RETROFIT LIGHTING & CONTROLS SOLUTIONS Commercial Buildings The Challenge and the Opportunity Commercial buildings represent over 80 billion square feet of space in the United States and consume 36% of all electricity making them one of the largest generators of Greenhouse gases in the world. With studies showing over 36% of energy usage being wasted and lighting representing up to 30% of a typical building’s energy usage, an energy efficient lighting retrofit can represent one of the best ways for a building owner or manager to reduce costs. In fact, for a property management company, a well executed lighting retrofit that reduces energy usage by 60% can raise NOI by up to 3% while also improving property values and attractiveness to potential clients. Y G ER EN Commercial Office Electricity Usage VI SA S G N Electrical Expenses Cooling 13% Other 43% Heating 16% Lighting 37% 60% Energy Reduction 3% Increase in NOI POTENTIAL IMPROVEMENT IN ASSET VALUE DIRECTLY ALIGNED TO CAP RATE Average energy costs applied to average net operating income from IFMA Foundation. Annual operation hours: 6,426 indoor and 4,200 outdoor Electric rate: $0.11 per KWH Hubbell Lighting has long been an industry leader in advancing LED and controls technologies that improve efficiency and reduce costs while also helping to enhance and protect our environment. Hubbell Lighting’s collection of createchange® product solutions, tools and resources are all designed to help you maximize energy savings while improving the quality of lighting. Ready to createchange? Read on and then visit us at to get started on your retrofit/renovation program. Maximizing Your Potential Energy Savings Maximizing energy savings with createchange LED products and controls starts with a comprehensive approach that focuses in three key areas of your commercial building. Hubbell Lighting’s LED createchange luminaires put the light where it is needed, are designed for future upgradability and can be integrated with wireless controls right from the factory. UP TO Interior Controls ENERGY SAVINGS 50% ENERGY SAVINGS Cimarron LED Reducing Maintenance Energy savings is only part of the story. New Solid State LED solutions from Hubbell Lighting last up to 3 times longer than Metal Halide or Fluorescent sources and up to 60 times longer than incandescent sources, dramatically reducing maintenance costs. TYPE 80% ENERGY SAVINGS Exterior UP TO Serrano LED UP TO 70% LIFE IN HOURS REQUIRED RELAMPS vs. LED Incandescent 1,000 60 Compact Fluorescent 10,000 6 Metal Halide 20,000 3 Linear Fluorescent 20,000 3 LED 60,000 0 Rebate Program Approved! Utility rebate programs, where available, usually require products to be DesignLights Consortium or Energy Star qualified. Hubbell Lighting maintains one of the most extensive collections of DLC and Energy Star qualified products available to reduce project costs and quicken payback periods! For a complete listing of qualifed products, visit us at: wiHUBB Improving Profitability A energy efficient lighting upgrade can provide benefits beyond energy savings. Other areas of benefit include: Improving Property Values More efficient buildings that generate greater income can also provide a higher valuation. Improving Rental Income and Reducing Vacancy Rates A lighting retrofit program that is a part of helping a building receive green certification can increase income. Certified Green Buildings: RENTAL INCOME +7% OCCUPANCY +4.5% Improving Productivity Studies have long shown that improved lighting can directly impact worker productivity. While a good lighting retrofit can improve productivity from 3-25%, a lighting retrofit that increases glare or reduces light levels too much can quickly eliminate all of the savings in productivity losses. Lighting’s Impact on Productivity Example Number of Employees Average Salary Total Salary The Effect of a 1% change in Productivity 100 $50,000 $5,000,000 $50,000 Hubbell Lighting’s createchange® products are designed to reduce energy usage by at least 20% over legacy technologies while maintaining and improving the quality of light in the environments they Illuminate. OFFICE AREA LCAT 72% REDUCTION 4 Lamp T8 Troffers LCAT24-40MLG 110W 40W 20,000 hours life 60,000 hours life Replace every 7 years Replace every 21 years *Annual Savings $27 *Lifetime Savings $556 *Based on $.11 per KWH and 4,290 burn hours annually, including savings from reduced maintenance and additional HVAC savings equal to 10% of electrical energy savings. HALLS / CONFERENCE ROOM LiteBox 97% REDUCTION 75 Watt BR30 Incandescent LB6LEDA 75W 12W 1,000 hours life 60,000 hours life Replace every 2 months Replace every 7 years *Annual Savings $180 *Lifetime Savings $1,237 *Based on $.11 per KWH and 8,736 burn hours annually, including savings from reduced maintenance and additional HVAC savings equal to 10% of electrical energy savings. ATRIUM / LOBBY MEGALUM 72% REDUCTION 250 Watt MH Downlights MD8LED 295W 132W 10,000 hours life 60,000 hours life Replace every 1.5 years Replace every 9 years *Annual Savings $214 *Lifetime Savings $1,963 *Based on $.11 per KWH and 6,552 burn hours annually, including savings from reduced maintenance and additional HVAC savings equal to 10% of electrical energy savings. RESTROOMS LJT 60% REDUCTION 3 Lamp T8 Troffers LJT24-35MLG-EDU 89W 45W 20,000 hours life 60,000 hours life Replace every 2.5 years Replace every 7 years *Annual Savings $60 *Lifetime Savings $409 *Based on $.11 per KWH and 8,736 burn hours annually, including savings from reduced maintenance and additional HVAC savings equal to 10% of electrical energy savings. From your parking lots/garages to your offices, conference rooms and hallways, Hubbell Lighting has high performance energy solutions that can dramatically reduce energy costs and positively impact the value and marketability of your commercial real estate. EXTERIOR WALL LNC2 82% REDUCTION 175 Watt Wall Packs LNC2-18LU 213W 45W 10,000 hours life 60,000 hours life Replace every 2.5 years Replace every 14 years *Annual Savings $100 *Lifetime Savings $1,379 *Based on $.11 per KWH and 4,368 burn hours annually PARKING GARAGE ENDURA 75% REDUCTION 175 Watt MH Garage Lighter EDR-18NB-60-5K-T5W-UNV 213W 60W 10,000 hours life 60,000 hours life Replace every 1.5 years Replace every 9 years *Annual Savings $133 *Lifetime Savings $1,220 *Based on $.11 per KWH and 6,552 burn hours annually PARKING LOT 1000 Watt Metal Halide 71% REDUCTION CIMARRON CL1-90L 1100W 336W 10,000 hours life 60,000 hours life Replace every 2.5 years Replace every 14 years *Annual Savings $402 *Lifetime Savings $5,522 *Based on $.11 per KWH and 4,368 burn hours annually MECHANICAL ROOM KEMLUX III 80% REDUCTION 250 Watt Metal Halide KH-36L-U-86-5K-5M-A2 102W 102W 10,000 hours life 60,000 hours life Replace every 2.3 years Replace every 13 years *Annual Savings $159 *Lifetime Savings $2,181 SPAULDING LOGO TEXT ONLY *Based on $.11 per KWH and 4,368 burn hours annually, including savings from reduced maintenance and additional HVAC savings equal to 10% of electrical energy savings. Take Control Including a lighting controls strategy in your commercial building can save as much as 80% in key applications. Factory integrated controls in fixtures make installation easy. Commercial Lighting Controls Panels - Applications: Large open offices, hallways, showroom, exterior signage/site lighting control - Compact Feature-Rich Enclosures: 4, 8, 16, 32 relays - Multiple Low-Voltage Inputs: switches, sensors & photocells - Simple Programming Interface - Built-In Holiday Schedules - Astronomical Clock: Time of day scheduling - Override Switching Options NX Series Room Controller · · · · · · · Intelligent stand-alone or networked lighting control Autoconfiguration complies with energy codes “out of the box” Integrates automatic and manual control Advanced configuring via Bluetooth Smartphone app Complete system provides seamless integration of wired and wireless controls Occupancy sensors and smart switches Daylight harvesting Occupancy / Vacancy Sensors (Wall/Ceiling) - Applications: Perimeter offices, restrooms, conference rooms, storage rooms, hallways - Various Technologies - Passive Infrared, Ultrasonic and Dual-Technology - Intellidapt Technology - Self adjusting time and sensitivity - Multiple Coverage Options up to 2,000 sq. ft. - Occupancy or Vacancy Options - Built in Photocell Options – Wall Switch Commercial Rental Property Case Study Based on a typical 150,000 sq. ft. commercial office building A well coordinated lighting retrofit can drive savings and have a dramatic effect on asset value. In this example, a lighting retrofit’s annual savings of $88,875 translates to the equivalent of $1,110,938 in asset value improvement. Revenue Impact of Typical Commercial Property Lighting Upgrade Quantity Area Existing Replace With 150 Private Offices 4 Lamp T8 Troffers Columbia LCAT24 with Dual-Tech Wall Switch Sensor 10 hours $3,977 72% $83,430 400 Open Offices 4 Lamp T8 Troffers Columbia LCAT24 with CX Panel Scheduled Events/ Manual Override Switches 15 hours $15,907 72% $222,480 75 Conference Rooms 75 Watt Incandescent Downlights Prescolite LiteBox LB6LEDA with Ceiling Mount Dual-Tech Sensors 24 hours $13,512 97% $92,804 150 Hallways 75 Watt Incandescent Downlights Prescolite LiteBox LB6LEDA with CX Panel Scheduled Events/Manual Override Switches 24 hours $27,024 97% $185,607 12 Atrium Lobby 250 Watt MH Downlights Prescolite Megalum with CX Panel Scheduled Events/Manual Override Switches 18 hours $2,573 72% $23,561 30 Restrooms 4 Lamp T8 Troffers Columbia LJT24-35MLG-EDU LED with Ceiling mount Ultrasonic Sensor 24 hours $1,788 60% $12,283 12 Exterior Wall 175 Watt Wall Packs Hubbell Outdoor LNC2-18LU 12 hours $1,205 82% $16,546 60 Parking Garage 175 Watt MH Garage Lighter Hubbell Outdoor Sedona Garage with WASP2 Occupancy Sensor 18 hours $7,922 75% $73,188 20 Parking Lot 1000 Watt Metal Halide Area Lights Spaulding Cimmaron CL1-90L with wiHUBB Dimming In-Fixture Modules 12 hours $8,041 71% $110,448 2 Mechanical Room 250 Watt Metal Halide Hubbell Industrial KH-36L-U-86-5K-5M-A2 12 hours $318 80% $4,362 Total Fixture Energy Savings $82,337 83% $824,708 Total Additional Savings With Controls $6,538 7% $75,108 Combined Savings $88,875 89% $899,816 150,000 SF Rental Space @ $19.50 Sq. Ft Current NOI Per Sq. Ft @ $11.50/Sq. Ft with 8% Cap Rate Electric rate: $0.11 per KWH Includes lighting energy, maintenance, HVAC and controls Savings vary by application Daily Operation Simple Payback Improvement to Net Operating Income Potential Improvement in Asset Value of Building createchange® Impact on the World The lighting solutions used in this case study saved 435,712 KWh per year, which is the equivalent of: REDUCE 670,997 lbs. of CO2 EMISSIONS 59 LESS CARS ON ROAD 83 ACRES OF TREES PLANTED Total Annual Savings % Reduction Lifetime Savings 1.58 Years 5.15% $1,110,938 Cash Flow + Taking advantage of the money-saving opportunities of a lighting retrofit have never been easier with the Cash Flow Positive program from Hubbell Lighting. With a simple approval process, Hubbell Lighting can fund your entire lighting upgrade including labor, while in many cases still providing a positive cash flow from day one! Here’s how the case study above could translate into positive cash flow. $ 7,791 Monthly Savings $ 3,672 Monthly Payment $ 4,119 Net Cash Flow Monthly $ 247,132 60-Month Positive Cash Flow Based on 60 month financing at 6.73% interest. The actual rate will be subject to credit quality of the applicant, term and project size. CASH FLOW POSITIVE Making Change Happen Hubbell Lighting makes change easy with our comprehensive suite of createchange® tools and services available at that include audit tools, easy to use calculators to estimate energy savings and a wealth of additional information to support you and make your project a success. Ready to get started? For personal assistance, contact your local Hubbell Lighting representative and we’ll help guide you through improving your lighting system and creating change or email us at 701 Millennium Blvd. Greenville, SC 29607 HUBBELLLIGHTING.COM ALERA LIGHTING ARCHITECTURAL AREA LIGHTING BEACON PRODUCTS COLUMBIA LIGHTING COMPASS PRODUCTS DEVINE LIGHTING DUAL-LITE HOMESTYLE LIGHTING HUBBELL BUILDING AUTOMATION HUBBELL INDUSTRIAL LIGHTING HUBBELL OUTDOOR LIGHTING KIM LIGHTING KURT VERSEN LITECONTROL PRESCOLITE PRECISION PARAGON (P2) PROGRESS LIGHTING SPAULDING LIGHTING SPORTSLITER SOLUTIONS STERNER LIGHTING WHITEWAY HLI-0079 - 6/14 Copyright © 2015 Hubbell Lighting, Inc.