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International Journal of Basic & Applied Sciences IJBAS-IJENS Vol:12 No:04
Influences of Flood Puddle on Durability of The
Asphalt Concrete Using Marble Waste as Filler
Nur Ali, M. Isran Ramli and Muralia Hustim
Abstract-- This paper attempts to understand influences of the
flood puddle disaster on the durability of an asphaltic mixture
which utilize marble waste as a filler material. We have carried
out an experimental research using a modified immersion test in
order to grasp the effects of the phenomenon. The experimental
laboratory testing treated the immersion test for duration 1, 4, 7,
and 14 days on the three asphaltic concrete mixture types. The
three mixtures based on the various marble waste contents as a
substituted filler material such 100%, 50% and 0%. This study
analyze three types of durability indexes in describing the asphalt
mixtures durability, i.e. the retaining strength index (RSI), the
first durability index (FDI), and the second durability index (SDI).
The results show that the flood puddle phenomenon smoothly
affects the deterioration of the mixtures durability. However, the
mixtures containing the marble waste still survive in the strength
limit until fourteen days immersion. These results seem a
promising in utilizing the marble waste as the substituted filler
material on the asphaltic concrete mixtures.
Index Term-marble waste
durability, flood puddle, asphaltic concrete,
Nowadays flood as one disaster as an impact of global warming
and climate change has been deteriorating environmental
qualities of urban infrastructure in tropical countries. In
particular, the disaster provides a puddle phenomenon as the
continuing waste to a road pavement infrastructure [1]. In the
previous research [1], we have described that the phenomenon
Ali, N., is Associate Professor of Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of
Engineering, Hasanudddin University, Perintis Kemerdekaan Km.10,
Makassar, 90145, Indonesia
Ramli, M. I., is Associate Professor of Civil Engineering Department,
Faculty of Engineering, Hasanudddin University, Perintis Kemerdekaan
Km.10, Makassar, 90145, Indonesia
Hustim, M., is Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering Department,
Faculty of Engineering, Hasanudddin University, Perintis Kemerdekaan
Km.10, Makassar, 90145, Indonesia
leads to deterioration on durability of the pavement surface
layer or asphaltic concrete mixture. The water infiltration into
the asphalt pavement is a primary reason for this deterioration.
The most serious consequence of the adverse action of water is
the loss of adhesion between the aggregate and bitumen, such
stripping, resulting in a substantial reduction, in the strength of
the bituminous mixture [2].
However, only a few scholars have conducted researches on the
field of the adverse action of water. In this regard,
Siswosoebrotho et al. [2] developed a cyclic water vapor test for
durability assessment of bituminous mixtures of asphalt
pavement material. Their research focused on a cyclic water
vapor effect on asphalt concrete mixtures. Further, Ramli et al.
[3] researched the phenomenon by using the cyclic vapor test to
asphalt mixture that focused on Butonic Mastic Asphalt (BMA)
mixture. These researches have focused only for effects of a
cyclic water vapor, a condensation process, i.e. a process of
evaporation of water from the subgrade up to the subbase and
base layers during the day followed by condensation when the
temperature decreases in the night. Normally, the process
occurred in the area of high ground water level, poor subbase,
and base layers that contain many fine-grained materials, and
happened cyclically for a long time and may damage the
pavement material from the bottom of its layer [2]. Those
researches do not describe the effect of water infiltration to the
asphalt pavement, moreover to represent the impact of the flood
puddle phenomenon to the asphalt pavement durability in the
real world.
In order to overcome the above restriction, in the last
previous research [1], we have proposed and developed a
modified immersion test in describing the effect of water
infiltration of the flood puddle phenomenon. The study
succeeded to grasp the deterioration of the asphaltic mixture
durability. However, due to the restriction of the extended
immersion duration, the fully understanding could not be
achieved. In this regard, the present research attempts to
continue the previous research, particularly, in addition of the
immersion duration.
In other issue, recently years many countries face
environmental problems such leaving the waste materials [4].
Particularly in developing countries, they have almost no rules
to protect the environment against wastes. In this regard, many
countries have been working on how to reuse the waste material,
so that they can reduce the hazards to the environment [5]. The
127404-6161-IJCEE-IJENS © August 2012 IJENS
International Journal of Basic & Applied Sciences IJBAS-IJENS Vol:12 No:04
wastes can be utilized in producing new products or can be used
as admixtures. Then, natural sources using is more efficiently,
and it protects the environment from the waste deposits.
Regarding the solving problem of the wastes, this study
attempts to utilize the marble waste as a substituted filler
material on an asphaltic concrete mixture. During the cutting
process, about 25% marble result dust [6]. In Indonesia,
sedimentation settles and leaves the marble dust directly in situ
which result in ugly appearance of the environment. It is also
causing dust in the dry season and threat both to agriculture and
health. Addressed to the marble waste utilization, many studies
have used the waste particularly as filler in the concrete mixture
[6, 7, 8, 9, 10]. Only a few previous researches on utilizing the
waste in asphalt mixtures as filler material. For instance,
Karasahin et al. [5] and Akbulut et al. [11] have used the marble
waste in asphaltic concrete mixture.
In regarding to contribute and to extend on both above issues,
the influence of the flood puddle and utilization of the marble
waste, the present research aims to conduct an experimental
study in order to grasp effects of the flood puddle to durability
of the road pavement, particularly the asphalt concrete mixture
utilizing the marble waste as a substituted filler material. The
study carries out modified immersion test to represent the
phenomenon. The research adopts three types parameters of
durability indexes to describe the asphalt mixture durability, i.e.
the retaining strength index (RSI), the first durability index
(FDI), and the second durability index (SDI).
The remainder of we compose this paper as follows. The next
chapter presents the methodology of the experimental study.
Then, Chapter 3 demonstrates the results of the experimental
activities and discussion related to the results. The final chapter
provides conclusion and summarizes key findings.
A. Immersion test to represent flood puddle phenomenon
This research adopts a modified immersion test in order to
represent treatment of the flood puddle phenomenon on asphalt
pavement in the real world. The test is an extended immersion
test from the Marshall Immersion test. The following
paragraphs explain the procedures of the test.
Regarding AASHTO and SNI [12, 13], the Marshall
Immersion test starts from the preparation of test specimen of an
asphalt mixture. Standard size of the specimen is 7.5 cm in high
and 10 cm, in diameter. The immersion process is conducting at
60oC during 24 hours (one day). After finished the immersion
period, the surface of specimen is visually testing for
remarkable of stripping and an estimated until nearest 5% of the
residual coated area. Resistance of the asphalt mixture to water
damage is carried out by measurement on changing in stability
values of the specimens. In this regard, we conducted the
Marshall stability test to the specimens that divided into 2 (two)
groups specimens sampling, i.e. a group of specimen that
treated immersion in water at 60oC during 30 minutes, and a
group for immersion during 24 hours at the same water
Further, in order to indicate effects of the flood puddle to
durability of the asphalt mixture after immersion period over 24
hours, we have developed a modified immersion test [1]. The
immersion test conducted extended duration, which more than
one day immersion for some immersion periods, e.g. 4, 7, and
21 days immersion. Three specimens for each immersion period
are preparing, and then the specimens are immersing in water at
60oC according to their immersion duration. After the
immersion, the Marshall Immersion test procedure measures
the Marshall stability of the specimens.
B. Durability indexes of asphalt concrete mixtures
In order to represent the retaining strength of an asphalt
mixture after treating the Marshall Immersion and the modified
immersion tests, this study use three types of durability index.
The following paragraphs explain the three indexes.
Firstly, the value of the retaining strength index (RSI) of a
Marshall Immersion test is obtaining by using the below
equation [12, 13]:
Where, S1 and S2 are values of the Marshall stability tests (in
unit kg) after immersion during T1 and T2 minutes, respectively.
The minimum value of the RSI that showed an asphalt mixture
still enough stable is 75%. In other words, the limit value of the
RSI indicates that bituminous mixture is assuming to be strong
enough to hold on damage caused by the influence of water
when the IRS value is equals or more than the limit value.
Secondly, the first durability index (FDI) formulates its value
as follows [1, 2, 3]:
n 1
FDI  
t 0
S i  S i 1
t i 1  t i
Fig. 1. The conception of the FDI and SDI
Where, Si, and Si+1 are the percentage of the retaining strength
after the immersion during ti and ti+1 day, respectively.
127404-6161-IJCEE-IJENS © August 2012 IJENS
International Journal of Basic & Applied Sciences IJBAS-IJENS Vol:12 No:04
As shown in Fig.1, the positives values of the FDI indicate
stability lost, while the negatives values indicate stability
obtained. In application, usually the FDI represents percentage
of stability lost for one day of test [1, 2, 3].
Thirdly, the second durability index (SDI) formulate its value
as follows [1, 2, 3]:
1 n
1 n 1
SDI   Ai 
 S i  S i 1 2t n  t i  t i 1  (3)
t n i 1
2t n i 0
Where, tn is the considered total duration of immersion, while Ai
represents the square of lost strength for i immersion period.
According to the Equation (3), the SDI means the wide area of
stability lost that located between the durability curve and So [1,
2, 3]. This index also represents the stability lost in a day when
its value is positive. In contrary, the negative value indicates the
stability gained as the former index, the FDI.
Those durability indexes are useful in describing the lost
stability or strength of an asphalt mixture appropriately. In
describing the stability lost in term of the ratio between two
stability values, the RSI is appropriate. On the other hand, the
FDI is more appropriate in describing the strength difference
between two stability testing results on the two time periods
serially. As well as, the SDI for the stability lost in term of the
wide area.
C. Steps of the experimental activities
This study consists of four steps experimental activities in a
laboratory. The first step is a set preliminary laboratory test on
aggregates and asphalt materials properties using the
Indonesian Specification for Asphalt Concrete Mixtures [13,
14], British Standard, and AASHTO. The second step is
activities to obtain the optimum asphalt content (OAC) of each
asphalt concrete mixture. In this regard, there are three
variations of the mixtures, i.e. asphaltic concrete containing
100%, 50%, and 0% marble waste as filler (Here after called
AC1, AC2, and AC3, respectively). In order to determine the
OACs of the AC mixtures using Marshall testing, the asphalt
contents of each mixture are varying from 4.5% to 6.5%, at
0.5% increment. Furthermore, specimens of each mixture type
under the optimum condition are preparing for the continuous
steps. The third step is the Marshall Immersion test providing
the retaining strength index (RSI) of the asphalt mixtures in
optimum condition. The fourth step is the modified immersion
test in obtaining both durability indexes of the mixtures, the FDI
and the SDI.
A. The Aggregates and Asphalt Properties
Results of the preliminary laboratory test including
aggregates properties, asphalt properties, and design mix of the
asphaltic concrete mixtures are providing as follows.
This study used coarse and fine aggregates (i.e. crushed rock
and sand respectively) from stone crusher in Bili-Bili, Gowa
Regency, Sout Sulawesi, Indonesia. The fillers of the asphalt
concrete mixtures are “stone-dust” and marble waste as a
substituted material. The marble waste that used in this
The aggregates properties
≤ 40
≤ 25
≥ 2.5
≥ 50
≥ 2,5
≥ 2,5
A. Coarse aggregate
Bulk specific gravity
SSD specific gravity
Apparent specific gravity
Water absorption
LA Abrasion
Flakiness index
B. Fine aggregate (Sand)
Bulk specific gravity
SSD specific gravity
Apparent specific gravity
Water absorption
Sand equivalent
C. Filler (Marble Waste)
Bulk specific gravity
SSD specific gravity
Apparent specific gravity
Water absorption
D. Filler (Stone Dust)
Bulk specific gravity
SSD specific gravity
Apparent specific gravity
Water absorption
experiment is the waste from storage factory of PT. Dayacayo
Asritama, Pangkep Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. The
properties of coarse aggregates in evaluating here include
specific gravity, LA abrasion, water absorptions, and flakiness
index. As well as, the fine aggregate includes specific gravity,
water absorption, and a sand equivalent. For both fillers,
properties tests include only specific gravity and water
absorption. Table 1 shows the results of those tests. The table
shows that the aggregate properties fulfilled the limit of the AC
specification. Therefore, the aggregate materials could be used
The asphalt (Pen 60/70) properties
Penetration (25˚C,5 sec., 100gr)
Ductility (25˚C,5 cm/minute)
Softening point (Ring & Ball)
Flash point (Clev. Open Cup)
Burning point (Clev. Open Cup)
Specific gravity (25˚C)
Loss of weight (163˚C,5 hours)
Penetration after loss of weight
Ductility after loss of weight
0.1 mm
% weight
60 - 79
≥ 100
48 - 58
≥ 200
≤ 0.8
≤ 54
≥ 50
Marshall’s properties of the optimum asphalt mixture
Mix Types
Stability (kg)
Flow (mm)
MQ (kg/mm)
VIM (%)
VMA (%)
VFWA (%)
OAC (%)
127404-6161-IJCEE-IJENS © August 2012 IJENS
> 750
> 200
> 15
> 65
International Journal of Basic & Applied Sciences IJBAS-IJENS Vol:12 No:04
to produce specimen of the AC mixtures for the next steps of the
research activities.
The asphalt type, which used in this research, is petroleum
asphalt (Pen 60/70) from asphalt storage of Indonesia Civil
Work Department branch South Sulawesi Province in
Makassar, Indonesia. The laboratory tests conducting in this
study include penetration, ductility, softening point, flash point,
burning point, specific gravity, loss of weight, and solubility
properties. Table 2 presents the results of these tests. The table
shows that the asphalt properties fulfilled the specification
limits. Then, the asphalt could be used in producing the
specimens of the asphalt concrete mixtures.
The Marshall test regarding the AASHTO or ASTM method
is conducted in order to obtain the optimum asphalt content
(OAC) of the AC1, AC2, and AC3 mixtures, respectively. The
method considers six parameters, i.e. Marshall Stability,
Marshall Flow, Marshall Quotient (MQ), VIM, VIM, VMA,
and VFWA. Table 3 provides the values of those parameters of
each mixture. Through an optimizing of the six parameters to
specification values of SNI 1998, OAC resulted about 6.30%,
5.96%, and 6.18% for the AC1, AC2, and AC3 mixtures,
AC mixture still has significant strength or durability.
Generally, the RSI values of the mixtures until fourteen days of
the immersion are upper than 80%.
Table 3 and Figure 3 show that the FDI values of the AC
mixtures increase in following the immersion duration until the
immersion days achieve seven days. Then, the FDI values of the
Fig. 3. The FDI values of the mixtures
Fig. 4. The SDI values of the mixtures
Fig. 2. The RSI values of the mixtures
respectively. In addition, Table 3 shows that mostly parameters
values fulfill the specification of the AC mixtures.
B. Durability index of the asphaltic concrete mixtures
The stabilities values resulted from the treatment of the
immersion test and its modifying during 1, 4, 7, and 14 days of
the immersion on the specimens of each mixture type, determine
the three durability indexes values (i.e. RSI, FDI, and SDI).
Figure 2 presents the RSI values of the three AC mixtures.
According to the RSI curve in this figure, the parameters values
of the FDI and SDI are calculated, and the results are shown in
Table 3, Figure 3, and Figure 4 respectively.
Figure 2 shows that the RSI values of all mixtures decrease in
following the increasing of the immersion days. In comparing
among the three AC mixtures, the figure shows that the AC3
mixture is better than both AC mixtures (i.e. AC1 and AC2)
which containing marble waste as the filler. In addition, the
AC1 mixture has the lowest RSI values of the three AC
mixtures. Even though, the RSI values of the three AC mixtures
are still more than 75%, a minimal value of RSI to obtain that an
mixtures decrease for the extended immersion days, except the
AC2 mixture that still slightly increase. Figure 4 shows the
similar phenomenon for the SDI values, even for the AC2
mixture. These results indicate that the mixtures achieved their
ultimate of the strength lost on the seven days of the immersion.
Furthermore, in comparing the FDI and the SDI values
127404-6161-IJCEE-IJENS © August 2012 IJENS
International Journal of Basic & Applied Sciences IJBAS-IJENS Vol:12 No:04
among the three mixtures, the FDI and the SDI values are
similar to the RSI values phenomenon. In this regard, the AC1 is
superior to the others two, while the AC1, the mixture
containing 100% marble waste as the filler material, is the
mixture which has the biggest of its strength lost.
C. Discussion
Regarding the RSI values, the three mixtures have significant
sensitivity related to retained strength of the mixtures during the
immersion days that conducted in this study. The RSI values
indicate that the mixtures still are upper than 75% after fourteen
days immersion. However, the decreasing of the RSI values
occurs smoothly during the treated immersion for the three
mixtures types. In addition, the FDI and SDI values also show a
similar trend with the RSI values. Both durability indexes
indicate the availability deterioration of the mixtures durability.
The seven days immersion became ultimate point of the strength
lost of the three AC mixtures.
Furthermore, the comparison of durability deterioration among
the three mixtures shows that the AC3 mixture is more durable
than the others two mixtures from the influence of the flood
puddle phenomenon. On the other word, utilization of the
marble waste as the substituted filler material of the asphalt
concrete mixture caused the mixture more deterioration from
the water infiltration. However, this utilization could not
decrease the stability values of the mixtures in passing the
specification limit of an asphaltic mixture, even the utilization
of the waste until 100% as the substituted filler. Overall, these
results provide an expectation in promising the utilization of the
marble waste as the substituted filler on the asphalt mixture of
the road pavement.
Finally, the modified immersion test has succeeded to describe
the effect of the flood puddle on the deterioration of the
durability of the asphaltic concrete mixture in the real world
Parameter values of the FDI and SDI of the mixtures
First Durability
Index (FDI)
( % hr)
Second Durability
Index (SDI)
( %hr)
through the adopting three types of durability indexes, i.e. RSI,
FDI, and SDI.
The influences of the flood puddle disaster on the durability
deterioration of the road pavement, particularly, the surface
layer or the asphalt concrete mixture utilizing the marble waste
is the primary study in this paper. The flood puddle
phenomenon occur in the rain season, in tropical countries,
usually causes the road pavement under water or awash. In this
regard, we have conducted an experimental study in the
laboratory, such the modified immersion test which represented
the real world phenomenon. The experiment treated immersion
tests for 1, 4, 7, and 14 days against the three types of asphalt
mixture, i.e. the asphalt concrete mixture containing marble
waste 100%, 50% and 0%, namely AC1, AC2, and AC3,
respectively. In order to grasp the influences of the flood puddle
on the durability of the AC mixtures, this study analyzed the
experimental results using three types of durability index, i.e.
the retaining strength index (RSI), the first durability index
(FDI), and the second durability index (SDI). The first one of
the three represents the durability of the mixtures when treated
by Marshall Immersion test. The others two represent the
durability results of the mixtures after treated by modified
immersion test.
The experimental results show that the three AC mixtures still
have significant RSI values for treated the Marshall Immersion
and the modified immersion tests. These results indicate that the
AC mixtures containing the marble waste as filler are still
enough durable to retain the flood puddle phenomenon until
fourteen days. However, the asphalt mixtures have experienced
smoothly decreasing of the RSI value in following the
increasing of the immersion duration. In addition, the FDI and
SDI values of the AC mixtures also indicated that deterioration
of durability of the asphalt mixtures achieved the ultimate
strength lost on seven days of the immersion.
Briefly, the modified immersion test provides significant
performance in order to grasp the asphalt mixtures durability
deterioration due to the flood puddle during some days. We
expect that the extended immersion duration of the asphalt
mixture in order to grasp the more strength lost need to be
studied further. In the other side, the utilization of the marble
waste as a substituted filler on the asphalt mixture seems a
promising as a friendly environment effort in reusing the waste.
We would like to express our thanks and appreciation to Mr.
Irham, and Ms. Najma for their assistances during we had been
conducting this research. Also many thanks we address to Civil
Engineering Department of Hasanuddin University which has
supported us for the purpose of this paper. Without their
cooperation, this paper would not be possible to be arranged.
127404-6161-IJCEE-IJENS © August 2012 IJENS
International Journal of Basic & Applied Sciences IJBAS-IJENS Vol:12 No:04
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Nur Ali was born in Pare-pare, South Sulawesi Province,
Indonesia in January 5th, 1949. He obtained Bachelor degree at
Hasanuddin University, Indonesia, in 1974, in the field of Civil
Engineering. He achieved Master degree and Doctoral degree
on transportation engineering field at the same university in
2004 and 2012, respectively.
He has become a lecturer at the Civil Engineering Department of
Engineering Faculty of Hasanuddin University since 1975 until present. His
major teaching is related to highway engineering and management. In addition,
he has become an expert in many transportation projects in Indonesia.
Dr. Nur Ali is the chief of Indonesia Society on Transportation branch of
South Sulawesi Province. He is also the Senior Member and Committee of
Indonesia Road Development Association (IRDA). He has published many
papers in many national academic meetings in Indonesia, as well as in
international symposium or conference.
Engineering degree in Urban and Environmental Engineering Department,
Graduate School of Engineering, Kyushu University, Japan, in the early of
2012, in the Travel Behavior Analysis field, the important field study of
Transportation Planning.
He has become a lecturer and researcher Civil Engineering Department of
Hasanuddin University since 2000. He has achieved Associate Professor in the
field of transportation engineering at the department since 2007. Now, he is
also a chief editor of Journal of Transportation Engineering Studies (in
Indonesia language) that published by Civil Engineering Department of
Hasanuddin University.
Dr. Eng. Ramli has become a Regular Member of East Asian Society on
Transportation Studies (EASTS) since 2007, a Member of Japan Society on
Civil Engineering (JSCE) since 2011, a Member and Reviewer of World
Academy of Science, Engineering, and Technology (WASET), a Member and
Committee of Indonesia Society on Transportation (IST) since 2002,
a Member and Committee of Indonesia Forum inter University on
Transportation Studies (IFUTS) since 2001, also a Member and Committee of
Indonesia Road Development Association (IRDA) since 2002. He has
published many research papers in journal and academic meetings, not only in
national level, but also in international level. His the last paper,
”Accommodating flexible daily temporal constraint on a continuous choice
model of departure time for urban shopping travel”, be blessed with the best
paper award in 2011 from International Journal of Urban Science (IJUS). Now,
he is a reviewer on Journal of Research in International Business and
Management (JRIBM), and Universal Journal of Education and General
Studies (UJEGS).
Muralia Hustim was born in Barru, South Sulawesi Province,
Indonesia in April 24th, 1972. She obtained Bachelor degree at
Hasanuddin University, Indonesia, in 1997, in the field of civil
engineering. Then, she achieved Master degree at Civil
Engineering Department, Graduate School of Engineering,
Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia, in 2001, on Transportation
Engineering field. Now, she is continuing her study for Doctoral Course in
Faculty of Human Environment Studies, Graduate School of Human
Environment Studies, Kyushu University, Japan, in the early of 2012, in the
Road Traffic Noise field, the important field study of Environmental
She has become a lecturer and researcher Civil Engineering Department of
Hasanuddin University since 2000. He has achieved Assistant Professor in the
field of transportation engineering at the department since 2007. Now, he is
also a member editor of Journal of Transportation Engineering Studies (in
Indonesia language) that published by Civil Engineering Department of
Hasanuddin University.
Hustim M.Eng. has become a Regular Member of Architectural Institute of
Japan (AIJ) since 2010, a Member and Committee of Indonesia Society on
Transportation (IST) since 2002, a Member and Committee of Indonesia
Forum inter University on Transportation Studies) (IFUTS) since 2001, also a
Member and Committee of Indonesia Road Development Association (IRDA)
since 2004. She has published many research papers in journal and academic
meetings, not only in national level, but also in international level. Her the last
paper, ” Power Level of Vehicles in Makassar City, Indonesia”, be blessed with
the best young researcher award in The AIJ Kyushu Research Meeting, 2012.
Muhammad Isran Ramli was born in Pare-pare, South
Sulawesi Province, Indonesia in September 26 th, 1973. He
obtained Bachelor degree at Hasanuddin University, Indonesia,
in 1997, in the field of civil engineering. Then, he achieved
Master degree at Civil Engineering Department, Graduate
School of Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia, in 2001,
on Transportation Engineering field. Finally, he obtained Doctor of
127404-6161-IJCEE-IJENS © August 2012 IJENS