The Vol xxi. ho« 5474 Ashbubton HIPPING OO.'S J^^!"'^BLINE I^HE ROYAL MAIL STE&MERS FOR LONDON, via Msnto Video, Qta&erlff® Ss Plymouth. Probablefinal Port. A Bad Case op Bate. Through Papauni 5610 5623 4050 6372 Waikato 4767 —— —— „„ *Twin Scirewa. Far farther particulars apply t® PRIEDLANDER BROS.,Lra. IMPBOVED ZEALANDIA, Plantekoa la the moat powerful and pearahing Blood Purifier and Nerve Builder and Strengthenerknown. I bo Setting. Can bs used m Open Fire* 6364 Evan's Lyttl'n Sept 5 Sept Pakehaf 4331 Proaeer f| Watwera '6257 Stuart t Via South Africa "* For farther particulars, apply NICOLL BROS. * A CARD, MESBRB STBINGEI & CREBSWELL Manning & Go's BARRISTERS & SOLICITORS NEW SEASON'S STEAMSHIP COMPANY OPENED A BRANCH OFFICE HAVE ab Mb Davison's, West Street where they will attend every Ashburton, j J THURSDAY necessary. QUARTS AND PINTS, IN AS UNOER: and on other daya when They will be represented in Ashburton by Mr J. Davison, who la authorised to receive instructions on their behalf, and to whom communications may be addressed. F®jr Wesbporl) and Greymouth—Weekly THE BEST IN THE MARKET Wellington—- Monday,Tuesday, Thuraday and Saturdays NOTE—For extra sailings ace advertise We have various sums of money awaiting meat in Christohnrch papers Equal to the Leading Brands'of nvostment at lowest current rates. Donedia Mondays, Fridayß and altercate Tuesdays and Saturdays STRINGER & GRESSWELL, ENGLISH ALES. Nelsoa and Pioton, via WellingtonSOLICITORS, Tuesday and Saturday CHRISTCHURCH & ASHBURTON Sydney, via Auckland Alternate Agents for Ashbarton—Messxs Shear Thursdays Bkos The above are subjeob to alteration; eference ehonld therefore be made to Ohristoharch daily papers fo2 dates and IF YOU WISH TO OBTAIN — — A CBRONIC COUGH QUICKLY boar of sailing CURED. For farther particulars apply to F FERRIMAN, Agent, Aehburton THE BENJAMIN GUM SCORES. Mr Lanrol Hoode, of Chriatohurch, writes ; 3 Benjamin Gdm had a marvellous effect) on my cough and cold, which I contracted early last winter. I tried various advertised remedies but got no relief. A lady friend advised mo to try your Benjamin Gum,and a very few doses gave me relief, and it quickly cured BENJAMIN GUM always actß like this— It 1b pleasant) to-take—Ofaildren like itSuitable for young or old Benjamin Gum, price Is 6d and 2s 6d, from all Chemists and Grocers,or poafc free, from SHABEBROKBR AND FINANCIAL AGBKT, 18S HEREFORD STREET, CHRIST CHURCH & AT GREYMOUTH. Correspondence Invited, Qo&is : Bedford McNelH's, Moreing and Heai'e, A.8.0. Co Edition, | MR I MAKEIG, Aahbarton Representative Telegraphio Abdeess : Ohrlstcharch. GKAVES Greymouth—Brownlie, Greymouth W H UNDBtr.ii E Undbiii T H UNDBILL & GO f¥!HE X s« TRIAD " has in BVBBY REQUISITE ON HAND. Polished Coffins & Specialty —— EIURNISHING TTNDERTAEBRB * URNISHING *J NDERTAKERS DIRECT Importers of Best and Latest Designs in FUNERAL FURNISHINGS FUNERALS conducted with the care and saUsfiotlon,,%t most reasonable charges. greatest Corner ol Wakanal Road and Case streets, and Baker and down's Coach factory. HENEY STEPHENBON, have the pleasure to notify PER TON CONDITIONS. advertiser) to " Agency Quality and Analysis remain as I l qggßßfr (aw«i»i^ "'w-ir ir■aiiTi^dff^lI K^S^^K \~® are GASH BUYERS PRIME MILLING WHEAT SMOKE ONLY VENU S. NEW VJrJtULo 1 111 RESTATE Biscuits Booth, McDonald and 00, Obriitchnrch White's Sheep Dip Walter A Wood Oo i sociations, for Roots and Grain exhibited at their Shows, and in the FITS OF DEPRESSION, HEADACHE, NAUSEA, GIDDINESS* Ac. NXCOLX. BROS. DISTRICT AGENTS, ASHBURTON: N.Z. Clothing Factory Nelson, aloate and Co'a Te' THE DAINTIEST LITTLE WHEEL Ocean Accident and Guarantee Corpora THAT EVER WAS" Urn, Ltd. TVaper A, ' Orr, Sanderson's Sootoh Whisky Spring Blossom Tea Buratura Te sold out of my old stock of Teed and Co Corn Cure these superior Bicycles, I have Tonking's Li seed Emulsion net) openedup a freah consignment of "Tui" Extra of Soap the Waltke's Soa LATEST PATTERN "RAMBLER" Willalhree Castles Cigarettes and Tobacco SPECIAL LIGHT RACERS, Woodrows' Hats, Gollin & Co., Agenta ROAD RACERS, " The Rambler? HAYING & ROADSTERS In all ekes and all fitted with the hating G Sr J detachable Tyre INVESTMENT SOCIETY. eve^ » T_H_ffi KAMBLEB, OANB GRANTED PitOM1 at current rates CALL AJND INSPECT THE STOCK, Price Easy. Riding Easy. Machines the Strongest Earth. and , D. THOMAS. BOOKS WONDERFUL DON'T CHBONICDIABBHOEA. Mr C B Wingfield, of Fair Play, Mo US A, who Euffered from chronic dysentery foe thirty five years, eaya Chamberlain's 00110, Cholera acd Diarrhoea Remedy did him more good than any other medicine be had ever uaed. For sale by Aahburtoo Drug Co Bo wring Bros* Belting London and Lancashire Insurance Company Graham's Foot Rot Composition Wright, Stephenson and 00, Dunedin Belfast Manures Vacuum Oil Company's Agricultural Gils Planet Jr, Garden and Field Took LAND FOR SALE They possess three grand qualities, being Paddock Competitions. > Blocks of L»od, In tussock; in tbe^Hinde IJbave For Sale the followingDistrict: SAFE AND CERT AIN. '- ■' -' "'■ "'""''"'' "'"" ' ' dgL ' ' ll!! "*"-w's?j and Mi-.iiHnn Vciwow \ BELFAST AND FAIRFIELD FREEZING WORKS T7IOR TURNIPS, RAPE, WHEAT, AND ANY OTHER FBOZEnTSIt | CROP. Can get more Comfort, © More Nourishment, Flesh ana Blood and Strength, - Emulsion Cod Li^r of Beef strengthens only the alreadj kealthy system. Lane's CkeasoteD JEbsulsion soothes Lung Coughs, and Iheals the irritated bronchial tubes. li {gives warmth, strength, and vitality te *he whole body. Nothing equalsLamtb's Cbeasistkd Emulsion in nourishing properties. It is the one medicine that ■will positively cure Consumption, and make you dfrt for hard every-day wock: k "*"* j WILLIAM PATCHING, EAST & BURNETT STREETS, ABHBURTON. I SADDLER & HARNESS MAKER. 1 ft 3s -^sd for the Baby, It is ttood lor the Man, It Is Good iV Old Age. V COMPETENT STAFF now includes FIRST- COLLAR AND SADDLE MAKERS. m ... a«. Guaranteed, Repairs Executed Promptly and at Moderatej^Ratet,! * A PRIRXER GOTATLY BDE^RISBD! in my "I never was so n nch turpriicdOhwnbM with the resultß cf aalng a -1 wa* 8 1 W""^ H OLiml | Sdv'ely guaranteed to of cure rUrnnatism, Po bought a bo-fcie >t*nd■^"'WPUf *» lw thirda-ol it my rheumfttUm had t*keu B Fit and Workm^nehip S Ask your Chemist for UMfcE'S. If he tries to sell you anything «Ise: sefuse it, m price Lin's >ftfe Bito,' Tl/f Oil Than from the'Finest Beef. ASHBURTOtff SPECIAL MANURES ivIRYWHERE 4 D. THOMAS, ARE THE BEST LUNGS«2g| Lanes II First Class Farms in Blocks of 100 Acres and upwards to 5500 acres Several Farms, various bizcb, thoroughly improved, for sale j well worth the money MANURES, WEAK oat M \] Also i MtattttfaciurV j \ 2000 Acres Plains Land in toasock „ 1500 „ t] „ 1900 „ » 6CO *„ Beclaimcd Swamp Land The Schoolmistress St. Anna's 3ciiocl. W^ndswortn. writes as follows. "My mother an! eldest sisto: \\:>.yp t^tkrri your Pills for years for bilioua attacks aud sick h^ubchr:-, :wA }':i<v :wviv- iwuihl them most beneficial.'" upwards, are mad 3 to suit any kind of Soil or description of Crop, Full Particulars on applications WORKING EXPENSES on all Shares ACCESSORIES IN STOCK. Samples of SOIL ANALYSED free of cost to Farmers uaing our Manure are now due and payable nftnds for S»le. OTHER MAE.ES FITTED WITH G & J TYRES, For the present season an all round rednctien in price of *7s 6d per Ton Office —Tailored Street* Regular Consignments of Colonial Grown "has been made, 4p Office Hours—9,3o a m till m .rjod Island Fruit Bold privately through the a m till First! Tuesday in Month—9,3o week, and at Aaotion on SATURDAYS. SATISFACTION GIVEN LAST SEASON, [i in ; and 7 till 9pm ALBERT ROBERTS, AGEHI! i Manager JL?@rwloh Onion Fire Insurance Company :—Works by Scott, Dickens, If there is no agent in your district, send to the Office for Price List and Testimonials k Dresden Pianoforte Manufacturing and Thackeray, Lytton, Dumas, E P E Wilson, Rhoda Broaghton, Agency Company. A J Roe, r valnefor littlemoney Mrs Henry Wood, Bret PIANOS and ORGANS on time pay AND DAIRY PKODUCB Harfce, Ethel OAKTEBBUEY at Mellob'sZealandia Boot Store Tomer, Guy Booth by, moate from 230s per month. Rider Haggard, EXFOBT COMPANY, LIMITED. Elliott, and every other modern buy Cheap and Nasty Footwear,| Geo. are given away with the HEKBY STEPHENSON, writer famous ' F. WAYMOUTH Seorebary, but go to Stock's and get solidl' OOK GIFT Tea AyOTIONEBB. 139 Hereford Street,Ghristohuroh value for youe money Clearing fifties of Stook,Household Furniture, etc., as per arrangement In any part of the oonnty. Advances made on all goods placed In my MERCHANTS,MANUFACTURERS,& FAMILY DRAPERS, H. E. SHACKLOCK. LTD the Agricultural and Pastoral As- tIBKMANENT BUILDING AND The Terrors of Solitude. A story from Ternuka, Canterbury* thowa how, under certain circumstances, jaßi^ "'p a brave woman may become painfully OHRISTOHCRCH alarmed if left In solitude too long. The i Sold by all IrcnmoDgers, from whom jijß rg^g^g^^^ lady in question, Mrs Mary Anderson, of l Oatalogues can be obtained, or from the * uMdV Main Street,Temuka(says a reporter) Is mikers of I c<?itainly not of an hysterical nature. She Qfty years of age, a native of HertfordI Isshire, England, and has lived in New SOUTHEND FOUNDBY, Pkinobs Street, DUFF.DIN Z< aland for twenty fouryeajs. 'It waa about three years ago,' she I explained* *thab I began to understand the terror there lain solitudefor a woman. Certainly at that time my nerves were all subject to sharp TUESDAYS & SATOBDAYS—SampIes received ■at Stores, unstrung, and I wasneuralgia, especially shooting pains of West Street. round the hearfc. The attacks were periOther days—Samples received at the Mill. odical and the pains seemed to dart frem ihe heart right up into the head. My-life was miserable. I lost my appetite, fell CORNSAOKS SUPPLIED away in flesh, could not Bleep properlyfor the pain, and thus grew weaker aa time done on farmers' /^DTQTT\Tr< ACCOUNT. went on. Attest my nerves became so IX r'eracged that T absolutely feared to »t»y a!one, I always wanted someone to be lA PEBFECT TOBAOOO. CANTERBURY ROLLER FLOUR MILLS COMPANY near me, 1 Did you try any change of air !' eaid (ROLLITT AND 00.,) the reporter. " D. "WOOD, Manager " Yes," replied Mrs Anderson, * after medical treatment I went away on tha doctor's advice, but tha mult was nofe j satisfactory. AWut eight mouths ago I hp?.rd that Dr Williams' pink pills were of value in nervous disorders, so 1 began to take tritm. After using two more boxes would have healthier, tnnnier, and Jiippy children i£ thoy fed them regularly on the neuralgic jjains entirely lefc me, and AULSEBROOK'S MILK ARROWROOT BISCUITS. Thousands of childrenin New I have not had the fcHghtcttfc rc'urn since. [ Zealand have been reared on them with the happkat results. My { nerves have been toned up, and my How to give the Biscuits-— | whole constitution so built up, that: I Children, rub the Biscuits on a cleaa young very lightly ! nutmeg grater, \ For very feel strong and robust, lam now In peror crush very rino and aift through a eieee ; mix carefuiiy with boiling water, AGENT fect health and soli'ude has no terrorsfor Btirring well, and give through feeding bottle or by epoou*. As there ie milk in them AUCTIONEER, LAND, INSDRATSCE me. My daughter has likewisebenefited it ie not advisable to add it. In the case of young and delicate ohildren, it is better to givo only about half a bisoaib every two hours than a larger quantity less often. by DrWi!Mams' pink pills so that we both BBOKEB, & GBAIN YALUATOB, WOOL For older children pour boiling water on bissuits ag they are and gi?a by Bpoon. A ncotnmsnd them on every possible good way in to put a saucer over the cup or basin in which the biscuits are placad to occasion ' out, ASHBTJRTON leaving no water. Later on ohildren can have them either soak, until they awel! In i*ll ■Qcrvous disorders, »uch bs ntorat or at soaked, whole or borne school. algia, hyscpri*. fr-'t Vitas' cm cc. rctvoua he daebsfs, in.*omn!!i, etc , He WillismV They will be found a fattening, strengthening diet for young and old LtO&na Negotiated pink pilli ere ii-vala-bie, bioia^e they Weekly Salesof Live Bteck—»Tinwald and AshbHirtoa aHeraa6el| restore ih@ wasted nnrve ii«BUp jitd iiidoca j perfeofc health. B| *hu «nilchiiig the JTortoightly Sales of Sheep Skins, Fats, HMei, etos on Moadajra blood thy cu>b rbe>m>itifetti, liver and Sales of Wool Throughout the Season | feidnpy trouble, dyfcjvepsi*, districti, Grain Bought and Sold on Commission araamia, debi'ity, tkm di eases, blood Clearing Sales as per arrangements ' poisoniug, pftijilyai", loeensoter a'ajdae THE MOST ECONOMICAL & BEST FOOD THAT OAN BE OBTAINED. Aroade Horse and Furniture Sate held on S&tardayi &nd ti ey waf-S in and curs the eitcts of Horse Fairs Held Monthly influensa pneumonia, brotchilis, fevets ; aud measles, Sold ) y chemists and store' keepers, and by the Pr Williams' MediCo , Wellington, three shillings, sit AGENT FOR j cine boxes sixteen end six, pr st free. Wilts for pamphlet of guaranteedcures. Matson and Go, Ohristchurch" v Before, Meddina, 6., Ironmonger T STRANGE & COMPANY, open, Splendid Bread Bakers With cast iron or copper boilers. The copper boilers are targe and tin lined inside. Rapaks are a Minimum. Made in al! eiaes, single or double High or low pressure bollera Islington Clients have won the highest honors at the Winter Shows of Bertnallne Bread—all Bakers Brinsley and Co.'a Ranges Bing, Harris & Co, Arrow Brand Boots Commercial Hotel, T N Grange Cope's Cigarettes and Tobacco Curtis, F, Jeweller Dunlop Tyres Gawne's Sauces, Pickles, Vinegars eto Gatee, X A, Muiaio seller Gregg aud Co,W, Ooffe©, Starch,efco Hayward'a Pickles and Bauoea Jones, H M, Triad Agent Kirkpatrlok, 8, and Co,X Jama Kharki Cigarettes, Eagle Go's Kozie Teas, all Grocert^ Lane's Creoaoted Emulsion Loasby's Wahoo, Koolibah, Benjamio Gum, and Cinnamon Curs^ Establiehed 20 years. AUCTIONEER,LAND ESTATE AND COMMISSION AGENT AND VALUER the Colony The Manager of the Tbiad, Dunedin,' Ajax Washing Powders | Anglo N.Z. Cycle Co. Auckland Forwarding and Parcels Deliver {anomaeor bo Alfred Harriiost.) SALES of Live Stook Produce, Furniture, etc, WEEKLY EVERY SATURDAY.,at 12 o'clock. Everywhere. "" i A Ohoioe Assortment of Artificial Wreath In Stock. Private Address, Peter Street, directly behind Oddfellows' Kail j also care ef Mr T. Andrews, East Belt. 2 | BAKER BROS., To Insure Full Crops "" AH that is necessary to enter for this FURNISHING UNDERTAKERS competition is to poet your article (enclosing UANORED STREET, ASHBURTON & receipt for ss, or more, from any Triad {n DAVID THOMAS, Fertilisers shortly to he published, a- book entitled What to ue® and Where to Stay io New Zealand.' A prisra of Three Guineas iis offered for the most interesting and on Truck?,ISLINGTON & BMIIHFIELD. amusing article of about 2000 words, entitled What to see aad Where to Stay Results Prove that they are the in New Zealand," do close 20th BEPTEM BEKt For Puzzle Competition for ohildren under BEST AND CHEAPEST TO USE. ; 14, see TRIAD I 88 NO SETTING REQUIRED. With Stove Pipe can be worked out in the AT £4 128 6d AulsHbrook's Milk Arrowroot the press, and Shop With Us By Post MORE MOTHEKS Use Islington celebrated Fertilizers TMIAD Prize Competition. (fourth In 1' 3 '^KlfilP* 'r»t\' ■'^'Vl^^^llir^ I LmcosckJ oem Cooking* Bangles Zl^s^^T^^^^ail I g^nf'"^' ff^^Tsl^ j *©^>sj3k!I fij£ *Nk-r^*T7||J 30.000 BEST CROPS MANY AND GET PRIZES, LOASBY'S WAHOO MANUFACTUR Our Clients that we are now in the ING CO., Ltd, DanedioWholesalo from all Merchant? position to supply them with these on Dredgiu Stocks. j " CHRISTCHURCH, BOTTLES ALES AKD STOUT, OF NEW ZEALAND. Limited >TEAMERy SAII FRCMLITTELTON f/rsn IMPROVED ZEALANDIA. Fiora all Leading Chemists and Storekeepers. 1 Xl |L ABK FOR THE i _-. Sura enough fche figure wsa IIXI, not in order to dleoover th< VI, ' Are all clocks and watches made that Cheapest Market, and where the very best value fcr your money may be had. If well way ?' asked the "customer, as he put his watch back in its fob. ( ftdvSeed your choice will finally fall on some great City Warehouse, where the; All that haveRoman figures on their dial.1 (and so secure the mont advantageous Termi purchase large lots of everything at a time * Why!' is a tradition which as' Well,forthere possible), and where they offer you an immense seleotion of ap to date Goods! aounta the custom. The first clock thatresembles the ones now In Die ih made by a famous French jewellernamed Henry Vick, in 1370. He made& present WE HAVE JUbT BUCH AN ESTABLISHMENT. of ill te King Charles V, snrnamed the Wise. Mow Charles was wise in manf ways, bat he did nob know everything, though having a reputation to sustain ha It is the largest} of its kind In New Zealand We import on a truly ooloual pretended to omniscience When Tick we deal direct with the great) manafftcfcurers. Wfl-are *J»o mftnaffiOturferi brought him theclock he examined the scale, and ourselves, and control a number of important local fadnifrtep. Ooisteqoently it witl p*y works very attentively, seeking» flaw plaoe YOUR ORDERS WITH US, and if yoa cannot doit in Person yea o»n f omewhere. Yes,' he said, at last, < the you to * clock works well, bat you have got the figures on the dial wrong' * Surely nob, your Majesty/ demurred the jeweller. * Yes, that foot should be four onra' Ab THOUSANDS of our regular Customer* already do. Write down yourrequirements as explioitly as yoa cart, enclose remittance to valutv poet your letter (It will only ' You are wrong, your Majesty „' ♦Iam wrong,' thundered the Kittg, require a penny stamp, remember), and we will do the restS You will be delighted, Dfcver because, by dealing with us yoa may obtain Beautiful New Sasßcn'a Goods At Oify rrlecs. 4 Take it away and correct the mistake,1 Vick did as commanded* The fashion One trialof this system wiH convince you, was followed by others. And so to this day we have 1111 instead of IT. 1 TT7HEN about to BUY, yon naturally look about yon "[m/w/b . AND CO. S, NEW PATENTS Aotea RELIABLE Information I \ Sept Karames 5563 Burton Ocb Kamara 6034 Scotland Gothic 7730 Kidley Weli'gton No? 7 CARGO STEAMERS. BUSINESS NOTICE four," _____ Naada 11 will Wflgcr,' said a watohw: p.ker to a * that you canncf correctly flown tho numeralson the dial plate of yoar watch. »*?,' Done !' said the other* And he wrote down. I, 11, 111, IV— 1 Wrong,' Interrupted the watchmaker, 1 How wrong ' * Pall your watch and look ab the figure AT CITY PBIOES. Paid-up Capital and Reserves, TjARJJINGHAM [Tuos, C overdale HOW TO OBTAIN UP-TO-DATE GOODS MILLION nicoll~bros., reckon there Is nothing like Plaktekoa*' (Signed) George MoCatriaon, at Mo 4 Garrisonand Sons,Wood Tamers, Sole Partners and Proprietors! """" THE The Figures on Your Watch. as'omer, 1869 m „~~ SHAW, SAVILL AND ALBION COMPANY, LIMITED, FOR LONDON. MAIL STEAy®fcA "ROYAL A* MEBSt with aapeplo* tfaHHRW s§^liifii§^nosommodatlonfosallalaases Si<Vt "*■*««♦ of. passengers, tmlitag at Monfca Vl€@o o» RJo, Teneslffe and Ply. mouth. Vessel ITea Oemmaoder From Data. UNION Wm. Strange] £400,000 remedies (including Outicuta) without success, I began to think it had come to stay. After my experience, yoa can Prici : One Penny BUBINBSS NOTICES Premier and Wealthiest, jelonlal Company, Noted for Promptness and Liberality | 1 Wednesday, September 18, I^ol. f BUSJLNhSS KOI ICES Under date March sth, 1901, Mr GeorgeJ Fire and Marine Risks, McCawieon,of 42, Lower Htreefc,Wei.1 Also,-— lington, says :—'l desire to state that I Risks on Growing Crops, hay« mspd Plantekoa with Plantekoa; Ointment for & serioos troahle on thes j Threshing Machines, etc, accepted at face,commonly known as Barber's Itch, lowest current rates The nse of Pxanteeoa completely cured ma In one week requiring only a part of tha bottle of Plantekoa and a little of Agentf the Ointment, The eraption waa veryr , bad and disfiguring, was on both sides ofE the f ice, and as I had had it some considerable time and tried various COOKING RANGES. Rimutaka* 7765 ' _ OAPITAL-^ONE ___ Brush or Razor, 21 Wafeatane 5715 Wellington Oct 10 Wakanui 5706 Otarama 3809 To follow Wafmate Rakaia Tekoa — Baebee's Itch Caused0 the Use of Unclean 17 Guardian. ZEALAND INSURANCE COMPANY ESIABLISHSD following is of special interest to0 all those who have occasion to0 viaib the establishment commonly styledi ' Hairdressing and Shaving Saloon ' : . BUSINESS NOTICES 1 jI'NEW "SHAYE,SIR." NEW ZEALAND Stoamen. Tena. I BUSINESS NOTICES vSHIPPING J*osssfc Ashburton i "inoe. 1 So!d by Ashburton Divsg Co Smoke J*ew Yenw "A TJU^O <>F HtfAUTY IS A J(.-Y FOE r.VJfctV j I Procure the Servioe* of ffIiJERFFORE HI G G «T, X*. ____________ NOTICES JWSTNBfW NICHOLAS AND PICKFORD, TTAVB JUST LANDED ex s.s. Whakatane and mw GOODS FOR » f9E ASHBUKTON GOAKDIAN " WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1901 PUBLIC NOTIOSB Weather Forecast Oapbuin Edwin I Local and General. wires "—Moderate to strong westerly winds ; I CABLE Mimaro, [q Paper and P&loJi U'eik. A» Spring 5* comm«!»,app!r o?rly to, avoid 1 -.X. SPKING AND SUMMER. P^INTS I OIL-% & RKPAIRS NEATLY AnFpKQMPTLY ATTENDED TO. STOCK, PAPERTNGSIN J. ®Dfjllih, and Continental Boots and Shooi Indies' Amerfoan, 8pco:al Shipment of O n'B American Boots in Tan Willow Oalf, and Blaok Box Calf,PPBCUL VALUB Mem Wa4arfcij?ht», Shooter*,Bluoh^rs,and Balmorals, ab Best Valae laTown in Btook, Of made to B.>n>lttg, Cricket, Rtsnning, and Fishing Boots and Shoes, cnht *' WINDO^ ~lii>^:^. I^TIIGGS. CLOCKS, WATCHRS SILVER AND ELECTRO-PLATB BKAStfNABLB NOVELTIES,Em, go to G.JJESSON, VrmiirtA Watchmaker and welter Burnett Street, {opposite Somerset Hotel) Ashburton. Specialty.— —Bepain * Presentation Committees liberally dealt with. X - FROM 82S @4 EACH. Including l Monarch,' s Pastime,' * New Easy,' Ac. SHEARS- I have just received my first shipment, including TXT 3, BBA, IIA, etc; a!ao Turkey and W*ehifca Oi! Ssonee all AT BBDBOOK*BIOSS CARPENTERS' TOOLS—An asual, lamup to date !ta variety and price. The largett selection in the Ashburton County to leleot) from G. MEDDINS, T. H. UINDRILL & CO., OABIHETMAKIRS <fe UPHOLSTERERS. alHha COLOURS of the RAINBOW, including BLACK and WHITE. «——«■_» BINDS Al_ I, OF MADE ON THE PREMISES. SOS- FROM *ffe*«il__M___i FURNITURE AND BEDDING SILVER AND GOLD DECORATIONS if required* WE ARE STILL MAKING oar Famona Drawing Room Saitei in Plash and Tapestry, which beat Ghristcharch for price and quality. Call and Lowry % see them, JUST LANDED—A large assortment of Austrian, American, and WORKS, ZEALAND!A CYCLE Canadian Chairs. These Goods were bought before the recent rise in prices, Burnett Strket which enables as to sell at; lowest prices. and G0. Dates, S. MfIBRIDE, Monumental Sco'ptoif, 60 Stafford St,Timaru A. LWAYS tr, Stock—A first * V 7 juL class selection of Marble JS-1 u^4 and Oranite Monuments, ■ Bedsteads and Toilet Ware—Largest stock is town ; at all prices} X INOLEUMS, X>XTGS, <r\ILOLOTHS, JLtfNOLEUMS, Oesigna and Estimates may I} 11 be inKpeofed a'b the establißhasanb pf Mr John Wilson, Painter, 21 i> Burnett Street, Aahburt<»n Letter Cutting in any style lIEWELLYM WM CERTIFICATED TEACHER, I*00!*l ißrprpsrntatlva of the Londoa (JoHege CABINETMAKERS, UPHOLSTERERS, PICTURE FRAMERS, A$L» UNDERTAKERS, TANORED STREET, Next to the Building Society's Office,and oppoiite'^Araade.s j F. FKRRIMAN BUSINESS NOTICES FOR SALU, obtained 93 per cent ESTABLISHED 1874* Now that the If HAITI ¥11 woot m"k9ti hai llpllillllll IjII aßßumed lta nor' lIUIBII I II J|| JLilFilil JJU JR^ES Corner Neteou and Oxford Streets, Hompstead mHATUonrftortibh House of6Room««d If/ E Hats appointed Messrs Annem v above. The Property i. well .applM with of water by one of Mam. Booth McDonald', Beds, to act as our For Aahburton and District, und they will pay Top Prices. Consign to— Windmi!k The Garden is well planted with ohoioe tree,. The Section pomm* Offices,Warehonees, end Grain Stores West Street,Aihbnrton, Land and Ent&te A(sent D. Doeor.pbion of Farmers Requisites at loweeb rates. SitddSery, Woolpaofcs, . BUILDINGS ) . CLABKE. b _ ,___ OARBOLISED Hardware ww-r- ~m~m-w-* « m m~M 14 A I WT XXXJXA. X Cornsaoire, Twine, 01W MBS J. LLOYD, ORGAN. Masioal Instrumentsof every description, maßlo by every mail. Pupils thoroughly taught. Terms, £1 Is per quarter Latest) ——- AGENT FOR FFKRWMiH, CANTERBURY,Ltd fl IT IfflQ sca3on* Apply ttttJß NEW ZEALAND FARMERS CO OPKftATiyfl ASSOCIATION OF Av/E" X Cash or terms to suit Purchaser FAIRPtILD EVERY GrocerieSf itoifeXTW dwO &?£^Xs[**lS: (jUHJj ample frontage on both Neleoa sad Oxford HampsteadPnblio'Schod TONKIN AND CO., valae this season &CO, Oopiemtory, together with good nfeablei »nd trekp house erected on the oorner eeotioa j &6ENT.S Ashburton Guardian Magan est Veritas et Prævalebit. T. H. UNDEILL & CO.'S. Ntii'lcn** i-rn-ared hr any exacain-itiofl i»rl(S in the. t'olojiy. Car.didfttp^pMstcied, 107 ; nw>.rs>%e mat*3 .;f. EMPKESS NEEDLE. Designg, Plushes, Wool, Silks and Frames, «b usuetl* Tanobbd Stbbet (next Hall, Herbalist) -H16.A088 -*■ -^^K QFFER for Sale for thitt one week is thb Building Site now J- Choioest Suburban avftllable around Ashbnrton, within tea minutes' walk of the newPoet Office, good land (60 boehe! orop laat year), fronts the above the town, good water, sheltered T\ T% /~\ I"? /"I HP f~\ T> ssorih, plantatloaß on anotbbr propertyadjacent. by fcr*rilli knit I I I 111 i A lIV AJJviVAD odtheprio9 Bf GRAIN SOLD ON COMMISSION. Well, less than the oost of two \ acres in ..r^.n* awa* ji Trade H&vlog iroliabla Inform »tion from our {Name and Labal Registered under ABhbor tom we are Agents to other parts of the Colonies, Who will bs the luoky buyer! Marks Aot, Ko 15,796 and 158,143) In a position to obtain higheat possiblo price, Apply bo pur in banik for graia placed diepocal, all for Ha« been need TT Shareholders should ba particalarlj care H. W. T>»T»"RTTtfnrn iJAJKiilli Ll, :?ul to enquire from us and iuspeot oar goods 68 YEARS W£TB UNDEV£ATING SUCCESS before ordering elaewhwe. AROADE,A9HBURTON *^nTTE have several really first-class Farm IMPORT TESTIMONIALS. VV for 8&!e on cur booke, and farmer niithlng to purcbaao would do well to call on —«-. m tot particulars :— Dear Sir, —Re Clarke's Carbolized " 370 t, Springburn Wheat Pretector. I have used the above -m-Tr-Trjg; beg to inform the public of Ash 108 ,i Mount, Somertr dressing for the past three seasons on an yy j,nrton Rnd surrounding distriot that j average sowing 1000 A eras LaHrlatou Dietrich of 1509 acres of wheat W8 have taken over the bualnesa hitherto oar780 n Wdkaoui oats, and have always found that Ifc r jeij on by Mb Gbobgb Worker, ac a and Cherlesy 10S1 gives every satisfaction- Ie la also mised Family Butcher. East Street, Asshburton, Dromore 1958 carried on, with lesa labor an«i germinates a week and thai; the business wiil beStore, Spriogburn 1180 in the than when dreased with biuestone. together with that of a General sooner 476 >. premises at corner of East Belt and Wakanui M Stht | Hinds 80(30 ,» Road. We trust thab with strict »tt«n(fn lota to suit parohaser* j Ihava ascd ?o«r Wheat P.ofcrotor. tton to the interests of the public to merit a , „ "^OOO i, Mkohum F*irfi«ld i 400 WRited on d noor Alford » 1000 and am much pleased with yonr Protector ,i anw .^ » OKfri. S lUiN Newlands JIU awr 700 as a much better preventive of emat than 700 n Overdalo Bln<eßtoae. 26 > „ 300 Jambs MoLbans Cairabraffl, T. W GIBSON Manager you arr assured or nou OHb* '""■■ ■ Bone Covers TT Tinware Bolt Goods & Boots '^ „„ „„ ""„ „ „„ F. FERRIMAN. J. WILSON /"I EN U INK WHITE LEAD AKD PURE LINSEED OIL JOB HOUSE FAINTING, &o. WALL PAPEKS. ' THK MOUHT SOMEKS COAL COMPANY A YOU CANNOT DO BETTEB THAN APPI-V FOB Combined Lite & Ac(,idmt policy, Borough Council ag to the probable effect of the proposal of Or AJcorn, that offenders against a certain Borough by-law Bhould be given the option of paying a fine to the Council before being prosecuted in the Magistrate's Court. The supporters of the proposal hold that a proportion of the breaches of she particular by-law—against cycling on the footpaths—are not committed by habitual offenders, scorchers, and persons of that stamp, but by respectable and law-abiding citizens, under special circumstances; and ifc was considered that a, summons to the Court, the only present penalty, was somewhat rongb on them. By giving them the option of paying a fine to the Council within a given date, a public prosecution could be avoided, although the penalty would still be enforced. On the other hand it is contended by the Mayor and other members of the Council, that this method of dealing with an oflence against the by-law is condoning it, or aa the Mayor put it, " winking at it," and directly enooaraging people to set the law at defiance. It is not our purposeto enter into the ethics of this question just now, although it is certainly one of some interest to the people of this town. Bat we wish to point ou% that if—as Mr Purnell's opinion to the Mayor declares the Borough Council was acting . . Distriot Agent Smoke New Ten«s JOHN TOTTY, Representative for New Business, y Ol bat only 27 propatly belonged to the city 12 being new arrivals, a»d 10 being resi* denta of the country districts. Of the 27 16 were over *ixty yeara of age, and the average was 51 years, excluding infanta under one year, 69 years. The death rato per thousandper annum ia 115, or excludingthsse under one year, 85. Tha average age for *he colony for 1889 wag 39 53. The return was regarded as »cry satisfactory, and it waa resolvacS that it should be prepared annually in future. The deathrate is swell by a large-number of invalids who go to Nelson and die, and this had led to the statement that Nelson is unhealthy, Trotting at Auctiok—That a great many South Canterbury farmers are opposed to the system of 'trotting 'ab auction sales waa . the course it had adopted, and elected to ignore tho only contingency that might arise, namely that some pmate party might institute proceedings in the Magistrates' Oonrt notwithstanding the payment of the fine to the Council. That is, however, a possibility bo remote that it might well be loft out ofconsideration. And as » matter of fact the system hts worked very well, Bsjfc the Borough Council lons not appear to ha^e a sufficient backbone to take a similar course. it baa preferred making itself look ridiculous to giving this matter proper consideration. any description would do well to mike their decision while eunh ft maguificenb stock is here from which to make their selection. A new shipment, which will also U tii9 l»i*p &M u«tboenopeoO(i News in Brief. The fishing season In the South Island opens on October Ist. The ciffioes and stores ofMessrs Frledlander on Monday neatb A meeting of the Ashburton Oarpanters and Joinera Industrial Union will be held on Thnntday night at 7 30 Fietoher Bros.' second Tea Competition closes February 28ib. First prizs, handsome marble dock and bronzy also 19 other prizes. Consumers of their wellknown Teas should aave all coupons. Mr G Meddina announces that he has a large assortment of garden tools in stock. Bros, Ltd, wiil be closed sheep shears ofvarious brand», and a good selection of carpenters* took. He is agent for the wellknown 'Syracuse' combina fcion seed drillsand cultivators, which are regarded as superior machines. Whips:—The caucus waa well attended, all those of the party not present being accountedfor. A general dissuasion took place as to the business of the session, and amongst other things, it was decided to deal with the Estimates twice a weak, the Premier intimating that he was not in favour of unduly long sittings, and that he had no desire to force them, provided there was fair discussion and not obstruction. A Bill will be Introduced making clearthe position of farmers in conneotion with the Workmen'sCompensation Act, A Fsee Trip to Australia—The 53 mile tesb race to decide who snail represent to INew Zoaland in tfee Warrnambool Melbourne loadsrace w*s hold on Saturday in and T FUjUton A laet, and resulted OBITUARY. United Press Association—By Electric Telegraph—Copyright Sydnuy, Sept 17 New YORK,September 17 has been received of the death The first race for the America Cup of Newd Captain Peebles, commanding the insfe. will be Bailed on the 26th steamer Lincolnshire, which visited p AIJ io «a««F it 17 JrAKis t taep^ A French force operating in the New Zealand last year. He also comI Western Soudan drove Fateralla, « manded the sailing ship Otago in the trade with New Zealand. eon of the late Sultan Babah, with a Home W a. Shortland, one of the football large and well armed force, to Feka, in who havo just ret«rned from New British territory. Probably ha will be team installed as Emir under British protec- Zealand, is dead, Excepting that he complained of being wearied with the tion. large amount of travelling necessitated Sydney, Sept 17 the tonr, he was apparently in good The body of William Gullen, a eea- by health till ho w«s takes suddenly ill has Banffahire, man on the steamer and succumbed to-day from been recovered in the harbour. De- yesterday, inflaenjsk and kidney trouble. ' ceased fell in while painting. Oallen w#s it native of Wellington. Thames September 17 Cape Moreton reports that the Colonel Fraaer, Sergeant at Anna in the signalled in Quirang, poesing, steamer House of Representatives, is dead, aged 73 of yeais. the that she had aboard the crew Colonel Fraaer was compelled to letwt Moonstone, which was wrecked on Wellington the Thames after the comOcean Island. The Moonstone, a mencement: for of the seaeios, on account of ill steamer of 2140 tona, belonged to the health, Before that he had a slight stroke Pacific Islands Company, and went to of paralysis, whichbrought) on complications. Ocean Island from Noumea to io*o The deceased gentleman was a Colonel in the Zealand volunteers, and taw service in phosphates for Lyttelton. There are New the Waifeato war. He was oleoted to the no details of the wreck. Provincial Council, was Warden in the The steamer Mokau, of 150 tons Thames district, and was elected three carrying capacity, built to the order of cimes ai? member of Parliament? The Ufce. Prases was appointod Sergeanfe %% the Mokau Goal Company, has been Colonel Arms seven years ago. launched at Drake* yard, Balmain. United Press Association—By Electric Telenraph-Copyright ** PARLIAMENT. PRESIDENTMcKINEY'S LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. United Press Association—By BSeotrSo United Press AesoolaUon—By Electric Telegraph—Copyright A.& Washington, September 16 When Mrs McKinley asked—5 la P.ASSOCIATION. The ordinary Committee meeting of the Aehbctrtoa A. and P. Association was held, yesterday afternoon. Present—Metsrt 0 Reid (President), T Stone, G W Lead ley, T Lannley, QAM Buckley, J S Bland. Dan MoKendry, F MoOffarty, J Small, jar, 8 Chapman, J Honifaat,T Taylor, Dsnis MoKendry, Geo Mcßae, JON Grigg, J Small, G W Body, T F Gibaoo, J Tucker, J Sbudholme, jnr, S Chapman, J Shearer, H E Upton, and MaxSFriedlander 0 >RRBBPONDBNCE 1 Correspondence aa follows waa read :— From the County Council,offering another prizj of £10 for water race plough for more than four horses.—The letter waa referred to the Oommittne, and the Secretary was instructed, at tha instance of Mr Leadiey to ask the County Council to request their water ranger to suggest a suitable locality for the trial PRINTING On the question of printing for the Association coming up, members spoke in favor of the manner in which the last year's work had been carried out, and it was decided to submit the work to tender as usual I CLASS STEWARDS Mr E Cookson wrote suggesting names for class steward?. He also telegraphed from Wellington that no stud horses of the Government were coming to Ashburlon this year The Chairman: 'No great loss.' September 1? 2 30 The Hon W 0 Walker moved » motion of the President sleeping V Dr Rixey re- condolence with the Amerfoan Nation ani plied—1 Yes j the sleep that knows do therelatives of the fate President McKinley, wakening.' She then went-quietly to in terms of the resolution passed by bhe Home, the death chamberfor a laat embrace Lower Hod G McLean, ia seconding the The Mrs McKinley desires to aeoompany motion, spoke of the need of oombined»cfcfoa body Washington, her husband's to and by the nations bo repress Anarchists, " from there to Canton The Hon T Kelly also spoketo the motion, A funeral service, in pursuance of which was carried unanimously. The Hon W C Walker, in moving the the widow's wishes, will be held in the adjournment of the referred to two Rotunda of the Capitol at Washington deaths nearer home,Gounuii, those of Mr Soobie on Tuesday morning, the body lying in McKsrzta and Colonel Fraeor; Apart from state during theremainder of the day, political matters he had, he said, always the shades of temperament) of the being escorted to the station in the enjoyed late Mr Mackenzie, and had maintained and *t Canton on arriving evening, with him a firm frieodthlp. Colonel Fraser Wednesday was known to them as an old setvanb of but his services therewere Amongst the tnany condolences re« another Chamber, the end of an honourable career began ceived that from Qaeen Margherita, only in theMaori war. widow of the murderedKing Humbert, (The Council adjourned it 2 40 p m. was one of the most touching Bishop Shortzall, the American reHOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES presentative at the Methodist Congress in London, declared that Englishmen <■ Wellington, Sept 17 House met at 2.30 pm. might rely on Colonel Roosevelt to The Mr Wilford presented a petition from the promote international friendships and try GASZ The Victorian, Tasmanian, and Queensland Parliaments adopted mo- io with The Pa&toralists1 Review in an article tions of condolence connection Mr McKinley's death, »ad adjourned, entit'nd * QDho Discouragement of Production,' by the Government refers to the speech made by Mr G W Lea<lSey at ths annual meeting of tho Ashburtnn A and P Association, ia the following torm3 s—* Ashburton ia not a very large town ia the Canterbury Province of New Zealand, and probably few Australians have ever heard of it. But it boasts of an Agricultural and Pastoral Society, the President of wheh (Mr G W Leadiey), has delivered an address at the annual meeting, which is the most thoughtful deliverance of the kind thab has been listened to by any Agricultural and Pastoral Society in Australasia, Pasb of it was devoted to the consideration of whether Strain growing could be continued in New iealind at the present ranga of values. Our contemporary quotes Mr Leadley'a remarks oo this point, which have already appeared in our columns, and than goes oe to chow that the Governments of Australia are following New Zealand's lead, and are thus paralysing the efforts of iena fide settlers. This effect) of the policy now being pursued in these colonies is having a very serious and prejudicial effect on the country districts, ainoe the State draws off all available labour to the towns ' on the chance of getting on somewhere with the Government)/ and thus swell tha ranks of the professional unemployed. CRICKET. United Press Association—By Elecbrio Telegraph Sydney, September 17 The Cricket Association has fixed the dates of the matches with Maclaren's team as follows : -First against New South Wales, November 23rd ; first test) match, December 14th; second against New South Wales, February lab; fourrh teat, February 15th* New Zealand's Labour Legislation United Press Association—By Kleotrlo Telegraph—Gopyrighu Sydney, September 17 The Daily Telegraph says :- Mr Sed don's decision not to proceed farther with labour legislation is one of the most signi' ficant events in colonial pal'ticalhistory. Probably, applying tha brake happens nonetoo soon for the community to weigh and test thereforming and experimental legislation, of which New Zealand has had such abundance, and the public capacity for assimilation, which is much more limited than some politicians per: ceive. New Zealand has gone full speed ahead so loagIn this respect that U may well slow down. There are purely politi cal reasons for the coarse, top.' " 1 NEW ZEALAND'S TRIBUTE Wellington Septemb3r 17 la the House this afternoon, Mr Seddon moved—' lhat the House ofRepresentatives expresses its Borrow at the sad and melancholy death of the President of the United States of America, sincerely sympathises with tho people »f the United States,and offers ita heartfelt condolence with Mrs MoKia"ioy and the relatives of the late President, and joins with the English speaking people throughout the world in deploring the calamity that by his demise has eventuated ; and that a copy of lha foregoing resolution be presented to the Government of the United States,' In moviDg the motion, Mr Seddon expressed his deep regret at the sad and melancholy end that had overtaken a great statesman, and paid a high tribute to the dead Preei dent, eulogising his publio career acd private life. The motion was seconded by Mr Masaey, and oatried unanimously in si'encs. Mr Seddon announced that he proposed to ask the House to adjonrn from three to four o'clock od Thursday afternoon, as the funeral of the late President MoKinley was to take place on that day. It had been suggested to him by Mr Meredith that n funeral service should be held on Thursday afternoon in front) of the Parliament Building*, bub, although he was quite agreeable thab the Parliament Grounds or Parliament Buildings should be utilised for such a purpose, he thought! the initiative in the matter should come from the Churches, which had proposed to conduct the service. He thoughb it only right and proper that an opportunity should be taken of showing out respect on euoh an occasion. In the Legislative Council the Hon Mr Walker also' moved a motion of condolence in the terms of the resolution pMied in the ' W B WOOPS' GBBAT P»??EBJt»*f C<?BE prevent blotches ; price, U A large number of other petitions to a similar effect were also presented from all par's of the colony Three days' leave of absence was granted to. Mr Morrison, and one week te Me M'Lachlan, on account of illness Mr James Allen gave notice to move for a return of all correspondence In reference to the return of troops by the Tagus, both before and after their arrival in the colony, also for a return of illnesses and complaint* among troopers by that vessel The Hon W J Steward gave notice to move that the Deputy Speaker and! Acting Chairman of Committees should be author* ised to revise the report of the discussion which took place in Committee of Supply on Friday evening, and to ccc that all reference to the worde wilh-Irawn should ba omitted from the said rep»rt The Old Age Pensions Aob Amendment Bili (Right TJcm R J Saddon) wasintroduced and read a first lime ' The Premier moved separate motions expressing regret and sorrow on Recount of the deaths of President MoKinlny, Mr Soobie MtKeiiz'e, and Colonel Praser, all ot which were carried unanimously in eilence The Premier announced that he proposed to aek 'he House to adjiurn from 3 to 4 on Thursday afte;mon, as the funeral of the iata President McKinley was to take p'so« on that) day. It had been suggested to him [by Mr Meredith 'hat a fucerat service should be ha!d on Thursday afternoon in Buildings, bat »1" \\ frocfi of Parliamentary thon^h he waa quite Agreeable that) Parliament grounds or Parliament Buildioga should be utilised for euoh a purpose, he thought the loitiitfve in the matter Bhoald oome from the churches which had proposed to oandust the service. He thought it only right and proper that opportunity should be taken of showing respect on auoh aa occasion. As 3 55 p m the House adjourned till 7 30 pm The Premier gave notice to move that the speeches made oy members in the debateon the subject brought up by the member toe Brace on Friday evening should be submitted to the Speaker and Chairman of Committees for the purpose of revising those portion! affecting the matter referred to by the member for Bruce The House then went into Committee of Supply, for farther consideration of the Estimates: Houae of representative^ £1135. Three motions to reduce items were negatived by large majorities and the total vote for the House of Representatives was then passed unentered. General expanaee of Legislative Depart- ments, £13,952, After considerable dlsQusslon, tfaa vote for general expenses was passed unaltered, and the whole vote for legislative departments, totalling £19,887, was agreed to without) The sentences of death or of terma of severe imprisonment passed on several Oape rebels have been commuted, in alteration! The Estimates for the Colonial Secretary's Department were next considered. Messrs Millar, Meredith, Monk, and Plranl protested against several incre&Ms, and Mr Hufcoheson said that there were anomalies in the increases which were absolutely indefensible, bat he recognised obat it was idle to attempt to effect redoe' tions. Mr Hogg and Mr Collinsalso protested against increases in the higher salaries Mr Millar's motion was lost by 32 to 19, | and the wholevote passed unaltered : Considerable debate took place inrefer* ence to private secretaries to Ministers. The vote on theEstimates is £325, thirteen secretariesa^ £25 each The Premier said that if justice were doneto these officers,who were worked night and day, there ought to hetwo seta of secretaries The vote passed unaltered, shortly beforethe Telegraph Office closed at 2 a.m Wellington, Sept 18 Afterthe Telegraph Office closed, strong objection was raised to late sittings. Ministers complained that no progress had been made that evening, bat eventually a motiontoreport progress was onrded by 25 to 23 The House roseat 2.15 p m life, and in the second the terras have FOOTBALL. LowerHouse. The Hon Mr McLean, <n secondiog the aioMon, spoke of the need of the combined action of tho nations to repress Anarchists, The Hod T Kelly also spoke to the motion, which was carried unanimously. SOUTH AFRICA. United Preas Association—By Eleofcrlo Telegraph—Copyright. London, September 16 Colonels Byng and Oauniagham's columns attacked and nearlyeurrounded 800 Boers at Pirys on Fdday, The Boers Buffered heavily The burghers under Theron's command have secretly surrendered at Riyerigdale, as a result of Lord Ipti" ohener's proplamation , Oolonel Grabbe engaged Scheepers i?ANDER & SOUS EUCALYPTI EXTRACT," Under the distinguished patronage of His and two hundred men near L^distnith, Majesty the King of Italy, awarded Diploma in Oape Colony, on Saturday, woundat the InternationalExhibition, Amsterdam, ing eleven. Thres British were Clinics and Uni acknowledged by Medical sar&inab the introduction of liquor into the KiogOoua* TRUE BILL AGAINST CZOL- memories Wellington, The Council met at Salvation Army, protesting co-operation THH TSETSEFLY. Washington, September 17 Mr Leadley drew the attention ofmembers The Grand Jury found a true bill to the risk tuourred in returning members of Contingents from South Africa—import- against Czolgaez. He will be tried ing in their saddle o'othsand gear the tsetse next week. He refused to plead and fly. With a view towards insuring that the was assigned two counsels, germs of this pest should be destroyed, he moved that) the Government be approached AUSTRALIA'S CONDOLENCE and requested to take measures to disiafeot all gear coming in future from South Africa. Sydney, Sept 17 Mr Buckley seconded, and in doing so, The Assembly adopted motions of however, pointed out that large numbers of condolence on the deaths of President; the met) had already returned, and the rUk McKinley and Sir J P Abbott, and would be less now than formerly. The motion was carried. adjourned out of respect to their verslbies ail over the globe, That the crude, resinous oils, which are now foisted upon the public und«*r the name of Eaoaiyp Extracts, may not be mistaken for Sander & Sons' Pur« Volatile Eucalypti Extract, we state :—lt is proved by tests made by the Medical Clinics of the Universities at Bono ,and Griefewald(Prussia), that only products that are saturated with oxygen and freed of acids, resinous and other substances adherent to primary distillation, will develop the curative properties possessed by the plaat To avoid the appalling consequences result ing from the applicationof substitutes, etc., in croup, bronchitis, diphtheria, dyaeptiery Wjjitworth riders Ibe Rudge two etc., Ina'i'b ta getting Orkson, internal inflammation, running from away race, completely ia the Sander and Sons' Porb Voiitwb Epoa the rest of the fleld, and finishing first and tYPTi Extbaot, and be safe second respectively Yon can depend on ridding your The Roman Empire, nigh forgotten, of Worms with Wade's Worm i Children away, Oneo exercissd a mighty Figs, tfie wgnxjerfal worm worriers t Bab like some buildings old and rotten, i price la Was left to crumble and decay* Thn human body needa attention, Teething Fowdbbs for Wade 8 Inorder to long life assure, and For coughs and oolda we've but to mention Babies are soothing, reduce fever ! NEWS. Telegraph -Copyright Daring that period there were 49 deaths, Discouragement of Production. . BEG 90 JAMES GIBSON,Manager will be given ia St. Stephen's Schoolroom in aid of the Church Building Fund bo-morrow (Thursday) evening, at 7.45 p.m., by the Rev Sydney G Fielding, Rector of Windsor, N.8.W., aad Grand Chaplain of the Masonic Lodge of New South Wales. The recital, as a feat of memory Ss remarkable, apart from the great elocutionary power of the poet-lecturer himßelf. The recital will be divided into five parts, and between each there will be a aoug appropriate to the poem. Mr Fielding will be assisted in his Recital by eomeof the most distinguished singers in Ashburtoo, and by Mr H AGates' Orchestra. Nelson s DeathRate —In consequence of certain statements made regarding the death rate in Nelson City, the Council lately ordered a tabu'ated return. This was presented to the Council on Friday, right, and deah with the past four months. evident at the annual meeting of the South Canterbury Farmers Co-operative Association, he'd in Timaru on S»turday. At that meeting, Mr James Guild proposed a motion In condemnation of the past and present system of auctioneering, and this was carried by the meeting. In speaking to the motion, Mr Guild very strongly condemned the praotiee of' trotting' as being opposed to all sound principlea ef business, and humourously added that the Aanooiation's auctioneer must be horrifijd at the position in which he found himself placed by reason of the practice. The auctioneer, in reply to Mr Guild, Baid that when in Rome, oae mast do as Rome does, and although ho waa compelled to'trot'while others did it, he be heartily pleased to see the practice against law and order in passing a would stopped. It would conduct*,,he said, to recent meeting giving at a resolution sounder and better business being done. to offenders against one of its by-laws False Declaration—At the Sapreme the option of a fine without a public Court, Timaru, yesterday, before Mr Juetico charged with prosecution, the County Council Denniston, John Robinson was the Land has long been a much more flagrant making a false deolarationa beforeof land ab Board, when applying tor block which Mr That body—for sinner. Rolleston appeared for the Rainoliff. Mr PorneH ia also tha legal adviser—has accused, and Mr J W White for the Crown, for years been in the habit ofinflicting Lengthy evidence was heard, and the jury, and collecting fines for breaches of one after s retirementof half »n hour brought in verdict of" Guilty,' bat recommended the of its water race by lnwe. We have aaccused to meroy, on the ground that they ago some time us a notice Bent before believed he did not make a false declaration the by reported with a full knowledge of what he was doing! to a person, who waa ranger for having tapped a water race Hie Honour said ho would take the reoomof the jury into consideration, running through his property, and it is meadaiiion and also the fact thab accused had had to to the following effect:— forfeit his deposit of £40 to the L%nd Board 'Ashburton County Council. Sir,—-Th«He inflicted a fine of £20, but pointed out Council having considered a charge brought that the offe.nce was a very serious one, ♦ tha County and waa punishab'e by a fine of up to £200, sgaiostj you for water race through your property, I am or twelve months imprisonment. He did (Joaucil to inform you that not wish it to be understood from this oa*e, instructedby the it has imposed a fina of £ : : for the thatfuture cieea of thekind would be dealt infringement of tha Waoer Base Bylaws. withmleniently. The Council dlreots me to nay that) unless , * your A CJOVERNMENT CAUCUS—A CaUCHBof the above fine is piid by I for the Qovernraont party waaheld yesterday case will be oaken into the Police Court recovery of tho full penalty for which you and lasted two honrs. A rumour spread are liable under Clause I of the Water Race at once that after Friday^ all night sitting Bylaws. {Bylaw quoted).-—I am, &o, thePremier was determinedto rally the —Clerk. party and takea short cut to end the however, ia the It is to be presumed that the County session. The following, Council recognised the advantages of result of thecaucus as announced by tho TT7HICH covers an Assurance payable in 0*°" from VV evenbof Death fromaho*B?Compenta announce that the COAL to ln i'?. The local branch of the D.I.C has now their NEW SEAM fa NOW ON THE aoy p»rh of the world, and been ia full swing in Ashburton for just 6 MARKET, price I'Tut per Ton at Mount tionfor Disablement by Accident. montha, which is 5 months longer than was anticipated at the commencement of the sa'e The sals has proved an unprecedented suaoess, and as it is now drawing to a dose, Australasia. from sulphur free perfectly » strong heat " those who are contemplating purchasing a and soot; in fact, an ideal household Ooal. or organ, or musical instruments of piano ER, FRIBDLAND Can be had from all Coal Merchants. BEAUTIFUL ,— A^' „ USES NOTHING BUT ' WEDNESDAY,SEPTEMBER 18, 1901. We manufacture all our own Goods on the premises, of the best material and workmanship, bo buy from as and encourage Local Industry ; besides, you Three seera3 to have been a difference may go further and fare worae than at of opinion amongst members of the /"VUARTEB Rhuting frnm any ilftte. 80,000 Hares. 1/ILOLOTHS, DOOR MATS—AII sorts, all sizes. nf Miuic and of the Mimtml International Co! leg", WANTED, The Health of Lyttelton—A. some what serious outbreak of diphtheria has occurred in Lyttelton, And Dr Symes, the Health Officer for Canterbury; has been carefully enquiring intotho circumstances with a view to finding out the cause of the epidemic, and will report fully on the subject to the Borough Council. Several cases of scarlatina have also occurred in the town. . SaFSTY Ctf THE MbK BIOWN TO SEA" Informationhaa been received th*b the SoJe Agent Appointed— boat, containing three men, which was blown oatto sea from Montonau on SonBay lv safety on J. T. COOCH, AshMrton. clay, had reachedtagGora Lyttelton had a very Monday. Tha Free Sample and Pamphlet on application roagh time of ie with the south wesb gale, and at times Captain Harris found that hia vesselcould scarcely make way against EPHEMERIS the wind and sea. SUN. Kbrcsene—How Is 16 done 1 Ouir readers Dfttw RilM Seta wtll see by our advertising columns that 6 1 5 43 leptember 1? Fletcher Bros are selling best kerosene 5 59 5 49 Kb 3s 9d per tin,or 7s 6d per case, whereas M 19 5 67 5 50 it is being sold (not 130miles fromAehburton) 20 5 55 5 51 at; 4s 6d per tin, or 9j per case, or 201 per cent) 8 6 53 5 52 higher than Fletcher Bros, prloe. Either Fletcher Bros must be making ft loss or someone is making a big profit Phases of Moon tot September D H H A Grass Firb—On Tuesday week a grass 6 0 57 am Last quarter fire rapidly spread over a large piece of 13 8 49 a m New moon country between Waihao Forks and Pent* 30 6 30 am Ferigee land Hills, ruuniog over several thousand 13 pm 21 First quarter acres (snya tha Waimate correspondent of 23 5 6pm Fall moon »M the Oamaru Mar?). The tussock and fences 18 4 30 a m Apogea were bo dry that) nothing could check the fire. Much damage was done to feiaoea and feed on the lands of Messrs Hayes, StudMail Notices holme, Gardiner, Peutland Hill station, and Mr Messrs Clemeati and M'Culloch. Mails close for tha following places ad Gardiner lost a number of sheep by their tinder, subject to the necessary alterations: being burned to death, and a good many FRIDAY, Sept 20 morerere badly injured* For Northern Ports and Weafcpurti, also St Stephen's—A reoifca! of Tennyson» Australia (due Sydney South Africa and beautiful and pathetic poem, Enoch Arden,' at 6.30 p m Sept 26th), per Burrumbeefr, The next best despatch to the Uaited Kingdom ia via San Ffanoisoo, leaving Christohuroh on Sept) 25th, and due London October 26th In New and Chaste Designs; at all prices. —s.- Vipr JL\/TJGS, inßp^fJ?°r« S°'°SciS% the course of the voyage from concluded in the Supreme Wellington, on Tuesday! Judgment arrangements to to lor the full amount of the REGULAR SHIPMENTS OF THEIR went, fov plaintiff OHOIOft OEYLOS TEAS, feeling sore claim (£277) with costs. Wheat Freights—Owing priacfpally the Tea drinking; public will much appreciate a PURE, CHOIOE OETL')N to the shortage in frozan m«aij available TEA, Direct from tho Grower, UNfor shipment, several direct steamers require wheat to fill up, and the freight TAMPERED WITH. has been further reduced from 20a to READ THIS— 17s 6d per ton, for immediateshipment i GABDETSpTOOLS. SHFARST O!"SHEFP i VotUNTKBias —There was a good muster of the Biflro on paradfl last evening under Captain Dolman. Lieut Hayes was also — Thess Teas are Packed in Oeyloa, and are absolutely PURE. People rarely consider the DANGER of drinking low class Teas. NIRVAN A h the highest grade known t© the trade, and Is sold by The Greatest Variety in Aehbnrton, ab prices to inifi everybody, Including the New all leading grocers at the same price. |as America Scuff c, Datob, Garden end Plantation Hoes. Garden Rakes, Spades, Forks, ordinary Tea. Trowel*. Syringe*, Border Forks Boys' Spades, etc AGENT f»r the CELEBRATED 'SYRACUSE' Combination Seed Drills and ASK FOR IT. Cultivators. Horse Hoes and Cultivators eopetiof to Planed Jr at £ tese prioa DON'T FORGET THE NAME. .9HFEP ghss rise, of kerosene The Cheapest Shop in ABhburton. LAWN MOWERS ~LAWN MOWERS, RE-ENAMELLED IN ARBITER CEYLON TEA. NIRVANA TEA COMPANY,, in THE Colombo, Ceylon, have made New York, was New Zealand s^nd Court, : EAST STKEETi BICYCLES AND-- Gebaldine Racing Club—Acceptances for the Geraldine Kaces close on Thursday, at 8 p m. A NabrowEsoapb—Mr Gamblln,returning from Fnirton last evening, had & rather narrow escape. Owing to a misunderstand] present The comraay was inipeotsd by ««"'*« *he fimshed Staff Sergt-M»jorJone9 put the mta ing as Jo tho direc ion being taken by through some oompany movemeu's, and i To be followed by Regular Shipments Newman's drag, he and his bike got amongst also introduced driilicg by eigoale from a escaped without distance, direct from Oeyloa by every i the horsed' feet,but both , any aerious damageARtKft Bioxolb CIMJB—A meeting of the Mail Boar, i Thb Counties Rill—When the Counties Ariel Bioyelo Club was held last night—Mr Bill i* before the House M? M'Nab will seek P Cookson in the ohatr. A large amount of OF THE RENOWNED to indude olauses in ib empowering a council correspondence wag receivedfrom genblemen to establish electric light works or purchase accepting positions ie the Club It was oxitting workc, and to supply electricity decided to have the road race on Oob 3rd, either within or without the oounty under the course being to Winchmore and bsok. lbs jurisdiction I Tha prizes to be Isfc £2 \os,2arf,£1 la, The Coy gives aprissavalued at A Claim For Damages. The ease of Budge Whitworth Joieph Nathan and Co. v tha masters and one guinea for the f&tetit time made in the owner* of the steamship Bsohuson, in whioh race. After a lot of routine business had damages were claimedfor loss on a shipment been done, the meeting adjourned. The Peoples Ironmonger, Burnett Street, Opposite Arcade RE-PLATED if j NICHOLAS & PICKFOED, Tanorbd Stbwhw. FOR "< First Shipment 1 JUST TO DECORATE YOUR HOMES With Ma'BsMi'ifol Pednna f — wounded the first instance to penal servitudefor been greatly reduced The following will represent the Pirates in their match with the Carters tomorrow A TALK WITH DE WET'S DAUGHTER II in the Domain;—Ohiids,Calico, Reid, Lirge, Baker, Culverhonsa (2|, Minnit, Writing from Johannesberg, a Gordon| Hepburn, Lswis, MloKenzie, EfeSfotd. StephoKS, f Olark, W Clark The following will ropteaenb the Southern Gross aeqondt in their match against tho Exoelsior Seconds on September 19th :~ Midden, Grange, Parse, Kingston, Smith (2), Johns, Hunt, Tovey, U'Kaue; Treifsn, Hepburn, Simpson, McKenzie* Emergent cies—Brophy, Nioolls, R*btray, Mc^aa^ c, l'he following will represent the ExoeMar $ ~*HBaiy, page (2), W.*lkar,Thorn**, Bsbta, Terria, MoGee,Baker, Hood, SbUli, Kerr, Strange, Robioaon, Cosbella, fjChe rmtch will be played oa the Excelsior grounds, fen i lt»vt nt 2 a5ihar^ Highlander Volunteer eaye that lately, on] account ofriotiog on the part of Scandina j yiana and others, the family qf De Wet, who live in Johannesburg, have had to looji for police protection* The volunteer one evening formed part of the guard sent to protect the Do Wets, and Ha the morning,' he writes," MUs Da Wet came out and gave m« a cup of cocoa; I had a long chat with h". She Is a girl of aboub eighteen or. thereby. 1 said to her ib was about time I the war was done, and she replied that the family had all urged their father to surrender ; but it was no uae, she -aid. He told themhe would' nevergive In,'' THE LATEST Til© Indira Famine. A MILLION DIATHB United Freda ARsoolatlon—By E'eotro Telegraph—Copy righto (Esoeivefi September 18, 9 . i MINING Termers, BEAUTIFYING Dcnsbikt, Sepb 17 ASSOCIATION. Only £400,has been subscribed by the f shareholders in the Upper Magnetic Company OTANTED Tenders for removal towards the £12CO of debentures _ of 1 worth VV fpccos and cleaning and levelling required for giviisg the company a ohance of Railway testing the claim more fully. About £600 Tailored Reserves from Railway Station to Street. Particulars from the Hon is owiDg to the baiik, which holds the mortgage over the dr«dgo. Instead of liquidating Secretary, W. W. SMITH. the company, the direotora have been given September 18th, 1901. 9 158 a fortnight to make a further effort) to pay off the mortgage. ASHBURTON BEAUTIFYING Tbe^Bendiyo.Company's dredge has etartod ASSOCIATION. I' —-- TO ' WANTErS, Etc. Public Notices, - ASHBURTON WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 190 J, ABHBUBTON GOAEDIaN " THE DAVID THOMAS BUSINESS NOTICB LET—A six roomed house in Poter ihop Street, East; also blacksmith's Road.—For particulars r.pply Mbs T OST—ThirtyHalfaoJTbrerqimterbred TW^kanui __L!67 Perm. 1 JLJ EWES; Threequarterbred " Kwts SALE, branded over H4 ou shoulder, also TETANTED—To Lat, a small paddock branded 13 on rump ; Halfbreds same brand Mr *T Street—Apply to hi with the addition of KVod the same place. Pubmeu. Wills 9 166 HAVE FOR. SAI-S Several Good Apply FARMS In the Ashbarton Ooanty, apsiefc j to 9166 S. BROWN, Melrosfl Farm being— in Homework. Apply by letter to ] amongst them 9 168 Maii, Mother' Cffi :o 1400 Acres, near Rakala, thoroughly LOSZ __ — , . FOB " FLETCHER BROS., , — I WANTE"D^l^peclatale~Girl 15> raj Bombay, Sept 17 The Indian Famine Commissionerß' in earnest. report states that the adverse con- work The Kkotrio Extended drsdgomaster THURSDAY, Tenders aro invited from A OOEPTANOES due ...'..■ ditions of the famine duriag the year reports!—' Started again laab nißht. River Gardeners for keeping Baring Square .tV three feat fal'iog rose bub i» yesterday, deaths, m; caused a miLlou Three-fourths by 8 p and Rsilwsy Reserves in good *rder for the 19th Scab, weather unsettled ; saow on hills; no eeasoa. of those who died Dolonged to the again; Particulare from the Hon Secretary, X A O'SIALLEY, yet.' drift W W SMITH. Bombay Presidency, The Royal Maori Company's dredga will 9105 1901, Hod SeorotMf September 18th, 9 189 have a trial this weekl Oomp'iny'a dredga k ready TheGaivanio Tour of the Czar and Czarina. PRIBDLANDER BROS. LTD to starU PEOPERTIES BBCO.\D TEA COMPETITION. - £9 hand for the 500 Improved, CLOSES FRIDAY, FEBKDAEY 28th, 1903 Acres, Rakala,thoroughly Improved, Misms Apply Dressmaklnsf £12 0/smeron and Mcßae, iwxt Oddfellows' 650 Acres, Mitcham Boad, no batldfnes 9 163 Hill, Wi'ls Straet. *? £5 Acres, 200 Road, Mitcham TO BE GIVEN A WAY buildings, no < Tomato Piants—The Plants, riIOMATO ■■ JL strongest aad hardiest in Aehburlon ; 90 £4 5s To the 20 Largest OoDßttmers of oar p«lcbPßtoi TW'\S Acres, near Tinwald, improved, also Beauty of Hsbron Seed Potatoes, 141be FrR-,1? PKlZE—Han.iiome Marble' Clock and Brbi".s<i " for Is, or 8a per-owt—at Fletcher Bros. £13 5a Also 19 other Prims, iooluding Tea : eta, Electro Plated Te* and Ot-H^a' 8«t, 1000 Acres, Lanrlston, no balldlDge, £8 Dinner See, etc. Dunedin, iept 18 New New 6d 207 Acres. thoronghly p-r lb, Currants Lowcliffe, im1 A Coupon is ci closed in every packet or tin of our well known Tew. Today's eaUa : Ahaura River 3i, 3»ld ; OFFICES and STORES of the proved, first class land, £15 Sultiiisa 6|-1 ptr lb, New Valencia IPBEOAUTIONB FOE THEIR SAFETY, Bendigo rjlHB 9a 91 ; Biundary Creek 3s 9i ; Raifins Sd per lb, Finest Japan Ri^o 2<\ pet 186 Acres, Lowcliffe, thoroughly imOF Undersigned will beCLOSED on MONDAY lb, Best Kerosene 3a 9d per tin, or 7s 6d per Fourteen Mile Beach 17< 9J, 17s 63, lie ; proved, £14 United Frets Association—By Electric ; House 14s 6d Monte Halfway 335, Supply Cr.risto case ftb Fx-btchb« Bko-». Cash SUPERIOR HOUBEHOLD FURNITURE 233 Acres, Mitoham Boad, improved, Telegraph—Copyright Vincent) Extanded 7i 9J, 8a 3.1, 8* 61. inst. Next, 33a 23rd Stores ; Berlin, September 16 420 Acres, Cherfcsey, well improved, £6 19, 1901. 9 157 FRIEDLANDER BROS, Iso. The Cz»r and Ozarina have sailed Smart, Reliable Farm SEPTEMBER-OCTOBER PRICE LIST tot Francp. Hand ; wife to oook> good wages 3000 Acres, grand land. Lyndhnret, £9 Fatal Accidents A Few Special Lines we wish to draw your attention to j— 9 162 5000 Acros, Hinds to Ealing, in tussock, Apply H A Mackay. Mail Offiae. FRIEDLANDER BROS,Ltd, Pabis September 17 A3HBURTON OABPENTERB AND"" in blocks to cult purohaaere, £210s have received instructions from V. H. Cocoa *lb lid, Is 9d, lib 3» 3d CJaibed Praia Aseoohtton—By Bleotrio Ififfey thousand soldiers gtmd the JOINERB INDUSTRIAL UNION. to £4 . W , tjlsheat Test) Kerosene 3a9dper tin, 7a AulsebrookeCocoa lib 9d, |lb Mr D MoOlimost, who ia leaving the Renti, for Two to 41b l8«d,llblf Telegraph—Copyright Month?, 63 Acres, ilb IsM.llb If railways used by the Czir and Czarina district, to Bell by Public Auction ab his heavy Terrace, Carter's extra 6d a cage a Small Room suitable for a WorklOi Nelson Bepb 17 residence, East Belt, thewhole of hie superior land, daring their visit to France. Paris £40 Japan 2d Rice 1b Vi Occoa lOd per shop; gas preferred^ Apply per one with laid on lOdand and Is Id tta finest Id. Ha' A MEETING of the abova will be held on to A fatal accident occurred in the Matai Household Furniture and effects. will not be visited. X.V Z, Guardian Office. 9 165 476 Acres, Springburn, improvements, Finest "White Sago 2d per lh mwwi ' Brussels Carpet), Lace Curtains,Poles and -TV THURSDAY Night N.e*t/ab 7.30 Valley thia evening. John Packer an .WFFMB new, Finest nearly good; land £7 10s Now 6i perlb „ 9,15 a Currants 118, Received SeptembeE m Couch in Plush, Bpring Rocker, o'clock. P<jre Coffee 2s Per Ib elderlyman, with hia son Howard and Rings, Basket) 2 Acres, Orchard, Allenton, good Finest JSew Sultanas 6*d per 1b Known—Last mouth of Bkelin, Sept 17 another F. ROSE, Chair, Occasional Table, & yoath, were getting totara piles Plush Coffee Beans la lOd perlb. honee, thoronghly improved, H £450 Finest New Valenclas 6d oysterst—J Fiahmonger per Jewitt, lb The banks of the cana! at Kiel were 160 Secretary. Chairs, Double Iron Bedstead, out of a rough gaUy, and when carting the Austrian and PouUerer* Telephone 96; 3 Shopa, with five roomsd Duelling, .New Cooking Figs 6d perlb GoSeG and Chicory Is 41, lift, Mid It Spring Mattress, Bedstead, Hood with gendarmes and police as the piles Double Wooden the dray overturned whils crossing TaDcred Street, Ashbarton. IMPORTANT TO FABMEBS. Duchess Chest, Wash Stand and Ware, o Cz%r and Ozurina passed en route for the creek, and JohnPacker was crashed to Linoleum, OD (ho Bya,l,,R W. Amm, 1. Sd brtfe TOOLS—Now is t:me to 1960 acres, good land, Awakino, North Couch ia Tapestry, Dining Table, f^ ARDEN H Dunkirk. visit 6. Mkddin'B, the Pet pie's deathbeneath the dray HU son and the dinger Sswing Machine, Auckland, thoroughly improved, o*'b <j*lb lins lies, \'\^X Lamps, "I7IARMERS insuring reaches, Picture?, their 9d contemplating per pnioireo' Ironmonger, Sp»i!ea, EFoep, Forks, for Rakes tin other youth were attempting to ex*ricat9 Book Shelves,Kitchen Utensils, Garden X? Employees Paris, Sept 17 i/O fll" Bg&insb Accidents, are re- and Trowels, eto ; alsa Drills and Ih Tna Pres. Pars, 9 J per dn Fhf r Akaroa The precautions for the safety of the thedeceaaed when Howard was kicked by Tools, etc, etc. 3500 acres, good land, Woodstock, Paramatta quested to hold over completion, tempot Cultivators, equal n.Juice, to Planet but Ur Jnr, 9i bottlo of the horses in the h&i\d and side, Sale at 1.30 o'clock Cho-ccst Facoiy 7d per !h rarity, pending the Oonforeiice of Farmers' one third cheaper Southland, £2 10s [ Oz%t and Ozarina in France are so one " badly hurt, John Packet leaves a FRIEDLANDER BROS.,Ltd, Unions to be held shortly in Asbburton, 302 acres, good land, thoroughly ISLck-Untie btilp.'Lima t ■ great that the line of route has the and i°ik t ,„reara .-. CONFEO'JIONfitY Juice, widow and a numerous family, Is bottle when it ig anticipated that epeoially improved, Woodstock, Southland, Monnery'a JOHN X BL&ND, SINGSWHISTLiK rßnsel-B ls Per lb v pLAYS, aspeofc of an armed citxtp. Vmegar, per Dunedin, §ept 17 Raspberry 1« 9J V* 9 127 £ Auctioneer. favourableterms will be offered to Members £6 10s Orfiam Da'e- lid per lb William Troy, one ot the preasera on bottle the of Union Forks, latest, acres, Berlioet's Patent 52 Ashburton G-amophoco—tha good land, New Season's H; pc (loose) Is lb posted Caramels Is 41 1 et \b .. , the Karamea, was drowned at Port Ohalna The Royal Tour SEPT, 20tb, 1901. " G W LKADLEY, loudest, and beet talking machine. Every > £12 Fngh*_h Jvjubes J» 2d per" lb Apples 8d rer lb era last night. He was go: n& on board family should posaeas ooe for entertainment, ChairmanLocal Branch Firmer*' Union 900 acres, Fairfield, thoroughly im* Evaporated w P«* H> EvaporatedPeaches 9d per lb Sample machine on view. Sole Agent for brother, hia and walked ' along .wiih the £®Hy Jubpfc IMPORTANT £5 10a proved, TEE ARRIVAL IN QOEBEO. outside of the railway trucks on the wharf Process 9d perlbMixtorw Eropoyated Apricots, per Athbnrbon County, 104 lh -" acres, Rangitata. subdivided, 597 well ' Scotch ' Mixtures U lb per Evaporated Nectarines 8d per lb QT. STEPHEN'S SCHOOLROOM. whiie his brother walked on tha inner A, T, H. WILLIAMS, watered, and improved, £4 Ohoo°'«l» United Press Association—By Electric Ir6d"pet Mittnrfcß lb -: Finest Stewine Prunes 8d pet lb side. There was a splash heard, and an 45 aores, Tinwald, £17 East Street Telegraph—Copyright ' Conversations 6d per lb FARM IMPLEMENTS. : Extra Qatllty RE O I TAX alarm given, bat an honr elapsed before OF STOCK AND i Inspection lavited '2500 acres, Laariston, £5 10a i Ottawa. September 17 Etc. Etc* Chocolate Is per Creams lb 21b Tins Corned Beer, la tin body was recovered* A.t the Inquest Of Tennyfioa's "" ENOCH ARDEN," J55 acres, Tinwald. £18 . Etc Ktc Kto The Gphir daring the voyage ex- athe 2 b Tine Brawn, 101 tin verdict of Acoldently drowned was Elgin, acres, SEWN D Stock s 382 £4 10a Repairs at FRIEDLANDER By Rev S. G, Fielding, perienced a circular storm, and pitched returned, the jury adding that the atten BROS,Ltd* DBIEI) FRDTO Tins I'reaer^ed jßibbib. lid il» have received instructions from Mn Blue Boot Store 300 acres, Fairfield, 6 roomed House 2!b heavily, Bhe hoisted the Stars and tloin of the Railway Depirtmmt, which M Mahoney, Assisted by some of the best singers in New fclene Raisins 6d per lb j .;-^ who has disposed of his farm, and Stable,well watered, £5 2s 6d I Herbal Beet Extract 7d bottle* Etc, Stripes at half mast when she anchored. controls the whirf, be called to the urgent to Sell by Public Auction at his Homestead, Ashburton. Mothers to send their Etc. ' heedless Mascatela 5d per lb 123 acrea, Dromore, £6 Paob, Children along to the Misses ACID At Quebec the Dnke and Duchess necessity for soaia protection on the Elgin, on the above date,— deededRaisins 7§-i per lb 1180 acres, Spripgbnrn, thoroughly THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19. to Bee their New Goods just Unded from Evaporated Pear* 9d per lb improved, good house and all Tartarks, powdered, Is lOd per lb The whole of hia live and dead Stock, had an enthusiastic reception, despite wharves after nightf*!'. At 7 45 p m America.—Ariel Eaab Street Confectionery, Ooutt's Acetfc (pints), la 9J per bottle comprising— necessary outbuildings Desert Prunes 10dper lb ■ " the rain that was falling. Admission le, Children 6d. 9 164\ : 512 Acres, Ruapnna, subdivided, well Contt's Acetic (quarts), 2s 9d perbottle lib Boxes Figs 6d and 8d per box ofoSßbred EWES In lamb ; ' BAshburetuotinfyng Association Received Sepb 18, 945 am KNOWN-That I have apwith house, stable, black Cttric Acid (Nelson's), 3|dper packet Dates 6d per lb watered, FOR 18 APPLICATION COAL MINING Ottawa, September . pointed J, A. Clothier my Agent NDS smiths shop, £6 £* Draught MARES and GELDINGS ! ab Tinwald, and hij rooeipt will be a tuffiFLOUE, OATMEAL, ITO The Duke of Cornwall, in hia epeaca A meeting of the Ashburtoß Beautifying LKABE. 600 Acres, Rangitata, In English grass, Jordan, 2 a cient for on discharge auy Money paid my per Valencia, Is 6d lb *. npoa landing at Qaebec, made touching asociation was held last night in the l «. subdivided into 8 paddocks, two T 11a -p, "I Dogcart MARE and Harness behalf. i"-mest Roller To the Commissioner of Crown Lands t Flour onkiv 2001b bag 14b» «a*.» lOtib AMiwnvTA hia Worship tht reference to President McKinley, the Borough CouDcil Chambers, hut, roomed £4 9 147 bags b»g3B.lid 6d, CHAS. 7b 501b Chriatohuroh. HAWKINS. the Mayor, seoretsi-y in chair. The read 220 Acres, Rhi gitata, in tussock, sab Royal visitor associating himself with apologies from several gentlemen, who "I Whiteohapei, Set of Harness Ch-^n«rch O»tme.l were 4A V r lb are receiving Ordera for PICTURE divided into two paddocks, wire the Canadian sympathy extended to a unavoid&bly absent from illness. JAMES GIBSON, of Ashbarten FRAMING. £3 bV M , fences, Gig, application and and a ~l and rmke Ihe friendly Wheat.Meal26lbbagß 2a3d nation, hereby , added PONY, Harneaa under great .a Those who desire to do their own 290 Acres, Winchmore, subdivided, D Powdered, TUB LATE CONCERT 6d lb per " Ncwes' Food lidper tin s splendid tribute to the valour of the The committee who were cut rusted to Goal Mines Aot, 1891,^for a Lease fora Framing, eannob do better thai* pay BLACKING house of 6 rooms £10 Dr Brandt's Food Is per tin MARE, good io saddle us a visit. Wa have » very Canadians at the battle of Paardebnrj?, make arraj'gemeats for the late concert a IBay Select Day end*" cakes, 4|d per dozen Mellln'e Food ls 9d per tin term of years for One Hundred A ores 0! Siock and Harness D. THOMAS, where they took each a prominent part reported that the concert had been a great BLACKLEAD, KTO Land, situated in Blocks 5 and 6, AS ford &o. of Mouidiogn, Picture Mounts, Glass, Patent Groats Barley 9d per tin "I | BaoonPIGS Asshburtnn success, and would add to the considerably In the operations againdfc Orocje. Jamess Dome, 61 per doz; Besger'a Food la 9d per til . the Smvey being District, land for rrquired WILSON, Association, funds the whenail the JOHN of returns !&y dOZ It in atiderßtood that; the chief reason were Benb Brown's Com Flour 2|d per lb 8 279 in. Unanimous votes of thanks 1 X A Sacks Seoondu WHEAT Coal Mining purposes, Burnett Street Stove Polish 5d per tin Pola'nd'a Corn Floor 3d per lb against the Doke of Cornwall attend- wete passed to the ladies and gentlemen, JAMES GIBSON. anamellne 5d per tmj Pearl Bdr!ey 2d per lb ' iug President McKinley's funeral is the who had canvassed and worked bo earnestly 1 ft A Bushels Tuscan Seed WHEAT 12. September Ashbarton, 1901. B.ack Lacqaer per 9d bottle Split peaa 2d per lb of tempting the aoar- to make the concert a success. Bronswirk Black BdJ« Egyptian Lentils 3|d per lb DONATIONS |)AA Bushels Canadian Seed OATS [j^liists to attack h:m. A g IN THE POUND Discount off all oush Haricot Beans 3id"per lb ,a, eqaare, ,niJOd per lbL D ti Votes of thanks ware also passed to Reckett Rolled O»ts 74 *nd 1| Qaaker Oats Meßsra Oooob,Trevor, Collins, Johns and DA Sacks Peed OATS llecketbs, bag, lOi.per doz purchasea of Fancy Goods ; Glass,China, -* Home and Foreign. FFSH Massey, for donations of plants to the square, lOd perlb , Keen's, n,, tl r'«l au acceptable, These 6 l,B P9P ]Q werespecialiy undersigned Association. Tons nnHE to | O A Oaten Sheaf CHAFF inform hit and b . faegs Royal Ware, J!, Plated 8d lb per during Stocktaking nMJ, United Preii Association—By Eleokio Sale, t 1 as there are large spices and borders to be Cutlet lib tins lid pe,r t|n X numerous Customers and Friends that) BORAX Telegraph—Copyright Colombo Rivor lib tine 10d; per- tlift , his former residence pUnted, aodl any further contributions of he has removed from till " TON 8 September per HALF 20th. 198 Powdered 8d g MIXED CLOVER SEED lb rttit;D to » more Central and prominent position t~" plants and bulbs would be v«ry acceptable, BAKING POWDER !l?.yn fctnoktd 6d 1and 7*e»Isper 4 MaaseyjHarris Reapers and Binders t ; Received Sept 18. 9,15 a.m. The Association is earnestly working to on the Main Bo»t?, within live minut«» bardinrs, Ha ■Bdmoond'e, small, 6i per tin 2 Farm Drays and Frames Wdtik of his former place, his Business improve the appearance of the town, and Alhetfc ' Sardmrs Is tm per THE KING OH&NGE3 HIS li'vtnnnd's lawfl lOlnflMin IV.taond s 110 } inoreased bo these hope for tho assistance of the citizens to having last coreidsrabjy 1 Tipoarb and Frame NEW _-Ali_NO;Other Brands Fmall Tin 4d And 4£d "'g^Jgj^ ROUTE J enable it to do so with success. few years (hit he found the kind inadequate . _, ." Large Tins 8.1 , 1 3 Furrow 1 4 Furrow Plough, Plough to per cultivate stock for S!d Ib enough London, Fept 17 earl, his customers. Herrings In Tomato Srooe lid pet tltt THE RAILWAY PLANTATION (Massey Harris), 1 Mou'ding Ploagh, I Robinson 9d tin per « Patent Kippered Heirings IQi .per. tin King Edward haa decidod not to Peveral of the members meb thia morning, Single Furrow Plough, 1 Cambridge Roller, j Thanking his Patrons andfriends for BrcseMeal 6d per lb Fcfcgh Herringß 7d and 81per tin, ? Why, Our Large Shipments from hia visit to tho Continent via and went) aver the railway plantation 2 Seta Sx Laaf BUrrowe, i Set Chain EUr their increasing aupporfe, and trusting by of NEW GOODS lor the SPBING. East with a view to Bloater lOd. Lobster ls bordering TiJ 1 Grain Reid and by Gray, Drill, Street, rowß, 1 unremitting arranged, to.fcheir requirements, Flushing, as at first Lovely Blqase Silks OanarySaper b FACTORY consider the best way of doai'ft^ with U, Grubber by Massey Hard-, 1 Scoop, 1 Dray, to secure a 0attention N.Z Mull«t 7d, OysierE 8d" ' Btkuinoa of their confideoce, ' La£©eb Meirceriffed! .Sateens Hemp perlb HOLIDAY 3d Eventually LQBD SALISBURY'S it waa decifled that the outside 1 Winnowing Machine, 1 Qorw Gutter by and the honour of their ktod leoommonda' Mnam*Bn Clean an«l Neat Prints " -, ehould he removed, and a walk made P and D Duncan, 1 Grass Strippe-, 1 U'b Bags, mixed and slfted 6d tik b S ilfuffi'^iiu M Artistio .Blouse Muslins lib «-i. tin It «j Lord Salisbury has started for a fence BISCUITS (Aulaebrooke, Etc) 1 dovim the middle of it from the Btafclon to Portable Hut, 6 Sheep Jfeederv 8 Seta ttoD. fl u Keens m tln Black Lustres (plain and fancy) for month's visit to Beaulieu, in the French Tinored Street,and aentft abou'd be plaood Leading Harness, 3 Seta Shafb Haraesp, I or perlb Fancy by NEW GOODS. Lunch tin '-, 3|d p 3*d Black Grenadine & Fancy Caehmerefeteß NEW GOODS. under some of the trees. , Biviera. Ohaffoutter and Cornomaher,Hay Rake, Arrowroot Milk 6£d by tin or?d perlb T t tc 'fa MBJ A very choice selection M»xed, Lemon, andA Citron Mlb OraiJg« Gates and Hurdles. tin Ginger by MURDERERS Nnta or 6d s|d per lb CHINESE CLIFTON NURSERY, tins Lemon 3s 9#,peß«n I Peel or 6d s}d perlb by by FtJRNIX'URE-Piano, G.rabaldl tin (new), PUNISHED TO-DAY'S TELEGRAMS. Mtmoa! Box, Violin, Sawing Haake NEW FROM PARIS. Oltron Peel ls 4^'",„„„ Allenton, Ashbutt-on, Machine, D I i ' ' Fancy Mixed s|d by t!n or 6d per lb 4>JT DOZEN STRAW HATS Hong Kong, Sepfc 17 993 V Bedsteads and Bedding, Waihstands and I New Plowera (they are ouperb) _.., Peoples' Mixed 4d by tin or 4|d per lb ,v n The bi^h funotionsnes responsible United Press Association—By Electrio Ware, Easy Chairs,Bruaae's O*rpab, Side1 Qid«!Fancy Sußßhiae Hate P<?r Super Wine 6|d by tin or 6d per lb DOZEN SOFT FELT HATS tQ lsok i 8d lb Telegraph "Up board, ho data' Hats ls Piotures, etc, Overm&ntla a Sailor P^r Qhuohan for the Gun, massacre, including P.ain Wine 4fd by tin or 6d per lb pure (C^*m 3i large quantiby of Crookary and Kitchen Now Glove* in Suedp, Kid, Lisle, and OCEAN DO2EN TENNIS SHIRTS the Governor of Ohekiang, have been Sultana s|d by tin or 6d per lb Christchurch, September 18 Black, also 2 good SheepDogs Utensils, Silk-White, c»nd Colored degraded and banished, fourteen of the & severeoutbreakof diphtheria is reported Black aad Wbise and White and Black OaßtJe owfe ■*»«"* Lyttelton. oa per Id m_t,i_ o u qj o«nk Te^a (Rich) 04a by tin or 8d aotuai murderers have been executed, ab Mr Sunshades b« Luncheon Provided 8 D Barker, an old Oaatarbary Regatta Gaps, and Un or lb ?"» by pw Shirts, Ties, 4|d New Water 5d New Drei® Trimming! a SfiVGis of the accomplices have received resident), and second son of the late Dr 2lb by ITMp* lb nil the Latest Novelties to open next Oracknetla, New Rnohtngs Sale at 12 noon jptotenosa of five years' imprisonment), Barker, died from irfluepa* taab aighU The TRBAQOI prices A at low very New Belfci and Qollftrebfcei ; Ltd, FRIEDLANDER BROS,L*D. week. deuoased waa for some time librarian of the Kiic! Mac have been banished for life. Shapes New in Ladie&' Linen Cttffa aod Supreme Court). He leaeea a widow and 9 131 J^R^BLANp.^u^tioge^^ Collars J,iQ Ib^, 141b tinl 3s 3d, 581b tin «a Wax Candles Plain and Flnted 6k seven children. The Largest Selection in Tcwm Price's 3d» 561b tin lls 6d WEST STREET AUCTION National 7d MART Napiek, Sept 18 SOUTH AFRICA Brown Treacle 2lb tin 6d, 4!b tin % fife Fins Aaoortmentof Prices Bight, Quality Bight. Piano Candles lOd „. £1,000,000 A Gents' Capital Ths Educnbion Board have decided to 3s 28Ib fete M White Straw Hats } Carriage lOd £}1*_t!» OUR USUAL «.!«£,«» adopt) c uniform act of sohool books for the ' " „ d Gents' Canvas Hats f Belling PBOFOSBD MABTIAL LAW 'AT whole educational diatriefc. Tho new sy&tflm .&^ Night Lights 9d }> Prioe'i Gents' Linen Hats Fast. Molasses 8a 6dcwfc { oomee into force after the annual exsminaCHEMICALS OAPETOWN Gants' Paris Ties " ) liOß9. NEW ZEALAND Cream Tartar ls 3d par lb >J«!?f?«, 2|4 per ii. Morton's Snowdrop Sugar 701b 16s 63 or«aj Corporation fIIHIS has Itl Pa&mbrston North, Sepfc 18 ABFOLTJ Tartarlo Acid ls lOd perlb " UnitedFn«i Aasooiauioa—By Electric WILL BE HELD ON Spring forget When do not Loaf Cleaning' per Sogar Meaera lb Burglars broke into the premises of TTIACTORY Powdered Borax lb %d Teiegrapii—Oopyright Bdt>er that ' THE CORNER' is celebrated for Brown bngarMd perlb. C M Ross and Co,draperß, laab evening. THUESDAY, 10th October TELY LOTH ING JC AC TORY Powdered Alun? 6d perlb Pretty Floorcloths and Linoleums lomg Sugar 6d perlb Efforts were made to remove the safe from 3d oa Magnesia per Bfloeirad September 18, 915am Carbonate 1901, Floral Blinds, all widths NO TARIFF the office into the back yard, hut the Castor s"gar 5d Pei■"> bottle London, September 1? 6d per Fluid Ammonia Choice Laoe and Muslin Curtains jam» were apparently disturbed in their For'whioh we will be pleased to receive j . @ „ Ammonia ls4d per lb Ihe Daily MaiFs Capetown corree*- burglars m g A~SI* FOR © c v Lump work, and the sals was left) unopened. Entries, Arrangements with any other COM1 Orge arn 6d lb per Snlphnr Powdered Our Dressmaker, Miss Coebibs is very v* pondect states that Lord Kitchener T PANY, and will Cover ALL EM- busy, Sole 11.30 a.m. 5aM dftlS M and has esSabliahed a good reputation Parana Wax le per «" gjfS Sj» sod Sir Hely Hutchison are In favor lns laaV Jam §d PLOYERS at |21b t!ns for style, onfe, and fit. Sporting. fFRIEDLANDER BROS,Ltd, French Chalk lOd per lb lid ti tin Raspberry Jam tl of martial law at Capetown, with a 9 99 Auctioneers* COCOA PLAOS SOUR ORDERS NOW, jar 21b JarsPlum Jam Is 2d view to the extirpation of rebels, while LOWEST POSSIBLE RATES. |lb 4|d 4£d, Fry's Cocoa fib B&di Hb Is 21b JarsPeach ahd Apricot Is 3d jar BANGITIKBI RACES. Mr Sprigg and the community oppose MABSBY-HARRISS Cadbary's Cocoa |lb 8d SEPARATE — ■ \T7"ANTED TT — a good ■ VALUABLE PRIZES 20 . FINEST Clearing Sale — THORSDAY,~iept FLETCHER BROS. WANTED. — MESSRS M -^ WANTED „ WANTED la& Tinges lt^l £° |f «Hr«^T^m* 1 ""iiIDAY, CLEARING SALE , ' 1 - , HAND MESSRS WANTED — : 400 WANTED — 4dpeLrr , rnWfidnerhS I te&SLfS WE " . _____ . i^cdeaimbianess Martin^ Bril°l-S? , ? »PfiOLAir^ioTlCßr~ Ti"\.Z f. * . , , BlSe lOdt „, . .. .. S* C^eb^^i" "■ THEY HAVE ARRIVED! _ CLOTHING WHAT _ * 1 , S?lel?*S il. f' l^ James Porter, 2f\ v 2f\ AGOident d Guarantee _ TS°7sfh7lJtf JSfttafc? Bib |n u ild to*« !»!"-Jg^jg CORPOEATION, .. ■ isa HORSE FAIR " * „ CLOTHING ... . "it ? "f J J lb* It. A Japanese Protest Teleptraph Bdlls, September 18 The weather is fine but a strong gale is Tb® attendance in good and the in good order. The Club is paying two dividends. Resultß :— THE STANDARD OF OIVILI- blowing" course ia SATION fjmitfd Preee Aaaooiafcioa —By Eliobdo Telegraph—Copyright) Received September 18, 9 15. a m BfDNKY,September 18 The Japanese Consul has protested to Mr Burton againat the Immigration Beitriction Bill, on the grounds that the Japanese belong to an Empire, whose standard of civilisation is so much higher than that of those the MSI proposes to include, and that it is a reproach to include them He FiiYiNG—Toa 1. Calceolaria 2, Badgebrook 3. Scratched—Ringlet. Won ea«.f!y. Bivideads--£323ftnd £1. Maidbw—Cure 1. Heolaimer 2, Sammos 3. Soratohed—Lum Kep, Araw», Wafmoe. Won easily. Dividends—£l Us and £112s. Hack Hpbdlfs—Bones 1, Meerschaum 3. Won oa dends—£2 13s, and 191. Morelli 2, the post. Dlvi- Hack FLYiNfi—Ooean 1, Beara Ideal 2, B'onkwing 3* Scratched—Oisna, Brerza and Reclaimer. Divlden(!e~iei7and £2 1b Wade's Worm Figs are most effective and not; unpleasant; children ttked that either they be exempted or thrive after taking theaa pricp, Is plasail on the same footing as Europeaw ______ Boot Factory Destroyed Melbournb, September 17 Marshall and Company's large boot factory at Fort Melbourne has been totally destroyed fey fire. The amount of damage Is unknown. Melbourne, Sept 18 The damage at Marshall's lire is esllmated at about £20,000, and w mwmiby ioinrarace, Three hundred employees h,ave been reuderad idle. Australian Loans. ~~~ Employers Insuring with oaf can rely on Best Tbeatment, and Claims ~ITT7""E have pleasure In announcing to Do Not become a Ohaege oh the T ? those of oar numerous Giieacs,who Consolidated Revenue. Neither will poieasa MftSseyHarris Reapers and Binders, Clients be subjected to the that) ' Kicoll Bros. GRAIN SBIPMEnTs""" pRIN TS from 4|-d ab Pkahob's following Good Building Sitefl, THE Ashburton All Working Men to see oar Tweed Trousers, Street); WANTEDTown SeotioQ | acre, lid Strong Oord Trousers 8s centra! situation TO LONDON "~^ FOR SALE, (Tailored 7g 427, j a limited quantity of Space lid 5 by steamer available, and are in a Town Section 823, £ acre, good land, Cox' 2 pair Merino Sox for Is, at T ABSMS room oentrally situated In Bun positions to quote lowest rates of freight street; only few minutes walk from 1 Peabce's, Cash Draper and JLJ natt S% nexb Mail OfwcEi Clients wishing to ship will please com* Post Offioe Oioth'or municate with tia promptly Apply to Town Saction 1122, £ acre, Wills street: -Ladies to see Trimmed , good west, TBWLLOOK, residential sites Northern FRIEDLANDER BROS,Ltd Apron! la to 4s lid, Cooking A goofci' aipaoti la Aprona to la 6d, Special Line Town Sections 1129 and 113O9 each $ acre ;I Corsets3a lid, worth 63—Pbakoe's, Oaineron straet west; wili b« sold Easb Corner and Bnrnatt Streets together or teparaieiy Ohailoß Street, Allentoii TTTANTED TO SELL-Lob Sample Easy Terms; particulars on application Bonnets, Son ff no two alike, to be being Lob 21, with Oof T BULLOCK sold at landed cost; White Gloves tags of three rooms, gcallery and 6d—Pjsaece's, Corner East and parsiry ; also shed, etc thereoo; maoi-ocarpa Burnett Streets foucai ferma if re quired to wear Colonial Apply TO LET _____ WE Have . : DEBIRALE ||; Fishing* Season^ 19014902. HALF-ACRE, DWELLING WANTED T BULLQOK HAEDLEY BEOS. AGAIN to the fora with their new IMPORTED STOOK OF FISHING TAOKiuE in great variety—Minnows,Files, Reels, Lines, Waders, Rods, eto, etc Anglers call and inspect) A. AGER, ; BEAUTIFULLY W or 40 working men WANTED Inapeeb Oar Strong WorkingI* BROS. Boots. If you see themyoa help? BAST STREET, to cannot buying, at D Stock's Biae Boob Store MfW TARIFF S..^/ Wm Harst CHAMPION BLEND PRICES. ' OTHER 8 Yorkshire Hero ® I -NO CHINA TEA USED BY US. j LADIES! ■ EGGS. ■ . uded. GENTLEMEN ! We have jast opened) oat ex s.s 'Rangatira* a large Shipment of New Winter Goods We respectfully Invite inspeotlor of our new Worsted and Vicuna Suitings, Serges, Scotch, Irish, and West of England andNew Zealand Tweeds, Meltons, Beavers, Venetians, New Rainproof Coverb Coatings, real * Donnybrook' Irieh Friezes, &o. Suitt. to measure from £3. Trousers from 15s. Oar motto is always Satisfaction !' ' ORAIGHBAD & BERRYMAN The Leading Tailors and Outfitters, ASHBURTON > "" BEANS EarlyLong Pod Green Windsor Harlihgton Wicdeor Canadian Wonder Ear!y Golden Butter Pi»le Dan Champion Scarlet BEEU Habits Biood Red /"I ENUINE Tailor-madeOoßtamee, VJT Jaoketa,Rainproof Mantles &o,madev Nutting's Crimson LEEK to measara in the latest Stylet and oewes Materials, Fit and workmanship gttaran London Flag Colonial Knitted Hose, all sizes. Is,— 1 SALE—-Block of about 4400 acres. Pearce's, Corner East and Burnett near Stratford, Taranaki, about 13 Streets miles from the rising township of StrathHEARTH RUGS, 2* lid, at more, which is 20 miles east of Stratford, Pbarcb'b. six miles distant from Wanganul River at » point above whioh Hatrick and Co.'s steamers run. Strathmore is on the line of lands reservai for the Stratford-Wangumomona Railway now beiDg const mated. The land is rich bill country, much of it arable Leghorns, Brown LangIVriNOROASf whencleared, papa and limestone formation ; ixJL shana, Indian Game and Pekin Duoks. rata, tawa, puketea, and rimu timber } well SITTINGS FROM 5s TO JSIs. watered ; would carry sheep to the acre. .tfarly Ordera Booked and Executed in Two main roads, one two from west, one frsm Rotation. south. Title, Land Transfers Foe further 21 H. G. BERRYMAN. particulars, apply directto the owner, R> O. HtraHßß, New Plymouth 8 259 LARGE AND *" . * L%rge Musselburj«h Srown Spanish James' Keeping White Spanish Silverekin Early Golden Gbbe PARSLEY BIttJLULI Adam. Early Carter's Chanep'on . f Lamb's Earllesfc of AM Blak's Phenomenal , Hollow Crown , *" . " PARSNIPS PUMPKIN » i Iron Bark Yellow Mammoth ? RADDISI French Breakfast: Long Scat Jet Mixed Tnrnlp ' TOMATO Large Red ■ Acme Trophy President Garfield Ponderoea , Early Snowball . CURLY KiLK 1 12 PACKETS FOR &|f4 Red Dutch LETTOCE All the Year Bnund Drumhead GHant White Ccs WATER MELON Mixed Varieties Mustard Fine Watpr ONIONS' " Brown Globe * ' VeHchee'Sell Promoting Ws'oheren Early Wilcove's Latn Whito , BRUSSELS SFKOOTS Sorymger's CJianfc CABBAGE Drumhead Early Large Yoik Enfield Market ;: PEAS American Wonders McLean's Little Gem Stratagem Veltches' Perfection FOR ARCADE, ASHBURTON, WE are also prepared to give estimates for 22, BEDFORD ROW, OHRISTOHUROH Hoi) and Cold Water Services, Tanks, Bafchß, Portable Boilers, and Tinware of every Ddne—D, Stock'si3 description Boot and Shoe Repairs HARDLFY VEGETABLE SEEDS 34 PER PACKET OR WANTED-Boys Knickers from 3s 6d ARCHITECT, t ls ——S TANDABD "THB CORNER," WANTED—' _ _ If «%" SS NIMMO & BLAIR'S■ SHIDS . -ii: NOBTHOBTE & HEFFORD Edltionsllivelyn "inaes, The an Expert is now at Aahbsrtoa for ths I^HEAP VJ Hamftpj Boy, Stories from the diary purpose of overhauling Maohlneß. Farmers RED-TAPE METHODS of a Dooto?, Doctor Giandiu^ The who wish to make use of his aervtoei will Heavenly -Twins, Dodo, Deeds that won the plea.Be communicate with ua eta boob na inseparable from GovsbnmbnT Be- ■ Empire, Fight for the Flag, Rodney Stone, | possible The Potter's Thumb, Old Dominion, In the 'FABTMBKTAL CONTROL. FRIEDLANDER BROS., Ltd.,, Days of AuM Lang Syne, Tennyson's Local Agents Poems—all 3d each. Bibles, Accident and Illness Insurance1 Prayer and Hymns, Dictionaries, ""*""* latest Magazines— as H World-Wide taJTravel. M Jonks /IHILDRENS Boots and Shoes at all OATEN SHEATES \J Prices] afc D. Stock's Bine Boot For Shipment to South Africa. Store AGENTS, ASHBURTON. 8 193 BIRTHDAY Cards to choose from Apply KkflA I tJKJXJ new Deßigns from Id to 5s each FRIEDLANDER 8R03., Ltd. "ATfl Williams 250 T. Bullock. United Press Association—By Electric TO LET, Telegraph—Copyright of Five Rooms, Verandah Sydney, September 17 and scullery ; centrally sitn&ted, TheBoard of Works'3| per cent, £400,000 : loan has been floated locally. The minimum fronting Waksnui Road east was fixed at 89. The pablio subscribed ;_ rf. BOLLOCK £356,000, and the banks £150,000, averaging FOR SALE OR TO LET. £99 li 2d. i Suburban Residence,, front London, September l1? ios; Maio South Road, Tinwald, and i The Wwtwn Australian loan has closed, shorb distance only from Traffic Bridge, L |nd ii} quoted at a preminm of 315 per coat. together with Four acres fireb claea land; |Bl The Mew South Wales loan isat a premium the house poßetßts of eighb rooms, waehhosiie ■Plf 1316 per cent. eto ; also stable and trapshed Full particulars on application Smoke New Imm Jib lOd, BEAPBKB AND BINDERS United Frees Association—By Elootris ' Jib gur« St , S l* ? 8f „, B«Srt.Bd J &ft ft %S? JtW^af^»S" J^^W TOiJj«JI MILUHERY* - _ 6^ ... . TUtelP Early White Sb3ne Golden Ball Laing's Garden Swede CAULIFLOWER Early London Walchoren CARROI' Sf/^S, r „ CELERY Hendersoh'd White Plume Cole's Crystal White * Cress—Extra Curled Snow's Winter White Potatoes, of Hebron Feed 121bs for Is, or 8s per ewts Heaaty ■FLQWER SEEDS—Id per p«ck«t~80 7arietieE—FLOVYEß SISEDS Leamington FLETCHER BBOS. ... Box 67 CASH SUFPLY STORES, ASHBURT©N w ■.;■.■.-.■.' Telepbooe ff THE Sir E Grey on Liberal Disonion AN IMITATION TO LORD ROSEBERRY i. C. Ayer Co.. I.nwcM, Mss3.,U. S. A. T. Bulloofc. AT.LBN TON /"COTTAGE of Four Rooms, Bcullery, Efco, V_y together with two sections, fronting Allen's Road ; £tr?t chss land for garden* Apply to T BULLOCK,Agent JAMES BAKER — (Pbrkiw Warbkok ll—Reverie) R. BURNETT, Winslow. O ch give scope and form to the body of Liberal ideaa and reforms which would bo understood by the county and would appeal to it. (Cheers) There were three things which the Liberal party most set itself to do; The first was to get rid of that amount of dis- >*w^ trust which had come to attach to the Liberal party; With regard to exterBftl affairs, they had fco show they were in sympathy with the Imperial sentiment, aod that they reciprocated M the Imperial sentiment in our colonies, which had made them desire that the \ firit results of their strength should be to come to the support of the Mother Country. (Cheers.) They must get rid of this rayth of national distrust, (Hear, hear.) The next thing they had to do vm to prove that Imperialism was not the same thing as Jingoism —(cheers) —that there was no need for to to place ourselves in antagonism to any part of the civilised world. Hear, oe,ar.j In conclusion, he appealed to the Liberal party to ba tofera-nfc to* each other, bat at the same time to speak freely, Let; them bear in mind too, the lesson of the past generation,. < that if they wero to make progress they must be practical, They must take what they could get> and pat : their ideas in a practical form, which ; would appeal to the common seas© of ; the country. " f I ►► i\q P 'STERLING' V j 'a more attractive and up t<i data appearance than Ladies' Capes, Millinery, aaXV & the, Tdrnbr:. outfide connection?; F ,r HAVING RUN ON OFMMBKRLArN'S OOUOII KEMEDY. Between the hours of eleven o'clock 1* m Bn^ o!osi»g time at night, r,n Jjn 25th, 1901, AF Clatk, dracgiat. Glade S'pringp, Vii, US A.sod iwefve bntij-a of Chnniberlain'® Conph Remedy. He rays, I neverhandled a medic ne that) aoid better" or jjave beltrr satiß* ction to my customer*. This Remedy hai been in general n«e in Virginia for many years, and the people there are well ho qnainted with its excellent qualities. Many efthem have fs'ified to the rrmukable ouree which it has eff-cteti. When ycu nt ci a good, reliable medicine for a cough or cold, or attack of the crip, uae Charr-berlain's Coogh Remody and yon are cetta'n to ba more than pleased wilh the quick oure whi' h it afforda.' For sale by Ashburton Dm> 0 > go to maka the STIRLING !Machine in the market. There thin&B that the BOSS is the Ha»*ec 'Bearings, Direct Spokes, Pedal?,Spwcftetfc Ball Retainers, and the Morse }Tbey R<sw. Chain* all go to make the STERLING Ia ;p/eerr g!°thlng- -Morrow, Bassefi <i Go Bootg — \Xf \ instantly of all \*J irritation by LoASinr' Koolibah. Few a plications sure '___ ' beautifQlrange have^a WE Shoes afeJD Stock's Bine Boot of Ladfes for the coming season Store 9 79 * A RE your Boots worth Repairing ? Grat XjL them done at Stock'&i S Beat leather 9 and Workmanship to get & beautflaJ Library for Wills Stbeet, AsHBUKrow. nothing. Use the famous BOOK GIFT Tea and select y®ur Books from M. PB'fEST. Manager Catalogue of 600 books thafe are given away free. FORdredpairs ofBosta and Shoes. ,MKLiOit'aZealand Boob Store Sale,oheap, for Oash—Several hun a Apply 1* IIEWELLYH OWEfi fpABMER3 WANTED, 20,000 Hares. TYTE Have appointed Messrs Annest Bros, to act as our A G E N T.S Minute, Please—Have heard ONE thab Mellor's Greab Boot Sale Is now on you For Ashburton and District, GEORGE Potted and Preserved Meats and they will pay Top Prices. ST —Tonguee, Table Delicacies, etc—have 31 no eqaal. All storekeepers Pan baking powder wants one trial without prejudice, twopatty pans or nothing PATTY Bros Try ib for Bruises, Stiff Joints, otc. _________ KOOLIBAH LSgiPQWDERsI >ss/^ RELIEVE FEVERISH HEAT, PREVENT F!TS, CONVULSIONS, ETC. TONKIN AND CO., Preserve a healthy state of the constitution during the period of Teething. The words "JOHN STEEOMAN, 1 ' CHEMIST,WALWOKTH, SURREY," ' Stamp affixed t» Government Are engraved on the each Packet. FAIRFIILD Kempthorne, Prosser & Co, Agents Consign to— Cures all Paina, Strain?, WISE — PATTY every lady who wishes ASTED Known Men's Good Shooter Boots only 8a 13d, at PjlWaor's Zealandia Boob Store The leading London Insurance Journal, The Post Magazine and Insurance Monitor, says,—"The only institution of tlio land at present ill existence managing its affairs on commercial principles is the Life Assuvance. Department of tho Colony of New Zealand.. . . . Although the operations of the Bopart:i:ent arc confined to a small colony, the ftl'vuxs reached are. very large, exceeding those of the great majority of British coia« panics. . . . Jlany of cur coiiipaiiios at homo might learn frourij a usuii.l ijscoa. THE NEW ZEALAND FARMERS CO OPERATIVE ASSOCIATION OE CANTERBURY,Ltd Offices,Warehouses, and Grain Stores West Street,Asbburton, BEEGHAM'S PILLS For Blllloui and Neryoui Disorder!, such as Wind and Pain in the Stomach,Slok Fulness and Swelling Descr.ption of Farraera Headaohe, Giddiness, Requisites at lowest rates. after Meals, Dizziness and Drowsiness, Gold, now on _, Groceries, Hardware Chills,Flashings of Heat, Loss of Appetites " Blotches Saddlery, Pan baking powder is the great Oornsaclrs, Shortness of Breath, Costftreness, on the Skin, Disturbed Sleep, Frightful Woolpacks, Twine, est novelty you ever saw. Sold all strong temptation to buy, consequently MOW / /CHILBLAINS relieved Mothers Remember that Mellor's Greab Bargain Sale Is pay—best at the price. If from any reason premises, Is a v i»ry 4 from the Dnaediß. to «just have a look at the new things " is cordially welched, I Oils" Horse Covera MITCHELL AIW TURNER Tinware Goods & Boots Soft REPAIRS— BOYS WE BOOTS, | . The Mellor's Zealandia Boot Store us for particulars :— i Springburn 370 Known Mount Somers Bapid 108 1000 Acres Lauriston District Lightning Shirb Gloss is sold Wakaaui 750 at all Grocarfe ; a wonderful Shirt glaaa — WANTED ST GEORGE Manufactured Goods of various kinds are the best. Try them Proourable from al! storekeepers 5 311 Known — Great Zealandia WANTED Boot Sale Mellob's Boob PATTY Clearing at Store Pan baking powder oontalns a pabty pau at each end of tia. Elliott's fine story, 'Adam GEO,Bade,'' Js given away with 61bs yoar grooev for jBook Gift 'Sea. Ask —~K fC»)» —» EVERY Dreams, and all Nervous and Trembling Sensations, eto. The First Dosb will give TTUHY Chilblains are relieved instantly Relief in Twenty Mimrais. This, it no JL and quickly cured by Loasby's Koolibah Fiction. Svery sufferer is earnestly invited GRAIN SOLD ON COMMISSION. sure cure Having reliable information from our to try one Box of these Pills, and they will we are be acknowledged to be in other parts of the Colonies, A specialty a 6D Stocks, Agents in a position to obtain highest possible price, Blue Boot Store Worth «ft GBlifeA a BOX for all grain placed in our hands for disposal, BEEGHASA'S PILLS, taken at directed, Shareholders should be particularly care and Youths footwear a specialty ful to enquire from us and inspect oar goods will quickly restore Females to complete health They promptly remove any obsiruc at D Stock's Blue Boot Store before ordering elsewhere. have several really first-class Farm tlon or irregularity in the system Fora Boots, Boots—The Cheapest WEAK STOMAGH, for Sale on cur books, and farmer - House In Ashbnrton for Boots is wishing to purchase would do well to call on IMPAIRED DIGESTION, yoa cannot bay, we strongly advise yon to take the other A Tan t!haialeß» aad bu, Qd JUST Zealandia Boob Store JT .ew Styles, opening up at D " '.i.dock's Bine Boot Store. Don'fc Bab D ! Fancy—Ladies' Fretty Evening Shoes only 2a lid, at Meixor's now showing; m»* the ExqaMt© Novelties displayed io our ■af* THE BEST. at - P«it Office Box 35 Stook s Blae Boot r 'BUILT LIKE A W&TCBt 4 * QTUIWf Blow EVERY POLICY GUARANTEED manufacturer,A M Ebndy, Hairdresser, and Bay. a good hoM m your pora© for a look at theSeaaon'e goods are only a fpw of the t Call and See New Qaes-Ohainor new side ol the street* or M you muti took afc oasr windows, keep kJ aad Sbpp wiil I jChilblains aow little yoa FRONT FORKS -The "STERLING' GROWN, which for beauty and strength hao never been equalled LIFE INSURANCE GOVERNMENT *■* DEPARTMENT. WANTED—For colours. Sent post free for Is 2Et, and 18in, specially imported for peas. Telephone—l4and 15 Head Offica for New Zealand— Broad Bay, Dunedia. Write for new illustrated list, it is free dreaning IF yon boy from as you are sure of the beat, no matter and manufacture, giving strength und beauty to the STERLING. 1 " Wade's Worm Figs are most effective and not unpleasant; children thrive after takine thpin prfcp, Is uses great grocers, HANGER BRACKET*—They are of Bpecial design " to Birds," »P«»g B,o°i' taken over the lateMbOsbobh HAVING Coombe's connection, will visit Ash burton and surrounding districts three times .... CYPHERS INCUBATOR CO. P ST —'Ladies desiroua of WANTED thehair in present becoming fashions for Geisha Frames; all should send the LADIES, KNOWN-ThaAwa, rß^lUWANTED opening up Novelties Sba ,1 «„!""„ in every Department* -Esemm^ »' a SONS, OH ■rmiiiiir HARDWARE EMPORIUM, last Street, Ashburton. ! 'i STONE'S ARE- Those iii W. H. COLLINS & CO,, Will contain more than twioe the atnonnb matter given in any previously issued. Directory of Canterbury. Prioe " Ifordered before publication, lifefr\ after publication, 12s 6d; ' fa ,g 4 daily i QPADES—A. and F. Parkea, all sfaos, jD * Whitehoaaes,' Colonial Slashes. |"1O -me DIREOTORY; FLUSH JOINTS, which present i lAWN MOWERS. T^T EITING—3ff, f AND NEW ZEALAND ANNUAL. APRIL, 1902. Edited by John Stone. MO, who baa lately returned after »ix years' epecia! study in Eng'and and Con tineDfr,may be ccrifollfd en all caseaof defeotive eyesight. Daylight not necessary artificial lipht beirji used. Doctors' pre ecriptioKs prpparel Fees moderate. Con tilting rooms, Caahe! Street \VM ovpi- M Suiclstein,jewoller, Chriatfthumh 9to 11 .ii i CANTERBURY, NELSON,.MadMBOROUGH & WESTIsAND' einl Wades Teething Powders for Babies are soothing, reduce fever and prevent tlofcches ; price, la Smoke Now Venus | WESTLAND. their intention to compile and pnblathi thoroughly complete and reliable DIRECTORY,to ba entitled a— —""iiliiß # }£ T INES.—'Belfasb Garden Lines,' non-breakable. Xj TVANHOE RAKES, with or without Handles. will be CO., "WEBLEY & Established 1870. McBRIDE, WANTED all sfzrs, with or withonb roee. "r AWN MOWERS. Publishers of the wellknown Stone's Orago and Southland Directory and Stone'a Wellington, Hawke'a Bay, and TaranaM Directory, etc, have the honor to noiiii'y accommodation. Patienba attended at their own homest J. H. UICK.ii:OSOX. Comi si is.-iifiney 31 M.O.S'Mi. CERTIFICATED TEACHER, promoting an abundant Known—A Great Stock Local Representative of the London College and luxurious growth of hair there Taking Sale Is now on ai; Mblloks of Music and of theMusical International is nothiag to equal Hbndt's Egg Julep { it Zealandia Boot Store College, j arrests ail dandruff, and leaves the hair beautifully glossy. Bottles Is ; on sale at Where, oh where is the Beßt Boot /~\UARTER starting from any date. H E Bonjstington's, Chemist. Shop ? Why MjßLLO'r's Zealandia Boot Store, ot course. Students prepared for any examination PTHENDERS Wanted— For the wearing of in the Colony, JL two thousand pairs o Boots, Apply ATTIC Pan baking powder the great held Candidates presented, 107 : averagemarks at J Mellob, Tausred Street novelty, two patty tins for nothing 93 per obtained cent grocers. and others, prepare for the ! Winter, and have your Home made GEORGE JAMS excel all others cheery and bright with the powerful they are delicious. Sold by a,ll stot acetylene Gas, Estimates given by Habdi,et knepers 5 31 GARDEN REQUISITES, | CLIPPERS for Hedges and Borders. f\\'JT OF SIGHT TRAPS, " GertaliCDoath NEL3ON, MARLBOROUGH,and SO~AND ' """Jl* TJTTATER POTS, FOB STONE, ». prize takers for pastry WHAT Fatty Pan baking powder the —uadiee Dunedin WANTED fiad Hoiidy's HairdreseiDg Saloons, | PrlDcesa replete with every comfort GARDEN REQUISITES. CANTERBURYi OP THE CONSULTING OPIICMAN Mr Ernssb M Saodßtein, DB O &l, VR \ GAEDEN BEQUISITEB. TO BE PUBLISHED IN APRIL, !§O2. COMPLETE and Reliable Directory A to take in Patients and "PREPABED JL give every attention and first-clasi '-"^ novelty. '.TTOES, evary ahape manufactured. MANGAN & WILSON, Prcprietors, Rtcoarton B 62 TVISTINOTIVE FEATURES 2 to i TO and other particulars ZEALANDIA CYCLE WORKS, Burnett Street ONCE Toilet goods of every description Proprietor, Ashburtoa Terms LADIES NURSE, Burnett Street West, opposite Dr. Mande'i Sculptor, 60 Stafford St, Tirnaru BY THE STATE. for one month only- Monumental a LWAYS in Stock—A first Melior's Stock Taking Boob Sa'e \ -O- class selection of Marble Bird's-eye View of Growth of Office. will laßb. Coma early for bargains ! Y7 *nd Granite Monuments, FUNDS, 1878 £292,523. again our Great Stock Taking Designs and Estimates may jl 1898 £2,861,535. Sale la at hand. Great Bargains at be inspected at the establishment II Meixor's Zealandia Boot Store Ax of Mr John Wilson, Painter, At the present time the Funds amount to v^ Burnett Street, Ashburton over THQEE MILLION POUNDS. T) EMEMBER Mellor's Greab Stock Letter Cutting in any style l\> Taking Boot Sale Is now on. Great Present Annual Income, over £400,000. Bargains at; Mellot'a I for Hairdressing, Shampooing, Singeing, etc McDonnell, advertised in a future isme. * Gates, Lowry and Go., new Drapers viaUing Travel the Ashburton and BurroUnd" ing districts, the standard, bred Trotting Sire i^g WANTED East Street, Ashburtoa per annum, viz, March, July and November. Orders may be left ab the Commercial Hotel or with Mr Llewellyn Owen at his Munio Sbudio, Arcade Chambers, Ashburton FROM 20s. street, IMPERIOUS. § all the COLOURS of the RAINBOW, iooluding BLACK and WHITE. if required t WANTED — ANDREW ORR. IMPERIAL is the sire of Litth? Princess, which ran a dead heit with Onward for second place in the Juvenile St ikes, at the Christohurch May Meeting ; time, 2; 39 Terms—£4 4j ; payable Ist January, 1902 j groomage fee ss, payable at Srst service* For farther particulars apply j. IN 1000 People to try (Of Wayland, New York, USA) Melicr's Zaalan-Sia Boot Store of Incubatorß or good chesp Foot Wear TI/TANUFACrURERS jJjL Brooders, and Poultry Suppliesr STAND THIS SEASON AT 8 212 RE-ENAMELLED Prints are now on view, and comprise choice Ginghams, ravishing designs in mercerized Blouse clothe, and full ranges of suitiog drills—Mitchell & Turneb, the UTMOST SATISFACTION. And Travel the Surrounding Districts, The Celebbat'ed Trotting Stallion, J RE-PLATED SILVER AND GOLD DECORATIONS our J. V. DE BEER MES BROWN, BICYCLES 22, BEDFORD ROW, CHRISTCHURCH WANTED. KNOWN—Thab Tho Latest; Appliances and Appointment FOR SIGHT TESTING just to hand dealt witb. ARCHITECT, DRESSMAKING rin full Swing. EOTAL, PRINCE H Presentation Committees liberally Brooches, Bracelets, Bangles, Mv& chains« The Newest Novelties In Gold Charms REMEMBER PMNCE IMPERIAL. Q —-Bepairs a Specialty.— A. AGER, BEING OPENED DP DAILY. (By Hambletonian Ball Boy—Princess) WOf Ashburton. AND From the leading French and English House* ASHBURTON, c>> o weller Burnett Street,{opposite Somerset Hotel) AND Surrounding Districts. TO r~"\ Practical Watchmaker and ARCADE, ABHBURTON { (Bay Colt, rising 3 years) King's Pride, by King of the Van, qulahers, dam, Flower, by Crown Prince by Young Watty, dam Maiohioaess. D*m, by Lord Salisbury, For full particulars, apply to PETRIE AND WILLIAMP, 275 B on the short- comings of the present Government. What they had got to go on was their own merits, and what they had got to do in these intervening years was to G. JESSON, "OEGISTBRED Teacher of the Pianoforte & imaging Term commenced 10th inst. Havelock Street. /CHOICE MILLINERY MANTLES and DRESS FABRICS \J tfEW JEWELLEEY £1 ENGAGEMENT RINGSr£2O GO TO Mrß Johnston, In All Departments* SIRE, opinion in their favour they must not depend upon organisationor machinery , SEASONABLE NOVELTIES,Ew, Wellington, 6th June, 1901 Travel the Rangitat*,*Mayfield, and KING WATCHES. Another Parcel of threedozen Mortgagees SILVER AND ELEOTRO-PLATE J H RICHARDSON Commissioner LATEST NOVELTIES Terms—s Guineas ; grazing 23 per week. Every care taken but no responsibility. For fur&her particulars apply MAX FRIEDLANDER, 9 24 Ashburton _J rices for Cash or TimePayments, the celebrated Manufacturers WALKER & HALL, SHEFFIELD. NICKEL KEYLES3 LITERS at 27a EFFECTED IN ALL BRANCHES. BAST STREET; Bred by Mr E Gates,at Grove Farm. guarantees to sell at QhrlstchurchTo OF \ rora StBEHTi TANORHn | PERSONAL ACCIDENT INSURANCE races. (Havelock Street: Arrived, TWO Electroplate Bad Sterling Silver Ware his Beautiful Designs in Paper and J. L. HIGGS. ex a.B Wakanal and Paparoa, of NICHOLAS & PICKFORD. MARQOIS OF ZETLAND. 9 46 Fdekishiko Wabehocsb, FTE ANDREW MACPHERSON, Covers against Risks connected with their Trade or Busines under " The For further particulars apply to Agent JUST DECORATE IOUR HOMES INSPECTION INVITED, to grant EMPLOYERS OF LABOR INSPECTION INVITKDi The Thorocohbrbo Stallion, Stable, trapshed, etc* Fail particulars on WATCHMAKER & JEWELLER Procure the Servioes of HIGGB Articles Bultable for Presentation*. WINDOW GLASS, PAINTS, OILS, & PAPERINGS IN STOCK. and Wedding Frese. « a Specialty, mHE GOVERNMENT INSUR- Children's Winter Slippers at Bd, lOd,Is, 2« 6d, mA 3s per pair For particulars as to Rates, etc. Ladies' Winter Slippers ab la, 1b 6d, 2s 6d, 3s 6d, 4s fid, 5s 6d, 7e 6d, and 8a per pah apply to the Loc»l Office of tv Gentlemen's at all prices I Also,—Children's, Ladieß,and Gentlemen*Goloßhee. (The Bast Golosh manufactured Department, SITUATED NOTICES TANORED STREET. ANOE DEPARTMENT is prepared WARM SLIPPERS, EVENING SHOES, WALKING SHOES, BOOTS,&Q, Marqcts of Zetland is a dark bay ooibI TO LBT with black points. He stands 15.3, hasI Desirable Residence, together with strength and substance, a»d during his I great A 0 R B S 4 <* racing career he provei himself to be one of First Olaae Land. fronting Main Sooth Road . the fastest horseß of the many good onea Tiowald, and not far from end o bred on Grove Farm. Fra£iic Bridge. The house contains 3 rooms Fbbs—Season, £3 3s ; groomage fee Ss. ogother with washhouse, veracdah, eta. BUSINESS (TO Tj. BUSINESS NOTICES i J. V. DE BEEE* Paiut Work. As Spring is coming, apply early to^avoid the rush of work. Agent for Scott Bros. Celebrated Ranges. Their Record Range Is on© of the Best Portable Ranges in the Market. just received Supply NICHOLAS AND PICKFORDtheirhaveWinter mO STAND THIS SEASON, at Win JL slow, and 1ravel the Hinds, Rtiapuna, Mayfield, and (Vesterfield Districts. pplication. 1 sole agents>( With Owners of Ashburton Show in 1900' His pedigree cannot be surpassed Terms—£4 4s with guarantee ; groomage fee 5a ; £2 12i 6d season For further particulars apply L TILLET, Groom in charge; W T DOAK, Mount Somers Or, 9132I ever made. Prepared by Dr. ¥fW "T. company, WINTER GOODS, and i WINTER GOODS. ! also protectedProperty under Special Tables. using it for half a century. We do not claim it will do everytiling, but we do claim it is the best hair preparation j FOR This is the watch that; has given each Workers' Compensation Act," " The satisfaction,that It Fa needless CLOCKS, unfailing I Employers' Liabilities Acts," aa well WATOHES to mention Its numerous excellent qoali ties. Everyone sold is an JEWELLERY, (n Itself. as under the Common Law, T~O~ — BUSINESS NOTICES NOTICES fJHBH^ TF you want a good article ai low price, call and ses for yourself. TO Atthtoloauig days &f fcbe- rale of the muv^ In Ashhnrttoa ara »B»oooc«d, those »Diioaa to try the mw washiag maohiaes free of all responsibility'had better make their. application while they have the tfhancov a* when o^oj their own branch saves the district, no further trUla will be allowed, Testimonials continue to come in freely, the West bfing &h follows : Mount Possession, Aahburton G Sept 2nd, 1901. Th-j w.ahins machine rgc on trial is ia every re.ppct satisfactory Euo'o-ed you will p'e>B^ find cheque in payment, wh'oh kindly acknowledge— Voars fiithfully, Titos S Johnston 1901 "A THING OF BEAUTY IS A JOY FOR EVBB." GABDEN TOOLS, CABPENTEKS TOOLS, AND GENERAL IRONMONGERY. T.;BULLOOK, »lw»ye be interested, be fascinated by " bis comments on public affairs. But TO LET STAND THIS BEABON,at Ardagh, for him to exercise his full influence in Lyndhurßfc, and Travel tfoe Diatiict, with Dwelling Rooms attached, public life he needed to be in the confiThe Thoroughbred Ssallion, centrally situated in Triangle; low dence of the country: (Cheers). Confi- !j$ ental FOBMOSAN, dence was not the same tiling as interest. T BULLOCK By 86 Leger—Forme, by Nordenfeldt— only in the stress and heat of It was Formo (dam of Multiform), by Sterliogworth the struggle of political life that confiL X T. —Pulchra (imp) dence was to be gained, and it was only FORMOBAN cornea from a winning SHOP, Eaab Btreet; good ! family, bia sire having produced last season by keeping in the etreas and struggle of OUTOHER'S S3 Mr G lately occupied by etand; winners, with a total of £9999 2a 6d, 31 political life th»t confidence could be Vorner and was himaslf a good performer, having kept. (Cheers.) T BULLOCK. won the Champagne Stakes, Challenge The Liberal party must make itself Stakes (beating Advance), and other good amdjaot rely wholly 18, BUSINESS FOR Ayer's Hair Vigor ao alternative force or ifc would disappear. (Cheers) The task before them was a severe one, bat they must look fche facts in the face. (Hear, bear) Nobody would be justified in putting the country to th© expense of an election just now, and he desired no gpneral election before the war was over. (Cheers) In his opinion the country would resent very much another general election forced upon it, perhaps on a similar false pretest as the last onp. (Gbeere). I! they were to effect the great; chaage desired in political ' CHEAPEST HOUSE IN TOWN TO ing to the country. The country would SEPTEMBER rnjcIEREFORE Sir Edward Grey, on Ju> 17th, delivered an important speech to a Liberal gathering at Peterborough. TO STUD HORSE OWNERS The morning of life is the time of Ha wished to comment on Lord abundance, profusion, strength, vigor, Eoßebery's letter as frankly and pubO ORSE CARDS and Horse Regrowth. the sun begins to sink, licly as it seemed to invite o>mraenfr, "when the When midday of life is past, then ceipt Books printed at the Mail and His Lordship took a gloomy vt»iw of the hair begins to fade and the silvery Libpral the future of the future of the gray tells of approaching age. Guardian Office with neatness and party meeting at the Reform Olub. or Sunrise sunset? Which shall differences existad in the thought He despatch, and at Moderate Prices. Liberal party which wtsre irreooticiUbl" your mirror say ? If the former, then hair, it is long rich and dark and heavy and that things could not rem-.n a» TRAVEL THIS SEASON they are. That point, bownver, was hair; if the latter, it is short and fall* IN THE not worth arguing. Events onlj ing hair, thin and gray hair. Ashburton Gorge, Alford Forest, MethveD, is yours,—for The choice who was right. would show and Mayfield Districts, (Hear, THE TUOBOUGHBaBJJ HORSB bear.) For himaelf, be felt that for (MJOLKtiY the Liberal party they wera a' the By Apremonfc, dam Flattery, by Traduoer, beginning of new things, of a new dam Mlaa Plat), by Peter Flat life. (Cheers) But whenLori Kose- always restores color to gray hair, OAJOLERIi is a wall proportioned, handbery weDt on to say that the Liberal Stops falling of the hair, and makes some, fine quality chestnut horse, standing party had at present two muds and 153 on steel bar like lega, and he left the turf the hair grow long and heavy. in every respect. His performances tempera on Imperial affaire, a <d when This is something you nave been sound him one of the most brilliant flit he deplored the fact that ife had not as looking for, isn't it ? And it is some- stamp horses wo have had, and he was a o'ever yet arrived at one mind on the moat thing you can have confidence for fencer and a master of weight* Cajolery important Imperial question o? the day, it is no experiment; people havein, beer took first prizi and champion at the influence the result, because he had just that touch of something more than oleferuees, more than ability, which men 'O*!tad . jsalus, which would always make him, even'standing aside, interest- WEDNESDAY. WANTED KNOWN. ■ " @€ARDIAN : BDBINEBB NOTICES STUD NOTICES. j be was sure his Lordship did not mean to imply by that, that those of them Qh the Liberal side who held thnt this war was a just war were bound to express their confidence in the present Government, (Hetr, hear.) He would suggest that it LorJ Roset>ery desired the Liberal p*rty to be brought to one mind on th> matter ho should go good deal beyond hia letter. ( His?, hear;) He should b pin from the outside-—(cheers)—an \ use fan persons! influence to promo o that one mind. (Loud cheers.) It w»s true that lookers-on saw most of the gamp. Yes* but they did not influence the result. (He*r, hear.) It wss too Strong c thing to s»y of Lord Rosebery that even If he stood asid " he could not ABHBtJKTON „„ „„ 1031 1958 1180 476 5000 „ „ Chertsey „„„ „ Hinds„ v (In lots to suit purchasers „„ 2000 Milcham Fairfieid 400 AUord „ aear 1000 Newlanda 700 „„ Overdale 700 200 T. GIBSON ,t Dromore Springburn > i. F bO 40 of 500 good books BOOR. GWM Tea. WANTED Our Strong ' given free with them Boots. If Catalogue thab are or working men to the beat of appetite, and arousing with the robust health the whole physical energy of the human frame For throwing off fever in hot climates they are specially ranowned Tha?e are " faots' admitted by thoasanda8 t all classes of Society, and one of the besfe guarantees to the Nervous and Debilitated ie thab BEECH4M'S PILLS have the Largest Sale of any Patent Medicine in tn« World BEBCHAM?B FXlataß Have for many years been the popular family medicine throughout the British Colonies, and they now stand WITHOUT A RIVAL. M Working PREPA.BSD OHLY BY BjEKC;Hj»SI ST. ELKNiS/kl help I'HOMAS Sold everywhere in tflee—9^d,Is 1 baying, at D Snook's Blue Boot Store Is 9d each inapeet famous Manager DISORDERED LIVER, They act like magic—-a few doses wll work wonders upon the Vital Organs strengthening the Muscular System, reator ing the longlost complexion, bringing back yon see you cannot mfflS gowning Glory of a Woman Is her' JL ": Hafe. Per promoting an abundant Ladies say of Mitchell & Tjffß and luxurious growth of hair there is nothing neb's Show Room. Oh,how lovely J to equal Hbndy'sEgg tfuieg. Bottles Is, at Just like a nice garden ! Nioer tbaa ever S Printed and published by Fbank Hanoox, for the Proprietors, Robeot Baui and , H E BoHNiKSCOs'a, Chemist. j Quite as good as Christchuroh S Wouldn't Henbi Adam Mackay, at their Princ'ng tell her. that muab euit——-We !i TIPHE Enquirer's Oracle, the best Burnett) Street,Aahhurton Office subjects, everyday JL reference book on]01bs rriHEmosicpfco date < ovelty o. the d»y pQOKGIFT 'J. Patty Pan baking powder [is given away wifch WEDNESDAY,SEPTEMBER 18,190| j WHAT ___"_ [Tea "^ j