Annex 1 Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas BANKWIDE - CONSOLIDATED (DETAILS) 2009 Annual Procurement Plan Ref. No. Sector-SS-Dept./ Office EMS-IRO EMS-IRO RMS-ITSS-ITIOD RMS-MSSS-PDMO RMS-ITSS-ITIOD MSS-MPSS-OMDMPSS MSS-MPSS-OMDMPSS RMS-HRSS-HRMD RMS-MSSS-FMED 1060 RMS-MSSS-SITD 904 RMS-HRSS-MDC 877 RMS-HRSS-HRMD EMS--CPO 81 868 RMS-ITSS-ITIOD SES--SOMG 1092 1085 SES--OMDCSSS 42 EMS--CORAO EMS--CORAO 59 229 MSS-CMSS-CASH 222 MSS-CMSS-CIRO 220 MSS-CMSS-OMDCMSS 971 RMS-MSSS-FMED 813 RMS-CoSS-OMDCoSS 915 RMS-MSSS-OMDMS 1019 RMS-MSSS-PDMO 1037 RMS-MSSS-PROC SES--ED1 1107 SES--ED2 1108 Capital Expenditure (CE, Asset Acquisition (AA) and Other OPEX Accounts Generic Name / Indicate "Infra" if infrastructure item Advertising and Promotions External Professional Services Repairs and Maintenance-CNAS External Professional Services Repairs and Maintenance-Comp. HW Publication Audio Visual Presentation* Media Production Firm* Checkpoint Firewall Software* Topographic/Relocation Survey* Relocation of Data Cabinets* EFLC Brochure* Publication EFLC Gatefold Flyer* Retirement Gratuity Pay Medical Insurance Provider* Specification/Description of Infra Item Provision per Unit CE - Motor Vehicles AA - Tools and Apparatus CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Comp., Network and Appl'n Sys. Ambulance Baumanometer Bench Camtasia Studio audio visual presentation media production firm Annual Maint. Agreement for a period of one (1) year, BSP-HO one (1) lot topographic/relocation survey plan relocation of two (2) Data Cabinets and installation of SCS at ID 10,000 copies of production and printing of the EFLC brochure 10,000 copies of production and printing of the EFLC Gatefold Flyer for BSP Personnel covered by the BSP-SIP 2008 one (1) lot supply of services, technical expertise, supervision and provision of tools/equipment for the hauling, disposal, treatment and other related services HI-ACE GRANDIA 2.5L-I Turbo Diesel Baumanometer Heavy Duty Adjustable Benches (incline, decline, flat) Camtasia Studio 5.1 AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies CE - Furniture and Equipment Charger Chart Battery Charger Flip Chart 2,000 15,000 AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies CE - Furniture and Equipment Coffee Maker Cutter Dehumidifier Coffee Maker Dexter Mat Cutter (26.94 Pounds) Dehumidifier with hygrometers AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies AA - Tools and Apparatus AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies CE - Furniture and Equipment AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies CE - Furniture and Equipment AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies Desk Pen Desk Pen Desk Pen Diamond Glass Cutter Digital Voice Recorder Digital Voice Recorder Digital Voice Recorder Digital Voice Recorder Digital Voice Recorder AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies Digital Voice Recorder Waste Disposal Account BSP PCBs-containing or contaminated Transformers* Mode of Unit (e.g. Total 2009 Approved Schedule* pcs, set, lot) Amount Procurement Qty 400,000.00 600,000.00 1,190,000.00 40,000.00 672,910.00 157,080.00 1 1 1 1 1 1 lot lot lot lot lot lot 104,500.00 1 lot 104,500.00 Jan. 2009 Selective Bidding 15,450,500.00 1 lot 15,450,500.00 Jan. 2009 Direct Contracting 13,875,000.00 1 lot 13,875,000.00 Jan. 2009 Selective Bidding 2,000,000 7,000 40,000 21,195 3 2 1 1 400,000.00 600,000.00 1,190,000.00 40,000.00 672,910.30 157,080.00 Unit pc units pc 2,000,000 21,000 80,000 21,195 3 4 units pc 6,000 60,000 2,000 6,000 72,700 1 1 2 pc. unit units 2,000 6,000 145,400 Desk Pen set, Per BSP/CD Minimum Specifications Desk Pen Desk Pen Diamond Glass Cutter PC connectivity, 2 GB memory, rechargeable battery Digital Tape Recorder with AC/DC Digital MP3 Recorder Digital Voice Recorder IC Recorder (similar to MP3) 5,000 5,000 5,000 500 6,000 15,000 8,000 14,520 6,000 3 2 1 2 1 3 3 3 set set set pcs pcs. pcs units set 15,000 10,000 5,000 5,000 12,000 15,000 24,000 43,560 18,000 IC Recorder (similar to MP3) 6,000 3 piece 18,000 10 Jan. 2009 Jan. 2009 Jan. 2009 Jan. 2009 Jan. 2009 Jan. 2009 Direct Contracting Direct Contracting Selective Bidding Nego. Proc. Direct Contracting Selective Bidding 1st 1st 1st Public Bidding Shopping Shopping 1st 1st Alternative Mode Shopping 1st 1st 1st Shopping Shopping Shopping 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping 1st Shopping 1st Shopping Annex 1 Ref. No. Sector-SS-Dept./ Office 216 MSS-MOSS-DLC EMS--TD 115 201 MSS-MPSS-ID 165 MSS-MPSS-OMDMPSS 826 RMS-ITSS-OMDITSS 1038 RMS-MSSS-PROC RMS-MSSS-FMED 929 236 MSS-RMASS-OMDRMASS 925 RMS-MSSS-FMED SES--CASG 1079 1084 SES--OMDCSSS 1087 SES--OMDCSSS 228 MSS-CMSS-CASH 221 MSS-CMSS-CIRO 21 EMS--RMO SES--OSPD 1106 1035 RMS-MSSS-PROC 1042 RMS-MSSS-PROC 118 EMS--RMO 862 RMS-ITSS-ITIOD 864 RMS-ITSS-ITIOD RMS-ITSS-ITIOD 848 854 RMS-ITSS-ITIOD 1077 SES--ODGSES 47 EMS--CORAO EMS--CORAO 48 140 MSS-MPSS-OMDMPSS 141 MSS-MPSS-OMDMPSS 142 MSS-MPSS-OMDMPSS 143 MSS-MPSS-OMDMPSS 144 MSS-MPSS-OMDMPSS 145 MSS-MPSS-OMDMPSS 149 MSS-MPSS-OMDMPSS 150 MSS-MPSS-OMDMPSS 136 MSS-MPSS-OMDMPSS 139 MSS-MPSS-OMDMPSS Capital Expenditure (CE, Asset Acquisition (AA) and Other OPEX Accounts Generic Name / Indicate "Infra" if infrastructure item Specification/Description of Infra Item CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment Digital Voice Recorder Digital Voice Recorder IC Recorder, 1GB, MP3 playback w/PC Data-Store Software Digital, MP3 type with 60GB - up memory CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment Digital Voice Recorder Digital Voice Recorder Digital Voice Recorder Document Camera AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies CE - Furniture and Equipment AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies Provision per Unit Mode of Unit (e.g. Total 2009 Approved Schedule* Amount pcs, set, lot) Procurement Qty 12,500 12,000 1 3 ser units 12,500 36,000 Digital Voice Recorder Digital Voice Recorder Digital Voice Recorder Document Camera, per BSP Standard specifications 12,000 18,000 20,000 32,670 2 2 2 1 Piece pcs. pcs unit 24,000 36,000 40,000 32,670 Electric Router Ladder Ladder Ladder Heavy Duty Electric Router (includes complete set of router bit) Ladder, A frame and extension 12 Ft. Folding Aluminum Ladder, Heavy Duty 4-Step Aluminum Ladder 18,000 3,500 20,000 5,000 set 1 units pc 18,000 31,500 40,000 5,000 AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies CE - Furniture and Equipment AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies Microwave Oven Oven Toaster Padlock Padlock Phone - Conference Phone Pointer Microwave Oven Oven Toaster Abloy Padlock,Per BSP/CD Minimum Specifications Abloy Padlock Conference/Speaker Phone for Conference calls Laser Pointer 3,000 700 1,500 1,500 109,000 1,000 1 1 15 10 1 1 pc. pc. pcs pcs pc pcs 3,000 700 22,500 15,000 109,000 1,000 CE - Furniture and Equipment AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies CE - Comp., Network and Appl'n Sys. CE - Comp., Network and Appl'n Sys. CE - Comp., Network and Appl'n Sys. CE - Comp., Network and Appl'n Sys. Projector Projector Screen Reuter's Software - MORMS Software Application Software Application Software License 102,850 5,445 540,000 40,000 29,700 1 1 1 1 1 unit unit unit unit units 102,850 5,445 540,000 40,000 29,700 CE - Comp., Network and Appl'n Sys. CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Comp., Network and Appl'n Sys. CE - Comp., Network and Appl'n Sys. Software License Stand per BSP Standard specifications wall mounted Software ($10,000), Support Fee ($2,000), Unix (Php40,000) Dreamweaver, Studio 8 software for Consumer Portal Eviews 6 Oracle License (Oracle Database Interprise Edition and Internet Development Suite) MS-SQL Server 2008 Standard Edition License TV Stand (wood) Adobe CS3 Design Premium for Windows Adobe CS3 Standard for Mac 331,200 30,000 197,120 172,480 1 1 1 5 1 set pc units unit 1,199,250 331,200 30,000 985,600 172,480 270,000,000 1,500,000 900,000 264,000 38,585 119,994 2,500,000 2,000,000 1,200 1,080 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 set set set set set sets pc. pc. sets set 270,000,000 1,500,000 900,000 264,000 38,585 239,988 2,500,000 2,000,000 3,600 1,080 CE - Comp., Network and Appl'n Sys. CE - Comp., Network and Appl'n Sys. CE - Comp., Network and Appl'n Sys. CE - Comp., Network and Appl'n Sys. CE - Comp., Network and Appl'n Sys. CE - Computer Hardware CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies Data Warehouse II Project MSS Document Imaging Project Microfilm Reader with Printer and Scanner Infocaster Network Manager Adobe Premiere Pro CS3 (Video Editing Tool) HP ML 150 G5 E5410 160SATA 2GB IP Server Book Drop with 1 Bin Library Self Check Surge Protector LAN Cable Tool (Crimping Tool) 1,199,250 1 9 2 pc. 1st Shopping 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping 1st 1st 1st Shopping Shopping Shopping 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st Shopping Shopping Shopping Alternative Mode Alternative Mode Alternative Mode 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st Shopping Alternative Mode Shopping Public Bidding Alternative Mode Alternative Mode 1st 1st 1st 1st Public Bidding Public Bidding Shopping Public Bidding 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st Alternative Mode Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Alternative Mode Alternative Mode Public Bidding Public Bidding Shopping Shopping Annex 1 Ref. No. 152 219 137 155 160 908 1122 57 831 839 Sector-SS-Dept./ Office MSS-MPSS-OMDMPSS MSS-CMSS-OMDCMSS MSS-MPSS-OMDMPSS MSS-MPSS-OMDMPSS MSS-MPSS-OMDMPSS RMS-HRSS-MDC SES--CPCD1 EMS--CORAO RMS-ITSS-ITIOD RMS-ITSS-ITIOD MSS-MOSS-AMD 210 1033 RMS-MSSS-ASD SES--CASG 1080 EMS--TD 107 840 RMS-ITSS-ITIOD 844 RMS-ITSS-ITIOD 930 RMS-MSSS-FMED 909 RMS-HRSS-MDC 53 EMS--CORAO 156 MSS-MPSS-OMDMPSS 993 RMS-MSSS-FMED 907 RMS-HRSS-MDC 859 RMS-ITSS-ITIOD 867 RMS-ITSS-ITIOD 957 RMS-MSSS-FMED 811 RMS-CoSS-OMDCoSS SES--CASG 1081 MSS-MPSS-OMDMPSS 158 1036 RMS-MSSS-PROC EMS--CORAO 37 EMS--CORAO 63 172 MSS-MPSS-OMDMPSS 161 MSS-MPSS-OMDMPSS Capital Expenditure (CE, Asset Acquisition (AA) and Other OPEX Accounts CE - Furniture and Equipment AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment AA - Tools and Apparatus AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Computer Hardware CE - Computer Hardware CE - Furniture and Equipment Generic Name / Indicate "Infra" if infrastructure item BP Apparatus Bulletin Board Carpet Desktop Desktop GPSMAP 60CSX (Global Positioning System) Specification/Description of Infra Item Touchscreen Kiosk System Food Heater Cork Board with Frame Display System 4x3 frames Bindomatic Aneroid Blood Pressure (BP) Apparatus Bulletin Board Carpet Desktops Desktops BSP Specifications Mapping devise with high sensitivity receiver and expandable memory with electronic compass and barometric altimeter Mode of Unit (e.g. Total 2009 Approved Schedule* Amount pcs, set, lot) Procurement Provision per Unit Qty 250,000 5,000 2,500 400,000 61,200 4,000 5,700 300,000 55,000 55,000 35,000 2 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 750 172 1 pc. unit pc. Unit pc. pc pc lot units set pc 500,000 5,000 2,500 400,000 61,200 16,000 5,700 300,000 41,250,000 9,460,000 35,000 60,000 2,750,000 CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment Hand Pallet BSP Standard Specifications 60,000 Installation of Slotted Metal RacksMulti-Storey:5/F, 7/F, 16th Records Vault; EDPC: 4/F & 5/F Records Vault 2,750,000 1 1 pc. lot CE - Computer Hardware Laptop 27,489 1 units 27,489 CE - Computer Hardware CE - Computer Hardware CE - Computer Hardware AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies CE - Computer Hardware CE - Furniture and Equipment AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies AA - Tools and Apparatus CE - Comp., Network and Appl'n Sys. CE - Comp., Network and Appl'n Sys. AA - Tools and Apparatus CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment 65,000 65,000 80,000 4,000 70,000 50,000 3,500 9,000 140,800 7,000 15,000 60,000 70,000 120 44 units pcs pc. set 7,800,000 2,860,000 240,000 16,000 70,000 200,000 3,500 18,000 140,800 7,000 15,000 60,000 210,000 CE - Furniture and Equipment Laptop Laptops Laptop Laptops BSP Sepcifications Mobile Computer (Laptop) for diagnostics (incl. accrssories) Laptop Medical Waste Bin Pedal medical waste bin (medium) Monitor 24-Inch LCD monitor Monitor Touchscreen Monitor Movable Magnetic Board Movable Magnetic Board Needle Destroyer Needle Destroyer (For disposal of used needles) Network Switch Network Switch, 24-ports Network Switch Network Switch 24-port 10/100 mbps Portable Oxy/Acy tanks Portable Oxy/Acy tanks Portable Sound System BSP Specifications, with two units wireless microphone Portable Wireless Public Address System Portable Wireless Public Address System with Tripod, microphones and batteries Public Address System Portable Public Address System 80,500 4 sets 322,000 CE - Furniture and Equipment AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies Public Address System Push Cart Public Address System, portable Push Cart (folding) 78,892 5,000 1 2 unit units 78,892 10,000 CE - Furniture and Equipment Push Cart Push Cart (steel) 2 units 70,000 CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment Push Cart Push Cart Push Cart (2 shelves) Heavy Duty Push Cart 1 2 pc. pc. 12,000 58,300 Sub-notebook (laptop), Portable, 2.2 lbs., 8.9" Display Screen 35,000 12,000 29,150 4 1 4 2 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 pc unit pcs. pcs pc units pc. 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd Public Bidding Shopping Shopping Public Bidding Shopping Shopping Shopping Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding 2nd 2nd Alternative Mode Shopping 2nd Public Bidding 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd Shopping Public Bidding Public Bidding Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Alternative Mode Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping 2nd Shopping 2nd 2nd Public Bidding Public Bidding 2nd Shopping 2nd 2nd 2nd Shopping Shopping Shopping Annex 1 Ref. No. 173 1125 157 23 828 9 192 905 912 884 163 1074 69 242 243 245 247 248 955 956 965 966 976 49 50 Sector-SS-Dept./ Office Capital Expenditure (CE, Asset Acquisition (AA) and Other OPEX Accounts Generic Name / Indicate "Infra" if infrastructure item Specification/Description of Infra Item Provision per Unit Mode of Unit (e.g. Total 2009 Approved Schedule* Amount pcs, set, lot) Procurement Qty MSS-MPSS-OMDMPSS SES--CPCD1 MSS-MPSS-OMDMPSS EMS--RMO RMS-ITSS-OMDITSS EMS--OGCLS CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies CE - Furniture and Equipment Push Cart Push Cart Rostrum Safety Deposit Box Safety deposit box Sound System Push Cart (1 shelf) Push cart - 2 shelves Podium/Rostrum For filing of confidential documents, heavy duty Safety deposit box Per BSP Standards 10,000 17,500 84,000 50,000 5,000 25,000 1 1 2 1 2 1 pc. pc pcs. pc. pcs pc. 10,000 17,500 168,000 50,000 10,000 25,000 MSS-MPSS-CMFP RMS-HRSS-MDC RMS-HRSS-MDC RMS-HRSS-HRMD MSS-MPSS-OMDMPSS RMS-MSSS-SITD EMS--CORAO MSS-RMASS-OMDRMASS MSS-RMASS-OMDRMASS MSS-RMASS-OMDRMASS MSS-RMASS-OMDRMASS MSS-RMASS-OMDRMASS RMS-MSSS-FMED RMS-MSSS-FMED RMS-MSSS-FMED RMS-MSSS-FMED RMS-MSSS-FMED EMS--CORAO CE - Furniture and Equipment AA - Tools and Apparatus AA - Tools and Apparatus AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies CE - Furniture and Equipment AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies CE - Furniture and Equipment AA - Tools and Apparatus AA - Tools and Apparatus AA - Tools and Apparatus AA - Tools and Apparatus AA - Tools and Apparatus AA - Tools and Apparatus AA - Tools and Apparatus AA - Tools and Apparatus AA - Tools and Apparatus AA - Tools and Apparatus CE - Comp., Network and Appl'n Sys. Sound System Stethoscope Suction machine Tent Truck Truck Videolight Wrench Wrench Wrench Wrench Wrench Wrench Wrench Wrench Wrench Wrench Mobile Sound System (MIPRO Wireless Amplifier MA-707) Stethoscope Portable suction machine (for emergency rescue/ambulance) 4 Legged Tent, Vinyl nylon, size 10 x 10 feet Book Truck Push Cart Videolight with battery Pipe wrench at least 2 pcs Socket wrench - English, metric, and star, 1 set each Torque wrench - English and metric, 1 set each Open wrench - English and metric, 1 set each Box wrench - English and metric, 1 set each Combination Wrench, Various Sizes Socket Wrench, Various Sizes Pipe Wrench, Various Sizes Adjustable Wrench, Various sizes Allen Wrench, Various Sizes (English-Metric) Microsoft Office 2008 for Mac 70,000 5,000 4,500 3,500 15,000 4,000 15,000 1,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 1,000 15,000 15,000 8,000 6,000 3,000 36,960 1 4 2 4 3 1 1 22 15 pc. pc pc pcs pcs. Unit unit units 70,000 20,000 9,000 14,000 45,000 4,000 15,000 33,000 30,000 25,500 13,000 12,000 15,000 15,000 8,000 6,000 3,000 110,880 EMS--CORAO CE - Comp., Network and Appl'n Sys. Genuine Fractals 5.0 for Windows or Mac (Photoshop Plug-in) 34,496 2 units 68,992 EMS--CORAO CE - Comp., Network and Appl'n Sys. Flash Page Flip - Corporate Unlimited License (online ordering) 22,668 2 units 45,336 CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Building Improvements In-Progress Heavy Duty Commecial Cardiowave Machine Transient Voltage 355,000 4,500,000 2 units lot 710,000 4,500,000 CE - Computer Hardware CE - Furniture and Equipment AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies CE - Furniture and Equipment AA - Tools and Apparatus AA - Tools and Apparatus AA - Tools and Apparatus AA - Tools and Apparatus CE - Comp., Network and Appl'n Sys. Rackmount LCD monitor/keyboard/KVM for blade server with accessories , crest on spraygun/host compressor,etc Bookshelf Bookshel for DES Caulking gun Cement trowel Chain Block 1 ton capacity Cold chisel Software for the "No Amount Encoding" Project of PCHC set Set pc. unit pcs pcs 100,000 15,000 8,000 18,000 2,000 900 18,000 2,000 70,000 51 874 RMS-HRSS-HRMD SPC--DGS 1208 860 RMS-ITSS-ITIOD 1072 RMS-MSSS-SITD 174 MSS-MPSS-DER 1020 RMS-MSSS-PDMO 979 RMS-MSSS-FMED 989 RMS-MSSS-FMED 953 RMS-MSSS-FMED 978 RMS-MSSS-FMED 231 MSS-CMSS-CASH Air Compressor Bookshelf Bookshelf Caulking gun Cement trowel Chain Block 1 ton capacity Cold chisel Computer Software 100,000 15,000 8,000 18,000 400 300 18,000 400 70,000 13 12 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 17 1 1 1 1 1 5 3 1 5 pcs lot 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping 2nd Alternative Mode 2nd Alternative Mode 2nd 2nd Alternative Mode Public Bidding 2nd 2nd 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd Public Bidding Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Alternative Mode Annex 1 Ref. No. 975 974 984 1021 949 1018 958 104 204 816 892 1027 1117 1115 962 1009 948 1070 164 1066 211 824 1111 1096 1051 252 967 982 212 237 1086 987 963 972 1047 60 Sector-SS-Dept./ Office Capital Expenditure (CE, Asset Acquisition (AA) and Other OPEX Accounts Generic Name / Indicate "Infra" if infrastructure item Specification/Description of Infra Item RMS-MSSS-FMED RMS-MSSS-FMED RMS-MSSS-FMED RMS-MSSS-PDMO RMS-MSSS-FMED RMS-MSSS-PDMO RMS-MSSS-FMED EMS--TD AA - Tools and Apparatus AA - Tools and Apparatus AA - Tools and Apparatus AA - Tools and Apparatus AA - Tools and Apparatus AA - Tools and Apparatus AA - Tools and Apparatus AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies Crimper Cutter Cutter Digital caliper Digital Clamp Multi-tester Digital micrometer Electric Drill Electric Fan Crimper Copper tube cutter Side Cutter Digital caliper Digital Clamp Multi-tester Digital micrometer Electric Drill Stand Type MSS-MOSS-AMD AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies Electric Fan RMS-CoSS-OMDCoSS RMS-HRSS-BSPI RMS-MSSS-PDMO SES--ISD2 SES--OMDSE2 AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies Electric Fan Electric Fan Electric Fan Electric Fan Electric Fan Per BSP Standard Specification #05-01-04-R00, Electric Fan (Heavy Duty) BSP Specifications Electric Fan 6 units @ P2.5K Electric Fan Electric Stand Fan Electric Fan, Stand RMS-MSSS-FMED RMS-MSSS-PDMO RMS-MSSS-FMED RMS-MSSS-SITD MSS-MPSS-OMDMPSS RMS-MSSS-SITD MSS-MOSS-DLC RMS--PSO SES--AMLSG SES--CALG RMS--PFO MSS-RMASS-OMDRMASS RMS-MSSS-FMED RMS-MSSS-FMED MSS-MOSS-DLC MSS-RMASS-OMDRMASS SES--OMDCSSS RMS-MSSS-FMED RMS-MSSS-FMED RMS-MSSS-FMED RMS--CMO EMS--CORAO AA - Tools and Apparatus CE - Furniture and Equipment AA - Tools and Apparatus AA - Tools and Apparatus CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies AA - Tools and Apparatus AA - Tools and Apparatus AA - Tools and Apparatus AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies AA - Tools and Apparatus AA - Tools and Apparatus AA - Tools and Apparatus AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies CE - Furniture and Equipment Electric Planer File compactor Power quality meter Press Drill Set Radio - 2 way Radio - 2 way Radio- 2 Way Recorder Recorder Recorder Recorder/Player Screw Driver Screw Driver Screw Driver Sharpener Sharpener Sharpener Shovel Sling thermometer Splicer Electric Planer File compactor Power quality meter With various Drill Bits 2-Way Handheld Radio For training Two-Way Radio (5 miles radius) Portable, cassette recorder Portable Cassette Tape Recorder tape recorder Player / Recorder, Screw driver - positive, negative, star and precision Screw Drivers , Various Precision Screw Drivers Pencil Sharpener (heavy duty, wall mounted) Pencil sharpener Electric Sharpener Shovel Sling thermometer Splicer Steel Cart/Trolley Television Steel Cart/Trolley 29" Television Sets Provision per Unit 3,000 1,500 400 15,000 20,000 30,000 7,500 2,750 Mode of Unit (e.g. Total 2009 Approved Schedule* Amount pcs, set, lot) Procurement Qty 1 1 1 1 2 3 5 2 pc unit 3,000 3,000 1,200 15,000 100,000 30,000 15,000 2,750 pcs pc pc 3,000 4 pcs 12,000 2,700 2,500 2,000 1,700 1,500 1 6 1 1 1 pc. unit pc pc Pc. 2,700 15,000 2,000 1,700 1,500 1 set 1 pc Set sets sets pairs unit pc. piece unit 10,000 15,000,000 250,000 15,000 43,200 150,000 18,000 5,000 3,000 3,000 13,000 6,500 5,100 1,500 7,500 5,000 1,000 1,050 10,000 4,500 3,500 90,000 10,000 250,000 15,000 21,600 10,000 6,000 5,000 3,000 3,000 6,500 500 1,700 500 1,500 5,000 1,000 350 10,000 1,500 3,500 30,000 1 2 3 1 1 1 2 13 5 1 1 3 15 3 3 1 3 1 3 pieces pc. pcs unit pcs pc. units 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping 3rd Shopping 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd Shopping Shopping Public Bidding Alternative Mode Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping 3rd Public Bidding Annex 1 Ref. No. 10 112 215 153 154 1045 1090 1116 1093 114 200 162 259 817 913 1113 1097 260 253 188 189 191 182 183 68 62 175 131 128 130 138 167 1014 1026 Sector-SS-Dept./ Office Capital Expenditure (CE, Asset Acquisition (AA) and Other OPEX Accounts Generic Name / Indicate "Infra" if infrastructure item Specification/Description of Infra Item Provision per Unit Television, Color , 21", Per BSP Standards 15,000 Mode of Unit (e.g. Total 2009 Approved Schedule* Amount pcs, set, lot) Procurement Qty EMS--OGCLS CE - Furniture and Equipment Television 1 pcs EMS--TD CE - Furniture and Equipment Television MSS-MOSS-DLC MSS-MPSS-OMDMPSS MSS-MPSS-OMDMPSS RMS--CMO SES--OMDCSSS SES--OMDSE2 CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment Television Television Television Television Television Television 3rd Public Bidding Color Television, LCD, can be wall mounted or with stand, 2643,890 1 unit 43,890 3rd Public Bidding inch 21" Colored TV, Flat/slim, Cable Ready 16,000 1 unit 16,000 3rd Public Bidding 29" Flat Screen Television 50,000 1 unit 50,000 3rd Public Bidding 3rd Public Bidding 52-Inch LCD Television 415,188 1 pc. 415,188 21 Inch Color Television 20,000 1 pc. 20,000 3rd Public Bidding 3rd Public Bidding Colored T.V.,21" colored 22,000 1 pc. 22,000 Color Television - 21 inch, Per Manual of Standard Specifications for Common 22,000 Capital Expenditure 1 Pc. Requirements and Other Asset 22,000 Acquisition (b.1.7.1) - Reference No.: SPE SES--SOMG CE - Furniture and Equipment Television 32-inch LCD TV EMS--TD MSS-MPSS-ID MSS-MPSS-OMDMPSS MSS-RMASS-OMDRMASS RMS-CoSS-FAD RMS-MSSS-OMDMS SES--AMLSG SES--CALG MSS-RMASS-OMDRMASS MSS-RMASS-OMDRMASS MSS-MPSS-CMFP MSS-MPSS-CMFP MSS-MPSS-CMFP MSS-MPSS-DES MSS-MPSS-DES EMS--CORAO EMS--CORAO CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Motor Vehicles AA - Tools and Apparatus CE - Comp., Network and Appl'n Sys. CE - Comp., Network and Appl'n Sys. CE - Comp., Network and Appl'n Sys. CE - Comp., Network and Appl'n Sys. CE - Comp., Network and Appl'n Sys. CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment Time Stamp Machine Time Stamp Machine Time Stamp Machine Time Stamp Machine Time Stamp Machine Time Stamp Machine Time Stamp Machine Time Stamp Machine Vehicle Vise Grip MSS-MPSS-DER MSS-MPSS-OMDMPSS MSS-MPSS-OMDMPSS MSS-MPSS-OMDMPSS MSS-MPSS-OMDMPSS MSS-MPSS-OMDMPSS RMS-MSSS-PDMO RMS-MSSS-PDMO AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies CE - Furniture and Equipment AA - Tools and Apparatus AA - Tools and Apparatus Receiving Machine Receiving Machine Time Stamp Machine Stamp machine Time/Date Stamp machine, Electric Receiving - BSP Specifications Date & Stamping Machine Time Stamp Machine electrical dater with time stamping machine Van Vise grip OxMetrics 5 Enterprise Software Stata/SE version 10 (10 users) Stat/Transfer (10-user pack) SAS software Stata 21-inch TV Monitor (cable ready) Video Switcher/mixer - glitch free with fader facility (4 input audio/video) Wireless Remote Presenter Wireless Remote Presenter 8-Port Video Switch 4-Port Video Splitter Digital Handheld Multimeter Active Sub-woofer Digital Measuring Instrument 50 meter measuring tape 60,000 1 pc 37,558 35,000 50,000 25,000 32,000 36,000 28,000 28,000 1,500,000 500 500,000 420,000 80,000 3,000,000 250,000 16,000 75,000 1 1 1 unit Piece pc. 5,000 3,000 8,625 5,000 2,208 30,000 150,000 5,000 3 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 60,000 pc. pc. pc. lot lot unit unit 37,558 35,000 50,000 25,000 96,000 36,000 28,000 28,000 4,500,000 4,500 500,000 420,000 80,000 3,000,000 250,000 16,000 75,000 pc. pcs. pcs. pcs. set pc. pc pc 5,000 9,000 17,250 10,000 2,208 30,000 150,000 5,000 pcs. pc. piece 9 15,000 3rd Public Bidding 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Shopping Public Bidding Public Bidding Alternative Mode Public Bidding Alternative Mode Shopping 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd Alternative Mode Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Annex 1 Ref. No. 961 954 28 206 897 902 947 992 969 970 977 981 980 990 964 983 1068 985 946 973 950 61 217 194 177 132 70 911 927 899 960 241 133 968 986 1046 38 35 991 Sector-SS-Dept./ Office RMS-MSSS-FMED RMS-MSSS-FMED EMS--SMO MSS-MOSS-AMD RMS-HRSS-MDC RMS-HRSS-MDC RMS-MSSS-FMED RMS-MSSS-FMED RMS-MSSS-FMED RMS-MSSS-FMED RMS-MSSS-FMED RMS-MSSS-FMED RMS-MSSS-FMED RMS-MSSS-FMED RMS-MSSS-FMED RMS-MSSS-FMED RMS-MSSS-SITD RMS-MSSS-FMED RMS-MSSS-FMED RMS-MSSS-FMED RMS-MSSS-FMED EMS--CORAO MSS-MOSS-DLC MSS-MPSS-CMFP MSS-MPSS-DER MSS-MPSS-OMDMPSS EMS--CORAO RMS-HRSS-MDC RMS-MSSS-FMED RMS-HRSS-MDC RMS-MSSS-FMED MSS-RMASS-OMDRMASS MSS-MPSS-OMDMPSS RMS-MSSS-FMED RMS-MSSS-FMED RMS--CMO EMS--CORAO EMS--CORAO RMS-MSSS-FMED 951 RMS-MSSS-FMED Capital Expenditure (CE, Asset Acquisition (AA) and Other OPEX Accounts Generic Name / Indicate "Infra" if infrastructure item Specification/Description of Infra Item Provision per Unit AA - Tools and Apparatus AA - Tools and Apparatus CE - Furniture and Equipment AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment AA - Tools and Apparatus AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies AA - Tools and Apparatus AA - Tools and Apparatus AA - Tools and Apparatus AA - Tools and Apparatus AA - Tools and Apparatus AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies AA - Tools and Apparatus AA - Tools and Apparatus CE - Furniture and Equipment AA - Tools and Apparatus AA - Tools and Apparatus AA - Tools and Apparatus AA - Tools and Apparatus CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies CE - Furniture and Equipment AA - Tools and Apparatus CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment AA - Tools and Apparatus AA - Tools and Apparatus AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies AA - Tools and Apparatus AA - Tools and Apparatus AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies Allen/Socket Wrench Analog Multi-tester Anemometer Anteanna Autoclave Dressing Carriage Engraver for EERM tagging Exhaust Blower Flaring Tools Grease Gun Hacksaw Hammer Hand saw Holster Knockout puncher Leveling tool Locker Long Nose Maintenance lift ladder Measuring tape (100m) Mechanical Puller Microphone Microphone Microphone Microphone Microphone Monopod Negatoscope Pallet Truck Periodontic Scaler Phase meter Pipe bench Platform Truck Plier Plier Rack Rack - Magazine Rack Rack - Metal Rack Rechargeable flashlights Allen/Socket Wrench Analog Multi-tester Thermo Anemometer, Measurement for Wind Velocity Universal Anteanna, Indoor and outdoor coverage Portable Autoclave Machine (1 Dry, 1 Wet/Dry) Medical dressing cart/carriage Engraver for EERM tagging (incl. consummables) Exhaust Blower Flaring Tools Grease Gun Hacksaw Hammer Hand saw Tools Holster (including one (1) cordless drill hoister) Knockout puncher Leveling tool Steel, locker, Two-(2) Openings per BSP Specification Long Nose Maintenance lift ladder Measuring tape (100m) Mechanical Puller Gooseneck Microphone (for the lectern) Microphone Lapel (headworn style, complete per set) Lapel Microphone (heavy duty) Wireless Lapel Microphone Microphone Photographer's Monopod (heavy duty) Negatoscope Pallet Truck Ultrasonic Dental Scaler Phase meter Pipe bench Platform Truck Pliers various Electrical Pliers Hanging TV Rack Wall Mount (for 21 inch Color TV) Magazine Rack Adjustable Metal Rack Rechargeable flashlights 10,000 3,000 56,000 2,000 200,000 36,850 350,000 5,000 2,500 2,500 800 600 600 3,000 8,000 650 10,000 400 200,000 4,000 50,000 40,000 60,000 25,000 25,000 3,000 12,000 5,000 27,000 75,900 11,000 3,500 5,000 1,700 400 4,500 5,000 6,000 3,000 AA - Tools and Apparatus Rechargeable flood/trouble light Rechargeable flood lights/trouble lights (weatherproof) 5,000 Mode of Unit (e.g. Total 2009 Approved Schedule* Amount pcs, set, lot) Procurement Qty 3 1 3 2 10 2 4 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 4 1 5 2 pcs pc. units units set 10,000 15,000 168,000 2,000 600,000 73,700 350,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 2,400 1,800 1,800 30,000 8,000 1,300 100,000 1,200 400,000 4,000 50,000 80,000 240,000 25,000 25,000 6,000 12,000 10,000 27,000 151,800 11,000 52,500 5,000 5,100 1,200 4,500 10,000 24,000 6,000 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Public Bidding Shopping Public Bidding Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Public Bidding Shopping Shopping Shopping Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Shopping Shopping Alternative Mode Shopping Alternative Mode Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping 6 pcs 30,000 4th Shopping 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 10 1 2 3 2 1 1 1 1 15 3 3 set sets pc pc pc pc pcs set pcs pcs set pcs Unit pcs set pcs units pieces pc. pc. pcs. unit pc pc pc pc. Annex 1 Ref. No. 117 910 916 1091 988 40 171 959 906 250 827 41 67 893 1055 888 952 230 223 178 186 127 891 1053 1095 1120 852 924 858 249 251 240 244 875 878 880 882 43 44 1024 Sector-SS-Dept./ Office Capital Expenditure (CE, Asset Acquisition (AA) and Other OPEX Accounts Generic Name / Indicate "Infra" if infrastructure item Specification/Description of Infra Item Provision per Unit Mode of Unit (e.g. Total 2009 Approved Schedule* Amount pcs, set, lot) Procurement Qty EMS--TD CE - Furniture and Equipment Refrigerator Refrigerator, 5-cu, ft. 11,550 1 unit 11,550 RMS-HRSS-MDC RMS-MSSS-OMDMS SES--OMDCSSS RMS-MSSS-FMED EMS--CORAO MSS-MPSS-OMDMPSS RMS-MSSS-FMED RMS-HRSS-MDC MSS-RMASS-OMDRMASS RMS-ITSS-OMDITSS EMS--CORAO EMS--CORAO RMS-HRSS-BSPI RMS--PFO RMS-HRSS-BSPI RMS-MSSS-FMED MSS-CMSS-CASH MSS-CMSS-CIRO MSS-MPSS-DER MSS-MPSS-DES MSS-MPSS-OMDMPSS RMS-HRSS-BSPI RMS--PFO SES--CALG SES--CPCD1 RMS-ITSS-ITIOD RMS-MSSS-FMED RMS-ITSS-ITIOD MSS-RMASS-OMDRMASS MSS-RMASS-OMDRMASS MSS-RMASS-OMDRMASS MSS-RMASS-OMDRMASS RMS-HRSS-HRMD RMS-HRSS-HRMD RMS-HRSS-HRMD RMS-HRSS-HRMD EMS--CORAO EMS--CORAO RMS-MSSS-PDMO CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment AA - Tools and Apparatus AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies CE - Furniture and Equipment AA - Tools and Apparatus AA - Tools and Apparatus AA - Tools and Apparatus AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies CE - Furniture and Equipment AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies AA - Tools and Apparatus AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Computer Hardware AA - Tools and Apparatus AA - Tools and Apparatus AA - Tools and Apparatus AA - Tools and Apparatus CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies AA - Tools and Apparatus Refrigerator Refrigerator Refrigerator Riveter Speaker Speaker System Analyzer Thermoscan Tools hoister Trash bins Tripod Tripod - Video Tripod screen Tripod screen Tripod Screen Welding/Cutting outfit White Board White Board White Board White Board White Board White Board White board White board White board White Board Wire Tracer Refrigerator approximately 4.5 Cubic feet cubic feet Riveter External Speaker Portable Speaker System Analyzer Thermoscan with disposal filters Tools hoister Trash bins Tripod Video Tripod with rollers Tripod For handy Camera For projector - 70" x 70" Tripod Screen Welding/Cutting outfit Magnetic White Boards, Per BSP/CD Minimum Specifications Magnetic White Board White Board White board with rollers White Board White Board (5 units x P3,000) BSP specs 15,000 10,000 10,000 500 2,000 10,000 4,000 10,000 500 4,000 7,000 20,000 4,000 4,700 8,500 22,000 5,000 5,000 15,000 15,000 8,970 3,000 6,000 5,700 6,500 200,000 105,000 150,000 1,000 500 7,000 2,000 16,000 20,000 50,000 25,000 3,000 500 10,000 1 1 1 pc 15,000 10,000 10,000 1,000 8,000 20,000 12,000 20,000 8,000 32,000 7,000 20,000 8,000 4,700 68,000 22,000 10,000 5,000 15,000 30,000 17,940 15,000 6,000 5,700 6,500 400,000 105,000 150,000 10,000 7,500 98,000 28,000 160,000 60,000 50,000 25,000 6,000 5,000 10,000 Flag Flag-Table Flag Acoustic calibrator White Board with aluminium stand Glass Whiteboard Wire Tracer Hardware for log-in queries and monitoring including training Pillers - long nose, electrician's and side cutter Allen key - english, metric Clamp ammeter (digital) Volt-ohm meter (analog) Heavy Duty Steps (2,6,8 inches adjustments) Heavy Duty Stability/Equilibrium Ball Stretching/Flexibility Machine Heavy Duty E-Z Carl Bar with stand Flag (customized) Table Flags w/ stand (customized) Acoustic calibrator 4 2 2 8 1 1 2 1 8 2 1 1 2 2 5 1 1 1 2 1 10 15 14 14 10 3 1 1 2 10 1 2 3 16 1 1 pc. pcs sets sets pc pcs unit unit unit unit pcs pcs pc pc. pc. pcs. unit unit piece pc units pc set sets sets unit set units units pc 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 5th Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Public Bidding Shopping Alternative Mode Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Annex 1 Ref. No. Sector-SS-Dept./ Office 102 EMS--TD MSS-MOSS-AMD 203 818 RMS-CoSS-FAD 815 RMS-CoSS-OMDCoSS 917 RMS-MSSS-OMDMS 1052 RMS--PFO 1054 RMS--PFO 1109 SES--CMSG 64 EMS--CORAO 193 MSS-MPSS-CMFP 159 MSS-MPSS-OMDMPSS 890 RMS-HRSS-BSPI 869 RMS-HRSS-OMDHRSS 926 RMS-MSSS-FMED 1017 RMS-MSSS-PDMO 1039 RMS-MSSS-PROC 1071 RMS-MSSS-SITD 1050 RMS--PFO 1103 SES--FCAG SES--SOMG 1094 45 EMS--CORAO 116 EMS--TD 205 MSS-MOSS-AMD 1030 RMS-MSSS-ASD 898 RMS-HRSS-MDC 853 RMS-ITSS-ITIOD 863 RMS-ITSS-ITIOD 921 RMS-MSSS-FMED 837 RMS-ITSS-ITIOD 841 RMS-ITSS-ITIOD 842 RMS-ITSS-ITIOD MSS--ODGMSS 124 823 RMS--PSO 36 EMS--CORAO 1016 RMS-MSSS-PDMO 29 EMS--SMO EMS--TD 109 218 MSS-MOSS-DLC Capital Expenditure (CE, Asset Acquisition (AA) and Other OPEX Accounts Generic Name / Indicate "Infra" if infrastructure item Specification/Description of Infra Item Mode of Unit (e.g. Total 2009 Approved Schedule* Amount pcs, set, lot) Procurement Provision per Unit Qty 6,925 2,200 6 24 units pcs 41,547 52,800 3,800 3,300 4,000 4,000 5,000 2,000 60,000 50,000 100,000 55,000 30,000 33,000 30,000 24,200 15,000 14,000 40,000 40,000 5 2 1 3 1 25 1 1 1 1 1 pcs. pcs. unit unit PCS unit pc. pc. unit PC pc pc unit Unit unit set pc 19,000 6,600 4,000 12,000 5,000 50,000 60,000 50,000 100,000 55,000 30,000 33,000 30,000 24,200 15,000 14,000 40,000 40,000 2,000 16,500 5,000 315,000 82,500 100,000 15,000 150,000 15,000,000 7,000,000 7,000,000 5,000 1 2 1 1 2 4 2 unit units pc pc. pc units units unit lot lot lot unit 2,000 33,000 5,000 315,000 165,000 400,000 30,000 600,000 15,000,000 7,000,000 7,000,000 5,000 AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies Calculator Calculator AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment Calculator Calculator Calculator Calculator Calculator Calculator Camera Camera Camera Camera Camera Camera Camera Camera Camera Camera Camera Camera Financial Calculator Calculators Handheld(Financial), Per BSP Standard Specification #04-05-02-R00 Electric, 14 digits Handheld Calculator, 14 digit 12 digits with tape Desktop, BSP specs Financial Calculator Handycam High Resolution Video Camera with tripod Video Camera Handy Cam Camera Digital Camera Digital Camera Digital Camera Digital Camera Digital Per BSP Specification BSP specs Video Camera Video Camera AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies CE - Furniture and Equipment AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Computer Hardware CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Comp., Network and Appl'n Sys. CE - Comp., Network and Appl'n Sys. CE - Comp., Network and Appl'n Sys. AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies Cutter Cutter Cutter Cutter Dental curing system Desktop/Laptop Equipment Freezer Intangible Assets Intangible Assets Intangible Assets Phone - Cordless Paper cutter (B4 size for 10 sheets) Paper Cutter/Trimmer Paper Cutter-Heavy duty Paper Cutter (Heavy Duty) Dental light curing system (wireless LED) Desktops/laptops (for Gov/MB members/DGs Portable Ventilator Supply of four (4) units upright freezers Relocation of Data Cabinets - HO LAN Port Installations - H.O. LAN Expansion (Regional branches) Cordless Phone AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment Phone - cordless Phone - Headphone Projector Projector Projector Portable, cordless telephone Headphone Projector Overhead Projector Multi-media Projector, LCD/DLP Technology (ceiling & portable) 6,500 8,000 80,000 120,000 99,000 1 2 1 1 2 unit units pc unit unit 6,500 16,000 80,000 120,000 198,000 CE - Furniture and Equipment Projector Multimedia Projector 150,000 1 set 150,000 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 5th Shopping 5th 5th 5th 5th 5th 5th 5th 5th 5th 5th 5th 5th 5th 5th 5th 5th 5th 5th Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding 5th 5th 5th 5th 5th 5th 5th 5th 5th 5th 5th 5th Public Bidding Shopping Shopping Shopping Public Bidding Alternative Mode Public Bidding Shopping Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding 5th 5th 5th 5th 5th Shopping Shopping Shopping Public Bidding Public Bidding 5th 5th Public Bidding Public Bidding Annex 1 Ref. No. Sector-SS-Dept./ Office MSS-MPSS-ID 199 151 MSS-MPSS-OMDMPSS MSS--ODGMSS 119 258 871 876 856 1048 1112 1127 873 928 80 27 207 198 135 829 1075 1123 1101 1057 232 225 121 1049 1031 58 110 1059 113 235 179 184 202 Capital Expenditure (CE, Asset Acquisition (AA) and Other OPEX Accounts Generic Name / Indicate "Infra" if infrastructure item Specification/Description of Infra Item CE - Furniture and Equipment Projector Projector, Multi-media with Document Camera CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment Projector Projector MSS-RMASS-OMDRMASS RMS-HRSS-HRDD RMS-HRSS-HRMD RMS-ITSS-ITIOD RMS--PFO SES--AMLSG SES--CPCD2 RMS-HRSS-HRDD RMS-MSSS-FMED EMS--CPO CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies CE - Furniture and Equipment AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies Projector Projector Projector Projector Projector Projector Projector Projector Screen Projector Screen Puncher EMS--SMO MSS-MOSS-AMD AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies Puncher Puncher MSS-MPSS-ID MSS-MPSS-OMDMPSS RMS-ITSS-OMDITSS RMS-MSSS-SITD SES--CPCD1 SES--FCAG RMS-MSSS-SITD MSS-CMSS-CASH MSS-CMSS-CIRO MSS--ODGMSS AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies CE - Building Improvements In-Progress CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment Puncher Puncher Puncher Puncher Puncher Puncher Acces Control System Air Ionizer Air Ionizer Air Ionizer Exhaust System Air Ionizer Air Ionizer/Purifier RMS--PFO RMS-MSSS-ASD EMS--CORAO EMS--TD RMS-MSSS-SITD EMS--TD MSS-CMSS-CASH MSS-MPSS-DER MSS-MPSS-DES MSS-MPSS-ID CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Building Improvements In-Progress CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment Air Ionizer / Purifier Air Ionizer/Purifier Air Purifier Air Purifier CCTV system Fax Machine Fax Machine Fax Machine Fax Machine Fax Machine BSP specs BSP Standard Specifications Air Purifier ( for vaultroom & archives) Air Purifier and Ionizer Additional camera for RMASS BSP Standard CAPEX Per BSP/CD Minimum Specifications Fascimile machine Fax Machine Fax machine (SPECS-04-01-00-R00) Provision per Unit Mode of Unit (e.g. Total 2009 Approved Schedule* Amount pcs, set, lot) Procurement Qty 65,000 2 Piece 130,000 Projector with Wide Screen Multi media projector 126,000 150,000 4 1 sets unit 504,000 150,000 Multi-media projector with screen 70"x40' DLP Projector LCD Projector Multi-Media Projector BSP specs but lighter in weight Multi-Media Projector with Screen Multi-media Projector (for use of Committee on MOR) Projector Screen (60"x60") Pull down LCD screen for FMED conference room 3-hole paper puncher, Per BSP approved standard specifications (SPECS-04-08-00-R00) 2-Hole Puncher 3-hole Heavy-Duty Puncher, Per BSP Stamdard Specification #04-08-00R00 Puncher, 3-hole Three-hole Puncher Heavy Duty 3 hole puncher ID Puncher 3-Hole Puncher 240,000 150,000 100,000 70,000 100,000 88,000 88,000 8,000 25,000 1,400 1 3 1 3 1 1 1 3 3,000 600 850 3,600 2,000 3,000 3000 1,000 30,000,000 30,000 30,000 50,000 16 16 1 44,000 79,000 75,000 108,900 5,000,000 19,580 40,000 15,000 20,000 15,000 2 3 3 1 1 2 2 1 3 1 set set pc set pc 240,000 450,000 100,000 210,000 100,000 88,000 88,000 24,000 25,000 1,400 2 3 pcs. pc 6,000 1,800 1 1 2 Piece pc. pcs pc pc piece Lot unit unit unit 850 3,600 4,000 3,000 3,000 2,000 30,000,000 480,000 480,000 50,000 unit pcs. pcs. unit Lot unit unit pc. units Piece 88,000 237,000 225,000 108,900 5,000,000 39,160 80,000 15,000 60,000 15,000 1 1 2 pc pcs units 1 1 1 5th 5th Public Bidding Public Bidding 5th 5th 5th 5th 5th 5th 5th 5th 5th 5th Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Shopping Shopping 5th 5th Shopping Shopping 5th 5th 5th 5th 5th 5th 5th 6th 6th 6th Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Annex 1 Ref. No. 883 1022 1041 1069 821 812 1064 246 19 30 209 176 168 122 870 1034 1023 1040 1114 1098 1082 1110 1118 1083 52 106 108 213 190 180 185 146 147 170 1044 887 846 850 Sector-SS-Dept./ Office Capital Expenditure (CE, Asset Acquisition (AA) and Other OPEX Accounts Generic Name / Indicate "Infra" if infrastructure item Specification/Description of Infra Item Provision per Unit Qty RMS-HRSS-HRMD RMS-MSSS-PDMO RMS-MSSS-PROC RMS-MSSS-SITD RMS--PSO RMS-CoSS-OMDCoSS RMS-MSSS-SITD MSS-RMASS-OMDRMASS EMS--RMO EMS--SMO MSS-MOSS-AMD MSS-MPSS-DER MSS-MPSS-OMDMPSS MSS--ODGMSS CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment AA - Tools and Apparatus AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment Fax Machine Fax Machine Fax Machine Fax Machine Fax Machine Fax Machine/Scanner Freon Recovery Machine Gauge Manifold Paper Shredder Paper Shredder Paper Shredder Paper Shredder Paper Shredder Paper Shredder Fax Machine Fax machine per BSP Standard specifications Fax machine Per BSP Specification inkjet technology, plain paper Facsimile Machine/Scanner, BSP Specifications 50 lbs. Recovery Tank Gauge manifold Heavy Duty Paper Shredder Per BSP Standard Specification #04-04-00-R00 Shredder Paper Shredder Heavy Duty Paper Shredder 15,000 14,720 14,720 20,000 18,000 17,000 400,000 1,500 9,200 25,000 10,000 15,000 14,000 25,000 1 1 1 2 1 1 RMS-HRSS-OMDHRSS RMS-MSSS-ASD RMS-MSSS-PDMO RMS-MSSS-PROC SES--AMLSG SES--CALG SES--CASG CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment Paper Shredder Paper Shredder Paper Shredder Paper Shredder Paper Shredder Paper Shredder Paper Shredder Shredder BSP Standard Specifications Paper Shredder per BSP Standard specifications Paper Shredder-Heavy Duty Heavy Duty 20,000 19,200 14,000 22,000 20,000 20,000 65,000 SES--CMSG SES--ISD2 SES--OMDCSSS EMS--CORAO EMS--TD CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies CE - Computer Hardware CE - Computer Hardware Paper Shredder Paper Shredder Shredder Printer Printer Paper Shredder Paper Shredder - Heavy Duty Heavy Duty Shredder High-end inkjet Printer R1800 Colored, laser EMS--TD CE - Computer Hardware Printer MSS-MOSS-DLC MSS-MPSS-CMFP MSS-MPSS-DER MSS-MPSS-DES MSS-MPSS-OMDMPSS MSS-MPSS-OMDMPSS MSS-MPSS-OMDMPSS RMS--CMO RMS-HRSS-BSPI RMS-ITSS-ITIOD RMS-ITSS-ITIOD CE - Computer Hardware CE - Computer Hardware CE - Computer Hardware CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Computer Hardware CE - Computer Hardware CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Computer Hardware CE - Computer Hardware CE - Computer Hardware CE - Computer Hardware Printer Printer Printer Printer Printer Printer Printer Printer Printer Printer Printer Mode of Unit (e.g. Total 2009 Approved Schedule* Amount pcs, set, lot) Procurement pc pc units Unit unit pc. Unit pc. pcs unit pc pc. pcs. unit 15,000 14,720 14,720 40,000 18,000 17,000 400,000 24,000 18,400 25,000 40,000 30,000 28,000 25,000 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 PC pc. pc unit pc. piece pc 20,000 19,200 14,000 22,000 20,000 20,000 130,000 20,000 66,000 6,000 50,512 55,000 1 1 1 6 3 SET pc pc. units units 20,000 66,000 6,000 303,072 165,000 Multi-function - Printer, Scanner, Fax, Copier (4-in-1) 16,192 1 unit 16,192 Color Laser Printer (20 pages per minute) Laserjet Color Printer (heavy duty) Colored printer Barcode Printer Large Print Printer Portable Printer Receipt Printer Multi-Function Printer/Fax/Copier/Scanner Laser Printer (colored) Network/laserjet printers Inkjet printers 25,000 100,000 80,000 48,000 50,000 20,760 25,000 45,000 42,000 40,000 7,000 5 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 8 40 100 set pc. pcs. pc. pc. pcs. pc. pc set units units 125,000 100,000 160,000 48,000 50,000 41,520 25,000 45,000 336,000 1,600,000 700,000 2 1 4 2 2 1 1 16 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Alternative Mode Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding 6th Public Bidding 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Annex 1 Ref. No. 855 1063 1088 1089 857 865 866 901 903 833 834 835 836 838 843 169 105 196 134 129 894 1043 1119 1102 416 Sector-SS-Dept./ Office RMS-ITSS-ITIOD RMS-MSSS-SITD SES--OMDCSSS SES--OMDCSSS RMS-ITSS-ITIOD RMS-ITSS-ITIOD RMS-ITSS-ITIOD RMS-HRSS-MDC RMS-HRSS-MDC RMS-ITSS-ITIOD RMS-ITSS-ITIOD RMS-ITSS-ITIOD RMS-ITSS-ITIOD RMS-ITSS-ITIOD RMS-ITSS-ITIOD MSS-MPSS-OMDMPSS EMS--TD MSS-MPSS-CMFP MSS-MPSS-OMDMPSS MSS-MPSS-OMDMPSS RMS-HRSS-BSPI RMS-MSSS-PROC SES--CPCD1 SES--FCAG MSS-RMASS-TUGUEGARAO MSS-MOSS-AMD 208 111 EMS--TD SES--CPCD1 1126 166 MSS-MPSS-OMDMPSS 39 EMS--CORAO 65 EMS--CORAO MSS--ODGMSS 123 SES--CASG 1078 1076 SES--ODGSES 832 RMS-ITSS-ITIOD Capital Expenditure (CE, Asset Acquisition (AA) and Other OPEX Accounts Generic Name / Indicate "Infra" if infrastructure item Specification/Description of Infra Item CE - Computer Hardware CE - Computer Hardware CE - Computer Hardware CE - Computer Hardware CE - Computer Hardware CE - Computer Hardware CE - Computer Hardware CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Computer Hardware CE - Computer Hardware CE - Computer Hardware CE - Computer Hardware CE - Computer Hardware CE - Computer Hardware CE - Furniture and Equipment AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies CE - Motor Vehicles CE - Furniture and Equipment Printer Printer Printer Printer Printer Printer Printer Rescue Partner Kit Resusci-Ann Full Server Server Server Server Server Server Stand Stapler Stapler Stapler Stapler Stapler Stapler Stapler Stapler Vehicle Comb Binding Machine Inkjet Printer BSP Specifications Eltron - Per BSP Specification , ID Printer HP Laser Jet 5200 Printer HP Color Laser Jet 2605dn Printer EPSON (Dot Matrix FX-2190) (Dot Matrix), BSP Specifications; 24 PIN Computer Printer, Dot Matrix Medical/Emergency Rescue Partner Kit Adult CPR training manikin pSeries application test environment ) Philpass Server local back-up and ) Blade Servers (New) pSeries Server upgrade for DW/Storage Server File Server for BSP back-up site Projector Stand Heavy Duty Stapler (heavy duty) Heavy Duty Stapler Longhand Heavy-duty Stapler Heavy Duty Stapler (2 units x P1,500) Heavy Duty, per BSP Specification Heavyduty Stapler CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment Combo Binding Machine Combo Binding Machine Utility Vehicle Punching/Comb Binding Machine, Per BSP Standard Specification #04-09-00R00 Combo Binding Machine Combo Binding Machine CE - Furniture and Equipment AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies CE - Furniture and Equipment AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies Combo Punching Machine DVD Player DVD Player DVD Player Combo Punching Machine DVD Player (for video feature) DVD Player/Recorder DVD Player/recorder AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies DVD Player DVD Player AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies CE - Comp., Network and Appl'n Sys. DVD Player Intangible Assets Audio-Visual Equipment i550 Processor Activation Upgrade Mode of Unit (e.g. Total 2009 Approved Schedule* Amount pcs, set, lot) Procurement Provision per Unit Qty 7,000 550,000 70,000 30,000 30,000 16,000 5,000 80,000 70,000 25,000,000 20,000,000 16,000,000 15,000,000 10,000,000 4,900,000 12,600 1,535 5,000 4,900 6,000 1,500 2,310 1,650 2,000 1,000,000 40,000 40 1 1 1 5 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 5 1 1 1 pcs unit pc. pc. units pc. units pc pc lot lot lot lot set unit pcs. unit pc. pc. pcs. unit pcs pc piece unit pc 280,000 550,000 70,000 30,000 150,000 16,000 15,000 80,000 70,000 25,000,000 20,000,000 16,000,000 15,000,000 10,000,000 4,900,000 25,200 1,535 5,000 4,900 12,000 3,000 2,310 8,250 2,000 1,000,000 40,000 50,600 16,000 2 1 units pc 101,200 16,000 30,000 8,000 45,000 5,000 1 1 1 1 pc. unit unit unit 30,000 8,000 45,000 5,000 6,000 1 pc 6,000 6,000 15,120,000 1 2 pc units 6,000 30,240,000 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Shopping Shopping Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Public Bidding 7th 7th Shopping Shopping 7th 7th 7th 7th Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping 7th Shopping 7th 7th 7th Shopping Shopping Public Bidding Annex 1 Ref. No. 54 214 195 181 187 148 257 819 889 885 1032 1025 1073 1067 1056 822 1124 914 1099 103 66 82 881 896 1121 923 1013 22 900 825 Sector-SS-Dept./ Office Capital Expenditure (CE, Asset Acquisition (AA) and Other OPEX Accounts Generic Name / Indicate "Infra" if infrastructure item Specification/Description of Infra Item Provision per Unit Mode of Unit (e.g. Total 2009 Approved Schedule* Amount pcs, set, lot) Procurement Qty EMS--CORAO CE - Computer Hardware Scanner Scanner 10,000 3 units 30,000 MSS-MOSS-DLC MSS-MPSS-CMFP MSS-MPSS-DER MSS-MPSS-DES MSS-MPSS-OMDMPSS MSS-RMASS-OMDRMASS RMS-CoSS-FAD RMS-HRSS-BSPI RMS-HRSS-HRMD RMS-MSSS-ASD RMS-MSSS-PDMO RMS-MSSS-SITD RMS-MSSS-SITD RMS--PFO RMS--PSO SES--CPCD1 RMS-MSSS-OMDMS SES--CALG EMS--TD EMS--CORAO EMS--IAO CE - Computer Hardware CE - Computer Hardware CE - Computer Hardware CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Computer Hardware CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Computer Hardware CE - Computer Hardware CE - Computer Hardware CE - Computer Hardware CE - Computer Hardware CE - Computer Hardware CE - Computer Hardware CE - Computer Hardware CE - Computer Hardware CE - Computer Hardware CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment Scanner Scanner Scanner Scanner Scanner Scanner Scanner Scanner Scanner Scanner Scanner Scanner Scanner Scanner Scanner Scanner Typewriter Typewriter Vacuum Cleaner Cabinet Cabinet 10,000 20,000 10,000 18,000 7,000 30,000 17,000 15,000 5,000 85,800 8,000 6,000 100,000 4,000 11,700 10,000 30,000 10,000 7,150 35,000 28,000 2 1 1 1 1 20 1 4 1 set pc. pc. pc. pc. piece unit unit Pc. 20,000 20,000 10,000 18,000 7,000 600,000 17,000 60,000 5,000 85,800 8,000 6,000 100,000 4,000 11,700 10,000 30,000 10,000 7,150 35,000 28,000 RMS-HRSS-HRMD RMS-HRSS-MDC SES--CPCD1 RMS-MSSS-FMED RMS-MSSS-PDMO EMS--RMO RMS-HRSS-MDC RMS-ITSS-OMDITSS MSS--ODGMSS CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment Cabinet Cabinet Chair Emergency Light Shelves Table Table Table Airconditioner Scanner (4800 x 9600 dpi) Flatbed Scanner (heavy duty) Scanner Barcode Scanner HP Scanjet 2400C USB (Flatbed Scanner) Infrared thermal scanner Scanner-SCANJET, BSP Specifications Scanner Scanner BSP Standard Specifications Flatbed scanner for A3 size (colored) Per BSP Specifications As per BSP Specification , bar code scanner BSP specs Per ITSS Specification Scanner Electronic Typewriter electric typewriter 5-gallons, Vacuum Cleaner TV/DVD Cabinet (gallery viewing) All Fireproof Steel Filing Safe Cabinet, made from heavy duty Black iron (B.I.) sheets gauge #18 with centralized locking mechanism, complete with lock, duplicate key and cardholders, with built-in handles Top compartment is safe/vault, fire resistant, combination lock and legal size with outside dimensions 54" Height, 20.5" Width, 30" Depth, painted with gray finish. Filing Cabinet (for 5x3 index cards) Dental Cabinet, modular steel, made to order, 3 units Monoblock Chairs Emergency light diagnostic equipment Open Shelves for ASD Computer Table, Customized (OG design) Hospital, Examining Table Training Tables Stand Alone Air Conditioner 15,000 330,000 300 200,000 15,000 60,000 93,000 18,000 55,000 2 3 20 120 1 1 12 1 pcs pc pc pc units set pc pcs unit 30,000 990,000 6,000 200,000 1,800,000 60,000 93,000 216,000 55,000 5-toner Package-Type Air-Conditioning Units 250,000 3 units 750,000 120 849 RMS-ITSS-ITIOD CE - Building Improvements In-Progress Airconditioner 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 pc. pcs pc 1 1 pc Unit Unit unit unit pc 7th 7th 7th 7th 7th 7th 7th 7th 7th 7th 7th 7th 7th 7th 7th 7th 7th 7th 7th 7th 8th Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping 8th 8th 8th 8th 8th 8th 8th 8th 8th Shopping Shopping Public Bidding Shopping Shopping Public Bidding Shopping Shopping Shopping 9th 9th Shopping Public Bidding Annex 1 Ref. No. 780 781 782 783 784 785 226 227 1158 1161 1100 255 1058 1061 1062 1065 1104 1 8 31 32 33 34 76 77 78 79 2 11 12 Sector-SS-Dept./ Office Capital Expenditure (CE, Asset Acquisition (AA) and Other OPEX Accounts Generic Name / Indicate "Infra" if infrastructure item Specification/Description of Infra Item MSS-RMASS-OZAMIS MSS-RMASS-OZAMIS MSS-RMASS-OZAMIS MSS-RMASS-OZAMIS MSS-RMASS-OZAMIS MSS-RMASS-OZAMIS MSS-CMSS-CASH MSS-CMSS-CASH SPC--BSPD SPC--BSPD SES--FCAG MSS-RMASS-OMDRMASS CE - Building Improvements In-Progress CE - Building Improvements In-Progress CE - Building Improvements In-Progress CE - Building Improvements In-Progress CE - Building Improvements In-Progress CE - Building Improvements In-Progress AA - Ammo.-In-Stock - Service Load AA - Ammo.-In-Stock - Training Load CE - Machinery and Equipment CE - Machinery and Equipment AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies CE - Furniture and Equipment Airconditioner Airconditioner Airconditioner Airconditioner Airconditioner Airconditioner Ammunitions Ammunitions Automated System Automatic Film Processor Bag Banknote Canceller 1.5 HP, single phase, window type 2 HP, single phase, wall type 3 HP, single phase, ceiling type 3 HP, single phase, package type 5 HP, 3 phase, package type 7.5 tons, 3 phase, package type Service Load - Cal. 9 mm imported Training Load - Cal. 9 mm local Banknote Box Lifter Processing of Films for KOMORI & Superlines machines Trolley Bag Banknote Canceller BSP Cagayan de Oro, BSP Tuguegarao RMS-MSSS-SITD RMS-MSSS-SITD RMS-MSSS-SITD RMS-MSSS-SITD SES--OSPD EMS--OMB CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment AA - Books AA - Books Body Armor Tactical Vest Bomb Basket Bomb Blanket Bomb Distruptor Equipment Book Book EMS--OGCLS AA - Books Book Risk Management Books Contingent requirements of 5 other offices of MB Members and OSMB Books & various legal materials (local and foreign) EMS--CORAO AA - Books Book EMS--CORAO AA - Books EMS--CORAO Provision per Unit Qty Mode of Unit (e.g. Total 2009 Approved Schedule* Amount pcs, set, lot) Procurement 20,000 7 50,000 9 60,000 5 50,000 1 70,000 2 100,000 2 24 4,600 18 34,560 1 3,000,000 1 1,600,000 5,000 1 4,200,000 2 units units units unit unit units pcs pcs pc set piece 140,000 450,000 300,000 50,000 140,000 200,000 110,400 622,080 3,000,000 1,600,000 5,000 8,400,000 60,000 235,000 125,000 70,000 15,000 150,000 5 1 Unit Unit Unit sets pcs lot 6,000,000 1,175,000 625,000 350,000 75,000 150,000 500,000 1 lot 500,000 Standard Catalog of World Coins 2010 8,500 1 pc. 8,500 Book Standard Catalog of of World Paper Money 2010 Edition 8,500 1 pc. 8,500 AA - Books Book 1000 Graphic Elements' 2,152 1 pc 2,152 EMS--CORAO AA - Books Book Exploring Web Design' 2,121 1 pc 2,121 EMS--CPO AA - Books Book 17,761 1 pc 17,761 EMS--CPO AA - Books Book 14,848 1 pc 14,848 EMS--CPO AA - Books Book 1,978 1 pc 1,978 EMS--CPO AA - Books Book Measuring the Value of Knowledge Management by Joanna Goodman Consultants Steps & Guide to Reinventing Strategic Planning by Stephen Haines Reinventing Strategic Planning: The Systems Thinking Approach by Stephen Haines with Jim McKinlay Executive Premium: Linking Strategy to Operations for Competitive Advantage by Robert S. Kaplan, David P. Norton 1,978 1 pc 1,978 EMS--OMB EMS--OSI EMS--OSI AA - Books AA - Books AA - Books Book Book Book Contingent requirements-Office of MBM Antonio Obligations & Contracts, 2002 reprint by Tolentino Revised Rules on Criminal Procedure, 2006 edition by Pineda 50,000 1,200 1,100 1 1 1 lot pc pc 50,000 1,200 1,100 100 5 5 5 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Shopping 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Alternative Mode 9th Alternative Mode 9th Public Bidding 9th Alternative Mode 9th Alternative Mode 9th Alternative Mode 9th Alternative Mode 9th Alternative Mode 9th Alternative Mode 9th Alternative Mode 9th 9th 9th Alternative Mode Alternative Mode Alternative Mode 9th Alternative Mode Annex 1 Ref. No. 13 13 14 15 16 17 18 24 25 26 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 Sector-SS-Dept./ Office Capital Expenditure (CE, Asset Acquisition (AA) and Other OPEX Accounts Generic Name / Indicate "Infra" if infrastructure item Specification/Description of Infra Item EMS--OSI EMS--OSI EMS--OSI AA - Books AA - Books AA - Books Book Book Book Philippine Administration Law, 2007 edition by Cruz Banking Laws of the Philippines, 2008 edition by CBS Appeals in the Philippine Courts, 2008 edition by Barte EMS--OSI EMS--OSI EMS--OSI EMS--OSI EMS--SMO EMS--SMO EMS--SMO EMS--TD EMS--TD EMS--TD EMS--TD EMS--TD EMS--TD EMS--TD AA - Books AA - Books AA - Books AA - Books AA - Books AA - Books AA - Books AA - Books AA - Books AA - Books AA - Books AA - Books AA - Books AA - Books Book Book Book Book Book Book Book Book Book Book Book Book Book Book EMS--TD EMS--TD EMS--TD EMS--TD EMS--TD EMS--TD EMS--TD AA - Books AA - Books AA - Books AA - Books AA - Books AA - Books AA - Books Book Book Book Book Book Book Book EMS--TD AA - Books 97 98 EMS--TD 99 EMS--TD 100 EMS--TD EMS--TD 101 197 MSS-MPSS-ID 125 MSS-MPSS-OMDMPSS 820 RMS-CoSS-FAD 814 RMS-CoSS-OMDCoSS 872 RMS-HRSS-HRDD 999 RMS-MSSS-FMED 1000 RMS-MSSS-FMED 1001 RMS-MSSS-FMED Provision per Unit Qty Mode of Unit (e.g. Total 2009 Approved Schedule* Amount pcs, set, lot) Procurement 1,010 710 620 1 1 1 pc pc pc 1,010 710 620 550 440 400 320 5,000 4,000 3,000 17,969 11,000 10,603 5,702 5,301 5,066 4,453 1 1 1 1 4 4 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 pc pc pc pc sets pcs sets copy copy copy copy copy copy copy 550 440 400 320 20,000 16,000 12,000 17,969 11,000 10,603 5,702 5,301 5,066 4,453 4,168 4,158 4,054 3,915 3,898 2,963 2,851 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 copy copy copy copy copy copy copy 4,168 4,158 4,054 3,915 3,898 2,963 2,851 Book The Anti-Money Laundering Law, 2007 edition by Tirol Fundamentals of Legal Writing, 2004 edition by Abad Batas Pambansa 22 & Estafa, 2001 edition by Lat Notes & Cases on Commercial Law, 2003 edition by Catindig QMS Standard Books Securing Email and Electronic Messages Managing Risks and Reselience in the Supply Chain Sovereign Wealth Management by J. Calari & M. Rietveld Investment Analysis & Portfolio Management by F. Reilly Capital Markets: Institution & Instrument by F. Fabozzi Introductory Econometrics for Finance by C. Brooks Financial Risk Manager Handbook by P. Jorion & GARP Research Methodology in Applied Economics by D. Ethridge Interest Rate, Term Structure & Valuation Modelling by F. Fabozzi Int'l. Economic Indicators & Central Banks by A. Picker The Econometrics of Financial Markets by J. Campbell, etc. New Trading Systems and Methods by P Kaufman Pricing Derivatives Securities by T. Epps Behavioral Finance by J. Goldberg, etc. Entries & Exits by A. Elder Quantitative Methods in Derivatives Pricing: An Introduction to Computational Finance by D. Tavella Technical Analysis of the Currency Market by B. Schlossberg 2,328 1 copy 2,328 AA - Books AA - Books AA - Books AA - Books Book Book Book Book Mathematical Methods for a Foreign Exchnage by A. Lipton Trading for a Living by A. Elder The Secrets of Economic Indicator by B. Baumohl Financial Analyst's Indespensable Pocket Guide by R. Ramesh 2,067 2,042 1,550 571 1 1 1 1 copy copy copy copy 2,067 2,042 1,550 571 AA - Books AA - Books AA - Books AA - Books AA - Books AA - Books AA - Books AA - Books Book Book Book Book Book Book Book Book Top 7000 Corporations and The Next 5000 Corp. 5,000 1 Books Acquisition 5,000,000 1 Financial Accounting by C. Valix (vol. I & II) latest edition 2,500 2 Activity Based Budgeting, Cost Management, Budget Updates, IAS, Cost Management 2,000 5 Books on Talent Development and Career Mgt 3,600 12 Mechanical Codeof the Phils. & its IRR 5,540 1 Risk Management Standards, USD89.36 4,236 1 National Structual Code of the Phils., hardbound 3,968 1 Piece lot pcs. pcs. pcs 5,000 5,000,000 5,000 10,000 43,200 5,540 4,236 3,968 9th 9th Alternative Mode Alternative Mode 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th Alternative Mode Alternative Mode Alternative Mode Alternative Mode Alternative Mode Alternative Mode Alternative Mode Alternative Mode Alternative Mode Alternative Mode Alternative Mode Alternative Mode Alternative Mode Alternative Mode 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th Alternative Mode Alternative Mode Alternative Mode Alternative Mode Alternative Mode Alternative Mode Alternative Mode 9th Alternative Mode 9th 9th 9th 9th Alternative Mode Alternative Mode Alternative Mode Alternative Mode 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th Alternative Mode Alternative Mode Public Bidding Alternative Mode Alternative Mode Alternative Mode Alternative Mode Alternative Mode Alternative Mode Annex 1 Ref. No. 1002 1003 1004 1105 126 1157 281 Sector-SS-Dept./ Office RMS-MSSS-FMED RMS-MSSS-FMED RMS-MSSS-FMED SES--OSPD MSS-MPSS-OMDMPSS SPC--BSPD MSS-RMASS-LAUNIONRO SPC--MROD 1179 1028 RMS-MSSS-ASD EMS--CORAO 56 233 MSS-CMSS-CASH 410 MSS-RMASS-TUGUEGARAO 1160 SPC--BSPD 224 MSS-CMSS-CIRO 1174 SPC--MROD 577 MSS-RMASS-BACOLOD 261 MSS-RMASS-OMDRMASS RMS-MSSS-FMED 939 1012 RMS-MSSS-PDMO 1008 RMS-MSSS-PDMO 1007 RMS-MSSS-PDMO 282 MSS-RMASS-LAUNIONRO 284 MSS-RMASS-LAUNIONRO RMS-MSSS-FMED 918 RMS-MSSS-FMED 920 RMS-MSSS-FMED 931 1005 1006 1010 1011 830 398 1225 1159 679 RMS-MSSS-PDMO RMS-MSSS-PDMO RMS-MSSS-PDMO RMS-MSSS-PDMO RMS-ITSS-ITIOD MSS-RMASS-DAGUPAN SPC--DGS SPC--BSPD MSS-RMASS-DAVAORO Capital Expenditure (CE, Asset Acquisition (AA) and Other OPEX Accounts Generic Name / Indicate "Infra" if infrastructure item Specification/Description of Infra Item Provision per Unit Mode of Unit (e.g. Total 2009 Approved Schedule* Amount pcs, set, lot) Procurement Qty AA - Books AA - Books AA - Books AA - Books AA - Books CE - Machinery and Equipment CE - Building Improvements In-Progress Raw Matl's for Currency/Securities Production AA - Computer Supplies In-Stock CE - Furniture and Equipment Book Book Book Book Book Cages/Racks Chiller Coin Blanks Simple Tools and Techniques for ERM, USD78.75 Managing Operational Risk, USD63 Electrical Codeof the Phils. & its IRR Accounting (IFRS/IAS) Books eBooks Acquisition Banknote/Security Storage Conversion of the chiller's refrigerant to CFC-free Coin Metals Various denominations Computer Supplies Counting Machine BSP Standard Specifications Coin counter (portable) CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Machinery and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Factory and Laboratory Equip't CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Office Improvements CE - Building Improvements In-Progress Counting Machine Counting Machine Forklift Forklift Truck Fume Hoods Generator Generator Infra CE - Building Construction CE - Building Improvements In-Progress CE - Building Improvements In-Progress CE - Building Improvements In-Progress CE - Building Improvements In-Progress CE - Land Improvements Infra Infra Infra Infra Infra Infra CE - Land Improvements Infra Bank Coin Counter, Per BSP/CD Minimum Specifications 50,000 9 unit 450,000 Banknote Counter, heavy duty, Vacuum type, maximum of 4 sec. in counting 250,000 100 notes4or better, 220-240 unit V; single phase 1,000,000 Motorized Forklift 2,000,000 pc 2,000,000 1 Forklift Truck, Battery Operated 1,500,000 1 unit 1,500,000 3 3,000,000 3 sets Fume Hoods 1,000,000 unit Generator set, 100KW/125KVA, 6 cyl, 1800rpm 2,352,000 1 pc 2,352,000 Generator Set (BSP Naga) 1,800,000 1 1,800,000 Supply, delivery and installation of various signages (toilets, room/office markers, safety & warning signages) 800,000 1 lot 800,000 Roxas Branch-Consultancy 5,000,000 Main Complex - Renovation-MB Offices 27,000,000 Main Complex - Space Rationalization 80,000,000 Chilled Water Piping Retrofitting & Replacement of Chilled Water Pump4,500,000 Motors 1 lot 4,500,000 Fire Exit Doors (with complete accessories) 1,000,000 1 lot 1,000,000 Construction and installation works in the BSP Main Complex to comply with BP 344 (Accessibility Law) 2,000,000 1 lot 2,000,000 Construction of floodgate control and sump pit for the drainage line at the Multi-purpose Building. 700,000 1 lot 700,000 Supply, delivery and installation of pressure regulating valves for all water supply lines of comfort rooms in the BSP Main Complex Buildings 6,000,000 1 lot 6,000,000 Zamboanga Branch-Construction 290,000,000 Pampanga Branch-Construction 100,000,000 Main Complex - Power Center and Parking Bldg Consultancy 7,650,000 Main Complex - Access & Package Control Project 6,000,000 90,147,498 1 various 90,147,498 Software Licenses (New) Land Scaping of Vacant Eastern Portion of BSP Bldg. 3,250,000 1 lot 3,250,000 1 2,000,000 Personnel Lifter 2,000,000 unit 1 Hydraulic Lifter (Palleton), one ton-crown 2,400,000 pc 2,400,000 Vacuum Metalized reflectors 3,000 563 sets 1,689,000 CE - Building Improvements In-Progress Infra CE - Building Construction CE - Building Construction CE - Building Construction CE - Building Improvements In-Progress CE - Comp., Network and Appl'n Sys. CE - Land Improvements CE - Machinery and Equipment CE - Machinery and Equipment CE - Building Improvements In-Progress Infra Infra Infra Infra Intangible Assets Land Scaping Lifter Lifter Light Reflectors 3,733 2,986 2,645 15,000 3,000,000 12,000 500,000 7,461,023,794 200,000 2 1 415 2 1 2 1 1 1 pcs set pcs. pcs. lot 3,733 2,986 2,645 30,000 3,000,000 4,980,000 1,000,000 7,461,023,794 units 39,708,000 400,000 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th Alternative Mode Alternative Mode Alternative Mode Alternative Mode Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding 9th 9th Alternative Mode Public Bidding 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding 9th Public Bidding 9th Public Bidding 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Annex 1 Ref. No. 682 683 1162 1185 1029 1155 685 256 1156 688 234 847 7 895 1170 55 879 861 6 4 3 5 46 75 936 Sector-SS-Dept./ Office MSS-RMASS-DAVAORO MSS-RMASS-DAVAORO SPC--BSPD SPC--DGS RMS-MSSS-ASD SPC--BSPD MSS-RMASS-DAVAORO MSS-RMASS-OMDRMASS 73 74 Specification/Description of Infra Item Provision per Unit EMS--CORAO EMS--CORAO CE - Item/s for Exhibit SPC--BSPD MSS-RMASS-DAVAORO MSS-CMSS-CASH RMS-ITSS-ITIOD EMS--OG RMS-HRSS-MDC SPC--BSPD EMS--CORAO RMS-HRSS-HRMD RMS-ITSS-ITIOD EMS--OMB EMS--OMB EMS--OMB EMS--OMB EMS--CORAO EMS--CORAO RMS-MSSS-FMED RMS-MSSS-FMED CE - Building Improvements In-Progress CE - Building Improvements In-Progress CE - Machinery and Equipment AA - Supplies and Materials In-Stock AA - Supplies and Materials In-Stock CE - Machinery and Equipment CE - Building Improvements In-Progress CE - Furniture and Equipment Generic Name / Indicate "Infra" if infrastructure item Underground pipes for fire protection 1,000,000 Installation of fabricated aluminum windows 25,200 Installation & delivery of Racking system 1,000,000 Office/Regular Supplies 1,364,237 BSP Standard Specifications Rehabilitation of existing Banknote Printing machines 410,300,000 Relocation of ABPM and Shredder machines 5,000,000 Stand Alone Banknote Shredder 1,250,000 (BSP Tuguegarao, Cebu, Dagupan, Cagayan de Oro, Cabanatuan, Naga) CE - Machinery and Equipment Single Note Inspection System Single Note Inspection System 325,325,000 CE - Building Improvements In-Progress Smoke Detector/Fire Alarm SystemReplacement of fire alarm system for the whole complex 9,000,000 CE - Furniture and Equipment Tellers Mobile Bus Per BSP/CD Minimum Specifications 20,000 CE - Computer Hardware UPS 3,000 UPS 600VA CE - Furniture and Equipment various 100,000 various AA - Medical and Dental Supplies In-StockMedicines 51,101,267 Raw Matl's for Currency/Securities Various raw materials for printing ############ Production of banknotes and security documents CE - Furniture and Equipment Museo Display Cases with glass cover for numismatic exhibit 60,000 CE - Furniture and Equipment Various compensation and benefits manuals/books 15,000 CE - Computer Hardware Contingent requirements-Office of MBM Antonio 80,000 CE - Furniture and Equipment Contingent requirements-Office of MBM Antonio 150,000 AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies Contingent requirements-Office of MBM Antonio 20,000 AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies Contingent requirements of 5 other offices of MB Members and 400,000 OSMB CE - Furniture and Equipment Contingent requirements of 5 other offices of MB Members and 1,000,000 OSMB AA - Numismatic Collections Appraisal of Numismatic Collections 2,000,000 CE - Paintings and Other Artworks Conservation & Restoration which include reframing of paintings 3,000,000 and maintenance of artworks Supply & installation of 20TR packaged A/C serving the CE - Building Improvements In-Progress Monetary Board Offices 1,000,000 Replacement of eight (8) package aironditioning units serving CE - Building Improvements In-Progress Room 201, EDPC Building (5 TR) 300,000 CE - Item/s for Exhibit Acquistion of Numismatics / Artworks 20,000,000 CE - Item/s for Exhibit Exhibit for the Blind - paintings and numismatic items with 500,000 captions using braille, special embossed paper & other special equipment. CE - Item/s for Exhibit Fabrication of Display Panels 10,000 934 71 EMS--CORAO EMS--CORAO 72 Capital Expenditure (CE, Asset Acquisition (AA) and Other OPEX Accounts Pipes Plasteel Windows Racking System Regular/Office Supplies Regular/Office Supplies Rehabilitation of machines Relocation of Machines Shredder, Banknote Contract for Graphic Design of Multimedia Presentations/Games 300,000 Mode of Unit (e.g. Total 2009 Approved Schedule* Amount pcs, set, lot) Procurement Qty 1 753 1 1 lot sets lot lot 1 1 6 lot lot 1 1 5 500 1 1 Unit lot unit units lot lot 1,000,000 18,975,600 1,000,000 1,364,237 15,116,000 410,300,000 5,000,000 7,500,000 325,325,000 9,000,000 100,000 1,500,000 100,000 51,101,267 13,859,378,698 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Shopping Public Bidding 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th Public Bidding Public Bidding Alternative Mode Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding 9th Public Bidding 9th 9th Public Bidding Public Bidding 9th Public Bidding 1 40 4 1 1 1 1 units pcs lot lot lot lot 2,400,000 60,000 80,000 150,000 20,000 400,000 1 lot 1,000,000 1 1 lot lot 2,000,000 3,000,000 2 units 2,000,000 9th Public Bidding 8 sets lot lot 2,400,000 20,000,000 500,000 9th 9th Public Bidding Public Bidding 35 unit 350,000 9th Public Bidding 1 lot 300,000 9th Public Bidding 9th Public Bidding 1 1 Annex 1 Ref. No. Sector-SS-Dept./ Office MSS-RMASS-ILOILO 616 238 MSS-RMASS-OMDRMASS 239 MSS-RMASS-OMDRMASS MSS-RMASS-OMDRMASS 254 886 RMS-HRSS-BSPI 845 RMS-ITSS-ITIOD 851 RMS-ITSS-ITIOD RMS-MSSS-FMED 919 922 RMS-MSSS-FMED RMS-MSSS-FMED 932 RMS-MSSS-FMED 933 RMS-MSSS-FMED 935 RMS-MSSS-FMED 937 RMS-MSSS-FMED 938 RMS-MSSS-FMED 940 RMS-MSSS-FMED 941 942 943 944 945 994 995 996 997 998 1015 Capital Expenditure (CE, Asset Acquisition (AA) and Other OPEX Accounts CE - Building Improvements In-Progress AA - Tools and Apparatus AA - Tools and Apparatus CE - Building Improvements In-Progress CE - Comp., Network and Appl'n Sys. CE - Comp., Network and Appl'n Sys. CE - Comp., Network and Appl'n Sys. CE - Land Improvements CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Building Improvements In-Progress CE - Building Improvements In-Progress CE - Building Improvements In-Progress CE - Building Improvements In-Progress CE - Building Improvements In-Progress CE - Building Improvements In-Progress CE - Building Improvements In-Progress RMS-MSSS-FMED CE - Building Improvements In-Progress RMS-MSSS-FMED CE - Building Improvements In-Progress RMS-MSSS-FMED CE - Building Improvements In-Progress RMS-MSSS-FMED CE - Building Improvements In-Progress RMS-MSSS-FMED RMS-MSSS-FMED RMS-MSSS-FMED RMS-MSSS-FMED RMS-MSSS-FMED RMS-MSSS-PDMO AA - Building Materials In-Stock AA - Building Materials In-Stock AA - Building Materials In-Stock AA - Building Materials In-Stock AA - Building Materials In-Stock CE - Comp., Network and Appl'n Sys. Generic Name / Indicate "Infra" if infrastructure item Specification/Description of Infra Item Installation of Fire and Burglar Alarm Panel & Security Alarm System Insulation tester Telephone line tracer Perimeter fence height extension at BSP Lucena Branch Coastal ClarityNet-CD purchase (19 courses) Environmental Sensor SW/HW for HO/SPC Data Center Software for log-in queries and monitoring including training Provision of Additional Lighting and Electrical Outlets at Fort San Antonio Abad Thermal imaging device Supply & Installation of (400 units) LED lamps at the EBC, JEDR & Money Museum with circuit breakers Rehabilitation & Modernization of one (1) unit service elevator at the EDPC Building Phase III- - Retrofitting of lighting sytem project (continuing), Stairwell and Machine Rooms Provision of additional power amplifier and ceiling speakers for the paging system at the BSP Complex Replacement of old units packaged A/C, 5TR (floor mounted) located at Aplha Room, 2/F, Multi-Storey Building Provision of back-up aironditioning equipment located at the Staging Area and Data Monitoring Center (5TR), ITSS Supply, install and make operational additional Fire Alarm bells & devices at The EFLC, Ground & 2nd floor of Multi-Storey Bldg. integrated with the complex-wide fire alarm system Supply and installation of 115 units emergency exit signages at the BSP Complex Replacement of two (2) units airconditioning equipment located at the Data Network Machine (3TR), Treasury Dept. Supply & installation of vertical in line centrifugal booster pump Supply and installation of expansion tank including float valves, pipes, fittings, concrete pad, hangers and suppports Carpentry & Painting Materials Sanitary & Plumbing Materials Various Electronics Supply Items/Materials Various Electrical Supply Items/Materials Various Mechanical Supply Items/Materials MASTERSPEC Software CD Provision per Unit Mode of Unit (e.g. Total 2009 Approved Schedule* Amount pcs, set, lot) Procurement Qty 3,000,000 1 26,000 20,000 2,131,500 17 20 1 542,354 2,500,000 500,000 1 1 1 lot 3,000,000 442,000 400,000 2,131,500 9th 9th 9th Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding set lot set 542,354 2,500,000 500,000 9th 9th 9th 9th Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding pc 1,800,000 360,000 9th 9th Public Bidding Public Bidding 3,200,000 3,200,000 9th Public Bidding 3,000,000 3,000,000 9th Public Bidding 2,000,000 9th Public Bidding 1,500,000 9th Public Bidding 1,800,000 360,000 1 2,000,000 1 lot 1,500,000 400,000 3 units 1,200,000 9th Public Bidding 400,000 2 sets 800,000 9th Public Bidding 600,000 9th Public Bidding 600,000 500,000 1 lot 500,000 9th Public Bidding 200,000 2 sets 400,000 9th Shopping 160,000 1 160,000 9th Public Bidding 100,000 9,557,164 5,716,751 2,725,750 2,503,175 2,008,332 90,000 1 100,000 9,557,164 5,716,751 2,725,750 2,503,175 2,008,332 90,000 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Public Bidding Shopping 1 lot each Annex 1 Ref. No. 1206 1207 1209 431 428 433 434 466 467 468 469 470 460 461 482 529 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 427 436 437 429 425 417 418 419 420 430 426 421 424 422 432 Sector-SS-Dept./ Office Capital Expenditure (CE, Asset Acquisition (AA) and Other OPEX Accounts Generic Name / Indicate "Infra" if infrastructure item Specification/Description of Infra Item Provision per Unit SPC--DGS CE - Building Improvements In-Progress Integrated CCTV and Access Control Project for MROD/SPC 30,000,000 SPC--DGS CE - Building Improvements In-Progress Additonal Integrated CCTV and Access Control for BSP-SPC 6,000,000 SPC--DGS CE - Building Improvements In-Progress Power provisions for Motorpool equipments/machines 1,700,000 MSS-RMASS-LEGAZPI MSS-RMASS-LEGAZPI MSS-RMASS-LEGAZPI MSS-RMASS-LEGAZPI MSS-RMASS-LUCENA MSS-RMASS-LUCENA MSS-RMASS-LUCENA MSS-RMASS-LUCENA MSS-RMASS-LUCENA MSS-RMASS-LUCENA MSS-RMASS-LUCENA MSS-RMASS-NAGA MSS-RMASS-NAGA MSS-RMASS-NAGA MSS-RMASS-NAGA MSS-RMASS-NAGA MSS-RMASS-NAGA MSS-RMASS-NAGA MSS-RMASS-NAGA MSS-RMASS-NAGA MSS-RMASS-NAGA MSS-RMASS-LEGAZPI MSS-RMASS-LEGAZPI MSS-RMASS-LEGAZPI MSS-RMASS-LEGAZPI MSS-RMASS-LEGAZPI MSS-RMASS-LEGAZPI MSS-RMASS-LEGAZPI MSS-RMASS-LEGAZPI MSS-RMASS-LEGAZPI MSS-RMASS-LEGAZPI MSS-RMASS-LEGAZPI MSS-RMASS-LEGAZPI MSS-RMASS-LEGAZPI MSS-RMASS-LEGAZPI MSS-RMASS-LEGAZPI CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies CE - Furniture and Equipment AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Office Improvements CE - Office Improvements CE - Furniture and Equipment AA - Tools and Apparatus AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies CE - Furniture and Equipment AA - Tools and Apparatus AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies AA - Supplies and Materials In-Stock AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies CE - Furniture and Equipment Chair Cabinet Table Table Cabinet Cabinet Cabinet Cabinet Cabinet Table Table Desk Cabinet Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Air Purifier Airconditioner Airconditioner Camera Drill DVD Player Electric Fan Electric Fan Exhaust Fan Exhaust Fan Jack Neck Brace Regular/Office Supplies Spine Board Sprayer Jr. Executive Chair, C-3A Ergo Mid-back Task Chair Filing Cabinet, Lateral, gray, Hermaco Working table, fiberglass, see-through Working table, wooden Corner Display Cabinet,wooden,72"Hx25"Wx12"D Lateral Filing Cabinet, 3-drawer Lateral Filing Cabinet,4-drawer,138"H x 90"W x 45"D,G20 Locker Cabinet, 3-doors, 71.5"H x 33.5"W x 17"D, G20 Storage Cabinet, 72"H x 36"W x 18"D Computer Table, long span, 62"L x 19"W x 29"H Table, Monobloc, rectangle Desk, transparent top, 1'6" x 3' x 2'5" (for vault guard) Cabinet, Filing, lateral Computer Table, upright Table, 66" x 26' x 30 " ( for CCTV) Table, Office, transparent top and no drawers Table, working, transparen top, 1'4" x 2'4" x 2'9"(back of canceller) Table, working, transparen top, 1'6" x 2'4" x 2'9"(for loop plus) Table, working, transparent top, 2'4" x 2'6" x 2'9" (for canceller) Table, working, transparent top, 1'6" x 2'2" x 1'6" (for coin counter) Table, working,transparent top, 2' x 4' x 2'6"(money counter's table) Air Purifier, Casadron Aircon floor mounted 3 tonner capacity Aircon window type 1 HP Digicam, 10 megapixels Electric drill DVD player Industrial Fan Orbit ceiling fan Blower, centrifugal type exhaust blower, small Blower, centrifugal type exhaust blower. Big Crocodile jack, heavy duty 10 tonner Cervical Cular Brace - neck brace Regular/Office Supplies Spine Board for emergency evacuation Power Spray 10,000 15,000 38,000 15,000 12,000 15,000 19,000 21,500 22,000 5,500 3,000 4,500 20,000 3,000 6,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,000 4,500 250,000 80,000 15,000 25,000 5,000 5,000 2,500 1,500 5,000 10,000 10,000 2,000 68,250 2,500 70,000 Qty 1 1 1 1 5 2 4 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 3 2 2 4 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 Mode of Unit (e.g. Total 2009 Approved Schedule* Amount pcs, set, lot) Procurement lot 30,000,000 lot 6,000,000 lot 1,700,000 pc. pc. pc. pc. unit unit unit unit unit units unit pc pcs pcs pcs pc pc pc pc pc pc pc. pc. pc. pc. pc. pc. pc. pc. pc. pc. pc. pc. lot pc. pc. 10,000 75,000 76,000 60,000 12,000 15,000 19,000 21,500 22,000 16,500 3,000 4,500 60,000 6,000 13,000 18,000 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,000 4,500 750,000 160,000 30,000 25,000 5,000 5,000 2,500 3,000 5,000 10,000 10,000 6,000 68,250 2,500 70,000 9th Public Bidding 9th Public Bidding 9th 8th 8th 8th 8th 8th 8th 8th 8th 8th 8th 8th 8th 8th 8th 8th 8th 8th 8th 8th 8th 8th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th Public Bidding Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Alternative Mode Alternative Mode Alternative Mode Alternative Mode Alternative Mode Alternative Mode Alternative Mode Alternative Mode Public Bidding Shopping Shopping Public Bidding Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Alternative Mode Alternative Mode Shopping Shopping Shopping Annex 1 Ref. No. 423 435 440 438 439 459 472 471 444 445 441 473 446 447 448 449 450 464 451 452 474 453 454 455 456 477 442 475 463 458 476 457 462 478 479 480 443 481 528 527 483 Sector-SS-Dept./ Office MSS-RMASS-LEGAZPI MSS-RMASS-LEGAZPI MSS-RMASS-LUCENA MSS-RMASS-LUCENA MSS-RMASS-LUCENA MSS-RMASS-LUCENA MSS-RMASS-LUCENA MSS-RMASS-LUCENA MSS-RMASS-LUCENA MSS-RMASS-LUCENA MSS-RMASS-LUCENA MSS-RMASS-LUCENA MSS-RMASS-LUCENA MSS-RMASS-LUCENA MSS-RMASS-LUCENA MSS-RMASS-LUCENA MSS-RMASS-LUCENA MSS-RMASS-LUCENA MSS-RMASS-LUCENA MSS-RMASS-LUCENA MSS-RMASS-LUCENA MSS-RMASS-LUCENA MSS-RMASS-LUCENA MSS-RMASS-LUCENA MSS-RMASS-LUCENA MSS-RMASS-LUCENA MSS-RMASS-LUCENA MSS-RMASS-LUCENA MSS-RMASS-LUCENA MSS-RMASS-LUCENA MSS-RMASS-LUCENA MSS-RMASS-LUCENA MSS-RMASS-LUCENA MSS-RMASS-LUCENA MSS-RMASS-LUCENA MSS-RMASS-LUCENA MSS-RMASS-LUCENA MSS-RMASS-LUCENA MSS-RMASS-NAGA MSS-RMASS-NAGA MSS-RMASS-NAGA Capital Expenditure (CE, Asset Acquisition (AA) and Other OPEX Accounts AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies CE - Furniture and Equipment AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies AA - Books AA - Books AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies CE - Furniture and Equipment AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies AA - Tools and Apparatus AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies CE - Furniture and Equipment AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies CE - Furniture and Equipment AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies CE - Furniture and Equipment AA - Supplies and Materials In-Stock AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies CE - Furniture and Equipment AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment AA - Tools and Apparatus AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies Generic Name / Indicate "Infra" if infrastructure item Stool Television Bag Book Book Bookshelf Camera Camera Clock Clock/Timer Combo Binding Machine Counting Machine Divider DVD Player Ear Muff Electric Fan Electric Fan Electrical instrument First Aid Equipment First Aid Equipment First Aid Equipment Flag Pole Hauling Equipment Lamp Locker Paper Shredder Puncher Reception Counter Regular/Office Supplies Rolling Tray Shelves Stand Tacking/Clipping Equipment Television Truck Typewriter White Board Wrapping Machine Air Purifier Blower Electric Fan Specification/Description of Infra Item Provision per Unit Teller"s stool, heavy duty 5,000 21" Colored TV, Flat/slim, Cable Ready 16,000 Ammunition Bag, vest type 950 Dictionary, Third New International, Unabridged 8,000 Various Books 500,000 Book Shelves, wooden, low, 33"H x 38"W x 13"D 8,000 Digitial Still Camera, 10 megapixels 32,000 Digital Video Camera,1 mp, 10xopt. zoom,200xdig zoom 45,000 Wall Clock, 10" diameter, heavy duty 500 Athletic Timer Clock, 6 digit display, 1:100 sec timing 800 Binding/Comb Binding Machine, 425 shts or up to 2" thick 9,000 Desktop Bill Counter, counting speed - 800 notes per min 55,000 Movable Divider, with curtain 4,500 DVD Player 5,000 Ear Muff, 29 dba 1,500 Industrial Fan, wall mounted, 18" aluminum blade 2,500 Stand Fan, industrial type, 18" aluminum blacde 2,500 Insulation Tester, batt. operated, 500-1000Volts,2M-ohms 20,000 Cervical Collar 1,200 Stretcher, 2050 mmL, 520mmW, 125mmH, 180 kg cap. 6,000 Spine Board, 1830mmLx420mmWx950mmH,200 kg cap 10,000 Flag pole, with stand 4,000 Push cart, steel, 100(L) x 60(W) x 80(D) cm. 9,000 Gooseneck Lamp 5,000 Deposit-Bag Locker, wooden, 72"Hx36"Wx18"D 9,500 Paper Shredder,10 sheets/feed, 80 mm/sec cutting speed 27,000 Puncher,3 holes,approx. 6.5mm in diameter,40 shts cap., Binding Equipment 2,500 Reception Counter, L-type,120"Wx160"Wx70"Dx74cmH 30,000 Regular/Office Supplies 74,250 Rolling tray, with ballcasters 3,500 Magazine Shelves, 74"H x 29"W x 21"D 15,000 Newspaper Stand, tubolar, 48"H x 28"W x 24"D 8,000 Gun Tacker, built-in staple lifter, 1/4 - 5/16 staple size 1,500 21" Colored TV, Flat/slim, Cable Ready 16,000 Hand truck 14,000 Typewriter, manual, 24-carriage 22,000 White Board, 2' x 4' 1,000 Shrink Wrapping Machine,max.package 15.5"x9.5"x7.5" 195,000 Casadron 220,000 blower 10,000 Electric Fan, orbit 1,500 Qty 2 1 10 1 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 10 4 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 Mode of Unit (e.g. Total 2009 Approved Schedule* Amount pcs, set, lot) Procurement pc. unit units unit lot units unit unit units unit unit units unit unit units units units unit units unit units sets unit unit unit unit unit unit lot units unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit pcs pc pc 10,000 16,000 9,500 8,000 500,000 24,000 32,000 45,000 1,000 800 9,000 110,000 4,500 5,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 20,000 2,400 6,000 20,000 8,000 9,000 5,000 9,500 27,000 2,500 30,000 74,250 7,000 15,000 8,000 1,500 16,000 14,000 22,000 1,000 195,000 660,000 10,000 1,500 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Public Bidding Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Alternative Mode Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Alternative Mode Alternative Mode Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping Public Bidding Shopping Shopping Annex 1 Ref. No. 484 485 530 486 526 532 531 523 518 519 521 501 503 517 520 522 514 508 509 524 Sector-SS-Dept./ Office MSS-RMASS-NAGA MSS-RMASS-NAGA MSS-RMASS-NAGA MSS-RMASS-NAGA MSS-RMASS-NAGA MSS-RMASS-NAGA MSS-RMASS-NAGA MSS-RMASS-NAGA MSS-RMASS-NAGA MSS-RMASS-NAGA MSS-RMASS-NAGA MSS-RMASS-NAGA MSS-RMASS-NAGA MSS-RMASS-NAGA MSS-RMASS-NAGA MSS-RMASS-NAGA MSS-RMASS-NAGA MSS-RMASS-NAGA MSS-RMASS-NAGA MSS-RMASS-NAGA Capital Expenditure (CE, Asset Acquisition (AA) and Other OPEX Accounts AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies CE - Furniture and Equipment AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies AA - Tools and Apparatus CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment AA - Supplies and Materials In-Stock AA - Supplies and Materials In-Stock AA - Supplies and Materials In-Stock AA - Supplies and Materials In-Stock AA - Supplies and Materials In-Stock AA - Supplies and Materials In-Stock AA - Supplies and Materials In-Stock AA - Supplies and Materials In-Stock AA - Supplies and Materials In-Stock AA - Supplies and Materials In-Stock AA - Supplies and Materials In-Stock AA - Supplies and Materials In-Stock AA - Supplies and Materials In-Stock Generic Name / Indicate "Infra" if infrastructure item Electric Fan Electric Fan Electrical equipment Fax Machine Hand Drill Paper Shredder Polisher Regular/Office Supplies Regular/Office Supplies Regular/Office Supplies Regular/Office Supplies Regular/Office Supplies Regular/Office Supplies Regular/Office Supplies Regular/Office Supplies Regular/Office Supplies Regular/Office Supplies Regular/Office Supplies Regular/Office Supplies Regular/Office Supplies Specification/Description of Infra Item Electric Fan, stand Electric Fan, wall Automatic Transfer Switch Fax Machine Hand drill Paper Shredder Floor Polisher Tape, calculator, bond, 70 mm, big Pencil Ribbon, calculator Staple wire, No. 35 Folder, 14 pts, short Folder, expanding, w/o tab Pen, wyteboard marker Ribbon, typewriter Tape, calculator, bond, 57 mm, small Paste, water well Paper, carbon, long Paper, carbon, short Tape, masking, 1" Provision per Unit 1,500 1,500 130,000 7,000 6,000 10,000 25,000 25 60 20 25 4 9 50 20 20 25 150 150 30 Qty 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 12 12 80 40 12 20 20 20 8 6 20 Mode of Unit (e.g. Total 2009 Approved Schedule* Amount pcs, set, lot) Procurement pcs pcs pc pc pc pc pc pc box pc box pcs pcs pcs pc pc bxs bxs pc 4,500 3,000 130,000 7,000 6,000 10,000 25,000 100 240 240 300 320 360 600 400 400 500 1,200 900 600 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th Shopping Shopping Shopping Alternative Mode Shopping Alternative Mode Shopping Alternative Mode Alternative Mode Alternative Mode Alternative Mode Alternative Mode Alternative Mode Alternative Mode Alternative Mode Alternative Mode Alternative Mode Alternative Mode Alternative Mode Alternative Mode Annex 1 Ref. No. 499 525 500 497 506 516 513 515 496 502 511 512 510 507 504 505 498 487 533 534 535 537 536 Sector-SS-Dept./ Office MSS-RMASS-NAGA MSS-RMASS-NAGA MSS-RMASS-NAGA MSS-RMASS-NAGA MSS-RMASS-NAGA MSS-RMASS-NAGA MSS-RMASS-NAGA MSS-RMASS-NAGA MSS-RMASS-NAGA MSS-RMASS-NAGA MSS-RMASS-NAGA MSS-RMASS-NAGA MSS-RMASS-NAGA MSS-RMASS-NAGA MSS-RMASS-NAGA MSS-RMASS-NAGA MSS-RMASS-NAGA MSS-RMASS-NAGA MSS-RMASS-NAGA MSS-RMASS-NAGA MSS-RMASS-NAGA MSS-RMASS-NAGA MSS-RMASS-NAGA Capital Expenditure (CE, Asset Acquisition (AA) and Other OPEX Accounts AA - Supplies and Materials In-Stock AA - Supplies and Materials In-Stock AA - Supplies and Materials In-Stock AA - Supplies and Materials In-Stock AA - Supplies and Materials In-Stock AA - Supplies and Materials In-Stock AA - Supplies and Materials In-Stock AA - Supplies and Materials In-Stock AA - Supplies and Materials In-Stock AA - Supplies and Materials In-Stock AA - Supplies and Materials In-Stock AA - Supplies and Materials In-Stock AA - Supplies and Materials In-Stock AA - Supplies and Materials In-Stock AA - Supplies and Materials In-Stock AA - Supplies and Materials In-Stock AA - Supplies and Materials In-Stock AA - Furniture & Equip't-Spl. Supplies CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Furniture and Equipment CE - Office Improvements CE - Furniture and Equipment Generic Name / Indicate "Infra" if infrastructure item Regular/Office Supplies Regular/Office Supplies Regular/Office Supplies Regular/Office Supplies Regular/Office Supplies Regular/Office Supplies Regular/Office Supplies Regular/Office Supplies Regular/Office Supplies Regular/Office Supplies Regular/Office Supplies Regular/Office Supplies Regular/Office Supplies Regular/Office Supplies Regular/Office Supplies Regular/Office Supplies Regular/Office Supplies Stool Television Television Time Stamp Machine Transformer Vacum Cleaner Specification/Description of Infra Item Fastener Tape, transparent Folder, 14 pts, long Correction Fluid Paper, bond, 16, long Pen, sign Paper, mimeo, long Pen, marking Ballpen, black Folder, expanding, w/ tab Paper, copy, short Paper, mimeo, A4 Paper, copy, long Paper, bond, 18, long Paper, A4, 16 Paper, A4, book Envelope, brown, 7" x 11", half size Step stool (3 steps) 21" Colored TV, Flat/slim, Cable Ready 21" Colored TV, Flat/slim, Cable Ready time stamp Transformer, 25 KVA Vacuum Cleaner, double-bag Schedule: 1st Schedule : 01 - 28 February 2009 6th Schedule: 01 - 31 July 2009 2nd Schedule: 01 - 31 March 2009 3rd Schedule: 01 - 30 April 2009 7th Schedule: 01 - 31 August 2009 8th Schedule: 01 February to 30 September 2009 in coordination with PDMO/FMED 4th Schedule: 01 - 31 May 2009 9th Schedule: 01 February to 30 September 2009 5th Schedule: 01 - 30 June 2009 Provision per Unit Qty 90 20 5 30 100 20 170 35 7 10 150 155 170 170 140 190 1,200 4,000 16,000 16,000 25,000 275,000 15,000 8 48 200 36 12 60 10 40 240 180 20 40 20 30 60 120 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 Mode of Unit (e.g. Total 2009 Approved Schedule* Amount pcs, set, lot) Procurement box pc pcs bot rms pcs rms pcs pcs pcs rms rms rms rms rms rms box pc unit unit pc pcs pcs 720 960 1,000 1,080 1,200 1,200 1,700 1,400 1,680 1,800 3,000 6,200 3,400 5,100 8,400 22,800 1,200 4,000 16,000 16,000 25,000 825,000 30,000 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th Alternative Mode Alternative Mode Alternative Mode Alternative Mode Alternative Mode Alternative Mode Alternative Mode Alternative Mode Alternative Mode Alternative Mode Alternative Mode Alternative Mode Alternative Mode Alternative Mode Alternative Mode Alternative Mode Alternative Mode Alternative Mode Alternative Mode Alternative Mode Alternative Mode Public Bidding Shopping