КОНДЕНСИРОВАННЫЕ СРЕДЫ И МЕЖФАЗНЫЕ ГРАНИЦЫ, Том 14, № 2, С. 267—271 ABSTRACTS LUMINESCENCE OF TITANIUM DIOXIDE THIN FILMS V. M. Ievlev1,3, S. B. Kushev2, A. N. Latyshev1, O. V. Ovchinnikov1, L. Yu. Leonova1, M. S. Smirnov1, A. A. Sinelnikov1, A. M. Vozgorkov2, M. A. Ivkova1 1 Voronezh State University, Universitetskaya pl. 1, 394006 Voronezh, Russia Voronezh State Technical University, Moskovsky pr. 14, 394026 Voronezh, Russia 3 A. A. Baikov Institute Metallurgy and Materials Science, RAN Leninsky pr. 49, 119991 Moscow, Russia Abstract. The relationship of luminescent properties of thin films based on TiO2 rutile modification of their structure, determined by the synthesis conditions (thermal annealing and pulse photon treatment) has been investigated. Correlation between the intensity of the observed photoluminescence and change the size of grains and subgrains of nanocrystalline to submicrocrystalline it was installed. Effect of alloying elements (N and Ni) on the intensity of the luminescence band with maximum at 825 nm was detected. Keywords: titanium dioxide, rutile, thin films, substructure, photoluminescence, thermal annealing, pulse photon treatment. 2 INFLUENCE OF HYDROPHOBICITY AND REACTIVITY OF SURFACE- NANOSTRUCTURIZED FILLING METALS ON TRIBOLOGY CHARACTIRISTICS OF LUBRICANT A. G. Syrkov, V. V. Taraban, E. A. Nazarova St-Petersburg State Mining University, V. O., 21 line, 199106 St-Petersburg, Russia Abstract. The expediency of introducing the concept of “surface — nanostructured metals” was justified. The possibilities of adsorption modification of the surface of metal powders in vapors of quaternary ammonium compounds for regulation of the tribochemical properties of metals and lubricants containing these metals as additives was analyzed. The general trend is that in order to achieve a minimal index of friction D of tribological pair with a lubricant a combination of good properties of additive is necessary. One is good water-repellent, another is low reactivity of the surface of metallic additives. Keywords: adsorption modification, metal powders, nanostructured metallic composites, friction, adhesion, lubricant. SPIN EFFECTS IN THE SCATTERING BY AN AXIAL-SYMMETRIC POTENTIAL IN THE PRESENCE OF MAGNETIC FIELD I. S. Barbarov1, P. A. Meleshenko1, A. F. Klinskikh2 1 Voronezh K. D. Glinka State Agricultural University, Michurina st. 1, 394087 Voronezh, Russia 2 Voronezh State University, Universitetskaya pl. 1, 394006 Voronezh, Russia Abstract. This paper presents an elementary model of a two-dimensional relativistic scattering of a spin-1/2 fermion in an axial-symmetric potential in the presence of magnetic field. An exact solution of the two-dimensional Dirac equation in the continuum is found. An explicit expression for the scattering amplitude is obtained. The last one can be written as a sum of two terms. One of them is the amplitude of the Aharonov — Bohm effect, and the second corresponds to the scattered cylindrical wave. In these expressions the dependence on the spin of the incoming particle can be distinguish explicitly. The numerical simulation of the differential scattering cross section, depending on various system parameters is performed. On the basis of the results the necessary conditions for the existence of spin effects are formulated. Keywords: Dirac equation, Aharonov — Bohm effect, spin transport. ACOUSTOELECTRIC EFFECT IN FRESH-WATER ICE G. S. Bordonskiy, S. V. Tsyrenzhapov, Yr. V. Harin Institute of Natural Resources, Ecology and Criology the SB RAS, 16 Nedorezova str., 672014 Chita, Russia Abstract. The measurements of electromotive force (EMF), arising in ice structures under mechanical pressure are carried out. Occurrence of the periodic EMF in fresh monolithic ice is revealed. Experimental data allow to assume that electric self-oscillations are connected with acoustoelectric effect. It arises at plastic deformation of ice crystals at their flowing on basic planes. Keywords: ice, acoustoelectric effect, plastic deformation, self-oscillations. КОНДЕНСИРОВАННЫЕ СРЕДЫ И МЕЖФАЗНЫЕ ГРАНИЦЫ, Том 14, № 2, 2012 267 ABSTRACTS PHYSICOMECHANICAL AND ENRGETICHESKY CHARACTERISTICS OF COMPOSITION MATERIAL S. S. Glazkov, E. V. Snycheva, U. S. Al’binskaja, O. B.Rudakov Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, 20-letia Оktiabrya st. 84, 394006 Voronezh, Russia Abstract Results of researches of free superficial energy and its three components — unpolar, acid and the basic for wood and modifiers of the various nature and structure are resulted. Definition of the specified parameters is spent by a method of test liquids. Sequences of change of polarity and parity between acid and the basic componential in the investigated number of tree species and modifiers which will be coordinated with structural and functional features of materials are established. Keywords: contact surface, components of free superficial energy, the acid-base theory, regional corner of wetting. KINETICS OF NICKEL ELECTRODEPOSITION FROM ASPARAGINATE AND SUCCINATE ELECTROLYTES O. V. Dolgikh, N. V. Sotskaya, L. V. Sapronova Voronezh State University, Universitetskaya pl. 1, 394006 Voronezh, Russia Abstract. Kinetics of nickel electrodeposition from asparaginate and succinate electrolytes is studied. It is shown, that irrespective of the ligand nature the process occurs irreversibly under mixed kinetics conditions with dominant control by charge transfer and is complicated by adsorption. All the complexes present in the baths are electroactive and reduced simultaneously. Nature of organic acid generally affects the process rate and its kinetic characteristics. Namely, the more stable complexes are formed, the larger charge transfer coefficient and the less charge transfer rate constant. In succinate electrolytes hydrogen evolution reaction strongly contributes to the total current. Keywords: nickel, electrodeposition, kinetics, complexes, asparaginic acid, succinic acid. THERMAL ACTIVATION CURRENTS OF NANOCRYSTALLINE CALCIUM HYDROXYAPATITE CA10(PO4)6(OH)2 N. A. Zakharov1, V. A. Klyuev2, M. Yu. Sentsov1, Yu. P. Toporov2 1 Kurnakov Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry RAS, Leninskii pr. 31, 119991 Moscow, Russia A. N. Frumkin Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry RAS, Leninskii pr. 31, 119071 Moscow, Russia Abstract. Nanocrystalline stoichiometric calcium hydroxyapatite Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2 (NC HA), which is an analogue of the bone tissue inorganic component, was synthesized in biomimetic conditions. Identification of synthesized products was carried out using methods of physico-chemical analysis (XRD��������������������������������������������������������� analysis, FTIR spectroscopy, TGA, scanning and transmission electron microscopy and electron diffraction method). Temperature dependence of NC HA thermostimulated currents (TSC) was investigated in the temperature range 300—600 K. Influence of HA dispersion degree on TSC was analyzed. Keywords: calcium hydroxyapatite; nanocrystals; thermoactivation currents. 2 KINETICS OF HETEROGENEOUS NUCLEATION OF PALLADIUM AT ANODIC SELECTIVE DISSOLUTION OF Ag, Pd-ALLOYS O. A. Kozaderov, A. V. Dorokhov, A. V. Vvedenskii Voronezh State University, University sq. 1, 394006 Voronezh, Russia Abstract. The conditions of truly selective dissolution of Ag,Pd-alloys in acidic environment (range of potentials, composition of an alloy and electrolyte solution) are experimentally established using the non-stationary electrochemical methods. Critical parameters (potential and charge) of the morphological development of an electrode surface during the anodic oxidation of these alloys are found with use of scanning probe microscopy. The nature and kinetic parameters of the heterogeneous nucleation step during phase transition of palladium in the surface layer of Ag4Pd and Ag8Pd alloys at over-critical anodic potentials are identified. Keywords: alloy, silver, palladium, selective anodic dissolution, phase transition, heterogeneous nucleation, kinetics LIMITING FACTORS IN OBTAINING WATER DISPERSION OF CARBON TECHNOLOGY V. I. Korchagin1, A. V. Protasov1, I. V. Ostankova2, V. N. Verezhnikov2 1 Voronezh State University Engineering Technology, Revolution av. 19, 394017 Voronezh, Russia 2 Voronezh State University, University sq. 1, 394006 Voronezh, Russia Abstrtact. The use of the stabilizer on the basis disproportsionirovannoy rosin and tall oil with the cavitation process in the field of ultrasound power density 75—100 W/dm3 provides an aqueous dispersion of carbon black channel type with 268 КОНДЕНСИРОВАННЫЕ СРЕДЫ И МЕЖФАЗНЫЕ ГРАНИЦЫ, Том 14, № 2, 2012 ABSTRACTS a minimum of the average particle size of — 78 nm. It is shown that the ability of carbon Sorbent tube type furnace under similar above structural characteristics. Prediction of the adsorption characteristics of carbon black grades P324 and K354 of the stabilizer is achieved using the empirical relationship with correlation coefficients in the range 0.97—0.98 with a relative error 0.008—0.0009 %. Keywords: dispersion, adsorption, and carbon black. ABOUT KINETIC FACTORS OF REVERSE OSMOSIS DIVISION WATER ANILINE OF CONTAINING SOLUTIONS K. S. Lazarev, A. A. Arzamastsev, S. V. Kovalev, O. A. Abonosimov Tambov State Technical University, Soviet st. 106, 392000 Tambov, Russia Abstract. Influence of the dissolved inorganic substances on factors of hydrodynamic permeability and detention a reverse osmosis of division, water aniline a containing solutions is investigated. Dependences of factors of detention and hydrodynamic permeability a reverse osmosis of membranes МGA-100 and OPM-K from concentration of inorganic substances in water aniline a containing solution are resulted. The increase in factor of detention on aniline on both types of membranes with presence of sulfuric or hydrochloric acids at solutions is established. Keywords: detention factor, a membrane, aniline containing solutions. THE EFFECT OF ATOMIC HYDROGEN ON KINETICS OF ACTIVE IRON DISSOLUTION. I. CALCULATION OF THE HYDROGEN SURFACE COVERAGE AND HYDROGEN CONCENTRATION IN SURFACE LAYER OF METAL A. I. Marshakov, A. A. Rybkina, T. A. Nenasheva, M.A.Maleeva Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry RAS, Leninsky pr. 31, Moscow, 199071 Russia Abstract. A description of the methods for calculating the hydrogen surface coverage of iron and hydrogen concentration in the metal phase has been presented: 1) at a constant potential, 2) at the cycling stepwise variation of potential, 3) on the hydrogen charged electrode-membrane. The values of the rate constants of the main stages of hydrogen ions discharge and hydrogen permeation into iron in the sulfate and chloride electrolytes were calculated. Keywords: iron dissolution, hydrogen, absorption, adsorption. THE EFFECT OF TEMPERATURE AND HYDRODYNAMIC CONDITIONS ON ALUMINUM LOCAL ACTIVATION IN NACL SOLUTIONS T. A. Minakova, S. A. Kaluzhina Voronezh State University, University sq. 1, 394006 Voronezh, Russia Abstract. With using of a complex of the physic-chemical methods it was investigated the nature of aluminum destruction in Cl-containing media at different hydrodynamic and thermal conditions. It was shown the aluminum local destructions were observed in studied NaCl solutions. However nature of observed pittings, which formed on a metal surface, and anodic oxidation products essentially differed depending on temperature and hydrodynamic factors. Keywords: aluminum, local activation, sodium chloride, temperature, hydrodynamic conditions. STUDY ON SURFACE CHEMISTRY OF HYPERCROSSLINKED POLYSTERENES BY GAS CHROMATOGRAPHIC AND MASS-SPECTROMETRIC METHODS N. P. Platonova1, A. K. Buryak1, A. V. Ulyanov1, V. M. Sharapov1, Z. K. Blinnikova2 1 Frumkin-Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry RAS, Leninsky pr. 31, Moscow, 199071 Russia 2 Nesmeyanov-Institute of Organ-Element Compounds RAS, Vavilova st. 28, Moscow, 199071 Russia Abstract. The hypercrosslinked polystyrene sorbents were studied by the means of gas chromatography and thermоdesorbtion mass-spectrometry. It was found that at so high extent of coactivity the polymers are stable on heating till 600 K The main products of polymer destruction at higher temperatures are HCl, benzene, toluene, xylene and polymethyl substituted benzene. Oxygen-containing products were not found. The adsorbtion heats of sorbates of different classes for sorbents with limited crosslinking degree were determinate by gas chromatography. Gas chromatography also confirmed that the polymers contain no functional groups which are capable of forming hydrogen bonds with sorbate molecules. Keywords: hypercrosslinked polysterene sorbents, thermostability, gas chromatography, thermоdesorbtion massspectrometry. КОНДЕНСИРОВАННЫЕ СРЕДЫ И МЕЖФАЗНЫЕ ГРАНИЦЫ, Том 14, № 2, 2012 269 ABSTRACTS QUANTUM-CHEMICAL MODELING OF THE COMPLEX IS FORMED DURING THE SORPTION OF AMMONIA ON MODIFIED ION-EXCHANGE FIBER S. I. Niftaliev, A. V. Astapov, Yu. S. Peregudov, Yu. V. Bakaeva Voronezh State University of Engineering Technology, Revolution av. 19, 394017 Voronezh, Russia Abstract. Semiempirical calculated and proposed structure of complexes formed by chemisorption fibers VION KN-1 and FIBAN X-1 with the ion Cu2+ and Ni2+ and ammonia molecules. Keywords: ammonia complexes, ion-exchange fibers, quantum-chemical calculations PECULIARITIES OF A CONJUGATION ON AN INTERFACE DURING CONDENSATION OF Cu ON THE (001) Ag SURFACE (MOLECULAR DYNAMICS) A. S. Prizhimov1, V. M. Ievlev1, A.V. Evteev2 Voronezh State University, Universitetskaya Sq. 1, 394006 Voronezh, Russia 2 The University of Newcastle, Callaghan, NSW 2308, Australia Abstract. By the molecular dynamics simulation method the regularities of the forming of atomic structure of the film and conjugation on an interface during condensation of Cu on the (001) Ag surface has been studied. It has been established that in this system layer-by-layer film growth and an active exchange between Cu atoms from the film and Ag atoms from the upper two layers of the substrate take place. The process is finished with the formation of two solid-solution phases which provide elastic compensation of the dimensional misfit. Keywords: molecular dynamics, simulation, film, interface, copper, silver. ESTIMATION OF ASSOCIATION CONSTANTS IN BINARY MIXTURES OF NON-ELECTROLYTES BY VAPOR-LIQUID EQUILIBRIA DATA A. M. Rudakov, M. S. Mitrofanov, V. V. Sergievskii National nuclear research institute, Kashirskoe r. 31, 115409 Moscow, Russia Abstract. VLE of binary mixtures with positive deviations from Raoult’s law and unlimited mixing of components like alcohol + apolar organic solvent are in focus of the work. Influence of the molecule association on the vapor pressure is considered in the framework of the new model. The association thermodynamic equilibrium constants are the fitting parameters of the analytical equation of the model. The concentration dependence of vapor pressure is adequately described by the model. The results obtained are in a good agreement with literary ones for these systems. Keywords: association constants, vapor — liquid equilibria, non-electrolytes, cluster model. AMMONIA SENSING PROPERTIES OF A TIN DIOXIDE SINGLE NANOWIRE S. V. Ryabtsev1, E. P. Domashevskaya1, D. A. Shaposhnik1, F. Hernandez-Ramirez2, J. R. Morante2, S. N. Коrchagina3, А. V. Shaposhnik3 1 Voronezh State University, Universitetskaya Sq. 1, 394006 Voronezh, Russia 2 University of Barcelona, Department of Electronics, Barcelona, Spain 3 Voronezh State Agrarian University, Мichurina str. 1, 394087 Voronezh, Russia Abstract. Gas transport synthesis method was used to obtain tin dioxide nanowires. Electrophysical properties of a single nanowire were investigated after its soldering to a polished silicon wafer by focused ion beam (FIB). High sensing activity of the nanowire towards ammonia was demonstrated. Keywords: tin dioxide, single nanowire, gas transport synthesis, electrophysical properties, ammonia detection, high stability, low power consumption. ATOMIC STRUCTURE OF NANOTUBULAR ANODIC TITANIA O. I. Savchenko1, N. M. Iakovleva1, A. N. Iakovlev2, A. N. Kokatev1, H. Pettersson3 1 Karelian State Pedagogical Academy, Pushkinskaya Str. 17, 185960 Petrozavodsk, Russia 2 Petrozavodsk State University, Lenin str., 33, 185640, Petrozavodsk, Russia, 3 Halmstad University, Sweden Abstract. X-ray amorphous nanotubular TiO2 films produced by electrochemical oxidation in an ethylene glycol solution containing NH4F were studied. For the first time the short-range order characteristics for six coordination spheres 270 КОНДЕНСИРОВАННЫЕ СРЕДЫ И МЕЖФАЗНЫЕ ГРАНИЦЫ, Том 14, № 2, 2012 ABSTRACTS were calculated. It was found that the mutual arrangement of Ti and O atoms in nanotubular TiO2 films is similar to that in anatase crystalline structure. Keywords: nanotubular anodic TiO2; short-range order; X-ray amorphous. MODIFICATION OF LEAD SELENIDE FILM BY INCUBATION IN TIN (II) SALT SOLUTION Z. I. Smirnova1, L. N. Maskaeva1, V. F. Markov1, V. I. Voronin2, and M. V. Kuznetsov3 1 Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin, Mira st. 19, 620002 Yekaterinburg, Russia 2 Institute of Metal Physics, Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Sof’i Kovalevskoi st. 18, 620990 Yekaterinburg, Russia 3 Institute of Solid State Chemistry, Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Pervomaiskaya st. 91, 620990 Yekaterinburg, Russia Abstract. Thin polycrystalline films of PbSe incubated in SnCl2 solution at 353 K were studied by X-ray diffraction and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy with layer-by-layer etching. Depth profiles of the film layers up to ~21 nm in thickness were obtained, and main chemical states of the elements at the surface were determined. The contact between the PbSe layer and tin (II) chloride aqueous solution was shown to result in tin introduction into the surface layers of the basic material, with its crystal structure perfection worsening at the same time. Keywords: lead selenide, thin films, surface modification, chemical bath deposition, adsorption from solution INFLUENCE OF THE SURFACE ACTIVITY OF CARBON ON THE MICROSTRUCTURE AND THE INELASTIC EFFECTS IN Fe — C ALLOYS A. N. Chukanov, A. A. Yakovenko Tula State University, Lenin’s av. 92, 300600 Tula, Russia Abstract. For the testing of hypothesis of solutional-precipite mechanism of evolution of graphite inclusions in ironcarbon alloys, was done the integrated analysis of the parameters of internal friction (IF), microstructural and fraktal analyses. Increase of a volumetric and mass portions of graphite inclusions, and also a reduction of the carbon content in the solid solution, were considered the consequence of the diffusion of carbon atoms to the free surfaces of graphite inclusions and their completion, and also the filling of the existed and juvenile surfaces with carbon atoms. The microscopic cracks can be covered with free carbon, which contributes to the development of destruction, at the initial stages the destruction. Keywords: carbon, surface activity, redistribution, structural heterogeneous alloys of system Fe — C, gray cast iron, damaged carbon steels, crack, adsorption, spontaneous dispersion, the acceleration of destruction. КОНДЕНСИРОВАННЫЕ СРЕДЫ И МЕЖФАЗНЫЕ ГРАНИЦЫ, Том 14, № 2, 2012 271