1 NDY Newsletter Summer 2012.indd

Summer 2012
The Saul and Joyce Brandman Youth and Family Center
Our Hope. Our Community. Our Future.
chairman’s Message
What a wonderful time of the year to write about
our fantastic organization. We are fortunate that the
summer has been very pleasant, the sun is shining
without obsessive heat, our summer camp is flourishing
with more than 100 youth in attendance; Monica and
her staff, who have made many sacrifices in order for
J. Richard Leyner
NDY to continue its great work, have arranged day
trips to the X Games, trips to the beach, fishing trips, a Dodger game, trips to
Skateland, swimming at local pools and more.
New Directions for Youth is continuing our mission, with the help of our
fabulous Board of Directors and their generosity. Even in this tumultuous
economic environment, we have been able to generate funds with direct
contributions from our Board and friends of NDY, placing us in a position
to build a strong foundation for kids at risk. I would like to add my personal
thank you to all that have contributed.
We are happy to announce that the City of LA has granted us a new contract
Continued on page 3
Executive Director’s Message
Dear NDY Friends and Family,
This past year was the most challenging we have had in
the 12 years I have been employed at NDY. I would bet
that most of you have had to face some sort of challenge,
as well. We all know that the United States of America has been struggling to
overcome economic challenges, but not only that, we have made decisions
as a nation about civil rights, healthcare, war, immigration and the right to a
quality education. No matter which side of the aisle you fall on, these were
crucial decisions that had to be made.
This past year has also been the most inspiring as I have taken on the task
of attending law school in preparation to become more of an advocate for
our children. This tool will allow me to positively impact the lives of NDY
youth even more. I believe that when life becomes more challenging, one
must strengthen themselves to withstand the storm. Over the next year, I
When John, a 14 year-old client, was
first enrolled in New Directions for
Youth’s Gang Prevention Program,
he was struggling with a number of
behavioral and emotional problems.
John had a history of fighting with
peers, drug use, theft, excessive
profanity, failing grades, emotional
outbursts, and negative peer
influence. John struggled as an only
child in a low-income single parent
home with weak parental supervision.
John was referred to the LAPD
Jeopardy Program, a subcontractor
of NDY’s, that is operated by officers
from the Los Angeles Police
Department. This program provided
John was also assigned a therapist at
NDY for weekly counseling sessions
to address his emotional problems
through cognitive behavioral therapy.
After four months of active involvement
Continued on page 2
INSIDE: Summer 2012
Chairman’s Message .............................................................. 1
Executive Director’s Message ............................................... 1
A NDY Youth Success Story .................................................. 1
NDY’s Annual Volunteer Luncheon and Celebration .......2
Program Highlight: Safe Routes to School ........................3
Spotlight on NDY Board Member ........................................3
Spotlight on NDY Employee .................................................3
NDY Summer Day Camp ....................................................... 4
Rod & Reel/Congregation Or Ami Fishing Trip ................5
Spotlight on NDY Volunteer ................................................. 6
Opening a Door to a New Direction ....................................7
NDY 2011 Generous Donors .................................................. 8
No Cavidees! ............................................................................ 9
Thank You to Kohl’s and Congregation Or Ami .............. 9
NDY’s Distinguished Speaker............................................... 9
Woof-Woof, Arf-Arf, Ruf-Ruf ..............................................10
Save the Date.......................................................................... 12
Continued on page 2
Summer 2012 [ 1 ]
Our Vision
A peaceful community where
youth and families thrive and grow.
Our Mission
New Directions for Youth, Inc. is
dedicated to providing comprehensive
programs and services to at-risk
youth and their families.
Rafer Johnson, Honorary Chairman
J. Richard Leyner, Chairman of the Board
Patti Jo Wolfson, Immed. Past Board Chairman
Paul Maslansky, Vice Chairman
Daniel Pearlman, Vice Chairman
Arturo Velasquez, Vice Chairman
Bruce Miller, Secretary
Fred Mautner, Treasurer
Cathy Coleman Ackerman
Councilman Mitchell Englander
Jeffrey Galen
Cynthia Ibarra
Esther Korn
Wally Kornbluh
Sue Magidow
Greg Martin
Francine Meyberg
Brian Paul
Maria Townsend
Randy Witt
Barri Worth
Ken Worthen
Barbara Zelinski
Councilman Richard Alarcon
Lee Kanon Alpert
Honorable Howard Berman
Karl Boeckmann
Bud Brown
Councilman Tony Cardenas
Fritz Coleman
E. Jane Finley
David Fleming
Assemblyman Mike Gatto
Rickey Gelb
Jeri Gerner
Robert Hertzberg
Richard Katz
Councilman Paul Krekorian
Deane Leavenworth
Syd Leibovitch
Ed Marzec
Deputy Chief Michal Moore
Dr. Walter Mosher, Jr., PHD
Arline Pepp
Dana Pump
David Pump
Irwin Rosenberg
Tom Shapiro
Honorable Brad Sherman
Rosalyn K. Silva
Larry Solters
Russell Stravitz
Mike Thompson
Sally Thompson
Francisco Uribe
Jon Wolfson
Councilman Dennis Zine
[ 2 ] Summer 2012
NDY’s Annual Volunteer Luncheon
and Celebration is scheduled for
August 17, 2012 at noon in NDY's
2011 Volunteer Luncheon guests enjoyed
key Note Speaker, councilman Paul
Multi-purpose room. The luncheon
krekorian, who is posing with Bruce Miller,
will include Keynote Speaker,
Patti Jo wolfson and Monica Austin-Jackson
California State Assembly Member
Felipe Fuentes and NDY youth presentations. Join us as we celebrate one of
NDY’s most valuable assets, our volunteers.
Annually, more than 100 volunteers donate their time to enrich the lives of
youth. NDY has been especially dependent on volunteers due to budget cuts
and a reduction in private funding. If you are interested in volunteering, please
contact Tim Brown, Program Director at 818-503-6330.
“The best response to the long list of social ills is to put into effect the Noah
principle. That is, stop looking for credit for predicting the rain, it’s time to start
building an ark.” — Johnnetta B. Cole
AN NDY SuccESS STORY continued from page 1
in NDY’s programs, John has shown incredible growth in nearly every area.
John’s academic performance improved significantly and he is now willing to
ask for help when struggling with his school work. John has since abstained
from using any drugs or alcohol and has become more involved in his
community church.
Through his mental health treatment, John addressed the motivation behind
his desire to steal and has made restitutions to those he has hurt. John’s next
steps are to address his anger management issues by identifying his triggers
and learning to process his emotions to avoid lashing out verbally or physically.
John acknowledges that there are areas in which he can continue to grow,
however, he is willing to meet the challenges that lie ahead with a positive
EXEcuTIVE DIREcTOR’S MESSAGE continued from page 1
believe that it is essential that NDY build our financial might, push for a more
educated staff, enlarge our volunteer base and boost our program strength, in
both size and quality. My goal for the next year is to not just squeak by, but to
thrive and grow.
The support of the NDY Board of Directors this past year has been unwavering.
Chairman, J. Richard Leyner, Past Chairman, Patti Jo Wolfson, Treasurer, Fred
Mautner and Secretary Bruce Miller, your wisdom, guidance and support has
been extraordinary. Knowing that the Board believes in NDY, my leadership
and ensuring that the youth most in need have a fair chance in life, is what
inspires me to continue. I cannot thank you enough.
Monica Austin-Jackson
Executive Director
find us on
New Directions for Youth
Safe Routes to school
Safe Routes to School
(SRTS) is a new program
focus being implemented
at NDY. SRTS is a program
that helps to ensure that
youth can walk to and from
school safely, free from
physical obstruction and
blight, gang influences
and neighborhood violence.
NDY has been funded by
the Department of Public
Health for the “It’s Up to
All of Us” and the federal
Safe Routes to School
mini-grants program. Parents and the community will
work together to assess the level of danger children in
low-income areas confront as they walk to school, and
in turn, find solutions. We will accomplish this through
community mobilization efforts along with government
agencies responsible for street signage, the elimination
of gang graffiti and blight, and community street patrols
during the morning and afternoon hours when youth
walk to and from school.
Through our assessment efforts, NDY learned that schools
in the most low-income areas of the San Fernando
Valley don’t have adequate sidewalks or school traffic
safety signage for crosswalks, have high incidents of
traffic fatalities, and the most obese youth.
Through the SRTS program, NDY aims to make walking
and biking to school safer and more accessible for all.
Chairman’s Message continued from page 1
for the GRYD Program and the County of LA continues
to make use of our services.
Thank you to Patti Jo Wolfson and her awesome
committee who made our recent DOGcathlon fundraising
dog walk at Warner Center Park a huge success. It was
well attended and once again, brought our name to the
public’s attention.
We are currently planning our yearly Gala, with a new
concept, to be held November 9 at the Skirball Cultural
Center. Watch for details! Patti, Monica, Barbara and the
very talented and hard working committee is sure to put
together a wonderful evening.
Be assured that we will do everything it takes to continue
to create a positive future for our local at-risk kids.
J. Richard Leyner
Chairman of the Board
Dr. Brian Paul served as NDY
Board member for over 5 years
and is currently the CEO of Burbank
Association of REALTORS.
Originally from the UK, Brian moved
to the US 15 years ago. After a
few years as the CEO of a Biotech
company, he moved into the nonprofit arena where he has stayed.
Brian is an expert in Regulatory Affairs, non-profit
management, international and governmental affairs.
His expertise are much sought after.
“NDY is so important to me as they take care of
children. Every child needs to be loved, cared for and
provided every opportunity that we can. I believe it is
my responsibility to share everything that I can, to help
as many people as I can. I see that philosophy in NDY.
They care about every child, they counsel and help
every child and they bring opportunity where there
was none.”
Vickie Hughes
Vickie Hughes has been employed
at NDY for the past 10 years, first as
a driver, then as the Transportation
Coordinator. Vickie oversees five
vans that transport hundreds of
youth every day to and from NDY
programs and activities.
Recently, NDY passed a critical test
required by the California Highway
Patrol that allows NDY to provide transportation for the
Vickie’s hard work and dedication to the safety of our
youth is evident as she monitors the maintenance and
arranges the repairs of the vans, and continuously keeps
the 15 passenger vehicles in top condition.
Coordinating transportation is not all Vickie does, she
also serves as a positive role model and mentor to all.
Her bubbly personality and laughter light up the whole
NDY facility. Vickie is always willing to help others. Thank
you Vickie for just being you!
Summer 2012 [ 3 ]
Assembly Member Felipe Fuentes
Barbara Zelinski
Barry Burnett Realty, Inc
Barry Varga
Bob Scullin
Brian Paul
Bristol Group
Brothman Physician Plaza
Bruce Miller
Central Valley Medical Center, LLC
Cindra Walkov
Dan Pearlman
Dana Ashton
David Hardy
Dennis and Nancy Gershenson
Douglas Green, friend of Tony G.
Dr. Wung Chang
Elizabeth Finley
Esther Korn
Francine Meyberg
Fred Deindoerfer
Galpin Ford
Greg A. Magidow
Greg Baker
Greg Martin
Hull, Ruhl & Moore, C.P.A.s
Judy Dichter
Kathy and Andrew Gordon
Ken Worthen
Kenneth Spring
Kim & Mary Anne Wolfson
Kramer-Wilson Co. Insurance Services
Larry Solters
Laura Strauss
Lily Mattes
Louis & Marlene Verhaeghe
Lynda Hofmann
Marcia Gershenson Ttee
Maria Nini Villasenor
Maria Townsend
Mark Kamens
Mark Wolfson
Marsha & Jeff Rothpan
Michael Mulligan
Michelle Ward
Nita Corinblit
Office of Brad Sherman
Patricia Watsabaugh
Patti Jo Wolfson
Paul Maslansky
Rita V. Levine
Sandra Pfferman
Scott Norton
Sharyn Weinstein
Shirley Wolfson
Stacy Tilliss
Sue Magidow
Susan & Bruce Gershenson
Syd Leibovitch (Rodeo Realty)
Thomas J. Hansen
Walter Kornbluh
Wilshire West Medical Tower, LLC
[ 4 ] Summer 2012
NDY youth excitedly attended the
X Games through a donation from
councilman Richard Alarcon’s Office!
NDY’s Summer Day Camp is inspirational
and fun for the more than 100 youth who
attend daily. Youth participate from
9am-4pm in swimming, crafts, life skills,
music, art, roller skating, field trips
and other enrichment activities, which
help to assure that our children have a
meaningful and fulfilling summer.
Since most schools do not offer summer
school, many NDY youth would be left
without constructive programs to keep
them safe. NDY is a safe haven for our
youth, who when given the opportunity
and the guidance and support needed,
will inevitably thrive, grow and flourish,
toward a healthy lifestyle.
Statistics indicate that youth from
low-income and violent communities
have a greater chance of traveling the
negative pathway from school to jail,
than from school to higher education.
This truth, along with the new
economic struggles most families are
facing, could solidify a life of poverty
and violence for our youth.
NDY, through its Summer Day Camp,
offers an alternative to delinquency by
providing exposure to people, places,
culture and education that many of
our kids otherwise would not have the
opportunity to experience.
NDY provides transportation to youth
from their schools to our Summer Day
Camp five days per week. Providing
transportation is critical to prevent
exposure to community and gang
Summer Camp at NDY also provides
weekly peer mentoring sessions,
individual, group and family counseling
and an incentive and rewards system
for positive behavior designed to
enhance our youth’s ability to resolve
conflicts and control anger that would
otherwise go unleashed.
Enthusiastic and supportive volunteers
who dedicate their personal time to
conduct Zumba classes, art classes,
and workshops are critical to our
success. NDY’s Summer Day Camp
donors grace NDY with the ability to
operate year after year. Without these
dedicated and loving individuals, our
camp would be simply impossible.
Thank you!
mmer Camp 2012
NDY youth
the "catch
of the day"
It's 7AM
and 37 NDY
youth are
all aboard
and ready
for a fun
day of
Shelly, from the Rod and Reel Club, comforted some tired anglers!
Something's Fishy
“Thanks for teaching me how to fish” said a 5th grader as she
gave a big hug to Randy Sharon, a member of Congregation
Or Ami. For this young girl and 26 other kids from NDY, this
was their first time fishing and for many, their first time on
a boat. The Rod and Reel Club, which has organized trips
like this for 60 years, has taken NDY youth for the past
four years. This year, they joined “hooks” with volunteers
Shelly, Rabbi Paul Kipnes and NDY kids show
their catches!
from Congregation Or Ami (including Rabbi Paul Kipnes),
in organizing their annual community service fishing trip.
Almost everyone aboard caught a fish and everyone enjoyed
the delicious lunch prepared by the onboard chef!
Huge thanks to the Rod and Reel Club and Congregation Or
Ami for inviting NDY to join in the fun!
Summer 2012 [ 5 ]
Spotlight on a Very
Special Volunteer
David SchwARTZ shown here with NDY youth artists!
David SchwARTZ Opens Doors and When
Every time a young person walks through the front door
of NDY, we have a chance to change a life for the better. In
fact, we have about 40 doors throughout the building that
offer that opportunity!
This is why former Board Chair, Patti Jo Wolfson and
Executive Director, Monica Austin-Jackson have spent close
to two years working with Artist David SchwARTZ to
“Open a Door to New Directions for Youth.” The campaign,
which was conceived of nearly two years ago, was launched
at last year’s Spirit of Hope Gala Awards at the Skirball Center.
To date, over $60,000 has been raised from our generous
SchwARTZ began working with the kids during the after
school and summer programs and recently completed the
project with a “Tribute to JAZZ” designed door sponsored
by Board Member and Film Producer, Paul Maslansky.
[ 6 ] Summer 2012
“David SchwARTZ is not only a dynamic artist, he’s a
dynamic person,” said Wolfson. “It takes patience and
discipline to work with groups of our kids, and David was
able to teach them art history, techniques, and best of all,
a constructive use of creativity.”
SchwARTZ, who is becoming nationally-known for painting
on the American flag as canvas and for his Main Street
USA and Milestones series, works in acrylics. “Acrylic is
ideal for young people,” SchwARTZ said, “because it dries
quickly, but it is also very forgiving and easily manipulated
with water.” Forgiveness is a key lesson here. “Students
need to know that when they make a mistake, it’s not the
end of the world or the artwork. In fact, it’s the beginning,”
SchwARTZ said.
The first door—painted in trompe l’oeil and featured in
the entry way of NDY—is a directional sign post with
options toward Education, Growth, Self-Worth, Employment,
Thanks to our Key Sponsors who
Opened a Door to New Directions
About Artist David SchwARTZ
Union Bank
Barbara Zelinksi
Frayda Salkin
Jodi, Jeff, Jon Levine
and Jill Butterbaugh
Cathy Ackerman
in memory of
Bruce Ackerman
Mountasia and
David made his international debut at the Bienalle
Internazionale dell’Arte Contemporanea in Florence,
Italy in 2007. He is now represented in galleries
coast-to-coast and was featured in his first museum
show last fall. In addition to NDY, David is a staunch
advocate for veterans, particularly those who are
returning to the workforce. His work, “I WANT YOU to
Honor a Hero, Hire a Vet!” is painted on an American
flag from the state capitol gifted to him by former Gov.
Arnold Schwarzenegger. His commissioned Main Street
USA series includes Florida’s Haile Village, Downtown
Ventura and Universal City Walk. The style also was
used to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of Arthur
Murray Dance Studios. For more information, visit
One Door Opens…
The following people
generously sponsored the
painting of an interior door.
Union Bank
Linda and Mark Wolfson
Congregation Or Ami
Frayda Salkin
Cathy Ackerman
Jared and Rebecca Levin
Fritz Coleman
James Loney
Cindy Adams and Jane Finley
Skateland / Mountasia
Farrell Ice Cream Parlour
Mark and Ronna Lubash
Arturo and Sandra Valesquez
Jon and Stephanie Wolfson
Paul Maslansky and Family
Greg and Lisa Baker
Thank you to our Key
Sponsors who understand
that our success hinges
on their generosity!
Anne Finn Trust
Kim and Mary Anne Wolfson
Leanne Afetian
Jon and Stephanie Wolfson
Sheriff Lee Baca
Arturo Valesquez
Wally Kornbluh
Cindy Walkov
Shirley Wolfson
Bruce Miller
Fred Mautner
Sue Magidow
Karl Boeckmann of Galpin Ford
Brass Hinges are still available for
$1,000 each. Call Patti Jo Wolfson at
818-652-2083 for more information!
Other sponsored doors are still in production!
Independence. The young artists took some license with
the design and painted a mirror image of the sign with all
the negative opportunities they leave behind when they
walk through that NDY door. Drugs, Ignorance, Illiteracy
were just a few of the qualities that they acknowledge as
the wrong way to go.
They’ve also studied the lives and techniques of artists
throughout history, some of whom also had enormous life
challenges and struggled to fulfill their dreams. Claude
Monet, Vincent Van Gogh, and Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec
are a few of the more familiar names. The kids incorporated
all of these artists' techniques and a few of their own
throughout the project.
Please join us for the formal unveiling and a tour of the
facilities at NDY with Artist David SchwARTZ and his
protégées at 2:00 p.m. on Friday, August 17. Come learn
about all the artists involved and the key sponsors on whom
our success hinges.
Congregation Or Ami
Mark & Ronna Lubash
Fritz Coleman
Linda and Mark
Jon and Stephanie
James Loney
Summer 2012 [ 7 ]
(JULY 2011-JUNE 2012)
Adam Biederman
Adrian Cuentas
Alan Fox
Alice & Harvey Diamond
Alicia Tyson
Alysson Schultz
Amber Corugedo
American Humane Assoc.
Andrea Leftin
Angels in Fur Rescue
Anheuser Busch
Anne Finn Trust
Annie Feinberg
Anthony Michaelman
Anthony Vengarick
Arthur Pfefferman
Arturo Velasquez
Audrey Slater
Barbara Zalinski
Barry Burnett
Barry Verga
Bart Trevino
Benny Mahoney
Bianca Hutchinson
Bob Scullin
Bonnie Finn
Brenda Calixto
Brian Paul
Bruce Miller
Brynn & Michael Crispino
Bud Brown
Carlos Alvarado
Carol Erken
Carol Greenhut
Carol Solomon
Carolyn Pontius
Cathy Ackerman
Chandler Montgomery
Chapman and Associates
Charlotte Ashley
Christian Lemay
Christina Weinberg
Christine Sarkoff
Christopher Tang
Cindra Walkov
Cinmark, Co.
Clear Channel Worldwide
Clifford Sakata
Colleen Calkin
Cong. Brad Sherman
Congregation Or Ami Rabbi
Discretionary Fund
Cora Corinblit
Courtney Henn
Cynthia Adams
Cynthia Ibarra
Cynthia Mariani
Cynthia Ramirez
Dan Pearlman
Dana Biederman
Dana Khudaverdyan
Daniel Jaffee
David Ackerman
David Fleming
David Hardy
David Schwartz
David Tilles
Deborah Anne Sable
Deborah Kaplan
Diane Lafleur
Dodgers Dream Foundation
Dr. Wung Chang
E. E. Ryan
Earl Greinetz
Edith delos Reyes
Edwin Zurita
Elaine Selko
Elisa Becker
Elizabeth Jane Finley
Elizabeth Kirschner
Elle Silver
Ellen Jayne Oshins
Ellen Zuckerman
Erin Munavu
Eric Peoples
Esther Korn
Felipe Fuentes
Francine Meyberg
Frank Logrippo
Frank Robinson
Frayda Salkin
Fred Deindoerfer
Fred & Margie Mautner
Friends of Studio City
Fritz Coleman
Galpin Ford
Gary Thomas
Gayle Ann Reizes
George Moss
Georgia Mercer
Gloria Levy
Greg Baker
Greg Martin
GSM Plus Corp Oakbrook
Guide Dogs of America
Guy Mangia
Haimoff Enterprise
Hamer Toyota
Hector Iglesias
Helayne Sharon
Herman & Michelle Dresser
Herman Berman
Hope Thornhill
Hopeless Records c/o
Luis Posen
Hull, Ruhl & Moore, CPA
Ian Starbuck
Ian Taras
J Skinder
Jack Markarian
James Li
James Loney
James Metzel
Jared Levin
Jeanette Langer
Jeanette Trepp
Jeff Rothpan
Jeri Gerner
Jewish Community
Jill & Phillip Shaw
Jill McAllister
Jill Rosenberg
Jill Shaw
Jin Young & Jonathan Lee
Joanna Wyszecki
Jode Levine
John Freeman
John Raudsep
Jonathon Wolfson
Judith Skinder
Judy Dichter
Julia & David Weisz
Julie Creps
K9 Gym & Rehabilitation
Kaiser Permanente
Karen Harris
Karl Boeckmann
Karla Kulungi
Kathleen Beckman
Kathy Davis
Kathy Gordon
Keith & Susan Hammons
Kelly Halley
Kenneth Spring
Kenneth & Helen Worthen
Kevin Barthel
Kim & Mary Anne Wolfson
Kim Cofield
Kim Haselhoff
Kim Wolfson
Kramer-Wilson CO. Ins. Svcs.
Kroger/Ralphs' Supermarket
Laura & Steven Cunz
Laura Mahoney
Laura Strauss
Laurel Brent
Laurie & Terry Boykoff
Leanne Afetian
Lee Baca
Leslie Mendez
Please check out the updated NDY Website at www.ndfy.org. There
is a “Donate Now” button where you can easily make a donation. Your
contribution of any size is truly appreciated and will insure that NDY will
be able continue to serve the at-risk youth in our community.
[ 8 ] Summer 2012
Lily Mattes
Linda Wolfson
Lisa Raigosa
Louis & Marlene Verhaeghe
Lydia Lucciola
Lynda Hofmann
Lynne Weiss
Lyons, Sheldon, Prosnit
M. Coopesmith
Madelyn Coopersmith
Mandi Leatham
Marcia Gershenson Ttee
Marcie Goldwater
Maria Burton
Maria Nini Villasenor
Maria Townsend
Marion Goldenfeld
Mark & Linda Wolfson
Mark Levinson
Mark Wolfson
Marsha & Jeff Rothpan
Martin Kodish
Marty Del Cid
Mary Anne Wolfson
Mary Karpinzki
Maxine Lachman
Mayra Ceballos
Melanie Ladish
Mercedes Valencia
Meyoung Spektor
Michael Fleming
Michael Mulligan
Michelle Ward
Mike Fleming
Mike's Bldg. Corp
Mitch & Jayne Englander
Monica Austin-Jackson
Nancy Gershenson
Nathan Silver
Nita Corinblit
Norman Sacks
Northridge Skateland
Onetta Brooks
Oren Lazar
Pamela Frimer
Pat Cordero
Patricia Salazar
Patricia Watsabaugh
Patti Jo Wolfson
Paul & Susan Harris
Paul & Dale Gross
Paul Davis
Paul J. Witt Family Trust
Paul Manlansky
Paul Willett
Rabbi Paul Kipnes &
Michelle November
Rachel Levy
Rafer Johnson
Ralph Valdez
Ram Tire Co., Inc
Randee Samsky
Randy Witt
Rebecca Levin
Renee Henderson
Richard Leyner
Rickey Gelb
Rina Sherman
Rita Levine
Robbin Fleming
Robert Fine
Robert Uhl
Robin Nicholas
Ron Rubine
Ronna Lubash
Rotary Club of LA
Sally Emr
Sandra & Brat Dragotis
Sandra Matthew
Sharons Kamens
Sharyn Weinstein
Sheila Malavasi
Silverberg Family Trust
Staci Cohen
Stacy Tilliss
Stephanie & Jonathon
Stephanie Martin
Stephanie Paul-Martin
Stephen Cedrone
Steve Martinez
Stevi Paul
Stuart Zimring
Sue Magidow
Susan & Bruce Gershenson
Susan & Keith Hammons
Susan Hayes
Syd Leibovitch
Tannia Ramirez
Terri Lynn Flatt
Terry Sutton
The Bird Experience
The Gas Company
The Saul Brandman
Thomas Glassman
Tiffany Samuel
Tim Brown
Tom and Debbie Shapiro
Tom Duenkel
Toole Design Group
Topanga Police Youth Board
Union Bank
United Way
Valley Economic
Development Center
Vanessa Boyicich
Veterinary Specialist of
the Valley
Vickie Hughes
Wally Kornbluh
Warren Silverberg
Wayne Klitofsky
Weingart Foundation
William Fox
William and Margaret Hynes
Wilshire State Bank
Wendy Runyon
Wolf Connection
Wolfson Foundation
Zoom Room (Apex K9, Inc)
Thank you to NDY board member, Greg Martin, Fritz Coleman of NBC,
Josefa Salinas and Rick Dees of Hot 92.3 and the employees of Western
Dental, NDY youth had a free dental exam during the spring! This fabulous
event was graciously held in the Rick Dees “No CaviDees” truck in the
Western Dental parking lot in Burbank. All participants went home with
a new tooth brush, floss, fun goodies and a sparkling smile! What a great
opportunity for our kids!
Brett gave a youth a backpack as an incentive
for answering a finance question correctly!
Brett Ellen was the New Directions for
Youth’s Distinguished Speaker on May
3, 2012. Brett, who is also known as the
“Kids’ Finance Coach,” brought an exciting
presentation to NDY with lots of incentive
prizes, games and give-a-ways. In a fun
and informative style, he explained that it
is never too early to start learning about
the value of a dollar and how to spend that
dollar wisely.
Brett Ellen is the founder and president of
American Financial Network where he has
been helping people manage their money
for over 25 years.
Shown in this photo are the kids who were treated to a shopping spree at
Kohl’s of Woodland Hills during their Christmas vacation. Each shopper
was able to choose over $125 in clothing and shoes. Thank
you, Kohl’s and Congregation Or Ami for your amazing
generosity and kindness! (Also shown are adults chaperones,
Patti Jo Wolfson, Monica Austin-Jackson, Vicki Hughes,
Patricia Salazar from NDY, Jennifer
Irribarren from Kohl’s and Susan
Gould from Congregation Or Ami.
Brett believes strongly in giving back to
his community. He and his family formed
their own non-profit called “Turn Kindness
On” which promotes community
involvement and social responsibility in
children. Check out his blog and website
at www.kidsfinancecoach.com and
Summer 2012 [ 9 ]
councilman Dennis Zine presents Proclamation to the
Southern california Golden Retriever Rescue!
Honorary Board chair, Rafer Johnson
leads the walk around the park!
These are just a few of the comments heard from the happy PAWticipants at
NDY’s Olympic DOGcathlon and Dog Walk on April 28. No matter how you
“bark it,” this 2nd annual event was a huge success!
More than 150 registered participants helped us raise much needed
funds in support of our vital services and programs to at-risk youth
and families throughout the San Fernando Valley and in the greater
Los Angeles area.
It's a great day for a dog walk!
Presented by NDY and Olympic Decathlon Gold-Medalist and
Honorary Board Chair, Rafer Johnson, the event was co-sponsored
by Southern california Golden Retriever Rescue and freaky Dog
People. All two- and four-legged participants were moved by the
opening ceremonies led by councilman Dennis Zine. Next a faithneutral Blessing for the Dogs and Humans was given by Rabbi Julia
weisz of congregation Or Ami in Calabasas. The event was kicked off with
a parade around the park led by Rafer Johnson. Watering Holes for the dogs,
sponsored by Veterinary Specialists of the Valley, k-9 Gym Rehabilitation center/
Dr. Dodi Tyneway, The Jon wolfson family, Marsha and Jeff Rothpan and union Bank,
were placed along the route.
Following the walk, there was a Dog Costume Contest and a Dog/Owner Look-Alike
Contest generously sponsored by the Southern california Gas company. Los Angeles
Search and Rescue performed demonstrations and Famed Dog Trainer, Paul Owens
shared training tips. Everyone loved the doggie massages provided by The canyon of
Malibu. Participants also enjoyed the DOGcathlon Events, which included “Catch and
Kvetch” and “Racing for Bones,” to round out the fun day.
Ready for the “Race for Bones"
Pretty in Pink
[ 10 ] Summer 2012
we were honored to have Ricochet, the Famed Surf Dog and American Humane
Association Hero (www.surfdogrichochet.com), with us. Countless people and their
pups posed for pictures with her and received Ricochet PAWtographs. Zoom Room
winners of the costume contest!
I don't want to drink this
water, I want to play in it!
Marsha Rothpan with
Rina and Ricochet
Josefa Salinas from Hot
92.3 joins in the fun!
kelly Sweeney of The canyon
gives paw-some massages at
the k-9 Massage Booth!
winners of the Dog-Owner
Look-Alike contest
(www.zoomroomonline.com) provided agility clinics, while Josefa Salinas of
HOT 92.3 fM broadcasted from the event.
Various dog related non-profit and for-profit organizations and
businesses, including animal rescues and veterinary services,
supported this year’s DOGcathlon and Dog Walk by showcasing
their services and programs. These included: Guide Dogs for the
Blind, Veterinary Specialists of the Valley, THE SHOP gift store,
Amazing Memories, fetching Grace, congressman Brad Sherman,
American Humane Association, Topanga Youth Board, Angels in
fur, The wolf connection and more.
Other activities included PAWdicures from Aromatherapy, Arts and
Crafts with your dog, prize drawings and silent auction, food trucks
and great Doggie Bags for all participants.
The 2012 DOGcathlon and Dog Walk success is also largely due to the many
sponsors and dedicated volunteers who helped make it happen!
A big THANkS to our committee members: Monica Austin Jackson, Renee Henderson,
Patti Jo wolfson, Jodi Levine, Howard Schwartz, Ronna Lubash, Leanne Afetian, Stella
Nguyen, Marsha Rothpan, Stevi Paul, Paul Gross, kenna frazier, kelly Sweeney, Stacy
Tilliss and Jon wolfson.
NDY Staff is ready to hand out
the “goodie” bags
A special thanks to christine Haws of christine Haws Photography for providing
wonderful pictorial memories of the day.
If you’d like to be involved in planning next year’s DOGcathlon and Dog Walk, or have
suggestions, please be in touch with Patti Jo Wolfson at (pattijowolfson@gmail.com).
Photos by Christine Haws of Christine Haws Photography. www.christinehaws.com
NDY Board Members support the efforts
when's lunch?
NDY Youth enjoying our
4-legged friends
walkers pose for a photo opp!
Summer 2012 [ 11 ]
The Board of Directors
of New Directions For Youth
with Rafer Johnson, Honorary Chairman
Cordially invite you
to join us
Friday, November 9, 2012
at 6:30 p.m.
for our
Cocktail Reception
Fabulous Auction
Program and Dancing to follow
Skirball Cultural Center
Ahmanson Room
2701 N. Sepulveda Boulevard
Los Angeles
Black & White Attire
Please access NDY’s Online Auction at
now through November 1!
For more information, e-mail Patti Jo Wolfson
at pattijowolfson@gmail.com or call
Monica Austin-Jackson at 818-503-6330
November 9, 2012
6:30 p.m.
Skirball Cultural Center
7315 N. Lankershim Boulevard
North Hollywood, CA 91605
Van Nuys, CA
Permit No. 1253
Non-profit Org.
U.S. Postage