OAMABU SHIPPING, 86&TH 6PA(^O flllßS. BATOBCA?! SE3?S?EMBFJR U 188? husiasm for the parity of pnblio Hf», and ER. BRADSHA W,| en: for the maintenance of the publio interests. New Zealand the Exchange, LOAN AND DISCOUNT OFFICE. MRFRITH AT ST. GEORGE'S HALL. oonld not illba In poirt %t the tlma of tha INTERPROVINCIAL eleo*lon«, to wMoh Mr Frith replied that under notice we wrote1 PORT OF OAMARU. Mr W. H. Frith addressed a orowded tom« tehema winld hive to b« thought uplrlfc, »nd from no feeling (BY TELEGRAPH.) JETTY AND CRAWFORD toworda Mr STREETS, M'Kenzie apart from what we meeting of tha electors iv St. George's out tomeet the c»««.)—He was In f«vonr DUNEDIN. Money advancedin sums varying from L 5 believed to be the f?cts of th<» m»tt«r. Sept 24 -High water, 7.48 a.m., 8.12 At Hell last night, Mr G.Jones, senr.. pre- of prohibition if by the majori.y of tbo aid September to be re the DUNEDIN, moment 23. Security, p.m. did, to LSOO on Personal of our writing ss we wh-\t people. One of the crew of tbo barque Par, a sidnd. Frith, we had in our mlod w*s the following Mr by monthly instalments. Bills Disoouated who wan received with apMr Waterworth propoiad that Mr Frith port. Norwegian named in; Requires 30, [ Lars, pssaapß Lawen, aged in »n vessels artiole In the JPntiodin Money Lent co Deposit of Deeds, Scrip, livening Star cf May 27, TBSS :— "Li tha died on tbeday before sh*e arrived ia port. plnusp, after a few in'rodnotoryremarks, is a fit and proper person to repreneot tha Barqne— Glenlora. constituency. THs ivaa aetondad by Mr osae ot Mr and Mr J. MKeczie, tbey Ha hod evidently been drinking before declared hlmse'f *s opposed tn 200 BALES OF RABBITSKINS Bonds, &o, Also Money Lent on every deTHB PBOPERTY TAX. Ribert Aitkem, and otrriednnaoimomily, to at it were, donblei on the joining, and is said to hoy* been injured havo, appear EKTEBWD INWARDS. On hand Property. of Personal scription It wan a tax calculated to drive from their tha publio funds by drawing txpe-afla from tho on the ChineseEmpress, a vessel on stating th%t 40 hand's were Sept 23— Hertld, s s, 35S tons, Jo«e», which midftt the thrifty nnd manufaeiurins of h«HChairman To Execute Urgent Order. Land Board for the s»m« visits to town ; ho worked before. up for it. Dissent w«« expressed at a large stock olNew Rotherham'a Watches fromDunedin, Jand T Meek, agents, whilst Mr M Kenz'e is at no cost for 10», at reduoed prloeT from 1.5 10a to L7 0 maidflrablfj afarm wan created by a their population. But what Would lh' tho numbers <jirsn by the Chairman. rr»ilw*y travelling, having; a free pa"B as a CLEAP.FD OUTWARDS. 'C. b» wpre, as advocated by certain T:ia meeting broka up with a LlO runo^r, 10a to 10s. which was widely olrculafed, that eff of L 7 * 356 tone, Jones, sold elsewhere from iremberrf the Lej?l»)a*.uro. The honorab'e «bo Mararoa, aspirants for political hnnor*, the exemp- thanks to the Chairman, proposed rote Sept 23- Herald, s Given, Highest Prices by tha which left to-day f r Meland Is Rotherham's pirts, given gentleman galne* Coast J watoh thonld content with and West eaoh be hie removed paid lor northern With tion ? Some 2954 rersnns candidate. a d*y for attendance at the Land Board, bourne, was seen to be on fire off tb» property tax, T Meek, agents. en less thau LIOO. Were uannteed certificate, Ooosh 80/ioh. The report appears to which day meets on esme Wednesdays the Otago tha »xampt<ou removed the poorer claas J. MOSS, DISTRICT COURT. as oomtnltteeiof the EducationBotrd, and hava been started by somt passengers hy KXPBCTBD ARRIVALS '".f taxpayers would bavegto pay tax oa six P*v»ohr«V«r, not the Dunedln, Infrequently express train, this Lloflcs«d on southern Star, s, Thursdtyn a from but no oae also, Beautiful the Yesterday. time* now on. they paid the amount In day cf that Board's ordinary mealing." cm Bfiy who In the anthor of it. So fa? Horning. BeforeHis Honor District JudgeBroad.) HOUSE. SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 4, 1887. We h*ve found room ia thij iisuo for at its it is possible to s*y, there appears to other words, the tax to those would us Orowaiti, s I, frcm Dunedtn, on Tuasday I7EALANDU IN BANKRUPTCY. many letters as possible, bat have had to bo no foundation for the rumor. The rsiaed by 800 nor cent. 3033 p*id pro first. Be W. J. Williams Mr Hlibp aaov.d JUST IN perty tax on LIOO »o L2OO, aud were the E S AN O CO hold Z|l Clifton, barque, from Newoastle. early. good MX JN over or Mararoa a eight yet many nine not in typj. If took p^aiengcrs, Some people are, webelieve,inclined to A magnificent rcnge of for an orJef of dlsoh*rge. Aijoaratd YJTT we oan In reason mncage i% we eh*ll got and the circuUMon of the rumor caused exemption removed the *»x to them io in Oam-vrf; n««xt slttipg. Boys' and Yonthfa'Tweed upon a vote as a man's property, them look ' PROJECTED I>EPAFTnRFS. wouldberaised As by they p?r out C 838 all on 333 cent. jusb [32 opined, in Monday morning, great h»ve alarm amonn those who bad ouly Roalyn, and the far-fsmedBANKOCKBe James Maswy.— Mr Newton approperty as being and aa as much they up his weut the that Beautiful Star, s «, for Dunedln, tbfs Bcalo found the OwiDg to Indisposition Mr Charoh will parted with their fiiondn and relatives a BUKN TWEEDS, 30 per o.^nt under (ex Kaikouia aadX^MK'*) afternoon. his land?, his houwe, his goods, or his not address the electors thia evening. increase per oentnra that the large pro- plied for an order of diioharge. Order few hours before. priceß. nsu&l Orowaiti, b b, for Auokland, on Ttteeday, owner had to pay vraa not nearly bo granted. personal effects ; that is, that hia voto The annual safe of work in Also, a oa' c of Later. perty Be Donald and Walter Murray.— Mr CF connnotlon 27th inst, I'is now quite c-rtoin that the report qtph*. 691 onid tax on an average of Newtou Oxford and Regatta Whirta eplondld pitis a thing which he has a right to deal with St. Luke's guild taken place about the moved for an ordsr olustng bank* Llsjooo, and reere the exemp'ionromoved Collars, Usual with taohed terns, regard 2Ai end with of Ootober, and Mra Sumpter, as hon. to »be Mararoa was only a BXPOBTS. SPRING.7 avdISUMMERCA APERY with practically in any way he chooses. seoret*ry, NEW amount they would have to pay would ruptcy, «ncl for payment of costs of Mr will be sold at 4a the 6^, 63 aed prioos 7s Caps Saundera lighthouse was anaounoea that oontr.bationu will rumor. Per Herald: For Lyttelton— l9o baYs It would be more correct, we think, to only be increased by 3J por cent, and to B. SievwTight. Order oloelng bank6d and 5% lid wool, Flnlimon andCo ;6 casks tallow. N Z includbg anjlmrceuse felectioa cf ia a thing which he recaived at the gnlld room onThursdays, oommanicated with, and information tho very wealthy— to those that a man's vote say ol make Boots, sptroul Seh Boys' sk« and Girls' 48 persons who ruploy granted, tho matter of core io between the houn of 3 and 5 p.m. rec ivad ttuh the vtsiel paiiad there all Rhippin? Co, For Wellington— 2os has given him to ueo for thß guaranteed paid on L150,000 the Increase wonM stand ov«r till next nittlng. the nation do do, 10 Bki oat. 1 FIGURED SATEENS, right, fi^nr, ]0 ido do, Q0 i AND whilo living Meters Serberb Jintl soma persons PitzgeraM's Pal^TS" In the Lonc?oa higher Be A. Bister Mr Crawford applied for KH Bo ts, from 5s lid nation's benefit;and to each voter the C'rcus gsve two suocestfal entertiinment* portions of the oity said th» be about J- per ceni. Y-1it was proDu ci an order of meal. J and T M«ek ; 167 b** potatoes, H L*aies Lome, L-»"e, Bainmra's, sad ES. diio'aarge. A foamed till to renjove t&9 exemption, bo that the p^or J and G Miller ; Uen'H MATERIALS ia what to be appears Connell; 36 »fes potatoes, nation's benefit in steamer yesterday— one the afternoon for children w>B in safety after the rumor had man who, by STRIPEDBLACE n«xt Bitting. Boot*. i»t factory dHcgb thrift industry his and had *-jd 119 fka potatoes, 50 do wheat, Ireland and cnothtr of common sense and in the b«en evening light for tho general sorted. Tho electric light being Much in the Be James M'Vey.— Mr Batt moved Darling; 3 esses Hat«. Shirts, Haii-Hoce, Flanne's, T!u3, Co ; 60 ska potatoes, W R Greymcuth— is CREAM, WHITE, and Both were well attended. The displayed probably gave rise to thf sarmd L6OO worth of property, would his own conscience. Hence there is public BraoeSj Gl"ves, Porfcmsntesnx, eto., l2o far «n order of discharge. Adjourned till have to p?iy Instead of 6i evaning 91, eggs, W D Esther. For entertainment olosad L 2 0a Gi. the season in ruraor. eto., at ¥Fhole3»'e prioea. ample Bcope for legitimate diversity in Oarn&ru, sad tha oiroaa has departed do do, 10 J do do. 2 tka oat* ECRU. No ; the removalof the exemption would next sitting. ■ka flour, fi i on Its sks Be William B«1L \Tji But> »p pl6d foe meal, 6 do bran. J and T Meek ; 26 the business of voting. At the same waybonthj shift the burden of taxation on the loiat Iry great aim h to pleoa within thereach AUCKLAND. seeds, H Connell. For Hokitika— 6o sks ; Adjourned till tim© the morejthe voters|ofa country or onn be at>h to and do: upon those man an order of discharge. pay, that At the of oit ziu ihe best artio'e Polloe Court, every H before yoate^d^y, September 23. potatoes, D M'Lennan ; 60 aks potatoes, nroporiiea by the exr-endi-ure of nsxt sitting. whose constituency are in touch with common Measrß Aitkon and Gilohriat, a first offender money, *nd1would point for Bfaeir prooured sfcojul The trial In the celebrated cun L14,0C0,000 on railwnya Connell. A Beautiful Lot£of<! Be William Bowden —Mr Batt applied sense, and the more there are of them wan oh&rged whh flrnnkenneaa and W»S of perjury against Hoera T>ufc th^t f^r » very rifling advanoe on Te Mimiha, riolied. (Applause ) He h»d baen en for an order of d aoharge. A^jmrned till 1 fiaei 5^ with tha cf 24 houra option The Union Company's s s Orowaiti leaves pffoe? efu iiy ohargod for Inferior gorda lm> had endeavored conscientious, the more will p/isoonent. which ha? cccupiei the attention of the DRESS MATERIALS, who aro Andrew Maxwell was charged, Supreme of the exemp- next aittin^. for Auckland, via Tlmaru, Lyttolton, th-y not orly cars procure an artiole that NEWJ^WBITE of th«j voting show a free- on the Information Court for some dpys, terminated to show that the removing the results of lieJohn Cox. Mr Hislop for MrCito* lnspeotor Toms, with tion wouldavail the groatr-st irjore»B9 iv Napier, Gisborne, and TauraDga, onTuesday will g:ve gi eater s^M'facti"'>n, bu' will help ALSO ye'terday evening a issues, to the iifiuence of side in of guilty. allowing What wa are dom from verdict to Bolve the [■ro^em of three oows to wander at Urge. A the amount paid by the poorer class of mora moved for an order closing bank* first. Santence wos doferred, floe of 7a 6d was Imposed. Thomas Clegas Mr O'Meagher property owner?, and the The brlgantlnoElhn Donan got away for do with our rising generatloa." and from tho influence of considera- horn hast inorcaie to rnotoy. Order granted. GiLATEAB,IgPANDORA CHECK!, wos oharged with desertlog hia wife will to morrow morning make application large propcitv owners. But Kalpsra yeitcrday. tions which have no legitimate connec- and family Be VVillljtn Scott.— Mr Hislop for Mr such a proa new MACDONALD, JAME3 at Hampdea last December. for trial on the ground of an posal camo from The a a Herald arrived from Dnnedln HS in Cutomore CLOT with other moved that an order be made andgMATIING publio affairs. In those who raised cry tion the (Ihe sign of theGolden Hat), s«ergoant O'Gnidy aald accnaed had been improper effilavit having b an entered. She left for early yesterday morning for retrecohmen1 nnd no taxation for th« closing bankruptcy. Granted. words, unless a manhas common sense, arrested at Tnapeka, Ftkfet, Mr H. M. Wpst with nboul Thames and has port? and Coaat remanded to Farnall retired from northern the peoplo. All their ory was an at erapt to Re William Appleby. —Mr Newton Endless Variety. OAMAHU. end utiießß he is conscientious, he can- Oamaru. The oaso was ar'jiurned till to- congest for Auckland North. 100 t°ns of prodnoe, and n quantity cf wool. heap taxation on tha poor, and all tharich moved for an order of discharge. in day order to ba doait the by ; his to its uee and with Sinre discussion is ' proper put proceeding vote not with to go aot free. (Applause ) Now, he Granted. M V: J}AN D T. Keeident Magistrate. |" respect to gran'ing a half holiday on the the more that common sense and conIN PROBATE. believe, as waa tbo mannerof some, 5s « H«to on haud Fuh-^Va.^ht v Hr-:Hr : polling day. Tb« Mayor has declined to didn't COMMERCIAL. KACkw, 44, 46, sr.-i ic-«::> h, **■*» « 3^« MEKZIES^ AND gCO., scientiousness pervade a community, Be the will of William Stanger, daknocking anything in down unless he was tako this Btep, as he thinks tha extension able to Roed s,vA Pot&i; iS-^rks, and Sv^mmg Twine CABL EMESSAGES ihe more will its people, in votiug, be put something batter in in place. C9mjo\ Probate vrai ?r«nc«d oa tha Stkebt, of the Thames hours prloce polling plenty li^vcat cu-./onS of afford of boat «'»" ity, *li at AUCTIONEERS' REPORT. guided by a clejr regard by the vital LATEST HOME & FOREIGN NEWS, of iime to electors to roc rd their votes, He w« oppouod,»« he had s*id, to tho spilioatlon of Mr Hislop. of administration in the estate Oamaru. enrrfnt needs of the country, and Ly a and moraover, considers the granting of a property tax altogether, and would sap- of Lotters Aunie Falconer weregranted to Robert Meiara Fleming and Hedley repott that We ars C:y=a Ru .r- <:f Wbent, Oats, a land port aud Income tax inst*<»d. A fitneps f< regard capacity for the and ot T fctwoTHia TaLrr^ipn.—Co^yßioHT. holiday on such occasions might have a they held their fortnightly sale at Pater- B&rley, Grsis Seer.1, mv! P'.>t;stoo^, tlolivered land tax would eompe-1 a man to n*e hin James Russell, on tho applicationof Mr tendency to oause diaturhnnoe. REDTkR'a TKLEGr-\MB, candidates to deal v.'ith those needs iv son's Yards, on Taeeday Inst. Tbere was a at our Store?, or Crown Milint Oftiraru. knd or sell it, and nllow others to culti- Hislop. ileoolved Ssprember 23, at:12 30 p.m. fine attendanoe of buyers and others a practical and efficient manner. Mr Lee moved frr probate In the will vate it for the benefit of themfelves aud London, September 22. interested. These sales promise to be a WELLINGTON. We wo also prepared to DP.E3S ORA3S How much ia the intelligent recogfamiUea. (App'ame ) The next subj^ot "^f Peter Birrell, which was granted. Afc the complete sacoeea. There waa a large entry SEED, and sli !iiofXa tf Grain, oa aooount sales, good wool 23. September scoured and Probate was grantrd, on the application nition of these facts likely to influence scoured crossbrada of sheep and cattle. On aoronnfc of the of growers or othars. A oottage eitn&'.ed at Karari, occupied was that of are ruling at to of Mr Newton,io the estate of the wifeof PROTECTION TO LOCAL INDUSTRIES. on Monday next the votiDg for a man New Zealand and An»tr*lian Lard CjmLake hy O'Ojnnnr, dairyman, and and his K«l!y. pany they sold a line cf small fat wethers at to represent Oamaru in the Parliament Id.l^d, inferior scoured croßsbreda Id family, was burned down thia morning. He believed froetrnde wa* a perfec law, Andrew STORAaii and IN3(7KANC£ at Lowest to P/obate was granted In the will of cloßinfi[ 1 below of rates June and and wouldbe best world but ; 9i5d ; on scoount of Mr Bates, a pen of Eatoa for all the ? There are colony three candi- July was savad, Th 9building was of the first crois mixed ehcep in fair condition, at waa one of those perfect hws «hat if Giorsce Lookwood, on the applicationof aeries. Grsasy andinferior «rea«y LUfla eatrs Mr Hialop, Mr Church, and Mr iniured in the Equitable C >mpany, but it 12a Id. Although the cheep ware not at nil did not tike ore would crush them. Mr Butt. they lower, ilBERAfii CASH AJ3VANCES on Gr*l» crosßbreda are good but greasy the oontents were uninsured. Jd Frith, and the popular opinion seems to Probate was granted in the will of prime they had very fine fleecea. On m°<^rm »* Ctirr«Bt Kates of Infee "-»«* Tbpy could not inuticting new industries croasbredß show an advanoe to If. ha? boon of Ad decided to erect a Elder, two pens of fair hom^ for ODmps'e wi>h eld account of Mr bo that the contest really lies between M«r?aret Johnstono, on the applicationof firms, and INSON, aped R~iTb Id. needy, R GEORGE Western fleece wools are un- tbe nnd the oontrect price traployeea working and quality wethers at 11s lid all round. On the first and laßfc, and that, as Mr 14 16 hours a day. Mr Butt. SUSGBON DENTIST being L3616 changed. account of Mr W Meek, a pen of very good In order to d> so th«y!mnst have proteo are votes that in his Church's votes >Vec-lev/nChuroh),' (Oppose oross Shropshire hoggets to Mr M'lntyre at At the Resident Mtghtrate's C.mrt Mails per Orient aleamabip Ortnuz, tion to a certain extent. Ho did not A SENSIBLE SPEECH. absouce would go to Mr Hielop, the EDSN .'*TUEET, OAMARU. 9i 2d, and another p«n of cross Leicester thl9 afternoon, Alfred Ribios and Alfred helieye from in protection to the cr«a'ton of (August d. Melbourne were de19), s. hoggets at 9s 6d to tho same buyer. These issue is one ominous of doubt for the Horsfold, clerks employ in tho nf the monopolies. He wou'd not profcot any In proposing a vote of thanks to Mr JO 6 livered iv London to-day, via Naplei. Arliifiolal Teeth, from sheep were well wintered, and looked reOuar Meat Company, vrare committed for induatiy cauß^ of common senee. For ourselves, 2 6 Extractions Kacaived September 23, at 5 20 p.m. did not which be was Bnckland at Billgrova on Tuesday night, markably well. The fat oittle pens were trisl on charges of aliegad "mbizzleraentof suited to the country" we prefer to believe to the last in the 7 6 Stoppings fairly well filed with medium quality beef, London, September 22. and became » p*r Mr John Simmonn made the following money belonging to tha firm. good Benße of the community, and so and everything sold at from 20a to 22s 61 From nocne ->*i cf '■'"nndav >f c"-* mn»th mtnent of employment toursa to them- sensible speech, of which our CorresponarjThe Irish having Nationalists ALL WO' X WUARANTEKD. per lOOlbs. A few Hoes of store cattle sold we decline to fall in with the popular nounced their now and to thnir children ri they dent was able to jjJvb only a summary. selves intention of holding a NAPIER. at fall rates, and about 15 dairy oows at grew up. The tariff wanted revision. As thi so"ech is short, and contains aoma assumption. Mr Frith is, according to demonstration at Mitchelstown toS^p'etnber 23. from 13 for mediumnp to LQ for good. Many articles thatoould readily be manu- exoillent points, we now print it in fall. Bhowing, follower, a or be is morrow, bis own T, ND YuU N Q Sir J, Vocrel arrived overhnd to-night. factured when the trial of O'Brien will iv the colony c«»ma io froe, end Mr Sirom->ns spika as follows: Sir, I willin» to become a follower of the becommenced. The On his tray he was met by a Ur>;9 crowd Government others that could not were taiced. lo- ri«a fo pmpoie a yore of thanks to Mr issued i ST. JACOBSggOIL FOR NEURALGIA Thames street, ings, at Has: who hooted and his«t>d while irftout-Vogel Government theGovern- au order forbidding tho meeting. natural to the country should be Bucfclani for the able, painntakinr, and the train remained at tho station. At duatrles ment which the country for the most euoourcgod. It bad been sn?d protPoMon instmotiveaddreu we h«v« just listened In the enquiry into the railway Napier Have now ia Stcck a FtraS-Olasa aaeortmeo he waa met by a orowd of Mr doing no, with your p»rexcellent reasons is now determined to accident* near Doncaßter, the jury re- Iveca's supporters, cf tha pricoe, but in ihe c^se of to; bub before who accorded'him a increased misilon, ( will nay a fo*r words. lam HOPELESS TO3.TURE FOR sand to the riejht-about-face. And high turned a verdict of manslaughter most oaniles, goods, »oap, vrooilen oth^r and enthusias io reception. His chiir pleased tn eeo the Udies here as well as at GOLD and SILVER WATCHES, time, too, for what iv that Government against the driver was placedin an express and dragged to articles raanufaoturoc in the country ira- Hanapdon taking and fireman of the CUBED IST S&.VEN MINUTES. such interest in politics. popters had to reiiuoa their pricsa In order distinguished for] Why, for giving train which GOIiD and SILVER JEWELLERY, into and amashed the the Masonic Hotel, aooompanledby torch- to compete wish the locally ma -c aritolo, Itia a haelfby «l?u of the tiaien ; it Is the ran acres land to foreign a.say millions of of light beorera and the Railway Bnnd. excursion train. that the peoplegottheir goods cheaper. shadow of the fu'ure nf wh»t we may Mr Ormond addressed a crowded meet- so railway syndicates ', for extraveMrs Charles Webb, Nortbqueons Ferry. SILVER snd ELECTRO-PLATED Industries, Hamburg, 22. too, would cr^a'e more im- expeofc when they havt »ha Drlvilrg* of September 1 WARE, Ing to-nish receiving a most entbuiiastio gantly increasing the public expendiPootland, writes: "For many yearß I ployusnt, tnornnsa popuUtinn, and be a recording their vote. But Ithink, ■i', The counoil of elders of this city, racption. Hemade a very hetvy attack a vote of thnnks to .Mr BuckUnd Is not havebeen a sufferer from neuralgia in my ture, and for piling up taxation composed of the principal S-ILVER andELECTRO-PHTED merchants, on tha Mlniu»ry, particularly on Sir J. benefit to the farmer. T*k<» the woollen enough for the trouble head, to obtain relief from which Ihave «nd«xp«nss he ha» particular which with presses industry in thren colonies. Victoria, New SPOONS, have the that Vogfll. lodine, pafcitioned explained He he had been Z?aland, and Now South appliedmuntard leaves, and all the authorities to send put himself to in his endeavours to classes; working the Wain* : the first weight upon p.eparations whiah hsve ever been recoman ImperilCommissioner to the Mel- l»vi'ed to attend Sir J. Vogel'a meeting two were protec'ionlstio. Victoria enlighten ns into the rny^erlen of the big GLASSES, em- house at Wellington. mended to me, without avail. I and for getting its face dead against bourne Exhibition. have been FIFLD and OPERA to-morrow night, but terms eiuld not be ployed He is a candidate 814. Now Zwalnnd woollen 86T In treated by experiencedphysicians, who said retrenchment, unless we can give the arranged. Ho had offered the Theatre for our suff'-a^a to rspresent ns thsre ; to», Eto SPECTACLES, Calcutta, ; September 21. faotorUs New South me, no for that Wale* a freetrade help there was my case waß >yal to Sir J. Vogal, to be open to the name of retrenchment to the Governcolcny, end pointed out as a model for thenlet no rally round him and glv« him inourablo, Ihad myso'f given up all hope It is reported in Simla that Ayoub R support&rs ef both sides, or askad th»t them 312. forming the Best Selection ia the TheJjWhole wages ment'sefforts to cut down of ever free In Sydney many ware un- our support. It is not evory ocmttUnanty being pain of from again, For Khau has been captured in Knin (sic) similar tarrai should be granted by Mr Oamara, three wpeka prior to using the wonderful the railway employees and other work- Persia, and a number of his employed, and juit outside the town I that has th« pHvllt«£»a< of retorting 'suoh SPRING AND SUMMER SEASONS, followers Ivess'a committee, who hove eugagod tha 4500 houses ware bag:in^ tenants. He an able, s'r4i?b'for (tird, nnd Intelligent had nc rest preparationbelow mentioned, I ing men in its service. That is whst wereseen near Meshed, a city Inspection Invited 1887. in the Gaiety Theatre. That, howtver, Mr Iveis's was not for a tariff of 50 or 70 per o?nt on gentleman, whose only inUrest in asking S'ght or day from the most excruciating tried to do and would province the Government committee would not agree to, reserving to artioles that could not bo produced of Khorassan. support is the well-being of hli pain in my head. Iwas nnttble to work or in the your high have done sooner than cat down themselves the right to issue tickets to colony, think of anything but my terrible Buffering. fellow man, sad to save his country from Berlin, CO., September AND 22. BULLEID he a judicious ;' J «3d i T B but would favor S 8 To nuke matters worse, ray husband, who ealarieaand do away with unnecessary JOHN Is is expected that a meeting will their own supporters to admit them before tariff with a view to the encouragement of being drains! of its life blood by tbosa Uyuw ?roKRs, had Buffered from rheumatism and neuralgia officers. Yet Mr Frith, who Btands as take place between the Emperor and the doors were opened 'o the publlo. naturallooil industries, to piva ernp'oy- who h»V3 been fattening at bar expensef OPENED— HAVE JUST atrsets, aud LLarbor Tyae for eight yeva— at one time That meant a packed roseting, whio'" — confined to the workingraan's ciudidate,shows that : to the people. (Applause ) He was Ara we freemen or ara we serf) ? If freehis bed for eight weeks began to buffer 50 Cases, ex Arawa, Tongariro, and Dorlo, he is willing and ready to support the tha Czar afc Dantz c early next month. wouldhowl himdown whenhe endeavored ment men, then act as sueh act on your own ON SAL'S a supporter of all greatpain inhis buck and shoulders. The Taffeta and Paie Silk Gloves— Ladies' to reply, so he spoke to-night, giviu^ up rpspoogibility. Hsad not the oily tongue FULL WEIOHT OQRFSAOKSj S Government who sooner THISPRESENT out-Yogel oaae of both of us was pitible iudeei. HearQOVBRNMENT. shades his meotiog to-morrow n*7h Sewing Twins, that may try to charm yoa from your own AUSTRALIA N NEWS Cotton Fanoy faults, they and branohes the With all their alone bad ing of Bomo of the wondeiful curei wrought higher Summer Cashmere touch the of than ovGRAIN Ladies' eonsolenee of wh%t Is right. Are yoa by St. Jao?b<j til Iprocured a bottle, the STORAGE FOB. 30,1KK) SACKS wlllingnesj a to the Hosiery grapple shown with service would cut down the wages of »V KIJSOIRIO TEEQaAPH— CoPTRtaHT. willing Al LOWEST HATES, the yoke upon your own applied, with the most contents of which I SPORTING. settlement of the land ; and as far as they neok, totobsput same, Ladieß 4 and 6 ol»sp Dent's KidGloveß— working man with the one hand, and treated ss beastsof harden by remarkableand astonishing results, as fol- And LiberalA?>vanohs made on the newmakes principles conformed to the he had laid pile extra taxation on the workioglows : When Itook the bott'e in my hand RKTJrKR's TELEQRA.MS. Laoea, and Far ov Aprons them he would uphold the pr."sonf iho«e you have lifted Inro powor? Surely me covered by In* New Ribbons, b»for« Ail Graio Stored with KUROW RACE3. 1waa Buffering euoh pain Ioould hardly see the time will «oon corns New Frilllnga, Colhietts, and Fanoy Hand- nmn's food and clothing with the These events took plioe yesterday, and Government. (Applanu.) Mr Frith re- not 1 Remember suranoe. out of my eyea, when, upon rubbing a Received September 23, at 10.5 p.m. kerchiefs when you will bave to decide that How s^ne man think other. can be ona any oipi<u!nt<H previous very were tho what hadsaid successful, attendance being V-q little of Oil over my temple? and the Sydney, September 23. Large Assortment of Ladles' Mantleß Then be true to self and jast CASH BUYER OF GRAIN AND that any sane workingman would vote and the racing good. Owing to nocsion with reference to education and question. ■ide of my head, I vai free from piin in to those who are depending upon yoa. A train motor, whilst conveyingcoal lar-ze PTC'ThTjnW. OMy Young Ladies' Mantlet^ea, Capos, efco <Vl HER PARM ; pressure we landeetUement and in compelled space seven minute, and although th^tia three for such a candidate? In view of that to-day, on our are newest shapes Think of the past, anl let the past guide ran oft the line near Moore to hold over the full report tillMonday's CONCLUSION week? pgn, Ihave not felt the slightest Ladieß' and Children's Dv I and Storm fact alone it is impossible to agreo with io the fu'ure. Those hire to-night Park. The was said ha oome killed, diivor and the Iseue. had beforethrra and stated yon retorn i»f the pain since. Ioontidared myCloaks that fcho conteßt lies those who assume ( by honestly aelf completely cured the u=e of leBB than views and straightforwardly, who htvelistened to Mr Baakland with seriously injured. Untrimmod Straw H-te and Bonnota HTJRDLX RiCS, his fireman and attention will bs able to analyse Mr Frith and Mr Hißlop. Mr one bottle cf St. Jacotß Oil. Iused the Oil ! Ton^koe and if there wmi anythin? he hal not c»re Children's Galatea, Sailor, and Pionio Hata between I sfa*otnents fa*otnents thath*ve been mtde on both on my husband, rubbing bis b»ok and Playboy Immense eeleotien of Frenoh Trimmed Mil- Frith'a incapacity to deal in a firm and 2 clear, they understood, made or had not LATE TELE GRAM pid*s of the House. Some of them, I shoulders with it, and the pain vaniehed masterly way with public affairs disMAIDEN PLATB. linery be wouldbe glad to answer any questions muit say, have been lather knotted and direotly. and he is now able to attend to his Llndon Children's Pelisseß, Pinafores, and Under- entitles him to the Bupport of all men Xv Elkotrio l forward, groat He had coma and at s*cri crooked,and will require all your jadgTeleokavh.— Copyright. work." olothlng YorkshireLass 2 fioe, as he knew he had made enemies alike, whilehis willingness to support a , meut to get them to run smoothly Fancy, Cheoked, and Striped Muslim— Lubra 3 up people against him, ■nd raised who together. (reoter's tklkgrams.) iGovernment that ip in a most marked TROT, KEMPTHORNE, FRJSSER, AND C),, Nevertheless, those who have gigantic assortment upstart. called him a mushroom and an a,m. 1 September 24, IMPORTED Rsoelved at men, New Polka Spots and Fancy Tinsel Fabflos manner no friend to the working 1.40 Havrkdnn 1 attended the vsrious polltiott meetings DtTNEDIN, ChBISTCHTTRCH, AND WbLIMPORTED But ha aired not for that. He them urged London-, September 22. j Blsok Striped aad Brocaded Grenadines— disentitles him to that of the working Dexter «. 2 IMPORTED ! to consider not position or wealth in th»ir held in this distrlot lately, also by reading LINGTON, choice patterns Darkle Console remain at 101J. 3 | j particular. men themselves in of a candidate. Ha aoked them to tha sp93ohe« of other candidatesat given choice Flounolngs Black andCreme Dress Laoe KUROW HANDICAP. Wholesale Agents, New Zealand securities 4 cent othtr districts, willbs able by now to per : point view, From rational any rage all the of be Material, Pin head Check Dress true to their own consciences and vote in Vanity ifxle ._ I where the whitewash brush, as wetl as s->e inscribed stock remains at L 99 10s. really and Checks liesbt for the th.Mr Matting then, Prints. Galatea, theconteßt tweenMr J»ok*ll man who c*rae nearest to 2 tar one, has been applied. But let NEW SPRING ) Fx Tocgariro and Queen New Cameline and FancyZephyr Cloths the weekly I'hn returns of the Bank of no thinking, matter who he was. Jdslonsy w-y of 3 Hialop and Mr Church, who, as candithis to everyone here who has a Mab. GOODS, \ Plain and Brocaded Sateens, in all Bhadta NOVEL HANDICAP. Th^y should tend a man to Parliament me 84yrnoord England, published to-day, show the dates', are much alike iv some revery Parhaps tho salvation of vote in White, Creme, Costumes, Paddy Embroidered 1 who would stand up for their rights, and ynar country it. speota and very much unliko in others. total reserve iv notes and bullion to be dep n-is uponIt ; anl when ._ R*gle and Colored 2 du'y people <\n his to the in the House 2,000,000. Tho reserve shown aa doinsj so show favour todo one. Vote on Jje... Gents Merino andCo> ton Panta and Shirts, Both are opposed to the Government, LI 3 without fear or favour. If tboy approval principle A B T T E S, likefree and independent men1 new goods the sam« increiso during the week ol L500 000, DISTRICT BACK. practically aud both hold th^» he had principles espoused of tlu>y London House, By ao Hoirg you will be able to return GenW Ties, Glovep, ani Hanlkeruhiefe, views with regard to the settlementof and the proportion of reserve to liaVWitangi Maid 1 him thair by support would vote*. He Oamaru, Thames Street, mpn who will do yoa honour In you* newest patterns Mistake -. 2 didn't ask them if ho were Gt- to represent selection, I* now Showing a Splendid hot of the ]»ud, taxation through the cuotonis, bilities has advanced from 43 to 44 EkoSrio 3 by cent. asked them per them, rolling but he up country. us well as benefiting yonr NEW PRINTS, AMD^CO., and retrenchment. Mr Church has had HACK RACS. JOHN BOkLtLID Your eoaotry looks for It at onMonday and polling forFrith narly NEW MUSLIN DH LANO, The market rate of discount has SPRING, 188 7. Univbbsai. Pkovideks, Windsor 1 experience politician no as a practical (The remainder of the senteucD was lost in your— hands. Then send good and true CREAM rtf ATTINGB, Thames Street, declined to Birdoatohar cant, 3| and is now 2 por men men with hontsty of purpose, good that is, parliamentaryexperience; while OATMEAL CLOTH, „ .„ 3 the great cheering that f< ltogcj, during julnmt-nf, Tommy WATtBUW ITOU3E. Oamara. and determination. Mr Hialop has had a great deal Owing below the bauk rate. GALATEA3, ) which Mr Frith resumed hi* ueat CONSOLATION. Colonial breadstuff's and tallow are SATP? STRIPES, H O 0 D Jealousy to this, Mr Hislop, in dealing with TOHN I QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS BROCHR SATIN?, ORIGINAL CORRESPONDENCE Plunger .„ 2 current questions,gives one the idea of unchanged. In reply to questions Mr Frith said : BHOCHE CANVAS CLOTHS. 10,700 is now opening up Kew Goods in At to-day's wool ealea bales Jackall 3 rc**miMa Urnv, »ud uadar raaofalMlr list "« a practical workman handling his jurymen werecertainly not wellpaid .VlsHln That oolamai opta to tTarj-hoirI bat »" wfai Ut> it TRIMMED AND UNTRIMMED STRAW their but services, eoole; while the idea which Mr Church were offered. Prices are steady, but for dtitlttitlr they should look aaderrtood thU la ao w»r do «" iitatif Guilty of Wrong— Sima pa)ple have a "aml*M vttd t*>« optnioni of tonrMptadtnta,or ) iv suggests in the came connection is that demand is inactive. Since the opening fashion of oonfafting HATS AND BONNETS. excellent rrmedlei with upon it as a patriotic thing to give a little tail? a»tho4a or fonnf of «nu— liw J " 19,000 A Choice Lot of bales bave been the Urge mass of patent msdioines," and of their time to their country. Ha h*d of a man used to office work suddenly of the series CHILDREN'S tfANCY BONNETS, DRESS FABRIfC S, withdrawn,out of a total of 170,000 in this they are guilty of a wrong. There nov»r used the word "crawler," a* attri TH EWAITAK I ELECTION turning his academical hands to drainSTOCKINGETTE JACKETvS, (41l Shadeß), FRENCH DRESS GOODS This aeries will close on 6th are some advertisedremedies fully worth all buted to him,in his remarks at theCourtoffered. TO THE EDITOR digging wood-choppin". or JACKETS, COLORED CASKMFRKS. thatis for and one at least we house on Monday last. He appealed to them, SILK OTTOMAN aaked Sir, T hava seen letters in your oorreCREME DRRSS LACK FLODNCINGS, In view of Ihefie. f.?cts tho common October. know of :Dr Soula's American Hop Bitters. tho preas to substantiate this statement. spoudenoe column* os'entibly signed VISITES. Sydney, September 23. MALTESE DRRSS NETS. The writer hns h<»d occ«9ion to uae the If electedhe would no", support Sir John community, having regard aeone of the "Ploughman," "Fif-nr" and the like, LACE OUkTAINS, from§2a 61. New Zealand wheat is quoted at 3s Bitter* in japt saoh a olinrute as we hava Hall or Major Atkinson. H» A large Vaiioty o to the country's requirements, and to would but t!>e suitabler.«i*4 f such aisvmed moit of the ye« in Bay Hty, and has ; to 6d oats, ; 3J 3a Is KM to 23 2d DRESS GOODS. the practical capacities of the candirationed, as the always found them to be fi t.olass and support Sir Robert Soin iiall measures cognomens miy well 1) for the ganeralgood.^He wouldendeavor letters appear to be « ten by interested dates, should have, no difficulty in maiz^, 2s Od.to 33 lid. reliable, doing all thatlaclaimed for them. Black andColored French Cashmeres to do away with the Legislative Cjuaoil. agents to ex>ol M: Reid and unduly Adelaide, September 23. G A B IT E 8, R, Trlbane. coming to a conclusion on Mond&y 'Fancy Printo lie would endeavor to get back all on* depreciate Mr Duno in. Inotice also in London Bouse"1 Gentlemen in want ot a really good waterWheat is limited, at 3s 7£d. Fanoy SateenPrints next. your biueof the 20th mat. that thethread. Printed Lima* tweed ooat oan be supplied at William dowments takenfrom primary schools Floar is dull at the following quota- proof Menzles and Company's, Thames-street. tie would stop all Sititeimmigratiin. If bare story relating to the Corriedale Fanoy Aleacian Lawns Town brands, L 9 to L9 tions : 5a 10s \ Tbey only keep thebestmakes. Ever yooat be waa elected,and did not gire aatisfao* si ling prominentlybrought White and Ecru Laoe Stripes is to noticeby 8 5s to L8 Inour yeiterdaj's leading artiole **c eaid, country brands, L 10s. guaranteed thoroughly and prioes tion, ha would resign if a-iked to do so by Alexander Clydesdale a fawning, tsrvile, Galateia - rain-proof, referring tn the oindidat^a <f Waibemo September 21, at 1.40 a.m. In Received STftIOTLY MOIIRKirK A^Tfc LaoeCurtains a maprity of those who altcted him. aot to gain faror withMr Reid, his object and other eleotorates t Mr M'Kecz'e ia Melboursk, September 23. PARTNERSHIP NOTICE, Oetonces The nativesshould bs pud for hnd taken baiDg to reproach Mr Duncan. Now of euspioion daHberatoly not above tr*din^ Aigrettes expected that the Hon. S. T. Flowers, Feathers, Ie is POST CARD PROOF. from them. He would dnoline the honor such detestable cmt is too glaringly bare.CRAIG AND CO., BOOT AND HUNTER' with bis position &a % pub'io man, aa witness Bent and Mr M~. Corsets, Fonoy Aprons will be candiDavics of being called to tha Upper Home-if faced to produoj any impression, and it Salisbury, Term., April 4, 1883. f.f hia fwres having chaigad railway the fact CBirrjSTS, HtJMjiEii Stbeet, JubileeLaces Saw Mills, Gents., Iwas afflicted with serious Kidney asked to take a seat there. (Liugh'er.) SPEOIAWSTS EN ARTIFICIAL TEEIH, for attendauce ia Danedin aa a membsr of dates for the Speakership in the As- and with exceeding bid grace from Mr JubileeFiililngfl Urinary trouble for twelve years. After He was in favor of the republican form of coous SALE, AT REDUCED HAVE FOR Ltn's Board and the Edno%tion Dunbdin, the Waste Octagon, Clyddadale. Uit became he is so mnni« sembly. t-ying Htalety all the doctors patent and medicines 1 RATES— &<; a rale Bat co (\lr Grao :G«ner><l Jacks »n fic^ntly paid for his work that be is Bnard, while the Boards Table Linen The Governments of South could hear of, Iused two bottlesof Hop Bitters Govarnmin' Best Binder Twine, Machine Oils, We inaugurate our Partnership by a Great consecutive days, and while he actually Australia, Victoria, and New South and am perfectly cured. on a bfclt? t»f c >ton) The C itonUl Sook induced to take a stand againit his Linoleumß, C*rpets,Matting R. P. BOOTH. his as a member of Parliapas? Reduotion of Fees until further notice;; travelled on Ao: was oure d ftcneral politioj -Hi wti brethern, the sois of toil, in their cause of Washington, D.C., April 3, 1883. Cotton and Linen nheetingc. Westport, Newcastle, aud Shag Point ment." In regard to thia Mr M Keozl-i Wales have agreed to a proposal for a To the Hop Bitters Co.,. ArtificialTeeth 10s 6deaoh in favor of mtki <g a deduction from common welfare ? If no, Mr Clydesdale never charged flivya, himself now "I have Cos!. Extraction 2s 6d conference of the Postmasters General Sirs,— lwrite this a3 a token of the great tntalisatordividends for pur- should bear a high repii'e as a prompt JOHN HOOD, railway fares for attendance*t either L*nd to be held in Adelaide, commencing appreciation Ihave for your Bitters. Iwas poiea. He was not incharitable 7a 6d Stoppinss, from Thames Street, favour of Sir payer of their jait dues to all with whom On afflicted with inflammatory West Board Board." rheumatitttn for seven Mills, strength Coast Our Artificial Teeth havehad a great reorEduca:ion the Agents forEdendale Sow November 7th. New Zealand will be years, and no medicine seemed to do me any Julius Vogal gettiugL6.000 or L7.000 lv he deals. Saw Mills. putation for many years, We expeofc to of thie assurance wa withdraw our «t»tomacfc to, send a representative. good until Itried three bottles of yourHop sstitement of his olaim agaioit the colony. havo no Your columns are llbtrally open, too, add, We that vre desira to invited by may bringing Agents for Deering'a Inrrroved Twine largely iooreaae our fraotloeof and to my surprise T am as well to-day Ho was not opposed to unions if pro- espeoiallyat election times, but Ithink it election in any way ii flarnoo that ii any Amongst all* Gas be discussed Bitters, quasiiona the Prices within tho reach the to Bindere. as ever I I suchope you may great was. have He was in favour «f nevertheless requires an intolerable and other Anseathetioa administered whan not sbaolutety fiir, or io attack hny are those affecting the ca ble subsidies coss inthis great and valuable medicine. Any perly conducted. Agents for Manchester Fire ni^.-ance Com* Ineoesiary. public man unjustly. Never in oritioiaing Mr mycure can s>amen being represented in Parliament. "dauoity on Ifr Clydesdale* part to aik one more wishing to know about the postal intercolonial reciprocity, and leara by addressing m«. McKeczte or any other publlo man ara we (One of the aulitnoe replied that th y such Uvors as the insertion of arHol«, p»ny. Risks taken n Grata In stor ALL WORK GUAKAfcXEED* to*23 aotu^tid by peMon&lmotifea, but lolely by the parcels post. & M. Whuavb,U03, 16th St, woaH h«T9 to role b/ proxy, «* tttej As Mr DuatftQ't iqier«it It tdtckUt)^ «A4«t*ok BabbitSkin (OppositePostOffice, Thamesstreet, Oamarn) North In.f-anoe j In entirely in thnt , Times. — — — — , t 1 - ' — — ...... ... ... 1 — — GA , t — , . — — rO — — . ( — 1 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... " RG — % — ... ...... ...... ...... ... ... ... — — — — " JAMEB — — MESSES" ...... —— — — — -— — — —