EMR’11 Lausanne July 2011 Joint Summer School EMR’11 “Energetic Macroscopic Representation” EMR coupled with Power-Oriented Graphs for automotive application Dr. Federica GROSSI, Prof. Roberto ZANASI Università di Modena, Italy federica.grossi@unimore.it, roberto.zanasi@unimore.it Dr.Walter LHOMME, Prof. Alain BOUSCAYROL L2EP, University Lille1, MEGEVH network, Walter.Lhomme@univ-lille1.fr, Alain.Bouscayrol@univ-lille1.fr EMR coupled with Power-Oriented Graphs for automotive application Outline EMR’11 summer school, Lausanne, July 2011 1. Power-Oriented Graphs basic features 2. The studied system: simplified model of a vehicle with tire-soil interaction 3. Control structure 4. Simulations 5. Comparison with EMR 6. Conclusion 2 EMR’11 Lausanne July 2011 Joint Summer School EMR’11 “Energetic Macroscopic Representation” 1. Power-Oriented Graphs basic features EMR coupled with Power-Oriented Graphs for automotive application Power-Oriented Graphs (POG) basic features EMR’11 summer school, Lausanne, July 2011 The Power-Oriented Graphs (POG) are ''block diagrams'' with a ''modular'' structure based on two blocks: Positive power flows Dashed line = power flowing through that section Product of conjugated variables = power Elaboration block Connection block Store and dissipate or generate energy Only transform the energy Direct correspondence between POG and state space equations 4 EMR coupled with Power-Oriented Graphs for automotive application Dynamic modeling: electrical exemples EMR’11 summer school, Lausanne, July 2011 IR IR II Vc Vc R C Kirchhoff’s current law 5 R VO C Kirchhoff’s voltage law EMR’11 Lausanne July 2011 Joint Summer School EMR’11 “Energetic Macroscopic Representation” 2. The studied system: simplified model of a vehicle with tire-soil interaction EMR coupled with Power-Oriented Graphs for automotive application Simplified vehicle: the bicycle model EMR’11 summer school, Lausanne, July 2011 7 • 2D model with 3 rigid bodies • motion possible in plane (xy) • no suspensions • interaction with the ground by means of tires Energetic model of the tire-soil interaction Degrees of freedom: 2 translational (wheels are solidly connected to chassis for translations) 3 rotational (wheels are independent from chassis for rotations) EMR coupled with Power-Oriented Graphs for automotive application Tire-road interaction: elastic dynamic model EMR’11 summer school, Lausanne, July 2011 Main drawbacks of Pacejka’s formulas: 8 1. The slip ratio can be used only when vx>0 ( or R>0) 2. They mix together the slip and skid phenomena. New definition for the slip ratio: elastic element SLIPPING Only when both the contact force in the x-direction and the angular velocity of the wheel in the y-direction are not zero. SKIDDING Only when the force vector exceeds the skidding threshold. The contact area changes its dimensions according to the adherence conditions. EMR coupled with Power-Oriented Graphs for automotive application POG scheme of the simplified vehicle EMR’11 summer school, Lausanne, July 2011 9 Contact point 2D mechanical dynamics of chassis and wheels Coordinate transformation Elastic element Both blocks have a force describing the tire as input and give a velocity as output EMR coupled with Power-Oriented Graphs for automotive application POG scheme: mathematical details EMR’11 summer school, Lausanne, July 2011 Differential equations of the whole system: Mass and inertia matrix Velocity vector Transformation matrices Stiffness and damping matrices 10 EMR coupled with Power-Oriented Graphs for automotive application POG and EMR of the vehicle EMR’11 summer school, Lausanne, July 2011 Frx . xm Env. x . xm 2 tot tot Fry MS2 2– m tot ym . r ym V 1 Fpx . Env. y Fpy . Xc Fc S+S MS1 1– m Fr Fc Vcsl + Vcsk 11 EMR’11 Lausanne July 2011 Joint Summer School EMR’11 “Energetic Macroscopic Representation” 3. Control Structure EMR coupled with Power-Oriented Graphs for automotive application Maximum Control Structure EMR’11 summer school, Lausanne, July 2011 input torques coupling inertias coupling masses Frx environment . Tuning chain xm Env. x . xm 2 tot tot Fry MS2 2– m ym E Env. y Fpy elastic element . V 1 Xc skidding and M slipping R Fc Inversion S+S MS1 1-ref ym . r tot Fpx . Fr 1– m Fc Vcsl + Vcsk coupling 2-mes r1meas tot-ref fcx1-meas 1-ref 1-ref . Xc- ref fcx2-meas fcx1-ref Frx-ref Frx-ref . xm-ref M C S Maximum Control Structure 13 EMR coupled with Power-Oriented Graphs for automotive application Model and control without the contact law EMR’11 summer school, Lausanne, July 2011 input torques coupling Equivalent wheel mas Frx environment Vrx Env. x Fpx 2 tot E Vrx MS2 2– m M tot 1 R Simplified Model MS1 1-ref 1– m 2-mes M tot-ref C S Frx-ref Vrx-ref Simplified Control 14 EMR coupled with Power-Oriented Graphs for automotive application Simplified control with the complete model EMR’11 summer school, Lausanne, July 2011 input torques coupling inertias coupling masses environment Frx Env. x Fpx 2 tot tot Fry MS2 Env. y 2– m tot r Fpy elastic element 1 V skidding and slipping M R Fc MS1 1-ref E Complete Model S+S 1– m Fr Fc Vcsl + Vcsk 2-mes P tot-ref C S Frx-ref Vrx-ref Simplified Control 15 EMR’11 Lausanne July 2011 Joint Summer School EMR’11 “Energetic Macroscopic Representation” 4. Simulation EMR coupled with Power-Oriented Graphs for automotive application Matlab-Simulink implementation EMR’11 summer school, Lausanne, July 2011 17 Global structure: EMR Inner structure: POG EMR coupled with Power-Oriented Graphs for automotive application Simulation results: complete model and control EMR’11 summer school, Lausanne, July 2011 reference real slip skid •Electric vehicle with DC machine • Control of velocity: structure based on inversion (MCS) The tire starts skidding 18 EMR coupled with Power-Oriented Graphs for automotive application Simulation results: Model and control without the contact law EMR’11 summer school, Lausanne, July 2011 • First order dynamic system • No information on tires slipping 19 EMR coupled with Power-Oriented Graphs for automotive application Simulation results: complete model and simplified control EMR’11 summer school, Lausanne, July 2011 slip skid • Good control of the speed • Bad behavior of tire skidding 20 EMR’11 Lausanne July 2011 Joint Summer School EMR’11 “Energetic Macroscopic Representation” 5. Comparison POG - EMR EMR coupled with Power-Oriented Graphs for automotive application POG and EMR: comparison EMR’11 summer school, Lausanne, July 2011 POG EMR Analysis Control structure All known All known Scalar and vectorial Scalar and vectorial Firestone’s Maxwell’s Integral and differential Integral 2 4 main elements, several symbols Coupling Implicit Explicit Variable direction Explicit Explicit Power direction Implicit Not visible Mathematical model from the graphical scheme Directly obtainable Not directly obtainable Simulation Directly in Simulink Simulink library Linear Planar No methodology Methodology through inversion rules Objective Energetic domains Power variables Analogy between energetic domains Causality Nr. Basic elements Graphical representation Control structure 22 EMR’11 Lausanne July 2011 Joint Summer School EMR’11 “Energetic Macroscopic Representation” 6. Conclusion EMR coupled with Power-Oriented Graphs for automotive application Conclusion EMR’11 summer school, Lausanne, July 2011 • Power-Oriented Graphs (POG) and Energetic Macroscopic Representation (EMR) are energy-based techniques that can be used for modelling all types of physical systems involving power flows • Cooperation of both POG and EMR is proposed • A simplified vehicle model is given in POG and EMR formalisms • An elastic dynamic model of the interaction between tires and ground has been used • The MCS is given in order to control the longitudinal velocity of the vehicle • A simplified control is also proposed • Simulations in Matlab-Simulink 24 EMR’11 Lausanne July 2011 Joint Summer School EMR’11 “Energetic Macroscopic Representation” « BIOGRAPHIES AND REFERENCES » EMR coupled with Power-Oriented Graphs for automotive application - Authors EMR’11 summer school, Lausanne, July 2011 26 Dr. Federica GROSSI University of Modena, Italy PhD in Information and Telecommunication Tech. at University of Modena (2010) Research topics: graphical modelling techniques applied to electro-mechanical systems and hybrid automotive systems. Prof. Roberto ZANASI University of Modena, Italy PhD in System Engineering at University of Bologna (1992) Research topics: POG modelling of complex physical systems, advanced control techniques, trajectory planning, control in automotive systems Dr. Walter LHOMME L2EP, University Lille1, MEGEVH, France PhD on Hybrid Electric Vehicles at University Lille1, 2007 Engineer at AVL (UK) (2007-2008) Associate Prof. at Univ. Lille1 (2008) Research topics: EMR, EVs and HEVs Prof. Alain BOUSCAYROL University Lille 1, L2EP, MEGEVH, France Coordinator of MEGEVH, French network on HEVs PhD in Electrical Engineering at University of Toulouse (1995) Research topics: EMR, HIL simulation, tractions systems, EVs and HEVs EMR coupled with Power-Oriented Graphs for automotive application References EMR’11 summer school, Lausanne, July 2011 [1] F. Grossi, W. Lhomme, R. Zanasi, A. Bouscayrol, “Modelling and control of a vehicle with tireroad interaction using POG and EMR formalisms”, ELECTROMOTION 2009, EPE Chapter “Electric Drives” 8th International Symposium on Advanced Electromechanical Motion Systems, Lille, France, July 2009 (common paper University of Modena and L2EP Lille) [2] F. Grossi, W. Lhomme, R. Zanasi, A. Bouscayrol, “Modelling and control of a vehicle with tireroad interaction using energy-based techniques” IEEE VPPC 2009 (Vehicular Power and Propulsion Conference), Dearborn, Michigan, USA, September 2009 common paper University of Modena and L2EP Lille). [3] R. Zanasi, F. Grossi, “Modelling Hybrid Automotive Systems with the POG Technique”, Journal of Asian Electric Vehicles, Vol. 8, Nr. 1, June 2010. [4] R. Zanasi “The Power-Oriented Graphs Technique: system modeling and basic properties”, IEEE VPPC 2010 (Vehicular Power and Propulsion Conference), Lille, France, September 2010. [5] W. Lhomme, R. Zanasi, G.-H. Geitner, A. Bouscayrol, “Different graphical descriptions of clutch modelling for traction systems”, ElectrIMACS’08, Québec (Canada), May 2008 (common paper L2EP Lille, University of Modena and University of Dresden) [6] F.Grossi, “Dynamic Modeling and Control of Hybrid Automotive Systems”, PhD Dissertation 27