Combining Column Generation and Genetic Algorithms Geraldo Ribeiro Filho 1, Luiz Antonio Nogueira Lorena2 1 UMC/INPE - Av Francisco Rodrigues Filho, 399 08773-380 - Mogi das Cruzes – SP Brazil Phone: 55-11-4791-3743 2 LAC/INPE - Caixa Postal 515 12.201-970 São José dos Campos – SP Brazil Phone: 55-12-345-6553 Abstract. This work describes a combined use of a Constructive Genetic Algorithm (CGA) and the column generation process to approximately solve graph coloring problems. Column generation is a powerful tool for solving large scale linear programming problems. Problems may arise for which the columns are not known in advance and a complete enumeration is not an option. The proposed combined method is divided in two phases. The constructive phase builds an initial pool of columns using the CGA, each column representing an independent set of vertices. The second phase solves by column generation the set covering formulation of the graph coloring problem. The CGA is also used to determine incoming columns solving approximately weighted independent set problems. Computational experiments show the combined process applied to some graph coloring instances from the literature. 1 Introduction Column generation is a powerful tool for solving large scale linear programming problems. Problems may arise for which the columns are not known in advance and a complete enumeration of all columns is not an option, or the problem is rewritten using Dantzig-Wolfe decomposition (the columns correspond to all extreme points of a certain constraint set) [5]. Column generation is a natural choice in several applications, such as the well-known cutting-stock problem, vehicle routing and crew scheduling [2, 8, 9, 25]. Lorena and Furtado [20] recently proposed the Constructive Genetic Algorithm (CGA) approach. A typical CGA uses not only problem solutions (structures), but also solution parts, known as schemata. The constructive algorithm works with an initial population formed only by schemata, which evolves to a population of structures representing good solutions to the problem at issue. The CGA works with a dynamic population and uses heuristics on schema and structure representations [20]. It was successfully applied to timetabling [24], linear gate assignment in VLSI design [22], cellular manufacturing systems design [23] and location problems [1]. Let G = (V,E) be an undirected graph. A k-coloring of G is a partition of V into k subsets Ci, i = 1,…,k, such that no adjacent vertices belong to the same subset. The Graph-Coloring Problem is to find k-coloring of G with k as small as possible. This optimal value of k corresponds to the so called chromatic number of G. It is well known that this problem is NP-hard [13], and heuristics must be used for large graphs. Each vertex subset is an independent vertex set, and the coloring problem could be seen as a clustering problem to form independent vertex sets. Graph coloring is a very studied problem [7] and efficient algorithms have been developed. Applications appear in scheduling (like timetabling) [6, 19], frequency assignment [12] and register allocation [3]. The use of metaheuristics has produced the best results for a large class of graph instances. Johnson et al. [17] applied Simulated Annealing. Costa and Hertz [4] have applied Ant Colony. Friden et al. [11] and Hertz and de Werra [15] applied Tabu Search and Fleurent and Ferland [10] applied Hybrid Genetic Algorithm with aggressive local search. A column generation approach to graph coloring was early studied by Mehrotra and Trick [21] to provide lower bounds to the chromatic number. The column generation was embedded on a tree search and solves successfully small to moderate size problems. In this paper this approach is revisited. The tree search is not considered, but only the liner programming (LP) relaxation of a set covering formulation of the problem. This LP is solved by column generation combined with a CGA. The proposed combined method is divided in two phases. The constructive phase builds an initial pool of columns using the CGA. Each column forms an independent set of vertices. The second phase solves by column generation the set covering formulation. The CGA is also used to determine incoming columns solving approximately weighted independent set problems. Computational experiments show the combined process applied to some graph coloring instances from the literature. This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 reviews the Mehrotra and Trick’s approach to graph coloring. The CGA application to graph coloring is presented in the section 3, while section 4 details the combined use of CGA and column generation. Computational results are presented in the last section. 2 Mehrotra and Trick’s column generation for graph coloring The use of column generation for coloring problems was first proposed by Mehrotra and Trick [21]. In a classical fashion of column generation, the algorithm iterates between a column generation sub-problem and a restricted master problem. Solving the master problem yields a certain dual solution, which is used in the subproblem to determine whether there is any column that might be an incoming column. The master problem (MP) is Min ∑x j∈S j ∑a Subject to j∈S ij x j ≥ 1, i = 1,..., V , x j ∈ {0,1} . Where S = {S1 , S 2 ,..., S m } , S i ⊂ V , is the set of all maximal independent sets of G and [ aij ]nxm , is a matrix with aij = 1 if i ∈ S j , and aij = 0 otherwise. Initial pool of columns λi , i ∈V MPLP no WMIP New Columns? stop yes Fig. 1. The column generation process. The master problem MP is a set-covering problem with a large number of (generally) unknown columns that are generated when necessary. A linear programming relaxation of MP (called MPLP ) will be solved by column generation. An initial pool of columns must be given to form the initial MPLP , that is optimally solved and returns the dual variables λi , i ∈ V . New columns are elected to compose the MPLP if they return bounds larger than 1 on the following weighted maximum independent set problem (WMIP) Max ∑λ z i∈V i i Subject to zi + z j ≤ 1, ∀(i , j) ∈ E z i ∈ {0,1}, ∀i ∈ V . Problem MPLP is resolved and the process continues until no more incoming columns. Figure 1 resumes the column generation process. 3 The CGA application The CGA is applied to compose the initial pool of columns, to give an upper bound to the chromatic number and to approximately solve problem WMIP. The CGA application to graph coloring is resumed in the following (see [20] for a general view of the CGA and [24] for a recent CGA application to school timetabling). The representation of schemata and structures uses a string of |V| positions and three symbols (or labels). These symbols are: the “do not care” symbol (‘#’), indicating the vertices which are not assigned to any cluster; a symbol to indicate the vertex is a “seed” to form a cluster (‘1’); and a third symbol indicating the vertices assigned to some cluster (‘0’). The number of seed vertices is exactly the number of colors being used, or clusters being formed. The objective is to find clusters composed only by independent vertices. The vertex-to-cluster assignment uses an adaptation of a heuristic known as Recursive Large First (RLF) [19]. This can be better understood using an example. Suppose we are looking for a 3-coloring for the following graph with ten vertices (Figure 2): 2 10 3 1 8 9 4 7 5 6 Fig. 2. An example graph (RLF adapted). Consider the following sets: Ci = {vertices in the i-th cluster}, Ui = {vertices adjacent to any vertex in Ci}, Vsch = {schema vertices}, and Vi = Vsch – Ui. Let the n-th schema in the population be sn = (#,1,0,1,#,0,0,#,1,0), where: 1 = seed vertex, 0 = vertex to be assigned and # = vertex not to be considered. The initial configuration is then C1 = {2}; C2 = {4}; C3 = {9}; V1 = {3,6,10}; V2 = {6,10}; V3 = {3,6,7,10}; U1 = {7}; U2 = {3,7} and U3 = { }. Now, take the vertex v in Vi, i=1,2,3 with the largest degree in Ui, i=1,2,3 and assign v to Ci. Then, update the sets Ci, Vi, and Ui. The new configuration will be C1 = {2,10}; C2 = {4}; C3 = {9}; V1 = {3,6}; V2 = {6}; V3 = {3,6,7}; U1 = {7}; U2 = {3,7} and U3 = { }. The process continues until all Vi sets are empty. Considering a non-independent vertex pair inside a cluster as a conflict, at this point there are no conflicts inside the clusters or the last vertices remained in any Vi set were assigned to the clusters aiming the smallest possible number of conflicts. The final configuration is C1 = {2,3,10}; C2 = {4,6} and C3 = {7,9}. Let Χ be the set of all structures and schemata that can be generated by this 0-1-# string representation The initial population is created with |V| schemata randomly generated, with 20% of labels ‘0’, exactly k labels ‘1’ and the remaining labels ‘#’. The initial population size, and the number of labels ‘0’ are CGA parameters that can be adjusted. The evolution process is guided by a variable α ≥ 0 (also called time) and the expression g(s n ) - f(sn ) ≥ d.g max - α .d[gmax - g(s n)] (1) that represents a condition for elimination of a schema or structure sn from the current population. Where [(C k g (s n ) = ∑ p =1 ) ] − 1 . C np / 2 (total number of edges if np k complete graphs of sizes C np ) , f ( s n ) = g (s n ) − ∑ E (C np ) (number of edges actually linking vertices on the sets Cnp ), k is a pre-fixed k p =1 number of colors, Cnp is the set of vertices receiving the color p on schema sn (the notation C np is the number of vertices in set Cnp ), and E (Cnp ) is the set of edges with both terminal vertices in Cnp . The ( ) expression C np − 1 . C np / 2 gives the number of edges of a complete graph with C np vertices. Two ( V / k − 1)⋅ V / k parameters are given a priori: the upper bound for coloring problems g max = mult ⋅ k ⋅ 2 , and real number 0 < d ≤ 1. To obtain gmax, first is considered to divide the number of vertices |V| in k sets with approximately the same number of elements ( the expression V / k gives the large integer smaller than |V| / k ), then the same procedure used for g(sn) is applied, where the positive integer mult is considered to certify that gmax > Max g ( s n ) . The factor mult is empirically determined and instance dependent. sn ∈X The parameter α starts from zero and is increased in small time intervals which amount is also empirically determined and instance dependent. According to expression (1), schemata or structures with small gaps [g(sn ) - f(sn )] and/or higher g(sn) values, are conserved for long time in population and have more chance participate of the recombination and mutation process. When f(sn) = g(sn) the k sets Cnp are independent sets. The recombination process is applied at each time interval (a value of α). The population is kept in a nondecreasing order, according to the following key: ∆ ( sn ) = (1 + d n ) / ( V − n# ) , where dn = [g ( sn ) − f ( sn ) ] / g ( sn ) , n# is the number of labels ‘#’ in sn. Schemata with small n# and/or presenting small dn are considered better and appear in first order positions. The method used for selection takes a first schema from the |V| first positions in the population (base schema) and a second schema from the whole population (guide schema). Before recombination, the first schema is complemented to generate a structure representing a feasible solution, i.e., all labels ‘#’ are replaced by ‘0’. This structure suffers mutation and is compared to the best solution found so far (which is kept throughout the process). The recombination merges information from both selected schemata, but preserves the number of labels ‘1’ (number of colors) in the new generated schema or structure. The recombination is best described as (to be executed in this order): Recombination if sbase(j) = sguide (j) then snew(j) ← sbase(j) if sguide (j)=# then snew(j) ← sbase(j) if sbase(j) = # or 0 and sguide (j)=1 then snew(j) ← 1 and snew(i) ← 0 for some snew(i)=1 if sbase(j) = 1 and sguide (j)=0 then snew(j) ← 0 and snew(i) ← 1 for some snew(i)=0 At each generation, V | | new individuals are created by recombination. If a new individual does not represent a feasible solution (is a schema), it is inserted into the population; otherwise it suffers mutation and is compared to the best solution found so far. The population interval from which the base schema is take and the number of new individuals generated are parameters of the CGA and can be adjusted. For an original cluster configuration, the mutation process can be described as: 1) For each cluster, move the seed to the vertex with the largest degree in the cluster, re-assign all vertices using the RLF approach and count the conflicts, save the best move found for all clusters; 2) If the best cluster configuration found in step 1 is better (less conflicts) than the original, replace the original by this new one and return to step 1, otherwise stop. 4 Combing the CGA and column generation The CGA resumed above is applied in two phases of the column generation process. First to define an initial pool of columns, and then to approximately solve the problem WMIP. Initially, it is set a number of colors, and if the CGA find this specified coloring, this number is reduced, until no more improvement is found. A number of independent sets found during the last CGA application are stored to compose the first pool of columns. The optimal solution of MPLP may give a lower bound for the chromatic number, and the dual variables are saved to be used on the problem WMIP. In the sequence, the same CGA is used to approximately solve WMIP, setting the last used number of colors minus one, and storing the independent sets found. The new independent sets with bounds greater than one on the problem WMIP are appended to the previous pool of columns and the MPLP is resolved. The process continues until no more columns are found to be added to the MPLP . A lower bound for the chromatic number is obtained at each iteration applying the Farley´s bound [9], given by v( MPLP ) / v(WMIP) , where v(.) is the optimal solution of the corresponding problem. These values change at each process iteration. 5 Computational tests Computational tests were made with several instances taken from different groups found in the literature: “book” graphs, “games” graphs, “miles” graphs, “register” graphs, “Mycielski” graphs and “Queen” graphs [21]. The table 1 bellow gives initial computational results. The table contains the number of instances, average numbers of vertices and edges, conflicts remaining after the CGA application for each instance group and computer times for a C language code running on a Pentium II - 266 MHz machine. All the experiments were made with three runs for each instance, and all of them for the known optimal number of colors (chromatic number). Table 1. CGA computational results Group Instances Vertices Edges CGA Times (s) Books 4 94.7 363.5 0 1.9 Games 1 120 638 0 3.0 Miles 3 128 1223.3 0 17.4 Register 4 204.8 3848.6 0 508.9 Mycielski 3 111 1117 0 3.3 Queen 5 51 753.2 0.5 1021.5 The quality of the results can be easily seen, especially for the queen graphs, considered harder to solve. The problem called Queen99 was the only one for which the chromatic number was not reached by the CGA. Laguna and Martí [18] reported computational results for the same instances (excluding the Queen class) applying a GRASP algorithm, and compare the results with other known heuristics. Table 2 shows the comparison made and includes an extra column referring to the CGA application to the same instances. The instances “book”, “games” and “miles” are grouped and named as SGB, and a larger number of instances are investigated. Columns show the number of instances, average numbers of vertices and edges, the average chromatic numbers, and the averaged minimum number of colors resulted after the application of CGA and the following heuristics: GRASP [18]; TABUCOL [15] and Simulated Annealing (SA) [17]. Times are not reported as the computational tests were performed on distinct machines. The CGA reproduced all the GRASP best results and can be conjectured as an efficient heuristic. Table 2. CGA comparison with other heuristics Group Instances Vertices Edges Colors TABUCOL SA GRASP CGA Mycielski 5 73.4 688.4 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 Register 14 362.1 7608.1 37.4 57.1 40.1 37.4 37.4 SGB 10 113.9 2835.2 22.6 24.1 26.0 22.7 22.7 Finally we have proceed the tests with the column generation approach on the Queen99 instance. Table 3 shows the results. Table 3. Column generation process for Queen99 Iteration Number of colors Best CGA number MPLP bound Farley´s bound Time(sec.) of conflicts 0 10 2 9.226 8.359 295 1 9 10 9.059 8.155 283 2 8 25 9.007 8.542 246 3 7 47 9.000 - 177 4 6 75 - - 121 The times in table 3 correspond to the CGA application. The CPLEX 6.5 software package [16] used to solve the MPLP problem was very fast, and their times are not reported. The best solution found by the CGA was 11 colors. Considering the best MPLP and Farley´s bounds, it can be conjectured that the smallest number of colors for Queen99 is 9, 10 or 11 (actually the number is 10). As the number of colors decreases, the number of conflicts in CGA solutions increases, but the new columns improve the MPLP bounds. The Farley´s bound have an oscillating behavior due to the fact that the problem WMIP was not exactly solved. We have used a SUN-ULTRA30 and the CGA main parameters was iteration limit =20, α increase interval = 0.01, d = 0.15 and mult = 2.0. 6 Conclusion The graph-coloring problem is an important classical and very studied problem. This paper described the combined use of the Constructive Genetic Algorithm (CGA) as an auxiliary tool for the column generation process. The initial pool of columns and the extra columns generated using the CGA is an original contribution. The process gives upper and lower bounds for the chromatic number, that can be useful on tree search algorithms. The CGA approach considers the coloring problem as a clustering problem, introducing some new aspects, such as the direct evaluation of schemata and the use of a known graph coloring heuristic as a part of the representation. 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