Fire or Fire Alarm Instructions

WSU School of Mechanical and Materials Engineering
Fire or Fire Alarm Instructions
Call 911 for fire, police, ambulance, and hazardous material spills
Immediately, upon discovering a fire in the workplace, activate the building fire alarm system.
This can be done by pulling the lever on the red fire alarm located on several walls of each floor
of all University buildings. If you can’t locate the fire alarm, call 911. You will need to provide
the following information:
Exact location; size of the fire; area of involvement; whether there are people trapped by the
fire; injuries caused by the fire; other pertinent facts or complications regarding the fire. After
relaying the information, DO NOT HANG UP as the operator may need more information.
You are required by law to exit the building immediately. If you remain in the building, you
are in violation of the Uniform Fire Code and may be found guilty of a misdemeanor. Remain
outside the building until the firefighters have given you permission to go back in. You must
have their permission, even if the fire alarm has stopped.
When leaving the area:
If possible, close the doors and windows to the room where the fire is located.
Remain calm. Walk, don't run. Do not use elevators.
If you encounter heavy smoke, choose another route. If necessary, crawl rather than walk as
air is cooler and less toxic nearer the floor.
To extinguish burning clothes: stop, drop and roll.
If all routes are blocked by smoke or fire, enter a room with a corridor access door, a phone,
and a window. Close the door and call 911.
Once you have exited the building, move at least 50 yards from the building and be available
to give firefighters as much information about the fire as possible.
If you decide to fight the fire:
If the fire is small (4' X 2' in size), one occupant can choose to extinguish the fire with a fire
extinguisher while another occupant activates a fire alarm or calls 911 from a phone away
from the fire (if manual pull fire alarm is unavailable).
If you are the only occupant and you choose to extinguish the fire, call 911 first. If the flame
height exceeds four feet, do not attempt to fight the fire.
Even if the fire is successfully extinguished and little or no damage is done, you must report
the fire to the WSU Fire Department immediately.
If in doubt about whether to extinguish the fire, exit immediately.
WSU Fire Department:
911 (emergency only); 335-1766 (business)
WSU Police Service:
911 (emergency only); 332-2521 (non-emergency calls)