Spring ‘11 Lab 6 - System Response Lab 6 - 1 Lab 6 - System Response Format This lab will be conducted during your regularly scheduled lab time in a group format. I strongly recommend that you rotate roles during the lab. You may ask the lab instructor for assistance if needed, but successful completion of the lab is your responsibility – not theirs! Reports An individual, informal report covering the first lab exercise (First Order System Response) is due from each student by 8:00 AM on Monday, 3/7/11. This required report will count as two homework exercises. An individual, formal report covering the second lab exercise (Second Order System Response) is due from each student by 8:00 AM on Friday, 3/11/11. Do not include any material from the first lab exercise in the formal report. Use Microsoft Word and Excel to create the report. Two “hard” copies (stapled in the upper left-hand corner) must be turned in – one complete copy and one copy without an appendix (marked “English”). In addition, an electronic copy of the report without figures or appendix must be emailed to the course instructor on the due date. Use your complete name as part of the file name for the electronic copy. Procedures I. First Order System Response Your lab group will build the circuit shown in Figure 1, which will be connected to both the function generator and the National Instruments data acquisition system. A first voltage follower buffers the output from the function generator to the 1st order RC system. The function generator output is connected to the data acquisition system with the orange (Or) and black (Blk) twisted wire pair. A second voltage follower buffers the output from the 1st order RC system to the data acquisition system. The second voltage follower output is connected to the data acquisition system with the yellow (Yel) and black (Blk) twisted wire pair. Or Ch0 Hi Ch0 Lo Blk Function Generator TTL 50 Or Ch1 Hi Ch1 Lo + + Yel R Blk Blk C Blk Figure 1. 1st order RC system time constant set-up. Spring ‘11 Lab 6 - System Response Lab 6 - 2 1. Build the two voltage follower op-amp circuits shown above. The resistance R is nominally 240 k(220 k kin series) and the capacitance C is nominally 0.022 F. Measure and record the actual series resistance and capacitance of the initially installed components for this 1st order RC system. Connect the function generator and data acquisition system as shown. 2. Adjust the function generator to produce an approximately 4 to 6 Hz square wave with an amplitude of about 2 volts peak-to-peak. 3. Set Signal Express to read 1000 samples at 5 kHz (5,000 samples/sec). This will be data set #1. The vertical position setting for both traces should be approximately centered vertically in the screen. 4. You should obtain a pair of traces that are “similar to” those in Figure L5-2. The square wave ("step input" to RC system) comes from the function generator. The exponential (1st order) response curve comes from the output of the 1st order RC system. It is important that the RC system output reach a constant steady-state value, i.e., the output response should “flatten out” after the 1st order exponential rise or decay. If this does not happen with your RC system, check your resistor and capacitor values and your setting for Signal Express carefully. 6 4 Voltage 2 0 IMPORTANT! -2 -4 -6 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 Time, sec Figure 2. Input and output waveforms for 1st order RC system. 5. Have the lab monitor check the results from your RC circuit at this point! 6. When the lab monitor “OK’s” your results, save the data shown on the Signal Express screen in Excel. If you cannot open the file in Excel and see the data for plotting (time, Spring ‘11 Lab 6 - System Response Lab 6 - 3 input voltage, output voltage), then you have not stored the data correctly from Signal Express. 7. Estimate the experimental time constants from your plotted data. 8. Compute the theoretical time constant for the 1st order RC system from the measurements of the resistance, R and the capacitance, C. Compare to the experimental time constant estimated in Step #7. These values should agree to within ~10%. Note - it is a "good idea" to perform this step in the lab. If your experimental and theoretical time constants are not "close," you need to find out why before you leave the lab! 9. Measure a 0.0047F capacitor, and add it in parallel with the existing 0.022 F capacitor (keep the existing 240 k resistor combination). This will be your second 1st order RC system. 10. Collect a set of data (1000 samples at 5 kHz ) from the second 1st order RC system and save to Excel. This will be data set #2. Outside of lab: 11. The experimental time constant of each 1st order RC systems can be accurately determined from the input and output vs. time plots. Determine the time constants for each of the 1st order RC systems. 12. Clearly and completely show both experimental time constants on separate plots of the experimental data. Show where the step input initially occurred and when the output reaches the t= value. 13. The theoretical time constant of each 1st order RC system can be determined from the measured resistance and capacitance values. Since the values used in the theoretical computation are measured, there will be uncertainty in the theoretical value for time constant. Use the instrument data from your course notes to determine this computed uncertainty. 14. There will be also be uncertainty in the experimental values for time constant due to the inexact knowledge of when the step input occurred and when the RC output value equals the theoretical prediction. 15. Determine whether the theoretical (±uncertainty) time constants and the experimental time constants (±uncertainty) for both 1st order RC systems overlap. If they don’t overlap, give a reasoned engineering explanation. Spring ‘11 Lab 6 - System Response Lab 6 - 1 II. Second Order System Response A load cell / differential amplifier circuit will be used to measure the dynamic response of a 2nd order, spring – mass combination. Four different masses will be used to generate four different natural frequencies for the system. The natural frequencies will be used to estimate the spring rate (or spring constant) of the spring. These spring rates will be compared to a theoretical spring rate determined from material properties and the physical dimensions of the spring. 1. Build the differential amplifier circuit for the load cell shown in the Load Cell Wiring Diagrams section of the ME 360 Lab Notes folder provided at each lab station. Note that the color code for the load cell does not follow the ME 360 conventions. A circuit gain in the range of -50 to -75 (G = -Rf /Ri) will give a reasonable sensitivity for the 2nd order system. 2. Connect the output from the differential amplifier (Eout) to one of the two input channels of the data acquisition system / Signal Express. Verify that Signal Express is reading the load cell by pulling on the spring with 5 or so pounds of force. 3. Weigh your four loads (one at a time!) on your digital scale and record the weights. 4. Each station will have an extension spring that attaches to the load cell via a hook eye. Weigh the extension spring on your digital scale and record the weight. 5. Attach the largest weight (W1) to the free end of the extension spring. See the lab monitor for the correct hardware and mounting procedure. 6. Deflect the spring a small amount and release. You should see a damped sine wave response on the Signal Express screen. Note – the coils of the spring should never completely “collapse” and touch each other at any point in the oscillation. If they do you will get an incorrect trace that does not always look like a damped sine wave. You will need to use a larger initial weight or smaller initial deflection of the spring if this happens. 7. Set the Samples to Read and Rate in Signal Express to obtain 4 to 7 oscillation periods from the spring-mass system. Collect enough data at a sufficiently high rate to have at least 10 to 20 samples per cycle. Save the Signal Express data for subsequent analysis (natural frequency) and plotting. 8. Add one of the smaller weights to the first weight to obtain weight W2. Repeat the steps above for a second set of experimental damped sinusoidal data. 9. Add another smaller weight to the first two to obtain weight W3. Repeat the steps above for a third set of experimental damped sinusoidal data. 10. Add the last small weight to the first three to obtain weight W4. Repeat the steps above for a fourth set of experimental damped sinusoidal data. 11. You will need to obtain three other measurements in the lab in order to determine the theoretical spring rate, Ktheo: Measure these two diameters very carefully and several wire diameter, d times each with different students – the calculation for spring outer diameter, DO Ktheo is very sensitive to these values, particularly d. number of total coils, NT. Spring ‘11 Lab 6 - System Response Lab 6 - 2 The easiest way to determine the number of coils for a tightly wound spring is to measure the coiled length of the spring and divide by the wire diameter, see Figure 3. Lcoil NT Lcoil d d DO Figure 3. Determining Total Number of Coils, NT. Outside Lab: 12. For each of the four sets of data collected in lab use the experimental damped sine wave oscillations to determine the experimental period, Texp and the experimental natural frequency, exp. Also determine the uncertainty in the experimental natural frequency, Uexp. 13. Clearly and completely show the experimental period Texp on plots of the experimental data. 14. Calculate four experimental spring constants, Kexp for the spring from the four measured total weights (W1 to W4) and corresponding experimental natural frequencies, exp1 to exp4. See the Unit Conversion Examples section in your ME 360 course manual (or on the website) for an example. Unit conversions are critical in these calculations! 15. Calculate four additional experimental spring constants, Kexp for the spring by adding one third of the spring weight to each total weight, W1* = W1 + Wspring/3, etc. to account for the mass of the spring. Use the corresponding experimental natural frequencies, exp1 to exp4. 16. Calculate the uncertainty in each experimental spring constant due to the uncertainty in the weights (UWi) and the uncertainty in the corresponding experimental natural frequency, Uexp. 17. Calculate a single theoretical spring constant based on physical dimensions. One commonly used formula for determining the theoretical spring constant, Ktheo is from Mechanical Engineering Design, 4th Ed. by Shigley and Mitchell (1983), d 4G K theo 8D 3 N where d is the wire diameter (in), G is the shear modulus of elasticity (Gsteel ~ 11.5·106 lb/in2, UGsteel=±0.5·106 lb/in2) D is the mean spring diameter, D=DO - d (in), and N is the number of active coils in the spring (will equal the total number of coils NT for an extension spring like the ones used in this lab). 18. Compare your eight experimentally determined spring constants and uncertainties, Kexp±UKexp to the single theoretical spring constant, Ktheo. Does the theoretical formula accurately predict the experimental spring constant? If not, give a reasonable explanation based on engineering judgment.