I N T E R N AT I O N A L S U RV E Y OF BUILDING ENERGY CODES The lead Commonwealth agency on greenhouse matters I N T E R N AT I O N A L S U R V E Y O F B U I L D I N G E N E R G Y C O D E S ISBN 1 876536 32 2 © Commonwealth of Australia 2000 This work may be reproduced in whole or part for study or training purposes subject to the inclusion of an acknowledgment of the source and no commercial usage or sale. Reproduction for purposes other than those named above requires the permission of the Australian Greenhouse Office. Requests and inquiries concerning reproduction rights should be addressed to: The Communications Manager Australian Greenhouse Office GPO Box 621, Canberra ACT 2601 For additional copies of this document, please contact the Australian Greenhouse Office Infoline on 1300 130 606. This publication is also available on the Internet Acknowledgments The study was produced for the Australian Greenhouse Office by the Office of the Australian Buildings Codes Board. While every effort has been made to ensure accuracy and completeness, no guarantee is given, nor responsibility taken by the Commonwealth for errors or omissions in the report, and the Commonwealth does not accept responsibility in respect of any information or advice given in relation to or as a consequence of anything contained here. The Australian Building Codes Board wishes to acknowledge the valuable assistance provided by the overseas contributors listed in Appendix A. Design Wingrove Wingrove Design Photos courtesy of the Housing Industry Association, Michael Shaw and Mirvac Lend Lease Village Consortium - at the following address: Developers of Newington, the Sydney 2000 Olympic Village. www.greenhouse.gov.au/energyefficiency/buildings Background Image: courtesy of Robert Peck von Hartel Trethowan I N T E R N AT I O N A L S U R V E Y O F B U I L D I N G E N E R G Y C O D E S CONTENTS i List of figures vi Abbreviations vii 1 INTRODUCTION 2 2 SCOPE AND METHODOLOGY 4 2.1 Scope 4 2.2 Methodology 4 3 TERMINOLOGY 7 3.1 Performance Requirements 7 3.2 Alternative Solution 8 3.3 Ventilated Buildings 8 4 UNITED KINGDOM 10 4.1 Regulatory Framework 10 4.2 Scope 11 4.3 Categories 11 4.4 Dwellings 11 4.4.1 Elemental Method 11 4.4.2 Target U-value Method 12 4.4.3 Energy Rating Method 12 4.4.4 General requirements for dwellings 13 4.5 Buildings Other Than Dwellings 14 4.5.1 Elemental Method 14 4.5.2 Calculation Method 14 4.5.3 Energy use Method 15 4.5.4 General requirements for buildings other than dwellings 15 5 NEW ZEALAND 5.1 Regulatory Framework 17 5.2 Current Requirements 17 5.2.1 Scope 17 5.2.2 Houses 17 5.2.3 Buildings other than houses 17 5.3 Proposed Future Requirements 17 5.3.1 Alternative solution 18 5.3.2 Compliance with the approved documents 18 Verification Method 18 Prescriptive requirements of referenced documents 19 I N T E R N AT I O N A L ii S U R V E Y O F B U I L D I N G E N E R G Y C O D E S 5.3.3 NZS 4218 - 1996 Housing and small buildings 19 Schedule Method 19 Calculation Method 20 Modelling Method 20 5.3.4 NZS 4243 - 1996 Large buildings 21 Schedule Method 21 Calculation Method 21 Modelling Method 22 5.3.5 NZS 4306 - 1996 Domestic hot water 22 Electric storage water heaters 23 Gas water heaters 23 Installation 23 5.4 Use Of Accredited Products Or Methods 23 6 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 25 6.1 Regulatory Framework 25 6.2 Energy Codes In Use 25 6.3 Model Energy Code (MEC) 26 6.3.1 Scope 26 6.3.2 Exemptions 27 6.3.3 Compliance paths 27 6.3.4 Mandatory requirements 27 Building envelope 27 Identification marking 27 Heating and cooling 28 Service water heating 28 Electric systems 28 6.3.5 Prescriptive package approach 28 6.3.6 Trade-off approach 29 6.3.7 Software approach 29 6.4 International Energy Conservation Code 30 6.4.1 Introduction 30 6.4.2 Residential buildings 30 Annual Energy Consumption Method 30 Building Envelope Method 31 6.4.3 Commercial buildings 32 Introduction 32 The approaches contained in ASHRAE/IES 32 Design by acceptable practice for commercial buildings. 35 I N T E R N AT I O N A L 7 iii S U R V E Y O F B U I L D I N G E N E R G Y CALIFORNIA ENERGY CODE C O D E S 38 7.1 Regulatory Framework 38 7.2 Scope 38 7.3 Categories of Buildings 38 7.4 Climate Zones 38 7.5 Non-Residential, High-Rise Residential, and Hotel/Motel Buildings 39 7.5.1 Mandatory provisions 39 7.5.2 Performance approach 39 7.5.3 Prescriptive approach 40 7.6 Low-Rise Residential Buildings 41 7.6.1 Mandatory provisions 41 7.6.2 Performance approach 42 Determine the allowable energy budget 42 Determine the annual energy budget 42 7.6.3 Prescriptive approach (alternative component package) 42 7.7 All Buildings - Mandatory Provisions 43 7.8 Semi-Conditioned Non Residential Buildings 44 7.9 New Construction In Existing Buildings 45 7.9.1 Non residential, high-rise residential, and hotel/motel buildings 45 Additions 45 Alterations 46 7.9.2 Low-rise residential buildings 46 Additions 46 Alterations 46 7.9.3 Semi-conditioned buildings 46 8 HAWAII 48 8.1 Regulatory Framework 48 8.2 Ceiling heat gains 48 8.3 Natural Ventilation 48 8.4 Air Leakage 48 8.5 Swimming Pools and Spas 49 8.6 Testing, operating and Maintaining Information 49 8.7 Economic Calculations 49 9 CANADA 51 9.1 Regulatory Framework 51 9.2 Model National Energy Code of Canada for Houses - 1997 52 9.2.1 Scope 52 9.2.2 General provisions 52 9.2.3 Mandatory measures 52 Building envelope 53 Lighting 53 Heating, ventilation and HVAC systems 53 I N T E R N AT I O N A L iv S U R V E Y O F B U I L D I N G E N E R G Y C O D E S SWH systems 53 Electrical power 53 9.2.4 Prescriptive path 53 Building envelope 53 HVAC system 54 9.2.5 Performance path 54 Building energy performance method 54 9.3 Model National Energy Code of Canada for Buildings - 1997 55 9.3.1 General provisions 55 9.3.2 Mandatory measures 55 Building envelope 55 Lighting 55 HVAC systems 55 SHW systems 56 Electrical power 56 9.3.3 Prescriptive path 56 Building envelope provisions 56 HVAC, lighting and SHW system 57 9.3.4 Performance path 57 Building energy performance compliance 57 10 CANADA - ONTARIO 59 10.1 Regulatory Framework 59 10.2 Houses And Small Buildings 59 10.3 Other Buildings 60 11 SINGAPORE 62 12 AUSTRALIA 64 12.1 Regulatory Framework 64 12.2 Scope of Energy Efficiency Measures 65 12.3 Performance Requirements 65 12.4 Australian Capital Territory 65 12.4.1 New buildings 65 12.4.2 Additions to buildings 65 12.4.3 Exemptions 65 12.5 South Australia 66 12.5.1 Ministers Specification South Australia SA2.1 66 Application 66 Verification Method 66 Insulation requirements of AS2627.1 66 Insulation requirements of the Ministers Guideline 67 Exemptions 68 I N T E R N AT I O N A L v S U R V E Y O F B U I L D I N G E N E R G Y C O D E S 12.6 Victoria 68 12.6.1 Insulation requirements 68 12.6.2 House energy rating 69 12.6.3 Exemptions 69 12.6.4 Other requirements 69 13 CONCLUSIONS 71 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 13.6 13.7 13.8 13.9 13.10 13.11 13.12 13.13 Scope and Format Regulatory Approach - General Regulatory Approach - Houses Regulatory Approach - Other Buildings Stated Objective Or Philosophy Performance Measures Stringency Measures And Levels Consideration Of Fuel And Construction Costs Use Of Standard Buildings, Assumptions, Software Exemptions / Limitations How "Ventilated Buildings" Are Handled Extent Of Geographic Zones Envelope - General 71 71 72 72 72 73 73 73 73 74 74 74 74 13.13.1 Thermal performance of elements 75 13.13.2 Housing 75 13.13.3 Other buildings 75 13.13.4 Air tightness 75 13.14 13.15 13.16 13.17 13.18 13.19 13.20 13.21 13.22 13.23 76 76 76 76 76 77 77 77 77 77 HVAC System Lighting - Housing Lighting Systems - Other Buildings Metering And Monitoring Facilities Lifts SWH Systems Other Equipment Maintenance Financial Criteria Australian Variations And Additions I N T E R N AT I O N A L S U R V E Y O F B U I L D I N G E N E R G Y C O D E S APPENDICES Appendix A List of Overseas Contributors 79 Appendix B List of References 81 Appendix C Energy Codes Adopted by Individual States of the USA 83 Appendix D Energy Efficiency Requirements in Overseas Codes 88 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 Extract from Approved Document L - Performance requirements L1 Figure 2 UK Energy Code compliance routes for dwellings 11 Figure 3 Table 1 from Approved Document L 12 Figure 4 Table 4 from Approved Document L 13 Figure 5 UK Energy Code compliance routes for buildings other than dwellings 14 Figure 6 Table 5 from Approved Document L 14 Figure 7 Table 6 from Approved Document L 15 Figure 8 NZ building code system and proposed energy efficiency implementation 18 Figure 9 Average annual number and floor area of new buildings 1970-1993 19 Figure 10 Extract from NZS 4218 - Energy efficiency housing and 10 20 small building envelope Figure 11 Extract from NZS 4243 - Energy efficiency large buildings 21 Figure 12 Summary of energy codes adopted by the States of the USA 25 Figure 13 USA Model Energy Code 27 Figure 14 Example of a prescriptive package table 28 Figure 15 USA residential building compliance routes 30 Figure 16 Extract from IECC 1998 of a table for the prescriptive 32 building envelope requirements Figure 17 Overall picture of achieving compliance in ASHRAE/IES Energy Code 33 Figure 18 Extract from ASHRAE/IES 90.1 of an Alternative Component Package Table 34 Figure 19 Extract from ASHRAE/IES 90.1 of a table for envelope requirements 36 Figure 20 California Energy Code compliance routes for non-residential, 39 high-rise residential, and hotel/motel buildings vi Figure 21 Prescriptive requirements for non-residential buildings 40 Figure 22 California Energy Code compliance routes for low-rise residential buildings 41 Figure 23 Prescriptive requirements for residential buildings 43 Figure 24 Flow chart for compliance 45 Figure 25 Status of energy codes adopted in the Provinces of Canada 51 Figure 26 National Model Energy Code compliance routes. 52 Figure 27 Example of prescriptive tables in the MNECH 54 Figure 28 Example of prescriptive tables in the MNECB for building envelopes 56 Figure 29 Example of prescriptive tables in the MNECB for glazed areas 57 I N T E R N AT I O N A L S U R V E Y O F B U I L D I N G E N E R G Y C O D E S Figure 30 Table for the minimum thermal resistance insulation 59 required to building elements Figure 31 Table for the minimum thermal resistance insulation 60 required to building elements Figure 32 BCA building compliance routes 64 Figure 33 Table F6 of ACT Appendix 65 Figure 34 Extract from Table 2.1 from AS 2627.1 66 Figure 35 Extract from Table 2.2 from AS 2627.1 67 Figure 36 Extract from AS 2627.1 for roofs/ceilings 67 Figure 37 Extract from AS 2627.1 for walls 67 Figure 38 Table 1 from Minister’s Guideline SA 2.1 68 Figure 39 Table 2 from Minister’s Guideline SA 2.1 68 Figure 40 Table F6.1 of the Victorian Appendix 69 Figure 41 Table F6.2 of the Victorian Appendix 69 A B B R E V I AT I O N S vii ABCB Australian Building Codes Board ACT Australian Capital Territory ACTHERS ACT House Energy Rating Scheme AFUE Annual Fuel Utilisation Efficiency AGO Australian Greenhouse Office ALF Annual Loss Factor ASHRAE American Society of Heating Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Engineers ACP Alternative Component Package BCA Building Code of Australia BECON Building Energy Cost Budget Method BESTEST Building Energy Simulation Test BIA Building Industry Association BPI Building Performance Index CEC California Energy Code CIBSE Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers DD Degree-days DECON Design Energy Consumption DECOS Design Energy Cost DETR The Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions DTS Deemed-to-Satisfy ECB Energy Cost Budget HUD USA Department of Housing and Urban Development HVAC Heating, ventilating and air-conditioning IECC International Energy Conservation Code IES Illuminating Engineering Society of North America I N T E R N AT I O N A L ILPA IRCC kWh m2 MNECH MNECB MPS NatHERS NZ NZBC OTTV RIS SAP SEER SWH UK USA U-value FirstRate W/m2 WWR viii S U R V E Y O F B U I L D I N G E N E R G Y Interior Lighting Power Allowance Inter-Jurisdictional Regulatory Collaboration Committee Kilowatt hour Square metres Model National Energy Code for Houses Model National Energy Code for Buildings USA Minimum Property Standards Nationwide House Energy Rating Scheme New Zealand New Zealand Building Code Overall thermal transmittance value Regulatory Impact Statement Standard Assessment Procedure Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio Service water heaters United Kingdom United States of America Thermal transmittance Victorian House Energy Rating Scheme Watts per square metres Window to wall ratio C O D E S SECTION ONE INTRODUCTION I N T E R N AT I O N A L SECTION 1 S U R V E Y B U I L D I N G E N E R G Y C O D E S INTRODUCTION With the successful conclusion of the international conference As part of the introduction of mandatory minimum energy on greenhouse gases in Kyoto, Japan, in December 1997, a efficiency provisions into the Building Code of Australia, post-2000 global response is currently being put in place to preliminary studies have been commissioned by the Australian help address the threat of climate change. The Kyoto Protocol Greenhouse Office to research the parameters and implications to the Framework Convention on Climate Change represented of such a task. A recent scoping study has been completed a significant advance for the global environment. For the by CSIRO on "Minimum Energy Performance Requirements first time developed countries have made legally binding for Incorporation into the Building Code of Australia". commitments to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions and address the threat of climate change. In line with this study, the AGO has further commissioned the ABCB Office to prepare this study of the energy efficiency Australia played an active role in the negotiations and provisions contained in overseas building codes. It is intended achieved an outcome that allows us to assume emission to provide an insight into the different provisions applied to the limitation commitments in line with the unique features of various buildings around the world in the context of each our economy. Improving energy efficiency is one of the most country's regulatory system. cost-effective ways of reducing greenhouse gas emissions both in Australia and around the world. Energy use is the dominant source of Australian greenhouse gas emissions with 55 per cent of total emissions generated by the combustion of fuels to provide stationary energy. Predictions show that these emissions are expected to grow by over 28 per cent between 1990 and 2010. Following wide consultation between the Federal Government and the building industry, it was announced on 24 March 1999 that the Ministerial Council on the Greenhouse reached a landmark agreement on a comprehensive strategy aimed at making our homes and commercial buildings more energy efficient. This agreement featured a two pronged strategy that will see the introduction of mandatory minimum energy performance requirements through the Building Code of Australia while encouraging and supporting voluntary best practice initiatives. 2 O F With this knowledge, and the recommendations contained in the Scoping Study carried out by the CSIRO for the AGO, stakeholders will be in a position to provide informed comment on possible mandatory energy efficiency measures. SECTION TWO STUDY SCOPE AND METHODOLOGY I N T E R N AT I O N A L SECTION 2 2.1 S U R V E Y O F B U I L D I N G E N E R G Y C O D E S STUDY SCOPE AND METHODOLOGY Scope 2.2 Methodology This study is to assess the suitability of overseas The building regulations of many countries already contain regulatory approaches and to assist in the development and environmental protection, energy efficiency or fuel conservation implementation of energy related building code requirements measures. It would be too onerous to study all countries that for the Building Code of Australia. have energy efficiency provisions within their built environment. In particular, this study is to determine what energy efficiency, greenhouse gas reduction or fuel conservation measures exist, or are being considered for inclusion, in overseas and Australian building regulations and codes. The outcomes of this report will be used as an information source when Rather this study concentrates on countries with similar regulatory, climatic or socio-economic characteristics to Australia. Countries considered in the study were: ■ Australia (South Australia, Victoria and ACT); inclusion in the Building Code of Australia. ■ Canada (including Ontario); The brief for this study requires that the following aspects ■ New Zealand; ■ Singapore; ■ United Kingdom; and the ■ United States of America (including California and Hawaii). determining what measures should be considered for be considered and, where relevant, be reported upon: ■ the objective of the provisions; ■ the stringency measures and levels; ■ the overall regulatory framework these provisions Some countries, like the United Kingdom and New Zealand, operate under; have a national code that is adopted throughout the country ■ the philosophy followed and scope covered; as the single mandatory code for compliance. Other countries, ■ any performance measures, qualitative and quantitative; ■ any assumptions, such as the use of "standard" buildings; adopt as a whole, in part, or not at all. ■ any verification methods; An example of this is Canada that has a national model energy ■ any prescriptive methodologies and provisions; ■ the application and any limitations for building types, a model code exists. For example, in the case of Canada, uses, etc; the Province of Ontario code is reviewed. ■ how ventilated or "free running houses" are dealt with; Similarly, the USA has 50 states and three code writing ■ the extent of climatic zoning; bodies. The current main code and the future code have ■ any consideration of fuel type and cost; codes for the State of California and Hawaii which both have ■ any consideration of construction costs; and separate energy codes. These States were also selected ■ any use of modelling software. such as United States of America (USA) and Canada, have a national model code that individual States or Provinces may code but not all Provinces have adopted the code. For this reason, this study is extended to include a typical code where been discussed in this report as well as the energy efficiency because of similarities of climate, building environment and It should be emphasised that this is a survey of current practices. For example, it is known that Canada, the USA and other countries are moving to a performance based building code which will mean significant change that could, in turn, effect energy efficiency provisions. The Kyoto Protocol may also have prompted countries to commence reviewing their requirements. 4 socio-economic conditions with Australia. I N T E R N AT I O N A L S U R V E Y There are also some energy efficiency provisions already appended to the Building Code of Australia. These provisions only apply in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT), South Australia and Victoria. Further energy efficiency provisions are currently proposed in other States either through a State model code, through planning legislation or other local government initiatives. Due to the varying requirements of these initiatives and their narrow geographical focus, only the provisions of South Australia, Victoria and the ACT will be discussed. The Australian Building Codes Board is an active member of the Inter-Jurisdictional Regulatory Collaboration Committee (IRCC) along with the USA, Canada, UK, Sweden, Norway, New Zealand and Japan. The purpose of the IRCC is to advance, at an international level, framework, guidance, and support documents on construction-related regulatory environment issues relative to the development, implementation, and support of performance-based regulatory systems. With such close links, the ABCB has access to many international building control officials. Throughout the preparation of this report, there has been close liaison with building officials from other countries to ensure the accuracy of the material. These people have contributed to the accuracy of the technical content of this report and their efforts are appreciated. They are listed in Appendix A. 5 O F B U I L D I N G E N E R G Y C O D E S SECTION THREE TERMINOLOGY I N T E R N AT I O N A L SECTION 3 S U R V E Y O F B U I L D I N G E N E R G Y C O D E S TERMINOLOGY In many cases, terms used by building officials in Australia Appendix for their specific energy efficiency provisions. may be used in a different context to how they are used Performance Requirement Vic FP6.1 states- overseas or how they are used by people of different professional backgrounds. The target audience of this report may include people from Government Departments, technical experts, hands-on builders, building regulators, manufacturers, "A building must have an adequate level of thermal performance to ensure efficient use of energy for internal heating and cooling". property owners, etc. both within Australia and internationally. Some countries like New Zealand have quantitative Due to this diverse range of possible readers, it is necessary performance requirements. These specify a certain level or to explain certain terms used in the report so that the reader quantity that the performance of the building or element must can better understand the context in which it is used. achieve. For example the NZ Performance Requirement The following are some terms that will need clarifying. H1.3.1 states'The building envelope shall be constructed to ensure 3.1 Performance Requirements that the building performance index shall not exceed 0.13 kWh." The term "Performance" is used throughout the world in a regulatory sense yet has many meanings depending on the In this case, a quantitative measure (0.13 kWh) has been country and its inherent building environment. Performance applied to the Performance Requirement. in the Australian context is represented by the performance In other countries, the term performance has been used hierarchy contained within the BCA. to describe a means of achieving energy efficiency. In the The performance hierarchy in the BCA is represented by Australian context, this is not performance but a Deemed-to- the Objectives, Functional Statements and Performance Satisfy (DTS) Provision. Generally, it is a prescribed procedure Requirements. that utilises or measures the performance of the building, usually via an annual cost analysis or a heat loss/gain analysis. The Objective indicates what the general community expects with regard safety, health and amenity. The Functional If this prescribed procedure is followed and the building achieves the required outcome, it is deemed to comply. Statements describe how a building contributes to achieving this Objective. The Objective and Functional Statement are Therefore, although a performance method is available in not mandatory and are only included to explain the basis a particular code, this would be regarded as a prescriptive of the Performance Requirements. approach, or possibly a verification method, in the Australian context. The Performance Requirement is the mandatory component of the BCA and is defined as: The table in Appendix E summarises the applicable code requirements for each country. One column within the table "a requirement which states the level of performance which a Building Solution must meet." hierarchy. This means a performance hierarchy in the The BCA Performance Requirements are deliberately written in Australian context eg. Objective, Functional Statement a qualitative manner. Qualitative, meaning that they must have and Performance Requirements. certain attributes or qualities to achieve a certain level of performance. An example of this is contained in the Victorian 7 indicates whether a country's energy code has a performance I N T E R N AT I O N A L 3.2 S U R V E Y Alternative Solution B U I L D I N G 3.3 E N E R G Y C O D E S Ventilated Buildings The term Alternative Solution is also mentioned throughout The term "ventilated buildings" in this report, means the this report. Again, this is discussed in the Australian context. method of controlling the environment in a building without The definition of an Alternative Solution in the BCA: using heating or refrigerated air-conditioning. It includes natural "means a Building Solution which complies with the Performance Requirements other than by reason of satisfying the DTS Provisions." ventilation, fan assisted ventilation and evaporative cooling. It is some times called passive comfort conditioning or a building may be described as "free running". It is different to the current BCA ventilation requirements, which are the minimum amount An Alternative Solution is any solution that complies with the of outside air that must be introduced for health and odour Performance Requirements other than the standard control. prescriptive provisions. An example of this, apart from in the Australian context, is in the UK where Approved Document L is the recommended prescriptive method. However the UK Building Regulations allowed any "other method" to be used so long as the building is deemed to be "energy efficient". This "other method" would be considered an Alternative Solution. 8 O F SECTION FOUR UNITED KINGDOM I N T E R N AT I O N A L SECTION 4 4.1 S U R V E Y O F B U I L D I N G E N E R G Y C O D E S UNITED KINGDOM Regulatory Framework In England and Wales, the 1991 Building Regulations provide for the health and safety of people in and around buildings by setting functional requirements for building design and construction. In addition, these regulations promote energy the Building Regulations by following the guidance in Document L or by an Alternative Solution. The requirements generally cover limiting heat loss through: ■ the fabric of the building; ■ the control of space heating and domestic hot water efficiency in buildings through Part L, Schedule 1 titled systems; Conservation of Fuel and Power. ■ hot water pipes and hot air ducts; and ■ the control of lighting (lamp efficiency) in non-domestic Energy efficiency requirements were first introduced into the Building Regulations in 1974 in response to the Arab oil embargo with the aim of conservation of fuel stocks. A new buildings having a lit area more than 100 m2. Building Act was introduced in 1984 that changed this aim Similar technical provisions are enforced in Scotland and to the conservation of fuel and power. The current Building Northern Ireland through separate legislation but for the Regulations, 1991 have the explicit aim of controlling CO2 purposes of this study, Approved Document L will be emissions from buildings. reviewed as being indicative of the energy efficiency To assist builders and developers to comply with the Building requirements for the UK. Regulations, the Department of the Environment, Transport In the Australian context, Approved Document L is essentially and the Regions (DETR) has published a series of "Approved a prescriptive code. However, through the Building Regulations, Documents". These provide guidance on ways the legal 1991, a builder, owner or developer may show compliance via requirements can be met. They are not mandatory, but can an Alternative Solution, subject to acceptance by the Approval be accepted as complying with the Building Regulations. Authority. This would suggest that the energy efficiency The relevant Approved Document for energy efficiency is Approved Document L. - Conservation of fuel and power. This document repeats the legal requirements set out in Schedule 1 to the Regulations, gives guidance on what the requirements within the UK are performance based. The means of assessing and accepting an Alternative Solution, as well as how often this approach is used, is not known, but the option is available. Secretary of State considers how a building should perform The building regulations have an overlying Performance to be considered energy efficient, and then goes on to offer Requirement that is repeated in Approved Document L. some ways of showing compliance. A builder, owner or It can be used as guidance in accepting Alternative developer may choose to show compliance with Solutions. See figure 1. Figure 1 Extract from Approved Document L - Performance requirements L1 Requirements Limits on application Conservation of fuel and power L1. Reasonable provision shall be made for the conservation of fuel and Requirements L1(a), (b), (c) power in buildings by: and (d) apply only to - (a) limiting the heat loss through the fabric of the building; (a) dwellings; (b) controlling the operation of the space heating and hot water systems; (b) other buildings whose floor area exceeds 30 m2. (c) limiting the heat loss from hot water vessels and hot water service pipework: (d) limiting the heat loss from hot water pipes and hot air ducts used for space heating; 10 (e) installing in buildings artificial lighting systems which are designed and constructed Requirement L1(e) applies only within buildings where to use no more fuel and power than is reasonable in the circumstances and making more than 100 m2 of floor area is to be provided with artificial reasonable provision for controlling such systems. lighting and does not apply within dwellings. I N T E R N AT I O N A L 4.2 S U R V E Y O F B U I L D I N G Scope Figure 2 E N E R G Y C O D E S UK Energy Code compliance routes for dwellings As shown in the "Limits on application", the requirements of L1 only apply to: ■ dwellings; and ■ other buildings where the floor area does not exceed PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENT L1 30m2. A dwelling is a building designed for the residential use of a family or other domestic household. It includes attached and detached housings and individual units of multi-residential PRESCRIPTIVE PROVISIONS apartments but not the whole building. It does not include accommodation for the elderly, hostels, hotels/motels, etc. Approved Document L does not apply to: ■ small extensions (not exceeding 10m2); or ■ a commercial or industrial building with no heating or a low ELEMENTAL METHOD level of heating (output of the space heating system does TARGET U-VALUE METHOD ENERGY RATING METHOD not exceed 50W/m2). It also has minimal requirements for conservatories not forming an integral part of a new dwelling. 4.3 Categories The technical solutions in Approved Document L that are Different standard U-values are given for building elements depending on the completed dwellings estimated Standard deemed to meet the Performance Requirement L1 are broken Assessment Procedure (SAP) rating. Refer below for details down into dwellings and buildings other than dwellings. on the method of obtaining an SAP rating. The different SAP These will be considered separately. ratings are categorised into: 4.4 ■ SAP rating of 60 or less; or ■ SAP rating of over 60. Dwellings To meet the requirements for fabric performance a designer may follow one of the three available methods specified in the SAP rating Approved Document L. See figure 2. These three methods are used to demonstrate how heat loss through the building fabric As part of the administrative requirements of Regulation 14A is limited. They are: in the Building Regulations, builders, developers or owners have to calculate the SAP Rating for every new dwelling. ■ the elemental method; ■ the target U-value method; and separate from compliance with the technical provisions in ■ the energy Rating method. Part L of Schedule 1. The administrative requirement states This is an administrative requirement in Regulation 14A that a SAP Rating must be submitted at the completion of 4.4.1 Elemental Method the building works. This was a new initiative introduced in The elemental method requires that certain building elements 1994 aimed at making annual energy cost information such as roofs, walls, floors, windows, doors etc. achieve the more accessible to prospective purchasers and tenants minimum thermal transmittance (U-value) as specified in Table 1 of Approved Document L. See Figure 3 for an extract of the table. 11 of new dwellings. I N T E R N AT I O N A L Figure 3 S U R V E Y Table 1 from Approved Document L O F B U I L D I N G E N E R G Y C O D E S There is also a standard requirement for the average performance of windows, doors and roof lights in relation to Table 1 Standard U-values (W/m2K) for dwellings their area, not to exceed a certain percentage of the floor area For SAP Energy Ratings of: 60 or less over 60 Element (a) (b) Roofs (1) 0.2 0.25 (2) of the building. For example, the total area of the windows, doorways and roof lights should not exceed 22.5% of the floor area of the building if the average U-value for windows, door and roof lights combined is 3.3 W/m2K . Exposed walls 0.45 0.45 Note that there is an alternative prescriptive requirement for Exposed floors and ground floors 0 35 0.45 floors under Appendix C. This is a calculation using a graph Semi-exposed walls and floors 0.6 0.6 where the floor may be sufficiently large (width and length) Windows, doors and rooflights 3.0 3.3 not to warrant any further insulation. Notes 1. 2. Any part of a roof having a pitch of 70° or more may have the same 4.4.2 Target U-value Method U-value as a wall. This method requires that both a target U-value, and an For a flat roof or the sloping parts of a room-in-the roof construction average U-value, be calculated for a subject building. If the it will be acceptable if a U-value of 0.35 W/m2K is achieved. average U-value of the proposed dwelling does not exceed the target U-value, then compliance is shown. A target U-value is calculated using a formula that takes into account the floor area of the building in relation to the total area of exposed elements. There are two different formulas The "Government's Standard Assessment Procedure for Energy Rating of Dwellings - 1998 Edition" contains the procedure for providing an energy rating – a SAP Rating. The analysis takes into account the building’s dimensions, for obtaining the target U-value depending on whether the dwelling has a SAP rating of less than or equal to 60, or a SAP rating for over 60. fabric thermal resistance, ventilation, heat losses and gains, The average U-value is calculated by summing the proposed water heating, weather conditions, space heating and fuel U-values for each exposed surface and calculating the costs. The SAP delivers a rating on a scale of 1 (worst) to average U-value over the sum of the exposed surface areas. 100 (best). With this administrative requirement to calculate a SAP 4.4.3 Energy Rating Method Rating in place, it was also recognised as a way of showing The previous two methods only took into account the compliance with the technical requirements in Part L. envelope components. The energy rating method is a holistic However, applications for approval are made at submission approach, which also takes into account ventilation rates, stage, not when the dwelling is completed, so the builder has service water heating (SWH), internal heat gains, solar gains to determine an approximate rating for the building to use and the cost of fuels used. the Elemental Method. Appendix G in Approved Document L provides some examples of dwellings and their SAP Ratings to give builders and building control inspectors an initial feel of what to expect. This method requires that a SAP rating be calculated in accordance with the Government's standard assessment procedure for energy rating of dwellings. This calculated SAP rating cannot be less than the SAP ratings outlined in Once a SAP rating is calculated, a designer can obtain the U-values for a building element from Table 1. After the Uvalues are determined, a designer can refer to Appendix, A which describes construction systems that are deemed to 12 Table 4 of Approved Document L. See Figure 4. The SAP ratings in Table 4 are default ratings for houses with a range of floor areas. provide the required U-values. These systems usually involve As stated previously, the SAP rating is an energy rating taking typical construction methods (brick veneer, cavity brick into account the calculated annual energy cost for space and construction, etc.) with certain types and thickness of water heating. Under the Elemental Method, SAP ratings of insulation. However, these tables are conservative and around 65 to 75 are achieved using the specified U-values of builders usually use materials producers’ catalogue data the external envelope components and a typical gas central (eg. Owens Corning). heating system and service water heating (90% of UK market). I N T E R N AT I O N A L Figure 4 S U R V E Y Table 4 from Approved Document L O F B U I L D I N G E N E R G Y C O D E S 4.4.4 General requirements for dwellings There are further prescriptive provisions contained in Approved SAP Energy Ratings to demonstrate compliance Document L for dwellings, regardless of which method is used Dwelling floor area (m2) to meet the Performance Requirement. These include: SAP Energy Rating 80 or less 80 more than 80 up to 90 81 more than 90 up to 100 82 more than 100 up to 110 83 more than 110 up to 120 84 more than 120 85 Thermal bridging around openings Satisfactory methods for bridging are specified diagrammatically as well as an alternative calculation method being provided. Limiting infiltration A series of sealing methods that are deemed to meet the requirements are specified and shown diagrammatically. Further guidance in another report For oil based systems the same dwelling might have a SAP is also referenced. Rating 10 points higher because of the price advantage oil Space heating system controls had at the time the cost data table was produced. For direct Zoning, operation time and boiler management on-peak electric heating, the same dwelling could have a SAP Rating of around 50. There is no minimum SAP Rating – only controls are all required so that energy is not used unnecessarily. a requirement to produce one so that a prospective purchaser HWS system controls can see it and consider it. Under the Energy Rating Method, A level of efficiency is specified for heat exchangers the SAP energy rating required ranges between 80 and 85. and a thermostat and timer are required so that water is not heated unnecessarily. There are also alternative The reason for the different SAP ratings in the Elemental approaches that can be used to meet the requirements Method and the Energy Rating Method is that the Elemental for space heating and hot water. These approaches Method is merely one way of showing that the fabric thermal consist of following other British Standards that refer to resistance is reasonable. The builder then has to show compliance of thermal bridging, air-tightness, space heating and hot water controls. controls, or by using authoritative design specifications recognised by the heating fuel supply companies. Insulation of vessels, pipes and ducts An approved insulation method is given for With the Energy Rating Method, a user has to show that hot water vessels. Alternatively, following another British acceptable provisions against thermal bridging have been Standard can satisfy this requirement. Specifications made, that the limiting U-values have not been exceeded for insulation of pipes and ducts are also given and and, by a combination of fabric and central heating and they, in turn, reference British Standards. service water heating performance, the minimum SAP Conservatories Rating of 80 to 85 has been achieved. If a conservatory is connected as an integral part of a new dwelling it should be treated as a part of the dwelling for the purposes of glazing allowance, target U-value etc. However, it should also be separated from the dwelling (a definition of adequate separation is given) and any fixed heating should be separately controlled. 13 I N T E R N AT I O N A L S U R V E Y O F B U I L D I N G E N E R G Y C O D E S 4.5.1 Elemental Method Material alterations If the proposed work includes altering elements of the The Elemental Method for buildings other than dwellings is the fabric then some improvement is required dependent same as for dwellings with the exception that there is no SAP upon the circumstances in the particular case. When rating calculation. Figure 6 is Table 5 of Approved Document L heating and HWS systems are to be altered, provisions and shows the standard U-values for certain elements. should be the same as for new installations although There are also prescriptive provisions for windows, doors and again, it will depend on the circumstances in the roof lights. Their area is not to exceed a certain percentage of particular case. the wall area of the building. Note that this is different to dwellings where floor area is the basis. See Figure 7. For Material changes of use If the building is undergoing a change of use, elements may not need to be brought up to current code requirements unless they are being replaced as part of material alterations. example, the total area of the windows and doorways cannot exceed 40% of the wall area of a typical office building if the average U-value of all the glazing and personnel doors is no more than 3.3 W/m2K. 4.5.2 Calculation Method Under the Calculation Method, the rate of heat loss is 4.5 Buildings Other Than Dwellings calculated for a 'notional' building that complies with the As with dwellings, to meet the performance, a designer Elemental Method and is the same size and shape as the needs to comply with only one of the three available methods proposed building. The calculation using the notional building specified in Approved Document L to demonstrated how heat uses default area percentages of windows, doors and roof- loss through the building fabric must be limited. They are lights to calculates the rate of heat loss as per the Elemental shown in Figure 5 and are: Method. The rate of heat loss is then calculated for the proposed building taking into account the actual areas. ■ the Elemental Method; ■ the Calculation Method; and ■ the Energy Use Method. Figure 5 To comply with the Calculation Method the proposed building's rate of heat loss cannot exceed the notional building's rate of heat loss. UK Energy Code compliance routes for buildings other than dwellings Figure 6 Table 5 from Approved Document L Table 5 Standard U-values (W/m2K) for buildings other than dwellings Element PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENT L1 PRESCRIPTIVE PROVISIONS Roofs (1) U-value 0.25 (2) Exposed walls 0.45 Exposed floors and ground floors 0.45 Semi-exposed walls and floors 0.6 Windows, personnel doors and rooflights 3.3 Vehicle access and similar large doors 0.7 Notes 1. Any part of a roof having a pitch of 70° or more may have the same U-value as a wall. ELEMENTAL METHOD CALCULATION METHOD ENERGY USE METHOD 2. For a flat roof or insulated sloping roof with no loft space it will be acceptable if a U-value of 0.35 W/m2K is achieved for residential buildings or 0.45 W/m2K for other buildings. 14 I N T E R N AT I O N A L Figure 7 S U R V E Y Table 6 from Approved Document L O F B U I L D I N G E N E R G Y C O D E S Naturally ventilated buildings For naturally ventilated buildings, an acceptable method of Table 6 Basic allowance for windows, doors and rooflights for buildings other than dwellings Building type Windows and doors(1) Residential buildings (2) Rooflights 30% Places of assembly, 20% of 40% (3) offices and shops roof area demonstrating compliance is given in the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE) publication Building Energy Code 1981 Part 2a. 4.5.4 General requirements for buildings other than dwellings Similar to dwellings, there are further prescriptive provisions for buildings other than dwellings. Key provisions are Industrial and storage tabulated below. buildings 15% Vehicle access doors (all building types) As required Thermal bridging around openings Similar provisions as for dwellings. Notes 1. Percentage of exposed wall area. Limiting infiltration 2. Residential buildings (other than dwellings) means buildings in which Similar provisions as for dwellings. people temporarily or permanently reside: for example, institutions, hotels Space heating system controls and boarding houses. Similar provisions as for dwellings although outside See paragraph 2.3 regarding exclusions. compensator control and optimum start control are 3. considered reasonable if the installed heating capacity exceeds 100 kW. HWS system controls Similar provisions as for dwellings for small scale – An example of this method is if the proposed building's total area of windows and doors is 50% of the wall perimeter. It has no roof lights. As shown in Table 6 (see Figure 7) a building to comply with the Elemental Method cannot have windows and doorways exceeding 40% of the floor area of the building. The notional building will assume a window area of 40% and a roof light area of 20%. Broadly speaking, the heat loss through the default areas of openings (totalling 60%) in the notional building will more than likely outweigh the extra 15% window area of the proposed building which would have not been permitted under the Elemental Method. 4.5.3 Energy Use Method This is similar to the Calculation Method, except the Calculation Method focuses on fabric resistance whilst the Energy Use Method focuses on annual energy consumption. The Energy Use Method involves calculating the overall annual energy consumption of the proposed building and comparing it with the likely annual energy consumption of a similar building that complies with the Elemental Method. 15 The main difference between this and the Calculation Method is that solar and internal heat gains are taken into account. Once again, this method can exceed the limitations within the Elemental Method by trading off other energy efficiency provisions although the limits on thermal bridging and U-values cannot be traded. The aim is to broadly get the same performance while allowing greater design flexibility. reference to British Standards for larger. Insulation of vessels, pipes and ducts Similar provisions as for dwellings. Lighting A minimum efficiencies for 95% of the installed lamps are given in a tabulated form. Display and emergency lighting are excluded. Local switches are required that are easily accessible to occupants or automatic switches that sense when there is adequate daylight or no occupants within the room. Alternatively, there is a calculation procedure available and a performance target of 50 lumens per watt. Maximising the use of daylight or photoelectric switches is another way of meeting the requirements. Compliance can also be achieved by following the CIBSE Publication Code for Interior Lighting provided the design performs no worse than the designs specified in the Approved Document. Material alterations Similar provisions as for dwellings. Material changes of use Similar provisions as for dwellings. SECTION FIVE NEW ZEALAND I N T E R N AT I O N A L SECTION 5 5.1 S U R V E Y B U I L D I N G E N E R G Y C O D E S NEW ZEALAND Regulatory Framework The energy efficiency requirements for buildings are contained in the New Zealand Building Code (NZBC) which is a statutory requirement because it is part of the Building Regulations 1992. The current requirements (at February 2000) were introduced in 1978 for houses and 1993 for commercial and public buildings. These initial requirements are reasonably brief and have a relatively narrow scope. The Building Industry Authority (BIA), which is the equivalent of the ABCB, completed a review of the energy efficiency requirements in 1996. This review led to the development and publication of three new energy efficiency standards by Standards New Zealand. They broaden the scope and provide requirements that are more detailed. The recommendations of the BIA were forwarded onto the Government and approved in October 1999, but with the change of Government, there has been a delay in their implementation. This report comments briefly on the current requirements and concentrates on the proposed new ones. 5.2 O F Current Requirements 5.2.1 Scope The current requirements are split into the following categories: The Verification Method to calculate the BPI is to use a procedure contained in the Annual Loss Factor (ALF) Manual. The ALF method uses the building envelope R-values, the window solar gains and the heat loss of the building depending on the climate zone, the house configuration and area. The ALF method can be manually calculated or calculated using a software package. ALF is similar in concept to FirstRate or ACTHERS (both of which are only available in computer form), in that it is built from a large number of computer simulations on a limited range of house types. One consequential limitation for ALF is that it deals best with standard house types, and it is not suitable for specialist passive solar designs (eg. use of Trombe walls). The Acceptable Solution is compliance to Clause 2 of NZS 4218P:1977. This basically provides different combinations of R-values for ceilings, walls and floors in a tabular format. 5.2.3 Buildings other than houses For buildings other than houses, compliance is demonstrated by a Verification Method based on NZS 4220:1982. The Verification Method gives only guidance to meeting the Functional Requirements (which are normally measured against the Performance Requirement). This standard covers heat losses and gains through the building envelope, air ■ Housing tightness, space heating, building services such as hot water ■ Other buildings and lighting, utilising of waste heat from internal processes and control systems for heating and ventilation. Performance requirements are provided for both these categories with the performance for housing being quantitative whilst for other buildings being qualitative. A mandatory guideline (Verification Method) provides the mechanism for demonstrating compliance with the performance stated in the Code, but a prescriptive method (Acceptable Solution) is only provided for housing. The Performance Requirements for buildings other houses will be more explicitly catered for by the new proposed system discussed hereafter. 5.3 Proposed Future Requirements The proposed new system for energy efficiency measures 5.2.2 Housing within the New Zealand regulatory system is represented in There are two methods of compliance, namely: Figure 8. ■ compliance with the acceptable solution; or ■ demonstrate compliance of an alternative solution using the Verification Method There are likely to be two methods for complying with the future energy efficiency requirements of the NZBC. They are: ■ at the code compliance authority’s discretion; and The quantitative performance for housing states that- 17 "The building envelope shall be constructed to ensure that the Building Performance Index (BPI) shall not exceed 0.13 kWh." using an Alternative Solution, which may be acceptable ■ complying with the ‘Approved Document’, which can be achieved by using an Acceptable Solution or by following the Verification Method. I N T E R N AT I O N A L Figure 8 S U R V E Y NZ building code system and proposed energy efficiency implementation O F B U I L D I N G E N E R G Y C O D E S The two different zone approaches result in similar requirements for much of the country, but the Standards use zones based on territorial local authority boundaries, and can therefore be used most readily by designers or builders not wishing to undertake any calculation. Clause H1 5.3.1 Alternative solution An Alternative Solution is the using of any other material, method, system or design that, with suitable justification Approved Documents Alternative Solutions can be accepted by the Territorial Authority, as complying with the Performance Requirements of the NZBC. There will be little data on the viability of the use of Alternative Solutions until the proposed changes have been in force for a period of time. True performance Alternative Solutions may Verification Method Acceptable Solutions not be such an attractive option since the solutions in the DTS Provisions are relatively effective, easy to use and readily accepted. Alternative Solutions also need to be justified for use with the Approval Authority, which may be cumbersome. Alternative Solutions are more likely to be used on a unique NZS 4218 - 1996 Housing & Small Buildings NZS 4243 - 1996 Large Buildings NZS 4306 - 1996 Domestic Hot Water type of building where the solution could be shown to be more efficient, meets individual client needs or is more cost effective. 5.3.2 Compliance with the approved documents Compliance with the Approved Document, is compliance with the NZBC. The actual code provides two routes for compliance. One is a Verification Method measured against the performance and the other is the prescriptive requirements of referenced documents, namely the following New Zealand Standards: Climate zones For the purposes of the future expected requirements the Acceptable Solutions based on NZS 4218:1996 or NZS ■ NZS 4218:1996 Housing and Small Buildings; ■ NZS 4243:1996 Large Buildings; and ■ NZS 4305: 1996 Domestic Hot Water. 4243:1996 use three climate zones to cover New Zealand. For houses and small buildings climate zones 1 and 2 are grouped, whilst for large buildings zones 2 and 3 are grouped, Verification Method and thus there are essentially only two climate zones used for either category of building. The proposed Verification Method for housing is still based on the ALF Method, which utilises the BPI. If the Verification Method is used (as distinct from the modelling or calculation methods in NZS 4218:1996 or NZS The BPI and the Acceptable Solutions were developed as 4243:1996), then two climate zones (‘warm’ and cool’) based the result of a cost benefit analysis of the extra capital cost on degree-days (DD) are used. Degree-days are a means of of insulation, etc. against the expected savings in energy expressing the severity of the climate in terms of the frequence costs. Generally, the payback period would be eight to ten that the outside temperature is less than 15.5 degrees Celsius. years (based on 8% owner discount rate and 5% national On one particularly cold day there might be six or seven DD discount rate). recorded. It is a good measure of how cold a particular area 18 is over the whole winter period, and so is a measure of how The analysis also assumes that the building has a life of much heating energy will be needed to maintain comfortable 50 years, of which the owner would own it for 20 years. internal temperatures in a building. For example, Christchurch Therefore, the measures are based on national energy costs has approximately 950 DD. The NZ Meteorological Service and benefits for the owners, but not greenhouse effects, data covers approximately 80 locations. sustainability, reduction of oil imports, or other criteria. I N T E R N AT I O N A L S U R V E Y O F B U I L D I N G E N E R G Y C O D E S 5.3.3 NZS 4218 - 1996 housing and small buildings Prescriptive requirements of referenced documents This standard specifically deals with housing and small Research has been carried out on buildings constructed buildings less than 300m2. Housing by definition includes: over the period 1970 to 1993, examining type, floor area and number of storeys. By far the greatest number of buildings ■ were those in the small floor area category (< 300m2) and detached dwellings including a single household, boarding house accommodating fewer than six people and a hut; three storeys or less. Buildings in this category account for ■ approximately 60% of the floor area of buildings constructed unit apartments; and over this time period and it is estimated that they represent 95% of all building consent applications. See Figure 9. multi unit dwellings including attached dwellings and multi ■ group dwellings including buildings where groups of It was determined that these more 'simplistic' type buildings people live as one large extending family (eg. Commune (most of which are residential) are more likely to use a simple or marae). compliance route if available. New Zealand is categorised into three separate climate zones. Both NZS 4218 - 1996 Housing and Small Buildings and For housing and small buildings climate zones 1 and 2 are NZS 4243 - 1996 Large Buildings were been developed grouped. Therefore there are effectively only two climate in this light. Both standards provide a schedule of R-values for building envelope components (Schedule Method), a simple calculation method (Calculation Method) and a more zones. The requirements of this code are specified for each climate zone regardless of system. sophisticated thermal simulation method (Modelling Method) This standard provides three methods for demonstrating to show compliance. compliance. These are: The Schedule Method specifies R-values dependent upon ■ the Schedule Method; external building elements, etc. ■ the Calculation Method; and The Calculation Method utilises the Overall Thermal ■ the Modelling Method. climatic zone, glazing area, area of envelope, heating of Transmittance value (OTTV) comparison procedure to calculate the area-weighted envelope heat loss for both a reference Schedule Method building and the proposed building. The proposed building This method requires the building envelope to have insulation must be no worse off than the reference building in terms of of minimum thermal R-values between conditioned and energy performance. unconditioned spaces. Unconditioned spaces include the The Modelling method is essentially an alternative solution attached garages, conservatories etc as well as outside the to the prescriptive R-values. Although included in both building. The R-values nominated for the roof, walls and floors standards, it is more likely to be used for the more complex and have different values dependant upon climate zone. In large buildings. all cases, these R-values are for the total construction of the Both standards also refer to NZS 4305 - 1996 Domestic element and not just for added insulation (as is the case in Hot Water for additional requirements for energy efficiency. AS 2627). See table in Figure 10. Figure 9 - Average annual number and floor area of new buildings 1970-1993 19 Small (< 300 m2) Residential Non-Residential Large (> 300 m2) Residential Non-Residential Low (< 3 storeys) Number Total Floor Area Average Floor Area 13,200 1,982,000 m2 150 m2 550 90,000m2 160 m2 1,000 2452,000 m2 2450 m2 700 766,000 m2 1,100 m2 Tall (> 3 storeys) Number Total Floor Area Average Floor Area 8 1,600 m2 200 m2 0 12 14,000 m2 1,200 m2 38 225, 000 m2 6,000 m2 (From ‘Perforamnce-based building energy efficiency code’ by Nigel Isaacs I N T E R N AT I O N A L S U R V E Y O F B U I L D I N G E N E R G Y C O D E S In addition, the standard does not nominate the construction of certain roof, wall or floor components that would comply with these different R-values. NZS 4214 specifies methods of calculating R-values for systems of different components. In addition, industry can test materials or forms of construction for compliance. Calculation Method There are also different values for "solid" and "non-solid" construction. Solid construction is masonry, concrete etc, whilst non-solid construction is timber framed buildings, etc. This differentiation was originally included to the 1977 standard to provide development time for certain construction types to improve their thermal performance, but has been changed for the 1996 standard. This method allows the heat loss for the proposed building to be compared with the heat loss of a reference building that complies with the Schedule Method. The heat loss is calculated over the area of each component for both buildings. The proposed building must be equal to, or better than the reference building. There are also different values for components that have heating embedded in them such as heated slabs. There are no requirements for internal floors between two conditioned spaces. This method cannot be used for buildings that have glazing areas greater than 30%. of the external wall surface area. Figure 10 Extract from NZS 4218 - Energy efficiency housing and small building envelope Table 1 - Minimum R-values for schedule method Minimum R-values m2.0C/W Building thermal envelope component Climate zones Climate zones 1&2 3 Roof R 1.9 R 2.5 Wall R 1.5 R1.9 Floor R 1.3 R 1.3 This method allows the building to have more than one type of wall construction and a mix of glazing types. It allows the Rvalues for some components to be relaxed provided the Rvalues for other components are increased to achieve the same result. There are various concessions and restrictions. For example, glazing can be greater than 30% but, if so, must be considered as double glazed in the reference building, whilst an R-value for any component cannot be reduced more than 40% of the Schedule Method value. Modelling Method This method allows the total calculated energy use of the proposed building to be compared to the calculated total energy use of a reference building. This method involves using an approved computer program. The standard does not specify the computer program to use, so each potential computer program must be evaluated and accepted by the Approval Authority. It does, however, require that the computer program be evaluated using the International Energy Agency’s "Building Energy Simulation Test (BESTEST) and Diagnostic Method". Other approved methods may also be used. The same computer program is used to evaluate both the proposed building and the referenced building. Default values are given for certain parameters of both the proposed building and the referenced building, such as: ■ power densities for internal gains; ■ occupancy and plug-in loads; ■ performance of plant and equipment; ■ ventilation rates; and ■ climate zones. Note— (1) The R-values given in this table are those applicable to the reference building as described in this Standard . (2) Glazing above 30% of wall area may very likely lead to solar overheating and/or excessive heat loss. Use of the calculation method or modelling method is advised for over 30% glazing. (3) Carpets or floor coverings are not included in the floor R-value. The floor R-value is met by concrete slab-on-ground and suspended floors with continuous enclosed perimeter with 100mm drooped foil. Exposed floors will require additional treatment e.g. pole houses. 20 Again, default values are given for various types of occupancies (office, residential, retail, etc.) Features that may differ in the modelling between the proposed building and the referenced building are: ■ wall R-value and thermal mass characteristics; ■ floor R-value; ■ roof R-value and thermal mass characteristics; ■ window size and orientation, R-value, shading coefficient and type of external shading devices; and ■ the sizes of heating, cooling and ventilation plant. I N T E R N AT I O N A L S U R V E Y O F B U I L D I N G E N E R G Y C O D E S 5.3.4 NZS 4243 - 1996 Large buildings Once again, the standard does not nominate the construction This standard only applies to large buildings that have details of different roof, wall or floor components that would conditioned spaces, or artificial lighting, or both. The standard be deemed to comply with these R-values. This is left up to defines large buildings as any building that has a floor area industry to provide compliant materials or forms of exceeding 300m2. It excluding housing, industrial and ancillary construction. buildings and non-habitable outbuildings. Lighting Like NZS 4218, this standard provides the same three methods for demonstrating compliance, however there are significant differences for large buildings. The main difference between NZS 4218 and NZS 4234 is the requirements for the building thermal envelope and for lighting. Basically, the lighting power density (W/m2) determined for the proposed building cannot exceed the values contained in a table in the standard for each of the relevant building activities. These activities are broad categories and include offices, schools, retail, storage hotels, car park and the like. The three methods included in NZS 4243 are again: Specific activities not covered by the table must be dealt with using the Calculation Method. ■ the Schedule Method; ■ the Calculation Method; and ■ the Modelling Method. There are no allowances for sophisticated lighting controls or switching systems in any of the three methods in this Standard. This is because it was felt that if such systems were economic then the building owner or designer would have to Schedule Method incorporated them and so there would be no need to regulate. Building thermal envelope Calculation Method This method is fundamentally the same as that applied to housing and small buildings but uses different R-values as Building thermal envelope shown in Figure 11, which is an extract of Table 2 in the This method provides increased flexibility in selecting the standard. There are also different values for components wall construction and glazing type. The thermal performance that have heating embedded in them such as heated slabs. of the proposed building is defined by the total wall thermal This method cannot be used for buildings that have a resistance and the solar aperture and this method provides thermal resistances for components of the building envelope Window to Wall Ratio (WWR) more than 50%. for a range of WWRs. The thermal resistance is determined by calculating the Figure 11 heat loss for the proposed building and ensuring that it is Extract from NZS 4243 Energy efficiency large buildings Table 1 - Minimum R-values for schedule method (WWR < 50 %) envelope component Climate zones 1 2&3 Roof (average including glazing) R 1.9 R 1.9 Wall R 0.3 R1.2 Floor No requirement R 1.3 No requirement WWR of the proposed building. The solar aperture is defined as the fraction of total solar radiation on the vertical wall (both opaque and glazed) that actually enters the perimeter space. The solar aperture is calculated for both the proposed and referenced buildings. No requirement The referenced building has a maximum WWR of 50% with a glazing area R-value of 0.18, a shading coefficient of 1.0 Note— and opaque construction R-values of those in the Schedule (1) The R-values given in this table are those applicable to the reference Method. building as described in this Standard. (2) Carpets or floor coverings are not included in the floor R-value. The floor R-value is met by concrete slab on-ground and suspended floors with continuous enclosed perimeter with 100 mm drooped foil. Exposed floors will require additional treatment, e.g. office building with open car parking under. 21 heat loss for per unit area for both buildings is calculated for WWR for the reference building may be different to the m2.0C/W Climate zones Glazing complies with the provisions of the Schedule Method. The each component of both buildings. Using this method, the Minimum R-values Building thermal no greater than the heat loss for a reference building that (3) Climate zone boundaries are shown in Appendix B. I N T E R N AT I O N A L S U R V E Y O F B U I L D I N G E N E R G Y C O D E S Lighting The differences between this Modelling Method and the The building activity lighting power density limit is calculated Modelling Method in NZS 4218 (Housing and small buildings) using a formula in the standard. Factors include minimum are- efficacies for electrical circuits, luminaire utilisation factors and ■ glazing - NZS 4218 requires that the glazing area for the design service illluminance and light loss factors. The actual proposed and the reference building be the same. NZS calculated lighting power density cannot exceed this limit. 4243 is the same except that if the proposed building has a glazing area of more than 50% the reference building Modelling Method cannot exceed 50% of wall area. In addition the reference building in NZS 4243 assumes single glazing with a default Building thermal envelope and lighting shading coefficient of 1.0 whilst there is no limitation in As for houses and small buildings, this method calculates NZS 4218; and the total energy consumption for the proposed building and compares it with the calculated total energy consumption of ■ a reference building using an approved computer program. lighting - which is not covered in NZS 4218 is covered in NZS 4243. The standard does not specify any particular computer software to use so each must be evaluated and accepted 5.3.5 NZS 4305 - 1996 Domestic hot water by the Approval Authority. It does, however, require that the This Standard provides details and guidance to assist software be evaluated using a diagnostic program called designers to meet the energy efficiency requirements for BESTEST. Other methods approved by a suitable authority domestic type hot water systems. These systems will mainly may also be used. be located in residential occupancies but may also be included Both the proposed building and the referenced building are evaluated using the same computer software. All factors must This standard covers domestic type hot water systems that be the same and default values are given for the various have a storage capacity of no greater than 700 litres or are parameters of both the referenced and proposed building of the instantaneous type. such as: ■ power densities for internal gains; ■ occupancy and plug loads; ■ performance of plant and equipment; ■ ventilation rates; and ■ climate zones. Again, default values are given for various types of It does not include: ■ electric storage water heaters installed in non-domestic situations and with an energy input rating greater than 10 kW; ■ gas storage water heaters installed in non-domestic situations and with an energy input rating greater than 45 MJ/h; and ■ hot water systems in industrial or commercial occupancies occupancies (office, residential, retail, etc.) that provide process hot water such as for commercial Features that may differ between the proposed building and washing machines in commercial laundries. the referenced building are: ■ wall R-values and thermal mass characteristics; ■ floor R-values; ■ roof R-values and thermal mass characteristics; ■ window size and orientation, R-values, shading coefficient and external shading devices; and ■ 22 in commercial or industrial occupancies. the sizes of heating, cooling and ventilation plant. The requirements vary depending upon the power source of the water heater. I N T E R N AT I O N A L S U R V E Y O F B U I L D I N G E N E R G Y C O D E S Electric storage water heaters 5.4 The maximum 24-hour standing heat loss (kWh/day) for Use Of Accredited Products Or Methods New Zealand has an accreditation system for products the appliance is specified. and systems. If an element is required to achieve a certain efficiency, performance or operation, the product or system Gas water heaters may be accredited to achieve this requirement. The minimum thermal efficiency is specified for storage and instantaneous heaters operating at nominal gas consumption Accreditation certificates are issued by the Building Industry rates. In addition, there are requirements for the maximum gas Authority after an appraisal finds that it complies with a certain consumption required to maintain the average temperature of provision of the NZBC. the water in a storage water heater at 45 C above ambient o temperature. Installation There are also installation provisions, which include requirements for: ■ maximum pipe lengths; ■ relief valves; ■ expansion values or chambers; and ■ vent pipes and distribution pipes including insulation requirements and acceptable materials. 23 SECTION SIX U N I T E D S TAT E S O F A M E R I C A I N T E R N AT I O N A L SECTION 6 6.1 S U R V E Y O F B U I L D I N G E N E R G Y C O D E S U N I T E D S TAT E S O F A M E R I C A Regulatory Framework The building regulatory environment of the USA is, in many ways, similar to the situation in Australia. However, Australia has an advantage in that there is only one code writing body and there is generally a nationally uniform code. The USA has a number of codes that may be varied considerably around the country. The USA is currently working towards a uniform approach. In addition, the ICC has taken over from the Council of American Building Officials (CABO) which originally provided a forum for the three code writers to meet and facilitate the development of common requirements in codes. CABO was the first national body formed to coordinate national uniformity amongst the three bodies. One success was the development of the Model Energy Code (MEC) for residential buildings which has been adopted widely throughout the USA. The ICC now has responsibility for the MEC. In the USA, building control remains under the responsibility of the individual States and, in many cases, under the control of the smaller Counties within a State. In many cases, each County can adopt any form of regulation they wish to but they do not write the codes. There are three code-writing bodies within the USA. These code-writing bodies include the Building Officials and Code Administrators (BOCA), the Conference of Building Officials (ICBO) and the Southern Building Code Congress International (SBCCI). Historically, each of these organisations developed and maintained buildings codes which were available for adoption by the individual States or Counties with or without individual State or county variations. 6.2 Energy Codes In Use In Appendix C of this report is a break down of which codes are currently adopted in each State. There are different energy codes adopted for residential construction and for commercial construction. A summary of this break down is shown in Figure 12. Figure 12 Summary of energy codes adopted by the States of the USA In 1994, the International Code Council (ICC) was established as a non-profit organisation dedicated to developing a single set of comprehensive and coordinated national building requirements. This is a similar mandate to that of the ABCB in Australia. Residential MEC or equivalent 32 ASHRAE/IES 90.1 The ICC founders were the three principal code writers; BOCA, ICBO and SBCCI. The ICC was founded in response to the technical disparities between the three sets of model codes in use throughout the USA. A problem with the three codes was that it was difficult for building industry professionals to move between different regions within the USA. The main purpose of the ICC is to develop a single, complete set of national construction codes. Exceeds MEC 5 Exceeds ASHRAE/IES Less than MEC 3 Less than ASHRAE/IES 1 ASHRAE/IES or equivalent 7 MEC 2 None 4 None 2 Code Commercial Number Code of States Number of States 43* 3 * 35 States adopt ASHRAE/IES 90.1 and 8 States adopt previous versions. 63% of States have adopted the MEC Code (or an equivalent Since its inauguration, the ICC has developed many codes for national adoption. One such code is the International Building Code. The ICC’s goal is to complete a series of codes starting with the publication of the International Building Code in the year 2000. 25 Within the International Building Code, the International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) is referenced. The IECC sets out requirements for all types of occupied buildings by regulating their exterior envelopes, heating, ventilating and airconditioning (HVAC) systems, service water heating (SWH) systems and electrical distribution and illumination systems. code similar to MEC) for residential buildings whilst 84% have adopted the ASHRAE/IES 90.1 (including various editions) for commercial buildings. States that do adopt these codes may have varied the requirements for their unique regional, climatic or topographical conditions. They may also have varied the application of the code for specific building types or ownership, particularly when the building may be State or government owned. I N T E R N AT I O N A L S U R V E Y O F B U I L D I N G E N E R G Y C O D E S Codes to be reviewed The HUD currently has a final rule pending to upgrade its Although there are a quite a few different energy codes Minimum Property Standards to the 1995 MEC level. Under adopted throughout the 50 States of the USA, the main codes the EPAct, all federally financed commercial and high-rise are the MEC for residential construction and the ASHRAE 90.1 residential buildings must comply with ASHRAE/IES Standard for commercial construction. These codes will be reviewed as 90.1-1989 and all single family homes and multi-family part of this report. buildings that are three stories or less must comply with the MEC. Looking to the future, it is also proposed to review the IECC developed by the ICC for national adoption throughout the USA. The current International Building Code references the The following codes will be reviewed as part of this report: ■ the MEC 1995; ■ the ASHRAE/IES 90.1 - 1989; and soon. ■ IECC 1998 Draft. The 1998 IECC is the 1998 MEC that underwent a name The Californian and Hawaiian energy code will also be change when responsibility for code development and reviewed is separate sections of this report. 1998 IECC and this report will concentrate on that version. However, there is a new draft (IECC 2000) to be published maintenance shifted from CABO to the ICC. It applies to all new residential and commercial construction while the 6.3 Model Energy Code bulk of the code applies to single-family homes and multifamily residences that are three stories or less. 6.3.1 Scope In addition, Chapter 7 of the IECC provides an easy to follow The MEC has been revised over its life and so there are a commercial energy code that applies to simple commercial number of editions, including 1992, 1993 and 1995. As shown buildings. For more complex commercial buildings, in Appendix C, different States of the USA adopt the different ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1-1989 is referenced. ASHRAE/IES editions. For the purposes of this study, the latest edition Standard 90.1-1989 can also be used for simple commercial dated 1995 will be reviewed. buildings and multi-family buildings that are four stories or The MEC contains energy related building requirements that higher. apply to residential occupancies. Residential occupancies are The National Energy Policy Act (EPAct), signed into law by defined as detached one and two family buildings (houses) President Bush in 1992, referenced the 1992 CABO MEC as and multi-family buildings (apartments, townhouses, etc) the energy efficiency standard to be used for new residential that are three stories or less. construction. EPAct required States to determine if it was The MEC has a commercial component embedded into the appropriate to revise their residential energy codes to meet code. In an effort to cover all occupancies, the 1992 MEC or exceed the 1992 MEC. Additionally, the EPAct required included a codified version of ASHRAE/IES 90A- 1980 as its Federal mortgage lenders to ensure that homes using their commercial code. The 1993 and 1995 MEC editions directly products comply with at least the 1992 MEC. reference ASHRAE/IES 90.1. If 1993 or 1995 MEC is adopted Subsequently, the US Department of Energy (DOE) determined that the 1993 MEC and then the 1995 MEC provided greater energy efficiency for residential buildings so and required States to consider adopting the later version. The 1995 MEC body specifically adopts a residential code without the commercial element. Several States have adopted ASHRAE/IES 90.1 without a residential code. is presently the baseline for the EPAct until the DOE makes The 1993, 1995 and 1998 IECC all reference ASHRAE/IES a determination that the 1998 IECC is the most appropriate 90.1-1989 as a commercial code in addition to the residential standard. That determination is expected this year. provisions. This makes it more convenient for a state to adopt The EPAct also requires that the States adopt ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1-1989, or equivalent, as the state-wide energy one code that covers all occupancies. Some states, such as Wisconsin, apply 90.1 to all multi-family buildings. code for commercial and multi-family residential buildings that A review of the MEC in this section concentrates on the are four stories and higher. As of July 1999, 30 States have residential component only. Refer to the IECC for a review complied. Note that the 1998 IECC, 1993 MEC and 1995 of ASHRAE/IEC 90.1. MEC all reference ASHRAE/IES 90.1 for commercial buildings. 26 ASHRAE/IES 90.1 is adopted by default unless the adopting The major focus of the MEC provisions is on the insulation and In concurrence with the EPAct, the Department of Housing window requirements of the building envelope. However, there and Urban Development (HUD) requires compliance with the are requirements for heating and cooling systems, water 1992 MEC as part of its Minimum Property Standards (MPS). heating systems and vapour and air barriers. I N T E R N AT I O N A L S U R V E Y O F B U I L D I N G E N E R G Y C O D E S 6.3.2 Exemptions 6.3.4 Mandatory requirements The following buildings are exempt from the requirements of The MEC specifies basic requirements that are mandatory for the MEC: all buildings. Some of these requirements apply to the heating and cooling systems (including ducts), hot water systems, and ■ existing buildings; ■ buildings having a very low energy consumption (<3.4 equipment identification and to sealing of the building Btu/h.ft2 or 1 W/ft2); envelope. The mandatory requirements applied to the: buildings, or parts of the buildings, that are neither heated ■ building envelope; ■ identification marking; ■ heating and cooling; ■ service water heating; and ■ electric systems. ■ electrical systems. Other requirements apply to material and nor cooled; and ■ buildings designated as historical. 6.3.3 Compliance paths As shown in Figure 13, the MEC has mandatory requirements in addition to the three options for compliance. The mandatory requirements must be complied with regardless of the compliance option chosen. Building envelope The building envelope must be sealed to minimise air leakage and vapour intrusion. All joints and penetrations in the envelope that are potential sources for air leakage must be caulked, gasketed, weather- Figure 13 - USA Model Energy Code stripped, or otherwise sealed in an approved manner. These include: ■ exterior joints around window and door frames; ■ joints between wall sole plates, floors, and exterior wall Mandatory Requirements Building envelope Identification marking Heating and cooling Service water heating Electric systems panels; ■ openings for plumbing piping, electricity cabling, refrigerant piping and gas piping in exterior walls, floors and roofs; ■ openings in the attic floor (such as where ceiling panels meet interior and exterior walls and masonry fireplaces and flues); ■ service hatches and access doors; and ■ recessed lighting fixtures. Vapour retarders must be installed in all non-vented framed ceilings, walls, and floors. Non-vented areas are framed cavities without vents or other openings allowing the free Prescriptive Package Approach Trade-off Approach Software Compliance Approach movement of air. The vapour retarder must have a permeability rating of 1.0 or less and must be installed on the "warm-inwinter side" of the insulation (between the insulation and the conditioned space). Identification marking Materials and equipment must be identified so that compliance with the MEC can be determined. This includes insulation R-values, glazing U-values, door U-values and equipment efficiency ratings. 27 I N T E R N AT I O N A L S U R V E Y Heating and cooling Heating and cooling equipment must meet specific energy efficiency requirements. Although these requirements are specified in the MEC, Federal regulations also support this by requiring manufactured equipment to meet these requirements. Supply and return ductwork for heating and cooling systems that is located in unconditioned spaces must be insulated to the minimum R-value. Ducts must also be sealed to prevent leakage. The HVAC system must have devices for balancing air and water systems. For air systems, this requirement can be met by installing manual dampers at each branch of the ductwork or by installing adjustable registers that can control the airflow into a room. For water systems, balancing valves must be installed to control the water flow to rooms or zones. O F B U I L D I N G E N E R G Y C O D E S hot water system is not in operation. Piping in circulating hot water systems must also be insulated. There are a number of requirements for heated swimming pools. These include: ■ equipped with an on/off pool heater switch; ■ a pool cover unless over 20% of the heating energy is from non-depletable sources (such as solar heat); and ■ being equipped with a time clock. Electric systems Each multi-family dwelling unit must be equipped with a separate electric power meter. 6.3.5 Prescriptive package approach The HVAC system must have devices for balancing air and water systems. For air systems, this requirement can be met by installing manual dampers at each branch of the ductwork or by installing adjustable registers that can control the airflow into a room. For water systems, balancing valves must be installed to control the water flow to rooms or zones. The Prescriptive Package Approach involves only minimal calculations and is the simplest method for demonstrating compliance with the MEC insulation and window requirements for residential buildings. These requirements are also similar to those of the 1998 and 2000 IECC. A range of controls and thermostats are required depending on whether a building is a single or multi family residence. Also specified is the number, and separation, of HVAC zones, the controls needed for common areas in multi-family buildings and the controls needed for shutdown. which you can select one option. They range from 1 to 18. Each climate zone has a table of prescriptive packages from These packages vary in their requirements depending on glazing area, glazing U-value, R-values of the building envelope components and heating and cooling equipment efficiency. If your building meets the requirements specified for Service water heating the package you select, then the building complies with the SWH systems that circulate hot water by pumping must have controls that allow the pumps to be easily turned off when the MEC insulation and window requirements. Refer to Figure 14 Figure 14 for an example of a Table. Example of a prescriptive package table 1995 Multi-Family Prescriptive Packages—Zone 4 Package 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 MAXIMUM Glazing Glazing Area % U-Value 15% 20% 20% 25% 25% 25% 30% 30% 20% 25% 30% 20% 20% 30% 30% 30% 25% 30% any 0.90 0.75 0.75 0.70 0.65 0.65 0.60 any 0.90 0.75 any 0.90 0.75 0.70 0.65 any 0.90 Ceiling R-Value Wall R-Value Floor R-Value MINIMUM Basement Wall R-Value Slab Perimeter R-Value Crawl Space R-Value Heating/Cooking Equipment Efficiency R-13 R-19 R-13 R-19 R-19 R-13 R-26 R-19 R-13 R-19 R-19 R-30 R-13 R-26 R-19 R-13 R-19 R-19 R-11 R-13 R-11 R-11 R-11 R-11 R-11 R-11 R-11 R-11 R-11 R-11 R-11 R-11 R-11 R-11 R-11 R-11 R-13 R-11 R-11 R-13 R-11 R-11 R-11 R-11 R-11 R-11 R-11 R-11 R-11 R-13 R-11 R-11 R-11 R-11 R-5 R-5 R-4 R-6 R-4 R-4 R-5 R-4 R-5 R-4 R-4 R-5 R-4 R-5 R-5 R-5 R-5 R-4 R-2 R-0 R-0 R-2 R-0 R-0 R-0 R-0 R-0 R-0 R-0 R-0 R-0 R-2 R-0 R-0 R-0 R-0 R-6 R-5 R-3 R-6 R-4 R-5 R-5 R-4 R-5 R-4 R-4 R-5 R-4 R-6 R-5 R-5 R-6 R-5 Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal High Heating High Heating High Heating High Cooling High Cooling High Cooling High Cooling High Cooling High Heat/Cool High Heat/Cool I N T E R N AT I O N A L S U R V E Y O F B U I L D I N G E N E R G Y C O D E S The insulation R-values listed for each package are the 6.3.7 Software compliance approach minimum allowed for that package. R-value requirements refer The Software Compliance Approach is similar to the Trade-off to the R-value of the insulation only. Wall and ceiling insulation Approach with the exception that high efficiency equipment R-values refer to the sum of the stud cavity insulation plus any can be traded-off. The approach uses a software package insulating sheathing. called MECcheck. Glazing is expressed as a percentage of the ratio of the The Prescriptive Package Approach specifies thermal glazing area to the wall area. Glazing also includes translucent envelope requirements in terms of R-values. These correspond glass doors, skylights, and basement windows. The glazing to maximum U-values for walls, ceilings, floors, crawl space area and window U-value requirements for any package can walls and basement walls. There are also minimum R-values be varied by using the Trade-Off Approach (detailed in 6.3.6). for slab floors. To comply with the MEC, a building must be constructed with components meeting or exceeding these Some of the packages specify high-efficiency heating or requirements. cooling equipment, or a combination of both. High-efficiency heating units are those that have an Annual Fuel Utilisation Efficiency (AFUE) of at least 90% or a Heating Seasonal Performance Factor (HSPF) of at least 7.8. High-efficiency cooling units have a Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER) of at least 12. 6.3.6 Trade-off approach This is the classic method of comparing a standard building with a proposed building. This approach allows you to trade- However, the U-value of a given assembly may be increased or the R-value may be decreased, provided the total heat gain or loss for the entire building does not exceed the total needed to meet the prescriptive requirements. The software package MECcheck performs a simple U-value x Area calculation for each building assembly to determine the overall UA of the building. MECcheck is only one software package that performs this analysis and other appropriate packages can be used eg. REM Design and MICROPAS. off all building envelope components including ceilings, walls, The UA for the proposed building is compared to that of a floors, windows and doors. The trade-off approach determines building conforming to the MEC prescriptive requirements. whether your building as a whole meets the MEC insulation If the total heat loss (represented as a UA) through the and window requirements. Note that heating and/or cooling systems are not traded-off in this approach envelope of the building does not exceed the total heat loss from the same building conforming to the prescriptive requirements, then the building complies. A trade-off for Any individual component, or all of the components, of the prescriptive Table may be traded off. For a particular component, such as a ceiling, an R-value is specified. For the proposed building, this R-value has a corresponding U-value, which is a measure of how well a component conducts heat. In addition, under this method, a performance approach can be utilised comparing the annual energy consumption of the proposed building to a building complying with the UA method. Software packages are used and follows the The U-value is multiplied by the area of the component to approach outlined in IECC 1998 for residential buildings. give the UA. Refer to section for an outline of this method. The UA of an assembly is the U-value of that assembly times The software packages available under this method will the surface area through which heat flows. The UA for the typically give you an annual energy consumption for the entire building is the sum of all UAs for each assembly in the proposed and budget building or an energy use per unit building envelope, giving a total UA for the building envelope. of floor area. Some of the programs determine the budget A larger UA indicates more heat loss, because of a larger building automatically and others require that the user surface area, or higher U-values, or both. provide the input for the budget building. Currently there The UA is then determine for the standard building. In this case the standard U-value is stated for each climate zone. This U-value is multiplied by the same floor area to determine the standard building UA. If the UA for the proposed building is less than the UA for the standard building, the solution is acceptable. In the case of the whole building being traded-off, the sum of the UAs for the proposed building must be less 29 high-efficiency equipment can also be performed. than the sum of the UAs for the standard building. is no national certification for the software. I N T E R N AT I O N A L 6.4 S U R V E Y International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) O F B U I L D I N G ■ E N E R G Y C O D E S "Energy Efficient Design of New Buildings except Low-Rise Residential Buildings" ■ 6.4.1 Introduction "Fundamentals Handbook", the codified version of the ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1-1989. The USA International Building Code references the IECC which, in turn, sets out requirements for all types of occupied The IECC divides American into 38 climatic zones for buildings. It covers their exterior envelopes, HVAC systems, commercial buildings and into Heating Degree-Day zones for SWH systems and electrical distribution and illumination residential buildings. Provisions vary for these climatic zones. systems. The IECC is divided into the requirements for residential This review will only deal with the 1998 draft but a new draft buildings and the requirements for commercial buildings is due for release later this year. Where possible, comment and these are described below. will be made on any future provisions or significant changes proposed in the 2000 draft code. Two such changes will be 6.4.2 Residential buildings the inclusion of a simple prescriptive method for residential For residential buildings to comply with the IECC, their compliance and an expanded section for commercial design needs to follow one of the two methodologies and mechanical systems. The latter will handle complex five procedures illustrated in Figure 15. mechanical systems in addition to the unitary single zone systems currently covered in the 1998 IECC. Annual energy consumption The first method of compliance is by calculating the annual The IECC exempts certain buildings from needing to energy consumption of the building. This is an approach for complying. These include: ■ allows flexibility in the design of the building and individual the building that has a peak design rate of energy usage components. less than 10.7 ■ the entire building and its energy-using sub-systems and a part of a building separated from the remainder of W/m2; and Compliance is achieved if the annual energy consumption buildings which are neither heated nor cooled. This mainly for the proposed building is less than the annual energy includes buildings used for industrial or manufacturing consumption for a similar building known as the "standard purposes. The 2000 IECC only exempts the building building". envelope, not the lighting or SWH system within a building that is neither heated or cooled. The IECC contains prescriptive methods of compliance as well as referencing many of the ASHRAE/IES Standards including: Figure 15 The standard building and the proposed building must have the same energy sources, geometry, floor area, exterior design conditions, occupancy, thermal data, etc. Chapter 4 of the code sets out the basic parameters of the design for both the USA residential building conpliance routes Compliance Annual Energy Consumption Method Annual energy analysis 30 Building Envelope Method Performance on an individual componants basis Compliance by total building envelope performance Compliance by acceptable practice of an individual componant basis Compliance by prescriptive specification on an individual componant basis I N T E R N AT I O N A L S U R V E Y proposed and standard buildings. For example, the proposed building can utilise the benefits of a renewable energy source such as solar energy or the benefits of shading to windows. The standard building is designed with its envelope, building elements and energy-consuming systems conforming to Chapter 5 of the code which specifies the prescriptive requirements for building elements. The standard building assumes a certain consumption of energy for power services (hot water, heating, etc.). However, it does not allow for shading of windows. The actual calculations for determining the annual energy usage can be found in the ASHRAE Fundamentals Handbook. Building Envelope Method The second method of achieving compliance, the Building Envelope Method, is located in Chapter 5 of the IECC. It places requirements on the building envelope to restrict energy loss by thermal transmittance through the envelope. There are four procedures for demonstrating compliance. Thermal transmittance U values are calculated for walls, roofs and floors and R-values are calculated for heated or heated slabs, basement walls and crawl spaces. These values dependent on the heat capacity of the walls, heating degreedays of the zone and R-values of the components. These are the set values that must be met by at least one of the following four procedures. O F B U I L D I N G E N E R G Y C O D E S Compliance by acceptable practice on an individual component basis Similar to Compliance by performance on an individual components basis, each individual component’s U or R-value is calculated and cannot exceed the maximum set values. However in this case, the actual components can be taken from an Appendix that outlines the typical constructions including some form of insulation and the corresponding U or R-values. This saves the designer calculating the R or U value and then working out what type of wall, roof or floor to use, including how much insulation is needed. The designer can refer to a table that specifies a standard construction with a set thermal performance rating. Compliance by prescriptive specification on an individual component basis Under the previous three procedures, openings in the building envelope were accounted for in the calculations of the overall component U-value or R-value. This took into account their thermal transmittance and their areas, individually or collectively. Under this procedure the R-value insulation is specified for ceilings, walls and floors dependant upon the area and U value of the glazing. Tables are provided for 8, 12, 15, 18, 20 and 25 percentage glazing of the gross external wall area. Figure 16 is an extract of the code and the relevant table applicable to 12% glazing area. Other requirements Compliance by performance on an individual components basis Formulas are given to enable the thermal transmittance value for each component of the building to be calculated. These calculated values cannot exceed the set calculated maximum values. Compliance by total building envelope performance An individual component of the envelope of the proposed building can exceed its maximum U-value or R-value. However, the total thermal transmission for the proposed building envelope must not exceeding that for a building complying with all the maximum U-values or R-values. 31 This procedure allows for design flexibility. For example, the allowable thermal transmission heat gain or loss through the windows can be exceeded provided credits are gained on other factors such as roof or wall insulation. Note that building orientation is not considered under Chapter 5 as this code deals heat loss from the building and not heat gain. In addition, no credit is given for installing a more efficient water heater, or air heating or cooling system. Minimum water heating, air heating and cooling efficiencies are regulated by the Federal government under the National Appliance and Energy Conservation Act and also under the Energy Policy Act. Other requirements, regardless of the method or procedure chosen in Chapter 5, include specific measures for mechanical systems and equipment such HVAC equipment. Some types of equipment, such as swap or evaporative coolers, do not have minimum efficiency ratings in the IECC. If the equipment rating does not correspond to the tabulated values in the IECC then the alternative ASHRAE/IES standard needs to be met instead. The efficiency ratings in ASHRAE that are not printed in the IECC relate to commercial size equipment. There are further requirements for HWS systems including the performance efficiency of water heaters, storage tanks and boilers. Automatic temperature controls are also required in accordance with the ASHRAE/IES HVAC Systems and Applications Handbook. Provisions are also made for swimming pools. Electrical power and lighting have requirements. These include separate metering of electrical energy consumed by each tenant of individual dwelling units. Common areas of multifamily buildings, such as shared laundry rooms and enclosed hallways, are required to meet the ASHRAE/IES provisions for a lighting power budget similar to that for non-residential buildings. However, the inside lighting of most individual dwelling units do not have to meet lighting provisions. I N T E R N AT I O N A L Figure 16 S U R V E Y O F B U I L D I N G E N E R G Y C O D E S Extract from IECC 1998 of a table for the prescriptive building envelope TABLE 502.2.4(2) PRESCRIPTIVE BUILDING ENVELOPE REQUIREMENTS TYPE A-1 RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS, WINDOW AREA 12 PERCENT OF EXTERIOR WALL AREA MINIMUM Heating DEGREE DAY GLAZING U-VALUE Ceiling R-Value Wall R-Value Floor R-Value Basement wall R-Value Slab perimeter R-Value and depth Crawl space wall R-Value 0-449 500-999 I,000-1.499 I,500-1,999 2,000-2,499 2,500-2,999 3,000-3,499 3,500-3,999 4,000-4,499 4,500-4,999 5,000-5,499 5,500-5,999 6,000-6,499 6,500-6,999 7,000-8,499 8,500-8,999 9,000-12,999 any any 0.75 0.75 0.65 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.55 0.50 0.45 0.45 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 R-13 R-19 R-19 R-19 R-l9 R-26 R-30 R-30 R-38 R-38 R-38 R-38 R-38 R-49 E-49 R-49 R-49 R-11 R-11 R-11 R-11 R-13 R-13 R-13 R-13 R-13 R-14 R-16 R-17 R-18 R-21 R-21 R-21 R-21 R-11 R-11 R-11 R-11 R-11 R-13 R-15 R-19 R-19 R-19 R-19 R-19 R-19 R-19 R-19 R-19 R-19 R-0 R-0 R-0 R-4 R-5 R-5 R-6 R-8 R-9 R-9 R-9 R-9 R-10 R-10 R-10 R-16 R-16 R-0 R-0 R-0 R-0 R-0 R-0 R-0 R-4, 2ft. R-4, 2ft. R-5, 2ft. R-6, 2ft. R-6,2h. R-6, 4ft. R-7, 4ft. R-9, 4ft. R-9, 4ft. R-11, 4ft. R-0 R-4 R-5 R-5 R-5 R-5 R-6 R-10 R-12 R-16 R-16 R-16 R-16 R-17 R-17 R-17 R-17 6.4.3 Commercial buildings Introduction In the IECC, there are two methods by which the compliance of commercial buildings can be demonstrated. They are■ Chapter 6 which refers to the method contained in ASHRAE/IES Energy Code for Commercial and High Rise Residential Buildings; and ■ Chapter 7 which details the design of commercial buildings by acceptable practice. The method contained in ASHRAE/IES This standard sets out the minimum basic requirements for buildings systems including: 32 The ASHRAE standard set limitations on the equipment and systems used and procedures for calculating the overall thermal transmittance of the building envelope. It also sets out mandatory requirements for air leakage, thermal resistance of below grade components, etc. The standard then sets out two methods of compliance. The Systems/Component Method or the Building Energy Cost Budget Method. See Figure 17 for an overall picture of how to achieve compliance. This standard is generally not intended for manufacturing, commercial or industrial processing. These types of buildings would need to comply with Chapter 7 only if they are heated or cooled as per the scope of this code. Nor is it applicable to buildings that have a gross floor area of less than 10m2. ■ building envelope; Systems/Component Method ■ electric power; ■ lighting; The systems/component method provides two optional approaches. These are- ■ distribution of energy; ■ the Prescriptive Criteria approach; and ■ HVAC; ■ the Systems Performance Criteria approach. ■ SWH; and ■ energy management. This standard is generally not intended for use with manufacturing, commercial or industrial processes. These types of buildings would need to comply with Chapter 7 only if they are heated or cooled. Buildings which have a gross floor area of less than 10m2 are also exempted. The Prescriptive Criteria The prescriptive criteria consist of "Alternative Component Packages" (ACP) which are in Tabular format for each of the 38 climate conditions. Each package covers the maximum thermal transmittance U values of the roof, external walls, floors and below grade surfaces. See Figure 18 for a typical ACP table. I N T E R N AT I O N A L S U R V E Y O F B U I L D I N G E N E R G Y C O D E S This method offers very little flexibility with the exception of The calculations and tolerances in the criteria on thermal fenestration, for which it includes variables such as shading transmittance U values for floors, roofs and walls below grade coefficients, overhangs, etc. are slightly different under this method but are essentially the same as the ACP Tables. Systems Performance Criteria The Systems Performance Criteria is only available for the The Systems Performance Criteria is also available for building envelope and the lighting system within a building. determining the interior lighting power allowance (ILPA). See Figure 17. All other components must comply with the It allows greater flexibility and a more accurate and detailed Prescriptive Criteria. A computer program called ENVSTD (for calculation procedure. To simplify the use of this approach, ENVelope STandarD) is used in the design of the external walls the equations and data have again been incorporated into a and fenestration. computer program called LTGSTD (For Lighting Standard). Figure 17 Overall picture of achieving compliance in ASHRAE / IES Energy Code Basic Requirements Electric power HVAC system and equipment Building Envelope SWH Energy Management Proposed Design System/Componant Method Building Energy Cost Budget Lighting Prescriptive Criteria Performance Criteria Building Envelope Prescriptive Criteria Energy Cost Budget Proposed Design Design Energy Consumption (DECON) Performance Criteria HVAC System Prototype Building Design Energy Cost (DECOS) Prescriptive Criteria Energy Cost Budget (ECB) Service Water Heating Prescriptive Criteria All comply No Yes 33 No Compliance achieved Yes Reference Building Is DEBOS ≤ ECB I N T E R N AT I O N A L Figure 18 HDD50- - 1000 San Francisco CA ≤ 300 Santa Maria CA VSEW - > 845 HDD65 - > 3000 1 DESIGN PARAMETERS Projection Factor (FF) Range 0.00 -0.25 0.00 -1.50 0.26 -0.50 0.51 + 0.00 - 0.25 1.51-3.00 B U I L D I N G TABLE NUMBER: CDD65 - Internal Load Density (ILD) Range O F E N E R G Y C O D E S Extract from ASHRAE/IES 90.1 of an Alternative Component Package Table ALTERNATE COMPONENT PACKAGES FOR: 0.26 -0.50 0.51 + 0.00 -0.25 3.01 - 3.50 0.26 - 0.50 0.51 + 34 S U R V E Y Shading Coefficient (Scx) Range 1.00 - 0.72 0.71 - 0.61 0.60 - 0.51 0.50 - 0.39 0.38 - 0.26 0.25 - 0.00 1.00 - 0.72 0.71 - 0.61 0.60 - 0.51 0.50 - 0.39 0.38 - 0.00 1.00 - 0.72 0.71 - 0.61 0.60 - 0.51 0.50 - 0.00 1.00 - 0.72 0.71 - 0.61 0.60 - 0.51 0.50 - 0.39 0.38 - 0.26 0.25 - 0.00 1.00 - 0.72 0.71 - 0.61 0.60 - 0.51 0.50 - 0.39 0.38 - 0.00 1.00 - 0.72 0.71 - 0.61 0.60 - 0.51 0.50 - 0.00 1.00 - 0.72 0.71 - 0.61 0.60 - 0.51 0.50 -0.39 0.38 - 0.26 0.25 - 0.00 1.00 - 0.72 0.71 - 0.61 0.60 - 0.51 0.50 - 0.39 0.38 - 0.00 1.00 - 0.72 0.71 - 0.61 0.60 - 0.51 0.50 - 0.00 8A-5 MAXIMUM PERCENT FENESTRATION MAXIMUM WALL U-VALUE Light-Weight Walls Fenestration U-Value (Wef) ILD Range 0.00 -3.50 Base Case Percent Fenestration HC Range All Insulation Positions 0-100 0.00 - 4.9 0.13 Perimeter daylighting1 0.46 VLT<SC 0.72 0.52 VLT>=SC 0.46 0.72 0.52 to to to to to to 0.53 0.47 0.00 0.53 0.47 0.46 21 25 29 34 43 56 29 35 40 46 56 38 45 51 57 17 21 24 28 36 51 24 29 39 39 49 31 37 43 50 14 17 21 24 31 45 20 25 29 34 43 27 32 37 43 21 26 31 36 46 65 31 37 43 51 63 40 48 55 64 17 21 25 29 38 55 24 30 35 41 53 32 39 45 54 14 18 21 25 32 48 21 25 30 35 45 27 33 39 46 22 26 31 37 47 68 31 38 44 52 66 41 49 57 67 17 21 25 29 38 57 24 30 35 42 54 32 39 46 55 14 18 21 25 33 49 21 25 30 36 46 27 33 39 47 23 28 32 37 46 59 32 38 44 50 59 41 48 54 60 23 28 32 38 47 62 32 39 44 51 61 41 49 55 62 22 27 31 36 45 60 31 37 42 48 58 39 46 52 59 24 29 34 40 50 69 34 41 47 55 68 44 52 60 69 24 29 34 40 51 71 34 41 47 56 69 44 53 61 70 22 27 32 38 48 68 32 39 45 53 66 42 50 58 67 24 30 35 41 53 74 35 42 49 58 72 46 55 63 73 25 30 36 42 54 77 35 43 50 59 75 47 56 65 75 24 29 34 41 53 75 34 42 49 58 72 45 55 63 73 MAXIMUM WALL U-VALUE (Uow) Mass Walls ILD Range Percent Fenestration 21 74 ILD Range Percent Fenestration 17 77 ILD Range Percent Fenestration 14 75 0.00 - 1.30 HC Range 5.0 - 9.9 10.0 - 14.9 15.0 + 5.0 - 9.9 10.0 - 14.9 15.0 + Interior Insulation 0.18 0.28 0.37 0.16 0.22 0.29 Exterior Insulation 0.21 0.36 0.38 0.21 0.31 0.34 Interior Insulation 0.21 0.37 0.49 0.17 0.26 0.36 Exterior Insulation 0.21 0.47 0.52 0.21 0.36 0.37 Interior Insulation 0.21 0.38 0.53 0.17 0.27 0.37 Exterior Insulation 0.21 0.50 0.57 0.21 0.36 0.39 0.51 - 3.00 HC Range 5.0 - 9.9 10.0 - 14.9 15.0 + 5.0 - 9.9 10.0 - 14.9 15.0 + 3.01 -3.50 HC Range 5.0 - 9.9 10.0 - 14.9 15.0 + 5.0 - 9.9 10.0 - 14.9 15.0 + OTHER ENVELOPE CRITERIA Minimum R-Value Wall Below Grade Unheated Slab on Grade Horizontal Vertical 24" 11 6 36" 9 5 48" 8 4 Maximum R-Value Roof 0.088 Wall Adjacent to Unconditioned Space 0.21 Floor over Unconditioned Space 0.094 I N T E R N AT I O N A L S U R V E Y O F B U I L D I N G E N E R G Y C O D E S Building Energy Cost Budget Method If the building is more than four storeys or is to have more Since proposed designs may use different energy sources, than 40% glazing, Chapter 7 can still be used for the lighting energy cost is used as a common denominator. The Building and mechanical systems. Compliance paths can be mixed. Energy Cost Budget Method, unlike the System/Component For example, Chapter 7 can be used for the envelope and Method, allows greater flexibility and innovative energy lighting and ASHRAE/IES 90.1 for the mechanical systems. conservative designs utilising day-lighting, passive solar The 2000 IECC broadens the scope of the current Chapter 7. heating, heat recovery, better zonal temperature control, It will permit the prescriptive envelope method to be used for thermal storage, off peak electrical energy, etc. buildings with up to 50% of the gross area of the above grade This is basically a method that compares annual energy walls in glazing and with not have a limit on the number costs of the proposed building to a similar prototype or of storeys. reference building. In chapter 7, R-values are specified in tables for all the building The prototype or reference building, which is similar in size envelope components such as the roof, walls, floors, glazing, and usage to the proposed building, must meet all the doors. R-values are specified for each component for each requirements of the prescriptive and performance criteria in different climatic zone, for different percentages of glazed area the System/Component Method. However, the proposed to the perimeter area of the building (up to a maximum of building may deviate from the Prescriptive and System 40%) and for different construction types and materials for Performance Criteria of the previous clauses. certain components. Figure 19 is an example of the table. It is for Table 702.2(4) for Climate Zone 1a and glazing area The first step is to determine the monthly energy consumption of 10% or less of the above grade area. of the proposed building (DECON) and the prototype building (BECON) using the energy analysis procedure. There are also further prescriptive requirements for the building envelope, the HVAC systems, the SWH systems The second step is to calculate the monthly energy costs of both buildings by applying the applicable local cost rate to the estimated consumption. The calculated monthly costs are then totalled to determine the annual energy costs. envelope include sealing of penetrations and moisture control. Energy efficiency ratings are specified for the HVAC, SWH and lighting systems but only to certain types of systems. To comply, the annual energy cost of the proposed building If the particulars of the proposed systems are outside the (DECOS) must not be greater than the annual energy cost scope of these parameters, then compliance must be by of the prototype building (ECB). the ASHRAE/IES route. Design by acceptable practice for commercial buildings In the ASHRAE/IES Standards there are a series of basic Chapter 7 of the IECC only deals with buildings that are less than four storeys high and have glazing that is not greater than 40% of the gross area of the above grade walls. All buildings outside this scope must comply with Section 6 of the IECC which, in turn, refers to ASHRAE/IES Energy Code for Commercial and High Rise Buildings. Refer to clause 35 and the lighting systems. The requirements for the building provisions that must be complied with and for which there are no alternatives. I N T E R N AT I O N A L Figure 19 S U R V E Y O F B U I L D I N G E N E R G Y C O D E S Extract from ASHRAE/IES 90.1 of a table for envelope requirements TABLE 702.2(4) BUILDING ENVELOPE REQUIREMENTS2 —CLIMATE ZONE1a 36 GLAZING AREA 10 PERCENT OR LESS OF ABOVE-GRADE WALL AREA ELEMENT Skylight (U-value) Slab or below grade wall (R-value) Windows and glass doors SHGC PF < 0.25 Any 0.25 < PF < 0.50 Any PF > 0.50 Any Roof assemblies (R-value) Insulation between framing All-wood joist/truss R-13 Metal joist/truss R-13 Concrete slab or deck NA Metal purlin with thermal block R-19 Metal purlin without thermal block R-30 Floors over outdoor air or unconditioned space (R-value) Insulation between framing All-wood joist/truss R-0 Metal joist/truss R-0 Concrete slab or deck NA Above Grade-Walls (R-value) No Framing Framed R-value cavity NA R-value continuous NA CMU, > 8 in, with integral insulation R-value cavity NA R-value continuous R-0 Other Masonry Walls R-value cavity NA R-value continuous R-0 GLAZING AREA 10 PERCENT BUT NOT GREATER THAN 25 PERCENT OF ABOVE-GRADE WALL AREA ELEMENT Skylight (U-value) Slab or below grade wall (R-value) Windows and glass doors SHGC PF < 0.25 0.6 0.25 < PF < 0.50 0.7 PF > 0.50 Any Roof assemblies (R-value) Insulation between framing All-wood joist/truss R-19 Metal joist/truss R-19 Concrete slab or deck NA Metal purlin with thermal block R-25 Metal purlin without thermal block X Floors over outdoor air or unconditioned space (R-value) Insulation between framing All-wood joist/truss R-0 Metal joist/truss R-0 Concrete slab or deck NA Above Grade-Walls (R-value) No Framing Framed R-value cavity NA R-value continuous NA CMU, > 8 in, with integral insulation R-value cavity NA R-value continuous R-0 Other Masonry Walls R-value cavity NA R-value continuous R-0 GLAZING AREA OVER 25 PERCENT BUT NOT GREATER THAN 40 PERCENT OF ABOVE-GRADE WALL AREA ELEMENT Skylight (U-value) Slab or below grade wall (R-value) Windows and glass doors SHGC PF < 0.25 0.4 0.25 < PF < 0.50 0.5 PF > 0.50 0.6 Roof assemblies (R-value) Insulation between framing All-wood joist/truss R-19 Metal joist/truss R-25 Concrete slab or deck NA Metal purlin with thermal block R-25 Metal purlin without thermal block X Floors over outdoor air or unconditioned space (R-value) Insulation between framing All-wood joist/truss R-0 Metal joist/truss R-0 Concrete slab or deck NA Above Grade-Walls (R-value) No Framing Framed R-value cavity NA R-value continuous NA CMU, > 8 in, with integral insulation R-value cavity NA R-value continuous R-0 Other Masonry Walls R-value cavity NA R-value continuous R-0 CONDITION/VALUE 1 R-0 U-value Any Any Any Continuous Insulation R-11 R-12 R-11 R-12 R-12 Continuous Insulation R-0 R-0 R-0 Metal Framing Wood Framing R-0 R-0 R-0 R-0 R-0 R-0 R-0 R-0 R-0 R-0 R-0 R-0 CONDITION/VALUE 1 R-0 U-value Any Any Any Continuous Insulation R-14 R-15 R-14 R-15 R-15 Continuous Insulation R-0 R-0 R-0 Metal Framing Wood Framing R-0 R-0 R-0 R-0 R-0 R-0 R-0 R-0 R-0 R-0 R-0 CONDITION/VALUE 1 R-0 U-value 0.7 0.7 0.7 Continuous Insulation R-16 R-17 R-16 R-17 R-17 Continuous Insulation R-0 R-0 R-0 Metal Framing Wood Framing R-0 R-0 R-0 R-0 R-0 R-0 R-0 R-0 R-0 R-0 R-0 R-0 SECTION SEVEN CALIFORNIA I N T E R N AT I O N A L SECTION 7 7.1 S U R V E Y O F B U I L D I N G E N E R G Y C O D E S CALIFORNIA Regulatory Framework ■ by mechanical heating or mechanical cooling. The California Building Standards Code is administered by the California Building Standards Commission. This code is also ■ Low-rise residential buildings that are heated or mechanically cooled. referred to as Title 24, which is one of the 26 titles of the California Code of Regulations. Any buildings that are directly or indirectly conditioned ■ Semi-conditioned non-residential occupancies. The Californian Building Code is divided into 11 Parts, namely: Low-rise residential buildings include detached and attached Part 1 Administrative dwellings, apartment buildings, lodging houses, etc that are Part 2 General building and construction provisions including fire and life safety three storeys or less. Hotels and motel are not under this classification. Scope of the Requirements Part 3 California Electrical Code Part 4 California Mechanical Code Part 5 California Plumbing Code Part 6 California Energy Code Part 7 California Elevator Safety Construction Code Part 8 California Historical Building Code Part 9 California Fire Code 7.3 Part 10 California Code for Building Conservation There are two categories of buildings within the California Part 12 California Reference Standards Code Energy Code. These are: The CEC specifies requirements for: ■ the building envelope components; ■ Space-conditioning systems; ■ SWH systems; and ■ lighting systems. Categories of Buildings As part of this study, Part 6 of the California Energy Code ■ low-rise residential buildings; and (CEC) has been reviewed. There are two companion ■ non-residential, high-rise residential, and hotel/motel documents to the California Energy Code that sets out the buildings. way in which compliance is achieved. They are the Residential Manual and the Non-Residential Manual. For a building to achieve energy efficiency compliance it must meet the requirements of the mandatory section which mainly 7.2 Scope deals with the certification of the design and the installation of manufactured devices. The building must also meet the The requirements of the CEC are applicable to the following requirements of either the performance or prescriptive buildings: approach. ■ 38 Occupancy groups- There are further requirements outlined in the code that cover: -A Assembly; -B Business; -E Educational; -F Factory and industrial; -H Hazardous; -M Mercantile; 7.4 -R Residential; and There are 16 climate zones across the State of California -S Storage. designated in the CEC. ■ semi-conditioned non-residential buildings; and ■ new construction in existing buildings for both residential and non-residential use. Climate Zones I N T E R N AT I O N A L 7.5 S U R V E Y O F Requirements For Non-Residential, High-Rise Residential, And Hotel/Motel Buildings B U I L D I N G ■ the energy efficiency of luminaries in high-rise residential occupancies; ■ maximum area controls; ■ controls to reduce lighting intensity such as dimmers either the requirements of a performance approach or a prescriptive approach. Refer Figure 20. C O D E S These requirements include: Non-residential, high-rise residential, and hotel/motel buildings must comply with the mandatory provisions and also with E N E R G Y and dual switching; 7.5.1 Mandatory provisions Sub-chapter 3 of the CEC specifies requirements for the design and installation of space-conditioning and SWH systems and equipment. The requirements include: ■ automatic switching off controls; and ■ circuitry requirements. After the mandatory provisions have been met, the building minimum outdoor air quantities and energy efficient methods of delivery; envelope, space-conditioning, lighting and SWH systems ■ zoning; or the prescriptive approach. ■ thermostatic controls for zoning; ■ heat pump controls; The performance approach is based on calculating the energy ■ shut-off and reset controls; budget for the proposed building and ensuring that it is no ■ pipe insulation; and ■ air ducts requirements including insulation, sealing, connections, etc. ■ must also comply with either the performance approach 7.5.2 Performance approach greater than the energy budget for a standardised building. The energy budget takes into account the energy likely to be used by the space-conditioning, lighting and SWH systems. Note that it only takes into account energy from depletable Sub-chapter 4 of the CEC specifies requirements for the sources with solar power and non-depletable sources being design and installation of lighting systems and equipment. exempted from the calculations. Figure 20 California Energy Code compliance routes for non-residential, high-rise residential, and hotel/motel buildings Compliance for non-residential, high-rise residential, and hotel/motel buildings Mandatory Provisions for HVAC SWH systems and equipment Lighting systems Prescriptive Approach Lighting systems HVAC SWH systems Envelope component approach 39 Performance Approach Building envelope Annual Energy Budget (Use) Method Overall envelope approach I N T E R N AT I O N A L S U R V E Y O F B U I L D I N G E N E R G Y C O D E S This approach provides flexibility for the designer as it allows some systems within the building to use more energy, but compensate by having a more energy efficient building envelope. The energy budget is expressed in Btu per square foot of conditioned floor area per year. The standard building must generally comply with the mandatory provisions of Sub-chapters 3 and 4 for the space-conditioning, lighting and SWH systems as 7.5.3 Prescriptive approach discussed previously. The prescriptive approach has requirements for each of the different building elements. These building elements include the building envelope and the space-conditioning, lighting and SWH systems. A computer program is used for the calculation of the expected energy consumption of both the proposed building and the standard building and the program must be approved by the Commission. Where applicable, values must be the same for both the proposed building and the standard building such as the level of zoning, the orientation and the gross envelope area. Window area is flexible for the proposed building whereas the window area in the standard building cannot exceed certain values. For other systems such as lighting, minimum values are applied to the standard building. Building envelope There are two further approaches available for the building envelope to met the requirements. They are: ■ the Envelope Component Approach; and ■ the Overall Envelope Approach. Envelope Component Approach The proposed building's energy budget is calculated using the parameters of the actual proposed building. Energy usage is calculated for the space conditioning, lighting and SWH systems based on the actual design parameters. The computer program takes into account the building envelope properties for insulation and energy efficiency and these can be selected so as to ensure that the proposed building budget does not exceed the standard building energy budget. Figure 21 The Envelope Component Approach specifies either an Rvalue for the particular component or a U-value for the overall assembly of components such as the roof, walls, floors, etc. This is presented in tabular form for each of these building components assemblies and each climate zone. Windows and skylights are also included. Refer to Figure 21, which is an extract of Table 1-H of the CEC. It contains the prescriptive envelope criteria for non-residential buildings. Prescriptive requirements for non-residential buildings TABLE 1-H—PRESCRIPTIVE ENVELOPE CRITERIA FOR NONRESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (Except high-rise residential buildings and guest rooms of hotel/motel buildings) 40 Roof/Ceiling R-value or U-value Wall R-value or U-value wood frame Metal frame Mass/7.0<HC<15.0 Mass/15.0<HC Other Floor/Soffit R-value or U-value Mass/7.0<HC Other Windows U-value Relative solar heat gain North Nonnorth Skylights U-value Solar heat gain coefficient Transparent Translucent 1,16 2-5 19 0.057 19 0.057 13 CLIMATE ZONES 6-10 11-13 14-15 11 0.078 19 0.057 19 0.057 11 11 13 13 0.084 0.182 0.340 0.360 0.084 0.092 0.189 0.430 0.650 0.092 0.092 0.189 0.430 0.690 0.092 0.084 0.182 0.430 0.650 0.084 0.084 0.182 0.430 0.400 0.084 19 11 11 13 13 0.097 0.050 0.158 0.076 0.158 0.76 0.97 0.78 0.158 0.76 0.72 1.23 1.23 0.72 0.72 0.77 0.50 0.82 0.62 0.82 0.62 0.77 0.50 0.77 0.50 0.85 1.31 1.31 0.85 0.85 0.44 0.70 0.61 0.75 0.61 0.75 0.44 0.70 0.44 0.70 I N T E R N AT I O N A L S U R V E Y There are further restrictions on the ratio of window area to O F B U I L D I N G ■ the gross exterior wall area. A windows solar heat gain must also not exceed a value determined by calculation. Overall Envelope Approach E N E R G Y C O D E S Tailored Method. This method involves determining illuminance categories and corresponding lighting power density values (watt/ft2) for each task space in the building. Like the other methods, the lighting power density values are multiplied by the floor area, however, in this case they are broken down by tasks rather than by use classification. This approach involves comparing the overall heat transfer of the proposed building envelope in comparison to the overall heat transfer for a standard building. The materials in the 7.6 Low-Rise Residential Buildings standard building calculation would comply with the tabulated To comply with the CEC, low-rise residential buildings must prescriptive requirements whilst the materials in the proposed meet the mandatory requirements and also meet additional building calculation can be selected to suite the design. requirements, by using either a performance or prescriptive approach. See Figure 22. Space-conditioning systems space-conditioning systems and equipment must be designed and selected either by calculation or a computer program Figure 22 approved by the Commission. This is to ensure that the California Energy Code compliance routes for low-rise residential buildings equipment is appropriately sized for the design loads and in particular, that the equipment is not oversized which would lead to it being inefficient. The CEC specifies the various Compliance for low-rise residential buildings design parameters that must be considered. Mandatory Provisions include - SWH Systems Insulation Fireplaces Space-conditioning equipment Lighting There are no additional requirements to the mandatory requirements already in the code. Lighting Systems A buildings lighting power density must not exceed the allowable power density as calculated by one of three methods. Lighting systems covered include permanent Prescriptive Approach Performance Approach Tabular prescriptive requirements and Alternative Componant Packages Annual Energy Budget Method lighting, track and flexible lighting systems, display lighting and lighting integral with furniture. However, lighting for certain functions or occupancies is excluded such as for theme and amusement parks, film and video studios, medical purposes and exit and emergency lighting. The three methods for determining the allowable power density are: ■ Complete building method. This involves treating the 7.6.1 Mandatory provisions entire building as a single generic use classification. The Sub-chapter 7 of the CEC contains the mandatory allowable power density for the building is determined by requirements for low-rise residential buildings. These include: multiplying the conditioned floor area of the entire building ■ Ceiling, wall and floor insulation where the ceiling, wall or floor separate conditioned spaces from unconditioned spaces. Insulation must be of the specified R-value. ■ Any open fireplaces having - by a lighting power density factor specified in a table. High-rise residential buildings, hotels and motels cannot use this method. ■ Area category method. This method is similar to the - dampers; - designs that draw outside air into the fire box; and - closable doors covering the entire opening of the fireplace. Complete building method but the lighting power density factors are available for more specific uses within the building. Conditioned floor areas for each use are multiplied by the appropriate factors and the sum of 41 the results is the total allowable lighting power density. ■ Infiltration and vapour barriers. I N T E R N AT I O N A L ■ S U R V E Y Determining the size of the SPACE-CONDITIONING equipment using the design heat loss and design heat gain method as outlined in the ASHRAE Handbook or an equivalent. After the mandatory provisions have been met, a building must comply with either a performance approach or a prescriptive approach. O F B U I L D I N G E N E R G Y C O D E S Assumptions and default values for the calculations are provided in the code or reference documents for certain components such as indoor temperatures, occupancy loads, equipment loads, interior heat transfer, solar heat gains and losses, etc. The calculation procedure requires that the energy needed for cooling be determined even if the building plans do not 7.6.2 Performance approach indicate any air-conditioning. The total annual energy budget The performance approach for low-rise residential buildings is based on calculating the annual energy budget for the proposed building and ensuring that it is no greater than the maximum combined allowable energy budget. Energy use takes into account only the energy used for space conditioning and SWH systems and only energy from depletable energy sources. Solar power and non-depletable sources of energy are exempt from the calculations. must include the energy that could be needed for comfort heating, comfort cooling, ventilation for the health the occupants and water heating. 7.6.3 Prescriptive approach (Alternative Component Package) The prescriptive approach provides a table format for the characteristics needed in specific building components. Energy use is expressed in terms of kBtu per square foot per year. The performance approach is the same as the performance approach for non-residential, high-rise residential and hotel/motel buildings except, in this instance, lighting energy is not included. The likely energy use of a proposed building may exceed the energy budgets of either the SWH or the space-conditioning system as long as the combined usage of the two systems does not exceed the total of the allowable energy budgets. They are provided for each climate zone. See Figure 23 for an example. The building components are: ■ the building envelope with the R-values for the insulation of ceilings, walls and floors; ■ glazing, covering - maximum U-values; - maximum glazing area (% of external wall area); - total non-south facing glazing area; Determine the allowable energy budget For water heating systems, two calculation formulas are provided. One for dwelling units having a floor area 2500 ft2 or less and the other for floor areas over 2,500 ft2. These calculations only take into account the building's conditioned floor area. Note that other calculation methods can also be used if approved. - minimum south facing glazing area; ■ solar heat gain coefficients for south, north, east and west facing glass; ■ thermal mass characteristics; ■ infiltration control including air barriers and air tight air heat exchangers; To determine the allowable energy budget for spaceconditioning systems, computer programs, point systems or calculation methods can all be used but must be approved by the Commission. 42 ■ space heating systems covering - whether electric space heating can be used; - the Annual Fuel Utilisation efficiency (AFUE) which Determine the annual energy budget is the measure of the percentage of heat from the Using an approved computer program or calculation method, the annual energy budget is determined taking into account: combustion of gas or oil, which is transferred to the ■ the orientation of the building; ■ the envelope parameters and glazing areas of the building; ■ the energy conservation features of all building components; ■ the characteristics of the actual water heating and space-conditioning systems; and ■ the climate zone. space being heated; - the energy efficiency ratings of heat pumps, etc; ■ space cooling system, covering - split systems; - single package systems; ■ domestic water heaters covering energy efficiency rating and any credits for using passive design principles or solar energy systems. I N T E R N AT I O N A L S U R V E Y Within each table there are four Alternative Component Packages (A to D) available. Each package provides alternative values for the building components specified above. These optional packages allow a designer to chose the package that suits the design and so achieves some flexibility within a prescriptive approach. For example, greater glazing area may be traded for an increased insulation R-value. Depending on the zone and the Alternative Component Package chosen, the requirements for certain components may not apply. Package A is a passive solar design requiring a significant amount of south-facing glazing, a small amount of non-south facing glazing, and heavy thermal mass. Package B allows for a small area of glazing, with light and heavy mass wall alternatives, whilst some zones require infiltration barriers and air-to-air heat exchangers. Package C is the only package that allows electric resistance space heating. Package C may only be used if the building is in a location where natural gas is not currently available. Package D allows more glazing area in some locations than the other packages but with higher insulation levels. O F B U I L D I N G 7.7 E N E R G Y C O D E S All Buildings - Mandatory Provisions The CEC has requirements for the manufacture, construction, performance and installation of certain systems, equipment and building components that are installed in all buildings. These mandatory provisions are additional to the compliance paths and their respective requirements (including the category specific mandatory ones) for the two categories of buildings, ie, (a) low-rise residential buildings and (b) non-residential, high-rise residential and hotel/motel buildings. The systems, equipment and building components covered are: ■ any appliance regulated in California under the Appliance Efficiency Regulations; ■ space conditioning systems and equipment; ■ water heating systems and equipment; ■ pool and spa heating systems and equipment; ■ gas appliances; ■ doors, windows and fenestration products; ■ joints and other openings; ■ insulation; and ■ lighting control devices. Figure 23: Prescriptive requirements for residential buildings TABLE 1-Z1—ALTERNATIVE COMPONENT PACKAGES FOR CLIMATE ZONE 1 43 COMPONENT BUILDING ENVELOPE Insulation minimums2 Ceiling Wood-frame walls "Heavy mass" walls "Light mass" walls Below-grade walls Slab floor perimeter Raised floor Concrete raised floors GLAZING Maximum U-value3 Maximum total area Maximum total nonsouth-facing area Minimum south-facing area SOLAR HEAT GAIN COEFFlClENT4 South-facing glazing West-facing glazing East-facing glazing North-facing glazing THERMAL MASS5 INFILTRATION CONTROL Continuous barrier Air-to-air heat exchanger SPACE-HEATING SYSTEM6 Electric-resistant allowed If gas, AFUE = If heat pump, split system HSPF8 = Single package system HSPF = SPACE-COOLING SYSTEM If split system A/C, SEER = If single package A/C, SEER9 = DOMESTIC WATER-HEATING TYPE System must meet budget, see Section 151 (b) 1 and (f) 9 A B PACKAGE 1 C D R30 R19 (R8.5) (R8.5) NA R7 R19 NA R30 R19 (R5.0) (R6.0) NA R7 R19 NA R49 R29 NA NA NA R7 R30 NA R38 R21 (R4.76) NA RO NR R193 R8 0.65 NR 9.6% 6.4% 0.65 16% NR NR 0.40 14% NR NR 0.65 16% NR NR NR NR NR NR REQ NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR REQ NR NR NR NR NR NR NR REQ REQ NR NR NR NR No 78% No 78% Yes7 78% No MIN 6.8 6.6 6.8 6.6 6.8 6.6 MIN MIN 10.0 9.7 10.0 9.7 10.0 9.7 MIN MIN Any Any Any9 Any Legend: NR = Not required; NA = Not applicable; REQ = Required; MlN = Minimum See notes following Table l-Z16. I N T E R N AT I O N A L S U R V E Y For the compliance of space conditioning equipment, there is energy efficiency ratings (EER) of space conditioning O F B U I L D I N G C O D E S Requirements include: ■ equipment, combustion efficiency of boilers and thermal all products being tested to demonstrate compliance with maximum air leakage rates; efficiency of furnaces. The relevant test standard is also stated. E N E R G Y ■ all products being certified as achieving a specified U-value in accordance with relevant standards and Appliance Efficiency Regulations. Table 1-D of the CEC; and These regulations require that any appliance must be certified by the manufacturer for compliance with the ■ caulked and weather-stripped. Californian standards established in the Appliance Efficiency Regulations. This includes space conditioning equipment units that are fabricated on site being adequately Joints and other openings and water heating systems. Joints and other openings in the building envelope that Other space conditioning equipment are potential sources of air leakage must be caulked and All equipment must meet the energy efficiency requirements of weather-stripped. Table 1-C of the CEC and also must have controls to ensure that heat pumps do not run unnecessarily such as when the heating load is low. Insulation Insulation products must be certified by the manufacturer as complying with the relevant standards. In addition, insulating Other service water heating systems and equipment material must achieve the necessary fire-spread rating and Specific requirements include: smoke density. ■ energy efficient equipment; ■ controls on circulating pumps to reduce energy consumption when hot water is not required; ■ ■ Lighting control The CEC does require the equipment to be provided, just that if it is, it must be capable of achieving certain functions. temperature controls for the hot water in public toilet Equipment includes time switch controlling, occupant-sensing facilities; and and daylight sensing. the insulating of storage tanks. 7.8 Pool and spa heating systems and equipment Specific requirements include: ■ thermal efficiency of gas fired systems; ■ controls for shut down and time switches for the Semi-conditioned non-residential buildings Figure 24 is a flow chart that indicates the energy efficiency requirements for buildings having full, partial or no space conditioning. If a building is to have minimal space conditioning, there are no energy efficiency requirements for the building operation of circulation pump; ■ no pilot light being permitted; and ■ water surface covers being provided. envelope, water heating or space-conditioning systems. The Code only requires such a building to meet the mandatory requirements for lighting as specified in the relevant section for: Gas appliances ■ all buildings - mandatory requirements for lighting; and Specific requirements include: ■ high-rise residential, non-residential buildings and ■ energy efficient equipment; and ■ no pilot light being permitted. hotel/motel buildings- mandatory prescriptive requirements for lighting and equipment. If there is to be any significant space conditioning, whether 44 Doors, windows and fenestration products it be direct or indirect, full compliance is generally required. This includes skylights, curtain walls and sliding glass doors. The criteria for full compliance is a heating load greater than Fenestration products includes any transparent or translucent 10 BTU/hr/ft2 or a cooling load less than 5 BTU/hr/ft2 and material such as a sash, frame, mullion or divider. space conditioning between 55oF and 90oF. I N T E R N AT I O N A L 7.9 S U R V E Y O F New Construction In Existing Buildings B U I L D I N G E N E R G Y C O D E S Additions The envelope, lighting, space conditioning and water heating equipment for the building addition must comply with the The CEC has requirements for new construction in mandatory provisions and either the prescriptive or the existing buildings in the following categories: performance approach as described previously. non-residential, high-rise residential, and hotel/motel The requirements under the prescriptive approach are only buildings; for the new addition. ■ low-rise residential; and As part of the performance approach, the addition must also ■ semi-conditioned buildings. ■ comply with the annual energy budget method or alternatively the entire building must be improved to show compliance to the energy budget method. In the latter case, the new 7.9.1 Non-residential, high-rise residential, and hotel/motel buildings building’s anticipated energy consumption is compared to the The requirements are divided into additions and alterations. addition must not make the existing building any less efficient. Figure 24 existing buildings energy usage as if it were unchanged. The Flow chart for compliance Yes Does the heating exceed 10 BTU/hr/ft2? Or does the cooling system exceed 5 BTU/hr/ft2 Is there a mechanical heating or mechanical cooling system? Yes No No Is there evaporative cooling, wood heating or a non-depletable energy source used for space The space is semi-conditioned and must comply with lighting requirements Yes Is the temperature maintained for a process environment outside the range of 55˚F through 90˚F? Yes No Is the space indirectly conditioned (defined term) Full compliance with the standards (envelope, lighting and mechanical) is required? OR Yes Is the space conditioning system designed and controlled to be incapable of operating at temperatures above 55˚F or incapable of operating at temperatures below 90˚F at design conditions? Yes 45 No No No Full compliance with the standards (envelope, lighting and mechanical) is required? I N T E R N AT I O N A L S U R V E Y Alterations O F B U I L D I N G ■ C O D E S for areas up to 100 ft2, glazing area cannot exceed 50 ft2 and a glazing U-value of 0.75; This covers changes in the buildings use or occupancy as well as physical changes to the structure. Again, the buildings E N E R G Y ■ must comply with the mandatory provisions as well as either for areas greater than 100 ft2 but not exceeding 1000 ft2, the addition must meet the requirements of Alternative the prescriptive or the performance approaches. Component Package D under the appropriate table Under the prescriptive approach it must be demonstrated with some exceptions; that the alterations to the building envelope■ ■ do not increase the overall heat gain or loss; and ■ meet the prescriptive requirements of either the envelope component approach or the overall envelope approach. requirements of Alternative Component Package D under the appropriate table without exceptions. Again, under the performance approach, the alterations must Under the performance approach, the alterations must comply comply with the annual energy budget method or the entire with the annual energy budget method or the entire building building must be improved to show compliance to the energy must be improved to show compliance to the energy budget budget method. In the latter case, the altered building’s energy method. In the latter case, the altered building’s energy usage is compared to the existing buildings energy usage as if it were unchanged. Again, the addition must not make the existing building any less energy efficient. 7.9.2 Low-rise residential buildings Once again, the requirements are divided into additions and alterations. 46 for areas exceeding 1000 ft2, the addition must meet the Additions usage is compared to the existing buildings energy usage as if it were unchanged. Again, the addition must not make the existing building any less energy efficient. Alterations Again, the approach is the same as for Non-residential, high-rise residential, and hotel/motel buildings. 7.9.3 Semi-conditioned buildings The approach is the same as for Non-residential, high-rise Requirements for new semi-conditioned buildings only residential, and hotel/motel buildings. The requirements under cover lighting and generally, the lighting to the new portion the prescriptive approach depend on the floor area of the of the building, or the portion altered, need only comply addition, for example: with the mandatory requirements of the CEC. SECTION EIGHT HAWAII I N T E R N AT I O N A L SECTION 8 8.1 S U R V E Y O F B U I L D I N G E N E R G Y C O D E S HAWAII Regulatory Framework In the USA, building control is the responsibility of the individual States and, in many cases under the control of the smaller counties within the State. The States and, where permitted, the counties may adopt any form of regulation or standard of construction they consider appropriate. The State of Hawaii Model Energy Code has developed it’s own requirements for residential buildings. For other buildings, There are some exceptions to the requirements described above including where innovative natural ventilation schemes are used to provide air movement or to provide in some other way comfortable temperature and humidity conditions. Approved must be based on demonstration or analysis. Habitable rooms in houses that do not fully satisfy the natural ventilation requirements must be wired for the future installation of ceiling fans complete with wall-mounted, variable-speed fan controls. its requirements have been adapted mainly from ASHRAE/IES 90.1-1989 Energy Efficient Design of New Buildings Except When air conditioning is installed, there are additional Low-Rise Residential Buildings. It has also been influenced requirements for equipment efficiency, wall insulation or by the most recently adopted California codes (Title 24), shading, window tinting or shading, and air leakage. ASHRAE/IES 90.2P and the USDOE standard for nonresidential buildings. In addition, many parts of the Code have 8.4 Air Leakage been developed specifically for the unique conditions of the Air leakage requirements apply to all air-conditioned spaces. Islands, in particular the requirements for natural ventilation. They prohibit the cooling of unenclosed spaces except under The Hawaii Model Energy Code is not dealt with in depth as certain conditions. They also require tightly closing windows it is similar other USA codes previously covered. Instead, the and doors, self-closing or revolving commercial entrance report deals with those requirements that are unique and are doors and sealing of cracks and holes. A designer might of particular relevance to Australian environmental conditions. consider meeting these requirements even for an unconditioned building in order to avoid potentially costly 8.2 Ceiling Heat Gains upgrades if air conditioning might be added in the future. Ceilings must either be insulated or alternatively may use Air conditioned spaces must be enclosed. The space must a radiant barrier in combination with a light-coloured roof. be separated from the outside by roofs, ceilings, walls, floors, The requirement is expressed as a maximum roof heat gain doors and/or windows. If a space has a window or door that factor (RHGF). is normally open during operating hours, then it is considered unenclosed. Open-air hotel lobbies and restaurants or retail 8.3 Natural Ventilation spaces, which normally keep their doors open, are examples of unenclosed spaces. The requirements for a naturally ventilated house are intended to eliminate the need for air conditioning. In addition to roof heat gain requirements, habitable rooms (kitchens, bedrooms, living areas and dining rooms) must have two operable openings on opposite or adjacent walls to provide cross ventilation. Alternatively, they may be on opposite sides of weather-stripped or otherwise tightly sealed to minimise air leakage. Openings such as jalousie windows, which cannot be tightly sealed, are allowed, but they may not account for more than two percent of the exterior wall area. a wing wall. Their minimum free ventilation area must be at Commercial entrances that enclose conditioned space least 12% of the floor area. In addition, louvres or door must have self-closing or revolving doors. catches must be installed on interior doors. 48 Doors and windows enclosing conditioned space must be Finally, exterior joints, cracks and holes in and between the For other classes of buildings, there is a requirement that walls, ceilings and floors which enclose conditioned space no more than 70 percent of the total opening area may be must be caulked, gasketed, weather-stripped or otherwise placed on one wall (or on one side of a wing wall). sealed to prevent air leakage. I N T E R N AT I O N A L 8.5 S U R V E Y Swimming Pools and Spas Pools and spas have several requirements. Any heating must be by solar means or by heat pump with the heater meeting a minimum thermal efficiency and heat pumps and their pumps must be provided with on/off controls and a time switch. Gas or electric resistance pool heating is allowed only if it can be shown to provide lower annual energy costs than the solar or heat pump systems. 8.6 Testing, Operation and Maintenance Information Commercial buildings must have: ■ energy management capability; ■ testing and balancing; and ■ operating and maintenance manuals. 8.7 Economic Calculations For some of the Code’s requirements, there are exceptions based on economic calculations. The life cycle costing method is specified and takes into account the equipment installation cost, the maintenance costs and the energy costs over the lifetime of the equipment. The Code also indicates that a real discount rate of 3% is typical for energy policy analyses while higher rates are often used by private investors for commercial construction. The U.S. Department of Energy has proposed a 4.5% discount rate for federal agency in-house energy management programs. This rate is calculated from the long-term bond rate (8.5% at the time) minus the inflation rate (4%). 49 O F B U I L D I N G E N E R G Y C O D E S SECTION NINE CANADA I N T E R N AT I O N A L S U R V E Y O F B U I L D I N G E N E R G Y C O D E S SECTION 9 CANADA 9.1 The model codes cover the main systems and components Regulatory Framework In many ways the Canadian building control system is similar to the Australian system. The Canadian Provincial and Territorial Governments, like the Australian States and of a building, namely the building envelope, lighting, HVAC systems, SWH heating and electrical power system. Requirements vary depending on the type of building, the systems incorporated in the building, the climate zone and Territories, have jurisdiction over building control. ultimately the path chosen for compliance. The National Research Council (NRC) of Canada is the equivalent of the ABCB to the extent that they formulate The requirements for building envelope and HVAC systems national codes for possible adoption by the Provinces and are only applicable if the building has conditioned (heated Territories. However, the ABCB does not publish model or cooled) space. In this case, the philosophy is to reduce codes, only nationally agreed and nationally applied codes. the energy flow between the building and the environment. The NRC has developed the following two model energy efficiency codes: ■ the Model National Energy Code of Canada for The requirements for electrical power, lighting and SWH apply generally to all buildings with some minor exemptions. As the Provinces and Territories have responsibility for building control, they also have the power to decide which codes to Houses - 1997 (MNECH); and adopt. Figure 25 indicates the current status of energy codes ■ the Model National Energy Code of Canada for adopted in the jurisdictions of Canada. Buildings - 1997 (MNECB). This report will cover the Model National Energy Codes These two model codes set out minimum requirements for energy efficiency measures in buildings. The requirements are, for the most part, based on extensive cost-benefit Code will be reviewed as an example of a provincial code. analysis that take into consideration climate, fuel types Figure 26 illustrates the structure and compliance routes and costs and construction costs. for both the MNECH and the MNECB. Figure 25 Status of energy codes adopted in the Provinces of Canada Province 51 developed by the NRC. In addition, the Ontario Building Residential Commercial Code Application Code Application British Columbia Model National Energy Code for Houses City of Vancouver only MNECB City of Vancouver - all buildings. Provincial adoption for Govt buildings. Alberta Alberta Building Code Minor requirements for insulation. Requirements less than MNECH None Saskatchewan None Manitoba Manitoba Building Code Similar to MNECH None Reviewing MNECB for public buildings Ontario Ontario Building Code Separate requirements. Insulation requirements for the building envelope similar to the MNECH MNECB or ASHRAE/IES 90.1 All buildings Quebec Separate regulations No current information Separate regulations No current information New Brunswick No current information Nova Scotia Model National Energy Code for Houses None No current information All MNECB All Prince-Edward Island No current code Adoption may be at municipal level No current code Adoption may be at municipal level Newfoundland No current code Adoption may be at municipal level No current code Adoption may be at municipal level I N T E R N AT I O N A L 9.2 S U R V E Y O F E N E R G Y C O D E S 9.2.2 General provisions Model National Energy Code of Canada for Houses - 1997 The Code outlines the general parameters and procedures used in determining the energy efficiency requirements including: 9.2.1 Scope The scope of this code applies to: ■ new buildings of three storeys or less that do not have a floor area greater than 600m2 and contain only dwelling units or other ancillary uses; ■ new buildings of residential occupancy containing not more than one dwelling; and ■ additions of more than 10m2 in floor area to existing buildings described in (a) and (b). The MNECH refers to buildings "containing only dwelling units, related ancillary service rooms, shared means of egress or garages serving the units" (Clause This rules out hotels and motels, but includes single-family houses, flats and apartment buildings within the storey and floor area limitations. Other building types will fall under the Model National Energy Code for Buildings. Figure 26 B U I L D I N G ■ climatic data; ■ the overall thermal transmittance values of materials from standards or by recognised calculations; ■ the methods for determining solar heat gain coefficients for windows; ■ the formula for calculating areas and for applying concessions; and ■ referenced documents. 9.2.3 Mandatory measures The intended mandatory requirements are detailed for each of the main building systems and components. They must be complied with regardless of the compliance path chosen and so cannot be traded-off. The mandatory requirements are contained within the section for each building component. National Model Energy Code compliance routes GENERAL MANDATORY PROVISIONS Envelope Lighting Prescriptive path HVAC Service Water Electrical Power & motors Performance path MANDATORY PROVISIONS Prescriptive requirements Trade-offs (simple or computer assisted) BUILDING ENERGY PERFORMANCE METHOD HVAC LIGHTING SERVICE WATER HEATING (for buildings only) COMPLIANCE WITH NATIONAL MODEL ENERGY CODE 52 I N T E R N AT I O N A L S U R V E Y O F B U I L D I N G E N E R G Y C O D E S Building envelope Heat traps are required on water heaters and all hot water Building envelope requirements include: piping must be insulated. Controls are required so that heaters ■ installation and continuity of insulation; ■ air-tightness of components in the building envelope; and ■ air leakage and energy rating classification of windows and doors. operate over a specific temperature range and can be easily shut down, when not needed such as during vacations. Lighting There are requirements for both internal and external lighting. However, the interior lighting requirements in the MNECH is limited to ancillary rooms shared by the occupants of the dwelling units such as communal laundries. Internal lighting in other areas is exempted because it was considered that the energy consumption of lighting in dwelling units was not overburdening enough to warrant the type of measures being put forward and would also be difficult to regulate. Requirements for houses cover: Showers are required to have a maximum water discharge head, swimming pools must have controlled heaters and pumps and heated pools are required to have covers. Electrical power The MNECH has mandatory requirements to assist the managing of electrical power including the metering of power to individual dwelling units. 9.2.4 Prescriptive path As shown in Figure 26, there two compliance paths available for the designer; the prescriptive and performance path. The prescriptive path for housing only covers the building envelope and the HVAC system. ■ exterior lighting and including- minimum luminous efficacy of not less than 40 lm/W; - maximum power densities; - lighting controls; ■ interior lighting to common areas and including- requirements for fluorescent lamp ballasts; and - lighting controls. There are two optional procedures available for the building envelope to meet the requirements. These are: ■ the Prescriptive Method; and ■ the Trade-off Method. Interior lighting requirements are much more extensive in the MNECB. Prescriptive Method Heating, ventilation and HVAC systems specified in Section 3.3 of the MNECH. This clause refers to The MNECH has requirements for HVAC systems serving a single dwelling unit. For systems serving multiple dwellings, the MNECB must be used. Appendix A of the MNECH that details the minimum effective Mandatory requirements include equipment and system performance and the controls needed to operate the system efficiently. SWH systems The mandatory provisions for SHW systems covers installation details and controls. 53 Building envelope The system design must be in accordance with Provincial, Territorial or municipal building regulations, or the National Plumbing Code of Canada 1995. The efficiency of storage vessels and heating equipment must also be in accordance with Federal, Provincial or Territorial Acts, with local regulations or with a table in the code. These limit the manufacture and sale of equipment that does not meet the minimum efficiency requirements stated in a series of standards. The energy codes avoid possible conflicts by not duplicating these acts; rather, it references them. The table is for localities outside the jurisdiction of the Acts or regulations. The prescriptive requirements for the building envelope are thermal resistance (RSI-value, m2 .˚C/W) of the roofs, walls and floors for each climatic region and for each principal heating source. This is in table format. Figure 27 is an extract of the table from the MNECH for the Ontario Region A. Figure 27 also shows the requirements for windows and doors expressed as a minimum energy rating (ER) in W/m2. An ER rates a windows in terms of its combined response to solar heat gain, conductive heat loss and air leakage. It is based on the total performance of the element including the sash, frame, etc. I N T E R N AT I O N A L Figure 27 S U R V E Y O F B U I L D I N G E N E R G Y C O D E S Example of prescriptive tables in the MNECH ONTARIO Region A- < 5000 Degree-days Table A- Prescriptive Requirements - Above ground Building Assemblies Forming Part of Sentence Assembly Description Roots (See Appendix Note A- Type I – attic-type roofs Type II – all other roofs (e.g., sawn lumber joists, parallel-chord trusses and wood I-joists) Walls Floors Principal Heating Source Electricity, Other Propane, Oil, Heat Pump Natural Gas Minimum Effective Thermal Resistance (RSI-value), m2 °C/W 8.80 5.20 7.00 4.30 5.60 4.30 4.40 5.20 3.00 4.50 2.90 4.50 Table A- Prescriptive Requirements - Windows and Other Glazed Areas Forming Part of Sentence and (2) Electricity, Other Assembly Description Windows and sliding glass doors within the scope of CSA Standard A440.2 (See Appendix Note A- Operable or fixed glazing with sash Fixed glazing without sash Windows and other glazed areas outside the scope of CSA Standard A440.2 Principal Heating Source Propane, Oil, Heat Pump Minimum Energy Rating (ER), W/m2 Natural Gas -10.0 0.0 -13.0 -13.0 -3.0 -3.0 Maximum Overall Thermal Transmittance W/m2. °C 2.40 2.60 2.60 As part of these requirements, windows cannot exceed HVAC system 20% of the floor surface area of the building although some The MNECB only applies to a HVAC system serving a single compensatory measures are possible for large areas. dwelling unit and the prescriptive requirements only cover heat recovery. A mechanical exhaust system must be fitted Trade-off Method with a device to transfer the heat from the air being exhausted The MNECH permits two means of carrying out a trade-off. to the fresh air entering the building. It must have a heat recovery efficiency as specified in a table and the efficiency Simple trade-off varies depending on the outdoor design temperature at the This procedure permits the effective thermal resistance of one building’s location. or more components of the building envelope to be less than the prescriptive requirements of Section 3.3 (Appendix A Heat recovery is also required for enclosed swimming pools with details being given in the MNECB. Tables) provided the effective thermal resistance of the other components is increased. The final design is acceptable if the 9.2.5 Performance path sum of the areas of all components of the building envelope, Building Energy Performance Method divided by their respective effective thermal resistances, is not more than it would be if the components complied totally This method can be used as an alternative to the prescriptive path for the building envelope and HVAC systems. with Section 3.3. Firstly, the mandatory requirements must still be met. Any Computer assisted trade-off extra efficiency in meeting these mandatory requirements An alternative to a compliant calculation is to use software cannot be used as trade-offs in the performance compliance detailed in a NRC publication titled Trade-off Compliance 54 calculations, other than for the efficiency of HVAC equipment. for Houses: Specifications for Calculation Procedures for The performance path is based on the premise that the Demonstrating Compliance to the Model National Energy building does not have to comply with the prescriptive Code for Houses Using Trade-offs. requirements provided it can be shown, using approved I N T E R N AT I O N A L S U R V E Y O F B U I L D I N G E N E R G Y C O D E S software, that the building will not use more energy in a and calculation methods to those of the housing code. typical year than it would if it were to comply with the The mandatory provisions are in the respective sections for prescriptive requirements. each building component. They are generally similar to the This approach permits each building to have a custom-made energy budget or target. This target is based on a building similar to the one under consideration, but fully complying with the Code’s prescriptive requirements. There are some limits as to what can be traded off using this method. For example, the effective thermal resistance MNCEH but there are some differences. 9.3.1 General provisions The MNECB outlines the general parameters and procedures used in satisfying the energy efficiency requirements. These include: ■ climatic data; ■ the overall thermal transmittance values of materials of opaque components of the building envelope can not be reduced below a certain level of their prescriptive requirements from standards or by recognised calculations; eg. 75% for walls and 60% for other elements. Lighting and HVAC systems are included in the computer ■ for windows; analysis. A further consideration is the energy costs of various heating ■ the formula for calculating areas and for applying concessions; and energy sources, eg. gas, oil, electricity. To compensate for this, the differences in energy costs of the various heating the methods for determining solar heat gain coefficients ■ referenced documents. energy sources have been taken into account in the regional requirements. This results in variations in insulation requirements for the different energy sources in each region. An energy 9.3.2 Mandatory measures Building envelope source adjustment factor for each energy source is provided in an Appendix of the code. The intended mandatory requirements are detailed for each of the main building systems and components. They must The calculations for this method of compliance must be be complied with regardless of the compliance path chosen carried out using software that conforms to specifications and so cannot be traded-off. The mandatory requirements found in Performance Compliance for Houses: Specifications are contained within the section for each building component. for Calculation Procedures for Demonstrating Compliance to As for houses, the requirements cover: the Model National Energy Code for Houses Using Whole House Performance. 9.3 Model National Energy Code of Canada for Buildings - 1997 This code applies to all new buildings and additions to existing buildings not covered by the MNECH. It includes residential ■ installation and continuity of insulation; ■ air-tightness of components in the building envelope; and ■ air leakage and energy rating classification of windows and doors. These provisions are very similar to the general provisions for housing. buildings more than three storeys high and all commercial, industrial, manufacturing and public buildings. It exempts Lighting buildings less than 10m2 and farm buildings. As well as having mandatory provisions for interior and exterior Generally, the code has requirements for: lighting characteristics and controls there are also provisions for entrance and exit lighting and facade lighting. Display ■ the building envelope; ■ HVAC systems; high-risk security lighting are all exempt from the requirements. ■ SWH systems; HVAC systems ■ lighting systems; and Mandatory requirements take a similar form to those for ■ electrical power systems but excluding process loads. Figure 26 illustrates the structure of the MNECB for buildings as well as the MNECH for houses. 55 The general requirements include similar provisions lighting for landscape, lighting of monuments and signage and houses, however, there are more detailed procedures involved such as testing duct for air leakage. There are requirements for the design of HVAC pumping systems that have pump motors of 7.5 kW or over. There are requirements for temperature controls such as shut down I N T E R N AT I O N A L S U R V E Y O F B U I L D I N G E N E R G Y C O D E S means and set point adjustment. There are also minimum performance requirements for equipment including airconditioners, condensing units, water chillers, boilers, furnaces and heaters. 9.3.3 Prescriptive path SHW systems paths that may be used to meet the requirements for the Similar to houses, requirements include the efficiency of storage vessels, insulation of piping and temperature controls. There are also restrictions on water flow to sanitary facilities such as showers. Electrical power The MNECB requirements aim to achieve efficient use of energy by electric power systems. Metering is required for individual occupancy units and suites according to the Canadian Regulations relating to the inspection of Electricity and Gas Meters and Supplies. More extensive monitoring facilities are also required for distribution systems whose load-carrying capacity is greater than 250 kVA. Building envelope provisions As with the housing code, there are two alternative compliance building envelope. These are: ■ the Prescriptive Method; and ■ the Trade-off Method. Prescriptive method The prescriptive requirements for building envelopes are similar to those for housing and are specified in Section 3.3 of the MNECB. This clause refers to Appendix A of the MNECB, which details the minimum effective thermal resistance (RSIvalue, m2 .oC/W) of the roofs, walls and floors for each climatic region and for each principal heating source. This is in table Building transformers are required to conform to Federal, Provincial or Territorial Acts and Regulations. format. Figure 28 is an extract of the table from the MNECB As for the MNECH, equipment efficiencies are also covered by the Federal and Provincial/Territorial energy efficiency Parliamentary Acts. These limit the manufacture and sale of equipment to that does not meet the minimum efficiency requirements. There are extra requirements for vestibules, such as equipping The energy codes avoid possible conflicts by not duplicating these acts; rather, it references them. other glazed elements to have an energy rating (ER), building Finally, electrical motors must be of the minimum efficiency stated in Canadian standards. transmission. This is a measure of the rate at which heat is Figure 28 for British Columbia, Region B. doors with self-closers, or providing an airlock with two doors. In addition, the provisions for windows and other glazed areas are slightly different. Whilst housing required windows and fenestrations are required to have a maximum overall thermal transferred through glazed. Refer to Figure 29. Example of prescriptive tables in the MNECB for building envelopes Table A Prescriptive Requirements - Above-ground Building Assemblies Forming Part of Sentence Principal Heating Source Electricity, Other Propane, Oil, Heat Pump Natural Gas BC Gas II PNG Assembly Description Maximum Overall Thermal Transmittance (U-value), W/m2 °C Roots (See Appendix Note A- (1)): Type I - attic-type roofs 0.140 0.140 0.180 II 0.140 Type II - parallel-chord trusses and joist-type roofs 0.230 0.230 0.230 II 0.230 Type III - all other roofs (e.g., concrete decks with rigid insulation) 0.290 0.290 0.470 II 0.410 0.370 0.370 0.450 II 0.450 Walls Floors 56 Type I - parallel-chord trusses and joist-type roofs 0.220 0.220 0.220 II 0.220 Type II - all other roofs (e.g., concrete decks with rigid insulation) 0.290 0.290 0.470 II 0.410 I N T E R N AT I O N A L Figure 29 S U R V E Y O F B U I L D I N G E N E R G Y C O D E S Example of prescriptive tables in the MNECB for glazed areas Table A- Prescriptive Requirements - Fenestration(1) Forming Part of Sentence Principal Heating Source Assembly Description Fenestration-to-Wall Ratio Electricity, Other Propane, Oil, Heat Pump Natural Gas Maximum Overall Thermal Transmittance (U-value), W/ m2 °C Fixed Glazing without Sash up to 0.4 > 0.4 to 0.5 > 0.5 to 0.6 > 0.6 to 0.7 > 0.7 to 0.8 > 0.8 to 0.9 >0.9 1.70 1.60 1.50 1.50 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.70 1.60 1.50 1.50 1.40 1.30 1.30 3.20 2.90 2.60 2.40 2.30 2.10 2.00 Operable or Fixed Glazing with Sash up to 0.4 > 0.4 to 0.5 >0.5 to 0.6 >0.6 to 0.7 > 0.7 to 0.8 > 0.8 to 0.9 > 0.9 2.70 2.40 2.20 2.10 2.00 1.90 1.80 3.40 3.00 2.70 2.50 2.30 2.20 2.10 3.40 3.00 2.70 2.50 2.40 2.20 2.10 Trade-off method Like for housing, the MNECB requires that the mandatory The trade-off method outlined for buildings is similar to those requirements for the envelope and lighting, HVAC and SHW for houses with a simple approach and a computer assisted systems be met. It then requires that the annual adjusted approach. energy consumption of the building be calculated and be HVAC, lighting and SHW system compared to an energy target for the building. Once again, the performance path is based on the premise that the building Lighting does not have to comply with the prescriptive requirements The prescriptive compliance path gives methods for provided it can be shown, using approved software, that the calculating interior lighting power allowances and densities building will not use more energy in a typical year than it for individual building types. would if it were to comply with the prescriptive requirements. HVAC system The prescriptive compliance path not only has requirements for air-to-air heat recovery similar to those for houses, but also has requirements for the design of fan systems, outdoor air cooling systems and automatic control system. This approach permits each building to have a custom-made energy budget, or target. This target is based on a building similar to the one under consideration, but fully complying with the Code’s prescriptive requirements. The calculations for this method of compliance are to be carried out using software that conforms to specifications SWH systems There are also requirements for boilers, calorifiers, etc. used to provide space heating and service water heating. 57 found in "Performance Compliance for Buildings: Specifications for Calculation Procedures for Demonstrating Compliance to the Model National Energy Code for Buildings 9.3.4 Performance path Using Whole Building Performance." Building energy performance compliance Different energy sources are taken into account in the building This path provides a means of complying other than the energy performance method using the Energy Source prescriptive path. It covers the building envelope and the Adjustment Factor. This takes into account different Provinces HVAC, lighting and SWH systems. This is similar to that and regions within each Province and the different energy for houses except that lighting and SWH can be included. sources, ie. electricity, propane, oil, natural gas, etc. SECTION TEN C A N A D A - O N TA R I O I N T E R N AT I O N A L SECTION 10 S U R V E Y O F B U I L D I N G E N E R G Y C O D E S C A N A D A - O N TA R I O 10.1 Regulatory Framework This grouping is because they have similar requirements The Province of Ontario has responsibility for building control in it’s own jurisdiction and so has its own building code called for the structure, fire protection, etc. However only residential buildings have energy efficiency requirements. These residential the Ontario Building Code 1997. The Ontario Building Code buildings include sleeping accommodation in single residences, contains unique energy efficiency requirements rather than multi family residences (flats and apartments) and hotels and referencing the MNECH or the MNECB. However, the code motels within the storey and floor area limitation. It does not does reference the MNECB as one compliance option for include nursing homes/hostels or detention centres. buildings (other than houses and small buildings). The Ontario Building Code specifies two prescriptive The Ontario Building Code has energy efficiency requirements approaches for complying. for two categories of buildings. These are: Section 9.25 has requirements for the thermal insulating ■ houses and small buildings; and material and their installation in all walls, ceilings and floors ■ other buildings. separating heated and non-heated spaces. These requirements are in the form of R-values, which vary between two main 10.2 Houses and Small Buildings climate zones. The climate zones are for locations with less than 5,000 heating degree-days per year and 5,000 or more The Ontario Building Code combines the requirements for housing and small buildings and applies them to buildings heating degree-days per year. The R-values are greater if the of three storeys or less, having a floor area not exceeding building has electric space heating. The R-values as specified 600 m2 and used for: in tabular form. Figure 30 shows Table of the Ontario Building Code that gives the minimum thermal insulation ■ residences; ■ business and personal services; ■ displaying or selling goods, wares or merchandise; and ■ medium and low hazard industry. resistance values for building elements. Glazing that separates heated space from unheated Figure 30 space must have a thermal resistance of not less than 0.30 m2 ºC/W. Table for the minimum thermal resistance insulation required to building elements Table Minimum Thermal Resistance of Insulation to be Installed based on Degree Day Zones(1) Forming Part of Sentence RSI (R) Value Required Building Element Exposed to the Zone 1 Zone 2 Electric Space Heating Less than 5000 5000 or more Zone 1 & 2 Ceiling below attic or roof space 5.40 (R31) 6.70 (R38) 7.00 (R40) Roof assembly without attic or roof space 3.52 (R20) 3.52 (R20) 3.87 (R22) Wall other than foundation wall 3.00 (R17) 3.87 (R22) 4.70 (R27) Foundation walls enclosing heated space 1.41 (R8) 2.11 (R12) 3.25 (R19) Floor, other than slab-on-ground 4.40 (R25) 4.40 (R25) 4.40 (R25) Slab-on ground containing pipes or heating ducts 1.76 (R10) 1.76 (R10) 1.76 (R10) Slab-on-ground not containing pipes or heating ducts 1.41 (R8) 1.41 (R8) 1.41 (R8) 2 3 4 Exterior or to Unheated Space 59 Column 1 I N T E R N AT I O N A L Figure 31 S U R V E Y O F B U I L D I N G E N E R G Y C O D E S Table for the minimum thermal resistance insulation required to building elements Maximum Number of Celsius Degree days Building Assembly Electric Space Heating Up to 5000 Above 5000 Ceiling below attic or roof space 5.6(R32) 6.9(R39) 7.20(R41) Roof assembly without attic or roof space 3.8(R22) 3.8(R22) 4.15(R24) Wall other than foundation wall 3.45(R19) 4.3(R24) 5.15(R29) Foundation walls enclosing heated space 1.7(R10) 2.4(R14) 3 54(R20) Floor, other than slab-on-ground 4.7(R27) 4.7(R27) 4.7(R27) Slab-onground(1) — containing pipes or heating ducts — not containing pipes or heating ducts 2.11(R12) 1.76(R10) 2.11(R12) 1.76(R10) 2.11(R12) 1.76(R10) 2 3 4 Column 1 There are also requirements for air barrier systems so as to restrict air leakage and vapour condensation. The requirements are a maximum air leakage rate under a differential pressure. 10.3 Other Buildings For most buildings, other than residential occupancies, Part 2 - Clause of the code specifies that they must comply with the energy efficiency requirements of either: The alternative approach detailed in Section 9.38 also covers thermal insulation requirements for walls, floors and ■ New Buildings Except Low rise Residential Buildings"; or ceilings applicable to the two climate zones and again takes into account whether the building has electric space heating. ASHRAE/IES 90.1 - 1989 "Energy Efficient Design of ■ the MNECB 1997. Refer to Figure 31 for an extract of Table Both of these are described elsewhere in this report. In this case the R values for building envelope components also includes the thermal resistance of building assemblies through any portion that does not include framing or furring. This means that the R-value can include the resistance of all Apart from the residential buildings, other exceptions to compliance with this part are: ■ farm buildings; and ■ buildings intended primarily for manufacturing, commercial layers of materials whereas Section 9.25 specifies the thermal resistance of only the insulation itself. The R-values for Section or industrial processing. 9.38 are appropriately greater than those of Section 9.25. Like Section 9.25, there are also thermal resistance There are also some other requirements contained in the requirements for glazing and doors with restrictions on Ontario Building Code 1997 in addition to the ASHRAE/IES the total area of glazing permitted but in Section 9.28 the or MNECB requirements. These include: requirements are more detailed. The area of glazing cannot ■ Section 5.3 - Thermal resistance of assemblies; ■ Section 5.4 - Air leakage; and ■ Section 5.5 - Vapour diffusion. exceed 20% of the floor area of the storey nor can it exceed 40% of the wall area of the storey. There are also further requirements in regards to air filtration and air leakage. The requirements in both Clause 9.25 and 9.38 are totally prescriptive. However, the thermal insulation requirements of Clause 9.38 can be reduced (by not more than 20%) and the area of glazing increased. This is only permitted if it can be shown that the total heat loss of the building enclosure would not exceed the heat loss from the same building if it complied with all the prescriptive requirements. This is similar to the typical trade-off methods of other Codes. The Ontario Building Code does not mention a specific calculation method 60 or computer program. SECTION ELEVEN SINGAPORE I N T E R N AT I O N A L SECTION 11 S U R V E Y SINGAPORE The Singapore Building Control Regulations (1 May 1989) contain what is basically a single approach - prescriptive code in comparison to the others reviewed for this study. The Singapore Building Control Regulations are not explained in detail, instead, this report deals with a few issues that may be relevant for future energy provisions of the BCA. Of particular interest are the requirements for ventilated buildings and the similarity in climate with northern parts of Australia. The Singapore Building Control Regulations has some specific energy conservation requirements in Chapter 29, Section 50, Division 10. They cover requirements for: ■ roof and wall insulation; ■ air leakage; ■ location of entry doors; ■ zoning for temperature control; ■ sufficient electric power metering; ■ switching off the air-conditioning automatically in hotel guess rooms when the rooms are unoccupied; ■ data-logging facilities for collecting data for energy audits; and ■ limits on the thermal transmittance of the roof. The Singapore Building Control Regulations also reference a document titled Handbook on Energy Conservation in Buildings and Building Services. Non-air-conditioned buildings must have 10% openable window area. Singapore requirements are for both the health and the comfort of the occupants. This can be compared with the BCA Deemed-to-Satisfy provision of 5%, which is for health reasons. 62 O F B U I L D I N G E N E R G Y C O D E S SECTION TWELVE AUSTRALIA I N T E R N AT I O N A L SECTION 12 S U R V E Y O F B U I L D I N G E N E R G Y C O D E S AUSTRALIA 12.1 Regulatory Framework In Australia, building control is the responsibility of the eight States and Territories. As such, each State and Territory has its own Building Act and Regulations. These cover the legal in their Appendices to the BCA. South Australia also have details of energy efficiency measures in their Appendix to the BCA but have not yet gazetted the measures into law. The measures they contained are outlined in this section. and administrative requirements of building control within that Some Councils have also introduced energy efficiency jurisdiction’s respective boundaries. The Building Code of measures through planning schemes or building control Australia is referenced by all regulations as the construction where permitted. There are over 700 Councils in Australia standard for buildings, or building work. and this report will not attempt to cover the various The Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB) was formed in requirements introduced at local government level. 1994 by an inter-government agreement as the representative The Queensland Government is also preparing a model body for all the governments. It has a clear mandate for housing code that Councils may choose to use. It is expected nationally consistent building regulations. The ABCB is made that it initially it will only be relevant to the South East part up of representatives of the eight States and Territories as of the State. well as representatives from industry and the Commonwealth Government. In 1996, BCA96 was introduced with national adoption achieved by July 1997. BCA96 is a performance-based code Figure 32 BCA Building compliance routes incorporating Performance Requirements and Deemed-toSatisfy (DTS) Provisions and Verification Methods. It also has bound into the document State and Territory variations and additions applicable within that jurisdiction. A variation is a Objectives Guidance Levels Compliance Levels change to the base requirements of the BCA96 while an addition is a further requirement to those in the base provisions. Functional Statements The BCA96 has a performance hierarchy encompassing Objectives, Functional Statements, Performance Requirements and the prescriptive DTS Provisions. Building work must Performance Requirements (qualitative) comply with the Performance Requirements. The Objective sets the communities social objective while Building Solution the Functional Statement relates this Objective to buildings. These are provided for guidance. Deemed-to-Satisfy Solution Alternative Solution A building solution can incorporate either a DTS Solution or an Alternative Solution or a combination of both. Therefore, Verification Methods An Alternative Solution can be any solution as long as it Documentary Evidence can be shown that it meets the Performance Requirements. The BCA specifies four Assessment Methods available to Expert Judgement demonstrate this compliance. Figure 32 indicates the BCA compliance paths. Comparison with the DTS The overall structure and compliance path of the BCA allows flexibility outside the prescriptive DTS Provisions. Currently the ACT and Victorian require energy efficiency 64 measures under building control. The details are contained COMPLIANCE WITH THE BCA Assessment Methods the DTS Provisions are only one method of compliance. I N T E R N AT I O N A L S U R V E Y O F B U I L D I N G E N E R G Y C O D E S 12.2 Scope of Energy Efficiency Measures 12.4 Australian Capital Territory Both the ACT and Victorian requirements apply only to The ACT requirements are divided into: the following classification of buildings: ■ houses (Class 1); ■ multi-storey residential units (Class 2); ■ residential occupancies for long term or transit living for ■ ■ new buildings; and ■ additions to buildings. 12.4.1 New buildings a number of unrelated persons such as hotels, motels, A new building must achieve a ACT House Energy Rating aged care facilities and boarding houses. (Class 3); and Scheme (ACTHERS) of four stars. This assessment must a residential unit attached to a commercial building (Class 4). be carried out by an accredited assessor. The ACTHERS is based on the CSIRO computer program NatHERS. The South Australia requirements apply only to houses 12.4.2 Additions to buildings (Class 1 buildings). For an addition to a building, the addition can comply either by achieving four stars with the ACTHERS program or by 12.3 Performance Requirements having the minimum insulation material required in the roof Performance can be expressed in many ways. In the and walls as shown in Figure 33. Australian context, how the building is to perform is described in qualitative terms in the BCA, whereas in New Zealand for example, the performance is quantified. The Objective, Functional Statement and Performance Figure 33 Requirements of the ACT, South Australian and Victorian ACT Table F6 requirements are tabulated below and are generally consistent Table F6 of ACT Appendix MINIMUM INSULATION MATERIAL with each other, with the exemption of the South Australia Roofs Objective. ACT & Victoria South Australia The Objective of this Part is The Objective of this Part to facilitate efficient use of is to facilitate efficient use energy in a building. of energy in a building to (a) R3 insulation material in the ceiling space; or (b) R2 insulation material in an exposed raked ceiling Walls Objective minimise greenhouse gases. R1.5 insulation material in the external wall space The floor must either be of concrete or have an R-value Functional A building is to be designed to achieve efficient use of energy of 1 including carpet. Statement for internal heating and cooling. For the ACT, the R-value is for the added insulation to the Performance A building must have adequate level of thermal performance to roof and wall and not the total R-value of the element. Requirement ensure efficient use of energy for internal heating and cooling. 12.4.3 Exemptions Certain types of construction are exempted from complying. The above requirements limit energy efficiency measures to These are specified in Clause ACT F6.2 and include cavity thermal performance for heating and cooling which is basically brick walls, earth-walls, ashlar stone or other masonry walls the building envelope. This does not take into account the which have a thickness of not less than 180 mm. There has other energy saving measures seen in overseas Codes and Standards such as lighting, service water heating and HVAC. However, the breadth of the requirements permit consideration of measures such as glazing, eves and fenestrations which 65 been indications from specialists in the energy field that some of these exemptions may not be consistent with test data and so should be reviewed. are not currently included in the ACT, South Australian and Also exempted are Class 10 structures (garages, sheds etc), Victorian DTS provisions. and certain movable homes). I N T E R N AT I O N A L S U R V E Y 12.5 South Australia The South Australia Appendix to the BCA specifies a Minister’s O F B U I L D I N G E N E R G Y C O D E S as stated by the Australian Prime Minister. It is understood that the AGO is proposing a review AS 2627.1. Specification SA2.1 - Energy Efficiency - Thermal design In AS 2627.1 there are two methods for determining the requirements for residential buildings as the DTS Provisions for required levels of insulation in roofs/ceilings and walls. the energy efficiency Performance Requirements. At the time These are by using: of writing, this Specification has not yet been passed into law. ■ the recommended thermal resistance levels; and ■ a method of calculating thermal resistance. 12.5.1 Ministers Specification South Australia SA2.1 Application The South Australia requirements extend only to residential Scope houses (Class 1 buildings) and new building work must The standard sets out requirements for roofs/ceilings comply with either: and walls that bound dwellings that are heated or cooled by ■ a verification method to demonstrate that the house refrigeration. It does not cover naturally ventilated houses. achieves an energy rating of at least 3.5 stars using the NatHERS system or other approved system; ■ the insulation requirements as specified in AS 2627 Thermal insulation of dwellings, Part 1 - Thermal insulation of roofs/ceilings and walls in dwellings; or ■ Recommended thermal resistance levels There are two options available under this section of the standard, namely: ■ insulation; and the insulation requirements specified in the Ministers Guideline. using thermal resistance determined by additional ■ using thermal resistance determined by total construction. Verification method A building must achieve a building energy rating of 3.5 stars. Thermal resistance determined by additional insulation This option not only allows the use of NatHERS but any other This option is to use R-values for roof/ceiling and wall approved rating scheme. This can be completed by an insulation contained in prescriptive tables. The values vary accredited assessor. depending on the climate for the particular location and whether the dwelling is to be heated or cooled. These tables Insulation requirements of AS 2627.1 AS 2627 Part 1 provides guidance in improving the thermal performance of the envelopes of dwellings and aims to achieving thermal comfort within the dwellings in a cost effective manner. It is not yet known if this stringency level will achieve the objective of the Australian Government and whether it may be necessary to "go beyond no regrets" specify the additional insulation required for roofs/ceilings and walls and does not take into account the added resistivity of the other elements of the assembly. The tables are comprehensive in that all cities and most main towns of all States and Territories are listed. Figure 34 is an extract of Table 2.1; that for roofs and ceilings. Figure 34: Extract from Table 2.1 from AS 2627.1 TABLE 2.1 RECOMMENDED ADDlTIONAL THERMAL RESISTANCE (Rl)* REQUIREMENTS FOR ROOF/CEILING SPACE OVER THE HEATED AND COOLED AREA. LOCALITIES LISTED BY STATE NEW SOUTH WALES AND ACT Roof 66 Locality ADELONG ALBURY ALSTONVILLE ARDLETHAN ARMIDALE BADGERYS CREEK BALRANALD BANKSTOWN Heating 7.5 2.5 0 3 3.5 2 2.5 2 Heating and cooling 4 4 2.5 4 4 3 4 3 I N T E R N AT I O N A L Figure 35 S U R V E Y O F B U I L D I N G E N E R G Y C O D E S Extract from Table 2.2 from AS 2627.1 TABLE 2.2 RECOMMENDED ADDITIONAL THERMAL RESISTANCE REQUIREMENTS (R1)* FOR WALLS†. LOCALITIES LISTED BY STATE NEW SOUTH WALES AND ACT Walls Locality Type A ADELONG ALBURY ALSTONVILLE ARDLETHAN ARMIDALE BADGERYS CREEK BALRANALD BANKSTOWN Type B Space Heat Central Heat Central Heating and central cooling Space Heat Central Heat Central Heating and Central cooling 1.5 1.5 0 1 1.5 1 1 1 2 2 0 2 2 1.5 1.5 1 2 2 0 2 2 1.5 2 1.5 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1.5 1.5 0 1.5 1.5 1 1 1 1.5 1.5 0 1.5 1.5 1 1.5 1 The method is similar to that for walls. Differences are that Thermal resistance determined by total construction R-values are provided for two types of wall construction The second method permits the evaluation of the thermal (types A and B) and the type of heating system also effects resistance for the total construction of the assembly. the R-value. Figure 35 is an extract of Table 2.2. Wall type A The first method is followed as described above to determine is for brick veneer or weatherboard and wall type B is for the additional R-value of the insulation required for both cavity brick. Again, this table is comprehensive in that it roofs/ceilings and walls. Using this value and the following covers all cities and main towns of all States and Territories. table from the standard, the corresponding total thermal resistance of the element can be determined. Refer to Figures 36 and 37. There is also an informative appendix in the standard that Figure 36 Extract from AS 2627.1 for roofs/ceilings shows common forms of construction of roofs/ceilings and walls and their total thermal resistance. Added thermal Total thermal resistance resistance from Table 2.1 of roofing/ceiling (m2.K/W) (m2.K/W) This method calculates the thermal resistance to be added 1.5 1.7 to the roofs/ceilings and walls of a dwelling that is heated/ 2.0 2.1 and or cooled. 2.5 2.4 3.0 2.7 3.5 2.9 ■ the severity of the climate; 4.0 3.1 ■ the inherent thermal resistance of the roofs/ceilings Method of calculation thermal resistance The calculations take into account: and wall constructions; Figure 37 Extract from AS 2627.1 for walls ■ the cost of fuel; ■ the efficiency of the heater or cooler; and ■ the cost of installing insulation. Added thermal Total thermal resistance of resistance from Table 2.2 type A wall (see Clause 2.4.2) (m2.K/W) (m2.K/W) 1.0 1.3 and roof/ceilings and the ground floor. These vary dependant 1.5 1.7 upon climate zone in which the building is located. There are 2.0 2.0 three climate zones within South Australia. See Figure 38. Insulation requirements of the Minister’s Guideline A building must have the minimum overall R-value for walls 67 I N T E R N AT I O N A L Figure 38 S U R V E Y O F Table 1 from Minister’s Guideline SA 2.1 Minimum overall thermal resistance (R-value) Construction element Roof / Ceiling External wall Ground floor B U I L D I N G E N E R G Y C O D E S for practical reasons. Also exempted are windows, vents and other openings. 12.6 Victoria Zone A Zone B Zone C 2.4 1.7 1.0 2.7 1.7 1.0 2.9 1.7 1.0 The Victorian requirements allow the following two options for the new building work to demonstrate compliance with the energy efficiency requirements: ■ floors, walls and roofs construction in accordance with the DTS insulation provisions; or These values are derived from AS 2627 Part 1 but are included in the Minister’s Specification so that the total energy ■ the building achieves a House Energy Rating of at least efficiency requirements can be contained in one document. three stars using the Victorian House Energy Rating The R-values specified in Table 1 of the Ministers Specification Scheme (FirstRate) software program. are deemed to be met if the floor, wall or roof is constructed in accordance with the construction details specified in Table 2 12.6.1 Insulation requirements (Figure 39). Within this first option, floors, walls and roofs must achieve the minimum R-value specified in Table F6.1 (See Figure 40). Exemptions Within this option, there are two alternatives available that As with the ACT, certain types of construction are exempted. The Minister’s Specification explains that they are exempted effectively permit trading off wall insulation with floor Figure 39 Table 2 from Minister’s Specification SA 2.1 Metal pitched roof / flat lined ceiling with bulk insulation between ceiling joists (Section detail S1) Ground floor External wall Roof/ceiling Metal or tiled pitched roof/flat lined ceiling with bulk insulation between ceiling joists plus RFL sarking under roof (Section detail S2) 68 construction. Metal or tiled pitched roof / flat lined ceiling with bulk insulation above the ceiling joists (Section detail S3) As above with foil backed insulation installed above timber ceiling joists (Section detail S3) Metal or tiled pitched roof / flat lined ceiling with bulk insulation between joists and bulk insulation above joists (Section detail S4) Metal or tiled pitched roof / flat lined ceiling with loose bulk insulation between and above joists (Section detail S4) Metal deck skillion or flat roof / ceiling with exposed timber rafters, cathedral ceiling or raked ceiling bulk insulation installed between roof battens and RFL vapour barrier (Section detail S5 and S6) Masonry veneer or weatherboard, timber frame with bulk insulation between timber studs and lined internally (Section detail S7 and S8) Masonry veneer with R 1.0 foam-insulation board fixed over C external face of timber studs, lined internally (Section detail S9) Masonry veneer, timber frame with double sided RFL fixed to the external face of timber studs with concertina RFL stapled between the studs, lined internally (Section detail S10) Suspended timber floor, enclosed, ventilated perimeter, polished Suspended timber floor, enclosed, ventilated perimeter, carpet and underlay Concrete slab on ground, tiles Concrete slab on ground, carpet and underlay R-value of insulation 2.5 3.0 3.5 2.5 3.0 3.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 2.0 2.5 2.0 between joists plus 1.5 above joists 3.0 R-value of element 2.4 2.7 2.9 2.7 3.0 3.5 2.5 2.7 2.9 2.8 3.0 3.0 Climatic Zone A A, B A, B, C A A, B A, B, C A A, B A, B, C A, B A, B, C A, B, C 3.0 A, B, C 3.0 3.5 4.0 1.5 2.5 2.7 2.9 2.7 A, B A, B A, B, C A, B, C 1.0 1.7 A, B, C N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 1.8 1.0 1.5 3.2 3.7 A, B, C A, B, C A, B, C A, B, C A, B, C I N T E R N AT I O N A L Figure 40 S U R V E Y O F Table F6.1 of the Victorian Appendix B U I L D I N G E N E R G Y C O D E S 12.6.2 House energy rating The second option is to use the FirstRate system to ensure Vic Table F6.1 MINIMUM OVERALL R VALUES the building achieves a house energy rating of at least three Element Option a Option b Roof or ceiling R2.2 R2.2 External wall R1.3 R1.7 Ground Floor R1.0 R0.7 stars. This can be completed by a registered assessor or by the State Department Energy Victoria. 12.6.3 Exemptions Victoria exempts from complying the same wall constructions Note: For the purposes of this Table a wall which separates a Class 2 or 3 building or a Class 4 part of a building from a Class 10a building or from any roof space is regarded as an external wall. as does the ACT and South Australia, but only if the floor of the house is concrete, or masonry, on-ground. 12.6.4 Other requirements Table F6.2 (Figure 41) provides descriptions of element In Victoria, chimneys and flues from solid fuel-burning construction that are deemed to meet the R-values of appliances must be provided with a damper or flap. This is Table F6.1. not a requirement in the ACT or South Australia. Figure 41 Table F6.2 of the Victorian Appendix Vic Table F6.2 R VALUES FOR COMMON ELEMENTS Description of element R value Roofs or ceilings Tiled or metal pitched roof, R2.5 bulk insulation between ceiling joists, lined ceiling R2.4 Tiled or metal pitched roof, fl as sarking and insulation over rafters, R2.0 bulk insulation between ceiling joists, lined ceiling R2.2 Metal deck roof, rfl as sarking and insulation, 20 mm air gap, R2.0 bulk insulation installed between joists/beams, rfl as a vapour barrier, ceiling lining on underside of joists/beams Metal deck roof, R2.0 bulk insulation installed between rafters, rfl as a vapour barrier, ceiling lining on underside of rafters R2.2 R2.2 Metal deck roof, R2.0 bulk insulation installed between roof battens, rfl as a vapour barrier, ceiling lining on top of exposed rafters R2.2 Tiled roof, rfl as sarking and insulation,R2.0 bulk insulation installed between counter battens, optional rfl as a vapour barrier, ceiling lining on top of exposed rafters R2.2 External walls Brick/masonry veneer with R1.5 bulk insulation between the studs, lined internally R1.7 Brick/masonry veneer with R1.0 foam board fixed over the face of the studs, lined internally R1.7 Brick/masonry veneer with double sided rfl fixed to external face of studs, lined internally R1.3 Weatherboard/fibre cement cladding, R1.5 bulk insulation between studs, lined internally R1.7 Weatherboard/fibre-cement, double sided perforated rfl dished between studs lined internally R1.3 Cavity brick with R0.8 foam board in cavity R1.3 150 mm concrete panel with R1.0 foam board and lined internally R1.3 Floors 69 Concrete/masonry on ground R1.5 Timber framed floor, enclosed perimeter R1.0 Timber framed floor, unenclosed perimeter, 20 mm foam board fixed to the underside of floor joists R1.0 Timber framed floor unenclosed perimeter, perforated rfl dished between joists R1.0 Timber framed floor unenclosed perimeter R0.7 Note: For the purposes of this Table an enclosed perimeter may incorporate sub-floor ventilation at the rate of approximately 7300 mm2/m. SECTION THIRTEEN CONCLUSIONS I N T E R N AT I O N A L SECTION 13 S U R V E Y O F B U I L D I N G E N E R G Y C O D E S CONCLUSIONS The codes reviewed contain many similarities, particularly The ACT and Victorian energy efficiency measures apply to the North American ones. Key aspects are summarised Class 1, 2, 3 and 4 buildings while the SA measures will, when below with comments in italics where they may be relevant gazetted, only apply to Class 1 buildings. It is questionable to Australian. why a multi-storey, fully air-conditioned five star Class 3 hotel should be treated the same as a house. All the Codes contain prescriptive provisions and, for those that have some form of a performance base, It is not practical to change the fundamental BCA split those provisions, if followed, achieve compliance with of Volume 1 (Classes 2-9) and Volume 2 (Class 1 & 1O) for energy efficiency measures alone. Any change the performance requirements. Appendix E summarises could be considered with as part of a broader project. performance requirements where they exist. Notwithstanding the BCA volume split, there could be It should be emphasised that this is a survey of current requirements presented in a simplified form for smaller practices. It is known that Canada, the USA and other buildings of other classes then houses although these countries are moving to a performance based building need not necessarily be Class 2 and 3 buildings. code which will mean significant change that could, in turn; effect their energy efficiency provisions. The Kyoto Protocol may also have prompted countries to commence reviewing their requirements. 13.2 Regulatory Approach - General Most countries specified one or more approaches. Some, like the USA, have two or three methods and up to five different procedures within one method. Further, there are tabulated 13.1 Scope and Format alternatives or trade-offs within a procedure. However, all All the codes have very similar structures with some adoption methods and procedures are generally one of the following: an approach resulting in two sets of requirements and two sets of documents. The split may be "residential buildings" ■ A performance approach. ■ A prescriptive approaches with usually a multi-tabular and "other buildings". Some have other small buildings in format. This is simplistic to use, however inflexible in a with residences. The framework is usually similar for these simple form and complex in a flexible form. two categories with different specific requirements. ■ complying with the prescriptive tables with a proposed houses), but not often for residential are lighting and, to a building. The trade-off approach usually trades-off lesser degree, HVAC. All codes also focus on the building envelope R or U values but sometimes can allow trade- envelope and the main engineering systems including, hot offs to take into account heating and cooling systems as water systems, principal equipment, piping insulation and well. This is moderately flexible. system controls. ■ An energy rating approach that again compares a In the Canadian, the USA Model, the Ontario, the California, notional building to the proposed building but this time the Hawaii and the NZ Codes, houses and other small on an energy use, consumption or cost basis. This buildings, particularly hotels and motels, are all treated in a appears to be very flexible. similar manner. Other larger buildings are treated in a more With some codes, there is a range of alternative methods extensive manner. This requires a clear definition of a small for achieving compliance for the whole building or for key building. NZ has completed some research into the number elements. Those that are performance based offer prescriptive of small buildings in the country and have found that and alternative or trade-off options. These trade-offs often approximately 90% of buildings are under 300 m2 and three storeys. It would be considered unreasonable to expect the designer of a corner shop to carry out the same energy analysis as the designer of a major shopping centre 71 A trade-off approach which compares a notional building The main aspects that are included for buildings (other than just because they are both Class 6 buildings. relate to the building envelope and major systems. The proposed New Zealand, proposed Canadian and current United States codes all contain a method of compliance that involves comparing the proposed building with a similar standard building that does comply with code requirements. I N T E R N AT I O N A L S U R V E Y The standard and proposed buildings must have similar features such as building dimensions, location, fuel sources and type of use. This allows direct comparison of unique characteristics and trade-offs between energy saving features. As the energy consumption analysis is a comparison of the proposed building with a standard building, any assumptions made in the calculations that may effect the result, will be incorporated into both buildings and so minimise any impact. This is particularly important when using computer software. O F B U I L D I N G E N E R G Y C O D E S The BCA Housing Provisions is a self-contained document covering the most common conditions and referencing Australian Standards for other conditions. This would be suitable for a national approach provided there can be a geographic basis to ventilated houses and provided there are appropriate reference documents to provide more extensive details. AS 2627, once amended for the AGO stringency level, would be a suitable basis in its present form for heated and air-conditioned buildings but not "ventilated" ones because The Australian building regulatory framework has an equivalent to all of these options but outside the BCA itself. The options are to use a prescriptive DTS solution or a performance based solution assessed using a verification method or an assessment method based on comparison with the DTS provisions. In Australia, the technical detail of alternative solutions to meet the performance requirements occur outside the BCA whereas overseas they are within the codes. The overseas approach seems to leads to a very complicated code if maximum flexibility is provided. Some have mandatory requirements, meaning those particular requirements cannot be traded, while other requirements for the same system can be traded. of its limited scope. 13.4 Regulatory Approach - Other Buildings Canada and the USA reference the ASHRAE standard 90.1, the UK the Approved Document L and New Zealand the New Zealand Standards. These are developed as mandatory documents and prepared in partnership with code writing bodies. The ABCB has a Memorandum of Understanding with Standards Australia and an agreed procedure for writing BCA referenced standards in Standardisation Guide 9.1. The CSIRO scoping study also recommended that relevant standards be developed Where trading is permitted between systems, then the BCA performance requirements could group those systems. Where trading is not to be permitted then they could have separate performance requirements so that each is a requirement in its own right. All national codes have a national geographic basis with reliance on tables or maps to show values that vary around the country. These include weather or location specific data, R-values and for some, fuel type availability. This approach is consistent with the BCA. Only Hawaii and Singapore have provisions for ventilated buildings and being relatively small jurisdictions, do not vary those requirements. It will be necessary to determine if a national approach to ventilated buildings is feasible. The AGO has funded to ABCB to commission a study on the feasibility of a national approach to houses and specifically houses kept comfortable by ventilation cooling. with Standards Australia using their existing processes. An early task for the ABCB will be to liase with Standards Australia on the framework proposed, new standards needed, what existing standards need to be revised and what committees need to be made aware of the proposals. The North American codes for public and commercial buildings, such as the ASHRAE and the IECC, have multipleoptional paths and are very complex. They require specialist energy expertise to use them and to analyse results. This may be why North America, the UK and New Zealand group small buildings together and have a simpler approach. The development of easier to use measures for smaller buildings was discussed earlier. For larger buildings, the systems are very complex and probably need to be complex. Innovation can still be accommodated through the BCA performance approach or by trading 13.3 Regulatory Approach - Houses Most overseas codes have a relatively simple national approach for houses that usually cover the envelope R-value, the envelope seal, a limit on the envelope window to wall ratio and the insulation on SWH piping and ductwork. 72 The BCA approach would also be simplified if there were no trading permitted between the building envelope and other systems. This was also suggested in the CSIRO Scoping Study. within a reference standard. 13.5 Stated Objective Or Philosophy The Codes studied have various objectives including conserving fuel, reducing energy consumption, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and specifically reducing CO2. The ACT and Victoria focus on energy efficiency while South Australia focuses on energy but aims to reduce greenhouse gases. I N T E R N AT I O N A L S U R V E Y The BCA structure starts with a social objective and it was a recommendation in the CSIRO Scoping Study that this objective be greenhouse gas reduction. This is considered appropriate, seeing it is the Australian Government’s objective and the reason for considering measures in the BCA. The use of energy efficiency as a means of achieving the objective can be introduced in the Functional Statement or the performance requirements. O F B U I L D I N G E N E R G Y C O D E S There are differences in construction costs around the Australia and these needs to be considered in determining the DTS provisions. However, the issue of the cost of fuels is more complex as cost around the nation appear to be somewhat arbitrarily set. Most of Australia is already part of national gas and power grids with the trend continuing. To avoid complicating the DTS provisions, measures could be based on gas for heating and electricity for 13.6 Performance Measures lighting/power - both at an average cost. Individual special cases, such as where building owners Other than New Zealand and the UK, the overseas codes studied are not strictly performance based in the Australian context. New Zealand state an absolute quantitative requirement for houses but the requirement for other buildings is in qualitative terms. The UK is also qualitative. The ABCB policy of qualitative performance still enables quantitative criteria (in conjunction with specific assumptions) to be developed. This is needed as a basis for developing DTS provisions and could also provide one possible verification method for assessing an alternative solution. negotiate special energy cost rates, could use the performance approach. The situation in Tasmania may need to be further analysed as most, if not all, of its power comes from hydro-electricity but even this is not greenhouse gas free because of the embodied energy in the dam’s construction. It may also be necessary to consider the fuel source for Tasmania’s energy "topping-up" rather than its base source. Further, there is a proposal to extend the national gas grid across the Bass Strait. The costing model and economic criteria for 13.7 Stringency Measures And Levels developing the DTS provisions could also be used Most other countries use energy as the stringency measure for their primary objective and it is understood that they all have some form of cost effectiveness as the stringency level upper limit. for the Regulatory Impact Statement (RIS). Therefore, The BCA structure allows for having a social objective of reducing greenhouse gasses while having a performance that relates to energy efficiency measures in buildings as a means of achieving the objective. Cost effectiveness can also be introduced by limiting the performance "to the extent reasonable". However, performance clauses cannot be further developed until the AGO sets the stringency currency, be it "cost effectiveness ", "no regrets" or as the Prime Minister stated, "beyond no regrets ". Likewise, DTS provisions cannot be developed until the AGO set the stringency level. 13.8 Consideration Of Fuel And Construction Costs 73 The Canadian and USA model codes, and the California code, have factored in allowances for different fuels, their regional costs and also regional construction costs within their DTS solutions. The Canadian code in particular recognises the different greenhouse gas generation potential of different fuels and their different supply costs across the country. These differences effect the selection of energy conserving measures and add to the complexity of the code. the methodology could be established and criteria agreed prior to commencement of the code development phase. 13.9 Use Of Standard Buildings, Assumptions, Software Most countries allow for an assessment method whereby a proposed building is compared with a standard or notional reference building that generally complies with the prescriptive provisions while maintaining most of the proposed buildings characteristics. Both buildings are assumed to be used and operate in the same manner. Particular software is approved for use in energy efficiency analyses in Canada, New Zealand and in the three Australia jurisdictions. Some countries have a number of software packages that are acceptable or may be used at the discretion of the Approval Authority. Those Australian jurisdictions that already have energy requirements in their appendices of the BCA reference particular software packages - all different but developed from a common source. They are NatHERS, ACTHERS and FirstRate. In the Australian regulatory environment, the building certifier has the authority to decide what method of calculation is acceptable. There is an increasing number of packages coming onto the market. Therefore, the ABCB prefers not to reference software I N T E R N AT I O N A L S U R V E Y in the national BCA. Those Administrations that already have energy requirements in their appendices and wish to continue referencing a particular software O F B U I L D I N G E N E R G Y C O D E S this study, further investigation into how applications for exemption are administered would be useful. The UK refer to a CIBCS publication for ventilated buildings. package, the will need to consider whether to retain a variation for this purpose or do it by some other means. 13.10 Exemptions / Limitations The range of overseas exemption and limitations are extensive and include very small buildings, energy used for process equipment, farm buildings, holiday houses, buildings not using Hawaii has unique provisions for "ventilated" houses and the Hawaiian climate is similar to parts of Australia. Further investigation into the effectiveness of their provisions would also be useful if Australia is to have similar requirements. For non-air-conditioned buildings, Singapore requires 10% openable window area (against the BCA provision of 5%) and also requires the roof to have specific insulating performance. A significant part of Australia has a climate suitable for a well designed "ventilated" house. This is more so with houses than other types of buildings because occupants are less restricted in their choice of clothing - a major factor in being comfortable. It is suggested that such construction be encouraged and accommodated in the regulatory system. much energy, buildings with no heating or cooling proposed or likely, certain building systems (emergency lighting, smoke control etc), and where considered "inappropriate". Appendix B summarises the exemptions. What is considered a "small building" is usually based on area and varies from country to country, eg under 100 ft2 area (USA), under 10 m2 (Canada), 30 m2 or less (UK), under 50 m2 (NZ). 13.12 Extent Of Geographic Zones Exemption can also be based on energy usage ie under The extent of climatic or geographic zoning usually depends upon the size of the country or the diversity of its climate. Canada has 34 zones for residential buildings while the USA IECC has 38 for commercial buildings and a DegreeDays system for residential buildings. California alone has 16 climate zones. Being smaller, New Zealand has three and the UK, Hawaii and Singapore have only one each. In Australia, the ACT and Victoria have one each while South Australia has three. 3.4 BTU/Hr/ ft2 (USA) or under 10 w/m2 (Canada). Some small buildings could be excluded by having a minimum area limit, alternatively, there could be lesser requirements for smaller buildings. Industrial buildings should not be automatically exempted as they are not exempted from other BCA provisions; only the energy used by process equipment should be excluded from calculations. Currently AS 2627.1 has eight different insulation Certain constructions in the ACT, SA and Victoria are zones, ranging from RO to R4 in RO.5 increments. Although this number appears modest compared with that of some other countries, it may still be possible to reduce it further and so reduce the range that manufacturers must produce and stock. This could be investigated in conjunction with industry. exempted from complying. These include walls of cavity brick, double brick and earth construction over 180 mm thick. Although it is not a referenced code, it should be noted that AS 2627.1 has requirements for cavity brick walls in many locations. Because the basis is unclear, with the imperative to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and with possible advances in building practices, the practice of exempting some wall constructions should be revisited. This should be done in consultation with 13.13 Envelope - General All countries used one or more of the following compliance methods with some countries permitting all three: ■ a prescriptive method; ■ a comparative method; and ■ an energy rating method. industry. 13.11 How "Ventilated Buildings" Are Handled Some countries appear to exempt buildings that are not to be heated or air-conditioned. It is not known how this is administered. It is also not known what powers building officials have to require energy efficiency measures on the basis that they consider it likely that the building will eventually 74 be heated or air-conditioned. Although beyond the scope of Most countries permit trading between elements of the envelope when using a comparative or energy rating method and this includes the building envelope. However, it is usually limited to some aspects or elements that may be traded while others may not be traded. Even where trading is permitted there may be a limit on the extent of that trading. I N T E R N AT I O N A L S U R V E Y O F B U I L D I N G E N E R G Y C O D E S For windows, the UK use a window to wall area ratio for Investigate, in conjunction with industry, the need for buildings but use a window to floor area ration for housing. sealing. For simplicity, it may be sufficient in most of Canada also use a window to floor ratio for houses. Australia to require the sealing of only large openings ■ The CSIRO scoping study has recommended that, because a buildings envelope it may need to last the life of the building, it should not be traded for supposedly highly efficient active systems. This approach is fully supported in houses where there is little to trade-off against. However, for other buildings it should be realised that a total prohibition on envelope trading may have the effect of discouraging innovation. For example, some buildings have active shading devices rather than passive ones. The practice of permitting some aspects of the envelope to be traded but not others, or limiting the extent of trading, should be further considered. A possible option may be for the envelope of houses not to be traded while for buildings, the DTS Provisions could be based on no trading but permit trading under a performance approach. 13.13.1 Thermal performance of elements For envelope R-values, the Canadian, USA and NZ Standards such as flues and other comparable sized penetrations such as exhaust fans, ventilators, skylights or recessed light fittings. 13.13.3 Other buildings Most overseas provisions for envelopes in large buildings are highly complex but are considerably simpler for smaller commercial and public buildings. The prescriptive approached, in particular, for larger buildings can be very detailed taking into account thermal resistance of walls, floors, roof and windows as well as radiant gains through windows and skylights. The radiant gains means that shading devices, fenestration and building orientation become important. Usually the simplistic approach is based on value of window area not being exceeded. The more complex approach (such as in the USA IECC) give a range of options for the give overall R-values for the assembled building element. The performance of all envelope elements as the window UK Code also provide overall values of assembled building area increases. elements but show how insulation contributes to that value. The current Australian Standard AS 2627.1 allows for different Specialist expertise may be needed to assess compliance, even with the supposedly prescriptive provisions. wall insulation for houses using different heating systems. This may be technically correct but means that the heating system would also have to be regulated. DTS technical provisions, similar to those in countries with comparable climates, could to be developed through the Standards Australia process. The ABCB 13.13.2 Housing should have a coordinating role as the standard, or For the envelope of houses, most overseas codes cover wall, standards, would be developed for referencing in the floor and roof insulation, windows and leakage. Some include BCA. As earlier considered, there may need to be shading requirements. The requirements for windows range a simple approach for the smaller buildings. from a maximum window to wall ratio up to very complicated calculations. 13.13.4 Currently the ACT and Victoria require a damper or flap in the All countries have air tightness requirements with most require chimneys or flues of open wood burning devices to prevent air some sealing treatment for the building envelope for both leakage. There is not a corresponding performance requirement. housing and other buildings. These range from the provision South Australia does not have such a requirement but an of dampers in flues, through sealing of service penetrations informative appendix refers to the need to seal a range of penetrations that include an unused fireplace. The overseas codes studied consider windows Air tightness to full caulking of all building joints and window sealing performance. Some include construction precautions and on site pressure testing performance. in houses but the current ACT, SA and Victorian provisions do not. Windows could be considered, at least to the extent of a maximum window to wall ratio. Glazing performance (type, resistance, reflectivity etc) and shading could also be considered either as added requirements or as alternatives if the wall to window 75 The USA MEC require recessed light fittings to be sealed. The necessity for vapour, infiltration and exfiltration sealing in heated and air-conditioned buildings needs further investigation and consultation. Because of ratio is exceeded. However, an overriding Australia’s more moderate climate, it may be sufficient consideration should be the ease of use of to limit sealing to the larger openings such as flues, the Housing Provisions. fans, penetrations and possibly recessed lights. I N T E R N AT I O N A L S U R V E Y O F B U I L D I N G E N E R G Y C O D E S 13.14 HVAC System 13.16 Lighting Systems - Other Buildings Although the scope varies, all countries surveyed have requirements for HVAC systems in commercial and public buildings. Canada, the USA, California and Hawaii also have requirements for HVAC equipment in houses. Most cover the efficiencies and fuel type of refrigeration and heating equipment electric motors, pumps and fans. They also cover isolating and operating controls, acceptable or prohibited system types and piping and ductwork insulation. Most countries have requirements for: Most have some requirements for houses but usually they are limited to the efficiency of the basic equipment, the provision of easily accessible on-off controls and the insulation of the associated ductwork and piping. California has requirements for occupancy sensing devices on lighting systems. The standards used in Canada and the USA for larger commercial and public buildings are very extensive and technically complex requiring specialist expertise to use. ■ high efficiency lighting fittings; ■ maximum lighting density; ■ zoning; ■ switching; or ■ automatic controls. Some codes exempt display lighting, security lighting and emergency lighting. However the Californian code requires display lighting to be included. Efficiencies of light fittings and components could be Efficiencies of motors and equipment could be introduced through AMSC, MEPS or product standards rather than through building control. introduced through MEPS and product standards Technical requirements for HVAC systems should be developed through Standards Australia in consultation with industry. Again, the ABCB should have a coordinating role as the standard would be referenced by the BCA. switching, zoning and automatic control could be rather than through building control. Provisions for other aspects of lighting, such as included in a BCA reference standard. Again, the ABCB should have a coordinating role as the standard would be referenced by the BCA. It is recommended that display lighting be exempted Ductwork insulation was identified in the CSIRO Scoping Study are an item that could be mandated. The most appropriate place for ductwork insulation requirements may be in the ductwork standard, AS 4254. Again, the ABCB should have a coordinating role as this standard is already referenced by the BCA. Insulation on hot water piping that is part of plumbing services (as against HVAC services) could be included in the plumbing code. Insulating the piping associated with HVAC systems, such as chilled water and refrigerant, would still need to be in a BCA referenced energy standard similar to the ASHRAE standard. as if it were part of a "process" and emergency lighting be exempted as it is the minimum needed for safety and, in any case, not a normally operating system. 13.17 Metering And Monitoring Facilities Most countries require metering to individual residential units in apartment blocks and to each floor in multi-storey buildings. Most Codes also requires monitoring or data logging facilities in commercial and public buildings to assist energy management and auditing. Metering could be required for each individual sole- 13.15 Lighting - Housing No country regulates internal lighting of private residences. Some regulate external lighting to the extent of requiring automatic, or timer actuated, switching. Some have requirements for lighting in common areas of group housing. 76 occupancy residential units and to each floor, or clearly defined tenancy where more than one per floor, of a multi-storey building. 13.18 Lifts The BCA should not have requirements for internal lighting in houses or inside sole-occupancy units of apartments because of the difficulty of ongoing monitoring. There does not appear to be any energy efficiency However, automatically time switched external lighting in the common areas of Class 2 buildings could be required. The benefit of extending this to houses could be further considered. consumption monitoring or an audit report. It is understood requirements for lifts within overseas building codes (other than a general motor efficiency requirement) although their energy consumption may be included in buildings energy that Hong Kong is one country that is now drafting an energy standard for lifts but at the time a writing this report, a copy has not been seen. I N T E R N AT I O N A L S U R V E Y O F B U I L D I N G E N E R G Y C O D E S The views of the lift industry could be sought and any ABEC and CSIRO are also of the view that requirements deemed appropriate be introduced maintenance should be required for systems in through the Lift Code rather than the BCA. buildings (other than houses) as the theoretical energy savings may not be realised if equipment is poorly 13.19 SWH Systems maintained. The BCA also has the means to require ongoing maintenance if it is considered essential. Requirements overseas vary with some countries specifying heater efficiencies, insulation rating, low water flow heads and prohibiting pilot flames in their codes. Equipment efficiencies and specifications could be developed and implemented through the AMSC, MEPS or product standards. Details of piping insulation requirements could be located in the 13.22 Financial Criteria Most codes, that have an energy cost method, provide details of a suitable financial model. Hawaii also gives life cycle analysis formula and advice on selecting an appropriate discount rate. Plumbing Code that could then be a BCA reference None of the codes examined have provision for considering document. embodied energy. As previously proposed, an early task should be to 13.20 Other Equipment develop an agreed costing model and financial criteria Some countries have requirements for electric motors and so that it would be available for the code development the avoidance of continually burning pilot flames on gas phase as well as later for the RIS. equipment. The USA requires swimming pools and spas to have covers 13.23 Australian Variations And Additions and have other requirements for pumps, heaters and controls. The ACT, SA and Victorian provisions vary as to: California does not permit electric resistance heaters while Hawaii generally requires heaters to be solar or heat pump ■ insulation or the value of the total element insulation; type but will accept electric resistance heaters under some circumstances. Most equipment manufacturing requirements could be introduced through AMSC, MEPS and product standards rather than through building control. However, as there is no installation standard for pools whether the R-values stated is the value of the added ■ their treatment of flues and chimneys; and ■ their level of zoning. None have provisions for naturally ventilated buildings although it is understood that Queensland is developing a model energy code for houses that will allow for natural ventilation. and spas (other than safety in pools) the BCA could require certain control features and possibly prohibit A nationally consistent approach needs to be developed the use of electric heaters. An attempt to regulate that avoids State and Territory variations and addition covers may not be practical and possibly should be an issue for voluntary guidelines. The selection of pumps (other than HVAC ones previously covered) may also need to be covered as their efficiencies vary depending upon their duty. 13.21 Maintenance Hawaii has requirements that include providing access for maintenance and the provision of manuals. The BCA, or its referenced standards, can include requirements for features needed to facilitate maintenance. 77 APPENDIX A: LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS I N T E R N AT I O N A L APPENDIX A: S U R V E Y O F B U I L D I N G E N E R G Y C O D E S LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS Mr Ali G. Ariani, Housing Development and Building Branch, Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing Toronto, Ontario, Canada Mr Lim Tian Beng, Eng. Building And Construction Authority, Singapore Mr Raymond B. Bizal P.E., Director Strategic Business Initiatives, International Conference of Building Officials, USA Mr Robert P. Bowen, Director, Codes and Evaluation, Institute for Research in Construction, National Research Council Canada Ottawa, Ontario Mr Hamish Handley, Technical Adviser, Building industry Authority, Wellington, New Zealand Mr Keith Hatfield, Manager Regulation, Building, Electrical and Plumbing Control, Department of Urban Service ACT, Australia Mr Nigel Isaacs, Manager, Energy and Environment, BRANZ, New Zealand Captain Nicholas Lee Choon Hock, Licensing & Enforcement Branch, Fire Safety Bureau, Singapore Mr Eric Makela, Senior Educational Programs Administrator, International Conference of Building Officials, USA Mr Peter Nassau, Manager, Policy and Research, Building Control Commission, Melbourne, Australia Mr Michael W. Suttie, Senior Project Manager, Glumac International, San Francisco, CA, USA Ms Carolyn Wigg, Chief Project Officer Policy and Technical, Planning SA, Adelaide, Australia. 79 APPENDIX B: LIST OF REFERENCES I N T E R N AT I O N A L APPENDIX B: S U R V E Y O F B U I L D I N G E N E R G Y C O D E S LIST OF REFERENCES ABCB, Building Code of Australia, Volumes 1 and 2, 1996, Amendment 7: ACT Appendix. South Australia Appendix. Victoria Appendix. ASHRAE Standard ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA 90.1 - 1989, Energy Efficient Design of New Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings. The Building Regulations 1991, Approved Document L, L1 Conservation of Fuel and Power, Department of the Environment and the Welsh Office, 1995 Edition, HMOS. Building Control Act (chapter 29, Section 50) Building Control Regulations, 1 May 1989. Singapore. 1998 California Energy Code, California Building standards Commission, USA. Hawaii Model Energy Code, Hawaii USA International Energy Conservation Code, 1998, International Code Council. Institute for Research in Construction, Model National Energy Code of Canada for Buildings, 1997, Canadian Commission on Building and Fire Codes. Institute for Research in Construction, Model National Energy Code of Canada for Houses, 1997, Canadian Commission on Building and Fire Codes. Isaacs, N. 1999, Performance Based Building Energy Efficiency Code in Proceedings of Global Building Model in the Next Millennium Convention, Melbourne 12-15 April 1999. Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, Ontario, Canada, 1997 Ontario Building Code. NZS 4218: 1996 - Energy Efficiency - Housing and small building envelope, Standards New Zealand. NZS 4305: 1996 - Energy Efficiency - Domestic Type Hot Water Systems, Standards New Zealand. NZS 4243: 1996 - Energy Efficiency - Large buildings, Standards New Zealand. Standards Australia, AS 2627.1-1993 Thermal insulation of dwellings, Part 1: Thermal insulation of roof/ceilings and walls in dwellings. 81 APPENDIX C - ENERGY CODES A D O P T E D B Y I N D I V I D U A L S TAT E S O F T H E U S A I N T E R N AT I O N A L S U R V E Y O F B U I L D I N G E N E R G Y C O D E S APPENDIX C - ENERGY CODES A D O P T E D B Y I N D I V I D U A L S TAT E S O F T H E U S A STATE 83 RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS CODE EQUIVALENT APPLICABLE CODE Alabama State Developed Code 93 MEC All buildings ASHRAE/IES 90.1 Alaska State Developed Code BEES, 95 MEC State funded residential construction None Arizona None Arkansas State Developed Code 92 MEC California State Developed Code Title 24 Colorado State Developed Code Conneticut EQUIVALENT FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS APPLICABLE State owned or funded buildings Reviewing BEES for public comment ASHRAE/IES 90.1 State owned facilities Reviewing 98 IECC to determine if a beneficial energy code All buildings ASHRAE/IES 90.1 All buildings Reviewing IECC and IRC Exceeds 95 MEC All buildings State Developed Code Exceeds ASHRAE/ IES 90.1 All buildings CA to skip 2000/2001 code changes and adopt 2003/2004 instead Less than 92 MEC Approx 70% of jurisdictions Voluntary State Provisions ASHRAE/IES 90.1 Voluntary only Grant provided to increase energy efficiency and promote MEC and ASHRAE 90.1 95 MEC All buildings ASHRAE/IES 90.1 All buildings DOE has extended training grant Delaware 93 MEC All buildings ASHRAE/IES 90.1 All buildings District of Columbia 95 MEC with City amendments All buildings ASHRAE/IES 90.1 with city amendments All buildings Adoption of 99 BOCA National Code & 98 IECC Florida State Developed Code FEECBC Exceeds 95 MEC All buildings State Developed Code All buildings Given Grant to extend residential code software Georgia 95 MEC - All buildings ASHRAE/IES 90.1 Hawaii State Developed Code Exceeds 95 MEC Voluntary to low rise residential ASHRAE/IES 90.1 - All counties except Maui (87% adoption Statewide) Reviewing MEC commercial for adoption. Idaho State Developed Code Less than 92 MEC All buildings ASHRAE 90A-80 & 90B 1975 State developed Code - ICBEC ASHRAE/IES 90.1 State owned buildings. Voluntary for private commercial buildings Given Grant to support implementation of the ICBEC & 1995 MEC Illinois None State owned buildings and city owned buildings Established committee to review adequacy of current codes ASHRAE/IES 90.1 Exceeds ASHRAE/ IES 90.1 All buildings I N T E R N AT I O N A L STATE RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS CODE 84 EQUIVALENT S U R V E Y O F B U I L D I N G E N E R G Y C O D E S COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS APPLICABLE CODE EQUIVALENT APPLICABLE Less than ASHRAE /IES 90.1 All buildings Undergoing energy code process. Possible adoption of 98 IECC and IRC Indiana 92 MEC All buildings State Developed Code Iowa 92 MEC All buildings ASHRAE/IES 90.1 All buildings Grant provided to educate the insurance industry on the benefits of energy code compliance Kansas 93 MEC All buildings ASHRAE/IES 90.1 All buildings Grant provided to study energy performance of new commercial and resident buildings Kentucky 92 MEC All buildings ASHRAE 90A-80 & 90B 1975 All buildings Louisiana 95 MEC Low rise residential buildings only ASHRAE/IES 90.1 Maine State Developed Code All buildings ASHRAE/IES 90.1 All buildings Maryland 95 MEC All buildings ASHRAE/IES 90.1 All buildings Massachusetts 95 MEC All buildings ASHRAE/IES 90.1 All buildings Michigan ASHRAE 90A-1980 & 90B 1975 All buildings ASHRAE 90A-80 & 90B 1975 All buildings Minnesota State Developed Code All buildings State Amended ASHRAE/ IES 90.1 All buildings Mississippi ASHRAE 90-1975 All buildings ASHRAE 90-1975 State owned, public and high rise buildings only Missouri None ASHRAE/IES 90.1 State owned buildings only Montana 93 MEC ASHRAE/IES 90.1 All buildings Nebraska 1983 MEC All buildings 1983 MEC All except State owned buildings must comply with ASHRAE/IES 90.1 Nevada 1986 MEC All buildings 1986 MEC All except State owned buildings must comply with ASHRAE/IES 90.1 New Hampshire ASHRAE 90-1975 All buildings ASHRAE/IES 90.1 All buildings New Jersey ASHRAE 90A-1980 & 90B 1975 All buildings . ASHRAE/IES 90.1 All buildings Less than 92 MEC 93 MEC - All buildings Currently reviewing residential code Currently developing a new commercial code based on SHRAE 90.1, IECC and state specific elements Received Grant to conduct 18 month project to evaluate effectiveness of 99 Code As of Jan 1 2000 all state owned buildings must comply with 1998 IECC Formed committee to review NJ energy code I N T E R N AT I O N A L STATE RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS CODE 85 EQUIVALENT S U R V E Y O F B U I L D I N G E N E R G Y C O D E S COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS APPLICABLE CODE EQUIVALENT All buildings ASHRAE 90A-80 & 90B 1975 All buildings State Developed Code ASHRAE/IES 90.1 All buildings ASHRAE/IES 90.1 FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS APPLICABLE New Mexico 92 MEC New York State Developed Code Exceeds 92 MEC North Carolina State Developed Code Simplified 95 MEC version North Dakota 93 MEC Contingent on local jurisdiction adoption ASHRAE/IES 90.1 Contingent on local jurisdiction adoption Ohio 95 MEC All buildings ASHRAE/IES 90.1 All buildings Oklahoma 95 MEC All buildings ASHRAE/IES 90.1 State owned and leased facilities Oregon State Developed Code Exceeds 95 MEC All buildings State Developed Code Pennsylvania State Developed Code ASHRAE 90A1980 & 90B 1975 All buildings Rhode Island 95 MEC South Carolina 95 MEC South Dakota None Tennessee 92 MEC Texas Reviewing 98 IECC All buildings Review for possible adoption of 2000 IECC All buildings - All buildings Reviewing IECC and ASHRAE/IESNA 90.1R for possible adoption ASHRAE 90A-80 & 90B 1975 All buildings New adoption of 1998 IECC with review for adoption of 2000 IECC All buildings ASHRAE/IES 90.1 All buildings Received grant to increase energy efficiency and emissions reduction. All buildings ASHRAE/IES 90.1 All buildings None - All buildings ASHRAE 90A-80 & 90B 1975 All buildings 93 MEC Low rise state owned or funded buildings ASHRAE/IES 90.1 State owned buildings and supported institutions Utah 95 MEC All buildings ASHRAE/IES 90.1 All buildings Vermont State Developed Code All buildings State Developed Code Virginia 95 MEC All buildings ASHRAE/IES 90.1 Washington State Developed Code All buildings State Developed Code 95 MEC 95 MEC Exceeds ASHRAE /IES 90.1 All buildings (ASHRAE 90.1 for state funded buildings) ASHRAE/IES 90.1 Mandatory to 50% of construction through land use regulations & Acts Received grant to improve energy efficiency in housing in Texas Currently reviewing requirements All buildings ASHRAE/IES 90.1 All buildings Currently reviewing requirements I N T E R N AT I O N A L STATE RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS CODE West Virginia ASHRAE 90A-1980 & 90B 1975 Wisconsin State Developed Code Wyoming ASHRAE 90A-1980 & 90B-1975 EQUIVALENT 95 MEC All buildings Currently reviewing requirements All buildings ASHRAE/IES 90.1 All buildings Currently reviewing requirements for possible adoption of 2000 IECC All buildings ASHRAE 90A-1980/90B-1975 All buildings 86 Building Energy Efficiency Standards EQUIVALENT FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS ASHRAE 90A-1980/90B 1975 Florida Energy Efficiency Code for Building Construction Idaho Commercial Building Energy Code C O D E S All buildings FEECBC International Energy Conservation Code E N E R G Y CODE Model Energy Code IECC B U I L D I N G APPLICABLE BEES ICBEC O F COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS A B B R E V I AT I O N S : MEC S U R V E Y APPLICABLE APPENDIX D - ENERGY EFFICIENCY REQUIREMENTS IN OVERSEAS CODES I N T E R N AT I O N A L S U R V E Y O F B U I L D I N G E N E R G Y C O D E S APPENDIX D - ENERGY EFFICIENCY REQUIREMENTS IN OVERSEAS CODES COUNTRY United Kingdom USA RELEVANT DOCUMENT Approved Document L IECC CATEGORY OF BUILDINGS BUILDINGS EXEMPTED Housing Small extensions < 10m2 Other buildings Commercial & Industrial buildings with no heating. Small extensions < 10m2 Residential ≤ 3 storeys Buildings with no heating or cooling GENERAL SCOPE AND PHILOSOPHY PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS Requirements for components separating heated space from the external environment. Housing without heating still needs to comply Yes Holistic approach to all components that contribute to energy consumption No PERFORMANCE APPROACH. No No Commercial New Zealand NZBC Housing and small buildings (≤ 300m2) Buildings that are not air-conditioned Large buildings Only commercial buildings that are not air-conditioned and ≤ 300m2 Capacity ≤ 700L Domestic hot water systems Canada Canada Ontario Australia 88 MNECH Houses ≤ 3 storeys and ≤ 600m2 in floor area Log cabins MNECB Other Buildings Buildings ≤ 10m2. Farm buildings. Ontario Building Code 1997 Houses and small buildings ≤ 3 storeys and ≤ 600m2 in floor area Other buildings Buildings ≤ 10m2 Residential Class 5 to 9 buildings. Not applicable in States and Territories other than ACT, South Australia and Vic. BCA96 Requirements for components separating heated space from the external environment. Housing without heating still needs to comply Applies to lighting and the envelope in conditioned buildings Yes No All domestic hot water systems regardless of source Protection of the conditioned space from the external unconditional environment No No SYSTEMS AND ELEMENTS INCLUDED Envelope, space heating and SHW R-ratings in table format Average U-value compared to target Uvalue SAP rating incorporating energy costs over energy sources Annual energy use compared to the annual energy use of a reference building Holistic Approach. HVAC, fabric losses, SWH, internal heat gains, solar gains, etc Envelope, space heating, SHW and lighting R-ratings in table format Rate of heat loss compared to that of reference building Envelope, HVAC, SHW, electrical power and lighting R-ratings in table format orCalculation of U-values. Rate of heat loss or gain compared to that of reference building Annual energy consumption compared to set target consumption Annual energy costs compared to reference building Holistic Approach. All energy consuming systems Envelope, HVAC, SHW, electrical power and lighting U-value in table format U-values compared to set U-values No requirements R-ratings in table format Rate of heat loss compared to that of reference building Annual energy use compared to reference building Holistic Approach. All energy consuming systems Envelope, space heating, SHW and lighting R-ratings in table format Rate of heat loss and solar aperture compared to that of reference building Annual energy use compared to reference building Holistic Approach. All energy consuming systems SWH Set prescriptive requirements Envelope, HVAC, SHW, electrical power and lighting Requirements in table format for effective thermal resistance (m2˚C/W) Requirements in table format for effective thermal resistance (m2˚C/W) Average thermal resistance compared to that of reference building Average thermal resistance compared to that of reference building Annual energy consumption compared to set target consumption Annual energy consumption compared to set target consumption Envelope, HVAC and lighting Envelope, air and vapour barriers R-ratings in table format Rate of heat loss compared to that of reference building None Envelope Thermal resistance of assemblies. Air and vapour barriers Requirements in table format for effective thermal resistance (m2˚C/W) Average thermal resistance compared to that of reference building Annual energy consumption compared to set target consumption Envelope, HVAC, SHW and lighting Envelope, systems using energy. R-ratings in table format or star rating using NatHERS Equivalence to Deemedto-Satisfy NatHERS , ACTHERS and VicHERS Envelope Envelope, HVAC, SHW, electrical power and lighting Thermal resistance between heated and unheated spaces No No Buildings ≤ 10m2 Farm buildings. Commercial and manufacturing buildings used for industrial processing Requirements for some components separating heated space from the external environment. Housing without heating still needs to comply Yes Yes ENVELOPE COMPONENTS PRESCRIPTIVE METHODS COMPARATIVE ENERGY RATING METHOD METHOD EVALUATION ELEMENTS INVOLVED Holistic Approach. HVAC, fabric losses, SWH, internal heat gains, solar gains, etc Holistic Approach. All energy consuming systems Envelope, HVAC, SHW and lighting