HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS A thesis submitted to the University of Manchester for the degree of Doctor of Engineering in the Faculty of Engineering and Physical Science 2012 Paul Anthony Phillips The School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF NOTATION vii ABSTRACT viii DECLERATION ix COPYRIGHT x ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS xi THE AUTHOR xii CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 The Degree of Doctor of Engineering 1 1.2 The Sponsoring Company 2 1.3 Division History 3 1.4 Research and Technology 4 1.5 Problem Statement and Research Motivation 5 1.6 Research Objectives 8 1.7 Project Management 9 1.8 Thesis Layout 9 CHAPTER 2: LANDING GEAR, ELECTROMECHANICAL ACTUATOR AND SYSTEMS BACKGROUND 12 2.1 Introduction 12 2.2 The “More Electric Aircraft” 12 2.3 More Electric Aircraft Research History 14 2.4 Current Relevant EU Electric Aircraft Research projects 2.4.1 Clean Sky Joint Technology Initiative 17 17 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS 2.4.2 2.4.3 2.4.4 2.5 More Open Electrical Technologies Power Optimised Aircraft Electric Landing Gear Extension and Retraction (ELGEAR) Overview of Landing Gears 17 17 18 18 2.6 Actuator Types 2.6.1 Lead Screw 2.6.2 Ball screw 2.6.3 Roller screw 21 23 23 24 2.7 Regulation on Landing Gear Retraction Mechanisms 25 2.8 Messier Dowty Actuator Design 27 2.9 Main Retraction Actuator Control and Performance Requirements 29 2.10 Reliability and Safety issues 32 2.11 Actuator Component Failures 2.11.1 Bearing Faults 2.11.2 Gear Faults 2.11.3 Roller Screw Failure 34 34 35 35 2.12 Conclusion 36 2.13 References 37 CHAPTER 3: CONDITION BASED MAINTENANCE FOR ENGINEERING SYSTEMS 41 3.1 Introduction 41 3.2 Fault and Failure Definitions 44 3.3 Diagnostics and Prognostic Definitions 46 3.4 Review of Condition Based Maintenance System Requirements 49 3.5 Systems Based Strategy for Condition Based Maintenance 51 3.6 Open Systems Architecture for Condition Based Maintenance 54 3.7 Sensor Systems 3.7.1 Technology Aspects of Sensors 3.7.2 Wireless and Smart Sensors 3.7.3 Multiple Sensor Networks 56 57 58 59 3.8 Data Fusion Overview 3.8.1 Fusion Processes 3.8.2 Data Fusion Models 3.8.3 Architecture Selection 60 62 63 65 DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) ii HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS 3.8.4 The JDL Data Fusion Process Model 65 3.9 Health Monitoring Techniques 3.9.1 Vibration Monitoring 3.9.2 Lubricant Wear Debris 3.9.3 Motor Current Signature Monitoring 3.9.4 Thermal Monitoring 3.9.5 Acoustic Emission Monitoring 3.9.6 Performance Monitoring 3.9.7 Corrosion Monitoring 67 68 69 70 71 71 72 72 3.10 72 Critical Review of Monitoring Methods 3.11 Expert Systems 3.11.1 Model-Based Expert Systems 3.11.2 Knowledge Based Rule Systems 3.11.3 Neural Networks 3.11.4 Fuzzy Systems 3.11.5 Uncertainty in Expert Systems 75 75 77 79 79 80 3.12 80 Critical Review of Health Monitoring Strategies 3.13 Motor-Driven Actuator Health Monitoring Review 3.13.1 Overview 3.13.2 Aerospace 3.13.3 Automotive 3.13.4 Rail 3.13.5 Power Industry 83 83 84 85 86 87 3.14 Conclusion 88 3.15 References 89 CHAPTER 4: UNDERSTANDING THE COMMERCIAL BENEFITS OF AEROSPACE HEALTH MONITORING 101 4.1 Introduction 101 4.2 Current Aerospace Maintenance Practice 101 4.3 Changing Maintenance Practice 106 4.4 Predictive Maintenance 108 4.5 Value potential of Predictive Maintenance 110 4.6 Developing, Integrating and Pricing the Technology 4.6.1 Technical Challenges to Integrating Health Monitoring 4.6.2 Commercial Integration Challenges 4.6.3 Pricing Deployment Strategies 112 112 114 116 4.7 117 SWOT Analysis: Actuator Health Monitoring Technology DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) iii HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS 4.7.1 4.7.2 4.7.3 4.7.4 Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats 118 119 119 120 4.8 Conclusion 121 4.9 References 122 CHAPTER 5: HEALTH MONITORING SYSTEMS METHODOLOGY AND FRAMEWORK 124 5.1 Introduction 124 5.2 Framework Objectives 124 5.3 Overview of the Health Monitoring Data Fusion Framework 125 5.4 Inputs to the Fusion Centre 5.4.1 Objectives 5.4.2 Part Trees 5.4.3 Fault Trees 5.4.4 Observables 128 128 130 130 132 5.5 The Fusion Process 5.5.1 Alignment 5.5.2 Association 5.5.3 Hypothesis Generation 5.5.4 Hypothesis Evaluation 5.5.5 Hypothesis Selection 134 134 134 136 137 138 5.6 Estimation 138 5.7 Proposed Decision Support Outputs 139 5.8 Considerations for Practical Implementation 5.8.1 Service bay implemented 5.8.2 Embedded deployment 139 140 141 5.9 Health Monitoring Acceptance Criteria and Metrics 5.9.1 Validation Procedure 5.9.2 Fault Diagnostic Performance Metrics 5.9.3 Technical Value 142 142 143 146 5.10 Conclusions 147 5.11 References 148 CHAPTER6: APPLICATION OF FUZZY LOGIC AND PRINCIPAL COMPONENT ANALYSIS FOR DETERMINING PROCESS QUALITY DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) iv 150 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS 6.1 Introduction 150 6.2 Estimation of Actuator Process Quality 6.2.1 Data Redundancy 6.2.2 Principal Component Analysis 6.2.3 Choosing the Principle Components 6.2.4 Generating Performance Statistics 6.2.5 Fuzzy Logic Classification 6.2.6 Fuzzy Rule Base 6.2.7 Obtaining a Quantitative Quality Index 151 151 152 154 155 156 158 160 6.3 Experimental Demonstration 6.3.1 Experimental Objectives 6.3.2 Experimental Setup, DataAcquisition and Post-Processing 6.3.3 Implementing a Lubrication Fault 6.3.4 Actuator Responses 6.3.5 Estimating the Nominal PCA Model 6.3.6 Fuzzy Inference 6.3.7 Estimation of the Actuator Quality Index 161 161 162 164 165 167 169 170 6.4 Experimental Testing Limitations 171 6.5 Practical Considerations 173 6.6 Conclusions 174 6.7 References 175 CHAPTER 7: FORMULISATION OF A PROPOSED ACTUATOR HEALTH MONITORING ALGORITHM 177 7.1 Introduction 177 7.2 Fault Diagnostics 7.2.1 Model-Based Fault Monitoring 7.2.2 Formulating Parity Relations 7.2.3 Defining Residual Thresholds 7.2.4 Traditional Threshold Evaluation 7.2.5 Evidential Reasoning 7.2.6 Introducing Residual Uncertainty 7.2.7 Combining Multiple Evidential Intervals 7.2.8 Combining Rules for Comprehensive Diagnostics 177 177 178 180 182 185 187 188 189 7.3 Advantages of the Proposed Methodology 190 7.4 Conclusions 191 7.5 References 192 CHAPTER 8: SYSTEM MODELLING, SIMULATION AND DIAGNOSTICS DEMONSTRATION 194 DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) v HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS 8.1 Introduction 194 8.2 Modelling the landing Gear Actuator 195 8.3 Simulation 8.3.1 Overview of the Actuator SIMULINK Model 8.3.2 Actuator Loading 8.3.3 Actuator Performance Simulation 197 197 199 200 8.4 Fault Cases 202 8.5 Actuator Performance Assessment 204 8.6 Parity residuals 8.6.1 Nominal Test 8.6.2 Residual Fault Sensitivity 8.6.3 Combining Residual BPA's 205 206 207 208 8.7 Diagnostics Algorithm Demonstration 8.7.1 Overview of the Simulation Process 8.7.2 Simulation Results 208 208 210 8.8 Conclusions 213 8.9 References 215 216 CHAPTER 9: CONCLUSIONS 9.1 Summary 216 9.2 Research Conclusions 9.2.1 Objective 1 9.2.2 Objective 2 9.2.3 Objective 3 9.2.4 Objective 4 217 217 218 220 222 9.3 223 Contribution to Knowledge 9.4 Further Work 9.4.1 Experimental Landing Gear Test bed 9.4.2 Uncertainty and Performance Metrics 9.4.3 New Sensor Technology and Systems Integration 9.4.4 Cost Modelling 9.4.5 Remaining Life Models 223 224 224 225 225 226 9.5 Published Research Papers 9.5.1 Journal Papers 9.5.2 Peer Reviewed Conference Contributions 226 226 227 DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) vi HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS LIST OF NOTATION AE. Acoustic Emissions ANN. Artificial Neural Network BIT. Built In Tests BPM. Basic Probability Mass CBM. Condition Based Maintenance CEng. Chartered Engineer CPV. Cumulative Percentage Variance ECS. Environmental Control System ELGEAR. Electric Landing Gear Extension and Retraction EMA. Electro-Mechanical Actuator ERP. Enterprise Resource Planning ETA. Event Tree Analysis FMEA. Failure Mode and Event Analysis FMECA. Failure Mode and Event Critical Analysis FTA. Fault Tree Analysis IET. Institute of Engineering and Technology IMechE. Institute of Mechanical Engineering IVHM. Integrated Vehicle Health Monitoring MCSA. Motor Current Signature Analysis MEA. More Electric Aircraft MRO. Maintenance Repair and Overhaul DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) vii HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS MRP. Materials Resource Planning O&S. Operations and Support OEM. Original Equipment Manufacturer PCA. Principle Component Analysis POA. Power Optimised Aircraft POD. Probability of Detection POFA. Probability of False Alarm REACTS. Reliable Electrical Actuation Systems RTF. Run to Failure RUL. Remaining Useful Life SPE. Squared Prediction Error SVD. Singular Value Decomposition SWOT. Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats TBPM. Time Based Preventative Maintenance DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) viii HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS ABSTRACT There are numerous benefits associated with replacing hydraulic actuators with electrical counterparts as part of an all electric landing gear including reduced consumption of non-propulsive engine power, reduced weight, reduced cost and the elimination of hydraulic systems. The development of health monitoring systems to support the introduction of electrical actuation systems into landing gears will aid in guaranteeing reliability and to optimise landing gear maintenance activities. One of the difficulties with designing health monitoring for industrial integration involves the large number of subject areas involved, ranging from architectural design, software and signal processing design, hardware selection and business modelling. The reason that many health monitoring systems never reach full development maturity is that there is a failure in realising a holistic design process. The purpose of this thesis and the overall contribution which has been made is to bring together a combined understanding of landing gear design, health monitoring and the business environment for aircraft maintenance in order for a holistic design process for landing gear health monitoring to be realised. DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) ix HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS DECLERATIONS No portion of the work referred to in this thesis has been submitted in support of an application for another degree or qualification of this or any other university or institute of learning. DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) x HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS COPYRIGHT i. The author of this thesis (including any appendices and /or schedules to this thesis owns certain copyright or related rights in it (the “Copyright”) and he has given The University of Manchester certain rights to use such Copyright, including for administrative purposes. ii. Copies of this thesis, either in full or in extracts and whether in hard or electronic copy, may be made only in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 (as amended) and regulations issued under it or, where appropriate, in accordance with licensing agreements which the University has from time to time. This page must form part of such copies made. iii. The ownership of certain Copyright, patents, designs, trademarks and other intellectual property (the “Intellectual property”) and any reproductions of copyright works in the thesis, for example graphs and tables (“Reproductions”), which may be described in this thesis, may not be owned by the author and may be owned by third parties. Such Intellectual Property and Reproductions cannot and must not be made available for use without the prior written permission of the owner(s) of the relevant Intellectual Property and/or Reproductions iv. Further information on the conditions under which disclosure, publication and commercialisation of this thesis, the Copyright and any Intellectual property and/or Reproductions described in it may take place is available in the University IP Policy (see , in any relevant Thesis restriction declarations deposited in the University Library, The University library’s regulations (see, and in The University’s policy on presentation of Theses. DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) xi HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author acknowledges that this thesis would not have been possible without the help and support from fellow researchers, industrial experts and academic peers. The following individuals have provided invaluable support. Firstly, I would like to express my gratitude to the project supervisors Dr Dominic Diston at the University of Manchester, Julia Payne and Satish Pandya at Messier Dowty Ltd. In addition I would like to thank Professor Andrew Starr from Cranfield University for his sharing of expertise, providing commentary on my research reports and his contributions to conference and journal publications. I also gratefully acknowledge the assistance and support of the Manchester Engineering Doctorate Centre in particular the advice, guidance and support offered by Dr David Stanley and Janet Wade. Finally I would like to thank my family for their continued support and encouragement. DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) xii HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS THE AUTHOR After obtaining his Bachelor’s degree in Physics and Astrophysics from the University of Keele in 2004 Paul worked in a variety of technical manufacturing roles before obtaining his postgraduate Masters degree in Control Systems Engineering from the University of Sheffield in 2006. Immediately after this he took up an appointment as an Engineering Doctorate (EngD) research engineer at the University of Manchester. During his doctorate Paul was elected as a full member of the Institute of Engineering and Technology (MIET) in 2007 and obtained his postgraduate diploma in Management Sciences from Manchester Business School in 2008. In 2008 and 2009 Paul worked closely with Spirit Aerosystems Inc. (KS, USA), Wichita State University (KS, USA) and the Northwest Composite Centre (UK) investigating novel manufacturing techniques and technologies for composite fuselage and wing structures. In addition to this during his EngD time Paul was engaged in several high profile projects including the DTI funded ELGEAR project along with the EU Framework 6 projects TATEM and DYNAMITE. Post EngD Paul worked for 12 months as a Research Associate in the Rail Technology Unit (RTU) in the School of Engineering at Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU). His research there included enhancing the use of simulation in the homologation process for rail vehicles across Europe, modelling future high-speed freight vehicles, and investigations into the business case for sustainable freight transportation as part of the EU FP7 projects DYNOTRAIN, SUSTRAIL and SPECTRUM. He is currently a Research Project Manager with Cranfield Defence and Security, as part of a new £10.5m EPSRC Centre for Innovative Manufacturing in Through-Life Engineering Services hosted by Cranfield and Durham Universities. His main focus is in the management of research projects supported by the MOD, civilian aircraft operators and the rail industry developing technology and processes to mitigate the No-Faults Found (NFF) problem for new and ageing complex engineered products. DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) xiii Chapter 1: Introduction This chapter aims to introduce the engineering doctorate programme, the sponsoring organisation, the project background, objectives and management. Finally a description of the thesis layout, in terms of individual chapters is given. 1.1 The Degree of Doctor of Engineering The Engineering Doctorate (EngD) is a flagship programme which provides the opportunity for outstanding engineers to work within industry whilst obtaining a doctoral level qualification. The student termed a research engineer is jointly funded by the Engineering and Physical Science Research Council (EPSRC) and a collaborating organisation. The aim of the EngD is to provide the research engineers with an intensive and broadly based research training experience. This ensures that the EngD research engineers who often aspire to senior management roles in industry are able to gain practical experience of working within industry whilst expanding their knowledge through further academic study. As well as the research the EngD has a number of other aspects which must be completed satisfactory. These include supporting technical courses, a diploma in management science and various monitored professional development elements. The University of Manchester’s EngD professional development scheme is unique within the UK with it being accredited by the Institute of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE) and the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET). A professional development mentor and advisor are appointed for each research engineer, usually within another industrial organisation, to offer advice and guidance on professional development. The aim of the EngD professional development program is for the research engineer to reach professional chartered status (CEng) upon completion of the EngD. The nature and objectives of the EngD programme mean that for the success of the project, research activities must be aligned to the sponsor’s objectives and the commercial implications of the research project must also be considered. . HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS 1.2 The Sponsoring Company The sponsoring company, Messier – Dowty are suppliers of aircraft landing gear systems to aircraft constructors worldwide. They are involved in all aspects of landing gear, starting from the design, right through to the development and manufacture of fully integrated systems for all types of aircraft. Messier-Dowty are a SAFRAN Group company; an international high technology group involved in aerospace propulsion, aircraft equipment, defence security and communications. They are the world leaders in the design, development, manufacture and support of landing gear systems. These gear systems are in service on more than 19,500 aircraft making over 35,000 landings every day. The company supplies 33 airframe manufacturers and supports 2,000 operators of large commercial aircraft, regional and business aircraft, military aircraft and helicopters. Approximately 4500 personnel are employed across 13 sites in Europe, North America and Asia Messier Dowty takes a holistic view of their product life cycle in order to meet the challenges of today’s dynamic aerospace environment. Their focus is on providing landing gear systems which are not only reliable and robust, but increasingly weight efficient and environmentally responsible, thus providing overall value across the full life of an aircraft program. As part of the SAFRAN Group’s landing gear systems integration capability that covers the full ATA Chapter 32 of commercial landing gear systems. Messier Dowty’s capability offers air framers a single source for their needs. Saving considerable time and cost in terms of design, technical interface and supplier management. They lead systems activity on a number of development programs, coordinating the integration of sub-systems provided by specialist partners, allowing customers to reduce management responsibilities, lead times and acquisition costs. In the commercial sector Messier–Dowty supply landing gear for the entire Airbus range of aircraft and the nose and main landing gear for the Boeing 787 Dreamliner. In addition to this they also supply gears for one-third of the worlds regional business jet programmes. In the military sector contributions are made to the world’s DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 2 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS most advanced military programs, including, Boeing’s F/A-18E/F, the Eurofighter, the Airbus A400M military transport aircraft and Dassault’s Mirage and Rafale. This product range also extends to helicopters and tiltrotors, where Messier-Dowty supports both the BA 609 and the Eurocopter Tiger programs. 1.3 Division History The EngD project is run in conjunction with Messier-Dowty’s UK facility in Gloucester. The Gloucester facility has been at the forefront of landing gear technology for over 70 years, dating from innovative landing solutions in the 1930’s with the development of the first internally sprung wheel, to the advanced landing gears on most of today’s aircraft. Today the 44,000m² Gloucester facilities employ approximately 1000 people. Activities include a total capability from concept to in-service support including design, development, test, production, processing (heat treatment, surface finishing, etc), assembly and product support. Core competencies at Gloucester include a strong engineering function involved in design, research, development & test and systems integration together with comprehensive state of the art production capability. The Gloucester test facility includes extensive capability for strength, fatigue, drop, endurance, environmental testing and systems integration. Production activities focus on critical components including complex major structures such as large main fittings and bogies/truck beams for large commercial aircraft, plus main fittings and the larger components for military and commuter aircraft. Programs supported at Gloucester include: - Airbus A330/340 family of main gears; A318/319/320/321 family of main gears; A310 bogies; Airbus Military A400M nose gear; Boeing 787 truck beams; Eurofighter/Typhoon landing gear system; Boeing T-45 Goshawk main gear and BAE Nimrod MRA4 nose & main gears. Landing gear spares support includes: BAE Harrier & Boeing AV-8B nose & main gears; Panavia Tornado nose & main gears; Sepecat Jaguar nose gear; Avro RJ (146) main & nose gears; Fokker 50 nose and main gears; Fokker 70 & 100 nose gears and BAE ATP nose and main gears. DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 3 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS 1.4 Research and Technology Messier-Dowty is actively pursuing new opportunities to optimise landing gear technology throughout every stage of the product life cycle. Two of the research projects in which Messier Dowty have been recently engaged in and which the EngD project has helped to support are ELGEAR (Electric Landing Gear Extension and Retraction) and TATEM (Technologies and Techniques for New Maintenance concepts). TATEM (Techniques and Technologies for New Maintenance Concepts) was a 4year EU framework 6 research project which began in March 2004 and finished in 2008, costing €40 million. The project brought together a consortium of 57 contractors from 12 countries across Europe, Israel and Australia. The purpose of the project was to investigate methods for reducing the cost of maintenance on both fixed wing and rotary wing aircraft. The objectives aimed at ensuring that the European aerospace industry remains competitive in the design and support of current and next generation aircraft. The research included new maintenance philosophies, technologies and techniques, to develop new approaches for maintaining aircraft structure, avionics, utilities, landing gear and engines. The project demonstrated the means to achieve a 20% reduction in airline maintenance related costs within 10 years and a 50% reduction over 20 years. The technical focus of the TATEM project assessed the following maintenance philosophies, technologies and techniques: Maintenance-free avionics that require no scheduled maintenance work. Signal processing techniques which can be used to convert data into information about the health of the systems. Novel onboard sensor technology to gather data from the aircraft (avionics, utilities, actuation, engines and structures), to feed prognostic or diagnostic systems. DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 4 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS Diagnostic methods to identify and locate failures and malfunctions and so reduce the incidence of no fault found alarms. Prognostic methods to provide support for preventative maintenance actions. Decision support techniques to generate process-oriented information and guidance (instructions) for the maintenance engineer. Human interface technologies to provide the ground crew with information, data and advice at the point of work. ELGEAR (Electric Landing Gear Extension and Retraction) was a £11 million UK part DTI (Department of Trade & Industry) funded programme that commenced in February 2006 until late 2009. The project involved four major manufacturers – Airbus, Goodrich, General Electric and Messier-Dowty. The programme aimed to design and model a complex electrical system for the control and actuation of an all electric landing gear. This would be followed by the manufacture of the electric actuators for the landing gears. Goodrich, GE and Messier-Dowty are responsible for the design and manufacture of the electric actuation systems for one landing gear each. The requirements/constraints for the landing gear/electric system designs are provided by Airbus along with the vehicle testing rig for validating the all electric landing gear. The test vehicle would be an Airbus A320, however the all electric landing gear is intended to be used in the next generation single aisle aircraft. 1.5 Problem Statement and Research Motivation Electric motor driven actuation is now very widespread. In automotive products, for example, electric windows, locks, aerials, seat/lamp/mirror adjustment are common. Drive-by-wire introduces motor-actuated steering and the starting circuit is a heavy motor-driven actuation system. Similar situations are encountered in railway point mechanisms, heavy electrical switch gear, and valve actuation. Many similar DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 5 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS applications are proposed for the “more electric aircraft” for example in future civil aircraft landing gears. There are numerous benefits associated with an all electric landing gear including reduced consumption of non-propulsive engine power, reduced weight, reduced cost and the elimination of hydraulic systems. Elimination of the hydraulic systems of the landing gears and brakes leads to reduced aircraft turn-around times and the toxic, hydraulic fluids which require significant maintenance effort to contain, are no longer needed. Challenges associated with the actuator design include the space/weight constraints (it will be difficult to fit electric motors into the available space) and being able to anticipate and provide solutions for all of the possible failure modes associated with the completely new all-electric design. The fact that hydraulic actuation has been used in aerospace successfully for many decades, proving to be reliable and hence gaining the confidence of aircraft operators means that any replacement drive will need to provide insurances that they are of equal robustness and reliability to the preceding system. An all new electric landing gear actuation system will therefore require the use of health monitoring to help guarantee reliability and ensure customer confidence in the replacement actuator. The development of a health monitoring system for landing gear actuators would aim at providing a diagnostic/prognostic health monitoring capability, which will enable decisions to be taken regarding aircraft flight worthiness. However the development of a health monitoring system poses several significant challenges in the choice of monitoring approach. These actuators can be considered to have a variety of ‘normal’ operating modes and experience varying loads, speed, friction and operating environment. These factors which lead to widely varying data from typical measurements can mask the actuator faults until the severity has increased to the point of failure. DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 6 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS Further issues relating to the design of the health monitoring system are related to its implementation into the landing gears. The drive for reductions in landing gear mass and volume combined with issues relating to the cost and complexity of the health monitoring system, with all data requiring on-board processing means that performance data will be limited placing restrictions on the use of additional sensor equipment on the landing gears. The overall motivation for developing a health monitoring system for electromechanical actuators is to provide diagnostic and prognostic information regarding the health state of the actuator for the purpose of: 1. Avoiding faults that may lead to in-flight actuator failures impacting upon the landing gear reliability 2. Improving the availability of the aircraft and to reduce maintenance support costs by investigating the use of prognostics for the actuator system. Actuator health monitoring would ultimately result in reductions in scheduled maintenance where serviceable items would remain on the landing gears for longer periods. Maintenance operations would be able to be optimised, reducing the cost of replacement parts (legislation dictates that certain components are replaced at regular intervals regardless of condition) and also increasing aircraft availability. There are both these commercial benefits and also disadvantages as health monitoring would result in reduced sales revenues for the landing gear manufacturer from serviceable parts. Designing a health monitoring system requires the use of a variety of multidisciplinary approaches, and requires the use of a systems based methodology. Key top level design requirements include: 1. The use of existing data will be used wherever possible DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 7 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS 2. The impact of data acquisition on cost, weight, size, reliability, power consumption and the operation of the landing gear system shall be minimal. 3. Any additional transducers will be capable of effectively operating in the landing gear environment. 4. Monitored data and decisions can be provided with a measure of data quality and performance assessment. 1.6 Research Objectives The following of research objectives acted as a framework in which the research has been conducted Objective 1: Assess the current state of the art health monitoring techniques and show that established techniques exist which are viable for a landing gear actuator application without the need for additional sensor equipment, placed upon the actuators. Objective 2: Define a systems architectural framework for EMA diagnostics and prognostics, with identification of key nodes which will: Identify abnormal behaviour Incorporate performance metrics Allow analytical and heuristic symptoms to be used effectively alongside process history, costs and risks. Be accessible for additional sensor/heuristic data, for health monitoring purposes, to be incorporated without architectural alterations. Objective 3: Define and demonstrate a health monitoring algorithm for component level actuator fault detection and diagnostics. DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 8 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS Objective 5: Demonstrate and assess the commercial benefits of incorporating health monitoring systems into aircraft landing gears. 1.7 Project Management As part of the EngD training objectives it is essential for the research engineer to obtain the necessary skills to efficiently plan and manage the doctorate research in a manner which is expected for an industrial focused project. The project management and organisation of the budget for this thesis work has been the sole responsibility of the author. A detailed project plan was created to translate the industrial sponsors top level requirements into identifying feasible research objectives and project scope incorporated into several discrete work packages, with associated milestones and deliverables. The project plan was formulated with close considerations of the industrial sponsors’ outcome requirements and planning standards. As with any industrial project, it is often the case that things do not always progress as planned. This was the case with certain elements of this research project, but through the use of initial project risk assessments with identifiable mitigation processes and the use of a dynamic project plan all major research deliverables were met on time. 1.8 Thesis Layout Chapter one has introduced the reader to the degree of Doctor of Engineering and highlighted how it is different from the conventional PhD system. Information regarding the sponsoring company has been presented, including information specific to the UK facility in which this thesis is attributed. The motivation and background for the research is emphasised and a framework based upon a set of research objectives in which the research has been carried out has been provided, along with notes concerning the project management and planning. Chapter two presents a review relating to the technical aspects of the projects application. It demonstrates a high level understanding of the more electric aircraft, landing gears and actuation devices prior to subsequent health monitoring system design. A brief review is given on related industrial projects connected with the more DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 9 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS electric aircraft concept. A comparative review on varying types of electromechanical actuation provides the justification and insight into the actuator design being developed by Messier-Dowty. Chapter 2 also highlights the key failure modes as identified from the development of Failure Mode and Event Analysis (FMEA) and Event/Fault Tree Analysis (FTA/ETA). Chapter three describes, in detail, condition based maintenance and individual monitoring techniques, including the state of the art sensor selection and signal processing methods. The use of expert systems lends themselves well to aerospace health monitoring and different approaches are presented and critically reviewed. The use of fusion architectures combined with the health monitoring standard ISO13374 is considered in detail. Finally an industry wide review actuator health monitoring is provided along. Chapter four covers the commercial implications of actuator health monitoring. The chapter starts by looking at the global landing gear market from the sponsoring companies’ viewpoint. Current maintenance practices are used along with potential changes to these operations which health monitoring would create is used to determine how aerospace actuator health monitoring should be packaged. This is important to ensure that all key players involved in aircraft maintenance and repair can obtain maximum benefit from the technology. Integration of health monitoring technology is discussed from both a technological and business model perspective and a variety of pricing models are proposed. The chapter concludes by presenting a detailed review of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats associated with actuator health monitoring. Chapter five presents a generic framework and methodology for the development of a monitoring system. The framework provides concise descriptions of individual system modules, and how they will operate in a health monitoring context. Different deployment strategies are also reviewed highlighting their advantages and disadvantages DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 10 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS Chapter six introduces the first part of a proposed health monitoring algorithm based within the concept of fault detection. The approach is aimed at providing an overall assessment of actuator operating quality, utilising only the available control signals with no requirement for extensive efficiency modelling. An experimental demonstration of the fault detection, using a bench top actuator with varying levels of degrading lubrication conditions. Chapter seven builds upon the fault detection presented in chapter seven into a diagnostics algorithm. This component level diagnostics approach is based upon the use model-based parity equations, and coupled with, an evidential reasoning inference process. The chapter outlines the diagnostic process and mathematical formulisation from symptom generation through to fault identification. Chapter eight verifies the diagnostic algorithms potential through the development of an actuator model and simulation certified by Messier Dowty Ltd as representative of the predicted performance of the ELGEAR landing gear retraction system. Utilising published information on parametric symptom to fault relationships a variety of faulty residuals are used to obtain evidence relating to a selection of different faults. The simulation demonstrates the effectiveness of combining evidence sets in reducing diagnostic uncertainty and providing strong diagnostic results. The chapter concludes with comments on the practical application of the proposed approach. Finally, chapter nine presents the summary and conclusions of the thesis. The novelty and contribution to knowledge is highlighted here. The main focus for this chapter is to reflect on the original objectives by providing a review of each and how the research thesis has achieved these objectives. The chapter concludes by proposing a number of future research opportunities. DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 11 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS Chapter 2: Landing Gear, Electromechanical Actuator and Systems Background 2.1 Introduction The aim of the chapter is to provide the necessary background information for the novel landing gear actuators. Understanding of the application area is essential for the development of any health monitoring system. The chapter begins by setting the research context which is aligned to the ‘More Electric Aircraft’ concept. This involves a description of the key benefits of electrical powered systems and a brief review of relevant industrial research projects. An overview of landing gear systems with emphasis placed on landing gear retraction methods is given. This is intended not too provide the reader with an in depth study of all the main systems involved with the gears operation. Rather it is aimed at highlighting how the landing gears are an essential safety and mission critical part of any aircraft that must be guaranteed to operate. Leading on from the discussion on landing gears a comparative review of different actuator types is given, focusing on electromechanical actuator assemblies such as lead, roller and ball screw in the context of their structure, performance, industry application and failure modes. This provides an insight into the reasoning behind the choice of actuator design for the main landing gear retraction actuator. An overview of this system is also discussed, focusing on air worthiness directive design requirements, control, reliability and safety issues, critical failure modes and performance requirements. 2.2 The “More Electric Aircraft” Today civil and military aircraft secondary power which is used for on board systems falls into the following categories: DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 12 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS Hydraulic power is used in most aircraft actuation systems. Including engine actuation; primary and secondary flight control; and landing gear deployment, retraction and braking. Pneumatic power is used for Environmental Control Systems (ECS) and ice protection Electrical Power is used to power the avionics and most of the aircrafts utility functions. Figure (2.1) illustrates the range of aircraft systems which are currently powered through a mix of pneumatic, hydraulic and electrical systems. Figure 2.1: Schematic of Aircraft Power Systems (SBAC 2007). In aerospace there is a move towards developing a More Electric Aircraft (MEA) where a large part of this secondary power is electrical in nature. There are the following reasons which can be used to support the introduction of electrical systems: DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 13 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS 1. Reduced weight- hydraulic and bleed air systems generally contain bulky, heavy hardware which contribute significantly to the weight of the aircraft. 2. Reduced fuel consumption - bleed air systems rely on compressed air from the engine which is produced at the expense of fuel consumption (i.e. fuel is consumed to produce the bleed air which then does not contribute to engine thrust). 3. Increased efficiency - losses in hydraulic or pneumatic piping are higher than in electrical cabling, plus these systems do not have the ability to provide power on demand (they cannot simply be switched on and off as required like electric systems) hence resulting in higher quiescent losses. This means that the peak power consumption of hydraulic and bleed air systems is higher than necessary. 4. Compromise of optimal component design - as the equipment using the bleed air systems requires certain pressures to operate the optimal design of an engine component may be compromised in order to provide the required air pressure for the bleed air system (Faleiro 2005). This can lead to nonoptimal performance characteristics including fuel burn. 5. The power off-takes at the engine from all of the aircraft systems are typically responsible for 3-5% of the total power produced by the engine (Faleiro 2005). By developing a more electric aircraft, this power requirement can be significantly reduced, enabling lower fuel burn and emissions. 2.3 More Electric Aircraft Research History The concept of a complete electrically powered aircraft is not a new concept and the considerations for military aircraft to be more electrically powered aircraft have existed since World War 2 when debates had been begun on the best way to distribute DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 14 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS power around an aircraft. Hydraulic power systems began to rapidly develop in the 1970s and the use of electrical power onboard aircraft began to be restricted to electronic systems only. The idea of using electric power as the only secondary power began to gain ground with early research performed jointly by NASA and The Lewis Research Centre (Spitzer 1984). There are two steps which are being taken to further the MEA. The first is the removing of current air and hydraulic secondary power supplied by the engines and increasing electrical power generation. The second is the replacing of hydraulic and pneumatic actuators with electrical counterpart. Different approaches including the use of electro-hydrostatic, hybrid and electromechanical actuators have been considered for use as alternative actuation system for the actuation of primary and secondary flight controls; braking; nacelle actuation and new landing gear extension and retraction. In the past decade the use of Electro- Hydrostatic Actuator (EHA) technology has rapidly developed and they are now replacing hydraulic circuits on new aircraft such as the Airbus A380 and Boeing B787. The feasibility of using EMA was shown in research by NASA in the early 1980’s in cooperation with Boeing Commercial Airplane Company (Holmadhl 1983). In this research an EMA was installed on the inboard flight spoiler of a small research aircraft. The performance of which was shown to match that of its hydraulic counterparts. The use of EMA gained more favourable results in a second NASA project where a large EMA was used to drive the Space Shuttle elevon (Pond and Wyllie 1983). The Power-By-Wire (PBW)/Fly-By-Light (FBL) research carried out by the NASA Lewis Research Centre aimed at looking at the potentials of electric actuators in aircraft with some specific focus on trends and tradeoffs involved in the selection of a particular motor drive technology. In particular DC motor drives, switched reluctance motor drives (Elbuluk and Kankam 1995) and induction drives (Elbuluk and Kankam 1996). DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 15 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS Early research into electric actuation for military aircraft included research by Lockheed-Georgia (Bradbury 1987) into the potentials of using electric actuation for flight controls onboard the C-130 (Alden 1991). Jensen et al. (2000) describes the test results of an EMA fitted onto the aileron of an F/A-18. The performance of which was shown to be virtually identical to that of a standard hydraulic actuator and therefore validating the potential use of aileron EMAs. The tests did however highlight problems with the actuators thermal performance. In the early 1990s research into aircraft power systems had advanced to the stage of replacing centralised onboard aircraft hydraulics with electrical power. This led to the United States Air Force More Electric Aircraft program (MEA) (Cloyd 1998) which aims at increasing a fighter aircrafts electrical capability. There have been several DTI funded technology programmes under the Civil Aircraft Research And technology Demonstration (CARAD) over the last decade as part of the UK “More Electric” initiative. These programmes have helped technological advances for electric power generation, distribution and flight surface actuation. Example programmes include Reliable Electric ACTuation Systems (REACTS) (Dixon et al. 1999) which investigated the use of a smart EMA which would be suitable for use on civil gas turbine aero-engines. The Distributed Electrical Power Management Architecture (DEPMA) (Bailey et al. 1999) consortium investigated alternative electrical power distribution architectures on both civil and military aircraft. In the Electric Actuated Braking SYSTem (EABSYS) (Collins 1999) programme the aim was to design and develop an electrically actuated braking system to replace conventional hydraulics. The Totally Integrated More Electrical Systems (TIMES) (Cutts 2002) programme was devoted to using systems which have been previously developed in electrical aircraft. DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 16 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS 2.4 Current Relevant EU Electric Aircraft Research projects 2.4.1 Clean Sky Joint Technology Initiative The CLEAN SKY Joint Technology Initiative is a large scale EU-wide research programme designed to integrate and further develop the promising results of many technology programmes currently underway. The €1.6 billion, seven year project aims to develop the breakthrough technologies and operating practices required for the industry to achieve the ACARE 2020 targets. 2.4.2 More Open Electrical Technologies The More Open Electrical Technologies (MOET) project is a consortium of 46 companies and 15 research centres and universities from 14 countries in the EU. The three year programme co-ordinated by Airbus France with a budget of around €70 million, was launched in July 2006 and aims to establish a new industrial standard for the design of commercial aircraft electrical systems. This new standard, Powerby-Wire (PbW) will improve aircraft design and utilisation through power source rationalisation and electrical power flexibility. 2.4.3 Power Optimised Aircraft The Power Optimised Aircraft (POA) is an EU programme that began in January 2002 and involved 46 partners. The €99.2 million project was led by the German company Liebherr-Aerospace and examined novel ways of generating, distributing and using electric power so that non-propulsive power consumption could be minimised. Specifically, POA aimed to validate, at aircraft level, the ability of next generation aircraft equipment systems to: 1. Reduce peak non-propulsive power by 25% 2. Reduce total non-propulsive power 3. Reduce fuel consumption by 5% DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 17 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS 4. Reduce total equipment weight 2.4.4 Electric Landing Gear Extension and Retraction (ELGEAR) This DTI funded technology programme began in 2006 with a consortium consisting of four major partners, Airbus, Smiths Aerospace, Goodrich Actuation Services and Messier-Dowty. This aims of which are to design and model a complex system for control and actuation of an all electric landing gear system for the future replacements to single aisle aircraft such as those in the size range of the Airbus A320 and Boeings B737. 2.5 Overview of Landing Gears Landing gears are an essential part of the aircraft even though they remain redundant for most of the flight. The main task of the landing gear is to absorb the horizontal and vertical energy of the touchdown as well as ensuring a smooth ride before takeoff. Jenkins (1985) and Young (1986) have published overviews of landing gear design with text books such as Conway (1958) and Currey (1988) giving in depth details on landing gear development. Most modern transport aircraft are designed with retractable landing gears positioned in a tricycle configuration with a nose gear and two main gears. Conventional tricycle configured landing gears have become the best solution to taxiing, taking off and landing with unconventional designs such as skids or air cushion landing gears being reserved for special applications. Landing gears must be positioned relative to the aircrafts centre of gravity to prevent them from being easily overturned or from tipping back onto its tail under static and dynamic loads. The geometry of the landing gears must also provide clearance of the aircraft with the ground during all operational conditions. During flight most modern aircraft have their landing gears retracted and stowed. A prime task for the design of landing gears is to minimise the volume of the stowed gears and provide the lowest weight possible. This can pose restrictions on the positioning of the gears with the volume and installed weight having adverse effects on the performance of the aircraft. DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 18 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS Landing gear occupy significant amounts of volume and accounts for about 3% of the overall mass on military aircraft and about 4% on civil aircraft. In landing gear design there is a continued effort to reduce this mass through development of new materials with advanced design and manufacturing techniques allowing for optimization of aircraft mass (Jenkins 1989). At the heart of the landing gear unit is the shock absorber. This is designed to absorb the energy generated by the impact between the gears and the runway upon landing. There are many different types of shock absorber construction. The most popular is as an oleo-pneumatic shock strut which combines a gas spring with oil and additional friction damping The landing gear brakes are required to bring the aircraft to a halt and to help control the aircraft as it taxis to the runway. The design of the brakes must be able to support very high temperatures. The brakes add substantial mass to the landing gears and are generally fixed to the main gears only. As an example the brakes make up 24% of the total 3626kg mass of the AIRBUS A300 main landing gears (Kruger et al. 1997). The temperature of the brakes must be monitored as take off cannot be carried out if the brakes are hot. The reasons for this are that there is a risk of fire if the high temperatures on the brakes come into contact with hydraulic fluid in the land gear bay. The number and size of the aircraft tyres is an important design consideration and is dictated by the aircrafts weight and the strength of the runway which will vary depending on the airport. Larger civil aircraft such as the A320 and Boeing 747 reach loads of 20 tons per tyre on each of the main gears (Krüger 2000). In order to retract landing gears into the smallest possible space, complex motions are required which will put the landing gear into the assigned space without colliding with other structures. The main methods of retracting landing gear include mechanical drives such as pneumatic, hydraulic and electrical actuation. The landing gear retraction geometry is effectively dependent upon the position of the lowered wheels (which is governed by ground stability, load distribution and clearance angles), DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 19 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS stowage position in the airframe and the attachment points to the airframe. An example the A310 main landing gear in both retracted and extended positions is shown in Figure (2.2). Figure 2.2: A310 Main Gears (Young 1986). On the landing gear there are several actuating elements which are currently hydraulic. A typical landing gear may comprise a retraction actuator, a down and up lock, a door actuator and a door lock. Retraction mechanisms on the majority of the world’s aircraft however are powered by a hydraulic actuator which acts about the pivot axis in order to raise the landing gear against weight and aerodynamic loads. The other two actuators are the lock-stay actuator, which locks the landing gear in place once extended and the door actuator that ensures that the bay doors are successfully opened and closed for landing gear deployment. Figure (2.3) shows a typical arrangement of the down lock and main retraction actuator positions. DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 20 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS Figure 2.3 Airbus A320 Main Gears General future requirements for aircraft landing gear include (i) longer life, (ii) lower mass/volume and (iii) lower support costs. Longer life and lower support costs can be met through the use of advanced maintenance such as a future prognostic/diagnostic health monitoring system. 2.6 Actuator Types Historically there have been numerous difficulties associated with using electrically powered actuators in aircraft (Wijekoon 2009). These have attributed directly to the many reasons why hydraulics dominate actuation in aircraft and have done for a number of decades. The extensive use of hydraulics by aircraft constructors has led to wide experience with hydraulics and familiarity with their pros and cons. The wide use of hydraulic systems immediately indicates a reliable and safe system, creating confidence in the systems. The most serious criticisms of hydraulics are the potential fire risk from inflammable hydraulic fluids and their general messiness. The worldwide use of hydraulic equipment has created an extensive and specialised industry. Through competitive effort a high level of technical design and production DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 21 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS and supply chains have been achieved. Since hydraulics has set the pace competitive systems lag behind in the solution to certain actuation problems. Hydraulic equipment is naturally adequately lubricated by the operating fluid this is not the case with a pneumatic or electric systems. Here the piston seals are lubricated with grease which can become solid at low temperatures meaning that maintaining an adequate film of grease at all times is difficult. However the need to reduce aircraft frame noise and aircraft weight has led to alternative electrical actuation being considered as permanent replacements to hydraulics. Electrical actuators operate much quieter than hydraulic cylinders and also have the potential to reduce mass and overall volume of the system. Electrical actuation units are however often heavier than hydraulic cylinders but hydraulic system consists of a number of individual additional components connected by piping which can require a large space whilst electric systems use much smaller wires. It is therefore predicted that the removal of the overall hydraulic systems will result in a beneficial weight reduction. This reduction in landing gear weight will help reduce the consumption of fuel and hence a reduction in polluting emissions. The use of electrical actuators also offers potential maintenance savings and production costs. They run more efficiently than hydraulic cylinders at low ambient temperatures, low temperatures tend to cause hydraulic fluid to become more viscous making the operation of the cylinders sluggish. The most important reason however for investigating replacement of hydraulic actuation is to optimise engine power. Actuation is regarded as secondary power systems, the power for which is generated within the engines. Increases in airline fuel taxes make it desirable to optimise engine power usage. Electrical actuation will aid in reducing this dependency on power generated from the engines reducing fuel costs. There is also a distinct and real possibility that future aircraft engines will not produce hydraulic power. When deciding whether to use electromechanical actuators in a particular application the sole deciding factors are: which actuator type best meets the technical and DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 22 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS economic demands of the application. There are three main types of linear actuation, which operate either by a lead, roller or ball screw. 2.6.1 Lead Screw The basic leadscrew illustrated in Figure (2.4) assembly is a simple nut and screw mating with rubbing surfaces. Consequently they have a relatively high friction and stiction compared to mechanical parts which mate with rolling surfaces and bearings (i.e. roller and ball screws). Figure 2.4: Example of a Lead Screw Assembly* 2.6.2 Ball screw In a ball screw assembly illustrated in Figure (2.5) a threaded shaft provides a spiral raceway for ball bearings which act as a precision screw. As well as being able to apply or withstand high thrust loads they can do so with minimum internal friction. They are made to close tolerances and are therefore suitable for use in situations in which high precision is necessary. The ball assembly acts as the nut while the threaded shaft acts as the screw. *Illustration obtained from (accessed 19/7/2011) DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 23 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS Figure 2.5: Example of a Ball Screw Assembly* 2.6.3 Roller screw The difference in the roller screw design, illustrated in Figure (2.6) from the ball screw design for transmitting forces is that multiple threaded helical rollers are assembled in a planetary arrangement around a threaded shaft which converts the motor's rotary motion into linear movement of the shaft or nut. Figure 2.6: Example of a Roller Screw Assembly † Table 2.1 provides a comparison of lead, roller, and ball screw assemblies which are commonly used for electromechanical actuation. As can be seen each assembly has its own set of advantages and disadvantages, so the choice of assembly is significantly application dependant. * *Illustration obtained from (accessed 19/7/2011) DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 24 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS Table 2.1: Comparison of Actuator Types Load ratings Speed Acceleration Lifetime Electronic Positioning Stiffness Relative Space Requirements Friction Shock Loads Efficiency Installation Roller screw Very High Very high Very high Very long, many times greater than ball screw Lead screw High Low Low Ball screw High Moderate Moderate Hydraulic Very High Moderate Very high Pneumatic High Very high Very high Very low, due to high friction and wear Moderate Can be long with proper maintenance Can be long with proper maintenance Easy Moderate Easy Difficult Very Difficult Very high Very high Moderate Very high Very low Minimum Moderate Moderate High High Low Very high >90% Compatible with standard servo electronic controls High Very high approx 40% User may have to engineer a motion/actuator interface Low Moderate >90% Compatible with standard servo electronic controls High Very high <50% Complex, requires servo-valves, high pressure plumbing, filtering pumps, linear positioning and sensing Moderate High <50% Very complex, requires servo-valves, plumbing, filtering, compressors, linear positioning and sensing Maintenance Very low High due to poor wear characteristics Moderate Very high High Environmental Minimal Minimal Minimal Hydraulic fluid leaks & disposal High noise levels 2.7 Regulation on Landing Gear Retraction Mechanisms So that any potential unsafe conditions can be identified and addressed, the country of aircraft registration and the civil aviation authority of the manufacturing country, generate a set of mandatory guidelines for all aspects of design, manufacture, operation and aircraft maintenance known as airworthiness directives. These directives notify the aircraft operators or designers that their aircraft may not conform to the appropriate standards and if there are any actions (i.e. maintenance) that must be taken. It is a legal requirement that operators follow the airworthiness directives and country specific authorities closely regulate them. Such authorities include the Federal DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 25 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS Aviation Administration (USA), The Civil Aviation Safety Authority (Australia) and The Joint Aviation Authorities (Europe).For aircraft with retractable landing gear, the following common directives apply: Each landing gear retracting mechanism and its supporting structure must be designed for maximum flight load factors with the gear retracted. They must be designed to handle the combination of friction, inertia, brake torque, and air loads, occurring during retraction at any airspeed up to 1.6 V with flaps retracted. The landing gear and retracting mechanism, including the wheel doors, must withstand flight loads, including loads resulting from all yawing conditions with the landing gear extended at any speed up to at least 1.6 V with the flaps retracted. There must be positive means (other than the use of hydraulic pressure) to keep the landing gear extended For a landplane having retractable landing gear that cannot be extended manually, there must be means to extend the landing gear in the event of either: 1. Any reasonably probable failure in the normal landing gear operation system; 2. Any reasonably probable failure in a power source that would prevent the operation of the normal landing gear operation system. If a retractable landing gear is used, there must be a landing gear position indicator (as well as necessary switches to actuate the indicator) or other means to inform the pilot that each gear is secured in the extended or retracted positions. DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 26 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS 2.8 Messier Dowty Actuator Design The actuator designs for the retraction and lock-stay actuators currently under development by Messier-Dowty Ltd for use on the aircrafts main gears is based around that of a roller screw. The other possible consideration was a ball screw assembly, but with the roller screws ability to handle larger shock loads, reduced friction, smaller space requirements, easy control and longer lifespan; the roller screw has been selected as the most appropriate arrangement to meet the specific landing gear requirement. One of the primary difficulties in designing electromechanical landing gear retraction actuators is the legal requirement that there is an emergency means of lowering the gears in the advent of a full systems failure. In hydraulic systems this is achieved simply by unlocking the gears and allowing the systems to fall under gravity, the nose gear is usually retracted to the front so that if they are emergency released the air flow will help push them into position as shown in the case of an Airbus A300 nose gear in Figure (2.7). Front of plane Figure 2.7: A300 Nose Gear (Krüger 2000). DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 27 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS In an electromechanically actuator system, the very nature of the screw/nut assembly means that a simple release and gravity freefall is not possible. Instead in built redundancy must be incorporated into the design to ensure a controlled freefall, should the primary systems fail. Figure (2.8) provides a basic schematic for the main retraction actuator arrangement. A primary duplex motor is connected to a gearbox which linearly displaces the nut by rotation of the screw. This in turn moves a lever arm about a pivot achieving retraction/extension of the landing gears. The actuator has in built redundancy to ensure the system operates safely. If the primary motor fails, or the primary roller screw jams, then there is an emergency system consisting of a backup motor, gear box and rollerscrew that will ensure successful displacement of the actuator. Figure 2.8: The EMA Retraction Actuator Figure (2.9) provides a basic schematic for the lock-stay actuator. The lock-stay actuator consists of a single rollerscrew, duplex motor and gear box. DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 28 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS Figure 2.9: The Unlocking EMA 2.9 Main Retraction Actuator Control and Performance Requirements The main landing gear actuator control is achieved by local control systems (Active standby) with internal sensing for snubbing and under/over end of travel position sensors. The locations of the end of travel hall sensors are identified in Figure (2.10). Figure 2.10: Main Landing Gear Retraction Cycle* * Source: Messier Dowty ELGEAR presentation (March 2007) DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 29 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS Position control will be achieved through counting of motor commutation hall sensor states. Hall sensors are available to detect when the actuator has reached the desired position to stop accelerating to the maximum rate of speed and also when to begin decelerating to the end of travel position. This is shown in Figure (2.11). The motor also contains thermocouples to avoid operation at overly high temperatures. External aircraft proximity sensors are used to indicate up lock and down lock positions. Figure (2.10) illustrates a retraction cycle of the main gears, demonstrating the direction of travel for the retraction and locking actuators. The landing gear retraction mechanisms also contain snubbing devices used to suppress high voltage transients in the electrical systems. The range of these sensors is also indicated in Figure (2.11). Figure 2.11: Position Control Strategy* As described in the previous section, the actuator is designed as to operate reliably in the advent of the primary actuator failing to extend/retract the gears. If a jam does * Source: Messier Dowty ELGEAR presentation (March 2007) DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 30 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS occur, for example if during landing gear deployment a down and locked signal is not observed, then the pilot has two options. Firstly the pilot can select to retract the gears, followed by re-extending them to see if the jam clears. If the jam is bidirectional and the gears cannot be retracted then the pilot will select the emergency deployment control safely deploying the gears. This cycle is illustrated in Figure (2.12). Figure 2.12: Illustration of the Main landing Gear Deployment When Experiencing Actuator Jamming* * Source: Messier Dowty ELGEAR presentation (March 2007) DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 31 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS 2.10 Reliability and Safety issues Landing gear actuators are primarily mechanical/electrical systems with moving parts and as with all mechanical/electrical systems they are subject to failure. The design of the actuator therefore must be designed sufficiently robust as to maximise the probability that it will perform satisfactory for a specific period of time under specified conditions. The main failure modes which are of primary concerns are as follows. 1. Failure to retract/extend the landing gear in the systems normal operating mode. 2. Failure to damp the landing gear at the end of the retraction/extension cycle in the systems normal operating mode. 3. Inadvertent retraction/extension. 4. Slow or jerky retraction. 5. Failure to permit the full extension of the landing gear in the freefall mode. 6. Failure to damp the landing gear at the end of the extension in the freefall mode. If any of these modes occur then it can be deemed that the actuator system is “lost”. This means that it can no longer perform satisfactory and is unsafe to fly the aircraft until rectified. In order to avoid these failure modes than the system must be designed to meet specific reliability criteria. Table 2.2 gives an example of the actuator reliability prediction as calculated during the early stages of development. This reliability prediction is estimated based upon standard material components. The use of aerospace grade materials and components however is likely to significantly increase the reliability of the actuator system. DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 32 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS Table 2.2: Actuator Reliability Prediction* Assembly Extend/Retract Actuator Unlock Actuator ECU Item/Sub-assembly Failure rate per 106 % of total failure hours Rate Mechanical Components Duplex Motor Simplex Emergency Motor Brake (Triplex Solenoid) Sensors, Duplex X 4 Mechanical Components Duplex Motor Sensors, Duplex X 3 MCU’s 940A) X 2 MCU’s (3A) X 2 Abnqalogue & Digital I/O Interface Solid State Power Controllers X 2 DC/DC Power Supplies X2 Total failure per 10 2 16.66 4 8.33 2 10 2 20 5 5 1 16.66 15 102 102 4 4 24 24 100 23 1.53 0 20 5 10 6 hours 427.20 MTBF 2,341 Flights Before Failure 1232 Failure modes in actuators will vary depending upon the type of actuator and the application for which it is being used. Experience in engineering has demonstrated to us that actuators do however have common failure modes which are of specific interest in failure diagnosis. Electrical actuators have failure modes dominated by mechanical failures such as within the gear and bearings. These are often caused through inadequate lubrication, overloading, corrosion and poor maintenance. Other components within the actuator system can also regularly fail; for example electrical components; sensors and the control system. Table 2.3 shows potential failures in electrical actuators. * Source: Messier Dowty ELGEAR presentation given to the author March 2007. Data calculated by Claverham who were initially responsible for the design and development of the actuator systems. DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 33 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS Table 2.3: Potential Electromechanical Actuator Faults EMA Component Function of EMA Component Motor Transforms electrical signals into mechanical rotational motion Controls the motor output based on position feedback Transforms rotational energy and helps with speed reduction Transforms rotational motion (gears) to linear motion (lead screw) Provides linear displacement to the actuated system Controller Gearbox Acme Configuration Lead screw/ Ball screw Failure Modes Seized bearings Misaligned Shaft Windings open/shorted Loss of power Sensor failure Switch/connector failure Fatigue cracking Gear stripping Screw cracked Nut cracked Nut and screw seized together Jammed lead screw Bearing seizure A full detailed study of actuator failure modes has been carried out in this research work through the construction of a Failure Mode and Event Analysis (FMEA). Each component failure mode is given a rating based on occurrence, severity and current control ability to detect the failure mode. It should be noted that the scores given are a best guess judgement, designed through published engineering experience and discussions with human experts and are therefore subjective. They do however give a strong indication on which components are more likely to occur and which have the greatest impact on the actuators primary function. 2.11 Actuator Component Failures From the FMEA studies there are several individual actuator components which are most likely to lead to loss of the actuator system. The causes of these failure modes are most likely to manifest as faults within bearings, gears, actuator screw, and lubrication or within the control sensors. The background to faults in these components is briefly described below. 2.11.1 Bearing Faults Bearings are among the most important components in the vast majority of machines and exacting demands are made upon their carrying capacity and reliability. Even DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 34 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS though bearings are precision engineered to operate reliability for a certain calculated useful life it sometimes happens that they do not attain to this calculated rating and can fail. There are many reasons for this such as heavier than usual loading, inadequate/unsuitable lubrication, ineffective sealing or poor installation. Each of these factors creates its own damage type within the bearing, categorised as the primary damage including wear, indentations, smearing, surface distress and corrosion. This can then lead onto secondary damage resulting in metallic flaking and cracks. Damaged bearings will affect the smooth running of the actuator creating jerks within the motion and if left unmaintained they will eventually seize leading to the total loss of the actuator system. 2.11.2 Gear Faults Metal gears fail for numerous reasons, some, in part, independent from the gears themselves. Assessing gear damage can be a challenge, especially in industrial equipment. Unlike lab tests designed to isolate a particular failure mode, field failures may combine several modes. The more common failures include bending fatigue failure, which is the result of cyclic bending stress at the tooth root. The damage process follows three stages: crack nucleation, crack propagation, and final unstable fracture. Pitting or macropitting is surface damage from cyclic contact stress transmitted through a lubrication film that is in or near the elastohydrodynamic regime. Pitting is one of the most common causes of gear failure. Scuffing, also termed is a severe type of adhesive wear which instantly damages tooth surfaces that are in relative motion. In fact, a single overload can lead to catastrophic failure. Wear is a continuous, abrasive process of material removal from mating gear teeth that happens with or without abrasive particles in the oil. For example, hard asperities on gear flanks can remove material from mating flanks. Removal of the hardened layer from surface-hardened gears accelerates wear. 2.11.3 Roller Screw Failure Roller screws, in contrast to conventional lead screws tend to much bulkier due to the need to have a mechanism for recirculation of the balls. To maintain the inherent DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 35 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS accuracy associated with a roller screw and too ensure minimal risk of failure great care is needed to avoid contamination with dirt and abrasive particles. For instance, if metal chips get into the nut assembly, the roller screws may grind them into a lapping compound, which will cause spalling and eventual catastrophic failure. The result of such contamination will lead to rapid degradation of the screws lubrication fluids, increasing friction resulting in higher than normal loading and inevitable wearing of the screw thread along with potential seizure of the roller assembly. Also, the inadequate use of the correct lubricant to protect the assembly from heat build up, caused through natural friction between mating metal surfaces will also lead to a similar failure result. Improper loading is another possible cause of roller screw failure. As a general rule, screws do not tolerate applied moments or side loading, which can be caused through incorrect installation and may result in the warping of the threaded screw further increasing the side loading. 2.12 Conclusion For over 60 years the aerospace industry has been dominated by the use of hydraulic and pneumatic drives with electrical drives being reserved for low power and load applications on small light aircraft. The pneumatic and hydraulic power for these drives originates as secondary engine power and therefore has a direct impact upon the aircrafts fuel consumption and polluting emissions. With advances in electrical power generation technology research across the aerospace sector has begun to seek to reduce dependence of engine generated hydraulic secondary power for actuation systems and more towards electrical powered systems. This has led to many advances in electromechanical actuation technology for aerospace applications such as primary flight control surfaces, engine actuation, cargo doors and landing gear retraction mechanisms. The issues with replacing hydraulic actuators with electromechanically counterparts are mainly related to reliability. The actuators which are under development by Messier Dowty utilise technology which is unproven in a landing gear application for medium to large aircraft. They therefore have to be engineered to include redundancy DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 36 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS ensuring that they are robust enough to operate in the extreme environment of the landing gear bay and are reliable enough to ensure successful operation. The main concerns of actuator failure are mechanical jamming. There are a variety of underlying faults which can increase in severity and lead to actuator jamming. These have been identified through a Failure Mode Event Analysis of an actuator system as bearing damage, gear seizure or physical actuator screw damage. Through the elicitation of expert knowledge during the course of studying the actuator system, the primary and most common cause for each of these failures begins with the degradation of the lubrication system. It is therefore considered that in order to detect incipient faults as early as possible, for this application the ability to detect changes to the lubrication within the actuator system is of paramount importance. The use of aerospace grade components can increase the reliability of individual actuator components but failures will still inevitably occur. Further health monitoring systems incorporated into the actuator system would offer the potential to increase this reliability even further. This would aid in justifying the need for additional automated fault detection and diagnostic health monitoring systems but the choice of acceptable approaches will be limited through design restrictions, regulation and costs. 2.13 References Alden, R. ‘C-141 and C-130 power-by-wire flight control systems’, (1991) Aerospace and Electronics Conference: NAECON, Dayton, OH , USA Bailey, M., Hale, N., Ucerpi, G., Hunt, J-A., Mollov, S., Forsyth, A. (1999), Distributed electrical power management architecture', IEEE Colloquium on Electrical Machines and Systems for the More Electric Aircraft, London, UK Bradbury, G. 'Development of an advanced primary flight control electromechanical actuator', (1987), Dayton, OH, USA: IEEE, New York, NY, USA. DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 37 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS Cloyd, J. (1998), 'Status of the United States Air Force's more electric aircraft initiative', IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine, Vol 13, No 4, pp. 1722. Collins, A. (1999), 'EABSYS: electrically actuated braking system'. IEE Colloquium on Electrical Machines and Systems for the More Electric Aircraft, London, UK: IEE. Conway, H.G., (1958), 'Landing gear design', The Royal Aeronautical Society. Cutts, S.J. (2002), 'A collaborative approach to the more electric aircraft', International Conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives, Bath, UK Currey, N., (1998), 'Aircraft landing gear design: principles and practices', AIAA. Dixon, R., Gifford, N., Sewell, C., Spalton, M. (1999), 'REACTS: Reliable electrical actuation systems', IEE Colloquium: Electrical Machines and Systems for the More Electric Aircraft, Vol 1999, No 180, pp. 23-38. Elbuluk, M., Kankam, M. (1995a), 'Motor drive technologies for the power-by-wire (PBW) program: options, trends and tradeoffs', Aerospace and Electronics Conference, NAECON, Elbuluk, M., Kankam, M. (1995b), 'Motor drive technologies for the power-by-wire (PBW) program: options, trends and tradeoffs. I. Motors and controllers', Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine, IEEE, Vol 10, No 11, pp 37-42 Faleiro, L. (2005), 'Beyond the more electric aircraft' Aerospace America, Holmdahl, M. (1983), 'Putting new all electric technology development to the test', NAECON, Dayton, OH, USA, DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 38 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS Jenkins, S. (1989), 'Landing gear design and development', Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Vol 203, No G1/1989, pp. 67-73 Jensen, S., Raymond, B., Dawson, D. (2000), 'Flight test experience with an electromechanical actuator on the F-18 systems research aircraft', The 19th Proceedings on Digital Avionics Systems Conferences, IEEE, Philadelphia, PA, USA Krüger, W., Besselink, I., Cowling, D., Boan, D., Kortüm, W., Krabacher, W. (1997), 'Aircraft Landing Gear Dynamics: Simulation and Control', Vehicle System Dynamics, Vol 28, No 2, pp. 119-158. Krüger, W., (2000), 'Integrated design process for the development of semi-active landing gears for transport aircraft', Doctorate Thesis Pond, C,. Wyllie, C. (1983), 'Test results of a unique high power electric motor actuator designed for space shuttle applications', IEEE SBAC. (2007), 'Aircraft and environmental briefing papers', Aircraft Technology and Emissions Spitzer, C,. (1984), 'The all-electric aircraft: a systems view and proposed NASA research programs', IEEE: Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, Dayton, OH, USA. Wijekoon, L., Wheeler, P., Clare, J., Whitley, C., Towers, G. (2009), 'Aircraft electrical landing gear actuation using dual-output power converter with mutual power circuit components', The 24th IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, Washington, DC, USA DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 39 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS Young, D. (1986), 'Aircraft landing gears - The past, present and future', Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Transport Engineering, Vol 200, No D2, pp. 75-92. DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 40 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS Chapter 3: Condition Engineering Systems 3.1 Based Maintenance for Introduction This chapter presents a general review within the area of engineering Condition Based Maintenance (CBM) and related topics. The review covers a wide range of literature including general methodologies, design guidelines, open systems architectural frameworks, sensor systems, feature selection and health assessment strategies. An industry wide review of the subject area applied to actuation systems is provided along with critical reviews of the main fault diagnosis techniques and strategies, in the context of aerospace electromechanical actuator health monitoring (Phillips et al. 2008). There are several conventional maintenance strategies which are aimed at safeguarding against sudden machine breakdowns. These include Run-to-Failure (RTF), Time-Based Preventative Maintenance (TBPM) and Condition Based Maintenance (CBM), each of which is described below: 1. Run-to-Failure Maintenance (RTF) is a method which allows any maintenance action to be postponed until an actual machine breakdown occurs. This has the advantage of requiring less planning and scheduling of maintenance activities. RTF maintenance is at its most effective when the cost of a breakdown and risk to human or environmental safety is negligible. Reliance upon RTF practice can lead to unexpected and costly machine breakdowns. There is the possibility of inexpensive component faults leading to further costly damage to other machine systems. RTF maintenance also has a large requirement on maintenance personnel and spares inventories. 2. Time-Based Preventative Maintenance (TBPM) operates on the principle of carrying out periodic checkups based upon monitoring the number of machine operating hours. During TBPM the machine is dismantled, cleaned and any DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 41 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS deteriorated parts are replaced. Overall this may not be cost efficient as the process consumes large numbers of man hours. Components may also not have fully deteriorated at the time of the maintenance activity and do not necessarily require replacements, even though the philosophy and procedure dictates that they must be. The approach can therefore lead to high costs associated with a higher expenditure on spare parts and a loss of production whilst machine maintenance is performed. TBPM therefore requires that optimised maintenance plans are efficiently organised. 3. Condition Based Maintenance (CBM) is often regarded as the most advanced maintenance strategy. CBM is aims at reducing the number of breakdowns by monitoring the machinery with the purpose that faults may be detected at an early incipient stage and in order for corrective actions to be scheduled for a convenient time. CBM makes use of measurements of some physical parameter and through monitoring the trends of these parameters over time, any indication of abnormal behaviour can be identified. The tool for achieving this is widely known as condition monitoring, even though in aerospace it is often given the more human analogous name of 'health monitoring'. Threshold warning levels are constructed to trigger maintenance activity if a specific parameter shows measurements outside of the threshold regions. One difficulty however is dealing with false alarms and when a large number of alarms are triggered prioritising them can often be a difficult and time consuming task. There is currently a drive in the majority of industries to turn away from the more traditional RTF maintenance and TBPM and incorporate CBM systems supported through health monitoring tools into engineering systems. CBM is proven to help minimise maintenance costs, improve operational safety and it is effective at reducing the severity and number of machine failures. The health monitoring of relevant components or equipment offers the advantage of extending operating life and increasing the availability of the machine or system. Some of the more generic benefits which a CBM programme can provide are: DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 42 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS 1. Change of maintenance philosophy On condition Opportunistic Not “on failure” nor “per schedule” Less interruption of mission schedule 2. Reduction in test equipment Less intermediate and flight-line test equipment 35 percent less peculiar support equipment during system design and development Eliminated O-level test equipment 3. Benefits to the maintainer Unprecedented insight into vehicle/fleet health Less time spent on inspections Better ability to plan maintenance Simplified training Improved fault detection A CBM programme can be aimed at either fault diagnostics or prognostics (Jardine et al. 2006). Diagnostics refers to a posterior event analysis and deals with fault detection (indicates a fault has occurred), fault isolation (faulty component is identified) and fault identification (the nature of the fault is determined). Prognosis is a prior event analysis and deals with fault prediction before failure occurs. It should be noted that a CBM programme is only worthwhile if the benefits can significantly outweigh the costs of its introduction and upkeep. There are four generic steps to CBM. These are the acquiring of data, the processing of the gathered data DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 43 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS with extraction of suitable features, diagnostics/prognostics and finally the maintenance decision making as illustrated in Figure (3.1). Data Acquisition Feature Extraction Fault Progression/ Trending Maintenance Decision Figure 3.1: A Generic CBM Process 3.2 Fault and Failure Definitions A fault can be defined as an un-permitted deviation off at least one characteristic property resulting in abnormal behaviour of the machine, system or process as illustrated in Figure (3.2). It should be noted that this abnormal behaviour, even though it will be observably different to the nominal specifications, the machine, system or process will still be able to perform its specified task, albeit at a reduced level. Faults Change of behaviour Process Figure 3.2: Schematic of the Fault Concept A fault can be regarded as developing into a failure is when the machine or process no longer operates to a defined specification. The effects of a failure can be calculated in terms of costs such as spare parts, labour and lost production and can be described in relative terms such as DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 44 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS High (expensive) Medium (moderate) Low (cheap) The effects of failure can further be subdivided into four main categories 1. Safety/environmental failures may have associated risks of injury to people or to the damage environment. There are often high risks in the petrochemical industry, transport industry and within heavy manufacturing industries. 2. Lost production can have a serious consequence for a manufacturing process, such as a car assembly line or the inability to fly an aircraft. Stopped operations can be difficult and expensive to recover. 3. Secondary damage often results when a supporting piece of equipment such as an oil lubrication pump fails causing further damage to other system components. 4. Replacement/scrap costs may be significant high if equipment performs poorly and or if it fails. Specialist equipment can be very expensive to replace or repair. Failure mechanisms can be described in two ways. The first is that the failure is only dependant on the condition variables reflected by a predetermined fault level. This gives a failure definition as ‘a failure occurs when the fault reaches a predetermined level’. The second builds a model for the failure mechanism using historical data. A definition of a failure can thus be ‘the event that the machine is operating at an unsatisfactory level’ or it can be described as a functional failure where ‘the machine cannot perform its intended function’ (Jardine et al 2006). Faults within a system are dependent upon time. There dependencies may take the form of abrupt faults, incipient faults or intermittent faults as illustrated in Figure (3.3). DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 45 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS f f f c a b t t t Figure 3.3: a) abrupt fault, b) incipient fault, c) intermittent 3.3 Diagnostics and Prognostic Definitions Diagnostic capabilities traditionally relate to the area between a fault developing and complete system catastrophic failure. Advances in diagnostic technologies have recently enabled detections to be made at much earlier incipient fault stages. In order to maximise the benefits of continued operational life, maintenance will often be delayed until the early incipient fault progresses to a more severe state, but still maintained before catastrophic failure occurs. This idea pushes out of the realms of fault diagnostics and further towards the concept of employing a prognostic strategy. If an incipient fault has been detected by the machine operator, and the decision has been made to continue to run the machine. Then the operator will want to know how long they can actually run the machine for before a failure event occurs. This is known as the Remaining Useful Life (RUL) (Engel et. al 2000; Kothamasu et al. 2006). Figure (3.4) represents a failure progression timeline (Vachtsevanos et al. 2006). DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 46 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS PROGNOSTICS Very early incipient fault New working order DIAGNOSTICS System, Subsystem or component failure Secondary damage, catastrophic failure Need: understanding of fault to failure progression rate Predicted remaining useful life Determine effects on the rest of aircraft State Awareness Detection Desire: Advanced sensors and detection techniques to “see” incipient faults Develop: useful life remaining prediction models Need: better models to determine failure effects across subsystems The goal is to detect “state changes” as far to the left as possible Figure 3.4: Failure Progression Time Line (Vachtsevanos 2006) If a new fully functioning machine begins to show signs of an incipient fault which will further develop into an eventual catastrophic failure as the machine is continued to be used. The RUL is the point along this particular failure progression timeline in which to stop usage and carry out maintenance. The aim of estimating the RUL is to maximise usage, optimise maintenance operations, minimise downtime and reduce costs of spare parts and revenue losses. This is the real domain of prognostics and requires a large array of tools and knowledge. There must be sufficient data or knowledge on both the fault propagation process and on the failure mechanisms but understanding this suffers from at the following difficulties. DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 47 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS The idea of trending has become a widely accepted approach to interpreting long term behaviour thought the use of analyzing past behaviour. However there is also an underlying assumption that the path from the initial fault and catastrophic failure is predictable and smoothly changing. This is unfortunately rarely true and a range of typical behaviours is shown in Figure (3.5). Remaining Useful Life Health Status Catastrophic failure B A C D Time Initial fault A B C D The ideal transition between detection and failure Trend from a high sensitivity sensor – stays high The trend is a cumulative count with steps Trend from a low sensitivity sensor - late Figure 3.5: Failure Progression Trends from Incipient Fault to Catastrophic Failure (Starr 2005) The choice of monitoring architecture and methodologies will heavily depend upon the given application coupled with reliability requirements, safety issues, restrictions DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 48 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS on additional equipment and sensor limitations. Some monitoring techniques react too slowly to an initial event, this is due to limitations of the sensor sensitivity, the sensor may be physically remote from the fault or because the processing and analysis of the signal is insensitive (Starr 2005). Factors such as this need to be considered in the initial design stages of any health monitoring system an effective integrated systems based strategy should therefore be adopted (Kacprzynski et al. 2002). 3.4 Review of Condition Based Maintenance System Requirements Every individual CBM systems will have to meet specific performance measures for a given characteristic. However a set of general requirements applicable to all CBM systems will need to be met. A list of such requirements may include (Vachtsevanos et al. 2006): The CBM system must ensure enhanced maintainability and reduced Operational and Support (O&S) costs over the lifetime of the monitored systems. The CBM system must be designed as an open-system architecture that maximises ease of subsystem and component changes and replacements with minimising system/process change. The weight and complexity of the CBM system must be closely controlled The CBM system must meet reliability, availability, maintainability and durability requirements. Structural and environmental requirements Cost requirements DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 49 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS Power requirements Compatibility with existing hardware. The implementation of a CBM system can be expensive. If this initial investment is to be made then there must be guaranteed significant O&S costs. If these savings do not materialise then the use of the CBM system is not cost effective and consequently not worthwhile. Most large scale engineering systems, such as aircraft continuously have individual subsystems and components upgraded as new technology advances are made. This ensures that the lifetime of the aircraft, efficiency and safety is maximised. The CBM system must be able to adapt to these often small changes. The total redesign of an actuator CBM system in order to allow it to work on an upgraded actuator with different specifications would not be acceptable in terms costs, in particular time and financial funding. The implementation of CBM should have no adverse affects on the performance of the system in which it is attributed to. This means that if diagnostic information matching the CBM performance requirements cannot be gained without adversely affecting the systems performance or the CBM equipment reliably operating in a given environment then CBM will not be suitable. It should be noted that even though CBM practitioners would like to see their systems on all engineering systems, it is certainly not applicable for all engineering systems. One of the main concerns of CBM systems is their performance. In some cases a false alarm will have huge financial and safety implications. If for example a CBM system on an aircraft engine did not correctly raise an alarm, there are two implications. The first is that passenger safety is affected; the second is that the aircraft may end up being grounded in an undesirable location, where maintenance expertise or spare parts are not easily available. Conversely if the alarm is triggered unnecessarily then the aircraft would be grounded whilst inspection work is carried out leading to flight delays, disgruntled passengers and lost revenue. DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 50 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS 3.5 Systems Based Strategy for Condition Based Maintenance The design of a CBM will be heavily application dependant and no single architecture exists or specific guidelines on CBM design. There is however generalised frameworks which are useful and follow systems based design strategies. That is the ideal design method is to incorporate CBM into systems rather than systems into CBM. Figure (3.6) depicts the main modules of an integrated approach to CBM design with brief description of the systems based components of this architecture described below: Design and trade studies FMECA CBM testing Data Collection Data Analysis Algorithm Development Implementation validation and verification Figure 3.6: An Integrated Approach to CBM Design (Vachtsevanos 2006) Trade Studies: The scope of a trade study is to arrive at the best or at least the most balanced solution to the diagnosis/prognosis of the system. This should lead to optimal CBM practices. Specific objectives include: Establish the need DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 51 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS Define the problem Establish value objectives Generate feasible alternatives Make decisions Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA): The cornerstone of a good CBM system design is the understanding the physics of failure mechanisms. The use of a FMEA is aimed at providing the designer with the tools and procedures that will lead towards a systematic and thorough framework for design. A FMEA has the following properties: Identifying failure modes, their location, severity, frequency of occurrence and testability Relates failure events to their root causes Explain the impact of faults/failures on the system, subsystem or component performance Make suggestions for the sensors/monitoring equipment required to detect and track a particular fault System CBM Test Plan: The objective of a CBM test plan is to operate the system under controlled conditions on a laboratory testing rig or within a simulation environment if an appropriate model describing the process exists. The testing can also be performed under real operating regimes if possible to obtain baseline fault data. Baseline fault data can be used to eventually train and validate DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 52 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS diagnostic/prognostic algorithms. A systematic approach to planning a CBM test procedure would be as follows: Determine systems operating modes Decide on a set of fault modes that can be seeded safely (it will rarely be possible to test all failure modes due to practical reason such as equipment costs and testing time scales) Determine sensors and data acquisition equipment Decide the number and nature of test runs for both baseline and fault data. Performance Assessment: CBM systems are designed to meet multiple objectives by providing useful information to a number of end users including the maintainer, the operator or the process manager. Performance assessment studies are conducted to evaluate the technical and economic feasibility of various diagnostic/prognostic technologies. Technical performance metrics (Orsagh and Roemer 2000; Byington et al. 2003) are created for all of the algorithms in the CBM framework from sensing and feature extraction to diagnostics and prognostics. Verification and validation of CBM Systems: Verification is defined as ensuring that the system as built can meet the performance specifications as stated. Validation can be defined as determining if the system is the correct system. Verification and validation techniques for CBM technologies serve to ensure that delivered capabilities meet the system design requirements the system performance metrics are useful at this point and can serve as a foundation for verification and validation and can be used for system evolutionary design. There are currently few formal or accepted techniques exist (Vachtsevanos 2006). DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 53 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS 3.6 Open Systems Architecture for Condition Based Maintenance Several organisations such as the Machine Information Management Open Systems Alliances (MIMOSA) and the Open System Architecture for Condition Based Maintenance (OSA-CBM) have developed standards and architectures for CBM systems. The most popular architecture has been proposed by OSA-CBM and is based on seven levels of health monitoring functionality (Swearingen (2007). Figure (3.7) outlines the flow of information between the seven layers in the system. A general description of the seven layers is also given below Presentation Decision Prognostics Prognostics Assessment Health Monitor Data Manipulation Data Acquisition Figure 3.7: OSA-CBM Architecture Level 1 Data Acquisition At this level the CBM system will be provided with analytical data obtained through sensors positioned on the equipment to be monitored. DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 54 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS Level 2 Data Manipulation Data obtained from level 1 will be received and processed at this level and will output digitally filtered data and for example frequency spectra or other extracted CBM features. Level 3 Health Monitor The health monitoring level will be focused on comparing the processed data against what would be expected in a healthy system. The capability of generating CBM alarms through pre-set threshold levels will also be available at this level. Level 4 Health Assessment At this level the health assessment will be able to determine if the monitored components health has degraded. The health assessment will utilise and align fault symptoms generated at the health monitoring level to propose fault possibilities and give a measure of fault severity. Level 5 Prognostics Data and information available from all other levels is available together with failure models and prognostic algorithms to calculate the future health of the system. The prognostics level will return the health status for a specific time and as a measure of the remaining useful life. Level 6 Decision The focus here will be to generate a set of recommended actions. Maintenance requirements, legislations, costs and risks will be taken into consideration in order for decisions on effective landing gear maintenance scheduling to be made. Level 7 Presentation The presentation level will provide a transparent view of the information obtained from the previous levels. The most important of which will be the health assessment, prognostics and the decision levels. The ability to see the other levels will be a crucial factor if any justifications are required. DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 55 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS 3.7 Sensor Systems The use of sensor equipment is fundamental to successful CBM. A sensor can be defined as an electrical or mechanical device which maps the value of some environmental attribute to a quantifiable measurement. The use of sensor suites employed to collect data is what leads to an online realisation of diagnostic and prognostic algorithms. Strategic issues which must be addressed include the type and number of sensors to be used, location, cost, weight and dynamic range. Optimising the best suite of sensors and in what location and capacity to use them is no trivial task. There are however guidelines available for choosing sensor locations in military and aerospace systems (Padula and Kincaid 1999). Traditionally sensors will already have been placed as part of a control system or for the purpose of monitoring performance objectives. Every sensor detects some aspect of its environment in which it is operating. There are numerous types of conventional sensors available and sensor technology progresses rapidly in terms of specialisation, miniaturisation and performance characteristics (Kanoun and Trankler 2004). It is not in the scope of this thesis to give a full detailed review on the operating principles of individual sensor type but a brief non exhaustive list is given below. Mechanical Sensors Pressure sensors, accelerometers, displacement transducers, strain gauges, force sensors, ultrasonic sensors, angular velocity sensors and acoustic wave sensors. Thermal Sensors Thermocouples, diode and transistor temperature sensors, thermistors, pyroelectric and piezoelectric thermometers. Optical Sensors Photoconductors, photodiodes, phototransistors, positionsensitive photodetectors. DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 56 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS Magnetic Sensors Megneto resistors, hall-effect devices and magnetometers Other Sensors Viscosity sensors, proximity sensors, altimeters, gas sensors, humidity sensors and acoustic velocity sensors 3.7.1 Technology Aspects of Sensors There are a variety of aspects to consider when choosing appropriate sensors; some of the more important are reviewed below (Fraden 1993): Sensitivity: the minimum magnitude of the input signal required to produce a specified output signal. Measuring range: the range of values that the sensor can measure effectively. Resolution: the smallest change the sensor can detect in the parameter that is being measured. Stability: changes within the sensors performance over a period of minutes, hours or days is known as the short-term stability. Long-term stability depends upon the operating conditions of the sensor and is related to the aging of the sensors electrical, mechanical or thermal material properties. Long-term stability is an important aspect to consider for sensors required to perform precision measurements. Reliability: the ability of a sensor to perform a required function under the given operating conditions for a given period of time. Accuracy: this is measured as the highest deviation of a value represented by the sensor from an ideal or true value at its input. Selectivity: the ability of the sensor to reject other nearby signals DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 57 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS Repeatability: the ability of the sensor to represent the same measured value under identical conditions. Response speed: the time between the measured phenomena occurs and the sensor providing an output measurement Cost, size, weight: these are geared to specific requirements for a given application. Cost is a cornerstone in sensor design for a broad range of applications; however it may be a secondary issue when the sensors reliability and accuracy are of paramount importance, for example, in life support equipment, weapons or spacecraft. 3.7.2 Wireless and Smart Sensors With recent developments in sensor technology there is much emphasis on the use of wireless technologies such as Bluetooth and Wi-Fi as well as the use of intelligent sensors (smart sensors) within health monitoring (Starr et al. 2007). An intelligent and wireless sensor offers a variety of advanced functionalities that are beyond that of conventional sensors, such as on-board processing. They have a capability of adapting to changes within the local environment, they can be autonomous and self adjust to effects caused through faults making them more robust. Sensors added to a system as part of a health monitoring system must be reliable and robust to avoid the transmitting of false information. Wireless intelligent sensors are also capable of communicating accurate, self validated and reliable signals to higher-level systems for the purposes of information fusion; tracking or estimation (Pietruszkiewicz et al. 2006). Often it can be the case within an industrial environment where there are literally hundreds of wires connected to various components. This creates a huge risk of fire and also with every human’s experience of the difficulties and nuisances that just a few entangled wires can cause; DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 58 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS industry takes very serious the possibility use of wireless smart sensing. Smart wireless sensors in a maintenance role provide the ability to remotely monitor machinery from potentially any global position outside of the machines location. This has recently been investigated through a sizeable European Union 6th Framework Programme known as Dynamite (Dynamic Decisions in Maintenance)*. Remote health monitoring is particularly suitable to the monitoring of aerospace systems by the very nature of the systems. Aircraft are rarely in one geographical location for very long and each airport must have suitably trained personnel to inspect key aircraft systems. With remote health monitoring data can be transmitted to any location reducing the number of maintenance personnel stationed at each airport. 3.7.3 Multiple Sensor Networks Experience in industry has shown that there are significant advantages offered by utilising multiple sensors in an application in the form of sensor networks. These advantages can include: Robust system: If a health monitoring system depends upon a single sensor source then decisions may not be robust and reliable. If the single data source fails, then the output of the monitoring system will be adversely affected. Fusion of several sources of data can have a higher fault-tolerance rate. Situation awareness: This can increase reaction time by taking advantage of different sensor sources. By fusing the results would give a better situation awareness which would lead to better decision making. Improved data accuracy: Fusing of multiple data sources can remove data ambiguity improving data accuracy and reducing uncertainty. * The DYNAMITE project ran between 2005and 2008, consisted of a budget of 6.3 million Euros and 17 partners. Of which the University of Manchester was a major academic partner. DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 59 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS Extended parameter coverage: More data sources provide extended information regarding an object, generating a more complete picture of a situation. The number of sensors introduced into a system requires consideration to be given to aspects such as costs and complexity. Costs calculated in terms of time, money and effort. Sensor networks can provide a reduction in measurement time, and therefore reduce costs; increased numbers of sensors however require more computational effort and add complexity to a system. System complexity can have adverse effects upon the reliability of the system, the higher the number of components, the higher the number and frequency of possible failures. These factors require a trade-off between sensor numbers and system level requirements. If different types of sensors within a sensor network are used then the data needs to be aligned to a common form. The number and type of sensors required depends on the application and the results required. Data reliability will depend on the availability of sensors and the fusion methodology; of which there are several. If large sensor arrays are to be used in a health monitoring context, then it is essential that appropriate frameworks are in place to deal with the vast quantities of data. Issues particularly arise with the merging of data to obtain useful information from a range of sensors which provide non-commensurate data. One multidisciplinary approach is loosely termed data or information fusion and provides a variety of generic frameworks and tools suitable for health monitoring. 3.8 Data Fusion Overview Data fusion is the process of using collaborative or competitive information obtained from multiple sources to deduce a more confident and informed decision regarding a situation. The data fusion paradigm is that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts (Iyenger et al 2003). That is, fusing data from multiple sources, results in an output which is much more enriched in information than from a single source. Data fusion converts data into information which is subsequently combined with DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 60 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS knowledge and logic to aid in inference and decision making. It is this ability which makes the use of data fusion an attractive model in which to base a decision critical health monitoring system upon. Data fusion has been an active area of research and systems development for about 20 years and is analogous to the human brain which fuses information regarding an environment from sensory perceptions such as touch, vision, hearing and smell, this is then used to derive knowledge or draw conclusions. Figure (3.8) illustrates this analogy. Intelligent Processing Inference and Decisions Vision Smell Radar Chemical sensor EO sensor Acoustic sensor Temperature sensor Hearing Touch Pressure sensor Figure3.8: The Intelligent Fusion Process Data fusion incorporates many of the techniques common with disciplines such as resource management, sensor management, correlation and data mining. The fusion process is implemented into a system in order to provide support for the system operators, who, without the support of a data fusion system, would need to manually examine the information to achieve timely, robust and reliable situation assessments or projections (Steinberg et al 1999). Data fusion has found uses in a wide range of applications; Table 3.1 provides a small overview. DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 61 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS Application Table 3.1: Overview of Data Fusion Applications Inference Primary Data Medical Diagnostics (Pattichis et al. 2001) Robot Navigation (Luo et al 1988) Condition Based Maintenance (Starr et al. 2002a, 2002b) Transport Systems (El Fauzi 2004) 3.8.1 The identification and location of abnormalities and disease The identification and location of obstacles and objects. Detection, diagnosis and isolation of machine faults and corrective maintenance recommendations Fusion of information to provide better travel related information X-rays Temperature NMR Chemical/biological data Visual inspections Acoustic signals EM signals Infrared signals Acoustic signals Vibrations Temperature Wear debris Current signatures CCTV Weather reports Incident reports Vehicle location Fusion Processes Before discussing fusion strategies it should be noted that the fusing of multiple data streams is by no means a trivial process, the decision to implement data fusion into a system has its associated difficulties, some of which are outlined below: Sensor diversity: sensors will be of differing types, all have different properties including outputs, synchronisation, and location. Data diversity: different sensors make different measurements and it is highly likely that they will have different characteristics and dimensionality (e.g. miles feet and inches). Sensor calibration: sensors will need to be correctly calibrated to cope with errors and uncertainties. DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 62 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS Sensor limitations: sensors all have limitations on the environments that they can operate in and measurement ranges etc This is a non-exclusive list of difficulties that arise during data fusion implementation. A prime architectural issue is what level fusion is to take place. Fusion can take place on three levels, depending on the application requirements; these are fusing at the data, feature and decision levels. Data level fusion where information obtained from sensor-arrays are fused together in order to validate signals and create features. Feature level fusion combines features are extracted from the raw sensor data and are then combined to obtain diagnostic information. Decision level fusion incorporates experience-based information such as physical model predictions, failure rates, management data and heuristic knowledge to provide confident decisions. 3.8.2 Data Fusion Models In a centralised fusion all of the available data is collected together into a central processor where it is fused together, allowing decisions to be made. The fusion process is performed on raw data and is usually commensurate, for example, infrared images and satellite images and fused using pattern recognition, estimation and statistical techniques which require high computational requirements. A centralised fusion model is shown in Figure (3.9). DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 63 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS Sensor 1 Fusion Centre Sensor 2 Decision Level Sensor n Figure 3.9: Centralised Fusion Decentralised fusion systems, Figure (3.10), have no central processing facility as in centralised fusion. They are composed of a series of nodes, each of which has its own individual processing facility where state vectors are generated from individual signals. These form the inputs to the fusion centre where a fused identity is generated using techniques such as Dempster-Shafer and Bayesian theory. Decentralised fusion fuses data at a higher level than centralised fusion which fuses at a data level whereas decentralised fusion fuses features or decisions. Sensor 1 Sensor 2 Fusion Centre Feature Extraction Decision Level Sensor n Figure 3.10: Decentralised Fusion It is on occasions necessary to take advantages of both centralised and decentralised data fusion. In this case combinations of the two are used as hybrid architectures. In this case state vector fusion is performed to reduce the computational workload and communications demand, with data level fusion being performed on demand when DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 64 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS more accuracy is required. Alternatively a combination of state vectors and raw data may be fused depending upon available sensors. 3.8.3 Architecture Selection The centralised fusion architecture is generally more often used than the decentralised or hybrid options. The use of centralised architectures may be computationally intensive but they carry the advantage of developing a picture of an object from the raw data. Original raw data contains information regarding data quality, which may be lost or diminished in higher fusion levels used in decentralised fusion (Linas and Hall 1998). Decentralised architectures reduce the amount of data and hence require much less computational effort and data handling capabilities, but at the cost of adding a signal processing unit to each sensor increases the overall system complexity. The hybrid architecture is the most complex architecture to use but it does offer the most flexible fusion approach, a hybrid fusion system requires a monitoring system/person to select between data and state vector fusion. There is no individually best architecture to adopt when designing a data fusion system, the choice of fusion architecture is a matter of the requirements of the application and is therefore a system-engineering problem. These include data exploitation level, data availability, strategic planning, computing constraints, cost along with temporal and special issues. 3.8.4 The JDL Data Fusion Process Model Many generic data process models exist, several in depth reviews of the various models have been provided in the literature (Esteban eta al 2005). However the most intuitive and applicable model to consider for the current application is that proposed by the Joint Directors of Laboratories (JDL) data fusion sub-panel within the US Department of Defence to aid in the development of military systems. The JDL model is a generalised framework which has found popular use in many data fusion applications including the development of intelligent health monitoring. The DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 65 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS framework provides no formal rigorous rule system for the development of a fusion system, with no guidelines on appropriate fusion levels, or selection of fusion algorithms or techniques. It does however provide a multi-level framework allowing for the attention and refinement of the key elements in the fusion system. Figure (3.11) depicts the JDL data fusion process model. Figure 3.11: The JDL Data Fusion Process Model Low Level Fusion Level 0 - Source Pre-Processing The lowest level of fusion is referred to as the fusion at the signal level (after signal conditioning) and pixel level fusion (imagery fusion). This involves individual sensors multiple detection inputs to the signal-processing unit. This stage of fusion also looks at reducing the quantity of data whilst retaining the useful information for higher level processing Level 1 – Object Refinement The attributes of the multiple data sources obtained through processing at level 0 are fused here in an attempt to locate and identify objects. The process involves data alignment, association and correlation, state estimation (i.e. position, speed etc) and refinement of an entities identity. The output at this level will be object classification and identification; state and orientation. DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 66 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS Higher Level Fusion Level 2 – Situation Assessment Level 2 processing aims to provide a higher level of understanding of the output from level 1 processing. It identifies the most probable situation based on the observed data and events through establishing relationships among objects and assessing these relationships to identify the meaning of entities in a specific environment. The output at this level would for example be a collection of higher-order inferences providing a view of what is happening. Level 3 – Impact Assessment The purpose of processing at this level is to assess what the impact of the events derived from level 2 processing. This could include assessing the threat or danger level, predicting the possible outcome, assessing asset vulnerability and analysing the advantages and disadvantages of taking one course of action over another Level 4 – Process Refinement Level 4 processing is the refinement stage. This is often implemented with the purpose of improving the fusion process between levels 0 to 3. This level can identify potential sources of information enhancement, manage resources such as the sensors and prioritise tasks. Implementing all levels of fusion is a complicated task, low and higher level fusion processes both have distinct operational functions; low level fusion must address the complexity of association, short term history process and structural issues. High-level fusion handles intelligently the integration of present information, long-term history and the problems with recalling information 3.9 Health Monitoring Techniques Once the decision to design a health monitoring system has been made, the next step is to determine the choice of variables to be monitored. There are a multitude of DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 67 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS techniques available for measuring and associating variables with faults. Some of these require specialist equipment, specialist training and some require complex signal processing techniques each of these factors affect the monitoring choice. Each technique is appropriate for different machine or system types and the detecting of particular failures and this section reviews the main signal based approaches. 3.9.1 Vibration Monitoring The health monitoring market has for 40 years been dominated by frequency analysis of machine vibrations. All dynamical systems will generate vibrations whilst in operation (Rao 1996). Individual machine components will usually have distinctive vibration patterns which are symptomatic of their health. These vibration patterns if monitored and analysed can provide a good indication of deterioration in machine health. A machines vibration signature is a complex signal which is a mixture of sinusoidal waveforms all of different amplitudes, frequencies and phase differences which relate to fundamental rotational speed. Vibration can be measured in terms of various parameters some of the most popular include displacement, velocity, acceleration, frequency, bandwidth, spike energy or power spectral density. The use of vibration signals in health monitoring depends upon the quality of the measured signal. This means that the choice and location of measuring transducers is of particular importance if the health monitoring system is to be based upon vibration analysis. There are a variety of vibration signal processing techniques and methods used to distinguish faults such as imbalance, looseness, misalignment, wear, poor lubrication and structural cracks in rotating machinery (Wua 2009; Poyhonen et al. 2004), these include cepstrum analysis, spectrum analysis and autoregressive modelling. Other methods include the measurement of spike energy and shock pulse methods. These can be used when there is no deformation present and is successful at detecting a lack of lubrication and wear in aerospace engine bearings (Byington et al. 2004). Vibration analysis has also found popular use in Structural health Monitoring of composite materials (Montalvao et al. 2006) and in the health monitoring of DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 68 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS traditional aerospace structures (Bovio and Lecce 2006) but is applied extensively to rotating machinery. 3.9.2 Lubricant Wear Debris Lubrication in a system is usually required for reducing friction, cooling components and to clean load bearing surfaces. In systems where it is difficult or impossible to mount sensors it can be beneficial to monitor the actual lubricant which is in direct contact with moving parts. This can be an effective way of not only assessing the oil quality but also the condition of the components in which the fluids have come into contact with. As time passes the lubricant will begin to degrade and components will begin experience increased friction due to metal-metal contact leading to wear. The result of which will be a build-up of both metallic and non metallic particles within the system. Other effects which can lead to the presence of wear debris are the failure of filters or the corrosion of the metallic components. By observing the size, quantity, material composition and the shape of wear debris a number of identifiable faults may be classified (Khan et al 2008). The material composition can identify which particular component the particles have originated from. Their shape can help to indicate the mechanism which is causing the build up of debris and the quantity and size of the particles can give a good indication of the rate at which any damage is occurring (Khan and Starr 2006). The monitoring of the lubrication also offers the ability to remove any large particles through the use of filters and magnets before they can cause more wear and damage to seals through abrasive effects. When monitoring lubricant wear debris measurements should be taken from the path of the lubrications flow to get accurate results. These measurements are then analysed using techniques such as the use of magnetic chip detectors, ferrography, spectrography or visual inspections (both manual and automated). DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 69 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS 3.9.3 Motor Current Signature Monitoring Motor Current Signature Analysis (MCSA) is a technology developed for the specific task of monitoring electrical machinery (Nandi et al. 2005). Many of the vibration techniques outlined earlier can be used to effectively diagnose most faults within electrical motors. It is argued that a better and fuller understanding of the motors electrical and mechanical condition can be obtained by monitoring the current passing through it. MCSA is based upon small time independent motor load variations generated from within the mechanical system and converting them into electrical signals that flow along the cable supplying the power to the motor. These signals can be extracted and used as an indicator to the motors condition. Measured current signatures can be analysed in both the time and the frequency domain, with analysis in the time domain can be useful in the initial or final stages of the motors operation. Monitoring motor current has a number of beneficial strengths and can provide a nonintrusive monitoring capability. Through the use of Fourier analysis the current signature can provide good degradation and diagnostic information on damage such as broken rotors, unbalanced magnetic forces, winding problems, mechanical unbalance and bent shafts amongst others. The monitoring of the electrical current has a high level of sensitivity to a variety of mechanical disorders affecting the machines operation and it is cost effective and can be performed by relatively unskilled personnel. Literature surveys have shown that MCSA is a popular tool in the fault diagnosis of electrical machines and has found extensive use in the monitoring of induction drives used for driving of a vast range of high load bearing machinery (Thomson and Fenger 2001; Bendouzid 2000). A current based detection of faults has been shown as a viable and cheaper than vibration analysis tool for use with brushless DC motors to detect faults in rotors (Rajagopalan 2004) and has been demonstrated by successfully detecting broken gear teeth, a lack of lubrication and wear particles in the gear lubrication (Rajagopalan 2006). DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 70 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS 3.9.4 Thermal Monitoring An early indication of component failure can be achieved through the monitoring of temperature changes. This is a particularly applicable technique for components which generate, transfer or store energy as heat. These include thermal insulation, motors, coolant/lubricant, electrical wiring and bearing housings. A temperature rise in these components will be indicative of a developing fault and may be caused by such things as increased friction due to lack of lubricant, incorrect electrical loading and damaged thermal or electrical insulation. There are two categories of thermal monitoring methods: contact and non-contact. Contact methods will require a temperature measuring device such as a visual indicator (mercury thermometers, temperature paints), thermocouple or resistive devices to be placed on or within the surface of the monitored component. The use of non-contact methods have the advantage that large areas can be surveyed quickly and at a distance and is particularly useful where access is difficult such as inside rotating equipment. This approach uses the principle that all bodies radiate energy in proportion to their temperature and that it is possible to relate the wavelength of the radiation to the temperature of the radiating body. 3.9.5 Acoustic Emission Monitoring Acoustic Emissions (AE) are produced from the rapid release of energy from sources within a material. These waves are converted into voltage signals by the use of small piezoelectric sensors mounted in suitable locations. The sensor response and front end filters remove noise below 100 kHz, this includes most audible noise. This allows acoustic emissions to be used to measure the condition of a structure even when ambient noise levels are extremely high. Acoustic emission sources include fractures, plastic deformation, impacts, and friction along with many other processes. Acoustic emission is sensitive enough to detect cracks and fractures down to a few hundred square micrometers or less (Finlayson et al. 2001). DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 71 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS 3.9.6 Performance Monitoring Performance monitoring makes use of process information to indicate the efficiency of equipment. Any changes will be an indication that the condition is deteriorating. The advantages of performance monitoring are that it is cheap and simple to implement because most of the required instrumentation already exists. The main disadvantage is that most of the parameters which can be measured will depend on some other variable making it difficult to calculate a performance indicator. 3.9.7 Corrosion Monitoring Any fluid present in a process or in the operating environment can lead to a corrosion of parts. Severe corrosion can then lead to a gradual or sudden breakdown. A deterioration in performance caused by corrosion may however be detected through other monitoring techniques. Corrosion is usually a problem more associated with structural components and techniques used to determine its extent include chemical analysis, ultrasonic testing and electrical methods. 3.10 Critical Review of Monitoring Methods Vibration analysis works well for continuously rotating machinery where vibrations provide good stable symptoms of health. The electric actuation as part of the new ‘all electric landing gear’ which is the subject of this thesis operates in a start and stop fashion at often irregular intervals. The actuation mechanisms have varying speeds throughout the operational cycle with varying friction, environment and mechanical advantage. Vibration is dependent upon the rotating speed of the machine and if it operates under varying speed, its vibrations will become non-stationary. The rotational angle does not remain directly proportional with time and so conventional methods of signal processing become inappropriate when monitoring the vibrations of varying speed machinery. There are various methods which can be used for motor current signature monitoring (Kliman and Stein 1992) which has been shown to work well in fault detection schemes. However they all assume that the load remains constant and does not vary DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 72 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS with rotational speed. Electromechanical actuation devices work by unlocking a mechanism and causing the displacement of a lever-actuated or gear transmission, linear displacement of an object, with it being stopped against a locking mechanism. This leads to higher loads at the beginning and end of its operation. Variable friction also creates non constant loads. If the load varies with rotor position such as it does in a reciprocating compressor or in the proposed motor drives, then the current will contain spectral components which will coincide and overlap with those caused by any fault condition. This complicates any fault detection scheme. The problem of motor current spectral analysis in the presence of time-varying loads in AC induction machines is addressed by (Schoen and Habetler 1995). Other treatments such as Wavelet Packet Decomposition with application to induction drives (Zhongming et al. 2003) has successfully differentiated between healthy and faulty conditions by giving good feature representations of multiple frequency resolutions for faulty conditions. It has been shown to give a better treatment of the stator current than the currently used Fourier techniques in the detecting of bearing faults under varying speeds and loads (Eren and Devaney 2002). There is however very little published work on the use of MCSA for DC motors operating in a similar fashion to the proposed drives. Vibration analysis has proven to be the most reliable and popular method of gear fault diagnosis but the cost of sensors such as accelerometers and the associated wiring has made the measuring of vibration a disadvantage in cost-sensitive areas. MCSA however has shown to be a cost effective alternative to vibration analysis in the detection of gear faults and has the potential to overtake vibration in detecting faulty gears due to the advantage of it being cheap and easy to use. In aircraft landing gear there are also problems associated with the use of health monitoring based upon performance monitoring. Warm motor starts are as common as cold motor starts due to varying operating environments which will lead to widely varying current signatures meaning that conventional threshold warning levels will not work. This is also the case with thermal monitoring of the motors, where the ambient temperatures can affect the measurements. The temperatures in the landing gear bay DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 73 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS can change rapidly requiring regular adjustments to the sensor readings. This will make it difficult to use thermal monitoring as a health monitoring technique when the temperature may vary rapidly. To obtain a temperature reading devices such as a pyrometer or infrared devices focus the energy from the source onto a sensor where the reading can be processed and displayed as a temperature. Difficulties arise with this method because different materials emit different energies when at the same temperatures. Infrared measurements are very sensitive to the ambient conditions so care must be taken to ensure that this is correctly compensated for when acquiring thermal data. Also it may be difficult to use thermal monitoring effectively as a health monitoring technique when the temperature may vary rapidly. The use of intelligent sensors which may be able to self-adjust to fluctuating environmental changes may offer benefits and solutions to the condition monitoring problems associated with varying environments. Where lubricant or hydraulic fluid is present, the monitoring of these can be seen as a complimentary role to other monitoring techniques such as vibration analysis. This can give information regarding the results of exposure to variable duty cycles. Lubricant monitoring works well for variable speeds, variable loads such as engines and for mobile vehicles. The acquisition of Lubricant wear debris data within motor driven actuators is often difficult or impossible to obtain. This is typically due to the motor bearings being greased and sealed. The landing gear retraction and extension drives contain many materials which are susceptible to fatigue, fracture, friction and corrosion which can all be detected through AE. The use of AE are already regarded as reliable and is in wide spread use as a structural health monitoring technology in the aerospace industry for the monitoring of composite structures and helicopter drive trains and gears (Finlayson et al. 2001; Saniger et al. 2002; Hood and Pines 2001). AE can detect structural defects long before a possible catastrophic failure and therefore some interesting possibilities may exist for them to be used in a complimentary role to other condition monitoring techniques in the overall health monitoring of landing gear systems. DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 74 The main HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS disadvantage however is the number of required sensors and associated costs and weight. 3.11 Expert Systems The use of expert systems in health monitoring provides an effective tool for decision making. Expert systems can be classified as either data or knowledge orientated. Data-driven methods have a high dependency on data collection and analysis whereas the second knowledge-driven class of methods have a lower dependency on measured data and much more on what is already known about the physics of the system, what has happened before and from knowledge captured from human experts. Table 3.2 provides an example list of different approaches. Table 3.2: Data and Knowledge Based Methods Data Knowledge Statistical methods Knowledge Models Optimisers Physical Models Neural Networks Case Based Reasoning Pattern Classifiers Rule Based Reasoning 3.11.1 Model-Based Expert Systems There are a variety of different model types which can be used for health monitoring. For example physics based stochastic models have been used for gas turbines fault diagnostics (Roemer and Kacprzynski 2000). The use of thermodynamic has been built for health monitoring of diesel engines (Hountalas et al. 1999) and for the monitoring of traction motors (Sen and Muttey 1999). The use of finite element modelling has shown effective results and has been used to model torsion vibration analysis in power trains (Crowther and Zhang 2003) and for fault identification in turbochargers (Pantelelis et al. 2000). DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 75 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS The most popular model based approach is the use of dynamic process models and is illustrated in Figure (3.12). Faults Input Actuators Faults Faults Process Sensors Output Process model Feature generation Parameters, states etc Normal behaviour features, Detect change Symptom generation Diagnose Figure 3.12: The Model-Based Fault Diagnostics Process A variety of different methods for health monitoring based upon dynamic models have been developed over the past two decades (Abidin et al. 2000; Isermann 2005; Pedragal and Carneo 2006). Several common approaches include the use of parameter estimation, observers and parity equations. All of these methods operate by generating a set of residuals which can be compared to the systems nominal behaviour and hence used to indicate any faults which are present or developing. These residuals can be analysed and machine faults can be detected, isolated and identified. DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 76 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS In most practical cases the parameters describing a dynamic system will be unknown. Parameter estimation algorithms such as least squares, recursive least squares, instrumental variables, prediction error methods or optimisation techniques are used to minimise the errors between a measured input and output signal and signals obtained from a model describing the process to estimate the system parameters. Faults which have already occurred or are beginning to develop within the system will often manifest within the parameters making the tracking of these changes ideal for fault detection work. If the process parameters are already known then fault detection may be achieved through the use of a classical state or output observer. Fault detection is achieved through the calculation of the error between measured and estimated outputs. If a fault can be detected through state variable changes then classical observers can be used in fault detection. The use of output observers can be used if reconstructing the state variables is not of use. A linear transformation will then lead to new state variables. Observers have been demonstrated as offering a means to effectively identify signal offsets indicative of sensor faults but are less effective at identifying parametric faults (Patton and Chen 1997; Hammouri et al. 1999). The principle of using parity equations (equations linking different variables) in fault detection is to check for parity between the measurements generated by the process and a set of residuals by comparing the model and the process behaviours. Parity equations have advantages in detecting additive faults and are feasible for corresponding faults in the sensors or actuators. The use of parity relations are also easier to implement than output or state observers and lead to similar comparable results (Patton and Chen 1992). 3.11.2 Knowledge Based Rule Systems Knowledge-based systems (Harris-Jones 1995; Ignizio 1991; Hopgood 1993) are a type of expert system designed to embody expertise in a particular specialised domain. This system is intended to act like a human expert who can be consulted on a range of DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 77 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS problems which fall within their area of expertise. The basic concept of knowledge base is that the user supplies facts or other information to the system and receives expert advice (expertise) in response as illustrated in Figure (3.13). Facts Knowledge Base User Expertise Interface Engine Figure3.13: Basic Concept of a Rule Based Expert System A knowledge based system should be capable of responding at a level of competency equal to or better than an expert within that field. This must be performed in a reasonable time and the systems performance must be reliable and the users have confidence in the received expert advice. Human safety and security may be dependable upon the answers provided by the expert system. The explanation facility incorporated into the expert system may be a simple set of rules which led to a particular decision or may consist of more elaborate and complex explanations. The large amount of knowledge that an expert system may have means that it is important to have an efficient mechanism for adding, changing and deleting knowledge. The attempt to design knowledge-bases has been based upon the attempt to emulate human thinking. One such characteristic is human’s ability to recall previous experience to deal with a similar situation. This has led to the utilisation of case-based reasoning in a heath monitoring context. If a problem that has been previously DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 78 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS diagnosed by the expert system it will store the information for use if a similar event re-occurs. Therefore the diagnosis can be completed by simply recalling the previous solution. 3.11.3 Neural Networks Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) belongs to a family of numerical learning techniques. They are models which are designed to emulate a biological neural network. The inputs which the artificial neuron receives are analogue to the electrochemical impulses that biological neurons receive from other neurons. Practically they are however much simpler than biological ones so it is not expected for them to produce the sophisticated behaviour of humans. They can however perform certain tasks very effectively in particular classifications. The artificial neural network is built up of individual nodes which each independently perform a simple computation. This means that neural networks have a highly parallel structure allowing them to explore many competing hypothesis simultaneously. The most commonly used neural network is the Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) network which is composed of an input layer, a number of hidden layers and output nodes. The processing is done at each node (neuron) and consists of multiplying each input by a weight, adding the weighted inputs together and passing the sum through a sigmoid activation function. Many authors have focused on the use of neural networks in health monitoring applications for solving fault detection and isolation tasks such as in industrial processes (Patan and Parisini 2005; Koeppin-Seliger and Frank 1995; Korbicz and Janczak 2002). 3.11.4 Fuzzy Systems Whilst probability theory is useful and works well in measuring what the likelihood of a hypothesis is it will not say anything about the meaning of the hypothesis. Fuzzy logic (also known as possibility theory) can address this problem providing a DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 79 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS systematic framework for the processing of vague qualitative knowledge by allowing a “degree of truth” rather than the usual “true or false” offered by neural networks. Fuzzy systems are therefore suitable for uncertain or approximate reasoning. 3.11.5 Uncertainty in Expert Systems In the real world situations are never clearly true or false and human knowledge is often vague, inexact and incomplete. This leads uncertainty within diagnostic decisions and it has long been recognised that uncertainty should be included into an expert system. There are two forms of uncertainty in an expert system, the first is the uncertainty about the validity of the rule and the second is the uncertainty in the expert systems user response. There are several common techniques used when dealing with uncertainty which include Bayesian updating, Dempster-Shafer theory and fuzzy logic/sets. Bayesian updating is a technique for reasoning with uncertainty and has a rigorous derivation which is built upon probability theory. However the underlying assumptions which are made my not be true in practical situations. It assumes that it is possible to give every hypothesis a probability and that this probability can be updated in the light of new evidence. The Dempster-Shafer theory is also built upon probability and is often regarded as a generalisation of the Bayesian methods. Dempster-Shafer assigns a degree of belief as a measure of evidence that supports the hypothesis; therefore a decision is made in favour of the hypothesis which contains the most believable evidence. 3.12 Critical Review of Health Monitoring Strategies Relying heavily on data-driven methods would require large amounts of data to be collected directly from measurements taken from the landing gear actuators. Measured data can be utilised from several sources such as the addition of transducers on the actuators, continuously monitoring various parameters. Data can be obtained from the actuator control system and the on-board flight data which the aircraft monitors and records during all phases of its flight, including pre-flight taxi, take-off, airborne, DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 80 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS landing and post-flight taxi, data is also available through the aircrafts Built In Tests (BIT). Applying data driven methods such as neural networks to actuator fault diagnostics can provide good and accurate decisions, they are extremely good at pattern classification but are generally regarded as ‘black box’, they are therefore only focused on inputs and outputs and do not allow the internal logic to be accessed and inspected. This leads to difficulties in justifying maintenance decisions to aircraft operators due to the large financial losses that can be occurred when incorrectly grounding aircraft and the risk to passenger safety if the decision to fly the aircraft is wrong. There is therefore the need to provide justifications reasons for a decision. Due to legislations and aircraft construction requirements the use of sensor equipment can be limited, for example in landing gears where weight minimisation is currently the major driving force, large sensor arrays are not possible. They add complexity, weight and volume to the system and require power, calibration, wiring and processing time. The use of existing flight data will help reduce the need for additional sensor equipment and can provide important information on the actuators operating conditions. Flight data can also be incorporated into dynamic landing gear loading models, reducing the need for load measuring sensors. Due to the various operating modes, often threshold levels can be breached even though no fault has occurred. Flight data can be particularly useful in deducing if the observed symptoms originate due to the actuator’s operating mode or through any impending failures. Model-based health management of the landing gear actuators can offer robust early fault detection and is based upon accurately modelling the dynamics of the actuator system. The use of dynamic modelling techniques is an attractive approach to health monitoring for the electric landing gear actuator system. For example, the actuators do not require complicated modelling and can provide fault diagnosis relating to the systems physical states or parameters. The ability to model failure progression further enhances confidence in fault classification and has been shown to be able to distinguish between gear and bearing failure modes for electromechanical actuators used in a variety of other applications. They offer a non-intrusive approach, requiring DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 81 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS little addition sensor equipment incorporated into the landing gear system by acting only upon command and response data obtained through the control systems. Data driven methods however do not require system modelling, this creates faster algorithm processing time than that which is required for models, the use of models can provide better actuator fault diagnostics but at the cost of higher computational needs. Rule-based systems encompass a set of rules which can be encoded similar to human logic. This leads to transparency in any health assessment, a crucial factor in decisions relating to aerospace maintenance. Case-based reasoning approaches are often used when a rule base would be too large to construct or model-based diagnostics are impractical. Case-based diagnostic reasoning is particularly useful at capturing qualitative information which can be incorporated into the system and decisions be made based on past case history (Frank 1990). Incorporating case based reasoning into the health monitoring system, can be designed as fault trees. This allows maintenance engineers to take an event which occurs at the platform level and using extracted features from signals, knowledge of past events, and actuator usage data, then a logical progression can be followed through the system and subsystem levels to arrive at possible component faults (Raheja et al. 2006). With the issues outlined earlier, in order to achieve the best possible level of reliability in a monitoring system, health management can be achieved through extracting information from a combination of sources and techniques. For example, data patterns relating to known information can be provided through the combination of monitored data, knowledge and models. Such approaches are gaining popularity in electromechanical actuator health monitoring within the aerospace industry due to the ability to achieve auditable and robust decisions (Keller et al. 2006; Watson and Byington 2006). Figure (3.14) illustrates this monitoring concept. DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 82 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS Monitored Data Physical Models CBM System Decisions Expert Knowledge Figure 3.14: Health Monitoring Concept Based on Multiple Strategies 3.13 Motor-Driven Actuator Health Monitoring Review 3.13.1 Overview The electric actuators which are the focus of this research must be robust and reliable to avoid potential risk of accidents. Aerospace lags behind in the use of electric actuators whereas other industries such as automotive, rail and process industries have used these drives for many years. Much of the applications in these industries are just as cost and safety critical as they are in aerospace. In aerospace actuation systems are used for primary and secondary flight controls; braking, cargo doors, pressure valves, weapons systems and landing gear extension and retraction. Most of which are critical for the successful and safe operation of the aircraft. In the automotive industry electric motor driven actuation is now commonplace. Such applications include electric windows, locks, aerials and seat/lamp/mirror adjustments. Drive-by-wire introduces motor-actuated steering and the starting circuit is a heavy motor-driven actuation system. The rail industry actuators are one such application of electrical actuation is in railway points. These are mechanical devices that allow a train to move from one set of tracks to another. Point mechanisms are track elements which frequently fail causing delays and increased costs. Such failures have also been DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 83 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS known to cause fatal accidents. The principle components of these point mechanisms must be reliable and are subject to extreme environmental changes, varying loads, stresses and very large mechanical forces. Modern power/process plants and motor driven process control valves which control fluid-circulating systems are a regular feature. These control valves are essential for plant operation and safety. A loss of these systems can have catastrophic consequences. This section will review some key health monitoring systems and techniques which have been developed specifically for the monitoring of electrical actuation in the aerospace, automotive, rail and power industry. 3.13.2 Aerospace The use of model-based fault detection schemes based upon the use of parameter estimation for use in both on-line and off-line diagnosing of actuator faults has been demonstrated as an intuitive and non-intrusive approach (Moseler and Isermann 1998, 2000). This was further developed as a monitoring application for an air pressure opening and closing valve in a passenger aircraft operated by a DC motor driven actuator (Juricic et al. 2001). The model-based approach here was based upon the use of parity equations supported by an approximate reasoning technique known as the Transfer Belief Model (TBM) (Smets and Kennes 1994) which helped achieve high diagnostic resolution, stability and accuracy over more traditional Boolean logic methods. The use of a model–based fault detection scheme to support the reliability of electromechanical replacements for civil aircraft engine actuators was also used by Dixon and Pike (2002). It was shown that by measuring key parameters and testing them against pre-determined baselines, the use of a fuzzy logic change detector and fault classifier yielded promising results on determining significant parameter changes. Byington et al. (2004a) as part of the REACTS project developed a health management methodology for the health monitoring of electrical flight control actuators. They showed that model-based methods for prognosis and health management offered a means for robust health monitoring and early fault detection. DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 84 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS Byington et al.( 2004b) furthered this health monitoring strategy for application for the health management of the F/A-18 stabilator electro-hydraulic servo valves. The development of this methodology took into consideration sensor and processing limitations for onboard implementation. It made use of processing the command/response signals and hydraulic pressure data along with neural networks, automated reasoning, classification and advanced knowledge fusion to provide a realtime assessment of the current and future actuator health. The Kennedy Space Centre concerned with the health of mission critical electromechanical actuator systems developed a valve health monitoring system (Perotti et al. 2006). This system based upon a smart current signature sensor that monitors the valves in a nonintrusive way. In the development of this the effects of external features on the algorithm were analysed. It was highlighted that fluctuating temperatures had an effect on all of the extracted features and there are further challenges in regard to parameter nonlinearity. 3.13.3 Automotive The health monitoring of a diesel engine coolant mechanisms was achieved by Twiddle and Jones (2002) through the use a few low cost sensors. Residuals were generated by system models and extracted features classified through fuzzy rules as part of an overall engine health management system. In a car the air mass flow through the intake manifold into the cylinders is controlled by a DC motor driven throttle valve actuator. These must operate robustly and reliably because any malfunction can cause unintentional stopping of the engine. The application of a neuro-fuzzy hybrid system for the diagnosis of technical faults in such a throttle valve actuator has been addressed by Pfeufer et al. (1997). This used a knowledge base in the form of rules making the diagnosis understandable to human operators. It was found that the use of a neuro-fuzzy system could significantly enhance the mapping of observed symptoms to the underlying faults through the use of a parameterised logical operator. DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 85 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS It is quite possible in a system that multiple failures in both the actuators and sensors may occur simultaneously further complicating any fault diagnosis and isolation. Hsu et al. (1995) uses a hexadecimal decision table to relate all possible identified failure patterns to the residual code. This was successfully applied both in simulations and experimental work. However the performance of the diagnostic system was degraded with the presence of noise and system uncertainty. 3.13.4 Rail Since various major rail accidents in Europe over the past few decades a provision of a reliable infrastructure has become paramount in achieving good levels of safety. The rail industry has always searched for new means to improve the performance of subsystems to ensure both safety and reliability of services. One such subsystem is railway points. Point mechanisms are track elements which frequently fail causing delays and increased costs. Such failures have also been known to cause fatal accidents. Roberts et al. (2002) considered a case study of an electro-pneumatic railway point machine and proposed a fault detection and isolation process across an interconnected geographical area. This used field bus data communication networks allowing fault detection and isolation to be achieved on a number of close proximity assets. Fault detection was based upon abstract static models. Fault isolation was achieved through the use of a neuro-fuzzy system. Oyebande and Renfrew (2002) used a net energy analysis technique relying upon measured armature current and voltage waveforms and developed a system for the health monitoring of point mechanisms which uses a large range of measured data including distances, driving force, current and voltage, electrical noise, temperature and state changes. The use of Finite Impulse Response (FIR) systems based upon a H 2 norm criterion was used by Zattoni (2006) as a means for guaranteeing robustness with respect to disturbance inputs. This proposed algorithm could be used DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 86 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS for successful incipient fault detection for systems where the actuators operation could with sufficient accuracy be described by linear time invariant models. Wear is one of the most important factors affecting rail point mechanisms. Garcia Marquez et al. (2003) put forward a model for the remote health monitoring of rail mechanisms and highlighted the need for models to adapt to dynamic external environments. This was applied to a predictive maintenance system known as RCM² (Marquez et al. 2003). Further algorithms were put forward including the use of Kalman filtering (Marquez et al. 2007) and the development of unobserved component models approach for detecting wear and the behaviour of a worn set of points based. The model was used to search for significant correlations between a reference signal and new information coming in from critical components updating model parameters on a continuous basis. 3.13.5 Power Industry A common component found in modern power plants and process plants such as in the petrochemical or nuclear industry are control valves which control fluidcirculating systems. These valves are often driven by pneumatic actuators but are being replaced with electromechanical drives. These control valves are essential for plant operation and safety. A loss of these systems can have catastrophic consequences. It has been shown that the use of motor current signature analysis can be a selective and early indicator of developing mechanical and electrical abnormalities in actuated valves and is becoming a commonly used technique. Nonintrusive methods based upon motor current signature analysis have been proposed by as part of an expert system for use in preventative maintenance in nuclear power stations (Mukhopadhyay and Chaudhuri 1995). On-line health monitoring and using electrical measurements to estimate the electric torque of the induction motor attached to the MOV was outlined in Chai et al. (2004). This was reviewed against current signature and power signature methods and was shown to have advantages including better resolution, accuracy and sensitivity to load changes which are very useful in the DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 87 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS early detection of faults. A model free on-line fault detection technique based upon a spectral analysis technique known as the Squared Coherency Function designed to be sensitive to disturbances in plant dynamics was used by Previdi and Parisini (2006) to provide effective actuator fault detection. 3.14 Conclusion There are typically three kinds of maintenance regimes, time-based preventative, runto-failure and condition based maintenance. The potential benefits of moving towards condition based maintenance is based around the concept of optimisation of maintenance scheduling. These include reducing the lifetime costs of a machine or system, minimising the effects upon the environment and increasing safety to personnel. The design of a condition based maintenance system is application specific and a strategy should be adopted that incorporates condition based maintenance into systems rather than systems into condition based maintenance. This strategy should be systems based and follow a logical progression from design and trade studies, where the objectives and requirements are used to select appropriate equipment and monitoring strategies, through to experimental testing, algorithm refinement and implementation. The uses of sensors are fundamental to a condition based maintenance system and must be selected carefully to ensure the system meets the specific performance requirements. The number of sensors introduced into a system requires consideration to be given to aspects such as costs and complexity. Sensor networks can provide a reduction in measurement time, and therefore reduce costs. Increased numbers of sensors however require more computational effort and add complexity to a system. System complexity can have adverse effects upon the reliability of the system, the higher the number of components, the higher the number and frequency of possible failures. These factors require a trade-off between sensor numbers and system level requirements. DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 88 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS There exists a large tool box of health monitoring techniques, the most popular of which are vibration analysis, wear debris analysis, motor current analysis and performance analysis. Each of these techniques offers particular advantages and disadvantages depending on the application. The most popular strategies for decision reasoning are confined to the domain of expert systems. These are classified as data driven or knowledge driven. A fusion of these approaches however can limit uncertainty and maximise their decision making abilities. Health monitoring of electrical actuation systems is not a new topic but nor is it a fully advanced subject. 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(2006), 'Detection of incipient failures by using an H2- norm criterion: Application to railway switching points', Control Engineering Practice, Vol 14, No 8, pp. 885-895. Zhongming, Y., Bin, W., Sadeghian, A. (2003), 'Current signature analysis of induction motor mechanical faults by wavelet packet decomposition', IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol 50, No 6, pp. 1217-28. DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 100 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS Chapter 4: Understanding the Commercial Benefits of Aerospace Health Monitoring 4.1 Introduction There are a number of questions that must be addressed before a realistic commercial strategy for aerospace actuator health monitoring can be proposed. These include providing definitions on the customer, the supply chain networks and any supporting technologies. But most importantly, what the commercial drivers are? It is important, that there is a clearly identified need for the actuator health monitoring. If there is no existing need then any attempt for marketing health monitoring as a necessary future technological requirement is doomed for failure. In this chapter the commercial need for actuator health monitoring is explored in the context of the role of health monitoring in the changing aerospace maintenance industry. Focuses on the reasons behind changes to the maintenance market and the drive towards innovative maintenance support concepts is discussed at length. This discussion includes the key benefits and value potential of predictive maintenance and through life support of aerospace products. Challenges to integrating new monitoring technologies into existing products are identified as extending to not only technical challenges but also challenges to commercial integration. A number of pricing strategies are explored in the context of commercial integration, and finally a SWOT analysis of the technology is provided. 4.2 Current Aerospace Maintenance Practice The airline industry is considered as one of the most unique businesses in the world which suffers from a variety of complex operations. These include moving aircraft loaded with passengers and cargo over large distances and the scheduling of flights, crews and maintenance. These all lead up to substantial costs measured in time and money. Aircraft maintenance forms an essential part of an aircrafts airworthiness criteria, with its main objective being to ensure a fully serviced, operational and safe DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 101 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS aircraft. If an aircraft is not maintained to the required level then this inevitably risks passenger and crew safety. Table 4.1 lists examples of incidents that have occurred due to insufficient maintenance (Gramopadyhe and Drury 2000). There is a substantial risk, if maintenance is not correctly performed, that the aircraft may be unable to take-off leading to passenger dissatisfaction. Likewise it is plausible that the aircraft may be forced to land in undesirable locations, where spare parts or maintenance expertise is unavailable. Maintenance actions therefore have to be carried out at regular scheduled intervals, but ideally be performed with minimum cost to the operator, whilst maximising revenue to the maintenance providers. Table 4.1: Aircraft Maintenance Related Accidents Airline Location Year Incident Aloha Airlines 737 Hawaii 1988 Inspection failure led to fuselage failure BM AirTours 737 Manchester 1989 United DC10 Iowa 1989 Continental Express Texas 1991 Tail failure as task not completed before flight Northwest Airlines Tokyo 1994 Incomplete assembly led to engine separation ValueJet Florida 1996 Fire in hold due to incendiary cargo Airlines Wrong bolts led to windshield blowout Engine inspection failure led to loss of systems Maintenance programmes for key systems such as the engines and landing gears are made up of several activities based around preventive, corrective, on-condition and redesign maintenance. Preventive actions are taken at pre-determined intervals based upon the number of operating hours, or often in the case of landing gears, the number of landings. This is supported by regularly scheduled inspections and tests in which on-condition maintenance is performed based upon observations and test results. Each of these activities is finally supported by corrective maintenance conducted in response to discrepancies or failures within the aircraft during service. The final action type, redesign maintenance takes the form of engineering modifications that are DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 102 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS made in order to address arising safety or reliability issues, which were unanticipated in the original design. Much of the major maintenance and repair work performed on aircraft is provided through service providers who carry out Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul (MRO) operations for the aircraft operators. The landing gear is a critical assembly and a major key to maintaining the overall aircraft value. Operators cannot afford, or are willing to risk compromising their landing gear MRO activities and will look for the best combination of affordability, expertise, flexibility and the ability to offer the best solutions when faced with the choice of MRO provider. An example of how maintenance support of landing gears would be as follows. In the event of a series of incidents such as ‘hard landings’ reported by the operators, major repair operations, or complete gear overhauls will be conducted at a MRO provider’s maintenance site. The operators themselves can carry out, minor repairs and on-wing maintenance, also at pre-determined intervals. Once the aircraft has been received at the MRO maintenance facility, the landing gears will be dismantled and individual parts will be put through a serious of non-destructive tests. This testing will identify any developing failures, such as structural fatigues or internal corrosion. The results of which will determine if the parts are repaired, replaced, scrapped or recycled (Patkai et. al 2007). Landing gears are complex systems with a vast number of parts o which need to be maintained and inspected, which results in costly maintenance operations, in terms of time. An example of key inspection areas along with typical timescales would be: 1. After 300 hours or after 1 year in service inspection - Shock absorber Nitrogen Pressure check 2. After 600 hour inspections - Landing gear hinge points visual inspections - Leak inspection (oil, hydraulic fluid etc) DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 103 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS - Inspection of torque link play 3. After 7 years or 5000 cycles : Landing gear overhaul To understand maintenance costs it is necessary to look at the elements of maintenance in terms of time. Figure (4.1) gives a breakdown of the time elements covering typical maintenance actions. A breakdown such as this can show designers the areas in which they can influence related activity times. In corrective maintenance much of the time is spent on locating a defect which often requires a sequence of disassembly and reassembly. Being able to predict fault location times is extremely difficult using traditional inspection techniques. The ability to automate this fault diagnosis, with advanced technologies and techniques, can help accurately predict the downtime required (Knotts 1999). The market for landing gear overhauls, new gear-sets, exchange gears and spare parts has become somewhat chaotic, with some new gear lead times running at up to four years and overhaul queues lengthening by the day. This has been somewhat unexpected by Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) and overhaul providers even though landing gear maintenance intervals are widely known and plans put into place. DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 104 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS Time Up Time Flying Time Down Time Available for Flying Time Flight Prep. Time Modification Time Turn Around Time Pre-flight inspection Time Preventive Maintenance Access Time Maintenance Time Corrective Maintenance Inspection Time Preparation Time BITE effectiveness Fault diagnostic aids Equipment test/Read out capability Technician skill, experience & training Defect Location Time Defect Rectification Time Rectify by adjustment time In-situ repair time Remove repair & refit time Remove and replace time Figure 4.1: Civil Aircraft Maintenance Time Relationships (Knotts 1999) There is a growing feeling that current business models will eventually no longer cope and the following coinciding factors are forcing changes in maintenance strategy. The large number of aircraft sales between 1998 and 2000 which, given the typical 18,000-cycle or eight to ten years time between overhauls, has created an unprecedented demand for landing gear overhauls on both longand short-haul aircraft. DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 105 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS Record aircraft production following unprecedented sales in 2006 and 2007. Higher utilization of short-haul aircraft, which has shortened time between overhauls for some airlines by one or more years. The growing number of aircraft in service, including some older types returned from desert storage, bringing more and more landing gear into the market. This also has increased the number leakage or heavy corrosion findings in line maintenance which also drives early overhauls. A lack of landing gear overhauls capacity created by the high cost of setting up an overhaul facility. The number of service providers has not grown enough to meet the increasing demand. Seasonal cycles have overloaded winter overhaul slots, leaving some summer slots unfilled. A worldwide shortage of raw materials like rubber, high strength steel and titanium, exacerbated by increasing demand from the burgeoning economies of China and India. The on-going conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, which make significant demands on spare-part production and material supply. Complacent operators who either ignored the "need-to-plan" warnings from the OEMs or simply have left landing gear overhauls to the last minute 4.3 Changing Maintenance Practice Currently the European market holds a 26% share of the worldwide MRO business compared to 39% held by North America and is expected to experience further DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 106 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS dramatic worldwide growth during the next 10 years (Jenson 2008). There are however several hurdles which must be overcome by these MRO providers in order to continue their leading global market shares (Fitzsimons 2007). Examples of which include: Growing competition from the Middle East. Greater competition from original equipment manufacturers. Continuing pressure from airlines to reduce costs. These hurdles coupled with increased demand for airline MRO are forcing changes in the global aviation maintenance industries, including: MRO providers are expanding their geographical reach and capabilities in a bid to become regional and global full service providers. Spending on MRO is expected to universally increase. Airlines are now seeking how to make the next level of savings, which has raise the demand for more predictive maintenance strategies, with more reliability and material solutions to compliment outsourced maintenance repair work. To drive further cost reductions, airlines are seeking to incorporate sophisticated maintenance management solutions into their aircraft, reducing investments in inventory and to aid in improvements in airline operations and reliability. Such factors have begun to dictate a change in maintenance strategy for operators and the solutions in the services that the MRO suppliers can provide. These will aid in DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 107 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS reducing the levels of scheduled maintenance and hence optimising maintenance on aircraft fleets and recommendations and techniques on selecting the best maintenance strategy are currently being developed (Labib 2010). In terms of landing gear, much of the current business offered to the customers is contracted in the form of ‘time and materials’, which can be an expensive option for operators. The changing face of the aviation industry requires that maintenance management become increasingly tailored towards individual customers needs with cost-effective solutions being found, offering compromises between customer involvement and the level of commitment required from the providers. Figure (4.2) shows a matrix with different maintenance solutions and the level of commitment and partnerships required by the operators and MRO providers (Phillips et al 2009). Aircraft Operator Involvement MRO Support High High Medium Low All Inclusive Overhauls Through Life Support Predictive Maintenance Customised Payment Scheme Medium Preventive Maintenance Time and Materials Low Figure 4.2: Maintenance Support Concepts 4.4 Predictive Maintenance The desire is such that in order to remain competitive and meet the demands and challenges facing operators and suppliers new maintenance support concepts should offer several gains. For the operators these should be reductions in unscheduled maintenance activity, lower total cost of ownership, reductions in administrative burdens and overall optimisation of maintenance activities. This can be achieved by DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 108 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS moving away from the scheduled preventive maintenance actions by introducing new systems that can provide details on the in-service operation and condition of landing gear mechanisms, such as brakes, shock absorbers and actuators. Such systems known as health monitoring systems (Kothamasu et. al 2006) utilise a variety of data gained from on-board sensors in order to extract meaningful information. This information when combined with expert knowledge such as component reliabilities, failure mechanisms and service/maintenance history will provide a quantification of system/subsystem/component health. Based upon this information future corrective maintenance actions can be predicted and allow for the optimisation of aircraft maintenance. Incorporating health monitoring systems into aircraft landing gears in order to employ a predictive maintenance strategy (Mobeley 2002) in place of preventive maintenance, offers benefits to both the operators, MRO providers and landing gear manufacturers as described in Table 2.2. Table 2.2: Benefits of a Predictive maintenance Strategy Operator MRO provider Optimised scheduling maintenance Optimisation of spare stockpiling Landing gear manufacturer parts Reductions in maintenance costs Minimisation of scrap Reduced failures Elimination of bottlenecks in machine usage during MRO operations risk of in-service Increased aircraft availability Reduction in turnaround times Information available from onboard health monitoring sensors can be used as a marketing tool Evaluation of in-service performance of landing gear systems Extensive knowledge of inservice performance can be incorporated into re-designs. Aids in increasing operator confidence in incorporating new replacement technologies. However it should be noted that innovative predictive maintenance solutions supported by health monitoring can only provide each of the key players the necessary benefits if the necessary commitments are made. A smooth flow of information is DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 109 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS required between the operators, maintenance providers and the manufacturers. It could also be questionable if operators would really want to commit to a long term innovative maintenance solution, due to the added commitment requirements on their behalf. They may be hesitant to uptake the offer of health monitoring systems if the manufacturers have not listened to the specific requirements for their aircraft, most notably component reliability and minimal effects on weight and complexity. The operators will also be wary of the need for the probable handling of vast quantities of extra data and information generated from the health monitoring systems. Support with this should therefore be offered within any innovative maintenance service, or systems that can provide automatic health, related decisions are essential if health monitoring is to be accepted. Operators must also be willing to follow a long-term commitment as a support partner and be willing to exchange failure data with the manufacturers in order for increased reliability in future designs. This flow of information is illustrated in Figure (4.3) Figure 4.3: The Process of Information Flow 4.5 Value potential of Predictive Maintenance The value of incorporating health monitoring systems is most likely to arise in savings in operating costs. The use of health monitoring systems for landing gear retraction DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 110 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS mechanisms, or other aircraft systems, will offer a very competitive advantage in maintenance decision-making, which is crucial for both military and commercial aerospace users. This will help manufacturers retain customers and attract new business; these aspects will mean that health monitoring solutions will become a key part of formulating future maintenance strategies. The airline industry has seen a rapid increase in operators over the past decade, particularly in low cost short haul operators. The nature of the budget airlines business succeeds in the ability to operate large aircraft fleets, coupled with high aircraft availability and short turn-around times whilst keeping ticket costs low. For such factors to remain and for airlines to create a business winning advantage, then strategic maintenance management has to become one of the significant factors in their operations management. The adoption of health monitoring and overall predictive maintenance can help push an aircraft operators business forward as illustrated in Figure (4.4). DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 111 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS Redefine expectations Increasing contribution of predictive maintenance Be clearly the best in the industry Link maintenance with operations strategy Be as good as competitors Adopt best practice Organisation held back STAGE 1 The ability to implement strategy Give an Operations and business winning Advantage Correct the worst problems STAGE 2 STAGE 3 The ability to support strategy STAGE 4 The ability to drive strategy Figure 4.4: Potential Effects of Predictive Maintenance on an Aircraft Operators Business 4.6 Developing, Integrating and Pricing the Technology 4.6.1 Technical Challenges to Integrating Health Monitoring Health monitoring is a disruptive technology – in that large-scale integration will cause disruptive changes within well defined and established working practices. But once established it can quickly go on to become a fully performance competitive system. Health monitoring systems are aimed at improving the performance of the aircraft, which will be achieved on the lines of ‘evolutionary’ changes whilst demonstrating reliability, validated cost benefits and reduces operational risks. The integration of new technologies inevitably face difficulties and a number of challenges face the community of engineers and technical specialists as they seek to DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 112 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS utilise health monitoring for aerospace usage, a non-exhaustive list of these difficulties include:. 1. The technology and frameworks are available but under utilised. 2. Performance characteristics are usually untested, leading to a lack of confidence 3. There is often a wealth of data available from the end users, but access to this data can be limited and much is yet to be converted to ‘meaningful information’ Health monitoring systems for aerospace applications differ from those for other applications such as industrial machine monitoring or the monitoring of civil structures due to hardware restrictions and the difficulties associated with certification. Also, in many areas of aerospace health monitoring system development, often the state-of-the-art monitoring technique being developed are restricted by a variety of limitations. This affects their use in a real operational situation’, for example, many of the sensor based methods under development for the monitoring of fuselage structures, based upon such methods as acoustics or vibration patterns require vast sensor arrays. Much of the information gained requires high levels of signal processing with the results being very subjective and consequently they may not be applicable for an on-line real time aerospace monitoring system, even though the fundamentals of the techniques work well in other applications. This will potentially lead to a case where the state of the art has difficulties in matching the necessary requirements for aerospace integration. This the author believes is the reason for the current slow integration of health monitoring on civil aircraft, despite the vast wealth of academic research detailing monitoring methods, industry drive and potential areas for application. Figure (4.5) illustrates this hypothesis; (Phillips et al. 2009) it demonstrates how the current health monitoring state-of-the-art trend is progressing with respect to the DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 113 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS capability requirements for health monitoring for aerospace usage. The hypothesis indicates that the current state-of-the-art is advanced enough for most industry uses; offering leaps in performance and capabilities. But is far below what is required for aerospace applications, and will require further innovations, amongst others, in terms of hardware minimisation, data reduction techniques and the use of fusion to merge multiple techniques to reduce individual limitations and maximise advantages. Desired HM state of the art trend for aerospace applications HM system requirements for aerospace applications Current HM state of the art trend Capability HM system requirements for an ‘enabling’ technology Time Figure 4.5: Aerospace Health Monitoring Requirements as Compared to the State-of-the-Art 4.6.2 Commercial Integration Challenges Aerospace OEM will have well defined business models and practices. For example, this will usually follow two integrated paths which can be regarded as the product lifecycle, which begins with product innovation, design and development, manufacture, production and finally through life support. The second path is the business supply chain which begins with forecasts of landing gear sales, received orders, scheduling procurement, production and finally distribution and after sales support. For a OEM which has no history of supplying health monitoring systems the integration into these processes, which are illustrated in Figure (4.6) will not be an DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 114 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS easy task. Integration of health monitoring for instance will directly affect how after sales service and through life support is conducted. For successful commercial integration it is very probable that a whole new structure to the suppliers’ business model will be required. Product innovation Design and development Demand for HM Integration Product / Process Lifecycle Manufacture Sales forecasts Orders Scheduling procurement Production Logistics chain /Business management Distribution and after sales service Through life support Figure 4.6: Logistics Chain and Business Management Some of the more general issues (Raheja et al. 2006) relate to the conceptualisation of strategies for decision making and goal setting across multiple 'component or system' levels and time periods. A unique business methodology for incorporating cost as a factor to be considered in setting up these decision making strategies is a fundamental requirement for the successful integration of health monitoring technologies. Other considerations involve the linking of the maintenance system with Enterprise and Materials Resource Planning (ERP/MRP) to enable optimisation of spare parts ordering, and therefore ensuring the after sales and through life support elements of the business remain at their optimal capabilities. DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 115 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS 4.6.3 Pricing Deployment Strategies There are very few published works which detail proposed pricing models for health monitoring technology. The reasons for this are generally due to the secretive nature of organisations have over their business models, one example however with direct relevance to this current work is provided by Kidd 2006. This Engineering Doctorate thesis provides an extensive discussion on business and pricing models for health monitoring for automotive vehicles as seen from the vehicle OEM perspective. The nature of the automotive and aerospace commercial business operate on very different principles, but the models in this work provide a framework in developing pricing models for aerospace actuator health monitoring solutions. A number of pricing models are therefore proposed in order to generate revenue for the provider of the health monitoring system, which is aimed at adding significant added value to their landing gear products. As has been identified there are several key players in aircraft maintenance, which all must be included in any deployment/pricing models, if health monitoring on landing gears are to be successful. It is logical that any integration of health monitoring hardware as a standard addition to landing gears are technically sold to the aircraft OEM directly. However, as any additional costs met by the aircraft OEM, will almost certainly be met by the aircraft purchasers (operators), and because it is the operator’s responsibility for maintaining their aircraft the health monitoring customer is simplified to be the aircraft operators in this case. 1. The first pricing model generates revenue based upon sales volumes (variable costs).A unit cost is paid by the landing gear customer to the health monitoring system provider for every landing gear set using the monitoring technology. 2. A second pricing model is based upon per landing gear unit (fixed cost). A one off payment is made to the health monitoring provider for any given monitoring solution per landing gear set. This ensures that the customer retains the ownership for the life of that product. DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 116 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS 3. The third model is based upon the health monitoring technology being incorporated into the landing gear as standard equipment (consolidated costs) by the OEM. No direct costs are passed onto the customer, but indirect revenue for the OEM can be generated through product differentiation. It should be noted that in all the pricing models the health monitoring tools would be sold under licence, with the health monitoring system providers maintaining control over the background intellectual property. 4.7 SWOT Analysis: Actuator Health Monitoring Technology The SWOT analysis is a useful tool for understanding and decision-making for a multitude of situations in businesses and organisations. SWOT is an acronym for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. This is illustrated in Figure (4.7). These headings provide a good framework for reviewing strategy, position and direction of a company or product idea. It is a subjective assessment of data which when put into the SWOT format enables understanding, presentation, discussion and decision making. In this chapter a SWOT analysis is presented for the actuator health monitoring technology is presented. THREATS OPPORTUNITIES Actuator Health Monitoring WEAKNESSES STRENGTHS Figure 4.7: Illustration of a SWOT Analysis DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 117 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS It should be noted that other market analysis tools exist. For example one could have used a PEST analysis. PEST, an acronym for Political, Environmental, Social and Technological is a useful tool for understanding market growth or decline. As a PEST analysis most commonly measures an existing market, whilst a SWOT analysis is used to measure a proposition or business idea, the SWOT analysis was chosen to be used to assess commercial applicability of actuator health monitoring. 4.7.1 Strengths Aerospace OEM, MRO providers and aircraft operators have expressed interests in aerospace health monitoring technologies. There are a number of advantages offered to OEM, MRO providers and aircraft operators. Combining information generated from the actuator health monitoring system with other aerospace monitoring systems as part of a Integrated vehicle Health Monitoring (IVHM) system will increase overall aircraft safety, reliability and operational lifespan Actuator health monitoring will aid in increasing customer confidence in new replacement all electric actuator technology. OEM can make extensive use of in-service performance data generated from the monitoring system for re-design improvements. Electromechanical actuators used in different applications all share the same common component types and general operating procedure. This means that an actuator monitoring system could be packaged and sold off-the-shelf. With customers only required to perform simple tuning for their individual application. DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 118 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS 4.7.2 Weaknesses Aerospace certification procedures for new hardware/software coupled with the requirements for aircraft weight reduction may restrict the addition of a health monitoring systems. There may be a reluctance to accept the monitoring technology by operators as a new decision-making tool until the system has proven itself as an in-service reliable technology. In general the incorporation of health monitoring would allow serviceable components to remain in service for longer periods. This may result in OEM’s and third party providers loosing revenue generated by periodic maintenance. Once health monitoring systems are in place they must be reliable. Unreliable monitoring will result in reductions in customer confidence. This would lead to reluctance for future customers to invest in the technology. 4.7.3 Opportunities Environmental factors have led to new governmental legislation demanding cleaner and more fuel efficient aircraft. This has led designers and manufacturers to begin incorporating innovative replacement technologies, for example, the new all electric actuation. If these are accepted then a market for health monitoring systems will open up to support their reliability and gain customer confidence in replacement technologies. Electromechanical actuation is not just confined to aerospace applications. The rail, automotive, shipping and power processing industries all make use of them. More often than not in mission or safety critical applications. This offers the potential for a cross-market business. DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 119 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS Health monitoring offers the potential to improve current maintenance operations. Allowing the provider to supply the customers with a range of innovative maintenance packages. These could be tailored to individual customer requirements, offering a competitive business winning advantage over competitors. 4.7.4 Threats Customers may see the introduction of health monitoring to enhance product reliability as an admittance of inherent product unreliability. There are currently several key European aerospace companies investigating the potential use of electromechanical actuation for landing gears. It is highly unlikely that these are oblivious to the potential advantages posed by health monitoring. There is also a more advanced drive for similar actuators for other aerospace applications such as control surfaces. There is a risk therefore that a competitor could be the first to the market. It is difficult to evaluate the cost of manufacture, implementation and upkeep of a health monitoring system in development. It may be the case that aircraft operators will not see health monitoring as an economically viable option they may therefore seek other maintenance solutions. Aerospace certification procedures may lead to the technologies which health monitoring is aimed at supporting not being accepted for incorporation into aircraft. This would make the designed monitoring system instantly redundant. Landing gear actuator health monitoring is just one monitoring system that is likely to see introduction onto aircraft in the future. For all of these systems to DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 120 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS be optimally effective it would be desirable for them to work together. However this will be unlikely the case due to each supplier using incompatible hardware and software. This would make the case for a fully IVHM system unlikely, with operators choosing to optimise their selection of monitoring systems, leaving some key items on the aircraft as unmonitored. Landing gear actuation may be one of these items. 4.8 Conclusion Health monitoring technology is intractably tied up with aerospace maintenance activities as a whole. The aerospace maintenance industry is currently facing a time of unprecedented demand for spare parts, complete overhauls and general servicing. This is due to, amongst other reasons, a sudden increase in aircraft numbers in the last decade or so which now have key systems such as landing gears reaching the end of their life. This is therefore putting a strain on overhaul providers and Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM). This has begun to force operators, OEM and overhaul providers to begin seeking new innovative maintenance solutions, to meet rising demands and costs. The nature of this therefore opens up the possibility of integrating health monitoring technologies into OEM business models. It is envisioned as part of this thesis work that health monitoring technology will play a crucial role in revolutionising aircraft maintenance practice. This it will be proposed will not come about entirely as a direct result of the implementation of the technology. But rather by a set of unique customised solutions and support packages offered as a result of mature health monitoring technology. It has long been the tradition that operators are secretive when it comes to information regarding the maintenance of their fleets, information that suppliers often have to purchase in order to optimise their spare parts inventories. It is also proposed that for customised maintenance support packages to be successful, there must be a beneficial trade off for all players involved, and this will require changes to the way the key players share information. DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 121 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS 4.9 References Fitzsimons., B. (2007), 'The BIG picture: Airline MRO in a global context'. Airline Fleet & Network Management, Vol 52, pp. 46-54. Gramopadyhe, A.., Drury, C. (2000), 'Human factors in aviation maintenance: How we got to where we are', International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, Vol 26, pp. 125-131. Jenson, D. (2008), 'Europe’s Challenges In a Dynamic MRO Market'. [cited 4th April 2009]; Available from: Kidd, M., (2006), 'Automotive condition monitoring using standard vehicle Architecture', Engineering Doctorate Thesis, University of Manchester, UK Kothamasu, R., Huang, S., VerDuin, W. (2006), 'System health monitoring and prognostics - a review of current paradigms and practices', in International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. Springer-Verlag. pp. 1012-24. Knotts., R.M., (1999), 'Civil aircraft maintenance and support fault diagnosis from a bussiness perspective', Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering, Vol 5, No 4, pp. 335-348. Labib, A., (2010), 'Maintenance strategies: A systematic approach for selection of the right strategies', Proceedings of the 4th World Congress on Engineering Asset Management, Athens, Greece Mobley, R. (2002). 'An introduction to predictive maintenance,' Materials & Mechanical. Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann. DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 122 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS Patkai, B., Theodorou, L., McFarlane, D,. Schmidt, K. (2007), 'Requirements for RFID-based Sensor Integration in Landing Gear Monitoring - A Case Study', Auto-ID Lab, University of Cambridge. P. Phillips, D. Diston, A. Starr, J. Payne and S. Pandya, (2009), ‘A review on the optimisation of aircraft maintenance with application to landing gears’, World Congress in Engineering Asset Management, Athens, Greece Raheja, D., llinas, J., Romanowski, C. (2006), 'Data fusion/data mining-based architecture for condition-based maintenance', International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 44, no. 14, pp. 2869-2887 DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 123 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS Chapter 5: Health Monitoring Systems Methodology and Framework 5.1 Introduction Before undertaking the design of any health monitoring system, a study on what is required and by what process it can be or will be achieved is required. This does not simply mean attempting to force the system to be monitored into a popular health monitoring technique or into off the shelf monitoring systems. Rather an approach is required that takes into consideration all of the necessary information regarding the specific system to be monitored (i.e. failure history, design requirements, costs, quality of information), utilising this information to develop and integrate application specific health monitoring. In order to achieve this then an appropriate framework is required which provides a set of generic guidelines for the development of the health monitoring system. The purpose of this chapter is to provide such a framework based upon the concept of data fusion for the design of the actuator health monitoring system. The purpose of which is not to provide a detailed specification of the hardware or software, but rather to provide a conceptual description of the modules that will aid in the systems development. Descriptions are enhanced through the use of relevant examples throughout this chapter. A discussion is also provided on the engineering need for the monitoring capability to satisfy verification criteria in the form of diagnostic performance metrics and technical value. 5.2 Framework Objectives The objectives of the framework presented as part of this research are defined as follows (Phillips et al. 2008): Provide a generic framework for electromechanical health monitoring which will demonstrate how qualitative, quantitative and heuristic information can be used together to achieve maintenance objectives. DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 124 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS Illustrate the importance and applicability of using data fusion for health monitoring in this application. To show the application and benefits of utilising data fusion alongside conventional health monitoring techniques, methodologies and standards. To provide a methodology for the conversion of high-level organisational maintenance objectives into objectives pertaining to the specific actuator system and subsystem components. These can then be used to aid in: - Developing component descriptions, such as ‘part trees’ - Identifying failure modes for the relevant components in the form of ‘fault trees’. To provide and understand the interrelationships of the various architectural modules, which contain the functions and processes that interrelate to accomplish the overall system goals. Provide a generic framework and module descriptors, which are applicable to a wide range of health monitoring techniques and allow the architecture to be accessible for additional sensor data, information extraction and decision making tools. 5.3 Overview of the Health Monitoring Data Fusion Framework Based upon reviews of data fusion models, health monitoring standards, requirements and standards a top level architecture has been chosen for the current application. In order to maximise the information obtainable from multiple data sources then the data must be used together effectively. Data obtained through on-board acquisition DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 125 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS systems and that derived through modelling techniques can be used to generate an actuator health status, this can then be used in conjunction with management data such as costs, risks and usage requirements to achieve an effective maintenance schedule. Figure (5.1) illustrates the CBM system concept. Past History Performance Data Maintenance Database CBM System Aircraft Health Status Maintenance Schedule Management Requirements Management Database Maintenance Scheduler Maintenance Action Figure 5.1: CBM System Concept The health monitoring framework is based upon a standard ‘hierarchy’ which partitions the CBM into several levels: Platform - Landing gear System - Electromechanical actuator Subsystem - Gear box, Motor, roller screw assembly, control etc Component - Gears, bearings, lubricant, wiring etc At every level of the hierarchy there will be the need for the following information to exist: DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 126 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS 1. Component identification 2. Identified component failure modes 3. CBM objectives pertaining to each group of system/subsystem/component levels 4. Health estimates relating to the state of the failure mode, Figure (5.2) is an illustrated representation of the proposed architecture along with the corresponding OSA-CBM framework modules lain out by Raheja et al. (2006). It should be noted that it is likely that a combination of fusion levels will be required, as described by the JDL data fusion framework, reviewed in Chapter 3. DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 127 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS Presentation Decision Support/ Presentation Modules Decision Support Fusion Process Hypothesis generation Data alignment Hypothesis evaluation Hypothesis selection Estimation Signal Processing Data cleaning Signal condition Feature extraction Fault trees Part trees Objectives Health Monitoring/ Assessment Modules Data Manipulation Module Data Acquisition module Maintenance Database On-board sensors Figure 5.2: CBM Data Fusion Architecture 5.4 5.4.1 Inputs to the Fusion Centre Objectives CBM Objectives The generic objectives/goals for CBM programme are usually defined by top level management at the platform level; these are then broken down into increasingly specific for each of the lower system/subsystem/component levels. Top level Objectives Management level objectives are usually measured in terms of costs, in particular revenue losses or gains, for example: DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 128 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS 1. Reduce aircraft maintenance costs. 2. Maximise the number of aircraft flight hours. 3. Increase aircraft safety Platform Level CBM Objectives The platform level objectives, relate directly to the electromechanical actuators mounted upon the landing gears. These objectives are normally associated with reducing the probability of an event occurring. They relate to the failure of the entire actuation system to perform its required function leading to a loss of the landing gears normal operation such as the following: 1. Prevent the risk of the actuator from jamming leading to a failure to retract/extend the landing gears, impacting upon aircraft safety. 2. Prevent inadvertent retraction/extension of the landing gears. 3. Prevent failure to damp the landing gears during extension/retraction, risking increased structural damage. Lower System/Component Level Objectives Once the platform level objectives have been designed objectives for the lower system, subsystem and component levels can be derived. These objectives will also be based around improvements in the individual system and subsystems. For example if an event such as actuator jamming is a result of a gear box failure, then the objective at the system level may be to increase the Mean Times Between Failures (MTBF) of the gear box. Likewise if the gear box failures are a result of the gears failing due to DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 129 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS tooth fractures the component level CBM objectives could be to reduce tooth fractures in gear box gears for example by 10%. 5.4.2 Part Trees In order for a system under maintenance to be capable of being associated with all of the hierarchy levels, and to understand its component assemblythe construction of a ‘parts tree’ is useful. The part tree essentially identifies all of the parts which are assembled to create the actuator system. Part trees that are used for the benefit of CBM usually however only contain the parts which require maintenance or monitoring. Figure (5.3) illustrates an example of a parts tree for the electromechanical actuators gear train. Platform level Electromechanical Actuator Gear Box Assembly Electrical Motor Housing Roller Screw Gear Gear Teeth Gear Bearing Gear Shaft Lubricant System level Subsystem level Component level Figure 5.3: Example Parts Tree 5.4.3 Fault Trees The development of a fault tree can aid in identifying the parts of the actuator system which need to be maintained. This is done through associating individual components with specific failure modes. The first step in developing a fault tree is to utilise the DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 130 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS parts tree to identify individual component failure modes and there effects upon the system. The identification of the failure modes offers the following benefits: 1. Aids in setting detailed tangible objectives for the subsystem components. 2. The fault tree can be used to determine the sensing requirements needed to aid in achieving the objectives. This includes the sensor type and suggestions on the correct sensor placement. Identification of the actuator failure modes is achieved through the use of a Failure Mode and Events Analysis (FMEA) or a Failure Mode Event and Criticality Analysis (FMECA) which incorporates the charting of the probability of failure against the severity of their consequences. The FMEA/FEMCA ranks each potential failure mode according to the level of severity (the greater the impact on the normal operation the higher the severity), the rate of occurrence and the ability of the current measures to detect the failure. Fault tree construction is highly dependent upon expert knowledge which is captured within the failure mode analysis. Once incorporated within a fault tree; the information can allow informed decisions to be made regarding potential abnormalities which occur during normal operation. This is achieved by means of the fault tree acting as a steering tool towards a specific diagnosis. By applying rules to a set of symptoms describing a general problem, such as an ‘actuator jam’ at the root of the tree then progress can be made along the tree branches until a specific diagnosis can be made such as ‘broken gear tooth’. An advantage of utilising tools such as fault trees into the health monitoring architecture is that a partial solution can be found at every stage of the reasoning process. A partial diagnosis can always be generated given a symptom even if there is insufficient knowledge or data to provide a complete diagnosis. Figure (5.4) illustrates an example of a fault tree. DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 131 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS Figure 5.4: Example of a Fault Tree 5.4.4 Observables The effectiveness of any health monitoring system is dependent upon the ability to obtain information regarding the actuators operating health. This is derived from available data, and a particular set of algorithms are used to extract any information indicating the onset of failure. These measurements or derived parameters are effects of phenomena and are known classified as observables. An example in the current application would be current signatures and temperature data (observables) to ascertain winding failure (phenomena) in the motor. Observables will be either direct or indirect indications of a failure mode. Indirect indications require pre-processing to convert them into useful representations of the phenomena; this can only be achieved if an adequate model describing the relationship is available. The use of a fault tree provides the information on the failures which can be measured, as well as information on the sub-systems and components involved in the failure and what the observable effects would be. This DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 132 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS allows partitioning of the observables as direct or indirect and aids in the choice of the most appropriate observables, depending on the criticality of the failure mode, in which to measure and hence the choice of sensor and sensor location. Table 5.1 shows common sensor measurements which can be used as either ‘direct’ or ‘indirect’ estimates of selected EMA failures Table 5.1: EMA Faults and Associated Observables Damaged gears Vibration analysis Thermal monitoring Motor current signatures Corrosion monitoring Wear debris / lubricant analysis Acoustics emissions and ultrasonic waves Visual inspections Performance monitoring • Bearing damage Electrical motor faults Rollerscrew structural damage • • • • • • • Inadequate/poor lubrication Excessive loading Corrosion • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 133 • • • • • • • • • • • HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS Observables do not have to just be information gained from a sensor placed upon the actuation system. Information gained from control sensors for example can be used with physical actuator models to derive information which help aid in the diagnoses of particular failures. Examples include Roller screw or motor efficiency. Positions/speeds/accelerations. Dynamic model parameters. 5.5 5.5.1 The Fusion Process Alignment For different data sets to be successfully combined together they must be consistent in terms of measurement units and co-ordinate system. The purpose of the alignment function within the architecture (Figure (5.2)) is to put the various data streams into a common data and time basis. Various methods exist which can be used to unify these type of symptoms (Raheja et al. 2006). An example of this (Equation 5.1) could include the utilisation of physical coefficients p i estimated through the use of a mathematical model which when normalised generates a set of symptoms with a common unit’s basis in the range [0→1]: Si 5.5.2 pi pi (min) Equation 5.1 pi (max) pi (min) Association Once the necessary data has been aligned it is necessary to associate each of the important observables with a phenomena. It is not beneficial to try to fuse together information relating to separate incidences so emphasis must be placed on determining the correct association rule for each observable. There are difficulties in DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 134 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS developing association rules, also called hypotheses, as in ‘real world’ situations it is more often than not the case that the same observed variable may be associated with multiple events. A simple example highlighting association rules would begin at defining health monitoring objectives at the component level as being that all gearbox housing unit seals must remain undamaged and air/water tight. Damaged seals will allow contaminants such as condensation and dirt to degrade components such as gears through corrosion and wear. Excess humidity in the gear box housing can also freeze at high altitude temperatures which may impede the required interaction between gears, leading to the actuator jamming. If it is assumed that there is humidity sensing equipment mounted within the gear box, which then raises an alarm alerting to the presence of water, then utilising a ‘fault tree’, illustrated in Figure (5.5) can help to determine a set of likely associations for this observable, each association having a given probability of occurrence. Figure 5.5: Example of Symptom/Fault Association This example shows two possible associations with the presence of humidity, the first ‘seal damage’ has a higher confidence than the second ‘cracked housing’ generated via knowledge of failure occurrences. The association of an observable with a failure mode aided by the fault/part trees and each probable association can be referred to as a DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 135 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS likely hypothesis. Determining the associations is one of the initial tasks in data fusion problem development; this is then followed by the following sub-tasks 1. Hypothesis generation: the use of sensor data to generate possible associations 2. Hypothesis evaluation: here the level of support for each association is determined 3. Hypothesis selection: the optimal association rule is selected 5.5.3 Hypothesis Generation The use of data mining methods is a popular choice in determining optimal associations. These include case based reasoning and decision trees. The use of decision trees as a data mining methodology provides optimal associations of any sensor data to the observed phenomena. Unlike case-based reasoning approaches to fault diagnoses, decision trees cover all anticipated faults and failures regardless if they have occurred before or not. This is important if the system is new and insufficient historical data concerning past events is available. As the lifetime of the system increases and more failure occurrences are recorded case-based reasoning can become a more optimal way of generating hypothesis. Data mining forms a ‘feedback loop’ with the health monitoring modules by searching known information to form hypothesis and identifies the important sensor data to be evaluated. There are two knowledge engineering methods used in conjunction with data mining techniques are useful in generating association rules (hypothesis), these are backward and forward chaining. To highlight these methods let it be considered that there is a defined list of rules associating a set of symptoms (extracted from sensor signals, such as temperature or vibrations) to failure modes in the form R₁: IF Gearbox has failed–THEN Actuator jams DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 136 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS R₂: IF Motor has failed – THEN Actuator jams R₃: IF Gear tooth has broken –THEN Gearbox has failed R₄: IF– Motor bearings are seized THEN Motor has failed R₅: IF symptoms s₁, s₂ and s₃ are observed - THEN Gear tooth has broken R₆: IF symptoms s₄, s₅ and s₆ are observed – THEN Motor bearings are seized The approach known as backward chaining where the mining of the rule base begins with a consequence which is a known occurred failure and searches out the rules until an antecedent (fault evidence) is found to be true. In this example the fact that the actuator has jammed is known to have occurred and is the consequence of a failed component. Backward chaining will work through the rules in the following way R₁→R₃→R₅, or R₂→ R₄→R₆, hence in this example we have two possible hypotheses each with a set of symptoms to be evaluated. As this example shows backward-chaining is a goal driven process, in this case the goal is determining the cause of an actuator jam. In a landing gear system however it would be desirable to be able to detect these symptoms to aid in determining the onset of damage before the event actually occurs. Following a reverse process known as forward chaining which is much more datadriven, that is using data to infer faults and further possible consequences. Using the above example rules the system begins with a set of observed symptoms which are known to be true; the rule base is then searched until a matching consequence (failure mode) is found giving association rules following the paths R₅ → R₃→ R₁ and R₆→R₄→ R₂. 5.5.4 Hypothesis Evaluation Once a set of hypotheses have been formulated then they need to be evaluated to determine the level of support for each of them, this is given in the form of a probability of occurrence. This support is determined through domain knowledge and the modelling of specific sensor-to-phenomena relationships. Let’s say, for example, DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 137 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS that the proximity sensors present on the landing gears do not detect a landing gear uplock, indicating that the retraction actuator has jammed. There are a variety of faults at the component level which may have attributed to this platform level failure mode. Following on from hypothesis generation, failure rates/probabilities of components can be used in tangent with the decision tree to generate a measure of confidence, in the form of a probability that that fault mode has occurred. For simplistic example, the generated hypothesis of the cause of an actuator jam is either broken gears housed within the gear box, or due to seized bearings within the roller screw system. Therefore the following hypothesis can be evaluated: Landing gear failed to retract due to an actuator jam resulting from gear box failure due to seized gears caused through a broken gear tooth – support X OR Landing gear failed to retract due to an actuator jam resulting from roller screw failure due to a seized actuator nut caused through bearing damage – support Y 5.5.5 Hypothesis Selection Measures of support and uncertainty in the diagnostics can be used to rank the various hypotheses in order of the level of support. The most likely hypothesis would then be the diagnosis with the highest support and lowest uncertainty. If a clear diagnosis cannot be made, then at this stage it may be necessary to improve the confidence level by incorporating heuristic symptoms, past maintenance histories and/or further fault statistics 5.6 Estimation Once the most probable hypothesis has been selected, it is then necessary to make an estimate representing the degree of damage. This is performed by a model or algorithm capable of merging the different data sets containing representations of the most probable fault selected through the association process. The output therefore will be a fused estimated representation of the condition of a particular actuator DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 138 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS component, sub-system or system. There are a variety of methods which can be used, including statistical mathematical techniques such as Dempster-Shafer theory, Bayesian reasoning, neural networks and fuzzy logic 5.7 Proposed Decision Support Outputs The monitoring system is not aimed at telling the maintenance personnel when to perform maintenance operations. But rather to offer an efficient tool supporting them in making optimised maintenance decisions. This is because aerospace legislation and procedures are not ready to except a fully automated intelligent decision making system, without human input, for safety critical operations. It would be beneficial to the maintenance engineer if the diagnostic results were combined to give a global actuator quality index. This value could then be correlated to actuator performance loss as shown in Figure (5.6). If maintenance scheduling is based upon system degradation, then a measure of performance loss will be more explainable in terms of decision making. Actuator Quality Index 1 Fault Classification Results Fault 1 0.8 0 20 Fault 2 40 0.6 0.4 Performance Loss (%) Fault N 60 80 0.2 Figure 5.6: Illustration of Diagnostics Output for Decision Support 5.8 Considerations for Practical Implementation The conceptual design presented her in this chapter is aimed at providing a template for the creation of a corresponding implementation strategy for health monitoring. There are two distinct implementation strategies which can be identified for vehicle DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 139 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS health monitoring (Kidd 2006) and adapted to the specific case of landing gear actuator monitoring. 5.8.1 Service bay implemented One of the options for health monitoring implementation is the case where all of the health monitoring and diagnostics is performed at a maintenance service bay. In this strategy the aircrafts landing gear would be put through a series of on wing tests as is currently the case, for example, multiple retraction/extension cycles under a variety of loading conditions. The data which is then obtained would be processed by the health monitoring system and algorithms, which in this case can be conveniently located on a local computer, or even on the technicians Personal Digital Assistant (PDA). This combined with data and information gained from the aircrafts standard Built in Tests (BIT) and flight records, the status of the landing gear actuators health can be assessed. The key advantages and disadvantages to this model can be summarised as follows: Advantages: The health monitoring solution is not restricted by hardware issues such as sensor weight/complexity/ability to operate in the harsh environment of the landing gear bay. For example, specific sensors could be attached to the actuator for the duration of the maintenance testing only. Therefore, such methods as acoustic monitoring which are restricted for embedded health monitoring, despite the value of information they can provide, can be utilised. Diagnostic results can be instantly verified by the maintenance technicians and any anomalies in the results traced back to the source. In flight embedded monitoring requires that the on-board computing makes the decision with no immediate human input or validation. This reliance on automated decision making for such a safety critical process will almost certainly prove difficult to certify under strict aerospace regulations. DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 140 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS The use of automated diagnostic tools during service bay maintenance will almost certainly speed up the maintenance procedure. Minimising the time that the aircraft is out of operational service. Disadvantages One of the key aims for health monitoring is for the reduction in scheduled and unscheduled maintenance. In bay monitoring will almost certainly aid in reducing unscheduled maintenance activities, but scheduled maintenance may remain unaffected. This model will not allow for any in flight warning system, pertaining to the imminent failure of the landing gear actuator. However the mechanical and electrical redundancy within the actuator system would mean that this is not necessary as the gears are guaranteed to operate. 5.8.2 Embedded deployment The second approach differs from the service bay deployment in that the monitoring algorithms would be embedded within the aircraft alongside control algorithms and BIT testing. This deployment strategy would allow for all of the processing to occur on-board the aircraft, which would require strict consideration for hardware requirements. Advantages Embedded health monitoring would allow for pre-flight warnings on the landing gears or other monitored systems. It would almost certainly be the most effective monitoring approach to reduce the levels of scheduled maintenance. Maintenance operations would also be quicker as the technical engineer can be directed immediately to the faulty system/component based upon pre-processed information. DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 141 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS Disadvantages The aircraft would have to be recalled every time the health monitoring software requires updating. There are restrictions on the approaches which can be used due to hardware weight/certification procedures and signal processing capabilities. 5.9 5.9.1 Health Monitoring Acceptance Criteria and Metrics Validation Procedure An important issue in health monitoring systems is the ability to assess the effectiveness of the system in performing its task of timely and correct diagnosis of faults. This can be split into both technical and economic feasibility system metrics. In terms of technical performance any health monitoring system would need to be validated against set performance metrics. in order to do this the engineer would need to decide on the most effective metrics for the application and set the necessary thresholds. The diagnostic performance would first need to be tested using experimental data from a representative landing gear testing rig. As part of the landing gear actuators acceptance tests it is known that they are put through a serious of destructive testing and are tested through 10,000 on wing retraction/extension cycles. The data obtained is useful in health monitoring validation for two reasons. Firstly if the underlying algorithms are based upon system models, performance and control data from these cycle tests can be used to estimate the actuators dynamic parameters and therefore validate the model, as well as generating a database of nominal/faulty parameters. Secondly as experimental faults are incorporated into the actuator and tested on the landing gear rig, the ability for the health monitoring to detect/diagnose those faults can be evaluated without risk to aircraft safety. Once these test are completed and the health monitoring has been verified as the correct system for the application, it would then be implemented onto a variety of aircraft for in-flight testing. In this stage of validation the aircraft is in no way dependant on the health monitoring system for DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 142 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS safety or reliability but the aim would be to generate data on the operational performance of the system - this is also useful in evaluating the technical value in commercial terms of implementing the system. There are several key aspects which need to be considered in validating the landing gear health monitoring system, 1) Different aircraft need to be validated seperately. Failure modes in high altitude long haul aircraft are likely to be different to low altitude short haul aircraft. 2) The operating location of the aircraft to be implemented with the health monitoring system must be considered. Some failure modes, may generate more false alarms in colder climates, for example lubrication will become sticky possibly generating a false alarm indicating mechanical damage. 5.9.2 Fault Diagnostic Performance Metrics Major accepted performance metrics for a diagnostic process are given as False Negatives or False Positives. False negatives may present risks to the health of the machine, with the missed fault condition leading to catastrophic failure. Also, a high percentage of false positives is likely to result in a loss of confidence in the diagnostic algorithms by the system operator. diagnostic algorithm performance requirements would need to specigfy the maximum number of acceptable false positives and negatives as a percentage of the total faultsin the monitored system over its expected life. Diagnostic events are therefore evaluated through a decision matrix (Liu and Motoda 1998) as shown in table 5.2 DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 143 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS Table 5.2: Decision Matrix for Fault Detection Evaluation Fault F1 No Fault F0 Total Positive (detected) D1 a Number of detected faults b Number of false alarms a+b Total Number of alarms Negative (not detected) D0 c Number of missed faults d Number of correct rejections c+d Total number of non-alarms a+c Total number of faults b+d Total number of correct rejections a+b+c+d Total number of cases Outcome From the matrix in table 5.2 the following metrics can be calculated. The probability of detection(POD) given a fault assess the detected faults over all potential fault cases. POD P( D1 / F1 ) a ac Equation 5.2 The probability of false alarm (POFA) considers the proportion of all fault-free cases that trigger a fault alarm. POFA P( D1 / F0 ) b bd Equation 5.3 A metric of accuracy would need to be used to measure the effectiveness of any diagnostics system or algorithm in its ability to correctly distinguish between a faultpresent and fault-free condition. The accuracy metric (Equation 5.4) uses all of the data available for analysis (both fault and no-fault) Accuracy P( D1 / F1 & D0 / F0 ) ad abcd DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 144 Equation 5.4 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS The two metrics, false positives and false negatives may change if the detection thresholds vary or if tradeoffs are required. It is therefore necessary to assess how well a fault is actually diagnosed. One method which is proposed is the use of what is termed the Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC). The ROC provides a comprehensive overview of the tradeoffs between false positives and false negatives, an example of a ROC curve is given in Figure 5.7. A guide to constructing ROC curves are given in Vachtsevanos 2006. From Figure 5.7 a straight curve signifies that the diagnosis has 50/50 odds of being correct. As the curve bows more to the left, it indicates a greater accuracy (i.e. a higher ratio of true positives to false negatives). The accuracy of the diagnosis is more precisely measured by the area under the curve, which increases as the curve bows to the left Using these technical performance measures will require the system operator to design specific thresholds, for example diagnostic accuracy of 80%, which the health monitoring system would have to match or exceed for validation. Figure 5.7: The ROC Curve DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 145 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS 5.9.3 Technical Value The benefits which are achieved through accurate detection and diagnosis of faults need to be weighed against the costs associated with false alarms, innacurate diagnosis, costs and resource rquirements of implementing and operating the health monitoring system. A metric for the technical value of a health monitoring system in a particular application is the summation of all the benefits which it provides over all of the failure modes which it has been designed to diagnose minus the implementation/operating/maintenance costs. A total value equation (Vachtsevanos 2006) is given as: Tech Value Pf ( D I ) (1 Pf )( PD P1 ) Equation 5.5 Pf =probability of failure occurrence D = overall detection confidence score =savings realised by detecting a fault prior to failure I = overall isolation confidence metric score = savings realised through automated isolation of a fault PD = false positive detection metric score = cost associated with false positive detection P1 = false positive isolation metric score = cost associated with a false positive isolation Therefore the total value of the health monitoring system is given by: TOTAL Tech Value A O (1 P ) c Failure Modes A = acquisition and implementation costs O = life-cycle operation and maintenance costs Pc = computer resource and requirements score = cost of computing systems DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 146 Equation 5.6 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS For all of these metrics, a low score would indicate an undesirable result and a high score indicates a desirable one. Equations 5.5 and 5.6 therefore illustrate the necessity in applying tradeoffs between differing metrics in order to obtain an acceptable overall value of the health monitoring system. 5.10 Conclusions Before a practical implementation strategy can be implemented a conceptual framework which provides descriptions of the key modules and guidelines to their use is created as a health monitoring system template. In this work this template has been constructed with considerations on the requirements for the actuator health monitoring system to allow the integration of an application specific health monitoring system. The framework discussed in this chapter is based around the concept of data fusion and discusses the key areas such as generic inputs, data association, hypothesis generation/evaluation/selection and proposed decision outputs. The frameworks objective does not provide detailed recommendations on specific hardware or software based strategies but rather acts as a kind of methodology in health monitoring design. There are still a variety of key design issues which remain unanswered and will need to be tackled as part of this framework these can be identified are as follows: Providing a detailed and accurate analysis of all the potential failure modes relevant to a particular component or assembly. Modelling the influence of one component failure over another. This therefore requires a comprehensive understanding of component - component interaction. For the introduction of health monitoring into a vehicle platform considerations need to be made on the deployment strategy. There are two separate possibilities for this. The first is dependent on the monitoring algorithms and decision support to be made at a maintenance service bay, where the monitoring software is located. The second DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 147 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS approach would see the health monitoring algorithms embedded onto the aircraft alongside control algorithms and BIT testing. Both deployment strategies have a variety of advantages and disadvantages which have been discussed but no single strategy is committed to as part of this work. It is highly likely that for effective aerospace vehicle monitoring a hybrid of the two deployment strategies would be a natural approach. Before a health monitoring system can be accepted it must be verified against a set of pre-determined performance metrics in order to justify its acceptance. Diagnostic performance metrics, which is the ability to accurately diagnose faults, assessment would be through consideration of the number of missed alarms or false alarms in order to generate a ROC curve. The use of the ROC curve allows the health monitoring designer to gauge the overall diagnostic accuracy of the system - which would need to match a set threshold criteria. The second metric which has been discussed is a method of providing the overall technical value of the health monitoring system. This finds the difference between cost savings over all possible detectable failure modes and the costs of implementation and upkeep. This is an important metric which must exceed the value of not having the monitoring system. 5.11 References Kidd, M., (2006), 'Automotive condition monitoring using standard vehicle Architecture', Engineering Doctorate Thesis, University of Manchester, UK Liu, H., Motoda, H., (1998), "Feature selection for knowledge discovery and data mining", Boston: Kluwer Academic. Phillips, P., Diston, D., Payne, J., Pandya, S., Starr, A. (2008), 'The application of condition monitoring methodologies for certification of reliability in electric landing gear actuators', in The 5th International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Machine Failure Technologies. Edinburgh, UK. DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 148 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS Raheja, D. (2006), 'Data fusion/data mining-based architecture for condition-based maintenance', International Journal of Production Research, Vol 44. No 14. pp. 28692887. Vachtsevanos, G., Lewis, F., Roemer, M., Hess, A., WU, B. (2006), 'Intelligent Fault Diagnosis and Prognosis for Engineering Systems' John Wiley & Sons , INC. DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 149 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS Chapter6: Application of Fuzzy Logic and Principal Component Analysis for Determining Process Quality 6.1 Introduction The previous chapter provided the framework constructed for use in developing actuator fault diagnostics. The framework reviewed the factors relating to the information which should be gained from a monitoring system for effective maintenance support. This chapter proposes a mathematical algorithm which addresses one way in which these outputs can be achieved, whilst keeping within the design requirements for the monitoring system (Phillips and Diston 2010). The monitoring outputs for decision support are categorised as 'fault detection', represented by overall actuator operating quality and 'fault diagnostics' represented by a ranking of probabilities of specific faults occurring. Through estimating the overall actuator process quality, then the affects that individual faults are having on the actuator systems ability to perform to a specific requirement are identifiable. The fault detection within this research is based upon the use of Principal Component Analysis (PCA) which uses only the actuators dynamic process data, obtained as part of the actuators control system. The use of PCA allows reductions in the size of the data set and generates statistics, which are analysed through the use of a fuzzy logic rule base to provide a quantified performance quality. This actuator quality can then be monitored to ensure that it does not fall below a predefined quality threshold, which if it does full fault diagnostics would be initiated. This chapter presents the formulisation of the fault detection algorithm and provides the results of an experimental demonstration. The experiments make use of an offthe-shelf bench top actuator with several degrees of lubricant degradation incorporated into the actuator gears and screw assembly. The experiment highlights the potential of the algorithm in fault detection for lubrication faults in the actuators. DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 150 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS 6.2 6.2.1 Estimation of Actuator Process Quality Data Redundancy The monitoring of a machine or process often involves large volumes of data, both in terms of the number of samples and data sets, the latter of which indicates a requirement for a large number of sensors. However the meaningful information contained within this data can be significantly less than the volume of the data may suggest. When recording measurements from multiple sensors the issue of redundancy arises. What is meant by this is the question: do the individual data sets record the same dynamic information and therefore is it necessary to record all of these sets? Figures (6.1) and (6.2) illustrate two possible plots between two variables. Figure (6.1) shows how the variables are highly correlated with each other (high redundancy) and Figure (6.2) shows the case where the variables are uncorrelated (low redundancy). Figure 6.1: Example of Two Data Sets With High Redundancy DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 151 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS Figure 6.2: Example of Two Data Sets with Low Redundancy High redundancy indicates that the two variable A and B are statistically dependable, likewise low redundancy indicates that the two variables are statistically independent and cannot easily be predicted from oneanother. The highly correlated variables can be predicted by simply analysing the best fit line so therefore only one variable requires measurement reducing the data sets 2 1 , this is the concept of data reduction. If there is a high measure of redundancy between multiple variables that are susceptible to variation under faulty conditions then the concept of data reduction can be applied, for monitoring purposes. The case with aerospace actuation, the dynamic operating data which consists of control/power inputs, motor current, rotational speeds, loads and position should under healthy conditions have a high degree of correlation. For fault detection purposes, each of these measurements can be assessed individually against some pre-requisite requirements. However, the use of data reduction techniques may therefore be a more applicable approach to simplifying this task (Kambhatla et al 1997). 6.2.2 Principal Component Analysis Principal component analysis is a vector space transformation often used to transform multivariable space into a subspace which preserves maximum variances of the DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 152 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS original space, but with a reduced number of dimensions (Jackson 2003). The measured variables in the original space are usually highly correlated, so PCA can be defined as a linear transformation of the original correlated data into a new set of uncorrelated data that explains the trend in the process. The formulation of a PCA is as follows. First a new n m matrix is defined as X x 1 x m T . Each row of X corresponds to measurements of a particular type (x i ) and the columns correspond to a set of measurements from a trial. The covariance matrix of this data set can be written as CX 1 X.X T n 1 Equation 6.1 E The factor 1 is a constant for normalisation. The covariance matrix C X captures n 1 all of the correlations between all possible pairs of measurements and reflects the noise and redundancy in the measurements. It has the following properties: C X is a square m m matrix The diagonal terms of C X are the variance of particular measurement types. Large values correspond to interesting dynamics and small values correspond to noise. The off-diagonal terms of C X are the covariance between measurement types. High values correspond to high redundancy and low values low redundancy. The first step is to calculate PCA is to construct the covariance matrix given inEquation 6.1 and performe the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) on the matrix as follows: DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 153 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS C X V.ΛV T Equation 6.2 Where Λ is a diagonal matrix containing the eigenvalues of C X in decreasing order ( 1 2 m 0 ). The columns of the matrix V are the eigenvectors of C X . A transformation matrix P of dimensions m a , where a is the chosen number of eigenvectors which are used as the principal components, can be generated to transform the original measured variable space into the reduced dimension space T X.P Equation 6.3 The matrix P is known as the loading matrix and T as the score matrix. The elements of T are the values of the original measured variables that have been transformed into the reduced dimension space. 6.2.3 Choosing the Principle Components For PCA to be successful in a health monitoring context then the appropriate number of principle components must be selected. In this instance a method known as Cumulative Percent Variance (CPV) is used to calculate the correct number in which to project the data onto. This approach chooses the number of principle components (a) for a particular measure of percentage variance (i.e. CPV ( a ) 95 %) . The CPV is calculated using: a CPV j j j 1 m j 1 Equation 6.4 DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 154 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS 6.2.4 Generating Performance Statistics Traditional fault detection based upon PCA is achieved through the generation of a statistic known as a Squared Prediction Error (SPE). The SPE is aimed at capturing any small variations between the PCA model data and the next set of process measurements. Under nominal conditions the SPE will remain close to zero but any variation in the process will lead to a positive or negative deviation, which if a set threshold is breached an alarm is raised. The SPE can be calculated in the following manner. From Equation 6.3 it can be seen that the scores can be transformed into mdimensional observational space by: ˆ T.P T X Equation 6.5 The difference between the observation space X̂ and the original data space X represented by the residual matrix E which captures the variations in the observation space spanned by the loading vectors associated with the m-smallest singular values. ˆ E XX Equation 6.6 The SPE is therefore defined by: Q T ET E Equation 6.7 Using a SPE the process is considered normal if the process is within an upper control limit represented by Q δ2 Equation 6.8 DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 155 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS A second statistic is calculated using a T 2 - Hotellings statistic. In this work we can consider the scores to be bounded by an elliptical threshold, which is regarded as the confidence region which is defined as (Palma et al. 2005). t12 t 22 T2 1 2 Equation 6.9 In Equation 6.9 t n are the projections along the orthogonal axes defined by the loading vectors, 1 and 2 are the principle eigenvalues (Note that Equation 6.9 represents the case where the number of principle components a=2). The T 2 statistics threshold is defined by Equation 6.10. The value F (a, n a ) is obtainable from an F-distribution table for a certain level of significance (Jackson 2003). T2 a (n 1)(n 1) F (a, n a) n( n a ) Equation 6.10 In this work both the Q and T 2 statistics will be combined together in order to generate an overall measure of process quality. 6.2.5 Fuzzy Logic Classification After the appropriate features have been identified then an inference to their meanings has to be made. An appropriate technique, which fits well here, is the use of fuzzy logic classification (Bartys et al. 2005) which can deal with reasoning that is approximate rather than precise. There are three stages to classification via fuzzy logic (Leekwijick & kerre 1999). The first is to convert the input variables into fuzzy variables (fuzzification); the second is the evaluation of a fuzzy rule base and finally converting the fuzzy outputs back into crisp numbers (defuzzification). The first stage begins with the designing of individual membership functions. Here the variables are mapped to predetermined membership functions and are converted into linguistic variables, such as Okay, Medium or High as illustrated in Figure (6.3). DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 156 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS Figure 6.3: Example of a Fuzzy Membership Function A membership function represents information in a vague and somewhat ambiguous way. There is a variety of differing shaped membership functions, which include (non-exhaustively) triangular, waveform, trapezoidal, Gaussian, bell-shaped and sigmoidal. The choice of membership function is often subjective, but in general for systems that require significant dynamic variation in a short time period triangular or trapezoidal functions are used. The method of choosing the boundaries for the membership function is illustrated in Figure (6.4). A variety of threshold boundaries are created around the input residual, these boundaries are indicative of regions which are to varying levels acceptable or not. DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 157 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS Input value Dangerous 80 % 0.8 LP 20% Time -20% OK 0.2 1 -0.2 LN -80% -0.8 Dangerous Figure 6.4: A Subjective Approach to Designing a Fuzzy Membership Function In this methodology the inputs for the fuzzy rule base will be the fuzzy Q and T 2 statistics obtained from the PCA of the system. The output will be a measure of the quality Q of the actuators operation 6.2.6 Fuzzy Rule Base The second stage is the evaluation of the fuzzy inputs against a set of fuzzy rules to provide a set of fuzzy output representing qualitative assessments of the system. An example of the rule base will be constructed from the following form: IF x1 is B 1 and x n is B n THEN y is C Where represent the input variables and the output variables. The terms B and C are the variables characteristic of the membership functions. These rules offer a convenient way of expressing reasoning simply and transparently. A rule base such as this does have limitations and is usually not a sufficient approach to be considered for systems, or processes that have a large array of variables each with intrinsic correlated relationships leading to overly sized rule bases. DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 158 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS The application of a rule base in fuzzy logic must assess the fuzzy inputs and project these onto the consequences of that rule. Table 6.1 shows an example of the fuzzy rule base: Table 6.1: The Fuzzy Rule Base T2 Okay Medium High OK VG G M Medium G M P High M P VP SPE As can be seen in Table 6.1 each rule has a specific output, in this case they have been categorised as Very Poor (VP), Poor, (P), Medium (M), Good (G) or Very Good (VG). The output values for each rule fired are determined by the use of the AND operation which takes the minimum membership valueand maps this value onto a specific fuzzy output function, illustrated in Figure (6.5). Figure 6.5: Example of a Fuzzy Output Function DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 159 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS For example consider the SPE was measured at 0.7and the T 2 measured as 0.2. These values are then mapped onto their respective membership functions which according to Table 6.1 the following two rules are fired: RULE A: If SPE is HIGH (0.78) AND T 2 is MED (0.1) Then Quality is POOR (0.1) RULE B: If SPE is MEDIUM (0.3) AND T 2 is OK (0.9) Then Quality is GOOD (0.3) Figure (6.6) graphically shows the application of these rules applied to the membership and output function in Figure (6.3) and (6.5). The quality inference is taken as the output with the largest area; in this example the system quality is GOOD. RULE A Poor Min = 0.1 0.7 High Med 0.1 0.1 0 SPE 0 0.6 -100 0.2 T RULE B 0 2 Good Min = 0.3 0.9 Med OK 0.3 0 SPE 0.6 0 0.3 0.2 0 T +100 2 Figure 6.6: Combining Symptoms According to Fuzzy Rules 6.2.7 Obtaining a Quantitative Quality Index In the case where several of the rules fired provide the same qualitative output, with varying degrees of membership, then the first step too defuzzification is calculation of DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 160 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS the output strengths. In this case a Root-Sum-Squares (RSS) approach is used which combines the effects of all applicable rules, scales the functions at their respective magnitudes, and computes the fuzzy centroid of the composite area. This method is more complicated mathematically than other methods, but was selected for this application since it seemed to give the best weighted influence to all firing rules. The calculation of the fuzzy centroid is given by: Centroid (output centre ).(output strength) output strengths Equation 6.11 Figure (6.7) illustrates the defuzzification process with consideration of the example in the previous section. Strength of Outputs V. Poor 0.32 0.3(Good ) Poor Good V.Good 0.12 0.1( Poor ) Fuzzy Centroid -100% (50 0.1) (50 0.3) 25%(Good ) 0.1 0.3 0 +100% 25% GOOD Figure 6.7: Example of the Defuzzification Process Using the 'Centroid' Algorithm 6.3 6.3.1 Experimental Demonstration Experimental Objectives In order to demonstrate the potential usage of the proposed method for estimating actuator quality for fault detection purposes, a bench top actuator is used with varying degree of lubrication faults. DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 161 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS The purpose of the experimental demonstration are as follows: 1) Demonstrate the effects which degraded lubrication can have on the actuator performance - illustrating that for this fault case there are directly observable changes in the actuator speed (cycle time) and actuator current. 2) Illustrate the potential of the proposed PCA and fuzzy logic based fault detection process. Highlighting that lubrication based faults can be easily detected with the use of control system based sensors. 3) Test the integrity of the proposed approach in providing a global actuator quality index which can be regarded as a realistic representation under varying fault conditions. 6.3.2 Experimental Setup, DataAcquisition and Post-Processing The actuator selected for the testing demonstration is a MecVel ALI3 24VDC single phase motor operated leadscrew actuator. The actuators maximum stroke length was 0.45 m and a lead of 2 10 3 m. This particular actuator had been selected primarily due to its low cost and availability. The actuator stroke length control was achieved through the use of electronic limit switches which break the power circuit when tripped. The stroke length was varied through manually adjustiment of the CAM which was directly connected to the actuator screw shaft via a worm screw gear. The signals which were available for this setup were the position of the actuator nut and the current drawn from the actuators motor. Figure (6.8) provides a schematic of the experimental setup. DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 162 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS Unloaded MecVEL Electrical Actuator Potentiometer and limit switches Current sensor Current Position Data NI-USB 6009 DAQ Computer Figure 6.8: Schematic of the Experimental Setup The position of the actuator nut was obtained through the use of an angular potentiometer. A potentiometer is a commonly used position sensing device which operates as a variable resistor with relation to the position of a wiper mechanically coupled to the actuator shaft. Figure (6.9) shows the relation of the potentiometer to the Cam shaft and electronic limiting switches. Figure 6.9: The Actuator Potentiometer* * Diagram obtained from MecVel ALI3 24VDC single phase motor operated leadscrew actuator data sheet DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 163 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS The potentiometer rotated between 0 º and 340º dependant upon the direction of the actuator travel returning a voltage output of 10V at its maximum rotation and 0V at its minimum rotation. This represents the actuator position as a function of voltage and can either be used directly in this form or it can be used to provide information regarding the actuator position and speed in more conventional units. Measurements on the current drawn by the motor were available through the use of LEM type LTA50P/SP1 closed loop current transducer employing the principles of the Hall Effect to measure D.C currents. The data from the potentiometer and hall sensor was obtained through the use of a NI USB-6009 low-cost multifunctional DAQ connected to a laptop computer with the LABVIEW software suite installed. After the current and positioning signals were obtained excess noise was removed from the signals using an inbuilt LABVIEW low-pass filter. The data from the potentiometer at this stage was also converted from a voltage time based signal into a distance (metres) time signal using a lookup table which mapped potentiometer volts to actuator stroke length in metres. Post-processing for the task of fault detection was achieved offline within the MATLAB environment. The PCA and fuzzy logic algorithm were programmed into a MATLAB script which read in the saved current and positioning data performing the necessary calculations wirthin the algorithm. The MATLAB program provided saved data files containing the outputs from the fuzzy membership functions and the final quality estimation as functions of time ready for plotting. 6.3.3 Implementing a Lubrication Fault In order to simulate lubricant failure into actuator hardware it is a relatively simple task of cleaning lubricant from the actuators various mechanical elements. It is difficult to assign a numerical measure representing fault severity when implementing lubrication degradation into an experimental actuator. So in this case a systematic qualitative measure will be used for a succession of five separate test through gradual DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 164 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS removal and insertion of abrasive material on key mechanical areas as shown in Table (6.2) are used to simulate lubricant degradation and increases in friction. Table 6.2: Implementing Lubrication Fault Fault Fault severity No removal Partial removal from gears and screw Lubricant failure Dry gear Dry rollerscrew/nut and gears Insertion of abrasive material onto gears and between screw/nut 6.3.4 Actuator Responses Figure (6.10) provides the data gained from the angular positioning potentiometer attached to the actuator demonstrating the cycle time for both a full 0.45m extension and retraction cycle under fault free conditions at room temperature. The signals are filtered to remove excessve noise, and the position output from has been converted into a position measured in metres hrough the use of an appropriate lookup table. DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 165 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS Figure 6.10: Nominal Actuator Position and Current Responses Figure (6.11) provides an example of two cases which were used to represent lubrication faults. The first case (Faulty 1) lubrication was totally removed from the mechanical elements (gears, screw, nut) and the second case (Faulty 2) the addition of abrasive material (sand) has been inserted between the nut and screw mating surfaces. This case represents an extreme fault case where total losss of lubrication has resulted in material spalling. As the fault cases are increased the effects on the actuator performance are slower cycle speeds and slight increases in current. DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 166 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS Figure 6.11: Example Position and Current Responses with Removed Lubricant 6.3.5 Estimating the Nominal PCA Model Table 6.4 and 6.5 show the nominal eigenvectors and Eigen values based upon the nominal data in Figure (6.10). Choosing a CPV >90% from Equation 6.4 results in the requirement for data to be projected onto the first eigenvector (principle component) reducing the data set dimensions from 2→1. Table 6.4: Eigenvectors V1 V2 0.3152 0.3152 0.9490 0.3152 Table 6.5: Eigenvalues 1 2 27.76 1.5972 DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 167 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS After projecting the data presented in Figure (6.10) and (6.11) onto the principle components the next stage is to calculate the squared prediction error and the Hotellings T 2 statistic using Equations 6.9 and 6.7 respectively. the results of which are shown in Figure (6.12) illustrating a variation in both statistics, for each of the three cases tested. Figure 6.12: Performance Statistics DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 168 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS 6.3.6 Fuzzy Inference Examination of how the performance statistics change with removal of the actuators lubricant is used to define two triangular fuzzy membership functions similar to Figure (6.3). The centres of the triangular membership functions used are given in Table 6.6. Figure (6.13) shows the transformations of the SPE and T 2 statistics into fuzzy inputs. Table 6.6: Input Membership Function Centres Okay Medium High T2 0 0.025 0.05 SPE 0 0.05 0.1 The fuzzy inoputs in are evaluated against a fuzzy rule base, which has five possible outputs. These are quality is Very Good (VG), Good (G), Medium (M), Poor (P) and Very Poor (VP). The rule base is shown in Table 6.1 and are evaluated by calculation of a root mean square for each of the possible outcomes. DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 169 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS Figure 6.13: 6.3.7 T 2 and SPE Fuzzy Inputs Estimation of the Actuator Quality Index Figure (6.3) show the fuzzy output function which converts the outputs of the fuzzy rule base into a useful measure of actuator process quality. For the three cases used in this demonstration the results of the quality estimation are presented in Figure (6.14). The nominal case which was tested, where the actuator is in a healthy working condition with no lubrication removed, reflected a strong positive quality index within the Very Good → Good regions. Fault case 1 reflected the case where DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 170 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS paartial removal of the actuators lubricant was made, resulting in a decreased quality index which transcended the Good → Medium output regions. For fault case 2 which had significant removal of lubricant and the addition of abrasive material, the estimation of the quality further reduces extending into the Poor → Very Poor quality regions. Figure 6.14: Quality Estimation - Nominal, Fault Case 1, Fault Case 2 The reduction of quality index as the implemented fault condirtion is increased illusrates the potential for using the PCA and fuzzy logic approach to assigning a realistic value for the global quality index for the actuator process quality. 6.4 Experimental Testing Limitations The experimental tests presented in this chapter have illustrated the potential for the use of PCA combined with a fuzzy logic knowledge base to detect the presence of DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 171 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS lubrication loss within an actuator system. there are however several limitations to the procedure presented, which are as follows: 1) The actuator was not considered under any loading conditions - differing loads may affect the operation of the actuator, so the diagnostic results under an unloaded actuator may not be representative of a loaded actuator. 2) Considerations for the actuators operating environment, for example the actuator has only been tested at room temperature and viscosity of lubrication is temperature dependant and tests would need to be conducted on the range of operating temperatures in order to assess the robustness of the fuzzy logic membership functions and PCA performance statistics. 3) The experiment has only considered the issue of lubrication loss at three extreme intervals, i.e. no loss, full loss, full loss plus abrasive material. This has limited the assessment of the sensitivity of the approach and further testing would be required which takes into account gradual lubrication loss or other fault development. 4) Only one fault condition has been considered, for full acceptance of the proposed approaches experimental testing on a range of electrical and mechanical faults are required. 5) With the current bench top actuator setup, it is not possible to up scale the experimental results to the actuator system on the aircraft landing gears. A modified rig is therefore required which is more representative of the landing gear application so that experimental results can be upscaled. 6) it is very difficult to assign a numerical measure representing the severity of an implemented mechanical fault. This affects the repeatability of the experiments as it is very difficult to reproduce the same fault at the exact same magnitude. DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 172 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS 6.5 Practical Considerations One of the limitations of principle component analysis is that most aerospace actuators operate under differing environmental conditions and modes. Therefore conventional principle component analysis as proposed may produce false alarms and the possibility of inaccurate results. Transitions from one operating mode to another can have the effect of breaking the correlation between variables. Also the loading of the landing gear actuator varies during a cycle. This may lead also lead to inaccuracies with the approach. There are several solutions to these issues: 1. Generate a PCA model for each operating mode or possible flight condition 2. Update the PCA model to reflect the changes in the operating modes 3. Develop PCA models to account for all operational changes The advantages of the outlined approach as a practical solution are as follows: Non-intrusive method with no requirement for additional sensing equipment Reductions in data set size The fuzzy approach allows a transparent progression from the initial data to the final output. With decisions traceable due to the nature of a fuzzy IFTHEN rule base. The nature of rule bases means that in the presence of new information they can easily be updated. DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 173 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS 6.6 Conclusions It is known that a strong correlation between the actuators process data will exist under nominal operating conditions indicating a high degree of data redundancy. The actuator process signals can all be used individually to generate performance statistics, but the high degree of redundancy indicates that the same information can be achieved through reductions in the data set. Based upon healthy data it is proposed that a nominal PCA model is generated by selecting the number of principle components which capture the largest amount of variability within the data. The data is then projected onto these components reducing the dimensions of the data set. When suspected faulty process data is available, this data is projected onto the nominal principle component model and two performance statistics are generated know as the squared prediction error and a T 2 - Hotellings statistic. These statistics are the sole information which is then used for determining a measure of actuator quality, the advantage of this approach over conventional statistical techniques on each set of actuator process data is reduced processing and data size. It is proposed that the use of fuzzy logic classification applied to the performance statistics is an adequate and relatively simple, transparent way of inferring the process quality. The inference process follows a three stage fuzzy process which includes the fuzzification of the statistics inputs, evaluation of the fuzzy inputs against a fuzzy rule base and finally the defuzzification of the outputs from the fuzzy rule base. The application of the fuzzy logic approach provides the user of the monitoring system a crisp numerical output describing the actuators process quality for use in aiding in maintenance decisions. The approach aims at focusing on what the system should do rather than trying to understand how it works. The approach has the advantage that allows the concentration on solving the problem rather than trying to model the system, or fault relationships mathematically. This almost invariably leads to quicker, cheaper solutions. The effectiveness of the methodology has been demonstrated through DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 174 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS experimental procedures utilising a bench top actuator with varying degrees of lubrication removed. The demonstration highlights that with correct tuning and classification, an overall index representing the actuators process quality can be obtained with relative ease. 6.7 References Bartys, M., Koscielny, J., P. Rzepiejewski, P. (2005), 'Fuzzy logic application for fault isolation of actuators'. Computer Assisted Mechanics and Engineering Sciences, Vol 12, No. 2-3, p89. Jackson, J., (2003), ‘A users guide to principle components’, Wiley. Kambhatla, N., Todd K., Leen, T., (1997), ‘Dimension Reduction by Local Principal Component Analysis’, Neural Computation, Vol. 9, No. 7, pp. 1493-1516. Leekwijick, W. and Kerre, E. (1999), ‘Defuzzification: criteria and classification', Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Vol. 108, pp. 159-178. Palma, L., Coito, F., Silva, R. (2005), ‘A combined approach to fault diagnosis based on principle component analysis and influence matrix’, Faro, Portugal. Phillip, P., Diston, D., (2010b) ‘An Intelligent Health Monitoring Framework for a Motor-Driven Actuator’, Proceedings for The 7th International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Machine Failure Technologies, Edinburgh, UK DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 175 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 176 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS Chapter 7: Formulisation of a Proposed Actuator Health Monitoring Algorithm 7.1 Introduction As part of the output of the monitoring system the framework described in the previous chapter has proposed that information regarding component faults should be provided. A model-based diagnostics algorithm utilising evidential reasoning aimed at achieving this (Phillips et al. 2010a) is therefore proposed. The approach utilises the concept that if an accurate model is known then faults can be diagnosed through the estimation of fault symptoms, in the form of physical parameters and signal offsets. These symptoms are then combined using the Dempster Shafer theory of evidence. The result is a ranking system of probable faults based upon a measure of belief and plausibility, representing a confidence metric in the diagnostics. 7.2 Fault Diagnostics 7.2.1 Model-Based Fault Monitoring Fault diagnostic processes based upon models rely on the ability of the system to make a comparison between what the true system observes and that generated by a system model. This relies heavily on the availability of an accurate model which can be reliably tracked. This requires a definition of what is normal for that system, such as what are the nominal operating parameters and what are the acceptable parameter tolerances. The basis of using a physical actuator model is that faults within a process are indicated by internal non-measurable state variables. These variables are represented by either the systems physical parameters which are directly affected by the health of the actuator, or by offsets in the parity of the response inputs and inputs and outputs described by the model. These offsets are good indications of faults within the feedback sensors. Through experimental testing and the use of classification algorithms, relationships between these variables (fault symptoms) and faults can then be established (Ji and Bals 2009). Once this relationship is known, as these symptoms DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 177 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS are derived, they can be automatically mapped to corresponding fault cases. Potential fault candidates would then be ranked in order of likelihood of occurrence, severity or by a measure of believability (Phillips et al 2010b). Figure (7.1) illustrates this approach. Figure7.1: Model Based Fault Diagnostics Scheme Control sensors are an essential part of the overall actuator system and are the core source of data for the proposed health monitoring system. Therefore sensor fault detection/diagnosis must also be included in the design. The most appropriate modelbased approach to sensor fault detection is to utilise a set of residuals derived from the parity between the actuators governing equations. 7.2.2 Formulating Parity Relations Prior to formulating a set of parity equations two vector sets of parameters must be specified. The fault to be diagnosed denoted as vector A a1 , a 2 , a n and a T set of the process measurements vector M m1 , m2 , mk . T which are available denoted as the The fault set A actually includes information describing sensor failures, actuator failures, external disturbances, degradation of equipment etc. Following on from the definition of these two vectors a set of parity relations can be expressed as: DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 178 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS c1 (a1 , a 2 , a 3 , , a n , m1 , m2 , m3 , , mk ) r1 c 2 (a1 , a 2 , a 3 , , a n , m1 , m2 , m3 , , mk ) r2 c j (a1 , a 2 , a 3 , , a n , m1 , m2 , m3 , , m k ) r j c m (a1 , a 2 , a 3 , , a n , m1 , m2 , m3 , , mk ) rm C( A , M ) R Equation 7.1 These equations are typically a set of nonlinear relations which under nominal operating conditions the RHS is equal to zero r1 r2 rm 0 for T A s a1s , a 2s , a ns where the superscript s denotes the nominal steady state allowing a set of linear algebraic equations too be derived as: p11a1 p12 a 2 p1i ai p 21a1 p 22 a 2 p 2i a i p j1a1 p j 2 a 2 p ji a i p m1 a1 p m 2 a 2 p mi a i Or p1n a n k1 r1 p 2 n a n k 2 r2 p jn a n k j r j p mn a n k m rm P.A K R Equation 7.2 It should be noticed that from the above set of equations that p ji , a i and k j are all functions of process measurements and the system parameters. Here p ji can be viewed as the sensitivity to the ith fault ( ai ) with respect to the jth parity equation at a nominal steady state. Mathematically this can be described as: c j p ji ai s Equation 7.3 DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 179 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS Again it must be emphasised that at nominal steady-state conditions the residuals generated from the parity equations are zero. That is when nominal steady-state values are substituted for the fault set m i a i a is and process measurements mis and the equations yields zero residuals: p ( m s ) a s k (m s ) 0 Equation 7.4 When a fault occurs a i* a is a i , the fault leads to a new set of process measurements M . However, at this point no knowledge of which possible change constituting as the fault is known. Substituting A s and M into the parity relations leading to an inconsistency in the relations: P (M ) A * K (M ) R 0 Equation 7.5 For the case where there is a failure of a sensor and ai is a process measurement, then the explanation is slightly different. The correct process measurement is a *j ai ,meas ai Equation 7.2 Where a i , meas is the measurement reading and a i represents the sensor bias. Actuator and sensor faults are not the only source of errors present in such residuals. In order to achieve robustness in any fault diagnosis provisions must be made for the electing of satisfactory violations in the parity relations. 7.2.3 Defining Residual Thresholds Most diagnostic systems based upon model-based techniques define tolerance thresholds solely for each parity equation. Problems can arise in the diagnostic resolution with this approach, for example, a fixed threshold may be too large to be violated by one fault and too small for another. A natural approach would be to define DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 180 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS thresholds not just for each equation but also for each fault possibility. For example, a system with m parity equations and n faults to be diagnosed would have m n tolerances denoted as ji where ( j 1,2, m and i 1,2, n) . Therefore a fault of origin ai would have an upper bound of (1 )ais and a lower bound (1 )a is which when applied to the jth residual becomes: Hji c j (a1s , a 2s , , (1 )ais , ais1 ,, a ns , M ) 0 Equation 7.3 Lji 0 c j (a1s , a 2s ,, (1 )ais , ais1 ,, a ns , M) Equation 7.4 It should be noted that tolerances for both an upper and lower bound should be defined but that these do not necessarily have to be the same. Hji Lji Equation 7.5 One of the characteristics of start/stop motor driven actuation is that high voltage spikes can occur during the initial actuator start up and at the stopping phases. The nature of the actuators varying operation regime and environmental changes mean that the magnitude of these spikes will not be constant at each actuator cycle. Even though snubbing systems are designed to limit these voltage spikes some spiking is still likely to occur. The starting and stopping phases are therefore nonlinear and will be translated into the residuals. Fixed constant thresholds therefore would immediately be violated at the start and stop phases of the operation, triggering alarms unnecessarily. Residuals could be enhanced through effective modelling of these stages, to stabilise the process of change detection. However, this task can be simplified by designing thresholds to take into consideration the sensitivity of the residual with respect to the symptoms creating a threshold which will encompass all stages of the systems nominal operation. This is demonstrated in Figure (7.2). DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 181 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS Figure 7.2: Example of Upper and Lower Thresholds 7.2.4 Traditional Threshold Evaluation Evaluation of residual violation with respect to a threshold has traditionally been achieved through the use of Boolean logic. In the traditional approach an incidence matrix consisting of a set of 0’s and 1’s at given positions is used as given in Equation 7.10. The rows of the matrix represent individual residuals and the columns represent individual faults. 11 Λ m1 12 1n m 2 mn Equation 7.10 Where ji 1 , if the ith fault affects the jth residual and ji 0 if the ith fault does not affect the jth residual. This matrix in effect provides a distinct model for each fault, which can be termed the fault signature. The task of traditional Boolean logical based fault diagnostics therefore is to attempt to reconstruct these fault signatures. This is simply done by evaluating the residual against the threshold using the criteria given in Equations 7.21 and 7.22 and comparing to the model matrix in Equation 7.10. r j j ,i , j , i 1 Equation 7.11 DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 182 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS r j j , i , j ,i 0 Equation 7.12 Thus, under the ideal circumstances the signature of a fault should be identical to the respective column of the model matrix. This implies that for each fault/failure to be detectable, no column of the incidence matrix should contain only zero elements, and for each signature to be unique all of the columns must be different. There are three different types of incidence matrix as illustrated in Figure (7.4). 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 (a) Not isolable 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 (b) Deterministically isolable 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 (c) Statistically isolable Figure 7.4: The Various Forms of a Fault Incidence Matrix The first example is non-isolable, which means that there are multiple identical columns, making reliable fault diagnosis based on this approach impossible. The second is known as deterministically isolable where all of the respective columns are different allowing for effective fault diagnosis, providing that there is no misfiring of the rules in Equations 7.11 and 7.12. For example, a medium sized fault may occur and cause the firing of a matrix element whilst others that should fire are not. The resulting signature is a degraded version for the respective column (with some 1’s replaced by 0’s). This partial firing therefore leads to a mis-isolation of faults. There is however a way in which this can be avoided to obtain a statistically isolable incidence matrix. The incidence matrix must be constructed in such a fashion that no column can be obtained from any other column through degradation. These structures take a column canonical form, where each column has the same number of zeros in a different pattern. DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 183 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS The use of this traditional Boolean method can provide undesirable outcomes in the diagnostic results. Frequent small deviations in the residuals about a threshold point will lead to diagnostic instabilities. This is possible if there are modelling errors or high levels of noise. This affect is illustrated in Figure (7.5). Ideally incremental changes in the residuals should be accompanied by incremental alterations within the diagnostic outputs (Juricic et al. 2001). Figure 7.5: Boolean Logic Diagnostic Instability If the use of standard Boolean classification of constraints is used to express belief in the presence of a fault; the diagnoses will always be unstable, regardless of statistical criterion used to classify the constraints. To avoid this it is desirable to smooth the threshold function which is best achieved through the use of approximate reasoning techniques. Through these a residual is no longer qualified as zero (0) or non-zero (1) but is assigned a degree of being non-zero in the range [0, 1]. An appropriate function to provide this assignment would be a sigmoidal function (Juricic et al. 2001) as follows: m j (ai ) 1 r 1 ((1 ) / ) j ji Equation 7.13 2 DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 184 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS This describes a sigmoid function with and representing smoothing parameters to be selected depending on the system design and is illustrated in Figure (7.6) along with a more stable diagnostic result applied to Figure (7.5). Figure 7.6: Sigmoid Smoothing Function and Stable Diagnostic Results The result of this is used to represent an assignment known as the Basic Probability Assignment (BPA) of the fault assumption occurring. A BPA expresses a kind of human’s judgment on the degree in which the assumption has caused a violation of the threshold. It is then necessary to interpret these BPM into meaningful information regarding the evidence in which particular fault has occurred. 7.2.5 Evidential Reasoning The Dempster-Shafer theory of evidence is a mathematical technique which takes evidences of events and combines them in order to calculate the belief of an event occurring. Dempster-Shafer theory is important and useful in this application as it takes into account what is unknown and what is precisely known. In the theory, evidence of the likelihood of an occurrence is represented by the interval Bel( A), pl ( A) which is a subset of the interval 0,1 . The parameter Bel ( A) represents the evidential support for the proposition A, whilst the parameter DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 185 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS pl ( A) represents the plausibility of the proposition. An interpretation of this is the probability of A is bounded by defined as Bel ( A) and pl ( A) . Bel ( A) P ( A) pl ( A) Equation 7.14 The uncertainty in A is given by u ( A) pl ( A) Bel ( A) Equation 7.15 In the Dempster Shafer theory hypotheses are represented by a subset of all relevant hypotheses. This is known as the frame of discernment . In the context of fault diagnostics the frame of discernment will contain all faults and the state of normal operation. It should be noted that the state of normal operation is equal to the negation of all other faults. The evidential intervals Bel ( A), pl ( A) are derived through the manipulation of the BPA which distributes a unit of belief over the set of hypotheses. In effect the BPA of A represented by m ( A) is the portion of belief assigned to the hypothesis A , where A is any subset of . If it is not possible to assign a portion of belief to any particular subset of based upon the available evidence then this residual belief is assigned directly to . This has the effect of introducing uncertainty into the system. The formulation of the theory of evidence is as follows. The belief in the hypothesis A is the sum of all of the BPA assigned to A and all of the subsets of A : Bel ( A) m ( Ai ) , Ai A Equation 7.16 The plausibility of the proposition is given by: DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 186 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS pl ( A) 1 mi ( Bi ) , Bi A' Equation 7.17 The set A' is the set with all of the elements of A removed. For a given application there will be several sources of information which will contribute various degrees of belief to a given proposition under a common frame of discernment. In the current model based fault diagnosis approach this is highlighted by considering that multiple residuals are sensitive to the common faults. Dempster Shafer provides an efficient rule of combination to deal with this. This area of the reasoning process is discussed in later sections. 7.2.6 Introducing Residual Uncertainty As with all systems a certain degree of uncertainty will be inherently visible in the residuals, due to noise, modelling or measurement errors, even under fault free conditions. The assignment of appropriate belief masses therefore must take into consideration this uncertainty, and Equation 7.13 is modified as follows: m j (ai ) 1 ji 1 r 1 ((1 ) / ) j ji Equation 7.18 2 Here the term 1 ji has permitted the introduction of residual errors into the belief function when the reliability of the information derived from the constraint is less than unity. The evidential intervals based upon Equation 7.14 are now described by Equations 7.19 and 7.20. Where 0ji , ji , ji represents the conditions of no threshold, upper threshold and lower threshold breach respectively, with regards to the jth residual and ith fault. ji mi , mi i , ij 0, i , ij0 1 mi i ,1 mi for r j 0 DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 187 Equation 7.19 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS ji 0, i , ij mi , mi i , ij0 1 mi i ,1 mi for r j 0 Equation 7.20 The interpretation of the above intervals can be visualised in Figure (7.7) and is synonymous with fuzzy logic membership functions (Bartys et al. 2005). Figure 7.7: Application Evidential Intervals 7.2.7 Combining Multiple Evidential Intervals At this stage each residual will have provided a set of intervals for each possible fault symptom. It is clear that evidence for common symptoms will be present in multiple residuals. The Dempster-Shafer theory of evidence provides a combination rule given in Equation 7.31 and 7.32 to combine the available evidences. Consider two sources of BPA m1 and m2 , then they can be combined according to the following rule: m(C ) m ( A ).m 1 i 1 K 2 (B j ) , Ai B j C Equation 7.21 K m1 ( Ai ).m2 ( B j ) , Ai B j Equation 7.22 DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 188 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS The factor (1 K ) is a normalization factor that keeps the total belief equal to unity. The adjustment is necessary by the presence of propositions in m1 and m2 whose intersection is empty, resulting in the donation of a portion of belief to the empty set . In terms of decision making, consider a fault symptom f F , the evidential interval Bel ( f F ), pl ( f F ) represents the truth of the proposition indicated by the following examples (Kramer 1987). f F [0,1] → No information exists regarding f F f F [0,0] → f F is false f F [1,1] → f F is true f F [0.3,1] → The evidence partially supports f F f F [0,0.7] → The evidence partially supports the negation of f F f F [0.3,0.7] → The evidence partially supports both the presence and negation of f F .The probability of f F is between 0.3 and 0.7 with uncertainty 0.4. 7.2.8 Combining Rules for Comprehensive Diagnostics After the belief intervals for the propositions have been found and the uncertainties in all propositions in the frame of discernment then the diagnostic results can be determined through the application of a few simple decision rules: Rule 1: Bel ( f a ) maxBel ( f i ) i Rule 2: Bel ( f a ) Bel ( f i ) , Bel ( f a ) m() , 0 Rule 3: m() , 0 DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 189 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS Rule 1 indicates that the result of the diagnostics must be the proposition f a with the biggest proportion of belief. Rule 2 indicates that the possibility of the diagnostic result must be bigger than all o the propositions by an amount . Rule 3 indicates that the uncertainty in the evidence for a proposition must be less than a value . The values and are too be chosen according to the practical application. If the diagnostic result f a cannot be ascertained then a new frame of discernment should be constructed or more evidence bodies should be added to the computation (Yang and Wu 2007). 7.3 Advantages of the Proposed Methodology The model-based diagnostics approach has the following advantages: Requires no additional sensing equipment acting only on dynamic data already available as part of the actuator control. The actuator does not require complicated modelling, making a model-based diagnostic approach ideal. The combination of data into parity residuals reduces the number of signals for analysis. Faults are traced back to meaningful physical parameters, which can often be more easily understood than many of the subjective features available from alternative diagnostic techniques. The approach allows the introduction of uncertainty into the system which relates to measurement or modelling errors. DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 190 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS The final output of the approach provides the user with information on the extent to which a fault has occurred coupled with how believable the evidence is. The difference between the two provides a measure of uncertainty useful in decision making. 7.4 Conclusions The second part of the health monitoring algorithm forms the basis of a model based fault diagnostics process. This approach requires the use of an accurate system model and combining the actuators dynamic process data in the form of a set of parity equations which are used to form a set of diagnostic residuals, sensitive to fault occurrences. The residuals are naturally designed to remain close to zero in fault-free conditions. In the presence of a fault the residuals will deviate either positively or negatively. Unlike traditional parity equation based fault diagnostics, the residuals are not assessed through the use of ‘one threshold per residual’. Each residual will contain information regarding multiple fault symptoms. An untraditional approach is therefore proposed utilising multiple thresholds for each residual each representing an individual fault. The nature of the actuators operation means that there are several nonlinear regions in the dynamic al data, most notably at the start and stopping phases. Fixed static thresholds cannot be used in this case as there will most likely be an instant threshold violation in these regions. This is overcome by designing thresholds by utilising the model equations sensitivities to faults. This creates a threshold which is not fixed but follows the dynamic profiles of the data. Threshold violations are traditionally detected through Boolean Logic. The shortcomings of which is that in the presence of noise and modelling errors Boolean logic based diagnostics suffer from instability. Also there is no indication to the level of severity in the threshold violation. This is overcome by utilising approximate reasoning. This approach provides a measure on the extent to which a threshold has been breached allowing estimation to the magnitude of the fault occurrence. With this DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 191 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS approach incremental changes in the residuals about a threshold will result in incremental changes to the diagnostic results. The Dempster Shafer theory of evidence is used to produce intervals based on symptoms categorised as High, Low or Okay. The interval provides a measure of belief in the symptom occurring and a measure of how plausible the reasoning is. The probability of the symptom is bounded by the belief and plausibility and the difference magnitude of the space between the bounds represents the uncertainty in the diagnostics. Each residual includes information regarding multiple symptoms, many of which will be common throughout the set of residuals. Dempster Shafers theory of evidence provides a rule of combination which is utilised to combine these common residuals, leaving an individual interval for the values of High, Low, and Okay for each symptom. These intervals are then compared to a set of three diagnostic performance rules before a diagnostic certainty is made. 7.5 References Ji, Y., Bals, J., (2009), ‘Application of Model Detection Techniques to Health Monitoring for the Electrical Network of More Electric Aircraft’, Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science, San Francisco, USA. Juricic, D., O. Moseler, and A. Rakar, Model-based condition monitoring of an actuator system driven by a brushless DC motor. Control Engineering Practice, 2001. 9(5): p. 545-554. Kramer, M., (1987), 'Malfunction diagnosis using quantitative models with nonboolean reasoning in expert systems'. AIChE Journal, Vol. 33, No. 1, pp. 130-140 Phillips, P., Diston, D., Payne, J., Pandya, S. (2010a), 'Evidential Reasoning Applied to Model-Based Diagnostics in Landing gear Actuators' in Machine Failure and Prevention Technology Conference. AL, USA. DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 192 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS Phillip, P., Diston, D., (2010b) ‘An Intelligent Health Monitoring Framework for a Motor-Driven Actuator’, Proceedings for The 7th International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Machine Failure Technologies, Edinburgh, UK DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 193 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS Chapter 8: System Modelling, Diagnostics Demonstration 8.1 Simulation and Introduction Chapter seven provided the formulisation of a proposed model-based approach to actuator fault diagnostics. This chapter seeks to justify the applicability of this algorithm and demonstrate its usage and potential effectiveness. The landing gear retraction actuators focused on in this research are currently still under development and have not yet been put into production for operational usage or testing. A consequence of which is that there does not exist any operational data on the actuator system whilst a fault is developing. The economic costs associated with the actuator development would also prevent artificial faults being introduced. This inevitably creates challenges in the development of a health monitoring system. In the absence of a landing gear experimental testing rig this demonstration must be sought through actuator modelling and simulation. In order to keep the demonstration applicable to the specific landing gear application, a representative model of the actuator system has been developed and its performance simulated within the MATLAB/SIMULINK environment. Though the use of expert knowledge on how faults manifest themselves within changes to model parameters, the use of a simulated model can be used to generate representative data relative to faulty behaviour. Based upon the actuator model equations a set of nominal fault sensitive residuals are derived. Faults are simulated through a range of physical parameter changes and signal offsets based in accordance with information obtained from published literature. Threshold levels are identified based upon the effects model changes have upon the actuator cycle time, with upper and lower boundary cycle times in accordance with the actuator developer’s requirements. The simulation is run for the case of changes to the frictional constant and illustrates how combinations of additional evidence can aid in clarifying an uncertain diagnostic result. DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 194 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS 8.2 Modelling the landing Gear Actuator Figure (8.1) provides a schematic of an actuator arrangement identifying the key actuator features. Figure 8.1: An Example of a Typical Screw Actuator Assembly* The actuator model has two key elements, the electrical subsystem model and the screw and gear mechanical subsystems. The electrical component of a DC motor can be described by the following: V (t ) Ri (t ) K b r (t ) L di (t ) dt Equation 8.1 Where i (t) is the motor current, R is the internal resistance, L is the inductance, K b is the motors back emf constant, V(t) is the input signal and r (t ) is the angular velocity of the motors rotor. The magnetic field caused by stator currents will result in a torque generated through the electrical properties of the motor described by: * Diagram modified from MecVel ALI3 24VDC single phase motor operated leadscrew actuator data sheet DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 195 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS elec (t ) K T i (t ). i Equation 8.2 The torque constant K T in an ideal motor will tend to be K T K b . The term i represents the efficiency of the motors current controller. Through the use of conservation of momentum the torque will be described as: (t ) elec (t ) load (t ) losses (t ) Equation 8.3 The torque load , results from work being done against the systems mechanical load and losses through friction (coulomb and viscous) within the system. Equation 8.3 is therefore described as: J r (t ) K b i (t ) load (t ) B r (t ) Equation 8.4 Where J is the inertia of the system which is concentrated at the motor and B is given as the friction constant. For a rigid screw without backlash, the compatibility condition between the rotational position of the gear r (t ) and the rotational position of the ballscrew bs (t ) is given by: r (t ) r r (t ) Equation 8.5 1 bs (t ) N Equation 8.6 Where N is the gear ratio and the linear distance moved by the nut in one complete revolution of the screw is the lead l , which can be described as the effective radius of the screw as: DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 196 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS R l 2 Equation 8.7 The total linear distance moved in one actuator cycle is therefore described as: x (t ) R. bs (t ) l. r (t ) 2 .N Equation 8.9 The load load can be calculated through measurement of the actuator load F as: load (t ) 8.3 8.3.1 R.F N . gear . screw Equation 8.10 Simulation Overview of the Actuator SIMULINK Model The model of the actuator was designed within the SIMULINK environment, with MATLAB program files containing the SIMULINK model parameters. The simulation of the actuator was achieved by running a MATLAB run file which requests the user select the following options: 1) Initial start position of the actuator (i.e. extended or retracted) 2) Actuator load case 3) Damped or un-damped performance The SIMULINK model for the main actuator model (Figure 8.2) is automatically run for one actuator cycle and the user is requested to select the performance response data to save as a data file. DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 197 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS H2 back emf (V) Kb motor_speed (rad/s) motor_speed (rad/s) Vb im Step input v oltage K1V Vi ViLim current (A) Current Controller eff_curr_cont Rate 1/R -K- s actuator rate (m/s) 1.0e-03s+1 differentiator motor:rollerscrew emf constant max demand 10V rollerscrew rotation speed (rad/s) N Kt 1 torque motor speed (rad/s) J.s+B 1 s motor angle (rad) 1/N rollerscrew angle (rad) R xm (m) xmax 1/(motor:rollerscrew) Load Transfer Fcn torque constant at 20 deg C (Nm/A) load_case_selector torque (N/m) xm (mm) (Position) 1 1/N 1/effscrew torque (N/m) R Act_Load (N) Load Look-Up Table 0knt_1g m to mm initial position (m) >= 1/effgear 1000 gear efficiency 2 rollerscrew efficiency damped_mode Load Look-Up Table 250knt_1.3g 3, init_pos_m * Load Look-Up Table 170knt_1.1g Figure 8.2: SIMULINK Block Diagram of the Main Actuator Model The actuator simulation provides the option to be run with or without actuator damping. The case where damping is included is representative of the actuator deployed with snubbing to reduce harsh voltage spikes at the transition phases of the actuator cycle (start/stop phases). This is achieved in the simulation through the addition of an additional resistance as indicated in the current controller subsystem as the variable Rm1 shown in Figure (8.3). DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 198 0 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS 1 Vb 0 damped_mode 2 Vi >= 1/Lm 1 s 1 current im K3 Rm1 VsLim resistance >= damped_mode Rm H3 Figure 8.3: SIMULINK Block Diagram of the Motor Current Controller 8.3.2 Actuator Loading Landing gear actuator must be able to perform to satisfactory criteria under a variety of loading conditions, and during the initial modelling and design stages a variety of load cases are identified. The load cases are integrated into the actuator simulation model through the use of three look up tables supplied by Messier-Dowty. The lookup tables contain a range of values which represent combined static and aerodynamic loading of an A320 landing gear which have been generated from landing gear kinematic models. The three possible load cases are defined as: Load Case 1: 0 knots, 1 g Load Case 2: 170 knots, 1.1g Load Case 3: 250 knots, 1.3g Load case 1 represents the actuator on the bench top with no external aerodynamic forces acting upon it. Load case 2 represents the nominal operation during flight, whilst load case 3 represents an extreme operating scenario. In terms of simulation, DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 199 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS the lookup tables are used to provide the correct loading torque for feedback into the electrical motor model. This is achieved by taking the measured actuator stroke length, at a given time interval, and then interpolating the data provided in the look up table to obtain the correct loading value for the actuator at that current position. The use of these validated loading lookup tables reduces the need for modelling and simulation of the landing gear kinematics as part of this research, reducing the complexity of the model for simulation of the health monitoring algorithm. This loading is then converted into the motor loading torque using Equation 8.10. When the landing gears are not deployed, the actuator is at a fully extended stroke position. As the gears are then extended through to deployment, the actuator essentially pulls against a lever arm acting about a pivot lowering the gears. Conversely, when the landing gear is retracted the actuator extends and hence pushes against the lever arm. When the landing gears are being extended, the applied loading drives the landing gear motion, pushing the landing gears down, with higher loads resulting in faster cycle times. In the case of a retraction cycle, then the applied load works against the landing gears meaning that higher loads will result in slower cycle times. 8.3.3 Actuator Performance Simulation Table 8.1 provides the nominal actuator physical data parameters used within the simulation model DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 200 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS Table 8.1: Actuator Nominal Parameters Parameter Value Units Gearbox ratio Screw lead Gear efficiency Motor Control efficiency Screw efficiency Inductance 54.7 6 90% 80% 80% 1.2 10 3 H Supply voltage Motor resistance EMF constant 540 0.395 0.221 V Ω Torque constant 0.221 Motor inertia 1.02 10 3 V .rad 1 .s 1 Nm. A 1 kg.m 2 Motor viscous load 2.21 10 4 N .m.s.rad 1 Actuator full extension 0.234 M Mm The actuator responses for load cases 2 and 3 are provided in Figure (8.4) for an extension of the landing gear with dampening. As the responses show for the case of the actuator extension, the higher load case result in reduced cycle times due to the load helping to drive the motion of the landing gears. Controlling the cycle speed of the landing gears is an important factor in the actuator design. Rapid retraction can cause control difficulties at the end of the cycle risking potential damage which caused to the landing gear structures or landing gear bay. Conversely if the actuator draws significantly reduced power or retracts at an overly slow speed, there is the potential that the actuator will be unable to overcome the necessary loads for full retraction. DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 201 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS Figure 8.4: Simulated Actuator Responses for Load Cases 1 and 2 8.4 Fault Cases For the purpose of simulating faults within the actuator model information published by other authors working in similar areas is utilised. There is a wealth of published work showing methods of simulating faults into an actuator model, but for this demonstration actuator fault classification work performed and published by Impact DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 202 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS Technologies, LLC has been used. Byington and Stoetling (2004) identify after substantial experimental testing four key parameters of interest for fault diagnostics of electrical actuators. Examples of these are identified as frictional constants, local gear stiffness, torque constant and motor temperature which can all be matched to the following potential faults. Gear Slippage Decrease in local gear stiffness Small increases in frictional damping coefficient Bearing Seizure Large increases in frictional coefficient Small increases in motor temp Motor Failure Decreases in torque constant Large increases in motor temp It has also been acknowledged that simulation of sensor faults can be achieved through the introduction of a positive or negative bias within a particular signal of interest (Byington et al. 2003). In the case of this work the following faults will be considered: Fault 1 = Changes in the torque constant Fault 2 = Changes in the motor resistance Fault 3 = Changes in the frictional coefficient Fault 4 = Bias in the speed sensor signal Fault 5 = Bias in the current sensor signal DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 203 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS It should be noted that this is a simplified example of real world faults. For example, even though a bearing fault is identifiable as significant changes to the frictional coefficient, other small parameter changes will also occur. This highlights the importance of robust fault - symptom classification for successful diagnostic capability. 8.5 Actuator Performance Assessment In this application, the significant performance characteristics of the actuator system are defined by the actuator cycle time (Phillips et al. 2010). This upper and lower boundary conditions applied to the actuator cycle time are used for determining the fault thresholds. For the case of the actuator operating in a nominal operating mode, simulated as an extension cycle under load case 2, the cycle time is 11.7 seconds and the performance boundaries are defined as ± 30% of this value. Examples of these performance requirements are shown in Figure (8.5) as changes in faults 1 and 2. Figure 8.5: Example of the Effects on the Actuator Cycle for Simulation of Faults 1 and 2 In the same manner the upper and lower boundaries for all five fault conditions are computed and provided in Table 8.2 DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 204 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS Table 8.2: Upper and Lower Boundaries for Faults 8.6 Fault 1 Fault 2 Fault 3 Fault 4(S) Fault 5 K T Rm B i ibias Upper 0.32 0.5 0.7 0.35 0.25 Lower -0.35 -0.25 0.4 0.32 -0.25 r r ,bias Parity residuals A set of four residuals are derived directly from the equations describing the actuator model given in section 8.2. These are structured to be insensitive to certain parameters or signals. Residual 1: r1 (t ) U (t ) Rm.i (t ) K b r (t ) Lm di (t ) 0 dt Equation 8.11 Residual 2: r2 (t ) J d r (t ) K t . i .i (t ) B. r (t ) load (t ) 0 dt Equation 8.13 Residual 3: r3 (t ) J Kb d 2 i (t ) Rm B.Lm di (t ) dU (t ) Lm J dt dt dt 2 1 ( K b .K t . i B.Rm )i(t ) B.U (t ) load (t ) Kb DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 205 Equation 8.14 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS Residual 4 r4 (t ) J d r (t ) K t . i .Lm di (t ) K t . i . B r (t ) dt Rm dt Rm K . t i U (t ) load (t ) Rm Equation 8.15 In the case of the residuals derived here the following applies: Residual r1 is independent of the signals load and x Residual r2 is independent of the signals V and x Residual r3 is independent of the signals load , x , V and r Residual r4 is independent of the signals V and x 8.6.1 Nominal Test Figure (8.6) shows the residual responses under nominal simulation conditions. Even though the residuals have been designed to reduce to zero in fault free conditions, there is still some deviation, particularly evident in residuals 2 and 3. The cause of this can be attributed to the residuals dependency on second order differentials, which have exaggerated the high order dynamics. The mean of this deviation can be taken as the error within the residual as described by Equation 7.28. DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 206 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS Figure 8.6: Nominal Residual Responses 8.6.2 Residual Fault Sensitivity For this application the frame of discernment describing the five fault cases is given as. F1, F 2, F 3, F 4, F 5, . Each of the four residuals will be affected by different fault set. The faults which each of the four residuals contribute belief to are as follows: r1 (m1 ) F 2, F 4, F 5, 1 r2 (m 2 ) F1, F 3, F 5, 2 r3 (m3 ) r4 (m4 ) These represent the total uncertainty in each of the residuals and are calculated using the OR operator. For example consider r1 (m1 ) F 2, F 4, F 5, 1 any deviation in the first residual is attributed to one of these potential faults, described as: DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 207 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS F 2, F 4, F 5, 1 m1 F2 F4 F5 m1 F2 m1 ( F4 ) m1 ( F5 ) m1 ( 1 ) The value m j ( j ) is the mass attributed to modelling errors or residual noise. For simplicity this has been chosen to take the value of 0.001 for all four residuals. 8.6.3 Combining Residual BPA's The basic probability assignment for each fault is divided between the three cases of High (H), Low (L) or Okay (O) as described in Equations 7.29 and 7.30. The intersections between two evidence sets are shown in Table 8.3 and are combined to form fault belief intervals using Equation 7.31. Table 8.3: Intersections Between Two Evidence Sets m1 / m2 H, O, L, μ H, O, L, μ H , O, L, 8.7 8.7.1 H O L μ H O L µ H H H H O O O O L L L L μ µ H O L µ Diagnostics Algorithm Demonstration Overview of the Simulation Process For the simulation of the diagnostics process a MATLAB program was written which incorporated the actuator SIMULINK model described in section 8.2 along with additional MATLAB scripts for the diagnostics analysis. Within these MATLAB scripts the threshold arrays for each of the four residuals, were stored. These had been previously obtained through simulation of the actuator under the maximum and minimum conditions illustrated in Table 8.2. DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 208 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS For the diagnostics simulation the user is requested to select the specific fault and its magnitude as a percentage of its nominal value. The program then automatically simulates the actuator model with the selected parameter/signal offset changes, generating the necessary residuals and carrying out the evidential reasoning diagnostics analysis. For the purpose of demonstrating the diagnostics, changes to Fault 3 (frictional constant) were made in the range of 40% 40% . Basic probabilities are assigned for each fault condition by automatically comparing the residual responses with the stored fault threshold arrays resulting in a set of four evidences, relating to the individual residuals. The calculation of the belief intervals first combined evidences m1 and m2 then individually combined the result with m3 and m4 . The purpose of which was to illustrate how the diagnostics becomes clearer with reduced uncertainty with additional evidences. At this point it is worth revisiting the explanation of the evidential intervals Bel ( f F ), pl ( f F ) as presented in Chapter 7 for the purpose of interpreting the diagnostics. f F [0,1] → No information exists regarding f F f F [0,0] → f F is false f F [1,1] → f F is true f F [0.3,1] → The evidence partially supports f F f F [0,0.7] → The evidence partially supports the negation of f F f F [0.3,0.7] → The evidence partially supports both the presence and negation of f F .The probability of f F is between 0.3 and 0.7 with uncertainty 0.4. DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 209 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS 8.7.2 Simulation Results Combining the evidences m1 and m2 shown in Figure (8.7) it is evident that no clear diagnosis can be determined. Even though there is higher belief in Fault 3 than any of the other possible faults the levels of uncertainty shown in Figure (8.10) is significantly high. Figure 8.7: Belief Intervals for Two Evidence Combination DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 210 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS Combining the results for the two evidence combination with additional evidence m3 , the belief interval begins to correctly support the presence of high or low fault 3, shown in Figure (8.8) with further reductions in the uncertainty shown in Figure (8.10). Figure 8.8: Belief Intervals for Three Evidence Combination DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 211 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS Combining additional evidence m4 the uncertainty further reduces and the belief interval moves further towards B[1,1] supporting the presence of fault 3, Figure (8.9). It however can be seen that there is also strong support for the presence of fault 1. Even though the support for fault 3 is much stronger care would need to be taken with this diagnosis. In a scenario such as this there is a strong case for employing an on demand parameter estimation scheme. Figure 8.9: Belief Intervals for Four Evidence Combination DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 212 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS Figure (8.10) shows the decreasing uncertainty betwen two, three and four evidence combinations. Figure 8.10: Diagnostic Uncertainty in Two, Three and Four Evidence Combination 8.8 Conclusions In the absence of the ability to perform experimental testing on the landing gear actuators, the need to demonstrate the potential of the diagnostics approach falls into the realm of simulation. Through the modelling and simulation of the dynamic characteristics of the actuator and utilising published expertise in fault manifestation within physical parameters a variety of fault representative responses can be simulated. These include changes to the frictional coefficient, torque constants, motor resistances and signal bias'. Through application of the proposed model-based DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 213 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS diagnosis approach to simulation of the actuator it is clearly demonstrated there is the ability to distinguish between this selection of parameter and signal changes. Testing the diagnostic ability by simulating a range of negative and positive changes to the frictional coefficient, which has been identified in the literature as a key symptom of bearing faults, within a simulation model of the actuator model, verified by the sponsor’s designers as representative of the current design, it has been shown that the use of the proposed evidential reasoning process, increases the diagnostic confidence as more evidence combinations are added. One of the key issues which is identified is that some faults may affect the residuals in near identical ways, for example resistance changes are not distinguishable from a simulated bias in the speed sensor. In these cases further evidence is required, and the use of an online parameter estimation to distinguish between sensor faults and actuator faults is proposed. The use of simulation to demonstrate diagnostics however does have a variety of limiting factors in algorithm verification. Without the experimental classification of parameter/signal changes in the presence of faults, it is difficult to accurately simulate these faulty conditions. Also, full validation of the model would be required against significant amounts of test data before the actuator process model could be relied upon. An approach such as that proposed at this stage modelling errors can only be estimated. The simulation has assumed that the errors within each of the signals are common, which in practice will not be the case due to measurement errors inherent in different sensors. The first two residuals for example are more attuned to the electrical and mechanical parts of the model; these may have differing modelling errors affecting the individual residuals. In a similar way some common symptoms may be stronger for one fault than for another. This insinuates that investigations into the use of weightings for symptom to fault classification will be required. DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 214 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS 8.9 References Byington, C., Safa-Bakhsh, R., Watson, M., Kalgren, P. (2003), 'Metrics evaluation and tool development for health and Usage Monitoring Technology', in AHS Forum. Phoenix Arizona. Byington, C., Watson, M. ,Edwards, D., Stoetling, P. (2004), ‘A model-based approach to prognostics and health management for flight control actuators’, Proceedings of the IEE Aerospace Conference, Phillips, P., Diston, D., Payne, J., Pandya, S. (2010), ' Evidential Reasoning Applied to Model-Based Diagnostics in Landing gear Actuators', in Machine Failure and Prevention Technology Conference. AL, USA. DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 215 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS Chapter 9: Conclusions 9.1 Summary Health monitoring technology is intractably tied up with aerospace maintenance activities as a whole. The aerospace maintenance industry is currently facing a time of unprecedented demand for spare parts, complete overhauls and general servicing. This is therefore putting a strain on overhaul providers, suppliers and Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) which have begun seeking new innovative maintenance solutions, to meet rising demands and costs. The nature of this therefore opens up the possibility of integrating health monitoring technologies into unique customised maintenance solutions and support packages offered to aircraft operators. It has however been the tradition that there is an inherent secretive nature regarding aerospace maintenance. For successful tailored maintenance solutions focused upon a more predictive approach requires a transparent flow of information from the aircraft operators, aiding in suppliers and manufacturers optimising their spare part inventories and developing efficient maintenance procedures/schedules. Aerospace is often considered to be at the forefront of high technology requiring the strictest of safety standards and criteria. This however is not necessary the case when it comes to health monitoring technology. Very little is actually documented about aerospace monitoring research and surprisingly little has been implemented into aircraft systems. In the UK the railway industry has recognised the need to improve maintenance practices after a variety of high profile rail disasters. Like aerospace, the implementation of rail health monitoring is in an infant stage, but there is much more transparency on the progress of research and the industry practices, likewise in the power industry. Many of the approaches illustrated within this research thesis have been used to certain varying degrees of success individually within a variety of industries and this research has sought to combine differing techniques together to form a single DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 216 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS algorithmic approach. A study of techniques and their applicability to actuation systems across a range of industries, which included aerospace, rail, automotive and the power industry has been carried out. The results of which identify that health monitoring in each of these industries have in some form or another either been implemented to some extent, or at the very least the desire to implement and develop them, with early stages of research being evident. 9.2 Research Conclusions At the start of this thesis a number of clear objectives were defined. In order to conclude that each of these has been satisfied these can now be revisited. 9.2.1 Objective 1 Assess the current state of the art health monitoring techniques and show that established techniques exist which are viable for a landing gear actuator application without impacting upon the weight, volume or complexity of the actuators. Health monitoring has over the past several decades become a well established discipline with a multitude of tools and techniques. The state of the art in health monitoring for industrial applications for example vibration analysis or acoustic monitoring with advanced signal processing and methods such as wear debris analysis using optical imaging and fuzzy classification all perform well. However the nature of the actuator design and operation generates a unique set of challenges in the choice of actuator monitoring approach. Most monitoring research aimed at linear electrical actuator technology has converged towards the classification of estimated physical parameters to underlying faults. This offers several advantages, being that very little additional equipment is required, there is less dependency on measured data and the methods can be implemented on line or offline. The downsides include the need for an accurate process model must be developed and the accuracy of parameter estimation techniques. The presentation of a full health monitoring technology review presented to the sponsors as a part deliverable for the EU framework 6 projects DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 217 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS TATEM assessed the varying techniques, in terms of hardware requirements, fault sensitivities and general issues. The review studies confirmed that the most applicable approach to follow was to consider the use of multiple methodologies including model-based, performance monitoring and knowledge based methods. The reasoning behind developing a health monitoring system based upon multiple techniques is to maximise the amount of data and knowledge available for use. It has been identified that a fundamental problem which arises when attempting to combine information from multiple sources is that it will usually be non-commensurate. That unit scales and time periods will differ. Techniques and frameworks must therefore be available to combine this data together. The research has made use of the concept of data fusion and existing frameworks in order to identify the correct methodology for achieving this. The use of data fusion is gaining popularity within health monitoring community but its application to actuation systems is still regarded as in its infancy. 9.2.2 Objective 2 Define a systems architectural framework for EMA diagnostics and prognostics, with identification of key nodes which will enable the following: Identification of abnormal behaviour Incorporate performance metrics Allow analytical and heuristic symptoms to be used effectively alongside process history, costs and risks. Be accessible for additional sensor/heuristic data, for health monitoring purposes, to be incorporated without architectural alterations. The development of a conceptual framework has the purpose of acting as a template or set of guidelines in the selection and development of individual algorithms. The framework presented in this research combines the different levels of the OSA-CBM health monitoring standards and the hierarchal levels of the JDL data fusion framework in order to visually identify the important modules required in the system. The framework design is not application specific and the individual elements have DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 218 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS been identified on a generic level. The purpose of such a framework is to ensure that the health monitoring system development will integrate into the actuator application rather than trying to force generic health monitoring into the actuator system. The architectural framework, which does not directly make any commitment to particular data streams, feature extraction or inference processes, does however identify certain key areas of knowledge which are of importance. These are the hierarchical objectives, from the management level through platform, system, and subsystem and component levels. Without the formation of objectives, assessment of the health monitoring capability and performance would be meaningless. Identifying these objective ensure that performance metrics can be identified and incorporated into the decision making process. Next it is important that knowledge on the failure of components and their effects on the overall system is known. Understanding the impact of failure effects it is best achieved through the construction of FMEA. This heuristic knowledge can then be used to form failure event trees. Both of these areas have been a key development part of this research in close collaboration with the sponsors. The knowledge of how a faulty component affects the system leads onto the notion that a rule base is an essential part of the systems consequence inference. Rule bases have come under much criticism due to the number of rules required and their potential clumsiness. However it should be noted, for any monitoring system which will provide a consequence of failure, a rule base in some form or another will be essential. Rule bases also allow for additional heuristic or historical data or knowledge on new previously unseen events to be easily incorporated into the monitoring. The framework descriptions on the fusion processes, identified as data association, hypothesis generation/evaluation/selection and fault estimation have been used to select the process by which the diagnostics algorithm has been formulated. The very DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 219 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS nature of basing the framework upon data fusion means that it is possible to combine different information sources or evidences without significant architectural changes. As long as additional information is aligned to a common reference frame it can be combined to increase the confidence in the diagnostics reducing uncertainty. For the introduction of health monitoring into a vehicle platform considerations need to be made on the deployment strategy. Two separate possibilities for this have been identified. The first is dependent on the monitoring algorithms and decision support to be made at a maintenance service bay, where the monitoring software is located. The second approach would see the health monitoring algorithms embedded onto the aircraft alongside control algorithms and BIT testing. It is highly likely that for effective aerospace vehicle monitoring a hybrid of the two deployment strategies would be a natural approach. 9.2.3 Objective 3 Define and demonstrate a health monitoring algorithm for component level actuator fault detection and diagnostics. It has been an essential part of this research project that a close working dialogue with the sponsoring organisation has been maintained to understand the necessary elements of actuator design requirements, performance expectations and design restrictions. Understanding these key factors has been identified as essential for the design of any application specific aerospace health monitoring system. The health monitoring algorithm derived in this research incorporates separated fault detection and diagnostic approaches, with the view that diagnostic computing resources would be used only depending upon appropriate warnings from the fault detection scheme. It has been illustrated that to simplify the fault detection task, it would be beneficial to utilise an estimation of the overall operating performance/quality of the actuator. To achieve this, the algorithm makes use of the knowledge that in a healthy system there will be strong correlations between the actuators process data. The algorithm performs DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 220 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS data reduction by identifying the most significant eigenvalues (principle components) which capture the highest variability and projecting the data sets onto these principal components. This means that the same information can be achieved through reductions in the data. The fault detection is reliant upon two performance statistics referred to as squared prediction error and a T 2 - Hotellings statistics. When suspected faulty process data is available, this data is projected onto the nominal principle component model and these statistics are calculated. The use of fuzzy logic classification is then used to interpret these, to extract the necessary information regarding the actuator process quality. The application of the fuzzy logic approach provides the user of the monitoring system a crisp numerical output describing the actuators process quality for use in aiding in maintenance decisions. The proposed diagnostics approach utilises a system model which acts upon the actuators dynamic process data to generate a set of diagnostic residuals. A model of the landing gear actuator certified by the sponsoring organisations has been developed and the four key residuals based upon this model have been defined. The approach to threshold evaluation used which moves away from the traditional use of ‘one threshold per residual’ approach. Rather proposing the use of multiple thresholds for each residual each sensitive to an individual fault. Diagnostic inaccuracies associated with fixed static thresholds are overcome by designing thresholds which follow dynamic profiles. Evaluation of the residuals with respect to thresholds also moves away from the use of traditional Boolean Logic utilising the concepts of approximate reasoning. The approximate reasoning approach provides a measure on the extent to which a threshold has been breached, allowing estimation to the magnitude of the fault occurrence. With this approach incremental changes in the residuals about a threshold will result in incremental changes to the diagnostic results. The result is recorded as a measure known as basic probability assignments. These refer to the evidence for the DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 221 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS presence of individual faults. The use of approximate reasoning ensures that diagnostic stability issues related to modelling errors or noise are removed The Dempster Shafer theory of evidence is used to combine fault evidences, which is demonstrated in this research thesis to increase the belief in the diagnostic results whilst reducing uncertainty, with increased levels of evidence. The results of fusing multiple evidences are a set of ranked evidential intervals based upon belief and plausibility which are evaluated against a set of defined fusion rules. Importantly the algorithm has been designed to only require data which will be available from the actuators control system. This therefore meets the key design criteria of minimising the levels of additional sensor equipment and complexities. 9.2.4 Objective 4 Demonstrate and assess the commercial benefits of incorporating health monitoring systems into aircraft landing gears from the viewpoints of for O Manufacturers (OEM), Suppliers, Maintenance providers and aircraft operators. The commercial benefits of incorporating health monitoring have been assessed through dialogue with the sponsors, in order to understand aircraft maintenance from a holistic viewpoint. There are a variety of differing organisations whose business is affected by aircraft maintenance practice. These include manufactures, maintenance providers, suppliers, and aircraft operators. The nature of current maintenance practice has been clearly identified, along with the direction towards a predictive maintenance practice and the role in which health monitoring will play. In addition to technical challenges associated with health monitoring there are a variety of business integration challenges which must be understood. The key challenges are identified as the following DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 222 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS Cost drivers: The cost drivers for each business associated with maintenance will differ and will often be competitive. Understanding these and the differing organisations relationships are the key to developing essential predictive maintenance costing model. The cost drivers for OEM, MRO and aircraft operators have been clearly identified and an approach to maintenance based upon unique customer tailored maintenance packages, requiring information transparency is proposed. Business Models: The sponsoring company which sees itself as a future landing gear health monitoring solutions provider has well defined business models for their products. Challenges include how to market the technology alongside these existing products. Three pricing models are therefore proposed. The first considers that health monitoring is given away at a consolidated cost differentiating the landing gear product from those of a competitor. The second involves generating revenue based upon sales volumes. A unit cost is paid by the landing gear customer to the health monitoring system provider for every landing gear set using the monitoring technology. The final model is based upon per landing gear unit. A one off payment is made to the health monitoring provider for any given monitoring solution per landing gear set. This ensures that the customer retains the ownership for the life of that product. 9.3 Contribution to Knowledge The purpose of this thesis and the overall contribution which has been made is to bring together a combined understanding of landing gear design, health monitoring and the business environment for aircraft maintenance in order for a holistic design process for landing gear health monitoring to be realised. 9.4 Further Work The development a health monitoring system for an industrial application such as electrical actuators for Landing gears is very multidisciplinary and a holistic viewpoint must be taken. As with all research programmes time constraints will limit further DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 223 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS development and narrow the research focus. There is however a number of opportunities and areas, both from a technical and business perspective which must still be investigated and developed before landing gear health monitoring can be developed into a market ready system. A selection of these includes: 9.4.1 Experimental Landing Gear Test bed One of the major limitations of implementing health monitoring into a landing gear electrical actuator will be the lack of data from the new actuators. Extensive testing would be needed to be performed prior to any in service implementation and a set of generic fault cases will need to be developed. Data from fault case testing will enable the classification of faults enabling the diagnostics approach to be validated experimentally on a landing gear testing rig. Experimental classification would enable diagnostic residuals and the fault sensitive thresholds to be designed to be robust. In any fault related case, it is known that common symptoms will occur between faults, with some symptoms being more prominent depending upon the particular fault present; this brings into focus the requirement for weighting symptoms. Experimental fault testing on a landing gear rig, under representative operating conditions would enable fault - symptom weights to be assigned, increasing diagnostic certainty. 9.4.2 Uncertainty and Performance Metrics The use of a model based diagnostics system will suffer from a variety of uncertainties which will need to be taken into account, to reduce uncertainty in the diagnostics. Research would focus on understanding and dealing with the various sources of uncertainty. Quantifying modelling errors, signal errors and dealing with uncertainties in the initial lack of information. Techniques would need to be developed to handle historical and service data as it becomes available throughout the actuators service life. Difficulties with dealing with such information are usually associated with incomplete or missing records. DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 224 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS It is essential that the performance of a monitoring system is known. Dialogue with designers and experimental testing is required to quantify individual component failure probabilities. This would allow specific component level objectives to be set for the monitoring system. Performance metrics would then be employed, likely to be based upon a measure of accuracy in the diagnosis. This measure of accuracy would be calculated through measures such as probability of false alarm, correct alarm, missed alarm etc. If a monitoring system cannot meet specified objectives then reliance upon it would have an adverse effect upon the aircraft safety. 9.4.3 New Sensor Technology and Systems Integration This research has put a strong emphasis on the need to keep a diagnostics systems affects on the actuators weight and complexity to a minimum. The thesis review work briefly highlights the emergence of new sensor technologies. Future research areas should focus on monitoring solutions using wireless smart sensors with inbuilt signal processing that can perform all monitoring tasks. The benefits of these are that they are lightweight, do not require additional cabling, creates a reduction in the demand for aircraft computing resources. These advantages opens new doors for the investigation of monitoring techniques which have been deemed inapplicable with conventional sensor technology. Systems integration research would need to be undertaken to ensure that any future monitoring system can not only integrate into the landing gear subsystems, but can also integrate seamlessly into the aircraft systems as a whole and if necessary work alongside aircraft BIT and any other local monitoring systems. 9.4.4 Cost Modelling The introduction of a health monitoring based maintenance system would have a direct impact upon the through life support costs and processes of the landing gear equipment. The research into potential novel approaches to predict the through-life manufacture and repair costs for long life actuator products would be fundamental for decision making. Information from a monitoring diagnostics system incorporated into DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 225 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS costing models would be aimed at enabling the supply chain to predict, evaluate and optimise their operations for repair and maintenance. Costing research would require a focus on developing risk and uncertainty service metrics, assessments of organisational relationships and the identification and quantification of the various cost drivers. 9.4.5 Remaining Life Models This research has been focused entirely upon diagnostics. However it is the industries desire to extend diagnostics into the realm of fault prognosis, returning remaining useful life estimations. A case based empirical study would be required to produce data sets observed from in service reports. The empirical data would then be used to generate an in service benchmark model the value of which would be to establish the remaining useful life of the system, or individual component. Remaining useful life models typically use measures such as operating hours, however for the landing gear application a remaining useful life measured in terms of 'number of cycles' would be more appropriate. Such a remaining useful life model would offer invaluable information in regards to generating an aircraft maintenance strategy. 9.5 Published Research Papers As part of this research the following peer reviewed papers have been published or submitted for review. 9.5.1 Journal Papers Phillips, P., Diston, D., (2011), "A knowledge driven approach to aerospace condition monitoring", Knowledge-Based Systems, Vol 24 (6), pp. 915 - 927 Phillips, P., Diston, D., Starr, A., (2011), "perspectives on the commercial development of landing gear health monitoring systems", Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, Article in Press DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 226 HEALTH MONITORING OF ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS FOR LANDING GEARS Phillips, P., Diston, D., Starr, A., (2011), "Towards a business enterprise strategy to support the integration of proactive aerospace maintenance technologies", INSIGHT: non-Destructive Testing and Condition Monitoring", Article in Press 9.5.2 Peer Reviewed Conference Contributions Phillips, P., Diston, D., Payne, J., Pandya, S., Starr, A. (2008) “The application of condition monitoring methodologies for the certification of reliability in electric landing gear actuators”, The 5th International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Machine Failure Prevention Technologies, Edinburgh, UK Phillips, P., Diston, D., Starr, A., Payne, J., Pandya, S. (2009) “A review on the optimisation of aircraft maintenance with application to landing gears”, The 4th World Congress on Engineering Asset Management and Intelligent Maintenance Systems, Athens, Greece Phillips, P., Diston, D., Payne, J., Pandya S., (2010) ‘Evidential reasoning applied to model-based diagnostics in landing gear actuators’, Machine Failure and Prevention Technology Conference, AL, USA Phillips, P., Diston, D., (2010) ‘An intelligent health monitoring framework for a motor-driven actuator’, Proceeding on the 7th International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Machine Failure Technologies, Edinburgh, UK DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING (ENGD) 227