ULJ .. lWMv - t' Haskell, Haskell Qouuty, Texas, Saturday, July 22, The LtOX3T. The latest number of the University ot Texas Record contains much F. 1). Sanders, valuable information concerning the it. C. Crane. organization, work and development orF'CIALS. of our great State University, located II. H. Jonoi. , Oicnr Martin. at Austin, illustrated by'a number of 0. K. Couch. fine engravings of the buildings and ri. 1. Vf Collin Hlictor. The institution is admin-istcre- 'd I. K. Mnrfte, grounds. C. M. llrown. by 73 professors, officers and M.nikp. TERRELL'S DRUG STORE, toiwtl toutr CtH Coutd ItlTtfl CoiotJ II. Couijl ff'Wffffii)immmfmmmmmmmmmm MifllKPIIHHllBlliiBiaBkil instructors. Handles only the Purest and licet drugs. l. ,' sTo. 29. ., .h I .TONICS, Char. LKKIMKKSON, Aiit.CblT A . 11. FOSTER, President. Prof. T. D. Evans returned last Sunday from a trip to Haskell, where IIAHKELL, TEXAS. he has been elected principal of the :1 General Banking Easiness Transacted. CollclLons y'radt and public school. Promptly Remitted. Exchange Drawn on all principal Prof. Evans has been principal of Cities of the United Stales. the kanger Public High School for o , four years, and has proven .himself A. C. Foster, J. L. Jones, Lee Pierson! Pierson, DIRECTORS: M.S. fully qualified for the position. The first term of school here under lvS T. J. Lcirtmon. . principalship increased in number of teachers from two to three, the second term increasing from three to J"-four. The enrollment when Prof. wKUMmWmTWmmL. Smmmi nil "M'unuii,tiirovSE In Evans took charge was 127, while the enrollment of the last term was i 200, the increase being due in a 1 large measure to the attendance of boarding pupils. Prof. Evans has been a member of is IM'fcm&m I Full Stock, Work Promptly to Order. the Hoard of Eastland County ExRepairing done neatly and substantially. aminers during almost his entire Prices reasonable and satisfaction with goods service in Ranger, and lias conductnd work guaranteed. ed summer normal work for the past four years. He was raised in Brown Your Trade is Solicited. county and has been teaching in West Texas for fifteen years. Though Success regrets that Prof, and Mrs. Evans are to leave Ranger The New S. we wish them health, happiness and prosperity in their new home, and M-e- y offer congratulations to both the school board and the good people of Haskell. " Carries a nice line of Jewelry, Notions and Sundries; Stationery, Watches, Clocks, Spectacles, Etc. During the past year J. W. Johnson. there were 800 students in attendH. M. a.Hlnnd. The Line of Battle. ance, more than 200 of whom were From Farm & Ranch of July 22nd: T.K.Ballard. ff)K times the "During all hard and J. K. Carttr. young ladies. The graduating class fiKlri The lines upon which the battle number nearly 150 students.' Tui- low prices wc have heard so much bcT OFFICERS. of conin 1900 will be fought are fast bethe and about years, recent tion is free; income lrom the land J. W. Kram, If endowment and legislative grants fident but lugubrious assertion that coming definite and clear and all JllLRCIIKS. doubt regarding them is being rapidllonary) Preaching every Snn- - providing sufficient revenue for the farming don't pay, there is one promly dispelled. But while this is unlltcr. R. K h, Karmor, Pastor maintenance promising Some inent fact: and of the University. Sunday st 10 o'clock, farmers have succeeded fairly well mistakably true, the warning cannot Good board may be had for $12-- Superintendent. Hit, r Sunday evrnlngnt: o'clock per month; second hand books at all the while; or, to state it different be sounded too loud that an insidktcry Friday rjlKbt. half price. These conditions make ly, good farming has always paid, ious enemy is in the field abundantjl K. Church S.) Preaching 111 b, m and 8 p. m. it the cheapest first class UniversitV'The other sort never does; hence the ly equipped with the most seductive PnMor. Ilr, perpetual grumbling that has and weapon, one that in a noiseless manlercry Sunday it 10 o'clock. in the country. Educate the 'youth will always assail our ears. Hard ner produces marvelous changes in of Texas at home. Superintendent. 4 every Sunday erenlnR at Copies of this number ot the Rec- times when really present press more the minds of men. V M. Ton nea, Prci. per cent of the That ninety-fiv- e It 3:30 p.m. MlisMollle Ilry- - ord will be sent free to anyone upon heavily upon the bad farmer than of voters the nation favapplication to John A. Lomax, Reg upon the good, because the former Democratic Tcryriiurdj't9ii. m. of readoption the Chicago or the has no refuge from the storm when istrar, Austin, Texas. IS, (Old School) Preaching 2nd with additions platform to cover dethe latter 'foreseeth the storm' and Hov.C. C Andcrion, Past. Try a Potato Fall Patch. since it was made, and velopments every Sunday at 10 o'clock. gets out of the way of it. The farSuperintendent. tor the of nomination candidates the mer who relies largely upon his head UN, (Cumberland) Preaching Ith growing of fall potatoes is be- to assist his hands will adjust his Presidency and who The Pa.tor. W. O Peyton, coming platof of in a importance matter the best are that exponents the operations to existing conditions, and kCainpbclllte) Preaching none at South, and as matter on this subject as times become worse his farming form, is not any longer open to ques7 Colonial b every Sunday at 10 o'clock. is now in season, wc give the follow- becomes better, and thus he evens tion. Every expression from the Dr. M. L. Mahaffey and family Superintendent. ing from an article by Dr. Ragland up things and comes out master of voters regardless of locality makes from Glen Cove, Coleman county, CIVIC SOCIETIES. which will appear in Farm and the situation. We will always have the fact plain. odge 'o. eel, A. F.ft A. M. arrived here Friday of last week and lay on or before each full mooii, Ranch of July 15th: One other thing has become equ- are domiciled in the J. E. Dickenson poor, pessimistic good, and farmers .1.8. IUkf, W.'M. "We have grown second crop po- practical and successful farmers." ally plain, which is that the Repub- residence, the best to be had in the HeigrhthV J.W. Evans, Sic'y. licans dread another encounter upon present crowded condition of the tatoes for four years and used them aakcll Chapter So. 181 2 Prospectors are beginning to come the lines of 896, and that the gold on meets on the flrat Tuesday Ito J for planting. So faras our experiwith Dr. town. In conversation l ence goes, it seems safe to conclude in a steady stream. A good many Democrats will receive all the aid, Mabafley a day or two ago he exJ. L.Jonea, lllgh Print. accty W. Kam, J. that second crop potatoes are as of them arc hunting state school financial or otherwise, that the Re- pressed himself as well pleased with 2 Cmp of the Woodmen of til good, if not better, for planting than land. To find it they will have to publican committee can furnish to town and surroundings and the month. 2nd anflltli Tuesday go out on the plains or two or three W. K Bhirrlll, Con. C. Northern grown seed. This fact will further the work of corrupting the thought them good enough to anchor G. It. Couch, Clerk. counties farther west, where it is too Democratic national convention and 1 inch. save the importation of large quantiin. As indicating the estimation in Many of them obliterating the lines established in ties of Northern grown seed every dry for farming. which the doctor and family were year for spring planting. Growing don't seem to know exactly what 1896. held in Coleman connty we present tiewMiomil Oar 1m. These people second crop needs to be greatly en- they are looking for: The gold Democrats of the below two clippings from the Colecouraged in the state. stripe will leave man Voice, the first an editorial and In some have heard that Western Texas -. G.UcCQMELL, Southern States second crop potato- wants more settlers and is holding nothing undone to compass the de- the other from the papers Glen Cove tea,vjoyjar.iwYivs es have been grown for twenty years. out inducements for them to come, feat of the Chicago platform and correspondent:" - n,t - Xja-w- , One grower writes that he has grown and we presume, from the way some secure the nomination of candidates Dr. Mahaffey of Glen Cove will dyysirowowsvsvw it in Texas for fifteen years. At of them talk, that they are looking by the Democratic convention, who move next week to Haskell. The . . . ASKF.LL, TEXAS." present, however, the grower who for some sort of a soft snap or some- if elected, would be as acceptable to people of Haskell will find Dr. Mahuses this second crop for seed is the body to hire them to locate. Such the gold trust, the banks, the mono- affey an excellent gentleman and cattle are not worth much anywhere. polies, as Mr. McKinley himself. exception. good physician, and worthy of their Four Pedals and Patent Soft Stop. iCAR MARTIN, "The Soil. The best soil is, per- Others have sensible and fair ideas They are now working with might confidence and esteem. The Best Value for the Price'. haps, a rich, sandy loam, kept in fine and understand that the induce- and main to accomplish that end. of spoken ments are cheap the and tilth. The same soil upon which They know that such a nomination i. i j Dr. Mahaffey and family left Besides the GOGGAN PIANOS we also carry the celebrated. the spring crop grew can be used, If fertile lands, the healthful climate, would cause a disintegration of the Tuesday for Haskell to make their and several other makes. this soil be not rich it would be bet- the various opportunities that are forces that opposed McKinley in future home. Their loss to this EmerSOn PianOS HlASKKix, - - Texas. a by new men for presented country soil use which upon ter to no crop Send for descriptive circulars and prices. Our house is the oldest and 1896 and make his election sure in community is much regretted, as the indus-intelligence to gain t grew and was plowed two or three of hey nolo in utter contempt Doctor was one of our most enterI 1900. largest in Texas. We carry ever) thing in the music line and the largest TJ. GILUKUT, footing and establish themselves. times during spring and summer, so a votwishes of the great the will and prising citizens. His continued stock of musical goods, sheet music, etc., in the South. We rc'fer to any rsician & as to bring it into fine tilth by plow- These people will make good citizens ing population of the country, and, practice during his long stay with us IluuLrll of people to in is the fair and getting banking Haskell a house Texas IfOfers his xtrvlcrs county ing and harrowing. faili.ig to use the Democratic party up to the day of his departure has Rows should be Nrroundlug country. made across it about three feet apart share of them and is glad to welcome in the interest of monopoly, they will proven him to be a very able physiand prosper- seek to compass its defeat and afterOffice at 'IcrrolI'M Drui; store. and four to six inches deep just be them as cian. We regretingly congratulate ity builders. fore it is ready for planting. As a wards claim a share of the glory of a Haskell on her good fortune. ullu and Gulventoti. The eflorts of the gold demys to Republican victory. general rule, the best time to plant These men E. LINDSEY, Heritz, in this latitude is about the 15th of get up a presidential boom for Sena- who formerly exerted such a powerPHYSIC MX & SURGE0X, August. It is best to plant after a tor Gorman of Maryland turned out ful influence in the counsels of the The Madison Meteor says that the If our friends, the Democratic party and controlled that Southwest Texas melon and truck rain when the ground comes into a small fizz. "Wc have sold many different A Texas Wonder. 'Haskem., - - Texas. proper condition. We have grown a enemy, of the yellow hue don't know party in the interest of monopoly are growers sent four solid train loads of cough remedies, but none has given Hall's Great Discovery. Office Phone No. 12. good crop when planted on the 20th it now they will know later that either interested as capitalists in the melons out over the Aransas Pass belter satisfaction than ChamberHcaldrnro Phono No 10. One small'bottle of Hall's Great' of July, after rain had moistened the nothing but a straight 16 to 1, anti- exploitation of the people and share railroad in one day recently and that lain's," says Mr Charles Holzhauer, OfJlct) North side of Squnro. Discovery cures all kidney and bladwill go with in the spoils of monopoly under law trust, Druggist, Newark, N. J. It is persoil. that road has carried about 1,250,000 re'niove's gravel, cures trouble's, der fectly safe and can "be relied upon in "The tubers that are to be used the democracy, and his name is or are mere political attorneys, who IT. TOMLINHON, melons from emissions, weak this Southwest seminal Texas diabetes, Dr. all cases of coughs, colds or hoarsefor a second crop seed should ripen Bryan. If they will just digest this are allowed a few crumbs from the lame and rheumatism back, and alT season. Sold by A. P. Mcl.emorc, thoroughly before they are dug. ness. If fact and make up their minds to vote monopoly table in return for their irregularities of the kidneys and 50 rerauieitly located Ib Haskell. they be dug before maturity they for that sort of a democrat or trans political services. At all events, the Reports like this are good to read. druggist. in men bladder both and women. people have these enemies within the If this lick is kept up Texas will will not sprout so rapidly. After patronage . . . Solicits Regulates bladder trouble in chilfer themselves to the republican fold, and they are to be reckoned Archer County Copper. (.'tiara-teall work. the tubers are dug they should- be soon get from under the dominion of es . . . dren.' If not sold by your druggist spread out in the sunlight for a day party at once, they will save them- with. Offloe In Hock building at Meadors Hotel. "King Cotton" and there will be will , be by mail on receipt of $" sent Washing-geologist of Prof. Potter, They arc in a pitiable minority in or two so that they will assume a selves a good deal of needless schemUniversity, Louis, was out at 6'ne small bottle is two nionths ton in St. was as such prosperity land the the Democratic party and stand no slightly green color. After this it is ing and anxiety. the request of Mr. Carver and exam treatment, and will cure ,any .case echance whatever of succeeding in never dreamed of by his subjects. better to spread the tubers out on ined the Utile Helen copper mine , nboye mcntioncd B. W. Ham' their wicked schemes if the people IS IT RIGHT on uic .orui rork, taking in aiso the ground, in shade, and cover two Sole Manufacturer, Louis, Mo.,' St. Dr. Ragland, in Farm and Ranch the immediately adjacent country. or three inches with straw, hay, or For an Editor to Recommend Patent are aroused and on guard. But it D. W. Courtwrigiit, prop, formerly Waco, of Texas. Medicines. will not do for loyal Democrats to of July 22nd, gives some good ad His observations were in a high de pine needles, and keep damp. Eyes a From Sylvan Valley News, Brcvrad, be overconfident or neglectful of the vice about purchasing trees, which, gree favorable, and his formulated For sale by A. !, McIle'rnoVc,' will of varieties early bep to the (licit your patronage with proN. C. Haskell, Texas. work that must be done to prevent if generally observed, would prevent report will be forwarded a little later. giving you prompt and agree- - show signs of growth in about two It may be a question whether the the Democratic party agin becoming much disappointment and loss on During the investigation a nugget weeks, when they are ready to be editor of a newspaper has the right irvicc. the victim of these unprincipled the part of those who have heretofore was taken out that weighs 16 pounds Read Tins. pit ed." to publicly recommend any of the gratified an innate fondness for be- and the professor on examination esadventurers. National Dallas, Texas, October t., 1888. various proprietary medicines which ing humbugged, or who may hereaf- timated its per cent of pure copper it preparations are ueingmaae is to certify that I have been This The Free Press thinks it sees in flood the market, yet as a preventive So annual reunion of the old to soon as skilled ter be so inclined. This is what he at .70 .75. The joint high commission repre- says about Northern grown trees for miners can be had from Colorado, considered incurable by two good erates on the Clear Fork, near the West Texas Fair an opportunity of suffering we feel it a duty to say a both saying I hrfd Mr. Carver proposes that the work physicians, lie. The grounds are being for our people to benefit themselves good word for Chamberlain's Colic, senting Germany, Great Britain and Southern planting: Bright's kidney disease., After us- -, shall proceed with and enlarged and some and the county by sending down an Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Wc the United States in the Samoan systematically and "Trees from Northern states will products and has said have known and used this medicine islands and which is invested with suffer just as badly from late frosts energy. A smelter on the ground ing one and bottles of ences added tnat were not exhibit of its Hall s Great Discovery, of Waco, I' lly had. Among the prom- - so several times, but time is passing in our family for twenty years and supreme authority by said govern- as those grown South. And another will be a fact of the near future. at an end. The Boston and Texas Mining tmni; my troubles eakers booked for the occa- - and so far only one living mortal has have always found it reliable. In ments, has decided to abolish the of- fact is of greater importance to Texsubus on mouth to the H. Brown, many cases a dose of this remedy fice of king in Samoa and placed the as tree planters, igreesman Joe Bailey and opened his is whose in company, also Isnd the from Trees Uc was of the same 'opinion would save hours of suftering while entire conduct of the government of Northern nurseries are grown for Carver pasture, will probably ship a St. George Hotel. ject. kW, Hall, the We hope there a physician is awaited. We do not the islands in the hands of the con planting in Northern latitudes. car of copper ore the coming week. panhandle, have given as the Free Press. The Archer county copper fields mrance ot their auenu- - are others and that they will come believe in depending implicity on any suls of the three powers. The whole Nurserymen very naturally select for Hey? Did j ou speak? No! Wtll medicine for a cure, but we do be matter will no doubt wind up by a propagation varieties that do best in are more than meeting expectation; we didn't much expect you alive in time to do something. would. lieve that if a bottle of Chamberlain's division of the islands among the their vicinage, nas uecrr ucmon. ami as actual work has proceeded Wc had hoped, though, that' there it are lipments of.gold dust It is said that the president's Diarrhoea Remedy were kept on three governments. nd ovei again that the theoretical stage has been surely were some among us who could see' stratcu on the way from the friends have found it impossible to hand and administered at the incepvery few varietiesthat are adapted left to the rear. Review. the benefit to be derived from an exATTENTION! make it so hot for Secretary Alger tion of an attack much suffering to and produce well North are of any hibition of Haskell county product!1" Agents YOUR PHOTOS TO might be avoided and in very many Don't TRUST Pkess, in value If and FutE Southern the they orchards. This are think abdicate you don't at the West Texas Fair at Abilene' -- ror "The Ufe nd Ac that he woul Dlnct With the Artliti. 'al Dewey," the world's icases the presence of a physician W willDai tending m a jihoto, fact has caused the) is right on the subject of a Haskell' this fall and, seeing it, would have'' mke to auvoiiG .My Marat Hallteail, the now trying to freeze him out, a Crayon or l'aatel rotrali Ollettft. would not be required. e of the nation's Idol At least Vttt ol Charge : i !' work Texas State Horticultural Society to county exhibit atjhe Abilene fair wilitinni..n.i.. .,..1.1:- to Introduce our ever aw paces, 8x10 In. does a knot on a log, an fcxaet llkeneaa, highly artlitio nulih and What nas ueen our experience durine rompi mora or (null pnoto guaranteed. undertake the preparation and pub would like to knowu-'S- o that wc cap up and git to take hold mis halftone illustrations. k' and sdjua-- d. Bigeomrolf Ckint f lifetime. Egyptian mummy or n ice berg the past twenty years. For sale by nd ui our photo at one ncation 01 a catalogue 01 iruits that quit wasting ammunition in a hope- along-- but it begins H'UV ANION, AKTISTS' nJlla rtauni. -Srd care' for cold weather? I A. P. McLcmore, druggtit! " l .J n succeed in pur' slate'." less cause! y 30 we were mistaken, r: wem? ?63taU'St(eit, DalJai, Tm. fcHlSSIONEnS. (t,TB7?V ' THE HASKELL NATIONAL BANK; qiiiire, Corner Fulillo Soutli-vveis- t M. a. PIERSON, WHi , 18DU. Prof. T. D. Evans. ' lutrlc ' University of Texas Becord. I. DISTRICT. OFKll r1,'7 rq Pre. rtshcll If Jle "1 . 'THHH Wi li i "" - ''5IIKa Jf rkV " - ' r "7.li"Jfr Km' yi'i M ,&rfflS!r'-lfWlli M5fiRMKMWi & " MMM ... rB:E: I:ili mm With Style Truss. 1-- 3 fflK. 1 'A in ii Thos. GoggaQ Vice-Presiden- r. Ods Bro. Oetaves. 4ft. 8 1-- 'O. 3. inches 2ft. inches. Width, es 5ft. Mahogany 3S. V- Walnutf or My Oak Cases; ii: j- -, -- ttorney at Lawr "' Surgeon. 1 Tr)os. GoggdQ 1U ffj. & Bro.,' Resident Agt: W. W. ,.- !- st J. DENTIST. yr - The South Sid- t1MI 33ax"bex - SHaop, j , 5 TR - pol-itic- al one-ha- lt "' 5 A. ? ll to-w- it: silver-tongu- ed s "' Llro-Mi- m r . F-i- I W - ,v-i6- Hr, $f I '' .- - m ,o v" I .. t o lurx-rlo- ..; . f' ' '-- v te jgMaMjjmBj i 1 1 . Iii'J?aL:1J, L 'mmmmmmmMmmttttmmmmmwgmWg l f .' ' -- t11H , In n"iiT T" ' "" V'"1 '''." 'T"'?',Ji&E3o5K?j5 k . "" ''Bi."."i s-- ' .'WAjrrJ" r"M 1 .aife--.- . I .. jtj&' K iMV 5"J " ,'t mmis ts 1 rt1 op WWWKWWlwwwyfcMMyn'rwWwyii.jliiirfl rflMHMWflPiri'ff'.Wv" Ipi ' . I iWspsMfMst,taarw ..H&AHBriHHIPRiFf i. .rwjHibfllflHRp vbbbbbIbbbbbbbbbC .wW5Vi"v mvfVVwJMv'MftilflMRF' ( JL!t b.EbC2bbbbsb7f dAHtfHVPfTr fl twA l R BI9WPm4riViPv rrrr woivu aLaaaaaaaaaLimaii MffffsaMra f'Jrm HL liim t LLiLLLLLLLbbbbK .bbbbbbbbbHbVWWHP V jbbbbbbbw vmsus bbbbbW v$ ")JW j 5 LVH'rHP'BBBBBBBBBBBw i ntnrjt J times Ecoms to rchx nnd let men out Christ in your homo, Julius Caesar rt-ii n nnwsnnnw. OF OULF MAIN. THE A, mil at furthcr ami further Vom Ooil, nnd lur- - calmed tho (cars of an nft righted boat- - TJLH!i AS 1118 bookkeeper nt!iB "J a rent t'lnce for tlio llr4taff cmiil tncr and further iSom Bhoro tvo man who was rowing him In a Btream ins a i p?c3i W forth tho following 3 n wttrtjf- nnnttv .In Htltt ,...,,. ft0n ImiM Terrific Hturnu. nttrncUd by tho n..u .HUSBAND MARRIED ANOTHER .UU6 . HAVE A HOME LOST, LAST years, ten years, twentyears, thirty u,t tmittiMI J E rOOLK, fubllshor. .""v Answer, you can same .no harm in tho boat, years; Irreday some nn but thylnd geogrnphtcnl The Gulf of Maine is a SUNDAY'S SUBJECT. munificent salary. woman. 3T roars of age, sistible mesh drawing thohVbnck, nnd happen." And whatever storm of ad- division not marked on average mnps, "I nm iii,o ns tnn. experience ol TEXAS. HASKELL, poverty may luslne i they nio compelled to rotat from vcrslty or bcrenvenlcnt or for It Is chiefly referred to In edentinG1 hitvlnu h'?'' a-- ., "Ami llriiiigtit lllni to nn Inn nntl Took bene contipctrj their prodigality and wnndenSc; and Btrlke your home, nil Is well ns lon I.cil to llo Thin liy I.oto Rlio JTlnyril treatises on tho general subject of tho J "' Cnro of II tin, mill On tlio Mnrrmt FIELD, RANCH, GARDEN. llcr Vnrt In Hlli'nro unit in ARiinjr, tides, Bays Collier's Weekly. It la with though they mako desperate ettbrt to ns you havo Christ tho King on board. WIhmi lti Uipurliil, Madagascar, nn i"' j I VWU Kenny tint nt I.t'iiRtli I.oft llcr lloinu A formed .by tho grent curve of thq Amerescape tho Impression, nnd try to dive Mako your home so far reaching In wll.gfvomeatMIcanjrot NtrnnRO Story. deeper down In bIu, after a whllo arc Its Influence, that down to tho last moU M. TIobo carried to DeWltt a Theu" l.uko UM i. custom tho Haco, Cape ican coast from stcnogra may llfo yod ment children's of yiur brought seventy pounds. weighed pumpkin that clear back aud held upon tne extremity of Newfoundland, westward .pert bookkeeper, nroflclent f hold tliem with n heavenly charm. At Nnn- - prior nntl (Copyright Klopsch.) by and Ages. Cod Hock I.ouls 1W Capo of to southward and A Mr. McMnhan of near Forney will It Is seldom that h wifo will stand x years of ngo tho DemosThis Is the good S.imarltuu paying If It be posslblo O father and moth- soventy-slquietly by and see her husband wedded tuckct. Into this curvo during normal raise nearly 1000 bushvH of onions this tho hotel bill of a man who had been dylay senate thenes the of American er! let your sons nnd daughters go out conditions of sea and nlr n current sots season. ing at Washington I mean Henry to another woman, yet such a story Is perpetually from tho fnr north, known might mnkdsme "",'; a nrst-cl- n robbed and almost killed by bandits. Into the world under the told of herself by Mrs. John J. Its experienced snow Tho streets of Durant I. T., are Tho good Samaritan had found the un- tent memory of a good, pure homo. Clny, of Kentucky. His pastor sat formerly of Wcllston, Mo., but as the Labrador current. It makes peanut roaster, h' M,?'lfh"rt g elo man old his bedside, at and "the road, rocky fortunate stream lonely, on a gulf every wagons day Insldo way loaded tho with crowded southward About jour two or thiee rooms In a now of Alton, 111. nn explnnntlon As pubexciting quent," long nnd nfter a summer, In depredations day, very where, to this even water, boardlug-houstho cools and with wheat aul oats. or a family hotel, you lic life, for her ncqulcscenco In the peculiar Puppy and are sometimes committed upon trav- can cast no such glorious tnnctlty. They In tho n3 far as Nantucket sound. tuni;" . and lUcent heavy rains In Handall coun- elers, and had put was back again In the scenes of his nrrongement Mrs. McQnlro says sho winter months, when northerly winds ior recitingnm lU'lcd rhlroH the injured man will of public think these caravansawas cook, conprompted tako by nnd love Intense ty have canoed the grass to grow fast to the saddle, while this merciful and alsJ In saying his kept boyhood, ho Can and against practical Is torVlflc sea hurled farmer. ries as an early stopping-place- , malfidence In trouser. .open husband to accept tho prevail, a and cattle tiro fattening. o man had walked till they odorous with old victuals, coffees per- dream over and over ngaln: "My1 position of her those rockbound shores, nnd when care of horses, creae sister-in-lapscu'.lo umbrellas. In the jnK oysters repair May nnd tho mother! mother! mother!" Mr. Stihbs of Blanco passed through got to the hotel, and the wounded man petually Bteamlng, and meats In everwanting the sands nrn torn finmo houso with his newly wedded rocks nre possessed BtMt phJlcal heaujy, of only parental not bo wo exert Influence nnd Islands forming was put up must bed to nml cared for. It ho Macon several days ago with 1100 head and shifted, lasting Btew or broil, tho air sur bride, upon his mero suggestion. Now would not onlye wful.b'it new bars here and there, Involving thu ornamental ns well, lendlnK to the sahave been a very superior hotel In Its charged with carbonic acid, and corri- potential, but holy, nnd bo tho homo sho is sorry of cattle looking for a pasture. happened, ever It that on our of home bo vestibule tho aeearth myriads of tons in a single cred precincts of rour cilice tint accommodation, for, though In the dors along which drunken boarders thinks thnt she has been misled, and shifting ofmay Cameron, 1 T hn shipped ?M,000 country, may wo In place nil henven, in which to thn destruction day, mean mai the paid was that the landlord at llghtful ctirm '""'"" bushels, or forty-nin- e cars of Irish po- - rato of what in our country would bo come staggering at one o'clock In tho meet father, mother, son, daughter, tho other afternoon Journeyed to Clay- unwary or oven to the most wary or vase or artistic ,A" stuffed bily Pit W3U!l, morning, tatoes nt nn average price of 40 ient3 rour or five ,iollar8 a ,,ny( n penny affrighted rapping nt tho door till the brother, sister, grandfather, grand- ton to secure a certified copy of her navigators. Newfoundland nnd Nova to salary, I would ftel I w.i ''""bins wife lets them In. Do not marriage license In order to prove possin ngo cnKo per bushel. Scotia reach well out Into the trnck of the widow nnd swlplns: the being then a day's wages, nnd the two be guilty of tho sacrilege of blasphemy mother, and grandchild, and tho entire itively as to take adwas his wife, when sho she that u wo group precious ones, whom orphan of from the of would It theoretically gales, and these pennies paid In this case about two of calling such n place a home. acceptQuantities of peaches are being shipmust say In tho .words of transporting nsks to have him legally punished, as seem that their bold headlands mlghti vantage of your munificence by J per days' wages. Moreover, It was ono of ped from Carlsbad. N. M. A home Is four walls enclosing ono John Wesley: sho declared that she mtended to do. form something of n leo nlong tho ing the too fnbttlons sum of d willing those landlords who aro family with Identity A bnnk has been established nt Ros-weIn addition to the marriage llccnso shores of Maine, and down perhaps al week, nnd I wduld i entirely of Interest, and a' for less, ana uy wrapped up In the happiness of their privacy from you my services give to copy copy N. M., In which the stockholders Mrs. McGulrc also secured a outside Inspection so Ono family wo dwell In him, most ns far as Nnhant. But In point ncceptlng $1.37 per week would give guests, because tho good Samaritan complete of her marrlago certificate from Jus are nearly nil cattlemen. Ono church above, beneath; that It Is a world In Itself, of fnct they seem to have very little, you nn opportunity of not only Increasleaves the pgpr wounded fellow to his no ono tice Grecnsfeldcr, showing that she had effect. Possibly the wind Is drawn out. ing your dona on to the church, pay entering except by permission-bolt- ed, Though now divided by the stream J. H. Uryson marketed nt St. Louis entire care, promising that when bo been married by him to Mr. McGuiro llfo innnd barred, nnd chained ngnlnst of death; narrow stream The of Its general direction somowbat by your butcher and keep up yourhome nine cars of cattle from Comanche, in- came that way again he would pay all ror Aug. 15, 1S98. all out side lnqulsltlveness. The phrase One army of the living God, fo ml n To the marriage surance, to nlso but but, shores, tho conformation of the steers, sold the bills until the Invalid got well. cluding 870 and sak3ucn and endow so orten used In law books and legal at Clayton Mrs. McGulre said that nt any rato when n northeaster Is blow- Indigent To his command we bow", home." aro ne- circles is mildly suggested every Part of the host havo crossed tho flood, sho had been acquainted with hrt1 husHotels and boarding-house- s at 4.30 to Swift & Co. and ing there Is very little shelter to bo n free bed In tho cat cessities. In very ancient times they man's house Is his castle. atecrs sc-l- nt $4.50 to Klngan & Co. band for nbout ono year before she found, except In the landlocked hnr-boAnd part aro crossing now. As lltimiiiiitnl In III" Un n. wedded him, nnd trusted Implicitly In The recent Hood struck n watermelon were unknown, because the world had much so as though It had drawbridge, or behind the tslnnds that aro was a man who, after InherThere comparatively few inhabitants, and portcullis, redoubl, bastion, to he proposed nil Conseher. that fortunately of frequent occurrence In iting a fortune, thought It would bo patch near Cuero und juicy melons by those nnd armed PLANTS THAT SHOOT BULLETS. wero not much given to travel, turret. Even the olllcer of the It quently when suggested he that law may the exposed region. The government profitable to get away by himself and the wagonload floated to that city. All and private hospitality met all tho not enter to serve n writ, except tho Mliulo llnttlin Often Tnko l'luco llntween would bo better for them to give their observers of ocean phenomena In their ruminate. colors of mankind were represented In wants of sojourners, as when Abraham addresses nt Hlllshoro, in St. Louis forecasts of North Atlantic weather Wlnturlu Vlnrf. door bo voluntarily opened unto him; So he went Into the wood?, and ho the feast that followed. rusnea outatMamre to Invite tho three burglary, or the Invasion of Mrs. for tho winter months habitually pro- -i took his money nnd many books with Many common garden plants shoot county, she readily consented. it. a crime nnd he ruminated and he studied, D. 13. Ledbetter. a prominent whole-Bal- e men to sit down to a dinner of veal; so offenslvo that tho law clashes Its bullets, not as big nor as hard as those McGulre said that everything progressdiet gales of greater or less soverlty at' him, In time he learned all his books and a3 when tho people were positively Iron Jaws on any ono who attempts ed mnrrlnge until smoothly their nfter as quite go grocer nnd grain dealer of Anderthey days eight gun, or but Intervals of about seven it. shot from a by nnd tho philosophy of life heart, hospitality; given commanded to when be to one day tho Christmas, after Unless It extending be necessary to stay for far and are as effective proportionatecovering all this zono and son, S. C, was In Sherman Interviewto him. revealed was. as many In places Kast postman the tho a of in house, left letter their at longer or shorter time in famllv hotel ly. If tho plants which shoot them ing grain dealers about oats. He say southward ns" far as tho Hatteras, or Now, when his beard was long and toAccordor boardlng-houe- e perhaps even till they melt away Into white nnd his bnck was bent, he took wero ns big as a gun these vegetnblo which created consternation. s and there aro the fame of the north Texas oats has these ancient customs are practiced day. But wo have now hotels presidof instances in which It is necbullets mlcht ilo urcat damage. As It ing to Mrs. McGulre, tho letter was the gentle trade winds of tho tropics. the w.ealth that ho had carried Into the reached the Atlantic coasL ed over by good landlords, and boarding-hessary, as I showed you at the begiU lKittw nin nlnre between nlants. from Miss Frances Bryan, a former nc But not even the hydrogrnphlu otfico woods with 111 tn nnd returned to tho A pest resembling the army worm ouses presided over by excellent nningunless In this cxccntionnl rnso. during which tho bombardments arc nualntnnco of her husband, In which ventures ns yet to predict very far hnunts of men to do good with It. But mar- - ahead tho approach of phenoncnal has appeared In Navarro county In host or hostess, in nil neighborhoods, let neither wife nor It came to pass that a Bharp Aleck got husband consent fierce enough while they last, tuo she suggested that an Immediate rlnge "McGulre would be advisable. counties numbers and are causing villages and cities, nnd it Is our con- to such permanent residence. storms such ns visited this coant nt the philosopher's money away from common wistaria has been known to and the people hooted nhen ho much dnmage. The worm Is about an gratulation that those of our land surThe public residence of hotel nnd shoot a bullet over fifty feet. This was very much perplexed," said his the end of November. It could and him, applied to them for redress. to mako flnnl'y lie concluded "bl't i'lfe' nagive before wnrnlng did several hours Inch In length, grayish brown In color pass all other lands. They rightly be- boarding-hous- e property of result tho Is curious abolishes the grace of What shall it profit a man to know come tho permanent residences of hospitality. Your guest does He said that he tho sjorm began to make Itself felt at ture's efforts to scatter the seeds as a " confession. end has a black shiny head. tho philosophy of life, and not be up to many peopplo, such as those who aro to come to such a table. Xo not want coul(1 Ignore absolutely letter, the " the Vlrgnlla capes and nlong up tho Bllllff? one wants far as possible. Many plants havo The largest corn crops ever raised in without families, such as those whoso to run such a guantlet llc IinJ Promised to wed the writer Jersey snore. Hurricane slgunls were of acute and sce.l nods which nre held, so to sneak. for Texas were in ISO.'i, when there was business keeps them migratory, such as merciless lln Wnllnl Mnnr Yrnra Unless you In a state of tension. As tho plant before he had met her. Ho asked me promptly set at every station away up produced 107.90fl.000 bushel", and In tnose wno ought not, for various havo a home of your own you will not grows its fibers become stretched, un-- 1 not to desert him in the hour of need, the coast as far as tho Jurisdiction of Prof. Benjamin Ido Wheeler of Cor1S0S, 103.33C bushels. "" " uul "' ul3 c"arru- - the United States extended, and IT tho nell, who has been elected president of This Is accord- - reasons of health or pecullalty of cir be nblo to exercise the best rewnrded til when the seeds are fully developed uul lo lng to the report of the United States cumstances, to take upon themselves of all the graces. Kor exerclso of this the retaining capsule bursts open ment. When ho could settle matters, coastwise authorities of the British tho University of Cnllfornln Is a distinguished philologist and Greek scholthe cares of housekeeping. grace what blessing came to tho violently and tho seeds literally aro ho said, wo would resume the relations possessions hnd only been willing to ar, for some time director department of agriculture. of the AmerHo man proposed wife. of then and Many a man falling sick in one of in the restoration of her son hurled In every direction. The wistaaccept tho warning of American ican school at Athena, nnd has written James N. Hush of near Allen threshthese boarding-house- s or hotels ha3 to life because she entertained Elisha, ria has seeds which In size and shape that I consent to his marrying Miss weather prophets, they, too, might several books on tho subject of his ed this season 2400 bushels of wheat been kindly watched and nursed; and and to the widow of Zarephnth Bryant, saying that I could live with have shown danger signals for .10 special In the arc much like the pistol bullet, and as study. The only work, however, until nn op- - benefit of their seafaring population.. In which he has and 500 bushels of oats. His wheat by the memory of her own sufferings perpetual oil well of tho miraculous tllrt nlnnt Invna tn itrnw n hlllalflp them as his sister-in-laappealed to the genyielded seventeen and one-habushels and losses tho lady at the head of such cruse because she fed a hungry proph- and on eminences, the distance these Pwtunlty came for him to safely eral public a work which has awakened considerable popular Interest per acre and oats fifty bushels per acre. a house has done nil that a mother et, nnd to Hahab in the preservation ll!mcu,Uy 'j1'11 from bullets travel before touch- MrS- it DOUDLE SPOONS THE LATEST. is the history of Alexander tho Great, Pays that -- rnnt could do for a sick child, and the slum-berle- of her life at the demolition of Jericho In,- - Ihn- r,.rm,n,1' U vnrv CT. .. Vhn ..v... , Territorial Livestock Inspector Can-now running in the Century. Ono MYit eyo of God sees and appreciFml fnr l'li n'Clork because she entertained the spies, and tlin ntmiliOt of nlnnrc..rf la Inrcrn nnd fVinv as long as possible, living with her A N' critic of this scholarly work goes so 1'ls 8Ccon telou has been to Greer county, Okla- - ates her sacrifices in behalf of the to Unban In tho formation of an InTllllll'4. wlf?' "nUl all shoot off together, a mimic battle h,U8bnm aml far ns to say that the great soldier has homa, where he killed a dozen horses stranger. Among the most marvelous teresting family relation because nf takes place which must bo alarming a,bo"t1 "ve, ,W,h? Is tea The out date. least ball of At C.n" , waited over 2000 years to bo accorded cases of patience and Christian fidelity his eutertalnment of Jacob, and to Lot Indeed to the small animals in tho . infected with glanders, nnd quarantln- udedft.hn.tllI,J?r "fhan, h,!vl no n ,on; so tho tyrannous dame who rules us his due as man and cmplru builder. prom se, and In boardlngmnny his aro rescue f those who keep from the destroyed city neighborhood. One can Imagine tho d nearly 200 animals. Tho disease has with n rod of Iron says, and as wo al"ll not permit her ways bow very meekly to her dictates, because of his entertainment of tho consternation of the squirrels and tho ,er B"- n good start and many valuable anl-- 1 huses- - enduring without resentment A Quit TImiiii. Is any longer. why, of course we won't uso nny moro remain under h roof angels, and to Mary and Martha and birds during tho time when the black Hear Admiral Kenny, tho new' ay- mals are Infected and will doubtless tho unreasonable demands of their guests for expensive food and atten- Zaccheus in spiritual blessing becuise pods are flying. If ono of these bullets 'She accord ngly left him and went to tea balls, says 'the New York Herald. master general of thq navy, has Jcre- die. tions for which they are not willing they entertained Christ, and to Publlus wero to hit a bird In a vital part lt. .work In Alton., She says: Tho altogether hostess of. nted almost u panic In his oMVat . happily Wo Mr. J. Shaw took a load of the finest to pay an equivalent a lot of cranky In the Island of Mellta in tho healing would undoubtedly bewitching,' Washington by Issuing n stringent u Injure It The leUKer today, when clothed ln hnabaRnd der against the rending of newspapers pencehs to Devers, Angelina county, men and women who are not worthy of his father becauso of tho entertain- wild geranium s another plant that lace furbolowed teagown, presiding at during ,, business hours, writing private f from M, gem of a tea table, does not uso a letters or engaging In conversation exseen there for several years. They aro to tie the shoe of their queenly caterer. ment of Paul, drenched from the shipa hurls its seeds in all dlrec Ions. Tho not' ,,, McQurc M know silver tea ball with which way outrageous In which boarders wreck, and of Innumerable The houses Is . her story to brew nn . who told of , invalid had , ,, of the Alberta variety. The averago cept relating to buslnrss. As these are flnnllv nn. sometimes act to landlords and throughout Christendom upon which placed some wistaria plants on a man- refreshing Russian tea. In lieu of tho favorite methods of killing time with weight is nearly eight ounces, and tho landladies shows their these critical havo come blessings from generation tel near her bed, and forgot them. fesscd tQ me that' gho coM makQ ,t ball niadnmc has n prettily designed some of the older e erks, tho order that fruit is free from worms. Mr. Shaw guests had bad early rearing, and that to generation because their doore hot for him If he did not comply with teaspoon, Some time afterward, when she lay 'th and this Is introduced, quite upsets them. when ,le Baie the di Th d raised about 100 bushels of peaches in the making-u- p of their natures all swung easily open In tho enlarging, In bed, her fam ly heard her in the bolting water In stirred around sick rao of help po8Ulon for him out t0 this year. that constitutes the gentleman and ennobling. Irradiating and divine grace rf- shell-lik- e t:lrn Wllli.mt cup, and presto! tho tea the """ the difficulty, I consented, as I loved lady was left out. Some of the most of hospitality. I do not know what to And her In a nervous, frightened 'Where, asked the femalo suffrage TIs well dono, done, Is It verily nnd work A trade in high grade cattle is reThe m;irrlnffe cercm0ny Mm (,early- princely men and some of the most your experience has been, but I havo condition, exclaiming " good for" that a bullet had ported that is of general Interest. It elegant women that I know rtormeiX ln Ai,on, and afler lt Of course all these fads are ' of today had men and women visiting nt my been shot into the room. Sho was , WM . racking who buyers ,, are trade, the and , ..all8e(1 1nnVn, was between Messrs. Ike West of San keep hotels and boardlns-houtemoment t wcnt wlth them t0 vc she house who left a benediction on every' WM over soothed and quieted by assurances "I repent," she said, of Btood lt untii I became convinced that their brains for novelties which aro around the hall. Antonio and Pleasant M. Butler But one of the great evils of this room In tho ble?slng they asked at such a thing was Impossible. that y glnd only going see to sell too aro to But "where would man bo were lt ho woul(, not make B00li hls promise Kenedy, In which the latter sold be- day Is found in the fact that a largo the table, in the prayer they offered n. new fail Introduced and proving In not for women?" In the day sho cried out again, 10 me later kept continually He putting tween 300 and 400 bead of high grsdc population of our towns and cities are nt the family altar, In the good ndvlce this time insisting that a bullet had trade vernacular "a good seller." Tho "He'd bo lu tho garden of Eden, eatflnaUy Shorthorn cattle, between 3 and 4 giving up and have given up their they gave the children, in the gospell- - struck the window pane nnd had como , me oRi andretain myi concluded that I 5 o'clock teaspoon has proved itself "a ing strawberries," answered a voico not cou,d and looked zatlon out that every linefrom apartments, homes and they taken that years. They are Durhams nnd out of across tho room. Sure enough, tho Uve ln the 8ame houso with them. I good seller" and, being nn extremo from tho gallery. freedom from domestic ament of their countenances; and their "bullet" was found at the foot of a herd of the finest bred cattle In tha may have more tho accoruingly left without n cent and novelty, hns jumped Into high favor ln departure was tho sword of bereave(Imrrnor nf Tho Slntei. duties and moro time for social life, eouthwestern part of the state. to eke out a scanty exlstenco great style. Where there wero perment. The Queen of Norway, Sweden bed. When examined It turned out to Preston B. Leslie of Butte. Mont., nnd because they like tho whirl of pubbo a wistaria pod. Then sho remera- dozen haps in n month half a stock enjoys the distinction of having served The Grayson county oat crop is turn- licity better than the quiet and privacy nnd Denmark had a royal cup of ten beied the plants on tho mantel. They by tho Httlo work that I could do In ngo, there nre dozens nnd dozens of na governor of two states. His first ing out much better in some soctlnns of a residence they can call their own. curves, or lips, each ono having on hnd ripened and shot their seeds. Ono Aiton iong time I did not know what them today, and the demand for them term began In Kentucky in 1870, nnd ..For a lawful uso of these hotels and it the name of tho distinguished person bad gone across tho room, than in others. It seems that the later The struck tho to do, aa my husband told me thnt If Is constantly on tho Increase The In 1SS6 he was appointed governor of who had drunk from It. And that cup boarding-house- s Is people most for sowing of oats Is yielding the better teaspoon, Montana. Though 84 years old, he ll which we offer to others In Christian winuow pane, anu oounueu hade to tho T m.ia the facts public wo would both spoon Itself Is a Inrge-slze- d hut as a still a lawyer with a large practice. bed. crop. The earlier sowing did not raako while they ore Intranslt; Tho distance was as measured having bowls, doublo nre which penitentiary. He the hospitality, finally though go to be It of the plainest they are In many cases demoralthirty Pittsburg feet. crop sown Leader. as the later, hinges. a on marriage Tho bowls stand and work altogether our bo eood denied and ization, utter nnd complete. That Is the earthenware, Is a royal cup, nnd God firrat Mnrlnl .rtlt nre both perforated, as wero tho tea o when there was more moisture, and In point at which families innumerable can read on all its sides the names said I could not prove it. Our "Bid you know that Maud Gllllngton In the open placed Is balls. had The tea been consequence the oats came up a poorer have begun to disintegrate. certificate who redestroyed, those of have taken from it was engaged to n great marine artist?" AGAINST CREMATION. There and I came down here today simply to bowl, tho proverbial "teaspoon of tea "No. How did sho ever happen to stand. never has been a time when so many freshment. But all this Is Impossible Muny DlfQcultlei Mot by IM Ailnc-ntrIt copy cup," of in order to have tho to a you have a home of your own. get a the bowls nre closed and get acquainted with a painter?" It is estimated by those in a position families, healthy and abundantly able unless KmrIiiihI. In Young married man, as soon as you "Ho Isn't n painter. He's a champroof of my marriage. I do not want kept closed by moans of a sliding ring. to know whereof they speak that tho to bupport and direct homes of their can, buy a place even If you havo to Cremation had many moro difficulto get into any trouble, and If I com- Then tho spoon is Inserted In tho cup pion diver nnd brldgo Jumper." own, perhave and struck tent taken oorn crop of the Indian Territory this manent abode In these public estab- put on It a mortgage reaching from ties to meet and much stronger preju- mitted any misdeed, did not do It of boiling water, nnd your cup of tea ear will bo the largest ever grown lishments. It Is an evil wide as Chris- base to capstone. Tho d dices to ovorcomo In Hngland than knowingly. I would still like to help brews ns you stir lt. These spoons Our troubles weary everybody except there. In consequence it is thought tendom, and by voice and through the mortgage, which Is ruin to a reckless have confronted lt here, but tho Brit- him out of this scrapo It It Is possible como In all prices and designs nnd ourselves that Is tti say, the recital of can bo had of gold or of sliver. 'iucy the same. many hogs will be fattened this fall. newspaper press I utter warning and man, to one prudent and provident Is ish advocates of this method of dispos- to do so." beginning of n competency and a ing of the dead wero persistent, nnd the can cost much and they can cost little. cantaloupes Gray hairs are honorable, but are not burning protest, arc Almighty and ask and God Watermelons fortune for tho reason ho will not bo already their views, if not exactly popFnmlly of Mimical Tint, Just at present they aro rather expen- always onjoyable. coming In at a lively rate at Galues-Till- to bless the word, whether In the satisfied until ho has paid It off, and ular yet, have ceased to excite active Harper's Bazar: A gentleman of de- sive ou account of their extremo novllvallfnl Wniurn and are being shipped ojI in lng or reading. all tho household are put on stringent opposition. The Cremation society is damages One of worst the and highly cultivated musical elty, but ln a short time they will bo Should have beauty and vigor of that cided large quantities. This season's berry comes Dony yourself now 25 years old. economies until then. years took nearly within four nil It proud the reach of change many herding wishing so to tho A strong from tastes, of health. his residence, stomach Is the first all superfluities and all luxuries until of work and nrgument to bring about advertised for rooms ln "a private and vegetable crp was never larger or people into boarding-house- s possessors of dnlnty tea tables, and no essential to beauty. Nlne-tent- h ol and fambetter, and now the melon crop Is com-ln- g lly hotels Is Inflicted upon children. It you can say, "everything In this house the building of the first crematorium, ily fond of muBlc." The next mall table will bo quite complete unless lt the sickness comes from weak digeIs mine, thank God! every timber, aud six years more passed before an on and also shows nn Increase over is only brought him tho following reply: holds among Its muny accessories at stion. Thousands of pcoplo havo tried another way of bringing them previous years. every foot of plumbing, incineration was publicly performed Hostetter's Stomach Bitters and regainleast ono of these pretty now spoons. up on the commons. While you havo every brick, Sir: I think we could accom"Dear door-sillDo not have your under the society's auspices. The numed their health. There Is nothing like Two beans were grown in a Dallas your own private house you can, for every you with rooms, and as for modate See that a private Revenue Stamp children born In a boarding-housand ber of Incinerations thirty-tw- o one measuring garden, has Increased music one of my daughters plays the MRS. LOWNDESBUTTERS BREAD It. tho most part, control their compan- do not yourself bo buried from one. covers the neck of the bottle. gradually from three In 1S55 to 240 in parlor organ and glttar; another one inches, tho other thirty, in longth, with ionship and their whereabouts; but by Havo a place whero your children can What a pity that so many industritremendous pods. Mr. V. P. Gillespie, twelve years of age In these public re- shout and sing and romp without being 1S98, and the total has reached 1,283. plays tho accordeon nnd banjo; I piny She U Kiit Huy llecausu of a Curloui Fancy, ous men can not obtain work. The argument against cremation upon a cornet and flddlo; my wife plays tho who raised them, calls them the "Tex- sorts, they will have picked up all tho overhauled for the racket. Havo a Mrs. Lloyd LowndeB, wife of the gov as Wonder," and has an abundance of bad things that can be furnished by kitchen where you can do something which most emphasis has been laid by harmonica, and my son the fluto, Wo For Houkperi. its reasonable, as distinguished from all sing and If you are a good tonnor ernor of .Maryland, is engaged In tho them. dozens people. prurient minds of of the Rm that your linen ii wmhed clean. Uditoward the reformation of evil cookery its sentimental, opponents, has been singing you would fit right ln when beneflclent of work curing wo whooping "Faultier Htarcb," clonn Ironi, follow J. C. Granthnm of Granger marketed They will overhear blasphemies, and and tho lessening of this nation of the danger of destroying tho cvldenco get to singing gospel hymns evenings, cough at Annapolis, says the Baltlmoro rections glvua on packago and perfect refive cars of cattle, including 774 pound see quarrels, and get precocious In sin, dyspeptics. As Napoleon lost one of will follow. All grocers tell "FaultlM nnd what the bartender does not tell his great battles by an attack of Indi- of crime. To meet this objection, for none of us sing tenner. Or If you Sun. It would be better, perhaps, to sults d Btarcb," large package, 100, steers, sold at $4.15, and Mrs, state Is that y we Lowndes play though right kept Is ono vial bell-bohave tho base slight of which real, practical busy porttr or hostler or them the gestion, so many men havo such a "Fussing" seems to be tho chief desteers, stags and oxen sold at 14.40 at will. here in the houso. If you want muslo responding to the appeals of a curious light dally wrestle with tho food swallowed, Importance, the English society has as well as of some people. folk-lor- e St, Louis. The entire consignment was fancy of southern Maryland, board wo could nccommodato assumed tho obligation of InvestigatBesides that, the children will go out bought by the St. Louis Dressed Beef Into this world without the restraining, that they havo no strength left for tho ing tho condition of death In the case you and there would bo no extra In the household philosophy of that Are You U.lug Allrn'i Foot-Eae- ? battle of life; and though your wife section It Is gravely stated that If tho It Is the only cure for Swollen, charge for lt." company. anchoring, steadying, nnd may know how to play on all musical of every body for the Incineration of mother of twin children will butter a Smarting, Burning, Sweating Fet, memory of a home. From that Instruments and rival a prima donna, which application Is made, and lt has About sixty cattle of a herd of 450 piece of bread for a patient suffering Corns and Bunions. Ask for Allen' The Nweet flirt (Irailiiate. of us who have been blessed of the is not well educated unless she can now secured the services of a distinFoot-Easa powder to be shaken Into that were driven from Alice to Hal none memory essay graduation "My pathologist will guished be escaped, have for consultation Just with whooping cough the little ono the Shoes. At all Drinrs-lstand RhOS it grips a boll an Irish potato and broil a raut-ma- n lettesvllle died of exhaustion after such will be speedily upon rolleved eating purposes in cases of unusual doubt or dreadful," said tho sweet girl. "Why Stores, 25c. Sample sent FREB. Ai1""for eighty years, If ho lives so slnco tho diet sometimes reaching their destination. It was at It. Two of Mrs. Lowndes' sons are arena, aiicu d. uinisieu, utaoj, li, It pulls him back from doors cdes the fate of families nntl nations. difficulty, and for making necropsies do you think so, Ethel?" "Well, Aunt first thought they had n contagious distwins. Whooping cough Is now prevease, but a member of the livestock Into which ho otherwise would enter. Somo people aro guilty of working Havo a sitting-roowith at least when required. Tho Medical Record, Jane wanted to help mo, so I nm lot- alent at Annapolis. Theso two stater, it smites aim witn contrition In the ono commission decided as first stated. their consclene. even though you havo commenting on these facts, Bays It Is ting her write whllo ma nnd I worry ments glvo an to index her present my gown." Detroit Free Press. George Sbelton of Corslcana has very midst of his dissipations. As tho to tako turns at sitting In It, and books nn interesting question whether crema- about troubles. Anxious mothers of lato flsh already surrounded by tho long, out of the public library or of your tion, "whllo remaining optional In Mexl-ca- n planted In acres small two have been appealing to tho lady of tho "Uneasy Lies the about .vide not swim out to soa, thinking own purchase for tho making of your cases of death fwm ordinary causos, Making Light of Her. peanuts in the western suburbs of hey can go as far ns the executlvo mansion ln season and out should not sooner or later become please, and fnmlly Intelligent, nnd checkor-board- s Swallower livSword Isn't The tho That Wears that city, the yield of which is phe- with gay toss of uilvery scale thoy defy and guessing matches, with an occa- - obligatory when death Is duo to such ing skeleton ridiculous? Tho Snako of season. No social function Is too to bo nomenal. The vines are nearly two he sportsman on the beach, and after clonal blind man's bluff which Is of transmlsslblo diseases ns smallpox. Charmer What now? The S. 8. Why. important guardianInterrupted by them. Bui such Art not if only untAtyhttJt, door is constantly bringfeet high and the roots are literally ,bile the fUhtrraen begin to draw In nil Kamos my favorite, ltouso up your scarlet fever, diphtheria, cholera, ty- - I Just heard him call tho fat lady 'tho The Overworked, htrtitstd, Anxious peoftt of ing in Macedonian cries for pieces of ne net, nana over nanu, ana nana over homo with all styles of Innocent mirth, phold fever, tuberculosis, etc., at all light of his exlstenco." loaded with thes nuts mH gs And both sexes Art untAsy mnih buttered broad. Mrs. L,owndes la too and, and it is n long whllo before the and gather up in your children's na- - ovents in tho chief centers of popula-- 1 The condition of corrcr ln the princid to refuse to respond to Aches, pAlns, impure blood, dbotdtrtd pal growing states of tho staplo for .iptured fins begin to reel the not, and ture a reservoir of exuboranco that will tlon." Such a course, it says, would one. a this curious superstition, and has used stomAcfis, dttAnged kidneys And ttvtr. iiru literary society at Florence is dla- - ln this way many pounds of the de- For Alt such, Hood's SrspAriU is this a June wast North Carollni, fcS: South i n they dart this way and that, hop- - pour down refreshing streams when seem amply Justified to sustain tho life gets parched, nnd the dark days activo efforts being made ln every di- - cusulng the Important nnd pertinent licious butter that Is brought to tke Cmollna, 88; Georgia, 81, Florida. 05; ug to got out, but find themttlves ! fresh Uft through purifitd Hood. the shore, and are brought rnme, and the light go out, and the rectlon to limit tho ravages and re- - auostlon. "Resolved. That a hammock executlvo mansion Alabama, 88; Mississippi, 83; Louisfrom the governor' it to the very feet of tho captors, so laughter Is smothered Into a sob. provoutablo dissemination tho of strict dnngerous Kauis moro than sofa." a fine farm near Porapey Smash, y iana, 85; Texas, 93; Arkansas, 82; ue memory of an early home soma-- 1 First, last, and all tho time, havo dlsease. New York Times. sa8 City Star. 88; Oklahoma, 78; Indian Tercounty. iUlQUCll Y ;(VHVll itCC lltC55 ITATjMAGK'S SERMON iWm .. U!ESn Qinmn a -- I th.8W'mb...r sil as-at- tyfrui fi seml-omnlp- roisprr3 e, cllp-Pin- m&r trans-Atlant- is i g dor. e, ic t.' well-to-d- . w J 1 kind-hearte- ll, olll-cla- ls SSi-pou- er 000-pou- rs sidii in tl was thou-sand- supf have they price ' hyper-crlticls- "' Shun-amml- te w lf tr,t0 ... ss T ' ' ' T tM ... ! ... i. ,.. ll 4 ,,. :. """""' 0' s. Ztln " I - self-respe- ct I nned ' I ter-ml- sep-ara- to mnr-rlag- s t much-abuse- e, ." e, 1170-poun- n e, ton-cho- p, de-lon-g. - m I easy-chai- Had Crown' kind-hearte- M? ' w. Tui-BMge- ritory, A1U-gan- JiGcdS&aUal 9L m. h :,' , M , JLfc - - t$tilHh.: .,. - I Jfcjf iWdaaaB' I '''' J , rf -- jaei--i C5K.i. ... 7sflff$& ?rtaa jtjwywwgaa . iM ---- li n m Agnlnnldo'i ,ildrmt. I lrt llnln at 71 n ilnrnr: ReMrletlona TUmored. EVENT8 OF Tho Oiling Cn, Washington, July 18. Acting Secre-Hr- y Manila, July 13. A copy of tho InNew Orleans, La., July 15. The first Antlers, I. T.( July in. The Blrgham of the agricultural deHon. "W. D. Hill was elected chancelof William Goings has Lrought bale of the new cotton crop was re- - dependence has reached Manila contho & II, with taining by partment eonforonco a which yesterdny Messrs. speech Agulnaldo of the University of Georgetown. eclved had tho United hero and tho ofllclalB lor tho Choctaw Both the agri- Stntos Into n clash, the result of which H. Deer, to whom it was consigned by made during tho recent celebration at president yestorday. Tho United American Gluo company; of tho cultural and state departments have ( cnpitni f sn.ooo.OOO, has been organized, will bo watched by the reading public, order of Gov. Bayers of Texas, this , Tarlac of the anniversary ... win . , The (lay before tho firm basing generously ofTcrrd the proclamation of tho Hllplno Indepen- - received Information that Belgium has HVB with Interest. doncp. the to as restrictions Its removed In it Goings, have and premium of is high form a New ns substance it n follows: bale at execution the friends not resign and the attacks on him are of Amorlcan cattle beof "rillplno, beloved daughter of the through their attorneys, forwarded disposed of for tho benefit of the Texcruel Two ardent sun of the tropics, commendod The agricultural department has beon of to Judge John R. Thomas, at Tulsa, I. as Hood Biiffeiers. Polish residents of Chicago, nt a meet The bale, which was raised In San by Providence to the caro of noble informed that Germany, upon learning T., tho following application for a alliIbsued Immediately ing denounced the Anglo-Saxo- n Bcglum's action, of flpaln, bo not ungrateful to on salute oxhlbl her corpus: Patricio county, Texas, was writ of habeas products to ance. bef "Hon. J. H. Thomas, United States tlon at tho cotton exchange, where it who warmcu you wun tue oreatii or a decreo unfavorable . i flier own culturo and civilization. meeting in the from Belgium, thereby preventing A lnrgcly attended William Goings, attracted considerable attention. Judge, Tulsa, I. T.: Is true Bho sought to crush thy American beef from reaching Germany held at Fort was "It temfactories of Admit Interest placed to tM. court tlm Vnllr.l bo l'uMIc been new Choctaw halo has of Tho sentence Dumnln. under .inpnn nnil Hm SecreWashington, July 17. The report, shot for homlcldo Thursday at Allkchl, porarily In charge of the cotton ex- nsplratlon for independence, as a lov- by reshipraent from Belgium. Smith, Ark. VnJilncton. July ".-- A new treaty Hay said yesterday that the The prospects lire there will bean unbetwtin the United States mid Japan reaching tho intorlor department of a petitions you for habeas corpus on the change. The board of trade nnd tho ing mother opposes separation forever tary department had not yot received usually large sugar cane acreage In state daughter from the of bosom. This her threatened nt which monopolization at a num- ground Judge Clayton absent, and, committees from these three Influentlraa goca into effect but proves the excess of lovo and af- advices as to Germany having taken Cuba this year. also ni'W treaties between Japan and ber of points of tho land acquirable under decision in Cbcrokco cases, tial organizations will solicit subscrip Spain feels for thee. Filipino, tho action charged. fection under the law relating to reservoirs Choctaw nation has no authority to tions for the purchase of the bale and nearly nil of the European countries The steamer Portia struck on Big delicate flower of tho east, scarcely for watering aplive restock American create no In South can cases. so murder sentences It Is sco rcdonattd, It execute that that and pome of the shoal, near Halifax, and sunk. 1.1 Fish 1'HMml. eight months weaned from the breast prehension on tho part of tho author- Telegraph writ to Thomas Watson, bo shipped to other markets throughpublics also go Into effect. Yesterday Assyrian lad was drowned. An 13. July H., N. Concord, of thy mother thou hnst dared to brave ities. Imporsheriff, at Antlers, to have body beforo out tho country. It Is an event of in hearing of the Frank Tlppey, a Bohemian farmer, a great and powerful nation, such as is afternoon's seslson They Bay that tho rules nnd rogula-- i you on certain day; will send it to tance In the relations between Jnpan The proceeds of all sales will bo violatof charged the with connection near Staunton. N'eb., killed his wife organ tho United Stntes, after barely tlons recently put In force for the ex- -, Allkchl Wednesday. sent directly to Gov. Snyers. and the United States, as It does away against Sena- with a hammer and then suicided. laws ing civil the servke disciplining Izlng thy and arm little etitton of tho law havo been so care"WILLIAM GOINGS, Petitioner. with the treaty methods which havo Yet we reply we will bo slaves to none, tor Jacob H. Oalllnger preferred by fully framed that there is no danger The Distillery Company of America, To lie Trloil 111 .llfXH'O "By attorneys." been In vogue for nearly fifty years A. Bushlel, was productive with an authorized capital of $125,000,-00- 0, Chas. nor allow to be ourselves deceived of Individuals getting moro than their Washington, July 15. Mrs. Itich is Tho samo day the following writ and substitutes an entirely now moth-owas Imorpornted at Trenton, N. J. sharo of tho public domain or of tho was received at Antlers by wire from to be surrendered to the Mexican au- by soft words. Let us continue to de- of a warm colloquy between the two of procedure. was lis senators. Tho Hampshire New our Independence fend fatherland until Infliction of any possible Injury to the Judge Thomas, addressed to Watson, thorities, to bo tried for the murder of Brig. Gen. Asa B. Carr, paymaster The same Is true In tho relations is assured, for this Is Justice. Wo passed between Senators Chandler and general of the army, has been retired. common ubo of past days Kor areas tho her husband. letters concerned. sheriff: of Japan with other countries. Takshall see at last that the great Ameri- and Galllnger, and Senator Chandler He was succeeded by Gen. Alfred E. Tho now codo of rules, it is stated, Tulsa, I. T., July 12, 1899. Thomas and telegrams have been coming to the en as a whole the many now treaties can nation will acknowledge the right and Commissioner Brewer have be- Bates. filings restrict t president previous made Hay, Secretary some to the and Watson, sheriff, Antlers, I. T.: You which go Into effect place Jnpan on an come Involoved In a dispute, which, tho Issuance of the rules, taking from them aro commanded to havo tho body of almost hysterical In tho strength of which Is on our side. The war department has let tho conentirely new footing with tho world at every doctrine of tho great Monroe. senator says, will lead him to ask Pres- ' "That tendency preto protests monopoly, against tholr the these extradition William Goings detained In your cusfor repairing and refitting the tract large, as she Is recognized for the first of Mr. vious filings being now returned to tho tody, aB It is said, together It has been represent that America Is for Americans, Is not Ident McKlnley for the removalcommls transport Thomas to the Cramps comwith the of the wonfan, time as an c"nl In every respect. Tho forgotten. we service so civil affirm the the Just that from Brewer pany, Philadelphia, at a cost of$239,500. treaty with 'his country was made parties with Instructions that tho ap- day and cause of his being taken, be- ed that she Is Insane; that there are Philippines are for the Filipinos. Some sion. plications for such lands must conform fore me at tho courthouse In that In Washington between South impending physical obstacles; son of Harvey Black of A 5 June 20, 1S94 of states the American have union McAlestcr on the 22d day of July, at she Is Innocent of the crime charged arisen In our favor. Especially Is the R Secretary Gre ham nnu Minister Kure- - to the later regulations. O'Keene, O. T., drank the liquid off a Dual to tha Ucnth, They nro designed to prevent the hour of 10 o'clock In the forenoon, against her, and finally, It would bo Cleveland, Miss., July 13. Dr. W. N. plate of fly poison and died In great io, who then represented Japan here. an exclusive also right to the tract taken, nnd then and there state in writing an act of barbarity to place an Amer- - Democratic party convinced that both The change- - It made were so far- - giving will lose pre- Alsop of Shaw and H. P. Williams of agony from the effects In spite of the vanquished victors and tho land tho stntus of a the cause of his imprisonment and len woman at the mercy of Mexican cious lives. Thus many of the people this place engaged In a street duel with efforts of physicians. reaching that It wns determined tho property, open to nil seeking producing your answer for so doing; aw and ofliclilsm. All of these contreaty should not go Into operalon until and many statesmen censure President pistols here yesterday afternoon, In Thf postmaster at Carlsbad, N. M., tho rights, water and furthermore siderations weighed, and It McKlnley as been have you and herein are not to fall, under July 17, 1899 In an Interview Mr. Ju- - they Inhuman for having or- which the former was killed. The lecelved authority from the postofflce restrict the Quantity has maximum been decided that unless Mrs. dered his military representatives nt the heavy penalty pronounced by law rao Komura, the present Japanese trouble which culminated in the trag- department at Washington to finally of lnnd In nny section to 100 acres to against those who disobey this writ, Itich is surrendered, the can be no Manila to seek means to bring about edy originated several months ago and drop the name of Eddy and substitute Inlster In Washington, said: each Individual, but even this Is not and to submit to and rocelvo all thosa hope of securing the surrender to our hostilities with tho Filipinos. yesterday was the first time the two Carlsbad in its place. "The 17th of July marks the' turn permissible party unless the has built things which then and there are ad- - officers of the many Mexican border diplomatic history, prove that they wished had met face to face. In tho fracas "These facts s' point in tho a reservoir having a capacity of 600,-00- 0 Judged In The customs receipts at the port of this behalf. Given under thieves and criminals who plunder on to try us, to see If wo are able to live Hon. Oscar McGuire of Rosedale, cant only of Japan, but of the oriental Havana for June were $1,012,899. The gallons, any les3 capacity reduc- my hand this 12th day of July, 1899. our side of tho lino and retreat Into up to the second color of our banner, didate for state senator, was hit by a in,trles In onernl. It will be tho ing total receipts for six months of 1899 the area allowed proportionately. Mexico; so the precedent will be es- Which signifies courage, heroism "JOHN It. THOMAS, and stray bullet and ls painfully, but not t Instance In which tho western The be exact, $5,140,830. The monthlands can not bo taken fenced tablished. "Judge of United States court in Inmartyrdom. Therefore we should not seriously, wounded. Williams surren- aie, to wers have recognized the'full sov- - or ly average for six months ls $857,805. otherwise Inclosed, and must be Btruggle dian Territory." resent with the Ameri an this oriental state. elgnty of dered to the authorities. kept open to tho free use of every one nt I'nri Mild. It Is announced that the Westing-hous- e cans. In spite of their expressed deThe writ was Immediately delivered "This n tlon of the enlightened na wanting to water Washington, 15, Secretary July nny his animals, Electric and Manufacturing com1 Mm Control. to Philippines, of sire dominate all ajlitr the to United States Deputy Marshal Clay, Long ns of Europe and America shows has received the following cable well convinced nre they with the law or reguLexington, Ky July 13. The Re- pany of Pittsburg will build works at that we fight who proceeded at once to serve It. He messngo from Admiral Dewey: t If any tountry Is ready to nssumo lations resulting In cancellation of tho with Justice and right on our side, and publican state convention yesterday Manchester, Eng., and employ 5000 went to Allkchl and delivered it to tho till share In tho responsibility nnd grants. Port Said, July 1 1. Secretary of that autonomy Is all a show of deceit, completed all Its work except the men. George Westlngbouse will direct Irs of the world nt large these old Choctaw sheriff, who Ignored tho snme, navy, Washington: Olympia in volun- only serving to save certain accumu- adoption of a platform and the nomithe enterprise. enlightened powers nre ready to and Goings wns executed on schedule tary quarantine. As soon Yellow I rvi-- Miiinllnr, as coaled lated wealth. nation of a ticket. It would have The Scott paper mill, located at It such a country to full power time. Washington, July 15. Tho official proceed Trieste for pratique and "We have never concealed our aspi- nominated part of the ticket last night Sixth street and Glenwood avenue, ong nations, so we regard thm publication of the marine hospital serYesterday morning Deputy Marsh il of officers and men. rations, that we aspire but to lndo-- i but for the fact that it became en- Philadelphia, was totally destroyed by treaty as a very Important step, not vice Issued yesterday contains a sum- Clay swore out a complaint for murdsr pendence, that we struggle on to ob- - tangled in mistakes and misunderDCWCY. Are. Loss $100,000, fully covered by In)TJ"'J IUI wan"", uut iui uil IUO UUllUnS mary of the yellow fever situation In against Sheriff Watbon, tho Choctaw Inasmuch ns he Is silent on the sub-- 1 tain It, perhaps from those who are our standings regarding the adoption of surance. About 2000 persons are thrown the cast. Judge and district attorney, Santiago dc Cuba up to July 10, preand Ject, It Is assumed that no chango has enemies and will bo our report on rules. out of employment. 'The countries with which Japan has pared by Assistant Surgeon Parker, twenty-fiv- e deputies. The writs were occurred In the health of Admiral allies, as they were for the overthrow the The Taylor men have had their way o new treaties are tho United who Is on tho ground. Martial law has been declared He says that delivered to Deputy Marshal Beit Dewey and his men since their depart- - ' ' lbc power of Spain. We might we'.l everything at the district meetings., in s, Great Drlatn, Germany, France, up to that date there had been 148 Brown, who immediately went to serve of Bellire from Hong Kong, when all were accept this autonomy America offers, the committee meetings, and In the throughout the department la, Austria, Italy, Spain, Portugal, cases with 28 deaths. Dr. Parker also them. grade, Including that city, owing to but what can we do with It if our ain convention. reported well. lir Holland, Denmark. Sweden reviews the history of the epidemic. discoveries made during the course of 't is said at the navy deuartment bltlon is ndenpendence. nnd If we are These cases will be tried before J. rwny, Switzerland and Pent. Tho first case discovered appears to United States Commissioner B. F. that the admiral's reference to "pra- - to accept only to later overthrow, by the recent Inquiry Into the attempt .lime Kxpnrt. t these go Into effect except those havo been that of an American civ- Hackett of this place. Thero are quite tlque" means simply that he is going force of arms, the sovereignty of 13. The monthly upon the life of former King Milan. July Washington, 1 inco and Anntrln which am ilian who was 111 In a saloon. Soon a number of legal points involved fn to Trieste to get a clean bill of health America? Manchester, Clay county, Kentucky, statements of the exports for June, t until Aug. 4. With most of three other cases developed In the same these cases, and when they aro finally that will enable him to continue his "As ! belleve ll ls tlle ln'enl1 n of the 1S99, of domestic breadstuffs, provis- famous by reason of the Baker-Whit- e iunrlcs Japan had treaty rela-Ifor- e, saloon. Referring to tho spread of the adjudicated it will settle forever the vovace throtieh tiio ... ...tMtuvi n,iifn. uui-til- l autonomists to make us of treachery ions, cotton and mineral oils, issued by feud, ls to have telephone connection tl but they were crude and disease, he says: legal relation existing between the without delays from the health au- and deceit, we can not accept such n the bureau of statistics, shows as fol- with the outside world. Articles of inprocedure. We do not wish to be factory. "The foci of Infection havo Increased Choctaw nation and the United States thorities nt the various points. lows: Breadstuffs, $19,781,057, a de- corporation have been filed for the traitors afterward. We wish to show crease Waging about tho new system almost dally. The first cases were re- as regards criminal matters. as compared with June, 1S98, of Longdon, Livingstone and Manchester sincerour character of frankness and Kl Ileno tics Japan naturally feels most moved from the guardhouse and band-rooThe Curtis bill, Atoka agreement and rounder Hand. cotton, $8,203,806, In- Telephone company, with a capital $9,321,000; about El Reno, Ok., July 15. MaJ. A. F. ity, and nothing more. Let us avoid friendly toward tho United States, In tho barracks; other cases fol- -' Choctaw law will play a part In the crease of $547,000; cattle and hogs, stock of $10,000. havwho example natives of those Foreman, founder of El Reno and ona the she has shown a most sympa- lowed these from the samo locality; final decision. provisThe navy department dispatched to of the pioneers of Oklahoma and In- ing at one time been colonists, accepted $2,244,466, decrease $156,000; thetic Interest In Japan's desire to then cases were traced to the bar$15,056,528, Increase $2,205,000; ions, to autonomy to their enaole them make dian the medal awarded to j Admiral Dewey Territories, adopt modern methods and to deal on racks, occupied by the various comdied here. 1861 In Warmly Welcomed. $5,481,991, Increase $509,-00- , ho enlisted at Lawrence, Kan., as a work surer, once everything was pre- mineral oils, him by act of congress to commemovei terms with the rest of the world. panies, now foci appeared In the town, San Francisco, Cal., July 15. Not captnln total $51,037,748; not Increase rate the battle of Manila bay. The adnnd was afterward made ma- pared. four cases being removed from a San since the departure of "History has given us an example the regiment jor. He was engaged In many Htorm in K'iihtIII-- . miral's medal ls identical with those offights naslollo house, two doors from this and Let us perTenn., July 17. A dlsas- - flee; several cases have also been of California volunteers for the Philip- wounded a number of times. In 1881 of this In recent events. sent to each man In the fleet, with the pines have the streets of San Francls-'c- o ho was Waivad IlaarluR. In our Idea, which Is only the sist storm raged in this city yestcr- - taken from tho hospitals. The miliexception of his own name engraved commander of Fort Gibson, I. An13. Salt Lake City, Utah, July presented such a sceno of animation T., and gained asplraton of a upon the edge. Tho wind, with a tary hospital Is one of the greatest dar afternoon. qulto n reputation as legitimate and noble gus M. Cannon, the Mormon loader velocity of seventy miles an hour, de- sources of danger. Several cases among as they did yesterday, nor have steam nn Indian fighter. At the opening of people wheh Is desirous at all cost to Bishop Morrison, in an address beon the stroyed huge oaks, Bwept business the hospital stewards being traced to whistles, cannon and bells created Oklahoma proper In 1S89 ho secured preservo Its national honor spotless who was recently arrested the Masons at the First Methodist fore charge appeared polygamy, of crystal. Thus, then, pure before a as rumpus. a such and The cause of this most tho land upon which El Reno was buildings of tholr, signs and architecthat institution." single Filipino au of the peace yesterday and church, Atlanta, Ga said that in his a a bo not will Justice there enthusiastic demonstration built. was ornaments, the and did other serious tural Those who are so are In waived a hearing. Ho refused to say opinion many of the deaths of landing of the Oregon volunteers nnd tonomist. damages, removing portions of roofs, Work of Wlilternppen. are caused from eating adulterated A copy of the first folio of Shakes- the eyes of the people but anything about the case. the California signal corps, story preparatoof 17. A etc, ' Little Rock, July peare wns foods; that lies are put up In sold losing at riches, London of threat 1700 their for ry fearful to going Into camp at the Presidio Tho wind was accompanied by a horrible cruelty by a band of white ages, sent out In barrels and hung up a record price. The highest previous ened by risks of war. nnd tho final mustering out. IB Paris The American liner sweeping rain and electrical display. caps has reached here from Montgom"Filipinos, let us bo constant; let price was on hooks. 715. lino of march. Telephone and electric light wires ery county. James Irwin, a half-wittus strengthen tho bonds of our nation." afloat and seourely anchored. There Is much comment at Boston were ablazo and falling on the busiIndividual, had incurred the l'rUonar at .St. Mlchaalt. upon tie letter which Former Gov. ness streets, and at times It was feared IllicuMlon Kananed. nf Violence. Art Warrnnti Inued. of a gang of toughs nt Black Flrt Seattle, Wash., July 15.- -J. Homer el Ore might be communicated to adjacent Springs. He was stripped, rubbed with Chattanooga, Tenn., July 13. A spe Birmingham, Ala., July 13. Tho first George S. Boutwell wrote to the Antlers, I. T., July 15. Deputy Mar- Bird of Now Orlenns Is now a prisoner association, which was to have buildings. cial to tho Times from Birmingham, act of violence In the history of the lye soap and shaven from bead to shal Bert Brown and posse left Antlors In tho military barracks at St. Mibeen read at a recent meeting of the says: No persons aro reported killed or in- foot, being badly lacerated In tho for Allkchl with warrants for the ar- chaels, Alaska, charged with the mur- Ala., Gen. Joseph Wheeler nas been ore mine strike of the Robinson Min- society, but which was delayed in tho Since jured, though several narrowly escaped fiendish operation. Ho was then beat- rest of twenty-fiv- e persons, officials and der of J. H. Hernlug nnd R, J. Patordered to the Philippine Islands a re ing company at Ishkooda, which has malls. Tho letter has come to licht bolng struck by falling signs, trees, en with pistols and finally placed in a others, for contempt, the officers re- terson. Charles Sheffler and a woman been In progress for three weeks, oc - , am, u evere, crlt,cl8ea what awnings, smokestack? and tho like. rain barrel and churned up and down fusing to grant a stay of execution on named Noma Strong are hold under newal of the discussion about declarcurred beUoen Oxmoor and Ishkooda i we termfl the repof In seat ing vacant the house his Several him. ..un.Arnerlcan an un. Tho storm was the hardest known utll consciousness left a writ of habeas corpus Issued by $5000 bond as witnesses. Tho entire xuvoua, mbMl a ,CblU Repubcan poUcyl of Uu. In the vicinity for more than ten arrests have been made. President Mc Judge) homas on Wednesday. party camo from New Orleans. They resentatives has begun. Tho Montgom- UiUIQ UWJ TTfcM ftlllB IUI IMC 13 LUlUl'tlM, spring ery to was the the first Klnley. Journal Reports were years. wintering havo not yet been rea at coal mine about prosldont formerly Tho warrants aro for sheriff of Wolf 185 miles Hon. W. B. Ives, this side of Anvlk. They question. This leads to the suspicion seriously wounded In tho face and body ceived from tho outlying districts, but of the privy council, died at Ottawa, The palace at Havana has been comcounty, the district nttorney of tho qunrreled over tho supplies and it la that It ls sounding public opinion for with blrdshot, and may die. paralytic It Is believed horo that East Tennessee Ont., from the effects of a pletely renovated. George Henry claimed George Bird third Choctaw and shot Brown, and district, Judge, Horning killed tho clerk 'declargovernor a to his stroke, with view tho crops have been heavily damaged. and Patterson. both colored, are wounded. and a number of deputy sheriffs. ing Gen. Wheelor's seat vacant. The secretary of war has appointed Majors William L. Marshall, William San l'raaolico. at Wheeler ' Celebrntad Full of llaitlle. Medal for Hill Ooold. Ilnrt (or llllleu, JournalUU to ba Invltrd. (Irant Kxnmlnad. H. Blxby and Captain Edward Burr of Now Orleans, La., July 15. The Chicago, III.. July 13. The wage Snn Francisco, Cal July 17. Gen. New York, July 15. Tho newspaper Toldo, O., July 17. During tho war Denver, Colo., July 13. Tho subcorps of engineers a board to excolony French celebrated tho 14th of committee of the National Industrial conference between the American Tin i the with Spain Miss Helen Gould of New Joo Wheeler spent a quiet Sunday with men of the country at largo will bo amine and report upon the proposed July In elaborate Btylo with a festival York furnished a number of cots for his daughter, Miss Annie. He was busy given an opportunity to participate In commission held a session hero yester- company and the Amalgamated asso- bridge to be built at St. Louis across the for benefit tho of exschool where day and examined James Grant, former ciation has resulted In an agreement the Mississippi New York's reception to Admiral the soldiers in Cuba, part of which most of tho day attending to his river. French Is taught free. An official call governor of Colorado, and chairman of to substitute bars for billets as a basts were received by tho sixth Ohio regi tensive correspondence, but found time Dewey. Tho press oommltteo met yesThe order of the war department upon was made operating tho Amerithe French by commltte of the consul of the sliding scale, the new ratio to permits ment of this city. The boys fully ap- -. to take a drive through Golden Gate terday at tho city hall and decided to the immediate family of a regcan Smelting and Refining company. be presidents tho of the various French one-fiftevery Instead , send dally newspaper In the of It predated the goneroslty and patriotic Park. He reported the mining Industry In ular or volunteer soldier who Is absent Several officers paid tneir respects United States and to every prominent societies, money was distributed to tho Colorado In a satisfactory condition Is believed the scale will be signed and abroad, gift of Miss Gould. They at onco to purchase at cost prices fuel weekly poor magazine and and officials a the adjourned circular then company's reopen the letter Mon will mills among were whom old to soldier, owing conthe said that to most ore decided to show tholr regard for her Inviting the editors and other repre- to the fair grounds, where an attract- and and subsistence stores which are for day. taining a combination of two or more by raising a fund among the men, Gen. Babcock and Capt. Green. In the sentatives to come to New York next the Immediate use of the family of the output metals, would be very little programme the ive was out. carried The also Congressman Derries Octouer and partake of the city's hosIt is rumored the Gould Unes will soldier. which will bo used to purchase a mag- afternoon music was all by French composers. moro silver at 90 cents an ounce than soon consolidate. pitality. made a call. at present. nificent medal for Miss Gould. Since the discovery of rich placer 4vnrnlfn la' ai a n JUURIO Tail.f mountains, Undoubted Might In I'unlili. Delayed. mtporta Kawardad. Llbarallr ""' Tr a "cl'"" Cun. LotIiib llnnn len CouiiuImIoii. Samaan Wanu gpanUh Shl,. Washington, flftjr 15. It Is said at m,lea nortn E1 July de-- i of Pa8 ol J" Springfield, Mo., According 15. July war 13,-17. The Washington, July . Wm. BryColo., July Denver, J. Washlngtong, July 17. It is stated the department of Justice that It the Washington, July J 3. An offer from an passed through Denver yesterday the rush of prospectors to that region In quarters Intimately acquainted with partment has received the following to a letter received by Chief of Police Bishop, Robert M. Cooper is heir to Choctaw Indian authorities refused to a prominent firm of ship brokers, do- en route to Boulder. He was met at has been phenomenal. Claims have tha recent conduct In Samoan affairs cablegram: been staked out In all directions, and Manila, July 15. Adjutant general, 1500,000 in Cripple Creek mining prop- recognize a writ of habeas corpus reg- ing a large foreign business, to pur- the depot here by Gov. Thomas and many gooa serines reported. that tho abolition of the kingship in SaTwenty Inches rain July erty and Texas real estate left by ularly Issued by a Judge of the Federal chase the Relna Mercedes and any and Mayor Johnson, who escorted him to moa has advanced considerably further Washington: Tho United States government has typhoons made leaving of Capt. Grego, a frontiersman, who died court In the case of the Indian, Walla all of the war crafts captured during Boulder. At Cripple Creek Mr. Bryan declined tho proposal by attended by agreement the a provisional hn of the governSrttnnnn rnmmlsfllon. and the govern- - transports Impossible. At Negroa Im- recently In Cripple Creek. Cooper for- onka, who was executed In tho Indian the late war, has aroused a suspicion was presented with a loving cup at the ment of Austria-Hungar- y to arbitrate Infantry to unload sixth possible until Terrltoy Thursday, Judge the the has ' "menu hayo so far acquiesced that this last day or two. California Is now merly edited a paper here and was at Spain is trying In this indirect ratio of 16 to 1, the claims for damages arising fresa undoubted right to punish tho offen- that part or me pertauaeut one ii ne.su.refl as a government prominent time poliin Missouri manner to obtain possession of the the death of Austrian-Hungaria- n of Samoa. loading; Coloradoes left on Warren; ders for contempt of court. m for the subA. McDowan, an sol' also sild that the report of the Idahos, North Dakotas and Wyoming tics. He became penniless, and has jects during the rioting at Haxelte, Tho department, however, has no vessels) and thus remove the offense to as Grant years as soon can the dier, for leave will the llvod died at In Confederate home St. Louis. at Years Jurisdiction in the matter as it now Spanish pride caused by the floating rt of the Samoan commission is Pa., In September, 1897. OTIS. be coaled. ago in Texas Cooper saved Crego's life. stands. 'ly to be unanimous. Austin, aged 69 years. of the American flag over her ships. The Rev. Mr. Dickie met with feet success on his recent visit to the Ualt-e- d Judgamant Maalflad. Dewejr at Saei. Ataakaa Gald. Vlata WorkaM Mamma. I.arga ghortaga. In raising money to build a States 15. 13. Mo., City, July Dewey, The July Jefferson Sues, Admiral on Uburg, Pa., July 17. Tin plate July 17. O., steamer The Victoria, B. New York, 15. George M. ValJuly American church In Berlin. Tke ftu4 111., 13. Chicago, Joseph July Gen. oversupreme his arrival here on board the Olympia court yesterday, after n throughout the country to the City of Seattle, from Alaska, brought entine, cashier of the Middlesex County passed through Chicago yes- yesterday, said be was In very good now amounts to $40,000. Work em tk Wheeler ruling In er rxt nanrlv KO 000 resume work rehearing the a a for notion down cbout 200 passengers and 600,-00- 0 bank of Perth Amboy, N. which case of seventy-thre- e He appeared to be in excel- church begtns in the fall or early fire Insurance terday bound for the Philippines on an health. ''ffterBoon, after an Idleness of two or $700,000 In drafts and dust was oloeed yesterday, has surrendered companies, As he put it himmission. unknown of against lent which waa also the ter, which writs condition, unicago The scale fixed on at say the officials at himself and la now In jail on account arrivals merely Late report to am ordered "I self: mmSpaniards now In Cuba say that tne case with the officers and men. Most ouster were Issued because of violation or the price of bars, vance over last years scaie Dawson refuse to record any more of a shortage In the bank's funds, of the anti-trulaw, decided to mod- to Gen. Otis, and I do not know what of theaa have suffered from malarial October fully $130,000,000 of &ced It 15 per cent, which will claims on Bonanza or tta tributaries. which, has been variously estimated all ify the Judgment, recalling the writ I shall have to do when I get there. I fever, but have now quite recovered. capital will have been withdraw utll! June 30, 1900, In addition the war to 165,000. The affair caused of ouster and allowing the companies expect to return by December, when The Olympia has been quarantined, no the island of Cuba. Some The White Pass railway baa 5 nar cent advance, the men of K w4i to continue to do business In the state congress meets. Being in the army, direct communication with her being the Dyea Tramway company's considerable excitement among the on payment of a fine of $1000. turn to Spain aad soaae to tee sea s of 2 HvAl advance further allowed. -- j k. r I felt that I had no right to remain Mexieo, tor uveatntAt. R hi tne recenii nuinu peeauseoi interest. It li sot known whether they business men of Perth Amboy, where the Middlesex bask waa coastdered as 1M pound is the pnoe will ce&Unue to operate it or sot The Mexican bond issue has beea idle all summer and fall, and asked to Nine British warships are enrvuU Sf Um. WW tree aa the eternal lilla. oversubeerlbed. to 8t Jefcaa, N. F. be seat on active service." AMI . ftn mHE UNITED STATES Treaty of Utmost Importance to the Great Nations Both that are Interested. , n v. i d I ve ' Ilt-w- I r recu-perntl- ' m ie 0; ;yts to-d- time-server- s, ed Clan-na-Ga- ., I one-seven- "HI f h. v "lV x "i irt n 'ii st pui-caaa- ed ... ir k "V" ClfrV I ,,,&fc&L 'VaAaiaW&aaaaag. i t Vlalfat, f i mt :,'. 6$S Mi . gggSjSjSjSjSjSjSSJJSjjSSjSjSjSjSjSj CWtU'.S i i '.AJ ...' . ..,. . .. . .. .. .... . ajgjgywurai iuiM&sj!uw ' " ' Hurt iSs .' J. , ' A ' 4 , J : ..n I ,& i. "fcU t . j IlmuiL 1 ..4 vpO fpmr ..n mHMMHimMlthUiWfWWMMhlMiWH I'lVl ' mk.Wmmmmmmwm WT -t. ttlnlnn. for whom narr rpearu. N hod look a -- ho drawn by a mule, with a man holding iw g ftbotj tho handles. Tho paths nrc narrow, vr'he hns hang-doI1 ui,,,., i. rl,ied 3 and In some places not more than' do always bo In deep to wide, with ruts three feet Ho seems : .. wu nmj enme now. .! them. Many accidents havo happened, was awakened at 1 o'clock one morn' u,. skiff. Just as! B. his mulo, man shell cases In and and Bonie ing of Inst week by a party of thirsty havo fallen over tho side, but explosouls from n cottage In the neighboror, 'holnju'red hood. Their supply of Ice hud given sions seem not to have resulted, K ' k out and they had sat parched for cool HVU lotting by j nt the crew, n.ii. MANEATERS. drinks for an hour or two before deinruLWrfnm.th.forrt9iWa ciding to arouse the little Teuton from Trlclu of the xui;ic' I. loin In Their It usually tar. or driving " his slumbers. They had walked a half ( BY Xittlm iIiiiikIi-k- , ML The Gold Coast - .i .i mystery to and see how long I'll linger on shore. mile from their cottage and on tho way Outing: "When lions become- man- they apologies graceful formulated and the white num. Ufa. ,ish this west If you waut to soo ionic real heroism, pathetic excuses for opening the inn's eaters these Inert and treacherous r r' . -- .. -- n ..nine closely and soHHit t African colony ha been more or less you want to w:tch a man who Is wild palmettos, while watching tho sails brutes) tako no unnecessary trouble to CHAl'TEll Captain Westoa, rely' In touch with civilization for live cen- - ing ankle deep In the hot asphalt In business nt so unseemly an hour. They tho of headlands past glided good the beings nro of while that men, human built and catch Most of the houses aro -- u It 1 wbetuer Chanto turloa and has boon the jeene of sev- - order to pay his gas bill." Welling knocked timidly. Then louder. They plentiful, none of them undertnko per- stone, but havo as Uahania way men to the on tho their nnd bay all their window wero seized with panic at the thought w any eral historic events. It Is still a terra ton Star. o"C Florida. of Gulf great ever killed d without and barricaded nel or tho that he might have gone to town or ilous enterprises or proceed on any Incognita to to bulk of the American This was my favorite resort. A wood otherwise, after being long lU shark-ski- n expeditions. They know within, for the population (of which moved or be dead. Their visions haphazard havo the people. trees shnded he drew his usly knlfo from BEGGAR DIES. of Iced lemonade with strawberries what to do nnd where to go thnt prey our shlpmato Antonio was a striking of cocoanut nnd other sullenly. I havo that so dark It thirty made It Is in the Gold Coast that the nosheath and replied and place nbout lloating on top. of crushed limes and may bo procured with the least amount (specimen) consists of so, when la noun. or at s about glance and torious fetich temple and grove of the In A tp irt'iit 1'mt'rty, l.vmliiK i riirtniii1 pineapples Chlmmiau Spaniards seen the "Only a d drowned In cold seltzer, of of risk or exertion. Such a Hon is well thousand of J 1(1,00(1. cocons are about tho height of California." free and Ashantl kings are situated. Tho The of slaves number doublo on that field gencorn nwaro of who tills this Poughkeopsle Special Chicago Chron- amber drinks, more grateful than reckless, fiery and Dutch poplurs, and nro covered with "Well, I wish you would clap a fetich grove Is just about a mile outteel, seemed about to take Might. Thoy melon natch. He has Informed mulattoes, all loose, young, nro stopper on your mouth when you go when which, ocleaves, oblong trivial on side of Kumns.l. This place of a thou icle: Alexnnder De Witt, who lived In no longer had nny pangs of conscience that knives apt to use their himself of how many men accompany of a palo rod. As spring drew on, the to sleep, or turn In out of wrahot In sand horrors Is made up of large and this city, practically upon the bounty about waking the Teuton from his village herds, where nny outlying casions. the far oft years, many died a friends, for his of thero lying brnnches Irccnmc covered with scarlet a topgallant studding sail-- as stately banyan trees, and up to the Thero was not a ship Timidity was forgotten, camps are situated and how thoy nro slumbers. craft by and yellow llowers. any you choose, nml tlie further off tho other as or England, time of the last Urltlsh expedition was week ago at the age of 90 years, and in for guardul. There Is no routo by which Over these the vast corrnl . trco bettor." said old Hob. rts. sulkily, aftor which Weston could havo sent me enclosed In high pnllsades. Inside these his will, which has proceed or traillc Is carried travelers was steam-packIts protecting foliage, whenco spread In filed just Spanish been A the ravings of the fubano had kept home. palisades were the sepulchre of the studied lannot have animals on beautiful such Cadiz, that their in but Spaniards, tho olhVe for departing of Surrohim nwako for several nights. on tho eve of Ashantl, kings and a collection of the the with reference to the facilities for at- being wearied by tho monotony of my guage, name It La Madre del Cocoa, tho "You Bcem to dream a great deal,state ornaments and treasures at- gate Dorland. of bodily thouown kCOn a at times and a their they mood With afford n tack smallest of which has county, Antntlln" B.nlll VcMnt. long voyage, I was scarcely in Duchess tached to the royal stool, or throne. powers. If otherwise good strategic for tho sea again, and wished to spend sand lovely scarlet blossoms. he glance, beneath which the Spaniard that But what has always made the place shows positions present natural difficulties a llttlo more tlmo on shore Instead of quailed. grewsome In the eve of the white man leaves an estate of the Hon not only considers how these leaving with her. "Si, Sonor Cnpltano." he Gtammcmd. CHAPTER. XVII. is a certain large by practices family my perhaps overcome, but to bo I can wrote However, "How Is this?" Spirit. Evil bowl An which brass his part beforehand. At all events ho the Spanish mall, acquainting them of "I am very fond of dreams," ho reof Mntanzns Hay the stands under one Wc from sailed has been wntched while engaged In ex- my safety, with tho strnngo Incident at 2 o'clock a. m., on the 3d of April, plied, with a bitter smile on hla lip of the banyan trees ercises that can only bo explained In which had so suddenly torn mo from bound for tho Capo of Good Hope, und a scowl In his dark eye. of U.ts fetich grove "Have you pleasant ones?" this way. So puny a creature us man them, and adding that I would return wnlch we were fated never to reach. was the lustom It effective Im- by tho first ship bound for any part of with unprovided cannot say that thoy aro always "I Is. when freighted for of the nntHes that Tho Eugenie had boon Eu- Uttlo If nosslble. with tho Knclnnd: stands I should like to procure themj offense, so, plements mobut for cargo of the bowl must ho uo that colony with a rich prouauiy n assailant gonle, which would "Shnll l tell you how to do so7 chnnce against such a foe sugar, colTee, nnd tobacco, nnd lasses, kept constantly r imvlni? fnrtv times his strength, backed freighted for London. gjwvigjgFSp'?'! fKt"m H L..- ''tvOVKiW S" ?" arrangements had been made that from shipmate?" filled with human "If you please, sonor," growled tuo Aftor the packet sailed with my let Cape Town sho would be chartered for by marvelous activity and nn Intense conblood. As the 1 export cir- -' tor In her capacious bags. Spaniard. iJiRinn these of I'nder prospect fnv Loudon. Thus I had a fair tents of the bowl "Go to sleep. If you can, with that cumstances savages can only snui enced an emotion of greater happiness seeing nearly a half of this terrestrial dried up fresh vicdone I over enemy had is better than the formula of than which contentment their old nnd good my assault or up I repassed themselves globe beforo out tims were Vl sorrow the prayers, which nt times you pay out homo, for leaving hand, slnco other On tho masses. Elsmero. largo at threshold In father's and slaughtered sufrunning off a log reel." have must line all thero I the knew like which murdermight a by wo 1 hoped earnestly that those precautions taken and their blood suffering, Is It you mean, mlo bo would still what "And comport fered, and encounter no more waterspouts or tor ous Hon might not seem to carefully placed in heavily on my heart. hung my temto nil at thoy wore reckless not ns often nadoes, and bold with thnt bowl. the sacred "A good conscience," replied Weston, As wo wero returning to tho brig, taste; but from other causes than pheper attributed to this species. Hut Should this Imn peculiar emphasis alongside with warped now been It had which existelements war tho of nomena or tho such a discrepancy has no real portant rite bo scowl camo over tho SpanA through the black passing mismy mole, when tho was my fortune, or, rather, ence; it only appears when a judgment once neglected the visage, as ho touched hospiswnrthy great iard's the suffortune, to undergo such peril and taking all the facts street which contains aborigines believed of his lint, darted a furious rim likewise consideration and courtesy. is made without of trumpets, fering as wore far beyond my conceptho ml wo aim the heard tal, In animal's This that the god of the glance nt his chief accuser, tho whlto-halre- d with tion or anticipation. They pounded on the doors and beat intn consideration. developed In maneatcrs to nnd saw the glittering of lances grovo would dea of senman Uoberts and to end heads the tattoo on the windows in a frenzy of telligence, a above our streamers long S morning of on tho By o'clock together with an orscend In his venwalked forward. of examination shades all the hope and fear. The assuaging of tho Its highest point, people of Key of crowd IModras dense departure the light on of nature nnd geance upon the stealthlness ganic continue!) (To bo and ALONG THE GOLD COAST OF AFRICA. brown yellow and color black, thirst that consumed them seemed the by east, sinking Into toward unexpected nttacks and wo had to dolf our hats with duo re- was bearing south Ashantls. In order only thing wo any on Importance. as earth out of going waves astern, and tho Tho everystratagems, fully accounts for to appease this deity it Is estimated that $10,000 In excellent securities. spect as they passed, for In the midst, bado a long farewell to tho lovely When the landlord finally appeared How It tVi'lH to lio ll.mcril. over 23.000 human beings have been old man wore clothes given to In bright-gree- n d thing a Hon does in the way of guard surrounded by a statf of otllcors, nnd pajamas a linen of Cuba. shores lived by and pitying Wide World Magazine, Hlch-ar- d him friends In tho trees banyan put to death beneath the and nlguletted, their breasts nightcap and demanded "Vnt lss do ing ngalnst failure." men had died of yelour of o Three uur. tells ot open Edwin acquaintance, a an with charitable Hicks, that sway and whisper over this days C. biiarkling with medals and crosses, nnd low fever In hospital, so wo sailed from escape fror.i bdng hanged on Mnln street. He had matter?" they almost mobbed him, Southwlck. narrow forty Every his death. temple of hat cocked air MoiIitii .Manna. hands, each of them riding with a d Matanzfls with ten of several nephews nnd nieces in various pleading, threatening and clamoring. on tho stage of the i icon- - Theater, it was customary for the kings for Ho disappeared and lighted candles, esIn Arabia, says a writer in La under his left arm, came tho present exclusive of three ship boys, tho capsupin his of parts but country, tho mausoleum Dublin. Ho was plinit'g the part ol Ashantl to visit tal. Xature, the Arabs sometimes find in Captain General of Cuba, a marshal ofo tain, first and second mates. posed poverty and obscurity he never corted his customers out to tho exlllalnoua a partlculi.rly Achmet, army, Don Francisco fungus Spanish of seathe purpose of paying their respects kind a tho g nnd tho sandy deserts In tho waters, after the rainy r. Ion rareor of heard from any of them, except one. treme end of his anceswho, after departed character, an by their of attended Dominguez, manshades do resembles tho to the son, the Fky Is so cloudless In the foreof This was a nephew, Amos Harrison, of went back to don slippers and slip a which apparently lancers, nil mounted noon thnt tho heat of the sun becomes crime, Is, to tho geno.al satU'actlon ol tors, but during the last expedition the old white linen coat over the pajamas, and na of the Hlblo, and which serves as escort of mulatto Y., visited tho Tonnwanda, X. who capture! by two Urltlsh of part the English forces to this food for both men and camels when on Spanish horses. almost Insupportable; thus wo were tho audience, promptly hanged. "Ono mauso- - man once a year and tried to better In this costume he sened nectar and aland man, and soldiers wind-Falwas Ho a upon appears Gold Coast the temple and the use had. of be to It the soon glad to resort i, his condition. He once sent Do Witt ambrosia such as never before was no better is to with my though aged, had all tho bearing of loiim wero demolished. anil noimiib $13. rigged down the open skylight to night, while struggling buy a suit of clothes. eaten or drunk on land or sea. When the sand after every rain, sometimes with which to my to slipped shoul Is say, rono from stately trees I was, or, should tho ho for now remains but the an awning over the quarter-dec- k It was a good Investment, for Mr. Har- tho time of reckoning came and tho in llttlo heaps. It Is of a grayish color awhat round', my neck, grandee of old Castile. commemorate its grewsome history. coolness, nnd to skids for tho preven- ders nnd knotted Itself rison Is left nbout $39,000 of the estate. thirsty souls wero being sent off com- and the separate masses are about as says we Eugenie I wis being hauled,, y. tho returning to as On brig; of Just peas. on the sides taste, tho a sweetish has big blisters as It tion of The old man had another nephew, a forted with a big piece of Ice to assist by tne fofeot working I that Cuban shall tho "Never land-windone Antonio d Hicks. found been Mr. night has the Although much and Is nutritious. but In the starry the resident of Indiana, who visited him a in the making of more cool things at among tho crew as lustily and as ac- which comes off these fertile Isles, awful moment. Directly I felttho tug white man to Improve and civilize ago, years and afterward De Witt homo, that ono of the party who had tively ns any man on board. Weston laden with tho rich aroma of their at my neck I gavo a convulsle kick . the condition few Ti-i-i native of the Gold Coast, villages, imtH, i:tc. learned that his relative had endeav- pounded hardest, said: "Too bad to with offered him remuneration for tho now g savannas, Is beyond de- and tried to shout 'Stop!-- ' llit the y African these of most of ored to learn at the banks If his appar- wake you up. Herr Schuler." "Too "Doctor, my husband says black and tlmo that ho had been with us, with coast ........i rmtlil tint psp.ino from mvk)5ltcil--three or scription grateful and delicious. of two eyes appear poverty-stricke- n every any ently before his the exception spots red uncle had pad!" exclaimed the innkeeper. "Ach, elsemight a find berth as ho a thnt hint heathen any recordand incident worth Inn Hns. I could only make a gurgling Without towns, is as primitive money. This nephew Is left ?100 legacy himmel. I was glat to wake und get a night. What do you advise?" "I adwhere; but our castaway evinced the ing, wo ran through the sea of tho noise. Frantically I kicked and strugis held ago centuries five was playing stop poker." In the will. it vise that he greatest reluctance to leave tho brig, Windward Isles, thence nlong the coast gled. Pain thero was none, strangely trlnk moinself nlretty." and. alin common among the natives, the and begged that lie might bo permittitle with enough, beyond n choking, suffocating of South America, nnd when we apexist though individuals MKiihmtnU Nt'i'tlcri, ICE WHEN GIVES ted to remain on board, as three of proached tho calm latitudes, ns that sensation, and I ccnlil hear tho tuOUT. power and 1'rotlilFiicu C'uro Tlicin. Taken of do Cyclist Where of chiefs, their authorityevery man is theso roads Fair hands had been sent ashore, tract of tho ocean near the equator Is When 500 pound shells charged with lead to? Native One on 'em leads to our best multuous npplause of tho nudlence.who lit. llcrl.irnl That ll Mas C.l:iil to are verv shadowy, and sick, to the hospital. are named, wo became sensible of tho overThey Up. Yl:ili over tho master. a tumble lyddite with bank wore hugely entertained with what own practically his my 'ome, and t'other goes straight on. d Is man that CapSo powering Increase of heat, while the thov Imagined was my realistic actag Midnight swimming parties and mules which are drawing them and the lazy and bhiltiess, anil no Traveler. Uoston despite of tho dislike tho Weston, tain breezes were but "fanning ones," as with fish, a terrible sensation, Hko molA siestas on piazzas and upper bal- men who are driving the mules, and their streams are swarming and crew and tho advlco of Marc Hlslop, the sailors term those which, under tho Ii rushing small down my spine, per- moved groves regularly surprise to have men mules the mild tho conies survive, and lend largest Tho denomcocoanut four Protestant and their ordered that the name of Antonio be doublo Influence of tho air and motion abundant liody. good Hayside my may and I thought my legs be of be an to man Whitestone and of to said natives as nro Lord follows: (all vaded them yield inations Methodist plantations entered ou tho ship's books as foreof tho hull, are just suflltient to mako wero bursting. I gave another mighty Is late, says the Xew York Commercial lG.0fi2.400; branches), Uaptlst (all mast man. and beast. At Gibraltar n new batsupply of food. The climate, however, tho lighter canvas collapse and swell struggle and strove nh! how I strovo branches), 13.012.S92; Presbyterians miasmatic, and the death rate is high. Advertiser. One little German who tery Is being constructed on the highThree weeks after our arrival tho again. they bicyclists rock. of aro part and The wayside shells (all the inn branches), 4,747,232; keeps for a est climate Lutherans to scream. I seemed to behold a a such In to was starboard, when careened brig s for clothes. We wero soon aware of other another scorners of coolness and repose placed separately in small barrows (all branches), 4.30S.752. clear of all tho cargo, and had her noyances than mcro heat, for now It mighty rush of green water, and my are scarcely necessary. The villagers copper scraped and cleaned, nn op- seemed as If there was an evil spirit ears were filled with the roar of a pay no taxes and no rent, and If it eration which tho constant rains of the on board the Eugenie, nnd that nothing cataract. I have a dim recollection of were not for their atrocious religious seeing a great crimson sun shining season greatly retarded. beliefs and practices would be called a wont right within or about her. tho waterfall, and Thero was much In Cuba to feed wry enviable people. Hut they have Tho crew sulked and quarreled dimly from behindfalling Indefinitely an lmnglnntlvo mind, and mliio was among themselves ns If tho demon of I can remember a terrible dread of their fetich gods space. days I Two through of voyages, afterward advendaring tho hundieds the of full slaughter year dally vessel, tho and In lurked mischief and each recovered consciousness, and then I tures nnd tho vast discoveries of Co- something unfortunate occurred. Haltheir children to appease these malign lumbus, with tho exploits of the buc yards or braces gavo way, by which tho suffered lndescrlbablo agony. TEo spirits. The ordinary Ahanti temple sensation still remained, but caneers, whose haunts wero amid theso yards wero thrown aback ;and In ono building It constructed peculiarly a ii accompnnled by nn unqucnoha-bi- o In those days, savage lnstanco tho brig nearly lost her main was and, It wild ground In the placed poles of Is made thirst, not to mention fearful pains shores. mast. Standing and running rigging in a circular form and then tied toI thought of tho gaily plumed and wero found to bo mysteriously fretted, in my body nnd limbs." gether at the top and thatched with barbarously armed caciques whom Co- and oven cut, as If by a knlfo; and hay. Inside is a raised platform of lumbus had met In their fleet pirogues, then tho crow whispered together of rude is a platform Tim 1'rlnceS Drfoucu. on this sticks, and or had encountered In tho denso for- Antonio ol Cubano that horrid, dark, figure. This representation of a man's Louis Estorhazy, military atPrince ests which clotho tho Cuban mounmysterious fellow, whoso character tache of tho Austrian embassy nt Lonis ludicrously modeled In clay, and over old, perhaps, as tho nono of us could fathom. forests, tains don, was recently traveling nlono on it is plattered a paste made of red days of tho deluge of tho yellow-skinne- d Twice our compasses went wrong, an English railway when an elegantly ocher and the yolks of eggs. Each vilflowlong, women with their and remained so for days! and beforo lage has its temple and. according to woman entered tho carriage ing black hair and with plates of poltho cause was discovered tho Eugenie dressed Presently sho dropped her handkernative belief, shelters the tutelary dfity hanging gold In ears and had drifted far from her course. their ished Under the benign of the settlement. noses; of tho fierce wnrrlors streaked This varying was inexplicable, until chief and employed other expedients nrotection of this strange god. sick with sablo war paint and armed with Hlslop, who set himself to watch, and to start a conversation, but without ness, III luck and disaster are supposed cano arrows shod with teeth or poifrequently saw Antonio hovering near avail, for tho prlnco tranquilly smoked to bo kept from the people. soned fish bones, that fell harmless tho blnnnclo nt night, unshipped tho his clgnr and took no notice ot her. that thes The only handiwork from the Spanish coats of mail; of the compass box and found thero wero con- At last, as tho train approached a stawild Carlbs, who devoured their pri- cealed near it an iron marllnsplko on tion, tho woman suddenly toro her Ashantl people engage In is the art of weaving. This they do In a primitive sonerswith whom n battle was but a ono sldo and a lump of tallow on tho hnt from her head, disheveled her hair, precursor of a feast; and of the fa other, either of which was sufficient and, as tho train camo to a standstill, loom that would never lead one to sus' mous ngliting women tne terrlblo to affect tho magnetic needle. pect that really fine cloth could be , put hor head out of tho window and Amazons of Guadaloupe. manufactured by such a people. Such After their removal tho compass Bhrleked for assistance, Tho railroad I thought of tho story of Columbus worked as well as beforo. Tho crow officials hurried to tho scene, and to is a fact, however, the warp of the writing tho narrative of his wonderful were strictly questioned; nil vowed to- thorn tho woman assorted that sho had cloth being made about three inches discoveries, his perils and adventures, tal Ignorance of tho transaction, and been terribly insulted by tho prince. in width. The pieces are placed aide on a roll of parchment, which ho Antonio summoned every saint In tho Tho prlnco did not stir from his seat, by side and sewed together to make a wrapped In oilcloth covered over with Spanish calendar to attest his Innogarment of whatever size required. The but continued tranquilly smoking hla wax, inclosed in a little cask, and then cence, but none, however, appeared. cigar, and the stationmaster exclaimweaving is performed by two sets of cast into tho sen, with a prayer, and Tho crow now felt convinced that, In- ed: "What havo you got to say to the warp threads, which are alternately tho hope thnt If ho and hla crew per- spired by somo emotion of mnllco or ch'argo?" Without tho slightest apraised and depressed between each ished this record of their achieve- mischief, ho alono was tho culprit; and pearance of concern the prince, who throw of tho shuttle by a treadle arby might bo cast tho ocean on If not loud, their wrath was deep ments K?il rangement fitting between the large wns seated In tho further corner of the tho shoro of somo Christian land. against him. and second toe of the operator, and carriage, replied: "Only this," and with compass our set of I by sounding variations sea itM7&ijiiJtWO sat tho Theso As that througn after the shuttle Is thrown that ho pointed to tho cigar which f(lSXIgtruSM rolled Into the bay of Mntanzns, what tho busy brain of Marc Hislop to work, showed with the weft the latter Is beaten up by a beautiful gray ash considerho declared that would I not havo given to have cen nnd In n day or two swinging grating made of bamboo. an Inch in length. Tho over ably tho waves cast that old cask, covered ho hod discovered a plan for preventThe Ashantl women are a was wlso In his generation, dangerso my of repetition tricks weeds barnacles, at ing and with tho g ornament-lovinlot and each and on perceiving tho ash In the so to ns Insulating needle by tho ous feet! flay spend some time In the making of Hut now tho plodding steam tug and protect tho compass from attractions prince's cigar, ho touched his hat, said their barbaric toilet. They are espequietly. "That's all right, Blr," and artho rusty merchant trader ploughed falso or dangerous. cially fond of bathing and romping in rested tho woman Instead. Argonaut. bay perfected tho of ho of tho whether waters Instead I tho uncertnln am the water, and It Is a very common glided Spanish caravels, or tho long this experiment, but Antonio soon Igbt to see a dozen of them, quite war pirogues of tho Indian warriors; went to work another way; for ono An Outrage. destitute of all clothing, splashing and where, they fought their bloodiest day, when ho was supposed to be busy and Somo Tennnt of tho plnstor In my numerous the of one diving about In battles on tho wooded Hhore, or In tho In tho maintop, ho shouted, "Stand kitchen fell down last night, anj 1 treams of tho Gold Coast country. green savanna, where tho painted from under!" and ere Hlslop, who was want you to roplaco It. Landlord Their skin Is a glossy bronze color, and tho mailed CnsMlan met Just beneath, could glvo tho usual What caused It? "Tho man who oc- - ii hough their features are Invariably hand to hand in mortal strife, tho "Let go!" a heavy marllnsplke, Clllllo.t tho flonr nlint anAnA,l " f 'A heavy and unattractive. They are also smoko of tho steam mill, grinding cof-fe- o tho same which had been found In tho lord Well, somo V'VfJH people beciusa think fond of fishing, and, strange to say, Bky, sugar, boiling or darkened tho binnacle, slipped from tho hand of Anpay they rent they carry on can Just nave adopted the white man's tjle of and tho songs of tho negroes were tonio nnd fell crashing through tho as If they lived In a hotel. angling for the finny tribe. heard as they hoed In tho plantations, topgratlng. or in gangs of forty trucked mahogany Iron hor crashed Tho Into tho deck logs, each drawn by eight sturdy oxen, nt tho feet of Hlslop; whether this ocColorado" Mouutalu 1'eakt. On Hot to tho sea. "Funston's a remarkable man," said curred by Inadvertonco or design wo There are 110 mountains In Colorado And so, In a creek of the hay tho knew not, but tho Scotsman thought whoso peaks aro over 12,000 feet above "Yes," answered Che cheery citizen. samo placo whero the Dutch Admiral tho latter, , the ocean level. tie man whoso voice Is always keyed Heyn sank tho Spanish pinto licet I "That rascally Spanish picaroon will to a high tone of complaint. "I g'poo to wont dreamily was hours, for sit work us somo serious mischief bofore Hut there's lots of paoplo about Snakes In South Africa fear th"4 o. with tho murmur of tho waves In my we overhaul our ground-tackl- o as heroic, only you never hear of 'em." or see secretary bird, and will even crwl cars, with tho buzz of Insects and tho tho Cape," said Weston, who was en- away from Its shadow, The bird "Why, look at the wiy he swam that among the raged by this new Incident, and tha easily kill a voice of the mocking-bird- s You Just river." snake twice Its tlM. "Swam a river! r n. take me down and show me a river, ' -- ' . THE AfRlCAN GOLD COAST. DICK RODNEY; A Land of IWystery to the White Aan. Weird Customs of the Natives. iXr orinahearadrutonn, The Adventures of "A An Eton Boy... JAmES ORrtNT, SklrMMiM.""."""""" 1 r; r "rrrrxS uclb? j XVI.-(Contln- ucd.) ,":,'", Iron-barre- llro-'flle- ollvo-sklntie- I w- ?" i i 11 rro-cllvl- ty ? epau-letto- 8 old-tlm- c able-bodie- 0 Ser-ran- boat-landin- V h fine-looki- ls cap-tors- s , &' spice-growin- 4 " "", short-sighte- all-nig- ht A REAL HOOP SNAKE, - - tJL Bf light-bearte- d, k,,M r.' ft 6 .; S4f ' JgJBifil n. e, f 7' t JifiT ?y ?. H-- i 'WL m W. pw -- -" - j am. i' Mlilyyt Wtr :fl vru INPKHRjjHKli? WMlfWJIIW w'ti " ! I"" wn , i.mi.,-w- iui VJ' J "T v iiiiiiii i1 iiuiiiwwwtwWilMaWWI'''"' ,','f "WhfVS, VT m rOULTJlY. time Tho exerclso and tho suspension foods will result In, a speedy decrenso of tho fat and n, Hf CHAPTERS r?nnn corresponding Increaso In tho profit, . intermp iu ablcness or the fowl. UBALRtADliRS. PilRW H P'l v. V0' . . crtnFM tt.n mcnt of "" IO "'Vpoultry. S f Innm l. . " . or "" Caru - - ii... '" -- row c. ...... OUICK nA r i,nvfl heard frequently of nro- - lorratlvca that contain salicylic acid. harmfulncss of this Somo Idea of the chemical can t obtained by reading tbo witnesses beforo tho testimony of puro food commiscongressional tho sion that has bn holding its sessions It waa found that this In Chicago. acid was used extensively In beer. Dr. professor in tho I'ruyn Strlngfle!J Unlu-wllMedical Northwestern fchool, said: "Us effect Is to stimulate tho action of the heart, and withn depression of both in a few nilntc9 and of respiration foltho heart action1,nu" Cilse3 ln tIlls city lows. I have was directly wher'o I b,;lleV0 dL'ath traceable to tho effect of salicylic acid drunk In beer. It Is likely to paralyzo the heart." This should bo sufficient to convince people that all kinds of Even tho preservatives aro dangerous. mildest of 'bem have, tho effect of medicine and must not be taken at ran- dom and In great quantities. of dairy Tho value of Inspection products Is seen In tho world's market for butter, ohceso and milk. America has been very backward about enacting rlsid ,aws against adulteration and false brands. Wo havo been afraid of Interfering with Individual liberty, it has taken years of argument to Snij oven n part of tho states to honest dairy pass lins protecting Hut Canada was not thus oroducts. backward, and soon made laws against the making of filled checso and laws to ensure that nil butter sent across tho as freo from all suspicion of ocean Dleoicirgarlnu. Wo had a largo checso trade In England, but during tho years vhenwo wero debating whether or not lit u good morals to attempt to tho making of filled cheese, ICaciia drove us out of the English rrtew market and herself took Wu will havo to enact more f rlfU national laws yet, beforo wo can Soto regain our lost prestige, for we good products, BWt not only make ftatwo must convince our former cu3- ; torers that wo are making them. Our irtem of inspection of dairy products, 11 of all food oroducts. should bo both or tho Itrtliliiu Turkey. In nothing docs n good beginning count for so much ns In raising says a writer In tho Homestead. Many nre not very successful ln turkey growing, and after they havo glvon( as good caro as they know how, they wonder why they fall. Tho beginning) should bo good. What docs that mean? It Is a common practice, among short' sighted turkey growers to pick out allj tho best for market, keeping tho smaller ones, under tho Impression that they, will grow largo enough by the tlmol they aro wanted for breeding. This is, a gravo mistake. In a Hock of turkeys' there will bo those that aro bettor developed, bigger boned ami these arc Just tho kind needed for breeding pur poses. To achieve success ln turkey growing it is well, therefore, to mnko a good beginning by selecting the best hens in the flock good, deep, blocky birds, with largo bono nnd short legs, and dispose of tho long legged, looso built ones. To mako a success does not really mean tho selection of a certain breed, for tho breed of your cholco may mako you more money than any other. The Bronze Is n very excellent breed, nnd any of tho breeds which has a largo sprinkling of tho wild blood In It will do very well. Tho greatest trouble with the sorts with wild blood in them is that they aro harder to keep near home, nnd aro very easily frightened. Having selected tho breeding stock, which should be dono In tho fall, they should bo wintered ln tho best condition without too much fattening, which can bo done by letting them run out all tho time. You will bo in a po sltlon to start In right. tur-Mjy- a, Nlilllll nuclei. Small flocks of poultry usmlly do better than largo ones, nnd there are several reasons why this should bo so, says un cxclinngc. They receive more care and nttentlon ln proportion to their number. Ono could scarcely keep u flock of 15 without devoting a half hour per day to them. At this rato one would only care for 300 ln a day of 10 hours, yet many think they can take care of about a thousand In that time and not keep very busy. Spending so much tlmo among a few, ono gets to noticing tho personal peculiarities of each one. He can soon tell which ones lay five eggs a week nnd which only three, nnd If one does not visit tho nest nt all for weeks he w rtfd and thorough. knows It nnd Is soon rid of those thnt nre all expense and no Income. If he Tho uso of butter cultures is n thing desires to raise chickens, ho can by a our llttlo care select eggs from those hens tit has drawn tho nttentlon ofwest, litter mnkers both east and which matured earliest nnd have been havo been interested iao stations tho best egg producers, nnd thus he cough to take up extensive work in Is breeding for eggs. And Inst, but not is line, but tho results havo been always least, tho item of table scrap3 ther averse- to the Idea that It is and waste vegetables for which usualeccssary to uso cultures in uuuer-inkln- g ly no charge is made in itemized acln this country. The Penn- - counts, are really valuable to the small ylvanla Experiment Station has re flock as furnishing somo variety to tho cently Issued a report on their experi ration and an amount that may really ments along this line. It is tho opin deduct something from tho grain bill, ion ofthe experimenters at that stawhile In a flock of 100 or more there tion mat "the results obtained by pas- - would not bo in an ordinary family teurlzatlon havo not, as a rule, Justl-fte- d enough to glvo each hen a fair bite. the expectations based upon tho This makes tho expense of keeping theory of the process and upon the. re- each fowl something greater In tho sults obtained In other countries, and largo flock if tho variety of food Is tho results of theso trials, so far as bought for them, and the returns a litthey go, agree with tho general ex- tle less if It Is uot. perience. Of course, only tentative conclusions can be based on so few exllnlry l'onllllltln In I.otilOniKt. periments, although they corroborate W. L. Foster, a Louisiana farmer, tho results obtained by other students says: I said I believed we here could of this question, hut it mny bo snfo to raise k to compete with thoso coacludo that pasteurization and the sections that seem to have hnd credited use of puro cultures do not, according to them a natural adaptability for the to our present standard of perfection business. Let mo glvo you a few ilWo milk at our house ln flavor, promise to materially aid tho lustrations: American huttermaker, whero tho confrom four to seven grado and thorIs ditions aro favorable for making butoughbred Jerseys. No attention ter by the usual amethod. It may bo, given to their feeding and nllking. A however, that if" our country should negro boy attends to tha.t entirely, become as thickly populated as somo having been shown a fow times how to of tho countries of Europe, and wo mix their feed of cotton seed hulls, havo difficulty ln making butter unimeal and bran. In winter they run formly good, pasteurization and puro on about two'acres of barlsy and oats, cultures would be an advantage ln and In summer on about five acres of overcoming tho trouble, llut for tho Ilermuda. From accounts I have kept present at least, even for our export at various times against these cows, trade, the outlay necessary for the I came to the conclusion lhat tho milk purchase and ue of n pasteurizing outnnd butter used by my faMlly, and tho for butter-makin- g milk nnd clabber fed my pigs, about fit and puro cultures hardly seem warranted." Such paid for the feed of tho cows, leaving Is the opinion of tho Pennsylvania staas a profit the butter nnd cream sold ln tion, bated, not only on its own work, our city, which has airounted, slnco Jan. 1, to J2D0.20. Koi; with an Inbut on the work as reported of Madison and other stations that havo dono telligent and interested owner to properly feed and milk the.-i- cows, and to much along dairy lines. see that no feed wns wasted, and ono moio carefully to seo tfiat all fertilizer Aromul Hi" 1'miltr) Vnril. was saved, I am sure 'ho profit would During the hot weather tho fnrmct havo been much greatir. comfortfowls aro his seo that should ably cool at nights. Wo know what Romney Marsh Shfep. A writer In It Is to swelter In the July and August tho l'astoralist's Review has this to heat, and we should have compassion say of Kent, or Itoniney Marsh sheep: on the fowls shut up tight in tho pens. "I havo been a breeder of llomnoys In Some take their chances on the birds Now Zealand for more than twenty being killed by prowling nnlmals and years, and tho first origin of my Hock leave the windows and doors open, but was direct from Kent by Importations this Is never n wise thing to do. Wlro some thirty years ago. I find them netting Is cheap, and even the Inch most hardy, prolific--, and profltablo In to mesh would cost but a few cents every way, and It may surprise 'Old Tho window put over the wludows. Wcranga when I B'nte, for a fact, that not sash can then bo taken out, and my flock of 1.G0O pure ewes, which Is even a weasel can get In. Tho writer depastured upon ilch river flats (very windows has found th.it by taking out wet In winter) survive tho wet, cold, henhouse In two adjoining sides of the and snow of n South Now Zealand withallowed Is without turnips or nny artificial a good chango of air which drafts, food, nnd walk Into the shearing shed out exposing the birds to In tho October In robust health, carrying should be under suspicion even by in fleeces of wool, and often with summer time. Colds nre produced heavy a wet sur115 per cent of lambs by their sides." a cool breeze blowing over in midface Sonietln.es tho weather sweat fowls the Carefully-Hre- 3 Animals. The supethat such is summer exposure niako to warm riority of tho English, Scotch and and arc too French horses is due to their being to a draft safe. ( almost U3 part of tho family. Beraised as a means of fighting llco hind their docility, size and adaptaGrease ....... n,ia n tin used with . to speclnl work, tho plow, tho will prove tion much Voase To , kg ag wen saddle or tho buggy, Is a long lino of , r camion. kindly caro, patient training and care very destructive w seems to bl ster ful breeding. That marvelous capacto the lice, as It bo put en Xe BK'U producing milk, possessed by A little should , ....I- 1Iniier ity for cow, and tho superlatlvo Holstelu the 'eVwIn a small amount will richness of tho milk of tho Jersey, are R to the found to be very destructive the results of Judicious feeding, handrisl.ei d even If all the llco aro ling nnd breeding, and of wise selecK at once, It Is better to make tion for many years ln sections where fAcond nPPHcatlon than to blister the a few cows are kept by each family as things you nro trying a valued treasure. Tho same Is true 6k, of the HtUe ta not of all tho better breeds of horses and i0Cconi.dS"aSUU entirely un- - other domestic animals. Prof. S. A. Knapp. necessary. . . - Idea to now adopted by everybody, and all possible means of Insuring are now sought. Tho best way ITEMS OF INTEREST FOR MAIDS to havo tho skirt of tho gown Ho smoothly across tho hips Is to wear AND MATRONS. tho corset outside the petticoat over all tho rest of tho underwear. This gives Cruelty to Flowi-It I Hhoirn by an unbroken lino and abolishes all Wearing or Ciirrylni; llioin In tho folds. City Reigning Btylr .Married I.tulkV Tho petticoat, like tho gown skirt, Is tight and plain as far down as thoj Title knee, being fitted by darts. Uelow tho, knee It blossoms out Into luxuriant "Shu I.cup lltiu Yet." decorations Innumerable frills, rufSho loves him yett fles, plaltlngs, puffs, ruches nnd bowsi I know by tho bluh thnt rises Ji-- . of ribbon. As tho flare of tho gowm Bcncnth the curH must bo sustained by tho petticoat, no That shadow her nouMIt check! Sho loves him yetl crinollno or other stiffening being now Through all Love's sweet disguises employed, all this exuberant trimIn timid girls, ming Is a fashionable necessity. A blush will bo euro to spenk. FORWOMEN AND HOME alcn-dcrne- ss r Hut deeper signs Than the rodlant blush of beauty, Tho mnldcn find, nnmo henrd Whenvr hisyoung Her henrt thrills, Forgetting herself her duty! Her dark oyo (Ills, And her pulso with hope Is stirred. I Sho loves him yet! The flower the false ono gavo her, When Inst h enme, Is still wljh her wild tears wet. Sho'll tiP'er forget, Howo'er his faith mny wnver, Through grief nnd shame. Believe lt-loves him yctl sho HIb fnvorlto songs Sho will sing she heeds no other! iuj nil ner wrongs Is set. Oh, doubt no more! Sho never can wed nnother: Tilt life bo o'er, She loves sho will lovo him yetl Her llfo on his love Mnrrlnl I.mlln Title. In Germany a controversy has arisen with regard to the style which should b adopted ln addressing married ladles. There are four names by which a man's better half may bo described In the language of the Vaderland, vlz.:i Gemahlln (consort), gattin (spouse).l frnu (lady), and welb (wife). To save the frequent disputes und heart-burn- -i burnings arising from Ignorance orj Impertinence In the uso of any one of these forms, it Is proposed that theso shall bo attached to tho recognized gradations of the social scale. Thus, a general's wlfo would bo addressed as his "consort," tho partner of an official of a certain rank as bis, "spouse," tho middle-clas- s wife would be addressed ns her husbnnd's "lady.'t CHIC CREATION A IN GRAY. i : ;abj5rs i- TKiMtt "1 '. '" - - tav ','."" 'V B' - ' yel-3o- w y .; -- S v' V O j Jr l'lill-Ipjil- r i ne t blood-thirst- expo-uienc- Skirt of palest gray crepe, having as skirt and plain tunic, over a foundation of lemon yel- - low satin. Tho bodice of gray Is covered with bands of orango volvet, fastened In the center with big rosettes. Cruelty to l'lourr. A woman who loves her garden says she cannot understand how people can bring flowers to town these days, especially when they carry them in the and tho worklngman's helpmeet would be sUuply his "wife." accordion-pleate- d hand or wear them as bouquets. "They take them out of tho shady, cool garden, fresh, dewy and fragrant, and hold the delicate stems ln hot hands or pin them In coats or gowns to fade and die," she says, plaintively. "Wild roses, which city people dote on, wilt beforo tho railway ftatlon Is reached, and pansles nre dying of thirst long before the train arrives In town. Pansles nre hardy and will perk up and tako a fresh hold on llfo If placed In water beforo they are quite dead, but flowers nro moro most country-bre- d frnslle, and I always feel sad when I see them' going off to tho grime and city, to be dirt and hot breath of forgotten in a mnn's buttonholo or dropped and trampled on In the car. Maybe I am supersensitive on tho subject, but I try to do my duty and send the blossoms I lovo best to the children's missions In tho slums every week. But I send them packed In cotton nnd paper and plentifully sprinkled before they are placed ln the box. 1 never do up a box of blossoms without hoping, almost unconsciously, that they will havo a comfortable Journey. It's Just tho same yearning solicitude book lovers have when they are handling books or when they seo a beloved book HI treated. And I think anxiety and tenderness over flowers Is a more natural emotion." And then she placed a great branch of cream-whlt- o blossoms ln a shining bluo 'jowl and the room was redolent as of tho perfumes of Araby. t- Itelgnlng Charming Summer Truck. la pretty colored canvas, made with a pointed tunic, over a double petticoat of heliotrope glace silk, having an attached flounce of the canvas. Tho striking bodlco Is of embroidered silk net, showing tho taffeta lining through the coarse meshes, ami has a Frenchy -e Stylci. w es light-hand- N 9 sus-pen- bolero of canvas, finished on the edges with tiny frills and rows of heliotrope stitching, like the bottom of the tunic, The hat Is of black and violet. (linger l'lifTi. To two cupfuls of flour add ona teah of ginger, spoon of nutmeg, one tablespoontul of sugar, half a cup of white wine. Beat three eggs, add them to the mixture Pour Into buttered cups and bako In a quick oven. Beforo sending them to tho table pour over a llttlo wino sauce. one-fourt- WhlU'lmlt. fish In a cloth with a handful of flour, fold up loosely and Put the tiny with tho asslstaoco of somebody shake them about until quite dry. Have ready some boiling' lard, drop them Into It and fry for about two minutes. Drain In a sieve, and irvo with brows bread and butter mi ice4 Uaaom. A,t ylv-- fl Ci V y V. Klec-trl- cT3fr mmmo?xX&&',xs!t !! , s i , i'.--ng- " ir The reign of tight skirts promises to be long. There Is no symptom of any change, save to Increasing tightness, If that be possible, Tho lining and the outside are mado as flat as possible, and both are molded to the form without fold or wrinkle. This leads, of course, to a revolution In underwear which shall eliminate all amplltudo and gathers around the waist. Many women Inclined to superabundant flesh v have all articles of underwear which Fat, or tho materials dissolved from fasten about the waist mounted on a pwrtat yoke some four or five a feeding stuff by other, Is a substance tight-fittin- g of mixed chnracter, and may Include, Inches In depth, or elso cut ln such a besides real fats. wax. the green color- way that the fullness may b taken up of plants, etc. Tho fat of by darts iVl,VeHenr l.a a o too fat should ing matter around the hips and the top up In the body W"a nf corn taken from food Is either stored finished by a straight strip stitched to furnish heat burned lVe cr fat ud 4owa to hold tt edge firm. Tula and If possible should as energy. im entirely, i" nu"i. to bi&i t tf ' live-stoc- cll-ma- to - ' I ' '? .'- p, - 1 had been opened at tho top to lot ln the fresh air. Through this opening a KEYSTONE WONDERS. star had boen peeping! It was bo SOME GOOD STORIES FOR OUR high up ln tho sky that Nannie could ODD THINdS AMONG" MAN AND only seo It when sho was closo up to JUNIOR READERS. BEAST. tho window, or from farther back In "Nnnnln's llogy," u rrun Htory by Alm:i tho room, only by bending down as low as her head had been when It was Snake with Ono Iloily, Two Heads nnd Srhrrllwr Uluit Happened tn l Mttlu lying hern's n llenr Thnt Two 'lulls Then on tho pillow. When sho had (llrl Willi Hud Hid Uuoii Luck to Jlti sat up In bed, of course tho wall ofj I. tigs onr u Itlg 1'ork llnrrel, und a lruellng In Itnljr. .Negro Who's Turning White. tho room had come between her and ; the star. Nmv KiiKlimd'N Mountain Child. The mystery wns explained! Her)1 Ono Carrlngton. n New Mllford (Pa) Whero fomn the fall a tamclesa storm big, burning, blazing, bogy eye had Through Nuturo's wild nnd rich arcade, been nothing ' '""" after all but u beautiful,' ""'"" Which furuit trcr. entwining, form, ft fl,lttke- or Pal1' of 8nakcSstar shining Into her room! Theru trips tho mountain maid. Nannie, with a much rellevrd mlnd.i ftethcr like tho Siamese twins. Tho She bind not her luxuriant hair could not help laughing at herself, and reptile has two heads nnd two tails. With dazzling gem or cosily plume. feeling rather ashamed of herself, too All tho rest of tho body Is like that of Hut gnyly wreathes n roebud there. Sho folt that this would be a lesson to n single snake, with the exception of To match her maiden bloom. her for the future, und ninde up her; a slight depression above und belowSho clnsp no golden ssone of prde Mint If nvnr ornln In tho rnnranl extending the entire length. The bodmind Her fair nnd sltnplo robi- nround! Uy llowlng riband, lightly tied, of her llfo she met with a bogy, sho'l los oln auoul 81X ,ncne lrom luo Tho Its graceful folds aro bound. wnui.i nr. i,o.i ... i, f,ii.io,i if Each tall is almost n foot long. c tho JlneiJ bod ls tw, fcct IenBth up right sho lt. had until to wulkrd And thu nttlred n sportive thing, I'urp, loving, giilli'lea, bright mid wll- d- and hud looked It boldly ln tho face, nine Inches. The twins were discov I'roud fashion match me In your ring. for perhaps it might turn out to be ered last summer by a little son of New Kngland a mountnln child! Currington, who told his father about only a star! them and showed him the track across SCHUElUnn. ALMA She eorn to sll her rich, warm hoart liio road, Carrlngton ran across It a for paltry gold or haughty rank. tow dajs ago when blasting a rock IJut give her love, untaught by art, Iluiy Aiilin ils. Conlldlng, fruu und frank. The fox is a dealer in poultry, but nnd succeeded in taking it alive. The And, onrp lietowrt, no fortune chnngo ho ls nothing more nor less than a twin snakes are Jet black, with a Thnt high nnd generous faith enn alter. ring Just behind tho head. Both, Through grief and pain, too puro to thief. Fat ducks and chickens are hli range. delight, and a plump rabbit comes next mouths take food. ' Sho will not lly or falter. best. A Callicoon (Pn.) farmer bought a Tho arc fisher nnd otter tho heron Her foot will bound ns light nnd free men. The otter is not often seen, for barrel to pacK some neei in, anu ieir n In lowly hut ns pnlneo hull; Her sunny smile ns warm will be, he carries en his work mostly under In tho barnjnrd, one night recently, for love to her Is nil. the water, but tho heron stands with Next morning it was gone, to his great long, thin legs In the water wait- - vexation, as pork barrels are not plen- Hat oon wli?ri In our woodland gloom his Ing till a fish comes by. Then a sud- I If til In thnt neighborhood. There was The rich magnolia proudly smiled? So brightly doth she bud nnd bloom, den plunge with his long, sharp bill Iio one In the neighborhood whom tho New Hngland's mountain child! and the poor fish is brought up and Tanner suspected of stealing it, nnd tho swallowed. was a mystery that he NiiiiiiId'h llngf, Tho ants aro the busiest of all. Catch Iried to solve for u long time girl who an ant asleep ln tho daytime if you Nannie was a other day the secret catti'l had the good luck to be traveling can. They are always ln earnest at F)nj.ln niftier , tfiriih.finV ridel abroad with her aunt. They had been their work, building their underground i. brook he raw his missing barrJ in Paris and In Italy, and then went homes nnd laying up stores of food hollow. He went to the barrel, to Switzerland to spend tho summer for the long winter. lie laid his hand on it there was The swallow is a fly catcher, and tumbling inside and out popped at a big hotel among the mountains. Nannlo enjoyed tho life perhaps skims low over the surface of tho little which gave a startled look ami more than most children would. Sho btreams. It takes a great many fllo5 lied away rapidly into the hush. was imaginative, and tho beauty of to feed him for Just ono day, and ho was no explanation of the presl tho scenery around her gave her gnat 13 forever nt work. Ihe barrel ln that spot except The buildls a beaver cutter, wood a pleasure. Still, sometimes she felt theory that the bear had stolel er and a mason. It cuts down tho lonely and homesick, for hur aunt and night the and rolled It all the nearly all tho people she met wro small trees with Ita teeth, and, after tho ridge, where the barrel had it has built house, plasters it It with iu grown-ucompanlively anil not very for a snug resting place for lilnl ions for her; and she often longed for Its tail. The snail, too, a builder, but It ls her brothers and sisters to play with. In slavery days, SiuquehanJ These homesick feelings came on worst takes the material for its house from wayne counties una many sia. own Its body Is o It to anxious becin at bedtime, and Nannie hated bedtime rauroau 10 "unuersrounu work commences it that to build inline Her bed for other reasons besides. ecaplng from the South to room wns away up on tho third floor, house before it ls even hatched. Tho mole that burrows under the Among the slaves to escape w at tho very end of a long corridor. ground makes a little fort under the Harris, who was owned by Col She was sent to bnil early, as all earth which it tunnels ln every of Culpepper, Va. As soon as from children are, nnd at that direction, it makes such clever declared. Tom returned from tlmo her aunt's room next door and all paths that and it ran run one to the to Wayne county, where he h the rooms wero empty, for the grown- other and can scarcelyfrom naught. lived, doing odd Jobs on farms be up ppoplo were downstairs enjoying The Ijpos do not All live ln hives jr Tom came to Wayne county themselves. tree trunks. The mason bee digs a as black ns the "ace of spadi When her mint's maid had seen her hole In a brick wall and lines it with for tho last three years whl night, good and into bed. nnd said clay. In this nost It lays two era and have appeared upon hi per shut the door behind her. and Nannie closes It up. The miner bre bores Ion? today he Is more than two-thheard Parker's footsteps echoing nwny noies in me sanouanus and tho carsuceedlng white spot raigor in tho distance down the long, bare penter bees boro their tunnels lr. wood. Each one preceding, and the than whiter and felt hotel, she corridor nf tho summer The upholsttror bee lines his nest with coming Is accompanied by indreadfully alone, and made hasto to poppy leave. The roso leaf cutter their pain and Itching. Tom's hair, tense get to sleep so that she might forget It. takes n leaf botween Its Jaws, begins twisted and "kinky,"' ls gradualSho felt afraid, too, although sho near tho stalk and cuts out a circle of one ly straightening, and he expresses the did not know exactly of what; but sho Just tho right size and as perfect as belief that, before long, he will be "as would havo been ashamed to confess as could be marked with a compass. any man in Wayne county." her fears even to her kind aunt, for With theso circles of fragrant rose leaf white assingular transformation Is in- -. she knew that It was silly for a young it divides its round hole In the wall Tom's of the state.terestlng scientists the p grown-uenough be to into little cells. lady who was New Cor. York Susquehanna Press. traveling about Europe to have any; still, she couldn't help having them all A Kind .'Monkey. MALAYAN TRAITS. the same. Every night sho kept wonMonkeys nre more renowned for misdering, supposing anything should chief than for kindness, but even mon- Tolllts of Clmnicter s,.,.i In the happen to her, how sho could mako keys can bo benevolent. Monsieur lluiiilerH. hear. the peoplo down-stair- s Mouton records the doings of ono in The Malay rare is Impassive, rebed been night sho in One hadn't Guadeloupe that surely seemed to bashful, to that, until very long when something made her merit that reputation. Thlo monkey served and even race better, one can knows the want to open hor eyes. As sho did had a friend in a goat that went dally y repuso, she was startled to see a great to the pasture. Every night tho mon scarcely credit his blazing eyo gazing at her through tho key would pick out the burs and tation, says the Cincinnati Enquirer. The Malay is entirely undemonstrative darkness at the foot of her bed. thorns, sometimes to tho number of any feelings of surprlso ho Nannlo's heart went pitapat, and sho two or three thousand, from the goat's If he has felt terribly frightened. What could fleece, In order that the nnimal might never shows them. Perhaps ho nono. no matter how wonderful It be? Sho had heard stories about all He down in peace. On coming in from sight which meets his gaze. He ls 'tho strango apparitions, but sho tho pasture, tho goat regularly went sorts of in speech, and slow anil deliberate knew that theso stories were not true, in search of his friend! circumlocutory in introducing a subject nnd she knew that ghosts nnd bogles nnd submitted himself to tho opera- -' to bo discussed. Even the children and did not exist. But It was all very well tlon. Strange to say, the tricky in- women nre timid, and scream at tho help sho feeling couldn't to know that; monkey reasserted themmiserably frightened as long as this stincts of the prickles wero removed; sight of a European, while In the presence of tho men they are silent and mystery was unexplained of tho big, selves after the he would tease tho poor goat unmercitaciturn. Even when alone the Malay burning eyo looking at her. his beard, poking him neither talks nor sings, in this respect Nannie, shivering all over, and with fully, plucking eyes, and pulling out his hairs. differing much from tho Papuan, who ln her head buried under tho bedclothes, Thotho goat bore It all with patience, per- ha.--, all the negro traits for chatterlng'-tried to reason with herself what It haps regarding it as only a fair price and singing to himself for company. could be, for sho was a reasonable to be paid for tho removal of the Overpay a Malay for some trifle and camo Sho girl. to tho conclullttlo his countenance betrays no sign of sion that Bho must havo dreamt It. thorns. Sho did havo nightmares sometimes. emotion; n Papuan will be grave for a A Itiul Triticeal. So sho cautiously peeped out to seo moment out of perfect astonishment at This llttlo princess is tho favorite the mistnko made, and then burst Into whether the eyo wore still there. It was staring at her as fiercely as granddaughter of tho Emperor Francis peals of grinning laughter, whllo ho Joseph of Austria, nnd her father, tho bends in two, and finally rolls on the ever! It was dreadful! Nannie felt more Archduke Rudolf, would one day have 'ground lu ecstasies of merriment. frightened than before, for sho know been emperor If he had lived. Tho Malays, when ln company In a Shojias a fine castle, in which she canoe, chnnt a plalntlvo, monotonous now that she wasn't dreaming; sho was only too plainly wideawake! Sho lives with her mother, and has many song; at other times they are Bllent. quickly took refugo again beneath tho fine horses and carriages, but sho lives Ttie Malay is cautious of giving bedclothes, and racked her brains to as simply as most healthy American to nny one, and accordingly will think what she should do. It was no girls of her age. Both she and her hesitate to quarrel about money matuse screaming out, for everybody was mother nro very fond of horsoback ters, nnd rather abandon n Just debt too far away to hear her, and the riding, bicycling and other outdoor duo to him than run the risk of a feud people of exercises,, the and Austria thing might only come nearer and suflove her very much, for she Is very with his equals. In his ordinary llfo focate her, or something. But the 'he Is as Impasslvo as tho typical Scot was too agonizing to bear! Sho kind to tho poor peoplo and spends n and as fond of tho nil admlrarl lino of great planning of her tlmo deal for bo bad almost rather killed than sufas the American Indian, conduct happiness. Sho and comfort and their fer It any longer. Then an Inspiration her mother, It Is said, think more of 'though, unlike him, tho Malay doea camo to her. Sho said a little prayer: "O God, pleaso send that oyo away, or each other than all the world beside, not dissemble his feelings or play a nt least mako mo brave enough to get and they nre moro like two sisters part. He has really llttlo, If any, appreciation of humor and does not unthan like mother and daughter. up and see what It Is!" derstand a practical jest. To all After that she felt better, and it lIuliliU-breaches of etiquette he Is very sensiliy llnnil. didn't seem to requlro so very much Havo you ever tried blowing bubbles tive and equally jealous of any Interco urn go after all to sit up In bod ready to Jump out when, behold! tho eyo from your hands Instead of from a ference with his own or any one elso's pipe? It can bo done, and tho bubbles liberty. To such an extent does ho carhad vanished! Here was an lmmcdlato answer to will be much larger than thoso of the ry this Idea that a Malay servant will hor prayer. Nannlo felt delighted, and ordinary clay plpo makes. leather hotiitato to waken nnother, even his was glad sho had been brave, nnd lay your bands well with suds; then place own master, though told to do so. Tho down again contentedly, feeling that them iu tho position of a cup, Just as higher classes aro exceedingly polite, a wotght had been taken off her heart. if you wero scooping up watei from a possessing all tho repose and qultt digEuropeans. There Lo! tbero wns tho eyo again fixed on spriug, leaving, however, a small holo nity of the best-bre- d her! This was too awful! Nannlo In tho bottom. Hold your hands about ls, however, nnother side to tho charmouth and blow a cur- acter of the Malay. Ho Is reckless, felt desperate. But surely, surely God a foot from tho of air Into them. After one or cruel and careless would not desert her In her hour of rent two trials you will bo nblo to make sesses but a poor of human llfo, posneed! Nannlo could not bring herself Intellect nnd has nearly as largo as your head. bubbles neither taste for knowledgo nor any In. to bellevo thnt. After all, sho had not dlgenous civilization. got up to fnco the danger; sho hnd only A New York man dreamed ho was atsat up tn bed. Evidently something tacked by burglars, and that he defendmoro wns required of hor. Sho would ed himself valiantly, but Unkliul. received mnko ono more effort. Candldnto (who Is not making a favwouuds from his assailants. Ho awakSummoning nil her resolution to her ened suddenly to discover that ho had orable impression on tho mcoting) aid. nnd In excited hasto lest her courbadly slashed hlmsolf with a knife, And now, gentlemen, I ask myself ono ' age should melt away too soon, tho litwhich he had seized whllo asleop to question Volco (from the hall) And a d tle girl Jumped out of bed and walked defend himself with. d silly answer you'll get! Life. toward the eyo. It seemed to disappear as she moved, but sho went steadA Kansas Inventor has designed a ily on, until she was stopped by com- new form of wind wheel, having horriret ItimU wu i i,.,,!,,,, ing right up against the window of hor izontal rods arranged radially from a The first electric railway In the world room, vertical shaft, with a pair of partial) was built In Ireland from BushmllU to Then sho understood! Tbo window folding wings on each rod which open Giant's causeway. was a long, high one, without any when moved with wind and close when There are about 800,000 houaa U shade, and as the night was warm. I going against It. Ireland. BOYS AND COELS. o sup-Ipre- ss 1 rOlt o. " If 1- r 1 ;j jpgMjjIM" - , I, J" 'isssssjissV V. 1 lP" kfl .1 ttrmitil truln IL'tilirrf. ' ,TrnrtiMt. lititti"ln. rll, Now ImtiKlrlf, sSWUfrM '..i'" "old.T Jnl" Lo Angeles, Cal July 12. Tho NaWichita Tails, Tex , July 11 Whm ,Vrk. July U. lwle Cat-- , Ban r"tinelie July 11. Man rialtlmnre, Mil., July It. Following . .. ..... ... -- .,... rnB1"1 UP Educational association tin again ) i it niiult the southbound Denver pas'ns,i"- ti.un tional vm novices .,... ironi uuatoniaia conurm tin n, .iln ..... .,....,...,., n.ii.rria..,... ... . ,ti. ,.. ... IMIl ITTIII"'t Pr' . rate ttattlv between No. 1 falltd to appear nn hulu'.e time called to order yesterday by Hon. F. q. report of an approaching ctlsls In tin "' ,,y llln Manufacturers' Record: VstordafjirotS mM olllie Htorey of the local executive commitIt cltlnons. Mid a a remtlt oni' man l Inquiry at the dtapntclii i ''cntrnl American republic That tin Arkansas.-- An Ice factory at Forest entlro ascent ok V z 'OCK0U dead, twti futully wounded and thtt" brought ont the news of a 1uMup ami tee. Tlie pavilion was crowded, nnd llssntlsfaetlon Will lend to a rcvolll-- , r llv. thn mirrl.nun ,,t ,.rrn nf tlmml nvtlnntii: " 'badly hurl. unworn exprwH robbery on the tioiMi end of numbers of visitors failed to galu ad......... .. .... .ui-- ' ift. Ion against the administration n - i iiiiiii'i ill iim i mi ii vniiiiiiuniii in v riii-i- i 111 iu.ii .. m,. ' .. 1. 1... I M. I. t .. II.. nseiy The shooting occurred at New Hns-to- tho Hue near Folsom, N. M No ditnl's mittance. morcm scemi. nanny pleasuro Beekcn1'31' for ,m,i)er will neeessltatu the orec t 'ho be twenty-- ' could lenrned until tho train arihed i After an Invnmtlon by lluv C. Pierce n view oi me rnet timere is no u,,,, ()f lwn mv. Tf., the county and the building country werofillti '? t,1B nt Wichita Kails two hours late, with Clark, the delegates were welcomed noney In the country to .itgnnl.e any of froln ,,Khl t(J u, n,cg of rnwny ;trnck to checr'tfiei " iW P three miles wost of TcMirkntia. ljst SutuUiy gnine partita lmd the wrecked cxpre.-- car very much In by Oov. Henry T. Gnge on behalf of hlng nppronchlng n fcrmldnblo Insttr-- Alnlmtnn.-Wnterw- orks , , at Oneonta, train passed.' Cl, tho state, l)r Elmer l". Hrown on bohnli recllon. Uprisings In the elty are, ()lc crcl,im trouble at a church, but no ono wns evidence. He rccolvcd?the l'1"' f between 00(1 nnd 700 f..., The car was completely s)intteird. of the I'nlverslty of California, and however, expected, nnd while they coke ovens upon the properties secur from .T. J. D cfiev. t'.n w-hurt. AH wero am sled, however, ''nWa land yesterday they appeared for trttil Doors were battered and spllnttred, Mayor Fred Eaton on behalf of the mu- mlglft not result In Cnbtcra's downfall, ed In tho recent large deals. tendent of th whllo sections of the roof were blown nicipality, win told the visttots thn 'hey will cause great loss to Invested An Krrunfitut llfHifY. nit Now Boston. t0"" compahV.Mdatri! Florida. An electric light plant grnph Austin, Tex., July 17. The follow, 5Sur (liV" Both sides enter d Shed char's drug uwuy nnd the side careened nnd prop they had the freedom of the city dur "npltnl. congratulato"yoJ "I nnd telephone exchange nt Montlcello; lng their stay. ' Ins card was given out by the gov- store, and before long n light started, ped to keep it in place. forunlikely by Is no mcomt that It machine s'liojis and roundhouse nt Mi tlon." M HcBponses to the welcoming art- - eign ernor: Inside the work of the robbers was For a few minutes the battle was a tlm governments, especially fW"' Mr. Urynn Bcntthl. The Impression litis gone abroad that hot one Whon It was over it wa. plainly seen. Hoth the large and small dresses were made by N. C. Daughterly, United Stntcs nnd Germany and pos"J. J. DIckcy.'lDtn-t- r TUV8 An ochre mill nt Carters- a large portion of Texas bus been In- found that tra Stnllh wns dead, Wit, safes were shattered and knocked out superintendent of schools at I'eorla. sibly Englnhd, mny be called upon vllln' n nnHim tnllt nt Kflnn antmlln ' rpnrhed the innlln Bt'.! Th 'Ter 111.; Dr. Kmerson K. White of Columundated. This Is erroneous. The dam-ag- o Haes was mortally woiindnl, and of nil shape. to Interfere, If they have not been and 1C0 looms nt Greensboro; n creo-jag- o grado of the "road Wtf one U A large crowd of citizens of this city bus, 0 and J. H Phillip, superintenfrom the Hood caused by exeesslva Simon Hues nnd Tom Krlcks we e requested to do sn already. WILLIAM BKYA:. sotlng plant nt Augusta; a planing to sixteen. rainfall has been confined to the valley badly hurl, having been knocked swarmed In and around the ear while dent of schools at Hlrnilnghnm, Ala. Cabrera appeals to be maintaining mill, sash and door factory nt Macon. The day was ulperlnaW1"1 After the orchestra had playe himself In olllco purely nnd simply by difficulty of tbe Brazos rler, which Is a very senseless. the trnln remnlne dat the depot during Kentucky. Stove foundry at Au- - .seen here, nnd thorvu to Pros- Mozart's overture Juan," to "Don small part of this great state. Tho l'lnk Hart, a merchant, was struck the ten minutes the trnln stopped force. Xumerous tales of political gustn; distillery at Louisville. I" seeing Denver and Pi'tlo l" J.-crops In other portions of the sate aro in the arm by a stray bullet. It was learned that Conductor Prank IJent Kl'Phalet O. I.ytle of Mlllcrvllle, prisoners being shot to death by their Louisiana. A 130.000 rice mill at mountnln peaks 150rnlldi'&'t an aimress, in excellent condition and have been Manning, " attorney, was saoi Harrington was on duty. They passed ' " nu guards, acting under his orders, nro Gueydan; n rice mill nt Ensterwood, At the evening session, Dr W. T Doing circulate.!, it is sam mac buuu, benefitted by the recent rains. They through the body with two buckshot l'olsom, X. M.. 10' 30 Thursday night, Tn Iln rrntmsrtad Atf" 300 cnpnclty of (al,y Wells-Farg- o promise a most abundant Messenger 11. P. Scott HarrK United States commissioner of refugees in Salvador ami as ninny nnd will die. He was formerly county Paris. July 11. it Is r.sered tUt Maryland. A mill to develop timber was In the express car and saw four education, delivered nn Interesting nd more In Mexico and Honduras nro JOSEPH D. SAYKHS. Governor. attorney of Howie county. - ns n sl"t f the rovolatlom uw intelephone factolands nt Frlendsvlle: The governor received a large num men as tho train pulled out of Folsom. dress on "An Educational Policy for ready to take up arms against Ca- ry Drejtui cruelty practiced' humnn nt Hnltlmore; butter dish factory at He saw two of these men climb on tho Our Xew Possessions." inu mut Mii-i- i. ber of ch.m!i contributions from charl- brera. whllo on Devil's Island," M Won tt Cambridge Henry S. Townsend, Inspector genCuero, Tc., July 15. At hut the engine, and being convinced that they table people outside of the state of Mississippi. Waterworks nnd sew- minister who wns respomMttor tit Texas. Most of them were in small minds of the people are content, as the were going to hold up the engineer eral of tho schools of Hawaii, spoke on Mntdrlil Snrrmiilrr, orders to M. Denlel while' iottiwcf Louisville, Ky July 12. A special erage at Aberdeen; rebuilding of feramounts, but In the nggn " they ''olored murderer and assaulter of the and fireman, he blew out his lights nnd the subject, "Tho Educational Prob'eni penal settlement when DwjfM 'the factory tilizer at Meridian. I." make a considerable sum. He received Rohctnlau girl In Goliad county has grasped his gun nnd partly opened the In Hafrom Wllllnmson, W. Vn says: was confined will boproceeMiMlnst, North Caroling Rice mill at the following telegram from the Sim- - keen punished, having been overtaken side door of his car so that he could Ellas Hatfield, tho noted desperado Uhe government not conffnl'.t lu ac Artitfil TrntiMii.rti. mons Hardware company of St. I.ouls: two "'lies from Yorktown yesterday shoot when they camo to rob tho exaddition to snsh-cor- d nnd son of "Devil Anso" Hatfield tion to the dismissal of'ST. rw'tl. de11. Washington, July war The y Hatfleld-McCofactory at Elizabeth feud that press car. "We appreciate the spirit of Teas morulnc. lender of the M. Defordl, tho handWrftltj tipwt, partment some days notice received For the past week excitement hn-- s City; enlargement of cotton mills nt in not calling for outside aid, but wo cost 141 lives, surrendered to Gov. AtThe trnln ran on for nbont five miles who testified thnt T)reyf(ifrwutte aago wero Filipinos organizing the that run high, yesposse a with Mayodan; grain elevator of 20,000 desire to contribute to the relief of fiotn each before the robbers forced the engineer kinson of West Vlrglnln In person uthor of tho bordcrcua; Btittinsu' lithe sufferers. Draw on us for $1000." neighborhood of determined men, who to slow up. Then two of tho robbers. expeditions to Intercept the American terday at Gray. Hatfield shot Sheriff bushels' capacity at Raleigh: two- -' the head of the anthTopomeim dManila, transports nnd most from to nooo lntemleJ t0 t'a,1,l' on tllu tral1 un;" marching the engineer and fireman in The governor received the following Kills a week ngo and hns been holding story cotton mill with capacity of epartment, but hns been: JjO""''! cl' for some time will be carrying off a posse In the Kentucky mouna seaptureci; ami I10V that front, came to the door and began spindles and 20 looms at Shelby. telegram, signed by a number of prom-- 1 'jS? his official duties. troops. volunteer ,!! lu" a cori's' wlth frty bullet holes shooting Into the car. iaeat citizens of Hammond. Robertson tains. He sent woid that he would South Cnrollnn. Flour mill nt Hnron Haulney, nttotherjof, It is evident that n very small Inst 1' urrender to Gov. Atkinson only. through his anatomy, the public pulse county: Unable to fire his gun for fear of Yorkvllle; saw mill with dally capacity promoters of thoJjUerMutra-tlo- n has again been cooled. killing the engineer nnd fireman, Mr. craft, with a single gun, especially n Gov. Atkinson and guards arrived nt of 40,000 feet of lumber; dry kilns nt "At a m.i.-- s meeting of the su.rer-arngnlnst Lobet nt AutellX'iu'.-t- a If gun, seriously Injure rapid could fire This is tho llrst occurrence of the Scott wns forced to surrender. f of this secion held Saturday, we appeal Hatfield ImmeGray after him. Mnntnlt.n ...wM.c.u.t. 'pardoned. transport. to you for assistance, anil represent kind In this ectlon. diately approached and snnoic nauos Tho robbers then entered nnd placed not sink an unprotected .mre inimireii coro two nttack, of meet kind To this understood' that m: Intel 1,". Yorktown. July Te.., 10 upon governor. largo prisoner a About dynamite left of the Is stick The with the that thengreat suffering nnd destiovens in connection witli tlie develop- - niF0 desired to pardon HaronJctrM-men- t with tho governor for Huntington. tution; that we need food, ekshes, o'clock yesterday Constable It. Met, safe and Ignited It, but It failed to transports are to be armed at once. of 300,000 acres of coal land In , w,o mn.le tho nssnult onThlaVjt The nny has been called upon to sup- Hatfield looks for nequltlnl on the seed, money, anything to relieve tho aud ponse found Abe Hrown, the col- do much damage. Roane and other coun- - the cabinet decided that thlswispiu Cumberland. s ply guns nnd It ammunition. the They then placed about one pound of ground of distressed in this section. There are at ored man who murdered tho girl urn, uiiumuu in uiu pinui oi 7,inc oil t Of the question; on Monday last, about two and dynamite upon the largo safe and put planned to place ono or two least 7000 acres in crops destroyed. S00 1 mines nt Mossy Creek. transport, this on and ecah Viiitth, Kiltirnlum ut I'ulorrtl the small safe upon the rtynntnlte. head of stock lost and 1000 sufferers In a half miles south of Yorktown. n Tir fmiBtit i.ikn Distillery Texns. power nt Fort Worth, to resist Hrown made a light with his butchc-knlfA terrible explosion folowcd. and tho will serve as sufficient Detroit. Mich., July 12. There wero need that must be fed to keep from Chicago, III., July 11. Mrs til doubling capacity the of Filipinos nr nnythlng the of the cotton attack tho and was shot and killed. car and safes were almost a complete about 125 delegates present yesterday staivlng. and our prompt nctlon Is remill at Cuero; round bale ginnery nt F.llzabeth Ingersoll of PnlneavUIc.O.. likely to bring against the ships, In the convention of the American wreck. quested." who kidnaped little Gerald lSpl:r. ' Ferris. guns shipped been from Trill i.nil llli.t,i tH,..i, have The Express Messenger Scott says tho Association of Educntors of Colored The governor received tho following was taken to the .Toilet ponltentlc-yesterdoAustin, Tev, July 1.'. Judging fro.j the Hrooklyn navy yard to the Wash- Youth when Rev, S. W. Draden reVirginia. Increasing capacity of robbers did not secure nny money. telegram from J. M. Steele, Mllllcan, the cries of dlstre.-- s She fought like a tTgrnt, tl,e" be wln that reached the wherc the Iron furnace nt Ilrlstol; replacing ' quested that the commltteeon resoluFolsom. the scene of the robbery, Is 'nRton 8un Brazos county: and it required! three men to tntcjbr governor yesteiday. the area of the sixty-eigi nc guns win oror nueu service. a foundry nt Lynchburg; n talk on some tho action miles north of Texllne nnd tions take "One thousand people hero have no Hooded and destitute region Is greater from her cell to the cab In; thojjd chlppd to San Francisco In due time to seventy-fiv- e miles south of Trinidad. of W. W. lloyd of St. lxiuls before the stave mill at Roanoke: Increasing en- provision. Can't you do something? yard. $ transports, than was supposed. outgoing on the be used tho had been the it pnclty of Hour mill Uoyd's sawat Dublin; of tho Christian Endeavor convention. This Is the second occurrence In response to the governor nnunt Impression here that the suffering Handcuffplnced were guns carry nponfti alco will of for which first win words thnt Rev. lirnden objected to mill nt Radford. tho above appeal, Mayor C. A. Adams confined to about half a dozen cottutle kind nt the same point. woman, but she twisted one hand fn the transports which may hereafter West Virginia. Sixty coke ovens nt "If Christ were In the south, wcie: of Uryan wired the governor that the along the lower course of the Hrazo't struck Jailer Whitman In tho face ani material, valunblo with Manila leave Slirlf(' CnnwntliMi. and his mother or his wife or dnughter Renwood; waterworks at Montgomery; situation ut Mllllcan has been relieved. river, but telegraphic appeal reached tore her discharged clothes half off. or or returning volunteers y Yes'er-da13. July would wereoutrnged by n negro brute, Fort Worth, Tex.. electric light plant at Point Pleasant. When the Jail office wnsireached tht sick soldiers. the governor yesterday from Fallls and of partho sesdon day's by was a second the were followed It?" resent he l.ltllo (llrU I'm ,i,t.,-il- . aged kidnaper threw herself upon the Milam counties, which had up to that convention, and the time was put In tial defenso of lynching. I'rnvuloniil ltxfiignltlnti. Athens, Tex., July 17. Two llttl-Moor, tore hnndfuls of hair from Situntlon. time been considered as having es- disposing of a whole lot of bus'nnys. her Frfr girls, one S and the other 10 years old. caped serious damage, calling foi Washington. July 11. Acting under Head, screaming nnd kicking wlthl Gen12. Surgeon Washington, July I Im. matexpedite can 1'ntnt of Texas I" The sheriffs Instructions from the president, Adjt. frantic energy nt the Jailer and his iiif children of Mrs. John Moore, a assistance. The appeals were signed ters with a vim when they want to, eral Sternberg hns received two cables Xew York, July 12. Fire In a crowdwidow lady who live on the Parmlee by county ofllclals. tenement In Monroe Gen. Corbln has sent telegraphic in- assistants. She was finally carried out! nnd they run their meeting with as from MaJ. O'Reilly, chief surgfvnat ed "ranch, In the Mallard Prairie commubodily and held by mtjn force on the ' Gov. Sayers has purchased large much parliamentary as any Havana, regarding the yellow fever street early yesterday morning result- structions to Gen. Hrooko, commandnity, in this county, died suddenly. quantities of Kaffir corn, millet, field gatherng ing in Cuba, Gen. Otis in the Philipride to the depot. In tho first he says: situation. es In Texas. that b ed In the fatal Injury to five persons The ranch on which Mrs. Moore lives pea and turnip seed, and sent them "Havard at Santiago telegraphs re- nnd the overcoming by smoke of eight pines nnd Gen. Davis In Porto Rico, A most Important resout.on war Is under the control of Mr. J .W. where uee'ded. to give provisional recognition to the corn xvnm.i vised list showing 122 enses, with 24 others. Introduced relative to sh r lis f is. Jenkins, a prominent farmer of that Spanish Washington, July 11. The secrcra- consular officials In thoso Is Fabrl-Injured: Including Mrs. were Fatally officers Rebecca Hasek, I reports deaths, four Officers' pi is ntel. MnrU Itiirneil. county, and Is about live mlle from Clendennin, McLaughlin nnd Rose Ilasck, her daughter, 12 years, In- Innds. They have been notified of the ry of agriculture hns been nppealed to A resolution in regard to Indiistihl clous, the place where the Humphries traced El Paso. Te July 13. Fire broke schools was introduced. Heatwole; also twenty civilian enses haled fire; Mrs. Tlllle Silver, burned on Appointment of various consular olll- - on behalf of tho flood BUfferera of occurred on May 23. to out in the sampling works of the Kann Roslo Silver, elals of Spain accredited to tho mill- - ' Texas send' No cases In camp In the head and body; Lubbock was intioJued and and five deaths. supply of, It Is understood here that Mrs. sas City Smelting and Refining com- spoke. or-years old, for daughter, 6lx days. Headquarters I their use. burned on tary department mirtor their Jurlsdlc - corn He last three ha Moore and her children were sick, and pany yesterday morning nnd totally -head and body. Sam London, who tlon, nnd directed them to permit been compelled to decline as the dered to interior." . i It lluulil. sent for medicine, and It is thought destroyed the sampling works building lit l.i The other dispatch reports two nddl-- ! boarded with tho Silver family, was them to oxerclso their npproprlate con-- i partment has no appropriation for i '.vB tfffrr m?iT 3B 13. Tex., that the fatal dose was prepaid f.r and the valuable machinery therein, tit The July state tlonal cases of yellow fever at Man-- ' burned on the head and body and in sulnr functions. Austin, such a purpose. Secretary Wlfson ito the mother, but she did not take any a loss of ;3i,000 fully covered, by In- penitentiary board met In regular ses- zanlllo, five lu all. g sending out flames. haled garair the M It. of It. and gave it to the two lltt'e girli. surance. The fire engine from thl sion csterday morning. Wxll I'll'Il'Vil. den seeds the department hnR In storV l resulting In nlmoit instantanejus city was loaded on a flat car at 2 frum Qiinmnlitir. The filing of the superintendent's reIn rrnYhli, sent. with the hope that they may be plant Seattle. Wash., July It. The condeath. London, July 12. The house of lords gressional party, including Messrs. ri In Hmn ??: .!.,.. July 12. The San Tranclsco. Cal o'clock and taken to the scene of tht port wns postponed until the next "I'umui-uv-...ti.. II1IH HOB "' t.n: .......I. The children having diPd under such conflagration, but arrived too late tc meeting, whkh will occar at Huuts-vlll- e passengers who arrived here from the last evening passed the second reading Payne. Hull. Steele, Heatwole. Dalzell son. A telegram to tho secretary? suspicious circumstances, an autopsy subdue the flames. It succeeded, how. In about ten days. aHT vr orient on the steamer Nippon Marau, of the bill requiring shopkeepers to and Warner, arrived here yesteiday from the chairman of the Houston T?2&mf was held by Dr. John K. Webster an Tho repot t of Financial Agent Hill nnd who were quarantined on account piovldo seats for their assistants by from Alaska. They expressed them- lief committee estimates tho ever, In preventing them from spreadnumVerV was read and uppioved. It shows of suspicious deaths of soni" of the n vote of 73 In favor to 23 opposed. selves well pleased with their trip. of planters affected nt 25 000. other physicians of Malakoff, and tha ing to tho $1,000,000 plant close by. He aaya poison wns found in their stomachs. nuances as follows: Cash on hand as passengers, who were supposed to have The marquis of Salisbury, prime mtn- - Congressman Payne, who Is u mem- - they nre In great distress. v 1 balla-lt.60S.il; statement, which wero preserved and are undert nnu secretary or state ror toretgn t,Pr of the Joint, high commission, gave ; died of the bubonic plague, were reisier The second bale of Texas cotton was per going further analytical examination, ginned at Karnes City on the 11th, nnd ance on hand July 1, l2iv.J20; t leased from quarantine yesterday, nfter nffnlrs. spoke and voted ngnlnst tho special attention to the boundary quesStreet car riots nt London, Ont ' up to July 1, 3!l,'itil.7o. measure. Drs. Hodge and Lnrkln having gona wolghs 4S7 pounds. a confinement of fourteen days. '5 "f caused much excitement. tion. from here to assist in the Investiga'iinf.iliriiti Jli'iinioii. Srpt to Hreri'tnrj'. tion. Miii-ilTo IIh ilurli-i- l In Cutlinilrnl, Awful fur Chiilriiiuii. i'i'linit. i.rniiii IIMKM Clnrksvllle. Tex.. July 13. The John 12. The parliamentary! July London, Allen Jenkins, son of J. W. Jenkins, Richmond, Vu.. July 11. Senator Cisco, Tex., July 15. A horrible o St, Petersbuig, July 12. Vcei-nnThe s St. Petersburg. July 11. The rmnrt C. ullrl'8 camp of Confederate secretary for the wnr office, Mr. Thomas S. Martin of Virginia is to be was arresteil by Sheriff Richardson occurred near here. Hud Stewill will hold Its annual reunion U.u mains of the czarowltcb Wyndham. replying to n question In boomed by his friends tor the chair duke. George brother of the czar, Is and Ranger Olds on an affidavit charg- vens, who lives near Delma tank, six . In brought cathehere the and Interred 1. 'lexu.-3 and Aug. eleventh on Tho ing him with being a party to the mur-TT- miles west of Cisco, was mowing cane the house of commons yesterday, said mnnshlp of tho national Democratic dead. The grand duke George, of Rus- cavalry will also hold a reunion n ;v dral of the fortress. by the committee. The movement has been , sin was born April 27. 1871. nnd had'i of the two little girls. Jenkins la near his house with a mower, when Telegrams of condolence have been the communication published In with the and Join same been In 111 hetilth for a number of time the nt 23 or 21 years old, and Is now In the boy approached, coming camp. Tho sons nnd daughters of fie received from Queen Victoria, King London Times on July 0 giving the quietly engineered by some eastern years, suffering his from consumption. names Athens jail. to officers detailed of nrltlsh nnd southern Demociats who aro not through tho tall cane, and was not vnterans alt-- have u pan in the Humbert and other sovereigns. nrnrpen tn snul l Afr en tn J'he heir apparent died ut the lrape nll.nuiwl In with tint tin. mnntinr by Mr Stevens. The blades of The late grand duke was nn English the forces there, had been sent with The followliu n..nedhje "n,nrP ,n ,,,P James Wall, an orphan of 12 years, seen Uca8U, where hV tmrtv is holt. rondueted l.v Phnlrmnn If'"1 ItOfl llAAh t ...... have been Invited: Sen itur l.ur-nc- e Fcliolar and nn earnest student of na- the knowledge of the marquis of Jone?, i was thrown from a load of hay near the machine struck the child, comiiaiiimg tor nis neaith'tl secretary Landsdown, of stato War. for iIj.i. val matters. He onco translated rapt. Chilton, Hon. Joe W. Han Brady, McCulloch county, and hl3 neck pletely severing his left foot and right Mnrtin Is looked upon as ono of the sake. leg. Two physicians from this pine II. M Wynne, John Peter tunith u.ij Alfred T. Mahan's "Influence of Sea i no grand duke broken. The residence of Mrs Mollle Shack-let- t, best political organizers In the coundied of n violent! hurried to the scene and dressed the Judge O, C. Duulap. Power Upon History." at Austin, nlucd nt 13000. burned. try. nnd sudden hemorrhage of the throati wounds, nnd at last accounts tho child Klllril IntMntljr, was resting well. Curri-lit Tiiluri'il Mfii. Su I.lnlile Arciimmni-r I'm lier. Winlilnu'lnn Siilrlil, El Paso, Tex., July 17. Harry Barr It Mni;imi., Tex , July 13. Aetliu Corslcnna, Washington, 11. One oi the Washington, 12. The secretary July July Washington, 12. July E. Charles Instantly was shot and almost Washington. killed July 11. The Glacleri ItHllMnjr iiiiiiinn. SherltY Charles Weaver received a f e. of state has sent Ambassador Cambon Glbbs, 11 in Washington is has arrived at Slngnporo, years of age, formorly a happiest women at 6 o'clock yesterday evening In a res She carries" Houston. Tex , July 1.". The rail- phono message from Powell atut.n; of France an answtr to the latter's n hotel man of this city, Miss Annlo Wheeler, tho daughter of a. Inrga cargo of fresh refrigerated! taurant which Is attached to a danco road situation la practically the same. thnt James Green a white farimr la recent letter submitting tho clalnk of shot and killed himself yestorday. He j Gen. Joo Wheeler. Sho Is going to nc- - Illinf Intnn.ln.l .... .. . . .. i hall. Maxwell Smith gavo himself up Tbe damage to the San lur- me iicei in thfj'j thi-- i Antonio $10,000 damnges was at one tlmo n proprietor of tho company her father to tho Philippines. and Miss had btablxd Ivan Favro been section, for that Philippines. Tho nnvy department Is3 to a policeman and said he did tho Aransas Pass Is greater r y attending the capturo of tho Froncli .nun nouse nnu later at wormiey s Mlbs Wlicplcr has ueen than was at times In the body and v as appointed a Kreatly Interested lu shooting. He lu now In Jail. Two shots first supposed i hotel, enterprise proved tho success ofj but the latter and It may be a dav or wounded. He was then In Pow'"' Rodriguez, on which n failure. Brooding over this and nl,rbC b' tho wnr ''epnrtmcnt. nnd so this experimental shipment, ns wel treatment. The mes.;ue stat d fi - Bteamer Ollnde were fired and one of them passed tw-- before the breaks are repaired. In was passenger, a sho by goes the sue cruiser nn by in official capacity. other misfortunes, Including the loss now iI81 "one through Harr's heart. Smith, when the meantime the trains of this road t"er tnil,1 XMX sta,,"1" purchases of Austra- Nw Orleans during the blockado of of his wife somo tlmo ago, are tho Sho applied herself for tho commis . .... 1.makennheavy the tmrks nf thn Qnutho'rn Itpo colored men wlio had not nu-- biiium)' oi mo uect I a I seen In his cell, said .otltarrhad are uslne sion, nnd nfter her record In the hos- UIU I'UHl, nuM,ty Sherlffa Hamrioml, San Juan. Tho secretary reviews the causes ascribed for the rash act. i c ' t0 l they ani, atory woro ..ting been following him all day. pitals In Cuba and the camps In this M.nl t0 ,.owe t0 lnveb. f,ctB in much detail, and states tho h country department tho conclusion that tho government Is not grained her tlgate, trouble, and came Into the restaurant condition beyond that point. The Central Texan Medical associaThree enses of plague aro reporters request. liable on this claim, tion convened nt Waco on the 11th. i with hla hand on his m m, r.gypi. I lit I vblch he endeavored to draw. s I line hy Kioliig Hue, llmir. Attorney General Smith hns received Chnrgril With Killing I'lceoDt. Tfirllili. right, Sulphur Springs, Tex.. July 13. A Klrrtrlri.l Worki-rEl Paso, Tex.. July IS. What is strlkf. Denver, Colo., July 12. Alvln B. , ,etlera from tho attorney general or Midway. Ky July 11. Lister by county gentleman Hunt tho from wasnington, lrlih I'ntntu Miliin!it. July 11. About 100f Is a kissing bug has made Ita ntul expressive of 0hl their of Daniels Denver and J. A. R. Elliott n leudlng trotting horseman membeis of tho local electrical work-- J Gainesville, Tex., July 17. Eleven appvarance In El Paso. It stung Mrs. name of XIx, visiting the family of of Kansas City were arrested last night leslre t0 attenJ lho anti-truconfer-o- n and capitalist, had a terrible fight yes- ers eight Garrett, Jeff miles of south Campo '.isi on nulon, comprising nearly all suchji lip the lower nnd caused a cars of Irish potatoes have been ence terday with Matthew Martin, a brother warrants Issued bp Justice Nichols swelling. Mrs, Campo town, whllo passing throcgh th n ro workmen In the city, struck yesterday! hipped from Galnosvlce this season. tremendous was stung while looking the lot was attacked by a boar, thrown to of Golden, on complaint of tho humane Charges of alleged violation of civil of Stato Senntor Henry M. Martin, for n raise from 2 to $2.50 to $3 perK This Is the largest shipment of pota- porch of her residence. Sheunder was In a the ground nnd a gash cut In his lelt society, on a charge of killing plgoons. servlco rules against Senator Galllnger over a business misunderstanding. iy, nnu lor eight Instead of nlni1' toes ever made from here by two cars, stooping posture and was peering unTho Colorado law permits the shooting are being investigated. Mnrtin drow a pistol nnd It Is claimed nours work per day. and another car or two will likely bo der the porch when the bug flew side and on the thigh three inches long Wltherspoon drow a knife. When thn it took B0cety cIalmg u ,8 ))Va(1 shipped, as that vegetable Is still plen- quickly out and stung her. It was not the wounds Udn. serious. L 0.inlel8 Bricklayers on men at wero work oil the separated mill diffmuch after killed or captured, 'JftlJK. but ....It is firmly be- - two men with rails to bent the infu- - l wim u- -n mininnniro uni A.,. ( i n,., tmn .. ... ", tiful. Other vegetables have been and Ii....... .i.. ji uervera iiic ,vi "iimirai has been acntiltt and Board nlock, at Paris, Tex,, who iculty Mortln wns badly cut nnd mny ,a a Kissing dur, A rlatcd boar away. Tho gintlcmau waa .In the highest courts. This Is the uitti n, oy court-martiare being shipped out In large quantiof blame In VUHUVW-was called and the usual an-- ! about 65 veara of tnnnAA.f J of the recent match between Kill. wero getting $4.50 per day, struck die. Wltherspoon was unhurt. Marsuit nc. tlon with tho destruction of his fl tldote applied. ties. ott and Daniels for the Dupont cup, for 5. tin's pistol wns not fired. In the battle of Santiago harbor. I Ir.l ttlllr, Plru.ra Oil I'riiilnrrra. Cnmmtniimtil, Shields Irvln and F. A. Turleton shot Whin l.nurlor Snjr, ri..nniir ...mte.i. Linton, Tex., July 13. The first balo A special train of nine re- Corslcana, Tex., July 17 Bielefeld, Prussia, July 12. On the each other to death In a duel at CrawIyOckhurt. Tex.. Julv IS. An 18. nf tv uunn ,... a miL.,i in .,.. d,.,i Ottawa, Can., July 11. In the house coaches fllla unveiling with yesterday fusal of the railroad commission to hero a of teachers on tho way to Los a. tablet Miss. ford, nf commons yesterday afternoon PreRr( whe workng c,n couaty an(1 broughl Ju,ru Mcnn commemorating , Emperor William's . W.i..u.w u.c ,,r.e.,v .n3 u mier Laurler, in answer to a question, Reles to attend tho National Educd a flp,(, a few mp), 80Uth nf Up to tbe 12th e petroleum nnd apply the rat. s on re- - WM crminiIv awanltud. Th hmt. A cablegram from Dusseldorf, GerConfcder- - speech in 1897, In the course of which said that tho negotiations between tho tlonnl nssoelatlon convention omsho fined petroleum to the crude article UF0(J a knlfe t0 fwcp promised protection at lahe veterans, to many, of residents Navarro national announces tho death of Mrs. United States and Canada regarding Into a freight train within 300 yard g,r, gub )nt0 the Is pleasing to oil producers here. They lng8lon. The county, have filed application under bor, the kaiser telegraphed his Inten- Amelia Elmendorf, mother of the permanent Alaskan boundary line of tho depot at Nownian. Stanlslaii b u WM fo knfe .,, " .,.. lu new ,ttw w"" County Judge J. T. tion of presenting to the city the cost claim that Iiad t'ae decision been otner ., ,u t Elmendorf of San Antonio. were in much the samo position as eounty, California. Two ladles wci tn,ra "-- i """ stout of Navarro county for petitions. of the atatue of the great elector, Inwise It would have given a black eye away from the place of when tho Joint commission adjourned. Killed and thirteen passengers II assault. He tended for Berlin, aa a memorial of his Cardinal Teodolfo to any movement looking to tho es- has no been captured. Mortel, vice chan- I,n regard to a provisional boundary, Jured. An absolute- quarantine has been es- reception and a reminder that he, like JtA tablishment of outside refineries and tablished at Santiago by Gen. Wood. his great ancestor, has an Inflexible cellor of tbe Holy Roman Catbolla the United States and Canada were Orand Lake, La., eighteen miles frol would compel all producers to depend will, and in spite of opposition "pur- church, who waa raised to the cardinal: not able, so far, to ngreo upon one, i.ano Charles, was A faro was Inaugurated on visited by a wlu Taxas postmasters held a meeting at sue without deviation a cowrie ot on one market to the sale of their oil. ate In 1858, died at Roma in bis 93d but he was In Ijope that they would storm, Waco on the 12th. a hotel was blown ol If th 11th at Detroit, Ich. right." year. be able to do so. oiocks nnu a man Injured. 11 Corrects an lrroncous I lie tit Mir bj"--- - a..UTIW ..... -- - i2 o-W- ',''" JT :."".".:.; - 1 1 1 11 -- s-- Report About the 1 Flood. f ' . NT Y 1 1 o "creu ,,, . hare. , ' iin U - ' tttiru-loera- tlc s U, i mm-Wese- r self-defen- I y. SI'0-JS- fire-pro- ht p- " five-stor- y pn-iido- n Ex-Go- r. l'-l- quick-growin- --M Hi'li-ni'i- -- - r-- m m 1 w I lll-fl- re-b- e. nrt-nnl- a . ' a well-know- , iiui-iiut-i- ..- I I arc1 " J 1 jiil-ahiiu- With-erspoo- ..'.... i.r-.r- n, ..I ...., M al ' .., I fifty-thre- ".' "'" '""' ,' or rec-siz- le'3H av -- 4 BilarTTT,1scWsMM HMfflBliyJHEr!9?S ' -r- M ' I'HW - : MMi ', r iiffW '' THfr"T"-- BrfS 'i'i X, iM;iriii4'Cj.TijigjirT!j'ji'Ti , NPillntssHHuteADksssEilLZ: 7 i .T-TKJ- . i' i w.. f,4 SiiUfcJ - Siigjy3-aM-ig----- , lri----s. " r - v9rH JR ) i ilMj'nSuCHCsriHf ' 5 fGmM(!J3 f 27i ffaTftaTITl"MMB"Tarala t- w elves ;iwny. .not tliU ornc Ditriet DlatHct County) Count' tuncctirotuiuc'iif our id. Mr. Seilvcner In well Ikerl tho would ullierwl.o, be the incani by which they you want to buyir lon.e. re mUniitniroof this upir-inrkfl- f nl oiitlt. a the Mate, WlIon for it l.urtMiii: the Conn) lree A Desire to flat I.teiia "Yea, we were mighty glad to got home." I lul nun nlnl liflinrllt i i iiu iw tlm iniu ii(I In "What was your hurry?" till nru Itfiioriitittif tho lam) "Wo want a visit from thoso people, jap home who thought they were entortalnlng iagi.shlonH nro appiuoMtJy us. If wo don't use them up root and branch lnsldo of a couplo of week t J you may call ua Indians." Cleveland r. :. spi'ciiii itiiii--, 'la lllll .U'l'llllllt (if r.HUOttll iPJaln Dealer. Free Pitt "tfre & BW p 'j,; ,M'I r lion, One fun- - nlus umi ilol- Inly lTtli umi iMh. I.lmlt Antr- l.-- l I mils, Mo of hi- iinlV .Wocliitlon (Hi tlieei-ir 1 On mlii .In , 'J'M to 111 to Auif l'.lii uieiiiiiiii Ant'. Iltli Inc. ?e 'i .'ii in MMii i.ihi is for full imi i oulrirs Ti VieNk- plan .linv I llu mi m'li. I .Meetinir .iii-iu- e reioina . l'o Iiu. (Ylt'llente Ulan .lul.r 1 nnd J H?V Yet whllo alio chldea tho butcher and Abhora hla cruel steel, Sweet .Mildred, tender past coraparo, la very fond of veal. Chicago Nowa. ultaneealhiouli ilunhle Connt Tax '" IV LI It of ion, Il I.. I.OIIIIIS- (i I'. - "Is a Kent' cf Illr3t parasol. lriaC vjU IJala-h- t O I I it n . a in Ii 111 .V: T. I A f I N, fr .Ml yiiu'll on Inr I, tla nrt , l ,i ill llaTaf a '''a. . 'Not gwlno ter mectln' dla mornla', Brer Henderson?" "Cyarn do It, parson. Got tor hoe over aomo corn, Jlst planted." "Hut cyarn't do corn wait?" "Not so well as do Lord can." l'l-i. ,. ii for CI. I ) lOlt.l of t.HOVIi'S " ASTKI.KSS MC It Is Kluitily Iron n nl oiiuiliie llisstorjn. Noeurt nup.i). ITU-niIi w.int to Kc.ii (Odi, l.u.'i) oufv. lu best vay Is i 1 il dlene, I. ting ninl elieit mo luivo fiHht inuillcliiii lortbeott, at feel iiul-ui- peace lllllll f'lireal I.JM S bj yes lu II duj.- chronic uat-o''Possibly, air," stlllly replied the Vy.H, ormoiifjj Iwi'lc. All drui.its. passenger who was occupying two seats. "Literature with him, however, vJliuii, --mu, jrr uox. J. i' Ha. IKK, Uecatur, 'l'oxiis. wns merely an avocation and not a vocation. Ho didn't have to follow It. cre'IaiTothlivs .that loosens the 8fi some people do. When ho got tlrod syiuiutuy. Jlko m of It ho laid down the pen." down tho pen, did ho?" re- d joined tho other. "I notice ho seenw to luivo let one of tho hogs out." Chicago Tribune. - i ' r One Who Kuciiped. "Your father, I think, was a literary man," remarkud tho passenger alttlng on the end of tho car seat. "I knew him pretty well, being somewhat In the samo lino of work myself." havmg an after tooth pulled I I'No's Cure Oat., Cuumlu. ', 1 , Ilia low Oregon Wns Sntwl from 4!npn'loiia Piuv Tim Ntory of n lllilii Aeros tlin Continent, by I'reil Mjrou t'olliya There la a Btory of a ride, back In the middle of tho century, that hliuu'.d be more familiar to our boys and girls. It wns a far more Important riilc than Paul Ilevere's. The hero of Lungful-low'- a famous poem rode eighteen miles, ono summer night, to arouse a few Bleeping patriots, and ho saved the quti- jmwilcr at Concord. Tho ride of M.tr-cu- a d Whitman waa over mountains and along dark ravines, traveled only by savage beauts and .savage men. It wns a plunge through ley rivers, nnd across trackksu prairies, a ride of four thousand mlks .across a continent, lu the dead of winter, to savo a mighty territory to the Union. There nre few events In American history more striking than this, or moro deserving of lemcmbrance. It is a story thnt a patriotic people ought neer to forget. The country now constituting tho great states of Oregon and Wiishlngton wns nmbrarel in tho ceded to the United States by tho Louisiana purchase, In ISO.'.; but our government had a prior rlalm upon tho country the right of dlsrove.y. In 17DL!, during the flrnt administration of "Washington, Capt. Kohert ilrav, wro Hag .had already carried the Ame-rli-inround the globe, discovered the mouth .or the Columbia river. He hailed several miles up the great r'.rinm, and landed and took poseslon In Mu 'of the United States, lu ISO.', under Jefferson's administration, this vast territory was explored by Capts. Lewis ;and Clark, whose reports were popular rending for our grandfathers; but the extent and value of this distant possession was very slightly understood, and no attempt at colonization was made, save the establishment oJ .the station of Astoria lr. 1.S11. too, Strangely England, enough, claimed this same territory by virtue of rights ceded to It by Hussla and also by the Vancouver surveys of 1792. The Hudson's liny Company established a number of trading-postand filled the country with adventurous 'So here was a vast territory, as large as New England and tho state of Indiana combined, which seemed to be without any positive ownership, Hut for Marcus Whitman It would have been lost to the Union. It was In 1S30 that Dr. Whitman and a man by tho name of Spauldlng. with their young wives, the first white women thnt ever crossed the Hooky Mountains, entered the valley of the Columbia, and founil-e- tl Hoard. a mission of the Amuiii-nThey had been sent out to Christian-'te- e tho Indians', but Whitman was also to build a state. Ho was at this time ,3fj years old. In his journeys to and fro for the mission, he soon saw the vast possibilities of the country, and 'ho snw, too, that tho English were already apprised of this, and were rap-ildpouring into the territory. Under tho terms of the treaties of ISIS and '1S2S, It was the tacit belief that whichever nationality settled and organized tho territory, that nation would hold it. If England and the English had been successful In their plans, the throe great states of Washington, Oregon and Idaho would now constitute a part of British Columbia, Hut It was not destined to be. In the fall of 1842 It looked as ir there would bo a great Inpourlng of English Into tho territory, nnd Dr. Whitman took tho alarm. There was no tlmo to lose. Tho authorities at Washington must bo warned. Hastily bidding his wife adieu, Dr. Whitman mounted his horse and started on his hazardous Journey. Of tho perils, hardships and delays he encountered on the way we cannot stop to tell. His feet were frozen, he nearly starve!, and onco came very near losing his llfo In a great snowstorm. I3ut nothing stayed him. Ho kept pushing right on. and at tho end of llvo terrible months he reached Washington. He arrived there a worn, bearded, strangely picturesque llgure, clad entirely In buckskin and fur, a typical man of tho prairies. He asked audience of President Tyler nnd Secretary 'of State Webster, and It was accorded him. All clad as he was, with his frozen limbs, Just In from hla 1,000 miles' ride, Whitman appeared before tho two great men to plend for Oregon. His statement was a revelation to tho (administration. Previous lu Whitman's visit It was the general Idea In congress that Oregon was a barren, worthless country, lit only for wild beasts He opened tho eyes tond wild men. of the government to the limitless wenlth and splendid resources of that .western territory. He told them of Its great river and fertllo valleys. Its mountains covered with forests and Its mines filled with precious treasures. He ehowed them that It was a country worth keeping, and that It must not fall luto the hands of the English. He spoke as a man Inspired, and his words were heeded. What followed the organization of companies of emigrants, the rapid settJement of tho territory, and the treaty with Great Britain In 1816, by which tho forty-nint- h parallel was made tho boundary line west of tho Rocky Mountains, nro matters of history. Tho foresight nnd tho heroism of one man, and his gallant ride had saved three great states to tho Union. snow-cappe- ter-Tlto- fur-tradi- lirdti "boys and "uolss" 'Cr- iiike truthful rhyme. l.i-At- , ALWAYS ON ALGPT FOR WHAT IS NOT HIS. J s "I-al- s, s. ly ApropiM of .Summer, Husband My dear, I want . juIl mum Depressed mm m i And is It not duetto nervous Things always exhaustion? .look so much brighter when we are in good health. How can you have,y:ouraic when auffer-In- j, with headache, rnervous prostration and treat physical I HgHSij I Wm weakness? mym Would you not like lotbe rid of this depression of spirits? tho By removing How? (.cause- - By ttlng y VK , BaS . A j to nsk one favor beforo you go off on that long vlalt. Wife A thousand, my lovo. What 1b It? "Dont try to put tho houso In oxior before you leave." "It isn't hard work." "Perhaps not, but think of the ex- penso of lelegraphlng 1o' you every tinio I want to llud anything." Pearson's Weekly. Om .of Thine Qucmtlmui. They had .been talking about the Insurance on tho church, when tho llttlo ono suddenly broke Into the conversa- tlon. "The church is CJod'a house, Isn't It?" sho asked. "Yes, dear," mplleil tho mother. "And does he et tho Insuranco If It bums down?" wtw the next qutatlon. Chicago Post. .Mini to Stlrk i?r. the I'lijiirta. "Why are UruwoU gas bllU so much lighter than hU neighbors' bills?" asked iMie manastr of the company Br.11.lll .v.inV.1 i.f...U J.n ..111.11 Inan h'.na ,; t....... liiiiai (.,. the muter lnjpttor, Il'i.uatbfi .replied .suspicions Hcouiulrcl always to tUo meter u'Jth mo and Jots , goes ' down thf .(Inures hlimelf." PhlciKo J'ost. A Ci rliilnl). SM' la It gives activity lo all parts hat carry away useless and poisteous materials from your It removes the cause of body your suffering, because it removes U Impurities from your blood. Send for our book on Nervousness. To keep in good health you must have perfect action of he bowels. Ayer's Pills cure and blliousneai. cob-nipati- j,sp st1JI tttmitm 4m mum Baatorm. to eonintt fri-tniTon vmM Ilk .ralo.n. hfilcli bom Tour JonOtton. Tb.u wrue u. fritelr all lh tpu MU rartkitliri tn four Mlrva prrovtVlr.wbout coit Ad4lMI. DB. J- - 0. ATER. Low. 11. Uut, f ILL THEM .I l Thorio tba peace dcatroyers, Iiouebow Kllrn. Dutohir't Fly Klllir not only kills tho parent fly, but A ibeot preventa reproduction. will kill a nuart. Ask your Drurckt or Grocer. rwL j.tciuptcaco.,n.iiiM.Tt. WHISKERS DYED ( A A Natural Maok My Buckingham's Dye. I M ctuU of t.aVaJ U drwurUU ...mv or It. V. UU i C, CATHARTIC "Well, old fellow, aro you going to tho organ reclul In tho saloon "No, thank you; I am having alj tiio organ recitals I need." 21 wmkJcimluuuWM nr-n- woxa-ihrn- Wt II 1 hi a lu it at i IIU riilloHiiphy. iiuiiiiU.iiiiber i f J Son with a SOME GOOD JOKB3 ORIGINAL AND SELECTED. lues Connt: r OUlt BUDGET OF FUN. tf. BULL, LAND THIEF. (taper N of Mr. Clm, I' A Variety or Joke., (lilies unci Tronic: I, wlilcli nppcnw In Orljrliu.1 nml Helecloil l'lntunm unit iject In which the JeUiim from the Tide of Humor lio slutu nro moio TVUIjr Haylnga. !i tliHt of the sain f.in1a Tho litccnt ndjotirncd litis iimcil flentlo Mildred. nil- - Mildred has a tender heart;" rkrtll,(KX),IKMI acres It niiikoH her sad to boo Ic donmln o! the Id. Thin ict will Had boys eapy tho blrdlo's nost And tear It from the trco; tho date of tho cul ture, In addition to Vet, whllo alio Borrows for the bird Tho soleiim truth la that former nles will now Sho nlwayn hna a wing or two n early day Iheto will Afllxoil unto her hat. lol land on the market Pair Mildred has a tender heart: 'illon which Mr. PcTle Sho hays tho butcher who il liable toc.cry reader of Would slay a little calflo muat in Interest In school laud Ho cruel through and through; Vo ii i. WWi - tifccs iia nt we nro fnnl. 'V! WIBMMBy,T?i1LuMtgirJgrJ. r ' "I MMBtPaMLMaMataMaiaaM VARICOSE VEINS. Mf'iniim of Itillef for Thlt doubt contribute to the establishment of this unpleasant affection. The veins of the legs are to far from the heart that the blood In them Is comparatively little Influenced by "Ithcr tfie pushing or the suction force of tho heart's contraction. The contraction of the muscles or the legs, also, whlltj In some' cases It favors tho emptying of the veins, In others constricts them, and dnniH back the blood. The constricting action of the garter na'urally favors the occurrence of varicose veins, although, curiously cnounh, the trouble Is moro common In men than Finally, the enlargement in women. of the veins mny be favored by a general loss of tone lu the system; lae muscles nnd all the lleshy parts become Ilabb;' and do not support the veins as they should, and the walls of the veins themselves participate In the general relaxation und dilate. The discomfort caused by varicose veins Is often very severe. The limb feels heavy und distended, nnd there is a more or less constant, dull ache, nmountlng sometimes to actual pain of a burning charncer. Often In neglected cases, or after the trouble has lasted for a long tlmo. ulcers form on the legs, which are very dlfllcult to heal. More rarely a greatly distended vein may rupture, forming a beneath the purplish discoloration skin, or If the skin has become thinned It also may break and a severe hemorrhage results. There Is no actual cure for varicose veins except a surgical operation, which Is seldom desirable, nnd we must be contented usually with such relief as can be had by sup porting the dilated veins liy means of Hti elastic stocking. This Hhould be put on Immediately on rising In the morning and worn throughout the day. In severe cases the patient should remain In bed or on a lounge for a few days, with the limb raised on a pillow tn oruor to favor the emptying of the engorged veins, while if there nre any signs of Inflammation, cloths wet In a cooling lotion may bo laid on tho part. Youth's Companion. AT HYMEN'S ALTAR. In some partH of Switzerland a custom obtains for tho friends of a bride to present an elaborate cheese to her on her wedding day. It is then used as a family register and heirloom the births, deaths and marriages of tho various members of the family being recorded upon It. Rome i.. these old cheeses date back as far a- - 1CC0. A country squire exhibited ono at at an agricultural show, which was from 170 to ISO years old. It had been an heirloom In a family residing In tho canton of Vaud, after which It became the property of Its present possessor, who resides In the Canton Ges-sena- y, Hcrne. rs A new fashion In weu dng presents appears to be about to supersede tho hackneyed one of jewelry. It takes the form of prayer books for brides and bridesmaids, covered In specially designed artistic bindings, with the initials of each recipient, and the dato of the event In gold on tho side. A leaf of vellum, with gold border, Is also Inserted In each book for tho signatures of thoso present at tho ceremony. Tho Idea Is excellent as a prayerbook is a hervlceablo article for dally use, and Is also a memento of tilling the otllce of bridesmaid. Apropos of honeymoons It Is curious to see the many different ways In which people consider It happiest to spend that period. HE -" iu" "t 'v.asjdw "," ct The Baltimore & Ohio directory Is a strong one, as can be seen by the following short business history of ach director: William Salomon of New York has been connected with the banking houao of Speyer Ac Co for many years nnd Is regarded as one of the foremost II nanclers In the country and has had charge of the reorganization for the mnnugers. Jacob II SchllT Ib a well known member of the firm of Kuhr Ixieb St. Co.. of New York, bankers and financiers, a director of the Union Pacific Railroad of the Nutlonnl C'Hv Hank of New York and of other large financial Institutions. James J. Hil. of the la well known as president ANTj BRINGS IN TROUT DUCK FROM THE LAKE. Hunter' (iin,,i Out il fire In th llrliiKlni: koiI I'ourlui; liiiottliu; Trie..-- ; Onin il li .1 .Vlulne lluiitniimii. I'nt lit Haze lluson, n noted huntei In i.. wilderness around Squaw Pond Uk'' i Aroostook county, .Maine, owns a iiiuu- grel dog which much line gold (..um buy. This dog knows notlnn nom s the pampeied life which his city He answers to tin- initne '.i lead. Sam, Is thiee years old and ueigu Haze got him when a forty pounds. pup from a Toblque River Indian, gn- ng In exchange for Mm two muski.ii skins und a half pint of red l.quor Sam gave proofs early In his carei that he was no ordinary dog. He i wasted time on running after sun birds, and has never been known tn exert his energy In chasing cats o, baying at the moon, but glve- time to more Industrious pu "tilts, ills sagacity, lntelllqetiee ami remarkable doings have been the topics for many an evening's discus-io- n . e,,u-sln- ? - iii-M&c- H&;1 JWA ft? A&'r S?;r,V' Cumil. Byrup. TMtei aooa. vta n their accustomed surroundings, like a sailor who stipulated that his bride should take him well out of sight of the Hut the most Ideally perfect sea. honeymoon, according to a sentimentalist. Is .when two lovers have been parted, and "after long grief and pain" they meet once more, not to be disillusioned, as sometimes hnppens, but to find the love of former days moro thnn renewed. Their wedding follows swiftly on the happy meeting, and they go off with tho glamor of It still In their hearts, to some place of sunny weather and perfect beauty. Such an experience of happiness as that Is rare, but for those who aro fortunate enough to win It the remembrance must remain a lifelong Joy. riling Itiil limited Itt-ir- I'eople. people, as Is well known, are less subject to baldness than others. A Loudon doctor explains the matter thus: The hair of the redheaded Is relatively thick, one red hair being almost as thick as llvo fair or three brown hnlrs. With 30,000 the scalp is well thatched, whereas with the same number of fair hall 3 one Is comparatively bald. It take3 1CO.0OO fair and 103,000 brown hairs to cover adequately an ordinary head, Hetl-heade- tl red-hai- rs MWSzm&& Combination. An Excellent Tlie pleasant method and beneficial Great Northern Railroad and Is reclTocts of tho well known remedy, garded as one of the most suece-sfrailroad operators and financiers In the Svitfl ok Ftos, manufactured by the country. Edward It. Bacon If presi CAi.trotiNtA Flo Svitui Co., Illustratevalue of obtaining the liquid laxadent of the Baltimore & Ohio .south the Western Railway and was chairman of live, principles of plants Winvnto be ,ii.uiiij tnni llalilUIIJUl i on reorganization the In the form most refreshing to tho which proposed and carried out the them to the system. It acceptable and tasto plan of reorganization of the Haiti-mor- e Is the ono perfect htrengthenlnp laxa& Ohio Railroad. He Is a directive, clean sin tr the system e.iTectually, tor of the Farmers Loan and Trust dispelling colds, henilnehes mid fevers Co. of New York and for a long time (jiMitly yet promptly nnd enahllutronc has been Identified with the Uulttmore to overcome habitual constipation & Ohio Railroad as one of those lnter- Its nerfect freedom from ested In the property. Louis Fitzger- - CVery ofiJecHrmalilo qtmlltv nnd sub aid of .New York ts president of the stance, ana its neiinrr on, me niiim:,vn .Morel utile Trust Company and has liver and bowels, wit. milt weakenlnfr long been Interested In the Baltimore or irritating them, make, it the Ideal (c Ohio Railroad and Is chairman of the laxative. In the process of manufacturing- - fif?s reorganization committee, Norman U. Ream of Chicago represents his own are used, as thev aro pleasant to tho ...- - . hut the modi. dual otinlltlcsof tho nto and the Interests of Marshall Held. I remedy are obtained from senna ana I). Armour nnd their associates wh-- i u have large Interests In the property, other aromatic plains, uj- Fio Svim; and Is also Identified with many of tne known to the rM ironxiA to pet Us henollciai largest flnuncl.il and comnien lul In- Co. only. In ordtr and to avoid imitations, plcaso stitutions In the north.wt James eilVets remember the- fuil num-- of the Company Stlllman Is president of the City .Non the front of every package. ational Hank of New York, is closely printed Oil CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. InterIdentified with the Standard ban rnANCiaco, CAt. ests. Is a dlieetor In the Chicago and T.otrisviLi.rj. icy Nirw york. n. y. und the Missoun KanPrice 0c. per bo sas and Texas Railroad, also a director For sale by all Drugplt many largest of the in financial InstiBRSOTS SRON T0KIG n tutions In New York EJ.wird H In riu .fr iihea ftiitMant of New York Is the new piei. t fii u a A t ''tiiTull if fwt dent of the Chicago and Alton Railroad in i in k si m (irn fit i j ii i; df and chairman of the executive r tsfifl It dnT ft" i ') 'Ii reai,l of the Union Pacific Railroad iinttiifl ii flp h ami up AiK jour diuiifiti lor 1U and chairman of the Illinois Cun-a- l J. Kennedy Tod Is tne Lead of the New York banking firm of J. Kennedy Tod amm BROWN'S IRON TO! & Co. and Is a dlrec.or in the (J: eat Northern Railroad and Is .onr.e'ted School Lund. School I.unl with many laige financial Institutions. Charles Steele Is a mem'.i'r of the .New BI.IC DOM.' York (aw firm of Seward, Guthr.f nnd PUBLIC DOMVI.N. Pi Steele which hns acted as the coune of the reorganisation syndicate. Alexander Rrown is the head of the firm of Alexander Brown & Co. of Hait.mue. and ionti'(ted with Bro.vn Hrjs. & Co. I)t YOf KNOW llint the Sunretiie of New York and l.onde n and is a T Mm Iiiih ileetdetl that nil the V financier of dlitlr.ruished nb!..ty. il. nf m.i ti In lexim leli.n::i to tin Tree S Clay Pierce of St. Louis is associated 1'iiimI and th.it He l.fgniuture has .'Jiiuuoiio iieren hi with the Standard Oil Interests and is piiieil mi1'iitille I '"iimiti on tie marie the a leading business, man In his city and nf Kile U M'le.iil lull, lit $1 IK' mill $1 .' Is associated with large financial iniieie, mi tn jeurs' lime, at ulilv 3 per H. Crawford Black and Int. ret, Willi Ii net will tnke efTeet lJ stitutions the .tiljMiiriiinent ur the l.egimnt' John V. L. Findlay are woll known afier KMt about when the f' Marylander being appointed to the etDOllu1JL" ut si UiK'l Hurts will be ent e board by the governor representing tho the General l.,iu.i otiiei to the Count: ,,h Uig eob forfeits stateinterest in the Uuitlmore , tl..n .m 'ouum the Mink." for wle nff.ila' Ohio Railroad In whnt ( oiintles lilt Vol" KSnW public I in .sihu'.l I.auil is i Coming home earlier wl'l lure a nstate lltUet fnr nub "' tin YOf WANT n book giving the fd wife's Insomnia. Mr. Husband. In r. .tnd to th( of the Stnte .lias.. et lnltll. I'r,-- . S hoot fjllu "In l..iunilr anil -- Mrt. . j at the village grocery, whre the residents of the town congreg tte twice a week to get their letters and paper" Huson has n .from down the state. camp on the shore of Squaw Pond .I.e. where he spends the greater part of his time, and Sam constantly keeps an eye out for bear, etc. The region abounds In hear, deer, moose and caribou, but Sam has learned the laws of the state and in close time will not chase one However, If any of of the animals. them strays Into tho camp yard. Sam sees to It that he does not long remain, No charge of Illegal killing has ever been laid at the dog's door, so to speak. As a fisherman Sam has become an expert. In tho lake near by are nrin fine trout that are not molested by the d kit of the city fisherman, and the dog spends much of his tim on the shores of the lake, where he watches with great Interest the slimy bottom of the lake where the trout tome up to feed olf tho water weed When llifson wnnts a trout for dlntie: he calls Sam and tells the animal 1 bring a trout. Sam Immediately goes to the shore of the lake, watches a few minutes, and then swlm out. Shortly after he dives toward the bottom, and nine times out of ten when he reappears At the surfaco he has the (Uh in his mouth. Sam dislikes chub, eels and suckers 'and never touches them Xear the lake there aro fine (locks of ducks. They come up in the fall and remain for a few weeks, and Sam Is then on velvet. Ills long suit U catching ducks. He enters the water some distance from where a flock Is. and swims nlong carefully until within a few feet of the birds. Then ho goes under water and rises underneath r duck and pulls it under the water Then he starts for shore, '.eaves his catch and goes after another. Sam's most notable exploit was last June. Hoson'fc camp Is built along the side of a big, sloping rock, the top of which is nearly even with the eves of the One day, just after dincabin roof. ner. Haze started In his canoe across slight tire was burning In tho lake. the camp's stove at the time, and the stovepipe being defective, sparks fell A llame was soon on the dry roof. started, and the camp was In danger of being burned unless something was done quickly to prevent it. Sam was lying In tho yard, having his noonday nap. when he smelled the smoke. He awoke and found a small blaze on the roof. Without ringing In an alarm 'by barking the dog rushed Into the camp and grabbed a water pall In his teeth and ran to tho lake. There he filled the vessel nnd ran back to the house, climbed tho rock and turned the He rewater onto the blazing roof. peated this operation several times until the fire was extinguished, and before Huson, who had seen the flames from his canoe, could reach the house 1 high-price- 1 - to Um. kmttrSlT SoM by Prica, 50 ll ,r jj f ihl-iuu- - V North-Wester- H Har-rlma- t ' I l Forfeited Lands. Forfeited Lam 1 I pldi-ln- I lree To get liext mix noIH " Faultless .Stnreh" tn n tittle cold water, when dissolved pour on boiling water until It beAll grocer- - ell "Kuultlu-- s come- elenlbturch." Largo pneknge. loo. il. - Mrs. insliiw"4"M.iitli:r.i; V -r The average youth (eels being called "mister." l xyrup. tr emm, rMr.fr cure. HlaJ.u.U- 25c a unitee.. !... proud on Hall's Ctturrh Cure cure. I'rice, -- -- m DCMOIBSGGe,yurPon8,on MICK Write CAPT. O'PARRCLL. Pei.ilon Agent, 1435 New York Avenue. W ASHINQTQN, D.C. - l.andictt on STUDY ART AT HOME act! llei.cn. I Oil. t t- I rjtrnn Water Color ind Pantei InMruc-llODbv ma or it -- tudlo One ihomnnil referencei. Adilre't, Viiriiona UA Tun mn N'u 1 ?itli Ave lienrer.Col. EDUCATIONAL DEPARTMENT Tulor.1, Unl.ornll ' tia-e- rCllulyilvDOUBLE TSc. A miracle a happy woman with last year s hat MEDICAL inl , -- e, Forchr.dreu of the uinouu with the r iin tbitis of the Man- in, it KtntlMle In te of to thettl tieilt oil t i .Vou' tm YP WANT a timh of the State by i ninth'!.'' of lid yiit' WANTil a enpv of the net:t,OoO,ni0 Juplacing this i of Public liiitmiln ..ti the uiHrket for is .ile which will take effect nil days after the iiiliiitirniiieiit of the I.eirlslature? as to DO YOU WANT to be whnt top to tnke In order to place your--el- f In norlt Inn to secure some of tbla Public Domain, which will be on the market, am' to .ectire xonie nf the forfeited which will be forfeited when the .IstK lire sent out? If you nre Interested In the nbove. then-sen$1.0ii. either by personal cheek or ti uney order, to the tiuderslt'ticd fer n copy' of his bonk with tnnp of Tem-- , nlvlug hniv to buy Si IiooI I.ntid I.nw and tclllnc - tne. with list of nullities In which It Is ' en led. ntid copy of the recent net of thu nhleb will be Inrnluablc to you to secure n home If you wli-niAS p scmvKxnrt. Formerly State Compiling Draughtsman, Iter Am Austin Teins References Hon John II Ueagan. Rail, r r id ' oiutnls-lo- ii Hon K. I' Wllmot, Pres, Aiifiln Xstlonnl Hunk mm A hack tn a quiet neighborhool causes much e.Mltement. Do Your yert Irhe Hint narnT Shake Into your shoes, Allen' Foot-Easa powder for the feet It makes tight or New Shoes feel Kasy. Cures Corns, Bunions Swollen. Hot and Sweating Feet. At all Druggists and Shoe Stores. 25c. Sample .sent FRUK. Address Allen S. Olmsted. LeRoy, N. Y. A woman who earns her money Is not as a rule a bit stingy. Is a N "'''' - ol Louisiana. patents mawssr WITTY RETORT. Ita HdiantHti-- for prsi uuptentabhUr una llsu.1 Iloolt rmt HDrri.axp iii.tm 'ua both In empte uimrti rir Riei t b tu tnsu- nit WASTI It Case or tiao Health that RIP-ASam unrolls j tree hi u c .p-- ) tu the errat That Caused a l'nt Juror to llnng the tbarit) - ,t tienetlt. 1 cents to Itlpani Chemical Jannj-II r ii m tb an C Ne Xoric. for 10 ample and ixlj teitltnoatai. Dually, Jury for l4li Vonrhec. at thi led aitn.t'nci n,i i. t mt J Mde of the sea.k n iirms ticioler Tlie IM pexiso.liLdllu AffPntc. Wanted Hit. -- ,r rais',ii;ii an,l - r hii ,n Hj.ln-e- . "The greatest Jury orator I ever lisH&CIIIS HQIIlCUour Portru Is anil Frame. Write . P.. CI1.VII.I.I'. M II. Demi. U Andrr.on K lu M llallas.Tta: Vlo tened to In my life was the late Dan- r. o. 1'riif. m w (iti.t:.vN- -, 1..V, niuukii .t,i. PnCOO PTnflu Af-- II I Ahllll nr ,n , v.. Am . n iel W. Voorhees," said a v)03UU OIUOIV UT flAniWArit. 29-18- 99 W. N. U. DALLAS. urmurlamY. NO. New Orleans lawyer. "He had a jovial W'bea Answering Write quick M I. ('hambf r A Co. ft. Worth.Tei Advertisements presence, a groat resonant bass voice, Mention This rape. ",'oT.lcff.:n Thompson's Eyt Watir and a bearing so singularly compelling that I know of nothing except the trite word 'magnetic' that begins to define I heard him In a murder Its effect. trial at Louisville, and his speech on you that occasion was prefaced by a most amusing Incident which I havo never seen In print. It was a very warm day and the courtroom was packed to Miffoeatlon. As Voorheos arose to begin his argument he cast his eye over the Jury and discovered that one of the members had fallen asleep. to-da- y and smoke Frowning with Indignation he motioned to one of the court otllclals, and In ii few seconds the slumberer was shaken rudely Into consciousness. Ho sati.sfaction wns a fat, timid looking man, and was 5 so mortified and aghast at the enormity of his offense that he could hardly J a and find words in which to reply to the sharp questions of the Judge. Finally any idea he managed to blurt out that he couldn't help dozing off whenever It was have are and warm and crowded. 'If the gentleman always sleeps where It Is warm and to-d- ay a crowded,' said Voorhees, majestically, 'the gentleman will no doubt enjoy Two hundred million Old Virginia Cheroots smoked this vetr. himself hugely In hades.' There was a roar of laughter, but the retort Ask your own dealer. Price, 3 for 5 cents. 1 proved rather costly. The fat man hung the Jury against Voorhees' t. client." New Orleans .113,1-1- 'j c- -. l uam-m- 1. 1 , m- woll-know- i.i If will buy three Old Virginia Cheroots them you will get the greatest amount of comfort and that cents will buy in smoke, get it three times over You haven't how good they until you try them. cannot instead of 5c. cigar. Try three 'inline Vi.tiit), .MIs PrUm Don't let your dog bite lie won't bite, he 's inwny 1 e- my me, llttlo boy. Hey pia'am. Miss Pri- stils troth. loy ( .. io Is, ma', m teeth as ho I ' 1 s; , g iod too. WmETHIN A CLW2i HTF.Mt. M. -- TEETH GSmm&? tot Irpt druoalit mil 25 etiti C. J If by NB POWDERS to WmWLW Aids ingestion, Regulates the Bomb. Mikes TeetMM Em. TEETH1NA Rellmi Bowel Troubles of Children of Abj '4V - Dnfita. If. IaWlSSLS? yogPETT. M. P.. ST. LOUIS. MO. toyourmcr-duu- it 2'-L- t. 'i iTSS&im J ... - ifrrtt , gtt m im MMC CO, MSMPMIt, TsENtk VAMVLEKT kiMuL,T -- - m IF IT FAILS imjBi . w'.ii" AM ) S9E Times-Democra- m W wM rtfynd ""' , ul and f. jtP--l hm 1 ' fa--J sfsZ VjQJC Co fMatti u K$a S2SM C'ruela fn.baMiiMllildJUfil3ilBsi : . . i Some like solitude amid flue scenery; others prefer to bo alone In a crowd, or else desire a complete change from Corrected llllii.elf. In his earnestness tho great populist Source of the Troiihle. "Lot us not orator forgot himself. Dlnpo.liii; of lllnia "Why must you and your wlfo sepaIn public!" ho party our linen wash "This man is too belligerent to suit rate, Pat? Cau't the trouble bo patoaoj passionately. Instantly his aume," said the German emporor crleU was upon up?" dience its feet, crying out always thoughtfully. ridicul"He's "No, sir. That's Joost It. She won't angrily. "I Bhould say," faltered the patch up mo panta." Philadelphia ing tho Idea of peace nnd declaring orator, now, clearly much chagrined, that war is Inevitable. He Is stirring "let us not sponge our party celluloid North American. things up altogether too much." In public," Hereupon there was much "Couldn't you get him out of tho counIn Hhoulda applauso, followed by singing by tho try for a whllo?" "That's a good idea. glee "iinhhinr'a wedding was tho culmina club. Detroit Journal. peaco to tho conforonce." him send I'll wlfo tion of a romance. Ho mot his on a train." "Ho did? Why doesn't ho suo tho company?" Indianapolis Journal, Cbolly I slug only faw my own amusement, yo know. does it really amuse you Mabol-A- nd suffer? people Jo ace other 3 FOR YOUR INFORMATION. 1)00 ln Mulmly. According to those wise men who1 delight to remind ua on every ocnslon, of man's lowly origin, varicose veins nro nniongithe penalties we have to p'iy for Btnndlng on our hind legs lnstnd of walking on all fours like the other! animals. It is chiefly, they sav, tne pressure of the very high column of thlnt blood upon the comparatively wallH of the veins that causes them to 'I here become dilated or "varicose." aro other causes, however, Hint no! -- 3 AVONDttJIrTL A A .ff31-.- . JAm. iaj)iw.t,le,i vs&s s ;.1 J V, Vrtsh turnip seed in bulk at Ii Mrs. Mart l.vnch who lias been McLctnorc's drug store vlsitini her pVcni here, Mr. anil left Thursday on The youn folks vvejc, given a tMts. l O. (. A. "K. 1. return Mr. to the A. her pkaant cntcttainmaHUat SdltoT an Troptletot. i i nurfiiay nigm. rnal Long, riugcraitl, iMcuu, Aaverttalm Tta madofcnown on application nl, lishinu larty mentioned last ct us to treated W. Smith Mr las. i week came in a day or two ago and TIM It.H par nnnm, invariably cash'ln a fine melon Thuridavvhir.h we atereport the bluest time on record. 4 with much satisfaction and wonderThey talk auout eating lish, squir v no eu next! wouiu i Texas, te hlart ftitba Pott Office. Hasten. wild grape pies roastingears, rels, M Baeoad class Mall MaUt I am now opening up the wild from honey two bee trees taken stock of men's boys' and Saturday, July 22 1899. by party, etc., etc., until the found 1 hats and caps that have ever were tired. they 11 you had in my store at Haskell. Tailor made Suits, Pants and need a hat call on S. L. Robertson. Miss Maud Best of Albnny is Overcoats, guaranteed to fit. My Watcrmillions of them! spending a few tiayswith her friends, new book of fall and winter samples shows the best quality and styles of A daughter wjas born to Mr. and the Misses Jothson, of this place goods at lowest prices I have ever this week. Mrs. J. B. Jon,eion Sunday last. If you want been able to quote. A Mr. Delong has bought Mr. Go to S. L. Robertson's for frcsli fit you a good perfect and something R. K. Uebards farm in the western groceries. with order call your place and should visited part of the county the one known Judge Y.i are choicest before patterns the me as the old Vernon place. Stonewall coutity this week. S. L. Roiiertson. sold out. A Mr. Long, a cousin of Mr. J. Fresh turnip seed in bulk at That was a jolly crowd of equesR. Jeter, is visting him and has McLemorc's drug store. trians that cantered out to Mr. about decided to make his home in Capt. tt. IKTJodson 'is home Tandy's ranch Tuesday evening for Haskell county. again this week. supper in camp with thcjanch boys. Mrs. W. B. Anthony, and chil There were in the pafty Dr. J.F If you have cash to spend S. L. went out dren and Miss EdnaEllis i Tomlinson and Miss Laura Hale, Robertson will always give you full Wednesday to attfcriu the picnic in Mr. Lee Pierson and Miss Bernice for. it. value the Clifton neighborhood. Fairbairn, Mr. Walter Tandy and Mr. T. B.,WadlinRton's mother Mr. S. W. Scott, one of our le- Miss Maud Best. They say they visit on a Cooke coiuilyis out from gal lights, left Woflpefday on a bus- enjoyed the ride and the supper, too. his family. to iness trip, but warfailcd to get his Mr. J. N. Vaughn of Nesbitt, Carry all hides and furs you point of destination. have for sale to W. W. Fields & Bro., of Robertson county, a and Mr. S. R. McCreary of this place ar Mr. Huse Cunningham they will pay you the highest market price for them. family of Kent f:ountyare here on a We un rived Thursday on a visit. Mrs. TG. Marks left on Mon- visit to the family'ofMr. J. N. Ellis. derstand that he came with the purday on a visiMorelatives at Marys-vill- Mrs. C and Mrs. E. are sisters. pose of buying land on which to esCooke county. big of Monday rain Since the tablish a stockfarm, or will buy land get most big following the previous rains, to you want night, If and stock together, if he finds them goods for the least money, take your the oldest inhabitant says this coun- to suit him. He will also want a & McKee R. H. ever as he wet thoroughly to as around in try is cash town for convenience of residence saw it. We arc alchurch, Co's. etc. the school, 'em sec come glad loaded to Mr. Gus Miller and sisters, ways Mr. R. C. Cliisum made an ad dition the other day to our supply of Misses Oretha, RacheT and Nellie for business that way. 'We extend-t- o Mr. Vaughn and family a hearty left last Saturdaym a visit to old white metal. in the name of Haskell welcome Oroan for sale, price low. Terms friends and relatives in Cooke IhiHaduttTrttFrm 1 yt, POOIiE, 1 I - i rat. McLEMOIES is iho pliice to bi.y son-in-la- w e, w f ..' - your Drugs, Paints; mimfc Have just received a new LOCAL DOTS. j , - 19V And can give you any quantity at close prices; alga All T8T ZllA a01 TDriTTTTlTI Miil jcy P&V 1 V'T '. I vm A leu jli ! It Was Funny. It is doubtful if anywhere in the bioad state of Texas there can Scene West side of square, front be found finer or more luxuriant of store, floor covered with melons. crops ol corn, cotton, millet, Characters Strange old gentle- sorghum, Kaffir corn, milo maize, man seated on box, idle clerks, re- etc., than are growing in all parts of porter nosing for an item, numerous Haskell county where farming is bystanders, young (gentleman fault- done. lessly attired and sporting a patriach-a- l You assume no risk when you buy beard passing: Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Clerk to young gentleman "Come Diarrhoea A. P. McLe-moRemedy. in and let me sell you a nice melon." will druggist, your monrefund Young Gent. "Don't need any ey if you are not satisfied after using Strange Old Gent. "Well, you it. It is everywhere admitted to be might get a nice one and give your the most successful remedy in use for bowel complaints and the only old woman and children a treat." one that never fails. It is pleasant, Suppressed snigger goes around. safe and reliable. 43 Y. G. (Stammering) "But I haven't got any." Csjit. Wlllinm Attor Chtnlcr, ConRreatmnn S. O. G. (Drawlingly) "I hope ye from New York, Is tbo prcfldcnt of The New n FORTY York Star, which Is giving ain't one 'o these fellows that's too DOLLAR 11IUYCLK tUlly, m a'y nffrrud by stingy to take care of some good wo- advertisement In anothur column. Hon. Amos to-da- y of kinds all 1M JLILdOW Sprizi and so is our large stoekTof Spring1 OcSds. AMbKJ To be up with the times you need dme ol the up-to-da- nevelties. S te re, Money Saved is Money Made.if you WktoiiUome 4aaSa money examine our new line of wash goods. Staple Dry GOOdS. A full stock of m. Bats, Donnptic, Setting, Shirting, Cheviots, Denims, Licks and Coverts. DreSS GOOdS! Foreign and Domestic. Latest inUWasli Dre Goods, Pique, Percal, Duck, Dimities, Organdies, in all shades, bwns, Nansooks, Embroideries, Dotted Swisses &c. tlu-l- r Hosiery: 1 A full and complete line of the very vcstL J.Cummlngs,M C , Col. Asa Ilirtl Gardner, dyes for men, women and children. man!" District Attornay of ;Now York, or Hogg, Now Folgl, of Col. Texas, and Fred Y. G. (Backs off, confused)" Well, York, arc among the well known names In We have a large stock from 50 'tain't my fault, I've had my consent their Board of Directors. Mi-i-t and SL people, cents up to extracts ParaSOls: Apply to There are many grades and along time." Mr. Edear Farris and wife of M. L. Moody. S. O. G. "Glad to hear that, but There is room, a welcome and. Gloves: No costume is complete without a pair of perfect itting of pianos of various degrees of kinds visiting who have Hill been. county, Mrs. Pollard, ofBowie, is here kid gloves of good quality. Such gloves can be had here at rnoiatc I never saw a man as couldn't git prosperity waiting in Haskell county on a visit to herdaughter, Mrs. J. Mr. I. A. Davis in tlis bounty, left excellence and worthlessness. ComThursday for Greercounty where paratively few people are really qual- married, nor a woman nuthcr, and I for hundreds of farmers and small prices. The drive we are making in prices in this line causes complors 11. Jones. ' ified to select the good from the poor think it's the duty of every man to stockmen to engage in stockfarming, to wonder where they were obtained. they think of locating. Mrs. Ed Robertson after spendtake kcer '0 some good woman!" and they should not delay their comI am opening this week another ones when varnish and polish have ing a week or ten,(hiys with her parA dainty handkerchief tucked in belt or Y, G. is half a block away ing. Never was there a more prothe But they look well, made hence both ents here rftrncd to Seymour very large consignment of boots and or peeping jacket pocket forth and giving just a hint of its qj shyly crowd is roaring. pitious time for the move. A year's, shoes especially suited to the wants must depend largely upon the rep- and the . t i 11. mt .1 Thursday. anu we supply uic ucauiy pieascs icimnine lancy. nauiiKercmcis possibly a few month's, delay will of all classes and sexes of our people resentations of the agent and the Lines. Remember that S. L. see lands that can be bought at bar- offer a stock so comprehensive in style and quality that every ta When you want shoes or boots it will guarantee of the manufacturer and son is the only place in town where pocket book can be suited. it is of the first importance for them In memory of little Edna Joe gain prices now going up in price. be to your interest to call on you will find a fresh stock of new S. L. Robertson. to know that these are reliable. Baldwin, who died at Haskell, Tex., A $40.00 Bicycle Given Away Daily. and seasonable summer goods. Paris and London styles at our popular prices, can be no mistake on this July 11, 1899. They say the magic lantern There combination wnicn should please every Haskell woman. We invite ea point when dealing with a financially Mr. F. M. MortonVfather from man had a One by onetho loved onts leave us, Tho publishers of Tin New Yosx Star, the to see his crpwdout in every particuru'f every one to examine this stock as it is and iA'ave ns for tbe golden shsro, handsomely Illustrated Sunday newspaper, are McGregor is up ank"tfisit to his fam- "show" Thurspafnight, to wit; responsible and reliable home house Where, howe'er this parting grluve us, giving a High OnidoHleycle each day for the and the best part is, you can possess your choice at a moderate pru.c. of long standing like that ofThos. ily. A marrieosister also, whose We may meet to part no more. largest list of words made by using the letters Henry Post, Sheriff Collins and Wil-bJ Goggan & Bro., of Galveston and Edna Joe, sweet laughing baby, name we failed to learn, is visiting coninincdln Wright. With her danrlag eyes of blue Whatever Haskell men or women need In furn Dallas. him. Was the choice of death's dark angel, One of the most pleasant social no more times In any one word than It Is foui.d ishings can be found here and it will please in style and price. Our large Wben he came earth's bndrto view. Mr. D. H. Hamilton who is now Mr. R. M. Dickenson went out events of the seasonwas a lawn in The New York Star. Webster's Dictionary trade in furnishings has come to us because we by caterhave deserved it It was when the shades of evening Two Oood to be considered as authority. to his nasture after the hcaw rain party given the Toufi people at the making his second crop in this coun Deepened into nightly gloom, Watches (first class will be given ing to the needs of our customers more satisfactorily than have others. VY That be came and took the darling, and thunderstojmfind found nine home of Mr. ad Mrs. B. L. Frost ty, was in town one day this week dally for second and third best lists, and many would be glad to have you look at the new things in this line. Leaving sortow l ber home. other valuable rewards, Including DlnnerScts, feeling very enthusiastic over the dead yearlings lyfng along ne3r one on Friday night of last week. It was best lor Ged deereed it, Tea Sets, China, Stirling Silverware, etc., fine crops this year. He says about line of the fence that had from all And lie is too wise to err) etc., In order of merit. Tlds educational con Mr. C. R. Marchbanks and We have the most complete stock of men's, women's andl She has gone, and now the loved ones test Is being given to advertise and Introduce appearances been killed by lightn family of Summerville county are everything that is growing is as fine Can but strive to go to ber this successful weekly Into new homes, and all children's shoes and slippers of regular goods ever shown in the west, an it ing. prizes will be awarded promptly without par of the best goods. Also we have Forin Jesas' arms she's resting, visiting his brother, Mr. R. P. March-bank- as gets to be anywhere, and such 700 pairs of ladies shoes and slippe stamps must bo inclos tiality. Twelve as Kaffir corn things and from every earthly pain, Free Jerusalem in this county. We under To those who drink whiskey for bought job as a lot. We can you from 25 to 50 per cent on them. save ed subscription weeks for thirteen with trial And we, uhen our work is finished beat anything he ever saw in that full particulars and list of over SO0 valuable Hay behold her face again. pleasure; HARPER Whiskey adds stand that he is immensely pleased rewards. Contest opens nnd awards commence line, but crop or no crop he would Help, O God, to quell tho murmurs To those who with our county and will probably zest to existence. Mondny, JunoVfith, and closes Monday, AugThy will Which help without rleei rather live in the invigorating, health ust tilst, 1899. Your list can reach us any day drink whiskey for health's sake; buy land and locate here. And for each uprooted murmur between thesedatca, ami will receive tho award giving atmosphere of this country if l'lant a hope of Paradise. HARPER Whiskey makes life worth Mr. J. D. Conley writes us from lo which it may bo entitled for that day, and McCollnm. Malone Elsie t he had to come down to a jour name will be printed In the following Sold by Keister & Hazle-woo- Colorado, Texas, to inform the peoliving. of The New YorkStar. Only one list can than live again in the sultry malaria REPORT OF THE CONDITION Haskell, Texas. G. ple of Haskell that he will be here & be entered by the samo person Prizes are on his of old atmosphere laden county exhibition at The Stab's business ofHces, Perwith stock of pianos, a to soon and The debate which was to take in a mansion. But with his experi- Of the Haskell National Bank at Haskell, in sons securing bicycles may havo choice of Ladies', Gentlemen's or Juveniles' lfW model, place here on the 39th inst. between say that any person wanting a real ence so far he has no fear of ever the State of Texas, at the close color orsizo desired. Call or address Dept a good very instrument moderate at 30 1899. of Business June, Messrs. Jno. Couch and Marshall having to resort to the "E," Tnc Naw Yorx Sta a, 230 W. 30th .St New York City, Pierson ol Hakkell apd Messrs. Alex price should wait and sec his pianos. We understand that a number KESOUUCES. Britain and IkytiM. of Seymour has Mr. J. J. Head from Comanche tl,20l.7 An Epidemio of Diarrhoea. of farmers are thinking of sending Loans and discounts 1,4S.W fallen througjT Mr. Britain, who is county arrived, here this week and abroad for a new stock or strain of Overdrafts, secured and unsecured,. 12,.VK),00 Travel will begin to the Gold Fields of Alaska, aid to V. Uonds S. secure circulation.... 4 suceested that those who intend coinc to the attorney, has decided decided to locate iplhis county, He .1 practicing 1,750.00 Honda 8, on U. CoPremium Mr. A. Sanders, writing from seed wheat, believing that the wheat and a has wellborina'outfit expects 15,(1.11. and fixtures furnlturo that he hasn't the time to give to to engage in the boring of wells. being used here now has about run Other real estate and mortgages owned 0,151 ,10 coanut Grove, l'la., says there has the debate. Duo from National Hunks (not rebeen quite an epidemic of diarrhoea Mr. Walter Wright left Thurs-da- y out, as it is said wheat and various serve 15.Wk1.53 agents) Will find The Denver Road the most satisfactory roa on his return, to Uw I. T. with other things will do after being cul- Due from Ptats Hanks and Bankers 415. VI there. He had a severe attack and They say the trusts and comevery particular oy wnicn water transportation is reac 55 was cured by four doses of Chambines have advanced prices, but I the remnant of his horses, about 45 tivated in the same climate and soil Duo from approved resorvo agents.... 12.0B.1. The why your ticket should read via the Da reasons IM.iO Checks Items and othercash He was accompanied by Mr. for several years in succession. berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diaram holding the prices of groceries head. Road, are fti Fructional paper currency, nlcklea who a Bohanan, to C. wanted take J. 8.05 rhoea Remedy, . and cents He says he also It is possible that deteiioration is down to the same low notch I put look at the country. Lawful Money Ilcservo In Bank, viz: recommended it to others and they as much responsible for the short Specie them at some time ago, and will 3,ICKl.li0 A nice line ol New arrivals: i'MI.W, notes 4.W5.0O say it is the best medicine they ever Quickest time! Giand scenery and a Through Tourist 'SlSipi yield here the past year or so as any keep them there for some time to new Uedemptlon fund with U. 8. Treasur and seasonable dry goods, shoes, thing else. ing Car Line between Colorado and Portland, We believe it good For by used. P. a A. sale McLemore, Yours for business, come. 503.50 er, 5 per cent of circulation is being opened up at S. L, plan to get new seed DUt one change ot cars between F ort Worth and Portl etc., will sugDruggist. and Carney. T. G. 30 reaching the Northwest beaportswith economy, luxury (jJW Robertson's just in time for the Free gest that by all who want to do so Kl.'M.b'J Total wife Sheriff I. W. Collins and tuiiiiuti via UAHIUT1ES. Press to make the announcement forming a club and having sotne per50,000,00 Capital Stock paid In FRUIT TREES. were presented with a daughter Sat this week. 10,000.00 son to net it for them in one order Surplus fund of accused is Mr. C. nrrtnv nichi. Mr. Arch Eastling was in town they might effect a considerable sav- Undivided profits,, less oxpensesund U3.107.3-taxes.paid by saying Tuesday and said it misrepresenting Ihp-fs(Fort Worth & Denver City Railway.) rained for 48 ing. We will also suggest that, be- National Hank notes outstanding ... . 11,250.00 To the People of Haskell and Knox on coming new deputy A. Hunks to 5,W1.12 Due Eli Hirshfield, National other Counties: that he had a his hours at placeMonday night. fore deciding upon what variety they Due to statHllanksand Hunkers d out S5 A. G. P. A. and some of his constituents say that Aked how that criuld be he explain- will get, it would be well I have accepted the local agency Individual Deposits subject to check, Cl.Ul.bO get to the POHT if that is the kind of deputy he is go ed that the rain fell for six hours for the F. T. Ramsey Nursery at report of the Texas experiment sta 10',W5,M Total inn to have they won't vote for him eight times harder than he ever saw Austin, for Texas, So 12 months. tion on the result of the tests made Stated Toxas, County of Haskell, ss any more. please reserve all orders for trees and it rain before, 6x8 "48! under the direction of the Station I, J. L. Jones, Cashier of tho abovu named bank, do solemnly swear that tho above state- shrubbery for me and my agents and """""""""assjBjJr One of the Robison brothers Masters Fred and Frank Rob with some forty or fifty varieties near ment is true to the best of my knowledge and J L. Jones, Cashier, I will be personally responsible for who bought the Lackey place in the ertson spent last week out on the Wichita Falls during two years. belief, Subscribed and sworn to beforo me this all mistakes, and replace all trees CANS OF northwest part of the county last farm with Mr. Bejt-Lanier and This paper will gladly render any 8th day of July, ltfj. Martin, that die, if treated as directed by N. l.,IlbskellCo. Tex. winter and is farmincon it this year. family and hap ar'regular picnic of a assistance it can in the matter. L.S. B. T. J Lemmon PURE cohkkct catalogue. Yours for fruit, was in town thislweeksdnd said thev time just such a time as only a pair Leo I'ierson. Directors. attekt: ) C. Foster. A. B, T. Lanier. We believe that such a display of had 125 acres ofporn that was good of town boys can have when turned IS EQUAL TO aK I for at least doo bushels. How's loose on a farm in watermelon and Haskell county's agricultural proWe never before saw such a crop ducts as we could make at the Abi- of sorghum and feed stuff of various that for West Texas, O ye easterners roastingear time. of little faith? Mr. Allen of Montague county, lene fair this fall would operate as kinds as is growing iflaskell counCans of any Other Brands, Mr. T. J. Lemnion, one of our who recently purchased the Fi ranch an invitation to many a homeseektr ty. This me&isgdod cattle well fed crJrisequently winter, for money next come see and to our which Cans of B. T. Babbitt's PURE county, prominent and progressivexattlemen, of 1280 acres on the Bzosin north-rr v the and farmer stockman. is first toward step the getting them returned a few iaysajofroin a bus- west part of thelcoifnty, arrived this ICE COLD DRINKS SAVES THE CONSUMER, iness trip to FoiyWorth and Dallas. week with his frailly and went out to located. Sorghum twelve feet high and still INSIST ON HAVING He says that noticing the crops all occupy the place. We understand AGK.NT3 WANTED-F- or growin a Life way we heard the "The and Ac. thatjs black-lanalong the line and even in the d that he was accdfnpanied blevemmts o! Admiral Dewey." tbe world's by his grestest naval hero. ByMurat Kalstead, the some farmers takipjfthe other day country he saw no more flouroui admirer or tbe natlon'sidnl and family whose name we meiongmenu Hlggett and best book A00 luges, 810 In. tons and tons of feed to the acre, erery Tieiday aid Friday eveilig, ishing crops than arc growing all failed to learn who will also locate chesi nesrly lw psgesj over fc halftone illustrations. Only tl 50 FreoOulflt Chance of a lifetime and the second 'crop from the stub-bl- e and to order for entertainments, etc., ver Haskell county, The Dominion Company, 3rd Write nulck here. Floor CsxtooBldg,, Chicago will be better than the first one. y lr specified on application. Handkerchiefs: " . ' Millinery: ,a er "T-H-- Furnishings: N-E-- E s) Shoes: s, Lowest prices guaranteed in all line Respectfully, dug-ou- d, F. dug-ou- 0QI ALEXANDER Next Spring1 t. Legal-tend- Klondike ) Ilanklng-hout- Shortest Ioute! er ncceitliif Tlre Denver FJoad i e WORTH,Texai. !. - T! mm kmS Oi-c- T. Babbitt's POT ml I The Hefrigerator the time! all any time. of any Other B RAHkt 1 .T L ICE CREAM son-in-la- w rt 3 2 3 B. T. BABBITT'S i Pure Potash or LTV ml sSsBfciSaaMi W f Kaiiihaiatte 1 BL .J -- i ,i --- 1 " fj!j .,WU 12. .m .JStdkimfL I ill .JL-- kMWfaWmWmlmWImWmMmWmWmlmmmmWBmmU I