T:B ...ASflßOßipj« OUAEBIAN : THtfRSOAY, JULY 18, 190J Sir Edward Grey AUSTRALIAN MUTUAL onSouthAfrica. WINTER GOODS, Addressing bis constituents Ber-; KEEP YOUR ROOMS WARM May 30, Sir Edward Grey, j wick dealing with the aestion OBsetHeraent j WINTER GOODS. of the South African colonies st»id :— j Aa the setjtlecuent, fonr he NICHOLAS AND PIOKFORD hoped, would be assured. First, the OIL bTOVES. OIL STOVES at on imm'm m to things, have just received ex their Winter Supply of war must be carried to ft successful JUST LANDED conclusion, (Ohem) He claimed th»t they had lost vary qjuclj from -heir 144 Oil Stoves,which most be sold from 6a 6d each. want 61 foresight and ut> preparedness, Bedroom In ten minutes at a cost of less than 2d bpfc at any ratf, the war roust be carDont Fail to take advantageof this offer. BAST STREET; " i , territories. (Oiieer>) He wished Agents Boial Insoranob Compass personally to sen that, because he Telephone No 6* y believed thatLord Milnerhad not only now great experience of the people TRIAD with whom hs had to deal, bat, knowPrlase Competition. ing him, he believed that he was % man incapable of that blatant partisanship in the preß«, and rpEACHER of the Pianoforte & Hingin " TRIADto " behaspublished, a book shortly which some people who did not know What to ccc and Where to Stay I Havelook Sfc eefc him attributed to him. (Hear, hear) entitled " in New Zealand. A priKe of Three Guineas DAJSOIWG A WOOD OARVIiN» ' recalled, were what would is offered for the most interesting and Supposing he happen to whoever was sent out 1 They amusing article of about 2000 words, wora'd like to sfrid a »<\n who would be entitled »" Wh*t to see and Where to Buy CURTIS holds above Glasses for FRIDAYS at) Arcade Chamber* £shpar tit! as betweenboth races, but it ia New Zealand." lo close 20th SKPTEM Wood Carving 1.30, ChildrantjS Classes, Lord Miiner wnrw recalled, the nian who BEX. Puza'e Competition far children under 14, 2.50, Practice Class 7,30 succeeded him would be under the sus- see TRIAD Known—A Great Stock CONDITIONS., picion, of both races. If he gained the Taking Sale is now oil ao Mello j enter for necessary that is to thie »' j sympathy of the» Boers, ha would All (enclosing Zeahndia BootStore tj«w iiini i 'i n P BOIAL ATTENTION Itching Piles. College, TT7 ILL Rcßnme Mnaio Lessons (practical V w and theoretical on FEBRUARY 4. Brinsley and Co.'b Ranges Sing, Harris St. 00, Arrow Brand Boots Gwnmeroial Hotel, T N Grangu "3 Cope's Cigarettes and Tobacco F. Jeweller Orartis, Piokles, Vinegar, etio Gawne's Sauces, :. tTr ANTED — Parohftßera fop five esnal Sheen Rune, improved and partly improvad, close to new line of railway to Auckland,— | this Society is. of the most stringent Character, and Ensures a larger Reserve to meet Liabilities than that held by at-d other Office in the Australasian Colonies. (o) JUST IN Sg* RAPE, TURNIP, AS ANGEL " CLOVERS, & &O, HOBSE~CLIPPERB ORRISTOHURC^ ARCHITECT, ARCADE CHAMBERS,ASHBURTON, ' AND 22, BEDFORD ROW, CHRISTCHURCH. («(Orion,"*"Zealandia," and "Scotta") Tj Eeglater G. me'ddins. The Peoples Ironmonger, Burnett Street, Opposite Arcade GREAT 20,000 Harfep. ANNUAL _ NOTICE ORR. SMOKE OiSLY N| W YENU S. PLOUGH SHARES. Realisation of the Whole WANTED Stock, THE CHANCE OF A LIFETIME FENCING MATERIAL M. PRIEST, Manger — "Knowu The Bapld Lightning Shirt Gloes is sold at all Grocery ; a wonderful Shirt glaze * WANTED Groceries, Saddlery, Woolpacks, SURREY," CHEMIST,WALV/SRTH, Stamp Are engraved on the Government affixed t& rPEE Premier and Wealthiest. Colont H Company, Noted for Promptness and Liberality Paid-up Capital and Reservee, £400,000 Hardware Tinware Soft Goods & Boota GRAIN SOLD ON OOMMISSION. ~~ £13,QQ0 I3TOOK OFFERED TO THE PUBLIC AT FROM 2Q CENT TO 76 PER GENT REDUCTION. HIS ale Pr oc eedin glaz 1859 OAPITAL-^ONE MILLION Comsaclrs, Twine, Oils" Horse Covers «¥ O A JlJ> «ti ii£ fir' h i. V4 w <2» t*Ji. tf Five and Marion Risks,' Also,— Risks on Growing Crops, Threshing Machine^ etc, accepted at lowest current rates njcoiiTbbos., PRkPaBED ONK ♦* out these op a my „ „„ „„ ' GUN-S Overdale OJ, F GIBSON CHRONIC COUGH QUICKLY CURED. saoh end of tin. GUBRD~'* kt|ubins tAT'iiST PATTERN ** RAMBLER" " SPECIAL LIGRT EAOERS, ROAD RAGBIRS, I' & ROADSTERS , in all sizes and ali fitted wjth th eve* Jjsfcing Gr & 3 defcaohable Tyre. GUNS, hesitation in GUNS. HAEDIEY BBOS A CARD, MESSBSSTeii &GRESSWELL BARRISTERS & SOLICITORS CHRISTOHUROH, OPENED A BRANCH OFFiCB HAVE Mr Davison's, West Street Ashburton, where wJU afitead sb , Plantekoa Ointment, no saying WE this OINTMENT is the most Elegant) ever produced by have CARTRIDGES. ForFirat-ola&a Guns, at a low price, giv& us a trial; our pricee defy competition. GUNS of all makes REPAIRED and pat In first-class order by a Practical GnnamlSh. Address— ' SPEEDILY AND PERMANENTLY old stock of , .' Large euppliee also arriving of Eley'a Amberite, Blue Shutze,Kyneck's Nobeli, etc. Special clearance of Wire Oarferideee owing to being overstocked. aUtY Pan baking powder contains""* ; pan ",t Bicycles, I hays conaignment of fcfae i direob from NEW RIVAL Wholesale from all Merchants CHILBLAINS IAST of the LOASBY'S WAHOO MANUFACTUR ING CO., Ltd, Danedfn. patty GUNS. HAROLEY. BROS. STREET, TO Mr Lanrol Hoode,of Chrlatchuroh, writes i Benjamin 6dm had a marvellous effect on my oough and cold, which I oonferacbed early last winter. I tried various advertised remedies but gob no relief, A lady friend advised me to try your Benjamin Gum,and a very few doses gave me'relief, and it quickly oured BENJAMIN GUM always aofce like this— It is pleasant to tak<3—Ohildren like it— Suitable for yonng or old Benjamin Gum,price la 6d and 2s 6d, from all Chemists and Grocers,or posi free, from WtiILEL GUNS. BAND, the ITAVE X Manufacturers, a large Oeoiigamfeot Famous BENJAMFN GUM SCORES. The Rambler." Bold of BnperJor . HAVINGfroeh nsc opened 400 1000 700 700 A VBOMil! JBJS KHA Bt ST.,, ELEN'S,! Sold everywhere in ttlea«—9£d,la 1 Is 9d each aHK I»A]JN'iIKST LITTIB] . THAT EVER WAS" „ Manager * . BTf „ „ Pairfield Mitcham „„ near Alford „ Newknds 2000 300 BICJSGHAIML'f* PILiLiS Have for many years been the popnla amily medicine throughout the Britis and they bow stand Colonies, WITHOUT A RIVAL. —■* 10ft8 lift, and 12ft; BSTABMSHBB Farmers of INSVBANOB COMPANY THE JfEW ZEALAND FARMERS CO OPERATIVE ASSOCIATION OF CANTERBURY,Ltd They act like magic—iv few dosea wii work wonders upon the Vital Organs strengthening tfys Muscular System, restpr ing the lonploeb complexion, bringing back the besfc of appetite, and aronsing with th robust health the whole physical energy o the human frame For throwing offfever in hot climates they are specially renowned Tb ape are ' faofca' admitted by thousands, ih all classes of Society, and one of the best) guarantees to the Nervous and Debilitated is that BEEOHAM'S PILLS have the Largest Sale of any Patent Medicine in toe World MITCHELL AND TURNER S 3Ulfl NEW ZEALAND Agent WEAK STQMAOH, IMPAIREID DIGESTION, DISORDERED LIVER, A Win contain more than twice the amonnb mattergiven in any pruviouialy issued Directory of Canterbury. Price : Ifordered before publication, 10a 6d after publication. 12s 6d: 6130 HUGO FRIEDLANDER, will qaickly restore Females to complete | health They prompt-iy remove any obstruc tion or irregularity in the system Fora KVEBYS DBPARTMENT.J ANDREW DIREOTOEY, Apply for particulars to rates. a AND NEW ZEALAND ANNUAL. APRIL, 1902. Edited by John Stone. TH E MUTUAL LIFE ASSOCIATION OF AUSTRALASIA. BEECHA&I'S PILLS, taken as direotetl, , the Riversdale Estate in parenib of game CO., NELSON. MARL' BOROUGH & WESTLAND POLICY F BOM „„ „„ SATURDAY. JUNE 29. A NY person ®v persons found Trespagsiog SO~AND Publishers of the well known Stone's and Southland Directory ar>d Stoce'aGraco WeU lington, Hawk'e's £t*y, and Tar&naki Directory, etc, have the honor to notify ■ COM M E N Clft G IH. and WESILAND.. STONE, BEEOfiAiVi'B PILLS BOOTS. REDUCTIONS NELSON, ; COMBINED LIFE AND OCCIDENT E Eft ffi* rrfh Pach-,t. CANTEEBURY, MARLEOROUGH, Havicg reliable information from our Agents in other parts of the Colonies, we are in a pngition to obtain highest pooeible price, for all grain placed id our hand's for disposal, Agentr .Shareholders should, be particularly care For Biilious and Nervoua Pieotdero, such ful to enquire from us and inspect our goods as Wind and Pain in the stomach, Sick before ordering elsewhere. Sculptor, 60 Stafford St,Tlmßt ' Headache, Giddiness, Fulness and Swelling TlTf® have several really first-claes Farm Monnmencal V v for Sale on car books, and farmer after Meals, Dizziness and Drowsiness, Cold, \ LWAYS in Stock—A find * j.JI olssa selection of T7 to purchase would do well to call on Marble Chiilc,Flushings of Heat, Lnes of Appetite #!shint> particulars :— us for and Granite Monumente, Shortnece of Breath, Ostivenees, B'.otche «^^|> 370 Springburn on the Skin, Disturbed Sleep, Frightful „ Mount Somers Deaijzna sad Estimates any 108 I] Dreams, and all Nervous unh Trembling 1000 Acres Lauriston District be inspected at the e?tablishmenti I\ etc. The First Dose will give Senaationß, Zjb 750 o!*Mr John Wilson, Painter, Relief in Twenty Minutes. This is no Wakaaui ¥ 1031. Burnett Street, Ash burton Chertsey Fiction. Every sufferer is earnestly invited , s Dromore „ 1958 to cry one Box of these Pills, and they wil! Letter Chitting t'n any style 1180 Springburn », be acknowledged to be 476 5000 Hinds ■Worm A GUWBI a S2«JI lf (In lots to suit purchasers SPORT; SPORT SPOET AND GREAT FOB their intention to oompila and pabli thorouphly compfete a^d reliaWa DIREOTOK7, to be entitled:The Easiest, Cheapest, and most c fleetua STONE'S way of doiog this ib to teeur a CANTERBURY, THE tution during the period of Teething. The words "JOHN STEEDMAN, CLOTHING, NATIONAL MO, who has lately returned after six gears' special study in England and Con tineot, may be sontuited on all casesof defective eyesight. Daylight not necessary art.iEoial light being used. Doctors' pre t goriprions prepared. Fees moderate. Cbn 'ultiag rcomej Cashel Street W., ovet- M 9 to 11 Sundatoin,jeweller, Chrisfcchcro'". "uoiiduraßHog 3K|<n»^ pnv ■' 2 to 4 daily The sale of pianos, organs, and mueica £natiumecit« still proceeds ac merrily as ever 9A^ no JOAfi pog jo «ao}«fnmg[ nf at the D.I.C. In Tanored Street,the number Known, by carefa! Mothers diapesed of to date being 27. Some new That MITCHEKI- AHD TOBNEB Ate imodais have justbeen opened up, including soiling cheapSuifcß for the Boys, cheap Capea » very fin© organ by Wiloox and White, for the Girls ; gr»ad cheap lines in Clothing for the father ; aad Boots of tempting lines .1 ] ASSURANCESj Preserve a. healthystate of the consti- DRAPERY, _________ IRON FIELD GATES. r SALS NICE BUILDING SITE. 1 Description i heat, Ip VERY. !i Requisites at lowest Morrow, Bassett 4 Co, CONSULTING OPTICIAN Mr Ernest M Sandstein,DBOAI, F R verandah! Rood 20 Perches, being part of Lots 42 , ? 4°» roQ: «ng the Wakanui Road nod ]usb beyond the oorner of the East Belt Easy terms if required, T BULLOCK, Agent Office^,Warehouses, and Grain Hfiorea Weßb Street, Afifcburtoii. OF PIANOFORTE and ORGAN. " FOB OR BY WATER \\lJlM M'WSi^k'^Mß SP&B? FOB ONE MO^TH WE übisinuig P9^OSB9J^ - °* NEW JEWELLEBY TheLatest Appliances and Appointment FOR SIGHT TESTING just to hand. preveht fits, gqhvulsioms, etc. of " Desirable Residence fronting Main B*ttth Road T, Dwald, oompriaina Comfortable House «Bht room, Dw.N washhowe, etc, also Rtable, chaffhouae. trap sbed, etc, -together with 4 acres of land. part of which fornss garden and orchard at) " JOHN TOTTY, Representative for New Business, Ashburton MORTGAGE & AGENOY thousands of sufferers. j CO. OF N.Z, LTD. j Probably half ths people who see this TIMABU at tide saffe? from piles. It is one of the commonest! diseasesand one of the Have appointed Messb (Annex IMPROVED ffARMS FOR SALE. most obstinate. People have It tor years 530 acres Rangitata, 230 acres Claremont ard just because it is not immediately Bros, to act as one 250 acrea Waitotis, 200 acres Waihao, ' fatal they neglect it. Carelessness causes 250 aoraa Eingsdown ( 1000aoref Ota'o, bo end of suffering. Carelessness about A G E N T,S 500 acrea Totara, \ piles has ofcan caused And ethers of various bi«er in Soath Canter so simple a thing as foary death* Hemorrhages occac through no For Aahburtors and District Improved Farms for lease, with right o apparent cause and loss of blood causes A PEBFEpT TOBAiJGO. purchase death. Hemorrhages ooenr daring surgi- aad they will pay Ten Prices, 1170 acres Fairlie, 505 acres Totara, and cal treatment, often causing death. 265 aorea Totnra Piles are simple in the beginning and Also unimproved agricultural and graving Consign to— [J W TIMMINS easily cured, they may be cared even in fcma of various sizen on the RaincSiffe and H 0 TtJENER tie worst stages, without pam or loss of and two well improve Estates, vels TONKIN AND CO., b oodj qaiukiy surely -and completely. £atiaa properti<>» nf 7000 sores each. There is wnly one remedy that will do it— FAIRFIE'LD ailays I. oaa'e »»intment. It theinflaraa* TBAI|INO AB t> n imm^dtately. heals the irritated T" surface and with continued treatment "miois 'pins i?spi9iii) n» |y" Wills Street, Ashbubton. recQces the swelling and pats the mem* f mz aoiad ■ # brines into good, sou d, healthy condition Ihf enre is tborough and permanent.pet« 'xoj ysf 1I?H1^P JwOtoS pvm Miß Pickford, Tancred Street-., this BOSB9Bip Sm^BWa UJ }l 30pjO BUBpjgitqj "£qM sea aura treo noj£ 'peen uojuoai t"wn, enys "—*' My hdisband has safFered ptre ram ejud 'shoaiou '^m 'mvj^ \i* c ixii>iv&rnb:j with itching piletj and for a %m{% pooj-enpipara en^ ?snt-—pooj n« luntr time he had been at a loss what to IMPORTED ' st ?i fs3Bo mi}^ pegismura" "t do for this trouble. Nothing seemed to euo Jdjuo »t[!j si ptre*. 'e^oa j/^«<w do hum mach gooa, bat at last heobtained ■ "V92& Sizmmyuoo uotapM^i p "^vk -——Expiration of '|erm of Partnership & pot of Doan's Ointmtmfc at the Aahbur" pciß isjg eqs s[ hoib L^w £.\ao gave ton Drag Co'& iaEast Street and this him immediate ease. It never f»ils him. Mr "uopdransuoo Snuno ttj / he speaks ia feteat praise of chis valuable AND / e?os'B9io p Bn|BA tjSin; h pr.paration.' eqj p9sju3oo9J babij BjreoiC f E yen jCubot aoj BJtOijooQ 'rae^siß / jns£ It cannot be repeated too of that eqs sßojo qoiqAk I m\jSp Duan'a Uiattnent will core iichiog piles. It will cure th«n absolutely But do noc "ranJ (joa—5939 qsaj| qiftM. f | RANSOMES' R.N.P. and potfts|nraa pu« pspasiq Qf take our wordfor what is said—a^kMr 2i;o9jiad en g^UßtpasSaj Pickford ; hekuowd fur it cared him and B9i}]q3Boii3 "epos ptra eccn| eseqj, jo he lives here in Aahburton. What proof -o<LCq ©jnd v£n«oiraßq[D pu« 'ojostflio HORNBBY'S "C SHARE coold bB befter ? !}SBqß{n; eq^ 'ppoM pooAMjoeeg }o iijii'Bnb D )iii\i Ointment is sold by all chemists |ssq ;583«id sq^ |o pus oi^ m no fo^ii aad storekeepers afc 3s per box or will be poo s'spiseq' 'eaw^uoo ?i 'Bao]B|nTtia posted on receipt of price by the proprle' ALL SIZE otii«a. X9X[%o m ÜBtj!} aoi|3iq tars, FosterMcOlel'.an 00., 76 Pitt Street, SapC[ddns-pooi pns i«ap;pom S&H i B. S. W. But be sore they are Doan'e. ; "" T BULLOCK. LWW~~~~~ TO present in the occupation of Ut Henry Ford *ull particulars, tfrmp, etc, on applkafion !D BULLOCK, Ageno (SIXTEEN AND A HALF MILLIONS) STERLING, CLEARING SALE, or otherwiua will be proeecntsd. W S STRANGE WANTED, to ——____ i Broocheß,Braceletß. Bangles, Muff- expenses of Maßagenient—9 Per Cen on fche Total Income. Edwabd W. Lowe, Resident Secretary Branch Office— Cnstom House Quay, Wellington, James Hak, District Secretary. District Office dral Scuatr. GKristahnrah Tools, Lamps, Builders' and Furnishing Ironmongery, etc. Kindly Pay Me a Visit, end Save Money. MRB J. LLOYr, oq Inspection invited £1 ENGAGEMENT RINGS. $30 M.P, SOCIETY, And Secure a BONUS JSVfiRY YEAR. 4l\T/^T7Q XA/jGLI^I \jrJillO Gratee, Mantel Pieces, Garden and Carpenters SHOW ROOMP, Tanored Street East. " " land II b 1122-1 rood, Wills Street West chains. The .Newest Novelties in Gold Charms OBEAP AND GOOD. fliA PRICE required for Town Section 1130, containing 1 rood, ftoutiug ob4fcv/ Cameron Street Wosti Good site for privateresidence Terms if required T BULLOCK A. AGER, good £16,500,000 IS ECLIPSI OYGLB OOMPAKY, KAYE & CARTER, posiiion Cash Bonus for one year, 1899, £506,133 QHOULD EFFECT yielding Reversionary Bonuses amount ing to £942,500, after making epecla ! Protecting those near and dear to them reserves. from poverty in event of Cash Bonuses declared or last five years over Two Millions, yielding Reversion DEATH OB ACCIDENT ary Bonuses exceeding Four Millions, Happening to the Breadwinner ASSURE YOUR LIFE JSley't Blue, SmokeleeE, aud Cnivefsal; NEW OLCJB, NEW RIVAL LANDEL. LARGE STORES at LYTTELTO TERMB~£I Is per quarter, 3XTRNBIVR CLKANIN& MACHINERY. Up to date Musio and Musical Instruments CORNSAuKS always on hand at Town prices Music Dbpot—■Bubnbit Stebbt 7 95 JC7RT Foe sale T S 427-1 rood, Tstocred Street; central This is the watch thac baa given such unfailing satisfaction,that ib is needles to mention Ste numerous excellent qaal ties. Everyone sold is an advwrtisisnen in itself. BONUSES. GUNS. CAKTBIDGEa~raX'"~CARTBIDGEB. Head >ffioo for Hew Zealand— Bidad Bay Danedic. Write for new Illustrated list, it ia free TEACHIB ,._________ 1 Single and Double Barrel, from 30b to £7 10b INCIJBATOK*CO (Of Wayland, New York, V 8 ft) of Incubators MANUFACTURERS Brooders, and Poultry Supplies, | - room in the T BULLOCK J. V. DE BEEE TO BE PUBLISHED IN APRIL, 1502, £2,000,000 (TWO MILLIONS) STERLING. East Aahburtorv ... 151,74 Policies in force ... and Reliable Diwotors ACOMPLETJfi Sam Assured £45,528,09 ALL TRAVELLING BY LAND Cash Bonnseß Divided . . £8,816,73 TIME GUlfs. GUNS. Tanored Street West. of .T(7~LBT~ T S 823-1 rood, Cox Street j high afid dry. ANNUAL INCOME EXCEEDS FACTORY, tjnrtralied Seeds, P jW Season's Supplies Particulars on application T BULIiiCK ' ~ Street). CYPHERS \ GENTS for Red Birde, Swifts, and A RE CASB BUYERS,highest ourrent CX. Colnmbias. rates, all OL See the Chainlets Columbia now on view. [ No shoddy work done.' FARM PROD If OF, G H CARSON, Manager. A cents tor Sutton's and L&VtaoS i | Trevorton—2 Rooda with small together HpHE[following good building sites— Presentations AnotherParcel of three dozen JSICKIL KEYLES 3LE VEKS at 27s : ACCUMULATED FUND EXCEEDS ? "/. CLOTHFNG~FACTOUy. F Brooking, Land Agent,' Stratford, KAYE & CARTFR ' A BONUS EVERY YEKB TJM EN T. „ WATCHES. Wealthiest), and moat at AT Arcade. INSPECTION IHVITED. The Method of Valuation adopted by etc, a low rental, large Ware M,R.O. LIFE' OFFICE \ AUSTRAL AN ANi> THE LARGEST MUTUAL OFFICE IN THI BRITISH EMPIRE. Th© only Mttfmal Life Office which declares OUR OF and Wedding Presenta a Specialty. ' INSPECTION INVITBD, btained 95 per cents. Gates, H A, Musio seller Ofegg and Co,W, Coffee,Starch,eta Hayward'o Pickles and Baaoe« Jones, H M, Triad Agent Kirkpatriok, 8, and Co,X Jams Kharki Cigarettes, Eagle Go's Kozie Teas, all Grocers Lane's Creosoted Emulsion LoaebyV Waboo, Koolibah, Benjamin Gum, and Cinnamon Cure,; Meddine, G., Ironmonger N.Z. Clothing Factory Nelson. jSoafee and Go's Te^ Ocean Accident and Guarantee Corpo tion, Ltd. Orr, A, Draper Sanderson's Scotch Wbfsky Spring Blossom Tea Bnratura Te Teed and Co Corn Cure Tnnking'a Lißeed Emulsion Tai'' Extra ©f Soap "Waitke'e Son WillsThree Cantle* Cigarette*' and Tobaoco codrows' Hati, Gollinn & Co., Agents TO Oldest, ' HpHE 1. Prosperous Large Selection of Tweeds and Suiting!. Stadenii prepared fftr any exaaiinatioo held iv the Colony. Candidates presented, 107 averagemark Dnnlop Tyres mmmtmmmr Equal to the Best Qbriatchurch Work. of Mnsio and of sha Musical International Agency Berm&line Bread—all Bakers Doan'e Ointment cures piles perman- ently by caring the cause. A remarkable remedy which ia bringing comfort to M.O.S*M.. CERTIFICATED TEACHER, Local Representative of the Loadon College mi Fit and Style Guaranteed, WANTED mm ■ mi DIKEGT^BD IS TAIIiO BI N G DEP A E MRS ITlwFllyn ' ii CLOTHING FACTORY. THE Danedin' Ajax Washing Powders Angle N.Z. Cycle Co. Auckland Forwarding andParcels Deliver ' ii" NEW ZEALAND Mrs Johnston, ootnpetition Is to poet your article a receipt for Bs, or more, from any Triad advertiser* to l% The Manager o! the TStAD, .i _ n celebrated Manufacturer* Articles suitable for England i Property CHEAP a» P««li«» Oottßge, - Shed, WALKER & HALL, SHEFFIELD. The Hon. Edward Richardson, C.M.G, ML.C. fohn Duncan, Esq. ~ja.m>lOAh OFfICER Dr. G X Anaou, M.D., the rom (Deputy Chairman) Alfred <ie Bathe Brandon, Esq. NICHOLAS & PICKFORD, W. H. COLJLINS & CO., dow, must be the administrator of the "Local Board o* .Directors : The Hon. Morgan S. Grace, M.D 0.M.0., M.L.C. (Chairman) The Hon. Charles J. Johnston, M.L.O ( INBPBOTION INYITKDi WESTPORT 'COAL. Arrived, TWO OASES JUST Electroplate and Sterling Silver Wellington. , Children's Winter Slippers at Bd, lOd, 1?,2a 6d, &«d 3s per pair Ladles' Winter BHppen »t le, Is 6d, 2a 6d, 3e 6d, 4a 6d, 5b 6d,7s 6d, Rod 8s per p»h Gentlemen's at all prices Children*,Indies, Rod Geotleraen'eGoloshes. (The Basb Golosh msuufftotcred Ale©,— Wilt warm your ried through. (Hear, hear) The oext wag thnt, when the war was ended, we moat maintain annexation el the new territories. 4 We c;>uld not restore »n independence wh eh proved a Hanger to oar whole position in South Goal of very best quality, Shag Point, the Africa. (Hear, hear) tn the third Always in Stock. Also Newcastle most economical in themarket. place, when the war wsb over, iher* SHORT FIREWOOD IN ANY QUANTITY EWIt, b"e a»n, interval of direct Imperial administration leading to eventful colo- \ Orders left at our East Street OfEoe will receive prompt attention nial representative government. That would, indeed, be assured by the inflow of ft British population; Bis fourth point was that Lord MiUier, eg he was irokMongers, painters/ timber & coal merchants. - Wakanul and Paparoa, WARM SLIPPERS, EVENING SHOES, WALKING SHOES, BOOTS, &o. thing alienate the confidence of the Bri iah. If he laid hirnaelf oat to gain the syrnpfithy of the British elements then he would for ever destroy any chance of gaining the sympathy of the other element, Lord- Miiaer at any rate possessed the confidence of the element to start with. Theyknew he maet have incurred the distrust and antipathy of the Boer element, lhat could not be avoided by the circuros'ances of the case. But he believed Lord Miiner'a real desire, wheti peace was secured, was to exercise that gentle and forbearing statesmanship which in time would j?ain him the confidence of the Boers themselves. He was convinced he was the man already possessing the confidence of the British of Booth Africa to such an extent that he would be strong enough after the war was over to be impartial. (Oheers). When any one of these questions was challenged in the House of Commons he should vot<? in accordance with the view he gave utterance to thafc evening. But since the last election not one of those* questions had beeri challenged. But, would it be be* lieved, Mr, Chamberlain was positively discontented instead of pleasod that thofce issues had not been challenged in the House. The Colonial Secretary would like to have those last issues challengrd once a week. (Laughter). On the Monday he wnuld like to have a stojp-thp-war debate on th« Tuesctay a debate about; the conditions of settlement, on the Thursday to h*m a debate ou the question of anmxa- \ fcion,And on the Friday he would l;bv to hive a Miln^r debate. As far »9 he could ]udg<? from Mr Chainberlaiti'd speeches, he was discontentfid that Itioae issues ware not oftener raised *nd prfssed to a v^t". Pc believed that to be bid statesmanship, to be bad in the interests of the country, that any mm cou2d wish to eoe the^e things raised as a drect issup. (Hear hp*r.) If they were rais'-d, it would mean that they were far leas tett'ed than he believed them to be ; and he beliftvwi that, the really patriotic course instead of taunting the Liberal party to raJBo these things as a direct issue, because it might suit the UoioßJßt party* for electioneering purposes, would be to dwellon the fact chat they had not been raised as evidence that tfapy were quite secure and that the GOisntry was determined about them, ! (0h«?er&) B,e fur bale. JISJ&JIiXy WATCHMAKER <Sr JBWEMiEB NEW ZEALAND BRANCH: Head Office, Custom-house Quay mnmmiitmit «O« . " - V Dili el PROVIDENT 'SOCIETY. THURSDAY and they every on other days when necessary. They will be represented in Ashburton by Mr J. Bavison, who !s aathoriaed to receive tha instructions oa their behalf,and to whom coniuinnicabiousmay be addressed. and Effective Pharmaceutical art, and has never been Wo have various sums ofmoaey swftiftln equalled aa an External Remedy for Pleurisy, Asthma, Qvestment at lowest carrent rabaa. Bronchitis, Inflammation,' CALu.aaU INSPICI THE STOCK. gore Throat, Croup, Scalp Complaints, Loss STRII9GBR & OBSSSWBLIu of Hair, Burns, So-ildsj Sore and Inflamed Price Easy. Riding Easy. Eyes, Sandy Blight, Ulcers, Tumors, SOLICITORS, CBRISTCBUBOH & ASHBURTO Absoessee, Whitlows, Piles, (Juts and Strpnsest Machines the Earth. Wounds, Chapped Hands, Chilblains,Boils, ' Carbuncles,Pimples, Styes, Blackheads, Freckles, Bites and Stings of Insects, Bad IN L«?g@, Bad Breasts, Eczema, Erysipelas, Eruptions, and Dry, Itching, Scaly, OTHER MAAES FITTED WITH Blotchy, Chafing or Irritated Skin. Crusted, TyiONBY TO LEND o Fseefcold :Um Secarity, in soms to suit borrowers, 0 & J TYRKS, ; Apply to Ib is the Best EmoHenb tor Hough Hands, MR C W. PURNiiiLL, Solicitor, rendering them Soft, Clear, atid White iv & ■" Blcntgomery'B Bntldlo Single Night, and, ÜBedwith PLANTEKOA ! SOAP, surpassea all other treatment for & and Beautiful Complexion ; Producing Clear ' a few applications rendering the Skin like Habits Velvet. /~*i BNUINB Tailor-madeOestameß, | \J[ Jackets, Bainproof Mantles &o,made SECOND-HAND to measure in the ktest Styles and newest ROBINSON haa removed to new With reference to itß Healing Qualities workmanship gaar&n~ Materials. Fib and premises at the Triangle* QPhaDkwe aelt you to kindly read the Testimonials <jed. ing the public for support) received during u published. Thesa upeak for themselves. the past three years, and hoping by strict GENTLEMEN! We have jasfc opened out ex e.s 'RangaAsk for a free copy of "'The Invalid's attention to business to merit a continuance* tira' a large Shipment of New Winter Guide,"which gives fu information with Ladies waited on at their residences. At letters punctually attended to; furniture Goods Testimonials bought, sold, or exchanged, We reßpeobfnlly invite inspector of our Vicuna Suitinge, Serges, new Worsted and PLANTfi&OA OINTMENT 2a Soetch,Irish, and West of England and New Sample Tin for 6d VeneMeltons, Beavers, Tweedy I Zealand tians, New Rainproof Covert Coatings, real Medicated Herbal Soap is Printed and published by i Donnybrook' Irish Friezes, &o. Suite'to Plantekoa Aum&n Joh 15s, Our TYREEtL-BAXTBR, of Burcefcfe street eti measure from £3. Trousers from r ior tbe Proprietor*, Robees Bsia and JAOKSON, Saundera' Buildioge. la always Satinfaction f Hinby Adam Maokai, &b thelt East Street, OHAIGHEAD <te BERRYMAN Print'ttK AGENTS I Office Butaetii Streets, A«hbar6oa The Leading Tailors and Outfitters, i dCCJBSSOBIE^ MONEY. STOCK. »' P. THOMAS,- NOTicß~oFiilomr. MRS ■ BUSINESS. " miotSo ' ' ASHBURTON torn Chemists and Leading Sfcarekeepe | THaBSDAY JULY 18