WAITER's LANDING GEAR CONTROLLER LONGEZ - BERKUT REVISION HISTORY The Drawing, Firmware, and Manual version numbers should all match. 2.2.0 2.1.4 2.1.3 2.1.2 2.1.1 2.1.0 2.0.1 1.1.2 28 FEB 2010 Add C121 and C122 to for Nose Split and Hydraulic Operation 06 OCT 2008 Fix Infinity Strut switch on X106 12 JUL 2008 Add Firmware Switch to allow NC/NO switches & Strut/Spd Brk 31 MAY 2007 Correct for NC vs NO on the Hydraulic switch. 29 MAY 2007 Stuck MUTE button alarms ½ sec ON ½ sec OFF 26 MAY 2007 Change logic of Canopy Open and Airspeed Sensor 23 MAY 2007 INITIAL RELEASE BETA NOT RELEASED SPEED BRAKE MAIN GEAR 5A 50A INSTRUMENT LIGHTS NOSE GEAR 5A 10A AUX GEAR (SAFETY COVERED) 5A ALTERNATOR R3 50A STARTER CIRCUIT MAIN BATTERY 1A MASTER RELAY SWITCHED BUS AMMETER SHUNT ALARM LANDING GEAR CONTROL 10A 5A MASTER MAIN POWER 15 OCT 2009 All Diodes are 1N4004 X0 X100 HYDRAULIC UP PRESSURE LOW LEFT GEAR DOWN X1 X101 HYDRAULIC DOWN PRESSURE LOW RIGHT GEAR UP X2 X102 AIRSPEED LOW LEFT GEAR UP X3 X103 THROTTLE FULL Nose DOWN Limit X4 X104 THROTTLE IDLE Nose UP Limit X5 X105 CANOPY CLOSED (NOTE 2) Normal UP Switch X6 X106 STRUT COMPRESSED UP Interlock - GROUND Interlock OR Strut (NOTE 1) Normal DOWN Switch X7 X107 UP Interlock - NO Ground X110 ALARM Mute X111 EMER RETRACT Landing Gear Controller RIGHT GEAR DOWN Controller INPUTS 6 OCT 2008 NOTE 1 -Depending on how the Controller is programmed, these outputs could serve either of these two functions. NOTE 2 - See CANOPY PROXIMITY SENSOR R1 MAINS UP Relay Y0 (NOTE 1 - Power) R2 Y1 (NOTE 1 - Direction) R3 Nose UP Relay Y2 (NOTE 2 - Hydraulic) R4 Nose DOWN Relay Y3 (NOTE 2 - Hydraulic) R5 Y4 SPEED BRAKE RETRACT RELAY (NOTE 1 - STRUT) Landing Gear Conroller MAINS DOWN Relay R6 ALARM RELAY Y5 All Diodes are 1N4004 NOTE 1 -Depending on how the Controller is programmed, these outputs could serve either of these two functions. NOTE 2 - If the Nose is set up to use Hydraulics, Y2 is then used for the Speed Brake Retract, and Y3 is not used. Controller OUTPUTS 28 FEB 2010 L1 Choke (+) FROM LANDING GEAR CONTROL (10A) X-C0 Y-C2 Y-C3 X100-C0 X100-C1 Landing Gear Controller X-C1 (-) NOTE - The Choke Filter blocks all noise from entering / leaving the computer via the power lines. G LG Controller POWER 15 MAY 2007 R1 and R2 are High Current Relays FROM EMER ELECTRIAL EXTEND R51-1D70-12F (70 amp SPST relay) GEAR UP RELAY R1 FROM MAIN GEAR (50A) Part of Landing Gear Controller GEAR PUMP GEAR DOWN RELAY Y0 Main Gear UP R2 Main Gear DOWN Y1 MAIN GEAR PUMP CONTROL (OPTIONAL) All Diodes are 1N4004 22 MAY 2007 NOTE: Use this diagram if UP/DOWN relays are controlled directly. (Must be programmed into PLC) MAIN Sol-1 GEAR - UP “I” UP IN-TRANSIT LIGHT FROM MAIN GEAR (50A) FROM LANDING GEAR CONTROL (10A) “S” Power Relay R1 Direction Relay R2 GEAR PUMP Part of Landing Gear Computer MAIN Sol-2 GEAR - DOWN Y1 “I” “S” DOWN IN-TRANSIT LIGHT FROM EMER ELECTRIAL EXTEND Y0 MAIN GEAR PUMP CONTROL (DEFAULT) All Diodes are 1N4004 15 OCT 2009 NOTE: Use this diagram if UP/DOWN Solenoids are controlled via Direction and Power relays. (Must be programmed into PLC) FROM EMER ELECTRIAL EXTEND NOSE UP RELAY R3 FROM NOSE GEAR (10A) Part of Landing Gear Controller NOSE GEAR NOSE DOWN RELAY Y2 Nose Gear UP R4 Nose Gear DOWN Y3 NOSE GEAR CONTROL NOTE - C122 is SET - Nose gear has its own electric actuator. All Diodes are 1N4004 28 FEB 2010 GEAR UP - OFF - DOWN UP OFF DOWN Part of Landing Gear Controller FROM INSTRUMENT LIGHT CIRCUIT TO UP GEAR STATUS INDICATORS X7 X6 DOWN UP GEAR CONTROL SWITCH 15 OCT 2009 EXTEND RELAY FROM SPEED BRAKE (5A) R7 EXTEND SPEED BRAKE RETRACT RELAY Part of Landing Gear Controller R8 RETRACT Y2 or Y4 SPEED BRAKE CONTROL All Diodes are 1N4004 28 FEB 2010 Y2 - C122 must be RESET (Nose gear uses Hydraulic) or Y4 - C73 must be RESET (Main gear doesn’t need to compress the struts before retracting EMER ELECTRIAL EXTEND GEAR (MC) TO MAIN GEAR OFF FROM AUX GEAR (5A) TO NOSE GEAR EMERGENCY ELECTRICAL EXTEND (NON-INFINITY GEAR) 15 OCT 2008 EMER ELECTRIAL EXTEND GEAR (MC) TO MAIN GEAR OFF STRUT (MC) FROM AUX GEAR (5A) TO NOSE GEAR FROM LANDING GEAR CONTROL (10A) Strut Relay STRUT SOLENOID Part of Landing Gear Computer R5 Y4 EMERGENCY ELECTRICAL EXTEND And STRUT CONTROL (INFINITY GEAR) All Diodes are 1N4004 15 OCT 2008 Hydraulic UP Pressure Low Switch ** Waiter ’s Gear Controller X100 Pressure Switch opens when pressure goes above switch set point. These switches may be purchased from Velocity Aircraft. Hydraulic DOWN Pressure Low Switch ** X101 ** Hydraulic switches normally come as Normally Closed (NC). This style switch OPENS when the correct pressure is reached. (Firmware Flag C0 = 1) If you use Normally Open switches (NO) then Firmware flag C0 must be set to C0 = 0 HYDRAULIC PRESSURE SWITCHES 10 OCT 2008 Waiter ’s Gear Controller X107 Must be OPEN to allow retract (If not used must be jumpered to 12vdc ) TILT SWITCH (Switch closes when airframe tilted - parked on nose) (OPTIONAL - Gear safety switch) NOTE - 1 IMPORTANT - If this is an Infinity installation that must compress the struts, X106 is used for the strut switches and is NOT used as a main gear interlock Must be GROUNDED to allow retract (NOTE 1) Squat Switch X106 (If not used must be jumpered to Ground ) (OPTIONAL - Gear safety switch) OPTIONAL GEAR RETRACT INTERLOCKs 15 OCT 2009 STRUT COMPRESSED SWITCHs Waiter ’s Gear Controller X106 OPTIONAL STRUT COMPRESSED PRESSURE SWITCH Shown are two strut switches. One switch on each gear leg, wired in series OPTIONALLY - Use One Normally Open Pressure sensor. The sensor should be set to 1100 psi, and SHORT (contacts close) when 1100 psi is reached. Firmware C73 must be set to allow the controller to control the Infinity Strut Valve. OPTIONAL INFINITY STRUT 10 OCT 2008 Waiter ’s Gear Controller THROTTLE FULL X103 (Switch closed when Throttle full) THROTTLE FULL CIRCUIT 16 April 2007 Waiter ’s Gear Controller THROTTLE OFF X104 (Switch closed when Throttle off) THROTTLE OFF CIRCUIT 16 April 2007 12 Vdc Instrument Lights AIRSPEED LOW Waiter’s Gear Controller Optional - Airspeed Warning Light All Diodes are 1N4004 Airspeed Low Switch X102 (Switch opens when airspeed is above 80 kts) AIRSPEED SENSOR 26 MAY 2007 GEAR UP - OFF - DOWN UP OFF DOWN GEAR STATUS UP INDICATOR LIGHTS FROM INSTRUMENT LIGHT CIRCUIT NOSE RIGHT MAIN LEFT MAIN Waiter ’s Gear Controller RIGHT MAIN UP X2 NOSE GEAR UP X5 LEFT MAIN UP NOSE UP SWITCH X3 LEFT MAIN UP SWITCH RIGHT MAIN UP SWITCH GEAR “UP” INDICATORS 15 OCT 2009 All Diodes are 1N4004 12 Vdc Instrument Light Circuit GEAR STATUS DOWN INDICATOR LIGHTS NOSE LEFT MAIN RIGHT MAIN Waiter ’s Gear Controller RIGHT MAIN GEAR DOWN X0 NOSE GEAR DOWN X4 LEFT MAIN GEAR DOWN X1 LEFT MAIN DOWN SWITCH NOSE DOWN SWITCH RIGHT MAIN DOWN SWITCH GEAR “DOWN” INDICATORS 16 APR 2007 All Diodes are 1N4004 Waiter ’s Gear Controller ALARM MUTE X110 (Momentary PB) ALARM MUTE SWITCH 22 MAR 2007 Waiter ’s Gear Controller EMERGENCY RETRACT (SAFETY COVERED) X111 EMERGENCY RETRACT CIRCUIT 22 MAR 2007 12 Vdc Instrument Lights CANOPY OPEN Waiter’s Gear Controller Optional - Canopy Warning Light CANOPY PROXIMITY RELAY X105 (+12vdc) Part # APS4-12S-E-D BROWN BLUE BLACK PROX This Proximity switch / Relay circuit can be used in place of a microswitch CANOPY PROXIMITY SENSOR 13 Aug 2009 12 Vdc Instrument Lights CANOPY OPEN Waiter ’s Gear Controller Optional - Canopy Warning Light All Diodes are 1N4004 CANOPY CLOSED X105 (Switch closed when Canopy Open) CANOPY CLOSED CIRCUIT 26 MAR 2007 ALARM RELAY Waiter’s Gear Controller 12 Vdc from ALARM POWER Y5 R6 WARNING HORN ALARM RELAY ALARM CIRCUIT 22 MAR 2007 All Diodes are 1N4004 Use this relay for R3 thru R8 87 BLUE 87a BLACK 87a 30 87 85 RED 86 BLACK 85 86 30 BLACK CUBE RELAY VIEWED FROM BOTTOM 10 JULY 2005 The relays and a pigtail (with suppression diode) are available from Jameco. The relays are $2.49 each (part# 148582CH) and the pigtail is $2.35 (Part# 170624CH) Use this relay for R1 and R2 87 30 87 85 86 85 86 30 CUBE RELAY VIEWED FROM BOTTOM 22 MAY 2007 R51-1D70-12F (70 amp SPST relay) R95-160A Socket These parts available from Mouser Electronics (800) 346-6873 This bolt can be moved in /out with spacer washers so it activates the Proximity sensor Part # APS4-12S-E-D Align the prox so it just activates when the canopy handle is in the LOCK position. OPEN CLOSED CANOPY PROXIMITY SENSOR 9 April 2007 2 3 5 1 34 8 9 pin “D” connector (female) Viewed on end 6P6C Phone plug Viewed on end TXD RXD 2 3 RXD TXD 3 1 GND GND 5 4 7 7 8 Automation Direct Part # D2-DSCBL This cable is used to Program the Dl05 and Dl06 (port 1) AND also to read the serial port data stream (port 2) PLC SERIAL DATA CABLE 12 JULY 2008 2 3 5 Viewed from pin end 3 2 Viewed from pin end DL-06 COMM - 2 2 TxD 2 RxD 3 RxD 3 TxD 7 Ground Computer 7 5 Ground Female Male DL-06 Serial Output The DL-06 Must be configured properly in order to output data on comm port 2 Uusing DirectSoft with the PLC connected, goto: PLC > SETUP > SETUP SEC COM PORT. Set the PROTOCOL to NON-SEQUENCE, 9600 baud Male