ERGON ENERGY CORPORATION LIMITED ACN 087 646 062 Noise Assessment for Proposed Dartmouth Street Zone Substation August 2011 Prepared by: Brendon Sippel (Ergon Energy - Substation Design Southern) Approved by: Ben Hayes DWG: 1021272-01 DWG: 1021272-01 Document History Version Date 1.0 August 2011 1.1 September 2011 Details Author Draft B. Sippel Approved by B. Hayes B Sippel Author: Brendon Sippel – Substation Design Southern Version 1.0 Noise Assessment for Proposed Dartmouth St Zone Substation Page 2 of 22 DWG: 1021272-01 Table of Contents 1 Executive Summary .............................................................................................5 2 Introduction ..........................................................................................................6 3 Noise Criteria .......................................................................................................7 4 3.1 Environmental Protection (Noise) Policy 2008......................................................... 7 3.2 ecoaccess Noise Guideline...................................................................................... 7 3.3 SCEMG Criteria........................................................................................................ 7 3.4 Australian Standard AS 1055.1-1997 ...................................................................... 7 3.5 Australian/New Zealand Standard AS/NZS 2107:2000 ........................................... 8 3.6 Component Noise Level Limit .................................................................................. 8 Ambient Noise Survey..........................................................................................9 4.1 Introduction............................................................................................................... 9 4.2 Noise Sensitive Receptors ....................................................................................... 9 4.3 Meteorological Conditions........................................................................................ 9 4.4 Measuring Equipment .............................................................................................. 9 4.5 Measurement Locations......................................................................................... 10 4.6 Ambient Sound Levels ........................................................................................... 10 4.7 Assessment Noise Level........................................................................................ 11 6 Substation Noise Sources ..................................................................................12 7 Noise Model .......................................................................................................14 7 Conclusions........................................................................................................19 Appendix A: Noise Logger Data.................................................................................20 Appendix B: Hervey Bay, Queensland Daily Weather Observations for 22nd of July to 29th of July 2011........................................................................................................22 Author: Brendon Sippel – Substation Design Southern Version 1.0 Noise Assessment for Proposed Dartmouth St Zone Substation Page 3 of 22 DWG: 1021272-01 Table 1: Noise Criteria for New Plant / Facilities ....................................................................... 7 Table 2: AS2107:2000 Recommended Design Sound Level for Inside Residential Buildings . 8 Table 3: Attended Background Noise Measurements............................................................. 10 Table 4: Assessment Background Levels ............................................................................... 11 Table 5: Assessment Noise Levels ......................................................................................... 11 Table 6: Transformer Noise Test Results................................................................................ 12 Table 7: Air Conditioning Specifications.................................................................................. 13 Table 8: Fujitsu Air Conditioner Outdoor Unit Measured Sound Pressure Levels .................. 14 Table 9: Worst Case Sound Pressure Levels for different noise model arrangements .......... 16 Figure 1: Location of proposed Dartmouth Street Substation .................................................. 6 Figure 2: Noise sensitive receptors surrounding proposed...................................................... 9 Figure 3: Measurement Locations. ......................................................................................... 10 Figure 4: Graph of octave sound pressure levels for Fujitsu Air Conditioner......................... 15 Figure 5: Isometric View of Dartmouth St Noise model (indicative only). ............................... 16 Figure 6: Dartmouth St noise model with one fully loaded transformer (With TF noise wall). 17 Figure 7: Dartmouth St noise model with two half loaded transformers (With TF noise wall). 17 Figure 8: Dartmouth St noise model with one fully loaded transformer (With timber fence on Western boundary). ................................................................................................................. 18 Figure 9: Dartmouth St noise model with two half loaded transformers (With timber fence on Western boundary). ................................................................................................................. 18 Author: Brendon Sippel – Substation Design Southern Version 1.0 Noise Assessment for Proposed Dartmouth St Zone Substation Page 4 of 22 DWG: 1021272-01 1 Executive Summary Ergon Energy proposes to construct a Z6-32 indoor zone substation at the corner of Dartmouth Street and Boat Harbour Drive in Hervey Bay. An assessment in relation to operational noise (not construction noise) has been undertaken including: • • • • Establish appropriate noise criteria for the proposed Dartmouth Street zone substation; Determine the existing noise conditions; Model proposed substation noise levels; and Recommend mitigation measures. It was determined that the most suitable criterion for assessment was with respect to existing ambient levels: the component noise level from the proposed substation should not exceed the existing background noise level. At worst this results in a total noise level of background plus 3dBA therefore adhering to the SCEMG (supply corporations environmental management group) Guideline C5. The component noise level is adjusted by 5dBA for tonality as per AS 1055.1-1997. The Environmental Protection (Noise) Policy 2008 and the AS/NZS 2107:2000 standard (Acoustics – Recommended design sound levels and reverberation times for building interiors) were also considered in the assessment. A survey of ambient noise levels was conducted between the 22nd to the 29th of July 2011. The survey consisted of both attended and unattended noise measurements. A Rating Background Level (RBL) of 31.9 dB(A) was determined for the night time period, which equates to a substation component noise level of 26.9 dB(A) with tonality correction. Noise levels were modelled for property boundaries under different transformer loading scenarios and with different noise mitigation techniques employed. From this analysis it is recommended that either of the following is recommended: Option 1: Noise wall along the southern, western and northern side of the transformer area. Option 2: Timber panelled fence along the western boundary of the substation yard. As part of the public consultation process, it was decided that both a transformer noise wall and timber panelled fence would be used for noise and visual abatement. Author: Brendon Sippel – Substation Design Southern Version 1.0 Noise Assessment for Proposed Dartmouth St Zone Substation Page 5 of 22 DWG: 1021272-01 2 Introduction Ergon Energy proposes to construct a new 66/11kV zone substation at the corner of Boat Harbour Drive and Dartmouth Street in Hervey Bay. As part of the environmental impact assessment for this site a noise assessment is required. The purpose of this report is to investigate the existing noise conditions and noise receptors, determine relevant noise criteria, predict proposed substation noise levels, and recommend potential noise mitigation measures if necessary. North Proposed Dartmouth St Zone Substation Figure 1: Location of proposed Dartmouth Street Substation The substation will be a Z6-32 indoor configuration and have provision for the following: • • • • • Two 66kV to 11kV 32MVA transformers; Four indoor 66kV feeder bays and gas insulated 66kV bus and switchgear; Control building which also contains 11kV indoor switchboard and indoor 66kV gas insulated switchgear; Provision for up to twelve outgoing 11kV distribution feeders; and Provision for up to two 6MVAr capacitor banks. Author: Brendon Sippel – Substation Design Southern Version 1.0 Noise Assessment for Proposed Dartmouth St Zone Substation Page 6 of 22 DWG: 1021272-01 3 Noise Criteria 3.1 Environmental Protection (Noise) Policy 2008 The Queensland Environmental Protection (Noise) Policy 2008 applies to Queensland’s acoustic environment. The policy specifies the acoustic quality objective of achieving an ambient level of 50dBA* for dwelling (outdoors) and 30dBA for dwelling (indoors – night-time) for health and wellbeing and in relation to the ability to sleep. 3.2 ecoaccess Noise Guideline The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) ecoaccess Noise Guideline considers the criteria of the Environmental Protection Act 1994 and tabulates noise limits for planning purposes. A clause on the first page of this Guideline states that it is not suitable for use where the frequency spectra of some noise sources are dominated by frequency content below 200 Hz. Power transformers are dominated by frequency content less than 200 Hz and therefore the ecoaccess Noise Guideline will not be considered further in this report. 3.3 SCEMG Criteria The Supply Corporations Environmental Management Group (SCEMG) includes environmental representatives from the following organisations: • • • Energex; Ergon Energy; and Powerlink Queensland The SCEMG has developed Guideline C5: Noise Management, and the noise criteria as per this Guideline (Table 1) can be used in the assessment of substation noise. Table 1: Noise Criteria for New Plant / Facilities Time of Day Maximum Noise Level for Steady State Noise Noise Sensitive Place Commercial Place Industrial Place 0700 hrs – 2200 hrs Background + 5 dB(A) 55 dB(A) 65 dB(A) 2200 hrs – 0700 hrs Background + 3 dB(A) 55 dB(A) 65 dB(A) 3.4 Australian Standard AS 1055.1-1997 AS 1055.1-1997 (Acoustics – Description and measurement of environmental noise) details procedures for measuring environmental noise. This standard states that if tonal components are clearly audible the measured A-weighted sound pressure level shall be adjusted by 5dB. As transformer noise has a clearly audible tonal characteristic a +5dBA adjustment to the modelled noise level will apply. * LAeq,adj,1hr means the A-weighted sound pressure level of a continuous steady sound, adjusted for tonal character, that within a 1 hour period has the same mean square sound pressure of a sound that varies with time. Author: Brendon Sippel – Substation Design Southern Version 1.0 Noise Assessment for Proposed Dartmouth St Zone Substation Page 7 of 22 DWG: 1021272-01 3.5 Australian/New Zealand Standard AS/NZS 2107:2000 The AS/NZS 2107:2000 standard (Acoustics – Recommended design sound levels and reverberation times for building interiors) tabulates recommended ambient sound values for building interiors. Table 2 shows the recommended design levels for inside residential buildings. Table 2: AS2107:2000 Recommended Design Sound Level for Inside Residential Buildings Recommended design sound level, LAeq†, dBA Satisfactory Maximum Houses in areas with negligible transportation Houses and apartments near minor roads Houses and apartments near major roads 3.6 Sleeping Areas Living Areas Sleeping Areas Work Areas Apartment common areas (e.g. foyer, lift, lobby) Living Areas Sleeping Areas Work Areas Apartment common areas (e.g. foyer, lift, lobby) 25 30 30 30 35 40 35 40 45 55 35 30 35 45 40 45 45 55 Component Noise Level Limit The noise model only calculates noise level from the proposed development and not existing background conditions. This modelled noise level is referred to as the component noise level. It is recommended that the modelled component noise level in this instance (increased by 5dBA for the tonality adjustment) not exceed the existing night time background level. At worst this results in an overall increase of 3dBA above the background noise level therefore adhering to the SCEMG Guideline C5. † LAeq is an A-weighted sound pressure level of a continuous steady sound that has the same mean square sound pressure as a sound level that varies with time. Author: Brendon Sippel – Substation Design Southern Version 1.0 Noise Assessment for Proposed Dartmouth St Zone Substation Page 8 of 22 DWG: 1021272-01 4 Ambient Noise Survey 4.1 Introduction A survey of ambient noise levels was conducted from the 22nd to the 29th of July 2011. The survey consisted of both attended and unattended noise measurements. 4.2 Noise Sensitive Receptors Figure 2 shows the location of the residential premises located to the East and the vacant land to the West and North of the Dartmouth St Substation site. Dartmouth St Substation Major Road residential homes ~40m Figure 2: Noise sensitive receptors surrounding proposed Dartmouth St zone substation. 4.3 Meteorological Conditions Daily weather observations for Hervey Bay during the time the noise measurements were taken are shown in Appendix B. 4.4 Measuring Equipment The following measuring equipment was used: • Rion NL-32 Type 1 Sound Level Meter + windshield; • Outdoor all weather logging kit; and • Pulsar 106 Acoustic Calibrator Author: Brendon Sippel – Substation Design Southern Version 1.0 Noise Assessment for Proposed Dartmouth St Zone Substation Page 9 of 22 DWG: 1021272-01 4.5 Measurement Locations Figure 3 shows attended and logger measurement locations. were taken at a height of 1.2m with the windshield installed. All measurements Attended Measurements (Location 2) Attended Measurements (Location 1) Logger (substation site) Figure 3: Measurement Locations. 4.6 Ambient Sound Levels The noise sources noted during attended measurements included: • Constant road traffic noise along Boat Harbour Drive; • birds; • rustling leaves; Table 3 shows attended background noise measurements and unattended noise logger measurements are shown in Appendix A. Assessment Background Levels‡ (ABL) and Rating Background Levels§ (RBL) for Day, Evening, and Night time periods, as determined from noise logger data, are shown in Table 4. Table 3: Attended Background Noise Measurements Location 1 2 Beginning Time Measuring Time 29 July 2011 10:35 29 July 2011 10:28 0:05:00 0:05:00 Lmin (dBA)** Lmax (dBA)†† L90 (dBA)‡‡ 64.1 76.8 51.3 59.6 76.4 50.8 ‡ Assessment background level is the single figure representing each assessment period – day, evening, night. Determined using ecoaccess guideline methodology. § Rating Background Level is the overall single figure background level representing each assessment period (day/evening/night) over the whole monitoring period. ** Lmin is the minimum time-weighted sound level encountered during the measurement period. †† Lmax is the maximum time-weighted sound level encountered during the measurement period. ‡‡ L90 is the sound level that was exceeded for 90% for the measurement time. Author: Brendon Sippel – Substation Design Southern Version 1.0 Noise Assessment for Proposed Dartmouth St Zone Substation Page 10 of 22 DWG: 1021272-01 Table 4: Assessment Background Levels Date Day ABL (dBA) (7am-6pm) Evening ABL (dBA) (6pm-10pm) Night ABL (dBA) (10pm-7am) 22 July 2011 61.20 55.15 43.40 23 July 2011 58.27 50.84 35.15 24 July 2011 57.58 47.00 34.65 25 July 2011 59.73 46.70 29.90 26 July 2011 59.90 50.30 31.40 27 July 2011 60.03 49.65 30.35 28 July 2011 61.13 50.30 31.25 29 July 2011 61.35 - 32.35 Rating Background Level (RBL) 60.0 50.3 31.9 4.7 Assessment Noise Level The LAmax,adj,T§§ and the component noise level*** are shown in Table 5. The night time value of 31.9 dB(A) is the target value as this represents the most stringent case. The substation component noise level goal is 26.9dBA after tonality correction is applied. The LAmax,adj,T includes noise from both the proposed substation plant and the existing environment. Table 5: Assessment Noise Levels Time Period LAmax,adj,T (dBA) Component Noise Level (dBA) Day 63.0 60.0 Evening 53.3 50.3 Night 34.9 31.9 Substation Goal (tonality correction applied) §§ *** 26.9 LAmax,adj,T: Maximum noise level from existing environment plus proposed substation noise adjusted for tonality. Component Noise Level: Noise contributed from proposed substation in the absence of all other noise sources. Author: Brendon Sippel – Substation Design Southern Version 1.0 Noise Assessment for Proposed Dartmouth St Zone Substation Page 11 of 22 DWG: 1021272-01 6 Substation Noise Sources The significant noise sources at the proposed Dartmouth St substation include the two 32MVA 66/11kV power transformers and the eleven air conditioning units for the control building – three for the 11kV switchgear room, three for the 66kV switchgear room and five for the control room. The reactors for the capacitor banks may also generate noise however the capacitor cans and reactors will be fully enclosed in an outdoor canopy so any noise contribution will be negligible. As the 66kV and 11kV busbars and switchgear are indoors, any noise associated with their operation will be negligible. Table 6 shows results from a test report of a typical 66/11kV 32MVA transformer from Wilson Transformers. Results are given for various loading, cooling type and applied voltage scenarios. Table 6: Transformer Noise Test Results Load (MVA) Applied Voltage (%) 19 100 32 100 19 110 32 110 Cooling Type LwA (A-weighted Sound Power Level) dBA ONAN (oil pump off, fan off) ODAF (oil pump on, fan on) ONAN (oil pump off, fan off) ODAF (oil pump on, fan on) 64.6 72.2 69.9 73.4 It is assumed that the air conditioners installed at Dartmouth St zone substation will be similar to recent Z6-32 indoor installations. The recently constructed Berserker zone substation has a similar control building arrangement to the proposed Dartmouth St substation. At Berserker, there are eleven air conditioners installed. The details of these units, in particular the outdoor unit noise levels, are shown in table 7. Not all of the air conditioning units will run all of the time. The switchgear room air conditioning units are only used by personnel whilst on site for comfort cooling / heating. The control room air conditioning is required to maintain the control room at a stable temperature for the correct operation of control and protection gear. For the purpose of modelling the substation noise component, four air conditioning units on the control room will be modelled. Author: Brendon Sippel – Substation Design Southern Version 1.0 Noise Assessment for Proposed Dartmouth St Zone Substation Page 12 of 22 DWG: 1021272-01 Table 7: Air Conditioning Specifications††† Model Heating Capacity (kW) Quantity Installed at Substation FAQ100 / RZQ100 10.0kW 11.2kW Sound Power Level (dBA) 65 FHQ125 / RZQ125 12.5kW 14.0kW 66 3 FHQ125 / RZQ125 12.5kW 14.0kW 66 3 ††† Cooling Capacity (kW) 5 Purpose control room air conditioning 11kV switchgear room air conditioning 66kV switchgear room air conditioning Air conditioning information obtained from Daiken product brochures – refer Author: Brendon Sippel – Substation Design Southern Version 1.0 Noise Assessment for Proposed Dartmouth St Zone Substation Page 13 of 22 DWG: 1021272-01 7 Noise Model Due to load risk management one fully loaded transformer or two half loaded transformers represent the worst case situations for substation operation. Therefore these configurations will be modelled. Transformer noise sources are placed at a height of 1.88m in the model to accurately represent 2/3 of the tank height (2.82m) testing height as specified in the test report from Wilson Transformers. The noise source was setup in such a way to assign an appropriate weighting of sound to octave frequencies to ensure that the sound power level produced by the noise source within the model matches the transformer under test. The octave frequency breakdown information of air conditioner noise is not easily obtained from manufacturers therefore a similar unit to those shown in table 7 was measured to determine operational noise. Measurements were taken using the Rion NL-32 sound level meter with the NX-22RT processing card installed to determine octave band levels. The results of these measurements are shown in Table 8 and Figure 4. The modelling of air conditioners in the Dartmouth St substation model places noise sources at the approximate height they will be placed on the control building exterior and uses scaled octave noise data from the measured Fujitsu unit (Table 8) to achieve the sound power level specified from Daiken in table 7. Table 8: Fujitsu Air Conditioner‡‡‡ Outdoor Unit Measured Sound Pressure Levels Frequency (Hz) All-pass 16 31.5 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 ‡‡‡ §§§ Sound Pressure Level (dBA) Measuring Location 1 Measuring Location 2 Measuring Location 3 Measuring Location 4 Measuring Location 5 Measuring Location 6 59.8 11.5 33.5 46.9 50.9 49.8 53.4 54.0 49.8 48.0 41.6 60.1 28.8 39.7 46.1 50.7 49.8 53.5 54.9 50.5 46.5 39.9 62.3 32.6 44.1 50.2 51.3 51.1 56.8 56.7 53.1 48.7 41.3 60.1 17.6 32.6 43.8 50.1 50.6 54.2 54.7 51.4 46.8 40.0 56.9 15.9 28.5 37.3 45.8 48.0 49.7 50.8 48.6 46.7 44.5 56.9 13.8 28.8 41.0 46.9 48.7 49.0 51.1 47.3 45.6 42.3 Average Sound Pressure §§§ Level 60.0 26.6 38.3 46.0 49.7 49.8 53.5 54.2 50.5 47.2 41.9 Fujitsu air conditioner model no. A0T36LMADL 10kW heating and cooling capacity, LwA = 65dBA. Average sound pressure level for each octave band was calculated using formula 3 from IEEE C57.136-2000. Author: Brendon Sippel – Substation Design Southern Version 1.0 Noise Assessment for Proposed Dartmouth St Zone Substation Page 14 of 22 DWG: 1021272-01 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 8kHz 4kHz 2kHz 1kHz 500Hz 250Hz 125Hz 63Hz 31.5Hz 16Hz 0 AP Avg. Sound Power Level (dBA) Average Sound Pressure Levels for Outdoor Unit of 10kW Fujitsu Air Conditioner Centre Frequency Figure 4: Graph of octave sound pressure levels for Fujitsu Air Conditioner. Important points to note from the model development process include: • DataKustik CadnaA V3.72.127 is the noise modelling software used ; • worst case meteorological conditions were used in the model, for instance a wind direction that promotes the highest sound pressure level at the closest sensitive receptor was used; • calculation standard is set to ISO9613; • ground attenuation is set to ‘spectral, all sources’ to apply ground attenuation calculations for all sources, even those have an emission spectrum frequency; • meteorological option is set to CONCAWE; • ground absorption coefficient used for substation crushed rock is 0.1; and • sound pressure level calculation height is 1.5m; • vegetation buffers are not included in the model. An Isometric view of the noise model is shown in Figure 5. The noise sensitive property boundary is the eastern boundary (close to Dartmouth street residents). The Northern and Western boundaries both front onto vacant land that could potentially be developed in the future. A vegetation buffer will exist around the substation site which will provide visual enhancement to the site. Depending on the make up of the vegetation buffer, the vegetation may have some noise reduction effect. The vegetation buffer has not been considered in the noise model so that a worst case situation can be modelled. Author: Brendon Sippel – Substation Design Southern Version 1.0 Noise Assessment for Proposed Dartmouth St Zone Substation Page 15 of 22 DWG: 1021272-01 Boat Harbour Drive Transformer Noise wall Noise Receiver Transformers Air Conditioner Units Control Building Dartmouth St Figure 5: Isometric View of Dartmouth St Noise model (indicative only). The model indicated that with no noise mitigation options in place, the component noise level from the substation would be greater than the noise target level of 26.9dB(A) along the western property boundary. The addition of a timber panelled fence on the western boundary of the substation site reduces noise levels to an acceptable level. Alternatively, a 4m high noise wall along the southern, western and northern side of the transformer area also reduces the noise level to the west and north of the substation to an acceptable level. In all cases, the noise level along Dartmouth St near the existing residents is below target levels. Table 9 outlines the expected noise levels at the sensitive areas with various mitigation options in place. Table 9: Worst Case Sound Pressure Levels for different noise model arrangements Model Arrangement No Mitigation 4m high TF noise wall Timber fence on all boundaries Timber fence on western boundary Highest Sound Pressure Level dBA and (location) at sensitive Property Boundary for 1 Fully Loaded Transformer 22.8 (Eastern Residents) 31.4 (Western Boundary) 22.9 (Eastern Residents) 25.4 (Western Boundary) 19.4 (Eastern Residents) 25.9 (Western Boundary) 22.8 (Eastern Residents) 26.5 (Western Boundary) Highest Sound Pressure Level dBA and (location) at sensitive Property Boundary for 2 half Loaded Transformers 18.8 (Eastern Residents) 30.1 (Western Boundary) 20.8 (Eastern Residents) 25.2 (Western Boundary) 16.0 (Eastern Residents) 24.3 (Western Boundary) 18.8 (Eastern Residents) 25.7 (Western Boundary) Note: Cells highlighted red indicate that the noise goal (26.9dBA) is not met and cells highlighted green indicate that noise level is satisfactory. Author: Brendon Sippel – Substation Design Southern Version 1.0 Noise Assessment for Proposed Dartmouth St Zone Substation Page 16 of 22 DWG: 1021272-01 Wind Speed = 10m/s Direction = W Figure 6: Dartmouth St noise model with one fully loaded transformer (With TF noise wall). Wind Speed = 10m/s Direction = W Figure 7: Dartmouth St noise model with two half loaded transformers (With TF noise wall). Author: Brendon Sippel – Substation Design Southern Version 1.0 Noise Assessment for Proposed Dartmouth St Zone Substation Page 17 of 22 DWG: 1021272-01 Wind Speed = 10m/s Direction = W Figure 8: Dartmouth St noise model with one fully loaded transformer (With timber fence on Western boundary). Wind Speed = 10m/s Direction = W Figure 9: Dartmouth St noise model with two half loaded transformers (With timber fence on Western boundary). Author: Brendon Sippel – Substation Design Southern Version 1.0 Noise Assessment for Proposed Dartmouth St Zone Substation Page 18 of 22 DWG: 1021272-01 7 Conclusions From the measurements and modelling conducted the following conclusions can be drawn: • • • • • • • The required maximum component noise level, allowing for a 5dBA tonality correction, from the proposed substation is 26.9dBA; With no noise mitigation, the target component noise level from the substation is not met at the western property boundary. The noise level on all other property boundaries are within acceptable levels. The installation of timber panelled fences along the western side of the substation boundary will reduce the component noise level to a satisfactory level at the western property boundary; The installation of a transformer noise wall also reduces the component noise level to a satisfactory level at the western property boundary. Recommend either of the following noise mitigation techniques: o Timber panelled fence along the western side of the substation yard. o Noise wall along southern, western and northern side of transformer area. The Environmental Protection (Noise) Policy 2008, acoustic quality ambient level of 30 dBA LAeq,adj,1hr is predicted to be achieved; The noise level inside residential buildings is predicted not to increase due to the substation development therefore there are no substation noise issues under AS/NZS 2107:2000 (Recommended design sound levels and reverberation times for building interiors). During public consultation, both a timber panelled fence and transformer noise walls were promised for both noise mitigation and to improve the visual aspects of the substation. This resulted in the concept design including both the timber fence and the transformer noise wall where only one is required for noise mitigation. Author: Brendon Sippel – Substation Design Southern Version 1.0 Noise Assessment for Proposed Dartmouth St Zone Substation Page 19 of 22 Author: Brendon Sippel – Substation Design Southern Version 1.0 Noise Assessment for Proposed Dartmouth St Zone Substation 11:44:12 PM 9:14:12 PM 6:44:12 PM 4:14:12 PM 1:44:12 PM 11:14:12 AM 8:44:12 AM 6:14:12 AM 3:44:12 AM 1:14:12 AM 10:44:12 PM 8:14:12 PM 5:44:12 PM 3:14:12 PM 12:44:12 PM 10:14:12 AM 7:44:12 AM 5:14:12 AM 2:44:12 AM 12:14:12 AM Sound Pressure Level dB(A) 10:44:12 PM 8:44:12 PM 6:44:12 PM 4:44:12 PM 2:44:12 PM 12:44:12 PM 10:44:12 AM 8:44:12 AM 6:44:12 AM 4:44:12 AM 2:44:12 AM 12:44:12 AM 10:44:12 PM 8:44:12 PM 6:44:12 PM 4:44:12 PM 2:44:12 PM 12:44:12 PM 10:44:12 AM Sound Pressure Level dB(A) DWG: 1021272-01 Appendix A: Noise Logger Data Noise Logger Data 22 and 23 July 2011 80 70 60 50 LAE 40 LA10 30 20 LA90 10 0 Time Noise Logger Data 24 and 25 July 2011 80 70 60 50 LAE 40 LA10 30 LA90 20 10 0 Time Page 20 of 22 Author: Brendon Sippel – Substation Design Southern Version 1.0 Noise Assessment for Proposed Dartmouth St Zone Substation 9:29:12 AM 7:44:12 AM 5:59:12 AM 4:14:12 AM 2:29:12 AM 12:44:12 AM 10:59:12 PM 9:14:12 PM 7:29:12 PM 5:44:12 PM 3:59:12 PM 2:14:12 PM 12:29:12 PM 10:44:12 AM 8:59:12 AM 7:14:12 AM 5:29:12 AM 3:44:12 AM 1:59:12 AM 12:14:12 AM Sound Pressure Level dB(A) 11:44:12 PM 9:14:12 PM 6:44:12 PM 4:14:12 PM 1:44:12 PM 11:14:12 AM 8:44:12 AM 6:14:12 AM 3:44:12 AM 1:14:12 AM 10:44:12 PM 8:14:12 PM 5:44:12 PM 3:14:12 PM 12:44:12 PM 10:14:12 AM 7:44:12 AM 5:14:12 AM 2:44:12 AM 12:14:12 AM Sound Pressure Level dB(A) DWG: 1021272-01 Noise Logger Data 26 and 27 July 2011 80 70 60 50 40 LAE LA10 30 LA90 20 10 0 Time Noise Logger Data 28 and 29 July 2011 80 70 60 50 LAE 40 LA10 30 LA90 20 10 0 Time Page 21 of 22 Appendix B: Hervey Bay, Queensland Daily Weather Observations for 22nd of July to 29th of July 2011.**** Date 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 **** Day Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Temps Min Max Rain °C °C mm 8.4 8.8 7.9 6.9 5.1 5.7 10 11 21.9 21.2 21.5 21.5 22.6 22.4 20.9 21.4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Evap mm Sun Max wind gust Dir Spd Time hours SW SSE SSW N N E ESE SSE Temp RH km/h local °C % 30 35 24 26 22 20 35 39 8:49 11:13 10:05 12:49 15:39 12:02 15:08 15:15 15.1 15.5 14.1 14.3 14.4 14.7 16 16.4 54 63 65 80 77 77 67 97 9:00 AM Cld Dir th 8 SW SSW SSW SSW SSW SSW S SSW Spd MSLP Temp RH km/h hPa °C % 19 19 13 7 6 7 17 15 1013 1015 1019 1022 1024 1025 1026 1025 21.3 19.6 20.5 20.3 21.1 21.3 19.6 20 45 51 37 50 40 47 40 100 Weather data from Australian Government – Bureau of Meteorology ( 3:00 PM Cld Dir th 8 SE SE SE NNE N NE SE SSE Spd MSLP km/h hPa 13 19 13 15 15 11 20 22 1010 1013 1016 1019 1021 1022 1023 1022