Tank Farm- Guidelines for the Chemical Industry - BAFU

Tank Farm- Guidelines
for the Chemical Industry
Basle Chemical Industry
Edition: 2009
replaces: Edition 2001
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Preface to the 2009
The TRCI Guidelines of 2001 had to be reviewed since the VWF (Ordinance for the Protection of Water from
Potentially Water-Polluting Liquids) was withdrawn. Instead of the VWF, two enforcement regulations of the KVU
(Conference of the Heads of Environmental Protection Offices in Switzerland) are now applicable. The review also
updates the entire document and restructures it.
The TRCI Guidelines are applicable to storage facilities and plant tank farms in the chemical and pharmaceutical
industry. They are applicable to liquid chemicals and can also be used for plant facilities in an analogous manner.
They are listed as Engineering Rules by the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment (BAFU).
The guidelines are obligatory for the design of storage facilities in the BCI, they serve as a supplement to the
provisions and directives of the authorities.
A team of experts from CIBA, CLARIANT, HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE, HUNTSMAN and LONZA reviewed
the TRCI Guidelines for the BCI.
All rights reserved
© Copyright 2009 by BCI/TRCI
The TRCI Guidelines are available in German, French and English via:
Tank Farm Guidelines for the Chemical Industry
Edition 2009
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CONTENTS ........................................................................................................3
General information ..................................................................................6
Introduction..................................................................................................................... 6
Purpose and scope of application.................................................................................... 6
Conditions for the operation of tank farms according to TRCI ...................................... 6
1.4 Water pollution control areas, ground water pollution control zones and water pollution
control measures....................................................................................................................... 7
Classification of liquid chemicals ................................................................................... 7
1.5.1 Water pollution control.......................................................................................... 7
1.5.2 Fire protection........................................................................................................ 7
1.5.3 Air pollution control .............................................................................................. 8
Tank farms and transfer sites, definition......................................................................... 8
1.6.1 Tank farms ............................................................................................................. 8
1.6.2 Drum storage ......................................................................................................... 8
1.6.3 Transfer sites.......................................................................................................... 8
Planning and design of tank farms...........................................................9
General comments........................................................................................................... 9
2.1.1 Site selection and assessment of construction site................................................. 9
2.1.2 Planned arrangement ............................................................................................. 9
2.1.3 Tanks in underground concrete spaces ................................................................ 11
2.1.4 Filling points and drum filling points .................................................................. 11
Tank and protective clearance....................................................................................... 12
2.2.1 Outdoor storage tanks and drum storage ............................................................. 12
2.2.2. Storage tanks in buildings.................................................................................... 15
2.2.3 Outdoor filling points and drum filling points..................................................... 16
Protective structures, foundations..........................................................17
General comments......................................................................................................... 17
Protective structures...................................................................................................... 17
3.2.1 Definitions ........................................................................................................... 17
3.2.2 Requirements of protective structures ................................................................. 17
3.2.3 Discharge surfaces............................................................................................... 18
3.2.4 Containment trays................................................................................................ 18
3.2.5 Containment beds, containment basins ............................................................... 18
3.2.6 Size of protective structures ................................................................................ 19
3.2.7 Protective structures of metal .............................................................................. 19
3.2.8 Protective structures of mineral-based building materials................................... 19
3.2.9 Linings and coatings ............................................................................................ 20
3.2.10 Testing of protective structures ........................................................................... 20
Foundations................................................................................................................... 20
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Storage tanks and equipment .................................................................21
Storage tanks ................................................................................................................. 21
4.1.1 General comments, terms .................................................................................... 21
4.1.2 Storage tanks of metal ......................................................................................... 22
4.1.3 Storage tanks of plastics ...................................................................................... 23
4.1.4 Heating and cooling systems ............................................................................... 23
4.1.5 Inert gas blanketing ............................................................................................. 23
4.1.6 Tank surface coating............................................................................................ 24
4.1.7 Thermal insulation............................................................................................... 25
Piping ............................................................................................................................ 26
4.2.1 General comments, terms .................................................................................... 26
4.2.2 Requirements of piping ....................................................................................... 26
4.2.3 Design, installation .............................................................................................. 26
4.2.4 Connection of pipes to tanks and tankers ............................................................ 27
4.2.5 Hoses ................................................................................................................... 27
4.2.6 Gas balance, pressure compensation lines........................................................... 27
4.2.7 Overspill, overflow equipment ............................................................................ 28
4.2.8 Distributing and return lines ................................................................................ 28
4.2.9 Testing of piping.................................................................................................. 28
4.2.10 Pipe insulation ..................................................................................................... 28
Valves and fittings ........................................................................................................ 29
4.3.1 General comments ............................................................................................... 29
4.3.2 Shutoff valves ...................................................................................................... 29
4.3.3 Vent valves .......................................................................................................... 29
4.3.4 Flame arresters..................................................................................................... 29
Pumps............................................................................................................................ 31
Instrumentation and control systems............................................................................. 32
4.5.1 General comments, terms .................................................................................... 32
4.5.2 Level instruments (level measurement)............................................................... 32
4.5.3 Overfill protection ............................................................................................... 32
4.5.4 Leak detection systems ........................................................................................ 33
4.5.5 Temperature switch / electric circuit breaker ...................................................... 33
Ecology, safety and fire protection .........................................................34
Displacement and breathing losses ............................................................................... 34
5.1.1 Displacement losses............................................................................................. 34
5.1.2 Breathing losses................................................................................................... 34
5.1.3 Measures to prevent or reduce emissions ............................................................ 35
Liquid losses ................................................................................................................. 36
Plant safety.................................................................................................................... 36
5.3.1 Ex-zone classification.......................................................................................... 36
5.3.2 Measures against hazardous effects of electric currents...................................... 36
5.3.3 Lightning protection systems............................................................................... 37
5.3.4 Protection against electrostatic charging ............................................................. 37
5.3.5 Safety measures in case of an energy failure....................................................... 37
5.3.6 General safety measures ...................................................................................... 37
Fire and explosion protection........................................................................................ 38
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Edition 2009
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General comments ............................................................................................... 38
Definition, terms .................................................................................................. 38
Alarms ................................................................................................................. 39
Outdoor fire protection measures ........................................................................ 39
Protective measures in buildings ......................................................................... 42
Protective measures in electrical rooms .............................................................. 42
Earthquake safety .......................................................................................................... 43
Personal protection........................................................................................................ 43
Permit and operation ...............................................................................44
Compulsory permit and registration ............................................................................. 44
Obligations of the sponsorship or construction management ....................................... 44
Operating permit ........................................................................................................... 44
Operation and maintenance........................................................................................... 45
6.4.1 Operation ............................................................................................................. 45
6.4.2 Maintenance......................................................................................................... 46
6.4.3 Functional tests .................................................................................................... 46
Inspection work............................................................................................................. 47
6.5.1 Qualification of the qualified person ................................................................... 47
6.5.2 Extent of the inspection work .............................................................................. 47
Existing facilities and facility parts............................................................................... 47
Decommissioning.......................................................................................................... 48
Minimum dimension of sealed pavings at transfer sites ............................................... 49
Air pollution control (limit values) ............................................................................... 51
Test procedures for facility parts .................................................................................. 52
Leakage testing of protective structures........................................................................ 53
Test report ..................................................................................................................... 54
Precautions against the hazardous effects of electric current ....................................... 55
Protection indices (to determine min. fire protection measures) .................................. 56
Calculation of the required quantity of cooling water .................................................. 57
Tank farm design terms................................................................................................. 65
7.10 Basic documents (laws, regulations, provisions, guidelines)........................................ 66
7.11 Abbreviations ................................................................................................................ 69
7.11.1 Abbreviations for authorities, regulations, specialist agencies, etc. .................... 69
7.11.2 Technical abbreviations....................................................................................... 70
7.11.3 Material abbreviation........................................................................................... 70
7.12 Key words ...............................................................Fehler! Textmarke nicht definiert.
Tank Farm Guidelines for the Chemical Industry
Edition 2009
1 General information
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1 General information
1.1 Introduction
The TRCI are to be applied to the construction and operation of facilities for the storage and
transfer operations of liquid chemicals.
They take into account the specific requirements of the chemical industry and are mainly based
- the federal law governing environmental protection (Environmental Protection Act [USG])
- the Swiss Water Protection Act (GSchG) [1] and pertaining regulations;
- Ordinance for the protection against accidents (Accident Ordinance, StFV) [7];
- Enforcement regulations and guidelines of the KVU [34 and 35];
- Clean Air Ordinance (LRV) [5];
- SUVA Bulletin 2153, Explosion Protection: Principles, minimum provisions, zones [16].
The TRCI only takes into account regulations, which are valid throughout Switzerland.
Depending on the location of the facilities, any special Cantonal or local regulations are also to
be taken into account. Any deviation must be agreed during the plan approval procedure. The
Engineering Rules are to be adhered to on principle (KVU [34-05]).
Chapter 7.10 contains a summary of the basic documents.
1.2 Purpose and scope of application
The TRCI are applicable to storage facilities and plant tank farms of the chemical and
pharmaceutical industry. They take into account facilities used for storing and transfer of liquid
chemicals (tanks and drums with a usable volume above 20l). They only ensure adequate safety
when they are applied in their entirety and serve, in particular
- the protection of watercourses
- fire protection
- air pollution control
- labour protection (personal protection)
The TRCI may also be applied to plant facilities in an analogous manner.
The TRCI do not cover the following items
- Storage and transfer of liquid fuels (see CARBURA guidelines [8];
- Liquified gases (SUVA [16])
1.3 Conditions for the operation of tank farms according to TRCI
Location: Tank farms are to be installed within an enclosed and supervised area. Tank farms for
flammable liquids may only be installed in an area for which a fire brigade trained
to deal with chemical hazards is responsible;
Operation: The operation of storage facilities must be registered or approved, on principle (see
Chap. 6);
Tank farms are to be equipped with safety devices according to Chap. 5;
Maintenance and
Inspection: Tank farms must be maintained and inspected according to Chap. 6;
The operator has to keep a register on storage facilities with potentially waterpolluting liquids.
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Edition 2009
1 General information
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1.4 Water pollution control areas, ground water pollution control zones and
water pollution control measures
Switzerland is divided into water pollution control areas, ground water pollution control zones
and ground water pollution control sites with regard to water pollution control measures to be
applied (see GSchV Art. 29 and 31 [2]). The principles of handling potentially water-polluting liquids
are stated in the Water Protection Act (Art. 22 ff. GSchG [1]) and provisions concerning facilities with
potentially water-polluting liquids in particularly endangered water pollution control areas are contained
in the GSchV (Art. 32 and 32a as well as Appendix 4, Items 21, 22 and 23).
Water pollution control measures outside of ground water pollution control zones and sites (see
also KVU [35-1.1]):
These include
- Prevention of liquid losses;
and, depending on the storage facility and the transfer point,
- the easy detection of liquid losses
- the easy detection and retention of leaking liquids
are demanded.
Water pollution control measures in ground water pollution control zones and sites:
In relation to the pollution control measures stated above, respective pollution control measures
are to be implemented for facilities permitted in ground water pollution control zones and sites
which ensure that liquid losses are easily detected and leaking liquids are completely retained.
Industrial and commercial operations emanating a danger for ground water are not permitted (see
GSchV Art. 29 and 31 [2]).
1.5 Classification of liquid chemicals
All liquid chemicals are classified according to the aspects listed below.
1.5.1 Water pollution control
Furthermore, the GSchV differentiates between liquids which can pollute water in small quantities and
other potentially water-polluting liquids. Correspondingly, the potentially water-polluting liquids are
divided into two classes in relation to their properties according to KVU [35-4]:
- Class A: if they can change water adversely in small quantities;
- Class B: if they can change water adversely in large quantities.
In mixed storage, the measures are in line with liquids of Class A.
A list of classified liquids issued by BUWAL (now BAFU) [4] is to be observed. Class 1 of the
1999 list corresponds to Class A today and Class 2 to Class B.
1.5.2 Fire protection
The classification of liquids for fire protection purposes is based on the degree the fire hazard as
represented by the flash point (according to VKF [Association of Cantonal Fire Insurance
Companies], Fire Protection Guidelines, Flammable Liquids [9]).
Flammable liquids are allocated to the following hazard classes according to their fire and
explosion properties (EN classification see also allocation table [9]).
Tank Farm Guidelines for the Chemical Industry
Edition 2009
1 General information
Liquids with a flash point below 21°C
Liquids with a flash point of 21 to 55°C
Liquids with a flash point above 55 to 100°C
Liquids with a flash point above 100°C
Liquids, not easily inflammable
Liquids non-flammable
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1.5.3 Air pollution control
The maximum permitted concentrations stated in the Clean Air Ordinance (LRV [5]) must be
complied with for tanks venting into the air (Chap. 7.2). Further requirements by Cantonal
authorities are to be observed.
For information on tank breathing losses, see Chap. 5.1.
1.6 Tank farms and transfer sites, definition
1.6.1 Tank farms
Storage facilities with a usable volume above 450 l must be registered or approved (KVU [3401]).
A distinction is made between
- Facilities outdoors,
Free-standing or
Non-free-standing (buried)
- Facilities in underground concrete spaces and buildings
Free-standing or
Non-free-standing (buried)
Free-standing refers to storage tanks and pipelines the external walls of which are visible to such
an extent that liquid losses can be easily detected from outside; storage tanks are also freestanding if their bottom cannot be seen from the outside but they are permanently monitored by a
leak detection system for liquid losses. All other storage tanks and pipelines are considered
1.6.2 Drum storage
Drum storage refers to storing potentially water-polluting liquid chemicals in drums. Drums
refers to vessel from 20 l up to a usable volume of 450 l.
1.6.3 Transfer sites
Filling stations and drum filling systems are considered to be transfer sites.
- Filling stations:
Transfer between transport vessels or between transport vessels and
vessels of storage and plant facilities;
- Drum filling systems: Transfer from storage or transport vessels to drums.
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Edition 2009
2 Planning and design of tank farms
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2 Planning and design of tank farms
2.1 General comments
2.1.1 Site selection and assessment of construction site
Important site selection aspects for a new plant or the extension of an existing one:
- Local conditions: Ground water pollution control zone including ground water pollution
control site, water pollution control area (Chap. 1.4), building zone (according to town
planning), transport links (railway, road), availability of firefighting water and containment
basin, utility connections (power, nitrogen for blanketing, compressed air for instrumentation
and controls, steam for heating purposes, cooling media, etc.), building ground, sewer
connection, exhaust air treatment, existing pollution by immission;
- Classification of liquid chemicals according to their water-polluting properties and according
to their fire hazard ratings (Chap. 1.5);
- Liquid chemicals requiring, due to their hazard class, special safety measures;
- Obligation to approve, register and control facilities with potentially water-polluting liquids
of Class A (KVU [34-01] and [34-01-1]), see also Chap. 6.1:
· Medium-sized tank farms (with tanks from 2 up to 250m3) in Water Pollution Control
Areas A ;
· Large tank farms (with tanks starting 250m3) in Water Pollution Control Areas A only with
exceptional approval and in Area Z only with approval;
- Impact of the facility on the neighbourhood:
· Possible water pollution in the event of an accident, e.g. being in the vicinity of a river,
endangering potable water supplies, etc.;
· Hazard to the neighbourhood through explosion or fire in case of adjoining residential
areas, roads with heavy traffic, railway lines, schools, hospitals, due to the immission of
aerosols or decomposition products or concurrent evaporation of stored products released
in firefighting, etc.;
- Impact of the neighbourhood on the facility: Traffic accidents in the immediate vicinity
involving reservoirs, neighbouring facility with increased hazard potential, air traffic,
earthquake risk, flooding, climatic conditions, e.g. corrosive air from heavy traffic, chlorine or
chloride plants (salines), etc.
The site selection and decisions on the size of the tanks and the farm as a whole must be made as
part of a hazard analysis.
2.1.2 Planned arrangement
When planning a tank farm attention must be paid to:
- A clear arrangement of the individual units (rows of tanks, filling/discharging bays, piping
networks, pump groups);
- Logical division of the complete facility by individual protective structures and fire sections;
- Products which could react dangerously with each other or cannot be extinguished with the
same fire extinguishing equipment must be stored separately in a suitable manner;
- Structural, hazard-oriented separation of tank farms from production facilities, e.g. by safety
clearances, fire walls, water curtains, tank zone with non-flammable liquids;
- Escape and emergency routes (VKF Guideline 16-03d [9])
- Good accessibility for maintenance, operation and event rectification;
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Edition 2009
2 Planning and design of tank farms
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- The accessibility of tank farms for flammable liquids must be safeguarded for mobile fire
extinguishing equipment (vehicles) from at least two sides and every individual tank must be
accessible by mobile fire extinguishing equipment from outside of the tank area (Fig. 1+2).
Within a group of tanks, the layout of the tanks should be such that "shadow zones" (i.e.
zones which the fire extinguishing equipment cannot reach or only with difficulties) do not
occur in case of a fire. If this demand cannot be met due to the operational situation, fixed
firefighting installations must be provided, firefighting from the top may also be taken into
consideration (Fig. 3 + 4);
- The distances between tank groups have to be defined according to fire-extinguishing aspects
(accessibility, possibility of inserting water walls, etc.). It is advantageous to subdivide bigger
tank groups into smaller fire sections (e.g. by fireproof walls or with tanks of non-flammable
liquids in between).
Fig. 1 + 2 Tank farm accessible from two sides
Fig. 3
Tank farm only
accessible from one side
Fig. 4
Tanks inside of the tank field (shadow
zone) not accessible by mobile fire
extinguishing equipment or only with difficulties.
Perimeter, drainage
In case a storage tank leaks, liquid sprayed beyond the bed (spray parabola) must be collected
and handled in a controlled manner. The strip to be drained must have a width of at least 0.5
times the height of the tank above the bed, measured from the tank wall. If tanks are thermally
insulated or if they are equipped with protective cladding, this measure is not required.
Tank Farm Guidelines for the Chemical Industry
Edition 2009
2 Planning and design of tank farms
For the size of the drained area and retention
volume at transfer sites see Chap. 3.
The surface of the tank farm perimeter which
can be wetted by leaking liquid during
operation or in case of accidents is to be of a
structure impermeable to liquid, weatherresistant and principally resistant against the
goods stored there. These areas are to be
drained in a controlled manner.
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2.1.3 Tanks in underground concrete spaces
0,5 x h
General comments
Storage tanks can be erected individually in underground concrete spaces; this arrangement is
predominantly employed, if site conditions require the use of space under streets and yards.
On principle, the structure is subjected to the same requirements in relation to impermeability as
normal protective structures.
Selection of tanks
For liquids of Hazard Classes F1 and F2 only explosion-resistant or blanketed tanks may be
used. Liquids of Hazard Classes F3 and F4 and hardly or non-flammable products can be stored
in tanks which are not explosion-resistant.
Tanks in underground concrete spaces must be designed without a bottom outlet nozzle.
The clearances between storage tanks and protective structure are to be designed in such a way
that visual check of the storage tanks and the protective structures for impermeability is feasible.
Where this is not possible, a leakage monitoring system is needed and the storage tanks have to
be checked and cleaned inside at appropriate intervals (at least every 10 years).
2.1.4 Filling points and drum filling points
Filling points are preferably to be constructed as an open or semi-open structure, where
necessary with a roof for protection against the elements. Easy detection of liquid losses must be
If liquids of Hazard Classes F1 and F2 are filled, non-flammable construction materials are to be
used and sufficient separation in terms of fire protection has to be arranged between the filling
point, tank farm and the other facilities and buildings.
Containment trays, containment beds and containment basins or their coating must be resistant to
stored media and leak-proof for at least 6 months, only in exceptional cases for chemicalphysical reasons, the authority issuing the permit may allow a resistance to stored media for the
period required to identify the loss, repair the leak and remove the liquid.
If a closed type of structure is to be used for special reasons, appropriate ventilation and
accessibility is to be particularly considered usually requiring induced ventilation. It is to be
ensured that ventilation apertures are available also immediately above ground level.
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In semi-open construction, the natural air change is usually sufficient.
Appropriate measures must be taken to prevent liquids and escaping vapours from accumulating
in rooms at a lower level, or in sewers, pits and the like.
See also VKF Guideline 28-03, Chap. 5.5 [9].
2.2 Tank and protective clearance
Tank clearance
Minimum tank spacing is defined as the effective clearance between tanks or between a tank and
the wall. Anything reducing the effective dimension, e.g. thermal insulation must not reduce the
minimum clearance. If a leak occurs in the wall of a tank, the spray parabola must be caught
inside or outside of the tank bed (see Chap 2.1.2). Thermal insulation or protective cladding
meets this requirement.
Protective clearance
Protective clearance is measured from the outer edge of the protective structure of the tank farm
to the adjoining building under the same ownership or to the building line of the neighbouring
lot. The protective clearance can be reduced after consulting the authorities, if suitable measures,
such as protective walls, deluge spray systems, or foam, are provided.
For tank diameters larger than 10m, it must be verified for each product that the radiant heat on
the building line of the neighbouring lot does not exceed 8kW/m2 in case of a fire. Calculation
e.g. according to the Swiss Reinsurance Company [30].
2.2.1 Outdoor storage tanks and drum storage
Based on the "Fire Protection Guidelines, Flammable Liquids" [9], the following standard values
are applicable.
Table 2.2.1: Hazard to neighbourhood (degree of hazard)
Use of building
Type of construction
(wall facing the neighbouring building)
Fire hazard
Fire hazard
normal 2)
Fire hazard
high 3)
Min. EI 60 (nbb) and facing wall without
any openings
Min. not combustible
Combustible or no wall
Rating examples for type of use according to fire hazard:
1) Manufacturing, processing and storage of non-combustible materials and goods, metal processing
2) Machine manufacturing, offices, apartments
3) Processing and storage of flammable or explosive materials and goods, wood processing
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Edition 2009
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Table 2.2.2: Outdoor drum storage
Clearance from drum storage to buildings (in m)
Hazard to neighbourhood
(degree of hazard)
Hazard Classes
F1 and F2
Hazard Classes
F3 to F5
Size of store (in m3)
Size of store (in m3)
up to 5
up to 50
more than 50 up to 5
up to 50
more than 50
* No protective clearance if the facing wall corresponds to EI 60 (nbb) and does not have any openings and the
accessibility is safeguarded.
The protective clearance refers to drum storage if the same drums are stored for a longer period
of time. Protective clearance to railway tracks, high-voltage lines and motorways should be the
same as for tank farms.
Table 2.2.3: Minimum tank and protective clearance
Type of vessel
Explosionresistant tanks
blanketed tanks
Tank size
Hazard class
F1 and F2
up to
up to
more than
Protective clearance
NBG low 12m
NBG medium 16m
NBG high 20m
NBG low 6m
NBG medium 8m
NBG high 10m
F1 and F2
NBG low 20m
NBG medium 25m
NBG high 30m
F3 to F5
F3 to F5
NBG low 10m
NBG medium 12m
NBG high 15m
F1 and F2
NBG low 30m
NBG medium 35m
NBG high 40m
F3 to F5
NBG low 15m
NBG medium 18m
NBG high 20m
Tank clearance
0.5 m 1)
0.5 m 1)
0.5 m 1)
0.3 D
min. 1m
0.5 m 1)
0.5 m 1)
0.25 D + 2m
min. 3m
Clearance A and B (VKF), X (KVU), Y (TRbF / CARBURA) see the following figure
NBG: Danger to neighbourhood according to Table 2.2.1
D = Tank diameter, if there are various diameters the largest one applies.
1) = 0.8m gangway on one side per tank row
2) = The "perimeter, drainage" Chap. 2.1.2 must be met.
3) = At least the Building Dept. regulations have to be met.
Tank Farm Guidelines for the Chemical Industry
0.3 D, min. 1m
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2 Planning and design of tank farms
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Figure concerning Table 2.2.3
(Building line)
(Building line)
(Property line)
Explanation concerning tank and protective clearance (special cases)
"Fire Protection Guideline, Flammable Liquids" [9]
Railway tracks
A protective clearance of 15m to the main tracks is applicable according to the VKF Guideline
(28-03) [9]. Further details are also contained in the VKF Guideline.
High-voltage lines
A protective clearance of 10m is applicable to high-voltage lines [9].
Protective clearances to high-voltage facilities of third parties are to be determined according to
the directives of the Swiss Federal High-Voltage Inspectorate Article 16, [23].
If these clearances cannot be complied with, a commission of experts decides on a case-by-case
basis on compensatory measures.
A protective clearance of 10m is applicable to public roads (up to the roadside) [9].
For motorways, a special Swiss clearance provision in relation to tank farms does not exist. The
building lines must always be taken into account. The safety spacing, which is applicable inside
the works area, must be complied with as a minimum clearance. Cantonal building authorities
are empowered to impose additional clearances from these building lines.
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2.2.2. Storage tanks in buildings
Table 2.2.4: Minimum tank and protective clearance for medium-sized, cylindrical
up to
Type of vessel
Protective clearance
Tank clearance
blanketed tanks
No protective
Building walls min.
EI 90 (nbb)
Tank to wall
Tank to tank
Service gangway 0.5m
No protective
Gangway on one side
(escape route)
Tank to ceiling
The minimum tank clearances refer to the effective clearance from tank to tank or from tank to wall.
The clearance between tank (manhole flange)
and ceiling must also be ensured.
0,15 m
0,5 m
0,5 m
0,5 m
0,25 m
min 0,8 m
0,5 m
Anything reducing the effective dimension,
e.g. thermal insulation, must not reduce the
minimum clearance.
0,25 m
0,5 m
0,5 m
0,5 m
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2.2.3 Outdoor filling points and drum filling points
At transfer points for tank wagons, firm installations are to be located outside of the clearance
profile for shunting tracks.
Table 2.2.5: Minimum protective clearances of filling points
Hazard class
To buildings and
facilities outdoors
To building line on
neighbouring lot
F1 and F2
NBG low 6m
NBG medium
10m NBG high
F3 and F4
NBG low 3m
NBG medium 5m
NBG high 8m
F5 and F6
Protective clearance according to legal
NBG: Danger to neighbourhood according to Table 2.2.1
The clearances are determined from the manhole or from the outlet nozzle. For explanations
concerning the protective clearance and measures to reduce the clearance as well as special cases
see Chap. 2.2
To the pertaining tank farm, a protective clearance is not required.
Drum filling points
Drum filling points for liquids of Hazard Class F1 to F4 should have, in relation to buildings and
facilities, a clearance of at least 3m. For measures to reduce the clearance see Chap. 2.2.
Tank Farm Guidelines for the Chemical Industry
Edition 2009
3 Protective structures, foundations
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3 Protective structures, foundations
3.1 General comments
The structural design, dimensioning and the realisation of tank farms are subject to standards and
These are, in particular:
KVU Guideline [35-1.5] and [35-1.4]
SIA 261, SIA 261-1, SIA 262, SIA 262-1 [25]
SN EN 206-1 [27]
The regulations and directives of the Federation, Cantons and SUVA as well as standards based
on the same are to be observed.
3.2 Protective structures
3.2.1 Definitions
Protective structures are constructions which make liquid losses (leakage or overfilling) easily
detectable in free-standing facilities or which retain leaking liquid.
- Discharge surfaces serve the secure discharge of spray losses or leakages (e.g. suitable roads
and yards);
- Connecting channels and connecting pipes between discharge surfaces and basins;
- Containment trays are waterproof and weather-resistant structures and serve the easy
detection of liquid losses;
- Containment beds are waterproof structures principally resistant to stored goods and serve the
detection as well as retention of leaking liquid. Leaking liquid can also be retained by a
separate containment basin;
- Containment basins are waterproof structures principally resistant to stored goods and serve
the retention of liquids draining from trays and beds. They can also be used to burn off
flammable liquids;
- Firefighting water containment basins have to be provided for tank farms with flammable
liquids. A contingency plan must be available for each case, based on the water quantities of
the fire-extinguishing concept.
3.2.2 Requirements of protective structures
The requirements of the KVU Guideline [35-1.4] are to be met. Protective structures must thus
be of concrete and placed on a ground which is capable of bearing and frost-resistant. They
must resist strains during testing and operation, should not show any permanent deformation
and stay waterproof. In particular, the expected chemical strain and earthquakes (see Chap 5.5)
are to be taken into consideration.
The protective structure is to be dimensioned in such a way that it is resistant to stored media
for at least 6 months. In justified cases, the authority issuing the permit may allow a resistance
to stored media for the period required to identify the loss, repair the leak and remove the
For protective structures in Ex-zones, measures against static electricity are to be verified.
Separate containment basins are recommended for flammable liquids.
For checks and maintenance see Chap. 6.4 and 6.5.
Repairs must be agreed with qualified persons and sealings should be realised according to the
engineering rules.
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3.2.3 Discharge surfaces
Discharge surfaces shall be waterproof and require a slope to the containment basin.
3.2.4 Containment trays
The containment trays require a slope. Containment trays without a slope require a curb of at
least 10cm.
3.2.5 Containment beds, containment basins
Containment beds, containment basins for tank farms
The overall area of a tank bed shall not exceed 400m2 as a rule, otherwise the beds must be
subdivided into sections.
To limit the water requirement for cooling and foam blanketing in tank farms with flammable
liquids, the containment bed is to be divided into sections (e.g. for 2 to 9 tanks) and must have a
slope of at least 1.5% so that in case of leaks or overfilling, the liquid cannot spread out under
the tank but flows into a suitable containment basin or a separately arranged pump sump (see the
following diagrammatic figure).
Examples: Containment bed
min. 1,5%
pump sump
Containment bed with a separate containment basin
Protective wall
Siphon/check valve; may need
protection against freezing
min. 1,5%
Separate containment basin quick,
safe runoff of larger quantities in
case of damage
pump sump
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In areas where containment volumes are stipulated by law, openings for piping or similar
arrangements are not permitted in walls. In exceptional cases, specially appropriate sealing
techniques must be used.
The dividing walls are lower than the perimeter walls, but, as a rule, are not higher than 0.5m in
order to ensure accessibility.
Containment basins for liquid losses and drainage for transfer sites
If liquid losses have to be retained, the following arrangements may be used as containment
- Containment bed in the area of the transfer point;
- Lower containment basin of an adjacent tank farm if functioning of the same is not impaired
and the transferred goods are not allocated to Hazard Class F1 or F2.
At filling points without any roofing, precipitation must be collected and also channelled to the
containment basins.
The availability of sufficient containment volume is to be checked prior to every transfer. This
must correspond to the maximum quantity which may escape up to the rectification of the leak,
however, minimum 5m3 (see also KVU [35-1.1]).
For the minimum area of the containment tray for tank wagons and tank lorries see Chap. 7.1.
3.2.6 Size of protective structures
Protective structures for liquids of Class A must be able to retain at least 100% and liquids of
Class B at least 50% of the usable volume of the largest vessel.
Possible firefighting water and water from outdoor precipitation are to be calculated in addition.
Firefighting water containment basin
Containment trays and containment bed, possibly with a separate containment basin, also serve
firefighting water containment. The level of the tank bed may only rise to a point where the tanks
are not lifted by buoyancy forces, if they are not reliably anchored in this respect. In addition to
the containment volume for the tanks, it must be possible to retain at least the firefighting water
emerging from the fixed firefighting equipment during 30 minutes as well as an appropriate
quantity from the use of mobile equipment (during 30 – 60 min.), if separate firefighting
containment basins are not available (for details of firefighting water quantities see Chap. 4 and
Quantity of precipitation
This quantity must correspond to that for a long weekend (3 days at 25 l/m2 = 75 l/m2). Different
climatic conditions may be taken into account depending on the location.
3.2.7 Protective structures of metal
- Protective structures may only be of materials which are sufficiently corrosion-resistant (see
Chap. 3.2.2);
- The thickness of beds is to be determined by static calculations, if required.
3.2.8 Protective structures of mineral-based building materials
Protective structures of reinforced concrete or prestressed concrete consist of a concrete
construction prepared on site and, if required, of a sealing.
The concrete structure must be designed in such a way that occurring deformation, particularly
creep and shrinking deformation, does not have any adverse influence on the sealing.
Building materials: Only high-quality concrete according to EN 206-1 [27], e.g. NPK C, may
be used.
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3.2.9 Linings and coatings
Linings and coatings are used as sealings and corrosion protection in protective structures:
- Coatings based on epoxy resin or bitumen;
- Laminates (reaction resins from unsaturated polyester resin, from phenylacrylat resin or from
epoxy resin free of solvents are to be used);
- Plastic plates;
- Joint sealing compounds and joint tapes;
- Ceramic linings;
- Metallic linings.
Sealings of plastic material must have a certificate for water protection capability of an
accredited test body (KVU [35-1.6]), must provide the required elasticity and stick to the
substrate (base).
Foils of plastic material are fixed to the walls (they do not stick to the substrate).
3.2.10 Testing of protective structures
The manufacturer or the erector must check and document the parts (KVU [35-1.4]).
Testing comprises:
- Inspection of construction: Workmanship, conformity to drawings;
- Quality: Of materials and workmanship (in case of metal beds, in particular the welding
- Leakage testing: Water test or another comparable test procedure (see Chap. 7.4 and 7.5).
The manufacturer or the erector must issue a test protocol on these tests which records the
results. The same must confirm that the part of the facility has been constructed and tested
according to the engineering rules and the provisions of the TRCI.
The test protocol is to be signed by the manufacturer or the erector and to be delivered to the test
report administrator, the owner or the operator of the facility latest upon the acceptance of the
facility; the manufacturer or the erector must keep a copy.
In case of facilities requiring approval, testing is to be respectively repeated after 10 years (KVU
3.3 Foundations
Foundations must be laid in frostproof ground with a good bearing capacity.
Dimensioning of the tank supports and the pertaining foundations must be in line with the
expected static load as well as with the load-bearing capacity provided for the respective region
and the classification of protection requirements in respect of earthquakes (see Chap. 5.5).
If the risk exists that a tank might float, the corresponding buoyancy forces must be taken into
account when calculating the anchor bolts.
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4 Storage tanks and equipment
Manufacturers of facility part must check whether the same correspond to the engineering rules
and must document the test results (GSchG, Art. 22 paragraph 4 [1]). See also KVU [35-1.6].
4.1 Storage tanks
4.1.1 General comments, terms
This chapter covers medium-sized tanks (usable volumes 2 to 250m3) of metal and plastic
material as well as large tanks (usable volume more than 250m3) of metal.
Storage tanks of reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete are not covered by the TRCI.
- Standard volume: The standard volume is specified according to the R5 series of standard
numbers and is smaller or equal to the nominal volume;
- Nominal volume: The nominal volume is the maximum quantity of liquid a vessel can hold on
basis of the stress calculation and its technical construction;
- Usable volume: The usable volume amounts to 95% of the nominal volume for drums, small
and middle-sized tanks, 97% of the nominal volume for large tanks;
- "Free-standing" storage tanks: see Chap. 1.6.1.
Requirements for storage tanks
- Storage tank construction material must be resistant to the stored medium (liquids and
vapours), protected against external corrosion and able to withstand the expected thermal and
mechanical stress (for metal vessels see EN 12285-1 steel tank horizontal, Annex B [27]).
- For leakage monitoring, tanks can also be constructed with a double bottom or a jacket (see
Chap. 4.5.4).
- For flammable liquids, metallic (incl. coated and lined) storage tanks are to be used.
- Dimensioning of tanks and their supports must take the additional forces resulting from an
earthquake into consideration (see Chap. 5.5).
- Every medium-sized tank or large tank must be equipped with at least one manhole (DN 600).
Small tanks must have at least one inspection hole.
Classification according to size
(usable volume)
- Drums
20 l to 450 l
- Small tanks
above 450 l to 2m3
- Medium-sized tanks above 2m3 to 250m3
- Large tanks
above 250m3
Types of vessels
- Drums
Cans, barrels, etc.
- Small tanks and
medium-sized tanks explosion-resistant or non-explosion-resistant prismatic or cylindrical
Tanks with a domed or flat bottom;
- Large tanks
Vertical, cylindrical vessels with flat bottoms are differentiated as
a) Vertical tanks where the free space above the stored medium has free
access to the atmosphere;
b) Vertical tanks with a fixed roof which can support a gauge pressure or
partial vacuum in the free space above the stored medium, according
to operating conditions;
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c) Vertical tanks with a fixed roof equipped with an internal membrane
floating on the stored medium (membrane tanks);
d) Vertical tanks whose roof is constructed as a float (floating roof
Other types of vessels not listed above (e.g. spherical tanks) are possible.
4.1.2 Storage tanks of metal
When choosing the material and wall thickness, both safety against corrosion (if corrosion is
expected, additional costs should be foreseen) and the economic efficiency are to be considered.
Explosion-resistant tanks
A tank is considered explosion-resistant, if it can withstand an internal explosion and still does
not leak.
Storage tanks equipped with an inert gas blanketing system are considered to be equivalent to
explosion-resistant tanks in relation to their use (hazard class).
As a rule, they are used for usable volumes of up to 250m3 for free-standing storage of highly
flammable liquids.
- Construction according to BN 76 [36] and Annex, explosion-resistant storage tanks (according
to BN 110 [36], flat-bottom tank).The vessel does not leak, even at a maximum explosion
pressure of 10bar. A major permanent deformation is acceptable. The tank is operated
unpressurised, although a breathing pressure of +200mbar is permissible. Vacuum resistance
according to construction drawing;
- Construction according to BN 98 [36], explosion-resistant vessels and equipment for
flammable liquids and dusts. Designed for a max. explosion pressure or for an explosion
pressure reduced by means of relief devices or explosion suppression (see VDI Guideline 2263,
[26]). Only small localised permanent deformation may occur. Any desired operating pressure
can be taken into account in the calculation;
- For horizontal tanks (installation under or above ground) explosion-resistant or non-explosionresistant see EN 12285-1 or -2 [27];
Calculation and testing according to BN: Dimensioning and stress analysis calculation is
according to BN 76 and Annex or BN 98. The position, number and nominal width of the
required nozzles, manholes and supports are defined in dimensional drawings or sketches (e.g.
according to BN 110). The manufacturer must initiate, at one of the listed offices (Switzerland:
e.g. SVTI), the preliminary check of the calculation and construction drawing as well as the
acceptance after production.
Vertical tanks
Free-standing vertical cylindrical tanks with a flat bottom resting on a base and a fixed roof (with
or without a floating ceiling) or with a floating roof can be used for the storage of all liquids at
atmospheric pressure or a slight operating gauge pressure.
Calculation and testing: According to SVTI regulations P 5, [24].
Prismatic tanks
The vessels must be constructed in such a way that they are resistant to the static head of liquid
and to pressures and partial vacuums occurring during operation as well as external stress. If
these tanks are tested with a minimum of 0.5bar gauge pressure, they are authorised for the freestanding storage of liquids with flash points of more than 55°C.
Calculation and testing: According to SVTI regulations P 2, [24].
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4.1.3 Storage tanks of plastics
Generally used up to 100m3 usable volume for storage of potentially water polluting liquids with
a flash point of more than 55°C.
Calculation and testing: According to engineering rules, e.g. of the Plastics Association of
Switzerland (KVS). In case of a deviation from the technical rules, evidence must be provided
that the legal requirements have been fulfilled in another way.
4.1.4 Heating and cooling systems
The following methods are available
- Jacket around the tank or pipe wall;
- Half coils or heating panels welded to the outer tank walls;
- Tubular coils or heating panels inside of the tank;
- Tubular coils touching the outer wall of the tank or pipe, possibly embedded in heat transfer
cement for improved heat transfer;
- Electric heating system by cables or elements;
- Closed refrigerant system with circulation pump and cooling machine.
- Direct vapour injection into the stored medium;
- Re-circulation of the stored medium through a heat exchanger;
- Induction-heating systems, which transfer the electrical energy directly into the stored
medium, can be considered for heat exchangers and non-flammable liquids;
- Tank sprinkling with water.
- The surface temperature of the heating elements or the heating medium temperature to heat
flammable liquids must be adhered to according to TR BCI 155, Table 3.3.4-1 [36];
- A heat transfer medium which is non-flammable or flame retardant and frost-resistant and
whose boiling point is above the maximum heating temperature is to be preferred in order to
avoid system pressure due to vapour tension, e.g. mixtures of water/ethylene glycol;
- Any heat transfer medium used must not cause a dangerous reaction when in contact with the
stored medium;
- Electric heating systems and tracing systems for pipes have the advantage of a uniform heat
transfer (W/m2), cost-effective division into individual pipe sections, virtually not heat loss
and they represent an economical method of supplying heat energy;
- For hazardous zones, heating elements require an Ex test certificate.
Cooling procedures
Cooling equipment as described above. The refrigerant should be non-flammable or flame
retardant, and must not be too viscous at low temperatures, e.g. refrigerating brines.
4.1.5 Inert gas blanketing
In order to avoid the ingress of air into storage tanks, the liquid is blanketed with inert gas (e.g.
N2) (see ESCIS Volume 3, [17]). To keep the consumption of the inert gas as low as possible, a
large permissible difference between the gas supply pressure and the relief pressure is used.
For breathing, automatic pressure relief valves or overflow valves as well as controllers with
auxiliary power can be used. They are selected according to tank stability and properties of the
stored medium.
The set pressure of the control valves must be aligned to the response pressure of the safety
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If a storage tank according to BN 110 is used for non-flammable media or flammable media
under inert gas blanketing, the maximum permissible operating gauge pressure amounts to
+500mbar, otherwise max. +200mbar.
Vacuum protection according to the permissible operating negative pressure of the tank (see
details in construction drawings).
Example: For a tank according to BN 76 / BN 110:
N2-gassing by automatic low pressure reducing valve; e.g. set
point 15mbar.
N2 relief by automatic overflow valve;
e.g. set point 80mbar (max. permissible 200mbar).
4.1.6 Tank surface coating
- Function: In addition to its main task of protecting the storage tank against corrosion, the tank
coating can also influence warming of the tank and thus breathing losses. The painting system
to be used for carbon steel tanks is specified. e.g. by the following guidelines:
BN 108 according to System WBZ or SBZ;
For insulated tanks, coating with System AB or 2U according to BN 108 is recommended;
Non-insulated tanks with primer and topcoat according to BN 108, according to System
Colour of the topcoat as desired; preferred shades Al-silver to white with a total heat
reflectance factor WR above 70% (see table below).
Special coating materials may also be used as fire protection measures;
- Influence of the surface coating on tank warming: According to VDI Guideline 3479, [26]
there is a linear relationship between the surface temperature of a hollow body and the total
heat reflectance factor. The surface temperature of a body painted in black can be up to 25°C
higher in central Europe than that of a similar body painted in white.
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The table below, provides an overview of the total heat reflectance factor WR for the wavelength
spectrum of natural sunlight (300 to 4200nm) for various coating colours.
Description of the colour
Machine grey
Mouse grey
Silver grey
Pebble grey
Light grey
Aluminium silver
Creamy white
RAL 9005
RAL 7031
RAL 8011
RAL 7005
RAL 6010
RAL 5010
RAL 7001
RAL 7032
RAL 3000
RAL 7035
RAL 1014
RAL 9006
RAL 9001
RAL 9010
Total heat
reflectance factor
in % (rounded off)
Surface coatings: The total heat reflection factors given above as examples were determined for freshly
completed coats of paint; they thus correspond to "good paint conditions".
For an exact calculation see VDI Guideline 3479, [26].
4.1.7 Thermal insulation
Thermal insulation (see e.g. BN 56 and BN 58) may be used:
- In heated tanks;
- For the reduction of temperature fluctuations in the gas space of tanks and thus for the
reduction of breathing losses;
- As fire protection to prevent the storage medium and the construction from heating up fast
instead of tank cooling (see Chap. 5).
If thermal insulation has been provided as a fire protection measure, it has to be designed in
such a way that dangerous conditions cannot arise at any filling level in the tank for 30 minutes.
This requirement is fulfilled, on principle, if BN 111 is used.
In this case, the following aspects are to be observed:
- Insulating materials must have a Fire Hazard Index of 6 (non-flammable). Mineral fibre
sheets bound with wire netting (without any plastic components) and mineral fibre fire
protection sheets (coated on one side with aluminium foil) are examples of suitable materials;
- The insulating materials must be securely fastened. If, for example, mineral fibre fire
protection sheets are used with aluminium as cladding, the fire protection sheets must be
secured additionally with a wire mesh;
- Tank legs or skirts must also be protected. If it is possible for fire to enter beneath the tank,
then this part including the piping and valves and fittings must also be protected;
- If other materials are used instead of mineral fibres or foamed glass (e.g. sublimation
coatings, sprayed cement, etc.) their suitability must be checked by an authorized institution;
- The danger of self-ignition of organic liquids which can soak into the insulation must be
assessed in relation to local conditions. Mineral fibres or open-celled material must only be
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used after carrying out a hazard assessment. Where necessary for safety reasons, a closed-cell
material such as foamed glass must be used.
With insulated tanks it must be taken into account that if heat is generated within the tank due to
an exothermic reaction, cooling from outside is not effective.
4.2 Piping
4.2.1 General comments, terms
- Piping includes: Pipes, valves, fittings and connecting elements which connect storage tanks
transfer sites, pumps and production plants;
- "Freestanding or buried" piping: see Chap. 1.6.1.
- Hoses are connecting parts of
Elastomeres or thermoplastics;
Parallel corrugated, braided hoses of stainless steel and the pertaining hose fittings.
4.2.2 Requirements of piping
- In relation to design, manufacturing, installation, testing and safety facilities, piping (with a
permissible operating pressure ps above 0.5bar) has to fulfil the requirements of the European
Pressure Equipment Directive (PED) [29];
- The piping materials and valves and fittings must be resistant to the medium being transferred
(liquids and vapours) and protected against external corrosion as well as the expected thermal
and mechanical loads. For leak monitoring, piping can also be equipped with a jacket (see
Chap. 4.5.4).
For piping of steel, copper and plastics, see also KVU [35-1.2] Chap. 3.4;
- For flammable liquids, metallic (incl. coated or lined) piping must be used. Connecting parts
of elastomeres, e.g. hoses, require a hazard analysis;
Depending on the medium, measures in relation to electrostatics have to be taken (see Chap.
- Piping must be designed for at least PN 10. Exception: Pipes of plastic materials minimum
PN 4, however, connecting parts must also be PN 10;
- On principle, any liquid loss from piping must be easily detected. In case of buried piping,
liquid losses must be retained;
- Piping and its support must withstand earthquake loads (Chap. 5.5);
- To reduce the possibility of leakage, all system parts shall be welded wherever possible.
Excluded are parts which need to be removed such as control valves, safety valves and
fittings, etc. For further information see DIN 4754, [28].
4.2.3 Design, installation
- Whenever possible and expedient, pipelines must be installed above ground, and be visible
and accessible. They should, however, be largely protected against possible damage;
- Determination of distances for piping supports;
- Avoidance of impermissible pressure surges (e.g. in closed pipes, pressure blows) see also
DGV [29];
- The number of joints between individual pipe sections and valves and fittings that can be
disassembled must be kept to a minimum, and must be easily and safely accessible.
For increased protection against leakage, special measures (e.g. tongue and groove and
flanges or special gaskets) are to be provided;
- For pipe leak monitoring purposes and leakage containment, e.g. double-walled pipes can be
- In case of dangerous liquids a check has to be conducted as to whether detachable joints at
exposed locations need any special spray guards for personal protection.
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4.2.4 Connection of pipes to tanks and tankers
- Any re-siphoning of liquid from the tank via an immersion pipe must be prevented by
(e.g. vent holes);
- If pipe connections are required under the level of the liquid, special tank valves and fittings
must be used (see Chap. 4.3.2);
- If hoses are used as a connection between mobile tanks or tankers and fixed piping see next
- Instead of hoses, articulated pipes can be used as floor arms or wall or gallery arms for
connections at the bottom or top of a mobile tank or tanker. These have to be selected
according to medium requirements and are to be identified and tested by an authorised
- Measures against electrostatic hazards (see Chap. 5.2.5).
4.2.5 Hoses
Hoses are particularly used in tank farms to
- connect mobile and fixed parts of facilities;
- load and discharge tankers, tank wagons or containers.
Hoses should only be used as a permanent alternative to fixed pipes, if the advantages offered by
their use cannot be abstained from (they should not be just a "convenient substitute" for a fixed
pipe). A hazard analysis must be carried out. It may be that additional safety measures are
If hoses are used, the instructions of ESCIS, [17] and the "BG Chemical Bulletin" [31] are to be
taken into consideration.
The safe use demands that
- The hose quality is carefully selected for the respective conditions of use;
- The hoses correspond to relevant standards and the state of the art and that they have been
- There is an unambiguous identification of the hoses (see DIN 2823 a. 2827 [28]);
- The hoses are appropriately stored;
- The hoses are manufactured, assembled and installed by skilled persons;
- The hoses are used as intended (regular training of operators);
- Regular tests are conducted;
- Depending on the medium, measures in relation to electrostatics are taken (see Chap. 5.2.5).
4.2.6 Gas balance, pressure compensation lines
- It must not be possible to isolate vent lines (pressure compensation lines). If outlets lead into
the atmosphere, they must be protected against the ingress of rainwater and dirt and must be
positioned in such a way that escaping vapours can dissipate without representing a hazard.
The minimum nominal pipe diameter amounts to DN 40 (Exception: Ventilation by
pressurised inert gas);
- Facilities in the vicinity, e.g. ventilations, stacks, sewer systems, lights and lift shafts, are to
be taken into consideration;
- The dimensions of pressure compensation lines must be sized in such a way that dangerous
gauge or negative pressure cannot result when tanks are rapidly filled or discharged or rapid
temperature fluctuations occur. The pressure losses of vent systems and flame arrestors must
be taken into account;
- To determine the max. breathing volume flow, the formulae according to TRbF [15] may be
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- In gas balance and pressure compensation lines, possible condensate formation must be taken
into account;
- The installed pipes usually need a slope towards the tank, otherwise a drainage device must be
installed on the lowest point;
- Several tanks may be vented by a common pipe, provided the different media do not enter
into any dangerous mixtures, condensation or solids formation with each other.
4.2.7 Overspill, overflow equipment
The arrangement must ensure that leaking liquid flows into the protective structure in case of
overspilling (see KVU [35-1.3]).
4.2.8 Distributing and return lines
If a filling line serves several tanks, it must be ensured that overspilling of these tanks is
prevented (see Chap. 4.5.3).
If facilities use return lines, it must be ensured that the return liquid flows into the vessel from
which it was taken. Incorrect connections must be excluded (see KVU [35-1.2]).
4.2.9 Testing of piping
Piping must be tested by the erector in accordance with applicable regulations (e.g. DGV or TR
BCI 151). Testing comprises: Non-destructive testing (e.g. visual, radiation and/or penetrating
tests), pressure testing and leakage testing.
Leak detection pipes are to be tested according to KVU [35-1.2].
A protocol is to be prepared for conducted tests.
4.2.10 Pipe insulation
Pipe insulation may be designed, e.g., according to BN 55 and BN 56.
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4.3 Valves and fittings
4.3.1 General comments
- Valves and fittings must be able to withstand the same loads as piping;
- They are to be arranged in an accessible manner and easy to operate;
- The measures to safeguard impermeability in relation to the atmosphere must correspond to
the hazards associated with the medium, e.g. bellow seal valves or diaphragm valves with
backup stuffing boxes.
4.3.2 Shutoff valves
Shutoff valves at the tank which are subject to the static head of the tank contents must fulfil the
following requirements:
- They must be installed directly on the tank;
- They must be resistant to frost (i.e. they cannot be destroyed by the effects of frost, and frost
does not make them less effective);
- In case of disk valves, the static head of the tank contents must support the closing effect;
- When the valve is closed, the stem stuffing box must not be subject to the static head of the
liquid in the tank.
Piping components, flange connections and shutoff valves which are subject to the static head of
the tank contents must be able to withstand a fire in the tank basin and stay tight. It is therefore
recommended, e.g. in tanks with bottom outlets, to install a shutoff valve directly on the tank
which closes itself without external energy in case of a fire. In case of pneumatically operated
valves, flammable control air connections are thus to be used. In addition, the shutoff valve
should be either fireproof or protected by insulation or cooled by a deluge spray system.
4.3.3 Vent valves
If the gas space in a tank is separated from the atmosphere or from a connected exhaust air
system a vent valve is needed.
- Mechanical (dead weight or spring-loaded) control valves or seal pots can be used as vent
valves. The response pressure is to be selected in such a way that the pressure change
(depending on the type of valve 10 – 100% of the response pressure), which is reached at the
max. volumetric flow rate, causes the design gauge and negative pressure to be adhered to. In
the determination of the volumetric flow rate, that of breathing (Chap. 5.1.2) as well as that of
the filling or discharging pump (ISO 28300 [[20]]) is to be taken into consideration;
- Commercially available breather valves involve high maintenance costs to ensure the reliable
impermeability of the valve seats. For small pressure differences, seal pots offer higher
operating reliability; for larger pressure differences pressure/vacuum relief valves with
actuators controlled by external energy should be installed. It must be ensured that if the
external energy supply fails, backup relief devices still provide protection;
- If the vent devices are not adequate to cope with a major mishap (failure of the blanketing gas
valves), additional relief valves or bursting disks can be installed;
- Fire emergencies must be covered by other safety measures.
4.3.4 Flame arresters
Flame arresters are devices which are installed at the opening of a part of equipment or in the
connecting pipe of a facility system; their intended function is to facilitate flow but prevent a
flame front from entering the system.
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Explosion in piping: The pipe deflagration is an accelerated explosion in a pipe. Having passed
through an instable transient region, it becomes a stable detonation. In this detonation region,
which is stable again, temporary pressures of more than 80bar can occur.
In addition to the "dry" devices subsequently described, "wet" devices (liquid seal chambers),
fast-acting valves, devices for suppressing explosions or other specific solutions may be used for
certain applications.
Types of dry devices
Dry flame arresters:
Are based on the principle of dividing the flow cross section, e.g., into narrow passages in which
flame propagation is no longer possible. Only those devices may be used, which - according to
94/9/EC ("ATEX 95“) [[32]] and EN 12874 [[27]] - are approved by an inspection authority for
the intended purpose of use (explosion group, operating temperature/pressure, etc.).
Flame arresters are classified according to the combustion process (endurance burning,
deflagration, detonation as well as their variants) and according to the type of installation
(explosion end, volume or pipe arrester).
Endurance-burning-proof devices:
Prevent the propagation of a flame front in case of prolonged burning of a combustible-air
mixture and/or in case of an atmospheric explosion. The device must withstand the occurring
temperature and pressure load. In case of endurance burning, the flame must be able to burn off
Deflagration-proof devices:
Are devices which prevent the propagation of a flame front in case of an explosion (observe the
max. permissible L/D ratio) and withstand the occurring thermal and mechanical load. Mostly,
they are not endurance-burning-proof. Depending on the individual application and the purpose
of protection deflagration end, deflagration volume and deflagration pipe arresters are installed.
Detonation-proof devices:
Prevent the propagation of a flame front in case of an explosion and in case of a detonation and
withstand the occurring pressure load. Detonation-proof flame arresters, however, are not in
themselves resistant to endurance burning.
Application guidelines
Substances involved:
- Flammable liquids with a flash point below 55°C;
- Liquids with a flash point above 55°C, if the flash point is not at least 5°C above the liquid
Protected installations:
- Vent outlets and other openings, such as level gauge tubes which are open to the atmosphere
or which are led into other gas-filled spaces;
- Gas balance lines;
- Liquid lines which can run empty in the course of operation and which are not separated by a
self-closing shutoff valve from the atmosphere or other facility parts.
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Installations not requiring protection:
- Openings which as a rule are closed, e.g. manholes, dipstick, sampling and cleaning openings;
- Inlet and outlet lines which are continually filled with liquid during operation;
- Vent nozzles directly open to the atmosphere on explosion-resistant tanks;
- Blanketed tanks
- Discharge lines after safety relief valves.
Installation guidelines
- Vent nozzles and short vent lines (L/D less than 20) must terminate at their free end with an
endurance-burning-proof flame arrester;
- Longer vent and gas pressure balance lines must be provided with detonation-proof flame
arresters and located immediately next to the tank or equipment which is to be protected;
- If the vent lines from several tanks are brought together in a common header, as a rule, a
separate detonation-proof device must be installed immediately in front of each tank;
- Larger facilities must be divided into emergency compartments to prevent a fire, explosion or
detonation from spreading;
- The pressure drop in flame arresting devices and the associated piping must not go beyond the
permitted gauge pressure/vacuum of the tank at the maximum occurring volumetric flow rate;
- Flame arresters must be protected against the ingress of foreign matter.
Restrictions in the use of dry devices
Flame arresters for media which tend to
- foul
- polymerise
- corrode
- solidify
- freezing
in tight gaps are to be replaced by other safety devices (see above). Appropriate heating of the
device (not possible for all devices) can prevent the danger of freezing or solidifying in many
Safety, maintenance and checks (SIWAKO)
To ensure adequate protection by flame arrestors, these must be periodically subjected to a visual
check. The intervals and the type of cleaning used (mechanical and/or chemical) depend on the
instructions of the manufacturer and the conditions at the site involved.
4.4 Pumps
Pump types are to be selected according to tasks (e.g. filling or discharging of tanks), the
medium (e.g. flammable solvents or acids, liquids with high viscosity) and the installation
location (e.g. on top of or next to the tank).
For critical liquids sealless pumps or pumps with double mechanical seals are required. Simple
mechanical seals or even stuffing boxes can be sufficient for less critical pumps.
For different pump types different monitoring systems are recommended or even required. For
canned motor pumps, storage monitoring (temperature, bearing vibration) is stipulated for
flammable liquids. For magnetic clutch pumps, monitoring of the shroud is recommended,
depending on the medium.
Pumps may only be in operation as long as this is required for the conveyance of liquids. Pumps
must be automatically stopped if filling or dry-running safety devices are activated.
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Flowrate when filling storage tanks (according to KVU [35-1.1]):
The Flowrate in small tanks must not exceed 200 l/min (12m3/h), in medium-sized tanks 800
l/min (48m3/h).
In gravity discharge, 1’800 l/min (108m3/h) may not be exceeded.
Dry-running interlocks for pumps
Dry-running interlocks must be installed in tanks containing flammable liquids without inert gas
blanketing in order to prevent that an ignitable gas mixture enters the pump (tank running dry).
They also avoid dry-running and resulting pump damage.
Different types are available:
- Level switch (LS);
- Flow switch (FS);
- Instruments for current/power monitoring.
For Ex-protection, the ATEX Guideline [32] is to be taken into consideration (see also Chap.
4.5 Instrumentation and control systems
4.5.1 General comments, terms
General comments
Instruments and equipment must be defined in accordance with expected loads and
environmental impacts and protected, if required.
In particular control devices and sensors of overspill protection systems, leak detection devices
as well as automatic level instruments must have a certificate for water protection capability of
an accredited inspection authority (KVU [35-1.6]).
- Overspill protection: Systems which prevent storage tanks and mobile container from being
- Special overspill protection: Storage tanks in the chemical and pharmaceutical industry
usually use special overspill protection systems. These comprise sensor, control device,
shutoff valve and alarms. For special requirements see CSME [19].
- Leak detection systems: Enable the identification of liquid losses from tanks and piping.
4.5.2 Level instruments (level measurement)
Storage tanks must be equipped with level instruments. Level instruments are devices which
indicate the level in % or the liquid quantity according to volume or weight. On principle, level
instruments must be used without a connection (nozzle) below the level of the liquid (KVU [351.3]).
4.5.3 Overfill protection
Overfill protection systems must ensure that the maximum permissible level in a tank or
transport vessel is not exceeded using by cutting of the liquid supply automatically and
triggering an alarm. This measurement system should be independent of the level measurement
system and should preferably use a different measuring principle. This requirement is also
applicable if tanks are connected by a common filling line. The overfill protection must be
allocated to the tank which is to be filled (see KVU [35-1.2]).
Storage tanks in the chemical and pharmaceutical industry usually use special overfill protection
systems (see above).
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The maximum permissible level corresponds to the usable volume (see Chap. 5.1.1) for liquids
stored at room temperature.
Fill and special overfill protection systems must correspond to engineering rules.
4.5.4 Leak detection systems
If liquid losses cannot be easily identified visually, a leak detection system must be installed. The
same enables the detection of liquid losses from tanks and piping.
- Leak detection systems for vertical tanks with double bottoms:
The negative pressure between the two bottoms must be monitored and recorded at least once
a month for control purposes;
- Leak detection systems for double-walled vessels and piping:
The gauge or negative pressure in relation to the atmosphere between the two walls of the
component must be monitored. If this monitored pressure deviates from a predetermined set
value, an alarm must be triggered;
- Leak detection systems with liquid sensors:
Liquid sensors detect any losses at the lowest point in the space between the walls of the
component or at the lowest point in the protective structure (pump sump) and trigger an
- Leak detection systems with gas detectors:
Gas detectors identify gases and vapours escaping from leaks in piping and vessels and trigger
an alarm;
- Leak detection systems for vertical tanks with double bottoms:
Buried double-walled vessels and piping require a test certificate.
4.5.5 Temperature switch / electric circuit breaker
Electric heating systems require a fault current circuit breaker (FI switch) for TN systems or an
isolation-monitoring instrument for IT systems. Redundant temperature safety switches are
required for the temperature protection of resistance heating cables.
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5 Ecology, safety and fire protection
5.1 Displacement and breathing losses
The emission losses of a facility must range within the permissible LRV limits (see Chap. 7.2).
5.1.1 Displacement losses
Displacement losses arise during tank filling. For tanks vented to the atmosphere, the volumetric
rate of discharge is usually provided in a sufficiently accurate manner by the pump discharge
Possible measures for reducing these losses are:
- Pressure balance line
- Other measures for breathing losses
Apart from breathing (see below) also the volume flow of a discharging pump has to be taken
into consideration in tank venting.
5.1.2 Breathing losses
Breathing losses occur due to changes in atmospheric pressure and temperature. The most
important parameters influencing breathing losses are:
- Saturation of the space above the liquid with vapour. This is principally determined by the
temperature in the gas space and the liquid together with the frequency and the extent of the
- The physical properties of the liquid, such as vapour pressure and latent evaporation heat as a
function of temperature;
- The meteorological conditions at the storage location, such as outside temperature, direct and
diffuse radiant heat, the effects of wind, strong precipitation (e.g. thunder storms), etc.;
- The condition of the tank surface, e.g. thermal insulation, colour, etc.
The volume of gas breathed due to a temperature increase in the gas space is to be determined by
means of the gas equations. In case of highly volatile liquids, the change in the gas constant due
to widely varying vapour contents at the temperature prior to the increase as compared to the
temperature after the increase must be taken into account.
The breathing loss is calculated using the breathing volume and the degree of saturated vapour.
For storage tanks with rare transfers, 100% vapour saturation is assumed. For storage tanks with
daily transfers, a relative vapour saturation of approx. 57% in winter and 63% in summer may be
assumed, e.g., for substances similar to petrol (VDI Guideline 3479, [26] and ISO 28300 [20]).
Apart from the flowrate of a discharging pump, also the flowrate due to a temperature decline is
to be taken into consideration for purposes of tank safety (negative pressure). Rapid cooling, e.g.
by strong rains, is to be included (see ISO 28300 [20] in this respect).
Temperatures in storage tanks:
Annual measurements of the gas temperatures above the stored liquid in an uninsulated, flatbottom and half-filled tank of 100m3 SS resulted in the following values at an outdoor site near
Basle in 1989:
- Annual extreme values (absolute max. or min. temperature): tmax = 45°C, tmin = 0°C
- Monthly fluctuation (difference highest/lowest temperature): ∆t = 30°C
- Daily fluctuation (difference highest/lowest temperature): ∆t = 25 °C
- The max. temperature rise due to the weather amounted to approx. 5°C/h.
On exposed sites (e.g. in the Canton of Valais) the span between the extreme values throughout
the year and the monthly and annual fluctuations must be increased by 5° to 10°C.
The daily temperature fluctuations of the stored liquid are very small, depending on the filling
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level. Measurements have shown that the temperatures agree with the respective daily average
5.1.3 Measures to prevent or reduce emissions
Two-pressure control systems:
Tank breathing can be regulated by a two-pressure control system. At a set gauge or negative
pressure, air (or nitrogen) and vapour is discharged or air (or nitrogen) admitted. For some stored
liquids, the daily gas space pressure fluctuations can be compensated with this set pressure
difference without any gas losses.
Thermal insulation:
Thermal insulation on a free-standing tank or locating a tank in the earth reduces the daily
temperature fluctuations in the gas space to a few centigrades. The long-term temperature
fluctuations take place so slowly that discharging into the atmosphere frequently ranges within
LRV tolerance values.
Thermal insulation, if designed according to BN 111, also provides advantages in relation to fire
Tank sprinkling:
This method is used to reduce the daily temperature fluctuations in the gas space above the
stored liquid. This method is suitable to avoid temperature extremes. As a rule, however,
permanent sprinkling cannot be considered because of the water consumption.
Cold traps:
The gases leaving the tank are cooled, the evaporating liquid condenses with the exception of a
small residual amount and the condensate can be returned to the tank.
Blanketing liquid of low vapour pressure:
Represents an ideal method to prevent the space over the liquid from becoming saturated with
vapour, however, only rarely is there a suitable blanketing liquid for the liquids normally stored.
The measure may be used, e.g. in effluent storage.
This protects the tanks from direct sun radiation and results in lower daily fluctuations in the
temperature of the gas space. As a rule, this method alone is not sufficient to keep the breathing
losses within the LRV tolerance values. In addition, roofing is very undesirable if an automatic
deluge spray system is not available in case of a fire.
Exhaust air treatment:
This concerns the treatment of the gas volumes discharged from tanks in facilities established for
this purpose, e.g. incinerators, biofilters, adsorption with subsequent desorption and product
recycling, etc.
Floating roof or floating membrane:
The liquid surface is covered by the tank roof floating on it or, in the case of fixed roof tanks, by
a floating membrane. When the liquid level falls, however, all of the liquid still wetting the tank
wall is lost to the atmosphere.
Reflecting coats of paint:
See Chap. 4.1.6.
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5.2 Liquid losses
Potentially water-polluting liquids are allocated to 2 classes (Chap. 1.5.1). Different water
pollution control measures are required according to the water pollution control zone (Chap.
In order to avoid or retain liquid losses, organisational measures are also to be taken into
consideration apart from structural and equipment measures. For details see
- Chap. 2.1.2, Planned arrangement (drainage in tank surroundings);
- Chap. 3, Protective structures, foundations;
- Chap. 4.2, Piping (requirements, design, …)
- Chap. 4.5, Instrumentation and control systems (against overfilling or leak detection
- Chap. 6.4, Operation and maintenance
5.3 Plant safety
5.3.1 Ex-zone classification
If flammable liquids are stored or transferred, the areas concerned are to be classified and
identified according to Ex-zones as well as explosion groups and temperature classes
corresponding to the stored goods. The classification can be performed on basis of SUVA
Bulletin 2153, [16] and TR BCI 155 [36].
Only equipment parts may be used which conform to the respective zone, explosion group and
temperature class.
5.3.2 Measures against hazardous effects of electric currents
The following measures are required for tank farms located in areas influenced by other external
electrical facilities and industrial lines (EMC see TR BCI 119, [36]):
- The tanks must be protected against corrosion due to stray currents;
- It is thus required to have all electrically conducting components meshed as thoroughly as
- Stray currents from rail and industrial installations must not cause any undesirable effects,
such as spark formation or potential differences;
- The type of protection of the electrical installations must be commensurate with the product
and local conditions and must be specified by the authorities and the operator. The highest
hazard class to be expected in the future must be used (see Chap. 1.5.2);
- Underground piping, which is not electrically insulated, must be protected against external
influences. Special attention must be paid to the effects of metal DC cables laid in the earth
and on foundations;
- Rules to judge the explosion hazard in facilities with hazardous areas as well as the zone
classification are contained in SUVA Bulletin 2153, [16];
- For proper EMC (electromagnetic compatibility) installations see TR BCI 119.
Devices and protective systems as well as auxiliary equipment used in hazardous areas must
conform to the ATEX Guideline [32] and the VGSEB [33].
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5.3.3 Lightning protection systems
The SEV 4022 [23] lightning protection provisions must be met (see also SN EN 62305-1 to 4
[27]). For outdoor installations storing flammable liquids, different measures are to be taken in
accordance with their flash point (under or above 55°C). All devices with electric cables leading
into the tank interior must be equipped with a lightning protection system. It is not required to
protect the other instruments (see SEV 3425 [23]).
Lightning protection system
- External lightning protection system (arrester line);
- Internal lightning protection system (potential equalisation), see sketch in Chap. 7.6.
For EMC and lightning protection/earthing see also TR BCI 119 [36]
5.3.4 Protection against electrostatic charging
For flammable liquids the hazard of electrostatic charge has to be considered (e.g. correct
earthing, use of conductive hoses, no insulating coating). Measures to be taken are included in TI
BCI 8 [36].
This is applicable to
- Flammable liquids with a flash point below 55°C;
- Liquids with a flash point above 55°C, if the flash point is not at least
5°C above the liquid temperature.
- Mixed liquids with a flash point above 55°C, if the flash point is not at least 15°C above the
liquid temperature.
5.3.5 Safety measures in case of an energy failure
In case of an energy failure (electric power, control air, nitrogen, vapour, water, etc.) the
measures are to be defined in accordance with the risk analysis and all transfer operations must
possibly be interrupted. I.e. valves assume the predetermined safety setting, transfer pumps are
automatically switched off. Restarting is to be governed by operating instructions.
5.3.6 General safety measures
Special product properties
For products, which can have a dangerous pressure or temperature increase because of a quick
reaction, e.g. polymerisation, special safety measures must be specified.
The operator shall inspect tank farms regularly to monitor their safe operation and to eliminate
any defects. This is in addition to the maintenance and inspection work according to Chap. 6.4
and 6.5.
Railings, stairways, platforms
Railings, platforms, stairways and ladders are to be constructed in accordance with Ordinance 4
concerning the Labour Act [18] and the EKAS and SUVA Guidelines and "Merkblätter".
The roads next to vehicles are to be kept free during the whole period of transfer so that the
unobstructed departure and access of emergency vehicles is possible at any time. The vehicles
have to be protected against rolling and collisions with other vehicles by constructional and/or
organisational measures.
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Tank farms are to be illuminated in such a way that operating, inspection and maintenance work
can be carried out. Escape routes must be visible at all times.
Protection against unauthorised persons
Tank farms must be protected against tampering by unauthorised persons or malicious damage
by appropriate technical or organisational precaution.
5.4 Fire and explosion protection
5.4.1 General comments
Appropriate organisational measures which prevent fire and/or explosion and reduce their effect
are to be taken against a fire in a tank farm as well as in the immediate perimeter of the same.
The early detection using suitable sensors should be a matter of particular concern. In case of
fire, the storage content must be protected against inadmissible heating and equipment required
to extinguish a fire which has spread in the basin must be available.
The tank farm is to be equipped, maintained, operated and monitored so that:
- The possibility of faulty manipulation and malfunction is low;
- The normal operation does not endanger people in or outside of the site;
- In case of any perceivable incident or accident, these measures shall not endanger persons and
shall reduce or avoid any negative impact on the environment.
Additional protective measures might be reasonable when certain factors are considered, e.g.
special tank contents, costs of a breakdown, molesting the neighbourhood and poisoning.
Decisions concerning the respective implementation shall be evaluated on basis of, e.g., ESCIS
Volume 4, [17] or protection indexes (DPI = Degree of Protection Index, for details see Chap.
Planned protection measures are to be established with the responsible internal departments and
authorities during the design phase.
Tank farms in closed rooms require special testing.
5.4.2 Definition, terms
- A stationary firefighting system is a system which coats the surface of a vessel to be cooled
with a sufficiently copious and evenly distributed film of water from a fixed piping system
using appropriate spray nozzles. The most common systems are:
· Sprinkler system; every individual nozzle is opened by the effects of heat. The pipeline is
normally filled with water as far as the nozzle. For areas endangered by frost, alternative
systems, such as frost protection fillings, pressure air systems etc. should be used;
· Deluge spray system; central activation manually or automatically. Empty piping between
the open nozzles and a shutoff valve in a frost-free location;
- A stationary, directable firefighting system is a system using fixed swivel-mounted branch
pipes or monitors to drench a vessel or section of a vessel to be cooled as uniformly as
possible. Triggered manually or automatically;
- A mobile firefighting system comprises the fire brigade, the water extinguishing equipment
and fire extinguishers. The latter are for combating small fires at source by the operational
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Facilities with foam addition: In mobile and stationary firefighting systems, appropriate foaming
agents are mixed into the firefighting water to provide increased extinguishing effects or to cover
leaking liquid to reduce the risk of fire or explosion.
Foam blanketing is achieved by mobile or stationary mixing of an appropriate foaming agent
with the firefighting water.
Special applications: For special cases, additional fire extinguishers are available, e.g. gas
extinguishing systems, water high-pressure systems, etc.
5.4.3 Alarms
Every tank farm must provide the possibility of quickly transmitting alarms to the plant fire
brigade or public fire brigade, at least by organisational / manual means (manual alarm button,
telephone). An early detection and / or automatic triggering of fire protection measures should be
the result of a hazard study or related consideration of the situation.
An alarm and control organisation is required.
Every activation of a firefighting system must automatically also alarm the responsible fire
brigade. When using automatic gas or fire alarm systems, their suitability for the typical
conditions of the specific case must be checked.
Depending on local conditions, it may be expedient or required to provide tank beds or separate
containment basins with gas detectors or leak sensors.
For high potential hazards with a possible impact on the neighbourhood a plan of the warning
and protecting procedure for the population is to be set out according to the Accident Ordinance
(Annex 3, paragraph f) [7] in Cupertino with the authorities and firefighting organisation.
Periodical exercises are to be carried out on this basis.
5.4.4 Outdoor fire protection measures
The design of a tank farm contains active and passive protection measures. Passive elements
include the type of construction, layout and tank design. Active protection measures comprise
both technical detection and control systems and organisational measures. The scope of these
safety measures is governed by the principles stated under "General comments".
In case of an incident at a tank farm the following aspects are to be considered on principle:
- In special cases it may be an advantage to let flammable liquids burn out;
- Efficient fighting of a tank fire and / or spread fire in a tank bed and containment basins;
- Protection of the stored liquid against impermissible heating;
- Cooling of valves and pipes, which are under liquid pressure (hydraulic pressure). Firefighting equipment
The following equipment must be available at tank farms for flammable liquids as well as the
pertaining transfer points and pump facilities for possible fires and leaks:
- Mobile fire extinguishers (preferably larger powder units) and hydrants for use against
incipient fires by the respectively trained tank farm staff;
- Means to gather leaked liquids.
In case of a fire at a tank farm with an open containment beds, the goals are as follows:
- Effective fighting of a spread fire in the containment bed;
- Protection of the tanks (including tank legs/supports and valves) and pipelines against
impermissible heating.
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This usually requires stationary systems. In special cases, mobile equipment may be sufficient.
The following variants are recommended:
1. Combined tank cooling and bed foam blanketing by a deluge spray system with the addition of
foaming agents.
2. Thermal insulation and bed foam blanketing.
3. Deluge spray system and bed foam blanketing (exception: No bed foam blanketing if an
inclination is available and the containment basin is of a sufficient size).
Advantages of foam blanketing: Apart from higher fire fighting efficiency, the evaporation rate
of the leaking liquid is reduced resulting in decreased explosion and fire risks.
The firefighting water supply must be safeguarded and designed in relation to quantity, pressure
and duration.
The activation of deluge spray systems and of foam blanketing systems with a fixed foam tank
should normally be automatic with the possibility of manual activation. In case of a fire, the
controls and valves for water and foaming agents must function and remain accessible.
All extinguishing systems using water or foam must be protected against frost.
Minimum requirements at a glance:
Construction type I : Containment bed and
Construction type II: Containment bed with a separate containment basin (see Chap. 3)
Fire protection
Installation/ type of
Tank cooling
Containment bed foam blanketing
Tank cooling
Containment bed foam blanketing
Tank cooling
Foam addition to tank cooling
Thermal insulation
Containment bed foam blanketing
Thermal insulation
Containment bed foam blanketing
Semistationary or mobile equipment for firefighting in tank farms may be sufficient if the
following conditions are met:
- Plant or public fire brigade constantly ready to adapt firefighting to the respective situation;
- Facility is designed according to TRCI. Tank cooling and bed foam blanketing
Tank cooling
Tank cooling must start latest 1½ min after the outbreak of a fire which normally requires
automatic triggering.
To keep the water consumption within limits, only the tanks in the bed compartment directly
affected by the fire should normally be cooled automatically by water spray, mostly less than 10
tanks. If tanks in adjacent compartments are also exposed to the heat of the fire, the
extinguishing system of the adjacent bed compartments can be activated manually, or the tanks
can be cooled by mobile equipment.
The spray water should be distributed as evenly as possible across the surface of the tank to be
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protected. This means that a water film with a thickness of at least 0.4mm must be formed.
Where this film is disturbed, e.g., by valves installed on the tank, additional cooling water must
be sprayed through suitably positioned spray nozzles. The spray nozzles for tank cooling are
usually of heat-resistant materials for improved temperature resistance. For the calculation of
required water quantities see the example in Chap. 7.8.
Bed foam blanketing
Bed foam blanketing should start as early as possible after the breakout of a fire or triggering of
the tank cooling system. It may be activated automatically or manually and mobile equipment
may also be used in favourable conditions.
- Fixed foam monitors with the supply of water and foaming agents by the fire brigade or from
the mains or a fixed foam agent tank;
- Semi-stationary foam blanketing system, with water and foaming agent being fed to the
system from a protected station outside of the tank containment bed;
- Fully stationary foam blanketing system with a fixed foam agent tank. For foam blanketing, a
water rate of 7.5 – 10 l/ (min*m2) bed area is required. This rate depends on the foam
compound used, which must be suitable for the stored products. A foam consumption by fire,
spray water, solvents up to approx. 50% has to be taken into account.
The required concentration of the foaming agent injected into a deluge spray system or used for
bed foam blanketing can vary between 1.5 to 6 vol % depending on the type of agent and the
nature of the liquids being stored. Whenever possible, alcohol-resistant foaming agents should be
used. It is recommended that an agreement be reached with neighbouring companies or the
competent public fire brigade on the selection of the foaming agent in relation to mutual
assistance. The environmental compatibility (biodegradability) is also to be taken into
consideration in the selection of the foaming agent.
In containment beds and a separately arranged containment basin of sufficient capacity, bed
foam blanketing is not required, if tank cooling is triggered automatically in case of a fire and if
the bed is such that the largest occurring quantity of water can flow to the containment basin
without any backflow at any time. It must be possible, to foam-blanket the containment basin at
least manually.
If a containment basin does not exist and if foaming agents are added to the deluge spray system
for tank cooling, separate bed foam blanketing can be omitted. However, the water requirement
must correspond to the quantity needed for bed foam blanketing (for the calculation of the
required quantities of water see Chap. 7.8).
The quantities of water and foaming agent required for tank cooling and bed foam blanketing do
not have to be available permanently. The quantities must be adequate to cover the needs of the
largest bed compartment. Sufficient water should be available for tank cooling to operate the
deluge spray system for 20 min at maximum capacity or, in case of a catastrophe, for up to 2
hours at 50% capacity, for bed foam blanketing at least 10 min. If a suitable foaming agent is
added in deluge spray systems (preferably AFFF foaming agent, in case of organic solvents
ATC), special bed foam blanketing is not required. The quantity of foaming agent available for
use should be adequate for an extinguishing/cooling operation of 15 min in the bed compartment
with the highest spray water rate. Thermal tank insulation
The thermal insulation of a tank prevents it from being heated rapidly when there is a fire on the
outside, and it is permissible as an alternative precaution instead of tank cooling (see Chap.
The insulation must be designed in such a way that no dangerous conditions arise inside of the
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tank for at least 30 minutes irrespective of its filling level (e.g. rates of evaporation exceeding the
discharge capacity of the vent system, or the start of a chemical reaction).
Thermal insulation can replace tank cooling but not bed foam blanketing.
In addition, it prevents large fluctuations of the temperature in the gas space above the stored
liquid (reduced breathing losses).
5.4.5 Protective measures in buildings
Subsequently, only tank farms are taken into consideration.
Tank farms in buildings are to be equipped with an automatic alarm system and, in case of
flammable liquids, with sufficiently effective fire extinguishing systems.
Tank rooms for flammable liquids must be of a fire-resistant construction (REI 90 (nbb)) and
conform to statutory regulations.
The rooms are to be sufficiently ventilated:
An average of 3 to 5 air changes per hour in terms of the net volume of the room is
recommended. In case of artificial ventilation, the arrangement of the extraction points must be
considered in relation to the relative density of the plumes/fumes.
Whenever a person enters the tank farm, the ventilation system must start its operation
automatically. In general, intermittent ventilation of at least 10 minutes per hour is sufficient. If
the ventilation is activated by a gas detection system, intermittent ventilation may be omitted
(SUVA Guideline No. 1825, [16] and VKF Guideline 28-03 [9]).
For products of Hazard Classes F1 and F2, ventilators are to be manufactured in compliance with
Ex-zone regulations.
Operationally required connecting doors to other rooms are to be designed with fire-retardant
properties, minimum EI 30. They must open towards the outside and it must be possible to open
them from inside at any time.
Tank farms containing products of Hazard Classes F1 to F4 are to be separated from other
5.4.6 Protective measures in electrical rooms
Fire protection measures: Adjacent electrical rooms and control rooms are to be designed as a
separate fire compartment (minimum REI 60 (nbb), doors EI 30). Further measures are to be
determined according to the situation.
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5.5 Earthquake safety
The hazard zones and the building class (for framework and tank supports) as well as the
installation class (for equipment, piping and safety equipment) for tank farms is to be determined
in relations to earthquakes.
The design has to be adapted to the building class and the influence on the installation must be
considered (see SIA 261 and SIA 261-1 [25]).
5.6 Personal protection
Special safety measures for caustic and toxic liquids are required at locations where persons are
endangered, e.g. by:
- Guard pipes or channels;
- Spray guards on flanges;
- Flanges with groove and tongue;
- Clamped gaskets;
- Personal protection equipment;
- Emergency and eye showers.
If transport vessels have to be ascended (e.g. for sampling purposes), safety measures against
falling are required (e.g. mobile stairs with a railing).
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6 Permit and operation
6.1 Compulsory permit and registration
Any storage facility with a usable volume above 450 litres require registration or a permit (see
KVU [34-01 and 34-01-1]).
Compulsory permit:
The construction and modification of facilities with potentially water-polluting liquids require a
Cantonal permit exclusively in particularly endangered areas (Au, Ao, Zu and Zo).
A permit is required for:
- Medium-sized tanks (more than 2m3) and large tanks to store liquids of Class A;
- Storage facilities for all potentially water-polluting liquids with a usable volume of more than
450 litres in ground water pollution control zones and sites;
- Transfer points for which the detection and/or retention is stipulated.
Compulsory registration:
Storage facilities which do not require a permit have to be registered if their total usable volume
exceeds 450 litres.
The required scope of documents to be submitted, e.g. risk analysis, brief reports according to
the Accident Ordinance [7] or report on environmental compatibility [6] shall be determined in
advance. It is recommended that large projects be discussed with the competent authorities
before the application for a building permit is submitted.
Applications for a building permit essentially consist of the building request, the plant and
sewerage request as well as an emission declaration. The forms of the Cantonal authorities are to
be used in this respect. The forms must contain the following details:
- Location (approved site plan);
- Water pollution control area according to the Water Protection Ordinance Art. 29, as well as
Annex 4, Item 121 [2];
- Type and scope of the facility (design and project plans);
- Type, class and quantity of the liquids contained in the tank farm (product description and
hazard class according to Chap. 1.5.1);
- Number, size and type of installation of the tanks (upright or horizontal outdoors, in buildings
or buried);
- Equipment of vessels;
- Installations required for water protection, including details concerning the containment
capacity of the protective structure;
- Sponsorship;
- Safety and emergency concept.
The competent authority can request supplementary information.
6.2 Obligations of the sponsorship or construction management
The sponsorship or construction management ensures prior to the start of building that the
building permit is available and is responsible for the adherence to conditions and provisions.
Registration with the appropriate insurance company is also to be ensured.
6.3 Operating permit
An acceptance of facilities requiring a permit is not stipulated any more. The Cantons may
include the obligation for an acceptance in the permits. In case of facilities requiring registration,
the authorities may conduct random checks (KVU [34-01]). Operational tanks do not require an
operating permit if this has not been stipulated by the Canton.
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If the Canton mandates a tank document for the realisation, the storage tank may only be filled if
this is permitted by the document (KVU [35-1.5]).
During acceptance, the following items are checked:
- Adherence to the conditions and provisions of the permit, as far as evident;
- Availability of the test protocols of the erector or manufacturer.
All equipment parts, including overfill protection and leak detection systems, have to be tested in
respect of functioning and impermeability prior to commissioning.
The result is to be stated in a test protocol.
Permits and test protocols are to be kept as long as the facility is in operation; however, at least
for ten years.
Revision and inspection reports are to be kept for minimum ten years.
The operator has to keep a register on storage facilities with potentially water-polluting liquids.
6.4 Operation and maintenance
Sufficient maintenance and correctly selected inspection intervals shall ensure the proper and
safe operation of all tank farms (inspection for deficiencies, engineering rules). The time
schedule and activity plans are oriented to the tank farm contents and tank farm equipment. For
specified recurring tests, the intervals according to the table "Test procedures for facility
components" (see Chap. 7.3 as well as KVU [34-03] and [34-04]) are to be considered as upper
For engineering rules, see KVU [34-05] and [35-5.1].
6.4.1 Operation
The following items are to be observed:
- Experts shall issue clear operating instructions which correspond to the requirements of
environmental protection, damage, accident, fire protection as well as industrial hygiene;
- The operator must be able to provide information concerning the type and quantity of stored
liquids as well as the type and scope of protective measures taken at any time. This
information must be available in writing and accessible to the bodies responsible for
emergency planning and handling;
- Before a tank may be filled, the available volume must be checked. The filling operation must
be monitored and interrupted at the highest permissible liquid level;
The usable volume of the tank is permitted as the highest level.
If the overfill protection system indicates a failure, the filling operation may not be started.
- After each discharging operation, the bottom outlet discharge valve must be closed;
- The facility must be checked for leakage losses by regular patrols. It is recommended to use
check lists on these patrols and to document the checks;
- Rainwater drainage from the tank beds or containment basins must not occur automatically
but must be effected on basis of the results of analyses. The drainage procedure is to be
defined in writing and documented;
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- All of the operational activities at the tank farm may only be carried out by trained staff. The
knowledge of and compliance with the operating instructions are to be periodically checked
and documented;
- Ensure that storage tanks, structures and other installations are designated with the required
6.4.2 Maintenance
The facilities must be appropriately maintained:
- All of the installations relevant to safety are to be included in a maintenance schedule;
- Type, scope and interval are to be defined and documented.
6.4.3 Functional tests
Periodic functional tests: Periodic functional tests are conducted for overfill protection and leak
detection systems and extinguishing equipment. The result is stated in a test report. The
information of the manufacturer and the operational experience is to be taken into consideration
in the functional tests.
Overfill protection systems
- The verification of correct function of the complete overfill protection system must be
possible both before and at any time during the filling operation by a check button; the shutoff
valve must close completely;
- The functional test of the overfill protection system is to be carried out at least every 2 years.
In facilities with dangerous liquids or media which can cause deposits, the check intervals
have to be shorter.
Leak detection system for vessels and piping
- The functional check comprises pressure measurement in different operation statuses;
- The functional check for double-walled vessels and piping is to be carried out at least every
2 years. In facilities with dangerous media, tests must be conducted at shorter intervals.
Single-walled vessels and piping must be tested once a year;
- The negative pressure between the two bottoms of a vertical tank without an alarm system is
to be checked at least once a month.
Leak detection systems with liquid sensors:
- The functional check comprises testing of the functional capability of the sensor using the
liquid of the monitored part of equipment;
- The functional check is to be carried out at least every 2 years; the sensor is cleaned at the
same time. In facilities with dangerous liquids or media which can cause deposits, the check
intervals have to be shorter.
Leak detection systems with gas detectors:
- The functional check comprises testing of the functional capability of the sensor using a
respective test gas;
- The functional check is to be carried out at least every 2 years; the sensor is cleaned at the
same time.
For gas detectors systems installed in facilities with hazardous liquids or if the sensors tend to
contaminate and/or are inclined to drift, shorter test intervals are required.
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Firefighting equipment
Sprinkler systems:
These have to correspond to the engineering rules and must be of a kind as well as dimensioned,
designed, realised and maintained in such a way that they are effective and operative at any time.
Sprinkler systems are to be periodically tested. The test interval depends on the type, size and
utilisation of the buildings, facilities or fire compartments protected by the system (see VKF 1903 [9] and EN 12845 [27]).
Deluge spray systems:
The requirements of stationary deluge spray systems correspond to those for sprinkler systems
(see above). A functional test is to be performed at least every 2 years.
6.5 Inspection work
The owners of storage facilities requiring a permit are obliged to have a qualified person check
the functional capability and impermeability of the facilities at least every ten years. The
qualified persons must guarantee that the engineering rules are observed.
Apart from the obligation to inspect storage facilities requiring a permit (see KVU [34, 34-3, 344 and 35-1.5]) also other storage facilities have to be regularly checked for deficiencies, in
particular leaks, which are to be rectified.
To ensure that statutory requirements are met, the Canton can request execution reports for this
6.5.1 Qualification of the qualified person
See KVU Guideline [34-01], [34-04] and [35-1.5] Chap. 4.
6.5.2 Extent of the inspection work
The inspection work comprises:
- Visual check to ensure the impermeability of protective structures. If required, a water test has
to be carried out (Chap. 7.4 and 7.5.);
- Visual check from inside to ensure the impermeability of storage tanks;
- Visual check to ensure the impermeability of piping. If the pipes cannot be checked visually,
they are to be subjected to a leakage test;
- Pressure compensation systems and sensors of verfill protection systems require a functional
- A functional test and a test for operational availability are to be carried out after the inspection
of the facility;
- Residues from the inspection work are to be disposed of in a proper manner;
- Further reasonable tests in relation to the stored chemical goods and other safety aspects.
6.6 Existing facilities and facility parts
Transitional provisions according to KVU [34-06]:
Facilities and facility parts, which were properly constructed before the Water Protection
Provisions dated 18 Oct. 2006 came into effect may continue to be operated as long as they are
fully functional and do not endanger water in a concrete manner.
Buried single-walled tanks doubtlessly carry a substantial risk for water. Therefore, they had to
be examined every 10 years so far and their leak detection systems had to be checked once a
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According to the transitional provisions of the Water Protection Ordinance, these tanks are either
to be retrofitted according to the engineering rules with double walls or decommissioned by 31
December 2014.
To state it more precisely: Storage facilities authorised since 1 July 1972 and commissioned
(accepted) prior to 1 January 1999 as well as adapted old facilities (old facilities refers to those
facilities which were authorised or constructed prior to 1 July 1972) not corresponding to the
new law do not have to be raised to comply with the engineering rules. However, storage
facilities with buried single-walled vessels may only be operated until 31 December 2014.
6.7 Decommissioning
Tank farms or farm parts which are supposed to be decommissioned must be rendered in safe
conditions and completely drained and cleaned so that unintended or unauthorised
recommissioning is excluded.
If fire extinguishing systems are decommissioned, the respectively responsible fire brigade has to
be informed in addition.
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7 Annex
7.1 Minimum dimension of sealed pavings at transfer sites
For road tankers and rail tankers.
Note: The x or y value results from the wall or vessel height
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Note: The x or y value results from the wall or vessel height
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7.2 Air pollution control (limit values)
Permissible emissions: If the stated average mass flow rate of a facility is exceeded for a
longer period than one hour, the concentration of emissions must not exceed the values
listed in the subsequent tables.
Concentration of emissions
LRV Class 1
LRV Class 2
Mass flow rate
Concentration of
Mass flow rate
of emissions
Inorganic substances
in form of gas or vapour
or more
or more
Organ. substances in gas or
vapour phases or
as particles
or more
or more
Carcinogenic substances
or more
or more
LRV Class 3
Mass flow rate
LRV Class 4
of emissions
Mass flow rate
Inorganic substances
in form of gas or vapour
or more
Organ. substances in gas or
vapour phases or
as particles
or more
Carcinogenic substances
or more
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or more
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7.3 Test procedures for facility parts
(in relation to water protection, see KVU [34] and [35])
Prior to
Upon fabrication
Cert. for
10 y.
10 y.
10 y.
10 y.
10 y.
10 y.
10 y.
- In the storage facility
- Outside of the storage facility
10 y.
Transfer sites
Protective structures
- Of metal
- Of plastics (containment beds)
- Plastic seals
- Of mineral materials
10 y.
10 y.
10 y.
10 y.
1 y.
2 y.
2 y.
3 y.
2 y.
System description
Storage tanks of metal
- Small tanks
- Medium-sized tanks with dished
heads or vertical tanks with flat
- Large tanks (vertical tanks with flat
- Explosion-resistant according to BN
76 & 98
Storage tank/ lining of plastics
- Small tanks
- Medium-sized tanks with dished
heads or flat bottoms
- Support linings / internal double
walls for storage tanks
- Leak detection devices
‚ Single-walled
‚ Double-walled with alarm system
‚ Double-walled without alarm
‚ Liquid sensor
- Autom. level instruments
- Overfill protection (control device /
Test protocol Interval
functional test)
WKP = repeated inspection by qualified persons (KVU [34-01,34-04])
Testing by an accredited test centre (KVU [35-1.6])
Testing by the "Notified Body“
Date to be determined by the operator
Functional check at the facility
Monthly leak check of the double bottom (control measurement at the vacuum gauge of the site)
Testing by manufacturer/erector
Visual inspection
Piping subject to the DGV [29] are to be fabricated and tested according to TRIR rules.
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7.4 Leakage testing of protective structures
Protective structures are to be periodically tested for impermeability after the completion of
concrete work. For periodic testing see Chap. 7.3.
The water level is supposed to correspond to the specified volumetric capacity. In exceptional
cases (e.g. pumps which are located at a low level in the bed, etc.) a floor test with water
covering at least 20cm of the floor may be sufficient.
Measuring method
Comparative vessel: At least 2 fixed mounted vessels of a size of 1.0 x 1.0 x 0.5m are placed at a
suitable site at a respective level (sun and wind are taken into consideration).
Measuring rods with 1mm divisions or comparable measuring devices are placed at the internal
and external wall of the vessels to determine the evaporation or rainfall in the comparative vessel
or the decreased level in the tank bed.
Test report
A test report according to Chap. 7.5 is recommended.
Preliminary and test duration
Preliminary duration: 5 days starting with the flooding with water and one reading of the water
level in the tank bed daily. Shorter preliminary duration (min. 24 h) only
if concrete saturation and temperature compensation have been
Test duration: - 5 days with two readings of all measuring devices daily.
- 24 h if the measurement is continually recorded.
Assessment of impermeability
Tank beds are considered impermeable if a liquid loss does not occur (decrease in level 0 mm) taking the calculated environmental effects and a measurement tolerance of +/- 1mm into
Alternative checks for impermeability
See KVU Guideline [35-1.4]
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7.5 Test report
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7.6 Precautions against the hazardous effects of electric current
1 Electr. isolation of a vertical tank. Volume resistivity at least 100 Ohm (corrosion protection);
2 Telephone (Ex protection);
3 Earth bus bar ≥ 50mm2, dimension according to NIN [23];
4 Electrical installation earthing conductor, dimension according to NIN [23];
5 Earth connector, dimension according to NIN [23];
6 Earth lead min. 16mm2 Cu (potential equalisation conductor), petrol and chemical tanks min.
3 earth connections and tank diameter > 20m min. 4 earth connections;
7 Potential equalisation conductors min. 50mm2, insulated, yellow-green, link piping and rail at
min. 2 points (only with the permission of the responsible railway management );
8 Flexible earth connection between the installation and the mobile vessel, to be attached before
the filling or discharge hose is connected;
9 External lightening protection system (see SEV 4022 and SEV 3425 [23]).
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7.7 Protection indices (to determine min. fire protection measures)
The Degree of Protection Index (DPI) measures, on the one hand, the danger to people,
environment and property. On the other hand, it also evaluates the business risks like business
interruption, sales and loss of market shares.
The relationship "hazard potential/loss of business" can be represented in form of a matrix.
The DPI protection index assists the responsible line function in taking the right safety measures.
The solutions are to provide what is really needed and should not present possible techniques
beyond this ("nice to have"). The relationship between minimum requirements and DPI is
described in the table below.
The determination of the protection index (DPI) of a facility, production plant or infrastructure
building always starts with the realistic worst case scenario.
The risk analysis, the accompanying project risk assessment and the evaluation of the insurance
company (maximum and probable loss estimate) provide the required information. All possible
but realistic consequences of damage including any production downtime or business loss are
based on these documents.
Business loss
Production downtime
> 3 months &. > 3 months a. loss of sales
sales loss
& market shares
No measurable damage
Personal injury and/or
loss of property
Damage as above and /or molesting
of the neighbourhood
Threat to the neighbourhood
(people and public institutions)
and/or serious contamination of
soil, water and air. Potential
withdrawal of the operating permit
Application for tank farms
Minimum safety measures
Alarm buttons (only if personnel is always present, otherwise automated system)
Partly stationary installations, monitors
15 - 30 min lead time for external fire brigade
Automated system
Partly stationary installations, monitors
< 10 min lead time for plant fire brigade (if this is not possible, a deluge spray system
which can be triggered automatically or manually is required)
Automated system
Autom. triggered deluge spray system or insulation according to BN 111 [36]
< 10 min lead time for the plant fire brigade
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7.8 Calculation of the required quantity of cooling water
General comments, definitions, basic data
The calculation of the required quantity of cooling water (per time unit and unit of tank surface)
is based on the following assumptions:
A tank engulfed by flames absorbs approximately 60kW/m2 through its uninsulated tank surface
and wetted by its contents.
The content of the tank engulfed by flames must not reach a critical condition during the time
required for extinguishing the fire. Therefore, the "critical heating time" (Tcr) is defined as the
time required to heat the content of the vessel to the "critical temperature" (Tkr = temperature
at vapour pressure = design pressure). After this critical time and further heating the design
pressure of the vessel is exceeded and it could burst. The "critical heating time" is a function of
the physical properties of the liquid stored (spec. gravity, spec. heat, Tkr), the heat flow, the
volume and the surface of the vessel. The characteristics of the liquid are expressed by the code
KZ [MJ/m3] (see below). This variable indicates the energy required to heat one cubic metre of
the liquid to the "critical temperature".
Tank cooling extends the “critical heating time”. The cooling performance should prevent that
the "critical heating time" falls below 90 - 120 minutes. This time span, which already includes a
certain safety margin, permits the fire brigade, even in a worst case scenario, to check the fire by
mobile means.
Critical heating time Tcr without/with cooling
T [°C]
Tcr = 60
Tcr = 90
Tcr = 120
= temperature progression without cooling
d, e = temperature progression with cooling
Quantity of cooling water d < Quantity of cooling water e
Tkr = critical temperature
t [min]
Thickness of the water film
Effective cooling is only achieved if the quantity of cooling water sprayed per unit of surface
and per unit of time is sufficient to form a water film on the entire tank surface. This water film
should be of a thickness of at least 0.2mm. At lower values, the film may shear off and reduce
the cooling effect in certain places. To provide a safety margin also in this respect, a film
thickness of 0.4 mm is demanded.
The following model calculation yields data on the film thickness.
Cooling of metal structures
The quantity of water sprayed on metal structures (tank supports, brackets) must never range
below 4 l/(min*m2). This corresponds to the NFPA standard [14] which states that cooling is
not safeguarded below this level and the load-bearing capacity of such structures is drastically
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Model for calculation
The calculation of the quantity of cooling water and the film thickness for different tank sizes
and tank contents with different critical heating times (Tcr) requires the following variables:
- Vessel surface [m2]
- Code KZ [MJ/m3] = ρ * cp (Tkr - Tinit)
ρ = density [kg/m3]
cp = spec. heat [MJ/(kg*°C)]
Tkr = critical temperature [°C]
Tinit = temperature prior to fire [°C]
Diameter and height of the vessel [m]
selected “critical heating time” [min], between 90 and 120 min
absorbed heat [kW/m2]
Intensity of radiation
Design data for the installation of a deluge spray system for vessels
Standards for tank cooling:
Cooling water quantities and design data for deluge spray systems were calculated for all vertical
tanks of the standard sizes between 25 and 250 m3 (according to BN 110).
CIMO, Monthey, which carried out a major part of this study can offer the support required for
professionally correct planning, also in the design of non-standard tanks.
The design data are based on the following conditions:
Vertical tanks: A single spray ring on the upper edge of the tank is sufficient if the thickness of
the water film amounts to ≥ 0.4mm and the same is not hindered by obstacles on the tank. In
order to achieve sufficient protection with the calculated quantity of cooling water requires an
even distribution of the cooling water. It is primarily determined by the arrangement as well as
sufficient numbers and the appropriate type of the nozzle. The correct selection of the admission
pressure at each nozzle and sizing of the control system are just as important.
The tank bottoms and the tank legs must be sprayed directly by the nozzles if they are not
protected by other measures.
The results calculated for the most varied tank sizes, different KZ codes and Tcr are included in
the following nomograms.
The model calculation of a 25m3 tank (corresp. BN 110) may serve as an example.
Tank Farm Guidelines for the Chemical Industry
Tcr = 120 min., KZ = 150 MJ/m3
q = 8 l/(min * m2), film thickness dw = 0.65mm
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Fire protection - vessel cooling
Minimum cooling water quantity dependent on volume-related
energy [KZ] and the critical heating time [Tcr].
Radiation intensity 63 kW/m2
Vessel type
25 m3
2.4 m
6.4 m
48.3 m2
Tcr = 60 min
Tcr = 90 min
Tcr = 120 min
Tcr = 180 min
Tcr = 240 min
Dicke des Wasserfilms [mm]
KZ [MJ/m3]
Kühlwasser q [l/(min*m2)]
Dicke des Wasserfilms
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Cooling water
Thickness of the water film
Film thickness
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Fire protection - vessel cooling
Minimum cooling water quantity dependent on volume-related
energy [KZ] and the critical heating time [Tcr].
Radiation intensity 63 kW/m2
Vessel type
40 m3
2.4 m
10 m
75.4 m2
Tcr = 60 min
Tcr = 90 min
Tcr = 120 min
Tcr = 180 min
Tcr = 240 min
Dicke des Wasserfilms [mm]
KZ [MJ/m3]
Kühlwasser q [l/(min*m2)]
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Fire protection - vessel cooling
Minimum cooling water quantity dependent on volume-related
energy [KZ] and the critical heating time [Tcr].
Radiation intensity 63 kW/m2
Vessel type
63 m3
3.0 m
10 m
94.2 m2
Tcr = 60 min
Tcr = 90 min
Tcr = 120 min
Tcr = 180 min
Tcr = 240 min
Dicke des Wasserfilms [mm]
KZ [MJ/m3]
Kühlwasser q [l/(min*m2)]
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Fire protection - vessel cooling
Minimum cooling water quantity dependent on volume-related
energy [KZ] and the critical heating time [Tcr].
Radiation intensity 63 kW/m2
Vessel type
100 m3
4.0 m
10.0 m
125.7 m2
Tcr = 60 min
Tcr = 90 min
Tcr = 120 min
Tcr = 180 min
Tcr = 240 min
Dicke des Wasserfilms [mm]
KZ [MJ/m3]
Kühlwasser q [l/(min*m2)]
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Fire protection - vessel cooling
Minimum cooling water quantity dependent on volume-related
energy [KZ] and the critical heating time [Tcr].
Radiation intensity 63 kW/m2
Vessel type
160 m3
4.0 m
14.4 m
180.3 m2
Tcr = 60 min
Tcr = 90 min
Tcr = 120 min
Tcr = 180 min
Tcr = 240 min
Kühlwasser q [l/(min*m2)]
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Dicke des Wasserfilms [mm]
KZ [MJ/m3]
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Fire protection - vessel cooling
Minimum cooling water quantity dependent on volume-related
energy [KZ] and the critical heating time [Tcr].
Radiation intensity 63 kW/m2
Vessel type
250 m3
5.0 m
14.4 m
245.8 m2
Tcr = 60 min
Tcr = 90 min
Tcr = 120 min
Tcr = 180 min
Tcr = 240 min
Dicke des Wasserfilms [mm]
KZ [MJ/m3]
Kühlwasser q [l/(min*m2)]
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7.9 Tank farm design terms
Facility: ____________________________________________________________________
Product: ____________________________________________________________________
Product data
Chemical composition
Toxicity class
GMP (cleanliness instructions)
Melting point
Vapour pressure
Flash point
Ignition temperature
Tendency to decompose
Tendency to polymerise
Tendency to separate
Tendency to foaming
Sensitive to cold conditions
Sensitive to water
Water pollution control
Protected area/zone
Water pollution class
Leakage precautions
Alarm system
Overfill protection
Bed (containment volume)
Discharge surface (spray parabola)
Firefighting water containment basins
Fire protection
Hazard class
Explosion protection equipment
Inert gas blanketing
Flame arrester
Sprinkler system
Foam extinguishing system
Alarm system
Fire-safe valves and fittings
Thermal insulation
Fire-retardant painting
Fire protection compartments
Static electricity
Protective spacing
Hazardous zone classification
Air pollution control
LRV class, limit values
Pressure/vacuum valve
Gas balance line
Filling/storage temperature
Thermal insulation
Exhaust air treatment
Vessel data
Vessel size
Site, locality
Vessel arrangement (vertical/horizontal)
Vessel type (dished/flat heads)
Construction: - explosion-resistant
- not explosion-resistant
Design pressure (BN76/BN98)
Vacuum (permissible)
Heating system
Acceptance obligation (SVTI)
Vessel connections
Filling/discharge nozzle
Breathing nozzle
Sampling nozzle
Nozzle for instrumentation
Cleaning methods
Complete drainage
Filling/discharging speed
Miscellaneous information
External painting
Meteorology; max. snow and wind load
Earthquake zone (SIA 162)
- Structure class
- Installation class
Perimeter - building
- Streets, yards
- Neighbouring factories
- Transfer sites
- Railway facilities
- High-voltage facilities
Anchorage against floating
The terms or key words stated above serve as a design aid and are not
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7.10 Basic documents (laws, regulations, provisions, guidelines)
Federal law for the protection of watercourses from pollution (Swiss Water Protection Act,
GSchG) of 24 Jan. 1991 (as amended on 01 Aug. 2008), SR 814.20;
General water protection ordinance (Swiss Water Protection Ordinance [GSchV]) dated 28
Oct.1998 (as amended 01 July 2008), SR 814.201;
Federal law for the protection of the environment (Swiss Environmental Protection Act
[USG]) dated 07 Oct. 1983, SR 814.01;
List of the classified water-polluting liquids (BUWAL) (as amended 01 Jan. 1999);
Clean air ordinance (LRV) dated 16 Dec. 1985;
Ordinance on environmental impact assessments (UVPV) dated 19 Oct. 1988;
Ordinance on the protection against accidents (Accident Ordinance, StFV), 27 Feb. 1991,
SR 814.012;
CARBURA Guidelines, Part I Water Protection (2008);
Association of Cantonal Fire Insurance Companies (VKF)
Guideline for fire police provisions, substances and goods representing a fire and
explosion hazard (Issue 1984);
Firefighting guideline, escape and emergency routes, 16-03;
Firefighting guideline, sprinkler systems, 19-03;
Firefighting guideline, flammable liquids, 28-03;
Allocation table: Classification VKF => Classification EN
[14] NFPA 15, Standard for Water Spray fixed Systems for Fire Protection, edition 1996
(Norms of the National Fire Protection Association);
[15] TRbF 20, Technical rules for flammable liquids, tank farms, Chap.9 equipment of tanks
[16] SUVA Guidelines:
Form 1416: Guidelines for work in the interior of vessels and tight spaces;
Form 1469: Safety characteristics of liquids and gases;
Form 1825: Guideline for flammable liquids, storage and transfer;
Form 1903: Limits at the place of work;
Form 1941: Guideline liquid gas, Part 1 vessel, storage, transfer and filling;
Form 2153: Explosion protection: Principles, minimum provisions, zones;
[17] Publications of expert commissions concerning the safety in the chemical industry of
Switzerland (ESCIS):
ESCIS, Volume 2, 1997, "Static electricity - rules for operational safety" (4th edition);
ESCIS, Volume 3, 1992, "Inert gas blanketing - methods and means to avoid ignitable
substance/air mixtures" (2nd reviewed edition);
ESCIS, Volume 4, 1996, "Introduction to the risk analysis" (3rd reviewed edition);
ESCIS, GL 1, "Guideline for fire protection and firefighting in outdoor tank farms
inside of factory premises of the chemical industry", 1990;
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ESCIS, Bulletin 4, Hoses and hose connections;
[18] Ordinance 4 dated 18.08.1993 concerning the labour law, as amended 1 June 2009
[19] CSME, engineering rules for special Overfill protection systems;
[20] ISO 28300, crude oil, petrochemical and natural gas industry – ventilation of storage tanks
with atmospheric pressure and low pressure;
[21] SBB Provision No. EB-IB 01/04 dated 01.01.2004 (tank farms in the area of railway
[23] Swiss Federal High-Voltage Inspectorate (ESTI)
Directive 503.0703 for protective measures against the hazardous effects of electric
current in tank farms with or without a rail connection (WeT) of July 2003;
Ordinance concerning the construction, operation and the maintenance of electric power
systems (High-Voltage Ordinance) dated 07 July 1933 (as amended on 01 April 1985);
Earthing as a protective measure in high-voltage electrical systems SEV 3755, 1999;
SEV Recommendations: Earthing methods with or without the use of water mains. SEV
4118, 1987;
SEV Recommendations: Lightning protection systems SEV 4022, 1987;
SEV Rules: Additional lightning protection measures for electrical cables inserted into
vessels located above ground and containing a medium with a flash point below 55°C
SEV 3425, 1982;
Low-Voltage Installation Standard (NIN)
SEV 1000:2010
[24] SVTI regulations
· T2 Engineering rules concerning the design calculation, dimensioning, realisation and
testing of medium-sized prismatic tanks of steel;
· T5 Engineering rules concerning the calculation, realisation and testing of vertical
cylindrical tanks of steel with flat bottoms;
[25] Swiss Engineer and Architect Association
SIA 261
Effects on supporting framework;
SIA 261-1 Effects on supporting framework – supplementary definitions;
SIA 262
Concrete construction;
SIA 262-1 Concrete construction – supplementary definitions;
[26] VDI Guidelines
VDI 3479 Emission abatement - mineral oil tank farms outside of refineries;
VDI 2263 Sheet 2: Inert gas blanketing,
VDI 2263 Sheet 3: Explosion-resistant vessels and equipment,
[27] European Standard
EN 206-1
Concrete Part 1: Definition, properties, production and conformity;
EN 60079-0 Electrical equipment for potentially explosive atmospheres;
EN 62305-1 to 4 Lightning protection Parts 1 to 4;
EN 12285-1 Factory-manufactured tanks of steel - Part 1:
Horizontal cylindrical single and double-walled tanks for the
underground storage of flammable and non-flammable potentially waterpolluting liquids;
Tank Farm Guidelines for the Chemical Industry
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EN 12285-2
EN 12845
EN 12874
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Factory-manufactured tanks of steel - Part 2:
Horizontal cylindrical single and double-walled tanks for the storage of
flammable and non-flammable potentially water-polluting liquids above
Stationary firefighting systems – automatic sprinkler systems – planning,
installation and maintenance;
Flame arresters - performance requirements, test procedure and
operational limits;
[28] German standard
DIN 2823 Hoses of elastomeres or thermoplastics for flammable and non-flammable
potentially water-polluting substances;
DIN 2827 Hoses of stainless steel for chemical substances;
DIN 4754 Heat exchangers with organic heat-transfer media;
[29] Ordinance concerning the safety of pressure equipment (Pressure Equipment Ordinance,
DGV) dated 20 Nov. 2002 (as amended on 14 Jan. 2003), SR 819.121, or PED 97/23/EG,
Pressure Equipment Directive from which TRIR developed the: "Technical Rules for
Industrial Piping";
[30] Swiss Reinsurance Company, "Contact" December 1986 (safety clearance based on
thermal radiation);
[31] BG Chemical Bulletin T002 9/95, Hoses, safe usage;
[32] ATEX Product guideline 94/9/EC ("ATEX 95") Directive of the European Parliament and
the Council of 23 March 1994 on the approximation of the laws of the member states
concerning equipment and protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive
[33] Regulations of the Confederation
SR 734.0 (EleG) dated 24 June 1902 Electricity Act
SR 734.1 Low-voltage ordinance dated 30 March 1994 (as amended on 1 Jan. 2008)
SR 734.2 High-voltage ordinance dated 30 March 1994 (as amended 20 Jan. 1998)
SR 734.6 (VGSEB) Ordinance concerning equipment and protective systems to be used
in hazardous areas dated 02 March 1998 (as amended on 01 Jan. 2008);
[34-] KVU, Enforcement Ordinance 1 (excerpt 2008), Enforcement Sheet
01 Obligation of reporting and approval
01-1 Overview table for Enforcement Sheet 01 (Please note: The document will probably
be changed since a general building ban is applicable to the Ground Water Pollution
Control Zone S2)
02 Register of the enforcing authority
03 Monitoring of the obligation to inspect storage facilities
04 Monitoring of the inspection work / training
05 Engineering rules
06 Transitional arrangements
[35-] KVU, Enforcement Ordinance 2 (Excerpt, 23 Dec. 2008), Guidelines:
1.1 Water pollution control measures in storage facilities and when filling storage tanks
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Piping for storage facilities
Equipment for storage facilities
Protective concrete structures of storage facilities and transfer sites
Inspection work on storage facilities
Testing of facility parts and documentation of test results
Glossary for tank farms
Engineering rules
[36] BCI Standards
BN 55
BN 56
BN 58
BN 76
BN 98
BN 110
BN 111
TR BCI 119
TR BCI 151
Thermal insulation, piping
Thermal insulation, for piping and equipment outdoors
Thermal insulation, equipment
Storage tanks: Calculation of wall thickness
Explosion-resistant vessels a. equipment for flammable liquids a. dusts
Storage tanks SS, explosion-resistant
Thermal insulation with fire protection for storage tanks
Earthing concept / electrostatics
Earthing – EMC guideline for the area of chemical facilitates
BCI guideline for the implementation of the Pressure Equipment Directive
97/23/EC (PED) or Pressure Equipment Ordinance (DGV)
TR BCI 155 Implementation of the ATEX operational guideline 1999/92/EC ("ATEX
137") in the Basle chemical and pharmaceutical industry (BCI)
7.11 Abbreviations
Abbreviations for authorities, regulations, specialist agencies, etc.
Basle Chemical Industry
Basle Standards
Swiss Federal Office for the Environment (formerly BUWAL)
Swiss Federal Office of Environment, Forests and Landscape (today BAFU)
CARBURA, Guidelines for Tank Farms
Centre Suisse d'Electronique et de Microtechnique SA
Pressure Equipment Ordinance
German Industrial Standards
European Standard
Commission of Experts on Safety in the Swiss Chemical Industry
Swiss Federal High-Voltage Inspectorate
Swiss Water Protection Act
Swiss Water Protection Ordinance
International Organisation for Standardisation
Conference of the Heads of Environmental Protection Offices in Switzerland
Swiss Industrial Plastics Association (formerly VKI)
Clean-Air Ordinance
National Fire Protection Association
Pressure Equipment Directive
Swiss Electricians Association
Standard of the Swiss Engineers and Architects Association
Swiss Institute for the Promotion of Safety (Swissi)
Ordinance for the Protection against Accidents (Accident Ordinance)
Swiss Law
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Swiss National Accident Insurance
Swiss Association for Technical Inspections
Technical Information BCI
Technical Rules BCI
Technical Rules for Industrial Piping
Technical Rules for Flammable Liquids
Tank Farm Guidelines for the Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industry
Association of German Engineers
Association of Cantonal Fire Insurance Companies
Technical abbreviations
Tank diameter, pipe diameter
Length, pipe length
Danger for the neighbourhood
Nominal pressure
Total heat reflection factor
Permitted operating pressure (according to DGV / PED)
Fire protection
Degree of protection index
EI 90 (nbb) Component fire resistance for 90 minutes
R Corresp.: Supporting structural components
(see also VKF, Expert Commission Construction Engineering, Assignment
Table: Classification VKF => Classification EN)
Water pollution control
Water pollution control area above ground level (see GSchV Art. 29)
Water pollution control area below ground level (see GSchV Art. 29)
Influx area above ground level (see GSchV Art. 29)
Influx area below ground level (see GSchV Art. 29)
Material abbreviation
Stainless steel
Tank Farm Guidelines for the Chemical Industry
Edition 2009