Legend MODEL 937AN MODEL 937AP FOR USE WITH NATURAL GAS FOR USE WITH PROPANE GAS FIRED VENTED ROOM HEATERS )r WARNING: If the information in this manual is not followed esactly, a fire or explosioil result causing property damage, personal injury or loss of life - Do not stme ox use gasoline or other flammable vapors and liquids in the vicinity of this or any other appliance. - WHAT TO DO 11;YOU SMELL GAS Open windows Eixthguish any open flame D o not try to light any appliance. Do not touch any electrical switch; do not use any phbne in your building. Immediately call your gas supplier from a neighbor's phone. Follow the gas s~rpplier's - instructions. If yo11 cannot reach your gas supplier, call the fire department. - Installation and service must be periorn~edby a qualified installer, service agenq or the gas supplier. This appliance is a7 domestic room l~eating appliance. It must not he used for any other purpose such as drying clothes etc. L Vous pounez vous procurer un cxemplaire en langue Frallgaise de cette btochure chrz wtre conccssionail-e OPTIONS ....................................................................................................................................................................................................,................. GENEKLU, DATA ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... LOCATION IN THE P.OOL,l....................................................................................................................................................................................... SUPPLYGAS .................... ......................................................................................................................................................................................... PACK CONTENTS .................................................................................................................................................................................................. APPLL4NC:E PREPARATION ....................................................................................................................................................................................... (;AS SIJPPT..VTNSTAI..J.;\TTON ............................................................................................................. :......................................................................... BASE & M A I N APPLIANCE INS'TALL-ITION........................................................................................................................................................ kT.E.N'I'CONNECffON ........................................................................................s........................................-.............................................................. GAS LfNE CONNECTION ............................................................................................................................................................................................. SYSTEM CHECK ....................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ......... CERAIMIC FCIEL BED ASS,&VBLY........................................................................................................................................................................... CONTROLS OPERATION CKECK ......................... . . ............................................................................................................................................. AEPA-I'ION AL?fUSTMEhT.........-.......... ................................................................................................................................................................. FACW INSTALLATION...... . ....................................................................................................................................................................................... VENTING CHECK, ................................................................................................................................ ................................................................. Fii\JAI. Ch-ECfi..-............ . . . .................................................................................................................................................................................. .. .. ................ OPERATING TFIE f,lEATEH .......................... . . . . ...,,, ............................. LIGHTI~GWITH A LONG IMATCH............. ,...............,............................................................................................................. CLEANING ......................................................................................... ..............................................-................-...................................................... . . . ............ ................... .. Due to high temperahres, the appliance should be located out of traffk and away from furniture and draperies. If any changes arc made to the rooxn constructinr~ Children and adults should be alerted to the hazards of high surf'ace temperatures and should stay away to manual. avoid bums or clothing iflition. Never attempt to burn paper or any other material :: the appliance. - Young children should be carefully supervised when thcy are in the same room as the appliance. Clothing or other flammable material should not be placed on or near the appi'lance. The glass and front fratne must be put back in pIace prior to operatitlg the appliance if they have been removed for servicing or cleaning, Never operate with broken or damaged windo\v glass. This appIiance should be installed and repaired by a qualified service person. F The appliance shodd be inspected before use and at least annually by a professional senice person. More frequent cleaning may be required due to excessive lint fiom carpeting, bedding materid, etc. It is imperative that control compartments, burners and circulating air passageways of the appliance are kept clean- Keep curtains, clothin&, furniture and other flammable materials at least 3Gins (90cm) fiorn all parts ofthe appliance i t the vicinity of the appliance after instaIIation ( P : additional mantle etc.) make sure t h a t the chan!:~ conform to the installation requirements in d?i Keep the base of the appliance clear to prex-CT; obstruction of air flow to the appliance. If fitted. 1;L;t:' a pedestal base, make sure that the grill a t back is nc. obstructed. If fitted with legs, make sure there i s obstruction between the legs. T ~ . This appliance must be properly connected to venting system. It is equipped w i t h a vent safctshutoff sysrem. Operating when not c o ~ e c ~ tod proper17 imtalled nfid rnaintcthlcd venting system r : tampering with the shutoff system can r e s ~ ~ li ri carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning and possible dear!! The venting system should be checked peridicn?:? Recent trends itl home improvemerrt and newr t i ~ lF.~ t construction txhniques have contribi~ted problems with venting. E you suspect that F ~ Y ' appliance is not venting properly, do not opera:/ Seek e q e r t advice. D o not use this appliance if- any part has beeit utlJc water. finmediately call a qualified service technicin: to inspect the appliax~ceand to replace any part v the control system and any gas control which F.:, been under water. Keep the appliance area ~rcllclear and free from combustible materials, gasoline and other flammable vapors and li-ids. NOTE released which may cause a $ti& &or and could possibly S C ~~ f 3ny f in?!. dctcnion a l m s in the immediztcte iicinity. Thee vapos arc quite normal on ncm appliance. Thcy are to:ally harmless and uill disappear xfter a ::houo use. mrr?operating your nmrstovc for tllc first time, some vapors may bc Xi10 CFK Circulatitlg fan Lc (For bare only) is a-:aiIablc: as an option for this appliancc. C>pcnud by a t-ariable spccd controller, it is designed to boost.rlic natural convrction pnxess t h r o a ~ hthe heate:. 1t may be fitted bcforc the heater is imtalied or retrofitted at a later datc. Full installation and opcradng instructions arc included xvkh the kit 2.4 Orifice data For veriicationonly. Do not atwmpr ro drill or o t h c . ~ . ~ ilaw!(:<: sr the appliance input. Na turd Gaq 1 Propnnc Type / N o of Dia. 1 Type No of ,f I i 3 ' -- I Pilot Fhmt Rear I I 1 I 40 18- :<4 1.8- I 1 1 . 7 7 1 1 1 0.022 0.027 O.tJ27 1 1-1 1 105 103 1 1 I 1 1 1 C ~ . O l ~: / 0.04: --. O.$!L 350 2.3 Venting This appliance is for connectiotl to an approved 9" mctai This appliancc is ccrti5~dby Jatcrr)ationdAppmval Services fur usc in Canada and the USA The instzllation nlust conform with 1oc;ri coda or, in the absence of local cocles, with thc current CAN/CGA-Bl49.i~~s:allat?on code in Cailx& clr the current National FucI Gas Coclc, ANSI ZZZ3.1 in the L Y S h Only qwlificd liccnscd or trained permnnel should i n s d l thc appliancc. This applhce is only fix w w t h thc tgx of . p indicxttcd o n the ratins phtc. 2.1 Rating plate The rating piate is lmccd inside thc control cotnparunenr door. t 2.3 Pressures (in. w.c.) I I Natural. gas Supply- Manifold / - I1 SupplyPropane - I .Manifold thermostat I Mau 1 1 fir11 on) 10.5 1 3.5 I 1 full on) 9.5 vcslt. Cotnbustible materials insidc the room most not be closer th-il thc dimensions shown in fiatire 1. Tl~rflwr cousuuc~iousl~uuidallucv tllc hcatcr tn 'bc scrcv..cd t:~ tllc flmr. If the heater is to be insnlled directly on a?;. combustible m~terialother than u d tlmrin.5 it rnrlxr I-c insrallcct on a meul or wwk! panel extending the full width an,? depth of the appliance. Modcl'337hI\i is for [rnc only \&i:h n:ltural gs. Mock19YN1is for use only with propme gas. The suppl!; prcssux must k bcnvccn thr. limits shown in section 23 of tfrh mulual. The supplv corlrlectjon is 3 i , " ~ ~Opel~hgs -f. for rhc p5 supply are provided ior r m or i~ndcrfloorconnection (see figure 1:). I : I , Combuslible ceiling or overhang r 3 '? /,' ,+I ./' , ,' ,'/ i ,.,' ,./, , '' / toGs ,/ 15 3:d" / conibustiblewa!l s ':', controls access pipe undeilioormnneetion WITH PEDESTAL Combustible &:inp or overhang * > -- - - x T rnir 7 114- O ! gas P l = - n ~ ~ ...t min. to wmbus:iSle wall 4' s mr-. for coctrclb %ess WITH LEGS Fig. 1 nimensions & cleamces 1 'The completc appliance j~ contained in rwu p c b . Onc of the altcmativc base rupprt and front designs will hc includcd either pcdrstal with conccrnporw faci~or L c g vd<tIltraditional C~cin(Scc pack2). Pack 1 Main appliance unit contains:1 Main appliaqcc iitced with wirtdow. 3 Ccnmic I c ~ . 2 Crmndc f i r i ~ c kh : bars. Pair ccramic k b o x side wal!s. 1 1 Ceramic fircbx back wall.. D~or.~tiiic vcnt cellar kir a!>pliancctop. 1 1 Gx$supply inlet pipc. 1 Gas supply inlet clhcnvhcnv Pack 2 Pedestal and conbsmporar).facia sltcrnatke ciuluins:1 Ycdcaal unit. Contemporary design front faciz unit. 1 1 ~'bh!ipunit #.S mpping screws ('forh i n g ashlip). 4 Machinc screws (forfixing pcdestai to rnxin appliance). 4 \Xfcmd s c r m (for floor &kg). 2 2 Piugs (for floor .fixing):). or Pack 2 - Legs and traditional facia alternative r.onuins:1 Hsse ? Icp i unit. 1 Traditional design front facia u111t. 'I mmr retaining brackcr. 1 'iV~ndowfranc top cover. el I) tapphg screws (for door rewiniug bracket). 2 Machine scrm~(fbr fudng b;ae rsi lcg unit to main 1 3ppliancc). Wood screws (forflow f i n g ) . 2 2 I'lugs (far floor fr6ng. T ~ k ecarc when removing thc contents from the pach$n.g to prcvcnr d a m a ~ Check . that all the con:ents are iz the packs and arc unctlrr.gcd. - - 6.1 Reniove the winrIt>\v& logs (see fiewe 2 ) 6.1.1 Detach the window unit by removing the nvo hurlv:: scrrv.5 ("Ar) 2nd huried nut ("B*)holding thc sides 2nd bottom uithe \rindc.w framc. 6.1.2 Lift the windo\v unit up and fowards ro unhonl: th:: 6.1.3 6.2 ti.?. Put thr. window in a mfe p1ac.c. Takc the ccramic !ogs and ceramic front ban our of :%c firebox and storc safely. Check ignition electrode spark (see fi-gurc--2) I l l c pilot burner and elrr;trdc arc at the ri&t side 9Frhrr fircba (3ptil thc control m e s s dwr. Turn the p s contr:jl h ~ t , (the ri&t hand h o b ) counterclock\vke to "1p". 'X3: 11; turning pilot ignition spwh shvuld bc activated t w i c e Chcck tiut thc s p h arc produd at t t ~ cpilot L.r;r~cr. If no s p u b arc produced. check that the wiring is sccurr and that thc spark gap is 3.5 L0.3 mm. Route tllc p.s supply line w the applian?:. inlc: mnrlection point (sccfigvrr I). Xex: Pmslc: rtdn'trtire ,: line fir iwks trraj. ~ i e d10 bc. B@iorc I& litre 5 wnttecvd in the applinrrm - xcercctk?~:i i i . G a s connection to the appliance is 3S"NYT. Usc only tlcw bhck iron or stel pipes or COFpCr c{ll>ingI: accclpt~ble- chcck local coder. i\?ot~ drol i)i L;Y:4 cop:-).! jle!&r,l:r,.' rubing m r ~ s thc . intenrally hn~rcd>r lvuttction p p i r s l s ~ r & ! . c0n;poumis. , Unions in gas lines should be of gonndjoinr ?ype. The p s supply liz~c:nzusr be sircd and installed tc) pt0x.i 3: a supply of sut-ficicnt to mcct the maximum dcmgi?:! of tht ;~~pliancc without undue lo= of pressure. Scalan.ts used must be mistant to thc action c\f 211 k,:~ : cc-~~stltucnts including LP ,gas. Sedatlts should k ? p ~ i i ? : i liehtly to mnak threads to cnsutc ckxcs* sealant tlors 11icntcr gz lincs. The supply l i n t should includc a manual sbt~r-c.~<-,~~~::: allow the appliance to k dismnnecrcd for sen.ir:inp. A pl~h.cdW"NYT upping tnust Ix insiallcd in the lirl:. The mppi~gmust trc accessible for test gauge c-nnncccirn and br inmlcdiz:elv clpstrcam of h e p 5 S U ~ ; \ ' I C cor~ilectionto the arlslinnce. [Fi?;. 3 Pilot i,pition sysrcm, .-. 8.1 PEDESTAL BASE 8.1.1 Detrch thc pdestal front panel by removing two screur. 8.1.2 Place the pcdcseai in position (scc fi-rc 4). 'The h t o t n rcar 0:' thc prclcstal must bc at l e s t 2!hwfn~rathc back u-all to maintain thc 2'hrelr cicannce shoun in fi.qrc 1. 5.13 1 M ; t t k :hs floor viirh the floor firing positions throu@ thc holes in thc pedestal (see ftgr;rc 4). 5.1.4 Remove the pcdtstd. Drill the f l w r at the marknl positions and fit p l u g ifn~~c;ar);. 8.1.5 For easier fii:y, fir the nvo ~wxlscrcmsuppIicd into thc floor p~nixlly1ca';ing a spacc bc:t.veeu thc wrew ha& end the floor. Thc pedestal has tan 'keyhole" openings in its bottom cl~anne!~. Phcc the pcdcsotl back in position by dropping it to loutc thc xrcu-s in the wide hola of the kcyholes and thru sliding thc pcdcstal b c k to locatc thc screws in the uamu- slots of the kcyholrs. Tighten the scrcnvs. 8.1.6 Fit thc inlct elbow to the rupplv p i p . hrore:Ifthc optitmu1 circulatingjhn kit is intmdcd to be instalhi, it nn'll k twiest lOJt it at thia rtaxc 8.1.7 Phcc the twain applkncc unit over the pedestal, :1Iig11tilc 4 f ~ n hots g (2 u each side) and srcure rhc unit to thc pedesul nith 4 machine scrcw. 8.2 BA.SEE?Tv LEGS h d w r rrtGning bracket (loc~trttlned: rhr rr.ll S.2.1 D c ~ ~ cchc right comer of the a~pliancemain unit) by r c ~ i ? i ; n gP.. :. scrcw ((sct f i g l r r 3). 8.2.2. Swing the hotrorn of rhc door fonwrd to rc1e;ts.r r!;c lnxtorn pin from rhr slot in the CA:C and lift tllc door clear {set: f i p c 3). !I KEXlOt'E BR4Ck'ET I!i i; Ii i! I ,I 1 !i I j , I L I I1 I I ii i i I SWKG DOOR FORVL4R.D -Fig. 3 Soor rcmovd 1 6).).'i'!:crcar of :lir 8.2.3 P1;lce tllc base in p i t i o n (scc be must hr at Seas: 2" 3~x2)- h>rnilic JC:I~i v ~ l tI ~al!i..;:. ! air fiav to the iilsuileJ appliaace. 8.2.4 iulnrk rhc floUr f;xing positiot~sthrough the !?olcs in !hc rmr fccr. 8.2.5 Rsrnove the base. Drill thc floce 3t thc rnarkcd witions and fir plug if nacssary. 1.2.6 Rttpia*3e? thc base. Fit wo&cre\~ through tt5c rexr feet i~ndtightcn. 8.2.7 Fir tllc inlct elbow to the supply pipe. 8.2.8 Phcc the main appliance unit m-cr the basc, align thc securing holes (see figure 6). Sccurc with 4 machinc screU;5. 8.2.9 Kcplacr: the door as fi>llour;s: I h t c the hir* pin at top of the d ~ intc r the holc at the wp of chc door avrnxre (scc figure 7). Kacarc the hingc pin at Lmttorn of tkc door ir.:c :!ti :i.:,. in the ba~e.Swing the httorr! of the door part ~ - 2 y:<the lnck A new door xtaininq brilckct ir; suppiird -.t;!:li thc leg 3nd 9cia kit. Hold this bracket uncicr k~nomof the b s c side. Position it with tile t.>io hcic: at chc bott0111 and locatc thc single h ~ l ew c r ?hi.. bottom door hillgc pi.. (see figure 7 ) . T7hilc keeping the I~raclxtIwsred to the hingc Fir'. svingthe dmr and bnckcr fill!).backmards. Ai,p :hc nvo holcs in the bnckcrivith thc two holes in the I>a:c side and fixwith thc tsw tapping screws provided (scc f i - ~ r r ?7). LOCATE TOP DOOR HiNGE Pl N LOCATE BOTTOM HINGE PIN IN SLOT & SWING DOOR PART WAY TO BACK FIT BP,SChTT TO HINGE PLV & SWh'G sACK SECURE RRACKlEl" R7Il-I 2 SCR13XfS Fig. 7 Door fitting with 1 9design base 1 I Conncct 2n approwd 4" vent unit to the applj5anre vent collar. A dcuor~tiv:vent colhr is supplied with the applimcc ta cover the vent and applisnce.co.olliujointa t the top of thc hater. '10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 Opcn thc sonu01 pancl door. Pull off rhc nvn cvntrol knobs. Dctach the mntroI cwapanel {scc figure 8):Remow thrcc screws. Liftthe panel up Pull thc buttom front comet of the pancl h a r d and out to clmr the casc and then lift clear. Couple thc ps inlet pipe to thc connector below the reg~~lator (scc 9). Fig. 9 Inlet pipe conncction Si ressurc test poitlt 105 Connca the other cnd ofthe inlct pipe tu the elbctw attached to :he supply line. 11.1 P r e s s u ~wst the supply Iit~efor 1cak~. The q:plinncc and its i~~ddividunl sl~ut-ot'i'v,~l~-e rr!:~::i k disconncctcd horn thc PS supply piping sycc. rri during any pmsure tesrin~of that syztcrn :I[ :c:r pmr.lires in esccss of '/iysig (3.5kPa). Tlic appliance must be isolated f r o n the 91;pi>!:. piping system by c!osing is individual rnanu:tl shuioffvab.:e during any pressure testing of the 9 :suppi-; piping system at test pr~ssuresequdto or le;; ti?:,:. 'hpsig (3.5kPa). * Failure to cithet disconnect o r isdate the appliani:! during prcssurc eating may rcsult id regwlator o; valve damag. Consult your dcalcr in this ewe. 11.2 Thc appliance is p.mct tn ~ i v ethe corrcn inpur w r r h natud F. For input adjusrmenq tlic supply prcr::tr to the appliancc inlet must within the tang shc~vnii: section 2 of this manual. 11.3 Thc burner manifold prcssure is coarrclllcd by ;l built-il: nnn-~dj~stahlr regulator. The correct prcssard: m n g 1.. sham in thc tthle in section 2 of this r n a n ~ i ~ 7'5.. i. manifold ptessurc should be checked a t the pressurc st point mhjch is lruated on the thcrmosut unic (;rc il.ri.lr-. 9). Thc: prrsprc check should be made w i t h .i.. appliance burning, the p+s control scr. at '-On" and si!.. thermostat control set at 'Full". (Temporarily rctit contrni bobs for check in^.) 11.4 -Ali piping and connccrion:: must be ccstcd for !elks at;$-. i n ~ t t i l l ~ t ior ~ n scnicing. .UI Icak milst bc rsrrcr:c.! immediatclp. Whcn testing for icaks: Make that the appliancc g;lscontrol knob i.; :Ithe "OFposition Opcn the mmual shut-off valve. Test for lcah by spplying a licl~~id Jctcrg,cnt or sc,.l? solction to all joints. Bubbles forming indic~tc;I e:... leak Nwer rue as gcctj70m.e lo cluck fir &ah. C o m a ;my leak detectcd i.m.rnrdizttely. sure 12.4 Plnco the front log on thc retainitig cradles k t w r c n rt:rear and front bun~er.rubes. Centc: rhc log so that ti!: g: co dlc side wall is chc same a t wch side. Scc rhr b<;o rh-t. thcre i:; A sFacc of apvrozcimateb,r 14"k & ~ - c e nthe hxck. fi1c.e of the rear b r ~ n c hand surCacc or'the rear ICS <:cl- 12.1 Plxc the cenn~ichxck wall in position centrally at the backof the Crcbnx. I t t r ~ u s lrcst on thc m c t d ledge at tile bnckof the fircbr~x(see figup 10). figurc 13. Fig, 10 R:ck wall position 122 Place thc ccramic sidc zv;lll~in position at the s i d s of the firchox The sides arc left md right handed. Thc sidcs should locate in thr sloping channels !leer thc bottom of the fircbos sides and in thc alp btwccn each sidr of thc 5rrboxand thc black :op hftle (see fiprt:11). IFig. 13 Front log position I 125 Place the cross log in position. The front c f :his ID? 1,: indic~teciby rhe 1-r -F" c n ~ ' ~ s s cunderneath. d Makc sure that tbc f i n t of thc m s s log is s ~ ~ t rinsidc d Irollc~uin the front log and is not raiscd in front of i t 1.2.3 Plaa the re;u lop (the log without a bnnch) in rhc r m i n i t l ~cradlc behir~di11c rcar humcr tubc with its back =pinst :hc hack \-all. Centcr the log so that the gap to tlic side wall is rhc samc at rwh sidc (KC 6-spe 12). tht: ?.:a;( fig.1~ 14). -. rig. 1.1Cross log I j . I ' 12.6 Swing ~ h wivi!ldo\v r d ~ ~ sover ' ~ 1 the h r t o r n ,:tx\rc locating stud. Sccorc the \vindow unit in pbce by r*;fittiny t i - < hurled nut and nvo knurled screvs ac rhc silJcs >:lri bottom orthe window fr~me. Check ignition, gas conrrnl v;~lve and thcrrn.?st.,[ settings as described in thc lighting insrnictio:!,: section fttrthcr on in this 11lanux1. Place the t v ~ ocervnic ban: over thc fx>r~t mi! of the fircbm (see figr~rc1.i). These appliances arc quip@ with uljustable shuacn i<l cc\rrcrqi; primary :wation. Natural p s appliances have shi.utters on borh h n r and rcar burncr tubes. Propane $;at applihnces Invc a shutter on the rcar burncr tr~ke Thc fmnt t u k 1ras an opcn air hole without a shurtcr. The 3ir holes arc at thc right side of the tubcs - Scc fig 17. 'f :1: shuttcn can slide to the right to rcducc the air slipply ot. to tilc I-!': to incrcasc i t X ~ ~ ~ ~is I supplied K C with the shr-~ttcmsct tn suit the .:ar:r majority cf i n s t a l h t ; ~ ~N~ o . adj~~smcntstiould U ~ L I R I J%L~ necessary, H m r r r , in emin insm1btion.s (c.g Low Btu mlr.~c gas, high dtimckt) it may bc ncccssary to adjust t1c s1ru:r.cr position of vnr or b.h ofthc blirncrs to obtain the optimal -;isaa! r<&ct. The Fie. 13 Ceramic hars mxition 13.1 13.2 13.3 KeGt the conrrol cover pmcl. Kcfit r.hc mr, c?c,ouc>l hlobs if instalicd wit.11 a pcdcstal brse, refit tlic pcdcstil iron: p:l!lelIf iustdlcd with mditional dcsign fiont frcia, fit tllc \v-i11dtm-h m c top w t r r (supplied in rhe pack) ovcr thc top of the wit~do\vh m c to hide tllc barc meal (see G.pre IG). Fig. 16 Tt'mJc~fitop cover 13.4 Rcfie the window (with top cover if zpplicable). Hook thc top of thc \Yindo,u. fraamc over the G r e h top front edge. 17 Acratio~shutter.; pui: ~AIFAJJO ;i! .mop (surd ~VJJIICOaqlm13 9.~1 -aopwdo lnys L~ddil~ aqa 3~ UO!1ZJO1 3ql ano ~LI!O,-J ~ L I ' l d ,: 3=21 ?rp>>!.U3S ' ~ B S S ~ X U ;! 'Fue p3333dq s! ams!lddl: alp 1 q 1 p u ~ ~ r~ L n T~ -aaou!lddr,31pS'uyerxtoxopq qaln33 p m ~ l d xq l s n u m o p u ! ~aqi aaqr s s a q apq~nls!pj! do1 aqi lass 10 21?1::u! a y urqs ~ 01 p]co pueyo lnqs s! a~uexidd~ aqiu39~ !mc.our-l aq .<cur mopursr, xp 'hassamu 31 '1q1 as!qV ~ L T -r;>uz!ldd.c293 a~nacfo01 ~ ~ J~LLYLC> o q atp wnnnrI ~ L I -no!~u~ado lElSOUJ3tp pUl: (OJVrCO S& 733v33?4 t*Ll ~ For full lighting instructions see next pagen n oprrolirc ins~rtrrtionsarc nko itt.ti.de ti= control pdttel door. 18.1 For your safety this appliance is fitted with a flme supervision device which uill shut off the pds supplv if, for any texwn, the pilot flames go out. This dnicc incorporates a f w d pmbe which senses the hcat f r ~ mthe pilot flame. If the probe is cool, tllc dcvicc xvi1I prrwrt any gas flow utr.less the p s control knob is kp pushed in bmvaen the "OW and " T p n positions. See full li&tiug instructions on next page. 18.2 Oped the mntrol pancl dmr at right side of the heater for access to thc controls. Clox the door wllcn you have finisl~edoptration the controls. 18.3 The Valor Cmnfoshi" Tcmrerature control system Convcntional thcmosms regulate rhc rcrnpcratun by shutting the burners offwhen the tcmpciatt1:c reaches its upper litnit. This gives stop-go heat, unnaturally varying flama and impaired eficicncy { i h 3 c;u in city mffrc). The C o ~ n f i m t system ~ controls the cemperaturc by grad~dlylnweri* or raking thc firc. This maintains ruom comfort by p r o ~ d i n gsteadier heat and a morc nxtural lwkinp regulation of tilt flflarncs. T h c nmnl tempraturc will bc mintrined at the desired lcocl f ~ r a n y scning up to just short of the mFull"position. The "Full" position is an -errride which \\72l kccp thc firc full:; o n ail the time and is not a.Rccted by mom trnrperature. 18.4 Wheu fhst tui~icdoa, thc decomtivc tlarncs will apFa.r predominantly bluc. Afcrr .~p~~rnxitmtely 15 minuccs the flarnm \\ill turn yellow. 18.5 Aftrr a p p d m t e l y t h h o~u n usc at the high crntml setting the he1 picccs \\ill shew itru.s of chrwill gray color as m o l d rul burning *I. we sugest that they :ire remavcd in the rrrersc nrdcr v: thnr shown in the fuel bcd assembly instructions. i?t?-'. ttc. can aim k removed from the burnen using a ~ o t t brush &cr removing thc log. \:(/hen cleaning chr bur11c1.r alw check thc acrrtjon holes (we fig.1'7)2nd hrusll clcdli I: necessary. Makr sure that no pmiclcs arc brr~shhdil~to:I!:. burner tubes. 20.4 fivs).s replace the ceramic bars. wjndcni- 2nd f ~ c i laf::>r an); cl~aningas shown in rhe iristallation sccrion of these in~ructinns. 205 Coloring o f the metal fircbos is normal whcn used. 0:: not t v to remove the color wit11 abrasicc m~tcrixls. 21.1 A periodic visual check of the pilot and burncr flamc: should be madc (scr figures 22 tk 23). - - ! i j j t ! f CORRECT i ; i Fig 22. Burncr flanks 20.2 NormalIy-, thc appliance should only need dusting h y 20.3 srains on thc ccnmic glass windsm rau Lk: tcmoecd with a n~n-abrasiveclnr~sr.Nmp1 uc ulmii.r clcnncrs art tlte glass, Dun. ctc. can bc brushed from the logs a h dettching thc front 6 % ~mci \\indo\\"- If you arc rcmoving the log, Ij 1 i! I I! I 1I I I Fig. 23 Pilot flama 21.2 20.1 Only clean when the appliance is cold. i ! WRONG Ir. the utzlihly event of fiilurc to c w t t an ig~lilirionspark using the control knob, thc stow can be lit z i ftbllo~vs: 19.1 Lift off thc front f x i a 19.2 Remove t h windmvunit 19.3 Open thc conrrol panel door. 19.4 Itlsert a long burning match zt tile pi!ot. 19.5 (.>prr.uc? the conr.rols as dcscribcd in the lighting instructiom. 19.6 1 M a b sure that the pilot flame is stabletc. 19.7 Replace the wi~ldarvuuit sccurcly. 19.8 Rcplacc the facia. 13.9 Select the burncr sctting. 19.10 Closc the control panel door. -- 21.3 21.4 i Thc appliance area must alw*ys be kept clear and frcr from cornbx~stiMc materials, psolinc and 0th-Iflammhlc vxprs md liquids. Kccp thc b ~ xr>f the appliance clcar to prcvc:n! ohstmction of air flow to the appliance. Lf fittcd v;irh J pedestal base.. makc surc that the grill at back is r?,-i t~hstrucctd. If fi~d with l e ~ makc , s ~ ~ rthrrr c is n.:. obstruction hem-een the leg. The venting rwrn sbo\~ldhc eedmined rephhrly t.; ;. qualified qcn.7. We suggest an annual checi!i 1 'VirAlXNlNG:Ifvou do not follow these instructio~lsexactly, a fire or e~;plosivnma).result causing proper?- damage, pcrsona~injuryor loss of life. -. . . 1 A. This appliance has a pilot which must be lighted by hand. %'hen lighting the pilot, follow these instructions exactly-. B. BEFORE LIGHTING smell all around the appliance area for gas. Be sure to smeIl next to the floor because some gas is heavier thm air and will settle on the floor. WH.A.T' TO DO IF YOU SIXELL GAS Do not try to light any appliance, Do not touch any clcctric switch; do not use any phone in >.ourbuiltling Immediately call ymr gas supplier from a aeighbor's phonc. FolIow the gas supplier's instnrctions. If you cannot reach your gas supplier, call the fse department in C . Use only your hand to push in or turn the gas control knob. Never use tools. If the knob will not ~ u s h or turn by hand, don't t r y to repair it, call a qualified service technician. Force or attempted repair m:cy result in a fuc or cxplosioa I?. Do not use this appliance if any part has been under water, ~ d e d i a t e l ycall a qualified service technician to inspcct thc appliance and to replace any part of the control system and any gar control ~7hichhas bccn undcr water. 1. STOP! Read t h e safety information a b - c on this page. i b I2. 3. 4. The;n:ma~L?& i Q% control i m b Set the thermostat to its lowest setting. Turn the gas c o a ~ ulalob l clockwise 17 to "Oft". Note; Knob cannot be turned to Wff" unless it is pushed in partially. Do not force. Wait five (5) minutes to clear out any gas. If ~u then smell any gas. STOP! Follow "D" in the safety information above on this label. If you don't slllell gas, go to next step., Find the pilot It is a t the right side of the firebox. Push in and turn &c gas control knob counter-cloch-ise nuntiI resistance is felt. Keep pushed in a t this position for a few seconds to allow gas to flow. 7. Kccp h o b pushcd in and turn to "Igti" to light pilot m i l e turning to this position ignition sparks will be activated twice. Hold knob in for a further 5 seconds then release. The knob should pop hack up.The pilot should remain lit. Xfpilot goerc out repeat steps 3 through 7. If pilot does not light at all during a few-attempts, tty lightingxvith a long match as described on previous page. If pilot lislitc but will not stay lit after several tries, h~rnthc gas control knob t.ouO.ff"and call your sen-ice technician or gas supplier. to "On*. 8. When pilot is lit, partially depress the wax control knob and turn countcrclockwisc Do not leave knob set between "I& and "Onz. 9. Set thermostat to desired setting. 10. Close ~vntrolaccess door. ,Mways replace the window unit after match lightin the pilot. The gas conttol khob should always pop u p when re s s e d Xf it does not,stop and immediately call your service technician or gas supplier. 3. 6. ti 1. 2. 3. Set the thermostat to lowest setting Push in the gas control knob and turn clockwi.e 0 to Close control access door. Do not force. - If you require any anention to y7)ur appliance, contact your supplicr q u a c i n ~thc model numkr. It will br hclpfi~lif tb: appliance scri+i nom.ber can also bc quoted. This is on thc ratitig plate visible w!m the control pancl door is apencd. Thc repair paru:arc shown in the. eapwnte rcpir pam leaflet. P l w e alw~ys wsqrlote part number and description when requesting spare p a n . . Distributed in Eastern Canada by VALTECH INDUSTRIES 6660 Kennedy Road Missis=uga - C Distn'buW in Central and Eastern USA by VALOR HEATING Post mice Box 773 Franklin. Ky 42135 Ph (Toll free) Sales 800-89243135 Service 800-654-8534 Fax 800-372-8062 Ontario L5f 2M9 Ph.(905) 7956333 Fax (905)795-03% . J