Page 1
• President's Message ........................................
• From the Secretary's Desk ................................
• Dues Notice ...................................................
• Vaccine Protocol, review of a seminar by Dr. Jean
• Minutes ............................................................
• Mark Your Calendars ........................................
• Big Changes in Rally, summary by Betty Win thers ..........................................................
• National Entry Breakdown .............................
• Top Twenty Compeition ..................................
• Raffle for the National ...................................
• PCA National Specialty .............................
• Phalene Events ...............................................
• PCA SE Regional Specialty ..............................
• NorCal Regional Specialty ..............................
• Winner’s Ring: MAP Results ...........................
• Top Agility Papillons for 2011 ....................
• From the Pages of History: Papillon Makes His tory by Capturing Bridgewater..................
• How Do Those Ears Grow ..........................
• New AKC Titles .........................................
• President’s Message
• The National Specialty
• A spectator’s guide to an AKC agility trial by Jolene
• Grant Sponsorship Report
• AKC New Titles
President: Kevin Ray
Vice President: Angela Pickett
Treasurer: Jane Sirkoch
Recording Secretary: Barbara Ankersmit
Corresponding Secretary: Nikki Berthold-Illias
Mary Jo Loye
Linda Moret
Jerrilin Naylor
Zachary Newton
AKC Delegate: Arlene Czech
PapTalk reserves the right to edit all material for content and is not responsible for accuracy of articles, advertisements, etc. Opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect those of Pap Talk or the Papillon Club of America.
Mary Jo Loye •
Bonnie J. Kost •
What do you want to see in PapTalk?
Send your comments or ideas to the Editors ... please ~ bonniekost@
Page 2
Fellow Members,
The National Specialty is fast approaching and excitement is in the air! The entry in both the companion events and confirmation classes will give the spectators, breeders and breed enthusiasts days of viewing pleasure. Events that have been planned; dinners, seminars, phalene fun match, Top Twenty Competition, etc. should be well attended. Specialties are a time to renew old friendships, meet those Papillon people you have never been able to put a ‘face’ to, and in general enjoy the festivities.
I look forward to meeting each of you. See you soon and have a safe trip to and from Seattle.
PCA President
Barbara Ankersmit
Recording Secretary
New Member Applicants for February & March 2012
Ellen Kurland
8208 Kurland
Tampa, FL 33647
Susan Kendra & Sally L Lane
Charlotte Marchesseau
5206 Pine Forest Road
Houstone, TX 77056
(713) 446-5609
Elyse Vandermolen & Gail M Howard
New Member Applicants for March & April 2012
Colleen Biavati
42 Kosuga Drive
Pine Island, NY 10969
(845) 649-7867
Sherrie Puzak & Karen Simicsak
Linda Fizmaurice
1881 Santa Ana Court
Hollister, CA 95023
(925) 548-7623
Diane Sayre & Susi Gleffe
Christina Steele
35 Morning Mist Lane
Sparks, NV 89441
(775) 830-2160
Susi Gleffe& Diana Sayre
Marie Wickhorst
732 E Calle Cabo
Tucson, AZ 85750
(520) 722-3613
Judy P May & Alice M Blazer
Welcome New Members
Stephen C Pope
Hampton, GA 30228
New Email Addresses
Carol Fredrick:
Terry McIntyre:
Page 3
PCA dues are payable on or before March 1 st terminated if dues remain unpaid by April 15 th
annually. Membership will be considered lapsed and automatically
. Please make checks payable to THE PAPILLON CLUB OF AMERICA,
Canadian and overseas members please send checks in US dollars. DO NOT SEND CASH.
Membership renewals can also be made ON-LINE and paid by PayPal with an additional fee at the PCA website at
Mail to: Barbara Ankersmit, PCA Recording Secretary, 1570 Uluhao St., Kailua, HI 96734
PCA is recognized under Section (c) (7) of the IRS code. Membership dues are not tax deductible as a charitable contribution for federal income tax purposes. o PCA ANNUAL Membership Dues Renewal
US Members $30
Canadian Members $42 + $10 postal surcharge = $52
Overseas Members $54 + $10 postal surcharge = $64 o PCA Annual Membership Dues and PCA Breeders List (Please include Breeders list form)
US Members $45
Canadian Members $67
Overseas Members $79 o PCA Annual Membership Dues for two adults residing at the same mailing address that will receive only one copy of Pap Talk with a reduction of 20% on the cost of one membership.
(Members choosing this option must mail dues for both members together)
US Members $54
Canadian Members $86
Overseas Members $107
Us Members $69
Canadian Members $101
Overseas Members $122 o PCA Annual Junior Membership Dues Renewal
Date of Birth required Month/Day/Year_________________
With Pap Talk $30
Without Pap Talk $10 o GENETIC RESEARCH FUND of $_______ Tax deductible donations should be payable to AKC Canine
Health Fund . Please submit a separate check for donation. Please note on check “Papillon Donor Fund” and mail with your annual membership dues. o BENEVOLENT FUND DONATION of $______ (Not tax deductible) o New PCA member as of January 2012 are NOT required to pay dues renewal
Information included below will be printed in the PCA Membership Roster
Last name______________________________________ First name_____________________________
Please include all Members names at the same address below.
Last Name______________________________________ First Name_____________________________
Kennel Prefix:____________________________________________________________________________
Street Address or PO Box___________________________________________________________________
Phone: (_______)__________________________________Email:__________________________________ o I want my phone number printed in PCA roster.
PCA Constitution and By-laws states: “A membership is lapsed and automatically terminated if such member’s dues remain unpaid by April 15 th
of each year. In no case may a person, other than an Honorary Life Member, be entitled to vote at any meeting if his dues are unpaid as of the date of that meeting.”
Pap Talk will be suspended on April 16th if dues are unpaid. Pap Talk will resume when dues are reinstated. Payment of dues and reinstatement fee does not include back issues of Pap Talk. Back issues, if available can be purchased.
Please include the completed membership dues renewal form with your payment.
RECEIVED: DATE____________CK/MO#_____________AMOUNT____________
Page 4
NAME (please print):_____________________________________________________STATE:__________________
The PCA Breeders List is for members ONLY and is an additional $15 .
The PCA Breeders List and the PCA Roster are two independent lists.
Please check Breeder list inclusion preference
Include me in
BOTH the printed and online list
Include me in
ONLY the printed list
Please check one or more of the following indicating the information you would like included on the PCA Online Breeders list.
(Please note: All PCA members that are included in the Online Breeders list MUST be included in the printed
Breeders list)
A - Include my home address
C - Include ONLY name, city and state
B - Include my email address
D - Include phone number
Include my website as follows: _______________________________________________________________
PHALENE (Drop Ear)/De
If you have any questions regarding renewals please contact
Barbara Ankersmit
PCA Recording Secretary
Page 5
I recently attended the Dr. W. Jean Dodds seminar held in Monroeville, PA and Sponsored by: Three Rivers
Papillon Club of PA, Bichon Frise Club of Western PA,
Steel Valley Havanese Association, Greater Pittsburgh
Poodle Club, German Shepherd Dog Club of Western
PA, Greater Pittsburgh Yorkshire Terrier Club, and Westmoreland County Obedience Training Club. Dr. Dodds addressed vaccine issues and protocol as well as thyroid issues and treatment. This article will be restricted to the topic of vaccines. Dr. Dodds has a comprehensive book out titled: The Canine Thyroid Epidemic for anyone interested in that subject.
T he diseases we protect our dogs against with the four “core” vaccines (Canine Parvovirus, Canine
Distemper, Canine Adenovirus and Rabies) are endemic in wild animals and highly transmittable. Any individual that does not inoculate their animals against these diseases is in Dr. Dodds words “sitting on a time bomb”.
With that understanding Dr. Dodds is very clear that we have for many years been over vaccinating our dogs and increasing the risk for autoimmune disease.
T he long held practice of beginning vaccinations at six weeks and continuing yearly doses is unnecessary and potentially dangerous for the individual dog.
“Vaccination can overwhelm the immunocompromised or even healthy host that is repeatedly challenged with
Page 6 other environmental stimuli and is genetically predisposed to react adversely upon viral exposure. The recently weaned young puppy or kitten entering a new environment is at greater risk here, as its relatively immature immune system can be temporarily or more permanently harmed. Consequences in later life may be the increased susceptibility to chronic debilitating diseases.”
T he individual’s ability to tolerate vaccination and itself is determined by multiple factors. Genetics,
Sex hormones, stress and viruses all play a part. The more factors involved the more often autoimmune diseases are likely to occur. Adverse reactions to vaccines can present immediately, within 24-48 hours or
10-45 days after vac-
Sex Hormones
Stress cination. Delayed reactions are often caused by immune-complex formation. Individuals that suffer a reaction should avoid revaccination when possible. To minimize the risk of adverse reactions Dr. Dodds recommends some simple steps.
B egin Puppy Vaccinations at 9 – 10 wks. Animals that will have an adult weight of 10 – 12 lbs can
safely receive half dosages to achieve and maintain sterile immunity. Vaccines should always be given 3 to 4 weeks apart, even if it is a different vaccine. One of the series should be given between 14 and 16 wks. Dr Dodds stated in her seminar that Hepatitis vaccines should be withheld until adulthood if possible. (The 2006
American Animal Hospital Association’s Canine Vaccine
Guidelines call for a complete puppy series to be finished in the 14 to 16 wk age group.) The fewest possible number of vaccines should be given at the same time.
Rabies should be given at the latest possible time allowed by law and never before 16 wks or in combination with any other vaccines.
C ore Vaccinations should be given again one year after the “puppy” shots. The handout given at the seminar and the current AAHA guidelines recommend vaccinating every three years after that. According to Dr. Dodds the three year protocol is outdated. Later this year the AAHA will issue revised Guidelines that will lengthen that time. Dr. Dodds says that there is ample evidence to suggest that most animals are sufficiently protected at least five to seven years and may retain sufficient immunity for life. Rabies vaccines are state mandated and failure to comply can have serious legal and financial repercussions.
A fter the animal is a year old it should have serum vaccine antibody titers performed in lieu of vaccination to determine the level of immune memory.
“Research has shown that once an animal’s titer stabilizes it is likely to remain constant for many years.” Titers testing is important, especially before breeding. It is irresponsible to assume that your animal has sterile immunity. A percentage of the canine population are
“non-responders” and will never carry a sufficient level of immunity. These animals should never be bred as they may pass this on to their offspring.
A utoimmune diseases are more often expressed in females. Avoid vaccination within thirty days of estrus, during estrus, pregnancy or lactation. Orphaned or bottle babies can be given plasma to protect them from disease in place of maternal antibodies. Do not allow unvaccinated puppies to come into contact with newly vaccinated animals. In the normal process of developing sterile immunity the vaccinated animal will go through vaccinal shedding that may expose the unvaccinated to secondary transmission. Avoid vaccinating animals that are anesthetized, suffer immunosuppressive diseases or have experienced a prior adverse reaction.
V eterinary care is based on informed consent. Discuss your vaccination protocol with your vet.
Every protocol should be tailored to the specific needs of the individual animal. The vaccinations that your dog may require to live a long healthy life will vary depending on region, proximity and exposure to wildlife and purpose. Those same variables may make some types of vaccinations completely unnecessary. Age, size, breed, neutering and even color can also increase the risk of adverse reactions (the greater the percentage of white on an animal the more likely they are to have an adverse reaction). Not every vet is an expert on your breed. It is your job to find a vet that you are comfortable with and to help educate them about your breed’s specific needs and concerns.
M ake every effort to ensure that new owners are aware of proper vaccination protocol and risk factors. Give them documented resources that they can take to their vet to back up their decisions. Copies of Dr. Dodds protocol and the AAHA
Canine Vaccine Guidelines are available on line. No new owner wants to be in the middle of an argument between their vet and their breeder. No breeder wants to be blamed for illness caused by actions the new owner was guilted or bullied into by an uninformed veterinarian. Most importantly, no one wants to endure the heartbreak of death or lifetime illness caused by preventable disease or the vaccines meant to keep them safe.
Note: The seminar given by Dr. Jean Dodds, 7-10-
2011, was attended by PCA member Allison Rounds.
Her review of the seminar is appreciated. Thank You.
Page 7
Board members present: Kevin Ray, Angela
Pickett, Barbara Ankersmit, Nikki Berthold-
Illias, Jane Sirkoch, Mary Jo Loye, Jerrilin
Naylor, Linda Moret, Zachary Newton
The meeting was called to order at 9:13 PM
February 7, 2012 PCA Board minutes were approved as circulated.
Jane Sirkoch, Treasurer, submitted the following report:
Treasurer's Report
Bank Accounts:
Fund Balances:
Total ribbons
Top 20 wine
Teleconference Board Meeting – February 21, 2012
National Specialty Checking
Genetics (Restricted)
Benevolent (Restricted)
Special Projects (Restricted)
Operating Account Expenses:
NE Regional
Postage for librarian
Genetics donation
Accounting fees-1099 prep
National Specialty Expenses:
$ 10,785.74
$ 113,842.97
$ 34,335.04
$ 113,842.97
$ 59.78
$ 2,654.76
$ 1,797.60
$ 2,191.60
Committee Reports
Constitution and By-Laws Committee
Eddie Meltz submitted an email to the Chair in which he resigned from the Constitution &
By-Laws Committee.
2013 National Specialty
Michelle Billings has accepted our invitation to judge at the 2013 National Specialty.
Three days of Papillon only agility will be held at the Flying Feet facility.
Unfinished Business
A motion was approved by general consent to engage Kevin Connelly PRP at $150 per hour to serve as Parliamentarian for the 2012 National Specialty.
New Business
A motion was approved by general consent to donate $100 to support the efforts of the Dog
Judges Advanced Educational Foundation.
A motion was approved by general consent to award $250 to any PCA Junior member who competed with and qualified with a Papillon at the 2011 AKC Eukanuba Invitational in Orlando, FL in December 2011 and to award
$250 to any PCA Junior member who competed with and qualified with a Papillon at the
Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show in New
York, NY in February 2012. A request must be made by the Junior for the award.
The next meeting of the PCA board will be held on March 6, 2012 at 9:00 PM EST
A board meeting has also been scheduled for
March 20, 2012 PM EST
An open board meeting will be held at the
2012 National Specialty beginning at 2 PM on
March 28, 2012. Meeting room location will be announced when details are known.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 9:58 PM EST
Page 8
PCA Supported Entry
PCA National Specialty
Papillon Club of Southern CA Specialty Shows
Bremerton WA
Seattle, WA
Anaheim, CA
Greater Delaware Valley Papillon
Club Specialty Show
West Windsor
Township, NJ
Papillon Club of Tulsa Specialty
Shows - back-to-back
Tulsa OK
Sunshine State Papillon Club Specialty Show
Papillon Club of Northern California
Specialty Shows
Greater Chicagoland Papillon Club
Specialty Shows
Orlando FL
Vallejo CA
DeKalb, IL
PCA Supported Entry Greater Dekalb
Dekalb, IL
PCA Supported Conformation and
Obedience Entry Ann Arbor KC
Monroe, MI
Three Rivers Papillon Club Specialty Canfield OH
PCA Supported Entry Beaver County
Canfield OH
PAPS Specialty Shows Enumclaw WA
Patriot Papillon Club Specialty Show Westford, MA
PCA Midwest Regional Specialty
PCA Supported Entry Brevard KC
Sunshine State Papillon Club
Des Moines, IA
Orlando, FL
Orlando FL
March 25, 2012
March 26-31
April 14-15, 2012
May 6, 2012
May 24, 2012
June 1, 2012
June 8 & 9, 2012
July 6-7, 2012
July 7, 2012
July 7, 2012
August 1, 2012
August 4, 2012
August 16 & 17, 2012
August 17, 2012
September 7, 2012
December 13, 2012
December 14, 2012
Editors’ Note: Please send in your specialty and supported entry information to be included in this monthly feature
Page 9
New Rally Regulations Effective April 4th 2012 submitted by Betty Winthers
On February 18th 2012 I attended a Rally Seminar sponsored by the Argus Ranch. The presenter was
Earl Vaughan, an AKC approved Obedience and
Rally judge for all classes.
Earl did an excellent presentation by outlined the new stations. There were also live demo of each of the new stations. It was very educational for the judges, exhibitors and instructor that attended the seminar.
The next day, Sunday, the Pacific NW Obedience and Rally Judges had a meeting and Earl also presented the same program to the Judges that attended that meeting. At that meeting there was lively discussion about the various aspects of the
Rally Regulations. The following notes and outlines that Earl presented – Permission was granted by Earl Vaughan to use his notes for Pap Talk.
Page 10
Editor’s Note: Follow this link for information from AKC. There are four videos on this page events/rally/video.cfm
showing how some of the new stations are to be performed.
Page 11
. . .
RALLY 31 Entries
OBEDIENCE 37 Entries
SWEEPS 71 Entries
VET SWEEPS 7 Entries
16 Puppy Dogs 6 Mos. & Under 9 Mos.
11 Puppy Dogs 9 Mos. & Under 12 Mos.
12 Dogs 12 Mos. & Under 18 Mos.
4 Amateur-Owner-Handler Dogs
11 Bred by Exhibitor Dogs
3 American Bred Dogs
7 Open Dogs Drop Ear
14 Open Dogs Erect Ear
18 Puppy Bitches 6 Mos. & Under 9 Mos.
12 Puppy Bitches 9 Mos. & Under 12 Mos.
17 Bitches 12 Mos. & Under 18 Mos.
3 Amateur-Owner-Handler Bitches
15 Bred by Exhibitor Bitches
6 American Bred Bitches
5 Open Bitches Drop Ear
12 Open Bitches Erect Ear
3 Veteran Dogs 7 Yrs. & Under 10 Yrs.
3 Veteran Dogs 10 Yrs. & Older
5 Veteran Bitches 7 Yrs. & Under 10 Yrs.
1 Veteran Bitches 10 Yrs. & Older
62 Best of Breed Competition 43-19
5 Stud Dog Class
2 Brood Bitch Class
6 Parade of Titleholders
1 Parade of Rescues
11 Over 60 Handler Competition
Page 12
1 Novice Junior Class
3 Open Junior Class
1 Open Intermediate Class
4 Open Senior Class
15 Sweepstakes Dogs 6 Mos. & Under 9 Mos.
4 Sweepstakes Dogs 9 Mos. & Under 12 Mos.
10 Sweepstakes Dogs 12 Mos. & Under 15 Mos.
7 Sweepstakes Dogs 15 Mos. & Under 18 Mos.
18 Sweepstakes Bitches 6 Mos. & Under 9 Mos.
8 Sweepstakes Bitches 9 Mos. & Under 12 Mos.
7 Sweepstakes Bitches 12 Mos. & Under 15
2 Sweepstakes Bitches 15 Mos. & Under 18
2 Veteran Sweepstakes Dog 7 Yrs. & Under 10
1 Veteran Sweepstakes Dogs 10 Yrs. & Older
3 Veteran Sweepstakes Bitches 7 Yrs. & Under
10 Yrs.
1 Novice Class A
7 Novice Class B
5 Open Class A
4 Open Class B
1 Utility Class A
4 Utility Class B
1 Beginner Novice A
14 Beginner Novice B
2 Rally Novice A
9 Rally Novice B
1 Rally Advanced A
9 Rally Advanced B
10 Rally Excellent B
W e would like to take this opportunity to tell you again about our third Papillon Club of
America Top Twenty Competition. We are hoping this event will be a great experience for all concerned.
The 2012 Top Twenty Competition will be a judged event. There will be three judges; an AKC Judge, a Handler Judge and a Breeder Judge (see the Top
Twenty Rules & Regulations for full a description of the guidelines).
This is a costly endeavor. We are asking for Participant and Member support to make this competition possible. In the past our Members have always been very generous in their support of PCA.
We are hoping that you will find a way to contribute to this very special evening!
The 2012 Top Twenty Competition will offer a People’s Choice Award. At the end of the event the ballots will be tallied and a People’s Choice winner will be announced along with the Judge’s Choice.
We are looking forward to a great evening together.
Please support the Top 20 with a donation. Make your check payable to the Papillon Club of America and mail to:
24705 NE 14th St.
Camas, WA 98607
Page 13
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Page 15
Page 16
Page 17
Please join us on Wednesday, March 28, 2012 at our Phalène Only Fun Match!
We have lovely prizes and huge rosettes to be won!
This is THE place to showcase your phalènes!
Match starts at 4:00 pm and will be judged by Marion Ford of Akai Phalènes.
Cost to enter is $7.00
to be paid at the match.
We will have classes for both sexes, 6 ‐ 9 month puppy, 9 ‐ 12 Puppy, 12 ‐ 15 Junior, 15 ‐ 18 Junior, Bred By, Open, Longest Fringes and
Exhibition Only Champions.
We would love to see you and your moths!
Immediately following the match we invite you to attend the Phalène Fanciers Recognition Dinner which will start at 5:30 pm.
Cost per person is $40.00
Fresh Tossed Harvest Greens with Garlic Herb Croutons
Balsamic Vinaigrette and/or Creamy Ranch Dressing
8 oz. Flat Iron Steak with a Sherry Demi Glaze served with Garlic Mashed Potatoes
Grilled Chicken and Pan Seared Salmon, Chicken Jus and Apricot Ginger Chutney served with Herb Roasted Baby Red
Red Velvet Cake – Double layer red velvet cake with cream cheese frosting
New York Style Cheesecake – Rich Vanilla Cheesecake with Raspberry Sauce
Please send reservations along with your selections and check made payable to:
Nancy Radich
585 Sherbourne Road
Sequim, WA 98382
Reservation Deadline is March 12, 2012
We would like to hold a meeting of all Phalène Fanciers on Tuesday night at 4:00 pm.
We haven’t had such a meeting in a number of years and would like everyone to attend so that we can discuss what direction the variety should be taking.
Everyone is welcome.
Time will be confirmed and place will be announced on the phalène
watch for it!
Page 18
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Page 20
BOB/Best Vet: CH Betlen’s Riegel She’s a Lady (Lennon)
BOS: CH Involo Smooth Criminal (Garofalo/Hill/McCarty)
BOW/WD, Best Puppy: Denzel Pop Art (Burdick)
WB: Rorralore Angelica (McGowan)
RWD/Best Bred-By: Denzel The Devil’s Advocate (Burdick)
RWB: Denzel Masterpiece (Burdick)
SelectD: CH Patuxent’s Ransom in Gold (McNulty)
SelectB: CH Denzel Sheer Delight (Burdick)
AOMs: CH Rorralore Foolproof - D (McGowan)
GCH Miracol’s Ace In The Matrix - D (Duppstadt/Kirby)
GCH Noble’s Fancy Free - B (Noble)
Best Phalene: Sweet Angel Dreams Finesse - B (Santella)
Saturday Sweepstakes - Judge Peggy Kessler 15D-12B
BiSweeps: InVolo Rock With You - B (Garofalo)
BOS Sweeps: Afternoon Delight Forussi - D (Quinn)
BOB: GCH Involo Smooth Criminal - D (Garofalo/Hill/McCarty)
BOS: GCH Amoure Beau Along The Riverbank, AX MXJ OF - B (Degen)
WD: Jimjac Walking in the Rain (Smith)
BOW/WB/Best Bred-By: Denzel Bedeviled (Burdick)
RWD: Denzel Pop Art (Burdick)
RWB: InVolo Wait And See (Garofalo)
SelectD: CH Rorralore Foolproof (McGowan)
SelectB/Best Veteran: CH Betlen’s Riegel She’s a Lady (Lennon)
AOMs: CH Patuxent’s Ransom in Gold - D (McNulty)
GCH Miracol’s Ace In The Matrix - D (Duppstadt/Kirby)
GCH Domino’s Pandemonium - B (Temperato/Domino/Newcomb/Vandermolen)
Best Puppy: Blairwynn’s Seductive Magic - B (Blair/Oliver)
Best Phalene: Sweet Angel Dreams Finesse - B (Santella)
Sunday Sweepstakes - Judge John Oulton 14D-14B
BiSweePs: Blairwynn’s Secret Society of the Z - B (Blair/Oliver)
BOS Sweeps: Liberty’s Electric Personality - D (Jackson)
Page 21
MACH 33 is the highest agility title earned to date in the AKC agility program and one dog has achived this title. This title was earned by
NAC MACH33 Pinpps Jonquil Of Skipnlena
FTC1, TQX, T2B, a papillon owned by Robin
Kletke and Robin Cohen. Tigger is also the
AKC Lifetime Top Overall Dog (ranked by
Title/Points/Double Qs) with 54,5447 Points and 669 Double Qs.
Photo courtesy of Dog Action Fotos
(ranked by Title/Points/Double Qs) 1 is MACH17
Candella Cloudberry XF, owned by Karen Wlodarski &
Carol Ochs with 26,412 Points and 344 Double Qs
Photo courtesy of Tian Tran
Page 22
# 2 - MACH17 Candella Cloudberry XF, owned by Karen
Wlodarski & Carol Ochs with 5,169 Points, 83 Double
Qs for a score of 5,979 and #1 Overall Dog in the Toy
Group for 2011
Photo courtesy of Tian Tran
# 4 - NAC MACH33 Pinpaps Jonquil Of
Skipnlena FTC1, TQX, T2B, owned by Robin
Kletke and Robin Cohen with 4,583 Points, 94
Double Qs with a score of 5,523
Photo courtesy of Dog Action Fotos
# 19 - MACH3 Primavera’s Sweet Baby James MXF, owned by Eileen Ewins with 4,095 Points, 31 Double Qs with a score of 4,405
Page 23
Page 24
#20 - MACH Chinak La Ren On A Whim MXF, T2B, owned by Robin Kletke and Robin Cohen with 3,960
Points, 37 Double Qs with a score of 4,330
Photo courtesy of Dog Action Fotos
#1- MACH17 Candella Cloudberry XF, owned by
Karen Wlodarski & Carol Ochs
Photo courtesy of Tian Tran
#2 - NAC MACH33 Pinpaps Jonquil Of Skipnlena
FTC1, TQX, T2B, owned by Robin Kletke and Robin
Photo courtesy of Dog Action Fotos
#3 - MACH3 Primavera’s Sweet Baby James MXF, owned by Eileen Ewins
#4 - MACH Chinak La Ren On A Whim
MXF, T2B, owned by Robin Kletke and
Robin Cohen
Photo courtesy of Dog Action Fotos
Page 25
#5 - MACH10 Primavera’s
Birthday Bash XF owned by
Lyndsay R. Mulligan
#1 - PACH La Ren Jazzy Crisanda MX,
MXJ, MXP5, MJP5, PAX owned by John
H. Gooldy
Page 26
#2 - Tulah Tutu Ze Torpedo MXP, MJP3,
OFP owned by Annmarie Roche
Photo courtesy of Karen Hocker
#3 - NAC MACH5 Bomar’s Beanie
Baby MXP, MJP2 owned by
Kimberly Sisak
#4 - MACH2 Jumpin’ Jack Flash II
MXP2, MJP3,MXF, NFP owned by
Judy C. Rockey
#5- Little Whisper Wings RA, AX, AXJ,
MXP2, MJP4, OFP owned by Cheryl
No photo available
Page 27
Another in a series of articles reprinted from old Pap Talk ...
From PAP TALK - September 1968
Page 28
T he recent 20th annual show of the Bridgewater KC with 250 little smaller than in past years. dogs listed was only a
T. Dickson Smith had the largest breed entry, with 24 Cocker
Spaniels. Roger Wheeler had 15
Irish Setters. Herman Jordon had 15 German Shepherds.
Dr. Fredson T. Bowers had an excellent lot ofGreat
Pyrenees. Fred W. Saunders took care of 11 Boston Terriers. Frank W. Holliscdid the honors for eightSalukis. Mrs.
George Walmsley had the pleasure of seeing her choice for best toy -- out of a total of ten small dogs -- go to the top later in the show.
The remainder of the breeds fell to the lot of, Frank T. Eskrigge who had a real day’s work with
115 dogs.
Towards the middle of the afternoon some of the spectators began to fear that the old timer would be holdingup the completion of the show, but three minutes before his first variety class was due to be called he had made his final breed placing. Out of the
115 dogs in Eskrigge’s list were
21 Doberman Pinschers -- an unusually strong entry for the breed.
SPORTING GROUP - Irish Setter, Warren K. Read, Jr’s Ch
Wamsutta FermanahII
HOUND GROUP - Scottish Deerhound, D.P. Wilson’s Ch Niall of
Pyrenees, Mr. & Mrs. Francis V.
Crane’s Ibos du Vak M’Aure
TERRIER GROUP - Irish Terrier, M.H. Bird’s Banteer Badblackthorn
TOY GROUP - Papillon, Mrs.
DeForest Danielson’s Ch Offley
Black Diamond
Schipperke, Mr. & Mrs. Louis A.
Burke’s Ch Burke’s Tarzan
The toy group was judged by
Mrs. Walmsley, and it was regretted that only three breeds were represented here. Toy exhibitors must follow the lead of the other breed exhibitors and show in larger numbers and in more breeds unless they desire their breeds to be forgotten.
The six group winners paraded around the ring to take out the bench kinks. Placed in group order,
Mr. Eskrigge went over each from head to heels, and. then, for a moment, mentally compared them.
T hen the judge, taking the handsome cup, offered by Thomas F.
Kemp for the Best In
Show, and it’s accompanying rosette, placed them in the surprised hands of Mrs. De Forest
Danielson for her Papillon, the double champion, Offley Black
Diamond, which had showed beautifully, at rest and in motion, with well-carried ears and tail.
A very pleasing black and white dog, by this win the Papillon was making history in the United
States, for I believe this is the first time that a specimen of this breed ever attained such high honors. A most generous burst of applause from a very sympathetic body of spectators greeted the award, and the winner received the congratulations of her competitors very graciously. .
This brought another show to a very jolly conclusion, and with mingled adieus and promises for later reunions, the gathering dispersed. -- THE ONLOOKER
Adapted from the article in the
ZETTE, October 1, 1936. And this quote from the Papillon column in the same issue, written by Mrs. von Hoegen: “Naturally, since the precedent of a “best in show” for a Papillon has been set, we are all hoping that more of our good ones may, from time to
1st American All Breed
Best in Show Winner Eng/Am Ch. Offley Black Diamond Black
Diamond had a total of five Challenge Certificates in England prior to his importation into the United States.
He was Best of Breed at the first (and only pre-War) Specialty of the Papillon Club of America, held with the Morris and Essex show in 1936. Four months later, on September 7, 1936, he won Best in Show at the Bridgewater K.C. It would be a long
34 years before another Papillon reached for, and obtained, the red, white and blue rosette (BIS ). After his Best in Show, although he was only 3 ½ years old, Mrs. Danielson retired him so that he could never be defeated, although she continued to show him as a member of a team composed of four English/
American champions.
Black Diamond died in February 1939 of “acute indigestion and heart failure”. Mrs. Danielson wrote to Mrs. Kemmerer,
“It is a shock from which I shall never recover as he had become so devoted, understanding & obedient and was so beautiful, the only “Papillon” ever to go “Best in Show” ... I am a wreck, have not left the house in over a week - - cannot face or accept it !”
Black Diamond’s picture appeared in two PCA Handbooks,
1957 & 1963 time, achieve this height.”
* * * *
THIRTY-TWO YEARS later, this is still the only BIS award for a
Papillon. Now, in contrast to 3
Toys competing in Group from a total of 10 Toys, Ch Wake Robin of Mariposa defeated 199 Toys when he won the Group at Longshore, and Ch Egret of Pinqueny went over 131 Toys at Stone
City.* Ch Gowdy of Mariposa has won. the Group 3 times this year.
We are still hoping that “from time to time, our good ones may achieve” BIS. *figures from August 1968 GAZETTE
Page 29
by Louann Hansen
T he ear carriage is what distinguishes the Phalène from the Papillon. How do breeders know when they are going to stay down? What is a good ear set and carriage?
Breeding phalènes is not an easy task and breeders cannot with certainty know if ears are going to stay down until at least teething is finished….and sometimes not even then!
T he mode of inheritance of erect ears and drop ears is not a simple dominant and recessive one. Phalène to
Phalène breeding can produce Papillons especially if the drop ear dogs are first, second or even third generation Phalène.
Some lines are stronger Phalène lines than others and have a higher percentage of drop eared puppies born. It seems that the more generations of Phalène are in the pedigree, the more likely drop eared puppies will result. And as many breeders know, a Phalène can occur in a Papillon to Papillon breeding even though there are generations of erect eared dogs behind the breeding.
’ve assembled some pictures to better illustrate what the drop eared dogs look like as puppies and how they mature. There are also some surprises!
Page 30
Above is “Abby” Am Ch Johina’s Ambrosia at 10 weeks and at 2.5 years.
“Tosca”, UK Ch Temalora Forest Nymph with littermates at 6 months and at 3 years.
“Annie” Marrics Anticipation CGN, at 6 months and at 2 years
Page 31
“Elwood” Multi Ch Austrene Academy Award at 6 weeks and as a young adult.
“Justice” Crisanda Bet ‘Em At Their Own Game at 4 months and at just over a year. Major pointed as a Papillon at 6 months, he decided he wanted to be a moth!
Page 32
“Ripley” Alasera’s Believe It Or Not at 12 weeks and 2 years.
“Pinch” Marrics In A Pinch ph at 3 months and one year.
Page 33
February 2012
CH Alfa’s The Apprentice Of Lorac (D)
By GCH CH Alfa’s Forevr Rebel Spirit x CH Adfam Wise
Love Is In The Wind
Breeder: Carol Livingston & Salwa Alfadl
Owner: Salwa Alfadl
CH Altair The Harlequin Of Classique (B)
By GCH CH Siljans Disney Jr x CH Siljans True
Breeder/Owner: Karen Mather & Brian Leonard
CH Chanceux On My Word (B)
By CH Chanceux Capo Di Tutti Capi x CH Involo On A
Clear Day
Breeder: Joanne Paulino
Owner: Lou Ann King & Joanne Paulino
CH Denzel Ready Aim Fire (B)
By CH Denzel Secret Of My Success x Denzel Aim To
Breeder/Owner: Tracy Halverson Burdick
CH Denzel The Trickster (B)
By CH Denzel Tomfoolery x Denzel Ming Dynasty
Breeder/Owner: Tracy Halverson Burdick
CH Domino Clearlake Raise The Bar (D)
By CH Clearlake Der Bingle x Domino’s Moonlight
Breeder: Leona G Domino & Laura Temperato
Owner: Elyse Claire Vandermolen & William H Miller &
Sharon Newcomb & Caroline Erika Lanasa
CH Esprit De Joannie Rochette Et Jo-Bee (B)
By CH Pilot Calivar Smooth Ride x CH Jo-Bee’s Branded
Woman At J&J
Breeder: Patsy Kirk & Jeanie Hittson & Bee Beeson
Owner: Patsy Kirk & Garey Kirk
CH Gran’s Parkside Willy (D)
By Wallpaper N Caprice Gusty Winds x CH Gran’s Holli
Breeder/Owner: Elizabeth Shelton
CH Josandre’ Mattea Jada (B)
By Josandre’ Custom Made x GCH CH Josandre’
Mariska Jana
Breeder/Owner: Mary Jo Loye
CH La Ren Moon Walker (D)
By La Ren Smooth Jazz x Kvar Full Moon Magic
Breeder: Janis L McLaren
Owner: Janis L McLaren & Ms. Emily K Fish
CH Makalea’s Copper Penny (B)
By CH Makalea’s Little Rascal x CH Forevr Mercedes
Ltd. Edition
Breeder: Mary Ann Hillyard
Owner: Mary Ann Hillyard & William Hillyard
CH Marrics Neon Magic (D)
By CH Forevr Alfa Magic At Marric x Marrics Magic
Breeder/Owner: Marcy Wyrens & Richard A Wyrens
CH Marrics Ruthless Awakening (B)
By Connection Sir Henry Royce x CH Marrics Auntie
Breeder/Owner: Marcy Wyrens
CH Noir Mist Kodiak Moon (D)
By GCH CH Zelicaon Honey Bear Amanti x Namaste
Jitterbug Perfume
Breeder/Owner: Jeanie Schmidt
CH Whitestar’s Diamond Power (D)
By GCH CH Arsuma’s Brilliant Diamond x CH
Whitestar’s Diva
Breeder/Owner: Arvilla White & Diane Ashburn
CH Zkarabi’s Graffiti (D)
By Zkarabi’s Diesel x Silenzio’s Zantana
Breeder: Bitte Solvberg
Owner: Brooke Hernandez
GCH CH Caprice’s X-Tra Special Design (B)
By CH Caprice N Flash PT Ghostrider x Hallmark’s
Estee Lauder At Caprice
Breeder: Irene Synnott & Robert W Synnott
Owner: Phyllis J Fleming
GCH CH Carousel Tiger In The Woods (D)
By CH Domino’s Take A Chance On Me x CH Java’s
Sinful Ifthey Dewdrop
Breeder: Dorothy E Teeple & V Chris Jackson
Owner: Dorothy E Teeple
Page 34
GCH CH Coquina’s Just Desserts RA (B)
By CH Queen Bless Jp Principal Kid x CH Coquina
Emerald Lady Heavensent RA
Breeder: Miss Arlene A Czech & Mary Jo Korpi
Owner: Judy Thompson & Miss Arlene A Czech & Mary
Jo Korpi
GCH CH Involo Smooth Criminal (D)
By GCH CH Involo Seeing Is Believing x Denzel
Attention To Detail
Breeder: Donna G Garofalo & Michael S Garofalo & Gia
G Garofalo
Owner: Sally S Hill & Michael S Garofalo & Rebecca S
McCarty & Donna G Garofalo & Gia G Garofalo
GCH CH Jazzbo’s Headline News (B)
By GCH CH La Ren Jareaux Breaking News x CH
Starsign’s Some Day I’Ll Be Famous
Breeder/Owner: Donna Clas
GCH CH Lamar’s Abracadabra (B)
By CH Elmac Horn’s Royal Shelby x CH Namaste Kiss
My Grits
Breeder: Shirley Hall & Lorelei Bayless
Owner: Shirley Horn & Ashley Grissom
GCH CH Miracol’s Lethal Weapon (D)
By GCH CH Miracol’s Fire When Ready x CH Namaste
Cheap Trick
Breeder: Colleen Kirby & Daniel Bayless & Lorelei
Owner: Mrs. Donna Duppstadt & Mr. Dan Duppstadt &
Ms. Colleen Kirby
GCH CH Noble’s Fancy Free (B)
By GCH CH Maplerich San Fran Frisco x Noble’s
Gotham City Kitty
Breeder/Owner: Marcia Noble
GCH CH Prana Merry Monarch (B)
By CH Monarch’s Mighty Titus By Sandel x Monarch’s
Southern Grace
Breeder: Margie Riccomini
Owner: Mary Kendall Maginnis
GCH CH Topflite High Tuned Mercedes (B)
By CH Arkeno’s Three Ring Circus x CH Arkeno’s High
Breeder: Sandra L Schumacher & Murray J Berg & Kim
A Mckay
Owner: Sharon Snel & Sandra L Schumacher
GCH CH Wildfire On The Record (B)
By CH L’Ete Cadaga Missionary Man x CH Wildfire On
A Roll
Breeder/Owner: Angela S Pickett & Cheslie Pickett
GCH CH Zelicaon When Sparks Fly RA (D)
By CH Namaste Another Roadside Attraction x CH
Zelicaon Morning Star
Breeder: Forrest G Johnson
Owner: Kimberly A Hill
Denzel Leader Of The Band VCD1 RE TDX NF
By CH Denzel Leader Of The Pack BN RN x Denzel
Attention To Detail
Breeder: Tracy Halverson Burdick
Owner: Sandra Hill
Marron’s Sandria CD (D)
By Arkeno Marron Daily Show x Marron’s Picture
Breeder: Mary L Ronald
Owner: Dianne Thomas
CH L’Ete Wildfire Redefining Gravity CDX (B)
By CH L’Ete Cadaga The Sorcerer x L’Ete The
Monarch’s Jewel
Breeder: Dr. Stanley Sohn & Linda C Sohn
Owner: Joy Jerviss
Elite Royal Rite At Julyn UDX (D)
By CH Denzel Loteki Crown Prince x Marquis Wildfire
Private Party
Breeder: Kymberlee D Ubele & Kevin M Ray & Paula
Owner: Lynn Krouse & Judy Krouse
CH OTCH Loteki Ima Firecracker UDX2 OM4
RA (D)
By CH Mon Cher T.D. Touchdown x CH Loteki Ima
Breeder: Lou Ann King
Owner: Jeannine Rash & Lou Ann King
CH OTCH Loteki Ima Firecracker UDX2 OM4
RA (D)
By CH Mon Cher T.D. Touchdown x CH Loteki Ima
Breeder: Lou Ann King
Owner: Jeannine Rash & Lou Ann King
Black Mountain Fly Me To The Moon BN (D
By Black Mountain Time For A Spin x Black MTN
Follow Your Heart CDX RE
Breeder/Owner: Alice M Blazer
Page 35
CH Denzel Leader Of The Pack BN RN (D)
By CH Denzel Hail To The Chief x CH Denzel Handle
With Care
Breeder/Owner: Tracy Halverson Burdick
Wild Thing U Make My HRT Sing BN RN (B)
By Unknown x Unknown
Breeder: Unknown
Owner: Jean Beeler
Aurora’s Sugar N Spice RN (B)
By Kingsly II Of Skidmore x Princess Pixie-Lixie
Breeder: Sally Shelton
Owner: Sharlene Hankins & James Hankins
Duette’s Clip’s Right Along CD RN MX MXJ
By CH Wunsum’s Ben There Done That CD AX OAJ x
La Ren Sweet Musette OA OAJ OAP AJP
Breeder: Janis L McLaren & Molly S Petram
Owner: Lisa M Klein
Pinnacle’s I’M Darlin’ RN (B)
By Deanna’s Peanut Butter-Fly x Pinnacle’s Flower
Breeder: Patrecia Grove
Owner: Jo Ann McCoy
Prince’s Hurricane Alexandra RA NA NAJ (B)
By Rocko x Missy Girl
Breeder: Armando Braico & Barbara Braico
Owner: Cindy Prince
MACH Topflite’s Pocket Rocket RA AXP AJP
OF (D)
By MACH Savoy Design By Inka OAP OJP x CH
Arkeno’s Rave On
Breeder: Sandra L Schumacher
Owner: Diane Eggleston & Sandra L Schumacher
Newtopaz Athena At Kaylin RE (B)
By Newtopaz Master Practitioner x Newtopaz Winnirae
Breeder: Diane L Armstrong & Susan M Milton
Owner: Dennis Mccoy & Jo Ann Mccoy
MACH Denzel Winning Streak VCD4 OM1 RE
By MACH Denzel Winning Strategy x Denzel Victory
Breeder: Tracy Halverson Burdick & Terry Besler
Owner: Sandra Hill
CT MACH Denzel Winning Streak VCD4 OM1
By MACH Denzel Winning Strategy x Denzel Victory
Breeder: Tracy Halverson Burdick & Terry Besler
Owner: Sandra Hill
CH Akai’s Tipping Point NA (D)
By Akai’s Don’T Think I’M Not x Akai’s Prima Donna
Breeder: Marion Ford
Owner: Sally Poole
CH Amoure Beau’s A Fish Called Wanda NA
By Caspian’s Licens To Kill x CH MACH2 Amoure
Beau’s Clever Endeavor RN OF
Breeder: Derrick J.L. Nettles & Anne C Nettles
Owner: Nancy D Rudolph
Andali’s Just Kiss Me NA (D)
By Akai’s Don’T Think I’M Not x Ken Mar Blues Lady
Of Andali
Breeder: Andrea Meloon & Janis L McLaren
Owner: Andrea Meloon & Erik V Hoyer & Karyn L
Cleopatra Music Mtn Queen NA (B)
By Music Mtn Comeback Boy x Emma Jeune Fille
Breeder: Joshua Albers & Stacey Albers
Owner: Jenny Henriksen-McCall
Involo Shay-Lee NA NAJ (B)
By CH Involo Worth The Trip x CH Involo Better
Believe It
Breeder: Michael S Garofalo & Gia G Garofalo & Donna
G Garofalo
Owner: Susan Ardary
Linjo Miss’N U Gummi NA (D)
By CH MACH Anamar Lasting Impact CD RAE MXP
MJP2 x Anamar Kiss Me Kate RA MX MXJ
Breeder: Linda Repphun & Anna Kodet & Colleen J
Owner: Linda Repphun
Page 36
Maysong Sweet Charity NA NAJ (B)
By CH Paraja Air Force One OA OAJ x Maysong
Coronation Anthem Iris OA OAJ
Breeder/Owner: Judy P May
Pinpap’s Makin The Bedrock At Remani NA
By CH Pinpap’s Sebastion x Pinpap’s Rocketten
Breeder: Claudia Clark & Danni Peterson
Owner: Judy Bluett & Peter Bluett
Wingssong Time For Me To Fly NA NAJ (D)
By CH Wingssong Southern Comfort NA OAJ NF x CH
Wingssong Some Like It Hot
Breeder: Sandie Comise & Pat Jones
Owner: Sandie Comise
Avers Frequent Flyer AX AXJ NAP NJP NF
By Arc’s Litty Mikey x Arc’s Pixie Dust
Breeder: Anna R Creviston
Owner: Sue Avers & Wayne Avers
Denzel Hilltop Never Say Never RE NA OAJ
By CH Denzel Say The Magic Word x CH Denzel Walk
On The Wild Side
Breeder: Tracy Halverson Burdick & Lore’ Hill
Owner: Shari Tickle
Kismet’s Midas Touch MX MXJ NAP NJP OF
By CH Avonmoor Look I’m Here At Kingshaven x CH
Caylo’s Calendar Girl
Breeder: Linda Cay & Roberta F Tedford
Owner: Rita Stille & Rick Contoni
Montana Rarin To Go AX AXJ NAP NJP (D)
By CH Troupe De La Rose Nk’s’dble’ Dare x Troupe De
La Rose Sweet’dream
Breeder: Chris Roering & Roger Roering
Owner: Sharon Lee Schirmer
MACH Wingssong Travelin’ Man NAP NJP (D)
By CH Wingssong And The Crowd Roared x CH
Wingssong Dancing Queen
Breeder: Pat Jones & Chris Jones
Owner: Beth Rogers & Mort Cohen
CH Amoure Beau’s Life Of The Party OA OAJ
By CH Amoure Beau’s Singular Sensation x CH MACH2
Amoure Beau’s Clever Endeavor RN OF
Breeder: Derrick J.L. Nettles & Anne C Nettles
Owner: Alice Howe
Amoure Beau’s Slick As Ice OA OAJ (D)
By Caspian’s Licens To Kill x CH MACH2 Amoure
Beau’s Clever Endeavor RN OF
Breeder: Derrick J.L. Nettles & Anne C Nettles
Owner: William Osborne
Forevr Butterfly Banzai OA NAJ (D)
By CH Forevr Cary Grant x Braylor’s Forevr Drastic
Breeder/Owner: Brandi Renee Bray & Danny R Ford II
& Ruth Ann Ford
Gee Wiz OA OAJ (D)
By Unknown x Unknown
Breeder: Unknown
Owner: Debra Hoffman
CH Jamari’ Walkin’ On Sunshine CD RE OA
By CH Mooreluv Aquila The Eagle x Jamari’s Diamond
Breeder: Marilyn S Cameron & Jack Cameron
Owner: Shareen Boyers & Dealton Boyers
Ken Mar’s August Rush OA AXJ (D)
By CH Chalkhill Wild Down Under x Ken Marall I Hear
Is Jazz
Breeder: Carolyn J Mills
Owner: Tom Jones & Pat Jones
Matanzas Matisse OA OAJ (D)
By CH Kvar Matanzas Hunter’s Touch x CH Matanzas
Royal Huntress
Breeder: Peggy Ann Nostrant & Fred Nostrant
Owner: Patricia A Allen
Spinillons Ammer Dora OA OAJ (B)
By Powdermill Midas Touch Spinillons x Spinillons Abby
Breeder: Jo Davidson-Poston
Owner: Beth Rogers & Mort Cohen
Wildfire Z Me Go OA AXJ (B)
By CH L’Ete Cadaga Makin’ Me Crazy x CH L’Ete
Cadaga Miss Independant
Breeder: Angela S Pickett
Owner: Janine Tash D.V.M.
Page 37
Coastwind’s Moonstruck AX AXJ OAP OJP (B)
By CH Angella Del Jasper x Coastwind’s Morning Mist
Breeder: Nancy R Grant & Patricia A Sherman
Owner: Dianna Hillyer
MACH Heavensent Fast And Furious CD RA
By CH Heavensent Echostar x CH Lil’ Paws
Heavensent Belaire
Breeder: Patricia R Harris
Owner: Carol Minter & Patricia R Harris
GCH CH Amoure Beau’s Along The Riverbank
By Draco’s High Velocity AX AXJ OF x CH MACH2
Amoure Beau’s Clever Endeavor RN OF
Breeder: Derrick J.L. Nettles & Anne C Nettles
Owner: Julie Degen
Andali’s Court Jester AX AXJ (D)
By CH Wildways Success Won’t Spoil Me x CH Kenmar
Ii Who Sir Me Sir
Breeder: Andrea Meloon & Dallas Meloon
Owner: Erik Hoyer & Karyn Campbell
GCH CH Ashlor’s Smooth Sailing UD RE AX
By CH Dear’s Wildways Reveille x CH Marrics Key To
My Heart
Breeder: Lori Coffman & Ashley Coffman
Owner: Hannah Janke & Nicole Peters
MACH2 Clearlake Spangles AXP AJP XF (B)
By CH Clearlake Amica John Smith x CH Clearlake
Sequin Amica
Breeder: Elyse Claire Vandermolen
Owner: Sherry Neumann
MACH2 Janais Micro Moeino Milton AXP AJP
XF (D)
By CH Kvar Josandre’ Tripple Crown x Janais Welsh
Breeder: Deborah Hutchison
Owner: Kela Kaua & Karen Kaua
Wingssong Trick Or Treat CD RN AX AXJ AXP
By CH Wingssong Watchme Watch’nyou x CH
Wingssong It’s My Party
Breeder: Pat Jones
Owner: Vera J Nyberg
Page 38
Kyteral Penney’s From Heaven MX MXJ (B)
By CH Maximilian Alvin Stardust x CH Kyterals Creme
De La Creme
Breeder: Terri Mount
Owner: Jan Bachman
Tulah Tutu Ze Torpedo MXP2 MJP3 OFP (B)
By Am’s Rufuss x Am’s Jasmin
Breeder: Alison Henry
Owner: Annmarie Roche
Ageha Take Five AX AXJ MXP3 MJP2 (D)
By CH Wildways Cool Magic x Sedona’s Desert Song
Breeder: Joyce Hayes
Owner: Susan Major
Forevr Butterfly Banzai NA NAJ (D)
By CH Forevr Cary Grant x Braylor’s Forevr Drastic
Breeder/Owner: Brandi Renee Bray & Danny R Ford II
& Ruth Ann Ford
Involo Shay-Lee NAJ (B)
By CH Involo Worth The Trip x CH Involo Better
Believe It
Breeder: Michael S Garofalo & Gia G Garofalo & Donna
G Garofalo
Owner: Susan Ardary
Majestic Joy Autumn Breeze NAJ (B)
By CH MACH Majestic Joy Pay The Piper UD RAE x
Majestic Joy Annie’s Song
Breeder: Stacy newton & Rita L Koy
Owner: Kim Johnson
Montana Rarin To Go AX AXJ NAP NJP (D)
By CH Troupe De La Rose Nk’s’dble’ Dare x Troupe De
La Rose Sweet’dream
Breeder: Chris Roering & Roger Roering
Owner: Sharon Lee Schirmer
MACH Wingssong Travelin’ Man NJP (D)
By CH Wingssong And The Crowd Roared x CH
Wingssong Dancing Queen
Breeder: Pat Jones & Chris Jones
Owner: Beth Rogers & Mort Cohen
CH Amoure Beau’s A Fish Called Wanda NA
By Caspian’s Licens To Kill x CH MACH2 Amoure
Beau’s Clever Endeavor RN OF
Breeder: Derrick J.L. Nettles & Anne C Nettles
Owner: Nancy D Rudolph
CH Amoure Beau’s Life Of The Party NA OAJ
By CH Amoure Beau’s Singular Sensation x CH MACH2
Amoure Beau’s Clever Endeavor RN OF
Breeder: Derrick J.L. Nettles & Anne C Nettles
Owner: Alice Howe
Bk’s Minnie Mouse NA OAJ (B)
By Unknown x Unknown
Breeder: Unknown
Owner: Brenda B. Kautz
Copella Whisper Of Gold NA OAJ (D)
By CH Queen Bless Jp Gold Crest x CH Copella’s
Whisper In My Ear
Breeder: Paula Cox
Owner: Jane Giddens & Paula Cox
CH Denzel No Foolin’ OA OAJ (D)
By CH Denzel Can’T Fool Me x CH Denzel Treat Me
Breeder: Tracy Halverson Burdick
Owner: Deborah Tarrant
Gee Wiz NA OAJ (D)
By Unknown x Unknown
Breeder: Unknown
Owner: Debra Hoffman
Le Roi Butterfly Magnifique Zorro NA OAJ OF (D)
By Redevance Picture Perfect “Picasso” x Chakmani’s
Secret Of Norway
Breeder: Joyce Chapman Urban
Owner: Bernice Jochim
Maysong Coronation Anthem Iris OA OAJ (B)
By CH Pixiedust Riding The Storm RN x Anchor
Breeder/Owner: Judy P May
Palin Lee OA OAJ (B)
By Unknown x Unknown
Breeder: Unknown
Owner: Rex A. Lee & Penny K. Lee
Royal Prince Remington CD BN RE OA OAJ
NF (D)
By Fortune Way’s Showboat x Delamo Shadow Of
Fortune Way
Breeder: Delores David
Owner: Ms. Lisa Janine Pomerance
Spinillons Ammer Dora OA OAJ (B)
By Powdermill Midas Touch Spinillons x Spinillons Abby
Breeder: Jo Davidson-Poston
Owner: Beth Rogers & Mort Cohen
MACH Heavensent Fast And Furious CD RA
By CH Heavensent Echostar x CH Lil’ Paws
Heavensent Belaire
Breeder: Patricia R Harris
Owner: Carol Minter & Patricia R Harris
CH Amoure Beau’s Life Of The Party OA AXJ (D)
By CH Amoure Beau’s Singular Sensation x CH MACH2
Amoure Beau’s Clever Endeavor RN OF
Breeder: Derrick J.L. Nettles & Anne C Nettles
Owner: Alice Howe
Andali’s Court Jester OA AXJ (D)
By CH Wildways Success Won’t Spoil Me x CH Kenmar
Ii Who Sir Me Sir
Breeder: Andrea Meloon & Dallas Meloon
Owner: Erik Hoyer & Karyn Campbell
Draco’s High Velocity AX AXJ OF (D)
By GCH CH Zelicaon Butch Cassidy At Draco x
Startyme Draco Abracadbra
Breeder: Anita Wright
Owner: Janet Rahn
Ken Mar’s August Rush OA AXJ (D)
By CH Chalkhill Wild Down Under x Ken Marall I Hear
Is Jazz
Breeder: Carolyn J Mills
Owner: Tom Jones & Pat Jones
Micfriends Yes I Can BN OA AXJ NF (D)
By GCH CH Micdic’s Olympic Gold CD RN x CH
Myfriend Red Rosa
Breeder: Steve Baird & Michelle Navarre & Richard
Navarre & Karen Baird
Owner: Mary E Crichton
Silhouette Rc Gypsy Maiden OA AXJ NF (B)
By Raven Crest Chasin’ The Gold x Raven Crest Evita
Breeder: Tina Olson
Owner: Julie Pitt
Spice’s Thyme For An Mvp NA AXJ NF (D)
By Glenmary-Ste-Lin’s Wm Leo x Kendra’s Hot Tamale
Breeder: Linda Mills
Owner: Ms. Linda S. Walters
Page 39
Wildfire’s Quick Ride OA AXJ OF (D)
By CH L’Ete Cadaga Makin’ Me Crazy x CH Wildfire On
A Roll
Breeder: Angela S Pickett
Owner: Gina Reed
MACH2 Clearlake Spangles OAP AJP XF (B)
By CH Clearlake Amica John Smith x CH Clearlake
Sequin Amica
Breeder: Elyse Claire Vandermolen
Owner: Sherry Neumann
MACH2 Janais Micro Moeino Milton AXP AJP
XF (D)
By CH Kvar Josandre’ Tripple Crown x Janais Welsh
Breeder: Deborah Hutchison
Owner: Kela Kaua & Karen Kaua
LTD Edition El Mas Chico OA AXJ OAP AJP
NF (D)
By Unknown x Unknown
Breeder: Unknown
Owner: Emily Horne
Wingssong Trick Or Treat CD RN AX AXJ
By CH Wingssong Watchme Watch’nyou x CH
Wingssong It’s My Party
Breeder: Pat Jones
Owner: Vera J Nyberg
CH Amoure Beau’s In The Quiet Woods OA
By Draco’s High Velocity AX AXJ OF x CH MACH2
Amoure Beau’s Clever Endeavor RN OF
Breeder: Derrick J.L. Nettles & Anne C Nettles
Owner: Danielle Wagner & Darci Wagner
Southpaw’s G. Jack Finnegan AX MXJ (D)
By Unknown x Unknown
Breeder: Unknown
Owner: Andrea Davis
Stunz The Competition CDX AX MXJ (D)
By Unknown x Unknown
Breeder: Unknown
Owner: Bradley Detampel & Kay Detampel
Windlake Olympic Cowboy AX MXJ OF (D)
By CH Fairytale Gold Dust MX MXJ XF x Starsign’s
Windlake Christmas Delight
Breeder: Ms. Jacquelyn C Cantwell & Dr. Vernon W
Cantwell M.D.
Owner: Patricia Horton
CH MACH Anamar Lasting Impact CD RAE
By CH Bittersuite’s Zebedee x CH Anamar Fun And
Fancy Free
Breeder: Anna Kodet & Colleen J Kodet
Owner: Linda Repphun & Anna Kodet
CH Chinak Starstruck Bolt Of Magic OA AXJ
NF (D)
By CH MACH10 StarStruck Chase The Moon RN MXF
TQX x Steneko’s Walls Of Jericho
Breeder: Lucretia Hedberg & Andrea Samuels
Owner: Michael Chester & Donna Chester
Micdic’s Singular Sensation NA NAJ NF (B)
By CH Okekai Rocket In My Pocket x CH Tambora’s
Nick Of Time
Breeder: Karen Primrose & Michelle Navarre & Karen
Owner: Bobbie Morgan & Michelle Navarre
Micfriends Yes I Can BN OA OAJ NF (D)
By GCH CH Micdic’s Olympic Gold CD RN x CH
Myfriend Red Rosa
Breeder: Steve Baird & Michelle Navarre & Richard
Navarre & Karen Baird
Owner: Mary E Crichton
Avers Frequent Flyer AX AXJ NAP NJP NF
By Arc’s Litty Mikey x Arc’s Pixie Dust
Breeder: Anna R Creviston
Owner: Sue Avers & Wayne Avers
Le Roi Butterfly Magnifique Zorro NA OAJ OF
By Redevance Picture Perfect “Picasso” x Chakmani’s
Secret Of Norway
Breeder: Joyce Chapman Urban
Owner: Bernice Jochim
Page 40
Geocyn’s Learning To Fly MX MXJ XF (B)
By Dundee’s I Walk The Line x MACH5 Elmac Sheena
Blew By U Adfam XF
Breeder/Owner: Geoffrey Teare
MACH Topflite Just Do It CDX RE XF (D)
By MACH Savoy Design By Inka OAP OJP x CH
Arkeno’s Rave On
Breeder: Sandra L Schumacher
Owner: James Primmer & Chris Primmer & Sandra L
MACH Chinak La Ren On A Whim MXF TQX
T2B (B)
By CH La Ren Chase The Moon x La Ren Chinak Night
Breeder: Lucretia Hedberg
Owner: Robin Cohen & Robin Kletke
MACH11 Sulean Akua O Pele MXF TQX (B)
By CH Graycaz Due South x Sulean’s Leeward Wind
Breeder: Nancy Luca Ferverda
Owner: Cathy L Gott
MACH Spinillons Seymour (D)
By Powdermill Sweet Touch Spinillons x Ibstock Rosie
Bud At Spinillons
Breeder: Joanne Davidson-Poston
Owner: Erin Leff
MACH2 Chinak La Ren On A Whim MXF TQX
T2B (B)
By CH La Ren Chase The Moon x La Ren Chinak Night
Breeder: Lucretia Hedberg
Owner: Robin Cohen & Robin Kletke
MACH2 Wingazen Just A Lucky Image (D)
By CH Wingazen I Am All Ears x CH Trinket’s Touch
For Wingazen
Breeder: Carol Morris
Owner: Linda Bourland & White Bourland
MACH3 L’Ete Cadaga Little Miss Fabulous
By CH L’Ete Cadaga The Sorcerer x CH L’Ete Cadaga
Neither One Of Us
Breeder: Dr. Stanley Sohn & Linda C Sohn
Owner: Darlene Hunt & Edward Hunt
MACH3 Pinnacle’s Great Scott OF (D)
By CH Caratoot’s Charlemagne’s Crown CD RA NA NAJ x CH Pinnacle’s Georgie Girl
Breeder: Patrecia Grove
Owner: Jo Ann McCoy & Dennis McCoy
CH MACH3 Topflite Kick It Up A Notch (B)
By CH Lordsrake Top Notch x CH Arkeno’s Rave On
Breeder: Sandra L Schumacher
Owner: Nikki Berthold-Illias & Sandra L Schumacher
MACH4 Livewire Its All Gravy XF (D)
By MACH2 Coor’s Espiritu Hermoso CDX OF x Adfam’s
Tearin’ It Up AX MXJ
Breeder/Owner: Daneen Fox
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