Full list of publications August 2014

Karen Belkić, M.D., PhD, Physician Specialist in Internal Medicine
Five Books …………………………………….……..…………….…...……………….
Six Book Chapters…….……….……….………….…………………………………...
One hundred and four Full Length Papers in Peer-Reviewed Journals …………
Twice Co-Editor of Special Topical Issues in Peer-Reviewed Journals……………
Four Monographs….…………………………….………………………………..........
Ninety-four Selected Conference Abstracts..…………….….……..……………………
One Book Review….……….……….………….………………………………………
Eleven Project Reports….………………………..…….………………………………
Non-Peer Reviewed (Popular) Articles (including internet)—Eleven………………….
Master of Science Thesis……………………………………………………………….
PhD Dissertation………………………..…….…………………………………….......
Karen Belkić List of Publications
1. Belkić K, Molecular Imaging through Magnetic Resonance for Clinical Oncology. Cambridge International Science
Publishing, 2004 ISBN: 1-904602-29-0. http://www.cisp-publishing.com
2. Belkić K, The Occupational Stress Index: An Approach Derived from Cognitive Ergonomics and Brain Research for
Clinical Practice. Cambridge International Science Publishing, Cambridge, 2003 ISBN: 1-898326-02-9. http://www.cisppublishing.com
3. Belkić Dž, Belkić K, Signal Processing in Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy with Biomedical Applications. CRC Press
Taylor & Francis Group, London, 2010. ISBN: 9781439806449, http://www.crcpress.com.
4. Belkić K, Savić C. Job Stressors and Mental Health: A Proactive Clinical Perspective. World Scientific Publishers,
Singapore, 2013. http://www.worldscientific.com/worldscibooks/10.1142/8914
5. Belkić Dž, Belkić K (editors) Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Spectroscopy, Reference Book within the 11 Volume
Comprehensive Biomedical Physics, Elsevier, Amsterdam 2014.
Invited Book Chapters
1. Landsbergis PA, Schnall PL, Belkić K, Baker D, Schwartz J, Pickering T, The Workplace and Cardiovascular Disease:
Relevance and Potential Role for Occupational Health Psychology, In: James Campbell Quick and Lois Tetrick (eds.)
Handbook of Occupational Health Psychology. American Psychological Association, Washington D.C., 2003, pp. 265287.
2. Belkić K, Return-to-Work in Scandinavia: Experience and Insights with a Focus on Sweden. In: James B Talmage, J
Mark Melhorn and Mark Hyman (eds.) A Physician’s Guide to Return to Work. American Medical Association Press,
Chicago, 2011, pp. 465-472.
3. Landsbergis PA, Schnall PL, Belkić K, Baker D, Schwartz J, Pickering T, The Workplace and Cardiovascular Disease:
Relevance and Potential Role for Occupational Health Psychology, In: James Campbell Quick and Lois Tetrick (eds.)
Handbook of Occupational Health Psychology, Washington D.C., American Psychological Association, 2011, pp. 243264.
4. Belkić Dž, Belkić K. Optimized molecular imaging through magnetic resonance for improved target definition in
radiation oncology. In: Gustavo Gómez-Tejedor and Martina C. Fuss (eds.) Radiation Damage to Biomolecular Systems,
Springer, 2012, pp. 411-430.
5. Belkić K: Inter-disciplinarity of MR and future perspectives with a focus on screening. In: Magnetic Resonance Imaging
and Spectroscopy, Major Reference Book within the 11 Volume Comprehensive Biomedical Physics, Elsevier, Amsterdam,
2014, pp. 399-433.
6. Williams S, Belkić Dž, Belkić K: Potential and obstacles of MRS in the clinical setting. In: Magnetic Resonance
Imaging and Spectroscopy, Reference Book within the 11 Volume. Comprehensive Biomedical Physics, Elsevier,
Amsterdam, 2014, pp. 315-329.
Karen Belkić List of Publications
Full Length Papers Published in Peer Reviewed Journals in Chronological Order
(Total number = 104)
1. Belkić K, Occupational stress and cardiovascular risk. Rev Rada 1985; 15: 13-34.
2. Belkić K, Light stress and the cardiovascular system: The glare pressor test. Ergonomics 1986; 29: 563-568.
3. Belkić K. The stress of glare in relation to the cardiovascular system. Rev Rada 1987; 17: 43-48.
4. Belkić K, Micković Lj, Milić, B. Savić S, Blood pressure and electrocardiographic changes elicited by he glare pressor
test. Arch Environ Health 1987; 42: 37-43.
5. Belkić K. Overload of the visual system of professional drivers and neurovegetative consequences, Acta Oftalmol Jug
1988; 27: 52-53.
6. Belkić K, Gluhak M, Uglješić M, Micković Lj, Sladić R. Prevalence of high blood pressure and electrocardiographic
abnormalities in Belgrade mass transit drivers, Rev Rada 1990; 20: 50-60.
7. Belkić K, Jelić V, Djordjević M, Micković Lj, Uglješić M. Rhythm disturbances in apparently healthy professional
drivers, Kardiologija 1991; 12: 167-170.
8. Belkić K, Micković Lj, Uglješić M, Pavlović S. Work-place interventions for cardiovascular disease prevention in
professional drivers, Rev Rada 1991; 21: 47-53.
9. Belkić K, Uglješić M, Pavlović S, Micković Lj. Standard risk factor intervention and cardiovascular disease prevention
in professional drivers, Rev Rada 1991; 21: 32-40.
10. Pavlović S, Kočović D, Djordjević M, Belkić K, Kostić D, Velimirović D. The etiology of syncope in pacemaker
patients, PACE 1991; 14: 2086-2091
11. Pavlović S, Djordjević M, Kočović D, Kostić D, Velimirović D, Belkić K, Stojanov P, Savić D. Comparative study of
metabolic parameters in patients with the meta-mv rate-responsive pacing system, Kardiologija 1991; 12: 171-180.
12. Stojanov P, Djordjević M, Velimirović D, Savić D, Kostić D, Kočović D, Belkić K, Pavlović S, Jelić V. Comparative
study of acute and chronic thresholds in four different endovenous pacing electrodes. Kardiologija 1991; 12: 176-180.
13. Uglješić M, Avramović D, Bošković S, Soldo S, Belkić K, Krstić C, Petrović Ž. The circadian blood pressure profile
of journalists. Rev Rada 1991; 21: 41-47.
14. Belkić K, Ercegovac D, Savić C, Panić B, Djordjević M, Savić S. EEG arousal and cardiovascular reactivity in
professional drivers: The glare pressor test, Eur Heart J 1992; 13: 304-309.
15. Belkić K, Pavlović S, Djordjević M, Uglješić M, Micković Lj, Determinants of cardiac risk in professional drivers,
Kardiologija 1992; 13: 145-149.
16. Belkić K, Savić C, Djordjević M, Uglješić M, Micković Lj, Event-related potentials in professional drivers: heightened
sensitivity to cognitively relevant visual signals, Physiol Behav 1992; 52: 423-427.
17. Belkić K, Savić C, Micković Lj, Uglješić M, Behavioral measures for prevention of cardiovascular disease in
professional drivers, Rev Rada 1992; 22: 22-27.
18. Jelić V, Belkić K, Djordjević M, Kočović D, Survival in 1,431 pacemaker patients: Prognostic factors and comparison
with the general population, PACE 1992; 15: 141-147.
Karen Belkić List of Publications
19. Stojanov P, Djordjević M, Velimirović D, Belkić K, Assessment of long-term stability of chronic ventricular pacing
thresholds in steroid-eluting electrodes, PACE 1992; 15: 1417-1420.
20. Uglješić M, Belkić K, Bošković S, Avramović D, Micković Lj, Rise in arterial blood pressure during work and risk
factor profile of workers in stressful occupations, Kardiologija 1992; 13: 150-154.
21. Uglješić M, Belkić K, Simeunovic-Micković Lj, Vukajlović M, Implementation of a plan for cardiac prevention
among professional drivers as a high-risk group, Srp Arh Lek 1992; 120 (Suppl. 1): 49-51.
22. Belkić K, Savić C, Theorell T, Rakić Lj, Ercegovac D, Djordjević M, Mechanisms of cardiac risk in professional
drivers, Scand J Work Environ Health 1994; 20: 73-86.
23. Uglješić M., Belkić K, Bošković D, Bošković S, Exercise testing of apparently healthy professional drivers: A high-risk
group for ischemic heart disease, Acta Cardiol 1994; 49: 359-361.
24. The World Health Organization Collaborative Study of Cardiovascular Disease and Steroid Hormone Contraception
(K. Belkić among other co-authors listed, as site co-principal investigators and scientific contributors), A multi-national
study of cardiovascular disease and steroid hormone contraceptives: description and validation of methods, J Clin
Epidemiol 1995; 48: 1513-1547.
25. The World Health Organization Collaborative Study of Cardiovascular Disease and Steroid Hormone Contraception
(K. Belkić among other co-authors listed, as site co-principal investigators and scientific contributors), Venous
thromboembolic diseases and combined oral contraceptives: results of international multicentre case-control study, Lancet
1995; 346: 1575-1582.
26. Emdad R, Belkić K, Theorell T, Wennberg A, Hagman M, Johansson L, Savić C, Cizinsky S. Electrocortical responses
to ecologically relevant visual stimuli among professional drivers with and without cardiovascular disease, Integ Physiol
Behav 1996; 31: 96-111.
27. Uglješić M, Belkić K, Bošković D, Bošković S, Ilić M, Exercise testing of young, apparently healthy professional
drivers, Scand J Work Environ Health 1996; 22: 211-215.
28. The World Health Organization Collaborative Study of Cardiovascular Disease and Steroid Hormone Contraception.
(K. Belkić among other co-authors listed, as site co-principal investigators and scientific contributors), Haemorrhagic
stroke, overall stroke risk and combined oral contraceptives: Results of an international multicentre case-control study,
Lancet 1996; 348: 505-510.
29. The World Health Organization Collaborative Study of Cardiovascular Disease and Steroid Hormone Contraception
(K. Belkić among other co-authors listed, as site co-principal investigators and scientific contributors), Ischaemic stroke
and combined oral contraceptives: Results of an international multicentre case-control study, Lancet 1996; 348:498-505.
30. Bošković S, Uglješić M, Belkić K, Myocardial ischaemia and cardiac rhythm disturbances in patients with stable
angina pectoris registered by Holter monitor, Acta Cardiol 1997; 52: 137-139.
31. Emdad R, Belkić K, Theorell T, Cardiovascular dysfunction related to threat, avoidance and vigilant work: Application
of event-related potentials and critique, Integ Physiol Behav 1997; 32: 202-219.
32. Emdad R, Belkić K, Theorell T, Cizinsky S, Savić C, Olsson K, Work environment, neurophysiologic and
psychophysiologic models among professional drivers with and without cardiovascular disease: seeking an integrative
neurocardiologic approach, Stress Med 1997; 13: 7-21.
33. Orth-Gomér K, Mittleman MA, Schenck-Gustafsson K, Wamala S, Eriksson M, Belkić K, Kirkeeide R, Svane B,
Rydén L, Lipoprotein(a) as a determinant of coronary heart disease in younger women, Circulation 1997; 95: 329-334.
34. The World Health Organization Collaborative Study of Cardiovascular Disease and Steroid Hormone Contraception
(K. Belkić among other co-authors listed, as site co-principal investigators and scientific contributors), Acute myocardial
Karen Belkić List of Publications
infarction and combined oral contraceptives: results of an international multicentre case-control study, Lancet 1997;
35. Belkić K, Emdad R, Theorell T, Occupational profile and cardiac risk: possible mechanisms and implications for
professional drivers, Int J Occup Environ Health 1998; 11: 37-57.
36. Emdad R, Belkić K, Theorell T, Cizinsky S, What prevents professional drivers from following physicians' cardiologic
advice? Psychoth Psychosom 1998; 67: 226-240.
37. Emdad R, Belkić K, Theorell T, Cizinsky S, Savić C, Olsson K, Psychophysiologic sensitization to headlight glare
among professional drivers with and without cardiovascular disease, J Occup Health Psychol 1998; 3: 147-160.
38. The World Health Organization Collaborative Study of Cardiovascular Disease and Steroid Hormone Contraception
(K. Belkić among other co-authors listed, as site co-principal investigators and scientific contributors), Cardiovascular
disease and the use of oral and injectable progestogen-only injectable contraceptives, Contraception 1998; 57: 315-324.
39. Belkić K, Cardiac electrical stability and environmental stress, Occup Med 2000; 15: 117-120
40. Belkić K, The forebrain: Central stress mechanisms and cardiovascular responses, Occup Med 2000; 15: 109-115.
41. Belkić K, Myocardial oxygen supply and demand: Environmental triggers of imbalance, Occup Med 2000; 15: 132136.
42. Belkić K, Ambulatory electrocardiographic monitoring: Stress-mediated, clinically-relevant endpoints, Occup Med
2000; 15: 196-203.
43. Belkić K, Landsbergis P, Schnall P, Baker D, Theorell T, Siegrist J, Peter R, Karasek R, Psychosocial factors: Review
of the empirical data among men, Occup Med 2000; 15: 24-40.
44. Belkić K, Savić C, Dehumanization versus humanization of work: Insights from cognitive ergonomics and brain
research, Occup Med 2000; 15: 87-94.
45. Belkić K, Schnall P, Landsbergis P, Baker D, The workplace and cardiovascular health: Conclusions and thoughts for
a future agenda, Occup Med 2000; 15 (1): 307-321
46. Belkić K, Schnall P, Savić C, Landsbergis P, Multiple exposures: Towards a model of total occupational burden,
Occup Med 15: 94-105.
47. Belkić K, Schnall P, Uglješić M, Cardiovascular evaluation of the worker and workplace: A practical guide for
clinicians, Occup Med 2000; 15: 213-222.
48. Fisher J, Belkić K, A public health approach in clinical practice, Occup Med 2000; 15: 245-253.
49. Schnall PL, Belkić K, Assessment of the cardiovascular system at the workplace: Obtaining a CVD history--Obstacles
and challenges, Occup Med 2000; 15: 189-190.
50. Schnall PL, Belkić K, Point estimates of blood pressure at the worksite, Occup Med 2000; 15: 203-212.
51. Schnall PL, Belkić K, Landsbergis P, Baker D, Why the workplace and cardiovascular disease? Occup Med 2000; 15:
52. Schnall PL, Belkić K, Landsbergis PA, Schwartz JE, Gerber LM, Baker D, Pickering TG, Hypertension at the
workplace—often an occult disease: The relevance and potential in Japan for work site surveillance? Japan J Stress Sci
2000; 15: 152-174.
53. Schnall PL, Schwartz J, Landsbergis P, Belkić K, Warren K, Pickering T, Job Strain findings in the Cornell University
Worksite Blood Pressure Study: A review, J Tokyo Med Univ 2000; 58: 367-376.
Karen Belkić List of Publications
54. Schwartz J, Belkić K, Schnall P, Pickering T, Mechanisms by which work stress may lead to hypertension and
cardiovascular morbidity, Occup Med 2000; 15: 121-132.
55. Belkić K, Schnall P, Landsbergis P, Schwartz JE, Gerber LM, Baker D, Pickering TG, Hypertension at the
Workplace—An occult disease? The need for work site surveillance, Adv Psychosom Med 2001; 22: 116-138.
56. Landsbergis PA, Schnall PL, Belkić KL, Baker D, Schwartz J, Pickering TG, Work stressors and cardiovascular
disease, Work 2001; 17: 191-208.
57. Terán L, Belkić K, Johnson CA. An exploration of psychosocial determinants of obesity among Hispanic women, Hisp
J Behav Sci 2002; 24: 92-103.
58. Belkić K. Magnetic resonance spectroscopy and spectroscopic imaging: a review of basic principles and achievements
in oncology, J Comp Meth Sci Engin 2003; 3: 505-533.
59. Belkić K. The need for quantitative biomedical spectroscopic imaging through magnetic resonance in oncology beyond
the conventional Fourier-based framework for data analysis, J Comp Meth Sci Engin 2003; 3: 535-561.
60. Belkić K. Magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging in breast cancer detection: possibilities beyond the conventional
theoretical framework for data analysis, Nucl Instru Meth Phys Res A 2004; 525: 313-321.
61. Belkić K, Current dilemmas and future perspectives for breast cancer screening with a focus upon optimization of
magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging by advances in signal processing, Isr Med Assoc J 2004; 6: 610-618.
62. Belkić K, Belkić Dž. Spectroscopic imaging through magnetic resonance for brain tumour diagnostics: recent
achievements, dilemmas and potential solutions via advances in signal processing, J Comp Meth Sci Engin 2004; 4, 157207.
63. Belkić K, Landsbergis P, Schnall P, Baker D,
Work Environ Health 2004; 30: 85-128.
Is job strain a major source of cardiovascular disease risk? Scand J
64. Belkić Dž, Belkić K, Fast Padé transform for optimal quantification of time signals from magnetic resonance
spectroscopy, Int J Quantum Chem 2005; 105: 493-510.
65. Belkić Dž, Belkić K, The fast Padé transform in magnetic resonance spectroscopy for potential improvements in early
cancer diagnostics. Phys Med Biol 2005; 50: 4385-4408.
66. Belkić Dž, Belkić K, In vivo magnetic resonance spectroscopy by the fast Padé transform, Phys Med Biol 2006; 51:
67. Belkić Dž, Belkić K, Mathematical Optimization of In Vivo NMR Chemistry through the Fast Padé Transform:
Potential Relevance for early breast cancer detection by magnetic resonance spectroscopy, J Math Chem 2006; 40: 85-103.
68. Belkić Dž, Belkić K. Decisive role of mathematical methods in early cancer diagnostics: Optimized Padé-based
magnetic resonance spectroscopy. J Math Chem 2007; 42: 1-35.
69. Belkić K, Resolution performance of the fast Padé transform: Potential advantages for magnetic resonance
spectroscopy in ovarian cancer diagnostics, Nucl Instru Meth Phys Res A 2007; 580: 874-80.
70. Belkić K, Nedić O. Workplace stressors and lifestyle-related cancer risk factors among female physicians: assessment
using the occupational stress index, J Occup Health 2007; 49: 61-71.
71. Márquez M, Belkić K, Nilsson S, Holmberg AR, Genetic testing in patients with hereditary cancer risk: social, ethical
and legal considerations. Instit Investig Jurid 2007, 383: 295-340.
Karen Belkić List of Publications
72. Terán L, Baezconde-Garbanati L, Márquez M, Castellanos E, Belkić K, On-time mammography screening with a focus
on Latinas with low income: a proposed cultural model. Anti-Cancer Res 2007; 27: 4325-38.
73. Belkić Dž, Belkić K, Mathematical modeling applied to an NMR problem in ovarian cancer detection. J Math
Chem 2008; 43: 395-425.
74. Belkić K, Savić Č, The occupational stress index: An approach derived from cognitive ergonomics applicable to
clinical practice. Scand J Work Environ Health 2008; (Suppl 6): 169-175.
75. Landsbergis PA, Schnall PL, Belkić K, Schwartz J, Baker D, Pickering TG, Working conditions and masked (hidden)
hypertension: Insights into the global epidemic of hypertension, Scand J Work Environ Health 2008; (Suppl 6): 41-51.
76. Nedić O, Belkić K, Filipović D, Jocić N, Work stressors among physicians with the acquired cardiovascular disorders.
Assessment using the occupational stress index, Med Pregl 2008; 61: 226-234.
77. Nedić O, Belkić K, Filipović D, Jocić N, Gender as an important effect modifier between exposure to work stressors
among physicians of various specialties and the occurence of cardiovascular disease, Med Pregl 2008; 61: 343-349.
78. Belkić Dž, Belkić K, Unequivocal disentangling genuine from spurious information in time signals: Clinical relevance
in cancer diagnostics through magnetic resonance spectroscopy, J Math Chem 2008; 44:887-912.
79. Belkić Dž, Belkić K, The general concept of signal-noise separation (SNS): Mathematical aspects and implementation
in magnetic resonance spectroscopy, J Math Chem 2009; 45: 563-597.
80. Belkić Dž, Belkić K. Exact quantification of time signals from magnetic resonance spectroscopy by the fast Padé
transform with applications to breast cancer diagnostics J Math Chem 2009; 45: 790-818.
81. Belkić Dž, Belkić K, Unequivocal resolution of multiplets in MR Spectra for prostate cancer diagnostics achieved by
the fast Padé transform, J Math Chem, 2009; 45: 819-858.
82. Fridner A, Belkić K, Marini M, Minucci D, Pavan L, Schenck-Gustafsson K, Recent suicidal ideation among female
university hospital physicians in Sweden and Italy (The HOUPE Study): Cross-sectional associations with work stressors,
Gender Med 2009; 6: 314–328.
83. Belkić K, Cohen M, Márquez M, Mints M, Wilczek B, Berman AH, Castellanos E, Castellanos M, Screening of highrisk groups for breast and ovarian cancer in Europe: A focus on the Jewish population, Oncol Rev 2010, 4:233–267.
84. Nedić O, Belkić K, Filipović D, Jocić N, Job stressors among female physicians: Relation to having a clinical
diagnosis of hypertension, Int J Occup Environ Med 2010, 16: 330-340.
85. Belkić Dž, Belkić K, High-resolution signal processing in magnetic resonance spectroscopy for early cancer
diagnostics, Adv Quant Chem 2011: 62: 245347.
86. Belkić Dž, Belkić K. Fast Padé transform in the theory of resonances: Exact solution of the harmonic inversion
problem, J Phys B 2011; 44: 125002.1-125002.18.
87. Belkić Dž, Belkić K. Padé-Froissart exact signal-noise separation in nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, J Phys
B 2011;44: 125003.1-125003.16.
88. Belkić Dž and Belkić K: The potential for practical improvements in cancer diagnostics by mathematically-optimized
magnetic resonance spectroscopy. J Math Chem 2011; 49:2408-2440.
89. Belkić K, Belkić Dž, Possibilities for improved early breast cancer detection by Padé-Optimized magnetic resonance
spectroscopy, Isr Med Assoc J 2011; 13: 236-243.
Karen Belkić List of Publications
90. Fridner A, Belkić K, Minucci D, Pavan L Marini M, Pingel B, Putoto G, Simonato P, Løvseth LT, SchenckGustafsson K, The work environment and recent suicidal thoughts among male university hospital physicians in Sweden
and Italy (the HOUPE study), Gender Med 2011; 8: 269-279.
91. Belkić Dž, Belkić K, A meta-analysis of studies using MR spectroscopy for evaluating suspicious lesions after
radiation therapy of primary brain tumors, J Math Chem 2012; 50: 2527-2557.
92. Belkić Dž, Belkić K, Magnetic resonance spectroscopy with high-resolution and exact quantification in the presence
of noise for improving ovarian cancer detection, J Math Chem 2012; 50: 2558-2576.
93. Belkić K, Nedić O, Night work, total occupational burden and cancer/cardiovascular risk factors in physicians. Med
Pregl 2012; 11-12: 461-469.
94. Fridner A, Belkić K, Marini M, Gustafsson Sendén M, Schenck-Gustafsson K, Why don’t Academic Physicians Seek
Needed Professional Help for Psychological Distress? Swiss Med Wkly, 2012; 142: w13626 (8 pp.).
95. Alder S, Perinetti C, Mints M, Belkić K, Sundström K, Sandin S, Weiderpass E, Andersson S. Acceptance of human
papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination among young women in a country with a high prevalence of HPV infection. Int J Oncol,
2013; 43:1310-1318.
96. Belkić Dž, Belkić K, Mechanistic repair-based Padé Linear-Quadratic Model for cell response to radiation damage.
Adv Quantum Chem 2013; 65, 339362.
97. Belkić Dž, Belkić K, Resolution enhancement as a key step towards clinical implementation of Padé-optimized
magnetic resonance spectroscopy for diagnostic oncology. J Math Chem 2013 51; 2608-2637.
98. Belkić Dž, Belkić K, Mechanistic description of survival of irradiated cells: Repair kinetics in Padé Linear-Quadratic
or Differential Michaelis-Menten Model. J Math Chem 2013; 51; 2572-2607.
99. Belkić Dž, Belkić K, Molecular imaging in the framework of personalized cancer medicine. Isr Med Assoc J. 2013; 15:
100. Belkić Dž, Belkić K, Strategic steps for advanced molecular imaging with magnetic resonance-based diagnostic
modalities. Technol Cancer Res Treat. December 17 2013 epub ahead of print DOI: 10.7785/tcrt.2012.500401.
101. Belkić Dž, Belkić K, The role of molecular imaging in personalized cancer medicine. Diagnostic Imaging Europe,
30; 28-31: 2014.
102. Belkić K, Nedić O, Occupational medicine—then and now: Where we could go from here. Med Pregl 2014; 67: 139147.
103. Belkić Dž, Belkić K, Mechanistic radiobiological models for repair of cellular radiation damage. Adv Quantum
Chem 2015; 70: in press.
104. Belkić Dž, Belkić K, Proof-of-the-Concept study on mathematically optimized magnetic resonance spectroscopy for
breast cancer diagnostics. Technol. Cancer Res. Treat. In press, 2014.
Submitted Manuscript
Belkić K, Cohen M, Wilczek B, Mints M, Andersson S, Berman AH, Marcela Márquez-Holmberg M, Vukojević. Imaging
surveillance programs for women at high breast cancer risk in Europe: Are women from ethnic minority groups adequately
Karen Belkić List of Publications
Co-Editor of Special Topical Issues in Peer-Reviewed International Journals
1. Schnall PL, Belkić K, Landsbergis PA, Baker D (eds.) The Workplace and Cardiovascular Disease. Occupational
Medicine: State of the Art Review. Hanley and Belfus, Inc., 2000; 15 (1) pp. 1-334.
2. Belkić Dž, Belkić K (eds.) How Mathematical Advances can Optimize Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy in Oncology,
Journal of Computational Methods in Sciences & Engineering (JCMSE), Cambridge International Science Publishing,
2003; 3 (4), pp. 505-733.
1. Belkić K, Savić C, Theorell T, Cizinsky S, Work stressors and cardiovascular risk: Assessment for Clinical Practice.
Stress Research Report Number 256, IPM, Section for Stress Research Karolinska Institute and WHO Psychosocial Center,
Stockholm, 1995.
2. Savić C, Belkić K, Central stress mechanisms and cardiovascular response: Clinical neurophysiologic investigations
using laboratory simulation of occupational stressors. Savremena Administracija, Belgrade, 1995.
3. Ekblad S, Belkić K, Eriksson NG. Health and disease among refugees and immigrants: A quantitative review
approaching meta-analysis. Part I: Mental health outcomes. Stress Research Report Number 267, IPM, Section for Stress
Research Karolinska Institute and WHO Psychosocial Center, Stockholm, 1996.
4. Savić C, Belkić K, Event-related potentials: Clinical Applications in Psychiatry and Neurology, Sluzbeni List, Belgrade,
Selected Abstracts in Chronological Order
1. Belkić K, Occupational stress and the acquired cardiovascular disorders. Epidemiological and behavioral
considerations, VI Yugoslav Congress of Occupational Medicine, Novi Sad, 1983, pp. 777783.
2. Belkić K, Glare and the cardiovascular system, XXI International Congress on Occupational Health. Dublin, 1984, p.
3. Petrašković D, Djoković V, Belkić K, Višnjić V, Kostić A. Electrocardiogram and pathohistological findings in the rat
heart after chronic exposure to vinylchloride. 2 nd Symposium on the Toxicology of Vinylchloride, Cable Manufacturing
“Moše Pijade” Svetozarevo, 1984, pp. 200206.
4. Belkić K, Micković Lj, Milić B, Savić S, Janković S, Djerković R. The effect of glare upon the cardiovascular system:
The Glare Pressor Test. 7th Yugoslav Congress of Occupational Medicine, Budva, 1987, pp.147148.
5. Gluhak M, Belkić K, Milić B, Uglješić M, Sladić R, Prevalence of blood pressure and electrocardiographic
abnormalities among Belgrade city bus drivers. 7th Yugoslav Congress of Occupational Medicine, Budva, 1987, pp.
6. Belkić K, Jelić V, Djordjević M, Milić B, Micković Lj. Holter monitoring in professional drivers, Third International
Symposium on Holter Monitoring, Vienna, 1988, p. 126.
7. Belkić K, Ercegovac D, Panić B, Savić Č, Čirić Z, Andjeljković S, Micković Lj, Milić B, Savić S, Jovanović Z.
Encephalographic and polygraphic recording during the Glare Pressor Test. 11th World Congress of the International
Association for Accident and Traffic Medicine. Dubrovnik, 1988, p 27.
8. Belkić K, Jelić V, Djordjević M, Milić B, Micković Lj. Ambulatory electrocardiographic monitoring in professional
drivers. 11th World Congress of the International Association for Accident and Traffic Medicine. Dubrovnik, 1988, pp.
Karen Belkić List of Publications
9. Belkić K, A model of sudden cardiac death in professional drivers based upon exposure to glare and other conditions of
night driving, V World Congress of Ergophthalmology, Belgrade, 1989, p. 34.
10. Belkić K, Ercegovac D, Savić Č, Panić B. Central arousal and response to visual stimuli in professional drivers. V
World Congress of Ergophthalmology, Belgrade, 1989, p. 41.
11. Belkić K, Ercegovac D, Savić Č, Panić B. The role of the visual system in the untoward cardiovascular changes
occurring in professional drivers, In Extenso Proceedings of the V World Congress of Ergophthalmology, Verlag, Stuttgart,
12. Belkić K. Methods for assessing occupational stress in cardiovascular epidemiologic studies, X Yugoslav Congress of
Cardiology, Belgrade, 1989, abstract #63.
13. Belkić K, Jelić V, Djordjević M, Milić B, Micković Lj. Ventricular arrhythmias in professional drivers: Etiology and
detection. X Yugoslav Congress of Cardiology, Belgrade, 1989, abstract #137.
14. Bošković S, Belkić K, Uglješić M. The importance of phonocardiography and echocardiography in assessing left
ventricular function in essential hypertension. X Yugoslav Congress of Cardiology, Belgrade, 1989, abstract #94.
15. Jelić V, Djordjević M, Belkić K, Velimirovic D, Stojanov P, Pavlović S. Follow-up of patients with implanted
pacemakers for brady- and tachybrady forms of sick sinus syndrome. X Yugoslav Congress of Cardiology, Belgrade, 1989,
abstract #627.
16. Jelić V, Djordjević M, Belkić K, Velimirović D, Stojanov P, Prognosis of patients with sick sinus syndrome, Fourth
European Symposium on Cardiac Pacing, Stockholm, 1989, p. 113.
17. Stojimirović B, Dimitrijević Z, Belkić K, Jelić V, Oštrić V, Simić S, Djukanović Lj, Veljović R. The effects of various
hemodialytic strategies on electrocardiographic and biochemical disorders. IV Congress of Yugoslav Nephrologists.
Skopje, 1989, p. 47.
18. Uglješić M, Avramović D, Bošković S, Soldo S, Belkić K. Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring of normotensive
journalists in Belgrade. X Yugoslav Congress of Cardiology, Belgrade, 1989, abstract #459.
19. Jelić V, Kočović D, Pavlović S, Belkić K, Gjurović J, Čikoš J. Survival of patients with implanted pacemakers.
Annual Symposium on Most Recent Medical Advances, Belgrade, 1990, p. 27.
20. Belkić K, Ercegovac D, Savić Č, Panić B, Savić S, Djordjević M. Electroencephalographic and cardiovascular
reactivity among professional drivers: The Glare Pressor Text. Annual Symposium on Most Recent Medical Advances,
Belgrade,1991, p. 9.
21. Pavlović S, Kočović D, Djordjević M, Belkić K, Kostic D, Velimirovic D, Etiology of syncope in pacemaker patients.
World Congress on Cardiac Pacing and Electrophysiology, Washington D.C., 1991, p. 671.
22. Savić Č, Belkić K, Ercegovac D, Jovanovic Z, Uglješić M, Micković Lj, Event-related potential to visual stimuli in
professional drivers, Kuratorium der Internationalen neuropsychiatrischen Symposien, Pula, 1991.
23. Belkić K, Peruničić J, Bošković D, Prošić G, Ašanin M. Preliminary results of standard, behavioral and occupational
risk factors in patients forty years old or younger suffering from acute myocardial infarction, Yugoslav Congress of
Cardiology, Kopaonik, 1992.
24. Belkić K, Savić Č, Uglješić M. A clinical model for analyzing the connection between central stress mechanisms and
cardiovascular responses in high risk groups, Yugoslav Congress of Cardiology, Kopaonik, 1992.
25. Pavlović S, Belkić K, Djordjević M, Savić D, Stojanov P, Jelić V, Živković M. The structure of the vasovagal reaction
provoked by the head-up tilt table test in patients with implanted pacemakers, Yugoslav Congress of Cardiology,
Kopaonik, 1992.
Karen Belkić List of Publications
26. Uglješić M, Belkić K, Bošković, Pavlović S. Is the exercise stress test the method of choice for early detection of
ischemic heart disease among professional drivers? Yugoslav Congress of Cardiology, Kopaonik, 1992.
27. Uglješić M, Avramovic D, Belkić K, Bošković, Pavlović S. Circadian variation of blood pressure and heart rate in
normotensive journalists. 5th Congress on Ambulatory Monitoring, St. Louis, 1992, oral presentation.
28. Uglješić M, Belkić K, Boskovic S, Pavlović S, Exercise stress test: Is it the optimal method for detecting occult
ischemic heart disease in professional drivers? Yugoslav Congress of Cardiology Kopaonik, 1992.
29. Belkić K, Savić C, Orth-Gomér K, Theorell T, Psychophysiological studies using laboratory simulation of occupational
stressors: A functional-diagnostic approach to work-related cardiac risk, Third International Congress of Preventive
Cardiology, Oslo, 1993.
30. Belkić K, Savić C, Orth-Gomér K, Theorell T. Neurophysiologic methods in occupational psychiatry: A "window" for
assessing burden on the central nervous system from workplace stressors. 9th World Congress of Psychiatry, Rio de
Janeiro, 1993.
31. Savić C, Belkić K, Ercegovac D. Current concepts of event-related potentials. Yugoslav Congress of EEG and Clinical
Neurophysiology, Belgrade, 1993.
32. Savić C, Belkić K, Ercegovac D, The influence of cognitively relevant stressors on P300 and CNV. V Yugoslav
Congress of EEG and Clinical Neurophysiology, Belgrade, 1993.
33. Belkić K, Work strain and cardiovascular risk in women, Third International Congress of Behavioral Medicine,
Amsterdam, 1994, (Invited lecture).
34. Belkić K, Savić C, Emdad R, Theorell T, Orth-Gomér K, Event-related potentials in behavioral medicine: A "window"
for assessing burden on the central nervous system. Third International Congress of Behavioral Medicine, Amsterdam,
35. Uglješić M, Belkić K, Boskovic D, Boskovic S, Exercise testing of apparently healthy professional drivers. Meeting
of the Working Group on Epidemiology & Prevention of the European Society of Cardiology, Venice, 1994.
36. Belkić K, Emdad R, Theorell T, Savić C, Cizinsky S, Olsson K, Neurocardiac mechanisms of heart disease risk among
professional drivers, Invited lecture to the Symposium: Occupational stress and Urban Transit Operators. Work, Stress and
Health ‘95: Creating Healthier Workplaces, Washington, D.C., 1995.
37. Belkić K, Mechanisms of cardiac risk among professional drivers. Workshop on Epidemiology of Coronary Heart
disease among European Truck Drivers, Bilthoven, The Netherlands, 1995 (Invited lecture).
38. Emdad R, Belkić K, Savić C, Theorell T, Cizinsky S, Wennberg A, Hagman M, Johansson L, Olsson K,
Electrocortical responses of a high risk occupational group for psychosomatic disease, to laboratory simulated work
stressors, Second Baltic Sea Conference on Psychosomatic Medicine, Ronneby, 1995.
39. Savić C, Belkić K, Emdad R, Uglješić M, Raisic N, Can professional drivers "actively forget" associations between
visual CNV choice reaction-time task performance and threat avoidance aspects of driving? 10th International Congress of
Electromyography and Clinical Neurophysiology, Kyoto, Japan, 1995.
40. Uglješić M, Belkić K, Avramovic D, Boskovic D, Boskovic S, Circadian pattern of blood pressure and heart rate in
normotensive city bus drivers. IEA Regional Meeting "Perspectives on Epidemiology in Europe" The Hague, 1995.
41. Emdad R, Belkić K, Wennberg A, Hagman M, Johansson L, Theorell T, Cizinsky S, Savić C, Event-related potentials
to an avoidance task in professional drivers with and without cardiovascular disease. International Congress of
Occupational Medicine, Stockholm, 1996.
Karen Belkić List of Publications
42. Orth-Gomér K, Mittleman MA, Schenck-Gustafsson K, Eriksson M, Wamala S, Belkić K, Kirkeeide R, Svane B,
Lipoprotein (a) as a determinant of coronary heart disease in younger women. European Society of Cardiology,
Birmingham, 1996.
43. Belkić K,
Workplace demands: Insights from cognitive ergonomics and brain research.
Assessment: European Science Foundation and Work life 2000. Stockholm, 1999.
Psychosocial Work
44. Uglješić M, Belkić K, Boskovic S, Micković R, Cardiovascular disease as a cause of disability from 1991 - 1995
among male Belgrade mass transit operators. IEA Regional Meeting "Perspectives on Epidemiology in Europe” Florence,
45. Schnall P, Belkić K, Landsbergis PA, Baker D, Blood pressure monitoring. Wenner-Gren Foundation International
Symposium on Scientifically based biological assessment of long-term stress in daily life. Stockholm, 2000.
46. Belkić K, Occupation-Specific versus General Self-Report Measures to Assess Psychosocial Workplace Exposures:
Dilemmas and Potential Solutions to Bridge the Gap, Workshop on Psychosocial Work Environment Assessment Issues
Conference on Occupational Assessment, Gothenburg, 2001, X2001-Exposure Assessment in Epidemiology and Practice,
Arbete och Halsa, ISBN 91-7045-607-0, pp. 258-260.
47. Schnall P, Belkić K, Landsbergis PA, Pickering TG, Schwartz JE. Job strain as a risk factor for hypertension and
ischemic heart disease among men: A pivotal issue for occupational cardiology. 5 th International Conference on Preventive
Cardiology, Osaka, Japan 2001.
48. Belkić Dž, Belkić K, A paradigm change in the spectral analysis of time signals for cardiovascular regulation, Third
International Conference on the Work Environment and Cardiovascular Diseases—International Commission on
Occupational Health, Düsseldorf, 2002.
49. Belkić K, Issues in evaluating intervention outcomes: Physiological and clinical assessments. (Invited Lecture to
Symposium: Towards Preventing Occupational Cardiovascular Disease in Urban Transit Operators), Third International
Conference on the Work Environment and Cardiovascular Diseases—International Commission on Occupational Health,
Düsseldorf, 2002.
50. Belkić K, Belkić Dž. Spectral Analysis of interacting time signals for cardiovascular regulation: clinical relevance.
Conference on Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering, Alicante, 2002, pp. 372-374 ISBN:
(84-607-5368-9, vol.3.)
51. Belkić K, Belkić Dž, Savić C, Dynamics of working life and heart rate variability: Potential applications of an
econeurocardiologic model among physicians as a heavily burdened occupational group, Third International Conference on
the Work Environment and Cardiovascular Diseases—International Commission on Occupational Health, Düsseldorf,
52. Belkić K, Landsbergis P, Schnall P, Baker D, Is job strain a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease? A critical
review of the published longitudinal studies, Third International Conference on the Work Environment and Cardiovascular
Diseases—International Commission on Occupational Health, Düsseldorf, 2002.
53. Belkić K, Schnall P, Baker D, Uglješić M. How do we move from epidemiological evidence to prevention-oriented
clinical practice? The Need for Occupational Cardiology, Third International Conference on the Work Environment and
Cardiovascular Diseases—International Commission on Occupational Health, Düsseldorf, 2002.
54. Schnall P, Belkić K, Baker D, Landsbergis P. A proposal for a University Centered Initiated for a Public Health
Approach to the surveillance and early detection, treatment and prevention of workplace related injury and cardiovascular
disease (STEP Program), Third International Conference on the Work Environment and Cardiovascular Diseases—
International Commission on Occupational Health, Düsseldorf, March 2002.
55. Schnall P, Belkić K, Landsbergis P, Schwartz J, Baker D, Pickering T, The need of work site surveillance of
hypertension, Third International Conference on the Work Environment and Cardiovascular Diseases—International
1Commission on Occupational Health, Düsseldorf, 2002.
Karen Belkić List of Publications
56. Belkić Dž, Belkić K, Quantum-Mechanical Resonant Scattering for Signal Processing in Medical Physics, Int Conf
Phot Elec Atom Coll (ICPEAC), Abstract Number 696 (CD), Stockholm, 2003.
57. Belkić Dž, Belkić K, A New Mathematical Framework for Surveillance Spectroscopic Imaging in Tumour Diagnostics
Int. Conf. Comput Meth. Sci. Eng. (ICCMSE 2003), Kastoria, Proceeding: World Scientific ISBN 981-238-595-9, pp. 701703, 2003.
58. Belkić Dž, Belkić K, High-resolution Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Medical Imaging Conference IEEE (MIC),
Portland, Abstract Number, 1971 (CD) 2003.
59. Belkić Dž, Belkić K, Surveillance Spectroscopic Imaging within Molecular Imaging in Tumour Diagnostics, Invited
Lecture, Symposium of the Department of Oncology-Pathology (Karolinska Institutet) entitled Challenges in Cancer
Therapy: from Experimental Models to Man, Karolinska Hospital, 2003; pp. 1-2.
60. Belkić K, Magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging in oncology: possibilities beyond the conventional theoretical
framework for data analysis. International Conference on Imaging Techniques in Subatomic Physics, Astrophysics,
Medicine, Biology and Industry, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences through its Nobel Institute for Physics, Stockholm,
Book of Abstracts, 2003.
61. Belkić K, The need for a paradigm shift in data analysis for biomedical spectroscopic imaging through magnetic
resonance in oncology. Proceedings of the International Conference of Computational Methods in Sciences and
Engineering (ICCMSE 2003) [World Scientific, New Jersey] pp. 659-669, Kastoria, 2003.
62. Belkić K, Protecting cardiovascular health of urban transit operators: physiologic & clinical considerations. (Invited
Paper to Symposium: Towards Interventions to Reduce Occupational Stress in Urban Transit Operators.), Fifth
Interdisciplinary Conference on Occupational Stress and Health—American Psychological Association/National Institute
for Occupational Safety and Health, Toronto, 2003.
63. Belkić K, Landsbergis P, Schnall P, Baker D, Is job strain a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease? A critical
review. Fifth Interdisciplinary Conference on Occupational Stress and Health—American Psychological
Association/National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Toronto, 2003.
64. Belkić K, Schnall P, Work, Stress & Health in A Clinical Context: The Emergence of Occupational Cardiology —
American Psychological Association/National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Toronto, 2003.
65. Belkić K, Return to healthy work for patients who have been treated for cancer: a proactive clinical perspective
informed by occupational health psychology, 5th Conference European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology,
Academy of Occupational Health Psychology Proceedings Series, ISBN: 0-9539936-3-9, pp. 25, Berlin, 2003.
66. Belkić K, Occupation specific versus generic self-report measures to assess workplace exposures: The Occupational
Stress Index—An approach derived from cognitive ergonomics and brain research to help bridge the gap, 5 th Conference
European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology, Academy of Occupational Health Psychology Proceedings Series,
ISBN: 0-9539936-3-9, pp. 26, Berlin, 2003.
67. Belkić Dž, Belkić K, Analytical continuation in signal processing within Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS)
using the Fast Padé Transform (FPT). 21st Annual Meeting European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and
Biology (ESMRB) Copenhagen, 2004, # 182.
68. Belkić Dž, Belkić K, Error analysis and residual spectra in the Fast Padé Transform (FPT) for Magnetic Resonance
Spectroscopy (MRS) 21st Annual Meeting European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology (ESMRB)
Copenhagen, 2004, # 183.
69. Belkić Dž, Belkić K, Extremely stable and rapid convergence of the Fast Padé Transform (FPT) for High-Resolution
Processing of Magnetic Resonance Spectra (MRS), 21 st Annual Meeting European Society for Magnetic Resonance in
Medicine and Biology (ESMRB) Copenhagen, 2004, EPOS # 343.
Karen Belkić List of Publications
70. Belkić K, Computational challenges in Occupational Stress Research, Proceedings of the 2004 Conference on
Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering (CMMSE-2004), Uppsala, pp. 17-23 ISBN: 84-6091154-3, 2004.
71. Belkić K, The need for high-resolution signal processing in magnetic resonant spectroscopy for brain tumour
diagnostics, Proceedings, Int. Conf. Comp. Meth. Sci. Eng. (ICCMSE), Attica, (ICCMSE 2004), [VSP/Brill Academic
Publishers, Leiden] pp. 65-69, ISBN: 90-6764-418-8, 2004.
72. Belkić Dž, Belkić K, Internal validity assessment of the Fast Padé Transform (FPT) through residual spectra. 22 nd
Annual Meeting European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology (ESMRB) Basle, 2005, # 376.
73. Nedić O, Belkić K, Jocic N, Filipovic D, Self-assessed effects of work stressors for physicians in clinical practice,
Congress of Occupational Medicine, Kopaonik, 2006.
74. Belkić K, Conceptual challenges in occupational stress research: Implications for patients with heart disease or cancer,
International Conference for 30 years of the Demand/Control Model, Stockholm, 2006, pp. 44-49.
75. Belkić K, Return to Healthy Work: Comorbidity Issues for Cardiology & Oncology, ICOH Conference on the
Workplace and Cardiovascular Disease, Varese, 2006 (www.dmlp-va.it) (icoh.06).
76. Belkić K, Molecular imaging through magnetic resonance for timely detection of ovarian cancer. International
Conference on Imaging Techniques in Subatomic Physics, Astrophysics, Medicine, Biology and Industry, Royal Swedish
Academy of Sciences through its Nobel Institute for Physics, Stockholm, Book of Abstracts, 2006, p. 23.
77. Landsbergis PA, Schnall PL, Belkić K, Schwartz J, Baker D, Pickering TG. Working conditions and masked
hypertension. March 2008, APA NIOSH Work Stress and Health, Washington D.C.
78. Fridner A, Belkić K, Pingel B, Wiehager Adlercruetz H., Schenck-Gustafsson K. Recent Suicidal Ideation among
Female and Male University Hospital Physicians in Sweden (The HOUPE Study): Associations with Work Stressors.
International Conference on Gender Medicine, Stockholm, September 2008.
79. Belkić K, Early Detection of Cancers Associated with Radiation Exposure Via Optimized Magnetic Resonance
Spectroscopy, 6th International Conference on Radiation Damage in Biomolecular Systems, Frankfurt, 2009, p.143-144.
80. Belkić Dž, Belkić K, Signal-Noise Separation to Identify Genuine Information from Time Signals in Magnetic
Resonance Spectroscopy, In: Ed.: A. Solov’yov, 6 thInternational Conference on Radiation Damage in Biomolecular
Systems, Frankfurt, Book of Abstracts, 2009, p. 125-126.
81. Belkić Dž, Belkić K, Froissart Doublets: Unequivocal Signal-Noise Separation by Pade-Based Quantifications of Time
Signals Applied to Cancer Diagnostics through Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy. Approximation and extrapolation of
convergent and divergent sequences and series CIRM Luminy - September 28, 2009 - October 2, 2009, Book of Abstracts,
p. 2.
82. Nedić O, Belkić K, Filipović D, Jocić N, Job Stressors among female physicians: Relation to having a clinical
diagnosis of hypertension, 1lth Congress of Occupational Medicine Serbia with International Participation, Kopaonik,
October 2009, Svet rada Vol. 6; number 4/09: 400-401.
83. Belkić K, Cohen M, Márquez M, Mints M, Wilczek B, Berman A, Castellanos E, Castellanos M. Screening of HighRisk Groups for Breast and Ovarian Cancer in Europe: A Focus on the Jewish Population International Psycho-Oncology
Society 12th Congress, Quebec City, Canada, May, 2010.
84. Baezconde-Garbanati L, Terán L, Márquez M, Castellanos M, Castellanos E, Brigitte Wilczek, Cohen M, Belkić K.
Breast cancer screening among Latinas: Our research in the U.S. and initial findings for Scandinavia International PsychoOncology Society 12th Congress, Quebec City, Canada, May, 2010.
85. Schenck-Gustafsson K, Fridner A, Belkić K, Minucci D, Marini M, Pingel B. The Work Environment and Suicidal
Thoughts among Male and Female Physicians in Sweden: Results from the University Hospital Physician (HOUPE) Study.
Karen Belkić List of Publications
OSSD Fourth Annual Meeting, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. June 3 – 5, 2010
86. Belkić K, Belkić Dž. Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy and Spectroscopic Imaging for Detection of Cancers
Associated with Radiation Exposure, International Conference on Radiation Damage in Biomolecular Systems, Madrid,
July 2010, p.15.
87. Belkić Dž, Belkić K. NMR Quantitative Metabolic Spectroscopy in Medical Diagnostics: Exact Solution of the
Harmonic Inversion Problem and Exact Signal-Noise Separation, (Invited plenary lecture), Novel Reconstruction Strategies
in NMR and MRI: Mathematics meets Magnetic Resonance, Gőttingen, 2010, Book of Abstracts, pp. 11-13, and in extenso
at: Novel Reconstruction Strategies in NMR and MRI: Mathematics meets Magnetic Resonance" http://www.math.unigoettingen.de/nmr-mri-workshop/
88. Belkić K. Possibilities for early cancer detection via mathematically-optimized magnetic resonance spectroscopy.
Novel Reconstruction Strategies in NMR and MRI: Mathematics meets Magnetic Resonance, Gőttingen, 2010, Book of
Abstracts, pp. 40-41.
89. Fridner A, K. Belkić K, Pingel B, Schenck-Gustafsson K. The Pivotal Role of the Work Environment for the Mental
Health of Female and Male Physicians, 5th International Conference on Gender Medicine, Tel Aviv, Israel, 2010.
90. Fridner A, Belkić K, Schenck-Gustafsson K: Seeking help for depression/burnout: Male & female University hospital
physicians in Sweden: The HOUPE Study, International Symposium for the 10th Anniversary of the Gender Medicine,
Stockholm, Sweden, October 2011.
91. Nedić O, Belkić K, Workplace health promotion among surgeons and anesthesiologists, 12th Congress of Occupational
Medicine, Serbia, Zlatibor, 2013. Book of Abstracts in Svet rada Vol. 10, No 4/2013:539-541.
92. Belkić Dž, Belkić K. New mechanistic radiobiological models for cell response to radiation. Karolinska Institutet –
Weizmann Institute of Science 2nd Joint Meeting (June 13-15, 2014) Karolinska Institute.
93. Belkić Dž, Belkić K. Breakthrough in MRS for breast cancer diagnostics aided by advanced signal processing.
Karolinska Institutet – Weizmann Institute of Science 2nd Joint Meeting (June 13-15, 2014) Karolinska Institute.
94. Belkić K. Spectral analysis from physics for optimization of magnetic resonance spectroscopy in early tumor
diagnostics. 27th International Symposium on the Physics of Ionized Gases. Belgrade, 2014.
Book Review
Belkić K, Levi L. Review of: Bowling A. Measuring Health: A Review of Quality Of Life Measurement Scales.
Philadelphia: Open University Press, 1993, In: Eur J Public Health 1994; 4: 227-228.
Project Reports
1. Levi L, Belkić K, Occupational Psychosocial Health: Formation of a Network of Academic Researchers for the WHO
Expert Panel on Psychosocial Hazards, 1993.
2. Ekblad S, Belkić K, The health aspects of refugee families in the Nordic countries: Report from the Nordic Research
Network Conference, 1994.
3. Belkić K, Psychosocial factors and myocardial ischemia among women: Report to the Swedish Medical Research
Council, 1995.
4. Belkić K, Emdad R, Theorell T, Cizinsky S, Savić C, Olsson K, Hagman M, Johansson L, Wennberg A. Neurocardiac
Mechanisms of Heart Disease Risk among Professional Drivers: First Report to the Swedish Work, Environment Fund,
Karen Belkić List of Publications
5. Orth-Gomér K, Eriksson I, Högbom M, Wamala S, Blom M, Moser V, Belkić K, Schenck-Gustafsson K, Svane B,
Eriksson M, Källström B, Rosenberg U, Kirkeeide R, Stuart Y, Weidner G, Psychosocial risk factors for cardiovascular
disease among women, Stress Research Report Number 255, IPM, Section for Stress Research Karolinska Institute and
WHO Psychosocial Center, Stockholm, 1995.
6. Belkić K, Emdad R, Theorell T, Cizinsky S, Wennberg A, Hagman M, Johansson L, Savić C, Olsson K. Neurocardiac
Mechanisms of Heart Disease Risk among Professional Drivers: Final Report to the Swedish Working Life Council, 1996.
7. Belkić Dž, Belkić K. Development of Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Spectroscopy by Applying New Mathematical
Methods, Padé transform. Research Report to the Swedish Research Council, 2005.
8. Belkić Dž, Belkić K. Improved Cancer Diagnostics by Optimized Padé-Based Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy and
Spectroscopic Imaging Project Supported by King Gustav V Jubilee Fund Scientific Report 2007.
9. Belkić Dž, Belkić K. Improved Cancer Diagnostics by Optimized Padé-Based Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy and
Spectroscopic Imaging Project Supported by King Gustav V Jubilee Fund Scientific Report 2008.
10. Belkić Dž, Belkić K. Improved Cancer Diagnostics by Optimized Padé-Based Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy and
Spectroscopic Imaging: the Next Steps. Project Supported by King Gustav V Jubilee Fund Scientific Report 2012.
11. Belkić Dž, Belkić K. Practical Advances in Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy for Cancer Diagnostics through
Mathematical Optimization. Project Supported by Cancerfonden Report 2014.
Non Peer Review (Popular) Articles (including Internet)
1. Belkić K, Micković Lj, Uglješić M, Markovic J, Medical research on cardiovascular disease among professional
drivers. Prevention with the aim of decreasing the occurrence of unhealthy findings. GSP—The Newspaper of the Belgrade
City Bus Company, 1990, 30, 11.
2. Ekblad S, Belkić K, Eriksson NG, High prevalence of mental ill-health among immigrants. Psykolog Tidningen 1996;
42: 8-10.
3. Belkić K. The Occupational Stress Index. The Job Stress Network Website:
(www.workhealth.org), 2000.
Center for Social Epidemiology
4. Belkić K. Questions and answers concerning working life and health among truck drivers. The Job Stress Network
Website: Center for Social Epidemiology (www.workhealth.org), 2000.
5. Belkić K, Schnall P, On a San Francisco Public Transport Line: Burden and consequences upon the human operator.
The Job Stress Network Website: Center for Social Epidemiology (www.workhealth.org), 2000.
6. Belkić K, Schnall P, Occupational Cardiology: A Paradigm Shift for Clinical Practice. The Job Stress Network Website:
Center for Social Epidemiology (www.workhealth.org), 2000.
7. Belkić K, Schnall P, A Proposal for an Agenda for Occupational Cardiology: How do we move from epidemiological
evidence to prevention-oriented clinical practice? The Job Stress Network Website: Center for Social Epidemiology
(www.workhealth.org), 2000.
8. Belkić K, Schnall P, Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia and the workplace: Need for an occupational cardiologic
approach. The Job Stress Network Website: Center for Social Epidemiology (www.workhealth.org), 2000.
9. Belkić K, We will win the battle against stress-related illnesses. InPhase: Bridging the Gap between Academia and
Industry. 2005, Uppsala.
10. Belkić Dž, Belkić K, Challenges and Steps towards Early Detection of Ovarian Cancer.
Foundation, 2013 (www.rahfo.se/Nyheter/Aggstockscancer/)
Radiumhemmets Research
Karen Belkić List of Publications
11. Belkić Dž, Belkić K, Förekomst av äggstockscancer i de skandinaviska länderna är bland de högsta i världen.
(Challenges and Steps towards Early Detection of Ovarian Cancer) Gynsam (Magazine of the Swedish Gynaecological
Cancer Patients National Coalition, 13 (2014) 18-19.
Master of Science Thesis
Belkić K, Methodology for detecting individuals at high risk for developing the acquired cardiovascular disorders,
Belgrade University, Center for Multidisciplinary Studies, 1984.
PhD Thesis
Belkić K, Neural mechanisms and risk of sudden cardiac death: An epidemiologic approach, Belgrade University, Center
for Multidisciplinary Studies, 1989.