St Madeleine’s School Newsletter Term 2 Week 8 Thursday 20th June 2013 Dear Parents, I hope many families are able to attend our BUDDY MASS on Saturday evening at 6pm. This is our wonderful opportunity to celebrate Mass with the St Madeleine’s Parish community. We will be singing, reading and praying together. We have so much to be thankful for living here at Kenthurst and being part of such a supportive community. Our Year 6 Buddies really take their responsibility of being a good role model, to their Kinder Buddy, very seriously. It will be good to connect our Buddy families at this Mass! This year we have begun using a new booking system for our Parent Teacher Interviews. It certainly is a more straightforward process and I welcome your feedback for ways to improve this system. Our interviews will be continuing right throughout next week. These meetings are your opportunity to learn about your child’s progress. It is also an opportunity for our teachers to learn more about your child. Please don’t miss this important chance to connect with your child’s class teacher. Next week we have so many exciting activities and I feel it is a fitting way to conclude Term 2 ready for our winter holiday. On Monday we have “The Power of One” ~ Anti-Bullying Show for all grades. On Tuesday we have an incursion from Taronga Zoo ~ Animals of the Dreaming for all grades. On Wednesday we have our visit from Channel 10 for Kinder throughout the day and then Tim Bailey will be broadcasting the weather from St Madeleine’s at 5pm. On Thursday we have our Crazy Hat Gold Coin Day for Westmead Children’s Hospital AND St Mad’s Got Talent Show! Staff have an important day planned on Friday looking at the sacrament of Reconciliation. We have so much to celebrate and be thankful for! Have a wonderful week! Jeanette Black Principal REMINDER PARENT TEACHER INTERVIEWS Please visit the website and put your school event code CNBNB and follow the steps to book your parent teacher interview by Saturday. NOTES SENT HOME THIS WEEK… 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Year 4 dinner Kenthurst Netball K—3 Year 6 & Kindergarten Buddy Mass Year 1 Parent Interview reminder St Mad’s Got Talent Note Staff News Mrs Coppini will be taking Long Service Leave next week. Mrs Sanders will be replacing Sally next week and working closely with Mrs Willard delivering the Year 6 program. We wish Sally and her family a most enjoyable time together and look forward to her return next term. Jeanette Black DATES TO REMEMBER STAFF DEVELOPMENT DAY (STUDENT FREE DAY) FRIDAY 28th JUNE 2013 STUDENTS RETURN TERM 3 TUESDAY 16th JULY 2013 28 Annangrove Road, Kenthurst 2156 Phone: 9654 6751 Fax: 9654 6799 Email: Website: Love Learning Page 2 Athletics Carnival WhatabeautifuldayitwaslastFridayforourannualAthleticsCarnival.Thankyoutoeveryoneforhavingsuch apositiveattitudeandgreatenergy.Congratulationstothefollowingstudentswhosetnewrecords. 100m JamiePeacock(8Years)AngusBugden(9Years)JulianHenao(Senior) ShotPut EllaTavner(9Years) Discus JamiePeacock(8Years)EllaTavner(9Years),SamSummerhays(11Years) EllaCovington(11Years)EmmaBourne(Seniors) LongJump KaylaGioiello(8Years)JulianHenao(Senior)Equalledtherecord Congratulations to the following Age Champions: Runner – Up Champion LukeBrown JasmineKenna 8Years 9Years XavierTsagaris OliviaWest 10Years ThomasWhiffen DanikaSupple 11Years BenDalton AbbeyBernardello 12Years LachlanPearson LeahTallon Congratulations to the following Overall Champions Age Champion JamiePeacock KaylaGisela AngusBugden EllaTavner ElijahSarkis RebeccaBonnici ChristianEllis EllaCovington AlexStubing EmmaBourne Runner – Up Champion Age Champion ElijahSarkis JamiePeacock&AngusBugden JuniorBoys JuniorGirls RebeccaBonnici KaylaGioiello SeniorBoys BenDalton AlexStubing&ChristianEllis SeniorGirls EmmaBourne EllaCovington CongratulationstotheZoneTeamthatwillberepresentingStMadeleine’snextterm.Theteamislistedonthe sportsboardoutside6CS.PleasebringinyournotesASAP. Thankyoutoalltheparentswhogaveuptheirtimetobeanof<icialontheday.Withoutyouacarnivallikethis wouldnotbepossible. ThankyoutoLibbyMcGawandCatherineCroeseandtheirteamforoperatingthecanteen.Thankyoualsoto MichelleBugdenandherteamofhelpersforprovidingascrumptiousmorningteaforalltheworkers.Thank youAnnaD’Ambrosforcoordinatingthesausagesizzle.Ourstomachswerewellfedthroughouttheday! ThankyoutoalltheMarianstudentswhohelpedoutonthedaymeasuring,organisingballgamesand recordingforus.WeappreciatetheconstantsupportshownbyMarianCollege. AnystudentswhodoLittleAthleticsandwouldliketoapplytoparticipateinHighJumpattheParramatta DiocesanCarnivalpleasebringinyourLittleAthleticsbooksoIcanverifyhowhighyoucanjumpandforward yourapplicationon. Tracy Holm Love Learning Page 3 HEARTFELT THANKS Dear Parents & Teachers & Students, Myself and Natasha would like to extend our gratitude and appreciation to the St Madeleine’s community for the love, support and prayers we have received whilst our daughter Elizabeth (KF) has been undergoing her treatment for cancer. This week Elizabeth has completed her end of therapy scans and the results have been fantastic, with no spread of disease and the tumour now inactive. We share this news as we have received so many messages of support and feel that the entire community has shared our journey. We have been totally overwhelmed by the level support and continuous enquiry we have received whilst she has been undergoing her treatment. The Teachers, Parents from all grades and the Students, no matter what your contribution, you have all made this terrible journey we have travelled in some way a little easier knowing we have so much support. We will be forever grateful to you all. St Madeleine’s is a special place. Elizabeth will continue to suffer from low immunity for some time making her high risk to chickenpox, measles and other diseases. We would appreciate your ongoing support in helping us manage this risk as best we can. Elizabeth is now very much looking forward to being at school with her friends, returning to play soccer, going swimming at the beach and not wearing any more hats !! Warmest Regards, Michael & Natasha Doughty Date:Wednesday3rdJuly,2013rom9.30to12pm Where:StMadeleine’snetballcourt For:KindytoYear3 Year6playersbringalongyourbuddyandtheir friends. Playlotsoffungamesandimproveyournetball skillsatthesametime! Watchtheoldergirlsplayademo game. RSVP:KimParslow0418220963or Date:Wednesday10thJuly,2013from9.30to12pm Where:StMadeleine’snetballcourt For:Girlsturning10,11or12thisyearwhoalready playnetballandwanttoimprovetheirskills. RSVP:NoelaTaylor0402786354or Love Learning Page 4 PRINCIPAL’S MORNING TEA Social Skills/Values Sienna Scahill Alessio Colasuonno KF Family Mass 6pm Sat 22nd June Mikayla Muscat Riley Cheers KS Raffle Tickets due back Mon 24th June Cooper Hili Lily Papallo 1H Ryan Niezabitowski Sarah Gatt 1F Winter Ball RSVP Tues 25th June Charlotte Tasses Jack Kenchington 2M Parent Teacher Interviews Week Beginning Mon 24th—Fri 28th June Jonah Liddle Laura Poehlsen 2GL St Mad’s Got Talent Show Thurs 27th June Kaitlyn Murdocca Cooper Angles-Corke 3PL Domenico Sorbello Jessica Raheb 3A Term 2 Finishes for Students Crazy Hat (Gold Coin) Thurs 27th June Neana Bonaccordo Christian Hatcher 4M Year 4 Bel Fiore 7pm Thurs 27th June Natalie Zeaiter Timothy Devane 4SV Jessica Murdocca Ben Dalton 5HK Isabella Follows Jarrod Burford 5LS Luke Sherry Ally Gobbe 6CB Giverny Epthorp Connor Bishop 6W Staff Development Day Pupil Free Day Term 3 Staff Development Day Pupil Free Day Fri 28th June Mon 15th July Term 3 Students Return Tues 16th July Book Fair Mon22nd June— Wed 31st July The library has readers that need to be covered and any help would be greatly appreciated. Just see library staff. Grandbook Day Thurs 25th July Winter Ball 6pm RSVP 25th June Sat 27th July Wishing you all a happy holiday. Regards Library staff St Madeleine’s Parish Gala Day Sun 11th Aug P&F General Meeting 7.30pm Mon 12th Aug Assumption Thursday 9.15am Mass Thurs 15th Aug Father’s Day Stall Thurs 29th Aug Father’s Day BBQ 1pm & Liturgy 2pm Fri 30th Aug Father’s Day Sun 1st Sept Term 3 Finishes Fri 20th Sept Term 4 Begins Tues 8th Oct Dear Parents, Dear Parents HELP!!! Kiss and Drop Roster is in need of ONE parent for Monday and ONE parent Tuesday - only once every 3 weeks is all that is needed – if this is you then PLEASE let me know either via email ( or leave a message on my home number (9653 3525). Many thanks Annette Schweikert Thank you An enormous thank you to all of the wonderful Year 3 parents who kindly donated, baked and helped prepare an amazing Morning Tea for the teachers and helpers at the Athlecs Carnival. We were overwhelmed with the number of kind and delicious contribuons!!! THANK YOU !! AMY, DANIELLE & ERIN Congratulations Jasmine Bereyne in 4SV was recently crowned National Classical Junior Champion at Jupiter's Casino Gold Coast. Jasmine also competed with two junior troupes who won both the National Junior Jazz Championships & National Junior Ballet Championships. Page 5 Love Learning Anti-Racism In line with our Mission Statement, racism is inconsistent with the ethos of St Madeleine’s School. In the school situation, respect, tolerance and acceptance are essential qualities that are fostered in our students. The successful integration into society of people from diverse backgrounds and beliefs can be facilitated if schools engage in suitable educational and awareness raising activities. It is the duty of all members of the school community to ensure that all forms of racism are non- existent at St Madeleine’s School. Through our Religious Education Program we educate our students to be loving and accepting people, using Jesus as our role model. Grease the musical is back! Danielle Lawson (mum to Zoe in yr3 & Alexander in Kindy), on behalf of the P&F, has secured 50 A Reserve tickets at a great price, just $59.90 each. This includes an additional $10 which will go towards purchasing educational resources for our children. These tickets are normally priced at $99.90 & upwards, so this is a fantastic deal. WHEN: Thursday 24th October, 8pm WHERE: The Lyric Theatre, Pyrmont COST: $59.90 each PAYMENT DUE: 8th August Cheques to be made out to P&F Committee CONTACT: Danielle Lawson 0400413522 CURRICULUM CORNER Week 8 Helping Create the School-Parent Reading Partnership Read with a child. It’s the most important 20 minutes of your day. Building Skills Read to Build Vocabulary One of the most important factors in your child’s ability to understand what he or she reads is whether he or she knows the meaning of each word. When you read aloud, you can read books that are more difficult t6han what the child could read on his or her own, and it gives you the opportunity to build the child’s vocabulary as a part of the reading time together. The wonderful words found in children’s books are often words that we don’t use in every day conversations. Talk about the words and how they could be used in other situations. Make a game of trying to use the words. A large vocabulary will really improve your child’s comprehension as he or she reads more complicated books. YEAR 4 MUM’S DINNER When – Thursday 27th June Time – 7pm Where – Bel Fiore Village Green Shop 3 Kenthurst Rd Round Corner BYO RSVP – Virginia Cox/Barker by Tuesday 25th June text – 0419487858 National Solar Schools Program The National Solar Schools Program provided funding to primary and secondary schools to install solar and other renewable power systems, rainwater tanks and a range of energy efficiency measures. Our school received $55,000. Through this funding, we have received a range of benefits including: improving our energy efficiency, educating students about renewable energy through using real data from our solar power system, reducing our electricity costs etc. Videos that showcase environmental activities being undertaken in solar schools across Australia are available online at: The Australian Government’s Living Greener website also provides some great tips for households to reduce their energy consumption. For further information go to: Love Learning Page 6 KISS & DROP ROSTER Term 2 Week 9 2013 MON Danielle Lawson Annette Schweikert 24/6 TUES Teresa Sakkal 25/6 Cindy Quirk WED Lorine Niezabitowski Nicole Smith 26/6 THUR Rena Habkouk ST MADELINE’S P&F UNIFORM SHOP ROSTER & NEWS Angelique Easton OPENS Tuesdays 8.30am—10.30am. Email: Roster: Tues 25th June Annette Schweikert CANTEEN ROSTER Term 2 Week 9 2013 27/6 FRI Tory Papallo TIME 9am—12pm 12pm—3pm MON 24/6 Anita Hili Tamela Biasi Anita Hili Aurelia Harmer WED Danielle Swain Reema Harb Maria Scott 28/6 St Madeleine’s Value Awards Term 2 Week 8 26/6 FRI 28/6 Lorine Niezabitowski Angela Henao Joanna Bishop Tanya Eberand Maree McNeil Lorine Niezabitowski Joanna Bishop KF Luke Panetta KS Charlotte Hickman 1H Evan Ilijanic UREGENT HELP NEEDED FOR CANTEEN 1F Tara Bishop The Canteen are in need of Canteen helpers for Monday, Wednesday or Friday. Please contact Libby McGaw on 0400 461 413 or Catherine Croese 0403 194 124 2GL Shaun Carey 2M Samantha Makhraz 3A Benjamin Follows Thank you 3PL Madeleine Edwards 4SV Ella Wilson 4M Sophie Hill St Madeleine’s Achievement Award Term 2 Week 8 5HK Ben Dalton & Jaydon Touma 5LS Andrew Tindale KF Sienna Angles-Corke 6CB Joseph Cosentino KS Riley Cheers 1H Alija Barker & Darcy Swain 1F Samuel Sukkar Assembly Star Awards 2GL Ethan Papageorgiou Congratulations 2M Jack Manassen & Samantha Makhraz 3A Harrison Mair 3PL Jamie Donovan & Isabella Jones-Gentle 4SV Natalie Zeaiter 4M Rebecca Bonnici & Brielle Manfre 5HK Christopher Craig & Alyshia Angioni 5LS Amanda Filippazzo & Christian Ellis 6CB Luke Abdilla & Isabelle Maait 6W Alannah Tuttle & Laura Morato 6W Jonathon Sarkis Red House: Kaitlin Murdocca, Anton Ilijanic, Jessica Murdocca Green House: Abbey Bernardello, Dean Whittaker Gold House: Ryan Scott, Eleanor Nassif Blue House: Paige Bracken Love Learning Page 7 St Madeleine’s Student Representative Council Presents “St Mad’s Got Talent! “ The excitement is building at St Madeleine’s as we prepare for our annual talent quest. It is being held next Thursday 27th June in the PMPA. The entertainment begins at 9:45am as we showcase the first 8 acts. There will be an interval at recess and refreshments will be available in the library for parents and friends. The show will then continue in the PMPA with our final 8 acts and announcements of our winners! We are looking forward to a great morning of entertainment! St Madeleine’s SRC Understanding Family Law PARENTS AND FRIENDS NEWS Each year CatholicCare Solo Parent Ministry offers a Seminar to assist those who have to deal with the Family Law System following separation or divorce. Information will include: How the Family Law Works, How the Court determines what is in the best interests of the child and the child’s needs, safety and rights. Guest Speaker: Ms Bernadette Devine, (Family Law Courts Family Consultant) Venue: CCSS Centre, 51-58 Allawah St, Blacktown. Date/Time: 17th July, 7.30pm. Further details and registration: or Ph. 99330205 On Monday night we had our general P&F Meeting – thank you to the parents who braved the cold and gave up the Finals of The Voice to come and share information. We discussed many topics and overall it was a very positive and enlightening meeting. Hand,FootandMouthDisease We have had a few recent cases of Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease which is a common viral infection and is easily passed from person to person. It usually causes a mild illness. Good hygiene helps prevent infection. Children should stay at home until all blisters have healed. • Enteroviruses such as coxsackieviruses may cause no symptoms at all or only very mild symptoms. • When symptoms do occur, they include blisters that start as small red dots which later become ulcers. Blisters appear inside the cheeks, gums, and on the sides of the tongue, as well as on the hands and feet. In infants, sometimes blisters can be seen in the nappy area. Blisters usually last for seven to 10 days. • Children can sometimes have a low fever, irritability, sore throat, tiredness, feel off colour and may be off their food for a day or two. • Very rarely, the enteroviruses can infect the lining of the brain and spinal cord (known as viral meningitis) or other parts of the body. REMINDER!!! Our Dinner Dance Committee are working tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure we have an absolutely FANTASTIC night on 27th July so if you haven’t sent through your payment make sure you please do this before the holidays. Our next meeting is planned for Monday 9 August and we would love to see as many parents as possible come along – more about that interesting evening will be shared after the holidays. Annette Schweikert P&F President STEPPING BEYOND: SUPPORT FOR THOSE SEPARATED OR DIVORCED On the last Tuesday of each month CatholicCare Solo Parent Ministry invites those who have been separated or divorced to an evening for sharing and support. The emphasis is on personal development, growth and goals for a hope-filled future. Shared personal experiences are prompted by the questions: “How well are you stepping beyond? What do you want to step beyond? What are you currently stepping beyond? What is stopping you from stepping beyond? What have you learned as you keep stepping beyond?” Venue: CCSS centre 51-59 Allawah St, Blacktown. Time: 7.30 – 9.30. Cost: $5.00. Registration: or Ph. 99330205.