gas discharge emits ultraviolet radiation in all directions. The LED works differently. Because the light is produced by electrically excited semiconductor crystals, it can be easily focused. Specially ground lenses can further boost this effect and direct the light where it is required. Focused on target LEDs also offer many possible variations in terms of color temperature. Different colors are produced using different semiconductor crystals. Additional phosphors can then also be introduced. Depending on the kind of light desired, a manufacturer can therefore combine the colors to match requirement or put different colored LEDs next to one another. This technology is actually used to simulate the warm white light of the incandescent bulb. “Because LEDs do not emit any UV light, they have a neutral effect on many insects,” says Savvopoulos. “This would make LEDs very suitable for street lighting.” The first test roads in New Zealand, Spain, and Canada have already been equipped with LED lights. Researchers have recently come to recognize that artificial light does not follow the example of fire, but of daylight. The latter differs from our conventional artificial light sources in terms of its color temperature. Whereas a normal incandescent bulb has a color temperature of just over 2,000 Kelvin (K) and a halogen lamp of 3,000 K, the sun shines at a color temperature of between 5,000 K and 8,000 K. Psychologists have discovered that light with exactly this color temperature increases humans’ sense of well-being and their ability to concentrate. It is possible to simulate this kind of light using modern light sources such as fluorescent lights and LEDs. The way light influences behavior was experienced by a group of school students in Hamburg in an experiment carried out by the Philips company. For this experiment, variable lighting systems with different color temperatures were mounted in a number of classrooms. The teachers could select light sources on a scale between “calming” and “exciting.” The students’ concentration and reading speed increased. Hamburg has now equipped 1,000 classrooms with the lighting system. Philips still uses fluorescent lights for cost reasons. However, the electronics company recently presented the first models of the system equipped with energy-saving LEDs. Artificial light, it seems, is slowly evolving in line with the needs of humans and the environment. LEDs are capable of shining in all the different colors—but they are definitely green. S U M M A RY One fifth of global power consumption is used for lighting. LED technology represents a quantum jump in the area of artificial lighting and will change our everyday life. In Germany alone, it should be possible to reduce power consumption by 7.5 billion kilowatt-hours a year. LEDs consume less power than compact fluorescent lights and open up completely new possibilities. • Philips is developing a white light OLED module. To make it easier for users to operate the lighting system, the organic light-emitting diode operates with the normal mains voltage • Evonik Magazine 2 | 2010 19_Evonik_03-10_EN 19 08.11.2010 14:46:37 Uhr A Trip through Time at the Speed of Light The desire to turn night into day has inspired philosophers and inventors ever since the discovery of fire. Join us on light's journey from the oil lamp to the LED AROUND 700,000 YEARS AGO Fire was the first source of artificial light used by humans. There is clear evidence that our ancestors deliberately created fires 700,000 years ago; ambiguous sources go back much further. 1879 Dr. Thomas Alva Edison wins the race to produce the first commercially usable incandescent bulb. After many experiments, a filament of carbonized bamboo proves suitable for the task. AROUND 2500 BC In Egypt, flat oil lamps with floating wicks are used for illumination for the first time. Torches impregnated with pitch, tar, or resin are also used. 1906 Dr. Carl Freiherr Auer von Welsbach registers the Osram brand at the imperial patent office in Berlin. On April 17, 1906 the trademark is registered as a word mark for “electrical incandescent and arc lights.” It stands for the metals osmium and tungsten (wolfram in German), from which incandescent filaments are made. 1939 General Electric purchases a patent from Dr. Edmund Germer , a German inventor, who had invented a gas discharge lamp with a fluorescent internal coating 13 years previously. GE proves to be very good at selling these fluorescent tube lights. Today, 70 percent of all lamps are of this type. AROUND 1805 Sir Humphry Davy, a British chemistry professor, constructs an electric arc light in which an arc is created between two carbon rods. The lamp has almost no practical use at first. AROUND 160 AD Wax candles are first used for religious purposes in Rome, while torches and oil lamps remain the common sources of light in households. 1854 Benjamin Silliman, a US professor, develops a process for distilling crude oil. The resulting petroleum becomes the most important source of artificial light worldwide within a few years. 1885 With the gas mantle invented by Austrian chemist Dr. Carl Freiherr Auer von Welsbach, it becomes possible to crate a bright, white flame. In Berlin, the first public power plant supplies power for everyone and electric light finds its way into private households. AROUND 2000 The LED triumphs in ever more applications, including operating room lights. With their low-power consumption, long-lasting compact diodes have also found their way into car headlights, traffic lights, pocket flashlights, and neon signs. AROUND 1990 The revolution in lighting is just three to five millimeters in size and is called the light-emitting diode (LED). The semiconductor component has also been available in blue—and thus in almost all colors—since the 1990s. Its great advantage is that it wastes practically no energy as heat. 1862 Prof. Friedrich Wöhler becomes the first person to synthesize acetylene, which is subsequently widely used in coach and bicycle lights. The gas is produced inside the light from calcium carbide. AROUND 280 BC The huge lighthouse of Alexandria is one of the seven wonders of the ancient world. It is around 150 meters high and alongside the Pyramids of Giza is probably the tallest construction in the world. 2010 The organic light-emitting diode (OLED), which is made of plastic film, represents the future of lighting. OLEDs glow when a current is passed through them. It will be possible to produce not only flat panel lights and ultra-thin luminaires but also transparent luminaires such as wallpaper lights. 1882 The company Telegraphen BauAnstalt von Siemens & Halske equips Berlin’s Potsdamer Platz and Leipziger Straße with electric ights. This marks the first public use of electricity in the German capital. AROUND 1960 In the 1950s and 1960s the floor lamp—“a package for the light bulb”— with its classic shade becomes part of the furniture in German living rooms and thus a symbol of coziness. 1980 Compact fluorescent lights have especially compact designs and boast much higher efficiencies than conventional incandescent bulbs (80 percent lower power consumption). Today’s models have lifetimes of more than 6,000 hours. Plastic lens Connecting wire Semiconductor chip Reflector Anode Cathode Facts & Figures LED savings potential in Germany €3.5 billion a year 18 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity per year 11 billion tons of CO2 a year 3 coal-fired power plants with 700 megawatts of capacity 5.4 million metric tons of hard coal a year LEDs shine efficiently Normal incandescent light p 12 lumens per watt Halogen light p 20 lumens per watt Compact fluorescent light p 60 lumens per watt Fluorescent tube p 75 lumens per watt Colored LED p 50 lumens per watt (8 to 90 lumens per watt) White LED p 50 to 150 lumens per watt OLED p (maximum 90 lumens per watt) The most efficient white LEDs currently achieve a luminous efficacy of 240 lumens per watt in the optimal case The more lumens per watt of power a phosphor radiates, the more efficiently it converts the absorbed energy into visible light Light source, color temperature in kelvin (K) Candlelight p 1,900 K Sodium vapor flame p 2,000 K Incandescent light, fluorescent light (warm white) 2,700 K Halogen light p 3,000 K Fluorescent light (cold white) p 4,000 K Xenon light p 4,500 K Morning sun p 5,000 K Midday sun p 5,800 K Daylight lamp p 6,500 K LEDs in all the colors of white LED color tone, color temperature Cold white•white p 6,500–10,000 K True white•daylight white•medium white p 4,500–5,000 K Warm white•halogen white p 2,700–3,500 K OLED SANDWICH Glass cover Cathode Light-emitting plastic Conductive plastic Transparent anode Glass Power flow Light 2005 The facade of the Torre Agbar in Barcelona (Spain) is a work of art using the medium of light. It was created by the French architect Jean Nouvel. The 32 stories are lit up at night by 4,500 colored light-emitting diodes. 2009 The Ars Electronica Center in Linz (Austria) shows just what an illuminated facade of LEDs can do. The facade is alive and can change color in a flash. It can even display flowing movements and blends. The annual power consumption of the center, which uses 40,000 red, blue, white, and green LEDs, corresponds to that of just seven average households. ILLUSTRATION: GOLDEN SECTION GRAPHICS. PHOTOGRAPHY: JUPITERIMAGES, AKG (4), ULLSTEIN (3), BA HUBER, MESSE FRANKFURT EXHIBITION GMBH/PETRA WENZEL, INGO MAURER, PR (3), F1ONLINE E_21-24_Klapper_Licht 2-3 08.11.2010 15:15:28 Uhr A Trip through Time at the Speed of Light The desire to turn night into day has inspired philosophers and inventors ever since the discovery of fire. Join us on light's journey from the oil lamp to the LED AROUND 700,000 YEARS AGO Fire was the first source of artificial light used by humans. There is clear evidence that our ancestors deliberately created fires 700,000 years ago; ambiguous sources go back much further. 1879 Dr. Thomas Alva Edison wins the race to produce the first commercially usable incandescent bulb. After many experiments, a filament of carbonized bamboo proves suitable for the task. AROUND 2500 BC In Egypt, flat oil lamps with floating wicks are used for illumination for the first time. Torches impregnated with pitch, tar, or resin are also used. 1906 Dr. Carl Freiherr Auer von Welsbach registers the Osram brand at the imperial patent office in Berlin. On April 17, 1906 the trademark is registered as a word mark for “electrical incandescent and arc lights.” It stands for the metals osmium and tungsten (wolfram in German), from which incandescent filaments are made. 1939 General Electric purchases a patent from Dr. Edmund Germer , a German inventor, who had invented a gas discharge lamp with a fluorescent internal coating 13 years previously. GE proves to be very good at selling these fluorescent tube lights. Today, 70 percent of all lamps are of this type. AROUND 1805 Sir Humphry Davy, a British chemistry professor, constructs an electric arc light in which an arc is created between two carbon rods. The lamp has almost no practical use at first. AROUND 160 AD Wax candles are first used for religious purposes in Rome, while torches and oil lamps remain the common sources of light in households. 1854 Benjamin Silliman, a US professor, develops a process for distilling crude oil. The resulting petroleum becomes the most important source of artificial light worldwide within a few years. 1885 With the gas mantle invented by Austrian chemist Dr. Carl Freiherr Auer von Welsbach, it becomes possible to crate a bright, white flame. In Berlin, the first public power plant supplies power for everyone and electric light finds its way into private households. AROUND 2000 The LED triumphs in ever more applications, including operating room lights. With their low-power consumption, long-lasting compact diodes have also found their way into car headlights, traffic lights, pocket flashlights, and neon signs. AROUND 1990 The revolution in lighting is just three to five millimeters in size and is called the light-emitting diode (LED). The semiconductor component has also been available in blue—and thus in almost all colors—since the 1990s. Its great advantage is that it wastes practically no energy as heat. 1862 Prof. Friedrich Wöhler becomes the first person to synthesize acetylene, which is subsequently widely used in coach and bicycle lights. The gas is produced inside the light from calcium carbide. AROUND 280 BC The huge lighthouse of Alexandria is one of the seven wonders of the ancient world. It is around 150 meters high and alongside the Pyramids of Giza is probably the tallest construction in the world. 2010 The organic light-emitting diode (OLED), which is made of plastic film, represents the future of lighting. OLEDs glow when a current is passed through them. It will be possible to produce not only flat panel lights and ultra-thin luminaires but also transparent luminaires such as wallpaper lights. 1882 The company Telegraphen BauAnstalt von Siemens & Halske equips Berlin’s Potsdamer Platz and Leipziger Straße with electric ights. This marks the first public use of electricity in the German capital. AROUND 1960 In the 1950s and 1960s the floor lamp—“a package for the light bulb”— with its classic shade becomes part of the furniture in German living rooms and thus a symbol of coziness. 1980 Compact fluorescent lights have especially compact designs and boast much higher efficiencies than conventional incandescent bulbs (80 percent lower power consumption). Today’s models have lifetimes of more than 6,000 hours. Plastic lens Connecting wire Semiconductor chip Reflector Anode Cathode Facts & Figures LED savings potential in Germany €3.5 billion a year 18 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity per year 11 billion tons of CO2 a year 3 coal-fired power plants with 700 megawatts of capacity 5.4 million metric tons of hard coal a year LEDs shine efficiently Normal incandescent light p 12 lumens per watt Halogen light p 20 lumens per watt Compact fluorescent light p 60 lumens per watt Fluorescent tube p 75 lumens per watt Colored LED p 50 lumens per watt (8 to 90 lumens per watt) White LED p 50 to 150 lumens per watt OLED p (maximum 90 lumens per watt) The most efficient white LEDs currently achieve a luminous efficacy of 240 lumens per watt in the optimal case The more lumens per watt of power a phosphor radiates, the more efficiently it converts the absorbed energy into visible light Light source, color temperature in kelvin (K) Candlelight p 1,900 K Sodium vapor flame p 2,000 K Incandescent light, fluorescent light (warm white) 2,700 K Halogen light p 3,000 K Fluorescent light (cold white) p 4,000 K Xenon light p 4,500 K Morning sun p 5,000 K Midday sun p 5,800 K Daylight lamp p 6,500 K LEDs in all the colors of white LED color tone, color temperature Cold white•white p 6,500–10,000 K True white•daylight white•medium white p 4,500–5,000 K Warm white•halogen white p 2,700–3,500 K OLED SANDWICH Glass cover Cathode Light-emitting plastic Conductive plastic Transparent anode Glass Power flow Light 2005 The facade of the Torre Agbar in Barcelona (Spain) is a work of art using the medium of light. It was created by the French architect Jean Nouvel. The 32 stories are lit up at night by 4,500 colored light-emitting diodes. 2009 The Ars Electronica Center in Linz (Austria) shows just what an illuminated facade of LEDs can do. The facade is alive and can change color in a flash. It can even display flowing movements and blends. The annual power consumption of the center, which uses 40,000 red, blue, white, and green LEDs, corresponds to that of just seven average households. ILLUSTRATION: GOLDEN SECTION GRAPHICS. PHOTOGRAPHY: JUPITERIMAGES, AKG (4), ULLSTEIN (3), BA HUBER, MESSE FRANKFURT EXHIBITION GMBH/PETRA WENZEL, INGO MAURER, PR (3), F1ONLINE E_21-24_Klapper_Licht 2-3 08.11.2010 15:15:28 Uhr 20 S H A P I N G The Next Generation LED technology is not only taking over the lighting industry. It also shines from flat-screen displays and is part of LED lenses. UV LEDs can even disinfect water TEXT KATRIN BACH are revolutionizing light. Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) already achieve much higher energy efficiency levels and offer more design freedom than is possible with incandescent bulbs or compact fluorescent lights. LEDs are gaining ground fast in a wide range of lighting applications. They are components in automobiles—where they act as turn signal lights—in traffic lights, and bedside lights. Soon these environmentally friendly light sources will also be taking over our living rooms. And it’s not just the lighting industry that’s putting its faith in LED technology. The emerging LED market will provide products from Evonik Industries AG with a large number of new opportunities. The applications involved range from advertising signs to water disinfection. The latest high-performance LEDs should last for 20 to 25 years; an incandescent bulb, by contrast, burns for just 800 hours on average. Thomas Hermann, Head of the Evonik’s Inorganic Materials Business Unit, sees a good business opportunity here. “The LED evolution has already begun,” he says. “The LED market is expected to post growth rates of more than 20 percent a year. We are firmly convinced that the LED is becoming an effective lighting solution for everyday use and will enable each of us to save energy.” The invisible LEDs At the heart of LED technology are the lenses that surround it. These can be manufactured from glass or plastic. Evonik offers optimal solutions for both possibilities. For example, in a joint venture with the Cristal Material Corporation of Taiwan, Evonik has developed glass lenses for the next generation of LEDs under the trade name SAVOSIL. The innovative lenses are used together with white high-end LEDs—the lighting technology of tomorrow. Warm-white LED lights Thomas Hermann, Head of the Inorganic Materials Business Unit at Evonik, is already convinced that LED technology will light up our everyday life in the future will replace conventional light sources such as halogen and compact fluorescent lights step by step. In addition, the new types of light source are also suitable for use in scanners, portable projectors, and as background lighting for flat-screen displays (LCD TVs) and computers. The LED lenses are manufactured from AEROSIL and DYNASYLAN using the SIVARASOL-gel technology patented by Evonik. Here, a dispersion of AEROSIL (sol state) is cast into the desired form. Following several treatment stages in the oven, the content of the casting gels and forms a transparent, extremely pure silica glass. The finished glass also protects the phosphors of the LED against moisture and heat, making the device suitable for external lighting applications. The sol-gel transformation makes it possible to manufacture glass lenses in any shape and in reproducible quality. Whether the LED is custom-made or designed in a complex manner, the designer’s creativity has free reign. Evonik can also exploit its expertise in the area of plastics. With PLEXIMID TT70, a molding compound of polymethylmethacrylimide (PMMI), Evonik offers another material that is especially suitable for light conductors and lenses—for example in vehicle headlights. In particular, PMMI can stand up to the especially high thermal loads to which high-performance LED spotlights are subjected. This application de- PHOTOGRAPHY: EVONIK INDUSTRIES (2), OSRAM, EVONIK INDUSTRIES/MONTAGE: PICFOUR LOW POWER, LOTS OF LIGHT—LED luminaires Evonik Magazine 2 | 2010 20_Evonik_03-10_EN Abs3:20 08.11.2010 13:07:14 Uhr S H A P I N G 25 In an incandescent bulb, the filament glows to produce light. LED lights do not have a filament. Instead they rely on many small light-emitting diodes for their light. These LEDs are based on semiconductor crystals mands high heat-distortion resistance and good optical properties. PLEXIMID TT70 fulfills both of these requirements. Like the silica glass made from AEROSIL, the special molding compound permits a wide range of design possibilities. The area of illuminated advertising is also being taken over by the LED. Colored neon advertising using the design material PLEXIGLAS has long been a part of everyday life in today’s big cities. Innovative technology from Evonik helps to combine climate protection and cost-effectiveness in this area. Specifically, the acrylic glass experts from Evonik have developed PLEXIGLAS truLED for modern LED technology and matched it perfectly to the corresponding color coordinates of the individual LEDs. As a result, it has a high light transmittance and extremely good light scattering properties. These features reduce the power consumption of objects equipped with LEDs by up to 40 percent compared with conventional acrylic glass. This combination of properties makes it possible to use modern LED technology in an extremely efficient way, while keeping power consumption to a minimum. Even in the case of compact constructions, unwanted and interfering hot spots or luminance fluctuations can be avoided. When it comes to especially flat, largearea illuminated displays, signs, or citylight posters, illuminated-advertising professionals put their faith in PLEXIGLAS EndLighten, a light-diffusing, transMartin Hoffmann is an expert on lighting applications at Evonik. He and his team developed the new PLEXIGLAS EndLighten acrylic glass, which makes illuminated displays appear brighter parent acrylic glass (PMMA) that has special lightconducting properties. Illuminated signs based on PLEXIGLAS EndLighten are used in Shanghai’s Pudong airport. One of their great advantages is their low energy consumption. The acrylic glass sheets can be illuminated from the edges and evenly distribute the light fed in over their entire surfaces. “When using conventional acrylic glass, it is necessary to backlight the entire sheet. Naturally, that requires several light sources, which in turn means higher power consumption,” says Martin Hoffmann, a product manager at Evonik, who is also an expert on lighting applications. Evonik’s lighting professionals now plan to open up additional markets through the launch of a new series of products that optimally exploit LED technology. Their predecessors were lightly cloudy, due to the embedded pigments that create the diffusion. “We have redefined and reworked these diffuser pigments," says Hoffmann. "Because the new PLEXIGLAS EndLighten is now transparent, the front of the sheets is actually much brighter.” Matt surfaces also appear brighter because the light is more strongly directed forward, toward the viewer. UV LEDs provide clean water LEDs are also used to activate chemical processes (ultraviolet (UV) polymerization). One particularly intelligent application is a UV LED that can destroy pathogens and thus disinfect water. By attacking the DNA of the germs, the radiation prevents the germs from reproducing. UV LEDs offer an environmentally friendly and cost-effective alternative to low-pressure mercury-vapor lamps and are distinguished by their robust and compact nature. As far as the UV LED is concerned, the challenge is to ensure that it is on a par with the LEDs used in the household in terms of efficiency and operating life. Evonik Magazine 2 | 2010 25_Evonik_03-10_EN Abs4:25 08.11.2010 13:07:20 Uhr 26 I N S P I R I N G Expeditions Beyond the Familiar “Common Purpose” is an international network of people who want to make a difference. For his report in Evonik Magazine, Martin Kuhna participated in two workshops in Essen and Hamburg and talked to “Common Purpose” founder Julia Middleton, one of the world’s most sought-after management and policy consultants TEXT MARTIN KUHNA PHOTOGRAPHY CATRIN MORITZ The participants in Essen discussed their ideas for two days. The varied program included workshops, excursions, plenary sessions, and group work in rotating teams Julia Middleton, the founder of “Common Purpose,” specializes in changing people’s perspectives. She brings together people who would never meet at work, even though they have lots in common Evonik Magazine 2 | 2010 26_Evonik_03-10_EN 26 08.11.2010 13:21:16 Uhr I N S P I R I N G 27 AT FIRST GLANCE one might wonder just what the participants of “Common Purpose” have in common as professionals. Kristina Wendland is the manager of the Sir Peter Ustinov Foundation in Düsseldorf, which provides humanitarian aid and runs educational initiatives for children. Elfriede Eckl is an accountant and tax advisor at the Frankfurt-based financial services provider Ernst & Young. Klaus Wermker was for many years the Director of the Office of Urban Development in Essen and is now an honorary professor at the Universität Duisburg-Essen. Mate Gaspar from Budapest (Hungary) is the Deputy Program Director of the Arts & Culture Program of the Open Society Foundation. So what do they have in common? They are meeting today to find out just that: how managers from very different sectors can use their knowledge and experience to achieve a shared socially beneficial goal. In other words, they’re looking for a common purpose. Hans Rudolf Wöhrl is an entrepreneur. Dorothee Vieth is a violin teacher who does competitive sports. After an accident she became walking-impaired, and she now uses a handbike. Esther Bejarano is a survi- vor of the famous girl orchestra of Auschwitz. Ian Kiru Karan is a self-made man from Sri Lanka who is known in Hamburg as the “Container King” and was recently appointed the city’s Senator for Economic Affairs. These four people also seem to have little in common. However, all of them are giving presentations on the same day in a seminar at “Common Purpose,” a nonprofit organization founded in the UK in 1989. Today it is active in more than 70 cities in 12 countries, and it’s still growing. That’s certainly true of Germany, where “Common Purpose” has established chapters since 1998 in Hanover, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Leipzig, Stuttgart, Berlin, Cologne, the Ruhr region, and Thuringia. The programs it organizes are aimed at “executives” or “leaders”—terms that managers use in Germany. Because of the organization’s British roots, many English terms are used in its events, which are thus often misunderstood as seminars where only managers learn “social skills” for the benefit of their respective companies. However, at “Common Purpose” leaders and executives also include decision-makers in municipal administrations and in social and cultural institu- Mate Gaspar is the Deputy Program Director of the Arts & Culture Program of the Open Society Foundation in Budapest. He participated in the “CP” event “Managers from All Professions” in Hamburg and learned that timing is vital, even in extreme situations There was a lot to talk about even during the coffee breaks and at lunch. The visitors had plenty of topics to choose from Evonik Magazine 2 | 2010 27_Evonik_03-10_EN 27 08.11.2010 13:21:35 Uhr 28 I N S P I R I N G tions. At the events it organizes, all of the participants are encouraged to find ways to work together for the benefit of society at large. Julia Middleton founded “Common Purpose” 21 years ago and is the organization’s CEO. After completing her studies at the London School of Economics, she worked for many years at the “Industrial Society” think tank, which is organized as a foundation and is known today as the “Work Foundation.” Here she addressed the issue of how to combine efficiency and a high quality of life in the work environment. With this experience as a backup, she established “Common Purpose” after recognizing the potential of an innovative type of leadership that is oriented toward shared social goals. In spite of her resonant title of Chief Executive Officer, Middleton doesn’t look like a career woman. Her disregard for the business world’s dress code is almost defiant. She also ignores linguistic insider codes, as she illustrates with the following anecdote: Once when she was on a visit to India, “Common Purpose” volunteers had acted out a sketch for her. In a gently mocking manner, they depicted their compa- nies and the British, American, and German managers who love to talk about “win-win” situations and want to see the term on every page of every report. In the sketch, this mantra started to run amok: “ Win-win?” “Win-win-win!” “Win-win-win-win” etc. No insider affectations Middleton laughs like a girl as she tells the story, while raising her eyebrows somewhat mockingly—a play of facial expressions that often accompanies her comments. Although “win-win” is ultimately a basic principle of “Common Purpose,” she doesn’t think much of such insider affectations. She points out that “Common Purpose” aims to break through the kind of thinking that regards everything only from the perspective of one’s own activities, company or institution. From this extreme perspective, the rest of the world consists of clueless laymen, people who are not employees of one’s company, non-social workers, non-doctors, non-artists and so on. According to Middleton, the discussions at “Common Purpose” events bring quick results in “a thousand little ways.” For exam- Hans Rudolf Wöhrl is a successful investment entrepreneur who likes to fly. He managed the restructuring of LTU Esther Bejarano is a one of the last survivors of the girl orchestra of Auschwitz. She is a cofounder and Chair of the International Auschwitz Committee and the honorary Chair of the Association of Persecutees of the Nazi Regime, and has received numerous awards. She told her story in Hamburg to show that in life there is always a choice Evonik Magazine 2 | 2010 28_Evonik_03-10_EN 28 08.11.2010 13:21:57 Uhr I N S P I R I N G 29 ple, an airport manager might deliver unsold newspapers to the nearest prison instead of throwing them away. Or the police authorities might stop sending uniformed officers into hospital emergency departments in problem neighborhoods, because this causes people who need medical help to flee in panic. Or a company might come to an agreement with local people about the organization of a new night shift that would be noisy but would generate new jobs. In each of these cases, managers would have conferred beforehand. Middleton even regards people who are active in citizens’ initiatives as leaders. Basically, “Common Purpose” would like to persuade all managers to become active in citizens’ initiatives and thus become leaders outside their respective professional areas. “You have to stand up and do something—even if you initially don’t feel that a certain issue has anything to do with your special area of expertise,” she says. After all, if a society left everything to be done exclusively by the experts, too much would remain “in between” their areas of expertise: unsolved problems and unused potential. In order to keep things “You have to stand up and do something,” says Julia Middleton from getting too abstract, “Common Purpose” uses the city as its standard of measurement. Taking the city as a shared basis makes it easier for people to look beyond the familiar, says Middleton. For seminar participants it is often a revelation when they learn to look at aspects of their familiar city through the eyes of other people. Cities and municipalities in particular are suffering greatly from the fact that ever-decreasing resources are available for coping with ever-increasing problems. The organization’s goal is to persuade leaders to work together to exploit unused potential. Their focus on urban structures does not limit the participants’ perspective. “Common Purpose” promotes the exchange of ideas between different cities. Essen Dorothee Vieth is a violin teacher. After a serious traffic accident, she started to ride a handbike. At the Paralympics in Beijing (China) in 2008 she won two bronze medals, and she was named Hamburg’s Woman Athlete of the Year PHOTOGRAPHY: BLIND (2), BLIND The percussionist and actor Christian von Richthofen opens a workshop in Hamburg by practicing timing to music together with his group Evonik Magazine 2 | 2010 29_Evonik_03-10_EN 29 08.11.2010 13:22:15 Uhr 30 I N S P I R I N G “Common Purpose” is an urban organization that aims to make a difference is a good example. Leaders and managers from the region but also from other German cities as well as the UK and Hungary examined different attempts to further develop the region socially and economically in spite of limited public budgets. Essen attracted the interest of “Common Purpose” as a case study because it aims to promote structural change through cultural projects in particular, and because it is engaging in cooperative projects with 52 other cities during its reign as the European Capital of Culture in 2010. For example, the seminar participants talked to the Mayor of Essen about “political leadership in spite of empty public coffers.” They listened to an orientation presentation from the former urban development expert. They con- ducted discussions with cultural managers, museum directors, and art gallery owners. At the beginning of the seminar, Annabel von Klenck, the “CP” Program Director in Essen, said, “Ask questions! After all, that’s the special thing about Common Purpose.” And the seminar participants complied. They drew comparisons between what they had heard and experiences in their own cities and in their own professions. But even though they were ready to “learn something” from the seminar, they made these comparisons in a very critical manner. It’s therefore no surprise that Middleton cannot imagine Introducing “Common Purpose” in countries where there is no freedom of expression. The right timing Even if the participants do not come from far away, the “CP” events are enlivened by diversity and unaccustomed experiences. For example, a one-day “master class” in Hamburg is of course directed at “leaders from all professions,” but the list of participants is still surprising. It ranges from a Sales Director at Unilever and the Managing Director of the Elbphilharmonie to Klaus Wermker was a Director of the Office of Urban Development in the municipal administration of Essen. His expertise is greatly sought-after in Germany. Today he works as a freelancer and is an honorary professor at the Universität Duisburg-Essen. At the “Common Purpose” event in Essen, he presented a short introduction to the city. He has participated in a number of “CP” seminars Michael Batz, a lighting artist, urges the seminar participants in Hamburg not to be afraid of the terrible Other Evonik Magazine 2 | 2010 30_Evonik_03-10_EN 30 08.11.2010 13:22:29 Uhr I N S P I R I N G 31 the Deputy Directors of the Hamburg elevated railway, the Association of Islamic Communities, and the State Office for the Protection of the Constitution. The theme of the seminar was “The Right Timing in Leadership.” Ian Karan, the Senator for Economic Affairs, told the group about how he escaped bankruptcy at just the right time at the beginning of his career as an entrepreneur. The handbiker Dorothee Vieth told about her bold decision to engage in competitive sports after surviving a traffic accident in her mid-40s. Esther Bejarano reported on a world in which decisions were hardly possible. She had applied for membership in the girl orchestra in Auschwitz as an accordion player, even though she had never played this instrument. She joined a transport to the Ravensbrück concentration camp in hopes that her chances of survival would be better there. Even in extreme situations, it’s not too late to make one’s own decisions. Bejarano’s listeners were fascinated, but not speechless; with great care, they compared her extreme experiences with situations they had lived through themselves. “Common Purpose” is not a service club. There are no membership rolls or organized social events. “CP” makes an impact through its programs. It’s obvious that the contacts made in the seminars expand into networks. The seminars are financed through donations from private individuals, foundations, and companies, as well as participant fees. These investments in “leadership” are worthwhile for the companies and institutions that send their employees or members to the seminars. After all, individuals who develop their capacity for leadership outside their own profession will also be able to contribute more to their companies or organizations. That’s a clear case of “win-win-win.” S U M M A RY “Common Purpose” brings together leaders and managers from a wide variety of professions. In this way the participants receive the knowledge and the contacts they need to implement change. Responsible citizens get to know their city and their region from new perspectives and cooperate across the boundaries of their different professions, functions, and cultures. • • • The participants use the time between the workshops to exchange telephone numbers, e-mail addresses, and business cards The visitors wait to participate in the “Discussion and Reflection with Julia Middleton” at the Zollverein Mine in Essen. When Middleton arrives, she opens the proceedings which the question, “What have you learned so far?” Evonik Magazine 2 | 2010 31_Evonik_03-10_EN 31 08.11.2010 13:22:43 Uhr 32 D I S C O V E R I N G Awakening Kids’ Interest in Science The German economy will soon be facing a dramatic shortage of specialized professionals. The only solution is to promote interest in the natural sciences and technology among schoolchildren. Efforts under way around the world show how this can be done TEXT CHRISTIANE OPPERMANN show that Evonik Industries AG employees in Japan organize with kids between two and 12 years of age in Tokyo’s Science Museum. The children learn how silicon reacts with water and salt and how toothpaste is produced. The Evonik program is part of the twoday sector-wide exhibition “Yume Kagaku-21” (Fascination of Chemistry 21), which is presented annually by the Japan Chemical Industry Association to spark youngsters’ interest in the natural sciences, and especially in chemistry. The exhibitors include all of Japan’s chemicals companies and the subsidiaries of BASF, DuPont, Dow Chemical, and Evonik. Altogether, 8,000 school kids accepted the companies’ invitations to the 2010 event. The Evonik shows were standing room only, attracting 200 young visitors. In Nidderau, a town 9,330 kilometers to the west in Germany, the day at the Albert Schweitzer School is beginning with a special lesson: “Isn’t it time to begin now?” asks an eager boy. The eight year old is sitting at a set table. But it isn’t breakfast time—it’s time for chemistry. In front of the 23 boys and girls are trays with vinegar water, boiled eggs, baking powder, tealight candles, filter paper, and felt-tip markers. Supervised by Wolfgang Götz, an Evonik employee, Class 3a is going to conduct little experiments. This isn’t the first time that Götz has stood in front of a class of schoolchildren. For the last three years he has been serving as one of 150 honorary sponsors of the Evonik Young Spirit initiative and visiting elementary schools to awaken the kids’ interest in chemistry. And that’s what he is up to this morning. When the 90 minutes are up, many of the children don’t want to leave their experiments and are still painting black circles on the filter paper and using drops of water to transform them into colorful images. Their school teacher is delighted with the successful instruction. “It is really clearly prepared for the kids,” she says. External speakers are very welcome at the Albert Schweitzer School. The father of one of the schoolkids, for example, has organized a chemistry workshop. And Götz is also satisfied with how his work is going. “It’s always fun to get the kids interested in chemistry,” he says. In thank you notes posted on his website, a few of his pupils have already revealed that they are budding young chemists. Filling the education gap Young Spirit is one of 800 initiatives in Germany alone that have been founded by companies and associations to get young people interested in careers in the natural sciences and technical fields. Their aim is to eliminate for the long term the threat that there will be a shortage of biologists, chemists, mathematicians, physicists, IT specialists and engineers in the country. In August 2010 the German economy needed 39,000 more engineers than were available. Research conducted by the Institute for the Study of Labor on behalf of the Association of German Engineers (VDI) indicates that the deficit will even reach a total of 240,000 engineers by 2020, as Germany’s Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology has announced. The German economy lost about €3 billion of value creation in 2009. For every 100 engineers in Germany who retire, only 90 engineering school graduates are replacing them in the profession. Worldwide an average of 190 young engineers replace every 100 who retire. “A society loses most of its potential engineers very early on,” says PHOTOGRAPHY:CORBIS “MAGIC WITH SILICA” is the title of the science Evonik Magazine 2 | 2010 32_Evonik_03-10_EN 32 08.11.2010 13:24:49 Uhr Seeing and touching instead of rote learning. A model of the solar system is more interesting than dry book learning. Chemicals companies are becoming more active in the classroom Evonik Magazine 2 | 2010 33_Evonik_03-10_EN 33 08.11.2010 13:24:55 Uhr PHOTOGRAPHY: FRANK PREUSS (2), PRIVAT The Evonik initiative Young Spirit conveys natural sciences phenomena in a playful, close-up manner. At the “kids college” in Dortmund, Dr. Kai-Martin Krüger of the Process Technology & Engineering Service Unit shows his little learners how plastic is made from a liquid. The Evonik initiative aims to counter the shortage of scientists and engineers by sparking an interest in research at an early age 240,000 engineers needed in Germany by 2020 former Bayerische Motoren Werke (BMW) CEO Prof. Joachim Milberg, who is today a member of the Supervisory Board of acatech (the German Academy of Science and Engineering). “The key formative influences on later career directions occur by the time a young person is 12 years old.” For this age group in particular the schools don’t have enough educators, especially teachers with additional qualifications in the natural sciences. About 150,000 teachers in Germany will retire by 2013, and there will be no replacements for 40,000 of them. New reform models for schools have been repeatedly developed in recent decades, but personnel planning has been put on hold due to budget concerns. The latest OECD report on education confirms the spending cuts for schools and universities. According to the report, Germany’s education spending is at 4.7 percent of its gross domestic product, well under the 6.2 percent average for all the OECD countries. At the top of the list are Denmark and the USA, with over seven percent. The director of the OECD office in Berlin, Heino von Meyer, points out other results of the education crisis: Germany is “the country whose young people are least likely to pursue higher education,” he says. Only 43 percent of all German high school graduates begin college or university studies, which won’t suffice to “maintain the supply of highly qualified people.” And the situation will not improve soon. It will take years to prepare young people to become teachers of biology, chemistry, mathematics, or physics. Career changers, retirees, university graduates, and practicing engineers are expected to fill the gaps. Already today, 45 percent of physics teachers do not have a de- Evonik employee Wolfgang Götz is one of 150 honorary sponsors of the Evonik initiative Young Spirit. For the last three years Götz has been visiting elementary schools and conducting little experiments—much to the delight of the kids involved gree in teaching. Without the support of companies and associations, it would no longer be possible to offer instruction in the natural sciences. In 2001, the VCI— the German Chemical Industry Association—founded the Schools Partnership for Chemistry funding program, for example. Schools and kindergartens have since then received more than €17 million for purchasing instruments, chemicals, and information material. In addition, partnerships between universities and schools are arranged, educators’ projects and continuing education for chemistry teachers are developed, and nationwide competitions for schoolchildren such as “Discover Chemistry,” “Chemistry—Get Involved!” and “Research by Young People” are funded. Dr. Gerd Romanowski, Managing Director of the Chemical Industry Fund, which allocates the education initiative funding, explains the association’s commitment: “We want modern, exciting chemistry instruction to be part of everyday education in schools.” In 2000 the Confederation of German Employers’ Associations (BDA) founded the Mathematical and Scientific Excellence Center in Schools Association (MINT-EC). Gesamtmetall—the umbrella association of the regional employers’ associations in the German metal and electrical industry—Deutsche Telekom, Siemens AG, and 132 schools have been members of the association since the beginning. The association’s aim is to establish a network of high schools that are committed to promoting instruction in mathematics and the natural sciences to a greater extent than is laid down in the general curricula. The school principals and teachers are supported by means of workshops and further training, and the pupils’ knowledge in the MINT subjects will be strengthened by means Evonik Magazine 2 | 2010 34_Evonik_03-10_EN 34 08.11.2010 13:25:09 Uhr D I S C O V E R I N G 35 214 Germany was in last place compared to the other European countries in 2007. For every 1,000 engineers working in Germany, there were only 35 engineering graduates 202 147 111 109 of summer schools, camps, and workshops. Schools that would like to be accepted to the MINT-EC circle must pass a qualifying examination. To date, 102 high schools in 15 German states have qualified, and 14 are still in their probationary periods. The MINT-EC education institutes also include one of the German high schools that has been most successful in teaching the natural sciences to young people: Heinrich Hertz High School in Berlin. The pupils are almost always among the prize winners at nationwide and international competitions in mathematics, biology, chemistry, and physics. Turning theory into practice The MINT-EC schools were the focus of acclaim in October 2009, when the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Länder in the Federal Republic of Germany (KMK) became their patron: “For me it is a high priority to underscore, together with German business, the importance of the MINT instruction. In the future as well it will be necessary to implement a broad spectrum of measures to strengthen this important part of our education system,” says Henry Tesch, KMK President and Minister for Education, Science and Culture in the state of Mecklenburg-West Pomerania. And that can also succeed without a big network. In Bremen, where there is no MINT-EC presence, two high schools even have aviation and aerospace technology in their curricula. A collaboration with the Institute for Aerospace Technology is enabling the pupils to calculate trajectories and design aircraft wings. The initiative was started by the institute chairman, Prof. Bernd Steckemetz, who was dismayed by his students’ lack of 73 Sp ain Fr an ce Fi nl an d Ita ly Sw ed en Be lg iu m 90 72 64 49 43 35 UK Hu ng ar Sw y itz er l a nd N et he rla nd s G er m an y 114 Cz ec hR ep . Po lan d SOURCE: 2010, COLOGNE INSTITUTE FOR ECONOMIC RESEARCH Young engineers in Europe In July 2009 Germany was about 30,000 engineers short of the number required to fill 55,000 job openings. The engineer shortage has worsened by 17 percent. And the trend continues basic knowledge in mathematics and physics. Steckemetz insisted that the young people must be better prepared. “We want to awaken their interest in technology,” he says. The pilot project also impresses aviation and aerospace companies such as EADS, which are offering internships to graduates of the program. Using targeted programs to get children and teenagers interested in the natural sciences is also an important undertaking in other countries. The chemistry show by Evonik Degussa Japan Co., Ltd. is even being booked by Tokyo schools. Even in Asia’s most renowned country for technology and automation, the young people’s interest in the natural sciences and mathematics doesn’t really take off until they experience real experiments. Learning is combined with fun in a high school project in New York (USA). Given that kids and teenagers are fascinated by computer games, the curriculum includes the development of video games. The pupils write the script and act as the director. And the results are remarkable: The kids are eager to go to school and the fascination with the games has given way to an adult way of dealing with dramaturgy, equipment and effects—turning passive users into creative talents. You really can’t expect more than that from a school. S U M M A RY The shortage of qualified professionals in the natural sciences is endangering Germany’s economic future. Many schools can’t afford to pay qualified teachers who can provide fascinating instruction. With 800 initiatives, firms and associations in Germany are filling the gap in the classrooms and helping to get young people interested in technology and the natural sciences. • • • Evonik Magazine 2 | 2010 35_Evonik_03-10_EN 35 08.11.2010 13:25:33 Uhr PHOTOGRAPHY: FRANCO BRANFI/WATERFRAME A shoal of gilthead bream swims in a net cage off the Italian island of Ponza. Sea bream are among the most popular fish in the Mediterranean and are farmed the whole year round Evonik Magazine 2 | 2010 36_Evonik_03-10_EN 36 08.11.2010 13:26:53 Uhr A P P LY I N G 37 The Age of Aquaculture The development of fish farming could make a substantial contribution toward solving the problem of how to feed the world’s population. The challenge presented by this technique is how to feed the fish without using maritime resources. After all, the latter are now exhausted TEXT CHRISTOPH PECK Evonik Magazine 2 | 2010 37_Evonik_03-10_EN 37 08.11.2010 13:27:06 Uhr 38 A P P LY I N G A SPATTER OF FEED PELLETS breaks the blue- PHOTOGRAPHY: WOLFGANG KUNZ/BILDERBERG, LINEAIR/DAS FOTOARCHIV, STOCKFOOD (2), EVONIK INDUSTRIES A worker on a cod farm in Leknes, Norway, replenishes a feeding system that distributes the pellets slowly in the water The net cages of the Bremnes Seashore salmon farm in Norway are up 50 meters deep. This makes it possible for the fish to swim in water at different temperatures green waters of the fiord. Instantaneously the surface begins to boil, as salmon rise to meet the tiny crumbs of food. Although the installation is deserted, the feed arm continues to scatter pellets across the water. The whole operation is controlled remotely and with great precision. The rate at which the pellets settle, for example, is calculated so that fish deeper down are guaranteed enough to eat. And as soon as an underwater camera positioned at the bottom of the net captures the first feed pellet, the feeding process is halted. The salmon farms along the Norwegian coast are a far cry from the rural trout ponds back in Germany. The Norwegian farms employ GPS technology and special detectors to monitor fish activity. In the middle of the net cage, for example, there is a kind of electronic gate that records the speed and frequency with which fish swim through. If there is a deviation from the normal movement patterns a signal is transmitted to the monitoring station located on the shore of the fiord. And that is a sign for the fish farmer to motor out to check that everything is in order. Aquaculture is a high-tech industry—at least this is the case on the salmon farms of Norway, Scotland, Canada, or Chile. And it is an industry with a massive future. Years ago, the late management guru Prof. Peter F. Drucker predicted that aquaculture, and not the Internet, would represent the most promising investment in the 21st century. That’s because fish is still the most important protein source for the human race worldwide, ahead of poultry and pork. And, with the world’s population set to rise to nine billion by 2050, it will remain so. As a result, demand for fish in Europe and the U.S. will increase by around four percent. The equivalent figure in Asia, Africa, and Latin America will be as high as 60 percent. A blue revolution The global catch has been stagnating at around 80 million metric tons a year since the mid-1980s. As a result, the world’s oceans have long been unable to meet demand. Today, many stocks are overfished or completely exhausted. The solution to the problem is aquaculture: fish farms rearing salmon, carp, tilapia, pangasius, catfish, and shrimp. What the world needs is a blue revolution. This trend was already evident in the 1970s, when a UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) con- Evonik Magazine 2 | 2010 38_Evonik_03-10_EN 38 08.11.2010 13:27:17 Uhr A P P LY I N G 39 From fish farms to the refrigerator cabinet Fish remains the most important protein source for people, ahead of poultry and pork. And the world’s population is growing PANGASIUS SHRIMPS Origin: Asia. Increasingly reared in aquaculture, particularly in Vietnam and Thailand Origin: Tropical waters. Around one third of the shrimps on the market worldwide are farmed and poultry industries, and awareness of it is becoming more widespread in aquaculture—an area that is looking for ways to upgrade its sustainability credentials. Conservationists and animal welfare activists criticize intensive fish farming, which they equate with the use of antibiotics, the pollution of the seabed by feces, and the overfishing of smaller species of fish. The latter practice, which is particularly prevalent in the Pacific, is used to produce fish meal. However, rearing methods have been refined, thereby reducing both the burden on the environment and the use of fish meal, which is now an expensive commodity. For this reason, EWOS, a major Norwegian producer of fish feed, has progressively cut the proportion of fish meal in its products, which has fallen from 36 percent in 2002 to 15 percent in 2010. Instead, EWOS adds synthetic Dr. Christoph Kobler, product manager at Evonik, is head of the aquaculture project. He is convinced that fish will become a more important part of our diet Global aquaculture production 200 Million metric tons Projected growth rate 180 160 140 Farmed 120 100 80 60 40 Wild SOURCE: FAO 20 19 70 19 73 19 76 19 79 19 82 19 85 19 88 19 91 19 94 19 97 20 00 20 03 20 06 20 09 20 12 20 15 20 18 20 21 20 24 ference in Kyoto, Japan, predicted that output from aquaculture would increase fivefold over the following 30 years. With the industry producing five million metric tons of fish a year in 1975, that meant a projected rise to 25 million by 2005. Although the prediction seemed inflated to some people, it proved much too conservative. In fact, the FAO reports that production was 38.8 million metric tons in 2008. It is even forecasting that the global catch will rise to almost 200 million metric tons by 2024, 60 percent of which will come from aquaculture. That corresponds to an annual growth rate of around eight percent. Rearing such huge quantities of fish will require the right kind of feed. In other words, it must contain fat, carbohydrates, and, most important of all, protein. “That’s where we enter the picture,” says Dr. Christoph Kobler. As head of Evonik Industries’ aquaculture project, he’s responsible for guiding the Group into these uncharted waters. However, the production of animal feed, particularly for chicken and pigs, is by no means unfamiliar territory to Evonik. For the past 40 years, the Group has been manufacturing synthetic amino acids—vital constituents of the proteins responsible for animal and human growth. For the body to be able to produce these proteins, the relevant amino acids must be present in the right quantities. If one is lacking, protein synthesis halts. The remaining amino acids are excreted unused and growth is interrupted. Rapeseed meal, soybean meal, and fish meal are the natural constituents of animal feed. While they all contain the amino acids required for protein synthesis, their production is more costly and more harmful to the environment than that of synthetic amino acids. This fact has long been recognized in the pork Global aquaculture production has grown by eight percent annually over the last 25 years. A similar increase is projected for the next 25 years Evonik Magazine 2 | 2010 39_Evonik_03-10_EN 39 08.11.2010 13:27:36 Uhr 40 A P P LY I N G The world’s oceans can no longer meet demand Production from aquaculture was five million metric tons in 1975; it is projected to rise to around 200 million metric tons by 2024 TILAPIA CARP Origin: Nile region. Tilapia are farmed in 85 countries. Europe’s largest supplier is Taiwan Origin: Asia. Carp account for around 80 percent of all farmed freshwater fish worldwide methionine, one of the four most important essential amino acids, to its feed. “The customer wants to become fully independent of marine resources,” says Kobler. And that’s where Evonik comes in—even if Kobler and his team have to clear up certain misapprehensions along the way. These include concerns such as: “Will the amino acid be washed out in the water?” or “When the fish eat the feed, will they be able to digest and absorb the amino acid?” The first question was quickly answered. With fast-feeding fish such as salmon, pangasius, and tilapia, elution is not a problem. As far as slow-feeders such as shrimps are concerned, a research project is now Good feed is all about getting the proportions right Just one kilo of DL-methionine and two kilos of BIOLYS outweigh many times higher amounts of conventional feed—thanks to the addition of amino acids 54 kg Fish meal 36 kg Soybean meal SOURCE: EVONIK 2010 1 kg 2 kg DL-met BIOLYS investigating whether the methionine can be given a protective coating to prevent it from being washed out too quickly. The second question is a little more difficult. To answer it, Kobler’s team first had to acquire some expertise in the area of fish nutrition and physiology. How, for example, does the digestive system of salmon differ from that of carp, one of which is a carnivore and hunter, while the other is an omnivore and bottomfeeder? And what about tilapia and pangasius? “The difference between salmon and carp is certainly as big as the one between a chicken and a pig,” says Kobler. But with respect to salmon, at least, Kobler and his team have been able to persuade the customers that methionine, lysine and threonine do their work. Huge market potential “But salmon only make up slightly less than six percent of the market,” Kobler explains. “The big slice of the cake is made up by carp, tilapia, catfish, and shrimps.” That means Asia, where there are lots of small fish farms and extensive aquaculture. Asia also has lots of large companies that produce feed for poultry, pigs, and fish. And Evonik already has good contacts to many of these companies. The goal now is to persuade these producers that the products from Evonik are not only good for pigs and poultry but can also be added to fish feed, thereby enhancing its quality and boosting fish growth. Success here will open up a huge market. Asia is home to almost 90 percent of the world’s aquaculture industry. Kobler puts the current global market potential for methionine at over 10,000 metric tons, while Evonik believes that “a substantially larger volume will Evonik Magazine 2 | 2010 40_Evonik_03-10_EN 40 08.11.2010 16:59:25 Uhr A P P LY I N G 41 SALMON Origin: Atlantic and Pacific. The salmon is Germany’s favorite edible fish S U M M A RY The world’s oceans have long been unable to keep up with fish consumption, although demand continues to rise. Aquaculture could offer a solution. The industry is forecast to grow by eight percent a year until 2024. Synthetic amino acids make aquaculture much more sustainable because they increase efficiency and have less impact on the environment than conventional fish feed. • • • The Leroy fish farm in Bergen, Norway, feeds its salmon and sea trout with pellets containing DL-methionine PHOTOGRAPHY: WWW.TECHNOFISHER.COM, STOCKFOOD (2), CHRISTOPH KOBLER (2) be realistic by 2018.” To gain some idea of the enormous amount of fish feed—and reared fish—that this implies, consider the fact that the proportion of methionine in feed is just 0.1 to 0.15 percent. Put another way, this means that a metric ton of feed contains only one kilogram of methionine. It’s barely a pinch but big enough to make all the difference. Further basic data tend to confirm the wisdom of Evonik’s strategy. For example, fish are the most efficient converters of feed into meat. Salmon produce 65 kilograms of edible meat for every 100 kilograms of feed. The comparative figures are 20 kilos for chicken, 13 kilos for pork, and a mere 1.2 kilos for lamb and beef. What’s more, aquaculture produces a smaller carbon footprint: poultry and fish production emit two kilos of CO2 per kilo of useable meat, compared to 14 kilos for beef. Efficient feeding methods and good feed conversion also reduce the burden on the environment. “Basically, we’re going to be eating more fish”, says Kobler. “And that means more aquaculture.” In other words, the age of aquaculture has begun, and the chances of ushering it in sustainably look pretty good. Fish feed is made of basic materials such as fish meal and wheat. For convenience, it is extruded into pellets Evonik Magazine 2 | 2010 41_Evonik_03-10_EN 41 08.11.2010 16:59:29 Uhr 42 R E C O G N I Z I N G Weaning Chemicals off Oil? As oil becomes scarcer and more expensive, researchers look for alternatives. At stake is not only car transportation and heating but also the future direction of the chemicals industry TEXT DR. CAROLINE ZÖRLEIN $3,729 billion total $5.01 billion forecast to 2015 FOR THE MODERN WORLD, oil is its very life $1.63 billion renewable raw materials Market value ILLUSTRATION: PICFOUR Global sales of chemicals based on renewable raw materials reached $1.63 billion in 2008 and are forecast to rise to $5.01 billion by 2015. The total world market for chemicals currently stands at $3,729 billion blood. Formed from oozy layers of dead plankton subjected to extreme pressures and temperatures underground over millions of years, it greases the wheels of the global economy like no other lubricant. Without this fossil source of fuels, the world might very well stutter to a standstill; but with it, global warming and all its consequences seem more than a cloud on the horizon. Alternatives are desperately needed. The largest consumers of oil continue to be transport and power generation. In Germany, for example, road traffic, heating systems, and power plants account for approximately 85 percent of total oil consumption. The balance, just under 15 percent, goes to the chemicals industry, for which oil—with a share of 72 percent—is by far the most important raw material. The products based on this precious commodity include plastics, medications, paints, coatings, and textiles. In other words, oil provides us with much more than mobility and energy, since the chemicals industry also relies on this valuable resource and must search for alternatives. This is why companies in the sector are stepping up their research and development efforts to devise a green chemicals industry based on renewable raw materials, such as rapeseed, corn, or wood. “A chemicals industry without crude oil is certainly possible in principle,” says Dr. Jörg Rothermel, an expert on renewable raw materials at the VCI, Germany’s chemical industry association. “But a chemicals industry without carbon is an impossibility.” Carbon, the element upon which all life on earth is based, is vital to many areas of industry, because plastics—the main constituent of a host of everyday items including toothbrushes, medicinal drugs, computers, and yogurt cups—are essentially made up of long chains of carbon compounds. The concentration of carbon in crude oil is especially high, reaching as much as 85 to 90 percent. Yet vegetable oils and fats consist of 76 percent carbon, and even lignocellulose—the main constituent of wood—is 50 percent carbon. As a result, plant-based raw materials are now playing an increasingly important role in the chemicals industry. In fact, nature is already providing the basic chemical framework for many products. Plant fibers, for example, are woven into textiles or serve as the base material for insulating or packaging; rapeseed and soybean oil form the basis of surfactants in detergents; corn and potato starch are constituents of biologically degradable materials and of adhesives and medicinal drugs. “Biomass has become the base material of choice wherever there are technical or economic advantages over fossil fuels,” Rothermel reports. The proportion of renewable raw materials used by the chemicals industry currently stands at around 13 percent. In Europe, that amounts to about nine million metric tons, of which vegetable oils and fats account for 31 percent, starch of various kinds for 35 percent, sugar for 14 percent, and cellulose and fibers for 16 percent. Every year the German chemicals industry alone processes 2.7 million metric tons of renewable raw materials. The right mix of raw materials Today, with almost every company in the chemicals industry working to base more and more of its production operations on biomass, the share of renewables in the raw materials mix is about to increase. At Evonik Evonik Magazine 2 | 2010 42_Evonik_03-10_EN 42 08.11.2010 13:32:29 Uhr R E C O G N I Z I N G 43 Industries AG—which has long been using rapeseed and sunflower oil, corn and wheat starch, and carbohydrates from sugar beet and sugarcane—the proportion of renewable raw materials currently stands at almost ten percent. A big application for biomass is the production of high-grade feed additives such as amino acids. “And now we are also producing special amino acids from renewable raw materials for products including medical infusions,” says Dr. Thomas Haas, Vice President Biotechnology at Evonik. “Biotechnology plays a particularly important role in processing biomass for such applications.” In the field of industrial biotechnology—also known as “white” biotechnology—microorganisms such as bacteria or fungi and special enzymes are used. Acting as tiny chemical plants, these mits lan lp croorganisms are exceptionally effia cin cient at breaking down plant-based di raw materials such as cellulose, starch, oil, and sugar into smaller units. They are used to produce what are known as “platform chemicals,” for example, such as lactic acid, amino acids, and alcohols, which can then be further processed by the chemicals industry for the production of plastics, medications, or fuels. Haas has a striking phrase to describe this process: “A smart combination of biology with chemistry.” ils Here’s how rch Sta Na tu r al fi s w Stra Wo od Evonik also uses vegetable oils in the production of surfactants, for example, and highgrade cosmetic oils at its Care Specialties Business Line. “The ingredients and also the active substances in creams and lotions designed to slow skin-aging can now be manufactured using biotechnological methods,” explains Dr. Oliver Thum, Head of Biotechnology Research at Evonik’s Consumer Specialties Business Unit. Anti-wrinkle creams, for example, contain the naturally occurring molecule hyaluronic acid, which serves as a store for water in the eye and also helps to lubricate the body’s joints. At present, the use of vegetable oils for the manufacture of protective skin creams such as those found in production engineering, laboratory, and hospital environments is still too expensive. “But here, too, manufacturers are placing an increasingly higher priority on sustainable products,” says Dr. Petra Allef, Head of Research, Development, and Applications at Evonik’s Skin Care Product Line. Allef is confident that there will be a cost-effective production process for this within a few years. Amounts and consumers Germany used 90.6 million metric tons of renewable raw materials in manufacturing and energy production in 2007. Of that total, 47% was for chemical building blocks, 28% for petrochemicals, and 18% for the paper and pulp industry be r The biorefinery boom PHOTOGRAPHY: ISTOCKPHOTO (7), KIEDROWSKI, R./ARCO IMAGES, PANTHERMEDIA Cork Sugar o le M e Rubber These efforts to enhance the sustainability of the chemicals industry could also have economic benefits. According to a new analysis conducted by the corporate consultants Frost & Sullivan, global sales of chemicals made of renewable raw materials reached $1.63 billion in 2008 and are forecast to rise to $5.01 billion by 2015. But in order to be able to manufacture products based to an even greater degree on renewable raw materials, the chemicals industry needs to modify its infrastructure. “The transition to a biobased economy will change the production structures irrevocably,” predicts Dr. Gunter Festel from consultants Festel Capital in the magazine Chemical Business. “New supply chains to deliver a different class of raw materials will create a whole new set of challenges for the infrastructure curVe rently in place.” ge ta Biorefineries will play a key role b in the greening of the chemicals industry. It is here that biomass is first broken down by specially cultivated bacteria and fungi. Major facilities of this kind— for example pure starch and ethanol plants—are already in operation, turning raw materials such as corn and sugarcane into intermediate products. At present, more than 30 million metric tons of ethanol are produced annually using biotechnological processes. Although this product is still used primarily as fuel, it could increasingly serve in the future as a base material for the chemicals industry. Biorefineries would function in a similar manner to oil refineries. According to estimates by the World Economic Forum, the corresponding biorefinery boom could create a market of as much as $300 billion by 2020. “But biorefineries will have to become more flexible,” warns molecular biologist Dr. MarieLuise Lippert, consultant to the German Association of Biotechnology Industries. “They will need to be able to process wood and straw and to handle feedstock plants in their entirety. That way, biorefineries will be able to produce a whole range of basic materials for the chemicals industry.” To date, lignocellulose, the main constituent of wood, has proved a difficult nut to crack. Although bacteria and fungi do possess the enzymes required for the job, laboratory investigations into the overall efficiency and the individual stages of the process are still continuing. Microorganisms are also able to accomplish the reverse trick: combining small molecules into larger chemical building blocks. In lab Evonik Magazine 2 | 2010 43_Evonik_03-10_EN 43 08.11.2010 13:32:32 Uhr Biofuels cover 1.7 percent of global fuel consumption. Researchers see big potential in waste from agriculture and forestry PHOTOGRAPHY: LÖSEL/VISUM Raw materials from the soil experiments, Evonik researchers are feeding bacteria with so-called synthesis gas, a mixture of carbon dioxide and hydrogen. In return, the microorganisms make building blocks for acrylic glass. “The bacteria produce what are called ‘monomers’, and these can then be joined up by means of a chemical process to form a polymer, in other words a plastic,” explains Dr. Jan Pfeffer, a project manager in Research and Development at Evonik subsidiary Creavis Technologies & Innovation. If renewable raw materials are to play a greater role in the chemicals industry, this will require not only increases in processing efficiency but also the allocation of extra land to grow such crops—a controversial issue. Given a growing population and limited acreage for the cultivation of food crops, it seems legitimate to ask whether there will ever be sufficient biomass for industrial usage. Europe, for example, doesn’t have the land that would be needed for this. And it is already importing up to 40 million metric tons of soybean materials a year, around three-quarters of which goes into animal feed. In order to base its chemicals industry on renewable raw materials, Europe would have to import substantial quantities of biomass. Asia or South America are in a better position as far as acreage is concerned. However, as Lippert observes, “without the use of ‘green’ biotechnology, it will be difficult to produce sufficient quantities.” This is biotechnology applied to the development of plants that have higher yields or are able to grow in poor soil that is unsuitable for the cultivation of food crops. Other options here include the use of biotech methods to convert biological waste such as straw into a raw material, for example, Plastic bags without oil Every year, 500 billion plastic bags are produced worldwide. As a rule, the raw material required is crude oil. With biotechnological methods, microorganisms can be used to produce biologically degradable plastics from plantbased raw materials or to produce the highly versatile polymer chitosan from shrimp shells, or to make natural rubber from the milky sap of dandelions. Oil is too valuable to burn “The chemicals industry is not in a position at this point in time to do without crude oil as a raw material,” says Rothermel. And while renewables are poised to play a greater role, it is highly unlikely, as Thomas Rings, Vice President and Head of Process Industries Practice at A.T. Kearney, explains, that “they will ever, for technological reasons, make up more than around 20 or 25 percent at most of the raw materials mix.” However, as Rings adds, “this figure doesn’t take into account algae as a raw material, since its potential can not yet be properly assessed.” So far, experts see no danger of a shortfall in the supply of oil to the chemicals industry. But when it comes to deciding how best to use this valuable commodity, the message from analysts, industry associations, and senior company executives is best summarized by Dr. Utz Tillmann, Director General of the VCI: “Oil is far too precious a resource simply to send up in smoke.” S U M M A RY In the quest for greener chemicals, almost every company is working to increase the use of biomass. The transition to a bio-based economy demands new production structures and more land availability. The world population is increasing; land under cultivation is decreasing. Renewable raw materials still have tremendous potential. The chemicals industry is working to cut its dependence on oil and to use it more efficiently. • • • Evonik Magazine 2 | 2010 44_Evonik_03-10_EN 44 08.11.2010 13:33:10 Uhr R E C O G N I Z I N G 45 Plasticizers/ additives for plastics Glycerine Surfactants Linoleum Pesticides Cosmetics/pharmaceuticals Textile agents Detergents Car tires Tubes Conveyor belts Hygiene articles Other Bio-based plastics (e.g., polylactic acids, polyhydroxyalkanoates, polyamides) Elastomers Lubricants Metalworking Greases Hydraulic oils Chainsaw oils Cosmetics Pharmaceutical products Coatings/Paints Printing inks Binders Color additives Oleochemistry al cin di Rubber nts pla Ve ge t Bitumen, asphalt ab o le M e Chemical base materials Wine corks ils Renewable raw materials already play an important role in German industry. The chemicals sector alone uses around 2.7 million metric tons a year s Wo od Floorboards Technical textiles Insulating materials w Stra Planks Home textiles be r Starch for textiles Beams Laths Clothing Na Starch for paper Composite materials tu r al fi rch Sta Biotechnology Building materials Flooring Pin boards Cork The Renewables Sugar Detergent (enzymes) Granulates Composite materials Lumber Battens Veneer Vegetation mats, plant propagation mats Lignin Lignin-based plastics Sawmill waste Animal bedding Agricultural usage Wood materials Paper pulp Chemical pulp Coatings, printing inks Cellulose derivatives Particle board Graphic papers Medium-density fiberboard Packaging Oriented strand board Toilet paper Wood-fiber insulation materials Specialist papers Thickeners, adhesives Bio-based plastics Regenerated cellulose materials Cellulose-based synthetic fibers Production volumes within the raw materials group Wood-polymer materials Growth markets of significant volume max. 100,000 t 100,000–500,000 t 500,000–1 million t > 1 million t SOURCE: NOVA-INSTITUT; PHOTOGRAPHY: ISTOCKPHOTO (7), KIEDROWSKI, R./ARCO IMAGES, PANTHERMEDIA; ILLUSTRATION: PICFOUR Construction chemistry Evonik Magazine 2 | 2010 45_Evonik_03-10_EN 45 08.11.2010 13:33:25 Uhr PHOTOGRAPHY: TOM LEMKE, PETER KNEFFEL/DPA 46 E X P E R I E N C I N G Andreas Gursky His unique perspective on the world was not born in New York, London or Paris, but in the Ruhr region. Professor Gursky lives and teaches in Düsseldorf. Right: Visitors at the Haus der Kunst in Munich in front of the work “Tote Hosen” Evonik Magazine 2 | 2010 46_Evonik_03-10_EN Abs1:46 08.11.2010 13:35:06 Uhr E X P E R I E N C I N G 47 Great Art Prof. Andreas Gursky moved to the Ruhr region as a child and has lived there ever since. A portrait of the student of Prof. Bernd and Hilla Becher, who has become a global superstar in the world of photography TEXT TOBIAS HABERL Evonik Magazine 2 | 2010 47_Evonik_03-10_EN Abs1:47 08.11.2010 13:35:35 Uhr Left: Gursky’s “Paris-Montparnasse” and Bernd and Hilla Becher’s “Gasbehälter” (Gasholders) in Cologne’s Museum Ludwig. Right: Hilla and Bernd Becher; the latter died in 2007 “He was persistent, hard-working, and very good!” Hilla Becher remembers her student Andreas Gursky SIX MONTHS AGO the photographer Prof. Andreas Gursky put on a show of his latest works. It consisted of seven gigantic photographs measuring 3.5 x 2.5 meters, six of the ocean and one of the Antarctic. The images looked like Google Earth snapshots or satellite photos taken from outer space. Gursky, the world’s most significant and expensive photographer today, had seemingly rejected the option of a bird’s eye view—only a view from far above would do. The photos look as though God had gazed down from Heaven, picked up a camera, and taken a few snapshots of our earth. How are we to evaluate such photos, which of course must be art if they’ve been made by Gursky, but nonetheless can be seen on dozens of monitors in any given TV weather studio? Were they a continuation of Gursky’s photo series, which evolved from small formats to large ones? These series depicted the Rhineland in the 1980s and the rest of the world in the 1990s. Were they now meant to depict the universe? Or were they simply bad photographs? Gursky is like McDonald’s There are critics who were immediately enthusiastic, but there are also people who find the images shallow, banal, and meaningless. They are the ones who say that Gursky has become a megalomaniac. However, they forget that Gursky—who has produced the world’s most expensive photo (worth US$3.3 million), ironically named “99 Cents”—is not only an internationally acclaimed artist. After all, there are many of those. Like McDonald’s and Coca-Cola, Gursky is a brand that is recognized all over the world. He’s a global player who looks down at the world from high-rise hotels and airplane windows. From that standpoint, the lofty per- spective does seem to make sense. All the same, were these ocean images really necessary? All that blue water and here and there a thin strip of coastline? The answer is simple, as is so often the case in art. An image is only an image, even if it has never been seen before, even if might be unique. It doesn’t become art until it is placed in a series with other images, compared with earlier works, interlaced with the biography of its creator, and confronted with the artist’s teachers and role models. Art requires a context, and those who wish to understand Gursky’s photographs from outer space— for which he bought satellite images and processed them on a computer—must once again take the time to find out where this artist comes from, how he got his start, and who taught him and told him what it actually means to make a photograph of something. In 1981, when Gursky finished his studies at the Visual Communication department of Universität-Gesamthochschule Essen, he was almost lost to the world of art. He set out for Hamburg with a portfolio of photos in his suitcase in order to look for a job as a photographer at one of the Hamburg-based magazines. If he had landed a job, he would be illustrating features and reports for Stern or Geo today—but he wasn’t hired. Instead, Gursky embarked on a second course of study, this time at the Art Academy of Düsseldorf. One of his teachers was Bernd Becher, the most objective, sober, strict, conceptional photographer of the 20th century—one could even call him the very opposite of the typical photojournalist roaming the world with his Leica. Gursky started attending his course in 1981. What he experienced there and participated in was the legendary “Becher school,” consisting of about a dozen highly talented photographers who were sup- Evonik Magazine 2 | 2010 48_Evonik_03-10_EN Abs1:48 08.11.2010 13:35:46 Uhr E X P E R I E N C I N G 49 On the trail of beauty Gursky started out by making typological photo series, an approach he knew through the Bechers’ work: hotel doormen, department store saleswomen, interiors. He found his motifs in Düsseldorf and its surroundings, as he could not afford to travel. “That wasn’t a bad thing at all,” says Hilla Becher. “The region was still fresh and unexplored by photographers. Instead of postcard motifs, it had anonymous landscapes whose beauty you could expose.” The region was so fresh, unexplored, and pure that it wasn’t even burdened by the cliché of being unexplored territory—unlike In a class of their own Top picture: Becher students pose for the camera. Their teacher at the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf was Bernd Becher, Germany’s first professor of photography. Together with his wife, Hilla Becher, he taught the most renowned photographers of today. From the back, left to right: Axel Hütte, Prof. Andreas Gursky, Candida Höfer, Prof. Thomas Struth, Hans-Peter Feldmann, Laurenz Berges, Simone Nieweg, Prof. Thomas Ruff, Prof. Elger Esser, Prof. Petra Wunderlich, Lothar Schirmer (editor and art collector), Hilla Becher, Ursula Schulz-Dornburg, Jörg Sasse, Beat Streuli, Dr. Isabelle Malz (curator), Prof. Andreas Wiesand, Anne Dressen (curator), Prof. Katharina Sieverding, Regina Wyrwoll (Secretary General of the NRW Art Foundation), Prof. Werner Spies (art historian), Dr. Maria Müller (curator), Klaus Mettig, Dr. Emmanuelle de l’Ecotais (curator), Prof. Armin Zweite (curator), Dr. Fabrice Hergott (curator). Bottom picture: Two photographers: Andreas Gursky with his father Willy Gursky, who has published his photographic works of the last 50 years in a book PHOTOGRAPHY: PICTURE-ALLIANCE/DPA (2), CHRISTIANE KUES, WERNER GABRIEL ported and guided by Prof. Bernd Becher and his wife Hilla. Almost without exception, these young photographers were set on a course that launched them into world-renowned careers. It was a collective marked by discussion, competition, and partnership—and an ideal incubator for making a photographer into an artist. Hilla Becher still lives in an old schoolhouse in Düsseldorf-Kaiserswerth only a few kilometers from Gursky’s studio. When asked about Gursky, she says, “I still remember that I found his work very impressive from the very beginning. It showed artistic distance, in the best sense of the word.” In those days the Bechers lived in an old mill on the outskirts of Düsseldorf. Outside the mill they parked their VW van, in which they made their photo tours. They lived there from 1961 to 2002 in makeshift, Spartan surroundings, with lots of books, a few sticks of furniture, a couple of board games, a tiny kitchen, and an old Blaupunkt radio. If anyone should suggest in retrospect that this was a rather romantic living arrangement, she promptly retorts, “We lived there because the rent was affordable. It was damp and crowded and not very inviting.” All the same, Gursky and the others—Thomas Ruff, Thomas Struth, Axel Hütte, and Candida Höfer—visited the Bechers regularly. They would show the couple their work, ask for advice, hold discussions, and leaf through their hosts’ illustrated books. For Gursky, it was a whole new world. In his father’s photo studio he had gotten to know a profession, but suddenly he was confronted by an attitude toward photography and life — because what the Bechers taught and exemplified was a way of life characterized by clarity, frugality, and an absence of vanity. What they considered important was not the creation of a sensational individual photo but achieving a deeper understanding of photography and merging their work with their life. There are critics who fault Gursky for making photographs that are so gigantic and so expensive. “That’s nonsense,” says Hilla Becher. “They’re forgetting that Gursky also started off small, with smallformat photographs. He was persistent, hard-working, and very good, and that’s why he was successful.” It’s a fact that back then Gursky even worked as a taxi driver in order to make ends meet. Evonik Magazine 2 | 2010 49_Evonik_03-10_EN Abs1:49 08.11.2010 13:35:55 Uhr 50 E X P E R I E N C I N G Gursky works PHOTOGRAPHY: ANDREAS GURSKY/VG BILD-KUNST, BONN 2010/COURTESY SPRÜTH MAGERS BERLIN LONDON Klausenpaß: Even in his early works, Gursky focused on the relationship between people and the world of nature. In the 1984 photograph “Klausenpaß,” tiny people are standing in front of a gigantic mountain. Ruhrtal: In this photograph from 1989, a man is walking under a bridge. Even back then, Gursky was creating stages like those of the theater. At the center of his landscapes and architecture are human beings. Kuwait Stock Exchange: In photographs such as this one, created in 2007, Gursky uses a single image to capture a certain economic and social situation, a generation’s experience of life, or an era of history. the situation today. Gursky works slowly and precisely—between 1984 and 1989 he produced no more than three dozen photographs—but his method of looking at the world takes time. A new documentary film by Jan Schmidt-Garre deals with the creation of a single photograph: “Hamm, Bergwerk Ost” (Hamm, Eastern Mine) (2008), which shows the miners’ changing room, known as the “Waschkaue,” or pithead bath. The film conveys the meticulousness with which Gursky explores this setting, the patience with which he revisits and investigates it, measures angles and perspectives, and tries to discover this space for himself. Last but not least, it shows Gursky’s fascination with the Ruhr region and its traditions. In his early works, Gursky focused on people enjoying their leisure, engaging in sports, walks, and cycling. He discovered how much he enjoyed zeroing in on tiny details that might escape the eye but not the camera lens—a technique he perfected in the 1990s. He made a series of “Sunday images,” photographs of people in their spare time. Photos such as “Ruhrtal” (Ruhr Valley) and “Angler, Mühlheim an der Ruhr” (Fisherman, Mühlheim an der Ruhr) convey a sense of peaceful calm. His first major solo exhibition took place in 1989 at Haus Lange in Krefeld, an elegantly simple building designed by Mies van der Rohe that could not have been more appropriate for a student of the Bechers. “People are the focus of my photographs,” Gursky declared at the time. Those who doubt this have at least not understood Gursky’s early works. In a photo such as “Klausenpaß” (Mountain pass) from 1984, which shows tiny people in from of a gigantic mountain, the photographer is showing us people who have been fascinated by the overwhelming force of the landscape, gotten out of their cars and climbed a few meters up the mountain. Then and now, Gursky has always focused on the relationship between people and their natural surroundings, people and the world, people and globalization. The quiet punk Hamm, Bergwerk Ost, 2008. This photograph shows the miners’ “Waschkaue,” or pithead bath. Gursky worked meticulously on this image for a year The curator of the first major Gursky exhibition was Dr. Julian Heyden, who is today the Artistic Director for Special Projects at the North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) Art Collection. We met him in Düsseldorf, where he was staying for a few days. Heynen is wellnetworked, speaks English, travels a lot, and has known Gursky for 30 years. “Back then, about 30,000 people came to see that exhibition. It was not a mass audience, but it included the avant-garde, art specialists, and gallery owners from Cologne and New York,” he says. He too emphasizes how perfect the Ruhr region and the Düsseldorf area was for the young Gursky: “This region had been destroyed and rebuilt. It was faceless, and a good photographer could derive symbolic images from local details.” In the early 1980s Gursky moved into an empty transformer station in the Evonik Magazine 2 | 2010 50_Evonik_03-10_EN Abs1:50 08.11.2010 13:36:01 Uhr Andreas Gursky and his team preparing to create the photograph “Hamm, Bergwerk Ost.” He digitized his analog images and processed them on a computer “It was damp and crowded and not very inviting!” Hilla Becher on the beginnings of the Becher School Hansaallee in Düsseldorf, where his older colleagues Axel Hütte and Thomas Ruff were already living. Later on they were joined by another Becher student, Laurenz Berges. Here they set up a color laboratory, a place where their work, art, and life merged. All four of them still live there today, 25 years later. During the day they worked, and in the evenings they talked in a local pub. They avoided the legendary artists’ hangout “Ratinger Hof” in the old part of town, where the German punk scene was being born, where “ZK,” the predecessor of the cult band “Die Toten Hosen” gave its first legendary concert, where Blinky Palermo and Joseph Beuys would drink their beers, and where the scene would hang out. Instead, they preferred small out-of-the-way pubs like “The Ritter” in Kaiserswerth. Says Laurenz Berges, “The pub was a very modest place. It was not a glamorous venue like the ‘Grill Royal’ in Berlin today. It was just a pub with a lot of smoke, a couple of tables, a couple of card players, and that was it.” PHOTOGRAPHY: SIEGFRIED SCHWESIG, RAG The Gursky class The big thing in those days was punk and rebellion, loud music and attracting public attention—the youth culture freshly imported from England. And yet the next avant-garde was already sitting in the nondescript old pubs only a few hundred meters away and creating its own image, which was completely different from punk: inconspicuous, and normal. That’s the attitude they had learned from the Bechers and made their own: The work, the thought, the idea, the image has to be special—not the artist. “These young photographers deliberately set themselves apart from the punk movement,” says Julian Heynen. Andreas Gursky was also politically left-wing. After completing his civil service and before he entered photography school, he had even considered becoming a social worker, but he did not put his views on show like a hollow monstrance. This desire to work at the edges rather than in the center, to live not where things are happening but where one can work in peace, has paid off. The lives of many former Becher students still focus on Düsseldorf rather than Berlin, London, New York or Paris. They live and work a few hundred meters from the art academy that has made them the artists they are today. The Kunstakademie Düsseldorf, or Düsseldorf Art Academy, founded by the Elector Carl Theodor in 1773, is a gigantic building with high ceilings. Gursky has been teaching here since the summer semester of 2010. A sign on a door on the second floor says “The Gursky Class.” Other doors display other great names from the world of contemporary art, such as Prof. Rosemarie Trockel and Prof. Peter Doig. Hip-hop music spills out of an open door, there’s a smell of paint in the hallways and paint stains on the floors, and the place is full of paintings, initial attempts, and early works. Some 30 years ago Gursky himself was a student here, working in the attic on the building’s fourth floor. We ask the secretary if we could listen in on one of Gursky’s classes when he talks with the students about their work. We receive a polite refusal: “Professor Gursky would prefer to work with his students in peace. He hardly knows them yet at this point.” Even an attempt to talk to one of Gursky’s students turns out to be difficult. The classroom door is locked, and a note wedged between the door and the door frame is removed 30 minutes later and lands in the wastebasket. The Gursky class seems to need peace and quiet, so we decide to grant it. In the end, this could benefit all of us. Evonik Magazine 2 | 2010 51_Evonik_03-10_EN Abs1:51 08.11.2010 13:36:07 Uhr 52 L I V I N G Light and Shadow TOM SCHIMMECK on a new examination of an old debate. A spectacular experiment shows just how right Goethe was with his Theory of Colors ILLUSTRATION PETER PICHLER “THE COLORS are acts of light: its active and passive modifications,” wrote Johann Wolfgang von Goethe in the Preface to his Theory of Colors, 200 years ago. Published in 1810, this most poetic of scientific investigations grapples with the optics of Sir Isaac Newton. It was Newton who, almost 150 years previously, had drilled a hole through the shutters to his chamber and refracted a beam of sunlight with a glass prism, thus casting on the wall opposite a splotch of multicolored light, blue at one side, red at the other, and green in the middle. This was Newton’s spectrum: the birth of a theory of light. To a polymath like Goethe, the colorful light show produced by Newton the physicist seemed too simple. “Colors and light, it is true, stand in the most intimate relation to each other,” he conceded, “but we should think of both as belonging to nature as a whole, for it is nature as a whole which manifests itself by their means in an especial manner to the sense of sight.” Goethe was looking for the larger picture, for the reciprocity of light and darkness, the shadow behind the light. And in so doing, he kindled a dispute that would endure throughout the 19th century. And today? “To physics, light ultimately remains a mystery,” says the physicist Matthias Rang. Although Newton’s theory is correct, and no experiment can disprove it, it still carries a blemish. “And it’s a major one.” Rang, 37 years old, has long taken an interest in optics, dating from the time of his stud- ies at Berlin’s Humboldt University. Today, he works near Basle in Switzerland, at the Research Institute of the Goetheanum, which devotes itself to “fostering the communion with sensory experience.” This September, Rang and the physicist Prof. Johannes Grebe-Ellis constructed a socalled experimentum lucis at the Humboldt University. Consisting of a sophisticated assembly of light guides, lenses, mirrors, prisms, and a powerful light source, this inverts Newton’s classic experiment, resolving not a light beam into its spectral colors but rather a dark beam—in other words, a ray of shadow. When the latter is made to pass through a second prism, cyan, magenta, and yellow remain as the fundamental colors. This, the researchers say, empirically demonstrates the “monochromaticity” postulated by Goethe. For Newton’s experiment, all you need is a slit that has a variable aperture. You then send the refracted beams into darkness. A three-dimensional dark beam, by contrast, demands a kind of “light room” and a ridge of variable thickness—something that is difficult to achieve mechanically. Ultimately, what is needed is precisely the element that is absorbed by blackening in the normal experiment. “I wracked my brains,” says Rang. “But the solution was staring right at me. It’s part of every experiment of this type but normally never gets used.” The trick, as Rang explains, was to look at the slit from the other side and apply a mirror coating to the jaws of the slit diaphragm. This mirrored slit diaphragm has two aspects: The first shows what comes through the slit; the second asks what’s reflected. There is no contradiction here. Both spectra arise on the same basis. So who’s right, Newton or Goethe? “Newtonian optics are ingenious and correct,” says Rang. Yet they are not contradicted by Goethe’s thesis that light and dark are equally important in the creation of color. As Rang explains, the achievement of the experimentum lucis is to show that Goethe “intuited something and argued for it well.” However, there’s “no problem” explaining Goethe’s contribution to the experiment in Newtonian terms. In other words, we have a synthesis of Newton and Goethe? “Exactly,” says Rang. “We’ve reloaded Goethe with Newtonian optics. Or, to put it another way, we’ve widened Newton’s optics with Goethe’s notion of complementarity.” Viewing the experiment is one of those genuine moments of enlightenment. You recognize immediately that our common understanding of light and shadow is based on a one-sided conception of light as active and darkness as passive. “And thus as we descend the scale of being,” Goethe wrote, “Nature speaks to other senses—to known, misunderstood, and unknown senses: so speaks she with herself and to us in a thousand modes. To the attentive observer she is nowhere dead nor silent.” Evonik Magazine 2 | 2010 52_Evonik_03-10_EN 52 08.11.2010 13:37:13 Uhr Evonik Global A journey around the world to international Evonik locations USA China PHOTOGRAPHY: ANTHONY BRADSHAW/GETTY IMAGES, PICTURE-ALLIANCE/DPA In Portland (Oregon), Evonik is becoming a key producer in the fast growing semiconductor industry and thus consolidating its position in chip manufacturing Saudi Arabia Together with local partners, Evonik is planning a joint venture to produce superabsorbers in the world’s largest industrial park India To serve the growing automotive market, Evonik and its subsidiary INSILCO are producing silicic acid for the tire industry Evonik is supplying the market directly with medical active ingredients from two new plants in Shanghai and Nanning Japan Next year, Evonik will supply the booming electronics industry from a new integrated production facility for monosilane. It’s another piece in the Asia strategy jigsaw Singapore Evonik finds itself in the best of company on the artificial island of Jurong. Almost 100 chemical companies have set up operations there Evonik Magazine 2 | 2010 53_Evonik_03-10_EN Abs1:53 08.11.2010 13:37:54 Uhr 54 G L O B A L India’s Economy Is Rolling I N D I A The growing middle class on the subcontinent is demanding safe and efficient mobility. Tires made with silicic acid at a plant in the northern city of Gajraula are helping to deliver it n excited crowd waited with anticipation for the arrival of the special guest star: The white Light Weight Design (LWD) Lotus race car from Evonik Industries AG was a major highlight at the Vehicle Dynamics Workshop in the southern Indian city of Madras, which was organized by the Indian tire manufacturer Apollo for the second time in 2010. Automakers and suppliers from all over the world attended the workshop to experience first-hand the latest developments from the automotive and tire sectors. Apollo also held the event to showcase India, although the subcontinent has long since attracted the interest of the auto industry: The number of exhibitors at Auto Expo India has doubled over the last ten years, for example, and some 1.2 million visitors attended the most recent show. India’s economy is on a huge roll, so to speak, as the expanding middle class is trading in its bicycles for mopeds and, increasingly, cars as well. It wants mobility that’s both safe and affordable. Rising incomes, reasonably priced vehicles, improved roads, and affordable financing are helping to meet this demand. “The middle class here consists of 300 million people—it’s a huge market,” says Vikas Rane, a marketing manager at Evonik Industries in India. “These people are very interested in small cars because they’re affordable, economical, maneuverable, very reliable, and easy to maintain.” India’s automotive sector is booming India’s Tata Motors prices its low-end Tata Nano model for INR 100,000, a little less than EUR 1,600 and also less than double the price of a moped. Although more than 75 percent of India’s vehicles still have only two wheels, the country is already the world’s seventh largest automobile manufacturer and the fourth biggest vehicle exporter in Asia. “Experts predict India will be the world’s leading automobile nation by around 2050, when it will have some 610 million vehicles on the road,” says Rane. This strong domestic market is what protected India from the worst effects of the PHOTOGRAPHY: EVONIK INDUSTRIES A The transition to four wheels continues at a rapid pace in India’s major cities financial crisis. Unlike China, which focuses heavily on exports, India’s market suffered very few setbacks. “The demand for cars has a direct impact on the tire market,” Rane explains. “But people aren’t just demanding a lot more tires. They also want better ones in terms of technology, especially in urban areas, where populations are increasing and state-of-the-art radial tires are the best option. These tires are less likely to get flats on good roads, and they also conserve fuel.” The Indian tire industry produced 100 million new tires in 2009. Manufacturers are now investing in new capacity in order to serve the growing market. Evonik Industries is never far away when more and better tires are being produced. The company’s Insilco subsidiary supplies India’s tire industry with precipitated silicic acid (silica) under the brand name ULTRASIL, which it produces at its factory in the northern Indian city of Gajraula. The substance, which is used as a filler for tire rubber, makes treads much more durable, fuel efficient, and safer on wet roads. While silica has been standard in Europe for some time, it’s new in India. “Evonik will experience greater demand for this product in the coming years not only due to increasing demand for new cars but also as a result of the modernization of commercial vehicle fleets,” says Rane. That means plenty of work for the more than 200 workers at the Gajraula plant, who currently produce around 15,000 tons of silica products each year—with a further increase in capacity scheduled for next year. The plans are being accompanied by promotional campaigns at the race track in Madras, where Lotus taxi rides—on Apollo tires, of course—are on the agenda, along with handling tests on both wet and dry roads. There’s also an offroad course to help demonstrate Evonik’s tire expertise. Evonik Magazine 2 | 2010 54_Evonik_03-10_EN 54 08.11.2010 13:39:13 Uhr PHOTOGRAPHY: GETTY IMAGES Healthy Ambition I N D I A It’s not only the tire market that’s booming in the country. Matthias Hau, Evonik’s Regional President in India, talks about success, demand, and growing s elf confidence in this emerging market PHOTOGRAPHY: EVONIK INDUSTRIES India is booming. What are the main reasons for this development? There are several factors at work here. First of all, India’s huge population alone gives it a tremendous domestic market, and one that’s far from satiated, as a rapidly expanding middle class with rising income and new patterns of consumption is generating new growth. India’s population also displays a tremendous willingness to learn and better itself. What does all of this mean for Evonik Industries AG? We’re doing well here with all of our business units, especially those that serve the automotive, petrochemical, and pharmaceutical industries. However, our success is also driven by feed additives and specialties like silicic acid, lacquer additives, intermediate chemical products, and pharmaceutical polymers. India’s economy most recently grew at a rate of nine percent, and just about every sector is booming. So demand is not a problem. But what does India have to offer the world? We recognized early on that India is more than just an interesting sales market; the country is teeming with talent. India has a very large number of young people, who are educated, ambitious, and optimistic. The country thus has every reason to be self confident. India offers a good example of how strong and competitive a democracy can be if it has the right demographics and can achieve good quality at relatively low production costs. Matthias Hau is Evonik’s Regional President in India and Managing Director of the Group’s Insilco Ltd subsidiary Evonik now manufactures superabsorber granulates in the Arabian Peninsula Superabsorbers in the Desert S A U D I A R A B I A The Consumer Specialties Business Unit is taking a major step into a new market on the Arabian Peninsula T he world’s largest chemical industrial park is to not to be found in Europe, the USA, or even the booming regions of East Asia, but instead in Saudi Arabia. Jubail Industrial City was listed way back in 1983 in the Guinness Book of Records as the biggest construction undertaking in human history. The huge facility has an area of more than 185 square kilometers. The companies that operate there are from a wide range of industries, the most important of which include the petrochemical, plastics, steel, and fertilizer sectors. Evonik Industries AG is now moving in as well. Together with local partners—the National Industrialization Company (Tasnee) and the Sahara Petrochemicals Company (both leading petrochemical companies in Saudi-Arabia)—Evonik Stockhausen GmbH plans to establish a holding that will manufacture superabsorbers. These polymers can safely absorb many times their own weight in liquid, which makes them perfect for manufacturers of diapers, sanitary pads, and incontinence products. Plans call for capacity to be established for the annual production of around 80,000 tons of the FAVOR brand superabsorber polymers in Al Jubayl by 2013. The current schedule calls for the holding company to be established and construction to begin in 2011. The situation looks good, both in terms of material supply and sales. “We’ll be able to get the acrylic acid we need right next door from SAMCO, another joint venture between Tasnee and Sahara Petrochemicals,” says Detlef Jung, the project’s technical director. The company produces the acid from propylene and delivers it by pipeline.” Diapers The region represents an enormous growth market for the superabsorber granulate: Altogether, more than 85 percent of production is used to manufacture diapers, the Arabian Peninsula has a relatively high birth rate, and modern disposal diapers have been used there for several decades now. Evonik’s local production of superabsorbers marks the company’s entry into the region, and Al Jubayl will be used as the base to supply the diaper market of a young population extending from North Africa to the Middle East. A diaper requires only ten grams of the highly absorbent material, which means the production capacity to be achieved by 2013 can be used to manufacture eight billion diapers a year. “We’re proud to be building Evonik’s first production facility for superabsorbers in Saudi-Arabia,” says Dr. Thomas Wildt, who is currently leading the negotiations for Evonik on the establishment of the holding company. “The project is a great challenge for our team, but it’s also a lot of fun to work in this new environment in the Middle East.” Evonik Magazine 2 | 2010 55_Evonik_03-10_EN 55 08.11.2010 16:21:19 Uhr PHOTOGRAPHY: EVONIK INDUSTRIES 56 G L O B A L Evonik produces precious-metal powder catalysts that are used to make medical active agents Growth in the Year of the Tiger C H I N A The economic trends remain positive. Evonik Industries is growing too, with new facilities in Shanghai and Nanning P assing maneuvers are exciting. They show who really has what it takes to be the winner. And not just in racing sports. A bit of economic news from the summer of 2010 revealed a passing maneuver of perhaps far-reaching significance: China had overtaken Japan as the world’s second-largest economy. Just a short time prior to that, the “Middle Kingdom” had relieved Germany of the title of world leader in exports. Up until about the year 1800, today’s emerging countries of China and India together made up approximately 50 percent of the entire global economy. The share of global output attributable to the western world grew only with the advent of the Industrial Revolution. Now China is catching up, with robust growth rates of around ten percent annually. The Chinese automotive market alone grew by 45 percent in 2009. Deutsche Bank Research predicts that the Chinese chemicals sector will grow by 13 percent on average until 2020, while annual growth of less than four percent is expected for North America and Europe. This organic growth is also reflected in the announcements of Evonik Industries AG from China: Recently, for example, the company started up a new plant in Shanghai for the production of precious-metal powder catalysts. These will be used to manufacture not only vitamins and medical active agents but also polyurethanes, which are used as foams in automobile seat cushions or refrigerator insulation, for example. “The new plant enables us to supply the Chinese market directly with locally produced goods,” explains Dr. Wilfried Eul, Head of Evonik’s Catalysts Business Line. The same more or less applies to the new plant roughly 2,000 kilometers farther south in the major industrial city of Nanning. Here, the Exclusive Synthesis & Amino Acid Business Line has been producing tailormade active agents in accordance with the important quality assurance guidelines of the pharmaceutical industry known as cGMP (current Good Manufacturing Practices) since April. Long-term supply contracts have already been signed. “The new plant illustrates our strategy of horizontal integration,” says Dr. Hans-Josef Ritzert, head of the Business Line. The integration here refers to the network of western and Asian production sites through which Evonik offers exclusive solutions along the entire value-added chain. Similarly, the Lubricant Additives Business Line recently celebrated the completion of an extension to Evonik’s RohMax Technology Center in Shanghai. The floor area was doubled, ultra-modern equipment was acquired, and the team of specialists was expanded. The aim was to bring know-how and development competence for VISCOPLEX-series lubricant additives even closer to the customer. Confidence in sustainability In the plastics business, this principle has borne fruit. Scarcely five months after it was started up, the MATCH integrated production facility in Shanghai has once more significantly increased its capacity for methacrylic acid and moulding compounds of the PLEXIGLAS brand. And in September, Evonik began building a new plant for other specialties of the Evonik Group, namely, triacetonamine (TAA) derivatives, which help make plastics such as those used in auto manufacturing light-resistant. This is only the first project of the completely new multi-user site of Evonik in the north of China, the Liaoyang National Aromatic and Fine Chemical High-Tech Industrialization Zone. “China has great strategic importance for Evonik,” sums up Dr. Dahai Yu, Regional President Greater China Region. “Our investments demonstrate our confidence in the sustainability of the growth China has been posting.” And he should know, considering how the Year of the Tiger has inspired him as well: At its general meeting, the Association of International Chemical Manufacturers (AICM) recently elected Yu as its new chairman. Evonik Magazine 2 | 2010 56_Evonik_03-10_EN 56 08.11.2010 13:40:36 Uhr G L O B A L 57 Lost in Electronics J A PA N With strategic partnerships and new production capacity, Evonik is w its hightech business in Asia—and investing in a new integrated production facility under three hours from Tokyo by train, has been a center of Japanese chemicals— especially petrochemicals—since the 1950s. Investment despite tough laws Following serious environmental problems in the 1950s and 1960s, the authorities mandated that new facilities must comply with safety and environmental regulations that are the strictest in Japan. However, these did not deter Evonik Monosilane Japan Co. Ltd. from selecting Yokkaichi as a new production site with its partner Taiyo Nippon Sanso Corporation (TNSC), one of the world’s most important distributors of industrial and special-purpose gases. The 18,000-square-meter plant is currently being built at “Chemical Combine Number 3.” Beginning in 2011, 1,000 tonnes of monosilane will leave the plant each year. The silicon tetrachloride by-product created during production will be processed into AEROSIL and sold for applications involving plastics, coatings, adhesives, and sealants. The investment costs € 150 million. And it will be worth the price; according to forecasts, the global market for monosilanes alone will grow by 20 percent annually on average until 2020. PHOTOGRAPHY: PICTURE-ALLIANCE/BA-ONLINE trolling through Tokyo’s fashionable Shibuya district with its huge neon signs and TV screens, you will quickly become “lost in electronics” and realize the extent to which that industry is still booming in Japan. High-purity silicon is a key raw materials for the electronics sector, likewise for the solar panel industry and for cell phone production, where it is used in displays and chips. The most important primary product for all this is monosilane, and beginning in 2011, Evonik Industries AG will supply this compound from both the plant in Rheinfelden and a new integrated production facility in the Japanese city of Yokkaichi. The facility forms part of the Asia strategy of the Essen-based group. In the spring of 2010, Evonik entered into a strategic partnership with Japan’s largest manufacturer of industrial resin and printing ink, DIC Corporation, in order to expand the Asian business of several units. Says Ulrich Sieler, Regional President for Japan at Evonik, “That will move us to the cutting edge of technological development and help us establish ourselves in markets of the future.” The facility in Yokkaichi likewise has a future market in its sights. The major port city where it is based, just PHOTOGRAPHY: GETTY IMAGES S A night in Tokyo is enough to convince anyone that the electronics industry is booming Production of computer semiconductor wafers Polished Up U S A In Oregon, Evonik Industries is strengthening its position in the chip industry E veryone has heard of Silicon Valley; the high-tech hotbed around San Francisco Bay has become a symbol for our information age. But what about the Silicon Forest? Although much smaller in scale, the forested region around Portland in the US state of Oregon is nevertheless home to at least 1,200 companies in the information and communications industry. Intel alone has almost 16,000 employees here. Since 2010, Evonik Industries AG has been in the midst of all this activity too.The Essenbased group has acquired majority ownership of the US silica manufacturer Evonik Silco Materials LLC, which produces the high-purity colloidal silica used for polishing electrical semiconductors—a process known as “chemical mechanical polishing” (CMP). For many years, Evonik has already been supplying the pyrogenic oxides used for CMP under the names AEROSIL (silicon) and AEROXIDE (cerium, aluminum). “The acquisition strengthens our position as a key producer of special-purpose chemicals for rapidly growing industries like the semiconductor industry,” says Thomas Hermann from the Inorganic Materials Business Unit. The Silicon Forest thus has a new tree named Evonik Silco Materials, LLC. Evonik Magazine 2 | 2010 57_Evonik_03-10_EN 57 08.11.2010 13:40:45 Uhr 58 G L O B A L The Switzerland of Asia DISPATCHES Animal feed from the island S I N G A P O R E Evonik RohMax Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd. set sail for new shores in 2008. Evonik Industries is in good company on the man-made island of Jurong off Singapore. W ho doesn’t dream of having their own island? In Singapore they don’t waste time fooling around—they just build a new one. The result, Jurong Island off the coast of Singapore, is home to a first-class chemicals location. The idea dates back to the 1980s, and construction began in the 1990s. In 2009, 20 years before the original target date, nine square kilometers spread over seven small islands had become a land mass measuring roughly 32 square kilometers, which is the size of Borkum. Nearly 100 companies from around the globe, a who’s who of the chemicals world, have settled here. They have everything they need on the high-security island: Sophisticated networks enable plug-and-play operation, and a system of color-coded pipelines delivers quenching water, cooling water, steam, raw materials, and precursor products directly into the plant. Being supplied by the petroleum and natural gas processing industry in the immediate vicinity saves transport and investment costs and enhances safety. What’s more, storage facilities for temporary storage of oil and Jurong Island (Singapore) Evonik Industries is planning to build a new plant complex in Singapore for production of the amino acid DL-methionine for use in animal feed. The complex will produce not only methionine, but also all strategically important raw materials for animal feed production. The Evonik Executive Board has now approved the preliminary and basic planning at the Jurong Island location. All that remains is approval by the supervisory organs. gas are being built below the sea floor, with nearly three million cubic meters of capacity to be constructed in two phases. The aim of the project is to enhance security of supply and create additional space. It’s no wonder that Evonik Industries AG feels at home on Jurong Island. In 2008, its Evonik RohMax Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd. subsidiary opened a plant that supplies the entire Asia-Pacific region with high-performance additives for lubricants. Singapore offers an excellent economic environment, an efficient political system, and outstanding logistics. “That’s why Evonik companies have been here since 1979,” says Peter Meinshausen, President at Evonik for the Southeast Asia, Australia and New Zealand region headquartered in Singapore. “Intellectual property is protected, and the multicultural workforce is highly qualified and very familiar with the target markets in Asia,” explains Meinshausen. “The Switzerland of Asia,” as it is known here, is very well networked in every regard and therefore the ideal hub for Evonik for the growth markets of Asia. More capacity for optics T’aichung (Taiwan) As on the Chinese mainland, Evonik Industries AG is also greatly expanding production of PLEXIGLAS molding compounds in Taiwan. The T’aichung plant, which came on stream in 2007, currently produces 40,000 metric tons of PLEXIGLAS molding compounds per year for light guide plates that are installed in flat-panel displays. In response to the strong demand, a plant extension with an additional capacity of 20,000 metric tons is scheduled to come on stream in the second quarter of 2011. Eastward with energy Gliwice (Poland) SFW Energia, the Polish energy subsidiary of Evonik Industries, has bought an additional mine gas combined heat and power plant in Upper Silesia with a capacity of 40 megawatts thermal and five megawatts electrical power. The plant is fired with mine gas and coal. The Polish coal mining industry produces roughly 0.9 billion cubic meters of mine gas per year, 20 percent of which is used at present. PHOTOGRAPHY: AURORA PHOTOS Catalysts to the customer The shaft leads to an oil and gas storage facility below the sea floor at Jurong Island Udaipur (India) The pharmaceuticals market in India continues to heat up. Evonik Industries has acquired the precious metal powder catalysts business of Ravindra Heraeus Pvt. Limited. Technology and the customers will be transferred to Evonik; the plants will remain with the Indian company. Ravindra Heraeus will produce and recondition catalysts on behalf of Evonik. Evonik currently supplies its catalysts from Germany; they will be manufactured locally in the future. Evonik Magazine 2 | 2010 58_Evonik_03-10_EN 58 08.11.2010 13:41:43 Uhr F I N D I N G 59 At a Glance Here you will find all of the developments and products from Evonik Industries AG mentioned in this publication, sorted according to the topic where they are mentioned. As it strives to develop new products, Evonik takes into account the global megatrends of resource efficiency, health and nutrition, and the globalization of technologies You can order further information about the products from Evonik free of charge using the attached postcard or simply look in the Internet at www. evonik.com Treading Softly, page 6 The Age of Aquaculture, page 36 China: Growth in the Year of the Tiger, page 56 VESTAMID®LX9012 is a heat stabilized and light resistant polyamide 12 molding compound. The plastic is light, abrasion-resistant, and, most of all, highly elastic—it always returns to its original shape, even after being subjected to high stresses. Applications: Sport shoe soles, decorative films for sport shoe soles, skis, and snowboards. Link: www.evonik.com/performance-polymers DL-methionine is an essential amino acid and is used in animal nutrition as an animal feed additive. Amino acids are vital for life, because they are the building blocks of all proteins. Applications: Animal feed additive VISCOPLEX® is the name of the high-performance lubricant additive. It covers various polymers that are used, for instance, to increase or reduce the viscosity of oils. Adding VISCOPLEX® helps to modify the temperature-related properties of lubricants or to prevent damaging crystallization. In this way, it is possible not only to reduce wear—even under extreme conditions— but also to increase energy efficiency. Application: Lubricants Link: www.evonik.com/coatings-additives The Next Generation, page 20 SAVOSIL™ is a silica glass with extremely high transparency from 200 nm to 3,000 nm. SAVOSIL™ is suitable for use in the new generation of infrared lightemitting diodes (IR LEDs) and for ultraviolet (UV) LEDs. SAVOSIL™ is also used for the new generation of photovoltaic concentrators of quartz glass and for optical components for industrial applications. Precursor products are AEROSIL® and Dynasylan® Application: Lenses for LEDs Link: www.evonik.com/inorganic-materials PLEXIGLAS truLED® acrylic glass for LED technology PLEXIGLAS® EndLighten acrylic glass specially for edge illumination using LEDs PLEXIMID® polymethylmethacrylimide (PMMI) molding compound Applications: Light conductors and lenses, for example in vehicle headlights Biolys® supplies the essential amino acid lysine. It is manufactured using fermentation and also contains valuable byproducts from the fermentation process. Evonik is the only company in the world that produces all of the four important amino acids—DL-methionine, L-lysine, L-threonine, and L-tryptophane—for animal feed. Application: Animal feed additive Link: www.evonik.com/health-nutrition Healthy Ambition, page 54 ULTRASIL® is a precipitated silica which is used as a filler, for example, to provide long-term improvement in the properties of rubber. Tires produced in this way also have improved grip on wet roads. Nonetheless, they are not only more resistant to wear, and so longerlived than conventional tires without silica; they also exhibit reduced rolling resistance—a feature that helps to save fuel. Application: Tire industry Link: www.evonik.com/inorganic-materials Saudi Arabia: Superabsorbers in the Desert, page 55 FAVOR® is the name under which Evonik Industries AG produces and markets superabsorbers. These superabsorbers are specially developed polymers that can absorb many times their own volume of liquid. Unlike cellulose or cotton wool, superabsorbers do not release the absorbed liquid when subjected to pressure. This has enabled them to establish themselves as the standard for the production of diapers and feminine hygiene products. Application: Hygiene products Link: www.evonik.com/consumer-specialties USA: Polished Up, page 57 AEROSIL® is a range of pyrogenic sicilic acids, without which many elements of our everyday lives would simply be inconceivable. Pyrogenic oxides are found, for example, in cosmetics articles, coatings for oceangoing yachts, and the electronics industry. AEROSIL® is used in silicone sealing compounds and in car paints, where it reduces moisture takeup, increases mechanical strength, and improves the processing properties. It is also required for production processes, for example, in the semiconductor industry. Applications: Cosmetics, coatings, electrical industry, and as a precursor product for diverse silane products from Evonik AEROXIDES® are a range of pyrogenic oxides of metals such as aluminum, titanium, or cerium. They are obtained using the AEROSIL® process. In addition to improving the physical properties of coatings, they are also used for the chemical-mechanical-polishing process associated with semiconductor materials. Link: www.evonik.com/inorganic-materials Evonik Magazine 2 | 2010 59_Evonik_03-10_EN 59 08.11.2010 13:42:39 Uhr ONE ROOF – ALL SOLUTIONS Well-rounded: Cooperation under the Group roof Our diverse services throughout the world fit together as seamlessly as the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle to form one big whole. That’s what makes HOCHTIEF different. Whether design, financing, construction or operation—we offer a broad spectrum of know-how for infrastructure projects, real estate and facilities under one roof— as modular individual services or as a complete package: Our experts work hand in hand to achieve an integrated, optimum result. At the same time, we always aim for sustainable, resourceconserving solutions and optimal energy efficiency. That’s how we create added value for our clients. Find out more about what we have to offer at www.hochtief.com Turning Vision into Value. 59_Evonik_03-10_EN 59 08.11.2010 17:22:30 Uhr