PLANKTIC FORAMINIFERAL FAUNAL TURNOVER AN D 810-CHRONOSTRATIGRAPHY OF THE PALEOCENE-EOCENE BOUNDARY AT ZUMAYA, NORTHERN SPAIN J.I.Canudo (1) and E.Molina (1) (I} ;\rea de l~trontolosJn. Oe:pannmcn10 de G«>logi:a. Uni\'crsidnd de Zar:agoza . E· S-0009 ZARAGOZA. ABSTRACT A quan1ita1ive s1udy of rhe p lank1ic foranlinifcra fro1n lhc Paleoccnc:· Eoccnc boundary in 1hc Zumaya scc1io n has bcen carr icd out. Most o f che charactc:ristic datum cvcnts ha\'e bccn recognized, including the firs1 ocurrcncc of J'seudo hasager;na, 1hc last ocurrcncc of Moro:.o~·ella ve/ascoensis and 1hc las1 ocurrence of Plu· 11oro1afiles pseudo111enardii. 1·he s1ra1igraphic positions or these biohorizons. hO\.lo'C'\ cr, show sorne diffcrcnccs in rclation to thc tropical arcas . in cluding a stratigraphic separation M1~·ccn 1he last ocurrence of Morot..-<n·ello velascoe11sis and the firsl ocurrcnce of Pseudohasrigerina wilcoxl!n.ti.~. Quantit:nive analyses oí rhe plank1ic foraminiferd indicare a rclacively cold clima1ic interval in 1hc IO\\'Cr parr of the Moroz.ovelfo oequa Biozone. A Y"arm climatic in1ervt1J characterizcs che upper part of A1orozo\•t ffo aequa Biozone at and above a carbonate dissolution incef\•al. The earlier cooler period n1ay be correlated v.' ith the inicial rifting and spreading of the NE Aclancic. che dissolution intcrval wilh a nooding of CO: causcd by 1 volcanism, and che warm period could be reJaccd 10 rhe nnuimun v.·arming oí thc Ccnozoic. Al prescnt a working group oí the ln1ernational Subcomis.sion on Palcogcnc Stratigraphy is searching for a Palcoccnc/Eoccne boundary stratotypc. ln thís con1ext che Zumaya sec1ion has been proposed as o ne o f thc Spanish candida1es. since i1 is e.xcellen1ly exposed. ••cry accesible. of rnarine char.ac1cr v.'ith no facies i:hange. and good paleon1ological control as ÍIS relarively con1inuous plankcíc foraminifernl record indicatc.s. Thc cxact slnllig.raphicaJ posilion of thc Palcocenc/Eocenc boundary necd an agreement in the working group, by 11ow we define a boundary time span, v.·hich comprises from che base of the Jlerdian co the base of lhe Ypresiao. Key Mon:ls: Pl.anklic (or.unini(C'rd. Biosuatigr.tphy, Chronostr.uigr.1phy, Fauna.! Turno\'C'r. P".1!ccx"t"nc, Eocenc, Zumayn, ~ttnecs. RF.SUMEN' Se ha realizado un es1udio cuan1i1ati\'O de los foraminiíeros planclónicos del limi1c Palcoceno·Eoceno en el perfil de Zumaya. ~ han reconocido tos biohorii.onres rnás tlliUtados con este grupo de microfósilcs para si1uar di<:ho limite: pri1ncra aparición de Pseudohastigerina. úlrima aparición de Morot.o~eff'J vefascoensir y Uhima aparición de Plonoro1afiles pseudomenordii. La posición bioestra1igráfic:i de estos b io horizontes pre· scnta diferencias respecto a las áreas tropicales, ya que existe un intCf\'3Jo entre la ullima aparición de }.1. vefus1:oe11sis '! Ja primera aparicióll de PseudohasrigerintJ wifcoxen.ti.t. El análisis cuantilativo de los fonaminíferos planctónicos ha pcrmilido poner de manifiesto un periodo rclaliV'dmente írio en la par te inferior de la Biozona de Morot.ovpffo OPQ"º y un periodo cálido, que se inicia con un nh•el de disoluc-ión de carbonatos durante Ja par1e superior de la Biozona de 1Worczo\·ella aequu. El periodo relatiV'dmcn1.e más frio, se Podría relacionar con el momen10 de abertura del Atlántico Norte, el nh·el de disolución con una gran producción de C02 causada por vulcanismo. y el periodo cálido con el máximo calentamiento climático de iodo el Cenozoico. Actualmence e.1Cis-ce un grupo de trabajo de La Subcomision 1nternacional de Escr;uigrafia del P;tleógeno que 1iene como objetivo definir el cSlidlOliPo de límite para el Paleoccno-Eoccno. En este contexto se ha propuesto el perfil de Zumaya como uno de los candidatos espan.olcs. puesto que tiene una exposición exccle11tc, es muy accesible, de carác-tcr marino, sin cambio de fac-ies. y con un buco con1rol paleon1ológ.ico cómo indica su regiscro de foraminffcros planc1ónicos relativamente con1inuo. la posición estratigráfica cxa<:ta del limite Paleoceno/ Eoceno requiere un acuerdo en el grupo de 1rabajo, por el momento definimos un inrervnlo de limite, el cual abarca desde Ja base del llerdiense a la base del Ypresiensc. Palabras d aft! Foraminjfcros pl.anclónicos. Biocstr.uigrafia, Cronoestr:uigrafia. Cambio faunisiico. Palco.:eno. Eoctno. Pirineos. Rev. Soc. Geol E.spolta. J. 0 ·1J fl.991) 146 J tC1\ NUl>O) l '10 1 ISA Canudo,J.L 4lnd ~t oli na , 1! . (1992); Pl~llÍC ror:unini!C'r11 raunaJ 1urn0\'cr and bt0...-h1onos1r1Hij.r.\('lhy nr lhc Pa.koctn~·Eocenc bound1u.,. a1 lum3Y3 scc1lon (1'or1han S03in>. Rrl'. Sor' t;.fpalfa... S: ª'"'· CanlMJG.J l. y t>.tolina.E. (199lJ C\,n,bio\ (¡¡uni~KO) d"' lo' lornnlinifrros pl:tnctó11ko~ y bM><fOn-O(<ilr.ulgmfia tkl hmirc P<tkóttnC'•FMcnO en d c<nlc dc Z111niya (NOflC de E.., pal\11) Htl' Soc'. Gf"OI. Espctllu.. S: l'iS·ISJ. l. I NTROOUCTION This study rc pori ~ o n the planktic foraminifera ncross 1hc Pnk•occne· Eoc(nc boundary in che Zun13Y'J. sccrion (Basque-Cantabrinn basin). and discusscs 1he bios1ra1igrnphic and paleoeocennographic implicatioris of the Palcoccnc·Eocene boundary C'\'Cn1s in thc Pyn:· nccs. The Paleocenc/ Eoccnc boundary L"\'c11t ~ ::are usually difricull 10 observe due 10 the prcscncc of frcqucnt hiatus~s nnd dissolution inler,·nls \\'hich characteri1c 1hi.s transilion Yi'Orld "·idc. Relativcly co1u inuous scquc:nccs across Lh.i~ boundary are prcsen1 in a ÍN' scc1ions ín Spain. as for ..amplc 1hc Campo scc1io11 (Pyrenees) a >hallow wat<r facio.. the Caravaca sectíon (Betics) and 1hc Zunl3)'3 section (Pyn:nces) a decpcr \\'atcr íacies. These thrcc scctions ha'c bttn proposed as potcntial Paleoccnc-Eoccnc boundary s1ra101ypes 101hc ln1erna1ional Subcomi>sion on Pakogene Stmtigraphy by the >panish working group o.n thc Palcoccne-Eocene boundary. Scdimen1a1ion across 1hc PaJeocene-Eoccne boundary in thc Pyrcncan lln<ln appears rela1i,ely conti nuous allhough 1here are diffcrcnccs betYi'een thc: )Ct.::tions. TI1c Zu1nnya .scction was dt:positcd in thc deep pan OÍ a basin which OUICfOps in S<'Clions along 1he bcU· ches at t he nonhrrn Coast Range of thc Basquc country. The lilhology and gcologic sening of thc Zumaya se<:1íon has bccn dcscríbcd in dciail by Hillebrant (1965) and Pujahc et al. ( 1989). Thc s1ra1igraphic scction choscn for 1his .study is casily accesible and c.'<posure occur along San Tcimo bcach. jusi north or t hc Township o í Zumaya. (Fig. 1). Hilkbrand1 (1965) rirst published a signilican1 biostra1igraphic analysis of 1hc planktic forJ1ninifcrnl fauna from 1he Zumaya sect ion but did not d iscuss dctails across thc P31cocenc I E.oc.·enc boundary. LikN·ist'. Orue-Etxebarrin (1983-84) and Orue-Etxcbarria et al. (1984a, b) latcr published a biostratii¡raphy bascd o n Palcogcnc planktic romminifera in Othcr sectiom of Lhe Basquc Count ry. Bcsides, O rue-Etxebarria a nd Lamolda (198S) Sludicd the palcogcography oí the Basquecantabrian bas in b)' means oí planktic foranlinifcrn rro m t hc Paleoccne 10 Middk Eoccnc a nd thcy conclu · dcd 1ha1 deposi1 io n ocurred in a tropical 10 1cmpera1c provincc during che Palcogcnc. Thts s1udy details thc stratigraphic and fauna! aspccts across thc Palcocene-Eoccne boundary bnscd on quanli1a1ivc planktic foraminifcral analysis in ordcr 10 cluc·idatc 1his transition e'\l'COL Planktic roraminiíera and calcareous nannofossils are thc major fossil comp0nems in 1hc sediments acro<s the Paleocenc-Eoccnc boundary i11 1he Zumaya S<-Clion. Benthic forami nifcra and ostra· codcs occur in low pcrccnlages (less 10 IOº'o). Largc fo. rJrniniícra and 01hcr mac-rofossils are C'<lrcmcly rarc. Rcwo rkcd Crctaccous and Lowcr Pakoccnc planklic foraminiícra onJy occur in isola1cd s.ample.s and in \'Ct)' low abundancc (lcss 10 IOío). 2. MAT ERIALS ANO METHODOLOGV Samplcs were oblained from frcsh un"'Oathcrcd bedrock af1cr rcn1oving surface contarnin3tion. A total of 29 samplcs wcre analyzed for thi~ study. Samplcs were inmersed in water a nd dilutc H:O: ( IOOfo). Sorne samples proved difficult 10 break down and a light detergen! (Cal¡on) was addcd 10 thc water and the samplc heated 10 specd up t hc proccss. After thc samplc was disag:gre-guh..."<.I it Y+'3S ~ashed through a 63 micron scrccn and d ried in thc 0\1'n. In general. samplos werc nol easy to disagrcgate and this procedure was rcpca1cd until a clcan foraminiíernl rcsiduc \\'as recovt:rcd. PrcServation of pl:tnktic fora mínifcra for this scction is gcncrally good ahhough recrystmllii:uion or o riginal cakitc shcfü is C\ridcnt in nll sarnples. Thc population counts \\'Crl' based on reprcsenrn· ti'c sp lits (using an 0110 microspli11cr) of 300-500 individ uals in thc sitc frac1 ion biggcr than I03µm . The smallcr size (63-103 µm) was also examincd for smaH speéie>. Ali specimens p icked "ere mounted on micros- HA'f sise_• • Or ª"'°" 1 .;: • ¡ Fig. 1.-1..oc<uion map o r thc scction lht' PaleocC'nC'·Eottnt' bouncbr)' 11 Zun1a)'a (modif"~ o ( W1t'd1nann. 1986~. l'i¡ 1.. Sl1uición IC'OKr.\nca dd 1rli®10 Pn!C(l(en a· ~ en la :sec· c1ón de Zum::.ya (n1odiftt"ado de \Yicdmann, 1916). 147 l'LANKllt· 1ON:Af\tlNI FERAI FAUNAI TU RNOVER... that many specics are very diachronous across 1hc f:u1 nal p rovinces (Wea vcr and Bcrgsien , 1991). Foramini· fcral biozonation of thc Palcoccnc·Eoccnc 1ransitio11 is based on lhc d iffcrcni b ioma1igmphic cvcnis bc1wccn gcographically disiant areas. T he a n alysis o f Pyrcnccs sec1ions indica1e that so1ne planktic forarniniferal di · sappearances and appearances are either very diachronous \\•ich respcc1 to tropical rcgions or thcsc sccrions are n1orc con1plc1e or continuous. In fac1, che corn· monly uscd b iozona1ions of Bolli (1957a,b), lllow (1979), Toumarkine and Lu1crbachcr (1985), Bcr&11rcn and Miller (1988). are no1 101ally applicablc 10 1hc Pyrences. The Í!gure 3 illus1ra1cs 1he biozona1ion u;cd in 1hi> siudy and 1he sequence of plank1ic foraminiferal da· tum C\'t:nts al Zumaya in comparison wi1h othcr biozona1ions which havc been publishcd. Threc bio1one<i ha•-c bccn recognizcd: one in 1he Palcoccnc (Plonororolites pseudomenordü 1n1cn'3l Biozonc), anoiher across 1he Palcocene-Eocene boundary (Moro;:p.·e//o aequa In· Biozone) and one in the Eoccnc (PgudohasriRe· • rino wilc:oxensis lmen'af Biozone). Thc rangc and abundancc of planktic foraminiferal <pccics 3cro<s 1he lides for a pcrmnnc1 record and idcn1ificd. Rcla1ivc perccnt ubundnnces \vere cnlculn1cd íor cach species as lis· 1ed in Thblc l. For palcoccological a rrnlysis 1axa were grouped nccording 10 1hc proposul by Prcmoli Silva a nd lloc rsrna (1988) in l'•blc 2. In chis papcr. 1hc gcncric anribu1io11 of p lnnk1ic fommi nifcml spcde~ follow 1ha1 of Olnudo (irr prt.'SS) :111d Canudo and Molina (in press). To in1crprc1 thc basic duta tn(>honon1y has bccn considcrcd. rnainly al 1hc dissolu1 ion in1crval whcrc spccics divcrsily is vcry low. 3. BIOSTRATIGRAPH Y Much has bccn wri1en aboul 1hc biosira1igraphy and oorrda1ion of thc planktic foraminifcral assemblages across 1he Palcoccnc·Eoccnc boundary in differcnt parts of 1hc world. Various palcoccological in1crpr<1a· 1ions indica1c 1ha1 condilions "•re variable bo1h in spa· ce and 1imc 1hroughou1 the Palcogene (Prcmoli Sih-a nnd lloersma. 1988). Palcomagne1ic studics asscssing 1hc accumcy of s1r.11igraphic rangcs and 1hc palcogco· graphic di>1ribu1ion of plank1ic foraminircra indka1c SA.\!Pl.t $¡«.. o_l_1_l_>I•JJJI ....... ' MoroH"rta.. .-,v\11.1 X M ...~otlHil )t occlltw X X ).t~- •I•IoI•óJ!1&1IT1~uI,.I•ITrffi~1IT20 X X ' X 1 • X '' X 1 X X 1 X X X X )( ' X X X X X X X 1 ) X X 1 X X X X M patil• X M -1IM'ikfluc.. ).L lirMlfMRll • '1 ro ' " ""fl • ' ..X. •' ' '• • ' M ed,.-1 l X M. c-1vuwlidma.u M. ~11.1 l 2 1 r..t. liletrn t,MUpni.11.l, Llc"n¡•1.1 X X '"'°" .tbc.-n L _k_ "''lo(l flnh :A A . WlkOH"IUIJ Mwkot,loi:llJ;uin.. m<UA.ú X M. 1o11¡ulow X X X ) M t1iwll.Hl1h P i.nar01.111ta pw 1 P. ir~w.I X ' X X X X X X X 2 X X l ' ]'? 17 X X l l X P. elr, 1*"1~•"111• (i~o· "'*•"'"' C.UopmbtU. a.a& ~...L.mM C., .....wi~l•tH ~ X X X X X 10 ll X X 2 X X l X ' 1 • X X •X 1 9 'º .. • X X 4 l J X X X X X X ' X X X l 'XX 1 ~"'IT'IT"'T"'T'iT"I"' 1 1 X '"-••"' ' ' X X X '' '' •• • X• '• X • ' '.. ' ' ' " ' ' ' X X X X 1 X 19 'X l l 17 X X ' X X ' ' • -X X' X l X X X X 1 ' '' 1 X X X X 1 7 1 ' 1 1 X X I• • ' ' 1 1 X X X J X X X ~ .. X Jl ' 10 1 1 ' X ' ~ ::::lL .,.. X X ', X X X 11 ' 'X X' X X X ' l l X 2 X • "• '' X' ' ' X X l X 11 X X X X X 11 22 X X 1 X ' ' ' • ' 1 X X X X • • X X X X X X X X X X ' X X X X • X X X X X •X 1 X X X 21 9 11 l X X X 11 X X X X X X X 10 X X 10 11 X 10 X X X 11 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X ''1lJ~2l"'-ili X J 1 X X ' 11 X X X .. ' 1 1 X X X X X X X X X Jl X X 11 X 11 10 10 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X l X ! 11 X 11 X >. 1 X )( 26 ;g 2ll X ,,.,,~ ' ' X 2, 21 X ' '' X 1 1 1 X ' • • ' • • '• ' '' ' ' r X ~ ~ ~ ,. "' •• • • •9 ' s ro X ' "• ' " "' "' "' ' ,.,' ' ' ' • 'º X " ' ' ' •' • • • • ' • ' J • • X ro X • r X ' •' • x •' ' ' • X T x ' ' ' ' 1 ' • '' ' • '''92l~ñ'101456T4611Tt1tiE ' " ' ' ,,;r,,¡¡;,.r,.;i;,mm;i!I T limT Tl1• ,.. ., X •X X X X X :X: X I -X: :X: Ji: • X o-bdlll'I• X X X X ,., " ' "• ' • "'• ' •' • 2 X• X• "' J 'X ' '• ' ' '' ' ' X ' ' ' ' ' ' ' X 1 JI X • l • • ' l '2 ' X X ' ' X X X X X X X l X X ' ,. X X 17 P. tlC11a.u TOTAL l'>VMlll'lll X X X X ~ X X X X X X X • 1 l X X X X 11 s .. . s. r...1.~ ' 9 9 l X \ 2l ll 7 S. ~(b.K~1ub X 1 2 SwbOOU.n• wiMj\ILlri1 S. IKmlt• 10 1 2 ' X 2 "• X X M.cb•""111""111 M. •old.ldoon11h 1 X X A. •ll'llllOCdl• A, •ipkl ..... 2 X 10 ' ''1' 2' • • l X 1 1 X X X 17 X X )( X l X l J X X X l 11 nblr l.· R.fl11h~ pcrccnl abundal'K't~ oí plankhc fo~min1fera grea1e:r than 103 lllll in Palco..-c-nC'·EOCcne Íf01n Zumaya ~,ion . "bbla l.• Tanto Por cinuo dC' abundancia dt fo1aminifrro\ pla.nct6n1cos en L-a fracción ma)'Or que IOJpm en C'I hmilC' P»!NCC'no· Coctno de la -«dón de Z..maya. - · So<. Cffll Esfl'I~•. J. ll-1J 11991J J.l.CANUOO '1 E.fl.10LJNA 148 MURJCATED WALL 3. J. Planorotalites p.~eudomensrdii Biozone t. Largt Morozovella MorowvelLi acula (Toulmin) Moroiovella angulata (Whitc) MorowveUo gracilis (Dolli) Morowvella aff. lcnsifonnl< (Subbotina) Definition: This biozone spans the interval be1ween thc fi rst and last ocurrcncc of Plonoro1a/i1es pseudo· menardii. This biozone was originally proposed by Bolli (19573). Remarks: Thc in1erval which has bccn studicd (1 m) extends only into Lhe uppcr part o f thc Planorowli· res pse11domenardii Biozone. The lithology is an alter· nation of grey limes1oncs and marls. Rcpro.scntati~cs of Morozovel/a and Acarinina and low spired subbotinids auain relarively high nun1bers in the upper part of thi~ biozone. Species which a re more than 5 % abundant in t hc Pla11oro1a/ites pse11domenardii Diozone are: Mo· roT.ovel/a acuta (Toulmin). Morowvrdla ang11/att1 (whi· te), Moro1.0vella cro.t<wickensis(Olsson), Globororaloi· des pseudoimitatb (Dlow), Morowvella edgari (Premoli Silva & Bolli) Acari11ir1a nitida (Martin) and Subboti· 110 triangularis (White, sensu Bolli. 1957a). The las1 ocurrence of Acarin;na subsphaerlca took place the top o f 1his biozonc. Bolli (1957a) used the last ocurrence oí P. p seudon1enardi; 10 1nark the top of this biozonc. Toumarkine and Luterbacher (1985) and Berggrcn and Miller ( 1988). using thc same crit<rion, defined thc up· pcr boundary of thc P/a11oro1ali1es pse11dome11ardii Bio· zone. and found thc first ocurrent e of A1. subbotiruu: in a younger levcl than the last ocurrence of P. p.t.eudornenardU, ~1orowvcll~ marginodenlat'l (Subbolin..-i) Morowvella occlusa (Loeblkh & Tappan) Mon.rt..ovclltt ~ubhotiroc (Morozova) ~1oro1..ovclla vclascoensis (Cushm:tn) 2. Small Morozovella MOf'07.ovella e-rosswicksens1s (Olsson) MOfO"l..ovella edgnri (Premoli Silva & Bolli) J. \Vtakly muricarinatt l\.1orotovelta MorozovcUa acqu:1(Cushn1an & Rcnz) Momzovclla loccrti (Cushman & Rcnz) 4. lgorina (Dicon'''" morozovtllids) lgoóna albeari (Cushman & Bcmiudcz) lgorina tacvigala (Bolli) lgorinn lodoens is (~1 allory) lgorina nicoli (Manin) lgoóna pusillo (Rolli) S. Acarinina s pinuloinnutu lineage Ac-3rinin3 oilida ~frutin) 6. Subquadrate acarininids Ac.arinin:i str.1bocella (l...Qchlich & Tappan) Ac.::irinina 1rip1cx Subbo1i11a Ac:irinina wilcoxcnsis (Cu~lun:in & Ponton) 7. Fin4.'ly murlrale ararinin ids (!\i1u riroglobigerin:l) Muricoglobigerina ongulo.<:t (Uolli) Mwicoglobigerina c.~nc.hcn..,is (Nakkady) Muricoglobigcrina sold:ldocnsi.s (Brooniman) Muricoglobigcrina mcknnni (\Vhile) Muricoglobigcrin:1c:hasc:1non:'l (Locblic-h &. T¡1pp:·1n) RETICULATED WALL 8. l..ow-spir('d s ubbotined 3.2. Morozove/la aequa Biozone Subbocin;1 p.:ungonic;i (1'odd) Subbo1in:t íinlayl (Ur6nni111:111) Subbo1in:i homihrooki ( BrOnni1u:i.n) Suhbolin:t lriangul:uis (\Vhilc) scnsu Bolli. 1957 Subborin;a vclascocnsis (C'u.shn1:tn) Bolli, 1957 9. (;loboro1:1loides Globoro1;iloitles p.scudoimital:t (Blow) Defi11i1i1m: This biozone defines the interval bct· \VCcn thc lasr ocurrence of Planorotalites pseudon1t11ar· dü and the first ocurrcncc of Pseudohastigerina 1vUco· xe11sis. lt was originally proposed by Luterbacher (1%4)) and modified for the Pyrenees by Canudo a nd Molina (ir1 press). Remarks: This biozonc spans 39 m at the Z umaya section. In thc lower pan the lit hology consists of a pre· dominam ly homogencous grey mar! intcrcalated with calcarcnilic IC\'Cls. H O\\'CVCr, thc uppcr parl or the bio· zonc i.s charactcrized by grey lin1escones altemating "'ith thin lcvcls of marls. Representatives of Morowvella and low spired subbotinids attain relative ly high nurnbers in 1he 10,1,·cr parr of thc biozone, 'vhereas 1he species of Morozovella, Acarina and Chiloguembelina are rnost abundant in the upper part of thc b iozone. Spccics \vhich are more Lhan 50/o abundan1 in 1he 1\ilorol.ove/la aequa are: Morozo1,ello subboti· nae (Morozova), Morozovella edgbri, Morot.ovella crosslo;ickensis (c..xcepl in the middle parl). A carinina nilida (c.xccpt in the middlc part). Subbotina 1ri011g11· /aris, Subbotina lromibrooki (Bronnimann), S11b/1oti· na velascoensis (lo\ver and middle part), Subbotina PO· tagonica (uppcr part). Thc MoroT.ovella aequa Biozonc in thc Pyrenees represems a d istinct but gradual faunal change in plank· tic foraminifer.i '"'ith 10 spccies disappearing: Morot o · ve/la acuta (Toulmin), Moroz.ove/lo \1eloscoer1sis (Cus· SMOOTHED WALL 10. Plunorotalltts Pl:1non:11ali1es clong:ita (G l:H:s.~ncr) Pl<u1Qrot tli1cs pscudon1cn.:tn.lii (Dolli) Plaooro1aJi1cs aff pscudo.o;cituln Planorotalilcs trocl~ni (Looblich & T:1pp;111) t l. (jlobanom11lina Globanomalili;1 ov:lli.s H::iquc 12. Pseudohasllg<'rina Pscudoh:is1igcrina wilcoxcnsis (Cush1n:in & Pon1011) 13. Riserial hetrr ohelitids Chilogucn1bcli11;1 crinita (Glacssncr) Chiloguembc.lina sub1ri;u1gul:uis Bck1nann 14. Othtr hrterohtlids Gue:mbcliui:i SJ>JJ. Table' l .· Planktie íor:iminifcra groups and 1hd1 \.·oos1i1uen1 ~pccic~ con<idercd in this <tud)'. Tabla 2.• Grupos de fornminíícros planc-1ónicos y las cspec:ics que los componen e.u udi:ad:i.s en C$ tc trabajo. Paleoccne·Eoccnc boundary at Zumaya are sho"'" in figure 2. A bricf discussion of thc major zonal charac· reristics is given below. R<v. St><. Gro/. Es/1'1fl•. $, f / ·1) fl991J 1•9 • .! •• . .. ..:---·:. " ' ¡ i. 1 ! l 'lt - ¡ ~! I•• '1 .¡ (l:iI 1 1 -.. -.; . 1 . . l . ~· . 1 ¡ 1 p 1 - 1 1 /. ·i:;• !) ... ,..,"~·...-fi'o,r ••' ,_.. ~~.1~&.Mh1 de 11:;, ~ 1! • .. <•r....,.._a.ayt1x"~ '·'~.,.,, .....,._..,"',,'ª"~w•• .-..u1 ,.,.,.....,. ,,.,,,.., ,...,....J .. "' - '""'"··· ,.n,.. .-. lb.,... '""' ..., &..I• =~ A l...H ........... ftrljJ. ,.,~ ii ""'- r !.!; -o / -.: ~ -=,.. = , ~-- ::. i " $ " ..... ..,u. r ,,.,_.,,. ~ ii ;, !~ Uo- -- "" --:e - ,,... / e· X e ~, ~ -~ f Pt l( ..Vt\.'.J• rJ.M ' ''' .-" e;; ;;'~ E ; "Ó E"~ - P6a -- \/ V\lCot. ,~. ' ¡.,..,",..., ,.......... ~ ..... - ... ~ :. ....._,, -_.,, 1 ~ ~ ..: ~ - i ~ ' .: .. -... " r,.•....._,....-w 't-'w• • ....,." P.S f- r.1..A~ .. ,r__,.,..._i\"'' P.4 t¡ ,,.,..,\j .- ~ P.6 P4 G\~ ~ (.~""-"'(~ ""'"'f'\"CJt 1l1.: ".. ~Jtml.'WW'61."...\ t ..., J~ .,- Cltb._-..•>U._\.I 'Ó L"'°1Jt ./M.lf ,,,__ • P .7 P 6b tJN•t lfL.,,..;''IJl-C-,\'• -.a. /•r.ttt 14"\l,A .:! "'~~ 1• 1 ..... .., •• ., "f\°'ot,t<' 1)t-...cl1~rt • 1 ,• J 1 c.. ._ ;;: l.!" - " · - l.j ,.,..._...,...,- lnt ...""""'- ~ .'é. ..!;- 1-- ••• "~\l.!l•·tl\J V , .,....,...., 1._ "4ríj fl'9 1~ 1 1 6 107.0NAT!ONS ."......,.... 1 1~l i - f<C.1..1'. . t.1•• ,.._._1. .••h , • •• h • <1t t ~ 1-.C.é\.,('tf' 14'.••• • b 1 1 1~1 t1....... 't>'I 1 I•1 ' ' t .,:~..,.,., <~ !_• llu ! :- ; 1~ .: , 1 I •l ;~ ¡ 1 f~ ' .. 'f .......... . . . . ....,. ~ I· • ' i 1 '· ,, -- ! ~ i ...... ... ... l .,.. .,•• .. ¡ • 1 J l J. • • /'«•: -- - ...... ,.,.,........ c.~ """C"-...... -.\,: "' J .(,.....,-..c.ol l.f'CJ('lnllll' No.- umt 1JJ bri-iill04' l«GIC rti.1.l lC t.~&JrnJtowlc.CM»M • 1, M~ 1 ( • • ,.,. • ._ ..._. 6' .. , ,. .....,.......,.~ tA 11J111,1 •)p.,........,...._, f ''"" .~ ... &.. '-''~ C"' Nr •• •~ t ~ •tUt ~ man), Mom;o1·el/o occ/11sa (Loeblich & Tappan), /gormo pu.silla (Dolli), /¡¡orina laev/gara (Bolli), lgorinu 11icoli (Mar1in). lgorinll a/JJ.orr (Cushmnn & Renz). 1Wu,;l•oglobiRi'n'na rnckanaii (\ Vhi1c). S11bborina ''elascoen· su (Cushma sensu Bolli. 1957) and />/a11orotulites troclseni (1.oebtich & Tappnn). In addilion. 1his bio1on< marks 1he firsi ocurrcncc of many 1ypicaJ >pecies oí the Lowcr Eocenc induding Moro;:,ol'e//a subbotinae. Moro;O\·el/a ma!'llinodelllata (Subbo1 ina). M oro;O\•el/a gradlís (Bolli). Moro;ow//11 <f. /ensifomris, /¡:orina lodoeJ1s1s (Mallory), Muricog/u/Jígtrina soldadoe11s1s (Rronniman). Muricoglobígeritta a11g11/oso (Bolli). M11ricoglobi11errno tsnelrensis (El Nakkady) S11bbo1i11a /Íllla· .vi. />/anorotalltes elongata (Gla~~ner) Planorotu/Jtes tifl pseudoscí111/a and Chi/ug11e111be/rna subrriangularir Beckmann. For tite incc:r\':tl bet\\'CCll 1he last ocurrcncc of P. pseudo111(111ard11 and the fir~r ocurrcncc oí 1\f, suhbo1111ae. Rerggren and Millcr (1988) u<ed 1hc .lforo;ove//a \1e/ascoensis BiolOnc (P.S). J/. l'elascoens1s is noc "uirnblc as indo fosil in 1he Pyrcne<:< ~u~c 1his ;pe<:ics i~ rare at thcsc latitudes and in Ol ht•r more shallo\v Pyrc- nees se<:1io0> M. 1·1•/(1Scue11s1< has no1 been found (Ca- ¡..: < ¡..: "'z_ o~ V'l ~~ ~ ;¡; E; 95 !:!" oz <>: ~ u :i: "' 8' ~ ~e :.; <( f- ,, z f..Ll u o .., f..Ll ::> 30 > > 2 <>:z ;§ < o z o. :a sis. This biolOnc was originally propo;c:d by Berggrcn ( 1971) and modified by Canudo and Molina (in prtsS) for thc Pyrenees. Ri•marks: Thc 'ludic:d in1erval "-'lends only imo the IO\\'Cr par1 or lhc Pseudohastigetilt(l \Vi/cuxen.sis Bioronc. The lilhology consi•ts of ahcrnan1ing grey lime<ronc and marl la)e~ in 1hc: IO\\'cr pan. i\lorozo,•rlla, Ar:ortninu sp111u/oinflata, Planorotalites and s pírc subbo1inids auoin rcla1he highly numbcr$ in thc l™er pan of 1hc biozone. Sj"'H.-cies \\Ílh greater 1l1an 5670 abundonce in thc lo"er pan of 1hc Pseudohas11geri110 'º"' Low·high l>1itudc 111dcx group ~ 20 2.S JO 35 )()'JI ~ ~ 60% ~ 40 -~ -= -- H 32 30 26 24 .g 2• 23 23 20,j c. 18 e ~"' D(/in11io11: l "his biozonc deíinci; the in1cr,3J be1'"ee11 1he first ocurrcnee of 1>seudohas1igeri11t1 h'ifcoxensis and 1he fir~t occurrcnce of A1nrozo,·e/fa aragonen- ~pi..'Cie.s d1...-crsity ...J < Pscudohasti¡¡erinll wl/co.<ensis Biozonc Pl3111.uc íor:uni111fer3l ¡a V'l J.J. 28 cr -.; Q 42 16 :: ..J ..."' f..Ll "'"' > 8 nudo, 1991). The origina l conccpt oí thc "Globorotolra" aeq11a Biozonc of Luierbncher (196-1) corrcsponds to 1he P6a Biozone oí Berggren and Miller (1988). For the Pyrcnees the Morow..ello aeq11a lliozone has ~n modiíicd by Cunudo and Molina (in pres:;) corrcsponding aproxin1111cly to PS and P6a Biozones. 12 OUJ 19 ll 15 , ..::._ -- JJ 11 11,.: 10 "' ::;¡ 8..1 ~... f- ~ ÓUI 3í ~u UI ~ S..I •)• 1 o fig. 4 Plnn .. lt( fonmini(craJ blozon..tlon. run fUram1n1f('Jal dl\CJlil)' 11nd IO-cr·hl.lhtt l.Uil\ inda srour:i in thc ~be b1ggn- th.ln lOJ 11n1 from Zutna)'I. sa:cion l-1J1, ~ .- 8101on1tdón de foDnurufnoi pla1lC1ón1COJ. numtro de" e¡pca..-11 d< (OT3m1nlft'1os phinctórucos) \ilf1:tdón dt'l 1ndK:t" baja -a.ha~ lauru~ ck b. (r.acclón nta)vr de 103 _.n¡ en la IC«iÓn ck Zuni:a)11. Rt"'. Sot Gt'O/. l;)¡JDhO. J, 11·11 //991/ ,..... ii; fU..o ... M ...1A'"\n.J~ a·•M,. t""-"llt , •••,, f\J. $ ~,,.."'~~. w,..• t-k'"'''ª•'"'-" « ..., t.ortw tnA rbn..,t•"• J<' la lt.,;,,.,, n•"H Jr lJ1a:1.o,~ 1 (4' .... I f"'• ... ""'1We J.f /.~ .._,\''"'~~' U•cwot ...,,. ,,N,\:o•<l.\.1 t\~V\. ''"~·l vn\J rf tr•nl)\vl\.·., ,\tom~,..vt\J ~r;\1LT~ ,.lnrrM'"' "'' '*"-~\(\1hw Jrz.:..,cufn1t. "Jw1ru~c\J,c1.nrv 1.11(~.\J. ~ S'.t.\\l\,(\1" '"" ...illtt1wn"n..w"°"'"ltualCl1,,n1-..,r 1• ,.. .., W'\.••·~ ··A.'t"UA:-'"'.."'OutJ ~mt-.,\&1'1 .,\-~· r lt~ ~~·\V\lfl\Cr'l•\J »h\""~' ~I JP.!'C"•'-C' lb:ATI ( 1 \ Ol 1• r.~ rt'('(>Vll\C' 1n 1hf l"T('llnc W>d a<>· "11>¡--:(Mr • ~in~ nnr. '" 1hr 'lru1ll "1bn11c 1h: J._uu-.\,f...J•...':,tt.nru N.t..\...,vrn,..-.,, ll1M:nr '' cqw'°' Lt.'C' t._...,. ¡m:ull) l<J;AtLI..'\! 111 lt OÍ <UIJ 1:.0.."'C' ltJ< Jnd a.•u.111• 1h h.tu•JU) .,.1lh :t~ 111~1)11U IJ<V<\:>ll<'l\J SUl\\\lf1•\H' \l~•"<'\I 4'\JWlv.<~sO"C.;:il Ul(\(lllltl•H~"tn;t.C' .. 1lh 111< l';tlC\'.I •m< l('\'C1>C t>.-.1r>J""' f1'1lmul 1nr a~d l•JIUh••h·•. 1') S; Bc-r¡.irtn Jn:S '-'• n, t•Ji~l · t'' ,:111CTL1 •·•" ""> i.tdft1 t·t~"._. .:c..~~rdM.~1111 ... ht_" tt•: lü1._,u1r.:r-kttl a.> hut10C1n ,. Ir.di \..T..>( \J 'f'l'\\u1t.\rJDu \.."'\!tuJJn ..-.11, finl , .,...,,,,1••--c P. ,.,\\ b&.t IU :tir' P)ltl•.:!1.-~ /' rodd ~fWJS IV« l ,u ol "-"' IN ..t.O( M.'\\l.\\t•!Jt\ I:<>.~•• 111 ,,n n ti tt r.Jcn-a' i:...-.mJ..i• 1 mt •r•n íhicn lh- l•~"' "'1tic lk• · ) J1m ''' 11>• NI.\' c>t ·~°' 1"'" -. ..a) "'-T~ ,\f,.m;t•.'t'\\. 1,\.a14,wn11\11.tnl\.~t (In t"oi1:~ llt, l'J·~..I bl T.:" ur lh: llctJun •l..-: (111 JliJ 'l.(huil\ 19'<11 " ~... .it·>\1>Jl1""'"' '.iw ~hnr 11n lkrtirtn tf ""º .,,... ._1(. ¡~,~. ~I fin: ni 'll' ~ ll1N1>nt tln \1~11 n1, lll"ll ~1 fu-., oí 1t.: '"""'"" •••,,, nn """"''" t9'1 'I ÍI 8;.., u( lbc \fT<"'IU1 >IJJC ( In lknmm '1 ..l, l'Jl<1 ti R1<e> M CI ,, 2"' l .tt 8:11~ m ..J 'litcT. l~hl hl "'"' vi ue111n s.- u;r<n rn-' \hllcr. IY.>Y• lhi: 11·n~4crr.~ .1,,,.._-=--,Nt •.:t. 1h• ctr1cm11r"''•·1, o( 1hc f'J' ~1 .. t•.c- l•Jl:1h"\.~C· l ~un ~-~1.11. fur1011r. "Tl1' h111r•JM\ k.1 e·• .cuJ u1h...., .r ...-11 '"'"ª'J b: J.., 1•111ru1J> "'J1tfá\: 11 ..,1111<1• ........r rulc\:u· 101:-p.; 4lll JI)! "''"~'ni b1.»l1 ..111111.,11.. u1J <ln<•lu· ,.,,, ~1...-ho; «rcl>• In Ohkl to> 11rtJ .i rt.ll<lfl.I • "º" l,.;.¡,-..11tu:? c::uH1JIUJ1t\ llK'lt ..Jlt" .1~t11t.:1 ..J1,J ... '"G• >l:lltrlt dJfcrr1ko tt1 ll.c .!rlir.toun of 11,.. P..Jco,,.... .... l:oc~c>to.n611) i'lfd üittt Is n.."< 1tu1 , .. 1rr(Tn..,1K"C1J.ll\ '"'-.:>r""• a 6:hn~1·<" <1 ~c 11> a:-,·"'r•N rh ... d1tr~t1 ,,.,< ru fo¡ lht tu" or 11>¡- 1 !><fr>I' luo< """. utCJ ••' lr,trd k(QwJ, "''""1 uf lho..4%1 'A: .;or,>.!c'r, (cu 111: """""' .-r 1111...u.1> '" rw1 .,r 11tc r..1w....,,<· h~ .... h. Jt..'lf'I ll) l '°(\<f ruo~cm ... 11 '" ((( ..1 IL.JI: 1 ~ J1flC'l\:'•t nrii -''"' ) " •(' C"t.:a J1tt111fcr.1l "1\ll"tr' O•t lht .J.\""'""': .._.. f 1h-: ,,.11ru.111 :v 1r.v1ruU11> llt< Purv.c-.c-· l(>."'1< "úuaJu > ~1.J 1 ' mm "~' o11u•1<d 10 (0•1<1~" "" 1 e 1 \O ur P ~, r. , .......... Cl~•llt. 10~;... r~un;u .. m. l/Hl l.u1crbkhtt. l ..... '. "'"'I ~n~ \ltlk 1. 1'1.U! 11.,..<"<f. tt~ 1 \0 (oC'UCta..l)', c.\l11t..,tri..'IC1 (tlln\11.,, '".r \J :11 •n~"""'1t""w ,,_ \ '~ ,,~ 1 •• , , ,,...,., .., Rtv Sor. tit'OI úp.¡Au, J. 0·11 (/WJJ ''-"'t.IU.. •ut.AM1,tíll.A'l ~~AL T\! l~Ul l'1<W'o.\11Jtl&~lú\1 u ln.Sci; dl.l•m t}o«:( bQttUb1y d""' r.01 for 11>t l';)lfo«n:· a¡¡pe:1 1 1u ~ '"rf ~ynduo­ ~"""" ~.... an<! h~ b1i:ul: rq;;.t.Jtd (C'- d o.1•• 197JJ, 11nd "llcfítl .H.•.,;~ 0«u1s «X!lrton}}' 111111t Palcoceu· Eo..~M11.111111on ofthn ror«cil ~ re~ o•d h IJ rnr wrrmon ~u1•4c oí cqn«•:~ial rqp;n~ C'l).;)JCOlll n>moki<~l vl)r'«TJ ~"'t pl~ rhc f':1.. klxc'I « 1:°""1 e tom ~ ry nt 1 u N 11'9.N r 11> b-0 t.ntl.l tJ', wM..""1rorrcl11.-1~ 11>< 111;> ol 1h:'tib w.W· « ••1uu m,,,.o,,..Clló aC, l<JS:S). In 1hc C'•npoK..> NJ& ttd(. 1919") IJld 'üJr~ l«lkas.. llM l"P'N''f'IO lloindiary om.Hl bcl<1A 11>1 llnt oein-r""" oí f'uu.:.~ ~•< Md ndr etc bu ocurttn:cor .\/, •"'1sl'oM· m (1<9 ar Mo~"lr ......'1.lrotdrs BIMJoe of 111J cwlioc •hl l.ulcobutltr. 11131). nerd:I u mpontm ~t~~ ~n$ •1Jy1.ul bcn!IT.c l~nlrlf~I f><Ur<11on, ,,.,... , 11>< l'•k«'ni:·Eo«tt lxnr>Jar) (T)Jhnu •nd l..cfur.au1, lll3J> tOJldllcilt ... i1h ''" tlBl-BBl llC!l.H>~Y or BctJ¡fCl ln~ MJlltr (111391. Tbb e-cm IJ l'ftUnl K lA.lt1¡,)11 <Oml ~r» Md>lrlp" l'C"l<IOJI ('Omn11<1CM>lnl •• th: um¡k <surplc 13J irmrouu1y hd"" tl.cdi~...,¡u:mn l:Yd. Tllk ~te'ha:lrca ¡, mir.atl:u ~ >iJ11iriu1i'"' <htnJH ia ~n\lic (011t11ulftt abLOdlllo..""CJ (11c. t ) ,ll)j lU ~ «ut1ci>.."'C or /¡.M~ I• the Zun;,y;. K'1•o• lb< pb."tfllC1ll S..-v tl>c l'>)«'(:(~>l)C<f.C k><.n:l.J)' "-" k~• ti><~" u("" it1.nn111lmal •ctt>lldd su.. ~:. li"'"'n thc ;1rAIM)pc> o( P.J~"''' ~<S.,,~ tOI tti¡iuJI) <iUNi>lltd «1 lhr bQJÜ ol ¡Qlk1I; rrJ ~O:liíll . .iM h .s cttncul: oo rro>&nltt prrol({y • '(> k SUIC$ NOll"" .Je l11tl<)~ro.....-n11V"~>: u•m rcr~1 '"' fonrul ...., ... ínr rdaw1~ rod. &..'\d um:. •li nn<rl el"""' to • d110l)~lftntcr~hk utl1 su;b ..U I~: F\11..oemc Of Eo.."'dc 01 o~ or lu VJt>Jl•tSlOrlJ, "''IS"'1 fOf ld!Utff \'re'Clflll « fl<lllJlll U.a,Jt. S~lf(J Q;OJl> .$e""°n or .UI lmcpct<Jcm c-,d,_ lb•"'•ratls.mftli:.. ~l>l•&PPhC Ard dim>O'ltrll'yrte;hk)., lUtt th101>.>•lri.C.1¡¡1~ILC urtu ta.~ ~ 1tt0:,tlud in lle ruutn: P~~·l!o..'ftle 1rn• si1i:t1. l. fu ,.~tt$lln s:~ Al'd def<1td In lkCgsvm ltl lbtJl)o< {O fMOttllcly d((J?All(< .,..,ti Jnd c1""f de~·~ (OUrsou, I~~. Witcrr" rl~, lflfl), 2.. TI>< n.t.. l'(lln "' ~"'-.' dríln<J m F.~J in >'*'.J(rYo d..'tf IJltl dJ.\lk dc;¡a•lh (RaC\icr, 13H. C.><l<-t a.r.J ~tol. Cl~rr<p "''"~I nr.(! l)Jr:l!<DIQl)VC (Clrnl"' ll"Clinl1). PIJnl..tic ~.runif:no ly¡ic#. or ,\lo'<O;.uM11o ,..,\.,.,.,.,,• ,,.... ¡ M~.\'U W>~is llíurroc (P.Ñ) of llcr¡:. ¡tm 111d Mlltc. (l!'®ll hivt bro«I rt\"V&nl~ In 1111' \1~dlc llcnJltn J.U<l ltc)T'\' ((.~rv:». l!>ll; \ 1:-llNJ tr ot, ~~ 1-''#lt. Th: lk::fan in thc ~\l.-tyrc or C.rtp0 C>Otro.Ncili 10 •~-o b"ó).)-llncs: Morowovi& ""l.., lhd PS<-"'do.\wtisrfi.•O ..J.~mtrís. t't'l't'11b r1Hs.1t .sdlm:U110 rro>&nltt coc11y 11lf llrn1bn b;o}( ·~ rh<'=' ~>OO. bc«iutc IJ '"6" $;>. nmcifcn ha.\'t - ban fu:nd, • n! d= u no in!lo~I t-i~tt rrom far.111~ or st\llme.110~ s1u~ wtik~ ..,,ll);j sur90n wmh1lol\ Hqoo°'" \'(<, .~¡() ni;ro-,Vtroto}:ip~ dJI& ..d.-<' IMI •he bJ.lll' e( thc" ~b;y rt-i u etc l<r"'"' post of Lk MWW»•d\J ~W' Bio.olo: ..,Jiu de a.iJ~c l'Jll o( ~ tlVu'rirod,.f'IM BAlOtt. C'urmnl). tlM lmcrl'Glooll Sux001rúson on ~ lco¡rn< S•r.ullJ'I~ p•«d 1~c l~'-"tnc·I <X<r(' t:omd.ory ~~ 1hr T!unc:can :uJ Y;<qi1n º"'''° Tir ll:1Ji.ln i:1 no: u>aJ .&> • >lenJ..uJ >!>~>in:.< '~"' M.dtrc lll:l llcnlhn <1•Uhp ... ;,h thc ''llltúll bJI l'tC' E.uly llu~n Sf\lTIS & SJP bct'"WO ·~ Tlw°ltQI ,.,r1 ''1>•<5'l'1M111 noc rqircwotcd In 11nt ot1he C.ropan rN N>• d~wat .,,~,i CMolmo ~• oJ,, 1n ¡vr<J). 5. rA :-l AL Tt"RNOV&R rl:t>klk 4onoinkr1 mh.-;o1< >tpT.f""'"' CTTI"1'(<1' rncaull d\tnJ)o d:.zir.« thc Pllr:-o-.o:n< .u'~"' ¡.cr;;•'l'" h~ diluib.UJOn s1u!id '-'lrti:d o~ ~ Bocff"-" ~r>J PrC':no~H·~ (19w) nd Prcmctl·Sil'r.l 11d 8-lllla 1t~1 <>llk:,1cd Spc.>,""C• d1<l11hy ~11C"rm"-lll ~llo ~ 1Nd '" in:f~ o1 ch1"'t "11h 1(1A ~<* 4"Tf'Íty &°<"Cr=°:I)' &.\ "°'iat<d " i lh rorl. •.11d lqth 6 ''C1fity ~ v.vrr.n tm>rcr-11< [() t1t1.;k1I u"irormtr~. V.'t cnJTímd spcc.cs di'·mllY f\l?l:nu il rho :r~ ~on as cku~ ~. Co.a¡:wts¡)n <r..111 « ~(T , 111!10. h<1A'f'r. _, J1l1t;lfl. ~u~of dlífrr1ni wl:ri"o:<>cc¡-c. !Yf dlífm::r w lh("<"l md rhr p•curv>· 11M.J c»r>Jitic1ru ,.t.,ct, p-cvcr4 dbccs ron1un.,.1.Qn FÍ· ¡urt S s~~ Sl>CQ(S ri<fll>CJ.S d~~ 111< Lllc l>.Jk«ltr,(' w EulJ .lloccr"' o í Z1.tmf1. No lelllf etcr.J ""°'*' S«r> (1)( 1~ Palroccr>c llo..~t <ourd>r)' rmr •¡Qn <?OOC¡;t .. 11-rQ nlcl:le ~11 ol 1hc 1'»!+. 1.. d J. Th: ll«llllo !Ult 1>J.S dd"a«l lo :lpJJn (P,rclledl In slul»., ~111:1 md llm~"º (ll o11in.itr ud SQwb. 1%<\ l'»Jl. Tlle llc •Try ndul ír¡: fctl.y111 v.1~ 1~ r"\> c1.. 1cr-t.-llcr, 1tUJ. R~ly, ).1o:..n• <t oI " sr«lcs rkl mS'l Is (I~), M svn>l lu• pr<Kticd tlO\> trrim!(lllMJ.!Oloi~ :ud l'UIO>r!li~Ull,c.rJ.l)tlt JJ.IJI oftU l~l/1 SllllOl)l'C tJC fon.nutlfc111or1tJC> A1Luu <110 3 lul1..Sntl ~1>$~ thl'Aº, m1:.d lc. hl¡M. TllQ lhtrA'fd tt:rl d1trmm ""*"" ,,., '-P"..n\tl.: 1- Jd 1 .... . ~ J.t ....,.y.-.t'I'- ~· •""" 1~1 .....,... ~u ..« SJ,--, , a:.a.t. \'t-MG'J.1'~!l ~lltal6 1Q.Q~~~....,.. ,,...,.., ...,~, . ...-~...... ~-- in vtich 1n :-(in.ipl ~· as.s<O•· ) $.~~.. ,..u,.--..~ )b,.un ~ ~IJ ' Ac-t~'°"''W ,..\J¡it C"• 11 V~ ~11 .s -C.. CUl>_i-MWm•n ·~ .~10...._.,......~""'IW" R».· mc, Sé írt fP<CX$ tkh1C>.f OCC un l:C a cbwoluli!'n tc.-.1. ~¡,sz,.¡i ll!d B-..n. Cl9S8') j;l:á.rpcd rtm k· ,.....,4 ~ tr<tXs hll'C (tlfrrrr¿ l<fY'1<11Jlle>< '2r#:S 1ir.J Ü·~ lhcu d huiwlkn>I runcttd ~•< tc!>1r:<! 10 lulr•1drr~ tl><I DJI p:lr::ih Utd <Qlf'r Wl&~' r«i)<ltl« l lmc ~ul!O!S Ó>~ <ri""-1 ll.cOC!ll;< AlllJl1¡¡- Lom>c .,.,l ct IN»\ b)• ft?iiHc i. fou mruftnJ ht¡h d"Tiii1~ u<J de>rrlnu.e<. ~ }"'~ ~ thc!r ICfp~ rrrrn:nn'1U! ro1>111 ibJr 11>< '""T' pln o1 s~'" (,1<><11\11,< ro ;,. . ¡,,.,, .,,j 1tl.s el»•• w.uab 1~1"'"'1<-Eo<<f'll' mn~uon 111 l(n~l ·~~ rm1ud bJ c:b 1l•TI) ("0<1I u>ectJ~nr~ ...,," rru.u l.S l'nJ1h-d 11)' ti>: •1¡11 at:urAllll~ or ,.,... ipft>l SlbrollnN (tidl &:111iuk W«Íd)~~ lh: Ul1'Cf twt P/ E cwuWon b) ..-~110 ro 1crr~ "l ' « 9'•'• 11¡_q M n1!imltd tht' M(Vn.'VM~(llt'f;Ó.':1! •~l;ird •ilf rtbri•TI, blf)l phnUx ÍOrlDlnoknJ >C)<(IU~\'Ct'• uy tlS·lOH 1 !¡} ~ .mJ 51. Thr f111m1 a..'fu(ll)U.On JC'N\.t. Jt PJlcOa.-~('o. Eoca>t bQm:l:\:~ tnmh~n umo l l)lll 1.1 /Jilm:q" "e " Q;X(nlcd 11)' l lthll•Tly gm!UlAdlll'~ lá.,..,...~I' f'(>rTt(, tJl).Cill l~~n: la.\J llld ll(;punll' l)¡Jt;;al t•oan: rb.~ . In 8ftn:>l, tl.crt> 11i< 1t"' ,..,.,,,, n1D1h<r ..r ~ pcr g(n<D. ""-~ /ff>""" .. 'ch~'" " W<· cid(/, p•,i\'~ l. /l...,1~ J K1roll 1t1d I, a'.'1<JT1). rS ll'lc PS.!<on;il.i<ítts ~"""'""'' lllorcnc..'" in Mo ~'"'rl\J _,.. BK>l•m< m~ oN.y Plr(u,<qfw11'~w ~.-'<u.,wlS 1 ti. ILW.!llU) " l!lor:ac. 11 .s úlltmil"' 1\.tc 11K m >!o• •mf4i11•~·~nm•"' •~ l!lb nrlo .,r l&.o.ll<a 1:J111..Sc indo."°"" or Ptc rt..oll li/\.,. and lk'lcOlN (19f 8) «lfl'l(1drs "'Ílh ac p,Jf'C.l('(no:--Eoc-mt , r.IT,ll~J Íh ·~ ,..,l&)t )C'(ff~ l.o'• bli1u.Jc ""'Jtrn 1111?1cr '~ \";»)• t'av.ca1~1n~ 6Qt • el ibc ~Jllh;<: fvr"Ortlfm :n•:r1btlj.C'. Hl¡tl I• tiud: 0>01 • <i«r \;'C'ti:s 'Oll)' «1""""11 ~ '"~ ~ n IAt- fCYAtt JG:ll 6Í tl)( 1~&/'N.'1'" #t\1\\J lS>AJ:Ott. bJ1 lfoc9 !h.,Py f fOfl U"° 10 k:ss 4SC:. 1n 1h: ni4!J<' p;in od .\f,¡rv(<ltd\J ihuOJ<'. ~ ""'""·~;>1tr s;-«ln rn:tc.U<' Ir ~tJJnfa<tt f('CbJh·~ ir>.!i<'U.<' •';Ir· mn.¡.• in I~ .l\11Jrr.>: ttit.f ·llll1u1K.. Fi1u11 S rnd'.aw'.d 1h>1 Or< n( ih<>< IO'Alh~h lotr· c:d: nr.!l> ~l:ap::> ., u h1~ 11>"' nfll:!< d«r(':\~ 1c lhc tlc WA iprnl •t.brotlllOJ (¡rmp &1.1h111fl'C'DCl16.'0 lcr •~l(r cnnpc-t.uurcs ( l'mnttl S.:V,, ;in.! 8..'<flmJ, ¡m_ llUC't\11H~ i~·cm<:>:& S<l\'I, 1~11). Al 1hc .l• m" )'), \tt1Ít'U lkft' 11 ~ >'Ut¡l IJ«rt:lrl< n • butdl fll."\' ('QI.,_ ci!.cnt "ith lhr ('Xhon.t.lcdsO)JllOn ln<'I N 11>< um: """' IU "'~"" ...,ICT lf:Ull mn:a;m.d,t11 f(';l n :rh.rr>· <ltr>.'C l"br ~n:lin: ur ~ 111rrd Hl!b:WJl~c«n<o~ -.i1h t'I< <..~¡1~1"'~ ol • h< O.'dMo.•\Jl.7<dn. ra101.9 'JI "h;h •upe>I 1hu 1hcy ttll) thrl•r rn <<:>dcr • ~1"'1n<rts sr.Olbr >.~.\11l.eo:111lcls J"l 1 ci1&lll';'<>n1>.-rn.t) ~~·" •'~ A'Uttl"'. Tb<CA1kitMt0b(>\u Bh.r.tduic< In Ú < Ü.lll1};J M\·U>ft ¡, S<ll<' I:\\ <'tll"' lh"' S~•. C«q¡I 91 tlt> tpf'(r rur\ OÍ lJMi<;.CM'1'1. MIW B»l<oc. "t= P<'fl\ at._.rc1.,1x or l(I\'> ;, ra.él><d '<u !U 1011 of ,\fdn:nu.y.,\'o _..,. B>J.1or.... In tilo lllJ ~lc ~n oí ti..> b.OlO<oC •.letr ¡, ~ 1<rm-.J uf lll'Ofli <V· "'1••·11: .t.iuchr~. 111.t.1 «old ""~""lc:S a ~rmy;h ... ,,,_ CC'O. 1 h< IJJr P.l)fQ(cn: J)O'Nll .,..,,,mn~ trtru1 rhu <0lnrru1<d 1111tlf f;'l rly F.o«nt ., rh: .. u ucs111}l<r•>I of 11>< rorlrr C<m: o.: ('\'11« :mJ F.b!b.Jnh, 19.fH. hu: lle ílu~nuuo r'c! .i tilt ll!:ur.J-t o1 ¡4>nk· t.; fnnui ;uf:n w¡¡cv. tlinll>(.:triJJfat6In 1h lurcn.I • °Th< b¡.Sf oí MOIOb74'J.'" Qt\lW Bk>lonc ;,.., tctiud tr1 ""' "bthr<:''"f:d ., e~ do.-.nrr:ot.t .>t«lt~ Mo,. ..-n• ~l~t >rt rite ""-lint ot viull 111~·,.\~ foll"''~ ~ i""7ft1'1'1! at•Jn~r«" ní fuA ·i pfftd \Ubb<Jliudt.. Th h ..,...,.'" >l(il(SlS • t mc o( ChJRJ< ,...., l.l.c dj«uon oí ttbll•d) <0<11 "~lcN . .1\ s'orl Y~flll fff.:>IJ ;Jn be ..tcmllltd 1:.1'::.c 10..."<f ~1 o( V c»om· ~ tf\J Of\i'U 11 Bio-ten< Tho UU!Or t<Ttrhk f•Jnll 1~rr<>•n •I 11.<- l'.Jk\> (t nc/Eb..~t t nn\:J'A.Jfl 111ICf\;i), In th t l.Ltrl~'J. ~1011 "irmtdia1cl) bdm et... Clb<qj1111m .C-'tf. rorl><>lli1111 ,. ;1 11 lht rmuru.rn f...ito1lhrla....blr1wc trma. ThcS ríOl'<JIQtt: b< e\XIO('ll<a ro 11>: m.Jdl<- ¡urt of M() lll:Xl'MUl><\lW 80t\."<>I' tB111·88? tloJr>i1M)1r.XOrd.n, 10 1j•hru lllA lo)mrnD (I~)) lm;llC\ a dfil•ai:.c <!;:: 1hu 1ool< phcc "ilho11 • rTJ aw~t 11p1r .. arr. t~morcclu.rttd i1I wrf'"'1< ,.'tl.<Ncf rll: /\· lit. N<ofltng 1n Bcri ettn 1nd Ol.wn (l~l 1t..• (Ou)J h< Gl.lli.t\l lrJ lllf (t<N(lliM Íll lhf «(l ilil'<iUYI• ~r•-tr ira oí bulr~~I Jnd ~'!')~~• b<nrhrc k <"lftinlfc "'"fil o hy ,.. ~u.e or r<h"'"'> cooi.1 wñaoc v.~ formt'd n th: n~('(JI N n:vc¡¡un.G1ttr/"'1d Se.. Tht m ul: QÍ rh<oc f\~r<t f1UJ he: th< t\JS'"..J llC >U•fn<l ílt>.-,"111ttl\ lhll O.."CUr-:d R U >Wn IJmr prnod bcf4('(n lhc UI)• prtn'~ .-,'""""" 11>J ~ F..xc:it (Htqtr ai, 111871. n~ mnlC ittj)OllJIII .,..,....,, .. J)<riod 1. r/..>o"<: • llt UJ'P<• rurt or MO!<PWM\J 111'41>1 01\Ntn< (F.c.$). vt~ r: aburAUlC< o( thc::-< li a po k •hrn<.lrn~ .,, "'""''"""'""· DtA "'"'·' .a\w .SJ\.,14\;oylm> liO<ltor. Tbr<e ta\l w:: UOS4Ql ,,,. dc:H 1nt! 1~ci1 rr;¡n1I~ 1110 tieli .ndna n be tO· m lJr rd ,.;111 cht111< 1; """''"ª~ ( Prcmcti Sih.1 ;it.JJ &.'CT\ITI&. rseJ~ "4X'O<d•ru io ~"' 01.11m1 tk ,~. 1 ,,,.. ...,, cY<U llT),"<IJ $..v.lnJrf((TII 'od\ ~t()' 3rof>)<UC"IO11lc fil"' lm au111tm ;rnd d>cx11blly <h;int:d ~Lon '"'~ rd.m d :o <n'"'--oi ~r li)\I><~· lcmll IK\rYrl)'«ttiloucJ b) a~.i oc...~hm 11.-.i r<· ~.rrcd In " llJc>cfnc of 11.c .imospl- ..i1 h CO:. In f.l;i, 'º"'""""'n ur.J 1hc f«>dn~ ot ~e c:o, _.rd k °''"' of 1hce:i1bor"1!f dr"'rhtiOn imc,...óll :r.J u l'l:\!•J· m i 10 <uu}J P.~< CQUJIOr ltnspC:JIUft' emJ~d f4 '·""' L ~ fccww.•kn 1 . ... : ,\\.\,\'.\\I""'°" , , ,.......,.. IMCllU'l'lt-iJ. ~W ll.aa;tef /)_r.<tf't• l 1.i 4. \J>w'M'\"" t10U • w1"_.1"u• HM>,1 )IKM1• , • ..,,4 "6 J u4 ~ ' la.•W.&...... M . . ,.,~~.... f l«• ,. ~\ \1 M.W 1 ¿ex;! t. ''-i."""'1 t(._~..,_. , l Rl~.r). \.t.KU'• .f~ ¡ JJ • ._,.... f(l ~~" ·~#VU (Ct.ttft.t .... '44Ct.:.:a ~-.:.f ,,,...,,._""y · ~ ,~-"'"' ¡,,.,., ·•ril'C\I sul()(tlm<.I, ~ ~n~ 41 ¿,_..,..,,.. l.f ~ Ct~ IJó CIUJ.< of thc rc,'.¡¡tnr alJUtdlllt< Of lht ¡:bnl ble fonml• ~1rm tpcda or lv- t..ihwu In llc~PP<i ~·uf ¡,s.,. fOJ»~No ...-q~ Oi=n: ID •no1 ti(< Ktfllf~ Kmt.ett ud S1«1(19911Clifrn 1h.11 mio::áon o( •-:wrua1n< bol· tom ••.:ucr roull lu'e o:iL<kd ~lluc 011nt1lo· lll: el th< l'lolt()¡'(<l( In lll Mllttlt: lo0lirun1&r)• K> (¡Jm<a. Thc OJIOf.)J131bcti.,d <r«ie'J (8Trup ll) ,.,,,_..u cn· rkt~ OAJll<ll IS«Ofic valJcund '~" r>0.11 C<11lcttd tti· ton -.,OlQl!k ll1Ml1.. loo illb icbm i1t a.buHl.ln•• c~n tic ulo(d •• ndi.n 1Qf lll 0.• )l!m nmlrwm k~U>c (Bomma ard l'rtm.;.11 Sll•"J. JSISJ. 1919'). l'f<*' t ltt tt)p of Mo.rllbJuJ.\J Dt\"IUV fhoronc ct.c•tt '"'1S 111 ili1'°'1.. 1 í'C'•t or 1his aro~ ¡FlJ. •). n... sh.lrp =r~ 11dl011Q 1h11 ., .. O~ )J.(O mlnif1un o 1h-., $¡,Un J I ra11 (,,,¡,>:r.J, ·A"I\ J'"KOI of tlu f';il!O«n"Eo«Jx 1><7moiiry 1mr 7.arttl )'J uai;n • his Q._\)'f;M fUitifft:ITI (0Vt• l'OOIU1ll ro.Al bt mnc'.ll to et~·~"'º' .Ud""',,.. ~ llJ'llltl<1wln o( lh< >U:f*"' ""lf•m.iss 111 ct.s inln• ·~·- ~"'V'" IJíOlOOt<lJ< du111C1cn1td trt Jb.J f)Ju>0< Tl<i< i.J. 1tf"'f S ~b)y «l.!lfd ti) ( O}Ctt>Jll o4 CWI Wllffl or. '41ba!i:~dr rq.., s;lrtd s"!t...rntd• co« r,;,,., «nr<:cTil:.&tJt .. ~.lid"' nlll~ arid a,;:m1:h::g of < NE A1IJJ11lc In !lle rui.IS'c f\lrt o4 1~ Mom_,,.rl\> at;'\w lllN>Jn< 1i.: to ...1>1l1L>$c >!'C'><" VOOP fJnl\ in 3t<JM.u« C<'Cn<tdtn.i .. i l • rn.tlo1 h<u lk o.tltJmon cmstd l:fj lh< in ..uth"<'I <1.S14lu!i.."a Wll(n;JI. 4J l'lK!c il n!lt ~ rm ;m C"'>l.O<llo.t ~rit m Jll'o~ lle fomnrrlf('l'l In lllc P11cn«nc l:'.octr>< bo:nd.try rr· oc s;ia. 1'nTrtlcltn. to ~i:< ~ll• ly d~u tn 11it' ,11_.,.v,.....\'c ~"' Ulomo:. md • •cq.1ui1hu... '" .,,.)'lis sw... • "'"''-"'' fwtul c:rno.,r 1 ti\' abuulmcc oncr~lllc ., 1null .\k).'fA""{'fM\'~ 1nLI Anvm' ru .>¡.\t,.,u\11r¡.l\r111 h h'\t up;cr l"'•t of Mattt:,uM'i.Gf9Jo-O Ib::ucc rcl'lca.s a dmrnc íffl>..'() . Tiú "''Vm pcuúd aio h< •thl«l oo 1~c 1e&\lr:um "'lmlrc of 1hc <.· coor"'1i.:. °' • "'"1'2 " 1 ~(' lfillll,'11..-cl.>0n IS c~.:dlcnllyo.~. •T•Y D.~1~k. o( nuir.e c.ltnnt1cr ,.llh no flriD c lun.J<, ª" tnd ~ rolc<in>t<o&)uJ «<r1rol •a rc''.lll•dt ,__ 1lmo"' ~bnll>< for&T1lr..SC-.1I "'-.,,.,¡ initi.-,,1u. Con>tQDtl'llly. 11 ¡, • &:Ood ~,kl<l fot 11tt 11uc11 or 1hc 1·a~~c1r-i.n,Jllm., tt~ P)ttn:a..ard c:"c 1httt plut\lit Í"-'.umukal tto:o¡rv.-< • ~~ t«.1 u....J 1n et.e Zun~ S«lio.t for lhc f'Alc\.'C'rn< 1:OCtn< b.."'1nhry <nMnon lllft'•'Jl: P\l-nWr>pvw,\)r<.V•Wdi.• llill/IOflr, .\t<;<v;.~\V N'\71d Bio.o.:u: auJ ~"" <ÑJNsl:u11ru ·-.~......-mt.:r 1i.o~""(lt. Thc PJl:«mt I ''""'' boltldll1 tinc "''" cr~ ~ o1 t~ rtN1flU 1) In• tcrrau~c3J S<Jbro111o\.....,n of ~lroffflc SM1t-c1>'1tr1 stou\J ,'«ls.:dcr 1hlutfüílO *'.a pn><n al u.11cL..tuc 10 t11..:iN1>h Lk l'a.<9'nJt'/Ecttt1c b.."iJi>.!:q· "mlCCltpc. 1o~of 1ht \'pr-) h.a•bcm~1""4í• 1lit'Mo· rt:r.,PM~1 0 é~\J 1 or !j n~ IH1 3f'l>tll"6ln..~ M. •TÚ><<-"" .." oc:(trrs hc-:'Qw clit' nm ~lrautt ll( ,.,,.~d91'Ml/tdlN lit>:! <rum~>:<1 ... , .. O:hef ('l'tflll • IJ;.,,1"' Cb:il lhc "'dUUltl pbnc' ' "' ~df>\p¡11JW/1fO d \UY diachror;ius. st,o..ins • b1c ~,.;,..i of PM<~~ll.ft' se-~ :ntlrn ""' "'~s lO ~< IMti:uJa. ll (~........ tftllh(" lll«\111> "'ll<' ¡,,.e; ron º' A/o• Wc 11\111.\ PIQ( Cna ~" frum f':rn.,~(I Ui. «nr.1 •~ mcu)m;,us l\'fcrtti für hctrful <0110:-o\l .m' Tl..s \'lCml'<CTllS llULI) ""S SIPJ>Nlr:d b) lh: ¡;:n>JKI ne PRR! .01.f9'<."'0l 01 (OOIC'\ I') SEM ph:lu> ""'lit touu .r t Ju•lnld.Jd & Cl1>rud• Th.s is (<Jlüna;n mmbcf l 1)( IC<."P Proj~ .)M Cl'>lro>".ttCIEotttr: bo.."4.IM&ly "'c.1"~ ,..,.,.,,to, n E 16'>.1< n, IU.> 1 R t:."Cl:S ~''"' >.t. De 'A' ' lltrlJ!tt.W. A ll'ICl1~ 1'>1"1fMf i-.:u-t> nlpbnlr., ft1u1i•lícr.a e( '""~ l'Tcc. 11.'"'" C<"'\< l\'w-.>. U.VTr)\>mlr 111.1!(1, Ba¡¡i<•' "" A ¡1971¡ Wu\r~ ~1:fo"'< N NlÍ«1> <-' rl'c '"'"'\t'" ('<mroc N;td "' pla1l 10DJ< 1...-lrllm oí ¡o¿Jllh<m 1 uo~ P>«. 11 /m,.. C«tf P:.w lf,<F;j\oo.:Z ~• ·» ll"U'"'.V."i'l- KaT.A\'. ud 11),t\J J llKSt: J .wk» P.t lc<>gtfl< Pm :.. I'>~ ~t11udqy ..:1 º~'" f l ) 1 - ) f. Ct\1( .'W" 1.-...1. M!m llk 141 1-14~ Ba;u.'<ft.W.A. :n~ \1111'•,\; 0 t1o;&:t I'• ~ Jlu l1 co~ ("2.Ttnfcnl U1,i m"'l;~ Uld rui r4t:ti..X,IMJUlf. M.\."n.\""°'"''''V· ~ llcfurr" V. A • rtJ M.ti...K.<;. ¡ntl¡ C~t<: l.\rlh)•I u.d .J)T\~ 1 Col\. tfNU bal ~te ( ñ"21Tt ft ( t • .J Al.J ,U -..>.J, ,\ (\,,,..,.. p¡¡r,...,,;4,.,,. J) ~ - 1:» 1: 11~ Nmh Allu r.. \In(). 1ri( ud C'mo:.oi<r"'lf«>'~)J. b · 'to>r.. P 11 •oJ 11«!$jjcr.W.A. udlllw».R '°"' M< Gt<>l ~. '. / J /, 11.,.lJ Nl <.n.;,~, ~r SMA A..w.1·~. n:1•A1La.1t;.. f..cyur G".í41s• ·"'°'"""' 11/,._. M~ ~l ~fl.V.A. Olm<\R.I( .,.j "">'"11,WA ¡\ Q6ll O:.,L ~•ddcvcbs-nc1 nf1ht-.<)11.n1."lllknf r:tt~ ~Wiuu· t;fflf,. [larncr nd 26..'-ttl.t BV..W.o\. (ti?)~ 111) .. 19!11 11.r-~on>.\\•u. IJ: ~ C'n >oc:nw-.ah'."""'..h <UtW) r)'W., "'""' '"'r\r., · ú•"',..,,. """'-'~., ......t NV na•lf")' <>m'á.'Jn'."4..._.,.,.-~, ~ h,.,.,.,...,_ I' J R•ll lalU 141) l\ lk><'l"M .,.,. Pnmol ,~1 ....1. ,,~ ·~~'Ao.a.rt f<)qtmfcnl b.~rto bJ P'l..,.....~'4>~ d 1t< ¡t,•lon. c O<un. •''•. 'l.\>Olmuo(>tJI, H JH-131. l»mn•.A ud Pr(ft~.:a,I . ( 1011 Allon:r l'llro tnf htab"' ~-(f(~k'th u! ª--'1 ~t.••1a.11U'h ~"""'1(lt. ¡p.p/v. ' 211-!k ~ .,._, ~.Sttn, I HW•J D"'11>ulm of p,. 1Nin1< ~ u uo.,1; '1nn11ir....._ ~ul>t.Jt< • 11l 11>: re <at~. ""°"'Yf'ltP: Ft>.~>.nn lll........,,l. IO: ::<>.4 1'c fftWR<;kt(f"lr.. u:<~ h tX ··~~6Jc«...tLNttt\J f(>h'I" T\lfn..Jlbeoru-.. rUad 11.W.I•• US. Nl "IMJ. l\•!I. llJ IH· l>l l\A,ll.>l.1,1~1 1 1 ' """'""'tocm:I h>•rt• li>r.l fil Thrlttw1 ~'l.t1. )l. ¡19'n., r·~ .. "'""""'".... h' 11c1 i.r..d Si.r. Jh'tui.ó.J Ut '"' M>u J.U\'.• .:ll OMI. lt'Q.' &'UI )1 . l'r•""-':lchmJ( .ut :..11•lcnJ 8. ti'4$1 ("..n NJ«W~ <( ~r<>l ~ lor Ol(crcwt rm~ '1W:t. In l'CtAU...Sf•~\$<1.-.., tl\;U 11 ~l., l'l:rdl,,Kt>cn. !:. Ud Su~cn. J R. rA~I J.11\ Ca:Y"o.JJ. llKI;> Po<<»• !'>)n!O" '1il•a 11'HUU1(cr:. ~)Jd ~!t ... la<""""" ~•• ,..rm..a<.<n ni thra~) ~ "' lfllH<)' ftWl\-o.> >I lh'ltr l'.IJro.."l:tol~"Cnl. tC'o..v.,,T»dtfG,,,..~B/ltl•tl4'rf "ll'l'f&-Y•-0. ' r "~"· oa !>'<"1 Len ltnrrul fn()I ~.ttr~'""" dt t P:a <~S 1 <Oi.CIO t.oGf'rN en d l'-X.'¡H".nnJ rrcrtJ,,Jul y "' ( f'ftf\a ,..», <"Oll I> ("t<dlkn lleca. "'"""'., •'et \(v'<'• •'- l'lln."'\.\\....'t ~ ú ~... t~f ,.,. ~,..,....,, . 6 ~·· .... Matnr.r. lh .,..,.., ll•XWttl$:.JU •"' (o. arrbl-.,..,. 6(1 P:ll~~) llcl l'i"nm ·'""' A~/><• C~ ...,.f IW.'°"'n\'lt" A-\.-p" (.....,,,,_..! ~ >ldau,,E . lid 5'-"l<\l>,\I (AW~ l -..':IOJ<I· tta«n t ~nn.ruSnm f'(:u..,tkt, .; , N>•tll,ian,.,.,n-, ,..,,. drt0 U b ~ltl de l 'ur1v tt111.16C>frl•Y•f'' 411 lkr Jtet"'( I. \rrC"i..:••••'. 1· JI ...... c...., y. lArttl».-twT,11.1'. , l'<r.ft·'>ct"cw. ~ f'fcnel si.~.• . Rdt\ V. R n<J "'n 1un;N.A. 11r>& Zoo<wm•• r.u, <k N~"' "' 1~1..,_.....,. <1-'< rt»..n< «arcu 8''' ~- f".A-./ fr.~ 1'1 r • ~·"'· •r.c>ln«• ,.,.,(,Y\)<.,ltt ~ ...i "''"' (t~r <;y,vlr:c>'rt" ok l·'>la> iax- lb\'. ~ C'-'. F··""· HI 1 l« ;).H IXn<<V• lllW'l ~t ' " .. w1r ~~1; li1 ll""" nt R•l' A~ Y<vnm. ~ru.o.c llM.. lf )11 111 11~1 . Mu1nM,1. ;rn! \~Jll'.M. ( l\tll n,. f f " <l•\l ~1Ul$•l,~I; kJ..4.<<rl ( (TNC'W snJ 1\ l CM.'Jtit.. K"I C"CI r..,. 0 ~ Cid\•;.;, l\l•<Wu~•fiv •~""""'I~ llnruotlt.. .)f\ •• Jt-t ... .!.:.~ ldl.. ltildtt,.s~l.A. \<:n. lWO.Sl fv11nn'<ff•·Qr.t1 f nrft..r 1n Ahxnut Y'::tt .O..t~) CfW· G,1,.;l\"1U, '"A ~Jrt:nf lrd rn \h'Jkti:1' mt .1al<tct ~th><i<tlt4te . l\ :uw At"1 11\...._ 1ut1>, ,,,.._ .- 1. 1 C .: "'"''""·' •~ ~ab,11 Cl ~t: /u 5tult<1C11kil;tt 4" P•ln.-.Ml' .,u dt< r~, 1•ulu'""" dn !>lulct1 lko> dxo mJ Q11101l~ 1;·:~ (",,..,· tfrllw.. ).t 'H·"'· .ur,,. l..r:t.tttJ.P .... sw1.l s uwi1 ccq..-a• ~1n1q . ~~~ ,. ,t-..¡/Ct" anJ tvr1t ti:n1l~•tfft .111U cnd ie( 1h< ~ ' '' '' '· JSJ ~>~ :~ t.1M>.t<het)I I' ( lk>IJ )t Jfl<' in w11t (¡\)l>r<(~..iu " " ftt S:."1.k\lo..~r-< ln-! l.qr,n Ec-.."'C:>c '\e' CC't"f'">I 1\tt•r•· Uh>t c;....i lfr:.n }'!: OJ' TJO. ta1nN.lor1.lf P ( 19'l Jt· t> tr<n1'>11ro llcl p<>0 ll<-Jrnó< tJ ('._\.,..,• •'< ""',...~.._,._..,~..,, llJ..).aJ M>.ftrt,E c1•1 t• Sht.J~>' n<t¡at) ord ()u.r>Cm>J> cab· ~ r.trn>;trill«'I ' '"'"'"'' J"f<\• ~a.1 IW\.'W'( t •P\'· ur ""' t u.~ ~"''" · T"'"" <N>. 1· 'Jt> 'IS. \ll lfr~ (; .,.,J l~ñ.1.d.,.J\.(, 11~- (u>.!N., ''"' ,,r ~t na'X Jnd l Q ~d. •I 1-t...tu.E.. 5ctMr.;f'. ó '(l l'f' J$....,..,.t •f JJ I ~ft C ••l61.J 1 .. () 11&11 N. . ~<U )iw1~ ~frtN, ud ~•< <U"Cn:.t~.)I , ~..a.n~l >,l'1 i;,...,,. tlWO'~ ,.,...,,......, \. ~ caa1nr~of ti>: t.u-o 11 Nti.or tl(nhn ""' tCl)lJC 1ta1ral Seuhn-tMc.át ._¡'C•\. .i"'fl,_ '"'' C:Ml ~~~J . \~ ~.F .0"4:\¡¡ , (;=....C. M.~JJ,.Ol.,ü'I <"••r. Suu-0.l~L 5ci1t.KkU ~ 1•U<UJ.l.O. f'uo.AM . 4 1i>'4>dll,J.\I. h> r<<>* 1 te UllJ:t)p< llntho t<'"' t(:d: lr1,ccr'JX'd S--.i".1"' 1nrtr1 Jet:4\ lhi: a·.a.J~~~ 'le º''""'"· bc.nluy. l(r, lf,\-n,IX\'ron'<\'""' · O·., r1.,tum>,X ( ltUMJ 1"' («'lltullcrD'I ~ ,see P:r. H'(tHI df.f <11c'r'u'1 Je lluaa. IC.'o.:>: ck $tetbn· P•"~ .>t b (;• ..>). A""\v, IJ.14; '~" O'oc Etwl\lt•iA..X ltd [.,rv.V..\I l l~t· C'>natrt•'''""' ~~ , ,~ ~ b;'.hl ......, ....lf'Jb...¡jr rcr .. dUI ¡,e PJW<ttct< ~IV '''" i'\\"'*~'"\.\Üll,..,., ~;:_)¡.:t..,).,, O:u Eb:tu.!rll,...'< .. IAr»~h ,\t ><•J ,.,..,.,,,, 1 to. tu•J..nnicrw ~ttn<...t•'cl P..l~otn .. (t~Ma i 11. ... r.1) '~ 1!t:-c11nu,¡;aU.a ~~. L;. tfw-MJ-'· lf-- ·~ 1 • 4)-utnmrna.-' . IAUIWa.M ud .~i., ... E 1t~A·1 a<cumunlu <l:t t.ocxn> •Utln.. ro· nol•l de J<a rr.lrlftl'\J\ pb.A.,ta:""'- Y__,.. l..J./a. \fK't0p. lt: !JI·!') ( lf'lll ,,. 04n • aucu d: l'll:rdt<n r. l'n><rn .,. ,,. fL>J<<l>h ll untlJ"l>l,.4u l'>IN"'n: n.~'<•­ ~\ 5..-.,. rhv. ' • (1J 17" Zll :11 l\~•ol.<"l <""""' •f>J IU>cftft•·" Cl~J I· o\rb111; l "'x"' J'.Üm"'u: ftwrrri(mi ,,,...,,.111 f t>iJ"ft" r> Pon~r·fü••.I k"'Ol:!dl~'f.'-'"' ll~t'C" bcrottf>! • ó~ ~!6 J:s. l \ljlt>r,V.. H..~ 1-'->n.l.f'(\V' '·' "'ª'\! .. °""' "'°" 1\4\;"""°'.\l.1'Ji /\..,.. 1:......,, u.'i ..... G¡1 c0-1"cutr\l ll?Jll,c ) •cJanm:a>>Jt, \o(\.\K1ti.f1, df~•"l-U"' y tCTttrC'tfY\ 1mt.otnJ•rifki,n ~ \f~ t(l(~t~ ' •Nf1:<.- l •lrrt..-rrn nkr.o· « b <.:cua \~\!('J. tV••,..+1.-it» > °Yt l\."'.J)=:tl XIJ ( 'o.uµU> .ü,;»C<\1 dt' Std"' Pt"'th4o....,.:A, f...._D.t: • <tt .. :. '" f ••• r .... n"l~ ("'l('l'\~a1.; 4·.11 Z..< • <~J (', 0.<«A \1 uJ (;m,.,..:l\Pt,D. UY'.Q ac.NI c!\>.q~ ti<~, ... 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CllX<f: Jk'ytt'yr'S{t'lX tr>.! ...'D?I r6"k foo;_.o ~,.,.. ,...,....;lan\._ ~oh< '°",,,...,.. 'Qif,.\\.' Sc..1'11Nlhl>.0.t>1 A-IMV""~< A~- I~ l ) . ~,41 . '«b:!a.l'V.t. u.J l!q>lc1\,H. ll'i>IJI i\.>k'ol•'S rhc ...,,,...,.._ rt 1 tTt..líl l~n 1..c'\-c"' U)A">f«»ifia 1LJJ"11l>t Fo•) f• r~(fr~ 01 t•~ JoJ ( J.C. ÁU!. ,\(.,.-rt\-'°'"'t'IS-<1. 'J. !!.,l. to( . )1} 'Q)tdT.-.TI J .... r \t ..'nt4r-J.n1t:ba..n;n.J lt'K (:tt\.>.."W;ti.. Cl~ ff!j!J~' Nt...oJ a~ "' C:\;~1" n~' J .,.,.," lltt "(:<<' 11 flJ~ $(, f 1V, . - '<r<1iv«, l.«<· 'O.)Jlcft'-'ll • " ' " ' AJ ""'' 'l lv1\.co.Th C I~ 11\>\ l<J (;ro,• tr1.,.T1 Jr f'tvA !. lft'f.•~ ~ ?.:9') 1 \'~>r ff, ., , , ..,.......,. . ..._,l'f~ ft ~ ~ fl ~ 1"'9,• (rt.,,..4fr JN.1