Quick Spec SeaChange Infusion ADM/ADR 7 Ad Gateway SeaChange® Infusion™ ADM/ADR 7 represents our latest video-ondemand ad insertion platform for advanced environments. The software delivers a standards-based solution for VOD environments that leverages information from external ad campaign management systems and interfaces with SCTE 130 and IAB VAST-based ad decision systems. In conjunction with our next gen video back office SeaChange Adrenalin™, the solution routes ad decision intelligence and handles the insertion of pre-, mid-, and post-roll VOD advertisements. Created as an open enterprise-grade solution, it is built on a Linux platform and delivers horizontal N+1 scalability. The Infusion ADM/ADR system provides multiple interfaces including: • SCTE 130 part 3 – Ad Decision Manager (ADM) • SCTE 130 part 4 – Content Information Service (CIS) • SCTE 130 part 5 – Placement Opportunity Information Service (POIS) • IAB VAST 3.0 – API to place ad requests and receive ad decisions with online Ad Decision Services (ADS) • Ad Router – Capability to route ad insertion operations to different ADS • MSV VOD Back Office – Content, playlist interface and session management • MSV Inserter – Ad placement request, response and status SeaChange Infusion ADM /ADR 7 Ad Gateway AD DECISION MANAGER (e.g. operator, content provider) to sell specific avails within a single asset. The Ad Decision Manager provides the choice of an SCTE 130 part 3 ADM interface or an IAB VAST interface AD ROUTER to one or more external Ad Decision Services (ADS). The ADM provides an ADS-centric interface, allowing The Ad Decision Router (ADR) provides configurable the ADS to control the number, positioning, and rules that allow different ADS to provide advertisement duration of advertisements unbounded by the ADM placement services based on the content owner. Each or ADM-centric interface. In ADM-centric mode, the ADS may handle placement of advertisements for POIS determines where the ads are placed and the ADS one or more different owners. A default ADS may be decides only which ads to place in the provided playlist configured to handle placements for those assets that structure. The external ADS is responsible for taking the have not already been explicitly routed to an ADS. asset requested in the VOD session, splitting the asset into clips, and returning a list of pre-roll ads, asset clips INFUSION MSV INSERTER interspersed with mid-roll ads, and post-roll ads. The Ad Decision Manager supports the required SCTE 130 The Infusion multiscreen video inserter manipulates part 3 messaging to provide ad placement and status manifest files to place ads into OTT streaming video information. using adaptive bit rate formats like HLS and MPEGDASH. The Infusion MSV Inserter is client-agnostic. CONTENT INFORMATION SERVICE It uses a hybrid form of server-side ad insertion and client-side beacons to provide more control over The Infusion SCTE 130 part 4 CIS provides support quality of service while retaining client-side event for retrieving asset information to aid in ad placement tracking for devices that support it in order to ensure operations. The CIS restricts client queries by only accurate impression reporting and ad billing. returning asset information for assets owned by the specific provider associated with an ADS. This is accomplished by associating a CIS client identity at the time of ADS configuration. PLACEMENT OPPORTUNITY INFORMATION SERVICE The Infusion SCTE 130 part 5 POIS provides metadata about the location of the ad avails within the video assets and about who ‘owns’ each avail and is entitled to decide what ads to insert. Infusion POIS offers flexibility for keeping business control or delegating it to partners/third parties by allowing different parties QS SeaChange Infusion ADM /ADR 7 Ad Gateway SCTE 130-3 ADM VOD Ad Workflow SCTE 130-4 CIS SCTE 130 Interface Infusion AdPulse Content Database SCTE 130-5 POIS Unified Streamer ADR Edge Network ADM/ADR 7 MSV Inserter PC Smart TV VOD Set Top Box Ads Tablet Smartphone IAB VAST Interface SCTE 130 ADS IAB VAST ADS Third-Party SIMPLE INTEGRATION SeaChange has adopted and embraced the two leading industry standards to simplify the integration of external advertising system components – the SCTE 130 standard, common in cable/HFC environments, and the IAB VAST 3.0 API, typically used in online environments. For developers or third parties who wish to integrate with the Infusion ADM/ADR system, SeaChange maintains conformance documents that detail the Infusion system’s use of the SCTE 130 and VAST interfaces. INTEGRATION POINTS • MSV VOD Back Office • ADS/Campaign Manager • Packager • MSV Client QS SeaChange International, Inc. 50 Nagog Park, Acton, MA 01720 USA T +1.978.897.0100 F +1.978.897.0132 www.schange.com 12.8_2015 ©2015 SeaChange International, Inc. SeaChange Infusion and SeaChange Adrenalin are trademarks of SeaChange International, Inc. All other marks are the property of their respective owners. While every effort is made to ensure the information given is accurate, SeaChange does not accept liability for any errors or mistakes which may arise. All features, specifications, system requirements and/or compatibility with third party products described herein are subject to change at any time without notice.