H T p 'i P eT i h ^ ^ ^ i n _ F a l h ^ d aho/IOOth ^ a i year, N o. 86 86 Y K ; S a m e i T E s R ! ^8 A sm i i M V y iM f tf ilC Y r tL L tlf it Sunday, M archh 27, 2005 fl.50 $1 G G o o d m 6 r n iN n< W # M : E a j g l e s c: o m e U p s; h o r t; L eg alI eath er Today; Breezy an d d o u d y■wiih wi ■ scattered rain lln «o«o s h o w e rs .H j^ 59.IOW41. P a g: e A/ 2 ' a g ic ; b a ttle n e a rs en d . h I Va lley I ' •V - I J Siiiavo’s parents decline to file m loo t i o n I TheAwoclated PreM HNELMSPAHJCFIa.— - A. f l e i another round o f losses ir in the courts, Tbrri Schiavo's paj larents kept w alch over th e ir dying d :ios b ra te s El Dia d e los Ninos d a u ^ t e r Saturday, tryin in g in w ith parade an d E aste regg r ej J vain to ^ h e r E aster: ccomA ' jys ach u n t. m unlon os their anom ey; knowlcdged th e fight to reconre P ag :eBl oE nect the brain-dam miaged w om an's feeding tu b ea was ncaringonend. M oney Anomeys for Bob an dIM f ary S chindlerdeddcdnotlofili file anR ylng high: TWin Falls air airother motion w ith a federa la la p p o rt sees private in d u stry peals court, e ssential^ en sndinz grow th. . thcir eObrt lo persuade fe< federd L ^ i P a g eC6 eC judges to Intervene — som sc ething allowed by a n extra< raordlWatching Central Ard Irixona College celebrate, Qolden Ei n Eagle freshman Tanya Lalleker,' er, No. 33, consoles teammateiNakeya Nc Isabell after th e Vanary law passed by Congna ress. ' queras’ 83-50 win over ove the College of Southem Idaho sho a t the NJCAA Women’s Baski iketball Division 1 Championship I Salina, Kan., Saturday Lale Salurday, th e Flo Horida Ip In N a t io n S u p r e m e H' night CSI'ttecond^I. i^Iace finish In tbe toumament Is tha t b elt In school history. A m a tte r of tru st: R e­ C oun dlsm issed a. resea rch looks a t h u m a n (lucst from econom y. ih c parents' ^ P ageC attom ey to ^ ^ M have their 1 JBw Jj The Tltne»Wew9 m e n t apj ippcoiancc by tlie third rd placc, beating C hipola1 d a u g h t e r 's F a m il y L i f e program and sccond Collej Qege (Fla.) 8-1-70 earlier Satfeeding tube ths games. SAUNA. Kan. — - Saturday in d c rtw o -tim e ik ^o n urday lay re in s e rte d , H n i^ t's NJCAA w omnen’ ci scham *. _ ' w - /*4 ' Itt ii is Ihc m rn 's teoin’s firstt turning aside 18 c o ac hil of th e year Randy >age C l Rogers. Tlu 13 a m em oP aS ' pionship gam e w as j lie team look tlic conNJCA CAA tro p h y s in c c a1 an emergency RobSeJ** Mer rablc Hist for th e C College of so la tio n cham c pionship lost foiur th rt - p la c c fin ish u n d e r petition arguSouthern Idoha CSI 83-50' year. coaci i c h Steve Irons d u rin g Ihea m e n t j i ^ d o wwnnlng l Ing tliac a " ■ 'Ihe top-ranked Golden Gc Ea- Vet tbe *lialj>I C e i ^ in ' U ^ t hthe best NJCAA finish 199434-95 s e a so n a n d b e s t flnP in e lla s S c e n e at a . I d e s (34-2) w ould h[lave a\ liked a ‘ .'S alIn3,'K ^ '' ishI ssin c e th e E agles to o kk • .'.‘/ f i v e r V a1*Scenic V\fest Athlfctic C ountyjudgc h o s p icce e 17-20 a t h a lft^ v v C o n fe x c n ICC c t team. ■ better result. thrd ird u n d e r Fred IV cnkle in1 : • CSI trailed 37-2 ignored new .i.- ^ ■ •.•»~Na'3;«ee«hem trai trri’Arfton»>- aiBrtWHjuet P ytfitrta Sll n t o preg-’• ^ ’ThtrCSIn ilTnen did well them1992. )2. • ( id e n c e o f . / ‘I?®i , continued to b u z z -sa •saw Its way s l v e S O b e ^ t ifto f t o m th e f le li se lv e s . re la tiv ees. s CSI S I w on tlie 1986-87 NJCAAV S c h i a v o ' s throu{^ tho national nal toum atitle s im u der Ticnklc. wishes and ' ^ ftNIGA At^^im - ■'.'i.'p ic G o^d£o£ag!c3captui;td lt C rftter sitte rs; Pet c a re, |^ is h e r m edical S e e p aIg £o going to th e dogs. condliioa M P ageE At least Iwo m ore appeals loom ed by by the state and Gov. Jeb Bush, h, but S ports those challenges w ere before be the state 2nd District Couj )urt of H o w h e a l t hI c a re ■nirlllers: T he NCAA m ee nn ’s; Appeal, ViMch has rebuITcd c d th e regional finals S am rday irts in governor’s previous effort h a s f a r e d w iit ti h the case. w e re bo th d e d d e d i n ovei Family supporters said SchlaSc tim e. 3 C l S t . L u k e ’ s a i tt h e h n vo’s btcaiiiing b ccam c i nicreasa PageC ingiylaborcd during th e da) lay An By Sandy MUIer attorney forthcSchm dlcrs,: s. BarTlme»Nflw» wrtter b ara Weller, said hospice w orkO p in io n / h a t p a tie n ts , ers began ^v ln g morphini in c to Schhvo to ease pain b r o u^^t o n KETCHUM — Som om e people Water wWrtwlnd: Rapid-[. arcstillw iU tingforthc by her body^ failure. hc'slccplng r o v id e r s , w a n t p a c e vimter Icg^ladon has gorilla' to stir. Schiavo's husband. M [chad, id t h e possibility o f resolving » has said she would n o t wrant ar to Pp That’s how they sec ecSL Luke's conflicts, today’s editorial f r co m h e a l t h c a r e <■ be kept alive artificially. f. The ia l Redonal M edical Ce Center, the iniig h . says. Schindlers believe their dai B oib-bascd nonproQi oQt hospital BySf ' Sandy Miller ler could Improve a n d say ly ^ e A14 network lh a t took over veriherelns PageA l nefrNewe writer__________ _ ■ ■ H iiilM E U TImei _ l a u ^ , cries, responds to'ttlh e m of health catc in th etWi Wood River m n n n K /n iiM m -------a n d u iesto taik . Valley back In 1 9 96. 6 .'They bcIn d ex KETCHUM — W hon It Weller said Tiirri crlcd w hen ey mayor Tom Praggastls, right, worked \ UevoIt’s lust a m a tte roftlm r ol obe-- Former Sun,VaUey r wHh Hilary KE m es to health caro, peoplee her m other hugged h e r Sa Sanu£6 fore SL lu k e ^ w icstles Centennial..................... .. .E6 lies away all Furlong, left, andd Jt Jo Dee Ahenon, both employe* yee sw tth S tlu k e^ u it the b e s t The best doctors. 5- day n ig h t *She knows wl what's 4g local control ilcaJ Center, when St. Luke's tool Mk responsibility for = Wood River Madlca Classified ; ................... D il6 s best tedmology, the b est fa­ L* going on. She w as trying to vo“There w ere fears a he V Wood Rtver Valley ln l9 9 S . cility ity leyG oIdS i! health care ta tho Community ...................... E4 E4 dfltlons," said M oriey calizcsom ethingw ltn Nvuy Ani And w hen they’re sick, the e . "The governor should la E2 chairm an o fth e S t LuJ ____________ __ Uike'sWood Crossword........................ E2 It thing th e /ic thinking about >t that Tbrri sdll knows w ho 10 he r po lUver Mcdlcal C c n te r i Dear Abby........................ E2 shopping around for m e best fa she a lth C a re t h e M a g if >t m other is, an d she's csorcn h w E i r “ nlty Board. “T hey thlr rgaln. Family lif e ........................ El distressed." W dler said. “S El this huge, .sleep in gP! sRorlUa in County conunlsD C AIT II U StUike^Wood , • "No “N( o n e ever says, 'I w a n t to0 n o t a vegetable w ho doc A* TVrln Fiille Cou oesn't E2 Boise that’s ro ln g to wake up Horoscope........................E2 /agic \ftilicy Re. ( .River Medical go diere dv bccausc It’s cheaper.”" know w hat is happening.' h a t to d a It ^agl PI a n d com c tcU u s w hat IWaglcV^iiey...................... Bl Slonal Medical il Center Ct ponder \ u A K K c Centcr and how said d Q i iuck Pomeroy, ch ief 0I^ u l O 'D onnell, a Ror O m an hasn't happened." the countyewned ^ n[H E that community ncial onicer a t St. Luke's Renanci Money .................. 06 the future of tne ’’ Catholic Franciscan m onk, ic,sald I Cd . The worriers m a k e uup a s tn a ll ^ o)nal n a M cdlcaiCenter in Boise.'• th e family unsuccessfully m is takJ M Af2r li |\ . has fared since 19&. w hen ' • hospital. The 77/nd^etvs Tim, D2 ■ contingent In M ay 19! Movies........................83,D2 30k at health can) / 't 'l f J i Il 'J \A decade ago, th e govem I* - Michael Schlavo to allow f l '; S t Ijiko's took I the '<Jlv o f Ing a closer look .•,« Blaine County a n d (h NaUon................... A3-7.9-11 Vallpy. •• U b U U in t-ru n Wood River M edical over the reins m ent )tcTBlf&cy In the Magic Valk d wife th e sacram ent o f o com Sun VaDey asked v b ta Regional is consldof health caro. Cente n tcr could forget ab o u t hav-'* m unio n d u rin g th eh o liestf Obituaries..........................B2 care Magic VUley Regl t feast wonted to tu rn th e ir•health he { th lay, The Tlmes^Vew ing t] e latest technology, let!t o f th e Catholic year. She 3le tmerger with the .NextSunday ering o possible le teover to S t Wke's, 8 9) p erccnt o f Opinion.......................... 1 4 m e build a spacc to p u t it in.i- ceived last rites th e day . ; Boisfrtwsed, nonprofit non Sl. ' will examine Ine the pros and cons alone y th e them saldyes. . Sports ................... . . . . C l line Cotmty an d th e d t y o>f1 feeding tube w as pulled. lal fMedical Center, of both non] onproflt and for-profit Blaln< Regional ' Tbday, h ^ c V a D ccy y Rcdoriol . n Valley couldn’t a ffonl to0 lesWswi locks et ' health care re systems.. . Sun ^ Weather .........................A2 c o ^ & ^ '^odey. The Ttmes4 “T liisisin v lo latio n o fhicr ci re­ A2 Mcdlcal C enter is cor ike Ihe necessary im prove-' m ake Udous rights a n d freedomtss an i d >.8 ad d ln g ltsn a m c to thhee:S tliik e S I— ----------- -----VSfest..................A16,B2-8 snts. ollows the governor to in inlersystem wjilch, In ad( addition to ,wos opcm tina oouutto f tw o a ^ n g aiidrcvcnui lu e w o u ld h e lp s u s ta ln ,Wtirld.. . . . . . . . ....J 0 2 - 1 3 A n MIU never w ould have 0 venc," O’Donnell said. rep< ;peat^ Wood Wvcr. includ£s :c3 lacilitlcs fitdiltia — 1! B; 19503-cra fo ^ them . S o mM pularw astnem ergnc In th e old bliildlng,” sold 1 Ing the family's request that a tlh c in B o l^ a n d M eridian lan,and, ^ jn crM n rttzC o mmunltyHospl-’ mn er th a t v m iwm a new mayor — , a l Dr. Randy Coridl. w h o hass governor take Schlitvo intob proI Motjnfain’: States TUm 4mor.Insjd-- tallaSunV oH cyai y a n d the 1960s- Jo anne Levi svy— came o n board icticcd m cd id n c in th eB tective custody b e g yoi /ou to tuce^ wQ Ich ]op€9tite^ t t .‘e ra fdottcr-Blaine noC I q U i^ M ed - in 1993 an and suggested going lod River Valley for m o re0 have courage a n d tokc actio Io n .' ’ e n l 'I o c i t t m Ih d tid < SU ^ ^ i ^ ( > ; - ; l ^ ‘Cctiier i n Holley. Hai le status quo, she was The d ty . to the Ln20years. T he f a n ^ h a d asked d for ‘v.- • ,y u ie y i^ d o a L ., -;i>. ‘^1 andthefcoitatyhw hadm crgedop-. ie < ^ c d . - B d b rp ^ X u k e ^ caa n ^ a lo o g f . .'eratloiia.flvcycars Please see CARE, Page A2 see KOSPITAL, Page A2 2 Please se e SCHIAVO, Pagi agaA2 t h c ^ ^ R I w I ^ cilci ijC e n to ;- hflpe t ^ . c o m b l r E g g s c H ln S B u h lc e le - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ■ II eoOTiffCB/Twniiiiiiii, |1 M | .» CSI V w o m •“ t h e e n t ;a k e s e c (: o n d , m es n Vl Y o o d R i th ird l e y e x p ee r i e n c e S imply THE BEST T m i l Wl 0c Valley In I j i i i l Y M o dl e s t p r o p o s a l : d o c tJ 7 ; reasons ; to read iespecl p a te i m p ^ , M o m s o n th e n m N A S titc h C o r nI P r a i s e m oI iil k : G iQ u p : | | | | B i Q !I r lt l i m e « u mV O n ? o f A m e rBrii vV D m en ^Kiutttag justaint : . w armia; u p b re a k . U k 9 . — Toeiilay. , Q la jiis Mourn 7 n p maWn: w h a tlt ; ; : differei sn t used to . b®- ' ' . ■U& Wi W e ifa iM ila y PU SH . idhd bbl f ^ surfaa < » ;■ :' T k u r sid o y , c a 's m o s t a c c la im e d g o s p e l c h o i rIT sS i n c o m i n g t o® I V v in F a lls , C hanges II vyho's L A the boss?? Ifs been a L Ctiancesare te, y e a of ■ £ thatinyoi our trahsfotma- ]/ Ahouse, It! It's a tiqnforthe /jQ / uv dog or a 1 Cdmmuni- « tyofC3irist‘ B , , ' 'r r i d q f : Saturday Saaday M Ww T 1nw M m ,1W aM a,ldibi} &nday,Mtfdi 27,2003 - Brwzy^i w^coolanda ooodcAa IcAtnMotlghi r ia<n Low Lew 4 1 BrMiytoirindyy athnlntndinow ow thoMTs CooiwttiKUisnd rtlntndtnow ahouM 83783 8 0 /» C Q B B 3B K ^ T e m p e r M u r e ^ I^ IP reclp H aU o n ^ weaPao JU.. 48/27 O A«rl Apr2 3 Apr is " ® s E - s awrt—! lia ifM H e*a w ______fll as incM M rrg Advertising Rctafl numflffCT )254 Janet G o d in ............. 735-325 Classified • M «0ir<;4> c4» 41 I U 43 c S4 40 m ua«eu«.UT m .4 4 ;S W ~ M as »n 50 J l •mn 4 « * ^ Circulation customer service I M n Fills a n d O ther , a r e a s .............733-0931. cxL ” •: * Buriey-Rupert.^ 2 P aul-O akley............677-404: Circulation phone lines or o pen between 7 o.m. and fi Ions p.m . for general ouesilon J. about your deiivery, IncludJn n ew subscriptions, vacatlo: stops, and oth er quesdons. our Ir you do n o t receivc vyou p aper by 7 a m ., coil th c num ber for your area before 1 am .forredeIivcry. »e ., T* . liavo’s attom ey, enied reports Iv :omeys d tat her wiere bleeding, t o n iS ie im d c y esiw ■ a ic ls c a lil.SShhl e l s p c ^ u L iortably,’' Sl>» Is ' “ “ ” 8( com ° lersS a tim lay a s Pelostoldreporten ipudes stood by foursherif!% dcpui toprotecthlm . T tn i Schiavo’sjbrodier,-Bobby br schlndler. called d U th at “obsuid Felos to oHow and challenged1 Fe videos an d photo lOtos to b e re80 pui public can sec T to iS c o n d id o n1. '- n ic y te m ljchara«erizing th« th e condition today, just as they Lcy Ihavo b een „ sick. ItS heinous, ous," h e said. ftlossaldcariieri lierdiatolow ing vidcostoberecorde infedlnsIdoH ia luring h e r deadi Schiavo’s itjom duri proccss would violu lolateherprivac y ri^ ts. Outside the hosp osplcc. about 60 about $15,000. StLukcSVAxxl A lU tou^O icSt. Ccntcr FoundaRiver Medical Cen e th do n ha d to raise the m o n e y fo r d ie n e w M R Ia indd CT t scanners, S t Luke’s nam eI an anid reputation went a long w ay L selling the ly in said Hiidea to die community, mu o f thc Furlong, director dire foundadon. un e b r o u ^ t us 'St- Luke’s name libUlty," Furlong som e great credibil to know s“ild- D onors w ant a d ic y ^ m aking: a n investm ent Tuilzadon that% in a sound organL goingtoprovlde well-runondisgoir rc .T heyw antto goodpatlentcarc.’] know w&rc going ing to b e good [rdollais.“ stewards o f their d( pltal is accreditT liencw hosplta ed by die Joint Com Coi m ission pf fHealthcare Or? A ccreditadonofH c om edilng that ganlzadons, somi lave h ap pened never would have u lie n tho hospital Ital w as operating o ut o f two aging agi facilities, soldJoDeeAlversc erson. m a n a ro jn tro l a n d th e o f Irifecdon conti ayechcaJdiand h o s p ita ls em ploye* tU dans, som ething and technli diat w as diflicult di beforc S t Lukcb took ' k over, said Pieston Strazza.am e b ero fd ie h o sp inem ta li com mlunilyboanL ui . Physicians n s h ove a vested intcrest in whi /h o Is.nm ning th eir Ital a n d they w ant a local hosplta f i n a n d ^ stable si oiganlzadon )rovide die fiidlides that c an prc m ent they need, said and cqulpm< Alexander, fo fa rm er chief o f staff at S t Luke^ * W 3 0 d R h re rM e d Ical C entet : 'D o cto rss di o n i w ant to b e widi a hospi ipital d iat’s m in g to go belly-up,' a " Alexander said, “Doctors doi fo n t Uto to work a t publldy fum m d e d hospitals b ecausc d ie fu fii n d s aren't always coming." Alacandei le r sold so ior, he’s happy w ith h S t Luke's a t th e hcIiiL *Wete mnoving o r iA t alon^" Alexander sold. sa "VWb keeping up widi th eJ Joneses." )< -------------—--------- ; • 'ews writer Sandy 7Im es-W a . . A ... - " '" .. M i" ' I .a MUleroan be b readied at 7353264 or b y e-mail a t smiUaemag agtanllencom CiiugMMg 9 - * q p o were nonprofit, th e y w ereI local lc a n dw ccouldcontinuew id)' ihour phUanduopIc com m unityr sup­ s port" ^tlnuodfmmAl 3ut even <he m erger wasn'tu Sut ough to revive die two ladlienoug des.L TThh e financial pressures on mcdlc idlcal carc in M spitals b e ­ n e significant,“ said Tbm1 camc iggasds. \\4io w as a ppointed1 Pragg: flValley’s m ayor in 1995’aftcrr SimVj ty’s ouster a n d later sat o n a1 Levy’ nm u n ity board created to) comir ilnstorm th e h o sp ital’ss brolm jm m a. dilcmj *Co; G3sts were rising an d rev-enucs acs were dropping," Prag-gostls: tis said. ’'Consolldadon was-* n'tenc o i o u ^ There was a conccm1 wc’d ce n d u p losing both hospitalsan Ia n d end u p w idi nothing." er ; Bringing H all togethei It took 18 m o n ih s to neg egotiate die agreem ent that wo vould indude a new fadlity a n d it \was conUngcnt o n a com m unity ur fund-raising c om m ittee rais aislng $12 mUIlon. T h e com m[ilttec it ended up raising $18 mUUor Ion in dong, 18 months, said FUlaryFuilo who headed th e fund-rais aising 1C dicommittcc an d Is no w thc ic a o r o f die h ospital^ foiin inda- “It w aslaa re ally spei )edal PoIHl tim e in tdlls IH Ics a n d h e a l t h c a r e ~ c o m m u n li h e h o sp lu l’s stm gding bot",V, n “Une wasn’t th c o ^ reason one nc saw die n eed for change. gedi:y 'also w anted to ta to m e inted itlcs out o f hcaldi carc. diis „ Hcaldi care an d provision o f lh a d dicol fadUUes arc h i^ d y speidiblc lized and for th e m ost part, eers m ty c o m iid ssio n c rsa n a d ^ . " E v c r ^ y were o ihdl people d o n o t have ad- , jo in ed togc ndess laie (p c r ie n c c In die field to e r a n d w an kc long-term h e ^ d i care d e- ' in $6 ^ ons for d ie com m unity diat h a p p e n . d11acninlstratore an d odier peo{ustlncicdi pie in healdi I carc arc (m inra to; | ModeyOolden v o l u n t c^c ’s .said do,"* sold s Len HarUg, Blaine w ho cwr of Count inty Commission chalim an, |wilUng to knock o n cound unity atlhhe e tim e o f d ie tum ovcr an d , doors for gifts." tions, tho prim pr ary negotiator o f d ie ' The county a n d d t y p u t in agtwn ecment w ldi S t Luto's. “It’s minion in equ ip m e n t a n dy iforesithe dliTcrcncc di betw een am a-, 'counts rcc d v w le a n d S t Lul teurs rs a n d professionals. W c, 'dircw in about $ 7 milUon,I offis iswer - wantei !itcd to have a hcaldi careI 'Preston Strazza. a m em ber sysleit icm that w as run b y people ' com m un omewho0 k1 new w h at they w ereI thc hospital's board. During th e negodatio lere," doing.' ng." I Dr. j o n ^ Corlell agrees th a t: a‘ num ber o f co m m u n ity >r. B rum s were h d d to keep n poljtic Itlcs anci healdi care arc best, dents informed. Sl L uto’s! o$32 foot, b p ts e p m tc . itse ! dais were o n h a n d to ansv *itw Rhw It w as ImpossUilc to get th e; questions. | I off tMlItlo Itical system to buUd a new "People really w a n te d son hospitj id io f pital," Coriell said. "Elected one bom S t Luto’s to b e hei ofiidal dais c h a n m You constandy Fudongsaid. ' have Ludty ■e ito deal w idi c h a n ^ n g , In November 2000. th eIsory 3 phUos< losophies a n d b r i n ^ g ' mUUon, 110,000-squarc-fo dicmij ddem i^ to s p e e d o n h c a ld ic a re I 2S-bed * S t L u to i VftHxl m issues.' litie. Medical C enter o p e n e d So'a n St o 'a com m unity com m ittee { H i^w ay 75 two m iles soudi set out ^but out to examine die options, I& ichuia irobPragga ggasds said for-proQt healdi The volunteer co m m u n core1 networks n cam e courting, ‘ ; board works, a s a n advls< b u t du o d ie d ie cnmmittco w as partial committee to ste er hospital < imuto aI III nonprofit hcaldi care sys- ' d slo n s The decisions m lgjit tera.Tl o th o LTheV ^odRherV allCThad > a lo ing n e history o f philanthropy ' quire final approval fromawe." w hcnl 31 It cam e to its local hospi- ' Lukci m ain b o ^ In Boise.fitI to n talsaai a n d It w anted to h ang o n to *diere haven't b e e n an y p em lems, Golden said. it *Bot Both hospitals w ere n e a r , 'W f ta s a b o a id .U s te n tof di ie o f d ie local co m n onddc Id e a r to th e people In dicsc drumbeats 1 nity and capm re th e m IntoS ti s commi ununlties,’ Fiaraostls gflid we provide h e a ld i car •TMlh from ih a f o r - p r o f i t ^ t w ould way > Golden said. “I c an 't point hove < t e ippeanY oucarA donotetoa any decisions th a t havo luniy ei profit" i 6om Boisa" ' v Jhcn L S t Luke^.come knock- onated busi* StiD, decisions a rc o u t o f to t InaVW: in VWxJdRhrer Medical C enter » o f th c d ty a n d co u n ty answ o wcicd. ■ hands 1 in of rtfe h a d h eard they w ere In- t *The c o m m u n ity b o a rd stc d a n d w e opproached mndc up o f peopio m ra tly frc dlls com m unity a n d th e y ha a," Praggastis said. T h e y flt our criteria ~ th e y w ere Iinput, b u t d ie d t y a n d cour ic d o n e o fth ^ b u n d ie d b e s t are ‘ o u t o f tho h o sp ita l bu. ^ hospu. picols b l th e onmoy^ d i ^ i ness," H aS g said. "They d o I r — Interfere wUh d ie operation thlsjadllty." , a S? a 7 10 a u s a a — L” m TOwa.>lw li»t I 4 .S Yoiir guic Tlmcs-News writer San can be reached a t n in M agicMUler 3264 or by e-mail .;p iO T S ^ if ll' O ec^ H( lospital__ '. f f l j l l e y .c m n . . . o r c h e c k o uI t o s t i r w e b s i ^ m a g i c v aille , HVi:«iauata.T«M loR^aoarwy.kare 'ress eJ- -= VaMtoSpjTLtoday ---------------------------protesters; m i aintained a subd u e d v i^ aan r d . like her parents, hoped foraa m lradc. Some said di^b e lievre e td itw a sn o ta c o in d :th e w om an would lay dence didtth ing th e Easter weekdying duiiri] end. tird a y the Schlndlcrs Late Satui esters to go home. asked protes “Be w idi1 yj o u r children. Hold them d o ese a n d cherish every fOU have wiUi diem , rhom entyot said, speaking for th e OXkinnellst 'es wc ed e couple. T bbmorrow, n er, they pray diat y ou brate Easter, puiier in th diie churches o f ^ u r own de n om minadon and. If you a a prayer for th d r would, offCT daughtet" Soilavo w v as reared in th c diolic diurch. and h er RomanCathi vem ad eh ea^u sco f parents hove J th e basis for die nunerfald ia stl jpeals to reinsert d ie mcious app< t ! ^ t was tm o v e d feedlnffnibc m ^ i h a n aw ' eekaga liiuflers have argued. Tne Schln c, th a t siie shoidd b e to rlnaance. icd o n statements by « pan!dbas« Paul n diat people In P opcIohnPi have a r i ^ t to vegetadve states sti nutrition amn d hydnuion., T h w sa y ltn iw ooidd u have o b cy rf die vrould n o t choose to pope a n d vn n a w h c rtudw b removed. That ar^ icbuircd to th e gum ent wa: state courts. 18 after Greer sid sided w ith her >odywTackedby husband. Her bod] ttom eys for her dehydradon, attor 'n u ^ n o t last panm ts sold s hlee 'i ekcnd. d i r o u ^ dicwcekci renmrkably well “She's doing rerr said under thc d ta uunstanccs.*’ ns Bob Schindler, Schiavols fadicr,; Bt r inside die hosaftervisidngherift a.*lemoon. 'S he pice Saturday aJle im endous batde has p ut up a treme u w v in g in d ie to Uve. She’s n o ttddu ressl K Fnjrta - StaOonary 7 33 5 - 3 3 5 0 / / ^ n t aa o m S0 37 « e Ml II f IIM »« 2S ll VkM «a «2 «l 4 as ar > s approved So in 1996. voters i handing th c c o)m m m unity’s health core system oovv e rto th e nonprofit St. Luke’s • InN In ovem million. 25b er 2000, die $32 mil b ed St. Luke's W ood RiverMcdRt d 1its doors . ical Center o p en ed H om e delivery: dally am (etchum . twom ilessouthofKieti Sunday. $435 per week: Satur ital has a n Tbday, th c hospital day a n d Sunday only. $2.50J pe resonance MRl m agncU c re Mail subscriptioris mus Imaging— scanner th thja t’s barebe p a id in advance an d or CT— com w rv ly a year old a n d a CT available only w^icre deliver ihy__scanputcrized tom ography is n o t m a in i^ e d . Mail mte: old, n erth at’s j u s t a i w mmondis o All Idaho rates: daily an d Sun ■ id e r.alo ca l said Dr. Herb Alexandt day $6.00 p er week, daily onl; on physician who sits o n the hos$4.00 per weclc, Saturday ani o ard . pital’s com m unity boai Sunday only S3.00 p er week )tch equip"We have top-notcl Out o f state ra te s dally on< a id .^ T h c m ent," A lexander 8sai Sunday S7.00 p er week, doll; ell-stocked, only $5.00 p e r week, Saturda; Jt an d thc a n d Sunday only $3.50 pe ^ n all greatest With th e Boi s c convnxk. Sales tax in dudcd in al necdon, we’re ab le to get the ab o w rates. A $15.00 chorgi 71^ e q u lp m e n f will b e levied for all rctume< )logy a n d M edical tcchnoloi checks. eq u ip m en t c o m c w wiitn eyeT he latest popping pricc tags. Tl CT sc an n er w ith1 ]p o s it r o n Tlie Tlmcs-News (UPS 631 h y lmnpfng Safety OffiOX 531em ission tom ography 080} is published daily a t 13: ■sj'bs n a m e has fust o n e laT he S t Luke’ 132 costs $ 2 3 m illion. Just doctors, nurses Fairfield Sl W . TWin RiUs,> bj by paroscopic surg eryy se s t n m s helped recnilt doc lubLee Publicatiorts Inc., a sub sidiary o f Lee Enterprises. e w s ^ f l ^ ^ I n f o r m a t i ion o ] Line =aDs The Hmes-Nev Periodicals paidatlW ln Falk b y T h e Tlmcs-News. O Cid ida al • - 7 0 city a n d co u n ty new spapci p u rsu a n t to Secoon 6C-108 ol th c Id ah o Code. Tliuisdayy l3 is L o tte ry a n d W e a th e r hereby designated os th c d ^ oj I n f o r m a t i o rn o r e o f th e w eek o n VNiilch legal n o ­ j u s t a p h o n e caaU] l a w a y ! tices w in be published. imd . ■■ Pdstm ostcri please send I I W ra th s ■ chxtR gcofB ddicssfonnto:R R Qa L o t t e rZy Box 548, TVdn Falls. Idaho I n f o r m I at ilo n ilio I n f o r m a fSi co n • 83303. Mall Infbrmatlon SS r: ---------------------------- Subscription rates ii ■ ^ S U U lU U M ____________________________ _ Continued from A l w aciy MadmOy ■ 77o»u a>«i ■ . is i i » a £ s a ! ! s c ^ n a i E t M 3 C W «»3B■ «r<i m ■ ' 7««aiu ai4i ■ 7»48t ?l 4« ~ C are_ CiiculaUon d ir e c to r 1252 Daniel W ilock..........735-325: H om e dcIivEry m anager JenlB usick............... 735-3302 1302 S ln d e copy sales Jim D a lo s.................420-125$ 1259 ew 4a« 00 « W Wii»»9orvOC SI Stary Mi i n i S ll iJ iii B ii YMOMlDna.Ur 38 2S M 41 IS H la 94 : 14 la OnM Doctors have said hi ous uctcranccs vrercn't b u t wen: Involuntary consistent with som et vegetotive state. G reer £ Scott Schlava th e bi Schlavo's h u sband said U d d icfim Uy was pleased to0 see th c Schlndlcrs’ efforts net nearing an end. . , , ‘He knows in his hheeart h e is doing the right thini ling, h e is d o lngw hatT bniw ante nlDd.- S c o lt Schiavo said. “H e’s5 having h a hard dm c u nderstand n d in g w h y people are B elting him lim o n dlls, they are calling h ir im a m u rdercr. It's very tougn o n h im ." Doctors have said: sh e would probably die w ithin a w eek or ^ feeding tu lb e being pulled, which w as d o nne M arch C ustom er service _ .......................733-0931.00.; Kt f>nHnt» mnnnp»»f E)cby Jo h n so n .........735*3321 <r ■I ' 6 F ~ ta « a«^■ 4738c Waa»Jin«W TO64 m 7»8I|W S a S n B m o n iw a DPM W 4 0 « j177 M Bi Btiai H v i n aaT m . S a ra e fi aa 41 me to M rne LMVan Continu«lftoniAl Schiavo, \\4io can n o t swallcnv, Je plecc o f to have a minuscule Adneplaced bread and ad ro p ofwin inherm oudL ircult Judge Earlier, Pinellas Cinn k1 th e famiGeorge Greer rc]ectedt T he lamily l / s latest m o tio a Th cd to say I claimcd Schiavo tried h er w ant lo live^ h o u rs before be s a ^ g 'A H tube \vas removed, say /AAAAAAA” HHHH" a n d "WA^ , p e a , U.0 w hen asked to rep Editor Chris Stclnbach . . . .735-3251 J255 C om m unity desk .. .735-3281 J288 a t y d e s k ................. 735-320 J204’ Letters lo the e d ito r ................735>32& 3266 Todt* Toaw aa STweai eai 47»c e«q aawIta » 4«aM OKmm m JKk»et S • News P TaoMcrav Taday Tai . . a . a ^ a 3 ii„. . , a ■ DayWcMhef.Inc^\u »I O f SioiOTa M aacne aPnJ b SS k b b m b x k ! an O f aOqng js ssr—ih^z ™™ Schiavo> a lO S T tO jf g a ^ ^ a a n r w r 14-SUNN r U .V . IN D E X , Meanaae fctOMi Toaortw 3irt CertificatM I Brad H u r d ...............735-3341 aa iw*»—day luBrtaai saiM I tunaaeem w PM ciaMpeMuB.omtfiBiaita. ij* 8 2 S 4 « Hnr. 1 TheTunesNews ^ # Moonrtsa and Mooroeit ______ !! Publisher 0•I >r 04 23 rvt _________ 43 IS 0.10£ MHCZZ3BC21CiaBBB3EBB 4Slarwr 3S -S OMimta S B K K lB B E B IS C Q C Z Z n C-y YMMrttv^SMteiMmM: ! m : UMCMurt lour! 4HS«r«rr 0|i.f M r»riM,y KO. htfUB. IMtr< var. imtnar l«y; mnvwy fmx. peteitfy oou^ hnn itMhMvi. ■)>««>■.*v«nv uiottiiam, iHwia ■I D H B I 3 C B H D iH Z B H D B B SSI 3 e 7:01 PM anOfoplar_______________ I f B — f g□g ! a n- Yiira^al— tu I m w n w u m e iB S trm B C i. NORTHERN UTAH Mostly dry (or ladty bul tealliiid rain tnd tnow * ! S ||R thow trt Mill dtvtlop ia ia f c . toniem. Setilttsd rain and mow ihowart are . ^ m i ^ k t l y on Monday. sp Wannar twnpaniur*tland and ^ dwtnaaklM 6 5 /3 1 I Barometric s,j Pfe»aure jg H u m ld l lHMusr<Spmy.Mr]qr . ibM) oaOyobudyiUM anda ilaanwldwnea olahowart Dl ■ S SB nB O D B aO B K M B B W j VoSty cBln tnd tn w thowsn t n u « v loiuy ond d tm lomorrowwShitntnowthoiMrttlniohl. on I Mountsln B S l a f l . locaittftt «rUl b« ow U tfXMoh tot al tnow tnd a low io w B B Mvtrallncfwioli idnffurinowlspoaaU*. C 5 JJQ5BS0BSD® cny . M ttt Prep 'n i u r s d aBy y ra d n n d a y I ' BfMiytnddoudy orfintetaaradrtln ihowm HIgf) 6 9 itin breozo. ecaltofod showers nnd a stlK I TWil0t it Breezy to windy and incrooslfto showers. Lows uppor 30s. fl a flood chance ol doytimo rain . Tomorrow: Siui brcozy wlin n/snow showers. KlgiulowSOs. showers ond ovcrnioht raWsn ; Mild, bul cairvir dimp lor Euiar. p, Pttlod* ofrtin *rtl.k«ly1«Jiy. •*p*citiiy In Ihi inimooR. Rtln »ho««r« l i t likdy far tenlgKI tnd Uandiy «nlh (Cintrtd »ho««r« on m TutKJty. Monday a # ft m m s m iiJ i O’l ^ jislo r Hletwlnthooppor60o.wlih Todr/-A mild and damp Eosli SUNVALLE^ LEY, SURROUNOINQ MTa Tor ronlght Today with scotiored showers. Itoday: A mild and braozy’ Easier Ea: jorSOo. Highs In ttw mJddlo to uppor i d scattered foln showers. Lows in TodsM : A stin broozo ond sc a. tho uppor 30s lo lowor 40a. dy with TomocTOw; Broczy lo windy w da/tJmo rain showeni and [>rs. HifihslowSOs. ovofniflhl foin/snow showers. . — Ml ' ; ; * omilei<Smo^cvaUeyiCom. R ttU n fte T ltn e t^ ^ ide to life Smtoy; March 27,200 2008 Tbn«»f<««>,1WaWI«,liUio » N R e b eRTJJOTN _____ M of these (ax*raisln, sing Rcpubllcans offer (he san rcasonsfortheirchanH DENVER — Gov. Bfll Ow wens, a R. has been c risso o sslnlg g tth e T have d one sometWi country foi yeara p ro m o tinngg ith e absolutely not part oHf r. ' S S r ' S vim ies o f this stated stric t(cco o n - K empthome w hen he I . stitutionol lim its o< n -.. IdahotaxincicascsinZ S S 'S S 'governm ent spending. H:e e h as I t a not (ping (o disnu repeatedly u i ^ o th e r states ues to state, and I'm not goin( )lngtoJcopIng, a n d Vm . a dopt restrictions o f t h d r• ow own. ardize otu: bond rating m)y e m p h as a y e r n o t going to leducem b a s ra o n Colorado’s **Itnpa\ J ^ t s '’ sis on education.'’ Bill o f ^ g h i I sim ilar exn e n t, Guinn provided a sL ere a s plan allo n after he le p u sh ed taxincrease th r o u g (he biggest tax (his in Nevada hlstoiy. ’ (ha( m akes te r, “Some people say (h says, m e a b ad RcpubUcan." m." said the overs- form er b a n u r a n d1 ccorporate ow n executive. 'WeD, I woi would be a m o u n ta ln Inoo u s worse Republican, and m d a vrorse ishing c a n d ia th c r,a n d a w oo nrscd iizen , Jl rm oney (0 If! didn't find enough Qw.KaRKKhMn» *he o p p[TOSltc oa m e ssa g a. MidMl educate our c h ild r n^ ta n d fund im an dprO w ay (h it} u ^ his s e c o i^ tem ccn j. o u r Medicaid program Owens is working to p ersu a suode vide decent prenatalIcare." ca (^kiradoans to s u sp e n a thelim e lii * For Owens, os for rh his feilovv yreason for its h e chom pionea a n d leett (he (i GOPgovernors, a keyn h o m e has 3 bilth c (ax increases a tc hi state governm ent sp e n d S3 b th a n beentax-cuttinglnWVashington. as lion m ore in tax m o n e y th; R id n g sharply d e ale e aa sed revTABORwotild allow Bush Owens thus b eco m cs a n o lth - en u e a n d record d d!iid(s. ic fers (o th e im ent h a s targeted transfer e r low-tox ilm ltcd-govcnune advocaie >s4io has fo u n d tho those states ns a ripe placec t(to rcducc h is budget o n to federal spending InIhi p rin d p le s h ard to h o ld on iffiestsin^e am id a slug ^sh e c o n o m y anc an d a for fiscal 2006, (he biffii Ulion c u t In shaiply dim inished flow oiff« f fe I- reduction is a S60 billi( It h1 elp th c eral m oney to (he states. Medicaid funds (hat In (he p ^ tw o years. Rcptib publi- states provide healthi ca a r c . vadai T h e federal cu ts hih ave been c an govemois including Nevad tes (p m anK e n ^ . Guinn. Idaho’s Dirk Di very difilciil( for states imJist Bert lonny age," said econom K onpthom e, Georgia's Som tioiiol ConPerdue and Ohio's Bob ’Ihftthave ha W aisanen o f the Natioi edges ference o f State Lee^ l a tu r e s . dum ped no-new-taxes pledg to piish for m ajor n e w rcvcni ra tu e "Governors have (o0 rrxm proJ, tNo Child an d Inaeascd state spending. lg. gram s like Medicaid, jid security, Periiaps thc m ost s t i n ^ngrcg r L d t Behind, hom eland less m oney veisal for tox-lim itadon grouj roups But (here b less an d les h in g ton to i n VN^shington w as t h e quli quick com ing from W ashir p ay thc bills.* . c onversion o f M itchell11 E bicms, Co!Presi^ r all (hose proble D aniels ]i. R. Vi4to w a s Prc: alikelystate d e n t Bush's fin t bu d g et dircct rector orado liaidly seemed ali snspending a n d a n outspoken advocate Ite o f to throw In me (owd on! states that low cr taxes — u n til h e: w as limits. Among thc 30) st )n n o fta x o r elected governor o f In d ia nla a last b have enacted some font orado’s was '.November. In his first s(a sta te spending limits. Colora lesL “W hen «io w n as thc toughest ' b udget. Daniels re c e n d y propr h e country 'p o se d a 29 p crccnt increase ise in ledslatois around the ' 'th e Incomc tax. (arge(ed aItt th tl e cau m e lo ask a b o It u t;spending ant (0 know ited "U pper brackets. D aniels d te d a limits, they ahvays want Colorado,'’ $ 2 ^ million revenue shortfi jnfall how it is working in1 G W iisanensaid. ’ a n d said spending c u ts o f th (ha t [islilutional •size w ere untenable. T h e TABOR const: T T » W M h h t to n P o t t S S N a t io i prosecute Lrmy won’t p f h e G[ Q G o v e r nors n f ig h t C O onstitutionalI spending I liiimits I M P ^oldiers invohIved in deathbs T WASHINGTON (AP) — Armyy dosed a n d e ig h t rem ain oo]p c rt, rep o rt Icials have d e d d e d n o t to0 according to th c An^iy rc] prose v ere osecutc 17 soldiers irivolvedd released I-riday. F h v casessw ES. in■ m th e deadis o f p risoners Inri referred to o th e r agendes, I----------------------“ I Iraq > iq iand Af^ianlstan. a mili-:- eluding d e a th s involving;Navy an d M arine tro o p s an dd CIA lands - syMilliary sreport says. that lie Governors’ Ha investigators rec-:- operatives. every “Wc ta k e e a c h a n d ei •emmcni spending omim m eiidcd courts-m artial forr U crc lh m hhalf a lJ ihcsiaia hax-e caps an gover id are if death very seriously and c soldiers In th c c a se s of Hons, as o f2005: * c s rcases. Slates whh suck restrictk Invcsth ree rec p risoner d e a th s forr c o m m ltte d a n d sw o m to ln h (he nof chare orgcs ranging from m akingg (igatlng c a c h ca se w itli 9 [I]T ax 0 I lltnlls ' ■ Combination Id tax false! spending and I se statem ents to m urder. Or-- utm ost p rofessionalismI Oiid • fleers sGrcy, e rs -rcjcctcd . th o see thorouglm css."saidC hrisC — iminal recon x m m endations, ruling thatIt a sp o k u m a n fo r th c Crim ^ ^ > th e st soldiers lawfulty u s e d forcec Investigation Com m and. ' ’ “®” v l . o r dll Army Investigators turnnoI v e r didn't im d e n la n d th e ruless l~ I ' I forr uusing force, o r that- theree their rc co m m e n d a ilo nIS s to ) / w as ers inIS 1not enough evidence to0 com m anders o f th c soldier \ prose volvcd w h e n th e y QnlshI ttheir osecutc. com UDfL Q e □even U.S. Army soldiers arce investigations. T hose ci ■ le th c r ■ fadnj dng m urder or o ther c lf i^ c s m anders c a n d e d d e whe • \ _ / a«az. / , a invol' largcs rt)lving die d e aths o f de-> to b rin g c rim in a l chai J tainci ers. necs in Iraq or Af{^ianlstan.>. against th c a c cu sed soldier inders In' on e e a se . comman< le iArmy Crunlnal Invesdga-1TzA The Causm « tion ;com m Com m and released a decided n o t to file reci largcs C ^crX ^ w lort Friday detailing th e cases9 m ended crim in al chai vca in oFzr 27 detainees killed in custodyy against 11 soldiers invohre in In Iraq a n d A fghanistan be-!• th c d e a th o f a form er IIraqi UCcnima MCUMUvttUM SO<jnCC:NUcn*ICcr injan_____________ t\veei c cn August 2002 an dd Army lie u te n a n t colonel in iKTWnKamrf Novc, Kopsy uary 2004. An aulc rvembcrZOW. firom IWenly-four cases encom *.• indicated th e m a n died, fj am endm ent passt assed by the vot- trolled legist islamre. Buf COP lead- p a sscd ^ th e 27 d e a th s; 166 blunt fo r c e injuries an d that i a cL " & long as I fnves e rsin l9 9 2 sa ^ 1th ji government * ers refusedd to '' /estigations h av e b e e n1 asphyxia. nor, we will not raise spending Icvds must be based a m govemo 9m and taxcs.'Cwnms cr pledged in 2003. on changes in populatton po ill, th e D em ocratic B B inflation. Ib x Inaeascs in a at any Last fail, nen Party launi m ched a statew ide K v level o f govcm m er tm u stb e ap provedbyrcfercnd m dum . When tax cam paignI sagainst th e 1AB0R E 3 is thc revenue exceeds t permitted lim its— anc md scored a huge Vic- l y j C S must (ory a t th e^polls-WhileBushwas pi spending level,, tajqjaycis ta: get a refund th;ec next n year; (hus easily carry lying thc slate. D c- I m the state ca n n o)tt build bl up “rainy m ocrats (ook (O' control o f th e I l H oodycars. s(atcH ouse seandSenalc. ■ ■ day fimds" in good ,ve a d e a r m andate," "The result is s ddiie public scc"We have / Romanoff, f c j tor cannot p o w aat a rate faster said Rep.. Andrew ic leader o f th e stale Q I than th e private st c sector," Owens ' Democratic m m for thc Wail House. "The he voters sent us here P J wrote in a colunu to d o som im ethlng a b o u t th e S(rect Journal piraislngTMGR, rai adblock.^ B During th e boor o o m years ofthe " M O R road th e p o in t I m 1990s, w ith popula )ulationandpcrO wens concedcd cc r ld 1 s D a y ,h c a ^ ^ to | y | sonal bicom e soar o a ring the limits O n S tP a trld signed largely by De> E l worked w e ll But t economic a plan dcslg u t thc hal will s u s ^ d the downttmi a n d die die reduction in mocrats tha federal su pportt di during the fint spending limit lin for five years, alc state to sptmd $3.1 I n l Bush term proved' red disastrous for lowing the : lat o th e rw i^ would mccs. Thc state billion that Colorado's financi C liris' iristia n D io r k a t c S p aa td c putoflbuildingroo roads and mainhave beenr e d d e d to tanuyers. | q I CIOHCIOAIIMAM is considered a E 3 It Bccausc: this t taining i n fastructurc. ^u sc under tlic lABOR I m r e d u c e services s aoi n d raised fees, tax Inocase G U C C I I :rs must approve th e k d Spending o n hl ii^^c r education rules, voters o r it will fell so sharply that h a t the president change in1 November, ^ effect Owens says h e E 9 yofCi)Ioradoden ot t a ^ cffi oftheU niversiw of iratted Eyewear Handcratl lolgn \vidi D emocrats . hip state school a will campalj dared die flagship 3ter approval o f th e C a •'priva(c enterprise rise." to w in vote T h i s will p u t E 3 ncreasinglyangry an(i*Iimits3 plaiL {: Voters grew inert o n (rack," th e I d and de m a n d edd changes c from Colorado back b; said.— |j ^ F I N E E Y E W E ;Aa r i n o n e h o uU R govem orsal Owens an d th c Republican-conRet S tates th j fk ~ : 3 rc M o u n ta in \W e st O p tic ai \ M M E se ■ H I* fimiiii flB) -'’" - J W iM i y ^ jm m s v R E ^ t a 'H i f N E E Q v B I F C i C c , A L S O R R E A D ) EE R S ? 1 r^ R li^ n llfe ^ iH g n iH M iM ■ iiiHiiE‘ipr I II rm First Federal ...Fro LONGER I ■ r f C O M E , A MM P I Ml »■ ^ '< S E E NEW IM VUHATia N I ! I = R i R U A I. C G 5 5 T E I V R / I I Y iTION BY: APRESENTATII W illiam C . R bh uig g :h , M.D., RA.- •fe y :p rch 3 0 ,2 0 0 55 • 6:30 p .m . Marc Ib •K ■p JIDED LASIK 'WAVEFRONT-iQUI ITRAOCULAR COM INTAC1[ LENSES " ’ INTI IMMODATIVE INTR/ ACCpM HAOCULAR LENSES ES A i FEATURiN 'ING: . .P ' .g i; ' X NOW ITIS Pt ToiHAveeoOi OD VISION \SSES AFTER ^ WITHOUTGLAS^ CATARACTSUROERY Si ; I# ■ urlMflanOiGi DenscaiBafi rH e p O S M is a n Otu g u a i ^ t e e d r e t u n1 d len t in v e s tm e n t < option. W ith a. gu excel b r y o u r fu tu r e . irour m o n ey is safe ife an d g ro w in g fot yc ( o n ta c t y ou b r a n C *ur n e a r e s t bi F i r s tF l e d e r a l to d laa y ! 1 “ .......... .P L E A S E C A L L r 3 4 4 i 9 3 4 «r 1L- - 8 0 0 - ? a i4 r l^ F T W in l^ z l ^ h 383 S b b s b o n eS cN o n ta •'3 •73yi222 lIO B ab A v e n u e^ Jn sf; • 73S6065 8 8 6 a u e L d 3S B H lN o n hi»73W122 *’ 1 4 8 E astland D c •- 7370792 7 V iiss i o n G i n kl c Inoffic ICE lASeRASUROBII E ftv C E N T E R mir V : I R S f A L Sl B u h l --llSIkoxtn3)'AieNonh>543eaBl Z J e ro m e -- 1515 1 South Uncota S3 B Btn p m - 7017lh S t • 4360505 05 02- ' OmlaodAve. • 87B«302 B urinr-- 2059 2 s to at: w w w iirs [rstfd.com. F or Pcfsonal: HQQQQQQBQIS : q IT ^ 0 / FEDE: R ■ S e R V ^ y O flH fe A T S E A l c h ^ i a g tn u h lom H « ol » « 0 1 I ta M »Bi itBi (eOKCKt niwM tamafl M tH Itfflscm, 'J Z S S S l* *■ " m l S S i * * " * * * ITM h«Md lor« « « M>bcotn‘"or« ■ ■ • - ■ ' ' e> . , ........ ■ ' • ' ' ■ ■■tifIT •~ ■ f ■*' ' •' A4 8 i« ^ M « d i2 7 ,2 0 0 5 Tkiw»Nnr»,1M DM s,ld N a t i o ment has been S| spent Most of settlem I n M f t a d S c h t e w A a t t oiroeya. n Just • , A s o f m id - M auch. ic $ 4 0 0 0 0 to $5 0 ,0 0 0 te nmainedof u th a t m o n e y , B u sfa n d lIsakl 81 imd v r s s b i ^ b i a t n t s t f i t n didAiudge . a p p r o v e s a H o p e n d tttm • •i M j U a o d t t a d P r w '— 'v - - T M lc h a d S d ilo v o s u e d m eod * a ld lea] pro& ssloD a ls w h o h ei ssa: fiiHed t o iG cognize sy m p«o to nm a t,to t h a t c axised h ia w & ^ h e aurt,I P r o t e;s ts a d (d to fa im i ilie s’’ g r ie f j C r o w d s o u ts id e S c h ia v o a d d te damor-intcndedtomtjjia occ.dSdiiovo-tatilcsth•dr'‘n^'a6 •‘^ d a m a ^ a n d w o n a ^ r 'a e tt le m e n L B u t /.•itufbfits’ ''.'etiy m o s t o f t h e m o ^ l n p s >a teal pain In tho n ec fcS * 'flp a ent o n - h e r c a r o . ^ * g UDDouglass, whose moth*,; ■ ,b lib rM ; saidBiD law Is a resident He said '.'' • cr-in-Iai M o re t l » n tJ ilcMIdi W UfSW ^?!r=if.-^ . padcno i3 o u ^ lice ’ fK a S m m il ^ n ^ j p |^ ^ E = IW iK jiH H I h o s p ic : s fo r d iiF ic u ltie s .. dem anda rrived, a jw lic e ofQ cer den e d Identiiic adon; s h e hlad od n ona A n d afte r a h o s p ic c cOTpIoyec m| c lc a ic d her. a n o th e r o ffica accrhaltc d h e r for a s c a rc h w ith[1 aa m etal d n e c to r. T lie d elays la s te d th r e e ti m in u t e s - tn e la st o f h e rrgrandiagn th e r’s lilc . . . , *Tt^ a terrible, o o r a obstz l” ^ ” p u t in fio n t o f a fam ily. ^_pIe r y i: th in g is o b o u t S h i a v o ," lo l V sa id . "It's a il a b o u t h e r a fndd w j n y fiunily's ease, it c o s t iis d e al S n - , i ‘; . W b o d sid c ’H p ^ lO C h a s 4 K tic n ts b e s id e s S f tiia v o , v p a re n ts a re d e s p e r a te ly try n a v e h e r X ceding t u b e r n e c te d . D o z e n s o f p ro ti h a v e a rrived licim a c r o s s if tio n sin c e th e tu b e w a s ren M a rc h 18. a n d a t le a s t 15 b e e n a n c ste d . p r o m p tin g S C Ucc b a rric a d e a r o u n d th c t a n d im p r e c e d e n te d secu rii S 'p a R im lly m e m b e r s v isitin tie n ts m u st p a s s t h r o u g a | c h e c k ro in t to p a rk , th e n id e n tiu c atio n o u ts id e (thh e d o o r b e fo re a n o th e r s e c u r ityy xscn x n in g inside. T h e y a ls o miu u sstt w alk n zg S d i i b y s c o n s o f sig n s d e c r yiin a vo's "crucifixion.- “to rtu re, nn aa v\ ig a te “sta rv a tio n ." p lu s ia v * o a r o u n d h o rd e s o f m e dd ia ilde. h a v e b e e n c a m p e d o u tsid e “T o h a v e t o mla a nnic u v c r th ro u g h oil o f th is a n dj hh a v e a h o s ti le e n v ir o n m e n t o ui ts id e w h e n all th e y \v a n t is p ee aaoc e o n d s e few o u ie t a n d to e n jo y thlo o s( d a y s t h w h a v e le ft w ith1 a l o ^ o n e is a horror," s a id D r.•. M M o rto n ' G etz, executive d i i c a o r• oo ff D o u ^ G ard e n s H o sp ic c i niM Miia m L le vw ith a . G etz s d d m a n y p e o pile fa m ily m e m b e r i n a h o s p ic e h a v e t o m a k e th c s a m er ce nx a i i d a tin g d ecision th a t c o umr us h a v e m a w f o rS c h ia v a • BusbbeQ^sh^b a h i^ Ib rtto re - « tube In •'SdibVQV^-has :oJo adfa 24th ,sear.idThheorm 73- • ldahsgnre rasosntric ,:cw tedth fo m m oicvac*s• d y a ro tm d e h o s p id ghafte isfin drl2^&iiia He uscssdtdin buogrin tU raTsablrre tu8te bensw movedro te s ts in ifie d . L cyqV keth noavtra yhpoesapcic e^l st uccata lity itls elm fu eare n a n d q u ie t a n d c a ndit’snotfait’Johnson- wnc,% \ ing free . M b iy tm n H K ir a a s irri Schiavo’s father, la atirroitnded BobScW mlH r,T«nl » « d .ld .H « p lc .ln h « r a i k w i i t « t i nim<ent on Saturday o u tild a f h o Woe Ptnellu Path, Ra. ^l•s causing a lot lo to f g r ic f a n d questions in meir Ir o0 w n m in d o n w h eth er they ddl< id th e f ig h t Q jng.- h e said. 1 ‘“It's u n c o n la v e a fa m ily sd o n a b le to hav m e m b e r to b e nn .e a r (h e e n d stagcsofU feandtoj to g e t th ere, y o u o u ^ sig n s th a t h a w to walk throuj “Wefte y c l l i n g i n aImmceaphone, i d i s a b l e nlot o t o^posobld” a n d not a veg“T brri Is a pperson, c c ta b ld ” R elativ es o f Ihospicc residents a n ^ ro "Jnej greatest a n d sc n in g -a r said. " C in s to in ?: DTOey t m atten :fo rp a y - ^ linets e ' • FnrniM 3if C a b ii 't ) - In- oiuid the th eo nily h consoladonl^thatsheb;' \ .fTQoyooo s ' t o p ' tf to th c outside scene; V’ 's{g ^ p i B C t k e - ' o w a id >f o r '° h lh lousT to Icc an d h o ^ ic e officials -5 Polla f, th c y aare n tryins to mlrUmizc the ,.;. for;tbA t p u i i k a e , w iif a 'tia j e don o n nospicc lesidetus . Inizusio to w a r d lid r a d o n , o n d thhcd r famiiieg, a n d th at (he.‘i,'v| ' V D itbM ah - B u s h n ^ o n e ' I lly measures a re m eant to':f scairily p ro tcaa th e privacy a n d safiEtyaf t id e n ts,n o tju stS d ilav a aflresid 't r a l ^ ives p a tie n ts ’ r e la tiv .IA n PINELLAS PARK. F laa ...( if ooo r o n d Jc n n llc r to h n so n . borcfo i n h c r p afam os. r a n (0 hicrg c rg ran d * O th e r s b e d sid e o n c c a1 h io sp ic c as m ovs'orkcr sa id h is d e a t h w wa; m e n ts a w w S h e got tf i c r e - o n e m lin in uu tc to o lace. Jo h n so n Ksoid t h c chla aoo:s o u ts id e th c h o s p ic c w h e r e Schlavo is d y in g k r p t h e r o hnson sa y in g goodbye. W h e n J Jol - lL _ |K j ^ t i i i r . ‘ I - W i . 6 3 9 E ^ n | . t ek i i S . I L l l ) f f i i 5 : « 2 i>-3 5 a O j Hours; MoivFri. f e nr gg p n i ^ t - by apnolnim 5 a y ,m u n ta c c " protesters ;rs d irec t th e ir c h a n ts o s ii n s t signs and their ch th e courts and MQchadS^vo, id Tfeni's husband, w whh o Insists sh e w ould n o t w ant to Ib c k e p t alive BB Tba^ I HB artificially i r o u ^ a h ostile But w alling throi lo n f y a d d s tre s s c nvironm entcanor to w hat’s already oann em o tio n a lly drainingsimation. n. waT B f lm th c s a m c p s y * " Itp ro b a b ly h aiss tl e ct on th c c h o lo g lc a l e ffec * « i d c n t s - | ^ e s aa s it d o e s o n s o m e o n e w h o is w aaU d n g in to a n a b o r t o n c M c a nn dd facing sig n s behavior, a Florida In terlaw n ‘» l? n a l ™ Iverslty ''" sp e c ia liz e s in h iM lh lcs. few d ay s, a s O v e r ih e p a sit fi ^ v t f s p ^ n t s 3; ’ a tte m p ts to h a v e th e ir d au gjh h tite r ’s fee d in g tu b e re in s erted rcip p ec a te d ly M e d . sig n s o u tsid e th eE h o sp ic c h a v e D o cto rs g ro w n m o r e d e spperatfc er n a v e sa id Schlavo0 w o u ld p ro b aw eek o r tw o o f b ly d ie \v ith in a wet th e fee d in g tu b e b eein l g rem oved, M e ssag e s c o mn p io rc M lc h ac l con* Sch iav o to S c o u l*ctctson. 1*6 h is w ife a n d v ic te d o f k illin g; hi C alifornia, a n d u n b o r n c h ild In Cai \vhQ alJ o h n E v an d e r Ck)uey, ou le g ed ly m tu d e r c d «a 9 -year-old g irlln H o m o sa ssa . O n e w o m a n inn a w h e c k h a ir r e g u la r ^ m o v e s u p a n d d o w n sid e w alk s in fio n t ooff th c h o s p ic c ta S tt B^ & k' [ g i n t Z a ssg l j ^ g ^ * ij Ilti l ^ ^ a i i TTf ' .95 A MONTH: FOR *39.S time (Minutes 1000 Anyti I: g . n / [g m ia ig ' • U n lim ite d C A L L •FREEKyoc ^ D c e ra ® I I ^ ^ 3 f M E M i n u t iee ss c o l o r s c r e iee i n flip p h o n e .95AIMONTH; FOR ^49.5 time Minutes 1500 Anyti • U n lim ite d C A L L • U n lim ite d M o b i l e - t o - M o b i l e3 M I in u te s IV • FREE Kyoc D c e ra ® M E M in u te s s c o l o r s c r e lee in flip p h o n e Ask about Unlimited NigI ghts &Weekend „ starting at 7p ^p.m. J t d s FREE K y o c e ra * S o H o /j! 3lor sc re e n p h o n e> (altof'SOmail-lnroboIo) ( :U.S.Celllular We connect \ ^ t w it h yo u ', •Pradico saying *0011 Me.", Custdmii a i^ ^ B L e n io f' I n s ^ ^ H f d e r Veins Varicose Veins David A. Joh FA C . , ■ Fellowship TraincdJ '<1 Vascular Sur ! M ^ H U e ln ltie O fn • NoHospltalizatl^ • NoGeneral An« • Short Recupero* ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H n n lq u e s • Minimally Invi^ • Endovenous IM Injedlon Dii • Procedures In e s s e s o f a n y Size, p le a s o3C < aai-8 6 6 4 J5 (M B IZ (1 -8 166-872-4249). F o r b u s ln 6< U.S: CelluTa WH«a 1»1 e »9lS,5S2-2131 340W.Uia9l.7SM1]4 |« ta«y I U ih o n ti ' 2l6lOv«int«77 .«77«m 1USE. 1701St. S3 OOO t.SZM I Kttferiai cduar Ur*. 7As. Maki vMcyMMCtauu •ttr,E5aMC*M.S3S.7t07 03 UtfnM i** ' VblsnccnRvto UBMrtto»,1Soan)St.CK«22M3S nlaaar%2aS2£.i7ihSt. 5a-72SS AIHceUv. u MMnUa n ta , m o m99.. Mft' ‘ " ^ s ^ s i Snlca(ia : Vussm e,in ist. «ft.sa 5. Mpn* MmemccftM.A: ».4MlUicahS»7500 679-72H ? 2 K 5 .n « .2 « ' . w S > f S S b 0*4739 V MoMprtv : 'Un<Mf«aa,fO iii niMM«mM7-tS31 ■ ' h x sw e ' AWiC<Uar.tsaN a o n s» ist.j3 « sja l«A 41BYHMOent M*. ^ ^ 7 ^ . ronM B ' iW « u i4 i20SYlfc«ac».23Mm a sr mwncdUr.3mMiifist.nMtn' .; ’ PocMrtb' " nHCal9DAU» U34YttoMten^ 37.973 WataiCamutoauaSnattBWrFlaa c.' ' M oa .-•■rt' ■; S . Laieri Sclerothi I d : MOM• M knconvtaK AWCdUr. 400N. MH St. 7t*-tm AlHCAAr. i m L 17» tt, M2-2SD1 kM M m 4tf &M enm CMOU. C< in[)dvldA .Johnton.M .C 1KBUY«l0iHBDna.233-tCl» TWOWdyDr.TJMOOO a of our exclustve autrtorlzS ed agents ) I ^ S ^ ^ K e d By Insurance HVVEIN IKcMfe}> | l M i mli jwfiuri 3SMCJ .UMSt. u m ... ... zD -nu ' tu ta rd c w V.SIH.SM.'tOSSl ir.s , iAr,7»ilsaia,ts»336> w ei* Jif.,T77 «« i » a , » M e w , : Mtl'St. lin iM W.' SS?SS2£!S!i5,*‘-“& Z * ^ c m n j r g i m w n , . U »M 1 ue. M tta . xatiota rww opon Sundays ju n r tjn F ii f o a n f C w fB K < H 8 c u to 5 a M ’-. | 7 ■ 3 4 - 9 0 < M 0 A c k fM n A M .W .^ 2 M .1 'Sam ' Oufl«.. M r ' ' ._ OxACxxXm ■.. . -...U J . . — „■ ■ ; . ____________ lK h 37,200S TkmHmt,UtoMk * ,ld ite M ______________________N • r l^ l V f e th aim i pilot gs 1-33 yearrs late abled (hecrew s'O f A n — H:om a q p o d se enabl W A s m N G ib k CAR o n e fo n n e r A rm yf h elico p ter b o th aircrafttotore m m to safety,“ pilot to a n o th o ; Gen W 3 ctl Richard ih e citation ssty, . O x iy presen ted the / s h1e h a d departed he m lllta ^ s W ithin days e t u m e d . to Fort ard for valor V ietnam , retu o n F iid av to SStephen t» 1., a n d b e e n disE Lewis, W ish., Low iencs in r c c o f^ tf nition o f h is charged from ithtl;eA rm y .H e’now water, H eiccp tio n fllactso fhtierolsm en durU v esm d earw a Fla. Q. lD gahainnvlngFescu( a t y ou d id over icue m ission 'Steve, whhai . H tnV ietnam . les ago m a ttered th re e d ecadcs 9 T h e ow aid w as app a p p ro v e d 3 3 ' v e ry m u c h to } th d ie people whose S yeais ago b u t n c v cr tr fpresented red and. to generalives you saved n to Lowrcncc b ecause 0 fb u reau seo tio n s o f their: loved Io one^C odv 9 craticslip-upa. m atters to t o d ^ s a id It also mi « T h i s is m o ie th aon n ]I ever exaviators, h e sold, salt a n d h was tne pected." Lawrence,, 56, 5€ said In Dlsm d iat spoifced k in d o f herolsi ac ce p tin g th o Dlsth istlngulshed Cody^ ow n jite Intcre stln a n A im y ' Service Cross d uring a ig acercm o* carecc IW In th c P entagon’ on’s HaU o f T e le v isionn Im I agK o f gunIte o e s . *It nuw b e! a 1little late, s h ip pilots like liki yo u f ^ g in b u t this Is fiibulous" plrcd a young West Vietnam inspln ( CcKiy, a career h edlcopteravilia P o in t ca d e t to to b e a gtm shlp ato r a n d now th e vvicc ia chief o f p ilo t it vvaspU pU<ots'U keyouthat C th e Amty, qu o ted chM [iQUngwords m otivated mleeto t b e a pilot." h e i from o n e o f th e m en c v^om said, ^ • Law rence rescucd d fio m a Before Lawrei n e n c c left Vietnam c dow ned aircraft o n Oo ndlng officer told O c tS , 1971, h is com m ondl > w hile braving enemlyfire. y fi to nomih im lh at h e Intended Int ' T h i s is tne o n e: o qierlencc .-n a tc h im for o r th e-M e d al o f ^ that I h ave id iv c d h ui highest undreds o f H onor, th e nadonls n tim es in m y drear c a m s ,' th c h o n o r for milii lilitary valor: l h a t > unidentified survivor v asquot* h eard of orw w as th e last Lawrenco Lai 5 -ed a s say in g T h eere r e was n o th e m atter in tmtil t last simuncr, > d o u b t in m y m in d1 tli d iat 1 w as w h e n h e h a dI dirm d l er w ith fellow y m in g to d ie th a t d ^ty.. lI truly beV lem am v eIt Roger R Almqulst, ^ licved th a t anyoneI ati u r p iu c d to n ear attem p d n g w h o w as surj to rescue u s w ould als also b e facLaw rence h^d ^ d b een aw arded ‘ ;ingccrtaindeath." n o th in g bcyor ynond th e D lstlnLauiieac& .w as.284i 3-days.finm ..guIsbcdE^IiigC igC ross,w hlchwas Js. iflniahln g h isto u ro fddutylnV ui letp resented tonliri nii t o d a y s after !ham M th th e 135th 5th Aviation • the.reso^qmIssion. lssl >v [Com pany w hen, a s the Icdded that should d ie p ilo to fa A lm qulstdcd Il ;U H -lM ''H ucy'hcH icop coj terg u n v ed 1 0 . stand. H e n o t, b e oUowcf tihip, h e ch o se toI at [th in g, th e m atter a tte m p t a b e e m teseaith • ’ jiescueofanothcrA m mci e rlcan h d a n a so o n dIscovoed is« that the t • jlcopter. th at h a d gone lapcrw otk for die m e dow n In com pleted pap *. tflamcs In a n en em y^stronghold sti D l ^ g u l s h•d c ^ Service Cross, ntrardci: d a te d M ay r^, r^, 1972, w as in n e a r th e CandiodiantM I According to th c oQk [eslnA rm yreconls DfOdalAimy Lowrcnce’s files d ta d o n , Lawicncc twic ^vicelanded a tth e N a tlo nalA a l/ rchhres.Forunnt his g unship n e a r the sasons d ie Army Ihe b urning ex p la in e d , rcas ? a lro a it bcfoie h e and d Lawrence o f th e jtd his crcw n ev er nodfled I M m an a g e d to g e t the ovaL h e do w n ed a w ard s approva § cre\Y aooaidandO yaw ow ayunder . K cr^m alnedi c d ln th e A rm y N a Ij h e av y flie .' ' " tional Gtiard fo fdlr a n o th er seven^ “d j l e f W arrant v e d for ,15 years In It Officer ycaE9.andserve< L avn en cei u tte r disre iard. rcdriiig fromisregaid f o r .- t h e Coast G uar his personal safety, his h I s<£ r a t i o n th e Coast Gu£ ju a rd Reserve in y. to a u ty a n d outsumdli ndlng Qying 1994. Ti I O N irPsmei]tnorial s(;ervice dIraws 1,(000 I£CANT iNTO, Fla. (AP)— About . 1,000 mou noum ers ga d ie red Saturday to is w goodtjyc to thc 9-ycar-old old FioiU a ^ w h o vras aiM uctedf cd f ^ h e r b e d a n d allegedly sla slain .by a sex o ffe n d e r. s ta y ^ glln ln ia h e a rb y h o n ie . Reladvc! tives, n e i ^ b o r s and friendsI Qlied 111 a 'W esl)yterian • church for a m em orial service ic m b er Jessica Marie to remcm rd. Lunsford. Theygas ' gazed a t a p h o to m annier tage o ffo r Ufe: an infiant being ccd by h e r p a re n ts, a . em braced toddlerr playing p: o n a playa child posing groundI swing, sw behind. dthc ie steering w h ee l of a ; Qeiwral Richard C ^ly, , I le i ft, i t u d $ wtth SteptMD Lmrr n m n c e After procar. final sh o t sh o w e d a Pentagon on T he fin tentb^U zaw fU itbsP ) PIilstln g n lth ed 8«rvlc« C r o u a tt the I broadlysm I 's m illn g je s s lc a w e a r in g a fi 2zzy,pij ; pink bucket h a t — die boto seen o n filers post9 samepbot< jss a t r u s C o u n ty after r r u n C cd across Ird-grader’s disappear* .i t I I I o d ie third-i ' anca ways sa id s h e vrauld hom e,” w e p t M ark ; A EQ >siu;n h e r grandm otherrtucked tu h e r into b e d after atten itending ' church. T h e thlrd-gra graders body w a s fo u n d M uch a ^ 19, a b o u t 150 , yards from Dm h er house, n e a r a rr^obile e hhom e w here convicted sex offe offender John E C ouey had been e n stayihg a t th e tim e of o f her abducdon. M edical exam iners sold sold Jcssica. h a d b een .sexi sexually assaulted a n d suQbcated. Hi She w as buried barely rely 100 yards ira m w here Sherill erilf Jeff Dawsy s e t u p his com n and mm center for th e .search.. Hi He revealcd t h c cxpcricncc left him tf lM , shattered. tn ts County Florida ShertfTJeff • “I’m so s o n y I didn't I Vt bring n rsy holds u p a photograph of' P*w ' hcrba ck h o m e to y o u a liv c an dive." ilalii em otional Dawsy (old Jessica’ Jcs: lln & y e a r ^ Je s ilc a LunsfordI s gyh, family. I h s sp e ak s a t her memorial lessica’s father a n dI Dawsy Di irvlce In Lecanto, R a . 0^ called for to u ^ e nning ln die Lun unsfoid, Jessica’s fadier. "And td state's law s against sexun ooial ofahe le d id .’ fenders. C ouey is a repeat 1 cat felon Sl Shew as last seen in February ry previously convlctcd ooff ta sex crim e against a mine In o ran d h a d once d a ln u x l helpli plessness in controlling his u r m ‘T o u a n d ls h o tmIdihave more r i ^ t s d ia n d ie b a d1 ppeople do," Dawsy sold, A uthorides say Couey, C 46, confessed to Ucmai tapping and killing Jessica. He: IIs chojged widi m urder, batter eiy, kidnap^Ing arul sexual bai A ttery o n a child u n d e r 12. Couey, vAio is expected ea tO' enter a plea next m ondi, WU' being h eld w idioutt bbalL ' > T he Rev. WlUlan am LaVerte Coats, d ie Lunsfords d s 'p a s to r at Faidi B apdst Churc irch, offered m ourners h ope dial lat th e comm unlty could recove ver. ' I believe o u r acom m urdty has b e c o m e m oorre closely knit," C o a ts said Jd. -C itrus C ountyisprobablyg y g o in g to b e die safest county in d ie s u te ofFlorida." A private fimeral d for Jessica was field Friday. r, ^ ^ ^ ^nd-hl^iest avmd P ^ Iw StolSfiS: J h r t l o r r t i Sfa » o * sras; Gelebraating 40 r s . . . day Znd April Z Ballooons I tI H Free Drrinhs H t d Avladon AdminTheFederal>< Istratlon aidn d d ie N ational lhinspoxtation£ Ul Safety Board will o y ^ s a ld . lnvesngate. &<^ Z T h e dead v ^ identified a s his Jocober. 51, of o fProvldcncc; ! wife,. Karen. 49; 49; d id r s o n Eric, ^ 15; Grcgg Weir ^ 'eingcrofr, 49; his ^. wife, Down; aan< n d d id r 10-yeariland, said Cari o ld -'Son lo tto i^ .ro rb o d i n te it s in d o -c o r • - . W Phjgciofrr •••..'■"operated • Tt W itnesses said Ibce si laiM hU thcW eld g j& ff^ E nterprises,' a !' glue p lan e sputtered on gro u M nosc-flrst ncai lear a con* C ranston, R.I.J .-b a s c d jew ehy t;< , strucd o n site, less than la n lO m lle s busincssw ith114 140employees. State ColJaco b cr wras. as ptjesldcnt o f from th e airport In1 St l e ^ SjOdTim Boyde, medical lc, 1a Centre O cean G roupp Inc.',-a I S : Coim ty oIQclal w ho't'w w: a s a t th e supply wholcsal salei; and.operatCfl M edport LLC, a i O fQ dals believe Ii d n g m ay nuuiu facttirer T < of. h e a ld i care fl hiiVe contributed to} tb th e c r a s h ,.' ^ r o th t m d otogl ig b u iln e ssa sV lta fi B oydesald. ^ l^ld, Musilie ' i H t i & K fa Q S ■■ H n B B '; ■ :^ B H ‘■ ■ H j vS i: :X l v: s. S; S ^ S; s: %■. Kl •r • A • S p e c i a l o ffl I a tte n d ii p in 9 am ’-6p' I I ling Raw : L 1 lllll ' : fferfor i ■ I I i . ' ■: ♦ Pius M i lieet S o I A E i a C tefO it ltl: ' B ^H ^ ^ ^ ^ B C E Ih iE u c i M M N U rr ii o o r * m M e r y riO U S]T O N (A P)-A 5 pI eople a n d In- A b l a l a c - ' ''199D' i t e 15 hwppw twxllls It s tfiiO a t' Jured.'iM rc thturn ai o th o s a t - th o rp flnQciy w i t b d e d . • thoT b o sC lty 'te rc]fin e n C ''. i b y d deaiOjr expioslpai D n th isp a st ...O fficials ^ lid d U .could take :-wedc W ^ caused In1ppaa rrb y i n - ^ ' Q ibnths to find id td ie cause o f d i e : .adequatesaletyprocedi seditresand' ■explosion, a tI ,th t c':i.200-actD 'lo c k o ftrs ln lii& s c a ujrddlln g to a n p lan t r i m Ffou b i u ^ '. A b o i i t 70 'W o ifc e rs a n d SM O ]re g yents-ofthe i m a m l r e p o rt.' " ; ' : i h e com pany th a t h1 m s th o . o r e a v ^ msd. an d Ove peo- . |e f i r ^ 'I s adopting; rr edf b n n s t o 'r c m d h ;ecdd '. In ..cridca]-! iprevei^t a leoccuxreno ''' m c o o f th e c o n d itio n S a tuurtlay.'’'nl I n i^ ild iA c c p i d ^ t to o ]B n 'a n a ly s li o f '• l ^ t c m b e r a c d d e nitt 'It .!<wowoikenweiisfiitall) c aD y b u m e d ^ t h e S ^ l Z p csildeiiii'threeplp» ^ <|qr'a q u a y o fS O O -d m repdH ng-a' w a ^ H 'a M tn o k e loose H .'an d sTwft’Vi BP s p oj uu ss v r a m a n r p u n i p v d i e n ba '» G o z z l a s a i d S auid n d d aj(. ■ <v'ios w o f . i h e ’maOi'dcofettivtidgD.'' d M B P .P U G 'p p d t tc r if tthb e confix ' b e tw e e n > tn o Ba fiatw e^ .The seal ■ ■’d e n t l j f l i ^ r t ; ' Int id'.i&e ri^cleaM o f . B IlU a^ > lb o .'..l^ u re -C a U !m '. 'v .S ep tem b e r a c d d e nit: t:dd u r in g J i - h l g h ' p r e s s u r oi'\y^tiei;< faiunodl> d e ^ y , th e ' c o u it bcailDg.W bdnea l.tiyveiqpdhested - ^ lam lSl c ' , WBteTiflnd ' sam e d a y d ie oaddnSi Kofceri'''^.'.'.'';: ‘ -V.*- H eaceviaax. iefittenit^'rei ■ jess ■ Spa DeiimoB s s e s i llam-HNoon . L'l t |t » j , ‘ £S mistakes at rr e I Report dtei 2s : . I I inPennsylIvania i c r a s h in l (A ; B E tI£ F O N m Pa. 0 P)— A .sm all p lan e carrying t\ o fiimlg tw lies to a coQcge l o Tossc i^ ^ e dlling all sbc (Clashed Satuxday. idllit p c ^ I o aboard, authoril lorldcssaidL T he tw o fainlllcss h a d b een rid a a n d b n v a c a tio n in Rlo ori Stato Uni>veie g oin g to Permi St verslty to w atch pilo jilo t Je& ey i a c o b ^ s o n p lay in In lacrosse-' ' ES V I S ix d ie!iin small p plane I V; S S. ., uiill bej I H I H ! S i 2 B H S B B H ■ Hull i v. iM |M fl® B B ^ B V ,' { o o u y s 3 IS ■ lii - ,, W4 € OFF;] ■.cauMiaa. ■ B H B M T lli m w .T W ta H b .kkM W » H a tt)ilb R ll2 7 ,2 0 0 8 N a t i o xonpurpofise Expei Jrts: Don’t Igiyelddsc]chickenpox n C hicago Tribune 5 * _______________ ^ p . LOSANGELES LES - W hen Carrie M y e rs S m ithtl fo fi u n d o u t h er b r o th e r ’s fivbrc e chlld rcn had ch ick e n p o x she sh e q u id d y gatho r M h e r fo ur U ds arid rushed h ouso to exo v e rto h e r s lbbling'^ lin p e s o th e m t oithediscasc. (he ' S h e is n o tailonc. lo n W hile th o intentional ioti expo-' s u r c o f c h iid rcn e nto t d ilc k en p o c is ( h e e xception n nra th e r th a n (he ru le, it d o c s turn' tu m p ca according to th e N atio nUll al Partnership 1 for I nv* ifevAiiaBiBM KWTC.CBCU 1 w anted to give th e restrooi room tii« {ro « tM t look I cotild.’ 1 Ic6 ftstlM ) ow nar Psul M jg ogh h ad an of W eit Covina, Calif. geuAMfacMitaM flush fuels A royal fl br gas staf profits fo l.’ a ay » 8 erv - _______ U » A n t a l e t T lm w theyVe never seen ar it.’ she said. “O ncc.tl year-old gixl ^vas s a oathroom. Her mot! escort h e r in.” la n y th ln g lik e It’s n o t surprisinj th o u g h , a 5restroom is m et with sc a r e d o f o u r Gas station restroo lo th e r h a d (0 torious for their stei walls an d fbdurcs, a iin g t h a t (h e oidcr” s i ^ taped to ith d lsb cU c L InC ailiom la.m aln -0 0 m s a rc n o restrooms Is u p to { ite n c h . g rim y operaiors. State lav of only th a t statio n s 1 t o d ie d o o rs. 1990 n e a r busy roa a ln te n a n c c o f d u d e “d e a n a n d 0 g a s s ta tio n ' publlcrcstroom sthat la w s r e q u ir e sible to th e disabled. is b u ilt a f te r But even restroor ro a d w a y s in nancc experts try to a An internationali d i s a n ita ry " h a ta r c a c c c s deaning Industry p n in 2003 revealed that: } o m -m a in te o f them considered s o a v o id th e m tion restroom s “uni su rv ey of unsanitary." ' p ro fe ssio n a ls Elizabeth H anym lat 3 6 p c rc e n t editor for th e Automi scrhcc sta o f S outhem Callfon K Ofcourse. that's all custom lom ers 'a r e looking fo r w hen they,'h h iu n y ••ia But they em erge marvel rveling ; e t Ihe 10-foot-wide room. 'I t ’s th e b e s tr e s tio o m lVVecver ec : sc c n r s a id W e s tC o v in a m olotorist tQ : Jo se M o n te s. "Vou feel UkcsyouYe yoi • ric h w iie n y o u l e in diere." . Station d e r k Cathy Vasq asqucz ■said th e “Wowl* factor w aas a -jd aU y o c cu ire D c e. ' ‘ P e o p le c o m c saying o u t say EHsi Disease C o i ^ and P icv e n dooaa munlcated easily th r tm ^^ s a l l )m th e fo r vo. pass a whlsde fron vari mricelln, the dlnlcal t e n n for diQdren Uiy Infected child to oth er chi :hlckenpax; Infects virtually chli [nesugte s atthe p aity .'th e m ag a zim jv o y p o sonln(hoU nited States evo ■ents to x e g este d It also told parer byo jy adulthood. A fieraslng^ dose nentbeo)iitlth e vacdne; 97 percent o f In* m ake a record c f th e ever requlre s e s . cau se m any schools re fimi ants a n d diildren betw een ages h loxn* itl* . p roof o f im munity to cnil 1I an oi d 12 devdop suiDdent antl> sto ll d •. wvttpfliTiflMngtttw n tm m ttr tftf n pox before adm ittlnga d M bod e d her th h eedisease, the CDC re p o rts .: fo u r of '' ’ITh e r e a p p m to b e m a i^ teeaa- - ' fiunity in 2001, a ^ o Q fb son id r - b er m M re n contracted th ed lsx m wby panmta expose their. r .S a n Q iDy' ea se iT te y w cre ag c se ,?,! you rouM dfiildren to a potentially tih, 3 a t tho dme. cthaTdisease. For M yra Smith, TheyallgotarEaDygoot vvhc vho tiyes in la n d a tt N i i . It wraass atco concern that th e v&cdne m i z^ hi tt . of It and were pretty d d ; hedmfe i . ■s a id 1 did It because a t the ni6tprovldeUlelongbnmuiiit)( ot vacdne 2 n i they d k b lt know If th e va 1 * ^ t I did w a ^ u st g e t (hem Ink o o d .,1 togt ogethcr to play, had them d rin k lostedthrouf^ioutadulthoo Hem get ike Idtlvm ildtB iherhavethci froE rom th e sam e ^ a ss - stu ff like ex- a good case of diem.* that hat,” sho said in an c-tnoil exa n n .a c r dhi a n g e about the e x p o suire re ■ HowevecDSvidNeuman ib d o n 4 l ccutlve dlrecttr o f (he steo tepsfihetook. !»ir Rirmcrship for Immuniz] iw thcrlng rruigazinc last year Mo ICX sides with most experts innadvist offc iffcrcd "U ps for a Q ilckcnpax mtional ing parents a^iinst intent Part ’arty." i m - eqxKUte "The varicclla virus Is com U n ite d S tates a l m o s t ex p erts ad> te n tio m u c x p o su "T he idea th at I Ifl I J LO S A N G E L E S - T h e king kin o f Is riraal th e lu x u iy lo o ru le s h is r e a lm w ith a be n e v o le n t h oain d A n y b o ^ c a n 'a s c e n dd Paul 1 rovlded M o ^ io d a n 's th r o n e - pro vl th e y a r c th e r e to d o b usinness. es: ‘l l c s t r o o m fo r g a s c u sto n ers tom o n ly ” r e a d s ( h e s l ^ o u tsid e the lide . b p tI le n t,p u b lic p o w d e r roo oorm a t M o ^ ia d a n 's C h e v ro n statloi itlo n in : W est C ovin a. I n o n e r a w h e n m a n y service ser s ta tio n s c a n b a re ly k e ep ti their . r e s t r o o m s o p e n , m u d i less ! : d e a n , M o g h ^ d a n 's Is a s i ^ight t for lourst* ; s o ic e y e s, n o t to m e n tio n ou in g b la d d e r s . ' A c h a n d e lie r sp a rk le s} 01 over* ' h e a d f io m a rec esse d cceiling, e il floral S c u lp tu r e d a r t a n d a fl< itening o n a n g e m e m a d o r n giisten fau x tr a v e r tin e w alls. O m latesiia tc v e r c o l u m n s r is e fro m tn th e Ita lia n a tc s la te Qoor to su ppportapo w id e m a r b l e la v ato ry a n d1 reach re; (0 a so f n t th a t h id e s a p a irloofi r c : c e s s e d s p o d ig h ts . G old-pla •plated • w a te r G xrures a rc a tta c h ?d w tto a T '^ c e f u l ov a l sink." A m id th e o p u le n c e , o n ebareebj ■.ly n o d c e s t h e s(andard>i& l-issue '- l o l l e t i n t h e c o m c r. m, a g ro u p th at fe nCT o f vacdneSi ad o n s have-even c o n hour to organ<3xparties.” • taU iw th is route p ro m o te s sa fe u achlckim poxvac^ m e pub llcad c n available in tbe ofCensd^adviccon s sincc 1995, and Ize "chickenpox I ogainst inP aren ts art!advise ta) osurc. c v e n t h o u ^that a d th e disease is d n e h as b e e n a b c ttc rthhianthevacdnolswrong,'’ a: .Qiristopher Rizzo, a p e s a ld D tC diatridan a n in QevelandL "It (chlcfcenp njMDdcankillyoa'’ It is notknow ot nhow m anyparcnts dec e d d e to expose tneir children, n, b u t experts say th e n um berr o( f people bdng vacdn a te d blyy tIu} age of 2 has risen stcadOy an ai d th e num ber of peop le d y l^ igoforbdnghospltauzcd i w ith scvvcre a cases of chlaxnpox hasd cdlinedsham in ly 'B y the licageof2about& 5per* c c n to f children di are vacdnated." R hzosaid lid, Accord: rding to the National F a rtn e ship i^ for Intniunization therc wc were 65 deaths from chlckcnp< ipox in th e United States betw een n 1999 an d 2001, th e m ost re:ccnt a period .for wWch , statisticss are < available. Between td' 1994, a period before 1990 and' d ie v a c d nr e was available, therc wcrc 145 < 5 deaths. tiing to the.Centers for Accordi ^ ■ p i l j p ^ ■ 9 9 3 3 L in d e a n a n d wa)5 rhagazinc. said som e 'g itn ly " restro /m a n , tra v e l Rancho Cucam onga t im o b lle Q u b du. She said she eve b r ^ 's W e s t - _ with extra Kleenex j J d sh e 'd s e e n towclcttes for Umes > troom s from room sw crcoutoftoil ja to K a tm a n 'It'ssu ch a treat, a t sv c n trav e le d find a bathroom the X a n d m o is t an d w ell-supplied," "Coming across !S onw h e n restto ile t p a p e r. would m ake my day, a b ie s s in a to trip. It m akes you feel th a t is d e a n hope for Amcrica wh 1 " s h e s a id .. ta w that m uch prld o n e Ukc h is restroom." lay, m a k e m y e e ilik e th c r e s v ^ c n p c o p lc irid e in th e ir _ ^^^^^^H ^ P i : n e t r ( ! 1 6 5 O v e r ia n d A vc re. • B u rie y • 6 7r8 8 -S 8 6 9 BQ lOMBARDIER ATI •V, *^ wS w w .b o m b a rd lo r-a tv x o m & ________ 2 1 1 E I3 = ¥ i i u C S f t g wv S a S g — Itb Nc 1 Y< Savee U p T o0: Interest • o n a l l M e r c h a n d i ssee i n E v e r y D e p a H tmm I f V flT V * e n to a c ^ ^ ^ ■' I d ^ % )% - 6 0 ' In appreciation t< lley Area, we guaa r a n t e e t h a t - 4I(for this "Big Eye every item 3' 0 % fe n t" !l to the Magic Valle APPLIANI .IHNGRQOM 1 will'be reduced f 1 HoQxnnt 16 Cu. R Refiige 9 l L e a t l » S o t B s i{tr.V279M »._.*(i99P^4H( l U g . S 6 9 9 S 5 . ......... 'Carpbt^ ^ ... 9 | L n tb o r Lorescats a ts ...... (H oQ ioiht 18 Cu. a Refrige |.J 6 4 9 ^ RttOaera .... . . * 4 3 9 B 2 D f B w e rb I qo ......... t i l V i S S Ss a v p : ' S er Finished C hests........... _ . V p9 H L c t t t e ]^*Z-Boy Redlm ' t r Finished C hests............. f S 9 A 20 n Iy 'K o tp o im W a sh b r& D S tan d s....- ........: Reg.S869S5 Pair.:.......... j > F i i i o ^ ^ t Extra L s ^ Wash Rig. i499SS.................... H ead bo ard s RQflM ^ 1 0 9 : : Z bnlyG E PD rtaidelK ifaw ast ............ ! : : ! ”J ___ ’3 4 9 1 3 9 9 | ^ : IUg,$399SS............ ...... Z . : ’2 6 9 | f e J J I lf c tp o to 'D r y a r ’-.v o ^ ----------------O tbf(w rxoeiccfi i ‘ - ■ Oak CUna Hutch 9^ 1 lB p q p o tstS d f* O e aiiiig R a s l^.S559SS.................... j8 } .M 9 ......* 2 9 9 B 3 ™ n ’s ta Reg.S4i9>f5.................... i ^ J ^ W o c x t a oi l R l o d e rs ▲ ^ K ^ ■ G lU tr R o ♦fnitm w I s S to M a t ^ Seta----- . Ire M a ttT M S ets |1 4 9 ............! 1 S 99 v \ear ^ oac I s i z t M o M Sets' . . . : . . . ^ 2 4 9 k o w o n lv ’3 8 9 j ; , ^ o » . v ’2 2 9 Jp 2 • T Fttcc 0 ^ Dining : ^ K p c s e An OnlyA■FwEiaiinilral Fl d it a ilidd & th e r Clocks »259M 5 eiw /M a m u tt i.............. i . . * 1 7 9 P H v |n i i |U ; JTAiNMENT 3 _ — ^---------' ' ' ' .. --- . - . ’tJ '.iXl I to n d q ^ lte c b 2 7 ,2008 ,2 0 T tsM M * t,1 M iM l,h W io lo N Hlundreds gigather for C a pJGHTIN[ A VICIOI)USCYC1LE ------ T he bleak young; lives li of many Nat ative Americans: suii I and poverty uicide, depression; . 1. REDlAKEpM IniLttP)—-T H he i r . - , ------- 77 ^— .1 ‘ _j l . .obituary In th e sm all tow !Own jM p e r was beanbiealdn^ Chas hase. - A lSm 'B ekaTLussler.boniD Dec. ei .23,1989. died M aith 21 a t Rfi Rad J JUilcB SchooL A fitcshma m an i ■3^410 p u y e d basketball aon nd Bl j j p u N s K -'-'I W < ‘iDvcu com puter games. \ ® s A >1 Sbc paragraphs down, besid s id e thw pnotograph o f a chubbj c h e t t ^ sm ilb g boy, cam e thi -sentence: "He spen t his rimt» tim Ijugdlng lilie betw een his fiunO m ily o n d h isso n .’ • A Coiher a t IS. Dead th h re e • j3 r !m onths later. Shot with e!ight i^ W :\ o thers by an alienated, despon pon' . d e n t upperclassm an wfaA aIt th the le n d o f his 10 -m lnute w al walk I 't h r o u g Rei) 1 ^ H i # Schoo looL I l- ^ ^ L tu rn e d o n e o f h li eu n s1 ooin I I H H :hiniaclt ! Tbo J is in L . jth e lr s e f is e l e m e ^ h i ^ glight ti •theproW em s that Amei toer{lean - .tttnaaets':-havB<* beei x e n ,. ^ q u i ^ ',etm eda 8 l a greate • n u m b ^ . th m m o st adolea }les£ T O te 'v ‘ suidde;- v io le a a Jteniicssion sndpicgDancK 2 ; ^ themsehres, the nunJTcr M r ' a ir y Cbesteman pauses Brican Indian Center a t m while peiformlng a pipe ceremor mony wtth stndoirts st ths Ameri Z tf th e Red t»Va TnHiat^ Reset ^ t S t Cloud State Unlventt n lty bl S t Cloud. Mlmt.. Tuesday. «ponse to Monday's y. Tl The cerenioDy wat held In resp 3 ^ n are staggering. A sta 3f 56 ih o o tlflp a t the Red lall feise killed nine people before tai lake, Minn.. Klfh School. Jeff Weis( taking his own life. jgurveyconductedlostyearofSi •alnth-giaders showed th att 881 S e ic e n t o f the girls, and 43 per j s e n t o f th e boys, h a d consldero e red J ^ «7 a t io i E T SC iting fimers^ chool shoot LAKE, M inn. (AP) — shooting him selt w ith Ith'' th e bang o f a d ru m a n d a .A th W fu n to L for 15-y►-yeai ^ •p itc h e d w all th e Qrst fri1- o ld C hase Lussier. w ass .also highrals n e ra l . began . ^ tu r d a y for }r planned Saturday a t S t Mi M ar^ victiii rtims o f (he shbatings o n thle e Catholic Q u o th , R cdd lLake Indian Reservation in in ' 'V/hHe.lnyestiga^rs say /tii4 I w hrich ld iO people d ie d d o n t know .w S se’s moth^ live, a Ahlo n cm an V sad c^ g av e w ay A ly ' long trail oC loiaTict post to songs so an d m ore 'drum m ing from rm a d r d e o f a d o z e n jn e n j, h u n d re d s ^ d fr^ l^ ^ ' a n d soon I w h10o hod : gathered Ih th e com1- ' h e had b c ^ taking the anti iti-dem uni Linity centcr began d in g p ast st pressant Prozac sincc a sui uidde a pail scare last sum m ec ' lair o f open caskets. D a Daryl Lussler. 58, a tribal i)0y* d tKe Family m em bers told llcc Veisc's e (oiBccr. and h is longtune te New York Tim es that We sed to m panionM icheiloSlgana.3r, r, dose w as recently increase com [ •were :re the first victims in M on1- 60 milligrams a d ^ . d a//s anack by his grandson. Jeff if *1 c a n t h d p b ut think it was Wris< rise, 16. tve set too m uch, that It m ust havt Mc IS him , off," a n aunt, I bammy n More than 100 police oEBcos er Lussier, told th e papec atteni ended the scrvice for a n d sSigana. along w ith Gov. Tim mmdn Outsklc the Red Lake conu PawU > nicy cenu?. w h k ^ shares q wlenty an d Sen. N orm Colem ain n . Every sea t In Ihe n T S le w ith th e Red Lake Banc C hippevt^ Seven d a n s Cas com m i unity centcr wastakerL lasina Ir an decoonic sign ajmesc Afti After kilUng th e p a ir in thcir hom< sends 1- sage: "Red Lake Natkin se m e o n the n o rth c m M inso ta reservation. Wclse w ent nesoi I&miIt h(^c!tcondoIcnccstoaI]& to RRed o Lake High School vAiere ntW e tc ly membexs o f t r o ^ event h e killed kil five students, a teacher :r are one in our sorrow and in our d a security guard before •e love;" <uid r i fc S S S “Expect2 t F u n R e s ^t r a t i o n ^ DawnFIneday, S N eariy h a lf th e girls said sail f l j l l right, wfth daush^ S ie y U actually tried toldD th'em* em te r Natasha, both ^ IW en ^ percent o f boy rto id th e sam e — nun^}er from Leech iake, ben A b o u t triple the rate statewide. de. w w pM they ' ** " N o t C o v e re d O p ■ *I ^ m h a v e a n explonotioi watch an esgle fly 4 o r that.” said Brenda O iild lild.. ovsr during a tradi­ 9who American Indiai N o t S p r a y e d O hrer;n dian _ ^ • tional prayer p j ^ j y a t th e University o f M ln . *nesota a n d grew u p o n thi th e Mrvlce outside B u t F u l l y R e s t to o i red ' •reservation. H er couslni 1414 the North Cotmtry “ {year-old Ryan Auglnosb. w as a Regional Hospital }shot In tb e chest during 1616 t o i t s P r e - L o s s.V \ a iu c ^ ^ li ■ -{I In BemldJI, Min­ iyear*oId JdT Weise’s - m airc r c lh -it “ -Ron Reese, Owner through th e campus. nesota on She d oesift w ant view'th thie Tuesday. Ree-Consttuction shootings t h r o u # th e p ilsnni oof NativeAmerlcan tro u b le. 1[see sei lall: HDIiinlerStiikCT,Call ! it a s a problem o f a young m n aain Iw ho w as deeply d e p re s s e s ' shi sh e o th e r students a c ro ss9 the th state. K fS H K ^ ^ B •sold. 'Sodfy. th a t can h appei that pen N ationwide figuresashow sh sB«i .aiiyw here N ative A m e ric a n teenagers te 23 ' S h B II I H ere, w here th e Red Laki jiKO co m m it su id d e a t thre hree times {band o f Chippewa has lived REE-CONSTWUCnOW d ilin th e national rate; a re invohredin inv ’ -IIsolation o n m ore than 830,O ,0C 0X0 alcohol-related arrests Its ai t twice locrcs in n o rth ern M lnnesoti so ta th e n adonal average,I on and die in Wefuttlilii^ right. " Isince 1689, such things a te no n o t alcohol-related In d dlents c n a t 17 [openly discusscd. tim es th e n ational overs vrage.-'ew3 T h c y a ie th ird 'U # eicsstin i te c n Ith e pregnandes, b e h in d, Hispanics Hi ‘rioor o f their reseivatlon to thi th e anoblacks. Drying eyes o f tdevisioncainezB: BBj . * M y m o th e rm o v edduu so ffth e • d biari^rtcrsvirhow anttoknO H “OW reservation w h e n I w as very ' ■ ftrh y Welse shot his grandfiuha J io i young. A nd I a m v c iy ly jglad ahe TM n tribal policem an evcryonf o n e d id th a t" says Bill La' Lawrence. . * '- v A n ew a s "baah.” the man^ publisher o f th e Nathre hre Ameri4 u le n d . an d then diove to the th e c a n P ress-O jlbw e Ni News, a m t h ^ sdiool entnm ce behindIthe the 5,000-;drculatron weekh ck ly n e w sn n e d o f his gm ndM ierb p ot lia o paperlnB em ldjL (cruiser, weai& g his gunbdt ^and om T h e kids th ere co n e from I toting a shotgun. Hc openediflre Ore d r u ^ alcohol, b ro k emfirniUies, nf l a t th e front door, by the loru or»e abuse," h e says s a ^ /’. ‘l " b grow I nietal detecto t u p u n d e r these d r tumstances ^ • m b a l ciders have said little ttie. Is a trem endous ordeaL e a L A n d to ____ - [a s-hove residents. Som e stuitu-, c o n s id e r' s u id d e ~niea le a n s'y o u jd cn ta have been m ore open, th ln k th e re ls n o o th e rw T w ayout" L— I » la re h 3 1 ,2 0 0 5 d e s a ib b ig Weise a s a ^deeLawrence Is a m em be R « ll.k .H I 8h S c:hool l,» students, from left, Sondra I {pressed, friendless boy vdio AO a m . to 4 :3 0 p j a TnVff hnnf^nt^HhniiT iley Monison weep together folio I talked o f shooting i>eopI& , ■vadon, h e H«ptrom and Ahiley a n d friends o n reservat a Hegstrom, M ^ i O n V\%b site p o « tl m V i ^ Monday, at their school In Red sa y s.‘Only th e m o s t d ite f d s tu - Ihooting ranpage,>, M ho jd e so ib c d him self as ^ o t h di nng j llowlng a deadly i B d e n ts cim overcom e this jiis s ti^ A I b u t your average Nathfe-Ameil- lo t o f U ds d o n t g o to schooL b isin d ch o m es.TThis idUke,M lnn. | n h j has wors- got a new {con Sto n er” a n d d eso ib ed bl3 bis A bout 50 pcrccn t don't Jn't gradu- ened lately, WalUs Is sa said, bccausc w om an d ld n tiile'o n th e reservation os ‘eveiy to maicc their said ‘Q th cwr cirlfriend. The * »y a t a How do y o u g o3 o n after many \\<io left to 3am about: Come leai m a n lb n i# tm a r e . This place liiledtogct way In the outside th a tT lh e y te n o tq u a lifle side worid are And guess Iwl n t like the boy. "She | m e v er c h a n m and It never wilL” •w ind Energy 101 now ictum lnginlai] Ilaige num bers he's IM ng wi ^ a io b o r go to college."” :r h e goes, o r I g a ’ ^ VWse h a d not always I h ^Ion on ,^gfpr^^ ^ H f i W^ {llq haslivcdat hn« alter filin g to S nd n d ia ny kind o f he's suffering w h o had to go? Now m ent in Idaho .Wind Resource Assessme r e ie reservation. H e antved oftei A er tlie reservatloaoir a n d o0 a s in c c woric bccausc they e y 1h a v e n o c x T h c b o y g nw ith his c o u sb s a n d | *V\ ects and N st IMotaring ^ father com m itted su idi d e •Small-Scale Wind Projecl i951.TbVfelIis.theproblc blcm shoc periencc or training ing. iliereservatic '’ft" , , I «W 9}>ur years ago. His mother, r< a& com e from grinding, d dium d an■ W henyouputal ita lo to fa d u its was pulledgrew o a n ^ In d a ss at . Residential and Inigaf gation Applications for fte a v y drinker, w as severely In* In- izing, relentless poverty y and chlloxcn togetl >gcther in o n e an d sen t totio p n , 6h c ^ d , a n d h e rerPioIects •CommunityWind Power Qured in a n alcohol-ielated auto ;o 8succeed h c u s e jo u g et bcdl “ to "TheyYe n o t a b le to j c d l m ” V M is C hildren aI o u t his relatives ft a c d d e n t The boy had nowhere kere in sdiooL If so m ethtiing in hap- said. " I n c c h ild re t nn ;get n o rest, despite th(public e schooL ojects • f, PURIWWind Power Proie Use to g a p e n s , o r s o m e o n e d i b , o r they get no sleep, ep. argum ents cultural bnpi . a n d teenagers herc, ^ Wind ProjectsI b) by Rural Electric ‘ Som e o n the reservation ^say Ihered b een a n a c d ddent, e r they break out betw een le n the adults inward, h avee isolation a n d th e •■Building P M sisehad bcen'seeingapralie9< ildpal Electric UtJIKles ^ d o ift com e regularly. Som Soi e stay and they com e to0 sc and Munid] school carry- th e In te rn iportancc et o f turning , Cooperatlvos p bional 'taking m edication Io n a t h o m e b ccausc th ey :y 1h ave to Ingallthis." s atd ilte T yve only to sign o n to ® • Show Me th e M oney - 1Incontives and Rnandng ig (or h is depression, v^ilch Is evi­ baby-sit th eir siblings ;s to r they Wallis has n o t losi lost hope, a n d people, h i ept o r m m o ti th e B C d ent o n Intem et pwtlngs^ s u d i have t6 help o u t" . . she is careful inLch choosing h er w m h a v c tlu to sec that other g • 'nie 3 workshop is free, but space ice is I limited, so pre-register earlv!Ias th is on£; v4iere under a secA nother b ro b le m Iss housing, h words to describe le L life here for If you’ve placcs not th a t far ra tibn/dtled “A U ttle About Mft” te sh e s a id T neie arenrt 't c< n o u # young people.‘Ilove love these peo- loved, h owhings c they d ont. S -n h e t y i ^ ‘ 16 years o f accunm sservatlon, - pie M tn oil m y heart nu*- p la c c sto liv e o n th e rc se i call tho Ida' E nerm cart." she says, self?" sh e as] e never really been For9 further InformaUon o r to pro-foglster, pr» Tjy 1^ rage sufliessed by nothing i n g s o fam ilies a n d cousii 0M34-SAVE. isln s a n d Then she tells the the story o f a make- som etl ' c a n w u love your:)ivlslon | Qt 208-287-4891 o r 1-«0(V: m o rc th a n b rief ^ p s e s ^ o i children Uve c ro w d ed1 ti together sixth-grade b oy wh whoso father self?" asks. How can you g m Form m a s m m m B m s m s ■ hp^ w y d i have ml b u t fiuled ething out o f your| Divi t r; I . IP WindIPowerlVorfcsfioF I S for j l I Electric Cooperatives, es isandlnterestedPartie! Buriey Inn Overiand Ave. Buriey. (dalK - 'O n Ih ursd ay , outside th e h o sp ital In BemldJI, a sm all tow n 32 m iles so u th o f Ihe reservation.' Andrew A u ^ u ts h there u visit h b 'w d js d M g / W u r D n^ l e a M W aI b a d said about: o u r & e s ( ^ ^ ' ' h e s a id .‘It% like iny d th e r plaice.*. ■• >' I t o M ltmesota novey o f Red te d ; ' i f | B b k s students said they assault* Lilt*’'; 2d othCT d as m ates and u se d gtorff i^lcobol^snd drugi t llan^ d m H o m e iv . ^ p r l ^ j u dmysleqiaiMieaI . ■ ^ t h m ^ ^ 9 ||S ly. Hunks Idaho g a tp n jn y . ^ ^ p o s f i c SSleq»Caiteri” rhe|tline8-New8; i fow otxlcMto llao|o.vut«yy V ' ■■. n io ^ 1 0 q% 'P urehais«R«fln»e«; ■■■^•.v>.;''v;v‘'pHAAwW£ \im o iG n im .-fM C n m t3 n 6 m VWh ktk a m ;. •Horn*'CQttlty Lln* M AMlatwN* - RMfelnU. C o n in n mcM Ooiakuakn •IWHln«ni>aiiiHan*< i\ c 2a 0 8 V : ■■’ ■'■ > n w iw 4 itfirfn iffn ^ McdlQ xflcore* Medicaid • P i f v o t t ^ •BfueC ■ f u o s itc e n \e r ,D n c i J J a h o ^ i^ n 7 3 : ^ 2 2 ; M« • ■ t- I tore able to do the5'i Phone ^ 7 3 6 > 7 6 « .. I ; . ■ 5 2 8 ^ a^i ioa s g i a i : y i M •? J y i p M ■' . '-■] ■ Mo « aD d n H itd l3 7 ,2 0 0 S 2005 GMC ENVOY XL 4X4 1 ^ iiM ■ •M M *o •%! •3rdS«l W30 ■ ■R W l;$ a « : ' SMAin;^IIUYl •00 •hrrStab ■& •95., ^ ^ ■ '• b a r A k ' '■■ \ i « 2006 HONDA\ ■' EWCAB DGELINE4X4CRB RiDt Miwi ® fm U A :R • IIN& }RiVE ^ )A TOD iY J - 2005CHEVROI )LET VENTURE LS il$24470, ‘ .wi-k ' Retail.; LRTbilYI .pww^.^*II • t T u r ' ' . SMAR •WCruisi. • J |g j 2005 CHEVROLEI 2 2500 LS CREWCAIB -,0 * 0 . " •■' :: ,', R«toil$43 ^380^ «W •*lK* . . SMART! rewri '*10 ?SMi«TW Ti:"'.v' |9 9 l ^ ^^ W r RYSLER 2004 CHR\ W ICA -■■■ ^ h i s « s v '■ • i « a i i . . r.J:Retail J 2 5 9 4 S : SMARTBUn .rS PirWUI •IM SkIi . S* W W a, r M b i k . A B ’l 9995 ' Vm ^ /fait..., = I& !RBiail$32325 ■'j':;:'’' . / ^ p ^$ 3 6 9J 9 5 ^ I • :} ; ^SBE h StodlTOa -h rS M t •P « rW 4 4 i •M u fai M 2003 IN FFINITI , ■G-35 gm^------1 ■ v ^ S h d n iff 2005 CHEVROLEI CAVALIER . -■ ^ 2000 JEEP GR RA AND CHEROK^JE UD4X4 L ', J Retail').!, $ 2 2 ? :Ks«t, : a - i s i ^J^UYl .17360 ' ■' ^ Ritall$17 *0 *iUr " , rBuVi SM A R T t % •Spoihr J % f f i > IR : £ k :8U *TA/Cnhi. '9 9 5 ?95 iS . M d ET 22001 CHEVROLe 500 QUAD CAB 4} 4X4 .WU. R'tail *22 rBUY. : u r ::S?S, . SMARTE *(0 S n e ^ N ■ . 2002 CHRYSLE 300M IJ20885 .l«*„ ' RetallJ RTBUYi SMAR' I •Smol \ . £ 2001 HOr ONDA 1X4 CR-V4X X ,* R ^ l $18820 .r& SMARTBUYI $169W 5 \ 1 ■ 1 ^ * 1 1 1 /^ *0) 2001 MERCEDES VIL430 4X4 SPOR? RT m l 27850 Retail $2^ • K ^ SMARTB * ii “ ^$229 ■ ■ ' ■ ■ ^9951 §4 : ^ 2003 FORD 50 CREWCAB 4X441ARIAT F35C ■ I ■ < s Q " h •PwrlM -M ■ ■ ODGE , . 2005 DOI 500 SLT CREW INCAB 4X4 I ^ ‘> I b « H f l It . m e ■ IJ3 7 4 7 J c u A ir . JM A RR^UYI ^ •■ s $ 3 i< 995 s n _ i _ _ |_ - ||! i«n m W .4 200.1 CHRY lYSLE^ RtTD. PT CRUISER I ■ Jialall'41<970 •W U CH SMARTBUYI ■ iiiH1 2 ^ 5 1 m # 2 f m 8tndijiMirdi27,2001 200s . N a t io n ' ' ' li ' ' ' — .— - A 1T he HOIT-TICKET TITEM tlnw M e«f.1M nW lf.l<W io0 M )t p r o p o s a l m o d e s t Do doctors respectt a patient's modesty? c FOR YOUNGEBRKIDS:: Cell phoimes M o n d a iy y iin I m a g e ^ •CHICAGO (AR— I h e r e Were Wei , m m m im m gim m m gm Patty two things ll-y ear> o ld Pati W Iegner really, realty, re l c oally wanted for Ctulstnias. O n e!w was a ftiny, p l a y ^ d o g ttia fs now ner B r in g I n y o u r d e m a i a l u m i n u m c a mn s I ^ P t tty W Iegner f" iD fOUng her parents’ tio m e with wit i l t s wtth h e r do g | the sound o f baiktng. I h e ottii Bingo t t h e r Vat■ gift mokes a different k inId d oi f rice, R a ., hom e I noise — it h as a rin g to n e! tliat thi m im ics tap p e r 50 C e n t'ss htilt, ta lh ln g w lth a I r R e c e iv e song'CaiufyShop.** Mend o n M arch ! ^ Vmile som e m i ^ t quesdo s don 1 6 . BoveivyM r | why someone so y o u n g mn id i^ t d d P a t t y n n t a d . ■ tihs ij| need one, a n d so m e sd e nntis ju it tw o th ln g a • have c3q)rcsscd h e o ld i ccor o n -. Jn ccms, Patty is one o f m iinyrklds Idc Jm l for C hristm as | her age vm o ore asldng the their > a cellular phone . parents for c d i p h o n es. A nd ii id ta■ F jflV an d a dog. S ha I c rea sin g , theyfe g e ttin g then hem. 1 ^ J’'*' g o t b oth ba r I , I t ’s cool a n d popular. Patt Patty, r ' - ’ ' Fla., . . a sixth'grader in Volrico, He ■ w U hea. ! nting says o f her reason fo r w ontir can the mobile phone. "And II ca talk to my Gdcnds a n d toUcto n: y om k tUsWeekODly ' I s e a rd ic a n b e d oon n ee on potendal Florida w ho lose d aughter got th e ■ dad and mom." health risks to growing m young dog a n d cd] £ll p hone last Ctirist* I m wasH er m om. Lisa W lcgner. wa; pn I bodies from th cidcctromagnedc dc< mas. But sh she says tliat, so far, ■ n’t endicly tiirilled w ith th c idea idc ^ ■ 1 rad iadonthatphon hones em it Fatty has I Ih a n dled hav tag a ' I i but gave in bccausc sh e |IV(»q Ulu ’ \ Cofoigrifnr. ta ti l l s . country fitry, Rosemarie phoneveiy^ yw dL H conk n o M ^ h e r d aughter c a n coi r H o m liiiL -M ln b S p g !H H | Young, p r e s e n itt of ofth e National . H er d a uj^^ t c r thinks so, too; Uld," tact her if sh e n eed s t a 'And IffQ Sil9nb12loea 1^1 Association o f Elcmi iemcmaiySdiod "I. a s a pere m om says, “I w anted to b e abl :i5on,” Patty says ta a ccU phones arc grow n-up titone, "am very rc* I H Prindpals, says cel . to b e bl touch w ith h e r ta a gU H m ore often a n issue isuc in schools in sourcefulwji w idim ym tautcs.” emergency.” higher-tacom e nel Som e paren ts h a v e bee where students and a n d § ^ p a ic n ts ■ p rom pted to odd th e ir kidsS b< lS S ijS H B K B ^cfM can afford them. in le s' . cause their wireless com panit them n{^y, she says, B jlH But tacreastaj^; offer “faijiilyplans," giving thei ncc had all-out schools tlmt oncc lU tes gM H ^ a spcdHed num b er o f mtautc H U bansonccU phoncf jnesarcallcTwing SN^ each to d ia t w ith one a n o th e r eac ts st students keep ^ ■ 0 diem , a s long as m onth. them tu rn ed offrduringclass. dui ^ B •' anles Now, a fewr odier com pani( *I don't have a1 pn problem widi It' . ■ D B H j B ^BE x ore pushing thc tre n d fu rth eerrbt y ifporcnts ore dearc sir about die use U for creating spedflc p ro d u c tss f{ tt lg, who's also a n f1 of it.” soys Young, \ ‘tweens,” a p o p u lad o n o f pn ool prindpal in II d e m entary school teens os young a s a g e 8 tlu id tm hodteachIJ m Louisviflc,Ky.andh som e consider thc ruaa b ift ui die m CIS wtio'vc tiad to conflscate c oBm. tapped maricet o f cell p lio r ***I ocxasional c d i pho phone fiom kids users. /thetules. Firefly Mobile, o n e c o m pany p ar I by Matte) whoclon'tfoDowthc mtWltaa8»pmU.ilby lennifcrH artsteii 5tein,achildand that's developed a ceil phon . t6oBtilHMyS«m«ll J • • coiiuiar---------ad o lesc en t -psycl sychologist - at ■■product fo r y o u n g e r u se r “ t "f phon>lsiho>ti>. M ontcflore Mecua ■cflcal Center ta found t ^ t about 10 p erccn < anire:lt's die B ro n x N.Y, agrees agr d iat par'I t shows if you're m ma tweens m its focus g ro u p sI hhaad hone," says en ts n e e d to stioi idck widi limits m ore a privilege to get a phot phones, b u t that m a n y moi th m J la c e o n u ssing in j die phones. p any Stephanie Bcaird. a I2-year-oId 12-' w anted them . T h e com pan r., w “T he problem1 is, I'm n ot sure also Idcntifled parent taterest i estln ta Northridge, Calif., i ho rch one after pa ren ts are dotag }tag d u t,” says lUow cendy got a cell phoi a product th at w o u ld allo' kids, beggmg her p arentss for ft m orc H artsteta. w ho0 has a few them to keep tabs o n th e ir kid younger clients witl wldi cell phones. illtag th an a year. * ^ a t ttie m arket vras telllr /a s p a rtiy a Stie still thinkssccDph^ie3.can cc! Getting a p h o n e was us is that there's a n e e d for: kids kit BOARD CERTIFIED pocl report l » a good idea, dcpc » p lc reward for a very goo< lependingondie to stay in touch w ith th e peop: itterofcon- k id "^But I also kind lem,” c ard — but also a matte: ^^4lo are im portant to them dnd of laugh d u t CA LI APPOINtME o _ C ew wherc I was w M f c■i t T O D A Y F O R YfOUB Stephanie's m y parents knew Movenlencc for Stej says Robin Abrams, Firefly' M( vei parents. whoVc usedd ltil to fin d w h e n ld id h ttia rveaccflphoncilbile's CEO. ■ jd by nor w hen picking tier i from says H a rtstd a i®6's in riCT 30s. cr up ' “ I h e Rrefly phone, c rcatcd 1: IENT tingeventi' rW henIw as8or9,^ school and after sportini r9,w ebajdyhod a father tri Illinois a n d ^)cing lines." * Alex answering machine )nths , Seventh-grader shave T liat thoughtt is not lost on other ChmidcwsU% parents hi even ' to come, is smaller tlio n othi tiim Lisa W Iegner, ddie cafled his p hone to track tn ie m other ta cell phones, oUcnving it to Qt I m orc easily in a kid's t ^ d It tu has dow n while shopptag ing ta die samestore.Thel3-ycar-< simpler buttons, in d u d ln g ones om ar-oldfrom Dad* Irvinc,Cali£.gothisphoi that speed dial "Mom” o r “Dac conh cw asl2,andalsocarrii — an d rives parents m o rc cot iie m tiim \Nhen h e rides liis troi oy i^ving . thei n school something h ed c password-protected acccsss for f< I ^ u s e there is no buss p ro^am nun g thc n u m b e rss tlu tli ! tk fy r tS in -i ' If you have a phone phone can <ml a n d calls itt can ca also people v ie w li a s you'n recelva T he Firefly p h o n e ols has n o games o r capabilities » ff(o r ., Alexsoys. “But I doh'tt iust it use it {B xU uaiidn C E S , tu n c -' fo r callingiHends a nidstuffUke ai text messaging a p o p u la r funi t a n d f te rH ve,,.. . ;6 M « U a < i''l ___ d on \vith teens th a t wtom me jjves m e a j that." h e a d d i “It gjvc I __________ cm senses itfsccurl ty o r safe parents dislike becau se h: ca olexjT"-' i ' p M fO K rO M tt get expensive— an d dlsuactini rting. It^olreadycommonfc inics, paitsofE uropeandA sis Meanwhile, Tiger Electronic c d i phones, t h o u ^ Bdi a subsidiary of H asbro In cc,, is taking anoth er ta c k w ithh Us ii dais have been m ore c inst giving | 26aFallsAve. !3i !301£.I6thSt.' dlos, recom m endtag agains CHATNOW tw o-w ay radio 111m TVvinFalls . . which aDow com m unication )n — them to children until r ore re____________________ jages Indudlng sending tex t message I . and photos— wiQiin a tw o •mile - i^ r a n ^ And toym akcr M a ttd coimng out with its o w n Barbl« them ed prepaid c d i p h one. ether It remains to be s e e n w hethi p a tie n ts , m e d ic a id & offering N o w a c c e p t i n g new nc options Uko these w ill tw a tilt h vnth their W g e t age group. :ten d ed e v e n in g h o u rs & a t 2 8 4 Ma n e is Some U ds say a n y phone better than n o phone. B ut o th a S M a tth e w D.I. IGeske 73 735.0090 ■ T w in Fall soy dicy tiiink tn ey te o ld enoug hojjg Ucenirt ainical Profcij 'ujlonal Counselor m atthe tthewgeike.com vlartin S treet to tiondlc a stancmrd ccQ phon — a n d abide by th e lim its the d id r | | H n i l p l ! l l l | M M ills, ID 8 3 3 0 1 ming parents place on calling duiin expensive weekday houre. 1 0 I 0 I IT 1 I I 0 f l- rI i I Maicti28'ltin»i9liA|)rll2‘ I r lotViUniitninei ff i T l\w l\ . 7o6NoitliCto .. Specializing 5 in: ICollegeRoad isancePark__ _ ^dult & Pediatric Ad rhroat Diseases 8 Ear Nose&Th & Surgery liS -W O L rfiPi l:TKe Ga ia in i^ !! P r e f ei R ] RED C i !h ild In c c F a m i l yY S e r v i c '1 1 0 1 ;7 3 4 -2 9 0 0 678-T6d0! 6' H opes S f lu rti i » “ wekomes th the-addition-of- |L Jamil. ^ MS,R^. Stroud, (N,FNPc i E o c h i n sranee u ^ company has a pre-detemi :rmined fee schedule (tho amount u n td ie y .. wiUrelmburs liirse a medicalofflce) for M RIscans, I« open o r ‘tmdidonQl.’' An \nopen o V ■ MRI costs1no m o n than a "traditional", tube tub type of MRI. Tb be confident I hnt m ttaw .your iosunmcc co nipany tny ^will pay, consult them' in adva mbursemcnt I v o i ^ of your scan for tlieir rdm bt SffiL xomes your imflvidual preference ce os i die potienr. open or d o s ^ MHl rate. Then the c h o in .bccoc ', ' , ; m ‘ ^ vv;,-. ^ , ; J■V''- N ow iherer»acom f< ciotoninl^ c h o i « ( W ; : - p i n n a c l [JE e b o t h p'^ ai t i w t e ^ t t i e l c 'd ^ o r ^ ' V ' IM A G IN[G G 7 0 8 Ny.C ;C o U e ie Ili‘liiTW niW I» \ ‘ ; C E 'N ^ T E 'R nfl/iing s t Henaissuii^OlIlca Pan)' j p ^ B e ttis A p p & ■■ f-. . 7 lily practice and ^ a mnii will be pro v id in g familj m ental al hea lth ev a lu atio n s for fo children an d m ily practice and adults. s. She h as p ro v id e d fami •ight years. She is ■p rim airy r care m edicine for eig] in e com ponent to v e i y excited o to a d d a medidn< C hild & . th e mei lental heallh services a t Preferred Pt ee n active in th e ly Services. S he h a s beei ■ Ffmiiiy rs , as well as servng profession f o r M years, nursing rse Practitibneis of in g as} a president fo r th e N urse Id a h o)/U / sodation- |H . WAMedltfiid ''aria^:'■.■,pK ,: J a o u ■ i£ no'w a c c e p to g n<iw' is h y C onnection clients,, £as weOi^'as an y ' < 0 ^ •••Health] r insurances. ' Tbsched tftfute ony appoUttmenis, call, 7 3 3 - 7 1 8 6 ; l3 H . MO Ttm w M m ,T W hM b,UUi<ito 8<nti]i; Mireh 2 7 ,200S N atio n AV^ORLD c Missfles,s,iiiicrob)es,sacke4edweapom sites IIraq govii^ernmeiiiIt Loose end ■ds close to fformatioon C proliferate e j^ r ^ , ■' '' I U.S. Msrines nm fuse cordi a s they prepare to destroy an AtSamoud missile on a roadside, Thursday, April 17,2003, on th« city limits of Kut, 100 miles south cf B agdad. Some of tbe missiles have tam ed ■ ijp missing. Iho BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) - The 5^11 3iiitc M uslim p o lity a n likelyyto to Al-Jaalari c au d o n c d 1i against : nishingtheprocess,sayir / i n z 'W ; ' . ^e ster need to rcm em bcr th a it t 1th e e ra • 3e Iraq’s n ext prim e minister isdlQer- : ng- ofdem ocradc dialogue is said Saturday th e counayls longsale govem m cht could be e n t from th c .c r a . : .c.o f th e : aiwaiced w >m- dictatorship pracdces.” ' 'ormed w ithin days, a n accom­ “T here are various g groups, ’ plishment th a t would m ark the By Charles J. Hanley . ;nd of neariy tw o m onths of tor- a n d w ete keen that d ie: pf r o c c s ^ m ent b ^ I tun d ie o f forming th e govenun iured negoU adons after the T ha A ssoclBted P re sa ers. "But n quick." h e told reporter lation's first free d ecdons In a I natl w e te also keen th a t-th i hlsbinW J' lisslles Dozens o f bollisiic miss I ^ialf<entury. sn ecd ed t ver, hasalilh 'crcq u lrcn icn tst Iraqi p o lid d a n s, however, are missing In Iraq. Vials oofdanfd nirc forsuccess." arclave be en reporting they wcrc I hav gerous m icrobcs th. Iraqis ore showing i n aicTcasing re si sites, aear a dea l for a t least a month. • unaccounicd for. Sensitive I nea on- slgnsoffnistrationovertl ‘th e slo w ' ndgut* oncc undcrU.N. seal, stands I hInsurgents, meanwhile, conle d paccofprogicss. naking inucd efforts to thw art political I v iM dm ted today, their arms-maii SatO n e io p lc d io th a sh d dId u p n e s ,o gear hauled ofT bv looters, oirb y ________________________ ^progress b y blowing up a car Sateffort to trol godadons h as b een a n cl arms-makcrs. i r d ^ n e a r a U.S. tnilTtary patrol eri- m d u deS unrd Arabs, th eei m inorivsthat All the world now knows l ^ d a d , killing two Ameritaiy4ndustrial ^namBsoldiers itening two ity th a t held pow err tm der Iraq had no threaten a n d w ounding nvo h e CiibiIt ni v o j |y |l g 6 |* g W ® lory Saddam Hussein, In the "WMD’ program s. But ithcrs. A d a y earlier, die military 5 looted eg an D Q B H B U K years alter U.S. team s bbc; iaid. a U.S. M arine died in ac- n e t, al-Iaafari said. !Sunnis sale spoctorssayatloastOO oons of their futile h u n t for \v-eapon io n in A n b a r province, die largely boycotted d ie JJan. 30 ro Iraqi fadlitlBS have inj, believed q h as m ass destruction. Iraq ling d e m o n s, an d they arc b< nsurgent heartland stretching otod. But they dont know a p e of B t l P M g y ja t M n e o fth e something else: a Iw dscapi Ior- to m ake u p th e backbone io m w est o f B a g d a d to the lor/COSOS what weapons or ruined niiiitary plants and an d of insurgency, lanlan a n d Syrian borders. laklng gear havo been ^Morc th a n 1,520 m emberss ooff , “V ifediinkdiatdicexcq unansw ered q u e stio n ss ai n d m tlally )rcccdcd loose ends, so m e potent! een circiunstances th a t prc iie U.S. m ilitary have been the lethal, on Associated Press led die d ecdons stood In (he le w a y o f dUed In Iraq since the U5.-led (raqi mflftaiyview o f oQicial reporting sho shows. S S ig p ISO- th e full p a rd d p a d o n ; (o f o u r . according to a n Assortal sites tnvasion. e nspecThe chief UJ^. a rm s insp Surmi Arab brodiers," sold s ol± 1^ Press c o u n t ina -Si ers are tor told AP th at outsiders ncm bers Saturday’s de ath s cam e as six Jaafori. who m et w idi me possibly lothol matorlal at seeing only a “silver" o f th e tr less o fth e U .S .d d e g a d o n .aiss d id In­ n e m b o s o f th e U.S. Congress micai woopona complex inside Iraq. D em etrius Perri sr Ayad net with Iraqi poliddans onn a te rim Prim e M inister reports that satellite im ages ADawl nisslon to assess progress to" mis dicate at least 90 sites In the ical Rep. David Dreier. RR-Colif., vard building a new political mi \var co m Iraqi m ilitary-industrial1 c( Equtpmoni ont to prodoco Ingrodionla and d ie visit h a t p n d s« i Allow] during di ind sectirity a p p a ra tiu that farchomlc nicai weapons was lootod ^vot plex have been pillowed. die J.S. saying h e has h d p e d b3ulld u vould allow a n eventual U.S. ol jgji lar facility In Tuwaltha, 30 milesI southeast sot ■The U.S. te a m sp a m t asim similar The Tuwaltha Nuclear i base for Iraq's b udding: dem d ocvlAdrawal from Iraq. Wljj picture. “There is n othingg bbiu t a Baghdad, jfaq, as seer xly racy. 2003. file photo. up to 369SSamoud missiios Ibrahim al-Jaafari. the likely een from the air In this June 5,200 concrete slab a t locations wh jniod(or;tholrdostnictJon nex oubtcrs," be“^ e r e were m any dou lext prim e minister, said he praent long under U.N. monitoring m HleNnocliIonoqulpmi once stood plants o r labor: ty U.S. invasion jicvi isly Mr. levcd a n ag ree m e n t o n th thee h e said. “But obviousi u p 5s d d stolen from here. ries," the Iraq Survey G roup Allawi was no t o f these doi lotibters, jovcm m ent wos Im m inent IS gow TUwnltha in its final re p o rt ent a n d h e is one w iio w ass iable to Ddslon oquipmont for “( “God willing, th e government lises the prospect Hlgh-prod Icnce on the confirmed, raise: Inside specifically die silen But that report from in; h c d id so woopons ot main nudoor cou die portend d ie future, an d he :ould w itness its birth in the ^1. a£n IncapacJtato f th e m ustard. Q aqaa explosives— —a CIA offiIraq, th o u ^ 966 pages thhick, id is c prosumod stolon coir w idi great success." am lng few days," he said. Dcus and goal ing blisteringagent, oge f i g Into It hhard cial replied. “O ur focu at times thin o n relevant ty’s ' Also Saturday, a seniolior Iraqi M em bers o f th e country’s military complox N' heeanti-U.S. InsurOaqaamI not conventh e hands o fih a n c r id 'v as lo flndV M D , nc Information an d silent In c d a l said lew 2 75-m em ber N adonal As- Defense M inistry officic new Although som e Fato of eoopiocosofchomlcai BOi ' The official gency in Iraq. A cally im portant areas. )ric Iraqi u o o p s backcd b; by U.S. ;cmbly, c h o se n In historic ont unloiown and almost scrr p onslosepotency oquipmonl ndition of chem ical weapor sp o k e on cond lust (lays after th e r e p oartrt'was uspccted tlccdons Jan. 30, vrcre swomi ln in forccs detained 121 susj elcc ard rem ains viable 400 tonsjofhigh-grodooxplosivos o quickly, mustard am ple, anonymity. Issued last fall, fo r exami [St- Insurgents a n d uncovt ivercd a th e parliam ent's llistmls^rvg' dluring ur edal adviser for years. ' f h & j ..........L e d -b y X lA sp e d ------- ne;vs leaked that to n s o f hJ B ut- 'm assive w eapons cachcc d u rin g ' ' :vcr scssIon M a rc h ' 16.' But ................................. evc] id stray d iem ical HakBm' , the Iraq SurPerricos said • b e e n CharlesA.Duelfer.thi grade explosives h a d b( )St- a joint raid n e a r Musay; lyylb, 40 iffidois h av e repeatedly postmicrobial sood stocKs y have Vials ot mi edited Bush ordnance m ay hi lain im noim the vey G roup discredi footed a year earlier from a se c o n d session aass m ilc s s o u d io f B a ^ d a d ng at this dofunct bio-______ p)oned or iql am m u n itio n , originoting tlce d in Iraqi ali s o f a n Iraqi com plocat Qaqaa. Ittv ra s a ad m ln isu a tio n dlaim T h e offidal said die op<iperadon desi lesultory talks have dragged oonn weapons3cconlor unaccountod for ind u m p s w:n henthe invasion Vs ca r Iraqi WMD threatbydcterm by oicm iai b o o n to Iraq's net tu rned u p hundreds orfKalashH jver die division o f top Cabinet ____________________ ovej to begort Ing th at Baghdad's>programs pr ombers, b u t th e U.S. docudo itUmtodNaUona; AP nOS: uid nlkovriflesandrocket-prc iropelled losts a m o n g Iraq's rcU^ous and mlcjJ and bi~Wc don’t Ijiow kno' If they have build n u dear. chemli ^oroiESR. m ent did n o t rep otrt this i grenades, os well os c arr bombs, b idmlcCToups. they d e a n e d u p ,lfth c have visited, ological w eapons5 vwere sh u t dangerous loss. Itor m achine guns, roeiets, 1m ortar 1 , Jawad al-Moliki, a ncgodator ider U.N. Infor example,the them unitions de- m ay have ody o f dow n in 1991 undei rc been taken. Similarly, the m ain bod> aqi rounds and odicr munide dons, rom d ie Sliiite-Ied U nited Iraqi pots," he said ooft f the Iraq Survey Iraq's spectlo rt the U.S. report discussess Ir o rSomc o f die suspecteded guerAllii Uiionce, sold m em bers of pardiscrepandes Group. 't n o te But paperw ork dis( Samoud 2s, b u t doesn't eet rillas planned to attack ± Shiite iament ha v e agreed to meet - lian s Qnal Q 3Q 33_ T)m past proTlie group's Q report acic rn that many o f these ballistic r ls- an d stray pieces fronaiding to I \ie s ^ , b u t it w as undeorr if Muslims w ho will be hcai cs d ie 377 to n s o f high- T\ie a a t h a t 'o n t y a . Braldes iUery shells to knowledges, ninf fa LC Only gram s — from anlllei siles haven't b e e n found. n te l uon. w h o se Uiej hey w oidd choose a president - a n annual rclidous c d lebm q‘s total m tm ldons ( ^ d e iexplosives, fta “reslduc fractlonoflraq'st left via an annex table does th thee rc- test tu b e s — have lc der in th e n n U ty d ty o fK a rbt a: la , th e ' apected to b e Kurdish leader id entified a n d exdisappear as th e latest Inventorewasidc iy as3 6 o f uncertainty," as port disclose (hat a s m any a; • official sa id 1C U 5 . teams, this Kuge alalThlobani Af rounds" — that cdbyUie_ report p u t i t ploited far CW n U.N. inspectors' repi Samouds m ay b e u naccoounted ur uih o f Baghdad held 1 for ch em ical ske souji is. checked I le ll U.S.* O n top o f tlia t the• dlMrtlcrroIdl for in the afterm ath o f tlie ids o f pieces o f equipled invasion w ea p o n s In pan, pa r at least, this thousandj low ing the U.S.-lcd le d invasion. or m aking explosives, K ;e d epots w crc m e n t for JUS m aterial w as because 6-foot- ex posed dangerous Seventy-five o f tlie 26-fc -■-* after th e missile ppropellant a n d o th e r , previously stripped by looters loo lisslles a n d equ ip m en t, i long, liquid-fueled m iss products. Th'e U.N. innent ^vas brought military p: U.N. u n d e r U.N. seal, toI tlieft. til Iraqi govcmmen were destroyed u n d e r• U i worry that 800 pieces 0 ‘ spectotsv tlahs arc only dow n in April2003. 20C ar, beSam ouds and Fatal oversight before tJie war, lalized chem ical equip•• More than aa year yt later, in the o f speda^ :eeded tlie biggest items oJnn tJie i “unaccause th w too often exceei U.N. N etherlands and and Iordan, U.N. m ent. Ilong u n d e r Tiile— counted-for" lis t The Thi smallest the 150-kilometer — 93*milt A n Associated Press p: photogLebanon (AP) -- AA ring, have bee n taken. . BBRUT. ^ u nd the first cvi- ■ monitorin al growth for Inspeaors found lisslles arc bits o f bacterial { range allov\x‘d for Iraqi miss a o t least bot bomb se t o fla ja g in g inferno3 in ro p h ero t th e sccne said! at had _ s. dencc o f what 1 hoppencd: .N. inbiological weapons, unaer tlie 12-ycar-oIu U.N. Inly sbc buildings w ere ablaze 2c i n t h c an Industrial arc a o f a mainly 0 missile e n ^ e s TUWaithl said this More than 40 n ic L U.N. The Iraqis si spectloh regime. Aftor tlic iha aChristian neighborhood of o f Bouchrich industriol z one. or o ne irial was dcsom ehow had rrade their way fed on bio;veapons m ateria d m Satelliteite im ages ahow that inspectors were evacuated Bei o n Saturday, Injuring} at cDghtcrs a t o f Beinit's largestT Flref Beirut o ut o f Iraq and ini i ^ i o n . stroyed years ago. but bu not all Is iintoforelgnscrap m anybuil the eve of tlie U.S. invasi uildingsat Iraq's prem ier ica; d u c c foreign woriccrs. b a td c d desperately to ccontain least octors simply yards, along wwill laining docum ented. Inspect they lost track o f tlie remain i U i f o u J s p ^ j n u d ea r sl: site, south o f B a g d a d , / die h u g e oronge flam es leaping I« Antoine G e b i ^ m ayor of the tlier vlals o f ized vessels from d o n 't know whctlie rom Iraqs Fallujah vvercsyste missiles. stematlcally dism antled, noirtheastern B eirut area ooff from blackened foctorj )ry w in - ____ no — ----- TlieIra(iSurveyGroup,wli uding deadly chemical nlant, v n, which m ado i n - - H l^ -p recdsion c . w hich— seed stock— indud] e quipm ent long- - Bouchrieh. qo, lion' d o w s ." said die explosion num A bactegredlents for joison pois gases. ended its arm s h u n t In Decc lecem - antlirax an d bo tulinui under U.^ I.N .m onltorm evraspreced A military officer soldd a< t least was caused by a bom b placed been used to But “we have ji seen a very yc just surhed stolen, ber, says acom plcie accouni lunting ria — m ay have bee in d u d ln c nc: die b u ilc ^ g s in a n Indus­ rs w ere lus- d iree A slan w orkers near ches that are th in sliver” o;fth thte ta q i m ateriel flow-form o f the Samouds “m ay not n ot be nurture m ore balchc rmlng m achines an d uig area. w ounded. He sold it wvas a diflitrial being boughtt aand t ictors." im accounted for. sold In th e clectron-b possible due to various facto i-bcam welders, key to re o f the sive cult to know d ie nature “It a ppears It is a n explosive hese original Middle East, Perricos Pc said o f building5ccentrifuges to produce Besides the Sam ouds,, u pj to “From bits in thei ch: die Hrc. re." eqiloslon because o f tl charge th a t w as placed dierc," Ite a hundred those Qnds. 34 Ritah missiles — a slir similar vials, y ou can create , nudear-b( •bom bfiid. cel :toricsln ad- He sold som c o f th e factc Gebara told Lebanese Broadlust w ant to In U.N. Securi nirity Council disThe cosrost o f d ie fruidess U.S. but solid-fueled w eapon, — are o thers, a n d w e jus: cas hly flamth e area contained highl] casUngCorp. been traced?" cusslons, Pe also imaccounied for. And dm m o rc know, h a s all dlls bee Perricos h a s \vcaporisIS1h u n t was b o d i finan"They m u st love us - wc goDtlt t it m able m aterial :c Iraq Survey suggested his1 agency ag rctum , to clal an d 1hi than 600 missile e n ^ e ss m r ay Peirlcos asked-The I human. ferA n c ^ Ioslvcs expert sa said Sottwice In a week." he sold refer­ be missing: th e U.S. docum oim ent G roup lists . le the fate o f Iraq to h elp with vith arm s verificaThe IrIraq Survey Group's rfn c h was ie tuday's bom b, which ring to a n c9q>Ioslon in ddie under tion. b u t thice U' nited States budget Is simply doesn't report their elr sta- blow eapons seed stoci^ sto Is(classified, U.S.oQldaIs ^e; rist- placcd bcty/ecn a carf a n d a s." hasn't rcspondci tus. "Unresolved Issues." ided. Iraqi rcprc- have said, Id. But Duclfer’s prededch Duilding containing aa w ood­ iJan M ^ l ^ b o r h o o d ^ Jdddch H unters' findsentotives say t e Inspection cessor, D; , Perricos, In th e AP Interv lerview T he U.S. arm s hur ly th David Kay, told th e AP Iqsi S aturday th a t Injured nine ed about line vrorking factory, weighed last at his New York headquart iarters. ings further d o u di the tl picture agencyshouldb< d b e sh u td o w n . that a ren eport diat S600 million people. A b o m b o n Wednesday day SSpounds. expressed co n cern ab olUt u t th e o n a n o th er item, 155mm m usO ther unknoy nowms In today's w as appft 155 propriated for 2004 was rlstCivU Defense officerssaa n d the killed d u c e people in a Christ­ h a dead-end Iraq invohre som son e of th e m ost correct nThat doesn't In d u d e a missiles. "If they h ave b een ien de- lard-gas shells with {on c o m m e r ^ ccntcr. Red Cross w ere calling; 0o n peoian stroyed, so m eb o d y sho sh o u ld paperw ork trail, sensitive am ong th e 90 o r so reportedi 3$300 million s p e n t o n \ imesses said die blast on o n pic to stay aw ay from th ca rca . W know they’ve been d estrojyyes d o r At least 13,000I shells sl filled ransackedsltes: es: the weop' apons hunt before die the eve o f th e Easter holiday ocOre .and Uie oc­ tearing die spread o f Qj n o t Have th ey g o n e soi so m ew ith m ustard \vere :re destroyed 4^ year, an d addidonal cui 2004 flsca by rore m o rc eim losions c a uused s curred th re e hours beforc where?" he asked. u n d e r U.N. supervls rvision In Ihc M u th a n n a iginlate2004. Cat spending! Catholics w ere to h e a d to0 a lldm m abic m aterials oni m d fiids The worry Is n o t th a t Iraqi raqiln1990s, b u t 550 wi mli hem ical-w eapons Searchlih in g ln th e m ld sto fw a r, in th c la n o rie s. midnight Mass. surgents m l( ^ t field1 th e found. Iraqis told U. Icncc that w asn't there, ccntcr o f Ihee 11980s, 1 a desert for evldcr missiles, he said, b u t that la t ad- tors they were desti Mtroyed m n co m plcxinthcci 3ur lives a m o n g th e _ tcem batded Sunni took fou vanced Sam oud o r Fatahb p arts Cre. N ow die U.S. tea ra, th e O A reports. TWo T M a n V ltv nisov u o e m m b y lo o t* searchcrs, m i ^ t secretly b o o st miss lissile- im p riso n ed Iraqi ol irvtgv^roup meml^OT xendy broke Into a Iraa Surv crsw h o a p p a ren building prognuns clsewhhcr e re in th e m a S p ed al R R ^ iiM n >unker holding old dica and v , S U .N .-scalJK unl the region or b ^ n d . “T"he he cn- G uard u n it retained t exploded while chem ical w capons, po sarln-flUed w h cn abbuilding u gincs can easily o e sold for or ta lot cai rounds, and Itaq Jts, the Iraq Survey theysearc irched i t a n d two m orc o f m oney for th e insurgcn gency." to declare them to l), d one w as w o u n d e d in d ted. It Isn't know n died and hesaid. to rs w h e n th e A I mericans usable b le w arheads re- a n attadc i o n a Duelfcr convoy. " Asked about gaps in ImoqSur* qi invaded. a n d w hdt Hcescapc ped injury. V therwlse un- n i a l n e d l n ^ eb bunker L vey Group re p o rtinIg g — His account, othe I in Iraq E odes in Bein•ut; Bomb exploi ee wounded[ at least three N o t!i c e t o S to c k l i o l d e irs iersinAfglihanistan n kills fourr U5. soldie Explosion m -A KABUL, A f^um lston CAP) land mine oq)lodcd u n ^t aaU1 5 . vehide south o f Kabul onI SaturSa day, killiM four soldiers in th e lerican deadliest incident for Ameri troops In AMuirdstan in alm aln ost lid. ' 10 months, tn e mlUtory said. rd th e The blast highlighted ^ an dangers still facing foreign i d - A ^ I ^ troops m orc th a n three ih hllban, years afler the fall o f thcThlU; flicting' although there w ere conllid e r th e accounts ab o u t \^ilcthe^ iftover . m inew asfreahlylaldorlcftc vars. from A M anistnn's lo n g won e sjn a n A ^bon spok esn o r th e claimed responsibility for a n li. b la st But U.S. spokes^w mn or igators O ndy Moore Investigai suspected the m in e w as a n o ld n trra in c h a ^ dislodged b y recent n ih ld e and anow o r th a t th e vch: h a d w andered In to a n tm i - L killed susp uspected m ilitants m ap p e d mlneaeld. i l i ^ in th e p ast a n d four dvillai “We believe it vms wr a n old d have shiftw eek alone. m in e w hich could 1 A ccortiing to U.S. D eparted,” sh e sa id . m se s ta r tle s , 122 me am ong a m en t o f Defeiuc T h e vicUms were ildlers hav e d ie d n aan d A fw im A m erican soldli group o f American a n forccs Invaded since American o f S c ^ s c o u d n g a .p p oo tentiuslte nge in L o w to o u st th e farm< irmer TUlban govfor a shooting rangt o u th o f m e em m c n tfo rhlarboring a rt al-Q aida Province, 25 rnilesisso vhen one o f m ilitants after :er th e S e p t 11. A f^ ia n capital, whe s o n th e U nited their th ree vehldesihhiitthcm ine, 2001, attacks States. M oore said, tie four dead, M any haveibceii b o killed In acT lie bodies o f the ding strikes o n old s Identified, ddents.Indudin; n o n e o f w hom wnas le h in d b y Soviet he m ain U S. m in es left behi w ere airlifted to the b o re said. tro o p s w.rho ho . o ccu p ied baseatB agram .M oo: .S. troops ore ' A f^um lstnn in n tl the 1980s o r th e A bout 17,000 U.S. )ns in d u d in g th e ttilng a stubA& han fiictlons in A f^ianlstan batUL fou{^t Ttuiban fou{ e ac h o th e r b o m Ih llb an -Ied1 Insurgency Ii etsw lUth and east after th e Soviets \ thdrew . focused o n the soutl M oore sold1 U.S. U troops h ad a n d trBining th e nneew Afghan o f S a tu r-, iUtaty says Its first toured tbliee a army. H ie U.S. millta etationshave da y 's In d d e nntt ab i o u t a w ee k oir a n d ground opera Weeds a l o n ig g canals, laterals an nd : coulees w i l l be bur um ed prior to the start s in search' o f a site for a earlier in of ^ t e r d e l i v e r y . ((Please remove gal ated O training; rrange for. tho A ^ i a n army. !S , or o ther property siphon tubes, p . Gdv. ]M o ham m ed A m an - pipe, H am lni ^Wid the In d d e n t ocon c a n a l n g h t S ' O f-vray.) f '\ T h an k youl i o r O cu ried 1in a d e s e rt area ssed by rougb tracks, crlsscrossi your c o o p e r a t i o n I.. Y "It's anin o ld m ine. 'Ilierels n o tn th e route they took, traOlc on m aintain a s: Observers, please pl safe Russians u se d to u s e it b ut th e Ri because) tlthey were afraid o fth e - J ilistaiice from thee fires f ent. and, equipmei o a d ,' Ham lnl told Tlie ^ m ain rooi Assodatc< tedPresa. Howcvcw aM u U ah H a H m L a d - • ■ ' ■* f i.a m a in n ^ siio .d a lm ato .rae o i: Bjliban, said its f i l t e r s for th e lh! ed tho m in e b y tem ote detonated coiUroL ' | • 'W v ee: sold again a n d a ^ would resum e o u r £ o ly th a t we wi ft-liU iflto Jd A f: ■ w o rln thhesprln e by s a t^aite lt telephone frotn an osedlocadon. ^ undlsdosi z _ T t --------- — ---------------------- - ty Twin FallI s .Ganal Compani Sunday, KiRi) 27,2005 1005 T1m a»Nm ,1W inM t,klato M I l N atioi) N g -L. Sodaal Securiity bill V writer seiees worrjy . owa (AP) - AsBEDFORD, lows ^ it clear afterward that h e tru trusts President Bush!) Grasslcy’s ju d g m e n t 'I thJ diink signed to p u t Pres Ideas in to a blU > , diere’s no easy answer, bu but I Social Security Ida lhat can p*?? Cons diink he’s on top of it," Slrtunc mons Ongiess, Charles G ra s ^ ls .f in d ln ing g little d o m o r said -for it am ong the Iowa is one o f die m ost pel wUtih e people w ho cally engaged states inI lthc inti tfo S e n a te fo r have kept him in ' 25 years. nation. In 2004, 70 pcrccnt n t of n v h a t I n eedi to h e a r people lowans voted, well abovei die i J G0.7 perccnt nationwide parti UTidpect y ou to ffac say is. 'We esqiec ,Ih |, thu,*’ Grassley said in betw een adon ra(& The Iowa caucus uses, town hall meetlnj tc first event o n die presidi idcnrtlngs. n im n o t hearing th a t” I tial primary calendar,e rnakc d ie i lal in At each stop in nanEastorw ar edC' I state inonunatcly Influential m a ia th o n ’o f met pany m eetinra In 19 I determ ining th c major-pa Kynh>. 10, tigM, and Klira W tK tr it M d t v ttii ber’ dantfitflrt dai indSalyn, coundes, the 7l-ye i-year-old chairI candidates for president everycv m a n o f th c Skenna te F inance I four years. Kitn., Thunday, 7 , h front of Um It b o m In O«tanto(nl«, n » to I At each of Grasaley’s stops,: ■ (Committee tries t m ake the s,SoViMi•• d al Scdirity is h i ^ o n a list pension . I a q case th at th e federal fcdi iist of topics diat also in d u d e tra trade, system protecting ting m illions o f 8«n.ChariM Im ( 2 ra u (tr, R-^owa, bold* a grai graph W ednesday ihow ing older Americanssfio &x m p o v e n y is farm policy an d c ducatioaL1ih e fotun m ay bold for Social Sectirt :urtty during a tow n hall m eet• in trouble. mixca message he is getting ing is Indat l(nn. from I" ClJlllli A tw o'w ord question qu not thc one d ie White Hot fouse n o t ensure sol- m ent - 'S o d a lS e c u they a lo ne ewiO ' e n t Scratching a neadyy wanted w hen a w eek earl Randy S im m o na s-' arlicr vericyofthe h e system. trimn m m cd an d graying bcora,I, Bush urged lawmakers to m rity?’' - becomies cs th e c u e for meet tfhen diets arc given pre-typo WASHINGTON (AP) - Who ing is done, Grassley Simrr InutespleLcom If noihinj ped letiO T GrassIeyilO-minui nm ons lingers until the audi-i- with people In th d r statessaan d o f requests to a cd ito is Aimy leseivist Sieve V ^ te r-was wa rs 1to m a te pieie w ith brigh audience. Social Secu- ence rightly colored w a m sh isa t ce has filed o ul of thc d tyy districts, dien return to «ishcalled u p for octivc duty in Iia Iraq theprocess easier, sm in L ]n ^ s o l diarts and rea miso sofc o m p lex tarity will go go broke by 2042. If couni u n d l chambers. ington ready to start exchanir tever diets call him later (oiuic inderstond lost Aiigust. his wife neve Congress w aits ju st one m ore He grabs Grasslcy’s arnu. L. IdeasforaSodalSecurityblil how toqualliyforhelp. th o u ^ t slie would Cue h er own OWl con se n ato r reyear to fix: It. It th e cost wHl b e on- 'D on' lon't raise thc retirem ent age," ?• The Republican House Republicans are skitsl fight to save (he & m il/s hohi lomc V\too]pcrt said m osts t c o m ^ d ie s a half-dozen DbillioTL h e sa m o0 p tio n s b d n g o(her$600t says. 'S om e people want to0 dsh, telling th e senators dicy d nies understand the low froin foredosunt. a w t^ tiy considered, indui iduolng raising 'D o y o ih u l:a v e any questions?” work )rk all Iheir life an d that’s One.i. should mnfcp th e ilrst mo novc. A 6S-year-otd fedcrai lav law, lo follow it, b u t some, pa m e o f u s w ant to retire wtiilee Thatmeanswhateverlegislat] Some age, raising (he heasks. th c retirement age itio n w hldi Congress c q u n d e di lu last smaDcr b a n b a n a c c u t^ g b e i^ ts . 'W here>ddoyouw anttostan7” w eca ?can still enjoy Jl ” Is wiifien will have to s ta n widj vv year, provides a n m ^ o f protec Dtec- companies, arc not as ■eference, saying replies Simi Tunons. a 52-year-oId Gni Graglcy nods. Then he getss Grassley. He says he will cona tlo n sW activated icscrvikslan a nd enea hosayshe back ck o n die road for die not:X vene his com m ittee l!diis Ithe table. He fo* insuranceexecutivcw ea ip by Kevin Wietke, a spo: for Guard m cm beis called up b n planning for retire- town counts b u t says has begun vn m eeting Sirrunons rrukess summer to draft a bill ihe Pentagon. forWfells Rugo Home N! in D es Moines, Iowa, s Those protections indudee a 6i d r - com paiw h o s^lo g tzcc! percent cap^' under certainI dx cumstonces, o n consum er am and teronddism lsscdthefon h ^ spedal mortg&ge interest rate debtt in in* a c d o tt I h e company ha: m ire to consider running forr He was appointed to Oil thlec 'vavcased Kimnedy^ foadmli )N (AP) - It fiiDy showc WASHINGTON tion: procedures In place for fo activc cuired bcforc activatior States Senate. Hec cancy left w hen his father. S &e a thJc United I employees would be th e battl jattlc o f th e dyther. Sen.Edw B ard M. Kennedy, piotccdon from evlcdon o r forcforc d u ty soldiers that its err O PSeruite said [yvc versus Chafee. D-Mass.,InodsforG In Id h e has to. balance thatIt John Chafee, died in 1999. }. He V. ruisdcs: Kennedy d o su n s paym ent defciral1 fo for arc supposed to follow 3 - • h oping the liberal again oinst his desiro to continue to0 won die scat in 2000 with )c m o a a tic Icon candidates ih 57 federal taxes; a n d a stay o n dv: dvil * ^ 1 this isolatedd i incident. T he son o f a Derr )tk o n die H ouse Appropria-I- pcrcenloftiievotc. wotk fa revered Relightning ro n d w ould e n e r ^ rorce h a s shown u s Is thatt tl there are against the so n o ft proceedings, induding divoro iv e s to vote against dons ns (Committee, vrfiere h e cann 3r a n d governor conservaliv He has balded die (30? leadI« and bankruptcy. ways (0 enhance our pro processes,” publican senator Ing federal dollars b a d : to thec ershlp, openly dcdared hec d( id bring W^ictkesald maQcst state. h lta Kdra W elter knew the lawrwas wa in (he nation’s smal ilei% Ih eW elter^casew asi s,evcrygroup state. Ite. Kermedy is conIfK o iniedynm et not vote for President Bush,I, and a supposed to protect a soldlei' jsunusuoL Rep. Patrick Ken ir^ V\tooIpert sa id because Ker iCennedy has been talking andd voted against die president property &om creditors durin; It on that hates: thtle Kcrmedys will Uy >e rmost big sidcring a ru n aagainst Sen. for lendm arefom H iarw lth ^ tin g vMth family m c n w rsi,. key war and b u d ^ t Issues. active m illtaiy scrvice. Butt fo 5S. At ice th e Senate race, meeti Iththelawt lincoln Chafee fort forth eo n ly co n to inOueno ^aigo *X)ne of (he problems months, she said. Wells Eaigi • fricnc ends, staff a n d supporters,!, die same time, he can attr ttract m s is w ith gresslonal sea( u h: e ld by a saldWest. n o t larmlendinginsdtutions, Hom e M o rtg a g C a did no indehile. D em ocrats are a ndd m r ay be readying a poll toD . som e D emocratic a n d ln< in3,assoon Braublicanlnheavl cavflyDemocraM eanwhi vr, nmo a s th e matter goes to cd D( seem to care about (he law, iger to p u t thc power g a^ i ^ h u suppon statevridc. pendent voters wldi his stro trong m d T h e m ere eguallycagi oDectk)n.it d c Rhode Island b ecom esaburcauoatlci matter how m any times shecex> es O ii Chafee, vmo turned 52 Satur-•- suppon for environmentallaan d Icproblem prospect o f such ich a m atch u p of the Kn ^n e d y fomlly o n th e to reverse (he ticnd," V pliilnpdhPT <•»**** y, Jb considered vulnerable. abortion rights issues. Senate b Hot ^ c b l a friendly New_ day, next year has sett to toin g u ^ in m ola iu io fln d " ' yon. - ------- *Wfe h a d workcd so hardri tito — salcL 'SometlmesltlshaK E h ^ a h d sta t a t t Democratic Senown our ow n home, and v•M M e th c right person 10 say am paign Corrunlttee y '£ '^ l l t h i s i t w o u l d b e aaggreat r race. I h e atorlal Cat] serv- because tne rule ap p U ^’ m y husband was over there serv Charles vcnly th a ic h c d “ C hairm1an SerL SV P R IN G C L E A A N I N G H P # 22 " tobe Irt Wfcltcr^ case, she Oj Ing our countiy it was rolng to b *** verslty professor Schum er oolf N ew York already f r o m Ifio e x p e rrtta a « l M a r ry M afcfa 1, o f to follow all the ru le s. : taken awaw” said w ater. 31, tio Patrick Kennedy, ho h as w ritten a hastaDcedu ' D a m U H fa lw h o l sentacopy o fh erh u sb ar Osawalom]e.Kian. lu nger Kennedy, 37, • Don’t Di forget the doors. II comp Kennedy, 37. TOie yoiu ompany is coming, and even if biography o t Ki fore- orders to V ^ ^ Forgo In After V M s Paigo started forc n ly th a t h e has been ting senator a n d will sot onr "Chafee is a sitting they're not, remember to clean san and wash the doors in your T h e com pany claimed dosure proceedinss in F diruuary. ar p ^ p l e I respect and askedbyp< people like him,i , b5 u t h e h a s a n house. Dirty doors can make state never ic ad v ca (e a bad first Impression. Scrub(the tl Kdra \\Cltcr contacted tho stati n am e in a ’D’ attom ey general’s 'o ffic e am and S ie kept calling the :a a :m p a n y “ doors (rom top to bottom wilh; 'ith a rag and soapy water. Reach :h E D H O P U jn H to o q ib in how the iam m embers o f (in g re ss. It wassiu3( no up and wipe down the top edge idge ofthe frame. Ix-tcrm Dcm oc'A f f l t M Itlon three young childrca si until a local television statloi [cd o u t running U U IW J m ortgage pa aired h e r story an d Sen. IPa^ t (o iS i A im y against C l^ e R lc a i . Hobeits, R-Kan.. intervened (hat tha d u rin g h er husband's g S S L S S C a llU ii ?■ 208-73& -722; 23 O ne Ult thing to worry about.’ his Houi the com pany finally backcd ofL oainlnj^ v4ien he h ad to stop , ^StTVittHVm G ^ S m iP & S w f o e r ^■ W T Langcvin. But T8AINING, !’ l w*iw.lo>TTWiTyinakl»-comflcl/1103 03 Lar only working as a foU-timejflrefiriiter fli I h c V ^ te is arc not (he onl 41s r S ^ L a n p d n optedI out ou eariler this :Ung for w c r a at a lim a His ones w ho fiuxd hurdles sceUn; Kennedy is tak|“ “ “ ch sm aller weelc, an d now Kei protection im d e r th e Scrvicc vicc- p a y c h e d s were m uch uy. . ing a sccond look, }k. B H m t h ^ his flrefi^ter salary m em bers Qvil Rdlef A ct hafee race could law every AKermcdy-Chafe *1 mentioned thc I<n IX CoL Bruce Vfoolpeit. a legal Icga lancl into thc na| | s a id ‘A nd thrust Rhode Islanc s l n ^ timft” Vfeltcr sal adviser K> the lO um s I ^ t lIonal o^ istoId*V\b tional political spot Idds e v c ^ single dm e I was t Guard in T tocka. said h e Odd ^ & s gleeIs.”’ Last year, Rj^ul desperate every week &on Erom d o n t know what (hat Is.”' I sclolcTS a n d th d r fiunBIcs tiylnj ^ T u a b l e c o D 'p o i ^ " ■ to understand th d r rights unde the law a n d asking how they™caj 8 ’- 1 0 ' R RED LEAF FRUITL6S! stop creditors from rqx)sscsslnj 1 F L O>W V ERING PLUM cars o r seizing homes. had a toredosurc thattw waa s I actually going to o fm r the ncx I REG . $ 7 9 .9 0 s : S u n d a y , /A p r i l S '" * P R IC E I day," Vtoolpert said. "It was goin) tn S.COUPON____ . M Bb________ .bplralI/21/n__ i S - 1 - N O W w m i THis.c I _____________ — tohqjpcnunlU w ocouldB cncr line: Tuesday, Marc irch 29“' All Deadlii ale the tettera and get them to thi j > T * D E U V E R E D o n t u elESDAYS si conw any an d say, TIcasc stoj , . . t i i K ^ n o t a vaM foredosurc iurc.' I B A R K *• dDe u v e r e d o n t h u r s dd ^a y s Wisdom prevailed an d it wa D i d s e c t i o n w i illll f e a t u r e : ^ 5 i »10~PER D D EU t V ERY • 2 YARD MINIK NIMUM I ' stmppedL“ 7 m mllitaty is quick to let £im Eim- I . SEN IO R a n nzziE N S I .T h e ilies know about thc low as ^ DISCO o f the fomlly suppoi t b r l i ^ 1 d \ EVERY TUESD Uiat soldlcra get b d b rc they an deployed I l G V W h e re A ddisor ^ (he h f ^ is not automatic uuia I E astlan d • IWI Sokliers a n d saOois have to as] I GARDEN CENU for it a n d provide proof o f (hd 3 1^ ilANDSCAPns W G _________ ^ ^ 1 ^ 8 5 1 call-iqL Vwolpert said the sol H ^ 9 \ S face hurdli Soldiers fi to get debbt protectii ;ainst popul ular senatoi>r Keimeedy son eyi^es rim aga IKBOOKS^ 2 m en y *5 M at7 J7 -0 087 maids. l O M EE B U 'Y E R S SS r ------------ -- C* r ] I I ID u E Publishes: I V 10% II “ T , I K nI 518 ~~ s p e c ia l ta b lo i s Perfect Tools for First Fi Time Home Buy uyers iking the transitionn from Renting to Bu ‘ Mak Buying Process derstanding the Mlortgage oi iding a Professionall Home Inspector • Find iding and Working with vi a Realtor* •Find iking Your House aI H Home .-‘'kC'' / nMlH ' n lta Anil J u i i u p ihi S i B u rd lc k ^ ^ l ■ J l/to r r a ~ W ynw oad B S m I , ■ H m to m e r s l.p tr ^ l b q m id T s c h a e rT ^ ^ B f RN l l | ^ I H H H FINANCI MCIAL: ■ NciAL m FINANC jn in ^ ^ H ASSISTED & AS INO I ' hawH W a d ddea. l / S i f t oj e id S t .. B I e n e d ic ts w .tn a o lc v a lle y .c o m ^ J I Log on to www.r h e E x p e rt -; ✓ Click on Ask thtf l u e s t l o n o n ltn d a n d ✓ Submit your quo a local expert w w>ill a n s w e r It f o r H andapeedi ; you.wlth ea se an m u g i t v a rhf f o y . c o m ■ad by Qaintloaa ■aswsrtd I (ocal azports ■■ Vonyou need the Infoimalloj H UABEIES/ D U aA L W H ugssM M m i GSERi ii F o rr m o r e in fo rmlca t i o n , c a l l y o u i s a le s re p r e siee n t a t i v e a t ( 2 0 8 ) 7 3 1! 5 ^ 3 2 6 5 ■ beH m esN itvs ‘ m agt(vaU §y*< om 1 1 ^ w H fe k i2 T k M » ltm ,T M n Mil,k l,]W M 8 in ltK U « eh a7 ,2 C 0 5 W orld L o co m G parliament i t restore or^der ^tries to n Presidential vot« < set for June 26 NEWHCDME ] K y r S 'z p lergency camp th three months afliter tsunami nove out o f eme Survivors me ndoncsia BANDA ACEH. Inde idonesian CAP)— H undreds o f Indoi h ered up tsunam i su iv iv o n gather th eir m eager b c l o n Ings ^ g and tneigcncy tnuni)cd o u t o f a n em ci :dy three com p Sattuday, cxncdy ves wiped m onths after giim t waves . o u t diclr h o m e s ani d klUcd 174,000' a ro u n d th e2 In I d ia n ' O ceanrim . Holding Draycr m ats, tents . noreUtan and bom o f d o ih c s, mon Ishcrmen 1,200 & m c r s a n d flshc from th e village o f Lan traded In dieir te n ts for mi lo s e lu ^ style bonacks or, for those id hhomes. e n o u ^ , flood-dam aged Their move u ndcrscon cored the 'rom th e gradual tra n sitio n fron idonafter emergency relief opctadoi 10 lthe re* th e D cc 26 d isaster (o ' building phase. )ut going. “I’m very h a p p y about I've got rice fields th a t are arc dam* [gme that aged and IVc got to Qgui out,” said M u k h tar IZainal dng down Abidin, w ho w as breaking lacktohis his tent and h e a d in g back hhic i^w ay . hom e along th c 0 d (10. Uv* T h is is w hat I've g o t to Ing here m okes m e sick. 1 don't o n dona* w ant to only d e p e n d on tions." The m agn itu d e-9 tm tmcdersca I's bbiggest earthquake, th e w orld's In 40 years, an d th c h uge Ige itsunacross the m i it sent charging aero Indian O cean a t th e spec peed o f a re than passenger Jet killed mloon 174.000 people a n d left ft ai another 106.000 missing. More th an 1.5 m illion I m people w erc left hom eless 11 countries. e m p lc in At a 300-ycar*old tem Sri Lanka n e a r w h ere thc waves sw ept a s m a n y as train p asse n g e rs to th eir dcatiis, B uddhist m o n iks k s chant< jm ony to ed at an a l l- n l^ t cercmc spirits o f help thc w an d e rin g spii ______ thc d e a d .................... m plcs (0 Parents w ent to tem p &vorite maicc offerings o f th cJ la x i by foods o f c h i l ^ n killed I die tsu n a m i w tatoand “M yson loved soya, pota d di die dish leek cuny. So I prepared nrutillcke and offoed it," M alaC uniu said ofher 19-ycar-oId sx)n. oa planned Spedal prayers w ere! pL i , aa v' U l ^ for rcsldents o f Pcraliya, a m a temd o se to die Janagangaram Ited when pic. v ^ c h was annihilated iv b o rs to waves described b y surviv J IC ' A m a t,H |Jtt,r» . I S S E b S* ^ ffo S iS I^ ■ BISHKEK, Kyigyzstan (A?) UQ— Kyigyzstaiti p sm sin e n t o n SSiota to r e t u ^ scram bled to rcsto o rd er to a countiy g rip pceddb: y ow o f aradety after die ovcrthitjw . d ie president a n d s a id nn<e w ild b1 e presidential elections w ould h e ld June 26. Police saidI diey. di x iters h a d halted ram paging lootc it uup* a lte r two nights o f violent hcavallnthecapitoL - But in a sign o f c o n d nnuing ul m antension, acting leader Kurma b e k Bakiyev c h a n g e d th ti e onferlo cad o n o f his Qrst n ew s confi laying c n c e at thc last m in u te. sayL Idl tash e ha d been dircatened wldi s a s ^ tio n . jedng c t , left, and M u u . * And in Parliament comped: Jiam ^ u p s m et In sep ara te chai aa(iepull*(ila'b«>. ^ resent pers, e a d i claiming to represe , longint* up a hlil j, th e people on the iny to his ' .t jovem m ent-tultt. hom ing Saturday a t a refugee cam p o n th e o u tik lr ta of Banda Aceh, * Indonetla. f ^ t b tfiM n S m sS Jf« * P in A M ^ ic y c iii6 y * i M 2 'blrCatU«faj»?___ O Sea |it ts I lg |2 0 jii j to l B K a U } ^ i 23 709N<iilbIliiciiIaAT9nae a s n ' u e Fhwr ^ w n c .I I « p - ^ 9K — (208): 24-1301 .. lax(208|324-38‘^B ‘B _ a ITLANB m "DOMINA MTED THE 4 0 0 CLASSI" (L T SUSPENSION" "BEST MC "BEST OVERALL HANDLING (AW M agazine) "BESTS "Bl (Dirt m e e h l M n l i ?l MOTOR" RALLY f RAXTE ER m Tl MAX Z t-U P “ te'ijti'to J B '' a m ondi. SdU. die U.N. jfie IsJt to leave thi their camp, Nurdln, left, and his frii e e agcncy pulled out th is p thBlf lont before ma moving to goVemment-fcullt barracJ to build ^saylngjaknrtahadnotap- ? the outskirts of Banda Aceh, Indon refugee camp on the Ki its plans to build n ew s friend h k a , pack up escape, esforsurvtvors. be as big as clepha )hants sm ashed slam m ed racka intc Saturday at a “Tne loncsia on Saturday sent a o astlina tourist rdsorts into Sri Lanka's coa: idonMlj. loTtxpio f ministers, led by Vice . la n d dent if Jusuf Kalla, to explain liya that the enan d Phuket, t^' It was In Pcraliya iS te a co m m u tcr pies th a t into h popular island Piannir tirc Q u een o fth cS ta's reconstrucdon p lans ed away, in th e makeshift orts moi such as Phi Phi Indraw icelm csc leaders. A ceh train w as w ashed ragedy o f (he han d e d bt.at\vo d Buddhist tem - govcmi single w o rst trag ncc bore die bnm t of th e jfth c d ca d w ere rhbnks. im l tsunam LSomcofU have served as lie o thers were Most o fmorgues di( passengers while e government said it will finally were dM gen Jam bcred a top who poured lolim its on coastal develvillagers w h o dan to • lackii diis w eek to - .....................................ca p c ro the train. try in g to (get above die h d p deliver i ent b u t w ould require, th o u sa n d s' die ol foreign troops risingwatcr. J^stes in th c padi of tsunam i L have a hom e, have left, and “Wc m ay n o t hj ild hom es diat could w idiid into the region to capitm 17 anything to enm any ovcrscJ I a disaster and a m eans o f but we \vill do anj er aid — induding sounds [rits o f our dead tipns will be sure th at d ie spiritj le. I ofa Americans — througl letter life,'' said Indonesia. rdatives get a beii [le govem m ent \vili n o t md it is un d ca r how residen ;e, w hose small After s urscas u c aid orgoniza- m a n d e lie to move from dieir Chandra Carnage, ist 38 people. graups would village nearby lost: 3e allowed to stay in a n d too ley choose to stay.” by March 26. InT hailand.wrhcre hc m ore dian %vcrejol ling M inister Sri Mulyani d a s waves pushed d ieisgesdng dc 5.000 perish ed som e aid u p true iwad said. “But It is th e n m cn t's responsibility to iild be forced to leave w ^ tc d 26. the govemment b u t son explain that the placc is erous a n d dien provide ; deadline back by a t others. . w idi escapc hills o r es* ................ ............ routes. t outside die provincial ■> al o f Banda Aceh, th c ds o f ham m ering echoed Igh a coconut grove os ents from Lompaya disJed m akeshift kitchens ook dow n their tents. Most joining die parade of pick* ucks a n d motorbikes tiiat d at d ie camp entrance, ome w ere less willing dion s. Uly OAC ^ least a refugee vn?ek.s. proved hom es Indoi team o Preside Jakarta' to Acc provinc tsunam T he I p u t no % eelvea hdp (nMD hit friondt DiniM* c a y e « .\^ Aitar Akas iB aay'after ~ ^ sap p d re d, on.Thunci protescetBStonnedtfaep spredden*' tiol and govi ' heodquarteislnaswdltn demandiDg b b r e s ! ^ tfielOrcnita k e n te fijg e in R u s^,tf linconflnnedonSatuidc idajc H ie I&emlln press ajean ic e d e - . etalls oiV d in e d to gtro deti Akayev'ekicadonorwhi (henhearJJ Hitaxybase' rived. Russia has a mHlt diere wain e a r Bishkek, a n d dn speculadon Akayevt Inldally > found safety d ie r^ later ta reports dghborlng said h e h a d gone to nelg Kazakhstan, Bakiyev, apparendycalming a: to bices, said placate pro-Akayev ton nity to die alaw gtM dngim m unii [named in ousted p r e s i ^ t renu ot to seek force. He pledged not en found vengeance an d even le m a n h e w ords o fpm lse for die irime mln* had oncc served as prii ister an d later cam ca e to vehemendy oppose. [TE ATV IN 2 0 0 CLASS" LY NEW CONCEPT THAT V i a IN THE (ATV) MARKET* (ATVIIIustraledf "FAVORITE r W i a CR EATE "ATOTAUY I T " (AJVRldetl AN IMPAg ^HALF TRACTOR/HALF AT> ONLY MACHINE W E ^ Tf LONG EXPEDITIONS. EXTR ftTV" BLE & UTERAUY BUUET'PI : TRUSTED ^ B o i CTREMELY FOR LO r*PROOF." REUABLl "C A U SED THE SOEST SPLASH! N O T H IN G WILL EVERBB T H E S A M E I" (AlVRidml SIGH UP] / ^ IW»<ih lo llunl Ihr Irtmli ounvtl <ntl Ihc nov’I.lcnJt «vr Kivr r itt'iimins'Ihf CVk*1p AC:Ic'".MV W- [nlalt Nh<n-rn .SV«lr Prime Rib Sindrtlch NG" nirtiliy-Tucot^TflterTots tm f ^ soccY o pjom iA \ r ro m ja m , iruL)'. AllUxj Cin L>i SpjghctU S rrkUt'-CodSAnchvich i U M f S llV tl S 'i- e i f f I s tS jS B ^ S e t L '” fl g 9 H S E E« 'I Is .ishi. Prime Rib 3pm-9pm W lunljy-PrimeRib 3pm-?pm ^ Sun<i Sun<li)-.Breakfa«A:iDjy g nm, Back lUn Til (>Sil «pm-V|im) M fimtl)' Ttr otvTvd(>oprroni l 8 H ® 5 6 l i E f l l |^ nlxy L'<nv »> !••>’a mral Mtthour uonlcrtul uitll DK Bl I ^ . (ATV IlluslialedI ribttii -r * t) $ ^ J* W *3 ^ I I The Times-^fei ‘■'been dn eSteet? to aflvertise b • gjBHT I ^ a o tu o i H 11 S iUmiAeUtf. 0 -. ^ . 27,2005 Sundiy, March 27,: Tline*Mm.TMnFUi,ldah iaho ~ Kuwaitit i professcio r considei asylum I I. ■Aliberal K U W A rrcrry(A P )-A i of UnlveraltY professor - tfred tir ilts from legal ond veibal assaults fundaincntflllsts w ho, ssoa y h e a iu p h is mocks Islam - has d v e n I c e c h in a flgjit for freedom o f speed com e Incoim tiy he soys has becon m s and fested w ith the 'n r m TOnny.' viruses o f hatred a n d tyrar Ahm ed ol-Baghdami -- sentenced lost week to a suspe ormockone-year prison term for E ing Islam - said h e hass wwritu ai m a E a rhis last newspaper cohmui ild seek lier, h e said h e w ould lu n tiy to asylum In a Western coun mliy a nd protect his life, his &imQ} aa his freedom of expiessloa ftrait liniOn Satuidoy, the Kuwait science versity political sc jsodated professor told Ih fi Asso< R e ss h s also ivas consid ch ias leless dxasdc opdons, such tiie m e n t or spending7 a year abroad, which w ould b^ ee aI s i e r onhim andhlsfim iily. "Writing an d IhdngI in ix the possible, shadow or fear is Impos all." d a n d dignity Is above all his B aghdadi wrote In his finol colum n Saturday. lavebroHe said legal banles hovi his p e n Ich for an d there was nothingg le h im b ut to summder. o nn came Al-Baghdadi's d e c isio ' lls Court a w eek after the Appeals I InpMnm convicted him ofm oddng: ispendcd an d handed down a suspe ice, overone-year prison sentence, turning a n acquittal by/ a l: o ^ jn to c o u rt It also ordered h im t pay Jl would a 56.825 deposit, w hich v . ■■_b e forfeited if he.com units m il th e . th e next sam e offense within thc Oireeyears. P o p te r e s t s bb e f o r e f^ th f u L ' id ln o l Joseph G e rm a n Cardi }se papal aide, R atdnger. a close ihree-hour long celebrated th e thn ;t. PeteA Basinm editation in St, 1 00.1110 M ass w ent n i ^ t a s th e faithfi) celeb rate th e res r,th C hrist o n Easter, t e m o stJo y o u s e v e n t o f th e church calendar, In a m essagi Ratzinger a t th e service, John. Paul crow d h e w as w Mass o n televlsior c a n a p a rtm e n t -- I n a i ^ g l y the w ay th e 84-yi p o rtid p a te s in c h u H e asked th e m to pray t o t the w o rid sees a n th a t th ro u g h Jesi d e a th a n d re s uttni ^ o n . that vvhlch w as destroy th at vrtiich w as oli an d th a t everytli returns m ore beautiful tth^ before to i t s o r i { ^ in tegrir TW 1 j . j As cxpected, John Jo Paul did n o t a p p e a r via vidi faithm l a s h e dl( n i ^ t , d u rin g th h e Way o f iho C r o b pro cessio n a t Rom es [on torch-lit Colosseur 5“ “ . reremony, John E^UXlng th a t CCT Paul w as se e n In his private c h a p e l w atch intg g tth e two-hour p ro c essio n o n1 ai television sc re e n u n d c m eeaaith th e altar, T he im ages o f thi t h e pope were Dashed periodicall; jiU yongtantTV screens t o th c crov Towds gathered a t th e C olosseum m for th e com- ^ = * o f r o rR A-13 LD UJV. agenc icy appeals 1for | more foodI for N. Konrea IE a s t e r Cardinalsstands | H | | ^M ass ih forvigi ROME (AP) -- A top \^ tican cardinal sto o d inn f£b r ^ p e j o h n th e Easter Paul n d u rin g the M ass o n Satum oy io m a lengthy ailing p o n tiff froi allowing him to c c n m o n y a n d aOc rrS rest u p for Easter S u n d ^ ,w h e n 2d to bless the h e w as expected W BEIJING - Tlie U.N. Wori v^orid ' Food Program is launching el new a p m ^ for food donaUor for North Korea, on agency ofl tb e bet ter Whcnasked"wouIditb d a l said Saturday, warning' ^tii;t i n g l l ' if the waD between castland ai west I dwindling supplies arc forcing stiil stoodT some 12 pKrcent a of n ^ V ||||| tocuto ffa id to ch ild icn and(1 Qic tii (ly. easterners aeiecd. accon ording to dderiy in d ie isobied countiy. oUreiMnamid resultsfromUicForsapoIi T hc w arning com cs ami ^ ^ ^ 0 3 o nn; , ed in thc Berliner Mon o i^ p o s t pressure o n North Korea to iiqnotsay n iits • ncwspapetThcpaperdiq turn to sbc-nation' talks on hcKv m any people werec fglad the nudear program, th o u ^ V X ^ lants w a llw a s^ n a • ington a n d other p a m dpan hose city sions Berlin residents, yvho sw tiiw w ill n o t Ict die tensior was divided In 1961 whe hen c o m - ' affea their donations. CTC- mimlst authorities in tiie ti cast The com m unist North's; cn p people built tiie wall to keep atlon of private m arkets; has hi ViM. done little to help ordinal •est. were inary from fleeing to thc wts o n l e f b J ir e e t Stafford of th e U,! U J., Zonon Qrocholewiky t\;North Koreans feed thcmselvi CmllnilHronil elves less likely to wisli for its rctum . , ;«fgIo 8 « b ts tltn l o f ttaly, an d Jult m er West be- Only 11 percent in form' ullan Hsmuiz of Spain hotd bbecausc priccs have risenI b< lilies. Berlin and 8 pcrcent in form er they a t t M d t n E n t e r W lc e lf lb i abrated by Qermany't Cardk yjc n d the reach o f most familic cm dlM W tbe) ivallbadc atlio- EastBeriinwantedtlieivi! ^said WFP’s Asia director, Antlii ml JoMpb R itt fUrtztnfar h 8 t P a te r'a B a tlllcaa at i the Vatican, Saturday. ny Banbury. k1 an annual Easter greetm o f Ctirlst's p a th to Uvercd leader I s r a e l o p p o s i t i o n le i 1 som Ion. In g in s e 60 languages to th c ^S o m e W e s t G e r m a n s a g r e e s t o b a c k b ui d g e t h t o f thc th o u san d s o f day evening, a long delight w a n t B e r l i n W a ll b a c k sts and faithful gathered In V Eoimiul had gathered tourists Is' iaiUSALEM -Apovwerful .1 ! basilica for th e v i ^ S tP eIter’ te s Square. BERLIN - Fifteen years afu r reached after radi opposition leader r itding Alejandro h Thc c Vatican said John Paul tlthe Berlin Wail fell. 24 percent L*nt o( f agreement witii Prime! M ^ inister n s o - vyear-old ra only to give a wwest G erm ans surveyed said sem inarian w as expectcd ex sal 0 su p p o n A ilclS haronS atu^ytos ing this year. It w as u n d e ar tlthey w anted it back, accordir Archdioceses blessinj rding tiie state budm t, rcmov t o m th e W ucatan lc ai ovine the utter an y worels o r k(0 a poIi published SatunJayy. I, w h o n o ted chJs if h e would w last m ajor legislative huroie hu to Germany has po ured so m eS iilentiy bless tiic crowd as ncS2 Sharon's plan to pull oui t ^th e flrst tim e d ie lust silc lut o f d ie d on trtrillion into rebuilding thcI fo forGaza Strip tills summer, h e did ( Palrh Sunday. r. pope w as ntot o t Ipresiding. m er East Germany, after tl Ul Paul last sp o w to th e n r the The support from tiie t John e opposi'^ u tw e h lave a v i seen that h e follow guic celeb ill March 13, shonlybcforc ocoUapse o f its com m uni ^lebradons from his fiiithful unist uon Shinui Party would Id ensure I that w ith his h e art he wIS asrdcased ^ m th e hospi- nr e f ^ e led to nnmiEcation )n in SharonamajorityforhisI is budget, ro o m - a n di th eci }r thc second tim e in a I1990. But the east stiil lagsiccowhich he needs to pass p by, tal for and spirit an an<d above all w ith prayed h e is Ipresent w ith us." im ed Tliursday to avoid tiie‘ collapse c th. During th at brief ap- nnomlcally and is often blame m onth. for G erm any’s big budgi A j y ^ s a l d1. idget ofliis govemment. mce, John Paul thanked fc peaian' OTwds gathered beneath adcfldts an d lagging gro%vth. re reports -com piledftom w ire: Brst tim e in his 26tiic crc Por th e flrst yM- oontiflcat lospitol suite an d wished Icatc, John Paul h a s h is ho5 ilcally ab sent fro m tiie mI aa good Sunday a n d good & ‘^hy»Ir5L ONS Week events, week, I h U y S / s HHoly o v ,-e a ^ e d by by Parkinson's disme veteran pope watchers Som< case a n d Feb. Feb 24 surgery to Mted tiie Vatican m ight be suggest A W E R ling tiie public for a new eathing tube in h is readyln Insert a breatl stage in the papacy, - k nnin<I? h im i to be o n th e * ^tie e Vatican hierarchy Is exsidelines," tiie the Vatican new spanentlng w ith thc perim e per L'Osscrv biliw -n e v erd o n eb e fo re icrvatore R om ano possibii Z I O N S B A N K V* * wrote Sanirdai tiievfag a U nd o f governing rday. ofachic le Church) by gesture and Theporitiff^ riff traditionally h a s (of the '1uvni IntMn im loi»l u'i*iun i nH:U»4c:ualin>mt>t>'D>rtiMi;tiK:wi<ii;ni used th e East le,’. Corriere d ella Sera’s la ste r-S u n iiy m esim age,’ tu •> um n a u M • lux U>MB <u>uIU rrUu lrrT*i tfTiTf*ih i* ‘“trVir^rn't I.‘TT: uiinniuuiiui laiisu.iilaliiuiuniililinisai iSOtn-qaiiii:, im e \^ tica n expert. Luigi soge to reflect lect o n war, poverty longtiir Cl tiiiiinlRiinn iiitnictui illnr>rn,n;iMcii>i , BMUianmBjriUairntfffl ttoli.wroteSaturday. and terrorism. sm . He also h a s d eAccatto • World In brief SIGNUPFORAZIOI BANK IRA BEFORI RE APRIL AND LOV ;s. YOUR 2004 TAXES ave r a massi' Taiwanese! hold 1 ition against China ( diemonstrat In o n e o f TAJPH.'M vanCAR-Inc I tio n s in th c largest dem onstratio Ikhvans h i^ iy , about a nmillion people m arched th rol uug^ thc p ro te sta ci^ntnl o n Saturday to pro u th o rk a new Chinese low tiiat authi an attad ; on the island iffitmoves it r dencc. towaid formal independen aHisIand, *Ikhvan Is only a small L ioillyloud so w e must speaic o u t icaQ} to m ake thc world h earr th tha tw c g aan e v H are a dcm ooacy &u±ig i& a 3 8 ^ t . ” said Vivian ikerw h o ycar-old restaurant w oi£a 1C southtraveled by bus from thc s iboutl90 cm dtyofiCaohsiung-aboi miles away. onds osH u n d rM of thousand rc a sin scmbled at 10 differentlaan tc reprelliipci. wilh each route i le s o tth e marchers. anti-soccssion laM^Ihe nuu Icboule: “ ----------- convergcd'on'the widc t vaid in front o f tiie Presidential OfDccbuildin^ rried th a t selfBeijing Is worric ruled Ttuwan is drifting dri toward Independence, an n dd C h i n a ^ k ^ lature recently ppcassed a b w codifyingthcuseofi ofmHitaiyfoice against Ih iw an if f itit seeks a pernuinen t-sp lit T hlee island . —just 100 off Chin hlna^ southem coast - h a s b een i n reslsdng BdJingi rule since thticeiCommunists took over th e malnli inland in 1949. Thhvan h as b een e n ab le to enjoy dc indepcndo idenceform ote l l || b e c o u s c tlie .H U th a n 5 0 y c a r s ,I a^i^ U nited States nas lias w arned it m l ^ defend tho) island is] if China attadcs. A m erica Is Is also i the only m ajor natio n th att ed sc is odvanced w eapons to nevdy Aty democradc T U lv ^ a b o ih thicc ssize o f Maryland a n d Delaware < bined. ----------------- -------recom M O T O R O L A H H |j |j 6 |5 |5 H ■ M H M E ■ neansthesani mething. i loweuerwesaayIt, It still m i M tM I ’1^ H sS y E • External Caller 10 Display • < C hangeable Face PlatM • UpTo250Mlnutc$TalkTJme I • IDownload & Store Ringtones •* 1L ightw eight-Only 3.5 oz. ; . An; Nlght/W«flkend Minutes Total M inutes Per Month j pfli Month Per P^ , ■y ’ I ivica Contafi Pikos B«I availaWity nay v8 ol Aulhoriud Edga VViokiu Doaler sy vary II Edge Hklocations. h m &ooouocy prion BfDvalid only fit E WfoJm So)OT 1 Custonw Swvica •AtNortoodphOfw H o w TTo M a k e Yo 'o u r a r... ■ : ; : ; C a i rr p i s a i p p e a , ■ ■ li P® * ■ Sim plyy a d v e r t ! ^ i n t h e Q a ssssii 6 e d s I Activation Foos a n d g e t r e s u l t s qm u ii c k l y l — • C d g G w i a F im l e s s * HIHKB OPTMI ATkTWlKllll . m i l HITWORB r‘, ; W lrel^K S . : pEOBBfiS 1^5 • • B«hl;0«mior ■ T-tafrt •Orvg 8t>9 • AlWVtll iWtlM* ComnnlcMata FUw;nwC«IU> Uar kM BM K 21840MndA»«. J71B8.Uno)ln6t BuaSho «^8tMMWIntM«(3UiC*Um) Uouruir jrUMSUtMWrtW** tho(han*-.|*jv (ZetjeM lSI UaunWn AjvWml is : o e i)« n 4 s i« C»f)7>Ut1S __________M»gleC«i eC*U«r M(QtoC4 }toC«IUar M tu ^owi*amWh>T»>Sportl 2 1.800.6 '.658.3883 TWlnP«iK .2 ^ if ie d lsl o C la l ■ ' 'a . ' '' ' if n w a M k n cn natn too ofCS per mcnlh nmalnt^g (not1b e n o d S2S0) i n t o pertu . locd lUTtw bn, and » mcnli « n « a ontaEt Akrniufe w cI o tttly I t t pbn. <LGSUkMUtftuchaMMS.ti3.ranttsas «aOhs.<ninsTMlavaU)to<riytnto&«9 «9VMwa itifi«M niti^gao7apNMem&GSMaiT(s9UB(MafMM«d.G c , b « .M .q rlyrlrelgitonw to VV vij nBtfcSons, iDvrtX) ind ttig dstanCB ortf £dOB PM er aMKtQi « w i ond il l u t ^ b SI ad ttnal cMtQi Otar ttnm w g n apply r a Idwgs], aasem w u. tn a , and ajxhart GSM NAokontt rri aBid tlab montaiBi. 0n» maMi ntalB p( t)m te puttttsed t m Edge V A itaa 0201/05z«i b n o i v ooeti tsaodsiKi a A tsderri « RtQMay Pncivn t e or SO^JUaAmrt da per 0 HWi'MJdi«:iRa Wralen rqraoniaSMfcrcarpWBdiMtL « ^ Not naU lo t r puRhaaa or tm h H areas. n cequDS3e>t(tB> _ Q ePIN]ION • I Sunday, M arch 27,f,2005 P a g e A - l '* E ditorial 1 . )lutions erne Water sol in a whirls ■Iwind of delB b a te ir aa &st Rapitls, that's the fe et ready for JS ride em m ent). and fimous le L • Coflection of of w a te r a s througji the 1 ^. re q u e ste d b y in the sessm cn ts-A sreq islature on id N o rth s Id e Kue o f the TVvin RiHs and defining Issui es .fo r s o m e canal com panies, w ater this week. a te s a s p e c ia l tywork tim e.thisblllcieate Thanks to som e crafty V ce annual assessmc ment from the JoInt-FInance l l n d ie E asttee on w ater users within M n M u ife . as the e m Snake lUver Pla ' Priciay, th e state has irtunity Only the dom estic m o n ^ and (he opportu U c w e U u se ts nsoluandm im idpalides to g et the ball rolling on s> - .h owo lk . T h e fe e s tions f o r ----■ Mews T h e Tim cs-N _________ T h[ l e b l ui s t e r o( f C o »i n g r e s$ s : tim e I appeared f— . ss to dlsT S IaCs eo bn fe^ issues, I m s of reporters s i s s sevent that "BIs- r OH S ” f t s r . W K c. - / / // \ ^ n e c t’ The Iron m a itk w a sc o m chancellor had ladisakl: *I1iere are should tw o th ln g sa pperson er never w atch bbdd n g manufccigesond (ured-salvages legislation.'’ Mts shown last g rim sp e c ta d e o fa . alconirnltteeatIJ h : r >■ conduct a public ^ S S o n l nI into i tiie steroid dtiier r p ro b l™ ln bjasebalLN a st thecom m lttecr ee nor baseball M ill c re a te a n distinguishedditself, iu a n d tiie o u r vv iie w : Idaho ' ^ ju ife r m o d e l orily likely winm inner In tiie sordid , cen tiie public, y la t h e lp s dnuna has been a o rs appear to le g is a c got som e solid in p l easur e, Viihlch finallyf*goi tl w hat has been la n a g e a n d fom iationonw l haven't been haV6 cl ( a good package of mmi d m l n l s t e r g"ta 8 "n ln sididc cl basebalL that could help solve igsaredcOLThere rS Toble/n in base* now. And for tfiepefll ending water crisis, ing igtcss has noticed. ■ those involved J players union in th e stand- W n a itld o y o u t t i i t A ? Z e ers were forced to i . . an d tiieow ncrs' I from froi parents o f a h l ^ school )I bellstening. T h e trio o f reopen tiicir collective coll bargainp *' le n Yet it is very unlikely an anylegplayer who killed him self w hen velcome viewpoints WeweK in c e n t Ils g ot a Jolt ing agreem ent mliln m idterm a n d ^ ^ Islation win come out o f all a tills, he w ent off steroids. A nd for defining role. frOITlOU idm g-tesdngproI --------------------------------- 1 timt our readers on this inIth th e a rm Fri- rcnegodateadn ss Sellg Is overmatched in tiie tiifl m atter, Vi4iydid Congress S t a r t i n g __ j al public arena. He Is a mast ly w h e n gra m .ac ariy /so so m e part of tiie ri^ td lre ' ister o f have Irection. hai to drag before us several 3ther issues. , AC s e t a s id e im pcm s for tiiat era’polthat remarkable liic n ti of tiie Inside game of owner Monday, the players m entioned as u se rs of 1 tiie story tu m e d ugly. pla jy tiie u n lo n w a s O ntiieev Itics a n d is often 10 cveoftiieT hursday stei steroids by Jose Canseco, w ho Idaho House ! * 2! 8 8 )n illlI o n s o conccsslonbytt n Sen. Joim Mch e ^ g s , we learned tiiat tiie underestim ated. He hassconc IsIsb becom ing tiie Whittaker wili debate the three p le a iecesof they can go into i 3 siderable skills and loves sldent Bush. But new agro Chambers o f this topic? Tcement h a d n o t been Ch year.n%C’s approp legislation laying a frame&ai rc . tjasebalL buthecom esof Off isuppotteiTortsto ilndlyagi ig r e e d ta lt h a d n o t I s u rp risin g , m ere w ere Not w ork for long-term w w:ater d u d es a $24.4 millii badly in tiicse kinds of h[leare 3f steroids. bee n sign few g n e d ,a n d p a rts o fit fe^^w inners In the hearing. solutions. If passed, they! eyllgo buy th e Bell Rap I n ^ D espite a stiunble oi ortwo, n ic n c w d m g [rug-testing prow ere sign ^ c a n tiy d iiT c r e n t Bui Bunnlng le d off wltii a b u n t to th e Senate for additi< iitional r i ^ t s . Most o f that w tis o c p e c tg ram w asannoi :ed Fern Is a remarkable legal ^ ta lnounced wftii a fromwha tiiat n a t w as described by tiu was antidpated. H e cailcd debate a n d could to to the ed to be paid off: w wiith fed e ral flourish by Majo cnt. b u t h e is totally comr nm itted laJorLeagueBaseF ehrand id Sellg w h e n It was tiienew agreement a ‘b a b y tiie governor’s desk by the end en' of leases for Idaho w wa to his players and sees his ttisobliater. ' ballComrnJssioi 3loner Bud Sellg ori^nally Uy announced. McCain stq an d proposed m u c h step* week. JFACalsodedicai gation as protecting tiiem !m and c a te d a n a d and union c tecuthre xca director flredoffa la n a n g iy le n e rto tiie , me severe sanctions for moro n ot tiie game, T hose steps aU lead to the ditional one-timeeaem o i u i t o f DonaldFchr.Alt lA ltiio u ^ th e n e w p arties,» steroid u s a The com m ittee , saying h e w as a t least ste: He once told m e tiiat tiujfutil misled..T T h e c n a in n e n o ftiie der onstrated the d iffic u lt of dem big showdown once th m ce tiie b u y policy was a solid soil; step forward, hee ;ses- $3 million to flnanc ect ture o fth e game was m y y ^ com m iltt dealing w ith a complex su cject iitee voiced dismay, and dej m ]p e r s 'a c r e s Itira s a ilid z«cddbl y so m e ,in sion ends. W ater pum j impers outofgroim dpum U-- - concem aim n ot his. Hesaan d . . Jim Bunnlng, a ......... baseballUi representatives enwitii .wit only in e minutes allocat-and surface water users n u s t for die expanded ( sm : pitcher, for n ot intered tiie S d k have gone tiir o u ^ ititis t! le hearing d c a riy on tiie ed ed to each m em ber for sdll h ash t h r o u g theirr dil differ- tion Reserve ProgRdentiyharsh d e f e n stve. ^ irto questions. drill before They appear t b equi cnccs and use these bill bills as acres can b e dne< Its lieve Congress Is a paper I 1 TTiehetiearingitselfw aspure There w^ere repeated threats 1 'iF' pcnnltfcsm Jforexduding dtoi an incentive for a w w;ater dial m oney will aals ls o b e p ^ d formsofdm o f d g s,su ch as n ot to b e taken seriously.: th e a te ■ rtotoremove baseball's antitrustit - b ut n o t good th e a te t i ag reem ent If they rejea e a the b ackovera 15-year ^ p e rio d b y omphetamines. think they are very likely im bers'questions were innmunity - somethirw C o n ­ les. But tiie new T h e mem im fram ew ork created by the g ro undpum per w wa te r d is policy had tiie si le support o f s d d o mI ad is p or focused. The gress correct gre has foiled to do lo r 70 L e^siature, they'll beJ g; --------------------------------•• only imp< gamtricts. iportant w im esses were yea On tiie oiher han d , th ec McCain (who0 had ha tiueatened years. Fay Vincent is a form er nid Pehr, a n d there was coi m lnee m ade very d e a r d id n ot S d ig and bling with their water• fu legislation ifbaseball bas com future W hat b e ^ s to tc e m e rg e commissioner o f Major League Le Umiiedti 1time for th em . O ne tha It s m s n ^ supports a that in th e courts. begin toughtesting test p ro ^am s), fiom tiiese Dills; is a p a tc h , Baseball; he lives in VeroE yBeach. rs w hat p u rp o se was mu ustiiought wonders m uch lo u d e r sterokl policy, Theyshouldn’tletitgget e t that work that helps res< n esolvew ater ^ ;hcadinglntiie servedbj ’ Fla. and b y in dudingtestim ony an< Fchr a t least professed to0 le s ta te d iis bascballw ashK far. L e ^ la to r s havet gi given issues facing die b o th sides plenty to> vwork sum m er, while ccr e a tin g a with in these bills, Viiiich aass s e s s m e n t _____________ ^ ich ad- w ater-user d re ss short-t( rt-term m odel d ia t impi ip ro v e s th e em ergencies an d long-t' i r e o f d ie ig-tenn long-term ftinire d em a n d s for Idaho wi plyrotate& om oneareati water, aqi^er. mient tiiat should have nolonger a representation oiff no Ito tiie govenm T he proposals (listed unerican dem anding ac- tiie tiiepeople, b ut of big business !S3 next in Idaho to preventttiie ti :ed as B estofall,thebu u .s .io b s S t S Sb ility lro m a u rd e c tc d Ite Judging pool from getting ani sp edai Interests. T his vote lg stale, by H ouse B ilk372,373and: and rtd374) solutions will be ( o f which has happened In TWIn TV was jntatives. O u r esuiemed wa not about tite w ell-being of represeni is e lv e s - a n d D ow eremlem em bertiiescom basically break dow n in n tl tiiree w ater users tiiemsc m ent took it u r o n Itself Ibt Schiavo; it was strictly for or Falls, w tilc h la m v e ry soDiryto n Tbrry govemrni h e g ro u n d an d ridicule heaped hca] upon Ross areas: prim arily l y the ilc^slationw tucheffecpoi political gain, and our rep re­ say. to p a ssle a v e ju n io r PorotafrayKeaUisa ! gow iuaihe ilstrlct pum pers w ho hha * G roundw ater dlsi le s tr o y s o u rri^ tto ser MATIHEWKEENAN ^ ts u c id n g tivclydes sentatives o u ^ t to be ashamned ed le state’s in prcdijed-agiim m em bership - The flrst irst bill w aler r i ^ t s . The al d e ^ I o n s regordins ofl B oise go u rjo b sto o tiier personal oftiiemselvcsforlL ip In will m ake membership I a vestm ent involves n lh re sa n d d e a tiis.O t i (Editor's n o a r Matthew w a tiie N onh Ameriourow nl HEATHER PIUai«nON w ater district mandatory ory for m oney for this 1 \ Keenan IsasenloratC api WdideO pital ie A g re ^ e n t? N o w c o u ^ .,eeveryone know s I am canPrecThideA ig to the T bny Schiavo all groundw ater users, exi except year, but those fun iim d s w iU b e the Central Amc imcrlcaPreeTVade referring High School in Boise, w ha Tereheis owcver, tiie im plications p n n^stock paid back into dthie g e n e ra l Agrccmentlsbcl for dom estic a n d livesi a m em berofthedebateta }being considered. c ^ : hov team.) dedslo n cx ten d fa rb e eani? o f tills de w ater r i ^ t s holders. By ^ relund over time, Do we ever lean: ttis wom an's feeding T.r \ itii tiie s e ____ Rcmcmbcr hc e w _ quiring all pum pers to pay ■ "nie only issue lu e ;______ hcrgovcm m enthasties] debate tournam ents ■ ■-■ The . ' f ^ , th e costs o f mitlga iigation p r o p o i is hhio w th e y ^oballzatlonwa IInto an a re a it has h d d at tiie TWin Bills High plans are shared equally. ily. emerged in the w waa n in g d a y s UnCilr and uneq (cly no business being ^ This week (March 28 to April School o n th e weekends o f sslon. V teterm m ts mostly di n g au- of a dugglsh sessl( • Expanded b o n d lr^ inlyourpersoruillives, I) is National Sleep Aware March lM 2 a n d lfi-1 9 w ere ireness onding talk parddpantsi ddia w d le d f o r [oourw odjcrB i caosolutearroganceof thority - Expanded hom ones of joy and frustration. Week. Water too long, and the I >rehensiblc. { authority for the Idaho3 W vas T hereisasigniH canthe Being a debater myself, 1 was hedtii iqwyerty botii pois tiie govem m ent tiiat ^ ikes it had no choice but R esource Board make an d safety problem tiiatt al ^ d our elected able'to experience the to u rn aa-­ affects topassaconstim tional ater for Jobdone. possible to acquire watei id allofus:sIcepdeprtvation ments flistiiand The w eekend on. A=i1hemlddle Im entbarringgay H aste is hardlj m idgation, rechargee and According to tiie Nation o fM a rc h lla n d 12 was th e onal % “ S b t a S Istating w e n e w to procm h e n it's ingredient for souj o u n d le g is la O urporousb( Sleep F oundatioa tiiere a: conflict resolution~Vi4ic] .b o ^ a ^ lv ir . S ute Debate Tbumoment usanctltyofm aniagc, ^ pears to b e a n epidemic; 05 r ;ive cre d it to tuoUynon-enfor where 40 to 50 p o ^ te a m s eenn­ sp ^tion. But w ell giw available. This bUl Is spe In o qualm s about tram_ tered In for tiie titie of State daytiihe sleepiness In this tis u d f fitle a d Inmiigiatlonlavt le state lawmakers and bbu caUy necessary for the s likeSchiavo's marital n ., dccountiy. NSF polls show.rtiut ti . Debate Champions.The w eek­ thee Ideas th is Illegal aliens to e to b u y Bell Rapids w ater crs for pushing th ) allow his severely brain , end o f March 18 and 19 w as tiie m orctnanonc-ihirdofAAmerir nomic and soda erman. fiir. rights near Hagem ;ed wife to d ie peacefully, cans say they arc so sleepj National Fbrcnslcs Leogue i b li c 's tu m to of our middle cli Id tback Now it’s die publ B onds would be repaid is tiie govem m ent that .r^ . 1 nduring (he day it interfere: Tbumoment for various forenres wilh. ’ fth e s e id e a s p l^ ty o fb la m e iding for law enforce^ 5et, by listen an d leam Iift into th e state budget, S X S to o f slcs activities, also poUqr tiid r diytim c activities aBtleasta t: w c a u s e o f b u to t om die can help e n d tiie:wwa te rs h o w those w ho beneflt from few days a m o n tit Somoo70 < ip a n lc sa n d o u r debate. lints, so se x offenders % o f Bell down. w a te r (in the case of minion people in tiie Unit present and past toim iam ents b ein g htd dd [dted pastudinlnlsttac a n t bop e property m onitored (In , Botii ! ____________ tions. Add toithom tiie bcunM : States h ^ a sleep proble in TVvin Falls was very rtice to> Horida,t,noless),allow r ingpcan d about 40 million o f them th taxing, unreasor have, isonsblcBOvcmd „ p h ili cs to disappear in tiie *“ b ut I exp ress an o u t m ^ at the Jud^ng in both (oum a1tiove a chronic sleep disor lordet ™sicmoi *"■ 70 m e n tre g u Mlloiu. o a coiporate I only tb resurface when According to NSR the effei ,w w W greed, unreason so^nnblelabordeg l ' K II innocent children, yet mF® ents as poor sd e c tb n arid o f lectso f m ands ondaC o slceplossonwo±j>eiforT )tmance rfifspeii, sn d h o w iriu c h o fo u rta x bad, quality. I can only soy forr A ....E ditor presldentw hod ler m ay be costing U.S.empL CMaStebibwh. ployera BndKurd....PubQih6r forspedalleglslationon policy debate, not for tiie otiier serious ladc oDfDimncMimd f 111 som eS IS blllionlnlostpr producS S e :e”tiiat should never havo activities Invohnsd in state d e>­ TbatDenbflnoftbeedit editsrisl board sod wrilert of editorii torialiaro budgetaryicstia I tlvity. So it shouW be no bate o r Nationol Forensics stn!lnt.A ddtollll3 leirs to d e d d e . Millions suiprise tiiat tiiese pollsI a] eielnkccptagivlth S S e n sa re su fla in g b e InU uut am lndsetm ore Luimc. also tsiobsch, Stm Cntmp, Bauiofe Bitrt Brad Hard. CbritStaiol ^ show tliat m ore thim onewhat seems to b le-half Tne JudWng was very finshey cnnnot afford health cause Ihc IU J, u s s tad David (!oopet Rudou o f adult drivcis - 1 0 0 mini ------------------mentality, whldi bating a n a llbglcaL Som e mion Uch Ignores die hisurano ace o r prescription k 1 p e o p le -sa id tiiey have dl ' fundamentalicomtllutloiuil COI j u d ^ were not even quoUQed driven drugs, bu but tiiat^ n o t im portant p rindpli^ofnat or did no t know wiiot t ^ d e ­ while feeling drowsy in tiie th p ast ■ nmloimliiovcndgn- c n o u shtl tto w a rrant im m ediate yeot II ty an d those tilings till! w hkiiare o f conoSnbate was about at hand. T h e n - n o t w h e n w e have As a rcgistQcd polysom '■ vital Interest toourcountry. too imnolgnorance,and bad Ju d ^ n g m uchmmt otopicssingaubiccts IS" 3905 Ihavew atdio g n ip h ic te d in o lo ^ v iiio caused A c d n ^ fly o n su c h a sn is 7346780, R u 734-39C W ant to moho your fHlIofis jm o i^ ty a n d personal “ *■ m any policy team s to> 'Lou Dobbs Ibn be dropped from the U iumapatients witii sleep proble il^ Tbnlght” tiiedlsdo- ficcdoms Btivosln In Washington: ' known to your representaUyt nu to d lc ta te. every day at Magicralley ments. y SI e e p nee Building suieoftheoutsc utsouidngof If weal•aU owtlilsgovcmment 520 Hart Senate Office C ongress? Here's how: )510 strategic nodoru ntts Instituterlurgeeveiyonol Tho tointiie lonal security com tosuccec Washington, 0.0.2051 «ed wltii (h is legislation. ‘ policy teams In (his state MaglQ\^illey to moke a de m unim donsjob v ^ h a r d , a n d to dedston ijo b sto In d la W h a t w herew i (202) 224-2752 wUHt stop? I, for one, am wotkvoy, J™ dd ' lose because o f a bad Judge Is s a t o r t i l e sleep you n ee comes to mind,: nd,alongw itii notwilliil ling to allow tiiem tiiat {o® eniall: In IVrin F«ll9, callorw rtto: t o n i ^ t for a better tomori orrow. hard tiling to accept .gov/emall tiicse other afon Lforementioned m u ^ act http://cfalg.8afiate.gO' iccess.M ypersonal H eather TIet, regional directoi outrages which \ Perhaps In tiie future, S a teB More sleep infomiationtca an b e Ichwedkcnour business ss is my ow n, a n d I do r* * 2 0 2 Rills Ave., Suite 2 O il- fijimdatwwwsleepfound ieconomlcandn D diatc an d the N ationd F o ro id national security, w a n ttiia M anlnvbhredinit.H ow 1Wn FiJlls. 10 8 3 3 0 1 iPSOn b tiiat tiiere are sics LeogueTbumament c a n bo ibo tion-orgorwwwibiptoig. me IIndMduals a n d ev er,Iddo o w ant (h e m to bo h d d g> ^ 734-2515: Fw 7 3 3 0 4 1 4 wrtte: groiqjsinourct) to , BAHBIBICMOIiGARDt h d d tn otiier parts of tite stato xcountiyw hoarc , acxMunta itablc for record defldta, In Washington: |fVt» t Polsf, ' Chailitt Barnes, egrtcutt [ft aJtturefleW guDtyofeconoir PPSGT noralcandsodal b u d g e ttacuts tiiat affcct o u r d d 2 3 9 Dlri(flen Senata OfUoB(BuUdlng Bui dinKtor nTW lnlU b tieaso a i r the tournam ents could sim criyandc d o u rd iild rc n , Washington, O.C. 20510 1201 M s Avo. E., suit Uilte25 JustosPogosi jj^ y c r a a g a bantaupt iptcylaws (h a t protect r— ( 2 0 2 )2 2 4 ^ 1 4 2 ■ M n fens, ID 83301. •. "Wbhovomettfi sttiio e n a n y a jrfit (horichv tl m ile denying that r t t e t o u s »fna!I m e sssg e s c sn b« sent ; W t t aentvlfl 734-7219; t e 734-72« 7244 fausl" S e n . Crepo’B home peg« Bt at . i n W a s h ln ^ DONPUDES les >'■- ■x tth false. natties,»rfil be pei perma-' 'ER losurvivD onatnini. , !* 'Ae TZme»/^welco(ne3 www.8enate.gov/*<rspo 1339 LodSworth BulhSr ilding IVvtnAlls ■■•nentlybaf^troippuWicWli letters from readers on1 nkxi. mumwa] vage that C ongress ■ ■‘ "■I Waahlngton, D.C. 20511 615 ' e s t L e t t e n m a y ' b a b n ^ t o j.our o , 8ut)«cta of pi^ic Interest ; • , _ ., refusestc itoralse,cut9m agriculPhone: (202)22^5531 Because of opeoe constraints.. 9. lW liTFUIabr'Burioofnce:; rrtaDed n 8 S c h ia v o ture fund ndlng arid o m yriad of ■ f^ ^ )2 2 & a 2 1 6 ' tb e a B& 54e,iMhFUis;i l n 1W(nFaUs,c8liorw rne: 1,10 :.pleaseHmltlattarato4 0 0 ••• ssues tiiat reoSyshoukl ( Imctor Access Slmpsoo's wna ( , ' ^;. 83303; f e e d to (208) 734Mike Mathews, r e ^ n a J (Dtdci ; words. incftxMkouralgnBture.;^ J 4 r -- - ,, 10 forefront o f tiid rp o hIsWebpage: le ■ 6 5 3 8 ;-o fw n « n e d tl» ', . mailing ed d re ia and te lephone 560raerA v«.S o>tB A ' , O nPahnSum lundoy, a n event liticalam igendas. httpy/wwiyi)ousa«A'/ ' 'i" nutnber. VWterB v»tM sign WlWB 1Wln FaUs, 10 83 3 0 1 W /ita p ™ occurrcdw llM i hinotqrfedcrol ' Pace ItT I t h ls governm ent Is G S M “so m AY V " S te S SS y -— L etteERS-------- trade pact .biUkofdiesc „ ,. free ,,, trat .New . __ ___ e carried threatens U.i ? Poor Judging ruined T.F. debate tourney . IS » rS s imes-Nei Gettir ing In touch Sen. MIks Crapo Rep. MIks Simps Sen. Lany C i ^ pi xia^ tirautn Congtets'sS law violates r WakeuptoJIielssui of sleep deprivationli ■I ' m Tlm**Mewi,M nW lt,r(Uho i 8<nlty,’M«eh27.2005 O p in io i I- BobertBlalfeb^ ^i^geaichfe^lfe’W ■ T r h e l e s s oo n s o f a • ■ ■ p l( o n t i f f ’s } t w i l i g h tt M " t K e d a y s beforo h e le ft ■ jT ^ G e o r g e pe, C a rdinal Karol W jJty la a tpope. W e ig e l tcnde< ided a p a rty c d e b r a d n g d ie 2 0 th h a n n fr tr s a r y o f h is c o n se a a tio tiol n a s a b ish o p .'T h e K rakow hom m e o f h is frien d s G a b r id a n d ' j c n a l l i r o w ^ w as de c o ra tBozen w lth d o z e n s o f p h o to g r a p h s m a g ^ r t i ^ ^ i u r y o fW o-' /dQ/l M m SM ! n li iH f fl . o l a n d f o r U ic c o n d a v c F H. i PUiat w as to d c « h im jS ln W S n C o n te m p o ra ry W e s te m c u ltu r e d o e s n ’t h a v e m u c:hh ^ ■ U iliU U ,ii,, ^ ■p- g p f l P • ^ - ■ ■- | W h a t d o 1c6 3 a f e m ad e c o l u m n i s t s o m i dd l i k e ? j k d u s t'd c v i l is swilling i \ w ith in A m e ric an m c^d k JL A d rd e s o v c rrc m o lc : ' diversity of d io ui ^^ it a s th e y c a n s o r e a d e r s ww ouldknm vlw as lU e n g e d ie fem ale, -notonl^T ochallci illy h e ld view s D o c s th aatt m a k e m c a readers' persorially o p le w ill b u y “to k c n '7 N o lot t unless everysub u t ' s o m o re p eopli p e rv is o r I'vrt! e h a d in Uie past 13 th e paper." D I? J .R L abbi ----------------1 Ic o iu m n ls ts - o r ih c lack thcrco ir e o f ----------------------------------a r e n 't sp o u tin g fem inlis istt | - o n th e o p - c d pag es o f th e n a P assio n , by th,ee wway , s h o u ld m a n (r a , w h at d o th e y ssio im d tion's n c w s p a p c is . o r so lid rcn e v e r su b stitu te‘ffor lik e - 'y ip p I n g la p d o m37 7 : R e a d e rs m a y h ave gottenI a up asa s e a r c h a n d a th ojrroout g h T h e issu e b u b b le d up : sp c c k o f i t in Ih c ir eyes If the y Jc m e ssa g e u n d e rs ta n d in g 3f o f ddie is s u e d u m i s t t o p ic o n th e c ic c iro n ic i I re a d N e w Y ork T im e s c olum n ii Jour, b o a r d o f th e N aU onalJ C o n fer, M a u rc c n D ow dL T he only ters, o f Yes, th e n a tion’ ns’s new r rsp a p ers d c n c c o f Editorial W riicn w o m a n o n thcT T m es' op-ed n e e d m o re fem lie a le v\ o ic e s o n B. w h ic h I a m a m e m b e2rr aa n d a n : p a g e sta ff, D o w d Is u p se t beou. dear t h e o p - e d p ag esi --a an d H I s p a n oQ lccr. I sh a rc w ith you. ;c a u se s o m e fo lk s th in k she's3 n d b th o u g h ts ! ic s a n d A slans a n d I la c k s a n d pic re a d e r s , th e r a n d o m the ! m e a n - a n d s h e w an ts people i d d h ls ts a n d r e ns h a r e d w ith m y N C BW V )c o lM u slim s a n d Budd] (0 like h e r - a n d m ale colum n d y o iu ig folk, fo rm e d D ruids. A Anc n le a g u e s. ' nls ts a r e n 't c o n sid e re d m ean le w sp a p e rs ev ery W hy ? B ecausc new: T lic Qrst th in g 1 tell1 cv ;W hen th e y ta k e o n th o se in h e v o lc e s - a n d cm dcn e e d to r e f lc c t th J o u r n a lis t - tn o lc o r fcm pow er. t h c f a c e s - o f d i c lr i r r e a d e r s ‘so tz c r w h o a sp ire s to b e a coolu ll m n isl: M o, h o n e y , s'hush-A P uU tzc: b u y (h e m o r e o f th c m wHI illh u “I f y o u > v a n tto b e lo v/e c d .d riv e ! Prize sits so m e w h e re in your D ont p a p e r .' • f o rM c a ls o n W heels. D( i h o u se . Y ou w r i te for ih e H mnee s. s Lvriter." I d o u b tm a n y A m n e ric a risliv e b e c o m e a n o p in io n w ri ‘W orts a n d olL it’s still th c b igg WASR ;woo-icggcd ■ In all-w hite, all-W A aU -\vant:s .. I f c v e r th e re w e re tw ' m a m m a o f U .S . nnvsp a p ers. it-e le Id w ed -W -in -th e -last-c l c tio n c r e a tu r e s in th is w o rld v ho jl'd tr a d e p la c c s w ith you In a en cla v es. Oh, waaitit ac m in u te , I n c e d e d th ic k s k in .it’s ppio lltiI fin g e rsn a p to h a v e th a t m a n y s. d a T h e n e w sp appeerr t h a t la n d s d o n s a n d colu m n ists. e y A a lls s e e in g m y w ork e ac h n m o m h ig ja s o f o n m y la iv n c a c n n r I I n m y a lm o st 13 y e a r 'w e ek , 'c e p t f o r th e fact that n e e d s to p ro v ideeaacth o r u s o f d i w r i tin g c d lto r ia l s a n dJ a w eek ly , c an 't le gally c a r ry a g u n in thh a (t M ) n h S tarv e rs e v oices so lh lhaatt I a n d m y c o lu m n fo r th e F o rt Woi g o sh -aw fu j to w n . a ile d •' n e if^ b o r s are ex)cppo o s c d to th e T e le g ra m , I’ve b e e n call' T h e m c k u s ov e r female w o n d o u tsid e ofo f ouurh o m o g c - f t - . e v e r y th in g fro m e v il to Io n c . . ' c o lu m n ists s ta r te d o n th e L£eft n e o u s n e i^ b o r h o co d r e a d e r 's w rite-in can di dida t c fo r C o a st in a n e -m a il exchange I m p o r ta n t d iid s doos u r c follow s: p r e s id e n t. 1 d id n t ta kceeba n y o f it b e tw e e n M ic h a e l Kinsley, tn e T h is b lo n d e , g re« enn- ­e y e d p e rso n a lly ; ^ p l c reare reard in g , iL o s A n g e le s T t o e s editorial a nl a n d . L u th e r a n Is a p rooddut c to f a lQ r a n d th a t’s w h at m aers. n crs : o p in io n e d ito r , a n d fem inist it \ip , w iie n I w as m a d v e actio n . Ylip, I fc o lu m n ls ts w iite5wwiid i p a s•S u s a n E stric h . a syndicated1 -T ele g ra m in h ir e d a t th e Star-Tcl s lo n r so m e th in g th e7y a ll c o lu m n is t Vbiio apparently c a nn t rs t fu il-tim e fe016 /0 1 1992, h v a s tljc Ifirst s h o u ld strive to d o - ihc 'g e t K in sle y t o b u y h e rw o if c; EEss rite r in th c m u lc e d ito ria lwfritc g o in g to iik s o m e a n d in ii s n lre i tric h b e r a te d K In d e y for notit r hhee m a n d o in g tieJoD p a p e r ’ sh lslo ry .T h is o ih e r s .I tg o e s w ith th e J h a v in g e n o u # w o m e n o n w t h e h i r i n g - a n d who h today is im w 4 ie th c r y o u ^ m a lc ,f,fe e in u ile , i o p - e d p a ^ a n d sc o ld c d h lm ssc sa n d a tivc o r still o n e o f m y bloo ss b la c k , w h ite , co n scrvm n ti ; b c c a u se ( n c o n e s h c doe s mu n to change f r i c n d - a s k e d mlee ti l ib e r a L A n d th c j o b oiff a n e w s : d o n 't s p e a k w i t h a *woman's'3 to m y b y lin e fro m m myyln id a b ,M l, p a p e r ’s o p -e d p a g e s is ti voice. t o In clu d e Jill (mlyypgv c n n a m e ) p r o v id e rea d ers w ith a s m u c h ; “W a m a n 's v o lc e '^ lfth e y L y e a rs h a s Ue< e v alu a tio n s, a n d assum e<le d a d d itio n a l rcsp o n sib ilid c ic : s , I n d u d in g re c ru itin g for foi d ie newsroom, b c c a u s c I’m m good at wiiat I d a to scores of Now, a c crording o rea d e rs, I do:lo n fw rilc U k c a w o m a a " Soik)m e papers across d ie c o u n try !y ih a tu s e m y c o lu m n s d o lo t n tn m m y p h o to m p h ; m a n yn y o fth eirre ad e rs t n i n k l 'm o nI m a n based o n die m a il d ia t's acaddressed to Mr. L a b b e .I s u p ]ip p o s c U ’s b c c a ^ l w rite a b o uutsw hat have tn d ltio n a lly b e c r« n considered gun rights, na" m e n ’s*' issu iues: i d o n a l d e fe ru „ g o v e m m e n nt l. fo re ig n poLcy. :hs eyes, I a m n ot a I n Estrich': Ic g ld m a te fefem ale colum nist b e c a u s e l d od o n tsp cak w IU ia “w o m a n 's vo „ S o r r y Susi is a n .b u ln o tn u \ v o m e n a r e ci in fa v o ro fsm d d n g ev ery la s t g ugun Into a ^ t heap o f s c r a p m e tle ta lo rsu p n o n o b o rm a n d And. Mo, ' don on dem s o m c o f u s c5 c a n la k e o n d ie p o w e rfu l w itviUiout sounding )stance will always . m ean. Subst tr u m p sty le,e- , N 'e s t- c c=p ______________ --------------- J.HLabbe 'xisasenlorediwrial wriierandaIcolumnistfi)r the Fon Worth S.iStar-niepam. Readersmayay iw frc fo /icro r jrlabbc^m r-tr-refcgram.com. ------------------1L e t t e r — ’New mercury emissions iare a dirty shame XI nioEnvironm cnuaProtec] tion Agency’s press release u o lj about new r e ^ t l o n s control tn ' ling m ercury em issions from I power plants wras an cxeidse sc In ; creative Ipumallsm . political I spin a n d am bidextrous s le i# t I of h a n d Requiring power m is ! plants to red u ce mercury cmis csions by 50 pcrcent over 15 iy eo rsish ara iy a n a c t ofcnvlli: ronm ental Icaderahip - it Is a th e ' political m ove (hat benefitsI thi : coal industry, a n d Ignores the ,pid)llchcalm risks to Ameri* icons. -- -------------------------- d u s tr y law yer n ow o w ai l t h e EPA. e w re g u la U o n s p u t fo rth tficse nnew a fte r d is m a n lU ig n gaag o v e m m e n ta ita s k fo r c%e th a t h a d om s p e n t tw o y e ars cco r in g to a n a g re e m e n t d ia tth thee n a tio n ’s r ppli lo n ts h o s lo c o a l-fire d p o w er t i m e f h u n c - b u t i s t owo ei x p e n coal s iv e in th e eyes o f th eI cc in d u s try . T h e n e w regg u lla tio n s n cE w e r e n o t w r it te n lj y in e PA S lory sta ff s d e n till c a n d regulator} law yers. b u t b y c o a l in d u stry law fo rm e r in Jc ffe iy H o lm stea d , a for 1^ u s e M A C T tc‘to rc d u c e m c rc u ry e m issio n s , I tj u s i p oiln i r l s o u t, d o e sn 't it, th a t c o a l is aia d ir ty b u s in c s s - in m o r e \v a y s tljU ia n o n a REMMEN PE T E R R£ , H o g c rm atan i iTiking w flh Uie W r w s k l s a n dd oU 01 ier la y H c n d s , w * o still t r u c k w i t h s u f f e r i nn jg calle le d d ie c a rd in a l'\^ ^ J jc k " “U ndi rid e" - d ie n o m d c ^ e i x e W e a v o id it if dieyh y h a d g h w i h im v rtie n h e w asa s a y o u n g s tu d e n t c h a p la in p o s s ib le . W e In Sto] 5tollnist-era P o l a n d A bove th e^p hl o to d isp lay w a s a h o m e se q u e s te r i t w h e n m aac id e b a n n e r r e a d in g •’W u jek it b e c o m e s w lUJ re re m a in W ujek" - p i c d s d y w fclatW itl ojtyla h a d to ld h is u n a v o id a b le : & lend *nds v m e n h e re tu r n e d to a n in iee rr r ru p te d 1958 k a y ak in g trip H ow m any o f us w i ih t h Uie t n e w s U iat he 'd b e e n n a m e d a b is h o p w i l l d i e a t h o m e :? ? . 3 v e r a q u a rte r-c c n tm y la te r t h e: m a n m e w o rld k n o w s as in Paul □ Is sdll b e in g W uJek. m e a n a n y ^ g , o r is It s i n p l iring d ie w ee k s o f h is illness, a n absurdity? D o c s th e suffer & s o rts o f s e e m i n g pressin g in g c o n trib u te a n y th in g t o die dl quest] e sU ons h a v e b e e n r a is e d nold rest of us7 Is d ic re d ig n ity in < luld th e p o p e e v e r c o n sid e r a ge? . dicadonT W hat w o u ld h a p In Cardinal A rinzc ’s m in dd.dic , i iifh c v re r e to b c c o m e ex am p le o f lo h n P a u l 11 offen ered [vcly In c a p a d c a ic d fo r a lo n g o n a n s \w r to th o s e q u c sU oms. m rlo d o ftim e ? Yes, suffering c a n h a v e m e aann [ h e q u e s d o n s a re n o t w id iIng. Yes, d ia l su ffe rin g c a n iK leach t in te r e s t B ut th e y m is s th e d ie rast o f us: Ii r e m in d s u sidiat d )re c o m p ellin g p o in t In diis w c c a n n o t c o n tro l o u r lives, s. u n a . T h e w o rld is w a tc h in g a a n d il e lid ts a c o m p a s s io n that th in live o u t. to d ie e n d , o n c o f I e n n o b le s us. M oreover, t h c c J car­ ^ ,^:^co 0 n v ictio n s d u t h a s s h a p e d d in a l suggested, Jo h n P a u l 11. ll. in hislifi life a n d h is Im p a c t o n h isto Ills w ea kness a n d suffe ring,^was \ th c co n v ictio n d ia l d ie l i ^ t a tre m e n d o u s c n c o u ra c c m ei lent E aster b alw ays prec cd e cl b y to th e elderly, d ie sick, llie di; dis! d a rk n e ss o f <}ood Friday, a b le d a n d d ie dyin g , w h o On Ind t ju s t o n d ie c a le n d a r b u t In strengU i a n d h o p e m h is cxoj om ! rea lm ofU iespIriL pic. QI ^,fn te m p o r a r y w festem c u lT h e w orld h a s m is s e d a lol of lot c d o c s n i h a v e m u c h tm c k Karol W ojtyla's s io ty in lu s 26 wiUis ih sufTcring. W c a v o id It if ye ars a s p o p e , b e c a u s e d ie nossll ssible. W c se q u e ste r it w iic n w o d d tries to u n d e rs ta n d hir nim >ecomcs una v o id ab le ; H ow in political te rm s, a s a n o d ie lerr ^lany m y o f u s w ill d ie a t h o m e ? pow-er p layer o n d ie d o b a lI i b r a d n g suffe ring Is a c o n ­ sta g e.I'liere ’s n o d o u b t d iaItt c c ps to t a lien to us. A n d yet Jolin Paul II h a s b e e n d ie mnost c Efering e m b ra c e d In o b e d ipolitically in flu e n tia l p o p e in c e t o G od's will Is a t d ie c c n tu r ie s B ut th a t is n o t wh( /ho cente titer o f C h ristia n ity T h e q ^irist , v4 io se p a ssio n m o r c h e Is, o r w h a t h e 's a b o u t, a tliis th d e e p e s t level. Ilis tw o rc c c nl nl I h aUl n ia billion a n d a h a lf C lirish o sp ita llz a d o n s a n d h is u nicm e n s c o m m e m o ra te th is >veek lUl b a rrass cd stru g g le to live oul l o t p o rm iy e d in d ie G o sp els ju so t d ie c o m m lu n c n i to sc rv iccd e t ia t s o m e o n e to w h o m suffe rin g ly sth 1970 h c m a d e a t liis e le c d o n in IS It h a p p e n e d - a p r o p h e t w imI sh o u ld re m in d e v e ry o n e thfiat a 2 ty p lc a ^ r o p h e t's n m o f b a d I Uds m a n Is. first ancl foremlOSl, o: ■k.I h c C h rist o f U ie G o sp els 0 C hristian p a s to r w h o is goi ;olng i d le s o u t a n d e m b ra c e s suflo c hallenge u s w ld i d ie m ,eses in g a s h is destiny, h is sa g e o f th e c ro s s - th e m c ssa sage vocat] d d o n - a n d is v in d ic a te d in o f G o o d Frid a y a n d E a s te r U iats. It self-sa ciin cc o n Easter, u n d l d ie e n d r h a t is w h a t Jo h n P a u l II, n o t A s H a n n a S u d io c k a . d ie:forfc m b b o m old m a n b u t a Uiorgu gjjy m e r Polish p r im e m in iste r, h lv c o m m itte d C h ristian d i Sd pp le , h a s b e e n d o in g dils de scrib e d th e p o p e to m e rcrC' past ccndy, “H e Is living h is v ia st m o n ti r b e a r in g \v im css to a u d s ," his w a y o f d i e c ro sS.11S s .: i tm d i d ia l su ffe im g c m ■as n o t so m e d iin g d ie w o rid has bracei ic e d in o b e d ie n c e a n d love w a tc h e d a p o p e d o f o r a v e rj c a inbbe rede m ptive . lo n g lim e. W e s h o u ld rec o g n Afe \fe w d a y sa g o in R o m e , when f ;eful ic n I o skc d N ig e ria n C a rd in a l1 It f o r w 4ut it Ls, a n d b e g raic fo r th e e xam ple. m d s A rin zc w lu it th is p h a s e th e rem a rk ab le p o n tiiic a ic o f 1 George Wclwl is a uiiior fc m P a ul II m e a n t, th e c a rd in a l J" !™ ' low at lltcD.C-bascd Bluest ^ t e d d iot, fro m h is h o sp lPublic Policy Center aitd auti utlwr H cd, d ie p o p e w a s p u ttin g ““ o® ofV/imess to Hope: Vie Bio^ iograsomn ec se rio u s q u e stio n s o n th e pbyofPope/olmPaulll." irid's a g e n d a - d o c s suffe rin g >vorid E % S ituation1 I t ’s A W in --Win \ W ith AVF arm ers iquity L oan H om e Eq . T h e B u s h a d m in ls tr a iio ni hh a s Illegally a v o id e d Issuing new s ta n d a r d s t o re g u la te m ercury tiry e m lsslo iis b a s e d o n M axlmlu uni m A ch iev a b le C ontrolT tedw olo g ; a s m a n d a te d b y th o Q eanyU r ur^ A ct A m e n d m e n ts o f 1990. M A C r c o u ld r e d u c e m ercury i e m issio n s b y u p to 90 p e rc en - t w ith in a th r e e - to four-year IM »■ la n Steffler N v H e a t h Go S a rtn e r b'ith a F o rm e rs H o m e You c a n 't lo s e wJtl y?. B e c a u s e t h e r e 's n o E quity L o o n . W hy? c h a rg e s a d d e d to L ooh l^ees o r o t h e3r < to c t o n e o f th e s e y o u r lo o n . S o c o ni to Is o( n d g e t a g r e a t lo a n I L o an P ro fe s s io n a ls - o t o g r e a t r a te ! W eg< h o n e St. O ffice Shoshc T w ir^ o ll^ ^ ^ ^ ^ B u h l O fl ■ M M M ^ H o m e EEqq u ity L o a n s A s LLt o w a s y' ID A H O PORK PRO DUCERS b a n q u e t AND A N N U A L MEETING G IS Room #276 N. ■ ’ ^ •/ 50% 6 .1 v e D a v is Dove yX id flllO ffic ^ ^ W anda ' 7ur Life Easier Making Ibm .. (W F A\RMERS l ATIONAL C S I b aM i K MombofFDIC . R e g is tra tio n ■ 8:3Q -9:00am ' S p e a k e r J o h n Carr I o w a S ta te V et B a n q u r t Lunch Noon S p e a k e r J o d i Sterie P r o je c t P ig 1H)0pm A n y o n e Is in v ite d t o t h e • 1 : 0 0 m e t i n g 'I ' ■ 'e j ‘p w la lly 4 - H '« r j F o r m o r e in fo rm a tionn ’' -’ t : . ' c o n ta c t J o a n B e n n o tt: 2 0 f r5 4 3 ^ « .* ' fou Can Count On" “ATiradldanYoi TtainFill* Wendell Jerome Buhl 34-15W 734-7264 536-5271 324-3800 543-4351 734-1 ia s.u m t) «l4MiiaSl M SMh t e k t IWHtaUoBM lu tu a o b A lP lejrcen ' B lu e U ik e ssCO ffic o . •oils T w in fo i • : • , - • HtwiedbaikeeiH I S a ro‘ah Schonm an 'JJ.o ro m o O ffica Ib u ^ («en Ibt Will Sm< JoubiI ?rinM PIm It k nSM Ienls'vih»nquM .rerar ia i F S S s E S E ai , r i ' •! X-IS TIffl«»Mm,T MnM'H >,h,m » Sunda)^March27,20099 : I e)A H O €rs painsi s a n d g ia i n s th resortt ’s arriv;^ a l D o n i i e ^l I l y s u f f e .; DONNELLY (AP) - - R P enee Welch rem em b ers DDonnelly or v.-hcQ the local idea ofI aculturc was drinking beer, pbyins fdng pool loyoand. a n d listening to a coi,vboyl Ihatfe the way II was for m ost c d ithere. of thc 12 years site's lived Donnelly w as like any of a hun* -pp< e e lin g died little Idaho (owns — naini. no sidewalks, dogs ^ ddo z in g d y knew In thc streets. E verybo^ hundng everybody. Qshing and hu wcrc rell^ons, an d abou M)ut thc ally hap* ;vt)ret thing tliat normally poned w as a hangover, that’s fading history. h e icom "Wc have an avalanclie ing dow n thc m ount It Frank ^ . longtime area resident F Eld said over bm n ch at a gleam g|i ing new espresso shop, lop. "An av^onchc nam ed Tiunaiac Tamarack, llie SL5 blllio: Ilion ski. golf and real estate devi !n m jn c n t being built seip-cn i iles aw ay e n d ed D onnelly’s laidback lifestyle like a1 bugle b blowing reveille. I^roperty ues a nd rent have skjrock longtime residents arc leaving, lea crowd U an d the beer and jerky crCT giving way to the wine quiche set. ct "literThe real esiaie market r n ic h f" ally ciiunged overnli Donnelly real estate >>">'‘c br r GirolAm burgysaid. „ "Houses used to be on in f ^ i r m arket here from one ttoo f o it f years." slic saitL "Now thc he g{ o ^ o n e s sell before tliey ever .•ven Wt the listings. W ith T am ar n arack s first sale. It becam e a fccdm fee g frenzy." In addition to an esnr a n resso shop, ijie n ew DonnellyI 'h haa s a n art gallery a n d a store that Ixal sells sushi — businesses diat at o( n c e w ould have been consid isidered undiinkable here. Oilierr recen re t additions include a motel, li n cl. lau drom at, a f t shop, real1 e: e sta te oQicc and m ortgage comp impany. A 17.000-square-foot ggro rocery arc . a r e . _____ s to r c .a n d g eneral, store c d 2 5 p e rB d succcssM y ran forr ddie help there has intreasetl Valley C ounty Cornmisslon n ia last c cn tin th e lo sty ca c .Vi wom en,” "Most o f t h m a re w year, in p a n b crausc h e: w as' irockh e said.'T heycan'tm ak a k eltw id t conccm cn about th c lb m a ia c especially xnvth thcsehousingpricc3.es trim c rcd explosion in growi tr aby sitters a n a property values. It becan cam c if diey have to hire bob 3atch-22.' Vi4iilcdieywork.lt'saCa personal, h e said. v\iicn th etmim mi n^ofA m b u i^ worries abo M utD ons w ho c u t his firewood cbuldn^ h e r resort '.was nelly becoming anodic fo ford h is Increased rentr'.wi evicted an d left th c a r ^ ' class peo. ^town whcns worklng-ck Ll c \ ."It took out som eone vrfio vit • pic can’t afford to live, per* "Id o n 'tw an tto se eppeoplelive w anted, to live hcrD<and pc d toworic Ing in H o n ^ o c Bend form ed w hat for m e.and a lot oi f 01 2,* F he in Donnelly." o th c b w as a cridcal servicc,” rm a At Vi^kuites, Wclch h h a s inL said,' “We're trying to form so pco- _ a c a se d d ie hourly wagi housing authority Bcduisc pci ige to $11 ' he ■ to help h er employeess 1k e ep up pic pi arc b d n g priccd o u t w ith tn e h i^ c rc o s ts oifUving— fl *?vly b a d ^ u n d is in mlanuam an d to com pete with lb facturcd housing. I p uItt In I Ihm arack fa irack cur* Icvue for employees. Umiara houses in Hailey and BcUcvt wihen they were \\4icre w e aair c rcntly luis 321 resort em imployees w m y a s 900 iat It an d is expecting os m an now. T h e scary part is that nc took 10 years to ^ t to d ie poll point construction workers th this'sum to w wiherc people couldn't affoid id to t m cc we’re "I used to have to lay live there anymore. Here, we"! Uv there aln a d y .' off every year," W clc m tes ‘Now I can’t find anyt U p th e sttec t at Vigilante iyt>ody to Restaurant and Lounge, W/ddcc h work. They have rcstati R{ lu ia n ts at R «>M W .Icl,,o»n.r ier of the VIgllantet Restaurant In IDonnelly, believes the smallI town tc wlll ba bigger than vviorries about h e r employee jyecs Thmarack. an d their cm w mployecs « bbetausfl of the Tamarack Resort. art. Welch, who hopes to retire, I McCallln 10 year* ), bought the restaurant In bK get.ski packages a n dI tbenefits. being able to make iL It'stoughtocom petcwviththaL it l "BeforeHunarack, it w as $500 SSC 1993 for $ 185,000 1 10 and currently has the business IS ui up for sale for $79S,000. o o m have to pay m orc to get ;cl people ■ aa m o n th for a tw o-bcdrooi p lan n ed as p art oaff Ja retail com Some predic ^ c t that Ihm arack TcxacoD ;staiion w as where wc ap apaztmeni," she said. “Now it s down here fo work lot for me. I IVit’ will , b e th e) n ext Sun Valley, practical Billy grew u p as kids. It $iS1.000. Even a cjum m y old tral p l ^ A b a n k l s rm ^ torcd. trail- have a good crew, b u t lt'5 it's thin. If g diffcrcncc in transforming oi g once-slcepy D on- had an "IVc seen a big c n o il- c h a n ^ g bay and crer has gone from S400 to $700. ^00.1 I lose any employees, s. 1 don't ju st ih c lost six mlonths,’ oi Wclch nelly (2000 ccn ccnsus poptllation, mcchani mlcs. There w as an o ld -. us tim e k n o w w h a tlllc fa rm sc scared." : used ro have a lot o f part-tlm ia ld .-W h e n I S M! P people in thc 138) into thle e nnext Ketchum o r faslilone ned p op m.'ichine \\iierc on em ployees. N cw ' they’re■ all a !e. W d d i. . Vigilantes is for sale, restaurant now ani a n d ask them Hailey. Feelings ngs ab o u t thc boom the p oipp ;slid througli slats. They wc nake w ho nopcs to rcdrc, bou working full dm e just to mak ought the cy say, 'O h, we arc mbced. What they do, they :andy there. It was our cn sold car ends meet.*' $185,000, business in 1993 for Sl just m o v ^ here."' “We're rapid pidly reaching tlic hangout uL Now it will just be va- ■ Hershcl Coulter o f d ie Cal Cal- purchased som e equi lulpm ent ^ loj w gich w•ras as offered six point \vhcre yoi Iyou’re n o t going to cantnroi vary Chrisdan Food Bank say roperty for sale. It^ whatls va ihen. Her says and enlarged die kitcihi years ago for S22,C a,000 recently be able to find in d a bare, nondc- hapneni die n u m b e r of people getdn ning all over DotmeUy."’ dti 795,000. tdng cim cn t asking price: S79 gold for S80.000. D c DcedeeG ossi, script plecc o fg f g ro u n d fo ru n d e r _______ Valley County’s chic hiefdeputyas- SIOO.OOO," Ami \m b u rg y said. "It's sessor, says propt pperty values good for busii usiness. But I live ’ ovcraU have double bled to tripled here, too, a nidd local 1 people arc — in the last year. being forcedlout-" ou Signs advertising ing everything Longtim e! tbusinesses are . from new subdivisic islons to heavy s tru ttin g to) co com pete for availeq uipm ent for hire ire seem to b e able w o r Wrs. :Rising property e v e r ^ h c r e . 'Dun. un arack has values an d the 1 he influx of workers b rought good-payir lying jobs and .loliunarackhai ;h a v e b ro u g h tliI^ steady employmeni e n t to a town e r ren ts and nd a shortage of h ith d ra l^ th e c lo)sureofaB su oisc affordable hous ousing. Cascade Corp., sawi In nearSome longtin gtim c residents arc , ' by Cascade in200L - .................leaving becausi ause they can't af; j mts In a town w herc • • ford rising rents K'. ^ ^ ^ a s lo w ^ . resort p n ^5 ap af p ea r to bc thc IL M G T r e a t SS e r v i o * e "andardEquipmm Stai ent a t Idaho Centn rai I v '' w itl V .f-, future and. increas-wave of the futu inriy, die prcsc Tscni. Others have :ash in o n suddenly sold o ut to cash iperty, a n d still odtvaluable proper ers have left[ or are thinking of leaving becausc luse they don't like yie new Dormcl ■ m cllyasw ellasthe n aactually see the old. You can tow ndianging. c^y for Donnelly,’ wrat(±ed workers | | H P I "it’s a sad icua' C service station Eld said as h1ew dem olish thfor c ;decades at tlie ic that stood for town. "Tliat old ccnter o f llie H ir W West Mountain and Tamarack i A laysr of hazo bangs over oon In late February. Donnelly during an afternoon :k resort near i /OAC • VT&m v e d i n m i n u t e s s!! LocalScrvia Hccfivm People Who I w Carer M B ■■ wmm , *br B r t r a J ' m ^ ^ i'j'. oyv i S S s a m j ^ ’i r a i s i f i t e ^ LoiKtn^Uai ayW «ft5lK dOg.m .=;S S im r in y' Might Ki £.m ... sday: • Wednesd i t f i p i K a im d . ' 'T o u th 'G io i Q i d r J& ’I ' 1 U K a te flU ito * ■ » .% — t a s s a ’® — • lik 9 a S !! L J * 5 « • Guns & Accessor • Re-Loadlnj SuppI • General Gun Rep 1522B E4500 n '. Buhl* 12081 i ^ I I F m b l | _ | I I I Im j 26 t i-ni- 9 : 3 0 a .m rking Lot Old Mere PaiUi Q ^ hildParade Day ofthe Chil ^ 1 0 : 0 0 aL. nm . H gHunt Easter Egg 1 f H Park Eastman Pai I porting Your Local Butfr n . Thanks for Suppor mttb'ngs Irt and 3rd Mondays IJ Oi»mbeHut\{hi m H e»di montii C ome om k a m m on aboui what wee }0 , H __________ 7 1 6 H w y 3 0 IEast • B U H L • 543*6682 ER ^ r | imerce > "Troutt (Capital of the W IVorld" i S a t u r d a y , Ma aa rc h ! C R am l C o mmtn S e r c f ! -I \ JVIASTERS A aC T lO N F R IE GREAT LOCATION NS IN BUHL I SERVICE "Tbe‘Business ^ :O N V B N tS ffT O B N D L r - B E U A B lB m SI T W O G I Sroadway North m ar Lakes Road - 229 Bn ildert Beverages> i n T o w n I cally Owned & 0Operated. I 102 Clear iing Boys £ Girls Clubs o f Magic Valley ^ ■ow fctuw niTw i :k Back Card Use your Kick $ Same asscashl$ ^ H I |3 Household Estates fintlques Machinery Uoestock ,'Appraisal Serolces I R &L I g r een c h o i UThe Service Yc I Can Rely On! 1 5 4 3 -8 6 3 - Buhl - 543-5227 .Mobile 731-1616 ■ 3874 N. 1300 E.-BU H cQooding - 934-5350 I LoiMllyownei H Mobllt 539-5350 H m m m am m sB that S crelct B u ilt' www.mastasaucUatia}in an o p e / a t e c f Trapped elk: In s id e Officials h ave' ■ lo s h o o tih c m . PageBS _ M A G K: c V 'a . T h c T im c s -N c w s Perfection ai 44 degrees Fahrenheit s‘ Iim i Everybody sh o u ld have ha' som ething that he's really good got nt. a n d I’ve fou n d m y niche: I've achieved th e Ideal b a d elorrclrigenitot At its finest, th c bachcli ticlor fridge is a m agical in ix tu ic < of pragm atism a n d nej^ect, o)fe f ein terprise an d sloth. W h e n a m ta n , opens its door, h e sh o u ld smil m ile. W hen a wom an d o c s th c sam sh e should shriek. W hich is p re d se ly w h a t n flanccc did the o th e r day, 'C all hazmati" s h e d em ani ed. N onscnsa I'm d a b b lin g wii perfection here. And bccause g en iu s sh o u b e shared, here arc m y fridge current contents: • 'Three 36-ouncc b o td e s ( H einz ketchup, w ith o n ly aboi bout a q u a n c r inch o f k c tch u p left I th c bottom o f cach on e. • Hemnants o f a p in t o f so soiu r cream , gtow ing s o m e th Wirng tliat's turning th e m o st rcmlarkarl able shade of green. i a t e r M egan Hinds RsbertOwijm S ftr to x x ............. B2 O blluaries School lu n c h e s ............ 84 Id a h o /W e s t. .B3, B&€. B8 l l :. e y e ■3234 Cif^Edi 2005 S l Sunday, M arch 27, 2( e {s c a p ■ -----^ re JEROME - Local authorities wer JB n a te arching Saturday for a n inmati scorc tiyat tio cscaped from police custody a . B enedicts M edical C e n teJr In ii rom e o n Friday nl{^L fcron 5 on, R o b ert D wayne Stephenson 1, oflW in Falls, was being heldIFriFri 'IS.ol unty dlya y a l th e Jerom e Count; ition irrectlonal E idlity o n a probadoi olation, w hen h e c o m p la Ined in o J f - '”.‘ severe abdom inal pains, ins,’ e ; s p according to a statem en t released Saturday byy Sheriff Jim Weaver. :n adm itted to Stephenson w as then imicnt Friday St. Benedicts for trcam <1 from police afternoon a n d escaped lal at alw ut 9 custody at th e hospital p.m. h o f th e area • ‘An extensive search 1C statem en t proved fm itlcss," tiie said. Stephenson w as still!l at a large as o f and tiic inveslatcSaturdaycvcningan » id Sgt. Rick tigation is ongoing, sai S c c t i o nh B o l ii c e c u Ustick o f tiie he Ierome County Shcriffs Dcpartm tm ent. The depanm ent has distribute uted fliers with Stephenson'spictiuc a -canddcscrlptlontolocal retailers anid d convenience c stores, he. said, Stephcnsor son is described as a white male,^ 6 feet, 1 inch tall, wlili brown hair an andbluceycs. Stephenson » n could arm ed and is considered rcd d.-uigcrous. He oiiginally h a d been b arrested on a w arrant for >r 1felony possession of w eapons, Ustl Jstlcksaid. r Buhl1celebn'ates th< ren’ ^ I f ‘Day' of the Childr istod ) Ainyone w h o sees Stephen: itison A shot hould c o n u c t local autiiorities. “E 9-1-1 an d don't m essI witii "Dial v him llm." Ustick said. In addition, anyoncw itiiinfon Drmalould io n regarding Uic case sho tion com lontact C pt. Gerald Brant of )f tiie Jero erom e C ounty Sheriff's Dcpi :partm er ncnt's investigation section in at 324124-8845. Tf Hinds Tfmcs-Wciw wriicr Megan HI can be readied at 735-3238 an 38 or meg neffin.hinds@lec.neL Q W H g IWo-year-eid Kelseyy ■ |k ^ BIckle of Buhl, left, er | H H | waits whh her sister on V'.' •• a f e y IT'?, tf • • t ses awarenesss of support s)systems q | | Event raisi before the s tart ol P jff® Buhl'. El Ola il« lo.s rday, Q U M L ^ NInoi parade Saturdi El Dia de los Ninos1 m y i m m eans‘the Day of the th Children.’ By Megan Hind# Tlmo»New»WTttef ------ BUHL - Tliank goo p o d n ess h didn't sno^v. That was th e sc; shared by m any a tt B Buhl's H ASK M EE Dia dc los Ninos plarade an Easier egg h u n t. Ab< \b o u t 100 children, parents a n d pets pi gathI ered In dow ntow nI Buhl I to make thc trek to city ty p ark on ------ * decorated bikes, tn k :rlkes and rhicli "^R ois. • Nine cans o f beer, wrfiic They were rexvardcd a arc all that's left o f fo u r sb crisp, sunny day - n o t to m enpacks, cach a different brani th e plastic Qu'rc prizes in thc You never luio\v w h e n you'i - Kohig to run o u t o f m ilk an d n av e to p o u r b e e r o n y o i T h e annual event is a good comflakcs. 'v ay to b rin g th cco m im m iunity to• Thc rem ains o f th re e om Rcther,saldBuhlM ayor ivrBoTDara qu a rt plastic jugs o f milk, i Glcizen. El Dia de Lo: Los Ninos. various stages o f curdlc. which m eans "The D a o f thc Day • O ne h a rd -b o ile d egg. cgj aiildren.” is a Latin1 American Ai cracked andoovJng. uadition to cclebratc ( [c children • A two-gallon ja r o f capei ipcrs and to raise awarenes: less the th a t I bouglu at C ostco in 199! [995. im portance o f strong lg support ^ t e m s for growing' Id Wd s, and • Tlic handset to m y teletek ;tcrs, event is Indushre c oc f Buhl's p h o n e. I hate telem arketer: growing Hispanic com omm unity, a n d you can't ans;ver th e p hlo on c .C ictzcnsald. . . . . If you can't Ond it. r s o f "W tfrcproIjahIyl3ta lto T 4jpcr• S tt Idendcal p lastic jars* c ^ jy ccnt Hispanic in BUhlni 1 now ., she French’s m u s.jard ,, b arcl opened. It's n ever a g o o d Ide idea ,, jjuy Angelica Garza o f Buhl to ru n o ut of m u stard , so I bu b r o u ^ t h e r th re e ci children. so m e every tim e I go to th c grc Raquel Brisa and Ernsn asmoAriz* eery store. mendl, to thc p aradlee ai n d egg • O ne bait buckct. e m p ty o ' hunt 'b e c a u s e o f ti; c c p t for fo u r h a lf-uJ se sc d .veather.T he ’ich U t o packages of fra g ra n t ch ccs lin Street, ® « e m arched dow n M ain (Limburgcr, C am cm bcr an d L g ^ " > B e t t Q t h e ccancfy ^ huvarti and the king 6 f flshin checscs, Velvccta). A n d yes, } “In Modco, they d o) this th every cleaned die w orm s o u l before O rel yearlnA pril."G aiza 6»aic ld . * p u t it in tho refrigerator. At thc paik, a b o u t 500 5 Idds Ithlnk, , , stared at th e 2,500 brl ri^0 tiy c o l. • A half-used p lastic bo ttle le oc f club soda. No, 1 d o n 't rem icmcm n B | | [ | ^ n ^ 9 |H b er why. • Four barely o p e n e d plastl astic bags o f carrots, in v ariou stages o f demise. (Hey. it's East ^ tI , crJ). ' Speaking of w hich, here'si th th'e T . '/A'; '; r^BBI pmm uiur MTH/TtonM*. lects egg* wHh her aunt Tori Mletzner, Mlc dlton Pereira, o> Tvdn Falls, collec ol Buhl, during Buhl's) an itman annual Easter egg hunt In Eastn during the hunt. y. Pereira gathered seven eggs dt Park on Saturday. P 3tzner o f Buhl helped little jred In the grass, Tbri Mletz ored egra scattered Ic overwhelmed by the etzcn < c r of o f tiic Buhl Chamber just w aiting to bbee scoopcd up h e r niccc,, IM adison Pereira o f fcstivii livitlcs. < Commerce. into Easter oaskct& In I< than a minute, all Uic ccts. TWin FalUi, grab seven o f tiic n less t idst o f a frenzy o f cggsw W h e n ' th c hhut n t started eggs in thee m 3 \vere coUeaed. Times-News writer Meg ;m , the m a d toddlers. prom ptly a t 10I aa:i "L 1£ year, they were ali gone List J Hinds can be reached at T. year-old looked a In 30 s T lie 1-yt dash w as o a iO scconds flat.” said Bob Gl- 3238 ormcgan.hinds@lee.net wt I d l e r s a ni d A o i c e a t o) p e n i n g (o f s c h o o l pleccdcmistance: Last week I dyed s o m e Eastc istcr eggs. W hen I fin ish ed , I pu th em in a large c o lan d er to dr^ You kno;v, a bowl w ith hole lolcs in it. T h en 1placed th e c o h m d er ij th c fridge and wont o ff to w ori th a t W hen I c am c h o m e thn evening a nd to o k th c eggs ou Ihelf o f th e rcfrlm ratoc t h e to p she] w as th e color o f a n unfortunati n ate incident a t a to m ato cannery. ry., And. o f course, th c d ye ha notd slopped over o u to th e shelve ^Ivcs below - an d th e ir c o n te n “ts •“ leaving m c the p ro u d ow n er o p e r h ^ s thc world's o n ly purpli caullilower. ' It's all very artistic a n d h a n d som cly com plem ents th c vivic oranges an d b lues o f t h c vcg ctablcs cum m tly m o ld erin g ir th e crispen You're free to disagree, b u t bcUcvc m y roarsely ap p o in te d arom adc reirigerator Is mucl iuc)i m o rc user-frlcndly lh a n y o u Please 8w CRUMP, Page 87 H l H i c o m mn u n i t y I •Newe_____________ Tho Tltne»N< [T ^ C. Iraq -S im p le things • KIRKUK. I like crayons, is.cookicsandhom cla arc putting smiles f C, ;;7i m ade soda x s o f children in the . o n th e faccs d t/sM a m idoda di n e i^ b o rh o o d . N „i'r )ldier3 w im the 2-116 f. Local sold Brigade C om bat .’ •..•r; ^ Team recentiy M E f p R '', ' . ^ h an d e d out i - ' r' C 3 I K ! l i > _ _______ ; m school supplies ^ t a 80 prcschool■/ •}': Ruth Streeter, a fonnerr 71 JJmopf/ewt s iilita n t city editor i ers accom panied ; the far left, helpi one of her I Ukrainian itudents wfth her I ts by their teachers Streeter Hrttneued tho>re recent 'Orange Revolution' that t - and i&irdistan tor shown at political landecap* of XJkr V A khm ed o f tiic » Ukraine. > o f E ducation, said htrre id ln j. W ahoam Ite Hibbert, public reIc c r f o r th c lie tiiin a U t f - ' . M inistry iSC of . It to s ec th c progress , 6t Brigade Combat Team handi 18th ndl lein Iraq's s c h o o l ^ '■‘” >t^ 7Lt; Aaron S im p n of the 2-U acket of achool |uppllet to a boy loy iduring th e celebration of tho».■ tid a psck new s release 1st Lt. Aaron 1 fire support oQIccr openln ning df the Ohusoon preschoolIearlier eai this montb In Kirkuk, Iraq iq . ByUiialwCavoiMt •1 1 6 th .'C h ilto n rcp • lup Intcm ational. one of iK k m t. j ; t l k n l r i f a h |x TlmefrHewt corre»pond« fum rc o f any nation. tem s, said ny contractors handling new Supplies needed '''W^MM.COtpV.VC ------, JoTTutgin. aand i effort indicated ool constm ctlon and reno■T W IN FA LI5-W henl in tiicn n rl i i f RuthftrM tM Ing th e ir education b f 118 th B r i ^ con-► t u n 'i u l d ' w itiith c 2 -Il olutlon R uth1 S £ treeter ■.v'-edlhnnW ngui lem th© tools to build ^ d oonprojectslnlniq. n bet T em , which Indudes les re sc m th e fu vmtChed m an y o f b te r col; ninth'or lO th ffiJe for themselves I h ee 116ti;i Is a keyplayer in efsoldiers from M e ^ Val-I• yolartHf; •; T ho tim e future an I c a g i^ go o n strike. fortss tc .'.from'the Me^Vallt to bolster Iraqs economic '• ley, la helping to rebuild itM Is InteiM-' to im provin & it iho form er re puorrt c r a n d r o f th e school con- a n dI Infrastm i .wbuldenloyhsvtngl cttue developschools In Klrioik and Sulay-< igUQitifthB ■.--■i: w iQgtvother ■ editor at 77w TImcJrWtft n tlin th e provinces o f Klmik \teuttw as. dentstie pen polsv ndeteechw'' a b i ^ t c r f ihi ith c soldiers having m c nt manlyah. Iraq. Soldiers needd 'Ihe unltls n t w itnessing a new Si levraroom >her classes hi Ukrel Valleyv<tK) , a n d ira q .' n d drinking ho m e - an d1 Sulaymaniyah. tha following school eupplies IS mutiny. Streeter. a'Peac* mlsslo a c e C o rp s ’ torrrispondenceWoi sion also indudcs supporttyplcalty found In a studentsB tngtilVhefstu-' T he to u ar (w ith th e sm dents volunteer, now teaches! Iraqi government, [he soldiers said tiu7 Ing tiie tl e s E n ^ ls h English.^. .alswfthonedf. > cludcdw itiii desk: 24^)ack crayons, No. 2 ibllshlng security, developto young students in1 U Into th e schools an d establi Ukraine, ;H you're brttm Jtoelne. ted, The ' cookies and pendla. pens, colored mark­ where she h a d a first-rc sdiUdrcn. ,lng In Iraqi security n rc c s and t-row s e a t • '.contact S tre etsiWouldbeIn thr ' nuuic soda ers, mep pencils, 12-Inch ople o f Iraq are com fa d llu Utatmg . coBuntmlcations. to tbe so-called *Orang( ngeRavo-, -city Editor Utiy fost ,. aiuistoff.'Ihi njlers, roundend scissors, lutlon." • providing a quality T h er lie 11 tii BCT is comprised of ' ' 3 2 0 4 Of by s n a!*d,ybucan ils ' lovegolngln pendl sharpeners, erasers, , 1 , saw groups o f Uttle itt d q u a rttt? and staff sections, for tixelr c h ild ita headqi o ld ’ tfostetOmaglcvBlley r through Nlfht v isltingtbod glue sticks, bounce bottles of ol W IDlamSmltii.They tw o aarm n or battalions, o mechaladies staiullns o n tlie . a t'735l e side o f t__ v ,, ___L— Foster r "The peop glue, wldfrfuled peper, oonid In fa n tn battalion, a tlie h l g i n v ^ ^ v i i w th th e Importonco o f a nlzed th e ir o rbecoiam azlxigand: Bilat ■ m itte d to pi stnicdon peper and coloringE poR b attalion.,a O dd atango - w o m en w hto o w o u ld b e v rtm e ssto a llth a tlley.com. education ation Tc fbr every child, suppoi books. ; tbe form er rtr^m c tUIcxv rv battalion, a n ' engineer . o th c h v i^ b e sdlliig the th d r oun-. T h ro u g h • o—■___ j I . said C a p t WI 8 u p p a ta ^ b o e e n tto :M a^|.1. M o n . a n d various I n t ^ Qower seeds fo r p ec na n le s. o -p o p u la r m ovem en John Worster.HHC/116th BCT ICT |cct was hanclled'by gence, ce, signal and specifUIzed p o u n d o n a stre e t c (R)rwanI),APOAE 09368. .T O to s M R H ^ 3. .'' from W ashington u n its S t x e ^ said In a n e-tn< I i l » '"W | jf I Former’ T - N j o u m li witiiessee s a r e v b l unf a l i s t ■ Snozopac^^j^, Wotof»l»d 3 <y. • 64%. 60% ^ 'r S4% «0S 71% 66^ 8t% 65% 61% 59% 6S% . 69% m% 74% 70% 73% 68 % ra% , ,7 8 % 74% r 4% ; . 72% 70% A i'0fM *f0h2« «" 8 «Imon Wood UtUoWood Big L ost LJttft L o tt Hanrys Forkn>ton U pp krS ntlw B w In 0«W«y ' 8 «lmon FiOa. ;*Ae^inpftiH a o( i m f iicwpMifc.:. i i HB) B m itio n r T - .w ld B p r c a d je n l.W H (cm — Umoi(,f»jaB7 mukc^ fr M T lB w M m ,T M aM At,l t,k li6 o 8 u n % H arcfta7 ,2 0 0 8S . M a g ic V ai ALLEY ' Stay on top Ooif y o u r I n y e s ^ e i with thei MI o n e y p ^ e s ; V n a — J e r o m eE C o u n t y^ IC O U R T S in JEROME - Rcccnt aactivity ct Sth District Court In In Jerom J e following: County Indudcd the foU < ^ ^1^ 1 ^ ^ j-— Misdemeanor arraignments . r \ n Bethany L Badi. 33; dilvi] Irivingwith. \\ illuie to ^ out prlvUMcs: fallui t's license: purchoM/lnvalld driver's l u i t \\ \ ^ prctriaj confcrence April11 4; 4\ Maglstiate fudge Thomas H- Bones distuibing \ lothua N. H c n o a 23:: di: tliciicocc; ptccrial c o n fmenceApril4; na . ' \ IS U H. Botiey M fl^ tiale Judge T honus . icn. - . • 2B: use or peter WUUam Kcsaieff,r, 2B ^ , raphem alia J6350 court costs:i: si possession o td r u g 'p a ra pl six months unsilTiol c o n b rpcivised probation; I with Intent i6 use: pretrial rate ence AprU 4; M a gbtn te Judge five suspended; Mi Thomas f I. B ontsen. Thomas H. Bonesea iv in g u n d er B rianD .Alli^.26: Somud Lozano. 27; drivin 26;ditvin8Wllhow lurchase/in- priviiega: $300 Une, the tnHuence; (oliure to purci K pretrial ed, 578.50 c o u rt c vaLd driver's Uccnse: strate ludge supervised probation confcrcnce April 4; Mogbtrai 68 suspended, cred Thomas H Dorresea disturbing served; IBO-doy drivi M arda May Olivas. 20;I; dl: Iriver’s license (US' thc peace; pretrial conferena enceApril4; pension; drtvlng umder n d the influence IS H H. Bdnc- am ended lo inatt M o ^ o o te Judge Thomas d i i h ^ $300 One. $: swMichael A. Thomas, 26; driving 90 da^-s in jail, 88 su under the influence am m er ended to for one day served: N driving under the Influence (ice (sccond Thom af H. Borresea oUense}: failure to putchase lase/invalid Aleksandr V. Gcic Sk-er, 2 ft driving driver's license: failure lo provide without privileges ar proof of Insurance: pretrial lia l confer- ure to purchasc/li ence April 4; Magistrate rate Judge license: $300 fine, s: Thomas}]. Bonrscn. S ^.50cauitcosls.S3. Chris Allan ThjiUlo. 46;i dis disnubing $50 pubUc defender fi the peace; pretrial confcimcc MiccApril4: supervisednrobalion Magisuate Judf;c Thomas aH H. Botre- 68 suspended, tw o d sen. work program: Ma Thomas H. Borresea Rolando Izaguim amended to bil^ wiihout privilegesI an urc to pu ich ase/lt e/lnv^d (Ith-er’s . $200 suspended, Keith Blanc. 17; lnatlcnll\ 3. $50 public deless driving pretrial o n fe re n 4: Magiitrate Judge Thomas i l / Mario Camacho-VUIa. 24; failure (0 stop damage, leaving the he ssccne of a n acndent amended to) tiilure Iai to notify upon striking Qxniies ues o n the hlglH«y;S150JJnc. $100 SUSP suspended, by prosecutor: Magistrate ineth M. Remund, 18; kidnap• ' custodial interference; dsupport cases c m id i Soue< ce of Idaho H eahh and VhUfiue vs. Satvac vadorCoveaand MarlaX Rosales. Set Seeking of Mr. tSovea; S249 monthly lly support for Esmeralda Rosales, plus pit 64 p e rcent o f child's medical i u expenses; $2,764 for his pro rata tha: haie of birth costs; attom ey fees, Siatec e ofldaho Health and WWfiue vs. Bobir bin D, Nob a n d iixHpAt Ann Lamb. S Seeking o f Mr. Nab; $630 lly nipport far Emily Kay Kart • monthly line, plc plus 73 p e rcent of chlldli medicali al expenses: aoom ey fees, wideproofoflnsurance; </prosecutor Magistrate asH.Borresea iMuSr.,41;useorposIniB paraphernalia with r. niwnltited by prosecue case; driving without iluro to provide probf of ■asicnger safety - child in of ege ot under 40 safdy restrained: disprosecutor Magistrate ts H. BorreserL F e lo n y a rrraa llg n i i i e n t s RickyAlonCor iCoates.l9;fbrBCty:destructlon. alteiatl eration. conceaimcnt of evidence; twoDcounts coi theft by recehrng stolen property: f a forged check: status hearing March rch 28; District Judge John K. Dutlctt IS S S S I. latte Frances Sm Charloi mithson Richardso son A Traditional Family, ope speratlng a famlty ow ned business bi 'offering th e peoplef of th e M agic Valley Except!' itlonal Value a n d excellent ent service In all your funera ral, neteiy need j. With customk ilzed . c re m a to r' i>nd cemet funeral packages a t the area's m ost affordable prices. pi e o f W u Health and \Me!£ire redo Carda a n d Aicella Men- I doza. Se. Seddng o f Ml Gorda: $366 monthly lly tim port for Agustia Mendoza-Hei fiereola. plus 75 percent of child'* nmedical o p e n se s; attoroey fM,. .Suueo e of Idaho Health and VNUfiue va.Rldiai hard Rodney Chandler n and Christina r u L O u n d le t Seeking o f M t le r ^ 4 5 monthly support for . Chandler 1 ninfvfiw,TTna^>i,»^i>w/<t,.Tj MaiyA.C Pamelaa iChandler a n d Richard fL ---------- ^ -----------1 .. 5 E R V I G Parke's M agic Valley ley Funeral Hom e, Crem ato to ry 'Iheln ilm aC . C os o f BuhL celebra tio3nD o f life a t I I a .m . M ondai lay at th e B uhl U n ited M etiiod odist Church; view ing a t 6 t o 8 p.i p.m. today a t I ^ im e r n i n eral Q C h a pdlnB uhL TwIn1 Ft Falls C em eteiy 2551 il iKimberly Rd. Twin1 Fj Fam, ID 83301 f E S - 8 -7 3 5 -O O n nd C em etery Combination. n. Twin Falls only locally Funeral H om e and r . " I j i o t ^ s i ^ o o d o l m a n i'.i i OWl liiE iiio n . . 9 I hom e in Portchiscd a n d imderprlvileged im PIc m ade their hoi jnjoyed the . she gave tirelcs land a n d enji dessly for c a u se s . 1 boundless o p p oonu n n itics fo r'. sheD clicycdln in - . ■■ ' .J tion reminisSheissuivhrec tiutdoor recreotio ived by her loving cent o f th e ir nai native Id ah a husband, Geioli srald 6 . Richard\ lifelong comson; d a u ^ tcirs, r s ,'Valerie Brown Together tlicsc lift ------- rN O T I C E S — panions cUmbcd<1 :Mt. Adams o f Portland md andGina Richardand Ml Hood, fishi lahcd, camped son o f Mosi Moscow, Idaho: F ra n D and spent a s mui n uch time as son-in-law, RRo^ T. Brown: IN possible at th c On Oregon coast grandsons, George C and « FALLS - Fhmccs Vfal96, ofTW in Falls, died ' L atcron,theyinstil stilled their rcW illiam Brown w n ; broUier-lnr. Match 25, 2005, a t h er sp e a o n d n p p rc ddaa tio n for tile law, John Moore Me o f Los natural environmt im ent and all A ngela; h er devoted de caregtv" °P ruiK rhcntft w ill bc^,anliving things in in their two er, Carol Blalso llson: mid tn m y x d by R ^ o l d s Funernl dau^itcrs, Valerie leta n d G in a .dearfriends. Eatly on sh e; dcvdoped di a A m em o rial» a litr to to ia J e 0 ^ 1d ln T W n M s. passion for m usic 3ic and played brate Chariotte'a tte's life was h d d ., , the violin m ost ooffIher life. She hi Portland.. Remembrances Re d flm iO was a charter m cm em ber and ocm ay b e m ade to PEO Chapter c to CASTl niEFO R D , Jam ie dve participant iin n ' T h e Music CH, Womenls inls S c h o la i^ p Ramos, s. 60, o f G astldbnL died dub,* an Informmaal gatiiering Fund, 2824 SW SWIllinois, PortFriday, M I ^ 25, 2005, a t his of friends w ho lcloved music land, OR 9723 17239 o r to th e hoiruv and played togcth etiier and for Oregon Humane umc Sodety. Rosan aiy wlD-.bo h d d at 7 1^ o n e a n o th e r onn a m onthly nvTuif happei o p m after detuh ' Monday lay, March 2 8 . 2005, at basis in rotating ;hom he c3foralissounspcakabl Mbtyglorious that . Farm er :r Funeral ChapeJ, 130 m ost 50 years.■, JShe was a our inu^ruuion tion and ourfixt' N inth Ava A N„ BuhL Vlsiution ch a n e rm e m b c ro f •ofPEOChapings donal sujjk jJJketofbmieven will b e; held h from n o o n to 4 p j a tc rQ L A v o ra d o 3uUS s reader, she on opproxlnuuo uue conception o f Sunday ly, iMarch27, a n d from 4 lo led n um erous Gi G reat Books it......V ie dlssol uolution o f our 8 pjn.M Monday, M arch 26, a t the discussion groups. ps. A champitime-boundform fon in eternity i^ n n e!T r Funeral l ChapeL A com o n o f civil right ghts an d an bringsnojossof obituaiy: will ap p e a r in advocote o f thle c disenfranO jrife /u n g ayHedhlori. : D eath flome Health & Hos] S p ic e provides th e highest quality lity... . Hotplce • Private Duty HOME HEALTHS. HOSPICE P'opU Carino for Paopl. M ve ■ Do not stand and at my ashes and weep. - lam notihen. um. I donotsleep. la m a lh o uusand sa winds that bloiu I am the dian liamond glint on snoM I am the sunlii inli^ton ripened gruin. I am the ge. genf/c autumn Whenyouwai wake In morning hush, lam theswvifiupliftingriish ifii birds in drcllng M u iA e a J tm d siitt iita J tite to , r. . ride on. According to hh i . ..,4.1,-. there wlD b e n o sex b u a r o M * o a d P r h r ^ Pt Locotions Serving Idaho ill Today For M ors InfennoHon D61 208) 7 3 4 -4 0 lA BotHend Dr. - Twin ratU , IO v w .idahQ hom ehealth.com L y E a st B l @ s s^i ! l | | P I I a m the soft sofi ^ starlight at md at my ashes ■ '“"““5 •jm.Idtdnotdie. s nknow n iuthorU . ■■1 'j. The family of • « ^ * sincere gFatitude * 5 }d a p p re d o tio n lo • allI oi u r M e n d s a n d ^ • flow )WCT5i ,c a |d s , fo o d • an,] id v is its . W e ^ U liv ts , f o r ^ '■ i-U fa jBERrqiUNERSR* w Iiss h e s t o e x p r e s s ^ • .o uJrr th e * o u ld a tso lik e (o * WOI • thar ank ^ .• '4^ (M. " p o x i ^ u t t (»€■ u - H O W 'n e if o U e . A x d i e o '■Mi K (O ' H c v e ^ 6 c ( n t{ e K i i : m i u c /i 1 K oa, ^ e e o M c t v ve. e . a t t COM, & M W : D r. I rw in , D r. • Ihce m in in g s ta f f a t . SLB Benedicts H o sp ita l ^ EmmaCyilbKr . • Bobt J tU n d s Q iltn e r if ^ • ^ B l l l tISSuzanne Q iZ tnerlt& m ^^ family • ' % J ^ :eiM 1I BcdyQItna'i atkN w A iyl 6 n ^ J <Q>* • <Ul “i O i c K p e U K « utcC M l i o v t o t t f u U i t iM.. lovvaiidespe^tty^ ^ ! O x r & a iw v u fi O u t , S < t v i (nn M t/x tU ( t e ^ o i e e . m in t^ a y o u D a d , • Durable Mcdical Eriuipmcnt • Medical Supplies and Oxygen • Penonal Care ionltoiing . • Home Health Service* - • Therapy Scrvice* Weight) • • HomMcd for Health Staiui Mon (Viul». Oxygen Saiuraiiort, lie W< Syjiem • Health Watch • Penonal Emefgcncy RMponjc iMDteld. Pay. T s H S t e S j i l h I**H uH f a t f t M m D co*, Mm leRamba IB B Ijn V r ID A H O ^ C j^ iCQs W atlend direction o f Pari l^uktj’s M oglc V iJIcy Funeral Hom H( e in TWin Falls, Id a h a IndianE anPniyer : f t h e p a s t 2 8 y e a nr s ■ Josepl sphlne "Jo- HlUls o f Rufuneral a t 11 a.m . Monday lay at the Rupert U nited odist Church, 605 H S t; vlcvdng ng for family a n d friends from 6 to 8 p .m . today a t H ansen en M ortuary R upert C hapd, d , 710 Sixth SL . M ilk J w iln 1035-191 19/0 R uth Jl MacGowan o f Bellevuc, gra Taveside scrvicc a t 11:30 Fr Friday a t th c Bellevue C em eic :icry (W ood River C hapd, H ^Lif M . r a te d ' 2 0 8lly - : ow ned a n d family opera Edgai o r A rthur (IM ) Ib y lo r of W endel Idl, fu n e i^ a t 2 p .m . W ednes lesday a t D em aray Fun e ra l C hapcl,.164 E M ain, Wendell ;elL • John David M A uirhead /id MuirBUHL - John David ay M head, 51, passed away { arch 24,2005, in BuhL Id ah a Vvih Bills, fohn was b o m in IVviii IdaliaonIuIy20,I9S 3. sm o th er, H cissu rv iv ed ty h lsm ihL sister, Jean M uirhcad o f BuhL Pam (Jim) Doivnea o f Buhl; i) Jacobdaughter. Kolia (Josh) J son o f Shoshone; dlaughter, au kizatuin. Kristcl M uithead o f Bozt Mont.; d a r t e r . Sunny my Muirish., and head o f Cheney, Wash, tlakaylon n u n d d a u ^ te r , Mak O d o m o f^ o sh o n e . Kimberly He was raised in Kin n g from an d Buhl, graduating 1971. His Buhl High Sdiool in 197 life was spent outdoors, c Ing r o n c ^ g , w orking cattle and horses, cam hunting, an d being ir ishairoimountains. H e vras his h est o n his Harley. in d( eath He WBS preceded in by his fpther. John Fle Fletcher ^ Odd t to aadMdnUon d O' <um* 0 S S S S K I W “e “ “ “the plalntlft pended, credii forr one oi day ser\Td. one day eligible fbr o r work ' program; operating a motor vel vchicie without liability insurance; $^ fth F e lo n y w K hlh e ld suspended; jail lim e c countJ;MagistraieJUi Sludge Thomas H. J u d g m e fltSts B onoea ler m . plus 75 percent o f chil^ B obbyLM j laim eC Orozco.il9;drivlngunder' 19 roedlcal expenses; attom ey ihe influence amende nded to undenute Old; Judgrnent withhdd • •***■ J c o h o l;$ 7 3 0 ^ injury to a child;; consumption o f alcol ^ V JB 733-0991 H. Borresen. M «eTThomas t artless manner. call 735^278 Monda; For obituary n t n and Information, Info iday through Saturday. DeadUne (sB4pjTi.fo»n«rt41 day publication. Tha w^n 1k .oddnu for obltuarlee la obtti bItsOmatlcvaltey.com. Death notleea ie e a m a f rM •eed until 4 p.m. every day. To vie servico and can bo placoi view or submit obituaries online, or t ortopUceam e*Hillna guestbook, go to wwMrjnaclc In en Individual onllr iglcvalley.com and d ic k o n ‘ Obltuark “ rte*.- ■ Our beloved \vifc,!, nmother. gnm dm othcr and1 ully at thc passed away peacefully tamlly hom e In PonJani su r' rounded by family m meem bers on thc m om ing o f' tk x . 31, 2004, after suffering a stroke six weeks earlier. Bom C harlotte F Firances •rancisco, • Sm ithson In San Frar ),toC lydc Calif.,onjan.l6,1920,to 0. and Veva M. Bartlett J :tt Smithiho. T hc son o f Bulll, Idaho, attending physician w w<as her tictt. tmclc, Dr. Ldwln Bartlett She was pn x ed cd in In d eath by older sister. Muriel ^ an d younger brother, John Smitlison. ny Ih ap p y Charlotte h ad m any lg iu p tn c memories o f growing le 1fam ily m iddle child .on .the, ric “Rock farm in Buhl al thc rcm ained House," a place thal rcir life. She special to h e r aD h err lif jh l H i ^ graduated from Buhl acco m School in 1937. AnI at w on the pushed violinist, she; wc n p c titlo n State H i ^ Schoolcompi atten d ed the sam e year. Site atti the University o fld ahh o w h c ic h e r life; she m et the loyc off ht Gcmld G. R l c h a r ^ n o f \ ^ ' lace, Id a h a W ^ea^g5 a gown ner, th ey m ade by h e r m other, 10 by were married In 1940 I her grandfathis, R E Bartlell licit, a r e ister. T he tired Methodist minisie w om by sam e gown was laterr wt daughter, Valerie, a t htir hta wctiding. C harlotte anid d G ciiy shared their 64th weddli dding ann i v e r s ^ shortly befoi eforc h e r death. The m utual love ra a n d rc apect they shared cd vras apparent toolL She graduated fron ro m UC - Berkeley with a bachc ^ c lo r of ails in E n g ^ whiKiTK ( i> ^ tin g for G eny to come home )m efcom \rttorid W arn. I h c youn{ ung cou- 'or Fimtral and Cremation OaUxforF. Savkal aslntheUagleValUy SDcdallrinx in ipanolU anu 404-4125 ptnoaaU d^yoor ParaEipan W44tli A v e . E ast, cdtbratlosofUfe. 21M T w in F a lls Tl \' jm in j All Fdihs tg ^ tyfuner; inenlclupel<Shotnuil.com of drug p a ta p b e m a l U w to ef Intentt tto use bnlsdemearwr); dlsk) FM ; Affordable, 'Locally O wned' . ■ K w Most Affo V C / lands A. Pauly, 28: kidnapping • ________ - S : O b i t ulARIES-------^ — Can Count On Vs f iny dismissals ^ lanor Juvenile misdemean arraignments ' lal Touch R eally M atter Personal F ^ln m MISdORIOSII j a n o r d is m i s s a l s • Misty Danielli S !^ cS S Misdemeanor sentenclngs W h e n KKlindness, Sincerity, & (C fc M sscd by prosecutor; M agbtrate Eiflnnp ' dismisst oanor judgoiii Thomas H. Boiresen. w tth lie ldlljuuid g m e n t s c, . ^ - d I ■ Jadooa 20: petit theft: , vlihbdd for one year. Form m Bureau Insunnce.vs. Juan BOO s m p o ^ $^.50 Conradc ido-V em Ig o ad o Conritdoand catlo s Conndo-V ega. $35 protMtkia fee; one Vega at }g /tamiigM to Ijo A.fwm lfuvl tervlsed probation; 90 Seeking 10s u s p e n d Magtstrate attrlal;t 1; attorney £ses. Plalntl? aUeges asH .^rresca (hatdefi lefendant drove In a oeglteent p s ® s ' U y . S u n e m t C h a *^ /> e £ | fiwlOw IVWR $200victims compensation. $88JO is court costt; 10 y p a n s u p vto ^ d y ^ o batkm: District hidge )ohaK.I ided, $63iO toun costs, probation io $50publicdefendwfae, er fee: ooe u ' 'year unsupervised probation; 1120 2 -0 ^ driver^ Uccnse uwure to purcbaae/Sn^ ^ d riv ^ U c k Ucense; vloladon o f a Qo-conuct orde jrdendismistedbyproe■ ecutor, Maglstra Jstrato Judge Thomas R Bonescn. JohnA.Waih Ush Sc, 24; driving witha (o M ure to walld driver', license: $6350 court costs: MagtTbomMRBorresea , ' - Jo seph Tih W . L a rsen Funtrc leral Direaor 0^{(eitwrM . . . . . . ® ,« : j i' I; Swdiy, March 27,200 2005 M a g i c: V ^ a l l e y A V e sST i— iFBIiMant!tried smuggl gling box cutterss on an airpl U 3 I 1 6 : , 0M I ta » tlm ,1 W to « • , « ■ ( » SA IT LAKE O I Y CA P )-A A 665- year-old m a n h as been chaxB a j^ : after th e FBI said h e tile e d to ; s m u g ^ c u ttin g a h c a is o nidbox db • cutters o n to a O i^ t. . R uber M ano Dulon JongM ontoro w as arrested Thui "hursday for attem pting to board •ord a p lane a t Salt Lake a t y Iniem em it' tional w ith several sh s ha rp ' objects concealed In foil1 aain d .d u c t.ta p e inside his cany-c Ty-on ^ ^ ^ r i t l e s said they foui round o n e p air o f a s inch' stainle inless ' fetiMl shears, tw o box cultc uKers a n d n iunero u s spare box cutt cutter blades, according to fedci :dcral j c h a r ^ g docum ents. ' D uring interrogation, DuD; FBI lo n g allegedly to ld agen ts (lu t n c w asn't r t aQi e n o r i s t a n d didn't d o anythin n ing yvrong, -c v c n d io u ^ h c k n o wwiiln g ly tr ie d to conceal th em fror r o m d e te c tion. H e . allegedly ssaa id tli c iv e n ir f ro m sh e a rs w ere a souvei U tah, a n d th e box cull :u lte r s w e r e “fo r c u ttin g o u t littii 'f l n g s and sh a rp e n in g |p c n c tls , according lo coun u n docum enis. D ulong, w h o was : IS flying to H ouston to c atch a co — flight (o Lim a, pPe: ch arg ed w ith can w eapon o n a n aircnifi v la e d . h e could serve iv e u p to lO years In prison. G 0CODING ( ' S -----— C ount TY COURTS GOODING - Reccnt activi nM ty in Sth D istrict C oun in G ooding o^ , CountyindudedthefoU fflvinj ving: > Misdemeanor ' arraignments ■— G assS IA ---------------- — B im L E Y -R le e cccc n t a ctiv ity In S th D istric t C; ^o u r t I n C a ssia . C o u n ty in c lu d e d : r - —— ^ Mlsdsmoanor or dismissals u I B anN .lnglei,5l:f 5 l;fa llu rcto s to p at checking station, d 1. dism issed. $125 fine; Magistraleludgc jd g e Rick L Dollar. Roben I. Wise, ise, 44: speeding :tcrlng, dismissed, amended to litteti las, 22; leaving the cident, dismissed; M a ^ tiate fudge RickLBolIar. Rici PetrD.Maftey,30: .^ o n e c o u m d r i v U < ^ am ended to ing without.privllegt lltterlnb dismissed, ed . $150 fine: one a p p w , dbmissed; fR ld L B o Ila t 30; M u r e to have . dismissed. $4350 costs. Kdineth E Chase. lasft 44; o n e count failure to stop allt dd: i e d ^ suUon. dlsmisscd.$llB.50fi] )0 fine, $6350 coun costs; one count fol dismissed: M agistnt BoUat or Misdemeanor sentenclngs' C o u n tTY . ^ \ W ^ ^ \ . COURTS :s-— Ity, $300 fine. $7850 c ourt costs,i. Builty, 365i ddays a dri\Tr‘» license suspension,). nondisprobation. 180 d i ^ In jail,1, 24mot leodoI days suspended, nine days am l-Il one count failure to purchase a ,vr’s license, pleaded guilty, $60.500 dri\'er's coun costs; Magistratee fine.r, $(>3.50 $ W Rgc cIRick LBollar. x tid a Lynn Caniu, 36; one countIt Lttii ^ m c a n o r drtvlng under the In-Imce, pleaded guilty. 180 dayss rer's license sa ip en slo n . 12 2 mils probation, 30 days in jail. 288 ■s suspended, two days credited;1; ! count driving williout privileges,s, sded guilty, 180 d i ^ driw r's liIc Lse suspension: one count faUure m pf^ provide proof of Insurance, dis­ ;mlweti used: Ntaglsuate Judge Michael R. I. c n bbtn uee. ■ R \\ C ( o u r t \\ r\ ^ o t ^ p i:Mag$263.50Qne.$6350couRcost9:N istrate ludge M ichad R C rabuee ^does RJchardR.Lec.54;onecounlc guUty, nol speak English, pleaded gi ts; one $43.50 fine. $6350 court costs; count rtiotor carrier log book; vlobvl tlons, pleaded guUty, $4350} fine, i $63.50 coun costs: Magistratekludge Ju Michad R. Crabtree. Ralph C llandley. 60; wdght jh tc * . ' loads, ceeding allowable gross lo. pleaded guilty, $134 fine, $63.50 $6: coun costs; Magistrate Ju Judge M idiad R .C ra b tr^ ' a rim Vitaliy Korolenko. 32; no rear pact guard, pleaded guilty. $$(3.50 t % e , $6350 court costs; Maglst ^strate ludge M idiad R Crabtree. Marloarc Rodlca Ballnca. 56; 6;faUure lo stop at checking stat tation, $6350 pleaded guilty. $11850 fine. $6 court costs: Magistrate Judge Ju M idiad R.Cnbtrce. Brian Allen Hodges. 43; failur lure to leaded Slop at checking station, plea guilty. $118.50 One, $63.50 cc«o u n Uld R costs: Maglsuate Judge Michoe Crabtree. James B. OrgUl. 49; weight oiccedm leaded ing allovrable gross loaos, plea guilty. $979 fine, $6350 c oun costs; a Magistrate Judge M id iad R -Q Crab- . \ ^ „ u n t misde demeanor driving under nee, withheld judgment; one count felony fcl aggravated banery. amended toto misdemeanor battery, Dleaded euil guilty, $200 fine, $63.50 J^ u n costsl 1.1 12 montiis probation. 30 r a im d a v s ln ja 1.28 a 2 d ^ suspended, two r o iO l daWcicdlfed 3anlcl Salinas TV upo. 41; one led; MagUtraie Judge Ride Dan LBollar. count I int tlicft by receiving stolen prop-'• Jacob Chri hris Shockey, 22: reckless erty. dismissed; di two counts Injury lo 0 driving, amer lended to Inattcnth'e driv- a child hlld. dismissed; two counts pos-’’ ied guilty, $8650 Une. sessloi slon o f a conuoUed substance,*; Irt costs; Magistrate Judge dismis missed; Magistrate Judge Midiael•' Rjdc LBollar, ja b tree .' lar. R.Cral Nancy Nh Nhung Doan. 34; fdony sexual batter] e ty o fc h ild l6 /l7 y e arso f C p |n i age, amende! ded to misdemeanor ba t­ lim m y Jane Sessions. 32: making ed guilty. $300 fine. $6350 . Tlini tery, pleaded GeraldW. D uroux 52; motorrcarric; wsslngoffictitlous notes, pleadedd court costs.s, 12 monihs probation. orp.iss er log tx » k viobtions. pleadedPgu^ ty . Ity. •$88.50 coun costs, tiuec years's' I jail, 178 days suspended. IBOdayslnja $263.50Gne.$63.50cauncosts:N ^ Mag­ bation, t\%-o )xars determ inaiec MC work In Leu of jail; I^'ooa' four days M istnilc Judge M ichaelR Crabtree, ee. e. fi™ >rars indeterminate time,;. Magistratelu< ludge Rick LBollar. IefrtwI.Summers,52;nome<l ledlcal e days credi Ird, penitentiary timee Laura Nlci Jlcoie Escobar. 37: mall>fine, card, pleaded guUty. S43.50 I pended; Dislrlct Judge ftfonte B.{. clous injury ry to ptoneny, pleaded $63.50councosts. ionth sp ro M iloa30day3 C a r^ t guilty, 12 moi It Sliane\VllllamOklham.22;we; A-dght Srant Monroe d a rk . 49; one count in jalJ. 17 da' days suspended, 13 days 0 exceeding allowable gross loads, lo: dess driving, pleaded Ruilty, $200 crediied. c ttt rtd it Cve days tn lieu of pleaded guilty. $54 fine. $6 3 510court 0 ^ $6550 coun costs, 24 montiiss osts at $35 per day; Magls' firws and cost cosis;M agistrateludgeRickLBo Bollar. bation. 90 d a n in Jail. 37 days, Michael R Crabtree. probat, traleludgcM Qiester Lawson, 48; motorcar carrier pended, 53 days credited; onec KarynReni c n e e 36; nsx) count d e panm cniofrulesvlobiloaple pleadmt placing dcbrison public propfelony posse sscssion of a controUed lidc L '. dismissed; one count attem pt to substance, on onecountdism issed.one ic an ollicer. pleaded guilty. $200 count ameni :nded to m isdem eanor..' '. $8850 court costs, 24 m onths' pleaded gull uUty, $100 fine, $63.50 b a tio a 100 da>s In jail. 127 days co u n costs,!: . 12 monihs probation. 90 penned. 53 d a p aed lle d ; Magisdays in JalJ.. 888 days suspended, nvo Aniia L J>etrowsky, 33; dome meatic e Judge Rick LBollar. days c n ^ teed; d one count delivery or baltery. amended to battery; klaglsMa imeslo Maninez, 32, one count, manufacturin traicIudgcM ldiaelRC rabttce. ny forgery, amended lo mlsde-.. lia. dismissed J. SharTiJ.Jones,48;uscoftclephi phone anor insufilcleni fun d s check L BoUar. ioliarass.am endedtodisnubing ngthe id, pleaded ^ t y . SiOO fine.. fraud, peace; M a ^ tra te Judge M idue lad R 5 0 court costs, $100 resUtutionIj Crabtree. ■>-earprobation.30dayslnjall. 17Jciem yW .W ilkinsoa23:unbv lawful s suspended. 13 days acd ile dK ; ad R J Magisttaie Judge Michad : count possession o fa controlled _ , stance, pleaded guilty. $68850 m Bair. 32; one count mis- substai . driving under the courtrt costs. $100 restitution. 36 ndis' probation. 60 days In jail. 244 one count fall- mondi: s r , ' . iismissed; . nths determ inate tim e, 60 - Colion O. K ephart 13; one count notify upon striking m onth co ndis' Indetcmiinaie tim e. 69 days'* hunting, [rapping or fishing with 1vcliide. dismissed; Mag- m ondi ithout Uted, retained jurisdiction; Dis-* alicense,pleadcdguilty.$26(Ine, e Rick L BoUar. creditei Istrate Judge f ie,$71 I ludge Monte B. Cailson. trict lui coun costs; one count failure lo to ap_ pear, dismissed; M a^strate Judge JU' D riv il1 0 UI RickLBolIar. in T iU e n C e Naomi V. Perez. 17; faUure toopu f rCuiberto ' chase a driver's Ucensc. pleai eaded count mlsder nan J. Fonsca. 56: m otor carrierr guilty, $6850 fine. $9850 court costs; iemcanor excessive drivJuan co ing u nder tlie ti Influence, pleaded log txK)k bo< viobtions. pleaded guilty./. Magistraie Judge RJd: LBollar. iony dismissals iony sentenclngs ,25; driving widiout LuisA.Ito)3no,25; le d tto M u r e to p u r privUegei amended pleaded chase a driver’sI license, Uc n e . $11350 c o u n 2^1 guilty, $6850 fine. costs; Magistrate Judgi: )ud{ Rick LBollar. J------45: driving Andres Silva IIbrres. b rr es. pi leaded guilty, without prhdleges. W P $200 fine. $78.500 «c o urt costs, 180 nlhsprobation. 170 ^ ir daysln{ail.24momh! \ days suspended, one om day credited; \\ M ag b tratelu ^ RRlckLBoilar. lci! ■ ^ \\ JuanCcjaV atra.2: is.23;failuretopurpleaded ■< \ \ chase a drivers1 license, Uc . $9850 co un costs; •< A c \\ ' guilty,$6850fine.$9f \ r e c o i o^ U Magistrate ludge RickLBolIar. Rjck J Brucc lay Colemai) man, 41; one count \ ssion o f ^vUdllfe, — unl awful possessloi 29 fine. $71 coun pleaded guilty. $29 I costs; one count: failure fall to appear, m onths unsupcrvlsed prob .ro tatio ao n e dismissed; Maglstrat. trate Judge Rick L d a y in |a il,o c d itfo r o niedayscr\-cd; ed jjollat M a^trateJudgeC aseyRRobinsoa ol Guillermo Moreno reno Maitlner. 33; R oben L W U so ad A in g X a driver's liccnse, faUme to purchase Influence: $1,000 One, $1 pended. $78,50 courtt costs. c $35 court Magistral ir ssupervised probation fee; one year probation; 180 days In jail jail. 178 susAlexLQulsCastn).2 r a 26; dnvlng wiUipimded. crcdit for one d; leaded guilty, $200 IBO-day driver's license su o p en container; dlsmissc S n ! " r . 'S n t court; M a ^ tra te Ju d ^ Cas • Octaviono M. Andrade; diivli Irivlng under tho Influence (under cge 2 c o un trial April J8: Magistiatc lud; Casey R oblnsoa Jeremy Adam C o s inattcntiv carcless driving: status heaiij caring M oith 28; Magistrate ludgc Co» Casey Boblnsoa Jose L Garcia: driving witho privileges; coun trial April 4; Magj trate Judge Casey Robbuon.' ^ u. ff,. Michael Cruz Garcia; case r opened: placing debris co n n,U 4 • public/private; court trial April o jo . Separate ease; failure to appealJffoi m isdem eanor citation; courtt trial tri rium r April 4: Magistrate Judge Casi ^ Robinsoa jIvlnK Uriel Espinoza Garcia; drlvii ,nhi awithout privileges; coun trial April Jn. ' Magistrate J u d ^ Casey Robinson. J o n a itu n T NtcManus; assault i PcdroAguitTc:publicdn; iadR .C rabuce. battery u p o n certain personni -amended to dism ibing tl court trial April 18; Magistrate SJud) lhan, 38; himtln& fmes and fees deemed unc Casey Robinsoa g w ilhout a license. us Jn". 52 days In Jail, credit foi Ntkhocl S. Novacfc; nulidous it 25 fine, $71 court .fit 110. served; resisting o r obsirui |ury lo property; coun trial April failure to appear, ccrs: dism issed by pr M a ^ tr a te Judjje Casey Robinsoa traie Judge Rick L , Magistrate Judge Casey Rol SanlloCT A. Ramirez; driving wit! IQ. LanccLKoconics;a'cU( o ut privileges; court trial April 1 Tliaxton, 37; one n_ ' am ended to Inattentive M agutrate Judge Casey Robinson. 0 coun costs; in an.. driving: $100 Cne. $63^50 « Sieglinda E Roman Robiawn. p— MagisualeJudgeCascyRol InaitenUvc/corclcss driving: cou trial April 18; Magistrate Judge Cas< Robinson. A U rdo SoliS'Cisncros; drlvlr 'JS . without privileges: open contalru ' court t ^ April 16; Magistrate Judj Judge ’A aron R. Tbrrw; fallun Jure to pur/ i/f Casey Robinsoa cense;$6050 '•>)■ diase/invalid driver's Iicen % ' C ortland John Wright; drivir riving One. $63.50 court costs:i; si six montlis ' t a T T X -W wilhout privileges: possessionI of a , unsupervised probation; on; Inatten'l / V . n 'l contiDlled substance; use or posse Mses- tivc/careless drtvlng; $300 l0Oflne,S2OO -/■ T V X X l . slo n of d rug paraphernalia wli with suspcndcd;sixm aniitsutis ' lntenttouse;prttrlalconferenceM eMiay . pro o atlo a five days In JaU, 2: Magistrate judge Casey Robinson «onpended; M agistrate ludj ludge Casoy Robinsoa TWIN FA U S TWINFA115; KIMBERLY ' A aron N. Pate; rtcUes dess driving 733-«600■ 423-53S0 733-4900 ' . M | am ended to speeding; S2 $2050 One. . . www.whItCBOi rwjqrMldKhipd.cma . B 8S = $32.50 court costs; Magistr ;lstraie Judge ■ i- .i CoseyRobinsoa Orval FrancesBeadz; battery;:$100 SIC line, $63.50 court costs, S35 probi . lio n fee; one year supervise ' probation:30day3ln|ail.30suspen< P ^ ’ Ryan Thomas Mnughar ^lan; driving . ed;N ta^trateJudgcC ast7 Rob{nsoi under the Influence; dlsn llsmlssod by Sundl Lone Brlzendlne; drivir “” "8 n ro sfcu io r MoKlsttate Judge Jud Casvy 1 tm dcr th e Influence (excessive S1,S00 fine, 5800 suspotded. S78i coun costs. $35 probation fee; tu years supervised probation; 3£5 daj in ]ail. 363 suspended, credit fortw ir.two Bonneville Billing andd C Collections iH v d a ji served; 3 < S ^ y driver^ Uceni cense vs. Rebecca Sanumuuia1on and Alberto H B 'I •.suspension; carrying a conceale ealed Santamaria. Seeking $1,44; .44Z81, plus ■ S I ; weapon w ithout a license; dismisse Ilssed Interest; $400 attorney fees fees. Plaintiff ! b y prosecutor. Magistrate Jud{ ludgc ■ alleges that defendant owes owi for ac■ jW Q ise y R o b ln so a . counts assigned to tlKI pL plaintiff for . ■ V W . lovlcr Chapano-Bamliez: drivir tivtaK coliecUoa ' underthclnfluence;^1.000fIne,$fiG .» 0 0 Bonneville Billing andJ 0Collections aC' /su sp e n d e d . $7850 court costs,I, $35 $3 vs.NatlumHodge.Seeking! ngSI,423.80, B c a lo •;proMtk>n fee; ono year supervise tvised plus Interest: $500 atton tom ey fees. [•probation; 180 dayi In jail. 1^8J sussu: pialntllf alleg o tliat defend endant owes . upended, a c d lt for one day servc< the plnlnrtfT ^ for accounts assigned to) thi ’■180-day driver^ Ikerue suspensloi islon; forcollectioa ! carrying a concealed weapon witi auvs-Sliawn withIdahoCoUcctlonUureaui !oui a license; dismissedI b y R Lordier. olso known1 as a Ronald /p ro secutor: Magistraie Judge Cose Cnsey sijaw n L ordicr an d Tiuii Runara Arm • ; Robinsoa .71, plus Inlurcher. Seeking $1,621.71, ;. jako Lam ar Couch; bflu ir to' stop sto terest; $540 attorney fees, CCS. PlalntUT ' j i W • •damage, leaving tho scene 0 f a nlaacc owes for occdalleges thot defendant owt ' dent am en d e d to M u re to notU for notify counts assigned to tlie ploiniilf pli ! upon sttiU ng fixtures on the lilghliigl; c ^ e c tlo a rnlr^4-«trokoot^gino S 7 n « . irtln o d lam o lo r iway; $100 fine, $63.50 court cost costs; Ronald Brad Leach and am Connie • ogutorgas-nomlidnal RonwvoblolZ’ oulofltnoi M 'IncnrtotM ; trims &i | M a ^ tm le Iiidge Casey Robinsoa <iurte)iScekla ,Lcadivs.Matl»cwRByGour " toffioriowM dopelicattoi onvposmon ^ «; Dale E H obdey; driving under ivm at trial: \ 1 5T“th*e (ng damages to b e prover Convonloni storooo wtm Comos standard wtm ' Influence (sccond olCcnso]; $1,50 icKcstluitdc\ l 1.500 attorney fees. PlalndfloUew foktng haavY-duty handle toml-matic >no hood. fll ;-fine. $800 suspended. $78.50 cou: veliide In a fendant operated Ills veii a cn dsofolvoooo'w . |f | ' costs; IB m onihs supervised probe rotM- negligcm manner, rcsultiiu H ondo 4-iltoki itofco.smo^KVinaof OHC/OHV ongiw r Ilo a 365 days In jail. 365 suspendet nded, Ing damages to tho plolntilL 2 rMo\*ir>ovifetr otn • aw U t for ono day served; 365-da 5-day FiresWc Bank vs. Mark CXjro&io XonoyB doci KX rk aC Dewin. >eb ! driver^i license susnensioa Mogls nterest; $600 tagls- Seeking $5,57834, plus Intel ABtbuf whool boil b o otno supportoc tod -. trate Judge CasOTRoUnsoa attorney fees. PlaintUf allege eges that de3 posinon odlm looio nondk ; A ntoineno MlcheQe M artino lym entsona tlnez: fendant (ailed to mako poym Soolod control cobio: >ios • ’possession o f a controlled substann kaen Ion 0 (n:m « (Wirf. ;'£ o O t o c ^ $200 suspended. $63.5 ■, court costs, $35 probation fiee; on .•coMtoiclion *■year mpcivlsod piobatioa'30 days ll ' ' • ' tndustild Hondo Cyc ydonootrffltor ■ ' . . . ssion .Katrina M. Brown vri.i :Devin .S. ;• JaiL 30 suspended; use or t)os5cssloi 4 tp e ed C3 ronwofd. I ' . ' H o o v y d u ly lo ad o b 3it to Brown ■; o f drug p arsphenulia with intent li conTlmothyLBergvs.Angel ;• uso am m d cd Ul possesion o f a con Ito tsa Norine Brass vs. Aniiiony . •; trolled substancK dismissed1 biy b ' \ ' V " RayBrasd ; •prosecutor; use o r possession o tIdiug dm is. ‘paraphernalia with Intent to use;-ddis -:m Issedbythocourt;M ag!stratohidg ;-Casey Robinsoa W w o 3 ■ii.m w wa M< M«B0( B prw, sh sw n n ft Michelle Mulgum im n n A > pedestrian - u nder the Influence 0 fS n 4 itroke. onglno !;olcx»holordnira $100 fine, 100 nis ;J. UtMteoutor on u p e n d ed . $ 6 3 .^ court costs:: sl Blx. of Honda invM tor.m IJOV'AC Power .-.9*fimowkRti W a c p o s w •“ w y g ■ r r y . " ? ; . SupofQuiot-6$to&9< VS ’ • 8* lino d k m to r U^fitwoloht Oos) ftion' . . W oioraiosttian29fcs. auptotS houion cSrSfcn « o ■ FoldriaharKSofisroatyti '1 f . Standard tronvoctwnoei K > " S o ° S S S ^ & S i OQAiorO. O<«r1ood AKvm &, Ece S nuvc/ ^ C o u rt S S S ? ,.. ., S ii Juvenile misdemea leaner sentenclngs 1 withheld judgment the Driving under u, influence :e dismissals Juvenile sentenclngs r,4 s under tiie trucl< :e sentenclngs r™mmerclal ' ving sentenclngs . V Pa.™., sTono llrivir ng the Magicc Valley Serving 147 yt'ears HTE I I d m i D f u m [t ' img,Cente/i Re)ynolds I hmers - Same Great Car ire C a ll to d a y ! 6 8 0 4 o r 3 2 6 -3 3 4 2 Misdemeanor sentenclngs JSlS Misdemeanor dism smissals S ii"---' civil 7 4 TRIMMER S l t ’S s s S i r ”'’'’"*’' '•^RK217HKJIA CRUISE CONTRQI !l ■^fRoaoo U a SS IjS” Divorces iSelalCBcrg '. S u b sc rib STI rJ 7 33-093 ^ ' "jiK Ccnlcr and BchaviomlHospital He ^ ^ ^oiuilMiVbTCiire Whereflieres Aiwaj; ^ ; Dmethin5 to, do c ! j; m o r e I n f o r m a tio n c a ll 4232 3 -5 5 9 1 ■ •. " • f ' . " ' " r ............. ;i. ^ ^ HONDA K im m < I f : i9!rHyi! ■/ '. Gadrantee It’s ^Wj o r t h T h e D rhe^^^^ 7 [ J l p 436-4 7i7 1 . - Mr .H o I. -■ . . . r h o : L ^ 'W j S n y b i r l ■ twy 24 b etw e en B arley & I [on.-Frl. 9 am to 6 p m S a t * fV ' ' ' ' . " 04 T ln e » N m .T y i« tM M t,h t t a to 8uodlK M «di27,20a8 08 — SCHOOl )L AQAPE CHRIST ST IA N SCHOOL AND Cl CHILD T CARECENTBF P '' Wl SCHOOL LUTHERAN ' Qioicc o f milk [IDcevctyday. ST. I T. EDWARDS HOUC SCHOOL CATHO S S b 'S S d . M ilkorju lccscrv cd d M onday:Spa{^cttiO: n C h e e ^ roast 'njesdoy: Qiickcn SsanV h c s W ednesdim Pizza Thursday: Chli 3ilcken potty on a Thmsday:Buni(osI bun .W d o y ; Sloppy Iocs ® . ftiday;N osch( chool : BUHLSCHOO “ I-. Break& stM enu Q iojcc o f Milk served doity.’. O &uit o r juice every day. ly. M onday: Q nnom on on ttoast H iesdoy: Strawbcn b e n y and d c o m p o w ts W ednesday:. Blscui icuits and : ^ '^ u r s d a y : Breakfast p is a i s tp M d o ^ Oatmeal ' L uncnM enu nilk served Salad b a r an d milk everyday. Monday: llin a sondw idwich lUesdoy: N adios W cdnesdayi Chickcn cen n u ^ t s Itiu isd a y : Bean and and cheese roU-ups R i d ^ Chicken sandi mdwich Breakfast Menu Milk served d ^ . A variety v of . fhiics an d vegetabless are or served w ith ea c h meal. Bur!< lurley Hi(^i ' School ofTers a hambuj iburm r bar, salad b a r o r a main' Jdi* cach day. Brcaklo 5t is served at 7:30 a.m. Monday: Cereal lU esdoy: Breakfasttoon n a stick W ednesday: Bagd Thursday: PrldiM No school L tm chM enu Salad b a r a n d milk nilk served everyday. M o n d ^ l h c o o rcom o m dog Ib e s d a ^ Mombuigcr. gcr.dieeseburgerorburriio ken Mallbu W ednesday: Chicken o rm n a Thursday: Pig In a bloi blanket I Friday: N o school I >CHOOL CASTLEFORDset Breakfastm cnu -ed daily. Milk a n d juice served! Jts Monday: Douglinuts lb c s d a y :I ^ c a k c s Wednesday: Cinnama m o n r a lk Thursday: Biscuits anc t * ; Luncn M enu illk seived Salad b a r an d milk daily. n u g g e ts . M onday: Q iicken nug Tuesday: Chili ____ Wednesday: Beef and { 3U T ^ T h u i s l ^ Chi.'cscbuii Friday; Chinese m enu unv CLOVER TRINn IHOOL LUTHERAN SCHC ! 1 ; Milk served daily. Monday: No schoolI Tuesday: Hot dogs W ednesday: Pizza Thursday: Q iicken pai P r ld ^ a i i U b a r )A | FILER SCHOOl • ; Monday: H ot dogs Tuesday: Tucos W e d n e s d ^ Pizza Thursday: Q iicken brt breast Friday: H am sandwich <^ch.......... HANSEN SCHOOL DISTR U II IC T Breakfast Menu Milk served dally, Monday: Cereal TUesday:Blscultsand( ndp^ivy Wednesday; Oatmeal ioi Thursday: (Juesadilla ila P rld ro C irc a l' Lunch M enu Milk served daily. M o n d :^ Nachos Tuesday: Finger steaks iiks Wednesday: Spaghetti etti ' Thursday: Q iic k ^ tJiitas fail Friday: Tuna Gsh sonm indwidi i j , ! I , --------- ---SHOSHONE SCHOOLS . IBERLY ARY SCHOOL ELEMENTAR TW IWINBULS ELB lEMENTARY M ilkservedda: daily. irrito Monday: Burri izap ocket TUesday:Pizza W ednesday:r: C hicken and noodks Uikcy subm arine Thursday:TUil MUkserve iveddaily. Monday: v QCio lc e o fc e re a l Tbesday;F ty: Hot oatmeal Wednesda sday: Cereal Thursday: l^^^ ^cw sc <)uesadilla [BERLY KIMBi HIGH SCHOOL S( CHRISTIAN ARY SCHOOL EIHMENTAR jp p y jo es Monday: Slopr cos Tuesday: TUcos Spaghetti Wednesday:: Sf kJd stew Thursday: Beel Friday: PizzaI 'VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL sc M AGIC V ilk seived daily. Q iblceofm ilk Monday: P opcom p a sieakbites ‘o t Italln n su b Tuesday: Hot sandwich W ednesday: noodles Thursday:SIop Friday: Chili Cr |V|iN|l> IDOKA E lfM E N T AWY'SCHOOL R Ircakfhst an d cholcs o f mflk veddaily.Monday: Chicken wedges iUesday:QiIU ^fednssdajn Chicken patty ^ [hundoy: Dell s o n d v ^ . id oka MINlDl : M I D D U Ssc h o o l Breakfast m em • Milk served dall M onday: Tba: gran o b b ar Tuesday: Hasl i s h b r o iv n s a n d scrambled eggs Frcnch toast sticks Wednesday: Fic: H ot podcet or T hursday: Ho breakfast cookic fa s tb u n lto Mday:Brcakfas Lunch m en u1 laily. Mllkscrvcddail Monday: Q iidcken u nuggets key^cm chor Tuesday: TUrkci baked potato Wednesday: H am a biugcis Thursday: Corr b m d o g or cher salad lo n l a n d .c h c ^ ftlday: Macaroi or hard shell taco ^ . Ser ,.m 0, R O BERT S t Tu I artand menu I Tienu ^ 1 ^ RICH 0 SCHOOLS a S iS i v f[ ^ R M I IE D I C A € L. )ING SCHOOLS 7 3 - M A R O PD • in i i ( i ^ e 6 h u n ; :l h P I I 27/200:5 ! 5:00 pnn b a i c h s |a m & 9;)29 H ankk in s R o a)d |T w in F aalls, Idah1 0 I Rev. Mich :hael BlakleyV y,A R I from Guy, ,1 Busstransportat Itio n availablele, Call ( 733-416 62 o r 420-73770 m I «hltoetta.32^36«3 I m lm dA w .*a78fl30a ■ T ^ CO M PtlMlENTARY E JL F MAKE! £UP :a t iq n c p A APPUCA1 ^ v t n a lANY A SIRVK ncE | secure m m \nftS» y ' i ^ e p i c c f la t IMAN SCHOOLS HAGERMj c h o l c c oofmilk fu offered daily, st m e n u ,. ' ^Cereal TU«day:Pa ):F ancakconastick d a « Cereal ly: Breakfast sandwich v ir it d a r W ec b B i lteatiw W w Jto tfilo tM ni.'FO . 1 TPe«<w ialSeiTkeCall-»73 ■<( 1192ndAvc.W< Wax V oucn^ Q io ic coofmilk'serveddaily. fn Monday: OCrispy chicken salad /: Idaho nachos TUesday:Id day: Chicken alinsdo Wednesday ly:(C om dogs Thursday: oeStNoftl3‘'75M2a- ^ 1 9 9 9 '-eU e ‘P o*H& U O S "SrtaM b-saasbM how a • V g l - . .; . ,|llOWl»Ak»s kk»we'Wfc«*73W(«5-' •«S 8te w » B 730912 IWMCl •< - : . l 4 8 Eu«l BuOaiaU.r7i7-(r9t t a t o n ty l W '-------p — IME SCHOOLS A ■■ I J 10% Mieani I i o M I IHem I ■' P a c k a g e s s ttaa r i n g III Avalh^S^Request D DISCOUNT FOR SPA iPACKAGE ...withFirst stFed&al 5' Sposeseulon,^ I ‘IS 10 pose session, ,,‘2S • Botox • Mass; issa g c • R estylane me • H air Salon . • B ody W raps • Chem ical P e e ls A • Ail Airbrush Tanning • Pennan lanent M akeup a • P e d ic u re& s Manicure • L aser H air Ren lemoval i • V ascular L esions a n d Acr ^cne ^ t istmenu i t v o n t i n e g f . . . W w w . f iiic s t f t o EflK9Ml'2Sm.H<X> : «dfg6t«aBu TOBOWrOUnSE! SESSIOH TVow Optien! If s S9 [ [ [ C ^ b o uut Tou! t F a ^ s i f f liple, pl . V M i l ls c m :. daily. A variety o f . rvcd I vegetables ore s e i ^ fhiltsandvci with each meaL me Breakfast n y: Cinnam on toast ' Monday:C ^MMuiOn TUesday: xlay: Graham crackers Wednesday ay: Bacon, egg and Thursday: c u ts dieese pocket f t ^ N No o ischool Lunchmen I-: Baked potato spcdal \tonday:Bc /: Cheese squares TUesday:a Klay;Taco salad Wednesda) ^ H a m b u rg e r Thursday:! FridawNO! Pointj dick, Jc, approve. ’ '*'* WITHPICKETFENCES, FLOWERSa MOREI Call 734-99 99B9 I S S , Evening ; Av IK IIU III IH 111 \V Vl V ^ lu n c h n ia . 0 ’1£A R Y JU N rC o m d o g s Breakfast m enu ” ? T te s d a y^:Pizza ip t Milk serv t^ dall; day: Submarine sandM o n d i^C h oSido f ' c ^ Tuesday: Hot oa ly: Burrito Wednesday:Cc] T h u n d ^ Q i ,ecco » q u « a d i l I a FTidm(5:rea] Milkscrved veddaily. L unoi m en u1 ;:H otdog 3 [ally. ^b]nday:H( Milk served dail c k ^ sandwich TUesday: I am a n d chccse r. H Monday: C hkkt U(^ chlckcn and pockets Tuesday: GrlUet Wednesday day: Chicken nuggets bacon wrap W ednesday: C ountry pork ly: C Chicken fried steak Thursday: . Riday:Becl steak 3eef nachos ' ', I • i n ist is served daily, y: Lasagna y. Cheeseburger sday: Chicken chunks Crisp burrito school bar, fruit an d milk served dally. iy. /: Hamburgers pBurritos iday: Potatoes J S J BwChccsebake S Com dogs ^ gQ Q p ,j^ I imieto get themDone!Y It's tim ■ VALLEl LEY SCHOOLS S 'y j { B | s V ■ /." It ,Jf 'Jfflk ', H ist Is Breakfast L served dally.' : The h i ^ school has a 'm ain lin e, hamburger bar.andsalai ialad b a r cach day, taflo Wednesdays and potato bar on Wedr i d a ^ Main line m enu bar on Frida; varieseveiyc :iydig'. ly: Popcorn chlckcn Ntonday:P y: Beef tacos TUesday:B sday: Cheeseburger ^ttednesda; [ay: Chicken tdnticrs Papa John's pizza ^ CREATIVES SE I TS R H s t i U IThinking^w I W DoutTaxes? ^ A Abe IWIN FALLS IGH SCHOOL fi r b W frt.SatA prilj llS-16 H ■ ■ i M n i nl a w M i \ v print' Schootlunchmmmare'pi iavethe cdasapubUcsetvks.1t>hmn nenu if lundt Tttotu (bmaiAst tno\ desbtd) prbued n im the!menus rm lemenu (nSui^^paper.sauIthem JOC548. ttKjheTuna-I'kws.FOiBox b x ltto 1UinBiUs,ID83303,orfia 734r5538, attention: Lunch Lu Menus. ■ Deadline is noon n Ucation Wednesday. fo r publica Sunday H ' ^ nenu UNIOR HIGH served1 \fednesday: Ceical Wb Thi Im rsdiw Pancakcs MWday:C3eit!al CASSU ISIA SCHOOLS ilk served dally. C hoiceofm ilki enu Breakfast mem Monday: M uim ISjn reol Tuesday: Cerca Breakfast cookie WcdnesA»y:Br rram blcdcggs Thursday: Scrai n .egg,cheesehot • Friday: Bacon. < pocket 1 Lunch m cnu_ m dogs . icken nuggets TUrkcy sandwich ^b u rg e rs Ish d ltac o Fric% :riaiclsh Julco ^n d ay :C e rca l ^\iesdoy: Biscuits and gravy Luncn m e iy:Bccftacos Monday:E iy:TUikOTandnoodlcs sday: M onwldi sand* wich T h u r slad^^ Beef lasagna sandwich M d o y: Qiickcn :a i ' an d W W dE q?^diQ 9 RICHFIELD SCHOOLS ■'1 ■ Bre Mil 4Uk enV Iitn fh nket < Monday: Ptobva-blonlce Tlaesdaw C U ciin nuggets \to to e ^ B a to d ^ e ^ I t. FMar.Os 5 daily. M ilkservedda Monday: Burri irrito zzapocket Tuesday: Pizza ^^dnesdoy:: Ri Roost beef sand* wich \u k e y submarine Thureday:TUti S |j MondayiC iy:C om dog 9 TUesday:E iy:Bccfstrc®moff Wedneada 9 d o y :C h c fsa)^ Jay: Chicken patty ThuiBday sandwichI k im b i U G H TH O U SE BURl£YJR. HIGHSCHOOl OOL LUNCHE j S r Igy: t ; N achos supreme IMHIAI lA N u a - ipsiimm Sunday School: Ali ases V ; , S<ndiKM«cIi27,20 ',2005 T la » iN « w i,M iW h ,td rto bo M - / .jWEST ----------- —■ ■-■-.■■■ fidalsslMloot elk trs* a p p e d U ta h o ff ' SALTLAKECnYCAP)-U -U ta h ently o f starvation. u ' ■•y Kaine nuiiuigcis sh o t a n djklQ ki ed .Three o f th e .re m emainlng elk . S ^ e lk lh a tW B r t'tia p p edd 0o n a ‘h a d b e e n th e re! for Ti -a long ' V ; J e d s e b Prico Canyon ^vlth rith n o tlme.“ sa id Bill BiMca tes, big game 1;.^' - th m c e o f rescue. m a n ag er fo r th e P] Price-based •';> Hxc d k w ere ehot ’n i u iisday s s o u ih m te m r c d omn o( f Ihe Utah •ll ;as wildlife,authorides gave Qve u p Division o f W U dllie: re Resources, : ftitile efforts a t rc scu e th t at *We could see how th vtheyworiced ; ' l u n ^ fix>m b lasting a p a th ' th d r w oy d o w n &om &oj (he top bade to safety to a hclicoj Icoptcr t h r o u g a series sfledges, o fl but hoist called off a s (oo don{ longerthere w as n o w a y badcup.” bac ilready. T h e e lk w ero Qrst On spotted ous. IW o other buD cDc aire ^ tiod died o n the ledge, apporapf lU esd ay b y ap crsomoutcoQcct* nc ; ' • 3 above (he Price Ing d k a ntlers ol River w a te r treatm trei ent p la n t' Flsh-and-gamiee ofllcers c arrived 3 assess th e slniaW ednesday to as tried tion, a n d o n1 Thursdoy T )Ioshresto*blasto setting off cxplos n to p a th tor th e m to m bock up,” lututthere w as just Bates s a id 'B I totodeal with.” way too m u ch dered using a heliT h e yconsideit co p tc r to lift the the d k away, butos (0 dccdded it was t 0 dangerous alongside Ior th e p ilot toohover h | T h ere’s no dc doubt about it! T itle F a c t, Inc. thlee o- ld e st, locally o w ned fu f ll scrvicc title, escrow, and re :ased real estate coriipany is pleaj to announce they are Y o u r U l t i m a t e L D S B loo. o k <t C / / I S h o p 161 2nd Ave. N . • TWln Fall. Fa • 734-MOO 'a p jm i ^ B e l l ' s F a m i ll;y B o o k s \ A ll l e a r s / o na l e d g e (h e c M Bates'sal said itw asapporcntthe survivingg ianhnals o n th e 25-to 30-foot-wii wide d iffw e re in trouble. AfterXiocthig DWR director MUes Moi loretti vras consulted, theagency icy d e d d e d to shoot the renuuning lg buU d k . w hose conditlon wa^ m too poor even for s a l v a ^ ggtth d r m e a t Bates sa said th e p b tc a u above th e d iflsls I Is a traditional wlntering rangeeforelk. f ' • I r T f t E L i i i A N D T eE A , C H IN G S O F Jesus CHt B cthi.e « em throuohil ’T h e V o u ^ I - F Fb rom c S ermon on T he M ount D DY R iaiARD N errzEL H orz EOtTEDD IK AND T hom as A W ayeme ^EN T DESEnE.T BOOK « A n ev insightt oo the life of Christ from birth to '0 early m S B ^B JS. :eriing G)llccrioa of LD.S. Scholars. Diinistry. A Steriii ^ NOW OFFERING■TITLE 1 INSURANC CE TO JEROME & GOI OODINGCOUNTIE IES We are proud )ud to serve you! TITLEFA( lC T ,IN C .- ^ 163 Fourth Aven hrenue N . , l W l n F ^ 21 « (800) 733-5850 ■________ ____________ (208)733-3821- i REE PIHONEIS 'i : * ! OFFERS CRAZY MISS> ; ; I ■ I I I ! 1' 1 } L ' W T— W ithout federal re ST. GEORG& U tah (AP) - A •thirds hom eow ners aro u rnid^ r t t h a couple who w atched tw o-thl to th e were left finding othi o f their hou se d ro p into flood* deal w ith th e ir losses Santa d o ia rtver d im ng flo< ing In January says Wells; R Faugo eral E m ergency Ma In Fargo doforgiv- Agcncy offered aidlospltalt oi b a ^ sct o n example b y for{ and reouild Iniiastructur ing their m ortzaiK •am, ink* We reallj^m d n 't thin k It toad s a n d bridges. FEMA a n d th e Uta would happen,” said fack:W Wlodsow ed o f Em ergency Scrvict ton,w how ithhisw ifcL olsov th d r ' S t ( j c o f ^ field 6 fflcc] $105,000 fo r th n a lin g a n e n d to botl mortgage. • Tho couple m oved to0 5Salt response tiller th e mi odlrig)'' ■floods.Theirw orkw il Lake Q ty after the-D oodi fiom FEMAIs Denver w hen they said Wells Fargo Fai the state agency’s hei prom pdy su sp en d ed (heir (li in Salt Lake a ty . : reilcf, many m o r t^ i^ paym ents for 90Qdoys. d£ W ^ , ; FEMA spokesvram W hen they stopped by aa W ndSL(3coige :y ssaid Hassell sa id th e agenc Fargo bank o n Triday, they jthcr ways to t.Vicki ing o n 145 rcstoratlo an assistant vlcc president. Vi ses. The FedIn Kane a n d Washing Waidrop, told tnem th e; bank bi Monagemcnt rtgage tii^ a n d h a s , comi was writing o ff.th e mortg: 1 only to help i-pmiv p ^ g nearly $4.2 1 such as an d they w ouldnt havo to-pa turo o tn e r p u U lc a ld : "li'a o u t h o p e th at^if ot! wUiis. FEM A fundsoreadi m ortgara companies know (1 Jtah Division K>ple," th r o u g th e state,/ices s dosed a & ey wul help o th e r peopl Jensen o f th e U tah'ccIFriday, slgi LolsVNtoriton sold. . Eme:gencyServlcc>oth 3,S ; -V\&rdrop ^didn't' l m m ediately. ^( agendes’ return a m essage Sabin t u r d ^ -' tslon .will- still .playmld-Jonuary c continue by The Associated Press, u M d i ' s o u th e m U ta h a s lth wffl l2c p ro je c ts a n d/croIScc d was directed by th e bonlc’sicxeccx and her. fundk utive headquarters to call hei headquarters any ■ F R E E IF iP o d ! m WhilDttppliosl. ioslan • & I Isthat?) (How cool ist •N ationw • UnEmiUt ^ A ^ . M I oman.Laurie cncyisworicitlon projects ingtoncountm m ltted to 2 million in o n ly ^ ^ Planinclut! m iitfits set.sig I Mining oul I on 5 0 -^ ^rSupj|ly of 2 ES FREE COU LOR FLIP PHONE fiTH in ter n et ACCESSOR ; Wll ^LEINSTANTLY! lEEiPodSHUFFL A FRE g e t u p>iTO 2 ■ IS- j I p e r month1 ' H i f o r l s t e m om . / lo n ly S S O thhee re a fte r ncludac lonwido Long Oistanea fromsn sxtgndiij e. mhadNishttndWooIundim gives m or^ Bankforgj [ood victims of Utah flo I 1 nytime minutes t> an ;K«VMh S t John, 3, iRtpecta a Easter Bunny's ear Satunit Noah, dressed tbe Easter Bun ;YWCAInF^o,N.D.MarkN(M le & other memtMn ol Sts. Anne &Joachim Catholic Church In I at the YWCA, local hos| Uvorod goody ba£i to areachildren chi homeless shelters Satorday ai part of an outreach p r o ^ jr as ^ S p r i n t6 M a nr c h M a n i a a t S p r i n t . 000 S to tc H o < w ^ I : I ! I > *P(«Y<120Mnoi . '•S ffltlorihan ap sck sckolB u'n •512MB&Shourso> rsotplaytnoiw ® fisrnly ,• Upload musisinitan g Nswictivtticn rsquirtdfDr eaehphoMOT' IPodStwfllo. . mM PtSVision \\\® \ \ \FBp Phono VK60 rauni). YA 'g \\\^ • itaUiAsktboutourfunJ^ptan. Soo your loetl Sprint S u n for Dotaiii ' K f y ,\ ■■ w v o ' SprintPCS CoIorRpP . bvSemsun ,•! I Certified PCS Vi l/ision‘* Specialisis, for fo com plete demonsti stratiqns: :^llg I TWINFAU I ■ I Sprint Utoll RetAl Storo ! VmFCSCte - Sprint flgtailStoro : CEDAR CnV. U tah CAIJ— llo n n ic tiic to n so firo 0 Lokos 760 Bluo Lakoi Blvd ' i le t Bluo Lo Blvd. administered in g (0 • Palladon V enw res j IWo companies are looking _ _ _ ____ __ I 208-735-9292 ^ «5»237-555 ’•3550 ', said Derek ^ B I H | | | | | m ln ethelarg estk n o w n iroonn iore c m U tah Copped hCoDivision of. deposit in the Wfcst — a 50-yi can p ro d u cc 1 mllUi 0 * y ev 5 .Sothedivi‘ iptakc., to n s .per,year, o f irpn supply a t a ra te they plan tp ti ly a role in' it o ut at 1 milUori nietr^c to n s a •'prpdy^.lf:,th« 5y oper : helps organ: year;' " • A t'n u w e t p riccs Iofdistributes < Palladon Ventures Ltd.L a n d m etric (on, (h e m lnec •Western U to^O o p p er C d;pl C plaii ;,'eran),'$700' tnlllloji i 'to 8iK iid $ l 0 mOuon q n ^Vprfl ^ ri 9 •' salcs-an d 'last 5 0 ' : ^ lo buy the land 2 0 m iles west vest o f Ing to th e com panies, Cedar City b o m Iron O re Mln « ncM)*Imi d u o er OM brnal 'lin es. P alladon sa id ted; pwrcj «cM«»Wck«*»ip»a*0^BlW«dBctMn9»O! a n omiiote o f Geneva Steel (i a t advances h av e cut t c lth irsdrv iapg4(«K0'«rMOU*iipMc«anghmSBn stopped mining in 1995. c a s in g co sts a n d WiQ i(>t oew Uh « |««ni (Sir.VMi fictlMIMPUnftantltt C v m v n a r m er«rM U k u M cpwi I OOwRXVfiMbM» rC3 B( erwK«M6cnta M r a CicVlnhM Fm ' ( ^ e v a filca for bankrupi ruptcy m in e m o re "envlror a «w»i»wrcs»*.tMi<wdta«»yiCT I M ^ . .^ m i d a J u d g « hM c iw a w taott^cam rte^C ar^tJ. f .T t s ironore. cy a^, l,750^acre p lan t in V lnero e s a n d Westnlxed> C a say they use icsldential, r e t ^ a ^ 1 light Uj illllon metric m anufacturing developm ent pn-oiid sted , GenevaV m ining p roipexty pe penllfpm flL iio w n 'bovera two iron reserves knoi o f $700 per as th e Rex and le could gen­ Com stock/M ountain U o n cde* ii :,in‘annual ta n d ; p o sU sthatco n tain th em ossta tsirsi Accordw n to • tM ie s t gm de o f iro n know les. ■ • b e Ie flin th o V fe s t,a c « id iM edm ologicd |nHlnt^i ■ Palladthn Mmm^cs;;a .Conou It s te d pro' com panj(- . , . . . ViSfnokCthe Kcau«DCnurrae>)Coi •.Tne'ncw partners con-ust a loirniQiitoUy. ■ r e bt u t railroad to snip o u t th e o re ttlld a say they m ay d e d d e to bulk m D^to proccss th e ore aatt .die t site.' to.acW hen'm ln in g w o s m orp t ^ i tb s • » th w lro n C o r o if f iW « w W •w e a lih lc « « u itfis s ih iite 'state, wa I said Tbuy ln n i..p ootnu ^ I aodCeds^Clty t^ Q o o w tdEkivd' f^ TWlNrAUS : ^ S p T i n t S t o rjrff" i ; • ; • I ■Ji n ghts fore !• ^ 1 ; > i c m T u S f i C o p p e r C d - aare tv rap p ln g im a stu d y o fth ececocc n o m u s o f'u ie deposits, w hl arebelicvcdtocontalnSl.T m '• ’1 /' • ' ■' I -.^1 ■' ■' lUi!'-' • ,V •.' '• ' • •ff-’ ';.' v " Yi^ -V ■ M Ttow Www, TVrfn W * ., hUa ^ & ad*K M irdi27,2009 Idaho — C o e u r d( ’ A l e n es m a n AP) — COEUR d ’ALENE CAP] s.TTien, . Fiist, there w as d n ik n c siT le a n d a lh th e distance, a nim ble flash oriighL A nd noct, there was a roar, ke, an d Ihe ground w ould shake, th e w ind w ould com c sscreamac in s In. ^ h c blast so u n d would r ly knock you down.” said PoweU, shaking his head a sat in his living room chair. air. ’I h e Coeur d ’Alene m aa n tis o n e o f jiist a few still alive served as niilitory p o lia ' ai NuclearTbst Site in Nevada adi 5 3,a20F o rfoiirm o n th sin 1953,! le d th c year-old Powell patrolled Indian Springs Afr Force x BIa s e . m essed In th a t short tim e, h e witne udear th c detonation o f II nnu( bom bs. They aU h a d names.L Therd T w as “Annie" o n ’ M arch 7, 7. th i en b llo w rf "N anc/" on M arch 24, foUo by “Ruth" on M arch 31, “Dixie’ “D \p rilll. onA pril 6 a n d “Ray"onApri They continued th r o u gi |u )uin e 4 . Powell w atched as tro tn o p s y io w ere brought in each day ico D y < w ere serve thc blasts. They enchstationed in 7-foot-deep uuei )rpfiom cs about five miles o r morp 1 th e towers th at h d d the bom bor bs. 200,000 “Wc probably h a d 200 s health. ough there, ried about his he tro o p s go throui s old “At 20 years ol I wasn't, b u t m a y b e ,'h e said, A few hours a fte cr r'each blast, now l am," h esaid. esa is rehew ould leave thepr jp ro te rtio n o f Tbday, thc 72-year-old 72rom open-heart covering from th e h o l d i^ area so scm e seven surgery at Sacred 3 cd Heart Mcdical miles away, drive ooiut. pick u p )kane. Center in Spokai th e troops and m:tum m m e m to ck prostate canccr lie airfield so He beat back | licy could b c 12 years ag a own b ack to Sincc im 30s, his wife esdticir hom e mates he's lad had 20 bouts w ith ase. skin cancer. T h a t’s w hen ‘He’s had his n Lls nose an d his cor ^ *1 lastic su ig e n 'b e ; m t'h o L You replaced by plaa Gloria till h ad stuff causc o f skinI cancer, c iliing down. It sold. ’ Jl beUcves it w as t ikes hours for Fred Powell take :it so m etim es caused by hiss time tir spent at th e l _— igsitc. nu d ea r testing sl F M PoM i jUU to c o m e ack dow n. “I'm sure it! was." wa h e sa id “Of bad }vem m cntsaysna ife, b ut it wascourse, thc gover They said it was safe, "Most people no." n't," PoweU said. “M in a d a im for h is 1Ctte s t ' P o w d lp u tin w ent in and out one LS four years a g a mcdical costs fi But not PoweU Ia an d th e 30 cddown, • but was turned d oth er m em bers ofif hhis military )nsiders himself a police u n it From lati late-Fcbruaiy SdU, he consi y :s t a y ^ p u t lucky man. to eariy-Iune, they Its a b o u t 10 Out o f aUIhe theMPs h e served a n d lived in tents with. PoweU knows kno o f only on e miles from thc b laist st;sites in th e Ive. who is stUI alive. desert, ipIe during those Ihat radiation M any people "They lived in tha bv-ere er situated d o sdust four monlhs." jsaid Gloria aiomic tests w as to er tlian he was ti thc blast s i t t PoweU. Freds wifeio off47years. Powell d id n ’t Guinea pigs, tic hoccalls them. At thc tim e. Pov sw erescvenm iles isn’t too w or“S om eofusw i m uch care. He wasn E ^ u ' s e iir v e d a t ai t o m i c !t e s t s i t e 5CU hthe e b om bs would. So she’d sell sw a y ^Soic vwre d o scr lhan hat a s atom ic ^ass," h e t h a t I im in age they're all gone - thai a id w ith a la u ^ said now.* As part o f t i ^ tests, b uU din^ 11 was drafted Into the A . PoweU vere constructed certain dlsm y in 1952 during the wer U.S. Arm' iiee ances away lo see what th Korean Wai. V\ He w ent to ooot tani >Iast would do to th e ia AS were Louisiana before being bias c a m p in1 L )bli(cratcdL xl five m ontiis w ith thc obii stationed ser "T heyput Uve animals d o scr Nilitaiy Policc Battalion 505th MU Jd . o 'z-;c ro . G loria PoweU said. rmy at th e Presidio outto Sbcth Arm You know. pigs. cows. They Side ofSaj sa n F ra n d sca "Yo vere er totally disintegrated." W hen1 he wo^ sent to Las w T he air busts, w hen the bom b iF c b n ia iy l9 5 3 ,h e d id T V cgasinF vould explode ab o u t a mile IW w hat h e w ould b c wot n ’t know he ro m th e ground, w crc the. fror doing Dr orw hat w as going o n vorst. Fred Kild. In th e trenches wor ICS there. im here w as now here to hide fiom tell you m uch o f thei ' T h e< y/didn’t c htheefalling d u st an d radiation. anything, ig.lt was kind o f a h u sh ' bu "That w as th e bad o n a You im g" he said. "In .fact, *“! h u sh thu: Udn’t have anything covering ed 10 cover up. I tiiink. dicL they tried t)u u p there," h e said. "Whereicy were doing there. It you w h at thej J®; is if ft was a tower shot, you :tIescaiyw henw efound as i wasaUttIc . o u ld get dow n in th e tic n c ll” itwi e w e ro d o ln g " cou o u t w hat ^ At A tile time, Fred PoweU was T hc bom bc bs, starting w ith ■ever told h ow th e bom bs :" i n /^ r il 1952, were cinev “CharUe": 1st. n l ^ t bc used outside o f testmlg ther set: on o lowers o r delivered ng. He h a s his idea. ing. by p lanee iirom d ie air. It w as alIn “They were going to use it in blast in T ways a In eariy-moniing c It w as th c beginning; o f 2r of wvarfare. ar th e cover i darkness. nd II recalls later speaking the h eCoIdWtr, during Korea, and Powell meone \\iio Uved in Las wveewtsren't ' sure w e were going w ithsom i tog 0w to v in th a t one. We StiU haven’t, Vegas aCthetimc. t ti n’l. think." h e said. "I tiiink c "Shesold sal w hen she w as a Ut- I ddon't m wcw ere thinking about using d c ^ iiere, thc they wotild break fiat sucker." som etim es, tiiat o u t th e; windows v D o d o c t o r s re sp ee<c t o p a l i e n t 's m o d e ssty t' ? □ge M o n d a y In im oc ‘s • ■r M J C T T M ^ ' •25 77m«s-«ffiwAd:3.2J MASTERS AUCTION S ^B C E . www.mastBrsauctfon.co S :0 0 n t M 0K D A Y ,H A R .28,6:I win Fans General Herehan(«M,TWIf Furniture • Housefiold •• Tools T /elcom U\sc.*CatslsmentiWek m 734-1835 • 731*450: IDAHO A U dnO H B AARN J ;om www.ai)Ctk)n3idalio.eof TUESDAY, MAR. 2 9 ,59:1:0 0 m llques Household •.T ods •A nllq lertmie Outraseous Oddities • Jen ■ ARN KLAASAUCTTQNDAI ■ ■ 208-324-SS21 ■ ■ iilo o i^ THURSOAY, MAR. 31,11: Don Idee, WendellQ ■ Machlneiy • Irrlo^tlon •>Shop S ■ Ir E S ;:, Uvestock -29 n/n«s-iVew9Ad:3-21 ■ ■ ■ ra v ic E MASTERS AUCTION SEF • www.mastsrsauctioaco :00am FRIDAY, APRIL 1,11:0 ■ H Devon W eber Farm s l i e ^, BurleyE s&Beds Jotn Deere Tractors •TiudfsS ■ ■ Hay.lnigaiion,F^Eq.*Adt \M:A9 ■ SEP3-30. W9eUyZ-2BiVtna-ms,Sli m ■ H H u sA U c n o N www.u3-auctlonBers.coi :QOam : FRIDAY, APRIL 1 ,11:0 i • Ed Kober, Jerome ■ ■ ■ allere Tractors • Tmcks • TraiK Prep Eq. i Combine • Loader • Soli Pn •30 77/nM-/VewsAd:3-3( ' I ■ H ■I ■ 'l l { iK | k ■ H ■ ■ ||H ^ w ■ ThrouQtiAprtlS MONDAY. MAR. 2 8 ,1 1i i:o a S ; Wendell CommutUty.WK Related Farm Macfiinery • Fam Rt MlsceUaneous MASTERS AUCnON SER ERVICE www.mastersauction.co com SATURDAY, APRILS L2 Cassia County Annu£ ual Community AocUon in Fax 654-2235 • CcQ 670-: 0 -2 0 78 Phono 654-2546 B IU ESTES. tA SSO C'.w lf a s SATURDAY, APRIL 2 ,1 I0:30 0: m Corah &Hole SB»Ettat8,Sh( Shottana ' Tractors*Truck*E(iuipni pment Tools • Antiques • Fumlti niture n/77«s-W«wAd:3-31 •31 JM A AUCTIONEERS RS www,)maaudlons.com sm___ SATURDAY, APRIL 2,11: 11:00am Geo. McGinnis Estate, Sho! loshone TractDrB*Tnjcte*TraJe(3 •! •Haying Madtlneiy • Stofaoe Van * Hou lousehoid. Umes'NewaAiiiZ’S' •31 .;1 MASTERS AUCnON SEU ERVICE www.mastersaucUon.coi com « SUNDAY, APRIL 3 ,1 :0 :00rM ' Reynold'&JoAnnHauk,! <,Buhl pickup • Fumlture • House tsehold Shop, Fami Items • Coned icUbles ' Vmos-NowsU:4-1 •1 ■ ' MASTERS AUCTION SEfl ERVICE www.mastef8auctJon.coi SATURDAY, APRIL 4 ,11: I1:0Qam KaW Fann«,Ptn 9 ree.ld Idaho Trariot8 « Duals SHulJs-Ta Tnjcks’4 Trailers • Pkicups • Gnundwi Iworklng ‘f } p ti; ■ 4 -0 2 AgWoeUyMi:3-76,*' y MUS5B) BROS. AUCTION W EB» WWW,mbauction.com m_____ M0HDAY,APRIL4,11:( I:OOam AMnABenaNelohI»ts,TWIf ■vbiFaSs Tiud(3*Ptd(ups *00 Ccmblne 1^ ■ ■ H S S f '•*- dur MEIGHIB W S ¥H E ’ S Y O I ig c<a n c e r ta k e s m ore th a n drugs dru Trepting I Jinory ichnology. It takes oxtraordinc an d tech I peoplo>w ho u n d e rsta n d a n d m ee ty oc u r. O ■ ■ . Equipment •M otor Bikes *S •Shop rnm-NmaM:4-2 -2 ■ MASTERS AUCTION SEB ^C E www,mastereauctlon.coi SATURDAY, APRIL 6 ,1 11:00 : am Blatnr B rib ers Fann, Burley Bi) , Ttactr»a&Loadof*.rnjda4l &Beds < Pidaip* tn1g3lion,Fann*M UtiAof HMby3-26;7ZniSfiUnR(S ,sa>*-4 USAUCnON www.u3 -ouctloneer8.coi com ',z RUDAY,APRIL8,1:0( 00pm : Kevin & Connie Shepbenl. ii.B ubt: Appliances • Furniture • Oiffice; Household •Sporting* SI Shop « ^ • TImts-HetnMiA-B •6 '' I ff ca re n e e d ;.. O C u r p h y sic ia n s e n d s to ff I th is c o m m u n i^ , a n d yo u r hleolth ea p a rt oF fth . , , o r ta n t to u s. W e c om e to w wcork is tmporl I I ' ! ^ ig th e c a r e w e provide makes knowing r:' J l i n e e in th e lives'of o u r n eighbo differeno I ' I ration . a n d thl a t m o k e s u s proud. G eriorati ■ I r.you, g e n e ra tio n , w e're h e re for.y< - a fte r get III j ■* h ero fojrlife rI . ' i V; ■ IStLuk M ountainsStatds TUmorlniBl stltiite d lo ^ C a n ta r at Magic iloValley Rational M«dl< 3 if- 2 4 4 1 ,> w w w .« l u k e>son|(ne.brg. st <208J ' T ^ out more, cock ^ 1 MASTERS AUCnON SEU Einnci^ com www.tnsstentaucttavcoi FRIDAY, APRIL S,B :0( OOm 'AisuM Spring Antkiue&CDh JbcSUe IWtf*FUmltn*Antlques&C &Cplecl Razor Coilectkxi*G)a4p/V 7Mw 734-1S38 * 731-4587 67 IDAHO AUCTIONBAfl UW wwwjmctlwadaho.con wn___ SATURDAY, A P R a 9,11? IriXlAB FMkGelalerltoikigSaie^Sbc Akpbne • Gua * Old Gas Piinpi' ■Uirt*r»Mx;7taer-*wiU M :4-7 734-1S3S* 731-4867 67 ALL AMERICAN AUCn nnoN wwwmtk)Rsldaho.con an • • k tk a on www.ma8fcvaaeyxcf xm and*/C lassifieds C a t ^I y ia i 2 . j AUCTION 8A1ESFCBP. . J lH o W i 7 3 ^ 3 2 5 i " '' E-mail: pxaonttroafllcvalley ley.com j i ' . 7.200S 8(ndaK M «tlia7.2i f— • r w I N p A L LLS ' T W IN E U IS -B c c e n ta c ti’ InS th District Court inlW IinnFF ^ County litd u d ed tho foUowin wing isals o C ounty Y COURTS. — pP e r s o i l d omi a t e s lo tt<i» = - , \\ leflawn iWMto- b im ttk n 10 CD officer tn d ono a M u te to ptBduw/tnvaUd drtvo^ ecn*« dlsmlned by pnaen itor; ^ | F e lo n y s e n t e n c l n g s 37, 212 d onofa controOeo |ubatm « . roethamph apheta* U n e pleaded guOty; icrvcQ « 1 yean bcnitcnlaty: (MOy m detcnninate )ate:flw le a n {nctacn&inffi; SI.OOOS wsSSS aa so coun cosa; SSOOpubUe dcftsder x fa to o M eoved axicuacsily with otber c 1 1 ^ 7 9 trutfnrton; D fsaia Itidn udge G. WduidBcvsn. N o n y d te m ls s a ls JM>om, }0ciM U flK w aiim 37,629M TMn EUIk poatodon slonofa ^aytIi^L Child support cas< “SSSSJSSS pevaiL b h l l filin g s I ruUe WUUsms vs. Oloton L L D DiUe, nstlmte; ^ Soutfaon Idaho Pain Instlt ndjohn I d e to la la n d eencnl In an im oum to be d eamlned ^ «herreIfef aa the couit deems Just. Plalmlfl Flail It treat* Uepaln yd eachewBsuO sliw duetoaD iotoicyde d d e n tm S f f W o th a to n O o osobers. b) edftom CttyContln to Methadone and that on October 10, 2002. ber hiuband <u nd w dectaaed and tto ocBe was waadenexcem fcffioum of Methadone In h b bod)c PIi Ijtplaln-. lasnat' ilto C o in b isn d & ity n C o in b sa si 'G len n >ertsoa EttUfU Judgmeni agalttst the d de to ding an K sJ o a jRevolution « 1 asiSK’s s s s s ______________________ DonttnodfroniBl leaning VUaor \U schenkoawns v {sleeted presid en t In D eceml bfter first b ein g d e d a rc d t le c lo se r a m on th earlier In a nleeli [L ' , b o n in o n ed b y com iptlotL v o l{ Streeterso id F eaceC o ip»sv le d to ^ t e e r s have b e e n Instructed litlcal, re m a in co m pletely apolitlc ueful* so she chose w ords caref ly w hen asked b y h e r foorm m er em ployer to c o m m en t o nI w wihat ' shew lm essed . . : "W henever an y o n e ’• uasks vdilch side th e U.S. support: o rts. I sa y th a t th e U ^ . s t ^ ip p o rts democracy,” sh e sold. * lb [b rm e It’s b e e n w o n d e rfu l to> ssec , Ukrainian p eo p le - p eoplee w wh o levcryone th in k s, are possI Eisslve ^ d pessim istic - s tan d uj p Ifor jiie lr coim tiy's future." • Streeter I o t The Ttmes-Ne ■News tn July 2003 a lte r olxiutt ffo ow ^resits with th e p a p e r a n d hea heade d for Ukraine so o n after. 1 For th e p a s t y e a r sh e has h JI tth e Vvoikcd In Bodekhlv, neor f o lls h b o rd e r a n d ab o u t 70 ilnian ' tnileS n o rth o f tho Ukmini ' a w o f Lviv. nitt o f I T live in th e v «jstem port ^ e c o u n try th a t b pro* pz range (Aischenko, s o th ere Is oran kvenw herc,” sh e sold in hlie erre larlng JnalL "P eople vrearl ^ b a n d s , o ra n g e h a tsI aojn d ficarves, coats." th e ' I U ntil S treeter jo in e dI tl P eace Corps sh e h a d n o t h a d She a n y teaching experience.!. S lining s p m t three m o n ^ In tralni: In a small tow n outside o3f ttlh e capital Kiev. She lived w/ith ith a som e h o st family a n d t a u ^ t soc jio o l E n ^ ish classes a t a local 8cho< :tilng, learned the basics o f teachlr a n d lea rn e d U krain ian w wlim olun* Ithree o th e r A m erican volu I "Ruth Is o n e o f o u r sppedal ec (volunteers,* s a id B ohdan Yarc* Yai ------------------------------- r I language from the th e Oge o f 6 . “So in addldon tlon to leaching lIso able to tcach language. I'm also Mds criUcal thlnl Unking, debate, d v jc education,1. m Iw Peaca Corpi tr • traces Its m ore th a n lust I roots and missionIon to th e language itself self," she salA I 1960. wtien Sen.,in. John F. Streeter said she she loves h e r jo b bccausc she gothe ithers th e feeling Kennedy cfiBlIengedstLstudents ot :hlgento thot the children Iren are gaining the University of Mlchlg serve their country Inth n tho cause knowledge In owa iw a y th e y h a d n t know n before, of peace by IMr^ andId « worWng e. S tu d e n ts in ies. Ulcralne ore t a u ^^ t in m ethods In developing countries. c n t th a n in the >grew an th a t are different RomthstlflsplrBtionsn .................. ll governU.S. 8£encyoflhefodom 1g< I o f education in ^The system of ment devoted to worldrid | peoce iscd heavily o n e that time, U kraine is bosci and frtendshlp. Since tr -e sp ecially w ith m em orizatlon-es more thon 178.000 PeiPeace :ersm d."K idsare E n ^ , ‘ Streeters Corps volunteers havovebeenlrv t >untiies to m em or norizing en tire vlted by 138 host count .bu b u ta s k th e m to Jng from tc m o t a g l M , Viiork on Issues ranging th in k about th h e m ea n in g o f aids education. Inform is t reati, a n d It’s ronmtntfll w h a tlh c y V c jM leditMlogy. ond envirom jriiiiant sm dents only the most brill preservation, w ho can do sa" For more Information on d n e ed u c a to rs Some Ukraine peoce Corps go to: arc realizing theicd d lsad v an u g e s. www.peocecorps.gov, o f such m ethlodologles, od ^c ----------------1 said. ' “And luckily, r.n m y school Is m a, 0 Peace C orpsIS ;m a nager ivc, 6 0 so m e o f ‘ tiulte progressive, w ho oversees m an y 'thcorgainith zotlon's activities in ih U k i ^ c . th e teachers arc rc aalready trying ‘About IS m o n th s ago shc w as to get sm dentss to to thinx indeassigned to serve In a sm all pcndentty,’ Streei reeter said. "So Corps h od Ifs great form e ito to!b c p a r to f th c town, w here Peace IO im ithose educa* • nted before, m ove away from never b e e n represente ns ith a t arc n o t e n n ot only tionol traditions Since th e n she^ b een instructing kids o n Eli] ncildaL” English a n d particularly beneii Streeter sold o: on r e th in g th at Journalism, b u t alsoQ ccreadng a k e sh e r jobdifil* very &tvorabIe Im age ;e co f th e or- sometimes makes America a t c u lt Is the m e n ta lity th a t e a n lz a tlo n (an d Am l ^ e ) in th e comumn u n ity o f education Isn'tLin Im portant beuys everything. cause money buys RaSekhiv." suikes a t all lev'C orruption suil S treeter tea c h e s ,d conversaEs aare a form o f S; C oim try els, and buyofls tio n al E n d lsh , U.S; S tu d le s-v m ic h isa kidn ln to so d a l survival," she sai said. 'A nd it’s [lean litem - h a rd to make kid kids realize th e studies - a n d Americt their ed u cation tu re to high school Dl ifittidents. Importance of the u rs a w eek (l.e. the importo She teaches 18 hours 3rtonce o f n o t sm - cheoUns] w hen1 th th e adults be* a n d h a sb e tw e e n lO olondZO n de n ts in h e r classes..H H ei rsch o o l lieve that It’ss rm o n ey th a t ah, so chll* matters." spcdollzcs in English, Streeter misses ses h e r friends, < ^ n b e g in Ic a m iln g th e he About the tm e Peace Got! irp S r A * T l t i' c k e t t o aI f o o d b a n ] , B O ISE-A n unfaiown p erson donated on a S30,000 w inning lot* terv 5ry ticket to th e Idaho ioodbank. xd I^h e ticket was found tucked re*-insit islde on envdopew lthout a re* tum ty's' Lim address in W ednesday’ s _nail, . i i director Roger Sim on said.. Jd. . "“ i his' Idaho Lottery ofQdals say this “ i&isfli >flm time thc^know bfeopie^ . one mt ne donating tiic entire am otm - fr a- .w i n n ^ Idaho Lonery tk kicet et . ** he Hhe FoodbankTW l use‘' ihc T mor ro* noney for Its children’^ pro­ __ /es ^nuns, including on e (hot gives 30 backpacks mled witii foodIto to ' >m Trea h*osure \^illcy sm dents from |o3w w-incom e families. Each :ch led nonth the liackpadcs are rcSQed /itil food. with he Money will also h elp the M tatcwlde after-school program tiat . , p ro^des healtiiy m e m to tudents Involved in after-school rocthdties o r enrichm ent proocth OTar rams. 3ld The Sdnkcr Station tiiat sold [le wiiuiinfl ticket gave th e food od on banl lonk $300 u o m tiie commission it received rc for sdling th e win­ in* nine ing ticket er■Ttic ^ w inner was v eiy gcneran us, if tiiey can d o tiiat w c can OUS, step ■siIep u p as w dl,’ c o m p ar^ presi^-ni en.t and co-ow ner (p a rleley y m es sold JOnC Idaho In brief n o ln ^ . testified Johnson - rcnu uneagcalm,wtilleKendierbecani ok« uf ■itated and raised h er voii Johnson Kdleher tried to a n ts t i] John* son an d alleged^ shot h e:rr 1in tiic stom ach 'and h and with (til the Tbsergim. When Johnsonnfeflto 1 th e ground, Kdleher alle; held tiie Ihser against h er whlleanotherdeputyairivi hed. • Johnson^ said in th e !<claim t h k he r two d a u ^ te rs. 0ages ) d a n d 10, and a 9-year-oldIndghn bor watching tiie inddent n tw c ic emotionally traumatized d from watching tiie scene. ^ea un Prosecutor loins In pl( ^ to keep felon In U.S. Irofino woman seeks lamages from county dan 01 no OROFINO - An OroQno im roman has filed a tort claim jes seking $550,000 in dam ages r aa o m Clearwater C ounty after fron depi eputy allegedly shot h a w ithl aa Thse tisergun. Jty G ena Johnson alleges D eputy Ice Armi im c M. Kelleher shot h e r twice ler with 4th tiie Ih se r and arrested her fo)rrrrefusing to give h er n am e for odc^ d o g - a t- I i^ dtation. ^ Rl RI&. a spotted springer gpor le* panld, allegedly chased Kefle* er^ car Into tiie street o n O c t. 22,, heiS Qlearwater ea 3f* County SheriiTs Of* flcci cc docum ents st^. ler At Johnson^ house, K dleher o^de a* idered'her to show IdentiOca* tlon he o n so sh e could Issue th ditation. ta t m, According to tiie claim, John IU-ihnson excrdsea h er constim tion onal right to w ithhold hler er -nam ame. ^ 363 Sheriff^ rcco rds say wimesses ^ family am m d w e e k en d snow* booraing 1 ^ P '“ n-biklng. But she hasmountain-! n't been lon oneiy in Ukraine. e bI e e n able (o make “I have inderful friends here," som e wont she said.‘l‘1a m th e only Ameri* can in my ly tow n o f 10,000. But m any o f th t e tc a c h e rs speak great EngUj jUsh, a n d IVe t>ecome goodfidend nds w ith them ." las so m e U krainian She has A o spe ak n o English. friends vv4ii to a “Ukraine ne is su c h a rebtion^ shIp*orieni inted country, that MTUniMtlfrcfliBl friends ahv ihvays m ake tim e for im -packed K elvlnotor in each other ler," s h e s a i± “W hen Jomhicn you c an never find anyUkrainians ns h av e d a ^ off. they whic lyspent! ther lem w ith friends and thinj ling. » p le a re rarely alone. II sure « do n ’t have th a t probfamily. Peoj bFamilies don't dt only consist o f lem. m . Everything I n e e d is flt at parents aa:n d children, b u t Burg urgerKIng. • •• ents. M arried couples grantlparen c w ith th e ir parents. D: often live D am n Yankees. People thin link I m u st b e terribly it';s com c to my a ttention that It’ ne lonely anti itl soci bccause I Uve the I IC Lewiston M om ing T ribune alone." In a news a rtidJ ce Is claiming d Streeters rso id h ersm allsc h o o l that lot F rendi fry sauce w as In* has becomt me a fam ily to her. venti :nted in no rth em Idaho. ‘I love m my stu d e n ts an d ;n y - Arc At we h e re on th e buckle of collea^es, s, 1 a m nircly'Iohely the { le Spud B d t gonna sum d for Of and never t r bored." sh e Mid. tliati lat? m ry tx K iy knows th a t the . H ersmidents dt a n d colleagues piqu iquant m elange o f m ay o n like her, too 00. nolsi alse an d k e tc h u p w as first “Every dm dr c 1 visit h e r site, o r conc )ncocted In so u th e m Idaho. 5q (alk to Ruth ith's colleagues o n the Thjublcis, I can't prove i t So phone I hea earn o th in g b u tp raise inneed e c your h d p . and admin: iration." Yarema said. ifyou're j If a southern Idaho n a ­ "Both smdt idents a n d colleagues tive ' ith childhood m em ories re w ^ cspectR uth." offr^ like and res; [ f ^ sauce, let m e know p ronm When Str >trccter com cs back to t au I'm I'i sure fry sauce dates from 10 theU i^tcdl d States in December, thlee hanly 1 hom esteaders Viiio she will ha' Tavc b e e n In Ukraine fin rst ttilled th e rocky soil o f thlie e for 27 moi lonths. But sh e said Snak lake River Plain an d l o v i n^y g she’s consi isldcring staying antjrew e w ta te rto ts. otheryeor. If ’ you have p erso n ^a l r. * ^lf ----------- ■ ■ knov lowledge o f the o r l ^ o f fry ^ Tfmes-Nt News com spondent jauci lUce, call m e a t 735-3223 o r LonvtneCavener can be 'c -m i m c a t so tim p ^ m a g JlcJ mall rcachcd al at (208) 438-6446 or vaUe illcy.com. 111 buy you o n o rder kaveneri^. S p m to is ofM MENAN - Bulmaro L< Lopez' linison wife gave blith to their thin last week - (ust days afle fter tiie com daed felon was depf jported backtoM tsdca m ode* Lopez's deportation cam ^ i t e a plea from Jeffc fferson lecutor C ounty Deputy P|rose< Steven d u k to let tiie conv child rapist stay In th e Ui States. ‘Bulmaro never hesitat£ aied irt adm itting what happei iened .1 w rote Clark, w ho prosec Lopez for tiie incident will /itiitM 12-ycar-old gliL ‘He h as scrvc4 his sentence and I havi ive 1^ doubt about his place in so< Itiavcncverw rinenaletter as tills before and I doubt 1 wlUagaln." dim e said it was the fustprobobly only - tim e he le S s written such oletten But Carl Rusnok, a spokes for tiie immigration de] m ent. sold Lopez hos n o it forAmerlcanuw 3,an d h isc inal pattem ^w iU n ot ch because he b not a mlscrcai ja n tj^ venile, and must stay In Mc ilcxicokf WtiUe his family ad adm its Lopez^ chedxred post b I hhis ref sponsibility, tiiey soy hite e ^ dionged. "He complctdy change* ^ hb life," Brandy lopez said, ^Hi 'HcwiD Ixs tiie first to admit, 'Yes, s. I did m ake mistakes.’ ’ -corrqilled& om w irerq report Sf [I!rump_ R e a l S w e e t ID e a l K w H W iB iB B>7 j:snr M a g i CVALLEYAVE! c RqjpwtpluaSOpenxi irovldc medical Insurance; eicent of medicsl cx* lunmcc: pro' pcnics not covercd ley's ( ^ apd costs. ercd by Insurance: $330atiotney • Insunuicc; $1,075 for Siateoflda ' ptuvlde medical [nsui Idaho, Department of Health J - : - ---------■ X costs of blnh; S730 e. QiUd Support Services vs. 30 fl(or suppon for a and^Stifare. t period; C30D an mVWtoaSeSinBesiabllshattorney^ (ccs and , BonaldDeon' patcm ity:'b lnh certificate. ment of pai >teOea defendant as Caihcr: “ ^ o fld a h a D Q e iu nurtm entoflteakh changitltotc i ^^ and Childl& Sw^ r tS e tv lc e s v ) . SZlQmamht) hly support plus SO percent . ^ PaulH oreaPenaIcS not covered by InIc M ^lnA cttabUih* of medicalexpenses ei; \\ mi>nt • of Datenilty: iify; monthly suiance: pro irovlde imunmce; f it \ \ suppon ptua 63 peanc ae io fm c d lc a le x $43CT(6rcos frf Mp^i - ^ o u r t \\ pentes not covetcd wta. ered by Insunnce: (cesandcosti IdahaDejMttmeruofKealth ,* ^ C \\ ptovlde medical buur tuuntnce: TTM) attor* Scateodda W e c o r Lc V * ^ \ . \ R o/i (ces and costa. e. Otild Suppon Services VI a. . andWelfare.< jtriclcVlmdLsecklngestab, W Stau of Idaho. Dept Depanment of Health Michael Patrl „,-T -— andVW£are.aiUdSui I Sunpon Servtca v i llshment of { if paternity: blnh cenifleate Tg. Seeking cstnblishchangedton RtoudoG.Cutlema.S >nrflea defendani os (athcr; . ment of paternity: hJy support plus 45 p ^ t ity: b ln h cenUIcate $160 month!) w ifrihw ges (or plaintiff changed to reilcctI dcf defendant os b ihcn o(mcdicale>; expenses not covered by InCknn Combe amounts tobo coJ p ro w n at SOpenxntofmedladi irovldc medical insurance: laJcapoiscsrutcovsunmce: pro tit^a o m n ey ^ to a n d aK ti »sts;o(hetttUe{ ered by iRsinncc; | asts of blnh: $330 attomey^ cc: provide medical $8.139forcos ts tho a w n d ^ Just. Plali rialntllbseeking Insurance; atto ists. atto m e /s fees and fecsandcosti irimbunemenifolnimles 4cs sustained In IdahabepanmentofHealdj State oflda a vehide a c d d e n L . lintilb ti^ e. Child Suppon Services vs. demand SutsofldahokDept >panm entofH calth andVVUfare.! glas WUsoa Seeking estabandW drare.Chl]^ 1Support Scrvtaa vs. ' Ryan Dougla iedcuig establish ment Ushiaent 5fofpaternity; 55 percent of periseanotcomedbylnsurflCftS ofpaten>lty;mimon monthly support plus tnedlcalexpei ance: provide Ide medical Insunince: $961 3 6 p a ^ o fm e d icIcalexpoisesrtoccova l< SuieofIdaho.Dcpenme tmentofKeabh ered by Insurance: i if binh; $330 attorney^ fees » : provido medical for costs of t ' and VW&io vs. KVnnneJ ,N. N. PampanttL insurance; *330 attorney’ atto s fees and andcosts. SedingSSnJM IbrRqjpor ip o n b m p tlo r costs, Idaha Department ofHcalih Statoorida petfod: S1S7. moruhiy Bipi upport p h u 45 - SuueofldahaDepj c. Child Suppon Services vs. > p a n m u tt of Health andW dfami iseanotcom td and V*Uiire. Child Sut I Support Services vs. Lanyl.Down m e ^ ln s u iMike Scoa Pcacock. 5 •342moml3ysul)ponplus67 dcSeekiM establishpaternity; $34 sand costs. ment of paternity; cspenaes not covllty; $43o monthly percent Ot medical m tmentofHealth suppon plus 77 perco Asurance: provide medical ercent of medical ex> ered by Insi and VSUGuv \ u Kynime} N. Runporau.. penses not covcrcd ered by Insunmee; Insurance;$i217forcostsofblnh:S330 $i Seeking *289.73 far luppor p o n to ra p riM provide medical insurance: Insuj $5,448 fer attorney^ (eea wsandcosts. pettod; $106 momhly Bipi upportplus21 costs of blnh: $330 ar Idaho. Depattmem of Health 10 anotney^ fees and Stateoflda w is a not covpercent o f medical opens andVMfare,< ered by Innuance: pravl [Wide medical StaieofldahaDeps >partm ento(H ealih Joshuaasidu Insunnce: $363 a tto muey’ e/ a fees and and VWlare. Child icll^jDonihly suppon plus' ISSut u p p o n S erv lcn v i o lp u a n ity.i . ,^ U o Jasper. Seeking c ofmodicalapQuesnotcovftg establishment of SOpoceniofi SiateofldahaDcpanme tmentofHealth paternity: blnh cenlll ntlflcate changcd to ' crcd by Insu uuranec; provide medical and W d b m Child Suppon )ort Servicea w n jiect defendant a (ather: $161 $2.se7forcostsofblnh:$330 It as insunnce:$2. locobhw i Goodrich. CCSBitd costs. plus 52 percent o( atiomey%recs ment of paternity: *34 not covered by Insiu* Stateoflda Idaho. Depanment of Health support plus 74 pereeni lofmedlcalcxof ance: provide med c. Oiild Support Services vs. medical (nsunmce: and\NUfaie.( penses not covered by by Insurance: «^27forc»»tsofblnJ a Seeking establishment of blnh: $330 atto m e/s Sean Dugan. ptuvfda medical Insurencc; Tce; $330 ottoi- fcesandcosti. Ipereentofmedlcalexpenspaumlty.Slp ney^ fees and cosu. tred by Insurance; provide. Jepanm entofllealih es not covcr State of Idaha Depanmc m a n rfH ea lth n n d v S f f ^I Suppon i^ sunmce; $2,435 for costs of Services vs. medleal Insui and Wei&n. Child Stmpon attomey'sfoesandcosts. w n S c n te a w Jed Thomas Mutbeirj )eny. Seeking estabblnh;$330att Cun David P u n t . ^ iin ^ g establishllshment of patctnlty mlty; $101 monthly m ent of patm lty ; blnb c e r i ^ t e support plus 41 pcton OTcnt of medical « • n iv n r MIS Q f ile d cium ad to icflM ctefendai idant as father p«nscs not c0%'cfcd Mcd by Insurance; S235monthlysupponplus5 u s 5 7 p a t ^ o f provide medical Insun isurance; $330 attor* Q n th b LeeWiymeniV5.RyBnMcnll Le< t n e d l c a l o g a u a ^ O Tw^ e d Iv Insur* ney^ (ees ajid costs. s. • • ■ WajmenL \fcnnm» Luna vs. Jena Alisse isurance;$3,149 State of Idaho. Depa JepartmentofHcflJth for casts of blnh: *330 ott ottomeylsftes and Wtdlaie. Child1Support Sur Sendees vs. luna. andcosts. .Pultovs.DeniscaRillct. n. S establishC u nlsaP i Aubrey S. Johnson. Suite of Idaho, Deponroc lacobson VS. Crista M. JacobirocmcfHeaith ment of paternity; I ty; birth certificate OintlLJac and VSWare. ChUd Suppon w n S e iv te vs. chanced u> teCectdefendant deft as father, soa Ftandico Manud Romera aaS ecH nges$238 monthly support 'Port plus G2 pcTcem Naomia a StanseU vs. RIcfcy Lynn abliihmemofpatemliy;*! -;$146momhly o f medical cq)enS^n. es not covered by InSuinsdL Sn l i a K l l m , M i l < < l , U tl ae ^ jtdiup But bring your own ketc 1 wouldn't dare use th e ssn n iff fl m yfridga ■ .S f« « Crump is The 71, Timesi Ncwsfiatures editor. The MM'Caula Iri’Une ine Hockey Asjociatlon M arch 21" th ru April , / r D onnelley S port ; ; TTs 13000verlandAye.Buriey, 5y.m .; Leagti 0 la f o r 6 - 1 8 y e a rrco ld £ *25 f o r i child or *50 p er famlV fa First yoar players BTB fi Games are ployed a t til tiie Heybum hockey rink nex ext to] tiie baseball Held on 18tii Itil St. J The season will befrom April 7lhlhrough May 21si and gasrw are played Thursday and fru&y evenings and Saturdays, i For more Infomationa C a llJ lm W h ttm o r » > / a t6 7 7 - W 1 7 . jj ^ c tA t u c ^ mA ZF tiU i t / ^ u c M w in n ttm U tt d a t 4 0 0 W; 050I !s. P a u l P Yoti c ann lo , a d y o u rse lf anytt /tim e o r We w ill lo a d for yo u o n - Fri 2 p m - 4 p m Mon I C a n G aJl a an - U L .riiiL R o g e r g a t 43frS <Y C I N E M A S a B U MI Jt B Y T H E A l B E g m m M •s, your local Farmeiy For the past 8 years,'i oh S ^ ii^ has been v)ork Insurance Agent, Joh ans that toiU meet yoiiri fo r you, qfferihg.pldn le F n fu n , I 'Ihdau and F o r tftfeJ Cdtt I MW U aiSeatlBl l IIOvoilartdAva.' I B S ^ T c I BI P P S 'C O N Sti iM f M i a ) ■ I B P S ' B P B s«fltiS (P D a g JN a i Q v H P 3 1 678-4022 \ J £ ^ 4>. , ■ ■ M , '/ II n a i * a r t ca M M v g 11 L S .1 0 ^ : s TtSO*MI p M O tM U ) *SSi I n J Bwtey.lO PACIFIER m Oi»mml l ll ii a l I g p B ; n ij i ' ■ H ^ ! I ■ S a jB M M i W l KMOjra . We hove tw itc h ^ to PM ■MT.' P P | g C h u H io D e N i a m bear h j H 878 -0 1 6 :22 4 fla u w p p m r m r b a ^ 2 0 & -a 7 B :0 1 ^ - Frtday B d O -g a p . U c o ta f-K ■r : Sign-Ups I n i . W i M , mU a T In e » lto w « ,> tn n it,k Sinll);MiKtl27,2005 Idaho Coimfy asks for drought declaratioon Canyon CALDWELL CAP) — Can will ask County com m issioners will for a d to u f^ t em crgcncy dc w hat’s ration b e c a u sc o f wt statingshaping u p to b e a devaslat ly d iy sum m er growing sca5 season. H ic com m issioners mletw e n ith. reprcseniatlves from the Itc 'U,S. D epanm en t b f Agriculi culture [•arm Servlcc agency and the University o fld a h o Coo pera iaciciision to review w ater ter |proji’ctions from th c county'fo forrth e summer. “W e'rccxpcctingapooryj Jucaior s;ild Jcny Ncufeld, a n educ an d crop specialist with thc tension University o f Idaho’s cxteni 'Unless ofilcc in Caldwell. “Un drastic som ething very, very dra changes, you b e tte r plan |a n on having Qshort w ater year.” tnM Commission Chalnnan N att Beebe said tlic p anel will nmeet (his week to a d o p t a rcsolui olutlon asking Ihc co u n ty be recogrcc nlzed as having a drou emergency, w iiich will p v c I gation districts an d farm latevcr bolter a b ilit to use whatc water is available. Ihc com m ission will sub its request to th e govemor nor for final approval after being re - . viewed t»y tJic state Dcpartm rtment .of Water Resources. Gov. Dirk t Kempthome rarely denies s ssi uch il request, said his spokesm Mike Joumce. Usually. G m y o n (bounty { ilygcts about 2.1 milUbn acre feet water. An acre foot Is enoi enough water to cover a n acre o]flan f lc d witJi ivater a foot deep. An a' Jl ade(|itatc supply is 1.5 million a m acre feet, but projections tiiis year y ■ peg that n u m b e r at 1,2 m li acre feci. "ifyou have less lhan 1,5 e .Smillion, you don’t have enough ugh to get tlirougli th c year. Ict w lor storage,” Neufcld. He said farm ers are cult niiting back on th eir planting to prep pare for a dry sum m er. ■|he N am pa & Meridian in IIrri! gallon Dtetrict is tiic largest of several irrigation disulcts t canal com panies that serve rve the uien. Officials say thc distr Istrict, which delivers w alcr throi m ore dian 500 miles of r n n n k 10 G4.000 acrcs o f farmlaj could run o u t o f w ater by 1late August an d alT ca late-seai season crops. In a norm al year, irri; Inlgation Ia.sis tl i r q u ^ O aobcr. I d a h o I l e g i s l a t o nr s e x t e n d )g r a c e p e r i o d f o r 111 t i e d i c a l b i ul | BOISE (A P )-T h eld e ohoL egislature h as votcc te d to u n in su red ' hospital itol p atie n ts m o re tim e to pay off o ffth eirm ed ut risking a leal bills wftfaout governm ent Uen oUl n itheir propI h e Senate and H Hoouscogrecd to give people five; yi years before m d cover uncounties step In and u p from two m edical bills,, ui y c o ^ un d cr cuiTcntl itlm ^ th liJglalatw^ h oM i e longer ves paU ents 8"®“ ■period gives __________ • Idaho boardin ing school goes out of busines! »s BONNERS FERRY. (AP) boarding school an d Bound mdary -• County’s l;irgcst private cmpli nploy. . er announced it w as going(o oui u to f' ’ Business. . CEDU E ducational Scrvl( irvlccs boasts students from thcc rich ri and famous including childi lildren of broadcaster Barbara Walt, Valters and actrcss Roscarmc Barr. Il 1 been operating for about mt 40 years, charging ^ ,7 0 0 a mor nontli per student at schools'in Idal Idaha (California a n d Vermont. It has 1 ■ four "emotional growth" scho chools' In Boundary County. The company, started by Pa Springs, Calif, businessm an ^ uiMcl • Wasscrman, previously dos closed ils Rocky M ounuiin Academy :m yln Naples, Idahd, b u t kept open x n it s wilderness arid transldonal pi ill programs and Its Boulder Crcck a ckand 'N orthw est acad em ics In n th c . county. Now about 301 students — — will mostly firom o u t o f suite — \ ‘ ■ bcsen tb ac k to th c lrh o m c 3.si Julia Andrick, th c com pan markctins a n d comihunTcati cation manager Ul S a n d w ln t About 260 h l^ c r-w a g ce jobs ja will b e los t in n o rth e m Idaho, i eluding B onners Fa Fcny. 3 a n i ^ l n l an d C oeur d’Alci said Kathryn Ibckc, rc^or ^o n a l labor econom ist for Idaho ComCoi m crcc and Labor. Hj . - m ore opportun tunlty to pay their . Even1 tth o u ^ coundes have d eb ts before> th e burden sh ifts. the right h t to put liens on the 1, a n d say It could property to taxpayers,'oi cy o f people who aiedesave state an n dd c o u n ^ govern- d a rc d Indigent ir because they m c n t3 u p to $S22 minion r annually, c a n t aflb 3brd their medical bills, fllmtvrt n w p f “In m y o pln io k n .lfth e p e n o n H a d le ynfllri s h a s th e iibilitj Uity to pay, w h y h a p p w ' leavingtrnqiayersto is — should w e lo n ot t Ict th e m p o y r p l u u p ith tl ecost asked Sen. Did Dick Compton. RIdahoDhI a s on e o f th e highest C oeur d ’A lena le. tm lnsure re d rates in th e natioR, T h c bill h aidd been I backed b y w ith th e iunem ployed, self-emcoim ty ofBdals, als, induding Bon- ployed,. m in o rity m em bers n o c k C ounty ty C om m issioner .o n d .th oloise vdio suffer from StcvoHadlcy., m en tal1 1Illnesses am o n g th e tiely iritl hhis i p e s t per capita. Association. "It absolute! I tfospltals id le d against th e rastsfoi] (Teases th e care coi me meastire.' arguing th a t d v ln g Ing c v e ^ n e e ls e .” pal patients mote tim e to Honor ffldalatl nor M uilyn Speim . an oQli the debts would u n b h ly 8^[lift Pocatello’s ro rtn e u f Medical their Mi the nolhos-^ use C enter said amalXreglona tbe burden onto them b ecause the b e fprced to c a n y deUniscfromj theyll to pitals could s tand to lose qiu $75,000 to $I004»0 p er ye quent accounts longet 1 That.. In tum , could m e■an an But H adley said hos c 3 ta ^ hhlg l^ ie r fTiw4frni costs for everyty m ust ste p u p a n d take m mioreo^ otu in Uaho^ officials w a rn e td .. theload. one ' ”We all know there's costnslbility' istT h ey V e g ot a respons sh i shifting.” ^ d Steve M illard, i d . In Uie sam e w ay th e ccio u n ^ pre presidentoftbe Idaho H ospitals :als d o e si'h e sa ld . ' I H ^ .I B If R ■ H | | [ | | L f Partners-ln-TIm e • em p lo y ee v o lu n te e rs , . . . i f f " ' h fl tr y : fo r a C h a n g e se ShopForACaus€ . ■ ■ B S |K JP e JH . k. ta B ||||||[ f l . T h an k s fb r S haring ' srade A nnual H o liday Parai ■■ In S e a ttle 0 t .M ta - m • : GoRedFor\ o rW o m e n \ V We're closed tooday, Easter Sui unday. ■■ ■J ' ■ ,/■ ★ mW C ^ ; Erin, Unda, Phil,I. ;Ha«ialle, Tim, Robbi im ; S . wm ■ . f - ’ '■ ‘ ''1 . i ' ■ -► I n s id e , Coming Mo k/londay • Tti0 l a t e s t fro m thheN e C A A s. i S T h e T im e s -N e w s M o r n in g ' f SSunday. ui 'V ■' *• •. Loc Lom I s p o r ts . ., ............ C2 Am American League . ...C4 • Money .................. XSS Mo ‘ '■ Sports E^tSor. Jo e Paisley, (ej',135-3239 M a rc h 27, 20' :qo5 : .: ■ (Hours:2-1!p.n ).m.) . Scction (c L IN E " E a ig l e s l S p o R x sQ u o rE T h e r e ’s n o t h i n g ^ - b a k e d a b o u t th is “ t o u r n a m e n t . Y o u ’r e ^ e i t h e r a l l t h e w a yr , t o e ai j | h Central Arizon; pounds CSI, 83-50 8: m i n i ’s b i ig j ^ c o m e b a c lk Ju p e n d s By Kevin CoOnit Tlma»Wew» w rtter A riz o n a I The Associated Press The d ^ SAUNA. K a a — Th( bird (hat fell from the h e rafters ROSEMONT, fiL - KeepI die tl an d landed in front o)fdieC:olf (1 t h e r e ’s a l o t o f g u y s tbus nm n in g and point II towa vard lege o f S outhem Idaho h o bench St. Louis. ThiUiks to a ]aw>dro ropth a t s till w a n t to cany in th e gam e was 'its only a p in g com cback, lllino lois’ sign o f things to come ne for the Jotuncy has anodier log left::tiic ti p la y b a s k e tb a ll. G olden Ea^es. Final Fo ur. g. Just like th e bird, the ihe E a^cs ding Wltii Deron Williams Icadii 7 fen Oat an d h a d to bee S I scooped td ie way, the lUlnl staged1 ai n ' off the Door after b d rig lgccrushed eleculfying an d improbab able — S a in t lo s c p h 's c o a cd hi by Central A rizona Colli ihen trally to force overtime and tii< P h il M a rtc lll, a b oo uutt 50 in the cham plonshij 1 0-89 held o n to beat Arizona 90-1 th * o f the NJCAA Women's! m a k i n g I t t o th e S aturday night to win ti d ie . ” ballC ham pionshlponSc iS aturday s c m i f l n a l s o f t h e NN nir a t the Bicentennial Cci C ( hicago ReglonaL Center fri T im in g 75-60 widi four mil nin— S allna.K aa .utes left. Illinois showed why tiy it .1 *1 thought diat w as supposed SUI rtvia w as No. 1 most of the season. n. to jinx th em .” CSr head !aa coach ' uauP Q u e s t io n : "It’s h ean man, it’s Just hean art," Randy Rogers Joked. 'I shot it Dee W hat d o Phi] Mickclson, ;on, right w hen a ^ 1 w as' '< at ^ u t to iaid. B Arnold Palmer, Santty b/ic and 2n d shoot a n d It cam e dowi own right . . liole Moik O'Meara have in common? on? w h e re itw assu p p o sedIta to N c v e r was ; ^ seen th at before. ...anstver below If it ___ , T h ird-seeded a n dd d iirdjant tanked CAC (35-1) w on il d iird n its was I n B R IE F n ad o n a l cham plonshl sh ip by m eant to domirmting every facct of th e b a ' A nd 1guess It was m eant It ito game. T he Vaaueras con xntrolled b be lh a t we go to die Final Fbui lur." p b y In the p aint widi1 6 «en T h e mini (36-1), who’ve bee . Alsna M oham m ed a n d ran r (he able to.drive to their two tou Dur- . jjiu Hoor relendessly wiUi ih Kodak TWIN FA U S — TW n Falls n a m e n t sites In Indlanapol lolis „ Player o f th e Year Shf S haqulna ■ County Babe R uth baseball reg­ a n d suburban Chicago so fa far. points in istration for ages 15-19 will ^be Mosley to rack u p IB po can keep on busing. ned a n d held on M o n d ^ , M arch 28 from uonsiU on. M ohammec In St. Louis, they will plz cc ost . . 6-8 p jn . a t th e K aim on tjji- Mosley w ere nam ed co-m Louisville (33-4), which railie L ase valuable players for thee nto u m aV ' Recrcatlon Building. A release 0 from a 20.point dcGdt Saturdi ^ m ent. form signed b y p<uent o r legal tl b e a t West Viminia. 93-85 i to e "It was really key to5 run r th e ^ guardian for playeis u n d e r £the '0 buovertim e and take die Albi ion floor.” sold Mosley, w hoofinlshed fh age o f 18 a n a a $65 registration q u erque Regional w ith 18 p oints and five rt! iassisti fee is required a t tim e of r c ^ mai , T h e last tim e two regioni on, “T h at’s w hy (head coat oatlon. r a r m o rc infonnation, oach Lin ,• final gam es went into overtire ime }84 Laiusen) h a d pushed uuss every contact Brent Jusscl a t 734-6384 | i 0 - ^ i ■' a g ^ V » n in hen day. She h a d us nmnlng o r Linda Brittsan a t 734-2633. il d ie sam e year was 1992 whe Ing every • Q iW S M ichigan beat Ohio State, and an m o m in g th ro ctim esaw wee c k at6 K '- '' I . .£ •Duke eliminated Kentucky. »Q o’clock m th e moming." g c i -V> Williams tied this game an and Top-seeded and top-i p-ranked . & i ||H c apped a stunning 20-5 run by ib . CSI (34-2), w hose sccond ind-placc! hhitting a 3-polnter widi 38 sct scco olhlsto-■ HAGEBMAN — H agcrainn flni3hl3th(?bcstlnschool .' w e ,'. 9 onds Tefr in regulation, maklr dng CM ry, h im g in d ie gamn e early, . Youth Athledcs announces .it 80-80. trailing Just 15-14 foU following ' "eariy blid” registration for JT-. Arizona (30-7) went up by/115 iris L e n k aam o v a‘sIayup.B B uu tli^o s Bail, Boys basebaU, a n d Giils ' points w ldi’four m inutes toIggo [ h e ' close a s th e Eaj^es would ild co m e, . • . softball on M arch 28-29 a t the eanimn/rWliMHi' after ^ o n 18-6 sp u n tiiat mc me­ ool as CAC scorcd 15 of d ie 10 rnext 17 Hagetmnn H c m e n ta w School ed by Central Arizdna College defenders del iter Denlta Svarova Irtmothered rtable 3 Q< Golden E a^es center Shaqulna Mosley, nm entarily silenced a larg< rge, from 6 - 8 p jn . Fees will be $5 for p o ln tsto tak eaco m fo rtal orange-clad partisan crowd. tes. 16 edge. all reglstnulons after these dates. 12, and Atoha Mohsnt hsmmsd during the Vaqueras^ 83Idaho at the ' K ->0 13-60 win over ttie College (rf Soutbem Sot ' But th e Illini didn't play like celt a ll "W e c a m eo u tju s tn otrratfy," o ti For any quesdons, please call NJCAA Women’s BMk laaketball Division I Chanplontblj iblp In Salina, Kan., Saturday nigl lig h t;. _ ^ was over. And it w asn t said CSI’s Sidney D m dbri lorff.who Roben PetroiKk a t 8 ^ -9 0 7 a led d ie team widi 13 poi ^c’d : s ^ g g l e to .beat- that , Please sec COMEBACK, Page:C2 C ■ tiiink w e w ere just a litd I. any . n i ^ t if tiiey‘played prised. T h ey playcd -vay they did to n l^ t,” hc J If dcfcnseondjustplaycdtl; , FILER — TWin RiUs County (chnlcal&'conmiiml-. ^e£Nfiliu.Afllz6NA83,CSI&0 ’ Kan. . . notl St9tfiTech i? ' “ M T ^ L c d O ld 'M o sley Babe Ruth b aseball registration f t i i S S S . 'S iCBiwt tyCpUe£e70 9' . . ' ' aomoKi), WlWflCC) ■ ' 1 will be held for Filer area rcsl- stru n g to g ed ier. six st sofame ' TMnM ^{ilate'ganie fr>JM1 Ntityl *M6*4440411.Drw Siew d ents ages 13-19 o n TUesday, p o in ts d u rin g th e CAC tSmith66, South •’ . >ioMe.klq I. Kn m OwHBum »0M 0. .)'70,Ubtters' ArtonsasA rtS l a b n ^ M0W,^a™(Mo.|'70 jie M o sle y sc o re a o n c e o n l M arch 29 Erom 7-8 p.m . at the L-wOOOOO.MmW«m&l9aa.Kra f 1 Plains (ToxoaX hum m ed S«1«(T ™ J48 065 , E s iij; out layout w hile Mohai W ildcat Baseball Q u o h o u s c icI^ • e m t... ' - C ti^ irplavers . Rflh^i*c*gi hind Filer Elem entary SchooLLA A bruised die CSI interiorp . V. an.) 78, ClriclnCentral Arizona i CSI 50 Seward County (Kan.) la 83. ' Tha Associated Press________ i»»»2aSri«i<iu>j»'t.i]:]i&0n« Tl release fonn signed byparcn t oorr \vith tw o baskets in die•ps -•' ■ ' • 0»n}a>II 7>l.imCiMmM01'}1I.teraU:«Wfra] ~ Is“She’s a hoise," Lauiser ---------------- =— se n said. legal guardian a n d a >65 regis­ ---- r -----------------------r M1MI1.1U krl01Ma ■'IM13mu “Very a d ilc d a E i^ te een n years ‘ ately following some DUBAI, United Arab Emirate tration fee Is required a t t bis & Ites !steals w ere critical j m e o f h e r l 3 - tfio u g h td iest O M lTcaii»nM a . )n, old. IVe never seyn a boc — fo tim e. For m o re inform ation, 3ody like . rebounds. CSI sholji o«rc«p.caajt«i.«j(oni-csi - It’s party Ume In diedesen for baskets- iMi^«nT o tju s t3 6 p e rW ogotsom le.tiansidon e.i 84 that."' Kiui contact Brent Jussel a t 734-6384 c c n t from the fioon oon CAC also o n thaL" ' K Ramsey. o r Linda B dttsan a t 734-2633. }$6 T he Vaqueras sho 150}pcrcent w After Roses in May won die S snogged 17 steals1coi compared to F-orRogcis,: s ,h ek n e w H lste a ^ i ‘ from th e Qeld. dianks m in largo fo u rfo r die Eagles.s. • . mlUionOubalVMDridCuponSat kit. cau g h t -a’ national m cham pl- ocMWAfk ltiro«i-CSI2I.CWMtk(U-C&<l7>- Ul uiday niglit — and added $3.i p a n to M oham med's 14 ^3.6 4 ppoints. . “I th o ii^ it we pk playcd great onshlpsquadi i d o n a ^ A tw h e n it m illion to Ramsey's bonk acac m any o f \vhlch d u n e inim inii edi- defense,” Loursen : :n said. ... I w as alm ostuntouchable. un . .• . Ct count — die owner hoistedi a; 'crJEROME — T lie Icram o 3ns Recreadon D istrict Is offering from P u b a li mling sheiks ani md a n upper a n d a low er division said h e plans M stick around fo ■ . sa for a d u lt softball league with th il aw h lla ay By Erie Larsen gam es being p k y c d o n lU csday •. . "We’re going to have a cham m -. ' n - TImwWavw writer a n d T hunday evenings begin­ I pogne a n d roses party tonight,' M,” n in g the first w eek o f Moy. ly. • J Ramsey said. "Thu Is die bigges ^ t Sponsor fee w ill b e S340 for’ or HUTCHINSON, Kan.- Ifd ie m om ent IVe had in ra d iu so (iu Cu, ‘ low er division a n d $210 for o r College o f S oudiem 1 absolutely. ab R i^ t now I liki Ike u p p e r division a n d needs to be be men’s basketball team k r I’ m king o f die mountain.” p aid by April I. Player fees are 'P how to d o o n e thing, It^s fii T h e -retum trip to tentuck' ^ for In-dlstrict a n d $35 for Of A season o f suong tfir o ljc s rcMdt* ' will out-of-dlstrict a n d a re d ue by cam e to . a n end., Sati wi have to wait av4ii!e. Roses if C om olttk»(* t(K M ’ .M May, runner-up in his last twc wo April 29. There Is a 12 player evening in Hutchinson.>oturday Kil . N.D. College of Scleno lenca'88. raccs — die Bleeders’ Q ip Oasi m inim um p e r team . a ss the G olden Eagles brpezct and th e Dorm Handicap — hi hit Chipola Junior College 84' tiie jackpot in die wodd^ riches est . die d d rd -p lace gam e o tiio til r o u ^ r e d horse racc. 2005 .NJCAA' Meffs Bask Thking die lead aflcr tiie firs irst Division I C hampionship tum a t die Nad al Sheba nice ce, , T b ta H i^ t f o i e - nam cnL JEROME— N orth Side Base­ track. Roses in May needed Uttic Itie * e sis4 ;a,l0 0 i.; Colli* ball Is registering players ages cs CSI p u t d ie finish toI aa 33-3 encouragem en ent from jockey cey . 13-15 (a«asofli3 y 3 1 ,2 0 0 5 }foorr season in style, as sopho ihom ore • .. • John W lazquez in beadng Dyn Jol fnr th cir Babe Ruth baseball le a ^ e1C.- ccnter M oham rped Kone ever ev b y (hiee lengdis. Playera from ‘Jerome, Lincoln, ^ h am m eicd a one-handed lay a n d Gooding counties are invit­ rp T he 5-year-oIa Roses in Mo) It- widi u n d e r tw o m inutes I to a .left .. • su sivept around die outside tc to ed . All players w a n tin g to 10 se a ld ieg am e. . seize sd control and become the Jie participate m ust a tte n d o n c of e s team •w id il2 p o ln B ,C h ilpola lp o would0* A loose G olden Eagjes fu) American hoisic to win tiu fliUi iie th e foUowiiu registrations at h e field. n ’tc h a H n i^ fo rd io lc ^ shot SS-^Macent from du5 rai h d d in this bcachiieni racc )nt The-Jerome R ecreadon District m e d ia t ^ ty ^ s ta to u g h gigom a I etoplay ? d e c i l e ploying tn a gome sh sheikclom. lo c a u d at 2030 S. Lincoln in co Greg [ ^ was adm ittedly wtigji to0 Ret g UD in,” Cjilpola h ( ^1 coach ChoctinvNationQnishcdtiilit ir i Jerome: Tuesday, Mar. 29 from ^ H elar said. “I've been K n d ie re a s a In tiu; lOdi running o f die Worid rid • 5-8 p jn . or Thursday, M a t 31 dissap- p l ^ . so 1 know CSI 'W e wero obviously di C SIw nsntall Qgi, giving Amciiran horses3 ta • • from 5-8 p.m . Players m ust _ pointed." so p h o m o re , ! I D ani } o c ^ u p about play playing a t ^ ’‘H -svv •sweej) o f die 125-mile racc cc. b riru a b l i ^ ccrtlQcau: (if new s f \ ' 1 to play either.” ■ 2 Hazut said, “w e w anted D y n c ^ a K c n tu ^ -b red now ow 10 league), p a r e n t o r legal out a n d ' Bodi team s spread' eod-the playat e i ^ t . b u t w c cam e oui n id n g in Saudi Arabia, wns rid­ guardian, a n a $65 re^strotlon id- , Nq w ers ■ in g tim o a i o u ^d,, givirig a .. jQ took caro 'o f business. Wo dc iqr Jose Santos oiulChoctaw fee. For moro inform ation, call den SW Ws ju st ch ance for younger pi irploycisiikc L o ny o r D ebbie Bos a t 324- m ore relaxed t o o l ^ Wc N atkm h a d Vkxor Espinoza up. p■• 4**hlp<>)^); Jn?-tr«nr^ indCSIbN i ld: 8104, D ardo Bobrow sU aa tt'' Kadfim." The V b ild Qq> w as die cen3138 -lead F lansen to > shine. a CSI h d d a slim 40-38 ne. H ansen 324-2346 o r C harieen Stoudcr teroiece o f a seven-race, $1515 25 ip<5^ o n 1. scored e l ^ t points, vrf >, alter hoUUme,. b u t lumpc; ^.Viiiilesoph, at536^6237. minion card at the track, a horsese^ Chipola mldwiQ' tnrougt ig h d ie om oro Bruru> Claudi ludino c am ei an d co m d -n cin g out* laCantflodttamttsSreporti sred o n o lfth e b c n c h to a d ddsev se c n o fh is • " second h a lt H azut scorc sk le th e c ^ ski ” dutcco n secu tlv o E ag Jesp sp o ses- o w a In t h e $2 million UAE Dctbw ■Ru v ia A n s w e r ; ^ sions to; m ake the'score 13 (6 3 ^ ''B ru n o vms d ie opla' lay c ro fth e Bli Ihies a n d Royals rolled to o 12IBirow n gam e. T hat shows t o o before ream nuteJam aalB T h c / l t th e o n ly players to victory for Shlek ek tttiwm ldaho1i''M ob^'K oiH^rrtotBdaagilnttCW rt pola : , . }engtb « sf dropped In a n tm contesu ssted 3 - k n o w a s 8 coach,” ( m ake oirdla o n th e final nolo of M oham m ed^ Dubal-based ed ^Godolphln R o d n g .an d radng I(Mwaida K a i ^ T a t t b o ( i) ^WM a i t o B d t t i n t a t l n lc o d to . c o o d i (jib Arnold said (he final rouxid to w in th e M as­ pointer to w iden (ho ( S IIle n™tla»oia»1 n NJCAAMm i Ii B a M t l l DM 6 ^ H w ith 9 i0 7 1 cft.D esp lt d io "H e dkW l play a totlBTplar v st sI I o r i l C ^ o o i h l p -me p lte lot ters. M lddson\} birdie p u tt on • m anager Simon Ctisfbrd ««in b r w a r d ;. a fte r h e got Injured ts b esteflbrtqoffrcahm anibr N a 16 a t A ugusta N adonal was ired. b u t 'h e ' I b M p l a c * -in ^ * 8 « tsi^ a ttlM H u t(IiltttonSpoH ni aA rm laK trtcbtadu die 3-yeaiKdd c ^ win nm in die he G enard jackson, (Inl I S fis c t' ^ , . i '; _ . 'Ke Ko>tuckyDeri3yonMi77. W sM . P to S M T OHIRD.Pagft(2 B ' ; i,. ■ ' . I f i n o r g e t o u t b e c a u SO. se j H H T ■ ■ ■ I. m 5 k " '' Registration fbr Batie Ruth soon Sp® B tz m U Ai Hagerman announces early registration ~- p l Filer Babe Ruth signops are Tuesday I 2Q0SNJ sketball NJCAAWomen's Bast dVSc”.'! , - . D)lvIs|on M I Championsh] iiip : ■ ■ssAsi Roses in Majiy wins racing’ss . richest prize Adult softball offered In Jerome 1 G S I m e nn finish strrongvtakee ____; ; t h i r d a t ]N J G A A {f^d S 2005 NJCAA AMen’s Basketball Dl i Champloni s North side holds registration soon “ ; ■' S S " ’” :"'; loleoda;^^... S V y y S ,coii.*.(n»|h S '•V-- , •. ■ : . C-a Tkna»W»w«,TWInM«.ld Sun do ;M sch 27.2005 Sp o r t s L S U snufiY s M am es C S I t a kk e s t h r e e f r o m E iil a s t e r n U ■ Tha Tlm«»Wew5 • ' ^ L o c a l s ip p co r tS , • PRICE. UtaJi — A show; ow stonn ■ - ;--------------forccd th c College o f Sou e o n Friday, Idaho IO p lay 20 Innirtgs 5 iuUslc. pitched day; con clu aiiig Game 1 ow ing 11 runs innings, w in n in g 4-0, and stru ck o ut five beating h o st Eastern Uiai Utah 6-1. an d walked d u t eJ.. ... an d 10-2 laier. • -.-ti arcdArc- * «#iM ia.c#ji In th e lO th inning, Jarcc h a n .hit a tw o-out' double. do 2 S -' S0COBS J4J C a tch e r IcffATickcrs hll h im wf>'U.aT«,u>.M.fn hom e, fo r th e game-vvlr ivinmng n tto By , ■ run. k e n ‘Fuglcrud. Seim L'an Puts 'Km 2. miU ^ mI then h it ***» bmw a n d Josh M cFarland Ihe Scm i-j” . RBI singles 10 m ake It 3-0 b ■Obcforc H e a o r M artinez scored ai er for th e 4-0 lead. . ‘ Un . . coixio » o - '( M T u p tc d a • T he snow storm Intcrrup j^ a n c e ’ stro n g p itc h in g perform from T odd Privcti, lyho I' a 10 had ] 2 {| Innings , S o f tb a ! no-hiitcr t l i r o u ^ four: Ini before'the snow storm hJi.1 lic.Hien: T W n F allS g 0 6s Ss M was still snow o n Uie field S 0 a Sc 'a d ; a t B o r a h In v ite day m orning, vsaid CSI BOISE— Hie'IVvi Rvin Falls H i * BoomerW alkcr. • ' Bruins softball tear K CSI sq u a n d e re d aI basesb cam im pnjvod restart 10 7-0 o n the scasoi loaded situ a tio n to ' rt M n w ith a 5-0 ling • 'vin over M ountain G am e I Satiirday moming Ito M ew a nd a ter Karl) 6-4 decision over Ga ■ T h e key w as (pitclter lid ‘H e Bprah w ent 4-0 i mi d id Ita lM ejlhoIm .‘ . W alker said, .rding to headberiine 4-0, accordi threw great.lominat* coach Nick B aum er SiartcrlVoy G rundy dom , "It was a good \\ cd th e Hrst six lim in g in Game C crs'.com- us," Baumert said. * 2 while th ree CSl pitchcrs'.t fally a ' ^ S Game 3. ourselves mental! bined for th e w ln 'in Gar «hcd for Boise (Friday) ant The CSI b atters connedci b ac k a n d h a d a g o o c 21 h itso v c rth c fln a ltw o■ogamcs g; 'Rvin Falls (7-0)) nnext plays at lo lo k c control. lg iday," . Minico Thursday, "It w a s a long, long Walkcr^said. "But lo comnee co u to f , Trt.hfl*B.Me«Dli this w ith th ree wins is gooc ;ood." iM nvte asooi iia«-8*i CSI trav els to Colo lolorado kend. •Northwestern next wecken . w«nSriSurT»r» Q am ol z^ 4 ■ • TM)FiIE(e,C*ti CSI4,CEUO,10lrnbf> P tm<f« taoiio flio-1104 cs a9ca3ta]4-«i> S S J J i« .« COJ . (D9CCDCCOO-O!* N nOnnCa' W-GiraiU(}«) I-FtaM Prwa lii. Igmjmi ncimi Votn On • .•STt.MewJ.CJpol.B-SJOT ,i»lSi.5nO|tO)W««w lran.C«Eai.UKi>« W-U.^S-F<r!Wi« t-lM jire W. Qame2 ' M ln lc o g o e s 0 4 CSI6,CEUt r, a t K u n a I n v tta tlo tio n a l cs a3DOI}0-«ll ccu o»(D:i-t]4 iOJNA^— A sh o rth an d cd CivOi CWnnCKr\ari;>i)l Iti rOHMx » ca. X CSl,Von . Minico varsity soft! oftball squhd la y a n d Saturlookitslum psFriday G ames u na Softball d a y al the Kun; CSI10.CEU2 cs CMS019-10IIJ » . Invitational.. OU C09S1I9- : II • Middleton b e a t M Miinico in Ihc ZtMlo^iil. Ctmn(n«i]B<fiar«a7!li^ MUr PruvUi incn«lWi9>(r)in3M^niCSl. tl cs o*»,, opener 1-0 on a n imt jn e o m e d ru n . :a CJi.t'a'iltl c<un IS di ie n StrugT he Lady Spartans a ah all S^cd defensively, recording rc H ig h S c h o o l B a s e b a n aS to ia lo f2 0 c rro rs in a '-O lo ssio c k toSkyvicw .. K u n a ;a 5 -l sctback B o is e 5 , T w in F a lls 1 *‘*•3 dcfcat a t ilie ill h an d s of BOISE — Errors’h uin n 1T\vin‘ ns. falls, a s th e Bruins fellI 5‘1 5- to the Vallivue Falcons, [ier Raquel vision I M inico catcher Boise Higli in thc Dfvisl( e i a hom ech am p io n sh ip gam e a t'f th e Roberts was injuredd in iday b u t may collision Frida Buck’s I ^ ^ Invitational toum tou ac2 -5 S panans aturdav playiliisw cek.'nie2m en t in Boise .Satui travel to PrcslonTUej aflenioon. Boksc pu lled away witli t] tliUirec Saturtlay . runs in tlie third, two coming con • Sk)Yl«w6, Mlnto ■Una 090CDI cMi-MS after an error. c o s tly ,•..'The tw o errors were cos .said liruin s c o ach fylike FedcriFet CO. "Tliey com p eted a lot b< It better VtfMw 14, Mlln!co3 bdc . . VitM t03(1}I< * tlian w e did." '' Tlie B ru in s look sccond scc ikCofaiHrrHlwirtwrD*-*/ afplays 5cm .ai0^w rerU ^, I. . '.place. 1\vinFaUs{7-3) ncxfp ' W edhesday at M inico.'' • ’ W day ss.!s; CHATDWO tN O O G A .lhm . (AF) — 1 5 0 AU-Ar 1-Atncrican S d m o n c Augustus and m d Scholanda Hoston each teoi ^ r e d 2 2 points to help th e Lady idyH gers e n d Liberling n m t h r o u g die tv’s stuprislng NCAA loumai m om ent.-90-48 Satu id a y in thc di • C hattanooga Regional semil 2mifinalsThe42-poin l o l n t m a r ^ o f victoiy w a s d i c e,&sec o n d -larg cst'ih ' regional scm l :ihiflnaj history, be* hind Louisian liana Ibch’s 44-polnt win over Purdi Lirduc in 1990. . ' Point guard ard Ik m ck a Johnson had 12 point: lints a n d ' IS assists, /ia Fowles h a d 10 'Sylvia points for top o v c i ^ seed LSU (32-2), tiying I reach th c Final ng to F our for th c scc o n d straight iic year. LSU hashad had n o p ro b lcm sa d vancing, outi s u ts c o iu g its first ncnts236-127. T T ie ^ y F ^Flames(26-7),niakla ing (heir nint] linih appcarance In m ent. b«M m c only N a 13 seed to reach rcS onallal sem ifinals tdter „„,chi^'gheir first two n Caa ,o „ n ic y r tis . vvas prepared for the c i S S u f “ cevangelical ” school. down do m in an t 6foot-8 center te r Katie Feenstra “ 8 h ern to o nine points and ^ D u k e 6 3 , Ge G e o r g ia 5 7 NOOGA. Tenn. CHA'ITANOf Duke AIl-Ame unerican M onique Currie iiad 16 points r an d 12 rob ounds, tmd Id )m ad e four free c final 26 scconds 10 im ow sindiefii victory for die seccvils(3l-4). ond-sccdedlBIucD BIi /iUIams a d d ed 14 M isdc WiUii points and 13 rebounds while lilhandA lisonBalcs W anishaSmilh I. n die final eight for ' p ^ I# ^ mZM ■ NCAA D iv isiomn i l Libflrty'i y's RIma Mar£<vlclute, top, flgh' Ights LSU'i Selmone A ugustus foi hip ■ C lia m p io n sliii the ball illlnU ie n rft h a lfa tth s NCAAt A wonien|< regional to urnam ent ■ W a s tib u m T O , lay In Chattanooga, Term. ihesixd a h tim e w ith h o ix s o f get)th eF inalF oi{rrorthefust sin c e 20b3. Tasha H um phrey, ch th e S oudicaslem g r Sirencd freshm an o f th e “had ^ a 16 points and 13 rcds to p a c c sbcth-sccded G c o ^ a (24-10).' B^aylor ) r 6 4 , M in n e s o ta 5 7 *IPE, Ariz. — Sophia v ^ ;*s day w as spcdal hours ! Baylor dppcidoIFagainst » o ta In th c 'Ibmpc Rc.M inncst p o n a iscm lst ifinals. ng followed an em odonal «oung )n w id ib c rm o d ie rb y a lreunion leading m ost single-handedly sL d ie Lad Bears to th'e NCAA toum air lin e n fs ro u n d of eight for die Ci5t st time, scoring 26 points B r e ;2z e c ’s 2 7 CHARLOTH ITE, N.C. (AP) — Prim oz Brezcc a cc h a d a carccrhigli 27 p o inu tst s an d 11 rcboim ds.. to lead the Chai 3iariotte Bobcats to. one o f their r ost s u rp ris b g ir m wins o f the season, sea; a 94-92 vicHeat on lory over dtic ie Miand 1 Saturday night. ffiie u p 94-91,Jason W ilKQ ianott Miami sta r Dwyanc Hart fouled Mia ivent to d ie line a n d Wade, who vven m ade his iirst fi dirow wilh 4 st fice play. He missed Ihe scconds to play se co n d , and) got gi h is ow n rebound, but his his 3-pointer from ilssed at th e buzzer, diccomcrmIss< S u n s 1 1 8 , M a g ic 1 1 6 ORLANDO, : 0, Fla. — Shawn M ario n h a d 2277 tpoints and 14 reboimds. IM Johnson lof added 26 points, and Steve Stei Nash had 23 ■It' w as w csom o," n n 1 c hristophiir lid LTQin cr frontiw seat.H "She’s good. man. s S ^ 10. ^ H - 'Stcllanlc Blackmon1 added a u n d s,'a n d ’ . kI H points and sbc rebour 'lo r w ith -’ secdnd-scedcd. Boylo jid a tcsty^ . stood a laic threat anc ' final m inute to keep' dth e N a 3 .; n a reium .'i • ^ Go>dcn Gophers from 77 ‘.trip to die Final Four. o f. 'M ■ ' Baylor (30-3), In d iec round 1 r a i ^ t seaj jj 16 for die sccond strai I son. will play die wi w inner o f Saturday’s late game I rollna an d H top-seeded N ottn Caro No. S Arizona State o n Monday Four night fo ra trip to Ihc Final Fl Inlndlanapous. n w : .C a f ll helps polntsar andl2assistsforP hoenbc Grant nt HiU led O dando w idi 2 6 polht ht^, DcSlia\vn Stevenson added2: 22, a n d Steve Francis had 17 point nts a n d n ine assists. •* B o lM S .T M in ^ l ,, m otoo-i i ii . sn«»w fwp (!| M !Vi?irrir.lI w-'IVtj^ l-Sraman 30 Bcx.Stu .. S e a t t l e P a c if ic 5 33 — H O f SPRINGS. Ark. A cored 22 Brooke Ubelaker scc l a Rivers po in ts and Juw anna sh b u m to added 20 to lead Wash NCAA Division UI women's \ vlccham pionship widi a 70-53 7( •aclfic o n . *0^^ over S eatde Pac Saturday., . Jcaidc PaCarli Smith paccd Sci s an d 13 w ith 14 points Vood also rebounds. Brittney Wo c Falcons h ad 14 points for die 3nt added a n d Mlchcllc Bcaumon 10. d. 12 for .L o ra W csdlng had. lich never W ishbum (35-2), wide n ln g scctrailed after th c operd :u(!s held onds. The Lady Blui 0-pcreent S eatde Pacific to 20ilfa n d le d shooting in die first half 29-19 at die break, l o b c a t s ui i p s e t H e ;i a t if l f Adanta, on NBA 'JBA* w orst 11-58, ha has lig h t. ■ lost d g h t stralgh A V g ^ c s sincc viMn e 2a t nlng in overtime [arch Tbronto o n Marci yM 11. That victor :tory snapped a -23 gam e road losln •Sing I 1 sircak an d 13 con % ' secudve defeat teats ^ overall for die Hawks, \vho hav have ^2 dropped 21 o f ilieir last 22. Ir ^ fW fL II k xdH am llDetroit guard Richard nts. lo n scored 22 p o in t Paul • d i3 2 . Iflty Picrcc led Boston w ldi e C duS^ d u d in g ail 11 o f die points ui overtime. II H o n i e t s 9 6 , Grizzlie lie s 8 5 ' J4EMPHIS. T in n . ■ J;R. ' snji}^ scorcd a carccr-1 ir-W gh33, s'D rstvlc- • points in New O rleans'I lofy o f 'd i e seasonI over a Southwest Dhrision rival /aL Sm idi connected o n1 113-0M8 . shots, induding &df-93 ;3-poinlni P is to n s 1 0 5 , nappcd a ers. as d u Horrieis sna tl h e v i c four-game losing sucak.' 0C e l t i c s 9 9 , OT Ticts,who lory prevented the Homt ) r s l 0 9 , H a w k s 1 0 4 R a p to n AUBURN HILLS, M ich.- -— entered die game 0-14 ,4 against ATLAT ANTA ^ Chris Bosh Rf Rashccd Wallace had seven 0 f Southwest opponents, from bcn o fr scorcd132 3: p oints an d lalcn Ro.se hihis season-high 31 pointss in ii com ing die first leam In league ■. addcd2€ 26 to h elp Tbronto snap a ov overtime to h d p Detroit cfld i fid a historytolosciillofdiciri IrdivIsTon • four-gan im e ro a d loslng-strcak. ddirec-gam i e losing streak, games. Iv e s 9 6 , N e ts 7 5 T RUTHERFORD, N.J. — lasscll scorcd 23 points in &imCas just 22: m n inutes, a n d Kevin Gara d ,13 poinis, - eight n e » hha nc{s a n d eight assists for rebouncj sota. Minneso ;cllshotl0-for-13andhad Casscl b ounds a n d dirce assists. fourrebt Soreiu nstam turnsi first majorr of season intoamriavi ivay il Calif.- “ =' .f RANCHO MIRAGE, N '” inika Sorenstam 's — Annil G o lf ■ __________________ d n g perfection. All . . game is nearin{ s h e n e c d s to ppracU n cenow lshor straight It to u rn a m e n t win. leap in to Ihe■potidpo , Sorensta tam blrdicd four holes on 'The m ost dor d o t ^ t player in ,h c toiht m n in e a n d two o n die women's golf a If all b u t w rapped backtosi )sho o tth elo w e stsc6 re o f M ln lc o c l o s e s o u t up d ie first ms m ajor o f the year ,j,e w e!ck c l o n d ie Mission Hills B u c k 's B a g s w ith wym in ' Saturday, shooti ootlng a flawless 6c iiu n m ty,O u b c o u rs a BOISE — Minlco dosed * un d er 66 in die th e dilrd round to There's c's 18 holes left to p£iy ' A m a te u r uGO lI lake a commai th e Buck's Bag toum am enl \ m andlng five-shot Sunday. /, bI u t d iat figures to b e a a 12-2 w in over CaldwellBSaW tosle Jones In d ie mere fon - in g lls , T r a v e r s ttie }nnality.Soicnstamdocsie d a t day. M att TYacy pitched implonship. n t give^ uup leads easily, and no L o S C a n y o n S p r i n gs - ;A m a te u r Iniiings. allowing two runs nilcss quest to bodi on e in die di fid d h a s shown dicy TWIN FALLS —- O C iris Inglls w in h e r first: m fQiu hiis- striking out six and mjajor o f the year have the i le gam e to challenge hcii walking four, an d Nick Tiavers bolh be carded o h d c n u srthcLPG c U ATburrecord Jones, s, in h e r final year on lusiiri B e n n e tt was 2-fc 2-for-2. opening round 69s 1 lea d the Is to books o ncc agal again w idi h er QfUi • tour, bln ilrdlcd the-final hole to . Cory W a rb u n o n w ent 1-fi l-for-3 championship flight i th e 2005 h t at ^ w ith 2 RBI, D allas Gam errw wjas2- Cimyon Spttags Am •for-2 w idi a dou b le and two. wo.RBI tou rn am en t Saturd a n d Jarred TVacy \« is l-fqr-4 1-fi p e iid o n w id i , leads the net compel ContlnuwJfrpniC; n Cl 9 ccondI gom g c-wihner. dribbled w ilh d u c c RBI. • . a6 7 . ; Against Kuha o n Friday, y. M ini' . Jihiiny Burnett Icai lock dovm an d th e n leads d ie first Illinois, w hhose previous cloc ' ,co‘s tZory W arb u n o ii pite iltchcd . flight gross c om petlt ’dtion w ilh a. laigcst defldt it tlth is'season was p w scdI th d c'b all to Jawarm Me-, fh« innings, ollo;ving no r s ' 73 while Ray Rom 10 nm t m ero'3 .79 is nine — in ano anodier vlcw iy — Clellan.. H e J m issed b u t . ' o n one h it. H e struck outIt sc Liiilre com e iip w ith th e seven ' g o o d io r the lead ian td ie second , m ade a final1run. rui It w as a great. Stoudam an d walked tw d id. only to have his shot fil^ L o n e ,a n d d ie ccrowd ro w ent Vifld. rebound, d by a d h it a 3-pointer, blockcd I H ead. ' • . ' Luther H ead am s h it tw o m ore 3c a' basket In d ie WilUar rs in ovcrthnc, b u t b S ^ H c T d 'Scorcd o S after a.stcal. pointers w asn't sccured WUIiamsdrovqf ve for a bosket a n d Illinois’’ victory v rizona's H asson Adams, y iT I m ad e a steal a n d .fed ‘ u n d i Aria Brown for anod rtodicr.basket w ith ■ w bod »set» re d five points to get ^ d ie Wild lldcats wldxln a point, [AP) 'roally can’t sbe o u t th dne n a u v ie w ■ - • .GLADEVILI4 , ,1bna (AP] ''* 1 ; deflected n d s ^ aa .shot ju st before die accd io m ir r o r . I lh ln k lh aavvec'lo adlust Rookie Reed Sorenson racci ' “frignuri I Uilam3h|ta fin n lb umaez. M ta b o u n d sppaM,W m hia NASCAR Bixsch Seriessvjcioy|( ' that, All I can see isjlh d]o spoiler.-tie | t w ldi 38 se c-’ s third, tol3-™ lriter to-do ry S j^ r d a y , beatin g Ketrnv' Kei Shimc Hmiel waas fllle 9 3 , L oulsvll WalKcc b y a w hopping 14. 14.417 low ed by series «Irfd e r Carl . , Lidamlrc. th c hero . x u n ^ i/i seco n d s I n - th e . Pepsi 30C 300 a t Edwards, Boston Held. Rc -Ituclc S'Q utli V* 'irg in ia 8 5 , OT semifinal w in ovcf y H o f ^ n a ’ssen^ Nashville Superspecdivay. ly. scries sta r B obby I am ilton, JQU ERQU E. N.M . ^ itate w id i a lostALBUC; ison Keller. O klahom a Stat. "I d idn't rcaUy know wha vhal to ■'Ibny Raines, Jaso Deni>y H am lin oi oq icct th is w eekend,". SorenSor so n said. "I n e v e r liad'hrn in 0o n a Compton. concrete track before so) I jJust ■ .S orenson bro k e ,t . tried to k eep o n opcn m innd.W d . e w eek after fallljw to < 1Cl ' ready ha^ tavc o u r school^ so w e ha d a g o o d c o r an d I thou [to u ^ t C hip GanossI D odg S ^ o 't 7 h S ist trying to h d p o d ie r. ofcharactci.H e'sg?' were just * w c cotiid r u n th c sam e lap, api& P hoipctow n ra c e aait A d a n m show ed tons ofc spcct a n d whoever* gu y so uIttith ere get n o d c ^ " alter lap, b u t I lia d no Idea V MWed M otor Sbcedway. H Hee g o t into kid Ire allyrespc vHat d o th c Golden Ea* ct yi year w ill h a v e 'a But wH from 'g ets h im n ext . be th isd o m in a n t.N o w w 'cn c n iccd th e race In a car b o n o ■ , ^ e s dUnl ink a b o u t a .third placc ' to c om e b ack h c rc in June n c a1:n d N cttclQ up driver Stci >tcriingM ar-. stea l" ■*' defend d ie title.. .. dl sscorers w ldi 17 trophy? ' 9dL * ' Kbnc led all '■ , i. lin a n d ended u p I9th 'The 1 9 -y ear-o ld ' •Gcor corgla- . Sorenson led d uree e e d m e s for points, w h ilefBrow A llind Br n a dded 15. id D .w e iia d a g o o d se a * driver, m a k in g -o n ly th ee JU d i 1971apsindtc225>la[ la p c v c n to n points a h d !0)as: assists. H azut fin* son." Dav avis s a id "We d k ln t get start o f his B t ; ^ carccr,star started die l is - m ile track..HHc a ls o b e ished w idi 14 to tolh elppaccC S L 'N a . l , bluu t N& 3 Is better d i w . . from th c p o le aficr-toppl ipplng c am e th e first Bust uach Series -W e'hj re adid y y lo r a bredk." No.4,We1 /eTltakelL* ' . . q u alify^g io r th c first time. le. driver to w in from1 die di p o le at jH azut said. • . T h o u^^d i c r t j l s a l o t o f s p e c em he NSS. ‘ . . . •-. tf, 'A bout th e o n ly .problem 'It^ been a1 tb u A ,-lo n g sea* uladon su ei rro u n d in g ju s t now Afm lrWoUflce, driving a Foitl. 1 h a d was w ith 'iiis rcarv^ewm had son." Brown aadd d d ed *lt w as fun ^ m uclf of )f d d s CSI team -rr InIt t} dial his Qtst top-five Qnlsh ror, a piecc o f cqiiipm pnt IshsinceU io today to sec cvci everybody smiling eluding; ‘iits -c o a c h — wUl b e : UM.^ , 2002 s m o n . . would prove to bo oilittlcuA outtncre.T ham im£a lo ri^ o fu so ll- bacjc. thc tic G o ld en Eagles c an . T «F * . aan d grabbing sew n lebouni ^ ir a 64-57 viaory over Minncs< in u o n Saturday night ta _ _ i. . W idi Young's m om , Ann! wwatdiing h er daughter a t, Xll : mc o college level for die first dtirr ■ccnt al traveling from S t Vlnccr after rated V West Indies. Young penetrate ed a w idi case a n d dom inated ^yjQi highly touted m a tchup wit ^ CQurt M mnesola’s bruising frontcou oinic o f la n d McCarvillc ancl Jaml q 17lh Broback os Baylor won Its 17i sg,t i o l ^ t game. Young, Baylor’s scoring an d 'fc re bounding leader, saw hh<e r it odiercarlierindiedayforju; rju st m ti: e second dm e since Icavin wing th h ange hom e at 15 to be an cxchang st d e n t in die United Slate latcs. stu Sl ndsed bodi arm s as d ie fin She finj ^ bbiuzzer sounded. uaMn ceaoioi oioi-tsa ' >»icB ccaocoi , CtnliK<Kar,inmVii7itniru u«i»w»r X j^ o Kvn*8,MlnlM 'Krt waoo a o -iio Mu nocco S .“fer!-l*ni kcu nvn andniiMlAsa's.Jina: sh shoot a 71 and inch a sh o t dJosos er, cr, b ut die only odier player yers ddot s e r d ian 10 snots off th e lead feat w crc Mi-Hyun Kim an d Cristli isde JG:rr.at seven shots back. 65. wliilc Westwood ovi 3vcrcamc a do u b le bogey early ly hi h is ^ ro u n d for a 69 diat lef left diem a to p th c leaderboard rd w hen d a n jic s s suspended th d c scco n d round, ui W e s tw o o d , D u ra n t a t o p ip Seventy-one players. 3. 1in d u d ” ' ing T iger W oods am ind PhU l lO e a d e r b o a r d , o u t o f ra inn p. M ickelson, w ere expec icctcd to PONTE VEDEA BEACH. Fla re tu rn ot-7:30 a.m. Sur unday to . _ Lee Westwood and Joe ^Du — Id. finish d ie sccond round, jajn t ordinarily would be in idea ra T h a t .oil b u t assure ired th e pc posidon ot Thc Players C h ^jipl. pl on onship. for the le ad an ancd d ilrd M onday finishI IIn T he Uk ip In th e . off Ployers C ham pionship Ucelyln the last group to teeBof Su hat's as-; Sunday aficmoon. last sbc years, an d the D u ran t de d d ie back-nint line s u m in g m ore rain cd o e sn ’t 're< record w idi a 30 for a 7-undei ider p u s h ltto ld e s d a y . feback Come Rookie Sore reiispn don^ jsch Series wi for&stBus :i:: mrdd - if Th T he Louisville game plan? Hiah! ah trip to coliege baski s k e tb ^ 's ' West Wt Vlrrinla^ hotshot shooten Iters- biggest stage, tuim e d Uiat Into Hide m ore diar tu thing like han I've never seen anythi a ccheesy souvenlt i it In m y life," Pidno said. LI o u i s e ’s trip to th c Final Inal Cramping, lim pbig,J, barely Fb T hat looked.like a losi Four? lost able to run, Lany O ’B annon cai cause, to a I'Thquah . scorcd 24 points and-1 T■;lic master m odvator him Jm-­ D ean had 23 to leadI fourth1 ' sei Cardinals coach Rick self, d c k see d ed Louisville (33-4: -4) back Pit Pidno, adm itted he was 1iing ^ ■ from a 20-point defidt It to die wwii hen h e told his players a t hlalf^ sdndlladngvlctorylndic hcA Ibu'tim tin e th a t he was siuc they wcrc rtirc q u c rq u c R ^ o n a l final gol golngtow in. S e v en th -see d ed Wes fest Vfr^j o s t every rood to ach aamn ^ a (24-11), trying to moke k pplonship takes ot least one one th e Final F our for thi th e first • im imexpcctcd twist, t h o u ^ ond and tim e since 1959, w ent It h o m e ■ none; w a s . m ore ostonbhing no ling d e sp ite m aking 10 3*pc p o inters th a n th e second-half roDy.the .the in th e first h a lf an d sc sen d in g S C^ardlnols suigcd Saturclay.'. to P id n o 'and d ie Cafdlnal la ls.in io eeai a m a 93-85 overtime w in o M id a ' shock tak som e tim e to sit b ack and take u id enl d ie rcwanls o f a successenjoy ful fulscasoiL *We didn't figure b ut how.tb ,.to wir w in h o c last year." Arnold sold. old -Bl I told d ie eophonibrcs. "But the figiucd o u t how to win A>in they thi. gamcA Itls oiir freshmen’s thice Job lob to get back hen: o nd win fou fo u t-1 tcU you w h a t I d love to co« this team In a 'national coach ’n S du dmmpionshlp. Wc have somo mo nio rco u its an d we’d like to 8get nicc 0 \ ery ato wdiere woVe back Hero every sp r jp rin g b rcj^ " . ’ ' ' CSI84.CMpdatateCel«i ClTO a s s ,.' .E'is.";=;j£Ss:ss,vs I : * ■ . V ^S i i s s r a . ' K g . sssu s ■ 8 undi);M «tti27,2 :7,2005' Iho C-3 . S p o r Ti O S c O RiESANDSTi FATS B aseba ll ■ What’s W 01 ------- H I b -------------- u. — S portsI IN BRIEF- ^ ■'r Area ski r al semifinal,Connecticutvs. Starf0fd,ESPN2,73apjtt. le U .S . p r e p a i s d fo r h o s tile rr ee ,c e ^ o n Ih M e x ic o • ^ e p o rt went to thc .d u b to pick up up his girlfiicnd and sa w h e r stand riding next to Rilkncr's cor. Scottsi tsdalc* police detcctivc Ba: Bailey said. Wade' got o u t o f the ic car, police said, exchonged wc m>rds witii Falkner, iR :n shott Ihim ' oncc In thc head. ' Falkncr tried lo drive av away, b ut crashcd Into another :r < car, then h it'a tree. H e wasI fpronounced deatl o t Scottsd isdale Healdicare Oshiome Hosnii pitaL “From everything IVe he; leord, they didn't know cach oth Ither," Bailey said. “^Ic m a y have b< in thc wrong placc, att the wrong tinie, ta lking to> the ym>ng person." Wade was token into' ccustody by M a ricopa Cou junty sheriff's de p u ties w ho w werc working as se a irlty guards rds at .th ed u b . ’ "We have m o rc th a n enoi lough, witnesses," Bailey said. ' R ilknerw asothrcc-ycar: irleite rm a n fo rth e S tm D c m fri ;fn>m 1999IO200L Wide, 21, from Los Angc gclcs, staned die fim three games csfor Arizona State a s o sophom imore last season, tiien w as siispcm :nded for thc remainder o f the schl theduie while th e schi ±ooI Investifflt ed w iicthcr h e had idreceivcdlmproper benefits fior roma id teuniversity employee. He had turned lo the te a m andl.was v panidpatlnginspringpiactii nice. on MEXICO CITY — London D onovan * rem em bers thhe c ist .clu cJiantsof'O sam olOsam al’ losl QOU /car,, w hen the Uil. Olympic lie ■tournament, East Reglonal • !. joccer - team played hhii ( . semlfina], Texas vs. Guadalajara. Gil s s s •* European PGATour, IndonftN Tennessee, ESPH.10 am. • 11 n’ A7t "It was a little, 1guess, hum ilil­ 1,/M^k hfU r; WUt: Usia Open, finaJ round, T6C,' 5T • Rockets et spurs, ABC, lie iating a little degrading,” he r . -/^ r ~ w . lati ■ 7*48. W nt jaid Saturday. "At one point - ' s , ’ i l ; ' 1115 UL ne /o u ’rc surprised and H i one pn g y s g asg cirf yoi •* NCAADivision I tourament. . •* l])ePSa)cr3C^ploruhlp, T« J IJ J7J point you kind o f come to ex­ dc. WTaM.UAIU final round, KBC, HOO« A JJ' doutileheader,reglonaJfi-' lie pect iL It's sad,, but that's the • LPGA. Kraftl^lsco Champi-' ^ nals, C8$rl2:30 pjn. Afayitls.” asT ” Ttis onship, ftfiain)und, ABC, ^ T he U.S. national te am is s ir ■ 1 1 i ' ••' 'NCAAWmn's DMslon I 2pjo. m *<9aii » II un .' tournament, East Regional bni 3n braccd for a hostile reception ■CttXM 14 II ^ Arhen It faces Mcxico for thc tic MM. . ij ]\ ^ semifinal, Rutgers vs. Ohio siOth s time, an Easter Sunday hS S ? ’ ij ij jm . ay ' State, ESPN. 12:30 [un. re iVorld Cup qualifier before fftS B -W w X -, Wo • Sixers at Ukefs,ESm, StfgVWWCItrfrOHgBHM^ u p M f e i\i) r a a iin n 4 i m o th a n 100,000 Tans in Tiorc ^H4p . PM»9< . Ij « S ' S:30pA. ' *f Men’s Worid CupQualifier, k Y n im |i( U V i> .ll» F r l: noi (loisyEstadioAzteca. I U.S. vs. Mexico, ESPK2, es In Mexico, the United States « ■ iJ li .*5? • . NCAAWxnen's DMslon I ' FMH I II JS la la, UUL IU f - M U B f f I. Tfl-*-! ^ s been treated like a pUnata, tournament. Mitncst Region­ — IV. ^— L l l i T i M C ^ i w y l i g , . gOl joing 0 -21-1 and getting lg al semifinal, vavjertia vs. 4aMdlMpMJIt-UUuM . jutscorcd out 78-13, But overall ill ;" T f e n n l8 s l[»fil: tifa, S«/S(c rfMk ' Midilgan State, ESPt(2,^ i ie Americans arc 6-1-1 In f-M. FrtH^ S ' h“'C; e ir last c l ^ t games against ist . lr i^ - S f iJ j;iS M |« M M im U i - S« (Jte 1 M> • NASDA(MOOOpen,earty - |0**rMtefrMarfIU-IUka Ji hthe: e ir southem nelj^bor, get;t4»7J-t9ku»rf!t»t^lM « • NCAAWmen’sDMsionI Urfi(Mi,uaH,1iiena.INS iHt, 1 ll |] Ka. t, 11 Mr, tint 11 goals and g h ^ g u p one. . ic. Ing round, ESW2,230 pjD. tournament, Mi(h«st Region^ . rh -niJ a t sucak includes a 2-0 viecory in th e sccond round o f the 1C . : jaM>»»titell^ear.M SM X pa^ann* CekraM lterottai ra ’002 World Cup, a ca m e In 7I«-140 ‘" ’outw iooaAitmoNAL ^ SlUhM u n WaUnlt.OoviliMiSaO l9o U ra <1(CWM M AaasI9MIU Pau nno-l« Sou (W h at NPai k)uth Korea that shattered xl Haa(»l.0Mla)7 ' ta a O w f l^ & nM«7.KY.Uia4 Fa 7M»-HI vMf ac x i ^ ions' pride. , S B c r s kO s iam » CiMwdlOtm*] M WUcmnUtaUMlieatnCcI^ n 0*i UmO nCevtcav 7M»-Mi >1o r such a long tim e they 'F By NTteAUCOM xuu» 77W-HI ' ixMMMM>ni«7 em«Fw ft i » « r ' ^ TiQaot »7i-ni dor inated us. I think over not lom ot __ ta tU H i^ iii m. ^ OMMlteWl FH MmBritaa er noooow )nlythelast five, sbc ycare, over MTiatB»«M«ta« vvr» s r s ti:i “ "i! ClMM7.Mgl4 RC RiMr«a<: IM < Um IMI; j 77. Boa^lMs KMKlm CMS ty h e last 10 years it's been p re tty Tinv(B^t,kagnO SB $*uJnr»>7»UH,i#r«enlH7«;S, /rt /A n& M O Mm <innan.a»cm*M JenM :X . K t!!l KV.1MaLI*n«a] Na N«n7.UMajicticnl-[SMll,Ec«na fqual," U.S. captain Claudio 10 t^gal . 7»7l-i4t equ *.7 iSr^aJSiit «^7^2 ll,UcC>t1r»>MaSHf»rMM . StJS B««>«7.rt>M:,7Jtn9CM M ^.rtMa-TIHjSlll leyna said before Saturday's 's F e d e r e r e a s i l y w in s a?**’ Jl'JiIiS Catnd3 7,QaaiC>£*l CH owMnniQou OuAnaSaatlSanmXiMTr q, p^ , - s rijnai ^ 7Ms-i« prai iractlce.'Ithinkii'sa'bltinsujt. M s n ll.b ^ ] HM I IMI a Hiw4MH U CM)M tMrTlF^SMn HMS aiBxun . 7&77-ltt !p„to them bccausc socccr Is b m a tc h a t K e y B iscay™ Tie OMMlLAAmifel JJ}J«,a»»»oin»M a F*oi J-1774 ng MTKDM1E.MCM UNM »»M 7M»-tC “ '6 tesT.OsnlCMiSai] 17. l7.IWKnM7»4ll.«i9«nt;HI]. *«*8 gntMar, 7XS-l« hthC e o n e a n d only sport in this Js KEY BISCAYNE, R a. - TTopt JonwM M a Xmh MI■<I. taw M M ac««i»0Mataai4»«n'Miti »> ■rm77,1tew!5!2wei . oceS :ountry." ranked Roger Ftederer begaj pm a s r cou M M TlO im San FgjM ' :i a M&.III M • S ilOp i'S 7I.7J-IO L OMM n S W»-1l« Long th c lojic powvr In thc 1C bid for his first Nasdaq-1 1-100 TffL!?Sr >Perl Oa«»-<»Mrni»nu#m*i H siieuii«n>itiianBWM.rk.ai. fc S T O a Jorth a n d C e n t^ American in Open titie Saturday by beat] adng i«SS W71-10 Nor u m M. Hon l£ te u u U Ja»» 17. nS. UDotBwnliiyginMlrtw.Fk.gil IU »I. IknadienMl aw tt > 10 ifcCim m d Caribbean region, Mcxico » Olivier Rochus 6-3.6-1. «9i7aiu(a sr* S S :lS MEnHiSMmM.HIfri.rtirsfr »i «Uiaai 73.7I-I4J aOC h^FoMOU-CiMlKfn. loesn't like sharing the socccr cr Federer, w hose best finish OMi<tba^tO««Axrk.liaitA ish at AI^REQIOML Maftt-W»C[UiCTm.»iniBM m n TMt-IU ,n o MO n n * « e tL M d > ^ n i.iic s » fw FMRud . potUght w ith its richer rival iL Key Biscayne w a s a s the runa FBCu9iM.BMn«rall,^rk.ll{6 n« qB«» 7>70-«3 »7«-i43 Thc 5- ner-up to Andre Agassi In2002, 20i l i e Americans entcrw itho 16*^5tilSie ” '“ " ".2 — . ' SiTMtm Mra>iLA0s^aM9eK<lFk.. CM a oww •Invr »7*-I«3 ill won ^ 17th m o tch in a rt ;omc unbeaten streak overall row. tieSKii, iti ■7in(i;.M) MMnr » « -iu g3ir RMxtyTZCMmSSa^M Lbatre . tMnSqi«CMRlMm«rHM\rk. M«r, n.7!-i« and Otaraa7l.lM W md a 31-game run \vithout a He's 43-1 slncc t h c sto n of t )f the Iltfun. tBOH ?»;4-IU , ^ — K— MTIalkKMCmi CraM^RiaWMMCMrRMnt. W U.S. Open last August. OSS against regional rivals. s sdC s g^ T>n-i+« lOM TonM. OM70 EJra»»UII.Dca«:4iI7M101M ou OUM miU.Mmir "The lack of wins over thc 1C TTie 5-foot-5 R ochus beat a t6 wmvenxMtkkaataiftLcLFk. It: l>SH».OJMS'lOMIXlitt>7^ £ ■ . S S L . s ; ll'IOftA Mj JIt. Uunr^ MN I. C«M»J Ma XmOs; at 10 Ivo Karlovic in tiie flrst fl Jnitcd Stoics has to en d so that huBn>lKtTMM«In(a.Fk.n.lJ W . ■ - M aU M a ^C a he in round but couldn't topple t e thc '» SKS 0,0 opinion of thc M exican NasKta. lEUB. !Uait«,« taC-1 UknKBn.BiAKnaFMUiMli.rk. CM CKUumsM vr VrrMABpiaMJICUaQ lublic gets better, morc comderer tSjoaM S n “i« 1- 'biggest talent In tennis.{ixie IIS M l VM vninMmi;.a<i>»imii»w. uaOi9«iSM>O.OUC>nncn|l U IM4 l-l 77. tntft H I'l 1 Kjm M M ortable," said Modco's Ramon in steadily wore dcnvn h is fom rmer ” “:ra s 5 2 . i iKnM 7>73-1U >0^ >1009) (Una Mu. IIJ rM M U JaiH M cl^M M II.O iracMi 7»7»-l4« M qi 'lorales, still rememlKrcd for jr doubles parm er o n a muj ftH -1|1^l.W «:nM M aT«ii» ft* uggy •. ft« .7 .o IS ? “ *iU Ti.71-144 >. KirMscirM«fflraaTu3mvi.ias ai >A*a 7»7>-147 mlSl nlsslng an^opcn net 15 min1- afternoon and lo st just sev «vcn 'MM a u »I a-o Oat* a n a t^■u Ites into th e matchup in'South 11 points o n his serve. ) ItBpA . -S Oo 7>7t-u7 Kbn torca. In women's ploy, top-seed eded LA.^i«t«ir<RacgaSoadM. s£J: s s s s £ s ;& ^ ■DUn 7>7*-1l7 Cl . S ' ‘ M1.SB*. , 4l|C«iclM.K«aal-2.MtallM 4«i k «, *y».axnMea Sbcth-ranked Mexico re:- Amelie M aurcsmo ovcrcami UrM me a CM n.J&-U7 31 7>nC >*< MMi«Mit.Ta««5>nrai.Aia.7eBpB u ■f«r 7»72-iu moi • Saftw aMiCM>TMl9.U>a*« C>nn ly slow slart a n d th e stcai :amy aetiFaa* 7»7>-1M ,nains ,■ the favorite, espedally KTi^SenTlAumSaao Haaen iwii7.auih»asi Id wcatiier to b e a t M aria K Kirtl th e 7,200-foot altitude and c*F<ns 7»7*-1«a in t MiM lMMa > CattF. ■ B a s k e tb a ll S F«mQA OmP raPain 7S.7J-14* siDC m i- U enko4-6,6-4,6-l. MiabMSaatl Hatb 7&7»-l«a ^ og of Mexico Qty. T hc TW“ , ------:— BBS----- ^— a«rtHSniCMI7 ‘ XM iNia nN 77.r?-l« cole ir Midday SO-degree coni )ndlolores arc cxpected by tlielr UnwlBT NMlMoMllaM . IC»06U CAsnjcorapcc • j® a)5(5|*"°*"*. ““*^ “ s S S . m s to defeat the Americans,, s, tlons prom ptcci Maure-ir Mmo n iM rtTiIiM Nii3i*i:»0(.bnn»l]Mlt:ltefen «AW 7»73-l9l tied t- a n d Kirilenko, to take-a fivefii ied for 10th In the world rank. M L PM OB M'*1910. DM 17»t X Smti |}.|| I-} SSS S i .£ W " " 5 .Ma. 2 77.n-IM ij„g_ M,ArtJi™»l-JIJiCtaI»MMt lg. The Mexicans beat alm ost st m inute heat b reak afterr tthe Mena »l MI a JKttMR»I» Z WM • ffirtWi . ■« » iO) I MV.UMIS . S S S S i . ry second set. T h e 18-year-t lPQ «(ran cvei veryone a t home, w here they r-old jMTteMMiCM mwm re 53*M in Utorld Cup qualii- K irienko faded in tn e tw twoHabbcoChmpioRshlp orci B>a«MUtCKM»i]Ui7.my)&. Tcnne a « <a 11 Bas . IMaJWlant-IIMII.Ute^lfM hMNIBitii. ^Kn e a r " “ ^ crs, die lone blenUsh a 2-1 •I hou rm alc h an d co m m ilted x ll6 S)SS to Costa RJca In June 2001. 1. unforced errors in th e finals Isc t 3 S “ * A-tttta»UL n p American qualifier Jeff M( Mor“This is one of the few things t- rison reached th c third rouj ;e c an do better than thc Unit)und • UtrvnSMCMIiiKirUlyCSSLieB ' ‘^ “ ‘» 5 £ r c S * “ YadigEU#N:7I WCC FhMCML ' c dd :States,” Mexican forwohi d by upsetting N o. lO-sced sded """AieOQOERQUERmONAL • M n w ia ^, IMM7|C«M 1.9.iWtaa K ^ uSMMn n«»<os •)! )orc( ly Joachim Johansson 7-6 (3), 6 FWtotl ircd Borgetti said. T o r m any ,6-4, U. W*»t waenM. UhtMl FoM aSf**” AMJa Oi-Hint FMoMMmOkmS cople, winning would be a Morrlson,-ranked 108th, car am c i pcoi MaMGLKna&wa CntaCi Ml relief.'* ■Into the to u rn a m e n t 0-55 in 2 » ‘! ; r s s i m r ^ ^W^FoMTaCNeamnM « s r 1 ^ UW»r».6o«».wmntaJFaJt H»» IWMVVuaCri^nVl 2 2005. • aa&can hmm tm jui'TMij -I 0^ a ». Tiaw y t wa*"* NToHM Cm Mi rraODinrMSlMU - UnOi No. 4 GuUlermo Coria, nmru Irg ln la U n io n w in s ISE. S ? S :! Vlrj «ltM ?M rtai L *M&itJi ^ P«fc7I.F«tw^n ner-up last y e a r lo An' Vndy 7^7^7MS .1 ij/», - ^w ™ ■i^ II . n tl” VMMxainH,UsOM77 ■ faiP pM M 7»7>7MI9 '1 n U i ICAA D iv isio n II t i t l e Roddick, beat D avidc Sa SanMTtaltMite ^ ^ n ^^^ ^ i t a o f c a o T «^£W(MMV>rdat«a4.71.73) H»l(w K S S!?S3;i i Gl - guincttl6-1.6-4. GRAND FOIKS, N.D. — Oenl»gi;».Wvi5M** • ba 1'*" MKd K oLi 11 a S "m S Mariano Z ab a lcto beat be n tw an Walton finally found a rxKSal(a.naarMfl1A»Xpn iw«n Lirim^iOMiciMMMinPMn}. Mtowk 7VJi-7wt» E vvay Srichaphan 7-6 (5). 6-3 andIwiil w IK I. Om 7-nM11.CM)n Mt. ray to shut u p his coach. em^ ra * VMIMM0.Ban*42] ItLPotn MS' ■ancWalton h a a 19 points, 11 rc-!- play lid c rc r n e x t Also advar B si a S S K l! I W .SS=« s s i sir] ^a o im ds a n d the go-aheadd Ing to thc third ro u n d werciN Jg , S E r L ,,.,,,., ^K a s s t t : ^ , S S S 3 ! r E s g y S F - - ™ askct to help V lr^nla Unionn 6 I lm Henman, N a 7 Gasti iston ssr ? }5S iVcMMi ^'7^7>-ill E [}as)t a VMa MMr.He*><M1Ma ' mUtRCBMKAL . Bla »im n *1MfcJiflor) IM 77'7»}M17 *1 hnlH ■ ■. ■ s s a s i ; 23 Rad idek old off Bryant G3-50 for thee Gaudio, No. FtaFM ' »UMi LW « wM l a M n M tl Hn>MMa M M.m 70.7*7MI7 .1 CMM IcMi»«M7IOI. _ ► fncurti a 17 ,7J4 w .Pa* . 7W>?WI7 .1 NCrt /. Steponek. No. 28 Juan Ignac lado ICAADhdslon U title Saturday. tun ' a a a 15 ii-n "■ “I've really b een In his car." C h c Ia an d N a 3 lH iy lo rD cmn t. a a U BT^ICB LAiS? § S in iSs DM 0* yum cutoSE ^ LAO^ s V Mi ta >n H o c k ey ianthers Ji coach Dave Robblris3 t IZ.) E s s s s s 'j a s s r . (w inSi NOM a «T)al«iliO« • M). ----lid. “After th c game I told him,1. B ia c k f o o t s o f t b a l l “ - R S D toS B iiF r— said. T tiB V A A r<*iErM*w w9tawVnn»arM i£3M % ;cB(lKA7l.d«agia ' e ntw an, you don't have to lisIcaHocksir 'Aim 91^iM i Kl bm S7 , (RVMn r^ O o H (RW III amm-BmsiM(Omi. p>r !titom efussanym ore.'” • ■ p la y e r w in s b i g DidOiMirpinftxnu ,ffi.*ti*m troW lO I nc u iiS S u L “ Walton's I jj BU CK FO O r — Biackfo Joot three-point playy • ssf? ^ ^ sri • s ■ s s s is Z^er a driving jum p shot andd native Sheena Lindholm, aa5 & ’V S K » ■ H«r*A ezsm MmM.D)MII M nrMm ItuKnll.MOinnin ti e cc PMTSSa ^ throw gave the PanUiers a foot-0 second basem an o nith EaiiMmjIlt.AlmtB Nl NCM Mm%Tournament «&lvlSh<w«4 61-S . Eastern O regon Unlversi rsity '" S & ' »»C, 1-58 lead with 129 left Luq' i s a 'a r r ! , , . . , team w as chosen fot ■ mlan an Jaober scaled thc victoiyy softball fora : S S s S r S in taping o f "The Price Is Righ ACIAtaa ‘^ " - • a s s a s . ght” byf f« fondng a steal and hittingg > ■^SW7|«H>«D*MCS' ’’ ~ s s r ° ■ cord vo free throws witii 6 sccondss a<n d cam c away w ith a rero: K s .- a S ” • MfDTitnioMi rcnu $183,688 In casn a n d prizes,},InL “ - • ‘■ ' S f ' lilac It\ vraa tiie third c ham pi-- d( u d in g a 2005 Cadllli "SSg* M M M CM according to thc tl is h lp for Virginia U nion.I. convertible, ( Los Angeles Times. ■ S hich S c also won in 1980 ondi ' 1 .. 1992 »2. Cewetoin.^wMSSrt^ ^ ^ S ffo . W Wioltoh w as selected th cB SJ t . O n g e / S c h n o o r . I b i . 's a i ^ •“ <"-i*H‘ : “ C»-B7+ai» lum am ent's outstanding V HsCxiMSMMSitlia i T S F " .tm - smu . ..........^ KDWDTREUONAL ployi oyer. Ho had 43 points a n d aI w ' in a e r i a l s . t n i e s . B ffir f a s s s “*, umey-high 31 rebounds in1 PARKCriY. U tah — Ryan n S{ t <0^ NCAAWofflen^TownsiHrt' ntfui*7.o«o NQ O onal jc o p u n p s. ‘ . < nro won his th ird nation N BA B ozn . !£ j s r or Crockctt added 12 p o in ts5 a<eruls title In fo u r yeors and PHBJPpfifiA^FCTIOHAL SSSoli ? is s s !« J L p « 0 * -' >BiwkqM.i _ ondl Schnoor w o n h e r first fir id six rebounds for th c P an-- Lacy I . * s s K 'i f f } , s a i 'i f f i « ' ss i2 S S a thcrs ers (30-4). j la ot thc U.S. Frecsty ityle a * n 1-1M 2.oA) K M >l.'lB3>ea« C hris D iuns cam e o ff th c < lamplonships o n Friday, »7 74 U. CmH 1»I}» a-LThOi U yuh ikrMw a « u Hrti Cnta SM . Ch ■ * . ^ r ' “ ”“n «iS iS S ^ ^ S t Onge, o f S te a m ^ bcnc m ch to lead Bryant (25-9)) «tOM)<OM<CaM»MmM K 'n A W y with Cola, received 1 ^ 1th 25 M ints, including sbc 3-- Springs. i ' tw bim . rwr for his tw o jum ps — )Intflddgoals.H ew as5-of-6) points ] —a Koa^Tan }m 3-poijit range In th e sec-. quad-twisting < triple somersot toult ' .-a s i ^ d h a ll ( an d another triple.som eisai mult VfcMTlFbSrB . 2 -a o iM i n with threo twists. Joe Rick, the tl ' a a ? ? ' ■ ^ £ g ^^ d -y » » * « w O r mw” HteM<7l.0jcig|e^ A^a a s ^ , .. :5 S ' 5 5 :5 2002 Olympic silver medalL' ilist, s u p la y e r a n e s t e d ‘ THlfiNIOIPOUl A S y s was second (162.65) foDowed d by t Insl s h o o tin g d e a t h . 1DylanPerguson. ’ M M nai.U (A was H ie mcn% com pctitlbn vn IM FE, Ariz. - - Arizonat . » S « 7 . . . T™ ilus* Ite running back L orenV \^o'i Iheld in steady sn o w a n d blu ' m i»T»-nirpiTTtii"rrrtTirT . *’ ■ S S . . Go l f 5? sS! p kisb e c n a n c ste d o n e u sp id o nI t tery w inds a t U tah.O lymiplc fiv S i^ ^ S a S S ^ ^ i s r r - : ^ doQist-degicc muidef m the5 IPark, w hereihe e v en t w as rdt niw “ s s s , t oootjngdeathofaform ! crA SUr <caledbecau5eofalackofsn& a t Bogus Bssin tn Idaho. ^ footb □ tb allp Ia^o u tsk io aS co tts- c •This was p r o b a b ly th e dolei Je night e a ^ S a tu r^ - • a £ S £ s o ^ H cMWooHB%D(vWoal « Jver iMHodcqr M WtmtM M»-U4 Police said BnuidonBUknec, im o st dm icult d a y IVc evi »«-tM mg. ■ ^ ■ " .I s s s r . S B«« K of.T tm pe vras shot irb th e! | ium pcd becausc 01 th c chan] , 2 5. .0 iJmm » n - ia ' t mwJLSToSLt^ ■ 'W>e ! Ing condidons,* s a id S t Ong ^ S S S R . head f l d a s h e s a tin h b c a io u t^ e I M »7J-U7 • ■SBC » « -i3 r S ^ ( 2 iS ? l« ,ta ( n |iU « 4 a ' Hum " • { y jj* dub< lb CBNC about 2:30 ajiL vw ho w on tiie ae ria ls ti d e l . . >»0-l9 ""•S S T ' . a auoM f H.fc,lMMMl ■ ■ ■ M i. n « -m [^Ikncr a n d h a d ex-. 22002 a h d 2003 b e fo re mlssln ■LMI . itm ~ m Mmm: MlMOi^«^imM*(2Hlt04A 5t!5" o n ^ sharp words, policeI Ilast year w ith o k n e e Injury." i j r .■■■• p-n-w ■ ^ ‘ a Id. Before th e shot was DTod vw as kind o f Ulie la s t mnan a :S S : ;. a g 3 - ® ^ ’‘ 0— .P 7 ^ ^ VVWlc w as driving a car w ith1 sstanding.*. a s o - ^ « a s . a ? s f ‘, . : : ’ : iote bm ^. •' » n - a ^ .. ._ " TMwC b . '. MH ; C caplidft«B »N t«pcii wt». K T iiT i^ ffiw fT in tfiii ' ^ [TO other»~ tnalde-vdien he> . ■••'■• • _;. . . .• ■■ : • iia ' V V ' . ' ■ .....^-— -. . . . mS S S S I ^ ■ ■ ;; S S "& S i« ;i,! i ^ ii li I B a s ^ ta li • NCAAVAxnen'sDMslonI' - S« U fi t M* 2 rfNlnt.lIniM ,ilrf]llft>. f je » 4 j« rV fri ^ C tt^ S L * S i! Jf -n kn 42rf 4SM, im «TH. ■ rf I s Ifthm SraSii-irrf^ ; Soccer 11 • S fe r s c ■ “S S r ss? i b ISil 'u.3 SS" » g 3S ,S S .& i i l i iii a .'isss^ sr *«£.“ S .■S •SSSSS •ssr SSffls “ "1« ISSi! r An^ "• szh S B •iiiii , SKS . “““ Z1 S£!>SS!tS. S • ss S ; S ssss ^ M % E S u S S . ES ““• ' “tss.. SS' PL s a » a e S ^ ;' — ’su,".- , ssr I, l(W »'Sunday, March 2 7,2008 - % % #18 Yank id W ^ BO STO N CAP) — D avv id is p itc h in g in B o sto n , n c B ro n x T h e Y ankees a re co miln in gg o fT a '' c n is h in g O c to b c r d c f e a3L L A n d $ d d y . R ed S ox faj o v e r th c c o u n try a re still s In g a W o rld S d i^ p io n s h lp . N o d o u b t a b o u t it. th e ro les a r e c o m p le te ly r e v e rss e d th is i v a lr y — . y e a r in baseb a ll's b e s t rival b u t th e b itte r n e s s h a s n I't 't ddllm in •. Is h e d o n e bit. 'E v e iy tim e y o u p la yf aagg a in s t i th e R ed Sox. s o m e th in g ut n b e la p p e n ," lie v a b lc is g o in g to hapj N e w York's la s o n G ia mi bb i sa id . " It ge ts p retty in te n se ." Y an k e es T h e R ed S ox a n d Yar s p e n t th e last tw o s e a s oinnss Ii l ^ t m eeid m e s in g c a c h o th e r — so m iL c n g u e • lite ra lly — forA m erican-L su p rem ac y . T h e y p la y e d 33{8 rcg' u m * s e a s o n g a m e s a nid d 14 1 In th c playoO s. N ew York to o k th e itonn lo st p e rm a n t in 2003. B osto y e a r w ith a n u n p r e c ee ddce n te d com eback. T h e n C u n Sch illin g aa nndd scv* e ra l o th e r Red Sox s p e n t rm u c h o f th e w in te r s n lp in g a tAAlelex : R odrig u ez . G : t re a d v fo r R o u n d 3. T h e Y ankees r e lo a d e d w ith R a n d y Jo h n s o n , w h ilec P e d r o M a rtin e z left F e n w a y PPark. a ri N o p r o b le m . N ew E n ^ o nndd:: T h e i n e a fte r R e d Sox m a tc h u p ju s t Tme lc m c n t a d d in g W ells, M a tt CZIci a n d E d g ar R e n te ria . led So:« re v ejrse ro)lesiniriv alr 1 A n d now, a fte r nearly. a c e n tu r y o f d o m in o * U on b y the Y an k ees, m a y b e th c o d d s h ave f e v e n e d o u t. It w a s N e w Yoi col« O C S last year, b p s c d i n th e ALC b e c o m in g t h c Q r s strtm a jo r le a g u e te a m to b lo w a 3-C le a d in th c p o s ts e a s o n . B o sto to nn o n to w in its first W o rld irld S e ries title sin c e 1918, e n d inling g T h e C u rse a n d a lo n g h is to ryrcy o fh e a r ta c h c . Now, th e Y an k(CCS ee a rc th l r s ^ fo r rev e n g e, a b ran r a n d - n e w feel* in g fo r th e m , So w h ile th e MU imn n eso ta’IWins ’ a n d L os A n g eless JA n g els h ave rc^ason t o b e lie v e etl th is c o u ld b c tlieir ye ar, lo o k f o br ri th e m o s t fam il ia r o f f o e s to s qiuq u a r e o f T a ^ in tlie fall, w jth m umc c h m o r e th a n b ra g g in g rig h ts o nmt th e Unc. "W ith th e R e dI Sox, So o u r No. 1 . rival, s n a tc h i n g it,t aaiw a y fro m u s la st y e ar, y o u c a nm't 't w a it to get b a c k o n th e fiek ie ld ," Y an k ees m a n a g e r fo e T obnr r e s a id . “It itn itln g f o ru s ." m a d e Tt v e ry fru stra E lse w h e re , sevt e v e r a l te a m s w e r e b u s y try in glg to u p g ra d e d u r in g t h e o flscaso i n . h o p in g to iso c a tc h N e w Y o rk a nmd d B o sto n . B a ltim o re a did d ce d S a m m y S o sa's b ig b;\.t toto a p o w e rpacked lin e u p ) th a t a lso I n c lu d e s 2 0 0 2 MVP [VP M ig u el Te- thcfe wll 00 no tttoovm1or < OiJlrjctPOn (fom man, affjeawn otf (MfieW field oppearaneet, Bottom Unt: TM Red Soi tu tM tame 01 haw eimrnalion tnat cn> looie awroocn and Oeteimi :>on3njnio. ptiied inem lotM cnanwi W f i . : :b3^M :^'eB C hN «iom )na>: team ,end ^ M i • oftha.MaaonwDlwnifa , K ja Ea S I ^ B K b lS |E 2 § ^ B " .. , n k e es sh o rtsto p 0 « rek Je te r tat£s g i oirt M innesota TVrlns b a ts nn nm n e r Luis RIvat on a ste a l atNow York Yank#' It* fifth Inning In Fo rt M yers, R s.,1S ta m p t In th e (IftI Saturdsy. Jada. B u t th 1C e (O rio le s p r o b a b ly d o n 't h a v e eennoo u g h p itc h in g 10 c h a lle n g e t hhce 1h e a v ^ v e i ^ t s in t h e /\L E ast. M in n e s o ta tai n e a r ly k n o c k c d o ff t h c Y annkkcc c s i n th e first _________________________ ^ \ M E R i c A N L mt. m Of Amwean Leajuo leBmj. u OfOer of fSrtlftliit ytw; ^ l l |||||||l ||l l ^ ^ ^ K |l || r o u n d1 oof th c p la y o ffs lo st year.' L ed by/C( y Y o u n g A w a r d w ir m e r J o h a n S&a n ta n a a n d o n a th le tic lin e u pi,th , tl c T W ln s h a v c th c h o .r s c s 0lo w in th e ir f o u rth c o n se c u tiv c A L C c n tr a ltitlc . e a g u e Y ankees In 2003.* I n th e V A st, O ak lanudl tr a d e d • a w a y n o t o n e , b u t tw oo o c c s l n , T im H u d so n a n d M ^k M 1 u ld e i;, w h ile Seattle, ii^ r o v e Mi. d . f ts of-' :rs A d r i a n B e l i r c ^ d ^ ^ ^ on. ^ 1 • M V P V ladim ir G uerre ir e r o a n d th c A ngels a rc th c c h olice io t o rep e a t a s d M s io n c h a mn [p s a fte r pic k in g u p c c n te r D d d ct f S teve R n lc y a n d s h o rts to p O C rla n d o C abrera. A s f o r th c Y ankees a in d R ed S ox, th e y o p e n t h e; :s e a s o n a g a in s t e a c h o d ie r i n N tew Y o rk o n S u n d a y n l ^ t . ^ r l l 313. . In a ta sty tw ist, lo h rn s o n Is s la te d to s ta r t a g a in s t W t Abells, th e o u ts p o k e n le ft-h a n dleeir w h o b n c c p itc h e d a p e rfe c t ggza m e fo r th e Y a n k e e a n d he lp'c ictd th e m w in 0 c h am p io n s h ip . ■£ love I f Wcto s a idi " I f y o u d o n 't w a n t t o b e in thlat a t g am e, d o n 't w a n t to play a y oase- [ndlE ight d a y s later, th e R e d S o x W a tc h o u t f o r th e y o u n g Indi maain w ill rcccivc th e ir W orid I d S c rie s aorn s , th o u g h . T h ir a b a s c m rin g s be fo re th e ir h o m ee*o p e n e r As A a r o n B o o n e Is b a c k fro nmi ai E v flE m a tF c n w a y — w i t h d i e & kn k n e e In ju ry — h e b ro k e h elaa rts rt all a ll o v e r B o sto n w ith h is ppe c nn- ■ p ir e rig h t th e re to w a tchhl t o l L H ere w e g o ag ain . nnsa n t- w in n i n g h o m e r f o r th thie c CAPSULES__________ -5.59 irj 19 ttflrttt wwith itl Iha cn<ago Whio Chad Owt^i Stun. LHPScon Siewan. rW Joso tntraded tu r Caiios Deivan to Hcvttcn m im miM ctnt)«irtindttillnfflainMcMO leoltM So«i. Jimencj,, L > LHPJcnoiMfiOOertJOn.flHPRe* mimiddle of tM 2004 season. Right (^idIla la Jeague-iiopieamt. Hot Spot Gibbons,s.wn who guided Toronto lo a WTiile. alt alto a question ma*. but Bw» hat hit bet lit bcl2030 lecotd last.1sea season ariof Carios Tosea Pre|*etid>ltotup:CfCocoCnS0(.297.15 U (eiier m tonng iraining iMn IM oiMr TaiaaRwcaia • EAST « i fired, relumj»witl witnjust B ohoitar conHRi, 71 RBis, RD 20 ttealtl, 2D Ronnio DeHart ho hooefuit. Aamn Guul end Abraham Nunat. net. 3004:8»73.3rd place. New r«rti (.282.122 H tract; HRs. 48 (kJubletl, OH Trmt Halo- SU SUMSteet: TM Royalt are coirting m Guy Guy waton). M aiatir Buck SnoMitar (mini tea: 2004: lit piKC. BtRlmoroOrto OrMtl ttatShMt: Toronto Itofin finished 67-94 last teaer(.3ll.3i .J8HRS.:09RDIS.17HDP).C HHantenit a letum a t onsMng coach to Im n-Ha^H*ra:RFRicMrdHioalgo.lB/C Q/OHGrtg H m t i r JM Tetrc (lOtn M aun).' is«t tince 1980 (67-951. Victn Maru HPCa,IP». 2004; 7884. 3rd wee. arliMj(.283.23HRi.l08RBls. . pn prove a 5.19 ERAtMt woi IM worst M tM IIM CoBrunn, INFMart. beRota.C Sim lindyAkwar H<ra: IXP RirOr Jonnion, RHP Cl Maoajir: Leo MiuiMi (s«on econd teasani. GcMral manager J.Rl r J.R Ricciardi said It could mott by A L ALcatcne<).RFJuanConiai«{ AA LL laat taaton. ' Jr.. RHP Peon Aslado. RHP RyanfiBuckvUi. Bl woo. RHP Jaret Wti£m. 20 Tony Worn Ki'l Htr«: flF Sammy Sflta, i IM. LHP Ste^e lume. take ime« >tsr« for u for IM Blue Jays to bo(,276.9 H R HRt.l7R0lttn33garMt(or Bet Bottom tint; Quesuon martis abound, - RKP Vladimir Nunei. INFEttebann Go 0 mun. ID Tido Miftine:, RHP Fcln Hoanjue* mque W.ljon. IN F eyn« contenders. B ut j.BuitMiwotoefeie Kansas C ity City), 18 Ben Bmussan](J79,17 He^ OutU Hen: RFSrtan Jordan,i,DH Dl Keitert ■" "WO^'’"5“' . M.k« Sumon. IHP BoOcf, CfOOm, OF £^ ‘ Chnt Gomt/, RHP Joy Witat cd to aiioeate »210 miiiion HRs, 82 Vitascfc. RHP Mmes o^Mrtnio decided to R D lS), IF Casey BlaMi (.271. careerPeny, OWNFEne ftung. INFAMy fi lyRsi. CUnrnH.INFflfOBmun Roils. WEST e; 2B0F Jerry Hair(or caytoH over IM ne 10 neit three >«ari. high 28 H R i H H P I/Wtr Ho't Outta Heie; 2 1 HRt;e8Rfill). 38 Aaron B oom luWjy.RKP 10/DH Brad Fullmer, C Ken HuduA H*-! OutU RHP Jon Uiber. RHP. LatAnctUeAflfili ■ ID Oavid Segui, OF Oottom Um : Tm loss •)n u . ,.r Groom.. IQ Mss of Delgado lecvoa a (.294,18 H 65 ROIt in -03 for NewYljrk ^ 8 HRs, i n PcMil. RKPJeff Helton. OF Rua Rutty Greer. Vwai«;. RHP Otwnflo Hemanot<. 2D (1st place) Marty Cordova, PrtijettedLir d Lineus:0 2B Oiian hole m IM mi^ioloofof<a imeun mat wos a d'tYank«es:; did dn not play in 2004), SS JMnny f2004:92-70. T RHP Jeff Zimmerman. C4I/0. or K«nny loRon. ID Jonn Cicru Manacat: Mrka ScWsda (tUin teaton) 'g 50 doubles. 29 aopomtment latt ytar lytar. Peralta (.32 -328,181 hits. 88 ROIt at TitpioA ^ ? F F n / i v ' "«««» 'eod^j 5< Pre*actedUnaop:2BAifonioSortan iano(.380, i Tony ClO'k. RHP EtI«Mn L04<;s. I^F Ei 340.27 HRs. 104 SB»), 30 Melyin Moro (.340. . . .... ...Buffatehit WemalonalUsguoMVP)..................7He^ , ' Hen: CF Steve Flnloy. SS Orlando Cabc, QF C 28 HRt, 91 ROIt. 18 SDt. 121 lUl tWk»oolt): Wlljon, LHP f«iu Herefla. lhp CJ. Nil era.'RHP Etteban Yan.RHP Paul Bynt. O ROitl. SS M.guel Tejada (.31 f.3I l , 34.ALbe« CEff IENTRAL W C.C. Sebatnia (IMO, 4,12 RotaOoKW X). 1>1Pend Ktlwy, ID Tiovii l(«., 38 Hank Oiakxk (.276.33.110),),SS S Rivera, INFLou MerKmi. S&20 l>laictr 1501. RF Sammy So« (.253 .253, 35,80 for ' wtnt blown by buiipanj.RHjaka ' Juan ««UTWJn. ERA.ti.«r MicMel Voung(.313,22.99.13tSBt). S! IB Pre|*et*d Unwp; SS Ocfek Jel«t l.20: 33 inurtt. 5Rfl Ift CuM), D H Rafael Paimeim (, ok (1*9, 3.38 ER A . 5 CGI, R H K evtf. JfV olaco Westbrook ( ManiTelieln(J81.38.113).flFR •78. 23 SBj I. 3B *i«« floorgiwi (.288. FRlduinJ Hl­ •>(Si -w ‘•ooe/ (.310.23,861,1 1(96,4.85 ERA(or Philadelphia), LH Ht^ OutU Hwt: OF Jcte Guillen. RHPTWy 106,28 SDil, Rf (Hiy Sheff^kJ (.290 ^enhrre((ourtn season). dtigo (.339,25.82 for Houttoh and aft NM r ' i S ; nJ ''2 « , 10, 47J. I f LairySD.gt) (148,9.43 ERA, 161 Ktl, RHScott ^Penavai. 30 TroyGiaut. SS Dirrfd Ettttein; • 121). LfW<3«W*tjtsul 1.298,-31.108 iRedmond.lNFJuanCav •• - WikMeti),lfKevMMend»(J79,; 9,26.71). RHP ■ 68),CFluijMat01(,224,6, J5.4.53ERA1. . Aaron Sele, RHP Ramon OrtU. INFj‘^ • BemKi Wlliaffl* (.382. 22. 70). OH Jai lOwjiii. 1^5 DH (}irnd Dellucd (.242.17.81).I.CfOary C Sm m Halter, INFAlfredo VMMga, lOAn.fiotaUon: RH Rofl-go Loeej I n w RHDob W<ktMn (13/14 3D Corcy Kojkle. SS CnttsmCU(.206,12,40), C K i e t.r 573 ManMurt Jr, (J75.11.36) 0( l8)n aineoNu RH Sionif, Ponwn (1M5, 5 tacondMH after offseason eWiK ^ dres Gaiarrap. 21.81), ID Tino (,3S2.23.7 enry DUnco, IN F Joso **' 79 (.248.14.48). C Rod Barsjat (.246 249.15. Projeetad Untup: IB Dann Entad (.299,79 Catyera (12-8.5.00), LH£nl Tamoa Da». 2B To"r Wom«ti (.307.5 JO Roa. IHP Aaron Futu. Surgery),, R!iHDavid RisW (7-3. 3.72 ERA. 5 runt. 87 ROtt. 15 SDt). 2DCMm Rgglni jr. 3, JO. 4.591. IH Matt Riiey (34, 5,1 Jt Aflhur RMdes (33.5,12 ER A . 9 2eSe>f0'S t. Uxjit). LF Shannon Stenart (,304, ****>• I” ' Hot^RHRl«nD™seU4-10.4.: 4.30 ERA). l*«)»ct»d U niw LF S (.296.83 runt, 17 38t. 34 SQl), ({F , Rn R.IHt««: LH D.J. tifl (ii« 5 7fl fK jf r Oeklanfl).RH Matt Miller (4-1. . RoUtiSfuUI RanffrJonnion 116-11,j 2.1 , in 378 at bait), C Joo ,nj,, ' LJ(KennyR(«ere(189,4,76).RHF :HPedro - Vladimir Guerrero (J3 7 .39 HRt. 126 RSlt), 3/7, t«,«tl. Stew Klina |2 2 Ain- 57 garnet). ' ERA. major leecu^ieaaing 200 K« fo' „i 17inl07 8lWtsl.CFTom SM Attado (00.10-38 for Botlon), R H RHOwiHo 0«al»|.JergaJulfl(2 5,3.5; :l^raiia rtpiocos porenniai Cow ~IF Carrot Andenon (.301.14,79), CFSlese ronaj RHMik« Mvtnna (12 9.4.59). ( . 81.21 stealtl, ID Juttin *P*“ j, Park (4-7.9.46). RHChrtattkK^O1(3-2, 4.71)Hot Spot Doser D.J.IVinie mw Vinjuel, now with San F w s ,Flnln (.272.36,94 wttn Artnn* and Lot Cart PMno 1188.3.00 for nonoai, Rl l9,58in280atB4lt).DH 44 orRHRicarooRodnguej(3-1.2.03) 03). Angelet Dodgen). 30 Robb (Juinlen (J44. 22j«aroidMinotninglefltopfW« K«wi Dn>«n (108.4.09), RH Janit 19,72.20ltealt,89tunj), co-TM22j ero (3-4. K*yR*Dtwt:RHFnndto>Con3ero « ’W '"n’S'" 8io«iftg four SOYOowortunit ! = =.tihii• ’ RF;KQuoJ0Mt(.25‘ 5.26 In 58 games). SS Ortando Cabrera, I. but now Mt ta produce every day (IM.3.28). (.254,24, B OJ, 30 MeMel '> ^ 2.13.49/94 tavet). R H Cartot A im Umonnr(7(.264.10,62.16 SDt with Montntl and ,, 8Ut«M.t:Thopnoiesiedtr iguet (or Indiana to contend, Ktj RaDratt: RHManano Rivtril ,(4-2. J ' '?'* ippearsncet). RH Doug Migenxail Botton). OHJeff DaVanon (.277.7.34, IS IB rn ili.^ in a « ic '-203- 2.45 m 339 atbats). 2D SI R m«'8go egamti It TMduOiU through 9 - pfulOtO' ;na)or leagu^leao^g 53/S7 savesi, RtHPflui . 10.34 n 338 at batt). SS ’ .^h « 5ST >-LURtvai (.256.10.: (4-1.4,13, OM t»«), RH ftar Ffandaci>(9SOt). C Bengia.Molina 1,276.10, S4). fuifti(ediastteajonBtt<«n Quanuill (7-3,4,72). RHToffl Gotoon (! »83inl2atMtJlorJuan P^wsfutf Jajon Bartlfltt (.083 u , m 1.3,33), Ul Ron MaMy (30.2J9, s9,eo RotatiOR: RH Dtrtok> Colon (1B12, S-01). LH 4d at least 70 RDlt. a leam record, 2-211. IH Miw Stapton (26.3.16'•ERUo’ ER* r gppeannctt),lHEntffloRamlru( M(5^. Bottom Unt: The OnoiSS fa.K failed to add a solid *• 2 6 1” Jarrod Vasnbum (11-8,4,64). R H KeMm £*Int: At Kmga t the bullpen doesnt New 'iWk Men), RHTanjon Slutue Ifr: • ih»i Ino iK^inn Cir'cmnaH Reds), 413 4.2SJ, U( Brtan Shoute (2-0. 2,23 I !3ERA.33 ttaiiingpitcher 10aunitMi eobar (11-12,3-93), R H Jei« U din (14-13. n<a again - 21 bkiwn tM t in tM 5-47). RHF«li« Roar.£iie< 1^8,3-29 to Raflko t«H-«»Uua Dcomoet-nn with RoUtlon: RH Bud1R afl (ll-B, 3.48 ERA. Bpoeiraneei). 4,67). RH Paul D|tO (87.3.94). — PniiaMicniai, RHStev« tutwy lOO. 2. 2 Inn^igi), LH Johan San- and MJiwMd reboundt from an 1 HotSpot:No,9'itarter.>bungandR dRodrlgiM Kn RtOtvere: R H Fnnlila Rodnguet (4-1. (M Indians can win tMALCeritrai. orf)ta/.tM Uf DuOdr Groom (4-1.4.78 ERAfor Impretted m thon liJnu latt aeaic aion:>bung •Stan TM orilet>»'«' ' ^ S -ord wnner. 206.2,61 0' ^D"a ^ I.«at»«,outorthequ«t«> 1,82.69 games. 12 tavet), RH Drendann ttnkMUts tn 228 irtfimgs). l005 it ending a ERA. Ai n-gh 265 ttriilata and Rodngueiaarty before hit I Ul UA Dttre«T1* w ^DonMliy (92.3.00,40 games), RHScot,i Hot (pot: Tne s^uesi qvesiion ii «neir 148.4.21. 299 hitl in 203 ■ n ite a ^ t RKCailo* Siw (148. ,gn etboarwettMtteredbyaliMdrM. Ive. BoIA J fiC iu"ofjtwnsii».«htiot.ng, Snioids (8-2.3-33 60 gamet). RHateben 90,4tfi place. • Sni 6mO( tan tecovtr (lom 1.5 yea;* of mji 'e t * - mnings). RH K,lo Lons Lonso 19-13. 5.341. RH Joe looM good iNt aertng. But only orv OMapot , ^Ven(38.3.83,7savttwithOetn)«), It season season aneferB<^*sur, ahet eiMMr surManagtr: Alan Ala Trsmnwll (third taaton). one tna>« off ouoiiioni aoout Ht'«Hin:RI Tampa Bar Dntl ntl IR m '■'«»» 1™'*“ ®It ^ wot open in IM natation aflif Park 1 Hot Spot: Thin} base, TM Angeli g»« IM Aectuaiv :RFMaalioOrdonM,RHPTioyPeriteroKis and becoma anyviing r<ear ine ‘T '' Stfyi. 2004; 7091.4tn piace,n ’ - pitched Mil and Attado (}uftOM 11 aatan ■ iob to 24year ou Oaiias McPMnon wMn P Kyle Femswortn. INF RarMn er ne m » xtien no «w)ntno AL MVP<n> IS, Joo IllathBh(l-2.1,62. c m I.RHPK ird j.season) • lUynilltYtf*: RH Joo Hani*«; lou Pii'iclia (tniffl a, aincetMuk>erturge7ln2003)tly: tnmed th n *el Tin Glaus go. But McPhencn Mt . Cvance Wilton., tfe (Df Oakland in 2000, Jotwion. a (■ ^t^tlt Ksin72.1inn«gl).RH “ "'.Tj;-?, i/aici iB Travii 44/47 ia « t, 69 Ks n is^timo^ »«'• **•»•: 3D A((. 5, Gon/ait M^theaimii mittod most ol IM tpnng witn a bulging. 0 aancnor \Wjnj wnivff, IJ counteo On110 5, 2,63.106 Kiln 82 in. . Outtl1 Htrt: tt CFAiei SancMi. RHP EtiaMPjCas» fosium SUt Sheet Even Mine using 21 diffe Wferemrodisc end mn not be ready for IM opener, RHP A J Levme. 3B Enc Munson. < > '» L^,p I tno rettmit jiami'trwation inai incii«x juit jmoro (7^. 3.91). RH Jctso ' t«i» W , RH 0Wi^eW,lNF ' hings). LH J.C, Romort lie«ntiitio mado 468 ajcearance* a * —' Robb (Juintan.»M hfl ,344 a ta nxiUa nIn I Lineup: 30 Onindon Ingo (.387.13 t»o noifliwu. Musiina and DfO*n, 27 innlngsj. LHTerry Mulijn OF ^ 00 m 27j an,„3 Shane Halter. C Kevin Cam. I Cniis Smsifr el. aectntfmotl In (MAL-iM Range ngarahad lth.OFChrlsS.ngl^ hjiu,„o,j9_5, 56 gamet last tear.probabiy win fill In. alRDlt), SS Cailot Oulilen (.318,20. *8 »»j4 nu t»«> f«(» Dener man iitt. ryei lin39gBmas,J5iians), . , fvjSl : , ion.OFAioiSancM:, IM ALt top bullpen last aeaton,iThflyMre Th iMugh Ma moro tutted to IM ouiTekl iflies), C rvan Rodrtgue: (.334.19, ''w EHA 1^^. jg Ljst y«ai, tho tianers had a 4.B2 ER ATiin Koskia Dininf in hit Mto Alomar, OF Ket»pot:lnf,eki Witni MAL for I 34-19 with a 3.46 ER A . toadinglM, McPMrton hit 43 horMn al three leveli .'iggTioOnJOM:{, • imn m (he al, a eij iea»on im ronfcfr anjeet Bautista; OF Joso Cru. Cruj Jr„ ID Tino CwW)i u d d ,e ri.r .a Z ..n « IM flnt tiTMtince 1983. TMbuiipi iiipon|9ottwitn (M orsaniuiion last year and w ill M irViMe SO.J.OH DmiW »«ng Md a major leajuo rteoro 61 eomfrfro 5UthiMS to tw(M) his glovfl " ma,C0rOOk OWyday «!« - But ^fromooMarttne/, LHP John Haiama, od leam rocorta wftn 34 wtna and ! a M i, dU given a tMt wMnevw m gait bade, i. 60), IF Rondell Willo (,270.19, rnnOmri. . . iK-r . ei an erM iro teaton. Short^ W;. INFGeoff win b« reiiaoie cr«r an fortfrte,2B-SSReySancM;. si and eenniiiedtM ALI M t t parcel rcentaseof :raig Monroo (.293.JB. 72), IB Car- l u t Shett: TM Angela let kwgtime cloier t u t thMU The Yankoei mil nave tno fi 67).CFCrai) Olum. RHP Chao Caudm,, RH I Jercmi GoiuaHP *">P'» ' - < >IM' Sir, witn GuanangOM, -,10 lnMmadrwiMnloteore(28.4pef percent). lo (.241.27.82). 20t)maf Infant# ^Ifoy Percivai go ovor me winier. but figure ' S200minipnp3)ToilinbaHl>aiini9tory sota.nasn'iSadapiaytr story os • |,jpoF Oam-an Rous,, Of (jf Micit **** MinMSOta Sottam Unt: Even efUrcomanar«f Ufora hav« a natuni progretucn with iMir )«ur« 1.55). hav , since 1987. (-264,16.5 iMy t/y to «ven|e tati jisi's nutonc ci Cummir^gs. annt. Wd-by 23year Rvidtco RodnguoL {. piaiQfTtpotuniiltMfinalweekofla iflaataeaRHjatonJonnton (8-15.5.13 tnr ttoM In tM Al chameionihio tenet,» !.al nmanager Terry Ryan ICrawford (.296.11 Bottoin UntiAineral ProModUntuKCF Carter* lon.iMRangsnitucktaaNlreomi He U t a 12-4 career mark win an ERAof Bondeman (11.13.4,89. Ho tMy D«cam« tM nut ma)or leaguea teem Ie» to playtrt to muttryear eon• w ) - RHJeremy J«' ^Rs, 55 RBis), SS JuIjo Lugo (.275, 7. 751. to )wnj plajen end fivgal teendUy Dng. The 2,35. Including a 4-1.1.62 mark In 69 LHMika Mirotn (11-13, 4.31J, U( 3,3 loto a poiiteaton leno't ofier Minnmg mber. including CyWung inirg Ihe ^F Aotjrty Huff 1-297.29,10 , 104), IB-Travtt ■'»«» «’'<« December mott notable offtaeton addition Ml waaHidaJgamet in 2004. DetpAa IM pottftUity of •rucn(l210.4.90j,LHWiifrodo San nnt three garnet. TM Vankaet sno im itana, gw g Iho Ti«nt a W -« VSnkcetl. D H ‘"S'*! Santana, "’ " '“JLee(.105.0,2 (or New /K M SO(19 minion). But offMte haa navi noi having a lefinander In IM bullpen. IM wvarbeen (, noi . . Roo SOI. «M hM piajwl !2 timet in itlntvrt Josh PfieiffS II (or Devttand end "> eo"'*''- » '* ■ « apn>UemhiTei*a.. ' . . ■ r i S i*f»:RH TroyPcrtMit (2-3.2,90. relief carps mould be among IM AAngeli' ng yoar*. tlart njni n>«y on Ad<ii 3, wMn «^n Jotiftjoionto), 30 AJei S. Conjaiei ALI batL ‘ ' M t for Wigelt). RH Ugueth UrtHM ALI ton facet fonner YanWo 0«wJ V«llt o s as a . c»=«„ for Cn<ago Cubs, Montreal t* Saattia Marina^ D. 21/24 tavetj, Ut Jamta WaJker' Bott Bottom Une: TM biggest mov« MMr Arta oponinj night. New voix mutt winHen 00 fun CTob,Hall(.555,8,60).2B . 2BJorge Cantu 2004; 83-79, 2nd splM<. r ‘“ Moreno made dunng IM ofliaaton m 2004163«.4in place. 3), RH M oi cooueuon —lait jtaf, 43.4 pereent jiiien (tecond taaton), 3-20). I K^ ftmtwortn (4.5.4,73|. snt O of' IM (,3oi, 2.17), RF Mono (pgrsi m u in j trade tv Mana^in OnlflCoiiien from AnaMim lo lot Angelea -- a contiowStartJnj pncnirig. Tho Tlgen tel- - • fnx 4cn) Vtnkoot' mnt teored on Mmert, (ourth (ouri MiMOyo.fiHPOilando ' HotSpoCSu Hi» Htr»: RF JermalM ondoftpnnjtniiningj. dal nama cMngh ' ^ H rtS K 3 ? A d r tw ^ i r t? 1 0ichleSai^ te tame ratatkm th n Ud ai IM dal hi4MilintMfrajoit,. att PPodsednik, CAJ. tied (or IM i etton (68.4.77 Herriandoi. OF Scott RettUen; RH Oovion (Ka:eitoi^ aon, SS Pokn Raata, RHP Aaren Sele.AKP Sa ]04 after (ailing to tign freo agent Bettsa Uno: Btmng major uijunet,, (hit ihit tasm Henditckton lah,lolgucni,fiHP Dustin on ((10-15.4,811, Pierijfltki, 20 Tsdahiit JefTNeltoi, no and dmtlng not to bid (or Oakland AthMea could 110 ttmet, Aiei Roa«u«t i UJitViicalno, CarlPMM 37), RH HWeo Nome Heimanson. RHP UJit uejsMuid iHSconKaimir(2-3.5,a7),l >004:91-71.2nd plac«» Ha^ OutU H«e: DHEdgar Uartlnat. at. INMF ■« and Man Clement 200< be iTwn related in hit tecond teston Dorek U»«. itonm (4-11.8-25 for Lot Aflgoiat). let). RH Rob Beil IB0«tt* H««: RF IF M<Miggilo Ordoner. Lf CarJoiben Cabrera. OF Hlnm BocadiJca bl}tatMtatocttioarguoR> Man Hanatac Ken MacM (Ihlrd teaton), iJca.RHP ltt» VM end Oumoi thouis nev« better Mti< run e.4,«6), . Kit Lee. ss Jot« Valentin. Va>er 2D Roeerto »*« ran. Aa»ntt)loi; 4e%Here: C Jatoi) KendaD. RHP Oan Haren. Ht% preducUon —tnt on too of an oflento Schoenmit, RHP Dan O'liuoi it1IM in. bett catcMr ever. Hat om of ento iMt . It*, R ,n ,r„ : rh Oanyt Baer Baei (4J, 3,57.30 *'omar. LHP ScottISchi irM Pre|tetedUnt«p;RflcMoSuuki(j n n in baseball niitory (WiiUe Uayl RH; RHP Kiko Calero, RHP Juan Cnit. OFCnarlat i( j7 a f« h t a (evTwecord 242 homort lati; yoar Jomar Jr.. C Jamla Burko. joar, tw rh Jatui Coiome>(2-: (2-2.3.27). IH Wnght.CSanayAloma irto Clemeniol mflh al least 11 The TMmat. LKPDan Meyer. RHP KailcNVtbu. bu. aecond ALbatUni tnit h four laaao laona. •ritn Chicago foi (he a l lead- Tho aueti .F So Seott Podsednik (.244, Roberto juetuonj ■ c««yFotsum(4-15.6.65),( 15), RH•Rsv.t Harp rw|tet*l On*up: LF 20-38 Keith Gmter. RHP Seth CmefUn. 01^ ccr^Mfth MandUAJVStarappearancet, 20-: Uf. 6rrtaB4»earokt major laisuerecof ■r« largev m the enchmg itaff. ntiere J 7OS0t»itnMihwukee)2D OoWGiovet itrti Jolw 3.89),iH Trtver Miiki iller (1-1.3.12), 12 HR. 39 ROIt. 70 Si INF t It tM only ealeMr witn 11 Gold IN F jamuiM Clark. 262 hit*). Cf Jeremy Batd (497 In In:18 major ton^ Oocli and uwe, Brmn't t>acl< 333,24,B9wimruKuoka)., . 49), Jorge Sosa (4. ladahito Iguchl (-333, ",, eni oM RH lanco Cart^? 03.3,49), 4 hit .334 baning svorsga tralli Hel •Ul OutU RHP Tim Hudton. UfP M Markl league gamet, J 88 at TMpleA Psvsno't tnd Wiiihfi fortflude urtllIM tte iundor 7_5,53,. DHRott Cioad (.321. 321.7.441nll0gamet) 0«««ir«)f I wtio prtmanty were cateMrt during Mul lt)«(.334. contunt tcn;1ir>|i. Muk»ef.RFJamiaiMOye.UlPHarti'Re<»-1. T»coma/Cn*rtona),38AdrtanBelt(e :66.5.21 in 43 garnet luilUwwf motthy jwpg and w Cat: Evorett (,266.! Hot IfiOt: TM rotation It moti ■en-WwimanyinoughtfiodnguM fpai tr. led Kt m rirn 48 HRt. 131 RBla for (r«n. LHPArthur Rnodet. C Oamlan MiHr. akoitoifficunio ww V.Tiito So>), IB IBPs Paul Konerko (,277.41, Ilr*. unprovtn. Mfiich could mako I >ed uo, M hit .334 witn 19 homwt RhF RhP J m v ^ . LHP C^na Hanvnond. IN F J.OHR*. BottenM lox r Oodgen). IB RKntoSauon (.233.6 anehls*record 70 117), RF JermalMaD0,0 »« (.205,23.80 with ' rcpJicate latt tessont franer Oltlnl35pmetBttMagSDf32 Mai .J004:9864.2nd ciae# (MWcard, •V .Vom Mark McLemore, RHP Juttin Lahr. OFBioy Atl. CF Aaron Rowand jy ' 23 RSli before moulder mjufyatHiJ UlArtOM). o-WSovw r»t, «nd (.310.24,69). C AJ. » RS'* In hit nrtt toason witJi tM Tlgen. M Mc» cMiiion. INFDiaban Oemun. . Ownptonl 11.77 wnn Gianti).SS H»t><erinh 20 Bret Boom (J5l. 24 HR*. 83IRBID.DH R( leaped last place in Pierr)»iikl(J72.lI.7 Stat IMtC lamM Bay etcapi wViMntM Tlgen My tMy-ra ProH 18, Raul Ibanu (.304.18 Kftt, C3 RBH ) Ma),lF M w iffr Tarry Francona (t«cond teeto 23.74).30JooCrt«o Bottom Ibi: •n»acUd Unetip: Cf Mark Koun W14,18, eiton). 2004 (o»tM firit tirM inI Its itt:levervyoox hiiiuan UrlbO (.283. 23.: golngioeonl sntend In IMAJ.'Central. 1 1 teemi 63, 63,37 20t). C Mton Kanddl (J19,3.61. . MrtHoftiSS Edgar Rentena. LHP owa owe 51. Randy W inn (588.14 HR*.'81 RO U] M*).C repeat (Ml (.239.21.69). tory.tlviiilMdirflcuntortpe II (Mir .39< .399 OBP for Pitttburjh). OH DUJiel Dunio Went. ftHP fctan Ciemem. RHP V«oo BuehilO(16-10.3.89 ERA. '«»*»'« *' iDtaUon It Mtter tMn ev fiiawfoi 90 Miller, 'tuccett' because tM laam aam ttiit h tt dm of Ratatlon: LHMaik Dud ran Mlguil0(M(339,13Hft«.40R:tla <di(lMlrdeftnte(tn-|lMworitln (.32 Cf tty Peyton; RHP Matt Mantel. INF (.321.22,88. J96 OOP). 38 Ertc ChavU ‘iF Ri Ramon • mo k)««t poyrotii In (MI majofi maj and pteyt' (PJ.flRHFieddy Qartla (W, »«1'' Aiieading 245.1 (Pj. i: Seattle and CNcagoViWaBoD, S31 sspokn loralhlrdtlraightyMr. (J7 VKquai. Utf* John Haiama. INRC Sna» wiiRM«aSoj),RHJo« MtaMiifon (J7 6 .29,77, J97 ODflQokJ Glove), If Eile Erto RMta (.321.3 HRt. 39fiBla lor Boi Boaton). tM big wervwg - 4.40inl6itantwHR in aOMtion dominated BV ytw Wboton, RHP Jac* Crsttend, RMPJeiemi Jeieii rm So.. Dytr (. SDD, ID ScoaI Dymea Cont/erat (M, 5.30 30 nm 13 tta n t for Whlto ' KotadcK RHPJoel PMlio (811.4,8' 1,87 ERA),’ »«w*CltyRoTiU Hatt OonaMt. Hanabarg (.284.15,82). SS DoCbyCrotby Iff and Soij. RH Orlando Hem Hemandoi (8-2.3.30 Wftn ' ' * Iby l« Jamie Mojer (7-13,6J 1).RH(W OettomUnt: Crawford. Huff a/ BaWeiii are GIlMecM 104.5thwco, , (,23 Hi% 0«ltt Hm : RKP Podro Manine:, Ri Garttnd (12-11.4.891, 2004:58104 (.239.22. «4, Al RooMa OftM Ysar]. RF e:, RHP good twr# players. Out Pw)« >in)«ti« think* tM Vtnk«t|. RH Jen Garti (7-7,9.01), mBoee»Uadm*efi(M 83 .3 J7 . T6ny Pena (fouftn teaton). • Nidi . OenkUM.'SSOnandoCatKera.iOOi Nid> SwfiMr (.250.2.B in Sepiambar IBOoug ’ team It at least two y«aittawgylromreafr aw Kn RiUvrart: RH ShlngoTiVatiu Snini 164.2,31. eflar Xly 21 calupl. RHR>«i fVankU nUh (4-18. «HP Josa Um*. OF Tefrence long. calk Mlontlclawttt. 2BSS Pokey Reoto, RHP RHP Seott • inj iM beMnts of a toi>d3 (arm cdmp: .269,29.92 in Thple-Aj. 2B Mark> (an tystim. 19/20 ta«t).lW DanDamito Marta (64.3,42, 4.90) or RHAaron Sale (94. S.0SIO StorAna*arrero, 3DOuis TnAy. RHP Dennis Olla • Wllimion. OF Oovt Rotjerti. LXPMike 6/ 12). RH Uis Vlream ica«o(4^.3.75witn OFCEllMarr euia (.348. e. 52 in 2003: mluad Utt tatlaah«m),KnRilMwt:UlEddla Quart lanlado r,[f<FDeflrvHocUng.lNFChni ton Mym. OFGabo Ktpiar, RHP lliry Adarr Adamt, TwnttaBlMjq unHenMMon (69.4,93 «nMniey, aon wttn tfwuidar li^ury) or Kafin GMar i/n * Br»wen).RHOuttln.H( (3- aavet), LH RoniVUIorM VU (B«KP C«nii ftHP Ramlio Menc MendoM. 2OW: 67,94. Sth placo, wnhGianm.LflNaatC leal Cottt (4.4,5.65), RH Ciaotntw, lJ 6 lJ62JO|60hfMW«wk»e). fl. 4X8). RHSMtatoihl HatapMKM. (4 iHwt:30JotRanda,OFJuan rtatatlan: «u INF Rldv OuUemt. OH ElUt BuiM..RKP RkP r38).RHJonAflkiit(2-3. HalOotttHt Mattcm Jonn Gibbons (enter mien flnt full tea- • CirffPoima (Mi^^B). LHBany ZIto (11-11.4,48 ERA. B.18.0/8 tavet), RHJtfl NaUcn (1-3.033 (1-: Connit:.Ui LHP DunUMn.C Benito SanUfr 163 PodnjAiiacU, ton). 4.65), 163 Kt). RH RXft Hardan (11-7,3.99,167 J7 • for Tteai).lH Matt Thornton (w ;,4.13).RH 4.; ySUnnett,lNFOetJneiafo(iJ.lHP Kt). h tjio tiJ Unoup: CFJoiwFy Demon1(,304, (,3C H«^ Htn: 3B Corey KotkJo. 10. 0OHINF SMa HO- Hot Spot: Can tM 0flinl<\|iir*aD»flr«0f»C« oftin JO.CKaDySi Kt). RH Oan Karan (3J. 4.90 In 46 IP(or » *iBoMauo(ia.4.6a).RHjj.pum M(03, l>«t.flHPMWjdAtondo,OFO** . SLl 20 HRi . 94 RSIt. 123 Rt), SS Eogtr R( ^fR|nt^ • lenbrand. LHP Scott Schooner itlllerwyofOnJOMtIn SL Loula. U-4.4,16 In TtlpleA). RHJoa >ene«<ia. RHP Chtd - tM power and contliic 4.71). LHOaoita-SMnU(3-1.3.B0I som ai tf>Ryan BukvWi. Bar rts 1, S8 wnn SL UMitl. ouitl. U 'Caudin, mP Scofi Downt,I, INFJohnMcDonINI right neio? BlAntan (ll-B. 4.19 In THpl»A). W Oln . same* for Seana). UMWCFOavldDoJatu*|.287.T Mn Manrv RtmWi (.308, loa(u»4esding hg43 4; akJ.' •tatlDMtzWUllhO>(Ml scott FMt««lk Mayar (98.3.49 ERAIn DoubleA art] IHiplaplaHe(S«eeT7itttanart.Aftafa31-«i<n •KntMaon !Bll.BSei),LfTiienc«Lor« A)o KRt; 130). OH CMuld Omr (.301.41. i: 1.139). Ht^ OutU Hw«: IB Ctrlott D e indto toad off? It n IM fooK^Rt. 39 R Bli A) or KaUdV ViOu (80.3.03 In Jtpan) or Delgado. INF piaata ttsnd up and In 2003. t40|«f mfnatad or^ 7 mtti itn and rhp IB K«tn Mmtr (,297.18.74), C Jaton two (-»9.p. 28. 28.wftn San Otego), IB Mika ton . cnnt Gomer. SS Cnnt wmo > INFOF ooMrd, lenittt t»tted J1 44 (w « yean ago or tM RHPKJrkS*artooa(2-1.4.44). . needa ta nboinL Inlulu took thi» wirtod. ' ' Mftt*k(J96.ia.73|,RF1>otNlion(J 1.287,22.79)..0H M * n ^ ln Kn I n (-319. Om Berg, LHP VUtiiO DaI Lot LO: SanUt, RHP topnomort tiumpef •f Ht »no hit J 4 4 latt toaj SwwnnW! In RaBawtt RHOct^V) Ootal (66.3.69. 9. - «WiPiMlromIt*ln|moUortMitc< Mccndhvr ' 30/, 8,23.48 |*m«l|.3B Bill Moeller (.283 .283.12. PatHemgen.nHPKovinFrKle percontage? (-307.18..ee).a3Angt(BeiTT>«{JQ3.B. U ridartck. C Kavtn ton withjutle J1 13 3 oonoata r 38/43 aaMl. 133 Kl h 831-3 kvili«l)..RH RH «Wi*atnin*dfKrit«w»lnlalfnaa M*a.OM 57). 2B Mart. B«inom (.284,17.62.11 3.177 Cath, it). Budi (.239.12.30). Itf jut, ffiltaSo»mutt«t«too«J,*3.1*SBt). ' Bettsm Dnt: TM WMta Juan Cna (64.3,76), RH KJkaCalaro (3-1. -1. .RUUongDiliiltMlpfttRianonmi inM that. SO). ‘ , n(«notptnln™*or»ln2004l. j.Tl it« uu ovenwrM (M Otpan C>n>' Bnmn (< Praftetid U n ^ LTFVankI Citaianotto Cat (.293 pncMnj and Oafent« 3.7S. 3, .176 BAagilntt). LH RK(n)9 ftt> :)tnd n- ’ fwhad latt kitMAL In runa (698)« NotMaK RHCun SctillUng (21-6.3.26 E 4f« ■a>«9n n pradue*r» Let . 28 Tbry Grtft irtffa.’iiM(.2e3.3.36)orf)uMn : con (1-1.3.69. .300 OAVI. U(). - , .26 ERA. 1 HR. 26 ROIt) 20 Ortando H> H Hudton (.270, (um of poMr hm«n ccn rwR» IUM(138), FTtnMln ranked aecond a* In 203 Kl), LH(3W0 Wolit |12fl. 3,73.2C (daily with tm»iima MvP ' Ootn(-270, '0,1.461.3D Mark Taarwi (dkl H«(l 3.20 - 12.58).CFVimonW«llt(.27: (.272.33.67). 38 ind0n}0M2.'at00Cl4l') M Sw e ym> tM offiaaaon tndaa of MOff Of tMALinloaatabuihadnwsmRi tru^aup- 1 BBt in 195 2/3 lnnv«t Xth Stn Diegol >m«(enin2004|. • im i ilego). RH Corn Kotliio (.251.29.71). ( 1). OH SMa HuitnFiwk TMmu not opecudbodiw tliMn notplaylnmi ma l!« T)vM ee«i - Muldtr md Kudtcn n ’ p o r t h t M n ^ - . 3.14nnaparr irnlna Matt Oomom (9-13,3.68 -flh Oilca«o brand {,310,19.80 lor Anon noma). IB Enc ' atMraeovvrtfroman manUiturgiry. RatatWcAHJ IHJotaUm* 11:^6.4,07 for Loa ' - tM pmaura'Ml b« on ma HaltT heik - • lnnlr«tpKcha0.()utitadQ,lr(ur«9Ui I Uat y w ,,' 0*1). RHHm W«af«ld (13-10.4,87). 3rntZ«unU69. 87). iRH Hintl« (,246. IS, 69). C Gnt AngeietDods odgan),fiHZ»ckOfotnk»(e-U. ywr lou(«iUfi Hann, Meyer «id BUmen—to to atao mutt {Joat Mil. . BfontonAflOio 1109.4.03).. te^iD dtm 3.97).LHBni . 6.38)RFA)l«Ri0t(je6.1,; . t , 26).SSRutt BntnAndanon(6i2,8.e4|.-RH ' ddaow tn Vtht Mnt ta maka Rfiadi to mtIM - atatstM b 8*tQ)*biek»ouitr)*Ma la ae t'' Kn M t a m RHKann FMks (5-3.2,11 2,17, A0amt(.306,4.10), .. 3004;80B2.3rt)plac«i Ue«(l3Ban>oiB*eK). Runer^Han KamanM (dkl not prtiAin 2004). ' pit|< p lt) ^ . a t M c t Sll'4 mniJon ta lirt« In Otl Qtftraand |M ALwfth 43 tM l). RH Mika Timlin ilin(S4, (9 -Reti(leR:RHRoyH4liadn(88 (88.4.20 ERAL Manifar: Erie.VMgi (V jKWWtaaten), .RHOennyBai BauUtta (04.6.49 wtth BaAlman Stall tal Sbaat Om , Rr tn thair iw n ii In OahM- .pSazaoivtoaddrmthaoRmaiwiiM K ^ 8 a » '. 4.13). IH AJ*n EmOTM(22.4,13), R RH k 4n’Mii>ii«od.3BAtiw .sndKantaK MMatt IH Tod Uliy(ia-10.4,06)..RHOavUOutn(SBH Hav Haw RHP KMi Ml HOW , , Und Und. Kudttn and Mulder eombmad (w ona f* mM a?utlatty«arbulb>M7M . 45 MIA Mtmtl (M. 11,81,12 gamel wiw AruoM). Aruo • 4,3.e9).lHOuttMO\»Mi(: wi(M,2.97),RH ' BooM.OPJuan-aontak ]ntaia:.WFAiuCora.iHP K n iua wm:LHJ»r»nvAffel<R(M,4.95, w ■tn.i ■h.dw M Anal mcrnh Utt laaaon aa tht (ht HAa.tn4Bait7ilionteftn«|Hna^ •^rtalng n»Bay). JotnT9«*f* (M,5.11). JoM Ktttma (78.4,70 Mftn TtmM t JotaHamandatLKPAi KPArmurRnod*t.RHP ;13/16tav*i| 1*1). MIU MacOM«aj (}-t B.S8.. ' Kt t !i)'«)Mniaradafou«anwla*daiivint'’. . I'-. .■ aun.Th*yiat«)rinin*,itlitv««6 C N ta cn rotwon. Wtth Martmej tmet . NnfMfftcKRHMCMiBatit Mltia (l&U. ' Paul Sftun- ' .•lt«rt),RHK HI^Sn)4M((UnotpRCMn tr » md muaed tha. piayofti «x tha flm •r«ala nl Ucar>yBwlnt4 )hr*een|i«aacna natorhH-, . oxSox K(ffKl * jBO. 8/9 aM t), RHMUn Si •nd lOM lott ta frto tgancy. Rid JnSp«W(36; . - HaliOuttaHMKSSOm 3 0ma<VUi]u»l.0FUatt- - .2004|,Nital taneU(M.4.26). tinw Um eW nw lW ... UraBkeBoQM.andbanti, d»p«nd on impros^d Ma m tnd ■comert. noacom 3.91.7 /U tM t). RHiaton I tonFraior(4-4. . iMon. INF/OF Louu.Mertoni.CTlml*rtf. Mei . IWIpaeThlB UtdbBia.W mtM Royslaia)., Batta attan t t a i n u A%Matnarad M toaaaa o(' ■aOaaiUwDitUaMWiaraeaftain aot taints i I crumpt4.06,17/10 lowt). RH BwM -’ ktM8MM;TMB8y«arMtKtdS«netcrut irsndon Laaguo (1IB/OHJoshPMioilOf! l.OfAlex£*co6tr.lNF (WtcwdMJ . - ammonfMnatwvmenctiilio AoMM,. OfltAlp Qrougtil It M f tn4 Rod Soi I . 0. 0.0 0 ERA),IW Scott SOwr hoenaw«it (»9. John MeOonakJ, RHP fP.‘ackCrt^|f|nd.RHP ' Qlnaderamlt SoiMy^, .* th a m lM h w ti« ^ h if » ;g .WWi act.j^- 8(nday,Mvth27,2( 7,2005 TIme»M«wi,TV»fnnttildah laho 0 6 f o U ]r S f TS Toumcey raise!JS m o n e yj for H(obson sM agic Va^ e y YourSports Dak: 733-09 '■093J, E xt. 239 (Hours: 2-11 , '1 pjn.) te n nlis released w inners ri TlwTlm>»Wcw»_________ RUPERT — n iJ s i t a rr's ’s n] t h A nnual M inl-Cossb Benefit cfitVblleyballTbum am ent ralficd n o re dm • thnn $ 2 5 0 0 (0 help defray n iy the m edical bills a n d funeral ro l ex* pen se s fbr Grin Atkins H o3bbsso a H obson'w aa diagnosed ^ ith K lw H o d^dn's Lym phom a she sh o rtly ' after graduation from1 h i ^ sch o o l Sho took chem othci hcro p y for several m onths. A y e a r Jafter ' h e r neaffiients sh e w as1 a{ again diagnosed w ith the sa mtee ccan* TVWN FALLS - The resultslof 0f' the Ihe February Magic Valley TbnrUsToumamcmwcreasfoUmvs: ^ # tf' S ( ■i ^ O gH m CCL Tlie second b atde w as lor lo nger a n d ‘harder, b u t followin vin g a stem ccD transplant, sh ce once 0 again set th e canccr back.LNearNl Jy five yeara later sh e devcio tdopcd A M I, a form o f leukemia. ^ then, sh e w as a newlyv flywed. a n d both sh e an d h er h uisb s ban d w eic fuQ tim e college smu d en t ts a t Idaho State Unhferelty. ^ .ITh c y had b e ^ th e e:g}eni >eiuive process o f finding a b o n ce m n a r' row transplant w hen th c ben benefit to u m a m e n t organization jn got invoh;ed. m ttw The'tw o-dm to u rn am en 1 as directed, as It h a s been fo rrm m any , ycare, by ^ t t Bcck w ith h he^ from m any friends a n d ploy ilaytira. A rafile w as h eld d u rinl g th e to u rn am en t to d isp erse je th e m any prizes ^ n by th e2 pl players an d area merchants. The tou rn am en t throw IWsS aU th e participating team s in L to pools an d the best team s go I to goln th e A dMslon, vrfille th c rnext g r o w goes into th e B divlsioi sio n . •Wmner o f the 13 team1 tc tour- V ’ackard, person tea m o f Kevin Pai W omen's 3.0 — I. Becky .■ Chris S ch m ah l, W es Startin S Lassen, Buhl’ 2. Kathy DealJ.an d Rex Golay w on thlee l\vin TW IWln Fails. .Falls Men’s A ssociationJ Open( Men's 3.0— I. Mike Duify.TWin ing Scram ble rec cndy z ’ at the • ftills: 2. Danny Jackson, Jeroma ", T\vin Falls M u n idllp a lGolf-' Men’s 3.5-l.B U iyV andevcr, Coursc. Rupen: 2. Kim Lee,l\vin Falls. Results Men’s4.0— 1. Eric Hid).T\vin I. Kevin Packard, Chris Fail Falls: 2. Scan Timoncy, l\vin Schmahl. Wes Startin, n , Hex ^FaUs. Golay, 56. 2 (lie). Scott Jerome,, /A rturo’ M U ul n I o p e n in g s c ia m b le Maninez. John Irwdn. Mik [ike MeMasters,'58. w wilin n e rs a n n o u n c e d 2 (tic). Kevin l& lly Patt Bums, I TWIN FALLS - The four- E dN od.T om B im ilkcl.58 58. a ■ neftt Volleyball Toimume;tt A divi Iviilon w as la it yeat'o Winner of the IM ewtm n U th Annual M biK tu la Boneft team. Rom left are Jtnnea Carter, Donna Peterat * ftn d ln « champion Bohon/Carter Bo n o n , Brooks Bohon, Lsvl Bohon, Nile Bohon, fnd C u te r and Amber Carter. H H Na 1 nam en t A division1 ^a seed was last ycarls I ris defending cham pion Bohon/Ca; C arter team . mea consisting of Jam e Carter, D onna Peterson, Broo rooksBohon. Levi Bohonl Nile Bohon. Bol Fred Carter an d Amber Car Zimcr. T he second-place x Ai d h ris lo n N a 2 seed was the h e B atem an anscn.Thnya team w ith Vickie Hans fl ^ ra » Moyes, M att Anc to d erso n , Ali N dson. James Batcj atem an a n d Jared P ra tt T he Baten .temon team took th e B o h on/C ^ an e r tea m to a thirdset'gam e, e, bbu t would iiave h ad to v d n marem o re atchtoclaim the dtle. TheWinmUlT) illk u n w o n th c B dhdsion w ith1 Carolyn C Jensen. Janae MltcheU, eU, Janel Adams, Brock Wli VlnmiD. Derek WInmlll .and Maro rco WlnmiU by com ing through1 the t losers bracket to w in in two tv grueling three-set matchcs. T he Bn 3rad B ohon team took second in the B division w ith W ade Edg dgar, Kim Bohon, Brad Bohon,Ap ftprilJensen.ColcM einOnlshL ers and Jennifer Jei ' Y o u i S p o r t s I n b il( rie f~ B l a c k; eBELT TEST |g ^ ^ B | [S lounced ^ Y A B A T v'w i n F a l l s t o u m e y r e s u l t s a n n < TWIN FALLS — T h e Yfl YABA TVvin RiUs a ty l b u m a m e nntw t 1 as held March 5 a n d 6 an d awa iw ards w ere isssued o n March 26. This is a very com plica u'cated visions tournam ent w ith four divlai< for team , singes, d oubles t an events, in d u d in g dhrisii /Islons for boy and ^ rls in th c ^Singles a n d all events. ^ Now if th a t Isn’t enjough, ou handicaps are Qsurcd differei Jrently b y dMslon. However, In1 tc team a n d doubles, die division n can d handicap arc determ ined by b y th e ojdest m em b er o n th e team te t . I rT ru 'V-t UET S G o • p ______ ^ _ B oOvW L IN G A naf lr to f " ™_______^___ I .niEmbcisIs Now ages for YABAm their age a s of August lstl,2(XM.A sU eW heder. blgThank^butoLesJli BA, for figursecretary o f thc YABA, in g th isa H o u t o ld e r Division I, ages 15 and t I h e ReplaceTfeamwaswonDyTh* m M ts," JeN Jaae e McCracken, JustlnBuridxartai ttandM ichaclTbtley at 1,936. Doubles Do went to mny,’ CecdIaMU"B oheba& B unn loyandB obbyC r rCris(obolatI,281. Giris sin g es w was as won by Tbya M osesw tth613p 13pins;boys,Chris Marquez, 6 6 6 ..Allevcntsforboys All was Shane Rack! ickhom w ith 1.923 ^ e s t o n 1,826 for IJIsta Egglc 1>5g>t RacKham w ith w on by Heather H a 631 am m d boys w as w on by Nicholass Parsons. I 610. D oubles w ent to “VestPar.-NidiQlasPar“M so n s and id A nthony Vest. 1330. All events ts for boys w as \von by AnthonyV /Vest, 1,854 for the boys a n d Broo 30ke New lan at 1.970 pins, giris. Is. D ivisor on in is for ages 9-11. T eam w wiinners w ere “C ool Flames," Caitlln Harvey, Cheyenne n e Uker an d Kod Jo M oses bo}o\vling 1,589. D oubles w e n t 0to th e "U ttle O nes," Cheyenne n e U ker a n d t o t l Jo , Division n is is for 1 ages 12-14. T tam honore w w ent e to “Three o f a Kind," Nicholas olas Parsons, Tyler Black a n d A ntho th o n y V e stw iih a score o f 1,790.I. Giris Gl sin g es vras Y o u r S )CORESA> ( ND . SCTA ■S p ?= • s ICfSMESUSSvZatoiCta: nunuHn Ulster Robbins leaps over two obstacles obs to break a board durln{ Ing his eating for his seconil dagreo blaci ilack belt recently. ■ ' ___ — Mo: 4oses, 1009. Girls singles honn- th e Mogic Bowl and ors\vent to Jcssica Jenkins. 631 trs 31 Bowladrome o n Sati Iturday and Ml mornings. You will agree cc they m d boys, Ben Jacobson, 581. All ler did a n e a t job o f luiOi locking M ints for the boys was Tyier evei lg their * Bla( ilack. 1,499 and for llie ^ I sIs,. down those pins during annual City T ournam cn cnt. So Cail id d in Harvc>', 1,658. iici let’ s not Ict tnose Junior Bo Bowlers I Division IV is for ages 8 and ^ out do us. "Let’s G o BowUi to g ! ’ und m dcr. Doubles was won by T he h Dalton Gang," Russel D al-. 10 Tlielma writes a colum im n for . ton an d Michael Tellcy at 9-10. on \burSpons. Yau c a n conta tact tier Sin( 1Ingles was w onby Mi chaclTeta t 733-4357 or b y e-m v ai ll at leyi [rywilhhis424. TTlhese VAM bowlers bowl jij ai ixu c\xr^im ^c lin k.c o m . STATS S z"z:zi 1^ : :edOMSa.CMtHI}<r.C4)tet«21 trrjM^'O.CrilaZiixai.Ciral jcwM ecMaraiiRFti^uxm.c*'^ '^'"nawTMi ion .aifWiCitaRliSmrtit?. • ues SR£3 t)nn Snn!M.M bwe«y U7. [Um S aa S eslS iS S w w V ^ e m ih.ph •f .Mensai-Fuli•r^ m ciM i TAAJIE :[»IWllW«a9c6te:»>H[Wt K ^M UM SnxlV^ fSSiaJnauww.uo.' oLaMiMntiaoars to^SL0MlMi2U.T»rtaM. , f w S S S n ?y-^rt!tlSSwosYu ^ ® r™ : .taPnsstSllM eOi<M>zi>(MKnyr. S s rS * ss eC^aCn]l<.CtnryUxniClCcm« ^ HrtrflBi M LhMCMitn.JWr g f f iS ,. KnainUMHt.j«7iu ' ^ Z V » « ^ S S ^ W l Co* «11, jOW,C>»». 42M .ea<^a2. tS : EtZ25-'s«lessv::r. r .iif s r s iiH as:: SSi .1 S S V s ^ „ DMiAjaBBiunMn] f f l S S e S ■ n a ^ K oE|]MU7.NR|ft9<EnC<nii6Mr * nom cBM m imJnCEomm JIR0MEB0Wl,iER0ME tfJiT OrtS^OBcbWoeK^r^M). DrmUrte y i t i u5^vinlew S l ^ Bo S: JU tXn Hn«.•« AorT»pnM, tl, g « s £ F f f iS s f S S na»»■^tl)nlDw■i^ an fttaC M rT HlAS^MDnltaani. e^ f f — — i l . pUM0«*it7. '. s H S S p4S ^S \ \ ^ ■ ■ H * PLEASANTVAllEY GOL ■ M S n A iW lh c ttc m ',. S ln g to g o tl o n ly $ 2 p « < v t« 9 0 » o n ly F « f n ir y a o H b n h i » A D ln c ^ ttltttB tn d f n in m n fl ? u r Y w c tn id d ia rtp B tlg rts etss ,.k id .u - COMEO(/rM)JO(N/N7H 'n e m C «04A M tfA rA w tT ta m r i ® mcm nctrcmta.MMinUHaiMv as m g i^ to w ^ ( l o t ) T’*M4 4 1 6 0 (100)951 KOO; l ^ j lir f ilie r f lla 8 8 f ie p a li ^ 15% “ FF ■' with this ad through Apn'i: 3300 s • loePov owtus (208) 734-2( 2060 . .?69’'A ddison Av( Kve. W, Twin Falls, ID183301 a: G la s s ^ B 421 Eastland Dr. • ’Twin Falls Fa 734-9877 . [■“ '■ " 'W B M B H Tbcreibr !■ IB ^ H |N S I a s s s s fa s M n « • Quality Auto Glaj S in |E a lrP ric e B » fV ie n d ly 8tervice er •*.All work done by PPG Prosta ms 3^ /N G A Certified 'Ifechnid^ • 60 State L ife-'i^e Warrimi ra n ty ' • . • FREE Mobile Service • 2 Locations in tbe Magic:Valley Vc to serve you MMnMCi.WMBa.inOM O ] " SUmUICE,TOO. im rc u m w 7 9 4 F a Il li A J n n t IM n F o O ti,!! ,ID 8 3 3 0 l S o a l C o T O , ? o p 8 aa q d . Reaidential, Comn m rrw rcto^ a n d Auto u n ra o M iMlkKMyia a - ^ e( £ EOHKER'S SUFBEI r \ 1601 Overland Ave. Burle rley U 678-2229 n eaJa M fin ca u C c ira esl S L * S ,.,rrw * -.« p f ^ til Niat tHKnIii AM GcRWM a to a t o N»-VU(X e o c Q S ^ w lS S l K 5 fS w a K « M 6£» SI»,CW| crrs'aw?A vna » . nrr sno }is. On *£Rttor.1 tew a PUCo-a ««r H*. s s s s a i® ® ^ w tti. L M tai in EM r M-e W 'tWi « or?(32l^eSiam(niitM,wiu.,ai,i-»« SSS fe i ^ S |& a l7 * * ^ io , CMi^ 01.e»w (■ ■ svijii KjfT * s s s “ * " ” '“ ' “ uucBowuiwuniu — JOJrWUBnn .M C M m jni 2< ^ ttgg sSs K K S S S S S ’ Bas SSS ujSnSr^r^SSsS . E S S a .1 ! SW K S alS.luK E f u a i' M JgCk Itt 5ai«i m *. ttOfl W. T«mw ^ ; r ~ : UOKJJMOftS Hm I go im ts c s oMHIIS«.TCKr*«r<07.UiFMl. a niniUl WCwej;Canvr»«»'‘l.*«»I>a'<<i iS c S m in PaSMCWM ijgjy “ Z Z l •l.tJKfiHlS u SOSS: Cuwi WMn}<7.KBt, Om>: mzx.\u, ' E » s , •■ Butamwrn • ■ I - - - e M 'e y o u u p t o r g iv e llm m Q 9B Call T I j L . T oday! 678-22290or 734-9877 Pre:em nupon et time qfpurchc rth o it.C h o d J o ryfia ijh ie ld s Only. ^ _ ll' • ~T—I----- 2 L • 3 • r, t sE Y o S u n d a y , M arch Z\ 27, P ag e C -6 ■ f ,E x f .2 4 2 . ______ BusinessEtBtor.Ya^ 2005 ew s T h c . T i m c s -i-N ] B r ie f dl y ' i n M o nJEY e . CSI offers Job) kshop research works (p w * TWIN R U IS — T he 'C enter for New Directions att t^i th e College o f S o u th em Id Idaah o is id o n al reolierlng a free occupatlo search workshop. H ie w orkshop aim13 s t'(0 h d p paitidp o n ts sort throug ) u ^ (hcfr, options for (raining and c idcarecrs,' and Vi'cigh th e factors oofc3q>ec(fc stm e n t in cd pay, required investir training a n d job availabli sirchareas Partidpants will icscard nation an d of interest for a n occuparii choices. compare occupational1chi The inform al free workshop woi Thursday. is set for 4 to G p.m. Thi The session is open for ir irindM clualizedhelp. 6 6 8 0 o rlTo sign up, call 732-668 800-680-0274, ext. B681 H ie regisuation deadline IsslUesday. Hi )■ ..... — ■ H H M M w ■ ' SupeM sion courst rsefb r lu es m anagers continui TWINFALLS— T he s le second element o f th e four-phas( lascBasIc Supervision coursc for m an ageis will b e held Thur hursdays, April 7 i h r o u ^ May 5, 5. a t th e CoUcge o f S outhem Idaht la h a The class is coo'rdlnal [naied by iness D ethe iQaho Small Busines velopm ent C enter, CSI CSI an d Boise State University ty at n d is geared to th e needs o)ff ppresent and future supervisors.i. c sppartid Supervision II teaches jiants about coaching ntlal candidate John Kerry, arrlvn m aircraft, charted by presidential A Boeing 757 in a tU io lV tin R iIlia lip o ttomn IAug. 1 4 ,20t)4. The private plane piar was one of many that use)Ut ie ' fudlng antii hangar r« Ing Service, doing btulnesi at Joi aervlces of Reeder Flying! loilln H lld. * Hinds By Megan Hli Tlme»ti8w»^ r» writer_________________ IFALLS—Busiiiessisj is gaining altitude at: Joslin J TWINI ilagjcValley Regional1Airport Ai Field, Ma , I n t h 6e past year, two new w private ; aircraft har angars uilt, two flying services] es made significant ex ;xpanwerebuil m airport grounds,, and a commercial ai airline SiOHS Oil 5t Inc. expanded its sen ervices. And more pro rojects SkyWest: the horizon. are onth rt!! managem ent and delegatl The S390 fee for eachS el< m ™ indudes ali program mat materials. Discounts a rc providedd to th o s e who sign u p for m ore th thaa n o nc ' clem ent o f th e course o r I ganizatlons th a t register 1 morc Individuals. . Prercgisiratlon is required; req contact Sherry Rust at 73; oratsnist@ csi.edu. , Port; producers hold he in q u e t m eeting and banq o n a new 8.000-s ^•squareid Is accdemdng,’’ said Bill construcdon coi iVay The C aibeny.airi airport manager. • foot fi>o han g ar a t 161 Joslin Wa houses som e of d ie! com c paCarberryst y said tliea lq jo n ’sgrovirthls hangar hai planes, W^ilker sold. foUowing Mr Magic VallcC^s rapid com - ny'seigh( n^ Walkersaid Spur Aviation wants w; (o ' m erdal and id rrcsldendai growth.' \ to expand by adding “H’s j u s t a nr atura ltren d o sd iev a lley condnue coi continues lo 10 grow," he said. T h i s is and ani upgrading dicir radio sy )f industry that follows (he bu( bui (he grow th all depends ooin conIhc type ofl! up s ^nd dow from d ie BLM. He couldn't a !owns of Uie economy, a n d tracts trai ^ we're looking elaborate o n th e BLM contrac Ing good r i ^ t now.” cla! wei week b ccausc th e govemment issued th e m yet, he said. th e r m ean s “T he contracts aren't oui yet,' n.'W alkg o o d b u ssiinn e s s er said T hursday.'L ast week theysald thi 'iadon, a TWin Bills-bascd ItIt w v ould b e next week, and thi his week Lisinessthatprovldcsrccon- they the said 11 w ould be next week «k." VMker \ is anxious to get thos naissance an d c o m m u n ic ad o n loscconir Bureau o f Land M anage- tracts trai bccausc, he said,, diey'U support for E Qghters, Is looking tow ard translate tnu into 30 pcrcent grov . m en t flreDgh owth for ier w ith som e tmccrtointy. die the company. icr weather often sparks the "Wc’ro sitting around on pii an d diess ttha( keep the com pany needles ri« w iidng," Walker said. busy, said ow ner Mike Walker, T h c y saly y lit's going to be a good flro ftf. G ro w in g b u s i n e s s c llm a tc [fQ said. “But d ie n (h(w . , season.-WVolker all said lhal las( Jasi year and it rain ed all h e lp s A rm e x p a n d te r avia1summer." I sprlng-andsu Business is good for chartc idon bic. I. Spur Aviadon com pleted don doi com pany iPredsion Aviadc L .ir a l l .S , TWIN FALLS — T hhee Idaho Pork Producers annual1 ba banquet, and m eedng will be h d d Saturday in Roo m 276 0 f th e Col C o l!^ of Southem Idaho'sIhylorBu rB u ilc ^ ' R e ^ tr a d o n will oe Irom froi 6:30 . lo 9 am .Jo h n C arr.a n Io w erinarian. will be the m met)m iiic speaicer. A ban q u et lunc u n d l will • I k served a t noon. The aftem o o n meetin 'd T M ; ^ a( 1 p m w ith Jodi speaking o n " P ro iea Pig.’ y -M iy one Interested is invltea For info rm atio n , call Bennett a t 543*4412., Dryweatlii CSI offers small business worksho hop ■ TWIN FALLS - Tllo h e Idaho Small Business Dcvdo{ ijo p m cm Center at (he Coilcgc o f SoulhOT Sot Idaho will hold a one-c\ w o r k u p for small-busine ero torstem 6:30 to 9-30 pjT 27 at thcoQ lccsof Dodos a sodates, 397 Bhic Lakes Blv “Everything You Want 'ant (and is Need) to Know About Tlixcs'' Tli: lessovm designed (o help business ers b etter-understand th thee taxes (hey m u st p ay and Icam a m tcch^ niqucs to reduce (hem. J. Dodds, a certified-pubU countant, will discuss; updates u; tax laws, a n d reccnt changes in tax tech niq u es to defer oorr s h if t. (axes, structuring (he business bu cndty a n d m ore. T he fee is $40 p er• p« p e rso a Spouses' o r business poj m ay enro ll for a n aadli $10; con(ac( Sherry Rus( a 32s(a(7 6455 or a( srust^csLi'du. r ■ jb K ^ I ^ a italTITnporta I0{ '................... ................ ________ y j n 'Honme sellers frt ret as moi)itgage rates: 5rise * ■ higpl , ' - , T w i nr F a l l s a i rrfp o r t s e e s « p n v aa t e i n d u s tlry g r o w t h a as welL The compj npany, h eaded by 20year pilot Mark rk Doerr, m oved its from (he Jerome airoperations base: fn las( falL The p o rt to Joslin Field FI com pany leasess oofllce space in the rt’s terminal, Cort>cny TWin Falls airport’ ^ i s depart from the said, a n d its flight TWin Falls runways ays. Precision Aviadc adon operates a sinR l c - e n ^ e , five-i e-passenger Cessna l\irb o 206,iTcll as well a s a [& e*passcnger, tw in -en ^ n e ti turboprop King Air' 200. T he compan; lany caters to M a ^ professionals w oiim g Valley business pro for corporations IS ai n d agri-business Qnns, IS, ai n d it offers pilot instructii nlon and1aircraft air m anagem ent servicess fio r Indepe: ^ n d e n t pilots. “Tlie In e m ove (olW in Falls and (heeaa cqulsidc sidon o f d ie King Air will allow w us tobettc «tter ca(cr (o (he scheduling nee eeds of }ur ourcus(om ers tiirough Increasi ased ■ Toft availability and tiie p re d se i airaalt e in strumc uncnt a p p ro a ch capablU provide vlded a t tiie M arie Valley Regior onol A l^Kjrt," r t, D oerr s a ld ln a statem ent, It. Oirtv larbcrry ^ d D oen's abili(y to o p : erate idori le aa successful charter aviadt compai ipany in TWin Falls speaks w diU l of Please see FlYINO, PageiC8 C er } rates climb higher I r t ^ e a r m o rtg a g e i ' )flt ago raios on 30-year, a ortgagosrosotoe .01 porcont am a this we according to a notionwkto s k) survey by Froddle Maa tt was .thosM ilxtti consocutivo wookly Incroaso, ISO. Weekl avorago 30-yeor mortgago ig o r e te a n% 8in% ’ O.Ope; I I s.e IHlllMI Home sales S o lo s o t existing hom 98' es docroQSOd last month. 70 mink I fl-70 ^ I. I I A ni tim e since laj . th a t h d p e d: plast u June. Bccause 3a. — A four- est rates —1push lm u p oth er interMARIETIA. Ga. - Induding th e jdeld iJtn . Jan. J a a Jan.- Fob. F«b.' >. F Fit). Fab. Mard) March U«di Mmh ' bedroom ranchI hom h e widi a o n d ie lO-yca 3 10 17 24 ' I J*e 13 20 27 3 10I 17 34 •ycar.TVeasury note, to finished basem ent and swim- . w hich tends —— M A M J J A 8 0 NNID J F Is tol Influence m ort:E:Frwi>9«Mae dooUng a golf gage rates — m lng pool oVerlo< A 2004 2008 n o<ne of Gror- (okc longer—fothey say It could soorce; course fairway in r for should th eir hom es ai people to sell gla% to p school districts dis AP igo.A ndstoricsofbldding olo f th e Georgia Assodadon n ocf beast^fo rS S O S)9,000. .C . w as natt th e prices diey , ycaragc pushing sales prices tai M Mortgage Brokers. Not foM w nerr Sherry SI Hersh. Sofar.thoug) In Cailfpnila, som e industr u stn Uonandup,arcnYscQlnj Insas& ist - ^ S v e!^th d r asking prlM condnfislnterestratcs ing o f the 3ugh.slgnsofaslow hoi w ho b l a l i ^ rising i drculateln m iW m ark c ts, ol observers ore projecting a gntd as th e y did In recentt im onths. housing joggcm aut u e to d r for keeping h e r nom hi e on the ’ a rc m ostly ano U ngN ew YorkC/tyondthc uiual slow down b i pricess aas sa id B arbara Frankel-/ 1-Abrams, onccdotaL Inchidlr y aayean New -hom e m arketfqr nearly b s o fW ia h in g to n .n C . biborrowing costs rise and allbrd lord-' vice p resident o f anWlaatjo m e ’I t i m ad e It mor lo re difllcult to 9.4 pcrcent nIne Fsales soarcd-by suburbs n M econom ists a re fbrc- alability bccom es on even mnore or sonR ealtyG roup. In February, th e govgvcni sell Jt.'* says Hcrah, sh, w ho runs,a e m m e n t rcpor acutelssue. ig 'th at h o m e sales a n d at “M aybe c a n ^ g a a qi u a rte r o n Thursday, casting small prom odonx onol products A nd while ported sal Mtmiflring prices a re likely ^ •'T h e p icture for CaUfoml im la . p e rcc n t increase {In inti nterest) is ^ com pany o u t o f hhie r suburt»in (nvned homsales es o f previousfy e v c rliifm ortgD m ratcscontln- hi h a s be en g n ^ b u t I think bthha a s m o re fbnnldable a t dial la t price,” nes dip p ed 0.4 perto co o li Atlanta hom e. “It's *lt'i m ade m e , c e n d a stm o n tl ' hea d i d ^ e r th is year, ststarted cnohglnft'' 'sold Bruc nic e sh e sa ld . m ore c o n sd o u s ooff w hat I will w o e betteronui. thi th e tc3uIt»stlU ue to ):on 30-yeor. 0 x ed -rate NNorris, p re s k fa jT o f n tt Noiri ^nris Sin Oty^ housing moj laxkethas : than analysts wen: Rates c g e tfo rth e h o u sein ino rd e rto b u y forecasting. iogesroscthlsw cckforthe G: Grotq), a real estate InvcstmcQ neat been hot d m i^ the ppee riod o f . mortga^ a new house." A tth e so m e i v e d c ln a rtw a n d n o w o v - acom paiw . " Ih e ie ^ certalnh ilnly low interest over i e last t th n e dme, th e m edian . stu b w c Real esuite and n ortgage ex- price for new 1 dm Just obovo ,6 p c rc e n t gc going to b e upcom ing weakoes Bess several. yeaiB. But sonu me moit* :w h om es w here crage J: p e n j fo ,n i Los , ngeles to halfsellfbrm ot s A In C ^ o ^ pecause we^«rjust Jus n m e .A y e a ra g o th e y a v - ui gageag^ iaL B sV teaa aabelieve o io5 re a j^ h a lfsd lfo r o i ^ n w Chlcoffo to Atlanta i( a .s ^ H e ta b ^ l e s s ^ rose bbout gotten to th e point wher l5 .4 p ero e m . bt uere • that riilng lates could i rt to d sta e 5a p ercen t from a eragedS me m ore com- y e a rea iiler(o case could bccorae lat^ h a p p en ln g w lth rotes w w oV e jid ce d .o u r t}^lcal b i ^ . put the brskes^on thdrih1o u slo ii ■viliai m o n In (he wakesof(heFcderaI of In February.(o Foia rocord $230,700 out o f his ability to-make'thi d n g th e sd le rv ro rB e d u m ' oi I die I bcknn. making K moree i Rcscrvei d e d slonn (his ( w eek to th e m edian^F prioredsdnghom es, Ishurtln ;fi buyei* a n d bonio prices m i ,'V I forseHera...:I .remlght bonk lost m onth,I pricc an w as $191,000 Uis (he Increase th e oven H l g h - ^ ^ S e s In partt o . "Pooplfl have dedded Uteo o u t if n o t go a little taof e d th e y te , an a p ercen t in- wlBflatt *said Boh ^q t i c ^ ; d i ^ p t i c ^ a t $1 mil len d in g rate forr th ti e seventh , creasc fromI thi mQ* ' Pleaso seoMORTaAQE; tP s g i.c s ^ thb m o n th a lowtf,''s. PreM________ ITia A iioclatw l Pr& E vening TWIN FALLS Evi at te ach co m pu(cr d a s s c s (hat Dme an d b ^ c skills In m ost homi am s will ofHce softw are program; at ; begin th e flrst week o f April Ai . th e CoUegc o f Southern I aha m Id Most o f tn e classes mec nect o n c evening a w eek for five ^ bl! weeks andcam onecT cdiL Introductory classesI in d u d e Spreadsheets, Windows, V3, W ord Processing, In te m c t.'' Q uickbooks, U sing a Scanner ner and Microsoft Offlce. An Intn n tio d M toiy course in com puten (ers olso will be ( a u ^ ( In Spanish ilsh. For (hose w ho are pursuing I g o< r Investlgadng a carccr remti d ated to information technology, y, a t v ^ credi( PC P re p d a s s W b e ' t a u ^ t o n I b e s d a y a n dJ Tl T hursday evenings. For Inform ation about a th e classes, co n tact 01 O lcnka Paredes a t 732-6441 ^41 o r oparcdes@ csLeda . ncreaseed concern -U . fis CSI plans evening gg com puter classes rh ^ a ig 'S- ______________ ImniI S iiid m M iR ii n .sK»5 ix i j )U R Commerctal drfvers Cook, Cheyney a n d Sweet ------ 1 offer a variety o f Inve ivestm ent products and servicessinduding in several mutual funds, \ s, variable annuldes and variablesunhrersal uj d l Ufeinsunmca 9 fl| Farmers Insurance^G Giroup of Ion's thirdCos. Indudcs the nadon J H largest homes and auto to insurer. ! ■ Based In Los Angeles an anid doing business In 41 states, I 3, Rrnners. .provides home, auto, bi life insurance a n d fli ' Lois RaMpjez M laSonnun services through 15,000 I »j slve agents ancl r ^ ^ s r i T W l‘ ] F A U S - PProrc H j ^ ^ l B I fcssioiuIThic DrivingSchCK announce ih c m d u a d o : of three stu dents, e a c triples ani i KentSonraon h a z a r d o u s I m a te ria l j endorsem ents. te d ' L ouis Rodriguez g rad uaate t Feb. U . He will wo A forWemei , M ike S oren so n m d u aate tc fd ; M arch 10. H e wiU work fo r I C en tral ' K en t S orenson graduate) ated ; M arch 14, H e will w ork fo r i C entral RonHepwxth Bu‘SINIESS i ■ p55i Mke Diettich Ja n u a ry S ' ” “C n 5 [ m • In s u p p o rt -S c c u riv o fDeer D onald R itter jo in e d C actus Petes inA prill991. • In gaming — Mike DietC ham ii Brewer ^rich. . w ho etes In Novemjoined Cactus Petes tte c h n ld a a ber2003,lsasIottec :d ^beverage — * ^ Beverage server /er C harm ln Petes in Brewer joined CCactus ad )utors |n |j H I n s u ra n c e a g e n ts !'---------------------Falls - TWin FaU residents GSary ar Cook an< and S h a y 1 0o In Q icyney anc and Klmberiy resi d ent Cat “Scott" Swee o f the Farmer ners I n s u r a nIC c tC lave I Q *vCook ^irtof I ^ — becom epaito a group 0 F a rm e rs naU professional: now licensee iffer to , ofle in v c s tm e n t products, ir in th e addition to thi t r a d l t i o nn aa l i n s u r a n 1cce 0 products thei Ihey I ShaytaiCheyney already pproro :__________ vide. ' T h e= 3y passed the th e s e c u r i t iice !s liccnse e x o n and com plct 'je te d a sp e c:Iallil Izcd trainint m p r 0 g r a1 tr sponsored b} Farmers ^Fl' n a n c l a :1 I jC, : Cal ■Scott’Sweet SoIuUonsLLC the b ro kleerer ' dealer afilliatc. ■ L ^ ^ ^ « J i_ ia a >Meadows JacUsMt^ifiy VhcoM ^ r J m /S lonieAbetastiil Jakel^ C o m m e rc ia l d r iv e r s T W lN FA LLS-TheTt :T o p G u n d e m y in Thick Driving Acadei TWin Falls said Ron Hep [epw orth, Jim M u n h y and Jacklc Jd c M urp h y gracTuated March-1: i - l l ,e a c h w idi a Q oss A com mercial erc driver’s license w ith eodorsem ents. graduated M lran Bartolovlc gnti M arch l4 ,an d V b iceM e VfeadowB, a n d Jake Lonnie A berastiui anc <arch 18, Daniels graduated Mar eachiviihaC lassA com imim erdal \vith driver’s liccnse endorsements. a C a s in o w o rk e rs _ JACKPOT, Nev. —- C ( actus Petes Resort Casino aruic threew lnncrsofrccentei ce awards. .A d o p t io n a g e n c y b e g i nIO s I o p e r a t i n g In Id a h o ling RUPERT— A New Bcginnlnj ndy IA doption Agcncy rccend) lelp . o pen ed in Idaho with the help !— — w iw o f a S29,00C 000 federal grant X ' I JM the fo r I Institute foi velW jjH M Youth DevelopmcnL n ey Tho agency ast! provides h o m e studies, postces, pla ce m e n t ad option services, ’ training a n d support m u p sifo foir th e ifamiUes ad o p tin g from the ally, U nited States o r internationally Jrig ; The agcncy m aintains a waiting opt : list forComilieswantingto adopt |ancwt>om.in ! A N c w B e tfn n ln g ls b a se d1 in )tkI Boise, a n d licensed social vrorkt h ee jc r Dbdo Thte-Dcnnls la th ley. I casew orker fo r M a ^c Valley. om I TUte-Dennls gnidiiated from 995 I Boise State U nlvcral^ In' 1995 ssia I a n d h a s w orked in Mlni-Cassla j for th e past 10 y e a n cy!s ! I h c m a j o i ^ o f the ogchcy^s ttve staff a n d {oiinders ore a ^ p ttv e patCTts, a p rcssielcascsak lTrh h oe ad ircao r o f tho agency, Buhl n ah e dvc Stephanie P i m adopted err daughter from China in 2002. 'O u r agency^ emphasis amn det' o rk focus Is o n building a network cao f ongoing sijpport and educa* tipa fb r fam ilies thero b a hugo n e e d i n th is com m unity for moro s u p p o rt groups for fiunl* lies a n d a d o p te d c h ild r ^ T PcailsaldL ic y S in c e open in g , the ag ency lies ; h as com pleted, SO hcnne studies te n ' for fiuziill» o ^ p tin g children ait&om C hino. Hold and (ho U i^te d States. Ualso b as an adoptive % placem ent pending fbr a d iU d OL' t h r o u g tho foster caro system.' Set A Neiv -Bcgliming will o ilm Ion free. A do p tio n ’Inform adon Sem inars at'7 'pjn.V \fedaesday Jg ja t'th b 'iH e y b u m C ham ber o f .m . •Com m erco olScc, and at 4 b.rn. April I S a t B a m b and Noble i n TWlDRjIIs=,' .r-:--70.. ,, to -- ' u F o r'in fo im a tlo n , call T ito iMm AnM im ainJ iu y a w w ij^ X a n Q o d is tr ib u ti FIANSEN — ly I ^n n a n d Dea DlUe o f H ansenn vw ere recogn JI 0o u tstan d in g a adtlcvcm ent a LLCs M adnU s s R e g io n a l Convcnlion, held In Las J J j i . , ' ”' “ S * '! ; ; ; T l '' are dhttlbu. tors for th e U la h .b a s c d com pany, a p ate n te d dietary supp Ie m e n t nm ade from tlth e w hole nm angosteen XanGo K H i p i j H l L j fruit. fi I' It luice is m arDea DIOb ^H. ® ^ ® througli a U netw ork o f indcpc 'P “ ‘'™ <*‘»tributors In th e United Ur Slates a n d I I foreign mark Nearly 3,500 distributors c gathered in Las Veg: sales, to o ls an id d hcM l i r ^ founders a n d (op li ip leadeiB. T he DUIcs rcachcd the i c t(t o p t ^ b ^ to r level -and were c re re e o g n te d oUier le a d e n o n stage w ith oth irom around th e wo K TbDt»Nnn,TMfl M U, Idaho> . c-7 U p ____ E liz a b e th T h o m a N orthw est ■' JEROME — imaS Chambcr Lc: x a d erstic cte d Eliza* b e th T hom im os to 'represent Idaho o n tth e organizadon's n g its annual conferboard during ence Feb. 2:7 7 dirough 1 March l i n Spokane, Vi^ Thom as Iis director o f die Icrome Chan am berofC om m crcc The Northwe west Chambcr Leaders indudc d e s cham bers o f com m erce! in W ashington, ntana, Oregon, AlasIdaho, Monti lada. S u s a n M lo o, r d s TWIN B falls' S usan cctorofM aglcV alley M orris,direc Medical Center's AnR ^ o n a l Mc -ices, was installed as dUary Servio the 2004-05 ■ S e a l..^ jM k HTWin Falls d en d sts M ark L a m b e rt, M ark A lexander, Kyle P o p p le to n , Thicy S avage andAc I Adam Hodges p artid p ated i n ‘‘Giv GivedieK ldaSm ilcD ay” o n Feb.1. 26. 2i Theyprovldcd seatm ts, p ro phylaxis,fIuorideandX-rays ph for about al 40 under-served Magic gicValleychlldrenatlheCollege: of 0 Soudiem Idaho dental [stant program's facility. T he assista JC of services donated was lut 57,100. The event w as insored by die Soudi Central ho Dental Sodety. h c sodety presented S600 In olarships to dental assisting lents for d id r parddpadon. dents who received th e scholdps to atumd die Nadonal erican Denial Asslsdng ConncelnW3shington.D.C,wero iJS”irca Probasco, H ddiW iIion. 3 ? ^ra, ; Jennings, ICurle Himicr, laV^3gBmandTbnnilic.Sm]dt r ------- . ■ Sawtoodi D enm l iii TV Wln i Falls Is porddpating in a ca cam] palgn to. ra lsajn o n ey for local Io 1 andnadonal chlldrensdiaril irides 1 offering to d o professio by :!onaI I tcedi whitening now tb roo iu ^ 1 lurie 30 in cxclionge for th e p| a - • t dents' personal d o n atio n too d1ie ! Smiles for Life Foundation. . The requested d o n atio3n n is 1 dian th e standard fee less e for 1 tccdi whitening; 50 perc enil'w ts ili'' • 1 10 die Valley H ouse Hon go omeI less Sliclier and die o d ic:rr 50 ] pcrccnt to national chlldrc Iren's 1 chariUes througli th e Ga: jarih ! Brooks Team m ates for K Kids ] FOimdallon. Tlie. cam paign is o rg anlized b I the Crown Council, a n ;asby : soclatlon of^^ d e niiisis ii 1 throughout North A m erica, :a, of 1 hich Sawtooth D e n ta l is a w i ember. Tlie Smiles for L m Ufe I Foundation has raised m< more .1 than $17 million since it v 1 organized in 1998. SawTor inform ation, call Sa t odiD tntal at 733-4515. to - ______ C o n A g n i Foods SPECIA'JY?01AI0 PROCJCfi ^ Is's^g'ss ^ 2 g l a t last sum - im M m er’s annual 3 5 i m eedng The sodety 1 ^ 1 r e p re s e n ts W M 13,000 non^ p h y s ic ia n SusanMonb ™ dinlcal l a b o cddoncrs, Induding c l l n l ^ labc b o ra to ry directors, managers, sisupcrvisoh, hem aim m unologists, lologlsts, educators, cclinical chemists, mlcrobiologt gists, phlebotomlsts an d o th e il. rs. T he socicty — through its icconferences, publications aa n d education p r o g n m s— - prom otes profesnpctencc and high sla n d a id so31 / pracdce, and suppons (hc n eced t for die public to clinical laborareceivc a c n urate ir loiylest resul suits. erm will condude at the annual ir m eeting In Orlando, K S I S ^ - ll'B h • ■.^ I IIlM LUUim ______ TW.N r&'.U QPtHATQS^ ■ ■ ||||u U H W SM ' c a t t l e b r ee e. d e r s TWIN FAL U lS — Bridon C urtis o f T\vin 1 Falls an d Celeste Armstrong; o f Hansen will exhibit Anguss catde a t dtc 2005 Western Regi ^ o n a l Junior /\ngus Show to b e; 1held April 22-23 in Reno, Nev. A rmstrongng an d C unis are memb n bers of the AmericanAngusAs Assodation. based In SL Joseph. M a They arc two o f 76 young An \n g u s breeders who have entered x l a total o f 197 head c m p c tcc for championship ''onois.'^ Judging cdivisions in d u d e bred ™ d ovi owned heifers, bred and owned :bl bulls, heifers o w n ^ byUicexhlblt 3itor,steersandco\vThe showVtIs sponsored by die A m erican A Angus A ssodadon and die Wes estcm Suites Angus Assodadon. Agra Foods, a potato-proceulng | 1,OM ' ng plant In 1\«ln Falls, gave $10,0 conAgi Aercy ith the Magic Valley Self Kelp I f Houting Idaho to help with leownenhip Program, which h as provided 1 )or- ■ homeownerahlp oppor lie s for more than 50 families sin tunftlei since 2001. Pictured from left In ' front:t are si Ed White, ConAgra plant; operatloni opi alls; manager for TwInFall; Rich1 K i Kenny of Mercy Housing Idaho; I De- ' 10; LaDeane Brown of the U.S. De pjrtme tment of Agrlculture'e Rural Devel svelopment; and Julie Qalbralth of cy H ouilnj Idaho. In th e second ( are Lony Nickel of RuralI Dend row C . ipmont, Ann Alvarez of ConAgra ai Bill Bryant of U.S. Bank. In 'a and velopm third row are Paul SmHh of Meroj ttiothli lyof eroy Homing Idaho and Judy Bay Rural Bl E Development. — — E ' r r r r Ml rr ; --------------------- A m Dcnnlsnt431-9910orPc£ P e a iia tl888-31-ADOPT, or send e-mail to sk_pearl@msn.com, The agcncy Web site is w w u tancwbe^nning-org. E d g e w ir e le s s a n nlo o iu n c e s e x p a n d e d n e tw o r k( aa r e a SUN VALLEY - Edge ige Wireless LLC expanded its local network area sviih th e! addition ac iVaUey. ofaceU ularsltelnSunV a [y i at T he new GSM-only . River Run Lodge brinms th tl: c total a r sites to num ber of Edge cellular! 134. GSM ntfeis to digital M cellular p hone technology th thxat uses Subscriber Idendty .. M N odule rm adon. cards to store user Inibrm •Theln sto U atlo n o fd thiis new slto m eans exccpUonal lal coverage In th o Sun Volley a n deiinohstratcs Edge Wl ongoing emphasis o n1 reliable n im v alue s e i ^ ( ^ arid m axim um fo r cu sto m e rs,' s a id 1 andy d R O rison, .general m a o f th e I d w o and ! ^ 3 n g m a ik e ti Edge W lrdess LLC, ba co ln O re. Bend,Ore.,offersservlcci iho a n d gon, California, Idahc t>erofthe Wyoming. It Is a m em ber t For InAT&TWIielcss Network.] A alte a t form ation,vislttheW eb X' wwwedgQwireIcss.com. .■ K Procesi lesa of Change and M n Falls Area ISMIrea Chamber of Commerce ambasi dorsi ce ite celebrate the new b u sln e u , wtio» ^ose goal (s to provlda a complete tment treatm t program for subatanca abus< lents bute. Programs link Individual cllen wfthIaervlcee tei and programming appropi ngit iroprtate for their needs. A building undersr conitractlon. Proceaa of Change nge can be reached at 316-2013. I ured from left are Shawn Lae Watei Mers, marketlfig and development; Irt; MarfcW k Wlbeman, clinical director; Jarod md Catmull, chief exKuUve; andJ Matttwi Ihew MacAIUster, chief operations »n» officer. ( f i S P j H W ro Community Partnenh Btihlpt celebratet'K i opening wH «1th th e TVrin Fall. Area Chamber of Coir Commerce, Pictured from left In1 back t are Aurelia 0.lv m ,« i« .p y t« clu . ictmlelan; Colleen BaIrd, evaluatlc Itlon manager; and ployment coordinator. In front are ira R. Donna Bunn, a R«n<*y Given#, employ therapy technician; Kathei ttertns Hansen, exeoticonsumer; Nancy Qraen, Qra tive director; and Jody Jod; Relchel, regional program manager. artnershlps C o m m u n ity P a r t I s n o w o p e n fioirr i b u a l n e s s TWIN F A L L S— -CCom m unity Partnerships Is now nov open for business a t 12011 Foils Fc Ave. E , N a3 4 . ilo y ^ w o r k ln Forty-tvro employi xim m unlty ofhom es a n d th e com ental services, d e v dJopm o It, evaluations, resiS S i T S . 'I'abilltadon, ', m ental healdi p is xj^h o so d a l services and a newV division, menUd healdi counsi iseling. Th<3 agcncy strives to prc irovide self-rellancc and independ ndencc for progrtmi partidpants.i. ' ------■ 'I " . I .P le a w M a D tte n ' to B uslneu EdJtbi V W n ta S .H u » li S te S l M j i r t atvligW ajBtcliln t ^ o TI ii ea^ew a Tlm --------— :---------------------------- MIS5 JSSOULA, M o n t — T he U n iv/erslty en o f Montana will ho st v rtiattitit calls the m ost extensive'' careerf c r ftdr west o f tho Mlsslsslpp i Riva [veronM ayl-2. T he le :20di annual Muld-Stau; Echuatc a tors Career Fair allows lob seekers CIS to meet an d interview vvith school sc distrtot admlrdstrators for foi more dian 1,500 job opcnini iingsInMonisna.AlaskQ.Arirnllfamla^ T><r>hn^ z o n oI,.0 N ew’ M W e x to N e v ^ Oregon, ey^^.l i . lW lE E a B ool ok On Line ivaystravel.com ^ < v w w .4 \v c * 1565 B 4 -4 4 1 1 i T Tbcas, Wishlnfflon. Wyoming;and ai ■ bbeyond. Candidates c an intc titer- . v view for posidons in tld ie -, c don, classroom, spedal educado ccounsclinganaadm inistnidon )n . noro Last year's fair drew mo d [rom • dian 150 k h o o l districts fro I states. 17 ' ' Candidate r e ^ tr a d o n is £S25 b t>eforc April 22 and $30 afte r'diat di . d day. Morc informatton. In dauu d - ' ii a schedule o f events and nd a ing n able rcSstradon form, is avallat Q /c a -: oiuine a t w w w .u m te d u /c n reer/ecf/edcancnB Lhtiid. I : ’r - ........ 83303 73^0931. Eit 243 (BuiCcRng giExceffence Simtce Y o u r .g u ld e to In M a g tc V a lli I____:____ l T— Orceotaetlwtfc' 77wnne»^Jm •Ba6oxS48 M l FUts, Idaho • ftBt 677-4543 or .7345538., , ■ ■ T h e T lm e 3 -N e \ • lice up your life w ith thhe e Food & Home se ctio5n, n , every W ed n esd ay In The T lm es^iew e ^ ^ o u t & s h e o blaw a B eidy .Y fo e tu n th a tm ' ; niversity will h < extensive host ^ ireer fair for scl chool educator:rs r: ' . | . codiM fdal actN cttvttylntli0 'M a^V aO oj^ifjm »ihil a » •; M xniatlon fibout any ■ ijo lll* h lk iw h f c lh lln w» f*f e w s '' llfL w an lito liaitab o iitn : • ■ r i a v e l S e ^ c e ^ to n W g o n litW » ! g ; '“ 4 W vitra* ' : ‘ , • ■• Cariso ; 7 3 4 - 7 8 0 5 16013 ■■ ’ It O ^ O ^ ln f lS t. W .-T M n F alls a ^ T n . C6 TtaM *Mm,1W biM I*,ld t,Uk>o < o a l« M « c h 27,2008 M oney offers$online classses idm arketin“8 in sales an( CSI < F a r m e r rs s t u r n t o) r a d i o - c o mi t r o l t e c hI m o l o g y esses'd cm andforproccs^ I In a n o th ecrr ddcdsion, howtrvcr.^ busincsj ~ RUPERT — Som e: Id 1 aho I isagreed w ith th c so rsto3c deliver as m u c h p n xiuct fanners have begun using C om m ercoddis islble from Idaho a n d die as possl .. NPPC system s to conlrol ih clr i w e st Northwi th eir soil F B im D C ' lio n pivots, an d track the: ra tu re , m oisture a n d lem piccn S p u d c o n tra . farmers and oflicinls say. p u b llc M o n c a t e r s s jw u m a js h o w s m a ll TTic technology, w hich I »Ml,r.port _— Potato contract n a il f a n n e r s SHIc 'Dcld information to prodi IDAHIHO, FALLS — People n c g o tiad o nIS s tare nearly c»m h o m e base stations, offer Ig Informadon ab o u t th e a v e tim e I------------^-------------------------^------ ■ p le te w ith .J.l eral advantages. It con sav( .J.R. Simplot C o.,' seeking IS specialty a n d organic K>ds a n d Con A ^ regjons . a n d water, ensure the croj crop gets States arc pointini ting fingers a t M cCain Foods IS and Iheir products now n bb Weston. H einz farmers th c right m oisture a n d mc m oriitor their n e l^ ib o rs to th e nordi. Foods Lam problem s with pivots. say O m adlan co n tra cts ire arc expected to b e h a v e a 1nnewspaper lo serve their ’ U.S. producers sa extweek. • needs, ‘ “You can know rightIt ooff th c hog'producers arc are basking In c o m plctenext cremental Increases TbiuJic/j t/w Soii which was crcb a t \vhat's going on." said aid Keith government subslc •sidles an d are Small increr Esplin, executive d lrccto after Soudiem Idaho attid byy1Idaho RiHs residents Ben o rno f i h e se llin g h o ffito theeU l nited States w ere ^ n afte m d Doug Field, calls Itself a iperadve bargaining Gislnani P otato Growers o f Idah d a h o in at aitifidaUy low prl prices. Potato Cooper oots connecdon to w hole Blackfoot. "I think It’s ainn excel( T h e flood o f low o w -pricedho^ co m m itte ess rncgodated \vidi^ grassroo forms, major processors for' foods, hihc!alth and lent technology." down each o fth e maj from Canada h a s pushed p owccks. "Idiirlin k th ccon ceptofbuying leniiBcli-Kcarl l ^ i s nncarR e u - U.S. hog priccs an n d inflicted se- th e p a st t\vo\w pert iastailcd radio systen s one o f die biggest dibigs Items o n vere financial harm rm o n U .S .h o g W hile le d ie small Increases localise jg." Glsln said. each of its 100 pivoLs tw o} seasons sc producers," .said1 Ji Ion Caspers, were n o t aIS s nmuch as growers coming, ago, said farm aclfninisi Glslnn printed 2 3 0 0 copies o f nistra to r Swalesdale, Iowa,:. producer p and ha d h o p e d for, for, die consensus a t • Bryan JcntzsclL Now farm rst issue In January a n d ecUng h d d Tuesday die first m w1 o rk - a past president o f thc i National a SIPCO meeti copies o f die sccond issue . ers can control pi\T)ts rem :y I] Irm was d iat d ur- 5,000 co remotely, Pork Producers Cou >Juncil(NPPQ. a t d ie Burley saving time o w r pcreonai rch. . hours o f in'M ard nally inThe NPPC took )k iits concerns ing c o u nidess dc specting and operaiihg ead "Ourir philosophy h a s b e e n each o n e to th e U 5 .D c p a rtrr U n ent o f Com- n e g o tia tin g; idie bargaining m a steady, b u t w c really o n tlic I5.000-acrc farm. merce in 2004 acxiisIngCanada cu co m m itte ess ddid a good jo o slow ani ircumstances. believee iin what we’re doing," h e o r u n d e r th c drcij o f unfair tra d e! pracdces c said, c tl hogs into die ’Ih e m ainn nreason preventing llfiO "dumping" o f live H o g p r o d u c e r s ch arg< aiscs is supply U aho G isin:n s a ld a lo to f e f f o r tls p u t the dme. die higher Inoease United States. Att tl C a n a d i a n d u m p in g making th c p a p e r look UiontoSmilUonhun- into m; p a rtm en t af- stll]has4miIlioi C om m erce D ep more Russet table good, Iin j acidition to reading TWIN J ALLS — EvenI th ough firmed th e NPPC'a C 's com plaint d rc d w c l^ t mi aoram thanlastycan vrell. n otk prices arc at a n all-tim all' Com- , potatoes in ston e T h en in M arch1 2005, 2 "W ejtiju s td o a lo to fc o lo iilt’s a liigh, U.S. pork p ro d u cers c e r still m e p » aim ounced c d provisional InaddidonUhere ier B excess capadpublication," h e £ n industry .h ig h -qquality u say tlicy are getting thh ce shaft a n tid u m p in g dutii uties o f 10.63 tyinthe& ozeni \ Ilot o f color a n d a lo t o f 0 ovcrsupply factors said. "A an d that priccs could b e better, b( percent o n im ports irtso f live hogs T hose l\voo\ lomcwhat by d ia in pictures. arc offset som Producers in th e U Uin iied from Canada. beat itract prices all Increases S t a t e w i d lee e n t r e p r eeneur it h o ld s event w o) r k s h o p s many vestors a n d m a odiers. Ticket for thc Kawasaki prices a rc S25 251 ecch. Cost for d ie keynote specc day o f semlinars ina on April 6 Is n d u d c sa continen- S20, w hich indi tal breakfast1and an lunch. T he e ventt will wi aLio serve as a b r 1Idaho businesses boot c a m p for < in lc rcste d inin .competing in m d annual TechJune’s sc cond smpetiUon. Idaho L a unch comp and Labor said. C om m erce-• ar T echL aunchh titrains em erging com panies In idoing businessan d cash p lan p rese nntadons, ta t ;iven to winners, avrarcls are give Kickslsta rt will'nm in conjuncwilh BSU’s N ordiw est d o n wl re a iam p lo n sh ip , a n anVenture b u siness p la n -nual stucicnt sti :ddon diat draw s Intercomped: lal com pcdtors. T h e nadonal diam pic lionshlp provide opiity for en trep re n eu rs portunit lookingg I(or Ideas as well as s tuo o k in g io le am an d m ak c dents loc is. contacts. R e ^ ustradon is lim ite d For intlon.call.BrianCritchCdd formado B] 426-6634 o r visit th e at (200) iVcb site at wwvv.kickstar• event Wc .com. ddahacc evangel■ BOISE— M acintoshcva G arage 1st an d founder/CEO o f G: Technology Ventures,5, G uy FCawasaki. will be the featured feai speaker at ‘K ickstart — T h c Northwest's I*rcmier Enntre tr p rc neur Event" tliis spring In Boise, E Idaho C om m erce a n dJ L ab o r said. rii 4-6 a t T hc event will ru h April S tudent Boise Slate Universitys Stu Union Building and tlice M o n iu th o r o f so n Center. Kawasaki, auth 1 o f th e the new book "Tlie Art Sodalizinn g The W ashington Post lligli o n Bill Perry’ss list li o f tilings 10 do tliis year isj t to o p la y y'ss d iie f golf with liis com pany’ executive. He has hisb dc u b s rc ad y io 'g o at tlie'first call. call His Ilim n o t fatlicr-in-law advised hini to talk about w ork u ntil1 at least e's n o t thc'fiflli hole. So wliat if'hhe know s great at tlie game? H e; kj spending tiiose few h o uurs rs oriccritical on-one with his boss is5 cr to his caa'cr. arc SoftPerry works for I’-atlilorc is, (Oliio. Wiu« Corp. o f Colum bus, T liom as Chief Executive Sieve Tlic thinks social d m e witli a supersi visor Ls imperative to a {good T liom as working a'lationship. Tlic tc spends time outside th e oc d c c yces.H e playing golf \vidi em ployee hem . o r goes to dinner w ith then sponsors a n i^ it at a spo sporting istw event for his workers. Last v eck he, w as preparing for a1 trip tri to am and Cancun witli a sales team dieir spouses. “You liavc to b e able to go | to people quickly an d b e able ab to job o r deal witli tlicm to get a jc If contract done. It’s a lot easier cas son,'* h e you really know tlie person said. "Arc tliurc liabilities s to getting to know employees,.aann d a rc th ere em ployees w h o0 d< o n 't know their bosses? Yes. Dui But (so- * TheTlnw N w ____________ [ ii ’IWIN FALLS — 1116 Comim m tiirdty Educadon C enter a t th e wl oCoUege o f S outhem M aho) wiD sesin offeravarictyofonlim dassesl " and marketing. S tu dIm m ts „ can begin d a sse s o n AprilU 20, H a ss M a y lS o r June 15. E a o i d do: i/ d. runs sbcweeks a n d costs S89. Sales • In “P ro fe u lo n o l Sale how Skms,” students wUl tea m ho' ^ tum p rospects Into buyer lyers. to u. how to p ro w d e p ro p er CUSn cm tom er servlcc a n d h bwV to t L. d e v e k jp a so lesp laa cach • -Effecthw S eU in^ will tcac cushow to convert a p otendal cu; tom er to a long-term a s s e t.T Thh e J? und-d a ss wQl h d p lay th e grouiu and work for r e i ^ t b u s l r ^ an , ilan future succcss through plar ■ ning skills, c o n u n u n lcid ^ oo n I" idcrtechniques a n d th e undci standlngofhum on nature, clflM clas nrgnnt7P.nl «ilH. • "Business nnrf M oiketln etlng Writing" vviD students t ts to ^ write o r Identify copy th thia t „ cdng achieves business and morkedn gned forwriters, maiketers an d anyanj I o ne interested in these tO T he Tlme»We'ws________ _______ Start," will keynote lie thc event at 7 p.m. April 5 inI die tJ Morrison Centcr. A^ series ooff workshops ircpreneurshlp focusing b n entrc] a n d innovators will w b e held itudent Union April' 6 in the Stu( Building, ual workshops The 16 Individual lur tracks: erewill consist o f four adon. implcm plc cntallon, sources, ^ m iexecution a n d resoi ide: assessing n ar topics Includc opportunity, intcUc m cctual property, m arketing: aa business, daho Nadonal university'and Idal Lab resources, prest escnUng^oIn- 1 •« • In *CUstomflr Senri rvke R m nts will d a m en tab ," ■ - stu d en t devdop new skills In Ide ilcr needs and sadsfyiiig custbnlc dng, mard i r a u ^ target markedn ket8Cgmentadon.diomi mbcondqualityfimcdon jn d ^ lp y lerendatc m e n t T hevll dlffei betw een inciustzial an and con-\ mhcTw toj sum er markednj^ leam support n ew piochict in • n i^ n a l' dons, sadafy In ten customers, work In a taQ cal ccnter an d m fnlmtra cusum n eur complaints, d a ss orgonlzcTS! 3 s a ld lies Man• *l>rindple9 o f Sale ogem ent” 't w teach die th art of managing sales teams. ;.Students S wlD leam d ie esscndalrc Irolesand rcsponslbllides o f a sale ales m an»idershla oger a n d d e v d o p leac im-build■m odvadonal ancl tean xl will be Ing sldUs. Also covcred tcdinlqucsforcom m un unlcadon, conflict resoludon ani m d sales plaim ing lo deliver superior si )rganizCTS . soles team results, ore said. For informadon o r to :o register, I immimity visit th e CSI Com site at Education Web sJ www.csLedu/communlt lity e d or >88. caU 732-6290 o r 732-628< t 1 Realty andI ]hank teamiUp ffor home bl mying seminnar Tt: ThaTlme»Hqw»__________ __ “ -----,Wil'TWIN FALLS — Jcarine.W i so )m es son.ofP m dential Idaho Homt Ivanis && Properdcs. a n d D.L. Evar Bi Bank are co-sponsoring a free fre wi workshop from 5 2 0 to 6 3 0 p.m p.n . Tuesday a t 1411 Fall alls Ave., Suite 215. "Get th c Scoop" provovldes inform ation on bccon om ing a first-time homcbuyeii For inform adon,1, call 539-4061. Workshop w ^ reveal waays to enter marl rkets m Canaada \ 1 ^ ■», TlmefrNcwa ____ Labor DIrector.RogcrrB E . MadThe — sen. “T his worksho; lo p wiU . » sc s Introduce Idaho compc parU csto BOISE — Idaho buslnessc i^ g w hat’s necessary for ccco n d u a can leam m ore about enlerin nacla Ing b u sin ess with Idi our n ew markets in western Canad h." a t a \vorkshop on April 5 In I >n e l^ b o r s to d ie north.' T he event wiU indude d e a p re sBe Boise. Canadian The workshop will be. h d d entadon o n U.S. a n d Co ’rapist \vidi th e W ashingchodiera occ ciallzlng) breaksi dow d n lot of bu m p s d iat occur." h e rdad o n sb y leS h y P atktket c C o n -. from 8 o jn . to 11:30 a.m . inI tth ised C cnter fo r Adiflt npanics have s o d al ton-base lets everyone M any compa barriers ... and ilI le Stato sulate General o f Canai lada. an d . Lookout Room o f Boise Stat D p m e n t.T h a t requires | t know dial bosses a real peo- events so cmp :mpIoyecs a n d cm - Develop s arc n lo h on e o n m o d em Canada d a a n d its University's S tu d e n t Unio . ia t don’t m esh well g ' ploycrs canI get ge to know on e a c tio nss.d p ic ,to a " . . western pibvinccs by B! Building. • BSU Pro­ jcrsonal behaviors a n d n aan y people a n o d ie r and. A pparently, m 1. pi presumably, w ork w ilh pe: ipor- fessor David Qiristcnsci sen. “Business T to id s and Oppoi a g r ^ w ith h im . fVccord&g Acc ;ter. desires." to a togedier belter. iture A pajiddiscusslonont tunides In ConadaT will featui nCanadiInns Inc. h a s a WliatIt docs one d o w h e n ^ La Q u in taa L reccni survey. >5 55 perccnt o f an business developma icnls and details on current b u ^jiess es nlngling sounds like tor- ' :ial environm ent," boss-mli ts . said they " h i ^ y social th e responclents, tunl- opportunlUeswillfcanin trends and economicopportim: irespcakh ln k o rita sju stw h a titls: H: na :Parr, director o f lureTThl knew it w as g o odd for f dieir da- said C lirisdna a n d ers from d ie Alberta and nd Bridsh des in Bridsh Colum bia ani advancem ent ^ reer to socialize vrith vrii th e boss, training a n dI ddevelopment, w ith career ac e Columbia govemmcnts Alberta. tsai n d die Bul 27 p erccn t«lid aidit was a nc- softball a n d , vol voDeyball team s, a "I thinlink it’s Im portant to see 3on- W estem Economic Divi tversificaT he w orkshop Is co-spon oclal events a re w ork ccssity they w ould ichcon and ^ u p ' th a t soc lid ra ther live holiday lunchc a n d don C anada organizador lon. sored by Idaho u m m e r c e ani g. Such activides events,, tand it is im portant if ^ volunteering, wiihout. lU co f T he w orkshop costss $25 i and Labor, tne C onsulate General w hours wldi "gel beyond die walls and sdm - someone nc! wants lo have b e tte r Spending a few De- in d u d es a continental Canada, d ie Idaho S tate Dc al breakn s at work, a s well as ig,"shesald. reladons tlic boss outside work wc hours is lOatc diinking," partm ent o f A griculm rcandidthl e f a s t R egistradon dead ad lln e is But th o se are different from a m aybe!bbe on trackfor a prom o- K becoming m ore com coi m on, said Thursday U.S. C om m erdai Service Marc Ccnedclla. p resident o f one-o n -o n e ter tennis m atch w idi- don, to3 1be Involved w itli diose dio's Call Sarah Glrdncr aat (208) . "Canada is cu rren d y Idaho' ’nicLadders.com . thc execudve a supervisor,r, aand maybe that s o c i^ cevents," said M ichael )ort- 334-2470 o r Lindsey Y i Youtz at r, 'a clinical psychologist second largest trading p art jo b scarch service dm e Isn't oJways Stadtcr.': ic e d ial per- orw -o n -o n e! di a n d (208) 332-8698 for detail alia. ner,” said C o m m e rce am sodaiew idiB M C A ssodform ed the survey y n e c c s s ^ , s aaid id :ftirr’s boss, Noel a n d asso "Ii'sdlinculttosolf consulU ng and j vice president o f ates, !a 5olelyhavea9- Ferguson, vicc don com pany in suburto-5 relationship vrith wit die boss," h u m an resoun 3UTCCS. "ll’s n o t as .medlado A'ashlncton. “But th c h e said. "We haveilc leita lo to fo u r necessary if thc the riglit convcrsa- b a n Wc being had in d ie b ottomn line Is you don't see ree and family lions a re bclr wcializing and free com m crce a million mill lilcs from By Justin Bschman is social events. You look Ud. "We try to m ake diem as office," h e said. tim e get mbced uujp \vith our your m in d Be relaxedl at n d a a AP Builnesg Writer________ __ work t ^ c . ll's difllci G culttodniw a it easy to have — lave die convcrsa- a td ic mn ias work events:" , ------ relaxed YouVe ju st chat lotting__ line w here a boss If aI w orker d etests th c )ss remains a dons here." 3b, safe or rife not looking for a new job It of spending tim e o u l.The b u siness w orid is rif boss or becom es a fifriend." one has been bitten diought Not everyone >rds, prom odon. 'w o rk w id ia b o ss,itm a y w idi jargon a n d buzzwords Ccnedclla’s -lO-pc rial bug. And m any side ofw •person comw idi th c social ly p u t Is d ie "Netvrorking, simply pany does a lot ooff socializing, w ould rad ier er inot spend d ia l b e tim ee fifor a changc o f m indset. w idi 'networking" one o f thi Lidi- conversadonsnddw itnl n friends, most popular. Sdll. this m uch ividi die very boss Sladierr ssaid. “Work goes o n a t ™ I in. and he joins right in "It’s fun to extra tim e wid id odiers ;ood family, colleagues and lltde-U ndcrstooi M:nis," h e said. "It does- pracdced, sec people In anol nodicr setdng. dicy report toto all day. "People diese eve ncnt n d p you gam er in informoand to relax a n d bbe e able to so- feel p n ^ u r ec in ii dlls com ped- n’t m ear an you.have to be th c ritual of career advancemivcn e s. (Ion th a t could b e hidpful d to rfend... bul if ll seem s to a^ n d business protocol drive cialize outside [ic thc conference tive. sha k y' vworld to keep boss' Die ■ it's your jo b search,” Karasu su said in Blla said. "It dicm selves po! rooms," C ciiedclli )ortant to your com pany m any people b o n kers — It’ positioned.for ca- b e Impoi ous, an e-maU. T h a t means JIS it can. sdltcd, d e e d i n g , obnoodoiu in ess,th in k o flia sa b u slss," said D ouglas o r buslne ;icr to get over re er succcss," makes it a lol easier ol., occur at alm ost any time n e — not obsequious, in sb c c rc , c t al. icedng." ob ychologisi a n d psy- • nessm ec difficult Lafiicr, a psychi die hard hurdless and a just a t form al nctw tvroridng right? events,' b u t at spordng lg events, Not nccessarlly, says Mdare ar n d holiday pordes o r even m a t die Karasu, Ka a carccr counselor aam _____________________ Vic vice presid en t at* Yohoi h o o 'gym." T he altem advc. yo you apHe Hotjobs, th e Job scarch site• aassjita l proadiing som eone wno R oknow so d a te d w ltn I n te r n e t,porta Arizona State Univei said. ' m etro Ad versity.Andln d o n e .'" s h e said \donta fell to $234,076 In so; exacdy w hat this rou lu d n e Is Yahoo Inc. rea, M agrie ’Thatsendm die Boston area Va mei cm has been lost Januaryf 1from $238,369 in D en to about, triggers a defcm :nshre re­ ti Tomkiewicz, presld lersli and h er huscem ber, sid cnt o f m e o n Sherry Hers: r, whUe d ie average 'Consider networking akin ttoa r d of >dal ' sponsc, h e sa id The casual sm all talk a t a so d a works a t a local num ber:r iof days a h o m e stayed issodadoii of ban d , w lio wc M assachusetts Asst n g it your netw orking tenia itad es is gadicrlng, w here youVe doing i Dt 5Store designing o n d ie rii Realtors, said th aItt ifi anydiing. H om e D epot riiarket before selling inS° anc- probably thinking you^ i t e look• with ease, an io n g acqualntanc rising rates m ay I from 8 1 to 84 days ovcir wi badirooms. T hey creasedI fi / lead to in- kitchcns a n dd bi sort n d in g fo ra la v o ro fso m e sc es. thoughts o f urork aanc riod. cs. lowered did pricc d iat peric In die . hiive a lready/ loi creased h o m e sales sal iettn, Ga., hom e by "We'veve had som e offers, b u t yers anddpat- o f diclr Marietti short-term, as buyer try to $30,000 a n d sdl ing fu rth er ra te hUccs hi still haven't g otten dicyVc hbeen very, very low a n d jum p in th c m arket ders who w ant to baslcaldespite die hom e by buUde cet wlille rates a g ^ offer: dc arc still reasonable, :k our house dow n a n d Ised at $365,000. • ly knock c. being appraised ge Let’ s get o ut The average ssoles pricc for a build aI S ' "Buyers say, 'Lci $ 5 0 0 ,0 0 0 hom e on o u r ket and get It sin^e-fom llydc ly,*SlienyHcrshsaId. ' there in die m arket / dctadicd h o m e In property,' w i t h t h le c boss can o( p e n ’ c a r e et r d o o r s £ i orking, just t£ talk Avoid netwoi Mortgage; e ---------- -----Continued tom CB nomical ' notgoingtopaydieastronor asNfcpjs priccs for homes," said Las \ {ootcn. mortgage agent ^ n n i e Hex) ^dieting Not everyone is predit th a t ballooning h o ml e sole ising inpriccs will burst \vlth risinj . lercst rates. ket h a s In Phoenix th e m arket o take bee n so hot, it’s going to ta a while for it to coo^ aowvn, n. said ie AriJay Butler, director o f dtlic n te r a t z onp Real E state Cente ppy ^ H a v Flying _ Contbtuod from C8 ju stness Magic Valley's growing bust to su p “Magic Valley is able to oan y fo r p o n a n air charter com pan people — that's kind o f aa h1 i ^ ro u n d ." brow way to get arou cresd n g Carberry said. "It's interc! Industhat wc can support th att in try here." . ' F a c lliU e s f i t f o r a s e n s M any aspects o fth e travt ravelinidustry took m ajor hits afiei ifier th e S e p t 11, 2001. tc rro r-atu attacks, an d Reeder Flying. Servlcc icc w as hu rt as WeU. But the blUslneM u si h a s seen slgnlflcont gro g ro w th sincc then, P resid en t Jo J hn Reeder told Vie Hmes-Neu Mews in •Octoben Reeder w as o u t o f th e co M uuntry a n d unavailable for co m nm e n t l^ tw c ^ ippcals to local Reeder Flying app ' pilots a n d d io scc ttraveling to busiiu!ss trips,' M a ^ Valley o n bu: ley-bound prias well aa Sun Valley sn th vate jet travel vrtien 1 ew e ain er .'poor to land ^ ^^^®y Is foo .pc m p any fuels * e r e . 'The comp planes;.arrangC3 g n S S fis T d po rtad o n for pass< ipacc. provides h a n g arsp a , D-Mas&. took ciRytngHfiidljtics tw e e during lg the recent ^ w b e n th e presidcniial senator vacation© n e d a t h is' jityljprivaiejet Ki5tduimhomtKeit3 was too large to lan d I H tilq i x Iln Reeder Flying rccaitly ICC com p ietcd a 2 3 0 3-sauare-foot 3 -s iuildlnsat644 expansion to Its bull dersaldlnO cAirport Loop; Recdei o n w as w onh (ober the expansion t doubled die about $400,o o a It d o ^ S S fS c S size o f d ie com] g, Carberry said, the airompony’sofQce. ooddng, nfrostructure h c ^ to be “R ee d er has a n absolutely port^Inf addldon they p u t - Improve< w o n d erfu l adc ^ condnually to keep ry ssaid. "Thcyrc at- u p anid d attract m o re private on." Carbcaiy mics an d han g ar develleral avindon traffic companl tractine geneni li" opers. fiB m ailovet" “Gur.c r.'developincnt interest is M o r e p t o jee cd t s a b o u t higher u(han our Inlmstmctims curve, 'hhe so ld . t o la n d ’I h c aairport i Is developing a n irojcct coming u p is inlnistru lu c n ire facility p la n to .A nother projc dealer Rob Green's • m a p out L it$ 2 0 0 .0 0 0 .tO $ 3 0 0 ,0 0 0 1 n autom othre dra le-foot private air- im prove vcm ents n ecessary for 11,454-squaic-f 2 2 2 ,6 6 6 d ie la dillty ll to continue to grow, . p la n e h a n ^irvalucdat$ va Indudln< Ing adding sewer, e le o ric atl27Ioslm VWay. ftt; ater lines. Revised devel- . ct was pennitted In a n d w au T he p ro je ctw an d tho design Is operfecs e s could help p a y tbo biO. D ec em b er and b u t co n su u c d o n "Tbdajlay’s han g ar d e v d o p e r ' c o m p le te d , bu for com plex Infrastiilch a s y « to b < ^ ns a. k lp r o jtx t'c n - looks foi id N Martens o f EHM tiuc.'C ^arbenysold. ai gineer G erald ic. Hriglncieislnc. lald dio p ro je a likeTTmcs-,s-Afetto budnea w r i» . C artxaiysald Hinds am be rmdted a t ] rtlatcf MegmH ly w o u ld start la this spring. iBormegoihinds&mnct ailportls g^nyth Is 73S3238< WhDe tho all] v l H E tiia ' ' A da ' Ena . . U n ilu i •.yourvmtdon needs, adl our m lpro^s^om lstahiay/ g T obookyi S B w w w ow nm Y .ttuw co ccnuQ . M w f h W O i a f a p l w adMwP i. . ' - . M fn d a n d m o n e y : F i n d In s id e a d ia g r a m o f i c s c a id ic f s ' Nation .................. ..D 2> Movies ...................... 0 2) C la ssifie d ......... ..0 3 - 1 6 i f in a n d a lg a m c . fine [ A T I[ O N • PageD 2 T h e T im cs-N ew w js Sunday, M arch 27, 7, m s ion D S cctio , '" J Brain[researcch mullssthero)ots of hiiimanieconom»y ■U nA nialM T liiiw ' ________ entlsts are p robin i)Ing th e brain buyers an dsellers sclli (s so com plex I q ic rts in d ia o s th e o -' \ wilh coin flips, $51 K b lU sa n d g lft th a t even cjqjci H O U SrO N -H iotw ow i J wromen cwtlflcates fromlAA;mazotLcom. ryh av e b eennuunr a b le to d isc c m a V h od mo ney in m ind. Bit by bit. th e y area re assembling a predldablc pattern. pat ' ’ : Phuong n in g , 25. w rl fy every area o f m arriggled - m o s w o f th e flns [ I n a n t^ bnun. InvirtuaQyc' AngelM Times__________ into a $25 mfllion brainiscarm sa cr Identifying how w com peting kets,’ hu m an behavior h a s lon lo«Ai a t Baylor Concge o f Mteed u p e critical dccconom istsstu istiunped d id n e . ncuial circuits shap Across thc hafl. a te c h rn id a n . Dc< dslons. “We d o ni'tt kknow w hy sto c k >cconstructing th e anatoloaded Ih n ^s trading: p :a rm e r "Wc have started te d looking for priccs go ujpp an ( d down," said m y ooff choicc. rcscarchcrs are for th ed a y -K a v lta B cdur.’ lu r 26 )mlc California Instli nstitirte oflbchnoloalso>probing p th e p liable neu* plcccs o f ccohom l theory in into thc bore o f a slmiloi list ral drcults cu d lar m a- thc b rain ,' said New Ne York Uni*gy econom ist Colin Cam crcr. o f reasoning an d chine. like nfrp s h nrffllVry ' e lL iticn “^ c don't know knc w hy savings - . probI< a y sh verslty n e u ro sd c tlst Paul blem-solving - th e last o f TTic two strangers w ere specrates arc soI d nr a m a t i c ^ dilTcrthe brain's bi GUmdiet regions lo evolve, ulators in a m oikctplacc 'ercnt parts o f th e the last I: to m a tu re d u rin g cc < o t the Rcscarchcrs belie elieve they can e n l in dlffere: lall {Strug- discover h o w neur eural networks vw)rid.Wcdon’[ lon't know w hy th ere chlldl mind. locked in a m u n ia dhood, a n d the n io st sus* le o p lc b u y a n d Is tabor market [kct dlscrimlnadon." ceptit ^ 0 for financial gain, tiblc to outside influences, R. B clur eSca the w ays peo played an investor, 1[to ^ 1 g th c s ^ , splu rg e and id save. They People iu trus s t o th er p e o p le The hey hiive begun to obtain lo m ic theory sa y s the first fl dircct glim pses o f trustee of an Investm ent ft It fund. hope o n e d a y toto im derstand w h e n econon how decisions 3 percoladiig they should i nnco t They cooperhowVmarketing r As the pair w avered b etw c t een can a l l e a the lyal, s d - through th e brains « t r a ^ seem s m o re struidures a cooperation an d betrayal n s oI f bUUons o f ate vrficn betn of th e brain. ley gamble foolishly, Cor entlsts recorded how w th e ir people, o fte n a cting d ii at crossrational They | onsidcr so m e th in g as i e repurposes, interact :ct to chart thc overestimating in g risk w hen th e y simpi b rains changed. Tttie iple as a choicc o f soft ik. ' ating drink, searchers hoped to discovi x iv c rth c coursc o f Qrumdali lal m arkets an d are losing, indundcrestim an d lies. it w hen'they y aai r e winning. T hey At tlBaylor College o f Medlsecret of trust - the humluanm v o ri- national economics canner, Belur spe n d too m much u and save to o cine, ab le missing -fro m th c Inside th c scai e, Montasrue, 44, rcmei mathematics o f m o d e^m eco* m ade u p h e r mind. nd. ■ little, tembcred teUmg h is 17* ycar*c nomlcs. She a c d d c d to gam ble her Economsts ists know all th is r*old daughter Let’s give tuil om erience. b u t . the br The tem u o f th e c xpeii >CTimcnt entire nest egg omn hI e r trustee's from personal brain thc Pepsi Challenge. know how to factor His they don't knogoodwill were simple: At th e b c dIrm n r i ingof lis daughter h a d be en 1C b th c quiiks ooff h1um an behavior workii cach round, Belur could d p u t up She p u sh e d thc I utton, put* king as a su m m er intern adcal m odin hli to $20 in play. Any invest fcstm ent ting h er m o n e y Inp n play. into th d r nathem m at Us Baylor laboratory. To •• els. This isI nnio small m atter. give: her 1 a taste o f practical automatically uipled. Ibng tm g th cn ct Interest rates, rcncuro With the ritual c ll clang o f the Efforts to set li d e d d cd how m u ch toD rre tu rn irosdcncc at w ork, he ealth Insurance. wantc v am p healt Ited to frame a research opening b ell o nejddw I n F e b r u a n d how much to keep. n g llo o rso fth c ' privatize Sodal )dal Security, revise questl Behir^ safest s tr a t£ ^y w as to stloft that a te e n 'co u ld ory, thc five trading y. Timg's New York Stock )d( Exchange pensions, polic olice thc sale o f sc wrap hoard all of h er money. 1 p h1e rh ea d around." curidcs and1 alter ali legal liability Sin( m ost logical m ove w as to ic h e a t. abniptly surged In Incc 1999, c o n su m ers In a v,4ilripool o fp ro litan d lo;.ss. rules rcly :o to som s e degree o n have h e r parm er at cvery oppp ooir t u n l'' c been offered 545 new waved . economists'ab: 'ability to moke relibrand nds of carbonatcd bevcr* H undreds o f brokers brc tyIngered small ab le predlctic ictions ab o u t th c ages, In e rc was a riskier b uitp t p o te n - cell p h o n e s, fing s. Despite differences In ay. com puter keypads ids an d piaccd choices people plew illm akc. taste, more nrofitable way. c. color, colTelnc a n d fizz, ics has diey/ arc a all based o n a single thtrfr clients’ ordci ders. Fortunes "Economics 1 hit th c wall,” They could trust cach1 oother. t p a r t o f a winked Into epdster itence a n d just said M d rew U director o f th c V Lo, senso sory them e; su g a r an d The cjqwriment w as par cr. )Ioration as quickly vanished le d M assachusetts etts Institute o f \vatcr. new frontier in th c e x rio r l e d ncu* In all, a b o u t 1.6 b 6 billion shares Technology's I: 's bboratory for fiWhi o f the bmin - a f id d called ^ t happens In th e brain, ticks to - w orth a b o u t $46 $4 billion nanclal engin igineering. *lt h a s Monti roeconom ics th a t seek ntaguc w ondered, w hen ibout a s m uch as it pcopli during th c d ay e:q]Iaincd aboi plc dedde betw een Coca* understand thc biology/ im ui dcr- changed h a n d s dui )r. in a ripple o f dea deals c o u n in g can wltli the to it has. There c tools Cola1 and ; Pepsi, tw o o f thc lying economic behavior. lobal equities m ost througn th c glob 5t pI opular-and m o st sim* In unWersities an d research re* e see lly behavior of Please se BRAIN, Page D2 titry, s d markcL T h c dmly centers across th e countrj Wh y o f BIui y : T , _______ Z — GI!o l a W a r s£ h e lli :r th a t U ar-so ft drinks in d ie world? rid? ferrcd Coke w h enever W ilh fu n d in g from die bra n d vras displayedI -• n o md m atter w h at cola w as act ictuaUy Kt Kane Family F oundadon and th thcN atlonaj InsU tutcohD rug tug delivered th ro u g h th ticc sip Al Abuse, they designed an.cx* atu b e s.' p< perim ent tnat bccam e a test lest W hen th e rcscarchcrs rs a nalyzcd th e b ra in scans, ooff the relative Im portancei of s. they th th c la b d o n a cola can a n d die the cc label discovered d iat th c Coke cc contents o f th e container. appeared to activate a me memoCoca*Cola, in th e w ordss ooff ry region called th e ot one Industry analyst, is ‘ad­ adh ippocam pus, alo n g: w - ith vc rhc stm c tu re s in th c mJdl vertising incarnate." TTie d b rain cc pany was th e first spon* com onknown to co m pute d iejlikcUL sc ies, h o o d o frc w a rtk so r o f tn c Olym pic Games, gave its cola free to U.S. sol* solA brain r e d o n linkedI to t) th c gz dl md sense o f s e lf - - th c ventral ve dlers during W orld War II, and isis credited w idi invendng die putam en a n d th c incdlal lal prem m odem im age o f Santa w uius. s. Irontal cortex - also lighted Ug daup. But against su ch a formida­ ble com pedtor, Pepsi was able im ptcd bl ible Thc Pepsi label prom to to tra n sfo rm itself from1 a no such response, b: die “W hat is it a bout dicsc b a n k ru p t co m p a n y In the s e tw o 1930s into a $69*blUlon enter­ endcal IS teralm ost chem ically Iden prise to d a y largely th r o u g pi drinks (hat causes suchidifferd marketing. Baylor m - cnt behavior?" asked Bi In all^ 67 p e o p le took the neuroscientist D am onI Tbm1 47 47-m inutc test Inside Baylor’ Dr’s iln. T h e answer, o f cour ursc, is fMRI m acliine. IN markc dng.” Each swallowed sips o f cola ;ola A ld io u ^ P epsi’s rrmrki rketing fn from a tu b e in a series o f care­ iccessuecam paign h a s b een suo fully calculated variadons on ful. It ap p a re n d y has 13 n o t fu di d ie classic ta ste test. E ach sip reached as deeply as Cok oke's. w: was preceded by a picture ofa M ontague elab o ra ted d "We di dlsdnctivcly labeled red or can show th a t th e idc dea o f bblue l cola can. M ontague and md Coca-Cola a ctivates Ss(i n ic ­ his colleagues varied die tures in your rtd.dbraln in d ial hi havior. or order o f th c sodas, die labels )cls literally (irive yotir beha aarn d th c tim ing o f th e sc- That is how ideas gain co: rontrol qqucnce. i over Instinct." The volunteers had no pref­ refThe study is a first stc] tep, he w hen th c drinks were ■ere said, in d ie ciTort to ans\' tsw era eerence r of offered u n labclcd, th e re* m ore fundam ental sdIcndflc ci se searchers d isco v ere d But quesdon: "Why d o we bcUeve be th e y overw helm ingly prc* th ire* anydiing?" V -M — 1 i' ■ '■f T tr i v W \H J g J J ■B p V t - (1 > \\ j W I N A G Ii Ii r c E R i ^ i^ t A T E ijnrtloriStotlon.’ B i^^eif e sto p *0001116t o liiiiigjr j ^ 4 l U ST E R C O L O R IN C C O N T E S T I S O P E N N 'i l n l —— —“ I TO CHILDREN AACES t 3-12. . ■ ■ A d d ira k ^ jjA L H ^ G Ity St a te '' f , 2005 • M a sih 6batB celm lb fH a rcb 31,1 ' ''' ■ ' . ; £ N T _ _ j,p M 201^733. .'.l4 0 '2 a d A W I'-, ^ ^ ' 9 ' iff JI jm; ___________ Contest low> C o l o r i n g C< ) /O T h o T l m a s - N e C R I I O . A o x 5 4 8 • IWMin Falls, 'I I (v / I’ v ID 83303 b (to a SSouSStl roURCOHPUTER J l lO W e iB iig S o P E N I f 8 -s L 4 3 ® ^ 5 o •rf, ' ' f l ■' r iflSGHlSlffiS&i Ii^ D jC .1 : MtmtHtUtait o w o Hm LocalNumtn ■ ;iv»inF«ni iiJ.W n itila P rtiliK ti : I J n U. ssis I B o m tS v B M ;. ■ e S S S n to SSi >-- im tu m "-v< ' • ' • ' , Pj y Fttmatuletumitslag Off NOuUbleUa, HOtemom iNQpuUcUn. 1 i i |l p e 3 I m ^ B vmr.borizonoroaolc.can am , SWMtH-S Bj } loiwlnndGncwin |B M m w CotK:* 2589 E ast 5 00 ? 0Ulti Ilh P aul, Idaho ■ ^ flftE SSaSH M U W ll || W la a e is w ill b)B e maiinceaApril 6tti to la n e TImes-Kews. ji| m| :;j Man coniplated entry tao :: EI a s t e r Hi ' , P h n n a (____ ------------- A H B _ ^ J k l * F U t r , D |H ■' ' R i - Aji; J e * » P i a a ; t t P a r t n y jf- e n tr ie s w ill b e! pp u t I n t o g d r a w l rng n for C/ft CertWcat .ates. N a m Bi _ ^ FR ROM . T1rn»M m ,1M nM !«,ldite (Uo S u n d q ^M aR b 2 7 .^ . N a tio n I ---- (tons d iat undoU ea 1 from Indivlduab mol V V I . I I sio n s together t o hhtiy n o l i c j j •n nations,’’ qucsUons b etw een ContlnuodfromDl . . . sa id Steve Quartz,, director d of RoMsrchorsi etudiod eti two poopid playing tho 0 1roloa of Investor end tnjstobI lr> irt a gome of firumdal tnist arc loo many Inconslsichdcs ies Ibe- CaltechTj sodal pognltl niitye neuroor betr^yaJ. Dist ^ In doejslon-rnaWno., DIstfnctlvQ ^ n o m s o m o r ^ . In1ao r w of tho ^ n l h ^ ^ e arUve , tw ccntheoiyancldata." I ’“R jra lo n g • •• • Pioneers in ncurocconom tim eiw eth o u g h ith liswBsastate fa\ ; : believe the key to undcistandi u iT (B ilh -p ia y e re ) > f ; ' ' ' . ; .' s t a r beyond m casurcm !dit iif ’ ' ....................... eaanomic behavior lies d^eqj j j j scan their brains In sasth ey •Ptoyof# are eonr»ct«J to MRI Mf macflim T h e brain scarinei ner is begin- ' tlic brain, at llie level of ccUso IntafscL Th«y.repoat Uw oan (amo lor 10 rounds, with each pla)«r yiifwinnlng yanlstidcup n b ig now to p u t a w : synapses. points thal can ri Italer Im oicchaneed tor money to a1 measure. ogainst i t to provltfc • The brain Ls above oU an o J* "® : ■ & ^ .. nom ic e n d n c forged“ ^ Player 1 g die biology . Indeconslm ctingU evolution ' through eons / ' CttOOMI tes a sum of money to aicherahave o f tm s t o d w rcseaic scrounj^iR for scarce resourc Invost deteraiined th a t thIB e brain up­ tlicy argue. So the ability to ntia end between peare to prize d ial bom things of value Is the deCni se> peopl® b lo d ieemlcally, m charactertstic o f lhe b ta ia I B Both players • ■ t -C a c tin g a powerful ho honnone to kLTStone of hum an diarntrter. . • Pt8yor1> 1> dedslon Is revealed. cem ent working rdatii ationshlps"■IhJiie pa'ceded agricultun T lie o c to ftm stc ojTielateswidi m ' preceded cities; it is a ma devated leveb o f aa bbrain hor> : com ponent in hum an sodal m o n o callcd cxytodn, ±i.'dicsame : Morc llian anytlUng, it cxnia: chemical released duri luringbreastour SUCCCS.S as a spedes,• Si feeding . and uterine Play ’l a y e r ! Player 2 ' Vemon Smitli. aii economist "f* ^ contracdons, accordii rding to exTho decisionnIanoaufpriM.and lai ig ol the decision, experiences Upon leaniinoo ; GeorgeMasoaUniversilywlu las of the brain assodatod with pcilm en ts co n dlucted uc by . bralnnc^bln b ln the visual cortn activity In areas • woik in cxncrimcnial econoi only. vrnaWng and sodaJ IntotacUon. . .rear, dodston-mi rcseairfiersatd arem c montCiaduon ; ies earned liim a Nobel Prize ateUnivcrsitylnCallfo llfomia. : 2002. J‘at»)OfdngiiiH ■ . .. , I t literaDy feels goo< oodtocoop* ' • , Som a experts suraest1 tl ■Ihtiama •‘i . - A , crate," said Paul J. Zol Zak,diieaor • stock markets and oilier fin: fn , o f d ie center for neiux luocccnom* . d a l exchanges, as crealions As the , ies studies at O a ro mont no , ■ die Ininimi iiiieUect. may mir h orm one levd rose,■.p< people «IJ0 • lu ; J ; llie bioiogicp networks in me I ) redprocate ■ ' v V ' f e : brain. UKDitil . tr u s t T h e s t r o n g (he di( trust, die If only they can unden^a Arent u p and 11^ m o re die oxytoanvrei die br;iin. researchers belie lyyouw oa jim S diem orctrustw orthy] the mysteries of markets ivill ivui t » “interesdngj)’, partlc nlapants In ^ ruvejiled. diis experiment w ere IC 1unable to Brain__ _ J o i nn t v e n t u i r e s p l a vy o u t exultation begin to docui uncnt in s of* how invohmtaiy . em otion feet d ie rise a n d fiiDo f 8t oidcs. d ' Already, tuelim inaiy fine [ndings about die b alance sheetioo f m e linking brain hove scholars redik die m eaning o f m c a ^ i t s9d£d ' I h e sam e reward cuctdtt ItiyeC' tivated by cocaine; sports ts cars; attractive Cuxs a n d JolcES la Is octi* vated by money. U ntfl1 :now, e c o n o n u ^ have assum ed Hi d ia tm oney w as prized n o t fbr )f itself but oiily forw hat it couldIbi b^ e c t of Moreover, d ie prospec winning m oney activates sp ic brain n ^ n s t n a waythfl S*dw ducat o f losing it does noi l o t reiverslty scari±ct8 a t Stanford Unhn reccndy dem onstrated tow the Scientists are n ot sure hm »adds d iitrica l snap o f synapses. up to a firumdal d e ^ oIon, i or ■how diese in s i s t s m l ^ t:bb e a stheory sembled into a w orking di of economic behavior. ■ lovc to 'Sooner o r later, ytni hm B.Will." engage th e issue o f frec.i V York said Gllmcher, th e New ten we University sd e n tis t "W ha Q n ^ understand th e hlum u an lorwiU brain, all hum an behavior be predictable." le tvra For n ine rounds, d ie tru st w omen played in perfect tn B dur as th e investor ahvays oh issible. put u p die m axim um pos! ahvays Thn& die trusfeft In n u n ah equally dhrided d ie spoils. td. die Now, in die last round, bchiwedthe Inside her sciuuier at Bay] odds of bctxayal read iedi d1i d r Ic said. "But Tang made tip her mind. peak. .. noncdieless dieir brail rains ^ d e d She signaled her decision tvi cd die Ih e y hod bodi reached de­ oicm to behave in -s“socially o ' ata p o fa b u ilo n . fnom ent w hen econom ic:du!otl sirable' ways - (ha( at is, to be /Vs llie tnisiee, she liad dios pdm al • ry suggested diat th e 'opt tnistwonhy:* • coopewtioji. She split the2 pi move was for the trustee to0 iseize • Inside th e Baylor or scanner. ceeds of tier partner’s. iirst fL Bclurinveswd another th e profits bcca u sc there t herS20 . Investment evx-nly. vay for \vould no l o n ^ r b e any wa: jr dedslon, Isolated in the n c i^ b o r l die investor to reudlaus. next mova ‘scanner, tracking her partnc rtners Was trust its o w n rev larmer ■ftmg could cheat h er pai rewaid? Player 2 mput- . , , , decLsioas via iconson acompi widiout fear o f reprisal Docidos1hi how to share profits wHh er sc a t’n. Belur had no \vay *0 IVC for Playorl. ^ The m ost rational movt W hen a d e d slo nI fc forms, die kno\v wiietlier dial dioice w fuse to Bdur. diercforc, w as to refuj brain moves fasterr tiian t! selfsincea’ or simply a .strategy is last ^ awrarcness. risk any m oney in diis eticoiirjge furilier investme T h e brain unconsdc richer sdously prcround, to en d die gam e rl Bol loth players until tile odds would shift ™ *" p a re sto a c ta m e a siuuablclengdi al tiian h er trading p a rm e t • Player 2's 2'i decision is fevoaied. ‘ favor ofheirayal. milliseconds , _ o f d m e - u p to 500 mil The wom'en balanced o nr the Even so. Uelur gambled. ( “• u** - beforc a person co consdously cusp o f betrayal the next ruimd. she oncc mo*® me d e d d e s to a rt. . nd put B dur ^u n b led ogain and invested everytliingshe hatL ichbrain isal“• b io th e rw o id s,d ie her entire stake In i ^ . Again, her faidi iiyas repai ways onc step ah e:ad a d of itself, inded* Ih e n c x t lOsccondsofinc Tang sliJired tlie profits equail) Player 2 Player 1 “7calcuIaUng die p o ten tcntial costs sion seem ed an eternity. Tang, who was working on The dods. idsion Is no surprise, ond brain ng of tho dodsion. oxporlonco9 an hli e r ' a n d b c n c Q ts o fc a c 1h choice d at a . Uponlownlnoo evenly For one lost time. Ih n g cv doctorate in hum an gcnedcs activity 1 In tho visual cortex only. ity is aclMty In oroM} ol o l Iho : brain assodatod with (oar. cdJuIarlcvcL Investsplit die proceeds o f d ie im Daylor, was drawn to tne cxpc naking and sodal Intoracllon. doeisiorvmoWi "Most ofdie b ra inlisdomlnatis i m ent m eni not by sdentific intcrcst processes, . 1.^1 c d by auto m atic p “Perfect co o p erad o n every c its outcotne, but by ilie spcndL la d ie r dian deliberath atlve (dilnk-.round,” sold Baylor ncurosc *)ClA.(# jJC . ftttftrtsfdoj ■ m oney slie could cam os a VI tn “f n , Jng)* A lot o f w h at happens ha :UI .0 was tist D am on Tbmlin. w ho c-'." ... . unteer. She h ad carefu Mlnotcog1^0 th e brain is em otional ) ■ riment m onitoring th e cxpcrin Htn N rf planned how to win as much ^chas njtive," said George fiom the conuol room. possible in die expcrimenL^ Locwcnstcin,abchavi< ivioralecon. lOftnUi diem The two vromen eased tli “ 1 had a strategy.” 11011 • ' ' ''vww' ’B; ( o m ist ot C a m c^e-Mellon c^ ^ 5^ sdvcs out o f d ie scanners, is, stiff plained later. "If she was nice and a bit dazccL me, 1would be nice to her. p At tc arecspcdal^ ' defied U n know ing, they had di very List round, I would bclr ‘Jctray ly sensitive to th ec potendal ' f A die rules o f gam e tn eo re^ T 1 hw , ,. rcw ard so fd ed sio n s,n }.rcseanhai , should have bctra y ea each t A team of researchers led Baylor an d E m ory^, University t tu n ity odicr at die earliest opportu Head Montague, director of Be nphed Had trust horm ones trium i lor's Hum an Neuroimagii t release a Mnterover die dieorcm o f sclf-|j Laboratory, and Baylorncurosi dopamine, chem ical callcd d( est? . en list Urooks King-Cas w hich serves as a rcwai ivaruiorclnviutti . Rlesearchers R By playing together'in1 such { scrudni/iid llie synapses o 'f bo “ “J force behavior, actually Tho pat aatiom of reactions to ed300 harmony, c ; ^ lu d earned w om en for cellular evidence to a n tid p a te sn ap d ccislons ed tonilal betrayal and polor uid be points, meaning each wouli th e relationship building up *P b h d p balancc costs ant and payoQa Ions ol trust Is analyzod. cxprosslor pald$30. tween them. . , T h e cclls secrete a b uurst n of good Ibm lln c ounted o u t diec oi n e 'H ie researchers used technt feeling beforehand to Iunderline dollar bills fhsm a smoU lock ±box o m developed at Baylorr m di at th e desirability o f o n cc c■o u n e o f onyOMM> <• I«OMVoanvi 01 iwffi KMj erTMarvi ><vwn Tbng eyed die growing; stack s atlmvs scientists to m onitor tv action versus anodier. ■OOTMWCO._____________________ ofbiUs. o r more brains sim ullaneou 'i o n d s d e c These neurons rcspc he last ‘If 1 had known it w as die Coa4r«M«< rmi using fimctional magneiic• res only to die dvdy. Some rcact onl round," she told Bdur. "I would wi nance imagers lirtkcd diroui ™“ 8h possibility of sometiiin htagbenrfihe wired red 10 cuTTcncy Ills team im plotted the biologipoun tunding pulses. Snap judg-5- not have ^ v e n you anything (lie Internet. d a l and o thers onl] “J y “ spcaiiilo rso taBa <Boston broker- cai indie licaiors o f stress, m cnts. cnt -honed by intuition,1, Ih n g could n ot oqilainn vmy ' For the trust experimet reward itself, rescarchi ^ e r s n l t h e n g elo ien so lsmtn o io r d io r ^ h c o n exuberance .ccand.icnsl 9 p a m ln s t outw itw ei^ied h i^ -m in d e d cco-. jy,and I-. shclosttrackofherstraiegy, funded by Uie Drown I«und Unhfcrsity o f Fribi r t a u i g In S e ; breathing, , bll blood pressure,' . ie a !* ^ c .p i .profltandloss.H ore* " ‘rt'orrd lirilc calculations. itp ^ e d h e t ' lio n Inc. in Houston,’ li Switzcriand discovered lueondskincQ np c a t ^ the tie experiment a t th e Ilii , . bodytempcranuBi ITiesc were "gut" decisions. ^ C 3C w as no w ay she c< could rescjurhers often paireda volu S ir is o f tw IWO minds ducivity. ^ Ihee cr e n d o f the day, Boston Stoc :ock£xchongc: Coi Contrary to traditional eco-I- know \\1icthcr-'intheinstai tant of teer in a brain scanner at Ba^ ab o u t the future. ad m a d e 1.200 - M arkett trades, I the sensors nom l - >rfilch considers only , die traders had imlcs mpass y decision >-th e Internal com] widi one at Caltedi. more' in; TWo com peting n c n d e s, averaging showed, vre /reretiiestuffofsw eaty ratioi tional dd ib e ratio n - suchn o f h e r brain had altered d her 1 3 0 0 miles away in Pa.sader iti( m inicinct d u rin g illion opleca palm s, hci leavy breadiing a n d mcas liasurcs o f m arket panic andd cholca • • Calif. Tlie researchers at Bajd “ Vu tiia th in m o n a c o n flia an d Caltech have conducted tl sh o n -ten n an d lo n g ;-tcnnbene-te cxperimciu witli M-l'peoplc “ flts. H aivani U ■llie larKest interactive brain ^ ir researchers reported. j j ^ S a n d r a Bl u ij l o c k i s B a c k aging study ever. , ., "O ur em otional bra brain has a So little IS known about die^t !0 .tjio J h ard time imagining d i d F u n n i e r T i i e n E vfe e r! ology of decision-making’ di d i o u ^ o u r lo^i 3 u o 8 sW h O (rat» /" researchers h ad no theory 'ty *0 dearly sees (he futur ture conse■MI.O.S'l Jl. Al test, n ic y wanted to p d ie lerr a s q u e n c eso fb u rcu rrcn t m u d i data as possible durii S 3 S ^ ^ 3 | ~ ~ T h o 10i RInglWo(Kt>i u rti^ said Harvard economi NStCUOl OSUfWOUNOO^T:lft>t:M ilic finandal inleracdons In In dti ie • L aibsoa “Our emotioi tional brain BBW HW W BB IIH h ope diat .signatures of brain a v ra n tsto m a x o u tth e c r Conaonlallty2(rai3) livjtym iclitcm erga even d io u ^ o u r logji ^ c a lb ^ io8umotmoD«ivMS->--» “In this game, trust builds u knows we ^ o u ld save] vcforictlrc- . BS and it m ast exist someiivhcre erc in menL" tlie brain," said Caltech neur leuro*' Moral dndmm as cai lo w a t t i ie sdentlst Cedric A n e a “But die dierc th e same sense o f S faiJ d ' S S ' O uessv Is n ot one event \Nliere wo a c can o n d m utualobligadoni )n as money . a n d T w in C in e m a say, ‘Tliat Is trust.’We don't know kno matters. Rcscarcherss at a PrinceSOdtt])D^T:90-»;4S when it starts, how it builds u Is up» to n Univtjrsity detcrm i rmincd that I Htn oi t^onouM Million Doll orw hat Is involved." o jl« B a ^ p « ^ M .» -js I ' synapses active d uring n g COmpiCX I------d k B e m i e M M sa c A s h t o n K u t c h e i o^o.yTjW.jgw^ __ ■ T lte results, so far unpul ipub- m oral choices tappcdli <1 into areas I m SSfiiiS'Sf* intlrM m Dtfy7M «t:» I lished. reveal that finand uid al associated widi ration lonal ihWc- ^ i J S S c i n S i dealings seem to enpigc neur urural in g - an d also inIto to regions ■ . K iS ; networks In ilicdnguJaiccortc ortcx. aroused strong emoi fed iIn “Somc o f d iat cmJoot t S l a r an area of die bniin (nvohred T ra a S ffiS 1= noni* chitccturc affects ded: sw itdiing bet\vccn tasks, mon S o m e lr v la w ■s'" s ^wlnn Oulii «■« •term m ake;involving m o n . toring errors an d short*tcn ] w e r e m e a n t to \0^ • memory. - ■ > f l j l : b e b ro k e n J dmt . ■ R»dna8 Wpw Critics hove often argued ai{ In sprays of U ^ t onacomnputpu could vohm K toployingexpc ■ cr screen, die rcseareheis coui AIIAthitt itrflZOO k k h 11.00 , ^ 3 ■; lifted, gam es in bndn scanne: inersareno _ &EEI sec how levels of acdvity shille >«Uy8:45-ol33 •• ^ tm easure of real m aiket d x b d iav -' • ic* Prlnc«ti7ifl ' M en typically showed the grea )cforc ior: So rescarehers led o ^ ^ a t , est acthity in die seconds bcfo: isio a M IT stu p e d -worldns ' m aking a n invcsunentdedslo: Kiforc d u rin g dieir n o im a l 1 n d ^ r o n ie CInsm a T heatre . w om en in the m om ents bcfoi 311 1to ^ ' dicy revealed dielr decision 38 W h T O re a n ^ lg “ S acthrlty in■ dieir trading parmer. ■ In Bduris and pain brains, die offers and countoo shlng y U U W M fers - signaled by pushir buttons i n ^ dieir linked scai scan-'- BGbB H B H M H I 1 Q if lj- E ners - triggered helghtcnc yi S ea ts Only $ 1.00 E veiy Dtw iW atOie Twin c in em a t s BETIEBMDinB acdvity along a czcsccnt-shape N ow atU w -Tw lnC lnB fro^gyg IBWBPBIH M l " I, strip o f brain dssuc in die dngt . late tliat ap pears lo tnu a r G o m e s F u ll; C )M U'A.N.KS:, - "-i--:. responsibility for sodal intenu AL PACINO JEREMY niRONS ' V S ■: (ion. . sodaTODAV2KH)-<t25-7«l Wldi cach rou n d o f ncgod] tions between the tw o w om ea rcputflUon for fiiir dealing too 3O S C A R N 0M 1NlA MTIONS hold in dieir neural tissues, U w at l» . TODAY 2 tlM i» -7 tO "Ih ist is one o f those fewtfm t f S I ' t S 2 er guessw ho H appen t ^ n o s ^ I £ IHilJiMIHiiif: ^ fMW TkMKlMlIt IccPrir[toss I ijy Hotel Rwai amla 7tOQ^itf I rU W ^ M ijB ■ ' I| - ■ M X M O R X P E S c ijtle r^ s I M " ■i 2005. TImet-News, Twin Falls; Idal dahoD -3 rheTimes^N e w s s fy ■I — I m ISOI^^IIIil I B B I FOUND L hasa A pso?7 S m a ll w h lto w /ta n . - M o lo . o ld o r. fo u n d vicinity ol Elm St. N. Coll 208-735.5332.* ___________________ M S i : ssWo'fflsr a s s ffislXSS LOST Bordor Colllo Trlc o lo re d fomalo wllh o m o ll a c a r o a b o v e3 '^9^1 oyo. WhKo tipped0 to ll. L o st in Jo ro m o C oirty. CaD 73W 672.' LOST Cat. small, black,A lo n g h a lro d . spayed f o m o lo . n o t ta m e , g, V ic ln ity of B oroh & Harrison. 736-6914,• ; ■ hm S ttty n utrr c o r , I n i e k , c y c l e , • ; V u m o t miNGtUm arm fg l g g O M . 1iAD wild. RUN li Ei ro•Iho) W eTimes4lem m :. m W • > Minidoka Animat Shelter 615 W L a n e s Behind Paul Elomonlary f fen 206-308-2905,* J Bryan l ■I I— J j^ J 2 0 8 -4 3 8 < 2 2 0 0 P l accee y: o u r o d O n l i n e ... } ii)!/o ! u « i;i Uyj ou 10 \ P a u l. Id a h o AD OPVON; 1. Adull yoilow Lat), malo. 2 . M alo c h o c o la lo Lab ■ 3, Extra large malo X 4. 3 - P y re n ee s X puppies. . 5. B a s s e tt H o u n d / Bordor Collie X 6. Malo rod Hoolor 7. Numerous pupplos ol all types, you forgotten lo p your birthday o s? Wo havo p ho to s wo oro /ou would want, Thoso3 can ca bo pickod up at IhoT Iho ho TTmosNows Classified Cia: Ocpi.* PEOPLE FOR PETS PE( 420 Vldory Avonuo 42( . PO B ox 1163 7 3 6 -2 2 9 9 - WWW. ^ 'M E N T p*~*" ' ~ ' COM M UM I » jJ S Q iO ( glh. G rade t, >Math a n d S clent T ea che r T h o C o m mi*u ijn lty School s e e k:s'aneih s'( G r a d o M a;th th a n d oocher S c i e n c e lo ugust 1. beginning Aug luccesslu lo p p llc am n l wiil loom /thom o0 Ilo a ch wilh tho 6lh1 G C rade teachor humonltlos tej and othor 8thh (Grade You will Instrudors. Yc kground have a backgi )lesconl jn onrly adclo o n d be o d u c o tlo n or tho dolamiiiar with th volopmontatt titrends in M id d le SScc h o o l The lob oducalion. Th w ill o ls o Inc D elude s u p e rv is in gg 1odviT ronclng so o s. conferei w i l h p o r eoi n t s . & C 0 Is Iu d 0 n Is & .rtlcipatioaguos. partli iculum ' ing in curric i )nt ond lo tio n , g In tho s c h o o l's o uuttd o o r program and Id loadi n g o t l o a aatt o n o co-cunicuiarat •activity. T'Twin Fans, Idaho r w i 15 M B BBS YOUR I A0 £ f ku I H ' A L C: O IH O L I C S A N ODNN Y M O U S 206-73 J-733-6300& . ■ 721 721-0S65I c vvot lle y .c o m m o g lc ^ la a y y o u r fFOUND oi a n Jd p/ih tirtcd line ad l 1I .. L ab R e tr ie v e r Click on iluf C( C r o s s n o u to ro d s(/Ietf srtiion.* mi male on Grandvlow, ■' ^ 2. f PBOOK EVENT SC R A PB C oron osirandor. . lAGIC VALLEY MALL M ling Saturday. M an y c a ts / k ltte n a ADt ADOPTION: ^ °mlay S ?7.2 : 005 • fo ra d o p tlo n i 1. f 1, Rcttwoiiior C ross ||yourbusinosswouid bus spo spayod lomale pup. i . i „ oI pQriicipQto », as a Hours: Monday-Frlday 2. F >. Pit C ross neutocod >r please call the 9:30 a m -12:30 pm mi molo adult - m X (Ificoat733-3000 i?o Closed Sun. & 3. e 3. Black Lab OTSS. toioquosl josl 0 registration holidays. cnai swoot dog. male, ^ packet.* _a, This Is a public 4. Polnlor F Aussie ^ sorvlco cro; cross 3 month old, C --------- J ant)ouncomot\t tonfomalo, ^ iQ 7 ^ o f Tho Tlmos-Nows.’ 5. 3. 2s U b c ross ^ ^ /oung pups. ______________ 3,. Lob C ross spayod preqn AI CRISIS INANCY M IN I-C A SSIA fomolo adult. CEHTEflF ■RFflEETESTS. A N IM A L R E S C U E r. Lab C ross fomalo AlwavsC ys Conlidenliai. adull, ■ 72A F O U N D AT IO N 734-7472 J. Chow Bordor _________ P l e a s o c a ll u s o t: Ploaso omoll nwhitllm ^ llio C ross noutorod C ^~ 2 -ngtonOcommi imunity2 0 8 -4 3 6 -8 9 0 4 • m alopup. ^ t0 8 i4 In Wo>d . ), ShopfwdftoDmaior toim ata^M voi vor lotForADOPTlO N Cross spayed female _ _ Cro ______________ tor. educatloni inoi phiPuP’ ABANKI NKRUPTCY ? losophy stalei lomeni, 1 .3 mo. old malo Rot10, Australian Froo Inf a Information rosumo & roforc oroncos. jhophord Cross, Choptoi ip te r s 7 4 1 3 T h o C o m md u n lty . 'S . a . - r : , . * lomaio adult. COMPA ,1PARE0UR School I s o nm equal , Syoars :i. BordorColllo SEF TIMES-NEWS ■t!"l SERVICE - o p p o r l uj nr i t y 3, Carman Shepherd X. Cro Cross spayod female Paula1Brown Bro Sinclair employer, male 4 month adult. Auome imoy at Law Visit our wobsH isH eil 4. Qroat Pyranau# pup2, Shophord Cross-----------208-73 J-733-3300* www.eomrminlty« KMftOOl.CUSSIFIED py.tpodalMedi. fom lomaio pup. --------------5,HoolorX,lomalo.at»u1 NKRUPTCY 3, U b Cross BANKF 3yoareold olltivo rates on vASKINQ CUES' Dupplos. Compolirn ISTIONS DEPARTMENT p ; p Many spayod Anoulered ilany c a tq /k l tle n a Chapter 7 bn k n ip ld o s. Conduct public :0|opinion rjba cats,AlsomanyUtieR9, for adoptloni , Jolf S ilephone, . • polls ovor the lolei This Is a public tarvka vrww.mjgicllnk.com 208-73 i-734-6452* ^ ABSOLUTEl ELY 208-734-5538 announcement ol NKRUPTCY , NO SALESIISIII TlMTlmos-NeW L ------- ^----------------- 1 Houl sarch, oxponslvo. p e rh o u r 1U w 7360699* P®' iLow. Casual work onviit Aonmoni Closed Sun. & BANKP 'JKRUPTCY Roxlbie evening Ing, day. holidays, S95 < iOSdown ond wookond hj hours, We con only koop Ooorg6 ' W( jrg 6 E ssm a l5-3 0 h o u rs port jrw eok, or animals 48 hours, Aaomo} m o y A tU tw Groot part-tln time Ihoy . Call 208-7 thi aro thon sold □8-736-6232.* job or second]id job. or DESTROYED. ----»m pua NKRUPTCY C lose to CSI cai rmatlon .llordablo t-2653 ^ /mont plan. , , , ' o n ts .d W c o & *********** ilnal manors. AUTOMOTIVE ■ 7/co 734-3367 R otinishor/Body dy Tech UPTCY--------------n e e d e d . M u sts t h a v e announcamonf BANKRUPl jorantoed o x p D ry g tol ;a s t i n g fli^* Quora I s i/ThoTTmosW m -8712.* wosl prico required. 732-8. ' lowosi filing fees. — »i 1 B6fr<e8.2399* CASHIERS J 0 4 ^ ||||M I P | Call 1-866--------------------- Pay S7.45 & up.p. isurato in p a at 50 need s In- ^ 0 1 0 9 ^ T&PT (>op( opondont oltractive H S F ' ounlry lady w/fauits > + Medlcol ■ f lH cour ke me. O ne child ok. NEW WAY lA Y T O L O S E •►Dental 'i'<o' 'on pals. P.O Box 838 WEIGHT. ^ E r Poni HT. Loarn how •(’ 401k & pakl win Falls ID 83303 ‘ lo o a l right rigl lo r your vacations. TVfIn >08-934-4725.* Apply In perso; son at E W A R D Jero m e new ravel = ^ ^ = ^ = 1 FiVIng J T ra\ I 11 kjuntry Club Is olfor- r ---------- t | 50 ig a reward for Infer^ iM 4 • ^ or sale! kH mlatlon ath loading to Iho om e' Biia sporty car ia not for orroi rrost and convlcllon auto off p < porson or p ersons l o o k inIQ g FOR f a womFleaie che^ onr other au van< ondollzlng Jo ro m o isslst wonderful Cour ounty Club Proporty c o u ^ e Itving al photo ads. o nn M a r c h 1 8 - 1 0 . S J S o. ITS - f h r a . a '^ U L ^ Piotu looset»ntoctJerom e ,1 work inlo ^ could Cou D. Must be non- CLERICAL 208< DB-3Z4 8845. omokor. m r. non-drinker. Billing R ep reseintatlve: nt )d honest.. Rof- N oreo M edical'looking lo -------- kind and h s roqulrod. Colt for friendly, effli ifflclenl. 1 o e ,^ E k u Q 9 orencosroi 2P6-423-4< 3-4077.* , detail orientedI pporson . for lull-llm e mo n o dical n. Must A ll a d v triitin g It ^ 1 1 3 .^ 3 . jltl-lask. lu k fe tt <0 the mmunlncwtpaptr^s' cator, .soif-motiv itlvaled, glufiQordt o f • _ and ho v eg o o dIoorganii .. T h r t I ■ " a e ttptanet. ‘-U jmpuler <-> 5* zatlonaJ a n d com »Tlm ti>N «w i Clattlflsdi T h t Time»-Ntw» ^ v'v'.' S ’ Tfu skills. E xporiet lonco 0 t t e n x i Ihe right lo plus, but will tral roln the ' tdil^abbrtviaie. W41GHECI E CHILDCARE fight person, Lo Looking k eltn to rp rv p e riy R o o a oinn oo bl lo r a t e s , for 0 groot toam imployHh b h B ’ 1 d a u lfy a fiy tu L . . m o a U&i ssnacka r Induor. Full com po ponaa' 1 Rat ( K tip l.o f copy UM (tod. Lots )ts o<l love ond tton/twneflls poc lockage n m o titn h y ' tin.CaB20( I208-73&0680* Indudes medical, a l.d e n (fax, ftn a i l, € tc j ---------------->. profit i)e$notca ti$iilute . ET1QGERS Ifh flH n a ^ k o fk Ik. flex ic a tlo n t W nea;*Bap«r. Wowt^p n t, sick J^^!a S L ^ roim buraom ont, r h e a d J tr ^ tw l ICCP & stat th e n w tp a jx r C B llJen208 S^'ot / M f m f LLEEIO a Vc a RB 873 A ddison A Av*W v no ha s full-time irt TVrln F«U •Us g s for 18 mos. to complete oppUc lUcatlon c o n ttn io fth e ir ^ S.t< }tato Ucensod. and pro-employT jyment fu errtw -324-M24* . - acroenlnotes w r & ? ? “■ 3 “^ “ ' LOS OST Shlh-Tzu. black and white fomolo,' on 3/19 on East 16th St, In Ruport. a nsw er to Jasm ine. 4 litUe boys a a i i . ° , r ' “ RT ^ ■ L O S T O og m ale Lab M ix. w h llo w /b la ck ^ s p o t s . Id a h o F o ils , 2 0 0 2 Iiconso #1393, : Call 208-735.5266 or 208-308-3545-* _ LOST dog, Smoll blacki( S c h n a u zo r in Hagerm a n o ro a. R ew a rd d offered/C all 208-539- i. 7113or206«!7-t244,‘ L O S T L o b X r e d ls h^ b r o w n , a n s w e r s to 0 Marly. U si soon 3-13 in vicinity c l Third Avo, I, Nc^.& A irfield. Coll11 208-732-5961.* ■ ■ msm I NOTICE O F TRU8TE£ TEES SALE . ■■ ■ T.S, No, 200500123-23623 LoanNo.Oe2360S342 Loa On o e /2 t/2 0 0 5 a t 11:00 am ( I im (reco g n ized local llmo). Qt tho following locaUon lUon In the County of -------------NOTICE Jody Hall Twin Falls. S tato.of rdohor.ln : ln tho lobby of First _ NO irk rwinF^Is Traffic .D eputy City Clork Americaji Title Company. 260 WThird V Avonuo North. Tho Twir T W in F a lls, ID 6 3 3 0 1 , F Irat irst A m e ric a n T itle Safety Commission Co Is o itm l e u . , , . h 27 rocossolselect- PUB LISH. M arch Insuranco Company, o s Tnjsta JSteowlIlsoJJfllpublJc n the proc. ___ ^ auction, to mo highest bidder, er. Ifor cash, in lawlul Ingjour•nowmembers, no ■ nwnoy of Iho United States, ail all ppayablo at tho tlmo The Traffic P U B U C NOTI( )T IC E of sale. Ow followlna roaJ propoi operty. situalod in tho m ission^ s. A c tio n s p la n n elo d dond C o u n ty o l Tw in F a lls , Sto t a ti to of I d a h o , a n d advisory t governXs C o,,^n 0 ° '' doscribod a s follows: Lol S, 5, B Block 10. Revised Twin Falls Murtaugh Socond Addition,1. Twin Tv Fails Counly, and l3 part rhovlilD Idaho, accordlfw to tho official lal pplat thoreol record- slonmakini to ^ od in Book 2 cf Plats. Pago 1..records ro< of Twin Falls gardinn tr County. Idaho. Tho Trustoo has w s ir » knowledge ol a wllhin Iho m mnn Sm SM ™ 5 moro particular doscrlplion'of 1'of tho abovo rofor- Falls. Mom Jso fr oncod roal proporty. but forf pu; purposes ol compll- offlco Is tw to o ’m M '^ 'o S e OOvommontcharge irgoa all anco with Section 60-113 Idahp ihp < Code, tho Trustee Committee iformod. h a s boon Inform od th a t tho Iho a d d r o s s of 7 3 6 ooch mont. ir u rg e s is som olim es current Issi . L o cu it. Twin Falla, Idaho 83301 63i to ro o d associated wllh sold roal proporr perty. Said salo will bo , ^1 odu'« nolicos. arranty regarding lltlo. Twin Falls ( mado wilhout covenant or warrai W o n d v u o lthh co s e possession or oncumbroncoss to satisfy tho obllga- bio lo appi S n L . ™ 5 P . i c M l z o n s w h0o so'fiV ., tion secured by and pursuantIt lo tho powor of sa la cations will ation lo m InlormMloi ist texecuted by Thad a l t e r A pr confomxJ In tho D eed c l Tiust o x o r d s o Ihoir righ right lo W ebb a nd E va W abb, h u •tbb a n d a n d w ifa, a s A nyono in » “ »»= PUM " rec r«cto rd s la successor Trustoo. aofving cr grantors, lo TitloFact, Inc., aa ai Ings for the' benefll and socuilty ol /ABN AMRO Mort- mission pl( IN T or t as n o l i c i a r y . d a to d alotloroflr g a g e Q ro u p , I n c .. a s B oone IfSSerse an t Pioaao addross o^l'ogai all li Staff 0 5/06/2002. and reco rd e dI on 0 5 /1 3 /2 0 0 2 . a s advortislng lo: 2. ol J ohhnn Wilson ' Instrument No. 2002-009492. oi Official Rocords m e i‘u « LEGAL ADVEFmS: 0. F Ploaso Noto: Tho TWln Falla Fa Po Ico of Twin Falla County. Idaho. 7 ’2 ’NQ loartm ent T he Tlmos-Nowi comply with aoctlon Oepai abovo Grantors aro nam ed lo0 cc *«*“ o?3027 PO B o x 546 4&-1506(4)(A). Idaho Code. No representation Is PO[^Be . Twin Falls.J ID wt. presently rosponTwin Falls; F£ Idaho mado that thoy an». o r oro rwf. D X 8330^0548 th herein, Tho Oefautl U 3K sible lor this oWJgaUon M t forth h. email nado la tho faiiuro lo for which this sale la to be mad of Trust a n d Noto PUBLISH: pay.whon due. u ndor D eedd ol 0 ' 2 1 ° ^ ^ 23' ^ d ' l n o ^ M ^ i m y Installmonls for 16. 19, 220. dated 05/06/2002. Tho monthly jnda (If applicable) of 2 4 ,2 5 .226 6 , 27 28 29 3 'd o y s prior to publ principal, intorost and Impounds of 10/1/2004 nnd30,20( 672.94. duo per month forthe) montha mo _____________ doy for S undoy. ni through 2fl/2005. and all subsoc C P O p eOMij; A ip o n T h u rsd ay for M f ^ m o n t l '^ T r i n c ^ NOTICE until tno dole of sale or reinstate date on iho obligation pal balance owing 03 ol this date /ednosICE IS GIVEN I " " " '! " / « " 1 WoiI' stlsS NOTICE securod by said Oood of Trust Is 85,365.18,pIus ibiicniirfinnwMi d ay. n o on c n Mon vlondoy 317.125% pe r annum thatapubli( accnied Interest a t tho rate ol 7. n from 09^01/2004. All delinquent ont ■ amounts e ra now co fiaii^ bv by tho c it« r, for Thursday and ) ri oils Idaho^S o n T u o sd o y lo rF due. together wilh accruing late charges, and In- Twin Falla VI ^ 1 2 2005 • Saturday. Hn Holi a ssessm ents, 11:00AM./ . terest. unpaid and accruing taxos, taxi IS. tand any am ounts a t H u nVtl B I r 0 1h o > s dead lln o s m ay var> tnisleo's Zoos, attorney's lees, JostTons *’“''0 0”y Quoati airity osso d a to d with Auction, 165 11 Enstlnnd advanced to protect tho security c a l ^ b y legaIdor» dork, at bonefidary elects to D r i v e .' tTvS ' f K . this foreciosun] and that tho bei lyto I d a h o ,o ol lu n claim ed sell or causo tho trust property to bo sold to satisfy In the ■r ----------pn said obligation. 11 tho Trustee» Is unable to convey porsonalI property cessful bidder's solo custodyololthe Qty, A ^ o i 0 1 , ^ H E a l title for any reason, the success tho rotum ol monies H o to lltIto o im s c o n b o ^ and exdualve remedy shall boII th< uccessful bidder shall o b ta in eidd !a t tho Twin paid lo tho Trustoo, a nd tho »ucc( havo no further rec o u rse . Oati ______ Dato: 2-10-05 First FallsPollco liw^^partmont poUND Dog. young C om p o n y M olm et • reception di A m erican T itle I n s u ra n c e1Ca )ung foItv ol " '“'o Lab cross.i.rodish ro( Offices of Sloven J. The City ( Twin Falls Oofaull Sorvlcos fka T he LawVOf Sht lo brown. Botwoon le t. S a n to A n a. CA r o s e r v o8s?l^oN l Melmol, 1620 E. Flret S treet. )nBBliss fl16.387.7728. Roln- ro e « any i 92705 Sale Infonnatlon Uno: flit i.C o ll 206-536-4601 je sts: 849,622.3366. All b id s1 aarre to bo for slatemonl and PayO fI Request COLLECT A DEBT • cash , lawfi ---------THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO CO iwful monoy of FOUND Lab. chocolNED WILL BE USED th o U nito llod S t a te o l AND INFOflMAriON OBTAINEC rio a r C S I a n dWMloto. Ft Kathleen M. Mayorle. Amorica. FOR THAT PURPOSE. By: Kath 1. aat said aucAvo. W earing3 Fcoo ils Uon salo. Asst Soc ASAP633850 1 collor Dated this 23rd day ol 7 3 2 -6 B 4 4 ‘d S all y l 208? Mardt. 200j ^ PUBUSH: March 1 3 .2 0 .2 7 amndd .AprU 3 ,2 0 0 5 yoond 208-735-8121 ovot ovos, Is. I Bi •Ma«i ValuesAutoShop vheMoiyouem ■ ilMH . ( M lni iiw a f n a g f e i ^ e j M i O T S 'ili's”"""' “ t “« s l ^ mmmammmmwnxriftA ■ m rrila ld ’t i M w«st -SSSS'! ___ , ____ 2005 (M ‘nmM-Nmrf. Twin Ftlli 't i l t . Idaho Sunday, U areti 2 7 ,20( " P o - I t- V p u rMs t fW ’| e a s CUSTOf TOMER SERVICE DRIVERS ) Lawn Servico h as OTR drtvors, 1 eed rs. N “ S exciting p o sitio n good MVRA:t fVClasaA avallab llablororan . W ages DOE.. w/beoeffts. w/b Evenb »nlng . 877-62»Ct1 - e tir EDUCATION Tho Volley School Dis* Dl trlct *262 In Hozolta Idaho h a a tho foHov llZ liT <<'0 v a c a n c y fo r th ttX U i 2 0 0 5 - 2 0 0 6 BChoi |»»° ^aii* year. P o s itio n aval V ^ I U I GPfnul lm i jk:k* <ometlme. aWo umli filled. qukS GotMilea.Homi >ay e s t r o s p o n s ee ii s & Pay 0-701-6688 advlsod. Col T lha 000-70' 9dd / e s i /c e li E a r ly C h i l d h o o or801*680-881 Uon tm nscom S p e c ia l E d u c a llo www.knlghttmn Tho TMchwFuU-UmoTf -Must have 0 1 Bzmat* p o sllio n a w o u idI Inli OTRmazrn ariy cludo 1/2 tim o earl — odu* childhood sp o d a i odi DRIVERS Imo oallon a n d 1 /2 tim B u r lo y b a seedd ta i nker lor apodal e d u catio n1 for fi company Is. looking lool I DDiriv ers., primary g rades. L o n g H«u1 pal H o m o o v oorryy 7 * 1 0 E lem enttifyPrindpal 98 A CDL, An oppllc^tlon moyi b e lactlorsemont, roquosfod by'contac tfico i oxp. roQ,' Ir^O Distrtct Offic o p r ^ u c ts . d t 2 0 8 - 8 2 8 - 5 3 33 :3 . 3 3 3 cp m A p p lic a tio n willI bb e irgetic a n d h a rd hA.Tfi «?o «»ni' Itlon occoptod uritli posltlo woriilnj kino pooDlo to ioln basod on jxperlenco expc ig r e c o rd . IsMod.* T E A & IU ptoS IO — 2911 Mon* e i e r r a i n s M --------h o u r full o r p o rt 0, M PrtflA M ^05P^ 5 PM MDT Joumoyman Eloctrtda dan ' ust b o 18 o r ir with a minimum DRIVERS Cali 208-734-6602■at OWor« 08k C la ss A CDL L D0rivers, for Brian* ° ’ f>Vy o' a r s d r iv in g oiy. Cloan driving j.ocoi dollver^ ----ord w llh n o s u s must havo hazr f^ f ^ a i.liliN , ponslo islons. Drug Freo d o rsem en E t fuia * ^ noodod. High end roi Ironmont. Apply In c o m p o tllivvnow' o o o ' no,: iSPe idonilai a n d commo f ™son" a l 532 W ash -. Apply in porsoiN «3 * construclion In th ion Stroot N onh. Shoshono St. N -r^Sin Fi S u n V a l lo y . id a>ho h ______ ------------- DRiviHS-------area. Full-tlmo. yeai 0"[•AJ, C o n c rete m xerdrivors ix e r round o m p io y m o n P"*’ Bl Hygonlst need* needed. Now t }w accoptB o n o flts. v a c a tlo r o”d“part-tim aJ e In n ice inoapollcalions ions. Com* bonus, insuranco. Fa offiCtf. :0.C{ allS36-S44r p g f f i wago. ;go. Insurrosum o to 20e-7d8 '88’ res. 3273 or call 206*78£ ARY COOK “ ''CO. yonJ 6&mileage tr EilTAif jtlrom onl. . 3238 for m oro info.* -time Cook. Must b o " u s 4 retire Part-tln ____ ____ o d lc a l C D L /D O T mnic bo )ble able 10 work Indo“ I n d riv in g ENGINEER pendoi dontly proforrod mptoymorn Pocatello. ID y rs oxporio n co . recctdpro^mptt 1-2 yr« ro q u iro d . J.R Slmphjt Company k well d ru g t o s t rpqi Work vt wllh others iformation Exciting opponunlty an d hha av e good cus* '"'S '? >-7909ask fo ra skills. 208-788-791 lomor or sorvlco i MMhanlcal Engineer Wng (n hospital or » o r D o u g . AAppp iy in Cooklni ^ • O v e rse e s provonIndusti js trio i s o ilin g a tiv o /p ro d lc tlv o .1, Apply In porson W altoro RleadyMIx «d must, f WY'75 malnionanco )oding County Good • S u p p o rts in frared mortal H ospital Bollovuo.Idaho* Idat Memoi qm -------------th e rm o g ra p h y , oli 120 M ontana DRIVERS 1120 o_ onaly sis, vibration Good )0 dlng. Idaho* Full-llmo 7wostom wos • m o n ito rin g a n d jRY statos andirnnnrift Cat p“ •pr*M ntative. W o oro ir e lo o k in g f o r o h ig ihh!)l y m o llv o to d , onorge provide Vico• assistance os to our c u slo r ors o v o r th o ilom telophi iphono.-Hours for this po: poslUon are MonFrl fron 'rom 3pm-8:30pm. ;urddy earn 3 :0 0 ' Soturc :. We offer $9/ hour . a n dIoan n excellent ben* '■ • eWpac packago. Including (k) ond Company 40i(k) P a t i o GJ lliiid e r :k p u rch ase plan. W tnn luniincr aficfiKx’nj and e»cninf!» olfcT many Plnflta aso callM aiy at lu: pai»> .ir porch. And opponuniiic\ id icla\ im ilw r 208)733-1491 c^vofaIonF.ho(4ayiikeg JjE , noOiing hcIiiMclicvc itw Mrc'v < 3E AAMFA//D* ■ cold drink imJ ihc i.tiillc V£flY---------------Suipc'nJed in ilxm n Tiame. llv . amJ-fixth in'iciJ of (dckinp o r' A {loixl pmjcci fiirilo-ii-jiour' e ll, ihit gitilcf mcj'urck^himl; inchei high by 24 intlK' Jeep. The plan intludc» «cp-by-»iq •»icp ini(ructlon»'Klih IS eiplodcd ilia. pholM. full-«i/e iraccahlc pallemt. pan nd cculling ifhedule. gramt and a \hopping li't aiid ' |P»tlo<;ii<lerpUn(Ni).Wl|,. n ----- 5t55------- ^------- 1 :rc (I (No.C 94) Outdoor Fumllurt pBckscr Four ('Ihct pn'jecu. .. $2J *25.95 C*Ul9*/p.cmrt« huittircd»,oofrp[ fo j« » )...$ iO O I PleiK »dd $3.00 »&h (ctcepi :epi ■ can^K-onlyonfcrt)! Tuo^r. cirvic iicmis). I clip&vcndu/chccklii: in in c lu ijo .,.™ . U-Blld Krtlum , jddn jd Jtc " anJ Ihc lu m u f Itiii P.O. nnt 23U Ihh. nrw^ttapfr. Allow Van NuysCA 91409 1-2 >.«k$ for deilwry. <>re.U(800) 82-1 i2 -U -B IL D ‘- J l .rom Money Back G u m m m m m I » cCONSTRUCTION c R esidential fm m er/halpor . Basic oxporionco. ' L aborer Wiilingnoss lowoik. Pay DOE. Call20B-94$4SBr EM PL O Y M E N T CAREQIVER M ust bo oblo 10 work a n y shllt. Call Stovo 2O8-3O8-0S82.' •• CLERICAL ^ O ffic e A s s ls t o n t B u sln o ss, loc hnlca l school or 2 yoors see* r otorlal o xporionco. K now lodooablo with PC. phono lochnlguo. Illlng. p roporing rop o n s , & scheduling. G ood communication & c u sio m o r so rv lc o o flo n lo d p ro fo rro d . Port-tlm o w /posslblo full-tlmo. S7.75-S11.50 DOE. C ontact P a lly Ho<3oo, HR Asslslanl. 2 O 8 -00G -2565. fo x 8 B 6 -2 0 4 1 o r o m a ll p h o d g o O su w s.c o m CLERICAL ^ R ocopllonlst. full-tlmo with roal osiaio backg round, dopondablo a n d hovo good communlcallon skills. S o n d ro su m o to 717B lu o L a k esB lv d N ■ o r fox 734-4487. N o phono calls ploaso’ CONSTRUCTION Roofing company hiring. M u s th a v o v a lld drivers liconso. C all 208-733-0097.' CONSTRUCTION Bottor BullI C onstruc­ tion In Elko, Novada, h a s openings (or tho following posillons, • Ex|Mrloncod C oncroto foundation p ersons. 'Joum oym an C oncroto Finlshoro. Ploaso Contact Miko Badgor'775-730-4249 or77S.753-2639.’ -■ CONSTRUCTION SALES —Production Manager f c J Cloary Building c pf " R o1 s p o n s i b l l l t i o s ' Include prospecllng. soiling & managing „ t h 0 b u I 1d I n g consiruction through c''' o m p i o t i o n . fConstruclion expo^rionco Is roquirod. Strong oijjaniiotlonal C c o m m unicalion arln d m an ag o m o n t skills aro ossonllal. s Sa 2 5 . 0 0 0 a n n u a l ba a so salary PLUS a ws ookly s a lo s a n d gonoral contracting 5 inconllvo. a signlllt> cv.a n t q u o r t o r l y porformanco basod g bonus program, and a|Tbi-annual managor-bonustopotcntlal g S60.000-S100.000 cam „ plus annually. “Bonoflts packago Includes health and oar dental Insurance, Z-cap safoty I program, 401 k plan. if paid vacation, ' holidays, and • pi HSS' Corp. IS Q family owned ond oporaiod • business w/over 25 yoars of oxpetlonco. Sond rosumo via w fax 608.845.7070 CONSTRUCTION 5, .o m o a S S m ™ ' Fromors w/oxporlonco C I.«ryB»lldlno£o,p nooded.208-3lM I9a’ f, A ttn: Roglon Saloa M anagar CONSTRUCTION ' I uk 2281 E .t0 1 0 S . K D E x c a v a tio n In cfi H Holloy is hiring for Ataiellon, ID 83335 Dtotl-trcoworkptaeo* | th o fo llo w in g posillons; : CUSTOMER SERVICE O rtvcrt •SHt o le s Rep C lass A CDL. oxporidi •A c c o u n t M o n ag er. o n c o w llh w a t o r 3-5 yoars oxporionco truck, pup & lankor CUE Ollor/Lubo Oflvors •InSttho Industrial solos P a y D O E. B o n o lits • ondorsomonis. 'A< Sond resum e lo S urveyo rs 3-‘ with GPS oxporionco InBox 90664 c/o ThoTIme»-New« O porato rs P a PO Box 548 O ozort& G rador So Twin Falls. ID 83303* . Plpelsyor* ____________ ;----------Sowor 4 Wator , T 3AIRY M ochanIc Heavy ^1 T echnician# E quipm ent Twiaro expanding at a No Ex^fOincod. 5rapid ^ paco and n eed Fox resum e to .yoursklllsl ri 726-1526 5ABS ,'J ' Global, woridwide A ttn: Chad or Mark* | producer a n d market. o r ol bovlno gonotlcs an d rolatod products. CONSTRUCTION / I is U ng Exploraioiy, procurrenllv recruiting lor DriWnff/a looking lor or Ai Technician* in Ih o W o slo m U S .ily o u ' ombitlous pooplo an, aj rj o, o n o r g o tic s o il th a tw an ia ch a n c o startorandonjoyworkto stan building a for , Ing career. ' Iho In tho dairy Indus* try As a driller's o r,this is tho opportun5ta l t y lo r y o u i Y o u r asB liU nt, o p o n slb llitlo s wlll you will loam how to . ro i^g entail oporato 0 variety of try dally Insemlnatinoitn & s a l o s , h o p t o q u lp m o n t ty p o s, detection, synchroniw hllo you gain iho ros zatlon protocols, and K n o w lo d g o a n d onl rocords management. oxporionco noodod tlo Odot th e r d u ties may b e to od v a n co w llhin o u rco m p a p y . jQt In You nood to bo oblo ro^,addition to working with (0 lift 100 p ounds. o tr on ollto group ol Indhriduals you will bo ’ 'b o drug froo. ablo to part obtain 0 commercial i n . of Dteam that prodrivers Ucenso and - vidos wltl flrst-roto senrloOS onjoy working outindit o th o ir c lie n ts . Dairy d oors at our drilling ngr Industry knowIovidi d g o and proven In* locallono ihroughs eo m o u t tho western US. a in a tio n experi* odqi n c o .A S o rB S Ifthisopportunltyfor d^dc o g ro o proforrod. If growth im orosu you you a n d you a re d ru g s e r have tho drivo and po ano s l o n w o o r o . h vo. ploaso call . Interestod In you. 779'783-7772 cjgj Contact J e n Acfcarrmn foronapplicatkjn: . vou CoTTwlolnttM leader pst2C g 8r<2<M 117or M In Ifto drilling • |nter td m u n w v ta f u c to206-324-»325* Industry, ar^d bogin cocH enjoying the wsgofl at ehabonefitslhat.I ^ o f f o r e ’ EO .E.*! t, I d r iv e r S ^ "'"""‘ " j /th a t haa A Com ponytht a O reo tJo^toO b to fferl ISC; r» o ■ S S " ” sses. Need to havo s „ d working knowi3 ol dfols Condidawss ftiust ir bo oblo 10 auoorvi Diviso sto f o r a • Cnjo facility. II m o»o t th o s o room o n ls, p le a s o p £ ”up ? appllcollon or fiondIresum ro* oto; - ZOMontanaSt. qqoodlng. Idaho* ________ DRAFTEl TER Mochanii anical/Struetural Iter noodod lullD ratlor llm o. ,. KKnow ledge of a u t joccaid r e q u ir e d . micro st 0 stallon bonoflclol. Sala lalary DOE.Sond mos to rosumo: POE 0 Box 1404 TwInFe or mjardir engine jineerlng.com d r i v iR er" imo driving posht 1s hauling gravol. ^ u st t hha v o C lo s s A ,r m oxcoliont opportTini^la / lor right porson. 731-6518rg----- :-------------DRIVER i/C a» o o l D ri.o r Rollof/C blo wllh SyoarvorllH 3y oxperior ,i.i;co. Twin Fall. to Edmi C ana . 324-7B0 a ' L “i.io ? D icr ^ ■n lod f o r w e e k ly 'dodlcalo :alod rofrigoratod ° , Id ColKomla. Wo ',,.'1 .H oaiiwit !h/Ilfo Insurance pony paid S m mont o vacation -PoM vuc modol equipment 0 on avorago 3 days wookly, Apply a t in is Clark Inc. a s a ? 'i = = 'c=p s DRIVER ___ I CDL ^ Good Poyl Good w d Mllesl ^ 365-7800 Oicjj. A sk fo rP________ lcl. d r iv e r s F u i|.|i,ro for Burloy Bui & T w in F tillst.. pPio ta to haulers. Class iss A> CDL 2 y„, oxp. preferred. prof B - o n o f l st s. . C ' a 11 A g E x p r eIS a sIIn c - a l 2 0 8 - 6 7 8 -44 66 2: 5 o r jw in Falla 733-1 ^33-665T ------------DRIVERS ■cilinor Trvckl. ^khaul' ^ ^ { .m q u lf o ;T « i 40, k m„ri|cr in riLrfn msurflOM Ann C c S iS s il _____ ln R iu p n < t ,n«Alnr. sponing Local Oilvar H auling Mllh Must havoiddoi oan driving rccord. C A COLwlIhlar onddoubloendi.1.1 monts. Compel " ® pay wllhSpooo goc benolils. All trucks oro bi S ., S i '. 9 mUKr °lo w o S . zxintmont « 3 d sln c . ° ' r 7 S “s " 3°0 a0 E. G ooding, Ida i L ''™ www.glonblauta. EOE/AA Dnip.Fr— werkpt ^ ------------DRIVERS N oodod w ith orM CC 1^ , soasonal manuro Call 208-536-50: S = s 5 s =E E L DRIVERS , V r o p SG ul n KReturn to Qood Use 1 so'Thls Yoarl '1 StartY ourN ow ew )H flh Paying Caroei 8 7 0 B lue L a k e s Blvd. N. S te . 4 735-5999 GENERAL -f Housekeeping & Jonttortal ♦ C D L A w ittia il Endorsaments ♦ B o o n MUI O perator ♦ T ru c k S T r a c to r Drlvoni. ♦ G en e ra l Laborer# 4 R o c o p llo n ls t & Clerical ♦ Exp. Stucco ♦ Outside Solos ♦ Constnjctton • ♦MatntanancaWokmg (owntooto) ♦ Plpo movers ♦ Dairy Maternity Spodailst ♦■ForWlft Operators ♦H erdsm an/Exp. ♦ Landscaping SM U sA t 111 RiorAvenuo Twin Foils - 20a-733-7300 735 Overiand Burioy PERSONNEL PLUS Noofv'IconKoe. S e Habla Espafloi* ........... GENE^ Aroyou LOOWNO? So Are Wo Wo Nood: A O j j |^ . a B B ; H ^ B8 l1 m JW 7 ^:: c u t t i w j w a f t m inf m i , PB O H M W im i i rn oN H P B m illfflC W O O t IB tanacgrnii^ ■ ■ -t ^ ■ U ■ U p V ffiV i R g sT ^ s n . ‘) H g jj - J0URNAU8JI J' Wmerswantod W TTlh o T lm o s* N o w a i s looking for fre e la n c e I c<o r r e s p o n d e n t* to expand our now s . .< coverage throughout [ Mogic Valley. Provi* « I' p r o re o u is lle . W h a t ,P counts b that you'ro a < nf e w s sa v v y p e rs o n who roads tho p oper v and < keeps current on tho Issues. ,,1 W We're ospoclally e a g e r ’■ to t find w riters In th o Magic V alley's m oro * rural areas. If you Ihfo f In 'I Gooding. Wondell. B l is s . H a g o r m a n . SSh o sh o n e. D iotrlch. R ic h f ie ld . E d o n . Horolton, Buhl, Castlof o rd .H o llls to r . M J urtaugh or Q ionns Forry, you m ight bo lust what w e're lookIng for. Plooao se n d re su m e s or ° loners of interest to: I < N iJ W E S S n , IDSCAPB r WAiNTENANi MCE LAND81 WaVslooUnc Ing for that S e ai ss co n a l f s l r w e y ) w a r /S p r s y a r. In tdM llsam unplayerf M owa lodlng. Part-tim e. A rsy o u o m ali GoodI p a rs o n wfth tthon'icon Goff{f b(benefits Includod. . fbtanythingg* attltudo? 9 3 4-8468aakf0fKeiry ^ 934-9977 iv msg. * C o m osee iM m eo t or 934 MjaDrive. 0 S 5Ids < s c a p in g . . fC is.* n sprinkler sonrico rson experlenco a u a n a GER «L call 324*2198* 1fc Maniger, _______ IAL8ECRETARY w a n t e d pp«a r a o n o r LEGAL Cipart'tlmo esslonal LawOffico c o u p io foc>; Profossl re n t cre d it in T w T . , , F . " , w M I , p a - l L n' l exchange . provldi lament and •Comp itle s . F ax •Hoahl 6-734.«4fl6*. 0 1 ( k )o n d 6>26 re#umo20&-7 p t ao nn si f o r t h e r l g h t - u J M a n F B ” : manager. Rentl , p « .c^l a n , l a W . r d tromlsos. . gOOO M7S0* » E” xd p o ,lo n c o d l„ nscripUpn MANAGER ' . p ^ooploOriontod ie i B a r r o l t Bl u s i n o s s Team Player Sorvlcoo. Incnc. Is seek:se sond a rosumo jng a top porf orformer. d s a la r y require solid outsidt ido salos‘& “ en tllto :8 ee ietiry n t8 c u s t o m e r ir ! s o r v lc o p r Bo k 389 P.O. background,d. ding of buslwin Undorstandln eMOW»3«9* , noss operatic Itions. _______ :HINIST Experionco >nmanaging MACHIf orloncod CNC ond ojhors. Exporloi do w hat ll m oo ral Q en i M a c h in ist Vi/illing to dt irovldo top n eodod. o d e .-S o u th e rn lo k o s to pro ,h o machine shop, q u a l i t y s e ie r v l c e io Idaho 1 I to dovoiop S ennddr o s u m o w ith c llonlsondtc m rlanerta b u sin e ss inin' the Twin covorli 1 244 88 r i d o n W a y Folio aroo. ■ome ID 83338* Industry o x ^Kporlenco a Jeromi ot required, are e r opS B 5 S = f— S o f S 'n ? cCO srieoce In plumbing, portunlty wW vlih a groat ctrlcol. grounds. 32 co m p o fW . '. F a x re* ours plus on COIN s u m e s to 2i208-483* 5°“? ipplylnporsonot a a O B o r o oi m a l l t o Holloas Iday Inn Express n^Qi hugontob JoJ lo io sihq.com* • _ n ilm o r e * ’x i r j r KW n « iNAGER i« ' of Ruport ID =SL'5bT"5 f s i i e i istallers Reeded! ting bonm ^ I f H « blofofwonantyclalm s. J o b ts 4 0 h o u r s a woek, 5 days a week. W age DOE, Apply fit C h trm a b T n T lat^ i S outh PSrIc W h ■. 402 1 Twin Falla, Id B3301. N ophoiM caUa* W S ..N ™ P.O. Box 548 Twin F o S S . ’ Falls, ID 63303 or email Aggrosstvo , tfostorOmagicvaikyxom* GO GETTERS ^ Wo Offer ' LA U BORERS FullTlmo W< to soo tho country Want Immodiato ' & g o t paid doing it? & Sl5 00staning L Local o ntortainm ont SotHjpmisploy Dopt. c pany looking fo r com Calltodoy dde p e n d a b le , q u a lity 734-2883* p p e rso n n e l. M ust b o 18 y o a r s o r o l d o r . GENERAL r Contact HotRidos Inc. B e v e ra g e a n d food lor more information. m a n ag e r. D utlos in2 208-678-7433* c lu d o b a r t e n d i n g , __ ____________________ c o o k in g , h e lp in g to U LA N DSCA PE plon a nd book events. • Big Blf Wood Landscapo In Ablo to m anoge por* Kotchum is hiring a sonnei. Serious oppli* S pray D epartm ent c a n ts C all 208*324S ^ r v l s o r en d 5857Mon-Frt* T echnician. GENERAL----------------- L icensed a n d oxporio°n c ed fortlllzor a n d F u r n il u r e P r e p a n d . wood conlrol oppllco* r e p a i r . P a r t* tlm o oxporionco essential. • lions wllh idoho driv* ors liconso. Excollont Call Amber 280-1365* poy & benefits. G E N IA L ----------------Cali 208-726-4167. G e n e ra l M a n ag e r Hiring Bonus* . Zy j * ^ ^ TT7 J5 6 lONNEVlLLE ^ 7 3 ^ 5 6 BO*' ANSLOADERS S o Hobla E^oonoi spa lo r 420-7307* O lW'oils, ollt N evada is * ----------In ho jfi.op r o c e s s ol ding a 20,000 sq n losol sh o p ond ft diosi d fS S ’ commi [imercial w ash J, bay. ' Wo v, aro o resDrivers (or local « lankor oniry V looklna lo for 12) regional with ta D iesel r s s th o lw i :kago& itio gro ihls no' and an uhl,ID . ' helping ih o awkw aw ard a la jt " r c a l l 2 0 M 43.4306* 4W un phai ■ "^^” 1 “ l'ia“ c l “ '[ S S t o B S--------in w o 7 7 5-7( h i '. w j ^ i w F S i r t ' a a ^ a Jc aoDOlnt to C a ll2 ( » .7 3 4 < « 4 to 1 II —I 111— ^ molhmtlon. H>. 1061 Blue Lakes N. :rs Vans, Reofort DRWERS ' S e h a b id espanol* 48 States, * ★ * *r **<* * * * * * * * Walking noors; W e arom arc ovlng!!! o r s 20 r ■■■ “ SCh( hock o u r .. oMoa. new lu / lulltlon fooa p r o ..a je nlo ra lT n ic k " S ” 'S 'J - K vaHablo. *500 S ig n l o^vli CoJI2<M ^ f . (*d«aIU^Tnui n upon taterrtew) . 1*800-! A re jo a tiitd o ftb o M K M eU nodaer ****** GENERAL g P a rts room m an o g o r. M ust b« d e p e n d a b le a n d a s e if -s ta r to r , 1 have exporloncd with computers, lift 75 lbs ovor head, knowfodge . of inventory c ontrol. a lo ry R a n g o . >5.286-S70.782 MANAGER “ inuolly. “ if plusbono* . B a r r a tt Bu. < u a ln a a $ I s ) P 0 p 5 ,4 1 5 Sarvlcaa, Inc Vic.l3seokjport Is located In Ing a top perfi jrlomior. <uth central Idaho • Solid outsidt Jdo solos 8. south c u s t o m e rrt s o r v lc o a ni d i s s o e k i n g a n a g e r f o r th e background, 3. Maans e cct r i c D e p a rt. • U n d e rs talanding r ol ' E le jder th9 direction business opei porations. Undor tho City Adrnlnis* • Experience oftho c e ma/^agitor tho 9lectilcot ing others, trator portmont Manag* ■ Willing to Iddo w tut ll depart -A for Jok e s to p ro rovlde lop or is is rosponsiblo n • P r o v id e s R C FA Bdlng, planning. q u a l i t y s oerr v lc e lo loodir analysis c llo n tsa n d toto dovoiop o r g a in l z l n g . a n d • Tacks progrom cost dlroctli oction Iho operab u sin e ss inn ttho Twin boneflls an d oqulp. 'Ptio>n n abn d m olntoFalls oroa. economics nance , nco of Iho City's • Industry exp< ■perionce a • R e q u i r e s B S in ninetri ictricion dlslhbuplus but not)t 1required. m e c h a n ic a l engi* tlonsy n sysiom and sub E x c e l i e nIIl c a r e e r neerlng;&+yrs'oxp: ‘P' ^tailor illons. Must bo a o p p o r tu n ity Ity w ith a . o qulvoiont com biteam a m p la y e r w ith great compan lany. nation of education ^grnor monstmtlvo skills Fox resum es>to tc and oxporionco |n em omiployee moll208-463-8008 08 or omall • PE Liconso profenod uniina CJarObbgiiv ting, training and mof.hugewoBJa lo • E ip. in Ph o sp h ate rtaloi; volopm ont. Tho ric Induslry/Phosphoric oualllli aim ed condidolo iQ Add Fortlllror mfg, f-roau -equlrod to hovo a [h school diploma . * Abim*y t o d i r o cc tl or 0 ( a ctlv lilo s o f ongi* °u am ?m eS ?h MANAGER IS for local fast food ros* LANDSCAPE LA "oortng tochnlclans s Project c re d ite d course Landscap* ill* ta u ra n t c h a in . M u st Experioncod Ex| * Domonstratod oblli* »ger. f/to m anago priori" ers,-m ust h ave volid '™rK ii rl* havo oxcoliont Inter* oi inc., a s ' r s w . - = jcapo | lies, moot deadlines IS personal and commudi drivers license. Apply p<; com pany, in '“ ' ‘O' o nlcallon skills. Q ualiir p o r s o n a t 1 0 2 5 SS o7m d°S " “ c o f .° d lnn';th o S u n lo flod app lica n ts m ust Shoshono S St, N. #3.* • Mu 8 t b 0 Ob I 0 10 :hum aroa, lyoaro oxporionco Volloy/Kotchi initiative and Id have a t lost 1 yr. fast a s ’o 0 JJo u r n o ,m a n “ j’ s , ;l!i 'n g s f o r tjea"solf.starto r"to to f o o d /m a n a g o m e n t U ^ W ENFORCEMENT in a g e r t in Llnom lo m o n ond four a c h ie v e w o rk inig g exporlonco. S tarting ■Rio J City ol Twin Falls Is d s c a p ln g occopting applteatlono Years ■arsofinaoaslng. ooals salary $ 3 0 ,0 0 0 /0 0 ^ ?' ob responfor iy rosp . T ^ u a t D o s s o s■ss w ith b e n e f i t s . F a x ^ POUCE O FFIC ER I n c lu d e : iT e tS in Z “ f e s 'lr oxcoliont intorpor* r* r e s u m e w ith r e f e r I. io b c o s tIncluding °ob'^d03cripm ain^aag o m o n ta n d sonal, omI ond ! ^ itt. ^ a ^ c f n ’ln aigl h t te h ee n c e s to 736-7285.* ? tion, q u o llllc a tio n s . operati erotlonoladislrl'" ? • ion communicalion iD lis h ln g ” QENERAI.--------------1! testing dates ond probutlon tion aystom or ao fiWIIs nd sc h e d -' Londscopo & sprinklor ci coduros oro avallablo a Ulilir Jlillty Manogor or . b u d g e ts and • For additional Infor* B iructlon vwrtef8.2>Wafr773a* at www.tfld.org; or by at simniia iio rp o sllT o n s. Idilionoliy. ony a c n v i i i o aa. . S o m e contocting tho PersonAdditi OENERAL O ploaso vWl iw ing and ulvalont combi* d e s ig n draw nei Olfico Iocatod o t equlvt NCIM ha s nood for ni w » « .« l» 'P l°l.= 0 'CltyHaII,3212ndAvo. nation _J D em onstrators. C tlonoloxporiance 5 ^ n i nilo ? pm ent o ry DOE, Eost, and In — local aroa to work Ei Twin Falls, ID. or llts, IncludfA n ii phonin g (208) 7 3 5 provide Part-time in grocery pl E q u ip m o n t t r a c t o i lllo. 401K 7268. Closing dato Is andd obillllos ot: sloros sompling 7: necosI f ® "1 o p o r a t o r o . C a l i products to consumero I.J P l e a s e 4*8-05, T h o C ity o f sory V tc to porfomi the 324-0444 oxt 106* ime to: Twin w ork. Poy S9 por hour. T> Falls Is an Equal irk. S u b m it fe)land.com Opportunity Empioyor. sum o ond 1 “ Call 800-799-6248 oxt 0 Tie required FARM y.opplicant form o rfa x to 2 i»^72647ff7.* .7 ,n , 191 0f.vl3lLwww.nclm____D OjnjflFreoWorkplqco.*____ CIty.aj Full-tlmi^. A p p lic am ii.h com . C lick O o m o n - LAW r r ENFORCEMENT 5:00 pm May 27. MANAGER strators needed^h. City ol Twin Falls. 0 5 . F o r m o ro o tflco M aruoe ger J i r a 'a t M i a : ! : Tho 2°®® o r m a tio n or to ^ yra o*^.®?, row cro p o p o railoin n .. OENERAL IC is occopting opplipfolorrad. ID luost 0 lob oppli* Pro*foo8lonalII ssolf motl/oH ' Part-tim e oxp a pluo. Call ccia tio n s fo r POLICE 'T 0 P > r « a ^ 2 3 4 vator. detailil oriontod, c OFFICER. For appli“ '^on. T r a in e r/E d u c a to r, 0 — SI 1/hr. Will train must ct o r g a n i z e dd & { so m o cation packet, includbe blllnguaI(Spanlsh/* In Qualifications, tost‘®5"' com puter kno nowlodgo. Ing p ™ I i F T ------------Full-llmo. full I Ing ^Ityy Admii^strator A< English) & bicultural in dotes and proceIII bonoflts. 0 p ro fo rro d . F le x ib le . di Will train. Plo ’loose ap* duros contact tho Por( fflin A B S iA in H o . hours In Magic Valloy oc n e i O fllco a t PO n at son a s a s 'o , ' " ' ' t e s irwlde ; W a o ro a c c e p tin ig g o r C a n y o n C o u n ty . Bi 1907. TWln Foils. Box ap p iica lio n s for Call Planned Parent8: .oans 83303 -1 9 0 7 . p h o n e ho o d 2 0 8 -3 7 6 -9 3 0 0 (2 lege Rd. H onnlngsen' (208)735-7288 or on* ext 20 for moro Inforlir vin Falls. C o ld S to n g o motion or fax rosumo JCl S »“! i r « i : " “ p?" Ask for ♦ ( 5 ) E x p e r le n c o ,'H d rs to 208-376-9444* El EEO/AA. L ^ _ A m anda o r Debbie.’ 0 FotWlfi O p e r a to rs • P e r m a n e n t. P p la co in a iil W e o re looking fo r ■ • Q re a t p a y rosponsiblo pooplo wanting to work for * Q ro o t b e n e llts] M k ^ R E G I O N JA A L M E D I C A L C E N TT]E R a g re a t c o m p an y . • All S h ifts Wo h a v e M e d ica l . Drug T e s t req u iredH. O e n l a i. o p t i c a l . * APPLY ONLY ATT' disability, a n d life stafflna Insuranco avoHtiblo ' upon hiring. Clerical . m Potato Production £ s m 1 Mechanic ■1 r a k -M e d rS u rj UnitSiippatTK t Team, d a W^rnen and Oiildrenj. Ask uic Never a Fool . w/ welding & motol about our iS'Ktbonusprogam.1, — fobiicatlonoxp. FOBKUFT 8h ipp in||/R ecatving . m ^ F S S s io m Forkim O p#rator». •* FIN A N CIA L ANALYST Full-tlmo positionsI G eneral L abor. n * - FulMiw days. MWrriiim of 2-5’ ' with bonefita. MustIt . Pleaso opply ot y e n experience Iri CW liim requir sluired. Medical experience a ^ a bachs jiekxs havo ot le ast ono year degree frl Accounting. Buslnea5 or or Heallh Care h&Bgemerk prefwed ed. ^ ling, lood handler ^ pre-englnoorod buildings, sooks an ‘ossortivo customor soorico orioniod individual 10 soli our *divorsiliod product 'lino & manage our D n v w A ix . joEN CRAL I E x p erie n ce d Oryws end Painter*. Benefl tefila c a itp u D M ovoilable. Cali Kim i DAILY WtJtIK 208-73M 1M .* DAiLYSPAYi iTbSSSfiSSX labb fadhrldaaliirfao t n n d jr BTOTltacB aeaMBy, wflE r{IQp|blniaM |ertadbtitu]i, period. «Qk n k ,a x d .p q ;B a b i|u !s p l(^ n u n n m re: OtMOBOfccart Df^tM aM stntkarcsM mmnUitm. • B its M M f tr S iA -aastte i dwi O rta m n t2 IM ( i- 2 j I C V A LLEz Y ‘n e m g h tC aire r is Right Hen re ” P ositions A' A v a ila b le F o r... j ■' c o N s n w c n o N l aIbBcO U R S - FuiWme days. Good kntxviedge of: buiidiiig corOTuai fu g o n ^ r ^ equipment and state and kxa bu methodi m atefto and an ■ I S A I M (H O U S IK BI IH IP M f lJ - F u U and part-time posltfa tf(«. HS diploma or equivalent and prwlouj prev ejipertence prcfoied. > s K c u R n r o m a r a '--F P J r t ^ rtgfits. W TH I: 32 l«Mveek. t« HS diploma or equhiQlen .and k vabc W Waho drN rt licerw with a clearr d r t ^ ] record required. P m Mo c u o Uo o v a lk ibt ls o if o r O e a ; p o tio n a t T f w r c pIt et o , P h y a lc o i aa nn d l ^ ! r o t o i y T h e r c ip U ti. We Offer Competitive S a h iia1*& «i» 1 E n a^ cn t Benefits Package to ffojltlOQ 20f Jftura/W cck. BUlDgu; ogual Cm d ltfatea Encouraged to App: Rd o u m e s'o u n be accompanied b Itioa t|) y, jtna c u n to t appU ation, please c M o flie V o irfly B * 9 lo n a iM K MwDcol C s n t tr H tim o n ftM OUn n m ' R O .B o x 4 0 9 ,1 Wwtn t n F a O i,I D 8 3 3 0 M M 0 9 ' .(208) 7 37 ^1 1 33 «« r FAX (308) 7 3 7 -2 7 4 1 ' U n « (2 0 8 )7 3 7 -W S ; . tw r m c e o m '- '^ ■ ,1 :. pf«yfr«owisrlq rlqjloca ' iahoD-5 S unday. March 27,200 2006, Timea-ftowe. TVrin Fella, Idal I V EMPLOYMENT nUANAQER s . I TWI Falls. Idaho A TWln growing community ( p o p 3 7 , 0 0 0 ) la ^S o u th e rn I d a h o 's M a g lc V o llo y la seeking on Innovasc th tivoandprogrosslvo PI <n " rIss T T s H a - 'y A " 0U uibonoM pnctao0. Tho Ideal c an ald a le m u st h a v o a bachelor degree In bt Planning o r relotod f;' flo ld ; h a v o th r o e **' years of npoitO nce V* 'f* m •ning position: dom-P'' onstmta a balanced ry S S ic A CNA'8 Woric ft iS S S n " ^ F u n .ti^ IiC&Port-Bmo n |, nightshirt. I ■ MECHANIC NtaWmochantene. 9 needed. P a y O O E. CCoorn t a c t -6150.* . B i y .n u S 2 M H « H S ! t --------- E x p e r ls n o e d R K (r n ! QMRP Needed “ flncv! MEOICAL RN’eA C N A 'e All shifts available. ONS pMltkm available. Please contact ,p . M ln.ViowCarelaEOE* 1 PROFESSIONAL P8 R sp e c ia list parttlmort^ulI-tJmo In ^ n Falls area. Must have 21 cre d its Inhum an related (lold.(8 W, Soclology, S pocial Ed. f lN .C o u n e o iln g . PSYC) Poy based on m o tiv a tio n p lu s experience. Fax resu m e to 208-678-3668 or 0011678-3885* RANCH Ranch team one to ° C C ook (or small crew. O n o toO efteral Ronctiw ork. Housing suitable for Hi small (amlly. W age & o'; J bonoftta provided. ^ ^ 22u0 8 -7 5 « 2 4 9 e v e s.* ^RECEPTIONiST nD.L l Evans Bank, idaho ' ’hc Hometown Community BankforovorlO O • Jyears. Is searching (or an energetic Indhrldual to u r v e a s a . c„i , • in Twin Fails. Th, successful candlThe 'j;' dato m ust p o sse ss a p o s itiv e a tlitu d e . ’ P« excollont v erbal and comm unication skills ” a n d o rg an iz atio n al ond PC skliis. A ppilcotionefor 'e m p io y m e n tare ' available a t any D.L S'* E vane B a n k location EOE* k= = = = ^ = = RESTAURANT , J RESTAUI L a C.“e s K i lS '.X I C .n R eetaui lu n c h w te h e r Fri.Aw>l I llS o u t Ask AURANT :00k, Servere, & S w c Cook So neposlttons Ilcal • J p o Ital ^ k a paW vocations •P re -e■employment mi ■ug acreenlng . . d nigi H n p e rso n a tth e rr >1 Bakery position. .lunch ieR d.E .* N eeded in Tv^ S K S NEEOAPART - II a r e a . Flo xilb lb le A M , TIME JO B? h o u ra M on-F •F ri. PT . Keep your civilian • Need .vehide. e. drivers iob, or stay 0 isurance. aulW A, license & Insi W fo ^ k ln ^ j^ r ^ fulHlmo student, r _______ Houriy mlloag< sge. 800SfEDicSE---------and bo a part-time, t718.* 216-7909ext7 with g r « a t p o opio Montal HoolthI TTo ech to soidlerintho . PROFESSIONAL eWItowhoIslooklnp ' w ork in Burloy. oy. M uat Anrn Notional Guard, ^ D e v e l o p m e n t a l . w a iF a to odvanca In tholr h o v o p o stU voutgoing e^i *EOTextmm ooey* ' T h e r i p l s t part-tim e c arw r. Th# current im m ediate operiing op to a s a l s t. AWopoylcrooaooo* Full-tlm o n e e d e d to BChedulB avaiiabio R fo p 'm o n iaall hh*e a lth forofull-tlffli « 8tay Iny ou r * Ime outwork with children In ■ t56p m to 4am US HWY 93* side salo a rei :a L dlnlc. High echo ehool dlcommunity* rep. Apth o Twin Falls Area. K = -=o ' ' rlv era • *Sonniyourcoontry*. :lal C o u n selo r p lo m a, validJ ddri luu s t b e I p i l c o n t m Ceil 208-678-3556 or Major m odcol, dontol SALES exporionco mainlicense. Call Debbie D< c om putor ilti Call today If you aro* literate, ® (0x208-678-3556* JJn7nci& & lllo Insuranco opg oolf-poy and a t 20S-678-3913' . aggressive,. pportray 913* wlillnotowoeii tlone In our bonellt J a p ro (es8 loonal n oppart-tlmo while r a c c o u n ts In a MEOICAl. PROFESSIONAL pkg a a won a s long O' i iw iw tf p e a r a n c eI »w ith a cal. (Inanclol o r Mountain Vlow iw Goro* C atlonding high . E xecutive Director term dloabdlty. meii* .. ojsovorschool, college, od Industry q n d p s y c h H o as p ii t o l . Greater Pocatello Ical & d o p e n d o n t I. Please mlllar with rnodlCurromly kwking king for a or pursuing o Chamber o(Commena) to m e r service a n d • cam rolmbursomont .J® imo to: is s lp ta n c e p r o fulMimo M8W. W.L8 W civilian caroor. Pocatello. Idoho .tr o q u .™ , p u b l i c account#., outstandA gW e „ 5 S J ? Sotm cE S HDsvchiCall: 8 s a Walker' s ond other paypfoloroblywithpj R esp o nsib le (or plane sh asa n lm m fr Ing a d v a n o a m e n t Tlmesh C428 p lan armnaomoa t r l c o r g o irrl for t r l c 20^281-8824 A n n i^ tam « rtim « iu montpia nlng ond (orm ulatlng potential m anage* Fells. Mfl a 63303* R e q u ire s b a s ic oxporionco. C CN N A 'e, programs and policies Open until filled; Ap^ • MmrSto m sn t train in g pro~i s. Ploaso 8 PC 8 chl((Ief ^ o r and ton-key n a ’». ail shifts. PI thot further tho objecI *ideal plication ond a d ^ “ 0 candidate gm m .pd vacation & on 208-73M 954 ' tlves of the Chamber ih a v e a a le s tional Inform allon 5Sd S m m orol W o a ro tlie ATE 3t E . TWfn Falli ( o rc o m m u n lty o f nations' la rg e st reUNITY irred . Full-tim e K lmberty.ID 83: >83341 1 -eo w ac w iu A R D *»* approxim ately 62,000 M c " “ t“S ^ I l ■ tailor d d la o e i prodVIJtROI I .1 I II =■: BE PAY * QREATBA8E losition. Compot- o r cait 2oe-A23-5 people and BOO momucts & ere currently ^ am vEs o w ag o san d e OE* ------ NEWSPAPER-----ffia e a a w U h BONUS INCEN b ers. Supenrises start e xpanding o u r na^ ^ fits. Apply ot . 1enjoy the _______ _ DEUVERY while managing budtio n o l n e tw o rk o l P®' ther and n a d le ta Family MEDICAL SUBSTnVTES g ota. public rofations .. trave l P la z a s . We 9 your NcwhM gwpjA^M dical Center, A Would you like to earn m an d promoting momworkpiaco. 709N .U n havo Immod opon* Uncoln Avenue, -ou help a M ,c extra c a sh delivering >g b e rs' intorosts In tho a S - b ”. ' , p r s uslness, . In g s f o r ta lo n to d nT;;; Must bo able to woek “S'®;!! om e ID 8333a. g s * , T7ie Tlm9$-N0Wt, b uainoss community, UNUFACTURtmi p e o p le w llh g r e a t ^3 p m UtnUfactuHng flexible hours. P.™'®'” x 3318. nor at a but not commitment to Position requirements: 20® 124-1122 ^^ o u would like to bmploym ont reler* EOE* tT T T I ' 7 days 0 wook? • C o llo g e d o g re e „ Com pany Is accepting ________; k (or the largest w p o c c p p oncea C o n tac t o u t w J S S S iS S jD n . -----------------M8 W-PHN posi josltion 7 T » T frn e * -« « w lsJ a n d / o r e q u iv a le n t *1898 m e d ic a l Icultural new sn ,T r c - ^ « AModteal i. B lue L akes agrlcul tn a n ao e fm n t toam 7oppllcodons (or the Immedlalo open >p«ning. , cunontly looking (or )r experience. ' .or In tho interFulMlmo Tie (ro n t 0 flee will provide ]HeHomo 5380 H ig h w ay S3 "following fun-tlme (o/Pak) . dependable, motivated ed . Proven fundraising ^ p o ^n s: f o r b' “u ss y m o d l c a l jnttlnW cM O nn v S S K inagment Hoalih Sorvico Je ro m e Idaho. /ic e s in poopio In Iho oroa lo lo aWiHy 5= j....n « ,« u , , Paekaglnff, o r a citt licc o . C o d i n g RESTAURANT cilonthomes. nitos. s.^ dolh/or routes os Pla I • T h ree - (Ive y e a rs 5 “ Fabricatiorv Snd/oir modlcal 1? ortlco . Applyat »rep a Nlflhtcook. will Equal Opportunity pPlastic ” ofvisofv ^rvi P r o d u ^ o n m atarial S S Jerle rle n c o a p lu s . train ( a s t p a c e . Call s t. B e n ^ ^ 'e'eFlFMC. C o n trscto re ‘M K »81E udgotlng admlnlsL'S h andlei, Q o ^ spelling sn Kirt 837 -6 2 2 7 for on " 4 UstonW N .U n c oicoln, l ■ Pro Employment r»-1481 o n on os-noododbas\a ;ls tration A w m b ly , Bar c o d e .. ' S Stins' a m u st Must ;o b K * ’ Drug Testing and ^ m &Spm Cali today lor moroJ •C o m m u n ity / Company beneltts, a l a 0, bb o< a j j o o p l o background F a x 208-324-38 =tWoy M 878* Infomiation obout Ihia is p u b lic /g o v e rn m e n t RE£ RESTAURANT 633 employee health, person, i n. Sond Hosume Roqulred. F/DAT oppoftuntty. 735-3302.Taco Bell In Twin Falls tsresaixr 2.relations Tac dontai, lile insurance, . in B oX06107 ifii MEOICAL Is accepting — — • Com putor admlnlsvacotlcn.pold PLUMBER iTImee-News NA/CNA A J — = 1 SALES trallon skliis helpful applications (or R a lE ^ holidays, and 4 0 1 k ' dOBOX648 qe N u r s ln g A s s ■ lsisto ti n ts Journeymen & Appran^ . P a n n sy lv a n Ie le L ife is ^ S u b m it c o v e r le tte r. R< p ,» .^ w = ™ n « r» /n su rcn c e expanding In thI the Twin shitts tlco plumbeta noodod. Falls. ID 83303‘ noodod for oil Ishil r o s u m o o n d so la ry ' " “ ‘S K * ™ ” ™' e x p ^ d ln g Its F a lls a r o a . £. S e n io r If interested ploaso jasoplck .Call326~4126_ roquiromonts to: 1 yi )ncy force in the m a r k e t in o u CALup oppilcation lu ra n c e PLUMBERS S e a rc h Committee % win Falls oroa. products of oiloil typos, Iroenterotogy At 1220 Montono S N eeded with 2 years ra G reater Pocatello ex] exporionco io roqulrod. SookIno 21S2 Soulh U ncoln MARKET RESEARCH 31C king individuals S a l e s b o c k gicground ita ro f Navac& Qooding, 10 8333 mln. exp. Hailoy/Sun un Chatnber o r Conunerce Poa y D O E . P I ^ f a x P X e1 entrepreneurial ni Jorom e, idaho helpful For loaocal imerMEOIC^ ----------Voiloy a re a 208-720‘ 0^ P.O . Box 626 r esu m e to Robert sairit p irittololnthe view call districtrict offico ♦C R NNA A (C o rtilio d Physical Therap >raplst 3e79org08-768-2032* N , 2* Po catello 10 83204 Neelaon 435-257-6610* teom, flt208-331-022 222.* Isto red N urso ^ Has Immediate —Op ~ W ebsite: 5RESTAURANT ^ nere ______________ PH1NT1NQ ^ F arm en Insurance jUiollst) n ( ^ e d it y o u 'r e a ta l e r oponlngs for >775 fl. www.pocotofloldaho,com Food C o u r t Any shin. rso01 n exceptional SPORTS i uL Blip printers has an imorters In a very busy, . hoolthcare profos; part-Umo w orlt 0 , No phone coils . m ed iate opening (or reeropportunity S o c c e r O lllcia :lo is a r e full or part llmo. career Mechanic noodod. Call w o llo [ e es t a b l i s h e d al w ho's tiredJ ol (15-30hrs/porwook). A p p « , . „ — n eeded lo r ihithe Twin ontiy level p ress room A p plyinponw nalthe . that thatcon gh/e 324-04440x1106’ phvslcli ilclan practice typlcol heaithcaro posilion. Must bo oblo andal freedom. Foils Y outh EI S o c c o r Travoiero Oasis North -llnand IECH a n ic --------------In sunny nny Los Vegas, tIno there's noverl verb o o n t o lift 7 5 l b s . , a n d I independence. pro g ra m for er g r a d e s of tho H ansen Bridge.* andinfl ixporloncod auto moN 0 v/ aa di a d u o t o a b e tto r tlm o to If you a re Intorostod =*P« W aotfo offer extensive K-7 Mondoy-F/-Fridays o ta n d ( o r le n g th y chanlc, w ag es OOE. e x p an a neo lo n o f t h o p lo r o th o o x c l In tho following: cho ling, moragement o v o n ln g sb e geginnlng n rtin ^ porlodo. Blip Printers fo PR O F E S S IO N ^ RETAIL faWng. b^ ee in o t l t p a c k a g e . pracllcc lice. Work out world of corroctl O A Laid-Back Work fcoD tuB ffiiTiokolnn I d a h o Y o u th R a n c h jp p o rt.u p to 2 April th ro u g hgTi M ay. Q • «‘Jpp< Gnro v e r 'a P ^ & P e c k Apply of Ambi mbulatory Surmodldno Environment y p al Keith's Cloan 'oora finondol S o c c e r cortllliTllcotlon worit environment. Electrtc&Plumbtng yo<ui seeking professional, B ^ C e n t e r a n d Cars. 1001 EMolnSL. Q o ry C O A b e o lu to ly N o ^ ilstonce and the tniinlng Is proviDvidod for S upply a ssists c a rin g Individual lo Burloy, 10' hospital iltal outpallont. Jo in o u r to a m a t So lo a-C a lls O nly Bun lity to keep your oil successful a " •I’® 214 BIM LskeeBIvd. II appllca1 3 0 E e a tta n d O r.8 . aDH)tyt workwllhat-riskyouth 13 cfflce Is located Idaho Stalo Coe Market Research m ec lECHAKIC ,-----------Twin Fall*, o n line aa tt esent job while nts. P ay 55.50-5 0-S 7.00--... In a booutllui Ronch Ti Twin Faile, 83301 Presei n 3 minutes of ' tional Institution li OCompethlvo W ages Magi' logic 'ifolley tnjck fadlyou train. /hr. T he Clly/ of c Twin Trlnrji® blll0 bllpper.com* se llin g n e a r R upert. C e /alloy and Uniim m ediate PT 01 C ashier, 59.85 O Incentives Ity f s e fax reeum es F alls Is a dru Irug froo — Exc. environment and q, lyMedidalConings Working I22 1d a y s PRODUCTION Duties a ro primarily O Walking D istance ani ’33-1603orM alI wori(piace. For■or further a. bonellts. Bachelor doc a s h ie r i n g , w ith lospitals. Statea p p ro x .1 2 -1 66 hh o u r / FfT, 3 positions avoilaC (rom CSI Cam pus Ma M ■n a ^ r ^ V o a r a Hosr PoM lneR d #78 I n l o r m a t l o i l o n c o ll groo roqulrod, Contoct 01 n o * a rtE n d o month, this is aa po perfect ble. 1 roquiros com- n . other relotod tasks. O S ta rtin g T im e to soe Falle, ID 63301* 736-2265. EOEOE/AA.* Limy. (208) 532-4117 n eed 10-key colculy suite, 2 proopportunity lor o ryy o u lf puter skills. Must havo-^0 N C o ln c ld e w lth wlU wKMhB o m b Horco ® o r Im carlhurO youth ig to r a n d g e n e ra l iro rooms, wilh y o u w a n t flo10x XI i b 10 attonUon for detail and ,;j lo S c h o o lH o u re , oblli ronch.org. EOE* ol p u lo rg o n o rat. scheduling an didhe hours. a c c u r a c y . S 7 .0 0 to to offlco exporionco. S A LL EE S Roxlblo fthoduling ser . - « |S | Iports, • Full Timo position start. DOE. S e n d roO Scholarships Cor Wo oKor excollont llont pay sumo ond cover iettor PROFESSIONAL • On tho Iob training fits ♦ 0 P pPo° r' lu n ity l n avaiiabio fits & i Inconlh/ea banod js: Compe!Hh/o C ontacl Lorryy H) Hynoa to : P .O . B o x 2 3 4 7f . in d ep endent ControcLooking for English/ upo ouallMMilQM A uDon i; tors for Initial PSR/IBI- , K ill SOlOry ry an I d bonofit o t 2 0 8 -4 2 4 -337722 8 o r T ^ln Falls, ID 83303* H k J — /C a s e M a nagem ent. ••, pProlltshaitng :ogo, company fox ro su m o to E m p lo y e rp a id mWM to 52 0 8 - F I-. — I 1I w S rem :S « n fW o n ” Pockogi a ^ l^ ts ^ F w o j^ Only oxp. need apply. _ malpractice, 3 3 8 6 -9 6 7 2 E E O /A A IEO PRODUCTION modlcal and dental Im I complotod Spanish ol. al.1This position oHors Now agency. Call at? ca vocation por w*w.pri3onhoalth.i olth comKleftr Built bonofits a u rv o y w o o ffo r oag ig re a t opportunity. tor7pm208-736-2860* -----------0 rapidly grow ingg •.{Jj W o o k o n d w o rk S i.O O o n to p o f Coll Coll or sond ro su m o * w n' ? c ? c K i m e d ic a l '------, , . m o n u f a c lu r o r ol required. f^ B T f regular poy. toto: :; Ja ck so n Trucking ? PROFESSIONAL S stool an d aluminum' IH M U Ploaso pick up on p.o P.O. Box M I T he City of Twin Foils, • wili ^Bad(ground checks bo conductod. • fiorao Of’'* livestock o ^ lM tlo n a t Jan !; ID is accepting oppll'S S 'S S S S n * & “ " S i? c n^ n inm Iroliors is sooklng3 • E qual opportunity U up ore coUona for LEAD ENf production employEmployer ffe to o rc A ^ ro u p ,, GINGERING TECHNSOrvlCO Ond OrgOI ilc iO T ic-------------S > Na n nInhiH nr A pplications will bd U 762 Falls Avo. 008 0 now P'oft'1 IC IA N . B e g in n in g ^Pj ischanlc/tnalntwianca coll req req u ire d Tho Q ooding. Idoho acc ep te d , followed I v Ll (The Turl Plaza) m o n th l y a a l o r y Is lor upkeep & repa irs c o O!w’wi i i X c u 2 ; 5 ! ! ; " '“ '" " “ ' that will bo opening, by 0 brief interview Orcol(20e)73&J6601 ' S 2 9 3 9 . P o sitio n reon tractors & trucks. details c iB dlroalyw llh 1 ° ' , “ " r j ” ?«?«, n f j In March. wo offor < En EspaAol lollon* In for great growin polerMlal wllh promoll q u lr e a s u b s to n t la i „o n : T u e e d a y . fledoDollcants in s u ra n c e , sal W elding oxp. helpful quolined W e will bo hiring: M a rc h 2 9 . 2066 Finance and Sates ><(«naQamenl. train in g a n d exporlnco wilh A T T T -»^«— Exporionco but not n e c e s s a ry . * Area aacttS S o M “ • betw een th e houra ord Por• W e ld e rs onco and a b ro a d i- ^aw B k n r^ n computoraW ord Fuil-llmo, wage OOE ciudo: islons. o(9;00am -2;00pm * Wo have hav eicationt benefit* and commlasii Tonomos oborjuros , Pleoso # T r a i l e r knowlodgo of gonorei ^ lile b lko tralT f0ctd09lf0t)le. Pli 18 mile inmodlatos para tra—CaI120a-731-6518‘ c iv il o n g l n o e r i n g '/^ p ly In person at to: A s s e m b le rs lEOlCAL w a te r £ bolo tom poral (16MEOI !iwpp.ngihoOUwliea» ‘K s r v i s i . - practices. For employ- 'SHSp • P a in te rs R o b G re e n N is s a n billing M anager (or a walarsM 30 h o ra s a la oom Bllllr rill Mvo you Ums and monl oppilcation con- wiiie Wo olfor 0 compoilmodlcal group p rac booting ( 1 0 7 0 B lu a L a k e s N. ana) T u m o do d la rnoc iwney, 733-0031 U — tact the Poroonnel 01- nwm BioejM h o u rly w o g o' « « W “ Wn»lor tlco many? °g<s S i r S u S (7-3 L u n. - V lor.) tico& surgk»l center. * fle e , P O B o x 1 9 0 7 , ^ 1im n i ond excellent boneMln. Tumo do nocho. Mln. o( 5 yrs modlcal Twin Falls, ID. 83303- C w fit package. — i ■“ billing SI oatao intorosado blllli m anogom ent, 1 9 0 7 ,p h o n e ^ 11 your oro Intorostod. computer hardworo & on lo siguiente com (208)735-7268, or dniroductlons’of ” in this omploymont] software backoround, I'^O pfO' O En un a m blonto 8of^ ! W E 'R E B U I L D IM N IG B E T T E R C A R E E RIS l l n o a t www.lfld.org. ■' I opportunity p lo aso' excol m usical tranqullo oxci knowlodgo req. ’ Closing dato Is 4/8A35. C onteftalr ____H U U i tQ _ E Y £ it I _______ ' O Absoiutamente no C eorr tif ie d c o a t o r A , Tho City ol Tv/ln Falls MARS a irp o r t ilomado do vendor, MAF system oxp. a Is and Equal Opportu­ 4 L ib o r Office pplui lu s . P l e a a t a e n d o n th u o . solam enlo Investinity Employer. f r ie n d ly c o w o r k e2rrss resum door/oub ??»i r « 7 7 1 N. C ollege Roed ga dondom ercadoo resi e to 0289 W est T V . m r . ii^ i8 i3 M r EEnii m e ra ld , B o is e . 10 local mol O Solark) compotativo r e w a r d in g w o r k IRANCH I B 3 7 0 4 o r l e x t o pIng. fai O Incontivos 83' HlvorV.110, . Cc ComPRODUCTION A e e l s t e n i R a n c h 208-48W925.* ^9®'®*!.' O Oo distancia a la 208s o l id t e a m w o r k , co m P ro d u c tio n w o rk e ■ ro 0 M anager, Cow/call Unlvorsldad do CSI ' iiEDi noodod (or local Twin "c? n S a i i ' K inoflts. 'EDICAL m o n t" In o p o r o t l o n , H oyIow o ’d m a ss hire ' o Kororio fioxiblo c aa rr g g lv e r e o r C N A 't 0 p r o - • P a ll, pianj. Full-time /m om rlin 10 Ing/Irrlgating. Full a t e S III f train. ' q u o w in d d lrco n pgo, m o n -w o d needed for rosldontlol ^ lo h o u d a y s h if ts , m u st b0e timoSaJary&Houahorarlo oscolar core (adllty. Port-tlmo m or 2 8 th - m o r 30th care od ono I ngorn.^ j b l o t o I I I I 6 5 lb>. s. Ing. Email: O Bocaa dlsponiblo ^oui only. All ehlfto from 8om - Spm houro Itu i c n loac^ fopoUUvoly, ond have '0 zbojw olla0aol.com Portavordorocogor ovai <loas A 0 vaiw drivers license, available. Woflo DOE. ,®'n^Vhr s. Pieaso sond hold o tth o iconco Apply In person 1026, 16, roforencos and Job Jffl >lck up shoshono St. N. #a* tw in folia }ob sorvico history lo S r t l o 'i o " S l i S ™ R u w e h Qroup eosI 771 rvsrth colloflo rood r Zbor R anch 7P2 Falls Avo. s r v .ii.,T ™ . »p n || a r o ? t t twin fello. id S tate R oute 232, HC I ond Senrlce CHroctory to (Tho Turl P laza) cc oonn t a c t M a r g a r e t » 8 lo n a .ln tM I wMvoost 60 S o x 110. Oreal(2O0)73&«Ol* do v D over or R o so a n n a '*'" S 0 T """W elle. NV. 89836* . Foxot20S-734-e422.‘ ...... Fox ' Lo»«-«Cor »CotrperHoe. Inc., • Fo«ti» BOcorrpeny. ofiarvatrt e<b«^ C a s s ia REG: EGIONAL j )oeini«aL M e d i c a l C le n t e r Birfdyourc our earw at Lowv'e weh era o( the ic4Mv nou/itiiln Untlih Cart _ „ IH G opportunU uWe«li1WlnF«llt.tOt ThenI fti ttils opportunity Is for youl Ed Edge W ireless, LLC Is seeki iking a professional, H O U R L Y O P P O R TTUU N iT IE S C a s e M a nlaaggi e r hard*wi •working, dedlcotod Individual lal 1to Join th e sales tea m In IWln IV Falls. The Ideal • Cithleie • necelvlng/SlocVmg . . . candldc IldatQ will tiove a positive ottltu ttltude a b o u t providing super lertor service a n d be • Loidari • TeemLetdeci D i s t r i b u t i o n Si p^ ei a l i s t • C ith Olllce Clerk • CDL Ortvtrt willing ig aI n d a b la to contributo to ttie he iId ea s a n d energy of th e Ec Edge W ireless t e a m .. • Nsn-COL Drlvire . • RTM Clirh (Inventory^ • Cuilemir Service Aieaelile • Cuitomtr Service/ OUNT EXECUTIVE Relum Oeik • Inelellid Selee Coordlnelor H e a l t h U n i t C owo nr d i n a t o r r — — ^ MANAGER R M taurw tA M istanl bacpr xmofltsaltorSO s. PTO after six iths. CortlflcatkJh T ixporionco Z prof. pS S unnnnnnh/ln p- -o r s K » utrra ^ W ynwood r L o cu st 8 L N . iw n FFan«,loe3301* a i: L ^ S n i S ^ '' " " S , £«i b K SST.K;.”!; r£ i' K 'c'isss; S rwX"SK e i s 'K r " ES S I zi E ™ : S a te^usiygss [ r r i SSH s i 808^0(2 [2E are lookingforenergeticpe leopie 0 builda newfuturewithus! s °J S S H S S S Do you lovo Busir, sinoss to Business >s sales? falking to now pooople? Mooting and tal TSIDE SALES / ACCOI rTech) aCU MonitofTec M e d i c a l T e d i n o l o g isstt-- R e g i s t e r e d R e g is te re d N Muui r s e s . •• • (MotWuig andd icu) IC ____ . .. . R e s p ira to ry C a r e P t: Practitioner S p e e d i / U n g u a g eI ff ttt h o l o g i s l ' IKC Iva been ramed Ihe be« hejUicj Ul care lyttm bi Ameria In« nm o<5681Mcpued health { (hit honcr tavoil y u n EnI row. Bui o Uni iMon for In a mcaM l»<« peoi ed, OilW iMffl memben onbrx* leiK«and coinpaiion, *M Dui^ the r«t thing ««hl«ve. ••oflffjflobeattilw N AloM wfth out lob (HiporturUtlemi* of iry and e x ^ M b o > ^ S a a - M s s s s . s 'i ? ^ oppotunSnn o « 4 x |» a e n l» r ^ • defUBie. /pply online « wwwJhu Human Rewurcn de^r»ent » 208 Wormulon. q u iilty ^ U e h l^ ' Join our tu r n to ezpcticnce• quj ttlnpl ' ' Inav id c ty o fKKttl; pect a n d develop new consum jm te r a c c o u n ts In th e B2B enm vlronm ent through PfO Spet S P E C I A L I S T O P PPO O H T O N IT 1 E 8 . Mlllworh .• Appllinaei • LIvo Nuriery .• Flooring • Windoni/Welle ■. Plumbing • Commirclel Silee ■ • Ouldoor Povier Equipment • Eleetrlcel • Kitchen Oeilen, lUa networking techniques. Pr Prom ote v alu e-ad d ed prod }ducts a n d services, Be active In thi Ihe com m unity, and ige a re a s, rate plans otirrent a n d k now tedgsable oon n iw ireless sendees, coveragi R esponsible for m meeeting a n d /o r oix e ed ln g1 revenue r ta rg ets os o n o products. pw istom er relations a n d ^ n t ltlon. o This I s o fullwell 08 08 ensuring tilgt) qualtty custoi tfmo position. po te s will h a v e 'p ro v e n success )ss In outside sales, Qualified candidates n e s s to B u s in e s s so le s a nn d w ir e le s s e x p e r ie n c e str m o n g ly p re fe rre d . S ° mmcaintain o n d su pport account unt grow tti. D EPA R TM EN T MA AN N A Q E R O P P O R T U N I T IEES S • Delivery • Outilde Lewn t Cerden • Plumblne • Seeion.1 • Efecincel • Hardwire/Teoli • Appllineei/Kllehen Ceblne blnete • Inctelled Stiel Menaper • Peint • Recilvlng/Stochlno • Mlllwork • Wmdowt/Walli • Building Melerlete Itltude, odaptoblllty, S u p ^flor o Interpersonal com m unlcat [cation skills, com puter aptli o h d QQconsistently positive otlttudi tude required. W e offer long-tenn (o Incentive mflal, com prehensive healtl ]lth coverage, an d ittunRtas, com m ission pptenfli e a s e c o m p le te p u r on1ln< Ine a p p lic a tio n a t rK) piaii.'- To apply, pleas a l oppbffunlty employer, Edge Wireless, UC ^ M g e w t f ^ . c o m . A n n uual B M A N A Q E M E N T O P P O R T U N IT I E S • Zone Menagere • 6elee Manager • AdmlnlilraUve Managerr • Operellone Maneger •HRMeneger W S slfR V ,.V ‘- ' t a Jab deeafODne. cr b> p^oo<ne. o go to »fwJ oiie*.eew/CM»w. (f M rq ei It* TWin FeOa Jo b Servtoa >toe )• naad in TMn M e. 10 erv on* M o n ^ •edey. Marth aOtfi boT) S.-06n k) (L-OOpm pm Nid*«r(«Tarkitie etoree. Lom«^ le an sormBed lo DMnSyand Muelsn sdgswii^IRELESS^ s fe , .■ : MBMI IM g B B .O P T H B A T A T W IH BLE B L B tB N B T W O /IK , W ireless J* -A D -B T Iniet^ow B , Twin Fall: Falls, Idaho Sunday, M irch 2 7 ,2 0 ,200s | * ^ n " EM PLO Y M Er^ SECRETAOy Paft-tlmo8o'm-ri6on. 5 d a y s a w ook. E ntry lovol. Compulor..Dala E ntry and invonlory oxporionco prolorfod. W ago DOE. Will Irnln right p o rso n . S om o bonolits. Coll (or Intorvlow 20S-S39-7443. r* • F ax o r mall ro su m o 200-934,5267. 2050 E a « t 1500 S o u th G ooding, 10 83330.* ' ~ TRACK U B O R E R , U nion P a c illc . h a s immodlato oponings tor Track Laborer# in Shoshono. ID. Qualiliod candidates will ropair a n d ro> build railroad trocks.' Spocific flullos will Includo. bul aro noi limilod lo: removing and ropladng lies, pulling nnd driving s p ik e s . shovoN ng rock ballasi. loading a n d u n lo a d in g cquipmoni and malo f ia l, a n d o lh e r ta sk s a s assigned. T h is p o s lllo n r e ­ quires Ihe abiliTy to perlorm heavy phys­ ical labor on a conlinuous basis. OulSido work is required rcgardlossolwcaihOf condllions. Trav­ ol may bo required. Wo o lfo r a g r o a i w orking e n v iro n moni. oxcollont salary a n d s u p e r i o r benefits lo individu­ als who: •Aro al to a silS yoars old. ■Can undersiand regulniions and instructions in English. For more inlormatlon. visit our wob sito al W W W .U P .C O M . W h e n a p p ly in g , c lic k on " J o b s a t UP", then click on ■Vlow P o s itio n s '; For .nssislanco with Ih o a p p l l c a i l o n p r o c o s s .c a ll 1 -800-877-5634, option f i . BU.UW.OAMDnC* ^ An Equal Opportunity Employer • (re lo ro n co num ber 25122)I WAREHOUSE Ttie J.R . Simplot Co., H eyburn Dislrlbutlon W arehouse Is looking tor qualified Forkllft T ruck O porolors. Positions aro availoblo on sw ing and graveyard shifts, Wo ollor a modlcal/dontal health p la n o n d o 4 0 1 K . S i n n i n g s a l a r y Is S 1 0 ,8 5 a f lo r 6 0 d a y s SlS.O l.A pptyat; m iO S lro o t H oybum. Idaho AA/EEO (208)677-7103‘ Q B o a u tltu i QOOD jonacreaoo. renov 2 bdr I „n cl iT a ? . ' S r y ”i :pECnON8~ ' wind' 'Indow s. forc o d air HOUE INSPE -fume im a ce , w oodstovo, 2000 + sine Inoe 1993, 0&<32&ei15. $8899,5 , 0 0 . C a tr 2 0 6 - BaBaksr.206 B1-C3O40f934-»134.* ----- fftiHRIH HappyE*$t»r 061-0 ’• , DINO? A QERM AN Kom~e _ „ BUlLpil tth a v ie w o n d s e d ih C a llT h e RRoasm usso n I Q em S ta te R E A L - r V .L u : "lon. » ;•3 bdrm.,- 2 balh T eam a t Q e o ro th o e x tth e e n d o fa c u t-d o - Roalty.W et 73 4 .3 9 3 0 1w" *. Automatic ; sprin-, c l u # l v oepro ^ se n to * •KO Homos, lors o n d u p g ra d e ? Uvo8 0fT l\( {'I®'® t BuiUi r u o u t.S 1 8 5 ,0 0 0 . 'T h o M o nrdoblo tt I iploto tiomo 37-9025 Iv.msg.* ora-'C ompl I stan-r^ a n d k s tp aickago ^ IVESTMEMT ln g a tS 9 1 H .! .900. C all; is m u s s o n . L ynn R a sr BUHL Beautiful z s s l ' ^ BEALE8TATE E P r e s i d einn t o l T h o e cresw /rn jittro o s a l on Toom ot Rasmusson XTTUonro» l7li I. Ig. pondovoriookir>gl orcoQ phone edroom , 1 bath. I ' tiw canyon.6bdrm 8,l . 3 bbed K 9900. 410-2807. S59,i I 4 baths, 40x46 ba m I J22E3250N. w/RV d oor, 4,SO O l 23221 >94 M anufactured C total sq. n. Induding! 1994 nInrui rural orea. 3 bed■ ^ w alkoutbsm lM anyl o o m ,2 b a th . EALTY, INC. STATE REA i»l 8i ; 500 m E3600N . 206-734->4-0400 * 23641 s*■' B U H L S p a c io u s 4-^ 1975 Is Ibdrm.. 2 both rancher >n 11 o c ro . 3 b o d TWIN FALL! on id E fttto * . brick homo. R nlshod r o0 o0 m . 2 b D t h . 12.300 sq. ^ ,9 0 0 . Boautlfurz b sm t. on 2 a c r o s . S66,t o n l ocro. i2 ^ v » r L a n a ft.homoor A dditional a c r o a g o 452C kstor sutto )9B M anufactured Hiwomaati avoU. Call 543-6370.* 199B iw/Jocuzzi andbathw ------ ---------oinn 33-t-o c ro s w ith vator. 4 bodroom, 2 tub. g aslOroplaco, Of jo m ,3 c a r l a th . $ 6 8 ,0 0 0 bonusroot rago. SEDUCED PRICEI . rejftru l 'SaoldenSpur Lottofm id pick your By now and I colors. tluzle R ichardson «: «QOLOEN BUStNE! IE8 8 NEWS OPPORTUNITY WSPAPER 1 L 2 l7 > e S n Eon extraSSIn FOR WOMEN* Eom Who tovocfattsy doth! ' youi rour sparo timo. if^yoi J v ---------- Be t t » nrst tn TWln Fai w ■ REA L ESTA TE ^ a j j 'o w y o p p o n T U NSirv motV S o n lo r < = « " ^ " ” 1>.7377. — i FO R s a l e (oc looking 10 earn oldo'’r { taBV. S r JBoard INTERNE/ somi omo extra monoy Jrivato i Dtoroom. ECOUUERCE ............ ■ Inyo 1your sparo llmo, cnWoTV/.ppt ^MESSAQE^ hono. Own Your Owni WELDERS then en this could bo a |aund>v la’dll adlltlos. Businoss a n d buOc grot ^ Barclay Mechanical jro at opportunity s a la r y ,V o ftim d » p S W i.« n tii y so roslduol Incomer V In Paul. ID is jL it's sokL For fTM Inforfor you! vocatlonUr ■nllmo using tho IntomoL hiring-exporloncod; Tho 7 E 10 Timos-Nowsls Call208-309^ mation about nvoiding r0 9«»2' C tll 1 - a » ^ 4 4 - t3 4'4S," a WeUors, plpollttors lookin jkingfoflocIivkluaJs 5-7TT Um oshoreandreAlosInterc terostod In selling PUBUC SEH h and mill wrights. ta to 6cam a,w ritoto: lAOE*^^ salo. G ood In Clly r i Apply In porson. newspaper MESSAOl Federal Tnufa 4 9 0 W. 100 S . sub: ubscrlptlonsos Fo d o ra l em plc CommissJon, H ivy2 5 Incd ep en d en t In in fo rm allo n i 2 0 6 - 4 3 6 - 4 3 6 66 ?1 ; Psul, ID Cont a n tracto rs. II you R o m o m b oi rr, nt o o n o 206-312-4610* ____ ' AJappbatntsiiJt!l«<iio a rein ointorostodlnthls c a n p r o m i« is en ? n ° " n or con tho National I, For opportunity. fodoral Job, F froS 8A E18------------------le }aso call JenI a t InlormnllonI about ab< fed- C o n f o r o n c o S aIloa corter,l-eOMT^-TOOa* 0 oral lobs, call call Career - $ 4 0 0 0 - 5 1 0 , 0DOO PUBUC SERVICE . ___ 208-735-3302* 20| " ..................... > America Connt snnoctlon. incom o potonllalI ppie r L MESSAGE ______ ~ . 478-757-30( '•3000* wook. Don'l I pay to lind work r Coll 1-800-603-2831 before you flol tho lob. Y li^ /n ,p PUBUC SER' dqFor Iroo Information A V A Il S s c r Ap b o o k e v e n IL A B L E MESSAO at b o u i av o id in g om.ually moan AT MAQIC VAOE' ^ Big profits usual! pf lo y m e n l s e r v i c e big risks. Bofc as c a m s , w rlle lo tho y, EQUALHOUSINQ d o b u s ln o s o p ed eral T rado ComF • h « k l t o « May 7, z o o s " O PPO RT U N IT Y company, choc g, mission, Washington. otlorB uslyour businoss woul 3uldAH real ostaio advori with tho Botio p .C ., 2 0 5 8 0 ^ o r call D ThoTi lu For freo like lo partlctpato a s a Using In this new si 0 Timos-Nows Is noss Bureau. T rr Nallonal Fraud Intho curror v e n d o r^ o a M callI Ih Iho p a p er is subloct to rrontfy kwking for in f o r m a tioo n abou® foo r m a llo n C o n to r. lndoD< nvostm ont moll offlco a t 7M;30C KX>0 tho Fair Kouslna Act lopendont R outs avoiding invo: th 1-600-876-7060.Itlon which m akos It llloC arriers scam s, writee to to Iho f( ___ gol to odvortlso "any Trado Federal Tra' v SE proforenco IlmHntlon )SHONE Commissio ssion, S IO N F R A N C H IIS — Hinn o r d is c r im in a tio n 617 Washington. on. D.C.. R atod f 1 oxpandln ^ based on raco. col- , 2 to 4 houra 20580. orr cai call tho localty. Tum-koy. pfl F ^ j[ll'y. o r, r o iig lo n , s o x , s i ’.'m i? 100-S1.100 every National Fra Fraud nancfng avail. C a ■ h a n d ica p , iam lllal 4 weo veoks. Inlormallo lallon 6 0 0 - 2 6 6 - 8 6 7 1I nc r ~ Status, or natlonoi Centor. 1-600-876 -876-7060.* www.slgnammacom * I" • origin, o r a n inton­ ^ou live in thoso ■ es] sio n, to m ake ony a ro a s and are k su c h p re fo ro n c o , Inlero; •im jljiU ig H ^ B U i K i d A a HMI limitation or discrim\ CuitomExhtuttShOf '<op I n a llo n .’ F am ilial IEYNOWS lrK^udMil^^r.Qqu«t»r». t. status Indudos chillo aso contoct SCASH MONEY CURRENT dran undor Iho age BOOMoek? Prtca (175.000 h y, O lttrlet Mgr. Not making SeOOi MOTOR ROUTES — of 18 living with par­ 735-3348* SO down route ft AVAILABLE 5,OOOAfr. HVAC C o m p ly ents or legal custo' -* S30.000-$45,0c A) •0-8500* WalMUbDtiMdHftritoUd ’W dljui: pregnant worrv — Call 877-820-81 BELLEVUE/HAILEY 1"““ " ^ offor) Ofllom#rbtt*«. PfiCBol of on a n d poopio so (Noi a fobJ off KETCHUM 2is c u rin g c u sto d y or *0M1 M.;Mtr>cfcK)wt8tlwt»M 2ND INCOM Bi Soih Carrier — chlWron undor 16. d Ini Incomo InWoodRtverVtBty Create a 2nd & Substitules CEED your • WomeritnMn't CloWng ' This new sp a p er will that can EXCEE needed „ n OUTES R firsll Serious lUSCnltS. c Slor», great tocsBcn. n o t know ingly a c A V A IL A B L E Call 877-233-9 33-9262.* ulungU:5.000 II you live in Ihoso A\^ copt any advertising mblno mulliplo nn«\.«n< aroas nnd would llko Com b SSOOOOlU •BuiKI.nalAWrlotsRot*!. for real ostato which Jlo s 10 incroaso * * "O ,0 0 M 5 W fOulo: | to bo a carrier 000 is In violation of tho ncoTJ a Plooso co n tact yc — law . O u rfrb a d o ra yourpiolil. opponunily. IH om o ly . Building In BurUy Kathy, Dislricl Mgr. BUHL L^;. based & notIMLMINo ML . «w.800Sf»utt»tl.ta 735-3348* RT. Bl 1 that all dwellings adpersonal seliina. ting. Traincommordat or Usra Kt . — v o r i i s o d in I h i s ' S o ralo i l of g a a W indo- . irlg an d s u p ^ i Man«f»Ounr,o,Cr.« ‘ n o w o p ap o raro I m oro ro A « panm onts vidod. provon s' lee»t)on»I138E.R«iro*d. L— a v o lla b lo o n an ' H oritac ita g o & W o o d Call 1-800-705Pto,Iie5,M 0 p“ e q u a l o pportunity s to n o R ollrom onl 24 hours.' — basis.- To complain Centoi u te ly AH' IMo-iLradmsBuiinai ^ of d is c r im in a tio n S o m o r s a m s ” ' . 5 ,'!, CURRENT m e brand Brvtmgt Aui^riry Call HUD Toll-froo ROUTES £' BH at 1.600-669-9777. ing routes m m nm ^rnSm m B m A V A IL A B L E n T .8 5 | 3ns. Only u i m i M i S u i K S I QI B T ho Toll-froo tele.8 5 o ,...d « » s i26-774e.* ra p h o n o num bor tor k ll tho hearing Impaired AN INCREDIBLI 6 o r 9900 « W ashington ^*6 is l-eOO-927-8275.* • v l'fn n fn V^IOO* lMr>gionW»l> 31^North PORTUNITYIi ButtoD r.CrostAve. Strool TV ■ustomers toEarnSlOO.oO Rimvlew Drive 2 3 Cusi m I4 S working (rom im hom t o, r 1 34 Customers A p p m . RT-546 7 0 0 M ainStfool 24 h o u r m o ss£s a g o , ^ s o s i U S U i U U M i Earnings seo. 20Q-70C 2 0 0 Brooko Dr. 800-6S9-76ea, R T.734 100-20C ^4 1300 & 1800-1900 3 2 Cust ustom ors Earns *ATTENT10N I B U H L S70-S'. [sTora* DRACO — ^•S75 ADULT INVESTI JStonocrest, JGalona Drivo WAHTHAPPINESS? INVESTMENT For moro info s Got a 2nd bathrooml Slonoybiook Circle. tvvINJ Ft FALLS namo. oddross. I ISS. phono CORP. This womi and cozy Brookfield Court r t . 554 154 to: PO BOX & 'X5473. CASH for 2 bdrm. 2 BATH Is 43 Customers Approx. 3 0 0 -•S 5C O O M oadow Twin Falls, ID83303.* 8; Goods of Trust, 2Eawm gs StOS.OO newly remodeled and Lane0 — 1- . , M ongagos and BO nlco InsWo. RT. 741 Avail. 4-3-OS 400.500 SOO AltnIr Olivo BU SIN ESSE SSE S Ronl Esialo Contracts a s . S69.900. Call J im .' 2400-2500'S Ironwood 3 3 Cus, AVAILABL 'u sfo m o rs oarn %BLE Coll today for a froo, -t Paintbrush and ooorox 'rox/ni/i(o;/5<;0.AVAILABL ncKibllgallon quote, 5 Witdbrush , • B A R K E R Circle. (2 0 8 )7 3 3 ^ 2 1 * _ CooporN orm on p Customars Appwx. ffE fltT O flS 48 r t . b82 Jrokers „Earning, S i 10.00 ■I CMll208-84S^t371 i 0 0 -'"1 .O : O O B I .K . Bors , l 743 RT. Street i jccoss ■ I ^ I700's Borah Avo. £■. io o -1 3 ( a s ia.com ■ I Maplewood Drivo, si/oot L ^°»: ?33.65a; 7,'Sophomoro Blvd. 4 0 Cusft ' WELDERS Exporloncod stalntosa alool woMors, pipo (Ittors artd millwrights. Shockey Sho«t litotal s' Paul.lD 20a>438-50S5 Pro-omploymoni drug lo st' ■ l IB U H L ff« « c r* flw r/r/i metal tid e d 4 F * b e d ro o m , 2 b « th h o rn s, p a lle t stovQ , co fralt. pasture, a n d se veral outbuildings. $mOOO > NELSON «,1“! I i ts t fstwl/h^a EM Comln^lirday, FA X ! Eli O R : Y our Ad T o THE T IM E S -N E W S C L A S S IF IE D ID E P A R T M E m - ■ B f li 1 C M n a m .c c m - f j lLlLS 2411 1 C o u rt. 3 E K 'S 'k S 1545 balh, moJ sitting « » - " • 'o ™ oat room, ook. dining 0 Ig. dock. SS J - .u J Ing, a u to I. gos/hont S138,900. 734-1113.* Cnll 206-73^ connlt finis, out bulWings. I o n 4 .2 o c f o a . No c ooss(e n e i g h b o r s . 0 6,000. CnII 2086-9617/312-3330.* twinad® maalcvaltoy.com ^ 01% * N e e d fo to g et your hom e S OI II D ■ ig K ^ ^ \ m a w r r2 260 i R ealton fa Ihc M a ^ V d n b o ^ g o s ogg tc crests? to k>d( oat forj'our best inter g MO! DHNlinVINTODAyATm A c a l l jo h n lti-W lil orcr SDOBiUicd * B t m l OI CAJJ. FAU FAUATCovsin'mim: |l r « i ,n h . J*SSAT 7Jt-30tl rOKAIJ. XLOUntT HEAL ESTATEFINA.\CI\C! —• ^ J o h n E I r ww C o u n try j n j i T W a f f l W HQQQ I L i v\ ii n g . . . With AU The E xtras! xt 35 Cusfomor. Approx. T Earns $85.00. 0? RT.779 . Monlo Vista and Cindy Drivo 38 Customer Approx. ;E Ciiam sS90.Q O RT.794 ' ■35 IG ^ O O ilV O O b to ck Bittorrool 1 3 0 0 - 1 7 0 0 b lo c k Targhoo B 5'3» Customers Approx Earnings SI20.00 5» Approximate 4 wook c earnings aro based on current cusldmor Ap e count. Combine 2 routes lo 01 (Vicr0.7S0 youprohts. CcP lea se c o n tact in C hris 1 District Managor T36-3346* | c WELDER E x p e rio n c o d AlumI* num W oldor. M oot’ bo dopondablo. hard w o rk in g & a te a m piayor. Futt-llmo Mon-. Frl. B onollls a v a il- . . a b le , g o o d w a g o & working environment. Apply at ss’s s i s s r C harm acT rallors oa in Ciftssilioda today. 452 S outh Park W. Wo'r Tw in Fall*. 733No phono c a lls ' odir - oDOroxIn Jx//nafoiyS30. R T .887 187 i00-120i 1200 Twin Parks privo 500-600 iOOPaik Meadow lows Circle 3 7 C■i/sfom us of e a r n approx. roximately $85. ' CASH IN DAYS I iVSNOT WEEKS Retire Sooner nor by ibvoragingjcca. aS h . Ju st rotumI ca! calls. Calnw/1-eafr547^ , L R e a d TT th e ... E v e ry r rise evei It pays to read th9 fine p rin t - D ;a D y! ^ S A W T O O T H 'A\ C R E S AD or TIMES-NEWS CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT Buriey $77-4042! ^ ^ .. • lit-. - - W EST I nillCtTAII UlOROUP 33-7653 INEhome. re not ingbuUi iieiUeei. 4iftn. luiii nade CallBetsyFtorei ;} Bu ^ T ^^i E S T ik iiA ; . RIALIIIATE QROUP ! (200) 733-7S53 — P R IC E R E D U C E D t '■ T Niee.c ^ d ean duplex Oa* hea t. cca- [ tral sir, ip ad o u s great rooms. i f ccd yard, appliances induded. I W/Dh >lu3okupsinbolhuniu,noiplc > C iing. MLS«98U3743 $111,000 I B pMkinj t g k v a U e ]i v (208)733- ■' ' ■ t enjoyed : lan few uaf>d|oin \reaprof>- ufcible fbr . >1807 | H U N TE R ST A K E N I Loa of gteta tnd d jd a hive < ^ a . ^ ' 8 th u s g r« t « acret In the I: y a rx Bring the cowl and horm a R R n o t s t o i Ri a u t tbemonthli<!ejinbl«JidaonAre 1Buckley 1^CwtuTT21Matt»iW»mii>stAH82<h[ erT)( Ideal for home ths and tufa a w P lv o a M lD w tttr .g S J O OtilOlS E . i o m Visit It us online a n d cc h e c k o u IW a ic Valley a rea1 I lag h o m e s , tate. d ic k on Real Esta ■ r a WeayoubuynMILESTONl you can rcit aiiure ibit you're t goinJ to tee “your" hotne being around liu comer or ta ou tbe if you B^^nute sfielm deiifc cuitotn quality and a home that uniquely youn, liicn youVe mai Ihe right diotce wilh Nliintone. MiniRemaceat(208)280-3800 l-Cassla EiT ealty 208-734-553B r--. C alillAmyBoshTodayl(20188)Z12-0820 ^ ' I la I s l ^ I A I I^ P li I C L A S S IF IE D 733^931 |. -1541 FA X Y O U R .T h c T n n o ' i S l u sh e r C o n s t r u cr rti!o N C o m p a n y - 6 4 4 - ] ~ I r ! ■ails & Jerome • Only Minute* From Twin Faili •' O o ie To Major O oIfC ounei • NsturtlG as . . BU H L 4 b o d r o o m . 3 balh, sturmlng canyon v ie w s . 6 * a c ro s , guosi houso with bath & kitchen. Oreat horso property, yoar round wator. M 49.000. Call 206-543-9239.* Call TViln Falls 1605 & 16071 07 M idway W e s T F U e r B ! ? m e ERY M O R N II INQI [e I_______________ ^ _ V O U R IN C Q o T . . . fjp ^ e C a s s ifie ‘ K )a-735-3347* m r c H Y E D U C A T IO N I .1| T T T T W"W 647^777* C l a s s i f i e d s „ pii.ER n T .553 53 100-200 >00 block Rams' ’00 block Davis 100-200 2 4 Cus Customers earn opprox. RT 569 700-1001 000 Midway SI. C o u nt itrrvy V u Mobilo H om10 o}Park • Approxi roximato4woek oarnlnt lin g s based on c u rtotonn l c u sto m e r count 9aso co ntact / District Mgr. ^ a ;' 1 f - ssai* I ■ ? to buy a hom e?,9 •h o o l if^sor^ WAREHOUSE W arohousom an noodod In th o Buhl a ro a . Must bo ablo 10 lill 60100 Ibs. tepotitlvoly. . have Q valid driers IIc o n s e , a n d a c le a n driving rocord. Apply In p o r s o n a t 1 0 2 6 S hoshono SL N . *3.* I 0 rich Hchvdaon.com n uPPEHf CT lO m llosJrom Bnp?rt.2.( 1.2,050sq .ft.4 b o d - . room , 2^ 0 8 -7 3 4 * 5 5 3 8 i — " T w in F a lls / >,000. W-flg77.* B« il.208-42(K}785. E M A IL t : f j 3 '- s Opportunii >ities Business h as a lw a y s d c d ic a lc d ii to /cry sc rv ic c fo r o u r c u sto micrs. er Ify o u T h e T im c s-N c w s h; , .self m o tiv ated ,, and e n jo y ' enhancin g o u rd u liv c rj n w e h a v e th c p e rfe c t 'i drc very o rg an ized , .sc vho ..n c c . a. ,Wc in v ite in dividuals whc u n su p c rv is c d , th en c ir opportu n ity fo r y o uo . }c u sto m e r scrvicc a n d circulation tpers livery. , o u r •co m m itm en t to c are c w ly m o m in g d c iiv S grow th to apply. Papei s has in d e p e n d e n t nany are a s throu g h o u t The T im cs-N ew .s op p o rtu n itie s in m an Valley. • t;2 q ^ i ^ i ; e x < y S / 'V - ' c a u i e h i a t a ccoi o n tra c to r thc S t : te K n . m [.C u x tls D eb raN e lso o tIsCo. • NelsoaRealty ■ AlarkE.Joae8 { I I * Robert Jo n ts Realty • Vtortec ■ V k *2Z |IPQ 1500 M m ' - GIC;VAaEV;JRWl(rQli .WAPI' |||^ Q l ! ! y N E . ; |> i p ;.’t 3 w oaxp. ,MJW .Surtday, M arch 27,2008,1 W, T lm »»N <w ^ TWn Falla, ktoho ioP-7 y ---■ k J P B MFALLS 2 bdrm.. /2baUi.fultyfoncod d ia n d a c a p o d w/liom 3ond, flpilnklora. v o r o d p o tio a n d xLBJslot/$99.600. ll20S-734^?23y H .;je R 0 IIB 3 b (jrn i.b u l» I-----------------. . ■ ■ ocro. $114,900. Own' o r m iw c a r ry sm a ll I — ^ 6ocond, root to own. i^ lH S WMtMnFLE 5394SS0* JBPRIHQOAL&OECU) . NIC# 3 b o d ro o m . 2 . boiti, 1 «cro wtth ^ ;tu r o , $ 8 8 ,0 0 0 . C all 20e-«54-e222* = = = = = = • TWNP, IN PALIS Approc le ioooo8 ( » .n ...8 p iii bodro idroom design. 4 bdnn.. Inn., 2 bolh. 3 cor goragi irago. g a s Insert. ^r^val Ivato p a tio . AC, b'parking, sprin)rs. flro ^ 1, wotof flonor, c o s hool, 9.900.512 Buckgham 7 34-9888 20 8 4 2 0 4 8 8 6 * . ». ™ I ___ T W IN PA U L S 4 bodroom ? hnm 9 living ro o m s. 208 Im ja te r a \I\o \U ...... W lN F A U a FMmllyHor» ' P ile tn a u c td io 9109,900. SiriEnztbelhB lva. C oiltosoo: 208-73S-6939 ownor. . floeior206-73«-700r I FUI Details on aB all these prooertit i e s V -* g W Iflfc Mfw lBtfhomtw itb J e ifa a n Uk Mr.Fb>.flOc(» l|Vartjr«ylnBil«1»e08paEr«yHam«. ^Nm a bMoom 2 Min noma «xm lou ol OffwiFuBBM ieM«i»m»lftF»n»yRoom»ndWood . ^2xfi contttijetlon. knodad hickory cablrw 8lov«.4 0««oo *oami.2B«!M.LsM*e(Oodir«.JUST mokflng. ooman Wffl Apanay In Ni «pad 0 flwOa w^a>«ad ealdngt, larg* masu KEE03YOUT OUR OREATTLC. CdTod«y tnd Mrk < wsh M ban pkia 3 ear garaga en . yow»«yloln»tint«quBy. _ }is4,000fflitli11303: 0J2 ISUOOMLSmi»232S . ■ ■1 SyO'™ '" ttlc»HomatnHmnntn0 AFFORDABLE FUfKJi Sty^ Home In H ® I.2SS *4jf. wOi 3 badfoomi. 2. pb<S f c i J X oRan reom olTUfeMn. dMr>9otva. Popular )0. cenirai a^.' ^ tiza ti M X137. DeutM cat garaoe. Lsl ly 1109,eoo _ auto HxinUara. Pncad al only S jn PA sm w ie a H >^S45 I 1 JE SS? Hin*y:C«im420-4193 C sllU d H ii 54 C*nRossD **hl:C«a$73i-3m I -------- ^ __________________ ' F ree Toll Fi 1 - 8 0 (» 0 - 6 5 8 - 3 8B 63 tp B 9i k Buhill 2 0 8 I-5 - 4 3 -8 5 1 C0 18iiS B l Si H E / * • H H ^ I f u ^ c k L o o p , 'n r iin n Falls a e E ., l W i n F a I I s 2 7 1 8 9 th A m iiie gj'i mt ■■ • o iFItzgenird v n a v/SeaI(or /l [(WSlli'v . $i2s;ooo M m is im 's j': - - $137,90 900 A/LSffJf20{ ^2099 I2 1 5 E . i g S 79j900 8,848 ^ $238, M SHW244S Il iM L ^8I8S832 ;.'K ' .. . R e a i l o r ■ V- < —y ----------------- ----- h/-> > o a U M ^ W i 'L i i F > I I a 203W 5W S o m p so Q : KipTboia ,. Itealtc liter" '-..i.539-52' ■■ 98194426umm : 3475 175 A N. 2 JOO E V t ® i5 .i;5 5 3 5 53& 557JH rci5soq.,1W iin F td b DO ; r f g i 0 ,0 0 0 ' $130, a | p a a M .900 Itein F alls , M iP s B m 1722 M aplew ood Dr., Dr l\? m Falls Ifc S lrc e ^ ^ ^ ^ |2 ,5 0 0 |tos/jp/« ' l E ^ B B O . u»,oooi«j««imu C1ISh*riOo»atMtC4lt$S39S. Com u nmd d ready n br your dovclopnwni or investme projae ^«CL Appnu 611 f««t Cy 650 fa«l with toiT b>»«ir uiUino* of no isal vshio. Zorwd commerds pMl accMa. muRlpla uaa« I1047S » n Pitco Reduced lo(t.71S.00OMLS«110 CENTRALLY LOCA ICATED now subdivision, oot, all ono lovol, spilt ‘ tow tram c slnwt, n. 3 bedroom s, 2 bath s, bodroom doslgn, cathedral1C O ceilings. Chock It outi! 8.900 MLS#112252 • $138.9t J o in ir w in R e a ity .c o m F R E E H a v e n e w ii s>t tin g s s e n t t o y/ co u is h l i s t d a l ly . F ill o u t y o u r h o m e w/is VU-I a n d w e d o th10 e r e s t . 0{ ( 8 - 7 3 4 - 6 5 CiOO 4 2 0 -3 S . OiCMul Mlonw. P fl B l m a il! L i s t i n g s irn v o u r E -n Twin Fa ■alls H o s te d Wr i W E S T L tVH-A— C*» John Irwin: e ^tm 73 llUSrCaffA(ySabaJa:CaaiS3»43 ^31 i.6en« LoetOaaiot ' I ffnrZiMuaOn^iMrK gMtnr « Co. wy >«i tocwdcn oxr «<Ki« n M• Nem tt B $393,000 MLil98ie4459 •ttfh llH u p stw :C « M 731-1991 ^ 00 Q nSvbiMaltin Kffnp . Pi Ju«t roduc«dontni4lovolym» Prlco iW o c U ^ G reat TrWovo! lloor llo< plan-living room & homo (floturtna 3 bodroom#. 2 ba M y -ro o m .G ™ 3reat . lomlly homo-vlny) tli titualod on 2.3S ocros rwnn of Gooc iklor system . S od In front $89,500 • contact Donna or S hydro-sood In bock. _ today] ^ 4S04 or 420-2365 tod MLS«9Sie6204 » ' n $141,9 11.900 MLS0112902 m S04 B B 6 0 6 73r-a ir-eM 0orS«fly73f-«740 | CtaOonns 420-4S04 L SEftVrCPPESTAURAHT SQ FT RESTAURANTon mslor tinti h OV£R4.000SQi T»HnF«M*iWi* «i (or erw 100, WilkJn fro«j#f mdeooiof.day* «y a«ipp«] knctMn. Owiw Ml IMU or ny eontmci a«n quaBfleaUon*. ! twd , ^B«dnXKn. 2 8sth. Wood Stove. Dolactm 5h<KJ. “ vo« 2 * Doublo Oatdoo. Comi. Loafing Sh< Stock Watorer. GREAT BUYI1 $132,500 MLS«98193301 ■— Anihaon; Caf/f 30a-92U CsllO*y/»A«, CtaJu<fyHofrm»n;C«ll$: «30»-9M0 ^SX 3U W ti LOVE naLOCATtON * PWVA ^ )pon. IS. 3 Roomy. Orwif Room UvIng Aroat. B ■■ ^ uaVMoriM fUy;C*im420-3S90 - | S N e w 2 0 0 5 c u s to n v tu ilt con construction. J ^ jc d r o o m . 2 -b ath hom« ome w ith 1,951 sq u a re fee t. V ery sharp sh a h om e o n c o r a e r lo t w ith p le n ty fo r th c w h o le fanill O n l y * 1 9 4 ,5 0 0 MLS»1 S»112597 f l xm B M O ssm sm a STRUCTION EDMUNDS ) ihopplnfl. ro#louranl» & H O M EisdO M loiS t»dn»m doslgn wtth 3 m». 2 baiha plus den. l9.7S0MLS«t12910 B B•• M BcbblK»ll»y:C4imT3U2tOC HOME FOR $ O bdiYisiOIl! iollieSlimtflirookSub( D ' INFA LLSLotsol ! « etna • 1560 sq n. lill in 2002. 3 bdr, 2 bath. 2 car garagow go w/outo ( ^ n o r , fortwl rcod oir. gaa hoot, vnulloi .ullod coUlng. ga s flropla oploco. ovorsizod loundr jndty rni; covorod palio. lilo. M astor sulto h IS o soevorsizo b a th ' S A O T B uw S ffL rtM iS n^ Rivor. w/Joct -jocuttl tub. sopid flahing neart>y. Gcothormol wotor. arolo; 010 show er d u 5 Indergro^ B«rvk»t to tot. sinks, Iks. Ilnon & walkIn closot. clot Foncod. , N0WONLY$129.000 ■ lanndd s c a p o d y a rd HB MLS«ii220a w/co« concroto cutting. V I m i l l 420-0030, JIH420-2SS5 autosi losprinWorB.pIay iW yard, cd. K itchen h a s bollt-lr illl-ln microwavo. oloclr oclric g la s s to p stovo/c )vo/ovon. sJdo-byjW ia il^ W ntitlgv !t1g w/lco & wator. H f lH B DW W .I .Ig . p a n t r y . WolUn alUng dlstonco to Porrir irrino & R o b o rl Stuart. uart. $129,900 iM a 28<M43 Floor PUn. SpMkut IMna Room. 1302 Ml Pansy. Yoo Sq.FLKAcf»nM MSlhown)emythltltom*tMte.3B«t. 3fflAkl«rC«bln«ti.TTVtwwb lust aboui iiwdind<Kn1 tut tons. RMnor Owned tii9.M O U Lsnsioiui O n e o f d i e l a s l a v a i l a Wl ee hl a m n l c f t \ f wwJrwinRealtvxc com ^ o n fa ie a t W W ^ 'H '' 3 bedrooms. 2 bath. largo kitchon. Uvlngroom and lo m il^ m w H h wood stovo. Ovor 2.000 sq. ft. with basomont and spaco (or 4th bodoom/ployreom. Dockoflm osterbodroom. Pfitfo wfth hof tub nnd 15fLx4ft. pool MomlngsJdo ond O lo a iy Schools. m DIN9i . IV n n } 4 2 (^ 8 0 7 0 ‘■ <<,- $ 1 3 |7 i 8 4 8 ^ ■ ■ ■ ■ •■ ■ F ii M iranda . R e a lto r/H a b lo E s p Mfiol a fi 4204729 ’ M lS»m i75 Melissa Stein R ealtor I . Ills. Ktoho Sunday. M ifcli 2 7 .20Qj 003 IMTUnt»Haw>.TW <nF«H». ___________ E /. s m te A I g g H * * * * * * * * .* * TWIN FALLS AREA Now C o will buy youf house. Any prlco. ony • condition. Walk todayl ctM zji-soxyT^^sis’ TWIN FALLS Back on Ih o m a rk tti R ock Q o rd o n C o n d o .2 s to r y . 1,600 oq. tl.. now apRllancos. now cnrpot. now palm, now window trflatmonfa. 2 (Irap lac o s, AC. now O orngo doofoponori view o l golf c o u rso . S99.600.73W 007.‘ TWIN F A L L ^ New Price $84,900 Cuto 3 bdrni. ono lovol, Iro s h p alm , w alk lo Frod Moyof/Vynwood. $81,000 Complotoly romodolod 3bdrm .2bath.oncroy • oHIdontnorno.Ooublo garago wim 16' door. $15,000 . 2 bodroom 1976 Brockm o n mot)llo h o m o , now carpol ond palm. 2 8 h o d s o tC o m o o Park, Rlor Avo Wost. EDEN 2 bdrm. 1900 sq.n.. gas hoal. ono lovol. family ro o m , on O rc h o rd . $56,500. KIMBEflLY 4 bdmi on Conior Slrool E ast. Good sianor or rontal. $68,000 R O B ER TJO N ES REALTY 733^)404 TWIN FALLS Cut In tho • country on loss thon on aero. Small 3 bdrm., 2 bath, monulact u r o d h o m o . V o ry cloan, possible ownor corry. La. down poym o n tS 7 2 .0 0 0 , 208-539-9950.* rW IN F A L L S N W 3 b o d r o o m . 1 .5 b a th *>® to w n h o u o o . P o tlo . to« 1.360 6Q. ft., gorogo, m - lr} S t 17.000. 735-0970 ffi 1634 H am pton Way.* S5WI5S? ■' q Tci WENOELL 4 bdrm.. 3 b olh. 2 4 0 0 sq . II.. 1 acre, kits ol troos. pollot etovo, groat housol $138,500.420-4699.* H H H » .'iM w ^ H .6 ^ • ^ ^ B sT j; 480+acrolarm 2 BUSS hk o. m o o w o s l o n d h oag e rm an Valloy. 2 H pivot 500 cow food tol. W o u ld m a k o g r o a t ,^^1 .hotforoporatlon. Denn ls T hree Island Rest E stato208-69»0703* BUHL BU i S p o c lo u s 4-tbdi bdrm.. 2 both rancher brick brli hom o. Finished bbssm l. o n 3 9 a c r e s . TFCC IF ' wator. Prosont-. ly lyrrow crop. Additional 3399 a c r e s avQ llobla. Co 208-543-6370.* Coll y pH L S W W a r r w ,l0 3g U shoros TFCC, boot/ti-' lu l y o a r r o u n d llvo stream, prodoctlvo fish ppj,, o n d s , sm all hom o, now Inill voos, bams, nra granary. 543 ^7 3 6 .’ ^ r sCASSIA COUNTY I IDAHO 'J « H ■ * • 'v ^ T r P . « .j g M .n ^ ■ M -M C o llin s icrs Cindy-" ic f y .c o m H W SHO and Row Crop Farm. Ap' Approx. 4.000 ocros ,with 2.000 ocros i undor sprinkior Infgatlon. Ho Homos and out bundInos oro in oxcotiont ini condition. Dairy pomilt In pr procoss. Now milk markets 0X0 expandiing in tho Burioy. Idaho oroo. po, moro Infonnatlon For ^ contact David Price, [i: ^ ■ C.ilhii* IJk-vins Kl \<ii iu .AIIK.H m<h \ ii<>s .S lisi Mu\ii SnnvliM, (;KI 7:{i-’i ‘» i« fKoysiono Realty Group 9 20S-e78-1116or 20B-43U1116. ■ ■ ■ ■ h S c rq e I I I mE ■ ■ l aM O R T cO U N T Y t & DAIRY s r near IrTlgaUon. Locaied 2400 acrc5 «^ih pi>«l and linear near the Iniersiiie on paredd road ro 20 miles from 200,000. For more Boise. AJklne price $3,200 David Price or Alan inlormaiion please conlactI Da jroup 208^78-1116 or Andciwn al KejsJone Realt)- Crou; 2«Mjl-llI6. _ _ oup R ealty G ro H I ■ Tiuvni VVoDti'ii Kl Mil IK ^ |^ H H ^ | ^ |^ H ^ |^ H 7:{|.0():{2 II rONE 'VvKEYSTC ^I^H oup R ealty G ro l2000\trUnd A.vc. vt.'• Durley, ID 83316 '.kc^-^lo^ettal^Y.w M H ^ l ■ I I l H f t P P W C RQI P E . FARM 00 ai acres under sprinkler Approx. 4.000 acres wllh 2,000 jildlngs are In eicellcnl Inleallon. Iloiaes and auibulldli ess. i.Sewmilk markeis are cDodliion. Diiry peimli in proccss. xa. 1For more Iflfomutlon cipandin; in ilie Butley. 10 area. ;one IReallyGroup208-8T8please ccnod DavidPrice. Kevsune llI6or20M}l-lll6.ll03501 ■ % <in-!lii|ikiib ■ iii» Kim io Tw in R ills • 7,1.'.- II i'e.«Buik;y,iDS33i8 IJOOChtlliUXlAVC.* 876-lllC « » w (.teTUoner^ff.w .te r ^ | H 4IM -1/ F alls A v e n u e E a st ^ |^ | HH R ealty G ro oup • Clay K.ir 20(1.'; rONE 'V v KEYSTC I ■ I ■ & DAIRY sSITE r erphw. Grain storage, 6,000 acres; 5,000 icrcj under pl a>ailable. Loaied 1/2 shops and bouse. Beet sharess a>? lg pi price is ftt,980,000. mile of Ifllcrstaie 1-84. Asking contact Daild Price or Far more infonnatlon plnse con Realty Group 208-878Alan Anderson al Keysionc Reals in6or2O0-l}l-inG. A B i * II . . H ■ C A SSIA C O U N V t SR O w S p t l ^ H ■ 1200Ov'frfind Ave.' ,vt. • Butlev. ID 8 3 3 ^ ■ C A S S I A . C Q U M y^D £ A iRm As..>i.llui.kiK,(iKI.(K> 42».()7(I7 B Jb y K E Y S T CbNEJ____ C A Lury )(incs ^ |^ H ^ |^ | T o ll F r e e I (HOD) 7.1 H o u r s - M i ) n - r r i (!:.! ^ l :: valle . 3 Ills , I I ) S .W I I • o n u - » \v .iiia ^ ic v iillc y iL ‘i IG re a ttfa ite rh o m B iB J - - ' ■ h M M c I :l p r o p e r ty ^ hti:a 5 ; : ^ b e i J - r o o m s 8 1 H a th . N s» c a b in e ts - & t .c o u n t e i l r o o f . H a rd w o o d tlo o i b e d r o o m s , $ 8 4 ,9 0 0 '# ! Call H n i i S i r M i « 414Sv 5 ■ tui'es 3 bedrooms & 2 A ibath^-Newly remodeled /.ldtdio;-Pcrgofloora.tiIe .4 xCt^ntertop^ncwcibuidts ’& kitdicn sink. Ruilily FOominbasemenL - • ' | _ _______ $99J»Qtf98194381 I oors^ln ' ^ ^ ' I ■' ji '* r#gai 9 3 0 7 5 i ^1 PRICeeI s l ^ h e o W Is ' - ^ V H a H | H | C all'Ju d / at. 731 * (o »ee ^ is 0 ..‘ beautiiul new home; Q ^ Q j c n .1.8 acres. Feotur ures 4 biedrooiiis, 2 botl): >ffia o r exJra b ^ i w t t i . . olfi< reodyi # 9 8 1 8 5 7 112 2 ^ • vtove-in Mo^ I ff j f I I I ^ I |I |H ') l H tg iM s s tiB r lm B feU uii aodlrrlgat0d.«1231O ' tt; ■ iii iii& »iiiwB mS& iiH >& j>SS83l .> .S3l lll^^ ' 200S TkB«»M m ,TM aM t,l(W teD M 8« d i);M «c{i27,20a mp i IBiffcJTff IrBl ’r 1 w m F ^L V l f f ANMKEII Unoi RASttUSICN AsucfinterAhmtr l UHOon Detar CU rf ¥ % w ju rH c n } J m S W J4 0 1 TOM401 II ■PI 11 J iI XAUV KfiOT CQMUl Siln A sodttt,. tt.AeR UiDon$ Produ )ducer 26 UmMnM Up S H I b B S B J ^ E OOHOTHYGQST C vmccwauq LCR SiksAswcU UiHSfca Doll CU) ciite 420-0384 84 II I • s a ;m * fk (* M t5 ra tX 0 ■ *2ba]tO(M.lMk ■ eOOu-furuQyloiadntd g TkB(rtaiMW7WniM73TJMI SQ5Mi}tenylJDe ‘ IjwBii— piicini 'i ' lj» m (4 • t « m • ib fe M •ta s tu m • s o w <M i M * HZSmUMB I I I7JM9M ■, •fU ^>IW faM *A tLS f9nK ir 03tK - ' •2baheeoa.2b^ SiDtfe Of dtuefaol prate. IMS »?-tL «). r TW<a<TnMwW«7T»CTM7n» TUM Apftax.lS$aa. Ctcal VKWof tbe Soulb Ililb AinCt i fleaiiBjTg ROKFRSliUI E AsccBnto-.GR] iU H e x i O c f t r C U ^ ^ P • m m •TVfaB* • M u m n i u •3 t» k « m U lM h i O j* rt* » lio m d M a o CDoiaj floor TkHa<IbMM^7370a»Awi<WWB Ul •IW b M i *MUflSI«Ul • 2b»koea>.lbA {Urdwood floon & newlidmg AJaCmM SM79 «kH num4 •$aS,tM •ThfaA* •MLSI9818Sn ObcdRmlbitf) Vm^ lUmgtaJ trrioUer tydna VW3i*t2MWLiil«i;37Jni • $ A m * J r a i •MLSflOT Esxllait lavatmeol pnnaly wtlh«24 x 32«JiDp AfciC*A*53>jT58 •ssiVNO^iwtaiA^Aasnmi u rn TAMGOODm :m SDoAuodai daia 40 C I •S9SA0^iu«>r*MUfw • 3 b (d « » ,2 b ^ VKaalbad-ZDec<iR4 Sm eiB U ohiin.lm L— ■!!■ ■Ite / ________ 4ftW n________ 276iae»[reitboae.bani,co(T sm M TUnsHniET ^ ^ B j j S^taAnccbti ' Ii KxyiBffira va SisA sso cta ^ ^ ■ u M ttx H M b ri ta farOjb 30 1 II . 101 •tuK m •Mi^fMmioi • 3b«dteeM«2bia( • S lttW «TWkiMi > K IS « « U !3 •3bc*Deo«2bia» Tbe'1Vtedl>cd-t7\M»itoaK<»3 ^oUtiGihcdbafi^ newlymDodekd.rttdy 10jol L cdatW Y kiiaW M •$US,SSe*TWtaU^MLSI1067 106771 •4bak«i>i.2b«Ia m>Q»rn>a>0Q'tbelm-Iir»Bj— I l f M »n»Mii7nj 7>JW to N i c e ^ r o p ^ ^ tqjL i m G i^ M ] IkBMTMMTUIMSUnUMI ___ N U H I S Q i n A m ^ ^ E -10I I ^iS I B II •tU V n^Jnos^M U im i nno47 ■ , Kwy93B>n»esiPzrk I 118 A o a I tt» n w in w ^ B M M W l DUXAWKITK SilesAswiau U iM C f iiiD a b r C U i^ ^ ^ SiIuAuodH laonDoBvPndi TKEf M diU totar 06 iE u Pi B R E X O A U R m '^H I . •tt%BM • » » •MUfimn • im ffO • M M •MUfXIMlM •4lie*aM ,2tiiai Sfodoul booK«btl lob of potaoial • s u v n •TVtaMb * M U i« a 4 n •3be<kgcBi^2M« Cmcl SeOen tre nxnnicd-can to Ke LoBlNlbiii28MSD '• 1102 • Siwaa>|[hi>a)7*Munii0 .4 beA oem 2hi6i Couaoy »B t«e-«ad y 10 mo« ialo0 N c a J(n < 7 3 1 ^c r7 n JK 2 AhO*fc<i5W3«J— B— TOW • 4b e d R m 2 b ite ' Ne3raa)oitia.Cai)lak3^bcai bms! K r iU S d n te il^ H K •& a m ^ Jcn B w K L S fW B • 3be*ooo«2b^ tloi tub pad. tx re w/RV pukit tihiitSJMVSeiWW ^ ^ B SilesAsscctta • S W 0 0 > J m » 'M I £ fm 52SU U • 3 b e k e a ,2 b ^ NewQnstruciioo-KameitudAaa • S1«SC0 •TWIiM »MUf9BmnS • 3bcA ««2tite BekOiftill)ce»Lordy ImdnBog ^ D«^Cd<WWMcM.IHfcA7g HM* THOtUSLUn SilnAsocttt ^ ^ ■ l U H a a n D o t aLO rY 'D ^ ^ ^ 3 0 J J 1 1 7ctiia f ■ •noisoa • j m o i • i K u n t u a n *t •ntrtnnB i.-tli^ ‘E x u n d e^ n » 'l o be tu b oa 1 aoc U Rom euTifii I tarCU 17 r •&50M ^IUKfl7«KUf9BU ilut« coasnercul buiUiaf 9K 9[ UtlRDIbn70n^30M »M JOAXNREAVI M lUMGta Mtr cu ^ ^ ^ B a S • c o m •T W taM «M l£m i7N •4bakTKM,2bte OttbTplxB.tikdmBteflHih ' S 9 9 V P • s m m •TViiRfc •MUB8SMSI ta '•SU7.SD0 • ite tB iii •& o s n i3 is • 3b(*»B^2b«te \VteitofuIcaunOylaiKlin!b Kzea& faiFw— ^jh a y B rtM p .w a a S « 4 b e A iia « 2 b ^ NcvKeuKrOBtamfkDs II >1199^•3<b-Me teaM< m• 2Mb u^ n s t n i ■ oa .'nx'llLboe'byWolvcnaaKaDa MMi Kl«'Er*Ke*ii*WWeWSl1 [ n^MnTriTtrrqirntriyntftti S alo A u od it r •S2avoa<'n>faM>Mmta •3bcdn>OBK3Jbiai. Rhcrrodc(i(cpln.mola(fia TkikwitaBMiwuMmiwin oifios ~ SUH I .^ H u T N Y n u m u i S * i Asm* 6 .' llg g _ J flM 0 1 7 ^ ^ ^ M rj ift IB ii I . •tmS.M *1WtaHb •H U eBtn SB0 8 • B n , m • M ii M i • M u n mIO o I ' • S i» * « M ,3 b ^ • 4b(daoa«3bia< oe rd '■ ResnkkdllhilCcfimDybaae •$awBS •T > k iM i* H isn i8 C M ; O M iM w tbifti : - • 1he*Obdcf*tiiW>tvenooHaDa . .Q ^ tO ita a riiw iW ^ w w ■Vl' w •lOMcs »'p*M i •MUonnMiI I • tSVM •KUBORK ■ . • »4bi<nif^2tiii VMW R m s k s room b b m M : . ■,. :D a iig « te 2 » ca > - v i B mi a M >■ I - / ' v l ' . - - \ - " ■'■■. '.■■ ; ;■ ■■ g ? n o«ia;GcumniFUd*mk]»: bC U •torn •MM*uiseimo » C ^ ^ ■ te a :B n ta C R I ,i OnaltKoiclOicatlacatiaiitQnitp nn ^ ''. ''• 3 M t M 3 1 ^ . ''': ' • SaaqrUtcka.ndoattBiitoeo '• ' •7 3 7 ^ 4 tarCU 20 m E aa ;io a m « a s .. SilnAstodtts L •5bcdracn>H 3b^ H.UR i IB *UH .. lttiho*tm O T aK «ttj|sQ *ui 1USM taM l4mS3M OM NI •SZnm >1W taMb^HUf98» HiDeE : ; l .;' 'M U listT' - B :a iH H w , r ■ : 31fi0li>iit>ii»Drire B :l<llffllll litM t|» tl— aH)ll m •saM N*'MiB«i<MisnB8a vats •3bt*M K 2S 6ite bKiSi OanknmijaiiyicwidSaaiK ,ifcM iaaj|tM W M f«t7373na mo ^ - tf T T I W - r a ^ ig ^ M » M i3 n u a t» a b i* tw in i5 h SpectKdnbaQs-noibamalin DUnDOIUM- jW lC I lAROIKUBR n W W B ^ ^ l BUOEIBIOiyi S H n to o iil C U M x ^ tk lil Pwa>M<50fit«PHW»: Ql■ I ■I both B n s MB 19. ] D-10 TlmM -N ow i, TwinIFall*. F«l Idaho 8 u ^ , U u th 37,2 y.200B__________________________ tsiaiZ^SB F BUHL HAQERMAN fO f ta S l o r ro n t Bluo 8pnjc« M obile E sta tfls, 2 b o d ro o m , c arp o rt, fo n co d y a rd , alo ra g o a h e d .v a r y c i c a n . C a ll 3 2 4 7944or306-0121.* , 'u...,?■■■.* = HAZELTON Kit doubla H> wido h o m a 28x88 with " n o w ly r o m o d a lo d k itc h e n . 3 b d rm ., 2 k bath, lamily room, (Mnb Ing If room, fontial Uvlog room , vinyl wlndowa, C o le m a n e la c trlc fu rn ace with air. a n d nnow m etal roof. To be movod by now owner. n Priced S31,995/offar. P Call 200-731-4181 or 2 208-829-5341.* — J A C K P O T ’0 3 O aK w wood double wide. 3 b^e d r o o m s . 2 b o th , ddo n , u p g r a d e s th ru out. 0 557,000. For info. call 1-866-680-1097.* n SPECIAL OFFER! Motor) Valloy 3 ptrcolt •Joining. . - • : • • »Acfbwltfi manutaelurod homo jiewly fomodclod. $85,000. Approx. 2ba ro acros, 510.000. A 75 ocfos with corrals kmllng shod. gatod pipo. & walor , ftharos 545,000. A llth r M iw o tlt 5130.000. Call 2 0 8 - 5 ^ 1 4 9 .‘ I GOODING approx. 532 a c r e s . S h o e s tr in g Afoa. 120 Qcros pasturo, IZOsharosNSW. g r a v il y I r r ig a tio n , S650.000, 934-4269. . 934-5215,0f53!>-3142- il KIMBERLY ■ Lot (or safo. • 423-4377 otter 7pm.' W EN D E L L H l l l s l ^ Rosidonlial building lo ts , g r o a t fo r sp lit lovol homo. S6500 lor 50 f o o t s o c i i o n o r S12,000 ror 100 foot soction. Can 536-20f3.' MALTA -95 Champion. W 44 b e d ro o m . 2 b o th . Slovo 8. d ish w ash er. 1 N09d» to b0 mov»dl p Coll20e-431-e542.* _ PA '6 3 Andorson, 6 PAUL tt. ft * 45 n. L ott o f n tw a$fu m $1,500 or best oollo r. C a ll 20 8 -6 7 0 8795or2OM0WM22.* —— I II TWIN FALLS largo chlldcaro buliaingWWh • m R E^A LS □ is ' oparlmonl. Enclosed spacious playQround. ' Grool aroal Call 208-280-9587.* H L C to « ,tO = I BUHL I H igh l a L M ^ '^ I h«al. * ^ I ” * S S ? '-S r5 I T lw•HH o m t7 3 M 7 M . li« '- i BUHLi bdrm rm 2 b a lh country m «e . N o a m o k in g hom seo00 o m onlh 1s t an o lastCfl tC ol20& 64>6030‘ ; IL R e n t lo own. 2 ' tLE.comforta^’T'fiwSFAtW BU HIL I. V try claan. 2 bdrm., m , 1 bath, $400 *• d e p op io a lt. N o a m o k I n gg/ / p e t s . C * / / %30e-447r 20e-3t stb S" ) o c n ta m i.M eryy I c l e n l w ith n e w rdwoodrtllo-lloprs, hordw h . insulation, tofw d bsth.li o lr&Svw o o d » » v o llM . tlrig.J.CCorral, pasture. rag e p o ssib le. No ' g o rag I n d oijo i o r p o ta , w eb » o s ovall, 1st. last' Snd°A d s e c u r ity . 5 6 0 0 . 5 ^ atl , now. 32M729.* F I L EEFR v o r y n l c o 3 ■m., 2 both doublo bdrm., w id30 e In g o o d a r e a , . « 4 77 55 m o . No p e ts . I. Can 326-5687* JE R iU N 3 b d rn i.,2 HAGEfl both,h .i som o appls. No I ndoc Jo o r p o ts , r e f s . , 5 5 000 m o n th * $200 » sfL Call 208-324)5or208-731.7967.* EELTON R e n t- a Ch. 3 bodroom , 2 lh.. C ountry living. b a th rgo y a rd , c o rrals, 5 0 /m o n th ♦ $ 6 5 0 p . C a ll 2 0 0 -0 2 9 - C l w l S k id S w S c e BURN 3 bodroom. Roprescmatives a re available from 8:00am - 5:30 pm M onday-Friday , WIN FALLS (4) 1 ocTo • commarclal lots with cily sowor and wator. Soli, loaso. o r build t c suilo. Call 308-6160.* ‘ 1.5 milos Wost w lno. W a l- M o r t.V e r y S525r Coii\^if»-^T7-Z74A. 2( .c p r m OME 2 bdrm,. full temont. In the coun^ B u r1 a y 6 7 ^ 0 ^ try, ,$1$ 6 0 0 + d e p o sit, ^ 11208-324-2154.* f OME Curronlly tak^ oppiicalions for 1, H 1 3 b d rm h o m o s. iB 1 1 2 0 0 -3 2 4 -0 0 4 0 w Wjhy s ta y In a Hotel (o r S nin-FrI n ^ u ntil 6 pm , ag n e x te n d e d p e rio d sirentlnthovalloy,’ q o l Ilm eT Complotoly jj c a i . q ------------furnished tow nhouso TWIN F on tho goll courso, 2 1483» BBlitterroot 4 bdmi /2 bolh, 51200 b d rm .. 2 b olh, 2 c a r 21/21: > T arg h e e4 b d rm 2 g a r a g o . C o r p o r a to 1415Tc rontal rotos avollabio. b a hthSSIlO O f llu raa 5 bdrm 2 2^8 0 -0 1 66or4234383* 8 2 4 A All $1350 — ba hms ^ ^ I b a t h 2 6 0 0 sq ^ >lus b o n u s room s ■ » 478 R Roo sew o o d 6 bediBUHL i room. ^ 2 b ^ 5 8 ^ 3 BDRM. 2 both In the - ' Brawt country wtth a nice l 734-6861 family room and 2-bay Evei :v « 4 W k e n d s fj Qorogo, S775/moK)op. D avea ooir D ar 731.6861g Barker Roalton =— N rFALLS 3 bpd-, 543-4371 iw « r< ____________________ ro oim m , 2 b a th , brick, BUHL 2 bodroom, W/D. foncoc cod yard, ronge & §1 rofrlg , & sto v o Incl. OW/ ., (g a s ( Iro p la c o , ri Sow wtilo o th D is tr ic t. $S525 month ♦doposlt. Call 208-308-7414.* $ 6 9)55 +dop. -f 306-5343* C • • Call our ofJIccs in Tw in Falls 7 3 3 -0 9 3 1 6Xt. 2 o r ' r o c k CREEK CANYON 160 acros, cioso to forost sorvico, surroundod by BLM. yr. round spring, uniimit' od rocroation, potontlal wind form. S1.495 por ocro, 423-4444,• TWIN FALLS 2 bdnn,, 1 1/2 balh. flropiaco, now a p p ls .. g ro a l location. Immaculaiol Call 208-733-2362.* T BURLEY 1977 Broadmoro 14x6611.3 bdrm, 2 bath. 10 bo movod. S2.500.208- 670^)502.* . ^oiyoursjaiogo aoioBo All ll can Da, Advorijso itio Iimo ana claio in iho clflssilods. 733 0931. H rM O iL L S w a re TWIN FALLS 3 bdm TWIN PALLS 1 bdrni., r = S |T tm i.2 BUHL 1 to e fo /lo sw , ™ lf balh, a p p ls., cityy u1til. i , 2, 4 bedroom. $350 ♦ $200 dep. CaD p ^ . S 7 0 0 . S ^fe05. ^ . .2 o e -2 iM 6 7 a * • esi .H allow tPropM ty b d m . uw talrs l i a .« ^ fL H ea t« SSH : .M p n r t.7 3 4 ^ i TWtN P A O S ^ bd? o o r s , b a th twlnrallsrenta!s.com E x tr a n lo e 4 - p le x . iD OaaW flefnca. 13/4 i ^ n m a o u la le . i— ........... — :j bath. 1 den/ofTk».-.W/0 V $ 5 2 5 + dep. 7 3 4 ^ 8 2 .* Coxv or40 4 < g 7 y itove. ■• „ 11 w if r P X L C f f 2 b 5 n i: hookupa, DW. sto p i » Lol for lea f e a t Off street parick ' jm oppis., garago. $525. hisai Movalnap< Eng. N o t I d a h o H o u sin g Eng.$450. month’ 3m onthefroi b u r ie y I o ta to O 'L eaiy 2 Approved. 32&0991.^ Cl0» TffW P A I I S t>555i w llhpdsocur S??: C le a n 1 b e d ro o m , ^ bd rm . 1 3 /4 b a th . n e k l^ 4 bedreom. 2 bath ,i>* ? " 5275. 2 bodroom . ti w i i r n n r a T B s s r ; l aa C o u n ty O O O O IN tMtvtawDr . P a i n l b r u e h D rl I b a t h duplex.’Avail. fapple., g g etectrkj h e a t $ 3 0 0 .N o p « ta . Steo . month + dep. R o o k inJgt to r e n t e r i8 -20t t *925 month * depo n o w I.G aa h e a l, car. EH0.20M79r7438.* p a c lo u s ,2 bdrm .. i s a s e S to t o 4 bd rm ., rn ew CaflSIO-881-1440. p o r t , f e n c o d y a rd , (catlent refs., baserneni apC. aphome, pxct monaoenv $ 5 6 0 m o n th ♦ $300 FILER E x tra N ieel >pu rch a se. pllances, heiV wa' POJ!;iSJ»P i s s s s s s s£s s^ L J i T W I N F m S b w^S d o p o s lt. N o sm o k P''“, • bdrm,, 1 balh In four 53M 658.' &rlnduded..'$476. . Callg08-63i * * * * * * * ful remodeled In O ********< i n g / p o t s .1 8 8 9 8 a n . ,Towne. U pdated, T W IN FA IL.88(:(2) Brand L a R u e . C a ll w e e k 3 haM 2 1 ! gm t 73»<Fm.‘ | R p O S f i ^ n jw h o m w e s. .:3 bdrm., • bdrm.. 2 ba th w/d< [Composer, day# only 393-2035.* pots. Rel. 326-588T* VIN FA LLS S tu d io >p. 3 b d n n ., ached 2 c a r g am o (2) diOdren. FALLS 2 ^ ™ : : a pp tt !$276 + dop. Call j T i « thn m..S 9 S 0 4 haidwood floors.I. ^No GOODINO Cuto aunny TWIN i w /b o n u arm hm Aug. Sth. 1 b a th duplox. Avail. 7334 3»«1(»or21^SS71.* / neg. 1 bdrm. ond unit a p t. 120-3011.* smoking. P o ts no dep.CaU 420* >■794-7728* * * * * * * *k**^* * * * * Nowl G aa h e a t, car- t wVIN im FA LLS f li/p a r , i R o f. r e q . S 1 .00C0 0 $ 3 4 0 /m o + $ 4 0 0 j j u m .u - Bi:TT » p o r t, lo n o a d y a rd . „ i/c ,J ! *: /s t u d io a p a r tt d e posit. Call 1-866iW ! TWIN FA L.LUS l b d r m ■ " l'5e *n t , s o m e u t i l s . 57fr9160a72O-716O.* ' $ 6 6 0 m o n th + $ 3 0 0 W /D .lawnw/appls. ♦ W/1 .d o p o a lt. No am ok7{3pis. ”^ $365+1^^ HAZELTON 1 bedroom. ' I n g /p e ta . 1 0 8 1 S a n . S g l n J i J ,I sp P a cio u s, ‘jVfltf C a tt2 0 9 ^1 9 0 9 .‘ T W IfT P XLLS n Room 121 Main SL.$310/tno. + WOO i 3 b o d ro o m . 2 boaa th , L a R u a . C a ll w e e k ' raig e dop. 208-788-1310* 8-4200110* o D ollances. o a ra inted, $260/ POOS. 208-4^ ENOELL 2 bdrm .,1 m a te want days only 393-2035.* W ENl pd. 7330873* oth. appls. W/D hookmo.uas.pd. ' law n c o r o . N o pp<o ts JEROME -------------- 't w i r ^ r ^ A L iS 2 bdrm.. S3»0605. |s |||m ja e m m /smoking. S895 mo nonth1 bodroom. $295. ' •T both, oppis.. $395+ J gp.l $476. l ♦ d o p ^ t 7 3 3 ^» !9 * E 9 H HI I H l 3 bodroom. $495. dop. Call 732-5408.* E -----30^3 Call 208-639-7611.* ^ Y W ifi * ^ A L L s 2 b o d - k e o i ~ bodroom. 2 b a th , ro o m , 1 b a th . $450 5iow, IJE d O H E LLS 1,765 pols. 4 5 0 Crostvl* TWIN FALLS month + $300 deposit C a sa O o iP ra d o iStom built Cali 208-4 2 ^8 8 8)4 4.' sq . tt. Custo HB07“ N o p o ts . C a ll 2 0 0 - t wHN i n FAILS I A p ts .I m m e d ia t e 3 b d m i.,22bbath. o AC, T O iH T S E E S tio am 212-1678* mlrero TO movs-ln lor 1 bedfomutl dining ning room, noat 1 bdnn., hom< rs wJS. room, all oppllanccs. 1 TWIN FALLS 3 bdrm,, »,nn« 0 p « » .c A » > » l C W IO dIAAdvortlso . t bar, auto 145 10th Avo. E.• N I HA occoptod.andy 1 bath, no pots, $525 >ra. d e c k , Hvlng room a n d dd<o ^ p i ^ o iKckyourad x . a B - r a K u i r ___ ol 208-324-0572.*' +$300dop.212-1678.* ___ no sm o k ln ^p oto>.. op1 . ' “ W ®- r o lr ig .N o Tocythaflrsl m FALLS Holiday foraecmat TWIN FALLS A nowor ' P“®provided, g a a1 hoot h lotel spo d a l weekly dayHnji nms. Tt)o 3 bedroom, noworcar11732-0040 with control olr. «50' l5 l lies •starting ot $120 71mo^N< pol, 2 balh. all,oppll» 2 .* • mo. with 5225 dooo ■posit. nd $32/nlg{it slnglo. oniyto re; responsltle a n c e a , A C. g a ro g o . 5 5 °* Caa208-731-6665. an 733-4330 XII.* foranyem HTors/epo/f™ F A L ^1 $650,208-737-9635.* ^ EROME i o r 2 bod orjrsldayo/ I TWIN IIH FALLS MOTEL ihVLl^n t a g o 2 TWIN FALLS D iS S . room a p a r tm e n t lor Octitlon this attractive home la i l y o n d w e e k ly ’ jbj a“th ' m ain o n t.i3 2 6 .C o il ISOCO/I ' drm. 1 balh 1334 Atdor Dr.%0 “a r Shannon ite a . Q uiot. c le a n , 532-4555.* fa 7 3 3 ^ 1 s jhoat. TWINFALLS offort Ifojdable. 733-6620.* ’* fico> lover 1.600 sq.tt.a t 2 or gabio g a ra g e , g a sj IlurJEROME Abundant omonllJes AC,, appls., op 677-4042 10 g a r d e n , noco w/AC. $ 6 9 0) mo, r 2 bodroom. ]KYou‘ a rd . $ 775. plus security dop.I. C Coll Hallowa Property atmosphoro a t 606 /. 731-4268* QOJO 208-404-3850 50* MgmL734>«334 Roodynow. T. S a ra to g a i It like .twtnfallsrontals.com A partm enU 3 "d l3 tW IN t^ A lL l 7 f f le r TWIN FALLS Ju stT lEN 2 bdrm. on priw 44 hi Luxury 1 .2 & 3 bdnn. EDEN b d rm ., 2 n e w 3 b o d r o o mm . 2 JEROME ^ sto lol. ^ h o m o s . E lllc io n t vote 1 all appls. Ata gJ o . $ 7 5 0 b a t h h o m o w il l lh a 3 b o droom s,l 1/2 both, ichodoorago.$350* contml olr and ho o t ' tacho 0 0‘ d 0 ^ tL bonus room & doul ouble Aliappiiancoo. Sionm S“^ 17 & 200 dop. with 1 year rn M W Full sl20 W/D Indu$200 car gorago o n a ■nnico S565 monlh + doposlt 6 8 8 J a e kKa so o n S I. 2 INECT , ^£,,1 lose. Refs, required. d o d . R o s ld o n tfitloase b a th . $ S 0 0 ' lot c lo s e to O reogon g NosmokingAMts. 'ITH o Dots For eoDlIcaI n e s s & b u s in e s s No p< Can Trail E lom ontary. /.N i o Lylo 731-6589.* mo. ^ 0 00 dop. di 5 n c a a 2 0 6 « 5 « 3 1 .* CUSTOI OMERS c e n le r. individual tiono '33-9260.* sm o k in g * ,n o p o Ivan 208-733-! s e o o J E R O M E Q u a l l t y p a tio s w /s to r a g e . h e ■YBURN ybi ^ "?2 MfTD S850/m o. P lu s S6 3 bdm i., 2 WfHO H TWIM c a i i'g ,„ n n 2 b o d r o o m . C a ll S wim ming pool w/ =ED Bth, newcontral h o a t NEE 1 bath. 1Scor r g S 5: c o l l Ly 324-4854 or 324-2643* B8Q area. a C. c garago. ( rt^««7v R a s m u s s o n a l V41in . No pets. YOL 3UR fully foncod. v( n £ ^ Wowlllmala >lolo K IM B E L R Y 2 b d r m a o o ? oa^ 2 8 0 7 o r G e m SIC Ifs. $500+ $250 dop. . c cD W m^ c E S 4 3 0 /5 3 5 0 d o p n o y o iiim lM Call a li:208^77-2382.* .X Jo p RoaKy 737-3900. _ F g 5 ^ pol/smoking 539-9950 . Adveill rtlse In TWIN FALLS Larg« C allLyh 731-6589.’ 731b d rm ., 2 b a t h , vv< e ry KIM BERLY 3 b d rm .. th e Sei iervlce T w IfT F A L ILSS 0 b o d . rage. 2 I J W. Uonroc. S485 ;.h c'o o 'i. 1 c a r g a ra i room. 1 bath.i Call or visit today. Direc »ctory lO ts, Romodolod 73&0322.* 547S + S m No s m o k l n g /p o i 529 Main S47£ 651 S a rato g a Dr. .Un----------- : -0931 EROME COUKTY I 733-0 1794,* LOCATED IN TW lffFA LLS3 ForLM$olNtw e xc Lt 2 -=ew THECEMTER Indi b a th , W /O h OF IT ALLI industrial Building U = = = ; ^Y oartlngs, ovor 1800 sq,l 7 3 9 . 0 * 0 * l > * 0 * 0 D'x 168'wtth ofHco, ANGUS (10) ■v!^ ■»!!/• - C V 5 0 ’ x poo. S900. <04.673 I re g islo ro d ^ FAWNBROOK noar Perrfne I storageand purobrod.r 111 206-487to r y . $ 8 7 55 p APARTMENTS bulls. Coll TV/IN FALLS charmin , restrooms. 1 Coll 208bdrm,, 2 b a th a , 0 Oe-731-2190.* 5 6 0 0 d e p . Ci iso uppor m om nino 2190cr206& sp a c io u s 1 bdrm., y 3 0 8 0 0 5 9 ‘ s^ o p . f la r a g o , fu 7 ^ -9d 15 or3C sloraoo. Insulatod. ' mmmmm ! • • • • all utils, a oppis., indd. rs-., foncod. $ 6 25/m on t Win f^AlLS :O W S ThlrLS ;3 bdrm., co,, 208-732-8017.' L o a s o , $ 5 9 5 m o. + Cioso to shopping. 2 bath Z ccar ar g a ru o . d, roglstered doposlt. 539-2662 * I5 J7 dining, work. _ f o '- c o d y aa rrdd . NEW WHOcanholp VOI Ilo calve mid TWIN FALLS Clean 2 calH ly and much moro T '■ allS00e72^1.‘ M a y tom m id J u n e . HOMEINoarK lar MVRMC. ronl your rontal? bdrm. w/utlls & appls. " '■ Avail. 4-1. $85 $ 8 6 0 -f dop. i gg e s 3 t o B fiNFALLS------------M lx e d a Nj call 208-410-J Iq IIR flnts S ta r tin g . garage. 206^3»<435* T Wlologonloifteo d. Coll 208suite ™ C la s s lfte d s 0T539-749a* '® a t $39911 ■» updated with ntee ™ 'd ro 'o n i!*2 both, all J iS ! 734-1600 lalh , 2 c o r/ U ani room , 2 balh ocepUon aroa. Greot BORE Yorks rkshiro, 1 yr. a p p lian c es Included. ■ 647Fow nbrookA ve. orago shod 733-0931 oxt. 2 . carport, storai iocotkin with high oW, fine quo iuafity,gontlo. G ro a t location. $525 All applianco! ic e s Incl, 1 L g iS S£S °gS2S gfc2 $120/ visibility. 834 Falls B reedinI'slze. gs m onlh+ 5300 deposit = Equal Housing yr. lo a so . l=iof( Avo. Suite 1050. offor. Call1539<J300.* & Call 208-735-8492.* 25 doposlt.. $725 + 5725 d . -g>^rtVntty* I i7-3916or737-3969. b D l l RoT^pollod S HoroT W IN F A L L S C loon d » D P n .p .n y Call 208-S36-« 38-6604.* D “S S oar old, teslapartm ent. 2 bdnn. 1 m •^H earth e Od, $1,500 00/flrm. Call 1/2 b a th w ith opp ls. ____ = OT42M376.* N o petal 5420 mo. + t TWINFALLS 5350 dop. 734-8493.* idoi offico Space Idool BULLS for lease. ForSale; Si L J EQUALHOUSINQ TWIN FALLS Condo, 2 quietl ig ease, j>prox. 1,400 sq. f t coMng 1 b o d ro o m , llro p lo c o , Appn OPPORTUNITY (4) offices and solidcolonjd co AII rool ostato advo , AC, DW. appls., corQ Laurel P ark = lo/Longhom waiting room. Conienlo/1 Using In th is nowi Apartm ents ng buns, toi Qooding S t N. yearling p aper Is su b je cV t l L ., 176 Maurtce street 1-731-0135 (Justamero Inn) Call 208-7: IhoFalrHouslngAi d e p . C a ll 2 0 8 -7 3 6 Wt TWtn Falls 734-4195* ' 7O55or2O6-«>M076.* Wl 208-733-7186.* or731-1037 37 anytime.* , which m ak es ll lll< Callgal to odvertlso ’or : tt o TWIN FALLS 2 bod- t w ir ^ FA LLS duplox. f w hMPAr i g ------------b Ii L L S PP ui r e b r e d iN i proforonco llmltalic lAct room, 1 bath duplox, oi and s m -fll SImmontal cloon 2 b dm i.,1 both offI o r d lB c rim ln a tio lllogorago. d eck. AC & R odA nguj ius c rossos. a p p ls., W/D hookup, 62i rd bosod o n roco, 'any cc W/D hookups, 5595 * c no pets/sm oking, ga326-5056,* se v o r, r e li g io n , sItlon oi dop. 208-989^833.* ' r a g e , n e a r h ospital, i S n i S B U L l s sS Im I i m e n ia l hon d lco p . fomllii $525 + dep. 73^6097.* t l an a g em en L ' '1 °" TWIN FALLS arllngs. PerU black yoari sta tu s, o r notloni Cloan. good kxatton, 208-734-4339,* lomionceI aan d EPD'a. T W IN FA L L S"---------2£ origin, o r a n Inloi 2 bdmi., I b a th a p t 3 F o ssceco DUPLEXES TvviFr slo n , lo m a k o o r l\H FALLS commor5525 mo. + dop. 482r 516 J a m e s 2 bedroom clol < su c h p r o fo r o n c i lol otfico downtown ionCaai-yh200-731-eS33.‘ 1 both $485 locall llm totlonordiscfin uriing polled icallon. Conforonco BULLS Yoar 222C anw y3bedn>om , room i bulla. Call [itS a in a tio n .* Fam llli )om /roceptlon a re a ^ “ "y I TWINFALLS J 1 b a th $ 6 2 5 BODQ status Includos ch. n n o ra te m a n a o e rs 2 0 8 - 3 0 8430.* 8^ 4-PLEXES offlci dron undor th o ac filco. $475.00 p lu s C A m E BBlack l i Angus 6 70 H o n ro e 2 bodhoposft mo01 18 [Mng with pa cross holfer lor. Rod Slmroom, 2 bath, $500 Bm onts o r legal custi eer, 500tbe. Spacious 1 a H. o n ey L o c u s t A pt. 2 dian; pregnont wor 731-3232.* 2 bdmis. Quiol abdrm. 1 bath $475 ev on ond p o o p lo “si0 ° E ves a W knds W t c vZ building with gated *• o r n i n g a l d a D r. 3 O aro I'earling and M r .ve731.6861.* , ' ; c u rin g c u s to d y ( rorD Bibviohljullo. bdmi, 2 both $625 --------children u ndor 18. p a /W n o ^ B lu o /IN FA L L S O llic o Call 208^32 •326-4454 or S T U D IO S a n d lb d n n s TWIN Lakes Blvd N. . slaillngotS 200 4682.* ja c e avail., ooporalo 208-326-461 opAU This n o w sp o p o r.ywo r 208.544-2432* ^ d6posits oro equal lo All oullo jllo or share rocop- q q a t s EE aos i e r k id not k n o w in g ly ai 3n aroo. Reasonable • noM , w«ii Uono copl any advortislr TWINFALLS 8 n ionihsront ’other, tam e, B raw ley P ro p . M gt ro m ri. t. 219 3rd Avo E . S ^ l o I.T Boor. $75. for roal ostato whk wlll The Falls ApU. 734-5861 CMIS nu 208-734-1697.* g 3 i2 0 8 i3 is In vlolotion ol atrc 1-2 bdrms. $376-$475 A 637-6523.* E ve*, ft W knds. TWIN law . O u r r o a d sing oi P heasant View /IN FA L L S O llic o p io s ---------D a v e o rD a r7 3 M 8 6 1 * are horoby infonnc hlch Tow nhom es p a c e , B lu o L a k e a Forsolo Butcher Bu size tat all dwellingsI oi tho 2-3 bdmis. S475-5515 tw lN FALLS u r g e 3 B Ilvd v d .N . C a ll 2 0 8 smallor. v e r t l s o d l n l hlelr s AC/no pets. 734-6600,* bdrm., 2 both, garago. 309< 09-0365.*_________ CaW2C5^2 ■420:7982.• n s n o w sp ap e rar TW IN F A IX S ----------i nN FALLS RQ »FFTPi» ‘C ^ in E Big tfw a v a ila b lo o n a The Falla Apt*. “ Offka/RetoU VaHev. $80( UK). (2) 8 ^ B jv e q u a l o p p o rtu n^il 57t> J*ekMon S t Coll 1-2 bdrms. 5375-W75 171:500sq.ft d l e ^ S 0^each. S a d ­ b asis. T o com pla 510-686-4661.* “ '” P he a san t View Locallona/Sovoral d ie chllds o l d lsc rlm ln a tlG is, 935. Call < r W ir 4 F A L U tU k e l^ H an ' Tow nhom ea 9411.* Coii HUD Toll-fre 208-837-64‘ ,V‘ ' 2-3 bdmio. $47S-$515 2 bdrni.. 2 bath, oppis., H ( ■ B n V .1 a t 1-800-669-977 ‘TRA ILBR1 ''03 r ita n AC. W/D. carpon, no , hvinf l“ : A C /.O p o t..7 3 « 6 0 0 .T he T oll-lroo teli dc, 7 f t collsmoking. 737-9635.* = = p h o n e n u m b e rfreo fl TWIN FALLS 1 bdrm. ^ I It. le n g th . 777. 4 4 2 L o c u a l, $315 + /Uttie. Exceltow nhouso 1 lovol. 3 la 1-800-927-827S elo$315 doposlt no pots, . i T c SlUon, $7,200. bdrm ., 2 bath, appls. r for 20M 20-5669 or 733312-1862.* C«>n2Q a^ ilrod 3489 e ves & wknds.* '? sto ra g e,' dbl. gorago. f w fiHFALLS------------iN l N o p o ts /s m o k ln g wmn I ll TWIN FALLS 1 bdmis., S80O+dop.'49Q.1929.- J J " ^ 7 0 3 ^ g m $ 3 2 6 & $ 3 0 0 . u til. S FA L L S 2 b a y q j Indd. 434 4tti A v t W. YW i n f a LL s n i c o i f w/II N S H y W IN PALLS 3 bdn b d rm .. W/D hookup, oom 2 1 2-^or73& <t322.* 2 b a th , g a r a g oB. IM ara tg e & rotail a re a . I h a n k a to o ^1 T t m e * DW, llreplaco. polio, ogno em oklng^eta. Clei 500 sq. t t 138 B lua Newa Oas [oss(/t«£s. 1 ■ 5 TVnN FALLS e $475 + $300 dop. UUI. S650 month-f^lopo a k e a . R etail w areso ld mu horse hoi mow n 1 .2,3bodfoo m ' ln d .C a ll7 3 M r4 8 .* Kouu sse buIIdlng..4S1 ,C*a 20^404^100. aeovjAeql qfdayar ■ I. N o‘ H alkma Property T w iiT P A T C f f U ie r S Ml a li ln A v a E .C a ll *X>ou aueW. b d rm . 2 b a tl^ ,a p p l, 605-4 OS-40»0996.’ Brileti levue' ^ tw In ffii'^ u S * ” ^*' W /D h o o k u p . A C , = = TWIN FALLS 2 b d m . ' f ga ra g e, w aler. sew er TWIN (WN FALLS I OaaaMJad-. U tw o rk a i indudod. 1 yoor tease, 8 tw pim noa/ S C a tlulaa today t : A K T -Y N O W ^ $650 + $500 dopostL V Warehouse 7 3 M »0 »l a z t 2 U $200 dep. Good nolgCall 200-733-7816.* 2-Nov Now Units available 80CM6M 8 88a 3 a r t.2 ||H P [ [ | Spad o u s Affordabi' ZS^ hborhood. 7 3 M 2 1 9 .' ■v^"ijS5v: Apartments ' TWIN FALLS 2 bdrm. jnewcBonts. 2& 3B OR M / bosomont a p t $420 + miniatures & 2FuDBATH ,KilU e 5 3 8 0 d o p . 6 0 6 2 nd r, K seatoptek ‘ Q arogeo Ave. N .M . 404-4793.* I ichedulenow W B H ootaipa isooson. TWIN FALLS 2 bdnn. I >• J i' AC a n d morel 39^12er duplex. now/ ■I '^ 0 ^ C aflfo rln fo rm w lo S t e . c W-1027.* Garage. N earC SLN o ^. 4 ^ ?»r3S-2111I ' ■I Can I am oking/pots. $600 fSK-4 yr.oM •o»« s« ia m oi tion ' m o n th + S w deposit , CAWnAQBLANE n g .s r a s n *Biv(ONEm ' Anari T APARTVEHTS I CaII208-734-«830.* , >ads, genllo. flWFALLS • ✓ alhlellc, w woukfm ake ' v.H : 2 8 1 0 W T a»p«tn9 DpfWMitiouM^Oflic* ' oood bairsi . • p iM D rtv a rslhorte.kits loO(MOOOBq.fL ofspd.,a»H TWtn Fafla. Id a h3o ' «klng$1200. R ead T he . KaUowa Property ' Fllty. yoarti utlng; k » d s, 18 '■ ■ • Jzoos --H{ H a m t\7 3 4 ^ le a d s a trli ^ 00. C la s s if ie d s B Q l a i m 7334X001 twtnl! «tnfaBsrental8.oom 'C o n 206- ^ ix tr a n lc e S Dath double d a fM l4 7 S w Jde.G oodar ni0 . + d e pM . tjo p e ts . refs. CaO 320a » < 8 w .* ' a “S'™ Tii ^■ IZl ^HRE r .”% ®“ ;. twimnraiii SSKSr “ a ^ B lU Y E R ! E iffisa ’ L 5 J I D IE G U I sh es: Sundc r ' I la y , A p r i l 3"* P u b lis t y M arch z s * Ad D D e a d lin e : T u e sd aay, tio n will feature ial tab lo id secti i This special oolsfor FirstTimeeHome I Buyers •Jhe PerfectT T( inting to Buying ; •Making the T TrransitionfromRen lingthe Mortgage P r Process ; • Understanding nspector rofessional Home In s ; • Finding a Proi ealtor* ; • Finding andIW VIorkingwitha Rea ; irH i • Making Your I ouse a Home : v r .- '. V % .• • X h ' ' : : I 1? = m Sn ' y ^ ^ 5 6 , b o o ' p o ite t ^ n iia l c t t s t o m m i T m ^ i ^ e r s a s w e ll a s th o s e ttbp ao m & p r o p e r ty httye\ Id in g o r re m o d e lin g t M t r e fin a n cin g , b uildi. It tt h e p r i n t p u b l l c a t l ^ fl To com plem ent l e a\ t w vtfw jnaglcvaU ^ rci tto m : ap p ear onljne F o r m o rre e i n f o r m a t i o nII,, call y o u r s a leess r e p r e s e n t a tBr v e a t r7 (2 0 88 ) 735-32G1 BBi I m ■ SKSo“5a^«00'i i l s 'l l i i n ■ T h e llmuesNews e tv a lh f.to m m a g ltv i \ __ I I W E ge g - E v ery p a y l « - “S s TOwi . • A Sunday, M arch 27.2005, 05, Tlmes-Newi, Twin Falls, Idaho 10 D-11 f r^EEBunnles ee T S i A Q H A 'galdlng, ranch b r o k e . G o n tio lo r anyone. G reat In mts, .• . • ARABIAN Groy moro, 13 y o a r s o ld , 1SH. Boglnna^^omiry horso. lots or triin exportonco. $ 2 2 0 0 /o f lo r .C o ll ■ goB-7ea-0677.» t ^ j o R D P o n y X '0 4 . peldlno. $800. AQHA '()3 B lo o d B ay fliry ,4 a o c k e . $ 0 0 0 . A phc b ro o d m a ro , <fue In may, champion producer. $1000.837-6523.* aSM ?? U A C kA uonEQ em m . Control with hoodstnll and raJns, barely uwd, $125.206-734*W68‘ . , : . • ; 1 » • • ; H o r s e T R A IL E R 2 P la c o $ 9 5 0 . Y outh S o d d io $ 1 7 5 . P o n y e ad d lo $ 8 0 . P lo aso call208*934-5040* H o r s e tR A iL E R '0 3 CN 4 B 4 horse slant, walk In lock, new tiros, $5,000. Can 25O:B560.* H 0 R 3 E T R A I 1 .E R Charmac '03,-3 hofBo, enclosed irollor muat eoll. H o rs e 4 yr. old Bay fliry, paporod, fin* Ished ropo horse, very prelty.301-697-6125.* HORSE WON Proko, 13 o ld P e r u v ia n Gated maro. Can 208-308-fl012.‘ C H O R SE S R e g iste re d EJoc Bar Btuds. 7 year oWmo/o, roped to rfdo,' $1600/otJor. S y r. old p a rtly h a lte r b ro k e, $ 1000/ olfor. Randy 532-4461 or431-6578* B O R 8B 8H O B 1N O & T R D IM IN O Schooled at VWCC. • Reasonably prtced. m ollV m ulb C A T T L EE S W E E P , r V . irM~' w ■ cu and cuddly. ' cute V a l lolyy. . S q u e e z e ^ - w w .im r B f lB Rivor m >u> ^ | | | | | | | | | C a ll2 0 8 - 7 3 3 ^ 7 .‘ C h u te, Powder P y d u t y . C a l l •Call ^^•^S58.* ' / so ld a ll m yI flc g a t e d B l i R L E Y S W 2 3 77 o tre# ,w elll9 5 4 w alo r ^ ipayed, approx. 3 yrs, FD E T TFANK SF 1 1/2 yr. p f p e u » l t h mm 1t w o jid. S h e needs thyroid old, 6 00 g Compieto dai/a, th a n k s stoto m y lOgal. rig h t, 1 p iv o t 160 a c r e s , w h o o llin o s , nniH e di l c a t l o n . C a l l w /sta n dd.. N ow $ 0 4 8 a d tn T h e Trini m e s f l« l s r hondllnes. roody for >08-678-7710' so il $7011 700. Coll 2 0 6 - Wcu>3 Cfass(/I«l; m «t 64 0T212-0026.* 'f /e a i h G . G. ■ potatoes, corn/groin, DEE ' 208* G orm an S h o p - _S^3-65W D on C rolg o rW illes , . lerd/Slberlon H usky Q A S TTAf rf f R T iT o o o Blauor 206-678-2686. emalo, 1 1/2 yra. Not oa'lo" on< w o rk al 678-3302.678-7734.' n°k o n ^ o n d . 6 9 o f5 3 9 « 7 0 .* jjy . HAGERMAN Pasture. .Aa? . 20 plus acros. cows or REE L ab G o rm a n GATE CL 'i homes. 866-782-7007 JhophonJ X to a good Repair. or 307-780-8080,* ' ' 06-734-7440. Clyde’* Pipe Rep owme. ;« ' Friendly, Jovos Call 208_ ain 1linos p j y j j -------- ;-------------'<t"o< • Hand,linos, main K ikJs.40tf208-9I72.‘ O A t£ i>T»ipg"42n > il ^ 'J,''?®,Farm lor rent. Spud or / c ' S o n o ’f e " >r iieioi. jx jj, foncjy. 12 milesJ g g — Nonh of Paul. ID. FB6B = l« ad y to o olo ag o o d . mali ;975 4 pivots + handlines.. lO mo.C(Jl423-t710,‘ IH 6 4^6 M i TIFWlST S o o o " ' ' ’‘“ “ ' f j s s ™ mor, C4ll20a-S32-4Sm D1EE " ! lab X pups to 0 B5hp, 2000 hra. o r 208-300-0704.' ™ * a u l,2 0 .6 « . -C all3 1 2 .1 1 3135.* 5. ■ . homo. Coll 676_ lOOd TWIN FALLS 19 acres a is . $ 1 6 ,5 0 0 . JD 4029T. wtm BBorkioy oi '9 i« 9 I V . m « , 3on filler in pasture. 11 in crop, V>OC ^ 5 3 9 0 0 8 7 .* 4 J pump. Dragon P' lE E U b/B ordor Col- lu 7 ,>gT-ric ,;, to V .a b hp; r.S 6 6 0 0 . Call 208-734-7523.* . lo X p u p p io s. m o le FREE eot. hub duoio. in d 'fo m ale to g o o d hrs oxc cond ' r ln o io c k s o lid 1 X Call 6 7 6 -^ 7 1 >omos. '. m Coil ^ uS ueo?/. • r ln fg i o c k p8* ii as j^ o rto 1ENCH B U LLD OG j p ' , , a t “ r mQlniino. C oil 2 *M.C Brindle m alo. 5 , '’. T . ', ’ *V r.S 9 00 nohtha oW, ell shols. P , , r Va ln„k i s.5l a(»ng do l., 524-4772 589-227 AHC ;1,000,20H 31-M 18.- . SSU, lid e In 1 0 I t. PIVOTS >rioni sod. REMOVAL QLDEN.RETRIEVER p ic k uppsst o c k r a c k . $1 .« 14a * 206-2BO-194S.‘ IKC pupa, smart, cuto $ 7 5 .230fl.iH ft. d lfcw llh GOLD UNUNE Monual rock picking ) wings. $3500, PORTABLE MAINI m d p la y tu l. G r e a t fold up wl AKC 1.50 por wlih removol to your io m p a n l o n s a n d Call208-8 18-825-5234.* 6in,.640ft,.$1.5C and 'o a to d dumpslto, lu n ters. R o ad y now j n 7 1 0O0 BBH 2 2 c o r n 4 ft. A lu m in u m ngr • con> 208-731-7229 o r or EA STERI $ 2 0 0 clan ilanterw/chomi- P ip o . 6 in . 3 0SOO 0 ft hunt 2 0 6 - 9 ^ 1 4 0 .* „ l b oxos. C oxc. cond. $ 1 2 5 tt. 8 In.I.27270 ft. (:all o r t208-678-2205 or >06-837...... .................. .. i~ ~ ' iO a ^ l-0 2 3 1 .sSsoO.,110 0-W innum an l^iSO tt. Call 2 W Call 19-7087* Advertise your Ino. 2600 ft. $2 9075 or 206-539-71 ri MMijg business In 77io . lupples. AKC. Shots, ft.Call20£ 208-308-8432.* ^ rTABLE MAINI QOLO f l.iif AG Business & r m o d . p a r e n t s j o 7800 w D MFWO 14.9X • for sale. 6x30.V 6; P/oW Sorvico Directory t n s l t o . E x c e l l e n t • 4 s 'duals als, 5,050 hre.. 8 x 5 0 . 1 2 x 5 0d. .<c a l i w or and... iloodllno. $600. Call $ 4 8 9100. 00 JO 6 3 0 0 208-312-4552.* hlao. IO 6 -7 1 3 -9 5 0 8 o r M FW Oi S P A O H E T ri rU l. i p 2!08-713-9S60‘ 0a d u a ls . 4 •p iv o t ons.io ‘ '7a3% 07°7 comers or odd oh lOLDEN R e tr le v e r l , S f l ' S i‘jflOit nui«A • To tind out moro call „ 1 . oves, p ig g o j 0 , , B li id .C cio sstd e d sO r opnunp e , AKC, Y our .I T A U b M BIN E 7 7 0 0 208-543-6677.* nnouwt b e s t (riond Is J D COMB :_______ 208-733-0931 6xt 2 ju T u rb o , 2, S os ti a p h o n o c a ll I P IP E or600-658-3863* aw ayl G o rg e o u s I a o t o r 2o<M3i.aoe4gl^al o ld o n s w lt ^ p e r S8 .00 0 .20 ill 2 0 8 s o n a lltis s to m o ll LOCKWOi VOOD 4 0 0 0 4 731-5030. 208-7 >8*7360 ° '' h e art. R e ad y your ro w plo lo n to r . r a d a r 6400or2a&C24'9i *0'’ to join your fomlly drlvo, hoac SPRINKLER PIPE! today. Pirst sh o ts . jum blo gi wonned, dewclaws. bl.ue purr $I 2™7 5 . 2 0 e -4 3 6 8 -ro w m „T 20B : ^.M ER C H A N DISE S j b l ; °7 =2,000 00. C o ll! Se27or431-4S63.‘ foldup kalio <07 ; . he! £ o r l h ^ 324-20iaof30M 9 s^v . ^ . 77^=“''^ lloxicoil m an marl' m rkors. $ 8000 WHEEL UNE Socti l =Rr E= A T D A N E 2 2 lo n th o ld M a n tlo . 9 2 kw gge e n e r a to r ; 3 Wade. 4* round,. ORE irnalo.microchlppod. p h a sD e aan d s i n g l e 5 ‘ s q . . I n c l uudd I n g Havo ybu forgotten 0to m on payed. Indoor. Europhas® wtlh wti 6 cyllndor whoela. Call 731-32 1-3246,* pickup your birthday <oniai y oan bioodlinos. 10-13 Qoutz dIot p h o t o s ? W o h o v0o spayi W H E E L L IN E“sSTI b T oar llfo span. Sorious $ 6 2 0 0 Co poan a C a li Pholos wo oro P iS iS ? « niall w h o o ls . ( iqulrers onlyl $ 5 0 0 . 4772,589• ' suro you would want, yoor' I; S S P _____ 200^31.5955.^ 8-735-W 7 6 .* _ :---------Thoso can bo picked ‘nqul .S H O P to b o ,. up 01 tho Tho TimesAKC rog, m ov ed1.-224 x 3 2 .9 x 1 2 k ~ ^ f g l ■§ ■ ■ - £iBRADOH £ !i N ^ O w s lfiM D ^ hocolalo puppios (3), ovortiead 1 od door $3500/ «-ABR 1 wooks old. molos. olfor. 24x2 4x28 garag o to choo to awd y fo r a h o m o , kq movec 11 :qII 208-539-1027 or 2669 orr539-5570^*^*’ 5; * ALFALFA SE E D ^® “ 1 “ 4.S: ^I ria c and pa ck s. Call 208* 536-2580 or 539-2580.’ PAIKT 5 yr. old aeldlng. husbanduaedTorlTBJl, p a r a d o s , o o o d with boglnners, has had 30 days with prolosslonal tmlnor. Ho baths and lo a d s, v e ry m ollow. • $1.600.20M1CW671.* . PM TOS (3) 2 1/2 y o .r • oldllllloo.Hanorbroko, $ 7 0 0 e a c h . C a ll • 208-324-8230* ■ Professional Farrier B utch Shields nicr208-731-9768R O T iN O C H U tE lo r solo. $500. Pleaso call 208-431.8851.‘ • • STALLS----------------------S ForRantI lr»door& outdoor arena usage Includod. Mullipio horso pons, Training ond lessons available. Sundtnc»A rtna Call209-2 8 0 ^7 6 ' TRAILER Logon '89, bum per pull. 3 horso sla n t. 6 x16, in good condtlon, $4,000. Call 208-539-0038.* TRAILER 00 (2) horso slant with tack room. O n ly b o o n p u l l e d approx. 1,000 miles. tik o nowl $3,600. Call WANTED: G re at kids 0 .1 1 4 0 7 .3 8 3 . Id,. 4* i ______ p S t a t o A L A M U T E m lx *94 Lockwr ^ o < ^ ,h y d ra u upplcs, 7 w eeks old, iic r a dha i 'ory culo and playful, w/Foro Donoing bo atiac35.CqlU04-4471.» . h m o n t. S: Nl PINSCHERS (4) 2 0 8 - 559\^-^3°?31^Sr 9{ 208-366-7406,* ■doroblo petite black Shane 20e M'NI f n b a b y b o y s . ROTARY { nd to Adon 300, Call 326-6622.* mowor. 81 Invn nhr,« ^NI-DACHSHUND 00 i i l c h . $ 3 7 5 .'9 malo purobrod pup. MINI-D Topor blado. 3 nmodlato salo, $350. hi 1 mo g “ 5“itch. $100. Call Immo 6-8235.* . 67M T S FOH ADOPTION g g i j m«V V f^ARM j Must 'p e r s i clors & oqulpC A S E I H -92. www.ku r BULLS 5 molos. 2 7 1 2 0 '. 44,<! ,4 1 0 h o u r s , E iF s mmo l o o . V o r i o u s MFD 149< 4946 w /duois. o lo r s . $ 2 0 0 /o f f o r. C A S E IH IH'9 8 , 8 9 4 0 . luo fo m a lo , 6 m o . 4 7 3 3 hhe coloi o u r s .M F D 400. Call 438-5923.‘ 14948 w/i Bluo w/duolo. Exc, $400, ;DHEELER Puppios. cond.,’99 shank sl CASE HPrTTI lalos & fomalos. $50 IH spring I V fippor. ig trip „a°ch ,l l. Coll 2 0 8 -9 3 4 12 roV wbbo d d o r b a r w/markors 9112?^ S 388 h after 6 pm.* 206-420-2865.* 8388 r rf w I i L E R T L A B £Z E C H U T E ^ ross. black puppios, . m a les. 3 lo m o lo s. usod. Prilo W m . oloaiOh. o a d y fo rq g o o d S S o J S jS omo, fcS . 324-7608.* >5or2eo-2333 0TT13H TERRIERS S W A T HER H E H o o to n 16 KC champion podigH ,ft. C ali fo r 208-670-4296.* S fto,g 4r males. 1 fomolo. 206 IRDovkl Brown 500-700. Will dolivor. TRACTOR C oody 4 /t. Call 2081210. dies 222-2572 ^ or jonlforga Call 206-5^ B-543-5633.* , IO ool.com . Quoirty T RA CT O R/L R O A D ER tfpsi*______________ V o rs itllo : rdO o 10 27611,1000 pupsi lA R 'P E I C h in o o o t h a n 9.0* ^ K 7^C ro g ,. 1 1/2 yrs.. volvoondi nd” 5 « : aId A fawn, ” brush coat, h a u l wIth ith l e s s th a n jrs. $25,000 or vosklds.votyoontlo. lOOhotira. for. 206-886<00. Call 324-9445.* b e s t offor. !?yo» 206-308-6262.* a i h in o c l a s s e s IRS 1982 White Dllltv basic and duo- TRACTORS TRAIN 'cob, AC, 15.5 . / training. 535-S75. 2-05 w/cat , Aflllltv r. front. atlonal Assoc, of Dog 3 0 « “ f- 11-15 ’ pytm 3urs.A C 7060. t>odior)coln8tnjctors 3100hourt Natior roars.w /duois. 011208-423-5442.* CbodJ fro n t, ru n e M ^TED M ln ltu re Strong Call Co! 208;837-. . ch n aia er. purobrod. e o e 4 : leav >e lo st o u r o n d a ro o r 280-159 - Schw _____________ We l< 5 1 9 5 5 ,5 0 .5 7 . — lookin Chevy or QMC Call 2 ick. V8 ongino idroullc d um p ^705 U S iV C I; 1966Dodfl j ""M B ■ S S a A C r r e R R iE B S AKC. r o o d y a o o n i G roat p a rents. $350$ 4 0 0 . B o l a o . C a ll 208-342-7632.A IlB rv ed e P e t G room ing • exp. wrth TLC. Call FourPaw oSoJon «20a-324K)077.AQUARIUM I 55 gallon wrth hood, oubmerslblo hooter, backpack flKcr&powerhoads, '• Allforonly»24Voffer 20a-734-5338' 1U8 TRAUAN SHEP H E R D p u p p le s , AKC/ASCA rog. Coll 208-861-9594. www. g o m o ta to a u e s le s . homestoad.com .* . b d A a L E 2 y r a .o ld , sp o y o d . LAB 2 yrs. o ld , n e u te r e d . Coli 208-734*1056.* BEAQLE PliPPY purob ro d , m a le , a lm o s t hou so b ro k en , $250. Call20B-733-e891.* BOXER p u p a . G r e a t E a a t a r g K U l F irs t d h o ta , d o w c la w e d , tags docked. 734<?996* C H E S A P E A K E BAY • malo pup, 8 mos, old, P J ip e r o d .I n o e d a good hom e. S250/offor.C ali20W 39-3406': » x = f 12005 Open A U cm O N f h uar ^ April 2flth on y o rty o v rex c ass Convt SSS'JSi" equlpi mn AM ___ ^ MPR-e- S S O R : iW S Hydrouiic dum p S ' J S ' aSv;o l o r fa rm ty p o h y<draullc d rt dum p b o d o with I'IfMmnll'o’ i ' P O ,., POO.O » s " r S, s ^ t r a n s td In truck ok. a “ K )-324'5858 * SbC K ovyor ' International je running VB SB 8020 tractor, low engine proforabio proi with 5RIHE51?Uop5ppI« )ura,’.1 6 tt. domrlee 4 o r 5 sspp ei e d tr o n a jrobred, 2 m ales, 1 C M B I fsetdlsk. Milton 12 a t t a c heedd. W o n te d imale. (awn w/black w b e• et planter. Call o ld e r grav rav el o r farm mask, $350. 2 yr. oW 0 6 6 7 6 -2 6 0 1 or type hydn ydraulio dump malo $ 3 0 0 . F em ale.'. 18-312.2353.* b a d o r ooh id e rd u m p $380. Call 324*944S.‘ J6<i24*566e.^ B e iH 4 8 0 24fLaiSO iH o c is ir B X S T r F r e th B In. e padng a n d WXRTEZToI foiSorgm unH AK C p u p a . H u flo l nan harrowe o o ‘ drtve o r' pto ptt drive maE x o e T le n K a m l ly , Extra diso a n d nuro sprea reader. W anttrlendaandprotectom . peirt>. g el206-764*2376* ■JD 14T, 214T, a d o ld erJD $1,178.Candallver. . r 224T h a y HO ‘U LNBDOO. 7.B o f 2 4 T oor • C tlI77M 91-03T e.* P«*»lam ed MF 124 srP o rd dlesef, e w >r. 324-6656.* PRBB B a s s e tt H ound' lHon, with Morlang h ay baler. > c ro s e , m a le . 1 yoar, 320” e p r e id e r box, old. Ha w as left a t my 'ilieAB* exc. ■ house with an Iniury. cH n n S U IIK H mf,? ditlon, $ 3 0 ,0 0 0 / fer. 8TIQEn Wildcat (D'TIEB'B 'CS >wtsh 12 fl hydrauiio HJUCnOXD'' ada. 3 2 0 6 G at. 10. n . #1.2, 331Lg. ouantlIII; O ary 2 0 6 -' )d . tra n e : d u a ls ,' tlea.a^ail,' biade 6 4 6 ^ 1il.312-5561* .; w tlst you In your home ,« 0,000..30S*44^.*. od. ' , r*ptIfi.73>0M l. , $iO.O< S r PH O TO S d onywhoro. many (jros; irossos. clovers. Roy Oden 'dormoit — ANTIQUES COMPUTERS Refurbished. Call 206-732-0512.* ____________________ A N TIQUES: U pright piano. $450. Oak buf.f o t.$ 4 5 0 . A rm les o ro ck o r. $150, C iow orm/foot cnalr. $250. Solid w oqd d in e tte sot/8oats8.$250.0ldo r M aytag W/D. ru n woil, $150. All good condillon. Call o lto r 7pm, 208-536-2983.* A REA R U G S g r o o n floral 8x10 w/4 matchIng ru n n o rs, $ 3 5 0 . F u to n fra m e , $ 7 5 . Call 203-324-4831.* BED King s l20 g r o o t buyl Q u ilto o h o a d board w/bed frame & • matching dust rufflo & pillow shoms. Fabric brown w/mauvo (lower & g ro o n le a v e s & b o ig o t o n e s . E x c . condSSOO. 622-3854.* BED Quality pine lo g b o d w ith m a ttr o s s . Twin size. $85,00. Coll Mork 208-420-5516. Mya 208-420-6954.* BEDROOM SET: 7 PC. Inclu d es bed, n lg h l Sland. d ro sso r w ith m irro r, c h o s t. S till boxed. Worth S4.000. Sacrllice $1,499. Con defivor. 206-4206350.* BEDROOM SET: Bod. rolls, dresser, mirror, n lg h ts ta n d . N ow . n o v o r op o n o d . L ist $899, sacrifice $399. C o n d o liv o r . C a ll 208*420-6350.' — COUCH La-Z-Boy dual rodlnor w/motor m assogo, light brown. 2 years old. In slorogo fcr 1 yoor. Brand now co n d . N o w $ i,2 0 0 . Asking S700, Call 208324-4131 or 366-6966* l-^Op-310-^101 ALFALFA SEED 0 DISPUYCASEArchod to p . o ak fram o w ith beveled glass, 77* toil. 4 2 ' wloo, 10* d e e p . G la ss sh o lv o s w ith halogen lighting, S450, Con omoH photo. Coll 208-726-6406,- mSNTO RY UaUIDATtON Additional Mark Downs Simpler Times Vlllago' Antique Lovers ol TF Fairgrounds, April 2 9om-5pm April 3 10am-4pm New de ale rs w anted Call 312-4900 Everything from gor & lO/Ib, 208-687-34505/ 0 / -2336* (Fa'rfletd)764-23: forngo ALFALFA seed, for grasses, pasture 1 os, oats. Grand Vc B40AddlaonAvo. ' 208-733-8737.* . KING P IL L O W T O P $ 2 3 9 . m a ttro ss a n d box set. Never u se d. Foctory worronty. Con doiivor206-420-6350,* hat; BOISE'S BEST MATTRESS SET. ANTIQUE SHOW Full Orthopedic. S99. This Friday 5-9 pm, Brand now. Con dolivor SaluiTlay & Sundoy 208-420-6350.* 11-om-5pm, NASA MEMORY FOAM Fairgrounds.* T m a ttr e s s s e t. C o n LECTERN OAK. 100X forms to body. Now In ALFALFA SE E D EO to p y o o rs old. D otollod p la s tic . List $ 1 4 9 9 quality famior lo10fafarmwork ol a rtl SACRI-“ Sacrifice $499. Coil o r .’d o liv o r o dd aa n y . FICE for S 2 0 0 . Call; " 420-6350 Can dolivor.* whoro. many orasi irassos, 208-326-6557.* '^ 2 0 6 _ ^ -3 5 e 7 o r4 2 0 -S ( r --------^ Tflo A ; 9 STOVE, S250. C oairj "ovore. Roy O den 208-485-6280 01 r n " /. 1-600-910-4101 Chost. $75. W Indovrt,, S t O o o c h . C o l i1 208-404-6768.* . TABLE nice r o u n d e d Tiger oak w /4 choirs ALFALFA. 2n0 coll cutting. “ » M » " (0 )S 7 0 o , s ir o w Ion b alo o $25 oach. Calf cn feeder, holds200* !oSTb? Ol groin, S1 0 0 . C 20B-54»4700.* CORN SILAGE. r ~2!2 ^ to n o .C a ll2 0 20® ’ 731-2017.* ______ r . . , / B i l i m W ;” '! lU llL STRAW sm all baloo. bai a n y q u o n tlt y ;• . C 208-734-5053,* :--------T .a c .K iy R .Mie.vvlln g l^g. ■ WANTED sp o llo lotJd o r u n w an ted h a yy. - V Wi como tO pickup. p . Cc o n r ^711 >601302 ^ j j L U j u s iBm ^j S ING ' CUSTOM FEEDING Shaw Land & Uvosu restock 20S-731-2017.* 7 .* ■ • i= ^ S = = M ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ I p —— T ■ jn P I* o e T o n r a •d “ O n lin e .^ . '• Nou; you c a n« . Logonto ■ WWW. m a g lo T a lle ^ .c oi ,coin o n d p lo c e y o u r d a s a t/ira Une taU aa • O d c o n y itf , gassifledtecaan. SO O FF A /L O V E S E A T br jr aon d new . leather. gro jr o a l pricol S I,200. Coll :oll 208-536-2793,* = = k ^ 6 ' QUEEN PILLOWTOP $129. m a ttro ss a n d box se t bran d now . • Foclo^wananty. C an dolivor 206-420-6350* r --------- 1 ^ ■ .1 1 ,'I J I .W M * T :iii.ia « A l RO)T TCO T IL L IN G jg a lln g . bla d o raw nm ow ino, ITHE TIMES-NEWS Clossllled D opartm ent Classlned Son/ICB Representatives a ro av allab lo from 8 ;00 am - 5 :3 0 pm M onday - Friday • • Call o u r o fd ca s In TWIn Fa lls 733^3931 e x t. 2 or Burley 677-4042.* I I f l H U c l a s s l f i iee d s IS b H I R ^ ALL NATUR 1“ m c rm N ----------------AUC Lovoseat S K Z b i. inra whlrlnonl jncllners olS , sido bT by aidoT a couch :h 44 lovoseat, largoenlenainmom enl conior. i stools. or. bor movios. }. computer co cabinot. oak 01 Ik onlonalnmont conlorc tor ond more. Monde Idaho Au< iP s6eEBldredg e BED adjus djustablo. twin s iz o vith with m asso g o . DOWNS A •^ C c ti ON SERVICE (208)467-1712 (I /ww.downiuiuctkxi,axn ««« Commlttodto ‘Exeellenni' ' ^= s= r ~ A ^ U*■p c o n iV tg A u c t io n s C hcck O ut f i,. T h c M a slc V a n c y S ection O f The Tt» r /m o s - N o w s for tho auction colondor, ovoryday ^ Onlino 24/7 a t ond . ^ vww,rt«9icvatoy.com Auction Advcrttsinf; ..2■ J ''''; " ™ 208-7J5-3222 loaonOmoffevotoycom' ihooo *— = k T rjTTr ‘*»O * 5V ’S D ESIONER ^ING size 7 Braslllon Sluo Topaz, toar drop sotIn unique bold 14 lot ;a ro l g old, flo to ils kar. !500. Sacrifice $200. S50i \ mm u 6 t s o e , C a l l A I08-410-5041.* 208- FARM FRESI isii XILTRY PASTURED POO turod Will raise pastui chicken or turko tkey.lo i-5729.* ordor. Coll 825-5 F = = ^ 5 S i W A N T T O TU I nY o ld Army rifles &pistols. pii 3. Also, ForoiQf' Of US. Q^y b roken gui S500: 208-733-9253. 208 lu n s or all 208Brottier flun p a rts. Cail d e s k w/huicti. wmu cssago.* Botti 436-8833 Iv. mos; Word Processor, Pro< $20 WANTED g o o d condition. con oa- Call 11208^23^992.' 20 Old g a s pum ps 0 gas 1 or ims. KILN Eieci •iectrlc manual station Item: ions 18'. S200 Top money paid, poi , 2 soctlons 0274.* >08-934-5040' Tony 208-866-02 Cali 208-: ihS paid EVENT WANTED SCoshS SCRA ■BOOK PaO a t mAGIC AGI VALLEY }d Dish- for usod/oxplrod • ' ’MALL ” Network equlpr Comi Ing ng Saturday. \ WIII pick up. Cali Ca toll 1-2812.' ay 7,2005 freo 1-688-569-2 IlyooTbllsI W ANTED 2 0 x0 xol c a r llko to pan lotwoon co'flof- 6 tt. boti f o n d o ro , h ailI 3 0 0 0 S S to Ilcool7y-3TO0 4000 lbs. low clo rloaroniq roeiuost 1 532.' ^oac nr“ CO. Call 733-3G3S ' , WANTED 81/2 ft. ft. pickAro you cWm u p cam per lorr a8 lato Oa5a.i«Js wi modol GM. Must ist bo In fw rttf-i *'oci j f o c t c n io w ^ to p c o n d . W III ill p a y twusoyoUtto Uttoro.73Ma3i_ cash. Call 733-57 •5789.* . IKOIUIDV ) "S.®“ m CHEVROLETCAVAUER sticker New Hearty S I6.OOL N O W ON LY ... ■TMAUBU ^ 2 0 a 4 C H E V n 0 lB T i ■0.000. sticker Naw NoariyfiO.C N O W O N L Y ... mm omII . ^2CP o n t l a c e m d A M 9 N > sticker New Nearly $22,000 '0 U N O W O N L Y ... I R E ’S N O B E T TT IE R B U Y rV E WILL S A V E Y< A S H O R T DBTV YOU TH O USA ND S n iw tiitu 324-3900 iz s r C la s s if ie d s U H a b la i c p a ik e l E v ery D ay l O r a s s ^ d Lleol. c jstlcidos Nohom onos.post roducts. by-pro< r whole. ° “s “ r nch S ba r D Ranc 3930.* call 208-731-99; m R oad T h e . r v , 25* iie q i ^ «N»'if f j f p p p ffls . H O T TUB 6 p e r s o n . o zo n e sy ste m , f ib e r ’ optio Hants. 2 9 {ots. s te p s , c o v o r, c e d a r sid in g , 2 y e a r e old. S4.000 208-420-6737* HOT TUB Ntoe. 6 p o rson. rune good, needs h e a te r . 8 7 0 0 /o ffe r. CaIt20B*639-0844.‘ L P R E C O R D S la rg e selection of 60'o D-o. 70’s. A eO‘S', Moko 0 o1 lfo r. D106.* CaJI208-324-01i w A qupH r s . o ld , s ilo Stove GE, Gl like m e S tenCA,'|lO®HoVi ^^,5 CD cht ihangor. ■■‘y -• 206-326-4631 . iPRUCETREES $30, Coll 735-93 9379.* BLUE SPRi 6 f 0 0 1p boiiod & I Coll 208-7 p i x o N '01 '01 3014 lawn . r. 36 mower. 3e Inch cutting w t ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ blower. swoth,,bogger. bo; Dflor. • B ost oflo Cali 208536-2446 F R E E P o io c h tre o . 3 yooro old, old, you remove' •825-5233.* It p a y s to re a dd th e i*-2P8-82i JD Lown& n &garden tracflll0 p r iIntt y rd o sto tic 54* to r. hyrd m ow or di ir d ock, pow er « M iT ,.,i.,e « alls agger, hydraulic W ll I Win Fr fl flow baggi 30*tlllor.£ or. 54* hydraulk: 208-733-093 931 inglo blade. Call lift 4 onglj 482 for oppt.* „ ^ — ^7-4042 R. si soil propollod, Burt0y2O 8-677MOWER, $ 1 2 5 ., M Meow er, push S75. All Items in ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ y YT stylo. $75, oxcolloni pia n o LOSIor. r. oldor Bol.y R o.. Sp Spinott. G ood condition, n, S250. TREES Cail20e-324-41( 1185.* Wo buy all sizes , PIANO upright. t. 1roally / 2 0 ^ S1.250. J3-e70-3449‘ good cond.. SI or203-e 2 08-43BB-679Z c ---------- 3 ^ o<c M ^ ■A uA M BOWFLE} $ 1 8 0 00 .,1T r e a d m ill. $ 3 0 0 .CCat r d io G lide OFFICE UNIT Custom Ci Ih book H ea lth Rider. SlOO. h R built O ak with Jrawors. call 208-3 38-324-4831 * ohelf 6 8 filo dro c o n d .. ricc cr ^ i ‘•'^^STYLI 011 2 0 8 -. tik o S o o r .1-6946.* c T c S iZ io ™ : )th. 423-6456* C --------^ ^0 bolh, NORDIC CRPID E R Dul l m o tio n . by N o rdic >n. . As now. S65. 5 , ; , ^ , , ----------D8-734-29G0 WANTED ja /J 4 ^jbo. * snop on tools ols. D929.* » ••■ ■ ••••• Coil 208-280-09; W EIG HIT TSSET/HOME . GYM Liki Llko now. ea*. k c is o s .f u lly k 6 2 1 ^ n iblod. S225/otfor. if ^ K i R E F R IG E R A T O R Whirlpool IB cubic It,. HAY 3 yro. old. Exc. cond. nix. S250,C ail731-4025.* c o S p fto t. ;PS; WASHER/DRYER Oas 206-643-8373* ____ dryer. Uko now. S299 choice /ofter. Cali 734-1143,HAY 300 lon of chc olfalla. MId-sIzoJba balos. WASHER/DRYER Set. 454 o r . 5 2 0 0 . R e frlg , $125, 435.512^I6B.______ S id e b y e ld e . $250, oreon Upright freezer. $75, HAY 3nJ. briQht gre Catl208-42t-0341.* ioafy. bam sto reod d .' 135 Ib . 3 s tr in g b«a li i o e , W a s h e r To r y e r $9/t)aio. You pick )lck up. stackab le, Frigldairo Cali 206-324-7148. 148.* oxcoilont c o n d itio n , , nrtLss $ 6 0 0 o r b o o t o flo r. ird 1tost Call 208-543-5775,* mix. 2 string. 3rd. 2 0 .6 p r o te i n . , 2( 203. quollty, will eollII sr small ^ flftt ,^3I?»ntTnTii»a M W O A |i |||||||g a m o u n ts. C all1132431 5082 or 308-0073.' I73-* " A Y . m . N » . l08 . . lhay ■opalrad ar rcplacod 'Jif, :n back comers, S385 'or °onset. Mufti-color raw silk tufted o tto m an . jllk jouillonlrlngo is loose bou In s all aro a . S250. n sm Coll 208-734-1861 ,* :oll DINING tablo w/chairs. $45. B ed, twin sizo. w /m a ttr o s s . S 3 5 . D resier. $28. Coffeo & ond ta b le e . $ 2 5 . Call 208-735-9379,* indoor. F iler F lea M a r k e t 206-46SS280 oi ;a d i o f m / a m , c d . c a s s o i t o & ro c o rd piayoroli Inci, In boautlfulcal)lnot.Exccond, $295, « S Call 733-5331,* 5 ECLINER ^ La-Z-Boy Lo.Z-Tooch, lOmolor moMooo wmoal. bolll mo] Iinn fphono, very good cond., $550, Couch & kiveseat muKi<olorod. k)vi stain resistant, vory good Ooo cond,. $000. Call 734^946 or 731-6946' ^ REFRIGERATOR in Kenmoi m oro dbl, door. Ico/ woi ivalormaker.2yrsold. .• S500/o(for, S5C Couch/ lfo o vv e e e a f , lig h t in cole $250,404-9466,* M>lor. ------ContomSECTIONAL EC D o r a r y C R L a in o . porl porfoct cond,. noulrol cole must soo. S650. :olor. 4 2 *claw lool round 42* tab! table. S2S0, Coll 208404 404-6577 or 734-2482.* sL E IG K B E D s o li d LE ^oc brand naw. still ivood. in box. b Ust $699. Soil in 5S2< 2 4 9 . C a n d e liv er. ' Coil coli 206-42O-63SO,* ------OFA Must soli excossSOFlurniluro right away! <urr 1104 0 4 'c u n /o d io o lh o r s o f a . L ig h t b o ig o . dow filled. 38* deep, down Bar usod bm loathBorioy o r di o e s n e e d to bo or dec ;loaned&coni}(ilonod. nov $4000 sell S635 Now 'o lfor. (4) gorgoou s d“ i*n*■i n g r o o m a r m c h a ir s In oxc, cond. Bolge crackle finish, nJho io delicate 611ksifipo la b ric n o o d s to b o , I(<tiW.Ptewioi SOTUI (tfta u Crty Dwi«a m s. Unciilii «nnv. s-7 , te tT M e - * ■ ' It, Idabo Sunday. Mareh 37,2005 m d respond, call I H H H e o u (d C a lls c o s t $ 2 .0099,/m in u te , p lu s a $ .9 9 c o n n e c t i o nI fe e . M u s t b e I 8 + . t ancd p la c e arn acd, call: leart 2 Heat^; To jo in He FRIEND s e e k i n gIA a f OU HOPE r r s YOU DWF. 57. s r. mothof/gra: grandmother, onjoys travel, d andng. footl ootball. bowling. movlos. more. SooWni iWng a friond to shoxo dinner datos, tnlks alks andslm plo limes. Hanson ITSISfi ■12878_ _ iA PP E N S' ' ' L E T S SEEWHATHAF OWF. 38. iovos touohlof, “ T o“ L , /ioi.SooB ng Iho outdoors, most movios similar odivo. romanlic man mai to hang ' out wiih for a whilo.t. Holllstor 0608303 , n ■ t n e b OF BORINGI NIGHTS Nil SWF. 34. full-figurod. loves /es going oul I or staying In, cuddling, nw movios. conI corts. Looking for a guy. 25 I for com apanionshlp. ’■ Holllotor tr 6 4 M 7 4 © evorB]ow3^ - 1 _ ............ FRIEND ' ' SE E K IN Q G O O D rail CanAttraclivo SF. 49. 5‘4-. 130Ibs. 130 oklng opon, cor, likos dandng. seokli Ixjfriond and honost SM. 45-55. to bofr ' dovoiop a nilaiionshfp. 0B679162 6' ' ;O frf' ' U F E ^ T o b SHOR trail SWCF, 40, onjoys horsoDSDorts sp ^ rn.S c riding, fishing, on:hofy, ar a b s S dancing, kids a n d animals. LTB with a man vrfio’sf ec S n ? a n d can lalk ab o u t1 janything, Kimborty1T606711___ ---------------SINGLE IN IDAHC r . , .. r,Likos movlos. dining out..H Hi.i.lm a 5 5 yoarKiId SWF looking for jr a0 relauonship with tho right m an. I \ daughior ot homo. Sh ol'si ii n Z homomakor an d lady. Ho iiTtnr 0 4 3 3 1 2 5 <3> lllwomon232< Litgoing and spontaSF, 19, student, outgo! noous, sooks friondly. n ^ . cuto SM, who lot walks, an d quailkMis sunsots. qukit w stiogfriondshipor»d ty talks to sharo lastlr>( aHister 0 5 2 7 1 4 2 • possibfymoro. HoHist ^ J U '^ O V E C Fun-loving gal 24, poiHo, mother of lyoa; up for a good limo, long - walks, hikinj fomanco, cuddling, qu FOREVER FROM HERETO HI SWF, 36. 5’6-. 5'{ 135lbs, UondoWue, football, hunting, into raco cars, d quIot ovonlngs. c a n in g , romantic ror Dnost, slncoro SWM. 30-Sooklng hon< J ^ * llee relotionshfr Hollister ISHIP.FUNSDATINQ iT . Wonde/hazot, dimples, odum buikJW M .Iam and fl-smokor, non^lrug user, r ok. EducoOon oncT IntolliJSL Twin Fans 0 4 6 7 6 4 2 JNSH/N/NQ ARMOR? 16-21 year old guy who ISO SM. 16parly out also onjoys a a t homo cuddling. 1m a f f t oars a old college studont LTR, Burloy 0 4 3 7 1 3 7 ® 185 S sboyfu s vr KNfGHnN 9YOU?------------®C6w --- ISFTYOl « n . modlum build. SF, 21, btsavnrtjrown, onjoys d an d n g . ccan^ i n g . hunUng. Sooking chlkJ-friondly indly. honost, lovjng, liko-mindod SM. IM. tto sharo friondship, casual dalos..talks talf mid posslU y moro. Appleton 0S542967 54 'e'7^r>nn MAM ' S K K IN G o n e ' G nnr gp camping. ing. walking, gardoning, d andng, dining, din ^ d o o rs, travol, picnics, romanc nanw o j^ lln g pn iho couch. Soeking J friendship first, possibi ssiWe LTR. Burfoy 0 5 S 1 2 M ______. . _ -----------------............ ’ SMILEI ILEI lokor, onjoys outSWF, 34, non-smoko inging out with my raoding, hangir chiltj™"' ‘-“ Wng for for non-smoking riendship or moro. 32-40, for frienc Burioy 0 6 0 8 6 0 6 (g ® yyb n o rm ol B locks o f tim e c a n b e p u r c h uu ie d in I n c r e m e n ts c f I S m l n u te i 30 m i n u t e s . I5X off, 45 m in u te * - 20X off, 60 m in u te * - 2SX off 35-6125 I“-800-33 » > _ S SENSmVE AND LOVING SWM. m . seeking SV/F. 40-55, v ^ o likosIStito havo lun and enjoying living, anddtntraveling or dinner datos. Magic vaJIev. Iley. Jen»no 0 6 1 6 4 4 0 — N ”f HOW ° D O E S ITr SOUND UK E YOU? W O R K ?> m . 37. father of 2, enjoys Italian E Uid,'' cooking, travol, skilng( enow/ S ?????? tor], road trips. Soeking outgoing, coro SF, 27-43, intorostod In hav'"9 I' “lun. f lasting friendship and possl^ “ <■>romanco. Hoilistor 0 2 0 7 0 4 2 COUNTHY HOOTS , 21. tho cowboy type, onjoys havSM 1,2: Ing aa (good laugh, having a tot ot fun. [I; hunting Itlng, fishing, being p ^ of a iaml[{■ ly-nin un fami, seoking his cuto ccwgirt, 10.23 23. Amalga 0 6 0 5 3 9 3 ® n fn O C o ll t h o FREE m o m b o i ^ I p n u m b o r. R o co rd q v o lc o g r o o tin g . A n s w e r s o m o b a s i c0 TAKEACHANCE ,3 p r o fllo q u o s tl o n s . h MI, 55‘10', 130ibs. avor build, likes READY FOR FC RNAL SEARCH g o n c j tf y o u c h o o s o , lonest, loving, kind, (un, worlin Genuine, hor ricing on core a nd the outdoora. ■ h o v o u s w rito a iS SWF. 48. enioys the S oklng " sponlanoous SHF, 18-23. vrho Is adive outdoors dining, dir movios, friends, p r in t o d f o r y o u . i likes to go out. Acoqula seekl jking down-tfroarth SM, 425995 45.5 5 , wt friendship, posslblo rolationship. H( C h o o so your Hollister 0 4 8 2 7 7 9 @ T»iTHERE FORYOU ALWAYS ~ tw Bodfe_dep 3 n o tif ic a t io n m o ttio d I:: , w ____________________Lonelyloly, toyal SHM. 33, Gemini, N/S, o - m o ll, p h o n o , c o ll[ llllod woldor, lovos to laugh,. FUN A! AND LOVEABLE conillc 3” phono. Iks slondor, blondo SWF. 18-50, Sep arated wc woman, 34, wtth 8-year- sooks olci-son, enji p! --------------------------------J, for excellent rolattonshlp. mJoys family octfvltles. N/S, SookJng a far famify-odentod man, 30- Acequi Kjula 0 4 7 6 8 7 9 _ R o la x a n d w a tc h th o 42. for frionc jndship first Appleton i m a t c h o s c o m o In. s n a SEEKING T H E 0525015 @ groato; a test girl In tho world. Do you ----------VESTO LAUGH , &iowf tw hor, oro you her? Not seeking SWF, 38, not MUST UK E: CHILDREN CH pot afraid of hanl work, perfoct feet but tiappy with wondorful. n g cjttwfs, onjoys movies, svVM Marrlago-mlnded SWF, SWI 20, mcthor, onjoys hei>ing W . 36, seeking SWF, 20-15. Buhl onjoys camping, famll) imily time, friends, music, bolno no outdoors, romance, t r g oj06278 a ® m llcm an ' 34-15. wtw toves Sooklng soeking 0 SM. Sl movies a t homo,(, malls. m ? RLM BUFF gvVM, 19-25, for poa possiWo roiotiorv romanco IS a s much a s ho doos. ghip. Gooding 0 5 58305483( i-toatM SHM. 21, N/S. very inlerHofllstor 0 5 5a ^7 5 4 7 ® m a tt96683301. Lald-bf , ? ? ? ? ? ? jd Ilo mooting a nico SHF, 16-26, HEAD GAMES estod _ NO)H '^ " A R E T O U o ifffoO S f l iN G ? > likes to kick back wHh o good itrong-wiHod. tovos bolng ll^ £")oy «Joi"0 l^ings lO OUlu ts lM M o lo o . SW F 37 arc kHo on the'w ookonds. Heybum woni cJwngo for a n y ^ , losl. caiing SWM. s K 40, se e k s honost. a 9S 79 ______________________ ko-minded SM. 3 W 5 . ® 529! 38-49, who enjoys ha 582229 ® pcintatfaabe1 M e m b e rs a re S H A H E fH E S E iw tE :R R EESTS7 family around, Klmboi -T WORTH A C A a ^ m a t c h e d u s i n g ' o u irr SWF. young 54. gfandmolt3E MY BABY Outgol ;golng SM, 19. farmer, enjoys nolhor ^ r THRRIRCPAC PACKAGE 03 to cam p out undor the horseb l a t e s t te c h n o lo g y . ago build, onjoys country i seback riding, shooting pool, timo0 Pf a n d jazz, gWF, 35, honest, sino slncoro. mother of w rostaurants, go on outwith fa n ^ o s . outdoors, hunting, i I fam{ty a nd friends, stargazing. iq, camping, nro-ioon son. sooks ---------------------------- ^------}• 3ks SWM, 32-40. ng drives. -If you llko the--ctjtldllr • fishing, horsoback riding.f. U Idling. Soaklrig"slm ilar S F to O'' “ M e m b e r s a r e t h e nn ' " ' Looking for (inandally socuro,J, ^N/S, nico. f o r " I mo 0 call. Hollistof share SWM, 40*63. for friondship re ifrion^hlp a nd moro. Hailey y a l e r t e d t o th e ir ■hip o r more, friendship maybe ^moro. me Hollister, g>lucky32tf B S 32: Hollislor 0 6 0 0 4 0 9 a 2218 ________ 0620961 ® 1 ^T F m a t c h e s / m e s s a g eIS s iD A U TTLETLC v ia a c h o s e n " HOPETO OND YOU......... YOi ..... ■ .......... W HYNOTT AGING GY PSYlursing an d oquino bus)celight smokor, getting tired of talkn o t f f i c a t r c n m e t h o dd.. S i S i d ranchnr Easygoing, honosl. romanll antic SF, 53. SWF. 62. solf-ompic nt, groat listener, tovos ?.„• g ~ ut, < camping, looking to m eel sim to n e b o ^ but my dog! Looking onjoys movios. dining out, -i^lrrJ^Q horSOS, IhO0 outdoors, snuggling. } M e m b ers a c c e ss klnd-hoan- enjoys farming, lain^^hSn nd siendor/averago-built lady, 35-60, fishing. Sooking honost.. kit I. Seoking SM. 18-35. lor h th e se rv ic e a t a lar Interests dandng. sImpio times od man, lo sharo similar s s 's h s f f n i r „ a r »maytie moro. HoUistor' !o ipond som e time with. Diotrich d is c o u n te d ra te . ® l0 8 tb lu 0 ____________ and limo togothor, Curryf 0tJ6 0 6 8 2 3 limes, talks and mayt> laybomoro. Lono * 5 9 5 5 1 0 ® g inl8m o0504 . P 6 0>06942 6I .................... ... Slar 0 5 9 5 9 5 7 AVAILABLE 4 U ' ' LOOKiNGl EEKS GENTLEMAN TrrrT77^T.T7T. - ' LADY SEE , P r e - p a J d b lo c k s oolno onor. ' HOPEYOU’R E im ■INTERESTED SW F,40,honc M, 49, S'lO*. N/D. N/S. IBOlbs, SWF, 21. onractivo, outgolf most, friendly, a roal lady, SWM, o f t i m e m a k o It V c o m p - SWf- 19. S - r . ISOIto Olbs, tong Wofjdo/ se o to a r o a lg . •en^loyed. easygoing, outdoors' 1gontloman, 27-40. to bo solf-eff golic, likos dandng. flshinj f a s t a n d easy. 3kino SWM ^0201, smoker, enjc enjoys ram p ng. 0 good friond low baggago, seoks SF, 40-52., V nd first, iw causo friends (ypo,), lo Ing. mcing, hunting. Seokin (iging out. Sooklng mako the bost bo partnors. Burioy Cdl I mi isvnolflo to rrxjvios, hangiOi me we may havo something In 21-2B. nlco-iooklng. easyg 0 conjoys travol. q 6 0 6 6 1 1 ® l 02 SS nistS ■'^28. who commc g katchovtf___________ imon. Apploton 0 5 3 2 5 4 7 " HOPETORNDYOU sharo my Inlorosts with you. ou. Holllstor Hollislor 0 6 1 7 0 3 7 - SWM, 47, torkllfl operator, on] onjoys 0 6 2 0 7 6 2 ® _ d ^g ^ r1 2 S GIVING r r A SHOT MARRIAQE-Mi E-MINOED H B H I [■employed, onorgotic, sodaWo walks, camping, quiot ovonlngss liIn or ' LOOKING FOR A Fh7 i So'f-on SF. 47. Brazilian, nico nico-looklng. likos out. Sooklng nico. good-hoar ariod, 31, father, enjoys family tlmos, p U L L iiJ IIB p iH SM,, 31 SWF. 2 6 .5'5-, fOdA)luo. likO! Ikes rodoo.,. ,o iQugh_ p|ay tf,o i«jyt on films, hunting, fishing, camp-•; honosl woman who onjoyss tho I k [ f m i 1 > ] u IH k I action movios, moro. Sooking hon honost. out- Seeking §M. 45-55. c I; sam e. Hoilistor 0 59 3994 Unkln ^rl^", 4-wheeilng. snow■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ I . lng,‘” U going SWM, 26-30. smof moker, ^ friendly, N/S. for LTR. Ii ■R, loading to posJiiing. bogging, rodng. Seoking g SM rL ^O R M E " kids ok. for friondship and anc dating, sible m arriage. Nomi Vompo 0 6 2 9 4 9 0 GOOi >0D COMPANY h possible LTR. Elko 0 6 0 >M16____(g 90 PIMENTABABY f SM, 31, wort orks o s groundskoopor, ‘•mindod lady up for fun andd Fun-loving SWM. 21. lovos to) hike, onluro.LTR? Curry 0 5 4 3 2 2 5 fish, ploy and walch sports,;, iISO guitarist, onjo ijoys bowling, camping, - activo fomalo, 16-23, who isn't i t into hing, sooklng o SW/BF, o o H , LOOK, r r s m e playing gam os of tho hoart. Buhl E similar qualities, for pos- Artistto 5tto WM, 28, tovos dilWren, oxer-. siUo rolatJonsI nship.- Burloy 0 5 1 7 6 6 1 rt,inn and animals. Looking tor seri-,, 0 5 8 1 5 5 7 @ sklpdogcd72 W h e n y o u s e e3 tl t h e @ a t t h e e n d o f a n ca d , l h a t ------------ S e•L E A X W m iM E relationship witti a woman. 18-10. ousre'li WEEKEND GETAWAY! \YS moker, browr;/bluo, works Acoqulj quia 0 5 5 3 3 4 9 ® Bigtodebftof m e a n s t h e a d vt ef ei r t i s e r h a s a p r o f i l e ( a n d lumnt business, likos to GONE FISHING ■ OWM. 4 9 , 5 - i r , 18Sibs,homoo oowrne v e r ) a p i c t u r e• el ]l) a t o u r o n l i n e p e r s o niaall: s Site. danco ond li; listen lo music, sooks ock-nM, 39, 6', blorxl/greon, goateo, er. N/S. into country musfc, rod D, smokor, w t» haa a a . SWF. 21-40, ___ N o t e t h e uj s ie r n a m e l i s t e d a f t e r t hIA e 1, trunBt-hoart, likes flying modol planes,I, roll. Intorosts Include dining out, rolaxodotWiKk jd o .T w ln f ^ 0 6 1 6 0 1 8 y ning, movios. Sooklng intoros' osling , family Umes, odlon/comody a nn d c h e c k It o u t a t LONE NELY FARMER & s, camping, fishing, BBOs.[. SWF, 37-53, N/S. lo gol outrt 1and ------SM. 46, hmdid-working, honest, hos b iking ouldooray, open-minded,I, enjoy tho summer months, Lono kids, cooks SF. SF 36-15, N/S, oasygol-hoartod lady, to - s h a ro ondj Star 0 2 1 7 2 9 2 sincere,), for o jld o or acUvities, tore life with. Appkiton 0 5 6 3 3 1 0J ■ TH is c o u L D B E r r '■ ----------------------possible LTR. =1. H ansen 0 6 2 8 1 6 5 ® maHbarley _____________________ V Outgoing SWM, 31. likos to go to VERY HARD-WORKING lo tho 'A. 3 8 ,5'g*, athletic build, Plscos.I. movios. Into fishing, football, mu: :iU3do TING FORYOUI SHM,C WAmi lau olectridan, tovos skiing, come-. caro, loves lo maJco people laugh, •OS hunting, fishing, bar- N/S,. ol SM. 44. tovos action, and dram a films. Soekingg ISO SF, 28-35. who toves to cud uddlo. bocues. cooW 3king, LooTdng tor SWF, dy.attJ 22- 10, tor friendship, possibleJ .Hollister 0 5 6 1 3 2 8 ® rcolo1973 35-50, who' Is li activo, fun, likos to BF, 22 73 . laugh. Holllstc ster 0 6 0 0 5 4 0 romanc a nce. Acocjuia 0 5 7 7 8 1 6 LETSG CTTbdETHER FITTHIS IS DESCRIPTION? SM, 35. onjoys outckwrs, wW try L E T S HAVE FUN y as n y S epam tod ma ■nalo, 38. w ants to m eet Handsc t idsome, financially socuro WM,I, thing once. Isn't afraid to tako a nico SW/Hi /HF, 35<39. tor movies; (ato 20 20s, single father, loves to-play. chancosl Sooking S f - 18-30, for c irposconcerts, cud uddling at homo. Buhl sports. rts. Sooking woman, under 45,i, dWorolattonshlp. Hoppnor0572. 72466 0 6 0 0 6 2 2 _____________________ N/S. In't. Interested? Holllstor 0 5 7 8 0 8 41 ® B obthodriIter GOOD' DTIMES AHEAD ®stril< itrikena95 ._______________ RELOCOTWO'SOON SWM. 37, N/S 1/S, tun, easygoing, truck SWPM, 35, moving to Idaho ONE QOOD GUY LEFT! 10 tor drtvor. likes outdoor ol ac^HJes. cook. 38, with good job. Ukes exploringJ woric, raised with country lifo, to tovos ing, QOing out lUt or just staying homo, country, travol, dining, movies,I. to hunt, fish, cook, entortaln. Not lol big . Looking for a nteo woman, 18-48, ing darts, Nascar. Soeking SF,; parllor/drinkor, worics hanj, pl ploys N/S, to sharo iro those Intorosts v^fth. 16, similar Intorosts. 0 5 8 0 4 5 7 hardorl Very spiritual. SeokingJ llkoli @ iacktob67S3 25-^9.i 1 Appioion o e*635952 ; - mindod lac^. 26-40. Butto Cn Croek I TAKE L E T S MEETI KEACHANCE B SWM, 35, CfTR C truck driver, 6', SM,, II 19, 5 ' i r , brownW ue. chef,, O S9B 064(^8haw nb0Y 260b3, outgo! going, lokt-back, enjoys sooks ks ^SF, 18-22, who onjoys sports,! • LOVETOTHYnr co u n try m u Ifc, * , horsos, fishing, camp- jet-sklir ikllng, fishing, camping, out-- Laid-back, open-mlndod SM,I, 53, lng.SooWngoi outgoing, open ond hon- doors. ra. Curry 0 5 8 8 1 7 2 __________ • lovos a long weekend campi iplng. . ost. to chare ro the fun tlmos In Dfo. ' wori(ingonokljoop3/tnjdc3',cudd! ddltng H E R E IA M ■7 - y A . J t k ' PossSjIo LTR. Randolph 0 6 0 3 3 9 1 , . enjoy* so / a n know. SHM, 37. Uves. watching good movies o r |u « enj AKE fT LAST KS, ploys, trios to ha ra fun, ondj Ing 910 moment with sombcino> es p ^ SBm SWM, 70, 7 S-O-, N /a O W to S ^ i ’, : da). ISO attocllonalo, happtf 'lady. ie 3 It Simple, sooklng the right SF, c a n p , fish, one m dan on d rodoos, #«ek8 5 ^ - " : Wondoll 0 6 0 3 2 3 1 ® > c jsi0 ^ 15. Rottlstar 0 5 5 5 3 0 7 ® Bve^ SWfi 60-70., N/S, h for p o s ^ tongJ o ______________________ . lasting romanc W n g H 1306192te TAKE A,CHANCE SM. 24, Just your average gt;y like: LOOK OF LOVE ke sto TIUE< E 4A C H A N G E ^ tce yo u r a d a n d g e t In o n ti stonal th o fu n . s w m , 45. faih ulhor, h o n o st groat guy, 2II. 21, Virgo, N/S, likos to work onI hovo fun, hang out. talk, 1 N/S, sooks 0 Inteo SF. 2&47. wfio% cars,I, aand spend tim e witfi friends,. doy tripa/road trips explorina] llfo. ks IHF. 18-24, who nkos to pany, Sooking similar SF for sharing frie slncoro, urtdoTBtandlng, S eeks ttondquiet nights a t home.. .ship, . ndshlp. kKKCng to p o s ^ and oonjoys r fun, moybe mora CoWi, b l o i m HoBte B b t0 rO 6 4 e 2 « ® tN A F Ktmberi txirty 0 5 9 0 1 3 1 ___________ treiOO O l ® cowboy44099 H id ■ > H u H * mJ ■ I S a v e u p t o 25% ' m e! b lo c k s o f tim To use y our cn re d it card, call on on p re p a id 1 -8 0 0 -4 5 7 - 3 0 5 5 7 2 6 -2 8 1 4 l / ' t ' • / a V’ m I£T ■e f ™ WHY ISIT BETTER? StUdOM, H SG Wharsthls Is @ symbol all abi Ibout? I 0) ■@ ) H ■I ^ H o visui ualize th is ■e H ^ ■ ^ ■ 3' ■ (/) sn, try th is... ■s’p s.s DO-335-61255 ________ I od] aro lor nWts 18 of cwor »o#Wng monofl lonocamoui roteUomhips. To onsur# your. lur safoty, carefuffy tcreen all raspoftsos. I meetines shouU occur In a public os. Pint jbBe place. Abbreviations art pennititd only nfytb istylo and avocadorss. Ads and voica mossaget mot ica, and r«l>sion. Wo tuooest your ad contil ontui a toH-detcrlptlon, agg rongo, klost] containing aipUcft sozual langu wguage wH noi b« accepted This publcail UllOfl py comaining oCijtdionaHo ptuasas; to reiK reiKt in Its solo discretion, any sctvertisen lement on account of K« text. TTils pubOct Ulcatlon u su n iu no rasponsftity lor ttw t t i content i or reply lo any Htiri To Hsm 1 trtod iltta lability tor iht contont ond all rofMs lo 10 any i advertlssmant or reconfod m em isaga and lor any dainu tnaja aoalmt It tf tfilapubllcstlQnandltaaQanUBsarasul rasoll Iherwf. The edYartlser egtees lo Inde Idem111ompk>ym and its aQsnts hannloss (ron roffl it l costs, axptftsos (indudng raasoiu }noBlo attorney lees). RabiStles and damai imagas raauJting from or caused try the pd wrtiMf Of any reply 10 am juch odvortsomw wnwiL By usino Hoart To Hoart tha ac^or vortlser agroes not to leave hts/her phona Kxia number, last nama« addreu in his/tx MTvfca cad 1 - « ] 7 4 5 0 ^ or amaU haai «art2twatti9plK«paraony.c^ . xjotain a voica grMlino. for ctaiomvr tarvli IS HH S3 .... ' _________ Sunday, March 27,2001 1008. TlmeeNews, TM n Falla, klal la h o D -1 3 r — X M M WANTED Big 8 c r«on T V o ra p p lla n c A s nowllnfl repair. PleoM cail 206'30e-2166‘ W ANTED F a rm a il M th ro u g h s e o M odel tractor or »lmUlar. Will look at othor# running o r In n eod c f ropair. CaH208-312-3748.* W A N T B D ’o M m a iT * J a p an w o , Italian. U 3 m ltan f badges, moda ls-. i n s l g n l a a n d souvonirs. Call Paul 208-733-1691.* ------------------------------W A N TED K a w a e a k l 760 motorcydo 19721975H 2. VWlconsWo r larger 70'a Kowa«oM.Col20&260<l929.V VAHTED S n a p o n to o ls . Can 208-280-0928.* w VaA N T E D M a n u r e s p r e a d e r , p u ll ty p e , nV!!, o l lo l a r g o , g o o d cond. Call 733-S7OT.* _ V A N T C O M I n lt u r a WAI S c h n a u zsf, purebred. W e lo st o u r a n d o re Wo lool aCal ' s f e s r vi/ a i > VANTED Old pottery. Im pkauroo, lights, quilts, toys, furniture, jow ol-. ry. In d ian Itom # a n d ^estate*. Can 208-3244^ 72 2 1 « 2 0 6 « M n i . * _z2 V A N T E D O ld u s e d WAI m ini b ik e s , f r a m e s , mir ppor a rts, w h e e la 'f t e tc . An| 20ti uT V AIiNTED O u tb o a r d boat motor. Preferably ^ oldor. 60-85 hp. STwrt ^ a ft Can 733-5020.* sh P p WANTEI rE D G e n e r a to r 110,for form otcr hom o. Coll20& 208-678 8235.* WANTEC f o r '4 9 G o o) dd o o n d . . n o caneof. *. 206-787-2882.‘ 2 W AN T TE ED p o rta b le baakotbi 208-67& ---------■ED R o aso n ab iy ^ Call’08-431-9766. 208 w a wBO r e oTO BUY-----broko moro, 3 }o i, old, J (or b re e d 16 o r moro hands A Q H A ,A P H A . ‘Thoiougi joghbrod. $ 2 0 0 . S4 D 0 . | 2 d 8n'a»i» 0S93* TEDTOBUY sinole axlo travoltraiior iier for doer hunting only, nly. R easo n ably ptfced. ( 208-324d. Call 24M)lea leave message* BUY WANTEOTOBU' u ro »« ’ W tttrSlm Canal Co. Salmon RivorCan 350. . r ---------m I J.S382.* _________________ ■En^-----R U G E R 8 P 1 0 1 . 2 * [ n u in W a W ^ T O B“UV' / stainless stool, 6 oho Used piano’s Indocr Filar .tJ ; 3 5 7 r e v o l v e r w fi tSl M FleaMsrket 5“ “ ® Padimoyrflrip8.$300 cItHM K*)S Corns tTMSure h unt S 4 W M o d o l 1 9 , 44 '* ' 203-730.7001 atTF Fairgrounds. Blue 3 5 7 r e v o lv eorr, WAHfEB' Well c lllb rok e S325. B erotta. em ai older barrel horso hon (or 22 automalk; stainlosi b eginner ridor. New dealers wanted ior. Nood s t o o l . $ 2 2 0 . C Qll al im m o d la to lv . C o ll Call 312-4900 Jly. 208-308-1698.* — Evorything from 208-539-7080.* ^ i^ iia WINCHESTER M ode doi . antiques to R f f f M 70, 7m m R om ingtor ion OBftQoeaio Items* , ^ 3 2 3 ,^ B S ] E ! * $ ■ / m a g .N e w ln b o x . IH H I $ ^ .2 0 8 -8 8 1 -3 2 9 8 .* TWIN FALLS F r i ^ — 7 a m -S p m . M oving E L E C T R ib W wH HEEL j Salei E xerdse equipc h a ir a le v a to r monL golf dubs, cribs, lbs. or larger, e wood stove, table, kits lent condllTon, S andtotsofm lsc. 206'878-S IBUYAKTLERS — IM « «fneeA venw e* SCOOTER RascS baftertos & tiros, '• wrwn looking lor borgunt condition. Can I RoadlMCtas<Jt«d». ir ta 6 8 ^ ^ CalI20e-604-1001.* eff$1.500.86a-2 worthvite haM. 733-0031 ’ TWIN FALLS Moving a a le l Upright freezer, 13 c u b ic fi. W h iteW estinghouse, d e an , w o rtu W . 1I; u l y w rarodlner 4 queen size siS im m o n s s o f a bod, both dort« green: black, Jf high back oflk» chair, '''< arm s, adjust7rollers, . LANOen '04 Max OUTLAf (o u rr w wfhee le r. 2 p a ts e n ggee r. r $5,300. Uke '.206-490-1022.* new . 2C S U Z UUKI K I 'B I RM2S0. sticker 1 > » roasonablo. 733-4889 s r a n IKI'«7QSXH600, iT torn c u a lo n pa in t,.g o o d cond. n now dia 206-736-2815,* CaU20e S *sQBII a m o r e v e n in g s till eorn. -111-:----------------------■■ f ■ y jU II ■ p n ^ jd u ^ n diS itlo j;"s7do§'s;i 2 0 0 -aiJ ******* SUZUK n JW 97R M 125. *950/01 T R I - H A ULL* 7 8 1 7 ' ' lU hlr^skilng 1 with >g boat E Z lo a d trail alier. Now c u sto m mBde ad cover, } M e rc u ry om o s with <dnguisher, I, skis ond tilng p o le B a lte ry Is h o l d e r s . Ba Id ready to j S f f i S »-539-S431 s for m ore Infor 'ormatkw.* oed a good otor. 50-95 -7330973.* , J iP . topend. ind. htp://www.geo H■ HELLS*** . ***USED SHE d tie»s.com^motomani a.c ■■ ' 'RECREATIONAL 000/Torsalo,htmor F t ta m o attttrucks. i I I ac200a -Ouailtyaiil 308-8982.* -Solection-C j— CHECK THE I qOz S IKI'MOSXRHOO.' M52S* SERVICE * * ^ c;kk «1 .IIV SM 90I) ____ oiaio but DIRECTORY m l l0e 6e .. b r a n d n e w C A M P E R *Oi ■ dition. HoiBodles goody'. 8 (t. ft. ovorDAILY conditic ertail, frame slids h o t , s i n k ., t a b l e , and find local u nderte ] nn. I n c le . dart( timed winds t o v e / o v e businesses that can 736-6730* , )«dcs.$450,7: holovou s c r o e nt , ta n k b a g . TO $ 6 ,00 0 0( /o f f e r . C a li c a u p e r s h i HELL (uil ----------- — ^ lotflofrig., A dvertise In 720-6359. Stove. 4 perse rson. $200. >9290.* Call 208-543-1 th e Service s u z uJK k iI '0 3 RM 125. n y e x t r a s , e x c . r a u p g r i « hc HELLS (2) Directory -"pS.' :o p ic kup, P le a se Call 'C a i t 20{ rcoai grey, fits a n ’66. Bluo Bl 7 3 3 -0 9 3 1 Dholl JKI ’09 BoulflvanJ («s '94. Call 436-5797.* 43 o v t 0* SUZUKI • ^ 8 0 0 . bll }ank>n Sun — . m iles, e 22 ;, s e lf like now. 206-4^ - * 4« ^ c o n ta in oU e d ,73 lil 208-431-6484, S600aC 734-2866.* nSN mD YM AN J L A iro S C i r ^a v o M ASO N RY IT ED K aw a sak i . R onam usa U jp s H itl motorcydo 1972K &K H (‘' 9 ' . Morton M asonry 7 so ld m y motorcydfa Fonf Su5 H2. WlU consids p d 5 «W ! lfU ; on Home Block, Brick. S t 5 w« ro m y i l i n o rtb ed . InGardens 4 Lawns \fhanlca h irgor 70'a Kawasotalnor • Custom Rroplacos itinfl. drvwoil & * r o ^ r . Retail ith tilt o u t UiBoorSmallAroas tTjh e T i m a N c w 3 Cgd206-2800929. ““ ' “ 1 ® ^**!! irpaUos. Chimney Ropair I C I a s s ( / I c £ ls / T h ey I Okie glass enco repair. Compost Soil AkJ a idowwflahlnn Froo Estimalo! wtnt1<r AH A ’9 7 S e c o 2 . windows. WVhite, h w otkareinr ^ YAMAH/ Ratainirio W ills exc. Sorvidng all ot u)i • -JohrxF. 8 0 0 cc. c c., good condi. condition', $1,( 2 -* ^* F reeE stfm atea 1,000. Call Magic Vonay area. H fijb u m ’ lio n .• $1 prteai: = j Call 2 0 5 -7 W 9 9 7 .* 6 7 .' » l 733-3478.* 208-726-5257 Call208-42i«1l)5. offor. 21 =d FormolyQenyMllldr —\ LAW N N O R T H L Af ^f N D '9 7 ___ C laa am e d -Jtw o rk a l HANl jfQ P A ^IN Q per, 8.5 ft., G rirzlycam pe * CU C a llu a to d a y ND YM AN MOWJNC g S " «500 nmi. top cond. $65 733-0931 e x t 2 fiiS ii piumbim fter 6pm.* 423-5505 aftei e^na C arr's Painting I SAND AND 800-858-3883 6x12 ^mln ! 'Hr£ S a L o r o h l& S o , Inlerior/Exterior 3 G R A V E L J 5 oonor norai repairs. Lawn care ARCTIC CAT '9 8 (2) -S H 25 years oxperienco. 24 yrs o rs oxporlonco. Senior Discoun »un is. Husband 4 WHO C at 4 wheoiors yauai v n n ||j|j ’ TAOLOCK *oB£ne ar 'Nojob jobtoo sman* .7 yoare oxporien irience. ,oam. tr a ile r , m o tc h ed 0 5 . 8a0| 0 0 m ile s , TRUCKING ont, m ust sell duo to tm *738-2841* Call for free estimt se na v■are vr w ^ o d , now Jack and Lena. ARCTIC FOX’S C’9424,5N r ~ . ............... . j j 208-73M 178 < WlBhaul gravol, oo injury. S 5000/olfer. o a inn tt, n e w s e a ts , Call 2 0 » 7 3 5 -0 2 2 r 5^ wheel w/s v/sikkK)ut. sand,ondrock. In) 404-1788of4044481.* • A rD T B L U rl /r e a r tire. $5000. tn io 4 s e a so ans n ! coach, ^ . Call 404-8269 ^ Z r g l a s s sid PARLEY '8 7 Soft tall CallI208-26»043e2& lido walls, rP A B V T J W O Butch o r Julie.* j JJJ] blng. oloctrical, LAW N CAJ Plumblnj c u s to m . 1 of 5 0 . A C ,o w n l nn(g .N o w dmln r cleaning, nH lino m :all f-888$ 9 . 9 9 5 /o f f e r . C all $15,995. Coll Affordabto P ain tin g noral repairs. VA gonor iir.* 208-308-5748* 343-6203. dir.' • Inlorior and Exterior 9 r ^ J R A G E I ll ro exporionco. 2 4yroe • Fences or Docks n c ta a s A BOUNDER *91 1ARLEY DAVIDSON w S W | La *NoJob jobtoo small* 18 years oxperiencoB Magic Valley ^ e n g ln o 8 0 ’ s h o v e l 0 .3 1 K , 2 . H H im e 738-2841* WIillami Senior Discounts rp camera. complete $950. Also V ^ Spring cioon-u • Storage r-' CallRMttdf 9 4 moro. twin engine ropair HO HAW] IV D H IIA W I :t Btoit 3spdA T. P r l c o d t o r only. Call 736-1575.* (Bflhlnd Shik) Inn) ail 1-888S ia ,9 8 5 . Call W O RK Dopondoblo 20a-736-0053* _1 O N D A '0 0 X R 8 5 0 beglnni Inning rider. Exc. 343-6203 dir' Hr.' T° lP A I!fT m O &=t Insured = j HO now (rent tire, chain. c o nId., d ., $1200 firm. ^ ai hhome ropolrs. Coroy Uennaj General 1206-736-9326.* i» R D IN A L 01 '01 LX 3V s p r o c k e ts , R e n th a l C aII20i ZSL, O RYW ALL srior/oxtorior, inlsric I T O E I 2p ail alumlstK w hool, ai b a r s . S 3 ,1 9 5 . C ali nbing, palming, 3 0 S ^ 2 1 /4 2 3 -6 J plumbic t r u c t lo n , 208-679-5486.* YAMAHi ilS S ld LUPHER l\HA '0 4 YZ450 ? « " : CO^StJl CLEANINQ §0° ywiul. 1 6 > y rs. -- .-i---------4tfryv« iks, sh a p e-4 hardly h e o to d tanks su p o r PAINTING, INC. < O N O A '0 0 X R 6 0 . o « . «hi carpontr ««yoxforton<a L A W N CAJ 3. d. $ 6,200/of(or. slide, very ig.irear bay Pointing. Remodeling.;• Tllo 4 Grout doaning Hriddon O vory little, great • e ee F rM e tlm a tea w ln d o w s .rro c of AC, Toxturing 4 Drywall!; Rosidenliai 4 rid' conditton. S1000. Call Call 208-736-4411.* 208 208-735-6170* ^ ^ JohnZOi b e r g la s s -------------------a w n n g . fibc ” Business coi fn iirh FrooostlmatosI Christopher. 208-686- YAMAHA “ Creative Tou , roucn c^jii A H A -05 B lastsr exterior $18,7 8,750. Call Lfcerwtd and Insured Ch 2934or206-«2(«828.* vrtth mm mmp 4 tots more. 1.8S8-346-66' » 4 4 . dir.* _____ HHOi M E Yard Care (20a) 324-3476 o r _ a r o ......... Action Homo Ropairs 29: aTRU C nO N ' Mowing, trlmmir nming. (206) 727-1287 cell*r - — 20^420-1958.— - f<O CONST. p j N DA '0 2 r.R iO i; — SagQO.C 5 ^ ^ ^ : - c ^ ^ S A i r I i'04 Spirit shaping. Rain In gi gutter NkM bikol R y bars 4 C ~ of A m o r ic a 2 8 ' S th — p = = = = : Nk h ours. A ccesso- ^ f l 0 2 i low luper slidoDRY » S O N S ‘S ; 3° S i loro/' o 'S |P 0 S T F R < 4 flfE ^ onstructlon I. _ r o ' n s od s 4 times. ^ TREE 1 ries indudod. S3000. B LnLD H rG S 886-7418or3084135.* Jo b sIn to rio r& _ C h o c k t h lIss o u t a t ' SERVICE _8a )F 0 A M 7 S 1 9 (t. $1 9 ,9 9 5 . Call lARE )rior. Covering. LAW N CAJ 1-868^ONDA '0 2 XR 400. '^ ^ “ built bull 350 inboard ' 343-6203 dlall ir ' HOI llr.* lagk: Valley, Idaho Steelcraft Purchased now, askoutboan motor. Trail^ • I C assia aroa. Jo*a Ortiz A+JIm'aTreo Pu 53,500, Please call o r S Soard ^ Rosidontiol. Fami. ^ ing duu cd e d . $2,500 or C O A C H M IEE N ' 9 8 J-732-6818* • Oardon Servic Service ‘"0 Commordal Shopo. 208-731.5723.* i0 S 0 l3 8 ' offer. 326-4777.* S a n t o r o d ie I Planting, groui I^round Garago. Homo aronas ’• • Topping, shaping. 2» m o .3 0 0 I covor, traotrimm CAWASAKI *83 LTD QREOO Motol re-roo(,concroto ^ removal, shnjbs 4 j?7v m C “s s I l o t a S ’m S C °m m Ii!t?AAlilsion I HOME yanJdoanup.V 100. boat.9,S up.Wlll . i .888-29WX>66 “ stumps. Spraying ,,f t, Beautiful, sporiy, . Iji^, slide (uni S2.250/of(or. Call to r wilh Oood prict lortllizor.iaWn REERJ A Z R S Froooalimato; 208-731-7750, James* h r s . Lo J aerating 4 thatching, on, now cond. iH om eR epdre . , 2 0 3 -6 7 8 ^7 6 — S 79.500. Call an 1-888CAWASAKI •98KX250. R E c r c L n v Gr i r 208-431-32S3* I :ir.* 3 4 8 - e W .d It.' now top ond. now rear » o 2 !d ^ i^ , L A W N C 'ARE AI IE BOAT shared ----tir e , s tic k e r kit, pro H O U SE i inting, trash l e r s h l p L a k e circuit silencer, sand o w n I-- . G o rd o n P av in g C o . removal mowing I I. T R E E W K M ^M pelS a d d le . P u r c h a s e d P ow Dii. ell.'4 bdmi.. week. tw h a ty o u c a n i trimming, sprir id June, $11,950, in mid J S E R V IC E ;now ; . B ost c a re d for S . w eeks avail. Ceil Bm U B I use d bike you will ever ' More• we ' 's r s s s ; a4Q D o!08-420KX)81.* EN CO RE'84 f i n d . $ 2 3 0 0 . C a il BIII208R a y 's Tree Mr o t Chevy 208-312-4552.* j e T b JOAT oJ ^ V a llo y i ^ ^ n d j K SH orotol B MS® 21 II. 302 ' j S ’ g X X)' miles. IJ . Service R O aW V a ^7385* 61TTR CAWASAKI ■02KX125, » n d a io n U Romoval, Trimming, k AV aW oHor. Movlni] good cond.. kjw miles, .S 1 2 .5 0 a ■ydouti Topping. Shmbo, fv> niuatIM sol..... 731.9424." ROOFJNO - 1 Blot $7,500. ■ S a le pr)ce, $7 Stumps. Rrowood njo of extm s, 52.500 K S E '. tA W W C A J /offer. 206-737-4665* OUTBO/I lOARD MOTOR 208-732-07 J714.* ln»urod7736-2S71* I /oh " S tonabiy K pricod. U con60i16375-B -3 CAWASAKI -03 KX250 Serv Serving tho Mointonance, pov I S ‘95 23CortHiod Bondod & Mjglc agicValloy. w /big b o re kit value raking, pmninj jtorhom o, Id in 2004. Runs C moto T R E E Insured-ResWontlal^ Shane $ 1 ,5 0 0 . P r o c lr c u lt in o B lak e ty yorddeonHjp. a t. H y d ro u ilc o 4 « 0 , 4 2 K: nm l l o s , Commordal. “ 404 pipe, $4,800. Suzuki S E R V IC E S 4Q4-6870* Kfoe EslimatM dod. Controls not g o n o r a to r , roof rc AC, pip RM125 bored out 5 J I ;,, RoasonoWo ralosl >97 e a u tifu l i C all208-73M 12 Idod, $600/of(or. f o a r b e d , bbo Freo ostlmatos. I mV A C 4Fplp TREES & STUMPS , o d .$ 1 .5 0 0 . Too Cali H U 11 A n d r o w a t '" ‘o '*1,950, "• 737-0000 m a n y e x tra a to list. OFUAQICVALLEY 308-3741/ 1.888-346-664 &*4. dir.* LAWWCAR S E:irV R TCES 734-59 58IV. msg.* ISACortinod. ™ 731^58* E A :EN '8 8 Classic, Q U L F S T R E / M '0 4 J>LUS Froo ostimatefl. ' _CTH '03 125S X ,voiy in c e 32*. ft. opon bow, inIn d e p o n d o m =; Tlm A bbott KTU SAWI 0, genorod /o u lb o a rd 120 Claas A. VIO, J^MdROTOTZLLDVOn 420«7n/734-7910* low bo«®5/o S J ? .™ . R M ld en tlala n oon. color SHEET ere motor, boat is lor, roar queoi ET METAL Com m ercial --------' In * ’ drciiit pipe 4 o in c er, : . h e a te d ivin F oils, good TV, ro o l AC. rvkio arK( repair. M alntonanco nco Blado 4 small kwder. R G S s u s p o n s lo n , Itton.$3800cash, t a n k s , b r am md n e w . avlng. Brush cutting 4 lawn[; T R E E uki r « oRC x c o l rim s. $ 3 ,1 0 0 . ^Vi W oil 1-888irblng. m o w in g . D isk in g 20®-®50-3S“ -* ?®ir.*. 'l 208-73: Cail 208-404-4289.* B S E R V I C E J J a tee l and chisoiing. R o se lENTURION ’97 2 4 h r« .: -■ ’ O a 5 0 c c P r o ag .* I b u s h tr im m ln g '40 Rambler :T M ^ 21’ o>penbow,immacw KOUDAY *96t F ------------Intennountain kS tein io r m o to rc y cle , olhor typos ol y a rd^ 460 Fort. u la to» condition. co 138 32’ C lass A. 4f ARS wori( 4 d o an up. ^ T rees So now. 51600/oRor. ZAWNCAH ~ r a rTC < HEA T I Ik e n e w . Like h o u ra S s . $19,500. Can l o a d o d . L ik. • Buy 4 Soli Derek Koehn 3-6720.* Kelly208-312-2195.* Q anI0t280<ai69.* h ot $3 7 .0 0 0 .733-< AND D B A T H S E R V IC CB E 404-9690. KendallI All aizoo 4 varieties. ''®' 539-4207, Brandon[ Call 208-670-3449 .Q iu r L iB U n m S ^erv/ce tr v Hfr 14}, 4 Unruh 308-3208* ’ o r 208-436-9969* , ■ Kllchon Ino— ■ KloHpocWHM . 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Aaty] ng, aprinWere. endremOdoBng. pruning. an Catering lo tfie . «nw n Ci /h o m e o w n e r. - Palming S /IS g a i-l I M ^ a /V f l< M ) 0 7 4 * i |fl2<M15y/ ISW NowlawnpropomtkHi •Com postforsaio. ' Got your garden RUBBER STA M PS n ' . '3 Spring Lawn TunelineHjp TTme.Compk>t. plote soAsonpackagc kagee .'(mow,trim,edg< Profesakw a jnrtco 'pany. ; We re now - ry. m C laa«A 4 Endorcements. Allow U s to Get YOU QuaiifJod. BATTruekOrMng • your lawn. Call a profession! 7 3 M 7 6 a 2 S 0 -1 g ------ 8. « t e « a » o a ^ i R o r o n u i r a1 •3608* SESRW CI caBJoh O D .ave'sH om e Remodoto,AddBom, Decks&FenciftQ. N ea t dean&reOab1*. S O 'fy rt.D o eilen c a. Sp«nBCIo»,U n U ,p Lawn Mowing rtlilzor. es SptlnUorRopmi . W e make ad typoa ond sizes Addroas-Slgnatur©* ■ Date • N o sel-u p fte FastSenrfce BVERYBOOY^ BUSINESS 5-230^^ BCHOOL R rat C lass! For your g arten a andsm ailyards. Satlafactlon LAW N mNDYM AN HA Coowota to Cabinets. L A H W C AADB.I Ii 1 B-IN SPECIALi£ |R .V .T R A D E | I ■ 'n irD S 4 M M l.M i^ a lb « p d '♦4irfci7$*W W w/ikftKcii* r t» H ^ O d ,W K ■ Tum ■ 7»24'U ideM li4t«M b4ak»« I 'Mn'M lHli^CkHiCrwiMeM 1 -0 1 /H t F M » e a V t F i n f c *^ M M iM M ^ O r iy S llfO O rfrSXJM WEDDING SHOP Prom/Grad Gowns Remi/Sells Items Shoes-TableeK^halrs Napkins-lnvltatkjns 2108U aln73M S38* I WQODJTZOORJ R SS TO R im oW Quality wock4 Freeeetlmttesl A aN «ff«a Custom H io nrftffnA ura. ' Rel. upon requM Riw<gs^M H3.» ■ ^ M fei M i i ft* OHM* IK M K M t * ., uiX: M Sise ISM O TB Tt — H— ■ niyvw ^diae^stae ' w! I idatio Sunday, Marcl) 2 7 ,,a^0 0 5 _____________ 0-’u-nm e«-N *¥**.T w ln1 Falla, Ft L xmjS S B I HR P R E SID E N T IA L ■04 5lh whool, 32 It.. 4 8 lld o 8 . n o sm o k i n g / p o l s . lo a d o d . g a r a g o d . $ 4 9 .SOO. 733-»9190f89W»53,* ITASCA'66 27ft.. Class ' A, awning, roor bod. AC, gonotolor, Updot« d In to rio r. SB,900. Coll 208-420-710r JA Y C O '9 9 D osign"^ 30 II., lull wall slidoo u t. g o l c o a t s li d e walls, high ord luxury S th w h o o l w ith a ll opllor«,NowS19.995. 1-888-343-6203. d if , J A Y C O -0 0 2 3 - sTh. W h o o l, r o o l A C . ow ning, m icfow ovo. $ 7 ,0 5 0 . C all 1-80B. 346-8844, dir,' KIT'38 Companion 2 3 ',. S tn w h o o l, b u n k . modol, awning, micro•w o v o , S 6 .950, C oll 1.888-346-8844, dif.’ KIT’03 Exiromo-St Sltt. whoul. luxury doublo slid o -o u l, t ow n o r, washor/dryor, rool AC, - h o n lo d t a n k s a n d moro! S2S.750. C all 1-888-346-B844. dlr,‘ LEXINGTON'03 Grand T o u rin g . C l a s s B moio'hcmo. Slido-oul. very low milos. Chovy C hassis, AC, cruiso. TV & moro, S44,995. 1-888-343-G203, dif.’ S a CEM '9 0 3 3 ' 5 th whocl. doublo slidoo u l. w a s tto r. d f y o r roady. hoalad tanks, r o o t A C , n w n tn g . microv;avo. SIS.750Call 1-886-348-6B44, dir.* S A L E M '0 1 2 8 ' S th wheel, super sliOo-out, r o o l AC, a w n in g . microwavo. S14,750. 1•888-346-8844 dif,* S A L E M '0 1 2 8 ' S I h w hool, su p o r slid o , roar kilchon, rool AC, awninQ. m icrow avo, 517.500. Call 1-8883‘J6-8844. dir,* S ^ H W I N D ’85 30', 454, dual air. 6.5 gancraior, back up cam ora. TV. m icfowavo, . W e ll m a i n i a l n c d . 59.500. CnlM23-G768' S P O R T K IN G ‘ 7 3 C ampora S p o c la lt Now liios and ongino. oxcolloni c ondition. S2.500 lirm. Call 208532-1549or43M 549,’ SPRINTER '8 8 Chovy 3 5 1 . 2 0 ' vory clo an . awning, air, now iiros, low mis., rcducod to S9.400.208-<)76-e579.‘ I iill 7 so ld m j tm u e l trail■/ e, r fa a t lhanka to mij a, d I n T l ic T i m e s i e w s C laaalfk-dsl' , N FORHEHT APSH»ENTSffl a • Peruiy K. fl S/ioshonc* ^ Claa*lfled,..lt workal C - Call u s today 733^»31 ext. 2 J 000-858-3883 oxt. 2 CORDOVA '9 7 35 tl. C( SIh ‘ W hool, 3 s lld o s oc u ts , w / 0 , a w n in g •W/hllch. S25.000. Call -V ; 3S2-114S nfldf 6pm ,' t; TERRY EX series, 29' 'Jwith slido out. Loadod V options. Indudos with I appiiancos. utenall £ a n d llnons. Call sils > Mrnk, 208-420-5516.’ ^ THE(^1GINAL I RV Ports onlino . 'www.ldahoRV.com From Interm ountaln f Molor Homoa InWcndoll ‘Lowest pricos in the World* | L W WILDERNESS '82 23 ( (oot. solf conlainod. < sloops 7, S1,800. Call J 208-678-0623’ f k I I p 7 ’X 10' • $840 I 7-X12--S870 ■ 7 'x14'-S920 7'x16'T/A-St.S90 (powdofeo.vc<}) . All como Wllh romps. Call 877‘yoihpull www.whaladoal trallera.'eom’ L. •OOL T rif o n c lo so d T< 7x12, w llh sh o lv o s. ' 7'6’x1l stool llQibod, ' s*t o o l h o a d b o o f d , goosonocK ball hilch 5 SSOO ooch. Call 539: 7700 Of 539-9002* . _I TTlR A IL E R 8 '6 'x 2 4 goQSO nocK, tandem f ai x lo . S 1 .8 5 0 /o llo r. S39-7700 Of 539-9002.* J Jp UTILITY TRAILER 4x8 tilt t b o d A /p ly w o o d fidos. f S42S. Coll 208731-7750. Jamos* ; =: ■ | eo4 »8-3883ext.l2 33.0931.ext. t.2 * 800-658 l ^ l Thefl&iesNem s o ld hil3 is h ot tub a n d lowered ■■■ ■■' ••• #I8SSsifled! s F onthty energy bill. tils m on I— IN M ||H |i D j^ S M H I B ||H n B || p i H W l y |H I lU B f 'I M B B U i^ H I M E IM R v IB M ^ S I S b I^ E l w M * IIH I^ H m ||K Q p j^ ^ P C M 'O H S l M l j || lla i& 1 9 ^ P 1 |P 9 D Bm b M Q ! |||g g j T T /t^ ^ ■57 'f f l S I ■ ■ P f NOTICE f TO I ClQsslIiodAdvcnlsors ( M |5 f lU J Plonso ehoek your a d H ll f toraccurncythollrsi H H | day it runs. Tho ^ 3 p Timos-No\vs will only bo rosponsitjla s li d o . AC', a w n in g , - - lo ra n yo m rs/cp o it- _ l j | |9 j P ----------------m ic ro w a v erv o ry n lco " od on tho lirsl day ol I j& M insido. supof value al puDlicailon nSX i 512.995. C.-)ll 1-888Ploaso call u S k 343-6203. dir.’ Twin Falls 733-0931 H M I WILDCAT -04 33' 5in oxf, 2 or IB B w h o o l, s l i d o - o u l s /, / Burloy 677-1042 I ^ S sinnd up bdtm.. usqo Tftank Vou’ ll^ B Iw ic o .f O O lA d . awning, saloliiio doma. • S21.750. c a ii.i-e se X 346-8844.* \ WILDERNESS '9 7 27' CLOSING I S B SIh w hool. rool AC. m ust goll U Im aw ning, m icrow avo. Everything E 2: oxc, running oulos, iB n j liko now cond. S8,950. tools, tiros, auto body I |H k Call 1-888-346-8844, I S n dir,*________________• . pans. Call 320-003S lor moro Information.' Q Q | W I N N E B A G 0 '9 1 _ C h lo lta n 3 1 'C la ssA . E ENGINE (1) 350. built |1 |B H 454FI. 53K milos, rool i10 suii and ongino kit I O H b AC. g o n o rato r. ro a r iavaliabio, S800, Call quoon, S16,9S0. Call :208-736-1S7S.' 1-888-346-8844, dif.’ □ PICKUP UTILITY U D - i B S i WTNNEBAGO 'S4 3 0 ' | DER rack Stt. lor '88- I M W I C lass A, low milage, '0 0 G M C . C h o v y . I B H oxcollont condlllon. i ovor u s o d i S 2 7 5 . N lo ls ol o x lr a s . C a ll i Call208-530-0087,* 736-3770 Iv. msg,’ = T IR E S (4 ) liko n o w . p H . W I N N E B A Q O '9 5 30 x 9 .5 , All-Torrain. C H Aflvontmo Sorlos 30" S300. 20B-2C0-7336.* N H 31.000 Miles AC/gon- = o f a lo r , 4 6 0 F o rd , 2 k T V c iV C R .o x c , I c o n d ,. v o ry c lo a n I - S2G .000, C all D oug y 5 208-53G-6621 or 208- ' C ONNECT I M & 536-6269 ovos.' WITH W I N N E B E G O '9 5 CU STO M ERS H lp lla s c n Sp lrll m o to r WHO hom o. 34RQ . Chovy 4 5 4 . l o a d o d w ilh NEED E fl options. Including AC. YOUR IB K b a c k C ip c . l a c k s & SERVICE |S 5 8 m ore. S 23.905, Call Advertise In 1-888-343-6203, dif.’ W IN N EBEG O lla s c a the Service IK J S u n c r u l s o r . 3 3 V ,Directory ||M m o to r h o m o . B n so m o n t, A C , lo v o lo f 7 3 3 -0 9 3 1 ^1 ! ja c k s , 2 s lld o -o u ls , . Corian countor tops, w a s . ' 5 9 9 5 .............................. ....................B O W T V , l o w m l l o s . != /H O IST Will sol 589.995, Coll 1-888- BED D oi [bod w /h o isi a n d all ■ 3 ^ -6 2 0 3 , dir.’______ s i i e n n d g a l o s lo f S 4 .0 0 0 / o llo r . C a ll ................... n o w w 543-9290 Of 404-9690,* W a s * 7 9 9 5 ............................... f li r j r ' f.fW I5B l l / m l n / r f r j B B RBI E y Bl i K A x S m M M k‘ A ccent 2 0 0 3 H lyundal yi L Sedan •asiQii-z 1938 Ford Contour GL S o n ly 1 0 w a s mo ‘• a , 9 r a AmSE wsizs-z 2001 Pontiac Grand Atti T H U N D E R C A T ’0 0 S lock onglno. 2 .0 0 0 mllos. 1S9x1Cx2track, Excollonll$4.000/ollof. Call208-280-1410.‘ FORD 7 3 Buckot truck IF-600 wllh 36 It, AsIplundh Insulated lilt, !50,000 actual mllos, IImmaculalo. 56.900, ' CflI1208-863-1019,* I | ! L a r gy e s t uw f a s ‘ 7 9 9 S ............................... .................... n o w ” o n ly * 5 /9 8 8 3 f o c h: hi o o s e o n l y '• e , 9 9 8 3 Prixor 2001 Pontiac Grand Pri " ^ i fs s o l.»<l S Ih W b M l« , L o ts o l a * < n i U«»<] T r o tU ri; «. M Q to rlie a * lo C b e o ss fro m S t a r t i n g 9» S S 3 s S 9 S ttt Uf ^w a a * 9 9 9 8 ............ to o n l y '• 0 , 9 9 8 „ t o «u3im : .............. .................... n o w •S 9 9 8 4 i o A K m ijD Ifil j-Hij Vi O f ^ i r* ' A M Jw • .1 .H I. ' ■ 8 8 988 o n f / a f 988 ^ B ,9 > h uUs 3o 0 9 4 .Q L ,< ^D oor,liuilB dl c :hhi b b s a f r o m ! ......... M tt a o r f f ln g a f Pontiac Brand Am f 4wU n 0 4 988 S E .4 ^ p a o r .U a d s d II 988 , cc lt i o o s s f r o m l ......a t a , t o r f f i i 0 a r * l f # 9 c ihhi o o M Of d e o f* * I OM a p o y m M rt* d o n e t h w lu d * c a it, tK l* , P h o t o * f o r n h u t r a U o n p ua lp^ e * * * ^ O o o d U M ;0 M41l - o £ o t o e e ( ^ b io la d * fm l < * O W i s <t t\ h * U m a t o * 7 , 9 ?i h u 10^0 w Z-DoorCooiiff p o Z lie m lB tB lta a r o n l y ' o n ly f r o m ! ..........:. .M .a l f a r i t n g 2 0 0 4 oJ nl ^ o b l l e A l e r o z m .................... n o w w a s * 9 9 9 5 ..... ;........................ W 9 9 5 ................................. ,:.:i ::h e W 2 0 0 4 P ?Oo n t l a c S u n l l r e ‘ «S41BB-2 ...;.n o w 021-7 Sat iatum SL Sedan tesozi w a s M 1C0 . 1! 1999 Mercury Sable GS HU04M ''F o r a v t R t v a i^ O v « r 5 0 B ra n d N « w S i l tr r o s & S o lem i, ' t o S m S to rf b igO® $ 1 1 , 5 0 0 f o r Q v a a a B ad & AC S o ltm 2 2 ' w ith Qv Y o u r s « lf t o t h * T R E A T Yo ^ ^ B E S T S E U aTi Ij O J ^ V E R I ^ ^ * 5 ,9 8 8 ‘ LOADED! w a s * 9 9 9 5 ............................... .................... n o w ir" RU DBBlsr o n ly 1999.ChBWoletMoalet te Carlo LS is444i-2 7i 1997 Ford Explorer »04 HM171-1 v M a g lc ~ V a lia iP f| W a m rm m o w m 2001 4-Dooi m 9 9 5 ................. KHS-O U , 4 ^ r , U i a i l o d , 4 xIl4 < l r o m l ' . . , . , . . . , a f ri ^^ , r f l ^ 9 r iB 8 o t ;^ t 6 , 7 i T otw E M to S T trp o * o r m la p rtnItta ti . { 1*1 iC»TTr*TT Ji f *x -V I S un day. Mareh 27,2000.,Tlm Tin M 41«w t,TW )n Falla. Idaho D-1S D- F o r g e t yl i& a t A u c t iI ' o n D a t e ?? ^ i ' - ' ' ' '• '^ I H V iis ic , l u i vv uw . m a s i c v a l l c y . c o m ^ i . '; ^ . ' ^ . ' ^ C l i c k o n ."‘^/ A u c t i o n s ” t o a c c o s a •:: )a to 8 o c a tlo n s ^ * T C M C 'ea 6 0 0 0 oorvico truck, utility bod. 2 ^ 0 0 Ib. auto c ra n o , 4KW Q ensQ l, 5 0 K a c tu a l miles. V-8. Allison AT, ' llkonowcond. $5,900. Call206-8d3-1019* Q ____ thin three d a y il wlihli T h ce ’T, im e s N e w s C laa as s S l ^ d s ^ r l grealt ‘" ’•BrrntT. -----------------------------'.'I j in a llij s o ld m y Inick. ( h ^ k s lo my a d (11 T f ir T f m c s - ? A '. s > * ?.■ ) ■ TT. l l l i l M I L U OJN I ■ S A L E S ^1 '/<. ■— |f |1 £ A !J v >v. ;j ; E V EE N T , . ■• . t 'f 2 15 H H K H ■ o F W m w Sb n H l I ■ ^ B I ■ 5 1 I # ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ n k K l M S ^ ■9 m m H I K l o T mm a l H li ■ IS I 1 # I i ■■ B M aA Sl . K l S \ ----------' 3 ■ S fe H ■ ■ K n 9 r H ^ ^ H H p K Q Q )0-.SS43-9290. portsilSO 5 3 /4 to n CH EV Y'8 -SS Vmotor oood 4x4, r)0wm< Call condition...$3,500 $3 ‘ 3 2 0 8 - 5 4 3'0 - 8B O or 208-308-472 ______ 90 i1 Ion, 10’ c h e v y ‘90 flat bod, now no> onglno. <J.,$500*fror □oodcond.,S -934-9669,* CaII208-934 « 4x4 oxtondCHEVY*984« od cab, 159K. 159 6 Inch lift. WoldI rims, nm 33 Inch a le0x h a u s tK . (lual f owner. 510.£ N U { .ro w 111 77 7 S -9 3 4 0 0 0 . C all ’^-9344)197.' ' 2270or7re-t ------------------ *8K )500_o« c a b , 4 x 4 -' 5 9 9 9 9 . Now NO' $ 7 9 0 8 *C1392A 732-6099 or 7 CHEVY 150 0 L sS.,(o x r ^ n b ° PW. aiito. Vortoc V'-8, -8 , 1 notascralch! oir,43K,n6t . 734-3750.* $15,500.73^ — — ^-------- 2 I ] i l ^ ^ ■ ■ ■ ■ 1 fm ^ 3 WWi ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ C T rJffl WmM m m lU i K O ^ h B S ^ H j^ S B S n m S B E Z B W h e m UllBjWEImisu— mmaSftib ^jisau m ^•T,m m .. ISSBimmi—---------- ----- m m n 6 .9 8 8 5 H B m mi n jM S C * g K i; 211111ll^ iiibi Xi m " i f H ' r m "" OSSatuinUIIO,^ __ I , i . m A jk jk D J I i l X IM P m ,^ jm O W _ 3Ssaf.H »»jf8,(w^ o T V ^i J T ^ li ' FO R D *99 o x t. qqui o d ow or ««*». F-250 Po» S tro k o d io so l XLT. XI >0.956 4*4. Of'iy S20; #C1373A ! 732-6099 or 734-38( J800.* D4x4. V IO . D ^ 4 t^ 4-1248 876-8874 Of 800-574-1 cgl^ ^ l o ^ Q) ^ « 1 4 0 .!A n ii n t t a t d i ^o t t o p riM s a l * . , a j » fy r to r y Wiw fM 'M p o p * l^ i e r tn > o » o > .w to p < 9 9 _ * ^ J f J _ i f o W w FORD '04 F-150iHHorl6 EI F I t a g o . 4 .2 L V6 rh o a d s ta n d a r d ovorhi com. 2W 0. long bod. t 5 s p d . m o n u a f.,AC. tr a l l o r h l t c h .c n:ru iso c ontrol. 9K, pene rfo c t c ondition. $15,2>.200/ ■363.* offor. 206-734-738 7 3 2 - ^3^Of^ 734-3800.* '0 1 1 /2 to n Q M C '91 Slorro1 SL S E, 1 4.995 . C a ll 3^4ton. W .P U cruiso cr 4X4, $14.£ -2225dlr.* c o n t r o l . A C , 99:5 K . • 206-788-2g 4064.* ■01 1 /2 t ^ S3700-can73340 D O D Q E '0 1 NB. V 6. A T ^ Q M C '9 4 2 5 0 0.3 . 35 0 . 4x4, SWB, locutalo cond“ AT, AC, PS, P 3,0 ,now . AC,lmmacu C all $8,900,206-1 >06-663-1019.* ■m olor. 5 3 ,5 0I.0 .1 M W DODQE -02 . . 1500 / tlros.r lb. now tire s, NISSAN *93 now tl crow cab. r os. oxcollont n o w b a t t o r y , rriu n s low mllos, in, m g ro a t. S I,3 5 0 roffor. /o f condllion, r ust soil, 173.* loavo m osCall 206-212-6373 Call andi lo. 8-308-1218.* i?i -----------------P U c e y o a r aadi O n lin e ... DODakota oxOODQE'OOD cab, 4x4, V6, londod cab, idod-lT 1944. fully loadoO 14.995. LOOK $14.9 . ■;. J a S S '02 . DODGE'0 2 quod c o b mmlns diosol, 4x4, CummI s , ono low mllos, o owner, l o a d o d1.. $5 2 8 , 9 8 8 . a f l f l H f .* X » I ; ' m m ||A M |g M || )cro FORD '0 2 F-350 c w powor cabdualV-4x4,pQ s t r o k e , 5 th w«hh a o l hllch. XLT. AT., Andy A or MIko 208-788-2 }-2216 d ir. w w w .sowto too th 732-8099 or734-3800.‘ or 7 0044 door. o « : • DODQE'00 OOOmllos.VB. F O R D '0 2 R a inggo r . cab. 33.000 0 .C O I I2 0 8 - ----- E d g o P I U 8 . 44 :x 4 . litlo n. 4or306-6336* oxcolloni conditl 732-5774 or -----------------oxtondod cab. AT. T. AC. loaded. $15,000. D. Call ^ . S g g •. 206-733-2605.* H o tiU M V j ,-. V ■■■ D 4 i^ /i M f M aySlSiamM^t^i9 B B > ' t i m m 9iTo0Avalon)im ^ S f S i W jW S lW H B H S M K H l ^ 8 |Q 5 Q y Q ^ ‘S m m m o lv o m w a gJi llllm m -J t6 ,i ^ 'M e L X ia m —L..:SSI/ltSf t imati —^ ' 9 . m m intemlSSIIIIm. ____ J i z i9 smMsim F O R D '9 3 F1S0. I. etx t. cat), running boai }ordo. c o m p o f sh e ll, 9; 92K . e xcollont condlti litlon. Se,900/offor. Call 2 11219ir 9455or431-696T p o R D ’97 F-250,, 4X4. 4 , 7.3 liter, diosol.5-spd. 5-8 o x to n d o d c a b., no n w g lo w p l u g s , n b a t t o r y . $ 1 2,5 .5i0 0 . 208-306-2853* FORD *97 F250 sup su e r so l, 5 c a b , Turbo dioso s p o o d m anual..44x 4 , SI 1 . 7 0 0 .C C ai l l 206-736-2912------------- i~ ^ 0 F O R D '9 2 F-350. >0, 1 to n , low ing pac oc kago, 4 do<)r dual ially. AT. CD. good co offer. ditlon, $7,000/off< Can 206-670-372: 722.' 03 Sllvorado H H B F CHEVY ’03 1500 4x4. ( 0 oxt. iSo“s“ 35 131 f o r d ■O O 'F ^O « Alloy whool , XLT. ' . mllos.. *215 215“$ ? ! . ^ “ V s ’i V ^ M mmllos. l CalI324-39C 1.988. _____»246899A ,'$21.9 Call 324-3900. Hr.* dir. . CHEVY 04 Sllvorodo l^ , oxt. >cab w /p ^ c b f o r - ^ oF ^ o X Qu<o- PW/ ow or 111103,52^88: ■• 23,742 mllos lA P loasocall s t r o k o , l o n g) bb o d ^ n ^ c a ii ^,,/covor, AT, 4x4,1 4, tow- ” ^ ^ d _:— :----------Ing pockago, cair am por 04 5SSR. w a s roody. 94K. $20,5 0.500. CHEVY ’04 'O n o w o n l y Cali20B-731-6089 189.* noarly -------------------------$33,988.. Save S« 5 1 2 ,0 0 00.. C ( all 3 2 4 3900. dlr.‘ d o o q e '9 8 D a k o ta jpood. block, f o r d '01 F -2 51.0 .« 4x4, 5 spoc PW. P L bodcrow cob. La/lat f oxt. cab., PW L Fully llnor, CD. n loodod. auto & moro! m »6-308-Oeoe. 0T19 4 9 ,0 n ly $19.999 19. $7900. 20»< '96 1Rom 4X4, V i i 'l i n DOOOE -96 2085 1 1 ,9 9 55.. Coll ( 788-2225 dll -----------732-6099 or 734-3( -3600* 99 22500 quad DODQE *99 !4, SL T . full n ic o tr u c k , $15,977 *71960. H71 1 FORD *8919000.CumCl m in # m o to r. 9 ssip d , manuro (ruck w/R /R oss hydraulic bod. lo Roia d y to houll Call 206-5 J-5435633 or 206-31 &06: 0624.* FOHD '8 2 i ». AT. po w o r w indow . IPL . AC.cniiso.slldlT^gr greo r W in d o w , r u nnnIin g board, low pocka kago. ),650/ O roat cond.. $3,8 offor. 206-676-45C 1566.* : = : = = j B n P liM r# » ^ f ^ n Q obert S. T\vtnFo CHEVY ‘79 ■79 p ic k u p . M ochonfcs lies sp o c iai! 3 5 0 orjflint worV. s e lOO/otfor. 00/< Call 6580,* 208-324-6S6 i0374qU5Hor CHEVY‘80 3J . parts $300. ■ n D R I ^ b w ^ MM m S^*IN^ --^ cooU uU hm / TTic Tfmtfs iassljleds. N e w s CZla; M ir . c ...in « » ..j News Oassliledar CImsII ••ifl#d...ltw ork»l ..5 ^ ! " ,“ 'JoclH . , Cai C a llu a to d a y , 2 ? ^ ^h ^ ^ 2 W » 3 1 oxt 2 800<5»3M 7^t»(nF«J£s' 733. BOO-tt >-658-3663 0 x 1 2 C H E V Y '5 1 n e o d o , Cl«t(lflad..,ll vrorlisl sn and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ roBtorollon a som a Call u» today bhoppin^ -P'"0 if>ocios#.(.«ia t o n d o r c aa r o . C a l l 7334931 o x t 2 w>ii mvo avo you Umo wxJ ' 208-312-M9 5898.* 8 0 0 4 5 « -3S S 3ext2 money. 7 C HEVY ' .69 T 1/2 to n , 50, AT. P S , 2WD. 350. .......... I ■ I 111736-1575.* WOO. Call 7; •//:, CHEVY 7 7 11//2 T ,. 4X4. 10.4 iji'; 3 - lift. 350. 4 barrel, 4 s& oxtra tlroo 4 wtiools. 2 I Vo x t r a trraann s . , C D . mi. 306-2868 ' ‘-r-: $2,000 firm. 021 ovos.* or 733-0021 KW ‘89 TeOO with a 44 , fo o t’M a rq u o t o p u d tralio r, $ 1 4 ,0 0 0 for b oth. Will o o p o ro to , Cnll208-941-5421.' rimes-Niews h e T _________ t v i v ww . . m a g i c v a l l e y . c o m T I k;°”j l i M F o r M o r o ^> II in f o r m a t i o n , C o n t a c : tt J llo n : 2 0 8 - 7 3 5 -3 2 2 2 ' l s ooild l m u p ic k u p X " s ; .r • c oo m m a c lc T a n e y .c mr andplaceyoui ' dassyiedU nea le aideonthe Ion.* S Q 7 3 2 ^ o)or734<»00.* r: 04 Ram 2500 y . 'i - DODQE-04 f -SLT 6 0 0 0C u m m in s. q u o d c :aabb . l o t a o l m ako o ffe r. PO N T IA C '0 3I BBo n ox tro a. ma by. must aalil novilto S8C I, lu suip e rNew boby, Call 206-35 >-352-1008 or c h a r g e , l o odde d , 20K99-30S -3020.* $19,495. lw /4W m otor. FORD-eawrt m 3 /4 T ,,b o ’4-1246 c o n d ., rruu rn s g o o d . 87W874OfB0fr«74.' 0 lor. 6 3 6 -6265' colorphoioiO S500/otlor. o r ^ ^ l nWe siv.m sg.* 7'F-550, fx T . P R O B m iS O E T T 37 b , 228K , 6.0FMANCmQ? oday. pow or AC. 2 C od 733-1881 todi I good co n d . Lotham'a >on.* £^420^484* 1-600Car4.oan e x t. c a b , 2 d ia io l. po« b-IG TIm M -N m r*. Twin Fill* ell*. I d lh o Sunday, M arch 2 7 .20( 2005 3U C '00 Yukon XL all loodod. o x c. ° oloalhor. a c ond.. S21.000/offor. Coll 208-645-2663.* N IS S A N *93 p ic k u p 3QM jj;C '04 Donall 25K . 4x4, low mllos. m ust .x , now, $37,995. Call llko 8 0 0 to a p p r o c lo la . . 733-2323 rx or 733-7051.* S3.995.C (ill42W tt58.' ------------------------------— S H O R T B E D p ic kup boxloraF-SSO.WMio, o x c . c o n d .. S I . 500. Call 208*726-5267.‘ SUZU '9 7 T roopor 5 to Y O T A -87 4X4. 8ii: is u; sp o o d , load o d . W a s vor, now llros. R uns sp< S10.995now S8,995. O ro a t. S2 .SOO. C all SK GOODB 205-316-1776,‘ M OTORS • . tb Y b T A -02 TBComa, 4 whool drtvo. AC. CD 220(8 -8 7 8 -9 3 6 2 o r ployor, bodllnor. cloon. ; 208-87 8 -5 6 1 1 * /nftraM tffc/ p a rties JEEP '5 3 C J2A, b o d y o n /y /S 1 4 .5 0 0 . Cnll **“ ro u g h . R uns g o o d . 2 0 8 ^ 8 7 .2 2 0 0 .' , litO J.Sl.5M .352. NXow 115aboforo8pm.* • TOYOTA '0 3 T undra ii£ A cc o ss C ob SR S, 4WD, liborglass sholl. lE EP '8 3 C J7 Larodo fuol injoctod 360, V8 , 28K, llko now.S24,000. hard top, 4:56 Qooro, 576^)242 Hnlloy. ID.’ ARB nir lockor. Mow I k iH il . ^ LIFT Tough Country 4‘. I r o n t s p r in g s rig h t b lo c k s GM stro lg h t n x t o S l S O .T I R E S 3 S x '1 2 .5 0 /1 5 W ild Country RVT 3/4 tfOQd ,S450. Ev03,324-a308.- Ab roody. Much morol S9500,208-312-1991.* SSS lE T Ee Pl '9 2 w ro n g lo r, 4x4. 6 cylindor, hardf 5 sp o o d . 1 4 1 K, top. Good condition w tth oxcollont lJros.S4.400, Call 208-734-6785.* ^ j IEE i E P ' 9 5 G r a n d C h o ro k o o L o ro d o , p*’, loadod. loalhor. W as S7.995 now S5.995, GOODB M OTORS 208-878-9362 or 40004-0 3 0 0 X 4 x 4 . 20 220 8 -8 7 8 -5 6 1 1 * loaded, sunrool.'loainor.S298SO. E E P '9 8 C h o r o k o o 4WD. AT, cfiilso. PL, AC.CD,124K.SC,0OO. Call S7B -m * or 800-574.124B Call 208-539-2742*. eotor ptioioa 0 j EEP e « 'g aW ran g lo rC J, www.budflaibuiley.com' ■ 6g ^/2' Sky Jackor lilt. ******** 950 Ib, Warn wonch. 9500 ACURA -03 MDX tour37-tiros ond whools. 37’ Ing. navigation, wood ronc ag o . ABR su p o r roll pkg,. n o w covor, cloar lod, Iront and back, lockor b a r, loa dod. 19,850 37c 37.000miIos.S11,900, milos. Asking S35,000. 404. 404-9577or404-9578.Col120a-308-4291,‘ ------CHEVY -91 Bla20r PS, i P W . A 0S. 4 x4 . 4 ,3 . VG, oxc, cond in & out. k m ust solll Low prico. | Call Tim 326-5870.* j eE eE P ' 0 2 G r a n d Chorokoo Limltod, V8 , CHEVY '91 s - to BlazCho ovory o r. A C. c lo a n o n ovoi option. »T1917. g in o /ln to r lo r, 93K,— Only Cnt! SI 6,777. S3.000/otlor,324-0459* CHEVY '94 SuDursan. 4X4, 11OK, flood con722. 732-6099 Of 734-3800.* •d itio n . fully lo odod , — irrSUBISHI'91 MonloColl208-438-5616‘ ro 4 x 4 , now b r a k e s . C H E V Y -99 Tniroo“ 2 '^ori body, S2.000/ porfoct d oor. 4x4. 5 1 0 .9 9 5 , ^,( q C all736-1575.’ olfor. Call 208-783-2225 dir- _ NO Credit? CHEVY -99 toho-o LT. . BAD C redit? 9 5 .2 0 0 m llos. good Call 733-1B81 to d a y ., condition, lully loadod. Latham's CD, loathor. dual pow, 1-800-Ccr-Loon* _______or soots, otc, SI 2.900, ___ 1 COII208-720-5671.* T DODOE '1 Grand Cor- CHEVY '8 4 CDoorvetto--IE '03 n FORD '99 Mustang V-i v-e a v o 1n S1 S 3 .9 9 5 . C all $ 7 5 0 0 . P lo o• os ts o c n ll C o u p o .O n ly 4 llC EExx 208-788 13. collont cond. $9,000 7B8-2225dlr.* 208-543-5633. 00. ------------CallZ0&-78a-3841.** HONDA" 3 A '0 4 0 d y sso y — ------------------— EX. fully 'ully loadodi DVD, I S — C -y b lor. hootod soots, loathor. 2 3 .0)0 0 0 m llo s, C nll Ij ^ 5 -3 0 6 CHRYSLER'0 0 3 TAC '01 Montana fully load o d . loi F O R D '0 1 R n n g,o o if DO, 72,500 mllos. W a s $ 1 2 , 0 9is9g 'Ii'o w ib • XLT. 4 x 4 . o x t. pab, f ro n l/ro a r AC, $9,995, ' loaded. $13,895, cruiso. II Alloy whoo0. Wl. 'G O O D B Is. AM/ E m o t o IrRsS P W , ro 382 or lo ss onl 5 6 1 1> 878-0874 or 800-574-I34C J40 423-420 eoiorpholosO www.bu0O«tbur1ey,com* iLEM SQErnNQ ^ PROBLEi ^IHANCINO? ^ 733-1881 today. ^ C o!l7M J i,flno 300-Car-Loan.* . ' >TA '9 2 P ro v la. m S m fT J .. TQVOT« . ^ C . PW - C H H Y S L E R ’O C r u ia o r , PW o n o rC o C all309-5748. c ru is o , til t, 0 _ . 39,351 miloa. S12 t . «106036A. Call Call 208^1010J ’ 735-3900. dir.* ^ . 's S ' Call. tores e$vrnM$. b J UI'C K K''9 ' 3 C u sto m . good co o n s mllo CHEVY'02 Tohoo 4WD LT. u ndo r w arranly. Vonoc 5300 Ilox (uot onglno, 5 .3 Ur. V-8 , Loathor, 3rd soat. 17K mllos, and much moro, 5 2 6 .9 0 0 .C n ll 206-670-2310’ C H E V Y ‘0 3 T a h o o w h lto . V8 . 4x4, 3 rd so n t, ro ar A C /hoat, XM radio. 2 0 ' whools, f a c t o r y w o r r n n ly , S27.500.420-7101,' CHEVY '03 Troll Blazo r . low m llo s . lu lly l o a d o d . d iv o r c o d • m u st soil. S 2 6 .5 0 0 , oroat SUV,'308-5592* D O DG E '9 8 D urongo loathor, 360 cubic In., 57.900, Caa 280-2908.* F O R D '9 8 E x p lo r e r S p o rt, d oo r, h luo, 129K . S 5 .2 0 0 , Exc, Condillon. 544-2T78.* ;h EVY '85 Astro v n n , runs good, looks good, S1000. Coll 208-7333665 altor 4:00 PM.* _ li I" L ® ORD '9 9 & '0 0 . Mini FORI B u Buss o s . W h o o lc h a ir lifU. Exc, cond. Info & lll“ ; 208*787-2338* photos. J!!? ! 1 = |H |S E B | poR '03 E350 XLT SORD 1 ^2 2 passongor. Clubw^ ag 0 o n . VIO , 24K. towi p k g . lo a d o d . to roor rot air. CD. c a ss. running boards, liko run now. noi S 1 5 .9 0 0 .7364641 or 404-1055.* ? 876-8874 or 800-574 >•5^1240 cokxphoioaO ^eom www.budgoiburtoy.i -i2L-— C H R Y S L E R '0044 S o b r in g c o n v o r t $15,995 788-222 Coll 208■08-543-4045 C '9 BUICK '95 Roaflm ns4K . pow or t o r , 55-1 y th ln g .S 6 .5 0 0 o v o ry firm. Call 7^-4123,* .LA CADILLA C '90FIOOt wood. 1. 22 door. Excellont cond ond. In 4 out. PS. lo n thlor, o r, 96K m ilos. J2 .5 0K). 0 .:20 plus mpg. flood palm. pali Call Martin 581 or794-5692* 366-2581 rY v ‘.' 81 a - - c.n>7 CH EV'Y S t a ti o7 n:: on. M e c h a n ic s Vifogon^ :ia ll S tro lg h t , oxc, tiros, w as no oil, ComprosOQks Into coolonts.D rlvoi Ivo il homo. $285, 108-678-8235,* Cnll 208---------------------------------- ^ ™ C HI EE V Y ' 0 4 C n v'Ollor. o ll nearly 50%-ool tll AC. auto. C D .■SS ll ic k e r now rioarty S f o n ’l y S ^ 9 6 8 . 'I® .'? '°[ — ■ser- '3 1 /oraccurBcyorj/fta /orornM9/upo(T0d HONDA '01 CRV, lo'0* c a l tr a d o , lo a d o da ., S12.850 ' oxcollont c o n d .. a s TRA ‘03 KIA SPECTI LYMOUTH '8 8 Rollon) a in llo n w a g o n , -. ru n s g o o d . S 4 0 0 or bost oHor. 734-4832.* IS97T ------------ f c K to FORD '99 Taurus urus SE. PW. PL. P S . ccru n ise. Now only $5995.* GOODE chI =VY ^ '04 Mallbu C tesic. sic noarty 50% oltl Auto. Auti AC. PW/crulso/tilt, cusf ' 1! whools. Slicker noarty S20,000, N ow^ o01n ly S9988I .-Ig-l-asnn. ttlr.* I230U 20 8 -8 7 8 -56 1 r ------------ 070-8074 01 9 ;cHO ‘03 TOYOTA EC R lW I ........S125888 *871r8 8 04 DODGE NEC E O N SX T. SUBW U 'OO O ulback Im p ro za , a ll w h o o l drivo, 4 door, hatch. 5 spoed, f/m w indow s, dark groon, 71K. runs groat, S12.000/olfor. Call 208^124-1173.* ' 5 TO CHOOSE FROM bll ....$12388 . . .*891 )8 8 R lllll it r e p id ‘02 DODGE INT 124011 SUBARU '0 0 O utback wagon, 37K, tim berlino g ree n, oxt. w arranty avail., $16,500. Call 208-726-5859.* *92{!88 9 R l llll ........$12488 \NGLER 4X 4 ‘97 JEEP WRAK IH829 SUBARU '0 1 L ogacy AWD, $ 1 2 ,9 9 5 . Call 208-788-2225 dir.* 8................ . . ’9 3 ( 188 RlU II ........$12888 . >LORER 4X 4 ‘00 FORD EXPL ................... *96J188 IK82S R lllil ........$137888 ET MALIBU ‘02 CHEVROLEl IS58T 8 . . . . . . . * 9 9 1188 Retell ........$13488 ‘00 LINCOLN T( TOWN CAR I231U , ............. *101188 R l b ll ........$14388 , I TOYOTA '92 MR2, low m ilos. S 4 .9 9 5 . C atl 46 208-788-2225 dir.* 876-8074 or 000-574-1246 ___TOYOTA '0 2 C a m ry _____ _ LE, low m llo a, riow M E R C E D E S '9 9 SLK -I' tiros, boautllul cond, IH480 R l l a l l ........$27888 2 3 0 , S 2 2 .9 9 5 . Coll ill $13,750,734-6384.* 208-788-2225 dir.* — T O Y O T A '0 5 C a m ry -------------------------------I $ 1 8 ,9 9 6 . C a ll 2 0 8 1 7B8-2225 dir.* • V O L K S W A G E N '0 1 IH584 R t t a l l ........$29783 Jotta W olfsburg, 1.8 40 tu rb o , 1 8 ‘ w h e e l s , MERCEDES '0 2 C240 d$10,800. 324-3668.* sodon, loathor, loadod. $21,850 VW71 Bug. now paint, 10 QUAD 4X4 DIESI ‘02 DODGE 2500 3EL LOADED Ll . . F O R D 'O O FF oo c u s 070-6074 or 600-574-1240 of room color phoiooO 3 5 now *^.t>»fl00'tiurtOY.com'I* M I T S U B I S H I '0 14 4 $14,995.* L a n c o r E S . A u to , G O O Din> E [fL PW/POL tilt, CD, AC, K s I Value pricod S9.988. 111 182 o r I 5 a l th is p rice ! C all o 208 -87 8-536I1* 61 735-3900. dir.* 1: IH42Q R e ta li........» 7 8 8 8 WHO can holp YOU soil your car? LOADED Ll . . C lassifieds Cani IH526 R e ta il: ......$31388 733^ra310Xt.2 twna30maolcvT»BBy.com L( LO A D E D . . g g .* 2 5 5i88 f L( LOADED . . .*256{ >88 10 QUAD 4X4 DIESI 5EL ‘02 DODGE 2500 l | ffl !■ L( LOADED . . .*268£ 188 AD4X4 DIESEL DUA\LLY L ‘03 DODGE 3500 QUA IHS97 R o la ll........$31288 --- .* 2 4 6188 J CREW 4X4 DIESEI EL ‘03 FORD F350 C IH428 R t t a l l ........$28888 S A L E !S ^ ■ H I I .*2431 188 10 QUAD 4X4 DIESI 3EL ‘03 DODGE 2500 10 QUAD 4X4 DIESI SEL ‘02 DODGE 2500 rIffiusttoiy co' m’™ 2 SSI?3“ - I I I I ..* 8 7 1 r8 8 RlU II ........<11789 I128U now onglno, $ 2 ,9 0 0 / flrni. 208^90-1022.* « i F n 'O f l r n n CHRYSL cordo. loi S7995. 8 ................... *821>88 R ttall ........$12888 ‘99 CADILLAC; Id e v il l e «20iU I SK „M O T O R S *731i88 8 RgUII ........t10188 ;a b r e ‘01 BUCK LESA SU B A R U '9 2 Loyalo, 4W0. AC. Cloarl/rBllab lo 4 r u n s g r o a t l $1.eOO.Co!l734-114S.* p a in t & t i r o s , r u n s good. 35m pg.. S1.70• O’oflof, 208^45<3200.* id, MAZDA'04 6, loodod, Tlptronlc, AT. H I22SU M O T O R SR S 876-8874 or 600-574-1240 J8 2 o r cotor photo#. O iT H E T IM E S -N E W Sl 2 0q8 -8 7 8 -9 ,,_ ,y3.,8 2 • »»ww.t)u0oottxirl8y.com‘ 20 8 -6 7 8 -5 6 5G1J* 1 1Clasalfled L IN C O L N '0 1 Tow nDepartm ent FORD '94 T aurus QI n n dli^ n Coftior 54K mllos. 70K, groat cond il Classlfiod S e iv ic o oxc. co n d , Chevy '01 4 d o o r , n o w tl R e p re se n ta tiv e s m la iP R Suburban 3/4 ton, oxc. S3,800,208-934KM-aiat) 837-4100.* , a re availa ble from E nE spaA ol TT B;00am - 5 :3 0 pm " u s G L . MAZDA-90 Mlala.69K; FOHD '94 T aurus c; M o n d a y -F rid a y buona 5 spood. c ru ise. AC. 70,000 millas. b «ti uorlas, CD. Now soft top wilh condlcl6n, 4 ppue • ‘ Coll o u r office s jo v o s , g la o a . S 5 ,4 0 0 . Call all in Twin Fa lls 34-8196* 208^04-9134.* S3.800.208-934-£ — 733-0931 e x t. 2 o r F O R D '9 7 C o n t J Builey 6 7 7 -4 0 4 2 .‘ 100K. Standard, brakos & wlndst 800, S3.600/offor, ilfo r^ a ll )• 208-539-6083.* J ---------FORD W T -B ird .j . H AM ‘02 PONTIAC GRAND G ................ .7 2 1 !8 8 R lM I ........$1111888 on tho tlrst day ot publiaitlon.' Ploaso caii: T^nFaBi733^093h ext. 2 or Burloy 677-4042 Ttank You' , PONTIAC '0 4 G ra n d Am, noorly 50% ofl, AC. V6, roor opollor. stick e r now , n o o rly S 2 2 .0 0 0 . N ow on ly $ 1 0 ,9 8 8 . C a ll 3 2 4 - . 3900, dir* 732-6099 or 734-3800.* 0. — M _ ■ ■ first day It rvns. Tho T7m«-Wow8 will only.t>e rosponsiblo )§■ low m llos. AT. PW, PL. PS, spoiler. Was 1. $i7,995.N ow Sl4995.' GOODE M OTORS 2 0 8 -8 7 8 -9 3 8 2 o r 208-878-S 611* _ HONDA '94 Accord.. 2 d o o r, EX, o u to . PW 'W roof, local trade. Only nly m Ed Duvall all N ow & usodvoh: vohicio spoclallat ^ PONTIAC'88 Flaro GT. AC. crulao, tilt, PW , ' PL, sunroof, 2.8 liter H 0 v 6 ,4 8 p d .3 0 m p g , N o t a k l d 's c i r . S200(voffor.731-44e0' r r I Plonsoctwkyourad f l. 732-8099 or 734-3800.' _ ( ) ] ! EAGLE'93 Vision. _^1g-|00. 208-420-028 INOTICETO^ Closslflod Advortlsors ------- O R D '0 4 F r o o s l a r S E S , AT, r o a r A C . loodod, W os 1 9 .9 9 5 F O R D '9 9 E x p lo r o r nowS16.99S. now S p o r t, XLT, 5 s p d .. GOODE sh a rp . W as SIO .995 , M OTORS nowS8,995. 2 0 8 -8 7 8 -9 3 8 2 or GOODE 2 0 8 -8 7 8 S 6 1 1 * M OTORS ------2 0 8 -8 7 8 -g 3 6 2 o r Qi 2 0 8 -8 7 8 -S G ll» ^ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ' 1^ FORD '02 Escapo XLT ^ PO S p o rt Ulillty. 4 door, p oN i TIAC '0 0 M ontana oxt. van, loadod. B lu o , AT, V6 . 4 x 4 , j tana loathor. V8;S10,850. m ulll CD. E K c o llo n l^ loatl c o n d itio n . Call 208543-9197or40<WKe5.‘ G M C '9 3 S u b u r b a n , ra.0874ora00-574.1248 4 « 4 .« 0 l 0 ,A C . P S . color photos O ifww.buOoaibuitoy.com* P W , P U w /r o m o to . www powor broko. 3 soats WARNING I w /oir & hool to ooch, \A Whon rool rack, (ov^ng pockWho p u rch asin g n vohlcio, mako suro a g o . 2,50b mllos on vor lhat rob u ilt o n g ln o . nico iha tho U tlolslntho nam l o o k in g & in g o o d nor e of the oollor. Undor Idaho motor s h o p o , S 7 .5 0 0 . C all Um vvooh l c i o c o d o , a 208-733^M58.. ohicio c n n n o l bo QMC '9 4 Jim my, 67K, ' vvol sold' unloss the Utlo P S . PW , PL c ru is o , Is in auto, 4,3 V-6 . 1 own'0 mo name of tho soMor (o x co p tlo n : or,Lkonow1733-5135,' 8°' Id n h o Ilc o n s o d GMC '94 Suburban AC, ’tjoJ 'doolor). Tho sollor PW , AT. PL, CD. tIK sahi h a ll p ro v id e th o w tioolnowtlnw.114K. n e w ' p u rch a ser n 350 V8. 4WD, $6500. sig n e d bill of salo 4 23«)87 or 306-7969.* aho showing tho followIng; QMC 'SB Jlm iny^SLT Ing; Full doociiptlon of 4x4, outo, VO, PW, PL, of tho I vohlcio. vohlclo A C , lo a lh o r , now clo Id en tific atio n s nnui u m b o r. am o u n t warranty, 731-4301,* pa id a n d n am o (s) and a d d re ss of the now purchaser. The bill of aale must bo slg n o d , d o le d an d Q M C 'B fl S u b u r b a n sh o w a c tu a l mileSLE. 4x4, fully loadod n g e o t th o tim e ol a su p e r c le a n . Only s“nOf io . If y o u h a v o 511,977. i719C 38 a n y q u e a tlo n a , ploaso contact your 732-B009or734-^8Q0.* . ■04 CHRYSLER '0 4 Pod, loathor, AT,M0,995, ony k .io o 9 .^ K B S H kf c . M f i m a - :o 8 -3 oo-otet* 1 * 11 T 7 O n M A T I£ l t RANS WSMISSIONS jclal S359.95. , Spocla Most Am Amortcan vohlclos., p< parts, labor & installat Illation Includod. Econom y r an Tronim lstlo n S S ; ^ : z r I '0 2 A 4 , f u lly )<1. M ust solll oxc. I., V block loathor. liC T iiE ! FORD '01 Toums SES, PW. soat 4 moro-onl> nly N O C redIt? I BAD C redit? Call 733-1881 todny. U ttuim 'a J 1-800<:ar-Loan* | E V E N w l L( LO A D E D . . j ‘ m / m 2 0 0D s n v a z D i IH512 R i l a l l ........$31788 I 3 AT THIS PRICE! I ^ ^ .*2 7 1 888 ‘03 DODGE 25000 QUAD 4X4 DIES! SEL 281/IILBS U p £ ff m BAUONI H LO A D E D L( . . .*2 8 4 888 ‘03 DODGE 25000 QUAD 4X4 DIES! 5EL IH304 R a t l l l ........$33388 U IN STOCKI LC LO A D E D . . .* 2 9 1 888 ‘03 DODGE 25000 QUAD 4X4 DIESt >EL ^ v o u n C H O IC E . » H AihxttaOc AJrCondBlailna CD •TticSonCm •PowerWnd SDoorUxk "s- 'A K IHS24 R l l a l l ........$34988 DO/ I H 4 » R l l a l l ........$34588 IH494 R a la ll........$39989 P iH B A U OONI Ni !0 0 5 ^ 1 ^ .* 2 9 6 8188 LO AD ED LO . . .* 3 0 4 888 LO LO AD ED . . .* 3 4 3 888 14X4 ‘04 DODGE3500 QUAD 4! DIESELDUALLYSPG 'GRT HAZDA / H H M ■■■ f . ‘04 DODGE 25000 QUAD 4X4 DIESE : el 26MIUES NEW . CREW 4X4 DIESEI ‘02 FORDF350CI EL m T■f■lA K E A T E SiIT D B I V E T Bm lu i o LO AD ED LC IH881 R a la ll........$41288 LO A D E D LO . . .* 3 5 3 888 § n T K IM O n D B IV U CAVl B llf I THA! lOUSANDSl • H a b la Ifp a A o l -m . 4X4 DIESEI ‘04 FORD F250 CREW Cl =L Si..JM23 Y O)U U IR C H O IC E M. / f \ j I J r V g rf f k •Aitnalfe •AkCBnOaalno •F m L •CD CD . •M y U y H tea k • /!n ]a n a c k ' , fH289 R e ta il........$39788 •* B ■ •7 a 735-3900 flH j M t " 1534 H. B ln U k n . IW a F a tu •XM. PMU m>M MM(MIMtf 11n u a ‘‘A jWPa<i(wp«m»MHPeMM«mididunawtiwii I ’ . F ll S IIM a .'sa .'n a ".^ W K K ttW ': m I ^ ■y. ' ■' LO A D E D LO . . .* 3 5 6 8 I Mova ove o v e r, humans; . P C INSIDE r HClrilt•er sit " A M ]I L Y I ^ I F >ageE 2 DearAbby ............ E2 Community— '........ E4 Centennial................E6 Fea/u/es E ffU o rS 'le lKve \ C m m p - 7 3 3 -0 9 M , E x / . , takcovct S cccionn E SS uu n d a y , M a r c h 2 7 , 2C ' T h e T im c s -N c w s Table maimers ™ notaconceri!s o n > lto f .T h e at 20 months had ' Q: O u r 2 0 -m o n th -o !d Iesoh e h a s d e velop ed a b a d h a b it c od spUtIng o u l b ile s o f food.fo Th his first tim e II h a p p e n e d , I1ha se t a c u p o n h is tra y w ^ nk e h. 1 It c w as still ch cv d n g a b ite o rs e food. H e rc m o v i^ th e foo from h is m o u th , s e t It o nhc'U hJ tray, a n d th e n to o k a d riniiUe, k, th o u g h t n o th in g o f It, b u t it g o tte n pro g re ssiv e ly w ors he sincc th e n . S o m etim es 1he* bf(e 'c h e w a b ite o ffo o d fo ra w iilii lakes it o u t o f his m o u th ,^ pvs Il o n h is (ray, a n d lak es a bit o f s o m e th in g else. TTien h im p u ts ( h e h a lf-c h e w e d hbf( back in ills m o u th a n d begin chew ing c n it again. I f l c a td him b efo re h e sp its o u t a b in but I ca n so m e tim e s c o ach liin Into ch ew in g a n d sw allow bij Wc hav e trie d o n ly giving hta o n e b ile a t a tim e o n cc ih< p rio r b ite Is sw allow ed, bu th is Is fh istra tin g fo r all o f lu toils W hat c a n w c d o to le a c h hln to ca t property? here A: lik e so m an y o f today' parents, you tcntf lo pay si 's a m uch a tte n tio n to th e detail of your son's behavior th at yoi arc u n a b le lo see ih at when an y given b eh av io r Is con ce rn e d , th e re is alw ays ; • bigger picture. Rosemond ■ . ' v'''- . _____________ I o p 1 0 re a s o n s to I1^^ a v e W h y J o h n n y w o n ’t J'J Debate arisessover ( { [H K ^ gender, leamir WM’ insu^aieososlltcra^ '.East 86tk Street, S ulu 26B, In- p e ts h o m e — - 10. Acco cco m m od o tlo ft* . RcscJ th o (Ino pdni rin t c a n Includo air b a g s , umnre re^trained p e ts on how you you a re traveling and th e p lac e to Never g e t betw een a Some he TWIN F A L L S-N e c h o te ls allow 1)015 t u t th e dlsclQlrrn Im er . b ecom ing proJcctllcs hurti 3u trtjvel. M osquitoes c a n carry urting th em se lv es ' w hich you ti mule and his molassc Isthopc 3 p e l m u st r» l b o left o lono in th es a n d p otentially o th e rs, goi g e ttin g hit by a c a r heartw om im i. p o ison ivy on your p e t's c o a t • Ron Ward knowss that ih bccause h c s a fpom.I, TW TTi s co r\ m ak o going o u t for d lnnn e r o n d in s e c ts o r d e bris flyin Tying into th o e y e s -c a n g e toonntito you. skunks, sn a k e b ite . Pol­ pcl-sillor. a n d pct-sltl sitters lea m s o m e a a t) th e m e p s irw tth ttie H cts Im p ossl sslr - . a rx l'e o rs o f p e ts w h o so0 h e a d s a re hang ’ s o h l ^ aa n d 'ia r d ia aro ju st 0 few o f t^ e well, let's call them,su survival stniKfgics. ' bio.Chei : h c c k In otfvanco a n d d o n 't try o nKl d in g o u t th e wfndow.'All pei p e ts 'sh o u ld b o m an y h ozan u a n f e in sto re fo rth e u n p re p a re d “I v m taking care IC oi f this m ule, an d jneak tn iponc ra te d o r re strained In a h a rn e s s w hile ridk ttie m in. R em em ber, you o ro rcspc Dior. p e t traveler. the m ule liked molas: lasses p o u red o n his sit,io forfo r oily do m ag o yo ur p e t m ay c a uISO.. Ing In a vehlcio. sc .3 . L o u h «e s oi n d low s. All s ta te s hove low s hay,” Ward said. “But 3ut I ra n o ut o f m o- 9 pjjno tn«1 tiipa. Chcck in o ih a n c o for alrlln regarding ■lino 7 . Idontfflcatton. Trying to find I your (o st p e t g yyoo ur p e ls and you a rc re sp o n sliracr ca m c hom e, l a s ^ before the oow ro m c n ts a n d conditions for p e ts tra^ ravin a stra n g e d ty will ruinn your y vacation. ble for oi b ^ n g ail of them . Every s ta te h a ss ilhha n p y o to u H l. and the m ule wasn't w ith you. P e ts will b o required to P e ts lo st oway fiom th eir fir ht om e a io a t le asW awrtss th t a t a re tlcl^elabie o ffen se s, . Ward, a 75-year-( ir-old retire d tele* hovoat/ g re a te r risk b e c a u s e thley ey itruly a re lo st. a trav el c ra te ond rec e n t h e alth c«ef-r u r p e ts o n a leash a n d o bey th e K eep your vorker, a n d his wife , phone company wor S trang e sig h ts a n d so u m n dds: diso rient your to from yourvetcfin aifan . Bo w amled. eo law o r k ceep e p th em a t home. o rn icrbanker. know g|, > a irlin e s will not a cc c p t p o ts a s can Bcv,a73-ycar-oldfon a rg o p e t. c a u sin g it to a c t In wa [B nclos o n d v o toriniulans. K now ingB w ays th o t p u t it o t . 2 . Em eiSBnc cats, birds, the ecccnlridties of dogs, i g re a te r risk of being killed, rta in tim e s o f ih o year. Even w ith a led, hurt o r picked pot first aaid id Is im portant to your p e t survivreptiles, guinea pigs i d lo ts o f other gs an u p by stran g e rs. v a tlo n , Qltllnes c a n refu se iro n sp oartrt Jdicai ing 0 m ed ia em ergency. However, your critters. T h at’s css cssem lal. b cc ause “ 6 . B ohsvlor. Well train ed1 aanr d so cialised 3ur p o t if conditions a re h o t sa fe . p et couldd re req u ite hospitaiiratlon for a perithey're working exdui te l.d y o n O ,c p c ti p e ls te n d to stay o u t o f hhearm 's way. But. J h o ld s o fo not h e a le d , co oled or o d longer :r th a n youf planned stay. Trying to lurf. th e s tr e s s e s of travelingg ac a n te s t ev en th e d p ro o f. (Bew are o f m edicating yourir find o n epm m ccrgency anim al facility while ; c b c fo rc lm lc a lc b "Igovisitiheliomnel ilg h a ltitu d e s c an have a n amplifying in g b e st-train ed an d well s oKdialiic a d pcL , dealing with w ilh yo ur hurt an d injured p o t is likes m e .-n o n said. to see If ihc animal1lik t o n 'k itty dow ners.’ S . F ood a n d w sto r. Drinking I king local w ater an oth er ^to^tu^nyou^racation. way e lim "1 ^vas bitten tlirce ti es in 33 years fo r wtillo traveling a n d c h a n g e sd trips. N um erous d a n g e rs ex ist; fc n g es In d iet c a n 1 . T t» sttta r wtl» tlie phone comj “ >. do. c a u s e sto m ac h u p set omn d diarrh ea. p e ts Insldo a n d o u tsld o yo ur vehlck th o TV for o r y o ur p o t. I afraid to say na" 4 . D an g e rs, d i s e o u s a nvdi illn i: e u . This I r s t o n e t h a t c o m cs to m ind Is th e Soufco; TJiom S orrjcs,i, I b e e n pet-sitTlie Wards, whoI have Ik rs ra n g e s from allergies to) tick tic s, d epending e r o f h e a t stroko, b y t o th e r d a n g ej rs Pel Sifters Infm ailonolll I p a n o f a boom let in tlngsince 1997,arcpa lo John at-hom e pct_care. According At aidinatclephoneintcrvie^v,‘'b b l ut “Kennels can be unpli ip le o s o n i,'' B e c k e r W tie n Bi n Bccker Ls out of town, o n e of lions m a n a g e r for Longsaid LOHR puoUc rclallo: lie ig fast" said in a telephone intc n tc r v ie ;v f r o m l i is h i s d o g;ss ssloys wlUi a friend a n d llic jed Pet Slticrs Inter- . growing E North CaroUhA-based ced h o m e n e a r Bonners s FIe rry . “T l i c y ’r c o U ie r sta y : home, visiilti a coupic of lays mlzation has 7 ,1 7 5 .T lia is bbccause pci-sltting fills a ncc national, his organiz c n ni c ls a n d boarding servlcc CCS noisy and crowded, and n d p e ts o r e k c p tin U m c s a 1 day d a by a pct-sltter w ho feeds, worldividc. an d a that ke aHiiialcd members5 w iccording to Marty B c ^ r , a foi ford o s e proximity to oilit iilic r a n im a l s . It’s w a te r u n d i nd p l a ^ witli him. between 1,200 an d dont. a c a smaller group has be ds m cr 1 \vini iwa n ot a placc Uiat n person w n w o u ld w a n tio “T h a t’ t ’ss iiIm portant for a lot o f breeds /in Foils veterinarian who's now stay, and pets fed Uicssai a m e w a y." ally syndicated p et columnist.I. ializcd occupailon,’ nationally ■“It’s a fairly spcdali Please see PETS, Page E5 dilfercnt taste s a n d com b in a­ tion o f lastcs. At th e a ge o qf q2CJ m onths, he's discovcrtag how to m ake t h e sim ple, n cccssat) act o f e a tin g som eth in g noi ju st enjoyable, b u t a d v en tu r­ ous. He's discovering th a t food Is a "m any-splendorcd thing." How w onderful! ------------------------ '— This Is n o big deal, b u t hbee assured th a t if you m ake a big deal o f II, if you focus a lot ol atte n d o n o n this issue. If you in g try lo m icro m an ag e h o w he cats (you have already s tanthe ed jgle Tha Waahlngton Po«t dow n th is road. In fact), then cad ■ • ;. ' w h at is n o w h a rm le ss play act JorHynnHonmahcouli Duldn'i g c r . m ay tu m Into s o m eth in g very he h e r young son lo read m u c h . serious. Food m ay b eco m e the I-, a unlilsh efo u n d ab o o kctli tliat \vasfo c d p o in t o f a pow er struggle f n n't her cup o f tea but de dellnltcly betw een y ou a n d h im . Instead w as his: 'I h e Day My Bu ButtW cnl J o f regarding food a n d th e act o f e ating os a n adventure, he ShoronG rovcrhadadi a dilTcrcnt ^M \ m ay bec o m e a picky eater, a problem: Her son loved /cd books food n e u ro tic in s te a d o jjgj, f a early In elementary scht blit gourm and. mysteriously lost Intci iteresi a t ' As a very popu lar song from ab o u t third grade, dcc declaring: ■the '60s p o In tM out. there is a “My m other is a llbrarini ria n .b u il Ume for everything (and a seaha te to read .' He did.-hc ,'however. , son to every p u rp o se u n d e r pleasure Kavh Q run, 1 0 ; Bleft^ tli and M l t e t h e r tU u l, 0 , read id a tV I r ^ 'iA r lln f sta rt reading again forr pi . heaven). B e l i ^ mc, this is not — inhiaZoi Entidns b«iri to read - and to t o k 9sp re ailio g -to ' . ton Central Ubrar»!.B the tim e lo b e corrccting your E niidng boys to n a d ' I »bmetlmM'fl«rce debate aboutrts h lim d tlw lr , “ *1,7 “S '* son's table m anners. Left alone Md both b iu e s are rec ■ecdlvthg attention os n w U im d ic ltn ^ <tbllltlw, r tl (and I m e a n com pletely alone), o f the sometimes'flcrce I ^ win probab ly ru n Its coursc jrenUy. - ' • lllilM tm tocul hni how hi boys and ^ ' l e a m dirfen ^ ab o u t ^ a nd their m aam a n ii ie f o r e h is third birthday, by «Hpnr«\ abilities, ond1 both bl OUier Fairly Stupid isth a t the conccmoycrboyslscxove ' M an a n d Ol .v4ildi d m e h e will be trying to su e s aro rcccivlnR o f Uic Web JS n o w a g g e ra ttd a n d thaat tb boys en d up -Ihlcs,'* an d founder fc im itate y o u r behavior a t the attentiD naspducatorsIo ifc c m o n dalngiiutlInc.hoIdJ oldlng top jobs. a ltc www.guy iiysrcad,com. w hich table. If it h asn 't n in its course h o w boya an d girls leam im d llfcraiid M ine paid i l ^ i c r a v m g c i s aim ed at hhclplnginlcreslboys e by then, begin gently cotiectlog ' . salaries tu rn womi >mcn. Others, ■,lnit:a(Ung.*‘\ " m V o b een testing him. In th e m eanam c, if you “ - S i contrbvoBy abou H)iit ra n - ,' however, havo said b for th e h s t 25 Idboysfiicoail r^Uds In A m crica cr just can't stan d w atching him o f . d e r a n d learning, was 13,stoked unprecedented,lite Utcra ry crisis y ea reandfini Inding o u t O ut boys chew a n d rem ovc ond icidoce a n ew w hen Harvard Uni iW verslty th ^ U m lts their opportunities, opi tforsc th a n g tt^ " he • are doing vro a n d c h e w a n d tem,ove o n d so President Lany; Summt imcrs r e - ' c^lrw studlcs ahowi 3w fcg th a t th e saId.“B utw•e ei d o n 'td o c n o u ^ to • on, then feed h im sepoiatcty, tlly ccMlyiiUBUpnJ.lBWj'ta f’i n t r l n ^ . gap w iw ecn thoysxerir .g ». rin ttn g ' - ^hU lgC ih aL " abilities in m ath andI sd n ence. away fro m th e table—o tit Stir of hnrV to Uie 19thcentury,-; cei lia t should be done. has; Ecactlywhi ■ T h e n first lady Laura 8l^ t,o u to f m ln d . u a B ush ' incroasedhuukedlK Uf.' licrwevcr, iss un d eo r, b ec au se ' ^ spoke about b e r now^cffort cf to '=" “Part of it la blol Dlologlcol- a n d Is n o oconsensus o n how In-- • h elp boy% w ho she ^sa John R o ^ o n d Is a fiimUy '.A aca. p a r t.o f it Is sodoli iiolo 9 caL:lMit. In iu ch geneti psychohg^t Questloris ofm■Of nr • fnHlngrinngr^MlyhpMTi ^ i d gills boys , oro definite] i t e ^ ddftlng' a n d c u ltu r c a QU. ' ^ erm inurm tm aybesehttonlm ■ y ’’ , ' • dovm." said Joh $rfp<7lrq, SC *56 w R ^ , P age E 2 S o m e. educators vhavi at Affirmative Parenting, lOZOt lavo sid d . th o r o f t h o ^ _ e 5Stinky di Oiecap* I * Somee folks wvon’t lesave honsm withoout Fido) By ste v o Cnrnip — Timo»-New» wrttar— “h . This ag e child is pro n e to cx p c rim e n tih g w ilh m e 's lu f r o.* the world, a n d w h at y o u or< describing is simply o n e suci cxncrim ent. To you, y o u r son'j -A s behavior a p p e a rs o tld (alarm Ing?) o n ly Dccausc y o u can" rem em b e r w h a t th e w orld ‘°I’* wa; like w h e n you w ere his age.hA: cs a c o n sequen ce o f y o u r owr inoam nesia, y o u a re concemthec at that y o u r so n m a y b e develop' 'cry, ing a “b od hoblt" w h e n ows he‘{ bod sim ply engag ed in a very InnO' cent a n d playful pro ccss lhai fhal Involves cunoslty, discovery he an d creativity. T he food grow; y to his body; playing w ith his food rcgrows h ls Drain! By Your s o n w o n d e rs whai h a p p e n s lo fo o d w h e n an hechcw i it, a n d th e only w ayvith tc [naa n s w r th e question Is to re­ 20 move It from his m o u th . f B> chew ing o n e thing, th e n lo a ny,­ jary other, he's play in g with UKUTWRX/TKTtowIMn ev W Ron and Bev \ ard, p e t-s ltte ra , with Katis, om one ofthelr dlenta. fR E A D pring cleani ling: Your onrderofseasi son’s clioresS Sp > ta l’I l m c : 3 3 / 4 h o u r s rr o o ^ Start liigli an d d u s t ccUc( iiIngs, vents, door fram e toj tops. c pictures. Dast lam pshades1 and a sheets ! ts a n d p i ll o w c a s e s . L a t e r light II Use bulbs w ith b ru sh , li w o sh u w e l s a n d b a U ir o o r ii r u g s doU ll to c iture. is for lamps and fum itu sepamt im tc iy . rRemove, dust a n d replacec all 3 0I m m in u t e s : oo b j c ^ wipe down flat surfac accs. 'tcbai — D u s t u s i n g d u s t e r / V \ ac u u m 'b cliin d n ightslan ands microfi r o f lb e r . c lo U is a n d s a b l c ' ’' aotiditihdeV bed; p ut o n d:lcan c i h ( c a b i n e ts , f r i d g e l o p , Iblchs.’ 11 b ru sh uiun Remove irasli. V acut vents, s , kk n lc k k n a c k s ) . W a s h d i s h - baseboards b own. an d w ipe dou cs. CQl e a n a p p l i a n c e s , w i p e and Vacuum ai d o wnn c o u n t e r s . R c _ . ^ dam p -m o p wvood o niovc B Itrash, rinse f • uum ', floors. V acut o ut (nu ira a h c a a D u sl -Mmgs. a n d vw ipe dow n g § a7.. . , , • 2 0 m//Hrfcs.’ l ^ a s c;boards. bo Vacu- V _ y £ / 0 • Hallways aain d im iamn td m op floor. , ' ^ •. . stairs — Qiican e Rinseeaan d d ty sln k . . -fro m top lo b onom all ven ents, Otcc p « d t ont taHrtd»y:,Mdvc from . :,:, d o o r &aint», light iswilchcs,,picler, to .dryer/.start■second-■;« ■ ;tui«, fum lm re. etc. Vacuu uum stair carpctlng, use d a m p diJoth e 'minutes: f,for wood railing an d flooring igBalh ithrooms — (25 m inutes 6 0 m /nufct room ) Spray d e a n e r on p c r roi Living and dinlng-rwmus — show>vr er t i l c / ^ ^ surround, fix- (30 minutes pcr room) Q c aunio U 9 aa n d tub. Let s i t Spray, surfaces 3, from cclling dow )wnyi ard. Remove all objects fro foU «I ccxtcrion p u t d e a n e r in w [mm LS Start high a n d dust cell- fum f, lm re, dust dicm , d e a n st surU ^ t fixtiucs. vents, tops of |n g ,,ll^ faces and rcplacc. FoUt illow s. 'Q caniwolls, doors an d bedroom ^ proccaures for lom] mps, 6w Itc hcs.aeanm lrT orand ' pictures, n etc. ty, polish sink; fixtures, Vacuum fum lture w ith atte ctena c a nnsshower l sim ound a n d lUc, Uon ^ 10 nct 'hair^ get vacuu uum r e « siscd s o soap dish a n d tub. hti oseuhacm caU i fun iitu rc aj and m ove t i ^ w ash tile base- cabinctiy. ^ Fluff u p h o lste . tery. d s, vacuum fioor, th e n Em £ pty trash. D ust bascboar lanb . VAuh. rinse a n d d ^ sink. ag.n u vacuum floor tow ard t I Uie cnishtowcls. ' e- x it minutes: 1^- Source: Washington ftxtt Pi Bedn x iro o m s — (2 0 m i n u t e s p c r 10) minutes; m > start — S tr ip b e d s , w a s h 1 \ ■ I E-2 Ttme^«wf, Twfn U is. s.ldaho Id Sunday;Mareh27,2005 F a m il y LJF i E __________ I S u n d a y' (Crossword1 k)od laug^hdeservves anothier E d ite d b y W a y n e R o b» errt W illiam s I P A I R S By Bruc® V«nzto«n and si«n« Dalty^MsdUoiV'Wfacon consin s « ® ^ '° ~ l d e AR a i ABBY: 1 love th e occasioni^) “how “ we m et" stories In column, a n d would like to . yourco ' shorcI m n ine. "Blake’ Uved in die :m ent below m c during apartm collcgc. gc. His room m ates and m ine w ould often get together casuallj illy. O ne n lf*t; after work. BlakeIaj announced diat he had to pick up his sister from th e olr'W ould anyone like to ride p o r t'V alongl^and keep m e awake?' he asked. id nothing better to do, so I had inteercd. D uring the drive, Ivolunt Blake pi pulled out a two-carat di* am ond id lin g an d said,‘ I know I knTO ytiuvctyw cll.bul...don’tkn IS grinning from c ar to car. He WOS: a n d I 1w as hugging th e door le wondering, "Is dils guy handle for real? al?" W hen h e saw m y reaction, he lu started lau^iing and gizcd. The ring belonged apologt to Jiisi si sister. She vras rcnaniing from he her honiTm oon an d had asked:hi him to keep it so It would- : 1 i b T 7T ’<» l a _ _ _ _ I S - _ — ^ ' --------- ------------------------- 1 ■ - — — __ , “ __________ “ „* — • *■■ 43 44 4S 1 M ~~ M S4 . “T ' ‘‘“T ^ B e o ” «i K ■ ■ SI u :______ ------------------ “ - —- —* — ti g _ ^ ^ _ " « M IF I |> g 8 u fo 1“ “ i _ ______ ___ if I J ill _ llib b y ;:! 110 Sink lo . ' the bottomm DOWN 1Cockeyed<) 2 Claislcckiw :lown 3 KkAbacit k 36A 4 OkxU's 66A 5 EJtthop'a ton tomioty 0 Swopped 1 7 Rob^ andndAlon / 0 Satinst Mort tort . 9 Eng. Instruct ruction letters 10 Evororoontn tn treo 11SkiiiluJ docol >c©lt 12 Watery swoll welling 13 Rev«tU 14 Slnrts IS Abrogato IQ MaQruiie's'# purview 17 Siddylock*. of color 18 Indermite pe( periods .21 Arduousjour lourrwya 24 OuntUnoorB DfBoatty 31 OollerEinlo nto 32 Actrws S«v iotvfno 33 Pigfoltowof 34 Owner's pap paper 35 CaJeodombt S You* 36 •_Love#yo 37_nnlsh nret _ 38 Tijuana snoo noblo 41 Ukooimsfo erot puppies 42 Tropical blad jtaCkUrd .YOB 43 PcrtotMYOl 44 Jamaican manjoana 45 EndolADwlL Bwllch? Td 47 Austen ond ' Seyir>our 46 Fine's pannei 40 {}flityond Bud'aGOA ^ “ I_ ■ s sr- ferdS ■ ■ ■ ■ ffilljIu lo liio ii^ lT r p p p n n g i i ^ ^ i i ^ « |n ^ ^ I n rv rp 1 nc. ROND . . I ' 7 yet are better at absorbing form ational texts. Tl findinRs arc from U Htc: ite ra te study done in 2002 . "Rcai “ il™ '* D ont Fbc N o Chcvys," y M lchacl W. Sm ldi. a Ten University professor, a n d Jpl D.WiUielm.Dolsc State UniverUni slty English cd ujcation ca profi»5or. lat boys are b om witli smaUer langi s—and ccnters in th e ir b rains— larger spatial cc n tc rs—t girb and tliat boys d ev e lo opp ,Ion< guage abllldes at a slower t though eventually tht 7 - aS up. . Girls generally Icam to r to read and understand languagees(^nsa cr than boys, w h i ^ help: to explain why early irly rem edial ro m ost often tcading dasses d w p opulated ’ ith boys, le a d e r s say. new pusli to lo have chilkey skills d ren Icam ke in !■ kindert grade, for 1 boys, ins'ancc-worics sgoinsl ag: ly, some educators say. I against th c how b r S l i S c f f i iihowlng S jiris develop,' a school psy» -a u U io r o r < *ologbt and co-i :R alslngCoa-Oliij^W UBcGlrtiEi C ourageoua D aughten.,e„ d ,c rs'8 arc n o t n g with chilschooled in dealing dren’s blolo^ca] ddifrerencts, la n y teachers cant Other, For a full ------------------------llsi snlts, p e t care lr ‘ n io n . 50 percent is s t , ■- . -OxidMcmlng „ o o r v c v tf - /„ list o f survey rcInform ation or a dcr/Tribunc :e Net i2ih S t NE STE in AAHA hospital, irs can v^t ' ton, DC20005. y p c t.c o m o r call . 01. , i' • rin Bails vetcrimric J ^ Is coauthor o f beyond thc thirc u p For Tlte Horse n oi understand a n d a popular ivt‘ d o a lot to bull ibiUorforABCTV's reading sUUs'oni ing Amcrka." W rite, T fw cdon'ttci arc writing to b t ^ l j o f Knight RidNeivs vm . mey wlQ c Servicc. 700 behind,* said^ ^ 1000, Washing, author and cthl ^ k a n c , Wash. Institui^ w hich __________ '• r t o n in gender Icaming. r d - ^ d c level do" H ie notionh ial Uld reading b c cn tr d u t they can build said Sniith. th e ' u p students' 'a s ontd conlldcncc. ttcachrcadingand He sold that pi w hat they arcyslnaboy.fiicndly ^ w hen boys [U s tucontinue to fall 1 Michael Gurlan, Icam ingtorcad, cthfotm dcr o f thc theyntjvcrw ann ish.-bascd Gurlan ilch trains cducaIcr dlffcrcnccs in O n 1 o f conQdencc in introl to thc Issue, h e ‘Ibm ple profes>t people like to do « ;• ''.-.v Jl. sked, "Wlio listens '4 5 percent clioose ille only 30 pcrccnt crInmyamtTlbu • spouse o r signifi- e good a t an d that 4 Ways Travel Serv s tu m b le early in 4 ' liH B n roost m m - m o1i dog . o r cat ratlier Book L il www.4waystrave ^ 99 dirills. U; ther by t “p ___________ amc m ore lmnicnl as tlicy bccom nbcrs o f th e p o rta n t a s membi aco survey te. l.o u s c h o ld .O f,h sp o " * !n K e likely to risk • S3 pcrccnt are 11 •’o r thei ^ percent, of ow ner PCf lo coi rescuc'if they were ir • 82 percent think M o llh c ir p c l m ore th an once'wlii ™ away from liimororher during thc day. • lfihoywcredes< leserted o n a n i.sland and couldI choosc ci only ' ' on e com nanio would pick a d( tlian a hum an. to try sot GEMII Spur-of-t breatlie I • '^ '5 " toyoubest7.”45 their pet. while I M drty B eck e r R ead___ Cotttlnuod from El tiic tly a the i^ip. And it is not stric ilcp h cn U.S. p h e n o m en o n ; Stef o s iira t Gonird. education profcssi In 1Enj!the University of York in land, review ed scores L fo,r > c d gi a p s countries :m d discovered crenccs in everyone, despite diffcrc: rricula. in school setups and c u rria Wiiat Ls kno\vii is th aatt bovs I generally take longer to Icaj I X read tlian girb: tliey read abo^ imd are lc*ss enthusiasticc al Jt; and they have m o rc tro i ^ understanding narrative t >0 . S«nd letters to Dear Abby, PO. ;allf. Box 69440, Los Angelos, Calif. 90069, or vio her Web slto At http://wv(W.OoofAbby.com ____ „i n't b e lost. I'm quick-w itted, so II cgio tbj dfcd back ot him wlicn ^ve readic ij, ough die a irp o rt I went fust throug th ■hose die securiw checkpoint. (Tho: rould w ere the days w hen you coul wait a t die gate for yoiu passct «£ Vlicn ' Rcr to get off die plane.) Wlic m n et e ti DIake passed dirough d ie m (j( ,pc(j" detector, o f course It "becpc< g _ _ Hl'fui^ I ____ I Write to Abby Tilime to let gigo of the p£ >ast,Aquarj•ius Ig It’s officia al: Pets rulee the human Do you ever break thu pets on tlie hed" nile w hen spmi.se is away? O r siieal oxtra treat to W liiskers v your siKnificani oth er ha; haL-k.turnetl? A n ew iiati survey Tinds that p e t ou heiul the rules, no. m ake break the niles for th d r : friends. • A survey of pet owHLTs ow .m r iT ill the United States a n d rGii i“ conducted by the Americar iclallo n inial H ospital A.ssocic ncrccnc (A/\ll/\) reveals that 70 pci y I:break of pet owners say they' ic irn e ts household rules with their w h e n th eir p a rtn ers arc ate not present. "\Vlien th e p a n nners e r are seems, away, the pets play!" it; sc .•rs suewith fem ale' pet ow ners ileading cunibin^ to the a pet's plea m ore than males. hat pets ’Ilic results indicate that arc K^-ltinj; preferential II iitreat- * ^ an d he h ad to empty hi his pocket& As soon os he p ut i ring It thc boxondietray,Istarte< tedjum p-; ing up and d o w a sayinj Ing loudly.' r Then I "Oh, honey. Yes! Yes!’ d u tv /m y arms aroundd his I neck a n d gave him 0 huge hug. hi Pcopie around us began[dca p p in g borrassed! a n d Blake was so emba i t people TVventy m inutes later were sdll pointing andiw VhispcrIng about die guy who 1 0 had just proposed. From that night on.. w v eknev we'd end up togedier. We're W two still moke pracdcal Jokers w*o sd cach odier laugh ofterr ]12 years an d four children. 10 FAUS ' — KATEINIDAHO d e a r KATE: I’m n o t sur- ■ iimor can prised. A sense of him ist trying tlie m ost m pleased times easier to bear. I'm rom ance is still iU In the' rs after it clouds so m any years r t May it 0^ oliport ever bc thus. MARCH 27 IS .YOUR P ----SCORPIO (dcL 23-N •Nov. 21): IF W iOAY: You arc changeable BIRTHE You may b e moro charmi Tilngdian H o ro sco pe ear a n d Tmd it difllcult to this yeai you diink under dicscc stars. If 0 routine. A desire to fnie > oig changes would ma nake yoi^ C sUck t o : Jerald ln e S a u n d e rs 1 1 * 1 yoursdf happier, m ahead a nd1 take t di(} ^ o f imneccssary baggage so Practical 84 84 Brora atUacOor. fc in th( h e air — and slowly but I__ ___ I plunge, l lie Easter Bum m ny rhay 51 Foato'mottw# 65 65 SeaMolo SUTClv V you will gain the Inde- j-j qj, liavcasurpiiseforyou. car o r by readlnga good book. 52 Goods 66 incc you need by dearing I 22-Dcc. 2 \. I, SA C rraR IU S (Nov. : “. S S 7 " n3n< 54 SebasUonCoo. CANCER (June 2i-July22): ladwood in your life. Be- is jg perfecdy OK to test onlnior m ood for 66 ’Delivery veNde tlic dcac jjo'ns 2 1 ):- If you're in die mi (or ono 6669 Makes by hand tw ecn ninow and die end of June d,. 56 Oertsivo d ng purdiat dilTcr from diose m yoi ' pleasurable and relaxlr 57 GrBywoJvos 90 Aneieni rabbi you m a\ tay be trying on new ideas family. Jq, iljgj, suits, you will find pli plenty. of Shake off diat urge to be 50 FWdotoOMty 01 B<x*p«oo8lie 91 nntifinti companionship to make u! the day nding tliat w hat oncc was hom ebody a n d m ln y e writ and tino 59 Inlormatfvtwells 02 n Chkaoo suburb ^ of sv^cicr. ( 2 a su d acquali ta n tu n o lo n g e ra p rio ri^ . ng 03 CKihemooo irf.portaj 61 _ Carta people from different walks c 04 iMvorso ByScptc Member you will b c natty (^, 62 Sant«_w lnds m ay seem glamorous an and occit* life. Ask people wiiat diey dilnk 64 Speak oft the cuf) 06 96 Book after Mlcah to adopt pt a new, m ore individual LEO(July23-Aiig.22): B ccdthc i 60 Fow1o#novol. . 07 landliavcplentyofadm ir- leader o f die pack. Kick u p youur CAPRICORN (D cc. 2: 2 -fan. yrtth The* 00 cliccryouon. t,„ [ects n o w 67 Hawk one's h eels— try a new liaircut 0 r 0outuI ES (March 21-Ai)ril 19): q. 99 ARIES w arn 99 Danny of c a n b elii^ y su ccc ssfull— l- cspcGt.to escape a bad case o ff die di 70 Expensive tho NBA Uncxpcc iccted news coiUdsiiift the (Jq ijriis. cially If dit 7 need applau luscfrom doldrum s a n d lift your spirie 72 Yoke's (vnily 100 100 Wet SOU focus of of wotk or shake u p a k ^ p^. mey. Now ould public to m ake mont Fasdnadng new people coul> 75 Gartunkelof 103 nsliip. Embrace changc break you o ut o f your rage. fclaUons could be a good dm e toicom ci putBuchwaW pcn arms. Someone dose ' ij. A crize your bank account it 105 Riverbed doposit witll opC 77 Ahxo 105 VIRGO (A ua 23-Scpt. 22):, 106 Awl or hacksaw . ■ will givc 79 -Olioctor 106. ICyour open-mindedness strikingly difTerent view poir AQUARIUS ( l a a 20-F 'Feb. 18): WertfBuOer • 107, 107Addlo1t>ekffly ablgtllU lum bsup. •could , Off widi die old and on1 widi v dio ^ v c y our finances a shm she eo WlthmArlM 110: RUS (April 20-March 20): in 7^ die arm. Read u p o n subjcct ”0“ ^ -m um last leaves Iccts new .Letdnggoofthcpas 61 Ovoffy cuitous rking can produce solid dear to your h can o r ask you L y p you morc um e to deal1vvridi dia 111 i Obtocross Network! 63 Carol of'Pr^at# 111 ssconnections.R im cand friends for advice. Automat ii 2 ibppflot business present and diink about It 1a better Parts’ 112' fortuneu can c lie adilcved by mak- m ondily paym ents o r try th ee In Jn- futura Glean ImportantIt iiideas by in o rta n t new contacts. ,(.f doing an Internet scarch. il. tem et for ideas. ». ° b U ? I “R a : N o f.iim n c. N yynmy M ding to die past o r refuse j You P J ^ E S (Feb. 19-Man arch 2 0 ): LIBRA (Sept, 23-OcL 22): Yoi oitiedungnew . ^|„ ,^(j5 s O u d n ^ seem m ore fun on under sim ply radiate Crlcndlini's iIN L (M ar^_2l-June_20):_i„ to p s~ thesc_stars,.so.pair_up, p _ w itf i.a ___ today,-so pull-out-all die- 6top liil6 lil» lA iim iH lo l« k m if-die-momcnt ideas can an d m ake yourself know n \o ist to tho friend or lover for 3 visil ti N ^ S M d p |o U M ? ^ ii c frcsli air into stale nda- ]j„. park or a trip to die z o a H y large num bers o f people. Ijjj, Ex Ips and, provide a few pj^ ( 0 ;a somediing unusual ond id daring,'. ^ °hbH ^R ^sH plore new places — go to iixplore exotic places cl- m useum o r drag a friend o ut. ,to 0 :Q Exert som e irtdcpendc dcnce of f taking a day trip in die new restaurant spirit . _ Mrrealisl ACROSS 63I SpenlsJt S| I Moslup 65i BJg J nwne tn dalabosflj lo mu jot) dt 7 Yoo«i5ht 601 Paronitngptiif Pl 11 Toothpaste 6QI Toucti-toned? Tc i^eloctjon C9I O.C. 0. uibuib 14 Makos fonOy, 71 'SoxuaJ 'S Hoalinff bnolly jinttof s ' Aged 19 Slovodoto. 72 A( slate ulljmos • 73 Disk Dl JodioY'} cue 20 W^oloroom 74 First Fli (jovonwr olAlojka 33 Chan again ot 23 Oavi(}and 76 Rolused R< fl<ky-5 66A 78 Enc. Er vrfiho manuseripi 25 Ooiiciousof m; 66A Wctniojh 70 Ritchie's Rii 2C Ko^ils or Yoats 62 Pencil Po P0 Z2I0 poulion 37 DisliiUutu 86 Loader^ Le tho catds 07 FMIdmla) Fk 20 Pillion saint ot 66 Oallantry Ot sailois 89 Picked Pi( OUl 29 -Juras'Jc Paik93 _-ma)esty _ sliif Sam 04 Coaied-papor Cc conlolner 30 Pays nllontion lo o 32 Marcia iirx] 05 Oosllu Oo uponymous Polor's G6A op baby's ' 35 KonnoOy's Ba: D6A by nssnssin 09 Sutioundod Su 38 Kn^hlly Ijllos 1011 Illinois llbi dty MW Sl. 39 'Congor cntchois S Louis •10 Foalutos 102J Elvis EK _ Prosley 011.1CU5 103 )>npnlnamo >n 41 LaifioJtMy 104iJJick Ni( and Noro'a ' --------------- IriAlikii---------------- pi pbbch 43 S-r.hap<KJ ' 100asnowurtt Sn inolaings 109) Richle Rk ond Joanie-s GOA 4C Tako cara ol Ji 47 WatlyiuKl 113J Author Au o!'Tho ■ Uoiivoi S 66A Mt Who Man 49 Oflflrn skydiving Ffl to Earth* Fall 53 Ciomona violins 114I Coflsistonlly Co 5S PiifJclA.D. 0( aaursto 5G navi Shanknr's 115I Spotted Sp wtldcal mstiumont 116I Gin Cir fruits 57 G.l. lotin 117• Dot>u»»/«5ea. Do GO Govl. agom 118I HoibofWsdom? Ha K 1/ ‘ ) OtrisooW iigDfilltig ad .h b o A cn ask ill u m ta '3 4 -7 8 0 5 1 6 0 Ooodlng 8 t W .' v m - r W r t iiiw — i i u i i m i I B R . ' 1 iH ii ii m- : • : ■ W K. ■ ss;."-"*' Bk : < 5 '( : \ Xie TIme»Newi, TMn FaOi. Idtho Smdcy, Mardi 27,2005 ■ _____________ E E-3 F ] a m il y L if eE R u l e s o f e n g a g e ^] m e n t , C !I h r i s t i a n 1 s t y l e -E EM ENTS ngage — i ByCariaRelder ; th o Waahlngton Pott — My cousia Ar Any co-worker who q wouldllstcaAi .Andcancdcdsevtnro aldaicslhadli dlinedup. i WASHINGTON-Hcwassup. ' After a few { Vdates, Stephen left ' M a l v in i ' posed to have long drcodlocks on a two-mon onth business trip I ; ond be occustomcd to linen and m E F O R D — Wade and he’d keep in touch. - CAST ulhor Carla wondered If' hi Au1h< ' sandals. Hed take photograph phs :e Schorzm an of Castleford . 2 &om Memphis and lanice £ ' R«Idi 3ver ^ ^ W u iiK ,. ■ nice Gordon Parks ond bo a lovci md Seatde an d Sioux announ }unce th e engagement of P inM ,SI»phin, city, and m.■e covered a lot of , .ofLuigston Hughes. Instead,,hls his their’ dd o u b te r . Bobble Jean 1 • nniicut resembles that ofa soldlei dicr follow ilowfld their m und.Ileun< m e d diat his parents .Schotzr irzman, to tydiord Joseph , I Ited : fre8hfrombootcarap.He'8sulted before he VW132. After Malvini, hriitlan faith hadspU tupto 'Ini.sonofDcnlceM alvinlof I Chriii 3m; uplnblaclcshndow8trfpcs.comdn't see h is father' TWinFaJ iFalls. I ,f.d .« h j plete with white shirt and tie, arid and horzmon is attending die I othar ihar, . Oursioricsw 3cts sw cre similar. My fil- CoUeae igeofSouthcm ldahaSheis I ; dicr and mod D d u n -w c re lT A m cmplSy loyed at Ib m a to 's .Italian m ; He’s my prospective mate, ate, f she became: fp icgnm t. While 1 Richard Malvini In IWlnFalls. was growing! Inp. my Ihther win Malvl ‘I"? ' alvinl is a graduate of Murtnd Babble Schonman ritol kind of like die he u n d e you saw on h High School. He Is I enrldunent class at From the the wTckends Ids. My m other, a J folloyed at Zales in TWin M s. - cepdon a will be h d d at 4 p m . fo: 2mV H jv M«M»; fiercely indcc I Ite m Church in suburban Tbmlependem wom an, te wedding is plarmed for lloo ^ g .die ceremony at dic th ' p!e Hills, Md. MirwM strahew asafi a handsom e sm ooth J rday. Jime 4, In BuhL A re- Schorzman Si residence. I am tenifled. I never take my e didnt have die pam y calls on daUng," he contin: o f no kissing, laDccrbutshcc itlnues, ‘is also c i ^ t months. of eyes off the Rev. John C heny^IL iL because you've got a flrec ih tl atyou nolouchinftnoheavy ilmmanirity. ravy breathing, denceforhlsir Bccause If I look away while W s can't conuoL w h o starte he's ind I continued datJU^ m e dme. longStephen and irted it? I no one-on-one alone teaching, the Holy Spirit m ight Ight didn't sion it. I'm trying hc ciune h o m e in ■FLOWERS, n o Ing when he lg tto help Ing looks or 1-000-FLC blow my cover. The Spirit would ROME — Jorge Juarez I luld you put it out. Why ca m > get browsing bridal nmg ber 2002. H e was scJEROI nagazlnes, n o , mld-Dccembei I t you I'm your Hesh out of th e wa ng m e th ro u g h a Munoz: . soylhavenodueaboutw diatrm w ^ Be* shopping for rings,, no proposals, ' crcUy. putting oz and Gloria Gomez Millon I g ^ g myself In ta And He’dI be cause you\-e touched sonling. We are to , battery of lests sts. On o n e dote, hc of Mexii omebody no w w olng plarming exico Qty, D.E, Mexico, an- I jIcs 6ver th e took m e to on lhat you weren't suppoi n IESPN Zone. A year nounce posed to discuss d a ss topics ice the engagem ent of dieir I Rw. Cheny doesn't open w ith t h a touch. And now love and ar lust phone,unlessotherwl irw^se instruct- laterheioldmi mc h e needed to see daui^te ^ter,Y azn& Janet Juarez, to P funny anecdote of life with Mrs. if I could let n t o . have gotten all mixed up" p" ■ cd. n Keidi F ro d la son of Bill Cheny. He begins d ass w ith break a swtat. h I,I Stephen raises a brm irow and Period. Karin Frodin of Jerome, Corinthians 7 ;l:n t is good fo) r a nods In agreem ent- N had a n ^ , bccaus Nobody in October 2002,:, Stephen St ircz is a 2001 graduate of m an not to touch a w om an..." He speaks. irow lIne,hetoldm e offered to buy m c tca u a t Star*, atthefree-thro Sistem a Abierto in • says he’s spent the last s it weeks thewtadcTWon h e wanted to>cc o u n m e N o tf i% cks ■ This isn't w hat I exp csmecied. bucks, U fesatnearthe' fJBtorla !? co Qty. S h e attended die cjqjlnining to adults what does rtftlBskedfordarifloes When we agreed to b c ^^ pre- adoudyaitcm oonan< ,and m lk ^ for understanding, ctsidad A utonom a dc Mesdand does not consdtute a date. ate. marital counseling I imi [jpllcd that It m eant i\ believe I was caUoa He rcpl i m a g e d two hours. I couldn’t b< JNAM-, faculty school of I purpose; marriage, co, UN, : “How can >tiu hear the w ordI ooff . two or three fcel-good*( id*aoout- spilling m y guis to) m an I didn't dadngwidiapi inary m ed id n e in Mexico God dearly, if you cant get your Ildnt know d ie idea veterina our the-GoodNewssessTonsw iltw ashlseyeStephen dldi sw iththe c\wiknow.Inidally,ltv • fle sh o u to fth e w ^ ’ Kared me. In reality, Qty. pastor, the sumdard leen x tu ic on brows that drew’ m e in an d ofm irlagcsca lyton fhxiln and Yaimln Juaraz >z s n 't ’ thcbcncfltsofgoodcomlununlcam by the fear o f som e Frodlr ccept his Invi- Tm haunted b> Hc soys that If the dass doesn't )din Is a 2001 graduate of ^ compelled m e to acce get past this Issue of dating, hc he tion and tn e dlw 'ying yir diat turns once-lovJerome! of tadon to sit down. H Hee looked 1 like cosmic force th ne High SchooL He senwl a ■Hiesday, U March 29. In the Boisi )ise household chorcs. . willsianovcr&omlcssonone. illdng spouses into fuU.dmi my ladicr (and a Utt Utde like die , ing. self-sacrin( ime LDS m ission in die Temple. Tc A rccepdon to honor dii die Dont get m e \vrong. In a cul- Count on'Sesam e Stn Street’), an d I mortal encml Stephen and I arc annoyed. We mics. But In my Mexico co Mexico Q ty East Mis- couple co will be h dd &om 7 to o 9! ; ccnamly don't want to start over cxpectedm c dreams, nw w c d ^ day Onds v er ture lhat created the driv Irive-thru liked that he dearlyy ex gion. He Hf ottended Idaho State p.m. p.i Saturday, April 2, at die 5d 5di om LasVegaswcdding,Sicphci ihcnandl lo say yes a nd takes a sc ; a t I was m e draped in : fromsaatch.W esurveytherbom In a d i^ g n er goym univttsi ersity an d Is currently at- Ward W LDS Church, 50 E. 100 S, S.. lu neckline an d 10ber dilnking I , widi a bateau ing are headed In the opposite ’ like Innocent siblings proving site direc- nervous. I remember ng®die College o f Southem Jerome. Jei that tlic ^ t y one comes formISO so doaO urcom m onChrlsiia i\fterward, (insert pped by th e foot train. M sdanfaiih should have sioppe X He- is em ployed at WalThe couple will reside in ii Ileftdieofiice groom here) wi everybody w r t have to get the is a big p an o f the attracdi \vh isk sm e to so m e ;cdon.V\'c ladles’room beforelld pharmacy in Jerome. Jei Jerome until resuming thei leir ray where w c m ake Mm phi I whipping. There arc 122 o f us really do view m arriagei ahe wind been c*odc hidcawa' as a sa- for a break. Had the \ at ISU. e wedding is planned for studies sn I here, 61 couples. fc titold m e h e love all day and c e d covenant with God, nd nlghl, resurfacing v J, aand we kind to my hair? He ass know better than to have s be- was from Detroit, ant _ and immedl- only for sipsi of o sparkling white Rev. Cheny says that if the class .■esex has a problem with the rules, w wee forcmarriaga nd nibbles o fih e o c - . 0 (off iow-stripcsult grapcjuiccand atdy the black shadow o lley But prernarital counsel oade sense to casional cl I can go elsewliere. "I'm not the chocolate-covcrcd isellng in hc was wearing madi £R — Mr. and Mrs. Boyce I Ve fly bock to our FILER i , only person who m arries in Rev. Cherry’s dass, wWch lold it against strawtKrry. We (il comes me. Bui I didnt hold town, hesays. brick hom e, a n d I GolTSr. Sr. of Snoqualmie, Wish., f l brown eyes dirce-story bri before couples d e d d e lo i any him. Hc had deep0 bi to m laicr (^ve blnh ing means not only no dadn ■/\nd the reason I keep getting th to two beaudful, onnoun< unce die engagement o f I idng, but andaconuirioussmnUc. ilc dau ^tcr, D anldic (3olf, to I swv ididnsertgroom dicirdai •about signifl- hcaldiybnbles We didn't inqidreabt an d ^ rich. • MichacI in ted to k n o w hcroj’s soulfuld c _______ cant others. All I wante aci Holley, son of Marge E red skin. 1 live hap-' Holley o ic h u rc h a n d if' caramd-colom wasifheaitcndcdachi yofFilcrandB illH ollcyof- W, with m y husband, TVdn Falls. Fall hcw asam em ber.Hlecvwas. I didnt pUy ever afterr v I t qucstioru..........our vcty w ' wcll-benavcd chilGoff i a graduate of Boise ha\-ctD askthencxtqu ff is really big house. Of Smte University Un "That's my acc," 1he volun- dren in onc rei H o u k - L a n c a s t e r ._ widi a badiclot's U leered. "I can’t ddoo anything co iu^.Iliadnc no d u e How I could o f busini sincssadm inistradonlnac- ■ JEROME — RachcUe Cammie nie 'm ake a loving lg marriage last in countlni without Him.’ dng. She is employed at I I .Houk and Joshua Russell Lan­ mce to Jesus real life, Stephen’s, reference tsons Corporate Hcadquar- f l caster were married Feb. 25 a t the y tells us h e w ont gavem eagrinrdw car. car ail day, beRev. Cherry Q Danielle Goff and Michael HolleyDy:lics.H ehasnovcstcausc for 12 years now, nov m yfaldi pullanypunclu • PrcsbylcrianChurchinJerome.A Ucy_ls-also-a.graduaie.of____ oorrcladonship-— 5 - _ i„ r ' ^ ^ ■ |~ h a s ''b c c n ~ t h c 'm o issrrlim portant— ed interest inoi —rucepdon \V2S held following ih c ' Thc wedding is planned fo. for State University widiaBBA slly.iisccmcd, "I'mnolROin; ceremony. thing in my life. Finally. April 23, at die Sic iic. business. Hc Is Salurday, Sa as I • you,’ hc says.' J L icmationol r I’d m et a m an who) believed be ;The bride Is the d a u ^itc r of Winery in CaklwdI dl. oycd at Bogus Basin as a Chapellc Cl pcrspccUve, I di Myril Houk of Eden and Glen Aflcr a honeymoon irip lo die du m that g ssslonal ski patroller. He is Afi .j R w l Later I would Icam t: it was- son to stop I yi S ' s ^ t s IIoukofBuriey. die couple will resicii idc 1 volunteer flreO ^ler widi Bahamas, Ba ly rca so n to toil you L j R l n t love at first sight for him. "You mxmicdorany ; . H ie bridegroom Is tlic so n of 1 - 1 ^ InDoise ___JJtARVlu Fire DepartmenL in and get m arried. It Eagle Fir seemed like good1 pc people," hc to go ohead-an Rusty and Lorie Lancaster of Jnliua and Rachello Lanca omt in time. I docsnt benefit ncaswr said. “But at dial point il rm c onc way o r the Jerome. otiier.". o lir m d M n o t a l m l l o n o fhavlngarelate ire Patty Kiser. Faye Lancastc Grandparents of the bride are A M E -T O N -H U R T I /body. I was Me s;iys onc ic reason that pre'r all of “ OJ'ship \vitli anyboi h e Hon and Ann Xancaster, Sharon Gamer of Burley and the isiness." 1,’on m a riia lc o u iciingLsncccssaryis i^ ■' focused on my busini TWIN INFALLS— David HamU- I latcH m Gomct Grandparents; of Jerome. othcr liand, Immediately imi U)d Carolyn Hamilton o f I nd Tlie couple resides in Ji}n,r.rr,n ck the bridegroom are LaVcm and ee ENGAGE, Page E5 S . 1 Falls a annoim cc th e enrage- I Please see c^edm ym odjer.M^ybestiricndL yb mcni of thcir daughter, M mnlc J I Christine tine Hamilton, to Jcdidiah !T\. ‘f -------------------------- D anid;l 1Hun, so n of Gary and v ■B'" • Jm 'H u n ofTVvin Falls. *1 BeckyHi Hamili tnllion Is attending die Col' lege of S oudiem I d ^ o as a T h e B f o o k ses Br _____ T h e R u s sSeEi L L S H P f H gcncnd al a n m ajor. She is cmployedd aat Image Arts, Portraits ' S rz I TWIN FALLS — Mr. and Mrs. ramlng In TWin Falls. _ anuFian o Dc.in Russell of 1\vin 1 nn Fails cd c - ^ B | | S | | i y ^ rt Is att ending CSI os a com- Melania u. th w edding : bralcd ihcir 50lh KamlHon and Jedldlah Hurl urt putcr gra graphics design major and B s S t l anniw rsaryonM ardiJ i:li25. The wedding is planned foi for will grad radiiate in M ay He is cmRussell and Ema 1 la Hite w ere I V H S H Jiinc 4, at the Cmyon on d at Microchips E ia in 1\vin Saturday, Sai 1955. married March 2 5 ,195J Springs Golf Course. ■ ^ ^ 1 P f Spi 2n for several years before moving ing to T\vin vc resided for ^ Falls,whcrctlieyhavcr JS 33ycars. Jnion Pacific gS Hc worked at Unic Railroad. She worked ced a t Idaho ^,,11 d Ema Russell ^ I • Power. cu„, ofMcridian. TTieir children In d i L«onandS: id Sylvia Brooks has five grandchilU o fM sc ,-n>=coupfeh. reiumed f^ym) RusscU rs. Oricans, when his ship reti TWIN FALLS-M r. and Mrs. returned gteat-granddilld. R e a d T h e TIm es-Ne N e w s e v e ry d ay thy) BusscU Leon Brooks ofTWin Falls were rc from scrvicc. TheyhavclivcdinGranitc honored at a dinner March 17 niteaty, •r- m , Son Francisco and Reno, for thcir SOth wedding anniver­ no, Ncv„ p T 77^ Falls In Getting marr arried? sary, Friends and relatives m et ct before retiring to T\vln Fa: in 1983. at Jakcr's Restaurant in TWin o te ll by their D o n ’t f o r g e tt ttc Falls. The ev'cnt w as hosted by T h e T lm 0 S *-N N(e w s ■ ■ ■ .Brooks and Sylvia Bobo were IC son and dau^ter-in-laww,, Jeny w andJudyBrooKsofRcno.N( •Nev. I . married March 17,1945, In New SCHORZMAN- ^ B H H i S S — fUAREZ-pRODIN M G I S S -----------------: TVERSARIES A nnt IHb I H P de to life Your guid( : Valley in Magic' ■ J ^ I I U s T o d a y l (208)732-0700 1-877-MDSINUS 6 3 7 -4 6 8 7 ■191 A ddison •Tw in Falls •, Jo h n K Boyajian, MD M M Yas. a s .- .:;.','v x * ;'- ; Sonnotim es d D uration o fllln e ss OVc >VcplO<14davs- Varies N asal Discharge n J lilc h|ck, yelloW; •’ igrec Pain In u p p e r te e t h -Stiini '.Soni S o m etim es IN asal C o n g e stio n , . Yw; Som etim es- . Sneezing 1— ~ ~ •. N o__________ ' — — d '. '; , . ;■ c o n d u c t iD n sepcet i o n s t o k e e p t h e r e s ttaaiu r a n t ■ " I k i t c h e n u p t o0 ct o d e , i;- J fp m a k e s u r e thl a it t h e , p r o p e r e q u i pjm m e n t is u s e d , e n s u r e; ttlh a t f o o d i s p r o p e r l y ree ff r i g e r a t e d H J j;;;, i H l i 1^ |L ® ; S om etim es f ^ IQ S No |C w h e n e v e r y oDU u eat o u t in a n d c aonodk et rda, i an i r e s t a u r a n t: w o r k e r s i n s a f e f o o d p r e p a r aittiiio n t e c h n i q u e s . O ui r i n s p e c t o r s e v e n _________ _ Fever Som N 6 _________ H ead ach e_______ S'orin orin'^^lV9i^^~y'.•. S o m e tim e s . Bad Breath '________ Som H e a l t h i s a t yyco u r t a b l e t h e M a g i c VW al: l e y . W e '■ ■ ■ I , Cloar, thin w a te ty SClou g h in g ^ m SB ^ i 'i M Facial p ressu re/p ain C > Uaho"!fin t ibuu e m din k — I■" Sinus H _ Because t h e s y m p t o mISs o> f sfn u s/t/s s o m e tim e s m //m fc those-of colds, you may ay n o t realize that you neec 9 e d to s e e a doctor. If y ou sus iuspect that you have sinusi u s /t/s , review these signs andd ssymptoms. If you suffer - r ffir o m three or more, Sinu: 1US C e n te M d a h o c a n helpl pl )I » f .' S ; E veryr tii^ e youLJ e a t o u t, w e ’ll b e jo in in g you. S o u th C e n tra l D is tr ic t tew sH b eo r A t t e r g i ^ ' p -H W eD e D IN G — — _ I .<U . )■ c h e c tkhue n ddi es hr twl a s h e r . t h ^ C e n t r a l D l Ss t t r i c t H e a l t h ommunity healthy Ketping ypurfamU y A eomi . 7 ^ 9 0 0 , • im m 3 2 4 ^ 8 3 88 • BeUeviu 788-4335 ' TwbiFelbTi Shoshoni 3 2 4 ^ 8\8'GoodIag9U-4477*BuTUy6 • iy67'8S221>Rup<r1436-7185 iocumenio traducido a ezpoRot sin Jin costo, llami al 734-5900. -Para tener este doci Za ovaj dohmenatpr •manapiaie, pozavite 734-5900. tpreveden na BManskiJnik nema . . I ^ E4 Idaho SuKU);'liUreh27,2006 Tlme»Mowt,TMn.FUti,l(ta( _ C m ^E iST WINNERS 1 ssa y CONTES' eld I W W W I Top, the Ruport Elks held an e8say_contest with fifthftfH gradois In Minidoka County n ty on the subject of ‘Amerlcanism.’ Winners were Ramon Ramirez, second; snd Shano Amen, first; and Shanlce Arlipe, second. nd. Shano received a $100 sav* 'av*, md Ings bond and Ramon and .Shanlco each receivedd aa.' ]ch $50 savings bond. Each . winner also received ai lTiris •shirt. With them Is Chris Motley and Blaine SearieI ooff the Eli<s, and Abble Vogt, g t, teacher at Big Valley Ele­ ;l0j r t. mentary School In Rupert. iOSeveral students a t Big Val­ ley Elementary received le ir honorable mention for their Ik s entries In the Rupert Elks onAmericanism ossay con­ test. From loft are, front: n t: Colton Denning and Brax­ ruz ton Bell: center: Marycnu MIHurtado. Ced Faux and Mlck: caela Merrill; and back: Elks member Chris Motley, ey, Melodio Wysong, teacher n ie Abbio Vogt, Stephanie b er Naranjo and Elks member Blaine Searie. - i J N I ^T Y 353288 Cotnmtttitj.Ed. BEtonPatMonaniomo-735 DRT------- — — — S tcORK REPO] ■ la g ic V alle y R e g io n a l : i’- I - • : \ . J . ' /d - > S _________ M e d lc a i C e n te r )arin D o u ^ Palmer, son' ond Eric Palmer o f o f fessica ^ IWin in Falls, was bom Thursr. March 3,2005. m elda P adence Thom as, ' ighter o f Sabcrina Begay i Hczel Thom as o f TVvin Is, was bom Friday, March 2005. Lden Blalr Mong, son o f phanic Marie Morris a n d 3mas .Vladmir M ong o f oding, w as b om T h u i ^ y , ic h 17.2005. Vesley Ryan Paul | t , son of a Marie Frances, a n d Wes% a n Paul o f TWin Fulls, dau^ and 1 FaUs, 11,20 f S w ^ as bom Thursday, M arch* 17' 2005. ker. Jessie Jo ann N ebeker nd >d daughter o f Jenny Lee aanc E David Franklin N ebekerr o0 f Hagerman, Friday, M archI 18 !8, F 2 2005.' Elexis Colleen B en n e tt d daughter of Ami MlcheQe anc ^ Marty Lynn B ennett o f Good li was bom Friday, M ard Ing, 1 18,2005. • Yadhlra Im elda M artinez hS d g lu c r of .Z uhey Yadhln dau . of aan d Faustino M a rtin ez 0 1 TWin Falls, was b o rn Friday ^ M ^ aidi 18,2005. ndj^ Koden C hance Lee Bandy s n o f Melissa A leen aanc so nd JJio n a th ^ Lcander B andyy o0 i More Inform ttion? Call Jaml a t 735-3278I I---------- ^ ------Buriey, w as b o m March 18,2005. ■ A cc u v E T i g e r C: Ui B S Fr Friday, _________________ loodlng Cub Scout P tck97ofG oo DM .Tbe fits an active TlitrCnbDi 7/{er.Cuti*vIsH«<itbeQM loodlBf Ubrary tnd Are ttstlon, iBdpa^ m tinpittor ticlpated In tbe Pack Rtlnj Re{|<tta, Halloween umhn tlnl, Scouting tor Food p « i «itt nI d Upcom­ Blue and Gold B w q u tt U{ ing and f inf events Indude bowtlni nature hike, In addHlon to tbe «od pKk actlvttles ofPlnewoo Derby, Scout-04lanui anddDay [ Camp, The TIfer Cubs art, Ferguion, left, back row: Spencer Fe ly (tnd Drew Owen, Devon KeUey Clancy Cockertuun; fronttfow r : Ben RederickMn and Chase ht Han, C n lg ' TIfer Cub Den leader li Ci Redeiicksen and aasltttni •n td e n leader Is Sheri Ferguson.i .(l ^ k United 97 It sponsored by tbe Un Methodist Men'i Club. Sleph Tlion Good M aid _________________ To tn n o u n c * • birth • th Send a copy of the birth certificate to: Jomi Whited . The Community Pago The TImea-News P.O. Box 548 TWin Falls, ID 83303 Or ta x to: 734-5538. t)etdllne: noon Tuesday lay . f>d for Sunday's paper; end la /a noon Friday for Tuesday ley R e, iPtu TIUI INl>« iimounces trrimester honi WRMSan 'Uinier. Anlia Voriii Seventh grade Abel,\ViUl.T/nAdll>'«'iel W.irvlwin. I K*.%x-nA!iboit,M.'wAbc Kenny li.illo.., Derek. Williams, h cod. t-Jcna A]mi]ulsi,I, K mSUMH_________________ rtM cMtMT•( tMoa msu Uird, Austin iJouf»"'iy Willi.inis .u MiiwuU lUlCT. Kovi tllnl Melanie iiray, Munro. , Sydney tlniwer. Eiglllll grade Ufnt.iniin llnxlcnck. Sy -Ml.-ni.tii. (iiM'pli ;Mtcnii;ui, tony Meiipui Nlckol.\sAl!en.Ki tiln » u .l« .tk .lo lin U■uibridjje, a .b o l l is t e r /.I, A^^llcy Astliliman, K-ivcy 11 V.Kelly '1 U. 1, CaaT CauUdiii. Ki Cliapnun. Andttw, Desun /\r l.ioiiilyniK- H.irtu-s. CJmw/. Hosiilie iliiuer, Ibecl I 1 Nicli'ilas aiaitf. Coiina On Unuulun /Mi'XiinJft Uiio. lduie!0)iner.l!iy- tVmor llen.s<;n. lull; I rui,.'. CUmsioplicf Qaik. Mldui >Ioii IkMll. IlniDkv ildwerv I in. Olenn Cooper, Hiiyle. Sloan lltan '"f ' ilcftiiiii.tii. Ililry llr.iiulon. KcIm-7 II. I' \efonlca (Iniess, {jidcf. John>oiiy. Croi ItinyCfiiw, n.m, (inia' lirmMi, Sliitni' Hmr.' k.i.'. hool anHoUWerBementarySchfr :ino Currie, Sean Janiiiiie C [■Juinm.in— Cna., Mmlcldnc --------- rnnnnnrld'a' ciiyiTiisv »>™i CJui . lyier Omy IMul r.i>P|«Vp>dy Char '^iioimcod Ki Studenla ofIthe— tl ■----I Holm Kenl D.istv ly Allu; Cli'Vi'M. ChflM-ii ClriiKl. I iubcih Dion, lorM-'Jeleinc : Davis. I«.r>'l)a!c7.tlwt «yare, ; Month for Februnry. Tbey ('■illiiis, (i.ililiKT (jird, lo\lui;i I .“ ol!e.Mllmee *l'"» NIcl'nI-i' Dl 1iiii'M D.tvis, Maniili Davis, Ben, mvil' 'orM es-eld, Alyvu Wanl. I Bogner,., from left, top row: Delta B t-sclil, J,.n>e%lUfer. f SVDick^ M^“wcl! Dmsd llfay.im (Clms) Dc I-i OuK i-ii-ya F„,k7, 5rn." D.uielle \\'Uker»in. Bryan, -r 1) 1X ‘•’fV Gene r.Uibniilier,M.ll,™ ^ fourtb grade: and Kayd Br IjimMi.iiiL' Dillo', [aiiiii-r Williams. >11 ilolo, Kvereil 1 IS, Mirand.i n •r W \Villl;uii 1^1 I'eldhuvcn. lonl.in i AniU' DiH'f. Kailifiiiif Ihvyvr, fifth grade; eecond row: s‘ and Kelly WillowsMa.lhiasH.s.«-d.. iic I1'v.ini |:ji:,iii, l:[ic;i liviiiis, Cli.ltlic aC^a^derUUmi,:U Meghann Parrott, third gn inv jiiitii Htviidan I'leund. tlhta (i N,iiliaii l.imnv, liiMiii.'r I'.imnv, ide |L,J r w j ca(:.irceau,.SaiullGan:la. rcia. lly-.nCrt:lskry. Alison 1-ieund, Pendleton Burbank, firstI ggrade:riuti'-.. Sli.iylw I<;Il-\', Siurni lx)x. n.Kvlic;\nderson,l’ii>er |.-.nik. NW (‘iidia •“Jy CII, Nicole lox. |,iki'tii't'111,111. S:unii;il i'uiil and Tavin Williams tecoftd Ktd grade; n /\mwn. Kuylec Uakcr. ' ii.Ouly(.iwalM.n, |V|„ick(rtr.v.’l;inyii lople N.V 0ilIcl1e,L)xIlnCrOiluim.C Caio.i. Ivii.Ol Car/ii. Ilri.i (iillopi be-clil 1. James llaK>ie, i„. Ha,,,,., (;, (kMf, Mmk llcck. I----------lii.Uimicr Mcciuellne fiiimian I bottom row: Shelby Hante isen, uilii-Cmlil^iid. Mar>'(iolli^uidln, Ij Haupl, Ciuyjjun. IluileJulii Ila Iknviiun. Garrett •f. ,AIMia Alewindria iliinwin.Alauuidra Ale Critiut/. t:riMi,in (lon/aliv. kindergarten. Dryan Itray, wy llcibert. lien- n;,k.M,.Mykelllrandon, It.il mn. Asliley H.i)vs. Zatli.iry (ifiiclc, Crowitaiitii, s, Amy Uucli.in.Tn. Scan y HeMene^s, Nina Cnuiincy llamilio ,!otlI;.>w. !••“"»> Ilenrn. A-slOey'H I 1laniilliiii, T;iy!(it 1 le CTmplwll. Makayla ■bs, DclKinili Honi. Alcx.nnder I leiinln jitli, (imMlmer.|unailuinH<il)lJs,l i\iiiv lluailu-r, Hdmicli. Chandler.'AnKt'la-Cole--................tltns-anJ. uuic Hoyr [Jaiky I. lluilailn, Mariiill !lo'H<KulKuttNicoLis 2 .N luir Ho->cll).ichcf,- CriMiiiii Ilu In Johnson.' lillen son. UayioiiincJet Oinlovano. Ked ICiilieje|u,’ui.i lluriado. Cnliln I Z.n:liaf\' ^Iin•l. Miii IcfreiMin,., K iii Qirran. Maithcw Davis. Ma «Hra>y•(MMMOMCaj ines. lake Kiilser, S;imanihn Johnsoi ,le lones. iiilinsuii. Colion Jones nc-son, KrvHi luiiM-M. Kyle iai7-il)eUiDla\-ll4auisc Kirk. S^tra Koonce,. Nick K iiv.-uia(;li. Cl i; ’ Anda-' Kty\ Auiliey Kijk (;aliiii'l.i|iun.v.DoiiKlii% Kliii; avid DrrdRe. WUUam ace Lai^xlidi, Tory KoejiUn, Alexandri tiaii UMn. Alex;indiia Kunti. tinice l-niM Kun/. Kyallla Uv.liitxiaii J^ec. Samantlia Engel.. aeiuiim U-lunann, Uiitxl. limily l.-uwn <.y. I).illiis Uikcy. Uiiiipl. Iticiu Cdcly U-viiaii, AIKun U'vy. Jr. Alinee Esim.s. Oscnr ndfa Undltlooiii, Crv>,-ofyUl'l.-uic.Ki rn lUiUiHaley Ubefl. Alex.mdf • U'wnllrii. Niiolu IiclllccilH.TK, I opiief I-aleone. Anda-sv limily liicV. Ali Muicldi. 1. il il;uinali Uiis [.opez. luan Marline/, Ma 111)11 l,0IK7, AsllKJII Ul|ll0ll. 1’i.slwr. Madeline Hade, .xvstU. aiance MeMlNhn Mc(:aiii(;al. inlit l^xiiis, Mmilanvs, [clfery M;ixvst l.yiicli, Ali’sJiiiHi'f l.yiali. liwnln d, Spencer I'ullnier. :Malion, HodrlKo ^’ol'y Mi'imann, ^■-utliy-Ali Ctoskey, Niels McM a: . AuiliiJiiy M,iiiiii. U’lltiani McCiii t. Matiliesv (lappmayrr. lollineaiix .Slert.i Miudmllimi MonaJv <xly M(|Icl. Molinii, (loberl Molli MUUi -km'. MiwiiKlu. (jMly Ca-etiwiHKl. Siiclby Ister. He has b e e n at th e An ^rmyNaparents; siste Tidl. .Sophie Nos- Atislin Ntoso.amya lluir o f D e d o c o u p le Is M ('liluuiT. Maili’ii Moii^is, 1li'lcll * len MoifW^-Money, Jonl.ui Niedtid) (liisiarson. Stephanie a n e n for usan tional Guard Hcodquon r llerren I’iilnier Cole Newct lan Mui|iliy, -SimiiiiM Nii\-.inrCLnirce, Morwonhy, Alex l*:ilnic;, 11 Ilaavlk. Nathan Hall. lo te d r a n k In G u a rd i ,-Ok-.'uutai H.I- li™ uliO ;tal;W I’.m .NVImiii, ln'ilan Ncviii'i, t imcnts at s, V Vesenya lylcr IVlen. loti W .icll H i•^ K uw ana cof four years. His assignm Hall. (Jielica llnincl, Nil'Ui. /<ii'y Olhuiii, i'ldtili (){l Ofilniela. ,.c„n. Mot«an I’lke, M , M.,ni.n Plnik-i, s Kuwona Ir. of Stafford, bKi'i: A l e x a n dIr r iia j , the national level indudl nilion, McKsn Hayes. ideddlgli'.iKL-. liMtliim IWcnt'iii.i.M(in;n!el Me Aiinc I'ollcliciil. liicas » I:W . Mort* : “itnlnK. f lunior HidnlKo. he son of Mas an d Ida kh ' r v - ^ ' W Va.; his. wife Adfe’s lai system s Integrator, >r, arm or l*,itrdc-., UiiL-. hitis,,DyL-mlVUyl ]>,ite.MalWorR'lij)eHi ky Ireland, l^iillu Jeni'. - ■ na of Dedo, w as prom ot- K y s ia — s™ . i t i r ^Jenson. TVavIs lob. o r g a ^ t l o n a l integran kK parents, Lan ator a n d iiiMin, Anda-w !>fciiriT, ILilvry .sey lli-rce. MeftUl Heldy.■Ou the rank o f lieutenant v Ki'K’y I’l.iyiT. CliilMophiT I'tuucll eucil.K)lee iiculter, lludolp most recently, branch1 cchief of inson, Hidey Johnson. \ Kiiliniiind, r.ilitiin l<oj‘< '<da lUilmdin, Jacob I. CJatissii King. AlLslia '.5B "■ Taylor lliMelIo,'D.iko<la I th e M odenilzadon and or RellcjMiiiii. Kulu'i'ca UiililuMoln. • n. luliel ii,Kliit;uei H.mnaJilludolijk llud ndria Knrobkln. C ^ . i r t c r --------! cercmofty occurred o n k L e w i s t o° n” ' qulrem ents Bmnch., w hich luwncio sio];J^Ad.«nWe. . • Huni|i|>. ;\inatid.i Sculllclil. Allisoi wmMii'f. Cabilelle &uil)on jwn, l)om. Scat! itinisi l.yndsey Ijudieck. 1 a t d ie Army National ■ iles :Swfk. jr, lohn Sig;i.'I. Iliilia<-I Slaik. M1Il-s Involved p utting nm odem ic.KennnUhke.McBlian 1. S o^nv Slexvns. Iils;i Svsrek 1 H eadquarters at Arling® i— Wa t s on o f Ai /\Jcx niunus. Ziitli;ir>' iliouuis UUls, ik-Ilo'mn Smn ‘ cldi.TIbdic.-!] McGinnis. im binlih. \\ail.-mi VViUl;un ' ' equipm ent in th e hliands a of lainm 'Iliiiniiison. Madison Tl I MasKuwanaJr. Ilngton,Va. .iRal.y, D;tlc .McUiUKlllia -----------Va., an d those In KIiayiTi;ui SlimJrcr, Iw 'ltd e ’ Wui National GuardI ssoldiers, Alison Imvn. (UinsHiplicr Unto, lance Induded liis wife, nn, Taylor Moellerich. Kuwanaa has he cbcy Sie;-cn<i. Ufitly-aviHf, Nidi<ibi1\J ”, IMl <j»tkeli Sic.-um, rJicbc line (JUiIk, lluiiii'rVan ilnimcr, Iqjjjj He has recehred many ly praises inaJun. 'nioniie. Mortis, fStafrord;daugliter,Tbrrie bbe Diiniel Sundill, CreRory Wakefick een in tlie A rm y Natloni Va/»|Uf/. (jlsllna Villa Cuanan, h llulv for thc databases h e bui )uilds, his Jclle Hiylor. Ucn- siiinviia Wuiter>, It Na«i. Ijyiia Ncl- SOH Of ilde,W asl).;son.M asIU of Guard Gi ef IMei’an Samanlli.i Tnfl. Isabclli for 22 years a n d a n acth nail WalliTN, Nicot Wlii-i'Icf, ewcumb. Hex Nihen,. (Tota-s. Ij'' jamln Tones. I^rrrsl To: Siepliimie Vales imd liftnVelda feunily reported. aw; son, Aaron ofStafTord; dutym di Vali-s ,ind (:ililslO[iliL-f Zwi(d, cm bersince 1995. Madora Uonis GahricLi prOfllOl ^110 !‘.idiUa. Thice I’age, w , .shley I'luker, liodii l-iK- . , ‘*“r ‘ Kuiherlne J’elicnKlU. Va., the K.ili Phillips. Ciroiyn Kuwana llvnllce. H;on\vvn lUiff, g j lo t ler lUijas. Crep.ry Itoov co lo n d ^.slileiKli Sliuie. NidioLxs >rs tto suits for th e U nit 400 di duplicate is in need o f sponsors 2005," ‘•Brookman 2005 izatioh izj ncoln C ouniy Midiael, "mndi S Side News, Lincc C ra ft s h o w b e n e fits ake.KiiWiSa-enMniTou‘ ‘*elamps" C b r l ^ session held Man a rth l3 a l' seating. . anci "The Insiders install in Jing C ouniy Cussler, Toresi J -Journal. Goodin ll Siephenson. Clarice Jan. 7! i10 U. S. Coin Values $50 theTwinFaHsSenlorCer ienteraie; Scot sponsorships are $5 c a n c e r p a t i e n t s fu n d cl River Journal, by James W.«rek. I la Diuiid .SyiUb, Amy G uard I Leader and Vi'oodn ponFirst, D on a n d Ruth ca e ad i. A plaque w itn th e spor Ith Rahe; nize 2005 sen- Jan Burke. JU “Ch; ;rs Houwill again rtcogniz - Tiic C n ficts Tlioniiii. Hr>wi 'lidv th e sccond, Doris W atts an and Ruby m ore inform alion. call sor’ so s nam e will be placed o n th Goodkind, Jd."A A.UileyTolman. Ilreil ‘ ift show iors by printing heir tliei photos. liciiiL" is hosiiiiK a craft ,s1\ireo,Ma;yV.m/eipcl, . -nttendai can Grimes; third. BeverW b; back o f each scat.. Checks1 ca dy B uriu looled student M incite U^altei sday nnd Any liome-schoc froiij r>lo H p,in. V,'c*dncsda' K risofb itadd and B obette P la n k ^ b e m ade payable to Tlie Mod iding a private joy Fielding,:ndd. “Tl Hayden Wiillef, itsday to o r student attcndii 10 a.m. to p.m. ’nrntsd n., Itu-vsell Wilson, Coliy o f ScaiU Send fourth/flfthUe,M mdne) H atter Theatre C om pany. Sen e Watkins ilacled by th e w. HulTa, “Daii school not coniac April 3 at th c ’IWin Tailss Couniy O n an c e le b ra te s {J M oscon n e o r and Beverly R eeti and id Madevited to send in LuanneIUce.“B ve. new spapers is inviu l-jiirgrounds, 215 Talr Ave. >ladd line Saw aya a n d Ma ia ry Lee ■ C i ^ e s s nam e' lo T hc Mad b ir th d a y bl "Ct their photo to Ind Incu de in Uie Roberts, All proceeds from a ;silent Theatre C om pany, E( E a Pfefferie. IN FALLS-Virgil Mnlonc Halter [f nated by publication o f seriior sen photos. lu diard Nonli auction, w ith item s donati 3303. Thc next U nit 400) Imeetihg 1748, Twin Falls, ID 83301 m icipatllie deadline IsApr _ _ _ o f IW ln Falls Box “ area businesses a n d panic ■ House Next 1 For m ore information, call Mai Mark will b e held itoril 10 a tti t tbe TWin will celebrate ^ lefit the E-mail ihe pholo ilo lin a jp g fo tn i,c„ si< U o n s ’ ing crafiers, will benerii Falls Senior C enter witi 42( 4th h m d i his 90th birth- G .G;oodm an ot 733-1699 o r 420* Patient m at), along with Ih nom o an d bvH catlicrC ra Maj>ic Valley Cancer Pr and so d al hour b e inning ^ at lack, W ind" by a iv e Guide 2 f day from 11 '5516.. ^ co n ta c i p h o n e! ni um b£[-.,to limcrgcncy l-und. noon nnri ih c gnmp at I p jn . irests o f tlie Night" U.S.Stai B K i j S o jn . to 2 p.m.lent aucpatm@maglcvalley ‘Ilierc also will be a slleni »Tmnsw ai Newcomeis are welo : Hail, “lagliteen" by G uide I ■ 5 M M Thursday a t O u ffic e o n A g in g inobrich m ail lo T he Hm ej tion to help W endy Sdino no c h o r ^ For infbrma nation or "Chainfirc" by Terry 2005." die TWin Rills gi su^oTing BoxS^S.TVvinFalls, < of 'IVvin Falls, w lio is siifl s e e k s v o lu n te e r s p>HtT|Apinlp ng»l»tnnr<»j ^ !,caIlMax "Acid Row" by For n Senior Center, rganizers For m ore Infon from Wdncy failure, orgar assia T hotppsonat735-830a a 530 Shoshone ^ BUHLEV - U io Mlnl.Ca33l -123-412; v e Ilunch P atM orcanionioat say. I Icr friends will serve 1.1735.3208. S ; fI Lliters, icE ■'I'uppet" by jiun’ OQlce o n A g i^ nee d s volur StW . “T lieU 'gacy'byD . wilh proceeds going to0 a fund M ending” .by te ers age 55 a n d o ld e r t M done w as ' h o ld s for her. and' “D eanDance Ko witli Me" by T.F . lilt senior d tiz e n s to th n oon o i c H a n s e n lib r a ryy a1d d s b o m M arch transport V .‘. “Reunion'byN ora n n tt. — l Tor m ore Inform ation ' i„ _ _ stein. Book 1.“ doctor, h o s p iu l p h a rm a c IM 3 1 , 1915 . d< cancer fund, call Larry E •'Conviction" by “ akm y Baxter bOOkS tO ShelVfi Adult imn-fli store an d other places. WENDHLL - T l u j An American Friends a n d rtli I’atterson, “Tlie TWIN ;md Andy Hall a t 737-241 c H ansen Com* nals o f Patrick VoIunttiCTs are p a id for thc th d r Legiqn 4 th District will rillb o ld a •n't^TaS'’ H A N S E N -n ieH fvlary or Joelenc Jones at Cl D oor" by A nnc M a nr are invited. Malone rem unlty Ubrary, 120 12C Maple Ave. Lynn MacGrcgt spring m eeting Satur tirdoy at noglfls. • “mileage. 9571. .655-4231 o r 9-18-04 ons, ‘'Killing Kelly" 1-0403 at w ., h as a d ded new ew b o o b to its Animals: a Me For m ore Inform adoD ,, ca call V * n c l^ P o st4 U 6 I0 Wv:lm ^ the Ccnficrs Itoutique. Graham, “Suspidon shelves: Smith, ‘Chlckc Kitty Andrews a t 878-0727 ob r eI Registnitlon starts at it 10 a m s p o n s o r s h i p s . ” ly Barbara Porker, ilo th rc 'b y jo h n GricvingSoul,’ •Adults: *Tlic Mot maiJ h er at kkarsvp^pm torg. irg. w ith a n all*you-can-ei! ■eat B0 19 J Run" by Mary Jane T lm e s J ^ e w s I n v ite s3 h t fo r P a ris T h e a tre T.Lescroat,"TTieGo GoodbycStmifrom Idaho an d sandw ich lunchi ± e o a at id Memory" by Greg Gaf&icy,"Secrel, Brother’ s Joum rp lC S m e r 'b y P atrida Gai .noon followed by th e me neetingat h o m e ^ c h o o l se n io r p IN FALLS - U io M add D u p lic a te b r id g e ssible" by Danielle cs W. H uston, Pclzer, "Thc 1 Justicc* by James r .Theatre Com pany will ™ N F A L L S - T ll E L ccC c e ( o rn . c G Deadliouse" by | ^ B Km a t tho Pails Theatre, r e p o r t s s e s s i o n r e s u l t^s ^ m o re Informatic .don, -Survivor In D eat eath" by J. D. guagcs’ by m unlty Ntjwspupcrs, v slein, "The Art of TWIN FALLS-Hl0 cwciiill n ilire-. 536-6642.1 c r f e a 'b y F e m -A ndquesand( re, North B o b l^'P ictu re Pcrfi idn Ave. N.. b u t tbe oisonIn d u de'n ien m es-N ew s, f by Elizabeth Berg t ^ Koontz's FrankenM iddle ILMLli^'-WiiocI Hivcr• Mi second S cIkkjI annotiiiccd iis sc( honor roll. Sixth graile .1, Idiil.iliAili'. S<-iut,ia/\]ln-tili,C ' ' Sllfl TIT: ^ H LS ; : t u d e n t s O F? ’’raEMONTH_= nor roll | | | ------------ S eERVICE ^ n^ B I ----------- C O K / iWS NE^ ------- ^ EVENTS — fl M M UNTTY] S ip S bSS;“3 s k s ”r v X “‘S American Legion ho meeting S a tu r ^ ■V 1 i-flctiom "The Jour- ■ ■ (' Suid<y.M tfeti27,20 ',2005 Tlme*Nflw«,TMnMIi,l<UK E-6 F a m i l y L ieFE E ngage _ — S e n i cO R C A L E NDI A R — ContJtuiedfromES th ink about Is wliy y 1I shouldn’t leave m e to fend I ndform yself. „ Exerdse, 10-30 am . bccausc lovc Is a like a ck cloud hove w orn Jeans. I sh should have Bccausc w henien I do the madi, IW in M il T h r e e I s la n d that doesn't lift until yonI say sa< "I w o rn a suit, someL le th ln g that It adds u p likec tlthis: 'Thirty-two Dinner I served from noon lo S e n i o r C e n te r says, “I'm m aturee now and years ago, I w a is do." -It’s very h ard to see ob/ecobj spp c rfra lo n . 1230 p.m. n. Suggested donadon is 492 E. Qcvcland Avc., G! Glenns ebody. e q u ip p ed .to move tivcly w hen you love somebc /e forward." 'The perfect sm] smile. Theperfiict $3.50forse senIois.The cost Is SS for Feny It's Bood to have somebt icbody Stephen says wc wan a n t to marry disposition. T he het perfect w eight n on lo seniors sc under 60 ond Meals served a t noon Moi Ionday, volved In tne spring o f2005. vrfios n ot em otionally Invol' )3. Bcaudfulandblaj blameless. $2.50ford ■childrcnunderl2 . ^308 Senior Ave. Ail dinners are ac noon. Sug< gi "lUcsday an d Thursday, b I nod. Rev. Cherry look at th e fac ts.' rry says he'll Yet one m a n — open M onday ^ n — the first m an Pool room rc ages vnth meals. Rides es arc : ‘Tliese classes are goingg lo 10 b e • let u s know m uch d o s e r to our in m y life — w as 8 a m . to 4 p.m. 8 csied * ^ donation S3 for seniors. rasi never diero for dirougli Fri(lay, Ft Menus: available by phoning the cenicr o ome o f d a te w hen private ses: room available for telcvlj"' LoungcKX . hard-hitting," h e says. "Som( sessions with me. in at366 to 2051. S u g ^ te d1 ddonaMonday: Medltcrraneon luzzlcs and reading. them arc going to b e toug h .... If h im will b c ^ and1f^ves us the Now, this worn m m dh, this stubsion. pu: ilmon, rice, broccoli, direec- tion is $3 for seniors, $5 $5 for ■ wiU be. o pen salm pod gives it to m e, I’m goinf 3ing (0 OK to begin our wedt eddingplanborn. opinionated, B a rg :^ Center C non-sctiiocs a n d S2.50 for Dr chil* ean sahd. bread, pudding s d ir o u ^ Fridays. 9 a m . ning. • ^ v e itto y o u ." M o n d i^ tl card-carrying; m em b er o f TUcsdaw Vegetable beef soup, p, dren u n d e rI2 . assisBut. I realize Stepl Stephen on^l I like thisi n& lers w idi a furry to4ixm . cp hcn won't W dght Watchers P . ■‘ . salac Menus: liad. muffins, dessert • form olly propose( .u .i n til he's upper lip a n dd cch in whiskers, tant pastor. H r’s o ne o f uus—in se, Monday: Salmon loaf if widi Wednesday: Clief's choice, ay: • Italian Meatball hls early thirties an d cool jlppie o - bouglit the ring. -will stand befoi cfore » m o n - a norgasboid dieesc saucc. a u gratin pota 3tatoes, h.mixcdvcgetab!es,£nilt pie. And he pays casli ill .for every- suangcr not so lo 1- spinaiih, fruit an d Jcll-O, brc; iread Thursday: Meatloaf, mushiddmgwidicookic Th lafraid thing, so who knows . He’s also h onest and unafr ws how long vows never to wal )om navy, potatoes, vegetables, s, TUesday: B eef tips, noo oodles, ay: Lasagna. green salad. , roo” iences. th a t will take? to shore his ow n experienc My bag is p a c )ssed salad, rolls, peaches beets,’ brussels sprouts, U Jell-O, ’ vegetables, cobbler. <oss< He's b een m a rrie d for: ni n in e Rev. Cherry caution ions die m en trip to O ceanJl <city, Md., as F irad ibiread n; fruit bread ycors,vhas three kids and id hi as to take tlicir time and I it right: Stephen has oske id do Aawities: ^ T h u rs d a y : Roasc beef if and csday: Roast pork, pota^ - fro m "Don't propose in th e parking' Ocean Q ty? In taken tJils d a s s himself—fn Monday: Pool, 930 a m . gravy, w hipped potatoes, mbxd n I gravy, Jcll-O salaa, egg ^ icny. Jot. How you treat sor his father. Pastor Iohn Cherry som ething Is don't ask quesdor dons.H cplani.cd „u.dcsscS vegetables, Cossed salad, pears, p Pinochle, 1230 p.m. en PiJ to th die trip, an d I'm Later, h e launches into i e w hal It becomcs." I m ju st happy to n im s dday: a Salisbury steak, poWild bread W onc. 6 p.m. ess in After class, I feel aass if I've just have som c d m e1Ctitogether. tlirce principles o f success tatoes ond Tuesday: Pool, 930 am . id gravy, com, salad oaf, ‘I'J marriage, tlic first being unc( incon- firilshcd a workout — a litde bit At 9:30 a m ., vre Pool, . Activities: •w cw alkdow nM bowlntpci )cars.cookic Po 1 p.m. sore, but saiisflcd. Im told.aguyw ill dillonmlovc. Br Street, VN^iere, I'm Bridge, G30 pm . Monday: Thx aide. 1 lo 41p.m. p I recognize a couplc pie from our be waldng to ^ v^vc c u s a key tQ his AclMto ia; "W hen y o u w ere bboorn. TUesday: Quilting, 1 p.m. W Wednesday: Pool. 930 a.m. ' 1. lir be* class at a Hiesday' night ni Massages, 10 am . Saturday: Tl«ai(rc. lO am Bible beach property, Momma stroked your hair I jn .to 4 ly. Ort our way, Monclay ay:Quildng M; p.m. ShufIlcboard,6p.m. g o n . No,she Stephen suggests » ts I drop by die Eitcrdse cause she loved you, gave: you yo a study. She has a ringo seclass Sh Tliursday: Quill sodal. a am . TUesday h a s two rings on. T hey’re al- Paris Alexandersrdd ay spa downay:nckcfIUcsday Tli bottle because she lovedJ you, yi Pool, pressure . Po 930 am . town. , Bloodpr n you ready married?! changed you. and, when y te -Dl( Blood prcssurc, 11 am . Thxaide lurcry ^I’s been two mlonths on since Earlier in th ehe week I m encried, she responded to your i TOPS. csdawQuUdng TC 4 p.m. th a t I wanted tb Wfcdncs< ^itial group dass ass. I’ve* fclt doned lo him thj bccausc sh e loved you.I. You Y Pinochle, 7 pm . uddub Pii :cs diere. When I EU“ Cart 127E.WiHow,FaltilcM Rev. Cherry , check o ut prices p e w u p thinking that lovcc is Is all engaged ever since Rc »>dass Noon meals are servedITUcs1 ct." gave us the thumlb bss up. but see a w om an a tIttlld ie from desk, I of those things th at you get." iay: Center pinochle. 1 H ag days, Wednesdays ond Frii Thursda; •ridays. • isklng about inquire a b o u tt s;sp a packages. everybody keeps askl It occurs to me. whilee he's h ■nicccnierIsopcnfrt)m9 to 2 o n [ going lo get Stephen leans in in.'.“W ehaveolitn t for th e rin g .W h en am Ig o talking, tliat m y blueprint : MOELokc I'J' \ 14' . meal days. The cost of die i cal em don't you get o Tl«alde de time, why do m y ring? marriage doesn t Include. servse: D f Dpen 8 a m . to 2 p.m. Mon­ _ for non lo seniors is S3.50: 0: diUIt’ t ’s now a m anicure o r som jmtediing?" . Ice. , I've eys, Wednesdays and Fridays, 0. 'Hie year i ir bbefore our "Now, baby, ’,w w c don't have . Imagined all o f i n d l Is served at noon andd dren un d er 10 are S2.00. lose 60 dding day, tim e for that. W( We have to get C o i||n (ondays, Wednesdays and Frl- suggested donadon for thos chc perks: A f t ee rr c l a s s , I f e e l »30. rll 30, 2005, moving lo bea tttraflic" tn som eone to lys. Suggested donation is $3, years o f age an d older is $23 <ainSt,Buhl 5; Mentis: I I’m betUng • “We have son so m e time," he 3n to seniors S4 and diildren make love to nes ijjf I ’v e j u s t JS'!,!; Tuesday: Chili, com bi bread, will formally . says, idcrl2,S2. me, talk to me, ■Q o-w I salad, fru it dessert iposc. I The w om an bebeliind die desk Mcnits: hang out w iih f i n i s;hhce d a w o r k o u t ly: Meaiballs. rice, vegw, Wednesday: Cream o f chli hickcn de a n ap- jum ps in. “Caria," Monday: Pork ribs, saueridaut,. la," she says, “you me. mil. dessert , ” V soup, ^ e d cheese sandwii ivichcs, rgetables, fmit, salad, bread, Jk ed fo rad ay o f I n t m e n t have b een bookci Someone to — n1 ilii t t l e b i t s o r e , ly: Baked lurkey, dress' salad, tnilt, dessert s se n h my magipampering." make th e big nbcrry, noiatocs a n d ^ inc. crank Wednesday: Qiicken ond noon, Tonya, lor "What? ButIt w hat about g r m ^ eiciablcs, t bucks an d p u t b lltft uult, d essert' U f c s a tis f ie d . 5 Activities: es, vegciables, salad, fruit, rolls, It brown Ocean City?" m a in m y big ^ a y : Cook’s choice. ’ Tuesday: Pool asert h lighis In "We'll get the highll; there." Stephen soup house. QuUdng, 9 a m . to 2 p.m.says, heavy niy Ihair. I’m Someone to move the hea lay: Pork diops, polaTtiursda’ Jigsaw puzzles len'sfavoriie I give him th 5 C, kill goingto w earS iep h en th e bcorest of iocs a ndd ' graw, applesauce, stuff, take o u t tlie garbage, I Cards back, afler bearhugs before lonor, dress.. Awhile bi relih e leaves. “Oil, vegetables. the bugs, li^ it for my lion s . bread, dessert W ^ e s d a y :P o o l baby, diank you!" p ,an e obliquely i - hold my purse while I shop, ai d so m e prodding, h,e Quildng, 9 a m . (0 2 p.m. Eden thin- volunteered diat I'd know kn ssage and facial, 1 /Itriw'fics; w hen Afterm ym assaj to: tell me I've never looked thi Jlgsawpuzzles donations for sen-V ;e h e "would am handed a sci sealed envelope Tbday: Buffet. B 1 p.m. Seniors, , Suggested Sui 3n rm y bccause ner. But I haven’t dwelled on Gamesrs is i3. All meals Indude sakid, ragc60.S.l.50. lorsL s e n d someone" to gel get me. Buc and disposabi lablc camera. $4, under aj rcsponsibUitles. I' Tliursday; Art class, 9 am m.. ssert, fm it milk and coffee, iy :^ r d s e .lO a jn . ‘*‘-.‘ss< you to lake picMonday: ige in a bot- "Stephen w anls:sy( ive to th ere was no message Kcv. Cherry says I'll liave ■; IW d O T ;^rcisc,730am . lesdays are cookie and bread'* ^^es< Cards, 66110 9 p.m. only tie <oday r« |u e stin g;Il m r eet him. tures o f yo u rr dday," m y spa lovc Stephen througli nott or ftKll ikc days and Wednesdays ore Tuesday: ly: Quildng, 8 a m . lo 3 rlc calls m e attendant says, lisap- Just another day. He m isunderstandings, dlsa ^ Quilting, 9 a m . 10 2 p.m. dnn< nnamon roU and maple bar nvclope. In it is 0 pnL n. 1I disguise I open the cnve ludes, ■ in die afternoon. Il^ a w puzzles polnfments a n d bad aitliudi ikc days. bake stafTat the Daily Crafts, 1104 1 1 p.m. incCT, n iy disappointm entIt by I saying letter from d ie sta b u t possibly through cano sdiMlixcndsc. 10 o jn --------- Mcmis:__ ____________________ c-had-our-first-------Wedn(»l ..... .................... G rill,-where-wvc-: impo-— I'm sick.------------------------layofe-m iscaniages and imp TUesday: Ham. m ashed’^ l a ­ r’s Market, 5 lo 7 p.m. • ing, o n my date. They’re ta! taking care of T h e n o n e evening tence. We m ake vows toI God Gi cs and gravy, peas, frtiit salad, loy:Q uildng,0ani.to3 toes. rte r will be delivered Tliunidtr irk. I Slop at lunch loday. It wil - thal wc will take care o f am n ilim- w ay hom e from work, spin: tinach salad, cake and ice side, a guy to die spa. I can e a n 'tb c U c e h e i P th e drugstore. Insldi 7021 llh SL. Rupert perfect person for life. The focus foe cam I io 3 p jn . crcar done all dils. ays. vfimts to know m y nam nc e, says Meals are served ot noon 3n and should n ot be o n self, he says Thursday: Homburgers, loma: Exerdse, 10 a m . . Th ...................... About 2:45, I’m I’m o n die chaise .I'm v ery au ractiv e.___ hom e delivered upon reqi XJUCSt Principl»l\vohDono(4wBanxan to SO soIu p baked cheese sandwich, 1 thank him a n di m r ake my longue, ^ g e r l y ti ges are Ious. rec-bean salad, peach pudding' Juice ond assorted beveram served every day with meals, aisle. He foi- zinc pages w ith Us. Gift niar- w ay doivn another alsl Outside o f salvation, ni: shop hours aro Monday thrc ir o u ^ ' he can call polished nails, v. :, w hen my ccU .222 Main ilnSL . baiest lows. He asks m e if h< riage is th e single ^ a t ( Activities; 7 Friday, 9 a m . 10 3 p j n . . 'ctd n g m ar- phone rings. It's'sSi Stephen. Dinners rs served a t noon on • Wednesday. Bake Day Bingo, 7 m e. I tell him I'm gett decision we’ll ever rhake,, Rev. Ri Thiu^days. Sug* nm Tuesdaysi and a jdged ried. He says diere's5 ni n o ring o n ' "Hey, sweets,IS, I'm stuck in Cherry says. Wc will be judgi m.. M o n d ^ Salad, enchllo jnadon; $3 for senlore. ^ liodas, n’l Ib e able to gel Rested don n iy finger. I say not yel. yet trafDc and w on’t and our lives will ^ ,m o a ssured ur meals are rie n d Loretta Is Home lo) delivered i cans he still you, So m y frier He insists diat m cai by tliis relationship. TUesday: C o l(^\v , b w ffstew, s o u iu p ." available each ea meal dme. ,ys, 11- h as a diancc. For aI m om ent, 1 going lo pick y ou “BUI and Hillary," h e says, ( biscuits, brownies ta?~ Menus: tu'rc righl. “Who's Loretta?' hoicc th in k . Maybe you'i . lusirating the im pact tlie choi ly: Baked ham. polaW ednesday: Salad, chic [licken . TOcsdayi lives.' M oybe y o u -d o atlil tiil h a v e -a “She'sa friendido o fm ln e.of a m ate will have oriour live 210 N. Rail SLW.,Shoshonc toes, peas IS and carrots, jellied £** fried steak, m aslicd potat tatoes, II H Hev. Clicr"Dut." p o se, chance. Then I recall Tlic last principle Is purpos Orange ju ia \ milk and coffee country gravy, rolls, vegembh read and bulier, fruit bles ATOtairs at 3:30. n c n in die “Just be downs rried? ry urging die womci rved daily. \ Wliy arc wc getting marrie T h u i»lay: Cottage chc heese, isuaction of She’ll be waiting." >c will class to avoid die d isu Me tuts: Anything w itiiout a purpose w '8Thursda’ lay: Fried chicken, laco salad, lb (a s toast, mous; usse diam ond rings, weddL Iding dressQlck. TUesday: Liver and onions, fall apart, hu says. ■aw. maslied potatoes, , .*¥ ftiday: Smorgasbord Stuck In traillc p ? M le re w a s blo. I es an d d f t n ^ t r i e si.. I Dash m y cd potatoes, buttered com, carNow I’m really In trouble, satid, rolls and butter, nile and go he? I gel myselffto to(g e d ie r,b u tn o I'vc-had-enough smili I sddcs, pear salad, aonbcrryy S J S to can't articulate wliy I want to get g Activities: one’s ot die d o o rrw V a id n g .Ip cc r S ggar i ; cookies married. 1 can take care of,f m y. hom e. MondiM Exerdse, 10 amn.. Just down the street. Wednesday: QiiU hot dogs, rclT h e wedding is! now r :l. II sec a limo o tfim m o pelf. 1have a good job. Ch God, Go Pinochle, 1 to 4 p.m. a u1 iray, n key lime pie Hey, ihero’s a J e r o ml ee S e n io r C e n t e r ly, an d I’m few feet away.^ I-i maybe I didn't think thiss ooine sev en m onths away. Vlfcdnesday: Exerdse. 10'Ojn. a St Avc. E You don’t sec 212FIret, (Cited about wom an driver.r. Y < b o th nervous ond excit lhrougli.The best I can do Is Is say & Pinochle, i t o 4 p.m. mers served a t noon. Aci Activities: All dinni o u r first private'm eet eedng widi diat too often, i I siscon die block th atilo v c him. Thursday: SMIBA, 10 a mn ..to 4 ‘ I donation is S3. Mo person. Sufficstedd Monday: Exerdse, 9 a m . aid to Rev. Cheriy. He w ants [Its 10 know • for dlls Loretta pei I love that h e wasn't afraid p.m. Call GOTrge, 436 to 9107 07. Col Coirec,930am. }d ie w oman. Meiuixth at w h at wc believe die oil other’s pur“Carla?" calls dn lell me h e loved me.' I lovee th W day; Exercise, 10 am . iy:Bccfstcw, fruit EastQu Quilting, 10 am . lo 3 p.m. lives. He . “Yes,"Isaycaud audously.-Lorctiw lh o p o s e Is in o u r li Pinoclilc, 1 lo 4 p jn . helsonoid-fasliloncdm anw 5. biscults’ TU( Tuesday: Pinochle, I p.m. on ta?" h n m y en courages us toJ stay : shared Ills intentions with Bingo, 7 p-m. y. Mollbu cliicken. po^ Wednesday: Snack bar, 6 p jn . track—holy, as in untouchcd, un "Yes. Stephenm :h a s scm ror motlicr. id gravy, green b e iis , Eai lo bird bingo, 630 p!m. Early [—and'^vcs you." (1 nic a n d Christ-ccncered—i I love thot they (accused n I I. cinnamon rolls Bin 7 p.m. Bingo, Ch and I walk slowly yt<t o t h e l l m o u . from the room and. to this (lay_ da> I u s homework. Rev, Cherry sday: Chiii, Jell-O fruit. xiti Tliursday; Exerdse, 9 am . Tientofkinsine. Loretta looks Id. /All S tephen share a m om e o k sa m m n l. carrolcake, have no Idea w hat'they said. :e,combrcad Col Coffee, 930 am . scovcr diat “What is goingigon c ? W h e rea re i,too. sh ip when iliey discc Thursda) 2421 O vcriand Avc., Biulcj I know is that she loves him, (o ley lay: Frcnch dip sandFriday: Pinochle, I p jn . ly. Oh wc going?" ble a s *hcy sliare a biiiliday. i Lord, Menus: I lovc that he sees the Bible; . , , , wich, augn gratin potatoes, peas, 11nnever win “lust sit back cara n d relax, slie beddilnking, now I’ll apple salad, Monday; H ot turkeysandw dwidi. I do; Words to live by. not bei id. bread pudding says.' _ • potacopacdes,fruitbabycar arrots, tim e fables. H e rem indss m n e afig lit. lughhom eTen m in u tes s li later, Loretta ,;ih. As I look back mroug Aaivilics: CK Orange On juice, milk and coffece dessen dally of m y beauty and worth. notes pulls up at oiu-r St id ll tlie w ork and handouts1 and oj Starbucks. She Monday:, rvedddly. Tuesday: Potato soup, Reu y:A eroblcs,llajn. servo cuben He forccs m e to grow, and lething beopens die door ani a n d moUons for Gem Staii sandwiches, frog eye salad, M e n u s lore I In m y Journal, somcll ace Fiddlers Me j, h r j closcr I get to him. tlic more m e to go In. T\icsdm^ y: Pinochle, 1 p.m. Monday: Mo Pork roast mashed1 dazcccakc ly sin com es clear to me. am exposed. Rev. C lienysays: Wednesday: Sweet and1 !sour ud. 6:45 p jn . pouiti uiiocs and gravy, green beans,:, . Tliere’s a good Eariybiid nol die dayU's almost 4. Tl allow • M yblgccstfearisnoi marriage you have to tulo tos5C< Stephen—a t die Bingo, 7r pp.n t ;scd sahd, pineapple upside2 chicken, broccoli, rice, fruit fi to crowd. I see SlCf noth- to-day o f marriage:: having h yourself to be so close to anotl m r,6pjn. down talked for two Snackbar wncakc, ice cream apple pie icn, consid- uible where w ec m crson check in with S tephen erpcrson that that othcrpcrsc crobIcs,llam . Thi rhursday: "Rico soup, comI Thureday: M eadoat baked edpoW c d nsday:A ^ e r is u his opinionss a n d his hours m ore th am n ttw o years liecan destroy your life. le,7am . bread » d , piunpkinple tatoes, ^ c c n beans, fhilt sa saiad, latsulL him before fore. Wearing th a t: no ito feelmgs, talking to hlr I love hlrn a n d I’m >vUUng ay: Aerobics, I I oan. lemon l ^ loday Is now. I Thursday m aking major purchs ± a se s, cnI know whot lo< V isk it.Isd iaten o u ^ 7 W day; Fun lunch iconiroUably. He , lis favorite begin to sob uncoi if tl^ ih e d u rin g reruns o f his ^ At the ilnni class, 44 of ikes, clean- stands u p and asks asks m e lo comc • nain. stories an d corny Joke Arlginid GI couples remoii Actiirities: shlng over, dcci- ln c u p a fte rliim ,v ra sh i 0 sink !Now w c an n ounce tiie dcc M ondw A U play pool lOo 3 am . 72IThlrdAve.S.,HaiIcy He tries to con console me. He full o f dishes afler o onn c o f his jslons we've made. .,K lniixaly Ma Pinochle, 1 p jn . Menus: J I O ^lnStN , earing our wipes my tearstaonn d tells m e it ledge g o u rm e t meals, bear Some couples acknowledf ilTec and tea served. Tbe Thx h d p by appointmentt lUesday: Hot roast beef sandk im c ' children, balding; medical wiil be oil rig h t, 1I ccan't stop cry4liat they need m ore time. Son: TUcsday:AllpIaypooUOo 3 am . wich. di. n u ^ e d potatoes, creamI Ivlhg cco- ing. I know w hat tc ujccs em ergencies, survivli want to d e a n "Up tlicir finana y: Poiaco soup, hom style i Dominoes, 10 ojn. ie com. coleslaw, an g d food1 no m ic downturns, o3rr forgiving 1 or finish school first. Some have ha\ , Jcll-O widi fruit, cook- c ^ccvwith strawberries Computer class, 1 pjn. Fielder is asslsiai slant a n dinxlor n o t lapses in judgment. resolved to be friends andj ni (Lm. Wjodcarving class, 6 30 a r Wednesday: Bacon an d vegIt’s d ie possibilityy th i at one ofThcWashinglor, rto n f te tM a s o W ednesd rfay; SpaghetU w i * „ ai,]( many. BIngo,7pjn. ibles quiche, hashbrown1 zine m eat sauce, X, green beans, tossed ^ ‘ho*'t, ^h e m i^ it ■ Stephen an d 1 stand. All I can ca W i ^ i u s ^ All play pool sserole, salad bar, biscuits, K ll.lO salad, gorlJ irllc bread, peaches, tun. sh fmit salad,' lemon b ^ cookies Pinodilc, 1 p m Horn ^Activities: M doy:H i and s c a l l o p poThuradoy: All ploy pool^ 01, 10 ---------------------tatoes, che hecse troy. Harvard am . Vfanday: Wal-Mort 9 a m . csalad, lemon puddlnA /«-_ .... bccts,frultsi renter dosed E x a d sc ,lI:1 5 o jn . Becker said. “T hose! that tl have 1 wouldn't do ltt “ Ron said. "It pcanutbutU Continued (torn E l ittcr cookies ^ N l ^ pinochle, T pjn; [Uesday: Exerdse, 130 p m . town, b ut if we roam out- does dc you do w li]nh- fadlldes d iat Ict petsJ rc o f dogs because theyVe hlgl W un. A otednesday:'nacs.lOajn.to3»•• Friday;A Ilplaypool.lO an n ^ sid e ore One. And If your } vay. wc just sit ActiviHcs:' pet want to get avray energy' ho said. T n e y nec a PIno< Jile.lpjn. cn o o r aim block Monday:; n e e d s to have a m e di liam condl- dow nw ldiacalcnc H M m ccU ng,7pjn. regukir exerdse.” [huraday; Exerdse, 130 p jn . B in g o ,lp jn . ■ Tuesday:! p B in m 7 p u n . ec tever m onitored, th enn th ti a t^ th e out a tim e to takkcofE'. Oh m y Visits, -I do whatev( iv e m a d e a lo to f E x a d se,! ^10;30a^l. J j* '" " Tho Wards have) Vie ow her w an ts done." R Roon w a y to g p . tday: Gin Rummy, 1 aids. In a way, Wednc«dj ts iarc o co - fbur-Iegged friend and cats -Wtol said. “If they w ant mDeC to t P^. , K y rc n io re Bcv says, It^ likeehluav in g d o zcn s 'walk the dog, th a ts v\4iat I djo." a " • tu res o f habit, a n d they B x o d s l ^ 10-30 ojn. n u la r sitfo f pets. c o m fo rtab le in -fa m Roi\ typically m akes tw o visits vlsii ly: NA meedng, 7 p o a rscverance a n d . Padencc, p ersw o day, w hich c a n last front a fe Eiingo, 1 1 5 0 a m ., L a N a A L » tall com c ih “ " ’S f v & B O . h . uto. (he.pet- good Instm m cc ^ u t c s 10 a h a lf h o u c ■ e ,lp jn . s. But only ono s ittin g business spc) i(?(Jn after handy, ahe says. B 'I tu m th e lights bn at n l^ S p ee cc i a / m o v lr^ to .JWin RiIIs 1 Is'fro n t Is* thing his obsofutcl] iond turn them off In (he rooiT pet-sltters. landPaifc. Ing," he sold. Tteats." per T h e ir s o n h a d a jpet-carc niQ Waxdfl d ta rg tf $101pc .naOtyHa ltaiUy&Andy Ham d u r in g t h o ml o tn t h o f M a r c h n o thal^no • •• emergency, and found v isit V etcilnaiy boarding fee ' A J6tk April b e , in -h o m e seiviccs odstc Isted In the The Ward^ petxt-sitting bust,-m m locally genem lly average be . t u i F u n a N. |»9i are a a t the time. i ll. ' ■ ness. Four Pemas C Critter Sitters. , .(H Q ■•CvMOOMfenUOT twixn $10 a n d $20 a da)t *Itb som ething th at i t lIe n j o y o r am be readied a«733.S t 7. ra7. tt 4 ■ \^KxA>a W ttcoittI M l . "iNot.all k en n els are b)aa dd ” tVr An. joVr ■ «tV ™ alls Senior Center Gooding County Senior Citizens • Camas County Senior Center agerman Senior Center West End lor Citizens Inc. S silver and Gold Senior Center r.------ Minidoka Ceuntyy-------1. Senior Citizens Cent W rS sS ; ir Senior Haven Filer: Golden Years Senior Citizen, Inc. Golden Heritage Senior Center Ilchfleld Senior Center. Blaine County Senior Center Ageless )r Citizens, Inc. Pets __ _ DPfA U T O l O ’^ o r t AAll R etail m cjrjKasa-.' 1 V o flm d t x t n t .a l C a tta m 'u il liM 'i/o ltorr l7 /g w V /« y . H t / i d i / i s - 7 31S5 - 3 2 4 2 i V-dgc E - 6 T h e T im c s -N < < c v /s S u n d a y , M a r c h 2 7^, 2 0 0 5 a l k y s c r a jpbooih k i - , - : ' ; , s - — I ; ■ "J I ;a V U 'k r - / I ■ train i f w ¥ B ' . j # ^ ' rM< cw inr •<ritTincu a. uctm m •<i>t M ixr <'iTiueuKcootwrn, ^ T»ti r«b Fel roy, w h ic h c a m e to Twin F alls Inn i1 9 2 0 , Is p ictu re d In a b o u t 1 9 33 3 . In b a c k fro m le ft a r e Irm a Fellon, Em m a S m ith , B e th T h e A in sw o rth c la n of Caroy, ry aain d A da B o p p . In fr o n t , from I le ft, a re Bill, Roy, t h e 1 4 o th e rs ), L e o n a M c C ro ary •B ell, A nn ie M o rris ,T h e re saa M a u d o A insw o rth (m o th e r o f th t h e fam ily w a s e v ic te d fro m Its h om e w h en re tu rn in g r ily 's fa th e r d ied In 1 9 3 0 , a n d th H ow ard, D eo, M el, Len, Jo se p h a n d F red A in sw o rth . T ho fa fam r t h s lived fo r a tim o In t h e cany rlciiia C o g sw ell, a g r a n d d a u g h te3rr co l T h e resa M a u d e . T h e A lnsw o rtli inyon b e lo re th o fo u r from th o fu n e ra l, sa y s P a trlc Tw in F a lls h o m e for t h e ir m o thNer. e r. o lder b o y s p u rch a se d th is Twi " :Iecn this sele i tion froi :o'm iers’ g our readei Ij- old sera] ____ - i i - b 0 ^ k _ s 0 -- -S b R 3, few y o u ’D find a fe e n d u rin g themi mes of family: T he s h ip m P W . c o m p a n ii oo n e x t e nidd ie d - r fa m ilie s . tio n ------ — t — ■ ■ of C o i l a b 'oo rr a to w e a ■t ht h e r ' H • ■ : '§ e o r e v i c t i o n . P r i d le e in E---------j i a ------------ f a m i l y . b u s i n e ssss te s . A n d t h e f u n n y a nn ee c d o t e s — p e r h a pp ss 3 p e p p e r - i n - t h e - pp ii |p e p r a n i c — t i i a t b r iig{ i? h t ^ r en th e fa b ric v .a ijB 5" I f c 11 ” fja r0 a d v e r s i t y , li]<e a d e aa t h rtMoCMIMJI aff »t*eu Lcooimu gl 1 Wllll V llllam R . a n d C lo e Boll p o se wivlth ith th e ir c h lld ro n — R o n ald , rigihh tt. ^ w re n c e , a t fr o n t le ft, a n d Clifford f f o r d - I n a b o u t 1 9 1 0 In Twin F aalllls ; Vllllam Bell w a s a d v ise d t o g o w e: e st fo r h is h e a lt h , a n d h e did o n a Wllll fing a 1 6 -y o a r-o Id w ife a n d b aby sc so n 1.99 0 '4 tra in fro m In d ia n a — leaving lehlnd, sa y s g r a n d d a u g h te r PaUIrlcia lcI C o g sw ell o f Tw in F a lls. Cloo 30 a n d laby Jo in ed W illiam In 1 9 0 6 . ‘Qram ira n d m o th o r l o d e fro m (th o rallroo a d bab) ta tltlo 'n a t) S h o s h o n e o n a now bblai lac k m a r o w ith h o r b a b y In fro nntt o f sta h eo r; C o g sw ell s a y s . 'H e r co nd itio Ilonn for c o m in g w a s t h a t G randdad lad b u y h o rna b lac k rid in g m a ro .' Tho youn^ }unger tw o s o n s w o re b o m w hiloI t h e fam i lived In a d u g o u t n o rth oiff Fll amlly Flier, w h e re W illiam h o m e s te a d e mBmbers fiatho Is IrIn t h o su m m e r o f a b o u t 1 9 3 3 . From le ft In fro n t a r e th o r on a farm s o u th o f Tw in F a lls B in a n d E d n a 0 'H a rro le e nr O 'H arrow ( T h io b e rt); c o u sin rrow\ , holding g ra n d d a u g h te r C o lle ;ln U n le O 'H arrow ; E s l Ben; an d G race a n d E arl ‘C a p ’' O 0 'H orro w , C o lle e n 's p a r e n t s ., Tl T he tw o m on In b a c k to lle F urm an , s i s te r ool C alifo rn ia. 'W o o ro p o s o d In th eB front fi y ard w ho ro m y E s to ilo 's s o n s : Ih thoo Furm ans-w oro v is itin g fro m Calli itill a Tw in F alls r e s id e n t . ‘I think Ink th o c lo th in g s t y l e Is b o u g h t th thie la rm ,' sa y s C o llee n , w h o 's still ty p ic a l o f farm fam ilies s e d r e s s e s o f m y m o t h e r a n d1 g ra n d m o ther, a n d t h o lies o l th e tim e — th o c o tto n h oj uuse s tr ip e d o v era lls o l mnyy di ad a n d g ra n d fa th e r.' f a m ily h is to ry . I 3 u t y o u ’ll a l s o Frai F rank L. a n d E lla C o g sw ell a n dI th ie ir s o n . D a le , a r e p ictu re d In abo a b o u t 1 9 1 0 In Tw in F a lls. The fam ily c a m e t o Tw in F a lls In 1 9 0 9 b efo re b u ying a farm so u th o f K Kliim sn d p u rc h a s e d a h o m e In to w nI,, be t a n k C o g sw ell o w n e d a n a p a rtml e in t boily In 1 9 1 4 . In la te r y e a rs, Franl hO jh t h oUu se, a d riv e -th ro u g h se rv ic e s ta t a tio n a n d a fu e l, tir e a n d freight ope r's w o rk e rs p lay e d a n April fo oIff 3 p era tlo n . 'O n e tim e Q ra n d fathtoo r'i Joke ’sw iell, w h o s e h u s b a n d , R onald, Is a o k o o n h im ,' s a y s P a tr ic ia C ogsw ggrara:n d so n o f F ra n k . ‘S o m e o n e flllec Illed h is p ip e w ith b lac k p e p p e r th e n tam la m p ed to b a c c o o n to p o f th a t , a s h e o fte n le f t h is p ip e on th e9 casI a n d p ro c e e d e d t o sm o k o away, : a s h r e g i s t e r . . . . Ho lit h is p ipe9 an novi a s w ro n g. T h e fu m e s from th o p< io vo r l e ttin g o n t h a t a n y th in g w as peppi e r m ad e th o p ra n k s t e r s ' e y e s wa' w a te r s o m u c h th e y h ad t o go let m an , b u t h e d id h a v e a g o odd j u ts ld o . ... F ra n k w a s a v ery q u iet ie n s o o f h u m o r.' 2 see s o m e t h i n g t h a t ’s p £a r t i c u l a r t o t h e p i o n ee e r . e x p e r i e n c e . A t l e aa ssit a c o u p l e o f t h e f a m liillii e s / uS I R j . Smm J sked p ic tu re d h e r e ris lc i re lo c a tin g in rS ' f h o m e s to n e w liv e s i n new , i i n s e ttttllie d p la c e — p e r i i a p IS s to I ' ■ ' jS m ' I' rg - V ^ v A - f r r .- .- , t a k e u p r e s i d e n c:e e in ^ i" y H 1 A jflH g N Hf |f ■ 'M e s t a b l i s ihh !e d fro m a < s ta g e s W Jl il ^ „ ■' ' a d e s e r t d u g o u t. R e u n i o n s fo llo w w (e d t h o s e l o n g j o u r n lee sy s , a n d f a m i l y l i v e s to t o (o k r o o t i n d i e n e w s oQj[ il . — V ir g in ia 'q 2 . H u t cnh ml s :■ r '' - ■• . . ■■ i . ' - • ' i* • **.*» • • — • • ' ,'V rwon >cMMii<>JIUUMn)OMKO»IMI W illiam a n d V iola S p e n c e r, Burt PIctuiQd In Twin Falla L 1 9 1 9 , from lo ft In b o c k , a r ei Wl Is Ifl u rt a n d A lice D u n a h o e , E tha P e arl F ollon. a nndd E1 s th e r a n d A rch ie S p e n c e r. T h oe ic h ild re n In fr o n t a r o H aro ld C. Fellon a n d A rlo u ln e lls fro m M o n ta n a — s o m o by c a r, a n d so m o b y tr a in E. F ellon. T h e s e familly ily m em b e rs oil c a m o t o TWln F aalls a n d vvagon to S ho sh lo o nno i a n d a c ro s s th o S n a k e R lv orr bbyy ferry . . A 'M r ? ^ ■ 8 £ fe L s . to ft, A rtio Jo n e s, a n d H ugo Joi Jo n es o ra u p for 1 9 1 S p h o t:o o is o u t h o f Kim berly. y. T h e c o u p lei hh a s ° d a u g h te rr " v > " S in E dl e in , • Inn H adamI,, a n d a so n n e a r H ansen, on, * -A — I ACCESSORYPACKAG!E E ) I EVERYDAYSPEGIA w l; f: - ^ 10 h Lube, Oil, Filler « ! iI ■Cluonu s sB«d d*p s 1 0 9 8 "“!“ I; Sendee lURASTOP | ‘ Short B rakes . 'i1 I Q '■icTtT' ^ O oodM nch j For S || (N 4 ^ n c box newer GMC's 51795 : ' ‘M o s t V e h i c l e s I ^^‘ ' " ' eHGINK.......... i9 ” L i r $ 1 5 5 0 “0 . . ' 1 4 2 7 BIUI^ i| | lA K E S P- N. 7 3 3 -1 8 2 BW D 1 - 8 0 0 - 3 S1 3 3 -2 2 1 9 Up To 5 Quails New Oil, i 1 'j WheroAppBcaWeAndA'r I (3 Year 50,000 ML Warranty) I) j [ lOPointCouilosyChfldt.L \ • I I 'NoSrtf«ta,Ho[)iKd ‘ I Q Tu Q to ts EnkjdnLibor »tw MfOKBOM \ O ood«nth '■ Each Oil Change Indudes New FiKef, Lube Chassis S I ^ iffa d n g o fro to fs /d n jm s e x tr a •,I Expires 4/3(V05 • j I, II I I I I . . J » wi t f W w ^ i g r e e n al uu t p a r o u p . c o n «i> j I I Jl ' ■