Rules and Regulations
January 2012
C/o Community Group, Inc.
3901 Westerre Parkway, Suite 100
Richmond, VA 23233
Telephone 804-270-1800 Fax 804-346-8640
Dear Owner Member,
This handbook is designed to better acquaint you with The Villas At Hunton Park
Condominium Unit Owners Association and to assure that you are provided with up-todate rules and regulations for living within The Villas At Hunton Park, a luxury
condominium community, and the use of it’s facilities, which apply to all Villas At
Hunton Park Unit Owners and their family members, tenants, guests and other
The community regulations for The Villas at Hunton Park community were written
by the Developer, Atack Properties in compliance with law, when the community
was first established and are part of every Unit owner agreement for owner
membership within The Villas. Community safety and property value preservation
are two important goals and when achieved, will attract potential buyers for those
who may need to sell their membership interest in The Villas at the highest
property value possible.
The Rules and ARC Regulations contained herein are effective as of December 1,
2011 and supersede all previously published Rules and Regulations.
The Villas At Hunton Park
Board of Directors
A. Your Community Association – Its Purpose….
B. The Board of Directors…………………………….
C. Association Membership Meetings……………..
D. Voting Rights………………………………………..
E. Assessments and the Budget……………………
F. Resale of Condominium Unit…………………….
G. Architectural Control……………………… ……..
Rules and Regulations….…………………..………… 9
A. Specific Rules……………………………..………… 10
Pets and Animals……………….…………. 10
Personal Property & Decorations………. 12
Signs………………………………………….. 14
Solicitation/Garage Sales………………… 15
Storage/Placement………………………… 15
Utilities……………………………………….. 15
Noise and Nuisance Activity...………….. 16
Trash and Recycling…..………………….. 16
Grills & Open Flame Devices……………. 17
Parking & Vehicles….…………………….. 18
Condominium Unit Re-Sales……………. 20
Fees & Charges…………………………….. 21
B. Architectural Guidelines & Regulations.……… 23
Exterior Changes/Alterations………….. 24
Storm, Screen Doors…………..………….. 25
Entrance Doors…………………………….. 25
Garage Doors……………………………….. 26
Windows………………………….………….. 26
Exterior Lights………………….………….. 27
Fences…………………………….………….. 27
Privacy Partitions/Dividers…..………….. 28
Patios & Decks………………….………….. 29
Driveways/Walks/Stoops.……………….. 29
Satellite Dishes…………………………….. 30
Landscaping……………………..………….. 30
Mechanical Devices (A/C, Generators).. 31
Signs………………………………………….. 31
C. Clubhouse Pool Rules…………………………….. 33
Pool Schedule of Operation….………….. 36
Lost and Found…………………………….. 36
D. Clubhouse Fitness Center Rules…………..…… 37
E. Enforcement of Rules & ARC Regulations…… 40
F. Maintenance………………………………………… 44
Maintenance & Service Responsibility Chart……. 45
Contact Information…………………………………… 55
Your Community Association – Its purpose
As an owner within the community, you are a member, along with your neighbors,
in the Association. All owners and non-owner residents are subject to the
Association’s Declaration, By-Laws, and duly adopted and promulgated rules and
regulations. Our Association is essentially a community “government” which the
Unit Owner Board members operate. The Association is a non-stock corporation
with certain duties and responsibilities to its members. These include maintenance
and regulation of the Common Areas and Common Elements which are owned in
common by all members.
Payment for the maintenance, taxes, and insurance on the common areas, is
accomplished through assessments on each Unit. The quality and extent of
maintenance and recreational facilities are funded by this assessment, which is
determined annually by the Board of Directors, whom after the Declarant control
period ends, are elected by the Unit owners.
Another key duty of our Association is the enforcement of rules and regulations and
architectural control. Architectural control is divided into two areas affecting each
First, no exterior additions or changes are allowed which conflict with the
Architectural Guidelines or the Association’s Declaration or By-Laws unless there is
prior written approval from the Board of Directors or duly appointed Architectural
Control Committee. If any owner alters, changes, or redecorates the exterior of the
premises before submission of plans to the Board of Directors as provided in Article
VIII of the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (hereinafter
referred to as the Declaration), the Board of Directors or duly appointed
Architectural Control Committee, after a resolution, has the right, through its
agents and employees, either by any proceeding at law or to enter upon such Unit
or Common Element and take such steps as may be necessary to remove or
otherwise terminate or abate such violation, and the costs thereof and reasonable
attorney’s fees incurred thereby may be assessed against the Unit upon which such
violation occurred, or against the Condominium Member and when so assessed,
a statement for
the amount thereof shall be rendered to the Owner of said
Unit, at which time the assessment shall become due and payable and a continuing
lien upon such Unit, and a binding personal obligation of the Owner of such Unit in
all respects as provided in Article VI of the Declaration.
Secondly, each owner must be aware of the exterior appearance of their Unit,
because the Association has the responsibility to ensure that all Units are in
compliance with the Association governing documents. Thus, architectural
control is a group effort to ensure architectural standards and harmony as well as
property values for the community are maintained.
The Association is governed by statutes (i.e. the Virginia Property Owners Act and
the Virginia Non-Stock Corporation Act) and its own governing documents. The
governing documents are (in order of hierarchy) the Declaration of Covenants,
Conditions and Restrictions; the Articles of Incorporation; the By-Laws; and any
duly adopted Rules and Regulations. Dependent on certain issues, the Articles of
Incorporation may take priority over the Declaration. Owners may contact the
Associations Managing Agent to obtain additional copies.
The Board of Directors
After the initial Declarant control period, whereby the Board of Directors is made
up of (3) persons appointed by the Declarant, the Board of Directors of the
Association shall consist of a group of (5) persons elected in accordance with the
provisions of the Association’s By-Laws. Essentially, the Board is the executive
organ of the Association and is responsible for the operation of all facets of the
Association that are not reserved to the Association members. The powers of the
Board, among others, are to collect assessments, contract for services, and enforce
rules and regulations and the other governing documents as authorized and
required by the Declaration. In addition, the Board works to promote projects and
activities which are in the best interest of the members of the Association.
Those elected to the Board of Directors receive no compensation for their work or
time in conducting the business of the Association as Board members.
Except for the first Board of Directors that are elected at the first annual meeting
whereby (2) are elected for 3-years, (2) for 2-years and (1) for 1-year, in the following
years, members of the Board are elected to three-year staggered terms. A slate of
candidates is established according to “Section 3.5 Nominations” of the current ByLaws. Members shall be elected at the annual meeting of members by written ballot
of the Owners.
The principle Officers of the Association shall be the President, Vice President,
Secretary, and Treasurer, all of whom shall be elected by the Board of Directors.
The Board of Directors may appoint an assistant treasurer and/or secretary and
such other officers as in its judgment may be necessary. The President and Vice
President, but no other officer, shall be required to be members of the Board of
Association Membership Meetings
All Unit owners are invited to attend the annual meetings to vote for Board
members in accordance with available Board positions and to discuss any other
Association business. Notice of any membership meeting is mailed to all Unit
owners in accordance with the By-Laws. Attendance is strongly encouraged so that
the business of the Association may be conducted and completed.
Voting Rights
At every meeting of the members of the Association, one (1) vote is assigned to each
Unit. Votes are cast by proxy. No Owner may vote at any meeting of the
Association, or be elected as a director or officer of the Association, if the Association
has perfected a lien against his/her Unit which is not discharged at the time of the
meeting, or there are any assessments against the Owner that are sixty (60) days
past due.
Assessments and the Budget
Any assessment levied must be paid within 15 days of its due date. Late payments
may be assessed a late charge and/or interest. If any delinquent account is referred
to an attorney for collection, any applicable interest, costs and reasonable
attorney’s fees of not less than twenty percent (20%) of the sum claimed shall be
added to the delinquent owner’s account balance.
The annual assessment is levied against each Owner in order to finance the budget
of the Association. Additionally, special assessments may be required and levied for
specific capital improvements or unforeseen events. The annual assessment is used
exclusively to promote the recreation, health, safety, welfare of all residents in the
community and for the improvement and maintenance of the Common Area and
Common Elements.
Annual and special assessments, including any interest costs and attorneys’ fees,
are a continuing lien against each Unit until paid. Assessments are also the
personal obligation of the Owner of each Unit when the assessment is due. An
unpaid assessment may result in a lien or foreclosure of lien being filed against
your Unit. Also, any owner, after notice and hearing, in violation of a typical Rule
or Regulation or in default of the payment of any assessment levied by the
Association, the Board of Directors may (1) suspend the right to vote, or use
facilities or services provided by Association, and (2) assess charges against the
Unit owner.
Resale of Condominium Unit
Always notify the Association when you are planning to sell your Unit and, when it
is sold, provide the Association, through its Managing Agent, with the full name,
address, and the business and home telephone numbers of the purchaser. In
addition, no less than ten (10) days prior to the closing of a condominium Unit, an
owner (seller) must contact the Association in writing and request that a
“Certificate of Resale” be prepared for the purchaser as required by the Virginia
Condominium Act for all condominium resale’s. A “Certificate of Resale” provides
the purchaser with information concerning the Association’s financial status, the
By-Laws and the Rules and Regulations of the Association.
Architectural Control
Authorization for architectural control by the Association is set forth in Article VIII
of the Declaration. Architectural control is exercised through the duly appointed
Architectural Control Committee or by the Board of Directors. For the purpose of
these Rules and Regulations, the Architectural Control Committee is referred to as
either the Architectural Control Committee (ACC) or Architectural Review
Committee (ARC).
The primary purpose of architectural control is to provide for a harmonious and
aesthetically pleasing appearance throughout the Villas at Hunton Park
community, to preserve everyone’s property values, and to protect the buildings and
facilities from misuse and damage resulting in increased expenses to the
Association. It is not intended to restrict individual choice, but rather to provide for
a consistent uniform appearance throughout the community by which individual
Unit Owners may improve their surroundings, not only for their own enjoyment but
also for the enjoyment of all.
It is hoped that this handbook will serve as a quick and easy reference to
most of the information needed to generally understand how the
Association operates and to provide the Rules and Regulations and
expectations of every owner and resident within the community.
Of course not every aspect for the operation of the Association or its
governing documents, the Declaration, By-Laws, and Articles of
Incorporation can all be included in this handbook. For additional and
complete details please refer to the governing documents themselves.
The following Rules and Regulations have been adopted by the Board of Directors
and which must be complied with by all Unit owners and their family members,
tenants, guests or other invitees. These Rules and Regulations expand upon and
outline the information found in the Declaration and Bylaws under which the
Association operates. These Rules and Regulations are subject to change at any
time by resolution of the Board of Directors as permitted by The Villas’ governing
documents, and are intended to ensure that the community will be a more
attractive and harmonious place for all in which to safely live.
Conditions existing in violation of Article VIII of the Declaration, ARC guidelines,
or the specific rules and regulations which follow must be promptly removed or
abated. Further action, including assessing charges, by the Board of Directors may
be taken if the violation is not corrected, terminated or abated, after written
notification of the violation is delivered to the Unit owner. Other violations may be
handled differently such as for parking where no notice is required. See
Enforcement of Rules for further details.
The Board of Directors or duly appointed Architectural Control Committee, after a
resolution, has the right, through its agents and employees, either by any
proceeding at law and/or to enter upon such Unit or Common Element and take
such steps as may be necessary to remove or otherwise terminate or abate any
violation, any exterior addition, alteration or improvement to a Unit which was not
approved or not constructed according to an approved architectural request and the
costs thereof and reasonable attorney’s fees incurred thereby may be assessed
against the Unit owner.
In case of conflict between these Rules and Regulations and the Declaration, the
Articles of Incorporation, or the By-Laws, it is the Declaration, the Articles of
Incorporation, or the By-Laws that will take precedence.
Specific Rules
1. Pets and Animals
The maintenance, keeping, boarding, or raising of animals, livestock or
poultry of any kind, regardless of number, shall be, and is hereby,
prohibited within any Unit, except that this shall not prohibit the
keeping of no more than two (2) of dogs, cats, or caged birds as
domestic pets, provided they are not kept, bred, or maintained for
commercial purposes. An owner may have up to three (3) animals
(Henrico County limit) with prior written consent from the Board of
Henrico County laws and these rules require that all pets, when
outdoors, must be under a responsible person's control and on a leash
at all times. Such persons shall be responsible for the immediate
clean up, removal and disposal of all solid pet waste in all areas.
Do not dispose of pet waste in another residents or the clubhouse trash
Animals may not be walked on the clubhouse or model grounds, the
islands within the community, the mailbox areas, or close proximity
(8’-10’) in front, side or behind any other residents Unit or mulch beds.
Pet urine kills the plant life. We suggest you walk your dog in your
own Unit’s immediate grass area, near the tree line, other open
common areas away from buildings or down the street to outside the
No animal shall be tied, staked, chained, or tethered outside in the
lawn, balcony, deck, or patio or common areas or common elements.
Nor shall pets be allowed to roam loose outdoors. This includes cats.
An Owner who keeps a pet or whose family member, tenant or guest
brings a pet into the community shall be subject to these same rules
and shall be liable for any damage or injury to persons or property to
the extent caused by such pet.
Unit Owners in which pet resides may be charged for violation of these
rules at the rate of up to $50.00 for each offense. If any pet becomes an
annoyance or nuisance to the neighborhood or any other community
resident, the pet may be ejected from the community at the opinion
and discretion of the Board of Directors.
All residents shall be responsible for compliance with applicable
Henrico County animal control ordinances.
2. Personal Property and Decorations
Prohibited Items
No Owner shall place any item in or on any Common Element/Area
(Unit exterior), any personal items including without limitation, such
as: decorative/sports/seasonal flags and banners, bird bath or feeders,
planting pots/urns, statue, statuette, yard or lawn ornaments,
lawn/mulch edging, solar lights, artificial flowers, water hose/reels,
furniture, tents, carts, toys, bikes, sleds, ornamental rocks & stones,
bricks, stepping stones, wind chimes, swing sets, laundry poles or
clotheslines, etc., except, in order to provide residents the ability to
personalize their Unit’s front stoop/porch only (the concrete area
immediately by the Unit front door which is limited common area), in
addition to a door mat, up to three (3) decorative patio items (i.e.
planting pot/urn/stand, small statue, bench) may be placed upon the
front concrete stoop and one (1) decorative item such as a wreath may
be hung on front door, but all items are subject to review and removal
if any item is deemed in the opinion of the ARC or Board of Directors
to be inappropriate.
A Unit’s back patio, deck and immediate back yard area are for the
exclusive use of each Unit owner for their personal enjoyment but must
be kept in a clean, clutter free, and orderly manner.
Clothing, laundry or any other item may not be hung on or over any
railing, fence, patio or deck (including, without limitation, swim suits,
towels, flags, and rugs).
The American Flag
The American Flag may be flown or displayed following normal flag
Holiday Decorations
Holiday decorations are permitted on the exterior of Units but Unit
Owners accept all responsibility of any and all damage caused to any
Unit’s exterior (including but not limited to, paint, trim, doors,
windows, brick/rock façade, siding, lamppost, irrigation system, trees
and plants), such as may be caused by rubbing metal, ladders, pins,
nails, tape, stakes, or excessive weight. No holes are permitted to be
made into the Unit exterior doors, roof, or walls (brick, rock or vinyl
siding). No holiday decorations may be displayed for more than 30 days
and must be removed within 7 days after the holiday calendar date.
3. Signs
Except for private security system signage placed on the exterior of a Unit
and not exceeding eight and one-half inches by eleven inches (8 1/2" x 11"),
signs for traffic control or safety and such promotional sign or signs as may
be maintained by the Declarant, a Builder or the Association, and with prior
written Board of Directors approval, one (1) sign of not more than three (3) sq
ft. to legitimately advertise property “For Sale” or “For Lease” (not “For
Rent”) or containing a non-commercial message, no signs or advertising
devices of any character shall be erected, posted or displayed upon, in or
about any Unit, Common Elements or Common Areas. The Board of
Directors reserves the right to rescind any approval, if such approval was
based on misrepresented intent or purpose. See ARC conditions for sign
4. Solicitation and Garage Sales
Solicitation by commercial enterprises is not authorized within the
community. Garage sales and tag sales are specifically prohibited.
5. Storage/Placement
No resident shall obstruct any of the Common Elements or store or place
anything upon any of the Common Elements unless in areas specifically
designated for storage or placement by the Board of Directors. Any items
found by the Board of Directors or the Managing Agent to be in violation of
the foregoing may be removed without any notice being required.
6. Utilities
Residents are responsible for maintenance and payment of separately
metered water, sewer, gas, electric, cable television, telephone and for calling
to initiate service on the date of Unit possession.
7. Noise and Nuisance Activity
No resident may cause or engage in nuisance, noxious, unlawful, loud or
offensive activity within the community, nor shall any use or practice be
permitted which is or becomes an unreasonable source of annoyance to the
right to peaceful enjoyment of other residents.
Wind chimes emitting sound are not permitted.
Residents should also be aware of the Henrico County noise ordinance. Any
resident may call the Henrico County Police at 804-501-5000 to file a
complaint or report suspicious activity.
8. Trash and Recycling
Trash and garbage must be placed in tied/closed plastic bags and placed
inside of approved lidded trash bin. Recycle containers may be of owner’s
choice up to a 40 gallon capacity with attached secure fitting lids and marked
for recycle. Large items like cardboard boxes must be cut to fit inside
container. No trash bins or recycle containers are to be placed at the
curb without a lid. Trash bins and recycle containers must be kept stored
in Unit garages at all times, except may be placed curbside no sooner than
after dark on evening before, and must be returned to the Unit garage on
evening of, designated trash pick-up day.
No burning of any trash, use of incinerators, and any unreasonable or
unsightly accumulation or storage of litter, new or used building materials, or
materials or trash of any other kind shall be permitted within any Unit
(including patios, decks, porches, or backyard areas) or upon any Common
Elements or Common Areas.
9. Grills, Open Flame Devices
It is prohibited and unlawful as a class 1 misdemeanor in Henrico County
to use any type of open flame device (including gas, charcoal, or wood burning
grills, flame pits, tiki torches, etc.) on decks, balconies, or patios within 10
feet of any combustible material attached to a multi-family dwelling, and to
store kerosene, gas, or LPG container(s) on or below any deck, balcony, patio,
or any attachment (i.e. garage) to a multi-family dwelling as well as any
stoop, doorway, hallway, or landing.
All owner occupied buildings within The Villas condominium community are
10. Parking and Vehicles
10.1 Unit Owners and their family members, tenants, guests or other
invitees must observe and abide by all parking and traffic regulations
adopted by and/or as posted by the Association and/or local authorities. No
vehicles are to be parked on the streets or sidewalks, which are marked as
Fire-Lane Tow-Away Zones within the community at any time. Vehicles
parked in violation of any of the parking regulations or as posted are subject
to being ticketed by Henrico County Police or Fire and towed without notice
at vehicle owner’s sole risk and expense. Streets patrolled 24hrs/7days.
Each Owner expressly agrees that if they or any member of their family,
tenants, guests, invitees or licensees shall illegally park or abandon any
vehicles, the owner will hold the Association harmless for any and all
damages or losses that may ensue, and expressly waives any and all rights,
notices, and resources in connection therewith that they may have under the
provisions of state or county laws and ordinances.
10.2 The following vehicles shall not be kept within the community
(including streets, driveways and units): unlicensed vehicle, junk vehicle,
vehicle larger than a ¾ ton truck and/or with more than two (2) axles and not
to exceed four (4) wheels, motor home, boat, RV’s, camping trailers, ATV’s,
buses, work trucks/vans, vehicles with commercial sized hauling racks,
business panel vans, tow trucks, any moving or hauling trailers (e.g. “UHaul” style, or for lawn equipment, etc,), or any vehicle with commercial
advertising (except passenger vehicles designed for 2 to 7 passengers with a
small business logo/lettering that is contained within the space of a single
passenger side-door panel located on either or both left and right sides of
vehicle are permitted to be kept parked within the owners garage or assigned
driveway only).
Commercial delivery/moving vans, while loading/unloading and commercial
work trucks/vans when in the area to perform construction, service, or repair
work, are an authorized exception, but may not be parked in the community
10.3 Parking by residents must be within the driveway or garage of the
Unit in which the resident resides. Residents are not permitted to park in
short term visitor parking spaces (the variable sized vehicle alcoves located
throughout the community). Additional parking (1 space per vehicle) is
available on the side or across from the clubhouse but not in front of the
clubhouse unless using clubhouse.
10.4 Inoperable vehicles (with flat tires, expired license tags or inspection
etc.), or vehicles which cannot be identified as belonging to a resident or a
resident's invitee, which are parked in any Common Element for more than
48 consecutive hours may be towed off the premises at the vehicle owner's
own expense. No repair work is permitted on vehicles in Common Elements
(includes driveways) except for short-term emergency work (flat tire change,
battery charge, etc.).
10.5 No motorized vehicle, including, without limitation, motorcycles,
mopeds and ATV’s, may be used or maintained on the unpaved Common
Elements, Common Areas or sidewalks.
10.6 No vehicle shall be parked in any manner which blocks access to any
street, sideway or driveway. The speed limit within the Condominium is
under 15 mph. Reckless operation, excessive speed, and parking or driving
on the lawn areas is prohibited.
11. Condominium Unit Re-Sales
Any owner who sells his or her condominium is responsible for:
11.1 Notifying the Association and requesting a “Certificate of Resale”
per requirements of the Virginia Condominium Act.
Making certain all assessments are current.
11.3 Making certain new owners receive the Condominium Declaration,
Bylaws and these rules and regulations.
11.4 Leasing of units: Each owner shall promptly (within 30 days)
forward a copy of lease to the Board of Directors.
12. Fees and Charges
The following fees shall be charged and/or imposed by the Association as
Default in Payment of Assessments.
If any Owner defaults in the payment of any Common Expenses, as such
term is defined in the Condominium Instruments, or other sum assessed
against such Owner or his/her Unit and the default continues for a period in
excess of fourteen (14) days after written notice to the Owner and the
opportunity for the Owner to be heard at a meeting of the Board of Directors
of the Association, such Owner shall be assessed a charge equal to fifty
dollars ($50.00) for a single offense or ten dollars ($10.00) per day for any
offense of a continuing nature, from the due date thereof until paid, as more
particularly set forth and in accordance with Virginia Code Section 5579.80:2.
Statement on Assessments.
The Association shall charge any authorized person requesting a statement
on assessments pursuant to Virginia Code Section 55-79.84 a fee of Ten
Dollars ($10.00) as a condition to preparing the statement.
Architectural Guidelines & Regulations
The Association is responsible for a uniform scheme of architectural harmony and
appearance and approval will not be granted by the Board of Directors or the ARC
for any change, alteration or addition which, in the opinion of the governing body,
would adversely affect the harmony and appearance of The Villas at Hunton Park
condominium community.
If permission is granted (please allow up to 30 days) by the ARC or Board for any
change, alteration or addition, the maintenance and upkeep of such item is the sole
responsibility of the requesting Unit Owner. Should owner fail to obtain permission
first, or to properly maintain any approved change, alteration or addition, the
Association has the right to require Unit owner to return the lot or Unit to original
condition or pay Association costs to have it restored.
Every Unit has about a 10 foot Limited Common Area and another 10 foot Limited
Improvement Easement from back wall of main Unit (topography permitting).
Requests for any outside change, alteration or addition must first be submitted on
the ARC form prescribed by the Board. Forms may be obtained online or from
Community Group. Copies of owner’s request forms and the Association’s
permission or denial are made a permanent part of the Association’s records and
also serve to protect the Unit Owner from any future issues or complaints brought
by any other Unit Owners or future Board of Directors.
Unit owner is responsible for the cost to repair any damage caused to any Unit,
Common Elements, or utilities.
1. Exterior Changes & Alterations
Except for construction or development by, for or under contract with the Declarant
or a Builder, and except for purposes of proper maintenance and repair, no
building, fence, wall, or other improvements, structures, or items (including, but
not limited to, awnings, canopies, shutters, antennas, solar panels, sky lights,
satellite dishes, lighting, shades, screens, patio covers, fences, wall, slabs,
sidewalks, curbs, gutters, patios, balconies, porches, driveways, decks, exterior
siding, brick/rock facade, windows, exterior garage/ screen/storm doors) or any other
device, item, or ornament shall be hung, displayed, commenced, directed, placed,
moved altered, installed, erected, attached, applied, pasted, hinged, screwed, built,
removed, constructed, or maintained upon any of the Common Area or any Unit,
wall, railing or roof, nor shall any exterior addition to or change (including any
change of color) or other alteration thereupon or upon any Common Elements
within the Condominium be made, until the complete plans and specifications
showing the location, nature, shape, height, material, color, type of construction and
any other proposed form of change (including, without limitation, any other
information specified by the Architectural Control Committee or Board of Directors
shall have been submitted on the approved ARC form (obtained from the
community Managing Agent or an ARC committee member) to, and approved in
writing as to harmony of external design, color, visibility, and location in relation
to surrounding structures and topography and conformity with the Design
Guidelines for the community, by the Board of Directors of the Association or by
the Architectural Control Committee appointed by the Board of Directors.
2. Storm, Screen Doors
a. Swing style storm/screen doors on Unit front entrance doors and swing or
sliding style storm/screen doors on Unit back doors may be approved. All
storm/screen doors must be “full view” style. Glass must be clear, but seethru solar tinting, beveled line designs in glass, and full black screen inserts
are acceptable.
b. Storm/screen door frame colors must closely match Unit’s entrance door color
or the color on Unit’s exterior door trim. (Typically black, cranberry, or
almond/poplar, and on back of Unit may also be white).
c. Door hardware (i.e. handles) is to be dark in color such as black, bronze,
antique brass (but no bright brass or chrome).
3. Entrance Doors
a. Must be steel, six panel entry doors on front of Unit and either French or
sliding glass doors on back of Unit.
b. Front entrance and back French door colors must be the Unit assigned color
(typically “winestone” or “black”) and back of Unit sliding glass doors if so
equipped, may be white. Each Unit or building has its own assigned color
c. Front entrance door hardware (i.e. handles, door knockers, peepholes) is to be
dark in color such as black or dark bronze (no bright or light colored metals).
4. Garage Doors
a. If replacement becomes necessary, door must be replaced with equal
appearance and similar construction as the original builder installed garage
door and painted alike.
5. Windows
a. Must be generally equal in appearance throughout Unit and from Unit to
Unit and constructed of energy efficient white vinyl. Window grilles must
also be white in color and built in between panes of glass so as not to be
b. Window solar film is acceptable provided no mirror, shiny, or highly image
reflecting material is used. Since many buildings face or back each other,
opaque film for privacy is permitted. Film must be kept in good repair and
replaced as needed.
6. Exterior Lights
a. Original exterior light fixtures on outside of Units are responsibility of the
Association. Unit owners are responsible for changing light bulbs with “soft
white” colored bulbs. Cost for any repair or replacement necessitated by
damage caused by Unit owner, their guest, renters, or other invitees will be
the responsibility of Unit owner. No personal solar lights, garden lights, etc.,
are permitted in common areas.
7. Fences
a. Must be 42” high white vinyl picket-style construction and topography
permitting, erected within Unit’s rear Limited Common and Limited
Improvement Easement (LIE) zones of 20 feet out from main Unit’s rear
exterior wall (not from sunroom wall). Norwood units, Lafayette units, and
Griffin units w/o sunroom typically extend no more than four 5 foot fence
sections and Griffin units with sunroom typically extend up to no more than
three 5 foot fence sections.
b. Fencing must be of equal appearance on both sides of fence.
c. Fence must include an unlocked gate for access by maintenance personnel.
d. Unit owner is responsible for ensuring Miss Utility (811) is called prior to any
digging and is responsible for cost of moving lawn irrigation heads/pipes if
needed and any damage caused to any Unit, common areas / elements, and
utilities. All maintenance, repair, and replacement of fencing are
responsibility of Unit owner.
8. Privacy Partitions/Dividers
a. Rear privacy partitions/dividers may be erected between Unit patios and
decks but not exceeding 72 inches (6ft) in height for a length not to exceed
beyond the back outer most edge of the original builder installed concrete
patio or attached wooden deck on only the left or right side Unit rear property
boundaries, located within the LIE appurtenant to the Unit.
b. Like for fences, must be white vinyl construction and must be of equal
appearance on both sides. Any fencing attached beyond the divider(s) must
adhere to guidelines as outlined for fences.
c. Unit owner is responsible for ensuring Miss Utility (811) is called prior to any
digging and is responsible for cost of moving lawn irrigation heads/pipes if
needed and any damage caused to any Unit, common areas / elements, and
utilities. All maintenance, repair, and replacement of fencing are
responsibility of Unit owner.
d. Adjoining Unit owner directly affected must also be in agreement. Unit owner
also accepts all responsibility and liability should the County of Henrico
determine that 72 inch tall privacy dividers are in violation of zoning proffer
7 applicable to the RTHC property in Case C-67C-03.
9. Patios and Decks
a. Deck maintenance, repair, and replacement are the responsibility of Unit
owners and are to be kept in good repair and appearance. Any deck
material, stain, or wood treatment colors will be light in color such as “clear”,
“natural”, or “honey oak”. No red or dark colors will be approved.
b. Patios, patio walks, and patio steps, the maintenance, repair, and
replacement are the responsibility of Unit owners and are to be kept in good
repair and appearance. Poured concrete patios, walks, and steps will be of
stone aggregate, stamped, or otherwise decorative in material and
appearance. No plain gray concrete slabs will be approved.
10. Driveways/Sidewalks/Lead Walks/Stoops
a. Driveways, sidewalks, and front Unit lead walks are Association common
area. Front stoops are Unit limited common area. Driveways and Unit lead
walks are assigned to the specific Unit. Maintenance, repair, and
replacement for these areas are responsibility of Association. Unit owners are
not permitted to apply any sealers or chemicals on these aggregate concrete
areas. Sand is permitted for snow and ice.
11. Satellite Dishes
a. Dishes will be installed in a manner so as to be as obscure or hidden from
street view as possible. Rooftop mounting is preferred whenever possible.
Unit owner accepts all responsibility and associated costs for any damage or
water leaks caused by installation of such device.
b. Wires will be bundled and tied down and run underground or along roof
edges as neatly as possible. Wires are not to be simply draped loosely across
the roof.
c. The size of dishes will be no larger than the typical 18”-30” service dish.
12. Landscaping
a. Minimal planting of flowers or evergreen shrubs may be approved in existing
front or side mulch bed common areas, which saves on Association costs, but
if approved must be properly maintained by Unit owner and replaced as
needed. Empty mulch beds or mulch beds with dead or dying plantings are
not permitted. No personal items such as bed liner, border, trellis, planting
pots or ornaments of any kind are permitted in front or side mulch beds or in
any other common areas.
b. Back of Units within the Unit’s limited common or limited improvement
easement areas only, may be approved for landscaping/decorating more freely
and must be kept maintained in neat, uncluttered appearance.
c. Any approved landscaping change that is improperly cared for will be
restored by Unit owner or Association to its original condition at Unit owner’s
expense and Unit owners’ approval to alter the landscaping will be rescinded.
13. Mechanical Devices (A/C Units, Electrical Generators, etc.)
Such mechanical devices may be professionally installed/replaced and used in
the Units back limited common area or limited improvement easement zone
at ground level. Screening from view with evergreen shrubs or garden fencing
is preferred. Electrical generators (portable or permanent types) are for use
during electrical outages only and not to be used in place of generally
supplied electrical power flowing to the Unit. Propane tanks are not
permitted. Unit owner accepts all responsibility for maintaining
such equipment in good working condition and appearance as well as any
damage caused to Unit or Unit’s utility connection points and internal wiring
and plumbing.
14. Signs
Conditions for approving requests to erect “For Sale” or “For Lease” signs
in front of Units:
a. Sign must be for legitimate purposes to sell or lease Unit.
b. Sign can be no larger than a 3 square foot sign. No large/tall pole type
c. Sign must be posted in front exterior grass of Unit, not in Unit windows.
d. Sign must show agents or Unit owners actual phone number.
e. No non-commercial message of any type may be on sign.
f. Owner must provide proof of intent to sell or lease by providing copy of
any of following:
1. Signed selling/leasing firm agreement on company letterhead
2. MLS listing showing property description
3. Major public newspaper ad showing address and agent or Unit
owner contact information
4. Print of a major online real estate website ad showing address and
agent or Unit owner contact information
g. Property must be advertised by at least one of the above methods at all
h. Failing to abide by these requirements and any of the Rules &
Regulations will result in disapproval or rescission of approval.
Clubhouse Pool Rules
The Clubhouse pool facilities are for the exclusive use of VHP residents for use
at their OWN RISK. The Association assumes no responsibility for accidents or
personal injury.
Residents are not to give out the code to the clubhouse or key to the fitness
Please be considerate of other resident’s right to peaceful enjoyment of the
pool area.
There will be no lifeguard on duty at the pool at any time. Swim at your own
risk. It is advisable that no one swim while no one else is around.
Children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult resident of The Villas of
at least 18 years of age at all times, regardless of the child’s swimming
For children’s safety, parents must be in the pool with their children and
within arms reach of a child wearing a floatation device.
Big community, little pool, guests are limited to (3) per household and must
be accompanied by a resident of The Villas at all times.
Swimmers must wear proper attire. Cutoffs are not allowed. Disposable
diapers are not permitted in pools. Children must wear cloth diapers with
plastic pant covers or swim diapers.
For health and discouraging urinating in pool, urine detecting dye may be in
the pool water. Children should visit the restroom before entering the pool
and periodically during long visits. In case of #2 in water, for health, all
swimmers must exit the pool for at least 24 hours after cleanup.
No diaper changing is allowed on the pool deck. Please change diapers in the
No diving or jumping from pool edge is permitted. Please use stairs and
Pool activity is ONLY permitted during pool operational hours. Any activity
in the pool or in the pool area after operational hours will be treated as
trespassing. A trespassing authorization form has been filed with Henrico
County Police. Any unauthorized use of the pool and or clubhouse during or
after operational hours is considered trespassing and Henrico County
Police have permission to arrest violators.
Eating and drinking must be done at least 5 feet from pool edge and trash
placed in trash cans to prevent contamination or clogging drain.
No glass containers of any kind will be allowed in the pool area.
Alcohol, smoking, and tobacco products are prohibited in pool area. No
smoking or tobacco in clubhouse.
No running, pushing, dunking, or dangerous games are permitted in
the pool area.
Residents may bring additional lounge chairs to the pool, but may not leave
them overnight.
Additional expenses for the operation of the pool (example: pool closure due
to unsanitary conditions or fouling of the filters) created by a resident or their
guest will be billed to resident.
Persons with open sores, bandages, inflamed eyes, pink eye, colds, nasal or
ear discharge, or any communicable disease may not use the pool. Pets are
not permitted in the pool area.
Wheeled vehicles (excluding baby carriages, strollers, or wheelchairs) are not
allowed in the pool area. Acceptable vehicles are to be used only by the
person for whom they are intended. No skate boards, roller blades or
“Heelies” are permitted in clubhouse or pool area.
No electric devices are permitted near the pool as may cause life
threatening electrical shock.
No water guns, sports equipment or ball playing is allowed in the pool
or on the pool deck.
Pool ladders and stairs must be kept clear at all times.
Music or sound devices may be used with earphones only.
Pool area must be evacuated during severe weather such as thunderstorms,
hail, etc.
No wet swimsuits are permitted in the clubhouse with the exception of
exiting the side door. Please towel dry off before entering the hallway of the
clubhouse to leave the pool area or to use the restrooms.
Please report any violations of these rules or maintenance concerns to
Community Group at 270-1800 or any VHP Board member.
Pool Schedule of Operation
Pool Season Dates:
Opens Saturday, Memorial Day weekend and closes the Tuesday after Labor Day.
Pool Hours:
Opens at 6:30AM and Closes at 8:30PM
Special Events:
The Board of Directors reserves the right to close the pool for special events.
Lost & Found:
Lost and found items will be placed in the lost-n-found box in the clubhouse hall
closet. The Villas Association is not responsible for property that is left, lost,
damaged or stolen in or on the clubhouse grounds. Unclaimed property will be
thrown away or given to charitable organizations on a periodic basis.
Fitness Center Rules
The Clubhouse fitness center facilities are for the exclusive use of VHP residents for
use at their OWN RISK. The Association assumes no responsibility for accidents or
personal injury. Please use equipment responsibly. Report any damaged or
malfunctioning equipment to a VHP Board member or our VHP Managing
Agent at Community Group 804-270-1800 as soon as possible.
Residents are not to give out the code to the clubhouse or key to the fitness
Please be considerate of other users in room.
Everyone is encouraged to talk to your doctor first before using exercise
A parent or guardian must accompany and supervise children under 16 years
of age.
Any person under the influence of drugs or alcohol may not use the fitness
No food, alcohol, smoking, or tobacco products permitted in fitness
No glass permitted in fitness center. Drinks in closed, re-sealable plastic
sports containers are allowed.
Animals are not allowed on clubhouse premises (except guide/aid dogs).
Equipment must be used for designed purposes only.
User is responsible for any damages to the facilities and proper disposal of
any trash.
Workout time is limited to 30 minutes per use of each piece of equipment
when others are waiting.
User must wipe down each piece of equipment after use.
No loud or offensive music or language.
Users are expected to exhibit proper conduct and respect the rights of others.
Individuals who engage in unacceptable, unsafe or irresponsible behavior
may be prohibited from using the facilities.
Appropriate clean athletic footwear (no open toed shoes, sandals, flip flops)
and a shirt must be worn when using the equipment.
All weights must remain in their designated areas and be returned to their
designated racks/posts after use.
Do not drop weights.
Do not lean weights against the walls.
Chalk is not permitted.
Signs may not be posted. All postings must be placed on hall bulletin board.
Do not move or rearrange any equipment.
Lost and found items will be placed in the lost-n-found box in the clubhouse
hall closet. The Villas Association is not responsible for property that is left,
lost, damaged or stolen in or on the clubhouse grounds or fitness center.
Unclaimed property will be thrown away or given to charitable organizations
on a periodic basis.
The last person to leave the fitness center is responsible for
unplugging the equipment, turning off all interior lights, fans and
TV, closing the blinds, and locking the door.
E. Enforcement of Rules Regulations
1. Amendments
The rules and regulations may be changed from time to time and at any
time by a majority vote of the Board of Directors in compliance with law
and Villas governing documents.
2. Waivers
The Architectural Control Committee or Board of Directors may, in its
sole discretion, but shall not be required to, authorize waivers or
variances of the Design Guidelines for Architectural Control only if and
when unique circumstances warrant, upon written application by a Unit
Owner, provided that the waiver does not violate any Association
governing documents, law, ordinance or governmental regulation. Any
waiver granted shall be strictly limited to the specific fact, situation and
duration for which it is granted. No waiver shall be deemed to be a
waiver of the right to enforce the Design Guidelines against the recipient
of the waiver in other situations or other persons. Any waiver must be in
writing executed by a duly authorized officer of the Association to be valid.
No Owner shall be entitled to a waiver or should rely on any verbal
3. Grievance and Enforcement Procedure
The following grievance procedure has been established for dealing with
violations of Rules & Regulations or of the Association’s governing
instruments. This procedure applies, except where may otherwise be
indicated differently for a specific rule violation, such as for Parking
violations whereby vehicles may be towed without notice.
a. When a member of the Association (Complainant) believes that another
member (Violator) has violated the Declaration, By-Laws, or Rules &
Regulations of the Association, the Complainant may first approach the
Violator themselves to inform them of the alleged violation and request
that the Violator cease, correct or remove the alleged violation.
b. If the Violator does not correct the alleged violation or the Complainant
is reluctant to approach the Violator themselves, the Complainant should
then contact a member of the Board of Directors or the Association
Managing Agent. The Complainant should provide as much detailed
information as possible detailing the date/time/location of the alleged
violation and the Unit number of the alleged Violator.
c. The Board of Directors or the Managing Agent is then charged to
investigate the complaint to determine whether the alleged violation is in
fact a violation of the governing doc’s or Rules. If there is no violation of
any governing doc’s the Complainant may be contacted by the Board
member and told of their findings, and a written confirmation of such
findings shall be filed in the Association’s files by the Board or Managing
d. If it is determined that a violation exists, the investigating Board
member or Managing Agent should have a letter of non-compliance sent
to the Violator, except where may otherwise be indicated differently for a
specific rule violation such as for parking where no notice is required. A
Board member, by verifying the violation, may take the place of the
Complainant for all future proceedings and, as a result, may serve to
protect the identity of the original Complainant.
e. The Managing Agent is next charged to take corrective action or send a
letter of non-compliance by regular mail to the Violator to inform them
of the violation and request that the violation be immediately ceased,
corrected or removed.
f. If Violator repeats same violation or fails to correct, a Complainant
should again initiate the procedures as outlined above. The Managing
Agent will then send a second letter by both regular and certified mail to
the Violator’s last known address of record. The second letter will invite
the Violator to a hearing before the Board of Directors.
g. At the hearing, the President shall convene the hearing, recognize the
members present and state that the purpose of the hearing is to
determine whether there has been a violation of the Association’s
governing instruments. The alleged Violator will be given the opportunity
to speak and explain the circumstances surrounding the alleged violation,
and may also call witnesses or legal counsel to speak.
h. After the hearing, the Board shall make a determination as to what
action is to be taken concerning the alleged violation. The failure of the
alleged Violator to attend the hearing shall not preclude the Board from
taking any action. The Board may make its determination after the
hearing in closed session.
The actions to be taken by the Board may consist of any or all of the
following; forced removal of the violation, suspension of voting rights and
recreational facility privileges and nonessential services, if any, provided
by the Association in accordance with the governing instruments, and an
assessment of not more than $50.00 for a single offense or $10.00 per
day for violations of a continuing nature, either of which shall be treated
as an assessment and shall be collectible in the same manner as any
other assessment, including by the Association’s property lien rights.
F. Maintenance
1. Unit Owner
The Owner of any Unit shall at their own expense, repair and maintain
their Unit and any and all equipment, fixtures, appliances, electrical
systems, plumbing systems and utilities therein situate, including
repair,maintenance, and replacement of the decks,patios, power washing
of the exterior of Units and cleaning and replacement of windows, and
light bulbs, and its other appurtenances in good order, condition and
repair and in a clean and sanitary condition, and shall do all
re-decorating, painting, repair and the like which may at any time be
necessary to maintain the good appearance of their Unit.
See Declaration document for complete description and
boundaries of “UNIT”.
2. Association
The Association also has maintenance responsibilities to the members
such as maintaining the Common Area/Elements (including, without
limitation, private streets, parking areas, snow/ice removal, pool,
clubhouse and facilities, sidewalks, entrance monuments, fencing, street
lights, gang mailboxes, lawn cutting and irrigation, mulching), and trash
See Maintenance & Service Responsibility Chart for more details.
This chart is based on Article VI, Section 6.4 of the Condominium Declaration and
the Declaration will take precedence. Please note if any dispute arises as to whether
an item of maintenance falls to the Association or Unit Owner, such dispute shall be
decided by the Board of Directors.
***** Building Maintenance *****
All maintenance, repairs and periodic cleaning of the
Fireplace / Chimney
All maintenance and repairs of the exterior siding.
All maintenance, repairs and replacement of the
entrance, screen, balcony, terrace, patio, and garage
doors (including glass, frames, sashes, jambs, and
hardware) and painting if necessitated by owner
Doors (Exterior)
misuse, abuse, or negligence, and doorbell parts and
components. ARC approval may be required.
Power washing, painting, caulking every four to five
Gutters & Downspouts
Lights (Exterior)
Roof & Shingles
Exterior Trim & Shutters
Vents, Ducts, & Flues
All maintenance, repair, and replacement. Gutter
inspection and leaf and debris removal once per year.
Replacement of all Unit exterior light bulbs as needed.
Please use “soft white” colored bulbs.
Maintenance, repair, and replacement of light fixtures.
Repair and restoration of interior damage caused by roof
leak, unless water leak is due to negligence on part of
the Association.
Repair and replacement of roof deck (plywood
sheathing); repair to source of roof leak; repair and
replacement of shingles, felt and flashing as needed and
replacement at end of life.
Repair or replacement costs only if necessitated by
misuse or abuse.
Maintenance, repair, and replacement as needed.
All maintenance, repair, and replacement of building
Structural components (i.e. walls, floor joists, roof
Repair or replacement costs only if necessitated by
misuse or abuse.
All maintenance, repair, and replacement, as well as
power washing, painting, and caulking every four years.
All maintenance, repair, and replacement of dryer and
bathroom vents, dryer ducts, fireplace, furnace, and
chimney flues, etc., including removal of insects and
All maintenance, cleaning, repair, and replacement of
windows, casings, locks, and hinges. ARC approval
required for replacement.
Caulking where window unit meets trim or siding.
***** Exterior Improvements *****
Replacement of light bulbs (please use “soft white”
colored bulbs) and repair or replacement costs if due to
Lampposts (Yard)
misuse or abuse.
All other maintenance, repair, and replacement of
fixture and pole.
All maintenance, repair, and replacement. ARC
Decks & Patios
approval required.
All maintenance, repair, and replacement of additional
Fences & Dividers
All maintenance, repair, and replacement of first 10 feet
of 42” picket style fence, unless damaged by misuse or
abuse from Unit owner.
Streetlights & Community None
All maintenance, repair, and replacement of fixtures.
None, unless repair or replacement is necessitated by
damage caused by the Unit owner or their tenant or
Streets, Curbs, & Sidewalks
guest or resulting from their vehicles.
All maintenance, repair, and replacement.
None, unless repair or replacement is necessitated by
Driveways, Front Lead
damage caused by the Unit owner or their tenant or
Walks, Stoops, & Steps
guest or resulting from their vehicles.
All maintenance, repair, and replacement.
***** Grounds and Landscaping *****
Grass & Lawns
Weekly mowing, trimming, edging during growing
season, and fertilize, core aerate, seed, watering, and
weed control.
All maintenance is determined by Board.
Leaf Removal
Leaf removal in late fall.
All maintenance is determined by Board.
Mulch Beds
Annual mulching and periodic weeding of beds,
All maintenance is determined by Board.
Irrigation System
Heat/AC Systems
TV, Telephone,
Internet, Satellite,
FiOS, Cable
None, but watering of new plants during dry weather is
For plantings installed by builder/association only,
applying fertilizer and insecticides; replacing during
early Spring or Fall only and may be of different size.
All maintenance is determined by Board.
Drainage in all Common Areas.
Responsible for any costs incurred for repairs and
replacement parts due to damage caused by Owner or
their tenants or guests.
Responsible for the maintenance, repair, and
replacement of the irrigation system and water.
***** Utilities *****
All maintenance, repair, and replacement serving Unit.
Clubhouse only.
All installation, maintenance, repair, and replacement
serving Unit (Satellite dishes require ARC approval
Clubhouse only.
Electricity & Gas
Water & Sewer
Pest Control
All maintenance, repair, and replacement serving Unit.
Clubhouse & Common Areas not connected to any Unit.
All maintenance, repair, and replacement serving Unit.
All maintenance, repair, and replacement in Common
Areas (storm, sewer, water, irrigation, and fire line).
***** Services *****
All inspection, treatment, control, and repairs within
All inspections, treatment, control, and repairs for
community clubhouse only.
Termite Inspections &
All inspections, treatment, control, and damage resulting
from termites.
May use sand only on driveways and walks to prevent
damage to aggregate concrete. Responsible for any
damage caused by using harsh ice melting agents such
as salt.
Snow & Ice Removal
Plowing of streets and hand shoveling of driveways and
walks serving Units and clubhouse if snow reaches at
least 2”. Please allow sufficient time for contractor to
arrive after snow fall, as we are not the only customer.
Removal of any large or bulky items that do not fit into
approved trash container.
Trash Removal
Curbside trash removal once a week, exclusive of any
large or bulky items not fitting within trash container.
Responsible for obtaining Condominium Owners
reconstruction casualty policy, insuring Unit, and related
improvements equal to 100% replacement cost coverage.
Section 2.4.2 of the Condominium Declaration provides
further information on Unit Owner insurance
Common elements and foundations; general liability for
Common Area, and Directors and Officers (D&O) and
Workers Compensation insurance to cover the Board of
Clubhouse & Related
***** Clubhouse *****
None, unless necessitated by misuse or abuse by Owner
or their tenants or guests.
All other responsibility.
Contact Information
To contact the Villas Association for general questions, concerns, suggestions, or
exterior Unit and building repairs after the Ryan Homes 2-Year warranty period,
please contact The Villas Community Group managing agent at the following
address and phone numbers:
The Villas At Hunton Park Condominium
Unit Owners Association, Inc.
c/o Community Group
3901 Westerre Parkway, Suite 100
Richmond, VA 23233
Tel. 804-270-1800 Fax 804-346-8640
Go to The Villas website for announcements, general information, classified ads,
event calendar, governing documents, submit questions/complaints, ARC requests,
etc. Primary means of communications to Unit owner members is via The Villas
website (you must first “Sign Up For New Account” to access full content) at:
To rent The Villas Clubhouse for private events, please email the Clubhouse
Committee at:
Ryan Homes – Builder for The Villas
There is a 2-Year Warranty on Units and Buildings. Please call Ryan Homes Owner
Services Department at 877-550-7926 for any problems or warranty related issues
to your Unit or the Building.